#Mind Map
dragonna · 3 months
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I've recently been exploring the mind map note taking concept. To be honest, after being exposed to traditional studying methods for a very long time, implementing mind map techniques and spaced retrieval systems were quiet challenging. Linear note-taking always felt like a waste of time for me and for a second I thought this might be the case with mind maps too, but it actually helps you to visualize information and organize it in a way that you make connections and build strong relations between concepts.
Sometimes I get distracted when the map turns into chaos, so I start playing with colors and try to draw perfect circles :) Apart from that, I'm really satisfied with the mind map method 📝
P.S. I got a cute stalker right behind the window.
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t0ydoesstuff · 19 days
tally hall mind map
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I love music so normally/ref
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saskia-mae · 2 months
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how to revise effectively
revision is a very important part of education, but many people have no idea how. in this post i'm going to outline the basics of revision. it's important to note that different subjects will require you to revise differently, there is no one size fits all when it comes to revision.
less is more- studying for 30 focused minutes is way more effective than a 5 hour study session while you watch tv.
work on exam technique- this is such an overlooked part of revising for an exam, but if you know how to answer the questions and what structures to use, it will really help you. ask your teacher or search for your exam board online to find out the best way for your subject and exam board.
manage distractions- if like me you get distracted super easily, you need to create an environment with limited distractions. this means put your phone on do not disturb, if your house/place of study is noisy put some headphones on and listen to classical music or study ambience (my favourites are the Harry Potter rooms by Asmrweekly on youtube). if you get distracted while studying by thinking of things you need to do, something that's really helped me is to have a piece of paper next to me that i can write all my thoughts on, so i can continue studying and do what i've written afterwards.
set precise goals for your study session- this helps to reduce procrastination. for example, if I put "study geography" on my to do list i'll procrastinate, but if I put "do 30 flashcards for the topic hazards" I have a clear idea of what I need to do
use the pomodoro method- having breaks is really important in keeping you engaged while you're studying. I don't follow the typical timings, but I usually do between 30-45 minutes of studying followed by a 10-15 minute break depending on how I'm feeling
utilise your study breaks- it's so easy to pick your phone up and scroll through tiktok until you realise your 5 minute break turned into a 3 hour tiktok binge. when I go on a study break, I only go on my phone to snap people back, or for a little scroll on pinterest. I also like to get some more water, grab a snack and stretch. If I'm having a longer break, I'll try to get outside and go for a walk, especially if the weather is good (in England this is about 5 days of the year haha)
now, onto different ways to revise
doing past papers
doing flashcards
making timelines
doing essay plans
making mindmaps
if you study languages, practicing translations or specific types of questions that come up in the exam (for my exam board this is things like gap fill activities, 90 word listening or writing summaries, finding synonyms in a text etc.)
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puffycinnabunny · 2 months
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take my humble offering: digital notes and an ungodly number of pathways
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llort · 8 months
I just self published my first Academic paper NOT related to my Tertiary education or research.
Check it out, covers some pretty interesting topics!
:Update: Feeling ambitious, I published an additional eight papers yesterday and I can't take back the consequences now.
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lucybellwood · 11 months
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A couple years ago I asked a bunch of people on Twitter how they conceptualized their relationship to creativity. The answers were really varied, so I tried to group them into affinity quadrants and draw a little chart. I'm sure there are a zillion other ways to think about it, but I like remembering that making stuff is a moving target. It falls into all these categories for me at different times.
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amherstdice · 3 months
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Whipped up a TTRPG template in Obsidian MD to help players and GMs track their campaigns!
It also includes a welcome note that walks you through how to use Obsidian/this vault if you’ve never used it before.
I use Obsidian for all our campaigns and figured why not make a public version that’s sort of a bare-bones setup. I find a lot of these vaults for TTRPGs have a lot going on and can be crazy intimidating to use. So this uses just 1 plugin and everything else is vanilla.
You can find the latest version here: vault.nofame.ca
If you have suggestions feel free to DM me! Keep in mind that I’m not looking to add plugins to it though, really trying to keep it as simple to use as possible.
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kvapem · 1 month
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@ Karolína
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disciplinethepainter · 4 months
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ccthepandafangirl · 11 months
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this au is getting out of hand, and I haven't even added all the heroes yet
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mrsmess · 5 months
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TBT my mindmap for The Other Applicant, about a year old today. Thought you might like to see the earliest fragments that came to me.
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dear-future-ai · 1 year
Dear future AI,
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I had this song stuck in my head all day, the wordplay in the chorus resonated in my skull forcing me to produce this generative mind map. It almost acts as a minimalist criticism of a classic country song, while noting the complexity of the lyrics and the possible understandings.
