#My dog who has been continually sick and throwing up and I think it is from missing me and my sister (she has been physically sick before-
soobnny · 1 year
swipe — lee felix.
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trope. lee felix. strangers to lovers. chronicles of a dating app. felix is extremely flirty. just fluff.
synopsis. i’m not looking to date right now, but my parents just sent me some computer parts and i saw on your tinder bio that you like assembling computers
word count. 3.2k words
warnings. none except for a few curse words
note. hi hello i got sent this rly funny photo of a conversation so i took inspiration from that and wrote this fic like a whiiile ago. i’ve had this in my drafts for a while so why not let it see the light of day!
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Left. Left. Left. Left. Pause. Left. Left. Left. Left.
Yunjin offers no warning when her hands move to claw at your shoulders, intent on startling you without sparing a thought on your poor phone that had jumped out of your hands.
When you scare, she laughs, open-mouthed and loud as she plops herself on the spot next to you on your dorm’s mini couch. “You should’ve seen the look on your face.”
“Honestly, how do you even do that? I barely heard you walk into the living room!” You grumble.
You spare her a glance and notice she’s too dressed up to be staying the night in–white crop top that sits just above her hips with some low rise jeans to accentuate her features. Her hair is curled on the ends, recently dyed black and styled to look a little messy.
She must be going out.
Though you try not to think about it, the amount of times Yunjin goes out with her friends in a week is a constant reminder of how pathetic your social life is. While it didn’t quite bother you enough to accept her invite, it’d be nice to leave your dorm once in a while. It’s just that you haven’t found anyone you really clicked with like Yunjin.
“What are you doing?” She cranes her neck to try and see what you were so busy with that you didn’t see her from your peripheral vision.
You show her the app with no shame. It only makes her laugh tenfold, hands clutching her stomach with her head thrown back as if she wasn’t the one who had suggested you download it in the first place.
“Yunjin, this is stupid. I’ve only had this downloaded for a day and I already feel sick.” You groan, throwing your phone down in the space between you. Though, maybe you should’ve thought twice about that when Yunjin decides to grab so she can have a go herself – swiping left and left and left and… oh?
“What about him?” You curl into her side, peering over your phone.
Oh, he’s pretty cute. Lee Felix?
“He added dog lover. You love dogs and… music?” She goes over his interests quickly, eyes scanning his profile like a pro. You suppose it’s because she’s used to it, quick to read a guy’s intentions just by their Tinder profile.
“I like assembling computers. Oh, this guy’s a dork, you’d love him.”
It’s a match!
“Yunjin!” You shift in your seat, immediately grabbing your phone from her grip before she can do any further damage. Sure, you had humored yourself into downloading the app for Yunjin but you never thought of actually swiping right for anyone.
“What? He’s cute, and you matched!” She giggles, trying to grab your phone back so she can craft you the perfect first message.
She knows you won’t do it yourself.
You lock your phone before she has a chance to do anything stupid, shaking your head in reprimand. “I know what you’re trying to do and it’s not happening.”
She simply smiles at you, shrugging her shoulders and calling it a day for her trial in meddling with your love life. “Well, I tried. Alright, I have to go. I’ll be back late, you sure you don’t wanna come with?”
You return the smile, shaking your head as you drop yourself to lay down on the entirety of the couch once your roommate gets up. “I think my computer parts are coming in today so I have to be here to sign off the delivery.”
“Nerd.” She snorts, waving you goodbye and locking the door behind her. It’s your cue to grab your laptop and continue binging that new drama that had just been released.
This is your ordinary Friday night, curled up on the sofa with your most comfortable blanket and your laptop on your lap. Despite the desire to socialize sometimes, you think nothing else really goes above wearing your favorite PJs and eating snacks without guilt as the opening song of your new drama plays.
Though, you only get to finish one episode when your doorbell rings, and you waltz yourself to your front door to happily accept the package sent by your parents. They had won it as one of the raffle prizes in a foreign business trip, and since your parents had no use for a computer, they decided to ship it off to you. “Could help with college,” is what your dad says.
It’s only when multiple boxes come rolling in when you realize one small problem. You don’t know how to fucking assemble a computer, and you doubt Yunjin would know how either.
“That’s it. If you could please sign here, here, and here.” The mailman still sounds enthusiastic despite having done hours of his shift already, and you comply immediately as to not add on to the downpour of stress that’s handed to them every single day.
When you shut your door, you quickly turn around to stare at the multitude of boxes on the ground. Maybe Beomgyu would know how? He looks like he’d know a thing or two about computers. So, you shoot him a text.
Turns out, he doesn’t know how. And he’s currently scamming Yeonjun out of a free dinner, and so even though he tells you he’ll try to be there, you know he probably won’t arrive (unless to laugh at your situation).
You think, maybe you can just go to the Computer Engineering department and ask someone to help you, but could you risk socializing with numerous college students face to face? Absolutely the fuck not.
You’ve just about given up when your head strikes an idea and your back immediately straightens in posture at the stupid thought. “Should I?”
You rush towards where you had left your phone, letting out a sigh as you stare at the one person on your Match list. Lee Felix who likes assembling computers.
Lovely fucking timing.
Fumbling with the device, you finally decide to shoot him a message. What are the odds of him responding, anyway?
You’re tempted to throw your phone while waiting for his response, though your plan goes down the drain in a second when he responds almost immediately.
yn (6:03pm): hello!
felix (6:04pm): hey! i didn’t think you would message first :))
yn (6:06pm): oh, i’m sorry i hope you don’t get my intentions wrong. it’s just that … my parents sent over some computer parts and i rly don’t know how to assemble a computer
yn (6:06pm): i know it’s kind of random, but could u possibly help me by any chance?
yn (6:07pm): i don’t rly know anyone who knows how to and you’re the only person that came to mind
You cringe at yourself for triple messaging, face visibly scrunching as you let out a pained noise. And then he replies, and your hand shoots to grab your phone and stare at his message.
“Yeah, why not?” is what he replies, followed by where he should meet you. Is it a good idea to invite a stranger to your dorm? Probably not, but you can’t possibly assemble your computer somewhere else and bring it back to your dorms. So, you tell him to meet you at a cafe nearby – to test out the waters and see if he isn’t some variant of a serial killer.
“Be there in 15,” is his next reply.
15 minutes?!
You look down at yourself in sudden panic, still clad in a big shirt and some shorts. How were you supposed to pick something decent to wear in 15 minutes without Yunjin? You suppose could facetime her but you know it takes her hours to even decide on what to wear for herself.
Bringing your feet towards your closet, you say a silent prayer and start picking out what to wear for yourself. While this wasn’t technically a date, Lee Felix from Tinder is still fucking cute and you would hate for him to think he got scammed into swiping right on you.
You double check yourself in the mirror, chewing at your lips thoughtfully before sighing out in approval. At least you looked as if you put some sort of effort into what you’re wearing. That should be good enough in itself.
The nerve of meeting an entirely new person begins to set in when you repeatedly dart your eyes from the coffee shop back to your phone to try and see if anyone who looked like Felix was in the coffee shop. It’s like watching a game of ping pong the way you repeatedly look back and forth. And when it seems that no one with long black hair is here yet, you take it upon yourself to take a seat by the window where he can find you easily.
The scraping of the chair catches your attention, and holy fuck. Lee Felix is not a catfish. He is way far from it, and you think you might’ve lucked out when he takes the seat in front of you.
“Sorry, I hope I didn’t startle you.” Deep, thick accent. It feels like shots of espresso when he speaks and it physically manifests goosebumps from you. You shake your head, telling him you’re fine. “(Name), right?”
He smiles, and it feels like your whole world stops.
“Uh, yeah. You must be Felix?” The man in question nods his head, reaching out to shake your hand and the gesture has your cheeks flushing. It’s an act of basic human decency, but can you really be blamed for acting like a shy little school girl when someone as beautiful as Felix is sitting and talking to you.
The coffee shop is still bustling, and everyone around you converses as if the most beautiful man hadn’t just stepped foot into the coffee shop. The freckles sitting just below his eyes look like constellations, and his black hair is styled just messy enough to achieve the hot boy who doesn’t know he’s hot look.
“Do you want some coffee before I set your computer up?” You shake your head, suddenly feeling shy.
Instead, you tell him to get whatever he wants so you don’t feel guilty enough for taking time out of his evening just to assemble your computer. He accepts your promise in pretense, but he comes back with his order and a few pastries and it’s clear he’s already paid for it from the way he ignores any mention of how much it cost.
“I didn’t know what you preferred, so I got a bit of everything.” There’s a crinkle just at the corner of his eyes when he smiles, sitting back down adjacent of you as he pushes the plate closer to you.
You look at the array of pastries, a little hesitant. “Please don’t feel shy. Here, let’s take one together.”
He grabs a cookie from the platter, and you shyly follow by grabbing a strawberry muffin.
“Mmm, strawberry muffin. Very good choice.” Felix comments, watching you closely as you take a bite out of the muffin. “Is it good?”
Your eyes widen in delight, nodding your head as you chew slowly. “So good.”
Your words come out as a mumble, and it triggers a sweet laugh out of Felix. You feel familiar, the way you smile with your eyes and close them shut to savor the taste.
“You’re cute.” He says unabashedly, as if his words won’t cause drastic consequences.
A chunk gets stuck on your throat.
Felix is quick to hand you a glass of water when you start choking, rushing to stand by your side. You would’ve hoped the first skinship for the evening would be handholding, and not repeated pats on your back to remedy your choking.
“Are you okay?” His hand is still on your back, gently running small circles as he leans down to check on you. You think you might start choking again if he keeps looking at you like that, 1080p view of his eyelashes and the specs splashing his irises.
“Mhm, sorry.” You put the glass down, refusing to meet his eyes as he remains hovering over you. You want to leave out of embarrassment. He notices your silence, notices the way you cross your arms in mock defense.
“Don’t worry, I still think you’re cute.” There’s a smirk on his face. You can tell without even looking up at him. “I’ll take these out.”
He says it so casually, as if he’s simply asking about your day. His outward flirty-ness is new, but it isn’t unwelcome.
“Ready to go?”
With the plastic bag in his hand and his order in a takeout cup, you sigh gratefully. “Yeah.”
The walk to your dorm is short, but it’s spent in conversation. Lee Felix is talkative, has lots of stories to offer. Whatever it takes to make you laugh.
You like that about him. You like that you don’t have to talk so much. He doesn’t even force a comment out of you. Just needs to know you’re listening.
So you do. You listen intently as he shares pieces of his life with you—his friends, his course, games he plays. He’s chatty, and the way he smiles with every word reminds you of a cat. Deep whiskers and crescent eyes.
“So, really, this is a great way to end the day, assembling a pretty girl’s computer.”
His mouth drops a little when he realizes he’d vocalized the latter part of his sentence, yet he doesn’t make a move to take it back. You are pretty, one of the prettiest he’s ever seen. And the blush on your face is well worth the slip of his tongue.
“As long as you’re sure this isn’t a hassle.” You mumble, looking down at your feet as you reach your building.
That you aren’t getting anything out of this.
Though, before you can step forward, you’re tugged back to where Felix is standing. He’s holding your hand now, grabbing your full attention. “I promise this isn’t a bother.”
The way he looks at you answers your silent question—he doesn’t mind that you’re simply asking for his help without any intention.
“I enjoy building computers, especially with good company. You don’t even have to do anything. Just sit there and be yourself.”
“Okay. Thank you.” He squeezes your hand for extra measure, allowing you to drag him to your dorm room.
True to his word, Felix doesn’t so much as let you lift a finger. You stay seated on the couch, watching as he sets to work on the floor. From time to time, he’d tell you what he’s doing. Something about screwing some parts in and a mother board? You don’t understand much, but you listen as much as you can.
“Tell me about yourself.” Felix looks up from his work, and your eyes widen a little at the boy’s sudden request.
You’re sure you’re simply imagining the gentle interest in his eyes. “Hm?” You ask him to repeat himself, even though you heard him loud and clear.
“I’ve been yapping about myself all night. I wanna know more about you.” He teases.
“What do you want to know?”
“Anything. Everything.”
“Soooo… do I start with the year I was born?” You laugh when he throws you a look, quick to throw your hands in the air in mock surrender. “Joking, joking.”
“You’re an interesting girl, (Name).” Felix grins, locking eyes with you for a second and a half before turning back to his work.
“There’s nothing much to me, really. I go to school and go home and that’s about it. I just try and survive college the best I can.”
He shoots you a disapproving look. “Well, I beg to differ.”
“What do you mean?” You bring your legs up on the couch, sitting cross-legged as you wait for what he had to say.
“For one, your eyes lit up when I talked about Chan’s Pokemon collection, or how Seungmin is obsessed with Kdramas.” He points out, reaching for his takeout drink and taking a few large gulps. “And you smiled when I mentioned the little chicken plush I own.”
You don’t expect Felix to notice any of this, and the thought that he did has a blush fighting to creep up your face.
You grab a throw pillow to hide behind.
“Oh, and you like strawberry muffins. So, I’d say there’s a lot to you. And I’m hoping to learn everything more.”
You have to force your eyes to look away from him in fear that your flustered cheeks would appear too obvious to the boy. Though, if he’d noticed the mere brightening of your eyes, you’re sure he’s already caught on to the silly schoolgirl smile on your lips.
“Stop looking at me.” You mumble, burying your face in your pillow. All you can hear is his sweet laughter.
“Come here, I’m just about done.”
You clap your hands in small when he turns on your computer, fully functioning and fully assembled. It surprises you how a task that would’ve taken you 6 hours is done in under 2 by Felix. Even more that it didn’t even feel like two hours.
You suppose that’s just the thing with Felix. He makes it so that time disappears with the whole night sky in his eyes—the moon for eyes and stars littering his face.
“Thank you, Felix. Like really.” He dismisses you, telling you it was nothing. The satisfaction on your face is enough compensation for his work.
There’s a few do’s and don’t’s that he mentions, and you try to list them down the best you can.
“Or, I can just text it to you?”
You pause mid-writing, looking up at him. “Sure, that’s… that’s fine with me.”
You’re unsure of how to say goodbye to him after giving him your number, unsure even of how you can make it up to him for the 3 hours you’d taken away from him. If it were anyone else, you would’ve said it in ease, so you don’t know why you can’t do the same for Felix.
It’s different with him because you don’t want to say goodbye. You could go hours longer listening to him and watching him assemble your computer. Though, before you can contemplate to do anything, Felix interrupts your inner monologue.
“Actually, I have an idea on how you can make it up to me.”
You look up at him expectantly, and you see the hint of a smirk tracing on his features.
“Let me take you out on a date. A real one.”
“A date?” You stutter.
“I know you said you texted me just because I could fix up computers, but I really enjoyed talking to you today.” He’s holding back a smile. “So, what do you say?”
“Okay.” His eyes light up, glazed with happiness as he processes your response.
“Okay? As in, I can take you out on a real date?”
Felix can feel something sweet in his heart, can feel it flutter like it’s being squeezed. To his surprise, you’d actually agreed, and the genuine excitement in his smile is too wholesome to not stare at.
“So… goodnight then?”
“I’ll text you?”
“Okay. I’ll be waiting.”
Felix fixes you with a look one last time, almost romantic with the soft glaze in his eyes. And then he’s stumbling out into your hallway.
With a second glance, he turns his back away from you and walks away. You can’t help but still feel the warmth of his smile.
You feel a compelling force telling you you’ll see much more of Lee Felix in the near future.
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lockefanfic · 2 years
Toy - Part 9: Ball Boy
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Yoo Jeongyeon was, above all else, a breath of fresh air.
She was so unlike the other eight, and in more ways than one. The others put a lot of thought into their clothes, their makeup, their accessories - Jeongyeon was content simply to roll out of bed and throw on a hoodie and sneakers five minutes before you’d picked her up for her tennis practice. The others were into social media, endorsements from big brands, and what the general public was saying about them in online forums and in the comments - Jeongyeon was more into taking her dogs for walks, volunteering at an animal shelter with her sister, or building lego sets at home.
Moreover, while the others were very much involved in the inter-group rivalry between Nayeon and Chaeyoung - Jeongyeon was more than content to simply watch from afar and let her groupmates battle it out.
“I don’t really have a dog in the fight,” she says, casually, bending to pick up a ball from amongst the dozens on the floor of the private tennis court after you bring up the topic. “Nayeon is one of my best friends, but that doesn’t necessarily mean I think she’s an angel.”
“So knowing what you know about her, it doesn’t swing you over to Chaeyoung’s side?” you ask as you approach her with the bin you were both using to collect the tennis balls. Her tennis instructor had called in sick, and so you’d spent the last couple of hours feeding balls into the automatic serving machine for her to practice her returns.
“No. Like I said, I love Nayeon for who she is. It doesn’t mean I agree with the way she treats Chaeyoung, or for that matter, the way Chaeyoung treats her.”
“Fully neutral, then, huh?”
“Like Switzerland,” she says with a smile and a wink, “unlike you. From those photos it looks like you’re well and truly on Nayeon’s side.”
You sigh as you toss another couple of balls into the bin. The fallout of the leaked photos depicting you and an only half-clothed Nayeon embracing in the hallway of her apartment had been managed relatively well by JYP’s PR department, truth be told. Thankfully none of the photos showed your face, and so JYP staff had put out a statement that you were simply an old family friend who was paying Nayeon a friendly visit. Rumors persisted, but generally it seemed most of the uproar had blown over.
You were fully expecting to be fired from your position as the girls’ pseudo-manager, but it seemed the girls had more than enough pull in the organization to let you keep your job. You wondered if Nayeon or one of the others had stepped in to defend you - you’d have to ask her about it the next time you saw her.
“You know what I was doing there,” you say to Jeongyeon, who has returned to the bin with another armful of tennis balls. She smirks, knowing full well what you meant.
“I’m sure the pussy is great,” she says, nonchalantly. “But you really need to be careful when it comes to getting caught like that. Yes, we’re all women, and yes, women our age are allowed to fuck whoever they want, but given our line of work, we still have to watch out for that kind of thing, you know? It could really hurt our images - and thus our careers.”
“I know. I just think it’s shitty that someone would take those pics with the sole aim of fucking with you girls.”
“Yeah, it’s shitty. I know it’s shitty. The media is shitty, people are shitty. But it comes with the territory.”
“I know. You’re right, Jeongyeon,” you admit. You’d spent little time with Jeongyeon compared to the others, but you’d spent enough time with her to know that she was often the voice of reason in the group. “But in my defense,” you continue, “there was no way I could have known there was paparazzi outside Nayeon and Momo’s apartment, just waiting for the moment to snap a couple of pictures.”
“That’s true,” she replies with a frown. “How did they even get into the building, anyway? It had to have been a resident, or someone let them in.”
“Right? It seems kind of sus that someone would be lurking out in the hallway just waiting for me and Nayeon to run out there.”
The two of you stand there in silence next to the bin of tennis balls, pondering the situation.
“Do you think… it was one of us?” she asks.
The thought that the photographer could have been one of the girls hadn’t occurred to you. But you supposed it was possible that one of the girls who had beef with Nayeon - or at least, was on Chaeyoung’s side, or doing her bidding - could have snapped the photos. Aside from Jeongyeon, who lived with her sister in a separate apartment, all the members lived in the same building, if in different units, so access to that particular hallway wouldn’t have been a problem for any one of them.
“I hadn’t thought of that,” you admit. “Do you think someone snapped those photos and leaked them to start shit with Nayeon?”
“Beats me,” Jeongyeon says with a shrug, although the slight furrow in her brow and the seriousness of her tone hinted at the concern she was hiding behind her casual tone. “Either way, it’s a really shitty thing to do. Nayeon’s been inconsolable. I called her right after the pictures leaked, and she spent an hour just crying on the line. She and Momo and I were supposed to go for dinner yesterday, but the three of us just spent the entire night in her room consoling her. She must’ve thought her career was over.”
Your frown deepens. The last thing you’d wanted was for Nayeon’s career to be affected - especially after she’d spilled her feelings about it to you. You knew what relationship rumors did to an idol’s career.
“Hey, don’t worry about it too much,” Jeongyeon says. “JYP’s got a good PR department. You’ve seen how they’ve handled it. Most of the public seems to have bought the ‘family friend’ story.”
“I suppose,” you agree. “But that doesn’t mean it wasn’t a shitty thing to do. I need to find out who was behind it.”
Jeongyeon nods, but doesn’t say anything further. She gazes blankly at the bin of tennis balls, reaching down and grabbing one before turning it around in her hands.
“You like her, don’t you?” she asks.
Caught a little off guard by her question, you can do little more than mumble a “Who?”
“Nayeon. You have feelings for her. You seem awfully concerned about this whole thing.”
“I’m just her manag-... I mean, I’m just a toy for you girls.”
“That’s not an answer.”
“I don’t have feelings for Nayeon, Jeongyeon.”
“So Chaeyoung, then? She was the one who picked you out of the crowd, picked you to be our toy. You’ve spent more time with her than with any of us. I see the way you look at each other.”
