#Lisa Cortes
stillunusual · 11 months
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Little Richard: I Am Everything @ Mooby Aribau, Barcelona 5/11/2023
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travsd · 10 months
Little Richard: I Am Everything
We first posted on “Little Richard” Penniman (1932-2020) back in 2012, and have had occasion to mention the long, tall shadow he cast on American music over 50 times on Travalanche. As a teenager I used to play his already ancient records for hours. He was very much still alive then (the early ’80s) and still a frequent sight on television and even in films, although for the most part, his…
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randomrichards · 5 months
The long, hard journey
To put black men into space
A hard won battle
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pygartheangel · 1 year
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greensparty · 1 year
Movie Review - Little Richard: I Am Everything
In May 2020, rock pioneer Little Richard died at 87. He, along with Chuck Berry, were among the founding fathers of rock ‘n’ roll music. My Dad was a fan when he was a teen, so I learned a little about Little Richard and his music as I was getting into music. Since so much of his music was popular in the 1950s, tons and tons of the musicians who followed in the 1960s were highly influenced by Little Richard, i.e. The Rolling Stones, Bob Dylan (who said in his high school yearbook his future goal was “to follow Little Richard”), and obviously The Beatles. Little Richard also discovered Jimi Hendrix, when a young Hendrix was the guitarist in Little Richard’s backing band The Upsetters and he even recorded a little with him too. I mostly learned about Little Richard through the artists I liked at the time: he did back up vocals on an extended mix of U2 and B.B. King’s “When Love Comes to Town”, guest vocals on Living Colour’s “Elvis is Dead”, and appearing in the music video for Cinderella’s “Shelter Me”. But I digress. Now Little Richard is getting the documentary treatment in Little Richard: I Am Everything. After a Sundance premiere in January, it opened in a limited theatrical release this week before a wider and digital release on April 21.
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movie poster
Filmmaker Lisa Cortés had the challenge of making a doc about Little Richard without modern-day interviews with Little Richard, just archival interviews. What she has is some incredible archival interviews as well as interviews with Mick Jagger, Billy Porter, Tom Jones, Nile Rogers, John Waters, and numerous experts. The doc shows his early beginnings in Macon, GA and how shocking and devastating his early performances were in terms of sexual references within popular music at that time. The doc also addresses his sexuality. He had relationships with both men and women, and later renounced his being gay for religious reasons, but did not abandon support for the gay community. Whatever he identified as, it is made very clear that Little Richard broke a glass ceiling for gay performers. It also makes reference to him being the “architect of rock and roll” and how he, Chuck Berry and Bo Diddley created something that was then taken by white musicians. The influence he had is made loud and clear: David Bowie told producer Nile Rogers he wanted his Let’s Dance album to sound like a picture of Little Richard in his Cadillac. The Beatles opened for Little Richard in Hamburg and truly looked up to him (archival interviews with Paul McCartney are show). Just about any number of musicians owe a thing or two to him. 
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The Beatles in awe of Little Richard circa 1962
This doc reminded me a lot of last year’s David Bowie doc Moonage Daydream, because it showed the essence of that musician who is now deceased as being stardust that was sprinkled throughout the galaxy and leaving an impact we are still experiencing today. While the Moonage Daydream used the space motif more effectively (tying into Bowie’s persona and space-themed songs to), this one got its point across. I appreciated this doc as it is a trailblazer finally getting his music doc treatment he deserves! 
For info on Little Richard: I Am Everything: https://www.magpicturesinternational.com/little-richard
3.5 out of 5 stars
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thecurvycritic · 2 years
Little Richard: I Am Everything Digs Deep into the Lineage of a Legend
I encountered Little Richard one time in my life and it was unforgettable as is the astounding documentary from the amazing Lisa Cortés. #littlerichardiameverything #sundance2023
Shortly after moving to Los Angeles, I made a trip to the post office in my neighborhood.  After waiting for an excruciating long period of time, I noticed an elderly gentleman with makeup and and a pompadour wig enter with a bedazzled cane and sunglasses.  After a few seconds, I also notice he is headed to the front of the line. He notices me glaring then turns around and yells, “Shut up.”  I…
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thequeereview · 1 year
Exclusive Interview: Little Richard I Am Everything filmmaker Lisa Cortés "it was important to give him agency to be the narrator of his journey"
Little Richard: I Am Everything, released in US theaters and on digital on Friday, April 21st, sees Oscar-nominated and Emmy-winning director Lisa Cortés excavate the Black queer origins of rock ‘n’ roll with Richard Penniman, aka Little Richard, as its “architect”. The fascinating and often thrilling film, which world premiered in the US Documentary Competition section at the 2023 Sundance Film…
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garudabluffs · 1 year
Little Richard, the Architect of Rock n' Roll
April 19, 2023
Little Richard was a larger-than-life entertainer and personality which is captured by the new documentary, “Little Richard: I Am Everything.” We speak with the film’s director, Lisa Cortes.