It is not nearly as disorderly as what it appears in my mind, but I think this presentation is much more approachable for other people to see the foundation of how I have been enthralled by the song for the last 24 hours.
[Image ID: The lyrics to Garth Brooks’s Friends in Low Places deconstructed. Compound sentences or sentences with similar elements are reduced into word banks seemingly for the view to select their own mixture of the song.  The font size varies in tandem with the corresponding word banks.]
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k00297028 · 5 months
Movement - Fish
Exploring the movement of fish. Capturing the patterns and flamboyant motions by using my three selected disciplines fashion, printmaking and painting. Gathering my sources through observation, artist research, photography and workshops.
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k00295630 · 5 months
✧For the movement brief, I have decided to explore the movement of light. The shapes, colours and feelings light can create. As well as the different sources of light! ✧ The disciplines I chose are Printmaking, Ceramics and Painting✭
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✧Some ideas I got: -)Objects falling and the different outcomes of certain materials. Glasses being dropped-they break, a rubber ball would bounce and roll. -)Transport going by really fast and blurring, would be cool in black and white and having certain lights be coloured. Other surroundings being affected by the speed-trees blowing, puddles splashing onto people on the path.. -)Splashes! paint, water, even food being splashed onto things. how surfaces react from liquid. Cloth soaking it up, paper could get too wet and rip, stains on skin. ✧
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llort · 1 year
Concise Guide to Developing a Neuroscience Based BBC Sherlock Holmes Esq Mind Palace
Following is a condensed and concise guide for you to develop similar sorts of mental mastery as Sherlock displays in the amazing British interpretation of Sir Conan Arthur Doyle's beloved character. I use this mind map everyday for basically everything and I don't think that there is any area of my life that hasn't been improved in someway by engaging with its mechanics.
This mindmap was designed to be useful in almost all life circumstances and there is a great deal of flexibility and modifications that can be made to its use to be tailored to your own particular needs to maximize utility and functionality
The key to this system is that there are six main inputs of which all you have to do is think of one of the six directions in orthogonal Euclidean space. I chose each direction in correlation to the general theme of the cognitive heuristic that you want to "activate" with the general function of the region of (the majority) of peoples brain has somewhat localized centers dedicated to said cognitive pattern.
The labelling of these directions is arbitrary and feel free to define your own characterization or order of inputs however I just listed my ontology as is I use it IRL.
+z/-z -> 1, 2 (or forward/back) respectively
-x/+x -> 3, 4 (or left/right) respectively
-y/+y 5, 6 -> (pr down/up) respectively
It is key to keep in mind of your mind that -z is essentially just the direction that your eyes face as set in your skull for a point of reference.
Below is a table summarizing these inputs along with a brief description of each directions psychological and cognitive theme
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Each "direction" can be further broken down by applying the six inputs again which results in six main branches and thirty six sub branches, the initial thematic aspect behind the choice of the first six inputs are extrapolated and carried through into the assignment of the sub set of the thirty six sub branches so there is a degree of logical organization of the resultant four dimensional meta cognitive structure (four dimensions as inputs will be repeatedly done temporally as needed)
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The mental representation of the MM will look like the image above with the caveat that in all Euclidean directions, there would be an addition MR unit facing out of each plane which would be 1, 1/2, 2/3,3/4,4/5,5/6,6 respectively. Also inputs that "bounce back" such as 1, 2/2,1 3,4/4,3 and so on are considered to be unique inputs as its the pathing and tracing out of these inputs mentally which acts non-combinatory to result in a total of thirty six unique sub branches.
There may be a lot of unfamiliar terminology, especially acronyms which I have developed just mostly for my own use before I decided to put this memeplex out into cyberphysical reality, if there are any terms or concepts that anyone is unsure about feel free to ask but I am going to define everything in Unsignificant Sentience eventually.
Key to understanding and using this list is that each integer corresponds to one pole of a base Euclidean axis
One: active
1 1 Sense, Attention and Action (Non-selective/Selective and/or Undirected/Directed Attention), AAPM (Active Attentional Perception Model)
1 2 Perceiving, Observing, and Introspection, SVD
1 3 Logic, MM Model Axioms and Experimentation, ISR, EGC Outcomes
1 4 Assessment Describing, +y/MR/ME EIOSA Modelling
1 5 CBT, BH, Working Memory
1 6 Specific Thinking, Frame Encoding, and MEs Applications and Management (Inter branch/Sub Branch)
In your minds eye the pathing thought trace input should result in something like this.
