jahnavisurenda-21 · 7 months
Hazbin Hotel||Alastor X Reader||Period Comfort
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It will get better throughout the day, it's hard when there is no food inside the house, food I mean by Junk or no Alastor to cuddle, but it'll get better eventually.
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You checked your phone it read 2pm, it was already lunch time, maybe it was 7am when you had come back from talking to everyone you were experiencing all too familiar cramps.
You were trying to pass the time by sleeping on your comforter, but the cramps had been bothering you all day it was impossible to ignore them,
You played some records to pass the time, sincerely wishing the bleeding would just give you a break already, you wanted someone to bring in the pillow, or bring you a nice fresh watermelon, or make you some hot chocolate with marshmallows.
All though, Alastor in the morning did give you hot chocolate because you refused to eat anything but what you were craving for.
So, Alastor was down in the kitchen humming a cherry tune happily, and cooking what you had asked for in the morning, "My dear, shall I bring you a heating pad?"
You moaned in pain, whimpering, Alastor took it as a que and a few minutes he placed the pad on your stomach as you huddled closer, "This one is for the back." Alastor instructed, He checked if you had enough pads or tampons, before heading downstairs again.
You managed to push past and wash your body, with some body wash, and your feet with a scrubber, so that you would feel more tired and maybe that would help you sleep better.
You came out to something smelling amazing, it had diffused all around your room and it smelt really appetizing,
Alastor was smiling as he fluffed up some pillows for you and cleaned the room by changing the bedsheets.
"Ah my dear, I was afraid you had fallen asleep in the shower!" Alastor said appearing behind you smiling, "You cleaned up all of this mess, made the room so comfortable for me?" You asked baffled.
"Well of course my dear, you should rest well!"
You sighed with content, as you felt Alastor slip in the bed next to you, before he kissed your forehead and brought you closer, "What's up with so much affection darling?"
"Well what do you know you make me feel so... so alive I guess."
You smiled before pulling up the plate, Alastor cooked for you, "Wow, this smells amazing."
"Now, Now, don't just stare at the food eat it before it gets to cold." Alastor Instructed,
You fell asleep in his arms, as he massaged your stomach, and sides to help you fall asleep.
He stroked your hair, for the entire afternoon.
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leia04 · 6 days
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“I love You”
“I know…”
Will forever be my favorite.
If only Star Wars would allow us to be happy just for once…😔
They have been breaking our hearts for years now.
Will there ever be a happy ending in Star Wars?
I doubt it.
But let’s just all pretend they’ve got their happy endings… 🖤
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thoughts-insidee · 8 days
"So, Grandpa, what was the date when you first met Grandma?" Peter asked eagerly. "You’re asking me the date?" I chuckled softly. "I remember more than just the date, Peter. I know the exact time, the day of the week, the month, the very moment our eyes met for the first time. I remember the first time we held hands, the warmth of her touch, the first time we hugged, and when we confessed our love to each other," I said, gazing fondly at her photo, my heart filling with both joy and longing. "When you truly love someone, every moment becomes unforgettable. Every little detail, every smile, every word—it all gets etched into your heart. Even after all these years, it feels like it happened just yesterday."
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celestialpoems · 11 days
Our dancing will inevitably stop but I will cherish this memory that we have made
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gigi969 · 3 months
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Have some Gency in this app~
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taffychiffon · 4 months
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letsberealgenz · 3 months
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zaevauhm · 2 years
Waiting Game
it's an extremely hot summer in the south of Europe, as your new housemate gives your summer an interesting turn
mentions of alcohol + unprotected sex
word count 9.3k
note: I loved creating this, I hope you will enjoy the read babes, mwah 💗
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Slowly you started to drift out of sleep, as strong sunrays were starting to heat up your bare face. You turned some more, sinking even deeper into your sheets. Not a clue what time it is was, not completely sure what day it was either. You carelessly yawned and stretched your luckily, by now tanned arms before sitting up to take in the sight of the sunny streets of the Algarve. The white linen curtains that were messily hanging in front of the big window kept flowing as the slow, warm summer breezes increased and decreased. Heaven.
This was your happy place. You were finally back where you felt most at home, where you could breathe and let go of everything, of all the chaos that was going on in your life. Daily surrounded and loved by a dozen of newmade friends, as well as a few old ones, all sharing one huge house. It felt much like an out-of-control school trip; but deciding to leave your hometown behind and move to Portugal about a year and a half ago was really the best decision you ever made. Every single day you were grateful to be here, with the people you had considered your family.
Your peaceful process of waking up got cut short when you heard knocks on the other side of your door. ‘’Y/N?’’
‘’Are you awake?’’ The door slowly opened, the squeaking sounds making you look up. ‘’Hey, good morning Alex.’’ You yawned. ‘’Not much of a morning left’’ Alex, one of your closer friends, laughed as he sat down on the bed beside you.
‘’What do you want?’’ you laughed.
‘’I need you today, like the whole day.’’
‘’I…Uh… I just want to hang with my friend, can I?’’ He mumbled.
You furrowed your brows, looking right through your friend of 8 years.
‘’Okay fine, if you insist.’’ Alex laughs. ‘’I might have asked someone out.’’
‘’I asked Lara out, but trust me…’’
‘’Lara that can’t stand me Lara?’’ you rolled your eyes, before grinning back at Alex.
‘’That should be the one. You don’t mind, do you?’’
You remember the girl so vividly, and frankly, much to your displease. She is a local who met some of the boys who lived with you during a night out, but always appeared to be super jealous of the girls. You never really understood why, as you and the three other girls that were living in the house had done nothing but try to make friends with her. You gave up, eventually.
‘’No, but what do you need me for? You do realize it’s my first week of vacation, right?’’
‘’I just need you to help me prepare and all. You know, usual stuff.’’
‘’You sound like a girl.’’
‘’Whatever, at least I can say I’m not like those idiots you’ve been dating.’’ Alex teases you. ‘’At least I prepare.’’
You roll your eyes again and let yourself fall back against the headrest of your bed, trying to dismiss the subject as soon as possible as you really didn’t want to think about your past ‘’relationships’’, nor about your current one, to be fair.
‘’By the way, a guy is moving in here today. I don’t think you know him.’’ Alex said as he played with the stitches of the white sheets that were covering you.
‘’I don’t?’’ You cheekily open one eye to peek at your friend.
Over the years, you had gotten to know so many people who had been moving in and out of the house you’re currently living in. Some of them ended up being lovers and moved out, while others would move out for different reasons and come back afterwards, as no one was originally from Portugal. All sorts of relationships bloomed from your friend group, and nothing was really ever labelled as ‘’strange’’ by anyone. The lack of judgement was something you loved more than anything. Everyone had the complete freedom to be themselves, unfiltered.
‘’Yeah, he was living here for a while and moved out right before you moved in. You might have heard of him, though. His name is Lewis.’’
‘’It doesn’t ring a bell at all.’’ You thought hard at the name, but there was nothing. No one had ever mentioned him, nor had you ever noticed him on photos or any material things that have been laying around the house.
