#Miscellaneous sentences
Miscellaneous sentences of every day use.
(1) امتحان سر پر کھڑا ہے۔ محنت کرو۔ کمریں کس لو۔
The examination is at hand, work hard ; gird up your loins.
(2) اس کی تبدیلی سے پہلے اس کے دوستوں نے اس کو الوداعی پارٹی دی۔
On the eve of his transfer, his friends gave him a farewell party.
(3) وہ سوکھ کر کانٹا ہو گیا۔
He was reduced to a skeleton.
(4) تم ہزار کہو وہ سننے کا ہی نہیں۔
You may go on talking, he shall turn a deaf ear to you.
(5) ہم نے ٹانگہ ڈرائیور کو آواز دی
We hailed a tonga driver
(6) اس کو نوکری سے برطرف کیا گیا
He was sacked.
(7) ڈاکوؤں نے اسے جنگل میں آ گھیرا اور جو روپیہ پیسہ اس کے پاس تھا چھین کر لے گئے۔
The robbers got at him in the jungle and made off with what he had.
(8) اپنا الزام دوسرے کے سر پر مت تھوپو
You must not shift the blame from your own shoulders on to that of another.
(9) ادھورا کام کرنے سے کام اچھا نہیں ہوتا
Things done by halves are never done right.
(10) مجھے پاؤں رکھنے کی جگہ نہیں۔
I have nowhere to lay my foot.
(11) تمہارا ستارہ بلندی پر ہے
Your star is now in the ascendant.
(12) وہ مشکل میں پڑ گیا۔
He is in a fix.
(13) اس نے مجھے بیوقوف بنا ڈالا ہے۔
He has made a fool of me.
(14) اس معاملے کو سلجھانا کوئی خالہ جی کا گھر نہیں۔
It is no child's play to settle this matter.
(15) ظالم چور نے معصوم بچے کو نہایت سرد مہری سے مارا
The cruel thief murdered the innocent child in cold blood
(16) باوجود سخت مخالفت کے گورنمنٹ نے یہ قانون پاس کر دیا۔
The government passed this law in the teeth of opposition.
(17) وہ بڑا چالاک معلوم ہوتا ہے کہ وہ دوہری چال چل رہا ہے۔
He is very clever, it appears he is playing a double game.
(18) شہزادہ عین عالم شباب میں لقمئہ اجل بن گیا
The prince was cut off in the prime of his life.
(19) جب تک بچہ واپس نہ آیا، ماں ماہی بے آب کی طرح ترپتی رہی
The mother felt like a fish out of water till the child returned home.
(20) اُس نے میری بےعزتی کی اور میں نے بھی تُرکی بہ تُرکی جواب دیا۔
He insulted me and I paid him in the same coin.
(21) وہ کراچی تک ہوائی جہاز میں گیا اور پھر ولایت جانے کے لئے بحری جہاز پر سوار ہوا
He flew up to Karachi and then sailed for England.
(22) یہ جہاز جاپان جانے والا ہے۔
The ship is bound for Japan
(23) میں نے وکٹوریہ نامی جہاز پر سفر کرنے کے لئے ٹکٹ خرید لیا ہے
I have booked my passage by the Victoria.
(24) جہاز نے لنگر ڈال دیا ہے
The ship cast anchor.
(25) جہاز نے لنگر اٹھایا ہے
The ship has weighed anchor.
(26) وہ جو کچھ کہتا ہے سو کرتا ہے
He is as good as his word.
(27) اس نے شرم کے مارے سر جھکا دیا۔
He hung down his head in shame.
(28) اس کی پرہیز گاری سب دکھاوا ہے
His piety is a mere show
(29) جلتی پر تیل مت ڈالو۔
Do not add fuel to the fire.
(30) تمہاری بات کا سر پیر کچھ نہیں لگتا۔
I can make neither head nor tail of what you say
(31) اپنے بھتیجے کو سمجھاؤ۔
Admonish your nephew.
(32) مفلسی نے اسے پیس ڈالا۔
Poverty crushed him.
