#My dog's fur forgot to change until like last minute
rollingpenguin · 2 years
We messed up the seasons so bad that now we don't have spring, we glitch from winter to summer like a broken lamp
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lys1 · 3 years
Congratulations! You waited so patiently <3 This is another Asra x fem!reader for you. NSFW. 5218 words. 
Playing With Potions
The late spring morning air was warming up to be a balmy 75 degrees. You had your skirt pulled down and up, tucked in the back of the waistband, forming makeshift shorts. The shop was somewhat quiet, yet the din from the streets made its nimble way through the open windows.
You descend the ladder to the box of ingredients you were unpacking. They had come in the previous evening and Asra had promptly asked you to “organize them later”. Of course you said yes, the two of you shared this shop after all, and the work that came with it.
Asra himself was bustling behind the counter, sweeping the wooden floors free of the dust and fallen ingredients. He stops momentarily to pick up his cup of tea and take a long sip. The jasmine tea's steam billows into his face as he sighs with content pleasure.
The floorboards creak as you step down and Asra looks over at you, gaze soft. "How's the supplies look, dear?" He asks curiously, returning the cup to it’s coaster.
"Ah," you muse, counting the small containers in your hands. "Looks like we will be all set on lizard toes for a while, I think our supply captain read 1000 instead of 100." You can't help but chuckle, it couldn't be helped, at least you wouldn’t have to order more for a while.
Asra's eyes open a little wider, "oh my." He laughs, "I suppose we won’t". He sets his broom to rest against the counter and bare feet pad over to you, his deep-purple eyes examining the products.
You feel his hand settle on your waist subconsciously; a side effect of being close to one another. You breathe in lightly, smelling the sweet scent of coconut and honied biscuits wash over you. Asra's breakfast choice was apparent.
"Mm," you say, turning so the two of you were face to face. "You smell delicious."
Asra smiles, box in his hand now a little less important. "Care for a taste?" He teases, eyes falling to your parted lips. He sets his lizard toes aside and joins his other hand at your waist. You look up at him through your eyelashes and nod.
He is a mere millimeter from sealing the gap between you when the bell of the shop jingles merrily.
"Ah jeez," you huff good in good nature. "I forgot we have jobs and responsibilities."
Asra laughs at your obvious disappointment and steals a small peck. "Unfortunately, we have to eat somehow." He then turns away and walks back to the counter to greet the customer.
The man is short and has a little round face. He looks extraordinarily nervous, and this catches your attention. Yours and Asra's shop is well known in the city and the townsfolk trust their magicians. You hadn't seen anyone come in here looking so nervous, and maybe even a little embarrassed.
"What can I do for you, sir?" Asra asks charmingly, resuming his position behind the counter. Briefly you let yourself admire how nice he looks, comfortable in his shop and expertise, before turning back to the box you were supposed to be dealing with. Not, however, letting your ears miss the conversation.
"I," the man starts, already fumbling with his words. "I, well look. I need help." He finishes plainly, nervously clutching his shirt between his pudgy hands.
Asra smiles kindly, "many do." He says, tilting his head and examining his new client. "Are you here for a card reading? Need to get some answers?"
The man groans as though he is already exhausted with the conversation. "No, I already know what I need. I have the answers. I've heard about this place. The ways you can help people. I live an hour out of the market and I made this trip just to see you."
"We're flattered, for sure." Asra says calmly, you can hear slight annoyance in his tone from all the ambiguity. The visitor is none the wiser though. "To help you though," Asra continues. "I'll need to know what you need."
"Alright I need a potion," the man finally reveals. "One that will help me... with performance." His cheeks are redder than a bell pepper in the sun.
Asra raises a white eyebrow, "performance? Are you an actor?"
"No!" The man's voice came out in a strangled whisper, obviously trying to keep it down. You roll your eyes, chancing a glance over your shoulder. The shop floor wasn't that big, of course you were going to hear everything.
"No," he said again, this time a little more composed. "What I mean is... my sex life performance." The truth comes out. Your visitor wipes his forehead with a dirty rag from his pocket. "My wife and I well.. we've hit a slump," he explains. "And I've heard of potions that can help with that kind of thing. Stuff that will completely change the game." His eyes are shining now, imaging life post-performance potion.
Asra looks uncertain at best. "I see," he starts, shooting you a glance. "That.. does exists. But it takes awhile to make. And the price isn't cheap either."
You shove the last of the crow feathers into their designated drawer while listening. You have never heard of such a potion, but you were also still learning. Asra sounds a little unsure though.
"Price isn't an issue," the man sounds desperate. "I'll pay anything."
Asra sighs, he feels bad for the man wringing his hands before him, practically crying for a cure. "Alright," he finally concedes. "I'll make it, but you'll have to come back in the morning. This kind of thing takes all evening to brew."
Your customer nods vigorously, "I can wait." He says. "Tomorrow morning, yes! I'll be here!" His excitement apparent, he bows a few times while backing out of the door, tripping over his own feet.
The door closes with a sharp bang and the bell rings furiously. Asra blows air out of his mouth so that itf ruffles the curls between his eyes.
"Well," he says after a moment. "A sex performance enhancing potion was not what I was expecting to make today." He rubs his temples, eyes closed and looking thoughtful.
You grin at him from the shelf as you pick up the empty shipping box and rest it on your hip. "That's quite the name, I've never heard of a potion like that."
Asra laughs and opens his beautiful eyes to look at you. "Yes, you'll have to forgive me for not teaching you that kind of magic, it's not the.. safest." He ends uncertainly. "I don't even know how this guy found out about it. It's not talked about much amongst us magicians.. and it's certainly not a common one."
Immediately more questions than your mouth can keep up with flood your brain. "So how did you find out about it? And why isn't it safe?" You ask the two more important ones, eyes following Asra as he finds a piece of paper and quill to use.
He dips his quill in the register's ink well and starts scratching down what you presumed to be ingredients. "I've been studying magic for years, my love." He says simply, "and before you ask, no I haven't used it on myself." He looks up at you, mischief dancing in his pretty eyes. "I'd like to think my sex game is up to par." He adds innocently, licking his lips seductively when your ears tinge pink.
You brush imaginary dirt off your shirt sleeves and huff. "I suppose it's pretty good." You mumble. It almost feels like a lie to just describe it as "pretty good" but Asra doesn't need you to stroke his ego right now. You do that enough falling to pieces beneath him every night.
Asra is well aware of your attempt to keep him humble and laughs lightly. "And to answer your other question," he says, turning back to his ingredient list, "messing with ones body like this can be dangerous. You have to be very precise."
You nod as he explains, it makes sense.
Potions are always brewed in pots over a magic fire so you put yourself to work, removing a medium sized iron pot from a hook on the wall and carrying it to a fire stand. Asra is busy himself, opening various drawers and adding seemingly random ingredients to a basket he has looped over his arm. Iris petals, newt eyeball, and some shimmering gold flakes. You smile watching him, your gorgeous magician; smart and able.
In no time at all Asra has a bubbling pot of sweet smelling liquid stirring before him. You stand beside him, observing curiously.
"Why are you wearing gloves?" You ask, taking note of the large leather gloves that clad all the way up your lover's forearm.
Asra continues to stir and looks over at you, happy to hear your eagerness to learn. "I can't risk even a drop of this touching my skin. It's so strong, and will immediately absorb into anyone's skin, leaving them..." He shakes his head and trails off, amused. "That's why it has to brew so long, to burn off some of the potency."
Your mouth opens in amazement, taken aback by the idea. This is the real deal you decide, stepping back a couple inches in precaution. After watching the potion bubble for a couple more minutes you stretch and grab the watering can sitting by the floor of the door.
"I'm going to water the plants," you inform Asra, waving your hand briefly until the can is full of cool, crisp water. Gods knows there are at least three dozen inside and outside of the shop.
Asra is humming in confirmation that he heard you as you open the shop door to the plants hanging outside. You don't get very far before you're blindsided by a streak of purple darting through your legs.
"Faust?!" You yelp, dancing around the squirming snake as she winds her way under and into the open shop. A loud, booming bark makes you jump again. This time a large hound dog is rounding the tight corner from the side street and barreling full speed towards you.
All hell breaks loose. The water can is up in the air, crashing wildly into the side of the building. You are thrown back onto the dusty floor and a mass of fur and teeth race past you, paying no mind to your yelling.
Faust is racing around the floor, narrowly avoiding the jaws of the angry dog she seemed to have aggravated. There's a large crash from inside and you cringe, hearing bottles break and wood crunch. You look back, scared at what you might find.
The shop is a disaster, papers strewn, vials broken, and potion pot toppled. Asra is groaning on the floor, obviously doing no better than the rest. You glance at him worriedly, taking quick notice of the potion he had been making spilled everywhere, even on him.
You snap your fingers and the dog's growl, who was cornering Faust by the bookshelf, turns into a whimper as you lift him up with your magic. "I'm sorry pooch," you sigh, "but we can't have you eating our friend." With a wave of your wrist the hound is out the door and down the street in an instant. The hinges creak and bell rings as the door is once again closed to outside.
Thank you!
Faust wriggles happily, red eyes glowing in relief. You guess she got up to some trouble with the local fauna. She slithers up the stairs quickly, leaving you to look around at the ruined shop.
"Ah, fuck," Asra's words cut through your thoughts like a knife. He's laying flat on the floor, chest heaving as though he just ran a marathon. Sweat glistens on his tan skin, covering him from head to toe.
You step over the broken bottles and kneel at his side. "My love?" You ask, unsure of what to do. It was obvious what had happened, it didn't take an expert. The potion that was supposed to be for your customer was now soaked into Asra's glowing skin.
Asra opens his eyes and you swallow hard. You know that look, and it nearly makes you start trembling where you sit. Lust is prevalent, clouding Asra's eyes until they're a dark amethyst color.
"You-" you start to speak but are cut off by Asra sitting up abruptly. His face is close to yours and his breath washes over your lips, hot and wanton. He looks positively desperate, just the sight of you sitting before him doing wonders.
"Please," Asra's voice comes out low and husky, he watches your chest rise and fall quickly as a result. "Can I please have you, right now."
You could almost call him asking like that soft and innocent, if it wasn't for the raw, hungry look he was giving you. His eyes were traveling everywhere across your body, leaving an invisible line that you could almost feel burning into your skin. Your lips parted and you let out a soft gasp, the power that kind of look had over you was astonishing. You shifted your legs under you subtly, feeling the result of the hot atmosphere low in your stomach.
"Tsk, tsk," you had to tease for a moment. "Closing the shop at midday for some fucking?" You reach up and cup Asra's cheek, feigning uncertainty. His skin on your fingertips burns white hot and you have to hide your amazement.
Asra's eyes narrow, he knew you too well. With a quick flick of his wrist you hear the deadbolt on the door slide into place. It's only a second later and both of his hands have found a place on either side of your hips.
"Why do you torment me?" he asks, pulling you close so your legs straddle him. "Can't you see I'm getting enough of that from this damn mistake of a potion?" His words are almost shaky, as though he can barely speak anymore. He presses his hips up to meet yours, and a soft sigh escapes his lips as he finally gets a little friction.
You dig your nails into his shoulders and gasp, the feeling of Asra so obviously in need is enough to make anyone go wild.
You can't resist grinding down lightly and Asra's eyes practically roll back at the sensation. "How can I say no to such a pretty face," you whisper, completely in love with his reaction.
That was enough for Asra and without added words he gathers you up in his strong arms and lifts you both. Your head falls back pleasurably when his lips find your neck. It only takes a few quick steps on his part to bring the two of you into the plush back room.
The purple cushions lining the cozy futon sink in gently as your back hits the mattress. The room has a slight pleasing haze as sandalwood incense burns at the table. The smell washes over your senses and a new wave of sensuality comes over the room.
Asra's hands hold you firmly as his lips continue to press lovingly into your skin. He hovers over you, one leg pressed between your legs, causing your hips to involuntarily move along his thigh.
"I need you out of these clothes," Asra groans, lips being stopped at your chest where your shirt has suddenly become a hindrance. He's already tugging at the hem, untucking the loose fabric from your waistband. You raise yourself to your elbows and help him pull the shirt over your head. At once it is thrown over Asra's shoulder and his eyes are set on your bare skin, drinking in the sight of his lover.
You smile at his admiration and lay back again, stretching your arms above your head and arching your back. You feel his hands on your stomach, traveling up to rest on your breasts. Your skin prickles with desire, flesh lighting on fire from his ministrations.
"How did I get so lucky," he breathes out, looking down at you with a look filled with love and passion. He rests the tips of his fingers on your nipples and swirls them lightly, leaving you to twist in torturous pleasure beneath his touch. "Everything about you is beautiful." Asra continues to flatter, lowering his head so his curls tickle your stomach. He licks a long line from the dip of your hip up to the valley between your breasts.
After a few moments of tasting your supple skin he moves his hands to the top of your skirt and tugs. You lift your hips in compliance and the fabric slides down your legs easily. Asra licks his lips as your body is finally fully presented to him.
"I could feast on you," he announces, voice lowered with need. "And I wouldn't go hungry in a lifetime." These words he whispers into your inner thigh, they tickle your skin softly.
You watch with bated breath as the man before you adores his lover. It's hard to keep your moans controlled as you feel his sinfully good tongue lick you in a way that can only be described as ecstasy.
Asra shifts into a more comfortable position, lying on his stomach and he brings your legs to lay comfortably over his shoulders. You shudder as you feel his hot breath flutter over your dripping slit. He doesn't waste anymore time and lowers his face to enjoy you.
Your thighs squeeze his head lightly as your body arches in response. Asra is devouring you as though you were a feast and it was the only meal he is to have in a lifetime. He grips your legs tightly to keep you from moving and covers your slit with his mouth, sucking for a moment on the tight nub at the top. He groans happily into your skin before moving down to lick your hole.
"Oh please, yes," you run your trembling hand through his hair and raise your hips up to meet his greedy mouth. He laps short, quick strokes first, stimulating you into madness.
After a moment he slows his tongue down to swirl languidly, looking up at you. You make eye contact and groan at the erotic scene of him eating you out. "That mouth of yours is too skilled for its own good," you whisper, fingers digging into his scalp, trying desperately to savor every swipe of his tongue.
Asra smiles against your folds. "I live to make you feel good, my dear." He says, pausing a moment. "You intoxicate me. Your smell, your taste. I couldn't get enough even if I had all the time in the world." He presses his lips on each one of your thighs with hot, open mouth kisses.
You blush at his words, feeling amazing under his praise. "Come here," you command softly, pulling on Asra's hair lightly to guide him back up your body. He kisses every inch of skin he passes before finally reaching your lips.
"Mm," he hums, taking your face in his hands. "But these lips, are like the finest honey in Vesuvia." He lifts your head so your mouths meet. It's a hot and feverish kiss, full of staggering amounts of love.
You press your body into his and relish in the feeling of kissing Asra. Your mouths are opened to one another and your tongues meet in fiery unison. While you enjoy the kiss you allow your hands to roam. Your fingers find his shirt buttons and you start to undo them as best you can, only a little distracted. It takes just a minute and you sigh happily into his mouth when you finally remove the annoying clothing.
You part a moment to admire the divinity of his body; prostrated before you. He was calling himself the lucky one, but you could probably make a pretty good argument for it being the other way around. He looked absolutely glorious in the hazy glow of the room.
As you reach for the waistband of his pants and rest your fingers playfully on the skin above it Asra breaks out in goosebumps at the fluttering feel of your touch.
"Ah," he breaths out, raising himself to his knees and closing his eyes. Clearly, he's enjoying the attention finally being on him.
"You are the one with the potion affecting them." You say, drawing a line from one hip to another. "It'd almost be criminal to ignore you for any longer." Your eyes fall to the bulge straining under Asra's pants, just begging to be free. A smile plays across your lips as his breaths quickens significantly.
"I.. wouldn't complain." He finally manages to say in a strained tone.
You smile, maybe a little too satisfied, and hook your fingers under the band. "I know." You chuckle, pulling. The trousers catch a moment on Asra's hardened length before slipping down to his knees. You take time to admire the sight before you, licking your lips. Asra is panting slightly, looking down at you lustfully as your eyes graze over him.
He grabs your head on either side and looks into your eyes. "Please," is all he can croak out.
You swallow thickly and you feel yourself dampen even more at his begging words. “I’d like nothing more" you say; need dripping heavily from your words. You lean forward and kiss the tip of his leaking slit lightly. Asra's body shivers with pleasure when your soft lips meet his aching shaft.
You take a breath before closing your mouth around his tip. Your cheeks hollow and you suck in deeply, enjoying the small sounds of pleasure emitting from Asra's lips. He groans even deeper as you finally swallow down his whole length, tip sliding down the back of your throat.
"Ah fuck, baby," he stutters through gritted teeth, fingers threading through your hair. He thrusts into your mouth without hesitation, reveling in the way you feel around him. The pace is fast and vicious, leaving no time for extra room for breathing.
You choke back your gasps and feel the involuntary tears prick at the corners or your eyes. Your hands fall to your sides as you let Asra use your mouth how he pleased. Licentious noises ring around the room as he sinks his member into your mouth relentlessly, moaning at each stroke and the salacious feelings that come over him.
His grip tightens in your hair as he pounds into your face. You open your mouth as widely as you can and take him in, ignoring the slight pain of labored breathing. The feeling of being used so mercilessly is intoxicating, and you close your eyes, enjoying the pleasure that overtakes you.
With a loud pop he pulls out of your drooling mouth, leaving you to be the one groaning in disappointment.
"I'm sorry love," he huffs dazedly, need heavy on his features. "But if I don't stop this now I'm cumming in your mouth."
"That doesn't sound so bad," you complain, sticking your tongue out so Asra can view how much you want it. His eyes darken considerably and he looks ready to break.
He takes a breath in sharply, steadying himself before holding your face gently in his hand. "As much as I want you fuck your face, that pussy of yours I know is dripping for me and I have to comply." He chuckles, running his thumb along your lip.
You whimper at his words, practically climaxing at the suggestion. You meet his eyes in a needy manner and nod. "Oh, Asra," you start, already seeing excitement flit across his face at the mention of his name. "I want you more than I can even describe to you."
To this Asra inhales sharply, thumb still hooked in your mouth. "Tell me how you want me," he says, barely able to contain his own desire.
"I want you to fuck me from behind," you begin, knowing exactly how to please his ears. "I'm going to cry and moan, and beg you for relief but you will know better." His eyes widen in ecstasy but you continue anyway. "I want you to give everything you can to me, without holding back."
Asra seems to snap right in front of you. His features immediately seem to plead for consolation. "You'll get what you ask for." He growls, fingers tightening in your mouth. You lick his thumb seductively and the action throws him over the edge.
Asra's hands fly to your waist and hold you firmly, you're flipped over; ass to the heavens greeting him. He swallows at the sight and digs both palms into the flesh, enjoying the feeling immensely. "So needy and ready for me," he groans, finger finding your entrance and slipping in easily. You gulp at the warmth of having fingers enter you. Asra is unrelenting and curls them cruelly against your walls.
"Just fuck me already!" You cry, unable to hide your desires anymore. You hear Asra laugh behind you, yet despite this you know he is dying to sink himself into you.
"Alright, alright." He concedes, taking your hips in his hands. "If you insist."
You feel his tip slide against your slit and shudder, craving the feeling of him inside you. It doesn't take more than a moment before you feel him start to enter you. You lay your head down, turning your face so you can watch Asra take you from behind.
His lips are parted in a silent moan as he relishes in the feeling of your walls around him. You sigh softly as he fully sheaths himself in you, a small tremor passing over your body from the pleasure. One moment, two moments pass as you both bask in the feeling of being connected.
"Give me your hands," he commands, slowly sliding in and out of you, giving no care to his agonizingly slow pace. Soft gasps are falling from your lips as you try to register his request.
Carefully, you cross your arms behind your back. It's no use to keep the blush at bay as you take in the dirty scene. Your face is pressed to the pillows, unable to move much as Asra takes your wrists and pins them to your back. Your ass is raised in the air to meet his rhythmic thrusting.
Asra grips one of your thighs with a free hand and quickens the pace a little. Your eyes shut tightly as your body responds. You can feel his tip hit deep inside of you with each snap of his hips. It's unrelenting and you have to catch yourself from begging for more.
You feel the fingers around your wrist tighten a bit as Asra's breathing speeds up behind you. You know that he's set on giving you as much painfully slow torture as he can manage himself, but you also know that potion is working against him. There's nothing he wants more than to let go and pound you into the mattress.
"Baby," you choke out, words bouncing along with your bodies. "I know you want to fuck me so good right now." Your voice is deep with seduction. "Please just fill me up like I know you want to." You finish your plea, watching his face with satisfaction. His eyes are darkened with desire. He takes just a few more strokes before slowly to a stop inside you.
"You asked for it," he warns. He only takes a moment to let go of your wrists and flips your body so you're facing him. He cages you in on either side and licks his lips as he stares into your eyes. His hungry mouth meets yours in a kiss full of fire. You can melt into it for only a second before you feel him grab your hips and pull you flush against him; Your cries drowned by his lips as he sets an erratic pace, skin meeting with loud slaps.
"Fucking hell," he groans, still kissing you between words. "You feel like heaven on earth. You're so hot, and I can feel your insides squeezing me." He explains, hot breath falling over your face. Your cheeks burn at his descriptions.
You loop your arms around his neck and press your chest into his. Your skin meets, shining with sweat and burning from love. Asra presses back, savoring the feeling of your nipples brushing against his.
You start to feel that familiar blossom of unreleased pleasure pool in your lower stomach. Asra's shaft is hitting you just right, sending jolts of satisfaction right to your core.
"Oh-" you stop and whine pleasantly when he shifts angles. "Fuck. Please yes, don't stop!" Your arms drop and nails dip into his biceps and you grit your teeth from the hot delight searing through your body.
"I couldn't even If i wanted to," Asra answers, words strained as his grasp on himself starts to crumble. His breath is leaving his lips in short pants now and you can almost see the resolve to hold on slip away before your eyes.
He falls into you, wrapping his arms tightly around your waist and thrusts into you with all of the strength he can muster. You bury your face in his neck and take hold of his hair. You can feel Asra's body shuddering to not let go.
You bring your lips to his ear and bite his lobe. "Won't you come for me sweetheart? Please empty yourself in me." You whisper.
Asra takes in a sharp breath and you hear him choke at your words. They were enough to push him over the edge and he rams into you with a low, strangled cry.
Your head falls back and your mouth opens in a silent scream as Asra lets himself go in you. Your legs shake violently of their own accord as you feel your orgasm wash over you, leaving your body in euphoric fire.
