#Lin-Manuel Miranda Fluff
luciaramosc · 8 months
do i write a luke castellan angst/comfort fic where he basically vents about his parental daddy issues to reader and reader comforts him? like especially after ep. 6, the tension is through the ROOF. anyway, lmk because thots are being thunk 😋
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anxietyprxme · 1 year
zagreus: omg than! hello:)
zagreus: ummm hello???
zagreus walks up to thanatos and places an arm on his shoulder. thanatos turns around.... it's lin manuel miranda in thanatos clothes.
lin manuel miranda: In the eye of a hurricane
There is quiet
For just a moment
A yellow sky
When I was seventeen a hurricane
Destroyed my town
I didn't drown
I couldn't seem to die
I wrote my way out
Wrote everything down far as I could see
I wrote my way out
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stergeon · 9 months
Rating: Teen and Up (Heavy emotional themes; strong language)
Fandom: Fire Emblem: Three Houses
Relationship(s): Byleth Eisner & Leonie Pinelli; Edelgard von Hresvelg/Byleth Eisner
Words: 7.2k
Shaping a new world isn't easy. Life has been difficult for the Emperor and her trusted right hand lately, and Byleth could use a friend right now. Fortunately, Leonie’s in town to talk some sense into her.
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poebot · 2 years
In the Heights | Well, Your Coffee’s on the House (Okay)
Usnavi is completely smitten with Vanessa. Not that that is a profound or new discovery by any means; the entire barrio has watched him stumble over his love for this girl for the better half of the twelve years he’s known her.
Sometimes he gets the sneaking suspicion that she knows and that she’s purposefully teasing him, hanging that information over his head like bait just to see how he reacts if she leans in an inch too close or looks up at him through her beautifully thick lashes at just the right moment. And then she’ll punch his shoulder in the way only a person who’s fixing you squarely in the friend zone would, walking out with a free coffee in hand and the illusion is broken once more.
There’s no way she knows. He’d hardly describe Vanessa as cruel. Sonny would probably argue differently.
“She’s playing you, cuz. You’re so obvious it’s almost gross,” Usnavi moves to pinch him for the comment but he’s quick to dodge it, anticipating it before it comes. “I’m not trying to be an ass but no girl as hot as that doesn’t know the affect they have on guys.”
Usnavi isn’t the biggest fan of the femme fatale stereotype Sonny insists on pushing onto his long term crush. It’s not like she can help being alluring. He grapples with a way to combat it, but before he can reprimand his (admittedly too old to still be getting shit for cussing) cousin for his language, the little bell for the bodega door chimes.
Sun streams in from behind Vanessa as she enters the store, whilst Usnavi vaguely considers how fitting of an entrance it was for someone as perfect as her. He glances subtly at Sonny who is staring at him with contempt as though he could read the thought forming in his mind.
“Buenas días, Usnavi.” She’s smiling softly at him as though she’s genuinely happy to see him, and Usnavi finds himself grinning ten times harder at the prospect. Sonny nudges him to remind him to stop smiling like a freak. A common result of what he dubbed ‘The Vanessa Affect’. Usnavi adjusts his lips in what he hopes is a more friendly, less serial-killer-y expression.
“Beunos días. What can I get for you, chica?” Vanessa flows around the store in search of her regular list, her long legs carrying her like she’s dancing. Usnavi had always admired the way her hips seemed to sway every time she took a step. Wondered whether she had callouses from constantly wearing platforms.
“Just these, thanks.” She drops the pain killers at his till, playing with the hem of her jean skirt as she chews her lip absently. Usnavi can tell she’s distracted, hardly present in the bodega.
“You good?” She snaps out of it quickly, staring at him with wide eyes. God help him, her eyes.
“Sorry, I’m just a little distracted. Moving and all…” Usnavi feels his chest ache at the kicked puppy expression Vanessa suddenly sports. He’s well aware that her search for new housing in a better side of Brooklyn has been relatively fruitless. He wishes he could do more, curses the part of him that’s glad she’s still here to greet him with a smile and a story from the salon every morning.
“Well, your coffee’s on the house. Think of it as a good luck charm, or a token of my support.” He’s already dusting the top of it with a sprinkle of cinnamon and bagging her ibuprofen before Vanessa can even think to protest. She slowly puts her wallet back in her purse before grabbing the drink and bag from his hands, let’s her fingers linger as she thanks him. Sonny rolls his eyes from his place stacking cans onto the beans shelf. They barely notice he’s still present in the store.
“Okay. You’re too good to me, Usnavi. I’m gonna get spoiled. I doubt they’ll give me coffee just the way I like it on the house downtown.” Her eyes have lit up again, and it’s all Usnavi could have hoped for with the gesture.
“More incentive to come back and visit us little people when you make it big.” She giggles, tucks a strand of her long dark hair behind her ear and moves for the door, turning at the last second to wave Usnavi goodbye.
As the bell chimes again with her dismissal, Sonny comments that he should probably start a dollar jar for everyday he doesn’t make an actual move. Usnavi feels far too warm inside to even feign shame.
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mononijikayu · 2 months
“dear theodosia” — gojo satoru.
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"I'll be here," he murmured, his voice trembling with emotion. "I won't let you become a story. I'll fight with everything I have to be here, to see you grow, to love you." “Satoru, you’ll live a long and happy life with us, with me,” you said, looking at him tenderly. Worry echoed in your eyes, though. “You and I, we will grow old together. And die on the same day with our grandchildren and great-grandchildren around us.”
GENRE: post hidden - inventory arc (2010s)
WARNING/S: domesticity, fluff, family, comfort, angst, trauma, implied death, violence, romance, hurt/comfort, character death depiction of death, depictions of loss and depression, mention of pregnancy, mention of breastfeeding, mention of postpartum effects, depiction of the aftermath of birth, depiction of parenthood, depiction of blood, depiction of killing, depiction of suffering, depiction of anxiety, mention of death, mention of grief, profanity, family drama;
WORDS: 4.6k words
LISTEN: dear theodosia by lin manuel miranda and leslie odom jr.
NOTE: prepared to be sick of me because this entire time, you'll only be getting musical themed song inspired stuff because the songs have gotten back to me and kicked me into the nostalgia of musicals. anyway, this was so cute to me. i love dad-satoru so much. i hope i can write more of him. enjoy this a lot guys, i love you~ <3
u s and t h e m
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spoilers about shinjuku showdown
GOJO SATORU THINKS HE WAS NEVER BUILT FOR DOMESTIC LIFE. When he was younger, he thought he would live a life of solitary proportions. Sure, the elders would have pushed him to marry one way or another and force him to start a family. But he knew his heart wouldn’t have been in it. He knew that nothing in him would be genuine. And he didn’t want that. If he was being honest, his greatest fear was the lonesomeness that comes with his birth. His power had promised him the world. He knew from the moment he could think that he would not be a man among humanity — no, he would be a god. But it was quite clear that being on top is lonely, being a god is lonely, and he hated it.
He never thought that both of you would end up being together. Let alone that he would willingly settle down with anyone. You never truly seemed to be someone that loved that idea — you were still reeling from heartbreak. And him? He was left behind by the person he thought was his shadow, shattered with nothing. It wasn’t ideal, but he thought that you understood. He thought that you both had enough broken pieces between the two of you to be whole again. That if misery was an enemy, then the two of you would win. He was willing to bet on that.
And so, he took the gamble. He opened up, letting you see the cracks and scars that he had hidden for so long. He exposed his vulnerabilities, hoping you would do the same. It was a tentative beginning, filled with uncertainty and hesitation, but gradually, you both found solace in each other’s presence. 
The nights were the hardest, haunted by the ghosts of past loves and lost dreams. Yet, somehow, those shared moments of silence, the comfort of a warm hand, and the whispered confessions in the dark, made the loneliness bearable. You both learned to navigate the labyrinth of each other’s fears and insecurities, finding strength in the shared understanding that neither of you was alone anymore.
He was surprised by how naturally the pieces fell into place. Your laughter became a balm for his weary soul, and your touch grounded him in a way he never thought possible. Slowly, he started to see a future he had never dared to dream of – a future where he wasn’t isolated at the pinnacle of power, but rather, standing beside you, sharing the burdens and the joys.
He realized that the life he once dreaded, a life intertwined with another’s, was not a cage, but a liberation. The family he had feared would be forced upon him became a chosen haven of love and understanding. The heart he thought was too shattered to feel again began to beat with a new, hopeful rhythm.