(33) وہ راولپنڈی سے گاڑی پر سوار ہئوا۔
He caught the train at Rawalpindi.
(34) اس گاڑی میں ہمیشہ بھیڑ ہوتی ہے۔
This train is always packed.
(35) دو ریل گاڑیوں میں ویرکا اسٹیشن کے نزدیک ٹکر ہو گئی
The two trains collided near Verka Station
(36) فرنٹیر میل گوجرانوالہ کے نزدیک پٹری سے اتر گئی۔
The Frontier Mail got derailed near Gujranwala
(37) ریلوے والے تیسرے درجے کے مسافروں کی تکلیف کی ہرگز پروا نہیں کرتے
The Railway authorities pay no heed to the grievances of the third class passengers.
(38) جب اس نے شیر کو سامنے آتا ہؤا دیکھا تو اس کے اوسان خطا ہو گئے
When he saw the lion making for him, he was at his wit's end.
(39) اس نے میری بےعزتی کی۔ مگر میں اس کو پی گیا۔
He insulted me but I pocketed the insult.
(40) میرے سینے میں کینے کی آگ سلگ رہی ہے۔ موقع پاؤنگا تو بدلہ لونگا
I have been nursing a grudge against him ; should an occasion arise I would feed fat my anger.
(41) اُسے روپے کی اشد ضرورت ہے
He is in bad need of money.
(42) مجھے اس بات کا قطعاً علم نہیں۔
I know nothing about the matter.
(43) وہ اتنا ظلم دیکھ کر آگ بگولا ہو گیا۔
He flew into a rage at this tyranny.
(44) وہ اپنی بیوی کے اشارے پر چلتا ہے۔
His wife leads him by the nose.
(45) اس کے کام میں خودغرضی کا نام نہیں۔
His conduct does not smack of selfishness
(46) دونوں بھائیوں میں کوئی محبت نہ تھی۔
There was no love lost between the two brothers.
(47) مرزاغیاث سخت تنگ تھا۔ آہستہ آہستہ اس کا ستارہ چمکا۔
Mirza Ghias was badly off but gradually he rose to position.
(48) اس کا بھائی اب خوشحال ہے۔
His brother is now well off.
(49) کیا وہ پہلے سے بہتر حالت میں ہے۔ نہیں وہ پہلے سے بدتر حالت میں ہے
Is he better off now ? No, he is worse off.
(50) وہ جتنا کماتا ہے خرچ کر دیتا ہے
He lives from hand to mouth
(51) اس کے لئے اتنی تھوڑی تنخواہ میں گزارہ کرنا مشکل ہے۔
It is difficult for him to make both ends meet with such a scanty income.
(52) ان دونوں نے آپس میں سمجھوتہ کر لیا ہے۔
They have made it up with each other.
(53) اس نے اپنا مکان گروی رکھ دیا ہے۔
He has mortgaged his house
(54) زخم پر نمک مت چھڑکو۔
Do not fan the flame or add insult to injury
(55) پانسا اُلٹا پڑ گیا
Tables were turned.
(56) ان کے جھگڑے نے گہری جڑ پکڑ لی ہے۔
Their differences have taken a deep root
(57) سول نافرمانی کے سب قیدی چھوڑ دئے گئے
All the prisoners of civil disobedience were set at liberty
(58) میری اس کے ساتھ خط و کتابت نہیں ہے۔
I have no correspondence with him
(59) جو کچھ تم سے ہو سکے کر لو میں پروا نہیں کرتا۔
Do your worst, I do not care a fig for it
(60) اس سے میرا مطلب سیدھا نہیں ہوتا۔
This does not serve my purpose.
(61) اب بیٹھ کر ہاتھ ملنے سے کیا فائدہ۔
It is no use repenting now.
(62) اس آدمی پر مہربانی کرنا مار آستین پالنا ہے۔
To show kindness to this man is to keep a serpent in the sleeve.
