#Maybe some lines are wrong- but the answers are 100% correct
makshu · 1 year
"What's your biggest regret?" - GM
"Not having died before" - Joui Jouki
"If you could change everything, rewrite everything. What would you change?" - GM as the energy entity
"To have gotten out of this right at the beginning" - Rubens Naluti
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Is shattering permanent in the comic (especially with the force fusions and cluster) or can it be fixed down the line like future did? Asking for your opinion on this too bc I found out about it in Future and it makes me feel weird (bc now it feels like any SU stuff and shattering has no consequence or tension, so haven’t been able to read or write stories). Maybe I’m seeing this wrong? Would love your thoughts
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So to answer your first question: The comic for WDAU works on the same rules as canon does. I have no intention to over-write anything canon clearly stated to be true.
The ability to put back together shattered gems is definitely a part of that.
So yes, theoretically, even in WDAU, gems being shattered is not 'the end' because they can be eventually re-instated through the work of the diamonds, IF they someday decide to Change Their Minds like they did in the original series.
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That being said...
I want to talk a little bit about something you said, because it tickles my brain in an interesting way:
"now it feels like any SU stuff and shattering has no consequence or tension"
And the best way to talk about stuff, I've found, is to ask questions about our underlying assumptions. So my questions for you (all) today are:
For us humans, death certainly IS a constant that remains ever-permanent, and thus it's easy to compare it to shattering and draw that parallel... but is that a fair comparison?
In fiction, death is often circumvented and there still remains reasonable tension in things like magic-heavy worlds, vampire novels, sci-fi where almost any sickness is eradicated, etc. Is this not quite similar to what shattering is for gems?
Is the perceived permanency of shattering the only reason it feels like a heavy consequence?
Are there OTHER consequences of being shattered that make it just as interesting, if not more than, to be explored as a plot device?
Must there be an ever-looming threat of something horrible and permanent happening to make a story good?
There isn't a right or wrong answer to these questions, necessarily. I'm not posing these in order to lead you to a singular, 'absolutely correct' conclusion or way of writing.
For some stories, death DOES need to be permanent in order not to make light of what the characters go through! In some forms of writing, there IS no other way around that consequence.
But I daresay SU is not one of those stories.
Let me put it this way - 100 years ago, medicine had only BEGUN to develop into the thing we know it as today. Sure, there were therapies and treatments for diseases, broken limbs, poisonings, etc. Some of them were quite good, even! But overall, the death tolls back then from basic illness were MUCH higher than they were today.
Pnumonia, Malaria, Syphillis, Smallpox, Bubonic Plague, AIDS.
These were things that people died from, with near CERTAINTY, for the LONGEST time. They were considered the road to a permanent black screen.
And today? Even though they are still, without proper intervention, JUST as deadly, we now have new tools and vaccines to combat them. Hell, if you get vaccinated fast enough you can get bit by a rabid dog and live to tell the tale, unscathed! Rabies used to be a one-stop-shop to the afterlife.
Despite this, we still view these diseases with appropriate fear. They are still dangerous - in the right conditions.
In the right conditions, the consequences for a LOT of things can be permanent. If permanency is what you're looking for.
So alright, the Diamonds can heal shattered gems now. Booooring. How easy it is to fix any shattered gem! What a simple solution to anything tragic.
But................... will they ALWAYS do so?
In fact...will the Diamonds ALWAYS be around?
Will the gems who got shattered always be picked up, piece by piece, and be brought back to them, perfectly preserved? Or will they lose pieces of themselves along the way - literally?
And what NEW consequences can we think of, when we stop thinking of the permanency of death, and start thinking of the Impermanence of those tools that keep us here longer and longer?
Just food for thought. 👀
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eerna · 1 month
I came across one of your posts about tdp (they're great btw I really like reading them) and one of the tags talked about how the show writers treat Callum like a vile character whose done evil things when he hasn't. Can you elaborate on that? And do you think there's a huge difference between on how the show and fandom treat Callum and rayla?
Aww thanks~ Sure, I don't mind elaborating!
So Callum. This show has a problem where the characters have no logical progress, they just do whatever the plot needs them to do, and Callum is a great example of this. Callum is meant to be an awkward average guy who feels like he doesn't belong anywhere. He's the adopted son of the royal family, which means he's not a peasant who is born into a career, but neither is he a real prince, since he is passed over in the inheritance line. He's not good at being a warrior, or a leader, or any other things that might guarantee him a place in court. Things change when he discovers he has a talent for magic, but since he is human and can't connect to an arcanum, he is forced to choose between letting this one useful thing he's good at go, or doing the "evil" dark magic. An interesting character setup: will he go against what he believes is right to realize his full potential? I wonder where this arc will go! The answer is nowhere, he becomes the first human in history to be able to connect to true arcanum magic the way magical creatures do. Okay, so here is his second character setup: the one and only creature in the world who can connect to EVERY arcanum at once! He will spend each season learning how to connect to different arcanums, and through him, we as the audience will understand the world better. That is exciting, as it's something the magical creatures can't do! Except THAT'S also abandoned right away, and his THIRD setup pretends it never happened and we return to a continuation of the first setup: will he join the dark side and become a vessel for the evil guys to use, will he fall into the same trap of "I would do anything for those I love" as the villains? This could be interesting, but it is now over halfway through the story, so the writers have to resort to cheap writing tricks to make the stakes higher and the tension more real. You see, Callum's "downward spiral" relies on him making bad choices for the right reason, but those bad choices aren't truly bad because the writers are scared of writing a hero who messes up for real. Those bad choices are using dark magic twice, but both times he used it out of selflessness, as a personal sacrifice to save Rayla. He used an already dead ingredient to turn some chains into snakes to save his friend... twice. Both times Rayla reacts as if he'd just slaughtered a whole herd of adorable magical baby deer in front of her. The Starscraper elves say his soul is dark and he has been consumed by evil. The only logical reprimand is given by Sol Regem, who just says "I can smell you've done dark magic before" and gets upset bc Sol Regem is a racist asshole character so it makes sense a single whiff of human magic would anger him. But these other characters are meant to be 100% correct in their assessment of Callum's morality. There is no discussion of whether the end justifies the means, there is no nuance or suggestion that maybe a dead bug is worth saving a life, Callum has done something objectively wrong and should never repeat it again. Here it all dissolves into the age old "is dark magic as presented in TDP morally ok" discourse, which I won't rehash here bc it is well discussed and the TL;DR is: no, TDP didn't do a good job setting dark magic up as an inflexible evil, but the story still acts as if it is one. And it is dumb, because Callum doesn't need to do dark magic to make mistakes! Several times throughout the season I thought they were gonna put him at odds with the rest of the cast, and maybe mess up and "fall into darkness" that way. For example, I thought that when everyone disagreed with him on the topic of destroying Aaravos' prison, he was going to defy everyone out of paranoia (since he is the most sensitive one about this subject) and accidently cause Aaravos' escape that way. But no, they don't even argue over it before finding a solution that makes everyone happy and it turns out that Aaravos was freed by a series of contrivances that tell us nothing new or interesting about any character involved in it, which is CLEARLY a much better story.
This third storyline gets even more muddled by Callum choosing to do the Starscraper Morality Challenge or whatever it's called to try and fix the damage dark magic did to his soul. Okay, so we've established that Callum's love for Rayla makes him act in morally questionable ways, which led to his soul deteriorating, and now this ritual will help him find his way back from it. And so the ritual reveals that he can redeem himself if he focuses on... wait. Am I reading this right? The answer to his issues is RAYLA????? So this means that somehow, loving Rayla is both the reason for his evil deeds, and a way for him not to do evil deeds??? I suppose the story could be saying that loving Rayla doesn't mean doing whatever it takes to save her, but listening to her advice and trusting her when she says she doesn't want to be saved by dark magic, but that is just such a dumb character arc that isn't about Callum or his character arc in the least. His way to deal with his issues has nothing to do with his realizing his potential, it has nothing to do with his journey of connecting to the arcanums. It is a "man needs a woman to act normal" story, and that is just plain dumb and boring and no proper character arc.
And here we transition into your second question. I am not sure what exactly you meant, so feel free to clarify, but I will do my best to answer as is. I think that Rayla and Callum are treated by the fandom EXACTLY the same way as by the show, but sadly this means they suck (it is no secret I was super duper into shipping them once upon a time, so no one is allowed to call me a hater over this opinion). The first two seasons were fine, but from s3 onwards their relationship also faces a lack of a proper arc. In the beginning it seemed like the emotional, gentle Callum was going to de-radicalize the cold, emotionally constipated Rayla and teach her the joys of having people who care for her as a person and not just a weapon. However, this was quickly abandoned for reasons listed in my Runaan family post - Rayla needed a quick escape from her emotional issues to remove any bad parenting responsibility from Runaan and Ethari's backs. From then on their writing problems are a mix of the previously mentioned "characters doing what the plot needs them to do" issue and playing into fan shipping expectations. And thus when they start dating in s3 it is in the blandest, most boring way possible. They are super happy together, they have no friction, Rayla is suddenly more than happy to be emotionally open. Then the plot needs them separated, so she remembers she is supposed to have emotional issues and leaves. Then the plot needs them back together so they start dating. None of this is supported by a logical arc. S3 and onwards reads like a fanfic in the most negative way possible. The "frozen ship" monologue from s6 made me feel like my brain was actively trying to escape my skull, so I KNOW the crew working on the show is aware of the fan perception and are actively playing into them on purpose. Fan tropes are perfect in the context of fanworks, but they also make canon material worse.
Whew. This was long. But Yeah that's basically what I have to say about that.
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cto10121 · 11 months
Re-watching the New Moon movie and I have many Thoughts(tm), namely
Why is the cinematography is so warm toned compared to the first movie when New Moon is the most depressing book and truly the worst era of Bella’s young life: A Mystery in 2 Hours
At least Pattinson!Edward looks a little better than usual. They put him in these crisp suits. Very nice (Edit: Never mind, that awful Volturi bathrobe with the pasty-ass makeup was horrific yuck, yuck, yuck)
They just had to introduce Jacob this early on, didn’t they? And ofc Bella is much more emotive and gets all the witty dialogue with him (!!). In the books she is much more romantic and wittier with Edward as a whole. Jacob tended to bring out her immature side
“How come Jacob Black gets to give you a gift and I can’t?” “Because I have nothing to give back to you” Nice to know the screenwriter(s) still doesn’t understand the Bedward dynamic. And by nice I mean horrific
…What film version of R&J are they watching??? It’s not the ‘30s version and definitely not the ‘60s or ‘90s one. Is it the ‘70s BBC one? In the book it was the ‘60s version, which is the correct answer. Did they not get the rights? Also, also, why are the human characters much more affected by R&J than Bella and Edward????
“[Romeo] Killed his only love out of sheer stupidity” “Yeah” Oh no, no, no, no, movie, you are not going to make Bella, a close Romeo iteration, agree with Edward!!! Edward is meant to be 100% wrong by his take. Dumbass script!!!
Edward: “Eyes, look your last” 😐 Couldn’t Pattinson just inject a little bit more feeling into his line reading? Most of Edward’s objections were Romeo’s actions, not his suicide. These are the lines Edward can and should relate to.
The movie people garbing the Volturi in 18th century clothing when they are older than the Romans is just laughable
“Dating an older woman. Hot.” Okay, Emmett is 💯, no notes. Definitely erred on the side of frat boy, but you know what, it’s fun and ho boy do these movies lack it
Bella holding up her whole bloody finger in a coven of vampires 💀 Why, movie
Stewart!Bella’s chemistry with almost everyone else in the cast (that scene with Carlisle tending her wound!!!) but Pattinson!Edward confirms what I have known all along: Film and real life chemistry are very different and they shouldn’t be confused. The proof is in the celluloid.
