#Like it feels especially cruel to Apollo to do that to him
ind1c0lite · 1 year
thing si right I HATEEE that Dhurke was killed in soj, and in a game FULL of spirit mediums and communicating with the dead Apollo and Nahyuta just?? dont get ANY closure with that??? like you mean to tell me there's at least TWO spirit mediums around both of them (Maya and Amara) and no one has the idea to summon him again to get both of his fucking KIDS closure on his death and everything thats happened over the years??? like?? no?? we just never hear from him again after that??? hello???
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7s3ven · 8 months
HELL-FIRE. luke (pjo) - pt 1
PART 1 > PART 2 (in progress)
IN WHICH… Y/N doesn’t want to admit it, but perhaps she and the mischievous son of Hermes have more in common than she originally thought.
“Maybe it’s a blessing in disguise. I see my reflection in your eyes.”
Warnings : mentions of abuse
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The cold water lapped at Y/N’s shoulders as she sank into the tub placed strategically in the corner of the empty cabin.
Life as a forbidden kid was hard. You had no siblings and everybody was expecting you to do grand things. A small sigh slipped past Y/N’s lips as the water heated up until it was at a temperature that almost scolded her skin. Perhaps it was because Hades, the king of the Underworld, was her father but Y/N always found herself fascinated by fire. She loved to watch the blue, orange, and yellow flames flicker in the dim darkness.
It wasn’t until her arrival at Camp Half-Blood did it all make sense. Y/N, the daughter of Hades, was able to control fire. Though, she hadn’t quite gotten the hang of it. It all came in random bursts and every time she walked along the crisp green grass, a trail of brightly lit flames slithered after her.
The Demeter kids hated her for ruining the plush red roses that took them weeks to nurture. Y/N could understand their fury and she did her best to avoid their plants now, especially because her fire favoured the taste of Demeter’s flowers.
A quiet knock on the wooden door interrupted Y/N’s peace. She slowly rose from the water, droplets running down her finger tips. She slowly dried herself with a soft cotton towel before slipping her bright orange shirt over her head. She slid on a pair of loosely fitting pants before turning the knob, harshly pulling the door open.
“Do you need something?” Y/N asked, frowning at the small kid in front of her. He trembled and took a nervous step back.
“Luke… he… he told me to give this to you.” The kid stretched out his hand, practically shaking as Y/N stared down at the dark red rose. A lousy gift in her opinion.
Luke was the son of Hermes and the head counsellor of his cabin. He was popular amongst the campers and girls constantly swooned over him. Y/N, on the other hand, had no interest in romance. It had always been that way ever since she was born.
Y/N was conceived into this cruel world with a cold and empty heart. Her mother thought of it as a personality disorder at first until she realized that it was just how Y/N was. No amount of love forced into her arms could change the deep anger boiling inside of her.
Y/N took the rose, peering at it and scowling. “You’ve done your job. Scram.” She shooed the young Hermes kid away, almost shoving him off her rickety wooden porch. She caught sight of Luke watching her through the clean window of his own cabin.
He had never shown much interest in her before until a year ago, where we witnessed her easily take down some of the best fighters in camp.
He grinned at her, a gesture that should have made her heart flutter. But it didn’t. Y/N silently stared at him, feeling the sudden heat rush to her fingers. She lit the rose alight and it didn’t take long until only a few crisp and blackened petals remained in her grasp.
She quickly dropped them, scattering the remains of the once beautiful flower everywhere. It acted as a constant reminder that no matter how hard Luke tried, she was simply immune to his charm.
It’s not like Y/N didn’t want to love, because she did. She saw the Aphrodite kids treating Valentine’s Day like it was some big festivals. And she noticed how many of the boys in the Apollo cabin always had their eyes glued to one of the Athena girls.
They looked at her like she was a pile of treasure; like a precious jewel. They stared at her with such admiration and adoration that Y/N felt a little jealous. How come she couldn’t love while others could?
It was probably because of the darkness lurking within her, feasting away at every small spark of happiness until it was gone, resting in the belly of the beast. Anger, jealousy, and hatred consumed her easily. And she was bitter because of it.
It was pitch black by the time Y/N collapsed on her soft mattress. She was clad in shorts and a black crop top to battle the humid weather during Summer. She was half asleep when a quiet tap and rattle woke her.
Y/N quietly groaned. She knew who was waiting by her window, wearing a spare camp t-shirt and dusty grey shorts that stopped above his knees. His tapping become quicker and sharper until Y/N had no choice but to fling the window open.
“What?” She hissed at Luke.
He always came at the same time every night. Twelve o’clock sharp in hopes of wooing her. Y/N wasn’t stupid, she knew he was after something else that wasn’t romance related but until she figured out what, she wasn’t comfortable being alone in his presence.
Luke simply smiled, resting his chin on the sill. “Walk with me?” He questioned, jabbing a thumb over his right shoulder.
“It’s past curfew.” Y/N sharply retorted, glowering at him. Beams of moonlight shone down on the pair, acting as if the world were a stage that needed to be lit. Y/N could clearly see Luke tilt his head to the side, gazing up at her through his lashes.
“It’ll be quick.” He was persistent as always.
“What part of not interested confuses you?” Y/N threw the covers back over her body, prepared to crash her head against her feathered pillow and let her eyes flutter shut.
"One walk and I'll stop annoying you for a week."
That made Y/N pause. She stared at Luke, narrowing her eyes. A week wasn't long but it was better than putting up with his presence constantly. "Okay." She slowly said, causing Luke to victoriously grin. He pumped his fist.
"If we get caught, you have to take the blame." Y/N warned Luke as she stepped out of her cabin, pointing sternly at him. He wrapped a lock of her H/C hair around his finger, standing too close to comfort.
"I'd take every blame for you." He whispered, playfully winking. Y/N rolled her eyes in reply.
"I'd let you rot in a ditch." She pushed him away, storming down the stairs of the small porch. He clicked his tongue, eyes glazing over her movements. He jogged to catch up with her, his hand brushing against her leg.
The slight breeze surrounded the two of them as Y/N glanced up at the shining stars, her eyes darting around to spot all the different constellations. Luke followed her gaze, arching an eyebrow.
"What are you staring at?" He asked, licking his chapped lips. Y/N's eyes darted to look at him before she rolled her eyes, not saying anything.
"Can't you take a hint to be quiet?" She muttered after a minute of painful silence.
"No, I can. It's a choice to annoy you." He slyly smiled, bumping Y/N with his hip. She scoffed, shoving her hand into his face.
The crickets chirped loudly as Y/N walked past them, Luke following close behind. The air was colder now and Y/N relished the feeling of it against her skin. She almost forgot the son of Hermes was with her before he cleared his throat.
"No fire following behind us?" He questioned. He was used to the flames that often licked at Y/N's ankles but never dared burn her.
"That would get us caught." Y/N retorted. She faltered for a second, "Me, I mean. It would get me caught."
Luke lowly chuckled. "Nah, too late, Blaze. You said us. So there is something between us. And here I thought you only saw me as an obnoxious idiot."
Y/N sharply clicked her tongue, glaring at him. "Don't call me Blaze. And yes, I do see you as one."
"What would you prefer then? Conflagration? Inferno? Oh, what about Holocaust?"
"I didn't even know you knew those words." Y/N uttered, blankly staring at Luke. But Blaze was surely better than being called Holocaust.
"Blaze it is." Luke slung an arm around Y/N's shoulder, carefully testing the waters. The smell of burning flesh wafted through the air and Y/N quickly shrugged Luke's arm off, panicking slightly.
"Don't touch me." She said. It was supposed to be a harsh command but it came out as more of a desperate warning. Y/N's eyes darted to Luke's burnt skin. She scowled, at both his persistence to hold her and her inability to control her angry flames. It's not like she was actively trying to hurt people. It just... happened.
"I think it's time for you to leave." She said, her voice nothing more than a whisper. "Get your arm checked."
"It's late, no Apollo kid will be awake." His sizzling flesh didn't phase him in the slightest. He had dealt with worse, far worse. Like Clarisse's spear. "Besides, I like walking with you."
"At least soak your arm in water. It'll bring down the stinging sensation as well as protect it from risk of infection." Y/N was hesitant to even get near Luke, afraid of what her ability might do lest she lost control. But Luke was fearless. He'd grip her wrist a million times, even if it meant getting burnt, just to feel her skin against his.
He was like Icarus, unrelenting in his pursuit for greatness. He adored Y/N like Icarus loved the sun; too fast and too close. In a way, Y/N was death reincarnated. Pupils so big that it was unsettling, a glare so intense it could swallow you up, and a dark grace that followed her every move. Icarus died with broken wings but a fulfilled soul, just as Luke would if it meant he could hold Y/N.
Y/N led Luke towards a small pond and dipped her hand into the cool water. It started bubbling and Y/N instantly recoiled. Luke watched her, curious.
"Why do you do that?" He asked, gaining Y/N's wavering attention.
"Do what?" She muttered, furrowing her brows in confusion. Luke lightly chuckled, staring down at the rippling water.
"The fire thing. And heating up water. Why?"
Y/N shrugged. "It's not like I do it on purpose. It's random. Heating up water is easy enough but the flames are weird. I've tried spotting a pattern but I just can't see it." Y/N held up a finger, heat rushing to the tip. A flame flickered but it wasn't like her usual orange or blue ones. It was pink.
A light pink hue reflected off Luke's face as he peered at the fire, his eyes darting to follow its wild movements. He slowly dipped his charred arm into the water, grinning at Y/N who found slight amusement in playing with the pink flame.
"You ever think your flames follow your emotions?" He piped up, tilting his head to the side.
"Excuse me?"
"Your emotions. Maybe they control your fire." He shrugged, "Your flames are usually orange but when you get angry, which happens a lot, they turn blue. And the pink... I don't know. Love?"
Y/N sneered. "Love? Who would I be in love with?" It was a ridiculous suggestion. Stupid, even. Love didn't exist in Y/N L/N's world. Luke raised his brows, silently gesturing to himself. "I'd rather kiss a dragon."
Luke reached out to touch the flame and Y/N pulled away in a panic. "Don't!" She exclaimed, but Luke's hand was already waving through the fire. It didn't hurt in the slightest and Luke smiled. Y/N's whole hand exploded into pink-toned flames and she jumped, waving her hand around until the fire went out.
"Blaze... Do your emotions... scare you?" Luke asked. Y/N lightly scoffed, glaring at Luke as she always did. A flicker of blue glazed over her E/C eyes and then it was replaced with orange which quickly shifted into pink. And it finally returned to blue before disappearing as quickly as it came.
"Your eyes... they, uh..." Luke didn't know how to describe it. "Do they... somewhat flame up a lot?"
"Ignore that." She grumbled, shielding her face from Luke's hawk-like gaze.
