#Lucy and Emily were really good friends I can feel it
immediatebreakfast · 2 years
After the slighty yet impossible possibility of the gang being part of the background while the plot of the Murder on the Orient Express plays in their train. I am just obsessed with the idea of all gothic novels crossover, it doesn't matter if the novels happen in different years, or eras. All of them are neighbors, or friends, or they just meet eachother in the weirdest situation possible.
Van Helsing stops before he goes to Jack's asylum to visit his dear old friend Henry Jekyll, they haven't talked in ages. Jack and Victor Frankenstein were classmates in the same university, they made eachother slighty worse. Lucy and Mina and Emily St. Aubert were good friends in school before Emily had to go because her family couldn't afford it anymore.
We know that Clarimonde is just taking her yearly vacations in London, yet her day is ruined when she meets that jackass of Dracula who apparently can't behave normally. Dorian Gray? You mean Jonathan's annoying neighbor who always tried to make Mina angry because he is a little shithead? Carmilla was an acquaintance of Arthur's who he met in a ball once. She misteriously appears again to give him condolences for the death of his beloved Lucy :)
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hi so I was wondering what do you think about Hazbin hotel vox, luci, and Adam with a pinkie pie like reader like they are super cheerful, loves making people laugh, loves planning parties, takes a confetti cannon with them maybe even have the pinkie pie abilities like pulling huge cakes out of no where, do things that should not be scientifically possible and even break the 4th wall like pinkie pie does on the show
Just thought I’d ask thank you love you work and stay safe out there
Hazbin Hotel Headcanons
Pinkie Pie Reader x Vox, Lucifer, Adam
He was very put off by your overly pleasant and bright personality. I mean, come on, he works with the infamous Vee's, and you just walk in all chipper and cheerful and so ungodly neon that you look like a florescent light.
As you became a staple in Vee's club, he enjoyed watching you work well with Velvette and Valentino. You may not be their exact cup of tea either, but you managed to help them execute some of their more outlandish ideas.
When he noticed he was developing more significant feelings for you, he locked himself away from you, yet that hurt both of you far more than he cared to admit.
Bucking up the courage to ask you out, he was pleasantly surprised and mildly embarrassed that you made an 'asking you out party.' He said yes, but he asked never to have something like that done again.
He never dulls your sparkle; instead, he likes to enhance it and loves putting you in front of a camera if you allow him. You radiate so much positivity and joy that he can't help but smile and laugh.
If he has a terrible day against Al or, in general, he loves coming home to you. I stand by the fact that this man is stuck in his ways from the 50s, and a pretty thing with a big smile waiting for him at home makes him soar.
When you came into his life, he was ecstatic. He was very sure he had found his daughter a new best friend. He wanted to say that he had helped Charlie, which was his biggest goal.
Yet you also managed to help him out a lot with your positivity and assistance in branching out and experiencing more life than just his room. You even expressed an interest in his ducks and helped him learn how to sell them.
What was supposed to be a new friend for Charlie slowly morphed into a new mother figure for Charlie as your bright, outlandish ideas were easily molded and crafted to better the young girl and guide her in her endeavors.
As Lucifer noticed his growing feelings, he became a stuttering and bashful mess, leading to Charlie taking the lead and pushing him towards you. She really thought you would be a great addition to the family.
Once you two started dating, Lucifer took his kingly duties much more to heart. He worked hard, day in and day out, to be a positive influence on his people and promote redemption.
If he has a bad day, you being there with a good idea or a new idea for a duck always puts a smile on his face. After you two get done tinkering with whatever you two thought of, cuddles are a great way to end the day.
He thought you were like every other bitch he met in heaven. You were overly optimistic and wanted to hang with the first man. Yeah, right; what ulterior motive did you have.
Yet, as he saw you having fun with Lute, Emily, and some other close friends, he realized that maybe you weren't after a title but just a happy person.
It was a whirlwind of change when he allowed you into his personal life. You managed to make his home and office more alive and himself more alive.
You were so positive and full of ideas that he saw a lot of Eve in you, making it hard for him to fully let you into his heart, even if he slowly fell head over heels in love with you.
After a swift kick in the ass from Lute and you welcoming Adam into your heart, arms open wide, he admitted his feelings and deep love for your over-joyous personality.
If he has a bad day, he always knows he can look forward to finding you nearby with a smile on your face and a positive solution to fix the mess that he made.
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freswoe · 4 months
i really don’t know how im feeling about the latest fhjy episode. sure, it was fun, the combat planning was great to watch and the battle map was awesome, but… story-wise? It wasn’t good. more than that, the preview for the next episode looks like it’ll mainly be just a battle episode, and that combination does Not make me feel optimistic about the ending of fhjy as a whole.
i think the thing that best sums up my confusion and disappointment with this episode is when Ally/Kristen shouts ‘For Lucy!’ and honestly… why? What about Lucy Frostblade - the kind girl whose major philosophy was that the world is cold so we have to keep each other warm, the foil to Porter’s house of conquest without mercy - suggests that she’d want the brutal murder of her friends without any attempt to talk to or redeem them? the entire season has stressed the doubt/conviction relationship - with the RGs representing wrathful conviction and the BKs representing doubt - and yet there’s zero doubt, zero room for understanding, when Fig’s first action as Wanda Chillda is to stress that she fucking hates ruben and wants to see him die. also, whatever the fuck was going on with ivy and fabian.
its just. this episode is the penultimate episode of the entire season, and if i was watching with no prior knowledge, id probably say it would be episode 13, 14 etc. a cool fight, but absolutely zero emotional resonance - just the Bad Kids going to town on yet another enemy. cool fights, cool planning, cool teamwork, but nothing really special about it.
i’ve seen some people saying not to take this so seriously, that it’s an dnd liveplay so of course the storytelling isn’t always gonna be Handcrafted To Perfection TM, but Fantasy High has a track record of some pretty amazing and thoughtful storytelling, and that’s what makes this episode kinda suck. There’s zero emotional resonance. The BKs clearly view the RGs as minibosses, annoying obstacles to defeat so they can focus on the main event, and that would be fine if that’s what the RGs were. But they’re not. We’ve learnt about them, we’ve seen how they were corrupted and groomed, we’ve seen how they really are just the Bad Kids who really went bad. They have narrative weight! They represent the mindless, wrathful conviction that the BKs are trying to stop, and for the BKs to slaughter them with that wrathful conviction (with no room for doubt or redemption at all) is… it’s not good.
don’t get me wrong, I get why (they’ve been awful to the BKs all season, cathartic last fight etc) but it still sucks narratively. like i can’t stress enough that the BKs are using the exact same tactics that they resented the RGs for to slaughter them. ruben says to fig that the BKs are killing his friends (despite their awful interparty relationships, they’re still his friends) and her response, instead of the understanding and kindness that fig (and, tbh, Emily) are known for is to cast ruben into literal fucking hell.
even oisin’s death was anticlimactic. gorgug’s kill on him was cool, but no nod to adaine? not even a mention of ‘you led my friend on and broke her heart so now i’ll break your heart?’ the broken heart thing was Right There and nothing happened. oisin died, a player was removed from the field, the battle went on. no emotional connection or resonance whatsoever.
i don’t know. from a narrative perspective, this episode was bad. all the nuance of the bad kids/rat grinders dynamic has been lost. the bad kids have become Exactly what the rat grinders said they were with apparently zero self-awareness on the matter. they shoot porter and jace and the RGs down with zingers and cool spells and don’t bother even trying to de-rage the rat grinders, and the result is an episode 19 which feels like a mid-season miniboss fight. they bring the same approach to fighting the RGs that they did to fighting the monsters in the Last Stand, which, y’know. not good.
the only way i can think that they might turn this around is if the BKs are shown to be influenced by rage/the RGs get brought back (still hating the BKs, but at least giving them the chance to try again), but I really don’t know at this point. just overall feeling very disappointed.
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helluva-dump · 5 months
Day 1: Meeting
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It was a fun and joyful night in heaven, with a big grand tour performing in their big stadium. Two bands were performing on a tour together, The Pray as well as Adam and the Exorcists.
Lucy is we filled with so much joy, she was always eager to watch The Pray before… though she wasn’t too familiar with Adam and the Exorcists, simply, her father banned their music in their home. To put it simply, he told her a lot of terrible things about the musician and how he’s an obnoxious creep towards women. But after all the convincing from Emily and begging from Lucy, he decided to let her go out.
Azrael knew how much Lucy loved the Pray and knew her intentions were mainly for them. But he did tell Emily to make sure they come straight home after the concert, and to only get autographs from the Pray. And to NOT let Lucy get lost in a crowd or to not even interact with the other “so called band”. Emily feels like Azrael is a bit too paranoid, but understands.
Later that evening, The Pray began to perform as well as Adam and the Exorcists. Lucy, Emily, and Keenie were all in joy just listening to the beautiful angelic voices of the Pray. It was like a miracle for Lucy as if she was in a beautiful ethereal dream with her musician crushes. Though, as she heard Adam and the exorcists perform… she didn’t think they sounded too bad. The music almost sounds like old records her father Azrael had.
It was simply okay. She didn’t really get the hype for Adam and the Exorcists. She was much more into things with a softer and mellow sound with some heavy strums here and there. As the concert was finished, Keenie got so happily excited and flew way towards the merch… Emily tried to ask Keenie to slow it down but the two got into a little fuss. Emily got very peeved with Keenie not following what Azrael told them, that they accidentally separated form Lucy.
Oh poor Lucy, the poor thing. She got lost in the crowd, trying to look for her friends. She was starting to feel over stimulated as if she eas gonna get an anxiety attack… She decided to fly up to search for her friends… that’s until she bumped into a chubby figure in the sky.
“Ow! Hey fucking watch it! I get it! I’m the main star, but listen dude, if you want my autograph, wait your fucking-“ The voice stopped as he took a good look at who bumped into him.
Oh damn, it appears so be some Angel chick… but not just any Angel… she had a beautiful bright blue eyes like the sky, white feathery body with her pigeon like wings, freckles, and long raven hair… but also wearing a cute shirt blue dress with cloud print and sheer sleeves… holy shit…. Damn her curves and body, is Heaven really missing an Angel? She doesn’t seem like a winner or a cherub, but she almost looks like a seraphim… yet her halo looks normal.
