#Love the citrine on her ring finger!
allaboutrings · 2 years
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honeycollectswhump · 8 months
PLEASE aftermath of the shock collar piece?👉👈 back to normal? back to ashtray being loved and lovingly used for his normal standard purpose? so he knows he in fact didn't do anything wrong? and he's a good boy? MAYBE... MAYBE EVEN... merciful mistress mireille checking on him to make sure he's gonna be alright?🥺 because maybe she's worried she went a bit too far with all the shocks?🥺
Citrine Kisses
CW: pet whump, dehumanisation, cigarette burns, past torture (referenced)
When her servants carry in the ashtray the next day, no amount of makeup they have desperately seemed to apply can hide his condition. As Mireille lounges on her velvet couch, worth someone’s fortune, she can’t help but notice his sickly sweet, pale tone and the occasional twitch he tries and fails to hide. It’s unbecoming of such a luxurious good as him, laughable for the price she paid for him to be pretty. 
It almost makes her want to ring her stupid servants back and have someone, anyone, answer for ruining her scene with a pathetic excuse for a golden ashtray. And yet…
And yet she doesn’t. 
Despite it all, he still looks beautiful, doesn’t he? There is beauty to be found in his alabaster skin, no matter if it was caused by the thick collar around his pretty thin neck, which has still left imprints like two pricks of a vampire. The thought makes her laugh, elegantly like chiming bells, like candlelight and a passionate kiss. No, Mireille wouldn’t mind being a vampire.
Twirling a lush black lock around her finger, a cigarette between her lips, she leans forward, taking in the sight of her ashtray. If he were a diamond, she’d hold him in her hand against the light, letting rays of sun play with the rainbow. What happened yesterday, it too was like seeing a rainbow illuminate her walls, each gasping scream echoing in her mind like a marvellous symphony. 
Under her gaze, the ashtray goes still like a marble statue. He never raises his eyes, just like it should be. Silently worshipping but never being brash enough to gaze upon her. 
Mireille bathes in the knowledge that the ashtray’s biggest fear must be displeasing her. That is all he was made for after all. Maybe… maybe that is why he now holds himself differently, but it’s not like she could expect a simple thing like him to understand the aesthetic intention behind the shock collar, the joy and entertainment so unlike a punishment. Of course, the ashtray is too simple to get that.
It almost makes her feel bad, if only for the unappreciated amusement getting drowned out by his pleading devotion. He had been good yesterday, had been less an ashtray and more a diamond yet to be polished. She is merciful, Mireille thinks with a slight smile, and his pretty screams have earned him a reward.
Gracefully, she takes her cigarette from her lips, gazing at it for a moment, before delicately placing a hand on his shining golden locks. Immediately, the ashtray leans into her touch, imperceptively stretching himself to press himself into her palm. 
He was made mindless but a simple drawled “Ashtray” is enough to get his attention fully on her. Melting under her gracious touch, her thing turns towards her, lowered and on his knees. Mireille pets his head a couple of times, like she has seen with her friend’s lapdog. She much prefers love as an act of passion, of art and burning.
The ashtray shivers under her touch, as she lets her long fingers glide down his jaw and tilt his head up to meet her eyes. “You love that, huh?”, she chuckles, and that alone seems to give him to strength to hold himself straighter. 
“You’ve been a good boy, a very good boy. Your screams have been delightful, you’ve done so well.”
A hazy smile appears on his lips as if drugged, and for a moment she considers the fun in that. Instead, though, she holds out her hand, beckoning him to lay his hand in hers. Of course, the ashtray complies, it is all he knows, eager to please like a dog or something less.
Holding eye contact makes her ashtray flush sweetly, and he shivers again. This, she thinks, is also art. 
“You are my favourite toy, I want you to never forget that.” Mireille purrs, lightly holding his hand like a prince would a princess’, his fingers curled around hers. “A reward would only be fitting, don’t you think? Something to commemorate this?”
She turns the cigarette between her fingers until it feels right, before placing the glowing end of it on the ashtray's pale skin, pressing down until the citrine gets swallowed up by ash. 
Never once does he flinch, steadily looking at her. A practice of worship, the greatest price of them all.
Soon, when her servants wash away the dirty ash, a bright red spot will remain, burning through skin and tissue, a kiss his body will never be able to heal. And her ashtray, her stupid little ashtray, will look at it in doglike adoration, his most precious possessions are the scars she allows him, and he will be thankful. 
Sometimes Mireille wonders if the ashtray pities her servants for their lack of burning, wonders if her little lamb prides itself in the red scarf wrapped around its neck, telling a story of how the butcher will one day cut its throat.
taglist: @whumpsday, @2in1whump, @sodacreampuff, @webbo0, @toyybox, @whumpshaped, @clickerflight let me know if you want to be added or removed :)
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moonchildstyles · 2 years
OOH OOH OOH!!!! what if you did citrine!y/n tries a spell and accidentally gets hurt and harry gets all dominant and like “you should have asked for my help! this is why you don’t do spells by yourself!!” and also maybe sarah catches harry doing magic at one point??!?
wordcount: 5.5k+
"Hey, honey." 
(Y/N)'s chirped greeting elicited only a small smile from Harry's features, not at all the reaction she was used to from him.
"Hi, sunshine," he responded, sounding drained. Though it took a second for his aura to kick in for her, the second it did, she could see just how muted the colors were compared to the vividness she was used to from her Flame. 
"What's the matter?" she asked, shifting her car into drive to take them back to her apartment for the night. 
Harry heaved a sigh in the passenger seat, running a heavy hand through his hair. "Jus' a long day. I like the record store, and I've been getting a handle on training, surprisingly, but 's jus' a lot to get used to. Haven't done anything like this in decades." 
"Oh, H," she crooned, reaching across the center console to lace her fingers between his, "But after you're done training, they're going to cut your hours back down, right?"
"Yeah," he breathed out, looking to her with softened eyes as he squeezed her hand, "Jus' feels like 's so far off; I miss you. I've barely even had time with Bonnie and Dande this week." 
Running her thumb in quiet circles over the warmth of his hand, (Y/N) sighed. She ached in her chest, knowing how much he was hurting. He loved his little animals, so she was sure that this past week alone had put a lot of strain on his heart. "I know, but it's almost over. They'll be so excited to see you when you come home this weekend, too. It'll be special since it's been a little while." 
A small smile touched at the corners of Harry's lips at the idea of his girls getting the jitters from being excited to see him. "Right," he breathed, "I'll have to make something special for dinner for them." 
For a flicker, Harry's aura reappeared, filling her car with his divine light. Vividity had returned to the rings haloing his form, even if the drained, beige ribbon was still wrapped around the very edge. She hoped he would be able to feel how content that made her to know that he was feeling even a little better. 
"We'll have to do something special together, too," he told her, bringing her hand up to his lips to press a kiss to the back of it. 
"I'm sure you'll think of something," she said, looking to him from the corner of her eye as she kept her attention on driving. (Y/N) had already been thinking about something she could do to make this week up to him, though she was sure Harry had different ideas than she had had swirling around. 
She just hoped her idea worked out the way she wanted.
(Y/N) was out of breath by the time she made it up to Harry's meadow. 
Looking out on the wide open space, despite the cottage and the flora filling the space, it felt so empty without Harry there. He was like the sun of this space, everything revolving around him and bending to his will out of nothing but love. Even Bonnie, who was curled up on the porch of his house, looked bored out of her mind since her dad wasn't there. 
"Hi, sweetie," she greeted the mountain lion with a pass of her fingers over the fluff between her ears. Bonnie only huffed before laying her head back down on her paws. "He's coming home tonight, you know. He'll be home a lot more now after this." 
As if she could understand what (Y/N) was saying, Bonnie looked up with her big eyes, nose puffing. A twitch came to her ears as if she were perking up at the news, keening into (Y/N)'s petting hand. "Me too," she told her, "I'm excited too, sweetie." 
With a lingering pet, (Y/N) pushed through to Harry's cottage. He'd barely been spending any time here this past week, having taken to sleeping at (Y/N)'s place through the nights so he wouldn't have to go too far to get to work on time. The area was just as she was sure he had left it the previous Sunday: records out of place with Pink Floyd on his player, his kitchen a little bit of a mess with crumbs from his breakfast he made himself before rushing out, and his bed unmade. The little divot at the end of the bed still remained from where she was sure Dandelion had been sleeping since her dad had left. 
After toeing off her shoes by the front door, bag dropped just beside, (Y/N) started on her first step of her plan. Harry was getting off of his final training shift in a little over an hour, leaving with just enough time to execute her plan to dote on him after such a long week. She was going to clean up his cottage (possibly even weed his garden if she had the time), make him some dinner, tend to his girls, and make sure he had the most stressless night imaginable as he adjusted. More film for his camera was stowed away in her tote bag, along with ingredients for the night's dinner, and a spare change of clothes as she planned on staying the night with him. 
Her sweep of the cottage started by his record player. She sheathed the opened records and replaced them in his beloved crate that was becoming a little too full for comfort as his collection had been non-stop growing since she came into his life. Just as she made a mental note to grab him an extra, she stopped herself with a small smile. He would be able to get himself another crate at work. 
After placing one of the records she had introduced him to on the player, the needle finding the divots a moment later, she started on the real work. Her first stop was the kitchen, cleaning up and putting away the mess he'd left out as she hummed along to the crackling song filtering through the space. Just as she'd began rifling through his cabinets in prep of getting dinner together later, she heard a digging at the front door. Tiny feet patting against the wood along with bumps against the front door gave away who would be waiting for her the second she made her way to the screen door. 
 A pair of fluffy white ears peeked over the paneling of the door, a set of dark eyes and a puffing nose following after as (Y/N) grew closer. "Hi, Dande," she crooned to her friend, propping open the door for the bunny to pad on in. 
As always, Dandelion greeted her with a pat of her head against (Y/N)'s ankle before she scampered off in favor of reclaiming her spot on Harry's bed. Dande hunkered down with a puff of her nose, her little feet tucked under the white puffball of her body before she trained her eyes on (Y/N).
"Harry's coming home tonight," she told the bunny, resuming her work in the kitchen as she collected utensils and cookware to help her later on in the night. Peeking over her shoulder with a pot in hand, she saw the familiar twitch of Dandelion's ears and the slow blink of her eyes in contentedness. 
She hoped Harry knew how loved he was by his little creatures. 
Dandelion was quick to fall asleep as soon as she got comfortable, leaving (Y/N) to herself as she puttered around the cottage with tidiness appearing in her wake. Making his bed was the hardest part, having to move Dandelion from her cozy spot as she fixed the bedding. Though she did seem happy with the fluff of pillows she left her in, a nest for her to rest in until her dad made it home. Fixing up the mess of his comforter led her to kneel off the side of his bed, tucking the bedding into the mattress. The angle offered her a peek under his bed, finding the aged spine of a book, cracks showing in the binding with the gold lettering having faded some. 
(Y/N) had seen the book once before when he'd first revealed his secret to her. He offered her the volume as a way of answering questions she didn't know where to begin with. This was the same book she found all the information there was about Twin Flames and what her love was going to be like now that she'd found her forever person. 
She couldn't help herself but to slide the book out of hiding, carefully opening the front cover to show off the table of contents. The pages were thin and weathered, Harry having shared with her that it was in his family for centuries before his mother passed it on to him when he left the coven for his own nomadic adventures. This was the book that carried him through his years along, almost every page, spell, and potion having been committed to memory.
Instinctively, she wanted to open up to the page describing Twin Flames, reread the details that had been lost to time since she had opened this book months ago. Just as she ran her fingertips over the edge of the page, one of the sections on the table caught her eye, an idea blooming in her head.
Around the same time he had let her read his book, he'd also pointed out a few spells and rituals that didn't need the prerequisite of being a witch to perform. They were usually for beginners, people who had very recently found their powers and couldn't properly tap into them, or for someone like him who had struggled to get a grip on his magic while he waited for his Flame to balance him out. When she had asked if these could be things she could try out, she could remember the way he gave her a bubbly smile, excitedly telling her he'd love to show her how to perform these rituals. 
