#Major the disaster dog
delicatefury · 8 months
Well. It finally happened. The moment I’d been dreading since I fully realized what taking 2 male dogs on a walk meant.
The younger dog peed on his brother.
Our morning walk had to be halted midway through so we could go home and I could give Major a quick bath in freezing weather because I was not risking him shaking off dog pee in my house.
Oddly enough, that was the best bath time behavior I’ve ever gotten from either one of the knuckleheads.
The knuckleheads in question:
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(Pardon the mess. My sister is still moving her stuff out of my house.)
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kyonite · 4 months
Just finished Caliban's War (the second book in the expanse series) and this book made me hate James Holden like nothing else I've ever felt. I need that Montana farm fed fuck to no longer be the solar systems most special boy. I need his girlfriend to leave him and go hook up with the hot lesbian mechanic. I need that man DEAD in the fuckin ground fr.
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all-pacas · 2 years
I finished my Rome book and have now begun one about Pompeii. I’m 65 pages in and I already love it: yes, it covers the volcano, but most of the book is about “this is what the town and daily life of it would have been like, actually.” Fascinating stuff. Things I’ve learned so far:
- The streets in Pompeii have sidewalks sometimes a meter higher than the road, with stepping stones to hop across as “crosswalks.” I’d seen some photos before. The book points out that, duh, Pompeii had no underground drainage, was built on a fairly steep incline, and the roads were more or less drainage systems and water channels in the rain.
- Unlike today, where “dining out” is expensive and considered wasteful on a budget, most people in Pompeii straight up didn’t have kitchens. You had to eat out if you were poor; only the wealthy could afford to eat at home.
- Most importantly, and I can’t believe in all the pop culture of Pompeii this had never clicked for me: Pompeii had a population between 6-35,000 people. Perhaps 2,000 died in the volcano. Contemporary sources talk about the bay being full of fleeing ships. Most people got the hell out when the eruption started. The number who died are still a lot, and it’s still gruesome and morbid, but it’s not “an entire town and everyone in it.” This also makes it difficult for archeologists, apparently (and logically): those who remained weren’t acting “normally,” they were sheltering or fleeing a volcano. One famous example is a wealthy woman covered in jewelry found in the bedroom in the glaridator barracks. Scandal! She must have been having an affair and had it immortalized in ash! The book points out that 17 other people and several dogs were also crowded in that one small room: far more likely, they were all trying to shelter together. Another example: Houses are weirdly devoid of furniture, and archeologists find objects in odd places. (Gardening supplies in a formal dining room, for example.) But then you remember that there were several hours of people evacuating, packing their belongings, loading up carts and getting out… maybe the gardening supplies were brought to the dining room to be packed and abandoned, instead of some deeper esoteric meaning. The book argues that this all makes it much harder to get an accurate read on normal life in a Roman town, because while Pompeii is a brilliant snapshot, it’s actually a snapshot of a town undergoing major evacuation and disaster, not an average day.
- Oh, another great one. Outside of a random laundry place in Pompeii, someone painted a mural with two scenes. One of them referenced Virgil’s Aeneid. Underneath that scene, someone graffiti’d a reference to a famous line from that play, except tweaked it to be about laundry. This is really cool, the book points out, because it implies that a) literacy and education was high enough that one could paint a reference and have it recognized, and b) that someone else could recognize it and make a dumb play on words about it and c) the whole thing, again, means that there’s a certain amount of literacy and familiarity with “Roman pop culture” even among fairly normal people at the time.
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1pepsiboy · 5 months
Falling Asleep on the Vlog - Matt Sturniolo Fluff (request)
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Matt Sturniolo x reader!
Word count: 842
POV: Third (y/n)
Warnings: nothing except caring boyfriend Matt
Chris and Nick are ahead of you and Matt as you all piled into the house. Nick held the camera as they continued to record. The four of you went to get the new baja blast flavor from Taco Bell. Mostly for Chris since it was his idea after he saw an ad for it. Of course, there was also a party box of tacos that came home too. 
It was a long day at work for you. There were so many (rude) customers that you dealt with, and you helped with unloading the inventory that arrived. You only agreed to leave the house because Matt had to drive and you didn’t want to be alone. Being in the vlog?… That you were even less thrilled about since you looked like an absolute disaster. And your mood was not particularly cheerful. 
But coming over to the house always played the game of are they recording now or no? Matt was usually pretty good about giving you a heads up. He forgot to do it this time, but you couldn’t put all the blame on him. It was just part of the deal with dating him and being around their work. 
You reach the top of the stairs and Matt carefully starts to lead you toward the kitchen. You let go of Matt and your lightly laced fingers. Immediately, he turns around with puppy dog eyes. The scruff he had actually somehow made it cuter and more heartbreaking. 
“Where are you going?” His voice was so soft and only loud enough for you to hear. 
“No where, just want to chill on the couch till you're done.” You shoot him a small smile. 
This only makes slight concern cross his face and he steps in closer to you. “Is everything okay?”
You kiss him on the cheek. “Yeah, work was a lot today and I’m just tired.” 
“What happened? Your manager didn’t shit on you again, did they?”
Up to this point, you had been putting up a smoke screen, holding it together for your boyfriend and his brothers so they could get content. Without warning for either of you, tears welled up and slipped down your cheeks. 
“I do s-so much… I put up with a lot from customers… no one asks i-if I’m okay.”
Matt engulfed you in a tight bear hug and stroked your hair. He whispered into your ear, “Sssh, babe. I am and always will.”
After what felt like minutes of Matt soothing you, rather than leaving you by yourself he talks to Nick and Chris over his shoulder. You tried not to listen too closely. You only focused on the peaceful rhythm of his heartbeat in his chest.
He let go of his warm hug and you couldn’t help whimpering. “Babe…”
“I’m sorry, I just gotta do this one part. I’ll be over right after, promise.” He kissed your temple and gestured to the couch. 
Reluctantly, you slipped into the background on the couch. It felt like they were talking about the new drink and whatever else for hours. Matt was constantly checking in on you, and it would be obvious to the fans that something was off. Hopefully Nick could magically edit out a majority of the off screen glances. 
The slight breakdown and lull of scrolling through your phone made your eyelids heavy. You managed to pull the closest blanket over you to curl up in. A little while after closing your eyes, you felt arms pick you up and then both of you lowered onto the couch again. 
“What?” you groaned, a light yawn escaping. “What’s going on?”
Matt giggled. “You fell asleep, babe.”
Your head fell on his shoulder as Matt’s arms wrapped around your body acting like a shield. Matt kissed the top of your forehead then he rested his head on top of yours. Your eyes immediately tug close again, it was hard to fight off the prickling sleep. 
“You guys are disgustingly cute,” Nick commented. 
Chris aimed the camera at the two of you. “Goodnight campers!”
“Ew.” Nick scrunched his nose. “No, that was reserved for the podcast only. Don’t do that.”
“Well, now that’s over, we should start using it in the vlogs,” Chris bartered. 