I’m just going to call it: Stewart and Pattinson are modern subtle quirky actors playing what are essentially neo-Gothic star-crossed lover roles. They absolutely should never have been considered for these parts at all by a competent director. Absolutely not fitting at all
“You’re just not good for me.” Hmm, this is what Bella believes about herself, not Edward. I suppose Edward could have done it on purpose, but the fact that he was flabbergasted his lie worked indicates that he doesn’t. Movie just straight up portrays him as more manipulative than in the books, where he just lies baldly
Oh God the months-on-the-screen thing was terrible. This movie fails so much at portraying Bella’s depression, it hurts. It’s like visual SparkNotes
The Bella-writing-to-Alice device sucks. Not too badly, but still. We had her voiceover in the first movie without any problems but for this one, we need a justification? Also, it fuels the Bella/Alice fan dumb something awful
Really dislike the way they did Hallucination!Edward with the ghostly transparent effect. It’s corny and also…way to pass up a chance at some mystery and intrigue by just having Edward be there without any special effects (maybe keep the echoing voice). I guess they really didn’t want people confused and think he returned when he didn’t. But c’mon.
Movie Bella going off with the biker 🤮 Book Bella at her most insane would never. The only good thing about it is that it does lead to Bella having an interest in motorcycles. Efficient movie storytelling and all that.
“Bella, where the hell have you been, loca?” Wonder why this line became so meme-worthy. It’s by far not the worst (“spider monkey” is perhaps the most awful) and Lautner’s delivery was natural enough. Is it the random Spanish? It is random.
Bella is already smiling at her first scene with Jacob…this movie is just awful at selling her desolation. Meanwhile Jacob’s first thought was how awful Bella looked
The Quileute characters are well-cast and nicely played so far, and their banter is good. Emily especially is beautiful and her scar makeup was convincing. Great
Book: “He took off his shirt” Movie: He took off his ~~~~shirt 😍
Laurent’s arrival and his death should have been a much better and weightier scene than we got. God, the pacing is so bad in this movie. Jacob becomes a werewolf, Bella finds the meadow, Laurent suddenly arrives—all within a minute or so. Ugh
“As soon as you put the dog out.” Damn, why, movie? Book Alice did not begin the slurs until she was well and truly angry. But sure, let’s do some really obvious racebaiting 🙄
Whoa, whoa, whoa, Jacob KNEW he was talking to Edward and not Carlisle????? Movie, wtf? And all to save up on some screen time…sigh
Bella: “I can let you go now.” What. The. Fuck. Movie????? Not only could she not let Edward go, Bella never wanted to let him go. That was and had never been her arc!!! She would have gone to Edward regardless of anything!!! I hate this, I hate this oh GOD
No, I’m not done, I need another bullet point for this BS. The whole reason why Twilight was picked up to be adapted in the first place was because Hollywood execs saw “Ooh Romeo and Juliet with vampires 🤑” written all over this one…only for the actual filmmakers to just say, “Actually her whole ~journey this movie is letting go of Edward uwu” Poor Meyer…she just had to grin and bear it until she became the producer, I suppose
*Bella and Edward having a whole-ass conversation and making out* *Felix and Demetri watching in the shadows*: “So…should we interru—” “Don’t you DARE” “Felix” 🤣 I’m sorry, but this whole “I lied I do love you” convo should have been in the bedroom scene proper; there are literal Volturi about!!! Also, also, no “Amazing. Carlisle is right”!!! No Romeo quote!!!! Fie, for shame
Dakota Fanning as Jane…Well, probably not perfection, but she is great as usual. The Volturi got done so dirty overall, though—they look and act like Vampire Diaries rejects.
THAT ELEVATOR SCENE, OH GOD. So much meme potential. Why does this series keep injecting humor and comedy where there shouldn’t be and just ditching the actual humor and comedy of the actual books?????
Again, these Volturi gives me discount Vampire Diaries. Also, that chamber is so damn small. Where is the mystique, the grandiosity?There should be a crowd of vampires around, it’s their dinnertime.
Michael Sheen is just too British for the la tua cantante, lol. He also says something else (“Forse le vostre l’uno per altro”??? The accent is just too thick). He’s way too handsy (movie, they’re regular vampires who are sharks!!) but overall I guess his creepy-genteel approach works. Again, the cringy script fucks him over, as it does everyone. The movie has him touch Edward only now and not immediately when he meets him. Oh, God.
Edward just stumbling forward to Jane’s demonstration on Bella 💀 Jane saying “Pain” and Edward just standing there instead of collapsing 💀 Stewart!Bella freaking out and begging them to stop…actually, no, there she did very well, I liked it
Edward and Felix fighting ewwww…and with that awful slow-mo. What’s with these movies and including non-canonical battle shit???? Also, Aro would not order Bella’s execution if simply because he wants to collect Edward/Alice and Bella once she turns (it’s obvious she is a shield).
Of course fucking Alice speaks up at the very last minute before Aro chomps on Bella!!! When she would have had a vision of this exact scenario!!! This movie I swear!!!
“Once Alice changes me, you can’t get rid of me.” Okay, Movie Bella is officially more interested in immortality than Edward, the exact opposite of her book counterpart. Dishonor on your cow, Rosenberg.
“Jake, I love you.” Aaaaaand it’s official, the movies are definitely Team Jacob. Fuck you, too, movie
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sapphic-horny-tears · 6 months
Thought dump/Storytime: If you aren't interested in people discussing your opinions maybe don't put them on the internet.
People get so pressed when they put their opinion out on the internet and then get mad when people give THEIR opinion about their opinion, AND THEN HIDE BEHIND THE "OH ITS JUST MY OPINION" LINE!!! it's like oh have you never heard of idk, the idea of a conversation? of debate? a discussion? the exchange of ideas? the fact that people have different experiences and backgrounds than you? Cause let me tell you, you are never going to agree 100% with everybody. And some people get overly rude and mean true. But others are genuinely just also stating what they think, and are open to discussion because that is how people learn and grow. If you immediately always start at a "fuck you and your family" mentality communication stops, and no one has learned anything. Chances are you aren't going to change someone's mind, but maybe it will make them think later on down the line, or plant a seed that might eventually make them see the world differently.
Storytime: I was at a friends birthday party a few years ago, in an area of my country that tends to be conservative and definitely not politically correct. I was chatting with this group of guys and when they found out that I had a degree in politics and gender studies they started to ask me questions about feminism, and then later the trans community. I told them that I am not trans, so I cannot speak for trans people, but I can do my best to answer their questions. They had a lot, and it was mostly just that they didn't really understand it and they were afraid to ask questions because they didn't want to be yelled at or seen as bigoted people. They were really excited to have someone to talk to about it, to ask questions, and to learn. I answered their questions as best as I could, with what I knew from being in the LGBTQ+ community myself, and what I had learned throughout my degree. Some of them had some really thoughtful and insightful things to say and it was honestly a really enriching experience for me, and I hope for them as well, because while I was definitely not going to have my mind swayed about the trans community. I still came away from the experience having learned more about communication, advocacy, and being able to have an open discussion even if you disagree. We were literally holed up in a randoms bedroom during a massive house party having these deep philosophical chats, some would get called away by their mates at times but they always came back for more, they were deeply invested. I never saw them again, and I have no idea what they may have taken from our talks that night, I know that I was better for it, and I can only hope that they were too, that maybe next time they encounter a trans person, or even just the topic of the LGBTQ+ community, they might think back to what we talked about.
All this to say that I think we sometimes get so consumed with right and wrong that we forget that we haven't always had the correct take every time, and to think about what helped change your mind, helped you to learn, and grow. We have forgotten the art of good faith and open debate. THIS DOES NOT MEAN THAT PEOPLE SHOULD HAVE TO DEBATE THEIR RIGHT TO EXIST!!!! THAT IS NOT WHAT I AM SAYING, BEFORE YALL COME AT ME CAUSE I KNOW WHAT YALL ARE LIKE!!!!. IF SOMEONE IS BEING A BIGOTED ARSEHOLE, YOU SHOULD TREAT THEM AS SUCH!
We can't expect people to be lawful good from birth to death, we all miss the mark from time to time. If someone is being genuine and in good faith to you, I think you should try to be the same back. Until they're not and then you can unleash hell.
TLDR: People have forgotten the old if it's not for you keep scrolling trick, and instead are airing out their personal grievances on the internet, they can dish it but can't take it. If you're not interested in people discussing your thoughts maybe don't put them on the internet. REAL-LIFE, CHARACTERS AND MEDIA are not always lawful good from their inception. If you want to change someones mind maybe start with honey instead of vinegar.
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veliseraptor · 1 year
1 & 19 for the latest ask meme?
the character everyone gets wrong: oh boy I have a whole list. I mean, I referenced something about this on my bitchy post the other night about characters I started disliking because I felt like fandom was making them too nice (to call out one that's older, Maedhros is a good example). which is generally what happens when I find myself going "no! no!!! stop it!!!!!" about the way people are reading a character.
but I guess the one I find most personally irritating lately in recent fandom is Nie Mingjue, because...well, I get where the nice friendly sensitive Nie Mingjue comes from, on some level (mostly CQL, I think, which, bless it for the 'everybody cries' thing but also...curses), but I just find it...frustrating...that it tends to mean that people do not acknowledge the ways in which he is kind of a guy full of rage and quick to turn to violence as a solution, who may be somewhat less than completely righteous and correct, and the sabre cultivation being an influence on that/making it worse doesn't make that...not the case. at the very least in novelverse the fact that Nie Mingjue doesn't actually succeed in murdering anybody does not necessarily negate the fact that he definitely tried.
once again I would be more interested in and less bothered by Nie Mingjue if fandom was more about him being fucked up and not just in nice and sympathetic ways.
seriously, I feel like maybe 80% of my problems with mdzs/cql fandom would be solved if people just went "this is a book/show about a lot of very fucked up people who are doing fucked up stuff in different ways, with, like, a couple exceptions." I think that would go a long way. at the very least maybe we could drop the endless "who's most right and who is most evil" arguments.
wait, I feel like I remember a line in canon about that, maybe.
you're mad/ashamed/horrified you actually kind of like...: I have spent the last, oh, five or six years cultivating an attitude of no shame for my interests and while it has not been 100% successful it has been fairly successful, so I'm actually kind of struggling to come up with something for this. I feel like there are maybe certain tropes I'd put down here that I feel vaguely embarrassed about. that's probably the best answer. and like. I guess I'm a little embarrassed about the non-con thing but honestly I'm probably more embarrassed about the tropes that disclose things about me emotionally. the more I feel like a trope is therapeutic for me the more embarrassed I am about it.
oh no, wait - I'm a little ashamed of the fact that I genuinely love the Black Jewels Trilogy by Anne Bishop. it is soooo...well, there's a lot I could say. but damn do I love the stupid things. the heart wants what it wants I guess
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fauvester · 2 years
ok, so. Since your adoption AU has quickly become my no. 1 new obsession, I would totally love to make some fanart or write some fanfic about it. Would you be okay with that?
If not, that’s totally fine! If yes, I’d really like for you to ramble to me about these questions I have (if you have time) because if I make fanart/fanfic I want it to be 100% accurate, because I’m a perfectionist. So, correct me if I’m wrong pls:
Elim “Lim” Junior likes to cook, was the first to get adopted, and is the oldest brother. He seems to me to be a calm kinda guy. Gives me safe vibes, like I would let him bear hug me. What does he do, I wonder? Like, for a living? Or what does he want to do when he’s older? Idan is the youngest, absolute cutie, I adore him. What does he want to do when he grows up? And what are his hobbies? Iskra is Garak’s little girl, except she’s not even that little and also she marries a Klingon doctor, am I right? Is she the one who tries out tailoring, do I remember that correctly? What does she do for a living? Or is she actually a professional tailor?? Then, there’s Jocasta. She’s older than Iskra, right? She’s a nurse. Does she work with Julian sometimes? What else does she like to do in her free time?