"You intrigue me. Why do you act so bitter all the time, Y/N?" Luke questioned, clearing his throat. She paused, lightly biting down on her bottom lip. He didn't have room to judge because despite carrying around a kind and caring facade, Luke was just as mean as her underneath it all. Y/N just... didn't bother to hide it while Luke turned his head every time his eyes darkened or his lips curled into a disgusted sneer.
"I don't have a reason. Do you ever think that maybe I'm not acting and that I was born this way? Because I'm pretty sure I was."
"There's a reason for everything."
"Okay, you want to know why?!" Y/N exclaimed, fed up with all his questions and teasing. Luke calmly gestured her to continue.
"I hate them. I hate the deities above who call themselves our godly parents. They are just as fucked up as us, if not more. I mean, what were they thinking? Fucked up people give birth to fucked up kids. They underestimate us and abandon us and still think that we'll worship the ground they walk on. If I'm being honest, I don't think they love us. My father... Hades... he had an opportunity to save me from the abuse my mother was inflicting on me."
Luke's facial expression softened. His eyes locked with Y/N's angry ones and for a split second, he saw himself in her. A demigod desperate to prove themselves to their parent only to be disappointed.
"And you know what was worse? I saw him. I met him. He came to our house one day and I didn't know it was him in that moment but after I got here, it all made sense. The man who randomly showed up on the doorstep all those years ago and acted like he knew everything about me... was my father. The same man who dumped me in the horrible care of my mother. Hades, the supposedly only God who loved his half-blood child, actually abandoned her when he had the choice to take her with him."
"I get what you mean." Luke muttered, shifting closer to her. She didn't stop him. "I feel abandoned too. My dad, he did something similar. I agree with you when you say that the gods don't love us... because I don't think they do either. We're just... their pawns. You see this scar?"
Luke's finger trailed over the scar that adorned the side of his face. "My father... he gave me a quest that Hercules had already completed. I didn't want to do something someone else had already done but I thought, how hard could it be? And I failed it... I failed the quest. And some stupid dragon scratched me and gave me this scar."
"I don't get why they think we're expendable." Y/N's hands clenched into fists and she clicked her tongue. She turned to Luke, flinching at how close he was all of a sudden.
It all happened too quickly. One second Y/N's lips accidently brushed against Luke's and the next the whole field around the pond burst into a flood of pink flames. Y/N and Luke stood in front of Chiron, hands clasped behind them. Luke stared at the ground in shame while Y/N wasn't scared to look Chiron in the eye.
"You not only snuck out past curfew, which is breaking rules, but Miss Y/N, you also burned a fellow camper and set flames to the grass."
"Chiron, sneaking out past curfew was my idea." Luke, as promised, took responsibility for his actions. "And she can't control her fire and I provoked her so I deserved it anyway." Luke shrugged.
"That still doesn't excuse your behavior. I expect you to clean all the sword before the Ares kids mess them all up again."
Y/N scoffed under her breath. "This is all your fault. I can't believe I snuck out with you of all people." Y/N poked his shoulder and a small pink flame danced across his shirt before dissolving into thin air.
"Pink means love." Luke teased.
"I will burn you again." Y/N threatened, stomping on his foot.
"Hey, you wouldn't burn your ranting partner so soon, would you?" He grinned.
Y/N didn't want to admit it but she did share a lot of similarities with Luke. From their hatred for the gods to the feeling of being abandoned. "Talking with you wasn't entirely terrible." She muttered, rolling her eyes.
"Thanks, Blaze." He gently grasped her hand, pressing a chaste kiss to her knuckle. Y/N jumped and everything went up in flames again. Literally. "Y/N... Y/N, you're on fire. You are on fire!" But it didn't hurt. The flames wrapped around her like a comforting blanket as Luke stared at her in both awe and confusion. "It's kinda cool actually. It looks like you're glowing." Luke chuckled while she glared at him, wildly trying to pat the pink fire out.
"Come on, just admit you like me, Blaze. Even just a little bit. You find me pretty, don't you?"
"I do not!" Y/N exclaimed, the flames growing stronger. Luke teasingly raised his brows, staring at her with a knowing smirk. She scoffed, spinning around.
"See ya later, Blaze!" Luke called out as she stormed away. She turned around, deeply scowling at him.
"Shut up!" She shouted, a glowing trail of fire following after her and burning its way through the grass. Campers squealed at the sight, jumping out of the way.
Luke chuckled to himself, watching when Y/N sneered at a young Apollo boy. "She's so cute." He muttered to himself, shaking his head in amusement.
From the window, Chiron sighed at the familiar sight of Y/N's fire. "She's getting stronger." He said, frowning.
"So? At least her pink flames are harmless, unlike her blue ones. And don't get me started on that huge blowup she had last year. I didn't even know black flames existed until she blew up! More like exploded!" Mr D scoffed, shivering at the memory of Y/N's black flames. It was like a massive bomb went off.
Chiron was silent for a moment until he looked at Mr D. "She likes Luke." He quickly said.
Mr D instantly sat up, slamming his hand against the table in front of him. "Oh, yeah, definitely! I started shipping those two ever since they started bickering. Catch up, Chiron!"
TAG LIST : @lostinhisworld @julielightwood @outerbanks-stuff @jennapancake @csifandom @evrybodydies1 @kkrenae @s0ulsniper @annispamz @justanotherkpopstanlol @soraya-09 @simpforeveyone @papichulo120627 @corpsebridenightamare @lilacspider @prettylilsimp @urmomsbananabread @ur-lacol-dsylexic @hottiewifeyyyy @kamiliora @be-bap @finnickodaddy @th0tblckgrl @shoyofroyoyoyo @uniquely-her @imafrkinsimp @syraxesrevenge @ahh-chickens @dracoslovergirl @midnightstar-90 @8812-342 @liv1104 @krkiiz @arialikestea @ch16rles @lizziesliz @maryclx01 @lukecastellandefender @yuminako @coryoskywalker @julielightwood @crybabysbakery @jsbaby @liviessun @p3pperm1nttea @angie-esc @purplerose291 @prettylilsimp @10ava01 @froggiesstalks @happy-jj @czennieszn @gisellesprettylies @loveyava @csifandom @luvvfromme @mashiromochi @kamiliora @yorksyree @mqg125 @jamesmackreideswife
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kozumesphone · 4 months
hi hi hi can i please get a percy jackson x daughter of aphrodite reader?? basically she’s all about the love part of Aphrodite and she’s talking about it constantly and he’s her friend and kinda realises like oh wait i’m in love w her
does that make sense?? also can i get a moodboard w it?? <33
thank you and ily!
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⤷ percy jackson x daughter of aphrodite!reader ‧₊˚ ⋅
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ᝰ. 𝐟𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐨𝐦 . . . percy jackson and the heroes of olympus
ᝰ. 𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐥𝐮𝐝𝐞𝐬 . . . y/n constantly yaps about the idea of love to her best friend, percy, and he realises he has feelings for her. (annie’s y/n’s close friend too! i’m too nice to make her an angry b </3) also!! y/n has brown eyes solely bc brown eyes are pretty asf and not talked about enough <3 + ft. best friends to lovers, minor gods dissing (like one time), y/n reading the cruel prince (not directly mentioned), percy having an ‘uh oh, i’m in love’ moment, and a book bouquet. p.s. moodboard at the end!
ᝰ. 𝐤𝐞𝐲 . . . y/n: your name | y/l/n: your last name | n/n: nickname
ᝰ. 𝐰𝐜 . . . 1.4k
ᝰ. 𝐚/𝐧 . . . hdkwjdkw 1/8 asks complete lmao. this req was so cute!! I love reading the ‘moment of realisation’ dialogues in books, but it was especially fun to write it for the first time. it was a little weird to write only bc i’m a cabin 3 kid irl but it’s okay 😭 for the sake of a fluffy fic, I powered through, guys <3
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2 years ago . . .
✮⋆˙ y/n’s pov
“some kid killed a minotaur!” a hermes cabin demigod yelled from near the dining pavilion. glancing up from our glasses of soda, annabeth and I turned towards the voice. “he’s a new one!”
we looked at each other, wondering which god couldn’t keep it in their pants again.
suddenly, a few apollo kids ran out from the infirmary towards the arch near thalia’s tree.
“the new kid’s probably clumsy,” annabeth said.
“he killed a minotaur,” I shot back.
“hey, you can be dumb and strong at the same time.”
“uh huh. whose child do you think he is? I bet it’s one of the big three.” I said.
“no way, they have a pact, remember-”
“do you really think they actually follow that, annie?” I snickered at her.
in a while, an unconscious boy about their age was carried into the infirmary. I only caught sight of his black hair, and dishevelled and bloody look. I decided to visit him the next day to check up on his condition.
the rest of the day was spent reading in my cabin, while my sisters tried new makeup products on our brother, which was quite funny, really.
throughout the next week, I left the warmth of my bed to visit the new kid—percy jackson—in the infirmary. he had begun to regain consciousness.
“who are you?” he asked, sharply inhaling a breath.
“oh, hey,” I smiled at him. “i’m y/n y/l/n. daughter of aphrodite.”
“right. daughter of aphrodite. a goddess,” he repeated slowly.
I realised that no one had explained about camp half-blood to him yet, and took that job upon myself after calling out for will and letting him know that his patient was awake.
“so, there’s gods and goddesses. and monsters. and everything in the greek myths you were taught? they’re all real. at camp half-blood, we’re all demigods—the children of a god or goddess and a mortal.” I continued to explain to him how the demigod world worked, remembering to talk about the mist, the gods, the cabins, and everything else.
I expected him to not believe me, and call me names (like the other new campers) for lying, but he took it like a champ. he nodded at me, sitting up properly, and asked for something so his arm would stop paining. I immediately got will to help him.
the next week, when I was out by the beach, reading my romance novel about a mortal girl and a faerie prince falling in love after being enemies, I heard sand shifting around behind me.
“who-” I turned around.
“hey, y/n, right?” percy asked, walking closer.
“ah, you remember,” I said, a smile growing on my face.
“well, yeah. you’re really just the only person who has spoken to me normally… and not like I was some intimidating and scary… thing,” he said, running his hands through his already dishevelled hair.
“come, sit down.” I patted the sand beside me. he took his place there, sitting down with his legs criss-crossed.
“what are you reading?” he asked.
I explained to him the plot, setting, characters, and everything about the book I was reading for the next few hours.
we sat there till dusk, watching the sun set into pretty hues of pink, purple, and orange.
“it’s so pretty, isn’t it?” I asked.
✮⋆˙ percy’s pov
“yeah, it is.” I replied to her, eyes fixed on her side profile.
wow. she’s so beautiful.
timeskip: present
“perce!” y/n called loudly, running towards me.
“heyyyy! n/n, you’re back! how was the quest? did you get hurt or anything?” I asked, hugging her, and then moving back to scan her for injuries.
“i’m fine, perce, all good. I got will to check me out and he cleared me,” she said, grinning. her face was swiped with dirt and grime, but she still looked like she was an ethereal princess who walked out of one of her books. “what? have I got a lot of dirt on my face?”
