onenicebugperday · 4 years
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Leaf mantis, Metilia sp., Acanthopidae
Photographed in Ecuador by Andreas Kay
Incredibly effective camouflage!
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bugsandnaturethings · 4 years
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They’re here!! I got 3 of these Metilia sp. (:
They are very sleek and very hyper
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dark-space-exotics · 6 years
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Metilia sp. females.
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ecuadorlife · 6 years
Leaf Mantis, Metilia brunnerii or Metilia integra? by Andreas Kay Via Flickr: ID by Rönisch Tropic & Nicolas Moulin from Ecuador: www.youtube.com/user/DrAndreasKay
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crystalquartzwhump · 3 years
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Kefi being cute, probably going swimming somewhere near Metilia’s cottage🧚
Not long after Metilia fixed the botched haircut an angry mob gave them:(
Kefi is a sweet fae that belongs to @endless-whump
(Also, I picture fae having flexible ballerina feet. Apologies if they are freaky looking😂)
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ketrinadrawsalot · 4 years
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The Leaf Mantis (Metilia brunnerii) looks like a lady in a long dress, so here’s Elizabethan Leaf Mantis.
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nunoxaviermoreira · 6 years
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Leaf Mantis, Metilia sp. by Ecuador Megadiverso ID by Rönisch Tropic from Ecuador: www.flickr.com/andreaskay/albums https://flic.kr/p/2aNU8uU
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bugsandnaturethings · 3 years
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bugsandnaturethings · 3 years
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Adult male Metilia sp.
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endless-whump · 3 years
@whumptober2021 Day 17: “Please don’t move!” | hemorrhage | dread
Whumptober Masterlist
“Come on, the trip will be good for you.”
Kefi only shook their head, tucking themself closer to the corner of their nest. Metilia sighed, shifting the basket in her arm.
“It’s just to the market and back. The west one, they like you there remember? No prodding.”
Another shake of the head.  She winced when their claws dug and picked at their feathers, a bad habit she couldn’t seem to get them to drop.
“Do not want people to see.” Kefi’s voice quivered, a mix of stubbornness and anxiety. “Am ugly, for a fae now.”
Metilia stood, shocked at the venom in their voice. Wherever Kefi came from must have been vain, from what she’d gathered in the months following their return. Vain might not be the right word for it, but there was so much…disgust for themself with the new addition of scars and disfigurement to their wings. The limbs still held their shape and structural integrity, but while the feathers had against all expectations started to grow back, the messy, constantly molting feathers were hard to miss.  The brand just at the base of their shoulder, where the feathers began, was the most obvious of the scars. It was the hardest one to get the fae to accept.
Kefi hardly left the house, seemingly in the intent that nobody should see them except Metilia. They wanted to hide, and she forced herself to be patient with them, to understand it came from a place of fear and sureness of being rejected.
“You look perfectly fine. A bit ungroomed, sure, but nothing a few soaps and a good comb kit won’t fix.”  Metilia was set on this. Arguing there was nothing visibly wrong with Kefi was foolish, but making it seem normal, like something fixable was key here. “Your hair is even long enough to braid now, but I need you there to pick out what ties and beads you want. So up we go, Gloren’s strawberries are bound to be sold out before noon.”  
It took a bit of tugging and a soft, insistent look, but Kefi eventually let themself be pulled to their feet, although reluctantly.  Metilia smiled encouragingly, pressing a small bag of coins into their hand.
“I want you to get anything you think you’ll need, and nothing is silly, ok? And I’ll be right there with you the whole time.”
It would take a while, but with time it would be easier to coax them out of defensive fear.  And with enough of it, along with the right people beside her, maybe she could bring that bright eyed, trusting fae back to the surface again.
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endless-whump · 3 years
Just a Fledgeling
@whumptober2021 Day 6: bruises | touch starved | hunger
Whumptober Masterpost
Kefi Masterpost
Universe belongs to @wildfaewhump ! <3
Takes place shortly after returning home from Ronan
Kefi wanted nothing more than to settle back down with Metilia and forget the whole misadventure ever happened.  Their wings, while still sore and scarred, were starting to grow feathers again and they’d worked up the courage to start making trips into town again, though not unaccompanied.  Everything was fine, they were fine, and so they couldn’t figure out why they were having so many issues.
It had started with the sleep, their nest on the living room floor too cold even when they had the crackling fireplace loaded with wood to ward off the early autumn chill.  Kefi felt hollow, staring at the flames for hours, claws that had been bitten short in anxiety fidgeting with their few undamaged feathers.  They stared at the flames until the sun started to come up, finally lulled to sleep at the sound of Metilia roaming the house and doing chores.  She never bothered them, not even when Kefi slept the day away only to face the same dilemma as the sun disappeared from the horizon.  It went on like this for days, the pattern only broken when Kefi accompanied her into town for groceries or she insisted they get fresh air in the garden.  
