#Massage Therapy Treatments
musculoskeletalphysio · 3 months
Guide to Hire Specialist for Massage Physiotherapy!
If anyone needs to hire a specialist for massage physiotherapy to improve physical health and well-being they should look for a trained and skilled physiotherapist from well-established clinics
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In Melbourne, whether anyone seeking relief from chronic pain, recovering from an injury, or simply aiming to enhance overall wellness, finding the right specialist for massage therapy treatments is essential.
Guide to Select a Massage Therapist for Physical Wellbeing:
Visit a well-established physiotherapy specialist, for musculoskeletal injury treatment for specific needs and goals. Determine whether they require treatment for a particular condition, rehabilitation from an injury, or simply relaxation and stress relief.
To select the right therapist, identify reputable NDIS physiotherapy providers in the area, and utilize online resources, such as professional directories, reviews, and testimonials, to gather information about their qualifications, experience, and areas of expertise.
Verify the credentials and qualifications of potential specialists. Look for licensed and certified professionals who have received specialized training in massage physiotherapy techniques. Additionally, inquire about their years of experience and track record of success.
Ensure that the physiotherapy clinic adheres to cleanliness and hygiene standards. Additionally, consider factors such as location, accessibility, and ambience to ensure a comfortable and convenient experience.
Enquire about the costs of treatment sessions and whether they cover insurance and flexible payment options. Ensure clarity regarding pricing, billing procedures, and any additional fees or expenses associated with treatment.
Seek recommendations from trusted sources such as friends, family members, or healthcare providers. Personal referrals can provide valuable insights and help to find a specialist who is highly recommended and trusted.
Before finalizing and committing to treatment, schedule a consultation with the specialist to discuss your needs, concerns, and goals, and also assess their communication style, professionalism, and compatibility.
Finally, make informed decisions and find a qualified specialist physiotherapist who can address the unique massage needs, reduce the musculoskeletal challenges, and improve health and well-being.
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nickmassage · 2 months
Asian guy receiving professional massage
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fearecia · 30 days
Putting this in a pinned post to make it easy to find/share. We all know how Tumblr is about things (and to be fair, I'm terrible and inconsistent as hell with tags).
Link to the "shoulder release" document:
Notes about this guide:
This is a WIP, and still very much in the rough draft phase. Please forgive typos/errors. I literally haven't done a single edit yet.
The document focuses on releasing shoulders as a way to treat neck tension and migraines. Seriously, just trust me. It helps.
Carpal tunnel? Tennis elbow? Golfer's elbow? AC (acromioclavicular) joint injury? Rotator cuff problems? Tight upper back? Sporadic numbness in your arm? Seriously, just try the muscles already listed. You'll likely find at least some relief. Like, if it involves the upper body, release your shoulders.
I've done my best to make this able to be understood by people without massage training. So if it seems like it's covering really "obvious" info, that's intentional. Just skip the section if you already know things.
A lot of massage therapists may balk at me telling you to dig around in your own armpit. We're taught in school to avoid the area. Why? Because there's a crap ton of nerves and blood vessels there. *Which is precisely why releasing this area is so powerful.* There's also a ton of muscle (on yes, basically everybody) here that will protect all those structures. It's honestly really safe so long as you stick to "In pain, refrain!" And read the other rules too.
90% of the time, the culprit is one of the four muscles listed (or any combination of them). If you are someone who exercises a lot/does yoga/is otherwise pretty physically active, you are more likely to fall into the 10% of people who will have their issue somewhere else/it will just be really hard to find. So bear that in mind.
Sadly, this sort of thing will probably never be a "one and done" type of deal. Most of the things we do every day steadily build up to cause problems, and you have to constantly work to undo that entropy. So save these notes for future you.
And just in case you want to know what the hell qualifies me to make this sort of document, here are my "quals."
My first career attempt was nursing. While this did not go well (doctors don't really appreciate autistic students willing to question their authority) I learned a shit ton about the body. I became a student teacher for the anatomy and physiology class because I was so good at it (and that professor used to teach the pre-med students). A&P is now literally one of my special interests.