Lucy looked at the stranger and realized it was no other than the vocalist from the other band… Adam himself…. In person, right in front of her. Wow, her dad was right, he was pretty rude and arrogant. But she didn’t want to set him off, Lucy replied “Oh goodness! I am so sorry! I got lost in the crowd! You see I’m trying to look for my two friends and ummm… I’m sorry.”
God, her voice is even cute! Her naive nature and how soft and docile she seemed…. So lovely, submissive, and wholesome sounding. Almost reminds him of the days of Eden with Eve…. Adam felt a hard boner downstairs but tried to play it cool… “Oh shit! Excuse my manners babe! I just couldn’t resist to notice how drop dead gorgeous you are!” He replied with a flirtatious grin, trying to be suave. “You know, I can always give you a freebie if you badly want me to sign something.”
“Oh don’t take this personal…. I’m not that familiar with your music… I mainly came for the Pray, my father is sort of strict when it comes to your band… he would get upset if I’m talking to you.” Lucy said with a shy expression on her face, but feels bad. She knew Adam sung his heart out but didn’t want to lie to him.
“Pfffft a daddy’s girl! Ah I got it! Most of their dads don’t like me either!” He replied, but feeling disappointed. How can she not ever hear his music??? Adam, THE ADAM. The original dick! But he kept his cool and held her hand. “If you like, I can offer you some assistance to find your friends.”
“Oh that’s okay… I think I can find them.”
“Don’t worry babe! I always helped lost fans like you find their crowd! Just give me their names.”
As he was about to help her, a voice called out her them.
“LUCY!!!! LUCY!!! ARE YOU UP HERE?!!” The voice got closer and it wasn’t anyone other than Emily. She was so relieved. She felt so bad for getting into an argument with Keenie that she lost Lucy in the crowd. She flew towards her and gave her a hug… “Oh I’m so relieved! Please don’t scare me like that! Keenie is gonna meet up with us down at the souvenir shoppe.”
“HOLY SHIT BALLS! HEY EM!!! How’s your Friday night, didn’t think you knew this cutie too!” Adam was shocked to see Emily here… but wait… the fact she knows this cute girl… holy shit. He’s got a chance! A chance to get to know this special friend! “How come I’ve never seen this cutie around you?”
Emily glared at Adam and held Lucy close to her. “Adam no! She’s off limits! She’s not interested! We are just having a girls night out!”
“Oh c’mon i just wanna know her name!” He whined and pouted. “very rude you know Em…”
Lucy looked at Adam and decided to thank him with a Reply “Oh it’s okay! Thank you Adam… if you do want to know my name… my name is Lucy.”
“Oooo Lucy huh? Makes me think of a certain fallen one… but besides that, I like that name! Hell, it sounds cuter than you know who!”
“Oh no! It’s short for Lucinda! My mom picked it since it means light.” She flustered but felt embarrassed.
“Ah I see, well your are a beautiful light!” Adam got closer to the two girls as he winked at Lucy. “Anyways, got shit to sign but up I’ll give this for you.” He offered Lucy a poster of himself, with a special signature.
Emily rolled her eyes and sighed “Bye Adam, we have to go now.” She said as she grabbed Lucy’s hand and the two girls fled away…
“Hmmm he sure is strange… but seemed so nice and friendly…. Why does my dad hate him?” She has thought to herself.
Yeah I’m a day late but here’s my prompt for @hazbinocxcanon for the oc x canon week.
As I said before I changed things with their story and how they met. I’m gonna say him blackmailing her doesn’t happen until later in their relationship. But here’s an insight of how they both met each other.
Yes Keenie is the absent friend where Emily cares so much about her and will fight for Lucy’s life.
Hope you enjoy the art and short story 💖
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halevren · 7 months
FHJY Spoilers || my live thoughts as I watch episode 9
i got a new job and I felt sick last night so. I'm watching this very late. it has been tough avoiding spoilers but I Have Done So
hiiii one and all!!! hii intrepid heroes!!!!
i have been told stuff happens this episode. I'm so excited
"You're mad we're not doing drugs."
"I think this might be gorgug's worst day of his life."
so much happened last episode
totally healthy adult activity.
I love the projections
I think Brennan is loving being the vulture king
"One answer and it's Riz."
"I'm so glad I died on that battlefield."
A crisp 500 dollar bill
I love this so much
This is so silly
"Hey, I'll kill you, you fucker." "kiss him!"
"Can you bring his parents up here—" "NO."
"Feels like five"
"You wanna be in our crew?"
Kristen is really trying to get her friends to romance the vultures.
"Are you a God of some kind?" "I don't mind man."
This season is just Brennan breaking the PCs
oh good god
"Summons 1d4 vultures, they are not under your command."
no bring us back to the vulture dimension im obsessed with it
18 damage 😭😭😭
"I'm going to think about that for days."
"get out of my yard."
(Brennan rolling too many dice.)
the little fireball that could!
Concentration lost 🔥🔥🔥
is Ruben only able to give bardic
what are we making dex saves for.
"I'm dead from shame."
So many dice for Fabian
"Don't worry I got the ones out guys" Emily 😭😭😭
"I'm actually a huge fan."
so now that grix is destroyed does that mean there's no principal?
Ruben's frantically calling for Wanda
"I'm real right?"
"What happened? I was taking a shit."
"Do you have a warrant? Do you have a fucking warrant?"
Adaine is still dead on the ground
grix is untampered with
I miss ayda
29 investigation 🔥
24 points glowing red
Rage connection!!
"Can we get some hot sauce before we leave?"
"Found another glass of water"
Fabian finally getting his kisses in.
Nat 20 history rat check
"You know thats triggering for me!"
Rat stores
"There's not a rat world under the school."
Rat World!!!
oh god fig gave Fabian a bardic
sexuality inclusivity for cassandra!
aww..... fabian took bardic from fig earlier...
"You are. Cursed."
RIZ NAT 20!!!!
Force damage...
Three hours????
ah yes another use of the identity spell!
"You could multi class into wizard!" "Yeah, add it to the fuckin' pile."
There's something under the tree?? glyth???
I think Fig's bad luck is genuinely effecting Emily too with all these bad rolls 😭😭😭😭
Did.... Did the rat grinders kill Lucy???????
let adaine use the diamonds. finders keepers
divine intervention........
Kristen will have to work so hard to get cassandra back
spies tongue curse???
"Call an adult?"
"You were such a good teacher, I'm sorry I just got a C..." 😭😭
level of exhaustion :(
elmville police departments always on fire
did he just take the dirt like a line of drugs?
one becomes a 10 which becomes a 19
*head in hands* "is it okay if I ask you about your case, mom?"
"So I'm unbelievably wealthy. And me and my friends just discovered the site of a double homicide. So....."
Group IV time, or group shock therapy.
Gorgug putting barbarian first
"We need a word."
Gorgug talking to Porter is so funny
ok. wait this is actually kinda sweet between Porter and Gorgug
"I feel lucky to have you in my class." 😭😭😭😭
The Last Stand exam?
oh god. 4 stress tokens
I wonder if the intrepid heroes are aware of the 5 stress token
"I'm in a lot of school."
Gorgug looking into building a time machine real as hell
Oh my god gorgug is still on the owlbears
"Okay I think I have to lie down."
I'm going to fight the wizard teacher
"I love my life. Everything is perfect."
10 CATS??
aelwyn and adaine bonding 😭😭
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thesimulacrasimp · 8 months
Ah shit, here we go again!
Ok i literally was waiting so much to see Lucifer n Lilith being a really happy and cute maried couple and now yall telling me that THEY DIVORCED??????? IM LITERALLY CRYIN WHAHT??? 😭
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And his voice is really cool too! Not really what i expected him to sound like but still good! N the way he speaks is really funny too:
"Oh the applause! Oh please, thank u, thank u.. oh gOD WHO AM I KIDDING, THIS SUCKS!!"
"Daughter callin-- Da-DAU-DAUGHTER CALLING??? OH---"
"Oh my golly!! You like girls!! SO DO I, WE HAVE SO MUCH IN COMMON!!!!"
Hes ABSOLUTELY my 2nd fave character after Vox. Hes such a sweetheart i cant---
Also the fact that Alastor was immediatly so pissed when Luci just steped into hotel is really strange. Maybe something happened between them that we dont know so far? Cuz purposely making Luci mad literally 5 secs after u met each other is really weird.
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i dont know how i think bout Mimzy rn. All i gotta say is she have a really cool singing voice!
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And this shot is really adorable
Ok we actually now know from Husk that someone actually having Alastors soul! Just think about it: someone have AN OVERLORDS SOUL. Not ex-overlord like Husk, AN ACTUAL OVERLORD. Is this even possible??
This last song made me cry (again). I feel so bad for Luci, he was abandoned by heaven n he just doesnt want the same fate for his beautiful daughter, cuz she is the only thing he live for (i want him to be my dad so much omg..)
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Also when Lilith took little Charlie away from Luci, it was sad, but it actually made me think, what if Lilith will be an antogonist? What if she will be the bad person? Maybe the main vilian even. I think if that will actually happen everyone will go CRAZY. But thats just my lil thought.
Ok, 6th ep! I actually didnt expect that we will see heaven so soon!
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Also i expected heaven to be much more strict place with many rules, where noone is alowed to swear. But turned out that its actually just a hell with better people and more rules, thats all. And its actually really strange that u can swear in heaven. Im not talking about Adam n Lute, cuz theyre exterminators and clearly just awhul ppl, this guy infront of heavens gates actually said fuck. Maybe im just wrong, but isnt swearing unacceptable in christianity?..
Also HELL YEAH we nailed it! We were right about Vaggie being a fallen angel. But the reason why she fell.... She was an exterminator and literally just didnt kill one child (which is really shows us that she have a kind heart) BUT SHE WAS EXPELED FOR IT IN SUCH HORRIBLE WAY.
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Also Cherri Bomb is being kinda toxic friend to Angel n i dont like that.
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and Charlies reaction to that was actually really heartbreaking
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And everything ended up with Adam winning. I really hope that justice will overtake in this whole situation and Charlies plan will work. And im really interested to see Charlie n Vaggies relationships after that reveal. I honestly think that Charlie will forgive her, but its still really interesting.
