#Minor of Determinants
I don't think I can say this with enough emphasis--if you are not Jewish, you don't get to decide what is and is not antisemitic.
There's no ambiguity here. Zero. I am sick and tired of being lectured at by goyim about how, 'oh, ackhtually, your explanation of how my words are antisemitic is off! You're trying to stop the discussion by being inflammatory!'
Or to be told that I am cheapening the term antisemitism, and that people used to react to it before October 7th, but now they're numb to it, which is just what happens you start using serious accusations for political means!
It's... genuinely astonishing to me. I'm consistently amazed by the arrogance, audacity, and disrespect it takes for you guys to lecture Jews on what antisemitism is.
Have any of you goyim experienced antisemitism firsthand? Is it your people who's experienced antisemitism for 3000 years? Is it you who has family members rescued by Schindler? Was it your ancestors who fled from constant, unending pogroms in with nothing but the clothes on their backs? Have you ever had someone tell lies to your friend about you sexually harassing people because you're a Jew? Have you ever had to sit and think whether you should mark down that you're Jewish on a job application? Have you ever felt unsafe and compelled to take off your Star of David because you've been afraid you'd be attacked? Have you ever had to worry about a professor who constantly brings up the war in class marking your assignment down because it talks about Israel being a democracy? Have you ever had the feeling of acid being splashed on your soul when you see antisemitic comments? The ice water rushing down your spine when someone is antisemitic to your face, and you feel the weight of 3 millennia of oppression bearing down on you?
No? Not you?
Then sit your ass down, and frankly, shut the fuck up.
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i've come to the conclusion that Supernatural is a retrovirus...it literally inserts itself into the very dna of viewers' cells. it is also a prion, causing transmissible fatal brain cell death
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useless-catalanfacts · 10 months
We are so deeply thankful to Irish EMP Clare Daly for these words of support. Including her last words in Catalan taking a stand against Catalanophobia, even when her microphone was cut off.
Context about the debate: recently, the only way for the centre-left parties to form a government in Spain was with support from Catalan parties (otherwise, we would have to go to 3rd elections and the coalition of right wing party and the openly fascist party would win). One of the things that has been negotiated is amnesty for the victims of Spain's ideological repression against Catalan independentists. Spanish nationalists, and particularly the neonazis, have taken the streets to protest against this, while the conservative parties have taken this possible amnesty to the European Parliament to try to gather support from other EU countries against any possible amnesty for the victims of ideological persecution.
Just so you get an idea of the scale of Spain's repression in Catalonia: only between 2017 and 2022, more than 4,400 Catalan people have suffered repression from Spain for their involvement in the Catalan independence movement. The cases that EMP Clare Dally mentions in the video (state surveillance using the Israeli spy software Pegasus to spy on political dissidents including journalists and politicians, repeated instances of police violence, and of undercover policemen who become romantically and sexually involved with the activists they're spying, singers being jailed and exiled for the lyrics of their songs) are some of the ways that Spain surveillances and persecutes Catalans.
This possible amnesty would not apply to all those 4,400, nor give back the years that sons spent without their jailed fathers and mothers, the elderly parents who died while an activist was on exile without being allowed to come back to say goodbye, the psychological consequences of being subjected to solitary confinement and public scrutiny, of Spanish media publishing your personal information (including home address, job address, face photos, full name and surname) for people to go attack your workplace and make you feel unsafe, or the money spent on trying to defend yourself in front of a judge who you know will likely punish you for defending your people's right to self-determination. But even then, they can't stand to think that amnesty is an option to make this political discussion happen in the political ground, and not the judicial one.
Thank you with all our heart to Clare Dally and all the Irish people who support us and show us their solidarity. Go raibh maith agat. Two peoples, same fight.
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hindahoney · 11 months
At this point I'm starting to think that anti-zionism is just a dogwhistle for antisemitism. When you've got people openly calling Israelis "settlers" and hoping for them to be killed, when you've got people saying that they deserve to die, what else am I expected to think here???