“nah, you’re cool. ‘s pretty.” I said, and she laughed—my favourite sound in the entire world. “and anyway, you need to change out of these clothes and meet me outside your cabin. I have something for you.”
“what is it?”
“that’s a surprise-”
“I hate surprises.”
“you’ll like this one,” I winked at her, as she laughed again.
✮⋆˙ y/n’s pov
I changed into casual loose sweatpants and a shirt since it was summer.
ah, summer. one of most romantic seasons ever. the breeze whipping around a girl’s hair, as a boy runs towards her with flowers. the sunlight falling onto their faces as they share a kiss. watching the sun set in pretty shades everyday with each other. that was summer.
everything about it reminded me of percy. watching sunsets, seeing the sunlight fall on his face after he gets out of the water. the flowers, now dry, that he gifted me for every special occasion.
it was hard to admit that I liked him more than I would like any friend. i’d never picked up any hints from him, that might’ve signalled that he liked me, no matter how many of my siblings told me he did.
all friends hold hands, right? and all good friends wish each other a good morning and good night everyday. what was so special? the flowers?
“hey, n/n!” percy’s voice dragged me out of my thoughts. he was dressed in loose shorts and a hawaii button up, and my gods, he looked so gorgeous.
“perce! at least tell me where we’re going now,” I groaned.
“nuh-uh. a surprise is a surprise.” he brought out a blindfold and handed it to me. I raised my eyebrow at him. “put it on. i’ll take you there.”
“I swear to gods, if this turns out to be a prank-”
“shh, it won’t. now put it on,” he promised.
I walked closer to him and put on the blindfold, and he turned me around a few times to make sure I wouldn’t figure out where we’re going. I scoffed at his childish actions.
as he was standing behind me, I felt his warmth on my back. he took my arms at my side and urged me to walk ahead.
he manoeuvred me in different directions and finally stopped after a while.
“you ready, princess?” he asked. the nickname did something to cause butterflies in my stomach.
“yeah,” I whispered.
he took off the blindfold, and it was too bright for a second. I shielded my eyes and groaned, before letting them adjust to the harsh sunlight.
I looked around and saw a huge, fluffy blanket laid down on the grass of the fields. a basket with food was set in one corner and a bouquet in the centre.
specifically, a book bouquet.
“surprise,” he grinned, as I turned around and hugged him. he’d always given me gifts when I returned from quests, but this was, by far, the best.
“how’d you know all my favourites?” I asked, looking at the 10 romance novels on the blanket.
“oh, annie helped,” he said enthusiastically. “should we sit down and start eating? you can tell me all about the people in your books, and why you like romance books especially, yeah?”
smiling, we sat down on the blankets, and ate away with no care in the world.
✮⋆˙ percy’s pov
as she talked about her books for the next few hours, I could only think about how beautiful her brown eyes were, especially when the sunlight hit them at the correct angle. how soft her lips looked as her mouth moved at a faster pace than her thoughts. how perfect her cheeks were, smiling wide. how amazing she was. how smart and beautiful she was.
when did my feelings of friendship turn into love, for her?
as she continued to speak of the love between her favourite characters, I noticed her longing for a similar love. I could give that to her, couldn’t I?
wait. what? what am I even thinking? y/n’s my best friend.
“love is everywhere, in every gesture, every glance. it’s the thread that binds us together, connecting hearts across time and space,” she said.
and at that moment, I knew I was done for.
I was hopelessly in love with my best friend.
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percy jackson x daughter of aphrodite — the love like in her books <3
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taglist — @nuncscioquidsitamor-14 @mqstermindswift @puffoz @skeelly @urmomabby @sunnitheapollokid @jgracie @canonfeminine @cinemaconrad @totokyo @urbanflorals @aezuria @thetunnelunderoceanboulevard @cherigall @percabethluvr @pjoverseluvr @maybxlle @mershellscape @riordanness @starlitszn @metyouattherighttime @a-beautiful-fool @sequinsnstars @ssparksflyy @fayvpor @iheartgirlzn
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kozumesphone © 2024 | don’t repost my works onto other platforms, or edit and post them even on tumblr, without asking me first • don’t steal my works, steal my heart instead • reblogs and comments are more than appreciated !
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olympushit · 4 months
I once answered a question about who my least favorite god was. In my answer I said that I believe that each greek god is flawed, because ancient greek philosophers imagined the gods to have a human nature. I also added I strongly believe that each greek god represents a specific flaw. Well, I wanna share it with you guys!
The flaws each god represents are:
Zeus: adultery and disloyalty, we all can agree on this
Hera: jealousy and malice, I mean she was cheated on constantly, but she shouldn't make victims the one's who are not responsible, especially Zeus' children
Poseidon: egotism and feeling inferior, because if you think that he wanted Zeus' throne and he made Odysseus' life unbearable and impossible for him to return home, that's what it is.
Demeter: stubbornness, because you can't make the whole world starve to death. I know that losing your child is a big deal, but still tge poor mortals shouldn't have endured her rage.
Athena: feeling superior, and for me it's not a good thing to have. She took Zeus' permission to hurt Ares and when she defeated him she pointed out how inferior he was.
Artemis: she was cruel for killing her companion Callisto, when the one to blame was Zeus for taking the appearance of Artemis to seduce her.
Hermes: cleptomania and lying, he was a sweet talker and a trickster and never hesitated to use those against anyone, be it serious or just have fun.
Apollo: Killing Koronis because she was unfaithful, while she was pregnant to his child is beyond cruel. And let's not forget that no greek god was faithful to their lovers, so it's kinda hypocritical.
Ares: Not putting his mind to work and always being spontaneous and sentimental. Also, he was indecisive and never cared about consequences, because he broke his promise to Hera and Athena about his side on the Trojan war, but it's not really his forte to choose sides on a war.
Hephaestus: He wanted so badly to be accepted by his family, that he lost reasoning when he trapped Ares and Aphrodite on his bed. Not that Ares and Aphrodite were right, but if we take the myth that Ares and Aphrodite had children and were together before the incident, then it was cruel of Hephaestus to separate them to marry Aphrodite.
Aphrodite: Full of herself, she couldn't accept that someone was more beautiful than her, and also vindictive towards Helios daughter and Eos.
Hades: Doing whatever he wants. You can't just abduct Persephone taking Zeus approval and let Demeter suffer.
Dionysus: alcoholic. We can all agree to that the god of wine constantly drinks wine.
Hestia: Nothing about her. She never meddled in drama or caused any problems!
That's my pint of view about their flaws. I don't want anyone to get offended if they like a certain god, this is just my opinion based on events. I bad-mouthed everyone here!😂😜
What do you think? Is there anything else you may wanna add? Write it in the comments!
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simplydannie · 2 months
Previous: Back to the Underground || Find Them || Poisoned || Side Effects || The Troll || The Hideout || The Call
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Introduce two new OCs, Apollo and Agni! One by my friend @kais-va and the other by me. I’ll do an introduction post about them one day! Hope you like it Kai 🫶 Thank you for your support!
After turned in by Creek, the twins find themselves back at the hands of their father: Vaughn. Angered that they have escaped her grasp, stricken by fear that Vaughn is now after her, Mistress reveals the secret of whose children they are…. Now all of the under-city will be out for their blood…
The table went flying.
Broken pieces splattering everywhere. The Mistress looked outside the window into the city of Mount Rageous.
“What…. Happened…” She fumed as she asked her goons. The Rageons standing in front of her were afraid to speak. She turned and faced Shank, her face burning red, “YOU HAD THEM! WHAT HAPPENED!?”
“What happened was you didn’t tell us the freaking truth.” Shank said plainly.
“You didn’t need to know anything. All you need to know is that I NEEDED those twins back!”
She fell silent.
“That was my business to know… that was information you don’t need to worry about.”
“Really? Because it would’ve helped me if I would’ve known that! We go after them after they use the damn smoke bombs only to be bombarded by the Montegue gang! I lost half my guys dammit!!! Only reason he let me live was to give word back to you!”
She turned around to face him, “Word? What word?”
“That he knows. He knows what you did and what you’re trying to do…. That you’re going to pay for taking his kids out from the under-city…. That you’re going to pay for the death of his wife…”
Mistress stood silent. She stared out into the bright lights of Mount Rageous. A scowl came across her face…..Vaughn Montegue: father of the infamous twin duo that had Mount Rageous eating from the palm of their. She knew what he was capable of. He owned and ran most of the corporations that supplied Mount Rageous. Of course, his goal was to run them all, but the other gang lords ran the rest. He was cunning, vile, and cruel when needed to be. He was the top dog of Under Rageous, wealthiest of them all…and on the side, he ran his own hustle of importing and selling Trolls for their essence…
But with one word, Vaughn had the power to end the economy of Mount Rageous, especially now that the powers of the upper-city had used his children to make them money. For that he was angry….for that he was coming for blood….her blood. Mistress needed to make sure he was stopped before he could plan anything, before he even had the chance of coming after her…
“Then it seems I’ll have to make my first move.” She murmured.
“And what the hell would that be? Unless you want to keep me in the dark again?” Shank asked her. She turned around to face her lover. Walking up to him, she placed a hand on his chest.
“Not again babe. Me and you are in this together after all.” She smirked, “I want EVERYONE to know…”
He cocked an eyebrow, “Known about what?”
“Know the truth about those identical brats. I want all of Rageous, both upper and under, to know where they come from, who their father is.”
“And what good is that going to do to you? Didn’t you want those brats alive?”
“That was before their father got involved… Now I want them all dead. Their father can’t protect them forever. If the other crime bosses of the under-city know, they’ll kill them all for me. How do you think his darling wife was murdered?” She looked back out into the city, “I want their blood splattered along the streets of Under Rageous…”
She could feel the whirring of the car, the sound of the engine humming through. Velvet stirred, she could feel herself regaining the strength in her body, her consciousness slowly coming back to her.
“What…What in the world…” Her hands stretched across as she felt the black leather….Leather? Her eyes opened more allowing her vision to clear. Turning to her left she saw Veneer was still out cold. “Ven?” She saw the gash she had left him on his eye. Velvet swallowed the lump in her throat…she had done that to him…out of her fit of rage again, she hurt him badly.
“Wait?” She looked around again, the Troll, the little one they had met back up in Mount Rageous, where was he? Where were they? Why were they in some fancy car? Where was that annoying purple, fancy talking Troll?
“Don’t remember your own car do you?” A deep voice spoke. It came from across them, sitting on the opposite side. It was familiar…She didn’t even need to look at who the voice came from. Her eyes fell upon the figure sitting across from them: a tall, pale Rageon, with peacock green hair. He wore his business attire as usual…still fiddling with the wedding ring he’d always wear on his finger. His ice, blue eyes fell upon her, “Did you two really think you could avoid me?”
She scowled, “Well we tried our damn best didn’t we dad.” Velvet turned to try and shake her brother awake, but he didn’t budge.
“What’s with the gash on his eye?” Vaughn did not take his eyes off his daughter.
