#My chick could take part in NAILED IT! show :'D
nei-ning · 4 months
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Behold! My very first crochet chic! Thank God for tutorial video! :D
But even with the video (which said this can be done in 15min), I struggled an hour or so. First 15 minutes ALONE went on me trying to get that "magic loop" right and the first and second round since there ALWAYS were too many big holes etc. issues.
Another issue is that my hook was too big. Should had been 5mm but I bought 8mm... :'D So my chick has more holes and is bigger in size than the original in tutorial video.
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larrikin-is-a-himbo · 3 years
My friend watches Merlin: Part I
Oh god what have i started
Who's this blonde motherfucker
Also witch lady murdered some woman and took her form to get revenge, which I whole heartedly support
Gwen is so pretty
When will Arthur stop being a jackass I'm just curious
Enemies to Lovers?
Also imagine having such bad luck that your mom sends you to the one place where magic is strictly forbidden, when your one quality is having magic
WOAH Talking dragon Cool
Oh good Merlin has to play nanny to Arthur, cool
PLS Merlin boi what are you doing
Just because the chick is good you don't have to risk it
You'd think when your one weakness is a mirror you'd get rid of the big ass one in your room
Witch is really nailing the abandoned attic aesthetic
I looove the snake shield
I'm so sick of fortune cookie smart people
Or in this case reptiles
Morgana is also so pretty
Oh my god Morgana, you should just leave this place
You deserve better than everybody here
Hello there beautiful 👀
Mysterious magic woman
Is this show MLM WLW solidarity?
I really don't see why we shouldn't let the magic people take charge of the kingdom and push this moTHERFUCKER off a cliff
This fucking dragon is pissing me off
I love Morgana so much already
Oh this guy is so clueless I love him
Wow the king is a real asshole
Can't wait till he dies
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I'm getting real tired of the king
I'm legit so tired of this guy
And this is only the first season
Seriously, the amount of problem that could be avoided if they just got rid of the king
And so of the dragon
But mainly the guy
He straight up wants to kill a fucking child
I never wanted to kill off a series character so bad in my life
Honestly if I were Morgana I would just leave
Just pack my stuff and sneak out
It's so weird that I'm 100% on the opposite of the main character's side
Excuse me
You can't just drug your son
This isn't going to end well I can see it
I'm digging this series honestly
LMAO I like how the girls are coming to the rescue
Like, of course they are helping Merlin cause he helped them
But I can't help but see the "If we're not going he's not even going to survive the journey, let alone the bandits" In their looks
NAW Arthur just shot an unicorn
Not sure I can forgive him this one fam
Yeah fuck your grain
You know who the true victim of the series is? The water supply
And Gaius' nerves
At least Arthur is trying to be a good ruler
LMAO not the rat stew
This entire family is fucking killing me
Both father and son
And I don't know who the holy spirit is
[Me: Arthur's mum
Him: That was fucking foul 💀]
Yaaay, the unicorn lived
"Yeah your dad is dead, but you can keep your house" CAN NO ONE IN THIS HOUSEHOLD COMMUNICATE
I am 100% on Morgana's side in the situation
And so are on everybody's side who's against Uther
Gwen is so much better than me as a person
Oh...they made up
Morgana is also a better person than me
Season finale time
Did I just watch the entire season in one day
"It's just a myth"
"It's just a story"
"It's just made up"
Bitch have you been PAYING ATTENTION to the past months? Or however long this season is spawned in
So far Nimue gave some water, Merlin's mom is dying, the dragon outed himself and Merlin is saying goodbyes
Wow, why do they severely underuse the best antagonists in every series I like
This was not nearly enough Nimue
I'm low-key disappointed
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fandom-monium · 4 years
AN: thank you, anon! i dont plan to make a sequel to KC. But if i did:
For Valentine’s Day
Summary: In which you throw a wrench in Spencer’s plans: you don’t like Valentine’s Day. “If it’s with you, I guess it’s not so bad.”
WC: 2.9k (whoops)
Tags/Warnings: Spencer Reid x GN!Reader, fluff, cussing, semi anti-valentines day, Spencer tears up but dont worry were there to fix that, established relationships (blegh), Garvez if you squint, post-For the Holidays
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Fuck cooking, Spencer thinks one day.
It's an irrational thought. The kind that strikes through his mind in a flash of irritation like a scrape of the knee as he is perusing the internet. Yes, he is using a computer willingly. He has to because he's desperate.
Cooking is stupid. Who really needs it, right?
He needs it. God, he needs it so bad.
His need to learn cooking wasn't as incessant until recently. Until you came along.
Spencer is a meticulous person and a romantic if you'd ever met one. Makes sense considering how he grew up, reading the classics and all that. He's read all the gooey literary shit old people write and while he never understood those meanings it all dawned on him one day. Quotes written like 'the stars in their eyes' and 'sunshine glowing off them like a halo', suddenly makes sense once he meets you. Or at least, after coming to know you, months into your newfound friendship.
It's because of this he plans accordingly the weeks leading up to Valentine's day! Because again he's meticulous and a romantic and a genius so he plans every step and makes a back up plan in case A, B, and C fall through.
Is he going overboard? 
… Nah. No way. Not when it comes to you.
But fuck with a capital F, man.
It's your third date. Or what is supposed to be your third date if you would just stop being you for a second.
Then again, he loves you a lot and he wouldn't love you if you weren't, well, you.
Although—pardon his french—what the fuck. 
Spencer knows he needs to learn to cook. You've tried plenty of times to teach him and he loves learning and he especially loves it when you are the teacher (wait, does he have a teacher/student fantasy? Maybe. That’s something he'll look into later. Preferably with you). 
Unfortunately, he's terrible at it.
He's made progress and he knows it's true because you said so but the miniscule progress he's made is. Not. Enough. And it's all your fault! Because he gets so distracted by you during your lessons, like when you put your hands over his to show him proper slicing techniques—holy fuck, he wanted to combust right there—or just watching your deft hands at work, lips and brow scrunched in concentration in that adorable way. And you smell like cooking oil or whatever you're making and you're hot.
He's so into you it physically hurts. Ugh. How is he so lucky? 
You're also the first person he's been this into since Maeve. And everyone knows how well that turned out.
So he tries to dial it down for Valentine’s Day. Morgan told him once he tends to throw himself into everything he does, including love. And when you two got together, he promised the universe he will not fuck this up. He ends up combining Morgan’s advice with Luke’s, trying to be casual like Luke says because apparently you're just as into him as he is of you. 
The thought makes him grin uncontrollably. Luke says it makes him look like a clown but a lovesick clown. A lovefool, Luke hehs.
Spencer doesn’t get the joke, but it does nothing to deter him.
As Luke advised, Spencer does “not” make a dozen back up plans and does “not" plan weeks in advance. Because that wouldn't be casual, would it?
But now the day’s come and as Valentine’s Day turns to Valentine’s Night, Spencer wants to pull his hair, rub his frustratedly stinging eyes but he can't because he's in the middle of work, in the middle of the bullpen, in the middle of his desk and he refuses to be that guy. Not again.
Why does he feel like sobbing? Like a loser? 
Because you don't like Valentine’s Day. No, you abhor it.
It happens in the middle of the work day. It's like he tried to open a door only for a bucket of ice water to be dumped on him and now he looks like a drowned rat. He definitely feels like one.
You're talking with Garcia about her Valentine’s Day plans as you multitask, switching between putting together packets and stacking them aside. Then taking them under the hole-puncher and stapling them together because the BAU isn't all kicking down doors and catching freaks. 
It makes sense that you’re chatting with Garcia during your break. The two of you have become two peas in a pod after you came out of your shell. Now you're inseparable. Only you make Garcia leave her batcave as much as she does now.
Out of sight, he catches tidbits of your conversation when he hears distinctively: Fuck Valentine’s Day.
Okay, you didn't say that verbatim but you might as well have, grimacing as you three hole-punch a packet and his heart. Then a nail on his coffin only it’s with a stapler. 
Thump. Chick.
Spencer winces; there goes your his Valentine’s Day plans. 
It shouldn't sting as much as it does. You've been dating for over a month and Valentine’s Day is definitely not his favorite holiday either. It's not even top 3. And as you rant he can’t help but silently nod in agreement, all the facts straight: yes, it's an eyesore. Yes, it's a capitalistic holiday. Yes, people should do nice things for their significant others no matter the time and not because it's expected on a specific day. Yes, it doesn't compare to Halloween—
The thing is, you two aren't that “couple-y”, at least in a traditional sense. Not like Will and JJ who got a babysitter so they could go out or like Luke and Garcia as they plan to go to a special Valentine’s Day event she wants to check out (she vehemently denies anything going on between them but he doesn't need to be a genius to see the affection they have for one another. Just kiss already, damn).
So yeah, Spencer hoped to spend the romantic holiday with you. For once, he'd have Valentine’s Day plans, aside from exchanging cards with the team and his mother.
But apparently you hate Valentine’s Day! So there goes plan A, B, C, and D!
Spencer feels the tears spring at the corner of his eyes. He sniffs as subtly as he can, raising an open case file to his face. Of all the plans he hadn't thought through this was not one of them. IQ 187, his ass.
He should've known. Or at least ask your thoughts on Valentine’s Day. That was inconsiderate on his part. He blinks back tears, withdrawing into himself despite his hurt because he is a lovefool and only for you. He just wants to impress you, make you happy even if that means canceling your first Valentine’s Day together.
Now if you'll excuse him, he has to call off a few reservations and make some returns. Several actually.
Can you return a dozen donuts in the shape of hearts?
… Yeah, he better ask Emily for the rest of the day off.
"Hey Newb, have you seen Spencer? I haven't seen him since his break," You ask, resting your chin in your hand as you squint at another form. Your eyes are beginning to tire. 
Spencer asked you several times over the course of the last week, checking to see if you were free today. You are, so you planned to hang with him after work, but he hasn't returned from his break and he wasn't answering your calls or texts. Not unusual but still odd for your boyfriend (you still can’t believe you get to say that).
Luke sighs, his smooth voice reaching over your shared divider, "You know at some point I'm just not going to respond. You guys can’t call me Newbie forever."
"Keep telling yourself that," You snort without looking up.
Another sigh and you smirk: you win.
"For your information," Luke grumbles, words punctuated with sass, "Doc went home."
You pause. "Home?" He didn't tell you.
"Yeah, probably to get ready for your date."
"Our date?" You frown and stand up, leaning over the divider to see if Luke’s fucking with you.
He isn't. Luke shrugs, humming wistfully as he rests his cheek in his hand, "You should've seen how excited he was, being it your first Valentine's Day and all. I told him to chill out because you'll love whatever it is no matter what but I'm sure he ignored that and planned something spectacular for you guys." Sitting back, he twirls around in his chair.
You grimace, recalling your earlier conversation with Garcia. 
"Meanwhile, I have to spend Galentine's Day with Garcia because all the ladies of the BAU are taken and I have nothing better to do—" Luke comes to a full 720, catching the tail end of your coat as you whip it on and make for the door. "—um, excuse you?"
"If Emily asks, I had an emergency!" You manage to call back, throwing open the glass door.
"Thanks, Newb!"
As the elevator door dings shut with you inside, leg jumping because you have a sneaking suspicion you fucked up, Luke slouches in his chair and grumbles.
He's not a newb. Or a newbie.
You rush over to Spencer's, catching your breath as you stumble to his front door. There's shuffling from inside, the faint sound of clanking and crashing and your heart swells because this is the man you’ve fallen for, the first one you've ever felt this way for. Here he is, being all considerate and romantic. And here you are, fucking it up when your relationship’s barely even started.
God, you're an asshole, you berate yourself as you turn the doorknob and push open the door. You're an asshole you're an asshole you’re an asshole—
Then your eyes widen and your jaw goes slack. 
Immediately, you slap a hand over your mouth and nose as your favorite scented candles hit you like someone shoved a bouquet in your face. The description isn't too far off considering there's a lovely bouquet of your favorite flowers still in its wrapping, haphazardly set next to a dozen donuts on the coffee table like no one's business. Its petals are strewn across the floor, a few in tiny piles like they were hastily swept to the side. Red and pink and dark green fill your vision.
Who gutted Cupid and tossed his organs around, holy fu-
"(Your name)?"
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Startled, you crane your head to find Spencer, beautiful hair askew and his tie hanging loosely around his neck. His sleeves are pushed up to his elbows as he clutches flowers to his chest. In his other hand, he grips the colored strings of several shiny red and pink balloons in the shape of hearts and—fuck—your heart might actually float up from your chest and into your eyes.
This is your man. Your partner. Your boyfriend.
Your boyfriend panics, fumbling for a second before stuffing the balloons and trimmed flowers back into the room behind him and slamming the door shut. He turns back to you, eyes wide.
"What-what are you doing here?" Spencer stammers, wringing his hands together.
You blink at him, dumbly holding up your phone. "You-uh-you left early and didn't return my calls."
"I'm sorry. I think I left my phone at work," Probably because he left in such a rush, Spencer groans, looking anywhere but you. The petals scattered over his floor are quite pretty in this light. "And I was a bit busy."
"I'm sure you were," You gawk openly at the strings of fairy lights hung around his living room. It's a clash of aesthetics. Spencer always rocked dark academia, but despite how ugly the combination of red and pink decorations with his nature green walls and dark wood is, it leaves his apartment a little brighter, a little cozier, and you love it.
You love everything about this.
But as you take in the ugly beauty of it all, Spencer fidgets at the doorway, mistaking your awe as shock and disgust. Wiping sweaty palms on his trousers, his eyes dart around, trying to focus on something, but every place he lays his eyes on makes him cringe. He catches all the things he couldn't clean up or put away in time. No doubt you do too. All the leftover flower petals, the donuts he can’t return, candles that haven’t blown out because he has the lungs of an 8-year old asthmatic. 
Spencer can't imagine how appalled you are.
And the longer your silence stretches on, the more nervous he gets so he blurts out, "I'm so sorry, (Your Name)!"
Your brow shoots up as he begins to ramble.
"You must hate this. I'll put everything away."
"You really don't have to—" You stop him, and your heart nearly crumbles as Spencer's does when he finally meets your worried gaze. 
His eyes gleam with unshed tears. He swallows, "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have—"
"At least not without asking you—"
"I understand if you want to break up—" His voice cracks, as if the idea itself will destroy him (it definitely will). 
"Spencer—" His voice, wobbly and dripping with unnecessary guilt, draws you to him.
"But I want you to know that I—"
With an exasperated sigh, you grab his hand as yours finds the nape of his neck, pulling him into a soft kiss. 
For a second, Spencer doesn't respond because who kisses the person they're about to break up with? Strange, really. But then he kisses you back. His hands remain frozen, unsure of where he stands, but he tilts his head to deepen the kiss. He figures this is a new social cue he has yet to learn. And if this is the last time you kiss him, he'll treasure every second of it, take whatever you'll give him because again he's a lovefool for you. 
And when you pull back, he's too dazed he nearly misses the look you give him. Suddenly, he can’t breathe.
You look at him like he hung the stars instead of cheap fairy lights around his apartment. 
Spencer’s confused. "I-I... Wha—"
"I'm not breaking up with you," You chuckle, and you nearly burst out laughing as genuine puzzlement takes over his face. You tug him behind you, plopping yourselves on his couch. You smile, appreciating the way he organized the cushions and throw-pillows; there's now space for two people to lay down.
You take a breath. "You wanna know why I don't like Valentine’s Day?"
Spencer slouches, though his body is angled towards you so you suppose that's good. He sighs, "Because it's a capitalistic holiday that reinforces the idea of doing the bare minimum…"
He begins listing your reasons, and your eyes soften. Of course he listened and remembered even if you mentioned it offhandedly.
You nod once he finishes. "Yes but before that—and I can't believe I'm telling you this—back when I was a little kid, I didn’t get any Valentines."
Spencer's brow furrows at the newfound information. You continue, "I'd get some from my friends and stuff but that's not what Valentine's Day is about. At least not when you're a kid. When you’re a dumb kid, it’s about couples and romantic shit, and I didn't really have any of that growing up." You purse your lips and glance away, face flushed with embarrassment. It's really not that big a deal, but putting it into words makes the idea seem more intimate and personal.
It takes a moment for your words to sink in as Spencer can't believe his ears. How could you not have been showered with love and affection and presents on Valentines Day? It's like water doesn't make things wet or fire doesn't produce heat; it just doesn't make sense. Because you deserve that much and more.
"So every Valentine's Day, I lowered my expectations and eventually I stopped caring. I'd tell myself those things and I started to believe them," You bite your lip, eyes crinkling as you give Spencer a sheepish smile. "But now I have you."
At that, Spencer returns your smile, letting you take his hand. Any tears he had seem to evaporate instantly.
“So, I'm sorry that I hurt you. I stand by what I said before, Valentine’s Day sucks. But if it’s with you,” Blushing deeply, you play with Spencer's hand, large and veins defined compared to yours, shrugging, “I guess it’s not so bad.”
Spencer’s smile broadens, and he intertwines your fingers together. "So what you’re saying is, you don’t hate this?” He looks around his living room.
You shake your head, unable to stop the grin crossing your lips. “No. In fact, very much the opposite. Honestly, thank you for this, it’s beautiful. I have no words.” You breathe it all in; the candles, the flowers, the— Your nose wrinkles and you snort, “Did you burn something?”
Bashfully looking down, he scratches his chin. “I-uh-tried to make your favorite dishes. Though, I was hoping the candles and flowers would mask it.”
You giggle and pull him into you, snuggling into his side. “That’s okay. I’d much rather have you anyway.”
With Spencer a blushing, stuttering mess in your arms, head resting on your chest, you press a kiss to his hair and conclude; yeah, you don’t like Valentine’s Day. 
But you sure as hell love Spencer more.
AN:  FtH status: finished - 7/5. yes 7.
I realize this was not what anon requested but oh well i wrote this at 2 am 
I’m not that anti v day but i stand by the capitalistic aspect.
yes this takes place after For the Holidays.
also included luke bc hes my bro and i honestly think he deserves so much more than what the show gave also garvez ftw
happy post valentine’s day!!
Song: Lovefool by The Cardigans
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Anon #1 asked: if it’s not a bother to you could you do 83&88 with angel reyes💖
Anon #2 asked: 84&87 with angel reyes
Anon #3 asked: 91&96, nsfw/smutty, angel reyes♥️
83. “Raise your ass”.
88. “Your father is in the other room”.
84. “On your knees”.
87. “Put on my kutte”.
91. “Should be illegal taste so good”.
96. “I’m virgin”.
Word Count: 4k
Thanks to my lovely beta reader @cherieann-2001 💖
Author comments: I'm not sorry for this, guys. I hope you all enjoy. Gif isn't mine, credits to the author.
Tag list: @starrynite7114 ​ @chibsytelford ​ @dazzledamazon ​ @mara-mpou ​ @sammskellington ​ @gemini0410 ​ @1-800-imagines ​ @briana-mishell24 ​@sassymox @whyisgmora @aquamento @sadeyesgf @viviansafizada @samcrobae @jade770 @witchy-wish @rebel-without-cause-x @xx--day-dreamer--xx @spiced-reads @tita127 @ifoundmyhappythought @enamouravecleslivresetlechocolat @angelxshiba @destynelseclipsa @sheeshgivemeabreak @abbiesthings @knowles-morgan ✨ (if you wanna be tagged, send me a message!)
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You frown pulling him into the empty clubhouse, as he crew stared at you because of his words. He's laughing loud, feeling him somewhat alleviated after so much tension the last three days.
“What's so funny?”
“Shit, baby… was that what worried you?”
“That I'm virgin? Yeah, of course!”
Angel just hugs you, confusing you because he doesn't seem angry at all. 
“God… I was feeling so fucking insecure, saying to myself that I fall in love for first time and she isn’t attracted to me”.
“I am, you idiot”. 
“Yeah, but you stopped me every time I tried… you know, going farther”. He says almost chuckling gently kissing your head”. Shit, you broke the barometer of feeding my ego, mi amor. But, it's okay, I'll wait ti—”
“I'm ready, Angel. I just… I didn't know how to tell you”.
He looks at you with both eyebrows raised, surprised and excited in equal parts.
“My father is not gonna be tonight at home, you could… come over”.
“Yeah, I'll definitely come”. He jokes with you with a singsong voice. 
“Angel!” You laugh strongly patting his chest. 
“What? You asked for it, mi dulce”.
“So… you're okay with that?”
“Of course, yes, baby. You don' know how happy you're making me feel right now”.
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After your father is already gone, having warned you to lock all the doors in his ‘overprotective-mood’, you run to your room to get ready. You change your clothes, wearing nothing but a black lace panties and one of Angel's shirts you usually put on when he's out of town. You've been together for a month, even though you only found out about his feelings for you six days ago. One day, you just decided to give him a chance, and you couldn't have been more wrong, thinking he would fuck up by hanging with some chick or getting tired of you.
Having one last look at yourself in the mirror, you go to answer the door bell. Angel is already there, letting his eyes travel around your body, as soon as you open the door.
“Shit, baby… It's the first time I see you wearing one of my shirts”. He babbles totally amazed.
“Does it look good?” You ask then, turning around for him. 
“Fu—Fucking good”. He nods swallowing.
“Has your last neuron collapsed?”
“I have zero doubts”. He nods again keeping his parted lips, whilst holding his hand to guide him to your room. 
Soft Lights are hanging on the wall. And you don't know why, but it feels like if it was Angels first time too. He was acting so confident that morning, that you can't help but chuckle a little when you find him shaking under your grip, He sat himself on the edge of the king size bed.
“So… If I hurt you at… anytime, just tell me, please”.
“I will, Angel. Relax. I'm virgin, not an atomic bomb about to explode, okay?”
“Yeah, yeah… fuck, I'm sorry”. He says when you're placing a knee next to his body.
“Why the fuck are you apologizing?” You laugh somewhat loud, finally sitting on his lap while he holds you.
“Shit, 'cause I'm fucking nervous!” He frowns softly. “I wanna do'et good. I wanna make you feel good. It's a big responsibility”.
“If you d—”.
“Of course I want”. He sighs, resting his forehead on your chest for a second.
