#Loved by a Witch
lalahbug · 2 years
Loved by a Witch - 1
Chapter 1
Fandom: Stranger Things; Eddie Munson x F!Reader Word Count: 5k My Masterlist No taglist, please follow @lalahbuglibrary
Warnings/disclaim: General <--- by reading this fic you agree/are okay with the media you are about to consume.  DO NOT REPOST OR COPY MY WORK! Reblogs and likes are very appreciated ❣
Fluff, some self-doubt, pure fiction, nothing too bad in this chapter.
My blog is 18+ MINORS DNI ___ is a blank for your name/oc/whatever you prefer Written in 2nd person Line/header is to separate paragraphs to indicate time skips, as Tumblr hates my formatting.
Series Masterlist; Loved by a Witch   1 of ?
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Story under cut
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          Blair had been your best friend for years. Her family was neglectful and negligent at the best of times. So, your parents took her in, supporting her, accepting her, and raising her alongside you. Sisters by love and not by blood. At some point, she moved in just before you both attended middle school and her parents didn’t even care.
          Blair was… well the nicest way you could describe her was a beautiful gothic witchy vibe and a chaotic good. Raging lesbian who loved to fuck with straight entitled boys. She read your cards, energy, palm, and occasion tea leaves. She stood out in every crowd. Confident in her skin and everything she did and wore, even if it was border lingerie.
          Yet you, were the opposite. Dressed for comfort, kind to a fault, hesitant, and demure. You balanced each other nicely. It helps Blair seems to be some kind of empath and you didn’t have to vocalize any discomfort. She’d sense it and talk to you about it. Symbiotic relationship of some sense. Although you felt as if she took care of you more than she did for you. She claimed she couldn’t live without you in her life. Your love and spirit kept her going and gave her meaning.
          It wasn’t until after you’d moved into your place together after finishing high school and college that you started to really see Blair. She was a witch, at least in practice. True witchcraft and when you’d ask about it. She’d tell you not to worry, nothing was dark and everything in life would balance.
          You shrugged it off figuring it was a hobby and it fit well with her personality. You let her be as long as she wasn’t in trouble and there was no harm. And over the years of living together, you forgot about her practice unless you stumbled in on a session, getting a reminder.
          “Blair,” you slurred while cuddling into her during one your drinking at-home sessions on a Friday night. A month ritual you both indulged in, for your alone time together. “I don’t think I’ll ever find someone to love me, not as you do.”
          “Nonsense, you will, you’re amazing,” she smiled and petted your head. She had been bordering motherly love lately, or at least a very protective big sister.
          “And the only guys who would ever see me that way, don’t exist, I’m certain.”
          “No, you still just have the hots for Eddie,” she giggled while shoving you up to sit. “You can’t honestly believe the only person who could love you, doesn’t even exist.”
          “It feels that way,” you rested your head back on the couch. “It’s been, what? 4 years since my last boyfriend. I’ve had some flings, but they all made it clear how much I was nothing more than a hole.”
          “You’re not just a hole,” she snapped. She eyed you for a moment, thinking, biting her lip. She shouldn’t even consider doing this, but you’re her best friend. You and your family saved her. And you’ve never asked for one thing from her. Never asked her to do anything with her powers, you just wanted her in your life. She wouldn’t be where she is today, without you. She gulped the last of her wine. “Okay, let’s say Eddie Munson was real, here. What would you do with him?”
          “Oh, I can think of all of the dirty things, but I would need his consent,” you tittered. “But I would love to just cuddle with him, watch a movie. Show him everything, as if he was sucked outta Stranger Things, and teach him all the tech. We’d save him before he could die, put a spell on him so no one would recognize him from the show. Just getting him here and loving on him. Set him up to perform and find friends for D&D. And if for some reason he didn’t want to stay, didn’t love me back the way I think he would. I would let him go because at least he'd be alive.”
          “If I brought him here and he didn’t end up loving you and simping for you, I’m sending his ass back to die.” Blair gritted.
          “Nnnoooo,” you whined and clung to her causing her to laugh. “Don’t be mean to my love, go pick on some other white boy, leave mine alone.” You both started giggling, soon you passed out in her lap.
          She pulled the blanket off the back of the couch onto you before getting up, shuffling you off her lap to get free. “Well, time to get to work, you deserve to be happy, after everything you’ve done for me.” She plucked a hair from your head and went to her room.
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           You woke with a start when there was a loud crash from Blair’s room, you scrambled up from the couch and ran to her room. Pounding on the door in time with the throbbing in your head from the alcohol. “Blair! Are you okay?” nothing. “Blair!” you yelled after you heard a scream, you jiggled the doorknob but it was locked. You ran to the coin jar, yanking out a quarter then ran back to her room, slotting it into the flat line and twisting it to unlock it.
          You flung open the door to see a man, standing over Blair. You grabbed one of her big crystals off her shelf and went to chuck it at his head. “NO!” she screamed at you, you froze and skidded to a stop.
          Wide big brown eyes snapped to you, following Blair’s eye line. “Eddie?” you asked before fainting.
          “Fuck,” you heard Blair utter before you blacked out.
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          “You’re taking all of this a lot better than I thought you would.” Blair was declaring, your head was pulsing. You groaned and tried to sit up. “Don’t you even think about it,” Blair snapped before pushing you back down. Putting the ice bag back on your head, you hissed at the pain. You must have hit your head when you collapsed.
          You opened your eyes slowly, staring into Blair’s muted greens. “You’re okay?” you asked softly.
          “Yeah, how about you?” you blinked at her owlishly. “Hungover and sore from the forming goose egg on your head?” you hummed in response.
          “What happened?” you tried sitting up but she pushed you down again.
          “So, I did something, for you. My room got a bit trashed from it and I freaked him out, so he screamed.”
          “So that wasn’t your scream?” she shook her head. “Wait, him?”
          “Yeah, yeah,” Blair glanced over to the chair you knew was next to the sofa. “Remember what we were talking about before you passed out?”
          “Blair,” your voice was firm. “You didn’t, it’s not even p-possible!” You sat up ignoring her fretting hands. You locked eyes with Eddie, sitting on your chair, in your living room. You whipped your head back to your friend. “How? Why? Is this even ethical?” your voice was raising.
          “Babs! Breath.” Blair sat on the edge of the couch next to you. “Okay so how, I’m a witch, you know this. Why, because you deserve this, you’ve never asked me for anything. Not even when I offered to help you get passing grades, that promotion, nahdah, you never let me help with anything. And seriously, ethical? It’s not like anyone else is going to figure it out. I did the spell you suggested with it.”
          “So, Edward Munson from Stranger Things just exists now, yet no one outside of us is going to know? Do you hear this? How ridiculous this is?!”
          “Anything is possible, especially for me, us. Come on, worse case, I send him back. Best case,” she raised her eyebrows at you and you playfully smacked her arm. “I also shoved a lot of knowledge into him, so he’s a bit dazed right now. Figured if he’s staying here, it’d be easier to fit in if he didn’t have to learn everything first hand.”
          “What knowledge?” you glanced back over to Eddie. Who was in fact blankly staring at the wall.
          “More so, just history, common pop and meme culture for people our age, shows we’ve watched, books we’ve read, and common music. Just like 40 years of info.” She chuckled at your unimpressed glare. “He’ll still need to learn how to use everything, get around, and actually watch and read some of the things I threw in there. But now he’s got a general know-how and explore without too much issue.”
          “Okay, and he’s not like fried or anything right?”
          “No, no,” she looked at him, “maybe. I’m not sure, he’s not freaking out. But he has a fever.”