Asra's lips immediately find yours as you ride out your orgasms together. You kiss him passionately, all of your senses in overdrive. His kisses are soft, and sweet, a clear declaration of his love. Happiness rushes in like a flood as you enjoy the afterglow. After a minute Asra removes himself from you and joins you in laying down, sides still heaving from the activities.
"My dear, how I love you." He says with a smile, running his fingers in slow, soft circles on your stomach.
You turn on your side and look into his eyes. He looked content, and his cheeks were dimpled from his growing grin.
"I love you too," you return, hand falling into his. His skin was still warm. The two of you lay there for a while, out of breath and simply enjoying the presence of one another.
Eventually, Asra sits up and looks down at you with humor in his eyes. "Well, I think I can tell our buyer that we did an extensive review of his product and it does, in fact, work."
Your face breaks into a smile and you laugh at Asra's words. "Oh goodie, I'm sure he'll be thrilled to hear all about it."
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blu-joons · 3 years
Jealous Of Yeontan ~ Kim Taehyung
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As soon as you sat down in the bed, it didn’t take long for Yeontan to appear in your lap, staring up at you. A gentle chuckle came from you as your hand began to tickle against the side of his face, smiling at the way he stared at you.
“I’m laying down now, just give me a minute,” you assured him, noticing that Taehyung had already pulled the duvet back to make room for you to lay back. “Why don’t you lay on your dad whilst I get myself comfortable, how does that sound?”
“There’s no way that he’ll lay on me,” Taehyung groaned from your side.
“I forgot how much more he loves me compared to you.”
You ended up trying to lay down with Yeontan to still resting tightly in your lap. You rested your hand over him to keep him in position as you shuffled down the mattress, lifting him up so that you could pulled the duvet over your frame and get comfortable.
“Anyone would think he was your dog,” Taehyung continued to complain as he watched you both.
“He’s very much your dog,” you chuckled, smiling across to him, “you know what he’s like, he changes between the two of us all the time.”
His head shook back at you, “he’s not left your side since you moved in, I’m very much replaced these days, and it’s all thanks to you.”
Since the moment you even met Yeontan, he seemed to take a great liking to you. Every time you walked through the door; he was always there under your feet ready to receive as much attention as you could give him. Taehyung was always second best when it came to greeting the two of them which he’d quickly come to learn too.
Neither of you could remember the last night you’d spent without Yeontan not between the two of you, or the last night he spent not curled up to your side. It often ended up with Taehyung curled up by his own on one end of the bed, unable to get anywhere close to you.
As you finally began to settle, Yeontan made his way further up your chest until he was sat just under your chin, with his head up, sending a clear instruction your way. You brought your hands out from under the duvet, tickling against his cheeks as he always adored. After a few moments, you leant forwards and pressed a soft kiss against the damp kiss of your nose.
“What about me?” A voice queried from beside you, poking gently against your cheek for attention.
Your eyes rolled as you met Taehyung’s, yet again a pout had formed on his lips, a habit of his anytime he felt like he was playing second best. You raised your eyebrows back at him as his finger tapped against the tip of his nose to let you know exactly what he wanted from you.
“What do you want?” You teased, glancing innocently at the tip of his nose.
“You know exactly what I want,” he frowned, continuing to tap at the space, “there’s not just Yeontan in this room who wants your attention.”
“Who else is there?”
His mouth opened into a pout, staring at you in surprise. “Don’t tease me like this Y/N, you should share your affection equally between your two favourite boys.”
“Are you really that desperate for a kiss from me?” You questioned, shaking your head as his nodded. “Just because I gave Yeontan a kiss, you want one?”
“I want a kiss especially because you gave Yeontan one.”
You leaned across, pressing a soft kiss against the tip of his nose. Taehyung moved his hand to the back of your head to keep you there for a few moments, letting you go only once he was sure that he’d received a better kiss from you then Yeontan had.”
“I never imagined you’d be jealous of a dog,” you remarked as you pulled away from Taehyung, being able to read him as if he were a book.
“I’m not jealous,” he protested, but as he met your eyes, not even he had the energy to even try and defend how jealous he was.
Your attention was then drawn by Yeontan who curled himself around on your chest. Your hand instantly moved up to rest over the top of his head, running gently through his fur to try and help him settle beside you.
“My hair is longer than his fur,” Taehyung whispered into your ear.
You looked across at him yet again, moving your free hand to brush over the top of his head, trying to keep the two of them happy. Yeontan was soon fast asleep in your lap whilst Taehyung continued to smile at your side, basking in the attention that you finally gave him.
“Remind me why you’ve never played with my hair like this before,” he giggled, “it feels nice to feel your hands running through my hair, I could definitely get used to it.”
“You’re only asking me to do this because it’s what I do to Yeontan.”
An innocent smile graced his lips, pursing his lips together as yet again your eyes rolled. You always knew that Taehyung loved to have your attention as much as possible, but you never imagined that that statement would apply to Yeontan as well as it did so many others.
After a few minutes, Taehyung finally moved your hand back into his lap, shuffling across your lap to make the most of being able to lay himself right into your side and settle his head against your shoulder.
“Maybe we should get another dog at some point and give Tan someone else to search for attention,” you suggested to him.
“That might not be the worst idea,” Taehyung chuckled, taking you by surprise. “I’ve thought about getting another dog for quite some time, and if it can mean I can steal my girlfriend back then it’s definitely something that I think we could consider.”
“I was not expecting you to say yes,” you admitted, “I thought you were going to say that one dog was enough for us both right now.”
His head shook, tilting his head back to look up at you, “how are we ever going to prepare for the future if we draw the line at having one dog being enough?”
You fell silent at his question, not quite sure what words to find to be able to tell him how you felt. Taehyung could see that he’d caught you off guard, pressing a kiss against your jaw to assure you that you didn’t need to respond. The two of you still had plenty of time to look towards the future, even if he had been finding himself getting excited by the thought.
“For now, though, I do think one dog is enough,” he assured you, “but I definitely think we could have a family of dogs one day.”
“You’ve really thought about this haven’t you?” You asked, a little less surprised when his head nodded back at you.
“Of course, I think about it a lot.”
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sir-subpar · 3 years
Fangs And Fur (Bf x Pico oneshot)
Werewolf Au. Because I want to. This was somewhat inspired by an animated short called "Dirty Paws"
*Warning: Swearing and Blood/Gore/Violence. (It's not that bad, but just in case)
Bf and Pico shared jokes and friendly banter as Pico walked Boyfriend home. It was dusk, just barely any sunlight illuminating the neighborhood. The two of them had just finished a dinner date, still laughing and flirting as they walked along the sidewalk on Bf's home street. Some of Boyfriend's neighbors were greeting the boys from their yards as the two passed by. 
Carol, whose house was directly to the left of Boyfriend's, was finishing up watering her yard when she saw her neighbor and his date. "Hey Boyfriend!" Carol greeted them happily. "Hi Carol! How are you?" Boyfriend replied, he and Pico stopping in front of her new painted fence to talk. "I'm good, just relaxing after putting in this darn fence. It took forever, but it's worth it though to keep my little Cocoa Puff safe." Carol gestured to her mini poodle, the little fuzzball had brown curly fur, hence the name Cocoa Puff. "You should probably get a fence too, Bf. There's been a lot more animal attacks happening lately." Carol warned, Bf and Pico shifted with unease. "Yeesh, has it been getting that bad?" The bluette asked nervously. "It's been really bad, Sunday's cat got attacked the other night. Poor little guy was really chewed up by some big animal.." "Oh no! Not Bubsy!" Bf had a soft spot for animals in general, even though he didn't have any pets of his own, he always loved animals. Pico, too, felt bad for the little cat. "Did the cat survive? How bad was it?" Pico asked, never having met Sunday or her cat Bubsy, Bf told him about them before. Sometimes Sunday would ask Bf to babysit her cat when she was on tour, he was really good with Bubsy. Carol gave a look of sympathy, knowing the cat's condition. "He's alive, but it's a long road to recovery." She said dejectedly. "I've been hearing that people are setting traps around here, so keep an eye out for those too. Okay?" "Will do, thanks Carol." Bf replied, Pico only nodded in response. "Anyway, moving on to lighter news.. Are you going to introduce me to your friend here?" Carol lightly teased, tilting her head in Pico's direction. "Oh yeah! Right. Carol, this is Pico!" Bf wrapped his arm around the redheaded man's shoulders, making Pico's face turn pink. A look of recognition flashed onto Carol's features. "Ooooh, so THIS is the boyfriend you're always talking about. It's nice to finally meet you Pico." Carol teased, holding out her hand. Pico felt his cheeks flush with embarrassment before shaking Carol's hand. It was flattering to know that Boyfriend talked about him. "Y-yeah. You too." 
Carol giggled a bit. "Alright, well I'll let you guys enjoy your evening. Have a good one!" Bf waved at her while he and Pico walked up to his porch. Bf held the door open for Pico, but he declined going inside. Bf of course took notice of this, as well as Pico's nervous demeanor.
 "Are you okay, Pico?" 
"Yeah.. I just- I should head home. I had a nice night. Let's go out again soon." Pico gave him a smile that was somewhat forced. "Oh… okay. Well, I'll call you tomorrow then." 
"Yeah, sounds good." Pico gave Bf a kiss on the cheek, then he left. Bf closed his door, he was a little disappointed, if he was honest. He had hoped Pico would stay the night, but it was Pico's choice. It wouldn't have been right to stop him. Bf just decided to chill instead. Sweets and videogames were the perfect cure for disappointment. 
Pico rushed home, the sun had already gone down, he didn't have much time. He felt bad. Not just for leaving an obviously dejected Boyfriend, but for being so secretive with him. But he didn't have time for that! He needed to get home and lock up. It was only a matter of time before the moon would show it's Damn face. He dashed down the street , finally getting to the cul de sac he lived on. He ran onto his porch, swinging open his door and slamming it behind him. Just in the nick of time. He collapsed on the floor. His transformation was already taking place. His breathing was heavy, he couldn't help but shout in agony as his body reconfigured itself into its new form. Before he was lost to the lycan curse, however, he had one last horrifying realization. 
He forgot to close the window.
It had been a couple of hours, Bf had changed into some comfy clothes and was watching tv on his couch. He couldn't help but think of Pico. It was weird how nervous he suddenly was. Pico had been fine all day, but suddenly he ran off after talking to Carol. Was he really that flustered? It didn't seem like it was a big deal. Surely it was something else, but what? Bf sighed, it wasn't really his business, but he wanted to know what was up. He decided to text Pico. 
Bf: Hey. I had a lot of fun at dinner :) I just wanna see if you're alright, you seemed off earlier. Everything ok?
Thirty minutes went by, and he got no response. 'Maybe he's already asleep?' Boyfriend thought, sure it wasn't super late, but it wasn't unusual for people to sleep at this hour. Boyfriend shut off the tv. Maybe he should just get some air. It was nice out. A nice warm summer night. A walk would do him some good. Sure he was basically in pajamas, with a mismatched t-shirt and sweatpants but who cares? He put his phone and keys in his pockets, and left the house for a walk. His neighborhood was fairly close to a nice wooded area. It wasn't really a forest, but there were wild animals around. Like coyotes and rabbits. He decided to hang out around the trees. He sat down on a stump that had once been a huge cottonwood tree, and he just listened to the noises around him. Crickets and other bugs were chirping and buzzing around. It was oddly serene.At least, it was. Until some rustling in the bushes caught his attention. 
He was startled, frightened even, but then he felt relieved once he realized it was a rabbit. Just a little rabbit. But his levity was short lived when noticed the rabbit was limping. He used his phone's flashlight to get a better look. The poor rabbit was barely able to move, its flesh had been ripped apart, blood soaking its fur, and one of its legs was missing. It trembled and struggled. Boyfriend's heart sank when the realization set in that the poor thing wasn't going to make it. It was suffering, and he hated to see animals suffer. He decided to try and comfort it. The rabbit collapsed, he gently brushed his fingers on its soft little head. The rabbit's breathing was still panicked, but it was too weak to do anything. He considered killing it to end its misery, but before he could, he heard snarling coming from the bush. He quickly shined the light on it, just in time to see the snout of a larger animal swiftly bite the rabbit. 
Bf jumped back in fear. The animal stalked out of the bushes that had hidden it, revealing a large orangish red wolf.  The rabbit, the wolf's prey, was still in its jaws. The small rodent fell limb as the wolf's fangs sunk into its body. Bf could hear the bones crack. It didn't take long for the wolf to completely devour the rodent. Bf froze. Should he run? Would the wolf want him? He couldn't help but tremble at the large beast before him. Then it looked at him. Its eye bore into his soul. Focused. It watched him intently. Bf stayed still. Maybe if he didn't make any sudden movements, it would move on. It approached him slowly, circling him. It then got closer, inspecting him with its nose. It seemed particularly drawn to his pocket. Bf slowly reached into his pocket, the wolf allowed it, watching him. Bf pulled out a small bag of chocolate chip cookies. He had forgotten that he put those there. The wolf's ears perked up a bit, and it tilted it's head. 
"Is this what you want?" The Wolf kept its eyes locked on the bag. "I'm not sure if you should have this, it has chocolate in it. Pretty sure dogs can't have that." The wolf growled, seeming to not take "no" as an answer. "Okay okay! Fine! They're yours!" Bf reached into the bag, then tossed a cookie at the wolf. The treat hit its nose before falling on the ground. The wolf appeared displeased with the assault on its nose, giving a huff before eating the cookie. "Well sorry, it's not my fault you're clumsy and didn't catch it." Bf said sarcastically. The wolf looked at him again, it wanted more treats. Bf tossed another cookie, this time aiming in front of the wolf so he didn't hit its nose again. The beast seemed content with that. So Bf kept doing it until he ran out. 
The canine's demeanor had thankfully shifted, it seemed more docile after being fed. Boyfriend had calmed down significantly, no longer fearing for his life. "Well, it was nice to meet you… wolf. I'm gonna go home. I've had enough excitement today." Bf turned away from the orange/red animal, trusting that it wouldn't pounce on him while his back was turned. As he walked away, he could hear two pairs of footsteps behind him. He looked back to confirm that the wolf was following him. When he stopped, the wolf halted, when he moved, the wolf followed. "I uh, think you should stay here. Where you live. I'm going home." Bf tried again to leave, the wolf followed him anyway. "No. You stay. I go." Bf tries using hand gestures to get the animal to listen, but to no avail. Bf picked up a stick and threw it. It didn't seem to interest the wolf, but the stick accidentally hit some small animal Bf hadn't noticed before. That got the wolf's attention. As the large mammal attacked the unfortunate stick receiver, Bf took the opportunity to run home. He managed to make it to his house and close the door. Bf leaned against the wood, sliding down till he hit the carpet. He let out a breath he didn't realize he was holding. After he had calmed down, astonishment took over. He just fed a wolf. And he didn't die! He was like Snow White! Holy crap!
Bf eventually stood up and moved to the couch. Deciding that maybe he should relax for a bit. He started channel surfing on his TV, settling on a random cartoon that was on. He could feel his tense muscles relaxing a bit. He let out a sigh of relief. 
He had gotten through a few episodes when he heard something. Something outside.
He muted the tv. No way. There's no way this was happening.
It followed him home. 
He could hear the clawing getting faster. Impatient. Instead of following common sense, he decided to open the door. His motion triggered porch light shone on the wolf's red/orange fur. It's white eyes bore into his soul again. Bf stepped aside, allowing the beast into his house. The wolf strutted in, immediately smelling anything and everything it could. It didn't seem aggressive, just curious. Bf filled a bowl with water and set it on the floor. Might as well hydrate his new houseguest. Eventually his fears dissipated. He went back to the couch, watching the wolf as it wandered around his living room. He watched the tv again, laying down across the sofa comfortably. 
And, before he could prepare for it, he was suddenly smothered by orange fur. The wolf had kept onto the sofa, laying on top of the blue haired man. He tried to push the wild dog off of him, but he couldn't budge it. This was his life now. He was a man-sized dog's couch cushion now. He didn't know wolves could get this big now that he thought about it. But it didn't matter. He was stuck. This was the predicament he was in. He gave up. The dog had won. Despite the animal's weight, he managed to fall asleep. It was warm and fluffy, so it wasn't so bad.
The rising sun peeked through the blinds, illuminating Bf's face, waking him up. He shifted a little, still feeling the warm mass on top of him. He yawned, his eyes still closed. He petted the wolf on top of him, his fingers gently brushing its soft skin- wait a second. His eyes shot open. 
The man jolted awake after hearing his name. Pico looked at Bf with wide eyes. His face turned almost as red as Bf's signature hat. The two stared in silence for what felt like forever before Boyfriend broke it.
"You owe me an explanation."
"Can I borrow some clothes first?"
"Please do."
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onlysarah235678 · 4 years
A Little Bit Part 10
Pairing: Billie Dean Howard x female reader
A/N: Hi! So I know I didn’t rate this fic, but from here on out it will be M. There are definitely M-rated things discussed here, so keep that in mind…Thank you again to illuminated-blue for the gif and for talking me down :) As always, enjoy!
Warnings: Mentions of nsfw activities, dog-related stress (possibly??) and slight nsfw conversations.  
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You’re woken up around 3 in the morning when Billie returns to bed. You don’t react immediately because you are exhausted and can barely open your eyes enough to see the medium settle back in beside you. You grumble something under your breath that is barely coherent.
“’s everythin’ okay?”
Billie just smiles as she gets underneath the covers and nods in answer. Not that you see it.
“Yes, I was just checking on the kittens and Milo.”
You nod before you hum in answer. You’re too tired to form any words so instead you just shift closer to Billie. You’re freezing because you don’t have your standard three blankets in bed with you, but you’re not going to complain about the substitute. You sigh as arms wrap around you and you’re pulled closer to the warm body you’d spent the night learning. The thought makes you smile and because of how you’re lying against her, Billie sees it immediately.
“What is it?”
You hear the amusement in her voice and that makes you smile wider, but you don’t say anything. There’s too much on your mind, and it’s too much to say for so early in the morning so you wait. You just shake your head before moving impossibly closer in an attempt to get more comfortable. You stifle a yawn as you close your eyes again to go back to sleep.
Billie just smiles and decides to wait until morning, or rather later this morning to talk about whatever is on your mind. She sighs as she closes her eyes as well. She had gone to check on the kittens and Milo, and everyone was fine, but she’d also had a cigarette. She usually did after nights like these, but she hadn’t wanted to wake you up with the smell. She was feeling a little more relaxed already though. She just couldn’t resist the cravings sometimes, and she always craved one after sex.
Billie falls asleep thinking of the next time she’ll get to see you like that. The thought of you falling apart beneath her makes her smirk, and she holds you a little tighter as she succumbs to sleep.
The next time you wake up you’re feeling a little more human. You yawn as you roll over to see that the sun is shining and that Billie is still asleep next to you. You smile before you look around for your phone to check and see what time it is.
“Good morning.”
You turn back from your search through your clothes to see Billie watching you. You resist the urge to blush as you finally find you phone underneath your pants. You switch it on absentmindedly as you move back to the bed to plant a quick kiss on Billie’s lips.
“Good morning. How long have you been up?”
She shrugs as you pull away before mentioning that she woke up not long after you. She smiles as she takes in your appearance. You are wonderfully underdressed and your bedhead is as messy as she’d imagined it. You nod at her response before glancing down at your phone only to curse.
“Oh shit! It’s already 7:15!”
It takes Billie a minute to wonder why you’re freaking out, but then she remembers that you work today. She watches as you frantically get dressed before getting up herself. She figures that once she checks on the cats, she can help you by feeding and walking Milo. She gets dressed too before watching as you look around the room before spotting the bathroom.
“Can I use your bathroom to-uh wash up?”
Billie just nods and watches you disappear into the bathroom. She hears the water start running before she finishes getting dressed and leaves to check on the kittens. As she walks down the hall, she takes a moment to appreciate how sore she is. Her back aches more than she thought it would, but she can’t find it in her to care. Billie’s still smiling at the memories of last night when she pushes the laundry room door open.
She didn’t realized that it wasn’t all the way closed until she goes to look at the kittens. Bit is curled up around them and everything seems fine. Billie gets on her knees to take a closer look at the sea of fur and immediately sighs in defeat.
Where was Mickey?
You’re doing your best to hurry as you try to clean up. You’re annoyingly sore and are moving slower as a result, but damn it you’d do it all over again. In fact, you really wanted to and you mentally kick yourself for not saying something to this effect to Billie sooner. However, after realizing that you were probably going to be late to work, not to mention wearing the same clothes as yesterday, you just panicked.
You’re still panicking a little as you finish up and head out into the bedroom. You couldn’t find a brush so you’re running your fingers through your hair quickly when you hear Billie call you.
You hurry out of the room and toward the sound of Billie’s voice. She sounds worried and it isn’t until you find her standing on the stairs that you realize why. You look between her and Milo who is just in the living room licking his paws.
“What? What’s wrong?”
Billie doesn’t say anything immediately as she stares at Milo, but when you start down the stairs her voice makes you turn back to her.
“I think Milo has Mickey.”
You see how Billie is still tense as she follows you down the stairs and you look back to Milo before putting it together. Oh.
You hurry down the stairs but then slow when Milo sees you. He’s not licking his paws like you originally thought. He’s licking Mickey who is somehow down here with him. You weren’t sure if Milo had gone upstairs or if Mickey had been dropped off by Bit at some point.
Figuring this out wasn’t important though. The first thing you needed to do was get Mickey back. You smile as you greet your dog watching as he starts to wag his tail.
“Hi Milo! Do you want to go on a walk?”
Milo’s tail wags harder but he doesn’t get up like he usually would. You keep walking closer until Milo’s tail slows and he’s eyeing you carefully. You’re not sure where Billie is, but hopefully she’s stopped moving as well. You think about sitting down, but then remember you may not be as quick to get up as you usually are. Instead, you keep smiling before looking to Mickey to try and see how he’s doing.
“Who’s your friend? Did you go upstairs to get Mickey?”
Milo doesn’t answer of course, but he goes back to licking the kitten again. You hear it mewl and you breathe a sigh of relief. Okay, so he’s alive. That’s a good start.
“Can I see your friend?”
Milo just keeps licking Mickey, but he watches you out of the corner of his eye as you move closer. You finally decide to sit down and have to hold in a groan when your sore muscles protest.
You carefully reach out to pet Milo and he stops what he’s doing to look at you. You scratch Milo behind his ear before moving a little closer. Milo doesn’t respond except to wag his tail and you feel a little optimistic, but still refuse to rush things.