Wow, it took me long enough to make this post.. I really like direction this show goes, n i can not wait for the next 2 eps!!
My thoughts/review on eps 1-2
My thoughts/review on eps 3-4
My thoughts/review on eps 7-8
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denimbex1986 · 1 year
'Emily Blunt is on a break from the big screen.
During an appearance on Bruce Bozzi’s iHeart podcast Table for Two with Bruce Bozzi, the A-lister opened up about a decision to spend more time with her children in 2023.
“This year, I’m not working. I worked quite a bit last year and my oldest baby is 9, so we’re in the last year of single digits,” she explained. Blunt shares two daughters, Hazel and Violet, with husband John Krasinski. “And I just feel [like] there are cornerstones to their day that are so important when they’re little. And it’s, ‘Will you wake me up? Will you take me to school? Will you pick me up? Will you put me to bed?’ And I just need to be there for all of them for a good stretch. And I just felt that in my bones.”
The interview comes just days ahead of the release of her newest film, Christopher Nolan’s Oppenheimer, in which she plays Kitty Oppenheimer, the wife of Cillian Murphy’s J. Robert Oppenheimer. Blunt, who recently starred in the limited series The English, also has a slate of projects on deck including David Leitch’s The Fall Guy opposite Ryan Gosling and David Yates’ Pain Hustlers opposite Chris Evans.
The latter film follows Blunt’s character as she seeks to build a better life for herself and her daughter only to wind up working at a pharmacy and getting caught up in a dangerous racketeering scheme. “I feel strongly that most female characters in Hollywood are usually held up to some sort of feminine ideal,” she said talking about her Pain Hustlers character. “And I’m always hearing this like, ‘Is she likable?’ I like, I don’t give a fuck if she’s likable, you know? And no man has ever asked that. Like, those guys in The Big Short or Wolf of Wall Street, we were never concerned if they were likable and they were doing terrible, corrupt things.”
Aside from spending time with her family, Blunt also revealed that she happens to share quality moments with another Oppenheimer co-star, Matt Damon, who lives in the same Brooklyn building.
“Matt [Damon] is just the most easygoing, beautiful person. Lucy is even more beautiful — sorry, Matt. But we all became friends and then they moved to Brooklyn and they said, ‘We found this amazing building.’ And of course, we were like, ‘We’ll live in the same building!’ But there’s really lovely, cool people living in Brooklyn and we have Sunday night dinners … the kids love each other.”
Bozzi also asked Blunt about the time she spends with Krasinski. “It’s usually the morning. We [rescued] a puppy who’s absolutely beautiful. … I wasn’t wanting to get a dog, but the kids were pushing for it and John was up for it,” she noted. “I don’t mind getting up early with this puppy because it means that John and I can kind of talk in the morning and catch up and really talk before the kids are up and everything. … I love watching things like The Voice. I mean, we love The Voice.”'
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literatikoo · 3 years
Pro/Con of each Rory boyfriend
Okay, I'm gonna keep this as objective as possible but each boyfriend will be criticised a fair bit. I am not tagging this post as anti-anything but if you're uncomfortable at the thought of any of these men being criticised DO NOT READ!!!
Dean- pros
Genuinely loved Rory
Got along with Rory's family
Went as Rory's escort to all her high society functions with minimal complaints
Nice hair in Season 1
Is very sweet to Rory when they first started dating
Is the only one of the three boyfriends who seems to know how a relationship works
Can keep up with the Gilmore's quirks
Tries to read big books for Rory
Dean- cons
Loved Rory to the point of infatuation
Got along so well with Lorelai that he started confiding in her about his relationship with Rory
Extremely possessive, has threatened bodily harm on two guys who Rory saw as friends
Got jealous of Harvard
Misogynistic, does not understand unusual family structures
Yells a lot
So tall that looming in shadows and being intimidating comes easy to him
Still seemed to think he had enough of a say in Rory's relationship with Jess to sucker punch Jess even though he had no idea why Rory and Jess fought
Got married to Lindsey while he loved Rory
Lied to Rory to get her to sleep with him (this is also in the grey area of consent btw)
Was not planning to end his marriage to Lindsey until she found out about the affair
Broke up with Rory twice, in public, by yelling at her
Blames her for both times, when really he just couldn't handle being inferior to her
Jess- pros
Genuinely loved (loves?) Rory
Has everything in common with Rory
Doesn’t care what anyone has to say about him or their relationship
Pushes Rory to fight for herself
Takes Luke's and Lorelai's feedback into account to be a better boyfriend
Though he didn't make the greatest impression on Emily the first time, he was ready to go back and fix it
Does not get jealous
Does not yell at Rory for being friends with guys
Instead tries to tell her that he doesn't want her to feel like she needs to lie to him or keep secrets from him
Slowly becomes friends with Lane and Hep Alien
Tries to be nicer to Lorelai because Rory asked him too
He "made sure she was okay"
Great hair
"Why did you drop out of Yale" "You should write a book"
Gets his shit together, writes a book and has a steady income by the age of 21 (is the only boyfriend to do this)
Jess- cons
Loving her was not enough for him to stay
Has some deep seated issues that stopped him from trusting anyone
Loses all impulse control when he's emotional
Kyle's bedroom (again, in the grey area of consent)
Asked Rory to go with him to New York after he left her twice
Did not take her to prom
Said "I love you" and ran away
Did NOT know how to be a boyfriend
Could be a bit pretentious
Was rude to Lorelai and Emily
Took his anger out on Rory in Keg!Max!
Didn't tell her he was leaving
Logan- pros
Genuinely loved Rory
Made an effort to get along with Lorelai that actually stuck
Gives Rory a place to stay after Paris kicks her out
Is the only one of the three boyfriends who seems to understand consent (SERIOUSLY the threshold is so low)
Gives brilliant gifts
Knows his authors and books
His and Rory's relationship lasted two years pretty steadily which is good for someone's first try at a relationship
Tries to communicate his problems with Rory
Had the entire adult relationship thing down
Was ready to change for Rory
Gave Rory new experiences such as the LDB
Knows how to have a good time
Gets along well with the Gilmores
Good at high society events
Supported most of Rory's career
Also supported Rory's... non career (aka yacht)
Logan- cons
Did not love Rory enough to support her choosing her career over their marriage
Broke up with Rory at her graduation
Cheated on Rory with his sisters entire bridal procession
Manipulative: twists Rory's words into something they aren't multiple times
Rude to people of lower social class (Marty, Jess)
Also known for getting jealous (Marty, Jess) (Though I would like to add that he was in the right about telling Lucy the truth)
Loses a million dollars in a business deal and then goes to LA to blow off more money
Has too much fun
Is a part of the Huntzberger dynasty
Introduced Rory to the Huntzberger dynasty
Tries to rebel against his dad by constantly flaunting his privilege
Rory forgives Logan for cheating after he jumps off a cliff in Costa Rica and severely harms himself
Supported Rory's non career (yacht)
Gatsby levels of pretentiousness
Doesn't go with Rory to SH events that matter to her (Lane's baby shower, Lane's wedding)
Still acting like a petulant child at his big age of 25
In conclusion, all three of them had a great deal of growing up to do and they all made their mistakes. But they were important for Rory's growth at that stage.
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queerprayers · 3 years
this might be a strange question but do you think that there is a sexual identity in loving God / being in love with Jesus? for a long time I have thought about how I want to incorporate Jesus into every part of my life and every area while at the same time it just comes natural to me to have my eyes trained on him, I've even thought about becoming a nun.. I just feel wholly in love with Jesus but I genuinely struggle with this aspect.. maybe you can't help but if you have any advice or just thoughts that would be greatly appreciated!!
Hi, I'm absolutely obsessed with this question. You're amazing. The answer is yes, so many people throughout the centuries have felt similar ways!
Devoting yourself to God/Jesus rather than having romantic/sexual relationships with other people is not new, and in some ways you could totally call it an identity! In the Bible, we can look at Jesus himself, who (as far as we know) never married, but devoted his life to his ministry. I don't know off the top of my head how many apostles were married (I know Peter had a mother-in-law), but I'm sure some of them gave up that kind of life to follow him. Many priests/pastors, monks, and nuns are unmarried, for various reasons across denominations, but especially when we're talking about monks/nuns—nuns are often referred to as being "married to Jesus!"
Mysticism is the area of Christianity that I would say most incorporated this idea, especially sexuality-wise, and I don't know a ton about it but have included a lot of resources (either read by me or recommended by others).
Becoming a nun is a wonderful, holy calling, and it may be the thing that brings you the most peace! I'd encourage you to do more research and maybe visit an abbey/convent!
Besides that, incorporating Jesus in all areas of your life is absolutely amazing and will probably be overwhelming and beautiful and frustrating and so, so worth it.
I don't have much advice besides to go for it? Like as far as I can tell, you're experiencing a good thing that you feel really connected to! Obviously any serious religious devotion in ~today's world~ takes extra courage and explanation, because this isn't the norm (at least where I live), but, with God's help, I know that you can create a beautiful life for yourself.
I do wanna say that devoting your life to Jesus does not necessarily mean being celibate. Choosing that can be really challenging, especially without a formal path (like being a nun), and while it's a historic, holy way of life, it isn't something to take lightly and can result in a lot of loneliness. Don't deny yourself romantic/sexual intimacy with other people unless that's for sure the path you're on. That said, platonic intimacy is holy and not lesser-than romance, and being single is obviously a normal way of existence.