His lips close around your skin, kissing it gently enjoying the scent of vanilla on your skin, the smell so sweet it drives him mad the closer he gets to your neck. His fingers grip your shirt while yours caress his head. A low moan escapes from your mouth when Angel bites you, pulling you a little closer, growling over your collarbone. Then Angel takes off your shirt, trying to calm himself down and go slow to not make you feel uncomfortable. With his eyes on yours, he brings his lips to one of your nipples; sucking and licking them. It gives you some chills when he sighs against it, so pleased that you can't help but swing your hips softly.
“You're a fucking goddess, mami”. He gasps reaching your lips.
His tongue finds yours inside your mouth, caressing it as you begin to feel the erection I his jeans, a delicious friction to your panties that make you moan a little. Without breaking the kiss, Angel takes off his rings to put them inside a pocket, before place his hands on your back.
“It's okay if I s—?”
“Don't ask, Angel, just do'et”. You whimper somewhat desperate.
One of his hands crawls down your right side to your stomach, reaching under your panties. His skin is so cold compared to yours, closing your eyes the moment that he slides a finger among your folds, digging in. You drown a moan on his lips, watching him biting his own with some strength that makes you shake just with that view.
“Fuck, mi dulce… Look at you… So fucking wet fo' me”. His hoarse voice gives you nice chills, licking your lips with the tip of his tongue.
His finger feels so good exploring you, slightly curved, thrusting you softly. Angel drinks every gasp he provokes you, memorizing every gesture of your face. He doesn't want to forget it. Choosing him to lose your virginity with, makes him feel like the most lucky man on earth. He loves you, he wants to please you at all costs, show you every single emotion he feels for you. Without asking, he slides a second one having to cover your mouth with a hand to drown a low moan. 
“Don' fuckin' do that or 'am gonna stop”. Reyes slaps it with his free hand making you chuckle as he thrusts into you a little fast. “I'm dying to taste you”.
He sounds desperate, trying not to lose control when he finds your hips bouncing low over his hand.
“Do it”. You almost beg for it, seconds before he is pulling out his fingers to help you to lie on your back.
His calloused hands run over your thighs before sliding your panties off and throwing them aside. Kneeling next to the bed, Angel lifts up your legs to his shoulders, leaving some soft bites on your skin getting closer to your center. Maintaining your look, he explores your entrance with his tongue. Your back arches when he catches your swollen clit between his lips, sucking it so delicately as if it was the best thing he has ever try out. 
“Fuck, Angel…” You groan placing your hands on his black messy hair.
He smirks proudly sinking his mouth into your pussy, tucking in two fingers again. He knows exactly what to do, making you squirm under the arm holding your waist to hold you closer. His hand works you out faster than before, as his tongue explores your wet skin from top to bottom making some pressure against it. Angel sighs when he's out of air, biting and sucking your pelvis to leave a beautiful small bruise.
“It should be illegal taste so good”. He mutters, rubbing his scratchy cheeks against your thighs, moving his wrist nailing his fingers inside you. “I wan'ya to cum in ma' mouth, keep makin'me happy, mi dulce”.
You can't even say a word when he devours your pussy again, shaking your breath and your body, going deeper and somewhat fast. You're aroused because of him, that you know you won't take much longer. Angel knows exactly where to touch you to make you scream his name, while the heat runs down your spine flowing out in your abdomen.
“Fuck, Angel!” You cry out feeling how the delicious orgasm wraps your body, while he continues only with his mouth, drinking your juices so delighted. “Oh, fuck, baby…”
Your phone starts to ring with ‘The Imperial March’ over the nightstand, you two growl, stretching a hand to it.
“Please, don' answer”. Your boyfriend begs you, crawling on the mattress.
“El presidente is calling”. You snort showing him the screen. “Hey… dad”.
“Can you open the door? I forgot my keys”.
“I'm in”. Leaving the phone away, Angel rolls on the bed, getting up as you find something to wear that it's not his shirt. Finding some pajamas and putting them on as you walk towards the entrance. 
“Were you sleeping?”
“No… Yes… I mean…”
“Looks like you had a nightmare”.
“Yeah… something like that”.
“Do you want me to stay, ah?” He asks putting an arm over your shoulders, leaving a smooth kiss on your sweaty temple. Then, you shake your head. “Okay, go back to bed, but lock the door. And call me if you have another one, I'll be here in less than five minutes, princesa”.
“Vale, papá”. (Okay, dad).
“Te amo, lo sabes, ¿verdad?” (I love you, you know it, right?)
“Yo también te amo”. (I love you too).
“Go back to sleep, c'mon”.
Kissing his cheek hugging him tightly, you leave him leading going back to your room. Angel is behind it about to have a heart attack. Closing the door and locking it, you pull him into you, crashing your lips with his. Taking off your clothes while his big hands paw every inch of your body, you attack his belt undoing it.
“Your father is in the other room”. He mutters when his back finds the wall.
“So, what?” You reply on his lips standing on your tiptoes, losing your shit when you unzip his jeans to free himself.
“Fuck… Go on your knees, mi dulce”. He whispers, biting your mouth, watching you take it as an order.
Rolling his pants and his boxers, after Angel he takes off his boots, heel against heel; you wrap his throbbing cock in your hand jerking him off slowly, Seeing how he tries not to make a single noise. His hands go straight to your hair, getting tangled in it,when your tongue draws some circles over his reddened glans. Angel has his eyes strongly closed, his back slightly curved, urging you to suck his cock. Your mouth receives it totally pleased, pressing your throat and holding it there for a few seconds. You can see Angel opening his lips, eliciting a loud moan. You hear Bishoos steps getting closer to the door, as he knocks he says
“One last thing”.
“Yeah, dad?” You quickly ask.
“Your bike is losing oil, Angel. Fix it tomorrow, I don't want you to have an accident”.
“Su—Sure, prez”.
“Good. And use condoms”.
“Fuck, prez… We're ju—We're just gonna sleep… together”.
“Use it if you want to stay alive, Reyes!”
You can't help but break out in laughs when you're sure your father is already gone. Angel can barely breathe, But before he can complain about your father, you're sucking his dick again deeper. He finally moans as he wanted to do. His hands on your head marks the rhythm, somewhat faster, wetting all his extension with your tongue. He keeps his eyes on you,on your lips, enjoying the way you have to blow him so needy as he was eating you out. And it tastes good. Angel tastes so good.
But he can't handle much longer the desire to fuck you, to make you his. By grabbing your chin with two fingers, he urges you to stand up, devouring in a dirty way your mouth. Your salivas getting mixed with the flavor of your own juices, walking backwards to your bed, to lay down there. He takes off his shirt, throwing it to the floor, breaking the desperate kiss to give you the leather jacket.
“Put on my kutte. I wanna fuck you wearing it, mi princesa Maya”.
Your legs tremble hearing say that. And you do, before he makes some space between your legs, spreading it and ignoring Bishop's warning. Neither of you want to use it for your first time, and you already have a pill for tomorrow just in case. Angel looks at you, totally naked, opened waiting for him. And he's realizing that heaven must looks like that. 
“Fuck, you're so fucking beautiful, mi amor”. He whispers amazed, lying on top of you, stroking himself close to your clit. “Tell me if you need to stop, okay?”
You nod starting to be terrified. You know that mostly it hurts a little, and Angel is so big. More than you could imagine. But you know that he's going to be understanding and careful, guiding his glans among your wet folds. He moves his pelvis slowly, growling because of how warm and tight you are, not wanting to lose a single expression on your face.
“Shit… hold a second, Angel”. You beg closing your eyes when his cock finds your limits.
“Okay, okay, baby. It's okay… you want me to pull it out?”
“Please, do—don't move”.
“I will not”.
He tries to comfort you leaving smooth kisses all around your face, caressing your arms with his fingertips. You can't deny that it hurts and itches to some extent, until almost a minute passes by. He moves himself slowly, when your body is less tense, surrounding you with his arms. Now, you can feel it. You can feel the pleasure of his hard cock stretching your tightness, once and again. Slow. So slow that it's driving you insane.
“¿Estás bien, mi dulce?” (You okay?) He whispers with shaky breath on your ear. You just nod. It's impossible for you say a single word. “Fuck, baby… this is the fuckin' paradise”.
He makes you chuckle, pounding you as soon as he knows that you're good with that, hitting your g-stop and making you scream out full of pleasure.
“That's it, baby… Fuck... Do it again”. He begs you, thrusting his pelvis against you somewhat harder. You can't help but moan loudly again. 
He's helping you to discover feelings that you never thought you would be able to feel. The mix between tickles, pleasure and chills, making you lose your mind. His thrusts become constant, deeper, faster, as your vocals. He's enjoying more the fact that you're whimpering his name, that the pleasure of your first time gives him narrowing his cock inside you.
“Oh, fuck… Angel, don'—don't stop, please… I fucking beg you!”
“Not until you cum on my dick, princesa”.
His growls against your mouth increasing the heat running through your body, bristling your skin. Leading his lips back to your neck, your boyfriend bites hard, pressing your fingers on his nape to push him closer. You open your legs a little more, but surrounding his waist with one of them intensifying the pleasure. You didn't finish yet, and you already want to do it again.
“Fuck, mami… on all fours. I wanna fuck you from behind”.
And that's sound so much better, until you feel empty whining upset a little, but adopting the position he has ask you.
“Chest down, mami”. 
When your weight is over your palms and your knees, he softly presses your nape to the bed.
“Raise your ass and spread those fucking beautiful legs fo' me”.
You do it, without complaining, anxious for feeling him inside. A strong slap right to your ass makes you squirm surprised, crying out because of it. But before you can say anything, his cock is pushing into your body again to the limit, drilling your pussy with repetitive moves. You're sure that your neighbors are going to hear you scream his full name, agsin and again. His fingers rabbbng on your hips and his pelvis colliding against your folds creating a delicious wet melody that floods your room, intermingling with your noises.
“You like it, mi dulce?”
“Yes… Yes… Fuck, Angel, you're so… so fucking big”.
Reyes tangles a hand in your hair, pulling you up until his chest finds your back covered by the kutte.
“This big cock is only yours, mi princesa”. He grunts into your ear, biting your lobe.
The position changes a little with your body stuck against his. His left hand travels to your throat holding it, while the other goes down to your pleased pussy being thrust into with all his strength, rubbing your clit with his forefinger. When you thought he couldn't give you more pleasure, he just does this other thing. Fuck you. Finger you. Bite you. All in one, and you can't fight your feelings much more.
“Angel… Angel…”
“Fuckin' cum, mi vida… make me happy”. He begs looking for your lips, twisting your neck a little.
“I wanna do'et rid—riding your cock… please. Shit, please, Angel”.
You're going to kill him, asking him those things. He's falling in love with you somewhat more every time you open your mouth. He pulls out himself, knowing that he's close to cumming, lying on the bed to let you sit on his lap. He doesn't miss a single detail, nor a single gesture, nor a single move, biting his lower lip and watching how you lead his cock back to your pussy. 
Your hips bounce on him, dancing above his pelvis, going a little bit deeper. You could say that coming to an orgasm is similar with using your fingers, but you would be lying. It hits you harder, warmer, closing your fingers on his chest and going faster when you feel the explosion inside your belly, arching your back. A howl full of pleasure in your throat, with your boyfriend's name on it.
“Shit, baby…” You're almost crying, leaping on top of him.
“Don't stop, mi dulce… I'm gon—gonna fuckin' cum…”
You're not. You want to feel him, speeding up your moves. By his heavy breathing you know pretty well he is on the edge, bending over his chest looking for his tongue. Kissing him, your hands lead his straight to your ass, slapping it again before squeezing it and helping you to go deeper on your pussy.
“Fuck, daddy… cum inside me…”
“Shit, how di—did you c…”
“Daddy… My daddy”. You gasps somewhat exhausted while he pushes you with non-stop.
“Beg for it, mi dulce… Beg for your daddy's cum”. 
Rolling over the mattress, putting your back on it, Angel thrust his cock faster with a hand wrapping your throat tightly.
“Oh, fuck…” You sob with your legs trembling a little more than before. “Fuck, daddy… Daddy, please… Cum inside me, I deserve it, please…”
“Yeah, babygirl… Daddy is gonna… make you feel full. Only your daddy Angel, you hear me…?”.
“Only you, daddy, but… fuck… please cum inside me”.
You catch his lips between yours, kissing him dirtly exploring his whole mouth with your tongue. Your boyfriend is out of air, moaning into your mouth when he feels the lash of heat hitting his lower abdomen, filling you with his seed and feeling how it spills down your thighs when he pounds you again, pressing his body against yours as much as he can. He holds it inside you, looking at your eyes burning in lust. Every time he bites his lip, your heart jumps, doing it as he pushes you a little more moving your body above the mattress some inches.
“Angel! Fuck!” You cry out, making him chuckles between some gasps.
“Fuck, mi dulce… You feel so good… so warm… so tight. Your pussy is suffocating me… so fucking much… shit, it feels so good, I swear to god”. He mutters exhausted, touching your lips with his.
“Hold it just a little more, please…”
“All the time you want, mi amor… This cock is only yours… Only for you”. 
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Crossing the clubhouse' main door sounds easy, but it's not. Your holding hands with Angel, carrying the helmet in the other. He looks at you for a second, leaning towards you to press his lips with yours. You know everything is going to be okay, even so you can't help but feeling a little terrified. 
“What's'ap, bro?” 
The guys receive you and, by the emotion on their faces, you realize that Angel probably told him. Finding your father stepping out from the Templo, followed by Taza and Tranq, you try to look calm.
“Buenos días, princesa”. He says practically ripping you out of Angel's arms, to hug you closer.
“Buenos días, papá”. You mutter a little nervous.
“Yo, Bish… op… Bishop. My bike. Is okay”.
“Yeah, it is”. He just say, holding you against his chest.
“How did you kn—”.
“I know every fucking smell of my daughter, pendejo. I ‘made’ her, remember? I've been taking care of her since she was fucking born”. Your father is pointing at him with his forefinger, again, showing his overprotective and jealous mood. “And you use that… fucking cologne that has a strong smell”.
“Dad, please… stop”.
“Listen to me, princesa. Si este pendejo te hace llorar, lo ataré al techo y le arrancaré la piel pedazo a pedazo. Después, se la haré comer”. (If this asshole makes you cry, I'll handle him from the rooftop to rip off his skin, piece by piece. Then, I'll make him eat it).
The whole group could have heard Angel swallow. But then it seems like heis reborn like a phoenix. Grabbing you from your father's arms and placing a hand on your waist.
“Look, Bishop. I'm not gonna fuck this up and I don' give a shit if you like or not. I love (Y/N), and I'm gonna take care of her”. You're freaking out, along with the crew. And God, he's so hot in that mood. “So, no matter how hard you try, she's my princ—”.
“Finish the sentence, and I'm gonna bury you alive, motherfucker”.
Taza is making a sign to end the conversation behind your father. Not this road, Angel Reyes. Don't ride this road. Obispo is lower than him, but he has his balls so fucking high.
“Mi hija, mi princesa. Don't you dare to cross the limit, Angel”. Your father is facing him, with his chin raised up. “I don't give a fuck what you do with her, when I'm not close. Unless you hurt her. But I'm here, and you're gonna fucking respect my rules”.
“Okay, dad, eno—”.
“Shut the fuck up, no one is talking with you, querida”.
Frowning, you know it's your time to set off the fire. Grabbing your father's kutte, you pull him outside of the clubhouse, while he continues threatening Angel in the distance. You lead him to the warehouse, closing the door behind you. 
“I'll fucking bury him, if he tries to call you again ‘princesa’ in my presence!” He shouts at you.
Here he is. Your jealous father. The most jealous man on earth. 
“Ok, dad, we all get it”.
“Don' fucking joke with me! You don' know how painful this is”.
“What the fuck, dad…?”
“Seeing you spending more time with him than with me. I understand it, you're growing and all that shit. But one day you will say ‘goodbye, I'm moving’ and I'll see you one or two hours every… I don' know how much days”.
“Okay, dad… calm down”.
You notice that your father is having a panic attack. Quickly, you help him to sit on a metallic box, kneeling close to him and taking off the kutte to undone some buttons of his shirt.
“Dad, breathe, okay? Breathe…”
He tries while you hold his hands, leaving some kisses on the back of them, until he starts to do better.
“You will always be mi rey, the one and only love of my life… okay?” He just nods with his gaze away from you. “There's no man , and no woman I could love more than I love you, you hear me? And I will not… limit myself visiting you just one hour every day, in the case I move on. And if I do… it will be in a lot of time”.
He doesn't say anything, sitting you on his lap and resting his face on your chest, closing his eyes, trying to keep calm.
“I hope you fucking used a condom”.
“Did you?”
“... I don' think so”.
“See, dad? Family business”.
“I'm gonna fucki—”
“Papá, te amo”.
“Shut up. Don' fuckin' ruin the moment”.
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shellygurumi · 4 years
Tag game: top 5 female characters that I love
I was tagged by @thaitheseries​ ~ thank you! :D
I’m gonna go with a variety of different shows...
1) Parker, Leverage
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Parker is amazing. She’s talented, brave, brilliant, and has some of the best character development I’ve seen in a show. She was an orphan and a foster child who ended up growing up on the streets, in a car boosting gang that abandoned her, with a professional thief who trained her to be his protege rather than a human person. She doesn’t understand people at all, because she never learned what it’s like to be part of a family or to have real friends. So her journey is an emotional one, learning to understand her own feelings and how to interact with others. She’s also the best thief ever. I could go on, but I’m gonna stop. Just, for the love of everything, WATCH LEVERAGE.
2) Manaow, Until We Meet Again
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I love Manaow. She’s confident and kind and loving and funny and just... I absolutely love everything about the friendship between Pharm, Manaow and Team. They’re all so supportive of each other! She’s always there to cheer for Team at his competitions, she says from the get-go that she’ll protect Pharm. She’s always letting him know what’s going on and she fully supported Pharm’s crush on Dean in the sweetest way. Her friendship with Del is also just lovely. And actually, the scene in the gif above, she’s cheering Pruk on for getting a medal and says that it doesn’t matter that he didn’t get first place, because he still won. She’s just so kind! And I’m so glad she gets someone who is sweet and supportive in the end. Cause she deserves a soft, sweet romance, too!
3) Yihwa, Together With Me
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I only watched this series once and it was a while ago now (and I didn’t watch s2), BUT, I immediately fell in love with her. What a strong woman. She never backs down, never gives in, never lets anyone walk over her or anyone she cares about. She takes matters into her own hands and takes care of business! She supports Korn and Knock fully and helps them get over their hangups so they can be together. She’s also out in the rain helping take down the flyers. She does all her investigating to figure out who did the bad stuff to her friends, too. And I LOVE LOVE her and Fai together! I really wish they were a couple! Fai also gets an honorable mention here, because she’s great in this series, as well. The way the two of them work together is excellent. Just look at this moment:
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I love them both. They stole the show for me.
4) Margo Hanson, The Magicians
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Margo. My High King. God she’s amazing. She is girly and beautiful and fucking bad ass and tough as fucking hell. I love her so much. I love her unapologetic nature. I love that she respects other women and doesn’t make enemies of them. She even takes sweet prim little Alice under her wing and even though it seems like she’s gonna do the bitchy girl thing, she never does. She’s always kind to Alice. She switches gendered slang around, using words that mean vagina to be strength and words that mean penis for weakness. Because lbr, of the two, which is stronger? OBVIOUS. She’s been through hell and back and even when she is at her weakest, she doesn’t give up. She loves her friends, she loves herself, she’s a fighter and a lover and a bitch and a badass and just the best. Damn, I forgot how much I love her for a minute, when I stopped watching The Magicians.
5) Jody Mills & Donna Hanscum, Supernatural
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Supernatural had a crap ton of issues, but I will always and forever love Donna Hanscum and Jody Mills. They’re both so amazing in totally different ways. Jody is no-nonsense tough chick who sees through all the bullshit. You can’t pull the wool over her eyes, cause she’ll just give you a glare that makes you feel small and stupid. But she’s not all nails, she has a soft and loving side, too. She’s a mother, she’s caring and she loves very deeply. Donna is the same but reversed. She’s all soft and sweet and marshmallowy on the outside, but tough as nails on the inside. Her strength is her kindness and willingness to see the good in people and situations (even to a fault sometimes). But don’t make the mistake of underestimating her, because she can and WILL cut the head off a vampire to save a life. Even if she just found out vampires exist. Like, she will always step up to the plate and deal with the shit without batting an eye. At the same time, she won’t let you forget that being sweet and kind is good. Friendship is important. Bubbly isn’t bad. 
There it is! That’s my list~
Tagging whoever wants to do this. Go ahead and tag me back saying I tagged you, cause I always like knowing about more awesome ladies!! I’ve just been tagging a lot of people lately and I dunno who to tag now lol 
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dccomicsbookshelf · 7 years
at the request of @midnightrooftops​ here are my headcanons/canon takes on the Bat Clan and their overall height and shape and miscellaneous tidbits related thereto.
Long Post is (Very) Long. I am sorry. I’ve been sitting on this one for awhile.
Bruce: People joke about Brucie all the time but I don’t think they realize just how good of an act Brucie is. Because Bruce Wayne is built like a prize-fighter. 6′2″ (188 cm) broad-shouldered, and just pure muscle. And yet he is widely believed to be the least physically dangerous person in all of Gotham city short of…I’m actually trying to come up with someone the Gotham public believes to be less of a physical threat and drawing a blank. Your average gothamite great-grandmother is more dangerous than Brucie. No one knows how he does it.
Kate: Apparently the tall genes are a Kane thing to go along with the vampire complexions. Kate is 5′11″ (180 cm). She walks around in mini-dresses showing off her arms and thighs. She is ripped, why anyone would ever look at her, even drunk, and think “lets mug this chick” I have no idea. She has a fondness for heels that boost her up into the 6′3″ range. She enjoys intimidating creepy old men.