You’re not sure how Milo will react to you just taking Mickey. If you had to guess, Bit dropped him off down here and Milo took it upon himself to watch over him. He’d clearly been interested in the kitten last night, but his desire for food had won out. Now he had a new friend, hopefully not toy, and didn’t want to give him up.
This is what you told yourself as you looked back to Mickey and held out a hand to Milo so he could see it.
“Will you let me see him? Can I have him, Milo?”
Milo just sniffs your hand before looking back down to Mickey. You actually sigh in relief when Milo just pushes Mickey towards you with his nose. You reach out for him quickly after that, your hand not leaving Milo as you scratch him with a smile.
“Good boy, Milo. Thank you.”
He just wags his tail as you stand up and hand Mickey to Billie who as you expected was standing right behind you. You watch as she takes him and immediately looks him over. He’s warm and a little wet from Milo’s tongue but he seems fine. He’s sleepy and probably a little annoyed about being taken from his warm furry friend.
“Thank god.”
You nod in agreement before apologizing. You feel like this is your fault. You should have known better than to leave Milo unattended with a house full of kittens.
“I’m so sorry. I shouldn’t have left him here alone. I didn’t think he’d go after any of them.”
Billie just sighs after she reassures herself that Mickey is fine before shaking her head. She doesn’t blame you for this. She was the one who probably forgot to shut the door this morning after checking on them. Still her heart rate is just slowing after the stress of not knowing what to expect. Milo was clearly a good guard dog, but luckily he was smart enough to know who he could trust with his people. For the most part.
“It’s okay it was my fault, and he’s fine. Milo’s a good boy, hmm?”
Billie’s looking to Milo who is now standing right beside you. His tail is wagging and he’s panting as he just watches the two of you. He also knows that it’s past his breakfast time.
“Do you need any help getting ready for work?”
Billie’s question reminds you that you’re running late and you jump into action. You shake your head before mentioning that you need to walk Milo, but you’ll probably just feed him at work since you don’t have any of his food with you. You also definitely need to run home and shower and change clothes. You will definitely be late for work though if you don’t leave right now.
That said, you really don’t want to and even after you’ve grabbed Milo’s leash and your keys you don’t hurry to leave. You turn to Billie who is just standing by with an amused look. You sigh ignoring Milo’s whines as you walk back toward Billie with a smile.
“I’m sorry I have to leave so quickly. I had an amazing time.”
Billie merely smiles as she leans in to kiss you, and you sigh as you feel your resolve crack. You would love nothing more than to just spend the day with Billie here, or wherever she wanted. Unfortunately, you had work in about 40 minutes, and you were most definitely going to be late.
“I did too, Y/N, we’ll have to do it again sometime.”
You smile widely at your ridiculous words coming out of Billie’s mouth, and you can’t help but kiss her again. It isn’t until Milo barks to get your attention that you realize it’s time to go. You sigh as Billie just looks to Milo before reaching out to scratch him. He’s adorable and Billie’s grateful that he’s such a good dog. However, he’s right and it’s time for the two of you to go. Billie kisses your cheek before pulling back with a smile.
“You better get going if you don’t want to be late.”
You know it’s too late for that, but you just smile before nodding in defeat. You grab your coat not bothering to put it on before you attach Milo’s leash to his harness.
“I’ll see you soon, Billie Dean.”
You watch as your beautiful girlfriend blushes before you and Milo duck out the front door.
You were right. You were late for work. Almost 20 minutes late, but luckily you were just in time for the first appointment. You apologized profusely to Dr. Hahn who only laughed and told you that she was glad that she didn’t have to be in two places at once today.
After racing home and feeding Milo, you’d jumped in the shower and taken the shortest one of your life. Your hair was still soaking by the time you got in the car, but at every stoplight you had a chance to become a little more presentable. You were almost a doctor again by the time you walked into the building with Milo by your side. The only issue was that you’d forgotten your whitecoat at home and the only one you had here was filthy.
Luckily you didn’t really need it today since your ‘boss’ wasn’t here and she was the only one who insisted you wear it. You run up to your office, a little slower than usual, to grab your stethoscope before you fix your hair as you head back down the hall. You pause as you pass the bathroom, and you do a double take when you see a hickey you’d missed behind your ear in the mirror. You curse before running in and closing the door behind you. You examine the mark and almost groan out loud because damn it now you have to wear your hair down all day.
You sigh before dropping your hair back to your shoulders and heading out. You nearly run into Mina who was walking by with the drug box and you both almost tumble down the stairs.
“Woah, watch out, doc.”
“Sorry, Mina. I’m a little--.”
What? What were you?
Well, you knew the answer to that, but you couldn’t exactly tell your technician that you were off your game because you’d spent the better part of last night having mind-numbing sex that also made walking difficult. There was no way she wanted to know all of that. Instead you just sighed before following her down the stairs to get the day started.
“I get it, Dr. Y/L/N. It’s way too early to be up on a Saturday.”
You don’t realize how painfully naïve you were until a few minutes before you take your lunch. You had been relieved that the morning appointments weren’t so bad. They were mostly easy problem visits that didn’t take too much time or thought. You’d honestly spent most of the morning thinking about and texting Billie every chance you got.
It was for this reason that you realized what you and maybe Billie, had overlooked when you’d run out of her house this morning.
Mason was thrilled. After being demoted, basically fired, for failing to get an exclusive on Billie Dean Howard’s new girlfriend, he’d promised himself that he would be earn his job back. He was determined to get an editor position and he was going to do whatever it took.
Luckily, it hadn’t taken much to get him what he needed. He just had to follow that vet around for almost a week before she went to Billie’s house last night. He’d been far enough away that he wouldn’t be spotted. He’d parked with a bunch of other cars to blend in and he’d seen Y/N walking her dog again around 11.
He had mostly just waited around until morning came. All he needed was a shot of you leaving her house in the same clothes, and to give it to his boss. He had gotten that and so much more. Now he had a new office and a job for the next three years if he could continue to get pictures like this.
The first was the basic walk of shame. Y/N was leaving with her dog in the same clothes she’d arrived in, but looking worse for wear. She looked frazzled, exhausted and thoroughly debauched as she hurried to her car and back home. This would have been enough to get Mason his job back, but he probably wouldn’t have been guaranteed a three-year contract if it weren’t for the video he’d gotten.
They couldn’t use it of course because he’d crept into the medium’s backyard to take it, but it was enough to show his boss that he was serious. He would do whatever it takes, and with his second chance he was going to figure out how to ruin that vet who cost him his job in the first place.
Billie’s doing chores around the house when she gets a text message from Michelle. They usually exchange a few over the weekend to discuss the upcoming week, but this isn’t that. She retreats from the noise of the laundry room to check her phone, but she doesn’t get far before she realizes what she’s looking at.
Jeff sent me this. It was released about 10 minutes ago.
Billie clicked on the link and wasn’t surprised when it took her to a trashy tabloid that…She scrolled down and saw the title and the picture at the same time.
Medium Billie Dean Howard’s New Flame Takes the Walk of Shame.
The picture was taken as Y/N was leaving this morning and Billie groans under her breath at the fact that their luck was this bad. They had agreed to come out during Billie’s interview next week, but this made that just a formality at this point. It was already confirmed, this picture was worth far more than anything Billie could say and she just copied the link and sent it to you in a text.
You were trying to decide where to go for lunch when Billie’s text came in. You smiled until you recognized one of the tabloids in the URL. You waited for a few seconds hoping to summon the courage to open it before you just clicked on it and closed your eyes.
It was maybe twenty seconds later that you opened them again and nearly screamed.
There you were. It was a picture of you and Milo fleeing Billie’s house like it was on fire. You groaned loudly and slammed your head on the desk before you managed to look at it again.
Well, at least Milo looked good.
Billie had expected you to call, so her phone ringing a few minutes later wasn’t much of a surprise. She answered immediately and smiled despite the news she’d just shared with you.
“Hi Y/N.”
You sigh before you smile in defeat. You can’t bring yourself to be in too bad of a mood after the night you had, so you just spin around in your chair as you ask her the first thing that comes to mind.
“Hi, Billie. How are you doing?”
You hear Billie chuckle as she takes a drag before shaking her head at your tone. You don’t seem very bothered by the news, but you had been at work all day and maybe just hadn’t left the building yet, or looked outside.
“I’m great. How has your morning been so far?”
You laugh without meaning to and you don’t realize that Billie could have taken it the wrong way until she doesn’t respond immediately.
“Oh, it’s been great. Not too busy which is good since I’ve been playing catch up since I got here so late.”
You’re staring at the flowers that you still had sitting on your desk in silence for a few seconds before your words catch up with you. You curse yourself before sitting up and turning away from them with a sigh.
“Not that I’m complaining. I’d be late everyday if I didn’t, you know, risk losing my job to spend time with you.”
Billie just smiles before considering what you were saying.  She knew you were a sweet talker, but you had yet to say anything you didn’t mean. She decided to tuck this away for now before focusing on the matter at hand. There wasn’t a lot of time to figure out how to deal with this.
“It’s okay, Y/N. I know what you meant. I hope you didn’t get in trouble.”
You smile before shaking your head and telling Billie what the other doctor had told you. You also mention how you’d forgotten your coat in the mad dash for work and that you’re still not able to put your hair up. Billie definitely laughs at this last one, not that she feels guilty. Not one bit.
“Sorry about that, dear.”
This time you laugh louder as you roll your eyes in disbelief. You can hear how sorry Billie is from the amused lit in her voice.
“I bet you are.”
You allow your mind to wander to when Billie had made those marks and you feel your face heat up. You realize that you’re definitely not regretting that Billie had put them there. You don’t realize that you groan under your breath until you hear Billie chuckle under hers. Your eyes open and you cross your legs as you sit up. The sound of that laugh takes you back to being in Billie’s bedroom, and your heartrate and need spike instantly.
You shake your head as you try to stop thinking about this, but you don’t do very well because Billie is speaking again. You learned early last night what exactly her voice could do to you.
“Y/N? Are you still there?”
You nod before saying the first thing that comes to mind, and honestly you should have just moaned. That would have been less embarrassing you think. You actually smack yourself in the face before you roll your chair closer to your desk so your face is practically in the flowers. The smell distracts you from your mortifying behavior. At least for a little while.
“Yeah, I’m coming, I mean I’m here! I’m just—ugh. I need a drink.”
You ignore the sound of Billie laughing heartily through the phone as you bury your face further in to the flowers. They start to poke you in the eyes and you groan again before trying to focus on food. You need to eat lunch after all.
“Well, I’m sure I can help with that. Just not right now.”
You feel your face flush even more as you nod in agreement. You definitely can’t do anything about your growing need now. At work. You have to eat lunch and then get back to it. You try to calm yourself down to think this through. Lunch. That’s easy. You’ll get-.
“Have you looked outside yet?”
You frown at Billie’s question as it interrupts your thoughts of food. You look out the window that shows very little of the outside that Billie is talking about. It’s sunny. Is that what she meant?
“Um yes? It’s nice out.”
Billie almost sighed because clearly you didn’t know what she was talking about. She didn’t want to ruin your day, well any more than she already had, but she wanted to give you a heads up in case she was right about this.
“No, Y/N. I meant have you checked the parking lot. Are there any reporters out there?”
Of course, this is what she’d meant. You stand up and walk down the hall to the conference room that has a perfect view of the parking lot. At first you just see the cars you’d expect to see, but then you remember it’s lunchtime. There shouldn’t be that many cars out there. You sigh loudly enough for Billie to hear you before returning to your office.
“So much for lunch. I guess I should just wait it out?”
Billie says something in response, but you don’t hear it as someone calls you from downstairs. You sigh before trying to listen for your name again to make sure you aren’t mistaken,
“Dr. Y/L/N?”
You stand up before telling Billie that you’ll be right back, but someone’s in front of you the moment you leave your office.
“Sorry, Billie, one second.”
You nearly step on Erin’s foot as you start down the hallway to see who was calling you. You stopped short and nearly cursed as the brunette shoots you an apologetic look.
“Sorry! I was just going out to grab lunch, but I wanted to see if you wanted something?”
You stare at Erin’s anxious expression before you realize that she knows. Well, you knew that she was aware of your relationship on some level, but you hadn’t expected her to know all of it. At least what had happened this morning. It seemed too early for her to know about that, but you supposed it was on the internet. You fight the urge to blush furiously at that possibility before you manage to ask Erin where she’s going. When she promises to get you something you hear a faint voice that reminds you that Billie is still waiting,
You return to your office and sit down with a sigh. This time you close the door before asking Billie what she’d just said.
“I’m sorry, what?”
Billie is smiling as she thinks about the assistant you’d mentioned multiple times. She was glad that someone at work was looking out for you.
“I was just saying that it was sweet of her to do that.”
You nod in agreement as you think about how Erin really did just save you from having to either starve or face the cameras. You weren’t ready for that today. You had just committed to publicly confirming your relationship with Billie and you wanted to bask in it for a while before having to deal with the reporters. You wanted to enjoy the peace while it lasted.
Without your permission your mind wanders back to the events of last night, and you have to sit up and shake your head vigorously to stop those thoughts in their tracks.
“Um any plans for the rest of the day?”
Billie smiles as you ask this. She’s currently sitting at the kitchen table looking out at the garden as she smokes another cigarette. This was her third since she’s seen you, and that was a lot considering how she’d cut back because of the cats. She just couldn’t relax any other way right now. Not with you at work.
“Nothing really, I’m just doing some chores and sitting around.”
You smile at the thought of Billie sitting around her house with Mickey. You ask her if he’s in her lap, but she says that she left him upstairs with Bit for the time being. You didn’t ask why as she told you exactly what she was doing. She was probably going to check on her garden if she could find the motivation, but right now she was too lost in thought to make herself do it
You were playing with some of the petals that had fallen off the roses when Billie says this. You ask almost absentmindedly as you sniff them with a sigh.
“What has you so lost in thought on a Saturday?”
You don’t realize what you’re asking until Billie doesn’t answer immediately. You hear her take a drag of her cigarette before she responds with a smile. She so loves it when you walk into her carefully laid traps.
“I was just thinking about what a good girl you were last night.”
You drop the petals immediately as you stifle the groan that threatens at how Billie says those two words. She knew the effect they had on you, and after last night you couldn’t deny it anymore. You were certain that you’d told Billie exactly what she could get you to do if she asked nicely enough, and the heat rushed unbidden from your cheeks to your core.
You can’t do this right now, at least you know you shouldn’t. However, your traitorous body said otherwise, and you had to clench your thighs together at the thought of Billie between them. You’re too busy imagining the medium’s lithe fingers stroking you to near-madness to hear Billie laugh. It isn’t until she speaks up that you realize your eyes had fallen closed, and they snap open at her blunt response.
“You’re so cute when you’re so needy.”
You can’t hold back your groan this time and Billie smiles victoriously as she puts out her cigarette. She’s thinking about the look you probably have on your face, that tortured, desperate, pleading look you got when she’d teased you a little too much. She knew you may not be there yet, but there was still time for that. She smiled to herself at the fact she could hear you squirming in your chair on the other end of the call. She decided to cut to the chase because she had teased you an awful lot last night.
“Do you need to come again already?”
Your breath hitches at Billie’s words and you look around you despite knowing it’s just you in your office. Your face is heating up and you feel more and more uncomfortable just sitting in your chair. You don’t dare answer Billie as you focus all of your willpower on not rocking in your chair to get some semblance of relief. You can’t be certain, but you’re pretty sure that Billie wouldn’t take too kindly to that.
“I asked you a question, Y/N.”
You feel a shock of arousal at Billie’s words and you open your mouth to respond, but the words get caught in your throat.  Instead, you end up groaning under your breath as you squeeze the armrest of your chair until it hurts.
“I can’t, Billie. Not here.”
Billie chuckles under her breath for two reasons. Your voice is so strained and needy that she doesn’t even really need an answer. Still, she wants to hear you say it, or at least say that you won’t. She won’t push you past your comfort zone, but this was pretty tame compared to what you’d been willing to do last night.
“That wasn’t what I asked.”
You take a deep breath before releasing your death grip. You sit up with an inaudible groan before shaking your head. You’re so warm that you’re uncomfortable and you sigh as you look for something to fan yourself with.
“Yes, god yes, but I can’t right now.”
Billie smiles victoriously before nodding in agreement. You probably didn’t have time to get off before Erin returned with your lunch. Billie smiles wider at the thought before she looks back outside to her garden. She’s definitely not getting to that today.
“I know, baby, but maybe you’ll have time tonight?”
At this point, you swear Billie is trying to kill you. All of these pet names and her promises for the attention you just can’t get enough of…it’s enough to drive you crazy. You sighed in defeat and relief at the thought of getting to see Billie again. You can hardly wait to see the medium and you’re already smiling in excitement. However, as you look to the clock and see that it’s only 1, you’re not sure how you’re going to last five more hours.
Erin steps out of her car with both of your lunches and a sigh. She looks to the client parking lot and rolls her eyes at the sight of the two reporters still waiting around. They were truly like vultures, waiting to descend on their unsuspecting prey and take them out. Erin just hurried inside, not that they paid any attention to her. After the first few times they’d tried talking to the employees without any luck, they stopped bothering. Everyone had decided to not say a word to them, and fortunately, or unfortunately they only bothered Dr. Y/L/N.
Erin had been a little surprised to see the news earlier this morning. She had made a habit of looking for anything about you and Billie because honestly this was the most interesting thing going on for her right now. Even though it wasn’t about her. So maybe it was just the most interesting thing going on around her at the moment. She couldn’t help that she was single, bored and dying for some drama. She was also really looking forward to the next season of Billie’s show.
She had a month or two until that happened, but for now Erin was content, more than really, with seeing the medium when she brought in her cats. She hadn’t predicted that Dr. Y/L/N and Billie would hit it off like they had, and she definitely hadn’t expected what the damn tabloids broadcasted this morning.
Erin had already told herself that she wasn’t going to mention it to you when she knocked on your office door. She wasn’t used to it being shut because the doctors hardly shut their doors, but you opened it so quickly she didn’t really have time to wonder about it. You were still sitting in your chair as you supposedly worked on the medical record you had opened.
“Sushi delivery.”
You smile as you open the door to see Erin standing there with your lunch. You shoot her a grateful look as you start to search your desk for your wallet.
“Thank you so much. You’re a lifesaver. How much do I owe you?”
You finally find it under some papers along with your car keys. You miss Erin shaking her head as he shoots you a smile. She waves you off as she takes a step back before threatening to leave.
“Don’t worry about it, Dr. Y/L/N. You’ve had a rough day.”
You try to argue again, but ultimately fail and end up just opening your food with a frown of defeat. You glance to Erin who is still standing in the doorway with a smile.
“Thank you.”
You take a moment to think of what to say next as you break your chopsticks and twirl them absentmindedly.
“They didn’t give you any trouble, did they?”
Erin smiles before shaking her head and mentioning that they didn’t spare her a second glance. This just confirmed what you knew about them and how they were only going after you. It made you want to roll your eyes, but you refrained as you motioned for Erin to sit down. She shook her head though with a smile before she pointed down the hall to nothing in particular.
“It’s okay, thanks. I actually needed to go make a call. I just wanted to say that I enjoy working with you, and unless you killed someone or something, that won’t change.”
You laugh at the ridiculousness of Erin’s statement but you can’t help but be touched by her saying this. Of course, you were a little worried about what everyone at work would think about you dating, and now sleeping with, Billie Dean. You weren’t going to let what anyone thought stop you, but you did have a job to do here, and you needed to make sure that wasn’t hindered by your relationship.
Still, Erin saying that she didn’t care and even offering you support with the Claire issue was more than you’d expected. You definitely feel like hugging the younger woman, but you don’t want to weird her out so you simply smile wider before waving as she practically runs away.
“Thank you, Erin.”
As soon as she’s gone, you start to eat your food. You really eat too much sushi, but you can’t bring yourself to care as you settle back in your chair and look to your computer screen.
You had a long way to go.
Part 11
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janicho88 · 4 years
Fire, Fur & Mistletoe  Chapter 4
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 Pairing- Eventual Dean x Female Reader.
Word Count-3,045
Warning- Mentions of car accidents.  Possible swearing. Slight angst. Fluff.
Summary- A rewrite of the Nine Lives of Christmas, Hallmark movie. AU, Dean is a firefighter who doesn’t do commitment, the Holiday’s don’t mean much to him.  Coming home after a shift he finds a dog in trouble.  The reader is a veterinary student who works in a coffee shop trying to make it to graduation, until someone causes problems there for her.  She isn’t interested in finding anyone other than her own dog until after she finishes school.  Do their four legged friends have other plans?
A/N- This series is written for @spnchristmasbingo​.  The square filled for this chapter is presents.  The first two chapters will stay closer to the movie than the rest will.   This has its own tag list and it is open.  That way I am not tagging anyone who doesn’t want to be tagged in Christmas stories.   This story is unbeta’d.
Header by the amazing @winchest09
Divider from freepngimg.com
Series Masterlist   The next morning you were in the kitchen looking through ads when Dean came down.  “I was wondering what do you think about doing our Christmas shopping together?  I thought it would be fun to tackle the stores together?”
“I usually just do Visa gift cards, or regular gift cards.”
“Do you remember how you were saying you can’t recall the last time you really enjoyed Christmas?”
“Yeah, you really think going to the mall is going to help me feel..”  He paused looking at you with a smirk, “Christmassy?”
“I think going and seeing all the festive decorations could help.  One afternoon, we can make it fun, I promise.”
“I’m holding you to that.”
“So you’ll go?”
“Yeah, we can give it a shot.”
“I’m going to help you do it right this year.  We can go to the mall after your shift tomorrow.”
“I can hardly wait,” he grumbles as you leave the kitchen. 
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Dean’s shift started earlier today, he headed in just before noon.  They started off busy before things slowed down.  They were called out for two car accidents, the light snow falling today causing some problems.  Dispatch also had them at two nursing homes.  The first resident was fine and back on their feet before they and the paramedics left.  The second was a fall and the poor guy wasn’t happy about having to go to the hospital to be checked out further.
When things calmed down later Dean was sitting in the common room with Sam and Benny. Those two watching the game, Dean going through paint samples.
“What are you trying to figure out now?”  Sam wanted to know.
“Which color is going to look best in the dining room. I picked up some new color swatches on the way in.  I have a light green, pale blue, a really light grey, or a cream.”
“Which one does the design genius living with you like?” Benny questioned.
“She thought maybe a light green would go with the trim in there.”
“I’d go with what she likes so you don’t have to redo it in a year or so.”
“What’s being redone in a year?”  Bobby asked walking in.