‘’He didn’t really talk much, usually kept to himself a lot. He’s quite much like you in that department.’’
‘’Great, another introvert.’’ You sighed.
‘’Don’t worry, he is cool, he’s a friend of mine and Bruno. Apart from us, I think no one else really knows him. Maybe Lari does though.’’
You zoned out a little, unsure of where your own thoughts went. The way Alex had been describing him was interesting, so to speak.
‘’Anyway.’’ Alex spoke as he got up from the bed. ‘’Get dressed, I’ll drive. I know exactly where to go.’’
‘’Okay, I’ll be ready in about fifteen minutes.’’ You said as Alex closed your bedroom door behind him, leaving you to get ready.
You got up and took a simple shirt and some light-colored jeans from your closet and threw on some black slippers, as well as your every-day jewelry. You were not in the mood at all to get dressed, and as you’d probably be dragged behind Alex all day under the hot sun, this would work just fine. You freed your hair of the tie that was keeping it in a bun, leaving it down messily. It was summer… who’d care about it anyways?
Not long after, you were walking out with Alex, him opening the front door of the house for you. You carefully walked down the steep stairs, completely blinded by the sunlight for the first couple of seconds, before hearing Alex’ enthusiastic yelling for his friend.
‘’Lewis!’’ Alex shouted, in complete shock and surprise. Has he arrived here sooner than planned or something?
You could see clear now. Your eyes had immediately fell locked on the stranger. You were trying your hardest to look away, but the already impossible task got harder by the second.
‘’Hey man, good to finally see you!’’ The mysterious boy spoke, full of joy.
Lewis had just arrived, still carrying his bag over his shoulder, as he looked his old friend up and down.
‘’How’s it going?’’ He smiled so radiantly, it made you want to smile too, if you weren’t completely mesmerized by the strangers’ beauty.
‘’Good, good, I want to hear everything, we have to sit down tonight. Beers?’’ Alex asked full of enthusiasm, while Lewis’ eyes had meanwhile fell on you. You had turned your face towards the sun for a moment, as you nervously combed your hair with your hand, hoping the breeze that was flowing through your long locks would miraculously fix them. You could feel how his gaze on you had made you stiff up your legs to fix your posture, already doing your best to try not to look awkward.
‘’By the way, Lewis, this is Y/N. She moved in just a while after you, you probably just missed each other. ‘’
‘’Pity.’’ Lewis spoke, as he took a step towards you, making your heart pound in your throat. ‘’Hi there, I’m Lewis.’’ He spoke softly, as he put down his bags on the pavement and got close to you, gesturing that he wanted to greet you properly. ‘’May I?’’ he almost whispered, unintentionally sending electrical waves through your body. You nodded.
Lewis came closer, before putting his hand on your waist and placing three feather-light kisses on your cheeks, while slightly pressing his thumb into your skin. The last kiss, you could swear he was making it last as long as he possibly could. His smell and warmth that you immediately felt in those short seconds made it hard for you to speak.
‘’I’m Y/N.’’ you managed to speak without fumbling your words.
‘’I know.’’ Lewis smiled. ‘’I’ve heard a lot about the prettiest girl living around here, they weren’t wrong.’’ He said confidently.
You gave him a shy smile.
‘’Okay, good that you guys met, we have enough time for chit chat later.’’ Alex hastily spoke as he tried to pull you out of the captivating looks that the both of you were keeping each other in.
‘’Let’s go, Y/N.’’ He said as he hurried to grab your wrist, pulling you towards his parked car. ‘’Lewis, we’ll see you tonight man. Help yourself to anything you need.’’ Alex quickly spoke over his shoulder.
He opened the passenger side’s door for you, and you slowly, almost unwillingly lowered yourself in the car, trying your hardest not to look back at Lewis. While you waited for Alex to take his place, you couldn’t help it anymore. Your eyes locked with Lewis once more, sending you the same electrifying feeling all over your body. He smiled at you with a vaguely promising look in his eyes, and you knew he felt the same.
A few moments later, Alex was driving you down the street, towards the city. ‘’So, she probably likes if I wear that black shirt, and pick her up earlier than planned, don’t you think…?’’
You did hear Alex talk, it just, for some reason wasn’t really reaching you.
You were suddenly interrupted from your thoughts completely, coming back to reality.
‘’I’m sorry, I uh…’’
‘’Where are your thoughts at?’’ Alex turned his face towards you, slightly annoyed.
‘’Very convincing.’’
You were still a bit daydreaming about ten minutes deep in the car ride, but how could you not be? He had the most beautiful skin, and that radiant smile? Those tattoos? Loose blonde curls hanging down his face, and a body that was practically screaming perfection. You tried your best to steer your thoughts elsewhere, to your friend who needed you. 
‘’Yeah, I’m sorry about that. Where are we going exactly?’’
‘’I need roses for her and some groceries, so we’ll just go downtown, okay?’’
‘’Roses, huh? So, you’re a bit serious about her then, no?’’ You grinned at your friend.
‘’I don’t know, I might be later on…I don’t want to ruin my chances before they even begin, you know.’’ Alex sighed.
‘’That’s good, Alex. I’m happy one of us gets to date properly.’’ You said as you sunk a bit deeper into your seat, earning a cheeky smile from your friend.
You had arrived at the old city, where you would spend the entire afternoon. Alex had gotten Lara the most beautiful bouquet of flowers, with your help. There was no way she’d not like them, you thought. Slowly and enjoying the hot July sun as much as possible, you made your way from place to place, stopping here and there and ending the afternoon with a quick food break. ‘’So, feeling well prepared enough?’’ you ask your friend after he had ordered the two of you lunch. White pasta, with your favorite tiramisu desert after. Small gestures like your friends remembering your favorite foods, never failed to make you feel lucky and thankful. To be here, in this beautiful restaurant, with your biggest current problem being your friends date… It was almost dream-like.
‘’I’m a bit scared of her, to be honest.’’ Alex speaks into his glass.
‘’Yeah, she’s kind of… wild. For example, every time we go out and she’s around she ends up being completely drunk. I even wonder how she makes it home safe every time.’’
‘’I see…Where are you guys going anyway?’’
‘’I’m inviting her over for dinner tonight. We’ll just see where the night ends.’’
‘’I won’t disturb you.’’ You smirked at him, twirling your spaghetti around your fork, trying to stir your mind away from where it was going. Or better said, to whom it was going.
‘’You’ll be disturbed enough I think.’’ Your friend chuckles.
‘’How so?’’ You replied dryly.
‘’Nothing.’’ Alex raised his brows as he laughed and grabbed his phone, you knew he wanted you to bite, but you knew better.
It was around 7 PM when you came back home, helping your friend carry the groceries inside. ‘’Hey, let me help you with those.’’ You heard a kind voice behind you, as you turned around and saw Lewis come down the stairs. ‘’Thank you, you’re a life saver.’’ You smiled at him as he released your arms from the heavy bags you were holding, placing them on the kitchen counter. You tried your hardest not to stare at his exposed, tan arms as they were easily lifting the heavy bags. ‘’Did you have fun?’’ he asked.