Yes, I’m interrogating you, yes I want to get to know them, I’m sorry if this is too many questions at once. Don’t feel obligated to answer all of this. Hope you have a great day! :)
Oh man I'd be so flattered!! come on into the sandbox!! I'm so chuffed that you like them as much as I do! Let me try to put stuff down that I've been carrying around in my head re: the kids -
Young Elim ("Lim" "Elim Garak, no relation") is of a very calvinist cut (always busy, always doing something useful, always sober, always parsimonious). Repairs, cooking, cleaning. Inclined to be grumpy. Phenomenally stubborn. Probably a good hugger but on the stiff side. Remembers the most about his family before the Fire, and for decades his grief manifested as anger and the most convenient subject for that anger was the Manifestation of the Old Cardassia, Garak senior. They had a contentious relationship with him until Lim got into his twenties and mellowed out a bit, but they had some bitterly cold grudge matches before then (Garak, beefing with a child? MUCH more likely than you'd think!)
He's a full time housekeeper, first for his Castellan father (he's the cardassian jackie kennedy. refurbishing the Castellan's home, overseeing the rest of the help, hosting events, etc) and then for his mayor wife (and their many future children). Nobody would suggest that it's an unmanly line of work, but they may privately think it. Lim was never a particular stand-out at school and decided to let Iskra be the ambitious one.
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His wife is a lot. She REALLY wanted to marry into the Garak family for political cache and set her cap on him but he was NOT having it at first. She had to do a lot of courting. They get along just fine now. Iskra doesn't like her but maybe that's because they're too similar.
Idan is IN STARFLEET! The first Cardassian, and Cardassia isn't even part of the federation! By the time he was growing up, Bashir's disillusionment with the Federation softened enough to weave lots of tempting tales of adventure and discovery for his youngest.
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Worf is his idol (first Klingon solidarity!) but where Worf recognized the "you have to decide whether to be liked or be respected" decision and decided to be respected at the expense of coming off as an unpleasant terminally humorless zealot, while Idan plays up his natural goofiness to keep his classmates from feeling threatened by their 6'4 appropriately strong, fast Obsidian Order/Starfleet Medical raised Scion of Cardassia classmate. He's actually very capable and very dangerous when he isn't pretending to be an idiot (or more of one than he really is, at least). Just wants to be liked. Kind of a jock, plays racquetball and does vulcan martial arts. Enjoys Romulan pop (rpop) like every other young Cardassian.
Has a tail. Accidentally trips people sometimes.
Iskra is for real that little. She's very short.
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She gets along best with Garak, at least until Lim grows up-up. She was taught from a young age to memorize, recite and debate at length, and naturally did well in academics. She goes to some Federation planet (Andor?) to study comparative law, and then back to Cardassia to read Cardassian law as an apprentice. Through a combination of bald nepotism, personal charisma and actual merit, she snags a position as the attachè of Ambassador Lang to the Federation, where she spends a few years advancing her father's administration's diplomatic interests. Once he steps down and Lang takes his place she ends up... somehow... on a Starfleet mission......?...... and meets her eventual wife! She serves... some diplomatic purpose. Besides amusing herself. I just haven't decided what that would be yet.
Jocasta (oh sweet babbygirl I have not developed you much at all lol) gets along best with Julian because he does enough talking for both of them. She started out helping him with office work in the hospital, but she's the sort of person who Does Work when it Needs to be Done and took enough tasks onto herself that she's become indispensable. Bashir taught her what she needs to know about nursing, and she helps him with the cultural missteps he occasionally still makes. She's the last line of defense if someone's a particularly hard stick because she can throw a needle under tough scales like it's nothing (she could have been a good Obsidian Order torturer).
She would have been the Housekeeper of the family if not for Lim, so she does the decorative stuff that he doesn't - mending and eventually sewing, gardening, even a little art. It reminds Garak a little too much of Ziyal sometimes, but that's a kind of gift, too.
ANYWAYS THATS THE KIDDOOOOOOOOOS! I have a lot of stuff thrown in the #garashir adoption au tag if you're looking about for other tasty bits, it is all approximately Fauve-canon but feel free to play in this space however you like.. I love to talk about them! I'd be so tickled if you wanted to do something with them.
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backup-baby-backup · 2 years
If This Was A Movie: A Brief Retrospective
It's April 2009*, and Taylor Swift has been dumped over a 27-second phone call by Joe Jonas for half a year now. For whatever reason, despite performing the non-single track Forever & Always a LOT during this time (iconic move tbh), she now feels more wistful about that relationship and wishes he'd stayed longer. So she calls Martin Johnson, whom she's a fan of and collaborated with for that Hannah Montana song, and they get together and write If This Was A Movie.
After its release in October 2010, If This Was A Movie had largely flown under the radar, not least because it was a deluxe track. However, it has found some favour among more devoted fans (including a certain prolific YouTuber). Also, as Taylor never officially released the lyrics to this song**, occasionally there are debates on who Eli is, and whether that line in the bridge says "ever", "every day", "wary", "weary" or "worried".
We fast forward a bit and it's now November 2011. Taylor Swift has finally released the deluxe tracks of Speak Now on iTunes for purchase. One of these songs is Ours. It's widely known to be her next single, and she's just performed it live at the CMAs. It's also listed as the first bonus track so you can't miss it. So these songs debut on the Billboard 100, and...
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Despite all the promo for Ours, it still comes in lower than If This Was A Movie, which debuts in the top 10. In 2011, streaming still wasn't as big of a deal, so rankings like these depended mostly on digital sales. This means that If This Was A Movie literally outsold Ours. By 17,000 downloads, in fact. Given that the songs cost $1.29 to purchase on iTunes, If This Was A Movie brought in $22k more from downloads within its first week.
Oh, and that old Instagram post I quoted above? It was originally posted on November 8, 2011, which was the first day the bonus tracks were available for download. And If This Was A Movie was already outselling Ours from the get-go.
So why hasn't Taylor Swift, a singer who puts a lot of effort into chasing chart figures, ever acknowledged the existence of If This Was A Movie? It's not like it's problematic like Better Than Revenge or emotionally raw like Dear John.
Here are three theories:
She plain forgot. She already forgot the lyrics to Mine, her lead single, on the Red tour, so it's the most probable reason. Boring though.
Something about Martin Johnson. If This Was A Movie is the only co-write on Speak Now. If Love Story is indeed about Martin Johnson like many people think, then it follows that Martin indeed the "creep" Taylor mentioned in that 60 Minutes interview in 2011, and maybe she doesn't want to give Martin any credit? But then again she performed This Is What You Came For after she split with Calvin Harris.
She doesn't think a co-written song fits on Speak Now, so she wishes it never existed. I will admit I added this after she retroactively added a song to Fearless TV. Maybe she didn't want to put it out but her label (read: Scott) forced her to? Well, I guess this is the correct answer now? Idk really.
Anyway, the song is good and it's a shame that she never performed it.
*or somewhere around that time, we can't know for sure
**that album booklet that purports to include the deluxe tracks is fake (so fake that it spells John Mayer's name wrong)
P.S. It really should be If This Were A Movie.
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corbinite · 1 year
Disclaimer: not a physicist, I just like to listen to physicist
ok so everybody who has any interest in physics with 52 minutes to spare go watch acollierastro's video "string theory lied to us and now science communication is hard" because it has some excellent insight into (one facet of) why science communication is so difficult now and why so many people distrust science and equate it with magical thinking, but also I have my own little tidbit to add to the equation and it's about the observer effect, which is where observing a phenomenon changes its outcome
Unlike acollierastro's video, this isn't about a hypothesis that doesn't follow the scientific method, because the observer effect is a real thing that we can test and demonstrate unlike string theory. Rather my problem is with how the observer effect is taught to lay people. And when I say how it is taught to lay people I mean on *every* level. If you are not a practicing physicist and you don't actively search out information on this subject, you definitely have completely the wrong idea of what the observer effect is. Hell, even if you do search out information you probably have that same wrong idea
See the way we're all taught about the observer effect in highschool and on, frankly, social media, is that if you are studying the behavior of matter on the subatomic level, it will act completely differently depending on whether you are "watching" it happen or not
and that sounds like magical thinking
So you ask your professor what that means because the bit about the observer effect in your AP Chem textbook really only has that one line, and maybe a blurb about how it was discovered which doesn't offer much insight to a highschooler. But the teacher doesn't really have anything else for you, they just say "yes it's true, watching subatomic particles changes how they behave!" and you just kind of have to accept that that's the answer
So a lot of people go through highschool and their adult life hearing this and they go one of two ways. Either they think "that's ridiculous, that sounds like Toy Story, physics is just a bunch of humans coming up with ideas and seeing what sticks and apparently what sticks is just whatever is the most attention grabbing" (physics is not about ideas it's about math all the way down), OR, they think "wow, the human mind really is incredible, our brains can literally change reality, can you imagine what we could achieve if we used 100% of our brains instead of 10%? We're in a simulation, reality is divine geometry, the particles know we're watching" it goes on. And it just doesn't get corrected
And you end up with two camps of people who either reject or think that they embrace science, but either way they think that physics is a bunch of people coming up with ideas to explain the world when it's not, that's how mythology works, physics is math. Einstein didn't predict relativity by thinking hard about it and having the right ideas, he predicted it through math, the math came first. Physicists aren't just a bunch of people making things up to stay relevant, nor are they a bunch of gnostics recieving divine inspiration from above. They're goddamn mathemeticians and experimentalists. They do math, see what the math predicts, then set up a plan for how to test that math (see acolierastro's video for a more thorough explanation of what makes a theory of physics a theory of physics)
And this ties into a lot of other cases of poorly explained concepts in science that have people asking "but how do they know that? Scientists are just making things up/the universe is magic" but the observer effect is probably the most likely to push people into magical thinking (others are the fact that we know about earth's internal structure because we can use sonar to measure it, we know about the big bang and the accelerating expansion of the universe because we can use the speed of light and the doppler effect to measure not only how celestial bodies are moving right now but how they were moving in the past and track that through time, and we can observe that distant galaxies are moving in ways that would indicate that they contain more matter than we can observe and that yet unknown phenomenon has been dubbed dark matter which is an admittedly overly mysterious name)
Anyway I should probably circle back to the observer effect, so let's ask what it means to observe something. Well, on our macro scale, observing something usually means seeing it. But in order to see something, light has to hit it, cause a momentary disturbance in the energy of the thing's electrons, eject back out from the object, and go into our eyes. Observing could also mean to hear something, but in order to hear it it has to bump into air molecules or other matter and send rippling physical vibrations out. We could smell it! But to smell something, volatile particles have to leave that thing (slightly reducing its mass), enter your nose, and slot into your olfactory receptors. You could touch it! That one's self explanatory. What do all of these things have in common? That object you are observing has to interact with the world around it in order for you to observe it. Whether it is interacting with light, the air, or your actual fingers, the object you are observing has to effect and be effected by the outside world around it. If something is completely inert, and not currently interacting at all with light or other matter or gravity or electromagnetism or etc, you cannot observe it. So how do we observe particles at the scale necessary to demonstrate the observer effect? With lasers
With lasers
We shoot lasers at it
That certainly does something to the thing we're observing
And that doesn't have to be the only way to observe matter at subatomic scales. But there is not any way to observe matter without interacting with it, either directly or indirectly. It isn't that our consciousness effects the outcome, it isn't about us. When physicists say that observing something changes its behavior, we are not always the observer, the observer could also be a nearby atom which "observes" the particle in question by creating interactions between them. Nothing to do with conscousness
The observer effect, very roughly, means that while a particle or system is not interacting with anything, it behaves probabilistically, but when interacting with its environment, that probability solidifies into an outcome. If And to be clear: that's still wild! It doesn't mean that there's a magical universal consciousness, and it doesn't mean that "particles break the laws of physics when we aren't looking at them", especially because we do already have extremely robust and experimentally testable models for how unobserved systems behave, so it's not breaking the laws of physics, it's confirming them!