“I hope to have sold it by then.”
“Dean’s trying to pick a paint color, we told him to go with what Y/N picked so he wouldn’t have to redo it later when everything is all done and she doesn’t like it.”
“Yep, need to keep the women happy.”  Bobby agrees.
“How’s the girlfriend doing while we are on that subject?”  His brother wanted to know.
“You’ve all lost me. Still don’t have a girlfriend.”
“Are you sure about that Chief?  You do spend a lot of time with her.  You trust her opinion to remodel your house.”
“What was your excuse earlier about not going out with us tomorrow?  Oh right you have plans with Y/N, like a date.”
“What was going on the other day when you couldn’t come over and watch the game with me and your brother? Pretty sure you were with her again.”
“How many dates are you going to have before you realize you are dating?”
“Are you two morons done?  We aren’t dating.  I trust her opinion, because she’s good at this.  Still selling the house when I’m done.  She just wanted to get a tree for the house, so we picked one up and decorated it that night.”
“It really took you a couple hours to pick up a tree, did you carry it home.”
“No, we went to a tree farm, not a tree lot.”
“Hold up.  You actually went and cut down a tree for her?  You wouldn’t do that for me. We always went to the tree lot and just grabbed one.  You are more gone on this girl than you think.”
“You are reading too much into a simple tree, Sam.”
“What are you busy doing when the shifts over?”  Benny wanted to know.
“Apparently Christmas shopping.  She thinks it will be fun to do it together.”
“You, Dean Winchester are going Christmas shopping?”
“Why are you saying it like that?”
“I wasn’t sure you knew what a mall was, I’ve been getting a gift certificate from you for years now.”
“And I’ve had enough of this conversation, I’m going to go clean the truck or something.”
Dean walked out to the sound of the guy's laughter.
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When his shift ended the next day Dean headed home to shower and change so he would be ready to head to the mall with you.  You were in the living room sitting with the dogs when he came down.
“I’m ready if you are.”
“I’m good to go.  I’ll see you babies later.”  Giving the dogs each a little hug you got up to follow Dean to the truck.
As you are entering the mall Dean turns to you.  “I realized I haven’t told you lately, thanks for your help with the house.  I might just be able to sell it sooner than I thought.  I really appreciate all you have been doing.”
That caught you off guard.  “Oh yeah, no problem.”  You had gotten wrapped up in staying with him you kind of forgot it was temporary, and that wasn’t really his home.
“That’s really great.  You didn’t just fix a house this time, you created a beautiful home.  Some family is going to be incredibly lucky.”
Dean nods, sneaking a glance at you, “Yeah they are.”
“Alright, who’s on your list?” You were eager to change the subject.
“My brother and his girlfriend, Jess.  Bobby, he’s the Fire Chief.  Cas and Benny, you met all them at the station when you found Miracle.”
“Okay.  Any ideas on what to get?”
“Gift cards.”
“Then I don't know.”
“You’re helpful.  What is your brother’s girlfriend like, what kind of things does she like?”
“Um, she’s a nurse.  She likes my brother.  I think she likes the beach.”  This might be harder than you thought. 
“What about any of the guys?”  
“Sam likes Jess, and healthy crap like green shakes. He’s always bringing some into work. Benny wants a girlfriend.   Cas, who knows.  He’s a little different some days.  He does like to sit and think, and bees. He’s a tad obsessed with them.  Chief likes, um his job, family, Miracle.”
“Okay, so where do you want to start?”
“That store sells gift cards to multiple places.”  He points to a big store behind you. 
“The next time you’re at work I’m going to paint the living room hot pink if you mention gift cards again in the next hour.”
Dean starts to open his mouth but isn’t too sure how serious you are, so he shuts it again and rethinks what he wants to say.  “What do you need to get?”  He asks instead.
“A gift for my sister and brother-in-law, then a few friends.  I have a thought for your brother if you want to hear it?”
“Sure, what are you thinking?
“The bookstore might have a recipe book for different health drinks, maybe we can find a little smoothie maker so he could make them fresh at the station instead of bringing and storing them.” 
Dean thinks about if for a minute, “He would actually probably like that, although I hate to enable his bad habit.”
Laughing at his jab at his brother you head toward your destination.
The book store is your first stop, while there you browse through the shelves to see if anything else catches your eye.   Finding a book, The Buzz about Bees, you show it to Dean who puts it in the cart for Cas. As you were heading to the check out, Dean started laughing at a book which caught his eye.
“What’s so funny?”
“I have to get this for Bobby, it’s Tori Spelling's autobiography.”
“Um, okay. That’s a random gift.”
“Bobby is a closet fan.  Big fan actually.  Not very many people know.”
“I’m sure he’ll be thrilled.”  Maybe you should have let him get his boss a gift card.
At the sporting goods store he found some fishing gear for Benny who likes to spend time on his sometimes girlfriend boat.  Dean figured they were due to get back together soon. 
While there you found part of your sister's gift.  You got her an extra magazine for her off duty gun, and a new cleaning kit.  The woman loved her weapons. 
Heading to the next store you came across some Santa hats and antlers you made Dean try on with you and take some selfies.  He grumbled about it at first but he did seem to have fun with it, making silly faces in the photos. 
With your hands full you took what you had out to the truck so you didn’t have to carry it to the rest of the stores.  The fishing gear was a little big to lug around.
Coming back inside Dean suggested a quick stop at the food court for a snack before hitting more stores.  
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You grabbed your drinks of choice and a couple of cookies and sat down for a few minutes. Dean was complaining because none of them sold pie.  The mall was starting to get busier and people were hustling everywhere.  
“Do you enjoy shopping and all this craziness?”  Dean asked, drawing your attention away from people watching.
“Generally no.  I’m a get in get out person.  My sister and I used to try and go together, but she’s busier with work and she has Doug to go with.  I’m used to doing most things on my own now.   It’s better if you have someone with you, which is why I thought we could have fun with it.”
“I will admit, this hasn’t been as bad as I thought it would be.  You did make it fun. Thank you for that.”
“No problem,” you give him a small smile and go back to drinking your coffee. 
The next stop was the pet store for some treats for your favorite four legged friends.  You passed stockings on the way in and went to pick one up.
“Dakota needs a new stocking, does Miracle have one yet?”
“No, he doesn’t have a stocking.  I don’t think I even have one.”
“Well, we need to remedy that for the both of you.”
“Of course we do.”
There weren’t many stockings left.  They were on one side of a middle aisle display, the back side had various balls and kongs.  The few stockings that  were there were on the back of a shelf behind some toys.  You had to move the toys out of your way to pick through the stockings.  With one arm full of squeaking toys you used one hand to look at the stockings.
“Do you need help?”
“No, I’m good.”
“Uh huh.”
You found two white and red stockings you liked so you were pulling them out, when your elbow hit a toy still on the shelf, trying to use your arm to keep it up on the shelf you missed the toy and hit the display instead.  Apparently you used more force than you meant because the display you were looking at tipped backward and hit the one behind it.  This sent various balls and kongs bouncing to the ground. 
Dean was leaning against a wall with his arms crossed watching, “Now do you need help?”
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“It appears so.”
Other people in the store did their best to avoid your mess while the two of you cleaned it up.  Getting the last toy back on the shelf you pick up the stockings and turn to Dean.  “What do you think about these?”
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“I think we aren’t going to go through that again just so you can pick out a different one. So let’s go with those and head out before you knock over the display of canned food.”
“You don’t want to clean that up too?”
“Let’s save that one for the next time we’re here.”
Sam’s girlfriend was a little harder than you thought since you didn’t know her and Dean wasn’t much help.  You ran with his comment about her liking the beach and picked up some scented lotions and bath bombs along with hand cream.  Being a nurse her hands would be constantly washed and most likely very dry.
In a men’s store you found a new tie for your brother in law to go with the briefcase organizer you found for him. 
You found a mug that Charlie would get a kick out of.  You also came across a Hermione Granger bobblehead she would like. 
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You had picked up a couple small things for your old coworkers, Claire and Kevin.  You did miss working with those two. 
There was one more person on your list, but it was hard with him right next to you.  
Dean’s shopping was done, he had picked up some little things to complete Bobby and Cas’ gifts.  
Browsing the picture frames as you walked by you saw one you had to get. 
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 You had the perfect picture to put inside.  Dean had texted you a picture from the station one day of him and Miracle.  Miracle was wearing Dean’s firehat, both were in front of the fire truck.
You passed Santa in his village the mall had put up.  “Are you sure you don’t want to ask Santa for anything this year?”
“I told you Sweetheart, he and I are extremely close.  I’m good.”
“If you say so.”
“I think you need to go see Santa though.”
“What me?”
“Yep, you keep trying to send me so why don’t you go tell him your wish.”  Dean stood there smirking at you, fully believing you wouldn’t do it.
“Okay, you’re going to go up there?”
“Yep.”  You went and got in line behind a group of young children, who all turned to stare at you.  Oh this wasn’t awkward at all. Dean had walked off while you stood in line waiting your turn.  A part of you thought about walking away and telling Dean you had gone through the line already when he returned. 
“Got you something.”  Too late, he’s back.  He was handing you a bag and trying to hold back a smile.
Warily you took the bag and opened it up, chuckling when you saw what was inside.  “I’m going to guess I’m supposed to wear this up there?”
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“You know it.”
Dean stood next to you in line as you waited, when you were the next one up, you took the elf hat he gave you out of the bag and put it on your head.  “How do I look?”
“Like Santa’s perfect helper.”
Heading up you were fairly certain Santa was looking for a child with you, and finally realized there wasn’t one.  “Ho ho ho, what can Santa bring you for Christmas, miss?”
While in line you had been thinking about what to say when you go up here.  “I have a friend over there who has had a rough time of it over the years.  He’s lost his Christmas spirit and the belief in happy endings.  I wish he could find that again.”
“Well, that’s some Christmas wish.”  He looks over at Dean who’s smiling at the two of you.  “It looks like someone is already working on bringing that Christmas spirit back to him.  Santa will see what he can do to help.  Is there anything for you?”
“Not unless your workshop is looking for another elf.” 
Giving you a candy cane he wishes you a Merry Christmas and sends you off.
“So what did you ask Santa for?”
“I can’t tell you or it won’t come true.”
“I think you are confusing Santa with birthday wishes.”
“Either way, I’m not telling you.  You can ask Santa since you are so close though.”
Dean just shakes his head at you.
Behind Santa was a Christmas shop and you dragged Dean inside with you to find him a stocking.   Holding up a Grinch stocking he shook his head, next you tried Superman.
“I’m sorry you have me mistaken for someone else, I’m Batman.”
You looked around.  “You aren’t the only one.  Sorry, Batman is all sold out.  There is Batgirl though.”
“I’ll keep looking.”
“Pink snowflakes?”
“I’m really starting to doubt your decorating tastes now.”
You laughed at that and went through a few more stockings.
“What kind of crazy is on your stocking?”
“It’s the same one I had growing up, classic red and white with my name in glitter.  It looks like that one over there.”
Dean walked over where you had pointed and looked at those.  “That’s what I want too, I don’t need flashy or cartoons.”
“Are you sure?”
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Finishing your shopping you were on your way back to the truck to head home.  After unloading the packages in the living room Dean headed for the kitchen.
“Are you good with ordering pizza for dinner?”
“I can make something up really quick.”
“I know you could, but I thought we had to wrap all that stuff we got today.  I figured we didn’t need another mess.”
“If you want that’s fine with me.”
You made sure to take what you had for Dean up to your apartment before you came back to start wrapping anything else.  When the pizza was ordered Dean did his best to help you out.  You were surprised by how well he did.  
“You buy gift cards for people, I wouldn’t think you had practice with wrapping.”
“We have to wrap all the donated toys for the kids every Christmas, so I get my fair share of practice with that.  Bobby wouldn’t let us hand out sloppily wrapped gifts to the kids.”
The two of you took a break from wrapping when the pizza arrived then went back to finishing it up. When the presents are wrapped and under the tree Dean builds a fire and you go off to make some popcorn.  When you come back the stockings are all hung over the fireplace.
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  The two of you get comfy on the couch with another Christmas movie playing while you enjoy the fire and the sight of the tree and gifts around you.
Thank you for reading!!
Chapter 5
Tags-@winchest09  @waywardbeanie @whatareyousearchingfordean  @flamencodiva @deanwanddamons @jensengirl83 @abuavnee @lunarmoon8 @amyzombie1013 @akshi8278 @that-one-gay-girl @mandalou29  @igotmadskills  @440mxs-wife @paryl @supernatural-love14 @krazykelly @anotherspnfanfic @bobbie3939 @deanwinchestersnightmoves @winchestergirl2 @thoughts-and-funnies​
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ivarswickedqueen · 4 years
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My dear friend @lisinfleur​​ celebrates her birthday today and here is my little gift for this amazing friend of mine ♥  I love you and I am happy and honored that I can call you my friend, babe ♥ 
Paring: Amma x Hvitserk Word account: 3285 Warning: none, oh there are spoilers for 6B, so if you didn’t watch it don’t read it ;) 
Amma was sharpening her sword and her arrowheads and she was afraid to go to sleep, because tomorrow there will be a huge battle between her people and Rus army led by Oleg the Prophet. She has never seen this man, but she heard enough stories about him to fear the day when he could possibly walk into the Kattegat as its new ruler. She also heard that prince Hvitserk Ragnarsson is marching with the Rus army alongside his younger brother Ivar and she didn’t know, what to think about it. The last time she saw Hvitserk was when his own brother Björn wanted to burn him alive because he killed his mother - the most famous shield-maiden in the world - Lagertha. But his other brother Ubbe saved him on Björn’s command and Björn casted him out of Kattegat for good, shouting these horrible words to his face: “I saved you. And do you want to know why I saved you? Because I know you were happy to die. But I don't want you to be happy. No. I don't want you to enter Odin's Hall. I want you to suffer a living death, expelled from Kattegat and the haunts of men, destined to die in a ditch in some forest somewhere, utterly forgotten, wretched, insignificant, unmemorable! Like a flea on a sheep's back. Take him away! He won't survive the winter.” That day Amma couldn’t help herself and she felt so sorry for him. She spent so many days with the young prince. She watched him, when he was sleeping, shivering and murmuring nonsense words under his nose, trembling because he was an addict. He was obviously addicted to mushrooms and his brothers didn’t care enough to help him through the rough times. She knew why he started escaping his problems in the alternate realities created by the mushrooms in his system. His brother Ivar treated him like a dog and mocked him in front of everyone for a very long time, making him feel like a shit even though Hvitserk jumped ship for him and abandoned his beloved brother Ubbe. And when he found someone who finally made him happy, a beautiful girl named Thora, Ivar burned her and her whole family alive. And it was second of Hvitserk lovers who found death in his younger brother’s arms. The slave girl Margrethe was murdered by Ivar’s men even though he never admitted that publicly. Hvitserk suffered so much and he had nobody to care about him so he became this pitiful wreck of human being. She was trying to help him. She tried her best to keep him home, away from the drug dealers. She tried to make him eat properly and drink less ale, but he was stubborn and she had her own duties so she couldn’t be there for him all day. She felt so sad when she found him high as a kite every evening when she came back to the great hall, he was calling Thora’s name, saying the words full of love to someone who was long gone. He saw her everywhere, her burnt body telling him to kill Ivar, to avenge her, but he couldn't do anything, he was scared of Ivar, he was losing his mind and he saw him everywhere. Every shadow in his mind was Ivar, ever strange sound from outside was Ivar, slowly crawling to him, intending to finish him. He was slowly losing his mind and there was nothing she could do to help him.
But the real hell broke loose when he killed Lagertha. She couldn’t help him anymore. She was crying her eyes out when they took him away, tied him up to the stake and lit the fire under him.
But she quickly wiped out her eyes, when he was saved and casted out of the town. She quickly ran to her cabin, she took some food into a bag and few warm furs and clean male clothes that belonged to her brother, she also took one of her old swords and she quickly and quietly run to the woods. She knew that she will find Hvitserk there somewhere. He had nowhere else to run.
She found him after few minutes, trembling under a big tree. She gave him the dry clothes; she wrapped him into the warm furs and lit a fire. She cuddled closer to him, trying to warm him up because he was still trembling. She spent the night in his arms, feeling him hugging her tightly like if his life depended on it. Next morning she gave him the bag with food into one hand and the sword into another and with heavy heart she sent him on his way. She wanted to go with him, but she knew that her brothers would start looking for her soon and she didn’t want to cause him more troubles. And he didn’t show any interest for her to go with him. He seemed like he didn’t care what is going to happen to him. She watched him until he disappeared behind the horizon, thinking that it’s the last time when she saw his face.
And now he is back, leading the Rus army towards Kattegat. He obviously survived the cold winter and met Ivar in the woods. She was more than surprised when she heard that he is with Ivar again. She clearly remembered his terrified face when someone only mentioned Ivar’s name in front of him. Something obviously changed. She was wondering why he came back and for a very brief moment she let herself believe that he came back for her, but it was nonsense. He probably already forgot her face… He came back because he wanted revenge, he wanted to show Björn and Ubbe, that he was still worth something. That he is not some pathetic excuse for a human being. Amma finally put her sword down and changed her clothes and went to bed, trying to get some sleep before the big fight. She wasn’t very successful because she couldn’t fall asleep until four in the morning, Hvitserk’s face kept popping in front of her eyes, making her feel excited and frustrated, because she shouldn’t feel something like this for an enemy.
In the middle of the battle
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Amma felt like if this battle took forever. It seemed to her like if it was days ago since Björn rode into the battle on his horse, mortally injured, leading his people into the battle for the last time. It felt like years ago, when her eyes found Hvitserk standing next to Oleg and Ivar. He looked so much better than the last time she saw him. He gained some weight, his hair were clean and braided again, he was sitting astride on his horse, looking majestic, looking around him with clear, intelligent and sober eyes. She could see that his eyes were green again, the blood stains were gone and so were his inner demons. His lips were no longer quivering. He looked again like a mighty warrior and she stopped worrying about him being easily striked down by the defending soldiers. She stopped worrying about him hours ago and right now she started worrying about herself. She was trained shield-maiden, but her arms were becoming weaker and weaker with every hit from their enemies. She let out a frustrated scream and stabbed her sword through the heart of the nearest fighter. But seconds later another two started banging their swords on her shield and she felt that her arms will give up on her soon if she won’t retreat. But she wasn’t a coward, she would stand her ground and fight until her last breath.  She fell on her knees and the bangs falling on her shield became louder and harder. She felt that her shield started slipping out of her hand and she had no control over it anymore. She closed her eyes and prepared herself for the final blow, but it never came. She heard someone shouted above her, and when she opened her eyes again, she saw Hvitserk standing above her, yelling commands and pushing those two soldiers away from her kneeling form.
“Can you stand up?” he asked her and she nodded shakily. Hvitserk’s strong arm pulled her up, but her trembling legs failed her and if he didn’t catch her, she would fall down on the ground again. “I will take care of you this time, sweet Amma,” he said softly and carefully took her away from the battle field in his strong arms, into one of the healing tents. He gently put her down on the bed and shouted at the healers to take care of her. He stepped aside and let the healers do their work, his eyes never leaving her small body. “You can go Prince Hvitserk, we will take care of her,” one of the healers assured him, but he didn’t move. He wanted to personally make sure, that she is OK. It seemed like he didn’t even care what is going on outside the tent. Amma lost her conscience couple times and then she fell asleep. When she woke up she was alone. Or at least she thought that she is alone until she heard angry voices yelling outside the tent. “Where the hell have you been?” Ivar yelled at someone and she shivered. “I just needed to make sure that she is OK, Ivar!” Hvitserk answered, his voice also full of anger. “Who is she? Who are you hiding inside that tent?” Ivar asked again and tried to step inside the tent but Hvitserk stopped him. “Don’t you dare to go inside, don’t you dare to go anywhere near her!” he shouted, obviously trying to stop his brother to go anywhere near Amma. “Listen to me Ivar, I care about this girl, she is the reason why I am still alive. She helped me to survive my darkest days and without her I would never be able to make it to the woods where you found me. I owe her my life! So listen to me very carefully little brother! If anything wrong going to happen to her by your hand , I will hunt you down and blood eagle you on the nearest tree, letting you there as a feast for the crows, do you understand me!!!” he growled the last words. She couldn’t hear Ivar’s answer, but it seemed like he simply nodded, surprised by his brother's sudden burst of protective words. Amma didn’t have time to think about everything she just overheard, because Hvitserk stepped inside the tent and rushed to her, when he noticed that she is awake. “How do you feel Amma?” he asked her, obviously worried if she is OK. “Tired, but happy that I didn’t enter Valhalla today,” she said with light smile and couldn’t take her eyes from his face. She only knew the addicted version of him, and his sober face was much more beautiful and lovable. “Why are you staring at me?” he laughed and gently tucked a strand of her brown hair behind her ear. “You are so handsome, when you are sober,” she blurted and quickly covered her mouth with her injured hand, wincing in pain. “I am so sorry, prince Hvitserk,” she mumbled but he took her hand gently into his and smiled at her bitterly. “My dear Amma, you have every right to tell me the truth into my eyes. You saw me at my lowest point and you didn’t abandon me in those terrible dark times. You were the only light and warmth that kept me alive those days. But I wasn’t aware of it back then. I pushed you away, I yelled at you, I called you names, I refused your help and continued my road to my own destruction. But when Björn kicked me out of Kattegat and when the drugs got out of my system, I started seeing things clearly. I remembered everything. I remembered your encouraging words, telling me, that I can get through the darkness surrounding me, your sweet voice telling me that you believe in me, that you believe I can become the man who I used to be. It was you who made sure that I ate a warm meal every day, it was you, who helped me to lie down on bed and take off my clothes and shoes when I was too drunk to do it on my own. It was you, who was holding me when the nightmares and hallucinations surrounded me in the middle of the night or day. And most importantly, it was you who gave me warms clothes, food and weapon when my own family abandoned me and let me die in the woods. I will never forget that, my sweet, little, caring Amma. I was thinking about you a lot when I was in Kyiv. I was wondering what you were doing. I was worried If Björn hadn’t found out that you helped me and punished you for it. I was wondering if you are still single or if you found a fine man and gave him your heart,” he finally looked at her after his long speech, his eyes full of tears, guilt and love. He left her speechless, but she couldn’t say a word even if she could because he quickly continued. “Amma, I know that I wasn’t very kind to you. You witnessed the worst in me and you stayed by my side the whole time. I would love to show you my better side. I would like to show you the real Hvitserk, son of the great Ragnar Lothbrok. I would love to give you all my love and respect. I would love to cherish you, protect you and take care of you until my last breath. If you let me, my little sweet, courageous shield-maiden,” he smiled nervously and looked at her with so much hope in his beautiful green eyes that all she could do was nod her head and smile kindly at him. She was overwhelmed by his unexpected confession and by her own feelings, because she realized, that she was in love with him for a very long time and that she could be never happy without him. Hvitserk’s face lit with the brightest smile she has ever seen on it and gently kissed her forehead.  
