#Libre Mountain
pcttrailsidereader · 2 years
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There is hope with the abundant winter rains that there will be a Super Bloom along the PCT. The previous post talked about the potential in general terms. Now we thought that we might highlight a couple of areas along the trail where you may encounter a Super Bloom this spring. We would appreciate readers sending us their recommendations too ([email protected])
Every spring, the PCT bursts into a colorful display of California poppies, with their silky orange petals. Among the places where you may experience a poppy Super Bloom is in the arm of the Mojave north of Libre Mountain. I had a wonderful walk through fields of California poppies on the PCT early one April. It is possible to get a sense of the timing and extent of the bloom at the nearby Antelope Valley California Poppy State Reserve by phoning the Poppy Reserve Wildflower Hotline at 661/724-1180 or visit the website: http://parks.ca.gov/?page_id=627
(Upper photo credit:  Rees Hughes; Bottom photo credit: Anita Ritenour)
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grandboute · 6 months
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Freeheel !!
Libère ton talon, libère ton esprit
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openvimark · 2 months
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(vía Camiseta clásica con la obra «One with Nature» de 0penvimark)
One with Nature Uno con la Naturaleza Description: A hiker blends into the valley landscape, creating a feeling of harmony and connection. Descripción: Un senderista se funde con el paisaje del valle, creando una sensación de armonía y conexión. Design/Diseño. https://www.redbubble.com/es/shop/ap/162907181 Store/Tienda. https://www.redbubble.com/es/people/0penvimark/explore?asc=u&page=1&sortOrder=recent
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flan-tasma · 7 months
Hear me out: childe and his boyfriend competing for Teucers attention, they love eachother very much but when it cones to being teucers favorite they have an unspoken rivalry
💖~ I'm listening to you and I love what you say!
Warning: Nope now 💖, Male!Reader | English is not my native language, so if I have made any mistakes in the translation, I am open to corrections | Content in spanish and english!
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Salir con Nobile es una aventura divertida y hermosa. Hay ocasiones en las que quieres lanzarlo desde la montaña más alta de Liyue, pero luego ambos están teniendo una tarde tranquila mientras te cuenta con quiénes ha peleado en la semana o cómo le ha ido en sus misiones.
No es muy complicado satisfacer a este tonto, solo le gusta tenerte a su lado el mayor tiempo que pueda. Eres su preferido, su niño bonito y el mejor a sus ojos. Pero solo falta que llegue un pequeño niño especial para que toda la relación de un vuelco.
Las mejores vacaciones son cuando las pasan Nobile y tú con su familia, pero siempre hay un favorito para todo.
Teucer es un amor y el que diga lo contrario, diga hora y fecha y estarás dispuesto a partirle su madre a alguien. Así de mucho querías a tu casi hermano.
No lo secuestrabas ni nada, pero era común que salieras con el niño a pasear por las tiendas y le terminarás comprando algunas cositas, todo con las mejores intenciones. La mayor intención: ser el favorito de Teucer.
Al inicio a Nobile le gustó mucho la idea de verte ser tan cariñoso con su hermano. Luego empezó a notar que ya no estaban tanto tiempo con él y el fatui volvió a tirar de la cuerda para que su hermano lo siga viendo como su héroe preferido.
Nobile le cuenta historias de sus viajes vendiendo juguetes, luego lo compra con algunas golosinas y el niño está de nuevo en la palma de la mano de su hermano.
No puedes evitar una mueca en tu rostro. Está bien, puedes arreglarlo. Esperas al momento indicado, cuando Nobile está distraído, y le ofreces a Teucer jugar un rato en el patio.
Nobile sale a buscarlos luego de un rato y le ofrece al pequeño unos aperitivos porque seguramente está muy cansado. Su mirada en ti, la amorosa y preciosa mirada que siempre te habla de su consideración, ahora tiene un ápice de superioridad.
El pobre Teucer se siente en las mejores vacaciones, siendo bañado con palabras amorosas, regalos, caramelos y juguetes mientras no para de pensar en que sus hermanos mayores son muy divertidos. No tiene idea de que estás a punto de lanzar a Nobile por la ventana y que él ya no quiere dejarte entrar a la casa.