LISTEN 18:58 READ MORE Transcript https://www.wnycstudios.org/podcasts/takeaway/segments/little-richard-architect-rock-n-roll
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anhed-nia · 5 months
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I was delighted to learn that there was a crazy-girl Black Swan movie from before BLACK SWAN, and disappointed that it's exactly as mysogynistic, just in a much dumber way. We're all familiar with the John Hughes model of romance, in which girls who reject you just want you to be increasingly persistent and controlling--but there's a sort of kid brother to this framework, that says that when women reject you it's actually because they're literally fucking insane, and they need your help with that. In the movie ETOILE aka BALLET, Jennifer Connelly aka the most beautiful woman in the universe plays a ballerina whose psychotic obsession with Swan Lake interferes with her non-relationship with some little dweeb who decides he's entitled to her. The guy looks and kind of acts like the wormy new wave guy Chuck in RETURN OF THE LIVING DEAD (fig. 1), but in ROTLD that used car salesman suit is a joke so I don't know what the makers of ETOILE think I'm supposed to feel when I look at this asshole (fig. 2). Something positive, apparently. It's funny, in my life I live firmly in the Ugly Girl camp and I have all the usual neuroses about it, but certain situations unlock this protectiveness about beautiful women--case in point, watching this jerk kiss Jennifer Connelly. I mean if he were like Bud Cort or someone with that Funny Valentine quality, who is warm and charming, then it would be fine, but with this low-end cretin it's really like...sir, please back away from Jennifer Connelly. This is not for you.
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In this movie Jennifer Connelly is frankly way too good for this guy, and if this were real life, it would make perfect sense that she's polite to him and then gives him the brush-off when he pushes his luck; but of course, in the fantasy world of this movie, the reason she rejects him is that she's fucking possessed or something and she's just waiting for him to rescue her from her feminine irrationality. This is extra funny because the script itself directly references the myth of Apollo and Daphne which is like the original version of this: Daphne just wants to be left alone, but Apollo assumes his advances are desirable no matter what she has to say about it; to get away from him she transforms into a tree, and he's so sad about it that he desecrates her corpse weaves a wreath from her leaves. This is really the ultimate reflection of a man refusing to believe that a particular hot chick really, genuinely doesn't want him, but ETOILE isn't capable of figuring out that subtext, so the guy just forces himself on Jennifer Connelly until she isn't "crazy" anymore. Bonus points for the scene where he repeatedly screams at her to stop dancing, because there's really no bigger threat to romance than a woman's career and personal interests.
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I wish I could think of more examples of this trope, I know they're out there, and I did just see another one called FEMME FATALE where Lisa Zane marries Colin Firth and then "mysteriously" leaves him, so he has to go on this whole odyssey to retrieve her. This is a particularly funny example because Firth is mopey and boring and untalented and a bad listener and out of shape and a drag, and Zane is this turbulent sexpot who is making it really obvious that she's not satisfied with him right up to the point that she "strangely" vanishes. Spoilers ahead I guess but the first thing Firth finds out is that she was in some psychotic art film by a militant lesbian who she used to date...and still the spurned husband thinks, nah, it CAN'T be that I'm boring and sappy and self-centered and I ignore her needs, and it ALSO CAN'T be that maybe she secretly prefers girls or is, at the very least, way more sexually exotic than I am. There has to be some OTHER reason I got dumped, something that involves me pursuing this uninterested woman to the ends of the earth and forcing her to admit that she loves only me, forever. And the movie totally agrees with him: There's no moment where Colin Firth realizes that he misread all the evidence, or even that she's EVIL or just not who he thought she was or whatever. Instead what he finds out is that she's literally insane! She's a paranoid schizophrenic whose only valid choices of companion are her dad or, you guessed it, Colin Firth. When I saw this I thought wow, this movie has gone impossibly far out of its way to explain that when a woman rejects you, it's not because you're a dullard and a jerk, it's because she's dangerously crazy. Only an actual lunatic would turn down a catch like YOU.
Anyway I know I was just talking about not being pointlessly mean about movies in public, but all bets are off if the movie manages to say something this insulting. I am now done talking about this and I will leave you with this hilarious thumbnail from a YouTube clip of FEMME FATALE, which pretty well sums up the whole movie.
