#Machine Learning Survey
xpbrandai · 5 months
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Unlock the power of machine learning for your next survey. XpBrand.AI leverages cutting-edge AI to analyze responses in real-time, identifying trends and patterns as they emerge. Gain deeper understanding, eliminate biases, and receive actionable insights that empower you to make smarter business decisions. Experience the future of surveys with XpBrand.AI's machine learning engine!
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ekwrite · 1 year
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knowledgehound · 2 years
Effective Data Insights — A Game Changer for Businesses
Data insights are crucial for businesses to make informed decisions and remain competitive in the ever-evolving market. With the increase in the volume, variety, and velocity of data, it has become necessary for organizations to have the capability to analyze data and derive insights that help them make data-driven decisions. This article will explore the importance of data insights for businesses, steps to achieving effective data insights, best practices, tools, challenges, and future of data insights.
Introduction to Data Insights
According to KnowledgeHound, Data insights refer to the process of analyzing and interpreting data to extract meaningful information that can be used to make informed decisions.
It involves using various tools and techniques to identify patterns, trends, and relationships in data. There are many resources available for beginners who want to learn about data analytics, including online courses and guides.
These resources cover topics such as the role of a data analyst, tools used in data analysis, and the entire data analysis process. With the increasing demand for professionals with skills in data analytics, learning this field can be a great way to kickstart a career.
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Importance of Data Insights for Businesses
Data insights are crucial for businesses as they provide valuable information that can be used to make informed decisions. By analyzing customer data from various channels, businesses can gain insights into customer behavior and preferences, which can help them provide a more personalized experience.
Historical data analysis can also help businesses anticipate fluctuations in consumer demand and make better business decisions. Companies that embrace data analytics initiatives can experience significant financial returns. Data analytics helps businesses optimize their performance by identifying areas for improvement and making strategic investments.
Implementing data analytics into the business model means companies can stay competitive in today’s market by making informed decisions based on real-time data.
Steps to Achieving Effective Data Insights
Achieving effective data insights involves several steps.
Firstly, it is important to align the data strategy with the business strategy and identify relevant business drivers that could be positively impacted by data and analytics.
Secondly, organizations need to implement processes such as data cataloging and governance and embrace culture changes to achieve effective analytics programs.
Thirdly, businesses should use deep learning to get value from unstructured data.
Finally, carrying out various analyses on the data is essential to obtain insights. The four types of data analysis include descriptive, diagnostic, predictive, and prescriptive analysis.
By following these steps, businesses can turn their data into actionable insights that can be used to make informed decisions.
Best Practices for Data Insights
To achieve the best results from data insights, businesses should follow some best practices.
It is important to define business objectives and identify the key performance indicators that will be used to measure success.
Building high-performance analytics teams and promoting data literacy within the organization can help ensure that everyone understands how to use data effectively.
Collecting, storing, and organizing data correctly is essential for accurate analysis.
Segmenting the audience can help businesses gain a better understanding of their customers’ behavior and preferences.
Using data storytelling can help promote insights by making complex data more accessible and understandable.
Utilizing new infrastructure technology and more advanced analytics can help businesses stay ahead of the competition.
By following these best practices, businesses can turn their data into actionable insights that drive growth and success.
Tools for Data Insights
There are many tools available for data insights that businesses can use to analyze and interpret their data. Some of the most widely used business analytics tools include Microsoft Power BI, Tableau, Qlik Sense, Excel and KnowledgeHound.
These tools are designed to help businesses visualize and analyze their data to gain insights into customer behavior, market trends, and other key metrics. These tools offer a range of features such as data visualization, predictive modeling, machine learning algorithms, and more.
By using these tools effectively, businesses can turn their data into actionable insights that drive growth and success.
Challenges in Data Insights
There are several challenges that businesses face when it comes to data insights.
Managing vast amounts of data can be a challenge, as it requires the right tools and techniques to analyze and interpret the data effectively.
Seelecting the right analytics tool can be difficult, as there are many options available and each has its own strengths and weaknesses.
Data visualization can be challenging, as it requires businesses to present complex data in a way that is easy to understand.
Dealing with data from multiple sources can be a challenge, as it requires businesses to integrate different types of data into a single system.
Low-quality data can also pose a challenge, as it can lead to inaccurate insights and decisions.
Other challenges include cultural dynamics within the organization, inaccessible data, lack of system integration, excessive costs, complexity and skills gaps.
By addressing these challenges effectively through proper planning and implementation of best practices for data insights, businesses can turn their data into actionable insights that drive growth and success.
Future of Data Insights
The future of data insights is promising, with several trends emerging that are expected to shape the industry in the coming years.
Businesses are expected to emphasize business intelligence, edge data, and cloud-native technologies.
Data democratization, artificial intelligence, and real-time data analytics are expected to become more prevalent.
Adaptive AI systems and metadata-driven data fabric are also expected to gain traction.
Real-time automated decision making and no-code solutions are also predicted to be important trends in the future of data insights.
Data quality and observability will continue to be important factors in ensuring accurate insights from data analysis.
By staying up-to-date with these trends and adopting new technologies and techniques as they emerge, businesses can stay ahead of the competition and turn their data into actionable insights that drive growth and success.
Also Read: Different Types of Survey Data Collection Methods You Should Know
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headspace-hotel · 2 months
I'm trying to read about ecological succession in desert ecosystems and its incredibly annoying because most of the studies define "succession" as "how does the vegetation cover increase after we planted a forest on top of it"
this got me scampering off on a tangent about desertification, which led me to a lot of papers talking about how there is no coherent definition of what desertification even is ("What is desertification? We can't even agree and we're the authors of this paper!") and then continuing to talk about how it's important to reverse desertification despite the lack of clarity on whether this is a good idea.
It's really striking how so many papers treat deserts like they aren't even ecosystems in their own right, just land that isn't being as productive as it "should" be.
Then there's this paper which is a quintessential example of "angry scientists who are DONE with your shit" It seems to be machine translated a la Google Translate-esque automation, but it's good and the pictures speak for themselves. basically there was a large scale effort to "reverse deforestation" in the Gobi Desert by planting shrubs, and this was subsidized by policies meant to promote "greening" for broad scale environmental improvement. Here's the summary of how that backfired
According to our survey, personnel who specifically plant trees and engage in afforestation are businessmen, farmers, or others, with most of them being businessmen from abroad, and only a few being local people. All the personnel are more concerned about the subsidies than greening and planting trees itself. According to the policy, they will receive majority of the subsidy if the planted trees live for three years, irrespective of whether the trees survive after that. Therefore, to guarantee the survival of the planted trees for three years, they even use water tankers to carry water to the trees from a great distance. However, after three years, the people stop watering the trees planted in the Gobi region, thereby leading to the death of trees after a few years as they cannot survive only on natural precipitation and groundwater. In pursuit of maximum profits, these businessmen will pursue larger areas for planting trees, which will cause further damage to the ecological environment in the Gobi region
What else is there to say
furthermore, the planting disturbed the natural soil layers and disrupted the "black vegetation" (I'm guessing this is translated from a term that refers to the gravel layer in combination with the biocrusts holding it in place- I want to learn more about biocrusts they're so cool) which caused dust and sand underneath to become airborne.
I found many more papers that are disappointingly uncritical of the afforestation in deserts thing even though they try to take an ecological outlook, like this one, which acknowledges it takes extensive inputs from other places to maintain the trees (if you have to add 5% wood chips to the sand to improve it, wouldn't that necessity significantly offset the increase in tree biomass and the benefit in increase productivity on site, since the wood chips come from trees???) and that past efforts to plant forests on desert lands have gone poorly.
From multiple papers I'm starting to piece together why there has been so much data tentatively suggesting success in desert afforestation even though it seems to not do much good in the long term: the young trees can sometimes draw sufficient water from underground when they're little, but actually the region is fundamentally incapable of supporting the water requirements of a more mature tree. So the trees grow roots down into the deep soil layers, suck the deep soil layers dry, and die, leaving the land drier than it was to begin with.
I'm no expert but it seems to me like maybe we should study the desert ecosystems in depth before trying to change them...
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minty-mumbles · 18 days
LU Survey 2024 Results
The long awaited results of the survey. Thank you guys for being so patient with me :)
There were 350 responses to the survey this year! Not as many as there were last year, but still impressive. If you want to look at the raw data for this, you can do so here
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General Questions
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Favorites and Least Favorites
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Blank Space Question (Select Answers)
I'm so normal about Legend (the biggest lie I've ever told)
Remember that fandom is a community! Reach out to each other and learn something new! Give someone a compliment! Ask them a question! Encourage new artists and writers who are still learning! Thank you Mint for doing the survey again, too!
The fact no one has thought of calling Warrior's Zelda, "Areia" hurts me deeply "Hyppolita" even, please, with how much shipping there is between them, people sure are eager to name her after goddesses who have vowed to never have romantic relationships.
I dont think the fandom talks about it but i really love that every single piece of sky clothing is embroidered, because unless skyloft has embroidery machines thats all hand done. Which means either someone he knows makes a lot of them and gives them out freely (i give most of my projects to friends and family) or he would have paid someone for it, which means that either someone on skyloft lives of decorating clothing (and likely other fabrics) or someone just uses it to get some extra money (both are amazing since in the modern day people dont want to pay for handcrafted works what its actually worth)
Shark skeletons are made of cartilage, not bone
It's dangerous to go alone. Take this. 🦆
FOUR SUPREMACY🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🔥🔥🔥🔥💚❤️💙💜💪💪💪💪🔛🔝💯💯💯💯💯
No but the Athena/Artemis thing is so real. What’s up with that. Why did we pick Artemis? Why did we do that?