Always has been bestie
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designerpvssy · 5 months
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🛍️🛒~✦𝐇𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐨 𝐦𝐲 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐥𝐲 𝐜𝐮𝐬𝐭𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐫𝐬✦~🛒🛍️
As you can see, 𝙄'𝙢 𝙢𝙨.𝙨𝙠𝙮𝙮; the founder of 𝙙𝙚𝙨𝙞𝙜𝙣𝙚𝙧𝙥𝙫𝙨𝙨𝙮.𝙘𝙤𝙧𝙥 where you can read the most filthiest, nastiest, toe-curlying one shots you'll ever read all for free, I know- generous aren't I? And while I am quite new within the writing business, I will take requests if given respectfully (bc I'll respectfully cuss you out if you come at me with any sorta disrespect) and if I don't respond to your ask it's probably because I didn't feel comfortable doing so.
So I'd like it if people could understand and respect that and as far as boundaries- here you can find what I will and will not tolerate along with what I don't and won't write for.
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I write for mostly All fandoms just not smvt for the minors that are in them and that includes aging them up but whatsoever I don't judge people who do write for them because that's their choice just know you won't catch me reading it.
But besides that my lil shoppers- check out my products, feel free to send in requests for custom content and enjoy! (⁠ʃ⁠ƪ⁠^⁠3⁠^)~♡
@cafekitsune for the star dividers!! The other dividers including the gif were made by me so don't use w/o cred!!
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putschki1969 · 1 month
Hi there,
you mentioned earlier that Keiko have luxurious live and her family are well off. im curious whe is this information come from? did she ever mentioned this in an interview ? or are any of her family member also someone famous ? eg; business man / celebrities / etc ?
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Hello there!
Keiko never explicitly talks about any specifics regarding her family or their financial status and there's a good reason for it. In the very early stages of Keiko's career (around two decades ago), some fans have discovered that members of her family are quite active in regional politics (an activity that can typically only be taken up if you have some substantial funds available). Naturally, it is in everyone's best interest to keep Keiko's work in the entertainment industry strictly separated from any political activities which is why you'll never get any official statements from Keiko in that regard. That's also why the fandom as a whole is pretty hush-hush about it and why I will not be going into further details here. ❗It is important to be respectful and to keep those things private.❗ But you can imagine that this sort of background affords Keiko certain privileges.
From circumstantial evidence alone, everyone with eyes can guess that Keiko has always led the lifestyle of someone who is financially well-off.
She is constantly decked out in extremely expensive designer clothes/bags/accessories. If you follow my Twitter account where I post my Kalafina fashion finds, you'll know that most of her stuff costs several thousand dollars.
Whenever she has a new hobby, she goes all-in and tends to buy some of the most expensive products on the market (see for example her road-bike era or more recently, her acoustic guitar era).
I'm not going to delve into all of her regular beauty treatments because that's something most self-respecting Japanese women would choose to invest in regardless of their financial status but suffice it to say, an average office worker with a decent salary would not be going to all those fancy places that Keiko frequents (there are much cheaper options out there!).
Then we have Keiko's living arrangements. Presumably, she lives alone in her own place somewhere in the city center which would already make it very expensive. She is able to sing and play the guitar in the middle of the night which is rarely possible unless the apartment is super modern and high-end.
Generally, she doesn't seem to struggle a lot when it comes to connections within the industry. From what we can tell, she has had no issues signing up with a reputable label and agency (something Hikaru struggled with a lot and Wakana might have too if she hadn't decided to stay with Space Craft). Usually, that's a sign that sizable amounts of money are involved but who knows...
The fact that she felt confident enough to apply for the registered trademark of "Kalafina" back in the day could also be an indicator for Keiko being well-off. The legal representation alone must have been quite expensive.
Additionally, Keiko has made some vague references here and there which would suggest a wealthy background (please note that these are just some examples).
She has mentioned small things like playing tennis and golf with her parents on a regular basis. In case you didn't know, those are rich people sports, especially if you use your own equipment (which Keiko does).
The way she spent her hiatus after the breakup is also quite telling. Inspired by one of her relatives, she randomly decided to go to Kimono school to get a diploma. Sufficient funds are required for a school like that and I would assume that most people who attend will probably come from a more "sophisticated" background.
When talking about her super early days in the music industry, Keiko has made no secret about the fact that it has never really been about passion or necessity. She didn't start out as a singer because she felt she had to, it was more of a spontaneous whim. Again, a luxury usually only afforded to privileged people. Back then, singing was something she moderately enjoyed and could casually pursue, something that separated her from her older sister and something that more or less served as the spoiled/rich-kid version of a rebellion against overbearing parents. We get a bit of "rebel"-Keiko in this interview here. I would say that this is the behaviour of someone who doesn't have many worries in life, at least not when it comes to financial matters.