You take a moment to compose your answer - and Jeongyeon gives you a sly smirk when you look up at her, as though your silence had told her all she needed to know.
“She must’ve been pretty pissed off about the whole thing, huh?” she asks.
“I think so. I tried to reach out to her after the pics leaked, but she wasn’t having me. She was pretty pissed off.” You left out the details, including the choice names Chaeyoung had for Nayeon. It seemed Chaeyoung was perfectly fine with you sleeping with the other girls - but seeing you and Nayeon sharing a more emotionally intimate moment seemed to have struck a chord with her.
Jeongyeon gives you a short nod, her eyes focused on the ball in her hands. After a moment she tosses it into your chest.
“Alright, that’s enough small talk,” she says with a smile. “Now go set up the machine and serve me another set, ball boy.”
Jeongyeon, it appeared, was a breath of fresh air in yet another way.
For the most part, the other girls had been relatively similar in terms of the power dynamic when it came to your more intimate duties. A few had bossed you around - at least initially - while some were more submissive. Some were somewhere in between, or happy to switch between the two poles at will or as the session went on. Either way, you never felt like you weren’t in control of the proceedings whenever you were with any of the girls.
But none were quite like Jeongyeon. It was clear right from the very start who was calling the shots.
You were a little nervous when she’d pulled you into the private, secure shower rooms of the upscale indoor tennis facility; not for fear of getting caught, but rather because you’d never been intimate with her before. Despite having worked with them for months, the stars had never quite aligned and you’d never been alone with her for very long, so the opportunity had never presented itself. You figured she’d be like the other girls, and that she’d pull you into the shower with her, you’d fuck, then you’d both go on your merry way.
But instead she made you wait outside her shower door.
She hadn’t even undressed in front of you - she’d instead tossed her sweaty clothes over the closed shower door for you to pick up. And so you spent the next twenty minutes standing there, awkwardly, her sweaty hoodie and leggings in your hands as she showered - although you did make note of the fact that she wasn’t wearing underwear.
At least the shower door was only partially frosted, and its semi-transparent surface had given you a solid view of her soft, curvy body as she cleaned the afternoon’s worth of sweat off herself. Like the other girls, she had been slim and bordering on underweight when she’d debuted - but growing into adulthood had given her a curvier, fuller, more womanly shape than the other girls. Even through the frosted glass the differences were obvious; the other girls were thin sticks compared to Jeongyeon’s full, womanly shape. It was plain to see in her hips, those round thighs, and her long, luxurious legs.
“Towels please,” she says as she nears the end of her shower, “Two of them.” With more enthusiasm than you were expecting you pick up a couple of the luxurious looking towels from the nearby shelf and pass it to her over the shower door.
You find yourself licking your lips at the sight as you watch her dry herself through the frosted panel. Intentionally or not, she turns her back to you as she bends over to dry her legs - presenting you with the silhouette of her found, firm butt as she does so. You feel your lower lip curl under your front tooth at the sight.
She found you still standing there when she finished up, swinging the shower door open in a rush of hot steam and moist air. She stepped through the fog as if by magic, like some fairy creature emerging from the mists - one towel wrapped tight around her torso, the other around her drying hair.
“Enjoyed the show, did you?” she asks, an alluring smirk on her lips.
“Uh, yeah,” you admit. “You’re kinda gorgeous, I guess.”
The smirk on the young woman’s lips deepens into a smile. “Flattery will get you nowhere. Come on, then.”
You follow her from the showers and into the changing room, which was empty - the facility had been more than willing to shut down the entire place for an idol of Jeongyeon’s caliber, it seemed. She takes a seat on one of the long wooden benches, slipping one long, delicious leg over the other. The towel that was all that kept her decent rides up her legs, revealing more of the flushed, moist skin of her full thighs.
“Alright, you can start.”
Puzzled, you are unsure how to answer. “Uh, what?” you stammer.
“You can get started. Take off your clothes.”
Her forthrightness catches you off guard, and it’s only after locking eyes with her and noticing the sultry look on her features that you slowly begin to remove the zippered hoodie you were wearing.
“So, uh, this is happening, huh?” you ask, as you toss your hoodie onto the bench next to her. You step closer to the young woman, eager to finally get your chance with her.
She stops you with a hand on your belly. Her hand gives you a sharp push - almost a shove - one that sends you stepping backward to your original position.
“Did I fucking tell you to move?” she hisses with a shake of her head, tone sharp, but with that mischievous little smile still on her lips.
“I- I-, uh, sorry, Jeongyeon.”
“I bet you think that this is the part where I get on my knees and suck your dick before you fuck me like you do the other girls, huh?” she asks, casually. “The part where I become a pathetic, mewling little thing that tells you to ‘use me, fuck me, fill me up with cum?’ That may be true with the other girls, but that’s not what’s going to happen here.”
“Oh yeah?” you answer, as you begin to undo your belt. You find your own smile appearing at the corners of your lips - this assertiveness was new and exciting, and something you hadn’t found in the other girls. “Then what will happen here, Jeongyeon?”
“You’re going to strip, first,” she answers, “so I can see exactly what the other girls have been going so crazy over. Then you’re going to do exactly what I say.”
It doesn’t take much more motivation for you to follow her orders, and soon your t-shirt, pants, and boxers have joined your hoodie on the bench next to her. Throughout it all you watch Jeongyeon’s eyes drink in your body as you remove each article of clothing. More than once you catch a slick pink tongue gliding over soft pink lips, but for the most part she retains her composure, legs still crossed, hands folded atop her knees as she watches you undress.
Soon you are standing there, fully naked, hands on your hips. Between your legs, your half-stiff cock begins to stir - and it gives you a good measure of pride to watch a look of approval wash over Jeongyeon’s features.
“Well, now I see why the girls love you so much. Tell me,” she begins, leaning over her knees and bringing an index finger to her chin and lips, head bent to the side slightly and eyes fixed on your cock, as though she were admiring a display in a gallery. “Which of the girls are the subby ones?”
You certainly weren’t expecting to be interrogated while naked, but you are happy to let Jeongyeon set the pace. “It kind of depends. They all have their moments. Dahyun, Sana, Mina… I suppose they’re the most subby.”
“Interesting. And the others are doms?”
“It depends. Like I said, sometimes the girls switch between them.”
“Ah,” she says, looking and sounding for all the world like she were having a conversation over a museum piece and not discussing the sexual preferences of her group mates. “And what do you think I am?”
You lock eyes with her, and for the first time you find sheer, unfiltered hunger in those deep brown pools.
“I think… I think you like being in control, Jeongyeon.”
“That’s right,” she says, a satisfied look on her features as she leans backwards slightly on the bench. “And don’t you forget it.”
Her right hand reaches for the towel wrapped around her torso, and with an agonizingly slow flick of her wrist she slips the moist fabric from her body, dropping the towel on the floor next to her. Shortly thereafter the towel wrapped around her head joins it, letting her short chocolate-brown hair fall in a slick, wet tumble around her small face.
You have only a moment to appreciate the young woman’s naked body before she uncrosses her legs and spreads them widely, her flushed, full thighs parting to reveal the soft pink flesh between them.
Jeongyeon slides a hand above her mound, the tips of her fingers playing idly with the slick flesh of her slit. 
“Come on, then, ball boy,” she says, her voice utterly dripping now with a kind of seduction and temptation that none of the other girls could hope to imitate. “Come show me what your mouth can do.”
Your body moves of its own accord, almost involuntarily, closing the distance between you and the gorgeous young woman atop the bench. Your eyes soak in the sight of her - full breasts, wide hips, thick, flushed thighs - and you wonder just how you managed to last this long without having her.
You go to your knees between Jeongyeon’s, reaching out with your hands to cup her spread thighs from beneath. You hear the slightest, faintest gasp escape her lips as you make intimate skin contact with her for the first time - but the gasp disappears quickly and turns into a soft coo as you bend your upper body to begin placing soft kisses on the warm skin of her inner thighs.
Going down on the girls was something you’d admittedly had little practice with - they’d either been more than willing to perform oral on you, or skip it altogether and get right to the main course - and so you were determined to savor every moment of this opportunity with Jeongyeon. Not only was her dominating, in-control nature refreshing; it was also a chance to satiate an inner need to feel a woman’s most intimate parts on your tongue.
With this in mind you take your time, savoring the touch and taste of Jeongyeon’s warm, soft thighs beneath your lips. She lets little sighs and coos of satisfaction leave her lips with every kiss you make, the soft sounds echoing off the tiles of the empty changing room. Just before you reach her pussy you switch to her other thigh, starting halfway up and re-starting the slow approach to her slit - eliciting a sigh of frustration from the young woman.
“Such a fucking tease,” she says, half-hiss, half-sigh. “I bet you get all the other girls hot and bothered doing this, huh?”
You smirk in reply as you take a glance at her pussy, mere inches from your face. Perfect pink lips, shaved bare, already glistening.
“I think you’re getting all hot and bothered yourself.”
Jeongyeon blushes, but returns your smirk. “I think you should do something about it, then.”
“I dunno,” you say, your lips curling into a smile even as you continue to plant kisses on her inner thigh. “I kind of like getting you all hot and bothered.”
Her response to your snarky little comment is immediate - a hand in your hair, pulling your head up violently by your scalp to face her.
“If you don’t shut up and put your tongue on my pussy, you won’t be getting the chance to put anything else in there.”
You are equal parts frightened and aroused by the challenge you see in her eyes - to say nothing of the painful grip she had on your hair. You give her the slightest of nods, and seemingly satisfied that you’d learned your place, she pulls your head down towards her crotch.
Suitably chastised but equally turned on by her forcefulness, you dive into Jeongyeon’s folds, giving her a long, slow lick from the bottom of her opening to the top, adding in a slight swirl of the tip of your tongue around the bud of her clit. The sound that leaves her mouth is one you want to record and play back over and over - long and low and soft, a sigh of satisfaction and pleasure and release all rolled up into one perfect melody.
You savor her taste on your palate as you dive into her body once again, giving her long slow licks, lapping up her juices, savoring the imprints of her taste and smell and sound on your senses. She tastes like no other woman, slick and moist, tangy and sweet. 
“Fuck yes,” she hisses, the words leaving her mouth with no small amount of satisfaction, mirrored in part by the tightening of her grip on the back your head. “That’s right. That feels so good. Eat my pussy like a good little boy.”
Her chosen pet name for you lit something inside you - something you hoped would ignite into flame later on.
For now you content yourself with devouring her body, relishing the feel of her writhing and squirming beneath your tongue. You grasp her hips with your hands, and she involuntarily wraps her legs around your shoulders, trapping your head between her full, warm thighs, wrapping your face with her soft flesh. It is warm and wet and sticky and there was nowhere else in the world you’d rather have been, and with no other woman.
You spend a long couple of minutes there, trapped between Jeongyeon’s thighs, devouring the young woman’s dripping cunt, lapping up every drop of her freely flowing juices, savoring the taste of her body on your tongue.
After awhile it becomes almost suffocating between her thighs, and as happy as you might have been to have had your obituary read ‘suffocated to death by Yoo Jeongyeon’s thighs’ they were closing a little too tightly around your head, and keeping you from doing what you wanted - which was swirling your tongue around her needy little clit. It earns you a sigh of frustration when you reach up with your hands and part her full thighs, but you make up for it by using your newfound freedom to close your lips around her clit and using the tip of your tongue to begin swirling random patterns around it.
Jeongyeon is past sighing and cooing now, and fully into moaning her pleasure into the empty changing room. But even her moans are different - the other girls were happy to let out sheer unfiltered moans of pleasure, but Jeongyeon’s were controlled, measured, with a hint of satisfaction and gratification in them, as though she were actively obtaining pleasure instead of simply receiving it.
Whatever she felt, you were content to let her vocalize her pleasure in whatever way suited her - the pleasured, delightful moans bouncing off the tiles and walls of the changing room filled your ears, made it seem like she were everywhere around you, moaning her pleasure directly into your brain.
It’s when you slip a hand from her thighs and slide a finger against her entrance that her moans reach another peak - one she shatters when you slide your index and middle fingers, slowly but steadily, inside her.
“Fuck!” she snaps, her mouth opening and freezing in an open “O” as your fingers penetrate her for the first time, easily sliding inside her wet, slick pussy to find that rough, textured patch at the front wall of her opening. She only manages to resume her moans when you begin to scratch the patch with soft strokes, using the very tip of your fingers to tease it, back and forth, your tongue on her clit and free hand on her hip the only thing keeping her hips and butt from wriggling right off the table.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck--” she continues in between moans, “Fuck, I’m gonna fucking cum all over your fucking mouth fuck I’m cumming-”
It doesn’t take long. Not with what you were doing to her body. Soon the slur of profanity and moans leaving her mouth cut out, her body goes rigid, and the fingernails digging furrows into your scalp send spikes of pain into your brain as her grip on your head tightens involuntarily.
She orgasms under your tongue, and a flush of her slick, warm juices squirts onto your chin before you open your mouth enough to drink it all in.
Yoo Jeongyeon was a squirter.
“Oh god, oh god, oh god,” she swears as her body is wracked with pleasure, still twitching and squirming beneath your tongue and hands as she finishes squirting on your face, leaving your mouth and jaws slick with her wetness. While her orgasm is still coursing through her veins you wrap your mouth around her clit, your tongue resuming its swirls around her bud, albeit at a slightly slower pace, ensuring that you weren’t overstimulating her. Inside her your fingers - despite being almost crushed by the pulsating tightness of her walls - remain unmoving, content simply to fill her, a prelude to what you hoped would fill her next.
“Oh god,” she says, one last time. Your mouth leaves her clit and your fingers slowly slide out of her, earning one last whimper of pleasure from the young woman. “Fuck, damn, no one’s ever made me do that before.”
You don’t quite know what to say to that confession, and so as you lick her juices from your fingers, swirl them around your tongue and swallow them, you answer the only way you know how: “Fuck, you taste so fucking good, Jeongyeon.”
“Yeah?” she says, breathlessly.
“Fuck yeah. I could eat you all day.”
A wicked grin appears on her lips, and she reaches up and grasps your sore scalp with a hand before crushing your lips with hers. Her tongue slides eagerly into your mouth, and you can feel her lips curl into a smile as she tastes herself on you.
She ends the short but passionate kiss - and you notice a hunger, a need in her eyes that you hadn’t thought the casual, aloof young woman was capable of. It lasts only a moment, before she returns to kissing you, giving you a soft kiss on the lips before bringing her lips, stained with her own juices, to your ear.
“You like how mommy tastes?”
There were a few moments over the months you’d spent with the girls that you’d call sexual awakenings - the growing occurrence of group sex, given the sheer number of girls you were tasked with pleasuring, was one thing. Your first experience with multiple penetration and taking all three of a woman’s holes in a single evening were others. But this - Yoo Jeongyeon awakening your fucking mommy kink - this was somewhere near the top of that list.
“Fuck yes, mommy,” you hiss, the words spilling from your mouth involuntarily in a rushed slur, as though your body wanted to react long before its brain could formulate a proper fucking sentence.
Jeongyeon leaves your ear to stare you in the eyes, her face only a few inches away from yours.
“Good,” she says, cheeks flushed, a sultry smile on her lips. “Come sit on the floor for mommy, now. I’ll show you how mommy fucks.”
Once again your body seems to move of its own accord, quickly taking a seat down on the cold tile of the changing room, leaning back and keeping yourself upright with your hands behind you. Jeongyeon rises from the bench, taking a moment to stand over you, relishing the hungry look in your eyes as you take in the sight of her naked body from head to toe. You lick your lips, still tasting her juices in your mouth - you couldn’t remember the last time you were so eager to be inside a woman, which was significant considering the experiences you’d had over the last few months.
Jeongyeon straddles you on the floor, her full, warm thighs on either side of your hips, her knees on the tile. She reaches down between you, grasping your needy, sensitive shaft with her long, thin fingers. She brings your tip to her drenched folds, dragging it up and down between her slick lips, lathering your head with her freely flowing juices.
“Mmmm,” she purrs. “You really want to be inside mommy’s pussy, don’t you?”
“Fuck yes, mommy please,” you reply, caring little for the desperation that was evident in your tone.
“Good. Because mommy’s going to fuck you until you fill her cunt with your cum. Can you do that for me? Can my little boy fill me with his cum?”
“Fuck, yes, Jeong- mommy, mommy please.”
You expect a reply, one last snarky, teasing comment - but there is only a deepening of the smirk on her lips before Yoo Jeongyeon dips her hips and takes you inside her.
“Fucking hell,” you swear as you fill her for the first time. She was so wet, so very, very wet - more so than the other girls. Wet and hot, like your cock was being enveloped by a slick, moist heat from all directions.
“Mmmm, you’re so big inside mommy,” Jeongyeon sighs as she impales herself on your cock to the base. From this position your face was level with her upper chest, and she captures your face with her palms on your cheeks before turning it upward to face her own. “You’re stretching out mommy’s pussy so good, filling her up so well. Are you ready for mommy to fuck you, baby boy? Are you ready to be a good little cock for mommy to ride until she cums all over you?”
“Oh god, oh god yes,” you spit, the words as much a plead as they were a declaration of your state of readiness and eagerness.
Eyes still locked on yours, Jeongyeon begins to ride you - and you soon find your eyes closing involuntarily as the pleasure overtakes your senses.
Her pussy would have been enough - that hot, wet tightness would have been all you needed to cruise to an quick and easy orgasm - but Jeongyeon was so much more than that. There was her body, so feminine and curvy and womanly; there was her motherly, protective nature combined with a casual easygoing-ness that made it easy to fall in love with her; and now there was the newfound kink she’d just awoken in you - one that you hadn’t known had been there all along, just waiting for the right woman to unlock it.
And beyond all that she was clearly very skilled with it came to riding you - the way she rolled her hips, the way she grinded her pussy against your crotch in circular motions, the way she squeezed her walls against your shaft with every entry only to release on the exit and repeat it over and over and over again - this was a woman who knew what she was doing. This was a woman who was in control.
You force your eyes open to watch her face as she rides you. Head cast back slightly, eyes shut, mouth slightly ajar, a soft tumble of sighs and moans leaving her lips with every entry and exit into her body - she was a sight to see. But she never seemed like she was losing control of herself, or being overwhelmed by the sensations flowing through her veins. This was a woman actively finding her own pleasure at a pace and speed that she was comfortable with, instead of simply taking the pleasure being forced upon her body like the other girls.
As if sensing your eyes on hers she opens them, leaves them half-lidded, looking down on you from above with power and command. 
“Does that feel good, baby boy? Do you like the feel of mommy’s cunt wrapped around your cock?” she hisses, her calm, measured tone only slightly compromised by the pleasure in her veins and the movements of her body.
“Yes, mommy. Mommy feels so good.”
“Mmmm,” she coos, a tender smile on her lips. “You feel so good inside me. You make mommy feel so full!”
Your eyes wander - down her long, graceful neck, and onto the full, round mounds of her breasts. Your mouth follows your gaze, and before you know it you are reaching up with one hand to cup one full mound, capturing her taut nipple between an index finger and your thumb before latching onto it with your mouth and sucking.
Jeongyeon yelps when you begin to suckle from her - a yelp that turns into a small giggle, as though your mouth on her breasts was something that brought her intense happiness. The giggles are only temporary, however, turning back into moans and cries that reach a new volume as you take your fill of her chest, sucking from one nipple while squeezing and pinching and twisting the other.
Her riding increases in pace, her pussy a sloppy wet mess now as she somehow becomes even wetter than she already was. Throughout it all she remains tight and hot around you as she takes you in and out of her body, your mouth and fingers latched onto her breasts all the while. Eventually she tears your mouth from her chest with her hands latched tightly around your cheeks, pointing your face towards hers.
For a few long moments she rides you, your face cradled in her hands and her eyes locked on yours. You watch as her eyelids twitch, watch as they close halfway, watch every little movement of her face and features as she continues to ride your cock on the shower room floor.
You would have wanted to take things slowly, wanted to relish every entry and exit made by the beautiful woman on your cock. You would have wanted to relish the sight of sweat dripping long slick trails down her body, and the taste of it when you licked it off her flushed skin. Jeongyeon was like nothing and no one else, and you wanted to savor the moment.
But what you wanted didn’t matter. Only her pleasure did, and she was in control, not you. And the fact that your orgasm was approaching faster than you would’ve liked didn’t matter to her. Only her own orgasm did.
“You’re gonna make mommy cum,” she hisses between gritted teeth as she struggles to maintain her composure amidst the waves of pleasure emanating from her crotch with every bounce on your cock. “Do you… oh god yes… do you… do you want mommy to cum on your cock?”
“Yes please, Jeongyeon. Please cum, mommy!”
“Will you… will you cum too, baby boy? Will you fill mommy’s tight wet little cunt with your cum?”