In you, he found not just a partner, but a kindred spirit, someone who had been forged in the same fires of pain and loss. Together, you built something beautiful from the ruins, proving that even gods could find grace in the embrace of another’s love. And in that love, he discovered that being on top didn’t have to mean being alone. Instead, it meant having someone to share the view, someone to hold his hand as they looked down at the world together.
Gojo Satoru looked at you now, watching your sleeping form. It had only been a few days since he was released from the prison realm. Throughout that time, he couldn’t help but think about you. Thinking about how you were waiting for him. How your son was going to be waiting for his father to come home. Megumi, Tsumiki, his beloved students. They were all waiting for him. But when he saw you, he didn’t know what came over him. He rushed to you, and your arms opened wide. Just for him.
Time didn’t pass in the prison realm — but for you it did. He could see it. How tired you were. How all of this grief and pain, and suffering had cost you dearly. Your tears felt hot against his shoulders, your cries of relief bellowing through his entire body. He could feel it all; he could never forget it. Even now, he couldn’t. In all of your marriage, he had cost you dearly. You had sacrificed a lot of your life trying to help him achieve his dream for the Jujutsu world. You stood by him no matter what. You made a home for him anywhere and everywhere. You gave him everything.
As he watched you sleep, he marveled at your resilience. The lines on your face told stories of battles fought and won, of nights spent waiting and worrying, of unwavering love and dedication. He reached out, gently brushing a strand of hair from your face, his touch light, as if afraid to wake you from your well-deserved rest. 
In that quiet moment, he made a silent vow. He promised himself that he would make up for all the time lost, for all the pain and sacrifices you endured. He would be the husband and father you deserved, the man who stood beside you as an equal, not just a protector. The burden of his power and his duties had always weighed heavily on him, but he realized now that he didn’t have to carry it alone.
You stirred slightly, a soft sigh escaping your lips, and his heart swelled with an overwhelming love and gratitude. The world outside was filled with uncertainties and dangers, but here, in this moment, everything felt right. He leaned down and placed a gentle kiss on your forehead, a promise of better days to come.
“I’m home,” he whispered, his voice barely audible but filled with conviction. “And I’m not going anywhere.”
For the first time in what felt like an eternity, he allowed himself to hope. Hope for a future where the weight of his responsibilities didn’t overshadow the simple joys of life. A future where he could see his son grow up, where he could laugh with his family, where he could find solace in your embrace every night. And with that hope, he drifted into a peaceful sleep beside you, ready to face whatever came next with you by his side.
He couldn’t believe it. How content you had made him — how happy you had made him. And now, he thought you had made him even happier. Even with all that had come to pass, he didn’t think it was a bad thing. He could feel it when he looked at you with his Six Eyes. You probably hadn’t been able to find yourself, being so busy holding everything together in his absence. Yet he could feel it. He could feel the life you had created bubbling in your belly. He could feel it echo with the essence of him and you.
A smile crept onto his face as he gently placed his hand on your stomach, feeling the faint flutter of new life beneath his fingertips. It was as if the universe had given him a second chance, a chance to be there for you and the new life you were bringing into the world. This tiny, growing miracle was a testament to your strength and resilience, a symbol of hope and renewal.
He marveled at the thought of another child, another chance to build a family filled with love and warmth. The future, which had once seemed so bleak and uncertain, now held promise and joy. He thought of your son, soon to be a big brother, and how they would grow up together, surrounded by the love and support of their parents and siblings.
Satoru's heart swelled with gratitude and love as he kissed your belly softly, whispering words of promise to the life growing within you. "I'm here, little baby." he murmured, his voice tender and filled with conviction. "I'll always be here for you, for all of us."
Satoru then held your belly, his fingers tracing gentle patterns on your skin. You stirred slightly, a sleepy smile tugging at your lips as you murmured groggily, "That tickles."
He chuckled softly, his laughter like a soothing balm. "Sorry," he whispered, not really meaning it but enjoying the sound of your sleepy voice.
You sighed contentedly, your eyes half-opening to meet him. "Do you know?" you asked, your voice barely above a whisper.
He grinned, his eyes sparkling with mischief and affection. "That you’re pregnant again? I can see the baby growing."
You laughed softly, the sound filling the quiet room. "You didn't see Satoshi last time, you know." you teased.
Satoru pouted playfully, his expression a mix of mock offense and genuine amusement. Even with just the moonlight, his childishness can be seen so clearly too. "Satoshi was already too strong as a baby," he defended himself. "He concealed his presence from his papa."
You giggled, reaching up to touch his cheek. "He is his father's son, after all."
He leaned into your touch, his eyes softening with love. "I guess he is," he admitted, a hint of pride in his voice. "But this time, I won't miss a thing. I'll be here, every step of the way."
You smiled, feeling a wave of warmth and gratitude wash over you. "I know you will, Satoru." you said softly, your heart swelling with love for the man beside you. “You’ve never failed at that before.”
Satoru's hand remained on your belly, his tone blossoming with so much love. "I can't wait to meet our new little one." he whispered, his voice filled with awe and anticipation. “I’ve always wanted to have a big family.”
“I know.” You whispered to him, taking his other hand and holding it close with your own. “You’ve talked about it before.”
“But it was just hard…..with everything.” He hums, laying his back against the bed frame. “Now it’s going to be even harder — everyone knows about Satoshi now. And now….”
You shake your head at him. “We will be fine. As we always have been. It will be okay, Satoru. You will save Megumi, the kids. You will do us proud. And we’ll finally get our happily ever after.”
Silence engulfed Satoru for a moment. He kept thinking about his own father. His father had died when he was too young, so he didn’t remember anything about him. But he heard stories. He was a rough man to all, but his mother remembered him differently. And so she had a different story to tell.
Gojo Satoru didn’t want to voice it out loud, but he was worried. He worried that, just like his father, he would be a story to his child. That he would be nothing but a forgotten memory. He wanted to be there. He wanted to be someone who loved his child. He wanted his child to know him as Satoshi did. But he didn’t know what would happen now. He still had to face Sukuna and Kenjaku. And it wasn't that he lacked confidence, but he worried still. He worried, and it hurt him. He felt his heart be heavy about this, more than ever.
As he stared at your loving face, the weight of his fears pressed down on him. The thought of leaving you and his children behind, of becoming just another story, filled him with a deep, aching sorrow. He wanted to be more than a legend or a distant memory; he wanted to be a father, a husband, a man who was present and involved in the lives of those he loved.
His hand tightened slightly on your belly, as if trying to anchor himself to the present moment, to the promise of the future growing inside you. He leaned down, pressing his forehead gently against your stomach, closing his eyes as he whispered a silent vow to himself and to his unborn child.
"I'll be here," he murmured, his voice trembling with emotion. "I won't let you become a story. I'll fight with everything I have to be here, to see you grow, to love you."
“Satoru, you’ll live a long and happy life with us, with me,” you said, looking at him tenderly. Worry echoed in your eyes, though. “You and I, we will grow old together. And die on the same day with our grandchildren and great-grandchildren around us.”
He looked into your eyes, seeing the determination and love there, and felt a warmth spread through his chest. Your unwavering belief in their future together eased some of his fears, but the worry in your eyes mirrored his own. He didn’t want you to worry, he doesn’t like it. Not especially in your condition. But he thinks that you can’t help it. You love him. And loving him will always have its worst. Love after all is a curse among men.
"I want that," he whispered, his hand caressing your cheek. "I want to grow old with you, to see our children grow up, to be surrounded by family. I want to be there for all of it."
He lifted his head, meeting your concerned gaze. "I'm sorry," he said, his voice thick with unspoken fears. "I just... I want to be here. For you, for Satoshi, for our new baby. I don’t want to be just a memory."
You cupped his face, your eyes searching for him. "You won't be." you assured him, your voice filled with unwavering confidence. "We'll face whatever comes together. You're not alone in all of this, my love.”
Satoru nodded, swallowing hard as he tried to push past the lump in his throat. Your words, your presence, gave him strength. He knew the battles ahead would be daunting, but he also knew he had something worth fighting for, something worth living for. You, Satoshi, this babe, Megumi, his beloved students, his adored friends — you were worth living for. You were worth returning from hell from.
"I love you, darling." he whispered, leaning in to press a tender kiss to your lips. "And I promise, I'll do everything I can to stay with you. To be the father our children deserve."