Oleg the Prophet lost the battle and they had to retreat back to Kyiv and Amma didn’t have to think twice about it and left with them, never leaving Hvitserk’s side. She helped Ivar, Katia and Hvitserk to get Igor out of Kyiv and then she came back to Kattegat with the brothers. She didn’t expect warm welcome, especially when she heard that Gunnhild died. And she was right, people were hostile to her, because they saw her as a traitor. She wasn’t son of Ragnar so people of Kattegat did not forgive her so easily. So when Hvitserk told her that he would like to go with Ivar and Harald to go raiding in Anglia and to defeat young king Alfred, she didn’t hesitate and left Kattegat with both brothers. She was excited about the new adventure and about the new lands, but nothing went as they planned. Alfred won the battle and Ivar was stabbed to death and Hvitserk was seriously injured. They were both standing above Ivar’s grave, Amma was silent and let Hvitserk “speak” with his little brother for the last time.
“You don't know this, but you saved my life so many times. And one day, when we meet again, I can thank you. After all, one way or the other, none of us really lived a simple or ordinary life. And who wants to live an ordinary life? So enjoy Valhalla, brother, while it still exists. We can all see the sky darkening. We can all see the Twilight of the Gods. And I trust to be with you in that great defeat. So, hail and farewell, my brother. I wish I had something important to leave on your grave, but I sold my arm-ring to the drug dealer,” Hvitserk ended his speech sadly and Amma quickly started rummaging in her bag. She quietly walked to Hvitserk and put her small hand on his strong shoulder. He looked at her sadly and she took his hand and put something shining into it. “What is that?” he asked and looked at her in disbelieve. “It’s your arm-ring, my love. I bought it back from the drug dealer. One night I noticed that you no are longer wearing it and I asked you about it. You told me, that you sold it and I went back there and bought it back from that dirty scumbag. I thought that you would like it back one day,” she said softly and gave him a small sad smile.  Hvitserk gaped at her, lost for words, feeling another wave of strong love for this little woman. He kissed her hand lovingly, unable to say anything, overwhelmed by his love for her and great sadness of losing his beloved brother.
1 year later
Hvitserk was coming back from one of the successful raids in East Anglia. After Ivar’s funeral he and Amma managed to escape from Alfred and they found safe haven in small kingdom whose king was Ragnar’s old ally and he welcomed his son with open arms. Hvitserk never wanted to be king and rule over lands or to be the most famous Viking who ever lived like Ivar. He wanted to find new lands like Björn when he was younger, but it didn’t interest him anymore. He didn’t want to be a farmer and settler like Ubbe. He wanted a simple Viking life. He wanted to raid, enjoy the rush of a battle, defeat his enemies, gain new lands for his king and after the successful raid go back to his home and find a loving woman inside, waiting for his arrival. He opened the wooden door of his house and smiled happily when Amma jump on her feet, rushing to him as fast as the huge belly allowed her to. “Hello, my love. How was the raid?” she asked him after she welcomed him with a long tender kiss. “Successful, the slaves will bring my share tomorrow. But tell me, how is my little boy doing?” he asked lovingly and gently stroked her belly. “He was a good little boy, but he is like his father, always hungry. I ate almost everything I found here,” she pouted and Hvitserk chuckled happily. “Ok, give me few minutes and I will get you more food from the market,” he winked at her, ready to rush out and buy some food and quickly return back home to her. “No need to rush, my love. Me and little Ivar will wait for you here,” she said softly and he looked at her surprised. “You want to name him Ivar?” he asked her with trembling voice, clearly moved by her suggestion. “If you agree, it would be an honor for our son to be named after his fearless, strong, intelligent uncle, who meant so much for his father,” she said and Hvitserk quickly walked to her and kissed her lovingly, caressing her cheeks with his thumbs. “I love you so much Amma,” he confessed. “I love you too, my sweet Hvitserk,” she smiled happily and her stomach made a loud noise. “Alright, alright, I am going for the food, don’t worry son,” Hvitserk chuckled and left the cabin, happier than any of his family members were in long decades.
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jidai · 4 years
jidai’s budget mutuals/friends appreciation
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Hi, all! I’m quite late with this but I decided to put a small friends and mutual appreciations post in hopes of brightening up the end of this year a little bit. ❤️ If you were tagged, please make sure to check below for a small little message from me. However, I want to make it very clear that I truly appreciate all of my mutuals. You guys brighten up my dash and always reblog or create so many funny and creative posts. I just wanted to give a few special shout outs to those that have taken out the time to reach out and interacted with me past my ask box or we just see each other often.
The messages are ordered by your URL, so you might have to scroll for awhile before you see your messages. I’m so sorry lmao. 
Happy New Years, everyone!
@25th​​, Nonnie, the Young Genius. bro, remind me how old you are 🧍‍♀️ Like my brain CANNOT fathom the thought that you’re so skilled at SO many things and you’re not even in your twenties??? PLEASE SPARE THE TALENT. i will even accept crumbs. But I’m writing to tell you that you are such a wonderful presence on my dash. I always look forward to your gfx. They’re so SO good and you’re improving from one post to another. Like WOW. Now, you’re even starting an art blog, too? You’re so dedicated to the arts. I respect that a lot. Your hard work and commitment will bring you very far in life, whatever you decide to do. 
I love interacting with you. You’re such a big sweetheart and full of positivity and energy. I look forward to seeing more of your art and gfx ❤️
@biscuitwalk​, Dann, the AK Wiz. Dann, I know you’re not as active on here so idk when or if you will ever read this but I want to say that I miss you and your creations so, so much. I will say it a hundred times over and OVER but you inspire me so goddamn much. You have no fucking idea. Your works are absolutely gorgeous and unique. I can look at it once and I can instantly recognize your style (and your cute lil’ pufferfish <3). The way you utilize colors and implement various techniques, shapes, textures into your work. Goddamn, you’re so good. I always look to your work if I ever need inspiration and they help me brainstorm. God, I wish I could put it into words how much I adore your works.
We didn’t really talk for long but you seemed like such a kind and fun person to be around. I wish you the best in your future endeavors, wherever you are. Stay safe <3
@elriccs, Mirai, the Short King. 🧍‍♀️ ok look I know, I know I’m TERRIBLE at replying to you and I’m so fucking sorry. I absolutely love to talk to you but my dumbass cannot seem to reply in a timely manner LASELKSAL. That’s on me and I gotta do better. Anyways!!! Thank you SO fucking much for always leaving such kind messages on my work. I swear to god you’re one of my biggest hype man and I ALWAYS look forward to reading your tags. They’re so funny and it makes me all tingly and happy inside. Bro, like, you just radiate big fun vibes, bro. I really hope that I can get to know you better so I can just insult you until it’s too late to walk away </3
And of course, let me also remind you that I love your works so much. They way that you utilize your textures and those muted colors... OOMPH *chefs kiss* I will always love--
@lockhvrts​​, Em the Soulsborne GOD. hi em 🥺 it’s been awhile since I’ve had a proper conversation with you and I hope you’re doing okay! I miss you and our conversations where we do nothing but geek out and complain about the game industry lmao. if you manage to read this, I just wanted to let you know I miss your presence here. It’s been kinda dull not seeing your beautiful soulsborne gifs and your game rants. Let’s catch up soon. <3 stay safe and well!
@nathanprescutt, Benn, the Man. BENNNNNNNN.  I love you a lot bro. I know we haven’t had long conversations for some time and I hope I can change that! You were my first friend on this blog and I will always appreciate it. I remember us just geeking out over your works and how I would always send you a gfx request like once a week LMAO. The one thing that I have always appreciated about you was the fact that you’re very opinionated (if not, very vocal on your stance on things) and you hold your ground. There were a few time where you encouraged me to speak on topics that I think I shouldn’t and that stuck with me for quite awhile. I’m still a nervous rambling mess when it comes to debates but just know that the one time you supported me to voice my opinion--I hold it very dear to my heart. 
While I don’t spend much time together, I will always remember our animal crossing session. It was  so much fun just trashing and chilling on your island. Especially the bar :( that bar was fucking AMAZING. Maybe once FFXVI comes out, we can geek out hehe
Also, thank you so much for sending in photos of all your doggos, omg. I miss seeing them so much I hope they’re doing well. Stay hot, my German bro lol. Ich bin sehr dankbar, so eine tolle Freundin zu haben. ❤️❤️❤️
@noxdivina​, Lin the Big Dick Daddy Kind. The church is open for business bitch and I’m here to preach the GOSPEL.
Okay, jokes aside, I’m really happy that we became mutuals. You’ve always give off this like, mysterious cosmic vibe (????? huh). And your selfies just further proves that you are wtf. But you’re always so kind to those that you interact with. You’re an absolutely sweetheart and like I just want to give you a giant hug every time we interact. You’re such a soft human being. It’s so nice being around you. It’s like being tossed in the oven and baked at 250 degrees F for 25 minutes. And to boot you’re really talented, hello? God really said let there be a perfect human being and yeeted you into the universe. Thank you for always leaving such kind messages and words in my DM/askbox/works. I cherish them so much. I hope I can get to know you better in the future bc you’re rad, bro <3
anyways, updated drawing of u and maya:
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i always assume you’re in a black fur parka 24/7 and maya is coatless neck down. also deck me with those jacked arms of yours thanks  🧍‍♀️
(edit: fuck i forgot to draw a PARTY HAT ON MAYA IM SORRY)
@rokuseis​, Sei, the Dumber.
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i have nothing to say to you go away you banana hater ASELKSAEKL
BITCH, you doo bee getting on my nerve 24/7/365 🧍‍♀️ you were an unexpected but a very welcomed addition to my life. I can’t believe we really went 1 fuckin’ year without speaking to each other and then suddenly our friendship blew up because over a stupid BANANA. Now you gotta deal with me and my stupid, random, crude ass messages daily. I cannot. Clown to clown communication. But thank you so much bitch for being there for me and telling all of these funny ass stories and life experiences.
I know I don’t say it a lot because when we talk it’s literally just dogs barking at each other but I want to make it clear now: I love your humor and vibe so much. You never fail to make me laugh anytime I talk to you and I appreciate it so much. I can’t tell you how many times I felt better after talking to you. Even though sometimes your fucking jab hits hard and I end up actually inSULTED BY IT. But thank you for becoming my friend and I look forward to all of our stupid moments together. Looking forward to shitting in your sink when I finally fly to your home <3
@wolfamongthem, Anna, the Grinch. Please don’t hurt me for that title. I'm just saying if someone needs a live casting, it’ll be u. Anyways, did you know that I was so fucking intimidated by you for a long ass time, even before we became mutuals aseljas LMAO. I always see your gifs around on explore and they’re so gorgeous and then I look at your text posts and it’s u roasting people like there’s no tomorrow- 🧍‍♀️ bitch I was SCARED OF U KSKS. Now that I’ve talked to you a few times, you’re really funny like where do you find those reaction memes????? Like bro you and your shitposts is my morning cup of coffee. 
Anyways, in 2021 I expect a full-fledge review of all AAA games from you-- no more shit talking in the tags let it all out BITCH. Thank you for being such a great mutual! I look forward to see what weird shit you will send me the next time we talk lmao
@zenien​​, Selm, the I’m-gay-for-Lady-Maria-or-anything-that-moves-in-BB-Bitch™. ok bitch if I’m being honest I wrote yours last so my brain is FRIED. so everything i say from here is raw from the HEARt cause that’s all I got left. But anyhow, we savin’ the best for last! honestly, i didn’t expect you to barge into my life like that. i really didn’t. i was just gonna keep admiring with my 7 feet (2.1336 meters) pole. I’m glad you made the first move because look where we are wtf 🧍‍♀️ friends??? I wouldn’t believe you if you told me that in 2014 when I first followed you lmao. 
You’re such a kind soul. I know you may disagree but I’m determined to convince you. I can’t tell you how much I want to thank you for taking the time to talk to me during my rough bits. It’s like sitting on a wooden bench in a park during sunset and you sit next to me, just enjoying the vast sky. You radiate such peaceful energy. It’s very calming. Or you know, 2 seconds later i’m suddenly suplexed by your 40 tons of insults like what-- 
Thank you for everything, so far. Truly. It’s been so fun listening to you talk about your Bloodborne journey and see your reactions live. It’s been so fun to see you post your graphics and it continues to blow me away. It’s been so fun hearing about your life and the stories of your adulthood. Every words that we have exchanged, I hold dearly to my heart--more than you ever know. Love u bitch.
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paintedwithapalette · 4 years
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Monsters Incorporated could be a ticking bomb waiting to happen at times. With its reliance on laughter to fuel their city, it wasn’t entirely uncommon that they’d receive laughter so powerful and potent that it would cause a shortage. This was one of those times. At least, for the upper floors of the massive complex where some sort of outage had taken place, and considering the CEO of the company had Boo with him, he didn’t want to turn her visit into a mess of running from floor to floor like the last time she was there. As much as he and his best friend loved her, they didn’t want Boo slowing them down either. They thought it might be best if she stayed in the lower levels where the power was, thankfully, still intact. 
The good news for Mike Wazowksi and James P. Sulliven was that a certain fuzzy exterminator who carried an oversized key was in the neighborhood. Though, this time he didn’t have the one-eyed duck and green dog with heterochromia iridum accompanything him. Instead, it was an unfamiliar girl wearing a stylish pink dress with her periwinkle fur, large paws, four eyes, and horns. It was a far cry from the much more outlandish looks of Donald and Goofy they remembered. 
After a quick introduction to Kairi and thanking the two for stopping by to do them a favor, Mike and Sulley scurried off to reach one of the main generators on one of the upper floors, leaving Sora and Kairi to care for Boo themselves, They entered Sulley’s office where the two had left Boo to play with her dolls while they stepped outside to have a chat with Sora and Kairi. 
“Boo?” Sora asked no one in particular. The room seemed fairly standard for an office: a desk located in the back with a computer and shelves of books surely collecting dust. “Anyone home?” 
As Sora and Kairi stepped further inside and searched the room for any signs of the young girl, Sora accidentally stepped on a doll and carefully picked it up. 
“This must be hers,” Sora concluded. 
“Do you think she’s okay?” Kairi asked, concern painted on her face. 
Sora didn’t say anything. Monsters Inc. was a big place and there was no telling where she could have gone. Boo was a sweetheart but she could be a troublemaker as well if left unsupervised. Sora crossed his arms and closed his eyes, contemplating what their next move should be. 
“AGH!” Sora yelled, wincing. 
When the dust settled, he saw the culprit reveal herself from behind Sulley’s desk, covering her mouth with both hands as she giggled at the reaction she was delighted to have witnessed from Sora. 
“Whoa, Boo! Where’d you come from?” Sora asked. 
Kairi laughed. “Looks like someone got a little spooked.” 
Sora cleared his throat and rubbed right under his nose. “Yeah, scared that you’d get hurt,” he excused poorly.  
Kairi gave a knowing smirk. “Yeah, sure.” 
When Boo looked at Kairi, she tilted her head at the unfamiliarity of her. Kairi recognized the little girl’s uncertainty and hunched over with a friendly wave. “Hi, there! You must be Boo. My name is Kairi. I’m Sora’s girlfriend.” 
Despite the validity of her bold statement, Sora couldn’t help but blush with a goofy smile lingering on his face that was only concealed thanks to his fur. Boo wasn’t sure what exactly a “girlfriend” was but she assumed it was something similar to Mommy and Daddy. With a giggle, she ran towards Kairi, talking to her as if she could understand whatever gibberish she spewed as she took her hand. 
“You are just the cutest little thing,” Kairi cooed as she picked up Boo. “And probably a lot braver than Mr. Scaredy Cat over here.”  
“Whaaaat?” Sora said. “I am not. I mean, okay...” he crossed his arms. “Some of the monsters around this place kinda give me the heebie-jeebies, but... I wouldn’t say I’m a scaredy cat.” 
Kairi sent him a teasing smirk. 
“What?!” he said defensively. 
Kairi laughed, settling into a sigh. “Oh, Sora. Remember when you and Riku would come over and we’d steal scary movies from my parent’s room to watch at midnight? You pretty much hid under the blankets the whole time and couldn’t sleep with the light off for a week.” 
“I was seven!” 
Kairi shook her head, the smile on her face never leaving. “You haven’t changed a bit. Even your monster form looks non-threatening.” 
“Huh? No way! I can totally be scary when I wanna be. Right, Boo?”
The only thing that came to mind for Boo was the unforgettable Funny Face Special that cracked her up the last time he visited. “Scary” was the last thing her developing brain categorized Sora as by any means. She giggled just thinking about it. 
“Aww, no. Not you too, Boo!” Sora dropped his head in shame. 
“Then it’s settled,” Kairi concluded as she and Boo laughed. 
“Hmmm.” Sora folded his arms and looked to the ceiling, thinking to himself until an idea came to him. Maybe if he scared Boo, it would show just how intimidating he could be. With a sinister-looking grin, Sora raised his hands and wiggled his fingers, a low growl murmuring under his breath. 
However, what Sora perceived to be a sinister smile came off more as a silly, non-threatening look Boo assumed was meant to be as funny as it looked and once again rewarded Sora with affectionate laughter. 
While Sora loved making her happy, he wasn’t sure what he was doing wrong either. He spent the next ten minutes doing whatever he could to make Boo at least a little fearful; he made every face he could possibly muster, but they all resulted in either blank, confused stares or laughing frenzies from the girls. 
A lightbulb popped over his head as an idea came to mind. “Stay right here,” Sora requested as he hurriedly turned off the lights, blanketing the three of them in complete darkness. 
“Boooooooo,” Sora sang in a deep, haunting voice. “I seeeeeee youuuuuuu.” 
Sora couldn’t see it, but Boo’s lips quivered. Thankfully, she had Kairi to hold onto tight, making the dark not as scary as it normally would’ve been. Sora carefully and quietly crept around the office. 
“Boooooooooo,” Sora echoed. 
“Kitty?” Boo said in hopes of her favorite monster friend coming to her rescue at any moment. 
Sora stealthily crept closer to where he pinpointed where Kairi stood and snuck behind her. He lifted his finger, ready to tap Boo on the shoulder in hopes of giving her a good fright, but instead, Boo heard him at the last second and grabbed his finger just before he could touch her.  
“Boo!” she said. 
“WHOA!” Sora cried,  rushing back to turn the lights back on. Kairi howled with laughter at how poorly Sora’s plan backfired. He groaned. Maybe that was what he deserved, trying to scare a little girl just to prove a point. Still, as he watched Boo laugh heartily with Kairi knowing that he was the cause, it did make him feel warm and fuzzy inside. . 
“I guess you’re just too cute to be scary, Sora,” Kairi teased. “Just stick to what you do best, okay?” 
Sora smiled. Kairi was right. If anything, he was more glad to have been able to bring Boo such joy rather than be the reason she would have a nightmare that night. “Looks like you win, Boo,” Sora said. “You’re tough! Guess nothing ever gets you down, huh?” 
Boo only responded with more giggles before she spoke a set of words he wasn’t expected. “Funny Face! Funny Face!” 
“Huh?” Sora questioned aloud. To his surprise, she really did remember that from the last time he visited. 
“Funny Face?” Kairi asked. “Oh, you mean like when you first met Donald and Goofy, right?” 
Sora rubbed the back of his furry head with a bashful smile. “Ah, I guess you would remember that, huh?” 
“Yup!” Kairi affirmed with a laugh. “And honestly, I’d like to see it, too.” 
“Well, I guess I can’t disappoint,” Sora said. He set his feet, tied his hands behind his back, dipped his head down with an imaginary drum roll playing in his mind before he shot back up with his eyes nearly rolled to the back of his head, showing off his pearly whites. 
Just like last time, Boo laughed like a little madwoman. Kairi found the sight amusing as well, it was her first time seeing this face from a third-party’s perspective rather than when she was inside his heart when he first did it. 
Sora chuckled. “Hey, Kairi, give it a try!” 
“Oh, m-me?” Kairi asked. 
“Sure! Let’s see how silly you can be.” 
“Well, I guess I can give it a try,” Kairi said. She turned Boo in her arms to give her a better look at her before she dipped her head down, imaginary drum roll and all, before she lifted her head with her crossed-eyes pupils and her tongue sticking out. “Neeeeeeeeee!” 
Boo was hit with gut-wrenching laughter she couldn’t contain, tears leaking from the little girl’s eyes as the deadly combo of both Sora and Kairi sending her the silliest faces they could manifest was too much for her to handle. Before long, Sora and Kairi noticed the lights in the room beginning to flicker at a rapid rate. They ceased their onslaught of silly faces, but Boo didn’t stop laughing at the fresh memories. 
In an instant, the lights cut off and shards of glass from the broken lightbulb crashed onto the floor, thankfully out of reach to not hurt Boo but close enough to make Kairi let out a slight shriek. 
“What happened?” she asked. 
Sora nearly forgot that laughter was what fueled the city of Monstropolis. Having Boo laugh so much must have caused some sort of overload. He chuckled nervously. “I think we might have gone a bit too far.” 
Before Kairi could ask a question, they heard Mike Wazowksi’s muffled voice from the other side of the door. “See, Sull? What’d I tell ya? That generator was a piece of cake. Still, where’s the electrician when you need ‘em?” 
“You probably could’ve used the exercise yourself, Butterball,” Sulley replied as the two entered the office only to find that it was pitch black. 
“Uh, guys? You in here?” Mike asked. 
“Yeah, Mike,” Sora said, leading Kairi outside into the light of the hallway. 
“You guys playing hide and seek?” Sulley asked. 
Sora rubbed the back of his head. “I, uh... think you guys might need a new lightbulb.” 
“What the heck is that s’posed to mean?” Mike asked. “What in the world were you two doin’ to make Sull’s whole office pitch black?” 
“Making Boo laugh,” Sora admitted bashfully. 
“Yeah, like this!” Kairi said, offering a demonstration as she made a similar face from before. 
Sora, Mike, and Sulley reached out their hands dramatically. “Kairi, no!” all three said a variation of. 
But it was too late. Boo went into another burst of laughter and before they knew it, the hallway lights flickered and after another resounding pop, they stood in the midst of darkness. 
