#Misfit Pantheon
lairmadness · 1 year
do yall have any custom legendaries you can talk about?
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This is our custom legendary known as Pantheon, and specifically our resident Misfit! She runs the Misfit Guild, and is one of the few still living legendaries, as well as being wildly known as the source of all the rampant eevees in the world!
Her guild is known for being one that's rather safe, even the lair itself seems pretty tame for most of it's depths, and Misfit will gladly help any Mon seeking her guidance. Though, it's not entirely sunshine and rainbows- getting Too deep into the lair produces incredibly strange and rather malicious feral pokemon, and they regularly claw their way up to the surface and into the guild itself.
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NOTE: ^I skew more towards indie-vintage-boho type girls, personally (definitely indie), but an "urban misfit-girl" sounds perfectly fine with me.
PIC INFO: Spotlight on a panel of the ideal girl for me, personally, from the graphic novel "David Boring," originally serialized in the American indie comics anthology "Eightball," conceived, written, & illustrated by Daniel Clowes, published by Pantheon Books in 2000.
""A different type of lonely, naïve urban misfit-girl’. I knew this girl! I knew many of her English, 1990s counterparts. This was real to me. And "they saved" his life! Who knew we were that significant? We sure weren’t feeling appreciated at the time. But I digress. Here’s a sentiment we hear repeated over and over in Clowes’s fiction. The women save, rescue and redeem the men. And just the idea of them will do it!"
-- COMICS WORK BOOK, "On Being a Woman in the Manly World of Daniel Clowes," posted on November 14, 2016 by "Mardou"
Source: https://comicsworkbook.com/on-being-a-woman-in-the-manly-world-of-daniel-clowes.
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sendmyresignation · 2 years
at this point as an mcr fans if you've never listened to ozzy osbourne’s blizzard of oz im going to put you in a hunger games esque arena. a simulation. a saw trap. a situation you may even say.
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wydpod · 29 days
Join WYD as we launch series two on Sept. 2nd! That's next monday!!! We're picking the podcast back up with a (mostly) new cast, a new world, and a new adventure.
If you're interested in getting a sneak peek, we are looking for advanced listeners who'd be willing to consider leaving a review on drop day. Just DM us here, or DM @antivanruffles or @cursedwithgloriouspurpose directly.
Transcript below:
The tides churn. The wind beckons.
Something long dormant begins to wake.
Enter the world of Oneasaeno, where a pale purple sky hangs over the restless, wine-red ocean -- the final prison of a murderous god.
Scattered across this dire sea lie the bodies of the former pantheon, offering refuge to the survivors of the Divine Era.
From their sacrifices, they take solace. From their bodies, they take sustinance. From their souls, they derive magic.
That is the way it was. But that is not the way it is now.
One hundred years into the Arcane Era, magic is no longer the sole province of the divinely blessed. Now magic can belong to anyone -- provided they have the coin. What was balanced has begun to shift, and the world holds its breath to see which way the scales will fall.
Our heroes -- misfits, outcasts, and dreamers -- set out to define themselves in a world caught between tradition and innovation, none realizing how greatly their choices may define the world in turn.
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bitter69uk · 8 months
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To commemorate the release of the excellent new documentary Scala!!! Or the Incredibly Strange Rise and Fall of the World's Wildest Cinema and How It Influenced a Mixed-up Generation of Weirdos and Misfits, the British Film Institute is holding Scala: Sex, Drugs and Rock and Roll Cinema, a season of films associated with London’s notorious, much-missed repertory cinema. Reader, I was one of the mixed-up generation of misfits warped by the Scala at an impressionable age. (I moved to London just in time to experience its final year or so; I remember feeling bereft when it closed). The first double bill I ever saw there was within a month or two of arriving: Girl on a Motorcycle / The Wild Angels (in other words, Marianne Faithfull and Nancy Sinatra as black leather-clad biker mamas). This was when Kings Cross was still a genuinely dangerous grungy red-light district / junkie central (just walking from the tube station to the cinema felt like risking your life). From there, I plunged into essential underground classicks by the likes of John Waters, Russ Meyer, Kenneth Anger, Andy Warhol, Richard Kern and Bruce LaBruce. But for me, the film synonymous with the Scala will always be Thundercrack! (1975). It was a blast to revisit it on Sunday afternoon with friends. In this triple X sensual and depraved oddity written by George Kuchar and directed by Curt McDowell, a motley crew of freaky outsiders seek shelter at an isolated old dark house one rain-lashed night. The house in question is called Prairie Blossom and its chatelaine is the eccentric, drunk, reclusive and deeply horny Mrs. Gert Hammond, a Blanche DuBois-type wearing Anna Magnani’s black slip. If you’ve never experienced Thundercrack!, anticipate hardcore sex scenes interspersed with verbose faux Tennessee Williams dialogue (“Take me away from all this! I’ve got money, a car and a body – and they’re all yours!”). You get a measure of Thundercrack! immediately when Gert vomits into a toilet, her wig falls into the bowl, and she simply slaps it back onto her head to answer the front door. (“Who’s there that speaks to me in the voice of a woman? It’s been years since those doors felt the touch of a human knuckle!”). As Gert, the remarkable Marion Eaton’s gutsy and committed performance deserves to be proclaimed alongside Divine’s in Pink Flamingos or Female Trouble in the gutter movie pantheon.