So yeah, all this to say, modern science is not a competition for who can come up with the best ideas or who can be blessed with the most enlightened perspective. If something cannot be observed measured or tested then it is not a scientific theory or even a hypothesis it is just a thought. And thoughts are great! But thoughts are not physics. And we need better science education that does a better job at simplifying complex topics nondestructively
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f-ngrl · 2 years
What are your thoughts on Sik-k's songs lyrical wise? 'Cause I feel like his fans (mostly women) only like him bc of his looks, and there's also the fact that he always uses autotune so idk
(I promise this is not hateful, I'm genuinely curious)
Hi, thanks for the question!
I love answering this because I genuinely think his music is great, and underrated by those fans who only focus on his looks! :)
imo he is a good songwriter, both for lyrics and melodies. and just songs altogether, idk what else goes into them :D he created his very own style which makes him stand out to me because there aren't many artists like that. he also celebrates his individuality with melanin handsome* or proudly not having any tattoos (lol :D).
(*there are other k-rappers who don't try to make their skin look brighter or even try to make it look darker, but most of them connect it with a bad boy/girl image, sik-k doesn't)
at the same time, he gives his many producer friends enough space to show their own style in his songs, which is not the case everywhere.
when it comes to lyrics, they're ofc not 100% politically correct, but maybe less bad than many others in hiphop. most of it is friends/party (yeah why not) or crying over his ex (admitting it was his fault, being v nice&respectful to her) or sex (maybe encouraged by fans?? it's not interesting to me but whatever xD still not disrespectful but umm appreciative?? xD as far as i've understood)
sometimes he has good or funny lines in his raps, and while his rap is good overall and he can rap really well when he has to, his songwriting overall is his true strength in my opinion. i mean his music is not always totally hiphop, so he shouldn't be judged "only" for his rap. the autotune is a style choice and by now a well-accepted effect, so it's not really worth talking about it - if you like the sound, listen, and if you don't, don't. and it's not like he said he was a great singer and that's ok, that's not what his music is about. and i don't think he uses it more than other singing rappers, everyone uses it :D
it's true that he has many female fans, but he has male fans too and is a social butterfly in khh. people wouldn't be working with him if they thought he had to talent.
as far as i know he also hasn't had any scandals and isn't problematic so that's a plus as well xD just once there was a member in his crew who did sth very bad and all the crew members, including sik-k, supported him (tried to help ig but it was wrong) until it came out and the guy left the crew.
umm yeah this turned into why-i-like-sik-k and none of the reasons are his looks so xD if you don't know him and are interested, you should take the time and listen to one of his album a few times. it took some warming up to me, but then i really loved his music! i hope you can enjoy it too :)
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bethany-thinking · 5 months
Read Along: For Women Only: Your Love Is Not Enough (part 1)
In this series, I'll reread a book that was handed to me as a young mom or wife to read and write random reactions to it now that I have almost 20 years of marriage and 15+ of being a parent under my belt. I'm going to start with For Women Only. While this certainly not the worst book recommended to me in some ways it's one of the more deceptive with it's flashy, modern cover and appeal to science.
I'm starting with chapter two because it's more interesting.
Chapter 2: Your Love Is Not Enough: Why Your Respect Means More to Him Then Even His Affection
This chapter is built on the assumption that if given a choice men would chose to be alone and unloved over being inadequate and disrespected, whereas women will chose the opposite. This is based on a story, a survey question, and a tenuous Bible interpretation. The Bare Marriage website has in-depth articles on the issues with the survey.
You don't have to be a survey expert though to see that the book is taking a weird direction when Feldham states that most of the men taking her survey had trouble answering the question so then it occurred to her that it must be because they thought respect equalled love. Maybe that should have been the point where she realized writing a book about how men need respect and women need love is a bad idea because it's really difficult to have a good relationship without both (for men and women).
She then goes on to say that many women are just perplexed when their husbands don't feel respected because they wonder "what did I say". No worries, Feldman will solve this for us perplexed women by pretty much just telling us not to say anything that might make our husbands feel the least bit uncomfortable.
How do you know when you have crossed that disrespect line? Feldman has the answer for that too. Watch for anger! Do I need more respect if I'm feeling anger that this book was handed to me as a young wife?
Okay, so respect has to be earned right? Nope, Feldman tells us that respect is to be unconditional just like love this is based on the sketchy interpretation of Eph 5. Also, respect is a choice. And, it's "not real unless you show it". Okay, so now that we know our husbands are going to be angry if we don't do this and we have to do it no matter how they act and that it's a choice that we have to embrace 100%, let's find out what it means to respect our husbands! Need #1: Respect His Judgement
defer to their judgement not treat him like a kid trust his decision-making abilities Okay, this all seems fair but honestly, women need this too. They don't want to be treated like kids either or disrespected when they have an opinion based on knowledge.
Need #2: Respect his abilities
Men need to figure out stuff for themselves. How do we enable this?
Don't offer to help them fix the DVD player. Feldman says this shows distrust (in italics!)
In fact, this quote is so great it gets one of those special quote boxes, "Problem is, we want to help them--and guess how they interpret that? You got it: distrust."
Also, we shouldn't ask them to stop and get directions (thank goodness for GPS so at least Siri can help out). In fact, if you tell your man to get directions you are interfering with him "conquering Everest" It's not clear whether you are allowed to turn on Google Maps or correct a wrong turn in my edition of the book. Maybe that's updated in a later version!
"Next time your husband stubbornly drives in circles, ask yourself what is more important: being on time to the party or his feeling trusted."
The section concludes with telling you not to "tell him how" and to support him. Feldman does allow for some "true advice" but we need to watch out because it quickly becomes "instruction." Also, if you don't want to stand up for your man because he doesn't deserve it, you don't get an out there. Feldman says you should do it anyway because it will lift you both up.
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serephinastardust · 1 year
Possible book scene
Why did I do that? Oh fuck me, why the hell did I do that?!
I’m near panic attack as my device starts to fall apart on my workshop bench. I was trying to build an easy access machine for people to record and project their dreams, but one misplaced glyph had it disintegrating my hands. I almost felt like the universe was against me doing this. Reality is so harsh.
My calculations, quadruple checked, were flawless. Could it be reality itself that is the problem of failure.  I wouldn’t think that to be the problem, but who knows. I start to clean up my failure of a project and sit back at my table with the blueprints and more research materials.
I needed to figure out where everything went wrong. I know with 100% certainty the glyph couldn’t be my only problem. And I only had so much material to attempt the build before I would need to purchase more.
And so began my search for answers, I searched through all the artificer grimoires, and every book on glyph and runes that I owned. I found a couple items that could potentially help with the build. But it wasn’t 100% certainty. There were some runes and glyphs that were synonymous with the glyph that broke, that held more power. These glyphs and runs were based on the 5 dream constellations.
The constellations of Terror and Hades, that had to do more with the nightmare side of things, and even just reading about them, gave me the feeling that if they were used, I would be unable to predict the outcome of my machine.
 So, if what I’m reading about the power of those 2 specific constellations are correct, my hypothesis would be that the dreams of just about everyone who used it would warp. Maybe taking rainbows and puppies and turning them into hellhounds and razor blades.
I quickly write that hypothesis down, thinking about the constellation symbols and their danger level in usage. My books didn’t specify if they were forbidden or never used. I might try experiments on myself with one of these glyphs if the other constellations don’t pan out.
The other constellations that held potential were time, dimension, and sand. These ones were more of a neutral based power line, though it’s also hard to predict if any combination of what I’m using on my machine would adversely affect these three constellations, and tip them out of neutrality.
Ugh. Do I need to visit Arcadium Library? Would the Library even hold the answers about these constellations that I seek. I rub my head in frustration as I start playing with combinations of how to utilize any of these five constellations for my purposes. I try all the different glyphs, runs, and dream architect circles that represent them on paper. I wanted to see if I could go off instinct into what would work.
It was a weird feeling though, drawing hundreds of combinations that held the potential of recording and projecting a single person’s dreams. But I was also excited about the challenge that I came across. As I continued working, I had a combination call out to me.
But this call wasn’t for what I was currently working on, it was for something different. It felt like something that held the potential to help me craft my machine.
Is this really what I need? Are my algorithms for my dream interpreter actually correct, and if I use this new algorithm I’ll be able to make my original item.
I was excited. In a moment of clarity of what I would be able to do, I pulled out blank blueprint paper and began my new designs including the brand-new algorithm. And as I carefully placed where I knew each symbol needed to be, I realized that the algorithm I made used all five constellations I had discovered.
Is having five constellations set up like this a good thing? I don’t know anyone who uses these specific constellations, with these specific symbols in this manner. I wonder why? My books didn’t say anything about it, but then again my books weren’t specific for all the different combinations in the world. Should I go for it?
I sighed. I supposed the worst that actually happen is that my workshop exploded probably taking some neighbors with me. And at best I succeed. These two extremes didn’t leave much room for failure to be desired.
I didn’t think I was ready to test my build that could result in my death right away. I decided to put these blueprints in my hazard project folder. This folder was for risky projects that could result in my death, and I was willing to revisit once I had more confidence in my skills.  
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circlecast · 2 years
You're Wrong, and That's OK
We often come across people who claim we are wrong, or that we have someone who is completely wrong and has no clue about the topic at hand. An instance where so many people who didn't know what they were talking about are often seen as blowhards or complete fools.
Today it seems like everybody has to be right. Insistent on being right and even when you prove that they’re wrong. they find a reason to be right. I’m not pointing out one particular set of folks with this either. I find myself being very insistent that I am right.
What does being wrong say about you?
So many times we don’t want to be seen as wrong. This could be because we think it will be detrimental to our reputation, or that we will lose respect in our particular tribe. If we lose the respect in our tribe then who knows maybe we will be kicked out. We might be banished and exiled to the wilderness and then how are we gonna protect ourselves? This is the basis of all our fears.
We often want to make the thought of us being wrong as being a bad thing. It is a detriment to who we are in society. It is problematic because people turned us for answers and so we have to know the answers. We have to be right all the time.
These are all thought errors that we have when we are faced with the possibility of being wrong. We often want to make the thought of us being wrong as being a bad thing. It is a detriment to who we are in society. It is problematic because people turn to us for answers and so if we have to know the answers, we won’t be good leaders. We have to be right all the time. These are all thought errors that we have when we are faced with the possibility of being wrong.
What if you are wrong?
So what if you are wrong? Is that really a bad thing? Is it really that critical to you and your organization, that you have to be right 100% of the time? The answer is no. You don’t have to be right hundred percent time. You don’t even have to be right 50% of the time.
Yeah you feel good being right but being right isn’t always good. The times that you get it wrong is where the learning comes from. This is where your team gets to shine. They are able to actually contribute to the solution. You help your team by not knowing all the answers.
Ego is the enemy
Most of the time it is our egos that are fueling the arguments and disagreements online. This ego stops us from fully understanding the other side's line of thinking.
Whether it is a Twitter user who’s always sliding into your discussion with their own perceived irrationally laid out thought or your aunt who’s got to correct you on seemingly everything. The ego is why people argue. They have to be right because if they are wrong, who knows what will happen?
It isn't who they are that irritates you. It is what you believe about that person. The stories you have told yourself about that person are what is causing all the strife.
Use curiosity as a tool
So what would happen if you stopped and listen to what the other person said? How would you show up if the other person you are arguing with showed you the respect you believe you deserve? Know how to get that respect?