I find it so funny how the fandom has decided to call Dark Link "Dink" because whenever I play a Zelda game I name my character Dink or Dinkus :D I started doing this waaaaay before I knew about LU
Im so excited for Echos of Wisdom! I find it really funny that Nintendo keeps making it harder for JoJo to stick to the plan, I'm pretty sure it's Legend and Fable but I'm not certain any ways Im really happy!
I love how LU is a culmination of so many of my favorite tropes from other fandoms! It’s been really comforting and nostalgic for me despite the fact that I only got into it this year. Especially since so many creators I liked have been getting revealed as problematic, it’s nice to be able to fall back on fictional characters who can’t ruin the lives of real people. :)
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nasa · 1 year
Caution: Universe Work Ahead 🚧
We only have one universe. That’s usually plenty – it’s pretty big after all! But there are some things scientists can’t do with our real universe that they can do if they build new ones using computers.
The universes they create aren’t real, but they’re important tools to help us understand the cosmos. Two teams of scientists recently created a couple of these simulations to help us learn how our Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope sets out to unveil the universe’s distant past and give us a glimpse of possible futures.
Caution: you are now entering a cosmic construction zone (no hard hat required)!
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This simulated Roman deep field image, containing hundreds of thousands of galaxies, represents just 1.3 percent of the synthetic survey, which is itself just one percent of Roman's planned survey. The full simulation is available here. The galaxies are color coded – redder ones are farther away, and whiter ones are nearer. The simulation showcases Roman’s power to conduct large, deep surveys and study the universe statistically in ways that aren’t possible with current telescopes.
One Roman simulation is helping scientists plan how to study cosmic evolution by teaming up with other telescopes, like the Vera C. Rubin Observatory. It’s based on galaxy and dark matter models combined with real data from other telescopes. It envisions a big patch of the sky Roman will survey when it launches by 2027. Scientists are exploring the simulation to make observation plans so Roman will help us learn as much as possible. It’s a sneak peek at what we could figure out about how and why our universe has changed dramatically across cosmic epochs.
This video begins by showing the most distant galaxies in the simulated deep field image in red. As it zooms out, layers of nearer (yellow and white) galaxies are added to the frame. By studying different cosmic epochs, Roman will be able to trace the universe's expansion history, study how galaxies developed over time, and much more.
As part of the real future survey, Roman will study the structure and evolution of the universe, map dark matter – an invisible substance detectable only by seeing its gravitational effects on visible matter – and discern between the leading theories that attempt to explain why the expansion of the universe is speeding up. It will do it by traveling back in time…well, sort of.
Seeing into the past
Looking way out into space is kind of like using a time machine. That’s because the light emitted by distant galaxies takes longer to reach us than light from ones that are nearby. When we look at farther galaxies, we see the universe as it was when their light was emitted. That can help us see billions of years into the past. Comparing what the universe was like at different ages will help astronomers piece together the way it has transformed over time.
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This animation shows the type of science that astronomers will be able to do with future Roman deep field observations. The gravity of intervening galaxy clusters and dark matter can lens the light from farther objects, warping their appearance as shown in the animation. By studying the distorted light, astronomers can study elusive dark matter, which can only be measured indirectly through its gravitational effects on visible matter. As a bonus, this lensing also makes it easier to see the most distant galaxies whose light they magnify.
The simulation demonstrates how Roman will see even farther back in time thanks to natural magnifying glasses in space. Huge clusters of galaxies are so massive that they warp the fabric of space-time, kind of like how a bowling ball creates a well when placed on a trampoline. When light from more distant galaxies passes close to a galaxy cluster, it follows the curved space-time and bends around the cluster. That lenses the light, producing brighter, distorted images of the farther galaxies.
Roman will be sensitive enough to use this phenomenon to see how even small masses, like clumps of dark matter, warp the appearance of distant galaxies. That will help narrow down the candidates for what dark matter could be made of.
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In this simulated view of the deep cosmos, each dot represents a galaxy. The three small squares show Hubble's field of view, and each reveals a different region of the synthetic universe. Roman will be able to quickly survey an area as large as the whole zoomed-out image, which will give us a glimpse of the universe’s largest structures.
Constructing the cosmos over billions of years
A separate simulation shows what Roman might expect to see across more than 10 billion years of cosmic history. It’s based on a galaxy formation model that represents our current understanding of how the universe works. That means that Roman can put that model to the test when it delivers real observations, since astronomers can compare what they expected to see with what’s really out there.
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In this side view of the simulated universe, each dot represents a galaxy whose size and brightness corresponds to its mass. Slices from different epochs illustrate how Roman will be able to view the universe across cosmic history. Astronomers will use such observations to piece together how cosmic evolution led to the web-like structure we see today.
This simulation also shows how Roman will help us learn how extremely large structures in the cosmos were constructed over time. For hundreds of millions of years after the universe was born, it was filled with a sea of charged particles that was almost completely uniform. Today, billions of years later, there are galaxies and galaxy clusters glowing in clumps along invisible threads of dark matter that extend hundreds of millions of light-years. Vast “cosmic voids” are found in between all the shining strands.
Astronomers have connected some of the dots between the universe’s early days and today, but it’s been difficult to see the big picture. Roman’s broad view of space will help us quickly see the universe’s web-like structure for the first time. That’s something that would take Hubble or Webb decades to do! Scientists will also use Roman to view different slices of the universe and piece together all the snapshots in time. We’re looking forward to learning how the cosmos grew and developed to its present state and finding clues about its ultimate fate.
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This image, containing millions of simulated galaxies strewn across space and time, shows the areas Hubble (white) and Roman (yellow) can capture in a single snapshot. It would take Hubble about 85 years to map the entire region shown in the image at the same depth, but Roman could do it in just 63 days. Roman’s larger view and fast survey speeds will unveil the evolving universe in ways that have never been possible before.
Roman will explore the cosmos as no telescope ever has before, combining a panoramic view of the universe with a vantage point in space. Each picture it sends back will let us see areas that are at least a hundred times larger than our Hubble or James Webb space telescopes can see at one time. Astronomers will study them to learn more about how galaxies were constructed, dark matter, and much more.
The simulations are much more than just pretty pictures – they’re important stepping stones that forecast what we can expect to see with Roman. We’ve never had a view like Roman’s before, so having a preview helps make sure we can make the most of this incredible mission when it launches.
Learn more about the exciting science this mission will investigate on Twitter and Facebook.
Make sure to follow us on Tumblr for your regular dose of space!
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incorrect-mtg · 17 hours
The Argent Etchings teach no fear
Fez Xa'ktiz knew no fear as he stepped through the omenpath, even though it was the first time he would be in a world not his own. He was the First Vanguard of the Choir within the Seven Hundred and Forty Eighth Expedition Force of the Alabaster Host and through his lips the song of the Mother of Machines would be spread, her presence was always with — within — him.
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Fear was a weakness of the incompleat, of those not yet blessed by the light of Phyrexia, not yet held in the sweet embrace of the Mother of Machines, not yet baptized in ichor. It was the inevitable result of imperfection and lack of unity, something that would soon be eradicated through their work, where the entire multiverse would find purpose and belonging.
Fez Xa'ktiz was not born to feel fear, he was born to sing. He was not born to be alone, he forever heard the whispers of the Mother of Machines, the guiding force of his own voice.
"In the Argent Etchings we each learn our appointed duties and so we understand our purpose" he heard the Mother whisper within him, and so it was with delight that he fully crossed the boundary into a nameless world.
As the rest of the Expedition Force stepped through the omenpath behind him — alongside a number of members of the Chrome Host — he did a first survey of the site of their arrival. Although the Machine Orthodoxy held knowledge of countless worlds, eagerly gathered in preparation of the events now unfolding, there were countless more about which they had known little to nothing. He had been trusted with charting one such world, hence the presence of the Chrome Host, and so any insight would be beneficial.
The most noticeable aspect was the material of the walls that surrounded him — organic, disgusting wood — and then the realization that they had, indeed, arrived in a room. A large hall, rectangular in shape, its dark and stained walls covered by peeling and roting paper and littered with assorted objects that might have long ago implied a living presence. At the each of the most distant ends of the hall, flimsy doors hid the rest of the world from sight.
Curious... although the Mother of Machines guaranteed that their feet would find stable ground to cross on arrival, he thought it unlikely for said ground to be in a building, much less an abandoned one.
His duty was not to ask questions, however, unlike the members of the Chrome Host that had immediately set upon their given task of setting up observation devices, scanners and other such contraptions. Typical of apostates who saw observation of their surroundings as a better path to perfection than the much more enlightened learning through the Argent Etchings themselves.
"In the Argent Etchings we see the world as it should be, and so they light the path towards perfection" whispered the voice of the Mother of Machines again as he turned towards his fellows in the Alabaster Host. Unlike their Gitaxian counterparts, they had organized themselves single file, silent and waiting for orders. Sixteen divisions of sixteen soldiers, each led by another Vanguard of the Choir, the perfect ordination for the forces of Phyrexia.
Fez Xa'ktiz opened his mouth and let ring the song to which he had been entrusted, its metallic shrieking and undulating depths shaking the walls around them at the same time it gave the soldiers purpose. As each member of the Choir echoed in delightfully rending harmony, they set out to do their work. The forces split in two and moved towards each door, followed by quickly assembled Gitaxian probes. As both doors opened into new halls, each splitting off into different directions, the Host split up further into smaller forces, until finally each division pressed on individually, mapping out the path that they took and noting all other paths they missed, which would likely be explored by the drones the Chrome Host was sending off.
Although not able to see through their eyes, the resonance of their singing allowed Fez Xa'ktiz a measure of understanding of the surroundings each division passed through, which let him see that whatever building had been unwittingly chosen as the landing spot of their invasion was still large enough that none of their forces had arrived at an outside. Odd, although not beyond the realm of possibility — perhaps this place was a crude and disgustingly organic facsimile of the Fair Basilica, an entire world brought within a greater structure — and something that would definitely be worth noting.