Nick shook his head. “Absolutely not.”
“What? Why not? Come on! They love it!”
Matt flipped them off. “Ssh! End the vlog over there. Please?”
Chris jutted out his bottom lip. “Aww, Nick, he said pwease.”
Nick rolled his eyes, but then babied, “Aren’t you such a good boyfriend, Matty? Cuddling with (y/n) and defending her from us.” He reached over to ruffle his hair. 
Matt swatted his hand away with one hand, attempting to not disturb you. “Yeah? This is why I’m the only one not single.” 
“Oh, I’m single by choice,” Nick threw back quickly. 
“Me too,” Chris agreed. 
Matt rolled his eyes. “Whatever you say.” 
You couldn’t help the smile that spread on your lips and you snuggled more into Matt, fueling more of the fire between them. 
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thatsleepymermaid · 1 year
So, Andre Dickens has lied about the total cost of cop city to the citizens of Atlanta.
Instead of the 30 million originally planned,
Cop City will instead cost tax payers 67 million!
That's more than twice as much as promised!
The majority of Atleans oppose cop city being built so that's tax payer money going to a unsupported cause without any vote.
If you are in Atlanta please attend the second public comment on June 5th. If not from Atlanta make sure this problem is heard about all across the world. With all the misogynic, transphobic, homophobic, and racist laws being pass right now, I fear that this facility will be used to further the fascism present in the U.S.
Not to mention the ecological disaster this will cause
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These pictures were taken by drone only three months from each other. The sediment and runoff from this alone far exceeds the national limit and it will only get worse with the chemical runoff from the explosives that will be used.
I know the world's sort of gone to the dogs lately but please please please don't let this go out of the public eye. If the police force can't train then the police force can't enforce these laws. I have a list of petitions and funds pined on my blog as well as phone numbers to blast if you want something more direct.
Stop Cop City!!!
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octopiys · 16 days
Lost and Found
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You learned the names of all of the animals relatively quickly. Except for the littlest dog. He didn't behave, so he didn't get a name.
Simon calls you Honey. That's.... not really your name, but there's worse to be called, you guess. You know it, too.
Maybe you're like the dog. Maybe you needed to behave, and you'll get your name too.
But... did you really want it? Simon had been welcoming for the most part. You didn't want this fantasy to end so quickly. You didn't want the cold reality to set in. You didn't want to be turned out again. The ache in your legs and hips reminded you of that.
No, you think to yourself, suddenly determined. No, you will not be turned out again.
Your room is empty. You're not actually sure if it's your room, but a spare. There's two dog beds and a cat tower in here. There's an empty glass tank, that was either used to house a reptile, or fish. But it was long dry, and long empty. It wasn't big, but it was something. It was yours, for now.
And Scraggle too. That cat was obsessed with anything that had to do with you. It would knead into your pillow, or lodge itself inside the layers of the few blankets Simon had given you. Anything that is yours is Scraggle's. That seemed to be the rule fir the majority of the house.
You didn't want to be turned out.
So you made yourself busy.
You tidy the house. Feed the fish pond, fill all the bowls. Shower Barrow when she gets too dirty from the garden beds, and water the grass. You cook.
You forgot how much you loved pasta.
Garlic noodles, spaghetti, fettuccine, lasagna, you missed it terribly. So you cook, in your spare time. You're too anxious when you don't have anything to do with your hands. You find that handmaking the dough is soothing.
The first few weeks were a bit of a disaster. You used what you could find in the kitchen, and substituted for what you didn't have. Simon was in the shower, it had been a long day. You didn't want to bother him, but you didn't want to go into town. So you would make do with what you had. You were good at that.
Scraggle sits on the counter, yowling their nose off, and you puff some flour onto their face to keep them occupied. You roll the dough out. It's not as smooth as you want it to be, and a little flakier in some spots. But you still made it. When you turn to grab the pizza cutter, Scrabble stomps their paws into the dough.
Oh well. Cat-print pasta.
It tastes a little off to you, paired with a last minute salad, but you don't think Simon minds. He grunts when you ask him if it was okay.
He's not a conversationalist.
Dog waits for his food. You meet the raccoons that night, standing in the distance, before hopping up the trellis to the rooftop. Oh well. You fill the bowls. You fill the water. You enter back in the house, and it's dark. Simon must've gone to bed. You forgot to feed the fish.
Dammit. You snag a cup full of fish food from the shed, and make your way out through the tall grasses to the fish pond with the willow.
During the day, the willow casts a green light over the pond, and part of the meadow. It's beautiful. If you could get your hands on some books, it would be a nice reading spot.
You scatter the food across the pond. Humming to yourself softly, you start to make your way back to the cottage, it's lights out.
Gooseflesh prickles the back of your neck as you pause. The innate feeling of something watching you fills you from head to toe. A twig snaps. The grass rustles.
You run.
Your hip joints ache, as adrenaline crashes over you. You think something is chasing you. You slam open the door, and with shaking hands you lock it, and bolt directly into your bedroom.
You close that door too– interrupted by a yowl, sorry Scraggle, didn't see you– and dive into your closet. He's going to get you. He's found you, he's going to get you-
Then Simon is in your room. He's wet, like he had just gotten out of the shower, and he looks worried– at least, you think he is. You didn't see him show much emotion, like a mask had been placed over his face, despite it being bare.
He asks you what's wrong. You barely hear him, the thunder in your ears and the pounding in your chest too much. He sits down with you. Gets eye level, but doesn't look you in them, like he would a spooked horse. You can't tell him. Your mouth won't work. You'll be turned out to the streets again.
He sits with you until you calm down. He doesn't expect an answer, but if he does, then he doesn't press for one.
Dog curls up next to you, and Scraggle tries to settle near your shoulders, from where you barricaded yourself in.
There's a soft look in Simon's eyes, flickering for a moment. And then he leaves.
You didn't expect him to stay, but that doesn't mean it didn't hurt. The pasta tastes sour in your stomach. Your mouth is dry. You should've told him. You could've told him, but you didn't. You should trust him, he gave you a place to live, food to eat. You should tell him what he's getting into. That you're a stray. A mutt. Someone who can't deserve this, that it's too much.
You fall asleep to these thoughts, Dog curled up next to you, and Scraggle on your tummy. The unnamed K-9 joins you at some point in the night, and Barrow ends up by the door.
There's a glass of water, and a note when you awake. There's a blanket over you too, that wasn't there before.
Brought this to you last night, but you were out cold. Wipe your eyes, Honey, you'll be just fine. I'll be gone til tonight. Make me a list, gonna head to the grocers tomorrow. We'll make spaghetti, yeah? -S
Signed, S. For Simon, you had assumed. You gently move Scraggle, who mewls in protest. Spaghetti. Yeah, you can do that. You drink some of the water, and make yourself some coffee this morning, as a treat. Barkmulch, the Dane, joins you in the kitchen this morning, leaning against you until you reach down to scratch his butt. He whines a little bit, and leans harder, practically pressing you against the counter with all his body weight. Since you've gotten here, you were pretty sure he could reach the top of the fridge if he wanted to, but didn't for your sake. You appreciate that.