Barbara: Babs’ adult height, stood on her feet, is 5′7″ (170 cm). She seems fairly unintimidating physique wise until you get a look at her arms. Babs has all the upper-body strength. She can outlast Jason at pull-ups. (And guys have a physical advantage at pull-ups because testosterone builds those muscles. The female body has to work for it.) It is acknowledged that Babs has the best arms in the whole family. She is able to still take to the sky even without having any use of her legs. She was fairly average growing up. Not tall but not short either, no shortage of muscle, as a competitive gymnast and later vigilante, but overall, fairly average for an Olympic level athlete!
Dick: I’m not going to talk about Dick’s butt because there are literally entire blogs devoted to it and I am part of Team Can We Please Stop Objectifying Dick Grayson So Much Thank You. Here’s the thing though, as an adult, Dick stands at 5′10″ (177.5 cm), definitely not short. But for some reason people tend to think of him as short? Which is actually a mix of several things. 1) Dick hangs out with a lot of really tall people. His first girlfriend was 6′5″ (195.6 cm) not counting any added height from her hair. 2) He was frickin’ tiny. Dick Grayson, up until he (finally) got his first major growth spurt at the age of 17 was generally guessed to be at least two years younger than he actually was. It was at its worst in his mid-teens, when most of his friends were at least 6″ taller than him. So a lot of people are just used to thinking of him as short, even though he isn’t anymore. As far as build goes, he’s fairly lean. He bulked up a bit while he was Batman, and hasn’t shed all of it. His current build is between Batman and Pre-Batman. He also has no spine. It’s the only explanation for why he’s still able to do some of the contortions he does. By all rights they should have become impossible for him by the time he was out of his teens. (It’s probably trace electrum from the tooth the Court marked.)
Cassandra: Is petite, though entirely made up of scar tissue and muscle. There was about a year where she, Tim, and Steph were all 5′5″ and they had fun with it, though unlike the other two she never got any taller. Literally every inch of her is muscle. She’s compact and tough as nails. Despite that, she’s on the slender side. Pound for pound she is easily the strongest member of the family. Is the only one who has biceps that could honestly give Babs a run for her money. What she’s really built for is speed and her reaction times are off the charts. Partly because she knows what you are going to do before you do.
Jason: See, here is the thing. Jason was always going to be tall and strongly built, that was never in doubt. He was predicted to grow up to be around Dick’s height and a little bulkier back when he first lived with Bruce. And then he got dunked in a Lazarus Pit which had the effect of removing the damage done by a childhood’s worth of malnutrition, trauma, and poor health. All of which is to say, by the time Jason is done growing he is a freaking tank. He will forever resent Bruce for the one inch the man has on him (Jason is 6′1″/185.5 cm) but he easily comes to match Bruce in sheer size. He enjoys taking advantage of his height and weight…well, advantage to torment his brothers. Dick doesn’t really care, its actually just about the only topic he can’t get Dick riled up on, and Tim just gives him a wearily resigned look whenever he starts looming. Damian stabs him when he picks him up to walk off with but it was totally worth it. Jason is a bruiser and a brawler and is built like the last guy you would want to run into in a dark alley. (Thighs and pecs are what get whistled at for Jason.)
Stephanie: Despite Damian’s insults and insinuations, Steph isn’t fat. She has a sturdy build and isn’t necessarily what you would call thin, but given that she grew up in Crime Alley, that is a point of pride as much as anything. She’s a bit top-heavy, the struggle to find clothes that fit both the boobs and the hips is so very real. So real. She stops growing when she’s still in her mid-teens, ending at 5′6″. She has fantastic core strength. Post-pregnancy, her hips have a tendency to go a little wonky on her, but it isn’t usually an issue. She’s very proud of her abs.
Tim: Tim somehow manages to give off the air of being either a scrawny little dweeb or a slim, trim, aristocrat, depending on the circumstances. It is a lie. Beneath the baggy hoodies and tailored jackets he’s lightly built, yes, but the boy’s got some muscle on him. He’s self-conscious because, comparatively speaking, his physique isn’t that impressive. He only thinks that because he’s comparing himself to Bruce, Cass, Jason, and Dick. By normal, not-obsessive-vigilante human standards he’s very impressive. Height-wise…He was always just slightly on the small side but he maintained a pretty steady growth rate up until he just…stopped growing. No growth spurts to save him, he reached 5′8″ (172.5 cm) a couple of months after his nineteenth birthday and just stayed there. That leaves him, once he’s done growing, two inches shorter than Dick.
Duke: Matches up to Kate’s 5′11″ with a build not dissimilar to Dick’s, though slightly stockier. Has fantastic shoulders. He likes his height, he’s safely in the middle of the Family, so he doesn’t get dragged into most of the “shorty/giant” hi-jinks. He was also tall and broad enough by the time he joined the Family that he has been able to (mostly) avoid Cross-dressing For Justice™. Was somewhat disappointed to find that his size is not enough to always protect him from being picked up/tossed around. Dick and Jason have both done so at least once.
Damian: Dami is a midget okay. He’s almost as small as Dick was at his age, just a slight bit stockier. (Dick was scrawny on top of being a shrimp) Damian weighs a lot though. He’s a solid little bundle of rage and muscle. The thing is, he won’t stay small for long. He’s going to hit fifteen in a couple of years and then shoot up like a rocket. By the time all is said and done Damian Wayne will stand 6′4″ (193 cm) and he will love it. He won’t ever be as bulky as his father or Jason, taking more after his mother in that respect. He is the tallest member of the family and never lets Tim or Jason forget it. Everyone still calls him things like “Baby Bat” and “Lil’ D”.
Alfred: Stands an even 6′ (183 cm) and, like most of the family, is deceptively muscled underneath his suit jackets.
To close out, a list from shortest to tallest, final adult height.
Cass - Stephanie - Tim - Barbara - Dick - Kate & Duke - Alfred - Jason - Bruce - Damian
Has been edited to correct my mix-up between Cass and Steph. Never try and transcribe your notes into coherent headcanon posts when sleep-deprived, kids.
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acelezz · 6 years
“L is For Luna” (Part 7): A Saluna Fanfic
A/N: Hey, guys! I know that you probably didn’t like the cliffhanger and lost twist in the last part, but I that was all a part of the climax! Also, I know this chapter is oddly longer than the other ones, but consider it a make up for the last part, which was extremely short. But, I hope that you find the finale of “L is For Luna” to be well worth the long read! :)
Title: L is For Luna
Summary: When Luna finds a love letter in her locker, she hopes that it is her crush Sam, but is doubtful. With the help of her ten siblings, Luna will find out whether her dreams of being with Sam will ever be a reality or not.
Part: 7
Author: L-is-For-Loud-House
Fandom: The Loud House
Ship: Saluna (Luna Loud and Sam Sharp)
Timeline: A few months after “L is For Love”
Genre: Fanfiction/Romance
Word Count: 1,968
“Luna!” Blake beamed, his face lighting up. “So nice to see ya, dudette!”
“H-hey, Blake…,” Luna responded. “What are you doing here?”
Blake charmingly smiled. His cheeks turned a dark shade of red. “Why, I’m here on a date with the prettiest gal in the world!”
Luna’s heart sunk to the bottom of her stomach. “I knew I should have listened to myself when I said that my admirer wasn’t Sam, but someone who’s good at hiding their feelings for me.”
Luna took Blake by the hand and looked at him with empathetic eyes. “Look, Blake, this was really nice of you to do. I really appreciate that you went out of your way to take me on this nice date.”
Blake just furrowed his eyebrows. “Luna-”
Luna did not catch on and just continued, “I really appreciate all of those nice things that you said about me, but I just don’t feel the same way, man. But I don’t want to go on this date with you.”
“Luna, I-”
“So I’m gonna tell you from the start, I’m only gonna break break ya break break ya heart. ‘Cause I don’t feel the same way.”
“Luna, you-”
“Sorry, dude, but I only like ya as a bro.” Luna smiled sheepishly at Blake. “Hope there’s no hard feelings and that we can still be friends.”
Luna then realized that Blake showed no sign of heartbreak, sadness, or disappointment in his face. “Luna, there are definitely no hard feelings,” he chuckled. “I only like ya as a friend as well.”
Luna let go of Blake’s hand and just looked back at him in confusion. “What do you mean?”
“I’ve never crushed on ya, dudette.”
“So you weren’t the one who sent me all of those letters?”
As Blake opened his mouth to say something, a female voice cut him off, “Lunes! So glad that you made it, mate!”
Luna excitingly turned around to be greeted by who she thought would be Sam. Luna’s excitement quickly turned into disappointment. It was not Sam, but her red-headed friend.
“Hey, Jasmine,” Luna greeted with a bit of confusion.
“Oh, Lunes, you look so stunning in that dress!” Jasmine beamed.
“Thanks, mate. So, why are you here?”
Jasmine giggled as she blushed. “I’m here on a date with a very attractive someone.”
Luna just sighed and took Jasmine by the hand. She looked into her eyes empathetically. “Look, Jasmine, I really appreciate all that you went through to do this. You’re an amazing gal, but this just isn’t going to work.”
Jasmine just chuckled. “Lunes-”
Once again, Luna was oblivious. “But I just don’t see ya in that way, dudette. I only see you as a friend.”
“But all of those things that you said about me in those letters were really nice and all, but-”
“Luna!” Blake shouted.
“Luna, would you listen to me for once?” Jasmine hollered.
Luna’s cheeks became slightly red from embarrassment, realizing that she had been rude for not listening to her friends when they were clearly trying to tell her something important. She rubbed her arm, feeling ashamed. “Sorry, dudes. Go on.”
“Luna, I think that there’s been a bit of a mix up,” Jasmine began. “I only like you as a friend too.”
Luna gave Jasmine a confused look. “So neither of you are crushin’ on me?”
Blake and Jasmine shook their heads in agreement.
Luna titled her head a bit. “And neither of you sent me any love letters?”
Blake and Jasmine shook their heads again.
“And neither of you invited me here on a date?”
Blake and Jasmine shook their heads once more.
“So if it was neither of you, then who was it that invited me then?”
Before Blake or Jasmine could say anything, a familiar voice rang through the restaurant, “Oh my goodness! I’m so terribly sorry that I’m late!” 
Luna turned around. Her heart suddenly returned to its usual spot and began to beat ten times as fast. Her cheeks turned ten times redder. Luna stood there, unable to move and unable to speak. She looked so stunningly beautiful to her that her brain could not function properly. She wore a gorgeous teal dress with black flats. Her nails had been painted the same color as her dress and her hair has been straightened. She wore the prettiest diamond earrings. She even had blue eyeshadow and pink lipstick on. 
“Gosh, I feel so terrible,” she admitted as she sat down in the chair next to Blake, not breaking eye contact with Luna.
Jasmine then proceeded to sit down in the chair that was across from Blake. Luna was still unable to move so Jasmine had to help her into the chair that was next to her. 
“You know, it’s really funny because in the last letter that I sent you, I told you to not be late, but here I am, ten minutes late!” The gorgeous girl in front of Luna giggled, blushing and twirling her hair. “The traffic was just really hectic on my side of town.”
Luna sat there, absolutely stunned. She could not believe that this was happening. She cleared her throat and finally said, “S-Sam… Wh-what a-are y-you d-doing h-here?”
Sam giggled as she stretched her arms across the table to take Luna by her hands. “Why, I’m here on a date with the chick who’s not only the prettiest one in the school, but the most beautiful one in the whole entire world.”
“And so am I,” Blake agreed, beaming as he took Jasmine by her hands.
Luna’s eyes widened as she turned towards Jasmine and Blake. “Wait, are you guys dating?”
Blake and Jasmine both nodded their heads.
“That’s what we’ve been trying to tell you this whole entire time, dude,” Blake told Luna.
Luna smiled. “Aw, that’s so rad! How long have you guys been together for?”
Jasmine grinned. “For a week.”
“Best week of my life, luv,” Blake said charmingly.
Jasmine just giggled and blushed.
“Aw, congrats, dudes!” Luna exclaimed.
“Thanks, Lunes!” Jasmine and Blake replied.
“Wait a minute,” Luna suddenly stated, turning back towards Sam. “Sam?”
Sam giggled and blushed. “Yes, Luna, that beautiful chick that I was talking about is you. I can’t believe that you were so oblivious to the fact that I’m so gay and that I have a major crush on you. But I’m a nervous gay, so when I found out that Blake and Jasmine are a couple, I invited them on a double date. Ya know, for moral support.”
Luna chuckled as she pulled one hand away from Sam to rub the back of her neck. “Well, I wasn’t completely oblivious. You have always been incredibly nice to me, and even nicer this week. Half of me told me that ya dig me the same way that I dig ya and the other half was telling me that you were just being really kind. I wouldn’t call it oblivious— I’d call it doubtful. But don’t worry, I too am a nervous gay.  Well, actually, it might sound crazy but ain’t no lie: I’m bi, bi, bi.”
“That’s my sister!” Luan exclaimed as she popped her head out from behind the staircase, blowing her cover. “I taught her everything that she knows about making LGBTQ puns!” 
Sam, Jasmine, and Blake all began to crack up.
Luna just rolled her eyes and facepalmed herself with her free hand. “Luan!” She then meekly looked back at Sam. “But yeah, I brought moral support to.”
With hearing that, the rest of Luna’s siblings popped their heads out from behind the staircase. 
“I brought all of my sibs with me.”
Sam just chuckled.
“So, how long have Jasmine and Blake known about your crush on me?” 
“Well, we kind of had a double confession. After they told me that they were dating, I told them about my crush on you and how I’ve been sending you letters.” Sam suddenly moved her gaze towards Blake. “And you know what this one says to me?”
Sam looked back at Luna. “You do you, dude. Girls like girls like boys do. Sometimes even better”
Luna’s jaw dropped.
“Hey, it’s not my fault that I’m bad at love,” Blake butted in, overhearing Luna and Sam’s conversation.
“I disagree,” Jasmine stated, leaning over the table to give Blake a kiss on the cheek. “I think that this boy that I got back home in Michigan is excellent at love.”
“Aw, thanks, babe,” Blake replied, blushing.
Luna then reconnected her free hand with Sam’s. “But wow. Can’t believe that Sam Sharp is my ‘secret admirer’.”
Sam grinned. “And I can’t believe that Luna Loud is mine.”
Luna’s jaw dropped. “You knew?”
Sam nodded.
Luna blushed again. “For how long?”
“Ever since the end of last week.”
Sam giggled. “Well, last Friday, you slipped up and made a song reference that was made in one of the love letters that I received.”
Luna looked down out of embarrassment. “Oh…”
Sam took one of her hands out of Luna’s grasp and used it to lift Luna’s head up by her chin. “But, Luna, look at how far that slip-up got you. You’re on a date with a crush.”
Luna giggled. “Yeah, I am, aren’t I?”
“But I do have to admit, I was sort of doubtful like you were. I kept on thinking, ‘what if it’s all in my head? What if I’m wrong? What if it’s someone else and that was just a weird coincidence?’ So I started to flirt with ya to see if it was right. When you started to flirt back, I gained more and more hope that I was right and eventually, with the help of these two, got the courage to finally bring ya here on a rockin’ date.”
Luna smiled. “You have no idea how happy you’re making me, dude. I’ve had the biggest crush on you ever since 8th grade.”
Sam blushed. “Wow, I’ve been crushin’ on ya ever since 8th grade too, Lunes.”
Luna’s eyes widened out of shock. “Really?”
Sam nodded as her one hand returned back to Luna’s. She began to rub them affectionately. “It was like love at first sight!”
Luna laughed softly and blushed. “What took us so long to finally confess our feelings?”
Sam shook her head. “Those darn nerves… And society… But who cares what other people think? I like you and you like me. All that matters is that you’re nice to me and that I’m nice to you and that we love each other. And that’s how it’s always been and how it will always be. But society has been becoming more accepting over the past few decades, past few years even. We both have rockin’ support systems.”
“Yeah, I don’t know what we would do without them.”
Sam grinned as she leaned over the table. Her face was now inches from Luna’s. She pulled one hand away from Luna and used it to nervously twirl her long, blonde hair as she giggled. “I know we ain’t got much to say.”
Luna grinned. “Before I let you get away, yeah!”
Sam leaned even further over the table, lips only an inch away from Luna’s, and whispered, “I said, are you gonna be my girl?”
Luna then removed her hands from Sam’s and reattached them to the sides of Sam’s head. She pulled her into a passionate and sweet kiss. Sam smiled as she kissed Luna back and began to run her fingers through Luna’s short, brown hair. 
“Of course I’ll be your girl, my luv,” Luna finally answered, blushing, once she and Sam pulled away from one another.
Luna’s siblings and friends cheered as Sam pulled her in for another kiss.
A/N: Wow, I can’t believe that I finally finished writing “L is For Luna”! I certainly hope that you enjoyed reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it! Also, I think a guy at my school just confessed his feelings for me because while I was writing this, I got a message from him on snapchat that had a bitmoji of him blowing a kiss at my bitmoji and some smirking emojis. I was very confused though because he just does not seem like the type of guy to announce his feelings like that. I feel like he would do it in a more sophisticated way, so I’m starting to believe that it’s either a prank on me or that someone hacked his phone as a prank on him. But if it’s really him and he’s being serious, that’s awkward then because I don’t like him like that 😬😬😬 But it’s such a coincidence that it happened while I was writing a chapter about confessing with feelings! Like I’m kinda freaked out. Anyways, I did text him back with
“Is there something that you’re trying to tell me?”
And he hasn’t gotten back yet so I’ll make a post later on about how that goes once he does.
UPDATE: read about what happened with that here
(Part 1) (Part 2) (Part 3) (Part 4) (Part 5) (Part 6)
Check out “Lincoln’s Concert Catastrophe”!
(Part 1) (Part 2) (Part 3) (Part 4) (Part 5) (Part 6)
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Could I request the ndrv3 guys with a bi female S/O? But they don't find out she's bi until her extremely biphobic ex sees them on a date together and goes to "warn" the guys about her? (with said ex being why she was too nervous to come out to them?)
I love this idea! I’m actually a bi girl myself so I definitely get where this is coming from!
Shuichi Saihara:
You guys were just relaxing at the library, switching novels and manga as you finished them and nuzzling into Saihara’s shoulder
When you glanced up you noticed your ex walking over, your body visibly stiffening at the sight
He wasn’t exactly… accepting of who you were, saying some horrible things after finding out that you were bi
You had kept that part of yourself a secret from Saihara, not wanting the same thing to happen with him
But it looked like your secret was about to come out as your ex came up to Saihara and tapped him on the head.
“Hey, dude, I see your hanging with (Y/N) here. Figured id let you know that she’s a bit of whore, shes probably fucking a few girls behind your back.”
“Excuse me?” Saihara asked, confusion and anger bristling up inside him.
You were already close to tears, digging your nails into your palms and refusing to look at either of them
“Yeah, she likes chicks too. What, she didn’t tell you? Figures, makes it easier to eat pussy behind your back. Sorry to burst your bubble, man, but I’m doin’ you a favor.”
Your ex walked off and you burst into tears, trying to be quiet since you were in a library. “I-I’m not… I’m not cheating on you, I s-swear!”
Saihara pulled you close and wiped your tears, trying to keep other peoples attention from you. “I know, I know you wouldn’t. But… was the other part true?”
You nodded, taking a shaky breath. “Y-yeah… I’m bi, Shuichi, a-and I wanted to tell you but… my ex broke up with me on the spot when I told him and I r-really don’t want to lose you!”
You started crying again, hiccuping when you felt a kiss pressed to your hair. “I would never break up with you, especially not over your sexual preferences. You like who you like, there’s nothing wrong with that. I trust you and I know you would never cheat on me.”
You smiled softly as Saihara pulled you up, neatly putting your books back on a cart to be reshelved and taking you home for some cuddles and crime shows, the best date you could think of with no chance of being yelled at by your ex
Kaito Momota:
Kaito was eagerly leading you around the space museum, pulling you from exhibit to exhibit with the biggest grin on his face.
Perhaps you weren’t as into space travel as your boyfriend but you were having fun nonetheless
Well, you were anyways
Seeing your ex, who apparently worked there now, immediately had you hiding behind Kaito, shaking and trying to convince him to leave.
“Just a sec babe, I just want to finish reading this. We’ll go to that little cafe you like, I promise!”
It was too late anyway, your ex had already spotted you and made his way over, crossing his arms.
“Shocked to see you hanging around a guy now, after what you told me. Or maybe he’s just for show so you can fuck all the chicks you want and not get called out for it.”
You whimpered as Kaito turned around, touching your arm gently in hopes of calming you. “What the fuck, asshole! I don’t know what the hell you’re talking about but you need to leave, I’m not going to let you talk to my girlfriend like that!”
“Hah, seriously? You haven’t told him that you like both cock and pussy? That’s honestly hilarious, poor guy has no idea how much a little slut you are! Telling you now, buddy, might want to drop her before you catch her scissoring with some slut.”
That was it for Kaito, no one talks about his girl like that! So he punched your ex square in the face and walked off, pulling you behind him until you got outside
You were crying when you sat down on the bench, fighting to breath as Kaito rubbed your back gently.
“Hey, sweetie, it’s okay. Shh, I got you, I won’t let him do anything to hurt you, I promise!”
“Y-you must think I’m h-horrible after what he said…”
Kaito shook his head quickly, drying your tears with his jacket sleeve and making sure your ex hadn’t followed you out
“No, honestly I didn’t really get what he was saying, something about you liking girls? If… if your gay i-”
“I’m not gay, just b-bi… I swear, I love you, i-its not a lie!” You waved your hands quickly, earning a little smile from Kaito
“Hey, its cool, it doesn’t bother me. I wish you would have told me, but if that asshole was the reason you didn’t then I get it. I love you too, babe, and ill make sure he doesn’t touch you again!”
You sniffled and let Kaito pull you into a tight hug, fingers tickling your sides until he got a giggle out of you.
“That’s better! Come on, let’s go to the gift shop! Loser buys the astronaut ice cream!”
You squealed and raced Kaito to the gift shop, his relaxed attitude making you feel much better.
You had taken Kiibo to the park, laying in the grass to watch the clouds. You kept pointing out little shapes that he struggled to see, overanalyzing and blushing when you kissed him
When a shadow loomed over you, you both sat up, squinting to see who was there.
“Long time no see, (Y/N)”
The second you heard that voice you went pale, it was most definitely your ex-boyfriend, likely here to start something
“W-what are you doing here?”