‘’Yeah’’ you said as you quickly looked the other way, trying to act as normal as possible. ‘’I just helped your friend a bit, preparing for his date and all. Uhm, did you manage here? Are you getting settled?’’
Lewis smiled at your caring face, reassuring you that he is just fine. ‘’I’m back in my old room, and I think there is no place on earth where I’d rather be right now.’’
‘’Oh, I’d love to hear all about that?’’ You spoke, genuinely interested. ‘’Which room is yours?’’
‘’First floor, last door on the right.’’
‘’You’re on the same floor, just, mine is the first left.’’ You don’t know why you felt the need to tell him where you sleep.
Lewis smiled at you, making you blush.
‘’Do you have plans tonight?’’
‘’Not really, my summer break has just started.’’ You said. ‘’I planned to just do some reading and relax in the garden, but it’s probably gonna be a full house tonight.’’ You sighed.
‘‘Not really your thing, huh?’‘ Lewis surprisingly read your mind.
‘‘I feel like tonight might turn out to be not so bad, so I am sticking around.’‘ You smiled at him. ‘’Don’t worry, i’m not leaving you out to dry here.’’
‘’I feel honored.’’ He said, smiling while he began putting the groceries away in the cabins, making you realize he knows this house just as well as you do. Even better, maybe. He was leaning against the kitchen counter by now, staring at you. For some strange reason, you started to feel awfully calm around him. You didn’t bother to appear to be busy, you just looked back at him. ‘’So, are you going to tell me about yourself, then?’’ You asked.
‘’Everything you’d like to know.’’ He spoke before licking his lips.
You chuckled and lightly shook your head, before walking off to find your friend, as you promised you’d help him prepare for tonight.
Alex and Lara had joined you later in the evening, as well as basically the rest of the house, leaving you and Lewis parted from each other. He was sat across from you, catching up with some of the guys. Laughing, drinking together. It made you happy to see how fast he was finding his way again, but then again, you wouldn’t expect any different from your housemates. You glanced back at him, still couldn’t figure out how it was humanly possible to be this perfect.
‘’So, what are your plans for your holidays?’’ the first ever friend you made in the house, Lari, said as she came to sit down next to you. There was no one you’d rather have near you now, she always had this calming effect on you. Probably exactly what you needed right now.
She knew you very well, you didn’t have to explain to her how you felt about your new-old housemate at all. And it turned out she knew the stranger who you had taken quite the interest in. Lari herself was in a relationship with Patricia, and you considered them to be like your older sisters, as you were the youngest in the entire house.
‘’I’ll have to see, babe. Maybe stay here and just chill.’’ You spoke, as you noticed Lewis had started to pay attention to your side of the table.
‘’Nao nao nao, Y/N, venha comigo… please come to Brazil with us?’’ Lari fake cried while wrapping her arms around you and resting her head on your shoulders.
‘’Yeah, there’s absolutely no way I’m spending my free days third-wheeling.’’ You chuckled.
Lewis had noticed, and you could tell he tried to hide a smile, much to your surprise. Before long, he got up, making his way towards you. ‘’Join me outside?’’ he asked, smiling down at you. You caught Lari winking at you. Basically, gesturing for you to get up.
You did and followed him to the terrace on the first floor of the house, overlooking a rather big yard. It was messily lit up, but it looked perfect.
The two of you sat down on the old, white chairs as Lewis started asking you about your personal life. ‘’You haven’t dated much?’’ He asked, clearly not believing you.
‘’You know that I’ve been with Bruno for years, right?’’ You didn’t necessarily want to mention that you were dating Lewis’ best friend of years in this house, but either he already knew, or it was going to come up sooner or later, anyways. It was better that he heard it from you. Makes you look a bit more detached too, you figured.
‘’Yeah, I can’t deny that I’d date him too.’’
You laughed at his joke, before looking at Lewis’ face to realize that he was not laughing.
‘’Okay.’’ You said before trying to shake the thing off. ‘’I’m gay, Y/N.’’
He completely took you by surprise. What? How? Him? You didn’t even process it, or even have the time to feel bad about it, you just didn’t want to make Lewis feel bad.
‘’Oh, that’s… okay, completely okay. I’m sorry, I just didn’t know.’’ You spoke as apologetic as you possibly could, you hoped he wouldn’t notice your flushing red cheeks. One could only hope that there was no sad tone in your voice, it would have been even more of an embarrassment.
Lewis waited a few moments before slightly lowering his head to meet your gaze, laughing at your apology. ‘’I’m just joking’’ he chuckled.
‘’But’’ a more serious, content tone spilled out of him.
‘’Now I know how you’d feel about that.’’ He almost whispered, as he leaned closer towards you.
Oh no.
‘’What? What are you talking about? I wouldn’t mind if you were gay.’’ You stumbled shyly, trying your best to keep your cool as if your heart wasn’t beating the shit out of your ribcages by now.
You knew Lewis was looking right through you, which made you blush even more. He looked back towards the garden, clearly content with what he had just learned.
After a while, Lewis gets up and gives you a hand, pulling you up from your seat. ‘’What are you doing?’’ You ask.
‘’It’s late. And you should get some well-deserved sleep.’’
‘’You saw Alex’s date, right?’’ you smirk at him. ‘’I don’t think I’m getting sleep any time soon.’’
Lewis raises one eyebrow, and then realizes what you’re talking about. ‘’I see’’. He says and clicks his tongue, clearly making up some plan in his head. "Now how can we fix that for you?"
Unsure of what to say, you just raised your eyebrows to express an "I don't know" face and slightly turned away from Lewis.
‘’Well, I can waste more of your time if you desire. Get you all tired so you can sleep like a baby.’’
‘’How?’’ You asked, genuinely surprised.
‘’Just however you like’’. He says, smiling you down.
Suddenly you realize that you barely know him, and no matter how much you two are getting along already, he is still a stranger. You figured it’s better to just keep it cool.
‘’Uhm, I think I should let you rest… You’re the one who’s had a long day, and you just arrived… I’m sorry, I completely lost track of time.’’
Lewis frowned his eyebrows at you, and you’re unsure of what to even make of this. ‘’I just meant that I don’t want to be the one keeping you up, uh, you know?’’ You stumble. All of a sudden, all shy for him, again.
‘’You’re so crazy.’’ Lewis tells you as he steps closer towards you, putting his hand on your cheek, lightly lifting up your face, so you’re forced to face his. ‘’You really think I’d prefer sleeping over this?’’
He really is daring. How does he just take what he wants and gets away with it, too?
‘’You might.’’ You smirk. Lewis suddenly loosens his grip on you, as if he had just realized the same as you did. This wasn’t going to end well, and the both of you had to slow it down.
‘’Let me take you to your room.’’ Lewis spoke confidently, the words making your heart jump out of its’ place. He noticed the shocked expression on your face and let out a smile. ‘’You’re going to sleep, little lady.’’ He reassured you.