You scratch his head, and then pick Scraggle up off the counter to carry them to your spot on the edge of the couch. You set Scraggle down, and it tries to burrow into the couch. It screams at you when you pull the poor thing out, scolding it for being foolish. This is why Simon sits on you, do you not learn?
You start on the bookshelf, pushing off your thoughts, and humming to yourself. You fix up the books. You find a few trinkets on the shelves, photos, and jars of dirt, or sand. There are locations on them, but you're not sure where they're from. You straighten up the shelves, before a photo catches your eye. There are four men, and a dog. You don't recognize any of them. You do a tally of your critters in your head. This is a german shepherd, and you don't have one of those here.
There was a man in a mask, another in a fishing hat, one in a baseball cap, and the fourth with an almost greasy mohawk. The man in the mask was... intimidating. You weren't a fan of masks. Was that a skull-?
Scraggle screams, and you almost drop the picture in surprise. You quickly set it back down, and continue fixing the rest of the shelf, somewhat hurried.
When Simon gets home, he comes to find you first. He's got some clothes for you to wear, things actually your size and comfort. Nothing too fancy, mostly basic colors, kind of loose, but still good enough to work in.
He asks you about the list. You hand it to him, sheepishly, heat rising to your face as your eyes dart away. You hate asking for things.
You see him glance over this list, brow furrowing as he reads it.
You dart off. You need something to do.
"Honey," he calls, presumably in the same spot where you left him. Scraggle yells down the hall. "This all you need?"
You peep out a yep, face still burning as you bury yourself into putting your new clothes away.
The floorboards creak, and you assume it's Barkmulch coming to investigate. Instead, Simon joins you in the doorway, still holding your list of three items.
"Honey." He grunts, trying to get your attention. You fold immediately, and look over your shoulder at him. "You can... you can ask fer more 'n this, y'know."
He knows that look. The harrow worry, the gaunt in one's cheeks. The urgency to do something, even now, your fingers twisting together. He's worn it for years. But he doesn't need to anymore. He's getting better. He doesn't need to worry about that kind of stuff.
"Honey," he calls your attention back from wherever it was drifting. He hands you back your list. "We'll work out a few more things t' put on there, yeah? I'll help you. I want at least ten things on here." He speaks calmly, gentle, like he's trying to coax a mule out of its pen.
You look at the list, then back to him. You weren't even sure of ten things you could make. He senses your trepidation, and reaches out for you hand. You don't have to take it, his eyes say. But his momma raised him right to offer. You take his hand.
By the end of the night, you're sitting next to Simon on the couch. You don't ask him about the pictures.
You end up falling asleep as Scraggle pulls away on your chest.
Your head falls onto Simon's shoulder and he startles, glancing down at you. You were warm and cozy and safe, and all his. It took a little while today, but he made sure any of your trails went cold. You handed a wolf in the woods your name. Don't worry, he can teach you that lesson later . But for now, he rests a gentle hand on your head. He gets a little warm in the face the further the thinks about it. The paper is plucked out of your sleeping hands.
His chest swells when he sees that you wrote down not ten, but twelve whole things.
>>Heading to the supermarket tomorrow.
>>I need to know that.... why, LT?
>>The missus wants to make pasta.
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.⋆。Make Him Better Looking。⋆.
Sam Winchester x plus size reader
Truth serum plus hidden feelings and a major amount of lust for your best friend is bound to end well
Warnings: truth serum, reader is hornee, implied smut, size kink, Sam is taller than the reader, explicit thoughts, mutual pining, mentions of a hunt
WC: 1.1k
Minors DNI
Library- @hannibals-favourite-meal-library
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Falling in love with Sam had been easy- not only was he stupidly handsome with those big hazel puppy dog eyes and a killer body, but he was kind and he was smart. He loved with his whole soul and would do anything for anyone, even after all the shit he had been through. 
What hadn’t been easy, however, was just how horny you got every time you even thought of the giant hunter let alone be around him. If he was tracing lines in a book to keep his place, you thought about what his fingers would feel like inside of you. If he was working out, you wondered if he would make those same noises in bed. And worst of all was when he was talking animatedly about something, his entire body came alive with passion and excitement. His eyes sparkled and his smile was always huge. And yet all you could think about was having his face between your thick thighs, talking into your cunt as he feasted. 
Needless to say, you had absolutely destroyed your scant collection of toys and taken more cold showers than warm. Eventually, you had to reach your breaking point.
It had been a witch hunt in Arkansas that went slightly wrong. People all around town were suddenly compelled to tell everyone around them their darkest secrets, ruining their lives in the process. It was a pretty simple cut and dry witch who had some vendetta against liars so she was forcing everyone to tell the truth. You and Jody picked up the hunt as some kind of demented girl’s trip and it mostly went off without a hitch. At least until the witch got you with a truth spell right before the sheriff dropped her.
You had arrived back home with your mouth practically sewn shut in an attempt to keep yourself from telling the boys your innermost thoughts until the spell wore off (which Jody assured you that it would be a couple days at most). Claire and Alex already had their fun asking you questions that you could no longer lie in response to, leading to them learning why there’s a bottle of deluded bleach and air freshener in the back of the Impala and the ‘no tequila after midnight’ rule. 
Dean quickly discovered your ailment after you bluntly told him that his new orange flannel and grown out hair made him look like an oversized carrot, and he was determined to break you. But unfortunately for him, you were a hell of a lot smarter than him and could find ways to easily distract him.
You and Dean sat across from each other at the library table, eyes locked to each other as you both desperately tried not to blink. A game born out of desperation not to reveal your darkest secrets and childish rivalry but with a month’s worth of laundry on the line, the game was a matter of life or death. Your eyes burned as you struggled to keep them open but you refused to back down now, especially when Dean’s face had begun to turn red with the strain, you knew he was close to breaking.
Then, disaster struck. Right as his eyelids began to twitch with the need to blink, Sam walked into the library wearing a tight white shirt and grey sweatpants and obviously not wearing briefs. Immediately your mouth went dry as your concentration was broken. You didn’t even hear Dean cheer that he won, you just kept looking at his  brother who was now browsing the many shelves for something to read.
Dean rubbed at his eyes while glancing at his younger brother before sarcastically remarking. “Looking good Sammy.” Sam responded with a scoff, returning to his search and letting you get a glimpse of his perky backside.
The words tumbled from your lips before you could stop them, spilling out of your dirty mind like an unstoppable river. “Goddamn, how about you bring that perfect ass over here and I’ll tell you how I can make you look even better.” Everyone froze, including you, and then you opened your mouth again. “You’d look hotter with me sitting on your face.”