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colors-n-chaos · 1 month
꧁ ༺ A whole new world of color ༻ ꧂
pt: a whole new world of color surrounded by decorative symbols
(🥒: im writing this because uhhh reasons lmao)
This is a pop culture paganism blog run by, and for some of our Minecraft deity fictives. We are based of off the YouTuber group Color Crew, unfortunately we do not have everyone from our pantheon yet. We will generally blog here, as well as interact with our worshipers and devotees. (Pantheon information below the cut.)
(deities that reside in our system/on this blog : eg txt)
Keir : The deity of new and unskilled players, RNG luck, and "being cringefail at the game"(according to other deities[🥒]) Pronouns : any neu or masc pronouns Signs and associations : random episodes of really good rng, sudden skill spikes, numbed injuries, red, whales Appreciates offerings of : hand crafts, random mob drops, facts that interest you Blog signoff : 🐋
Yello: The deity of childhood wonder, happiness, joy, feeling safe and secure / Small edit, after all that's happened I've come to also reside over vengeance, doing whatever it takes to protect what's important, and overall justified harm/griefing. However, this part only really shows itself when reaaaally big and bad shit happens. Pronouns : Ask/Copy what others are using. Signs and associations : Sudden feelings of peace and happiness, finding safety where there wasn't before, intense feelings of nostalgia, Yellow (Normal) / Sudden drive to cause harm, to hunt down those that have hurt you and exact vengeance, and to destroy anything threatening what you care about. Mild auditory hallucinations, Black (Vengeance mode) Appreciates offering of : Objects you've found comfort in, places of peace, memoirs from lost pets, whatever else feels correct tbh. (Normal) / Trophies from that which you've destroyed, TNT, damaged weapons, strength pots (Vengeance mode) Blog signoff : 🧸
Boosfer : The deity of sexual love, kink and para, "misfits and freaks"(according to himself) Pronouns : literally any and all Signs and associations : green, unusual episodes of hypersexuality, sudden acceptance and peace in your paraphilias, suddenly realising new paras Appreciates offerings of : sexual fantasies, consensual sexual acts and love in their name, "whatever feels correct as an offering, let your intuition guide you honestly" Blog signoff : 🥒
Bubbo/Cassanova : The deity of romantic love, intimate connection, strong interpersonal bonds, and music Pronouns : whichever feel intuitively correct at the time Signs and associations : apples, things generally associated with love and romance, gradients of purple and blue Appreciates offerings of : unsent love letters, journaling, apples, making music of any kind Blog signoff : 🍎
███ : The deity of ██████ ████████ █████████ ██████ ███ █████ ██████ ███████ ██████ Pronouns : any masc Signs and associations : n/a information Appreciates offerings of : ██████ █████████ ██████ ███ ████ █████ ███ weapons Blog signoff : █
Baablu : The deity of the mid-late game grind, large bases, complex farms, and end game adventures Pronouns : He/They/Pink/Rose Signs and associations : Sudden desires to explore/adventure, random spikes in productivity, Pink Appreciates offerings of : rarer items, stacks of miscellaneous blocks, structures you've built Blog signoff : 💎
Qndres : The deity of the early game grind, surviving, mundane tasks Pronouns : any masc or neu but dont actually care Signs and associations : miraculously not dying, grey, other things ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Appreciates offerings of : constructing your starter base in his name, items you don't need, hand crafts, old and no longer used tools Blog signoff : ⛏
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joandfriedrich · 2 years
the March sisters as Greek goddesses? (Beth is Hestia and no one can change my mind)
You just combined of my favorite things together and I am stoked! Also, sorry it took a little while, I wanted to be as accurate as I could in my choices.