Solo es necesario que notes que tienes demasiado tiempo libre con Teucer para que notes que tu novio no está intentando algo nuevo, y lo buscas en su habitación mientras revisa una mochila con armamento. Una nueva misión, un nuevo tiempo en el que no estará aquí.
Lo entiendes, no dejarás que Teucer lo sepa tampoco, por lo que se unen nuevamente para sacar la maleta y volver con el niño para que juegue con Nobile un rato más antes de irse.
Él confía en que lo cuidarás, confía en ti como en nadie más y se despide entre burlas. Volverá para reclamar su puesto como el preferido de Teucer, pero por ahora te va a dar ventaja.
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Claramente, cuando por fin vuelve no tienes idea, pero lo sabes porque hay una nota en la cocina con el desayuno y el lugar a donde fue con Teucer a pasear, burlándose por haber ganado esta vez.
Hanging out with Childe is a fun and beautiful adventure. There are times when you want to throw him off the highest mountain in Liyue, but then you're both having a quiet afternoon while he tells you who he's fought this week or how his missions went.
It's not very difficult to satisfy this fool, he just likes to have you by his side for as long as he can. You are his favorite, his pretty boy and the best in his eyes. But all that remains is for a special little child to arrive for the entire relationship to turn upside down.
The best vacations are when you and Childe spend time with his family, but there is always a favorite for everything.
Teucer is a sweetheart and whoever says otherwise, say the time and date, and you'll be willing to beat someone up for it. That's how much you loved your little brother.
You didn't kidnap him or anything, but it was common for you to go out with the child to walk through the stores, and you would end up buying him some things, all with the best intentions. The greatest intention: be Teucer's favorite.
At first, Childe really liked the idea of seeing you being so affectionate with his brother. Then he began to notice that he were no longer with him as much, and the fatui again pulled the rope so that his brother would continue to see him as his favorite hero.
Childe tells him stories of his trips selling toys, then buys him with some candy and the boy is back in the palm of his brother's hand.
You can't help the grimace on your face. It's okay, you can fix it. You wait for the right moment, when Childe is distracted, and offer Teucer to play for a while in the yard.
Childe goes out to look for you after a while and offers the little one some snacks because he is probably very tired. His gaze on you, the loving and precious gaze that always tells you of his consideration, now has an iota of superiority.
Poor Teucer, he feels like he's having the best vacation, being showered with loving words, gifts, candy and toys, while he can't stop thinking about how much fun his older brothers are. He has no idea that you're about to throw Childe out the window and he doesn't want to let you in the house anymore.
You just need to notice that you have too much free time with Teucer to notice that your boyfriend isn't trying something new, and you look for him in his room while he goes through a suitcase of weapons. A new mission, a new time in which he will not be here.
You get it, you won't let Teucer know either, so you team up again to take out the suitcase and return to the boy to play with Childe a little longer before leaving.
He trusts that you will take care of him, he trusts you like no one else and he says goodbye with mockery. He'll come back to claim his spot as Teucer's favorite, but for now he'll give you the advantage.
Clearly, when he finally comes back you have no idea, but you know because there's a note in the kitchen with breakfast and the place where he went with Teucer for a walk, making fun of him for winning this time.
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forthegothicheroine · 13 days
I saw a youtuber assign perfumes to her favorite books, so I thought I'd try it.
Perfumes for (some of) my favorite books. Part 1: Fiction.