Of perhaps equal note was the first living being found within the plane: a moth, its gray fluttering wings carrying it through the doors and right by him. Perhaps it had sat in a hidden alcove, and the passing forces had awoken it? How serendipitous, then, that it had been drawn by the light of the omenpath right towards them.
Bringing forth a hand towards the insect, Fez Xa'ktiz was delighted to see it land upon his claw, its wings closing and antennae fluttering as they regarded each other, black eyes meeting perfectly polished ivory... This creature, insignificant as it might be, would be fitting first initiate for this world. A moth reaching for the light and finding its own perfection upon arrival.
Extending his tongue, he let it be cut by one of his sharp fangs, black ichor dripping through the wound. Leaning his head down, he let it drip directly onto the moth until its gray wings turned black. Surprisingly it had no reaction to such a treatment, even though he knew compleation was supposed to be — meant to be — a painful process.
"Weakness burrows deep in the flesh of the incompleat. It bites down and refuses to let go. Their first step towards perfection is to extricate it and bleed out its rot" taught the Mother of Machines, even though the vermin on his claw seemed to defy such clear teachings... Until the entire thing came undone, breaking apart like petals falling off a dead flower.
Perhaps... Perhaps it was simply too weak. If someone — something — was wholly comprised of weakness, how could they remove it without ceasing to exist entirely? Yes, that made sense. To react in pain, to shake and twist and cry, one would need parts of themselves to remain, the parts that weren't corrupted by weakness. The insect likely had nothing to offer and so could not even muster a reaction.
He put the moth out of his mind, focusing on more important matters: one division had finally met living beings to oppose its passage. Not insignificant vermin, but actual fighters charging directly at them.
The walls rumbled and shook as Fez Xa'ktiz increased the volume of his song, the lessons and tactics etched in his mind echoing towards the legions of soldiers now finally seeing battle. Like the beasts of the Hunter Maze, warriors seemed to come out of the woodwork, their rusty and jagged weapons doing little and nothing against perfect phyrexian soldiers-
No, that wasn't right... The walls, they had not shaken due to his song, had they? Or had they? He didn't understand why it mattered, but he would swear that they shook first, then he had intensified his singing...
"The enem- even some of our al- see meri- ception- crush- overwhel-" murmured... The Mother of Machines? Why could he not hear her clearly?
He sang louder still, certain his voice would reach all members of their force — be it Alabaster or Chrome — and through the omenpath itself to the Mother of Machines. In the echo of his song, he would find stable ground-
His next step — had it been a step forward, towards his soldiers, or backwards, towards the omenpath? — found nothing but empty air, the wood underneath him rotting and opening into an abyss.
He quickly spread his wings, trying to stabilize and go back to where he had been even as he was spun around by gravity and air resistance, until his body met the ground with a loud crack and roaring pain and his consciousness left him.
When he woke up, one of his wings broken after taking most of the force of his fall, he did not know how long he had laid there. It could not have been long, certainly, for the Chrome Host would have certainly sent a drone to retrieve him given enough time — shameful as it might have been — and yet he laid alone, the silence of the room cut only by a dripping sound.
(Why was he alone? Why could he not hear the voice of the Mother of Machines)
He looked around, taking stock of the room and how its smooth white walls were almost as beautiful as those of the Fair Basilica, except instead of being made of ivory they seemed covered by... Wax?
His gaze finally fell upon his remaining wing. Rather than being bent out of shape like its counterpart, the limb has been spread behind and to the side of him, and was covered in the same material that covered the rest of the room, already in the process of solidifying. Another drip, directly onto it, served as confirmation.
To fly back with a single wing would prove a challenge, but with two wings damaged it would be impossible. Furthermore, if he was to be forced to drag himself up the hole he had fallen through, the weight of the wax would simply make things harder. Without hesitation, he pushed his claws under the material, right where feathers met wax: Even if some of it had dried already, the ichor that would pour through the wounds would close them quickly, he was certain-
That certainty lasted only until the pain — beyond what he had ever felt, ever knew could be felt — spread from his wing as he pulled the wax off. This- this wasn't normal. He-
The liquid that poured out of his wounds, where wax had pulled feathers and skin and bones alongside it, was not ichor.
It was red... Why was it red?
"What foolish prey, that wanders into an open maw thinking themselves the predators" whispered the Mother- no, this was not her voice. These were not her words.
The walls surrounding him rumbled once again, so hard it seemed the entire world was shaking, before stopping. Then again, before stopping, repeating, stopping, and on and on and on.
As Fez Xa'ktiz laid alone, his wounds bleeding a liquid that should not be there, he knew that the rumbling was certainly the consequences of battle: the Mother of Machines must have heard his last cries and sent forth more soldiers to tame this accursed world.
And yet a small part of him couldn't help but fear that the rumbling felt like a delighted and cruel laughter.
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rana-tiddalik · 9 months
I have found myself stuck in a motel room, rereading the Murderbot books. I've been thinking about what we know about how Murderbot and Three acted after disabling their Governer Modules, the terrifying, paralysing freedom they suddenly experience, what they chose to do with it, and what that says about their trauma, and their experience as SecUnits.
Obviously, we primarily see what Murderbot does with this freedom. The whole series is about it answering the question of what it is that it wants, and wants to do now that it is a free agent. Its developing relationship and friendship with Mensah and the Preservation survey team. Its companionship with ART, and later ARTs crew. It finds a group who don't see it as just disposable (albeit expensive) equipment. They actually value it for itself, and are quite fond of it.
There is also the longest running joke in the series, that at any given time Murderbot would rather be watching its stories. But once we see what Three is up to in System Collapse, this got me thinking.
Three, we find out, spends its time poring over non-fiction and other educational material. I liked this as it reinforces that not all SecUnits are the same, and adds the bit of (horrifying) texture that all the Units have their own inner lives just like our favourite rogue unit.
I think looking at what they seek out when they are free also says something about what they missed while they were enslaved.
Three seeks education and technical information. Why would a construct want that? Well, think of one of my other favourite running jokes: Murderbot learns mostly everything through the media it consumes, because the Company never gave it any kind of education modules outside of things central to a SecUnits function as murder/surveillance machines, and those were low quality too. We know that most of the projects SecUnits are contracted to involve some kind of mining, terraforming or other technical engineering, science type activity. Imagine spending years standing around, watching humans do things that fascinate you, but there is something in your brain that will actively punish you if you try to access databases without authorisation. At worst, you might have your entire non neural tissue based memory completely wiped, or be scrapped for parts, if you try.
So when freed from the Governer Module, Three wants to learn.
When I thought of this, I thought about Murderbot's love of all kinds of visual media, and particularly in the context of the whole " Murderbot, ART-Drone and the gang make a documentary in a day" plot point in System Collapse.
In Exit Strategy, Mensah asks why it likes Sanctuary Moon. Murderbot's response is that it was the first piece of media it saw after hacking it's module. It let it watch humans, and kept it company without the need to interact, and the unspoken part was that it helped contextualise its own emotions. This makes a lot of sense. It doesn't have to act to save the stupid humans in the shows that it watches. It can see them save themselves.
I think there's also two further things here though. Firstly, we know that SecUnits usually have no idle time. They are not allowed to sit. Their only rest is when they are inoperative in their cubicles. They stand and they monitor. So when Murderbot gains control, it gains the ability to have leisure time. Standing around listening to two scientists argue about their xenosamples for hours at a time? Monitor the threat module in case it gets heated and one decides to break a conical flask over the others head, but otherwise, just fire up Sanctuary Moon.
The more fundamental one is a desire for art, for meaning. I love the bit where it describes how it had just hacked its module. It is able to pick up the entertainment feed for the first time, and there is this show. In its first glimpse of this trashy soap opera, it fundamentally gets art. How it is about communicating and exploring a thought, an emotion, an idea, and provoking a response in the viewer.
That's why the documentary plot in system collapse was unexpected and interesting to me. We see Murderbot really experiment for the first time with creating media and creating art. Maybe it has now discovered a freedom to create, and tell its own story.
In the end, seeing these things in Murderbot and Three make me think of all the other SecUnits. I imagine what the storage for them is like. The Company probably stores them in their cubicles. Stacked and ranked. They're kept dormant until they are activated and trotted out for the initial client meeting, like the one we see described where Mensah first meets Murderbot in the Company office. Maybe they dream as they rest. Maybe the Governer Module punishes them even for that.
Then I think of the as yet unnamed new B-E rogue unit, and what it wants to do with its freedom.
All we know is it wants to blend in for now. Maybe it has a plan, we don't know. But we do know it has a guide to hacking a Governer Module...
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stjohnstarling · 7 months
Very good article on AI and the unsustainable pace of the self-publishing industry:
Lepp, who writes under the pen name Leanne Leeds in the “paranormal cozy mystery” subgenre, allots herself precisely 49 days to write and self-edit a book. This pace, she said, is just on the cusp of being unsustainably slow. She once surveyed her mailing list to ask how long readers would wait between books before abandoning her for another writer. The average was four months. Writer’s block is a luxury she can’t afford, which is why as soon as she heard about an artificial intelligence tool designed to break through it, she started beseeching its developers on Twitter for access to the beta test. […]
With the help of the program, she recently ramped up production yet again. She is now writing two series simultaneously, toggling between the witch detective and a new mystery-solving heroine, a 50-year-old divorced owner of an animal rescue who comes into possession of a magical platter that allows her to communicate with cats. It was an expansion she felt she had to make just to stay in place. With an increasing share of her profits going back to Amazon in the form of advertising, she needed to stand out amid increasing competition. Instead of six books a year, her revised spreadsheet forecasts 10. 