Silence settled over the bunker, your veins filled with dread. “Oh god please ignore that I said that- well actually, I don’t want you to ignore it. I really do want to sit on your face but right now I really want to throw myself off a cliff. So I think I’m gonna go do that. Have a nice life boys.” You went to slip from your chair but suddenly your wide hips were pinned to the edge of the table but two huge hands.
Sam loomed over you, his eyes dark with lust as he smirked down at you. “Now why would you go and do that when we could test your little theory.” Your breath caught in your throat. He dipped down, bringing his face to yours until you were close enough to feel his breath on your lips. 
“I-“ You stammered. Wetness pooled between your thighs as he stepped even closer, pressing his hardening cock to your soft body. 
“Oh what is it baby? Can’t speak anymore? Don’t worry, you won’t be able to stop making sounds when my mouth is on your cunt.” He growled into your ear.
Neither you nor Sam noticed when Dean sprung to his feet and ran off into the depths of the bunker to escape the very obvious tension on the brink of exploding between you. Your fingers tentatively curled into his shirt, making his smile grow. “That’s a good girl, now how about you go to my room and get undressed. I wanna see if you get even more beautiful when you’re on top of me.” 
Sam had always found you incredibly intoxicating but even more so now. You were dead asleep on his chest, your breaths even as you slumbered on. Sam took pride in your exhaustion considering he was the cause. He gently stroked the soft skin of your hip, tracing over the texture of your stretch marks delicately as to not wake you. 
You sighed in your sleep, nuzzling closer to his bare chest. He kissed the top of your head and with a great amount of care, slipped from your hold. You stirred only for a moment before settling once more. He dressed quietly and slipped out of his room.
The smell of freshly brewed coffee wafted from the kitchen drawing him in like a siren. “Morning.” He muttered as he wandered in, shooting his brother a glance. Dean nodded at him from his place at the small table, drinking his coffee silently.
As Sam poured two mugs of the bitter drink, he spoke again. “She was right, you know.” Dean hummed and looked up at him curiously. “I do look better when she sits on my face.”
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lem0nademouth · 2 years
things heartstopper does brilliantly because i refuse to let some of you monsters ruin it for everyone
1. models healthy consent practices!! oh my goodness!! asking to kiss, double checking that consent is enthusiastic, being honest about moments that lacked consent (see: b*n h*pe and imogen asking out nick). later in the books we get even more amazing examples of consent being an ongoing conversation!!
2. the teenagers act their age!! they’re awkward, they’re confused, they’re unsure of themselves, they are PLAYED BY YOUNG ACTORS!!! it’s realistic and beautiful and doesn’t set unreasonable expectations for viewers like almost every other show about high schoolers
3. SUPPORTIVE PARENTS!!! all of the parents we have met so far have been loving, supportive, compassionate, and patient. it’s so nice to have multiple queer and trans characters who are embraced by their parents and their friend’s parents from the beginning. and tao’s mom is an icon.
4. safe people and places!! the characters have trusted adults like mr. ajayi and mrs. singh and safe places like the art room that they can go to when things are rough. it models healthy support network building and healthy coping skills!!!
5. all the ways you can come out and be out!! it tells a beautiful “coming out isn’t always easy and it’s never the end of the journey” story without making coming out seem like a disaster waiting to happen. yes, charlie was outed - and people still jumped to his aid even before nick came around. no one pressures nick to come out (a major story arc some of y’all clearly didnt pay attention to) and they tell him it’s fine if he doesn’t know what to label his sexuality if he even wants to label it at all. 
6. LETTING. BOYS. CRY. oh my god it’s so refreshing to see a show where boys get to cry instead of punching walls. and not once does someone tell them crying makes them less masculine. no one tells anyone to stop crying. they’re allowed to be emotional and it’s wonderful.
7. affection. i adore the way this show portrays all the small ways you can say “i love you”: a homemade picture frame, buying your apple juice every day, waiting until you’re ready, taking you to the beach, bringing over cookies for movie night, bringing their dog to the date to cheer you up, running over in the rain, punching someone in the face for you. 
feel free to add more!!! i just want to highlight the best parts of this show + graphic novel series because it really is a masterpiece. i hope kit (and the rest of the cast and crew) knows that he’s doing a good job - a great job - and that no one else’s shitty behavior can change that. 
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sansaorgana · 7 months
omg I literally came across your work today and it was so awesome!!!! I was wondering if you’d be comfortable writing a more dominant buck cleven with his young wife and then another one which is buck cleven meeting a young girl and their love story with the the war timeline super cute fluff.
Of course it us up to you if you want to do it. But i just wanted to say how mych i love your work and i look forward to seeing more!! ❤️😊❤️😊❤️😊
hey, love! 💐 so, I googled Buck's age and apparently he was quite young during the war. because of Austin, I thought that he was like in his 30s. but apparently he was born in 1918, so he was only like 25 in 1943. and I'm not very comfy with writing readers who are "barely legal" in age gap relationships, so I didn't focus much on reader's age here. I mean, even if she's his age, then she's still a young girl 😂
this fic takes place after the war and they are married. Buck works at some military base idk it's not really mentioned nor important lol. he's rougher here than in the previous one but not very rough either because I think he's overall a softie for his girl 🤭 Buck and reader are in a traditional marriage 🥧
when it comes to the second idea with the war timeline, it's like a multichapter fic idea and I am not in the right headspace to write something so long at the moment. I am sorry, boo 🥺
my inbox is open for blurb/short fic requests for major cleven 🤗
🔞 THIS FIC IS 18+ 🔞
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Being married to Buck Cleven was a dream come true and you just wanted to make everything right. You would wake up an hour before him to put your make up on, get dressed in a cute dress and an apron, to take out the curlers out of your hair. And to prepare him a warm breakfast that would be ready when he is awake. You were helping Buck to get ready for work and then you would go grocery shopping. Then you would clean the house and cook dinner. In the meantime the dog your husband had brought from the war – Meatball – required some of your attention as well. He had to be fed and wanted to go out on a long walk once a day. He was a Husky so running around the garden was not enough for him.
It wasn't as easy to be a housewife as some women pictured it. It wasn't as peaceful and calm and relaxing. But it was worth everything. Your husband's smile and kisses on the cheek. You just wanted to make him happy. It was like you were infected with the affection because making him happy was everything that mattered. You never wanted him to complain or start looking for fun outside the house. You wanted to be his everything as much as he was yours.
And today you decided to bake him a pie. It was Friday and he had a long and stressful week. You wanted to make him a sweet and sour cherry pie to show him how much you loved and appreciated him. But everything seemed to go wrong with it. You were slow on that day and your first try was a disaster. You had to throw it away and start all over again, angry at yourself. Your cheeks and nose were stained with flour and your hands were red from the cherries' juice. You were so frustrated, you didn't notice what time it had already been.
You were so focused on kneading the dough that you didn't hear the sound of the car parking outside. Perhaps you did but you thought it was the neighbor. There was no reason why your husband would be home so early, right?