Dracula: Portrait of a Lady by Frederic Malle
The Bloody Chamber: Fille de Berlin by Serge Lutens
Discworld's Night Watch: A Lilac a Day by Vilhelm
Wylding Hall: Lucid Dream by Ex Idolo
The Dark Descent of Elizabeth Frankenstein: Young Romantics by Poesie
Mexican Gothic: 1940 by Besame
Tooth and Claw: Eau de Protection by Etat Libre d'Orange
Experimental Film: Replica By the Fireplace by Maison Margiela
Blackwater: Saint Julep by Imaginary Authors
The Silver Devil: Tainted Love by Tokyo Milk
Convenience Store Woman: Not a Perfume by Juliette Has a Gun
Spinning Silver: Doe in the Snow by 4160 Tuesdays
My Best Friend's Exorcism: Poison Girl by Dior
The Drowning Girl: Haunted by Deconstructing Eden
Pretty Monsters: Fraaagola Saalaaata by Hilde Soliani
The Coldest Girl in Coldtown: In Love With Everything by Imaginary Authors
The Secret Books of Paradys: Fleurs du Mal by Black Phoenix Alchemy Lab
Northanger Abbey: Penny Dreadful by Black Phoenix Alchemy Lab
Moll Flanders: Prends-Moi by Isabey
Camp Ghoul Mountain: Burning Leaves by CB I Hate Perfume
Piranesi: Aqua Universalis by Maison Francis Kurkdjian
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study-with-aura · 5 months
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Monday, April 29, 2024
Lately, studying has felt momentous, and yet, it must be done. Mom said I have the time to take another week off from school work if I wanted to, but I am really trying to finish up as soon as possible. It is not because I dislike school days, but it would give me a week to relax before the summer holidays really start. As of now, I am only astounded at the fact that it is almost May! How did this happen so quickly!?
Tasks Completed:
Geometry - Right Triangles and Trigonometry Review + honors review
Lit and Comp II - Reviewed Units 16-18 vocabulary + Read a biography about N. Scott Momaday + read "The Way to Rainy Mountain" by Momaday + 10 minute challenge writing topic
Spanish 2 - Read sentences from Friday out loud to my dad for grading (30/30)
Bible I - Read Matthew 10-11
World History - Read more about communism + explained out loud to my mom what my views on communism were (it sounds great at its core, the idea of this utopia, but in reality, you can't have a utopia without a scapegoat which is why communist states have seen so many horrors along with the good it might also bring)
Biology with Lab - Filled out note taking guide while reading about fungi + watched lecture video on fungi
Foundations - Read more on truthfulness + completed next quiz on Read Theory + read about argumentative speaking + read about making claims + read about agreeing to disagree + answered questions in cursive to practice my handwriting (another requirement for this course)
Piano - Practiced for one hour
Khan Academy - Completed High School Geometry daily mastery challenge + completed High School biology daily mastery challenge
CLEP - None today
Streaming - Watched The Cuba Libre Story Episode 1
Duolingo - Studied for approximately 30 minutes (Spanish, French, Chinese) + completed daily quests
Reading - Read pages 356-393 of Ruthless Vows by Rebecca Ross
Chores - Cleaned my bathroom + cleaned windows in my bedroom and in the study
Activities of the Day:
Personal Bible Study (Ephesians 5)
Volunteered 2 hours at the library
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slippy-socks · 1 year
in honor of me filling out half of the “what do you think the ghouls smell like” form and then accidentally closing the tab before i finished i’m posting my thoughts here (on my most ghost-related blog lmao) bc i had so much fun with this :)
AETHER: spicy, patchouli incense. like the inside of an occult shop. velvet and magic itself. a bit of his own sweat but not in an unpleasant way.
CIRRUS: similar to 11:11 by lake and skye. ozone, almost aquatic but not quite. clean and crisp and bracing.
CUMULUS: like cirrus but warmer, more amber/white musk-y. like freshly laundered sheets, a little sweet. like milk by dedcool with a bit more dried flowers
SODO: gasoline, like an oil slick in a parking lot a kid would take a picture of and post to tumblr in 2014. the smell of a put out fire rather than the fire itself. smoky with the faintest hint of wet pavement under it all
MOUNTAIN: ponderosa pine (bark smells like vanilla/cinnamon). sharp in the nose at first like the bite of high altitude air, but quickly turns deep and woodsy/mulchy/hazelnut-y
AURORA: the frosting on those store-bought sugar cookies, the best parts of outdoor childhood birthday parties, very nostalgic. sweet but not headache-inducing. or floral, mostly rose (le labo rose 31 vibes)
PHANTOM: plum and stone fruit in general. deep and rich and warm, like how the color purple looks
SUNSHINE: i don't know how but she smells like the way sparkling orange wine feels in your mouth. citrusy and bright, invigorating. maybe a little bit of sunscreen but not in a bad way. brings back memories of midday picnics and sunburnt shoulders
SWISS: leather and spices and smoke. like firecrackers at summer night festivals. like the tall handsome stranger in an old western movie
RAIN: well, rain. musky and a little heavier. just the tiniest bit of seawater, maybe a salty bite. a bit of that pleasant old book smell. his scent clings to other ghouls a little longer than most
IFRIT: cherries and vanilla. he smells like he's important. decadent, like he should be dripping in diamonds and gold
ALPHA: gunpowder, tobacco, rum, what those old spice/just for men products wish they could be. effortlessly masculine
ZEPHYR: woodsy and fresh, that cold and wet smell of fresh fallen snow. coffee beans. maybe a little lily if you squint?