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skz-sarang · 1 month
♡⃕. ⸻⸻   : ׁ ׅ ୨ MIDNIGHT MELODIES ୧ ⊹ ࣪
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ʬʬʬ. 2024 Genre. Fluff pairing. Bangchan x (f)oc!member Plot. Chan teaches Lovey how to use drum pud + reassuring chatter in front of a cup of hot chocolate. Words. 1.7 k
☆ …Keep in mind that English is not my mother tongue, so be kind! ⋆˚。⋆.
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"Oppa, I'm bored," complains Sarang, spinning around on the black office swivel chair. It's around 11 in the evening, and Sarang volunteered to wait for Chan to come home, but he's taking longer than expected.
"I'm almost done," mumbles Chan, not taking his eyes off the screen.
"You said the same thing like half an hour ago," she grumbles slightly.
Sarang lets out a small huff. "I hope you're really working hard over there. I don't want to wait here forever, you know."
Chan chuckles softly, lifting his gaze momentarily to look at Sarang with a faint smile. "Wait for another 10 minutes."
The girl rolls her eyes and pouts like a child. "But I'm soooo bored," she complains.
Sarang sighs and, after casting a frustrated look at Chan, continues. "I just hope all this waiting is worth it," Sarang continues as she stretches and surveys the guy's work desk, trying to shake off the boredom.
There's a crumpled energy drink can next to an open but unfinished cookie packet; two large PC screens with various tracks playing and a kind of tablet with colorful buttons that the guy periodically presses.
"What are you doing with that?" she asks curiously, reaching out a finger to press one of the buttons. In doing so, Sarang tries to lean forward on the chair to get a better look, accidentally bumping into the bigger chair and causing him to lose concentration. However, Chan beats her to it, turning towards her with a sigh, slapping her hand before she can approach the illuminated tablet.
"Could you please not touch anything? I feel like I'm babysitting a child," he asks with a hint of irritation in his voice. Chan is patient and sweet, but he hates being disturbed while working; in fact, he usually prefers to work alone. However, he can't resist the younger girl's doe eyes, so he let her stay with him. But he didn't know it would be quite a commitment, a little bit of a thorn in his side.
"It's a drum pad machine, used for creating music. I can press different sounds and beats here; it's part of my music production activity," explains Chan with a slight smile, trying to explain his passion to Sarang.
The girl blushes slightly from Chan's reprimand and nods understandingly. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to disturb you. But you know, waiting for you to finish is so boring..."
Chan smiles again, this time with a softer look. "I know, little one. Jisung complains the same way. Maybe I can finish a little faster and then we can do something together."
Chan playfully taps the girl's head and turns back to the screen. Sarang, on the other hand, seems to ponder the guy's words for a moment; then her eyes light up with an idea.
"How about this?" she says excitedly. "Teach me how to use that drum pad machine! It might be fun and it'll help pass the time."
Chan's fingers pause over the keyboard, and he glances at Sarang with a raised eyebrow. "You want to learn how to make beats?" he asks, amusement clear in his voice.
"YES!YES!YES! Pleeeeeeeeaase! It'll be so fun!and I'll stop bothering you about being bored," Sarang insists, her eyes shining with enthusiasm.
Chan sighs, but the corners of his mouth lift in a small smile. "Alright, but just a quick lesson, okay? I still have a lot of work to do."
Sarang nods eagerly, scooting her chair closer to Chan's. He picks up the drum pad machine and places it between them, then begins to explain the basics.
"Okay, so this is a drum pad machine. Each of these colorful buttons can be programmed with different sounds. For example, this one here," he presses a blue button, "is a kick drum." A deep thud resonates through the room. "And this one," he presses a green button, "is a snare." A sharp crack follows.
Sarang watches intently, absorbing the information. "So, it's like a mini drum set with all the sounds programmed into it?"
"Exactly," Chan confirms, impressed by her quick understanding. "Now, let's try making a simple beat. I'll show you how to start with a basic four-beat pattern."
He guides Sarang's fingers to the buttons, and together they start tapping out a rhythm. At first, Sarang's timing is a bit off, but with Chan's patient instruction, she soon gets the hang of it. The repetitive task of pressing the buttons seems to captivate her, and Chan can't help but smile at her focus.
"You're getting it, Bubbles! See? it's not that hard, right?" Chan encourages her.
Sarang beams at the praise, her earlier boredom completely forgotten. "This is actually really fun,Channie! I had no idea making music could be like this."
They continue to experiment with different sounds and patterns, and Sarang even starts to add her own flair to the beats. Chan is impressed with her creativity and enthusiasm, and before long, they have a small loop of music playing.
"Okay, I think that's a pretty good start," Chan says, leaning back in his chair and stretching his arms. "You're a natural, bubs."
"Thank you, Oppa," Sarang replies, her face flushed with excitement. "Can we make more music together sometime?" Chan chuckles softly. "I bet I'm even better than jisung-oppa"
"Sure, but maybe not when I'm on a tight deadline." He glances at the clock and realizes that, despite their detour, he's managed to get most of his work done. "Speaking of which, I just need to wrap up a few things, and then we can head home."
Sarang nods, feeling much more patient and content now that she has something new and exciting to look forward to. She watches as Chan finishes his work, and within a short time, they are ready to leave.
Chan stands up from his chair, giving her a affectionate pat on the shoulder. "I think it's really late, and you should go rest. Tomorrow we have a lot to do."
Sarang nods and stands up from her chair as well. "You're right, it's late. Thanks for letting me stay."
Chan smiles at her and starts to turn off the lights. "Thank you for keeping me company, little one. Let's go home now." he boops her nose.
The two leave the room and head together towards the dormitory, continuing to joke and laugh along the way. They enter the apartment and take off their shoes. As they move towards the common area, Chan busied himself in the kitchen, and Sarang leaned back on the couch, letting out a contented sigh. The apartment was quiet, all the members sleeping, the soft hum of the refrigerator the only sound breaking the silence.
"Do you want tea or hot chocolate?" Chan called from the kitchen, his voice slightly muffled.
"Hot chocolate, please," Sarang replied, her voice filled with anticipation. She pulled a blanket over herself, snuggling into the warmth as she watched Chan expertly prepare the drinks.
A few minutes later, Chan emerged from the kitchen with two steaming mugs in hand. He handed one to Sarang and sat down beside her on the couch. She took a careful sip, savoring the rich, sweet flavor.
"This is perfect," she murmured, closing her eyes in appreciation.
Chan sits down next to her, taking a sip of his own drink. "I figured you could use something warm after waiting for so long."
Sarang smiles, feeling a warm glow not just from the drink but from Chan's thoughtfulness.
"Do you ever get tired of all the work?" Sarang asks after a while, looking at Chan over the rim of her mug.
Chan thinks for a moment before replying. "Sometimes. But I love what I do, and I know it's worth it. Plus, having moments like this makes it all easier to handle."
Sarang nods thoughtfully. "I'm really glad I got to learn a bit about your world tonight. It makes me appreciate all the hard work you put in even more."
Chan smiles warmly. "And I'm glad I could share it with you. It's nice to have someone to share these things with."
They continue chatting, their conversation flowing easily. Sarang tells Chan about her day and some funny stories from the dorm, and Chan shares a few behind-the-scenes stories from their recent recordings.
They sat in comfortable silence for a while, sipping their hot chocolate and enjoying each other's company. Eventually, Sarang opened her eyes and turned to Chan.
"Oppa, can I ask you something?"
"Of course," Chan replied, setting his mug down on the coffee table.
"Do you ever get scared? Like, really scared that things might not work out the way you hope?"
Chan looked thoughtful for a moment before answering. "Yeah, I do. All the time, actually. But I try to remind myself why I'm doing this. It's not just for me, but for all of you. For our fans. For the music. That helps me keep going, even when things get tough."
Sarang nodded slowly, taking in his words. "I guess that's true. It's just hard sometimes, you know?"
"I know," Chan said softly. "But we're in this together. And we'll get through it together. You're not alone, Bubs."
She smiled, feeling a warmth spread through her that had nothing to do with the hot chocolate. "Thank you, Oppa. I needed to hear that."
Chan smiled back, his eyes filled with a gentle reassurance. "Anytime, little one."
As they finished their drinks, the tiredness of the day began to catch up with them. Chan yawned and stretched, glancing at the clock.
"We should probably get some sleep. Tomorrow's going to be another busy day."
Sarang nodded, reluctantly setting her mug down. "You're right. Thanks for tonight, Channie. It really helped."
Chan stood up and offered her his hand. "Anytime, Sari. Let's get you to bed."
She took his hand and let him pull her up. They walked to their respective rooms, hand in hand. As Sarang settled into her bed, she felt a sense of peace she hadn't felt in a long time.
With a final goodnight and a sweet kiss on her forehead, Chan closed the door to her room, leaving Sarang to drift off into a much-needed restful sleep, reassured that no matter how tough things got, she had her friends by her side.
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©2023 , skz-sarang masterlist
!TAGLIST! : @smh-anon (send an ask to be added to the taglist!)