It wasn't early at all, though. It was exactly the same time when Buck would come back home every day. And he was surprised not to see you standing behind the window and waiting for him with a soft smile. It made him worry a little.
And then he walked inside the house and didn't see you in the corridor to take his jacket and give him a kiss. That was more than unusual indeed. He looked around and sighed before taking the jacket off on his own and hanging it on the wall. It didn't feel the same without your soft fingers helping him and your sweet lips asking him about his day. He missed your eyes sparkling at the sight of him, your loving smile, your lovely scent. Your warm lips on his cheek, staining it slightly with a cherry red lipstick. God, he was crazy about you.
"Baby?" he asked in a soft voice. The very first place he checked was the kitchen and there you were, working passionately on something on the counter in front of you. He was facing your back so he had no idea what it could be. "Baby?" he asked once again and you jumped a little at the sound.
Your heart pounded in your chest. You got scared by your husband's voice but you also were scared that he was back so soon. You took a quick glance at the clock on the wall and swallowed thickly. Yes, it made perfect sense that he was home already. And you didn't have the pie ready yet.
Hell, you didn't even have the dinner ready at all!
"Oh, Buck!" you sobbed and turned around. He furrowed his brows at that sudden outburst and your face stained with flour. Then he noticed your red hands.
"Is everything alright, sweetheart?" he hurried to your side and grabbed your wrists. "What's going on? Is that blood?"
"Hm? What? No, no," you sniffed. "It's cherries," you explained and he sighed with relief. "I wanted to make you a cherry pie. But I'm slow today and I ruined the first one. I wanted to make it again, I lost the track of time… I didn't prepare dinner either… Oh goodness, I am the worst wife ever. You must regret marrying me. I'm so sorry," you sobbed again and looked down, avoiding his gaze.
Buck was left speechless at this little scene. He had no idea you felt this way.
"What are you talking about, doll?" he asked carefully and tried to wipe the flour away from your cheeks but he only smudged it in the process. You looked adorable like that to him, though. He only wished you didn't cry. It was making him feel physical pain deep in his chest to see you sad like this. You were his girl and his job was to make you happy. "You're the best wife I could ever wish for. Every day I ask myself how the hell did I get so lucky."
"R-really?" you bit on your lower lip and looked up at him with wet eyes. "I'm a mess."
"We all make a mess sometimes," Buck shushed you and leaned in to place a soft kiss upon your lips. "And no one makes a prettier mess than you do, darling," he added with a smirk.
In one swift motion he lifted you up and turned around to sit you up on the empty counter. You were surprised that he rewarded your failure with a kiss but you couldn't complain. You crossed your legs behind him and put your fingers in his golden hair. You let out a sweet moan into his mouth and felt your cheeks heating up.
"I'm sorry," you whispered, ashamed of yourself. You didn't want your husband to think you were dirty or easy like any harlot.
"Oh God, what are you sorry for?" Buck seemed to be excited, though. He leaned in even closer and placed another kiss upon your lips, more heated this time. His hair was a mess now from all your tugging, his locks were falling on his forehead and tickling your face. "You have absolutely no idea how crazy you make me, baby," he whispered between one passionte kiss and another.
His big hands dropped from your waist to tug on the hems of your dress and apron. He lifted them up as much as he could as his fingers started to roam all over your stockings and the naked skin of your thighs where the straps of your stockings were. You wanted him to touch you between your legs so badly but you didn't want to say it out loud.
"You have to ask for it, baby," he teased, knowing your desires perfectly well, and you could feel your cheeks burning from embarrassment. "Be a good girl and ask for it, come on," he encouraged you.
"P-please…" you breathed out but he wasn't satisfied.
"Please? You're asking for something. Tell me what it is," he mocked you as his fingertips circled upon the hot, naked skin of your inner thigh.
"I want you to touch me."
"I am touching you, darling," he smirked and you bit on your lower lip. Why did he want you to say this out loud? Wives shouldn't say such things.
"I want you to touch me between my legs," you whispered, almost inaudibly.
"Louder," Buck commanded. He gave you a very intense and serious look that scared you a little but it also motivated you to obey him.
"Touch me between my legs. I need you there," you dared to say out loud.
"Wasn't that difficult, was it, sweet baby?" he cooed to you and you gasped at the feeling of his fingers on your wet panties. He laughed softly. "So wet already?"
"I'm sorry."
"Stop saying you're sorry. What are you sorry for?" he grabbed your cheeks with his free hand and made you look into his eyes. "The only thing you should be sorry about is how crazy you drive me."
You nodded, unsurely, and when he saw that you no longer fight him about it, he stopped squeezing your cheeks and put his long fingers inside your mouth instead. You were surprised at that but you quickly understood what he expected from you. You started to suck on them while staring intensly and lustfully into his bright blue eyes.
"God, you're a sight," he moaned and his fingers got inside your panties to rub on your heated center. Feeling his rough fingertips on your clit made a shiver run down your spine as you jumped a little on the counter. He chuckled and took his hand away. "Taste it," he removed his fingers from your mouth and placed his other hand in front of your mouth. You winced a little at the sight of how wet his fingers were, coated with your juices. "I want you to taste how sweet you are," he insisted and you opened your mouth unsurely. But the moment he put his fingers inside, you started to suck them clean. You wanted to obey your husband.
Buck's free hand focused on tearing your panties and leaving them in shreds on the floor. He had never done that before but you very much enjoyed how hungry he seemed to be for you.
"And?" he asked teasingly after removing his fingers from your mouth and wiping the drool from the corners of your mouth.
"Sweet," you agreed with him because he wouldn't accept any other answer anyway.
"Damn you are," he nodded before grabbing your hips again and pulling you closer to get better access to you. Your center was pressed to his crotch and you could feel that his trousers seemed to be too tight.
You let your hands wander to his belt to undo it while kissing him as your foreheads were pressed to each other's. The kisses were sloppy and nearly desperate as if you needed him more than air to breathe.
"Let me," Buck moved your hands away to work on his belt and you grabbed his arms instead to keep yourself steady and hold him close. Not long after you felt him between your legs, rubbing the tip on your wet and swollen clit. "Baby?" he asked to make sure.
"Go on," you nodded and dug your nails into the sleeves of his shirt at the feeling of him sliding inside. It made your eyes roll to the back of your head.
"You're such a doll," he whispered before hiding his face in the crook of your neck to suck on your sensitive skin and make you moan. Usually you tried to be quiet but it seemed like he wanted to hear you because every time you tried to keep it on the low, he would suck and tease more with his tongue, making it impossible to stay quiet. Your sounds were like a symphony to him and he wanted you to finally realize that.
"Oh, Buck," you sighed as his hips started to thrust faster. You felt him so deep that your eyes filled with tears. It was a sweet mixture of pleasure and pain that you never wanted to stop. However, your body twitched slightly as if it tried to get away from the intense, overwhelming feeling.