Your fingers caressed his cheek, your smile a beacon of hope and reassurance. "And we love He smiled, his eyes shimmering with affection. “I know. I love you too.”
You grinned at him and leaned toward him, your lips pressing against his. "And I can't wait to see you as a papa again," you replied, your voice filled with equal parts excitement and tenderness. “You’ll be so beloved by this babe, Satoru. And I know you’ll love our child so much too.”
“I already love them,” he whispered, his smile the epitome of joy itself. “I can imagine it already. They’re moving so powerfully in your belly. I’m pretty sure they’re going to blow us all away.”
You laughed, the sound bright and full of hope. “Can you imagine, Yaga teaching this kid the way Gakuganji has taught me?”
Satoru chuckled, the thought filling him with a mix of amusement and anticipation. "Oh, that would be something to see. Another little powerhouse in the making. But you know, with our combined stubbornness and spirit, I think we’re going to have our hands full.”
"Definitely," you agreed, your eyes sparkling with joy. "But we'll manage. We always do."
He nodded, his heart swelling with love and gratitude. "Yeah, we will. Together."
"You will be," you replied firmly, your hand covering his. "We'll make it through this, Satoru. Together. We'll have the future we've always dreamed of."
He leaned in, resting his forehead against yours, drawing strength from your presence. "Thank you," he whispered. "For believing in me, in us. I don't know what I'd do without you."
"You'll never have to find out," you promised, your voice soft but resolute. "Because we're in this together, always. For better or for worse.”
Before Satoru could respond, the door to your bedroom creaked open, the sound slicing through the quiet of the night. A small figure shuffled inside, barely visible in the dim light filtering through the curtains. It was young Gojo Satoshi, his small form barely reaching the edge of the bed. He looked distressed, your little boy. Satoru’s eyes softened at the sight of your darling boy.
Clutching his favorite stuffed animal tightly to his chest, he paused at the foot of the bed, uncertainty etched on his face. You and Satoru turned towards him simultaneously, your hearts melting at the sight of your son standing there, his eyes wide and teary. His pajamas were rumpled, his hair tousled from sleep, and it was evident that something had unsettled him deeply.
"Mama, Papa," Satoshi whispered, his voice barely audible above the soft hum of the room. He took a hesitant step closer, seeking comfort in the warmth of his parents' presence.
Satoru's heart clenched with concern as he reached out a comforting hand towards Satoshi. "Come here, Satoshi." he said gently, his voice a soothing murmur. "What's wrong, my little dawn?"
Satoshi hesitated for a moment, his lower lip trembling as he struggled to find the words to articulate his fear. "I... I had a nightmare," he finally managed to say, his voice wavering with emotion. "There was a big monster... and I couldn't find you and Papa."
You exchanged a knowing glance with Satoru, silently communicating your shared concern for your son's well-being. Without a second thought, Gojo Satoru lifted the covers, creating a welcoming space between the two of you. "It's okay, dearest dawn." he reassured, his voice soft but firm. "You're safe now. Come, lie down with us."
Satoshi blinked back tears, relief flooding his features as he scrambled onto the bed. He nestled himself between you and Satoru, his small body seeking solace in the warmth and familiarity of his parents. Satoru wrapped an arm protectively around him, pulling him close, while you gently smoothed his hair, offering some tender comfort that could never be echoed in words.
"What was the monster like, Satoshi?" you asked softly, your voice a gentle lullaby in the quiet of the room.
Satoshi took a deep breath, his eyes still wide with lingering fear. "It was... big and scary," he whispered, his voice barely audible. "I... I wasn’t strong enough, mama. It was too much!”
Satoru's heart twisted with empathy as he listened to his son's words. He tightened his hold around Satoshi, his voice filled with reassurance. "Monsters aren't real, my dearest boy." he said firmly, brushing a gentle kiss on his forehead. "But even if they were, I would never let anything harm you. Papa will always protect you."
Satoshi looked up at Satoru, his eyes searching his father's face for any sign of doubt. Finding none, he nodded slowly, a flicker of relief passing over his features. "Really, Papa?"
"Really," Satoru affirmed, his voice steady and unwavering. "You're safe with us, always."
You leaned over, pressing a kiss to Satoshi's cheek. "We love you so much, sweetheart," you murmured, your voice filled with tenderness. "You're our brave little boy."
Satoshi's shoulders relaxed, the tension melting away as he nestled deeper into the embrace of his parents. "I love you too, Mama and Papa," he whispered, his eyes growing heavy with exhaustion.
"We love you more than anything." Satoru and you said in unison, their voices a gentle promise of unconditional love.
As your son Satoshi drifted off to sleep, his breathing slowing into the steady rhythm of peace, you and Satoru exchanged a soft smile. In that quiet moment, surrounded by the warmth and love of your family, you knew that together, you could weather any storm. And as the night wrapped it's comforting arms around you, you held onto each other, cherishing the precious bond that bound your hearts together.
Gojo Satoru was happiest here, he knew.
Whatever gods there are, he thanks them now.
For you and his children, will be his dearest treasures.
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In the days that followed Gojo Satoshi’s night of nightmares, life settled into a gentle rhythm once more. The worry that had momentarily clouded Satoru’s heart lifted as he watched his son regain his usual spark, chasing after Tsumiki's cat or eagerly helping with simple tasks around the house.
One evening, with the leaves dancing in the breeze outside, you and Satoru decided it was time to share some exciting news with Satoshi. The three of you gathered in the cozy living room, nestled together on the couch as the fire crackled softly in the hearth.
“Satoshi,” you began, your voice warm with anticipation. “Your papa and I have something special to tell you.”
Satoshi looked up from his coloring book, his curiosity piqued. “What is it, Mama?”
Satoru took a deep breath, a smile spreading across his face as he exchanged a meaningful glance with you. “You’re going to be an elder brother, my dearest dawn!” he announced, his voice tinged with joy.
Satoshi blinked, processing the words for a moment before his face lit up in realization. “Wait... really?” he exclaimed, his eyes widening with excitement.
You nodded, your heart swelling with happiness as you watched your son’s reaction. “Yes, really, little one.” you confirmed, reaching out to ruffle his hair affectionately. “You’re going to have a little brother or sister.”
Satoru thinks that your son will always be the morning sun.His name is just perfect. He was truly the dawn that made your lives ever so beautiful. It’s the way his smile will make him undone, it will always make him feel like the world is bigger than it actually was. When Satoshi was born, all he could think about was that he filled what was empty in Gojo Satoru’s life. And that will never change. Not even if there is a new little one coming along.
Satoru worried about telling Satoshi, because in these past four, five years — he was the only son. He had gotten doted upon as a little lordling, the only dawn in his parent’s lives. But Satoru feels glad that your son was happy. That Satoshi already loves his little sibling as much as Satoru loves this little baby in your belly already.
Satoshi’s eyes darted between you and Satoru, a thousand questions bubbling up within him. “When will the baby come?” he asked eagerly. “Will the baby be able to play with me?”
“In a few months, little dawn.” Satoru replied, his voice filled with tenderness. “But you’ll have to wait until the baby’s a bit older and stronger to play with them, hm?”
“It’s okay!” Satoshi beams tenderly. “I can wait. I’ll take care of the baby and make sure that they’ll grow up strong!”
 “You’ll be the best big brother, Satoshi. We know it.” You smiled at your son, kissing the edge of his brow. “You’re already so kind to them.”
Satoshi beamed with pride, a sense of responsibility settling over him as he realized the importance of his new role. You think that you were truly blessed — to have such an endearing little boy who wants to do nothing but good. Who wants to love as much as he can. Who wants to be as kind as he could. You could see all the good, the wonder, the beauty of your husband in your little boy. And you hope that he will grow up to be just like his father. 
“I can’t wait!” he declared, his excitement contagious. “I can’t wait to be a big brother!”
You and Satoru exchanged a glance, delighted by Satoshi's enthusiasm. The room seemed to glow with warmth and anticipation, the air buzzing with the promise of new beginnings. As Satoshi's excitement bubbled over, he jumped up from the couch and threw his arms around both of you in a tight hug, his little face radiant with joy. 
“I’ll be the best big brother out there, mama, papa! I swear!”
"You will, my little dawn," you said, squeezing him gently. "And you're going to be amazing at it."