          “How is this possible?” you whispered staring at him, letting your eyes take him in.
          “I did my spell, gave him your voice in his head with what you said you wanted to do with him. Gave him the option to be here, and he took it.”
          “Wait what I said?”
          “Yeah, the whole, cuddle, love, teach him, save him, yada yada,” she twirled her hand to signal that it was your ramble from earlier.
          You groaned in embarrassment. “He knows all that?” you sighed as Blair giggled in response. “So, he knows he was going to die in the show? That he didn’t exist until now?” you whispered.
          “Yeah, he’s kinda shocked someone could care enough about him to want him here, to save him.”
          “He clearly doesn’t know how popular he is. I know many fans who would kill to have this.”
          “You wouldn’t,” Blair sighed contently. “You could never wish harm on someone just to get what you want. Which is why I did this, you deserve this, and he wanted to come. It’ll work out. I’m gonna go shuffle him into our guest room. We’ll talk more in the morning, okay?” she pressed a kiss to your cheek before gently pulling on Eddie.
          “Where?” he mumbled softly, his brain still trying to compute everything.
          “Bed, sleep will help everything settle in, but you might have a headache in the morning.” Blair pulled on him again, and he followed. But stopped in front of you, eyeing you softly before giving you a gentle smile.
          “Goodnight, Eddie,” you grinned at him.
          “Night, sweetheart,” he chuckled softly.
          “All right store the heart eyes for the morning, sleep, both of you.” Blair chuffed before scuffling Eddie down the hallway to his new room.
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          You groaned as light streaked into your room. Still hungover, you grumbled while pushing yourself out of bed. Wandering out to the kitchen in your tank top and underwear, in desperate need of some caffeine. Walking around with your eyes barely open, getting your favorite mug before calling out to Blair.
          “Thank you for brewing coffee for both of us.” You poured yourself a cup but when you put it back you realized there was a lot. “Did you make extra for a reason?”
          “Wasn’t sure how much we’d drink.”
          You jumped and spun around, thankfully you weren’t holding your cup fully and it only clattered on the counter a bit. You hung onto the edge of the surface to steady yourself. “So that wasn’t a fever or alcohol-induced dream?” you mumbled softly while staring at Eddie sitting at the island. Sipping on his own coffee.
          “It sure felt like it didn’t it?” he huffed a laugh then you saw the flush on his cheeks and the wander of his eyes.
          “I need more clothes then,” you said before scampering back to your room.
          “If you say so,” Eddie jested while watching you walk away.
          “How are you feeling?” Blair asked, placing the back of her hand on his forehead. “No more fever, headache?” she dropped her hand.
          “A bit. Hoping the coffee will help.” Blair popped a couple of gummies and pills in front of him. “What’s this?”
          “Edibles and Advil,” she said while taking the stool next to him.
          “Oh cool, did you make them?” he squished the little bear with his finger then gave her a confused look when she laughed.
          “No, dude, they’re common. Weed is legal here. Our girl has a stuff stocked medicine stash, feel free to look through it. Actually, look through everything. Learn what you can on your own, and go at your own pace. After we’re all fed and everything. We’re going shopping. If you’re gonna be here, you’ll need your own stuff. Phone, laptop, headphones, clothes, food choices. I’ve already hit up my contacts to get your paperwork.”
          “Our girl?” Eddie’s brow furrowed.
          “Yeah, she’s like my sister. I’ve got my girlfriend. She likes you; you’re staying here until further notice. Come on, I know you’re smarter than this.”
          “Sure,” Eddie looked away, Blair was a bit intimidating. “Shopping where?”
          “The mall would be the easiest place. Get what we need there, then we can hit other stores and thrift stores too. Shop until we drop. We got today and tomorrow. Because she and I got work on Monday, which means you’ll be here alone while we are. So wanna get you all set up to not be bored while we’re gone.”
          “Two days to set up my life here?”
          “Two days to get started, don’t get so dramatic.” She playfully shoved Eddie before moving to get her coffee.
          “So, I was thinking we get delivery for breakfast, get ready, and hit the town,” you announce while mirthfully hip-checking Blair to get your mug to fix your coffee the way you like it.
          “I’m on it, Eddie, what do you like for breakfast?”
          “Um just get me anything, lots of it. Kinda starving.”
          “Yeah, I picked you up while you were already on the run.”
          “Blair,” you hissed. “You couldn’t get the poor guy before all the trauma?”
          “I couldn’t choose. I simply reached out and whenever his brain was open and willing to leave his old life behind to come here, is when I could get to him. So yeah, understandably, he’s ready to start anew when there’s a damn manhunt after him.”
          “Did you get him before Watergate creation?”
          “Just after, at Skull Rock, before getting in contact with anyone,” she patted your shoulder.
          “Okay fine, fine, I forgive you. At least it wasn’t at the last possible moment.”
          “Yeah no, I think being on the run and not being able to get ahold of anyone would make me wanna start over in life too.”
          “Ditto,” Eddie jeered. “How did I die by the way?”
          “We can watch it.” Blair piped up; she loved Stranger Things as much as you.
          “Blair!” you hissed again. “Would you want to watch you die?”
          “Oh yeah, bummer, we can watch up until that point. It’s right at the end anyways. But he’d love how metal he looks just before. Goddamn iconic scene and goes out a hero, I mean I would wanna watch my death if it was that cool.” Blair rambled while ordering food on her phone.
          “Hero?” Eddie muttered.
          “Yeah Eddie,” you smile at him softly. “She’s right, you’d love to see it. I can show you a clip another time and
you can watch the show if you want. There’s so much for you to see, we can start just about anywhere. Anything she put in your noggin that you wanna know more about?”
          “Music, no records, tapes? It’s all just on the internet?”
          “Yeah,” you sat next to him and put your phone down between the both of you. Quickly unlocking it before showing it to him. “So, there’s a lot of ways to get music. We still have records, CDs, but not tapes. Everything thing else is digital. You own it or you listen to it for free.”
          “So, I could just listen to whatever I want when I want?”
          “Yeah, tell me the first song that pops into your head.”
          “Rainbow in the Dark,” Eddie smiled.
          You quickly typed it out. “We can listen to it, on YouTube, Spotify, Pandora, and Apple Music. You can also buy the album online, digitally, or have a physical copy sent to you by mail.” You opened the song and let it play on your phone. Eddie just watched it, tapping his fingers along with the beat.
          “Can I get a guitar?”
          “Is that music place still open at the mall?” you asked Blair.
          “No, but we can go to that big music place downtown.”
          “Oh, they’d have more options too.”
          “I could get one today?” Eddie was a bit shocked.
          “Yeah, there isn’t much you can’t get same day when you go in person.”
          “You can even get stuff same day by mail sometimes,” Blair added. “Food should be here in 30.”
          “We don’t go pick it up?”
          “No, we order from an application, pay for the order, tip the driver as well, then they bring it to our door.”
          “And you did all that just while we were talking?” Eddie pointed to Blair’s phone.
          “Yeah, you’ll get it more so when you have your own phone. I’m gonna give you one of my credit cards to use, so please just ask before you buy stuff with it online, okay?”
          “Yeah, cool, cool,” Eddie rubbed his sweaty palms on his thighs.
          “It’s okay,” you patted his hand. “I’m sure going from having to look everything up in the library with cards to just having information in the palm of your hand, is overwhelming.”
          “A bit? Not too bad, not with the info dumping Blair gave me last night. Also, what is Starbucks?”
          “We’ll stop by one while we’re shopping,” Blair said while sipping her drink.