"Stay still when I'm trying to put a baby in you, will ya?" Buck growled into your neck and it made you feel dizzy. Your fingers dug even deeper as your back arched to feel him at a different angle. It soon became too much to handle and you felt the knot forming in your stomach. Having Buck's baby would only make you happier and even more fulfilled as his wife. It would be a dream come true to carry his son or daughter and let everyone know you were his wife. You wanted it more than anything else.
You came with a loud moan while tugging on Buck's hair. You squeezed him so tight that he came shortly after. His hips thrusted chaotically and you felt him biting your neck to muffle his own moan as your womb filled with his warm seed. You loved that feeling. It was making you feel like you were his more than anything else.
Now when the heated moment was over, you felt a bit awkward with what had just happened. You were the first one to move away carefully and fixed your hair. Buck watched you while breathing heavily with his hair ruffled and forehead covered with sweat. He put his trousers back on and worked on his belt as you tried to jump off the counter but you almost fell down in the process because your legs shaked so much. Buck caught you swiftly.
"Be careful, baby," he pulled you close to hug you and placed a kiss on your forehead.
"I need to make dinner," you explained.
"No, you don't," he shook his head. "Get dressed and we'll go to town."
"Really? I don't have to cook?" you asked, surprised.
"No. And, in fact, I think we should be going out to eat every Friday. I don't want you to spend every day in the kitchen, sweetheart," Buck rubbed your back.
"But… But I'm your wife," you tried to protest.
"Exactly," he nodded and lifted your chin up, "and I'm your husband and it's my goddamn job to look after you. And the baby," he winked.
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delicatefury · 1 year
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Major and his little brother Sergeant (actual brothers too! Well, half brothers).
Sarge loves copying his big brother whenever he gets the chance.
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space-dreams-world · 10 months
DP x DC prompt: 101 feelings about your dog's best friend's owner.
You know, in the beginning scene of 101 Dalmatians where the Pongo drags his owner to the park after spotting Perdita with her owner and the owners end up getting tangled in the pond Well, it's that except Danny recently moved to Bludhaven with Cujo.
And Cujo wants to be friends with this three legged dog he saw, and he thinks their owner would be great with Danny.
Just Dick taking Haley for a walk before there is a shout and a green puppy is rushing towards Haley. Haley, being brave like her owner, sniffs and is wary of the newcomer as their owners end up crashing into one another in the nearby fountain.
Haley gets a new playmate and possibly a big brother, while Danny and Dick end up getting more familiar with one another as they offer each other to get coffee sometime or to schedule dog dates.
[In this au, I see Danny retiring from the superhero life but will come out of it for major disasters. He is a Morgue assistant or a resident handyman. This au would feature Tall and maybe tank! Danny, which we know Dick has a thing for strength and height. If, at some point, Dick and Danny live together, Danny is Dick's support network/nurse/extra help and can give thoughts on cases if he speaks to ghosts. Or extra, make this a poly with Barbara, as the brains, Danny as brawns, and Dick, while he has both, decide to stick with beauty.]
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jojissalsa · 19 days
idk wtf this is, basically deadpool is your husband. you two got hitched during a bender. what's new for me. sorry if this sounds jumbled, i'm very sleep deprived and wanted to give y'all some food.
cw: 18+ (obviously), mentions of wolverine/logan howlett being a hoe, possessiveness/slight jealously, breeding kink if you squint. idk.
MDNI, 18+ under the cut.
wade dumbass wilson was famously not a smart man. he had a lot of regrets in his unfortunately long life, his love life being a major part. the disaster that followed him just wasn't suitable for most, so when he felt that familiar pang in his chest when he looked at you, he pushed it down with the rest of his deeply complicated emotions.
he knew he shouldn't join you on your depressive drunken bender, but who was he if not a person who made horribly stupid decisions? you were one of his best friends, and there's no way he could consume enough alcohol to forget marrying someone.
sooooo. uh. oops?
he remembers the initial dread the two of you felt when you stared at that pink slip of paper. married on a whim? without even being together? not to mention the several used condoms you found in the trash when you started cleaning up your apartment. the dread was quickly washed away when you actually sat down and confronted things head on, barely feeling any regret for being legally tied to the man.
him on the other hand?
he couldn't believe you'd actually consider staying with him. it was the first time in his life he didn't have anything witty or snarky to say. well, partly. he was internally chastising you for being such a fucking idiot. but he didn't wanna ruin the moment. you were being so affectionate, and all the things you said melted his core entirely. you called him cute, funny, you somehow made his perverted side sound endearing. it was foreign, and while it made his brain short-circuit for a few moments, it was all welcomed.
the only thing he was really worried about were the other facets of his life. he knew you were fine with him being a mercenary, in fact he remembered you calling him an "adorable homicidal maniac". your words, not his. he didn't think he was that cute. you practically cooed at him like a dog, but why would he tell you otherwise if it meant he got attention? all of that left him with his last qualm, his x-men buddies.
he wasn't worried about his friends not liking you, god no. you were a very lovable person, and he didn't care if they thought he was even more of a psycho for marrying you on a bender. he was worried about being jealous. jealous was not something that described him, hell, he was the exact opposite. if you were simply his girlfriend, he'd be more than happy to share. you were both experimental freaks, one of the many things he loved about you. you matched his violent and downright concerning freak, and he was all for it. that being said, he wanted to keep it between you.
he could feel his blood pressure rising just watching you interact with logan. wade was the first to know of his honey badger's manwhorish tendencies, which he was proud of at times. he just prayed it would never be directed to his beloved mrs. wilson. you only gave logan polite smiles and your usual sweet laughter to be nice, because even under your stubborn attitude, you still wanted to be kind to others. it was unbearably painful for an attention whore like wade. he wanted all your laughter and sweetness directed to him. not that preening slut.
that led you to now, your body folded to mold against his as his hips slam into you. his rough hands dig into the fat of your thighs as he presses you harshly into the mattress, growling at your nails digging into his biceps. "wade, please–" you barely get a chance to plead when he thrusts sharply, his cocky grin making your body feel taut. "what's wrong, baby? use your big girl words." you hate that his snark always riles you up, whining as the sound hits your ears.
"you're being rough." you can barely get the words out, your tongue feeling heavy in your mouth from how fuzzy your brain is getting. "never been an issue before? usually you're begging for rough." you moan at his teeth sinking into the meat of your neck, your hands scrambling to find their place on his body. "it's different, it's been hours, you're killing me here—" he cuts you off again when his thumb presses against your clit, any semblance of words leaving as your screams start to fill the room.
"don't want you forgetting who makes you scream like this, sweetheart. all fucking mine." the pure possessiveness in his voice makes your back bow, the familiar tightening in your core feeling all the more intense. "jesus, so damn tight, pussy's just sucking me in. i'm not going anywhere, sugar, no need to hold me like that." he can feel your nails scrape down his skin, and it makes him shudder more than your moaning does. he leans back to see your cute, scrunched up face, and he can tell you're too fucked out to be snarky with him. he knows deep down you wanna tell him he's a million times more clingy than you, but he won't let himself ruin the moment. not when you're this pretty under him, barely able string along words other than 'please'.
