#Lynn Charles
willmarstudios · 2 years
Bookworm Will Review #6
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Title: "Chef's Table"
Author: Lynn Charles
Rating: 3.75/5
Chef's Table was a rather cute story! I really was expecting like over the top early 2000's romantic comedy gags, but it was a really down to earth plot. Evan and Patrick were very likeable and had real chemistry throughout their interactions. I was not expecting some really spicy/graphic scenes to be described in such detail, but they were still REALLY fun to read ;) The side plots that they explored together weren't what I was expecting either, but I feel like made the overall journey a really memorable one. Evan exploring his struggles of finding that original passion for cooking again and learning to work with others, especially in a romantic sense, was insightful! He is very much the type A personality and perfectionist while Patrick is not, so them learning to co-exist was so relatable to me. They really loved each other and that's where the early 2000's dialogue started appearing, but it worked because I was a sappy mess (in a good way!) Opening up to people is difficult, especially when you aren't entirely sure how someone can relate, so I was really glad that the author let us explore their backgrounds and upbringing. We got to learn about the role models they had growing up and how they were brought into the world of culinary while finding a middle ground in the same space. I thought it was an overall really cute read if you are looking for something quick, cute, sexy and romantic.
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lynnlyrae · 5 months
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On April 15 I’ve sent my friend this meme as a perfect description of Olivier. Yesterday I found vol 11 omake with Sister Olivier, and then my hand just slipped
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Also now I have some Chasseurs memes (and, apparently, a gift of prophecy) (also the first time I draw Charles is for office meme)
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Bonus inspired by second omake: Machina and Teacher being Machina and Teacher 
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hipsternumbertwo · 4 months
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A StarKid Community has been started!
All communities are still in beta mode so there's a learning curve and a lot of bugs to deal with.
If you are interested in joining, please let me know by liking, reblogging, messaging, or snail mail because as of right now it's invite only until Tumblr says otherwise.
PS: It can only invite main blogs, so if you're a sideblog - reply with your main.
Note: The invite is in the form of a message from the tumblrbot (it's not a scam lol)
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justa-sadjellyfish · 9 days
I didn’t have enough options to do all the actors sorry chat
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pinazee · 27 days
Being a fan of starkid is probably the closest ill get to rooting for a sports team
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damian-navarro-art · 8 months
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Is there any love for Killer Moth , Drury Walker… in this place?
He’s my Tom King’s Kiteman
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hellaliterate · 11 months
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fifteen rounds this time / gonna make it work tonight / never backing down this time / i'll sting you (in my yellow, yellow jacket)
watch nightmare time 2, ep. 4: yellow jacket !
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lunarmoonheart · 1 month
team starkid as helluva boss
joey richter as blitzø
James tolbert as stolas
Jamie lynn beatty as millie
jon matteson as moxxie
Bryce charles as loona
Kendall Nicole yakshe as Octavia
Jeff blim as fizzaroli
curt mega as Asmodeus
angela giarratana as Stella
will branner as striker
mariah rose faith as verosika mayday
Corey Doris as Vortex
Meredith stepien as barbie wire
Jae hughes as Sallie mae
kim whalen as mrs mayberry
Lauren lopez as Beelzebub and martha
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nnato · 26 days
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askfacultystaff · 1 year
Stellar Galaxy AU or Finding big brother
Short roleplay
6 years ago
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Rita: *Offscreen, looking picture of her children and pets, talking to Neko on her phone* You said you have foster father? What's his name, Sufi sweetie? 🙂
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divinelydivided · 11 months
🌟Nerdy Prudes Song Ranking🌟
Literal Monster
-Self Explanatory
-Literally Amazing
2.The Summoning
-Jon Matteson... of course
-Also self explanatory
-Basically a tie with number one
3.Nerdy Prudes Must Die 
-You know why
- I'm on a new crusade 💅
4.Hatchet Town
-Bryce Charles
-I am dan Reynolds
-Who doesn’t love a Dan and Donna cameo?!?!?
5.High School Is killing me
-Im deaddddddd
-Jon Matteson is my favorite (if you can't tell)
6.Cool as I think I am (Reprise)
-Makes me cry
-“Your as smart as I know you are”
-“Would you want to go to homecoming with me”---”Cool”
-Again, I am in tears
-I love Pete Spankofski
7. Bury the Bully
-I love Grace Chastity being insane, I love her
- I love foreshadowing
8.Cool As I think I am
-I love Peter
-“She is the brawn, i'm the brains” 
9.Dirty Dudes Must Die
-Grace chastity is a badass queen (who is a little insane, no biggy)
-”darkness will spare my soul” scratches an itch in my brian I didn’t even know I had
10.Bully the Bully
-Petey gonna jump on out, jager gonna jagerout
-Whats our budget
-I am sad that this is not higher up
-We love a friend group
-Beans cool?! Excellent!!
11. If I Loved You
-I had a really hard time ranking this
-I love the chorus soooo much
-I Kinda hate the back and forth fighting thing going on in between
-Literally could not place this anywhere that made me happy but it had to go somewhere
12. Go Go Nighthawks
-Love Harmonies
-Fuck Clivesdale
13. Dirty Girl
-Don’t love the content of the song
-Love the vocals
-Sad I can’t put every song at number one
14. Just For Once
-I live for Ruth
-I love her sm
15.  Best of You
-A little cheesy for me
-But still deserves to be higher
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thisfuckingdork · 6 months
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Final three Deadlaws Jokers and the full card pack (: Steel Lynn Mr. Bones Nicodemus and Constellation Conrad
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Triptych: The Garden of Earthly Delights Hieronymus Bosch, Prado, Museum, Madrid, Spain.
* * * *
"It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair, we had everything before us, we had nothing before us, we were all going direct to Heaven, we were all going direct the other way - in short, the period was so far like the present period, that some of its noisiest authorities insisted on its being received, for good or for evil, in the superlative degree of comparison only."
Charles Dickens, A Tale of Two Cities.
[Sandra Lynn Sparks]
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nick-cassidy · 5 months
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elms autograph session
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cultreslut · 3 months
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various artists, semina two, 1957
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damian-navarro-art · 6 days
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KILLER MOTH / Drury Walker
Hey guys to give it a closure to the Batman story I did, here is the first of the 2 character designs i made for it! I really hope you like it, Killer Moth was the main reason i even did those pages in the first place, i wanted to draw him so bad, i think i just really feel and connected with that tragicness of him, anyway, I know there aren’t probably many fans out there of him but I hope someone out there likes this take of mine :’)
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