8 years as a licensed massage therapist focused exclusively on injury therapy. I studied Rolfing techniques, and primarily used trigger point therapy, structural integration, and myofascial release as my tools. Clients liked to joke that going to see me was like seeing the physical therapist (they weren't wrong).
Some of the stuff I share is literally self taught through "following the tension" in clients bodies. Like, I developed some of my protocols. And then practiced and refined them over 100s of bodies. The goal was always the most efficient and least painful way to achieve lasting release.
I eventually destroyed my shoulder doing massage (which was injured long before this career due to an AC joint sprain gotten when I was 20). Bonus, this means I'm *very* practiced at releasing my own shoulders.
I'm now a mechanical engineer, which just means I now have the engineering knowledge to understand to the force transferrence patterns I saw in clients all the time. Kinesiology is the same thing as statics and dynamics.
Hopefully that helps put perspective into things. I'll update this post as new versions of the document come out. I have a ton on my plate right now (who am I joking; I always have a ton on my plate), so please be patient waiting for updates.
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mimilala · 1 year
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My and my husband tried cupping last night
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massageajman · 2 months
How to Choose The Right Spa Therapy In Ajman UAE
The world of Massage Spa Ajman therapies can be overwhelming. From facials with exotic ingredients to body wraps with mysterious names, it’s easy to feel lost in a sea of options. But fear not, fellow relaxation seeker! Here’s your guide to navigating the spa menu and choosing the perfect therapy to meet your needs.
Know Thyself (and Thy Needs):
The first step to spa serenity is introspection. What are you hoping to achieve?
Exhausted? A massage center ajman focused on deep tissue work or stress relief might be ideal.
Skin feeling dull? Look for facials with exfoliation and hydration properties.
Aching muscles? Opt for a hot stone Sharjah Massage Center or a treatment that incorporates heat therapy.
Be Clear About Your Comfort Level:
Spas offer a variety of Massage Ajman techniques, from the gentle Swedish stroke to the more vigorous deep tissue approach. If you’re new to massages, communicate your comfort level to the therapist during booking.
Don’t Be Shy — Ask Questions!
Spa menus can be cryptic! Don’t hesitate to ask the spa staff or therapist about the ingredients used, the techniques involved, and the expected duration of the treatment.
Embrace the Power of Research:
Many Sharjah spas offer detailed descriptions of their therapies online. Browse their website beforehand to get a sense of what they offer. Reading reviews from other clients can also be helpful.
Consider the Ambiance:
A spa experience is about more than just the treatment itself. Think about the kind of atmosphere you find most relaxing. Does a tranquil, zen-like environment appeal to you, or would you prefer a more modern, upbeat vibe?
Don’t Forget the Budget:
Spa therapies can vary greatly in price. Decide how much you’re comfortable spending and choose a treatment that fits within your budget. Many spas offer packages that can be a cost-effective way to experience multiple treatments.
The Ultimate Tip: Be Open to New Experiences!
Sometimes, the best spa discoveries are made by venturing outside your comfort zone. If you’re feeling adventurous, ask the spa staff for recommendations based on your needs.
By following these tips, you’ll be well on your way to choosing the perfect spa therapy and transforming your next visit into a truly transformative experience.
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honeycombhank · 3 months
My massage therapist is the most wonderful person, she is so caring and has such brilliant mothering instincts, she works hard to take care of her self and others and has truly made such a difference in my life.
Sometimes she cries I think while she is giving me my session.. the first time it was because I had a seizure that started in the waiting room and I was able to walk to my dads truck parked just outside and get inside, then the siezure really started.
She told my dad to take our time and that if i could still do my appointment she would be ready for me.
She waited so patiently and I eventually made it inside and we had my appointment, she cried and told me she just feels so much for me and wants me to feel better and that she is a mother and it hurts to see me suffering and going through trauma in my own body.. I really felt it meant a lot to me hearing that from her, it was like.. she gets it somehow? She is the only person I’ve met who already knew what my type of siezure even was, I felt somewhat understood by her. That’s a good feeling.