Despite his excitement, that had been something that was pushed to the wayside when she found all the information about their Alignment Ritual, and dropped from her mind the more time went on. Now, looking at the page, having thumbed to the beginner spells without thinking, that same excitement was reignited in her. 
Harry always used his magic to help take care of her, to make her days easier and the load on her shoulders lighter. Looking at this page, faded cursive and aging drawings, she wanted to do the same for him. Surely there could be something in here like the tea he was so fond of making for her that took the ache out of her feet after long serving shifts, or the sachet he would place under her pillow if he knew she was having trouble sleeping. 
With her heart a flutter at the idea of indulging in the things she was sure Harry hadn't had anyone do for him in as long as it'd been since he left home, she carefully set the spell book down on the kitchen counter. She needed to get a few more things done, then she would dedicate her attention to her first try at magic. 
The rest of (Y/N)'s chores came quickly. She finished cleaning the cottage, made dinner for the girls—Dande a mushroom salad using the sprouts Harry had tucked away in his fridge, and a chicken salad that he had already had chilling for Bonnie (she was sure it wasn't very satisfying for the mountain lion, but she would eat anything her dad had a hand in)—, and started dinner for the two of them now that Harry only had another fifteen minutes remaining of his shift. He was much more used to the trek up to his cottage, making it a quick walk for him, so she hoped she could have everything done and still warm for him by the time he would be joining her. 
After flipping the record to B-side, (Y/N) started on dinner as she hummed along. While she wasn't quite as talented as Harry was in the kitchen, she hoped he would still be satisfied with her attempt at a vegan batch of Jade Noodles for him, complete with her own version of the sesame dressing. He loved peas enough that she hoped with the extra pods she added in, he could forgive any mistakes she made. 
Once she got to a good stopping point on the food, letting everything simmer, steep, and sweat, she excitedly reached for the open book on the counter. Thumbing through the amateur section, she tried to find something that didn't look too complicated, but would help Harry when he undoubtedly came home exhausted.  
(Y/N) perked up when she saw a potion detailing out something about the release of toxic energy. The mixture promoted its consumer to release the negative energy from their system, leaving them light and refreshed. Rejuvenating, it had been described as with several lines slashes underneath the word. This would be perfect, she figured, knowing just how much stress Harry had been carrying even prior to starting his job. Every bit of nervous energy and stressed pinch of his nerves would be gone in no time if she made him this. 
The ingredients listed under the sketch of the potion seemed easy enough to gather. She knew Harry had a lot of things lying around his cottage and growing in his garden. She had yet to see him out of anything he needed, so she had no reason to believe he wouldn't have everything listed on the page. 
Double checking on dinner, she made sure to reduce everything to a barely there simmer with lids on every pot and a cover on the beans that had already been blanched before she was out the front door with the spell book in hand. The potion called for sprigs of plants she had no idea how to pronounce—most likely in Welsh as Harry had explained to her was one of the mother tongues of his coven. But, one flick through to the glossary showed her drawings of each plant that was needed. 
It was easy to compare everything to what he had growing in his garden. Flowers that looked like lavender sprigs were quickly plucked, a silent thank you given to the flora that Harry had taught her. Chamomile-esque blooms joined the fray along with something that smelled like fresh snow when she brought the petals to her nose. Each fragrance was calming, leading her to believe she was on the right track. Peppery leaves were collected, the scent especially spicy compared to the gentle flowers that were forming a bouquet in her grip. But, glancing over the potion recipe, it seems this was all the right moving parts to get together. It wasn't until she reached the final ingredient that (Y/N) hit a snag. 
The name had been something completely undecipherable, having worn away after time. She tried her best to make out the faded letters as well as she could before she turned to the glossary once more. When she thought she found what she had been looking for, a drawing of a berry-like fruit colored the small section given to the ingredient. It looked like a pomegranate, a deep red color with vining purple veins, pockmarked with baby pink swatches that looked like stars. (Y/N) had to crawl deeper into Harry's garden to get a better look, trying to find something that looked similar to the drawing. 
A pinch touched at her brow when she couldn't find anything matching the reference picture. Harry always had everything, surely his plot of land was a witch's dream with the way he stocked up on everything, but he didn't have this? The closest (Y/N) could spot was a small fruited shrub that grew in a tiny patch against the wall of the cottage. The berries looked closer to that of a blueberry, tiny and purple with black spots. Perhaps they were her pomegranate berries that just weren't quite ripe, yet? 
Sitting back on her heels, (Y/N) pulled the book to sit on her lap as she glanced back and forth between the berry patch and the photo she had been searching with. They were similar enough, she thought. Besides, this book was very old and a little discolored anyway. There was a big chance there wasn't even a berry out there like the one drawn, with the way time could have altered the image and sullied the colors. 
With that in mind and the ticking time clock of when Harry would be on his way, she plucked a handful of the berries off the bush, adding them to her collection. From what she remembered from every time Harry let her sit in on his rituals and potion-making, he preferred to do all of his craft outside. It tied him closer to the Earth, he had told her, the lack of barrier between him and the lush ground that took care of him gave him more positive energy and a stronger tie to the cycle he was attributing to with his magic. That was why she grabbed all of her supplies—a small  crystalline bowl, a mortar and pestle, and a tiny pouch to steep the mixture into a tea when done—and immediately made her altar out by the river that ran through the meadow. 
The running water made for a gentle symphony to play through her ears, calming her some now that nerves had arose over the fact she was actually going to make a real life potion. Before Harry, she'd only seen this kind of stuff in cartoons and movies, and now she was going to get to try it for herself. Hopefully, Harry would be impressed. 
With the spell book splayed open in front of her, (Y/N) followed every step. Grinding up the leaves and flowers, she watched as a paste formed under the cool moonlight. Flower petals ran bright streaks through the forest green stems that made the majority of the mixture, flora smells being tamped out by the peppery aroma of the added leafy greens she ground along with them. By the time everything almost began to resemble a dough (a very odd texture, but (Y/N) didn't have the place to question it really), she transferred it to the bowl and added a touch of water from the running river as was called by the recipe. 
(Y/N) watched in awe as the paste began to change, leveling out into something thick like honey and sweet smelling like brown sugar, studded by tiny, white flowers that floated along inside by a current she couldn't see. If not for the fact she was on a time limit, she could have stared at the mixture for hours, watching the flowers play like fairies in the forest-hued potion. But, knowing that Harry would be due back within the next ten minutes had her hustling to reach for the faux-blueberries to be added to the bowl. 
With a few prods of the pestle, the berries burst, inking the mixture a deep plum shade. As per the instructions, only a few grinds of the utensil was needed before the potion was meant to steep under the moonlight. (Y/N) couldn't keep her eyes off it as she watched the ingredients work their own magic with each other. The current that had formed to float along with those tiny flowers had flourished into a rolling boil. Thick bubbles burst with spatters of the mixture landing out on the blades of grass cradling the bowl. 
Just as (Y/N) leaned in, wanting a closer look at what was happening with her first potion, the mixture seemingly took a turn. Those black spots that marred her berries began to spider out from the skins of the faux-blueberries. Their reach continued until everything was snuffed into a deep black, the crystalline bowl turning into its own tiny void in the middle of the meadow. Glancing at the spell book, (Y/N) knew this wasn't quite right. By now, the berries should have stained everything into a lighter lavender shade. Ones of those tiny flowers was supposed to have bloomed into a large floret to hold the potion like a teacup waiting for the consumer to sip from its petals. That was definitely not what was happening.
The thick tar that had become her potion bubbled with viscous splatters, those tiny droplets of rouge mixture clinking to the ground below it until (Y/N) swore the color was being sucked out of the lush grass. As much as she wanted to investigate the growing puddles of grey, the fact that the potion had begun moaning and groaning, screaming out in echoed whispers had the full of her attention. She could even make out faces appearing in the bottom of the bowl, the features looking something akin to the tragedy masks of Greek theater. 
Fear stunted her limbs as she watched the potion take on a life of its own, boiling until it overtook the crystalline bowl it was held in with spider-like limbs. The long reach of the spindly legs attached to the earth below, sucking the life out of the plots with the grass running grey and dying. The negative energy she was supposed to be banishing with the help of this potion was seemingly conjured instead, ready and willing to take from her as it sugglishly drew closer to her. With every scream of the potion, (Y/N) felt a zing go up her spine. 
Her breathing grew panicked as that anxiety-induced fight or flight reaction had be activated. How was she supposed to fix this? How was she supposed to kill energy? She could only get away from it. 
Even then, that seemed to be a struggle with the way she couldn't get to her shaky feet with her eyes trained on the sludge that was coming her way, terrified faces gaining more and more detail in the goo. 
She could only manage a tiny whimper out of her throat when one of the boney pulls of the potion attempted to reach for her ankle. 
The sound of her heart rushed through her ears, loud enough to make her aware of the beats per minute she was sporting, but no where near loud enough to drown out the freakish screams of the sludge. As a passing thought, she hoped Dande and Bonnie had made a getaway—their sensitive ears couldn't take this. 
As if she was performing another act of summoning, from the corner of her eye, she caught sight of a familiar mountain lion appearing through the treeline. In tow was an even more familiar man, his eyes wild and hair pushed behind his ears as he looked down at where his shirt was caught in Bonnie's teeth. 
"Suns—" Harry's voice was cut off the second he caught sight of the debacle playing out in front of her, the protection spell he'd put over the meadow most likely drowning out the panicked screams of the potion for anyone who hadn't crossed into the clearing. She watched as he sized up the menace tearing towards her, the sentient potion gaining traction with each move, every blade of grass shriveling and losing color in its wake. 
Something shifted in his demeanor that (Y/N) never seen before, his jaw steeling and his shoulders squaring before he disregarded the pull of his pet. On heavy feet, he approached the out of control potion, confidence in every step. He never once seemed bothered by the seething negative energy that practically came off the concoction in waves, even going so far as to tamp splats of the potion out under the soles of his sunflower decorated boots. 
She wished she could have heard the spell that left his lips, but there was no way she was going to hear anything over the pounding of her heart and the agony that punched through her eardrums from her created monster. Still, she could see his lips moving, the low rumble of his voice as he held his hands out before him. A blinding light formed like beams of sunshine in the palms of his hands, rays touching the very edges of the potion. 
Harry spotted the source of the monster with a graze of his focused eyes before he flicked the sunlight towards the crystalline bowl. It was a delicate move, as if no thought had gone into it beforehand, but the destruction was intentional. The toxic screams of the potion transitioned into harrowing shrieks as the goo was burnt to ash. Flicks of sunlight were beamed over every inch of the rouge potion, getting rid of every evidence of the mishap—even the decaying grass came back to life—aside from the sheen of sparkling, purple ash that covered the ground. 
The cries tamped down until there was only silence, a shattered bowl, and ash left in the meadow. 
The light in Harry's hands died down as soon as he brought his palms together, his chest heaving though his face stayed stoic. The scene looked something serene as (Y/N) felt her rabbit-heartbeat settle in her chest. 
Her borrowed spell book was carefully laid out on the lush-again grass, the crystalline bowl was split right down the middle, and the used mortar and pestle were delicately placed on a tuft of grass. The moonlight bathed the moment in a cool blue tone, calming. Harry even seemed to be something of a statue, marble-esque if not for the rise and fall of his chest. 
He didn't turn to look at her, eyes trained in the same spot they had been since he spotted the monster.
Rising to her shaky legs, (Y/N) fisted her sweaty hands together as she tried to get a grip on her surroundings now that there wasn't the blockage of the insane screams clouding her thoughts. 
It was as if her voice brought him to life, the way he turned on his heel. His hair flopped over his forehead with his jaw clenched tight. His nose flared as he let out a harsh breath. "(Y/N), what were you thinking?" he seethed through gritted teeth. 
Her eyes widened at his tone, never, ever having heard him speak like this. She floundered for a response, mouth dropping open though no sound came out. 