"shut up, just shut up, 'm so close." he can barely hold back his smile, loving that you can still be your usual bitchy self even when he's fucked all that's left from you. "then tell me what you want and we can go to bed, sound good, princess?" you pout at the mocking lilt in his tone, annoyed at how it makes you tighten around his cock.
"cum inside me, please."
wade has tried to predict a lot of your wants and needs, and he should've predicted this would happen sooner. "fuck.." he can barely register the downright pathetic whine he lets out, his thrusts getting sloppy as he slams his hips faster and faster, desperate to please you.
like the many decisions he's made with you, they're always impulsive, chaotic, insanely stupid, and so fucking good. he completely forgets the fact that he's not wearing a condom, and can barely remember if you're on birth control or not. he'll just chalk it up to unchecked ADHD, because you've probably brought it up a million times and he just can't think because you're screaming his name and your nails are hitting that spot he likes and—
his cock twitches as he paints your walls before he can register what's happening, keeping you flush against him as his body practically collapses on top of you. "you forgot to put a condom on, didn't you?" your breathless, slightly concerned tone snaps him back to reality, leaning up to smile at you with his signature dopey charm. "we're still using condoms?"
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redd956 · 1 year
Random Questions Ask Game
📸 - What's one of your favorite photos in your phone?
🐈 - If you had to pick, cat or dog?
🔮 - What's a paranormal or scary encounter you've had?
☠️ - What's one of your most controversial ships you like?
✨️- What's an article of clothing essential to your IRL character design?
🍙 - What's a food you've always wanted to try?
💎 - If you could steal anything without consequence, what would you take?
🧨 - You get to destroy a company. Which one and why?
🤩 - What's an unpopular thing you find attractive?
💗 - Name an accent you love to hear
💣 - Hot weather or cold weather?
🎵 - Do you play any instruments?
🍎 - What brought you to tumblr?
🍔 - What's a food you don't like/eat, but it still looks appetizing?
🌷 - How many languages do you know?
🌍 - Have you been in any natural disasters or major weather events before?
🎊 - What was the last thing you celebrated?
🍉 - You're transformed into your favorite blorbo. On a scale of 1 to 10, how screwed are you.
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Where you can see Sutekh:
In the morning sun.
In red berries. Especially when you feel their juice on your teeth.
In dandelions. Whether grown on the ground or asphalt, these plants always find the strength to live and tell everyone to go to hell.
In dark heavy clouds. Such bear His gifts more often.
In the rain.
In the thunder.
In lightning.
In storms.
In the winds. His whisper, gentle and strong.
In the rainbow.
In natural disasters. Sometimes His wrath is too strong.
In earthquakes.
In the snow and blizzards.
In the deserts.
In the oases.
In the eyes of animals. He flashes through them, like their desire to survive.
In donkeys. Inconspicuous animals, they are strong enough to replace dogs to protect herds.
In pigs. Unloved by many, but who can grow large and strong enough to be intimidating.
In rock and electric guitar.
In abandoned things and people.
In things that are broken but found new life.
In the image of the phallus and dicks.
In the word "no" when you defend your boundaries.
In a crowd at a rally, riot or uprising, whether in the people or the spirit itself.
In cheeks reddened from prolonged laughter or alcohol.
In new and old weapons.
In strategy games, especially military ones.
In cacti, succulents, feather grass, wormwood, camel thorn and other plants, that can survive in the desert.
In Ursa Major, because that is where His home is.
In falling stars and meteorites.
In various shiny things.
The collection contains various trinkets and sparkles that are pleasing to the eye.
In things created with your own hands, especially imperfect ones.
In vegetables, especially green ones, and especially in lettuce.
In food and people from other countries.
In the language and culture of foreigners.
In protecting and supporting those who need it.
In accepting your gender and sexuality.
In accepting your weirdness and negatives.
In funny jokes that you can see here and there.
In eclipse.
In red. In red things, food, clothes, symbols.
In fire.
In desire and action to continue to fight.
And in many, many other things. He is in every thing for me. I see His limitless forms in everything. Dua, Perfect God! Dua, Sutekh!
Translation of my post below on russian.
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nitrowyverine · 4 months
Finally played the TOUCHSTARVED Demo! Still thinking about it over a week later.
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(Above: Steam banner image for TOUCHSTARVED from Red Spring Studios)
I love it SO MUCH. and i have QUESTIONS. my extended thoughts below the cut [Demo spoilers included]
General thoughts:
this game is SO up my alley that it's insane. local goth gaming nerd is kicking their feet and giggling
the music? and sound design? It's honestly incredible, even beyond the infamous Every Time We Touch cover (Which is how I found this game). We all have to be giving more props to the music/sound work, it absolutely punches the experience up so many notches. When a soundtrack is released I'm immediately keeping it on hand for all my tabletop needs
absolutely enamored with the backstory mechanic. It adds so much individual depth to the character. you can feel attached to your MC without them being a complete blank slate. I absolutely love that different MC backstories have you pick up different details about the characters. (My favorite is The Hound immediately picking out who the leaders are amongst the group, in contrast to the other MC backgrounds)
I wanna eat the backgrounds. I wanna eat them whole. They're so detailed and colorful and have a great sense of depth. 100000/10
Specific character thoughts/theories:
(Images courtesy of the Touchstarved character Lore posts from the Red Spring Studio socials. I'll be linking them in each of the character's names)
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Thank you, Red Spring studios, for blessing the players with the ability to bite him if you're an ass to him the entire demo. You truly know what we want
Lore seems to indicate that Ais came over from the demon realm for some unknown reason, and was possibly some kind of demon king or leader? Fascinated to learn what happens there
Ngl the Seaspring looks like it would taste good. My favorite raspberry/rhubarb tea looks just like the Seaspring water. Gimme the group juice.
Question: If Ais gets infected with MC's madness....does that mean. the WHOLE groupmind gets infected? Humans and soulless alike? That's a city-destroying disaster waiting to happen
CONCLUSION: Most likely to adopt 6 dogs instead of picking up the groceries. Least likely to let you have the car aux cable.
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I do believe Kuras is the actual best shot at a cure/treatment of all candidates. Assuming the curse is some level of demonic, an angel's touch is probably the best bet.
Let me be clear here though, I do think he might just go "Well you can just like. not have arms" and take them. That is a possibility
Most of the other characters I can get a rough idea of what they want and why. Kuras? I have NO idea what his goal is, which is very frightening.
Twitter bio image does say "Repentant Angel", and that his fatal flaw is "his sins can only be repaid through suffering". Possible linkage to Lovent's fall? Or another major disaster?
its okay sweaty we all get The Guilt (tm)
If Kuras somehow gets MC's maddness (I have a feeling it may not effect him? but if it did) that would just. end the world right there.