Marmee- I am adding her just because, and she would be Rhea, Goddess of the Female Fertility. She is also was the goddess of motherhood and femininity, and was the mother to the Olympians. Marmee has been considered one of literature's best mother figures and Rhea seems to be the best match for her.
Meg- My instinct is to go to Hera, Goddess of Marriage and Women. Meg embraced her femininity, had longed to be married and have children, and actually wanted it from an early age compared to her sisters who never married (Beth), didn't want to (Jo), or marry for wrong reasons (Amy).
Jo- I am sure many people would say ether Athena or Artemis (mostly, I am sure due to their statuses of being unmarried/virgin goddesses) but really, she is closer to Calliope, Muse of Epic Poetry. According to Hesiod, she was the leader of the muses, but also the most assertive, which that is certainly Jo, and her only offspring were two boys, Orpheus and Linus, much like Jo's only children were two boys, Rob and Teddy.
Beth- I agree with you 100%! For those that may not know, Hestia is Goddess of the Hearth, Family, and Home. She is said to be a pretty nice goddess, described as being pure and peaceful, and never married, which ties in my headcanon of Beth being aro-ace. There isn't too many myths about her, but it appeared that there wasn't a god or goddess in all of the Pantheon that had disliked her, which is very true with ho everyone viewed Beth.
Amy- This might be a shock to some people, but her goddess would be Athena, Goddess of Wisdom. As an adult, she displayed her newfound wisdom brilliantly especially to Laurie in Europe, which helped him avoid making a big mistake, and had greatly matured from her childhood into adulthood. Athena is also the goddess of Creativity and was known as a patroness of the arts, which fits the rather artistic Amy.
Mr. March- After some digging, I thought that the best fit is Hymenaios, God of Marriage Ceremonies. Given that Mr. March is a pastor who had served as a pastor for his own daughters' weddings (Meg confirmed, and Jo headcanoned), it feels pretty apt that he'd be this god, though not much else is known about this god.
John- I was not expecting to pair John with Hermes, God of Travelers, but it works. Hermes' main job was a messenger for the gods and goddesses, but has also been said to be the first teacher to the mortals, teaching them letters, science, and how to use their intellect, which makes in a way, a tutor, just like one Mr. Brooke.
Friedrich- Admittedly, this one was the toughest one, but the one I choose was someone I least expected, Dionysus, God of Wine and Festivities. Friedrich has always been known to be a easy going and fun man, but just like the god, he was also incredibly kind and helpful to his fellow men. One of Dionysis' titles was known as the "protector of misfits" as he had been an outsider in the Pantheon, which is very similar to Friedrich being seen as an outsider due to being a German in America.
Laurie- This is another one that was super easy to think of, Apollo, God of Music. A little fun fact is that Apollo was also the god of prophecy, which I couldn't help but to think about that scene in the book where Laurie ponders over the idea of Jo resembling the thorny red rose and Amy the thorn-free white rose, certain that it must mean something, which in the end it did.
How do you guys think I did? Is there any other god or goddess you'd think could work?
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ericaportfolio · 1 year
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She's Done! This was a last-minute drawing I made for a fair entry. Since I'm back in a mythology phase once more, I'm a huge history nerd, I did something for Greek Mythology for a potential story. First off, Athena Pallas (Minerva in Roman Mythology)! The piece was inspired by not just the myths, but also the history of the Pantheon and the study of surviving statues that turned out to be originally painted. Yep, turns out those white marble statues during ancient times were painted. It's pretty cool! 
Along with the other projects I'm working on, I'll develop this wild story, Legendary Fugitives. The Greek now Roman Gods in an AU where the Empire never fell due to an industrial steampunk-like revolution. However, two of the gods, Athena being one of them, and a group of misfits find themselves in the murder of the previous Caesar thanks to a petty owl and a hungry lion. So they go on the run road trip from the Empire and the Olympians to deliver plans about a dangerous weapon that could cause the Empire to rule the entire world. If anyone has a good idea of who the second God should be, I'm open to ideas!
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majachee · 2 years
*poked you with a stick* what's your lore
Buckle up because this is a wip and a half and also I HAVE A FAIR AMOUNT DOWM ALREADY
In this world, pantheons co-exist, usually peacefully. They watch over their followers and the regions they occupy. It loosely mirrors our own world, but with a heavy mythological spin and a different history. Galileo is spinning in his grave rn cuz im using mythology rules for the sun and moon.