Some resources you may find interesting:
Church, Christianity, and the long shadow of "hot Jesus," Lyz Lenz, Vox
What Is It Like Being Married to Jesus?, Helena Burns, Berkley Center
Loving Jesus Back: Nuns Really Do Get Married, Jane Thomas, icthus
Sex and the Saintly, Andrew Kinney, Trinitonian
Jesus's Vagina: A Medieval Meditation, Emily Swan, Solus Jesus
Sex and Mysticism, Matthew Milliner, First Things
Erotic Spirituality, Paul Smith, Integral Christian Network
Marrying Jesus: Brides and the Bridegroom in Medieval Women's Religious Literature by Rabia Gregory
Mysticism and Sexuality by Bernard McGinn
Human interpersonal relationships and the love of the Trinity by Maria L Boccia
Erotic and Nuptial Imagery by Louise Nelstrop
Love Divine: Erotic Desires in Christian Mysticism, Prof. David Albertson, Condon Lecture Series
A Practical Guide to Becoming a Nun by Blair Hurley (short story)
Freeing Jesus: Rediscovering Jesus as Friend, Teacher, Savior, Lord, Way, and Presence by Diana Butler Bass
The Naked Now: Learning to See as the Mystics See by RIchard Rohr
Why the Mystics Matter Now by Frederick Bauerschmidt
For the Love of God: The Faith and Future of the American Nun by Lucy Kaylin
Sisters: Catholic Nuns and the Making of America by John J. Fialka
Mariette in Ecstasy by Ron Hansen
The New Asceticism: Sexuality, Gender, and the Quest for God by Sarah Coakley
Women and Mystical Experience in the Middle Ages by Frances Beer
Fragmentation and Redemption: Essays on Gender and the Human Body in Medieval Religion by Caroline Walker Bynum
Authority and the Female Body in the Writings of Julian of Norwich and Margery Kempe by Liz Herbert McAvoy
The Love of Learning and the Desire for God: A Study of Monastic Culture by Jean Leclercq
Roots of Christian Mysticism: Texts from Patristic Era with Commentary by Olivier Clement, Jean-Claude Barreau, trans. Theodore Berkley
Scivias by Hildegard von Bingen, trans. Hart & Bishop
I think that's all I got! Wishing you love and peace as you discern God's path for you!
<3 Johanna
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greenconverses · 3 years
So I love, love, love Beach Read by Emily Henry so much. I compare every romance novel I read now to it, and nothing has that same spark. I’m almost scared to read People We Meet On Vacation because I love Beach Read so much!!
I have to ask, is it just me, or are most female protagonists in romance novels a little annoying? I think that’s why I like Beach Read so much, January isn’t annoying. For example, I really liked The Hating Game, but it’s hard for me to love it because Lucy is irritating upon my rereads. The men rarely bother me, even when they’re too “perfect.”
Idk, my friends all get mad at me because I like romance novels but complain about the female protagonists every time I read one lol. Maybe I’m the problem.
I mean, you totally could be the problem! Internalized misogyny is something we all have to deal with and it often affects how we interact with media, especially female protagonists. Maybe take a step back when you get annoyed while reading and examine why you think that way about the heroine. If she were a man, would you find that behavior annoying then?
But on the other hand, a lot of heroines in romance novels are annoying!
Some of them are purposefully written that way or without a real deep personality (aka the Bella Swan/Anastasia Steele effect) so readers can better slip in to their spot and fully imagine themselves as the characters. Sometimes the male lead is a giant boundary stomping douchebag and the heroine seems annoying because she "lets" him it get away for the purpose of fantasy fulfillment. Sometimes the author lets their internal misogyny run rampant and writes a Not Like Other Girls Because I Eat Cheeseburgers And Read Wuthering Heights heroine who shits on every other woman on the book to make herself feel better about not being a slut for wanting to bang the hero.
(Can you tell which one I find the most annoying?)
I tend to find that first person POV romances tend to have the most "annoying" protagonists. It's just something about that POV, when done poorly, really ramps up the annoying characteristics. Once you find an author or style of book you like, it's easily to find more of those relatable and likable characters.
P.S. People We Meet On Vacation isn't as good as Beach Read (and I would say the protag is a bit more annoying than January), but it's still pretty good!
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mychemicalrachel · 3 years
So I finished season 2 of Love Victor a few days ago but I needed time to process because that was a lot and part of processing is reviewing/reflecting, which I’m gonna post here. Everything under the cut because I ramble.
(also, it’s anti Victor/Rahim. Venji is endgame and you can pry that from my cold dead hands. Skip this if that’s not for you. I’m not posting this to start drama. Just my opinions.)
To start off, I liked this season. I’m gonna trash it a little, but it’s done with love. There were a lot of things I wanted to see after season 1 and, surprisingly, I got a lot of those things! Such as…
I wanted more Felix and Pilar. Which we got. I did not want it like this. I’m not opposed to them together, I like them, but I wanted Felix and Lake to stay together. HOWEVER, I’m kinda glad they broke up because y’all it’s paving the way for bi Lake (another thing I really wanted) and I cannot wait to see her and Lucy together.
Kind of following along with that, I really wanted them to give Pilar more friends this season. And they did that with Rahim. And then they took Rahim away and gave him to Victor instead. Guys, this is killing me. I want to see Pilar with actual friends, give her more of a social life I am begging you.
JACK. I knew, I just KNEW, that we were going to get a Spier cameo this season and I honestly kind of expected it to be Emily, maybe Nora, but I am so happy it was Jack. He’s grown so much since Love Simon.
I wanted to see Mia portrayed as her own person and not a villain. She was justified in her anger and betrayal because Victor hurt her. They handled it really well I think. She’s such a good friend. I’m also glad we got more of her and Veronica bonding. I can’t wait to see Mia with the baby, that’s gonna be so cute.
I wanted more Andrew and this season did not disappoint. He was like the cool uncle that everyone went to for advice. 
Now, with all of that said, I did get a lot of things I wanted from this season. I also got things I did not want. I was actually really excited when they introduced Rahim and kind of went full circle by having him go to Victor for advice. I was like, hell yeah! Gays who can be friends without being all over each other! And then they started this love triangle thing and I kind of hated it. I liked Victor and Rahim as friends, I want more of that because I think Victor (and Rahim, too, to be honest) could use more queer friends. Just friends. They built up this entire relationship between Benji and Victor in season 1 and spent a lot of this season confirming that yeah Benji and Victor are in love even though they have some tough times, and now I’m just supposed to accept that Victor has started having feelings for someone else? No thank you, please stop.
And that leads me to things I want to see in season 3!
Victor chose Benji obviously. You cannot convince me otherwise. Someone he started having feelings for when he was going through a mentally distressing time in his life fails in comparison to the guy he spent an entire season falling in love with.
Now I’m not discounting Victor’s feelings. I’m sure he felt something for Rahim, but we need to acknowledge that Victor was in the middle of a stressful time. He had only recently come out, he was dealing with his mom not accepting him or his boyfriend, he quit the basketball team, he was struggling with his place in his and Benji’s relationship and then Benji wanted to “take a break”. He can’t be blamed for latching onto someone who wholly accepted him and made him feel normal.
Also, it’s fairly common to play into the trope of “this character is new to being gay, he can’t just be with one person so we have to add another love interest and make sure what he’s feeling for person A is real.”
That said! Benji will probably feel insecure now! And that’s okay! Let’s explore that! Let’s allow Benji to be the one who's insecure in this relationship for once instead of always having Victor be the one to doubt everything! They don’t have to break up to take a step back and slow things down!
As such, I really want to go back to the Victor/Benji roots. Make them friends again. I want stupid cute moments like them dancing to Call Me Maybe and trying on thrift store clothes. We spent so much of this season making Victor and Benji boyfriends that we kind of skipped over the whole friends aspect. There’s a reason they fell in love in the first place and we need to revisit that. A relationship is not just sex and miscommunication. It’s laughing together, it’s enjoying each other's company, and I didn’t see nearly enough of that between Victor and Benji this season.
They were not at all subtle with the parallels between Felix and Victor this season; Felix having to choose between Lake and Pilar while Victor has to choose between Rahim and Benji. I mean, I don’t think it was supposed to be subtle. It couldn’t have been more obvious. And at first I was worried that Felix chose Pilar because of the parallels and that must mean Victor was going to choose Rahim. But the longer I look at it, the more differences I notice in their parallels and I don’t have the eloquence to unpack it all right now, but it all just made me more assured that Victor is going to choose Benji.
Moving away from Victor/Benji, there’s something that keeps bothering me; it’s when Felix and Lake had sex at the lake. Cute romantic moment, yeah sure, I probably wouldn’t have thought much of it, except it made a deal out of Felix buying condoms beforehand. He was prepared. That’s good. Only, when they went out to jump into the lake, they only had towels. Which means that there is a very good chance they didn’t use protection. That, coupled with Georgina’s comment about watching Teen Mom...I foresee a pregnancy scare in the coming season. Whether it’s an actual pregnancy and we get a whole pregnancy storyline (possibly an abortion, maybe a miscarriage. I don’t really see it going full term for whatever reason) or if it’s just an episode where Lake thinks she might be pregnant.
I’m pretty excited to see how they handle this newfound romance between Lucy and Lake. Does Lake already know she’s bi? Does Lucy? Lake made a comment at the beginning of this season about making sure everyone knew Mia didn’t turn Victor gay, which makes me wonder how Lake will react to discovering she also likes girls. No, I’m not saying she’ll think Felix turned her into a lesbian. But I think she’ll doubt her feelings for Lucy. She’ll think (however briefly) that maybe she was just hurt and maybe she doesn’t actually like Lucy, she’s just coping with having her heart broken by a boy.
But I want all of her doubt to end when she accepts that she’s totally bisexual.
Now that we got our bi character, I’m gonna start demanding an ace character, too.
I want Mia’s mom to be awesome. Her dad kind of sucks and she deserves at least one good parent.
HOWEVER, if her mom also sucks, I think it could bring her and Veronica closer.
Speaking of parents, I want to explore Lake’s relationship with her mom more. She always tells Felix about how she was pressured to be skinny, and that right there is a terrible basis for a mother/daughter relationship. But she also felt comfortable enough to tell her about Felix’s mom and ask for help. So yeah, I definitely want more of them. I need Lake to stand up to her mom, though. I need her to be like, “you made me insecure in my body and I have self esteem issues because you made me think I wasn’t good enough” and I want to expand on that. Maybe Georgina had a good reason (in her mind, anyway) to treat Lake like that, and while it may have been a horrible thing to do, I don’t think she saw it that way. I’m not saying she should win a mother of the year award, but what she did to Lake needs to be acknowledged and talked about.
And then there’s Felix’s mom. I want to see her recovery. It’s a process and I don’t want her to magically be okay now. I also want her to meet Pilar (and Victor. Has Victor ever met her?) but also she really liked Lake and I want them to keep in touch, even though Lake and Felix aren’t together anymore. I still want them to be friends. 