Walking beside him even felt powerful, for some reason. Your heart was beating faster and faster, the nearer you came to your bedroom door and shockingly, the house is fairly quiet. Lari is probably back in her room with Patricia, Alex is in his with Lara and the rest of the house is most likely out for the night. It gives you peace of mind, though. No one is coming to you tonight, and you can process Lewis slowly while you’re in bed, you figured. Let everything sink in and probably do some fan-girling about the most gorgeous creature you had ever seen.
Lewis turns back to you, meanwhile opening your door behind him, gesturing for you to go inside. ‘’So, I really, really, really loved meeting you. Everyone was right about you.’’
‘’What’s that?’’ You chuckle as you enter your bedroom, and after some steps set your eyes back on his.
Lewis is now leaning against the entrance of your bedroom, glancing into your eyes before smiling at the ground. He looks grateful, for some reason. It suits him. How is he so damn beautiful again?
He takes a deep sigh before speaking.
‘’You’re for sure the most beautiful girl, but it’s far from your best feature.’’ He speaks, pointing his eyes back up at yours.
‘’I think sleep is getting to you now.’’ You laugh. ‘’Go, I’ll see you tomorrow.’’
You walk over to him, place a kiss on his cheek and close the door behind you, before resting your back against the closed door. What a day.
The next morning, you woke up around 7 AM, lazy and still half asleep you made your way down to the kitchen. ‘’Make me some too?’’ Lewis’ sleepy voice filled the empty kitchen. Shocked, you dropped the hot cup of tea you were holding. ‘’Hey! Watch it!’’ He shouted. He quickly made his way to you, in no time his big hands grabbed your wrists, before opening the cold water tap to cool your hands down.
Nervously you looked down at your slightly red-burnt hands, slowly realizing what had happened. You tried to figure out why he startled you so much, but it was no use. You knew better, and you knew you were in denial.
You had just realized that you were wearing nothing but a tiny silken mini-short and a small cropped top that you had been sleeping in. You made a mental note to start paying attention to what you’d wear, with your new housemate around. It was not a good look, especially with Bruno not here. You sighed. What was he even going to think of all this? Bruno was your boyfriend for years, and one of your best friends. You loved him dearly but it was just so… boring. There was love, but the idea of having that dull prep-school-boy-sex was just not doing it for you anymore. There was no challenge, no excitement left between the two of you. He kept you waiting for over a year, as he thought you were too young for it, only to find that the lust you had for him had slowly been dying all along.
At the same time, the realization that you were much younger than him (and Lewis) always made him vote for you to ‘’live’’, as he would call it. Experience whatever you could. You knew he probably would be all for you seeing Lewis, but it still made you feel bad for some reason.
‘’It’s fine.’’ You mumbled before walking back towards your room. It was so early; you could easily sleep for a couple more hours. Also, you really weren’t awake enough yet to deal with your little situation.
The next time you woke up, just three hours later, you made your way down to the kitchen, again having your morning routine interrupted. Two hands on your hips, a kiss on the back of your head. That smell… Bruno. You turned around and gave him a friendly hug, as he had just come back from a small getaway with his friends from his hometown in Brazil. ‘’Are you okay?’’ he asked. You knew he wasn’t expecting you to wait around for him, but still wanted to check up on you.
You thought for a second at how to answer him. ‘’Yes.’’ You said as you took a sip of your still hot tea. ‘’I met your friend.’’
Bruno raised an eyebrow at you, before leaning his head back and smiling. ‘’I see.’’ You loved how confident this man was.
You chuckled. He knew you so well. He knew his friend so well.
‘’Has Lewis treated you good?’’
‘’Yeah, he really has.’’ You smiled. ‘’He was kind to me.’’
‘’And Alex?’’ he continues while grabbing himself a drink. ’’I heard you were out with him.’’
You did love the fact that Bruno was like this. Always protective, always checking in on you. Whether you were ‘’with him’’ or not.
‘’Same as always, really. The fool is probably still sleeping with his date.’’ You said, unbothered. Bruno chuckled as he saw Alex enter the kitchen before you did, poking your side. ‘’Fuck you, you know.’’ Alex laughed.
‘’I didn’t mean to be meaaannnn…’’ You teased him as you dramatically turned your head towards him, as if you actually cared about being caught gossiping. ‘’How was it?’’ You and Bruno quickly started to hear him out before everybody would be up.
‘’So, guys, I think she is really into me.’’ Alex whispers.
‘’Oh yeah?’’ you smiled. ‘’Have your imaginary charms worked on this one?’’ You teased Alex some more.
The kitchen door suddenly opened and a confused Lara walked in on the three of you. You could tell she felt a bit out of place, but it was never your intention. You smiled and gestured for Bruno to leave to the dining room with you, leaving the two of them alone. ‘’Do you like him?’’ Bruno shoots as you as he pulled one of the chairs back for you. ‘’I don’t know, Bruno. I only just met him.’’ You really weren't in the mood for this conversation, especially not this early.
‘’It’s okay if you do, you know how I fee-‘’ Bruno started, but you quickly interrupted him. ‘’I know, please don’t worry.’’ You said, trying to escape the dreadful conversation.
‘’But I do worry about you, Y/N.’’ Bruno continues. ‘’I know Lewis. Better than you do.’’
The sentence keeps replaying in your head during breakfast. Is there something about him that you should know?
After breakfast, you got ready and made your way downstairs, figuring you’d go out to clear your mind for a little. You had to get your thoughts in order, and you really didn’t want to play with anyone’s feelings here.
As you were about to walk out, both Lari and Patricia stopped you. Clearly with the intention of hearing you out. It was just what you needed, though.
‘’Can you guys come with me?’’ You asked, voice low.
‘’Is everything okay?’’ They asked almost simultaneously as worried expressions were already appearing on their faces
‘’No, I just miss you guys.’’ You sighed. ‘’Also, you two are leaving soon and I just wanted to spend some time with my friends.’’
‘’Well, we’re going out tonight.’’ Patricia furrows her brows at you lightly.
‘’Great.’’ You said in a sarcastic tone. ‘’I’m being left out now, too?’’
‘’You’re so silly.’’ She laughs at you while putting her arm around your waist. ‘’We literally just decided that a few minutes ago, but we’re planning to drag the entire house.’’ Patricia said.
‘’Everyone will like the idea for sure, especially now that Bruno is back.��’ Lari adds.
‘’But come on, let’s get out of here for a bit.’’ Patricia continues, much to your gratitude. In no-time, the three of you were sat down at a nearby café, the couple in front of you enthusiastically chatting about their plans. ‘’So… I kinda wanted to ask you guys about Lewis.’’ You spilled.
Lari smiles down at her iced coffee and Patricia starts giggling at you. ‘’What?’’ Your red cheeks really didn’t help the situation. ‘’I like him for you.’’ Lari starts. ‘’He has an interesting side to him, to say the least.’’
‘’What’s that?’’
‘’The girls in his room could tell you all about that.’’ Patricia spilled as she rolled her eyes at Lari. Clearly not as enthusiastic about him as her girlfriend.