          “And no one is going to notice he’s, ya know, Eddie?”
          “If anything, people might think he’s Joseph Quinn, but not Eddie.”
          “The actor who plays Eddie for the show.”
          “Right, because I didn’t exist. I was just a character, played on tv.”
          “Well, more so streaming service. Stranger Things belongs to Netflix. Which isn’t just limited to the TV. You can watch it on your phone, laptop, etcetera. So more so, a character played to be seen on screen, would be more correct.”
          “You don’t need to correct everything he says.”
          “You’re right, you’re right, I’m just rambling. I mean I brought him here for you, but I’m still excited, okay?” she pouted. “So, Eddie,” Blair eyed him for a moment. “Angel here,” her head bobbed in your direction, “she your type or what?”
          “Blair!” you exclaimed. “Eddie, you don’t have to answer that.”
          “I mean, she brought me here for you though.” You missed the way his eyes traveled down your body while you stare at your roommate in disbelief.
          “That doesn’t mean you don’t get a choice. I’m happy to just know you’re alive and that it’ll stay that way for a long time. Just want to get to know you. If nothing happens, nothing happens. Just stay in touch, we can be friends.”
          Blair smacked your arm. “Don’t do that!” you glared at her. “Come on! He was totally checking you out when you wandered out here half-asleep. Don’t do this. You deserve a good guy. Don’t shut it down and give up before even trying.”
          “Eddie existing is all I need. We can’t make him feel a certain way. He doesn’t owe us his free will.”
          “I’d like to differ,” Blair grumbled while crossing her arms across her chest. “Angel, just don’t shut him out. Eddie, I guess live your life how you want. We’re just here to guide you or whatever. Call for me when the food is here.” Blair razzed before walking off to go get ready for the day.
          You sighed heavily, sipping your coffee and then taking your phone once the song had ended. “What would you like to do while we wait for the food delivery?”
          “Maybe make our shopping list and if I have questions, you can teach.”
          “Oh sounds, good.” You opened a note on your phone. “Okay so, I think the first thing will be a phone, they’re kinda a necessity for most things nowadays. We’ll get a smartphone, or whatever is cheapest to add to our plan. That will also likely take the longest, so it’ll be nice to start there.
          “Good news is that the 80s look is coming back into fashion, so when we go shopping for clothes. You should be able to find things you recognize, but your rocker style has kinda always been in, so it should be easy to get you things. Unless you want to try anything new.”
          “I think I wanna stick with what I know for now.”
          “Understandable. So, phone, clothes, personal hygiene stuff, get you a copy of our keys. Our guest room is now yours, but if you want different sheets, blankets, or whatever, we can look at that too. A lot of what we have you’re more than welcome to. There isn’t a dresser in there but there is a desk. Oh, you’ll probably wanna pop into our local GameDen, nerd hangout, and try and make some friends. They’ll have D&D stuff there, card games, anime, whatever you wanna explore.”
          “There’s a whole store dedicated to nerd stuff?”
          “Yeah, there are lots, everyone’s accepted there, but I’ll be taking you to the one I go to for my nerd stuff.”
          “Like what?”
          “Anime, I like to collect some cards and figures.”
          “But not D&D?”
          “I’ve never been good at creative and imaginative stuff. Nor working in a group or making friends.”
          “But you and Blair are close?”
          “Only friend I really have. Bit of a loser like that. She’s my best friend. But she’s social, has her girlfriend and peeps she’ll hang out with.”
          “How big of a loser could you be when you’re so loved by a witch to have her bring me here?”
          “I guess that’s a good question,” you paused then looked at him shyly, “thanks, Eddie.”
          “S’not a problem sweetheart.”
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          Eddie was overwhelmed, from the moment you and Blair got him outside. The bustling modern city is a far cry from his small Podunk hometown. Eddie insisted on linking arms with both of you, scared to lose you, even after he got his own phone to be able to contact you both.
          Eddie’s eyes darted everywhere, like a kid in a candy store, wanting to go into every store. You made a mental list of all the shops he wanted to go in but Blair claimed there wasn’t time for it. She was right. Saturday was the only day she didn’t have plans and she was going to spearhead getting him started off right.
          From a cellphone to skincare, dental care, hair products, brushes, nail care, deodorant, cologne, and vitamins. The whirlwind of info Blair dumped on him yet again seemed to be overwhelming him. Then it was onto clothes; shirts, jeans, sweats, boxers, socks, shoes, slippers, sunglass, a wallet, a watch, some new jewelry, and a fashionable messenger bag.
          “I’m done,” Eddie stated intently staring down at the bubbling witch. You had just left all the bags in the car and were at the mall food court.
          “Three more stops Munson.”
          “I’m tapped, Blair, please. Sweets talk to her.”
          “How about lunch, GameDen, tech store, and then music store.”
          “Fine, okay break. Go take burnout to pick a place, I’m gonna go get my food, which I know you don’t like,” she stuck her tongue out at you both before sauntering off.
          “Can I just sit and you get something?” Eddie pleaded.
          “Yeah hun, that’s okay. I’m sure this has got to be overwhelming. But we have been making good time. Blair is going fast but we are almost done. The last few places are more so just for you to look around, okay?”
          “That’ll be nice. I’ll await your revival spell my dear.” Eddie collapsed into the booth, earning him your giggle before you were off. Waiting in line for some Chinese. You kept glancing over at Eddie, who, true to his act, looked passed out at the table.
          “Didn’t know what you liked, so I just kinda got what I like. You’ll have to come with me next time and choose your own, okay?”
          Eddie hummed before sitting up slowly and starting to eat quietly. He must be drained you thought before following suit. Soon Blair plopped next to you with her odd healthy bowls you didn’t care for.
          “Okay, so I was thinking. GameDen and then the guitar. Then we can be done for today. Then you two can go exploring and Eddie can go at his own pace. Because I can tell my speed is too much for him. You’re fine with being dragged around so Eddie can do it to you tomorrow.” Blair stated.
          “Do you just make plans for everyone?” Eddie grumbled.
          “Look mister,” Blair pointed her spork at him. “I brought you into this world and I can take you out. I am just trying to make sure you can be comfortable here. And on my one day I had for myself, so stuff it.”
          “Blair,” you warned. “He’s just tense. It was lovely of you to bring him here. But threatening him isn’t. I love you and I appreciate you giving up your one free day for us to help us settle Eddie here.”
          “See,” Blair gestured to you. “That’s how you handle things. Nicely put someone in their place yet make sure you’re not overlooking your gratitude.”
          “Thank you for dragging me everywhere yet paying for everything and making sure I can be comfortable.” Eddie grouched.
          “Excuse me?” a young girl asked, shyly approaching.
          “What’s up, sweetie?” Blair smiled warmly.
          “I was wondering if I c-could get your au-autograph?” she shoved her notepad towards Eddie.
          “Um, why?” Eddie asked, it wasn’t mean but he looked confused.
          The shy girl started stuttering. “Oh honey, he’s not Joseph. Just a plain American dude. Not the sweet British Mr. Quinn.” You smiled back at her before digging into your purse. “Here, I have some Stranger Things stickers I bought today, but you can have them.”
          “Oh, thank you miss,” the girl bounced off her heels before hugging you with the stickers in hand then running off to her mom with a happy squeal.
          “I thought you wanted to get those for your water bottle?” Blair nudged you.
          “I did, but I didn’t want her to feel so upset. That took her a lot of nerve and I don’t want her to feel discouraged to use it again in the future.”