Metilia was so, so gentle with them, but also distant.  She coaxed them out of nightmares only to return to her own bed, making Kefi miss the days when she’d crawl under the blankets with them and trace circles through their hair until they fell back asleep.  They missed sitting shoulder to shoulder with bowls of soup by the fire, a book open between them that Metilia read out loud and explained the symbols of.  Now she sat across from them, always.  She bought new books at the marketplace to leave with Kefi but never offered to read to them.
Kefi recognized that Metilia was trying to give them space.  That she thought they needed quiet and time alone to process and heal.  They hated it.  It was excruciating.  
They couldn’t take it any longer when a thunderstorm rolled through one night, keeping Kefi awake with each flash of light and boom that seemed to shake the house.  They trembled, picking nervously at their feathers but it wasn’t enough, not to keep away the crawling feeling underneath their skin.  Their wings were ruffled and unkempt; Kefi had tried to groom them themself but it didn’t feel right, and they gave up trying altogether.  Now they just picked and fidgeted until the feathers started to fall with a wince and a break of cartilage, but they didn’t care.  The feeling was scarily similar to in the cages, when they’d pull feathers with the violence of a whirlwind just to get rid of the feeling of cruel touches and painful emptiness that filled them to their brim.
“Stop that, Kefi.”
The chide was gentle, but it made them flinch anyways when Metilia’s voice broke them from their thoughts.  She approached carrying two mugs, crouching down to Kefi’s level to hand them theirs.  The fae smiled, accepting it gratefully.  They opened their mouth to say thank you when she stood, already intending to leave.  It sent a chill through them.  
Before they knew what they were doing Kefi snagged her sleeve with a shaking finger, stopping her abruptly.
For a moment they couldn’t seem to speak.  They were afraid to ask for what they didn’t feel they deserved, yet craved so much.
“Please don’t leave,” Kefi whispered, voice trembling. “Never stay with me anymore, Metilia.”
Something broke in her expression. She nodded tightly, waiting for them to make room in the makeshift nest before sinking down next to them. It was too late to back out now, and something loosened in Kefi’s chest as they let it all out.
“You…you don’t touch, anymore, or nest with me, and lonely, it is, and wings hurt and I- I can’t reach groom them right and wrong, they still are and can’t fix it I can’t.” Kefi shook their head, avoiding Metilia’s sharp gaze. “Cannot fix any of it.”
They buried themself in their mug, drinking down the hot tea even as it burned, trying to drown the shame with pain. They didn’t want to sound like they were criticizing how Metilia was trying to help them, but they couldn’t do it anymore. Another flash of lightning made them flinch backwards, bandaged wings drawn around them.
“Kefi,” Metilia took the mug from their hands, clasping them between her own. They were warm and calloused from work, thumbs brushing softly against Kefi’s wrist.  “I don’t know why you didn’t tell me sooner…”
Still not meeting her eyes, Kefi leaned forward until they were leaning against her chest, arms wrapping around her securely. A low purr rumbled from the back of their throat, limbs going boneless against the pressure of the hug.
“I thought you’d want space,” she whispered, kissing the top of their head. “After what happened…especially to your wings…I assumed.”
Kefi could only trill sleepily when she started carding through their feathers, careful of the scars and bandages that still ached with movement.  The pair settled back in the nest of blankets, the fae content to drape themself over Metilia, wings spread out comfortably under the attention.  It reminded them of how they used to nest with their mother, singing lullabies while she groomed every feather with the utmost care.  They missed her.
“You haven’t been sleeping well.”
It was a statement, not a question.
“Didn’t like feeling alone. Don’t do well alone.” Kefi murmured, snuggling contently against Metilia’s chest, the heat of the fireplace against their side.  “Not safe.”
“Are you old enough to be alone where you come from, Kefi?”
It was a question Kefi was surprised she hadn’t asked before.  They managed to shake their head, burrowing closer against Metilia’s shoulder.  “No,”  they admitted softly.  “Supposed to have a cùraim until of age, teach us how to hunt and not be hunted.”
“Just a fledgeling then, hm?”
“I suppose.”
The crawling under their skin dissipated with each gentle touch, wings stretching lazily over the expanse of blankets to soak in the firelight.  They wanted to sleep, but this was the most direct attention they’d received in weeks.
“When I’ve been hurt, before, I didn’t want anyone to so much as look at me for ages.  People trying to take care of me...it felt suffocating, and I just wanted time to myself before going back to normal.”  Metilia’s voice was whisper-soft against Kefi’s ear, lulling them closer to sleep.  “I shouldn’t have assumed you were the same.”