You get curious. you ask questions. Ask one question strictly to hear their full answer. Then ask another question pertaining to that answer. Just keep doing that, just ask questions. You don't have to get a word in edgewise. You don't have to give your side of the argument at all. You hardly even have to speak. Doing this and the respect you build with the other person grows.
How are you supposed to win the argument? Who said you lost? If you think you are going to be doing and recruiting for your side then think again. You aren't going to convert a socialist to a capitalist overnight. You aren't going to bring your soon-to-be ex-wife back into your arms simply because you stated some fact. Remember they have their own thoughts about the circumstance. So don't even worry about perceived victories. You are just building understanding. As the 5 habits of an effective person say.
Seek furst to understand before being understood
Stephen Covey - 7 Habits of Highly Effective People
When you take the time to understand another person you build a rapport with them. When the other person feels they are understood by you they are more likely to listen to what you have to say. The defenses are down when you actually try to understand where the other person is coming from.
It doesn't matter how many facts you have in your arsenal if the other person doesn't hear them you are wrong.
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Newest podcast episode to change your Mindset
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iconfusionwastaken · 2 years
1 large 'Ingo dumped into Minecraft AU' post
lots of stuff under the cut
If you want to make your own AUs/fics/art/etc. based on/inspired by/for anything on this post, you're beyond free to do so.
Ingo is not eeby deebied to Hisui but instead the world of Minecraft, maybe it's like, idk, Hermitcraft, Dream SMP, 3rd Life, Last Life, Afterlife SMP, Empires SMP, EvoSMP, Hypixel, a Pixelmon server or anywhere else.
Maybe the roleplay that happens in these worlds are just roleplay, all done for fun, maybe it's instead reality for the inhabitants, not an rp, or it's instead a mixture of both.
Maybe he's stuck in a single player world (maybe he finds out he can exit this world, create new ones, etc. etc.)
Nevertheless, Ingo is a man from a mortal world stuck in a place where unless the world is hardcore, immortality is indefinite.
Memory loss or not, Ingo is gonna have a difficult time adjusting to a Minecraft world, especially 1 that runs off of Minecraft Mechanics.
If we go 100% w/ the video game abilities, & Ingo gains every ability normal Minecraft players have, he kinda becomes what the Pokemon world would see as a godlike entity. All of this could be overwhelming for him at 1st.
What about adding mods like many of us do? Imagine Ingo finding mods that allow players to make trains in Minecraft & installing them all in his single player worlds if he has any.
Anyways, say after Ingo is long finished adjusting & is now used to Minecraft, let's say it's time for Emmet to discover his big brother is alive. I have 2 ideas for this.
Getting isekaied back to Unova, & the MCC
Getting Isekaied Back Home
So Ingo for whatever reason is returned to Unova. Whether Ingo holds any memories or not depends on you. I'm going w/ no memories.
Ingo gets a poor reintroduction to the world w/ the wrong sort of people crowding around him.
He does the only thing he can do, armor up in a quick few seconds, & draws his shield & sword.
This freaks everyone else tf out because they were expecting pokemon not a goddamn sword!
Ingo does a classic minecraft escape, maybe w/ an enderpearl/towering up.
Both freak out everyone around him, but the towering causes more chaos.
Eventually the news spread around about this freaky guy who armored himself up w/o having it on him before & the likes.
Ingo tries laying low somewhere away from people, figure out where he is.
He types in chat, something along the lines of, "I've wound up in the wrong station, can the admin of this world help bring me to my correct station?"
Since he's the only person w/ chat, nobody else sees his message.
Or maybe, instead, everyone within a certain radius sees the message infront of them/hears it somehow & are confused bcus wtf is this? Also who is using Ingo's name? That's fucked he's a missing person.
Ingo tries to lay low, but fiascos continue to happen & eventually it gets out that this weird person "wearing" Ingo's face that may be a psychic/pokemon in disguise because of all the weird shit he pulls off & this freaky stuff he has on him, plus he has no pokemon & when people try to fight him he brings up a shield & weapons?
Ingo meanwhile is a confused lad & wants to get home, even when this place feels weirdly familiar & nostalgic, as are these strange creatures who are clearly smart enough to make their own choices like players.
Maybe he befriends some mons & they travel w/ him.
As ingo learns, people apparently don't fight w/ swords or whatnot, but w/ creatures of immense power instead. Regardless, he'd rather not fight anyone & instead run away, because it's 1 thing to fight another person who also has a weapon, & another thing to fight someone who is basically unarmed w/o the powerful creatures by their side, & something deep inside Ingo abhors the idea of harming these creatures at all.
At some point Ingo hears about this guy named Emmet who people are calling his twin? Well, Ingo remembers nothing, & has been down on his luck recently, but maybe this guy has answers? They do look alike after all.
So begins Ingo's journey to Nimbasa w/ many misadventures along the way.
Emmet who's recently heard of this Ingo imposter also learns this guy has been heading towards Nimbasa.
Thus, Emmet, still in grief over his missing twin, decides to confront this person wearing Ingo's face.
In Nimbasa, Ingo's recognized & chased by police under the impression he's guilty of identity theft & Ingo takes the chase to roofs which he uses blocks on him to bridge between but then he's cornered, there's no nearby ledge or roof, he has no blocks left, but he has a water bucket, & can get away by jumping down.
Meanwhile, the very ledge where Ingo is cornered at happens to be the enterance to the building & Emmet just got there, he was gonna enter the building & sprint his way to the roof top until he noticed Ingo who jumped off the ledge holding something in his hand.
Ingo attempts an MLG Waterbucket as he's done countless times before and ends up dying.
Listen we all have our days where things just go wrong.
Emmet sees this doppelganger of his brother jump down, fall onto the pavement legs first, collapse to his side while flashing red for a brief moment only for the body to disappear in smoke.
Everyone around Ingo at the time hears the words: Ingo fell from a high place
Even if Emmet is certain that wasn't his brother, that strange sentence only terrifies him.
Also, every object, from weapons, to armor, to food, & more, is scattered on the ground, as are xp points which have no where to go because no players are nearby.
Wait I just came up for another branch in this AU
Despite being confused, the police decide to confiscate all of Ingo's stuff.
Ingo meanwhile, who was lucky enough to have a bed on him & set him spawn somewhere near Nimbasa city & promply goes to get at least some iron gear since there's a good chance he isn't getting his stuff back. He isn't as dumb as to stay armorless forever.
When people try to do something about the XP, they can't, it just stays in place, only jerking around in the same small area.
IDK where to continue from here.
Branch 2! Emmet absorbs the XP!
When Ingo dies and looses all his stuff & leaves some XP behind, Emmet is the closes person nearby. Despite not being a player, the XP goes to him.
Emmet doesn't realize what's happened until it's already occured, as he hears the jingles of XP.
He doesn't feel different & after a checkup which doesn't see anything wrong, he continues life as normal, as much as he can given all the havoc going on.
It's generally assumed that the doppelganger is good as dead for a while until he's spotted again.
That's not the only thing however, Emmet's been feeling strange lately.
It starts small, being able to pick objects up much quicker, even when his hand was no where near them. If he stood next to an object he wanted, it could suddenly be in his hand.
Then it became involuntary.
He discovered that if he just had a quick snack, his stamina would suddenly come back to him, & he could go back to sprinting.
Whenever he wanted to take something on/off, the clothing in question would already be worn/taken off.
When going to bed, he'd feel the sensation of falling asleep in a matter of seconds only to wake up to morning so suddenly.
Eventually he's start to wake up standing next to his better when he swore seconds before he was falling asleep in bed.
Soon he can hold up to 9 objects in some pocket dimension he aruptly has, & he can cycle between all these objects.
When Emmet tries to put something down 1 day, he drops it on the ground instead, it looks tinier than it should be, & it spins slowly, just like everything the doppelganger of Ingo scattered that day
1 day, Emmet wakes up to a line of text is his sight, that nevers goes away no matter what direction he looks.
Emmet has joined the game
<Ingo> Hello! Do you happen to know who's server this is? I'm kind of stuck here and can't log out of here.
(I also have this idea where Ingo gets stuck in Unova w/ some other players who have long become good friends of him & all of them causing madness together but this is long enoug lmao)
I imagine if Ingo kept his memories, he'd not just be estastic to be home, but would go straight towards Nimbasa city, misunderstandings & madness still happens, but it's a smoother experience.
Sidenote, would miltank milk function just like cow milk from minecraft, curing status effects like poison & the likes? Would it only apply to potion effects or do effects from pokemon & more count too?
The MCC Reveal
Ingo, after having long since adjusted to the world, gets an invite to MCC, which he accepts.
Unrelated to Ingo going to MCC for the 1st time ever, the universe of Minecraft has found & established communication w/ the world of Pokemon, where Ingo once belonged.
It's huge news for both worlds, w/ constant updates of what people have learned about the other world being released.
Once again going the Amnesiac Ingo route, Ingo can't help but feel that the Pokemon seem awfully familiar, & the Pokemon universe as a whole seems so nostalgic to him.
Since MCC is coming up, Noxcrew decide to set it up so that when the event goes live, even the Pokemon universe can see what's going on.
It's the most the MCC has ever been hyped up.
When the teams are revealed, everyone from the Pokemon world who knows anything about Ingo does a spit take upon seeing him in 1 of the teams.
When the pokemon universe contacts the minecraft universe about Ingo, the Minecraft world is like: Ingo? Yeah he's a good guy who unfortunately has amnesia, why do you ask?
That's when the pkmn world reveals Ingo's history & he's from Unova & the Minecraft universe is like 'oh, SHIT.'
& so Ingo is informed that it was discovered that he has a twin, is from the pkmn world, among other things.
Alternatively, ppl could somehow not get te news about Ingo being in MCC, the event starts, but then people find out someone who looks like Ingo is in the event. He looks like Ingo.
Mid-tournament, people find out where the missing twin of Emmet is.
I wanna write down ideas for if Emmet became a player instead of Ingo, or they both end up in Minecraft, maybe they go w/ Elesa or it's just Elesa. Maybe their pokemon come w/ them, the likes, but I've already used so much brain juice plus this post is already long enough.
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myherowritings · 4 years
order’s up!
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— Osamu gets a big order of some rather strange rice ball combinations an hour before closing. He doesn’t expect that he’d find the customer who ordered to be so damn cute.
pairing: miya osamu x reader word count: 2,387 genre: fluff, post manga timeskip
a/n: first haikyuu fic and aHH it was so fun to write ,, i didn’t expect osamu to be my first but here we are and tbh i am not mad~ ;) FJSDHKJ hope u enjoy!!
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“One unagi onigiri to go-- Your order’s ready!”
A middle-aged man stood up from his seat at the waiting area and headed over to the counter, thanking Osamu for the fresh onigiri and making brief small talk. As the man left, Osamu looked at the customer next in line, thankful there was only one person in here so close to closing time.
“I’ll be with you in a moment,” he stated when your gaze met his, lips quirking up to give his best customer service smile.
You nodded with a warm smile of your own before looking down at the phone in your hands, murmuring what he thought sounded like “salmon, plum, beef, extra green onions, heavy on the seasoning.” Now, he liked to think there were no rules to onigiri, but part of him did hope you wouldn’t ask for all those ingredients in one gigantic, imbalanced rice ball. Maybe you were reciting a large number of individual orders.
He shrugged. Money was money, and all onigiri was good onigiri when made with his special Miya love. Miya love that was specific to Osamu in particular, of course. Atsumu could never recreate it even if he tried-- Not that he ever tried. The day he tried in something other than volleyball would be the day Osamu said he was the worst onigiri chef in Japan.
In other words, never.
Osamu hustled over to the cash register and you took that as your cue to step forward, hands fidgeting with your wallet and cellphone.