AND I HAVEN’T EVEN STARTED TALKING ABOUT ISABEL AND ARMANDO. I’m glad they found their way back to each other, but again; it’s a process. I think they should stay apart for a little bit and not just jump back in where they left off. They still have problems to sort through, but this is a start. They’ve realized they want to be together.
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spnfanficpond · 3 years
March 2021 Angel Fish Awards
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(Angel Fish design by @slytherkins!!)
Every month all of you fantastic writers work your asses off to post some truly incredible stories. Our Angel Fish Awards are the way for all of us, as a community of writers and readers, to lift each other up and give praise to those who have captured our attention and deserve a few kind words.
The monthly Angel Fish Awards are peer-nominated, meaning ANYONE IN THE POND CAN NOMINATE ANY POND MEMBER’S FIC. Everyone in this community deserves to be showered with love and feedback, and we hope that this fun, thoughtful award will do just that.
Be sure to read through this whole post as people who were nominated more than once only had one tag activated for tumblr tagging purposes!
Nominated by @mrswhozeewhatsis
A Gentlemen’s Agreement (series) by @stusbunker 
This is one of those fics that immediately got love from me because it’s a rare pair, Dean x Benny. Then, it got more love from me with every chapter, as Dean worked through coming to terms with wanting Benny and Benny was just so damn patient and sweet and loving throughout. The whole story just makes me want to cuddle them both! 
Here’s to Witches by @imagineteamfreewill 
This is one of the few cases where I think even Dean would have been okay with witches. (He’s not in the story, it’s a Sam x reader fic, but if he were, I doubt he’d be bitching about bodily fluids.) By the end of this, I was feeling all kinds of warm and fuzzy!
Nominated by @supernatural-jackles 
Late Night Talks by @luci-in-trenchcoats 
This fic is everything I didn't know I needed. It deals with such a sensitive topic in a positive light. Michelle is very good at dealing with topics that people aren't always comfortable talking about and this only proves that. It's a must read, especially for all of those who are down on themselves because of the way they look.
Nominated by @fictionalabyss 
Safe and Sound by @iflostreturntosteverogers 
you bitch, how DARE you do me like this with your romeo/juliet level shit. I refuse. I refuuuuuuuuse.
Moose on Ice by @iflostreturntosteverogers 
Fluffy goodness and the imagery of a giant trying and failing to skate are exactly what I needed.
Bound to You (Prequel - chapter 4) by @beskaradberoya
Sketchy and filthy goodness so far, and I can’t wait to get to more of this and catch up.
Burnout by @idreamofhazeleyes 
When I had a really bad week, I was on the hunt for something fluffy and sweet, and went to the pond. This was sent my way, and damn if it wasn’t EXACTLY what I needed. The tender comfort was perfection and spot on for Dean. 10/10 would recommend.
Nominated by @negans-lucille-tblr 
Sleep by @nasabeck 
I’ve not been into fluff long, but this was all up in those tingly fluffy feels for me. I absolutely adored it!
Dreams by @little-diable 
Please read the warnings, it’s Sister!Reader! But this has become one of my favourite fics I’ve ever read. Chiara nailed it and made me fall in love with her for it! The smut - Jesus, just read it if it’s your type of thing!
Don’t Speak by @hoboal87 
Again, please read the warnings. This is a dark fic! I couldn’t believe this was the writer’s first time writing dark. It was absolutely delicious. Never hit a follow button so damn fast!
Dirty Little Secrets (series) by @manawhaat 
Wouldn’t have felt right not including this drabble series that I found during founders’ week. As you might have seen if you follow me, my sanity took a sharp decline whilst devouring this fic, and I was not okay. Mana, you freaking hit it out the park dude!! Everyone needs to read this, PLEASE!
Nominated by @tvdspngirl314 
Baby Mine by @hoboal87​ 
I was seriously hurt by the finale but this fic actually helped me cope with it.
My review : This fic starts with reader having contractions as she got ready to give birth to her and Sam’s son. How Sam handled the situation was really cute and the way the writer showed the pain of losing Dean was actually really good. I was half expecting myself to cry but I didn’t. Also there’s some hints of dom Sam in it. Love me some dom Sam.
Safe (series) by @negans-lucille-tblr 
My views on the fic : It starts with Sam’s girl friend Jess dying and Sam slowly starts to discover a dark side in him. He slowly becomes a serial killer and I liked the way how the dark theme has been handled.
Nominated by @princessmisery666​ 
Always With You by @idreamofplaid​ 
Robin, finally, made a master list and in doing so I’ve been able to find some absolute gems that I may have missed previously. Like this one. I looooove this concept of an Angel looking over Sam. It’s was angsty and heart warming and I would read 50k more words of this relationship 💖💜
Nominated by @deanwinchesterswitch​ 
Whiskey and Scars (series) by @thinkinghardhardlythinking​ 
This is a three part series full of fluff and sexiness, with just a tad bit of angst. Some of Dean’s fun and gentler facets are beautifully detailed. He’s flirty, shy, tender, loving and sexy as hell. I dare you not to sigh while reading it.
Nominated by @agenthellcat​ 
All Hail by @whywhydoyouwantmetosaymyname​ 
This fic pushed all my buttons: dubcon, domination, submission, kneeling, deep throating, begging to cum. The writing is so descriptive. We really feel Y/N’s ambivalence. She is terrified to see Sam turn dark side, but she also wants him. He knows all of her naughty desires, and he uses them to bind her to him forever. He’s completely uninhibited now that he’s dark, and this ultimately conquers her resistance. This fic played into my own dark desires and that’s why I’m nominating it for an Angel Fish Award.
Nominated by @myinconnelly1​ 
When Daddy’s Not Around (series) by @negans-lucille-tblr​ 
I don’t usually read rpf but I needed some hot Jared action and this fic didn’t just deliver that. The angst and overwhelming love in this fic was just amazing.
Murder of the Virgins by @mummybear​ 
This was just so hot!!!!!!! I can’t talk cause I’m panting and trying to catch my breath!
Loving You by @emilyshurley​ 
Emily man... you were trying to hurt me with this fic I just know it.  I know cause I can feel the knife in my back, so many tears.
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These are not actual awards! This system is set up so everyone in the Pond has a chance to share the love and promote a fic/author that has grabbed your attention. The more people that participate, and the more everyone remembers to submit their own fics after posting, the better this will be :D
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moshymosh · 3 years
Remember Me- Something’s happening
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When the love of your life suffers from a disease that affects their memory of their life with you, what do you do? Will you spend your last days with them, trying to get them to remember you? The life you had, or would you give up and let them forget you?
Summary- Dr. Spencer Reid felt his whole life change when Agent Y/n L/n joined the BAU. She came in like a cool summer breeze changing everything Spencer knew about love and his capacity to care for someone so much. Y/n came to the BAU with a tragic past, her only goal was to save lives and make the world a safer place for everyone. She meets a skinny shaggy haired doctor, which causes her whole life to change, much like Spencer, will she fall in love or will her tragic past or even her job prevent her?
Pairings- Dr. Spencer Reid x f!reader
A/N- This is a notebook inspired story, this story will be told and wrote like a chapter book. So some of the endings will not always make sense. Also I don't claim go own Criminal Minds or the Notebook, this is solely for entertainment purposes and for enjoyment. Some of the lines are from the notebook movie, again I don't claim to own either fandom/tv show/ movie. I try to make Y/n as vague as possible so shes more inclusive so if there is any descriptive things that don’t apply to you feel free to ignore them. Also just putting this out there as the story progresses Maeve is still alive and well, she is a good friend of Spencer and Y/n’s. There will be graphic content and sexual scenes in later chapters, warnings will be added as they go. Also if you want to be tagged send me an as or comment here, also send requests I'm down for making little fics.
PS- Please don't post my fics anywhere without my documented consent, thanks -Karma (MoshyMosh)
Warnings!- This chapter with have some sexual content, talk of sexual assault, and descriptions of kidnapping. If these bother you please don't read this chapter!
A/N 2.0- I am like half asleep, I will double check the spelling and any issues when I was up
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Y/N laughed from her couch as she tossed some popcorn at Spencer, who sat on the other end of her couch.
"Y/N!" Spencer scolded as he looked over at her, with a smile, when he saw that she was pretending to be interested in the movie they were watching.
Y/N tried to hide her smirk, before she erupted in giggles as she looked back at him, tossing some more popcorn at him. Spencer groaned as he tried to swat away the onslaught of popcorn before he started laughing along with her. Soon Y/N had wiggled her way over to Spencer as she continued to rain popcorn at him before she straddled his hips. Y/N smiled down at him as she lifted the bowl of remaining popcorn above his head then tipped it, dumping the rest of the popcorn.
"Y/N!" Spencer laughed, as he reached up to grab the bowl from her hands. She chuckled and dropped the bowl behind the couch, her arms dropped so that they were draped over his shoulders. Spencer's hands dropped to rest on her hips, and let out a sigh of contentment when her fingers brushed against some of the hair at the base of his neck as she looked down at his face.
Spencer licked his lips as he nervously fiddled with her oversized sweater, his eyes looking between her eyes and her lips. "Screw it." He said quietly before he crashed his lips to hers. Y/N let out a soft gasp against his lips before she eagerly kissed him back, threading her fingers into his hair.
Spencer's hands slid under her sweater, his fingertips brushing against the band of her shorts she wore. Y/N pulled away from the kiss to pull off her sweater, leaving her top half bare. Spencer let out a breath and looked up from her chest, his hands coming up to card through her hair. He pulled her head down to crush his lips against hers again, his hips grinding up against hers slightly. The movie they had turned on, now forgotten behind her.
As they continued to kiss, Y/N let out a groan and pulled away from him as she heard her phone ringing on the coffee table. She slid off Spencer's lap and stood, reaching for her phone. Spencer bit his lip, as his eyes raked over her topless figure, as she bent to pick up the ringing device.
"Penny, you need to have a really good reason for calling on our week off." Y/N said when she answered the phone. "We have a case don't we?" She looked at Spencer as she reached for her sweater when he handed it to her. Spencer watched her slide it on and chuckled softly when he heard her next words. "No need to call him, he's right in front of me." She smiled at him, with a wink.