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bloodevions · 1 month
Strange way of life; uma trama lisa.
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Gente é pra falar a verdade? Primeiramente, quando esse curta foi anunciado eu corri dele como o diabo corre da cruz, sério. Pedro Pascal é um dos maiores fenômenos da atualidade, principalmente entre a comunidade LGBT+ e o Ethan Hawke tem um espaço no meu coração desde “Dead Poets Society” (onde por sinal, faz um personagem gay, mas não vamos falar sobre especulações muito evidentes agora). 
“Mas, Nico, por qual motivo você correu desse curta?”
Simples, não iria conseguir ver esses dois homens maduros (le-se dilfs) contracenando juntos. Eu iria EXPLODIR. Não me entendam mal, não estou falando que relacionamentos maduros me deixam incomodada, estou falando que nesse caso, eu ficaria doida porque iria ver os dois dilfs mais cobiçados da net se pegando. É muito pro meu coração.
Deixando minhas loucuras de lado, vamos falar mais tecnicamente do curta. A duração dele é de 30 minutos e se encontra no MUBI. Ok, é um curta! Não é um filme de 1 hora e 40 minutos, então tenha em mente que as coisas rolam muito, muito rápido. A obra se passa no faroeste, sim… Pedro pascal andando a cavalo, segurando armas e usando seu fantástico chapéu (meio que tive um deja vu). A fotografia é bonita, bastante amarelada, como é esperado de um filme no faroeste. O diretor, Pedro Almodóvar, conhecido por “The skin i live in”, acabou não fazendo uma de suas melhores direções, o que é bastante deprimente, visto a sua jornada no mundo cinematográfico. Eu particularmente não gostei muito do roteiro, muito simples! Outra coisa que me incomodou bastante foram os cortes e closes na cara dos atores, aí isso me deixa nos nervos.
O plot principal é de dois velhos amigos (e como são amigos) que se reencontram por alguma mágica do destino. Silva (Pedro Pascal) acaba esbarrando no Jake (Ethan Hawke) e eles têm uma noite bastante agitada… se é que me entendem. Na manhã que acordam juntos, Jake confronta Silva e pergunta o motivo dele ter aparecido depois de longos 25 anos. Eles têm uma discussão intensa, que dura por volta de 10 minutos (ou mais), Jake acaba apontando uma arma para o Silva e logo em seguida tem uma das frases que eu NUNCA imaginaria que sairia da boca do Pedro Pascal. É meio que spoiler, mas, sabe… eu PRECISO deixar registrado aqui.
Silva: Você está apontando uma arma para mim? Como iria explicar isso? Um homem seminu, deitado na sua cama cheirando a esperma?
Preciso nem falar que fiquei doida, né? Esse homem ainda vai me matar. 
Vamos falar da parte principal: a pegação. Então, como falo isso a vocês? Não tem beijo entre os atores principais, mas tem um flashback do Silva e Jake mais novos se pegando fervorosamente! Tem o Ethan dando uma fungada generosa no cangote do Pedro e depois olhando pra bunda dele como um tarado de esquina (entendo super.), mas nada além disso. Também há um flashback deles mais velhos se entreolhando muito intensamente, deu pra sentir daqui. Tipo, é deixado claro que eles só não se beijaram por falta de cache, mas se o dinheiro fosse grande...
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Considerações finais: O filme é legalzinho, mas não sei como eles ganharam o festival de Cannes, eu devo ser muito chata mesmo. Esse roteiro… Tenebroso. O filme é muito corrido, por motivos óbvios, mas assim.. Eu esperava mais, muito mais. Os atores são muito bons, não tenho nada a falar da performance deles, divinamente bem feita! Pedro Almodóvar tentou, teve uma proposta boa mas a execução não foi das melhores. Mas teve representação, homem bonito, intensidade e bastante tensão sexual. Recomendo? Sim, é uma boa experiência, mas acho que não assistiria novamente. 