He smirked to himself in silent amusement. A shy one, were you? By now he had lost count of all the nervous and fidgety costumers he had gotten at his shop, but to allow them to stay that way simply wouldn’t do. If his patrons weren’t 100% comfortable in his care--well, as comfortable they could be in an onigiri shop--it meant he was doing his job wrong.
As the owner of Onigiri Miya he wanted to make sure every customer would leave with a smile and a desire to come again soon. That was how he built rapport and got so many regulars after all.
“I can take your order whenever you’re ready,” said Osamu in a slow pace, encouraging you to slow your rhythm as you tapped your fingertip restlessly against your protective phone case. Were you in a hurry? You seemed rather antsy, but he went on. “There’s no rush here.”
There was less than an hour until closing and he figured you would be the last customer of the day-- Meaning there was no reason not to slow down. As much as Osamu appreciated how lively his hometown could be, he also enjoyed quieter moments like these.
Not everything had to be so loud. Not everything had to be moving so fucking fast all the time. And he learned that in some instances, he could just control the pace himself.
Your worried chatter brought him out of his musing. “Are you sure? Because I know you close soon and I really didn’t want to come in so late but the guys are still down over a loss and said this was their favorite comfort food,” you said, eyebrows furrowed in a tell of concern. “It’s kind of a big order, so if you need to start cleaning up for closing I can just go to another store-- Sorry for imposing!”
He blinked. He thought he just said there was no rush to imply he wasn’t worried and you shouldn’t be either, but you didn’t seem to pick up on that.
“Hey, you’re not imposing,” Osamu soothed, somewhat alarmed at your apprehension. “You said someone was down over a loss? You on a sports team?”
Losing sucked. Osamu knew this firsthand.
Sure, in hindsight it wasn’t the worst thing in the world, but while it could sure feel that way sometimes. If it was bad enough, it could take a few days to really get over and grow from it. So hearing that Onigiri Miya was someone’s comfort food that could help cheer them up on days like those… That certainly gave him reason to puff his chest up a little more.
“Yeah! Well, kind of.” You moved your head side-to-side as if unsure of your answer. “I help assist the volleyball team at my university. It’s my last year in school and I’m sure all of the other fourth years are bummed too.” Catching the small frown on your face, you stopped yourself before it spread, clearing your throat. “But it’s okay! At least we all had fun. And now they’ll be getting some of their favorite food to cheer them up-- If you’re still taking orders, that is…?”
He nodded. “‘Course I am.” Osamu flashed you a grin intended to make your worries disappear. “What kinda store owner would I be if I couldn’t make your team their pick-me-up food?”
The two of you shared a look before you tore your gaze away, biting your lower lip to hide your smile.
“Thank you, then,” you murmured, unlocking your phone to what appeared to be a notes app.
Osamu picked up his pen with a short hum. “Ready to take your order when you are.”
“Right.” You stared at your screen in concentration before listing off what you had written. “Can I have three salmon onigiris with green onions, two umeboshi and mentaiko with light seasoning and ginger, one tempura and unagi with green onions and sesame seeds and heavy seasoning, two…”
As he noted your orders, some arguably stranger than others--not that he should be one to judge, what with his own peculiar preferences--he made a mental note of how cute your voice sounded and tucked it away in the depth of his mind. Was cute the word for it? He wasn’t exactly sure, but he guessed that sounded okay enough. There was something about hearing you talk that made Osamu want to hear more, even if it was just a list of onigiri ingredients.
He huffed. Weird.
When you finished he repeated back your order, affirming it was all correct.
“Great, so I’ll be with you in about 15 to 20 minutes with your order ready,” he informed as he held the paper with the dishes he had to make. “You can have a seat at one of the tables ‘til I return.”
You nodded at his words but hesitantly opened your mouth. “Erm-- Wait!”
He looked back at you, mere steps away from the cooking area.
“Is it just you working at this hour?” you asked, standing with your hands folded behind your back as you craned your neck.
“Yeah, we don’t get many late customers on a Tuesday night so I’m the only one closin’ today.” Osamu gave you a curious once-over. Bright eyes, nervous yet playful smile, cute outfit-- Damn, he sure was using the word cute a lot today. All in relation to you nonetheless. “Why?”
“Are you sure the order isn’t too big for you in this hour?” Once again, you were fretting. He reckoned he ought to teach you some relaxation techniques and tips of how to be less...selfless. “Do you need some, uh, help?”
The corner of Osamu’s lip twitched upwards. Help? What were you planning on doing if he said yes? Learn the basics of food safety and onigiri-making in less than 20 minutes so you could assist him in making your order?
Something told him that was, in fact, what you were ready to do.
“Stop stressin’, sweetheart,” he said with a tsk, not bothering to hide his amused grin. “I’ve handled bigger orders than this. You just rest your pretty little head and I’ll be finished before you know it.”
Though you still looked concerned, you nodded and sat down, probably figuring you would be more of a hindrance in his onigiri-making flow than anything else.
“Don’t miss me too much-- And don’t even think of saying sorry or anythin’ like that!” His tone was teasing but he meant what he said. You were a customer at Onigiri Miya and he wanted no patron of his to be worrying this much if he could do anything to help it. “The store’s still open and I’ve no issue taking your order. ‘Kay?”
You blinked. “Okay. I… Thank you, uh, Miya-san.”
“Just Miya’s fine.”
“Right. Miya. Thank you.”
He sauntered off into the kitchen to get started with your order and as he went through making your onigiri, he hoped you wouldn’t still be feeling bad about a big order that wasn’t even that big compared to others he got. Besides, you had already paid for the order. There was no point worrying after the transaction went through.
Osamu soon made his way down the list of rice balls and, just like he promised, popped his head out of the kitchen along with three, full takeout containers in record time.
“For the cutest customer here tonight-- Order’s up!”
You perked up at the mouthwatering smell of his onigiri, pressing a hand to your stomach as you hummed. “I’m the only customer here tonight, but since your food smells so yummy I will choose to let that comment slide.”
Holding the bag of takeout in front of his, Osamu smirked at your surprisingly steadfast composure. You didn’t get flustered at his unabashed compliment like he thought you would, and for some reason that made you seem even more appealing.
As you accepted the order, he quipped, “Only customer here or not, you’re still the cutest.”
You wrapped your fingers around the handle of the takeout bag, the edge of your pinky brushing against his thumb. “Hmm, then-- I guess you’re definitely the cutest worker here tonight, even though it is by default.”
Osamu laughed, both in amusement and in happiness after finally getting you to feel comfortable in his shop.
“A compliment’s a compliment and I’m not above being the cutest by default,” he said with a lazy drawl, watching as you set the onigiri bag on the counter in front of you while easing into a conversation with him.
“As if you would ever have to win by default. You seem much too handsome and talented for that.”
It sounded like you were flirting. Were you flirting? He noted the mischievous glint in your eyes and the way you lingered in the store instead of leaving once you received your order.
Yeah. You were so flirting.
“Oh, nothing.” He smiled secretively but wouldn’t expand on what he said despite your questioning look.
You narrowed your eyes. “Sure, okay then.” Your fingers wrapped and unwrapped themselves from the handle of the to-go bag, like you didn’t want to leave just yet but didn’t know what was left to say. “Well-- Um, thank you for the order! I’m sure this’ll cheer the team right up.”
“And you as well, I hope.”
“Of course. I haven’t even tasted it but it already has.”
Just being here already has, is what you seemed to say. Osamu rather liked that implication.
“But… I still feel kind of bad for ordering all this so close to your closing hours,” you said sheepishly, rubbing the side of your neck like it had a knot. “I’m sorry.”
Osamu waved his hand at your words. “Please, what do you have to apologize for? Making me do my job?” he asked cheekily, his sideways grin showing teeth. “You shouldn’t feel bad.” He noticed the way you brought your lower lip into your mouth with uncertainty and he continued, “But if you still do...there is a way you could repay me and soothe those worries.”
You looked up, eyes widened. “How? I’d do anything.”
Dangerous words coming from such pretty little lips.
He adjusted the cuffs of his sleeves, unintentionally bringing your attention to his forearms. “Let me treat you out this weekend, yeah?”
Your gaze followed his hands as you nodded. “Yea--” You blinked to snap out of your daze and he stifled a laugh. “Wait, wait! Shouldn’t I be the one to treat you?”
“What kinda gentleman would I be if I were to ask you out on a date and tell you to pay?”
Maybe Atsumu would’ve made his date pay for their meal and activities of the day, but Osamu wasn’t him. Osamu had class.
“A date?” you parroted. “As in one with me? And you? Together?”
There wasn’t anyone else in the store he could be asking. Nope, just you and your awkwardly cute self.
Osamu nodded in affirmation. A date is just what he was asking you out on. “Well, only if you want, of course.”
You bit the inside of your cheek to contain the wide smile that threatened to spread across your face. “I wouldn’t mind a date with the cutest worker here tonight,” you teased, looking around the store before meeting landing on his face. “I still want to be the one to treat you, though. It’s the least I could do.”
As happy as he was that you didn’t reject him, he didn’t give. “Don’t worry about treating me-- Your company’s a better treat than money could buy.” You snorted at his pickup line and Osamu silently cursed his brother for saying that line would always work. And then cursed himself for believing it. “Look, I’ll pay. I insist.”
“I insist too.”
You held each other’s gaze, neither one wavering. He seemed to realize you weren’t going to give in, but he wasn’t planning on it either. He huffed, shaking his head, entertained. “Okay, then. How ‘bout we rock-paper-scissors it when the day comes?”
“Fine by me,” you laughed, hiding the bottom half of your face with your hand. He wanted to hold it in his so he could see the full smile you were covering, but Osamu decided he could save that for another time. “But don’t think you’ll have an easy win! I’ll have you know I play a mean game of rock-paper-scissors.”
“‘Course you do, sweetheart.”
And he didn’t doubt that at all.
As strange as the orders were and as nervous as you may have been at the start, Osamu found himself rather fond of you. Was working overtime worth it just for a date with a cute costumer?
Yeah, he decided. It was.
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a/n: y/n’s vball team waiting for their comfort food after a bad loss while y/n and osamu are just there flirting after hours: 👁💧👄💧👁
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mrsbrookegillespie · 3 years
⚝The Girl Next Door⚝ Vampire!Luke x Reader (Series)
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(Not My Gif)
Vampire!Luke x Reader (My Babysitter’s a Vampire AU)
Description: Set in Season One (After The Movie) Y/N decides to stay around for a little longer for a unknown reason to the gang. With that comes new problems, more supernaturals, and more uncoverings of the secrets that lay hidden beneath her facade, especially when a new girl enters the town.
Warnings: mentions of death, minor violence, and probably typo. Also cringy My Babysitter’s a Vampire talk. Tried to make it like the show in the way I write.
One more thing... It’s long. Because this is the first one of the series I wanted this one to be long, but the other ones will be shorter, unless it’s a thicker plot.
“Look who decided to stay…”
Y/N freezes for a moment. His chilling voice sent her heart pounding against her ribcage. “Could say the same for you.” She turns on her heels rapidly to face him. “New found freedom and here you are in this same small town, at a school that’s quite boring if I’m being honest.” 
Luke tilts this head. His eyes twitch, widening for a moment. “If it was boring there wouldn’t be witches and vampires roaming around. So, who knows what else is lurking around these corners…” He teasingly smiles at Y/N’s dumbfounded expression. “Am I wrong?” 
“No…” she sighs. 
“You’ve seemed to have caught quite a lot of people’s attention.” He side eyes the group of Freshmen boys gawking at her.    
“It seems I have.” She doesn’t bother looking away from Luke. “Luke.” His now yellow eyes fixate on hers. “I hope our previous encounters don’t get to your head.”