          “If you weren’t like my sister, I’d be all over you right now.” Blair cooed before going to pinch your cheeks. “Just wanna squish you and eat you all up, you’re so sweet, precious little angel.”
          “Blair!” you whined while swatting away her hands, you could feel your cheeks heating up as you heard Eddie chuckle.
          “That was really nice of you,” Eddie smiled at you when you glanced at him before shyly looking away. “I see why she calls you angel,” he eyed you as light filtered around your figure and you bashfully kept your eyes on your food.
          You didn’t want Eddie to feel like he had to be with you, that he owed it to you or Blair. But he’d have to be crazy to not want someone so understanding and delightful. So here Eddie was, staring at you like you were the one sent here for him, full of love. Then he saw a flash and looked over at Blair.
          “What was that?”
          “Just wanted to take a picture of you. Forgot about the flash.” Blair smiled before dropping her phone back into her little purse.
          “What for?” Eddie eyed her suspiciously.
          “Just for the future, you’ll wanna see it later,” Blair winked before continuing to eat.
          “She likes to take pictures a lot, you’ll get used to it, Eds,” you muttered through a mouthful of food.
          “Eds,” Eddie repeated under his breath softly at the nickname with a lovesick smile.
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          GameDen was by far Eddie’s favorite stop. Although new modern stores were cool with all the options and tech, this was his jam. He was downright giddy, happily going off about D&D to you. While you listened and asked occasional questions. He stocked up on all of the game necessities. An arm full of items before begrudgingly putting them into the handbasket you offered. He even made a few friends, because once they saw everything he was getting, they invited him to their party. He couldn’t be a DM for a while, but he’d get to play D&D every week. He got their numbers into his phone. He now had a total of 10 contacts.
          “Gods we were in there forever. I think you’ll have to take him to the tech store tomorrow. Need to get to the music shop before they close.” Blair was complaining but she had a smile. She could never discourage someone’s passions and passionate is definitely what Eddie is.
          “Hey, you got that new board game that looks cool.” You cheered as Blair drove to the final place for the day.
          “That’s true. You got that new Funko Pop of Momomon from Bullet Train, it’ll be so cute up on your wall.”
          “I don’t think I’ll be able to reach it though. Hold the ladder for me?”
          “Eddie should be tall enough.”
          “I don’t wanna-”
          “I’ll do it, Angel, don’t worry about it.” Eddie smiled at you through the rearview mirror and you smiled back timidly.
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          Eddie was overwhelmed at this store too. But he just wanted his sweetheart, his guitar. He needed a suitable replacement. He gasped happily when he spotted her.
          “This one has been selling out, think you’re getting the last one before our shipment gets here in a few months.”
          “That’s lucky,” Blair smiled at Eddie.
          “Stranger Things man, reorging the whole world. 80s style is back, Master of Puppets and Running Up That Hill are on the charts all the time now, D&D is even more popular, and fucking mullets’ man.” The cashier rambled while ringing up the guitar, a case, a stand, picks, strings, blank sheet music, and a small amp. “You know you look a bit like one of the characters,” he eyed Eddie for a moment.
          “You know how emo kids didn’t grow out of their scene phases,” she looked down at her gothic outfit, implying she was referring to herself as well, “it’s the same with his guy. Has had the same look since high school,” Blair jabbed a finger at Eddie.
          “Well, you pull it off man, you should take better care of your hair though. Looks frizzy.”
          “I said the same thing, I got him some products to help with it.”
          “He your boyfriend?” the cashier asked while eyeing Blair’s chest.
          “No, high school friends, he moved out here, had to leave everything behind. So, he’s settling in with us. Although I’ll be using him to do double dates with her,” she pointed to you over in the records section. “Along with my girlfriend.”
          “Ah, well, they’d make a cute couple,” his shoulders slumped a bit and dropped all the flirting once he heard Blair had a girlfriend. “Anything else you need to help him restart here?”
          “Know anyone looking for a lead guitarist?” Blair asked.
          “No, but” he grabbed a flyer. “This place holds auditions all the time for when bands are looking for replacements, temps, what have ya.”
          “That’s great, thanks man,” Eddie took it from him and looked it over.
          “Shit, I forgot my purse out in the car, I’ll be right back!” Blair darted out to the car.
          “You gonna ask out your friend? Do you like her?” the cashier, Eddie finally read his nametag, Davon. He followed his gaze to you bobbing to a song on some tester headphones.
          “I’m not sure,” Eddie shuffled from one foot to the other.
          “Give her my number then?” Davon scribbled it down quickly and handed it to Eddie. “She’s cute and shy, they’re always fun, for alone time,” he chuckled.
          “No,” Eddie glared at the offending piece of paper in Davon’s hand. “She’s not some cheap thrill.”
          “You’re right, you’re right, sorry that was rude. Just give it to her, I’ll behave,” he winked at Eddie.
          “You okay, Eds?” you asked popping up next to him placing a hand on his arm.
          “Yeah, yeah, I’m good Angel.”
          You glanced at the paper in the guy’s hand. “Oh, is this for Blair?” you took it and looked at noticing it was a number. “I’m sorry but she’s gay.”
          “Actually, that’s for you, sweet thing, I didn’t know if you were going to come over here, so I was asking your friend here to give it to you, for me.”
          “Oh!” you were flustered, no one had given you their number in years. You sheepishly looked it over. “It’s been years since someone wanted to go on a date with me.” You mumbled.
          “Well, that’s their loss, I’d be happy to,” Davon winked at you and you bit your lip. Eddie’s shoulders slumped. Shit, he couldn’t be that smooth.
          “Oh, I’m sorry, I’m not, I don’t,” you stuttered.
          “She’s not interested, but she’s flattered,” Blair showed up, being your savior, taking the paper outta your hand and giving it back to the cashier. You leaned against her in thanks as Blair quickly tapped her card. “Eddie, grab your sweetheart, and let’s go. I want Starbucks and a movie at home.”
          “Thank you,” you said softly while grabbing some grabs from the cashier as Eddie and Blair grabbed everything else.
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          After getting drinks. The car ride home and getting everything into the condo was calm. Eddie and you were drained sitting on his bed, while Blair bounced around, putting things away. Showing him where everything was and where to find it. At one point Eddie tuned out and was softly strumming his guitar.
          “Can we nap?” you whined at Blair who was still putting clothes away.
          “Yeah sweets, almost done. We’ll watch something we’ve seen before and you can fall asleep on me.” She smiled at you over her shoulder. “Edward are you even paying attention.”
          “No,” he muttered. “I’m sorry, I’m done though. I haven’t even been here for 24 hours and I’m having to relearn everything. I need to unwind.”
          “Fine, fine, I’ll go over the hair and hygiene stuff later. Do what you want for now. Me and Angel here will be watching a movie. Come join us later or crash in here until dinner, okay?”
          Eddie gave a hummed response as Blair dragged you out of the room. Popcorn and drinks on the coffee table Blair flipped on Red Notice, something you both had seen so many times. Something you could fall asleep to, from knowing it so well.
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daily-spooky · 7 months
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landsccape · 4 months
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celesse · 21 days
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Back to school 🐈‍⬛📚✨
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ur-daily-inspiration · 3 months
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dietarachnidsgrip · 24 days
Fuck you. Classpects the Pines Twins.
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honeysucklelips · 2 months
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lanndscape · 5 months
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animal-s0ul · 2 months
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Two Witches and a Baby
Part One (current) || Part Two
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Part One! Part Two!
Two witches are forced to cohabitate in order to raise the baby promised to both of them.
This comic was based on this post. (You can also see my old version on the link if you wanna see how far it's come.)