Fotografia: ★★★★ Roteiro: ★★ Homens gostosos na tela: ★★★★★ Atuação: ★★★★ Personagens: ★★★ Nota geral: ★★★½
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slansdn · 5 months
Não sou médica
Manual de cuidados com o corpo
Cuidados com o rosto
Lave bem o rosto e seque com uma toalha macia (de algodão(separe uma toalha só pro rosto)pode ser uma camisa de algodão também o importante é estar limpa) lave 2 vezes ao dia com sabonete pro rosto, não mais que isso pode ressecar a pele
Não tem sabonete pro rosto? Use qualquer um glicerinado pode usar no corpo todo mesmo em áreas sensíveis
Trocar a toalha do rosto a cada 2 dias
Fazer massagem facial de manhã e de noite com hidratante pro rosto
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Quando for sair protetor solar (usa bastante)
Hidratante labial (caso seus labios descasquem)
De noite esfoliar a pele as mais oleosas 2 vezes na semana mais secas 15 em 15 dias depois deixar a pele muito hidratada e ir dormir no minimo 8h
Se tiver espinhas não esfolie a pele
Use esfoliantes que tenham bolinhas se o esfoliante for muito assimétrico pode provocar pequenos cortes
Ficar sem lavar muito o rosto pode dar caspas e da impressão que a pele ta seca e descascando
Se não hidratar a pele ela produs mais oleosidade então não hidratar a pele pode fazer ela produzir mais óleo que o ideal
A massagem drena a agua do rosto e tira o inchasso
A esfoliação limpa as celulas mortas deixa a pele lisa e previne manchas
Meditar pode ajudar sua pele também o estresse é inimigo da nossa pele da até espinhas
Dormir reto de barriga pra cima faz o rosto ficar simétrico
Comer muitos doçes faz a pele ficar flacida então não coma (além de dar anciedade oq é outro problema)
Como cuidar dos pelos do corpo
As axilas basta passar um poquinho de hidratante passar gilete duas vezes pra cima duas pra baixo
Se sobrar algum pelo ranque com a pinça
Finalizando limpe e passe hidratante de novo
Esfoliar de 15 em 15 dias
As pernas tem muito cabelo então passe a gilete de de baixo pra cima passe creme e lave ela cada vez que passar na perna pois junta muito pelo e vai para de cortar se não lava
Hidratar o corpo todo clareia as pates escuras e previne selulite
Lembre bem de hidrata os pés não da pra ser delicada e ter um pé cascudo
Passa base com óleo de cravo nas unhas vão ficar inquebráveis
Passe oleo de rícino nos cilhos caso queira que eles cresçam (cuidado pra não cai dentro do olho passa bem poco)
Hidrate o cabelo com óleo de coco só as pontas vai fica mais cheio
Massageie a raiz do cabelo em movimentos circulares caso queira que ele cresça
Lave o cabelo dia sim dia não o champoo é muito agressivo mas se não for usado todos os dias é perfeito o intervalo deve ser de um dia mesmo
A toalha do corpo deve ser trocada a cada semana
Eu não sou médica então se seu problema de pele for sério vá ao médico
Sigam se quiserem ♡
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chez-mimich · 8 months
C'è un'illustrazione degli anni Settanta di Bruno Munari che riproduce una sedia realizzata nei diversi stili riconducibili ad un artista, così abbiamo una sedia cubista alla Pablo Picasso, una dadaista alla Marcel Duchamp, una surrealista alla René Magritte e così via. Ecco la mostra "Paraventi. Folding Screens from the 17th to 21st Centuries", in corso alla Fondazione Prada di Milano e curata da Nicholas Cullinan (aperta fino al prossimo 22 febbraio), concettualemnte mi ha fatto tornare in mente quell'immagine così sinteticamente efficace. Il "Podium", nei suoi due piani espositivi, raccoglie una serie di paraventi che sembrano piccole cifre stilistiche di tanti artisti, quasi degli autografi anche un po' prevedibili, pur trattandosi di oggetti pregevolissimi, delle "quasi-opere d'arte" che riassumono per il visitatore le tappe dell'arte antica, moderna e contemporanea. Come volete che sia un paravento decorato da Yves Klein? Blu, naturalmente. e quello a firma di Jim Dine? Sgocciolante come i suoi cuori, va da sé. Quello di Alvar Aalto? Di legno di pino ondulato, impossibile sbagliare. Vediamo se indovinate quello di Cy Twombly... un foglio scarabocchiato e macchiato. Insomma, qualche buon grado di prevedibilità, in questi oggetti liminari che stanno sulla soglia tra intimità e mondo esterno era prevedibile, ma non in dosi così massicce. Questo però riguarda fortunatamente solo i nomi degli artisti più celebrati ed esposti al secondo piano del Podium. La musica cambia decisamente però quando ci troviamo di fronte ad un Coromandel cinese del XVII secolo (tanto amati da Coco Chanel) o quando ci pariamo dinnanzi a qualche originalissima creazione contemporanea come quella di Francesco Vezzoli, "The assasination of Trotsky" un paravento specchiato sul quale campeggiano le