“Well, I saw you with your little robo-boyfriend here and figured id give him the heads up about your little habit.”
Kiibo looked very confused, looking between you and your ex nervously
“Don’t d-do this…”
“What, and let him get screwed over the same way I did? Listen, dude, I don’t really get your deal but your girlfriend here likes pussy. Actually, that’s probably why she likes you, pretty sure robots don’t have fuckin’ dicks.”
Your ex laughed and walked off, leaving you with silent tears streaming down your face and a very confused boyfriend trying to figure the situation out
“Who was that? And what was he saying about you?”
Before Kiibo could ask any more questions, you kissed him messily, pulling back with a sob
“I-I… he was my ex, we had a really bad break up. A-and he was kind of right. I’m bi, Kiibo.”
Sometimes you forget that Kiibo doesn’t always get human things so you quickly explain that it meant you liked both girls and guys.
“B-but I love you the most, I would never stray!” You cried, sincerely hoping Kiibo would believe you.
You squeezed your eyes shut, waiting to be hit or yelled at like your ex had done when you told him, but you only felt the cold chill of metal arms wrapping around you
“I’m sorry you felt as though you had to hide that from me. I may not understand sexualities very well but I trust you, I know that you love me. A-as for my… anatomy…”
You shook your head and just nuzzled into Kiibo’s chest, hearing the whir of his fans. “Don’t worry about that, I don’t care. I just want you, Kiibo.”
You refused to let go and Kiibo didn’t mind at all, laying you down and using the blanket to make sure his metal body didn’t hurt you or make you too cold.
You wound up falling asleep on Kiibo for a few hours as he stroked your hair, feeling an overwhelming amount of emotion for you as you slept
Gonta Gokuhara:
Gonta had taken you to a bug exhibit at the science museum! He was rushing all over the place, pointing out all the bugs to you and telling you their scientific names without pause.
While bugs weren’t exactly your favorite thing in the world, you loved watching Gonta when he got so excited, bouncing around like a small child.
You had been checking out some of the butterflies when you heard Gonta’s curious voice above the others in the exhibit, catching your attention.
“Gonta doesn't… understand.”
“Wow, she really knows how to pick’em, jeez. But yeah, I’m warning you, you’re going to catch her in bed with some bitch, she’s a total slut. I was smart enough to cut her the hell off before it happened and I recommend you do the same.”
Your ex walked off and Gonta looked even more confused, glancing from your ex to you repeatedly. You quickly made your way over, pulling Gonta to an empty hall and making sure your ex wasn’t around
“G-Gonta doesn’t really know what just happened… that man said really mean things about (Y/N)…”
You nodded, sighing softly. “T-that was my ex-boyfriend, Gonta. And… h-he was talking about him I’m bi.”
“Bye? (Y/N) is leaving?”
You almost giggled, taking Gonta’s hand and holding it tightly. “No, um… Bisexual, it means I like girls and guys the way most girls just like guys.”
Gonta nodded, smiling softly. “Oh! Gonta understands that! (Y/N) likes having boyfriends or girlfriends! But why was (Y/N)’s ex saying such mean things about it?”
“He’s the reason I never told you, when I told him, he, u-um…” You teared up and Gonta scrambled to hug you, nuzzling your hair.
“He said mean things to (Y/N), right? Gonta is very glad he is your ex now, (Y/N) deserves a true gentleman! A gentleman would never call his girlfriend those mean things!”
You smiled into Gonta’s chest, pulling back to kiss him sweetly. “That’s why I’m with you now, because your the best gentleman and I love you, I promise I would never cheat on you.”
“Gonta knows! If (Y/N) was a boy she would be a great gentleman!” You blushed a little, that was some of the highest praise from Gonta and it had you smiling, feeling much better than before
Kokichi Ouma:
It was one of the rare days when Ouma was content with a simple date at a cafe, the two of you sharing a miniature cake.
“Mmm, (Y/N)-chan? Can you get me one of those sweet coffee thingys?” You winced, the last thing Ouma needed was caffeine, but you gave him a kiss and went up to the counter to order the horribly sweet drink
When you glanced back over someone had taken your seat, another glance had all the color leaching from your face. It was your ex and based on the look on Ouma’s face, he didn’t have anything nice to say.
The second the coffee was put into your hand you walked back over, just in time to hear the end of the conversation.
“Hey, no need to get all pissy. I’m just trying to warn you before you wind up walking in on her and some other chick with their legs in the air. Maybe you’ll get lucky and they’ll invite you to join, eh?”
Your ex laughed and smirked at you, moving to get up before Ouma’s hand shot out and grabbed his shirt, an eery smile on his face
“So that’s what you think of her, hmm? Listen, buddy. I’m the leader of a very large, very evil organization. And with one phone call, I can have a few of my followers come to your house in the middle of the night. They will tie you down, strip you naked, and turn you into the biggest laughing stock the world has ever seen. And that if I’m in a good mood. Now fuck off before I have to pull out my phone, got it?”
Your ex sighed and walked out, waving a hand in annoyance. Ouma pulled you to sit, taking his coffee and looking you over. “That wasn’t a lie, by the way. I could totally get DICE to do that.”
“T-thanks…” You managed a shaky smile and took a bite of the cake, blinking back tears.
“(Y/N)-chan! Stop looking so sad, ill cry too!”
“Sorry, Kokichi, I just… you weren’t bothered by what he said?”
Ouma shrugged and sipped his coffee, grinning as the sugar filled his system. “What, that you like girls too? I’m bi too, doesn’t bother me.”
You blinked, Ouma was bi? Well, that certainly made things interesting. You smiled softly and took a sip of your own drink.
“Awe come on! You still look all upset! Let’s go to headquarters and play that game you bought!”
Ouma grabbed his coffee and his cake, pulling you outside with his free hand as you stumbled and tried not to fall.
But a couple rounds of Twister with a very hyper (and handsy) Ouma was more than enough to lift your spirits, ending up in a tickling match that had you breathless and giggling.
Rantarou Amami:
The two of you were shopping at the mall, Amami helping you find a dress for a relative’s wedding, when it happened.
Apparently, your ex had finally found a job because he was working at the first store you peeked into, coming up to Amami as you ducked into a changing room
“Hey, dude. I see you’re with (Y/N) there and I figured id give you a heads up about her. She likes chicks, so I figured you’d want to know before you see for yourself.”
“What are you talking about?”
Your ex laughed at Amami’s growing confusion, not realizing the unbridled anger brewing inside him. “Don’t bother asking for a threesome either, little slut likes to keep the bitches for herself.”
“Alright, you need to stop. My girlfriend is wonderful and I know she would never cheat on me, regardless of her sexuality. I don’t know why the two of you broke up but it looks like it was for good reason if this is how you spoke to her. (Y/N), get dressed, we aren’t going to buy anything here.”
You quickly got dressed and followed Amami out, letting him lead you into another store and hiding in a changing room.
“Alright, so I have a feeling there’s something you need to tell me?”
You nod and sit on the bench, Amami holding your hand reassuringly.
“S-so, you probably figured out that I’m bi… I hope it isn’t a problem for you, I swear i-”
Amami leaned down and kissed you sweetly, cutting you off. “Whoa, it’s okay. Two of my sisters are bi, its no big deal. Your not the kind of person who would sleep around, I trust you. Your ex, or whoever he was, isn’t worthy to be around you. You can tell me anything, okay? No matter what, we’ll have a conversation about it and get it figured out, I promise.”
You smiled and stood up to hug him, pressing your face into his chest and relishing in the warmth.
“We still need to find your dress, princess, as much as I would like to stay in here all day.”
You giggled and popped out of the changing room, letting Amami pick out some dresses for you try on, your worries melting away.
Korekiyo Shinguuji:
Korekiyo had convinced you to go around the history museum, spouting off facts as you went from exhibit to exhibit.
It may not have been your favorite date in the world but Korekiyo was clearly in his natural habitat so you were content, it was quite cute to see him bustling around to look at artifacts
It was going great up until a much too familiar face made its appearance, your ex tapping Korekiyo on the shoulder so you would both turn around.
“Well shit, I thought you were a chick. Oh well, this works. Dude, I saw you with (Y/N) and I figured id warn you about her. Shes, like, half lesbian or some shit. Either way, figured you would want to know so you can cut your losses. See ya!”
Before either of you could speak he was gone, leaving you shaking with tears in your eyes, clinging to Korekiyo’s arm. “O-oh god… fuck, I wasn’t going to tell you, I’m s-so sorry Kiyo!”
You were crying hard now and Korekiyo was quick to lead you somewhere else with fewer people, gently rubbing your back.
“Shh, darling, it’s okay. It’s quite common for humans and even animals to have sexual preferences outside of the opposite sex, there’s nothing wrong with that.”
He spoke gently, letting you cry yourself out until you were able to relax a little, getting you to sit down.
“M-my ex… when I told him he f-freaked, he accused me of c-cheating and called me n-names. I was too scared to tell you, I d-didn’t want it to happen again.”
“I would never call you such horrible things, especially when you’ve done nothing wrong. Come on, smile, crying doesn’t suite such a beautiful example of humanity.”
You smiled softly at the compliment, always feeling so special when Korekiyo called you that. Your smile triggered his and you could see it in his eyes as the both of you returned to the exhibit, making sure not to give your ex even a glance as you enjoyed your evening.
Ryoma Hoshi:
You had convinced him to go to a tennis match, the first one in years. The two of you were sitting together, sipping sodas as you watched the players.
“Ryoma, can you explain how this works to me? They keep calling things out but I don’t get it…”
“Love means zero, and-”
He was interrupted by a tap on his shoulder, turning around to see your ex. He had seen a picture before and knew it had ended badly, so why was he talking to you guys?
“Dude, aren’t you that tennis pro who went to jail?”
“Why do you care?”
“Eh, doesn’t matter. I just figured id give you a heads up about your little girlfriend. I don’t know if she told you but there’s a pretty good chance shes fucking a chick behind your back. I never got lucky enough to catch her in the act but oh well, maybe she’ll let you in.”
With that, your ex returned back to his popcorn, muttering under his breath about the match. You had tears in your eyes and Hoshi could see how much you were hurting, looking into your lap as your nails bit into your thighs
Before he has the chance to do anything, a rogue tennis ball flies from the court and hits your ex square in the jaw, pulling a choked laugh from you
Your ex storms off and leaves you with Hoshi, who is looking at you quizzically.
“I-I guess I should explain, huh?”
“You don’t have to, I pretty much get it. Your, what, bi? Or pansexual?”
You nod at the first option, laying your head on Hoshi’s shoulder and smiling softly. “Yeah, bi. I’m sorry for not telling you but after him… i-i couldn’t.”
A quiet kiss on your forehead calms your worries as Hoshi turns back to the game, continuing his explanation of points to you.
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zennyshoneybunch · 6 years
Mystically Destined - The Musical (Chapter 9 - An Unusual Kind of Waitress)
V and Rika were sitting by the bar at Starks’s, a coffee cup in front of each of them. On the other side of the counter was Vanderwood, trying to go through the inventory without listening to the couple’s conversation. Which was a hard task, seeing as Rika’s sickeningly sweet voice echoed cheerfully throughout the empty pub.
She kept talking about wedding stuff she saw in some girl’s magazine and Vanderwood didn’t need to look at V to sense the guy was uncomfortable as hell.
- But when will your house be ‘debugged’, darling?
- I’m not sure, Rika.
He answered while distractedly playing with his coffee cup. It didn’t take a genius to figure out what – or whom – he was actually thinking about.
- I’m getting tired of sleeping at my friend’s, I want to be with you~. Don’t you miss me?
- Yes…
A sudden resolution grew in his eyes and he looked directly at Rika’s eyes.
- Rika, listen… I think we should talk.
Oh boy. The entire mood in the pub shifted. Rika, who was sensually leaning her body on V became as stiff as a stick. V’s distracted demeanor turned into an alarmingly serious one. And now Vanderwood was perking his ears, actually wanting to hear what the mint haired man had to say to his precious little fiancé.
- A-about our wedding? Yes, I’m so excited! We should start thinking about the best place to-
- No. I mean, it’s not exactly about the wedding preparations. I… don’t you think we should talk about our relationship? I’ve been trying to bring that out every day since you came back, but you keep changing the subject.
- Well, what is there to talk about? I love you, you love me… it’s all as perfect as always. I mean… you still love me, don’t you? You’re not trying to break up with me, are you? Me. The one that was always by your side.
Taking his liqueur bottles from the cabinets Vanderwood couldn’t avoid a snort, although he tried to conceal it by pretending to clear his throat while placing them in line on the counter.
- Is this because that girl who dumped you is back?
- She never dumped me! I… this has nothing to do with her.
‘Yeah, you’re not fooling anyone here, boy.’ Vanderwood thought with a smirk.
She got out of the stool and moved away from them, turning her back and letting little sobs escape from her mouth, slightly shaking her slender body.
- Yes, it does! She came back and suddenly you don’t want me anymore. Nobody wants me, I’m worthless and unlovable. I’ll never be as important or as beautiful as she is to you.
- Rika…
- What’s the use in living if I can’t have the only man I always loved? Might as well just die.
She covered her face in her hands and V hurriedly walked to her.
‘And the Best Actress’s Award goes to…’ Vanderwood scoffed.
- Rika, no. D-don’t say that. That’s not what I meant. I… it’s just that I don’t understand why you want to marry me. You left not long after I proposed.
- I was trying to patch things up with my parents. I wanted everything to be perfect for our wedding, I was so happy you had proposed… but I never imagined your ex-girlfriend would be stealing you away while I was gone!
- I told you… this has nothing to do with her.
V softly griped her arms and she looked up at him from above her fingers with teary puppy eyes.
- Do you mean it?
- I… yes. You know me, I’m just being my insecure self.
A beautiful and angelic smile appeared on her lips as she embraced him and rested her face on his chest.
- Really? I really don’t need to be worried about her stealing you away?
- She is not trying to steal me away…
Vanderwood settled the last bottle in a row on the counter and looked at the couple standing a few feet away from him, with furrowed eyebrows. She looked pretty satisfied with herself. Could she not sense the defeat in the guy’s voice? Or was that precisely what was making her so happy in the first place?
- Oh, I’m so happy to hear that. Because you are the only thing in my life that keeps me sane. I can’t live in this world if I don’t have you. It’s destiny!
Counting through the bottles on the counter, the pub owner saw how V furrowed his brows at the last word, and how Rika caressed his face, pouting cutely.
- I’ve told you all this before! You're my sun, V. You're all I need to live.
- Yeah, you and a few "water droplets" from next town.
Vanderwood declared rolling his eyes, not taking the effort to keep his voice low. Rika’s eyes immediately snapped in his direction with a murderous look.
- Excuse me, did you say something?
- Just counting the hoes... I mean the rows.
She looked like she was ready to throw a fit, but she managed to control it in and instead she focused on her fiancé again, holding on to his arm, pressing it to her chest.
- Well darling, let’s not discuss this in front of the… staff.
Vanderwoord ’s eyes immediately jumped from the list he was making to the blond woman’s. What the hell did she call him?
- Anyway, look at the time my love. I promised my friend I would go shopping with her! I’ll be seeing you later.
‘Yes, you better go before I tase your skinny little lying ass’, Vanderwood thought as he watched the blond girl give V a loving kiss and dancing away to the door in a light, happy, step. Although he didn’t miss the serious, angry look that flashed in her eyes when she turned away before stepping through the door.
As soon as the door closed behind her V sighed deeply and walked back to the bar, setting himself on one of the stools, and pushed the cup he was playing with moments ago in Vanderwood’s direction.
- Can you give me something a little stronger than coffee?
The brunette man poured a glass of wine and placed it in front of his friend without a word. He didn’t want to take part on that horror film that seemed to be V’s love life, but he couldn’t really be silent any longer after witnessing that terrible display of fake tears, manipulation and guilt inducement. V was a good man, he didn’t deserve that. He needed an eye opening and, although Vanderwood wasn’t the most tactful of people, he was sure he could say what needed to be said without sounding too harsh. Right?
- I can't believe you are still together with that crazy bitch.
V’s minty eyes widened in surprise, his glass half way to his lips. Great. Swing and a miss, Vanderwood. The brunette heaved a tired sigh.
- Listen, I didn't want to get tangled in this mess since this is not my circus... but I can't get over the difference I see in you! You should see your face right now after talking with that Rika chick. And then you should see the face you make when you're looking at Lizzy. Dude you light up! It's like the sky clearing out after the rain, you literally start glowing whenever you see her.
V’s arm slowly went limp, placing the glass back on the counter. His body almost as lifeless as his eyes. That stirred Vanderwood’s frustration further. How could he look so lost when the right answer was so crystal clear?
- And all that talk about you being her sun shit... that's bull! You're not shooting rainbows through your ass, you're miserable!
- Thank you, Vanderwood, I think I get the picture…
He sighed closing his eyes and Vanderwood could see a sad, defeated, man standing in front of him.
- You are right. Of course you’re right, Lizzy is… she is so dear to me.
A smile briefly graced V’s lips, only to immediately disappear again into a grimace of self-loathing.
- But I can’t just break off the engagement. You heard her. What she said. What she’ll do to herself… If I do that to her, what kind of man will I be?
- A happy one!!!
Vanderwood opened his arms in exasperation, but all he accomplished with that was an increase of pain in V’s eyes.
- Look, V, I know it’s not my place to say these things and I normally wouldn’t but… she’s a great girl and everybody here loves her. So get your shit together, stop sacrificing your happiness to please others and step up! …That’s all I’m saying.
- Yeah… thank you for looking up for me, Vanderwood. I’m very grateful to have so many friends in my life, caring for me. Don’t take this the wrong way, but I need to be alone for a while and clear my head. I’ll go for a walk. Tell Jumin I won’t be late for rehearsal.
Vanderwood nodded and watched as his gloomy friend walked out the door, almost bumping into Amanda who was just arriving.
- Hey, V!
- Oh… hey.
He moves pass her like he had barely seen her. She watched him leave for a minute before walking inside and setting her things on the stool V had just been sitting on.
- What's up with him?
- Rika.
Was Vanderwood’s short answer. A loud groan escaped from Amanda’s lips.
- I’m glad I wasn’t here to deal with that. Always loathed the bitch. Was she trying to get back together with V?
- What do you mean “trying”? They are together.
Amanda leaned on the counter, gapping.
- What? No way… wait, WHAT?
Instead of answering her, Vanderwood started to put the liquors back in the cabinets.
- That can’t be right. Didn’t you saw her being… overly friendly with some other guy a few towns ahead or something?
- Yup.
- Then we can’t let that happen! We should nail her. We should take him and show-
- He knows.
Vanderwood interrupted, not stopping what he was doing.
- What?
- He knows, he's not an idiot. Well, he is, obviously… but he’s not blind.
- Yes, he is. He is seriously blind. She blinded him, that snake.
The sound of the bell echoed through the empty pub and they both looked in its direction to find Jumin stepping inside.
- Good afternoon.
Amanda let out a louder groan.
As soon as she saw Jumin walking in, Amanda stepped away from the counter she was leaning on and moved to sit on one of the chairs, away from the bar, unceremoniously resting her feet on the table.
The elegant tall man walked confidently to the bar. He had his usual ensemble with a striped shirt and a nice – and definitely expensive – petrol blue tie. Without one glance to her, he addressed Vanderwood.
- I thought I would find V here.
The pub owner grabbed a few more bottles and leaned forward to store them in the cabinet.
- He went for a walk.
- Oh?
- Rika.
- Oh.
Jumin’s frowned and took his phone from his pocket, looking intently at it for a minute, as if he was deciding whether or not to call his friend. He apparently ended up deciding against it, since he returned the phone to his pocket. Looking up, he finally acknowledged her presence, giving her a cold nod.
- Amanda.
- Mr. Han.
She replied in the same cold and collected tone. Annoyance flashed through his eyes and he looked away from her.
- I’ll be heading to the back room. Please excuse me.
The girl watched as he walked away to the back of the pub. As soon as she heard the door closing she rolled her eyes and crossed her arms.
- Ugh, he is such a hot nuisance.
- ... A hot nuisance?
Vanderwood asked, raising a brow.
- Who said he was hot? Vandy I didn't know you swung that way...
- Hey! You're the one who called it! And don't shorten my name.
- I did not, I called him a boring nuisance. And you’re sounding like him right now. Your name sounds better when it's shortened, anyway. Although I would prefer to call you Woody, but I don't think that's work appropriate.
- Will you stop your gibberish and take your feet off the table? Try to at least pretend that you're here to work?
- No, I'm just too tired!
The girls whined, not even attempting to move her feet from where they were resting.
- You haven’t even started your shift yet.
- Your point being?
He grumbled something inaudible through his teeth.
- What’s that, boss?
- I don't even know why I keep you!
- Because you love me~.
Straightening up after putting away the remaining bottles, Vanderwood grabbed a cloth and threw it on his shoulder.
- No, that doesn't sound right.
- Then it's because everybody else does. You gotta admit that I'm the money maker here!!
- I also don't understand why you keep her. She is obviously not doing her job properly.
Jumin entered the saloon again, his coat now gone, his sleeves rolled up, his hands in his pockets.
- Were you eavesdropping, Mr. Discographic Prince? That's very impolite of you.
- I was trying not to, but your voice has a way of traveling through walls.
- Why thank you!
- It was not meant as a compliment.
Amanda rolled her eyes.
- Well duh! I see sarcasm is still a foreigner concept to you.
Jumin leaned his body against the counter, his arms still in his pockets, and gazed intently, as in deep thought, at her. The intensity of those piercing wolf-grey eyes could make any girl feel weak in the knee and Amanda has seen a considerable amount of girls almost fainting at the sight. Which was ridiculous, obviously. Sure, Amanda’s heart beat was increasing, but it was out of irritation, not fascination or any sort of excitement.
The bell chimed again and in came Zen, Yoosung and the twins, their playful voices breaking off Jumin and Amanda’s eye contact.
- Hey hey, Manday!
- Hey hey, God Seven.
Zen undressed his jacket placing it on a chair.
- Sorry we’re late, everyone.
- Yes, Zen took forever in the shower.
Yoosung whined, sitting himself next to Amanda.