(63) میری نرمی کا نامناسب فائدہ مت اُٹھاؤ۔
Do not take an undue advantage of my leniency
(64) اس نے شرم گھول کر پی لی ہے۔
He is completely lost to shame.
(65) نلکہ بند کر دو۔
Turn off the tap.
(66) دو پانچ پانچ روپے کے نوٹ دے دو۔
Give me two five rupee notes.
(67) اس طوفان سے کئی درخت جڑ سے اکھڑ گئے
By this storm many trees were uprooted
(68) اپنی حیثیت میں رہو۔
Live within your means.
(69) اس نے اپنی طرف سے کوئی کسر اٹھا نہ رکھی۔
He left no stone unturned or he tried his best
(70) میری پیٹھ موڑتے ہی وہ گولی سے مار دیا گیا۔
Hardly had I turned my back when he was shot dead.
(71) اس نے اپنے دشمن کو تلوار کے گھاٹ اتار دیا۔
He put his enemy to the sword.
(72) وہ آدمی تو معقول معلوم ہوتا ہے مگر اس کا ساتھی بالکل خبطی ہے۔
That man seems reasonable but his companion is crazy.
(73) اس محکمہ میں ہیڈکلرک ہی سب کچھ ہے۔
The Head Clerk is all in all in this Department.
(74) اس کو ہر ایک کی بات میں خواہ مخواہ ٹانگ اڑانے کی عادت ہے۔
He has the habit of poking his nose into the affairs of others.
(75) دروازہ پر کون ہے اسے اندر لے آؤ۔
Who is at the door ? Show him in.
(76) اس نے اپنے دکھ کو چیخ مار کر ظاہر کیا
He gave vent to his sorrow in a loud cry.
(77) کمان افسر کی موت کا راز فاش ہو گیا اور جلدی سارے کیمپ میں افسوس کا عالم طاری ہو گیا۔
The secret of the Commander-in-Chief's death got wind and a great sorrow prevailed over the whole camp.
(78) اس کے لئے موت کا حکم ہو چکا ہے۔
He is under sentence of death.
(79) وہ تو اب چند دن کا مہمان ہے
His days are numbered.
(80) ہم نے دو گھنٹہ میں 4 میل کا سفر کیا۔
We covered four miles in two hours.
(81) وہ میرے خون کا پیاسا ہے۔
He wants my head on the charger.
(82) اس کی کوشش پھل لائی۔
His efforts were crowned with success.
(83) وہ ایک دوسرے کے دشمن ہیں۔
They are at daggers drawn.
(84) وہ ایک امیر گھرانے میں پیدا ہوا۔
He is born with a silver spoon in his mouth
(85) سنبھل کر بات کیجئے ورنہ کچومر نکال دوں گا۔
Talk sense or I will knock your brains out.
(86) مریض کی حالت بدتر ہورہی ہے خیال ہے کہ جانبر نہ ہوگا۔
The patient is sinking, it is feared he may not survive.
(87) ملکہ نے بادشاہ کے قاتلوں سے بدلہ لیا
The queen revenged herself on the murderers of her husband.
(88) اس نے تباہی اور غارتگری کا بازار گرم کیا۔
He carried fire and sword wherever he went
(89) اس کی شرارتیں اس کے سر پر لوٹ آئیں۔
His mischief recoiled upon him
(90) اس نے کئی جھگڑے کھڑے کر رکھے ہیں اور کام کی زیادتی سے اس کی صحت بگڑ جانے کا اندیشہ ہے۔
He has put too many irons in the fire and there is danger of his health breaking under the strain of heavy work.
(91) کمال ! میرا تولیہ نچوڑ دو۔
Kamal ! Wring out my towel.
(92) تم ایک ہی راگ الاپتے ہو۔
You go on harping on the same string.
(93) وہ تو صرف ہاں میں ہاں ملانا جانتا ہے۔
He only knows how to say ditto.
(94) تمہارے منہ سے یہ بات نہیں سجتی۔
It does not lie in your mouth to say so.
(95) پھر تو وہ بغلیں جھانکنے لگا
At this he looked bewildered.