Worship is important to a god's livelihood, yes, but only in terms of giving them a more personal connection to the mortal realms and helping them fulfil a purpose. They will not keel over and die if they are no longer worshipped or believed in, but they will often feel alienated and directionless for a while before finding a new purpose - typically staying and keeping control of the natural world with the other nature gods of Earth (ie: the sun gods and moon gods still tend to the sun and moon), tending to the underworlds/afterlifes, taking care of the mythical beasts of the region, etc. If the god has no connections to nature or underworld, they can stick around and help, wander the world and explore other regions, help out other pantheons, etc.
A pantheon no longer being worshipped is considered a "fallen" pantheon - while some of the godly families do stick together, others separate, like the Hellenistic pantheon. A pantheon no longer being worshipped is seen as a natural part of a religion's life-cycle. Humans change and make new discoveries every day, so of course their spirituality will change over the centuries. That doesn't mean it isn't feared by some of the gods, especially those who are egotistical and driven by the worship. Like the stories involving death and escaping its hold, there are gods who have tried and failed to prevent the dwindling spirituality of the populace.
A lack of worship does not dissuade the strings of fate. If a prophecy was not fulfilled while the pantheon was being worshipped, it will still come into play at a later date - at least, that's the theory.
Fate is seen as absolute by most, but by a specific few fate is seen as something that can be toyed with, and is fickle and always-changing in nature.
The story begins with a world out of balance; Ra has disappeared from the sky midday, the collection of underworlds are being ravaged and disrupted, Fimbulwinter has started in Midgard despite Baldr being alive and well, along other unnerving anomalies worldwide. It's up to our collection of literary heroes to traverse the mortal and celestial realms, meet with gods new and old, and find out what's happening! And hopefully fix it! Hopefully.... and hopefully not before making things worse. Staring at Wukong who's one of the main characters rn. Still deciding on the other guys I want him to team up with (besides the obvious JttW gang cuz of course Tripitaka sticks around)
There is a group of gods who are suspected to be behind some of these anomalies: the leaders being the grief-stricken Boreas, the veangeful Loki, and a mysterious traveller with an uncanny appearance and a silver tongue. They hold no sympathy towards the ruling figureheads of the pantheons, having been hurt and betrayed by those they considered comrades. These antagonists have emotionally manipulated several misfit/outcasted deities and mythical beings into joining them against the gods and Macaque is one of them.
So that's where he fits in. He was miraculously saved from certain death by the other two celestial primates, but their taunting and spiteful words pushed him away right into the antagonists' open arms, being used as nothing short of a disposable tool for distruction.
Others include Hypnos, Liber, Orcus, Mordred, Atë, and. Several others that i'm still deciding on/doing research for.
So yeah, not only do the heroes of the story have to figure out why the world is going wack, screw around with fate a bit, but also gotta face emotionally manipulative and manipulated assholes. Redemption arcs included.
Still planning out all the arcs of the story itself, I have the first third of the story drafted out and I do plan on making art in the future exploring certain concepts.
I like toying with fate in stories, that myth of Freyr originally surviving Ragnarok only to change his fate to DYING BRUTUALLY cuz he gave away his sword for a girlboss who doesnt like him and was way out of his league INSPIRED ME. Man decided to die by Surtr for a woman who won't call him back, for a queen who gave him a fake phone number at a bar, a girlboss who owns like 20 different guns and won't hesitate to Kill. Men.
That myth awoke something feral within me, i'm sorry.
And if these seem greco-roman and norse specific so far, that's because I spent the most time studying those and i'm still studying other mythos and religions for inspo.
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alanyabristeanam · 1 year
The Pantheon
“The pantheon.” she whispers in your ear, “they’re the outcasts, the misfits, the ones who don’t quite belong.”
You stare at the group of girls–women–walking down the school hallways. An odd combination, ranging from punk to goth to nerdy.
“That’s Mars” she points to a punk in ripped jeans over fishnets, a black tank top under a black leather jacket, rough, smudged eyeliner, and tattoos. “She’s ruthless, but demands justice. Someone once tried to attack Diana” she nods toward a girl with long brunette hair dressed in light blue jeans, a white top and another black leather jacket with silver stitching. “He was in the hospital for two weeks. Then there’s Athena,” A quiet, nerdy looking girl. “She’s smart, viciously so. I’ve seen her tear people apart with a few sentences. And Mor,” a lean, gothic girl with long black hair. “She’s scary. Corvids flock to her and she knows everything there is to know about every war, every battle ever.”