“Yes, Jeongyeon, mommy, please, please, please cum for me-”
“Oh god, fuck I’m cumming-”
She does - and she crushes your face against her sweat-slick, flushed chest as she does so. You bury your face in her cleavage and you wouldn’t have given a damn if you’d never emerged from those warm soft depths, wouldn’t’ve have cared if they’d had to peel your dead body from between Jeongyeon’s tits.
All that matters is her, and her tight, pulsating cunt around your cock and the way it milked your orgasming shaft of every drop of cum you had. You feel each pulse, each twitch of your cock as it sends spurt after spurt of thick, hot semen into Jeongyeon’s needy little pussy, filling her cunt with cum, filling it with you.
You weren’t quite sure how much time you spent there, in that warm, wet little slice of heaven that you’d found between Jeongyeon’s breasts. But when your face finally emerges from her chest and you look up at her you find her looking at you with the warmest, most caring smile you’d ever seen in your life. It was beautiful, soft, almost maternal.
She strokes your hair gently, running her fingers through the sweaty strands, the softness of her touch somehow taking away the painful soreness she’d left there when she was gripping your scalp earlier. She wraps her arms around your head, bringing your face back into her upper chest. 
She grinds her crotch against yours, causing your still-stiff shaft inside her to move, her every movement making soft, slick sounds as your combined juices slur about inside her body. Throughout it all she continues to stroke your hair, planting short, soft kisses on the top of your head.
“Your cum feels so good inside mommy,” she says, softly.
You feel your own arms wrap around her, your arms tight against her sweaty back as she continues to fuck her cum-filled pussy on your cock. You close your eyes, savoring the intense feeling of warmth and safety Yoo Jeongyeon had provided you.
It took another few hours before Jeongyeon arrived at the apartment she shared with her sister - your little session with her on the changing room floor had, of course, necessitated another quick shower so she could at least look presentable on the way home. 
She quickly and easily slipped back into the casual, easygoing and aloof persona that you’d normally associated with her, and she made for a fun and easy conversation partner as you drove her home. She made a nice change of pace from the usual small talk you shared with the girls, and you found yourself hoping you’d be spending more time with her in the near future.
She was more than a little surprised to find that she had a guest waiting for her in her bedroom.
“Your sister let me in,” Nayeon says as Jeongyeon steps into the room.
“I see you’re miraculously doing better,” Jeongyeon replies, a slight edge in her voice as she drops her tennis racket and duffel bag in a corner of the room.
“I am. I’m not sure if you know, but I've been through quite a traumatic experience recently. Pics of me and my secret lover were leaked all over the internet,” Nayeon replies, making no attempt to hide the sarcasm in her tone.
Jeongyeon frowns and lets a breath out from her nose, but says nothing in response.
Nayeon saunters around the room, stopping in front of the dressing table and the high-end DSLR camera atop it. She lets her fingers trace little patterns atop its knobs and dials, a smug smile on her perfect lips.
“Did you fuck him?”
“Yes,” Jeongyeon replies.
“Did he cum in you?”
Nayeon lets a small smile appear at the corners of her lips.
“Yes?” the older woman asks, sharply, turning for the first time to face her friend.
“Nayeon,” Jeongyeon repeats, “I… I don’t want to help you with this anymore.”
Nayeon scoffs, letting a sharp breath escape her lips. She crosses her arms and leans back, resting her butt on the dressing table.
“So you fuck him once and suddenly you don’t want to help me?”
“That’s not true,” Jeongyeon states, although she can already feel her resolve weakening. She couldn’t even look at Nayeon, and she settles instead for awkwardly playing with her hands. No one else did this to her. No one else could turn her into a defenseless loser. Only she could. Only Nayeon.
“So what is it?”
Silence reigns for a moment as Jeongyeon considers her answer. The seconds pass like hours. Jeongyeon hazards a glance at her older friend’s eyes, but Nayeon’s features are stone cold, and she finds little comfort in those dark pools.
“I’ve been thinking bout it, Nayeon. And…”
“It’s not fair,” Jeongyeon states, although it takes all of the conviction she had left in her to say it. Nayeon had a way of breaking her down, tearing down her resolve, no matter how prepared she thought she was. “It’s not fair to him.”
Nayeon lets her eyes roll.
“I understand you have beef with Chaeyoung,” Jeongyeon continues, summoning up what was left of her courage. “But… but he has nothing to do with it. He’s just a guy doing a job. We don’t need to ruin his life just so you can piss Chaeyoung off. I don’t want to help you with this anymore. If you want to keep on starting shit with Chaeyoung then you can go ahead, just leave me and him the fuck out of it.”
Nayeon returns her gaze to Jeongyeon, who can hold it for only a moment before she has to look away. She lets a sigh escape her lips before leaving the dressing table and approaching Jeongyeon.
“Hey, hey,” she says, softly, her tone suddenly apologetic now as she reaches up to caress Jeongyeon’s cheek. “Okay. I won’t involve him anymore. Him, or you. Will that make you happy?”
Jeongyeon doesn’t answer, closing her eyes, doing her best to ignore the softness of Nayeon’s palm against her cheek. Nayeon’s touch was her weakness - had always been her weakness. It hurt her to know how sharply she’d fallen from being the one in control mere minutes before, when she was with him, to being so very weak and helpless with her.
“You’ve already done your part, anyway,” Nayeon says, her tone soft and low, as though she were comforting a hurt child. “He… doesn’t suspect you were involved, does he?”
Jeongyeon shakes her head in Nayeon’s palm.
“And he still believes it was one of the other girls that took the photos?”
Jeongyeon nods.
“Good,” Nayeon says. “Then your part is done - I’m sure those pics have convinced Chaeyoung who really owns her toy. I’ll take it from here. You’re still going to be moving back in with Momo and I, right?”
Jeongyeon gives her the slightest of nods.
Nayeon’s palm on her cheek turns Jeongyeon to face her. The older girl’s free hand wraps itself around Jeongyeon’s waist. Jeongyeon wants to fight it, wants to push her hands away and tell the older girl to leave, but she is too soft, and too beautiful, and too Nayeon. 
And so when Nayeon leans up to kiss her, Jeongyeon can do nothing to stop it. Even as the kiss deepens, even as Nayeon’s tongue slides into her mouth, she can do nothing. She is frozen, powerless, defenseless - a far cry from the dominating, controlling woman she was in the changing room earlier that day.
Nayeon breaks the kiss before her hand drifts to Jeongyeon’s, and she slowly pulls her towards the waiting bed. Once she reaches it she pulls her hoodie over her head and pulls her sweatpants down her long legs - leaving her naked. She makes a show of crawling onto Jeongyeon’s bed on all fours, relishing the feel of her friend’s eyes taking in every movement of her body.
She pats the bed next to her, beckoning her friend to join her.
“Now then,” Nayeon begins. “Do you need me to clean his filthy cum out of your pussy, mommy?”
Jeongyeon sighs, powerless. 
Author’s Note:
Locke: “Toy is a PWP series”
Also Locke:
428 notes · View notes
nightfang22 · 2 years
Get Angry
As a special treat for my friend @p34ch-tr33 who always pulls out my best work! Enjoy!
TW:Angst,smut insinuation,alcohol,18+
A tear runs down my cheek as I blow out the last candle on the cake. 20 candles nearly completely melted, wax mixed with icing, I sat alone in the dark as I waited for him. He should've been here 5 hours ago. Kenny promised this year would be different. He promised. I scroll through my Snapchat just looking at people's stories and watching dog videos. I clicked on Stan's story expecting to see cute photos of Sparky or videos with Wendy. What I saw broke my heart. Stan's story was filled with nothing but videos of a party at Kenny's house. I could see Wendy and Bebe taking shots and Cartman and Heidi making out. Butters was hitting on some poor drunk girl in the corner and Kyle was playing video games. Craig and Tweek were watching Jimmy break dance on a cardboard box in the middle of the room. I choked back a hard sob stuck in my throat but ultimately I failed. Then I remembered what my father told me when I was little: Don't cry, get mad. And when you get mad, get even. I picked myself up and brushed myself off, tossing the ruined cake in the garbage before fixing my makeup. I grabbed my keys and sped off in my car to Kenny's house.
Ever since Kenny's dad got that oil rig job and is never home anymore, Kenny hasn't really been Kenny. We used to celebrate each other's birthdays together all the time when we were kids but he's missed the last couple of years. He always made it up to me in the end but this time he completely forgot and didn't invite me to his party! I'll show him. I pull into Kenny's driveway and get out of my car. I knock on the door but there's no answer. 'Maybe the music is too loud for them to hear anything else?' So I knock again but louder. Stan opens the door looking back over his shoulder laughing at something before turning his head to face me. His eyes widen in shock. "(Y/N), what are you doing here?" He has a glass in his hand that has a golden brown liquid in it. I relieve him of his glass and down it. 'Hm, Kenny's dad's Scotch from the fancy liquor cabinet.' "I just came to say hi to Kenny and to remind him of the date. You know, since he didn't invite me to his little shindig." I said through gritted teeth. Stan is just staring at me dumbfounded before saying, "What? Kenny told us you couldn't make it cause you were sick. Everyone was asking about you." I smile softly and hug him. That makes me feel a teensy bit better. "Thank you, Stan. Where's Kenny?" I ask, my voice now calm and soft. Stan steps aside to let me in and points over to his dad's recliner where Kenny is sat watching Kyle play Nintendo. I give Stan back the empty glass and march over to Kenny. I stand in front of him, blocking his view of Kyle's game. I see his eyes widen for but a moment before I kick him square in the junk. "KENNY MCCORMICK, YOU ARE THE WORST FRIEND AND BIGGEST ASSHOLE I'VE EVER MET AND THAT SAYS SOMETHING CONSIDERING WE'VE KNOWN CARTMAN OUR WHOLE GODDAMN LIVES!" I scream at him in front of everyone. He's not wearing his parka so I have a full view of his face and just how red his cheeks are from embarrassment. The music suddenly stops and the whole room falls silent as everyone has their eyes on us. "NOT ONLY DO YOU THROW A PARTY AND TELL EVERYONE I'M SICK BUT YOU FORGET MY GODDAMN MOTHERFUCKING BIRTHDAY FOR THE THIRD YEAR IN A MOTHERFUCKING ROW, YOU PIECE OF ABSOLUTE DOGSHIT! I HOPE YOU GET TOSSED ONTO A PIKE YOU SON OF A BITCH! I DON'T KNOW ABOUT YOU GUYS BUT I THINK THAT KENNY KABOBS SOUND PRETTY GODDAMN GOOD RIGHT ABOUT NOW!" And I kick him square in the junk one more time. Just for good measure, of course. "Okay everyone, let the party continue! It is my birthday, after all!" I slit my eyes in Kenny's direction when I say the word 'birthday'.
     The music starts up again and everyone goes back to partying like nothing even happened. I walked into the kitchen to pour myself a heavy drink when I felt a tap on my shoulder. I roll my eyes sighing. Spinning around, I say "Kenny, I'm not sorry for kicking you in the balls and I'm especially not sorry for crashing your party, either." But when I spin around I am not met with blonde hair and blue-green eyes. I am met with messy black hair peeking out of a cute blue hat. "I'm not sorry you did either of those things, too. He really deserved it." It's Craig. I look up at his rather tall frame. Craig has towered over me since we were little. "Oh, sorry. I thought you were Kenny." He fakes being wounded in the chest. "Ouch, (Y/N). That bad, huh?" I could only laugh at his cheesy joke and brush his arm as I reply, "Nah, you're way cuter." His cheeks turn bright pink and that's when I notice Kenny watching out of the corner of my eye. I wrap my arms around Craig's neck and pull him in. We start to makeout and he has me pressed up against the wall. I break away only to pull him up the staircase to Kenny's bedroom. I open the door as Craig takes off his shirt. I turn to him as he pins me to the door, shutting it. He pulls my shirt off and unclasps my bra. He moves me to the bed and takes his hat off, placing it gently atop my head. Removing my skirt and undergarments, Craig kisses his way up my legs before he has me pinned beneath him. I never thought that my first time would be like this. As a revenge tactic with someone I didn't love. Especially not with Craig Tucker. He's leaning down to kiss me again when the door slams wide open. Kenny bursts through the door and pulls Craig off of me by the back of his head, slamming him into the wall. I jump up to my elbows. It appears that Craig is rendered unconscious. He's still breathing at least. I can see his chest moving rhythmically. I stare at Kenny as his head turns to me, his breathing hot and heavy. I can see why. He has a raging boner in his jeans. He pulls off his shirt and crawls on top of me. We make very intense and intimate eye contact for a few silent moments. "I'm sorry, (Y/N). I shouldn't have forgotten." I clear my throat. "Or lied to everyone about you being sick. Can you please forgive me?" Kenny gives me his best puppy eyes, the ones that always got me to do whatever he wanted when we were little and even still to this day. "Okay, fine. I'll forgive you." He smiled at me softly kissing me on the lips. "You weren't really about to give away what's mine to Craig, right?" I shake my head while giggling. He chuckles. "Good. Now let me give you your birthday gift." He strips his bottoms and I flip him over. "Let me." I whisper. I get real close to his face before I whisper, "Nice try, asshole." I sit back up and slap him across the face. "You could never have me no matter how bad you want me, McCormick." I spit in his face as I got up, Craig's hat still atop my head. I saunter over to the door taking a final turn to look at Kenny. "You'd just die on me anyways, you fucking flip phone." Those were the last words I ever spoke to Kenny McCormick as I left him laying there confused and sexually frustrated with his cock out in a room with an unconscious Craig.
Word Count:1,358
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kittyt-hexxed · 2 years
In a Rut
Unhinged Werewolf! Abby Anderson x Fem!Reader
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Word Count: 7.6k
Warnings: HIGHLY Dub-Con, Territorial!Abby, Abby’s aggressive towards anyone who’s interested in you, Possessive behavior, Rutting, Knotting, Biting, Werewolf venom, Breeding, Rough sex, Masochism, Size difference, cervical penetration, talk of murder, Abby threatens Owen, pregnancy, running away
Summary: Your father is the leader of the WLF. Dating has been hard for you with him being so overprotective, so you don’t say anything when you’re crushing on Abby Anderson - his top fighter. Except, things spiral out of control when you go to help a sick Abby… only to find out she’s not exactly sick and you’re the last person who should be there.
Author Note: I use a few veterinary terms in here if you don’t recognize certain words. I’m including the definition of a rut for those who do not know -> Rut - an annual period of sexual activity […] during which the males fight each other for access to the females.
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The barking from the WLF’s dogs greeted you the moment you walked into the kennel. Ever since your father noticed your love for animals, you’ve been the resident dog trainer and veterinary assistant. Your mother passed away during your birth all those years ago, because her body had been too weak to make it through. It was unfortunately common in those first years after the outbreak. Doctors did everything they could for women with high-risk pregnancies, but with the hysteria and stress, there wasn’t much they could do.
You took after your mother in so many ways. The main thing was her love of nature and her sweet personality. Everyone in the WLF loved you and you weren’t short on anything you needed. You have great friends, an attentive crew, and - although overbearing sometimes - you had your father. A lot of people, especially those your age, didn’t have the luxury of saying that.
“Hey, Dixon!” Ruelle waves at you from the other end of the kennel, “You taking one of them out today?”
“Ruelle, how many times do I have to tell you to call me Y/n?” You groan, stopping in front of Poppy’s cage. The female Belgian Malinois was excited to see you standing there, barking and spinning in circles to show that she was ready to come out. You giggle at her antics, widening the neck on your leash so you can grab her.
“Until your father isn’t my boss?” Ruelle stands next to you, a bag of dog food in her hands, “Poppy’s happy to see you, huh?” She questions as you open the cage and leash her. Poppy immediately hops up onto her back legs to give your face a lick.
“It’s nice to see you too, Poppy.” You giggle, ruffling her fur as she drops back down, “I haven’t had the chance to play with her in a few weeks, so I’m just as excited. She is my dog after all. And, please forget that my father is your boss. Treat me like anyone else.”
“See, I can’t do that because you’re too cute. And if I was caught having sex with you, I’d probably be the dog food.”
“Why is sex the first thing you think of?” You snort, walking towards the field.
“It isn’t for you?” Ruelle gives you a playfully confused look, making you laugh, “Anyway, I’ve got to get back to feeding these puppies. Get lunch with me later?”
“You got it!” You wave to her and head out into the morning sun. Poppy is tugging you to her favorite area of the field that you call ‘the stretch’ since it’s a long section for the dogs to run back and forth. You open the cage and let Poppy off of the leash. She sprints down the stretch before circling around and coming back to you. You grin and grab a tennis ball out of the bucket, tossing it in your hand.
“You ready, girl?” You grin at your dog, “You ready?” Poppy barks, spinning in a circle.
“Catch!” You throw the ball, watching her sprint after it. You giggle to yourself as she comes running back, eagerly dropping it at your feet. You continue to play with her for a while, watching her cues to see if she’s tired or having any issues. At some point, you end up running back and forth with her just to have fun. You shriek when she tackles you, licking your face as you laugh and roll away from her.
“You okay there, Y/n?” You hear a very familiar voice call out. Your head snaps up and you see Abby Anderson grinning at you from the other side of the cage.
“Abby! Yeah, I’m- Ack!” You’re knocked over again, your dog whining that you’re not playing with her, “Poppy, sit!” You command her. She listens and sits down, and you get up off of the grass feeling a little embarrassed.
“Sorry!” You laugh flusteredly, approaching the gate, “Yeah, I’m all good. Poppy and I haven’t had time to ourselves in a while since she’s been in the field.”
“That’s good to hear.” The smile she gives you is blinding, “Is it okay for me to come in to say hello to her?”
“Yeah, of course!” You hurriedly, unlatch the gate and let Abby come inside. You had wished to be friends when she first arrived at the compound but your father was very overprotective. You weren’t allowed to talk with her or the others that came with her until your dad knew he could trust them. It didn’t help that you’d been dealing with a crush that started a few months after she got here. So, you were relieved when your dad gave you the all-clear, but you couldn’t because you were too shy. Abby was a really fun person, always making you laugh when you were around her, and it’s a bonus that she’s your age. She knew what it felt like to be a child born just after the end of the world. You admire how much she has done over the years, watching from a distance as she worked out and trained to fight infected and Scars. She only got more attractive as time went on with her gaining her muscular physique and becoming your dad’s top fighter. Although your positions made it hard to hang out, Abby made an effort to stop by and see you when she could.
“Alright, Poppy-!” Your dog is racing over the moment you give her permission to move. She runs around Abby, barking as her tail wags around like crazy. You giggle as she keeps trying to give Abby kisses, jumping up before running around and doing it again.
“Poppy!” Abby laughs, petting her and getting her to calm down, “That’s enough. I get it.”
“She really likes you.” You nudge her, “Are you sure this is your first time interacting with her?”
“Yeah.” Abby nods, watching Poppy run around, “I usually interact with Zeta, Alice, or Bear. Zeta is the one I’m assigned to, and Alice is Owen’s usual partner.”
“How has the field been lately?” You look at her, “I noticed that my dad has been sending you out often. Are things getting worse?”
“No. Things are good. I’ve just been feeling antsy so I go out on runs when I’m not scheduled to. It feels nice to get out of the stadium from time to time.”
“Y/N! It’s time for lunch!” Molly shouts from the kennel area. You bite your lip, not wanting to end your conversation early, but you’re hungry after the exercise. You whistle and Poppy comes trotting over, letting you put her leash on without a fuss.
“Ah, I’ve got to head to lunch and put Poppy back…” You awkwardly motion to the kennel, “We can talk when I’m free?”
“Yeah, I’ll catch you later.” Abby agrees, and you nod. She walks with you back to the kennel and waits while you put Poppy away. You say goodbye to her and head for the cafeteria, wondering what the kitchen crew has made. You’re happy to find out that it’s sandwiches, sliding into the line, greeting the cooks, and asking about their day. Once you get your food, you head over to your regular table where your friends are waiting for you.
“So someone was flirting with Abby today.” Jasmine says loudly while looking at you.
“I was not!” You protest, blushing, “She was asking me about Poppy!”
“Abby hasn’t shown any interest in Y/n romantically.” Aden rolls his eyes, “She’s still interested in Owen. That conversation was nothing but friendly.”
“Were you all watching?” You huff, taking a bite from your sandwich.
“Yup!” They chorus together, making you shake your head.
“We all know you’re crushing on her. It’s okay. A lot of people are but she can’t seem to look past Owen.” Ruelle sighs.
“Am I that obvious?” You pale. ‘Oh god, does she know?!’
“No, we just know you really well.” Jasmine pats your shoulder, “Don’t worry, Abby doesn’t know.”
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The whistling from the Scars makes Abby’s skin itch. The extra missions she’s been doing lately have been to take out any challengers, and what better opportunity than to use the Scars to her advantage? She would lure the Scars toward her target, allowing them to fight and get injured before jumping in and saving them. She tagged along on a run to the edge of WLF territory for one reason, and one reason only. Madeline. Another person who was trying to get closer to Y/n because they have a crush on her. Abby wouldn’t allow anyone to get closer to her girl now that she was single and Abby could move in on her. She had told Madeline to back off and warned her that if she didn’t there’d be consequences, and well… she didn’t.