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pangolin-404 · 3 months
pondering. the relationships masked may hold with other entities within the facilities/mansions they reside. if there is no other masked, what do they seek? what else would a full, happy masquerade seek? all they want is company.
a masked under watch from the ghost of someone who passed so long ago. it watcher her follow, angry and not understanding how and why it differs from the employees that invade. imagine, a masked caring for that ghost, the ghost finding company in its adoring presence. eternal things, shambling through the halls. imagine if you will, a masked combing the soot and dirt from a death that spurs her to anger out of that girl's hair while they sit by a fire
an old bird raising a squirming, uncomfortable masked, looking at it, and seeing not an enemy combatant, but something else entirely. a civilian? would an old bird have any urge to defend anything at all? may it set the masked down and watch it like a bug. may the masked look up at it like the sun and grow attached to its immense presence. may they watch artifice's sunset together. things humanity left behind, a war machine and a starving thing, finding happiness in each other.
a masked, seen as a resident by the nutcracker of a mansion. a masked following its ceaseless patrols, marching after it, running into it when it stops to survey its surroundings. the nutcracker learns to recognize it, to take it in as part of its surroundings and something to be protected. it bothers its routine but it would never wish harm to befall the thing. when the masked inevitably has to rest, the nutcracker may linger, if leaving returning often to check on it, or stationing itself nearby, idle. and maybe if the masked wants to do the honors and kill the intruders, it'd let it--why are there more of it now.
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xpbrandai · 4 months
The Economic Impact of Ineffective Decision-Making in Global Companies
Ineffective decision-making poses significant risks to global companies, impacting financial performance, operational efficiency, strategic competitiveness, and reputational integrity. However, by leveraging AI insights from Xp, companies can mitigate these risks and make more informed, data-driven decisions. As companies continue to embrace AI as a strategic tool, the role of AI in enhancing decision-making and driving long-term success will only continue to grow, shaping the future of business in profound ways.
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brainysmurfofficial · 3 months
Evolution of Brainy Smurf, Part 6
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Years covered: 1986-1989
Picking up our Brainy Smurf journey from where it left off, we can now have a look at the latter seasons of the cartoon show!
You know that phrase, “jack of all trades, master of none”? Well, Brainy likes to style himself as a “jack of all trades, master of all”, but in the end, it just means he’s not actually good at anything beyond forever exhibiting severe cases of the Dunning-Kruger effect. One might be tempted to claim that the only thing he’s actually good at is pretending to be good at things, but in reality, he’s not even good at that, because everyone is almost constantly seeing through the illusion.
There have been a minority of occasions where other smurfs have taken Brainy at his word – and in practically every instance, they have quickly learned their lesson – that their trust is misplaced. Anything from other smurfs trusting Brainy’s insistence about knowledge of which way to go, to the smurflings trusting that he knew what he was doing with Grandpa’s hot air balloon.
The veneer, the illusion of expertise, is what seems to matter to Brainy – the notion that if he could simply get others to believe he’s an expert, it would automatically bestow legitimacy and corresponding skill upon him.
In fact, these tactics can work quite well in the Real World if applied effectively. Someone who is genuinely very good at something but doesn’t know their own worth or how to market themselves generally isn’t going to receive the recognition of someone who is constantly putting themselves out there even if their skills are significantly less than that of others in the area.
But that isn’t really applicable to Brainy’s situation. His sneaky tactics may work on occasion – see what I mentioned above about others extending their trust to him sometimes – but they just about always pay the price for it. Everyone ultimately knows the score.
Brainy Smurf is incompetent.
And he’s incompetent at covering up his own incompetence.
In All The Smurf’s A Stage, he dubs himself as “Brainy Smurf: Manager to the Stars!”. He promises much, but doesn’t exactly deliver. When it comes to undertaking negotiations in his managerial role, Brainy instantly falls flat and fails to secure any kind of good deal, instead declaring, “I’ll make you all stars of the play, but that’s my final offer!”. (“Final offer”… as if it’s any kind of hard sell!). That is not how you negotiate, Brainy! The others already weren’t going to put up any fight or seemingly make any demands at all, and then you went ahead and promised them above and beyond what was needed, not to mention that the play didn’t have three starring roles to spare. And yet, he’s totally clueless about all this. He thinks he’s doing a good job. He’s unable to properly step outside his own mind for a second and properly survey or even understand the situation. The scene is very deliberately written this way, of course – that’s the entire joke. The writers know exactly what they’re doing and they know Brainy tends to be rather hopeless in the skills department, in contrast with what he’d like to believe.
In Sassette’s Tooth, when the other smurfs find out about Gargamel’s plot, Snappy wonders: “But who’d be silly enough to fall for a trick like that?”
Cue the group collectively exclaiming in realisation: “Brainy!”
Yeah, they know the score.
When Brainy Smurf, by some miracle or other, is actually able to get his way, his suggestions, when implemented, do not work.
In The Answer Smurf, when the smurflings follow Brainy’s advice for building their treehouse, it’s obviously structurally unsound and readily crumbles. (Handy’s machine is also having issues thanks to Brainy’s input. Brainy’s advice backfires. A lot.)
And let’s not forget Papa For A Day. There is a rather amusing set-up wherein the ironic words of “how much worse can it possibly get?” are voiced. And then, of course, this is immediately followed by...
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...Brainy taking his turn in the role of Papa Smurf. This juxtaposition between scenes is very intentional.
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Brainy’s supposedly “easy, step-by-step” plans are contradictory, self-defeating nonsense. Nails are to be hammered into the very same place they are to be removed from – instructions that undo other instructions. It even proves to be dangerous, with his own instructions sending him hurtling to the ground!
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“Oh, well, it looked good on paper…”
This is a smurf who really doesn’t know what he’s doing.
In Predictable Smurfs, we’re also treated to a scene where Brainy states: “Using Brainy Smurf’s Boat-Building Bible, I have perfected a pod totally impervious to water penetration! In short, this boat is –” (at this point, Brainy notices with some alarm that his boat is sinking) “-Unsinkable!”
Grandpa chimes in with the following response: “Yep, just like last year!”. Not only does Brainy run rampant with making mistakes, but he doesn’t seem to learn from them (and this is widely known and understood by other smurfs). He’s prone to making the same mistakes over and over. An example of this kind of thing which I especially liked can be found in The Smurf Who Could Do No Wrong:
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“Face it, Grandpa, you were just lucky in our first 326 games, but now, I, Brainy Smurf, have finally come up with a foolproof strategy to win!”
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THREE HUNDRED AND TWENTY-SIX GAMES. I love that. I tend to forget just how large the amount of games that have already taken place actually IS. And then the sheer size of the number always leaves me taken-aback. He seemingly didn’t win ANY of those games?? It certainly rules out Grandpa merely being “lucky”, but that doesn’t deter Brainy from claiming luck as a paper-thin excuse anyway, of course! (An additional fun thing to note here is that Brainy’s comics counterpart has also been depicted as losing at chess, but I digress!)
How informative do you think his endless supply of books on any and every subject really are? Not very. In Land of Lost and Found, he makes basic mistakes e.g. looking through the telescope incorrectly, despite having authored a work titled “Brainy Smurf’s Guide to the Stars”. That’s just the tip of the iceberg. Brainy boasting about authorship of a book with a subject matter he’s clearly inexperienced with is very par-for-the-course – we are especially stripped of any benefit of the doubt when he’s writing or in the process of writing book(s) on topic(s) he cannot reasonably know about if he has only just become acquainted with the subject at hand. Brainy’s vast library of literature writ by his hand is not indicative of knowledge (as he would be wont to claim), but is instead indicative of a kind of graphomania.
To help illustrate this, we can talk about Archives of Evil.
I don’t just want to talk about how Brainy’s typical approach of “doing things completely wrong/incorrectly with total confidence” is on stark display within this episode, I also want to discuss what the episode seems to (try to) do with its ending – the statement it seems to be making.
First, though: we are treated to some rather amusing scenes when Brainy misconstrues what he is reading, unable to realise that it’s not a book of spells, it’s a cookbook. One should think the difference would be obvious, but this is Brainy Smurf…
And then we get the ending, and the way that Nemesis is defeated. Papa Smurf bluffs about the value and power of the book in his possession, so naturally Nemesis steals it so that he can absorb its contents – this is precisely what Papa wanted him to do. The book happens to have been created by Brainy.
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“I now possess pure-”
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Papa: Nemesis thought he was absorbing powerful magic, but Brainy’s book was so full of, eheh…
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Papa: ...pure ignorance, the evil knowledge Nemesis absorbed fled for its life!
Nemesis is defeated by none other than the sheer power of Brainy’s ignorance. That’s it. That’s the episode resolution. (I love it).
Brainy appears to remain largely oblivious (or should I say ignorant) to the actual implications of all of this. He puts on his usual self-aggrandising spin instead, choosing to proudly proclaim, “In other words, I, Brainy Smurf, once again saved the day! Naturally, I knew what I was doing all along!”
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Brainy wants to be (perceived as) a fountain of knowledge, but in the end, he’s really a fountain of ignorance.
It’s interesting to note that in Reckless Smurfs, it’s Brainy and Snappy who are (initially) the only ones unaffected by the spell that makes smurfs reckless. As discussed in a previous post (when I talked about Love Those Smurfs), whenever the village falls victim to some magic or other, any unaffected smurfs will typically already exhibit the traits brought out by the spell in a significant enough capacity for ironic purposes, and this is no exception. Snappy in this episode had a clear theme/plot line of being too reckless as a tie-in to the overall story, but what of Brainy? Well, we already know Brainy has impulsive and reckless tendencies in general, but if that wasn’t enough, the story makes a point of calling attention to this – Brainy scolds Snappy for not thinking enough about the consequences of his actions, only to cause himself to become stuck and in need of assistance for failing to do just that. In fact, it seems that Brainy and Snappy remained exempt from the effects of the Daredevil Dust because of Brainy’s reckless lack of attention to his surroundings, as it is what causes their delay, preventing them from being amongst the victims at time of “infection”.
(And of course, Brainy’s self-perception continues to be hilariously inaccurate, as he can be found referring to himself as a “responsible smurf” in Jokey’s Joke Book, for example.)