Kefi tried to murmur an apology, cut off with a gentle hush and a hand carding through his hair.
“Dont.”  It felt like they were underwater with how her voice faded in and out of focus.  “Don’t apologize for what you need.  Sleep, Kefi, I’ll be here when you wake up.”
It was all the encouragement they needed to send them careening into the welcoming darkness.
@cinnamonflavoredhugs @finder-of-rings @castielamigos-whump-side-blog @insanitywishes @just-a-whumping-racoon-with-wifi
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endless-whump · 3 years
@whumptober2021 Day 7: helplessness | numbness | blindness
Whumptober Masterlist
Kefi Masterlist
Continuation of Whumptober Day 1: “You have to let go”
Even in the cages they didn’t feel as cold as they did now.  Everything was coming in pieces: the screams, the spikes of pain radiating through their entire body, and most of all the cold.  Kefi couldn’t seem to move a thing, blinking lazily in a useless attempt to clear the blurry haze that filled their vision.  
Their fingers managed to twitch, numb with the snow that soaked through their wool gloves.  Their entire body felt heavy with it, breaths slow and unsteady against the pressure against their chest.  The pressure told Kefi they were lying face down, splayed at the bottom of the ravine.  Everything was just so cold.
Kefi could see blurry red blended with the snow underneath them, blinking dumbly at it with wonder of where it came from.
Flowers do not bloom this late…
Thinking hurt, so they discarded the confusion for the moment.
If the screams were real or just in their head Kefi would never know, the wind howling above them with enough force to drown out their own whimpers as consciousness slowly returned to them, bringing with it a terrifying awareness of their own body.  
Their wings, still bundled within their coat against their back, seemed the most unharmed part of their body for once.  Their legs, however, and ribs, weren’t so lucky.  Each breath made them see dark spots lining their vision, suffocating panic threatening to overtake them at the sheer pressure against their chest.  The lack of pain, or any feeling, really, in their legs was somehow more terrifying.
It felt like ages laying there, wrapped in chills and a drifting awareness of their own surroundings.  Quickly even the pain dulled to simply a concerning buzz in the back of their mind, and Kefi didn’t even realize they’d been flipped onto their back until they couldn’t see the red anymore.  
The change was dizzying.  Blue and white and dark figures swam in their vision, something solid framing the sides of their face.  They were hands, Kefi realized dully, a sad trill rising in the back of their throat at the realization that they couldn’t feel the warmth of them.  They couldn’t quite feel the cold either, anymore, which should have been concerning but the fae simply couldn’t find it in themself to care anymore.  They were just glad it didn’t hurt so much to breathe anymore.
It was dark now, instead of the blinding white, and it wasn’t until something jostled them to open their eyes that they realized they’d even closed them.  They couldn’t feel the arms around them, just the dizziness as they were hoisted in the air, the world spinning around them with a flurry of color before something heavy was wrapped around their body.
It was a little warmer, like this.  
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endless-whump · 4 years
Kefi: Favorites
Universe belongs to @wildfaewhump <3
CW: violence, implied nightmare, captivity, torture, fantasy racism, very brief implied/threatened mouth (tongue) whump, conditioning, self deprecation, creepy whumper, extremely panicked/frantic whumpee, references to fantasy trafficking/selling parts of a fae, referenced wing whump (specifically the breaking of wing bones)
believe it or not there’s fluff in this XD
“Get in.”
Kefi shrank back, chains scraping loudly against the floor.  They shook their head, chest heaving with the attempts to breathe.  They couldn’t go in there, they knew those bars would be iron and they couldn’t take any more burns and they just couldn’t.
“Was, was good- was good, I was, no no please-”
A sharp cry echoed in the room as the man grabbed Kefi by the hair, the fae kicking weakly as they were dragged across the floor.  Their head exploded in pain, sobs wracking their body as they pawed uselessly at the hands in their hair.
“None of that faespeak, else I’ll brand your tongue, too.”
The cage rattled violently as the fae’s small body was tossed in, a shrill scream tearing from them.  Everything burned,the bars on their legs and arms and feet and back impossible to escape from as they scrambled for relief.  The door slammed shut, the almost cage shaking with the force of the panicked fae’s struggling.  Their feet scraped against the bottom of the cage to try and scramble back, only hitting more bars, the bottoms of their feet burning on the metal.
“N,No no please, h,help help,”  They couldn’t breathe, no matter how much they moved something was touching the bars, something was burning and something was hurting and they couldn’t bear it.  
“I said stop!”