“I…I don’t know….So could you just leave it?” She snapped.
“What. Happened.” His tone came out more serious, more menacing.
Velvet side. Crossing her arms she faced out the window, “I don’t know! I just got angry…I can’t…..I can’t control.” She stared back at him, “There! Is that a good enough answer for you?”
“So you guys did use the little Troll after all?”
Velvet looked up to stare at her father…
“I know the side effects of Troll essence ...I've seen it first hand. Something I didn’t expect or want my children to experience.”
“Well…you wanted to be part of this family business after all didn’t you?” She said.
They both turned to find Veneer stirring and moaning, his eyes opening as he regained consciousness, “Wh-what happened….Wh-where, are we? Where’s Branch?” He turned to face his sister. She remained silent. Veneer began taking in his surroundings…he grew silent and still when he laid eyes on his father sitting across from them.
“Veneer. You have matured since the last time I saw you. Without all that disgusting attire you were made to wear in Mount Rageous…I can see you have grown, both of you.”
“See. Which means we don’t need YOU in our life anymore.” Velvet spat. Veneer eyed his sister, then his father….Perhaps so. Perhaps they didn’t need him, but Veneer WANTED his father back in his life. They had messed things up with Floyd…so perhaps this was another chance they were getting?
Vaughn scoffed, “Just because you are older does not make you wiser. For one, you two were fools falling into the hands of Mistress. For having her use you as puppets.”
“…But we got out of it didn’t we.” Veneer responded.
“How do you think that solves anything?” Vaughn cocked his head to the side, “Who do you think sent those goons after you?”
“Well why do you think she’s after us?” Velvet exclaimed. This caught Vaughn by surprise, “She knows we’re your damn kids doesn’t she? That’s why she gave us hell, that’s why she wanted us? That’s why she took us away? So all this is YOUR fault!”
“Vels come one relax…” Veneer protested.
“No! It’s true! You know it is!”
“And why do you think I tried protecting you! Why I was hard on you! If you had not run away none of this would have happened!”
Veneer covered his ears as their father and Velvet began to bicker back and forth. His eyes closed shut, he began squeezing his head, “Enough!”
They stopped to stare at him. Veneer began to shout, “We needed a dad when mom died! We needed you! We lost her too and we miss her! But we have you! We NEED our dad!”
A small explosion caused the car to swerve out of control. Velvet clung on to the seats as fear entered her body.
“What’s going on!” Vaughn yelled to the Bergen driver.
“Ambush!” The Bergen on the passenger's seat began loading a gun.
More explosions. This time the care flipped. Velvet and Veneer let out a yell. Out of instinct, Vaughn took off his seatbelt and engulfed the twins in his arms. He held on to them tight as the car flipped and turned off the road seemingly down a ditch. It tossed and turned uncontrollably until it came to a halt landing upside down. The twins and their father stirred in the back as they regained the strength to move.
“Teal! Coal!” Vaughn called out to the Bergens that were driving…but they were out cold. He reached over to a compartment underneath the seat pulling out a gun.
“What the hell dad!” Velvet exclaimed.
“Want to fight whoever did this with bare hands? Be my guest. I for one am not going to give them the advantage.” Voices were heard coming closer…they were outnumbered…they were at a disadvantage. Vaughn pressed a button within the compartments of the car…a signal for backup up…
“Oh Vaughn! We know you and your brats are in there.” A conniving voice sounded from outside. Vaughn loaded the gun and prepared to walk out.
“What are you doing?” Veneer called out in a harsh whisper.
“Buying time until backup arrives. You two stay here.”
“Like hell we are!” Velvet exclaimed. She moved to open the door, but their father firmly grasped her by the arm and looked her dead in the eye.
“For God’s sake. Listen to me for once and stay here!” His voice was demanding, serious, and fierce. The twins only blinked to him in response…the father in him coming out for once in his life. Taking a deep breath Vaughn stepped out of the car alone. Veneer attempted to peek through the shattered windows to get a view of who was out there, who was it that ambushed them…All he could see was the glowing lights of a Strobe Rageon.
“Crap! It’s a Strobe! And where there’s a Strobe you know there's a Goyle! What do we do?”
“Nothing. He wants to be stubborn and told us to stay here. We stay.” Velvet crossed her arms and pouted.
“Seriously! Now out of all times you decide to listen!”
“What the hell are we going to do Ven? They’ll probably shoot our dad dead in a second! Then we’re next!”
Veneer bit his lip as he peeked through any opening he could find, his ear listening to the conversations that were happening outside…
Vaughn stood boldly in between the Rageons in front of him and the car that had his children behind him…It was a young Strobe standing amongst his comrades…
“You? You did this?” Vaughn seemed surprised. The young Rageon smiled, his glowing green eyes staring him down, his oranges hair illuminated brighter along with his yellow markings as joy soured through his veins.
“Pretty good wasn’t it?” He twiddled with the gun in his hands.
“How did you know where to find us?”
“Hmm, that’s for me to know and for you to NEVER find out. How does that sound?” The Strobe smiled, “Now! Word has it that you have spawns! Weird how a cranky old guy like you had any game to be able to reproduce anything at all.”
Vaughn fell silent, but his expression was unchanged. How? How did they know about his children? That damn Troll opened his mouth didn’t he….or worse….the Mistress was done being silent.
“Depends where you hear the news from. I wouldn’t believe anything this damn under-city has to say.” Vaughn responded.
The Strobe frowned. Taking his gun he shot towards Vaughn’s shoulder….The older Rageon was unbothered as he did his best to absorb the pain it gave. Inside the car, the twins gasped, holding their mouths.
“Oh my god! Next time it’ll be a bullet to his head!” Veneer said, “Vels, we HAVE to do something…He’s our dad.”
Velvet looked at the pleading look in her brother's eyes. She let out a groan as she reached for the compartments inside the vehicle…she drew out two more guns. Handing one to her brother.
“Whoa, whoa!” Veneer held his hands up in defeat, “Nope. Nuh uh. Any other options?”
“Want to help dad out or not chicken feet?”
Veneer casted a long glance at his sister before finally sighing in defeat. He took the gun carefully, “I guess we are our father’s children aren’t we.”
“I guess we are.”
The lights of the Strobe Rageon illuminated brighter as he grew angry, “MOVE OUT OF MY DAMN WAY!” He yelled at the top of his lungs. Vaughn cocked an eyebrow as the blood from the bullet wound began to drip down his shirt.
“Apollo.” He Said. The Strobe stared at him in disbelief, “You’re Eros’s boy. Crime boss of your district. You’re his boy aren’t you?”
“Congratulations! My identity has been revealed! Dad said this was my moment, my shot, kill you and your brats or bring you back to him….I’d prefer kill. NOW MOVE!” Apollo yelled. But Vaughn stood still holding the gun firmly in his hand. “I’ve had enough…AGNI!”
A red Goyle Rageon with shoulder length orange hair and big round horns landed on top of the car. The twins screamed inside.
“No!” Vaughn lifted his gun to shoot the Goyle Rageon, not before others came to disarm him.
“Get them out of there!” Apollo demanded.
“With pleasure.” The Goyle Rageon, Agni, began to tear apart the vehicle with his bare hands.
Velvet and Veneer let out a scream…
“Teal! Coal!” Velvet yelled out to the Bergens who were still out cold.
They could hear the Goyle tearing apart the car. Veneer caught a view of the Goyle Rageon through the opening he was creating. Lifting the gun in desperation, Veneer began to shoot…but the bullets bounced off the Goyle, leaving him unscathed.
“Adorable. A for effort.” He smirked as he began smashing the car.
“Leave them alone! It’s me you want isn’t it. It’s me your father has a quarrel with. Not them!” Vaughn spat. Apollo came around and began to strike the older Rageon.
“It’s you and any spawn you reproduce Succubi.”
Vaughn laughed, spitting out blood, “What a coward. Sending a child to do a man's bidding.” Apollo glowed bright and fumed. He took out the knife he had in his pocket.
“What if I brought him your head?”
“Make sure it’s mounted on a gold platter, I don’t look well in silver.” Vaughn smirked.
Agni kept beating down on the car as the twins screamed inside. He reached into an opening taking a firm hold of Velvet’s arm. She screamed trying to pull him away as he pulled. Grabbing something sharp, Veneer was able to run it into the Goyle's skin. Agni screamed in pain.
“YOU LITTLE BRAT!” He tore a piece of the car straight off exposing the twins. Apollo turned to finally see the twins.
“Don’t do anything yet! I want them to see life leave their fathers eyes.” He smiled a wicked grin as he pointed the knife to Vaughns throat.
“DAD!” Veneer jumped out of the broken vehicle, attempting to run to his father. The Goyle Rageon grasped him by the shoulder tearing him back.
“Oh no you don’t! You get to watch the show, tiny man!” Agni smirked.
Apollo ran the knife down Vaughns cheek… blood began trickling down. Vaughn made no movement, no sound, he endured the pain. If he fought now, he knew that Goyle would snap the twins in two with ease. His eyes met his children as they stood horrified. He made a notion…a sign for them to run when they could, but he could see the small head shake they each gave him…
“DAD!” Veneer cried out again struggling against the tight hold Agni’s grip. His eyes began to glow, an orange-pink hue. “NO!” He yelled as he lifted and pointed the gun towards the Strobe Rageon…
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deathmetalunicorn1 · 5 months
this was supposed to be csm oc but just imagine this, (f)reader is a half human half devil (hybrid) and is fighting for human side. She is having a contract with love devil so if she sense pain and suffering from romantically/platonic relationships between humans she gets stronger and it shows on her phone battery that changes its percentage of how much she has energy for attacks on her heart. But she is aphathetic, can barely remember how human emotions feel like since she lost a feeling of them when she became hybrid at 8 years old when her dad sell her soul. In hybrid form she grows claws instead of her fingers and get her teeth sharp (like mileena from mortal kombat) so she wins against god ( apollo, hades and thor) she gets her humanity back and doesn’t kill them, she just starts crying mindlessly and falls into their arms as they hugged on floor of the arena (continue however you desire!)
-It was odd for you, seeing people smiling, you weren’t sure why they were doing that, as you hadn’t had any emotions for years now, losing them when you were only a child, after your father, bastard of a man, sold your soul, to turn you into what you are today.
-Many called you a hybrid, but other names you were more well known by was monster, or creature, or demon. You were only half demon, a devil to be precise, which is what your father wanted when he sold your soul, to make you into a powerful weapon to do his bidding.
-Too bad you didn’t see eye to eye with him and the first time you changed, your teeth growing to a massive size, your nails sharpening, turning your visage into something not of this world, you took your revenge in your last act of emotion that you could recall, in a fit of rage, killing your father.
-It had been many years since then and now that you were in Valhalla, having been killed on Earth, something you thought was a release, you were almost disappointed if you had to put a word to the feeling, that you weren’t finally free.
-You were treated much better in Valhalla, not being treated as a monster, but most left you alone, not bothering with you, which let you live in peace for many years.