“I wish I knew what you were talking about, so please enlighten me.” He crosses his arms, subconsciously leaning towards her. 
“I mean… With me saving you.” 
“You didn’t save me,” he argues. 
A sarcastic laugh interrupts the confrontation between them. “Oh, is that right?” Sarah appears at Y/N’s side. “Because I think if she wasn’t there to rescue you, there would be a wooden stake in your chest right now.” She mimics Luke’s stance, Y/N awkwardly standing there witnessing this endeavorment.
Luke laughs, dryly. “Is that what you think? Well, I think if a pathetic girl--” 
“Right here,” Y/N mumbles.
“--could take you on, I could’ve survived your weak throw.” 
Sarah sucks on her two front teeth. “Come on Y/N, let’s get out of here.” She grabs ahold of Y/N’s arm tugging her away from the boy.
“Little strange that you’re buddying up with the girl who nearly killed you,” he shouts.
Weirded out glances are shot towards him. 
“You just had to save him?” Sarah asks.
“What? Would you rather me save Jesse?” Y/N responds, raising an eyebrow.
“Or how about no one?” 
Y/N huffs. “Think he’s going to be a problem?” She looks back at where Luke and her just were, only to find he’s disappeared. 
“The biggest,” Sarah answers.
“Yeah… Me too.” 
“Hey guys,” Ethan says, walking up to the pair. “What’s up?” 
“Just another lovely conversation with Luke,” Sarah explains. “Would still really love a reason from Ms. Magic over here.” 
Y/N puts her freehand up to mock surrender. “Don’t look at me,” she pauses. “Just doing my job,” she whispers to the point where no one else hears her. “Seen my cousin anywhere?” 
Ethan shakes his head, but it goes distracted when something catches his attention. “Found him.” 
They all turn to see Benny sweet talking to an unfamiliar girl. “Makes sense,” Y/N comments. “Who is that?” Her eyes narrow.
“No clue, never seen her around before,” Ethan informs. 
“She’s pretty.” 
They all jump, startled by Rory’s sudden appearance. “Where did you come from?” Y/N asks, harshly.
“Sorry, not as pretty as you Y/N,” Rory rushes, winking at her. 
She rolls her eyes. Benny and the new girl stopping in front of them. “Guys I want you to meet Clarissa, she’s new, and she actually just moved in next door to us,” he remarks. 
“Hello, Clarissa, I’m Sarah.” 
Y/N stares at the girl for a moment. Something didn’t fit right in Y/N’s stomach when staring into her pure green eyes. They were almost too green. “I’m Y/N.” She bounces on the balls of her feet. “Benny’s cousin,” she adds.
Clarissa grabs Y/N’s hand without warning. “I’ve heard so much about you!”
“You have?” Y/N chokes out a laugh. “All good things, I hope.” She grew heavily uncomfortable when Clarissa stared intensely at the purple gem that was snug in the center of Y/N’s ring. 
Y/N pulls her hand away hastily, wiping it on her jeans. “Of course.” Clarissa’s sickly sweet smile almost gave her a headache. 
“Benny,” she grits through her teeth. “Can I speak with you?” 
Benny looks at her, confused. “What’s up?” 
Y/N clears her throat. “Alone.” 
With no verbal response she drags Benny to a corner where the rest of the group stared at the two. “What’s wrong? Is it Clarissa? Look, I know she’s coming off a little eager but--” 
“That’s all you’re getting from her?” Y/N exasperates. “Don’t you see her eyes they’re pure green, I think they’re magical contacts--”
She gestures to where Clarissa was picking at Sarah’s hair. “And she’s wearing a headwrap-thing! And--” She aggressively points at her ring, “--she was analyzing it. I think she knows who I am, and people knowing what I am equals trouble.” 
Benny stares at his cousin like he’s witnessing a crazy person. “Okay, someone’s been overworking her powers a little too much.” He grabs hold of her shoulders. “Clarissa is just a lonely new girl, who just happens to now live right next door to us. And maybe she likes jewelry, and green is good. Nice color. And… You do know there is something called culture, right?” 
Y/N groans. “You’re not getting my point, I think she’s--”
The warning bell rings, cutting her off. “Gotta get to class, maybe you should go home--”
“Get some rest.” Benny runs off, catching up with Clarissa.
“Okay, what’s got you all down?” Sarah asks, following the invisible lines Y/N’s making with her eyes, landing on Clarissa. 
“Something is not--”
“I had a vision,” Ethan blurts. “When I shook Clarissa’s hand.” 
“I knew it!” Y/N exclaims. “Snakes on her head, am I right?” 
Ethan shudders. “H-How did you know?” 
“Medusa, I can sense descendants wherever I go,” Y/N admits. “It’s my seventh sense.” 
“You mean sixth sense,” Sarah corrects.
“No, I mean seventh sense.” Ethan and Sarah furrow their eyebrows. “Hard to explain. We need to warn Benny, but I think she already put her spell on him.” 
“Spell?” Ethan questions. “What spell?” 
The second bell rings. “Let’s talk later, during lunch!” Y/N jogs away rounding a corner.
“The thing is…” 
“Ah!” Y/N screams when Clarissa slithers in front of her. “You…” She points an accusing finger at her. “Stay… Away.” Y/N makes a mental note of how her contacts were replaced with a dark pair of sunglasses. 
“You have something I need. You think I want to be this way, snakes for beautiful long hair, turning people into stone. Do you know how lonely it is? I turned my best friend into stone, no way to reverse her back.” Clarissa takes a step closer to Y/N.
“Well, there is, it’s just--AH!” Y/N falls back onto the floor when Clarissa pushes her. “A little more complicated because of…” Her voice fades off.
Clarissa’s eyes didn’t dare to look away from Y/N’s ring. “Because I don’t have that.” 
“So, you want my ring?” Y/N scoffs. “Well, you can’t have it. I’m not giving it to you.” 
Clarissa chuckles. “Like you have a choice.” 
“No, no, no, please don’t do this…. AH!” Y/N had no time to react before Clarissa’s headwrap fell, and she ripped her sunglasses off. 
Grandma gasps, placing a hand on her heart. Not wasting any time she rustles off of the couch, getting to work.
“Where’s Y/N? She was supposed to tell us--” 
“Tell you what?” Benny asks, cutting off Ethan. ‘
“That--Clarissa!” Ethan fakes a smile when she comes into view. “Tell us--” 
“Tell us about her upcoming date,” Sarah finishes, nonchalantly. 
“Date?” Luke stomps up to them. “Y/N? On a date? With who?”
“With…” Sarah’s eyes search the area. “Rory!” 
The blonde boy stops, surprised. “What about me?” he asks.
“Your date with Y/N?” Ethan strains his voice, hoping Rory will be smart enough to follow along. 
Rory frowns. “Date…?” Ethan and Sarah nod, pointedly. “Date! Yes! Date. Date with Y/N. I am going on a date with Y/N.” Rory stills. “Wait, I’m going on a date with Y/N?! Sweet!” 
Luke’s jaw drops. “There must be a mistake,” he laughs. “She would never choose an idiot like you.” 
“And who would she choose… You?” Sarah ridicules.
Luke’s eyes flash yellow. “Well, thanks for the compliment. You don’t think I’m an idiot,” he replies. “Where is she?” He changes the topic.
“I-I think I saw her go home,” Clarissa chimes in.
Ethan and Sarah both avert their eyes to the girl. “You did?” Sarah glances at Ethan who undoubtedly thinks the same thing. 
“Yep!” Clarissa innocently smiles. “Why would I lie?” 
“Yeah, why would she lie?” Benny, oblivious of the situation, puts on the same smile Clarissa is sporting. “She’s new.” 
“Which means we know nothing about her,” Luke snarls. 
“Luke’s right!” Ethan confirms. 
“Is he?” Sarah’s voice goes a little higher, but on the inside she 100% agreed. 
“I’m going to go check on her,” Luke announces. 
“Why are you acting like you care about her?” Sarah snickers. “I’m coming with you.” 
“Sarah,” Ethan hisses, grabbing her wrist. Gasping when he makes contact. “I had a vision,” he confesses, letting go of her. “It’s urgent.” 
Sarah quickly glances at everyone before landing on Luke. “Just let us know if she’s there.” 
“Or how about you guys check after school?” Clarissa suggests. “And then if she’s not we can all help look for her--if missing of course. You don’t really want to miss school, do you?” 
Luke bursts into laughter. “You really are new.” And just like that he’s gone. 
“Woah, where’d he go?” Clarissa scans the room. “What are you people? First we have witches, and wizards and now--” 
“Wait, how do you know that?” Ethan interrogates.
“Guys! Chill out, I filled her in on Y/N and I being ‘magical’.” Benny does the quotations. “And how Y/N was a little freaked out by her, but it’s all good.” 
“You told her what?!” Sarah feels her anger rise within her. 
Luke opens the window of Y/N’s room, entering it. “Hello?” he calls out. “Y/N?” 
The door swings open, exposing Grandma on the other side. “Thank God, you’re here.” She runs to grab his arm. “She doesn’t have much time.” 
“What’s going on?” 
She takes him to the basement where Y/N sat on the table, completely made of stone. “She appeared right here, like this, not too long ago, but long enough where we’re getting close to the effects being permanent.” 
“What happened?” Luke walks up to Y/N.
“Medusa, or descendants. Has there been any odd behavior around the school? Or perhaps a new face?”  
Luke perks up. “Yes, there’s a new girl. A little weird, and--” 
“Tell me everything you know, and while you’re doing that, mix this up for me.” She hands him a bowl. “Hurry!” 
Sarah and Ethan continue to sit where they’ve been sitting for the last ten minutes. “How are we going to fix this?” Ethan asks.
Sarah scrunches her face when she realizes Ethan was actually asking for an answer from her. “Don’t ask me, this is not my area of expertise.” 
“If we don’t figure it out soon, you’ll turn to stone.” 
“I’m a vampire, Ethan, I don’t think that’s even possible.” 
“Well, you’re not a full vampire, maybe it’s different,” he disputes. “Look, I know what I saw, and I saw you turn to stone.” 
“So, what do we do?” 
Ethan stops again to think. “We… We need to use her own power against her,” he concludes. “But, we need Benny’s help.”
“Y/N said he’s under her spell, how are we going to take him out of it?” Sarah voices her concerns. “This would be so much easier if Y/N was here. Where is Luke? I knew we couldn’t trust him.” 
“Forget him, we have to figure it out on our own.” 
“I’m just--I’m worried. Y/N hasn’t just vanished like this before.” 
Ethan chuckles. “You obviously haven’t known her for as long as I have.” 
“What do you mean?” 
Ethan inhales through his nose. “We were all best friends when we were kids, it was always me, Y/N, and Benny versus the world. We thought she was crazy when she spoke about her being a witch, and having magical powers. But, she was still our best friend.” He frowns. “Then she left, and never came back. We never got an explanation as to why. She was seven and we were five… And, yet, we remember those days like they were yesterday, and then of course she randomly pops up out of nowhere ten years later. Knowing all of this stuff about me, vampires, magic, it just doesn’t make any sense.” 
“Well, she’s back now, you can get answers. Trust me, I’m just as curious as you for some things when it comes to her…” 
“Have you guys seen Clarissa?” Benny asks. “I haven’t been able to find her.” 
“What?” Ethan stands up. “She’s gone?” He looks at Sarah in alarm. “Benny, okay, I need you to understand this… Clarissa is Medusa, or descendant, or the same species..” 
Benny doesn’t move at first. “Funny, but seriously can you guys help me?” 
The lights flicker. “That’s not good,” Sarah thinks out loud. 
“Benny we’re telling you the truth, I had a vision, and Y/N she--” 
“She put you up to this. She was acting weird earlier. Where is she by the way?” 
“You won’t be seeing a lot from her anymore,” Clarissa’s voice echoes through the halls. 