You felt a little demotivated by what you had just heard. Of course he was that type of guy. He just had to be. Someone so perfect, living in a paradise city like yours, what were you even expecting?
‘’So, he’s a player?’’ You asked your friends.
‘’Not necessarily, I just…’’ Patricia sighed. ‘’I think he is wild, but so are you. You just haven’t really discovered that side of yourself yet.’’
They were right. You were still young. Lewis was eight years older, in a much different stage of life. Your two friends had both noticed you lean back in your chair, before reassuring you. ‘’We’re going to be here for you, anyways. Just… don’t do things you’re not ready for, okay?’’ Patricia smiled at you while reaching for your hand.
‘’I won’t. You know me.’’
You would. You definitely would. There was no denying it. Those comforting brown eyes, those tattoos, his soft, plump lips… You were fucked.
Lari and Patricia left you to get to your local pilates class, before you’d go home to slowly start getting ready for the night. A quite promising one, if you had to believe your friends. 
Your workout was tough, draining. Despite not being in the right headspace, you went all in, just because you figured you might feel better afterwards. It usually did help to relieve stress and all that, but today even working out wasn’t helping. A while after, you found yourself walking back to your house, still in your yoga leggings and top. Not paying much attention to your surroundings, as one of your currently favorite songs was playing in your earphones.
Brought you to my house for the night
Nervous, trip over my words You're so pretty, it hurts
Baby, I'm yours Baby, I'm yours Baby, I'm yours I need something more, I'll pray to the Lord That baby, I'm yours
You turned down the volume while turning the key inside the lock, immediately noticing how crowded it was inside the house, the noise easily heard from outside. Probably friends of friends eating and hanging out together. It wasn’t unusual for a hot summers’ day like this one, but as it was still a bit too much for you at the moment, you decided to directly make your way to your room. You dropped your bag on the floor next to your bed and freed your hair from the tight ponytail it was in. You gasped as you heard your bedroom door close behind you, startling you. Lewis.
‘’What the –‘’ you almost whispered.
‘’I had to see you.’’ Lewis speaks, tone all serious. He didn’t sound like his flirty self, at all.
‘’Couldn’t you wait until -’
‘’No. I had to see you alone.’’
You let yourself sink onto your bed, as you kept your eyes onto him.
‘’What is it?’’
Lewis sits down in front of you on your bed. ‘’People are going to talk and try to warn you.’’ He started. ‘’I know that, I’m not stupid, Y/N.’’
‘’And I know you might have your doubts, but I promise you, I’m not some asshole that’s just after one thing.’’
‘’I see.’’ You raised your eyebrows and looked down at your lap. ‘’Stick around.’’ He continues. ‘’I might just surprise you.’’ ’’I just might.’’ You said as you got up and grabbed a towel from your dresser and put it on the nearby bathroom shelve. He was here now, you might as well hear him out yourself.
‘’So, all the girls you’ve been with, if I’m supposed to believe the stories…’’ You curiously ask while preparing for your shower. ‘’Hm?’’ You heard Lewis, who was still sat on your bed, watching your every move. ‘’Those were all meaningless?’’ 
Lewis thought for a second, before answering. ‘’Well, not necessarily, but all of them knew what they were getting themselves into, you know.’’ You peek at him from the bathroom door, wearing nothing but your underwear and pilates top now, noticing Lewis’ readjusting the way he was sitting on your bed, clearly getting uncomfortable in his jeans. Interesting. ‘’I mean, I’m not just some heatbreaker, if that’s what you mean.’’ He hummed your way and continued, before you looked up at the mirror, flinching as Lewis was now stood right behind you. Oh, shit.
He kept his eyes locked on your reflection in the mirror, before taking a step closer to you. You tried hard not to quiver as you felt his chest on your back. He was so intimidating, so gorgeous, so big. Your heart was pounding so hard, you could only hope he wasn’t noticing it at this point. Past the point of putting on a tough act, you nervously stood still, completely unsure of what to expect. He got closer, caging you to the bathroom sink with his arms at each of your sides, as you felt all of his body, as well as the thick bulge in his pants. You stood frozen, almost anxious by his actions. He moved one of his hands to your sides and slipped it all the way up to your sweaty neck, before running a single finger down it, and down to your collar bone. ‘’Do you need some help cleaning that?’’ He whispers into your ear. You got so weak from his words alone.
He knew exactly what he was doing, and the exact effect it had on you. You moaned softly, barely audible and looked down at the sink when he grabbed your arms from behind and pulled you closer onto him. ‘’Look at me when I’m talking to you.’’ He angrily said, clearly displeased. ‘’I might.’’ You whispered. Lewis loosened his grip on you, making you lean back against the sink, as he gave you a loving, but promising smile, you immediately returning it. ‘’So, you’ve never done that before?’’ Straight shooter, this guy. ‘’What exactly?’’ He created a small distance between the two of you, and leaned against the bathroom wall, giving you a serious look. ‘’Shower sex.’’ He furrowed his brows as if he was already in disbelief. ‘’No.’’ ‘’Good.’’ He surprised you. The answer shocked you. What exactly was good about not being as experienced as the girls he always appeared to bring home? ‘’That means I can be your first.’’ He smiled before leaving you to actually get in the shower.
As the cold water poured down your hair and body, you couldn’t shake the thoughts of Lewis. Images of him kept flashing through your mind, as if he held you in some sort of spell. 
You walked out of the shower and let yourself fall down on the bed for a few minutes, grabbing your phone from your bag. 6 PM. It was time to start getting ready and you really didn't know whether to feel excited or nervous about it. Luckily, Patricia had entered your room to get ready with you and also, to make sure you actually were ready on time. You started on your make-up, before blow-drying your long hair and eventually starting your ever existing crisis of deciding what to actually wear. "Black, please." Patricia read your mind.
"It's so dark..." you sighed. "Won't it be boring?"
"Babe." Patricia stated as she threw one of your favorite black mini dresses your way. "There is no such thing as you and boring in the same sentence." She spoke as the sped up song was playing in your room.
We're getting closer Inches away Lose composure Favorite mistake Friendship's over Won't be the same
Baby, I'm yours Baby, I'm yours I need something more But, baby, I'm yours
You tried your hardest to shift your mind elsewhere and ended up re-considering your outfit. You didn’t want to attract too much attention, but didn’t want to be underdressed either. She was right. Eventually you had settled for the black strapless mini dress and grabbed a pair of strappy, high orange heels along with some golden jewelry, a perfect match with your tanned body.
Just a quick 30 minutes later, you found yourself entering the big night club, where the atmosphere was alluring, but hot as hell. It felt suspiciously promising, for some reason you couldn't quite place. The dim lighted big open space had you feeling beyond curious. Patricia joyfully shouted to get drinks behind you and Lari, as you made your way to the bar. ‘’Anything to get us shit-faced, please.’’ She winked at the barman. Before you knew it, strong drinks started flowing down your throat as if they were water. You had a very high tolerance when it came to alcohol and it was really hard to get you drunk, so you didn’t really have much to worry about, luckily. After a short while of drinking and dodging flirty eyes, you decided you wanted to find the boys. Especially that one you couldn’t take your mind off of.