Kefi cried as the man hit the cage, scratching at their ringing ears.  
“You’ll stay like that until you can learn to shut up and let yourself be useful.”  A hand shot out to grab the collar of the fae’s tattered shirt, yanking them up against the iron bars.  They just kept crying, trying to pull away from the grip keeping them up against the cage.  “You stay still, you stay quiet, and you stay useful, and in return I’ll keep you alive enough to.”
“Will, I will, please, please-”
Their vision went white as their head was slammed against the cage, agony racing through their body as they were shaken.  It smelled like blood, small hands clawing at the collar too tight around their throat, pressed up against the bars.
“Shut up!”
They tried to drop their hands, closing their eyes as they shivered violently, skin burning at the contact they tried not to cringe away from.  The harsh grip stayed, fingers moving with deceiving gentleness through the fae’s hair
“Good fae.”
Pained trills died in their throat, breaths thin and ragged.  They tried to relax against the touch even as it burned.
A ragged gasp caught in their throat as Kefi jerked awake, scrabbling at the blankets wrapped around them.  There was iron, they couldn’t breathe, they were trapped and they needed to get out.
They were warm, which was strange.  It was always cold in the chains.  
A loud, scared trill tore from the fae’s throat as they buried themself against Metilia’s chest.  Warm arms wrapped around them, warm warm warm, it wasn’t cold anymore.  They never wanted to be cold again.
“Bad...bad memory,”  They whispered, voice breaking.  They felt safe under the weight of the blankets, the crackling fire behind them a comforting sound.  It felt like home here.  
“Kefi...did they use you?  Did they sell you? I know down north they have markets-”
“Yes,” They whispered, hiding against Metilia.  “They...they took my feathers, and, um, they’d break off parts of..of my wing.  T,The bone,”
The arms tightened, hands rubbing up and down their back soothingly.
“God..that should never have happened, Kef.”
“So..so much blood, they took.”  The fae kept going, voice shaking as they clung to her.  “They took it.  They, They just k,kept passing me around and so many cages, there were, and they all took it.”
Metilia didn’t say anything to that.
“Talking again, Metilia, was I? In sleep?”
“I’m sorry.”
Kefi was pulled to a sitting position, trilling tiredly as the blankets slipped off their head, squinting against the sudden light.  Yellow eyes blinked to focus on Metilia’s brown ones, hands ruffling their hair.
“Don’t be silly, you have nothing to be sorry for.  You want some food?”
They perked up, letting their trills die in their throat, still eagerness slipping into their demeanor.  Their wings dropped, relaxed, behind them.  They looked meek. Compliant.
“Yes please, will be good, may I-”
Metilia pressed her finger to their lips, stopping them with a frown.  
“None of that,”  She murmured sadly, and pushed a bowl into their hands.  “Made this while you were asleep...you don’t have to ask for things like that anymore.”
Kefi looked down at the bowl, blinking dumbly.
“Chicken pot pie.”
Metilia tilted her head, watching them carefully.  They seemed cautious...sad, almost.  Did she get it wrong?  Did seeing it remind them of something, make them sad?  Did she just make things worse?
“I’m sorry, you always seemed to like it and I know you’ve been having trouble with food, I can make you something else if-”
“It’s my favorite.”
She closed her mouth, staring at the small fae in front of her.  She wasn’t sure how to respond to that.
“Yea, I used to make it every week, Kef.”
Kefi took a bite, and she didn’t miss the way their hands trembled just slightly.  Small, bony wrists were visible from the cuffs of their large sweater as they fell down a bit.  They smiled, rocking side to side, taking another bite, closing their eyes.
“Have been gone for long time, did not expect you to remember.”
She put a hand over theirs, stopping them for a moment.  They refused to look up at her, but also didn’t draw away.  The firelight cast against their back shadowed their face.
“Kefi, why would I forget that.”
They paused, glancing up at her nervously.  “They told me you forgot.  That I was not remembered.”  They took another bite when Metilia removed her hand, smile faded a bit, now.  “That I became nothing.”
She let them eat in quiet.  As soon as the bowl was set aside she bundled them up in her arms, setting her chin on the top of their head as she stared into the fire.  They were so strong to even make it back here, to her, but she couldn’t help but see how they had broken.
“Kefi, you are everything.  I see the stars in you every time I lay eyes on you, even if you can’t see it in yourself anymore.  They will never take that away from you, not truly.”
She hoped they could heal, with time.  She hoped she could make up for how she’d let them be hurt, be torn apart, be manipulated into believing the piles of lies that made them seem to carry a disturbing indifference about themself.  She wished...god, she wished she could take it all away.
“Yea, Kef?”
“Forgot bread rolls, you did.”