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qqueenofhades · 8 months
Going to hazard it's not a great sign for your obvious party nominee when a substantially non-zero portion of your own party's voters come out to make a point of informing everyone that they are not voting for you, even if they have done so multiple times previously, and pledge to support the incumbent president of the opposite party if/when you win the nomination.
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ferocioustrout · 7 months
”kosa will lower suicide rates” actually. actually if it passes I’m killing myself. what about that
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cuteniarose · 2 months
Ever since I started getting recommended more Avatar stuff on tiktok I keep seeing the same take over and over again and I have to say something about it before I explode:
Yes, a lot of the LoK characters are 'weaker' than their AtLA predecessors. Yes, Jinora and Kai and Suyin's twins and whoever else would not be able to beat Aang/Katara/Zuko/Toph in a fight
But WHY are you so obsessed with kids having to fight? Isn't it A GOOD THING if kids aren't good at combat? Because it means they didn't have to grow up too fast in the middle of a war? Why does every conversation about characters ultimately descend into who would beat the other in a fight in a show where the main themes are THE IMPORTANCE OF PEACE AND HARMONY???
Avatar fandom use your brains challenge
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Once again I prove victorious (in my own head) (in the battle of whether I should do different work than I have been doing)
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foundorfollowed · 3 months
watching sov cit court videos is so addicting. they are so sure there are magic words that will render the courts helpless and let them keep driving 60 in a 35 with etsy license plates and no insurance
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stardust-falling · 5 months
There is never an excuse to not use someone’s preferred name and pronouns. Unless they’re closeted around some people and ask you not to, there is literally no good reason to not just refer to them how they want to be. No one is being protected when you intentionally misgender a trans person, or when you insist on using a deadname— even if you “don’t agree” with the existence of trans people, or think that gender identity shouldn’t be treated the way it is in whatever way. You’re not standing up for yourself and you’re not standing up for others— you’re just being an asshole.
If your friend’s legal name was Katherine, and she told you “please don’t call me Katherine, I have negative associations with that name, call me Kathy instead,” then would you still insist on calling her Katherine because you don’t think it makes sense to use another name, even though you know it causes her significant emotional distress?
Intentionally deadnaming and misgendering someone because “it doesn’t make sense” or “you don’t agree” makes you just as much of an asshole as that. Changing the language you use to refer to someone hurts no one and helps them immensely. Intentionally misgendering someone just makes you look like an asshole and, quite frankly, stupid as well.
If you want to have an actual debate about the ethics of trans healthcare or whatever, the least you can do is actually respect your opponents. Fundamentally, respect for one another is key to proper debating. But no, you don’t want a debate, you just want to beat people down.
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rattled-shadow · 8 months
I tried making a mashup of Price (Another Version) and Ark. For @kotopeachii :3
Fun fact: they are both in B minor and have very similar bpms!
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wingsofwater · 8 months
hm hmmmm skywing hybrid quartet [half-siblings maybe?] based on the anemoi, named boreas [+ ice], zephyrus [+ rain, or maybe leaf], notus [+ sea], and eurus [+ sand]. send tweet
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bambiraptorx · 1 year
Alright I'm gonna stop talking about Big Mama before I get even more sidetracked-
This is your free ticket to info dump about any au or piece of lore (Of course, you can do this whenever, but personally I find it helpful to know someone wants to hear me infodump.)
*claps hands excitedly because I LOVE infodumping*
Okay, so one of the important things to the Draxum raises the turtles AU is that they all end up going to a yokai school, right? There's a specific reason Draxum picked the school he did for them: he used to teach there. For several decades, actually, and he was a reasonably popular and well respected professor up until he suddenly quit without an explanation. He went from being fairly involved in the community, if a little withdrawn, to basically disappearing, and no one really knows why. (What happened is that he discovered the prophecy that yokai would be destroyed and knew he had to do something about it. It became his sole focus.)
It isn't until he shows up one day to enroll four children in the next semester's classes that he gets involved with the school again, and the rumors start flying.
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oqulis · 2 years
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actually speaking of thara. you will behold their fruity little outfits
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