Satoru chuckled warmly, ruffling Satoshi's hair affectionately. "What mama said is correct! You're going to be the best big brother this baby could ask for."
Satoshi grinned from ear to ear, his imagination already racing with thoughts of teaching his new sibling all the things he loved. "I'll teach them how to play jujutsu and how to be brave like Papa! I’m going to be as good as Megumi–oniichan!”
The mention of Megumi was a bit gut-wrenching. Satoru’s eyes dimmed a little, a flicker of sadness passing through them, but he continued to smile, his expression gentle yet tinged with longing. You noticed the shift in his demeanor and pursed your lips, feeling a pang of empathy for the ache he carried.
You could only hope that you and Satoru would be good enough. Good enough to create a home where Megumi would feel welcomed back, where he could find solace and warmth after all he had been through. You hoped that soon enough, Megumi would be by your side again, sharing in the joys and challenges of raising this new baby alongside you both.
Satoru glanced at you, sensing your thoughts, and reached out to gently squeeze your hand, offering silent reassurance and solidarity. He shared your hopes, your dreams of a future where their family would be whole once more. You take his hand and kiss the edge of his hand.
"I want Megumi to be a part of this too," Satoru murmured softly, his voice filled with determination. "I want him to see how much love we have to give, to watch this baby grow as he watched Satoshi grow."
You nodded, feeling a surge of determination and love for the family you were building together. "We'll make it happen," you replied firmly, your voice tinged with quiet resolve. "We'll create a home where Megumi knows he's always welcomed, always loved."
That night was filled with the tender innocence of childhood dreams and the quiet anticipation of parenthood. After tucking Satoshi into bed, his eyes bright with excitement for the sibling yet to come, you and Satoru stood together in the doorway of his room, soaking in the purity of his joy-filled imagination.
Satoshi had whispered animatedly about the adventures he envisioned sharing with the new baby—games in the backyard, secret hideouts in the attic, and bedtime stories where he would be the storyteller, just like Papa. His enthusiasm was infectious, filling the air with a palpable sense of hope and new beginnings.
You and Satoru listened with hearts full of love, cherishing these fleeting moments that held the promise of a growing family. As Satoshi's voice eventually faded into soft snores, you closed his door gently, the sound resonating with the quiet serenity of the night.
Satoru turned to you, his eyes reflecting the soft glow of the hallway light. With a tender smile, he wrapped his arms around you, pulling you close against his chest. The warmth of his embrace was reassuring, a silent affirmation of the love and unity you shared.
"I can't wait to see where happiness begins." he murmured, his voice a gentle murmur against your hair. His words held a mix of excitement and wonder, as if he was already imagining the new dynamics their family would soon embrace.
"Me too." you whispered back, leaning into his embrace. The softness of his touch, the steady beat of his heart against yours, filled you with a profound sense of gratitude and anticipation for the future.
In that moment, standing in the quiet hallway bathed in moonlight, you knew that together, you and Satoru look at each other. There was no need for anymore words. You just needed each other. You just needed this moment.
You smiled at him, and he smiles back. Just a little bit more, everything will be over. You will finally live in peace. You’ll be happy. You’ll grow old together. You believe it so. And you wish that it would be enough.
126 notes · View notes
astranva · 2 years
Andrew Garfield talking about his girlfriend for 8 minutes video
Word Count: 1.2k
Category: Fluff
Warning: None
Summary: A fan makes a YouTube video of Andrew Garfield talking about you for 8 minutes straight.
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When the news of you and Andrew dating got out three years ago, fans and the media had a field day.
It wasn’t because you were anyone famous—quite the opposite. Being someone with a normal job, you and Andrew had basked in finally going outside as a couple, and it was how adorable the pictures looked that had everyone freaking out.
One picture was of you laughing, Andrew’s arms around you from behind as he wrapped his coat around you as he wore it, a grin on his face.
Another picture was of you looking at him, eyes set on one another with his hands tangled in your hair, while the other was of him kissing you and despite the photo not being one in high quality, everyone could still see the small smirk he had as you kissed.
It was no surprise when fans posted edits of you together, and although the content they got was minimal, considering your lack of presence in interviews and public press, it was always a field day when you appeared beside him on a red carpet or when you both did as little as grab yourselves some coffee.
Andrew Garfield talking about his girlfriend y/n for 8 minutes straight
The 8-minute and 29-second video started with lofi music over an advertisement for marvel hoodies that everyone seemed to promote, before a sound of glitching television sounded and the video started.
The video started with Andrew and Zendaya’s Actor on Actor interview when they first started talking about Zendaya’s performance on Euphoria.
“Makes me want to cry. I didn’t feel like there was any acting. It felt like you were living through something in such an authentic way,” Andrew said, “And I remember I watched episode 5 with Y/N—with my girlfriend, and she was just like, ‘Andy, can you check up on Zendaya?’”
Zendaya smiled, being her usual self who got flustered at any compliment or praise, “She did text me that night, I remember.”
“She did,” he nodded, “She was so heartbroken over the episode.”
The video then moved to show Andrew during his Wired Autocomplete interview, the foam board in his hand as he took off the sticker that hid the question.
“Does Andrew Garfield sing in Tick, Tick…Boom?” He read, “So, Andrew Garfield does sing in Tick, Tick…Boom, yes. Thank you,” he answered, “I worked very, very closely with an amazing vocal coach, Liz Caplan, and all of Lin Manuel Miranda’s amazing musical direction team. They enabled me to open my voice up to the point where I could honor Jon’s songs and feel confident enough to belt them out as he always did when he was doing his one-man show,” he nodded slight, “It was a privilege to be able to learn a skill that I’ve always wanted to attain but my girlfriend wouldn’t really agree,” he chuckled, looking at the camera, “Y/N’s had enough of my singing, because every time I’d learn something new, it’d be the only thing I’d be doing around our home and she’s incredible, she has a job that she needs to focus on and rest from, but I was always there singing and annoying her,” he laughed, “She’s a gem for putting up with me.”
Another clip then played as Andrew read Buzzfeed’s thirst tweets, headphones on his ears.
“Andrew Garfield if you see this on your secret Twitter account, I’m free this weekend if you want to get lunch or drinks or something, just let me know. If you want to do it earlier, I can do dinner during the week,” he chuckled as he read the tweet, “But I’m usually busy before six,” he finished with a laugh, leaning back in his seat, “I love that. That’s very, very—I like hyper-vigilance. I like specificity of plans,” he said, “But I’m going to have to give you a rain check on that because I’m actually busy on the weekend, unless you want to join in on my girlfriend and I’s date, then it’s fine by me,” he laughed, “I can do lunch during the week though, but we’re going to have to have that at Y/N’s office because that’s where you’ll usually find me having my lunch.”
The clip then moved to Andrew on the Ellen show, getting asked about Spider-Man: No Way Home, and having to lie to people.
“Who knew? Beside your agent, who knew that you were doing this? I mean, how hard is that? To keep it to—I mean, your family knew?” Ellen asked him.
“Yeah, my dad, my brother, and my mother at the time,” he answered with a smile, “Yeah, just kind of us. It was fun to keep it secret,” he grinned, “Because you know when you’re planning a surprise birthday party for someone, and then you’re like, tell me, you know I hate surprises, but I can see it on your face that you’re just like ‘I’m not gonna tell you’,” he shook his head with his wide grin, “So it felt like I was part of organizing a surprise birthday party for a bunch of people whom I knew would appreciate it.”
“Did your girlfriend know?”
Beaming even more, “Y/N had no idea,” he said, laughing, “And—lying to the media, to the fans, that was easy and fun, but lying to my girlfriend has got to be—it was one of the most agonizing and terrible things I have ever done.”
“You lied to her for what? Two years?”
“Technically, it was a year and a few months,” Andrew pointed.
“And how—how did she take that? I’d be pretty offended.”
He laughed, shaking his head, “She wasn’t, she wasn’t. I knew she’d appreciate it because she knows how I feel about my experience with the character, and it was—I’ll tell you something,” he sat up, smiling, “It was worth every single moment where I had to tell her I was shooting for another movie when I saw her reaction when we went to watch it together,” he said, “We had to watch it again because she couldn’t really focus after I was on screen,” he laughed, “But yeah, it—it was definitely hard having to lie to her, and it definitely made her tease me about trust for a while, but she supported me throughout without even knowing.”
The clip then moved to the last one, being from a recent interview with GQ of 10 things Andrew can’t live without.