-You were able to feed in this new world, as you fed on emotions, negative emotions in relationships, both romantic and platonic, something that was a side effect of the demon you were ‘blessed’ by, a love demon.
-There was plenty of meals to go around, especially with the gods, as there was so much animosity, mainly with Zeus and his wife Hera, whom you learned was his sister, but you chose to ignore that, in favor of the massive meals they were providing you in their fights.
-When Ragnarok was announced, Brunnhilde approached you to fight for humanity, and when you asked her, your voice devoid of emotions, “Why would I help those who did this to me?” she just smiled, taking your hands in her own, showing no fear, “Because I know that you can do it.”
-Her praise and faith in you did help change your mind, as it wasn’t often you met someone like that, and it made you feel warm inside.
-Brunnhilde provided you with a phone, to track your power in the fight, so you wouldn’t burn out or risk any damage to yourself, which would show a meter on how much negative energy you had.
-Your opponent, (Love), was stunned to see you there, ready to fight, as many knew about you, about what your father did to you, and knowing full well what you changed into when you got serious.
-Your fight with (Love) was intense, the crowds loving it, seeing the carnage, but the humans, who were cheering for you, were quick to jeering you, calling you a monster once you changed into your hybrid form, flashing your nails and fangs at (Love), looking like a demon.
-While their negative energy was filling you, (Love) could see that you looked heartbroken, at least to him, your eyes looked so sad, hearing so many calling you such cruel names, something Brunnhilde was quick to stop, “Y/N is fighting for all of you- if you want to get out there and risk your life for others who will jeer you like this, then be my guest! I’ll pull Y/N out right now!”
-Being called on their two-faced nature quickly had shut the crowds up, something you did appreciate and soon you heard cheers again, from children of all things, telling you to do your best!
-(Love) was stunned when you managed to knock him back after hearing these cheers, your hand shooting down to pierce him through his skull before you stopped, just millimeters from his eye, stunning all.
-(Love) looked up at you, to question why you stopped, to freeze, seeing you in tears, showing emotions as you felt so overwhelmed, hearing the children cheering for you.
-He was quick to realize that you weren’t a fighter, you never have been, but you were forced to fight, for survival.
-You didn’t realize you were crying until he cupped your cheek, his thumb brushing a tear away as his eyes softened, trying so console you as you slowly sank to your knees, your emotions, which you thought you had long thrown away, but they were only locked away, deep inside you, finally broke.
-(Love) pulled you into his arms, realizing that damage that had been done to you, and stood, pulling you into his arms, demanding this tournament be stopped, as it wasn’t right, as gods, those who have powers, to no do right by those who looked to them, and still look to them.
-Many were upset, seeing the fight being called off, before they had to sit and realize (Love’s) words were true, that this wasn’t right for humanity to fight for their survival like this, when that’s all they’ve ever done throughout history.
-(Love) held you close, taking you to the infirmary, despite him being a bit more roughed up than you were, as you were surprisingly a powerful fighter, or at least you fought well, as you weren’t a fighter, you were a survivor. One he was now going to protect, like how you should have been from the very beginning.
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moobell55 · 2 years
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Thinking about how throughout OUABH and TBONA Jacks is the only person who truly acts in Evangeline’s best interest.
Like Marisol, she doesn’t give a damn about Eva.
Chaos doesn’t want anything to happen to her because he needs her but also let’s them be hunted by vampire in OUABH, not to mention kills her eventually in TBONA.
Even Lala, who Evangeline considers a friend, curses her with the intent to cause harm to her. Like the Mirror Curse, Lala knew Apollo was dangerous after the Archers curse was placed on him. This also insured that Jacks couldn’t harm Apollo to protect Eva because he’d also be hurting Eva. She also gaslights Eva, telling her she’s only doing what she’s doing to reclaim her lost love from the Valory Arch. I understand that’s she’s a Fate who feels limited emotions, but her choosing to punish Eva for refusing to open the arch was extremely cruel.
Apollo her own husband, doesn’t care what happens to her. He’s aware of the Archers and Mirror Curse being placed upon him. He knows that every time he’s by Eva, that no matter how hard he tries fighting it he will still try to kill her. In TBONA, he sneaks into her bedroom at Chaos castle to try and sleep with her, claiming “he’s been waiting for so long” and kisses her and starts taking her clothes off. But guess what, the Archers curse kicks in and he’s now strangling his wife. He would’ve killed her if it wasn’t for Jacks intervention, but even when Jacks try’s taking her away, Apollo begins screaming from the cage “To get his hands off his wife, and not to touch her.” Instead of begin horrified of almost killing his wife he’s more jealous of Jacks saving her from being killed.
And sure Jacks has his own motives that he doesn’t tell her about. But at every given instance he’s protected her, he risked Turing into a vampire to keep her safe. He jumped off a cliff with her in his arms, (As a swimmer and a lifeguard this is extremely dangerous, especially oceans with carry strong riptides and currents, also please never cliff dive if you aren’t aware of what lord beneath) knowing that her not being able to swim could possibly kill him. He jumps anyways and swims back to shore with her in his arms. Not only that but he carry’s her back to the castle so she doesn’t cut her shoeless feet on the rocks. He constantly protects her, telling her he’d kill any one who dared hurt her. In the end he choose Eva’s safety over his feelings for her. He knew if he stayed with her he would’ve kissed her, believing it would’ve killed her. He’d rather be unhappy for the rest of his life without her than risk her safety.
In conclusion Jacks is the only character who truly cares about Eva and choose to protect her every single time.
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staroflupin · 2 months
James Potter who, despite what all may think, is so full of anger that it completely takes over his brain, makes him do the things he does and he doesn't feel an ounce of guilt.
When he torments Severus Snape, he doesn't feel an ounce of guilt, only a flame of rage igniting in his stomach. He doesn't know why he hates the Slytherin boy so much, he never did anything to him, yet he takes pleasure in making a pitiful fool out of the poor boy.
James Potter whose ego is bigger than the sun, not even Apollo in his chariot could move it. He knows he's the best, he doesn't even have to try. Quidditch captain, Head Boy, passing all his classes with O's and E's effortlessly. He knows he's attractive, all the girls that fawn over him say so. His mates as well, Sirius especially with "You've got it all, Prongs." He's a heartbreaker, anyone with the courage to confess gets let down with his brief declines for dates.
He has it all, and yet a part of him is unsatisfied.
Regulus Black is cruel, vindictive, and shallow. Anyone who attempts to approach him is met with an icy glare and harsh words to "Stay the fuck away." Half his house fears him, the other half hates him.
To him, that's okay. He may not have friends, but he has allies. He doesn't need that sort of thing anyway, he's the favorite son of the House of Black, as his parents reminded him.
Regulus loves the Dark Arts, loves the way the existence of them sends shivers down the spines of the Light families. He loves the power that comes from controlling them. To him, wielding that magic makes him feel invincible.
And yet, Regulus is utterly lonely, soft enough to be puppeteered by his family and molded into the perfect obedient son
And perhaps thats why Regulus and James worked so well together. They were both horrible in their own ways. James was well loved, and Regulus was well hated. They could look at the darkest, most vile parts of each other and still find themselves enamored with the other.
They were both hypocrites.
Regulus would admonish James each time he and his gang (that unfortunately consisted of his brother) would torment his fellow Slytherin housemates, no matter if they were pureblood, half-blood, or the rare muggleborn. Regulus constantly had the words "mudblood" and "blood traitor" on his lips, spat like venom casually. Yet, he still adored James Potter as if he and his family weren't the embodiment of everything he hated.
James would scold Regulus for his usage of the slurs he used quite frequently, yet never did much about it in the long run. James claimed himself a muggleborn ally, someone who didn't care about blood status or how rich or poor someone was, yet he kissed the the same lips that would curse out all he said that he believed in.
Perhaps that's why when Regulus took it an honor to join the Dark Lord, James said nothing at first. He still loved Regulus despite it all, because they were both hypocrites. They were different sides of the same coin.
But as time wore on, both of them started to distance themselves. Until they were complete strangers that had a shared past at one point. James moved on, finally getting with Lily and marrying her. Regulus devoted himself to the Dark Lord, later turning against him after his beliefs shifted against the cause he had joined in so naively.
Perhaps if they were different people, they would have worked out in the end. They could have stuck together despite it all. But time moved forwards, and history stayed as history.
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pjohoo-reclists · 1 year
Outsider POV Fic Recs
A list of fics where mortals get glimpses of the greek world and/or demigods. Last updated on 8/8/23. Enjoy!
This is War by Tibbitoo
Gen | 1.1k | Complete
Percy Jackson & Paul Blofis
Titan War, Violence, Angst
Because even though the movies get it all wrong, Paul Blofis knows. War is war, and seeing those demigods fighting for their lives, seeing the fallen on the ground, made him finally understand. This wasn't a dream, but a cruel reality where Good and Evil clashed in a bloody battle. This wasn't a book where Good always won. This was a real war. It was reality. His stepson's reality.
Start Over by RainKiss
Gen | 1.5k | Complete
background Percy Jackson/Annabeth Chase
Goode High School, poor education system, Paul is a good dad
Mr. Morelli is not a nervous person by character, but the file in front of him gives the scholastic transgressions of the new kid, who has been allowed to attend Goode High school—the place where he works.
Um.... Oops? by grainjew
Gen | 2.8k | Complete
background Percy Jackson/Annabeth Chase
Identity Reveal, Post TLO, Pre HoO
Scarlet Williams, sophomore at Goode High School, was stretched out in the back of her friend Percy's car when a twelve year old materialized in the passenger seat. The next thing she knew, apparently Greek mythology was real and liked trying to kill her friend. Great.
Riding on the Rolling Tide by mrthology
T | 3k | Complete
Jason Grace & Percy Jackson
AU, Slice of Life, Crack Treated Seriously
“I think that’s Percy Jackson!” “Who?” Sarah rolled her eyes. “The kid who jumped off the St Louis arch years ago, and then there was all that weirdness,” she added, waving her hands for effect, “with a kidnapping or something.” “Oh, the one that’s a demigod?” “Yeah,” she said. She still wasn’t sure if she believed in gods or demigods, but it was hard to deny it at this point. Monsters and worse walked among them, and Sarah hated it. At first, she’d thought it was some strange publicity stunt for an upcoming show or movie—studios had done stranger things to draw crowds, after all—but she knew better now. Gods were real, and so were monsters. ... After the Second Giant War, the Mist falls. The results aren't what anyone expected.
Someone to You by mrthology
Gen | 3k | Complete
Percy Jackson, Triton, Amphitrite, Paul Blofis' Parents, Estelle Blofis
Triton is a Good Sibling, Big Brother Percy, Slice of Life
Anna wasn't sure what to think of Percy Jackson, truth be told, having only met him twice. She adored her daughter in law Sally and her little granddaughter, but there was something about Percy that put her on edge. She had no idea what - he was a kind boy, eager to help with his baby sister when most teenagers would run for the hills and clearly adored his mother - but there was just something about him, something about his too-bright eyes that made her feel uneasy. ~~~ Or, Paul's parents are taking care of Estelle for a few days. When picking her up, they meet Percy again as well as his older brother (what was his name? Tri?). At this point, Anna just wants to know what the dad looks like to have kids that look like THIS. Especially when, several days later, they meet the stepmother as well.