“Who are you?” Athena is staring directly at you, and you feel an inexplicable call towards this girl, and smile. “My name is Macha." She looks you up and down, from your heeled combat boots to wildly curly hair “Macha.” She says your name as if she's tasting it. “What’s your next class?”
“Intro to criminal justice.”
“Mine too. Come on, you can sit with me. I’ll help catch you up.”
The whole hallway stares as you step forward. And join the Pantheon.
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mountphoenixrp · 1 month
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We have a new citizen in Mount Phoenix:
           Benten, the Japanese Goddess of Fortune.            She is the owner of Halo, Salon and Spa.
FC NAME/GROUP: hong jinyoung, soloist
GOD NAME: benten
PANTHEON: japanese
OCCUPATION: owner of halo
HEIGHT: 160 cm (5'3)
WEIGHT: 42 kg (92 lbs)
PERSONALITY: Ben is very friendly and often finds themselves in the company of very different people. They are selfless and always willing to help others, a very fine intent for as long as they don’t expect anything much in return. This goddess is empathetic to others needs and wants to somewhat feel a deep sense of responsibility to those around them. She loves listening to other stories, hopes, dreams and wishes, maybe subtly helping them achieve if she believes they are good people.
Every little thing is important to her, she keeps things journal keeping trinkets to remember memories of old. Ben can be counted on to remember birthdays and special occasions, uphold traditions, and shower their loved ones with gestures of care and support. The goddess tends to withhold what she’s feeling, others then often express it through a melancholy song on her lute as she never always finds the right words to express how she truly feels.
HISTORY: Once upon a time, the dragon-king of Munetsuchi had a third daughter named Benzaiten. They came from the lake of the center of the world. A deity of everything that flows: speech, knowledge, music, and water. The most important role is being one of Seven Lucky Gods, sailing the heavens Takarabune ( Treasure Ship ) with her siblings visiting human ports giving them good fortune in the beginning of the new year. She loved playing biwa lute for her family as they travelled, always such merry band of misfits. They all had their roles to play, the art of them truly shown how they happy they were together yet as years went by their roles changed.
The day when the fierce dragon who terrorized the people along the coast of Kanagawa, named Gozuru set eyes on the goddess and fell in love, Benzaiten only agreed to marry, on the condition that he stop his violent behavior. She created Enoshima Island as her home, lay down her roots wanting a peaceful calm life. As much she enjoyed her yearly trips with her siblings, she wanted a place to call home. Over time, both the dragon and Benzaiten became be protectors of the entire region gifting them good fortune. Alas, Gozuru passed away he lay down beneath, that was the moment Benten left the island to travel the world.
In her travels, she found so many shrines dedicated to herself, it warms her heart seeing how many mortals still worshiped her gifting her offerings in the hope of finding love or fortune, or both. Benzaiten would be more happy to bestow good fortune onto them, she can’t change their destiny yet she can bless little luck on their side. Being the sentimental goddess she was, Ben loved writing in her journal about the encounters with humans even other deities as time changed, she changed it to scrapbooking as she wishes to remember every little precious moment. The goddess always had big heart, love affairs of many even her children were blessing too.
Whispers about a place where she could find her children, where other gods as made themselves at home. She leaped at the opportunity thus made her way to Mount Phoenix, taking the ownership over Halo, salon & spa. Every day is good hair day when Ben is around, it was perfect way to pamper people to make them feel wonderful hopefully with little bit of lady luck on their day, they will get that one perfect day.
POWERS: She has incredibly good fortune ( luck is on the side ) the goddess have no control over this power as things considered “lucky” randomly and unexpectedly happens to them despite any predestined fate or logical reason.
She can temporarily bestow some of their own good luck upon others for a short period of time. Benten usual application is blessing the water she either washes the person hair with or simply puts into their drink.
Generally good things tend to happen to the goddess and tends to quickly slip out of bad situations
She usually knows how to make the best out of a situation, always picking the right choice by chance.
Sometimes she doesn’t even bestow luck onto people, instead she is good at supporting and instilling confidence into the person.
Naturally skilled in the arts from dancing, playing musical instruments and painting.
If she is well connected with the person she is bestowing the luck on, she can identify what they are unlucky in and there is more chance ( not 100% ) the luck granted would help them drastically.
She has no control over the things considered lucky and unexpected happenings.
People tend to have back luck around her to balance out the laws’ positive & negative outcomes.
She is a highly sensitive emotional goddess who is prone to being overwhelmed especially if she sees others infected with bad luck.
The luck bestowed on a person is only temporary, it tends to last about 3 days.