There have been a few times since that day that she starts the session with me and then I hear her sniffling and I can’t see her but I wonder if she is feeling a great deal of pain from or for me again? Idk and I don’t ask but maybe I should ask, maybe I should make sure she is okay next time? She may also have allergies? Many people around here have allergies.. idk
She almost always gives me an hour or just under that for my half hour session placement, that by itself is so loving and generous of her, she knows I need it so badly and that my dad is already paying for the sessions because I have no money.
Not that she is an angel, but she really might be an angel
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grateful-boy · 11 months
Zach posted a photo on his instagram story
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i ask this as someone who’s been getting home gua sha since he was young, girl did you get mauled by a bear?
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thirstghosting · 1 year
im also interested to know how much it cost you so leave that in the tags, if you feel comfortable with it.
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tenth-sentence · 1 year
Eth's survey suggests that the most helpful interventions focused on relieving the physical burdens generated by trauma.
"The Body Keeps the Score: Mind, brain and body in the transformation of trauma" - Bessel van der Kolk
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fancygirlplays · 2 years
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lemontreespasaloon · 2 years
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Lemon Tree Spa & Salon's mission is to provide our guests with the massage center in Dubai marina, at a relaxing spa, allowing them to achieve harmony and balance between body, mind, and spirit. We provide genuine Thai massage and treatment.
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sawadhee-blog · 2 years
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Beauty comes from the inside, so try Our best services spa,body treatments, massage therapy, thai massage,face rituals and gets amazing offer and gift voucher at festival season. Let's Book an online appointment or on call. Best Spa in Delhi
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oxydermclinic · 2 years
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Oxydermlaserclinic is coming up with a great deal for its customers. Get free Microdermabrasion service with a 60 minutes massage and treat your skin well. It is essential to relax your mind and get relief from stress.
Dont miss out the chance of getting free Microdermabrasion treatment for skin and full body massage. We are offering various massages like Swedish massage, Sports massage, Trigger point massage and uses the best techniques to satisfy our customers.
Enjoy vast benefits of massage and fantastic skincare treatment which cures multiple skin problems and makes your skin healthy. Whether you are facing wrinkles, fine facial lines, sun damage, skin discoloration, superficial scarring, acne, stretch marks, back heads, enlarged pores, or any other skin issue, microdermabrasion turns out to be the solution.
Contact Us: 780-863-7561, Mail Us At: [email protected], Visit https://www.oxydermlaserclinic.ca/ to know more about the exclusive deal.
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madmaryholiday · 2 years
sometimes i wonder if going to the chir0practor as a teen/young adult made my neck pain/headaches worse. cos they did the thing where they crank your head to the side and pop your neck, and it almost always gave me an instant headache. but i've had headaches daily since i was in elementary school, so it never occurred to me that this might be a NEW bad thing.
and these days, most of my headaches feel like tension headaches specifically related to pain/tension in my neck muscles. and no matter what pillow i use or what position i sleep in or what exercises/stretches i do, it never seems to get better.
note: i'm NOT asking for advice. i'm just wondering aloud whether my attempts to deal with back pain might have inadvertently made other chronic pain worse in the long term. especially knowing that that specific type of neck adjustment at the chir0practor is way more hazardous than i thought back then.
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Sports Injury and Neuro Rehab Services in Golden Maple Ridge
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ketuayurveda · 8 days
Are you Finding for top Patra Pinda Sweda therapy Ayurvedic Clinic in Rajkot?
Ketu Ayurveda And Panchakarma Clinic is the best option for your Patra Pinda Sweda therapy at our Ayurvedic Clinic in Rajkot. The Benefits are Improves mobility, Relieves pain and stiffness, Improves blood circulation, etc. To book Appointment Patra Pinda Treatment in Rajkot, contact us!
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