MIST: evenings at the lake in the late winter. cool and green, minty, lavender, similar to you or someone like you by etat libre d’orange
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oleworm · 1 year
@elbiotipo Vi tu comentario en el reblog de ese post, como te interesa la etnobotánica y los procesos de domesticación quizás quieras leer los libros de Antonio Brack Egg, ecólogo peruano que tuvo antecedentes culturales en esta población. Escribió libros como Diccionario enciclopédico de plantas útiles del Perú y Perú: diez mil años de domesticación, y estableció una clasificación de ecorregiones desde una perspectiva biogeográfica que se sigue usando hasta hoy. Su página de Wikipedia en castellano tiene detalles interesantes.
Hace tiempo compartí un artículo sobre la colonia alemano-austriaca en la selva del Perú. Se puede leer en su totalidad aquí:
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terrytiger · 7 months
Revelation 6:15 And the kings of the earth, and the great men, and the rich men, and the chief captains, and the mighty men, and every bondman, and every free man, hid themselves in the dens and in the rocks of the mountains;
Apocalipsis 6:15 Y los reyes de la tierra, y los grandes, los ricos, los capitanes, los poderosos, y todo siervo y todo libre, se escondieron en las cuevas y entre las peñas de los montes; 
Revelation 6:16 and said to the mountains and rocks, Fall on us, and hide us from the face of him that sitteth on the throne, and from the wrath of the Lamb:
Apocalipsis 6:16 y decían a los montes y a las peñas: Caed sobre nosotros, y escondednos del rostro de aquel que está sentado sobre el trono, y de la ira del Cordero;  
Revelation 6:17 for the great day of his wrath is come; and who shall be able to stand?
Apocalipsis 6:17 porque el gran día de su ira ha llegado; ¿y quién podrá sostenerse en pie?
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fruitchouli · 2 years
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hello lovers time for the next sale ❤️
Salvador Dali La Belle et L’Ocelot (2014) 3.4oz 95% full - old-school 80s soapy spiced floriental meets modern fruitchouli, with orange, apricot-y osmanthus, patchouli, benzoin, and incense. for fans of Coco Noir - SOLD
Montale Intense Cafe (2013) 3.4oz 98% full - “like opening a box of rose flavoured Turkish delight, sweet, sickly, slightly cloying and strong notes of rose and vanilla” -aspicmyopic on basenotes - $54
Bond No 9 Chinatown (2005) 3.3oz 95% full (cap is loose, so I put a layer on tape on the inside for it to fit more snug) - “takes the idea of the likes of Rochas Femme and Mitsouko of knitting waxy peach/plum skins together with spicy flowers and leaving them to musty up a bit inside lacquered woody chinese boxes” -pandarapt on fragrantica - $102
DS&Durga White Peacock Lily (2016) 3.4oz 88% full - naturalistic dew-kissed lily and jasmine. stemmy, salty, translucent. perfect for The Lady of the Lake - SOLD
Caron Yatagan (1976) 4.2oz 99% full - this classic green woody, and a little animalic, masculine conjures images of an herbalist mountain man cutting herbs and veggies that he will later add to stew - $34
Thierry Mugler Alien Oud Majestueux (2015) 3oz 99% full (gold paint on bottle has chipped) - this discontinued Alien flanker amps up the original with saffron, cardamom, and an industrial oud - SOLD
Estée Lauder Youth Dew Amber Nude (2005) 2.5oz 80% full - under the direction of Tom Ford, this is a streamlined take on the dusty old classic with a sparkling grapefruit ginger ale top and a spiced golden amber base. for fans of Youth Dew and Cinnabar - SOLD
Etat Libre d’Orange Putain des Palaces (2006) 3.3oz 95% full - sensual powderpuff in a fur coat. Marie Antoinette if she was hot - $56