Her powers are tied with her emotions depending how she feels about the person depending how potent the luck. Random strangers or people she doesn’t like will end up getting no luck, even bad luck in way.
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illarian-rambling · 4 months
Ricinus and Fifth from the Seven Stations ask game :D
Ricinus: what is your character’s view on family?
I'll talk about Twenari for this one, because she'll probably have an interesting answer.
Twenari grew up with an emotionally abusive mother who used her as a human weapon because of her prodigious sorcery. When she ran away, she joined a troupe of wandering misfits who ended up as a found family. Later on, she met her father and his side of the family, whom she grew to love and respect, and who understood her and her sorcery in a way her found family could not.
All that said, Twenari does believe that blood makes for a bond. Her mother isn't just some random woman who bore her - she's Twenari’s mom. She had a big influence on the girl's personality, whether or not Twenari is happy with that fact. She also feels a bond with her father. Maybe she didn't grow up with the man, but she got her sorcery from him, which plays a huge role in Twenari’s life. Once she gets to know him, she's very fond of Azhur as well. Blood matters to Twenari. She believes it has an impact.
That said, she also considers Izjik, Sepo, and Djek to be her family. They're the ones who basically raised her. She sees Izjik and Sepo like much older siblings who stepped up to take care of her, and Djek as her middle brother who gets her into mischief. Her bonds with them matter just as much as her bond to her parents.
Ultimately, these things aren't in conflict. Twenari would rather have two families she loves than none. And even if Undeta will always rule over her past, that doesn't mean she has to define Twenari’s future.
Fifth: what are some common religions or spiritual beliefs in your world?
Illarianism is the most common religion on Illaros. You might notice the similarity in root words. This is because both Illarian (the gods) and Illaros (the planet) are Janazi words that use the prefix Illa-, meaning horizon. A person from Illaros would be called Illari, not Illarian, as Illarian refers to the pantheon.
Diatribe aside, Illarianism is the most common religion. It features thirty-four gods, each with a mental and physical domain, and places a heavy focus on excellence vs mediocrity rather than good vs evil. They have no holy book - just pray to the gods and you're good to go.
The second most common religion is the Way of Lamsara Hedandros. It's practiced solely by sirens and is the root of the Ulahdrian Empire's brutal theocracy. Sirens believe that surface people are false, soulless beings made from Lamsara Hedandros's stolen magic, and thus it is their duty to return this magic by drowning as many people as they can. There are other thrall gods that serve Lamsara Hedandros, but they don't get worshipped nearly as much. In return for their faith, Lamsara Hedandros grants sirens the use of his Voice to work charm and weather magic.
These are the main two faiths of Illaros. I could go on about the Nabafyrian ancestors, Dwarven twin gods, or the extinct Skysheerian Aderenon, but that would take forever, so I'll leave it at these two.
Thanks for the ask!
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memento-morri-writes · 9 months
Witch, Dragon, God!
Ooh, hello, Astra! Thank you for the ask!!
WITCH - What sparked the idea for this world?
I'm not certain which world you want me to talk about, so I'm going to talk about High Fantasy WIP, since that's what I'm most interested in right now, and it has the best answer to this question. High Fantasy WIP is a direct result of my obsession with Dungeons & Dragons. I wanted to write a story that had the vibes of a well-done DnD campaign. (A bunch of misfits save the world and become found family along the way.) I know absolutely nothing about the geography, culture, politics, etc. of this world, but I do have vague ideas for a magic system, as I mentioned in the ask I just answered. I also want to keep some of the most interesting parts of DnD lore around. Specifically there will be some version of tieflings and aasimar (the distant or not-so-distant descendants of demons and mortals and celestials and mortals respectively), a pantheon of gods of varying domains, alignments, and interests, and you can bet your bottom dollar there's going to be warlocks. I honestly think that the warlock class has some of the best storytelling potential in the entire game of DnD, and I've always wanted to play one. (My first ever dnd character was actually going to be a tiefling warlock named Zenara, but the campaign didn't end up happening. I still have them on the backburner to play someday because I love their concept.)
gonna continue this under the cut because it's getting really long, lmao.
DRAGON - Do you write about dragons?
I have yet to write about a dragon, but they will definitely exist in the world of High Fantasy WIP. You can't have a high fantasy wip and not at least have legends about dragons!!!! (There's a post that talks about missing seeing true high fantasy dragons that are smart and have agency, and I wholly agree with it. That's the kind of dragons I want to write about. I frankly don't like seeing them written as just beasts to be tamed and ridden or killed.)