Harry took a stride towards her, eyes fierce. His aura flamed around him in raging crimson ribbons. "What were you thinking trying out a spell without me here?! There are dangerous things in that book, (Y/N)," he pointed accusingly at the spellbook opened behind him, "Do you even know what you just did? What you just conjured?" 
"Harry, I—" she squeaked, her voice falling flat as Harry shouted over her. 
"No, you don't! That thing could have killed you, (Y/N)!" His voice boomed through the meadow. (Y/N) wouldn't have been surprised if the walls of his cottage shook at the volume. 
"I-I'm sorry, Harry," she whispered, her words almost inaudible in comparison. 
She watched as he Flame all but shook with the anger inside him, his hands in tight fists at his sides with his muscles drawn taut. "Don't you ever go through my book again when I'm not here. Do you hear me, (Y/N)?" 
His authoritative tone drew a nod from her immediately. 
Silence befell the clearing once more, static filling the space as (Y/N) tried to ward off the tears burning her eyes. 
Sucking in a stunted breath, (Y/N) tried to find her words despite the heat of Harry's gaze pinned to her. "I-I didn't mean to, Harry," she choked out, "I promise I wasn't playing around with your book. I w-was only trying to make you one of those potions you make for me—something to help relax you and everything. I-I thought I picked an easy one, I'm sorry." 
All the air seemed to blow out of Harry's body. His shoulders deflated with the strong planes of his chest relaxing. The steel in his eyes lessened and lessened until there were only jade pools left, the clench of his jaw unwinding until his features were left sweetened and round. His aura dulled until nothing was left but a melancholy blue and the sickly green of fear. 
"C'mere, sunshine," he crooned, voice especially soft given the last time she had heard it. 
It didn't take a single thought for her to be launched into his arms, wrapping her own around his middle with her face tucked into his neck. "I'm so sorry, Harry," she wailed, her words a little mushed as she cried into his chest, "I'm so, so sorry." 
"I know you are. 'S okay, 's okay." His chest rumbled under her ear as he tired to soothe her. He pet his hand over her hair while the other arm stayed steady around her waist to keep her flush to his form. 
"I-I swear I was only trying to help," she pleaded, eyes clenched shut with tears rapidly leaking through, "I th-thought I did everything right." 
Harry held her tighter to his chest, pressing a lingering kiss to her hairline. "I know, lovely. Don't cry, okay? Everything's alright." 
"Bu-But you're mad at me," she hiccuped, clutching his shirt tightly in her fists, "I didn't me—" 
"I know—I promise, I believe you, sunshine. I know y'didn't mean to, and I forgive you, okay?" he cooed, using his grip on her waist to peel her away from his chest, "I'm not mad, alright? I jus' got really, really scared, but I shouldn't have shouted at you. Especially now knowing what y'were trying to do for me." 
"But, I should have waited for you," she whispered, the only volume she could manage without her voice giving out. 
Bringing his hand that had been caressing her hair to her cheek, Harry brushed the pad of his thumb over her skin in an affectionate run. "Y'should have, yeah," he smiled at her, the curl lopsided, "But I shouldn't have shouted at you like that, okay? 'M sorry." 
"It's okay," she peeped, a pathetic sniffle following. 
His face turned serious then, his hand cupping her cheek in his palm. "Can y'do something for me, lovely?" 
She only gave a quiet nod.
"You've got to promise me you'll never do anything like that ever again, okay? That really, really scared me, sunshine." Harry's voice cracked as he reached her petname. His eyes shone with tears as he swallowed around the lump in his throat. "I don't know what I would have done if Bonnie hadn't found me to get me up here faster. I don't ever want to have to think about that again, okay?" 
"I promise, I promise," she bubbled out, harsh sniffled sounding between her words, "I'm sor—"
Harry shook his head at her, petting her cheekbone with his thumb. "No more apologies, okay? I've forgiven you, just like you forgave me. We don't need to worry about that anymore. I jus' want to make sure you're alright now." His eyes scanned over her form, drawing down her body as much as he could without pulling away. "It didn't get you at all, right?" 
"No, no," she shook her head, a lump forming in her throat as the memory of the creature reaching towards her returned, "I-It tried, but you stopped it." 
"Thank the Moon," Harry murmured to himself, dropping a kiss to her forehead as he let out a sigh that fanned across her skin. 
He held her under the moonlight as she bundled herself against his chest, cooing to her with reassuring words and promises that everything was alright. He wasn't upset with her, he'd said, only scared. He loved her to bits and pieces, and he wouldn't know what to do with himself if he hadn't made it to her in time. He loved that she wanted to try something to help him, his sweet girl always doing anything to help him. He loved her, he told her after almost every sentiment, the declaration reciprocated in her watery tone each time. 
He hummed against her hairline, the tip of his nose skimming the messy strands piled on her head.
"Does this mean the universe is upset with me? Since I did bad magic?" According to the vague grip she had on the balance and rules that went into witchcraft, what she had done with the inky mass she created, she figured that balance would be out of wack now. Karma and all the things would be out to get her.
A smile could be felt against her skin, a huffed laugh ruffling her hair as Harry shook his head. "No, no, sunshine," he crooned, peeling back to get a look at her eyes, "She knows y'only had pure intentions, no reason to punish you over not knowing what y'were doing. You've got nothing to worry about with that, okay?" 
(Y/N) gave him a pathetic nod, exhaustion filling her limbs over the events of the last twenty minutes. Harry settled her against his chest, cheek smushed into his skin as he hugged her to him—her rock, she thought. 
"I made dinner, by the way," she peeped out, eventually having found her voice through her raw throat. 
"You did?" Harry chirped, a bright smile in his town she could hear and feel against the crown of her head. 
"Mhm," she hummed, the sound a bit nasally, "Jade noodles. I even made my own sauce and everything." 
"Stars," he sighed out, peeling away from her, "We can't let that go to waste then, can we?" 
Looking up at him, (Y/N) could see the sheen of recently shed tears that covered his eyes, sparkling just like the stars twinkling above him. His aura haloed his form in baby pinks and serene greens. He loved her, the confirmation in the shades. 
"No," she said, agreeing with him as she shook her head with a tiny smile.
"C'mon then, sunshine," he crooned, "Come eat with me, then we'll take a bath together, yeah?" 
Seeing him looking at her like that, full of adoration and devotion, (Y/N) almost felt like her plunder had been worth it. (The creature was really scary, though, so she wasn't sure anything could be worth that, but this was definitely, definitely up there on the list of things that could convince her). 
Knowing that he looked at her like that after doing nothing more than making dinner and a mess in his yard, it only reaffirmed to her that she would do anything for him. Even that.
this was requested forever ago so thank you sm for being so patient bestie!! thank you all sm for reading, sorry for any mistakes, and if you have any ideas or requests of your own please send them in!!
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ghostfacd · 1 year
wait because we need more about the promise rings
luke bought them for yn after their 1 month anniversary!! (yes he counts every month because he’s so in love)
they are not cheap.. luke wanted the best for his girl so they’re probably near £319 (400 US dollars) 😭
the rings are silver metal with one emerald may stone and one citrine november stone to represent slytherin and hufflepuff. luke is always playing with yn’s hands and his particular favorite finger to play with is her index finger because her promise ring is on that finger. yn teases him sometimes, slipping her hands out of his hold and he frowns, automatically reaching for her again.
they sorta look like this
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chirp-a-chirp · 1 year
Ikemen Prince: Free
Couple: Leon X Emma
Description: The first piece of jewelry Emma receives from Leon is an engagement ring. What about his past influences that decision?
Tags: Fluffy angst? Angsty comfort? Emma/Leon being ridiculously supportive/sweet because I love this couple.
Word Count: ~750
Disclaimer: Contains spoilers for Leon’s route, including mentions of traumatic childhood.
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I can’t believe it.
Emma looked at the ring on her left finger. The band was made of rose gold, two citrine gems the same shade as Leon’s eyes on either side of the winking diamond. The ring was warm, dazzling brightly under the rays of the sun—a piece of Leon in gem form.
She never expected to get a ring—engaged, yes, but without the traditional jewels of a bride-to-be. Leon was a man of experience (no, not Jin’s, ahem, experience). With Leon, the ordinary felt extraordinary, with life meant to be thoroughly enjoyed. His dates reflected that zeal for activity: rousing dancing dates in local taverns; mingling with crowds of people at town festivals hand-in-hand; inhaling the smell of aged paper together in unexplored bookstores. And while those dates often resulted in presents—books, roses, the occasional hat pin—Leon had never gifted Emma jewelry. There was a reason for that.
For a man so eloquent and in tune with others, Leon was practically mute when it came to himself. He rarely volunteered stories of his early childhood to Emma. When he did, the tales had the same themes of drudgery, resignation, and fear. Prominent in them was a foreman who delighted in “motivating” slaves by beating them with hands covered in rings that were more like brass knuckles. The foreman wore a chained necklace adorned with different rings, each shaped with various points and sharp edges to inflict maximum damage.
“Don’t look at me like that,” Leon had said, when he first spoke of the foreman to Emma. Her eyes had become watery, her heart breaking at the cruelty he had experienced so young. Leon knew Emma was imagining the awful pain as if it were her own. He made his voice distant and eerily calm, as if telling someone else’s story. “That just the way that it was.” He was fine, perfectly fine, those dark days behind him, he insisted.
Unresolved trauma manifests in profoundly strange ways. Leon’s penchant for falling asleep while reading was well known—a quirk to an otherwise charismatic prince. The pressure to play his royal role was so great that reading other fictional characters overwhelmed him. Most of the princes carried keys to various palace rooms on a chain. Leon carried individual keys in his pockets; the sound of jangling keys reminded him of the manacles he had been locked into at night.
But jewelry was Leon’s biggest trigger. At the first palace party as an acknowledged couple, Emma had worn a red pendant necklace. When Leon saw Emma he froze, eyes widening. An image of Emma weighed down by chains on her neck and wrists, the foreman’s cruel laugh echoing in his mind, enveloped Leon. The relief from Leon was palpable when Emma, with profound insight, removed the pendant from her neck.
“I’m here Leon,” Emma whispered to him. “We have each other. Nothing and no one will change that.” She smiled and held Leon’s hand. Her words of encouragement were a beacon of hope, a lifeline to the slave boy that still resided in him.
Leon took Emma’s necklace and buried it in his pants pocket. He flashed a bright smile and claimed Emma was beautiful enough to not need such baubles. They were pretty words, but Emma was not fooled.
From that day onward, Emma wore no jewelry until her engagement.
“If you stare at that ring any longer, I might start getting jealous.” A rumbling purr tickled Emma’s ear, interrupting her thoughts. Laughing, Leon pressed a kiss to the top of Emma’s head. His arms wrapped around her waist from behind.
Emma turned in Leon’s arms so that she was facing him. She wiggled her ringed finger. “A-are you sure you’re ok with this? This ring’s not going to trigger—“
Leon put a finger to Emma’s lips, his heart squeezing gently at her concern.
“Yes. Like you said before, we have each other. This ring represents that. And much, much more.” Leon removed his finger and stroked her cheek.
“With you, I can face anything. Past or present. I want the world to see that.” He lifted her hand and kissed her ring. “With you, I am capable of anything.” Leon tilted his head and leaned down, his breath ghosting her lips.
“With you, I’m free.”
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readyforthegarden · 1 year
OKAY FRIEND YOU GOT IT!!! This turned out more angst than fluff but I will make it up to you, anonnie!! (a lot of yall requested #20 with different boys so I'm gonna try and write at least one of each, they may turn out similar and interchangeable but I'll do my best!!)
20. "it hurts me, just how much i ache for you."
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Running across the parking lot, you jumped into the arms of the young man awaiting your arrival. He laughed, spinning you around as your legs locked around his waist.
"Oh god I've missed you!" Jake laughed as he squeezed you tightly. "I'm so happy you're finally here."