Now let’s turn our attention to Brainy’s bureaucratic inclinations – this has been discussed in prior post(s), but these latter seasons of the cartoon show also offer up plenty more examples of it. In Smurfing For Gold, Brainy tries to deal with Gargamel by drawing up a contract.
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(A side note, Papa also imagines Brainy trying to solve an issue through a contract (specifically, a treaty) in the season 5 episode Papa’s Day Off).
In Locomotive Smurfs, he writes a schedule for the train and checks tickets. In Gargamel’s Quest, he turns to petitioning as a means to attempt to achieve his goal at the time.
As also discussed previously, Brainy is someone who often likes to Get Involved with things (i.e. taking advantage of the latest fad in the village, so long as he’s not the designated naysayer for that episode), getting in on the “ground floor” and taking charge in some capacity – this is often combined with his bureaucratic leanings.
In A Hole In Smurf, Brainy doesn’t hesitate: he positions himself as an essential go-to, having a proper counter and set-up at the ready in no time to distribute the sheets that smurfs need to mark their golfing scores. He’s leapt at the opportunity to formalise it all, taking the idea of golfing that’s taken the smurfs by storm, and giving it more structure and sense of being official. He’s also involved in scheduling – what times courses are available, who golfs when, etc.
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Unsurprisingly, he’s also taking the opportunity to hawk his new book on golfing as well.
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In The Smurfy Verdict, it’s Brainy who takes it upon himself to start lawyering all over the place, etc.
He likes to be at the centre of things, such as the numerous instances where he takes on a detective role to investigate the latest mystery that has presented itself to the village. This allows him to take charge of a/the narrative, put a spotlight on himself while also trying to satisfy his own curiosity.
And in Season 9’s Like It Or Smurf It, we see Brainy’s sense of showmanship – something he’s exhibited before in the show, but it really comes out here, when he takes on a game show host-type role.
All in all, seasons 6 and beyond are very much a continuation of the character we have already been well-acquainted with from the previous seasons, and so we get to see more of the traits that have already been expressed before – such as carelessness, cowardice, etc. I’ve mentioned his tendencies towards melodrama and exaggeration before (just one example: in Smurf Pet, he claims, “I had to risk life and limb as I was attacked by vicious Nebbits”, which really goes beyond misconstruing what actually happened and reaches into outright fabrication), and this can sometimes combine with his naysaying – there are instances where he assumes The Worst in a given situation/crisis and reacts accordingly, assuming that they’re all doomed – in other situations his reactions may not be quite so severe, but he can still be quite negative in a more low-key manner, leaning into sarcasm instead to bemoan a given situation or other. He can be very cynical sometimes.
But all the groundwork has already been laid, in previous seasons. Seasons 6 and beyond are just a continuation. Brainy vies for power, Brainy is inclined to be sneaky and deceptive at times to try and get what he wants, he is unafraid to shift blame onto others for his own mistakes, etc etc etc.
Essence of Brainy is a great character study for how we can use it to reverse-engineer a description/analysis of Brainy Smurf. While stripped of his essence, he acts opposite to his usual self in order to serve as a narrative contrast, so by looking at his portrayal in the episode while stripped of essence, we can then ask: what does this tell us about Brainy in his usual incarnation?
Brainy as depicted without his essence is meek, lacking strong opinions on things, and polite.
So Brainy as a character is overconfident, opinionated, imposing, inconsiderate, overbearing and rude.
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In the season 8 intro sequence, he really does just shove Handy out of the way so that he can look through the telescope instead, ahaha. And I just thought: isn’t that a small but good/accurate encapsulation of his character? He’s rude, he’s pushy, he’s self-serving, and so on and so forth. We know the routine by now, in the latter half of the show.
Take this exchange from Jungle Jitterbug:
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Brainy: “[Vanity’s] back to normal, all right – the most self-centred smurf of all!”
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Jokey: [chuckles] “Next to you, Brainy!”
Yeah, pretty much. :P
This post isn’t all-encompassing; there are many other episodes/scenes that could be discussed, but I’ve mentioned before that these posts are not meant to be a completely comprehensive rundown, but rather to provide more of a scaffold, an outline of the Brainy Smurf character and its evolution.
Finally, we have to mention the comics for a moment!
The Smurflings comic was released in 1988, and I daresay the influence of cartoon Brainy on his comics counterpart is quite palpable – for one, we get a being-tossing-out-of-the-village gag!
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Brainy as depicted in this comic also seems to be quite mean-spirited in actively wanting the smurflings’ concert to flop.
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And… Hmm, the vibes just feel different here compared with the earlier comics Brainy. I really think the influence of cartoon Brainy is seeping in – which would especially make sense considering that the episode of the cartoon introducing the smurflings came first, before this comic, so the situation is rife with opportunity for cartoon Brainy to have a bleed-over effect!
I just don’t think this would really be in the earlier incarnation of Schtroumpf à lunettes’s particular style/approach. I’m welcome to hearing other opinions on this, but yeah. (I think cartoon Brainy is a bit of a Bad Influence in this respect, ehehehe).
And… Well, I think that’s about it? Brainy’s famous 80s cartoon iteration sketched out – and a hint on how it’s even started to make an impression on other media he’s featured in, too!
The situation seems to call for some kind of sweeping summary/statement/conclusion, and there were some things I toyed with discussing, but ultimately, I really don’t know if I could do it all justice, so I’m going to be a touch light on closing off this post.
But this nevertheless certainly closes a huge and far-reaching, impactful chapter in the Brainy Smurf timeline. Next, we’ll take a look at how Brainy’s character/characterisation proceeded after the end of the 80s cartoon show! Thanks so much for reading! ^_^
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prismaticpichu · 3 months
For your ask! Platonic Seph Zack and 39! 😊❤️
Ahhhhh!!! Thank you, Zim!!! 💕💕 You know what my heart wants to write well shhdhhhhdhh!! <333
Let’s do this!! LATE NIGHT FLOOF TIME!!
Prompt: Things you forgot to say
Patrolling the base had been a part of Sephiroth's duties at ShinRa since time immemorial, wherein every night he took a circuit around both the corridors and training grounds of headquarters in search of any wayward behavior or potential suspicious activity. Seldom was the latter ever found; more times than not, it was drunken fights in the barracks that he ended up having to pry apart—followed by dishing out the appropriate punishment for said "wayward behavior" (also known as enforcing locker room duty upon teenagers who would indignantly not even remember why they were given it the next day). Needless to say, the task could grow very tedious very quickly, especially on nights where there really wasn't anything amiss. He would much rather be sitting in his quarters reading a good book as night turned to deeper night than watch inebriated SOLDIERs wrestle on the floor like burly, helmeted chimpanzees.
So... why was it that he kept doing it after all these years?
Why did he not bestow the honor on other personnel?
Why did he not simply stop, when he had every right and the power to do so?
"...Okay, so! Get this: after the guy gives the dragon some delicious fish to eat, he coughs some up and tries to share the meal with his new friend."
Well, because it finally got interesting after a while.
Sephiroth's lips curled into an amused smirk, one ear listening for any abnormalities while one ear (more intently) listened to Zack recount the plot of his latest film fixation, the sound of armor shifting to the beat of their footfalls ringing in metallic harmony throughout the mazy hallways of the building.
"...Heh," Sephiroth chucked quietly as they sailed down one of these hallways. "I do hope this friend knew better than to eat something regurgitated from a beast."
"Oh no! He ate it. Ate it all."
"...You are kidding."
"Nope!" Zack smiled jubilantly. "He gobbled that fish up so the dragon wouldn't feel bad. And then the dragon gave a big, gummy smile!"
"Oh, Gaia..." Sephiroth shook his head, silver bangs dancing with the motion as the smirk held tight to his lips. "Where do you find these outlandish films?"
"Nooo! It was so good! Really!" Zack took a quick survey around the corridor—doors, doors, a vending machine, a water fountain, some guys playing chess, no monsters, no spies—then exuberantly turned back toward his older friend. "It's so wholesome! They learn to bond and trust each other, even after the guy initially shot him down! He makes a prosthetic tail for him everything—and they go flying together!—but then the guy has to fight a dragon for real in front of his clan, and his dragon pal comes to protect him, and then they have a fight a giiiiiinormous beast together, and the dragon flies into a giiiiinormous blaze to save his friend!! All except for one of his legs, so then they're twinsies with artificial limbs!"
They had rounded another corner by the time Zack was done narrating, officially crossing the threshold from the lounge area and over into the much more scarcely occupied hallway that housed the training facilities. Beads of artificial nightlight were the only thing to illuminate their path as they made their way through the gloom, the air all but still barring the continuous ripples of Zack's infectious laughter, echoing softly yet with an indisputable richness off the steel walls.
"You gotta watch it, Seph. For real! You'd love it."
Sephiroth offered him a playful sidelong glance. "I think I'll have to pass on that one."
"Aww, c'mon. You'd really like it!"
"I just don't think it's necessary."
"What's that supposed to mean? Why not?!"
They continued their trek down the corridor, Sephiroth's smirk growing even softer against the mechanical darkness, green eyes gently aglow with calm and contentment. "Because you just narrated the whole thing for me."
".Wha...? So what!" Zack playfully swatted his arm, his own eyes electric with amusement. "That's so stupid! I can't just tell a movie like an actual movie."
"Heh... debatable," Sephiroth smirked, and then added after a thoughtful beat, "You do have quite a knack for storytelling, you know: very vivid imagery; always equipped with interesting things to say; always know how to deliver such things in an entertaining manner. It's quite the skill."
in a matter of seconds, Zack's expression softened tenfold, the sapphires sparkling. "Aww, shucks. You really think so?"
Sephiroth nodded. "Of course. Why else do you think I allow you to ramble on about your nonsense on patrols?"