riproduzioni fotografiche a grandezza naturale di Romy Schneider, Alain Delon e Leone Trotsky appunto, allusione all'omonimo film progettato dallo stesso Delon (forse per non lasciar decadere la sua già notevole autostima). La mostra, benché dall'impianto non originalissimo e con le massicce dosi di prevedibilità di cui si è già detto, può essere affrontata come una caccia al tesoro che ci rivela non poche preziose ed originalissime scoperte, sia nell'arte antica, sia in quella moderna e contemporanea. E' il caso del paravento di Pedro de Villegas del 1718, con la raffigurazione di una mirabile conquista del Messico da parte delle truppe di Cortes e con scene descrittive di grande valore documentario, oltre che decorativo. Che demone abbia nella mente il committente di un simile soggetto su un paravento, non è dato sapere, ma certamente si tratta di un bellissimo oggetto. Molto particolare il paravento-arazzo, ideato da William Morris (e realizzato da Elizabeth Burden) che ritrae Lucrezia, Ippolita ed Elena protagoniste del poema trecentesco di Geoffrey Chaucer (quello dei "Racconti di Canterbury) di sapore Preraffaellita, molto molto "Art and Craft". Tra quelli di realizzazione piu recente, non posso passare sotto silenzio quello di Lisa Brice, una tempera sintetica e pastello che raffigura un mondo tutto al femminile e godereccio, dove tra queste pittrici-amazzoni c’è chi ridipinge il celeberrimo quadro di Courbet “L'origine du monde”, come fosse un autoritratto della stessa pittrice; un soggetto quantomai criptico anche se si dà per scontato che l’artista produca un’opera dall’evidente significato anti-patriarcale. Tra gli strabilianti, sicuramente il paravento di Kelichi Tanaami, una "Guernica" del 2023, per così dire rivisitata e intrista di Pop Art e Manga, da dove occhieggiano, paludate tra una fauna immaginifico-fumettistica, anche le figure picassiane della grande tela. L'elenco potrebbe continuare molto a lungo, ma come tutte le liste, per citare Umberto Eco, anche questa rischia di diventare una vertigine e allora la cosa migliore da fare è sbrigarsi ed andare a dare un'occhiata in loco, magari sbirciando da dietro un paravento...
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dustedmagazine · 1 year
Little Richard: I Am Everything (Magnolia)
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How does one tell the story of an artist as influential as Little Richard? The same way you tell the story of the Universe, by keeping it simple: A long time ago there was the Big Bang. 
Little Richard: I Am Everything, a new documentary directed by Lisa Cortes, presents Little Richard’s existence as an analogous cosmic event. Rock ‘n’ roll as we know it exists because on December 5, 1932, Richard Penniman was born in Macon, Georgia.
Cortes isn’t the first to frame Little Richard in terms of cosmic energy. As Nick Tosches once put it, “[v]ia his pure white-energy raunch and total over-simplification, [Little Richard had] the power to make people say 'fuck it' and turn their backs on their own control conditioning and just go out and debauch and catch a glimpse of the violent, drunken, loving, dancing Universe.” I Am Everything is similarly reverential, but the power of the film stems from its focus on Little Richard’s strange, conflicted human experience. 
Growing up, Little Richard, as he would later be nicknamed, was scolded in church for singing too loud — an impressive feat for a Pentecostal. He exuded a preacher’s charisma and even as a young boy parishioners asked him to pray for them. When he started playing piano, he banged on the keys the way that Sister Rosetta Tharpe, an early influence, banged on her guitar. The idea, Little Richard said, was to drum away at your instrument until you reached “the peak.” 
The nature of that “peak,” would remain a lifelong tension. That erratic blurring of sexual and spiritual extasy, one of rock music’s central paradoxes, is what made his music both threatening and irresistible. 
Fans of Little Richard specifically and rock history in general are likely familiar with the raw information that I Am Everything offers. But in addition to the more expected talking heads —  Mick Jagger, John Waters, Billy Porter — some fresher contextualization comes from Black, queer academics and music historians. “The south is the home of all things queer” says writer and sociologist Zandria Robinson, and she means “queer” in every sense of the word. Homosexuality was illegal, as was drag (the maddeningly circular nature of culture emerges as one of I Am Everything’s subtler themes) but the edges of that reality were “soft.” Little Richard performed with minstrel shows and on the vaudeville circuit, sometimes appearing as Princess LaVonne. 