If you feel very generous and had a nice time you can tip me on Ko-fi! Comics are a labor of love and money really helps out while I'm in school!
Check my pinned post for more comics!
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fairytaleprincessart · 6 months
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lalahbug · 2 years
Loved by a Witch - 2
Chapter 2
Fandom: Stranger Things; Eddie Munson x F!Reader Word Count: 5k My Masterlist No taglist, please follow @lalahbuglibrary
Warnings/disclaim: General <--- by reading this fic you agree/are okay with the media you are about to consume.  DO NOT REPOST OR COPY MY WORK! Reblogs and likes are very appreciated ❣
Awkward convos, talk of adult store and sex toys, running into your ex, first date, let me know if I missed anything.
My blog is 18+ MINORS DNI ___ is a blank for your name/oc/whatever you prefer Written in 2nd person Line/header is to separate paragraphs to indicate time skips, as Tumblr hates my formatting.
Series Masterlist; Loved by a Witch  2 of ?
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Story under cut
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          Warmth was all you could feel for a while, slowly waking up. It was so wonderful you fought the slow waking of your brain. You were so comfortable that you almost didn’t want to wake up. You curled your fingers into Blair’s shirt, nuzzling into her. “I feel a lot better, thanks sis,” you murmured.
          “She went to pick up the food,” Eddie breathed softly, flinching when you sat up quickly. “I came out but you were asleep. Blair said she didn’t wanna pay delivery fees so she went to go get the pizza. Told me to take her place.” He spewed quickly in defense.
          “Oh, okay,” you looked away. You cuddled into him so blindly, fuck, could you be any more desperate looking? You groaned internally at yourself while silence settled between you.
          Eddie sighed while looking at you. “I didn’t mind, um, holdin’ you. If you wanna come back?” he opened his arms tentatively. When you looked at him through your lashes he melted and gave you a lopsided grin. Chuckling softly as you tenderly lay your head on his shoulder, sighing when his arm wrapped around your waist.
          “The movie is over.” You reached over Eddie a bit to the side table to get the remote. “You wanna pick somethin’?” you held it to him.
          “Um, how ‘bout you go through movies you like and I’ll pick one of ‘em?” you nodded and went to your list and scrolled through it. Giving small non-spoiling synopsis of every one you paused on. After watching a few trailers Eddie picked Zombieland, which you told him was a mix of comedy and gore/horror.
          Eddie liked this, it felt natural, the most natural he’d felt since he got here. Holding you, watching a movie. Your voice drift through his thoughts, the first time he had heard it, from Blair, while running for his life. You had been the first comfort he had in a long time and now, he had it. First time in all his life, he felt wanted and safe.
          A close second, for him to feeling natural and comfortable, would be him talking about and playing D&D and getting supplies for it. And any time he was able to fully memorize and shred out a song perfectly.
          He was engrossed in the film, only noticing his wandering hand when you gave a sharp inhale. His thumb was rubbing small circles on your hip and had carelessly dipped into the waistband of your sweats. He mumbled an apology and rested it back on your soft plush side.
          “Aw, you two are so cute, watching a fun movie,” Blair called out while trying to balance the pizza in one hand and free her keys from the doorknob with the other. A liter of soda already sat on the floor.
          You popped up and went to rescue the food before she dropped it. “We need to get that replaced. When I go to make a copy of my keys for Eddie, I’ll make you one too.” You picked up the pop and put everything on the counter.
          Eddie had gotten up, aimlessly following you. “What happened to her key?”
          “Had my keys laced through my fingers for protection while in a dimly lit parking lot.” Blair got out plates while you poured soda. “Some creep got the worse end of the damage, but my key is bent now and likes to keep fighting. Mainly with the door.” She shrugged and handed a plate with two slices of pizza on it to Eddie.
          “Does that happen a lot? Roaming creeps.” He started eating.
          “Especially for beautiful faces such as ours,” Blair swept her clean hand under your jaw then her own. “But yeah, girls gotta be careful. Angel here doesn’t go anywhere dark without someone, doesn’t work nightshifts, go clubbing, she’s safe. A bit boring, but safe.”
          “Hey, now!” you protested while chewing, swallowing quickly. “I got mugged once and I’m not gonna let it happen again. I’ve got my taser and I’ve never really liked the dark anyways,” you muttered.
          “Yeah, I know, nightlight,” Blair snorted.
          “Hey, my fairy lights and moon set a wonderful mood and are gorgeous.”
          “Well, now we have another person for you to climb into bed with when the power goes out.” You whimpered slightly. “I mean when I’m not here, which has been more, due to Meredith.”
          “Well luckily, we haven’t had a storm knock out the power since you’ve been dating Mer.”
          “Maybe you’ll get lucky anyways, Eddie,” Blair winked at him before whining at your hand playing smacking her arm.
          “I don’t mind,” Eddie shrugged with a mouthful of pizza. “If you ever need someone to hold you, that is. No matter the reason.”
          “Well, it’s my job first, you’re second,” Blair stuck her tongue out at him.
          “For now,” Eddie chuckled at Blair’s shocked expression.
          “Okay, eat, children,” you mumbled.
          “Okay, mom, God you sound just like her.” You rolled your eyes at her. “You even roll your eyes the same way!” Blair pointed at you and you both giggled for a moment.
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          The rest of the night was simple, as leftovers were put away, and the three of you were relaxing on the couch. Another movie, Eddie had forgotten the name of it already. When Eddie caught Blair looking over at him, a lot.
          “What?” Eddie squinted at her.
          “Can I go over the hair and skincare stuff now? You’ll probably wanna shower before bed, right?”
          Eddie groaned throwing his head back. “I’ll come with, I’ve gotta clear space for your stuff anyways.” You patted Blair’s leg before getting up to go do so.
          “You’re sharing a bathroom with her; I’ve got my own.”
          “Why do you have your own?”
          “Because this is my condo? I get the master suite, as I’m the master of my home,” Blair wiggled while sitting up very straight. “But I’m not a dictator, if you wanna change anything, just ask first, please. Girly here did when she wanted the shelving installed for all her collectibles. Dad came over and did it for us, so I know it’s secure. As long as it’s not too damaging and easy to fix, I likely won’t care.”
          “So, if I wanted to paint my room?” Eddie smiled slyly.
          “Maybe once I know you’re staying here. But, if all goes to my plan, you won’t be in that room very long anyways. But feel free to nail stuff up and whatever.”
          “Where else would I stay if not in the guest room?” Blair’s smile widened looking towards your room, Eddie followed her gaze. “You expect that to happen fast?” he chuckled.
          Blair heaved dramatically before flopping back into the couch. “No, not with her. Always said no man that existed would fall for her. She’s been hung up on you for months, which is longer than any other character. But I have a feeling, now that you do exist, she’ll think you can do better.”
          “So, she doesn’t want me now that I’m here?”
          “No, she does. She’ll just push you to get out there, explore, and possibly date other people. Because why would you want her? She’s,” Blair paused, chewing her lip for a moment, “she’s complacent, she has her routine, things she’s does. She’s stagnated,” Blair dropped her voice to a whisper. “She’s boring, she doesn’t really do anything.”
          “There’s nothing wrong with that, she’s so sweet, caring.”
          “I know that, you clearly see it even after one day with her. But she knows you’re fun, you’re playful. She thinks people who are meant to be together, their energies have to match. She’s seen it with our parents and then me and Mer.”
          “But you and her get along so well, and you’re opposites.”