Abby wasn’t above threatening people. Not when her future mate was involved. So she did what she had to do in order to get these humans to back off. Killing the Scars involved in the situation gave her an outlet for her pent-up frustrations, letting her shift and tear them apart as she forced her need for Y/n down. Her father's death left Abby as the only werewolf remaining from her pack. She thought that Owen had been the mate she was looking for, but she was wrong. When she officially met Y/n, her tail would have been wagging like crazy if she was in her werewolf form. Her scent, her voice, her personality, and the way she was so soft with Abby made her heart skip a beat.
Thanks to her enhanced senses, Abby was well aware of Y/n’s crush on her. The sweet scent that Y/n gave off around her made her head spin and her gums ache. Abby wanted to claim her, to mark her so that everyone knew that Y/n belonged to her, but she had to be patient. She worked hard to get Issac’s favor because of the rumors she heard going around about him disapproving of anyone his daughter dated. All she needed was the confirmation that he didn’t care about her being with his daughter and she’d jump at the chance. If she didn’t get it, well, she’d just have to take Y/n and leave. There was nothing tying her here. Not after the huge argument between her and Owen. Manny was her best friend - the only one outside of Owen who knew about her being a werewolf - but she knew that he’d stay here to look after his father and she respected that. Y/n was all she needed and she’d have her.
Madeline was rushed back to the compound and Abby smirked when the two of them made eye contact. She flashed her eyes at the girl, a horrified look twisting onto her face, and Abby knew she was no longer a worry. ‘Y/n should be working right now. She told me that she was working with the pregnant dogs today. It wouldn’t hurt to drop by and see her.’ Abby hums a happy tune to herself as she checks her weapons in and heads into the kennel. The dogs happily greet her as she strolls past them, overjoyed to see the Alpha back home safely. It put a smile on her face, reminding her of the first time her father showed her how their werewolf side interacted with other canines.
The sound of Y/n’s laughter puts a bounce in her step and she turns a corner to see an adorable sight. Y/n was sitting down with a litter of puppies that were climbing all over her. There was one in particular that she was pulling away from her face that kept trying to lick her. It made Abby’s heart melt and she bites her lip as she watches how tender Y/n is with them.
“Okay! Okay! Hold on!” Y/n giggles, “If you’ll let me get up, I can get your food.” One of the puppies starts nipping at her fingers, making her laugh more. ‘She’s so perfect.’ Abby sighs longingly. Y/n looks up and over at her, making Abby smile and give her a small wave.
“Abby!” Y/n brightens up, her scent immediately getting sweeter, “Could you grab the puppies’ food for me? They won’t let me get up… and I kind of don’t want to.” She coos picking one up and cuddling it. ‘She’s making this so hard on me.’ Abby groans internally but gets the food for the puppies and steps into the pen.
“I thought you were supposed to be with the pregnant ones?” Abby asks, sitting down next to her. The puppies start jumping on her, whining now that they smell the food and their hunger can’t be ignored by excitement.
“Oh! Sunny is whelping! Tilly asked me to take over for her since she’s one of the handlers.” Y/n’s eyes sparkle as she grins at Abby, taking some of the shredded chicken into her hands, “If we’re lucky, there’ll be three new additions...” Abby zones out, too distracted by watching Y/n feed the puppies and seeing how loving she is with them. ‘She’d be an amazing mother.’ Her mind drifts, thoughts of Y/n having her pups swirling around in her mind.
“Abby?” Y/n’s voice snaps her out of her thoughts. She shakes her head and notices that Y/n is blushing, clearly flustered about something.
“Sorry.” Abby clears her throat, “What were you saying? I uh… zoned out.”
“Oh, nothing.” Y/n shakes her head, “Do you want to help me around the kennel?”
“There you are, Abby!” Owen’s voice sounds out, making them look up. He had a frown on his face and Y/n awkwardly shuffles her position, no doubt having heard about the fight between the two of them.
“Issac’s calling for you.” Owen crosses his arms, “Said it’s confidential.”
“Oh, that conversation.” Y/n seems to sigh in relief, “He wanted to go over some things with you. He wouldn’t tell me what, as usual, but I guarantee you’re not in trouble. He’s probably going to request that you marry me if you keep making him so proud.” She jokes, but that strikes a chord in Abby’s chest. ‘If only that were true…’
“I’ll come back after if you still want my help?” Abby asks as she stands up.
“I’d like that.” Y/n smiles, “Tell my dad I want you back in one piece.”
“Will do.” Abby nods. She silently walks with Owen out of the kennel and makes her way into the main building. Out of nowhere, Owen shoves Abby into an empty room and slams her into the wall.
“Owen, what the fuck?!” Abby shouts, shoving him off of her.
“No, Abby! What the fuck are you doing?!” Owen shoves her back, “I don’t know what you’re trying to do with Y/n, but this has to stop!” Abby snarls, her eyes glowing as she grabs Owen and slams him into the wall. He chokes as she presses her arm against his throat.
“I’m not doing anything to Y/n, except being nice to her. But, I will hurt you if you come between us.” Abby growls, her body shaking from the force of it, “You and I aren’t friends anymore so, take this as your only warning.” She slams him against the wall one more time before leaving the room. ‘Maybe I will have a talk with Issac.’
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It seemed like Abby showed up at the kennel every free moment she had. You let her join you when you were training the younger dogs or doing things outside of the veterinary clinic. Abby complimented you on your skilled handling of them, saying that they must think of you as the alpha if they listen so well. You had stuttered out something and waved her off because that was too big of a compliment. You just spent a lot of time with them. Abby brought a different perspective to training from someone who’s out in the field with them. You admitted to her that you were impressed with how well the dogs listened to her. Even your more jubilant dogs listened to her commands, and Abby responded that she just understood them. Over time, you started noticing that the way Abby said your name made it sound like honey on her tongue. It sent shivers down your spine and didn’t help with your crush on her. Being in contact with her so often was torturous to your poor little heart. Your fingers would brush against each other when you handed her things or she’d touch your shoulder to get your attention. You’ve even had… intimate dreams about her that have you jumping for the shower first thing in the morning. You wanted to ask her out, but you were too shy to, especially after you heard Owen was with Mel.
Speaking of Owen, he was acting weird around you. Half the time it seemed like he wanted to say something to you, but decided not to last minute. There was one time he caught your friends teasing you about your crush on Abby and he looked like he got hit by a Scar. You felt your heart drop as he ran out of the kennel and it worried you. Especially when the next day, Abby didn’t show up to the kennel. You thought she might be out on a mission for your dad, but when you asked him he said no that Abby was in the compound. You panicked when a week went by and you hadn’t heard a single thing from her. So, when Manny showed up, you jumped at the chance to ask him.
“Y/n! Cómo estás?!” You hear Manny exclaim from the other end of the kennel and you give him a grin. Every time he came to collect a K-9, he had such high energy and made you laugh. The workers loved when he came in and you jokingly fight over who got to help him.
“Bein, Manny. Y tú?” You respond, putting one of the dogs back in its cage.
“Pretty good. I’m going out on a scouting run with Mel and Nora.” Manny chuckles, handing you his K-9 slip, “Your Spanish is getting better.”
“I only know like three words, but thank you.” You giggle, going to Bear’s cage, “Why are Mel and Nora going with you? Are you finally scouting out the other hospital?” You call Bear to the gate and get your leash out of your pocket.
“Yeah, we’re scouting out the hospital at the edge of the territory. The main one has almost been picked clean, but we have the bottom layers of that one to go through. Your dad wants the other one secured before we go down further though.”
“Is um… Is Abby going with you?” You ask, leashing Bear and taking him out.
“Abby? Ay, no.” Manny shakes his head, sighing sadly, “She hasn’t been feeling good this past week. She’s been locked up in our apartment with a fever.”
“Oh. It’s not bad, is it?” You frown, “A week is a long time to be sick with a fever.”
“It happened to her once when we were kids.” Manny shrugs, “Her father wasn’t concerned and she told me not to be, but I am a bit concerned about leaving her alone for three days.” You sign out Bear, waving for Molly to load their car with dog food. ‘Sick and alone for three days? What if she gets worse? What if she needs something and she can’t get it?’ You bite your lip nervously.
“I can check on her.” You offer, handing him Bear’s leash, “I don’t work too late tonight, so I can visit her after and see if her fever broke or if she needs anything.”
“Gracias, Y/n! You’re a real lifesaver!” Manny squeezes you in a hug, making you laugh.
“I just want to make sure she’s okay.” You smile, “I haven’t seen her since she got sick, so I’ve been worried.” You walk with him to the truck.
“Oh, that’s right! Abby has been hanging out with you these past few months.” Manny grins, “You’ve really helped her get over Owen. Not that Owen knows.” He chuckles.
“She’s talked about me to you?” You tilt your head.
“Si. She really enjoyed spending time with you.” You watch as Bear hops into the truck, waving at Nora and Mel, “I think she’d be happy to see you come by.”
“I’ll do that after my shift, then.” You give Manny a side hug, “Stay safe and watch out for those Scars. They’ve been pressing into our area more.” You frown. You were worried about the growing tensions between the two groups. Even your father seemed more out of it as time went on. You were hoping that the groups could come to some form of agreement, but you weren’t sure what your father would do. Abby had been going out a lot, even on unassigned missions, and someone was always coming back horribly injured. The memory of hearing about Madeline’s shattered arm still made you nauseous.
“Don’t worry. They can’t take me out.” Manny winks, hopping into the truck, “I’ll see you in a few days, Y/n!”
“Bye, Manny!” You wave, “Be a good boy, Bear!” You point at the Shepard who woofs in response. You leave and get back to work, still worrying about Abby but calmer than before. ‘I’m not the reason she’s gone. I thought Owen told her about my crush and she found it weird. Now I feel bad for not stopping by her place and checking on her.’ You sigh.
Time seemed to crawl as the day went by. The rest of the morning was spent training, then you had lunch and it was like your shift didn’t want to end. You joined the veterinarians in the clinic and assisted with surgeries, cleaning cages, and fixing up the surgical suite. They joked that you needed to be sedated because you were bouncing from chore to chore in a way to keep yourself busy. You had laughed and told them that you were looking forward to your shift ending. That only made them interested in why and they started throwing out their theories. When someone said you were going to hook up with someone in the compound, you blushed heavily and told them the truth. It didn’t help because that only made them coo at you and say that Abby was lucky she’d have a cute girl attending to her.
When your shift ended, you took your scrubs off and tossed them into the wash bin. You signed out and said goodbye to your team, and made the trek back into the compound. Some of the people hanging around jokingly cat-called you in your tank top and shorts and you stuck your tongue out at them. Being the boss’ daughter meant that people had to be careful with you. Everyone who was here from the beginning knew that he was overprotective, and anyone who dated you had been called into his office at some point. You found it annoying, but there wasn’t anything you could do about it. Sometimes you fantasied leaving Seattle and running away to somewhere else, but that would require you to find someone who wanted to do that with you in the first place. ‘Maybe Abby would want to? Pfft, probably not. She’s my dad’s favorite warrior.’
You stopped by your apartment, greeting Ruelle before showering and getting changed into something more comfortable. You were planning on being there for some time to make sure she ate, so you went with sweats and a comfy t-shirt. With a cheeky grin from Rue and a roll of your eyes, you left the apartment and headed for Abby’s end of the building. Since she was your father’s top runner, she was given a room in one of the more private areas of the compound. When you questioned your dad about it, he said that it was a good way to keep loyalty and reward it. If others see that Abby was getting better space, more access to things, and even your father’s confidence… that would encourage others to do the same. Manny was rooming with her because Abby requested it, and he was taking advantage of it from what you heard. ‘Here it is… and here we go…’ With a deep breath, you knock on the door, “Abby? It’s Y/n.” You wait for what feels like forever before the door opens, Abby partially hiding behind it. Your eyes widen when you see her. Instead of her hair being in its usual braid, it’s cascading down her back in long, messy blonde strands. Her face is flushed, her eyes dilated and slightly foggy, and her lips look swollen as if she’s been biting at them. All she was wearing is a t-shirt and a pair of boxers.
“Y/n.” Abby’s deep, husky voice makes your breath hitch, “I… didn’t expect you to stop by.” She glances down the hallway before making eye contact with you.
“Manny told me you were sick, so I wanted to come to check on you.” You smile at her, “If you’re okay with it, I’d like to hang out until you go to sleep. I want to make sure you have someone here with you in case something happens.” Abby stares at you for a moment, making you swallow nervously. She blinks and shakes her head, hesitantly stepping back into her apartment with an apologetic look.
“I’m sorry, Y/n. It’s not good for you to be here. Thank you for stopping by, but you should go.” Abby rushes out and goes to close the door.
“Wait!” You shout, slamming your hand against the door to stop her, “I don’t want you to be by yourself when you’re sick! Call me stupid, but I care about you and I don’t want you to-!!” You’re yanked into Abby’s apartment, taken by surprises as you’re whirled around and slammed into the door. ‘Holy shit!’
“Abby?!” You gasp, looking at her with wide eyes. She’s got you trapped between her and the door, staring you in the eyes with a hungry look.
“Damn it, Y/n.” Abby growls lowly, “You really want me to fuck you senseless, don’t you?”
“O-Owen told you about my crush?!” You squeak, feeling your face burn. Abby’s lips are on yours without a response, her arms wrapping around your waist and pulling you to her. It takes you a second to realize that she’s kissing you, but you’re kissing her back just as needily as you do. She lifts you off the ground, making you wrap your legs around her and you feel something press against your crotch. You’re carried over to her bed, breaking the kiss briefly so Abby can lay you down, and she’s on top of you the moment you are. You were a little embarrassed that a kiss was making you feel so hot, but her tongue in your mouth and the bulge in her pants rubbing against you was doing it for you.
You feel her hands at your waistband, tugging your pants and panties off at once and leaving you exposed to the cool air. You push her back and take a deep breath to get the air back in your lungs. In that short time, Abby takes off her shirt and has you salivating at the sight of her muscles and abs. She pulls you up and takes your shirt off, growling in appreciation at the sight. You let out a small groan as she rolls your nipples between her fingers, getting another growl from her. When you open your eyes, you gasp at the glowing gold that used to be Abby’s blue irises.
“A-Abby?” You stutter, grabbing her wrists, “What happened to your eyes?”
“I’m a werewolf.” Abby’s voice comes out rumbly, “And you have no idea how long I’ve been thinking about you like this. How long I’ve been trying to get you to mate with me.” She kisses your neck, making you tilt your head back.
“Mate?” Your eyes widen as she hums in response, too busy kissing down your body to give you a proper one, “Abby-” She huffs and looks up at you, making you swallow. Her eyes are dark with lust and you can see her impatience as she takes off her boxers. You’re not sure what sound comes out of your mouth as her penis springs free and you get an eyeful of it. ‘That’s not something a human has.’ You think in shock. Her penis is huge, definitely bigger than a normal human’s, and leaking strands of precum. It’s a soft pink as it pushes out of its sheath and your breath catches in your throat. ‘She wants to put that in me?’ You blush furiously.
You open your mouth to say something but Abby’s back to kissing you. This one was rough and desperate, meant to distract you from the impending intrusion and it almost does. Abby’s cock head is hot and very slick when it touches your slit and you’re aware of every inch as she pushes into you. She’s hot, making your pussy feel warmer than normal while easing the ache you had. A whimper leaves your lips as she stretches you out, moving a little to get a feel for you.
“God.” Abby groans, rotating her hips, “So soft. So wet. So breedable. I need to get my pups into you.” She mumbles by your ear, grabbing your hips in her hands. ‘Pups?!’
“Wait, wait, wait- Abby!” You gasp as Abby thrusts into you and hits your cervix. With a deep growl, Abby starts fucking you like you’re a bitch in heat. Her thrusts are punishing, driven by her instincts, and done with the purpose of breeding you. You couldn’t say that you didn’t like it because you absolutely did. It was pleasurable to you, especially as Abby groans out how you’ll be the best mate and she’ll take care of you and your pups. She had you digging your fingers into her thick muscles to support yourself as she drilled into you.
Surprisingly, your orgasm rose steadily and you were moaning out her name as the pressure became unbearable. A few more thrusts resulted in you cumming, your pussy squeezing her cock as tight as it can and making the pleasure spike. You let out a strangled moan it mixing with a shout as a sharp pain burst from within your abdomen. You feel Abby sink in deeper, startling you as something pushes against your slit, stretching you a tad wider than comfortable. The sting lasts for no longer than thirty seconds before whatever it was pops into you. Abby growls, opening her mouth and allowing you to see her large fangs before she’s biting into your shoulder. You scream as the spot where she bit you burns as if you poured hot oil onto your skin. A cool tongue bushes other the area but you thrash around as the burning feeling travels up your arm.
You weren’t sure how long you had blacked out, but when you came to you met Abby’s golden eyes. Your gaze went down to where you and Abby were attached in shock. ‘She knotted me.’ Your mind started racing as a deep blush crossed your cheeks at the realization. Abby intended on getting you pregnant and as you’re able to process what she said, it’s something that she’s been thinking about for months.
“Are you okay, baby?” Abby looks at you in worry, her hands rubbing your hips to get your attention, “You’re quiet.”
“...Why me?” You whisper, “Why mate me?”
“I fell in love with you.” Abby’s eyes soften, “I knew you liked me, but I wanted it to be your decision to approach me. And, honestly, what’s not to love about you?” She starts rambling about everything she likes about you and it has you in awe. The two of you talk for hours, too deep in conversation to realize that it’s okay for the two of you to move apart. You didn’t expect to get with Abby like this, but you talk extensively about what’s going to happen when you get pregnant - because Abby refused to think that you wouldn’t be getting pregnant. What were your plans? What future did you imagine? What kind of parent would you want to be?
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Two weeks later, you were early to the kennel so you could take Poppy out. Abby’s bite had turned you into a werewolf, causing her eyes to go red while yours presented gold. She had taken the time to explain everything and try to help you acclimate to the changes. You were surprised to find out that you could understand the dogs way better. Their whines, barks, growls, and even their silent cues. Poppy had freaked out, knocking you over in her excitement when she realized that you were like her. She did the same thing when Abby showed up and she connected the dots that you were mated. You had dissolved into giggles as she jumped between licking you and your mate and sprinting up and down the stretch. Zeta - Abby’s dog - did the same thing.
Poppy was sitting by the door when you got there and she yipped happily. You smile to yourself, opening the cage and taking her out. You were surprised by how affectionate Poppy was with you, especially when you were sitting down on the grass. She was quietly laying there with her head nuzzled against your stomach. It didn’t even occur to you that she was pointing out that you were pregnant until a week later. You woke up heavily nauseous one morning, too dizzy to get out of bed, and sobbed to Ruelle to help you to the hospital wing. She carefully supported you to the hospital where Nora was the one to receive you.
Nora asks you how you were feeling and you told her. She nods her head and writes it down before starting to question you. You go through them pretty quickly, but freeze when she asks if you’ve been sexually active. You slowly nod your head and she raises an eyebrow at your reaction.
“Y/n…” Nora says cautiously, “Could you be pregnant? When was your last cycle supposed to be?”
“Last week.” You smile sheepishly, “It’s consistent. No irregularities.”
“And you had unprotected sex within the last four weeks?”
“Yeah.” You say, your voice going up in pitch from embarrassment.
“Okay, I’ll have you take a pregnancy test.” She motions to the closed door to your right, “I’ll take a small amount of your blood, and I can test it here. Since you’re still feeling nauseous, you can rest until it’s ready.” You nod and she does what she says. You lay down and end up falling asleep only to be woken up by Nora softly calling your name. Thankfully, as you sit up, your nausea is gone so you’re able to focus.
“Your test result came back positive.” Nora says gently, “Do you know who the father might be?”
“Mother.” You correct her, your heartbeat picking up, “And yes, I do.”
“Who is it?” Nora asks, checking the bandage on your arm.
“...You can’t tell anyone, Nora. Please. Not even my father. Don’t even write this down in my records until it’s necessary.” You stress to her. Nora meets your eyes, concern in them as she puts her pen down.
“Okay. Confidential until you start showing, then.” Nora nods, “Tell me.”
“Abby.” You rub your hands onto your pants, “The mother is Abby.”
“Oh.” Nora blinks, “I can see why you want to keep this confidential… Okay, I can do that.”
“You’re serious?” You smile happily, relief flooding your system.
“I’m serious. Abby is one of my closest friends, and I can misdiagnose someone. Periods can be horrible for a lot of women.” Nora shrugs, winking at you. You grin at her.