Like many raised in the church, Little Richard always suspected that rock ‘n’ roll was the Devil’s music. That persistent belief, Jagger notes, “can’t be much fun for those involved,” an observation that further emphasizes how heavy Little Richard’s baggage was in comparison to some of his imitators. 
In 1957, the story goes, Little Richard saw Sputnik in the night sky and interpreted it as a sign from God to repent. He enrolled in Bible school, hosted a buy-back/burning of his records, started making Gospel music, and married a woman. Over the course of his life, he would waffle between publicly denouncing homosexuality and embracing it. As one commentator puts it, “He was good at liberating other people by example, he was not good at liberating himself.” 
Little Richard didn’t come from nowhere: Artists like Billy Wright and Esquerita heavily informed his flamboyance. But it seems most everyone else came from him. Jimi Hendrix, of course, got his start in Little Richard’s band. The Beatles opened shows for him when, as he said, “only their mothers knew their names.” Paul McCartney developed his wild yelp by imitating Little Richard, and Jagger copped his stage moves. 
When Little Richard is given his due, he’s credited with inventing not only rock ‘n’ roll but helping to invent the teenager. Greil Marcus called it “Little Richard’s First Law of Youth Culture:  attracting kids by driving their parents up a wall.” As Waters puts it, “the first songs that you love that your parents hate are the beginning of the soundtrack to your life.” In a recent New Yorker profile Paul Schrader, another artist pulled between the spiritual and carnal, recalls his mother smashing the radio after catching him listening to rip-off artist Pat Boone. One imagines that if it had been Little Richard, she might have burned the house down. 
Eternally offered a kind of ambient credit by musicians and critics, the lion’s share of the specific attention (and money) is paid to the (often white) artists Little Richard inspired, or who arguable just straight up stole his shit. (In terms of respectful homage, there’s a chasm between McCartney’s “Long Tall Sally” and Boone’s “Tutti Frutti.”) It’s as if the man is at once too bright to look at directly, and too Black and queer and alien to fully acknowledge. 
He often made his rightful frustration known. In one clip, Little Richard and David Johansen, fully in his Buster Poindexter era, present the 1988 Grammy for Best New Artist. Little Richard, usually unpredictable on live TV, says of Johansen’s pompadour, “I used to wear my hair like that. They take everything I get. They take it from me.” He opens the envelope and declares himself the winner. It’s a joke but it isn’t. “I have never received nothing,” he continues. “Y’all ain’t never gave me no Grammy and I been singing for years. I am the architect of rock ‘n’ roll and they never gave me nothing. And I am the originator!” He gets a standing ovation, which is something, but it isn’t enough. 
Almost every review of the film mentions this moving, uncomfortable scene, because it teases out one of Little Richard’s most powerful realities. He didn’t always seem to know what he was supposed to be doing, or even who he should be, but he always knew what he was worth. 
Margaret Welsh
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armatofu · 11 months
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Eduardo Millares. Cho Juaá
* Hablar = estar de novios, enamorando * Haiga = coche americano grande (del que haiga) * Habichuelas = judías verdes * Hierbahuerto = hierbabuena * Hondilla = bowl, tazón * Humacera = humareda * Indiano = emigrante de Cuba que vuelve a las islas * Jaique = vestido mal hecho y suelto (Sáhara) * Jalar = tirar de algo * Jalar por el resuello = respirar de forma jadeante * Jandorra = mujer poco aseada y descuidada en sus labores * Jarea = pescado seco y salado * Jareado = indispuesto, acalorado, cansado (estar como una jarea) * Jartada = comilona extrema (harto) * Jediondo = hediondo, cochino * Jimiquiar = llorar haciendo ruido para llamar la atención * Jiribilla = inquieto, nervioso / ansiedad en el estómago * Jeringarse = fastidiarse * Jilorio = hambre * Jocico = morro, hocico * Jocicuda = caradura * Jugo = zumo