“Oops,” Kairi squeaked. “Sorry... I didn’t think her laughs were that powerful.” 
“But if the entire hallway blacked out, then does that mean...?” Sora prodded. 
Sulley sighed. “You guys think you might wanna take a trip down to the generator in the basement?” 
Mike nearly had a heart attack. “OH, FOR THE LOVE OF—”
Definitely one of my sillier and lighter pieces for this week! Lol the adorable full piece will be posted by @amyhayanora​, so check her out! 
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Reduced Sentence
Pairing: Loki x OFC
Rating: Teen and Up 
Word count: 3.5K
Part I, Part II
This is the unexpected Part II of Kitten from Hell. Can be read as a standalone fic, but it’s more fun to read Part I before this... 
Summary: The Kitten from Hell returns to torment him, and Loki's partner doesn't believe that he has the ability to communicate with animals.
Warnings: Swearing, a little smut (but no sex)
A/N: I was texting @deckerstar-trash​ about how wonderful it would be to talk to our pets and this happened...
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She was drifting in and out of sleep, conscious one minute to her dreamlands the next. Next to her was the pup that took Loki’s place in his absence. She was afraid of sleeping in the living room all alone. They had tried to train her, but she regressed when Loki was called on an urgent mission to an unknown, secretive part of Asgard. The moonlight illuminated the pup, highlighting every detail of her soft fur. She absentmindedly caressed her fur and proceeded to slip back out of consciousness with a loving hand on the creature. 
They were the perfect picture of tranquility until a loud thud jerked her awake. It was followed by a whispered string of swear words. Still laying on her stomach, she moved herself to the edge of the bed, feeling for the baseball bat she always kept there. In her sleepy daze, however, she forgot to ensure Wiggle’s safety. He had somehow gotten out of the bed with his tiny, helpless, puppy legs and ran straight to the living room where the intruder was. She no longer had the option to wait for the right time to take the intruder by surprise. 
“Wiggle, hey! Did I wake you up, buddy?” 
The joyous barks, if not for the familiar voice, informed her that she had nothing to worry about. She huffed in annoyance at being woken up, abandoned the baseball bat and returned her limbs back under the warmth of her duvet. If he had woken up her last night in a similar fashion, she would have definitely used the weapon on him. Luckily for him, she had finally gotten some rest that day and hence not in a bad enough shape to destroy anyone who disrupted her beauty sleep. 
“Shh, shh! We must not wake her up,” Loki whispered, immediately quieting down the excited dog. 
It took a while for the two to come to bed. It warmed her heart when she noticed how careful Loki was to not wake her up as he changed into his pyjamas and climbed into his side of the bed. Her schedule was pretty erratic and he was always considerate to not disturb her when she rested. He took her hand that laid in between them and played with her fingers. For a man of enormous strength, he was incredibly gentle when he touched her. Loki’s comportment conveyed his yearning for her at having been deprived of her touch for so long, yet it somehow managed to show his considerate side as he restrained himself from inconveniencing her. Already tired of having let her fingers be still all this while, she reciprocated by entwining his with her own. Fingers interlocked with hers instinctively even before realisation struck him. 
“Hey,” she breathed in her still sleepy daze, continuing playing with his hand. Like being sprayed on with water, she was rudely brought to full attention by the God who pulled her to his side of their large bed. He crawled under the duvet and let his fingers slowly creep from her shoulder right to her hand. The tip of his pointed nose along with his warm breath on her neck combined to send a shiver down her spine when he nuzzled her. Early on in their relationship, his blatant breathing in of her scent made her shyly bury her face in her palms, but they were way past all that now. 
“You’re awake,” he said, his lips close enough to her skin for her to feel them on her as he spoke. 
“Did His Highness Wiggle Wagglesworth wake you up?” 
She laughed softly, still finding their Corgi’s name too funny. “No, it was you who woke me up, Your Highness Loki Odinson, Prince of throwing things loudly to awaken his girlfriend.” 
“My apologies, dear… Is forgiveness on the table?” 
“No way.” 
“Not even if I told you what was in the suitcase that woke you up? Not even if contains my armour that you found ‘hot as fuck’ when you went through old paintings of me? Hmm?” 
Her breathing quickened with memories of seeing him in an old armour that he didn’t use anymore- apparently it had gone out of fashion two decades ago. But, she desperately wanted to see him wear it just for her eyes. It was in no condition for him to wear when she asked him to and she had forgotten about it until now. 
He nipped her neck and she yelped before she involuntarily attempted to elbow him. It was unsuccessfully, as he was still holding her hand. 
“You could persuade me for a reduced sentence,” she said softly, employing a sultry tone. It made her cringe a little and she was anxious that he might laugh in her face, but his response conveyed otherwise. 
“I could…” 
She reverted to a normal, non-sexual tone to burst his bubble. “Yeah, tomorrow. With the armour on.” 
Tired from bifrsot travel, he gave in to her and their cozy duvet.
The next morning, Loki had singlehandedly completed all their chores and enthusiastically dressed himself in the old armour that managed to attract his partner’s attention. He didn’t know what she saw in it- or him, really- but he decided that whatever she wanted, she shall have. The day she showed interest in it and disappointment when he revealed that he no longer wore it, he rushed to his staff and ordered for it to be recreated to fit him with his changed dimensions. Initially, he waned to save it for a special occasion like a birthday or an anniversary, but then he was separated from her for a month, and decided that there was no occasion more special than when they were both unbelievably horny for each other. 
Clipping the cape on, he turned around to check himself out on the mirror. Goddamn, he looked good in it. His woman had great taste.
She stepped out of the bathroom, clad in his silk robes, when their doorbell rang. 
“I’ll get it,” he announced as he more or less stomped his way to their door. The robes could scare unsuspecting Midgardians, but he would rather a bunch of fools be frightened by him than see his woman look the way she did in his robes. Behind the door was not a poor unsuspecting Midgardian, but two.
Steve and Bucky stood with Fuzzy von Fluffykins and his luggage in hand. 
“I was not aware that he was coming over, today,” he said pointedly at the kitten who was encased in a sock. 
“We are so sorry, Loki. Our surrogate went into labor and Fuzzy’s sitter isn’t picking up our calls. I’m sorry to impose, but could you please, please take care of her until we come back,”  Bucky rambled. 
He should slam the door in the couple’s face. He did not like it one bit that they were taking advantage of his partner’s kindness and dumping their responsibilities on her. If they knew they could not handle caring for an animal, especially one so horrid, they should never have adopted one. But, they genuinely seemed to be in a tough predicament this time. So, he rolled his eyes and held his arms out for the creature as he prepared himself emotionally to deal with the insolent little thing. The men apologised again, thanked him, asked him to thank her and left in a hurry. 
He wasn’t exactly the ‘sex on legs’ she described him to be in the armour when she finally saw him in it. Who would be, when holding Fuzzy and his worn out bag of toys and cat food? The ties of her robe was undone, revealing her lingerie, and she was ready for their much anticipated activities. Her smile dropped in confusion when she saw Fuzzy with him. She definitely had a lot of questions, but it seemed she was not interested in any of them. 
“Okay, you’re going to set him down on that cushion and get your cute ass to the bedroom real quick.” 
“Oh, good!” He breathed in relief as he did what he was told and followed her into their room. It was an ego booster to know that she was attracted to him even after seeing him holding the dumpster cat.
He locked the door behind him as Wiggle had the bad habit of walking into the room whenever they were about to do it. It was as though she knew what they were going to do and stopped them intentionally. Maybe, she felt that they were trying to make a baby and it would result in reduced love and attention for her. So, she would follow them inside and stare at them. Loki had seen horrible things in his life that other hadn’t, but he had to confess that there was nothing creepier than staring into the eyes of you puppy when you’re having sex. 
“I have missed you so much…” he whispered, inching closer to her and backing her up against the wall. She reached out a hand, running her fingers over the bends and curves of the design on his armour. She traced her index finger on one such curve, inching slowly to his collar yet not touching him. As she was taking in the novelty of the armour, he moved her robe out of the way as he let his fingers slither to her back. Her breath hitched when he unclasped her bra, but it did not stop her from her admiration of him. 
She cupped his cheek and he hummed in satisfaction as he relaxed into her touch, his eyes closed on their own accord as his touch-starved body greedily lapped up her affections. He was finally home.
“You’re so beautiful, Loki.” 
Earlier, he believed that someday his heart would stop melting when she so openly appreciated him, but it was not today. It felt just as wonderful as the first time she ever told him that.
She saw the effect her words had on him, even when his eyes were closed. A whole beautiful God stood in front of her, wearing outdated clothes just because she asked for it, and he was all hers. He pulled against his body, and she pressed herself closer to him, the metal of his armour cold against her barely there lingerie. 
She looped an arm around his neck and stood on her tip toes to reach his lips while he carefully bent down to do the same. He was so gentle with her, so mindful of himself to not hurt her with his helmet. When their lips finally connected, it was bliss. 
Their long time apart had escalated their need for each other. Slow, soft pecks quickly turned into more as they pushed against each other in a desperate attempt to get closer to each other than they already were. Her robes lay forgotten and she might have even stepped on it a few times. Loki was awfully protective over his Asgardian silk clothing, but even he paid it no heed. Her hands hungrily roamed his body as she looked for a clasp or button or whatever the fuck she needed to undo to get to his body. She yanked his helmet off and threw it at the bed, grinning as she threaded her fingers through his soft hair and pulled, making him grit his teeth. In turn, she expect him to be more rough with her, but he ceased his ministrations abruptly. His grip on her loosened and he listened intently to something. 
His eyebrows furrowed and he focused on something intently. “Did you hear that?” 
“Hear what?” 
“The cat,” he said, untangling himself from her body. 
“No! Why are you ever listening to the cat now?” She asked, panting between breaths. 
“He said something!” 
“Oh, who cares what he meows-“ 
“Shhhh!” He said, raising his index finger. 
“What the fuck, dude!?” She whispered, confused by his sudden unusual behaviour. 
He gasped as though she said something to offend him, but with a delay of several seconds. It was almost as though it was a response to something said by someone else.
“That is it! He’s crossed the line!” Loki exclaimed before he angrily stormed out of the bedroom. Losing all hope of getting any, she hooked her bra, put the robe back on and followed him out to see what the fuss was all about. She found him in an intense stare down contest with Fuzzy von Fluffykins who tried to look more imposing than a squishy kitty could ever hope to be. 
“What did you say to Wiggle?” 
“Oh, I heard you loud and clear, you little demon!” 
“You are in my home and I will not have you, a useless miniature tiger, mock her under my roof.” 
“Oh, is that how it is now?” 
This time, the kitten meowed louder and Loki lost his shit. 
“How dare you!?” 
“Okay, if you don’t tell me what the fuck is going on right now, I’ll- I’ll-” She clearly hadn’t thought through this threat. “Tell me!” 
“He has been taunting and mocking Wiggle. He said she was a poor excuse for a dog, a failure in her basic function to humans due to her inability to protect us!” 
“It is not like you are of any use to humans! Wiggle here, provides companionship, plays games, fetches the newspaper every morning and she is younger than you are! You, however, are not just a waste of space, but a menace to society!” 
“Loki, that’s so mean! Stop it!” 
“I am not going to stand by and watch our as our puppy is bullied.” As though glad for the empathy, Wiggle cuddled up to his legs and Loki, being the caring pet owner he was picked him up and held him in his arms. The dog whimpered and Loki whispered words of reassurance as he cradled her. 
It seemed that all the non-humans in the room were in on something while she was completely out of the loop. It was exactly how she felt when they were around Thor and the two spoke of life experiences she was not a part of- those that happened before her great grandparents were born- and hence couldn’t understand. 
“He was just meowing! How did you get all that from meowing?” 
“His sounds are just meows to you, but I can understand them.” 
She raised her eyebrows in skepticism. What did he understand?
“Allspeak,” he said, waving his arm dismissively. 
“Wow, Oh My God. Really?” She knew that he could understand the millions of languages of the universe owing to Allspeak, but didn’t know that communicating with other creatures was a part of it.
“Yes,” he said, very casually as though he didn’t just confirm that he could Talk. To. Animals. Forget teleportation and cloning! This was his best ability. She began dreaming of all the things she could do with this special ability of his- she would finally know what dogs were thinking! She could tell everyone what dogs say when they were barking! It would be a blessing to humanity to finally understand what Man’s Best Friend really thought of them. She could- no, wait! 
He was messing with her! It was April Fool’s Day and he was feeding her shit about how he could communicate with animals. Last year, he told Thor that Crocs with socks and all denim outfits were the pinnacle of human fashion . The poor man walked around with no clue about why he was being stared at- more than usual, at least. 
“Okay, ha ha. You fooled me. Now, drop the act and come to bed.” 
“Act? Our puppy is hurt, honey.” He cuddled Wiggle closer to him as though she was out to get their puppy.
She pinched the bridge of the nose and let of a frustrated sigh. “I usually enjoy you April Fool’s Day pranks, but not when it involves you abandoning me after making me all hot and bothered.” 
“You think this is my prank?” He scoffed mockingly, “Oh, please! I have something big planned for tonight- involving mayonnaise and duct tape. Moreover, why would I fake a conversation with that abominable creature when I could choose the obviously favourable alternative of not talking to him.” 
“This is all shady,” She said, shaking her head. There was something going on. The kitten wasn’t even supposed to be here. “Why is Fuzzy even here? Bucky didn’t tell me anything about dropping him off. You set this up!” 
“Once again, woman, why would I intentionally put myself in close quarters with Fuzzy? I let him stay only because James and Steven dropped by with the creature and basically begged me to take care him. Their surrogate called and they had to leave town immediately.” 
“She’s giving birth?” She vaguely recalled Steve saying that the baby was due this month, but had forgotten about it completely.
“I do not recall. I was too focused on getting back to you to think about babies.” 
“I’m going to call them and check.” 
“You don’t trust me?” 
When she didn’t respond, and proceeded to text Bucky, Loki grew disappointed. 
“I’m taking Wiggle on a walk.” He mumbled before he left, still carrying the dog. He didn’t even bother to take Wiggle’s leash. 
After he left, she got the confirmation that Buck and Steve’s surrogate was indeed in labor. She congratulated the couple, changed into comfortable pyjamas and sulked on the couch with the kitten chewing on his toys next to her. She felt bad for not believing Loki when he told her about the baby and texted him her apology, hoping he would come back. She was however met with the ding of his phone which sat on the dining table. He didn’t have the habit of taking his phone with him when he went outside. It was understandable as he was not human and found no need for it, but annoying in situations such as this. 
The doorbell rang and she excitedly ran up to it, but was disappointed to find the wrong Odinson brother. 
“Hello, sister! Is Loki here?” 
“No, he just left, actually. Took Wiggle on a walk.” 
“Oh,” he said, sounding disappointed. 
“Is it something important?” 
“Yes. I came to collect my things. Long back, he stored my gifts for Jane in his pocket dimension. I forgot to get them from him and it’s her birthday next week.” 
“You could wait for him,” she said, gesturing to the sofa. He gave her his usual wide smile and headed to the sofa before he stopped in his tracks. He shrieked a very manly shriek and dragged her, putting her between himself and the sofa.
“Odin’s beard! Why didn’t you tell me he was here?” 
“Oh, Fuzzy? Loki and I are just taking care of him for a while until Steve and Bucky come back.” 
“I have to go, sister!” 
That was so silly! It was like the Odinsons had something against adorable, fluffy kittens. Were cats antagonised in their culture? Did they have a bad shared experience with one? She grabbed him by his wrist and stopped him from leaving. She had to know what this was about.
“It’s okay, Thor! He’s just a lil’ kitty. He won’t hurt you,” she reassured, but the tall, muscley God refused to forsake her as a human shield. She could feel his fear from the tight grip he had on her shoulders.
“He called me a big, dumb idiot with an empty skull the last time I met him!” 
“What? Did Loki put you up to this?” She asked, suspicious of his behaviour. Last year, she was in on Loki’s prank on Thor. So, it was possible that they were pranking her together. 
“No, why would he do that?” 
“Okay, be truthful. Can you actually communicate with animals?” 
“Yes, of course. Allspeak was a compulsory class for us, growing up.” As far as she knew, Thor was not capable of putting up an act for so long without breaking into laughter. He really was telling the truth…
“Shit! I have to go!” 
Thor tried to stop her and said something about being too afraid to be left alone with the creature, but she had no time to listen to him as she hurried out with her phone and purse. 
Thankfully, they had fitted Wiggle with a GPS collar, worried that he might get lost what with his habit of wandering off. So, she didn’t have to look for them everywhere. When she reached the park, she spotted Loki who was now wearing a black shirt and pants- his default when he got changed using magic. He was sat on a park bench while a couple of children played with Wiggle who was having the time of her life with all the attention being directed towards her. Loki constantly had his eyes on the pup, probably anxious that the children might hurt his precious creature. 
She was the first to speak as she sat by him. 
“I’m sorry. I really thought you were pranking me.” 
He turned to look at her, but said nothing. He was still mad at her, but let her loop her arm around his and lean on him with her head on his shoulder, so all wasn’t lost. The physical contact must’ve softened him because he suddenly looked at her and smiled his sweet, boyish smile that others rarely saw. 
“You could persuade me for a reduced sentence.”
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orange-waterfalls · 5 years
Feelings? No. Never.
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Illinois x gender neutral!reader
@edgynoise ty for the request!
A/N: Illinois falling in love and not knowing what to do with it. I loved writing this lol. There's a dog, and I chose a hypoallergenic dog bc... Y'know... Uh, Illinois being big dumb. Real men don't have FEELINGS. Rated T for cursing and hurt pupper. Don't worry, she gets better. Fluffy. Enjoy.
Word Count: 2.1k
Illinois was a bit intimidated by you. You two had a lot in common. You both loved adventure, you both were fearless, and you both could be too arrogant at times. The difference was you were more aggressive about it. He wouldn't lie, he got worried when you asked him if he dared you to jump over a pit of snakes.
Another difference was you were softer than him. You loved children and animals, and were very kind and caring. Illinois didn't really like kids and most animals just annoyed him. He wasn't the caring type. You two complimented each other well.
One problem.
Illinois had fallen in love with you.
He wasn't sure when or how it happened, but all he knew was that whenever he saw you playing with a baby or a dog or something like that, he couldn't help smiling.
Illinois had fallen in love before. At least, he was pretty sure he had. It had been a while. But the overwhelming desire to see you happy may have tipped him off a bit.
But he was honestly a bit scared.
Feelings were nothing but trouble. They had no place in his line of work. You risked your lives every day, there was no room for a relationship. Besides, he wasn't the relationship type. He was married to his job! The only thing he loved was adventure! And now, apparently, you. What was he supposed to do with that? Ask you out? No. He couldn't. He wouldn't. He'd get over this soon enough.
Then a week passed. Then two weeks. Then two months. And that mushy, touchy-feely, butterflies-in-your-stomach emotion he felt towards you hadn't faded a bit. In fact, it may have just gotten bigger.
He would sit with you while you did absolutely anything, just wanting to be around you. He would watch you from across the room, adoration visible in his eyes. Whenever he talked to you, love and affection dripped from his voice.
He hated it.
He couldn't control it! His face started heating whenever you touched him, and he started giggling like a schoolgirl when he thought of you. This wasn't like him. He needed to stop. But he wasn't sure how to stop.
And he didn't need to.
You two had discovered some temple ruins and Illinois decided to explore. He had hoped some adventure would take his mind off of things.
As it turns out, going on an adventure with the person you are in love with will not help you get over the person you are in love with.
You decided to walk through town on the way over instead of driving, just because. He thought it was a waste of time, but you wanted to see everything. So, you walked.
While walking you froze as you heard a small whine from an alleyway.
"Illinois," you called so he'd stop. He turned to you.
"What's wrong?" He asked. You didn't answer as you spun towards the alley and went in. Illinois followed you, curious in what you were doing. You slowly stepped through the alley, keeping your ears open, until both of you heard another whine. You rush towards the source of the noise and find a Portuguese Water-Dog puppy. Its fur was black, so you barely saw that its leg was bleeding. You gasped and laid your hand on the pup.
"Aw, Illinois! Look at it!" You said sadly. Illinois rolled his eyes.
"Yeah, great. Drop it at the vet so we can go." You turned to him and frowned. He suddenly felt guilty.
"No! I can't just abandon it! I found it and now it's my responsibility," you claimed. Illinois sighed in annoyance. He didn't even try to argue because he knew he couldn't change your mind.
You lifted up the small pup and cradled it in your arms, shushing it gently. Illinois tried to look annoyed, but his brain decided to make a ton of serotonin in that exact moment and he smiled at you. You two stood for a moment, you cradling the dog, Illinois smiling at you lovingly. You looked up at him and smirked.
"There a problem, Illy?" You chuckled. Illinois snapped out of his trance and widened his eyes at you. He cleared his throat.
"Uh, no. Let's just… let's just go," he said and turned around, walking back to where you came from. You jogged to catch up to him, staring at the puppy in adoration.
"I'm gonna call them… Indiana," you said. Illinois turned to you.
"Really?" He asked, offended. You laughed.
"Yeah, really! It'll be too confusing to name you both Illinois," you explained. He turned away from you, his face flushing.
"Yeah… okay," he mumbled.
A couple days after you nursed the puppy back to health, you made Illinois go with you to buy stuff for it. You held his hand as you dragged him around the pet store, holding the puppy in your arms as well. You repeatedly referred to her as your daughter, and told him he was her parent as well. Not to mention, a bunch of people walking around were whispering you two looked cute together.
This was not at all helping with Illinois' feelings for you. He wanted them to leave, not for other people to know about it.
"Y/N can you… not hold my hand and… stop calling me its dad?" He asked, sounding annoyed. Your happy face dropped a bit, but you nodded and let go of his hand. He immediately regretted his decision after 5 minutes of missing your hand in his. You had bought the puppy a collar, a leash, a bed, bowls, food, and a couple of toys. You forced Illinois to pick the toys out, since he was going to be living with the dog too. You wanted him and the pup to get along. He groaned but picked out five, and complained when you told him that was enough. You could tell he was having fun.
You drove the puppy back to you and Illinois' house. You both had thought it made more sense for you to live together, since you started adventuring together.
Yep. That was the only reason, alright.
You set the puppy's bed next to yours and set her on the floor.
"Go on, Indiana!" You urged. The pup wobbled over to the bed, her leg wrapped in bandages. She circled for a minute before laying down on it and soon falling asleep. You stared at her for a while before Illinois tapped you on the shoulder. You turned to him, wondering what he wanted. He held up the newspaper article about the cursed treasure that had originally made you two go on your adventure.