"Me too!" you leaned down, peppering his face with kisses. It'd been a few long months since you'd last seen your partner, been able to touch him. You had been so excited on the plane ride and the in the car, you couldn't help bolting directly over to him. Jake reciprocated, kissing anywhere he could as you moved. Once you had gotten your fill, Jake let you down, pulling you into a tight hug.
"Who do we have here?!" you turned, seeing Sam walking over from his bus, squinting in the sunlight. "Is that my favorite sister-in-law?"
"I'm your only sister-in-law, I'd better be!" you giggled, tugging away from Jake and accepting Sam's hug. You exchanged pleasantries with Sam, Jake's arm wrapping around your waist as he joined in the conversation.
Your attention was distracted by another tall brother and shorter one, stepping out of another bus.
"Josh!" you exclaimed, you turned, jogging over to Jake's older twin, wrapping your arms around him in greeting. Josh grinned, holding you tightly as he swayed you from side to side. "Oh I've missed you!"
"I'm missed you too, so so much!" Josh replied, pulling away. "What are you doing here?"
"Jake flew me out for a few weeks, we couldn't stand being apart much longer." you grinned, turning back to your husband. "Newlywed life sucks when you don't have your other half." Josh's smile faltered as he nodded.
"Yeah, I can imagine." he sighed. You'd moved onto greeting Danny now, and Sam and Jake had joined the circle. Josh couldn't help but glancing down at your hands. One was intertwined with Jake's as he stood next to you, his wedding band shining between the fingers on your right hand. On your left, a matching, more delicate band that housed an oval blue-green sapphire nestled among a few small white sapphire clusters on the sides. Another more plain band was snuggled underneath it on your finger. Josh bit the inside of his cheek, watching it glimmer in the sunlight.
He remembered Jake showing it to him. How excited his twin was to share his secret. Jake went into detail about how he tried to causally bring up stones, took you into jewelry stores, even tried to find your pinterest and etsy pages to see what you were looking at. He was so proud to have built this ring for you.
"Diamonds aren't for her," Jake insisted, and Josh agreed. It was a beautiful ring, truly, and you were going to love it. But to Josh, you weren't sapphires. You were fire opals, full of cosmic hues of gold, red green and blue. You were citrine, shining as brightly as the sun, blinding him from everyone else. You were anything but a basic gemstone.
If it hadn't been for Josh, you and Jake would have never met. You and he had the same voice teacher, who had prompted a meeting between you both after realizing how similar you were to Josh. You weren't into singing professionally; you had started taking lessons as a silly new years resolution, trying something new. After meeting a few times, Josh had started to show up early to his appointments, realizing you were usually there just before him. He loved the surprised look on your face when you'd start to leave, seeing him walking up the stairs. He had been so close to asking you out, the day he plucked up the courage, Jake had tagged along to his lesson, since he was going to be singing on the next album.
You were going down the stairs just as Josh and Jake were starting to climb them. You paused when you got closer, greeting Josh. He introduced Jake to you, not realizing the loss he would suffer for doing so. Jake, ever the one to make a move as soon as he knew what he wanted, invited you to the bar that night. Harmless, until once gathered and a few drinks in, he had snuck you off to a corner, talking to you quietly as you shared a tequila soda with him. As soon as he saw Jake lean in, Josh knew it was over. You accepted his kiss and the rest was history.
Now here you were, three years later and finally sharing Josh's last name, except you weren't his, like how he'd originally thought. How he nearly bit through his tongue at the wedding, wanting to stop it, shout out his feelings for you, have you run away with him in your beautiful gown and marry him instead in some little chapel. Move into a cottage and fill it with love and as many children as the two of you could handle. But that fantasy was something he could no longer lose himself in without feeling sick, knowing it would never happen.
It took everything Josh had in him the rest of the day to stay out of his own head. He slipped occasionally, nearly kicking himself when he flubbed onstage for the third time. He couldn't believe you being there would affect him this much. Just knowing you were there, no doubt eyes trained on Jake, watching him play his heart out for you in the stands.
After the show, you all took up home in the hotel's bar, sipping on drinks and catching up more than you were able to before. Jake stayed on you at all times, a hand on your thigh, his arm on the back of your chair, finger twirling a lock of your long hair behind your back. Josh had finally had enough after the third times he caught you both making moon eyes at each other, and roughly set his glass down on the bar, near-storming out of the restaurant.
"What was that all about?" Danny asked, brows furrowed.
"I'll go talk to him, maybe he's mad at one of you guys." you joked with his brothers.
"About what?!"
"I don't know, but one of you is always up to something."
You parted from Jake at the bar, placing a kiss on his cheek and then following Josh's path out to the outdoor pool of the hotel. You found him sitting in one of the lounge chairs, watching the wind ripple the clear blue water.
"Listen, you are the last person I want to see right now." Josh sighed, ignoring your presence.
"That's harsh," you scoffed. "What have I ever done to deserve that?"
"You just-" Josh shook his head. "Never mind. It's better if I stay quiet."
"Josh, you've been so weird to me this whole trip. I have no clue what I've done to you, but whatever it is-"
"Why did you kiss Jake?" Josh stared at you now, his dark eyes watching you. You were puzzled.
"Well he's my husband, so we kiss...I don't-"
"At the bar. The night you met him. Why did you kiss Jake?"
"Josh, that was years ago, I-"
"Answer the damn question!" Josh snapped, startling you.
"Because you wouldn't make a move." you replied, stony faced. "Because I waited for almost a year for you to finally do something. I left so many opportunities open for you, flirted with you. God I was doing everything to try and get you to notice that I liked you! I gave up and then you introduced me to Jake and-"
"So you decided to fuck my twin since you couldn't have me?" Josh felt the sting of your slap before he realized what he said.
"Fuck you Josh." you seethed. "Fuck you. I love Jake, and he wasn't afraid to make a move. He wanted me, and he did something about it. He was never a consolation prize. Don't bring your bitterness to me because you couldn't pluck up the courage to do what he did." Josh was silent, his cheek still stinging from your slap.
"It...it hurts me," he looked up at you. "just how much I ache for you."
"You need to stop, then." you supplied quietly, looking at the ground. "I'm with Jake. I love him, and I'm spending the rest of my life with him. You're always going to be there, I can't stop that, and I won't. I won't put Jake through that. But you have to make that choice too." Josh stared at you, seeing the resolve in your eyes. "I love you Josh, but you lost me a long time ago. It's time to move on."
"Yeah, you're right." Josh swallowed thickly. "I need to move on."
"I'd like us to be friends again." you murmured, wiping a tear before it could fall from your eyes. "I know it will be a long time, and this is going to suck, but...I do really cherish our friendship."
"We'll get there again, one day." Josh sniffled, giving you a half-hearted smile.
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Raz and Lili's great Valentine escape
Lili was not a vain person. She didn’t care about the latest trends in fashion or music. Her clothes were mostly bought in thrift stores, she styled he hair in whatever she felt like wearing it and some of her favorite genres of music were decades old.
Nope, she certainly wasn’t a vain person.
That’s what she kept telling herself as she tore the umpteenth shirt out her closet to see if it fit with her brand new leather vest, after which she grabbed her hairspray and applied it in the same way the instructional video was telling her.
Lili took a deep breath, trying to relax her nerves. Why was she nervous. It was just Razputin Aquato. The same Raz she’s known since they were 10 years old. They’ve been friends for 6 years now …
…and for the last 6 months of those 6 years, they’ve been dating.
…and it was their first real Valentine’s together. And they’d go out together. A real date, and not just an evening of hanging out, making fun of those silly, romantic comedies the Aquato parents would watch.
Finally happy with the way her outfit and her hair looked, she walked over to the window, leaning down on the window sill to gaze at the house located just opposite hers. She smiled as she thought back on the day the Aquato family moved in, almost 6 years ago now. At first, she didn’t put too thought into them, or the boy she didn’t know  would become her best friend.
Back then, to her, Raz was just some kid from school who just happened to live in the same street at her and had this strange attachment with a pair of goggles he always had with him. It wasn’t until that same summer that things changed, when she ended up sitting next to him, going to Whispering Rock Summer Camp. In those few hours on that rickety hot bus, they discovered they had a lot in common. A similar taste in music, movies and cartoons and a shared love for the fictional Psychonauts franchise. Two weeks later and they had become an inseparable duo.
For six years, they’d do everything together. They’d walk to school together, do homework together, visit each other’s houses, have Christmases together with both their families, being there for each other during happy and sometimes sad times. .And somewhere along the way, their feelings for each other changed.
Lili grinned at the moment they both realized it. It was Mirtala, Razputin’s little sister of all people, who – as she put it – was fed up ‘looking at those two pinning for each other without realizing about the other.’. And thus, a first date happened, and the first kiss on the same day. And now, here they were.
A car horn jolted her from her thoughts.
“Looks like Norma is here to pick up Frazie.” Lili said to herself as she watched Norma’s (ugly) citrine colored car pull op the Aquato driveway. She grinned as said driver stepped out. “Wow, Norma’s looking good in that suit. Frazie’s gonna impressed.”
She watched as Norma walked over to the front door and raised her hand to ring the doorbell. She didn’t even have the time to stretch out a finger, as the door suddenly flew open and the eldest Aquato daughter Frazie jumped out to embrace her girlfriend, peppering the latter with kisses. Lili rested her chin on her folded arms, sighing warmly at the display.
She had to admit, it was sometimes weird seeing them together, considering they couldn’t stand each other for the longest time at first, if she had to believe Razputin. Well, she did believe him, she had seen what happened if you put those two in the same room together back then. They always ended up bickering and arguing about …stupid things.
And then, a few years ago, their entire relationship flipped around suddenly. She had no idea what really changed between them. According to Raz, they were forced to do a group project together, so Norma had reluctantly  come over to the Aquato house. Raz had no recollection what the topic was about, but he remembered Frazie mentioning it was a ‘heavy topic’. After an hour they had started shouting at each other and then …suddenly stopped.
When Raz’s curiosity became too much, he had snuck over to see if they hadn’t ended up killing each other. The only thing he saw was a sobbing Norma being hugged by a stunned Frazie. By the look that Frazie had thrown him as he peeked through the door, he knew something serious was going on, and that he had keep his mouth shut and leave. To this day, he has no idea what they had talked about, only that not too long after that, they went on a date and the rest was history.
She couldn’t help but smile as she watched Norma present Frazie with her Valentine’s present: a necklace, by the look of it. Even from her window, she could see Frazie’s cheeks redden as Norma placed the necklace around her neck. It was then that Frazie seemed to notice their little looky-loo, giving Lili a enthusiastic wave, prompting her to return the gesture. Norma gave a quick wave as well, and gestured Frazie towards the car, indicating they had to leave. If she knew Norma a little, she had made reservations at a fancy restaurant for them.
As she watched the car leave the property, she noticed movement in the upstairs windows. Dion’s room, to be precise. Dion’s girlfriend Gisu had arrived about half an hour ago. No idea what they’d be doing to celebrate this evening. Dion and Gisu weren’t really a ‘planning sort of couple’. They’d probably go out and see what the night would bring. Kinda romantic as well, in a lazy sort of way. But then …it fit that couple.
Dion and Gisu, now those were two who had the total opposite of what Norma and Frazie’s journey to romance had been. In fact, Lili found it a complete miracle that Dion had ended up with Gisu in the first place. Gisu lived in the street not too far from them, so she came around often to skate around. Dion – who’ve had a crush on her for a loooong time - thought one day it was the perfect opportunity to impress her with his skateboarding abilities.
The tiny problem with that? He had none. Zero. Never even touched a skateboard before. And so that’s how he ended up breaking his wrist, breaking Gisu’s board, and severely pissing off his crush. Lili absolutely believed that if Dion didn’t bought her a new board with his own money, Gisu’d never speak to him again. But seemed she was touched by the gesture. So they started hanging out …and suddenly started dating. Kinda similar to her and Raz, even if the latter really didn’t like to hear that comparison with his eldest brother. He always had been closer to Frazie than Dion, anyway.