When you leave the hospital wing, you pass Mel on the way in and give her a quick smile. She wasn’t your favorite person after some of the things your mate has told you. By the time you’re leaving, it’s almost lunchtime in your area so you head to the cafeteria to eat. You haven’t had anything since you woke up this more so you were starving. ‘I’ll be eating for two. This is… This is surreal.’ You think to yourself as you head down.
“Y/n!” Ruelle exclaims when you come inside. You wave at her and grab your food, pausing when you see Abby’s crew come into the cafeteria. Normally your mate’s scent would help you relax but nervous butterflies swarm your stomach instead. The moment your scent reached her, she’d be able to tell, and her finding out in front of a crowd is not what you planned. So, you rushed over to the table and squished yourself between Ruelle and Jasmine.
“Rue told us about what happened this morning.” Aden frowns, “Are you okay?”
“Yeah, I was really nauseous and thought I was sick. The nurse that helped me said it was just post-menstrual stuff.”
“Ugh, periods suck.” Molly huffs, “I’m so glad that mine is going to be over tomorrow.”
“Um, Y/n.” Tilly’s eyes widen, “Don’t turn around but Abby is walking this way!”
“What?” You blink, your mate’s scent flooding your nose before you feel a hand on your shoulder. You look up into her eyes seeing some red starting to creep in as she grins at you.
“Can we talk?” Abby’s eyes sparkle in joy, “Now?”
“Yeah.” You smile, getting up from the bench. Abby grabs your hand and leads you out of the cafeteria, down the hall, and ushers you into the empty music room.
“You’re pregnant!” Abby shouts, wrapping you up in a hug, “Oh, my god you’re pregnant!” She kisses you, rocking your body side to side.
“Surprise?” You giggle, “I found out this morning. I was going to tell you later, but I didn’t expect to see you at lunch today.”
“That’s what I wanted to talk to you about.” Abby bites her lip, “They found him. Joel… The guy who killed my father. He’s living in a town called Jackson in Wyoming.”
“Oh…” You breathe out, nervous once again. You knew about your mate’s quest for revenge but you didn’t expect this to come around so soon. ‘I’m pregnant now. What is she going to do?’
“I’m conflicted now.” Abby sighs, “I’ve been planning for this revenge for years. But, you’re pregnant and now I’ll have a family to look after. If I go and kill this man… who’s to say someone else won't come back for revenge as I did. I just- I need to know why he did it. Why my father? He wasn’t hurting anyone.”
“Why don’t we go?” You grab her hands and look into her eyes, “Instead of the whole murder plan… Why don’t we talk to him and find out what happened? Because you’re right, you will have a family to worry about in nine months. And truthfully, I don’t want to stay here. Tensions between us and the Scars are getting worse, my father is losing his mind, and I don’t want to be here when everything goes to shit.”
“So we just waltz up to their front door and ask for him?” Abby raises an eyebrow.
“What was your plan going to be when you got there? Throw a molotov into the town?” You joke, making your mate roll her eyes.
“Are you sure that’s what you want to do?” Abby brushes your hair back, knitting her eyebrows in concern.
“It is. Besides, I’ll get to shift into my werewolf form and it won’t be in your apartment.” You kiss her cheek, “You deserve answers and I want to get the hell out of here.”
“Okay.” Abby nods, “How are we doing this?”
“Baby… I’m the daughter of leader of the WLF. You let me worry about getting things set up, and you just show up at the places I tell you to.” You smirk, making Abby blink in surprise, “We’re also bringing Poppy and Zeta, I hope you know that.”
“They’re part of the pack.” Abby huffs, “I’d never let you leave them behind.”
“Good.” You kiss her deeply, “Let’s get ready to leave this place.”
True to your word, you took care of it. You gathered everything that you’d need for the trip: med-kit, weapons, food, clothes, and a map. During the night, no one questioned you as you walked around or and you knew where to go to avoid people. The perks of growing up here and being able to see all of your dad’s plans made things easier. You had asked Abby if anyone else knew about where Joel was located and she said no. The informant was an ex-Firefly and she had made sure to kill the person after they told her. You had raised an eyebrow at that and she shrugged saying that she knew they didn’t have anyone else, which is why he was an informant.
You were ready to go in a week and then came the hard part of sneaking out. You gave no hints that you were leaving, and Abby was the first one to leave the compound with Zeta. She hitched a ride with some people going up to the News Station so she’d be close to the meetup point. No one would bat an eye at her heading out randomly, especially not with the high tensions going on. Your father had given her free rein, and you felt a little bad taking advantage of that. But, his mind has been consumed by the Scars. You knew that there’d be a war soon, and you didn’t want to be around when it started. You have a family of your own to protect.
The way you left was carefully planned. There was a group going up to the elementary school to visit the kids. You requested to join, saying that you wanted to bring some cheer with Poppy and they were happy to let you come. You spent the day there, talking with the younger kids and letting them play with your dog. Early in the morning, you pulled your bag from inside the truck - smirking to yourself at their stupidity - and left. The plan was to meet Abby at the highway gate and follow the road out. When you got there, your mate swept you off your feet and kissed you like you’ve been gone for years. She grumbled and complained that she was worried about you and she refused to split up again. You opened the gate as she did, slipping through and watching it fall shut behind you.
“Are you ready?” Abby grabs your hand, gently turning your face from the gate.
“Am I ready to leave my whole life behind to make a new one wherever that may be?” You grin at her, “Yes. I am.” Abby starts walking with you, Poppy and Zeta remaining as close to you as possible since you’re the pregnant one. You were nervous but you were also excited. Unlike Abby, you’ve never left Seattle. All you’ve known is that place while you heard that she’s been all over the country. Perks of being a Firefly when they were still active.
“I hope you know that I’m doing this because I love you.” You kiss Abby’s cheek.
“I know you are.” Abby kisses yours back, “You’ll really get a chance to see what being a werewolf is like. My dad and I used to run through any forests or woods nearby and go crazy. Hunting was the fun part. There’s no thrill like chasing a deer and then- I’m rambling again, aren’t I?”
“You are.” You chuckle, “But, it’s cute.”
“Are we really going to Jackson to speak with my father’s murderer?” Abby gives you a look.
“No, I just want to check out the place. I heard that they have great food.” You say seriously, making your mate snort.
“Thank you… for giving me another option. It wasn’t until I realized that I had something to lose that I… figured out revenge might not be the best approach.” Abby sighs.
“Well, now you’ll get the answers you need… and hopefully we’ll have a new place to call our home.” You smile at her.
“So really, what’s the plan?” Abby raises an eyebrow at you.
“Approach the gate and ask for a place to stay.” You shrug, “By the time we get there I’ll be… three months pregnant, maybe four if we go slow. Ask to spend a night or two, you request to talk to Joel and go from there. If we have to leave, there are thousands of houses we can stay in and make a home. Oh! We could have a farm! Let’s get a farm house!”
“A farm house?” Abby smiles in amusement.
“Yeah, you know I’m tired of the city life.” You joke, “We can raise goats or chickens, have a little garden and the girls would be excellent farm dogs.” You pause when you see Abby staring at you.
“What?” You tilt your head.
“Nothing. I’m just thinking how about many people I nearly killed to get to you.” Abby hums.
“We need to talk about that.” You huff.
“Do we?” Abby glances at you.
“Yes!” You poke her.
“It’s a werewolf thing.�� Abby shrugs.
“You can’t pass everything off as a werewolf thing!” You whine. Abby stops walking, grabs your chin and kisses you.
“Sorry, baby… it’s a werewolf thing.” She repeats again, making you groan.
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vigilante-fangirl · 1 year
Heroes Guide to Parenting
Adrian Chase/Vigilante x Reader Prompt: Surprise you're pregnant! What will you tell the team? What are you going to tell Adrian?!
Warnings: Reader is AFAB, Pregnancy, Cursing and Spoilers for season 1 finale of peacemaker in later chapters
The early morning at the headquarters of the office record store was shrouded in a quiet atmosphere. While everyone else busied themselves with typing on their computers or fine-tuning their weapons after a grueling mission, you found yourself slumped on the office couch, clad in your hero costume, feeling utterly miserable. "Ughhh! Kill meee!" you whined, the intensity of your complaint earning you a pen thrown by Harcourt, which ended up hitting your nose.
"Fucking shut UP!" Harcourt snapped, her patience wearing thin. "You've been complaining nonstop since we got back from the mission! Either go home or sit up and keep quiet." She punctuated her reprimand with a piercing glare. Before you could retort to her harsh words, an overwhelming wave of nausea surged through your body. The sensation hit you like a freight train, and you sprinted out of the room in a desperate bid to reach the bathroom, where you found yourself violently vomiting. Confusion spread among your teammates as they exchanged perplexed glances, unsure of what had just transpired.
"She's been sick for the last couple of weeks," Adebayo voiced her concern, closing her laptop and cringing at the distressing sounds emanating from the bathroom.
"Yeah, but only in the mornings?" Vigilante chimed in absentmindedly, engrossed in the task of polishing his throwing knives. "She's usually back to normal by the afternoon, so no big deal."
"Speak for yourself, dude!" Economos snapped at Vigilante, seated uncomfortably in a shirt that was a size too small. "Your girlfriend friggin' threw up on me while we were in the van! Now I have to wear this!" He grumbled, spinning around in his chair to point at a shopping bag filled with vomit-stained clothes. His now shirt being the only thing from the lost and found.
"She's not my girlfriend! Did... did she say she was my girlfriend?" Adrian questioned with an awkward grin, finally lifting his gaze from his previous preoccupation. However, his smile quickly faded as he registered the disappointed expressions on his teammates' faces.
"I don't know, man. Maybe we should check on her? This isn't normal for her to be this sick," Adebayo suggested sympathetically, her gaze fixed on the closed bathroom door, brimming with concern
"Listen, I've known (Y/L/N) for years. She's fine. She gets sick all the time, but she toughs it out. Now let's get back to work," Harcourt declared, gesturing towards the cluttered desks and piles of paperwork. However, her words fell on deaf ears as the team members continued their discussion about what could be wrong with you.
"Well, she has been moodier lately," Vigilante chimed in, his mind wandering as he recalled recent events.
Economos, leaning back in his chair and clicking his pen, sneered. "Like how she suplexed Peacemaker the other day just for asking if her costume got tighter."
Peacemaker, who glared at Economos for his comment, couldn't resist adding a quip. "Whatever, baby tee! She got lucky! She's so little I didn't see her coming. Like an angry lil Oompa Loompa."
Economos pulled down the small shirt, silenced by Peacemaker's remark. Peacemaker then turned to Vigilante. 
"Nah, bro, but  (Y/L/N) has been aggro lately. Remember that patrol we had a week ago?"
The scene shifted to a vivid flashback.
You stood atop a dog walker, mercilessly curb stomping the guy into the ground. Vigilante and Peacemaker watched, torn between concern and awe. While Peacemaker wondered when to intervene, Vigilante's gaze remained fixed on you, as if you had stolen his heart.
"I think you got him, bro?" Peacemaker offered tentatively. "Plus, I don't think he did anything illegal—"
"He yanked the poor puppy and then didn't pick up its poop! Animal abuse and littering?!" You interjected, halting your assault momentarily to pull the guy up by his hair.
"I didn't see the shit!" he sobbed, hoping for some leniency as you dropped him and resumed your relentless attack.
"Too baddd!" you yelled, your voice filled with a mixture of anger and satisfaction.
The flashback ended abruptly, and the team returned to the present, the memory of your intense outburst lingering in the air.
"Yeah! That was so hot!" Vigilante chuckled, lost in his thoughts as he reminisced about that night. His comment earned a groan from the team, prompting him to quickly clarify, "I meant it in a friend way, guys!" He course-corrected, fully aware that you would have his head if the group discovered the true nature of both of your late-night shenanigans.
Harcourt wished she could drown out the team's conversation, but a sudden realization struck her like a truck. "Wait? Nausea only in the morning? Constant mood swings? Is she... tired all the time?" she asked Vigilante, who looked at her with a puzzled expression.
"Yeah? She sleeps a lot after patrols! It's kind of cute as she—" Vigilante's words were cut off by Harcourt's interruption.
"Shut it!" she snapped, then turned to Adebayo, her eyes wide with hope to confirm her suspicions. Adebayo looked at her, initially perplexed, before her eyes widened in realization, her hand covering her mouth in surprise. Economos and Peacemaker were the last two to connect the dots, apart from Vigilante, who stood there utterly confused. They all knew there was something between you and Vigilante, some kind of relationship, but they were not aware the extent to it’s intimate nature. From the way you wore his clothes after missions to how he constantly hovered near you like a lost puppy, it was evident that there was more to your connection.
A heavy silence fell upon the office until it was shattered by the loud, sickening sound of your vomiting from the bathroom. Peacemaker burst into laughter, collapsing onto the table, while Economos joined in, unable to contain his amusement as he looked at Vigilante.Harcourt and Adebayo sighed in exasperation at the team's reactions.
"I can't believe that idiot, and by you of all people," Harcourt muttered, rubbing her temples in annoyance as she pointed at Adrian.
"Didn't you guys, you know... use protection?" Adebayo asked sheepishly, prompting Peacemaker to laugh even louder.
Vigilante looked rather confused for a moment before attempting to recall the details.
Another Flashback
You had convinced Adrian to accompany you to Walmart to run errands, despite his initial reluctance. After all, you believed it was something a proper boyfriend should do. As you pushed the shopping cart, Adrian's attention seemed to drift away, his gaze fixed on you as you playfully brushed the hair from your face while cracking a joke. Little by little, he started noticing the subtle things you did, like how you loved wearing his hoodies, which he intentionally bought extra baggy just so you would swim in them. Adrian couldn't help but smile as you continued talking, occasionally lifting the hoodie to hide the various hickeys that adorned your neck. His eyes wandered down, noticing the tight yoga shorts hugging your hips, and the way they accentuated your curves. Lost in a daze, his thoughts converged on that very moment when the shorts rode up, revealing the curve of your ass.
"Condoms!" Adrian suddenly blurted out, his voice echoing through the aisle as he remembered what he needed. You spun around, desperately trying to shush him as disapproving glances from nearby moms were cast in your direction. 
"W-what, Adr?" you asked, looking around in confusion."Condoms! That's what I was trying to remember!" Adrian grinned, his usual goofiness on full display as he guided the cart towards the family planning section. He was about to grab a box when you smacked his hand, causing it to drop.
 "Ow! (Y/n), what the hell?" he protested, rubbing his hand and looking at you as if you were insane.
"Look at that price, babe! $11.99 for a box? That's too expensive!" you argued, placing the box back on the shelf.
"But you have some shower stuff that costs, like, $79 in the cart," he pointed out, reaching for the box again, only to receive another slap. This back-and-forth continued, with Adrian growing increasingly frustrated after each slap.
"(Y/N)!" he finally exclaimed, his annoyance evident in his voice, but you stood your ground, crossing your arms.
 "I refuse to pay that amount, Adrian! Besides, we don't even need those! God's got me!" you declared confidently, catching sight of a shelf displaying the new squishmallows. Adrian had intended to argue further, but as you ran over to the shelf, his attention was once again diverted by your hoodie riding up, revealing more of your enchanting figure.
The flashback came to an end, and the team returned to the present. 
Adrian's eyes widened in shock as he finally pieced everything together. Peacemaker, still laughing almost breathlessly, couldn't contain himself upon hearing the story.
"God... got me?" Harcourt and Adebayo both yelled in disbelief, their exasperation evident. "Both of you are idiots," Harcourt muttered, shooting glares at the closed bathroom door. She had expected this kind of behavior from Vigilante, but not from you.
Peacemaker attempted to catch his breath, jokingly remarking, "Aw, looks like thimble's little soldiers can still hit their target!" However, the gravity of the situation quickly sank in for Vigilante. 
"Dude! This is serious! N-no way, right? She would have told me!" he exclaimed, grappling with the reality that if you were indeed pregnant, you hadn't been dating for that long. The question of what he would do next weighed heavily on his mind as he turned towards the bathroom door, calling out your name with urgency.
The scene shifted to an hour ago, with you trembling inside the bathroom. You had pretended to be sick, using it as an opportunity to test the waters. From your cloak, you produced a box of pregnancy tests, investing a hefty $17.99 in ensuring the accuracy of the results. 
With a feverish haste, you tore open the box, causing the tests to clatter onto the floor. Hastily unzipping your costume and discarding the cloak, you sat on the toilet seat, nervously fumbling for one of the tests and scanning the torn instructions.As you peed on the blue stick, you placed it on the counter, praying fervently for the next three minutes. Your pleas to the heavens mirrored those of a sinner seeking redemption in church, as you shut your eyes tightly. The moment arrived, and you cautiously retrieved the test, squinting to discern the results. Two bright blue lines stared back at you.
"Like hell I am!" you exclaimed defiantly, discarding the test and grabbing another one. Once again, after three minutes had passed, two blue lines appeared before your eyes.
“....fuck.” is all you could say before a wave of nausea hit you causing you to actually vomit. 
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siremasterlawrence · 3 months
Chris The Live In Assistant
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I swear to God! I saw this man sitting across the street at a cafe looking quite handsome in that dapper blue sweater, mostly tight yet comfortable pair of jeans snugging up to his massive muscle body covering up that hot body. I just arrived to California enjoying the lovely day as I spot him where my mind goes in to a hazy over drive thinking ways of claiming him as mine, apparently my team watches me from the side taking a lick of him from behind the bushes then quickly following him all through the town.Someone behind him sneaking up upon him with syringe blocking him as he grabs him by his neck holding him back, lifting him up to face me struggling to yank him to the side as he removes him hand from his mouth and lets him go.
The man taking firm hold on him using the syringe to shoot a squirt in the are before he injects it diving it in his neck plunging the needle in even deeper then I can ever imagine and his eyes begin to flutter back in to his skull as his eyes roll back in to his socket, body falls heavy like stone in to his arms. The man laughs picking him up as he lifts him on to his shoulder as they walking past the alley way to the end throwing him in to a van as they seal him in continuing to drive off and they head on to the highway going to the edge of the nearest side street on to the main side way racing down a lonely road to a far off side area to a beautiful cabin in the midst of the woods driving in to the area of no return. The car stops as one leaves the van landing on to the ground walking to the back of the van as Chris tense, fearful and carefully he is listening to foot steps unable to move or fight back knowing full well he may never escape or see the light of day again and forced to be used as some sick twisted like persons toy.
They pop the back doors to the side reaching for his legs they release him from his steels bonds, cutting the rope off is his body allowing him a chance to squirm all through the van to no fail because he will be mine no matter what and they slid him to the grounds. They carry him in to the back of the cabin one hand on him the other in his pocket as the keys are rummaged past his pocket in to the key hole; the door unlocks as he is set on the laboratory table like prime meat strapped down.The two men slammed the door closed to his old life forever with all the regrets of the world weighing on him when the switch is flipped the lights go off flicking on and off catching his attention and his world vanish in a blink of a eyes he lay unconscious strip totally naked.
“Wakey Wakey! Eggs and bakey”
“Uuuggghhh! Where is Master Lawrence?”
“Who is he?”
“You bastards “
“Shut up bitch!”
“He is in the other room”
“Let me see him”
“Can’t do it?”
“Why not?”
“Look in the mirror fool”
“Oh My God!”
“Yes! Figured it out huh?”
“I am not presentable”
“Wait for me in the bathroom”
“Yes sir”
“Such a lame ass pussy “
Five minutes later”
“Look at you ! Master will be impressed “
“I hope he loves me”
“Master Lawrence “
“Are you the guy …”
“They caught me”
“Who did this?”
“Your team”
“They fixed me”
“All I think about is you “
“What do you want?”
“You silly “
“Claim me please “
“Do you remember your old life?”
“This is my life “
“Yeah babe”
“I only knew this “
“You are my home”
“I am your assistant now and forever “
“Good boi !
The end
Sebastian The Guard Dog
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hris is left in a stupor at my recent bought of happiness when I saw this guy sitting in the park so close to me with this unusually gorgeous face with such distinctive features to boot I had to have him. Chris of course supremely aware of my new found desire for this man who I am falling for very fast because I am madly in love with him at all cost and he soon learns his place next to me. Slave Christopher Robert Evans AKA Chris has been by my side for the longest time since the beginning of my journey in to super stardom and he spun about to face his worst enemy.
Poor Sebastian at the dawn of the day gets up waking up eyes staring above him as he sweats from the weirdest dream in his own personal collective memory nothing else could compare and finally relenting I can hear him grown loudly.He sighs swooping his arms round his body in a wave of heat he kicks off his sheets to the side standing up he stumbles to the bed room window digging his hands under the windowsill and propels it up letting cool air take a effect.Something is different as the air swirls past it all cooling him along with the room down as he knelt a bit leaning his head through the window a certain smell is automatically triggering him on instinct his attention hits a new high.