(96) تم کسی کی چغلی مت کرو۔
Do not backbite any body.
(97) وہ زندہ دل تو نہیں۔ مگر ملنسار ضرور ہے۔
He is not jolly but he is certainly sociable.
(98) ڈاکٹر صاحب ایک دن چھوڑ کر آتے ہیں
The doctor pays a visit every other day.
(99) میں چاہتا ہوں کہ انصاف ہو اور کسی کی رو رعائیت نہ ہو
I want fair field and no favour.
(100) لوگوں نے اس کے دل و دماغ کی خوب تعریف کی۔
People praised the qualities of his head and heart.
(101) اس کی موت کی خبر آگ کی طرح تمام شہر میں پھیل گئی
The news of his death spread like wild fire in the whole city.
(102) یہ تمام واقعات اس کی نوک زبان پر ہیں۔
He has all these events at his fingers' ends.
(103) ڈھاکے کی ململ بافی کی صنعت بالکل تباہ ہو گئی۔
The industry of weaving of Muslin of Decca has gone to rack and ruin.
(104) میں نے اسے صاف صاف ہی کہہ دیا کہ میرا اس کا گزارہ ہونا مشکل ہے
I told him in so many words that it is very difficult to pull on with him.
(105) یہ افواہ گرم ہے کہ اس ہفتے کو امتحان انٹرنس کا نتیجہ نکل جاویگا۔
There is a strong rumor that Matriculation results will be out this Saturday.
(106) اس کو مستقل کرنے کا سوال کئی دنوں سے لٹکا ہوا ہے۔
The question of his confirmation is hanging fire.
(107) ہمارا آنا جانا بند ہے۔
We are not on visiting terms.
(108) یہ بات اپنے ہی تک رکھنا
Between ourselves.
(109) میلے میں چوروں سے ہوشیار رہو۔
Be on your guard against thieves in the fair.
(110) بھوت پریت میں یقین دن بنن کم ہو رہا ہے۔
Belief in witchcraft is on its last legs.
(111) کل رات یہ آدمی قریب المرگ تھا۔ مگر آج بہتر ہے۔
This man seemed to be at death's door last night, but now he is much better.
(112) اس نے جی بھر کر کھانا کھایا۔
He ate his fill.
(113) بال کی کھال نکالنے سے کیا حاصل۔
What is the use of splitting hair ?
(114) جب مجھے اس کی نمک حرامی کی خبر ملی تو بہت دکھ ہؤا۔
I was stung to the quick when I heard that he was playing me false.
(115) بجلی روشن کرو۔
Switch the light on.
(116) بجلی بجھا دو۔
Switch the light off.
(117) بوٹ کے تسمے کھول دو۔
Unlace the boots.
(118) کیا دھونے سے یہ داغ اُتر جائیگا۔
Will this stain be washed away ?
(119) میں زبانی جمع خرچ کو نہیں مانتا
I don't believe in lip talk.
(120) دانت مت پیسو۔
Don't gnash your teeth.
(121) سمجھایا بجھایا بہت مگر اس پر خاک اثر نہ ہؤا۔
Admonish him I did but it was all lost on him.
(122) مال روڈ پر دکان چلانے کے لئے کتنا سرمایہ چاہئے۔
What capital is required to run a shop on the Mall ?
(123) گھاس پر مت تھوکو۔
Don't spit on the grass.
(124) اس نے ایڑی چوٹی کا زور لگایا۔
He strained every nerve.
(125) تکلف کو بالائے طاق رکھو
Don't stand on ceremony.