Spencer smiled back and stood from the couch to gather his things after he pressed a kiss to Y/N's forehead. "Was that a kiss I heard?!" He heard from Penelope's end of the call, causing him to chuckle again.
"Goodbye, Penelope." Y/N said before she hung up. "I'll get dressed then we can go to the office."
Spencer and Y/N rode to Quantico in a tension-filled silence after what happened before they were interrupted. Spencer looked over at Y/N as he replayed the kiss over and over again. He was pulled away from his thoughts as she pulled into her assigned parking spot in the lot. The pair got out and started walking to the elevator in the parking garage.
Y/N fiddled with one of the buttons on her blazer as they rode the elevator in silence. Spencer leaned over and pressed a kiss to her temple with a smile, pulling away when the doors started opening on their floor. Y/N smiled softly and stepped out with Spencer, once they were inside the bullpen, she went over to her desk to drop off her bag.
"Miss Y/N..." Penelope sing-songed as she walked over to her, dragging Derek along with her. "You have some 'splanin' to do." She said in the 'I love Lucy' voice.
"I do not." Y/N said feigning innocence. "Also we have a case so now's not the time." She said as she began to walk upstairs to the meeting room, taking her seat next to Spencer.
Soon, everyone arrived and sat down around the table pulling their files to him, opening them up to look at their contents. "Ok guys. We're not traveling very far for this case. It's in our own backyard." Hotch said as he began clicking through some of the photos on the TV screen. Y/N listened to him in the background as she started looking through the pictures for the victimology.
"Every one of the women are Y/H/C and Y/E/C eyed, the only thing different is height and weights. Some of them were found to have Y/E/C contacts and a crude dye job if they did not have the correct look to the unsub. These things were noted in the autopsies." Y/N said as she looked up at the screen as pictures of the victims came up.
"There was some DNA recovered from the sexual assaults and under the fingernails of the first victim, there were no matches in CODAS." Derek said, reading the information from his file.
"DC capitol police think the first victim is Leah Ainsworth, 24, a tourist in DC on vacation." Hotch said. "The period of which the victims were reported missing and then to when they were found is 3-5 days."
Y/N nodded her head. " The extreme amount of wounds seems like overkill. 10 of the wounds on Leah were done postmortem. A lot of rage behind these attacks." She said as she closed her file and looked around at the rest of the team to gauge their reactions.
"There's something else..." Derek said. "Every victim was found with a note that said 'For F/I M/I L/I'."
"Could it be an activist group?" Spencer asked, sitting up in his seat.
"Could be initials." Hotch said rubbing his chin in thought. "Garcia see if those are a match for anything like that."
"Got it." Penelope said, writing down a note for herself.
"Reid, Morgan, go to the latest crime scene. Y/L/N and Prentiss go to where this latest victim was abducted and see if you can get anything from there. JJ your with me, setting up the evidence boards." Hotch directed.
"Let's do this." Emily said, getting up from her seat.
The team spent the day finding out new evidence and new possibilities. As they were about to go home for the night they sat in the meeting room going over the things they found out.
"Emily and I found out our latest victim was supposed to meet someone, like a date." Y/N said as she fiddled with her pen. "But the person never showed."
Emily nodded her head. "Customer parking is down an alley behind the building, the unsub could've blitz attacked and drugged the girls."
"Garcia, anything on the search?" Hotch asked, turning towards the woman in question.
"All I got were two activist groups and millions of names." She said, rubbing at her forehead.
"Alright. Guys go home, we'll come back tomorrow and look at this with fresh eyes." Hotch said before everyone got up and went to their desks to gather their things. Y/N smiled at Spencer as she held up her keys.
"Give you a ride home." She said before she mimicked Derek's voice. "Pretty boy."
Spencer chuckled, shaking his head in disbelief. "Yes, I'll take your offer, but don't ever do that again." He joked as he walked over to her.
Y/N drove Spencer home, dropping him off at his apartment building with a kiss. Soon she arrived home, parked in her normal spot, and gather things before she let herself into the courtyard with her keycard. She looked through her keyring for her house key as she walked up to her door.
She stopped what she was doing with a smile, as she spotted a glass vase full of yellow red-tipped roses sitting in front of her door. She chuckled as she fished out her phone out and dialed Spencer's number as she reached to pull the notecard out with the hand holding her keyring, as she began reading it. She let out a squeal as she felt something press against her nose and mouth. She dropped everything she was holding to fight off her attacker.
"Y/N? Y/N?!" Spencer called over the phone hearing the struggle.
"I finally found you." Y/N heard in her ear as she felt her body go limp in her attacker's arms, succumbing to the drug. Her attacker lifted her body into his arms.
"Jason..." Y/N slurred out in the direction of her phone as her attacker pulled her badge and gun off her person. "Jason Dean... Spencie..." Y/N slurred again before she passed out.
"No one is going to save you, babe. I've got you now."  her attacker said as he stepped on her phone in his walk to his vehicle.
Spencer took a shaky breath and called Hotch after the line when dead. "Hotch, Something has happened to Y/N.
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thatwheelchairchick · 3 years
Fic Prompts From Quotes
I saw @ariendiel and @noahssidechick share original prompt lists and I thought I’d share mine. It’s not original, but it exists. It’s long because I’ve had it in a word document for ages and also because all of them have been taken from different things, whether from books, tv, movies, etc. All of these inspired fics for me, I just haven’t used them yet, so I thought I’d share them. 
DNA doesn’t make a family. Love does – Lena Adams Foster, The Fosters
Don’t let what he wants eclipse what you need – Cristina Yang, Grey’s Anatomy
I can live without you, but I don’t want to. I don’t ever want to – Meredith Grey, Grey’s Anatomy
I don’t know how long it’s gonna take to feel okay, but I know I had the best day with you today – Taylor Swift, The Best Day
I don’t know how to be something you miss – Taylor Swift, Last Kiss
I had the time of my life fighting dragons with you – Taylor Swift, Long Live
I hope you’re happy, but not like how you were with me - Olivia Rodrigo, Happier
I just realized everything I have is someday gonna be gone – Taylor Swift, Never Grow Up
I knew one day I’d see you on the street, and it’d be bittersweet – Carrie Underwood, Good in Goodbye
I make big things out of little things and I watch you keep missing them – Jessica Mauboy, Little Things
I make no apologies for how I chose to repair what you broke – Meredith Grey, Grey’s Anatomy
I might be okay but I’m not fine at all – Taylor Swift, All Too Well
I might look fine but my head’s going under – Lucy Spraggan, Paper Dreams
I never planned on you changing your mind – Taylor Swift, Last Kiss
I think it’s important to take the time to tell the people you love how much you love them while they can hear you – Meredith Grey, Grey’s Anatomy
I’d rather be alone than unhappy – Whitney Houston, It’s Not Right, But It’s Okay
I’d wait forever in this waiting room, because I know I can’t leave here without you - Lucy Spraggan, The Waiting Room
I’m the love of your life until I make you mad – Olivia Rodrigo, 1 Step Forward, 3 Steps Back
I’ve always heard every ending is also a beginning, we just don’t know it at the time. I’d like to believe that’s true – Emily Prentiss, Criminal Minds
I’ve never met someone who wasn’t important before – The Doctor (11), Doctor Who
If my wishes came true, it would’ve been you – Taylor Swift, the 1
If there’s an upside to freefalling, it’s the chance you give your friends to catch you – Meredith Grey, Grey’s Anatomy
If you aren’t willing to keep looking for light in the darkest of places without stopping, even when it seems impossible, you will never succeed – Amelia Shepherd, Grey’s Anatomy
If you can love the wrong person that much, just imagine how much you can love the right one – Anonymous
If you don’t take moments to be yourself, you’ll spend your life being someone else – Lucy Spraggan, Lightning
If you want crappy things to stop happening to you, stop accepting crap and demand something more – Cristina Yang, Grey’s Anatomy
In the end, we’re all alone, and no one’s coming to save you – John Reese, Person of Interest
It’s more than okay to ask for help – Lucy Spraggan, Lightning
Just because people do horrible things, it doesn’t always mean they’re horrible people – Izzie Stevens, Grey’s Anatomy
Just because we can live without something, it doesn’t mean we have to – Meredith Grey, Grey’s Anatomy
Life breaks everybody, long before death comes to sweep up the fragments – Kerry Anne King, I Wish You Happy
Mistakes are painful but they’re the only way to find out who we really are – Denny Duquette, Grey’s Anatomy
Morning has come and I have to go – Louise Rhodes, Let It All Go
Never be afraid to stand up for yourself, just be sure you’re right when you do – Miranda Bailey, Grey’s Anatomy
Never be cruel, never be cowardly – The Doctor (12), Doctor Who
Nothing’s ever really as it seems – Lily Kershaw, As It Seems
Please don’t chase me anymore, unless you’re ready to catch me – Callie Torres, Grey’s Anatomy
Promise you’ll love me, even when you hate me – Meredith Grey, Grey’s Anatomy
Thank you for the happiest year of my life - Jaymes Young, Happiest Year
The ones you see less are the ones you love most – Lucy Spraggan, The Tourist
The only time you will find real light is when you’re searching in the dark – Lucy Spraggan, Someone
The road not taken looks real good now – Taylor Swift, 'tis the damn season
There’s a reason I said I’d be happy alone. It wasn’t 'cause I thought I’d be happy alone. It was because I thought if I loved someone, and then it fell apart, I might not make it – Meredith Grey, Grey’s Anatomy
There’s no point in being grown up if you can’t be childish sometimes – The Doctor (4), Doctor Who
Walk tall. All you can do is be brave enough to get out there. You fought. You loved. You lost. Walk tall – Mark Sloan, Grey’s Anatomy
Was it worth it? Was she worth this? – Taylor Swift, Should Have Said No
We accept the love we think we deserve – Stephen Chbosky, The Perks of Being a Wallflower
We’re friends, real friends. And that means, no matter how long it takes, when you finally do decide to look back, I’ll still be there – Meredith Grey, Grey’s Anatomy
You always said that I was weak, but the bravest thing I did was leave - Beth Crowley, I Am Not Nothing
You called me later and said, “I’m sorry, I didn’t make it.” And I said, “I’m sorry too.” – Taylor Swift, The Moment I Knew
You know what to do already. If you didn’t, you wouldn’t be in this much pain – Miranda Bailey, Grey’s Anatomy
You never think that the last time is the last time. You think there will be more. You think you have forever, but you don’t – Meredith Grey, Grey’s Anatomy
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g0ldengubler · 4 years
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(*i do not own this gif*)
A/N: (from wattpad): heyyy...how y'all doin? ugh i'm not too happy with the sex scene (even though i'm grateful that a friend of mine helped me with one of the paragraphs) but this is the best i can do right now with the mental state i'm in. pls bare with me with posting, my personal life has gone downhill so fast it's crazy. i wanted to get this up on halloween but it sadly didn't happen. i do apologize. but i hope ur excited for this fic! thank u so much for reading ilyyyyyyy :) (from tumblr): ok last post until tonight! sorry for the spam, i only had this so far so i thought why not throw it all on here now lol. but ok enjoy :)
Category: smut
CW: daddy kink; degradation (from both men to clover); penetration (female receiving); oral (m+f recieving and giving); drunk sex; praise kink; this chapter is not full of smut but you don't have to read the smut if you're uncomfortable
Word Count: 3235
positions | prologue
~Clover's POV~
~Two Years Later~
It's been two years since I joined the team, and I've never felt more at home than I did on my first week. Luke, Spencer and I have been named, 'The Golden Trio' thanks to Penelope. We've been stuck like glue ever since I beat them in poker, like the best friends I always wanted but never had. Because of what happen when I was a kid, I always stayed close to my dad and never felt the need to make friends. Sure, I'd have people that I'd see 5 days a week at school, but nothing as close as we were. During our days off, we'd get drunk and have a poker night or a chess night, teaching Luke how to play but he never seemed to understand it, so we'd slowly switch to UNO or Cards Against Humanity.