Well, before you found the puppy and forgot about adventure altogether.
You called a doggy daycare so you could drop Indiana off and go on the adventure. You anticipated you'd be away for the entire weekend, so you asked one of your friends to pick her up and drop her off each day. Once they agreed, you and Illinois packed your stuff.
Well, you packed your stuff. Illinois still had his bag from the first time you went.
You two tossed your bags in the backseat and sat in the car, ready for danger.
You two had been walking inside the actual ruins for 2 hours. There were so many different pathways you could go, and somehow, none of the ones you chose so far were correct. You had found plenty of rooms with treasure in them, but every time you took one, something went wrong.
First there was a golden statue that he'd replaced with a rock, and a boulder began to chase you both. You ended up back where you started, unhurt but very annoyed.
Then, a golden lamp sitting in the middle of a room. When Illinois grabbed it, the walls started to close in on you two. There wasn't enough time to run out, so you shot your grappling hook at the door and swung your way out. Illinois' hat almost got crushed. It wouldn't have been bad, but he would've complained to you until he eventually bought a new one.
Another memorable one was when the ground closed in under you and you fell into a pit of vipers. Before Illinois could even ask if you were ok, you climbed up the walls with two knives, smiling and saying you were good. Illinois thought it was impossible to fall more in love with you, yet here we are.
You were on your fourth pathway, and there wasn't anything interesting so far. You two normally just walked in comfortable silence, but Illinois initiated conversation.
"So, partner," he called. You turned towards him with a small smile.
"Hm?" You asked.
"Why do you like adventuring so much?" Your eyes widened as you laughed at the question.
"Well, uh… that's a long story…"
"We got time, don't we?"
You were quiet for a moment before you started telling your entire life story.
Half an hour into you talking and Illinois' smile hadn't faltered a bit. He loved your voice oh, so much. You had gone from talking about your childhood to what you did last week, and he listened to everything. You sped up as you talked so Illinois, with his slow saunter, fell a bit behind. He began to zone out and think.
He loved you… at this point, he knew he did. You were amazing… he loved you so much… What was he supposed to do? He didn't want to kiss you… well, he did. But not yet. He didn't know if you'd want to. He didn't know if you liked him. He had no way of figuring that out without telling you he liked you. And what if you didn't? Your friendship could be ruined! He didn't want that… he wouldn't survive. It's not like he could just… pin you up against the wall and hope you kissed him… could he? Well, he didn't have much to lose. If you didn't like him, maybe he could beg you to be friends with him again. Worth a shot.
"Y/N?" He called. He held your hand, stopping you from going farther. You turned towards him.
"What is it?" You asked.
He grabbed your shoulders and gently pinned you against the wall. Your eyes widened as you looked at him. One hand moved to the side of your neck, and he moved his other hand against the wall, straightening his arm. He was absently rubbing his thumb over your jaw, staring at your lips. He stepped closer to you, moving the hand against the wall to the other side of your neck. You held your breath as he stood dangerously close to you, your bodies almost touching.
"You're… so wonderful…" he whispered. One hand moved to your chin as he stared at your lips. You weren't smiling.
That was bad.
He worriedly looked at your eyes, seeing only confusion. He squeezed his eyes shut.
"Just… kiss me if you like me back…" he begged. After a few seconds of nothing, he began moving away from you. "I'm so--" you grabbed the collar of his shirt and yanked him into a kiss. Illinois, caught off guard, buckled a bit. You pulled him back up and he started kissing back. Your bodies were up against each other and he wasn't sure if he could handle anymore. If he'd ascended into heaven right then and there, he wouldn't be surprised. You ran your fingers through his hair and tugged, pulling him impossibly closer to you. He whined and mentally beat himself up for it. He was supposed to make you make those noises. He reluctantly pulled away for breath.
"What the hell are you doing to me?" He murmured. You chuckled.
"I don't know. What am I doing?"
"You're throwing off my entire vibe is what you're doing," You both laughed and he watched you in awe. "I love you…" you stopped laughing and looked at him. Shit, shit, shit. Too soon… he scolded himself. You smiled at him and softly pecked him on the lips again.
"I love you too…" you mumbled. You both gaze adoringly at each other before you wiggled out from your spot between him and the wall, continuing down the pathway. "Come on! I'm not leaving without some sort of reward!" You yelled. He smirked.
"What? Ain't I enough reward, darlin'?" He asked. You rolled your eyes.
"You're good, but love won't pay the bills. Besides, we have a daughter now!"
"Well… I guess you're technically her step-dad, but you can still form a relationship!"
"Oh, shut up." You snickered at him and kept walking. He sighed.
Feelings could be good sometimes.
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Puppy Love
Forgive me, but I combined two request into one. It happened on accident, cause I realized the prompt could fit the situation I get Frank and Joe into, but don’t worry @ladylindaaa it’s a fun fluffy situation. Also based off of my sims game. This is also an apology for those I hurt after posting Catch of the Day
Warning: Cute dogs and cute boys
Word Count: 2,340
Prompt: “Don’t you think that’s a little extreme?”
Summary: After a stakeout, The Hardy Boys convince their family to adopt two dogs. The responsibility ends up a lot greater than Frank and Joe originally thought. 
Joe Hardy sat slumped in the seat of their car. Chin in hand, his bored stare remained fixed on a very interesting brick wall.
Frank on the other hand was taking the stakeout much more seriously, His gazed remained fixed on the jewelry store. “Would you pay attention?” He smacked his brother’s arm.
“To what? Nothing’s happening!” Joe defended himself, sitting up.
“We promised Dad.” Frank reminded his younger brother. Earlier that same evening Fenton Hardy had asked his sons to take his place in watching Alyssa’s Jewels for a few hours until he could take over. They had nothing better to do, so they agreed. Joe just didn’t expect for time to move so slow. Usually, the brothers wait for a few minutes, have a quick conversation, and then boom! They get attacked by the criminal. They either win or knocked out (or both). They probably shouldn’t be used to that.
“It’s not like you’re the perfect watchmen.” Joe snapped back. He reached out to grab Frank’s phone, “Who are you texting?” Frank contorted his body away from him. They glared at each other, both knew that his brother wouldn’t back down. Within seconds they started wrestling.
Joe, being the stronger Hardy Boy, soon overpowered his brother. He laughed triumphantly, waving the phone away from his brother, who had pressed against the other door with his foot. “Now let’s see who you’ve been texting.” His joy vanished after he looked at the notifications and saw practically all of their friends. “You’re in a group chat with Nancy, Bess, and George! Since when did you group chat anyway?”
“Since tonight, and they’re on a stake-out too.”
“Well, I wouldn’t know that because SOMEONE didn’t invite me!”
“I’m sorry. I’ll add you to it.” Frank apologized. The street lamp illuminating the hurt look on Joe’s face made him look pathetic.
“You made me sit in silence for 45 minutes, while you texted our friends. Some brother you are.”
“Stop yelling.” He rubbed his temples, “I invited you isn’t that- Wait what’s that?” He looked past his brother into an alleyway next to the store. There was movement behind the garbage can. Joe saw it too. The brothers leaped out of the car, but quietly as they could so they wouldn’t draw attention to themselves. They pressed themselves to side of the nearest building.
A man dressed in all black approached the store, entering the alley. The boys looked at one another, someone else was in the alley. Would they catch the criminal before they did? The brothers asked each other without saying a word. They bolted forward, not willing to risk it. As they came closer, they heard a deep growl.
The man came shooting out, chased by a black blur. It shocked Frank and Joe as the chase ignored them. The man ducked into the next alley. The blur nipped at his heels. When the boys entered the scene, the man pressed himself against the wall, a large black dog snarled at him. A bag overflowing with jewelry spilled on the ground.
“Get this crazy mutt away from me! I’ll turn myself in, I swear!” The man pleaded. He looked seconds away from wetting his pants. The Hardy Boys both tried to hide their laughter and failed. “Hey it’s not funny! This dog is crazy.”
While the brothers knew how serious dog attacks could be, the sight of the nervous thief was a little funny. Frank moved forward, keeping the vicious dog in sight as he walked so he’d be prepared if the dog changed targets. Strangely enough, it didn’t. He felt more at ease and walked closer. The thief let Frank tie up his hands with his belt.
At that, the black dog stopped and left the alley. Joe checked to see if his brother was as confused as he was about the dog’s behavior. Frank was. Joe left in time to see the dog return to the other alley. Cautiously, the younger Hardy followed.
He had lost the dog when he entered. “Hey.” He gently called, pairing that with a whistle. The dog poked his head out from behind a dumpster. So did another dog. The other is white with brown splotches of varying sizes. The black dog didn’t seem as scary now. His big brown eyes searched Joe adorably. He was trying to figure out why this human was looking down at him.
“I’m a friend, don’t worry.” He promised, kneeling a few feet away. He put out his hand for the dogs to sniff. The dogs stood still, as if they were deciding if they should trust him. “C’mon. Come here.” His voice raised a few octaves when he said this. The brown and white dog walked towards him. Sniffing then nuzzling his hand, it looks like Joe had made a new friend. The black dog came closer, but wasn’t as friendly.
A couple minutes later, Joe exited the alley with two furry friends. An officer loaded the thief into the back of a police car, while Frank watched. He must have seen his brother out of the corner of his eye, because when he left the alley he immediately broke off. “Who are they?”
“Well, this is the dog that chased that guy, and this is his friend.” Joe smiled.
“Joe we can’t keep them.”
“Why not? This guy can chase criminals better than we can. Dad will love him.” He patted the black dog’s head. He accepted this praise with a strong, determined look. It was oddly human for a dog, Frank didn’t know if he liked it or was freaked out by it. “And this little sweetheart is so adorable.” Joe bent down and hugged the second dog. “She’s perfect for mom.”
“I don’t know Joe.” Frank shrugged. He knew their aunt wasn’t very fond of dogs, even if their parents were. It would take a lot of convincing to let her keep them. His heart melted at the sight of them. They were making it very difficult to say no. In the back of his mind, he started listing the chore he would promise to do for his aunt for the dogs.
Joe laughed, he realized just how weak his brother was in the presence of these two spectacular mutts. His broad, lopsided grin hid how much he wanted to jump for joy. He was finally getting the dog he’s always wanted.
“What’s the worst that can happen?”
“This is the worst that can happen.” He answered a month later. He knew he shouldn’t have said that. He always regrets it when he says that.
“You’re being dramatic.”
“Dude, Aunt Trudy’s gonna kill us.” Joe raked his fingers through his blond curls.
“Don’t you think that’s a little extreme?” Frank raised an eyebrow at his younger brother.
“No, it’s not extreme at all. That the good tablecloth, Frank! The good tablecloth!” He was shaking his brother by the shoulders. Who then shrugged off his brother’s grasp.
They looked down at what Joe was being dramatic about. The brown and white dog, now named Laika, had made a nest in the hall closet with the dreaded good tablecloth. Along with that, Frank saw his dad’s old coat, two of his mother’s dresses, a few of his brother’s shirts, and some of his own. He didn’t understand why the dog used clothes and a tablecloth for her puppies, but Frank wasn’t a mother.
Laika continued to press the various items together until she decided it was comfortable enough. She laid down and glanced up at her owners. Completely wrapped up in the joy of impending motherhood, she didn’t realize the stress she was causing them.
“Aunty only takes it out for special occasions and this is pretty special.” Frank chuckled quietly, squeezing himself into the small closet so he could comfort Laika. He stoked her head, which she thanked him for by licking his hand. Eventually, he couldn’t ignore the feeling of the daggers that Joe was glaring at him with. “What?”
“I’m stressed and you’re making jokes.” Joe threw up his arms in frustration. “I never agreed to the Freaky Friday switch.” He slid down the wall, utterly defeated.
“Neither did the characters in Freaky Friday.” The brunet brother reminded, pointing at his brother. “Switch with me, I’m gonna go call the vet.” He eased himself out of the closet and walked into the kitchen.
Joe took his brother’s place as a doggy midwife. As he traced little shapes in her fur, he thought back to only three hours before when he promised his parents that they would have a boring night so they could have some alone time. Unfortunately, Mr. and Mrs. Hardy rarely got the time for a date night. Right about now they were probably rushing home from that really fancy restaurant after getting the text about Laika.
Ranger, the black dog and probably Laika’s baby daddy, howled from Laura’s office. The boys put him in there once they realized Laika was in labor. He continued to be vocal about how much he hated the situation he was in. Joe didn’t like it much either.
Laika whined, Joe felt bad for her. She knew that. She nuzzled Joe, trying to comfort him even though she felt so terrible. He tried to do the same for her. Trapping them in an endless cycle of love and sadness.
“I’m sorry girl, I don’t know what’s taking the vet so long.” He said as an effort to make her feel better.
Frank returned, “Dr. Cohen said he’s having car trouble and just to keep her comfortable.” He sat against the opposite wall. The brothers sat in silence. Laika let out an occasional whine while Ranger yelled things that were probably uncomplimentary in dog. This lasted for a few minutes.
“Tonight blows.” Joe sighed, “First you cooked dinner, then the washing machine explode, I forgot to write that essay, and now Laika.” He pulled his knees to his chest and by the end of his sadness list, his head was buried in his arms.
Frank ignored the jab at his cooking skills and the fact that it was Joe who broke the washing machine. He enjoyed teasing his brother like every other sibling in existence, but it was hard to see him so upset. “I’m sorry about dinner, we fixed the washing machine, you can write the essay later, and Laika will be fine.”
The doorbell rang, causing both brothers to jump to their feet. Frank reached the door first and opened it. Outside stood Dr. Cohen with his vet bag in hand. Behind him was his son and close friend of the Hardys, Phil.
“She’s in the closet, Dr. Cohen.” Frank gestured. The vet nodded and followed him over. Joe and Phil lagged a bit, neither wanted to crowd the patient.
“Is that your Aunt’s good tablecloth?” Phil asked, peering into the nest.
“Don’t remind me.” Joe grumbled.
“You remember that?” Frank raised his brow at his short friend.
“Of course, she takes it out for every party.” Phil said as a matter-of-factly.
“Well, this party already has another guest.” Dr. Cohen announced. The three boys noticed the little puppy that had been born while they were distracted. “Still waiting on a few others.”
They heard a car door slam from the driveway, followed by the rushing tap of high heels on stone. Laura Hardy threw open the door, “Is she alright? Did we miss anything?” She asked breathlessly.
“Only one mom. Another’s coming any minute.” Frank shuffled over and gave his mother a quick hug, his brother did the same.
“Oh, good.” She smiled, then pushed past her sons to see her dog. They weren’t surprised, Laura and Laika formed a close bond over the past month. Frank and Joe found it a little unnerving that so much of their mother’s attention wasn’t on them. They had no doubt that she was fretting the whole way home. When their father finally joined them, his tired face only confirmed their theory.
“Oh this one looks like Ranger.” She cooed.
It was a long night, but by the end of it Ranger and Laika were the proud parents of seven puppies. Dr. Cohen and Phil said their goodbyes and left the family. Ranger sat by Fenton, finally freed from Laura’s office. He watched his children curiously.
“I’m not telling Gertrude.” Fenton spoke up.
“Coward.” Laura teased.
“Why can’t we just let her find out for herself when she comes home from her vacation?” Joe asked. The rest of his family considered this.
“It’s gonna be pretty obvious when she opens her craft room and finds them.” Frank added. They laughed before falling into a happy lull. The family felt exhausted, but the puppies were too cute to ignore.
“We’re not gonna get rid of all of them, right?” Joe piped up. They had a big house, but it wasn’t big enough for nine dogs and five people. “Because I really like this one, and I think he likes me. Isn’t that right, Bear?” He held up a puppy with a similar coloring to Laika.
“I kinda like this one.” Frank quietly referred to the black puppy sleeping on his lap. “I’m gonna call him Scout.”
Laura smiled at her husband and wrapped her arms around his waist. She sweetly looked up at him and said, “I think we should keep two. Ranger and Laika would be so upset if we gave all their babies away.” The boys knew their father was too weak to resist. She knew how to get what she wanted from him.
“You’re right.” He conceded. His wife and sons cheered. Fenton raised his hand, signaling that he had more to say. He met his wife’s eyes and said, “But only if you, my dear, tell Gertrude about the puppies and the tablecloth.”
Laura begrudgingly agreed to these terms. Mentally, she prepared herself for the ranting and raving she would have to endure. Her sons were happy. That’s all that mattered.
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yoon-kooks · 5 years
Blossom🌸- pt.2
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Pairing: Stripper!Jimin x Reader
Genre: Smut, Fluff, Stripper!AU, College!AU
Summary: You decide to give the strip club another chance when your stripper neighbor promises to give you a special treat afterwards.
Warnings: lap dances, stripping, dry humping, blindfolds, thigh riding
Word Count: 4.9k
⤐ Story 2 in the Blossom!Universe; Read Blossom-pt.1 on my masterlist!
A/N: i cant believe i actual wrote d** h****** but it be like that sometime 😔
You’re not one to believe in love so easily, but your latest art assignment calls for something with “pure love”, and what you’re witnessing comes pretty close. So you casually pull out your sketchbook and begin outlining a rough sketch of the scene in front of you.
Your subjects wrestle around, unaware of your gaze, drowning each other in kisses and affection. She sits on top of him as she nips at his skin. He chuckles as he blocks her little bites until he can no longer resist, succumbing to her demands for more attention.
The giggles only stop several minutes later when one of your subjects finally takes notice of you with your pencil in hand.
“Drawing me again, huh?” Jimin sits up on his bed and glances over at you while his white puppy continues to lick his chin. “What’s the assignment this time?”
“To draw something that symbolizes pure love,” you wave the boy over to come take a look at your sketchbook. Intrigued by the topic, Jimin hops off the bed.
“Oh? Am I what comes to mind when you think of pure lo-” He meant to tease you about your potential crush on him, but he can only laugh when he sees your idea of pure love. Him playing with his puppy.
“So pure, right?” You point out a couple of things you’re especially proud of, like the details on the puppy’s paw pads and the feathering of its wagging tail.
“Right…” His lips slowly fall into the shape of a pout as he examines your sketch further. “But why did you draw her so much better than you drew me?”
You know he’s just messing with you, but the dedicated artist in you takes Jimin’s criticism to heart. Looking back at your sketch, it’s true that his body came out looking a lot more underdeveloped like a stick person next to a very realistic puppy with individual strokes of fur. And as funny as it is to look at, it’s a technical issue with your art that you’ve been trying to fix.
“I already told you I have a lot more experience drawing animals than I do with humans,” you explain. It’s not that you’re necessarily terrible at drawing humans, but your lack of comfort with them really shows in comparison to animals. That’s why you’ve recruited your stripper neighbor as your muse to help you find that comfort.
“I guess you just need more experience with humans then,” Jimin cocks his head to the side, not-so-subtly taking your hand into his. He attempts to interlace his fingers with yours, but you can’t take a hint so he settles for a very friendzoned handshake. “Think about it: you started with drawing only animals, then you drew me a couple of times, and then you moved up to animal-to-human interactions. Shouldn’t the next step be human-to-human interactions?”
“You have a point,” you nod, rather enjoying the pleasant feeling of holding his hand. “But I only have one human model, aka you.”
The boy stares your hands still clasped together and laughs, “Are you not a human?”
“I can’t be my own model and draw at the same time…” You do a messy scribbling gesture with your free hand.
“You don't have to draw at the same time,” Jimin captures your free hand and pulls you down onto the bed with him. You’d think laying on a bed with a stripper would be overwhelming for someone as wholesome as yourself, but you do get a sense of ease with him. Maybe it’s his eyesmile, or the clumps of dog fur on his dark shirt that remind you he’s still your dorky boy next door. Either way, you feel comfortable because it’s him you’re with. “Just experience it with me.”
“Experience what?” You feel his warmth radiating towards your body. Another pleasant feeling. “Handholding? Hugs? Kisses? Cuddling? Sleeping together? Se-”
“A lot of things if you’d like,” Jimin shushes you with an alluring stare. “Do you want to do all those things?”
“That would be ideal, yes,” you nod eagerly. If it means your art will feel more authentic and sentimental, you’d gladly engage in these interactions with Jimin. “For science, of course.”
“Right… for science…” He gives you a thumbs-up, although the corners of his lips seem to curve downward.
The frown doesn’t sit well with you, so you wiggle your hands out of his grasp and simply mirror them against his palms. Slowly you interlace each of your fingers between his, one-by-one until there’s no finger left behind. You pay special attention to the boy’s expression when you do this, but it softens less than you had hoped.
“Actually…” Jimin say, breaking the handhold. He runs his fingers through his hair a couple of times before rolling off the bed. “I forgot about work.”
“Oh right…” It’s your turn to frown. You forgot about it too. Not just the fact that the boy has work in an hour, but also that his job requires him to satisfy the naughty needs of other people besides yourself. You’re not the only one who wants a taste of Park Jimin. “I should let you go then.”
Jimin watches as you gather your art supplies off his desk and crouch down to say farewell to the white puppy. He doesn’t say anything until your hand is on the doorknob. “You can tag along if you’d like, Y/N.”
“I appreciate the offer, but I really shouldn’t g-” Your eyes and mind drift away as the boy strips his shirt off with his back to you. You never knew back muscles could look like that—good to know for future reference. After he throws on a clean shirt free of dog fur, however, you push the boy’s toned body out of mind to finish your sentence. “I shouldn’t go since strip clubs aren’t really my thing, remember? Besides, I need to work on this art assignment some more. It’s due in a week.”
“A week is more than enough time,” Jimin raises his eyebrows at you and your sketchbook. “And do I need to remind you that the strip club is where you found art inspiration in me? So it couldn’t hurt to go again, right?”
You don’t answer him because you feel like it could hurt to go again. Not in regards to your art, but to something else.
“If you come, I’ll treat you to something really special afterwards. How about that?” He holds out his hand, giving you one last chance to change your mind. The special treat is tempting, especially if it’s your favorite sweet dessert. Besides, you’ve been working diligently with your art, so you know you’ve earned yourself a treat of some sort. And if Jimin is thoughtful enough to offer you that treat, who are you to refuse?
After a back and forth debate in your head, you finally take his hand and allow yourself to be pulled back to the place where you and the boy first met.
“What’s this special treat you’re talking about?”
“Oh you’ll see,” the boy snickers in a rather sinister tone.
Something about the strip club has changed since your first visit. There are still attractive strippers, there are still generous tippers, and there’s still your favorite spot in the secluded corner of the room. But it’s the whole vibe that’s changed. You don’t feel as intimidated by the sweaty bare bodies of the strippers or the thirsty screams of the audience. It could be because, unlike before, you know you’re not alone this time.