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aroaessidhe · 7 months
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2024 reads / storygraph
A Tempest of Tea
first in a YA fantasy duology
follows a young immigrant woman in a fantasy Victorian city who runs a tearoom that doubles as an illegal bloodhouse for vampires at night
when their business is threatened, she gets a chance to save it by teaming up with her best friend, a rich girl with a talent for forgery, a vampire artist, and a mysterious city guard to do a heist to infiltrate high society and collect a logbook that may reveal the extent of the corruption in the city
fantasy city with a masked ruler, arthurian elements, themes of colonialism
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promptsfromthecrypt · 6 months
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𝐓𝐇𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒  𝐌𝐘  𝐎𝐑𝐈𝐆𝐈𝐍𝐀𝐋  𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐑𝐀𝐂𝐓𝐄𝐑  𝐇𝐀𝐒  𝐒𝐀𝐈𝐃 : 𝒑𝒂𝒓𝒕 𝒕𝒘𝒐      ♡      𝚜𝚎𝚗𝚝𝚎𝚗𝚌𝚎  𝚜𝚝𝚊𝚛𝚝𝚎𝚛𝚜.
per  request  in  high  demand ,  here’s  a second  list  of    absolutely  batshit ,  out  of  pocket  things  my  original  character  has  said.    triggers  and  nsfw   will  be   present  in  this  specific  meme.
“ there aren't enough men crumbling at my feet. ”
“ knocked loose pit , but it's just me shaking my ass for dollars to ARF ARF! ”
“ i need to girlypop in the pit so bad. ”
“ i wanna beat my father with his own bones. ”
“ he is so mean and unfriendly , i have GOT to fuck him. ”
“ cream cheese wontons , my beloved . . . ”
“ it's okay to not have a valentine on valentine's day. i didn't have a father on father's day. ”
“ can i put ‘ gives great head ’ on my resume? ”
“ there's either a latte or vodka in this mug. ”
“ the sluttiest thing a man can do is wear jewelry. ”
“ sometimes you're just a 25 second ryan kirby scream away from mental clarity. ”
“ this bitch will be like , ‘ i’d rather die than have a complex thought ’ , and then text me at 2am to tell me the deepest introspective shit i’ve ever heard. ”
“ just know that if i ever slept with you , it was an act of self–harm. ”
“ if loving sluts was a crime , i'd do life. ”
“ i crawled out of my coffin like this. ”
“ some of you didn't grow up a stigmatic and it shows. ”
“ life update : cheeks still fat enough to be clapping when i breathe. ”
“ hey , sorry i've been radio silent. i self–isolated to be quirky. ”
“ ask me what's in my fanny pack. yes , it is spaghetti , and yes there’s also garlic bread. you never know when a bitch will get hungry. it’s my first aid kit. ”
“ when you're mean to me , do you stop to consider i have a huge rack? ”
“ i’m aware he’s committed several atrocities , but have you stopped to consider he’s my babygirl? ”
“ i don’t have mental stability. i have a fat ass. it’s an equal trade off. ”
“ having a soul connection with a man is so embarrassing. i need to be lobotomized. ”
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okay since J. A. Hammerton / Harry Furniss can substitute "tallest" for "idlest" as a descriptor for Carton, why can't we do our own?
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whynotzoidbergdotorg · 7 months
Hi, I was just wondering what are the other reasons you dislike Ali Nahdee. I personally thought she had good point in native rep but she sometimes gets into anti stuff. She acts like seeing abuse relationships on tv will cause people to get into them. I personally didn’t like her but I still thought she had something to say.
she was personally racist to me.