          “Her defense on that, is we’re sisters. She doesn’t have anyone else, no other friends. I’m not sure why, but so many people never connect with her. They just leave, she says it’s because she has nothing to offer.”
          “Having someone care about you so much? Someone who wishes for your safety and happiness? How is that nothing?”
          “It’s not!” Blair smiled at Eddie brightly. “Just don’t get discouraged if she shuts down your advances at first. If she tells you to date, other people. Just don’t give up on her, please. She needs to see opposite energies can balance each other. She needs your light Eds.”
          Eddie nodded softly while Blair clasped his hands, “as long as I know she likes me back, I won’t.”
          “Perfect,” she smiled and sat back from him as you came back.
          “Got a corner and shelf cleared out for all the jazz you bought him.”
          Blair smiled and pulled up Eddie from his spot while he jokingly dragged his feet. And to his credit, he did pay attention. While Blair pulled things from the bags, explained what it was, and how to use it, then handed to you to put away. But he was glad you were paying attention as well, to help him, remind him later if he forgot.
          Eddie got a shower with little confusion. But when he came out, he was alone. Damp hair, a plain black shirt, clean underwear and socks, and gray sweats. He wandered the kitchen and living room for a moment. Before remembering a sweet you had bought him when he eyed it for a few seconds. He went through the bags on the counter until he found it.
          He hummed at the flavor before jumping slightly when you came out. Seeing you scan the room before grabbing your water thermos, freezing when you saw him.
          Oh, he looked so good, cleaned, relaxed, damp curls beautifully smooth, and fucking hell, Blair that bitch. Gave him grey sweatpants, a blessing, and a curse, as you felt your heart rate increase along with the temperature of your skin. Your knees felt weak. When you finally looked back into his eyes, you could see a faint pink on his cheeks. Eye blew wide. He had been checking you out too. In your tank top, braless, and in sleep shorts.
          “Is it good?” you asked softly, eyeing the candy in his hand. Timidly crossing your arms across your chest when he glanced down at the treat.
          “S’good,” he muttered. He broke off a piece and held it out to you.
          “No, no, it’s okay I’ve had it before. You enjoy it.” You shook your head with a smile.
          “I can always get another, right?” you nodded slowly. “Then come here before it melts in my hand.” Your teeth worried your lip as you slowly walked over and went to take it from him. But he smirked, holding it up out of your reach. “It’s melted a bit,” he moved it towards your mouth.
          You felt like you were going to catch fire as you slowly opened your mouth. Eddie’s smile just grew, to show his dimples while he placed the piece tenderly into your mouth. “Good girl,” he chuckled slightly when you shivered.
          “We’ve got a big day tomorrow,” you whispered. “Blair will be on a long date with Mer tomorrow. So, it’ll be just me and you. To do the last errands. But it’s only the tech and thrift store. Then we go wherever you wanna go.”
          “It sounds like a wonderful date of our own,” Eddie reached for you, to cup your cheek, grunting lightly when you move away.
          “It’s just errands,” you looked down at your feet.
          “Then after the errands, we can do a date-like thing.” Eddie took a wide step to be in front of you and placed his hand on the counter next to you.
          “You want to?” you looked at him quickly before looking away.
          Eddie slowly moved to cup your jaw, pushing your head up, willing you to hold his gaze. “I’d love to.” He smiled as he felt the burn under your skin and brushed his thumb across your cheekbone.
          “What would you wanna do?”
          “Just be with you, check out a couple of stores, take me to a couple of your favorite places. Make sure when we eat, it’s quiet enough for us to talk.”
          You felt like your knees were going to buckle from his intense stare alone. But then the soft stroke of his rough thumb on your skin sent a tingle down your spine. You got lost in his eyes, watching him, studying the warm brown irises. Soft gold-like flecks. “Golden chocolate,” you muttered before pulling away and slapping a hand over your mouth. Realizing too late you’d said it out loud.
          Eddie’s heart stuttered at your compliment then shy retreat. He gripped your shirt and then pulled you back to him. Gently removing your hand and kissing your cheek. “You’re so sweet,” he chuckled bumping his nose to yours before straightening his back. Trailed his knuckles over your jaw shyly.
          You swallowed hard when he trailed down your neck slightly. He pulled away with a smug smile. “We should get some sleep,” his tongue swiped over his lip briefly, at your vulnerable look. “Goodnight, Angel.”
          “G’night, Eds,” you whispered as he retreated to his room. Once his door closed, you sank to the floor and pulled out your phone from your waistband where it had been tucked. Texting Blair.
          ‘I have a date tomorrow.’
          ‘If it’s not the boy I literally brought here for you. I’m gonna murder you.’
          ‘He’s not a boy, he’s a man.’
          ‘Yea yea. You need help picking out a dress?’
          ‘If you’re not too tired.’
          You stared at your screen for a moment, waiting for her to reply.
          “Never too tired to help you,” Blair spoke up next to you and you squeaked in surprise. “What you doin’ down there?” she smiled knowingly.
          “My knees buckled.”
          “Oof,” Blair reached down and pulled you up. “He’s gotta be good if he did that without even impaling you.”
          “Blair!” you whined at her crude statement.
          “Oh shush, let’s go get pick out your outfit. Somethin’ to hug those gorgeous curves.”
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          Eddie only slept for a few hours before heading out to the living room. Decided to watch his show, Stranger Things, but he would be stopping before Season 4. He kinda didn’t wanna watch himself on screen, by himself. Honestly, he wanted to watch it with you, see where he makes you laugh. Still not sure if he wanted to see his death or not. Watching from the beginning, let him learn so much about his town, the boys, and even see where Henderson got his attachment to Harrington.
          He was a few episodes in when Blair came out. “Couldn’t sleep?”
          “I have a hard time without smoking and being in a new place.”
          “I’ll get you some real grass, instead of Angel’s gummies then. But tobacco is a big no, better to quit cold turkey, okay?”
          “As long as I’ve got somethin’ to smoke,” he grumbled before lying back down on the couch.
          “Liking it so far?”
          “It’s insightful, knowing more about my town and the people in it.”
          “I mean the story, silly.” Blair rolled her eyes while making a pot of coffee.
          “Oh yeah, it’s cool, I understand why it’s a hit.”
          Blair wasn’t fully awake yet so she gave him a soft hum while pouring her coffee. “Mornin’ babs,” she eyed you while you stumbled out in your sleep clothes. Smiling when she noticed you didn’t see Eddie.
          Sitting at the island, mocking a line from the show. “With her mind!” You mimicked Dustin and both you and Blair started giggling before you willed your eyes to open and look at her. “Pour me a cup?” you pleaded, not seeing or hearing Eddie laxing on the sofa, peering at you both from over the top of it.
          “Lazy,” she teased you. “You okay?”
          “No, Trustee died last night, new batteries didn’t work either. Now I feel all grumpy, pent up.”
          “I’ve been telling you to replace him for years.”
          “He was so good though.”
          “Well, now you can get a new one. Take Eddie with you.” Blair chuckled.
          “I will not!” you declared to her. “I’ll find something online. I think I’d melt if I took him with me there,” you said incredulously.
          “Who died and where won’t you take me?” Eddie sat up. Laughing when you jumped and spun to look at him.
          “Her favorite toy and a sex store,” Blair stated calmly while sliding you your coffee.
          “You were trying to get off last night? What’s wrong with a sex store?” Eddie paused the show and scrambled over to come to tease you.
          “Yes,” you muffled while taking a swig of your drink, to answer the first question. “And I’m barely comfortable going in there alone, let alone with, well um, anyone else really.”
          “Not true,” Blair sang. “We got together all the time.”