CONCLUSION: Most likely to be the one guy you might be able to bring home to your parents. Least likely to put on oven mitts to take a frozen pizza out of the oven.
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I love Vere for being the character I thought I could trust the least, turning into a character I actually trust allot. I trust him to be extremely dangerous. He probably wasn't lying when he said his heart is on his sleeve.
Also, big props for having him just kill you in one of the demo endings. What a guy, I love him, no notes
Wait what he's over 100 according to his birthday post. thats, allot? older? than I thought?. okay yeah the lore posts mention he's a possible deity figure. not comforting
Vere is very fae-logic coded. Like, the words he says can be true and false at the same time. Don't tell him your name, he will cannibalize you for fun, etc etc ya know fae stuff.
i will protect him always
CONCLUSION: Most likely to fuck your dad. Least likely to be your new stepdad.
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Mihn is much dodgier than the rest, but I think that makes them more trustworthy. They're not as interested as playing games.
I nominate Mihn as a secondary protagonist, since Leander, Ais, and Kuras seem to be interested in them quite a bit. Even Vere has a rivalmance kinda thing going for Mihn. If MC didn't show up, that would be the dating sim right there
I'm excited by the lore post and the implications that Mihn is from Lovent (or has traveled there? and survived?) and potentially getting greater lore expansion about the world surrounding Eridia
I think it's interesting that their strength stat is relatively low compared to the others, yet they're one of the characters that actually uses their strength in the demo.
Also, I think we see the least of their "monstrous form" of everyone in the demo (minus their ability to dodge in and out of shadows). I'm thrilled to see what their monstrous form actually entails.
Mihn would survive bloodborne. That's it thats the entire thought
CONCLUSION: Most likely to do all the work in a group project. Least likely to be chill during Mario Party.
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OKAY ALL OF MY QUESTIONS ARE HERE. I AM DEEPLY AFRAID. Something is absolutely wrong but we have no current ability to pinpoint what it is.
I've seen theories Leander is dead. However, in Vere's route, he mentions that Leander smells like aftershave. While this could be part of an extra-elaborate ruse, hair doesn't grow after death (Minus the appearance of it happening due to natural decay processes) so he wouldn't need to shave. However, I am betting on him being involved in some sort of un-death cycle.
actually I can guarantee his story is all about cycles. Has anyone else mentioned how his belt is the triple goddess symbol.
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you know. the symbol of maiden/mother/crone. birth/life/death. beginning/middle/end. like
Moving on, the vast majority of his smiles are forced (Mouth is smiling, but there's no eye movement/crinkle that would indicate it's genuine). That is enough of a red flag but honey I am so much more worried about my next point:
WHERE DOES HE GET HIS MONEY. He's constantly buying rounds of drinks for a packed bar. It's briefly mentioned his clothes are nice. He pays for anything MC needs. However, says Bloodhound rates are "Free". Where does he GET HIS MONEY for all of this. Twitter posts from Red Spring point out he doesn't accept bribes (at least overtly).
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Looking again at Leander's stat post. The Ouroboros in the background is. Not comforting. Also, "Forbidden Magic"? yeah I have a feeling we know why he's not in the Senobium
Theory, potentially Leander is currently being paid by the Senobium to maintain lowtown/Silent Crypts order? I think there's still a connection between them. Like the Senobuim can remain detached while having ties to whatever horrible things Leander is doing.
Okay, in the twitter relationship charts it says that Kuras has looked out for Leander "Since he was young". Kuras probably knows. SO much we don't.
When Mihn scolds Leander for not telling MC to be off the streets past dark. I think Leander intentionally "Forgot" to mention that. I think he wanted the MC to see how dangerous Eridia was so MC would stay closer to Leander for safety. I think it was a very intentional manipulation tactic.
(Furthermore, did he actually cast a spell of luck on MC when he gave them the lilies from his introduction magic trick? Then bet on the MC living through the day?)
I do think Leander's surprise at MC going out to the Seaspring was genuine, since his spit-take clashes so starkly with his cool-guy demeanor.
I also have a feeling that Leander has been past the veil/shroud. he's doing something fucky and the veil is prime fuckery territory.
(Are we...going to get a timeloop story????)
CONCLUSION: Most likely to dramatically use himself as a human bridge over a small puddle (as an excuse to get walked on). Least likely to remember to go to bed after playing Stardew Valley for 13 hours straight.
Touchstarved game things I'm concerned about:
(I feel like I wouldn't be doing my game designer duties if I didn't point out my concerns as well. To be fair, there aren't many.)
I hope the bad endings get fucked up, story-wise. Since it's a horror game, I know it might turn some people off to have things go super wrong, but I really hope they do. I want to see some endless pain vortexes, some real Juniji Ito-style suffering. But I would also understand if the devs want to softball some of the worst outcomes for the sake of widespread appeal.
We all have countless examples of kickstarter games looking strong out the gate, but then falling flat upon release. While I have high hopes for Touchstarved, I do know the reality and intense difficulty of kickstarter games. I'm really hoping the demo isn't the best the studio will have to offer.
OVERALL: I am rooting for the Touchstarved team/Red Spring Studio all the way! I'm thrilled to see where this game goes. I am poised on this purchase button and ready to buy when it releases.
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locuas642 · 14 days
One Piece 1125
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Me and some friends like to jokingly call manga "that very apolitical thing from Apolitical Japan" mostly in regards of poking fun to dudebros who are convinced their lack of understanding of Japan as a country while consuming their media is the same as that media having no commentary or the creators of the work having no opinion or politics of their own.
That is to say that, while an old tired thing to say, the manga One Piece has always had been political to a degree. that is to say, Eiichiro Oda, as a person living in Japan, has and always had opinions and politics like all other human beings. which sometimes he intentionally puts into the page, or which show by how he decides to portray certain things (despite writing about Pirates, he likely doesnt support the illegal download of Movies, for example, but it's likely he believes a good ruler is one who sees themselves as equal to the common people, with how often that type of leader comes again and again as the "right" kind of leader).
This is to say that when I say this latest arc of One Piece was very political, it's to say this might be the most clear Oda has been in making a statement with his art.
through a transmission across the world, the characters just had a massive reveal for the series in the way of an allegory for Climate Change: the world is going to sink. and this is not a natural phenomenon, but it's going to be a Man Made disaster carried out by the people who are in charge of this world. As a result, we see those same people in charge reacting to the fact most of the world has learned the truth.
One Vice Admiral, a rank that the series has given an animal motif of being Dogs (government dogs, get it?) asks one of the elders wether or not it's true.
And they are immediatly punished.
That same elder, who failed to stop that transmission, is killed and replaced by the leader of the world. Meanwhile, the Celestial Dragons, who represent the super 1%, have their concern be not with the state of the world, but with the minor inconvinience of not getting to eat as much food as they want. Because the plan was always for them in specific to be safe.
this is as we learn that the effects of these news will be what happens when a major crisis leads to desperation among the common people to survive: War is coming.
if that is not using your work to say something about the world i dont know what is
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