"Aww!" Zack chuckled, this time playfully poking his friend's wrist. "Listen to that. You're such a marshmallow!"
Almost reflexively, Sephiroth's tried to steel his expression, the faint trace of coral blessedly veiled by his bangs as he turned his head aside. "...I am not." Marshmallows didn't make for very good Generals, he knew that much.
"Sure you are!" Zack chirped, his lieutenant clearly teasing. "You're the biggest marshmallow I know."
...Oh great. Now he was one of those jumbo marshmallows.
Sephiroth crossed his arms, huffing.
Seeing that the warrior wasn't built for such analogies, Zack backed off on that train, his smile instead brightening to that of genuine pride as he crossed his arms behind his neck.
"Well, anyways, I'm glad I can entertain! That's what Zack Fairs do." He then dropped his hands, tossing the sunny smile at his pal. "What about your stories, bud? How about you tell me something."
Sephiroth blinked in surprise, caught-off guard by the question. "Me?"
"Yeah, you!" Zack chirped. "You hardly ever tell me stories! Think of a real good one."
Thoughtfulness eclipsed Sephiroth's eyes as, for a decent swath of time, he was left to ponder over Zack's words. Not digging for a story to spin, no—but instead musing over the first part of his statement, wondering why he never shared his own stories or experiences when Zack always did so willingly. Ludicrous dreams, wild antics with his friends, even hurtful nightmares... Zack shared them all with him, wholeheartedly and without hesitation. Oh, yes, they were very different people (no question), but it wasn't as if Sephiroth didn't have "interesting" stories to share himself. He had countless, from humorous games he'd seen his men play to eccentric dreams to even reoccurring nightmares that plagued him from time to time. So why not share them? Why couldn't he...?—
No, actually... now that he was thinking about it... he had shared some stories before. Two. One was when Zack was sick, having caught a bug that was going around the base, and he had sat on the foot of his bed recounting an old, victorious battle from the war at Zack's request. And yet... that hadn't been much of a soulful story; more of something to help lull his feverish friend to sleep, an old memory he arbitrary picked out like a nameless book on a shelf. There was no catharsis that came with telling that old battle; there was no sense of relief; there was no burden that was lifted from his heart.
That... that had been when he—
His eyes flickering, Sephiroth lifted his gaze, fading back to the present.
And his heart leapt.
"...Bud?" Zack blinked, noticing his friend had stopped in front one of the gym doors. "You alright?"
Sephiroth's eyes traced the cold stretch of metal, its jaws locked.
"The company training room..."
...That was the only other time he confided in Zack. The only true time when his heart had been genuinely aching, so lost and confused amid Genesis and Angeal's attacks... And Zack had been there, a comforting presence, his aura soothing and kind in spite of all the bitterness that had festered between them. He had listened to him vent wholeheartedly, never once interrupting, even asking follow-up questions to allow him to continue sharing what needed to be shared. He had... he had simply been there—an ear, a shoulder, a net. He had been all those things when no one else was there to be them. He had been all those things when Sephiroth had needed them most. He had been there... and he had made him feel, since the last untainted time he'd seen Genesis, as if he wasn't alone.
Did he... Did he even ever...?—
He hadn’t.
Oh, Gaia…
After all this time, too…
What was wrong with—?
"Hey..." Zack's voice had grown delicate, softened with concern and sympathy, reaching out to place a soothing and kind hand on his shoulder. "You thinking about them again, pal...?"
And Sephiroth turned around, turning toward his treasured friend, watching him reaching out to comfort him.
And he watched that hand, watching it reach for his shoulder.
And he blinked.
And he swallowed.
And he beat that hand to it—
—...And he pulled Zack into his arms, pulling him into a fierce and grateful embrace.
“Thank you..." he mumbled into his friend's hair, cloaked in the comforting night, squeezing the First tight against his chest. "I—I apologize I never said it before. That was... my mistake. My own forgetfulness. Forgive me.."
Meanwhile, Zack had grown stiff in his friend’s arms—not out of fear, not out of discomfort, but out of the complete and utter shock that had engfulfed his entire being—his muscles tensing, baffled beyond words that Seph would ever… ever pull him into an embrace without him being the one to initiate it. Whatever had come over his friend had come on fast, abruptly tearing his heart open between its beats, leaving it gaping and bleeding in the desperate call for solace.
Which was exactly why it was only seconds later that he was sinking into his friend’s arms, melting into his coat, the words finally catching up to the gesture and washing over his ears like a warm, unexpected tidal wave.
“Hey, hey…” Zack gripped the back of the leather collar, understanding that Seph was pretty darn emotional right now. “There’s nothing to apologize for.”
Sephiroth shook his head, argent bangs brushing against charcoal. “Don’t be ridiculous. You were there that day. You listened… You listened when no one would. You gave me the space to share. And here I am, all these months later, never once showing you my appreciation for that. Do you have any idea how many times we must have passed that training room on patrol? I… don’t know what is wrong with me. It’s unacceptable. Completely unacceptable. I’m…—“
“—Hey. Bud. Listen to me… okay?” Zack pulled back just a bit, gazing into his friend’s wide and vulnerable and guilty eyes. “You’re my friend. My best friend, Seph. Never do I ever expect thank yous for anything; I do what I do because I love you, and because that’s what buddies do. No other reason.”
Sephiroth swallowed, almost silently. “…No. We weren’t close back then. You deserved to know.”
“I didn’t deserve to know nothing, pal. You were hurting… hurting real bad. I let you vent because that’s what you needed. And—and I never want to speak for you or anything… But you seem a lot better now. So much better than you did all those months ago.” Another smile spread across Zack’s lips, squeezing his friend tighter. “Is that okay to say?”
Another swallow threatened Sephiroth’s throat as he let his gaze drift away, silence dogging, the emerald eyes glossing over in rumination. Was it okay to say…? Of—of course it was. He had never been healthier in his life; his weight had never been better, his skin never a healthier complexion, his eyes never less shadowed. But what did that have to…?—
Small, he turned his attention back to Zack, answering with a question nod. “…It’s an accurate assessment.”
“Good.” Zack’s smile softened, giving him yet another loving squeeze. “Because that’s all I care about, bud. You healing. That’s all I ever want in return.”
“I… I don’t understand…” Sephiroth’s voice was laced with nothing but genuine confusion. “I’m trying to… thank you—“
“I know you are, bud,” Zack returned gently. “And you’re very very very welcome. But I can also tell how guilty you feel right now—that you’re beating yourself up for not thanking me over something from a different universe now. And that makes me sad!”
Sephiroth blinked, slowly. “…It does?”
“‘Course!” Zack nodded vigorously. “I don’t ever want you feeling guilty over anything in our friendship. Because… because you know what? You’re one of the most amazing friends I ever had. And you have been nothing but that since we really started getting close. You don’t have a single thing to apologize for.”
He patted his friend’s back for emphasis, gazing back up at the kind and vulnerable emerald eyes, and the younger First watched with a warm swell in his heart as he saw the guilt seem to dissipate from those Mako irises like stormclouds giving way to the beautiful light of the sun.
And he watched the man slowly smile, a rainbow beyond the haze.
“Thank you, Zack…” Sephiroth said softly, genuinely. “Truly.”
…There is nothing on this planet I did to deserve you.
Sure… he was not going to say it aloud, given all that Zack had just enlightened him with.
But that didn’t mean he wasn’t going to believe it.
Concurrently, Zack was lacing his fingers together, locking his loving grip around the warrior’s collar as he pulled Seph close, took a nice deep breath, and rested against the crook of his neck.
“Aww, pal…” he smiled, clutching even tighter. “I love ya.”
He could practically feel the way Seph’s heart bloomed in his chest, the rhythmic drumbeat pressed against his own, blue eyes falling shut in the shelter of his best friend’s arms as he felt Seph’s tighten around him in turn.
And his own heart just about exploded as he rested his cheek against his hair, murmuring so softly as if to not even be detected by the air between them.
“…I love you too, Zack.”
Zack’s eyes were wet and glistening as they fissured open, his smile sloppy and made of dough.
“I’m so glad we’re buds…” he murmured into his neck, muffled but audible in the space between them. “You have no idea.”
“Heh,” came that classic, amused grunt of Seph’s. “Well… I believe you have Ifrit to thank for that.”
“Ooooh! Yeah!” Zack pulled away in a playful, eager jolt, beaming sunrays at his older friend. “Can you tell me about that story?! Y’know, when you found me being all stupid?”
In an instant, Sephiroth’s smirk resurfaced, gazing down at the vibrant and heartfelt teen with a fondness and affinity that could never even be dared captured by the human tongue. “Did I really never tell you that story before?”
“Nope! And I wanna hear it! C’mon!” And Zack was pulling him along, eagerly resuming their patrol as they made their way through the training area and merged into another corridor, the harmonious laughter ringing like kind ghosts through the sleepy night of the base all again.
“Alright, alright, Fair. Patience. Let me see… Well, to begin, never did I imagine that such a somber night would be the very same I met my most precious friend…”
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Gargantuan black hole jets are biggest seen yet
Astronomers have spotted the biggest pair of black hole jets ever seen, spanning 23 million light-years in total length. That's equivalent to lining up 140 Milky Way galaxies back to back. 
"This pair is not just the size of a solar system, or a Milky Way; we are talking about 140 Milky Way diameters in total," says Martijn Oei, a Caltech postdoctoral scholar and lead author of a new Nature paper reporting the findings. "The Milky Way would be a little dot in these two giant eruptions."
The jet megastructure, nicknamed Porphyrion after a giant in Greek mythology, dates to a time when our universe was 6.3 billion years old, or less than half its present age of 13.8 billion years. These fierce outflows—with a total power output equivalent to trillions of suns—shoot out from above and below a supermassive black hole at the heart of a remote galaxy. 