- Hey! No one told to come to my house and wait.
- Seven did!
- Yup, Seveny did!
The red hair twin hugged his blond friend who desperately tried to escape from the embrace he found himself in.
Clearly trying to distance himself from the raucous his brother was already starting, Saeran flopped on the piano bench, as far away from them as he possibly could.
Laughing Zen looked around.
- Hey, where’s V?
- He’s taking a walk. I’m sure he will be here short-
There was a noise by the door and the handsome mint haired man walked in. Everyone’s attention turned to him. Noticing all eyes were on him he smiled sheepishly.
- Hello, everyone. I’m sorry, am I very late?
- No. Zen apparently takes a lot of time getting ready after showering.
Jumin stated in his usual dead serious tone, not understanding – and probably neither caring – about Zen’s protest, keeping his eyes locked on his friend’s face.
- How are you feeling?
- Thank you, I’m… fine. But more importantly I was talking with Jaehee on the phone just now. She wanted to know if we would agree to give another mini concert, for charity this time. If Vanderwood would allow us to use his pub again…
Vanderwood gave a sharp nod of agreement and V thanked him. Everyone agreed to give the concert. They were used to give them for free, so making it a charity event was not much different. Besides, Jaehee would be the one handling the entire event, as usual, so there was not much to discuss.
Jumin started to set the microphones for their reaharsal at the usual corner with V’s help, while the rest of the boys were still messing around with each other. A sudden idea flashed in Amanda’s mind and she got up from her seat to stand in front of the boys, a smile on her lips.
- You know, guys, since it’s a charity event and all, you could have someone opening up the show for you. Like a really beautiful young performer.
- Oh that’s not a bad idea!
Zen uttered, excited.
- Who’s on you mind, Mandy?
- Me, of course!
Different reactions could be seen – and heard – inside the pub. Zen, Yoosung and Seven showed excitement; Saeran snorted in amusement; V smiled kindly and Vanderwood sighed in annoyance. Jumin was the only one who actually spoke, raising his brow.
- You are surely joking.
- No, not really.
- I think that’s actually not a bad idea, Jumin. Amanda has a nice voice.
- Thank you, V!
- That’s right! She could be part of The Mystic Boys’ choir.
- Oh, Yoosung honey, if I sang with you guys I would definitely be the main singer!
She winked at him.
- But your kind of songs are just not my style!
- Perhaps that’s because you cannot sing that well.
- Oh? Are you doubting my abilities, Mr. Han?
She grabbed one of the microphones Jumin had already prepared and turned to the twin by the piano.
- Yo, Saeran, hit it!
With a sigh Saeran pressed a button on his electronic synthesizer and a lively music started playing.
Amanda walked to Zen and lightly touched his chin. He moved his body in a way that resembled a robot awakening as someone switched it on.
~ “It's not unusual to be loved by anyone.”
She moved to Seven with a spin and ruffled his already messy hair, making him react the same way Zen did.
~ “It's not unusual to have fun with anyone.”
Taking a long step, she slid next to Yoosung and bopped him on the nose and robot Yoosung woke up just like the others.
~ “But when I see you hanging about with anyone.”
She then walked to Jumin and pretended to get scared by his deep frown, fainting into V’s arms, who caught her with a chuckle.
~ “It's not unusual to see me cry. Oh, I wanna die.”
Leaping from V’s arms, she twirled away from the group. Then she pointed in Jumin’s direction and started making silly disco dance moves.
~ “It's not unusual to go out at any time. But when I see you out and about, it's such a crime.”
Zen, Seven and Yoosung ran to stand behind her, imitating her disco moves.
~ “If you should ever wanna be loved by anyone. It's not unusual, it happens every day.
Amanda jerked her shoulders back at the rhythm of the beat.
~ “No matter what you say.
The boys shook their shoulder the same way she did.
~ “You find it happens all the time!”
Zen extended his hand to her and she took it, spinning into his arms and from there through Seven’s ending up in Yoosung’s.
~ “Love will never do. What you want it to.”
Shying away from the three boys, she climbed to the top of a nearby table, holding the mic high and closing her eyes.
~ “Why can't this crazy love be mine?”
She tossed the mic to Jumin, who easily cought it, and allowed herself to fall back into the boy’s extended arms, laughing happily.
Jumin’s frown somehow increased when he addressed her.
- Everything is a joke to you isn’t it?
Straightening up her clothes, the girl smiled provocatively.
- What’s life for if not to have some fun, Mr. Han?
Jumin glared at her in silence for a moment before turning his back to her to place the microphone in its stand.
- She is not singing.
All the boys immediately erupted in Amanda’s defense, all speaking at the same time, causing a huge commotion that could be perfectly heard outside of Stark’s solid, semi-sound proof, walls.
*** Chapter Songs ***
It’s Not Unusual by Tom Jones
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clown-bait · 7 years
Monster Christmas PT2 (Monster Roommate AU)
Ice skating Penny! I’ve been so excited to post this guys you have no idea. He’s basically Bambi during that winter scene but a giant killer monster trying to hunt. Its so pure. Also two monsters having a bloodly snow ball fight and making horrible macabre jokes like two giant NERDS. I love them they’re OTP. 
Monster Christmas Part 2 
Pennywise the Figure Skating Clown
“Oh there you two are I was about to come look for you but I got caught up having a lovely conversation with your Uncle Bob! He's going to show me around town tomorrow so you two can go to work!” Leech’s mom smiled happily at them. She really was the cutest mom.
“Yeah we ran into him on the way back from our um… smoke break…” Leech pulled at the bottom of her dress.
“Ugh Lucy darling you know I detest that habit of yours.”
“Its a hard habit to quit.” Robert gave her a wicked grin and she elbowed him hard.
“‘I’m calling a cab. Well drop you off at the hotel mom we’re uh we’re going to��”
“Grab a drink?”
“Oh look at you two! Finishing each others sentences! So adorable!”
The two monsters both blushed. “Mom! D-dont”
“Well you have to come up to my room I brought my home made lemon cookies the ones you loved when you were a kid!”
Leech whined realizing she cant indulge in her favorite treat. “We’ll take them to go.” Gray smiled
“Wull eh offishully loff your mofer” Robert popped the last of an entire box of cookies into his mouth.
“You're just saying that because she fed you”
“You never feed me!”
“I bring you snacks all the time”
“Yeah as bribes!! And then its “Penny don't eat Randy he tips well. Pen will you help me make food I can’t even eat for some dumb holiday that worships a bird. Oh Penny never mind eat Randy for me he's tipping Sandy more. You were perfectly capable of eating Randy yourself you know!”
“The “Randy incident” does not need to be brought back up” she growled shuffling her feet in the snow.
“Do you know what he was afraid of?!”
“Are we really doing this?”
“VAMPIRES LEECH! I literally just turned into you!”
She paused and turned to him.
“Wait why me specifically?”
“I don’t know….. maybe I like the way you look when you get, as you say, hangry”
“Aww really?!” her face lit up like a christmas tree.
“Yeah yeah enjoy the compliment……lazy bloodsucker…”
“Awwww Penny” she stopped and hugged him tight. Robert rolled his eyes and pulled her into him.
“Don’t let it go to your head.” he smiled into her wig
He brought her to the town square and paused to look at the giant tree in the center. They saw other couples drifting around the ice rink together, blissfully unaware of the monsters watching them.
“You know, I bet you'd be killer at ice skating.” Leech gave him a sly grin
“Why’s that?”
“Its like dancing but on blades.”
“Go on…”
“Not the kind you're thinking of….. but I suppose you could kill someone with them if you got creative…”
“Hmmm… we should try it.”
“Ice skating or murder with ice skates?”
“Yeah because that would go over so well.”
“Fine! We’ll just do the boring part” he grabbed her hand and rushed to get in line.
“Ok so I haven't actually done this in years. Last time I did was with Adam and I nearly broke my leg…”
Robert growled at the mention of her ex. Leech gave his arm a shove “Oh stop you got to rip him apart be happy. If it makes you feel any better I'm already having a way… better.. time….” they both paused to watch a beautiful young girl drift by with hunger.
“Dibs! I call dibs!” she elbowed him.
“You already ate tonight!” he hissed “You know I’ll just take it from you anyway.”
“That’s not how dibs works”
“As if I care. Alright lets make it a game then, who ever lures her first wins.”
“You are so on.” the nosferatu licked her lips and grinned.
“Um sir I don’t think we carry your size skate…” the attendant pointed at the disguised clowns massive feet. Leech snorted and Robert gave her a shove.
“Its ok I brought my own” he smiled
“Hey! Hey Rob! Robert! Brobert!” she elbowed him over and over till he turned to look at her.
“You wanna know why people are terrified of clowns?”
“I’m going to regret this aren't I?” he sighed “Fine, why?”
“The bigger the feet, the bigger the dick!” she snorted again and banged on the railing.
“Did you- did you just compliment my dick size?” his face became slightly pink
Leech wheezed at her own terrible dick joke. “Hey, I aint wrong big boy!” she gave him a flirty wink Robert turned bright red in embarrassment. “I cant take you anywhere.” he grumbled.
They sat down and Gray materialized skates onto his feet. Leech snickered as she laced hers up.
“What?” he glared.
“You're so going to fall on your ass.”
“Am not!”
“Have you ever skated before?”
“How hard can it be” she saw him put weight on the blades under his feet and watched as his knee wiggled off balance.
“I'm going to totally win”
Robert stood up attempting to intimidate her only to wobble and catch himself on a ledge. Leech snorted with laughter.
“D-dont laugh at me!”
“Oh my god you're like a baby deer trying to stand!”
“S-stop I am the alpha predator! AAHH” he fell to the side and opened his legs wide to stabilize himself.
“This is golden and we’re not even on the ice yet!”
She left him to go skate around on her own. He sneered and giggled when Leech wobbled a bit as well but as soon as she got the hang of it she was gliding around with ease. “You coming Bambi?”
“Why are you calling me that? Don't call me that.”
“Because I know you’re going to spend half the time trying to stand the fuck back up.”
He growled and attempted to enter the ice rink watching the girl they were both competing to lure. He instantly slid sideways and latched onto the wall in embarrassment hearing an all too familiar cackle from behind him. “How are you so good at standing on ice! Tell me!” he snarled
“Good? me? Pleeeaase they always picked me last for hockey when I was a kid.” she frowned at the memory and sighed. “Come here ruffles I’ll help you.” The vampire drifted over to the wall and hoisted him to his feet. “Hang on to the ledge for a bit and watch my feet.” she showed him the way to push forward and he watched her movements. “Go slow. I know how you like to rush things” Robert nodded and copied her with eyes trained on those pretty little legs. She turned around so she was skating backwards and started showing off “Not too bad! Still awkward as hell though!” Leech teased, suddenly she fell back when she hit the wall and Gray unable to stop crashed on top of her. They both looked at the compromising position they were in and Leech let a slight blush creep onto her face before they both burst out laughing. “Oh god we’re terrible at this!” she wheezed “I bet that chick is laughing her ass off at us” Gray’s laughter died down and he lovingly placed his hand on her rib cage. The young vampire’s lips parted and her breathing deepened. Everything around them seemed to just melt away.
“It seems like I'm ill equipped to hunt in winter.” he chuckled. “I’ll need to practice”
“You accidentally caught me though, that good enough?” she gripped his coat and pulled him closer.
“Mmm I’d say its better” his eyes changed color as he leaned into her, his cold hand cupping her cheek. Leech closed her eyes and craned her neck to meet him their lips inches away from one another until they were interrupted by an angry female voice. “Hey Romeo and Juliet! Get up or get a room I'm working on my routine here” they both turned to find the girl they were trying to hunt standing over them with her hands on her hips. Robert gave Leech a sly grin. “Time for you to lose little hunter!” he hissed “How rude of us to get in your way miss! My apologies!” he turned and attempted to hoist himself up the girls eyes grew wide when she saw the handsome man before her leaning on the wall for support. “Say I'm quite bad at this and you seem to have great skill care to help?” his eyes flashed hungry yellow. “Wh-what about your girlfriend?”
“What girlfriend?” he grinned making the memory of Leech and him disappear from the girls mind. His victim smiled and beckoned him to follow her.
“Oh you dick!” Leech growled “PLAY FAIR ASSHOLE”
“Like you were ever going to play fair in the first place darling.” he smirked awkwardly pushing himself along the wall away with her target.
“Ok you may have a point…but still!” she snarled and stood up fine if he wanted to play dirty she’d be more than happy to get dirty. Leech buttoned her coat up tighter and scraped the ice with the blade of her skates making a pile of white powder. She grinned and looked over at Robert who was leading the girl to an exit his eyes glowing bright like candles. The vampire stood up and skated over to him as fast as she could manage she skidded her skates so a spray of powder hit him on the back. She heard the disguised clown snarl and turn, thats when Leech nailed him with a ball of ice on the side of the head. “YOU LITTLE BRAT!” he roared and the vampire howled with laughter. Robert scooped up some of the ice shavings around him and lobbed a giant ice ball at Leech’s face. He grinned triumphantly while the vampire shook the ice out of her wig.
“Um hello?” the girl asked as the two disguised monsters glared at each other.
“Not now Ashley” Gray snarled preparing to wipe the sly smirk off his lovers face.
“H-how did you know my name?”
He paused and looked over to his victim. “You must of mentioned it on the way over here or something.”
Robert turned back to Leech but she was gone, vanished into the other skaters.
He grumbled something to himself and pushed his victim away from the crowd “Hey careful! I’m a finalist in the skating competition!”
“You think I care?” Robert arched his brow and pulled her behind a store where he backed her into a corner.
“Oh mister you’re too rough~”
“You have no idea” his eyes began to shine.
“I bet you like it rough too.” the girl grabbed at his belt buckle. Robert raised his brow unamused. He was about to mock her when he heard a familiar hissing from above him, his golden eyes trailed up long black gnarled claws till they locked onto two terrifying orbs of moonlight. They watched each other with intensity as the girl fumbled with his belt. He knew she was getting jealous and seeing his vampire get so worked up made his eyes shine even more. Robert gave Leech a victory smirk and a white gloved hand grabbed the girl by the throat. He began to squeeze the life out of the poor girl while practically eye fucking the vampire watching from above. Ashley screamed and his other hand covered her mouth. “That wont do you any good little miss Muffet. No one can hear you right now” his disguise melted away into the clown she screamed again “That was your favorite rhyme when you were little wasn't it? Little miss Muffet sat on her tuffet, eating her curds and way! hahahahaha!” he sang in a demented voice as horrible black claws creeped down the side of the building and a low churr filled the air. The clown removed his gloved hand from her mouth Ashley was hyperventilating now and tears streamed down her face. A new sickening voice whispered in her ear dripping with venom “then along came a spider who sat down beside her” The poor girl turned and was met with the face of skeletal bat like creature. The beast opened her fang filed mouth to let a long raspberry colored tongue drag along the girls face. Pennywise purred with delight. “And frightened miss Muffet away.” He sang his is mouth opened up and thousands of black spiders poured out of it onto his victims face and chest. The girl let out a primal screech of sheer terror.
The spiders on her vanished into shadowy smoke. Pennywise charged forward and ripped at the girls body creating a hole so big it nearly tore her in half. Leech sat on her wall and watched the life fade from her eyes as blood fell turning the white snow beneath them red.
“Sometimes I forget how dangerous you can be” she mused while she observed him rip the body into pieces tossing some in a pile to save for later. Penny looked up from his meal and grunted in approval. The vampire crawled off the wall and sneered at the corpse.
“You got jealous didn't you” the clown grinned face covered in gore.
“Shut up you won the game don't rub it in.”
“Aww my little hunter is a sore loser!”
“I just didn't like the way she touched you” Leech grumbled.
Pennywise chuckled a bit digging in the torso of his victim till he found what he was looking for. “I got something that will make you feel better!”
He held out the humans heart in one large gloved hand dramatically dropping on one knee mocking a human proposal “Take my heart love!” he let out a burst of laughter at his macabre joke. Leech snorted and put her hands on her knees gasping for air while the two of them had a giggle fit over the warm mangled corpse. “You fucking nerd” she scooped up some blood stained snow and threw it at him. It hit Penny in the chest and the clown growled. “Oh naughty naughty little hunter! Now you've really done it!” he grabbed a much bigger snow ball and lobbed it at her laughing when the force of it nearly knocked her down. The vampire hissed and threw one of her own hitting the clown between the eyes. He shook the snow off his face while his ruffles jingled like sleigh bells in the night.
Leech walked over to him and picked up a strip of meat from the carcass. “May I?”
“Hmm you may. You might be earning it in a bit though.” Pennywise grinned wickedly.
“Thats a win-win for me.” the vampire rolled out her tongue and sucked the flesh, making sure the clown could see. he huffed “Dirty little thing, trying to tease Ol’ Pennywise”
“You already teased me plenty in that other alleyway.” she said mouth full of meat.
“I never planned on stopping.” he grumbled, turning to the corpse
She finished her last bite and silently stalked over to him her footsteps light and soundless like an owl’s wings. She tried to creep behind him but the clowns eyes were already shining gold in the night. When her arms snaked around his torso he switched their locations suddenly they were in the sewer and Leech had fallen off of him with a thud the corpse from their dessert landing next to her.
“Ow hey Pen!”
“Look who's falling on their ass now!” he laughed at her. “Shoulda known better than to sneak up on the likes of me little hunter.”
“There a reason you brought me here? Or are we just going to chit chat all night”
“So eager I love it!” he chuckled reaching out and pulling her into him. “don't worry little one you'll get me soon, I want to have some more fun first.” Leech smirked at him and snaked her hand up his chest.
“Such as?”
“How about a little role play hmm?” he leaned down to meet her gaze and smell her arousal.
“Oh you kinky bastard~” Leech snickered as he nipped the top side of her face.
“You be the fox little hunter and I’ll be the hound.” he chuckled darkly “If I catch you I get to tear you apart”
“And if I get away?” she nipped at his nose
“You’re not going to love” he growled. “I always catch my prey.”
Leech kissed him with a snarl “Come and get me then.” she whispered against his lips.
LOOK AT THESE TWO CUTE ASS DORKS! They're having such a good time being fluffy af and dismembering people! Also people tend to forget that Pennywise tore Betty Ripsom in half, he didnt just bite her once he probably ripped her apart while she was still alive man. The clown is fucking brutal. I want to explore that a bit more since Leech is a lot more like a paper shredder that will strike up a casual convo while torturing you (she’ll be breaking an arm and go “Oh hey thats a cool shirt what size are you? I think I’m going to keep that when I’m done!”) while Penny’s more like a grizzly bear wood chipper that will dismember you alive while giggling to himself. They both get off on it though, its their shared hobby. 
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ifinallygavein · 7 years
Rowaelin Gym AU Part 6
I am so sorry this took so long. School just ruins everything. Anyway this part and the next part will be at the same party but it would be so crazy long I decided to split it up. Some characters are based off of the bonus scene that takes place during HoF that I am so obsessed with. Anyway I hope you enjoy, as always constructive criticism is welcome! (also I love makeup with an unhealthy passion so I know that I ramble during the get ready parts, sorry bout it)
Previous Part
Next Part
Aelin breezed in through the front door of Lysandra and Aedion’s apartment.
“Honey, I’m home!” she sang.
Aedion walked into the main room where Aelin now stood. “Hey, that’s my line, don’t steal it.”
Lysandra strolled in on Aedion’s heels. “It’s only right that my boyfriend and my girlfriend get to use that line, Aedion. Share.”
He pouted a little while the two women shared a laugh. “Aren’t you here to get ready for your date or whatever?” He grumbled.
“It’s not a date.” Aelin snapped at her cousin.
“Sure it’s not,” he muttered as he found his way to the refrigerator.
Aelin turned from glaring at him to Lysandra who wore a little smirk over her lips. When she noticed Aelin looking it grew wider. “To the studio.” Lysandra commanded, clapping her hands.
Rolling her eyes Aelin trailed her friend into the bathroom. For tonight it was Lysandra’s makeup studio. Obviously Aelin could do her own hair and makeup, but something about someone else doing it for you was therapeutic. And fun. Lysandra directed her to a chair she’d placed in front of the mirror. The bathroom was surprisingly big so there was plenty of room. She plugged in the curling iron to heat up then turned back to Aelin.
“You’re still wearing what we picked out last week?”
She answered with a nod and a wicked grin. The dress was incredible. Sure it was only a little black dress but there was a reason that fashion trend had stuck around for so long. It was skin tight and hugged every one of Aelin’s generous curves, putting them on full display in the best show case possible. It was strapless with a sweetheart neckline that cut scandalously low and had a slit coming up to her mid-thigh. Simple. But very sexy. Especially because Aelin was planning on dripping in gold and diamonds.
Lysandra grinned back. “With that stunner I was thinking a nice updo. What do you think?”
“I like the way your mind works.”
The hairdresser started up a playlist and said, “Then sit back and let the master work.”
Aelin obeyed. The master, as she liked to call herself, picked up the curling wand and began to work her magic. For about thirty minutes she just curled her hair. Then after a quick spritz of hairspray she began sculpting the masterpiece. After the better part of an hour she was finished. Her golden locks were elegantly swept back from her face into a loose bun at the back of her head. In the front little pieces that didn’t fit into the confines of the style were curled to frame her face. It was graceful and casual enough to look effortless. The goal was to let the dress and the makeup do the talking.
“Lys, you’re truly an artist,” Aelin complimented her friend while admiring her handiwork.
The master flipped her own dark locks. “I know.”
Aelin checked the time. “Damn good thing we started so early it’s 5:30 and we haven’t even started makeup.”
Lysandra waved her hand. “Not to worry. You will look amazing and be on time. I guarantee it.”
Aelin smirked. “You’re the boss.”
“Damn right,” she murmured as she got out the tools she needed. “For makeup I was thinking classic bombshell with an Instagram twist. A neutral cut crease with a wing. Then contour with some bronzer plus a banging highlight, obviously. And top it off with a matte red lip.”
“Your vision is breathtaking,” Aelin agreed dramatically.