back when all of the marketing around the princesses being in wreck it ralph 2, she had gone to the disney store to “critique” the pocahontas merchandise (totally normal behavior for someone who’s not even powhatan….) and had made a comment that a pocahontas doll was “paler than she was” (and provided an image in poor lighting—I would grab the tweet in question but not only did she block me, but she also nuked the whole thread after blocking me)
now, I didn’t follow her, and I actually had found the tweet in question in early 2019 when I was searching for reference images of disney’s pocahontas (as I had been commissioned to draw all of the disney princesses for someone) and her tweet came up in the results, because i specifically had been looking for the version from that movie (commissioner wanted me to draw those versions of the princesses in specific)
anyways I pointed out that not only was pocahontas not actually that dark skinned in the movie (providing a direct screenshot from the film as proof), but that historically she wouldn’t have been that dark skinned either (because get this, I’m actually part powhatan—and while I am admittedly white passing due to being mixed race, my maternal grandfather, who is native american, isn’t that dark either. he does have copper colored skin, and does tan rather than burn, but he isn’t like. super dark like ali was complaining pocahontas wasn’t on that specific toy.) anywho i prefaced my tweet with my heritage (I’m actually related to the real pocahontas’s family, funfact. not a direct descendant, more like…a distant cousin??? though in the past I have remarked on how in the portraits of her that exist, I look fairly similar in certain facial features, mainly my nose, eyes, hairline, and overall head shape)
anyways, after i pointed this out, and made it clear I didn’t think she was saying this maliciously, I just think she might have had a warped view of how pocahontas is meant to look…she blocked me, and then started subtweeting me…
first, she accused me of using a “poorly photoshopped image” of pocahontas to prove my point (I didn’t, I screenshotted directly from the movie off a cartoon website, so likely the source was a DVD since there was no logo in the corner, and from what I could tell the colors of other characters and scenes looked correct)
THEN she accused me of lying about my heritage—and mind you this was AFTER she blocked me so I couldn’t reply to defend myself or further expand on my native heritage—which anyone who has EVER talked to me for an extended period of time knows I am HAPPY to infodump about. Because both I and my mother have done tons of research about our family tree—and that part of our family in particular (since its one of the few parts of my mothers family thats well documented and in a language we both natively know.) I mean I even know the specific name of a shawnee chief I am directly descended from! (Cornstalk—funfact, the mothman mythos is closely tied with Cornstalk’s curse, which is an alternate belief about the strange events associated with mothman sightings)
Now, again, anyone who knows me knows there are THREE things that really really tick me off in regards to my native heritage—and that is 1) calling me, or any other woman of native descent “pocahontas” (because first of all, her name was actually Matoaka, AND she’s not event the only significant native american woman in history), 2) being asked if I am related to Pocahontas/Matoaka (I actually punched a kid over this once when i was little. ironically I then later found out I actually am distantly related to her. what a small world!), and 3) being accused of lying about my heritage for “oppression points”. (well, there’s more than three, but that would just be getting into a whole other tangent, and I’ve already gone on like, four tangents in this post alone)
This last one makes me absolutely furious because I’ve had people (all white) say I can’t be native because “don’t look native” to them. when like. that’s not even fucking true??? other native american people (specifically other cherokee people—which is one of the tribes I am descended from) have recognized me as looking native american, and like other members of their tribe. I literally have the facial features, I just happen to have fair skin, and lighter hair. I mean hell, if you looked at my baby pictures (which I don’t have any on my device right this moment unfortunately) I did not look like a “white baby”. I didn’t start “looking white” (as in my hair lightening) until I was older. I’ve had white people try to gatekeep and erase my heritage from me because of their own perceptions of my appearance (based solely on my skin-tone).
So yeah, the bitch accused me of lying about a significant part of my heritage, a part that’s very VERY important to me, a part that I refuse to let others erase (especially since I’m SURE the colonists who murdered Cornstalk and his son—both my ancestors—would love to erase that misdeed and bury it).
I mean, imagine claiming to be all about the rights of indigenous women, and then smearing and making sweeping accusations about another queer, indigenous woman! Could never be me.
But I guess I could never understand the brainrot of someone who spends all day complaining about fictional representations made by white people, instead of raising up indigenous creators who worked hard to create their own, better representation instead.
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lordsardine · 1 month
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xiaoluclair · 1 year
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Fuck FUUUCK 😭😭😭
In all the expanse of the universe, all the space they have traveled, "ALL THIS, AND CHARLES FUCKING LECLERC IS STILL THE GREATEST FORCE HE HAS EVER KNOWN"
I'm yeeting myself off to space
i can't believe u would just slap me in the face with my own writing like this 😭😭😭 TRIGGER WARNING????
but naw omg 😭🥺 (i like Never use that emoji, ur making me use the rarmojis girl) im- im Blushing. giggling. squealing-school-boy feet kicking. to drop aside humble for an irredeeming sec, i kinda liked that part a little just a tad a teensy weensy bit too 🙃🤭- also i know you're outta this world but pls stay on earth, ive heard internet reception isn't so good up in space!