Lili decided she’d had enough window watching, she turned around and walked back to her mirror, to give herself another once-over. Her eyes fell on a torn pair of gloves on her bookcase. She sighed sadly and took them off the shelf, giving the fingerless gloves a dismayed look. They had been her favorite pair of gloves and had worn them every day for years. Who cared they had been made with cheap fake leather and the metal studs were paper-thin and hollow? They were comfy and they completed her look. But years of wearing them had worn them down to the bone, so to speak. She had ripped one of them after getting them caught on something, and now they were ruined. She had worn them for so long, she almost felt naked without them. Kinda like Raz and those goggled that belonged to his great-grandfather, who had been a pilot in the war.
“Rest easy, buddies.” Lili said as she put the gloves back on the shelf. Her phone buzzed on her nightstand. It was a message from Raz saying he’d “be there in 5”. Lili’s heart fluttered and she quickly made the finishing touches, just in time as the doorbell rang.
“It’s for me!” She shouted as she ran down the stairs. She made a quick detour to the living room to see her dad Truman, who was watching tv. She gave him a quick kiss on the cheek. “You’re gonna be alright on your own?”
Truman rolled his eyes with a chuckle. “Always the worrying daughter. I’ll be fine, little flower. You go have fun with Raz.”
Lili gave her father a wide smile and spun around to run to the door.
“I want you home by 10, you hear me?!” She heard her father shout.
“I know!” Lili stopped in front of the door, straightening out her outfit before she opened it. She giggled at the sight of her boyfriend. Raz was wearing a new vintage-looking leather jacket he’d bought a few weeks before, but that wasn’t the thing that she found funny. It seemed his mother had worked a comb on his usually messy hair, trying to style it. It looked kinda  nice …if you were born in the early 30’s. His trademark goggles hung securely around his belt.
Raz’s eyes lit up when he saw her. “Woah, you look …so pretty, Lil!” His eyes darted up and down, giving her a good look as she spun around. “New outfit?”
“Oh, this old thing?” Lili asked nonchalantly. “No, I’ve had it for a while now. I only wear it on special occasions.”
“That right?” Raz asked, that mischievous glint in his eyes that looked so cute on him. “So that tag on the collar that says “2024 collection. Brand New!” joining us on our date as well?”
Lili’s hand flew to the back of her neck, and yes, there was a tag there she’d forgotten to cut out. She blushed, grinning sheepishly. “Uh …busted?”
Raz chuckled and dug his hand in his shoulder bag. “Here, let me.” He pulled out a pocket knife and used it to cut the tag out, planting a quick kiss on her cheek as he got close to her, getting a soft kick against his shins in return. He straightened out her collar. “There, perfection.”
“Shut up, you dork.” Lili giggled. She folded her hands behind her back, swaying from side to side in an attempt to act cute. “So, what do you got planned for us, my handsome suitor.”
“I was thinking go see that movie you haven’t shut up about for weeks, having dinner at your favorite pizza place and then go to the park to see the Valentine’s Day Firework special.”
Lili grinned. “Sounds like my type of date.”
“That’s why we’re doing it. But before we go …” Raz grinned and dug into his bag, taking out a square, flat black box.
Lili raised an eyebrow. “Raz, I thought we decided we wouldn’t do gifts?”
“I know, but I bought one anyway.”
Lili couldn’t help but smile. “Okay, but I get to pay for the pizza!
“Fair enough.” Raz agreed with a chuckle, handing over the box. “Now open your present.”
Lili slid the lid off the box. Her eyes went wide and a gasp escaped her throat. In the box laid a pair of brand new, leather fingerless gloves, adorned with solid metal studs. “No. Freaking. Way! RAZ!”  
“I know how sad you were your favorite pair were damaged beyond repair.” Raz asked with a chuckle. “You can thank Lizzie for the studs. She put those on herself.”
Lili ran a finger over the material. “Raz, this is genuine leather! And it’s from a expensive brand!” She looked up. “How on Earth could you afford this?”
Raz rubbed the back of his head, grinning sheepishly. “Lets just say I’ve been doing a lot of extra chores around our house … and Gisu’s house … and at Norma ‘n Lizzie’s. Frazie helped pay for it a little in the end, when I seemed to come up short. You like them?”
“Like them? I love them!” She threw her hands around Razputin’s neck and kissed him fiercely. Raz immediately held her by her waist, pulling her closer to him. Both blushed as she pulled away. She held out the box towards Raz. “You wanna do the honors, my gallant knight?”
“It would be my pleasure, my fair lady.” Raz took the gloves out of the box – lili quickly threw the empty container down the hall – and held Lili’s hands as he gently pulled the gloves over her hands one by one.
Lili held out her hands and admired her new gloves. They were soft and comfy, yet had a sturdy look to them. The metal studs added some weight to them. Oh, the next creep who dared to bother her would regret their life choices, she was sure of that. She hugged Raz, kissing his cheek. “Thank you, Raz.”
The way Razputin’s cheeks turned bright red was almost as great as the gift itself. “N-no problem, Lili.” He coughed in his fist. “Uh, we better get going if we’re gonna catch our movie.”
Lili hooked her arm in Razputin’s and leaned her head on his shoulder. “Lets!”
Razputin guided them to the front of his house and opened up the garage, where a familiar looking scooter was waiting.
“Hang on, isn’t that Dion’s?” Lili asked as she watched him wheel the thing out the garage.
“Yup.” Raz grabbed a helmet and secured it on his head, before throwing Lili another one.
Lili caught it and put it on. “How did you convince him to let you borrow it?” She asked as she adjusted the straps.
Razputin climbed on the scooter, giving Lili a sideways grin.
Lili grinned and crossed her arms. “You didn’t tell him, didn’t you?”
A shout was heard above them. “RAZPUTIN!” Lili looked up and saw a fuming Dion poking his head out. They could hear Gisu laughing her heart out behind him.
Raz flinched and gestured to Lili to climb on the scooter. Lili laughed and quickly got up behind him, wrapping her arms around his waist.
“He’s gonna kill you for this for sure, Raz.” Lili laughed as she rested her chin on his shoulder.
“Mom said I could use it.” Raz shouted with a shrug – more to Dion than to her - , flipping the switch to start the engine.
“Don’t you dare!” Dion shouted. “Raz, I- Oh, just wait until I get you!” His head popped back into his room, after which Gisu poked her head out. She leaned on the window sill, giving the young couple a warm smile.
“Hiya, my young ne'er-do-wells! So, it seems that Mirtala locked the door when he wasn’t looking, so I’d say you have about a minute before Deedee finds his spare key and kicks your butt, Raz!” She winked at Lili. “You look amazing, Lili.” She looked behind her and turned back with a grin. “He’s out. Better hustle, kiddos!”
“Thanks!” She tapped Razputin’s shoulder. “Let’s ride!”
The engine of the scooter roared alive. They managed to drive away in time, just as the front door opened and an angry Dion ran out, shouting after the laughing couple. Lili pulled herself tighter against Razputin’s back, grinning from ear to ear. All the nervousness she had felt earlier had washed away. If this sort of excitement was gonna be a regular thing in their relationship, she couldn’t wait what was next in store.
Just the way she liked it.
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xxang3l-trapxx · 10 months
We’re Not Going Anywhere Until We Breathe
I literally wrote this in 30 minutes. Happy birthday to Tod I guess!
It’s dark when Tod wakes up, and he immediately goes through the motions of the day, showering, brushing his teeth and doing a small prayer for George, never quite being able to shake the habit of praying even though he hasn’t beloved in god or gone to church since he was eighteen.
He gets dressed in a sweater that reminds him of that day, but he pushes it down. All the way down. Down until he can forget that George is dead, remains in the ground and Tod is alive and happy and in his late thirties and it should be the both of them complaining about being old.
Tod decides on sweatpants instead of jeans.
Walking into the kitchen, Alex is sitting at the table, coffee in one hand and the newspaper in the other (Tod always teases him about being old fashioned, but Alex likes traditional print things so Tod lets him be). Tod walks over to his boyfriend and kisses him on the top of his head, and giggles at Alex turning red.
“Morning baby,” he says, giving his trademark grin. Alex hums in recognition.
“Good morning my dear,” Alex says. “Did you sleep well?”
Tod hums back. “Mmm-hmm. What’re you doing up so early?” he asks, raising an eyebrow.
Alex actually faces Tod this time, smiling at his partner.
“I could say the same for you, you’re not exactly an early riser,” he jokes. “Anyways, I was waiting for you to wake up so I can give you your birthday present.”
Tod curses under his breath. He forgot his birthday, and for the last few years hadn’t celebrated it other than allowing Alex to make him breakfast. It was easier to celebrate in his early twenties with Alex and the other Flight 180 crew, they’d been young, and in the case of Terry and Carter, childless, which allowed them to barhop and drink as much as they wanted. Now that they’re all in their late thirties and early forties, it’s harder to go out for one’s birthday. Or go out at all.
“Ah.” Is what Tod chooses to say instead.
Alex looks at Tod with understanding. “I get it. You haven’t really done anything for your birthday in…a while. So I wanted to make it low key for you,” he says. “I was thinking we go out to IHOP or somewhere for breakfast after I give you your present.”
Tod smiles and kisses Alex. “That sounds nice, I like IHOP,” he replies. “What’s my present?”
In the most cliche movement Alex has ever done in the nearly 3 decades of Tod knowing him, Alex gets into one knee and pulls out a box from his pocket, opening it.
Inside is a ring with a beautiful citrine in the middle, the birthstone for November front and center.
Tod’s hands fly to his mouth and his eyes fill with tears. Alex starts to panic.
“Shit, is it tacky? I knew I should’ve listened to Terry when I asked her about it a month ago,” he rambles, going into full Teenaged Alex mode when he still dealt with Death on a regular basis.
Tod starts laughing, and kneels down net to Alex, wincing as his joints pop (turning 40 really fucks your joints up).
“No, no, I love it!” He exclaims, taking the ring and sliding it onto the ring finger of his left hand. “How’d you know citrine was the b—never mind, you probably already knew,” he says.
Alex looks at Tod. “So you like it?” He asks. Tod rolls his eyes playfully and nods.
“Yep. I’d say this has been the best gift anyone has ever given me, birthday or otherwise.”
“What about the Gameboy you got for your tenth birthday?”
“Not even close.”
And as the two men laugh and hold each other, the sun rises over their home, smack dab in the middle of suburban New Hampshire.
@cinemagh0ul @finalfilms @seikointelli @brains4ne @kymyit @ilovewendychristensen @whatsaudreythinkingabout
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this-is-me19 · 2 years
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Salt Bowl
If you want the spell for my particular bowl, look below the cut (read more or keep reading); otherwise, feel free to read my little commentary and check out the video.
I am a huge fan of her work. She works it right there in the video explaining why she does and chooses the items. It's very easy to understand. I also love her voice, so calming.
Gold nail polish (Gold is a form of color magick with Intention of prosperity, abundance, and personal power)
Gold nail polish (Gold is a form of color magick with Intention of prosperity, abundance, and personal power)
Gold nail polish (Gold is a form of color magick with Intention of prosperity, abundance, and personal power)
Pink Himalayan Salt* (Salt is a form of purification and protective magick; Pink is a form of color magick with Intention of unity, intimacy, and healing)
Kosher Salt* (Salt is a form of purification and protection magick; white is a form of color magick with intentions of protection, purity, and calming the mind)
Black Sharpie (in this spell is used as a focus; however, black is a form of color magick with the intentions of protection, repelling or absorbing negative intentions/hexes, putting an end to unhealthy relationships, and banishment)
Meteorite Stone (Intention of luck in the unknown)
Agate (crystal/stone with intention of balance emotions and courage)
Lapis lazuli (crystal/stone with intention of creativity and happiness)
Jasper (crystal/stone with intention of grounding, healing, and insight)
Quartz, Milky (crystal/stone with intention of raise energy, growth, and protection)
Aventurine (crystal/stone with intention of prosperity, wealth, and motivation)
Hematite (crystal/stone with intention of calm emotions, centering, and grounding)
Citrine (crystal/stone with intention of happiness, positivity, and self-esteem)
Tigerseye (crystal/stone with intention of control emotions)
Chalcedony (crystal/stone with intention of stabilize luck, mental growth, and strengthen relationships)
Quartzite, Purple (crystal/stone with intention of emotions, lessen anxiety, and emotional healing; purple is a form of color magick with intention of wisdom and deepening spiritual awareness and knowledge)
Amethyst (crystal/stone with intention of emotional support and balance, and wisdom)
Serpentine (crystal/stone with intention of motivation and transformation)
Rose Quartz (crystal/stone with intention of self-love, stabilize and strengthen relationships)
Dried Orange Peel (Orange peel is considered an herb with the intention of wealth, love, and purity)
"Be positive, like a proton" charm (intention of positivity)
Evil eye charm (click link for more)
Hamsa Charm (click link for more)
NaCl, chemical symbol (salt is a form of protection and purification)
Ring symbol (click link for more)
Cleanse the bowl and ingredients as needed. NOTE: Be aware of which stones can be in sunlight versus water. There are multiple ways to cleanse.