The smell overpowering him as his eye shut close leaving him to flip forward through the window onto the ground, his mind takes full control as if on autopilot he starts to walk mindlessly to a new location not of his will or choice.No longer allowed volition Seb watches his body follow a path in to the windows a sea of darkness covers him while his feet do the walking and he subjected the horrific image of someone else in the pilot seat that he will one day reclaim. Foolish thoughts permeates throughout his mind at unknown levels of speed he loses all sense of time walking for hours from one or more woodland road do another, his clothes seem to unravel string by string to hit the point.
“Woah! What where am I?”
“You made it…shit”
“Who are you ?”
“You are naked “
“You think I want to be”
“Don’t care “
“Put these on”
“You can’t meet him this indisposed “
“Him? Stop these games “
“Or what punk?”
“I’ll beat your tired ass”
“Fuck this “
“You are scared”
“You are scared of me”
“Take me to him”
“Force me bitch”
“Follow me and don’t speak “
“Master is waiting “
“I can’t wait, I naturally desire him”
“Will you serve him?”
“With my life “
“I love him”
“You cannot have him”
“I am his assistant “
“Fucker “
“I am his bodyguard “
“You can’t take my place “
“I don’t need to because I am intimate with him on a whole new level”
The end
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purefandomonium · 1 year
Welcome to my thesis about how Kane sees Red as more than just a convenient anti-Mike attack dog.
Warning: this is suuuuper long, will have many spoilers, and is really just me rambling about my thoughts and opinions more than anything "factual." I've been rewatching a few episodes of Motorcity and this has been eating at me.
So. To start this off, I wanna talk about Kane and Mike. We all know how Mike viewed Kane as a father-figure, how he trusted him with every fiber of his being, and how he really thought Deluxe was for the greater good. We know how Mike feels about it now that he's left Kane Co and started fighting for Motorcity. But what about Kane?
"You were like a son to me!" carries so much more weight than Mike's musings about believing in Kane. In the very first episode, Kane immediately jumps to how betrayed he was by Mike defecting. He makes it very clear that there's some personal vendetta behind his goal to crush Motorcity. I suspect if Mike hadn't created the Burners, regardless of whether or not he left Deluxe, Kane wouldn't be so diabolical in his efforts to gain control of the city. It seemed like up until that point, he was fine with having bots act as security and sending demolition crews to make way for his empire. None of the other gangs seem interested in stopping this.
Kane's the kind of guy that likes to personally dish out death. He'll only sit back and let his underlings and bots handle it until he feels certain he'll get what he wants. He shows up to the fight in the first episode when the others are out of commission and Mike's vulnerable. He wants to be there to watch the stolen cars burn in Like Father, Like Daughter. He stands at the top of his tower, unguarded, as Mike's about to be delivered to him in Off the Rack. And in A Better Tomorrow, he is both the one pretending to be Vega and the one to spearhead the destruction of Motorcity in his latest death-machine. Heck, Red even states to a captured Mike that Kane wanted to do Mike's execution himself. This is someone who wants to revel in victory, that's for sure. Moving on.
Then Mike Chilton left and became a threat. Not only did his best soldier betray him, but he outright turned against him. The kid he personally brought up to be the best, the one he put so much faith into, the son he never had, spat in his face and continues to do so.
Kane has a nasty temper. It's shown from the very first episode. When things don't go his way, he doesn't so much throw a tantrum, but he does have violent outbursts of rage. He may sick Tooley on the staff that angers him, but when it comes to Mike Chilton and the Burners, he's all too willing to go down there and dirty his hands if he's able.
While there's no official answer to how exactly Mike ended up in the whole cadet situation, my belief is this: He was born in Deluxe--or at least lived there as long as he could remember, depending on if I bring Capri into his backstory--and is an orphan. I like to think he got into Kane Co due to being childhood friends with Chuck, who was a gifted kid in some kind of intern program there, and he had an affinity for the military aspect. So he enlisted when he was old enough and blew everyone's socks off with his ability. This got the attention of Kane, who saw something in Mike the more he watched his skills grow. It lead to Kane personally raising him in a way, training him, seeing him as a potential successor of sorts. He'd never have made him head of Kane Co, that was always gonna be reserved for Julie, but I do think he'd have allowed Mike to be her second-in-command. The leader of the army and essentially her own version of Tooley, only with a brain.
It doesn't outwardly appear like much, and Kane certainly isn't one to let others see weakness, but it wasn't just about the loss of such a promising elite. It was about losing the kid he felt like he raised, the closest thing to a son he'd ever have. It's how Mike uses some of Kane's skills against him, like his combat skills, strategy, and even his charisma.
But enough about that. Let's talk about Red.
Red is, for all intents and purposes, a replacement for Mike. A better one, if Kane has anything to say about it. Red has the benefit of only being outwardly like Mike; he doesn't think like Mike. Red's ingenious and cunning, sure. He's got skills beyond even Mike's, as the latter has never been able to fairly defeat him in one-on-one combat. He's a competent driver to boot.
He's also blinded by anger, easily manipulated, and clearly not that bright, as anyone with common sense would see Kane as the enemy in his situation. All this is beneficial to the man in question. Kane sees that same ferocious determination that Mike has, only Red's not hindered by morals or justice. He's got a goal and he will see to it he succeeds, regardless of who he has to hurt or what lines he has to cross. Red clearly doesn't care that he's working with the enemy, his enemy, and Kane uses that to his advantage.
This is more my headcanon than anything, but I 100% believe that Kane's got some kind of failsafe inside Red's suit. I mean, come on. He's already proven he has no issue getting into Kane Co tower, and while one could argue that perhaps Kane knew Red would arrive and lowered security on purpose, I just don't see that as a risk he'd be willing to take. At the time, Kane only knew of Red's hatred for Mike. He didn't know why he hated him so much (and likely still doesn't know/doesn't care), and there's no way he knew Red didn't also have a grudge against him.
Red's powerful, skilled, and an excellent weapon against Mike, but Kane isn't one to trust people blindly. Not after the last time. He's not gonna make the same mistake twice. There's no telling when or if Red will snap and turn on him, or if he'll be convinced by Mike himself that's he's going after the wrong person. Heck, Red's basically feral and is just as likely to go after them both for any reason at all. He's... not entirely okay up there. So why wouldn't Kane have a way to stop him if he ever got out of control? If Red ever turned on Deluxe, Kane wouldn't hesitate to put him down like the rabid dog he sees him as. That fancy suit of his probably has a remote kill switch that will turn all that energy on himself, frying him like bacon.
As much as Kane tries to justify his use of Red, I do think it leaves him bitter. Not only is he risking his empire by letting the guy work for him (although that's pretty much bottom of the list because of the whole murder failsafe), but Red just isn't Mike. He has the traits Kane convinced himself were all that mattered to him, but he can't deny that having a violent, angsty Tooley that shoots lightning isn't really what he wanted. Red's only loyal to Deluxe because it gives him a means to get back at Mike. He's not there because he wants to be. He doesn't view Kane as anything other than the guy giving him missions and upgrades.
Red doesn't look up to him at all, and that leaves Kane with nothing more than a reminder of what he lost.
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galexystern · 1 year
butterfly wings
chapter 6; summer 1985 (cont.)
pairing; steve harrington/eddie munson/reader, steddie/reader
rating; T
warnings; fluff, au - canon divergence, steve-centric chapter
word count; 1.6k
desc; steve has a conversation with robin and discovers something about himself.
read on ao3 / series masterlist
You, Eddie, and Vickie fuss over Steve and Robin for the next few weeks. Steve had been beaten up pretty badly, and both seem to be dealing with the aftereffects of some kind of injection. Steve told you it had been a truth serum, but he was also loopy on painkillers at the time, so you take it with a grain of salt. They have nightmares when they fall asleep, and you try to comfort them as much as you can. Steve usually quiets quickly after you or Eddie shush him, while Robin only does so when Vickie is present. But they won't say what happened to them. Every time you ask them, Steve just gives you that puppy dog look and you melt, letting them change the subject.
Apparently Steve becomes clingy when he's sick and being cared for, always wanting someone to snuggle while watching TV or whining when anyone leaves the room even for a few minutes. It's endearing and sweet, and you hate leaving him.
"I'm sorry," you say to Steve's pout. He crosses his arms and huffs, looking away from you. You roll your eyes fondly. "I'll be back in a couple of hours. Nina made me promise to have dinner at home tonight." Steve still doesn't say anything. "I'll be just next door. Right through that wall." You point.
Steve looks at the wall, then at you, and then finally sighs. "Alright," he concedes. "But promise you'll be back tonight. You promised me we would watch Labyrinth."
"I did, didn't I?" You tease. "Well, you know I always keep my promises. I'll see you soon."
Steve watches you walk out with a little wave. He stares at the door forlornly for a minute before turning to Robin, who's laying beside him on the couch. She has an eyebrow raised. "What?" He asks. She just inclines her head a little forward. He throws his arms up. "It's not a secret. You know I like her."
"Yeah, but I didn't know you would be this pathetic around her all the time," Robin replies.
Steve harrumphs, breaking their staring contest. He doesn’t respond.
Silence permeates the room before she continues, gently, “Maybe you should tell her.”
He twists his mouth. “I don’t know. I told you about the kiss.”
“That doesn’t mean she doesn’t like you too.”
“Come on, Robin, what about stopping a kiss and running away says she likes me?”
“A lot of stuff has happened since then. I know how you feel about the Friday hangouts.”
Steve coughs. “That’s for another reason,” he says under his breath, but Robin catches it anyway.
“What do you mean?” She asks, instantly curious.
“I don’t know.” He sighs. “Those were more complicated.”
“Why? The only difference is that Eddie is there with you instead of—oh!” She cuts off abruptly and Steve looks at her. She has surprise written across her face.
Robin purses her lips. “Are you in an open state of mind?”
“Just say it,” he says with an eye roll.
“Okay.” She takes a deep breath and he looks at her like she’s nuts. “Do you think that you could like girls…and boys?”
Maybe she is nuts. “What? No,” he says in alarm. “Is that even allowed?”
“What do you mean is that allowed? Of course it’s allowed,” Robin says with a frown. “You can definitely like both boys and girls, and everything in between. It’s called bisexuality.”
On reflex, Steve shuts down. He looks away and clenches his jaw closed. He hears Robin sigh. “Guess not enough of an open mind,” she mutters quietly. When he looks back at her, hurt is etched into her expression.
Now it’s his turn to sigh. “I’m sorry,” he says eventually. “Just…just lemme think about it. Ask me again tomorrow.”
“Okay.” She sounds wary but hopeful. Steve tries to keep that inside himself too.
You do keep your promise and return a few hours later. Unexpectedly, Eddie also shows up, and you explain you’d invited him because he’d seen Labyrinth in theaters and loved it. He wanted to be here while you and Steve watch it for the first time.
The four of you smush onto the couch, Steve between you and Eddie. You’re so close together that he can feel Eddie’s hair against his collarbone and the heat of your thigh pressed against his. His heart is racing and he honestly can’t figure out which one of you is causing this. He barely even watches the movie, too aware of how he’s feeling being in such close contact with you two. He’s amazed he makes it all the way through the movie without passing out, and when it’s over, he’s exhausted by all his tension.
But that doesn't mean he wants you to go. He cajoles you into staying and helping him and Robin finish the gallon of ice cream in his freezer. It's reminiscent of your lost Scoops Ahoy sundae and he relishes your gasp of excitement. He hears Eddie giggle at it too, and his heart skips a beat.
All four of you talk for a while, and then when Robin goes to bed, you, Steve, and Eddie keep going into the night. It's easy and fun and so familiar; he'd missed those Friday jam sessions, more for the conversation than the music. And he notices so much now. He sees how proud Eddie gets when he makes you laugh so hard you snort. He watches you go pink whenever he and Eddie call you by their favored pet names. He sees how you and Eddie feed off each other's energy, either hyping the other up or mellowing you out. He figures out he loves it when you play with his hair and Eddie touches him whenever he wants Steve's attention. He can even feel his body temperature rising when you smirk and Eddie winks, no matter who it's directed at.
Many hours later, with Steve's head full of new revelations and epiphanies he has to sort through, you yawn. "I think I'm gonna head home, guys. If that's okay with you," you tease Steve.
He just nods, words catching in his throat.
You cock your head, lightly suspicious, but Eddie saves Steve from speaking when he slaps his palms on his thighs and jumps to his feet. "Me too," he agrees. "I'm knackered."
"Knackered?" You ask with a smirk. "Are we British now?"
"We could be if you'd like, love," Eddie replies in a bad English accent, grinning.
Steve notices your blush at the pet name.
You laugh. "No, you can save that. I like your normal voice."
Steve sees his ears go red.
"Good," Eddie says. "I like it too." You roll your eyes.
"You'll be back tomorrow, though, right?" Steve asks. It's not directed at either one of you in particular, but you answer. "Of course we will, Stevie. Both of us will be here tomorrow and maybe we can watch something lighter."
"Too dark for your tastes, princess?" Eddie teases.
"Yeah," you say simply and Eddie's eyes go soft. Steve feels his own expression soften at the confession.
"That's no problem, beautiful," Steve continues. "We'll watch something funny." He wants to hear your laugh.
You beam at him. "Great!" And then you yawn again.
"Alright, let's get you home, angel." Eddie motions for you to accompany him to the door, and you hug Steve tightly before joining.
"Bye, Steve!" You call out and Eddie follows up, "See you, man."
"See you tomorrow," Steve says faintly. He stares at the door once it closes behind you for a long time.
Later, in the dark, Steve can't sleep. Robin is snoring next to him but that's not what's keeping him awake. He keeps thinking about her question earlier that day, about liking both you and Eddie.
It’s a loaded question. But when he thinks about Eddie’s eyes, and his laugh, and the way he looks when he talks about D&D, he can feel his heart start swelling like it does when he sees your smile, and your dancing, and the way you tease him with that fond expression. So it seems like maybe the answer is easy.
"Robin," he whispers loudly.
"Hm?" The girl replies, half-asleep. She's a light sleeper.
"You know when you asked me about bisexuality?"
That wakes her up. She turns and he can see her eyes shining even in the darkness. "Yeah?" She asks, in anticipation.
“I think...I think I am,” Steve finally says softly.
Robin grins and holds up her hand for a sleepy high five, which he returns. "So happy for you, dingus."
He's about to smile back when another thought occurs to him. "Robin?"
She hums.
“What if...what if I can’t choose?” He asks timidly.
His best friend gives him kind eyes. “That’s okay too. You can date multiple people at a time if they’re cool with it. That’s being polyamorous. Or you can all be in a relationship. It’s still polyamory but closed for just you three. Then you’d be in a throuple.”
He makes a face. “That’s a terrible name.”
She laughs. “I know. But I didn’t name it.”
“So,” Steve starts, trying to work through it in his head, “if they’re down, I could date them both. And if they like each other too, we could all date together at the same time.”
“Yeah! You got it.” Steve does get it and he finally beams. “Whoa,” Robin says, throwing up her hands like she’s being blinded. “Put that thing away. You could take somebody out with that.”
“Fuck off,” he replies fondly, rolling his eyes but taking her hand and squeezing. “Thank you.”
“It’s what I’m here for,” she replies gently. They grin at each other.
It's easy to fall asleep after that.
chapter seven
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sio-writes · 2 years
Monstober Day 1!
Today’s Prompt is: Wings, Romanced, and Scary but Gentle! (SFW - 3.5k  words)
We have a scary shadow monster who just wants the attention of our female MC, but doesn’t quite know how to go about it. TW for past character deaths, and as always take care of yourselves!
It started with the note on your doorstep, a small folded piece of paper with black marks of questionable origin at the corners, as if the person handling the note had stained their hands with ink, and folded the paper in shaking hands before placing it carefully on your doorstep. The note was accompanied by a single rose that was all but torn off the bush, petals falling off, a stem as long as your arm, and thorns that poke your skin. The note is a single word, hastily scribbled on the page that it may as well be an afterthought: Hi.
You look up and down the street, trying to peer through the curtain of darkness beyond the streetlight, your eyes forming shapes where none exist. It does nothing to calm your nerves. Stalkers are a thing for celebrities, true crime documentaries. It could never--should never!--happen to you. This could only lead to your face being plastered all over the news. Missing girl, presumed dead. She is survived by her golden retriever, Kat.
Seeing nothing, you turn back into your house. You had originally opened the door to go grab the mail, but your surprise delivery chucked that option right out the window. You flip the note in your hands, continuing the eventual news story of your death as you contemplate opening the letter.
"Back to you Susan. Why yes, Kat is a ridiculously dumb name for a dog. Maybe that's why the killer decided to go for her. She lived alone, in a stupidly clean house left by her parents. She has no family--oh what a poor dear--her friends described her as awkward, kinda shifty, and--"
Okay, this is getting depressing. 
You briefly contemplate throwing the rose in the garbage disposal, but settle for shoving it in the trash, underneath the last of your sister's magazines that you fished from underneath her bed. No names come to mind of this…whoever dropped this note. The only people who had ever given you flowers were your parents on Valentine's Day, and the funeral director after you buried everyone. The whole house smelled like perfume for weeks, and you still found the dried up remains of petals and leaves when you swept the house every weekend. It couldn't be anyone at the college, the campus is so big you're practically invisible, just the way you like it.
Was this some sick joke? A prankster poking fun at your tragedy? If so, why would they leave such an…awkward note?
Hi? Hardly Ted Bundy. Maybe that's how it all starts, though. 
The small, cryptic note flutters out of your fingers and to the top of the trash can. You close the lid and that's the last you think about it. 
That is, until you nearly step on a candy bar with a small white paper attached to the front.
This paper is larger than the first, and it reads: 
    I realized too late how absolutely horrifying it is to get a single rose on your doorstep in the middle of the night. I promise I'm not a murderer, I'm just extremely, unbelievably awkward. So please don't call the cops I haven't talked to a human in So I thought a gift left during the day would be better. I put my number on If you don't like chocolate I left some money in the card, but girls still like chocolate, right? Anyway, would you want to meet up in the park tonight at sunset? A good public place I'll be there under that massive ass oak tree on the far end but like if you don't show I'll take the hint and leave you alone forever.
You smile despite yourself. It's endearing, this scribbled note, something you could imagine hastily shoved into your locker in high school. It could have come from anyone, but you're the only college-age person on this block. There are a few houses for rent in the neighborhood that have been taken up by students around your age range. But do you just go knock on their door and ask? Just…introduce yourself? You quickly banish the thought from your mind. Hell no.
What to do about this note? You wonder as you wander from the front door and into the living room. You could report it to the police, but they won't do anything until you're actually being attacked. The note did say that if you didn't show that they'd leave you alone, but you can't exactly take a stranger at their word. Besides, it wasn't like they were sending you severed heads or anything. Just a…really badly trimmed rose and a chocolate bar you wouldn't eat.
You're not known for taking risks, but maybe this one might not end in your body parts being sent to the police. You've packed a bag full of snacks, a cooler of drinks to act as a weapon should you need it, and grabbed your dad's bullhorn from the garage before heading out towards the park.
It's not a huge park, it's more like a few empty lots thrown together with a sidewalk around the perimeter. They added some nice trees a few years back, though, so at least it feels like a proper park when you jump the gate.
The park is empty, and dark, and creepy turns into terrifying when you spot your mystery date. They're hunched over like a grandma, underneath a large blanket that does nothing but add another tick to your "Creepy Fucking Things" list.
You stand a good twenty feet back and shout just loud enough so they'll hear you, "I have the police back there."
They scoff, a teenage male voice sounding out, "No you don't." It's like there's two people speaking at once.
You take a step forward and ready your cooler bag. It's heavy as hell. "So why're you hiding?"
The form moves like they're shaking their head. "I'm just pretty scary lookin' and I didn't want you to run off."
You squint. "Scary how?"
There's a long pause, then he steps around the tree, and your breath catches in your throat. He's at least six feet tall, and completely covered in shadow. With the light of the streetlamp you can make out a large humanoid body, with massive clawed feet and curling horns. A long tail wraps around one muscled leg, and the blanket falls away to reveal a pair of massive bat-like wings. Set in their face is two glowing white eyes, illuminating their features that are as inhuman as the rest of them.
The voice that comes out is the same, that layered teenage male, and you see why when a mouth opens not only in the face, but on the side of the neck. "Please don't scream."
You're too frozen to scream, let alone run for the hills like your brain is forcefully telling you to.
He sits heavily on the ground, hands held up in surrender. On the ground lays a layer of soot from where he stood, and you shiver at the cleaning nightmare.
Instead of running, you thrust your hand out, and offer your name.
The shadow looks surprised, eyes widening before reaching out with one cloudy hand and enveloping yours in it. His movements are stilted, but not nervous, like a stop-motion film you saw in your history class.
"Nice to meet you," he says quietly, and sits on the bare ground. "I'd tell you my name, but I don't remember it."
Looking down at your hand, you see he also left a layer of black soot. 
Just past sunset, you can see some of the animals are still awake. A crowd of ducks makes their way towards you, quacking happily. You sit across from him, ignoring the wet grass and how it sinks into your jeans.
He fiddles with his hands for a moment before speaking up, "Did you like the chocolate?"