GOD - Does your world have a religion? Is it, in this world, right?
All of my worlds have some degree of religion. I'm personally strongly atheist, but I think that a defining trait of humanity (or humanoid creatures, in the case of High Fantasy WIP) is our determination to believe in something. In our world, religion or spirituality of some kind arose in every civilization on the planet, and for the majority of people it remains a part of their lives in one way or another. So I think it's important that a fully developed world has at least some concept of religion or spirituality. (Again, that might sound ironic coming from a staunch atheist, but I find it fascinating to write and explore human's views on religion, even though I struggle to come up with religious details.) In the world of High Fantasy WIP, there's a large pantheon of gods, each with their own set of domains and duties. They do really exist, since they are able to directly grant their power to (and sometimes even speak to) their followers. However, I find it a bit of a cheap shot to have deities that are 100% good and deities that are 100% bad. Oh there are definitely evil deities with evil schemes, but they have their reasons. And likewise, the "good" deities also have their own plots and plans. I would love to tackle the story of a cleric to a "good" deity who struggles with the realization that their deity is not always kind and good, and not always right. There are no perfect people, and even the gods are no exception. All of the gods have followers, but some people don't follow any gods. However, even for those people it's nearly impossible to deny that the gods do exist. They grant their power and speak to clerics, they influence events in the world, both somewhat directly and indirectly.
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3, 14, and 17 for the ask!
3. Is your practice more ritualistic or casual? What does it look like?
It's uh...ritualistically casual? Casually ritualistic? I haven't gotten to really practice with anyone (other than doing tarot readings for people - both for friendship, barter, and for pay - I'm really trying to get a career of this off the ground, as I've been reading casually and professionally for 30+ years now, and I do consider tarot/rune/oracle/psychometry readings and dream interpretations as much worship/practice as anything else) - oh and that one guided meditation circle I went to back several months ago - in hell. 20 years maybe? Or just nearly. So most of my practice is pretty casual with some ritual elements - I keep an altar, I burn candles and incense nightly when I go to bed (I'd burn incense more often but too much of it really bugs my sister, and her room is next to mine right now - hopefully when we can finally move east, we'll find a place where our rooms are more opposite ends of the house we rent), I put out offerings of liquor and sometimes food. More often the food offerings go to the outside altars, which right now, I only have a very small shrine to Elegua (ALL Tricksters are honored by me, so every culture's Tricksters are welcome to hang out). I include my gods in my day to day existence, even if that means I'm wandering around the grocery store - "What should we make for supper? What sweet treats should we get for dessert? Would you look at that asshole taking up the whole aisle?"
But I haven't 'drawn' a ritual circle in forever, I haven't called the elements, the directions, I haven't set up ritual space for each holiday, though to be fair, even when I did that with my ex and our friends, we were generally still pretty casual. Ritual robes started to be really unwieldy and definitely dangerous when lighting candles and almost knocking over the wine. Often our ritual regalia was less about clothing and more about painting our faces for the holidays with images and symbols important to each of us at that time. I'd like to get back into doing more (casually) formal rituals once we move and depending on which of my friends in the area we're moving to (or close enough to it) are able to meet up for them. I think I'd still have almost a Dude mentality of ritual, and from hanging out with my gods (predominantly the Nordic pantheon mixed with, again, all the Tricksters and quite a few of the Celtic deities), they always feel really cool with not getting super fancy about it.
14. How would you define your Gods? (have fun with that one)
Hah! Hahahahaha! Define my gods? Me? Oh no. No no no. I live with them, I invite them into the space where I live (I don't consider it home - home will be when we leave Texas, get to the ocean, and can breathe again), I share meals with them, and I learn about the layers upon layers of their history and personality from them, but I don't think I could ever define them. I think they're beyond definition.
17. Do you associate certain Gods with specific songs? Share them!
I have a few. I mean, anything and everything by Wardruna resonates with all the Nordic gods.
But some specifics off the top of my head:
Riders on the Storm by The Doors - Thor and Loki It's known that Thor is the god of storms and thunder, but Loki is the god of lightning, as that was his father (Farbuti, "dangerous striker" aka lightning) striking against Laufey (whose name some scholars believe means "full of leaves"), thus creating Loki - who is a god of fire and lightning (as well as mischief, chaos, change, storytelling, misfits).