If your bowl allows it, decorate your bowl using symbols, sigils, colors, or similar to enhance its qualities and your intention.
Pour the salt(s) into your bowl and make sure it covers the entire bottom of your bowl, a thin layer is completely fine.
Place ingredients on salt and advise each object of your intention for it. NOTE: I advised what each of mine was in the ingredients list; however, each object has additional uses than what I put. I do not do more than 1-3 requested intentions for each item as it can become difficult to concentrate (for me at least) when you work them.
Place the bowl where you want it to be in your home or room.
To use the bowl
Dip your fingers into items and touch the salt concentrating on the removal of energies or negative emotions from you.
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rosecjewelsshop · 6 months
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Marquise Citrine and Diamond Half Eternity Ring
Make a fashion statement with this elegant Half Eternity Ring. Adorn with Marquise Shape Citrine gemstones is set in Prong Setting with Diamond gemstones that add a touch of glamour to your finger, perfect for any party. Made with a genuine Citrine, this Half-Eternity Ring is sure to set your style high. Surprise your loved one on a special day and make her feel extra special with this elegant piece.
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Thranduil and Josie Part 111- The Pact
Summary: Raven awakens with a vengeance. Thranduil and Gollum strike a seemingly impossible deal. Garrett and Josie share a moment. Narcisse is fed up. Josie turns to Legolas. Gollum finds something precious.
*Warnings* Abuse, domestic violence, angst, language
Stories Stories Stories Masterlist
Raven sat in excruciating agony from the multiple deep gashes on her back inflicted by Jareth's whip beating and the iron poisoning.
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She now despised the goblin king with every shallow breath left in her body. She knew this was her karma for conjuring such a beast by using black magic....and for what...to be loved? Even her wickedness knew this was not love, but pure obsession and possession. How she wished for her mother in that moment. As twisted as Caroline was, she was the only one who ever truly loved her, despite all their differences, and considering Jareth and Caroline had a past, Raven knew her mother would know how to handle the resurrected cacodemon. It was now evidently clear to her why Caroline never told Jareth about you. He was brought back from the dead by Ashmole that Jareth so desperately wants and Caroline wanted to protect you from him. The goblin king had told Raven all about his lazarus effect and also that Ashmole had the ability to undo his summoning and send him back to hell for good. No wonder he desired it so bad, among other reasons he didn't reveal to Raven...maybe that's even why Caroline wanted it.... If only she could bring her mother back....even if she would be far more evil than she had already been.
Raven worried for Thranduil, even after he had tried to kill her. She knew he despised her and him damn near choking her to death was a wake up call. He was beyond desperate to get out of there....just like she now was. But she still hated you.... and for that, she would never tell you he was alive. She had every intention on making you suffer even more than you already were.
Her strength would slowly return, and when she was fully powered back up, she would go on a mission to get back at the goblin king and also further complicate your life. She wobbled her way up to her feet and snuck outside, for this dhampir needed sunlight to help her heal.
"Gollum...I would know that wretched voice anywhere. Why are you here?" Thranduil asked in a weak and stern, but curious tone as he lowered his ear to the infrangible door.
"Elvenking...we saws what Jareth did to you." Gollum replied as he too leaned into the door.
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"That does not answer my question. What do you want?"
"Both of the goblin king's precious's....and we wants him dead."
"Why share such useless information, for it means nothing to me."
"Because you asked us....and because we can helps you....then you can helps us."
Thranduil knew better than to ever trust the notorious greedy and savage trickster, but what other options did he have?"
"I'm listening..." he flatly said.
"We needs the precious on his hands. It is the only way to free you."
Thranduil knew what Gollum spoke of. The citrine ring Jareth bore on his finger that held powers similar to his own moonstone ring.
"And how do you propose to obtain the golden gem? Cutting his finger off is the only way to remove it, for it is bound to him."
"Yes!! Yes!! We cuts it off!"
"You will never be able to do such a tedious task. You are wasting my time. Go back to your filthy lair in the mountains where you belong."
"Time is all you have, for we are your only hopes."
"You are of no hope to me. Go do what you must, but I assure you, you will be dead before you even attempt your mindless plan. You are no match for Jareth. Beings what you are now, you should know this. He would have to be already dead for that ring to be removed."
"But we knows someone who can helps us. Someone who also wants him dead. Do you not want to go backs to your own precious's? Your Queen and Princess's."
Thranduil raged at the mutants words and slammed his hand upon the door, startling and sending Gollum to the ground.
"What do you know of my wife and child?!! DO not speak of them to me, for they are none of your concern! If I am ever freed of this prison, I will pluck each of your limbs from your putrid body and feed your squirming remains to the hellhounds of the dark forest!"
Gollum's hands flew to his ears and covered them in sheer terror. He knew the Elvenking would make good of his threats. He feared him much much more than he did Jareth.
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Thranduil went silent as Gollum pulled himself back together. He then crept back up to the door.
"But what if's we gets you free?" he whispered as his scrawny vessel shivered, waiting for Thranduil to lash out again.
"What is it that you want!!!" Thranduil barked, sending the goblin like creature scrambling into a fetal position.
"Ifs...ifs we gets you free....you can frees us. You have such healing powers. All knows it."
"Even if I were so inclined to do so, I have been depleted of my powers, nor do I possess my own ring."
"You can do its at another time. The Elvenking is a man of his words is he nots?"
"That I am, but it is all irrelevant until I am freed. With that said though...IF you manage to release me, I have my own requests to add to this theoretical arrangement."
"Now we are listening. Tells us your desires King of the woodland realm."
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"If you are able to free me, however you may do so, bring me a violin." Thranduil simply stated.
Gollum was taken aback and pondered over this strange bidding.
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"A violins? Where do we gets a violins my precious? There is no such instrument around here. Yes, yes there is...No there's not...yes we've seen ones...in the goblin towns. It is Freya's...she played it for us. We cannot go inside to gets it. Yes we can, the fire one can. Shut up!" Gollum debated back and forth with his alter ego otherwise known as Smeagol.
"Excuse me?" Thranduil snarled.
"We are not talking to you. Yes, yes, the red one. No, no she will hates us if she sees us. Try we must. She can get us both precious's. The violin and the rings."
"Enough!" Thranduil shouted. "Free me and bring the violin or live your worthless existence for eternity in that rotting corpse of a body!"
Gollum squealed in fear and scurried off.
Thranduil knew this was pointless but he still held onto that little glimpse of hope he had left that by some miracle, Gollum could pull this off. What else did he have to lose?
Garrett carried you up to one of the castle towers where he had entered and flew you back to the balcony of your room, setting you down with the greatest of ease. The agile vampire was used to doing everything at the speed of light, but not with you, for you were a delicate flower to him, although he knew that when your powers returned full force, the girl that once asked him to teach her how to use them could kick his immortal ass.
"Hey little one, are you alright?" Garrett asked as he stroked your cheek.
Your eyes wandered all around the balcony where you had seen Thranduil in your dream and began to cry again.
"No...I'm not. I don't know how I am going to do this Garrett? I feel so empty inside. If it weren't for Leean, I would just end it all."
He pulled you into his arms. "Don't you talk like that Josephine, do you hear me? You'll get through this. I will help you in any way that I can."
You sniffled against his chilly chest. "How...how did you find me? I...I saw you outside when we arrived here but I figured you would have left by now."
"Do you never listen to me? Did I not tell you I would never leave you again? I've been doing what vampires do best, lingering in the shadows of the halls....and I heard you crying and could smell your sweet cherry blossom scent, so I followed it and found you. I knew this was your room because I saw you and Legolas standing out here earlier."
You peered up at the comforting king who bore the kindest compassionate smile. His eyes were that of his natural soft blue hue.
"Legolas...you...you saved him. Garrett, how can I ever thank you enough?"
"You can't." he chuckled. "Trust me, I didn't do it for him...but for you. I know what he means to you and how much you need him."
"Still...that was so selfless of you. You saved me so many times...and now him...I don't care why you did it. All that matters is that you did....You know...I need you too Garrett. I have missed you."
He gazed into your teary eyes for a moment in shock of your words. No one has ever needed him. If circumstances weren't the way they were, he would have kissed you right then and there. Instead, he softly smiled and pulled you back against him.
"I...I have missed you too Josephine."
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A pounding on your bedroom door sounded and Narcisse's anxious voice was heard from inside your room, interrupting the bonding embrace between you and Garrett.
You gasped and pushed Garrett back out of sight. "You need to move!" you loudly whispered and stood beside him, peeking in the corner of the window.
"Josephine is gone!" Stephane exclaimed to Haldir and Legolas who had sprung out of their slumber upon his hasty entry. "The guards said she went running right through them and down the hall. What good are the both of you in keeping her safe?!"
Leean began crying as she was startled by the noise. Legolas went right to her and picked her up. Your heart melted at the beautiful sight as he gently bounced her and kissed her forehead. He had earlier been afraid to hold her and now it was like he was a natural at knowing what she needed. She had his heart and you knew he would die for her if it ever came to it.
"It would seem your guards are no more sufficient." Haldir snapped. "I will go look for her Legolas. Stay here with Leeanduil."
"Oh god, I need to get in there Garrett and you need to go. They cannot find you here. I do not know how they will react. I'll find you again soon. I promise."
He smiled at your concern for him and that you wanted to see him again.
"What are you going to tell them as to why you are out here after they know you ran out the bedroom door?"
"I'll think of something, now Garrett please." you pleaded as you held his hand.
He leaned down, kissed your cheek then stroked it once more as he smiled....and then a poof of molasses scented wind blew over you and he was gone.
Haldir was starting to leave with Narcisse as you lightly knocked on the locked glass door, stopping them both in their tracks. Haldir whipped the door open and whisked you into his arms.
"Jo...my god, where have you been and why...how...are you out here?"
"I...I...um...I couldn't sleep and so I came out here for some air and to think. Somehow, I must have locked myself out."
The entire room was quiet as all three of them looked at you with skeptical eyes. Your lie was so weak and you knew it, but you continued on with it anyways.
"Is that so Jo?" Narcisse asked in an obvious disbelieving tone. "Then why did my guards see you run out of your door earlier. Unless you can fly, that is not possible."
"I..I came back into the room first. The guards were gone then."
"Right...well...I do know someone who CAN fly. A vampire named Garrett in which this entire room now reeks of since you came inside. You're a terrible liar Jo so just give up the charade already."
"Ok...fine! He was here, so what? He just wanted to check on me, is that so wrong?"
"It is when vampires on not permitted on my lands, let alone in my castle! and why were you wandering the halls alone? Did you forget about Jareth so quickly?"
"Enough!" Legolas commanded and laid Leean back down who had fallen back asleep. "Josie is fine and that's all that matters. There's no need to stand here and speak to her in such a manner. I will not tolerate it....and besides...Garrett will not harm her. I am certain of that, and like she said, he was only here to make sure she was alright. Now change your tone to her, or I will change it for you."