"How do you know where I live?" you ask a little forcefully.
He cringes away, shoulders hunching around his ears. "I've seen you walk into that house before."
"You were following me."
"No! Fuck no. I was in the woods across the street and just happened to see you come out of the house."
You fold your arms over your chest and hum, unconvinced. "And you were just going to keep leaving creepy messages on my doorstep." He withers under your skeptical look.
"I don't have a cell phone, and I thought it would be even creepier if I called you out of nowhere." He holds up a bag, and you think it's for you until he reaches inside and pulls out a handful of halved grapes. As he tosses them to the ducks, he says, "I'm not here to hurt you, I promise."
"Then why are you here?" You narrow your eyes.
"Because you can see me."
"See you," you respond flatly.
"Yeah," he nods. "Most people can't. Well, everyone in the world except my parents, and these ducks, and apparently you."
"Why?" you ask, tone harsh.
"Haven't the foggiest. I did consider calling you to explain first, though."
"You have my number?"
He shrugs, tossing a halved grape to a duck. "Phonebook. You're the only one on that street with a landline anymore."
You think of the five pound tome that you use to press flowers currently sitting in your kitchen. You'd never bothered to look into it before, but you make a mental note to call someone about removing your address. "Not many people have phonebooks either," you mumble, and the darkness is split by a wide grin.
"I really am sorry I scared you. I was only trying to woo you."
You grin. "Woo me, huh? By stealing greenery and leaving horrifying notes?" The fear from earlier is ebbing. If he really did want to hurt you, he could've done so weeks ago.
He shrinks away from you, looking at the ground and meekly tossing more halved grapes. "It's what I've seen in all the movies. Would it have been less creepy if I had knocked on your door?"
Automatically, you open your mouth to disagree, but thinking about it…Yeah you would've called an exorcist.
He scoffs. "That's what I thought," he says.
Conversation rolls easy between you two, so easy that an hour passes without you realizing it until he runs out of grapes.
"Your pet dog is named…cat?" He brings up two arms and holds them to his head, fingers crooked in the facsimile of ears. His head falls to one side and you suppress a smile. Adorable.
"Yes, Kat with a K. She's named after my old cat, Lassie."
He doesn't respond, only blinks owlishly at you, and you assume the joke is lost on him.
"Never mind," you shake your head and, wanting to avoid the awkwardness, turn to the small cooler you brought. "Want a drink? Do you…drink?"
He shrugs, looking down at the ground. "It won't taste like anything--Wait, no, it tastes like tap water, and I hate tap water."
"You know what tap water is?"
He gives you a blank expression. "I'm not that old."
"How old are you?"
"What year is it?"
He grins. "Shit, I must be at least 50, then. That's trippy as hell."
"But you sound like you're my age."
"I was, uh," he starts, and you see his head bowed in concentration. "I was somewhere around there when I--" he stops, and both mouths are set into a frown. "When I…" He blinks several times, distracted and far off. "Shit, I don't remember how old I am."
"You haven't always been like this?"
He shakes his head. "Nope, fucked up and got cursed, I think."
You tilt your head. "Can I ask what happened?"
He looks around, the empty park. Well, empty except for the ducks.
"I used to live here--" he gestures with one arm, soot flying into the breeze. "In this neighborhood. Back in the 90's. My little brother-- he was possessed by, god I still don't know what it was--a spirit? A demon? Something. Anyway, we did everything we could. We called priests, mediums, we moved houses, tore down the old one. Shit, I remember the Satanic Temple knocking on our door. Everything. The only thing that worked was this Wiccan we found in the phonebook. She brought crystals and a…Bee Gees board? And we pulled that thing out of my brother--it was ugly as shit--and I tried to do what that girl said, I really did!" He stops, his hands falling to his side. "But something…went wrong. I still don't know what. The thing went back for my brother and I jumped in front of it and--" He stops, taking a deep breath. "Next thing I know," he waves his arm, and a cascade of soot falls to the ground.
He sighs through his nose. "My bro moved out first chance he got, but my folks, they--" he runs a hand over his head, like he's pushing back a mop of hair.
"I know I look whack, but I don't feel anything in there--" he taps his chest with one long finger. "The demon, I mean. I think we killed it, but it left me like this. One last fuck you, I guess. We tried everything again a second time to get it out of me. Pretty sure my parents had our priest on speed-dial. My folks stuck around because they're awesome, but no one could see me except them."
"What did you do?"
He barks a laugh, sharp and humorless and doubled from both mouths. "It's not like I could go to back to school. I putzed around with online schooling once that hit big, but like--what's the point? What was I gonna do with that?"
You grimace. "I'm so sorry."
"I got super into video games, fuckin' crushed Donkey Kong and Mario. But my folks, they--" he sighs. "They just kept getting older. One day my dad had a stroke and my mom couldn't take care of the house on her own. I helped all I could, but I was--am--ridiculously depressed."
You rest a hand on his arm, offering an understanding expression. You want to say that he doesn't have to offer his life story, but you get the feeling that he hasn't talked to anyone in at least a decade. It hasn't been a decade for you, but you know the feeling of not talking to anyone. Not wanting to burden them with your problems.
He takes a sharp inhale, looking out at the ducks like an audience. "Being invisible, I guess I could go anywhere I want, but like-- and I tried to, explored the West Coast and basically walked from here to Alaska, but I was by myself. I didn't--couldn't--talk to a single person." He looks at you, then down at the hand on his arm as if just now realizing it was there. "So I thought that maybe someone around here would be able to see me. Eventually." He smiles at you. "And I was right."
You shiver, the night is getting cold, but you don't want to be alone. First impressions aside, this has been…nice. Comforting, even. He offers you the blanket he'd used to conceal himself earlier, and it takes the bite out of the wind.
You narrow your eyes in concern, pulling the blanket around your shoulders. "Aren't you cold?" 
He shrugs. "Everything is cold. Not like in the snow, but when the A/C is turned down too low, or your fan is just a little too fast and you don't have a blanket. There's a small breeze, every so often, that I can't get used to." He scuffs the ground with one big hand, looking down sheepishly. "But seeing you made me feel warm again."
The following silence is awkward, you want to offer him another drink or something, but there's something about sitting under the stars that has a calming effect on you. So you let the moment sit, soaking in the fact that the being next to you just confessed something big, and that's okay.
He's the one to break the silence, "So what about you?"
You pull your gaze from the sky and look to him. "Me?"
"Yeah. You're practically my age, but you're here all by yourself. I do nothing but look through windows to watch TV all day and--like no offense, but with the housing market the way it is and jobs so different nowadays…"
"What're you getting at," you snap, sharper than you intended by the way he flinches back, and guilt makes you snap your mouth shut.
"All I'm saying is that a millennial shouldn't be able to own a house. Not unless you're…" he shimmies his shoulders to mimic…something exotic you assume. 
You cock an eyebrow and he holds his hands up. "I'm just saying! I've never seen you leave the house."
You sigh heavily, one arm uncrossing to pinch the bridge of your nose. "I'm not a stripper, or whatever you thought you were miming there. My parents died."
He flinches. "Shit."
"My sister too. Car crash. I was the only survivor."
 "That's awful."
You shrug. "It…it happens."
He reaches out, grabs your hand. You want to shudder at the imprint of burnt ash, seeping into the cracks of your skin. But it's outweighed by the comfort, the relief that comes with the weight of another hand in yours.
"They left you the house?"
"Mom and Dad both had good jobs and the house was already paid off when they…" You look around the park, just like he had earlier. It's just like the kitchen. Just like your room. Just like home. Empty. "I was already 18, and didn't see the point in wasting their life insurance on another one."
"Do you hate it?"
You hadn't thought about that. "Sometimes. But mostly it's just…sad. I finally cleaned out my sister's room last week, and it felt like I was throwing her out. Everything feels…old. Stale. But I can 't bring myself to change any of it. I don't…" you sniff, fighting back tears. "I don't want to forget them."
His thumb rubs over your hand. "I think you should leave."
You snatch your hand out of his. "I'm not selling it."
"I didn't say to sell it! I said get out." He reaches for you, grabbing for your arm. "You said it's already paid off right? So why not go somewhere? Travel a little? I know a great spot on Route 66 for pancakes."
You give him a disgusted look, like the very thought of leaving makes you sick. But it's the thought of staying that's making you feel like this. Day in and day out, it's been the same since you came back home.
He lets go of your arm, and you try not to brush away the layer of soot. "Listen, I spent so long cooped up with my folks, I started to hate it, hate them. It wasn't their fault, and I don't think it was mine either. I think it was just…being stuck in that fucking house really got to me, man. I think it's getting to you, too."
The vice over your heart starts to loosen. "...You mean it?"
"Sure I do! I mean, if you want to…"
"What about college?"
He throws his hands up, excited now. "It's not goin' anywhere! Enroll when you get back!"
"A-And we'd come back here?" You bite at your thumb, nervous.
"Home base, baby! You gotta have an anchor."
Okay, it sounds like a good idea. A great idea, actually. You'd have a friend--or something more-- to go with, someone to talk to."...Okay."
"Wait what?"
You said it, you're on board, now it's in your veins, pumping you up. "I said okay! Let's go!"
His face breaks into a grin along with the mouth on his neck, and he launches forward to tackle you to the ground in a hug. His form is mostly shadow, but he's soft against you, and cool to the touch. Still a solid presence. 
"We have to bring Kat, though."
"Of course, of course!"
You're actually doing this. You've known this guy for all of two hours and you're going road-tripping with him. And oddly enough, that doesn’t scare you at all.
"That everything?" he asks as you slam the trunk of your dad's car closed. Well, it's been your car for a few years now, but you still think of it as his.
"Yep," you say, pushing your sleeves up your elbows and mentally running through a list of items. Wallet and keys, got 'em. Clothes, check. Bathroom stuff, check. Snacks and drinks for the road, check. Kat and her stuff, all sitting in the back seat. Your road-trip buddy is sitting in the passenger seat, fascinated by the electric seat warmers.
As you climb into the car, you turn to him. "I can't do this. I can't keep calling you Shadow." You make a face at the comparison your brain makes to the hedgehog.
"Why not?" he says, maneuvering the chair as far back as it'll go until Kat starts licking his face. The dog seeing him had been another surprise. "I think it makes me sound cool--Oh! What about Shane? It's kinda like Shade, but not, ya dig?"
"Okay Shane," you draw out his name. "Where to?"
"Hmm," Shane hums, and begins telling you about the wonders of the West Coast. You realized very quickly that he will talk until your ears bleed, so as you pull out of the driveway, you get one more look at your house, tears pricking your eyes as you imagine your family all waving you off.
"I'll be right back."
Tomorrow is Tails, mind-break, Language barrier-- See you all then!
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By lackadaisical_lizard
Demon Black brothers accidentally get summoned and get stuck with Remus and James
Snippet from chapter 2:
Regulus has noticed that Sirius doesn’t seem to care nearly as much as he does about their current predicament. In fact, he seems perfectly content with letting Regulus worry about the semantics while he catches up on everything they’ve missed from Earth since they were last here about fifty years ago. He’s also completely enamoured with James, it seems. Regulus finds him rather annoying himself.
He doesn’t mind Remus’ company honestly. He seems to be actively helping at least, doing his own research and offering up suggestions.
They aren’t having much luck though. For every mildly correct statement about demons out there, there are a hundred incorrect ones. Right now he’s scrolling through a ‘compendium of demons’ that describes the ways they like to perform human sacrifices to both please malevolent deities and create chaos on the mortal planes. He’s sick of people assuming he’s serving some higher power. If Regulus is going to perform a human sacrifice, it’s going to be for himself, thank you very much. He clicks on the next heading ‘symbols and sigils’ and rolls his eyes at the list of symbols that look far more like car logos than anything that could possibly harm an immortal being.
“So they don’t sparkle in the sun then?” James appears to still be on the whole vampire thing. Regulus has never much cared for them himself, vain creatures that they are.
“What? Why would they sparkle in the sun?”
“Oh my God, wait.” James holds up his hand. “Am I about to introduce you to Twilight?”
It’s ten o’clock at night and they’re an hour into the third movie about two boys who seem to be allergic to wearing shirts as they brood over the girl with the least amount of personality Regulus has ever seen.
“No don’t say it Bella. Don’t you dare-“
‘Jacob, kiss me. I’m asking you to kiss me.’
“No!” Sirius exclaims, throwing his hands in the air. “It’s emotional manipulation, how do you not see that?” He turns to James. “How does one girl have such bad taste in men?”
James nods. “That’s what I’ve been saying! Remus, tell him that I’ve always said that.”
Remus hums, not looking up from the article on his phone about demonic possession that’s probably riddled with inaccuracies.
“The only thing they’ve got right in this movie is how utterly annoying vampires are to talk to. We get it, you’re mysterious and cryptic.” Sirius shakes his head as he continues to watch both Edward and Jacob act like utter imbeciles.
“Have they got werewolves right at all?”
“Werewolves aren’t real,” Sirius says.
“Seriously? That’s surprising.”
“Really?” Regulus can’t help but chime in here. “You think people can actually turn into dogs just because the sunlight hits the moon in a certain way?”
James furrows his brow. “You say that like there aren’t two literal demons sitting in my living room right now.”
Regulus rolls his eyes but doesn’t say anything. James does kind of have a point.
“It’s a shame they aren’t real, honestly,” Sirius says and Regulus gives him a quizzical look. “What? They’re rather fetching.” He smirks. “Plus they’d be animals in the bedroom.”
Regulus doesn’t miss the way that his brother very deliberately looks at Remus. “I like a man who bites,” he says before turning back to the screen. Regulus also doesn’t miss the way that Remus blinks rapidly and takes a deep breath after he does so.
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rosenallies · 8 months
Since everyone (myself included!) is loved this pajamas prompt- figured I’d throw the witch au out there? It was brought up a few weeks ago and I haven’t stopped thinking about it since 🖤 but I totally understand if the inspiration has faded!
witch au my babies <3333
"Jasmine," Willow panted, fluttering over to her shoulder, the sprite seemingly appearing out of nowhere.
"Willow," Jasmine replied, continuing to stir the batter of the cookies she was making, the kitchen warm and smelling of cinnamon and chai.
"Don't be difficult, I need you to go drag Bosco to bed, she's sick and refuses to stop doing shit."
The sentiment alone made Jasmine stop in her tracks, her heart aching. "Bosco's sick? Why didn't she say anything?"
"That's just how she is. But she only listens to you; Cam, Angie, and I have been trying to get her to close the spell book all morning."
Jasmine huffed, wiping her hands on her apron, and all but stomping to Bosch's witch's lair, which was really just a cozy little greenroom attached to their cottage. She hated more than anything that Bosco refused to admit when she was sick or sad or anything other than content with everything.
But her irritation diminished when she opened the door to the lair and found Bosco nearly asleep over her spell book, head slipping off of her hand.
"Bosco," she cooed, touching her too warm cheek, "You're sick."
"No, 'm not, just resting my eyes," she mumbled, voice scratchy.
"Mmhmm, nice try. Honey, let me help you to bed. Please."
Jasmine pleaded with her, puppy dog eyes in full effect.
"Come on, Jas, 'M okay."
"Please," she tried again, letting her green eyes fill with tears; partly as a tactic to get Bosco up and to bed and partly because she was genuinely worried, she didn't even know witches could get sick. What if the common cold was immortality's one vice? She couldn't lose her parter who was supposed to live forever to some sniffles and a cough, but that's where Jasmine's mind wandered to.
Bosco finally relented, hands up in defeat. "Fine, I'll go to bed. But, I'm not gonna like it."
Jasmine kissed her forehead. "You don't have to like it, Ms.Grumpy Pants, you just have to rest and feel better."
Helping her up, Bosco then leaned on Jasmine the whole way to the bedroom where Jasmine made her sit on the end of the bed while she gathered things she needed.
"Alright, I'm gonna get you comfy, okay?"
At that point, just from the small journey to their bedroom, Bosco felt exhausted so all she could do was agree, not a single protest left her lips.
"I'm gonna brush and braid back your hair first."
Jasmine spoke softly to her, gentle fingers plaiting her hair into one thick braid down her back.
"Now pj's."
She helped Bosco up, stripping her of her cloak and the black lace dress she wore underneath in exchange for some soft leggings and one of Jasmine's old hoodies from college, between the two of them who both favored sleeping nude, it was the closest thing in their closer to pajamas, Jasmine was just afraid Bosco would freeze to death had she left her to sleep nude. For whatever reason, despite the fact that they'd dressed and undressed each other countless amounts of times, this felt more intimate, vulnerable somehow as Bosco finally leaned into Jasmine's care.
"Okay, last, Tylenol? Does Tylenol work for witches? Is there something else that helps?"
"It helps," Bosco mumbled, holding out her hand and taking the pills that Jasmine pressed into her hand.
"Good," Jasmine breathed, satisfied wit her work, "now cuddles?"
That caused a small smile to spread across Bosch's lips as she settled into bed, letting Jasmine hold her, pulling the duvet up to her chin to keep out the chill that rattled her bones.
"Jazzy, you take such good care of me," Bosco muttered, tucking herself against her human.
"Just sleep, baby," Jasmine chuckled, "you can thank me when you're feeling better."
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she-karev · 8 months
Chapter: Two of Two
Age Rating: 12+
Fandom: Grey’s Anatomy
AN: Hey guys so this chapter also has a little bit of angst and psychopath kids, so you’ve been warned before reading.
Summary: Alex and Amber continue to work together and finally talk things out.
Words: 2857
I sit in the Chief’s office next to Alex as we explain to the parents our concerns over Missy after running it by Bailey. She was disbelieving at first but after we told her what Missy was like when we talked to her including her fascination with Gia’s death and my attack. After convincing her we opted to talk to the parents in private while a security guard kept a close eye on Missy at the waiting room. She wanted us to talk to the parents before calling the police. Now the mom is sitting wiping her tears with a tissue and the dad is as cold as ever.
I stayed silent as Alex started to explain the situation to the parents, “I would never want to do anything to make this worse or more complicated but Missy…she’s showing some signs that is raising our concerns. Risk taking, fascination with death, and taboo behavior that are typically associated with juvenile sociopathy.”
I clear my throat and decide he shouldn’t be the one to tell them the worst. I started this and I should be the one to bear the weight, “We um had a conversation with her and the way she acts and the way she talks…we think Missy was involved in Gia’s stabbing.” The mom is taken back and the dad doesn’t move at all like he knew it was a possibility. My heart breaks for them both, their child is on life support possibly because of their other child I would be numb too.
“That…that’s crazy.” Sylvia laughs it off and turns to Matt, “Tell her she’s wrong.” Matt just sits there numb and staring blankly at the wall destroyed. Sylvia tries again, “Matt?” Sylvia gasps, “Say something damn it!”
Matt finally turns to her and asks in a broken voice, “Sylvia, how can you be this blind? She was there just like she was there when the dog went missing and she was there when we found rat pellets in the thanksgiving turkey.” I look away as my emotions start to get the better of me and take a deep breath to calm down as the couple argue. Alex notices and holds my hand and I hold it back because this all of this…is just like the night my brother attacked me. The parents don’t notice us though thankfully.
“No your-your just upset.” Sylvia says in tears.
“Missy may have killed our child.”
“Missy is our child.” Sylvia says with a hiss.
I can’t be in here any longer and I get up from my chair, let go of Alex’s hand and walk out of the door calmly. It’s midnight so the hallway is pretty much empty. I try to make it to the bathroom but my stomach doesn’t let me and in a panic I open the red biohazard trash can and vomit my lunch inside. I don’t even realize someone is rubbing my back in comfort until I finally dry heave and wipe my mouth. I look and see that it was Glasses who rubbed my back and the idea that he saw me throw up makes me want to hurl again. But since I got my lunch and breakfast out of me I opt to pull away from him and go to the locker room to brush my teeth. He follows me.
“Are you okay?” Levi asks.
I hold my head up high so I don’t show weakness, “I’m fine tell anyone what you saw and I will perform a rectal exam on you without a lubricant.” He looks at me scared and backs off when we enter the lockers.
After I brushed my teeth I headed back to the Chief’s office and ran into Alex on the way. He looked wrecked and honestly who could blame him after what just happened.
“I-I’m sorry I didn’t stay it’s just I was-”
Alex shakes his head, “Don’t worry about it I get it this…this is triggering. A sibling tried to kill another sibling how can it not be?”
I groan at the comparison, “Yeah well, the only difference is Aaron was hallucinating and Missy was just having fun if she can feel that. It makes me sick.”
Alex rubs the back of his neck, “Yeah me too…are you okay?”
I sigh and rub my forehead as I feel a splitting headache, “I feel like taking a whole bottle of ibuprofen just to get away from this headspace.” Alex raises an eyebrow at my suicidal comment, “Don’t report me I’m being dramatic. How are the parents?”
“Mom stormed off and dad went back to Gia’s room, he’s trying to hold it in but this is wrecking him.” Alex rubs his tired eyes.