Songs from the Wood by Jethro Tull - Loki
Velvet Green by Jethro Tull - Loki but also Freya and Freyr
Locomotive Breath by Jethro Tull - Odin
As you can tell, Jethro Tull is one of my favorite bands. My late brother (druidic in his own beliefs and practices) introduced me to them in full in my teens when he helped to steer me toward the Celtic and especially the Nordic gods, so I have a very reverent feel toward this band, my gods, and my brother (he was the one to introduce me to tarot and runes as well).
Those are songs off the top of my head. I'd like to spend more time with music and the gods - see which music I might already like that Anansi or Old Man Coyote would pick out for their own. Which ones Eris might choose. Which ones Frigga or Sif or Sigyn might like best.
Oh oh wait. Sigyn. Goddess of Victory, Goddess who "holds the bowl" so that Loki might survive in less pain and come out to fight for their children.
We Will Rock You - We Are the Champions by Queen - that is definitely Sigyn
I will say that it seems like they're always (all of them) pretty happy when I play my favorite bands - The Doors, Jethro Tull, Queen, ABBA, Loreena McKennitt, and I imagine they've got favorites out of all of those and the variety of SCA filk-type bands that I listen to.
Polytheistic Asks here!
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glknight · 1 year
I spent too long writing fetish stories
More about venting than it is about confessing.
Over the past 6+ years, I spent more time writing niche fetish stories instead of what I actually wanted to do. Mostly because I wanted to see those stories in the world, but partly because everyone points out that writing fetish material is an easy way to get paid.
Over six years, I wrote approximately SEVEN BOOKS worth of adult material. And I didn't even see a fucking DIME. Even when I was pushing a Patreon, no one gave a damn about supporting me. When I was putting installments out week after week after week, giving complex worlds and backstories and more.
Some, I'm holding on to and want to turn into full-on mainstream material.
VERITY - A tall, muscular woman who acts as a Problem Solver for whoever crosses her door. A former Black Ops agent who was called "The Angel Of Death" by her unit, Verity now seeks to live a life just helping people. But when you're a self-touted "Problem Solver", you find yourself caught up in all sorts of battles to protect the lives of ordinary people...
BLOCKBUSTER - Set in a far flung future, a professional Fighter named Marco Mercado is hired to train the daughter of a celebrity. This girl, Brandy Bustamante, is not any ordinary woman. She's the daughter of Braden "Blockbuster" Bustamante, a megastar who is part of a specially made line of 10 ft. tall powerhouse humans called "Geners" (Genetically Enhanced Workers) that were made to work on the most hostile of worlds for the Seven Corporations Of Man before being repurposed for things like Sports Competitions.
But their meeting is more than just circumstantial, kickstarting the unraveling of a millennia old conspiracy involving Corporate greed and the truth about human existence in an Epic Space Opera love story.
I'M WITH THE GODDESSES - Dragged out for another night of local shows, college student Brandon isn't really expecting much. But when he sees the opening act for the All Female fronted show, a group of misfit ladies named The Goddesses, it's closer to a religious experience for him.
Imagine Brandon's surprise when that turns out to be literal, as the lead singer and front woman for the band, a mohawk brandishing spitfire named Layla Scalzi who Brandon gets a very strong sense of deja vu from, tells him he's meant to be their Acolyte. Now pulled into a cosmic Battle Of The Bands called The Ascension Game, he and the odd mix of Punk Rock Pantheon members compete against gods and goddesses from all other genres in a bid for the right to ascend to the position of official gods over all reality.
THE SWORD OF MONSTERS - A professional monster hunter named Ezel heads to a small village where it's rumored that bizarre creatures are slaughtering locals and travelers alike. Once there, he finds that the rumors are not only true, but far more bizarre and deadlier than he imagined. But nothing as bizarre as a white haired waif in a blue outfit named Mazia, carrying a sword bigger than herself, who joins him in his investigation...
Outside of these four stories (Blockbuster will become a straight up Sci Fi novel, the others will hopefully become comics), I'm abandoning literally every other story. Stories which include Humanity's struggle for survival against extradimensional aliens who are basically Nazi Terfs, a story about a loving family caught in a very bizarre situation involving gene therapy treatments, one involving a college student and the very strange goddess that is haunting her, an erotic ecological body horror story about a corporation trying to remove a thorn in their side by using his wife and more.
Take it from me, whoever tries to convince you that creating pornographic content is a sure way to earn money is fucking lying to you. People want free shit, and they don't really care when it starts or stops coming in.
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magickal-misfits · 2 years
Now that you met the Pantheon for Magickal Misfits, which Divine Guild will you be representing?
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