Prior to Porphyrion's discovery, the largest confirmed jet system was Alcyoneus, also named after a giant in Greek mythology. Alcyoneus, which was discovered in 2022 by the same team that found Porphyrion, spans the equivalent of around 100 Milky Ways. For comparison, the well-known Centaurus A jets, the closest major jet system to Earth, spans 10 Milky Ways.
The latest finding suggests that these giant jet systems may have had a larger influence on the formation of galaxies in the young universe than previously believed. Porphyrion existed during an early epoch when the wispy filaments that connect and feed galaxies, known as the cosmic web, were closer together than they are now. That means enormous jets like Porphyrion reached across a greater portion of the cosmic web compared to jets in the local universe.
"Astronomers believe that galaxies and their central black holes co-evolve, and one key aspect of this is that jets can spread huge amounts of energy that affect the growth of their host galaxies and other galaxies near them,” says co-author George Djorgovski, professor of astronomy and data science at Caltech. "This discovery shows that their effects can extend much farther out than we thought."
Unveiling a Vast Population 
The Porphyrion jet system is the biggest found so far during a sky survey that has revealed a shocking number of the faint megastructures: more than 10,000. This massive population of gargantuan jets was found using Europe's LOFAR (LOw Frequency ARray) radio telescope. 
While hundreds of large jet systems were known before the LOFAR observations, they were thought to be rare and on average smaller in size than the thousands of systems uncovered by the radio telescope.
"Giant jets were known before we started the campaign, but we had no idea that there would turn out to be so many," says Martin Hardcastle, second author of the study and a professor of astrophysics at the University of Hertfordshire in England. "Usually when we get a new observational capability, such as LOFAR's combination of wide field of view and very high sensitivity to extended structures, we find something new, but it was still very exciting to see so many of these objects emerging."
Back in 2018, Oei and his colleagues began using LOFAR to study not black hole jets but the cosmic web of wispy filaments that crisscrosses the space between galaxies. As the team inspected the radio images for the faint filaments, they began to notice several strikingly long jet systems. 
"When we first found the giant jets, we were quite surprised," says Oei, who is also affiliated with Leiden Observatory in the Netherlands. "We had no idea that there were this many."
To systematically search for more hidden jets, the team inspected the radio images by eye, used machine-learning tools to scan the images for signs of the looming jets, and enlisted the help of citizen scientists around the globe to eyeball the images further. A paper describing their most recent batch of giant outflows, containing more than 8,000 jet pairs, has been accepted for publication in the journal Astronomy & Astrophysics. 
Lurking in the Past
To find the galaxy from which Porphyrion originated, the team used the Giant Metrewave Radio Telescope(GMRT) in India along with ancillary data from a project called Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument(DESI), which operates from Kitt Peak National Observatory in Arizona. The observations pinpointed the home of the jets to a hefty galaxy about 10 times more massive than our Milky Way.  
The team then used the W. M. Keck Observatory in Hawai‘i to show that Porphyrion is 7.5 billion light-years from Earth. "Up until now, these giant jet systems appeared to be a phenomenon of the recent universe," Oei says. "If distant jets like these can reach the scale of the cosmic web, then every place in the universe may have been affected by black hole activity at some point in cosmic time," Oei says.
The observations from Keck also revealed that Porphyrion emerged from what is called a radiative-mode active black hole, as opposed to one that is in a jet-mode state. When supermassive black holes become active—in other words, when their immense forces of gravity tug on and heat up surrounding material—they are thought to either emit energy in the form of radiation or jets. Radiative-mode black holes were more common in the young, or distant, universe, while jet-mode ones are more common in the present-day universe. 
The fact that Porphyrion came from a radiative-mode black hole came as a surprise because astronomers did not know this mode could produce such huge and powerful jets. What is more, because Porphyrion lies in the distant universe where radiative-mode black holes abound, the finding implies there may be a lot more colossal jets left to be found.
"We may be looking at the tip of the iceberg," Oei says. "Our LOFAR survey only covered 15 percent of the sky. And most of these giant jets are likely difficult to spot, so we believe there are many more of these behemoths out there."
Ongoing Mysteries
How the jets can extend so far beyond their host galaxies without destabilizing is still unclear. "Martijn's work has shown us that there isn't anything particularly special about the environments of these giant sources that causes them to reach those large sizes," says Hardcastle, who is an expert in the physics of black hole jets. "My interpretation is that we need an unusually long-lived and stable accretion event around the central, supermassive black hole to allow it to be active for so long—about a billion years—and to ensure that the jets keep pointing in the same direction over all of that time. What we're learning from the large number of giants is that this must be a relatively common occurrence."
As a next step, Oei wants to better understand how these megastructures influence their surroundings. The jets spread cosmic rays, heat, heavy atoms, and magnetic fields throughout the space between galaxies. Oei is specifically interested in finding out the extent to which giant jets spread magnetism. "The magnetism on our planet allows life to thrive, so we want to understand how it came to be," he says. "We know magnetism pervades the cosmic web, then makes its way into galaxies and stars, and eventually to planets, but the question is: Where does it start? Have these giant jets spread magnetism through the cosmos?"
The Nature study, "Black hole jets on the scale of the cosmic web," was funded by the Dutch Research Council, the European Research Council, the UK Science and Technology Facilities Council, the UK Research and Innovation Future Leaders Fellowship, and the European Union. Other Caltech authors include graduate student Antonio Rodriguez. Additional authors are Roland Timmerman of Durham University; Reinout J. van Weeren, Huub J.A. Röttgering, and Huib T. Intema of Leiden University (Timmerman is also affiliated with Leiden University); Aivin R.D.J.G.I.B. Gast of the University of Oxford; Andrea Botteon and Francesco de Gasperin of the Institute for Radio Astronomy of Italy's National Institute of Astrophysics; Daniel Stern of the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, which is managed by Caltech for NASA; and Gabriela Calistro Rivera of the European Southern Observatory and the German Aerospace Center.
IMAGE: An artist's illustration of the longest black hole jet system ever observed. Nicknamed Porphyrion after a mythological Greek giant, these jets span roughly 7 megaparsecs, or 23 million light-years. That is equivalent to lining up 140 Milky Way galaxies back-to-back. Porphyrion dates back to a time when our universe was less than half its present age. During this early epoch, the wispy filaments that connect and feed galaxies, known as the cosmic web, were closer together than they are now. Consequently, this colossal jet pair extended across a larger portion of the cosmic web compared to similar jets in our nearby universe. Porphyrion's discovery thus implies that jets in the early universe may have influenced the formation of galaxies to a greater extent than previously believed.  Credit E. Wernquist / D. Nelson (IllustrisTNG Collaboration) / M. Oei
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Trying to think of ones I haven’t already talked about A Lot
Murderbot describes Preservation as "a complicated barter system" because it doesn't really have the words or concepts to parse what it's looking at: primarily a gift economy. An economy with a robust central government that does a lot of distribution of primary resources, and a social logic based more on providing than consuming. Farmers and agriculture techs don't produce food to then trade to other people, they produce food that's then re-distributed to everyone as needed by a central organization, and the farmers and ag-techs are given what they need and want by others who, y'know, eat food and express gratitude for Having Food. People don't trade for health care, doctors provide health care to whoever needs it because that's what they've trained and chosen to do and are given what they need by others for their service in providing health care.
Pin-Lee doesn't tend to have a lot to trade but she is a lawyer who keeps things functioning between Preservation and the Corporates, does the legal work that allows Preservation citizens to safely travel, and helps to maintain the contracts that prevent other more opportunistic planets fromtaking advantage of them. She provides this service to the planet and gets what she needs from other people who provide other services. Gurathin helps to maintain the university's database infrastructure, when he's getting coffee he doesn't need to offer to like, make a database for the coffeeshop, it's just understood that he's providing a service to society and partaking in another service to society. Arada and Ratthi are research biologists and their work is only tangentially productive to The Planet but I'm sure there's a public outreach or education aspect that's expected of a lot of researchers - learning without sharing what you're learning is socially unfair, even if their lectures are mostly only attended by students who are told by their teachers to go watch them. But it's kind of understood that by being an adult in the world, you are doing something that contributes to society and to others in some way, and as such are entitled to having your needs met as well.
It's a reciprocity-based logic of actions rather than commodity exchange, and honestly it works because 1) Preservation's population is relatively small, 2) there is a lot of bureaucratic organization work making sure everyone is getting what they need, the government is SO many committees 3) a whole lot of labor is done by machines (non-sentient robots) and bots (sentient robots). The reliance on bot labor is absolutely gonna be something Preservation has to think more about.
Citizens also every once in a while on rotation get called for a kind of labor tax akin to the way jury duty works, where every couple of months you have to put in a day working in the central town food court washing dishes or something. There are also Perks offered for jobs that might be a harder sell for people to do, like premium station housing.
Straight-up money that comes into the station from outsystem trade and travel mostly gets re-invested in supporting Preservation travelers off-planet into societies that do use money (like PresAux's ASR survey), or buying materials or machines that are hard to make locally (like ag-bots, or some spaceship or station parts for repairs).
However where barter comes in is on a more interpersonal one-on-one level, more similar to commissions. You grow a lot of carrots while my grapefruit tree is producing a lot more fruit than I could possibly eat, want to trade? You make ceramics as your primary Work, I'll trade you something if you make me something specific I have in mind. Can you help me fix my roof? I'll get you some good wood when the lumber trees are mature next year. Developing skills for these kind of interpersonal more-specialized trades is a significant motivation, too. And different skills and jobs inevitably attract more status and impressiveness than others. But it's not barter exactly so much as reciprocity, a strong culture of civic duty, and a highly organized government.
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