Here On The Sunny Side by mrthology
Gen | 4k | Complete
Percy Jackson/Apollo
Post Trials of Apollo, New Rome University, Attempt at Humor
“Just talk to him.” Cody blinked. He could do a lot of things, but approaching Percy Jackson and just talking to him was not one of those things. “We can’t just go and talk to him!” Aida yelped, shifting nervously in her seat. Cody agreed. Percy Jackson was nothing if not intimidating. He’d done so much for Camp Jupiter and walked with more gods than Cody could begin to fathom. There were even rumours that Jupiter (or, Cody supposed, Zeus) had offered him godhood when he’d only been sixteen. Everyone in New Rome knew he spent time in his father’s realm below the sea, and even the Praetors seemed to defer to him at times. No. Cody couldn’t just go up and talk to Percy Jackson. Not many in New Rome would dare. ——— Or, Percy’s part of a group project at NRU. His group mates aren’t exactly sure what to make of him. Or of his mysterious paramour.
A Thin Barrier Between Two Worlds by Skywalking_through_life
T | 5.7k | Complete
Percy Jackson, Hudson River Spirit
Post Gaea & Second Giant War, Canon Compliant, Eavesdropping
"'Man, If I avoided everyone with a bone to pick with me, I'd be a hermit. But I haven't figured out what I'm supposed to have actually done this time?" He could only see half of Percy's face, and even that at a distance, but there was no mistaking the lazy smirk he was wearing, or the way his arms were casually folded across his chest. He wasn't scared of this guy, which didn't make a lick of sense, because just the guy's voice was scaring Giovanni. What could the rest of him look like? "Don't play stupid, kid, it ain't a good look for you. You know good and well what you did." A sudden thud shook the wood of the old dock, making it creak and sway and causing bits of plank to fall. When the dust cleared, Giovanni bit down hard on his tongue to stop himself from gasping, because now that he could see both people above him, he wasn't sure the person opposite Percy was, in fact, human. In which Giovanni learns that there is such a thing as knowing too much about the world around him...
The Overwhelming Specter of Your Mothers Book Club by 60sec400
Not Rated | 5.9k Complete
Sally Jackson/Paul Blofis
Meeting the Parents, Sally Jackson is a Good Parent, Oneshot
Martha Blofis stared at her son in shock. “What do you mean,” she said slowly, “that you’re married?” Her son fidgeted nervously. First, he ran a hand through his peppered hair, and then his eyes flickered down and away. Then he lifted them again and smiled meekly at her. “Paul,” she said, “I need you to tell me what in gods name you were thinking.” “Her name is Sally Jackson?” Paul said, his voice lifting as he weren’t quite sure what the name of his wife was. AKA Paul tells his mother he hasn't seen in four years that he's married. Really, the only thing she can think about is what she's going to tell her book club.
Percy Jackson and the Scrutiny of his Coworkers by pqrker
Gen | 6.4k | Complete
Percy Jackson/Annabeth Chase, Percy Jackson & Original Characters
Marine Biologist Percy Jackson, Adult Percy Jackson
Jim turned back to the tank and looked at Marcie the seal, who was now staring at the spot his coworker had been standing just moments before with that same strange look of reverence in her eyes. Percy Jackson truly was the oddest person Jim Elpool had ever worked with. or 5 times percy's coworkers were confounded by his fish magic, plus 1 time they try to figure it out.
More Things in Heaven and Earth by Skywalking_through_life
T | 7.1k | Complete
Percy Jackson/Annabeth Chase
Post-Gaea & Second Giant War, Canon Compliant, High School
"Sticking her head further out of the light of her doorway and into the dark hallway, she peered left and right, trying to catch a glimpse of movement in the shadows beyond the dim glow of the emergency lights. Nothing. But as her eyes fell on the bank of lockers outside her classroom where the first thud had come from, they widened in horror. A long smear of blood, thick enough to start to drip down the dented metal, stained two of the lockers." Ms. Lafayette is a teacher, not a detective. But that doesn't mean she's not curious - and concerned - when a trail of blood appears in the hallway outside her classroom in the early hours of the morning...
good doesn't equal Goode by vani_em
Gen | 7.3k | Complete
Percy Jackson, Paul Blofis
off screen Percy Jackson/Annabeth Chase, BAMF Percy Jackson, good dad Paul Blofis
One thing was clear: Percy Jackson was not Goode High School material.
In a Field of Dandelions by mrthology
T | 7.5k | Complete
Percy Jackson/Annabeth Chase
Future Fic, Kid Fic, Domestic Fluff
"You okay there?" she asked once she was closer, smiling in what she hoped was a welcoming manner. The man smiled back, still looking a bit confused. Nicky's breath caught in her chest when he met her eyes. His gaze was a little too vivid, his bone structure a little too perfect. He seemed a little too much more than human. Part of her wanted to run, while another part wanted to follow him to the ends of the earth and beyond. "I think so," he replied, breaking the spell. "Just trying to figure out day one, I suppose. I'm Percy!" ----- Percy and Annabeth's eldest child starts school. Percy inadvertently causes a bit of a stir, and Annabeth isn't jealous, not at all.
[conduct] not unbecoming men who [strive] with gods by Skywalking_through_life
T | 8k+ | On-going as of 8/8/23
Percy Jackson/Annabeth Chase, Sally Jackson/Paul Blofis, Percy Jackson & Paul Blofis
Post Second Giant War, Slice of Life, Identity Reveal
"Some students find it hard to find a poem that they identify with," she said simply, even tone belying the gravity of the look she was giving him. "I…I can imagine that you, perhaps, might be one of them." For a moment, he just stared back at her, heart now thumping almost painfully fast as he tried to decide how to respond to that. She was right of course, but now that the moment he'd been waiting for had definitely arrived, was he really prepared to do this? "Are we talking about poetry?" He finally asked, mouth dry, as though he didn't already know the answer to his own question, "Or are we talking about…something else?" Or, a week in the life of Percy's senior year, featuring: a poetry project, a swim meet, prom, several identity crises, and maybe, just maybe, a long-overdue conversation with a certain sharp-eyed teacher.
some have entertained angels unaware by Skywalking_through_life
T | 21k | Complete
Percy Jackson & Sally Jackson, Percy Jackson & Paul Blofis, Minor or Background Relationships, Percy Jackson/Annabeth Chase
Post Second Giant War, Field Trip, Powerful Percy Jackson
"Slumping at the table next to his now slightly raspy stepfather, Percy decided to make one last appeal. "Paul, you can't seriously think me dying of frostbite or exposure on the way to see the Statue of Liberty for the eighty-millionth time is a good death, right? Like, I could do so much better." Paul shrugged, eyes dancing. "I'm not the expert on death in this family, Perce. But I do imagine it's probably more heroic than dying of boredom in US Government class?"' Percy didn't think there was a god of field trips, but if there was...he was pretty sure that they hated him.
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templum-solis · 4 months
Lore Olympus from the eyes of a Hellenist
Hey everyone! So I recently discovered some interesting insight that, in a way, changed my view of Lore Olympus as a Hellenic Polytheist. I thought I'd share this with you.
So, I did read Lore Olympus before I was a Hellenist and I honestly loved the webtoon and it was great to read. However, in April of 2022, I became a Hellenist. This made things more complicated.
Now right off the bat, I am a devotee of Apollon. So you can pretty much guess how I felt to see my God being portrayed as a cruel villain in LO, and how I felt to see the fanbase consistently insulting and disrespecting him.
It hurts that even other worshippers of Apollon have actually been mocked for worshipping him, simply because some people only know of him as if he is a made-up character from Lore Olympus.
While this is pretty bad, I've learned that the story itself is not as bad as I thought. Thanks to a few friends on Discord, who are ever knowledgeable, I have gained a new understanding that allows me to appreciate LO more, and I may convince myself to begin reading it again.
The Gods in Lore Olympus are portrayed as heavily flawed, almost like humans. Their realm itself is a reflection of human society. In this webtoon, Apollo does some horrible things and scars Persephone in the worst of ways. However, he is the favourite child and is beloved to all, so nobody would see him as the bad guy, right?
I think when looking at this, as well as other things, we realise something. Lore Olympus is less a story of the Gods, but is rather a story about humans, shared through a retelling of mythology. And it is a story that is quite important for us to hear.
Apollo in LO represents the golden child. The one who gets away with it all and can do everything he desires. The one who is so privileged that he can do any sort of harm, and people will still find a way to defend him. The one who sees himself as so important and grand, that he feels he can enforce his will and desires on everyone and is willing to do anything to get what he wants.
Of course, this Apollo is nothing like the true Apollon. Not even slightly close to our God. However, similar to actual myths, LO is not to be taken as a story of the Gods. Rather, it is a story that tells us something, and uses depictions of the Gods to explain it. We are not mythic literalists of course.
Now, even if we take a look at somebody like Ovid. His depictions and writings of the Gods can often be described as downright disrespectful, despite the fact that we was a Roman who lived during the time when the Gods were still widely worshipped. Ovid often depicted the Gods in pretty negative ways. If I recall correctly, I think I was told that he did this for political reasons too.
Alright so, let me not stretch this post too long. Lore Olympus, despite its problematic fanbase and certain historical and mythological inaccuracies, tells us an important story about human society that often goes unspoken. This webtoon does not reflect the Gods themselves, nor does it necessarily reflect mythology. It reflects human society as a whole, especially focusing on the darker parts of human lives.
I hope I managed to explain this as well as it was explained to me, and I hope that I could provide someone with insight.
Thank you all for reading this! ♡
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my-pjo-stuff · 4 days
thoughts on trials of apollo?
Not read yet, though I have MASSIVE reservations on Apollo's "character arc". While I am fully on-board with the gods seeing the error of their ways and becoming better people, I do need them to actually DO something yk? Not just talk about it and "feel bad" for being horrid. Because fact is that Apollo has profited from a system that actively harms children just like any god has. He has been cruel to his own children (remember Hal?) and was a genuine narcissist at times. Recognizing your wrongs and wanting to be better is always an incredibly important and GOOD step. But it's the first one. If Apollo truly is supposed to be redeemed now I genuinely need to see him doing better. Helping demigods, trying to assist them in their struggles- at least attempting to make the system better.
ESPECIALLY since, upon returning to godhood, Apollo returns to his spot in the system that has him actively benefitting from it. For now I am trying to remain neutral on his character arc and am waiting to see if he'll take actual actions, or if Apollo's gonna be al talk no do. I'll form my opinion on it then.