@simplygrimly @cinnamonflavoredhugs @finder-of-rings @castielamigos-whump-side-blog @insanitywishes @just-a-whumping-racoon-with-wifi
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endless-whump · 4 years
Universe belongs to @wildfaewhump <3
It was pure chance, really, how that morning went.  Metilia sipped her coffee quietly, staring at the fireplace as the thunder rolled above the house.  The rain had let up a bit at least, hints of sunrise peeking through the curtains.  It was peaceful, and Metilia couldn’t help but let her graze drift to the nest of blankets arranged by the stone hearth.  She didn’t have the heart to get rid of it, not even a full season later.
She was setting up a pot over the stovetop when she realized she was missing a can of applesauce, frowning as she rummaged through the pantry.  There was more in the cellar around back.  She almost smacked her nose against the wood door as she pushed against it, expecting it to open with ease.  It barely budged, like something heavy was wedged against it from the outside.  She frowned, leaning her shoulder against it and pushing, freezing when she heard the unmistakable sound of something heavy hitting the porch, then a whimper.
“What the hell-“
She shoved herself through the opening she’d managed, finding herself looking down at someone she, in all honesty, wasn’t expecting to ever see again.
She dropped to her knees beside the motionless figure, eyes darting first to the wings.  They were…they were mangled, to put it simply, wrapped in bandages that were torn and bloodied from wear, thin with the lack of feathers and pulled close to the fae’s body.
“Oh my god..”
Hesitant hands hovered above their body, eyes raking of them for damage.  There was too much of it.  They were soaked, shuddering weakly in their thin, tattered clothing.  There were so many unanswered questions on her mind, but she knew they’d have to wait.  
Metilia was strong, but didn’t need to be for how light the fae was, lifted easily into her arms.  The door slammed shut behind her as she kicked it closed.  
She laid the unmoving fae on their stomach, careful to tilt their head to the side so they could breathe.  She needed to get them warm, then wrap those wings.  More wood was thrown on the fire, blankets bundled in her arms to drape over them, water already on the stovetop for salves.  She worked quickly and quietly, face solemn.  Kefi didn’t stir even as she stripped the wet clothes off their body, replacing them with old, dry ones she’d made them.  She never got rid of those, either.  
The fire crackled loudly, and Metilia couldn’t help but sigh in relief when Kefi started shivering.  That was a good sign.  Sitting so they were half in her lap, she piled blankets around them until only their face and wings were exposed.  A breath caught in her throat as she stretched the wings out carefully, laying them out gently by Kefi’s sides.  They were...burned.  They were ruined.  She cursed herself for letting the word cross her mind.  Bare primaries replaced where soft, full dappled feathers should have been, some sections clumped with half grown, molting feathers.  She tried to take hope in the fact some were seeming to grow back.
What haunted her most was the circle of scarring on the shoulder of the wing...a brand.  She didn’t dare linger on the question of who the crest belonged to.  
Her hands were gentle as she smoothed salve over the scarring, unwrapping the tattered bandaging that was left and tossing them aside.  There were places that needed them replaced, small cuts and irritated wounds, but otherwise she could tell the damage wasn’t very recent.
Careful of the wings once she was finished, Metilia adjusted the blankets and rolled Kefi onto their side, tucked against her.  She took hold of one of their wrists, heart twisting as she observed the lines of new silver scarring around them.
Captive.  That’s where Kefi had been all this time.  She’d suspected it, of course, but a selfish part of her had hoped they’d just gone back to their own, or off again on whatever journey she was never able to pry from the unusually secretive fae.  It was a hope she never believed, really.  It was a lie necessary to let herself sleep at night, without guilt.  She’d looked for Kefi at first, but it was nearly impossible to find any leads without a lot of risk.  In the end she’d settled for that hope, no- lie, to herself, and now she saw the result.
She couldn’t help but feel like she’d failed them, in a way.
Kefi’s hair was still a little damp, but they seemed to be warming up enough.  They shivered under the layers of blankets, a soft, muffled whimper audible.  Metilia ran her fingers through the soft brown locks, brushing across their temple comfortingly.  The morning crickets chirped as she settled on her side, fae tucked protectively against her.  
“F,Found you, Metilia?”
Kefi’s voice was soft, hesitant.
Metilia looked down, brows furrowing.  Kefi peered up at her with a strange, far away look.  Almost fearful.  She could see faint lines across the bridge of their nose and along their cheekbones in the firelight, scars she didn’t want to ponder the cause of.
“Sure did, Kef.”  She confirmed gently, tears filling her eyes.  She brushed the hair out of their face, looking past the scars, looking at the constellation of freckles across their tan face she missed so, so goddamn much.  “You found me.”