Lysandra turned up the music and put herself to work. She started on the eyeshadow, blending and sculpting to perfection. When she finished with the eye lids she moved on to the face; laying down foundation and concealer. While she baked Lysandra contoured her cheek bones, temples, and nose. Already Aelin looked more refined. She was a beauty as it was, by the end of this no one, male or female, would be able to resist her. Lysandra brushed away the translucent powder and lightly feathered some blush onto her cheeks and layered on a blinding highlight over top. She added some to the tip of her nose, on her brow bones, the inner corners of her eyes, and the cupid’s bow of her lips. After finishing off the face makeup Lysandra moved on to complete the eyes by working on the lower lash line. Just smoking out the shadow, nothing too dramatic. As a final touch she coated Aelin’s lashes in mascara and secured falsies to her upper lash line. Carefully she lined her lips and filled them in with a trusty dark red liquid lipstick.
With the applicator still in hand Lysandra backed away to inspect her work. She slowly began to smile. “Perfect. Now all you need is some setting spray, then you can get changed.”
Aelin was doused in setting spray. No way was this makeup budging an inch. When her face dried she grabbed her dress and shimmied into it, careful not to ruin any of Lysandra’s hard work. Putting on the jewelry she’d brought started to pull the whole look together. When she strapped her red stilettos on the ensemble was complete. She looked stunning. Diamonds dripping from her neck down between her breasts, her wrists, her fingers, her ears. Everything about her said that she was expensive and untouchable. Sophisticated and elegant.
Lysandra handed her a bottle of perfume to tie the whole effect together. “You look stunning darling. That work party is about to get steamy.”
Her red lips turned up into a devious smile. Aelin checked the time and realized she had to go. She grabbed her clutch and slid her phone into it. One last onceover in the mirror and she stepped out of the bathroom and made to exit the apartment.
A whistle. “Damn Aelin. Whitethorn is one lucky bastard.”
“For the last time, Aedion, this isn’t a date.” Aelin sighed.
“Could’ve fooled me.” He persisted with a wink.
Leave it to Aedion to cheapen the moment. Aelin cursed him soundly under her breath as she stepped into the hall. Just as she closed the door Whitethorn opened his. Her mouth went dry. And Aelin thought she had looked good. He had on a tuxedo that was tailored to perfection. It showed off his broad shoulders and narrow hips flawlessly. And Lord have mercy his hair! He must have gotten it recently cut because all of the edges looked fresh. It was styled impeccably, lightly gelled so it looked as though there was no product, it kept the longer side of his part in a neat swoop of frosty silver. And his tan stood out so beautifully against it. The light stubble that coated his jaw helped with that.
“You look,” Sexy. Delicious. Her brain supplied. “dapper.”
He nodded in her direction, “You don’t look so bad yourself.”
Aelin studied her red acrylic nails and simply said, “I know.”
Whitethorn snorted. “At least I won’t have to worry about you acting any different.”
She smirked, then began to wonder. “Did you want me to? Act different I mean. Was I supposed to…?”
When she trailed off he prodded asking, “Were you supposed to what?”
Might as well just ask. No point in beating around the bush, she thought. “Did you want me to pretend to be your girlfriend or something? You know, so that Rebecca chick would leave you alone.”
“Remelle,” he corrected. Aelin just waved her hand as if to say semantics. He seemed to consider then said slowly, “I hadn’t really thought about it. We won’t say anything about the nature of our… relationship and my coworkers can come to their own conclusions.”
Aelin shrugged. “Fine. I just wanted to be on the same page.”
Now that that was out of the way she strutted over to the stair case and began her descent. Whitethorn seemed to realize where she was going and followed after her, his long legs allowing him to catch up quickly. They walked in silence out to the parking lot.
“Whose car are we taking?” she asked pulling out her keys.
Whitethorn took the lead saying, “Mine. What kind of date would I be if I made my guest drive?”
“At least you have some manners.”
He chuckled. “You act surprised.”
“Whenever I’m around you act like a brutish cave man. I’m surprised you tied that bow tie yourself.”
“Oh ye of little faith.”
The smirk he sent over his shoulder set Aelin’s insides to boil. She told herself it was just the heat of the evening air. “Where did you park?”
“Do you have any patience?”
“None whatsoever,” she informed him.
Whitethorn stopped at a silver Lexus and opened the door. “Then I guess it’s a good thing we’re here.”
She stepped into the passenger’s seat soundlessly. The leather seats were luxurious and every aspect of the interior was spotless. Honestly she expected nothing less. Whitethorn seemed like a fairly neat person. Seconds later he was sliding into the driver’s side. He stuck the key in the ignition and Aelin felt the engine purr to life. Nice.
“You said the Mistward Hotel?” he threw the gear into reverse but gave her a nod. She checked the time. “Well it’s almost 6:30.”
He cursed and pulled out of the parking lot at break neck speed. It took close to forty minutes to get to the Mistward Hotel. The hotel was in the heart of downtown and traffic was a bitch. “Did you have to take so long getting ready?”
“You walked out at the same time as me. But don’t worry, with your driving we’ll make it with time to spare.” She felt her stomach begin to crawl up her throat as she spoke.
He gave her a look and floored the accelerator. Aelin was right they arrived with about ten minutes before the event started. He handed the keys to the valet and the two of them strode into the grand entrance of the building. Everything about the place was awe inspiring. The chandeliers, the art, the architecture. It felt as though the breath had been snatched from Aelin’s lungs.
“Our convention room is down this hall,” Whitethorn told her nodding towards a corridor to the left.
When he offered his arm Aelin took it without a word. For the first time in a long time she was speechless. Whitethorn let out a little laugh. “If I’d known this would shut you up I’d have brought you sooner.”
Aelin glowered up at him but there was no real malice behind it, she was far too distracted by her surroundings. Together they strode into the rented space. Everything was elegantly decorated. Crisp white table cloths adorned the round tables set up sporadically throughout the room. The centerpieces were fine glass vases filled with perfectly preened bouquets of flowers. To Aelin it almost looked like a wedding reception. Complete with an open bar. Score.
“Rowan,” a sultry voice called.
Whitethorn stiffened but his face became a mask of calm. A devastatingly beautiful woman made her way over to them. Her pale blonde hair was half up with curls falling around her shoulders, the cerulean blue of her dress matched her eyes perfectly. If anything the blush was overdone on her ivory skin, but even then Aelin was just looking for a flaw on the gorgeous woman.
He gave her a tight smile. “Remelle.”
“It’s been awhile,” she held out her hand, which he shook far too quickly to be considered polite.
“It has.”
Remelle seemed to notice Aelin only then. Her smile became forced as she asked, “And who is this?”
“How rude of me. Aelin this is Remelle. Remelle this is Aelin.”
The two women shook. When Remelle released her hand Aelin said, “So lovely to meet you. I’ve heard about you.”
Remelle’s genuine smile returned, she seemed almost triumphant. “Oh, Rowan. Still talking about me?”
Whitethorn waved a dismissive hand. “Here and there.”
Her smile again became forced. “And how do you two know each other?”
Aelin slid imperceptibly closer to Whitethorn. “We’re just casual acquaintances. We met at the gym then my cousin and best friend moved in across the hall from him. Small world right?”
She turned a friendly smile over to Whitethorn as Remelle replied tartly, “Indeed.”
Thankfully another woman had impeccable timing. “Rowan, it’s so nice to see you again.”
When the two of them shook Whitethorn was far warmer than he was with Remelle. “Essar. Always a pleasure. This is Aelin. Aelin this is Essar.”
Aelin didn’t understand how Whitethorn could take someone so nasty to bed when there was someone as kind as Essar. Not to mention the small dark beauty had a set of curves that made even Aelin jealous.
Essar held out her hand to shake. “It’s nice to meet you, Aelin.”
“It’s nice to meet you as well, Essar.”
By this time Aelin had stepped away from Whitethorn. Even though she was a little grateful for the space, when Remelle glanced too long at the space between the two Aelin’s hackles rose. Subtly Aelin moved towards him again. And not a second too soon. Just then a man approached their small group. He was tall and slender, built like a whip. There was something about him that gave her a bad vibe. Then he smiled at her like that…
Her skin crawled.
“I don’t believe we’ve had the pleasure,” the man directed at Aelin.
Swallowing her disgust she replied, “I don’t believe so,” she stuck out her hand. “I’m Aelin.”
“Aelin,” he said it like he was trying to keep her name on his tongue for as long as possible. Her revulsion threatened to surface but she leashed it so hard she nearly choked on it. “Such a lovely name.”
He took her fingers in his hand. Instead of doing a traditional shake he brought her knuckles to his mouth and brushed his lips against them. Aelin felt queasy but she managed a polite, “And you are…?”
“Benson,” he supplied, straightening.
Carefully she took her hand back. “Good to meet you, Benson.”
“You have no idea,” he said giving her a serpentine smile that had her guard snapped all the way up.
Aelin felt Whitethorn sidle closer to her side. It drew Aelin out of herself a little and reminded her who the fuck she was. She was Aelin Ashryver Galathynius and she would not be afraid. Especially of some weasel that was creepy at best.
People began moving towards the tables to sit down. The group swiftly said their good byes and dispersed. Whitethorn led Aelin to their spots. She felt several heads turn in their direction, male and female. Aelin liked to think they were all looking at her but… Whitethorn was looking sharp too. And standing this close she could smell his incredible cologne. To her it made him even more appealing.
Wait… appealing? Aelin stopped herself right there.
He had escorted her to a table where he pulled out her chair for her and then seated himself at her side. As people joined the table he would discreetly fill in names. Fenrys. Lorcan. Gavriel. Connall. Vaughn. Those were the ones assigned to their circle.
When the pretty blond one, Fenrys, Whitethorn had said, noticed who was around him a shit eating grin spread across his face. “This night is already legendary.”
“This is a work dinner,” the dark brooding one, Lorcan, grumbled, “how could this possibly be a tolerable night? Let alone a legendary one?”
Fenrys wiggled his shapely brows, “Because Whitethorn has a hot date for once.”
All at once the males’ attention snapped to Aelin. She could feel Whitethorn bristle from his place next to her. He was clearly about ready to start a brawl, God only knew why it’s not like the man’s comment was offensive, so she decided to handle it herself.
Bracing her forearms against the table’s edge she leaned forward, pouring every ounce of predator fluidity she had into the movement, and cocked her head. “I don’t believe we’ve met.”
She felt his eyes traverse her form. They settled briefly on Aelin’s cleavage. When he finally met her gaze Fenrys said, “How unfortunate. We can fix that right now.”
A tight smile. “I’m Aelin. And you are…?”
“Fenrys. It’s a pleasure to meet you, Aelin.” He took her hand in his and maintained eye contact as he brought it to his lips. Kiss ass, she thought. “If I may, how did Whitethorn manage to get you to come with him?”
He still held her hand. “What do you mean?”
Giving her a roguish grin he clarified, “He isn’t exactly a catch. You my dear, on the other hand, certainly are.”
“Stop embarrassing yourself, Fenrys. Your flirting skills aren’t as good as you think they are,” Lorcan interrupted before Aelin could quip back.
Fenrys opened his mouth to snap a retort but quickly shut it as a breathtaking dark haired woman walked onto the stage. Her curls were pulled into an updo similar to Aelin’s that allowed full appreciation of her gorgeous, if cold, face. All of the men seated with her sat up straighter and stiffer. Including, to Aelin’s surprise, Whitethorn.
Taking a microphone the woman said, “Hello and welcome. I’d like to start out by thanking you all for coming. Tonight is a night for celebration. We are recognizing achievements and at the end of the evening we are announcing a new collaboration.”
She paused as polite applause rose from the audience. When it died down she continued, “Without further ado, I will introduce Cairn who will be hosting for the evening.”
Again polite applause filled the room as the woman stepped down from the stage and a man took her place at the microphone. Aelin noticed Whitethorn and his colleagues didn’t clap very enthusiastically for this Cairn person. Come to think of it, they hardly clapped for the woman either.
He began droning away when Aelin asked Whitethorn, “Who was the woman?”
As he leaned in she could smell his pine cologne. “My boss, Maeve Doranelle.”
“You work for Doranelle Inc.?” she hissed.
Aelin kicked herself for not asking where he worked, she was going to the event after all. But she never would have guessed he worked for one of the biggest publishing powerhouses in the country. The one rivaling her own place of employment.
“You didn’t know that?”
She gave him a look that said if I had known I wouldn’t be asking.
Several times throughout the awards portion of the evening Whitethorn or another member of their table stood up to go on stage and shake the Cairn guy’s hand and say a few words. Apparently they were prestigious associates of the company. Naturally. Just Aelin’s luck. She didn’t have any personal allegiance to the company that employed her but if her boss caught her here. Well losing her job would be the least of Aelin’s worries. Or so she thought. Cairn wrapped up the awards and Maeve stepped on stage once more. But this time she was accompanied by a man Aelin knew all too well.
“Mr. Hamel and I are here to announce the partnership agreement between Hamel Publishing House and Doranelle Inc. We have come to the conclusion that we would be far more productive working together than competing.”
It took everything in her not to let her jaw go slack with shock. But her mind suddenly put the pieces together. One or both of them plan on killing the other off. Suddenly it all seemed clear. The extra paper work and long hours that both she and Whitethorn had endured. Both bosses were preparing for the merge. Arobynn was ruthless enough to consider it and though Aelin had never spoken to Maeve she was convinced the woman was just as cut throat. But she kept her mouth shut.
She had to find the right moment to tell Rowan. Because both of them were close enough to this that if anything went down, they would go down with it.
@writerbutalsoanasshole @emilyshi101emu
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The Ghost of an Idea 5
Read Stave One: Bobby’s Ghost, Part 1
Read Stave Two: Bobby’s Ghost, Part 2
Read Stave Two: The First of the Three Spirits, Part 1
Stave Two: The First of the Three Spirits, Part 2
Stave Three: The Second of the Three Spirits
The clack of hooves were the first sound to penetrate Dean’s dreamless sleep. “Huh?” he snuffled into his pillow as he canted his ear towards the motel window. The unmistakable sound of a horse blowing air through its mouth? Nose? Whatever, Dean wasn’t really a rural kind of guy, cowboy fantasies notwithstanding. Anyway, that was definitely a horse within earshot of his room. He groggily pushed himself up off his stomach and stumbled towards the window. It was still open, cigarette-scented curtains waving in the sharp December Kansas wind. Dean peered out, wiping sleep from his eyes. Yep, that was a horse all right.
A big fucking white horse stood outside his window. Atop it, resplendent in velvet green Renaissance-style gowns, sat Charlie Bradbury, her auburn hair long again and styled with a circlet crown of twisted gold. She haughtily peered down at Dean. “Hop on, Handmaiden,” she ordered, tacking a crooked smile on at the end.
Dean eyed the horse warily. Again, he was more comfortable around engines than livestock. “Uh, I don’t really…” he began weakly.
“Shut up, bitch. Atreyu can smell fear.” Charlie said, suppressing laughter. She pat the horse’s flank behind her, indicating where he should sit. She extended the hand to assist him up.
Dean was expecting an embarrassing interlude that would rack up a lot of hits on YouTube (He could picture the headline now: Dad vs. Horse, Who Would Win?) Instead, the instant Charlie’s hand touched his, he felt the same weightlessness Jo’s touch had bestowed upon him. In a blink, he was seated, comfortably if not confidently, astride the brilliant white horse. Bow-leggedness had its advantages at times.
Charlie leaned forward in the saddle. “Engage.” she whispered with a smile in Atreyu’s ear, and they were off, flying through the air back to the bunker.
Dean tried not to enjoy it but it was hard, grasping Charlie’s warm green robes, watching the countryside float past in the darkness below. He had always hated airplanes but this felt almost nice. Secure. Maybe it was just Charlie. He adjusted his grip on her waist.
“Don’t get fresh, cowboy” Charlie teased, glancing back at him enough to wink. Dean grinned. Damn. He had really missed her.
“I wouldn’t dare.” he solemnly replied. He swallowed. Stingy. The word ricocheted around inside his head, fresh from his encounter with Jo and his trip down memory lane. “I, uh, really” Dean took a breath. “Missed you, Charlie,” he finished haltingly. See? He could use his words like a grown-up.
Charlie threw a knowing look over his shoulder. “Enjoy the clip show, did ya?” Dean avoided her gaze. “Yeah, Jo can come on a little strong. You should know, though; Bobby told her to not take it too easy on you. That’s how she got chosen for that part of the mission. I wanted to do the flashback sequence but he thought I’d be too nice.” Charlie scoffed. “As if.”
She whispered a command for Atreyu to come out of Warp and they descended. “You know the drill here, right?” Dean loved that about Charlie. She never acted like he was dumb. And she was almost as allergic to chick flick moments as he was.
Dean swallowed. “Yeah. Ghost of Christmas present, right?” She nodded and they hit solid ground, Atreyu smoothly trotting to a stop in front of the bunker door.
“Ladies first,” Charlie said, indicating the door. Dean rolled his eyes and opened it. They descended the stairs together, unnoticed. The scene was exactly as Dean had left it earlier in the night. An assortment of found and recycled ornaments adorned the Christmas tree’s branches. Lights were evenly distributed throughout the branches, except for where Sam had obviously tired of detangling them. A large knot of lights clumped in the back, where Sam probably figured no one would see them. Dean bit back an affectionate smile.
Dean’s eyes were immediately drawn to Cas. He was the brightest thing in any room. His posture was unusually relaxed back in his chair, which was pushed back from the table so he could watch Jack by the tree. He had loosened his tie, and gripped a beer bottle’s neck loosely in a hand. His eyes were wide and warm, focused on Jack.
Jack was stringing popcorn with an intensity and focus Dean associated with Cas. Dean noticed the needle in use had been liberated from their medical stash, probably last used to give someone stitches. Jack’s tongue was sticking out slightly as he aimed the needle toward the center of a kernel. Dean’s chest tightened in that predictable way when he thought about the nephilim and his relationship with his chosen father.
Sam sat at the war table. He leaned back, jamming his chopsticks with finality into a take-out container, and pushed his chair back, humming in satisfaction. Dean peered into the white box with Chinese characters on it, frowning at the veggie tofu dish inside. “Typical” Dean muttered, under his breath. Charlie elbowed him.
Cas took this as his cue, and pushed his chair back. He cleared his throat, looking at Jack, who dropped his craft project. “I’d like to propose a toast,” began Cas formally. Dean couldn’t help smiling. What a dork, he thought. He could practically hear the air quotes.
Sam looked surprised, then amused. He picked up his own beer bottle and waited for Cas to continue. Cas looked at Jack and raised an eyebrow, waiting. A few seconds ticked by before Jack picked up his own beer bottle, looking sideways at Sam to copy him. Dean was grinning now. That was just fucking adorable. Not like when Jack was trying to learn by imitating Dean. His grin slipped a little at the memory of how hard he had pushed Jack away at first.
Cas nodded, satisfied now that all members of their little party were participating in this social ritual. “To Dean,” Cas began. Dean’s mouth fell open in shock. Cas was still talking. “Even though he wasn’t able to be here tonight, he’s in our hearts. Always.” Cas raised his bottle a bit at this and made to drink when Sam interjected loudly:
“In our hearts?!” Sam’s eyebrows had disappeared into his hairline. “I wish he was here right now. I’d serve him a piece of my mind.” Sam scoffed. “Shit, I’d shove it down his throat.”
“Sam!” Cas said in a warning tone, cutting his eyes at Jack who was watching, nervous and confused. “It’s Christmas.”
“Yeah, yeah.” said Sam, running his fingers through his hair in a familiar gesture of frustration. “Just another Winchester holiday to remember; drinking a toast to a cowardly, weak man who ran out on his family.” He was as angry as Dean had ever seen him, lips pursed, pacing up and down in front of the tree, clenching his beer bottle tightly.
Cas put out a placating hand and repeated: “Sam. Christmas.” in a gentle voice.
Sam raked his hair back from his face, stopping his route in front of Jack. “I’ll drink to Dean for your sake and for Jack’s” said Sam, indicating them both with his beer bottle, “but not for his. A very Merry Christmas, big bro, wherever you slunk off to.”
Sam tipped his bottle up and Jack and Cas followed his lead, subdued. Dean’s face burned. How could Cas defend him like that? Why would Cas bother toasting Dean at all, like he was a worthy man, in the face of all evidence pointing to the contrary? He felt a flood of affection for his friend.
Dean felt Charlie’s elbow jostle his side again. “Aw. That was cute.” Charlie’s words held real affection. Dean gazed at Cas, who in turn was beaming at Jack, hanging up grody old socks for Santa. “You’re in his heart!” she practically squee-d, smacking his arm. Dean blushed furiously and looked away.
The truth was, Cas deserved better. He always had, and recent events did nothing to convince Dean otherwise. Why wouldn’t Cas get the hint and move on? Maybe he just needed time. Time away from Dean. Time to listen to Sam’s fairly accurate assessment of Dean’s strength and courage when it came to emotional intimacy.
But what if he didn’t move on? “What will happen to Cas?” Dean asked Charlie suddenly. Now that the worry had entered his head, he found it impossible to forget. Dean could always run; he had the Impala, he had hunting, he had alcohol and one-night stands and long- and short-cons and violence. He had Sam. In short, Dean had a lifetime of experience with unhealthy coping mechanisms for heartbreak and loss. Cas had no such practice.
Charlie just gave him a look of pity and understanding. “C’mon” she urged, dragging him up the stairs. Dean gave one last look at the trio around the tree, now exchanging presents wrapped in old magazine paper. He caught a flash of Cas’ teeth as he smiled broadly at the assorted-flavored Osage honey sticks Jack had bought him at a convenience store in the Ozarks. The metal door of the bunker clanged, cutting off the beautiful sight of that smile.
With a snort and a whoosh, Atreyu bore them aloft and they landed in a field outside the bunker. Charlie dismounted with an imperious air. She strode away from Dean a few paces. “I want to show you something” she said, grimly.
She whisked her green velvet skirts out of the way to reveal two tiny figures huddled by her legs. One was a person of extremely advanced age: emaciated skin dotted with skin sores, balding head peppered with white stringy hair, mouth puckered with toothless gums, hands tipped with claw-like yellowed nails, eyes cloudy with cataracts. “This is loneliness” Charlie intoned.