Today, Halloween of all days, was just another paperwork day. Sure, being out in the field was exciting, saving American citizens like how Emily saved me, but I found relaxation in looking over files and sending my behavioral advice. Everything was calm in the office with everyone doing their work, and some days we'd watch a movie in the conference room or play games when we either got done with our work early or, as Garcia would say, "All serial killers have taken the day off. Maybe even went to therapy."
As I walked back to my desk after turning in the last of my files to Emily, Rossi came out of his office and stood at the railing. "Everyone," he announced, "I think it's safe to say that for the first in several years, we do not have a case on Halloween night!"
Everyone cheered, especially Spencer. Halloween was his favorite holiday, you learned. He was very passionate about its spooky nature by dressing up in a scary mask at work, before having to take it off because of a case. He would pout when he would see Emily, Rossi, or Garcia come out, telling the team that we had a case. This year, however, I noticed a grin on his face that stretched from ear to ear.
"In honor of that, I will be throwing a party at my house and you're all invited. But don't think you could run away from my grandmother's recipe!"
I turned over to Spencer, who's desk was right next to mine, a curious grin growing on my face. "So doc, what are you going to be for Halloween?"
He leaned back in his chair and looked over to me, his left elbow pressed against the armrest. "I was originally going to go as Tom Baker's Doctor Who since I still have the cosplay from when Garcia and I tried going to a convention, but with how my hair looks now, I think I'll go as a mad scientist or, if I want to be more specific, Einstein himself."
"I can see you dressing up as Einstein," I smiled, "Hell, you could even go as Dr.Emmett Brown, himself."
I looked back at him, jaw falling to my desk. "You know, from Back to the Future?"
He still looked confused.
"Don't worry about it, Clover," Luke said as he walked over and sat at the desk in front of me, "What he doesn't know won't hurt him."
"Now I'm curious about this movie." Spencer said, his curious face getting curiouser and curiouser.
"Maybe we can sneak away from the party tonight at some point and watch it." I wink at him and the two began chuckling.
"Those movie's are the closest to nerd I'll ever get." said Luke, which sparked Spencer's interest even more.
"So what are you going to be tonight, Kingsley?"
I looked over at him with a smirk."Oh, Alvez, THAT is a surprise."
~That Night~
"They did the monnnster mash!"
Music was coming from all over the backyard and in the house. Everyone from the BAU was dressed up in their spooky (or sexy...or cutest) best and was dancing the night away with champagne in their hands. I had walked in a little bit late compared to everyone else, which somehow Rossi didn't give me a sassy but funny remark about it. Rossi and Krystall dressed up as Bonnie and Clyde, Tara, along with Jj, Emily, and Garcia, went as nuns, and Matt went as Rickey while his wife, Kristy, was Lucy.
Luke ended up going as Magic Mike, not because he was full of himself, that was way out of line for him, but because the team would joke that he could become a stripper if he had to and played along. Spencer was, indeed, Albert Einstein. Garcia must've helped him with his hair, getting it to stick out like Einstein's and spraying gray hairspray in his hair. Both looked really good in their costumes, I couldn't complain.
I walked in as a sexy devil. I'm not scared to dress sexy when I could. I was comfortable in my body and I wasn't doing it to get someone's attention. I just love to feel myself from time to time, almost like a confidence boost if I needed it. I walked over to my two dudes and saw their eyes bulging out of their heads as they turned around to see. I was in a tight red crop top that showed off the girlies, with red short shorts, black fishnet tights, and red heels. I had horns on the top of my head thanks to a headband, and a tail that was attached to my shorts. The two were completely shocked, but were the respectful men that I always knew they were.
As the night went on, I was kind of getting bored. While I loved being surrounded by my coworkers turned family, I wanted to get wasted. It was Halloween night for crying out loud, but I didn't like being drunk in front of a lot of people. Even when I would go to the club, I would just have one drink and then dance with everyone on the dance floor. I didn't trust my drunk self, not physically but just how my personality changes. It embarrassed me to no end, so I only trusted a few people. Two of them, obviously, being Spencer and Luke.
At one point, I was sitting on the couch in the living room by myself. Luke and Spencer came in and sat down next to me, asking me if I was ok. When I explained to them what I was feeling, they both grinned in unison as they looked at one another, then back at me. I knew exactly what they were thinking, and they were in for it. We said goodbye to everyone, grabbed our coats, and headed out the door where we all met up at Luke's place.
When we walked in, Spencer and I sat on his couch getting Back to the Future ready while Luke made us all drinks. As we watched, we ended up leaving our glasses on the table and started taking turns drinking the vodka bottle, numb to the burning sensation. After taking the last shot in the bottle, I set it down and lay back against the back of the couch and blacked out, letting the alcohol take over my mind and body. The last thing I remember was leaning my head against Spencer's shoulder, while my feet were on Luke's lap...
Clover was giggling on Spencer's shoulder as her foot slowly rubbed over Luke's lap. Luke shifted his position on the couch, trying not to notice what that was doing to him. Not like he had a foot fetish or anything, but the amount of friction caused his pants grow tighter by the minute. Spencer, who had never been this drunk before in his life, started playing with her hair as he moved his arm around her. Spencer could tell that she was just as drunk as he was, but he didn't expect her to lay her hand on his chest, playing with the necklace he had around his neck. He tried to focus his attention to Back to the Future III, but once she started playing with the gold piece of metal with her mouth, he couldn't help but to look down at her, her eyes never leaving his.
He looked over to Luke, who had moved Clover's foot over and started palming himself  through his pants. Spencer quickly looked away, trying not to give in to his own urges. He moved his focus back to Clover, who's eyes were still locked on him. Before he could do anything, she let go of the necklace and began to slowly move her hand down Spencer's chest.
"I know why Luke moved my foot away," she whispered as her hand gently fell on his lap. She moved her fingers ever so lightly over the bulge that was growing in his pants. She had also moved her foot back onto to Luke's bulge, rubbing over it softly.
The two looked at each other, almost in confusion at first. But then, they silently agreed that they were up for it, as Clover clearly was as well. Luke moved her foot off of it and stood up, pausing the movie as Spencer moved her hand out of the way and lifted her head up as he started to get up. He takes her hand and helps her up, grabbing Luke's hand before wobbling their way into his room. She jumped onto the bed as Spencer shut the door, letting the light from the moon and street lamps illuminate the room. The two stood in front of her before she motioned her finger for them to come over.
"You're one hell of a brat, Kingsley." Luke slurred as the two quickly walked over to her, plopping down on either side of her on the bed.
Clover leans in and kisses Luke while Spencer went for her neck, cupping her left breast and massaging it. The touch alone had a moan leave her lips and into Luke's as he moved his tongue on her bottom lip, asking for entrance. As their tongues melded together, Spencer moved the fabric of her top over and took her breast out of the cup of her bra, leaning in and began licking her nipple before taking the whole thing in his mouth sucking it. Clover broke the kiss and let out a whimper, which made both men chuckle as she leaned both of her arms behind her on the bed for support.
Luke looks over to Spencer as he lets go of her breast and looks up to Luke. "Do you think she'll stop being a brat if we do something like this?" Luke asks before moving his fingers down to her core, rubbing over her shorts. Clover bites her lip to hold in a gasp, which Luke wasn't too pleased by.
"Are you going to behave, little one?" Spencer asks as he plays with the waistband of her shorts, his lips ghosting her cheek.
Clover nods, still holding in a moan just from being touched.  Luke grabs ahold of her jaw and quickly turns her face to look at him. "Use your words, princesa."
"Please," she whines.
Spencer has Clover buck her hips as he pulled her shorts and tights off of her. They notice how turned on she was on her panties and both lean in, biting and sucking on either side of her neck. Spencer's fingers linger the inside of her thighs while Luke went back to rubbing her through the cloth. She moves her hips against his fingers, begging for more.
"You were such a tease just a few minutes ago, and now look at you. So helpless and needy in a matter of seconds." says Spencer in between kisses.
Hearing that made Clover take her panties off in a swift, but quick, motion. She couldn't take it anymore, she needed their touch.
"Eager little girl, aren't you?" Luke chuckled.
It took a minute for her to realize that Spencer went straight in, sticking two fingers inside her and pumping slowly while Luke rubbed her pussy. Her brain had turned into mush full of pleasure that when they went in, she couldn't help but let out a loud moan. They sped up their movements, making her let out a silent scream.