“Long time, I was gone.  I am sorry.”  
Sorry.  They were sorry.  
“You’ve done nothing wrong, and I’m afraid I’ve made a poor excuse of a friend, Kefi.”  Metilia said softly.  “I should have looked harder for you...I’m sorry, I’m so sorry.”
The fae just stared at her for a moment, looking uncertain.  Their eyes looked sad, and she wanted nothing more than to erase every single bit of hurt they had been forced to endure.
“You looked for me?”
They sounded surprised.
Metilia’s heart broke.
She bundled them up in her arms, their small frame still shivering under the layers of blankets.  She kissed the top of their head, choking on a sob.  After everything they'd been through, they held a simple, innocent disbelief she’d even looked for them.  She wanted to do nothing but keep them safe.
“Missed you, Metilia.”
“I missed you too, Kefi.”
@simplygrimly @cinnamonflavoredhugs @finder-of-rings @castielamigos-whump-side-blog @insanitywishes @just-a-whumping-racoon-with-wifi 
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endless-whump · 5 years
The Mistake
This universe belongs to the wonderful @wildfaewhump , who has let me create an oc within the world. There aren’t enough words to describe how thankful and excited I am to write within this universe, and I hope I can do justice to this amazing setting. <3
Soft brown feathers ruffle in the breeze as Kefi sat, looking down at the village.  He was weary from the journey, ready to get some supplies and maybe even a place to stay.
He was sitting amongst a cluster of flowers, legs and wings tired as he stretched them out, feeling the soft grass below him.  It was early summer, the forest filled with greenery that made Kefi’s heart soar with delight.  It made the journey so much more pleasant, the warmth and lush woodland much preferred to the wind and snow he dreaded flying in.
Kefi stood, stretching his wings contently as he made his way down the hill, soft grass and moss underneath his feet as he walked.  He pushed his dark hair out of his face, the shoulder length just enough to get in the way sometimes for the young fae.  
He passed modest houses as he walked into town, looking around with curiosity as the setting become more inhabited with people and he grew closer to the center.  He wondered if they had many inns here, and made note to ask for directions to one.
He walked softly, barefoot through the marketplace, looking around in amazement at all the booths and noting the wonderful smells filling the air.  He didn't notice the dark stares he got, people muttering to each other, the way people either moved away from him or intentionally shoved past him, giddy with curiosity as he looked at a table with herbs.  The old woman there was relatively friendly if not nervous looking, opting to let him look but simply not speak to him.
As he picked up a bundle of lavender he noticed a little girl who couldn't have been more than eight, staring at him with curiosity and a hint of fear.  She was peeking at him with wide, green eyes from around a crate, skirts billowing softly from the light breeze.
He smiled, reaching into the satchel he carried and digging around in it for a moment before bringing out one of the lillies he’d picked at the edge of town.  She continued watching him as he turned to her, trying to look friendly.
“Hello little one,”
Kefi knelt down, smiling and offering the flower to the child.  She looked at him curiously, hesitantly taking the flower.  
The gesture turned more than a few heads, and Kefi barely noticed as some people in the crown pointed at him, muttering to each other before disappearing.
“Are you a bird?” She asked, continually glancing at his wings.  He laughed, slowly bringing his wing forward so the child could see the brown and tan dappled feathers better.
“No, small one.  I am a star child like you, just different.”
The little girl reached out and touched his wing with glistening eyes, curiosity taking over any sort of hesitance she previously had.  She ran her fingers along the vanes of his feathers, face blooming into a wondrous smile at how soft they were.
“You look like an owl,” The girl chuckled, petting his wing.  
“Do I?” Kefi mused.  “I fly like one.”
The girl looked up in amazement, but before she could say anything there was a shout.
“Get the hell away from her!” A woman came and scooped up the child, and before Kefi could register what was happening there was a man in his face, forcing him back.
“You think you can just come in here and thrall a child?” The man spat.  “That flower you gave her, what sort of contract did you put her under?”
Kefi didn’t know what to say, staring, stunned, at the man.  The entire environment had shifted, the marketplace that was once relatively busy now quiet, eyes turning their attention to the screaming parent.
“Answer me demon, before I make you pay more than I already plan.” He shoved Kefi, who stumbled and fell against the rough cobblestone.  
“I, I didn't-” he was cut off when a boot met his side, a cry of pain escaping him.  At this point there were others who seemed to get a grasp on what was going on, the air seeming to shift dangerously.  
Kefi didn't understand why these people were yelling, why they were starting to grab him.  Nobody stopped the growing group of men from dragging Kefi backwards, harsh hands pulling at him arms and tearing at his wings.  It felt like there a a mob surrounding him, shoving him down as the kicking started. 