You took a quick look around you, as you got up from your seat. None of them were around, much to your surprise. Lari had noticed and took your arm, as a mutual smile exchanged between the two of you. ‘’Let’s find him.’’ She whispered into your ear.
The three of you made your way upstairs, up to the more private part of the club. A few steps closer, and you could actually start seeing things. Bruno and Lewis sitting together, clearly enjoying themselves. It had made you feel something you couldn’t quite place, but it was almost arousing to you. The corner was full of their friends, and Alex with Lara on his lap. The way the unknown girls in the club were simping over your housemates, was something you didn’t particularly like, but there was just no way you’d show it. You turned towards Lari, away from the both of them to show her the facial expression that was showing your true feelings. ‘’Uhm uhm.’’ Lari coughed, before leaving you alone. ‘’Hm?’’ You hummed in her direction, but it was too late. ‘’You look beautiful.’’ Lewis whispered in your ear, making goosebumps run down your body. He had gotten up from where he was sitting and made his way towards you, meaning everyone was seeing the two of you together now. You turned towards his smiling self, allowing his eyes to look you up and down. ‘’I don’t want to distract you from your company.’’ You snatched at him. If he wanted to play, you’d play.
‘’Then you should have stayed home.’’ He whispered as he came close to you again, pulling your body onto his by your waist. You knew exactly what he meant. It was too late to run from him now.
The night continued, you found yourself quickly making friends with the rest of the boys, laughing and drinking under the liberating atmosphere of the club. Lewis was seated to your left, Alex and Lara to your right.
‘’Quite a show they’re giving us huh?’’  ‘’We could do better.’’ Your alcohol influenced mouth spilled. Lewis adjusted his jeans; you knew he was getting uncomfortable in them for the second time today. Your whispers and movements would make sure of that. You weren’t even sure what you had gotten yourself into, but his hand that was playing with your lower back was slowly moving up to your neck, before grabbing your hair, pulling you slowly and softly towards him. ‘’Don’t tease me.’’ He warns you, voice spitting anger.
And I'm back to my ways 'cause I'm heartless All this money and this pain got me heartless Low life for life 'cause I'm heartless Said I'm heartless Tryna be a better man but I'm heartless
The loud music, the bass of The Weeknd’ song was putting you in all sorts of vibes at this point, more and more hungry for Lewis and what he had to offer. You were so eager to see him, his body, his everything… How he must have looked under those clothes. ‘’I’m not even, can you imagine?’’ You noticed your confidence went up the more you drank.
Not long after, you moved to the bar by yourself, enjoying crossing the lines a bit too much. You noticed someone staring you down, before allowing your eyes to meet with the handsome Portuguese guy that had been trying his hardest to get your attention. He had started to get a little too comfortable around you, while you didn’t even mean to flirt with him. Probably just because of the alcohol, as your eyes were set on somebody else. Frankly, you couldn’t be less interested in the dude.
It was late. Too late. For a split second you saw the strangers’ hand coming oddly close to you before you saw how he almost fell to the floor and grabbed onto another guy that was standing behind him, a result of Lewis pushing him away from you. ‘’Man what the fuck is wrong with you?!’’ The stranger shouted out, taking a step towards Lewis. ‘’We’re having a good time, what is your problem?!’’ ‘’My problem is you not staying away from the girl.’’ Lewis said as he grabbed you by your arm and pulled you behind him. ‘’Lewis I’m fine.’’ You sighed. ‘’Nothing happened.’’ The stranger angrily shook his head before departing, as Lewis turned towards you and pulled you closer to him. ‘’You don’t want to see what will happen if I find out he did touch you.’’ Shivers ran down your body as he guided you in front of him, directing you to sit back in your spots as he glanced back in the strangers’ direction one more time.
The early morning hours were approaching quicker than you hoped, but there was nothing to do about it. Before you’d like, the taxi had taken a turn towards your street.
‘’You shouldn’t play with fire so much.’’ Lewis smiles at you before kissing you on your cheek as you entered the house, the last two to arrive home. Dizzy and slightly confused by tonight’s’ events, you took your heels off, before walking towards your bedroom. The drinks, the music, the tension of the last couple of days, it was all getting to you. Lewis didn’t like the way you stopped in your steps and leaned against the wall and made his way towards you. God, you were never this heavily influenced by alcohol before. ‘’Are you okay?’’ He asked, voice full of concern. You looked up to him, tired and worn out, while messily picking up your heels from the floor. ‘’Yeah, just really tired.’’
The next thing you felt was Lewis’ arms picking you up as if you weighed absolutely nothing and carried you to your bedroom, much to your surprise. You lovingly leaned your head onto his chest and closed your eyes, wishing you could stay safe in his arms forever. He carefully opened the door and laid you down on the bed, before sitting at your side. Slowly, he moved your hair out of your face before leaning closer towards your face, earning a loving smile from you as well as a happy sigh. ‘’You just keep surprising me; did you know that?’’ 
‘’Opposites really do attract, huh?’’ You smiled.  ‘’They sure do.’’ He whispers onto your lips.
You looked at his lips, back at his eyes, and his were on yours. They were so soft, so plump, it made you feel warm inside. His kiss was so different from any other you had ever had, so much more vivid. You pulled him closer to you on the bed, and before you knew it, felt the weight of his body on yours. So many thoughts flashed through your head, was this really happening? Thoughts that had somehow became worries. Lewis slowly pulled away and leaned on his hand next to you. ‘’Don’t worry.’’ He smiles. ‘’We’re not doing anything you’re not ready for.’’
‘’Who said I’m not ready?’’ You pouted.
Lewis grins at you, before kissing your forehead and made his way out, leaving you alone in your bed. Perhaps for the best. You let your head fell back down on the soft pillows, and in no-time, you drifted off in a long sleep that felt like it lasted for days.
Weeks had passed, weeks of spending most of your time with your friends, going out, days on the beaches. It was one hell of a summer, basically doing everything you wanted, whenever you wanted. At least, everything but one thing. You and Lewis hadn’t been getting that close again, ever since the night after the nightclub. Was he afraid? Was he not that into you? Was the wait too much for him? Was he getting bored?
You were trying to spend as little time as possible thinking about it. Maybe it wasn’t all worth it, maybe you had been seeing things that weren’t there, but no matter what, it wasn’t worth ruining your summer over it. You tried to block out any negative thoughts, as you lowered yourself into your car, ready to spend a day by yourself, as you got interrupted by a knock on your window.
You opened it. Lewis. ‘’Hi sunshine.’’ He smiled at you. His hair was neatly tied up in a bun, leaving two braids out to frame his face. He had to be aware of what he was doing, there was just no other way. ‘’Where are you off to?’’ ‘’Just the beach.’’ ‘’Got room for one more?’’