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Two: personal
2 1 All Current Recursive Conscious Perception (EIOSA Analysis/Awareness)
2 2 Narrative, Identity Management, Frames, Auxiliary SA/EMA, Qualia
2 3 R4, ME, (in vivo UJF Functionality/Integration)
2 4 Beliefs, Values, Hopes, Ethics, Dreams (+DRD4 content)
2 5 Memory, Mnemonics, AE Encoding and Recall
2 6 Consciousness + VSM/UJS Models, Influencers (5 x) and CT Management CTx PPF, PQ
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I will only fill out one more guide for the inputs for the Third Branch as it should be pretty easy to extrapolate the pattern by this point
Three: planning, logic, and structure
3 1 Dynamic Planning and Situational Awareness, (ME0002)
3 2 Skills and Technical Application/Adaption/Singular Module: Heuristic Focus
3 3 Active Goals and Projects/Schedule, Mnemonics
3 4 Habits/Predispositions/Routines/Baselines (SETS, Blooms Taxonomy) and limitations, Re (self-imposed and/or Real Boundaries), Frames and Physiological/Psychological Patterns
3 5 Resource Management
3 6 Ideas or Future Goals and Projects/Personal Engineering, USF, CMM, NWF
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Four: Systems, Creative, and Communication
4 1 Agent Based, Observance and Interaction with Systems Associated and Context Awareness, ToM EIOSA
4 2 Persona and Ego Management
4 3 Reality, Social and Communication, Systems Identification/Interaction/Alteration/Mechanisms Options, Sets/OMA7, Objective EI IRL Network Corresponding to Meta Frameworks
4 4 MR/ME Grids + Practice/Enactment In Vivo
4 5 Communication and Sapir Whorf Language Management, Social Analysis and Responses
4 6 Ontology and Frame Engineering, Perspective Theory
Five: health
5 1 Physical Health (ER AnE + Diet/Hydration/Sleep/Medication)
5 2 Mental Health (ME0005/ME0010 Checks and Reconciliation)
5 3 Self Management and Contingencies
5 4 State of Other Systems, EISOA x, x,, (MR of Self Same) (States in Regards to Meta-Systems)
5 5 Applied Mindful Meditation, Self Awareness (Recursivity), and Reality Checking, PQ
5 6 Cognitive Health (DRD4 quality + CIA quality)
Six: knowledge
6 1 Technology
6 2 Philosophy
6 3 Engineering
6 4 General/Cultural
6 5 Frameworks
6 6 Science
Viable System Model based MM systems
The viable system model is a cybernetic theory and model utilized to model entities so that they remain viable and resilient in the fact of change. The model itself was derived from the physiological evo psych based compartmentation of function present in the human brain. I am going to do a post on VSMs at some point but the Wikipedia link is there if anyone is interested.
Below is a rough guide to what MM outputs correlate to each system in a viable system model
System One: 1 x , 3 3, 3 5, 6 x
System Two 2 1-3
System Three 3 1-3
System Four 4  x, 5 x, 6 x
System Five 2 4-6, 3 4-6
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As shown by this highly scientific diagram, there is a general localization of specific cognitive and mental phenomena associated with each hemisphere and I hope that on some level that the mental action of enacting an input to the corresponding area of the brain that is more generally specialized in carrying out that processing might improve the effectiveness and/or efficiency of that given task. I would love to get an hold of an EEG and do some digging but that is a future project
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So aside from forcing 42 specific commands into your brain, let alone the time required to practice utilizing this mind map in vivo, there is unfortunately another set within the +y knowledge branch where each domain of knowledge has ten subsets in order to break down learning and assimilating new information into more discrete chunks in order to facilitate recall and synthetizing of a priori knowledge.
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This is one module of many such systems I have developed to try to be able to reproducibly able to self actualize on a daily basis.
There is an ungodly amount of extra details and systems that I have curated, developed, and refined regarding the MM and some of them are evident in some of the seemingly occult acronyms scattered throughout this document.
I was going to create an ARG game for later on in this year of 2023 after I finished the Unsignificant Sentience trilogy and I was going to make mechanics such as this MM part of the way to play the ARG and to get players immersed in the world building but I just want to get some of my ideas out there as I have been working on too many projects in a vacuum
I am done screaming into the void
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k00295837 · 7 months
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Continuing the theme of Halloween, I've done a temporary mind map to visualise the concept and figure out how I can relate this back to reactions. How I can use these sources to elicit reactions, even.
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