The other was an emaciated young teen, bright red scars lining their arms and legs. Their eyes were red with tears and their hair was greasy and unwashed. They were curled in on themselves, clutching their stomach and rocking themselves. “And this is self-loathing” Charlie said carefully, piercing Dean with a knowing gaze.
Dean moved on instinct. He rushed forward to help, but Charlie halted him with a ghostly strong hand. “Can’t you save them?” he shouted at her angrily.
“Dean,” Charlie began in a mockingly cheerful tone sharper than any Dean had ever heard her use in life, “Better for them to be alone, to be the ones pushing others away, right?” Dean grit his teeth. He had never said those words aloud, had only thought them to himself every time he wanted to gather Cas in his arms.
Her face softened and she said “I know you like to pretend to be functionally illiterate but even you’ve heard the Tennyson quote. ‘Better to have loved and lost than to have never loved at all.’”
Dean snorted in derision. “Yeah, that’s pretty much the opposite of my life motto.”
“No shit, Sherlock.” Again, Charlie threw his words back at him. “Why do you think I’m doing this for Bobby? We’re trying to get through to you, bitch.” She rolled her eyes dramatically, re-covering the shrunken nightmare figures below her skirts.
Dean retorted ‘I’m as free as a bird, now, and this bird you cannot change.” He crossed his arms across his chest with a defiance he did not feel.
Charlie’s look was pure pity. “Did you really just quote ‘Free Bird?’ What’s next? You going to tell me how when it’s time for leaving you hope I’ll understand that you were born a ramblin’ man?” She stage-whispered, “Do you ever think learning about love and relationships exclusively from your grief-addled father and classic rock lyrics might not have given you the healthiest outlook?”
Dean meant to sigh dramatically, to cast his eyes skyward, to give a witty retort, preferably with a nerdy pop-culture reference. Instead, he found himself reaching forward to pull Charlie into a hug. To press his lips into her red hair, to tell her just how much she meant to him. Just as his arms extended, she abruptly disappeared. A glance behind him showed Atreyu was toast, too. And now he was choked up with the loss of her.
He saw the glint of light off metal across the field had Dean prepared to flee. As the figure drew closer, Dean relaxed, if only minutely. It was a woman with a glorious crown of black curls, perfectly painted red lips lips, and a leather jacket Dean could find himself coveting. It was Billie. Death.
Read Stave Four: The Last of the Three Spirits
2 notes · View notes
kitgilmore · 7 years
Sitting on the front porch was the perfect way to spend a Sunday night, Kit thought, she finally pick a cello piece for her audition, 2nd Bach Suite No.2 in D minor, when she spoke to Peter about it yesterday, he told her she would be asked to play 3 octave scale (Major and Minor). Kit decides Bach would be a good place to start and then she could just follow instructions, find out what her teacher wanted from her.
“That's nice,” Lorelai said as Rory passed a can of whipped cream to her sister after filling her mouth, Kit repeated this action.
“Thank you.” she said her mouth full.
“Don't move, please.”
“So, why are you insisting on doing this?” Their mother was currently painting Rory’s toenails, Kit has clear polish on her nails, for the first time since what seemed like forever, they weren't painted with one of the 60 bottles of blue nail varnish she seemed to own.
“Well, because you're starting private school tomorrow.”
“Yes, but I'm going to be wearing shoes. Nobody's gonna see my feet.”
“Okay, but everybody knows that private school girls are bad, and bad girls always wear red nail polish.”
“What teen movie did you pick that up from.” Kit said. Rory was a few from a bad girl as anyone could get.
“Are you nervous?”
“About what?” Rory said
“About starting Chilton.”
“Yes!” Kit yelled getting up from her seat, she was in desperate need of a Fanta.
“Well, I wasn't until I heard about all those bad girls.” she heard Rory say.
“Guys, guys! New CD - XTC, Apple Venus Volume 2.” She heard Lane scream, running into the house past Kit, in search of a stereo. Kit just laughed, opening the fridge.
Rory Gilmore was defiantly more anxious than the rest of her household, however the night before their first day of school Kit Gilmore was keep awake with worry, so when her alarm began to ring at 6.am she almost threw it across the room, but decided smashing a mirror on this particular day would have devastating consequences.
When her sister came busting through her door at 7:10, Kit was standing in front of the mirror, adjusting her plaid skirt, blue shirt and blazer uniform, her hair pulled in a loose side braid, tights, socks and black and white loafer which were the worse part of this who ensemble. Rory let out the breath she was holding.
‘Its 7:10.”
“I can read a clock too..” She snapped, “Sorry I needed Coffee…” grabbing her leather messenger bag, checking one last time she had everything she needed. She picked up her cello with both hands. “I’m ready”. She began to maneuver her instrument down the stairs but could hear her sister and mother.
“What? God! Hi.”
“What are you doing?” Rory yelled looking at her barely awake mother.
“Having a heart attack.”
“I thought you were up. It's 7:10!”
“it's 7:10!”
Putting the heavy cello by the door, she made her through to the kitchen thanking God her sister made a pot of coffee.
“We have to go! What if there's traffic? Mom!” she heard Rory yell. Rory was a very punctual person.
“Okay, you know what, time lady? Why don't you go downstairs grab your sister and warm up the car? That would be really super. Thank you.”
“Just hurry!” Rory yelled bouncing down the stairs before Kit could even put down her cup, to pick up her book bag, Rory yelled.
“Kit, Come on”
After loading their things into the car, Kit returned to the kitchen, grabbed an apple.
“It's 7—“
“Don't even think of finishing that sentence!”
“Wow.” she said noticing her mothers outfit, denim cut off and a tie dye t shirt.
“Nothing. I just didn't know the rodeo was in town.” Kit sniggered.
“All right, that's it,” she said grabbing a photograph of the twin naked. “I’m bringing the baby pictures.”
“No! I'm sorry! I love the rodeo,” Kit started chasing after her.
“the rodeo rules!”
Driving through their town was bitter sweet, both sisters were lost in their head, while their mother was going on and on about something. They passed the high school and Lane sounded by a splash of red uniforms, Kit looked down at her new blue one and sighed, she didn't think she would ever miss Stars Hollow High but right she did, the kids there looked happy, she wondered if the new students she would meet would nice to her, prep school kids couldn't be as bad as movie had made them out to be right.
When they finally made it Chilton, despite the earlier rush neither Rory or Kit move from their seats instead just looked up at their new school. This place was huge, it looked it like come Halloween its would house a great haunted mansion.
“I Remember it being smaller,” Rory said, the three Gilmore tilting their heads to get a better look, Kit sandwich between them.
“Yeah. And less. . .”
“Off with their heads.” Kit finished.
“What are you looking at?”
“I'm just trying to see if there's a hunchback up in that bell tower.”
“He's probably roaming around the grounds.” Kit said.
“So, how do I look?” Rory asked.
“You look great…” she said to Rory before turning to her second born to say. “You both look wonderful.”
Kit smiled and began to gather her things, taking a deep breath.
“Really. You are an amazing kid. You have earned this.You just go in there and show them what smart really is.I love you.”
“Just call me if you need me”
“You're kidding, right?” Rory asked, looking like she was on the brink of a panic attack.
“No. Call me if you need anything…both of you” Her both told them sweetly.
“I'm great at making up dirty cheers.” Grinning in that Gilmore way. Kit just rolled her eyes, as if either of her daughters would ever be a cheerleader.
“You have to go in with us” Kit added.
“Girls, come on.” Lorelai winced, looking down at her outfit.
“You have to meet the headmaster.”
“Well, look at me, Rory. I can't meet anybody who does anything in there.”
“No, I look like that chick from the Dukes of Hazzard,” she said sternly. Kit was beginning to believe this wasn't going to start well.
“This is our first day. You are not getting out of going in there with ours.” Rory said in her adult voice that once Kit to apologises to Katie Asher for ‘accidentally’ hitting her with a dodgeball in 4th grade. Crossing her arms she said. “Period.”
Rory opened the door, letting her sister pass, Kit opened the back door, grabbing her cello, putting in on her back, she adjusted her bag, now she was ready.
“Good morning.” she heard her mother say to two women who shared a look and then walked away.
“Oh, well, we're gonna be best friends,” she remarked to Rory, putting on her coat to cover her poor outfit choices. The twins made their way through the stone arches, past the iron gate, leading to what appeared to the quad.
“So, where do we go?”
Rory pulled out a piece of paper, always prepared.
“Uh, the Ambroise building.”
“Which is?”
“The big, scary one.”
“As opposed to the middle scary ones, whats your gage here?” Kit said to her sister, After years of carrying around her cello, the tall teen had gotten used to disrupting the weight evenly but that didn't mean she wanted to walk around aimlessness. She let out a huff, she was beginning to get flush.
“Lost?” Noticed a talk, dark-haired man, smiling in a way that made Kit’s skin crawl.
“Oh, yeah. Uh, we're looking for the headmaster's office, the Ambroise building.” Their mother explained.
“Ah, okay. Well, this is it right here.” He started, looking around “You just go inside, down the stairs, make a left, and the headmaster's office is at the end of the hall.” pointing out the direction.
“Great. Thank you.”
“You're welcome.”
Rory grabs hold of her mother's arm, but the Ian extends his hand.
“Merde” Kit whispers, falling back on her heels.
“Um, I'm Ian Jack.” He introduced. “My daughter Julia goes to school here.”
“Do you call her JJ.?” Kit asked though he seemed to ignore her. Julia Jack tough break. Her mother shakes his hand.
“Hi. I'm Lorelai Gilmore. Um, these are my daughters Rory and Kit.” She clarified pointing to each of them in turn.
“Your daughters? Really?” he asked surprised as if she would have someone other explanation why she at this school, at this hour looking for the principle. Kit wonder how old they would have to get before people stopped questioning that detail.
“Wow, that's great. Uh, I mean, daughters are a great thing.” The twins exchanged a look that said are you serious.
“We're big fans.”
“Yeah. Uh, yeah. So, is your husband here? I'd love to meet him.”
“I'm not married.”
“I'd love to meet your wife, though.”
“Oh god” Kit exclaimed, shifting her feet once again, Rory was now studying her watch, For Christmas two years ago, their grandparents had brought them matching silver faced, brown leather watches, they both always wore them, along with a small chained vintage Tiffany bracelet Kit had found in a thrift shop, the last time they’d visited New York.
“I'm divorced.”
“Hello…Headmaster..” Kit finally said, after having about enough of the whole conversation, she was already tired, they dad had just begun.
“Right! We gotta go meet the big guy, and I gotta, uh, get back to work.” they started to walk away before being caught in the web again. oh brother. Kit feel back on her feet, wondering how long it would be before she could wear her boots to school.
there were students being dropped off, by their parents, by their oh so obvious nanny’s, in a silver BTW convertible, Kit caught the eye of a boy, perhaps a little older than her, he appeared to be arguing in with the girl in his passenger seat, her short brown hair framed a round face, her eyes a little heavier on makeup then Kit had allowed herself to have this morning. Opening the door the girl pulled out a violin case, said goodbye to the boy and walked towards the quad. Kit blushed when she realised she'd been staring a little too long, turning away she catch the rest of her mother's conversation with the man who might become her new stepfather.
“Well, it was nice to meet you, Lorelai. Good luck in school, Rory. I'll tell Julia to look out for you.”
“Great, thanks.”
“See you.”
When Kit turned back towards the fountain, the car was gone. Rory’s hand came down on her shoulder, her face serious.
“What a nice, nice man.”
“You're feeling pretty good about yourself right now, aren't you?”
“Do you want me to get you a mirror?” Kit snapped, the smiled on her mother face faded.
“I'm back… Let’s go.”
Walking through another glass door, plus a second iron gate before they found themselves in a very grand room that housed a staircase and a 1/5 of the worlds wood.
“Oh, good, more big stuff,” Lorelai commented sarcastically, Looking around Kit decided just to let her sister be the navigator on this particular mission. As they descended the staircase Rory said “Turn left.” Kit noticed, three girls, stare them, when Kit turned back they had the most annoyed expression on their face, she just shook her head slightly and continued.
Reaching the white double doors, the ‘Headmaster Charleston.’ seemed bigger than it was everything here seemed bigger than it was.
“You ready?”
“No.” The twins said.
Taking a few deep breaths.. they mother asked again, this time the twins said
“Yes.” as they pushed the doors opened. Inside a very old secretary wearing glasses on a string was sitting behind another vintage looking desk, she wondered where they shopped, if it really was vintage or if it had just been here since it was new.
“Um, excuse me.” Their mother said quietly. The women looked up which caused the three Gilmore’s to jump back slightly, at the slight women’s heavy makeup.
“ Oh! How... .wow, hi. I'm Lorelai Gilmore. These are my daughters, Lorelai Gilmore... .'cause I named her after me, and Christine Gilmore after her father, I was in the hospital all whacked out on Demerol.”
Kit nudged her mother “ Never mind. Um, but we call them Rory and Kit. It's short for Lorelai and Christopher, but they’ll answer to either one or even 'Hey, you' depending on the. . .” Now it was Rory’s turn to nudge her mother to stop her babbling.
“Uh, is the headmaster here?”
The women looked at them puzzled before standing up, saying “One moment.”
Kit sniggered, “What was that?” releasing her cello from her back, it landed on the ground with a thud.
“See, that's what happens when you go to bed with your makeup on.”
A moment later, she returned.
“Headmaster Charleston will see you now.”
“Great, great. Thanks.”
The followed their mother through the door, Headmaster Charleston was a round, tall man with white hair, with a slight southern accent. He looked like Kit had imagined a headmaster would look. She loved it when that happened.
“Ms. Gilmore, I'm Headmaster Charleston.” He said shaking their mother's hand formally.
“Hi. Wow, it's really nice to meet... “ He voices trailed off, the twins followed her gaze to see their grandmother sat on the leather sofa, underneath a very old painting. “Ex..Mom. Um, excuse me. What are you doing here?” she finished, letting go of the headmaster's hand, a moving towards her Mother. Emily Gilmore stood up and made a beeline for her granddaughters.
“I came to wish my granddaughters luck on their first day of school.” she replied as it was obvious.
“But -“ Lorelai started but her mother cut her off.
“Don't you look wonderful in uniforms!” Kit looked down, is that how she looked wonderful, she felt unconformable, anxious and flushed.
“Uh, you didn't have to come all the way out here, Mom.” she said Kit hugged her grandmother after Rory, propping up her Cello case, against the wall, out of the door.
“Well, this gave me a chance to make sure that Hanlin here takes good care of Rory.” She told her daughter proudly.
“Hanlin's wife and I are on the symphony fundraising committee together, Kit you meet her once remember” Kit tried to remember, she had a vague recollection of a thin blonde woman, with a ridiculous nickname she just nodded, her mother shot her a look.
“Wow, that's great.” Which in Gilmore meant something other than enthusiasm.
“Your father and I are golf rivals. We're still fighting it out to see which one is worse.”
“Oh, yes.” Emily said as if she just remembered:“We’re all old friends.” Kit wondered why people did that.
“Well, there's nothing like friends. Especially if they're old... .ones.” Their mother really was on a roll today.
“Well, would you like to take off your coat and have a seat?” The Headmaster suggested.
“Oh, no. No, I'm fine.” she struggled to say.
“I'm afraid they were a little overzealous with the furnace this morning. It's quite warm in here.” The twins looked between their mother, grandmother and new headmaster, self-consciously.
“I like it warm.”
“Lorelai, take off your coat and sit down.” Emily said with gritted teeth “You don't want Hanlin to think you're rude.”
Reluctantly she takes off her coat, smiles an embarrassed smile at both her daughter before saying “Laundry day.”
Emily decided to change the subject “Hanlin, did you know that both Rory and Kit have a 4.0-grade average?” Kit was sure her’s was close to 3.9 but okay.
“I'm sure he does, Mom.”
“And Kit is a marvellous cellist, she’s going to make a wonderful addition to the orchestra.”
The twins sat down on the old leather chairs, while their mother took the seat next to them. They both looked slightly uncomfortable with the praise their grandmother was giving them.
“These are very special girls. You take good care of them.”
“We'll do our best, Emily.”
“Oh, God. my daughters are not gonna be a problem. they are totally low maintenance, you know, This one like a Honda.” she said pointing to Rory “You know, they're just easy, just. . .”
Kit and Rory both coughed trying to stop their mother from talking so much.
“…Nice office.”
“Well, I don't think we should take up any more of your precious time. Hanlin, it was lovely to see you. Give Bitty our love.” Bitty that was it. She guesses Kit wasn't any better. Emily shook his hand and he kissed her check in that polite way.
“Tell Richard I'll see him at the club Sunday.”
“Have a wonderful day, girls. I want to hear all about it.” She said sweetly to her granddaughter, who each smile and nodded.
“Do you need a ride or is your horse parked outside?” she stubbed her daughter.
“It's so nice to meet you.”
“Have a great day?” she tells her daughters kissing them both on their forehead. Kit was both nervous and relieved her mother was leaving.
“Oh, you don't want to forget your coat.” The headmaster call to her before she reached the door.
Once their mother and grandmother had left, Headmaster Charleston suggested their conduct their interview individually, Kit and Rory both silently decided she would go first.
“Your turn, Ms. Gilmore,” he said as she walked Rory out of the room with a thick file.
“Thank you,” she said standing up, looking at where she cello was leaning against the bench, she knew Rory was going to wait for her.
Come in, have a seat.” he ushers her back toward the seat she a previous occupying. Retrieving a copy of what she knew was her transcript from his desk, she took the seat across from her.
“You’re obviously a bright girl, Miss Gilmore” He is looking the folder.”
“Thank you,” she replied politely,
“Very well rounded, Good grades, the teachers like you, You took your grade 7 cello exams last spring” she nodded.
“Lots of social activities, Choir, You founded the Russian club, you were in your freshman production of a midsummer nights dream, is theatre something that interests you?” he asked
“It was enjoyable, but I prefer being in the orchestra if I'm being honest.”
He took another look at her before asking “What are your aspirations, do you want to go to Harvard like your sister?”
“No, id like to Yale” Kit wasn't really sure where this came from, it was unmentioned that she didn't want to follow her sister to Harvard, and the more she thought about, the more she looked into it Yale seemed like a better fit.
“They have a great History department, Daniel Lerner who is kind of crazy but also a genius,” she said rather quickly. “I'd like to minor in Music composition and major in History or Russian.”
“On your way to being. . .” The question gave her pause, she knew he was looking for a figure, someone she’d admired but honestly.
“Well-educated, and cultured,” He gave her a look to continue “I'd like to travel, to learn as much as I could, from different people who have lead different lives, so my perspective doesn't become too single dimensional but I do have people I admire, Mary Shelley, Sol Gabetta, Jacqueline de pré, Queen Victoria.”
“I’m not sure I want to live someone else lives. I’d never want to become someone who knows runs out of things to learn” he seemed content with her answer.
“I've known your grandparents for quite some time.”
“I know.
“In fact, I was at a party at their house just last week where I had the most delicious lobster puffs I've ever eaten. I'm very fond of them.”
“They are wonderful grandparents.”
“None of this, however, will be of any benefit to you. Chilton has one of the highest academic standards of any school in America. You may have been one the smartest girl at Stars Hollow, but this is a different place.” He moved behind his desk, taking a seat and a chair that suddenly seemed a lot bigger.
“The pressures are greater, the rules are stricter, and the expectations are higher. If you make it through, you will have received one of the finest education one can get, and there should be no reason why you should not achieve all your goals. However, since you are starting late and are not used to this highly competitive atmosphere, there is a good chance you will fail. That is fine. Failure is a part of life, but not a part of Chilton. Understand?”
“Take this to Miss James in the administration office across the hall.” with that Kit left the room, not sure how to feel. She saw Rory who took the large file from her so she could pick up her cello.
Once they’d found the administration office another old, more strict looking women greeted them.
“Hi, we’re looking for Miss James,” Rory told her.
“Names?” She asked looking at both of us.
“Lorelai Gilmore. But I go by Rory.
“Christine Gilmore. But I like to be called Kit”
“Fill this out, please.”
Taking the paper, she takes the twins files. They both begin to fill out the paperwork unaware, of the commotion going on outside the window.
Shut up.
Hurry, please. Spiders.
Lorelai Gilmore.,Christine Gilmore.
Nice stripper name.
Formerly of Stars Hollow High School.
Where's that?
Drive west, make a left at the haystacks and follow the cows.
Ooh, Dixie chicks.
Perfect attendance, 4.0-grade point average. One a grade 7 cellist
Bugs, dirt, twigs.
One’s a Journalism major, the other’s a language major
That means she's gonna go out for the school paper.
Not necessarily. She's got like a thousand recommendations in here.
Popular with the adults and going out for the school paper.
Would you stop? You don't know she's going out for the paper.
Ow, something's biting me!
Quiet down.
I hate nature.
They’ll never catch up. They’re a month behind already.
You can tutor her. Be like a big sister.
You're funny.
Okay, lizard, goodbye
Why are they letting all these extra people in? They just take up space and screw up the curve. We don't need any new kids here.
Too late.
“Here's the dining room, the science hall, and the theatre. Here's your locker number, here's your schedule, This is your for the instrument” she motion to Kit who took the piece of paper with a combination on it, Music locker, prep school perk.
“Take this map. Here are the rules of the school and the Chilton Honor Code. Here are the words to the school song, which must be recited upon demand. This can happen any place, any time. If you do it in Latin you get extra credit. Do you have any questions?”
“Uh, not at the moment.”
“If you do, you can make an appointment to see your guidance counsellor, Mr Winters. He handles everything but bulimia and pregnancy. For that, you'll have to go to the nurse or Coach Rubens. Welcome to Chilton.”
The twins looked at each, and each sighed, now their Chilton experience could really start.
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holylulusworld · 6 years
Green-eyed monster
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Request: Can you do please Dean x reader ... possessive dean even with Sam? Is jealous because they do yoga an jogging together. Dean and Reader are not a couple but are in love and at the end they got together. Smut, angst and fluff (Reader is younger than Sammy, like 26 years)
Pairing: Dean x Reader, Sam
Warnings: language, angst, arguments, age gap, jealous/possessive Dean, fluff, oral (female receiving), vaginal sex (unprotected)
  "Hey, Sammy do you want another drink?" You ask.