The day was ending quicker than you had hoped, with nothing more than a steamy make-out session in between evening swims. Quite romantic, playing around on the beach with Lewis. The hot sun was burning so bright, only boosting your confidence and love for the hot climate. Tanned body, a little bright yellow bikini, the blonde highlights in your hair only getting lighter. Couldn’t it just be summer forever?
Something was missing, though. Logic, probably. It was hard to think about it, and you didn’t want to come across as if you were chasing Lewis. You thought I’d be best to just let it be. It got harder and harder to assume what he was thinking, and what it was precisely that he wanted.
After a long shower of trying to wash all the sand and salty water off of your body, you found yourself back in your bed, window open, soft nightly breeze hitting your bare face. Turning a thousand times, trying to position yourself right so you could sleep… it just wasn’t working. Not at all. It was so hard to shake the thoughts you kept having. Flashbacks from the first time you had met Lewis outside of your house, him appearing out of nowhere in your bedroom, the nightclub… As well as all the phrases your friends had told you about him.
You tried to shake it all once more and grabbed your phone from the nightstand. 3:16 AM. You thought about it, about not doing it. But courage had come over you, and you were going to make use of it. You knew what you wanted. More importantly, you knew who you wanted.
You lift yourself up slowly, and sat up straight for a few moments, until eventually, you got up from your bed.
Gently, trying to make as little sound as possible, which was a hard task considering the old, creaking wooden floor under your feet. You opened your door and slowly started walking down the long hallway of your house, wearing nothing but your silk bottoms and a long-sleeved crop top, hair messily down in a braid. You stopped when you reached the last door on the right, heart pounding in your throat.
Softly you knocked a few times before opening the door.
‘’Lewis?’’ you whispered into the dark bedroom. His bed was placed under his window, big and halfway opened. He hummed a bit, probably half asleep, until you got closer. He rubbed his eyes, before opening them to you. ‘’Y/N?’’ ‘’What’s wrong?’’ he sleepily said as he grabbed his phone to check the time and put it back on his nightstand.  ‘’I couldn’t sleep.’’ You sighed softly. ‘’Come here.’’ He said as he readjusted himself and raised the blanket for you. You hadn’t even been in his room before, let alone in his bed. You crawled next to him, Lewis immediately wrapping his arm around you, pulling you onto his chest and placing a soft kiss on your head.  Only then you had noticed that he was completely naked under the blanket, his toned, big body shimmering in the light of the street lanterns that were partly lighting up his bedroom.
As you noticed his breathing, that told you he hadn’t gone back to sleep, you softly drew circles on his upper chest with your finger, him getting more and more relaxed under you, before gathering all the courage left inside of you.
‘’I want you, Lewis.’’ It was out before you knew it, and you had felt him making some sort of facial expression as his jaw clenched. He tilted his head down to face you, as if he wanted to be sure of what you had just told him, but he knew exactly what you meant. ‘’Are you sure?’’ Lewis asks, tightening his grip on you.
It wasn’t that often anymore that you got Lewis to yourself, moments like these had almost become a privilege by now. ‘’Yes.’’ You whispered, nerves in your body had started to spread faster than you ever thought possible. ‘’I’ve never been more sure.’’ Just his naked body against yours felt thrilling, and insanely intimidating. He was big, strong, and all yours in these hours and it had made you feel oh so powerful. ‘’Make me yours.’’ You whispered onto his lips.
Lewis was quiet, before raising himself onto his arms and pulling you under him, placing each one of his arms next to your face. ‘’You’ll do good for me, baby.’’ He smiled before slowly leaning his head towards yours, kissing you so deeply it was almost hypnotic. His chains leaning on your neck was the only thing keeping you grounded, the rest of it felt much more dream-like.
‘’Will I?’’ you whispered, a flaunt worry audible in your voice.
Lewis furrowed one of his brows, which just made him look even sexier under the dimmed streetlights. ‘’I’m going to make sure of it.’’ Your heart jumped, you couldn’t help but feel a jolt of shock go right through you, all the way to your core. You had never met someone who knew what he was doing like this. Every move, every touch was pure euphoria. He locked eyes with you once more and brushed his finger on your lips. ‘’How rude of me to keep you waiting.’’ He thought out loud, while his eyes wandered around your face.
He started to place light kisses on your neck, all the way down to your chest area, making you moan softly. His lips felt so damn good. There was just no way that this wasn’t right, being under him felt like heaven. He made his way down, before releasing you from the small bottoms and top you were wearing, never stopping his kisses and licks, until he reached your core, placing a featherlight kiss on your clit. It made you moan even more, when he finally gave you what you had been aching for so long. He came back up to your face, one of his fingers slowly entering you. ‘’You’ll be fine wet.’’ Lewis said, as you returned his smile. ‘’I love this.’’ You whispered, almost too shy to tell him, but still wanting him to know. He smiled as he gazed your body up and down, as if he was quite literally preparing to eat his prey alive. Him exploring your undiscovered body only made you feel hotter and hotter.
You grabbed onto him as he slowly entered another finger, stretching you oh so good. Feeling the cold metal of his rings touching the fuming part of your body had just made you hungrier for more, as you imagined how good his tattooed hands must have looked at the moment. He curled his fingers up, hitting spots inside of you that made you feel something you’d never felt before. His free hand was on your lower stomach, pinning you down onto the bed, only adding to the effect of his fingers inside of you. ‘’You’ve thought of me while touching yourself, haven’t you?’’ His honesty caught you off guard, and your silence told him everything he needed to know.
Lewis leaned back down, keeping his two fingers inside of you as he started to lick you from your clit down, making you whimper. He kept increasing his pace, making your mind go more and more blank. ‘’You feel so good.’’ You moaned as you closed your eyes. ‘’Don’t look away.’’ He warned you as he stopped his movements. ‘’Lewis I-‘’
‘’Look away and I stop.’’ Your heart rate got so high as you locked your eyes back with the beautiful man. He had completely taken over your mind, all you could do was as you were told and give into him.
‘’You’ve kept me awake so many nights imagining you.’’ He said as he came back up to you. ‘’It’s your turn for a sleepless night, don’t you think?’’
Butterflies went wild inside of you, you were only hoping to not come across as too shy, but your flushed red cheeks had already exposed you.
‘’That’s my girl.’’ He said as he sped up his pace once more and you gasped at his quick change of movements. ‘’You’re so close.’’
Your body was trembling, aching for more, aching for him.
‘’Please Lewis I-‘’
‘’You what?’’ He firmly said as he grabbed your face with his free hand, lightly squeezing your cheeks. You let out a high-pitched moan, hoping he would understand, but he wouldn’t have it. Your moan only made him squeeze you harder. ‘’Use your words.’’ Lewis spoke as he pulled your face more towards him, slightly raising his chin.
‘’I want you inside of me.’’ You whispered fearfully. Fearful, but curious. So curious as to what he felt like, especially knowing just his fingers were making you see stars just moments before. Lewis readjusted himself on his bed. He took his fingers out of you slowly, almost dripping with your juices, and tapped lightly on your bottom lip, once. ‘’Open up that pretty little mouth for me.’’ He commanded, and you did as you were told. Slowly his fingers reached deeper inside of your mouth, until you sighed of relief and let him enter as far as he wanted to. It felt electric, being at Lewis’ mercy, pleasing him. Your body relaxed, as his fingers hit the back of your throat, you completely trusting him.