“Is it just me… Or are we the only ones in the school right now?” Benny searches for any signs of life around them. 
“That’s your question?!” Sarah hisses. “Didn’t you hear what she said about Y/N?” 
“She’s probably just trying to scare us,” Ethan excuses. “We can’t make assumptions.” 
“That’s what I’m trying to tell you guys, we don’t know if Clarissa is--Oh my God!” Benny makes direct contact with the lockers' reflection of Clarissa, snakes floating around her head. “Run!” 
Clarissa apparates in front of them. “Don’t look her in the eyes,” Ethan advises.
“No duh, Ethan!” Benny shouts. 
The locker doors slam open around them. “How is she doing this?” Sarah covers her eyes.
“I’m guessing Y/N’s ring,” Benny guesses. 
“How do we stop her if we can’t see her?” 
“Maybe I can help,” another voice declares. 
“Y/N?!” Sarah calls out. “Where have you been?” 
“I was stuck in a… Situation. But, Luke helped me.” Y/N smiles at Luke. 
“Bring it, now!” Grandma orders. Luke hands it to her. “Stand back.”
“What do you need me to do?” Luke asks, taking a step away from Y/N and Grandma. 
Grandma meets his concerned eyes. “Be there for her when she comes back… It won’t be pretty.” She holds up the potion pouring it all around Y/N’s body. “Here we go.” She internally prayed this would work, especially with Luke watching. She begins to mumble some words incoherently, a bright light coming from her hands. 
“It’s working,” Luke blurts in relief, when the grey stone starts to break off exposing skin. 
“AH!” Y/N screams when most of her upper body is free. She notices the way her hands were still stone, panic rising. 
Luke doesn’t hesitate his arms around her neck, settling her head in the crook of his neck. “You’re okay, it’s okay, you’re alright,” he assures, softly into her ear. Y/N can feel her fingers break free, gripping onto his shirt. “Shhh…” He runs his fingers through her hair. 
Grandma weakly smiles, slowly backing away from them, to leave them alone.
“What are you doing here?” Y/N asks when her cries settle down.
He pulls away, wiping the last fallen tears from her cheeks. “You went missing, and the rest were worried. I took it upon myself to… Find you. I also heard you were going on a date with Rory and I--” 
“Wait! So, Clarissa is at the school with my friends… ALONE?!” 
Y/N’s expression turns stern. “Now Clarissa, how about you do us all a favor and give me my ring back.” She moves close to Luke. “Take the rest, and hide.” 
“What? No. I’m not gonna protect some losers, and that would include me touching them…”  
Y/N takes a deep breath, breaking her stance to hold the bridge of her nose. “Luke, I swear to God I will go back in time and stab you in the heart myself if I have to if you don’t listen to me.” It goes silent. Yes, even Clarissa didn’t move a muscle. “Got it?”
Luke simply nods. 
“Back to business now.” 
“Magical contacts,” Clarissa states more than questions. “Smart.” 
Y/N shrugs carelessly with a smirk. “Learn from the best.” In less than a minute it was just her and Clarissa alone in one of the many creepy hallways of the school. “Now my ring.” She holds out her hand. “It’s not going to give you what you want.” 
“And how do you know exactly what I want?” Clarissa snaps. 
“It’s dangerous for someone not trained to use it, I don’t want to hurt you.” 
Clarissa scoffs. “How are you going to do anything without this?” She points to the ring that rightfully belongs to Y/N. “You’re nothing without it.” 
Those words rang in Y/N’s mind. “That’s not true.” 
“Oh, but I think it is.” With a wave of Clarissa’s hand, Y/N goes flying back. “And with this ring I’m everything.”
Y/N winces as she stands. “You’re just going to hurt yourself.”
“Not a chance.” Another lifeless throw of Clarissa’s fingers Y/N falls to the floor. “See? Can’t even dodge a simple spell. You’re useless, and pathetic. It’s a miracle you can even call yourself a witch.” 
“See?” Y/N mocks Clarissa’s tone. “That’s where you’re wrong.” She stands up, strong. “I’m no witch.” She closes her eyes, the adrenaline coursing through her veins, a certain friction being felt at her fingertips. She elegantly moves as though she is a flower in the wind, building up a bundle of energy at the palm of her hands. 
“I could’ve said that,” Clarissa laughs. “You know, I never thought someone like you could befriend so many vampires.” Y/N bites her lip to keep from distracting herself away from the task. “Who was that one… The one you arrived with. Seems quite special to you. With this ring, vampires will never be immune to my power, nor will any other supernatural when I learn how to get past your little spells. I will make you feel the pain I felt… Starting with that boy.” 
When Y/N opens her eyes it sends a shock wave towards Clarissa. What used to be her dark brown eyes are now a violent shade of purple. “Oh… There is no spell,” Y/N’s voice comes out more deep and demonic. “This--” She gestures to herself, “--is all me.”
“Uhhh…” Clarissa stumbles back.
“Told you I’m no witch.” Y/N creeps up to her. “And I’d watch what you say very carefully.” 
“It’s not poss--” 
Y/N raises up her hand, Clarissa following as she leviates in the air. The lockers that were open around them began to crumple. “Oops… I meant that to be you.” 
Sarah, Benny, Ethan, and Luke become startled by the sound of screaming. “What was that?” Sarah asks, slightly scared.
“Was that Y/N?” Benny starts to stroll towards the school. “We need to help her!” 
Luke harshly grabs his shoulder. “If we’re going to go in there we’ll need these.” He presents the clear contacts to the group. “They’ll block out her magic.” Luke’s thoughts drift off to earlier. 
“What do you need me to do?” Luke asks, taking a step away from Y/N and Grandma. 
Grandma meets his concerned eyes. “Be there for her when she comes back… It won’t be pretty.”
“Let’s go,” Sarah says. “Luke?!” 
Grandma takes his wrist before he follows Y/N out of the house. “Be there for her.” 
“Be there for her when she comes back from the fight,” Grandma guides, vaguely. “She can’t control it.” 
“Control what?” 
“Her emotions… Her powers… Her alter ego,” she explains. “The night she saved you, the night she almost killed Sarah, who do you think that was?”
Luke shakes the odd feeling off. Running after the rest. 
“Please, help me!” Clarissa pleads. 
“Who would ever help you? You’re a monster. You kill people with no remorse. What makes you more worth saving than anyone you’ve murdered?!” Y/N grabs a hold of the girl's wrist. “This belongs…” She plucks the ring off of her with magic. “To me.” Carefully sliding it down her own finger without touching it once. Y/N moves her grip to both Clarissa’s shoulders. “How about I show you the pain you caused?” Her eyes grow brighter as she clearfully shouts sinful spells at Clarissa. The snakes that make up her hair cower in fear as her body becomes more and more weak in Y/N’s hands.
“Y/N!” Ethan yelps. “What are you doing?” 
“Dealing with the enemy,” she answers.
Clarissa allows the tears to fall from her eyes. “Don’t do this! I’m sorry.” Y/N ignores the girl’s cries, and wails. 
“Y/N, you need to stop this.” Luke tries to get her attention. 
Y/N lets out a dark chuckle. “That’s what they tell her, right? To stop this side of her, to hide, well not anymore, not while I’m around will allow her to bury me once more in her pureness,” she pauses. “They will all. Feel. My. WRATH!” 
With a blinding flash of light everything went quiet. 
Everyone opens their eyes to find Y/N lying limp on the ground. “Y/N!” Her friends rush to her aid, huddling around her.
“Wake up.” Luke cups her face, patting her cheek gently. “Wake up, wake up, wake up,” he repeats.
Y/N gasps, her eyes fluttering open. “Guys? Wh-What happened?” 
“You don’t remember?” Ethan asks.
Y/N shakes her head. “No, I just remember Clarissa and--” She cuts herself off, looking around. “Where’s Clarissa?” 
They hear a squeak behind them. 
They turn their heads, Y/N lifting hers to see the damage she caused. “Oh my God!” she shrills when she sees a small snake on the floor. “What have I done?” She scrambles away from the group, going over to what she believed was Clarissa. “I have to fix this.” She picks up the snake.
“Please,” she sobs. “I’ll fix this. I promise I will.” She sets the snake down, taking a deep breath. “I can fix this,” she tells herself. Her arms lift up gracefully, as she moves them around, almost like a dance. A soft breeze brushes everyone coming around to where Y/N sat. “Mmm… Mmm…” She hums a melody. “Water, Earth… Fire, and Ice, I bring thee together to create a new light,” she sings angelically. “Water, Earth… Fire and Ice reverse what I’ve done… Take in the curse and disperse it with love. Reverse the curse and I’ll pay back for what I’ve done…” A warm light glows from Y/N’s hands illuminating the snake that transforms back into the shape of a human. 
Clarissa opens her eyes, sitting up. A trail of long, golden blonde hair follows. “You did it.” She smiles. “You broke the curse.” She wraps her arms tightly around Y/N. “Thank you.” 
Y/N hugs the girl back.
They pull away from each other. “Oh! I think you have…” Y/N points at the top of her head.
Clarissa reaches up to grab the small snake. “I guess someone had a curse to be broken too.” Her eyes meet Y/N’s. “Thank you, once again.” She giggles. “Sorry I stole your ring, and turned you to stone” 
“What?!” Ethan, Benny, and Sarah exclaims.
“Old news,” Luke mutters. 
“And sorry Benny about the spell I put on you.” 
Benny blinks a few times. “A spell?!” 
“I owe you my life,” Clarissa says.
Y/N waves it off. “You don’t owe us anything. You’re free now, so be free.” 
Clarissa, and Y/N stand up. “Then I must go… Find my parents.” 
Y/N’s eyes light up. “I might have something for that.” Y/N looks around, twirling her finger around to make--
“A compass?” Clarissa questions.
“This is an enchanted compass, think about what you’re trying to find and it’ll take you right to them,” Y/N explains, handing it to her. 
“I was wrong about you,” Clarissa starts. “I thought the ring made you who you are, but… It turns out it’s your heart that makes you everything…” She vanishes.
“Wh-where’d she go?” Ethan looks at Y/N confused.
“To where her parents are.” Y/N smiles. 
The sun shines through the windows, the bells of the school ringing as people walk out of the classrooms. “Where were you guys?” Rory asks. “You missed fifth period.” 
Everyone glimpse at each other’s reactions. “Magic is seriously weird,” Sarah comments. 
“You tell me,” Ethan agrees.
“I already knew,” Y/N admits. 
“When will I get one of those rings?” Benny questions. “I mean… I am a warlock too, and yet why can’t I do all the cool stuff you can do?” 
Y/N laughs. “I don’t know if I would call it cool, but…” She looks at Luke who hasn’t been able to look away from her since she woke up. 
“Are you okay?” 
Y/N is taken aback by his question. “I will be,” she answers, truthfully. “Thanks for being there for me.” 
“Why are they looking at each other like that, when Y/N and I are supposed to be going out on a date?” Rory thinks out loud.
Hearing only the last part of it Y/N looks at him in alarm. “What did I hear about me going out on a date with you?” She gapes at Sarah and Ethan who appear guilty.
“Was that Erica?” Sarah dramatically points the opposite way of them. “I was wondering where that girl was… Gotta go!” 
Ethan stands there awkwardly, as Sarah runs away. “Did Sarah just call for me to come with? I think she did, buh-bye!” 
And so there were three. “So? When is that da--” 
Rory gets cut off by Luke hissing at him. “It’s a no from her loverboy,” Luke bickers. “Leave it.” 
Rory pouts, but genuinely frightened by Luke, paces away. “It’s been a long day, I think I’m gonna go home.” Y/N runs a hand through her hair. “See you later, ‘kay?” She walks off.
Benny was left confused when the direction of her words was towards Luke and not him.
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