Alaia Paris Alaïa (2015) 1oz 83% - fresh violets, mountain air, and musky suede. Luca Turin said this smells like the interior of a Concorde jet; leather mixed with perfume from past passengers - SOLD
Guerlain Apres l’Ondee (1906) 2.5oz 98% - “purple flowers deluged by foggy air” “airy, pastel pointillism impressions of spring gardens” -pandarapt on fragrantica. “the prototypical cold and melancholy perfume. Simplicity, aching nostalgia, and unadorned beauty.” -Luca Turin. a favorite of Isabelle Adjani - SOLD
Kenzo Kenzo Jungle l’Elephant (1996) 3.4oz 95% full - big sweet spicebomb of clove, caraway, licorice, cardamom, mango, and vanilla. lets you live your opulent Moroccan spice market, or your Christian girl autumn, shopping at Joann Fabrics fantasy - SOLD
Guerlain Mitsouko EDP (1919) 2.5oz 70% full - sepia toned dry fuzzy peach skins and spicy flowers on a bed of oakmoss. worn by Charlie Chaplin, Jean Harlow, Ingrid Bergman - SOLD
Robert Piguet Bandit (1944) 3.4oz 90% full - this classic leather-centered green chypre from WWII was designed to be the butch to Fracas femme. “bitter, dark yet fresh, beguiling without any softness, and several unlit streets ahead of every other leather chypre”- Luca Turin - $179
Lush Fresh As (2019) 3.4oz 99% full - originally conceived as Fresh As Fuck, this scent is described as grassy meadows and pines after the rain, combined with earthy orris and fruity marigold - $46
Prada Infusion d’Oeillet (2015) 3.4oz 98% full - soft spicy carnation and sandalwood in the signature soapy/expensive hotel lotion Prada Infusion line style - $48
Lolita Lempicka L’eau en Blanc (2012) 3.4oz 90% full - like sitting at your grandma’s vanity and seeing her pale pink powderpuff - $52
Kenzo World Intense (2017) 1.7oz 98% full - plummy synthetic candy sweetness with fresh peony - $35
Gucci Gucci Oud (2014) 1.6oz 99% full - safe and entry level rose saffron oud with a jammy sweet rose - $62
Hermès Twilly Eau Poivrée (2019) 1.6oz 95% - twist on the original white floral and ginger scent with added aspects of a fruity pink pepper and a sweet woody rose - SOLD
US only, free shipping😋❤️, payment through venmo or friends and family on paypal and please don’t leave a comment about it being a perfume, just do a cute emoji or something (so the tax man doesn’t find me) thank you!!
DM me 💌💌😋
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openvimark · 2 months
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(vía Camiseta clásica con la obra «Two Wheel Adventure» de 0penvimark)
Two Wheel Adventure Aventura en Dos Ruedas Description: A minimalist and linear mountain bike, ready to explore new trails and live exciting adventures. Descripción: Una bicicleta de montaña minimalista y lineal, lista para explorar nuevos senderos y vivir aventuras emocionantes. Design/Diseño. https://www.redbubble.com/es/shop/ap/163145152 Store/Tienda. https://www.redbubble.com/es/people/0penvimark/explore?asc=u&page=1&sortOrder=recent
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adrastee-rpg · 8 months
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YOUNGER THAN THE MOUNTAINS; ouverture du forum
Forum city inspiré de l'univers de Yellowstone. Il ne reprend pas les personnages ou la ligne conductrice de la série. 1 rp par mois minimum • aucun minimum de ligne • Possible de poster dans le flood dès votre inscription key words: modern world vs traditions; out of time ; cow-boy ; rodeo ; cattle ; horses ; country roads, take me home ; buffalo ; nature ; reservation ; ranch ; lasso ; casino ; wolf ; tw: Les thèmes abordés qui découleront de la culture cowboy/western dans lequel le contexte s'intègre pourront être sombres et heurter votre sensibilité. Le forum sera donc déconseillé au moins de 16 ans et réservé à un public averti.