* jumeque: 1. m. LP. Riña, disputa ruidosa. 2. m. LP. Fastidio, molestia, pesadez. 3. m. Lz. Temporal en el mar, con viento y fuerte oleaje. * Lagarta = mala mujer / plaga que ataca a las papas * Laja = macarra (de alhaja) / piedra viva lisa * Lasca = pedazo * Liga = cordón de zapatos * Lisa = lagartija / pez * Liviano = ligero, que no pesa * Luego = después * Machanguito = muñequito * Machucar = majar / darse un golpe * Mago = campesino * Magullado = lacerado, arañado * Majadero = pesado, latoso, reiterativo * Majar = machacar en el mortero * Maleta = cartera / inútil, que hace las cosas mal * Malimpiado = desaprovechado (de mal empleado) * Mandarse a mudar = irse * Matiento = grifiento, macarra * Matraquilla = repetición constante de algo * Merdellón = sucio, cochino (del francés merde) * Mestura = mezcla * Momio = flojo, fofo * Nota = tío, personaje * Novelero = que no para en casa * Ñame = tubérculo / pie * Ñoños = pies * Orear = secar al aire * Pachorra = hacer las cosas despacio * Pajuato = tonto * Palique = cháchara * Papanata = tonto, simplón * Parejo = seguir hacia delante todo recto (jale parejo) * Parejero = que se empareja, se pone a la misma altura * Parejitas = todas del mismo tamaño * Partigazo = resbalón, caída * Pellizcón = retorcer la carne con los dedos * Pavita = resto final de un puro, cigarrillo o porro * Pelete = frío * Perenquén = lagarto especie de salamandra * Perreta = llanto continuado y pataleta de un niño * Perro = tener mucha suerte en algo (¡menudo perro!) * Peya = trozo de gofio amasado * Picón = piedrecillas volcánicas * Pinocha = hojarasca seca del pino * Piña = puñetazo / de maiz o de plátano * Pipa = 490 litros de agua (La medida real de una pipa de agua medida en los aforos en pozos y galerías de agua en Tenerife es de 482 litros) * Pita = claxon de un coche * Platina = papel de plata * Pollaboba = gilipollas * Privado = estar contento * Pufo = engaño, timo * Puntal = elogio hacia una persona, ser insustituible (¡es un puntal!) * Quíquere = gallina chica muy inquieta y revoltosa / ser respondón * Ralea = mezcla de gofio, vino y azúcar o miel * Rebujado = revuelto, desordenado * Recova = mercado * Requintado = se ha comido en exceso (de la forma del requinto) * Rejo = tentáculo * Relajado = cuando se han comido demasiados dulces * Revencazo = taponazo * Revortillo = maraña de cosas * Rillar = producir grima (dientes) * Riscarse = despeñarse por los riscos (el conejo me riscó la perra) * Rita la cantaora = Si no lo hago yo lo va a hacer Rita la cantaora * Ruín = algo que está malo o de mala calidad * Rumbrento = herrumbriento, oxidado * Rusio = algo viejo que se va destiñendo y volviéndose de color gris * Sacho = herramienta de labranza * Sajo = hacerse un corte * Salitre = restos de agua salada * Sarantontón = mariquita * Sarasa = afeminado * Ser la caja del turrón = no perderse una juerga/ estar en todos lados * Simplón = tonto * Sobajiar = sobar * Sorroballar = limpiar mal arrastrando la basura de un lado a otro * Sorullo = tonto * Tabaiba = planta * Tajea = acequia, atarjea * Tajado = borracho * Tanza = hilo de nylon para pescar * Taponazo = darse un golpe * Tenderete = fiesta popular, jarana * Tener el buche virado = gastroenteritis * Tener una penita = un dolor * Tiesto = persona ruin en sentido cariñoso * Tino = lucidez mental * Tolete = tonto * Tonga = pila de cosas * Tonique = piedra grande * Totorota = tonto * Totizo = nuca, cuello * Totufo = bulto, protuberancia * Trancar = cerrar (la puerta) * Trillarse = hacerse daño * Trincar = pillar, coger * Trompada = bofetón fuerte en la cara * Tupir = atascar / estar estreñido * Variscazo = golpe seco dado con una vara * Ventorrillo = chiringuito que se monta en las fiestas de los pueblos * Verga = alambre * ¡Vétete! = ¡Vete! * Viruje = mucho frío * Volador = especie de fuego de artificio que sólo hace ruido * Yeyo = mareo, desmayo * Zarcillo = pendiente * Zurrón = piel de cabrito para amasar el gofio * Zachar = cavar con el zacho (azada)
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nikkiruncks · 1 year
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Full Name: Carly Lisa Shay