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Now the room was so damn silent, you could have heard a pin drop. You looked at Legolas in bewilderment, as did the others, but you, more so. Had Garret saving his life changed his views of the vampire he despised so much? You figured that hell would have had to have frozen over first for that to happen....and Legolas' defense of you was so much like Thranduil's. You could blatantly see your King in him in that moment. No fear as the Prince glared the warlock down with his piercing blues and nose flaring.
You stepped in front of Legolas, giving him a stand down look to prevent things from getting out of hand.
"Stephane...you know Garrett is not responsible for the Laketown massacre, so why are you still being so aggressive towards him?" you asked as you approached the riled up warlock.
"That may be so Jo, but he is still a vampire and they cannot be trusted. There are rules here and if you wish to remain here, you will abide by them. Have I made myself clear?"
What was truly clear was that Legolas had just highly pissed off Narcisse and he had taken it out on you.
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"Wow...you went from a person I actually believed had a soul to a flat out jerk in 2.0 seconds. And don't say it's the evil causing it this time, because Jareth is long gone and Garrett is not evil and is no threat to anyone here. I have lost the one person that meant everything to me and I need those I care about around me right now, and Garrett is one of them. If that is going to be a problem for you, then I will gladly take my child and go back to Mirkwood with Legolas and Haldir. Have I made myself clear?"
"You want to go Jo? Go. I am done here, bending myself over backwards to help you and keep you safe."
Narcisse spun around and abruptly left.
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"Narcisse, wait!..." you called, but he didn't return. "Fuck..."
Why did you feel so bad? Stupid empathy, that's why. But he was right. He did do so much for you. Risked himself and a lot of his men to come to your aid when he was quite adamant that he would not interfere with the vampires on that mountain. If not for him and his ship, you would have given birth in the freezing, dangerous forest. You decided you would go and try to make things right with him in the morning.
"Are...you both mad at me?" you asked Haldir and Legolas in a meek tone.
"My lady, never. All that matters is that you are safe." Legolas answered with a smile.
"Yes, Jo. That is all that matters. It seems though, that my calming effects did not last for you to not be able to sleep? I am so sorry Jo."
"Haldir, this is not your fault. I...I had a dream of Thranduil, good at first and then...it wasn't. I don't think there's any dreamcatcher in the world that will keep him from my mind...and I don't want there to be...which makes sense as to why your power didn't succeed. I..I panicked and just needed to run away...just for a moment. I am so sorry I worried you both....but...I would still like you to stay Haldir...you too Leggy."
Both elves graciously agreed. You went to feed Leean in the washroom as Haldir and Legolas reprised their previous posts and fell asleep. When you were finished, you laid your sleeping princess back in her cradle and surprised both yourself and Legolas by going to lay down beside him on the couch instead of Haldir.
"Is it ok if I sleep next to you this time?" you whispered in an attempt to not wake Haldir.
"Uhhh. of...course my lady." Legolas softly accepted.
Legolas shyly scooted over as you burrowed up against him and then drew the blanket over the two of you. He was the closest thing to Thranduil and you needed to be near him in any way possible. It was purely innocent for you...but for Legolas, it was purely hell. He had imagined a moment like this so many times and now, he would unwillingly dream of it as he drifted off to sleep breathing you in.
Gollum made his way through the forest contemplating between his two forms as how to go about his plans. He knew he needed Raven to do this and that alone would be the riskier task of the two others at hand. At least to him it felt that way, but in all reality, prying that ring off of the goblin king's finger would be the biggest of them all, for it was the only way to free the Elvenking from the dark forces of Jareth that bound the elf lord.
As he trekked through a clearing, something caught his bulging blue eyes. Raven....asleep under a pile of dead leaves.
He panicked at first and hid behind a tree. How was she miraculously there for him to find? Gollum wondered.
"Wakes her up! No! We mustn't. She will be appalled at the sight of us. But we have to. It is the only way to free us from the master and this physical prisons. King Thranduil will do as he said if we helps him. No he won't! He despises us. It's a trap! He will kill us if released! No! No! He will be grateful!"
Raven began to whimper and squirm, then began to sit up.
"Who...who's there?"
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Gollum gasped as he fearfully peeked around the tree.
"Do its! Do its now! NO! YES!"
He crawled out, slithering against the ground.
"It is us my precious. Wake up."
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abookishdreamer · 2 years
Character Intro: Penia & Ptocheia (Kingdom of Ichor)
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Nicknames- Patronesses of Beggars, Mothers of Misfortune by the people of Olympius
The Plain Janes by Dione
Age(s)- 32 (immortal)
Location- Shadowstone neighborhood, New Olympus
Personalities- Their sister bond runs as deep as the ichor flowing in their veins. They are incredibly close as fraternal twins. Penia is the more authoritative one out of the two while Ptocheia is the silent observer. They both strongly dislike the gross display/overconsumption or gaudy materialistic wealth, feeling that its plauging their present society. They're both incredibly frugal, shrewd, resourceful, self-sufficient, & a bit pessimistic. Penia is married while Ptocheia is single.
They both have the abilities of a standard goddess except shapeshifting. Other powers/abilities they share being the goddess of poverty & goddess of beggary include making a person or group of people feel destitute temporarily, chrimatakinesis (money manipulation) as it relates to poverty inducement, being able to manipulate copper, & being able to make new objects appear withered and worn down by their touch. Penia has the ability of elasticity (is able to stretch, expand, deform/contract her body into any form imaginable) while Ptocheia has the ability of beggary inducement.
Notable physical features that they share are their thick arched eyebrows and their close set dark amber colored eyes.
Their mother is Amechania (goddess of helplessness & want). They love each other in their own way, though they don't say those words.
The sisters reside in a townhouse in the Shadowstone neighborhood of New Olympus. Their next door neighbors are a Harpy family that has six children. Ptocheia lives on the ground floor while Penia & her husband lives on the upper floor. The interior of the townhouse is very minimalist with the walls being painted in colors of cream, mauve, burgundy, dark blue, and black. The furnishings are quite simple as well with lots of wooden chairs, a mahogany table in the dining room, & cotton loveseats as well as a couch. In the china in the living room, there's several jars filled to the brim with obol coins. The townhouse has the necessary appliances (including a washer & dryer) and they all have basic cable and internet. The news channel is a go-to thing to watch with The Agnostic Network being a close second.
They get around through use of public transportation. They also use their bikes sometimes.
A notable jewelry accessory Penia wears is her plain gold wedding band. Ptocheia wears a simple citrine amber ring on her pointer finger and a gold chain necklace with a drachma charm.
The sisters both like to drink water prefering the brand Pure H2O over Cleanstream. Penia deems Cleanstream's glass bottles as unnecessary. They also don't mind Strengthify vitamin water. They also enjoy coffee- with Penia's usual go-tos from The Roasted Bean being an olympian sized dark roast coffee and a small iced tea while Ptocheia prefers a large vanilla sweet cream cold brew & an iced green tea. Penia also enjoys a glass of red wine, buying a few bottles at the grocery store for less than thirty drachmas.
The sisters' personal fashion style is the true definition of "normcore"- characterized by unpretentious, average looking clothing. There's dark & neutral colors, sweaters, button down shirts, trousers, simple belts, high waisted jeans, sneakers, flat sandals, and other practical & basic pieces. They're huge fans of the high waisted black skinny jeans from Nocturnal Vibez. Ptocheia bought 10 pairs of jeans during Gold Friday (with coupons & online sale codes). They also like the linen shirts, trousers, wide leg linen pants, oversized jackets, and oxford flats from Threads of Wisdom. They also like flats, mary janes, & ankle boots.
There's never a shortage of various shopping coupons at their place!
They're in a long list of minor deities that don't have a temple built in their honor. It's specifically said that the reasoning behind it is that the general public in Olympius don't want to invite the looming threat of overwhelming poverty into their lives. The sisters' induction ceremony also had the lowest attendance only beaten by Dyssebeia (goddess of ungodliness & impiety).
Penia usually wears her long straight mousy brown hair in a low tight ponytail or a low twisted knot. Ptocheia's dark brown hair is styled in a lob cut, with her usually wearing simple headbands or hair clips.
Their main official role/job is being in the government's department of social services overseeing the Welfare/Financial Assistance branch- (which include things like food stamps, homelessness prevention, rental assistance, cash assistance, employment services, etc...) They're also planning on co‐writing a book on financial tips together!
They don't like or trust banks (especially Hermes), so their earnings are kept in a safe hidden in the floorboards of their townhouse.
The sisters are very picky on who they choose to be eligible to recieve the services.
It's said that they were the ones who discussed with Hera to push the HHI (Harpies Housing Initiative) to the forefront.
They both only have two credit cards.
Penia is married to Porus (god of resourcefulness). Their wedding was the least glamorous- the ceremony taking place at New Olympus City Hall. She wore a basic cream pantsuit & navy blue kitten heels while Ptocheia served as their witness. Afterwards, they all celebrated at a dinner thrown at Porus' brother's house. Their honeymoon was a week long excursion in the Underworld. It was the longest the sisters were separated from each other.
Ptocheia is single & has been for a couple hundred years. She's always been shy, reserved, and socially awkward to put herself out there. She cried when Dione's "plain Jane" comment made its way back to her. Ptocheia used to have unrequited feelings for Pathos (god of emotion) and is now noticing her growing romantic feelings towards Cocytus (Titan god of wailing & lamentation). She enjoys the deep conversations they've had despite never meeting in person. They text for hours at a time. Ptocheia quietly wept when she saw some of his art displayed at NOMMA (New Olympus Museum of Modern Art), calling his paintings "gut-wrenchingly beautiful."
The sisters' shared businesses include a homeless shelter, a soup kitchen (Psomí & Zoí), a chain of discount variety stores (The Drachma Bargain) where the merchandise is low priced with many of the products costing one drachma, coin-cashing kiosks located in supermarkets, banks, & check cashing places, and a self storage business named The Border Realm. The sisters are notoriously known to pay their employees the legal minimum wage.
In the pantheon the sisters have shared friends like Lethe (Titaness of forgetfulness, oblivion, & concealment), Apheleia (goddess of simplicity), Eikono (goddess of iconography & literature), Amphictyonis (Amy) (goddess of diplomacy), Moros (god of doom), Geras (god of old age), Oizys (goddess of anxiety, misery, & depression), The Litae, and Eusebeia (goddess of piety, loyalty, duty, & filial respect).
Penia's friends with Praxidike (goddess of judicial punishment), Limos (goddess of starvation & famine), and Styx (Titaness of hatred).
Ptocheia is friends with Peitharchia (goddess of obedience & discipline), Ichnaea (goddess of tracking), Aeschyne (goddess of modesty & honor), and Soteria (goddess of safety).
They do also like Hestia (goddess of the hearth); and her chocolate cupcakes with chocolate buttercream frosting, Karme (demi-goddess of the harvest), Favian (god of philosophy), and Elpis (goddess of hope).
The deities that they dislike is a long list- the main offenders being Clymene (Titaness of fame & renown), Zeus (god of the sky, thunder, & lightning), Orthosia (goddess of wealth), Pheme (goddess of fame), Aplistos (god of avarice), and Evimería (goddess of prosperity) for their grossly overwhelming display of materialistic wealth.
They are known to do their taxes & pay their bills on time.
A favorite sweet treat of theirs is vanilla ice cream!
As for make-up the sisters won't go as far as a bit of mascara, concealer, & lip balm. They also like wearing nail polish keeping their nails neatly trimmed. Penia likes Olmorfia's nail polish in "Clearly There", "Yes We Tan" (a nude brown color), and "Pine-ing for You" (a rich dark green color). Ptocheia likes to wear the shades "Seize the Gray", "Berry Naughty" (a rich dark red color), & "Autumnal Fever Pitch" (a dark burnt orange color).
The sisters love using the Hairology soap free shampoo bar when they wash their hair.