A la croisée des mondes entre modernité et tradition, le béton des villes du Comté de Yellowstone tente de s'imposer là où, hier encore, se croisaient les rêves de grandeur. La liberté comme maître mot et la nature comme seule loi, le temps s'arrête une fois le tapage urbain abandonné derrière soi, et il est facile de se laisser charmer par les grands espaces, l'air frais ou les couleurs chaudes des plaines. Ne vous méprenez pas, le prix à payer pour vivre affranchi des chaînes de la société est onéreux, presque sacrificiel, et requiert de se battre, chaque jour, afin de conserver les miettes de son libre-arbitre. Les vallées gardent dans leurs entrailles toutes preuves de méfaits, chaque goutte de sang versé, et se font les complices silencieuses de ceux qui aspirent à les protéger. Car dans la liberté se cache un animal sauvage prêt à tout pour ne pas être pris au piège, comme une force de la nature, indomptable, vous reprenant ses droits. Choisissez votre monture et la direction à suivre : Vivre libre ou mourir enchaîné. Rester dans l’ombre ou profiter de la lumière. Et autant de routes possibles que d’yeux rivés vers les Montagnes
lien du forum : https://countryroads.forumactif.com/ lien du forum : https://countryroads.forumactif.com/ lien du forum : https://countryroads.forumactif.com/
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smartfox · 8 months
Beerbird Records Newsletter
wrens and robins where do you hide from the storm? "'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'
JANUARY recommandations.
>> DANIELLE BOUTET - En Attendant L'Aube freedomtospend.bandcamp.com/track/en-attendant-l-aube
>> LE DIABLE DEGOUTANT - L'anneau d'or glarc.bandcamp.com/track/lanneau-dor
>> OLIMPIA SPLENDID - Pupuliini kraak.bandcamp.com/track/pupuliini
>> MAX STOCKLOSA - YELLOW THIES MONEY MADE ME LAUGH / new old stock beerbirdrecords.bandcamp.com/track/a3-swiss-mountaineer beerbirdrecords.bandcamp.com/track/b5-fat
we found 2 of those longtime out of print tapes from 2018. beerbirdrecords.bandcamp.com/album/money-made-me-laugh
one last ZOVV s/t tape is still available on his bandcamp ♥ zovv.bandcamp.com/album/s-t and a copy might waiting for you at >> www.a-musik.com or www.discogs.com/de/release/26722085-ZOVV-st
FUTUR-Z - Electron Libre 7" beerbirdrecords.bandcamp.com/album/electron-libre is still available and ready to pick up at our favorite record stores,
köln >>> www.a-musik.com >>> www.dedicated-store.com >>> 2020-hauptsache-musik.de >>> www.parallel-schallplatten.de
berlin >>> staticshockmusik.com >>> oye-records.com >>> bisaufsmesser.com
2024 - ∞
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sayurime · 1 year
La isla y sus cuidados
la isla necesita nutrientes, es lo que siempre repetía.
Esto es algo necesario, ellos decidieron arriesgar su vida adentrándose a la isla, no dejara que su sacrificio sea en vano.
Angel Island es un mito, una leyenda, todo aquel que llegue a encontrar la isla jamás regresa.
Se dice que cinco grupos desaparecieron durante la búsqueda, ocurrieron en tiempos diferentes, personas diferentes, pero los recuerda a todos.
los primeros fueron un grupo de historiadores, llegaron con artefactos extraños para estudiar el ecosistema, los segundos unos cazadores de tesoros, buscaban la esmeralda; los terceros aventureros que tuvieron demasiada suerte encontrando la isla, el cuarto y quinto grupo fue muy parecido, divididos en dos bandos, los que querían preservar el lugar y los que querían obtener el poder de la esmeralda maestra.
Todos, sin importar sus intenciones, tuvieron el mismo final.
y todos, sin importar que tan valientes intentaron parecer, suplicaban su perdon.
Pero el no buscaba su arrepentimiento, ellos invadieron su hogar, destruyeron la flora con sus maquinas, ensuciaron el aire puro con sus fuegos y artefactos, lastimaron la fauna con sus armas, era justo que devolvieran lo que habían arrebatado.