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starfanatic · 10 months
Chamber of Reflection pt.1
Relationship: (Platonic) Zeus & Ares
Summary: Zeus thought about it for a moment. He loved Ares, in his own special way. He was disturbed by his violence, but fascinated by the skills it took to execute his aggression. He hated how much Ares looked like him, but loved how much he looked like his mother. His feelings for Ares were complicated.
It wasn’t complicated for Apollo.
Anyone who harmed Apollo would face the wrath of Zeus.
Apollo was kind where Ares was cruel. Apollo’s smile was infectious to many, his rays were warm and gentle. Zeus’ pride never faltered when he thought of Apollo. All the endless victories Apollo achieved were Zeus’ achievements, because he made this wonderful boy and only his mother could say the same. It wasn’t quite the same with Ares. He loved Ares like a father was forced to love a child. Zeus doubts he would care for Ares if he wasn’t his son, but he would love Apollo no matter the circumstances. It’s just not the same.
It never will be.
Ares is more psychologically damaged by the jar incident then in canon, and Zeus has to pick up all the pieces for a son he hardly knows.
Author's Note: IM INTENDING to have 2-3 parts, and I'm also posting this on ao3! I have a feeling this won't get attention, but I'm excited for Poseidon, HESTIA, baby Apollo & Artemis, and... Cronos. Also disclaimer that some of this isn't completely accurate to greek mythology, but if you have any sort of advice to give I'm happy to receive.
Zeus wasn’t sure at first who he was looking at when he entered the healing chamber.
Yes, it was Ares.
But it also wasn’t. Something was horribly wrong.
Zeus swallowed an uncomfortable lump in his throat, the lingering defeat in the air making him want to vomit. Ares was no stranger to defeat, Zeus even used to find it laughable when Ares tried to challenge someone more powerful and lose terribly. Ares' nature called for losses, but this defeat seemed to change him in a way Zeus didn’t like.
Ares’ chest stuttered as he breathed, like even breathing was an incredible struggle for him. Something that was meant to be natural, especially for a god.
It took a few moments for Ares to notice someone else was in the room, but when he did he stared at Zeus like he hardly believed he was there.
Zeus speaks first because he had a feeling Ares wasn’t going to. “Apollo informed me that you have been… difficult while he’s trying to heal you. Why?”
No response.
“Answer me when I’m speaking to you-” Ares finally looks back up to him, but not with the anger Zeus expected. He wanted Ares to yell in his face, for once. It felt strange to see his eldest son without that passionate fire in his eyes–it was like staring into a blank void. Zeus cut eye contact from Ares, uselessly staring at the wall.
“Why are you here?” Ares asks. His voice is small and quiet, almost like how Zeus would expect a mouse to sound like.
“I want you to accept your medicine. You’re neglecting your duties, your mother is worried about you. This has gone on for long enough” Zeus says. Ares stares at Zeus for a moment, like he was picking him apart in his head.
“Were you not worried?” Ares asks. He speaks as if it hurts him to do so. Now that Zeus thinks of it, it probably does.
Even more awkwardness is pumped in the air the longer Zeus hesitates to answer, because he wasn’t sure if he even felt any genuine concern until now.
“I was worried.” Zeus responds, but he already knows he sounds flat and dishonest.
“Then where in the name of your big brother were you?” Ares sits up with some difficulty, letting out a strong breath when he accidentally puts pressure on one of his injuries. Zeus doesn’t move to help him.
“They used to worry whether one of the Olympians would come down when they first captured me. Didn’t want the wrath of the King of the Gods did they? But after 5 months they realized I wasn’t going to be saved anytime soon, they started to treat me like a playtoy. Wanted to see what ichor looked like splattered on the wall. Or whether a god will stitch itself together after being pulled apart. Simpler experiments, they wanted to see how long I could survive without breath or food. They were a bit upset when Hermes and Artemis came, I believe. They were waiting for me to end my pain of starvation and resort to cannibalism. I used to feel comfort during storms because I thought that meant you were coming to save me… and you never did.” Ares was never shy to violence, but the simple recollection of his torture didn’t feel right to Zeus. It made him feel even more sick that the giants were right.
“We tried to save you as soon as we knew. I would’ve come down myself if it was necessary.”
“And it wasn’t? Would it have been necessary if it was Apollo? If Apollo was stuck in a jar, are you telling me you wouldn’t have demolished the giants with your mighty bolts?” Ares looks curiously at Zeus, wide eyes almost like a child but lacking the innocence that is supposed to come hand in hand.
Zeus thought about it for a moment. He loved Ares, in his own special way. He was disturbed by his violence, but fascinated by the skills it took to execute his aggression. He hated how much Ares looked like him, but loved how much he looked like his mother. His feelings for Ares were complicated.
It wasn’t complicated for Apollo.
Anyone who harmed Apollo would face the wrath of Zeus.
Apollo was kind where Ares was cruel. Apollo’s smile was infectious to many, his rays were warm and gentle. Zeus’ pride never faltered when he thought of Apollo. All the endless victories Apollo achieved were Zeus’ achievements, because he made this wonderful boy and only his mother could say the same. It wasn’t quite the same with Ares. He loved Ares like a father was forced to love a child. Zeus doubts he would care for Ares if he wasn’t his son, but he would love Apollo no matter the circumstances. It’s just not the same.
It never will be.
“No answer? The magnificent Zeus has no answer? Coward. You’re a fucking coward-”
“I didn’t come here to hear you whine about your brother again. At the end of the day, you can point fingers but this is the result of your own foolishness. You decided to fight not one, but two giants and for what? You are not the victim here.” Zeus’ hands tightened in fists as he looked upon his son–his arrogant son who was laughing in his face.
“Are you fucking kidding me? You sound more upset about me mentioning your favoritism to the bastard-”
“Don’t call him that.” Zeus warns.
“-than me being tortured! If you think you care about me, you’re deluding yourself. Maybe you need your ‘god of truth’ son to figure that out.” Ares expected Zeus to grab him and smack him around, or even just simply yell at Ares until his eardrums bleed. What he didn’t expect was for Zeus to start laughing. Ares laughs during arguments, not Zeus.
It wasn’t unsettling for the King of Olympus.
“I tried to be patient with you, but as usual, you tested me. What do you want me to say to you? That I wish you were something I could be proud of? Or that I wish you were a person capable of being liked? All you do is give reasons to make people hate you. You throw insults at your siblings any chance you get, and when you get humbled you throw tantrums that you expect me to handle. Have you ever wondered why hardly anyone on Olympus wants to be around you?”
“Where do you think I learned it from? My anger is your anger. My hatred is your hatred. Everything you hate about me came from you.” Zeus’ face was practically boiling hot at this rate, and without realizing it, he punched at the wall right near Ares’ head. Ares glanced at the damaged wall near his head and back at his father, raising an eyebrow at Zeus.
“Do you see what you do to people? You provoke them to the point of anger, and you like that don’t you? It doesn’t matter, because I’m sick of speaking to you, and I’m definitely sick of babying you. If I find out you’re refusing medicine again, I’ll add more injuries to match the rest of you. Do you understand me?” Ares stubbornly doesn’t respond, lightly tracing the edge of the fist-shaped hole in front of his face. It’s like he was fascinated with the uncontrollable anger Zeus feels around him.
No surprise there.
“I never understand you, Zeus.” Ares admitted. “I don’t think I ever will.”
“I know something you do understand. Violence. That’s what you like?” Zeus snatched Ares’ finger, bending it back at an unnatural angle. Ares stared down Zeus, as he wasn’t expecting to follow through with it.
“You will stop rejecting Apollo’s medicine. You will eat, sleep, do whatever is necessary to get better. I don’t care who or what you’re doing it for, but you will do it. I will not come back in here because next time I will bring the thunderbolt. Is that clear?” Zeus says.
“You wouldn’t do it. Mom would find a way to kill you again.”
“I’ve angered her before. She’ll get over it like she always does.” Zeus knows she will never get over it. She would unleash her fury upon anyone, even the undeserving, if Zeus even attempted to raise his thunderbolt against his son. No matter how much he hated it, Hera loved her son unconditionally.
“What a good husband you are. All the bastards running around Mount Olympus, and you want to smite the only legitimate son you have.” Ares notes.
Zeus hated Ares’ attitude.
He hated how bratty Ares was, how Hera constantly pestered him about Ares.
How Ares would run to Poseidon as a kid, as if Poseidon was somehow better than him.
How Ares continues to hurt innocent people in some misguided attempt of release
About how much he should care about a kid who can hardly respect him.
He hated how confident Ares was that Zeus wouldn’t hurt him.
And with a sickening crunch that made Zeus feel nauseous, Ares’ pointer finger is crushed by the strength of Zeus.
More pain shoots up Ares' finger as Zeus tightens his grip, putting even more intense pressure on the injured finger. Ares of course cries out in pain, but Zeus fails to listen. He completely tuned Ares' voice from his head.
Ares was actually crying now, the first time Zeus saw him cry in years. The tears brought on a sense of nostalgia, back when Ares was a kid. Every injury was life altering, any wrong choice of words would make Ares tremble and sob.
What a sensitive kid he used to be then.
He looked like his mother now more than ever, and Zeus was reminded why he hated seeing Hera cry. Ares’ eyes were like the stars that litter the dark sky, and it was heartbreaking and beautiful all at once.
Ares was used to pain, especially now. Zeus crushing his finger was miniscule to the pain he’s used to receiving.
It wasn’t the pain that brought tears to Ares’ eyes, it was the fact that Zeus was the one inflicting it.
Zeus couldn’t look him in the eyes anymore, and instead looked down at the hand he was holding. They were healed scars all around the palm of his hand, very little faint lines that were hard to see. This must have been from when he was far younger than what he is now. Ares tried ripping his hand out of Zeus’ grip, but Zeus was always stronger than him. Eventually Ares gave up and decided to just close his fist as much as he could, hiding the scars from Zeus’ view. Zeus didn’t really understand why Ares was so adamant on hiding his scars, when he usually shows his scars off like some trophy. Then again, he never really understood Ares.
Zeus pried open Ares’ palm and picked out another finger. “Please just do what I say, don’t argue.” Zeus begged with his eyes for Ares to not be stubborn, so he won’t have to hurt him again.
He didn’t like who he became when he was around Ares.
“Okay.” Ares speaks finally. Zeus can finally breathe again, but he doesn’t feel relieved. What’s been done is done.
Zeus lets go of Ares’ hands, and it drops like deadweight. Ares won’t stop looking at him, and Zeus couldn’t handle it. He walks away from Ares, stopping at the doorway.
A chill fills the room as Zeus pauses, searching through his mind what he could say.
“Feel Better.” He says, before leaving Ares to his own devices.
It felt like a threat.
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11queensupreme11 · 11 months
What would yanderes be like as in-laws? (Poseidon would undoubtedly be in the worst in-laws since technically he IS his own father-in-law). From the best to the worst.
A) One of their children's boyfriend/girlfriend is everything they detest/hate in a person.