“And Missy? What are we gonna do about her? Have you called the cops?”
Alex looks back at me, “Yeah, we did but without a clear confession they can’t make an arrest. They suggested a wire and I offered to talk to her again and get her to say she stabbed Gia.”
“I’ll do it.” I suggest this crazy thing because I want to see this girl pay for what she did to her sister but Alex immediately shakes his head.
“No that is not a good idea. She’s dangerous and she already killed someone, I’m not letting you take that risk.”
“Alex I would be talking to her in the middle of the hospital full of security guards, doctor and nurses.” Those facts make me comfortable to do this, “And it’s not like she’s carrying and I took boxing for two years I can handle myself. The cops need a confession and I’m most likely to get it. I’m a girl, I’m around her age and she’s comfortable around me due to me satiating her psychopath side with the story of how I was attacked.” Alex sighs and still looks uncertain, “She could do this again and she might not come to the hospital next time where doctors will question her. I want to do this and I don’t need your permission.”
Alex looks at me worriedly and finally complies, “Fine but be careful.” I nod and we head back to the Chief’s office.
After the cops gave me instructions and placed the wire under my scrub along my diaphragm, I head out to find Missy. I walk around the hospital for a few minutes until I find her in the family waiting room sitting there on the table looking at her phone. I inhale and exhale because the sight of her knowing what she did makes me anxious but I told Alex I could do this and I will. I approach her and sit in front of her.
“Hey Missy.” I keep my tone calm and even as per my instructions and she looks at me surprised to see me, “I’m Dr. Karev I don’t know if you-”
“Right you’re the girl who got strangled and attacked I remember you.” She says it coldly and I continue.
“Yeah well I wanted to come by and talk to you and see how you were doing after Gia. I know when one of my brothers got hurt I would always worry about them.”
Missy shakes her head nonchalantly, “Gia was just a little baby she was always crying and begging me to play with her. She would always barge into my room and annoy me.” The way she chastises her sister is the first emotion she displayed and it’s anger.
“Yeah I had a little cousin who did that.” I lie to relate to Missy like the cops suggested and groan to play along, “It would drive me crazy.”
Missy nods, “I’m not gonna miss that.” That one sentence sends chills down my spine but I persist as I’m getting somewhere and decide to kick into high gear.
Remember when we were talking about the man who attacked me? and you said he probably did it to feel more powerful? Well it turns out you were wrong.” Missy looks at me offended, “The guy was my brother and he didn’t want to hurt me, he loved me, he took care of me and…he was just crazy and he lashed out. I don’t think he was thinking about what was gonna happen after to him or me but I don’t think he really wanted to kill me just for the fun of it.” Missy looks at me like I’m the one who’s crazy.
“Well maybe he did I mean you don’t know what he was thinking.”
I shrug, “I mean come on Missy why else would you kill someone?” I ask as genuine as I can to draw her in.
“To know if you could really do it.”
I shake my head at her terrifying comment, “No I don’t think so, I mean to actually feel the life slip away from someone else it’s…it’s way too scary for most sane people and for my brother it was-”
“No I know what he was feeling I mean I know exactly how he was feeling.” Missy says with a grin that is chilling before leaning in and whispering to me, “I was the one who stabbed Gia.” I look at her with a blank face even though my terror escalates as my fears come true, “And it wasn’t that scary. I knew what I wanted to do and I did it just like with your brother he must have felt like it was the coolest thing ever when he was trying to kill you.”
I shake my head in disgust and stand up and walk out the door as I see the cops entering and arresting Missy. I pass Alex on the way who looks at me in worry and I shake my head at him before saying bitterly, “Dysfunctional families am I right?” With that I walk to the lockers to take a hot scolding shower and leave this damn day behind me.
After my Silkwood shower, I put my clothes on and am just about to put my shoes on when Alex walks in looking as exhausted as me. I am so tired I’m not even mad at him, I’m just numb and I know that tomorrow when I see him again I’ll be mad again. It’s a vicious cycle and I have to escape before my psychosis causes me to lash out at him like Missy did to Gia. I know I don’t have sociopathic tendencies but the way I feel around him is degrading to me and the career I have worked hard to get. I need to get out before it’s too late.
Alex stands there looking at Amber with the same level of tiredness and numbness that she feels only he feels slightly worse because of what he needs to do. He needs to apologize and get their issues out of the way for both of their sakes. He starts by clearing his throat.
“Are you okay?”
Amber packs her stuff in her backpack not looking at him, “Sure a night of arresting a teenage psycho is just what I needed before collapsing on my bed.” Alex nods sharing her pain and her next words catch him off guard, “I’m gonna look for another program tomorrow. This thing.” Amber motions to both of them, “It’s gonna end bad and I need to get out and find something that won’t remind me of the worst time of my life every five seconds or undermine me because of my past.”
Alex looks down in shame over accusing Amber of being paranoid due to their mom and starts his apology train, “I’m sorry Amber and not just for today for all of it. I’m just sorry and I wish I could do thing differently.”
Amber shakes her head and closes her locker, “Don’t Alex don’t even bother the damage is done.”
“I never meant to hurt you.” Alex says it with sincerity and pain.
Amber looks at him with a blank face, “I’m sure you didn’t. I’m sure you didn’t even think about me. You saw a way out and you took it just like me only difference is I didn’t leave anyone behind with no defenses. Hell even Uncle Lucas gave a more of a damn than you and he hates us. But whatever reasons he had I’m sure they were better than yours for leaving.” Amber sits on the bench to put her boots on.
Alex’s shame gets deeper before he confesses an 8 year long secret, “I told him to.”
Amber looks up and raises an eyebrow, “Told who to do what?”
“I told Uncle Lucas to take you in and let you recover at his place until you graduated.” Amber pauses her laces clearly effected by his words as he continues, “CPS was gonna send you into foster care, Aaron was at the hospital and mom wasn’t a good choice so I made him an option. I gave him 8 grand to take you in and I told him I would pay him another 8 after you graduated. The bastard almost skimmed me but I told him I would report him for drug use after I found a stash of meth at his place.”
“Great place to dump your baby sister after she had her jaw reconstructed.” She says sarcastically.
“Well it was either him or do the foster lottery and you land in some rundown home with five other kids who will rip out your wires. And I made sure he was checked on. I called a cop buddy of mine and made him spy on you and him at the house and make sure he was treating you right or at least ignoring you.”
Amber ties my laces, “He did, he ignored me and I avoided him so I was glad to have one less thing for me to deal with. But just because you forced our inattentive Uncle to take me in doesn’t mean I forgive you. I appreciate what you did but you didn’t do much when you were around. The only reason I know you were there was because the doctors told me after I woke up that you held my hand for 10 minutes and then left. I tried to call you but you wouldn’t answer and maybe this whole me getting a job here was a subconscious decision to confront you and figure out why you left and that’s on me.”
Alex shakes his head, “No it’s on me. I started this by leaving and I know that wasn’t fair to you.”
Amber puts her other shoe on, “Your damn right it wasn’t.” Amber says with a vicious tone as she ties her laces.
Alex sighs and continues, “I know you hate me and you have a good reason to. I left you with a schizo mom who barely kept up with her meds and a brother I didn’t was gonna inherit the crazy gene. When I got a job here, I saw it as my ticket out of Iowa but I also saw it as my ticket out of our family. I told myself that Aaron was enough for you, that you were fine with just one brother, I sent the checks to help out because it made me feel better for abandoning you. I told myself that I wasn’t your father, that you were better off without me but you weren’t, it was clear to me that night when you needed me the most.” Amber stops what she’s doing as Alex brings that moment up and he sees it safe to sit next to her, “I held you hand for ten minutes; you were only 16, you should’ve been having sleepovers and shopping for a prom dress not being in a hospital after your brother almost killed you. I held your hand for ten minutes and then I left, Aaron was committed and so was our mom, you needed me and I wasn’t there. I told myself that I couldn’t take care of you that you were better off without me, that Uncle Lucas could do what I couldn’t. I…I wasn’t there I was the ass that can’t stand to be there and I’m older now and I know better now.” Amber is quiet as she feels a single tear down her cheek and wipes it away, “I should’ve done more for you and I’m sorry. I’m sorry for not being your brother when you needed me, I don’t know if it’s worth anything. But I just needed you to know how sorry I am.”
Alex says that with his eyes wet as he’s letting his feelings of shame and regret show to Amber who looks at him for the first time in appreciation and as her brother. She sniffles before saying, “It’s worth a lot but…we have a lot of work to do here.”
Alex nods, “Yeah…dysfunctional families am I right?” Amber sighs and puts her head on Alex’s shoulder looking to him as a source of comfort instead of a source of pain. It’s not magically fixed between them but that night is a starting point.
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pantherafool · 1 year
Honestly, the 4th of July this year wasn't it for me. Again.
I have a lot of problems with the 4th of July. I don't like that we as Americans like to celebrate how we stole land from the Indigenous peoples that lived here for hundreds of years before us. I don't like how nobody even talks about natives overall, not even during National Native American Heritage Month (November) and all the other weeks and days dedicated to Native Americans. I feel like people only talk about Native Americans when it's some sort of "trend." I saw so many people talking about natives when ICWA was in danger of being overturned, and now everyone's silent again. I may be the only one observing this, but it's like no one cares. I have barely seen anyone talking about how a lot of tribes don't have access to clean water. The government is and has been neglecting Native nations, and I have seen nobody but natives talking about it. I've SEEN people say that "it isn't a big deal" which is so fucking crazy because hello??? Natives are human beings who need to consume water to LIVE?? But of course, some people don't consider natives human and some just don't want them to live at all. It's fucking performative if you're just talking about native issues to seem like a good person. It is performative to just talk about issues like these when they're "popular."
I also have issues with the 4th of July because of... you guessed it, fucking fireworks! I will preface this by saying I am an American teenager who lives in the south and has C-PTSD (Complex Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) and asthma and is overall disabled. Fireworks. Fucking. Freak. Me. Out. They freak me out so bad. People started setting off fireworks a few days ago, and I have been physically and mentally SICK ever since then. As I'm writing this, I am nursing a major fucking headache. I feel like throwing up. Up until recently, I could not breathe properly because of my asthma. People have stopped setting off fireworks and other annoying "bang" and "pop" and "sshrr!" sound-noise making things because it is 3 AM right now, but. Holy SHIT. The fireworks caused me to have a mental breakdown because of how eerily similar they sound to gunfire. I'm aware that gunfire doesn't echo/linger the same way fireworks do, but it still freaks me out. The fireworks have caused me to have emotional rollercoasters continuously since July 1st/around then. My mental health has literally reached a low point because of fireworks. I'm not kidding.
And you can laugh at that all you want and think of how stupid it is, but I would also like you to take a moment to think about the animals. The animals that freak out every single year because of fireworks. I would like you to think of your dog or your neighbor's dog that cowers under a coffee table or a bed. I would like you to think about how fireworks release smoke and greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, and nitrogen, which harm the environment. I would like you to think of the metal and the dangerous toxins and chemicals that linger for days. I would like you to think of the fact that fireworks harm the environment in the same way wildfire smoke does. I would like you to think of the veterans who fought to protect this country that have traumatic flashbacks due to loud noises.
But who cares, haha!! 'Murica is more important than all that! 🤪 🎆💥
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runnersnz · 8 months
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"I started running in mid 2020. I’m unsure of the exact date as it was probably going to be another short lived fitness binge. I wanted to drop weight, but in my previous fitness attempts I’d do really well, then lose motivation, get comfortable, and go back to the old ways - gradually putting the weight back on and be as bad as I was before I started. I was 106kg and although active and work/farm fit, I was struggling with health, alcohol and cigarettes. I was externally happy, but internally I was struggling to ‘get out of bed’. It was a pack of wolves at the gate wanting to take my soul. So I committed to a week of getting out the door by 6am for a run…..
I had been fit before. I had run at school with Harriers and the sprint team. I had run in my military career. But after many life challenges, my will to do these things had diminished. A very sick child, an exhausting stint of high stress roles at work, a divorce, and a resulting mid life crisis that revolved around alcohol and poor life decisions, became the mask that I wore. It’s funny what a good woman will do for a man in need, and in an effort to be a long lived husband, helpful son to a father with ill health, and to be a father setting good examples - my running journey began. Some of this of course is in hindsight, the deeper reasons of my why were to be found over the following 3 years. 
I don’t run because of trauma, but I’ve realised running soothes my unquiet mind (as it had on many occasions in the past) and allowed the stable, certain me to think. I started running on my road, Peacock Road. My road - a place and name that my grandfather once travelled with horse to the back of the farm. This was my place. It is a gravel road, 4km long, and because of that surface, required trail shoes... which to be fair I didn’t know were a thing [in my young days Bata Bullets where it - IYKYK]. The trail shoes became important later as it was the trails and trail running that I sought out. 
I lost some weight, 20kg to be precise and life got better. I moved easier, slept better, was more stable, energetic and healthy. Cigarettes were gone (properly gone, not just hidden from my wife) and alcohol consumption had all but vanished. I still enjoy a beer or whisky on occasion but my new improved self image allowed me to stop and look forward to a good sleep and a productive run in the morning. I signed up for some events, they got muddled up with lockdowns and postponement, but eventually they happened and our local parkrun started officially after months of not-parkruns. So I ran some trail events and some more. I ran some parkruns and volunteered at many more. Inspired by those around me, the RunnersNZ people I knew (all those legends know who they are, and yes the Webbers that’s you too). I found the inspiring Instagram runners who helped motivate me and I tried to be a motivation to those who participated in the Sunday run group - a run that I encouraged as personal motivation for a couple of wee challenges that I had for me. 
Why? Why did I start running? I don’t know. Why do I continue? Because I must. I choose to run; to run for fun, for challenge, for great friends, for mental health, for my son who will never know the joy, for my father who worked hard all his life and never ran for joy, for my wife to ensure I live long (but really just to keep up), for inspiring others to do hard things, easy things, fun things. To meet new people on the trails and explore the trials of life, love, loss and mental health. To reach deeper into the well of fatigue, self doubt, success and failure (my recent adventure is another story). To be the authentic me who has the capacity to deal with the challenges that life throws at me, to keep the black dog behind the fence, to help others and to seek others help. But also and most importantly to have fun, to seek out hard things, to never find my limits, for they are hidden in the cosmos. 
Do hard things, and do dangerous stuff safely."
Kendall @peacockkendall (Waipukurau) Photo taken at Lake Wakatipu – Portraits of Runners + their stories @runnersnz
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purplesurveys · 2 years
How much did your senior prom dress cost you? We had prom in junior year and if I remember correctly it only cost somewhere between ₱2000-₱3000; I can’t recall the exact price. I didn’t care for prom and even just brought my cousin to it, so I didn’t see the point in shelling out so much for a dress that I was only going to wear once. 
What dreams have stuck with you since childhood? There was one where I found myself at the balcony of the hotel we used to frequent and I suddenly saw this cradle with an abandoned baby in it. By instinct I went to the cradle and carried the baby who for some reason felt oddly...mine? Like there was definitely a connection of some sort the moment I put them in my arms. That’s all I remember from the dream.
Have you ever been in a serious romantic relationship? Yeah, I have.
Did you ever take your dog to school? I brought Kimi once during college because I included him in my grad shoot.
If you had had a baby in high school, what would you have named him or her? I was dead set on April Kathleen in high school (April after AJ Lee, Kathleen after Audrey Hepburn). Tbh it would still hold up today as I continue to love both girls and the name objectively isn’t bad either.
If you had a baby now, what would you name him or her? I’m into unisex names for a girl these days, so I’ve been loving choices like Elliott, Stevie, Frankie, Arden. For some reason I remain traditional when it comes to boy’s names and still prefer names like Seth, Noah, Lucas, etc.
Have you ever seen someone throw up on a plane? Nah, I’ve only ever seen that happen in that one Mr. Bean episode lol. I’ve heard people puking at a cruise ship though.
Do you get motion sickness? Yep. It’s at its worst during car rides.
Has God ever healed you of anything? If so, what? No, I have a very bitter relationship with religion.
What is the most boring church you have ever attended? Every single church service I have attended since I was 4.
What is the most lively church you have ever attended? I don’t really go anywhere else other than Sunday masses.
Do you find church fun or boring? Boring and a tad bit condescending at times.
What do you hate the most about summer? The fucking weather. Which part of your body is the most muscular? I don’t exercise lol but if I had to cite something, probably my arms. I do a lot of heavy lifting for work.
Did you ever take Latin in school? Not Latin but I remember a very brief period when my school attempted to make French classes a thing (the founder was French). It lasted all of like three weeks when I was in Grade 1 and then I never heard anything of it again.
Which major holiday is closest to your birthday? Usually Easter Sunday.
What is your favorite Japanese name? Keiko or Naoko, for a girl.
Have you ever ran a cash register? Nope, only toy ones lol.
Did you collect Bratz dolls when you were younger? I was never into dolls but I did like Bratz, and had a lot of non-doll Bratz stuff. My preschool lunchbox was Bratz, I had a backpack too, and a bunch of tops that had the girls in it hahaha. The giveaways at my 7th birthday party were also predominantly Bratz.
Do you think your mom is attractive? She is and also looks far younger than her current age (51).
What was the last thing that disappointed you? When I went down after work hoping to still catch some of the nachos my dad made earlier in the afternoon, only to learn that everyone had finished it off.
Do you like the feeling in your stomach on a big drop on a roller coaster? I hate it more than ANYTHING in the world, so I never get on rides.
Skeletons or scarecrows? Um, skeletons I guess. 
Do you own pumpkin earrings? Nope.
What computer game did you used to play all the time? I never was a big PC gamer.
When was the last time you read a book? Last weekend I read a chapter of Around the World in Eighty Days, which was a gift from Kat.
Would you allow your children to date prior to 16? (assuming you want any) It’s so hard to say. Deciding parenthood stuff when you aren’t is so much easier said than done. The way I’d answer now is that I guess I would, but given that they would be minors I wouldn’t hesitate to be a bit of a helicopter parent until they turn 18 (Asian mom instinct, soz). They wouldn’t be allowed to be alone in a bedroom, they’d have a strict curfew, only hang out where I can see you, things like that.
What was the last restaurant you made a reservation at? Hmm, can’t remember, I don’t typically make reservations. Probably at Sundays with my parents nearly a year ago?
Which app on your phone do you tend to get the most notifications from? Counting out Viber which I use for work and by default gets the most notifs in a day, I’d go with Messenger.
What is something you gave up on after many failed attempts? Learning how to ride a bike.
Do you watch political shows? The Crown has to count, right? Haven’t continued it in ages, though.
Do you play any fantasy/roleplaying games? What? No, not into that.
Do you like salami? Eh not really, I’m not into that kind of meat so much. Cold cuts is what you call them I think? Not super prevalent in our culture and I’m not a fan in general.
When was the last time you ate meat? Last night; pork belly.
What was the last hot drink you drank? Coffee.
Have your parents met your boyfriend/exes? They’ve met an ex but they didn’t know we were dating. She was always the “best friend.”
How about your boyfriend’s parents? Met them? I don’t have a boyfriend.
Do you know how to say I love you in at least 4 languages? Mahal kita, te amo, saranghae, je t’aime.
Do you find the sound of a cat’s purr relaxing? Depends. Most of the time I tense up.
Do you know your mum’s first pet’s name? Good question, but I cannot for the life of me remember it right now. I know the name was drawn from the dog’s black color though; it was like Charcoal or something like that.
Would you ever want to be famous? If so, for what? I mean I think it’d be kinda cool to at least be the best friend of someone famous LOL but I’d never want to be famous on my own. Too much pressure and and too many eyes on you, and I know I’d buckle almost immediately.
Would you ever get a heart tattoo or your back? Naw.
What fruit can’t you stand? Bananas.
Do you know anyone autistic? Not personally. It’s always a friend’s sibling, a work contact’s son, a family friend’s son, etc.
How about someone bipolar? Yes. What do you consider private to you? I’m such an open book that I’m finding it hard to answer this, haha. I share everything at some point.
Name somebody you know who deserves a better life than they have: Dev.
Name something that you’re good at but don’t like: I don’t like being too nice sometimes because it usually ends up putting me in a difficult situation. But I can’t help it and most of the time I will go out of my usual damn route to drive someone home hahaha.
Name something that you’re bad at but DO like: I have weaknesses in my line of work, but I enjoy the general gist of what I do if that counts.
Name somebody who has tried to help you and ended up hurting you: My mom will sometimes say things she thinks is advice but is actually pretty insensitive.
Name a date that has a lot of significance to you: June 13th.
Name something in your life that was a blessing in disguise: I don’t believe in blessings.
Name something that you’ve done that would be considered rebellious: I uhhhh did some weed while out of town, away from my family.
Name something you wish you had enough money to do: Traveling whenever I feel like it.
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lunasilvis · 2 years
I know sitting and moping around ain't gonna help a bit, but man, I am so bad at handling change.
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