Lewis released you of his grip and positioned himself in front of you, gently spreading your legs with his knee. ‘’You’ve made me dirty, but you’re about to make it up to me.’’ His tone serious.
Now would probably be a good time to rethink your actions, but you were completely worry-free. You felt nothing but lust for more, a small, content smile appearing on your lips as Lewis towered above you, leaning down towards your face on one elbow. ‘’Am I what you want, baby?’’
Expertly reading your body language just seconds before had already gave him his answer, but he wanted to hear you say it. ‘’I can’t think straight.’’ You admitted, clearly love-drunk. ‘’I need to hear you say it.’’ He whispered onto your lips. You sighed and took a look down at the man, as the early morning dawn had slowly started to brighten up the room. One look at him was enough, you wanted this. You needed this.
‘’Yes, I really do.’’ You whispered.
You gasped when you felt him touching your entrance, it was so much bigger than you expected, only raising your anticipation. ‘’It’ll be fine’’ Lewis voice echoed as he read your mind. The two of you moaned simultaneously when he slowly started to enter you, stretching you far more than his fingers had just done. It felt so good you felt tears welling up in your eyes, an unexplainable, euphoric tension running wild inside of you. ‘’Ugh, you feel so fucking good.’’ He moaned uncontrollably. His moans, his groans and the way his body tensed up above you was making you enter a whole new headspace. You lost it when he started rubbing your clit with his thumb, as he increased his pace inside of you. ‘’That’s it, baby.’’ He tried his best to stay calm and collected while completely losing himself inside of you, as you prayed the walls of this house were thick enough to mute your moans. Your orgasm had made you clench around him, only a few seconds before he lost control. ‘’How about I come inside of you, huh?’’ You moaned approvingly, moments before he did, leaving you in the rewarding state of mind you were in.
‘’That felt so good.’’ You moaned into the pillow, earning a loving smile from your new lover. He gave you a few moments to rest, before he picked you up in his arms, and carried you to the bathroom. ‘’Let me take care of you.’’ He whispered and placed a kiss on your messy hair, as your head was leaned against his chest. He sat you down on the edge of the bathtub, and gently started cleaning your body, before cleaning himself. You watched the soap wash off all the sweat, such a satisfying and beautiful image, as he locked his eyes on yours once more. He closed the tap and leaned towards you, wrapped a big towel around you and sat you down again. Kneeled in between your legs, as you looked down at him, satisfied and content. ‘’How do you feel?’’ he asked. ‘’Good.’’ You smiled. ‘’So good, and so tired.’’ You happily sighed.
Before you knew it, he took you in his arms again, gently lowering you into his bed with him, as you were already halfway asleep.
‘’I can’t wait for our future together.’’ He whispered.
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mauzeart · 10 months
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Perun and Dodola. I think they look good together. Their relationship is such that with her he's a lovely bunny and with others he's a fierce beast. Hmm. Love them))
58 notes · View notes
hannamichelle-seraf · 5 months
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29 notes · View notes
spacesapling · 9 months
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love cavity
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jahnavisurenda-21 · 7 months
Hazbin HoteL||Alastor X Reader Jealousy In Hell? (Part 1.)
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I don't Know anything about Matcha Latte, or any Match tea, or what flavors are good but, I do Know behind Alastor's eerie smile has landed him a full time in hell, He's found someone to protect. Even if it is a bit sadistic, he'll make sure you are unharmed, and never bothered by uncomfortable situations again.
This seemingly new recruit had a bigger smile than Alastor, your dear boyfriend if that even was possible.
He was called, 'Jinx, spell caster demon.' he had the most pleasant things to say, the most wonderful compliments to say but if he was so wonderful why would he be in hell? What did he want? More so what did he want from you?
You had a few hobbies from your life as a human, you would Crochet for hours, Knitt scarfs, you had no one to give them too before but,
"Oh! my talented dear! You sometimes even fool me that you are in hell with those darling gestures of yours!" Alastor wore your presents as proudly as he carried his radio thing you believe.
Now Jinx would regularly shower you with Yarns, tools to watching you focus on your hobby so endearingly.
Jinx moved closer to you in the two-seater sitting quite close to you, but you were to engrossed to say anything.
"Hey Sweetie after your done with that cute thing of yours may I have it?"
"Huh?" Then you flinched, "Shit wrong stich!"
"Sorry Sorry sweetie!" He then closed any remaining gap placing his hands on yours, "How about I help you fix it? Hmm?"
"Oh! There you are darling; I have finished your favorite dish I hope it's up to your liking!" Alastor cheerily said, but being with him for these past few days you could now make out slight changes of tone in his voice, sometimes it would get sadistic, sometimes genuinely caring,
You felt uncomfortable by how close Jinx was closing in on you, "A-Alastor I-I was just about to find you to!" Your voice slightly went high pitched as you uncomfortably pushed him of.
This was one situation Alastor will not jump into any conclusions or draw to much attention to himself but now that he knows.
"My dear, would you like to join me for a walk, I know a quiet place you might like?"
"How about we watch that little movie of yours, in that noisy picture box."
For saying that with his permission you kissed his cheek, he had to bend down for that. (Please he's 7ft)
He would keep a little closer now.
But one day, Alastor had taken Sir. Petencious cute egg creatures to 'Handle' them, taking pity on those things.
"I'll handle them Alastor--"
"Nonsense darling, you enjoy sleeping, or making some noise anything. Or You could be in my office." He would say.
Things got a little rough,
Two Days later
Alastor stroked your hair, as you wept bitterly in his arms, he had to get you to rest, but you refused to allow him to leave.
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stardustshelb · 1 year
"Strawberry" - Josh Series Masterlist
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Sometimes forbidden love tastes the sweetest...
A six-part Josh Kiszka story. 18+. My first GVF fic... Please be kind. :)
Part One: Here
Part Two: Here
Part Three: Here
Part Four: Here
Part Five: Here
Part Six: Here
96 notes · View notes
uncle-keg · 3 months
Untitled Love Poem
Pulling you closer to me, as we melt away in each other's arms; where I could spend– all day.
You make me feel so at rest with your hands caressing my chest...
Looking up into those eyes of rich dark chocolate, puts me in a trance– making me love being alive.
My smile in their reflection never seemed so radiant, credited all to your affection.
14 notes · View notes
apus-de-soare · 1 year
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76 notes · View notes
celestialpoems · 2 months
Me before you ❣️
Why do I find you so beautiful?
How come a day without you would be the cruelest punishment for me?
When did you become a part of me?
I don’t remember when you first inspired me but you have become my muse.
I look at you and I feel moved to paint.
I hear you speak only a single word and I find reasons to write.
Every word I have heard throughout my life has not sounded meaningful until I heard it leave your lips.
My perspective on life has changed and I can never go back to me before you.
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