          “No! You drag me with you to get new things for you and Mer.”
          “It’ll be easier to go together than alone, right?” Eddie smiled at you.
          “No, because I don’t know what I want and I’m gonna take forever and…and…” you trailed off as you met his eyes. The hunger in them sent warmth pooling directly into your stomach.
          “And?” Blair giggled. “Not sure if you’ll need a replacement when you’ve got-”
          “Blair!” you balled up a paper and threw it at her.
          “What?” Eddie’s eyes shined playfully while looking between both of you.
          “When she’s got a chance at the real thing. I mean it’s why she wanted to get off in the first pl-” Blair was cut off by your desperate fumble to her side and covering her mouth. The two of you wrestled playfully before she got you turned around. Pinning your arms to your side in a tight hug, making sure you’re facing Eddie. Soft and mortified eyes clinging to his, in a silent beg to have him forget all of this.
          “Toys are always fun,” Eddie shrugged, looking away from you. He wanted to keep teasing you, but if he didn’t stop now, he’d wanted to do other things with you as well. Your beautiful helpless eyes were doing things to him.
          “See, nothing wrong. Eds probably would like some for himself as well.” Blair spun you out of her arms, you huffed, and gripped the edge of the counter stopping yourself.
          “Fine, we’ll go,” you glanced at the clock on the wall. “Aren’t you going to breakfast with Meredith?”
          “Oh shit!” Blair dropped her cup in the sink and bolted to the door. “Love you, have fun, be safe, and get key copies!” Blair spouted while tugging on her jacket, and grabbing her purse, phone, and keys. Then she was gone with a slam of the door.
          “Eggs and toast good for breakfast?” you asked while getting said things.
          “Perfect, Angel.” Eddie sat at the island and watched you flit about the kitchen.
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          Eddie was enthralled with all the new technology. Games, computers, TVs, music. You took him over to the record players, picking out a simple one. Getting him headphones as well, over the ear with Bluetooth, but that could plug into his amp for in-depth yet quiet playing.
          Thrift store was like a buried treasure cove for his clothes. Pants, band shirts, some vintage things from the 80s he adored, and even a new leather jacket. His current didn’t take well the lake water and got stiffer. He fonder over the chunky rings in the display case, giddy when you got him a couple as well. Across the street, there was a kiosk to copy keys; you made ones for him and Blair.
          You took him to your favorite café, getting overstuffed sandwiches made with fresh bread and ingredients. Eddie watched you quietly as you both ate. Soft conversation easing between you.
          “You look lovely in that dress,” he’d stopped and stared at you a few times while in the stores. But realized he needed to voice it, instead of just staring at you when you weren’t looking.
          “Oh, thank you,” you bashfully smoothed a wrinkled bit on your lap. “You look nice too.”
          “Well, most of my clothes are to Blair’s taste, so we should thank her.” You both laughed and finished eating in comfortable silence.
          “Where do you wanna go after here?”
          “To start our date?” Eddie smiled as you grinned with a slight nod. “Today has been great, especially compared to yesterday. Everything was so rushed and Blair just took control. But with you,” Eddie reached across the table and took your hand. “None of it has felt like errands or chores, being just with you, it’s a lot nicer.”
          Cautiously you laced your fingers with his. “I normally don’t like going out and about, it drains me. But I haven’t felt that with you, it’s been very pleasant.”
          “Let’s go to that adult store then we can wander in the mall.”
          You sighed heavily, “okay, to Creamy Dreams we go.”
          Eddie snorted and started laughing. “That’s the name of the sex store?!” he was near wheezing with laughter. You giggled at his guffawing, smiling while watching him. Dimples, smiles, and laugh lines. You could watch him forever.
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          What had been an easy day, was now beyond stressful. Eddie had been watching you intently the whole time you were there. He wasn’t rushing you but you felt pressured. Silently in your shadow, watching your every rigid movement.
          “Why don’t you go look for something for yourself?” you suggested.
          “I will in a bit, just trying to gauge what you like.”
          “How about I get what I want and I show you later? You’re stressin’ me out.”
          “Why’s that?” Eddie encroached into your personal space, pulling you towards him. Pressing his front into your side.
          “Are you two looking for couples’ toys?” a young man came up with a proud smile. “They’re on the other side. I’d be happy to recommend something. Don’t mean to overstep, but it seems like a dom and sub relationship. So perhaps a toy for him to control?” he tilted his head looking at you two lovingly.
          “Oh, we’re, we’re,” you started stumbling over your words as Eddie’s grip tightened on you. You looked up to him for help, like you do with Blair.
          “We’re not dating, yet. I just love teasing her. Her favorite toy died, so she needs a replacement.”
          “Oh, I apologize for assuming. Do you have an image of it and I can give you a few recommendations?”
          “Oh, yeah,” you pushed away from Eddie a bit to get your phone out of your purse. Elbowing him playfully as he tried to look at your screen as you got to the image. Nervously showing it to the clerk, Ket, who whistled.
          “I like it, sorry he died on you. I’ve got the perfect thing to replace him and it’s rechargeable. Do you need any help, sir?” Ket looked to Eddie now.
          “Just wanna look around, point me to the section for my solo play?” Ket smile and pointed to the opposite wall. Eddie smiled at you as you anxiously followed Ket.
          Ket wasn’t lying, he had the perfect replacement and even suggested a few new items to pair for those days you were having a hard time reaching your peak. “How that I’ve earned your trust back with these beauts,” he gestured to the items in the basket he filled for you. “I can tell you really like that man you came in here with.” His smile grew when you shifted from foot to foot. “Could I interest you in some couple toys or lingerie for the future?”
          You bit your lip, looking around, unable to see Eddie you gave Ket a quick bob of your head. “Maybe both?” you looked down and dug your foot into the floor a bit.
          “Oh, I know what will suit you with that reserved personality. Come on, take my hand, trust me,” Ket hummed as you did so. “You know, my husband and I barely use toys, but when we do, it’s always special. But I help tons of people every day, of every personality type. But sweet things you like, are still so rare. What I’m gonna give you, might scare you a bit, but I promise he’ll shred it off you. And if he doesn’t, come back, I’ll give you two free toys.” He cackled as you gasped in embarrassment.
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          You nervously tapped your foot as Ket rang up your purchase. Eddie came up right as you were paying, everything already in a discreet black bag. “Find what you needed?” Eddie asked you.
          “And then some,” Ket winked playfully. “Did you find anything you want, sir?” Eddie was now a bit shy while placing a few items on the counter. “See I knew you were a dom,” Ket chuckled to himself as he rang up the leather handcuffs, restraints, blindfold, lube, some other bottles you didn’t get to read, and pocket pussy.
          “You’ll show me what you got, right?” Eddie whispered darkly in your ear as you reeled back and shook your head. “Oh, come on, you said you would,” Eddie leered. “Show me at least your replacement?” you nodded hesitantly. “Okay, I’ll take it for now.”
          Eddie paid with the card Blair had given him, teasingly offering to carry your bag for you.
          “Now the mall, right?” Eddie breathed deeply while getting into the passenger side.
          “Wherever you want Eds,” you smirked before starting up the car and clicking on your seat belt.
          “Don’t wanna stop wandering around with you. So yeah mall,” Eddie placed his hand on your thigh, just above your knee. “Wanna get some ice cream too, they’ve got that there, right?”
          “’Course they do,” you smiled.
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          Wander you did, Eddie collected some more band tees. And a few hoodies, a couple sizes bigger, a note from Blair, so that they’d fit you for sure, as you should be stealing them. Once you let him in your heart fully that is. A few other places you browsed together before getting some shakes.