In a t-shirt and sporting a full beard, he held a silver necklace with a compass on it.
“This is a necklace with a compass on it,” he said, holding the necklace in his hands before the camera zoomed on it before it showed him again, “My girlfriend Y/N gave this to me in a period where I needed to trust the direction I was going, even if I didn’t know where I was going,” he chuckled, looking at it, “It’s become such a symbol of our relationship because in a way, to me, it feels like it navigates us both back to where we have always met, toward our common interests and our differences that initially made us attracted to each other. But she’s always been very persistent on her support for me and my journey in my career, and my journey as a person, so this necklace is just a reminder from her that the direction I’m headed in is always one I can find value in,” he smiled, “My relationship with Y/N is very essential to me. She’s just—She’s truly my person, and this necklace is a symbol of the deep connection we have with each other.”
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spicypepperjack · 1 year
Ok hear me out, but what if there was a musical universe in the Spider-Verse, in which every dialogue or scene has to be performed in a song.
Or what about an entire Spider-Verse adventure executed as a animated musical? Maybe sung-through? I can see that happening since some of the current voice actors have sang in other things (eg. Hailee Steinfeld in "Pitch Perfect", Oscar Isaac in "Inside Llewyin Davis", etc.)
Imagine Miguel singing a salsa Latin song, Penny a J-pop song, Hobie a rock/punk song, or Pavitr a Bollywood-style song, and Miles and Gwen duetting an angsty/fluff love song (or if they're solo, Miles performing a hip-hop song, and Gwen a rock ballad).
Obviously, all the music and lyrics are written by Lin-Manuel Miranda because of course he is.
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rainswhenyourehere · 5 months
starduckys -> paperweight-inshadesofgreige -> rainswhenyourehere
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now playing: forever & always by taylor swift
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hibi/wine ⋆ she/they ⋆ minor ⋆ may 11th (taurus) ⋆ aegosexual polyromantic intp-t ⋆ eest (utc +3:00) ⋆ spotify ⋆ pinterest ⋆ carrd ⋆ uquiz ⋆ hibiwine on dc (open dms!!) > old habits die screaming. > impressionist paintings of heaven. (my moodboards)
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musicals -> hamilton, beetlejuice, heathers, dear evan hansen, ride the cyclone, in the heights, into the woods, 21 chump street, the greatest showman, jesus christ superstar, six
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music k-pop -> enhypen, stray kids, xdinary heroes, boynextdoor, dxmon, tomorrow x together, new jeans, zerobaseone, cravity, &team, nine.i, fifty fifty, epex, 8turn, evnne, toz, tiot, riize, illit, vcha, beomhan other -> taylor swift, lin-manuel miranda, maisie peters, gracie abrams, conan gray, alec benjamin, laufey, sabrina carpenter, peggy, girl in red
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movies/shows -> moominvalley, heartstopper, hazbin hotel, helluva boss, pjo, wednesday, vivo, miraculous, wonka, nimona, itsv & atsv, mean girls
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animanga -> vanitas no carte, haikyuu!!, tbhk, kny, oshi no ko, wonder egg priority, the promised neverland, bsd, spy x family, mha
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books -> dark rise & dark heir, osemanverse, shusterman's books, agggtm, ella minnow pea, poison for breakfast, ink in the blood, spindlefish and stars, kiss & tell, ana on the edge, improbable magic for cynical witches, the scapegracers, eat your heart out (+more i could talk abt books for ages)
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misc -> keroppi <3 kirby <3, coffee!!, slytherin, silly goose, founding fuck, people pleaser, extroverted introvert, social anxiety !!! , depression, angst > fluff, folklore & midnights my loves, mint choco>>>, if we're moots ur my family now. i love you. /p
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dni : homophobes, transphobes, ableists, racists etc., -12, empty blogs
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🍉 this blog stands with palestine!! 🍉
blue daisy dividers by @/adornedwithlight. star dividers with lines by @/saradika-graphics. sunoo dividers by me, pictures taken from pinterest.
moots <33 : @bribery-muffins @abodyhasbeenfound @charmedoralarmed @jittyjames @my-genuine-reaction999 i'd tag more but social anxiety's not rly. on my side tonight.
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ratatoastwrites · 20 days
dude i just found your blog and i’m obsessed with your writing style PLEASE MORE SPENCER REID I BEG
aww omg tysm 🥹❤️‍🩹
I actually wasn’t sure if I wanted to continue writing for him, but then an idea came to me today like a vision, so now you made me want to share it with the class lol 🧚‍♀️
So, basically it would probably either be a longer fic or a multi chapter one, idk yet
And like I usually don’t write longer stuff like that cuz I have commitment issues, but this one is calling my name like Hamilton called Lin Manuel Miranda’s 🗣️
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(jeez i just realised that i wrote man instead of men lmao)
(also fun fact i picked the title from the song genie in a bottle cuz im lame and unoriginal)
The only issue I have is that I’m only on s3 of cm so I would need to do a LOT of research first lmao, so I wanted to ask if y’all would even be interested in the idea xoxo also i just simply cannot promise that it’s going to be very lore accurate but hhhhhhhhhh idk idk
OH BTW I DO KNOW THAT HE ISN’T IN CM EVOLUTION, I just thought that it would be fun to imagine that this is what he’s been up to lmao 🫡
there would be smut (ofc), probably hella angst, possibly some fluff and also probably some more violent themes (cuz it is technically about a case yk)
ALSO i’m not telling y’all if reader is actually the unsub or not ✨🥰
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writebackatya · 10 months
Was tagged by @justaboot in a post with a lot of questions, let's do this!
how many fics do you have on ao3?
what's your total ao3 word count?
159,641 words. but let's be real, a good chunk of them are song lyrics.
what fandoms do you write for?
DuckTales (2017)
what are your top five fics by kudos?
Rainbow Connections
Home for the Holidays!
Moon with a View!
Let's All Go to the Movies!
do you respond to comments? why or why not?
For the most part, yes. I try my best to get back to people's comments, especially if they have questions. But sometimes I just don't have the energy when I wish I did
what's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I'd say the ending to F.O.W.L. Play! from Indi-Quack! might be the angstiest. Nothing like ending a story where you go through the morning routine of one FOWL employee and finding out she keeps her sanity by getting high with another underpaid employee who works her ass off a minimum wage and is also not happy where she is in life
what's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
hard to choose since I almost always go for the happy ending route. I think any of the stories for Home for the Holidays! could be the answer to this one cause those stories are nothing but holiday and winter fluff.
do you get hate on your fics?
it happens but not often. the first time I ever got hate was from a Della hater troll and they seem to be the only one who leaves hate on my fics
do you write smut?
no, but I've thought about it before. I don't mind sex in a story, but I don't know if I'm the right person to write that kind of stuff in a story. Honestly, the only reason why I wanna write smut is because I've plenty of jokes that I think are funny that would only work in a smut story
do you write crossovers? what's the craziest one you've ever written?
kinda??? would you consider having characters from various Duck media that never appeared in DuckTales 2017 crossover stuff? Heck I've got a couple of Della Duck stories in the works where she interacts with Mickey and Friends and I don't know if that should be considered a crossover
have you ever had a fic stolen?
no. thanks guys!
have you ever had a fic translated?
no, but that'd be neat!
have you ever cowritten a fic before?
no, but that is something I wouldn't mind doing some day
what's your all time favorite ship?
Of all time!? I don’t know. I love love
what's a wip you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
Oh so many: An Act of Murder!, Back in the Game!, F.O.W.L. Play!, The Iron Duck of Steel: The Gizmoduck Movie, Part I!, The Spear of Selene, and Thanks for the Memories!. I've just been working on these for so long that it feels like I'll never finish any of them
what are your writing strengths?
when I'm in the mood to write I can really write, I like to think my dialogue is interesting, characterization, and I'd say my rapid fire humor
what are your writing weaknesses?