La isla prospera, como siempre, mientras caminaba con dirección a las cavernas de Lava Reef , admiró la belleza de su hogar el paraíso que tanto a protegido, desde sus arboles ancestrales, hasta los caminos antinaturales de lava. El calor abrasador y el olor a azufre lo envolvieron cuando entro a las cavernas, los ríos de lava fluían lentamente, si no fuera por el calor podría quedarse horas admirándolo, pero no era a eso a lo que había venido.
Giró hacia las celdas, sollozos desesperados salían de su ocupante.
Un científico, el último intruso que llegó a su hogar, con la excusa que había venido a defender el lugar de aquellos que pronto llegarían para aprovecharse del poder de la Esmeralda Maestra.
No importa el motivo, todos tenían el mismo final.
"Por favor, te lo imploró" El hombre, no sabe su nombre, es mejor no saberlo, no dejaba de balbucear pidiendo ser liberado.
Ignoró sus plegarias y se concentro en observar el progreso, todo se veía bien, la Isla acepto gustosa su nuevo alimento.
Su concentración se rompió por una nueva sensación, las esmeraldas del Caos están aquí, junto a dos seres.
Tal parece que el hombre gordo decía la verdad, lástima, ya no hay nada que hacer, a este punto su cuerpo se ha fundido con la roca volcanica, solo una parte de sus brazos y piernas y la mitad de su cabeza se encuentra libres, el resto de el ha servido de fertilizante para la isla, como todos los demás.
Dejo al hombre agonizante y salió a la superficie, la tierra de Mushroom Hill ha estado muy seca últimamente.
La isla necesita nutrientes.
Sooooo, jugué nuevamente Sonic Adventure y no recordaba a los presos en Lava Reef, hay celdas con personas en ellas, me puse a investigar un poco y según la Wikia Red Mountain y Lava Reef son parte de Angel Island.
¿Cómo llegaron esas personas ahí?
¿Son espíritus?
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docpiplup · 2 years
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New upcoming film: L'home dels nassos
Director Abigail Schaaff's first fiction film, "L'home dels nassos", a combination of mythology and historical memory, began shooting at the beginning of February and will continue through the first days of March. Before "L'home dels nassos", Abigail Schaaff has directed various series, such as "Ventdelplà", "La última", "El ministerio del tiempo" and "Madres. Amor y vida".
The film is a period drama that combines adventure and fantasy, and through this mythological being, a man visible only on December 31 and who has as many noses as days of the year.
Set in 1968, the film tells the story of three children, in a mountain village, who try to escape from the "home dels nassos" (the man of the noses), a mythological being, visible only on the last day of the year, who captures lying children, has informed the distributor Trafalgar.
The feature film connects the 1930s and the 1960s and reflects the lies and silence imposed for decades, starring Pablo Derqui (Isabel, Los ojos de Julia, Si no t'hagués conegut, La Catedral del mar, La dona del segle) and Ivan Benet (Cerca de tu casa, Nit i dia, Teatre Lliure: l'ànec saltvage, Moebius).
The cast also includes Mercè Llorens (Mesrine: Parte 1. Instinto de muerte, El Comisario, Hospital Central, La niña de la comunión), Pep Munné (Caza al asesino, Visions d'un estrany, Lifting de corazón, Periodistas, Smiley), Maria Molins (El bosque, A la deriva, Hijo de Caín, Entrevías), Jeannine Mestre (Goya, Tornarem, Savannah Bay, Vértigo en Manhattan), Jorge Motos (Lucas, La Caza. Monteperdido, Tú no eres yo, Con mis ojos, Feria: la luz más oscura), Berner Maynes (Después también, Svetlana: Moderna del Raval), Malcolm McCarthy (Nieva en Benidorm, Cuba libre, Amar es para siempre, Foodie love), Salli Diallo, Miranda Munné and Lluc Miravete.
Filming is taking place in different locations in Catalonia, such as Mura, the hermitage of Sant Julià d'Uixols in Castellterçol, the Collsuspina cave, the forest and the Romanesque bridge of Gualba and Can Plantada, in La Ametlla del Valles.
The film is a co-production of Aguacate & Calabaza Films, L'home dels nassos AIE, Inaudita and the French production company Halley Production, and in turn, has the support of Televisió de Catalunya, ICEC, ICAA and CREA SGR.
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