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krikeymate · 1 year
My brain: Fallout 4 AU, Tara is Sh-
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evermemes · 2 years
[LYRIC STARTERS] ✧˚ · . songs I have on repeat right now
" maybe it was egos swinging " " I vowed not to cry anymore " " it turned into something bigger " " that was the night I nearly lost you " " I will always be yours " " I know a place " " do you think I have forgotten about you? " " I never know what to think about " " I don't really care which side wins " " I'm not a shoulder to cry on " " I hear you've got your troubles " " lately it's been getting a little bit crazy " " all my friends go to the ends of the earth for secrets they don't wanna keep " " I've always been stronger than that " " I've got nothing to confess " " I can't believe I forgot your name " " I thought that you were straight, now I'm wondering " " I don't regret it, but I'm glad that we're through " " seasons change, but people don't " " might be best to keep it to yourself " " I simply can't resist my imagination " " have you ever met somebody who was perfect until you met them? "
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vivenecii · 11 months
me: I'm going to have some free time this weekend. I will draw and post stuff
also me: *ends up in the ER*
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siixkiing · 1 year
why do all these people feel that they know me? [[ from sonson to macaque because who better to start opening up to about her blossoming identity crisis lmfao ]]
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"Strong family resemblance and striking similarities? I mean, your great-pappy has a reputation here...that is what happens when you're overly headstrong and pertinacious to the point of absurdity and don't backdown from any sort of challenge."
Though, he supposed it wasn't fair to the young simian for her to be compared to her grandfather like that. Of course they were strikingly similar in many ways. Sonson had many similarities to the Great Sage, including his stubbornness, playfulness, and many more traits that made it clear she was his granddaughter. Not to mention her appearance greatly resembled the king, enough so that anyone would mistake her for him at first glance. It was uncanny at times.
That said, there were also plenty of differences to be had between them as well — enough that the young girl was her own being. While, it was probably nice to hear she shared traits with her grandfather and could make her feel proud of that fact THAT didn't mean it couldn't also get tiresome or sting to hear too. Especially after so many countless times. Probably an annoyance too whenever the young simian got mistaken for him and attack by foes had a grudge against the old sage. It was probably aggravating to have your day interrupted by a case of mistaken identity.
A sigh passing through the shadow's lips in response. Expression changing from the jovial teasing one he had been wearing previously to a more serious one. Reaching out to place a claw against her shoulder. Meeting her gaze with his own.
"Listen Kiddo — "
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" — it's never easy living in someone else's shadow, I should know that. Better than most would."
He was the Monkey King's after all. Sure, he was his own Celestial Monkey — the great Six-Eared Macaque BUT that seemed overshadowed by the one he had once dedicated his life to. His legend drowned out by that of his once closest and dearest friend. Only a passage in that whole tale and nothing more.
"It tough to make others see you for you and not someone else. Damn near impossible sometimes, but — "
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" — if there is one positive thing that you share with him, it's that famous iron-will and stubbornness. Make them see you, not as the Granddaughter of Sun Wukong BUT as Sun Xiaomin. Forge your own path and your own destiny, don't let anyone decide that for you other than you."
Giving a reaffirming squeeze to her shoulder. Hoping in some small way that his little pep talk would be able to help. Even if he was very rusty at such things now.
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aroaessidhe · 2 months
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2024 reads / storygraph
Mrs Mix Up
romance novella
two librarians are just beginning to acknowledge their mutual attraction as they start to work more closely together to save their library from budget cuts
when they go to a conference they’re accidentally marked as married and given the same hotel room
demiromantic lesbian MC
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rhythm heaven lore is so fucking stupid, i love it-
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endotwrites · 8 months
prompt: simon comes home quietly one night
wc: 421
the house was quiet with the room only filled with fluorescence of the tv. yawns came out of you every couple minutes and as you glance to the digital clock to your right, your eyes widen slightly at the time.