I'm a terrible planner, I don't write stuff down, I keep stuff in my head like it's the best storage place, I underestimate how big some stuff will be, I don't allow myself to just write
thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
I've mainly used Google Translate for other languages such as Jose and Panchito's dialogue in The Three Cabablleros (and Della)!. But for Let's All Go to the Movies! I got my buddy @tokuvivor to translate a conversation between Fenton and Gosalyn. Honestly, one of my favorite parts of that story and I think tokuvivor translating it himself adds to the joke. Both Lin-Manuel Miranda and Stephanie Beatriz both know Spanish, so having someone who can help me translate my dialogue so that it can sound natural and be a bonus to bilingual speakers just makes me happy beyond comprehension
I will say I did use Google Translate for that story, but for English! So for the Fight Fighters game I wanted to get that badly translated English feel for the dialogue so for pretty much every dialogue in the game was translated to Japanese and then back to English. Except the line "Now I will kill you until you die from it!", that comes from the movie Hot Shots! Part Deux
first fandom you wrote for?
...Sonic. it was a phase, i have no strong opinions about that blue hedgehog these days I mean I guess his games are...fine? The cast of characters are...pretty cool, I like Tails I guess.
favorite fic you've ever written?
hard to say, but I think I'd put Indi-Quack!, Rainbow Connections, Let's All go to the Movies! in the top spot
I choose to tag: @tokuvivor, @imjustusingthistolikeartists, if they choose to answer these questions
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This is a family friendly/PG/mostly SFW (mostly because I occasionally reblog stuff with violence/gore, swearing, and intense whump lol) blog, so please keep that in mind when interacting! Any NSFW interactions will be blocked.
I am also an unashamed Christian!
Things to know about me:
FIRST THINGS FIRST, I am a proud member of the Rogue Squadron, so jot that down >:)))
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(basically, we like to spam our friends for fun. so you might see me spamming the replies and even reblogging several posts in a row)
Second, I write fanfics :))) I have fics for Hamilton, Star Wars, ATLA, Marvel, Wednesday, the Phantom of the Opera, Les Misérables, and One Piece. Drop by if you want to HERE!
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Genres I write: Fluff, friendship, healing, hurt/comfort, whump, angst, romance
and here's my YouTube where I post my edits!
And my Artfight account HERE!
Here's things I enjoy:
Writing, Musicals, Books, good wholesome comedy, chocolate, pretty gifsets, editing videos, etc.!
Things I'm posting a lot about ATM:
One Piece, The Phantom of the Opera, musicals in general, Star Wars, writing related stuff, random stuff I find funny, and Christian things.
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And Things I like!:
The Phantom of the Opera, One Piece, HTTYD (including all the series and the third movie), Les Misérables, Cobra Kai, Studio C, Jk! Studios, their Freelancers series, Manifest, Wednesday, the Addams Family, His Dark Materials (the show), Avatar: The Last Airbender, My Adventures with Superman, Star Wars (excluding sequel trilogy sorry), Spider-Man (personal fave are the TASM and Spiderverse movies), Back to the Future, Over The Garden Wall, Daredevil, Batfam (Wayne Family Adventures!), NBC'S Timeless, Wings of Fire, The Chronicles of Narnia, The Hobbit, Artemis Fowl, Ducktales (2017), Hamilton, Newsies, Anastasia, Lego: Ninjago, TMNT (2012), Harry Potter, and more that I cannot remember right now!
Where I am considering some of these fandoms:
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I am a Hadley!Raoul, Book!Raoul—and Raoul de Chagny in general—defender, and a Raoulstine shipper (BUT I love the Phantom/Erik and do not dislike him by any means 🥺), and I don't really like Love Never Dies much. I'm a Tyler Galpin apologist but NOT an Xavier Thorpe hater. I also love the Star Wars original trilogy and the prequel trilogy, but not really the sequels. I don't hate the third HTTYD movie and I love all the HTTYD series. My favorite Spider-Man movies are the TASM ones, and Andrew Garfield is my fav Spider-Man/Peter Parker. Yes I love both Narnia and His Dark Materials.
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Ships I love:
Hiccstrid (HTTYD), Raoulstine (Phantom of the Opera), Zekeaela (Manifest), Silverparry (His Dark Materials), Wyler/Weyler (Wednesday), Petroclair (Wednesday), Clois (My Adventures With Superman), Peter and Gwen (TASM), Jaya (Ninjago), Lyatt (Timeless), Gomez and Morticia (The Addams Family)
Raoul de Chagny, Roronoa Zoro, Peter Parker, Matt Murdock, Tyler Galpin, Grantaire
YouTubers I watch:
Andrew Burriss, DanTDM, The Merrell Twins, Aaron Burriss, Moriah Elizabeth, and Sam Tabor
Some other people I'm a fan of:
Hadley Fraser, Ramin Karimloo, Andrew Garfield, Charlie Cox, The entire cast of Jk! Studios (aka the OG Studio C cast), David Tennant, Lin-Manuel Miranda, Jeremy Jordan
Fandoms I've written for so far (and the links to their respective lists):
Hamilton: An American Musical
Star Wars
not a fandom, but here's link to my list of fics for the Chrumblr Whumblr challenge!
More lists to come!
Here's some fics I have in progress!
WOE IS WE (Wednesday)
(rogue squadron banner by @mrgartist! and Raoul de Chagny defense squad GIFs made by @faded-florals!!)
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Personal tags: #asterrisks, #longer asterrisks, #favorite asterrisks, #asterrisks in the tagses, #my writings, #aster's writing journey, #my editses, #aster's inbox, #was tagged, #by my friend, #my photography!
Other tags: #I like the funnies, #me, #astercore, #note to aster, #note to little aster
#writer problems, #that writer's life, #writing/literature, #writing references, #writing prompts, #fanfic writing references, #fanfic prompts,
#whump writing, #whump writing references, whump, whump art, whump prompts, whump writings/whump stories
#for future reference, #adulting, #parenting, #important, #awareness, #educational
#i need to add this to my commonplace book, #to watch, #video posts, #audio posts
#fic recs, #to read, #tumblr writings (original stories), #tumblr fics (fanfics only on Tumblr), #tumblr stories (real life stories), #comics
#classic Tumblr, #wholesome, #little wonders, #ow my hubris, #SORRY SIMPING HOURS
My Archive
Notifs Dashboard
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linnamonrolls0 · 9 months
can u write lmm x reader fluff for new years pleaseeeee also happy holidays if u celebrate!!!
Happy Holidays back at you! x 🥰
I’ll try to get another sweet little drabble piece done before the year is out (so lmk if you have any specific prompts…)
But in the meantime I just posted this little bit of festive Christmas fluff that’ll hopefully tide you over - https://archiveofourown.org/works/52560493
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linmanwe11 · 8 months
Hey I’m the anon who asked if you’re still taking requests and I forgot… oh wait, I remember.
~ Fluff, Lin-Manuel Miranda x Fem!Reader 🩷 ~
Prompt: Fem!Reader gets hurt at work by falling off a high ladder, and it results in her having a bad limp, a few bruises and a few cuts. It can happen…! Okay?? She comes home and Lin notices immediately. Y/N can’t hide the pain no matter how hard she tries. “I swear I’m—OW—fine, babe.” Lin’s not buying it. He gently and slowly helps Y/N to the couch and then he leaves to get the first-aid kit. I’ll let you write the rest.