Penia likes likes the meditteranean veggie & chicken sandwich on wheat bread from The Bread Box while Ptocheia prefers the avocado egg salad sandwich on rye bread along with a small onion-mushroom soup.
Some of the greatest gifts they ever got was a collection of black leather satchel, baguette, crossbody, tote, & bucket bags from various fashion brands from Eusebeia. Penia was pleasantly surprised to discover that she bought them off Lé Real- a website which sells previously owned and heavily discounted luxury items.
When eating out, the sisters are mindful about what they buy. They like plain cheese pizza & they love the special value meal from Olympic Chef for 10 drachmas- a box of 20 chicken nuggets, two olympian sized fries, & two olympian sized drinks. At home meal prepping is the way to go because they buy ingredients in bulk, freeze extra food for later, and more importantly, they spend less money eating out. Their favorite meal prep recipes include the smoky chicken & cinnamon roasted sweet potatoes (with green beans), cold peanut noodle salad, moussaka mac n' cheese, ground turkey & rice stir fry, chicken souvlaki with lemon butter orzo, no cook Greek pitas, and balsamic pasta salad.
The sisters (along with Porus) are thinking about moving to the Underworld, which they'll build a house of their own.
In their free time, the sisters like staying in whether it's solving crosswords, reading, writing, sewing, & knitting. When outside they enjoy jogging, yoga, bike riding, going to the museum, pottery, and horseback riding.
"Poverty is a necessary thread in society's fabric. It doesn't breed adversity, it breeds survivors."
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luckyluan · 6 months
The Princes, Con't.
MARCH 5, 2024 - 09:18PM 
“You want me to do what?!” Cyrus bellowed.  
He sat across from the still figure that was his mother. Her movements were imperceptible as she shooed away her staff with a nimble lifting of her ringed fingers. Her platinum blonde hair was pinned to her head in shining curls and braided the glistening gold metal of her crown. The crown itself was a marvel with its many ornate gildings and brightly shining gems. Six large diamonds, three on top and three on the bottom, glittered around a massive carnelian gem carved to resemble the sun and its rays. The crown was also peppered with peridots and citrines and amethyst which caught the light of the tall room and sent a blinding glare into Cyrus’ face. He covered his eyes. 
“You’re so dramatic.” His mother mused. 
“Mom, you just asked me to go to Earth and blend in?” He started. “When have we ever done either of those?” 
“Now.” She offered lazily. 
“Why now? Give me a reason.” He shot back. 
“I’ll give you three: I am your mother. I am Queen. and because I say so. I think that covers everything.” 
Cyrus rolled his eyes. He jammed his fingers between the buttonholes of his overcoat and scratched at his chest. A nervous habit he picked up before his first appearance as heir to the Throne Carnelian. 
“I despise when you scratch at yourself like that.” Queen Cyra quipped. 
“I’m scratching because I'm nervous.” he spat. “Not everyone can have your chilling disposition of regality, my queen.” 
Cyrus stuck his mother’s title on the end with as much venom as he could muster, and it worked. Queen Cyra slowly curled her fingers around the claw shaped arm rests of her high backed, lion-shaped chair and stood to her feet without making a sound. Her dark orange pantsuit shimmered in the late afternoon sun as she laced her narrow fingers together. 
“I think you need discipline, Cyrus. I think you need more structure—a firmer hand to guide you through this...time in your life. Besides, a little distance would not hurt you at all. What with all your chosen distractions.”  
Queen Cyra drifted to the open window and stared determinedly at the sprawling city that was Isle Esper—their shared home. Cyrus, behind her, tightened his grip on his belt. 
“So, this is about Hoku.” He challenged. “You want me to go away so I can’t see him anymore.” 
“’Anymore’ is such a definitive phrase, Sunspot. I like...”’for the time being’ or...’indefinitely.’” 
“By my honor as a Carnelian, Mother, if you make me do this, I will never forgive you and you can kiss your lineage goodbye.” 
“Idle threats from an inconsequential player.” Cyra mused. 
“Inconsequential player?!” Cyrus shouted. “I’m your only son. I’m the only heir to Castle Carnelian.” 
“That appears to be true...but I have not changed my mind. You leave tomorrow.” 
Cyrus’ face was wet. He dashed the tears from his cheeks with a pass of his hand and bit down his lip.  
“Mom would never do this to me.” Cyrus said. “She would never seek to take me away from Esper let alone the love of my life!” 
“You do not know if you love him for you do not know how to love.” Cyra quipped. 
“I would love to hear you say that in front of your wife.” Cyrus spat. 
“Nevertheless,” Queen Cyra turned to him. “I am, too, your mother...the one who carried you. I will be obeyed.” 
“I need to see him. I need to say goodbye to him.”  
Cyrus turned on his heel and marched for the dark double doors. He heard his mother’s voice as he clenched his fist around the polished brass doorknob. 
“You’ll find that quite impossible, Sunspot. I’ve ordered the guards and the staff to see that you remain inside Castle Carlnelian until first light. At which time, you will depart Isle Esper for the Earth. Good day, Cyrus.” 
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benydikta · 1 year
[ ring ] sender admires a ring on receiver's hand
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 ・     𝚃𝙷𝙴 𝚁𝙾𝙼𝙰𝙽𝙲𝙴 𝙾𝙵 𝙷𝙰𝙽𝙳𝚂 & 𝚃𝙾𝚄𝙲𝙷.   :    accepting ! [ @telamn ]
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" where'd you get this? " cid's doing that thing where he's trying to not act antsy. he's a buzz and he's hard to tie down unless you've got rope and a strong grip and he's not good at being quiet either. they've only been laying here for a couple minutes. might be a record.
benedikta rolls her eyes. she lifts her hand for him to take greedily, the pads of his fingers investigative on the band delicate on her pinky finger, easily missed. " saw it by a stall, up by northreach. " she turns towards him. " it felt redundant but i had to have it. "
she remembers that day well. it was about to rain, the sky cast in gray: her favorite weather. there was already mud on her boots. she was caught between a report and hard travel and hadn't planned on loitering when she knew she'd be missed. there were too many people milling about for her liking anyway, acting as if they had all the time in the world.
the young woman at the stall had been blonde. it had been muted in the wet weather. she had complained about the mist in the air, that it would affect business. benedikta didn't care to acknowledge the small talk. she was already well on her way out if the ring hadn't caught her eye.
aquamarines don't sell for much, especially when they're not the flashy ones, all bright and vibrant blues. that one instead had been nearly clear, gray and gray and gray, standing at the bank of the ocean before dawn, where the whole world seems ashen. there's the promise of color soon, inching in. it's the color of his eyes.
when she tries to buy it, the young woman tries to redirect her to the more flashy, ornate pieces. glances at all the gold detailing shining beneath benedikta's coat and tries to hook a big fish, not knowing she's pulling up a shark. benedikta doesn't have the patience for the flattery. slams a pouch of gil down and says something along the lines of take my money or die.
the girl chose to take the money.
" i kept the necklace. " her face pinches. " for what little good it did. " cid opens his mouth and she shakes her head. she has more to say. " it ended up being a reminder of all that you abandoned. " his king. waloed. her. they'd been over it before. " i wanted something that only reminded me of you. so i bought it and i kept wearing it and it made it feel like you were still here. "
there's a frown on cid's face she knows is guilt. she hates him a little less knowing he'll carry it for the rest of his life, so she smiles evilly, freakishly indulgent, and presses her free hand to his mouth, smooths out the tightness in it. " don't frown, it's going to give you more wrinkles. " his grip tightens around her wrist and she laughs in a way it surges all the way through her, warmth to her toes.
" that concern almost sounds genuine, " cid says. he's looking at the ring a little differently now.
" we can go to northreach tomorrow and see if they have any citrine, " she suggests, voice pitched light, and it pulls him away and to her and he's staring at her young and boyish and like he's trying to grapple with falling in love all over again.
" do you think it'll good on me? " he's gotten dangerously quiet.
" orange isn't your color. "
cid lets her hand go so he can pull her closer to him, his grip trapping her, palms to back. " i can make it work. "
benedikta's heart is pounding so fast she's afraid it'll run a path through her skin and find a way outside her. she huffs. says: " i'm sure you can. "
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outworld-viper · 2 years
oh, I love you, I love you
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without question
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I love you
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Commissioned the phenomenal @minilev once again, and this commission means a lot to me as it has a meaning tied to real life🥺🥺
I recently graduated and I got this commission as an early grad gift, and chose the moment Mira says "yes" to Erron! This ship has been with me all through my years in college so I wanted to get something that reflected a major life moment in their relationship as I came to my own, so I chose Erron proposing! Mira and Erron at this point have been dating for 10 Earthrealm years (100 or so in Outworld years) and have realized that they can't see a future without one another, and how through their understanding of each other's past and newfound desire to live, they decide that, without question, they were meant for one another
Anna always puts her 1000% into every commission! From the intricate details of Mira's prized dagger to Erron's signature hat and bullet belt, and the beautiful ocean waves and stars that match the citrine ring on Mira's finger 🥺🥺 Seriously I am always left speechless and struggling to truly express how in love and ecstatic I am with this. I am always in awe at Anna's skills!
Thank you Anna for time and time again taking my ideas and making them reality! Such a patient and understanding person, I wish you nothing but the absolute best 💗💗💗
Here's another version Anna kindly made!
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writeanythingagency · 2 years
hi!! is it okay to request juniper woods with an s/o who is equally as shy as her but also likes to illustrate in a sketchbook? maybe they doodle cutesy drawings of them and juniper holding hands with hearts surrounding them? much to think about (avid junie woods enjoyer) thank you so much!! ❤️
it’s definitely okay! i just realized that this is the first time i’ve written a fluffy piece too >.<
TW: None
Juniper Woods w/ a Shy Artist S/O 🌻
🌻 You know the saying like attracts like? That’s true for the two of you.
🌻 Junie completely understands you when it comes to your shyness. Where others might assume you’re uninterested in conversation, Junie gives you all the time you need to process.
🌻 Even though she’s more assertive when she needs to be, Junie’s natural state is much like yours. Many days, she’s content to rest her head in your lap and listen to the sound of your pencil and sketchbook.
🌻 That’s not to say you two never talk. On the contrary, you’re one of the few people Junie feels completely comfortable talking to, and vice versa. You love hearing about her passion for nature and gardening, and she loves hearing about your artistic process. You promise to sketch the garden someday.
🌻 Which leaves the question of what you do sketch when you’re hanging out with Junie. You always hold your sketchbook close to you when you’re drawing, so she guesses that you’re just shy about your art. She respects your privacy, so she doesn’t pry.
🌻 On a special day for the two of you, perhaps on Valentine’s Day or your anniversary, your nervous tic is near constant. Having dealt with nervous coughs herself, Junie immediately knows that something’s up. She can’t really blame you—after all, she’s got big plans too.
🌻 Junie treats you to dinner at a little hole-in-the-wall restaurant that she knows you’ll just love. You talk amongst yourselves by candlelight, the flickering flame subtly illuminating your smile. To her, that already made the whole night worth every second.
🌻 After dessert, you shyly take out your sketchbook and slide it across to your girlfriend. This is what you’ve been working on the entire time.
🌻 When Junie flips open the cover, she can’t believe her eyes. These sketches are amazing. So much detail and care was put into all of them…and all of them are of her.
🌻 Some of them are cutesy, depicting you and Junie holding hands or surrounded by hearts. The more elaborate ones are drawn in a realistic style; you’ve captured her aura so well that it’s like looking in a mirror. A few are even abstract, highlighting sunflower inspired designs. It’s beautiful, perfect, and she’s overwhelmed by all the emotions coming to her at once.
🌻 The last page is a sketch of two hands intertwined with each other, and she can’t imagine how long this must have taken for you. Junie glances to where you’ve drawn your ring finger. There’s just one thing missing. She takes a whiff of the sunflower on the table before removing something from her pocket.
🌻 You gasp as your girlfriend opens a small velvet box. Inside is a sparkling citrine set in a gold ring.
💐 “S/O, will you marry me?”
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