“bed time.” you say quietly to yourself as you lift the heavy duvet off your body and make your way to the bathroom.
one toothbrush in the double holder.
a look in the mirror shows the empty spot of soap in the shower. you blindly reach behind you to close the shower curtain and continue with your nightly routine in peace.
simon’s nightstand remains empty, only the small lamp and a singular book from when he last was home bookmarked. your heart clenches and aches for his return as you sink back into bed and drift asleep to the slight hum of the home shopping adverts from the TV.
˖ ݁𖥔 ݁˖ 𐙚 ˖ ݁𖥔 ݁˖
the dip of the bed and warm light in the room is what greets you first. “what did i tell you about falling asleep with the tele on, hm?” he questions in faux anger. your eyes peel open to see simon clad in his uniform, black markings still streaked over his eyes. as you sit up, you see his large duffel by the bedroom door, with clothes and miscellaneous items splayed on the floor. you jump out of bed, bounding to the bathroom.
two toothbrushes. pine soap next to your cherry vanilla one.
simon is tugging away at his pants when you jump on his back to properly greet him. he chuckles in amusement and pulls you to the front of him with your hands holding onto his shoulders tightly and his holding under your thighs.
you think back to all the times you daydreamed at work or in a coffee shop or washing dishes what you would say to simon right now if he was with you but as you finally have the opportunity, every sentence you rehearsed dissipated from your mind through your agape mouth as you still try to grasp the fact that he is in your arms. or rather you’re in his.
simon gently lays you back down on the bed and allows the weight of himself to press you further into the mattress. he grins, finding humour in your speechlessness.
“i know, honey. i missed you too.” he whispers quietly into the side of your face and floating into your ear to swim around in your mind for days on end.
a/n: pine soap is the default for me 😛
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deception-united · 5 months
Online Writing Resources #2
Tip of My Tongue: I find this very helpful when I can't think of a specific word I'm looking for. Which is often.
WordHippo: As well as a thesaurus, this website also provides antonyms, definitions, rhymes, sentences that use a particular word, translations, pronunciations, and word forms.
OneLook: Find definitions, synonyms, antonyms, and related words. Allows you to search in specific categories.
YourDictionary: This website is a dictionary and thesaurus, and helps with grammar, vocabulary, and usage.
Crime Reads: Covers crime and thriller movies, books, and TV shows. Great inspiration before writing a crime scene or story in this genre.
Havocscope: Black market information, including pricing, market value, and sources.
Climate Comparison: Compares the climates of two countries, or parts of the country, with each other.
Food Timeline: Centuries worth of information about food, and what people ate in different time periods.
Refseek: Information about literally anything. Provides links to other sources relevant to your search.
Perplexity AI: Uses information from the internet to answer any questions you have, summarises the key points, suggests relevant or similar searches, and links the sources used.
One Stop for Writers: Literally everything a writer could need, all in one place: description thesaurus, character builder, story maps, scene maps, timelines, worldbuilding surveys, idea generators, templates, tutorials... all of it.
World Anvil: Provides worldbuilding templates and lets you create interactive maps, chronicles, timelines, whiteboards, family trees, charts, and interactive tables. May be a bit complicated to navigate at first, but the features are incredibly useful.
Inkarnate: This is a fantasy map maker where you can make maps for your world, regions, cities, interiors, or battles.
750words: Helps build the habit of writing daily (about three pages). Fully private. It also tracks your progress and mindset while writing.
BetaBooks: Allows you to share your manuscript with your beta readers. You can see who is reading, how far they've read, and feedback.
Readable: Helps you to measure and improve the readability of your writing and make readers more engaged.
ZenPen: A minimalist writing page that blocks any distractions and helps improve your focus. You can make it full screen, invert the colours, and set a word count goal.
QueryTracker: Helps you find a literary agent for your book.
Lulu: Self-publish your book!
See my previous post with more:
Drop any other resources you like to use in the comments! Happy writing ❤
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lordsardine · 8 months
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