(It’s okay if you don’t want to write this)
That sounds so cute, omg. I’ll definitely get on that ASAP!! <33
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ao3feed-brucewayne · 1 year
Moments That the Words Don't Reach
by Nation_Ustria *Major spoilers for Lin-Manuel Miranda's Hamilton* Things still aren't the greatest between Jason and the rest of the Bats, but they're good enough that Tim manages to get Jason to come to family movie night. Jason is the resident theater kid, after all, and Tim is making them all watch Hamilton after discovering that exactly none of them have seen it. It starts out okay. Unfortunately, there are more than just a few lines that end up hitting pretty hard... and Tim might have forgotten to consider how watching the protagonist's son die in the protagonist's arms might affect some people. At least everything turned out okay (or better, even) in the end? >Or, the Batfamily watches Hamilton, and it inflicts emotional damage. Words: 2282, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English Fandoms: Batman - All Media Types, DCU (Comics), Batman (Comics) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: Gen Characters: Bruce Wayne, Dick Grayson, Jason Todd, Cassandra Cain, Tim Drake, Stephanie Brown, Damian Wayne, Alfred Pennyworth Relationships: Jason Todd & Bruce Wayne, Stephanie Brown & Cassandra Cain & Tim Drake & Dick Grayson & Jason Todd & Damian Wayne, Tim Drake & Jason Todd, Dick Grayson & Jason Todd, Batfamily Members & Jason Todd Additional Tags: Batfamily (DCU), Batfamily Dynamics (DCU), Batfamily (DCU) Feels, Domestic Batfamily (DCU), Batfamily Angst (DCU), Batfamily-centric (DCU), Father-Son Relationship, Bruce Wayne is a Good Parent, Bruce Wayne is Bad at Feelings, Bruce Wayne Tries to Be a Good Parent, Bruce Wayne Needs a Hug, Jason Todd Needs A Hug, Jason Todd Deserves Better, Good Sibling Dick Grayson, Good Sibling Tim Drake, Good Sibling Cassandra Cain, Good Sibling Stephanie Brown, Damian Wayne Has a Heart, Batfamily Need A Hug (DCU), Hamilton Lyrics, The Batfamily (DCU) Watch Hamilton, and it causes emotional damage!, Movie Night, Lazarus Pit Madness (DCU), mostly in the form of a Titan's Tower mention, Tim Drake is a Menace, Dysfunctional Relationships, Jason Todd is Bad at Feelings, Crying, Panic Attacks, Hamilton spoilers, Basically Bruce has a bad time when Philip dies, and that finally gets the idea that Bruce does still love Jason through the Pit Madness, they're all trying your honor, they're just also all messes, Y'all would not believe how many lines in this musical can cause the Batfam Pain, and I am making them listen to all of them, Tim just wanted to have a movie night, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, POV Multiple, Angst and Feels, Angst with a Happy Ending, Hopeful Ending, Timeline What Timeline, Family Feels, Popcorn, Alfred Pennyworth is the Best, Theater Nerd Jason Todd, Title from a Hamilton Song, Fluff and Angst, there is in fact fluff, Grief/Mourning, Implied/Referenced Character Death, one guess whose, Jason Todd Has Issues, You do not need to be familiar with Hamilton to understand what's happening, but I will admit that it helps, does this count as a song fic? via https://ift.tt/zNcXlZY
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snowlessknitter · 2 years
The Masked Singer: S9 E1 Commentary
Well, another season of The Masked Singer is kicking off tonight, and I’m back with my guesses. I have not watched any sneak peek performances in the lead up to this season, so I am going in to this season with a metaphorical blindfold as far as my guesses are concerned! Yes, this show is total fluff, but I don’t mind a little fluff once a week. I just hope for a more competitive season this time.
As always, I write these guesses as I’m watching the show and I always post before seeing any unmaskings. Do not take these as spoilers!
Mustang 🐎: First clues of the season. References to rings, collaborated with “Elvis”, has cheated death more than once, a bird’s nest with three eggs. Definitely a woman. I was thinking Lisa Marie Presley (this season would have been taped a couple of months before her January death), as she was married four times, engaged five times (her engagement to Jon Oszajca ended without them marrying), was Elvis Presley’s daughter, and had three surviving children (her son predeceased her by suicide, and she is survived by three daughters). The only things that would keep me from guessing her are the Mustang’s vocal tone (her voice sounded a little higher than what I remember Lisa Marie’s voice sounding like) and the cheating death part. (I could find no close brushes with death before her actual death in January.) I don’t have a better guess right now.
Gnome 🧙‍♂️: A monarch butterfly, has worked with Robin Williams, Ben Stiller, Lin-Manuel Miranda…we saw Tony Danza on a trophy. Sounds like an older man. May have earned a Kennedy Center Honor. The Tony Danza on a Trophy could be a reference to a Tony Award. The judges’ guess of Dustin Hoffman makes the most sense, the only thing is that he’s never won a Tony…but he was nominated for one. Mel Brooks is another possibility, but his singing voice is not that deep and is raspier.
Medusa 🐍: A set of scales, a tattoo of a heart reading “True Love”, a picture of Buckingham Palace. Might have performed at the Super Bowl, and may have been a guest judge or competed on The Masked Dancer. I’m a bit stumped, but my first guess is Jordin Sparks, who performed the national anthem at the Super Bowl the year after she won American Idol and also competed on The Masked Dancer. But it doesn’t sound like her. And most of the British singers the judges mentioned tend to sing in their accents. This person clearly doesn’t sing with a noticeable foreign accent. I’m sticking with Jordin Sparks for now.
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the-amazing-simp · 2 years
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I posted 375 times in 2022
That's 375 more posts than 2021!
164 posts created (44%)
211 posts reblogged (56%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 207 of my posts in 2022
Only 45% of my posts had no tags
#andrew garfield x reader - 113 posts
#tasm fanfiction - 112 posts
#andrew garfield fanfiction - 112 posts
#tasm smut - 111 posts
#andrew!peter parker x reader - 110 posts
#tasm!peter parker - 108 posts
#tasm!spiderman x reader - 107 posts
#andrew garfield smut - 106 posts
#tasm!peter fluff - 105 posts
#tasm!peter x you - 103 posts
Longest Tag: 51 characters
#the folks at the emmys better give the award to him
My Top Posts in 2022:
Hi! could you add me (@shaded-echoes-recs) to your tasm!peter (and andrew garfield if you have one) taglist? Also, could you do an AG x reader where famous!r (an actress, singer-songwriter as well but mostly an actress) ends up accidentally outing her crush on AG in an interview (ex tonight show) and it turns out her most recent single (abt crushing on someone who doesn't know her) was about him and then they end up working on a film together & shes embarrased but he likes her and they date?pls!
The Slip-up | A.G.
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📝 Title: The Slip-up (x actress/singer-songwriter!reader)
📚 Requested: Yes/No
✍ Summary: Let's face it, even celebrities have celebrity crushes. But what if you had accidentally let slip your little crush on Andrew Garfield in an interview? | 2.6k
Love knows no bounds and even celebrities have celebrity crushes.
And to say that you simply adored and admired Andrew Garfield would be the understatement of the century.
You were literally one of his biggest fans.
And after a quiet Monday morning, one of your biggest dreams had come true.
“Good morning, I am speaking to Y/N L/N, right?” A voice said as soon as you picked up the call.
“Yep.” You answered nonchalantly, stirring your coffee, you hadn’t auditioned for anything so far so you didn't know what this call was for, “This is she.”
“So, I’m Lin-Manuel Miranda.” The voice introduced, “Since you’re this amazing actress and singer-songwriter and you were highly recommended by one of our cast members - I was wondering if you’d be interested in starring in a romance musical?”
You nearly spewed out your coffee, not believing in the slightest that the director of Tick, Tick… Boom! was casting you, “That would literally be a dream come true! Thank you so much for this opportunity! And is it okay if I also get to know who highly recommended me so that I could thank them too?”
“Um,” Lin trailed off for a bit, as if talking to someone else on the other end of the line, “for now, the person wishes to remain anonymous - but, I’m sure you’ll get to know them really well once we start the shooting.”
“Okay then,” you smiled, “Thank you, again, so much for this wonderful opportunity and I can’t wait to start.”
The next day, your manager delivered the script to your house and you swear that you could’ve fainted once you took a look at the cast list.
Immediately picking up your phone and ringing up your manager, you asked, “Please reassure me that you didn’t by any chance give me the wrong script.”
You could practically hear her smile as she answered, “Now when I have done that to you? I’m guessing that you’re over the moon with who your co-star, or rather leading man, is?”
You couldn’t stop the heat that rose up to grace your cheeks, “Maybe?”
She chuckled, “C’mon, like you don’t gush on about him all the time, especially when we’re alone.”
“Fine.” You giggled, “This is literally the best day of my life.”
A beat of silence followed before you spoke up, “You anticipated this call didn’t you?”
Another laugh came, “Let’s just say that I had an inkling as to how you would react.”
“Oh and remember that you have to head to the recording studio later today to record your new single.” She reminded.
“Yep. I don’t have anything else today, so I won’t forget that.” You said.
“How’re you feeling?” Your makeup artist asked as she put the finishing touches on your look for your interview.
You shrugged, taking a deep breath, “Well, it’s always nerve wracking before a show or an interview, you just kind of forget it once you’re already doing it.”
You were then brought backstage, where you waited for your cue to enter the studio.
“Now let us welcome an amazing actress and singer-songwriter, Y/N L/N!” Jimmy announced to the already buzzing crowd.
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465 notes - Posted March 4, 2022
The Letter underneath the Bed | TASM!Peter Parker
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📝 Title: The Letter underneath the Bed
📚 Requested: Yes/No
✍ Summary: You had spilled your feelings for Peter in a letter, not knowing that it would still reach it one day. | 2.6k
💌 Inspired by the line "In a box beneath my bed, is a letter that you've never read." from Tim McGraw by Taylor Swift.