B) Percy behaving like a good mother-in-law. (I honestly see Percy being the typical mother-in-law who says phrases like: don't worry son, you're part of the family now, feel like you're at home or just being friendly and sociable with the her son/daughter's partner.)
C) The son/daughter always talks about his/her partner. WHENEVER he gets the chance, he even comes up with cheesy (or extremely sweet) words.
D) When yanderes comment or try to do something to their child's partner, the son/daughter will defend their partner tooth and nail. Always PROTECTING you from something bad happening to you.
Additional bonus. The girl/boy is a mortal who believes nothing in the existence of gods. (Or simply the boy/girl is a weak mortal)/I think DaddyPose wouldn't be happy/)
poseidon would be the father-in-law from hel. he'd be terrible even IF he actually somewhat approved of the partner, but he's an absolute NIGHTMARE if he doesn't 💀 the kid doesn't have time to introduce their partner cuz he would straight up kill them the second they find out they're human. relationship over an instant
hades would be okay with it. he's a little iffy about the relationship, but he won't be rude to the partner especially when he sees how much his child loves them. he does, however, warn his kid that if they REALLY want to be together, then the person would have to accept immortality and godhood. if the partner doesn't and his kid doesn't wanna force them, hades would pressure them to break up to save his kid from future heartbreak
apollo's a little huffy about it. i mean, a human??? you're MY kid, you couldn't score any better???? 💀 he'd be pretty rude upon first meeting cuz he's already pointing out their physical flaws and calling them ugly 😭 percy would have to tell him to stfu. it'd take some time for him to accept it, but when he (begrudgingly) does, he would insist that his child deify them QUICKLY before they lose them (he's paranoid). he would actually FORCE the partner to ascend to protect his child from the heartbreak of having to lose them because he knows how much that hurts
beelzebub wouldn't outright hate it. he'd be curious about why his child picked a human when they could've fallen for someone better so he stalks and researches on the partner to learn more about them. finds nothing special about them and doesn't get why his kid likes them so much. he believes the relationship will amount to nothing so he uses his abilities to control the partner; make them angrier and more violent, more jealous and possessive, just overall more toxic to the point that the kid would get sick of it and dump them on the spot.
loki would be DISGUSTED and he would make it very obvious. the only reason he's not jumping the brat and killing them for wasting his kid's time is because percy's got a good grip on his arm. he'll be very snarky and cruel towards them tho and say a bunch of shit that makes the partner run out in tears. he'd have a good laugh until percy and his kid start yelling at him, then he'll get pissed that THEY'RE mad at HIM, and take the anger out on the human and kill them
so best to worst in-law:
Hades: he's most likely to be okay with the relationship and won't interfere much
Apollo: he'll begrudgingly accept it, won't try to kill the kid, but would force them to ascend
Beelzebub: would NOT accept it, but he won't kill them.... just control them into becoming a bad person so his kid would leave them
Loki: only reason he's not number five is because the partner at least has a few more minutes to live after the first meeting
Poseidon: is the worst because the partner will INSTANTLY die after first meeting him
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smallraindrops-blog · 3 months
Hhhhh thinking about Hypnos Olympian AU inspired from the moments he had in the Iliad and other Greek mythos scenes
Hypnos running away to the Olympians because he feels useless and insecure at the House, Nyx not doing anything because of her "laissez-faire" parenting (to say the least), Hypnos finding a mother figure in Hera (only to have that idea crushed as he starts to learn about her character (she's cruel (under stress/because of Zeus duh) instead of neglectful (Nyx)), and Hypnos ignores this), Hypnos blissfully ignoring all the issues that the Olympians have because he feels like he's hanging out with the cool kids™, et cetera ad infinitum, ughhhhhh😭😭😭🤧
What if Y/N's at the House?
Or what if he falls in love with a Y/N who's human, and Y/N dies (ends up working at the House to fill in Hypnos lololol) and Hypnos gets bad dating/moving on advice from Apollo (man's love life is a wreck)
of all the gods, Apollo should be the last one to give anyone dating advice.
Hypnos would absolutely be crushed when Hera shows her real face but would act like it is no big deal. (He is dying on the inside)
Y/n could be the person that brings him back, especially he dies and Hypnos is like ‘hell no’ and go back to the underworld be with them. Lol
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yonemurishiroku · 1 year
Okay, I'll start off by saying that Jason Grace is my absolute favourite character in the whole of the camp half-blood chronicles. When I was around 12 or so I genuinely had a crush on him and now that I'm 19 I just absolutely adore him and just want to protect him lol.
He's been done so dirty, okay? Killing a former protagonist after his series is over is so cheap idc, especially if you kill him out of the blue after revealing that a huge part of what he fought for during hoo (his relationship with Piper) was over.
I can understand Leo and Calypso breaking up, because they met for two weeks or something and then 'fell in love'. They have a lot to unpack and a lot to work through before they're able to form a relationship. But Piper and Jason? They were together for five books, there was a genuine connection between them, they worked well together, etc. Idk, whether you ship Jasper or not, them breaking up outside of their main story for factors that weren't even mentioned when they were protagonists is a huge wtf moment.
I don't want to think this, but it feels like Rick wanted Piper to be queer, which, you know, is great, the more representation the better, but there are other, more sensible ways he could've used to approach her queerness. He could've had Piper mention she'd realised she was queer after the war but she still loved Jason because, you know, four books of relationship development weren't for nothing. Or, if he wanted to break them up, he could've given Jason and Piper more protagonism and explain their reasoning for parting ways better.
But I digress.
Jason's death was so fucking gratuitous, it makes no sense. Why would you kill a protagonist after his series is over? Why? Just to be cruel? So that his death can be serve as some stupid character development for Apollo/yet another trauma for Nico?
Also, are we going to talk about how fucking stupid it is to kill Jason specifically? My man had a very important task to fulfil after hoo: he was going to create temples for the minor gods to stop them from rebelling. You know, he was doing virtually all of Olympus a huge service and I honestly don't know how the minor gods didn't all collectively murder Apollo for letting the one demigod that cared about them die. Idk, if I were a minor god I'll go steal his soul or something to resurrect him, because everyone else is too focused on themselves to care about the minor gods. This is so annoying wtf.
And don't even get me started on how sad it is that Jason's peace was robbed of him when he's been in a shitty place most of his life: his mother was an abusive alcoholic (because neglect is abuse), he was raised by a literal wolf and trained to be a warrior ever since, he was the Percy Jackson of Camp Jupiter during pjo, he had to fight in the war against Gaia, he had to see Leo die (and obviously Rick couldn't wait until they'd meet again to kill him), and the love of his life broke up with him when he did absolutely nothing (nothing!) wrong. People may not realise it, but he's one of the characters who's had the most fucked-up lives wtf.
In conclusion, Jason is now part of Hotel Valhalla because Hera did one (1) good thing and glitched his going to the Underworld so that he could live forever. That's what I'm telling myself from crying about him 24/7.
Ok I just want to say that in some time from now unto eternity I may steal borrow that 'if I were a minor god I'll go steal his (Jason's) soul or something to resurrect him' because that's an absolutely fantastic prompt for the next book.
(Or maybe idk the minor gods wrecking havoc bc their only representative was killed off for the sake of an Olympian sounds quite nice too).
For the rest yeah you have a (many) point(s).
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I haven’t had the energy to write up a full recap for the 18th Feb show, but I had a great time! The audience was a lot less unruly than my last visit, which was a relief, as that had really ruined my previous visit. In summary:
Loop 1:
Followed Artemis for the first time and I am in love with her choreography, she dances in the way that I prefer to when I choreograph, and as such she’s risen to the top of my ‘dream roles’ list. Weirdly despite being transmasc, I found this portrayal of her to be especially Gender, and now I’m considering growing my hair out just like her. Her movements are so playful yet animalistic, and the stone table dance with Apollo is simply stunning, as is her choreo in the resurrection scene. I’m also obsessed with the costuming for her and Apollo, the way the silicone bodysuits shift under different lighting, and the way they enhance every tiny movement. Artemis’ cackling atop the girders is always a standout moment for me, it gives the performers a chance to really lean into their own interpretation of Artemis’ more cruel tendencies.
Loop 2:
Followed Iphigenia/Hecate for the first time, got her 1:1 at the end of the loop. I was enamoured by the lighting & sound design used in that tiny 1:1 space, plus her performance of a text that felt veeeery familiar as someone who’s seen SNM NY (if you know, you know). Combine that with the familiar red dress, and you have a great little crossover Easter egg for fans to pick up on. Finally got to see the fabled bear ritual, and it is so much weirder and more uncanny than I’d even imagined, I was having flashbacks to Midsommar the whole time. Iphigenia’s loop was even more heartbreaking after seeing Artemis’ first, knowing the whole time that this excited, innocent girl never had a chance at happiness. Even when she’s smiling and laughing, we know that it can never last, yet all the same we hope that maybe this time it’ll turn out differently. This loop combined with Artemis’ also leave me intrigued about the oracle, and they’ve now been added to the long list of characters I need to follow.
Loop 3:
Located the bar (for the first time in all 4 of my visits!!) and chugged a LOT of water before returning to Troy, and quickly found Askalaphos, following him through the streets and back to his florist shop, arriving in time to see Hecate & Patroclus pass through. Watched as he picked up the roses and then selected someone for a 1:1, leaving me alone in the shop. I wandered over to the sake bar and found Hades leaving, so I followed him to the Troy finale (which was a blast, as always) and then found myself at the front row of the circle for the Mycenae finale. I was being offered a walkout (not sure who by, I can almost never tell performers apart when they’re sans-costume lol) when someone walking out behind me accidentally tripped me over, and by the time I’d regained my bearings the actor had chosen another WM to escort out.
All in all a wonderful trip, and as the wiki is slowly but surely becoming more helpful for researching loops, I hope that I’ll find it easier to follow some more long-admired characters. My next visit is on the 5th of March, so I’m currently trying to figure out who I want to prioritise following. I never like to have any iron-clad plans, as I feel that tends to ruin some of the fun that spontaneous discoveries can bring, but I’m definitely leaning toward wanting to see some of Kronos, so perhaps I’ll follow Polymestor & Polydorus as well, and do another show of intertwining loops. Equally though, if I run into Hades or Persephone, I can’t promise that I won’t cave and spend a whole show with them. Or maybe I’ll finally catch all of Apollo’s loop, or see more than a glimpse of Kampe! At least I have another week or so to consider my many wonderful options.
Due to there being no under 25s tickets left in April or May, I’ll soon be facing a 2 month drought until my June show, and I’m already so sad at the thought of being without this beautiful dreamland for so long 😭 I’m genuinely listing “be closer to woolwich for shows” as one of the pros to potentially moving back to London (and not even solely because I’m still dreaming that one day I could work for Punchdrunk lmao).
I don’t really know anyone who’s a fan of TBC, so if you’d like to chat about the show and your experiences/theories/recommendations on things to look out for, I’d love that! My DMs are very much open for all things theatre and mythology :)
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