          “Okay, so tell me something about this Joseph Quinn? Since he played me.”
          “He’s British, 28. So technically you are too now. I think he has naturally curly hair, but it’s short. Normally has a beard, I’ve seen him with glasses a few times. He seems like a goof but very nice. They cast him as you, very well. He’s gotten an outpour of support, love, and fans. Eddie is a loved character and there was a lot of anger at the Duffer brothers for killing him.”
          “It’s really weird to hear someone talk about me as if I don’t exist,” Eddie muttered.
          “Oh! I’m so sorry Eddie, I didn’t mean to, I just started rambling. I mean on the bright side of all this, Blair is getting your birth certificate, high diploma, social security, driver’s license, credit history, passport, and all that. You’ll be ready to live your life however you want. And of course, you’re more than welcome to stay with us as long as you want. There is no rush to you getting a job or moving out.”
          “Angel, breathe, it’s okay,” Eddie chuckled and patted your knee. “So, I’m not some Super Senior, trailer trash loser here?”
          “No, Eddie, no. We dragged you here and we’ll give you a fair shot at life. Yeah, you were a Super Senior and a nerd there. But I never would have thought of you as trailer trash or a loser. You’re a sweetheart, a goofball, a non-conformist, loved, talented, soft-hearted, eccentric, passionate, playful, a jokester, and a courageous person.” You bit your lip and then looked up at him, realizing you were probably going overboard on the compliments.
          “I don’t know if I’ve ever been called any of those things,” his eyes were on you but soft, amorously. “Blair gave me a lot of knowledge to help me fit in here. But in that, she also shared a lot of her memories of you with me. So, you feel like you know me and I feel like I know you.”
          “Yeah, but Blair is biased, her memories of me are probably rose-tinted,” you gave a tight-lipped smile. “She’s become my protector, my safe harbor, and the person I dote on. Of course, she’d only have good things to remember or say about me.”
          “Not all good, memories. She gave me the bad ones too, your fights, your breakdowns, all of it. Your cute flaws. I think it was to show me all your sides, to understand you more.”
          “Eddie,” you whispered to get him to meet your eyes. “You don’t need to know me, understand me. You owe me nothing. Because let’s be honest here,” you sat up and tucked your knees away from him. His hand dropped. “If you weren’t dragged here because of me if we naturally existed in the same universe. You never would have noticed me. I’m no Chrissy or anyone you’ve crushed on before.
          “I might seem like your only option, with Blair being in a relationship and gay, but I’m not. You have to know, you’re very loved in this world. And just about any fan would love a chance at talking with you. You’re amazing. I’m not. I really loved today, but you should look at all your options before settling on this.” You gestured to yourself, your figure, before taking another drink of your shake. Looking away from his sad doe eyes.
          Eddie’s heart clenched; he was hoping today would make you see how he feels already. He’s never felt this quickly about anyone before. Yet here you were, pushing him away, just like Blair said you would. But he knew better due to her warning. He shuffled to forcible take your hands, entwining your digits together, so you can’t escape.
          “I’ll do whatever the hell I want. And if that means going out and meeting people, I’ll do it. If it means not doing that because I’ve got a hidden gem here right in front of me. So be it. I don’t owe you anything. I understand your worries and I hear you. But being with you, would not be settling!”
          You stared at him wide-eyed. Speechless. Words stuck in your throat with some rebuttal. Mirroring his wistful smile, gulping when he kept glancing at your mauve-painted lips. Wishing to test how good your liquid lipstick was.
          “Fancy seeing you here!” you ripped your eyes away from Eddie to look at your ex, looking as good as you remember. With the girl he cheated on you with, right on his arm, and a pretty engagement ring.
          “Hello Shawn,” you whispered and tugged on your hands with Eddie, trying to pull free, to curl in on yourself. You looked at Eddie shocked when he didn’t let you. Instead, he stood up, a bright smile on his face. He pulled you up with him, only letting go of your hands to tuck you into his side.
          “Eddie!” he introduced himself with a hand straight out. Shawn was clearly taken back but gathered himself quickly and shook Eddie’s hand. “Nice to put a name to a face.”
          “Oh, so she’s told you about me?” Shawn had a smug look as he looked down at you.
          “Nope! Blair did, and I just wanted to thank you.”
          “Thank me?” Shawn sneered.
          “If you hadn’t been a total asshat and left her, I wouldn’t be here with her.” Eddie’s statement rang through you and you could tell he meant it. He was happy Blair brought him here, to be with you. You looked up at him, starry-eyed, totally smitten.
          Shawn saw the way you looked at Eddie and it pissed him off. You never looked at him that way. “Well enjoy her while you can stand her. She’s a good lay, tight, but fucking hell, she’s boring.”
          Both Shawn and his girl were laughing at that. You wanted to hide, feeling shame wash through you. Eddie’s grip tensed on you as he felt anger boil through him and your tug on his arm. That his asshole still had this hold over you to the point you wanted to run away.
          He understood that he’d done it so much, but not now. He’d stand up for you at the very least.
          “Takes one to know one. I assume your description of fun, is pArTiEs~ and drugs. It’ll get old quickly just like your face will from using. And she’ll be timeless and forever loving. I’d take someone who cares deeply about me over frivolous things like that any day. So once again, thanks for being the prick you are.”
          “You’re just some freak who couldn’t get invited to a party if he wanted to!” Shawn jabbed a finger at Eddie’s chest. And before he could respond, you moved to stand between them. Shawn took a surprised step back.
          “And you’re just some dime-a-dozen douche with mommy issues and that needs therapy. But you’re a parasitic narcissist too afraid to do it, to change, so you bury it all with sex and drugs. We might be freaks, but at least we’re not senseless moronic mistakes! Don’t you ever talk to him like that again? Take your tramp and get the fuck outta our faces. You’re not wanted!”
          Shawn was stunned, you had never raised your voice, you were just a pushover who blubbered. The only person he’d ever seen you stand up for was Blair, and now, this, Eddie. Your words stung and the small voice in his head told him, she could never love you the way she does him.
          “Let’s get outta here,” his girl tugged on his arm, and he followed numbly.
          Your shoulders slumped as the adrenaline left you and you turned to look at a flabbergasted Eddie. Surprised eyes scanned yours before a smile crept onto his features, dimples, and teeth adorably on display.
          “Angel,” he cooed with his smirk, resting his hands on your hips. “That was so hot, and you didn’t have to defend me.”
          “You’re not a freak Eddie, I don’t want you thinking you are, especially not here. You deserve that fresh start; I couldn’t let him taint it.”
          “Start fresh, with me?” Eddie’s golden browns searched yours, wanting an answer.
          “Of course, I’ll be here, you live with us,” you smiled at him brightly. “I want you to have a good life. And once you’re settled into some routine and into the things you want to be. We can go on vacations and travel. It’ll be so fun with the three of us, ooh, wait four with Mer.”
          Eddie’s smile slipped for a moment when he realized you didn’t understand what he was asking. But you answered in your thoughtful way. And with that, he understood, you wanted him to be adapted to this world. That you wouldn’t take him until he was. It bothered him almost, but he’d do what he needed to prove to you. Prove that he wasn’t settling on you.
          “I’d love nothing more.” His fingers brushed your cheek before guiding you to sit back down. To finish your shakes.
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daily-spooky · 6 months
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landsccape · 4 months
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deyageka · 3 months
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No srsly I can’t believe they’ve actually done this:
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ur-daily-inspiration · 5 months
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