Peter Parker was amazing at a lot of things - but figuring out whether you returned his romantic feelings for you or not is one of them.
You had been his best friend for as long as you could remember.
Wherever he went, you go too.
When Peter’s parents left him with Aunt May and Uncle Ben - you told your parents that your sole birthday wish was to move to the house next to Aunt May’s. Thankfully, your wish had been granted.
Ever since, you and Peter had been practically inseparable.
“Peter!” Aunt May called out from the bottom of the staircase, “Y/N is here! Hurry up or the both of you will be late for school.”
“Coming!” Peter called from the top, shouldering his backpack before almost running down the stairs.
He kissed Aunt May on the cheek, giving a rather rushed “See you later!”
Peter then headed to the door where you were patiently waiting for him with a smile.
“Ready to go?” He asked.
You chuckled, “I wasn’t the one running down the stairs this morning.”
Peter made a face at you before breaking out into a run, “Last one that gets to school pays for lunch!”
“No fair!” You whined, running after him, “You got a head start!”
The two of you always headed to school together, which caused some rumors to circulate that the two of you were dating.
Well, the rumors haven’t reached you or Peter yet.
Not for long though.
Even if Peter had a head start, you still managed to outrun him - maybe because you had pushed him a bit when you had caught up, but that didn’t matter.
You were sitting with Gwen and her boyfriend waiting as Peter got lunch for the both of you.
“Okay,” Gwen said, suddenly cutting her conversation with her boyfriend short, “Y/N, I thought you were my best friend - why didn’t you tell me?”
“Well, aside from Peter, you are my best friend. And I have no idea what you're talking about. What didn't I tell you?" You asked, giving her a puzzled look.
She gave an exasperated sigh, "Do you seriously have no idea? The whole school is practically talking about it."
"Talking about what exactly?" You were getting more confused with every passing moment.
Gwen leaned forward, speaking in a whisper-shout, "That you and Peter are officially dating!"
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468 notes - Posted February 8, 2022
perhaps…you and peter both being touch starved so when you start dating it’s so many cuddles, so much hand holding, always being near the other but never clingy👉👈
I can just imagine how adorable this is 🥺. If you want me to write this into a full fic - just let me know 👀
If somebody asked you and Peter who was more "touch starved" between the two of you. Both of you would probably just look at each other, laugh before saying that its both.
Ever since you started dating, Peter just couldn't keep his hands off of you. Literally.
He always needed to have an arm around your waist, a hand (or even just a finger) interlocked with yours, or just being near you in general.
Not that you minded anyway. You were just the same, if not worse.
Now, it was a nice Saturday night, you and Peter decided to take a small break from your homework to watch a little movie while being cuddled up on the couch.
The deadline wasn't in two days anyway.
Honestly, neither of you were paying any attention to the movie at all.
Peter was just quietly running his hands through your hair while you were busy drawing random patterns on his arms.
No words needed to be exchanged for the two of you to say how much you loved each other, how much you cherished each other.
A single touch was more than enough.
@beloved-bucky, @hunnybunimdun, @andrewgarfield2022, @jasmin7813, @andrewgarfieldsbae, @spxiiee, @shaded-echoes-recs, @holy-macncheese-balls
522 notes - Posted March 16, 2022
Hello! I was wondering if you could do a fic with andrew garfield where you have a abusive relationship with your toxic boyfriend and your super close with andrew and he tells you “I could be a better boyfriend than him” (like the dove cameron song) while you are kinda like cheating on your ex?
I completely understand if not! Thanks for your time and have a amazing day!
Better Boyfriend than Him | (TASM) Peter Parker
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📝 Title: Better Boyfriend than Him
📚 Requested: Yes/No
✍ Summary: Peter will always be there to protect you, always. | 2.5k
🧧 Warnings: Abusive boyfriend, physical violence, mentions of physical violence, toxic relationship, bruises, mentions of a restraining order
💌 I kind off forgot to write about the "cheating part" and I was already 2.4k words in when I realized that - but, I hope you enjoy the fic nevertheless 😊 Anyway, Happy Valentines day everyone!
Peter learned that there were certain pros and cons of not admitting your feelings for your best friend.
Being able to preserve his long-lasting friendship with said best friend is one of the pros.
But the cons? He had to suffer the pain of watching the girl he loved on the arm of a guy who wasn’t him.
And they say that all is fair in love and war, right?
You sighed in front of the bathroom mirror, gripping the compact containing concealer tightly in your hand. You had two more bruises to cover up on your face and your long sleeved blouse would take care of the ones on your arms.
You knew that this was wrong. You knew that you should tell someone about it, especially Peter. But you can’t.
Mark had threatened that if you told anyone about it - he would hurt Peter.
Not that Peter couldn’t defend himself, he’s Spiderman for crying out loud, he swings from building to building and fights literal criminals that the police can’t even catch. Max wouldn’t stand a chance against him.
But the mere thought of your best friend (and the guy who your heart really belonged to) getting hurt was enough to get your mouth to shut.
You had promised to hang out with Peter at the bodega near school, starting to apply the concealer on your bruises - you knew that you had to hurry.
When you had arrived at the bodega, Peter was boredly skating around - eyes immediately lighting up the moment he saw you.
Next thing you knew, he had engulfed you into a hug with a smile that reached from ear to ear.
“Cookie,” he smiled, the childhood nickname floating delightfully in the air, “how are you?”
“Bug boy,” You chuckled, “we just saw each other in all of our classes this morning.”
“So?” He said, “I wanted to know how you are now.”
“Well, I’m doing fine, if that’s what you wanted to know.” You said.
Being the overprotective and loving best friend he is, Peter then asked, “How about Mark? Is he treating you well?”
You gave a nervous chuckle trying to give him a reassuring smile, “Yeah, he’s fine. He’s doing amazing.”
“Treating you like how you deserve to be treated?”
“Of course Peter, he’s my boyfriend not some kidnapper taking me hostage while waiting for ransom.”
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555 notes - Posted February 14, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Laurie’s Beloved | T.L.
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📝 Title: Laurie’s Beloved
📚 Requested: Yes/No
✍ Summary: After losing a bet to Jo, Laurie has to write a letter to you. But what happens when you find the letter and think it’s for someone else? | 1.3k
“Jo, please I’ll do anything else.” Laurie begged as Jo held a triumphant smile.
“Rules are rules, Teddy. This is what you agreed to.” Jo reminded him.
“Please Jo, have mercy on me.” He pleaded, giving the girl a look.
Jo shook her head, “Nope.”
“Now what’s all this fuss about?” Meg asked as she reached the bottom of the stairs.
“Teddy won’t keep his part of the bet.” Jo said.
“Meg you have to help me!” Laurie said, walking to the eldest March sister.
Meg raised a questioning brow, “What’s his part of the bet?”
Jo smiled, knowing she had found an ally, “Since he lost the bet he has to write a love letter to his dear Y/N. Only now, he refuses to.”
A small smile reached Meg’s lips, “Well Laurie, a deal’s a deal.”
Laurie glared at the both of them, “You’ve got to be joking! I swear all of you are teamed up on this.”
It took him a week to finish the letter. Not because he found it hard to pour out his feelings for you. But because he wanted to find the right, the perfect words to express just how much he loves you and how much you mean the world to him.
“Happy now?” He asked, handing the fresh letter to a beaming Jo.
“A bit.” She cooed as she read the letter upon Laurie’s request to improve anything that would embarrass him - especially grammatical and spelling errors.
“What do you think?” Laurie asked nervously as the silence grew, “Is it bad?”
Jo shook her head, giving him a smile, “Surprisingly, it’s rather wonderful. Did you have some kind of poet write this?”
He furrowed his brows, “No. I wrote that myself.”
“Hm.” Jo hummed, giving the letter another look through, “There’s only one thing missing then.”
“What’s that?” Laurie asked.
Jo’s smile seemed almost wicked, “To give it to her.”
Once she had uttered this words, she stood up and dashed in the direction of your house.
Fear started to run through Laurie’s veins as he chased after Jo.
But, Jo was faster than him and arrived at your door within minutes.
She quickly rapped a knock on your door, clutching the letter behind her back while Laurie stood by the side, horrified.
Just as his luck was getting worse, you were the one who opened the door.
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662 notes - Posted August 4, 2022
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