“No, I’m fine,” Sam answers smiling.
“What about you, Dean?”
Not answering your question Dean is busy chatting up a busty waitress. You wish Dean would give you the same attention he gives all those random chicks.
Shrugging you decide to check the jukebox out. Those awesome ‘little’ machines are rare these days. Searching your favorite song you lean against the jukebox.
Taking a deep breath you look over your shoulder at Dean. He’s smiling at the waitress and gives her ‘the look’, the ‘I want you’ look; he will never look at you like that.
Turning around you focus on searching a song. At least you can have some fun…even if it’s on your own…again.
“Hmm…good stuff…old the classic rock,” you say to yourself.
“Shall I buy you a song?” A small, bulky guy asks.
“No thanks, I’m good,” you try to stop his flirting.
Choosing your song you start swaying your hip to the music. Getting closer to you the bulky guy tries to move his hands to your waist.
Before he has the chance to touch you, Dean is pushing him away. Grabbing your arm he drags you out of the bar.
“What the fuck Dean, I wanted to hear the song!”
“I told you to not wear that kind of outfit in a bar,” he mutters.
“What’s your problem? I could’ve kicked his ass on my own. I may be younger than Sam but I know how to kick an ass! Maybe I would’ve liked it, him touching me.”
“The hell, that disgusting bastard has to keep his hands in his pockets. Now we’ll drive back to the motel. Next time you won’t wear such a short skirt,” Dean orders.
You want to argue, to talk back, but you know better. One word leads to another and you’ll have another fight.
Licking his lips Dean waits for your response. God, you love it when he gets mad, he looks even hotter when he’s mad…sadly he would never show any interest in you, so you decide to not talk back, you would only be turned on. Occupying the shower for over an hour again would make the Winchester suspicious.
“Fine, you were right. You win, daddy. Next time I’ll wear pants.”
Smirking Dean watches you taking place in the backseat. Satisfied with his ‘little win’ he gets in the car. No one has to touch you, no one. You belong to him. You are only his.
 One week later…
“Man, I’m done Sam, you really are fast! Can you not run a bit slower for me?”
“Hey, you wanted to run with me, so you have to keep up with my speed,” Sam says laughing.
“That’s not fair! Look at your long legs! I’m much shorter than you.” Pouting you stare up at the tall hunter. Chuckling he hugs you tight.
What you and Sam can’t see is Dean watching you. Clenching his jaw to the point of pain he rams his fist into the wall next to him.
Flinching at the loud noise you look at Dean. His hand is bleeding.
Rushing to Dean’s side you check his hand. “What happened?” You ask worriedly.
“I slipped and my fist landed in the wall,” Dean lies.
“Let me clean the wound and check if it needs stitches. Since when are you so clumsy, D’?”
“I was distracted by seeing you and Sam making out,” he grunts.
Laughing you shake your head. “We didn’t make out, dumbass. Now let me take care of you, idjit.”
After taking care of his hand you wonder. Was Dean jealous? Why did he watch Sam and you? Did he hit the wall on purpose? No way, he always ignored you. Never reacted to you. He will never feel what you feel for him…
Another week later…
“Can you show me the position again?” You beg Sam.
“Wait, look how I do it. You place your feet like that and then you move your arms to this position,” Sam explains.
“Why is Yoga so difficult? Am I doing it right?”
“No, wait. I’ll help you.”
Moving his hands to your waist Sam helps you bend over. Giggling you feel his hair tickling your back while he helps you to adjust your hands.
“Hands off Sam or I swear I’ll kick your ass,” Dean yells angrily.
“Dude, calm down! What’s wrong?” Sam asks confused.
“You grabbed her ass. Do you think I’m blind? You stay close to her at the bar, you jog with her and now you grab her ass right in front of me! You can’t have her!”
“Whoa! Sam and I are only friends! What’s your problem?”
“You are my problem!”
“Did I do something wrong?” You sob now.
“Dean, stop yelling at her! We didn’t do anything wrong,” Sam grunts.
“You can’t touch her like that!”
“Why? Only as you’re not interested in me every other man has to keep his distance to me too or what?” You mutter.
Clenching his fists and jaw at the same time Dean is staring angrily down at you.
“Dean, calm down. Look at her face, she’s frightened,” Sam says.
“No…she ain’t frightened, I would never…she’s mine. You can’t have her,” Dean grunts.
Grabbing your arm he drags you toward his room. Locking the door he looks down at you. Sniffing you stare up at the man you love. Why is he so mad at you?
“Did I do something wrong?” You whisper.
“Sorry, I didn’t want to scare you. I…it’s just... I don’t like it when you are close to other men…I just don’t like it…you are mine…you belong to me,” Dean rasps.
Moving his thumb over your lower lip he looks into your eyes. Feeling you tense he tilts his head to kiss you softly.
Stunned you’ve got no clue what’s happening. Dean Winchester is kissing you and your knees go weak. Moaning you open your mouth for him so he can snake his tongue with yours.
Placing your hands at his chest you play with the fabric of his shirt while you melt into his arms.
Breaking the kiss Dean just watches you. He never looked at you like that before. Biting your lower lip you look into his olive eyes, almost hypnotized you just stand there in his room, completely stunned.
“I want you for so long, Y/N,” Dean whispers.
Smiling you move your thumb along his scruffy jawline. Standing on tiptoes you kiss his lips softly. 
“I want you too, Dean, always have,” you whisper.
“I’m sorry I yelled. I got jealous and I couldn’t bear seeing Sam touching you the way I want to touch you.”
"Then touch me, Dean, right now. Touch me like you want to."
“God, all the things I want to do to you,” he groans before pushing you down onto his bed. Pressing you to his bed with his weight he roams your body. Touching every part of you he always wanted to touch.
"Your hands feel so good on my body," you whimper when he moves his rough hands over your skin. Due to the fact you're only wearing a tiny yoga tank top and shorts, there's barely any barrier between your body and his.
Getting impatient Dean rips the top off your body. Sliding your shorts down he leaves you only in your panties.
“Fucking goddess,” he praises.
“Hey, I’m naked but you are still completely covered! Not fair…get naked Winchester!” You order pouting.
“So cute when you pout…hmmm…and all mine.”
“Only if you manage to get naked soon. I’m freezing over here and I could need your help to get hot again…”
Stripping his clothes of Dean watches your reaction. Licking your lips you pinch your nipples while you can’t take your eyes of Dean’s naked body. His firm chest, the freckles all over his body and his fucking huge cock.
“Like what you see?”
"Yeah…now come over here my green-eyed monster…"
"Hmmm…you turn into a green-eyed monster when you're jealous…like Hulk," you giggle.
"Going to show you what the green-eyed monster can do to you," he warns.
Hovering over you he starts kissing down your neck. Planting soft kisses all over your chest he smiles against your skin when he starts sucking at your nipples. Circling his tongue around the nub he groans against you.
Giving the other nipples the same treatment he chuckles when you can stop whimpering. Releasing your nipples he kisses down your stomach. Sucking a hickey at your hipbone he hums in satisfaction.
Feeling his hot breath fanning over your still covered mound you shiver. Before you can blink he rips the thin fabric into pieces.
“I hope that wasn’t one of your favorite's,” Dean chuckles. As if he would care at all.
Spreading your thighs open he presses his body between your legs. Kissing your mound he slides only the tip of his tongue through your folds.
“Please, more Dean…please.”
Diving in he starts licking and lapping at your pussy. Groaning Dean eats you out like there’s no tomorrow. Whimpering you can only take his assault while you feel him sucking at your clit. Tugging at his hair you keep him in place to slowly grind your pussy into his face.
Screaming you buck your hips while Dean grins like insane. Cleaning his face with his blanket he crawls toward you. Kissing you softly he let you taste yourself on his tongue.
Stroking his cock he just watches you before he gently pushes home. Biting your lower lip you let him press his chest to yours. Holding you tight he slowly starts moving.
God, he's thick and long, so he reaches all the right places inside of you. Moving your hands to his back you feel his muscles flex under your touch.
Meeting his thrusts you can’t take your eyes of the man above you. Looking at you with his olive eyes he smiles at you.
Placing your legs around Dean’s waist you dig your heels into his ass to urge him on.
“Dean, so close…harder, please.”
“Me too, you feel too good, baby.”
Moaning you feel the burning in your abdomen getting stronger while Dean's thrusts become more erratic. Scratching your nails down his back you come screaming his name.
Riding your high out he fucks harder into you. Whimpering you still meet his thrusts while you move your hands to his neck to bring him down for a kiss. Falling over the edge too he moans into your mouth when he fills you with his cum.
"That was awesome, my green-eyed monster," you giggle.
"Same. Should've done this much earlier," Dean rasps.
Gently pulling out he falls down next to you. Panting you both try to catch your breath while you rest your head onto his chest.
Planting a soft kiss to your forehead Dean can’t stop smiling, you’re finally his.
“We really need to do this again,” you state.
“So…can I call you my girlfriend from now on?” Dean asks.
"Sure, I'm all yours my, green-eyed monster."
 Forever Tags
@donnaintx, @screechingartisancashbailiff, @fallen-wolf22, @curly-haired-disaster, @sister-winchesters99, @mogaruke, @the-is13, @helloitsmeamie203, @strayrosesbloom , @thewinchesterco , @hobby27, @kittycatlover18,   @gh0stgurl, @marvelfansworld, @sandlee44, @hawaiianohana15, @unlikelysamwinchesteronahunt​,  @katpatrova17​, @notyourtypicalrose , @heyitscam99
Dean/Jensen Forever Tags
@spnfamily-thewinchesters​, @love-my-not-natural-babies​, @supernatural-bellawinchester​, @butifulsoul125​, @lyinginthegingerlocks​, @mirandaaustin93​, @hawaiianohana15​, @spn-dean-and-sam-winchester
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kindly-creatot · 7 years
sleepytowns&cemeteries pt4
and now for the next part in this little fanfic.
+1 (651) 378-0091      new photo message
Dash looked at his phone like it was possessed and carefully picked it up to look at the message. Was it Danny? He hadn't gotten his number last Friday. He opened the text and then promptly closed his phone. Kwan came up to him a second later and laughed a bit.
"Why're you so red? Get a dirty pic?" Dash could only make a noise and felt his neck heat up with a blush. "Holy shit, really?" He grabbed at Dash's phone and the blonde couldn’t even fight him. His friend opened the phone with the memorized lock-code and checked the message himself before busting out laughing.
"Stop laughing!" Dash exclaimed and grabbed his phone back. "Who would be sending me this?"
"Dude! It's just a picture of Fenton sleeping without a shirt," Kwan laughed at his friend and pulled out his phone, opening it and checking his contacts. "Yeah, that's Sam's number,"
"How would Sam even have my number?" Dash squinted his eyes at Kwan. "Also, she fucking knows. She knows, Kwan. How could she know, Kwan?" His friend at least had the decency to look slightly ashamed.
"I asked her what Danny liked to do, you know? To get some info, but she started questioning me. She's intimidating, dude," Dash couldn't fault him for that, he guessed. Sam was a force to be reckoned with. He gave a heavy sigh and looked at his phone again before closing it and shoving it in a pocket.
"It's fine, I guess. Let's just… get through class, okay?" Dash grabbed his book and headed to Lancer's classroom, thankful it was the last of the day. He walked in and Danny was already in his seat.
Dash stood still in the doorway like he was waiting for something to happen. Like Danny to look up and smile at him, or something cheesy like in those romance novels his mom tried to keep hidden from his dad. Instead, he was bumped into as Sam walked into the room to her seat next to Kwan. She gave the blonde football player a smirk as she passed and Dash noted the change to blood red lipstick today.
He shook himself and walked to his seat as Lancer started class.
His phone buzzed in his pocket.
+1 (651) 378-0091 (goth chick sam)      u like tha pic?
Dash resisted the urge to roll his eyes at the message and instead pulled his phone under the desk to type a reply.
+1 (651) 776-4271      stop bugging me +1 (651) 378-0091 (goth chick sam)      never. hah. now i have ur # lol
Dash was going to kill Kwan. He was going to-
+1 (651) 378-0091 (goth chick sam)      new photo message
Dash was going to kiss Sam and Kwan. The photo that Sam sent this time was of Danny sitting on top of a picnic table. He was laughing at something that Dash would never know and he had reddened cheeks. His eyes were half lidded and his lips red from the slushy cup in his hand that Dash assumed he'd been drinking from. Danny had been wearing a tank top, cut on the sides to show off hard working stomach muscles, his ribs were defined in a way that Dash had never thought to think about sexily before. He wondered for a moment about the amount of scars on Danny's skin that he could see before he noticed the jeans that Danny wore in this picture were torn on the left knee and he could see a scar behind the denim hole just barely.
Dash chanced a glance back at Sam and Kwan's table to see them both taking notes diligently. Sam looked up at that moment with a smirk and he saw the phone in her lap as she was texting without even looking at the screen. Dash was terrified and impressed at the same time.
+1 (651) 378-0091 (goth chick sam)      want more? tell me tha plan The woman was evil. She knew it too.
Dash flipped her off behind Danny's chair. ----------
"This place is a dump," Dash scowled as he was sat on his unmade bed, Kwan sitting on his desk chair backwards. They were both watching as Sam explored Dash's room with a keen disinterest. Her ruby painted nails matched the lipstick and Dash was acutely aware of whatever she touched with them.
His mom told him to never trust a woman that wore lipstick colored like blood.
"You've said so like five times before," Dash groaned out at the girl and she glanced at his with the same look of keen disinterest as if he was just another object in his own room. He probably was to her. "Why did you even want to come over if all you wanted to do was talk shit about my place?"
"I need to know how bad of a plan you two numbskulls came up with to try and win Danny over," She smiled wickedly and Dash felt his anger rise at it. Kwan was the first one to the white board that was stashed behind Dash's desk.
"This is what I came up with so far," He told Sam as Dash squawked out a 'hey!' at the exclusion of him. He had helpfully added 'planetarium' to the bottom of the list of 'things Danny likes that we know of'. Sam looked it over with a fine eye to details and crossed out at least two things on the list of 'things Danny likes that we know of'.
"Don't talk about ghosts around him unless he talks about it first, and don't mention Phantom either," She said as she wiped them off the list. Dash wanted to know why he wasn't allowed to talk about those two things specifically when Danny's parents were ghost hunters but didn't ask for fear of getting the 'Look' from Sam.  
"What can I talk to him about then?" Dash asked in a voice that, he hoped, came across as disinterested in the conversation. When Sam looked at him, he knew he had failed that.
"Talk about how you actually do care about your grades. You can't be in the football team with straight D's across the board. I know you have to be smarter than you look, Dash," Sam told them with a flat look and Dash couldn't hold the stare.
"Why're you doing this, Goth Chick?" Dash couldn't hold back the sneer that spilled across his face and worried for a moment what Sam's reply would be until she just smirked at him and tucked a long strand of inky hair behind an ear that Dash would have sworn had piercings. For a goth chick, she didn't have many 'body modifications' as he had expected of someone like her. Sam had facial piercings, two on her lower lips and a hoop through the left side of her nose. Dash frowned and kept his violet eyes on her.
"I have my reasons," She sounded sure of herself and Dash felt a chill go down his spine when she leveled a look on him. "I may or may not deem it needed to tell you guys though. Call it a favor for now, I'll just collect later, yeah?"
Kwan and Dash stayed quite for a moment and that was all it took for Sam to take her cue and start talking about how to get Danny to pay attention to him without physical violence.
"So you are basically a ball of rage and curly blonde hair," Sam tells him with a smirk and Dash just frowns at her for the moment. "But we can work with this. Danny can be the same way a lot of the time too. You just don't know it yet,"
"How can we use his anger to get Danny to like him?" Kwan was talking like Dash wasn't right there and the blonde made a face as he turned from Kwan, his blonde curls falling in front of his eyes a bit.
"You just haven't gotten angry at the right things, in Danny's eyes you're just a bully," Sam looked right at him and folded her hands together as she spoke.
"Yeah. We've been over that already. I'm a horrible guy that doesn't actually deserve someone like Danny Fenton, I have little redeeming qualities and I'm a closet case," he exclaimed with a loud sigh as he laid back against his bed, pillows catching his fall with a 'thump'. Dash stared up at the ceiling fan spinning lazily and waited for the silence to be broken. Two minutes passed (he actually counted them out) before he looked back at Sam and Kwan. "What?"
"This is why I'm helping you," Sam spoke softly. "Seeing you like this lets me know that you actually have emotions and can see Danny as a person and not a 'loser' or someone lesser than yourself,"
"Whatever," Dash scoffs and Sam just smiles lightly at him.
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andreafestefano · 4 years
How to build a {modern} DIY vent hood
Hello there! After a long summer slumber, I'm back at it with a bunch of DIY's! If you've read TDC for awhile, you know that I turn into a sloth in the summer. I try to fight it but it's something that happens every year. I slow down and love it. :)
The second the temps start to cool down a bit I'm back at it with tons of ideas and projects! This DIY vent hood is an update I've been planning for a long time. 
We had a metal vent hood that came standard with our kitchen. I considered a wood vent hood when we built, but I wanted to see how we liked this for awhile: 
I had a vent hood added when I remodeled our last kitchen and loved it!: 
That kitchen had more of a farmhouse feel and that design fit in perfectly! 
Over time I was missing that added custom touch in our current kitchen. There's no wrong or right here -- the metal vent hood looked great! But I knew I could add some character with this project. 
I had a design in mind that was a little more modern. I also had an idea that would allow me to build the whole thing without drilling into the tile backsplash. (In case we ever need/want to take it down.) These kinds of projects are so fun for me -- it's like putting a puzzle together as I go!
My plan called for removing all of the trim and crown on the sides of the cabinets: 
I took those off and when I went to remove the crown I hit a hiccup I'll tell you about in a minute. 
I cut down two matching pieces of wood that would become the sides of the vent hood. At the top I nailed in a 1x2 that I was going to use to secure these pieces into the ceiling: 
As you can see, I left some space (the thickness of the boards I was using) at the front of each piece. More on that in a minute!
The crown came down fairly easily, and I started to work on the small trim underneath. It was then that I realized that the trim was installed before the cabinets -- it looked like the molding and cabinets were installed from the top down. Waa waaaaa. 
This threw my plan out the window, so I had to come up with a new way to do this:
I was determined not to drill into the tile or grout. If you don't have tile or don't mind drilling into it, you could use a 1x2 in the wall and attach everything to that.     
You can see in that photo above that I ended up securing the board into the side of the cabinets, but down further than I originally planned (I had to cut the length a bit). Not a big deal, but I really wanted to have these secured into the ceiling as well. 
This hood isn't heavy -- I used thin boards to build the whole thing. Cabinets are made to hold a great deal of weight, so even if this whole thing was attached to just the cabinets, it would have been fine. I just wanted it to be as secure as possible and I'll share how I did that below! 
This is where my nerd tendencies come out. 😜 I kind of like figuring out solutions when I hit an issue. Next I added more 1x2s to the bottom and the front -- notice on the front I made sure to leave a gap (like I did at the top) for the front piece to fit in perfectly: 
I did this so I didn't have an unfinished edge showing on the sides of the hood. Normally that wouldn't be a big deal because I'd cover them with trim, but because our cabinet doors are so close, that wasn't an option. (The doors wouldn't open if I added trim.) 
It was helpful that I wanted this to have a slightly more modern design. It allowed me to build a box, which is way easier than what we had at the old house. 
I was thinking ahead to continue the crown around the top (by coping the molding to match up against the current crown). So I added a bit of wood at the top that the crown could be nailed into: 
That plan changed later, but that extra 1x2 was still helpful support. 
I did this on both sides and then started the supports across the front: 
You can see here how I created a way to make this extremely secure. I screwed a board into the ceiling beams above. The front was later attached to that, so this thing isn't going anywhere. (I used a level to figure out the placement so the front panel would fit perfectly against it.) 
If you are using thicker wood for your box, you may not need as many supports across the front. I was going as light as possible and only using quarter-inch thick luan for the front and that can get wobbly. 
I attached the front piece, nailing it into the sides (the 1x2's I showed you earlier), the supports across the front and the header piece:
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I made sure that the side pieces came out enough that we could still reach inside to hit the buttons on the front of the vent. I used a vent with the buttons on the bottom at our old house.
I was left with an opening on the sides that I planned to add crown to: 
But as I was finishing it all up, we realized we liked the simple design without the crown a lot. 
So I ended up pulling this tool out: 
It's called a contour gauge and I used it our mud room to install shiplap around our window trim. You place it against whatever you're trying to match and then trace the shape onto your wood. I used a jigsaw to cut the trim to match. I share the result below! 
It's never perfect, but I've told you a million times that caulk covers a multitude of sins. ;) 
I used some scrap luan as a header across the top and then started adding my trim on the front with wide lattice pieces from Menard's: 
Then the finishing touches of filling holes, sanding those down and caulking: 
I started painting it white to match the cabinets, but wasn't quite feeling it. I color matched our cabinets last year when I added the cabinet "feet" and DIY light rails to our cabinets, but unless I sprayed the hood, I knew the finish wasn't going to match perfectly. 
I'm a lover of contrast, so I was being pulled to making the hood the same color as the island. I knew instantly it was the right move! 
We absolutely love how it turned out!!: 
It makes the kitchen feel more custom and adds the character I was hoping for: 
Here's a view of how the sides look after using the contour tool: 
The funny thing is, it fits in so well, we barely noticed it almost immediately. It's like it was always meant to be this way! 
I shared this exact view a couple weeks ago when I showed you how I use trays for fall decor!: 
Our hood vents to the outside and the intake vents are on the bottom. Make sure to look into those details if you attempt this project! 
Here's the color formula for this gray color: 
I spent about $70 in wood to do this project -- I used some scrap but had to buy most of it. Remember you can have your wood sheets cut down at the hardware store if you need help with that part. 
I'm already excited about having the perfect spot for a Christmas wreath. ;) 
Have you added a vent hood in your kitchen? You can see how we did the more traditional vent hood design at our last house if that fits in better with your home. 
If I missed anything you're wondering about, or if you have any questions, please let me know! 
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