Kefi tried to protect his head from the blows, strangled cries tearing from him as they relentlessly beat him.  A boot to his side, then smashing down on his wing, then coming down on the back of his head.  He didn't dare use his voice, there were nice people,,the old lady,,the little girl,,he couldn't.
He was left defenseless as he heard a hollow crunch, wailing as white, hot agony washed over him.  
“N,No, please! Pl-” He screamed desperately, but this just seemed to anger the mob more.  His wings were pinned awkwardly underneath him as he was dragged across the cobblestone, and his vision swam with colors and shapes and leering faces.  
He tried clawing at one of the arms holding him but froze when he felt cold, burning metal of a knife pressed to his neck.
“Don’t move, or else we’ll let you bleed our right here instead of kicking you out. You should be grateful, you should-“
A desperate kick, a yell,
“I said to hold him, Gabriel,” the man hissed, gripping a handful of Kefi’s hair and yanking his head back. Kefi yelped, eyes widening when he saw another knife brought brought behind him and out of his sight, heart sinking when they sawed the knife through the hair they gripped tightly.
No,nonono, why, why were they doing this?  Kefi couldn't understand, mind blank with terror and pain as he mindlessly tried to get away.
“This will teach you not to mess with our towns. You can’t expect us to let you work your demon magic on innocent people and get away with it.”
His vision was blurred with tears as they shoved him to the ground, his cut hair laying on the ground beside him. Through his tears he could see the crumpled lilly dropped in front of him, the heel of a boot stomping on it and twisting it into the ground.
He could smell his blood, taste it even.  Even the smallest movement sent pain spiking through his wing, and he knew something was wrong.  Something had to be wrong with how it dragged on the ground, feathers torn and bone twisted, wet with blood. 
 He tried to drag himself away, shaking like a leaf as he weakly pushed himself up, trying to get his arms underneath him and some form of balance.  His vision kept fading in and out, and he registered that he was outside town, grass and rocks underneath him instead of the paved streets from before.
He could still hear the voices of the men, but the grabbing, pulling hands were gone, and the voices were soon fading.
Kefi choked on a sob, his whole body feeling like it was on fire as he tried to drag himself forward.  His previously soft, brown wings were dragging limply behind him, twisted awkwardly and caked with silver blood.  He collapsed, trying desperately to breathe as it felt like his chest was being crushed, the painful pressure too much to handle.
It was chilly now, the wind no longer soft and pleasant but biting and harsh.  All Kefi could feel was dark and cold and pain and fear, and most of all confusion.  He couldn't understand why they were so,,so mad.  Did he hurt the girl?  Was there some sort of cultural line he crossed?
He looked miserably at the crushed flower on the ground, arms giving out on him.  He weakly lifted his head to try and look at the stars, the night feeling blank and harsh and dangerous, lacking its usual beauty and comfort and strength Kefi could usually draw from it.
His thoughts were disconnected, clouded by pain and grief as he drifted, head falling back to the grass as breathing became harder, mind blurred by the aching pain spiking through his body.  His eyes fluttered shut as he fought to stay awake, vaguely registering a soft hand on his shoulder, a concerned voice sounding beside him as everything drifted to black.
Kefi could smell lavender and wood and a hint of something musty, the aroma calming.  Everything felt fuzzy, and he could feel warm blankets wrapped around him and his wings tucked close.  He burrowed further into the covers, the sharp, agonizing pain from before now just a dull ache.  He felt safe, a welcome contract to,,to,,
Kefi sat up abruptly, eyes wide as he looked around at his surroundings.  He looked around wildly, finding himself in a small, homey looking cottage.  He was laying on a large bed, blankets and pillows piled around him and bandages wrapped around his torso and part of his wing.
Herbs were hanging along the ceiling, morning sunlight pouring in through the windows and illuminating the home.  Endless bottles and books were sitting on shelves lining the walls, chairs and a fireplace arranged by one wall and a small kitchen tucked against another.
It was then that Kefi noticed the human woman standing in the kitchen, her back to the fae.  He jumped, scrambling backwards with a whimper despite the pain it caused.  The woman turned, surprised.  She was tall and muscular, with tan skin and dark hair.  Kefi noted the prominent freckles on her face and shoulders, trying to determine if she looked friendly.
“Oh-” She put her hands up.  “I didn’t know you were awake.  Please don’t freak out, you're safe, I promise.”
Kefi stayed still, watching her warily for a moment before obeying.  He tucked his wings around himself protectively, shaking and glancing from her to the oak door on the other side of the wall.