Nicknames: My Sister (by Spencer), Carls, Cupcake, Carly Girl, Mrs.Benson (by Sam), My Best Friend (by Sam and Freddie), My Girl, Frisky, Life Alert (by Freddie), Little Baby, Kiddo, My Sweet Carly, Girl, (by Spencer), Stupid American Girl (by Wade Collins), Dumbo, Dummy (by Mrs. Benson), Aunty Carly (by Charlie and Julie)
Gender: Female
Birthday: July 24, 1994
Age: 29
Occupation: Host of iCarly/YouTuber, Student at Ridgeway Junior High School (formerly, graduated), Employee at The Groovy Smoothie (formerly), Employee at the 32 Flavors Ice Cream Shop (formerly)
Education: Ridgeway Junior High School (graduated)
Residence: Apartment 8-E, Bushwell Plaza (currently), Apartment 8-C, Bushwell Plaza (formerly), Italy (formerly)
Hair Color: Dark brown, Brown with blonde highlights (revival season 1 & 2), Dark Brown (revival season 3)
Eye Color: Brown
Family: Colonel Steven Shay (father), Mrs. Shay (mother), Spencer Shay (older brother), Granddad Shay (grandfather), Gramma Shay (grandmother), Great Grammy Shay (great-grandmother), Barry Dorfman (uncle), Tess Dorfman (aunt), Faye Dorfman (cousin), Ozlottis Dorfman (cousin), Margaret (aunt), Sunny Johnson (11th cousin), Potter Shay (niece), Julia Puckett (honorary niece), Charlie Shay (niece), nine other nieces and nephews
Friends: Harper Bettencourt (best friend; roommate). Freddie Benson (best friend), Tori Vega (close friend, future girlfriend), Millicent Mitchell, Sam Puckett (best friend), Principal Franklin, Sunny Johnson (11th cousin), Gibby Gibson, T-Bo, Melanie Puckett, Wendy, Shelby Marx, Missy Robinson (formerly), Claire, Toji, Gwen, Paul Denham, Lewbert Sline, Tinsley
Romances: Tori Vega (crush, has feelings for), Sam Puckett (kissed one, bi awakening), Freddie Benson (Ex Boyfriend), Ben Huebscher (first kiss), Jake (former crush), Gibby Gibson (one date), Shane (dated), Nevel Papperman (alternative reality boyfriend), Griffin (ex-boyfriend), Austin (one date), Adam (former crush), Steven Carson (ex-boyfriend), Kyle (ex-boyfriend), Cort (former crush), Lance (one date), Gary Wolf (former crush), Luke Tyler (one date), Justin (dated), Trenton (one date), Beau (ex-boyfriend), Wes (ex-boyfriend), Troy (dated)
Pets: Cookie (former bunny), Shelly (former baby chick), Huevo (former baby chick), Omelet (former baby chick), Benedict (former baby chick), Yoko (former baby chick), Poachy (former baby chick), Sparky (former dog)
Enemies: Nevel Papperman, Tasha, Valerie, Ms. Briggs, Mr. Devlin, Jonah, Amber Tate, Zeebo, Ms. Ackerman, Kyoko and Yuki, Wade Collins, Missy Robinson, Chuck Chambers, Chip Chambers, Mr. Howard, The Petographers, Nora Dershlit, Mr. and Mrs. Dershlit, Penny Tee Employees, Steven Carson, Aspartamay, Ashley, Dana Bukowski, Mandy Valdez, Griffin, Beau, Wes, Argentina Woolridge, Pearl Wallace, Prunella Pitz-Papperman, Emily Haines, Myrtle, Her mother
First Appearance: iPilot (OG), iStart Over (Revival)
Last Appearance: iGoodbye (OG), TBD
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boloslucrativosbr · 1 year
Rocambole Caseiro Renda Extra
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8 colheres (sopa) de leite em pó 8 colheres (sobremesa) de chocolate em pó 1/2 lata de leite condensado 1 colher (sopa) margarina em temperatura ambiente
Recheio 100 g de coco ralado sem adição de açúcar 1 colher (sopa) margarina em temperatura ambiente 1/2 lata de leite condensado (restante da massa) Comprar Ingredientes
Modo de preparo : 40min
Para a massa, misture todos ingrediente e adicione a 1/2 lata do leite condensado, aos poucos, até obter uma massa lisa e bastante firme.
Faça uma bola com a massa e leve a geladeira em um saco plástico para alimentos e feche bem.
Enquanto isso prepare o recheio.
Misture os ingrediente do recheio até obter uma mistura homogênea, dissolvendo bem a margarina para que se misture com os demais ingredientes.
Não é necessário levar ao fogo.
Para a montagem, abra a massa em cima de um saco platico proprio para alimento com o auxilio de um rolo para massas.
Deixe em uma espessura de aproximadamente 0,5 cm.
Coloque o recheio, espalhe bem e enrole como rocambole.
Cuidado para não rachar a massa.
Leve o rocambole envolto no mesmo plástico à geladeira por aproximadamente 30 minutos, em seguida corte os cilindros de aproximadamente 1 cm de largura.
Para mais receitas clica em saiba mais aqui
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