"Fuck, daddy!" She gasped out.
The two were shocked, but didn't complain about the name. "Which one of us is daddy, kitten?" Spencer asked.
"You can't think straight, can you?" Luke asked.
Clover pulls Spencer in by his tie while pulling Luke in at the same time by his belt. "Shut up," she says breathy, "just shut up and fuck me."
"Don't go back to being a brat now," says Luke finally after a moment of silence, "You are going to behave or you'll be punished. And I don't think you'll like what we'll do."
Spencer continues to finger her quickly and deeply, curling his fingers as he hit her gspot every time while Luke rubs faster on her clit. Clover falls onto the bed as wave of pleasure hit her like a train.  She closed her walls around Spencers fingers, getting closer and closer to release as he sped up his pace even more.
"Cum for me, little girl, I want you cum so hard on daddy's fingers."
Spencer connects his lips back to her neck as she screamed, letting the waves of pleasure shoot through her body. Luke rubs her slowly to let her ride out her orgasm as Spencer pulls his fingers out and sticks them in his mouth. The way he cleaned her off made her ache all over again, wanting more and more. She didn't want this to end; This was the most pleasure she's ever had.
Luke looks over as Spencer finished devouring her, removing his fingers from his mouth with a small pop. "She tastes so sweet."
Without a single word, Luke gets off the bed and kneels in front of it, pulling Clover by her knees closer to him. As Spencer started making out with her, Luke dives right in between her thighs, licking a single thick stripe up her core, making her moan through the kiss. As their tongues fought like swords in their mouths, Spencer starts to unbuckle his belt and pulled his pants with his boxers in a swift motion, letting his cock spring free. Before it could hit his stomach, however, she grabs onto it with her left hand and starting pumping him slowly. He groans into her mouth before breaking apart, watching her stroke his aching cock.
"Please, daddy. I need your cock so bad fUCK!"
Neither of the two knew who she was talking to, but they did know that it didn't matter. Luke gets up from the floor and takes his costume off while Spencer moved his position so that his knees were on the bed. Clover moves up a bit so that Luke could get back on. The two pump themselves a few times before they pushed themselves in. She took Spencer's cock in her mouth as Spencer grabs a handful of her hair, slowly pushing her down as Luke thrust. As soon as she was comfortable of their size, Luke began thrusting slowly. Clover moaned and grind against him, begging for more, which he happily obliged. Spencer groaned under his breath when she moaned, making him buck his hips forward, shoving his cock down her throat. She gagged on it, tears piercing her eyes.
Clover was at this moment, and maybe even every moment after this, beneath them. Spencer and Luke were exercising their rights to dominate, belittle, and humiliate her. Her holes were filled as her mind quickly unraveled from the rush of pleasure from every minute pulsation. She couldn't even follow their taunts anymore, and the only bit of rationale that she could muster was to be the best sex doll for her two dominators. Her pussy ached for more punishment as they admonished her sloppy performance. She moaned hungrily as she was ravaged, playing the broken slut; no, she was their broken slut. Eagerly enjoying their obvious amusement.
The knot in her stomach was getting tighter and tighter again. She knew Luke was just edging her, making her wait to cum until he was ready. He looked to Spencer, who was holding on for dear life, almost getting into some sort of sub space of his own as the look on his face was begging for release. Clover felt both of their cocks twitch inside her, letting her know they were close.
"Cum for us, princesa," Luke growls, "just one more time for daddy. I know you want to, baby."
Clover turned into a screaming, moaning mess as she came all over Luke's cock, making a huge mess on the bed. That was the last straw for the two men, as they both released inside her, filling her over the edge. The two pulled themselves out, Spencer laying next to Clover (who was showing him that she swallowed every last drop of him) while Luke watched his cum pool out from her, enjoying the view before he lay on the other side of her. Clover wiggled her arms through theirs, focusing on something to cuddle her way into. Spencer quickly grabbed tissues from his side of the bed and cleaned her up.
"You did so good, Clover." says Spencer. He throws the used tissues away in the waste bin beside him and turns back to see tears prickling from her eyes again. "Ssh ssh, it's ok," he coos as he wraps his arms around her. Spencer's soft praises mixed with Luke's gentle hand playing with her hair helped her come back down from the cloudy headspace she was in. She felt cared for and safe with them comforting her.
Clover snuggles into Spencer as Luke's arm wrapped around her waist, spooning behind her. Spencer kissed the top of her head as she nestled her head on his chest, letting the sleepiness that alcohol gave take over them.
As she drifted off to sleep, Clover hoped that she wouldn't forget this perfect night.
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orikoaurora · 3 years
What Do You Need To Know About The Stop Asian Hate Movement.
Ever since it came to light that the COVID-19 virus originated in Wuhan, China, incidents of hate against Asians in America have been steadily on the rise. According to a study by the Center for the Study of Hate and Extremism at California State University, San Bernardino, there has been an increase of 150 percent in hate crimes against Asians in the US in 2020 — more than double of 2019. These include attacks on people of Asian origin as well as the businesses run by them. The study found that two of the cities, where Asians have been targeted the most are Los Angeles and New York.
Experts such as Karthick Ramakrishnan, founder and director of demographic data and policy research non-profit AAPI Data, believe that part of the hatred against Asians has been fuelled by the repeated use of “China virus” and “Kung Flu” by former US President Donald Trump, conservative media outlets as well as his supporters when referring to COVID-19. Commenting on the stereotypes that Asian Americans face in the US, John C. Yang President and Executive Director of the Asian Americans Advancing Justice (AAJC) told CNN, “Unfortunately, Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders often are invisible to the public. Or, where we are visible, it falls into a couple of different stereotypes. One stereotype is the so called ‘model minority’ — the suggestion that there are no issues that really affect the Asian American community.”
This hate, marginalisation and stereotype assumed a horrific shape on March 16, 2021, in Georgia which sent shockwaves among Asians living in America and other parts of the world.
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What Happend In Georgia?
Robert Aaron Long, a 21-year-old white American, shot dead eight people at three massage parlours in Cherokee County and Atlanta city. Six of those killed were women of Asian descent. Long has been arrested and charged with eight counts of murder — four each in Cherokee and Atlanta, besides charges related to aggravated assault, attempt to murder and use of a firearm. Though Long claimed he was not motivated by the race of the victims and hate crime is not part of the charges against him, many, including Atlanta mayor Keisha Lance Bottoms, believe the mass shooting was an act of hate crime.
Has There Been Any Incident Post The Georgia Spa Shooting?
Multiple attacks on people of Asian origin have been reported across the US in the week since the Georgia spa shootings. A day after the incident, a 75-year-old woman was brutally assaulted in San Francisco. In three separate incidents on March 21 in New York City, a 54-year-old was hospitalised after being attacked, a 41-year-old was attacked from behind and a 37-year-old was assaulted on her way to an anti-Asian violence protest. While a man has been charged in the San Francisco incident, two men and a woman have been charged in the three NY incidents.
What Has Been The Response To The Attacks?
People have been highlighting these hate crime incidents on social media, raising awareness and asking everyone to look out for their Asian American family, friends and neighbours. Thousands took to the streets in New York, Atlanta, Pittsburgh, Washington and even Montreal in Canada in the last few days speaking out against anti-Asian hate, calling for police reforms and criticising Trump for his hateful rhetoric against China during the pandemic.
During one of the marches, San Antonio Mayor Juliàn Castro told demonstrators that “For generations, Asian Americans have been discriminated against. I don’t have to tell that to anybody in this crowd.”
Following the March 16 incident, the US House Judiciary Committee’s civil rights committee held a hearing on the anti-Asian bias — a first in over 30 years.
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Are Prominent People Speaking Out On This Issue?
In the backdrop of the rise in hate crimes against the community, numerous celebrities have extended their support to rights groups and families of victims while expressing solidarity with Asians in America. Among them are actors Awkwafina, Lucy Liu, Sandra Oh, Olivia Munn, and Ken Jeong, designers Prabal Gurung and Yoon Ahn, models Mona Matsuoka and Soo Joo Park besides several others.
In an emotional Instagram video after the Georgia attacks, Tony Award-winning Ashley Park of Emily in Paris fame drew attention to the systemic racism that Asians face daily even “starting with children, when every Asian kid should be able to be good at math and play a classical instrument…”
“This racism starts at a very small level. It starts with things that you say. It starts when someone calls a virus that shut down the whole world the ‘Kung Flu virus.’ It also starts when you roll your eyes or make fun of Asian waiters or Chinese food delivery people and the nail artist,” she says in the post calling to stop Asian hate that has been viewed over three million times.
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Min Jin Lee, the celebrated author of Pachinko, in support of the Stop Asian Hate movement, tweeted, “In less than 48 hours, we had a historic Asian Oscar moment with multiple firsts in 93 years — then a mass shooting targeting 3 Asian-owned businesses. This is how terrorism works — you’re not allowed to feel safe, accepted, or valued. We can resist. Take up space. Make noise.”
Appearing before the House Judiciary Subcommittee on the Constitution, Civil Rights, and Civil Liberties on March 18, The Good Doctor producer and actor Daniel Dae Kim called for the passage of the No Hate Bill and the Covid-19 Hate Crimes Act. Referring to the failure of the bill’s passage last year, he said, “I was disheartened to find that for a bill that required no money or resources, just a simple condemnation of acts of hate against people of Asian descent, 164 members of Congress, all Republican voted against it. And now here I am again, because as every witness in this hearing has pointed out, the situation has gotten worse, much worse.”
He told the committee that even though the country Asians call their home “may consider us statistically insignificant now, but one more fact that has no alternative is that we are the fastest-growing racial demographic in the country. We are 23 million strong. We are united, and we are waking up.”
Many celebrities have been raising the issue of hate incidents against members of the community for a long time. Others who have been vocal about it include tennis star and multiple Grand Slam winner Naomi Osaka, who, in a Tweet on February 7, wrote, “The amount of hate, racism, and blame for COVID towards the Asian community is disgusting. The fact that this topic is not very widely covered makes me concerned. I only found videos and information because I was scrolling through my IG feed and by some algorithm it appeared.”
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