“I’m not gonna hurt you, I promise.  I found you pretty messed up outside town, brought you to my house,” She explained, voice soothing.  The pain was becoming more sharp now that Kefi was awake, and he stifled a whimper of pain at any movement.  
“You took some pretty bad hits,,, I need you to stop moving around, ok?”  She approached cautiously, hands still up to show him she didn’t mean any harm.  Her movements were smooth and controlled, and she had a gentle, trustworthy air about her.  
Kefi nodded, obeying and adjusting one of the blankets wrapped around him.  He reached up to fidget with a strand of his hair when he froze.  Where the long hair usually hung around his shoulders there was,,nothing.  He reached further up to run his hands through it, finding it sloppily cropped short.  Tears formed in his eyes at the realization, and the woman seemed to notice his distress.
“Hey, you ok?  It’ll grow back-” He shook his head, the tears falling down his face.  It would, but it was gone, and it would take so long,,,
“Was it important to you?” She asked carefully, face falling when he nodded.  “I’m,,I’m so sorry.  I didn’t know.”  She sat down next to him, giving a reassuring, if not nervous smile.
He dropped his hand, tears falling down his face.  It was hard to breathe, ribs feeling tight and head dizzy and everything was just so wrong.
“Hey, hey, it's ok,” the woman tried to reassure, looking anxious as she tried to comfort the distraught fae.  Kefi tried to relax, curling in on himself slightly to try and feel grounded, to feel safe.
She handed him a mug of tea from the table beside them which he took with shaky hands, wanting to apologize when he got anxious from even that simple proximity.
“I’m Metilia,” she said kindly, leaning back in her chair.  She tilted her head, as if she expected an answer, but wasn't demanding one.
“I,,I’m Kefi,” The fae replied nervously.  “Thank you,”
“What did those guys want?” She asked, and Kefi tensed slightly, the pads of his fingers tapping silently against the rim of the mug.  She seemed to notice this, raising her hand as if to wave off the question.  “You don't have to tell me, I probably shouldn't be asking questions when you should be resting anyways.”
“There,,,there was a child,” he answered anyways, refusing to meet the woman’s eyes. “People got mad,,I swear I wasn’t thralling her, I,,I wasn’t trying to do anything,”
Metilia frowned, looking at him with,,pity? She didn’t look angry or hostile like Kefi expected her to. Everything was so confusing now, he hated this feeling, expecting aggression from somebody he barely knew.
“I believe you,” she said softly, tilting her head. “I promise your safe here, there aren’t many hunters in these parts, and we’re pretty secluded in this patch of the forest.”
She shifted closer, holding her hands out.
“Can I look at your wing? It got banged up pretty bad, and there was a break somewhere in the joint.”
Kefi nodded, gingerly bringing the bandaged wing foreword to let her inspect it. They weren’t coated in blood anymore, feathers once again soft, if not a little ruffled and unorderly. There were a few torn that Kefi winced at the sight of, but he couldn’t help but be relieved they didn’t do much damage, the loss of his hair already a crushing damage of fae symbolization.
He whimpered in pain as she touched the injured spot, forcing himself to stay still as Metilia looked at it gently, concern written in the lines of her face.
“It’ll heal,” she said softly, running her fingers through the feathers comfortingly. “It’ll take time, but it will heal, I promise you that.”
Kefi tried to keep himself from getting anxious. He didn’t like the idea of being grounded, forced to stay away from the sky and the stars that were so important to them. He was already lonely, having been traveling without seeing almost any fae for what felt like forever.
The woman seemed confident that it wouldn’t be an issue and that he would heal soon though, and her demeanor soothed his anxieties. The fear from before had dissolved, and Kefi started to relax as she inspected his other injuries, even leaning into the touch.
“I’m gonna go get a few things from town, will you be ok here?” She asked gently. “I’m hesitant to leave you by yourself, but I need some more salve for your wing.”
Kefi nodded. “I’ll,,I’ll be ok.” He reassured. She smiled, taking his empty mug and setting it aside.
“Get some rest, ok? You're gonna be ok, but it was still a nasty beating those guys gave you.” Metilia stood, grabbing her bag and heading for the door. “It’s nice to meet you, Kefi.”  She smiled warmly at him before stepping out, closing the door and leaving Kefi alone.
He kept observing his surroundings carefully, relaxing back on the bed and hugging the soft blanket he was given tighter. Every breath sent a small spike of pain through his chest, bruises covering his torso and an uncomfortable fogginess to his head.
He was in pain, and still on edge, but he recognized that this stranger was friendly, and meant no harm.
For now, he could relax
For now, he was safe.
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dark-space-exotics · 6 years
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Introducing Metilia sp., very similiar to Pseudoacanthops and Acanthops species.
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