Jimin sits you down at your favorite spot and waits for you to get all situated with your sketchbook. “Can I buy you a drink before I have to go get ready for the show?”
“Just some water, please,” you say. The boy only laughs at your innocent response before disappearing into the crowd to fetch your requested beverage from the bar. After a short minute, your eye catches him striding back with a fancy glass of ice water in hand. He isn’t doing anything special, but he still manages to look stunning amongst everyone else. You even notice he’s turning quite a few heads, despite all the on-duty strippers vying for their attention. It’s as if the spotlight’s on him.
“Y/N, you’re already drooling and I haven’t even performed yet,” he teases as he hands you your water. You chug it down, hoping to relieve your thirst, but it’s not enough.
“Then go,” you give him a light shove with a hmph to send him off. “I’ll be waiting for my special treat afterwards.”
“Anticipate it, Kitten.” He has the audacity to not only call you Kitten, but also give you the cockiest smirk you have ever witnessed before heading backstage. You suppose that’s just his flirty stripper switch turning on.
Once you finally have some time to yourself, you sip on your water, casually people-watching from your quiet corner. The rest of the room is flooded with excitement, flashing with sparking lights, a mixure of moving color. If you had to pick a color palette for a strip club, what would it be? That depends on whether a certain boy is in the room or not.
You glance over to a familiar mint-haired stripper getting intimate with a gorgeous female in a nearby booth. She bites her ruby red lips, snaking her arms around his waist and pulling him closer to slip a generous handful of cash into his ass pocket. As thanks, the stripper hovers over her lap with swaying hips to the beat of the stereo as he lets her hands explore his bare upper half. Their eyes are locked, exchanging looks of… lust? Satisfaction? Greed? As a mere bystander, you’re unsure of the mood, so your color palette would be a rainbow muddled with a lot of grey area.
“Oh I remember you, Baby Picasso.” The mint stripper somehow made his way over to your corner while you were busy swatching your palette. The nearly blank page in your sketchbook catches his eye. “Here to draw our Jiminie again?” Yes.
“Not necessarily,” you say. “But he was the one who brought me back here.”
“Ah, customer loyalty at its finest,” he nods. “That kid attracts most of our regulars.”
“Is he really that popular?”
“I’m sure you’ve noticed the aura’s different when he’s on stage.” He leans over your table and points at your grey-toned swatches in the corner of the sketch page. “Doesn’t it feel like the club becomes more… vibrant when Jiminie’s around?”
“It does, doesn’t it,” you press a finger to your lips as the wheels start turning in your head.
“But don’t let yourself get too caught in The Jiminie Effect. Otherwise you might end up getting hurt.” The mint stripper shrugs at you before the arm of a bold customer swipes him away. “Let me know if you ever want a taste of The Suga Rush, Baby Picasso~”
You wanted to ask what he meant by “getting hurt” from Jimin, but you’re pretty sure you already know. Jimin is an incredibly charming boy with a way of captivating an entire room, and you’re happy he’s found success as a popular stripper. That being said, you can’t help but also feel a little disheartened that there are so many others who share the same feelings for him.
Regardless, you’re at the strip club to support Jimin and collect the special treat that he promised you. Surely your relationship with the boy holds a bit more weight than the others. So you decide to get out of your own head.
Scarlet red. That’s the color you see when Jimin comes out onto the main stage with a silky red blindfold covering his eyes. The first thing you think is: wow, how the fuck is this guy not tripping or falling off the stage when he can’t even see in front of him? The second thing you think is: tiddies.
His open blazer flashes his nipples (and the rest of his gorgeous chest) as he graces the stage. It honestly looks more like a sensual take on contemporary dance rather than stripping at first. Even his hip thrusts have a flare of elegance to them. After all, Jimin’s a contemporary dance student, but the way he incorporates such a graceful genre of dance into his stripping performance shows how much of an artist he truly is.
But once the blindfold comes off, so does everything else. Jimin’s killer gaze, in addition to his taunting tongue, earns him a shower of bills on the floor of the stage as his performance comes to a close. Unlike the other strippers at the club, he does not interact as closely with the audience or make his rounds through the room. Instead, he makes a proposal.
“Tonight, I’m doing something a little different.” He picks his blindfold up off the floor and strokes it as he speaks to the audience. “I’ll be giving one lucky person a private lap dance and-”
An eruption of screams fills the room along with a surge of money being waved around before Jimin can even finish his sentence. He waits for everyone to quiet down, but the aroused crowd does the opposite. The rowdiness persists because everyone’s trying to be louder than the person next to them in order to catch their favorite stripper’s attention. That must be The Jiminie Effect.
And although the boy never got to finish his explanation, you assume the private lap dance has something to do with the red blindfold in his hand and will most likely be given to the highest tipper. Lucky them, you suppose.
Rather than throw some of your nonexistent money at the boy, you instead take the opportunity to do some quick sketches of Jimin’s contemporary performance while it’s still fresh in your memory. You want to capture his fluid motions and his undying passion for performing. With all of this and the blindfold in mind, you decide on a color palette. Scarlet red, a color of burning passion and sensuality, is an obvious pick. However, there’s another color you wish to incorporate-
When you take a peek back up at the stage for that other color, you’re surprised to see Jimin staring right at you, despite a huge sum of money being waved right in front of him by an expensive-looking woman. He mouths something for you to interpret.
“You,” his lips read.
“Me?” You don’t exactly know how to feel about the situation, but it doesn’t sit well with you. “Not me.”
He nods at you, still wanting it to be you.
You shake your head to end the conversation, but when people start turning around in your direction to see who has Jimin’s attention, you get up from your seat. Not to take Jimin up on his offer, but to excuse yourself from the club. You dislike strip clubs after all.
Back at your dorm, you sit at your desk, fleshing out some of your sketches of the blindfolded Jimin. You sculpt out his toned body and shade in a vibrant red flare to emphasize his illuminating aura on stage. Even then, your sketch is missing something. You’re missing something.
Knock. You check the time on your clock. It’s just past midnight, right around the time you’d assume strip clubs close for the night.
“Hi-” Jimin tries to say, but you close the door as soon as you open it.
Knock. You don’t open the door this time, so the boy starts talking from the other side.
“Y/N, I know you’re mad at me, but I-”
“Of course I’m mad at you,” you make a tsk sound. “I can’t believe you were going to choose me over all that money in front of you. Didn’t you see that Gucci lady at the front waving the wad of cash with your name on it? You almost gave up all that money for me. Fool.”
There’s a pause of silence before Jimin tries another attempt at getting you to open the door. Knock.
You open the door this time. The boy has a puzzled expression on his face.
“Wait, you’re not mad that your special treat went to someone else?” He blinks at you.
“A lap dance was the special treat you were talking about earlier?” You give him a duck face because you’ve made a grave mistake. “I thought we were getting ice cream or something.”
“Uhh well… we could get ice cream if you really want to? But my intention was for you to take that lap dance. It was meant for you, you know,” he chuckles over his failed plan.
“I really didn’t realize it was meant for me… I guess I’m really that dense, aren’t I?” Now you feel bad for thinking you’d be getting ice cream over a lap dance. Jimin was only trying to show that you were special to him, and you rejected him like an oblivious idiot. “I’m sorry, Jimin. If I had known, I’d-”
“We can still do it if you’d like.” He pulls out a silky red cloth from his pocket. “Perks of having a stripper neighbor, right?” You nod.
Waiting on your bed, you watch as the boy tries to hype himself up with the blindfold in his fists.
“I can help you tie it behind your head if you want.” You hop up from the bed to help him, but you’re wrong again. He backs you up until the back of your knees hit your bedframe and your ass falls onto the mattress. Suddenly his thighs surround your lap and his abs are in your face. Thankfully he decided to keep his shirt on for this one.
“Can I put the blindfold on you?” He dangles the red cloth before your eyes. It was for you, not him. And as intimidating as it is to make yourself so vulnerable, you’re intrigued.
“Sure… but you don’t want me to watch you?” You take one last look at his seductive gaze and voluptuous lips before your eyes are covered by the soft yet very kinky fabric.
“It’s something new that I wanted to try,” Jimin speaks in his normal voice before switching over to a lower, more suggestive tone. “As an artist, you rely a lot on your sight, right? Well I’m curious to see which senses will come alive when we take away your sight.”
Right away, you sniff out an alluring aroma of warm spices with naughty undertones. The blindfold must be drenched in cologne, but why are you only noticing it now? Or perhaps it’s the boy’s own intoxicating scent that you’re being enticed by. Either way, you must really like the scent because your nose is twitching like a bunny to get a better whiff.
The aroma continues to grow stronger as you feel finger tips graze ever so slightly against the back of your hand. The chilling sensation tickles more than anything, but then the boy lifts your hands and places them right at his waist.
“Tug if you want me closer, Kitten,” he whispers into your ear to give you a taste of the closeness before leaning back. Naturally, your eager little fingers curl into the threads of his shirt and tug as suggested. There’s a smooth shift in the boy’s body hovering over you. The soft sounds of his clothes rustling give you an indication of how close he must be.
To put it in perspective, you decide it’s a good idea to paint a picture of the scene in your head. A gorgeous boy is performing a lap dance on top of you as you sit blindfolded on the bed. His hands are pressed into the mattress on either side of you, his hips roll in a fluid motion, and his body grinds against an invisible wall that separates his crotch from yours. The mere thought of being under him is making it difficult for you to sit still.
You tug again and recline your back for Jimin to follow. The seams of his jeans drag gently along your outer thighs. His hot breaths tickle the exposed skin down your neck. “Do you want to feel me like this?” No, you want more.
Your fingers stray away from the boy’s hips, following the paths defined by his toned abdominals. Even through his shirt, you can easily map out the structure of his muscles, so you flesh out the details of the visual in your mind. This is much more engaging and “hands-on” than an anatomy textbook, you nod to yourself. But there seems to be a missed opportunity if the shirt stays on.
“Can you take off your shirt? For scientific purposes only.” You surprise yourself with the bold request, but the blindfold has made you feel some type of way. Shameless.
“Are you sure all of this is purely for science? Because I see you’ve already spread your legs out for me.” You hear a shirt being tossed aside before the mattress suddenly dips with something solid between your thighs. You assume it’s his knee when he nudges it into your crotch. Whatever it is, it’s making your body squirm for more contact.
“Maybe it’s a little more than just, uh, science.” You attempt to maintain a sturdy voice, but it’s hard not to pant when you’re overwhelmed with a heat you’ve never felt before.
“A little?” He questions you as his knee digs further into that spot between your legs. Oddly enough, you’re quite satisfied with the hot sensation created by all that friction, and you hope it doesn’t stop. “I think you’re more than a little wet down there, Kitten.”
“Oh,” you try to say, but it comes out more like a weak moan.
And of course, as soon as you show any sort of evidence of pleasure, Jimin decides to stop moving without saying a word. He stands there silently, probably smirking at how turned on he’s made you. He has to be teasing you, and you have to admit it’s working.
With his knee still wedged at your crotch, you situate yourself more towards his thigh and squeezes your own thighs around him. Your hips start moving on their own by instinct to find any sort of stimulation. It’s starts off as modest rocking back and forth against his body. You try to be subtle about it, as if the boy isn’t aware of your intentions. Surely riding his thigh whilst rubbing your wet lewd scents all over him won’t give it away.
“Oh, that’s your kink?” He sounds rather impressed. Once you finally find a good method and pace fore stimulating yourself on him, however, he pulls his knee back. “Let’s switch places.”
Next thing you know, your ass is sitting on top of Jimin’s lap with your legs wrapped around his waist for support. Without even thinking, your body continues to pleasure itself against boy, grinding and yearning for the wonders of sex.
You’d paint yourself a visual of the scene at hand to make everything more vivid, but you don’t really want to know what you must look like in such a helpless state. In times like this, you’re thankful for the blindfold-
“I wish you could see yourself, blindly humping and panting like a horny little puppy.”
You freeze at Jimin’s vivid narration of scene, regretfully imagining it as told. “Can I take the blindfold off?”
Unsure of whether you want to continue or end the stripper shenanigans once the blindfold comes off, the boy swiftly removes the cloth from your eyes and blinks at you. It takes your eyes a moment to adjust to the bright lights of your room, but when they’re back to normal, you remain seated in his lap and blink back at the shirtless boy.
For as intimate and steamy as it was a moment ago, neither of you know what to do or say. It’s a comfortable silence, although you do feel a bit embarrassed for showing the horny little puppy side of yourself to your neighbor. Besides that, you’re content. Your body finally relaxes, loosening its hold around the boy’s waist.
When Jimin comes to the conclusion that the stripper shenanigans are over, he lets out a chuckle to break the silence.
“What?” you pout.
“Nothing!” He throws his shirt back on, but not before you catch one last look of his tiddies and blossom tattoo. “Didn’t you say you wanted to get ice cream?”
“What were you laughing about earlier?” is the first thing you ask after taking a lick of your ice cream.
“You’re not gonna let that go, huh,” Jimin sighs into his strawberry sundae. “I was just laughing at you. Is that a crime, Officer?”
“But why?” You’d think you were holding an interrogation at your local late-night ice cream parlor. The boy in question rolls his eyes.
“You know how chemistry students always have to wear goggles during labs?”
“Yeah and when they take them off, they have this funny red imprint around their eyes,” you recall your old days in chem class. “Wait, are you trying to say I had funny red marks around my eyes after taking the blindfold off?”
Jimin shrugs.
“And that was funny to you?” You want to be annoyed by his childish humor, but you’re more so relieved that he wasn’t laughing about anything that happened while the blindfold was still on.
“It reminded me of how you always say it’s all for science,” he says, carving out a spoonful of strawberry syrup off the top of his ice cream with such precision. You know what he’s talking about—it’s your infamous excuse for wanting to get closer to the boy.
“Is it a crime for me to indulge in my scientific research, Officer Park?” You lick the ice cream off your lips with a playful tongue.
“Only if you abuse it,” he points at you as if to evoke fear before softening his expression. “But in your case, no.”
“Good.” You swipe a scoop of the boy’s sundae right in front of his face. “I don’t want you to think I’m just using you for your body so I can pass my art class...”
“I know that’s not the case, Y/N. Otherwise you wouldn’t have bothered with the whole blindfolded lap dance thing.” Jimin points to your ice cream cone, so naturally, you let him have a taste of it. “Because what’s the point of a handsome stripper giving you a lap dance if you can’t see what’s going on?”
“To feel things that you wouldn’t otherwise notice if you were too distracted by a naked body dancing over you?” you start munching on the waffle cone. “And by ‘feel things’, I mean emotions, not sexual pleasure. Just FYI.”
“Right, because you totally didn’t feel any sort of sexual pleasure while riding my thigh,” he nods.
“Right,” you nod along with a pretty good poker face. He’s on to you, but you refuse to give him the satisfaction of knowing what effect he has on your body. “Thank you, though, for not one, but two special treats.”
“There could’ve been a third if we’d just kept going-”
“Anyway,” you say, pulling out your sketchbook to change the subject. “That lap dance did give me some new art inspo.”
“It was quite the experience for a human-to-human interaction, huh.” Jimin scrapes the last bit of strawberry ice cream, watching as you flip through your sketches of him until you reach the ones from earlier that evening. You have a new color to add to the palette.
“Mhm,” you say, shading in the same color of the boy’s ice cream, the same color that his blossom tattoo represents. “But what do you think about this human-to-human interaction?” You wiggle your index finger back and forth between you and him.
“You mean us chatting over ice cream?” he asks and pauses for a second to think. “I like it. It’s a lot less, uh, intense than some of the other things you and I have done. But I like that.”
“Same. I think regardless of whether you’re a half-naked stripper or just a college kid eating ice cream, the world becomes more vibrant with you in it.” You flip your sketchbook around for Jimin to see.
“You drew me as a Super Saiyan?” He’s referring to his wicked blonde hair and the reddish-pink flare that surrounds his buff body. “Super Saiyans do make the world a better place, huh?”
“My human anatomy could still use some work, but you get the gist.” You don’t know whether to laugh or be offended by his weeb reference. Either way, he has a smug look on his face, as if being drawn as a Dragon Ball character is something to take pride in.
“Somehow the abs look super realistic though…” He strokes his nonexistent beard. “I wonder how that happened.”
You have flashbacks to when your fingers outlined a whole ass map of each individual muscle hiding beneath his shirt. You suppose your mental map translated well onto paper. “Yeah, that’s weird.”
“Let me know if you’re ever in need of another anatomy lesson,” he hums. “For science, right?”
“For science.”
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mollymauk-teafleak · 5 years
Black Coffee (chapter two)
Thank you so much for your response to this fic, I’m so glad people like it. Special thanks to @minky-for-short and @spiky-lesbian
If you enjoyed this, lease consider leaving a comment on Ao3 or donating to my ko-fi page! It really means a lot. 
Chapters: 1
Percy hadn’t dressed for a date in a very long time.
In fact, when he thought about it, he didn’t think he ever had. He’d only ever had one relationship, back at boarding school, and he’d only had two outfit choices back then. School uniform or rugby kit. Somehow he didn’t think he’d still be able to pull that off at thirty.
He rifled through his wardrobe one more time, metal clacking reproachfully with each poor offering. Too boring…too stuffy…oil stains…oil stains…ripped…
With a noise of frustration he hiked his bath towel further up his hips, it had started to slip. The only clothes he seemed to own were either designed for a mansion’s ballroom or not fit to be seen outside his workshop. Maybe he had time to go into town and pick something new but even then, what sort of thing should he get?
Percy ran a hand through his hair. He probably wasn’t supposed to be thinking like this. This wasn’t a real date, it was a service. Why was he so concerned with looking good for Vax’ildan, when the half elf likely thought of this as work rather than anything recreational?
“This whole thing was supposed to help you relax a little,” he grumbled at his reflection, half visible in the full length mirror that hung on the back of the door, “Not stress you out more.”
His reflection didn’t seem to have an answer for that. It just stared back at him, eyes large and owlish without his glasses, hair sticking up after the shower. Living off takeaway food whenever he actually remembered he needed to eat clearly wasn’t doing him a lot of favours; where he wasn’t rail thin he was more round than he wanted to be. He was a very unhealthy kind of pale, everywhere except the very ill thought out tattoos he’d gotten when he was younger.
In short, he looked like no one’s dream date.
Part of Percy wanted so desperately to turn off the lights and crawl back under his blankets. Or maybe go to his workshop- the larger room in his penthouse that was really supposed to be the master bedroom- and lose himself in cogs and wires and screws. There would always be an answer there. There was always a way to make things fit, a solution he understood. He’d find no such certainty out there, stumbling awkwardly through a facsimile of a relationship.
That part of him was dangerously close to winning when he turned and saw his laptop, a sleek and black machine on his sleek and black sheets, still open, it’s glow reproving and impatient. Percy’s email was still open, the cursor blinking away on the still stubbornly blank message.
Cassandra had emailed him two days ago now. A short and to the point email, appearing cold to anyone who didn’t know his sister but Percy knew how to read the concern in those few words, asking how her brother was, what he was up to. He knew the words that weren’t written as plainly but were there nonetheless. I’m worried about you. Please tell me you’re at least a little bit okay.
She was halfway across the country now, studying at a good university though Percy could picture the horror on his father’s face if he ever heard his only remaining daughter had wandered outside of the Ivy League. But Cassandra hadn’t been concerned about prestige. She’d wanted distance.
She’d run from their parent’s city as quickly as Percy had become welded to it.
He hadn’t replied yet, hence the empty page. Because what the fuck was he supposed to say?
Hi Cassie, glad to hear you’re doing well and achieving all your dreams and making me so proud even though I’m too much of an emotionally constipated arse to show it. I’ve done absolutely nothing since you left, short of skipping counselling, talking to screwdrivers more than living things, moving like a robot through the activities I think our parents would want me to do and haunting our father’s penthouse like some depraved Phantom of the Opera. Keyleth’s still around though, I continue to be a shitty friend to her. Lots of love, your worthless brother.
Percy groaned and pinched the bridge of his nose, where there were always two perfect red indentations from his glasses.
Admittedly, hiring someone to have sex and play romance with you wasn’t the sort of thing that he was going to put in an email to his sister. But he’d be able to say he’d left the house. He was meeting new people. He was doing things.
He’d be able to say he was getting a little closer to being okay.
Decisively, Percy closed his laptop but reached for his phone, lying on the nightstand where it had woken him up a full five hours before his date. It took less than two minutes to send a text to Keyleth.
Want to go shopping with me? Need a date outfit.
Vax woke up, as he often did, with a mouthful of fur.
“Urgh,” he groaned, shoving against the great weight on his chest, “Trinket, get off, you’re disgusting.”
Of course it didn’t come out as coherent as that, seeing as his brain wasn’t fully awake. But that was what he’d intended to say.
The large dog whined, not enjoying being evicted from the nice warm bed, landing on the floor with a thump after a dedicated shove from Vax. Neither of them were sure what kind of dog the enormous, dark brown ball of fluff was but all he knew was that he was a hell of a lot bigger than the shelter and his sister had promised he’d be.
“Don’t be mean to my dog!” his sister yelled from the next room, hearing the thump.
“Then tell your horse to stop smothering me in my sleep! If you’re going to try and assassinate me, be a little more creative,” Vax shot back, though he was frowning. His sister was still here? What time was it?
He clawed around for his phone, eventually plucking it from his many blankets, though not until he’d come up with a lipstick, a sock and a chewed up tennis ball. According to the screen, still perfectly functioning even with the hairline crack through it, it was nearly eleven.  
Not bad for Vax’ildan. He’d been averaging noon the last few weeks.
Still on his screen were the messages he’d been exchanging with Percy last night. Though it didn’t say Percy on the text windows, he’d decided to keep the name Orthax in a fit of romanticism and intrigue, with an emoji of a red flower beside it. It was very much a tulip and not a carnation but it was the closest he could get.
They’d been texting quite comfortably in the day since they’d first met up and had set their first proper date for that afternoon. Which, shit the bed, Vax now only had an hour and a half to get ready for.
Cursing, he jumped up, staggering a little when his legs momentarily forgot they were legs, surging forward into the room that was half their kitchen, half their living room and too small to be either. His sister was sitting on the sofa, not even dressed for work, reading a book while petting Trinket’s ear. The dog was whining and making himself look very hard done by, probably to get Vax even further in trouble.
“Why aren’t you at work?” Vax paused, “Did you burn the bakery down?”
Vex worked half a hundred odd jobs around the city, often going straight from one to the other, changing her uniforms in the subway bathrooms. But on Tuesdays and Thursdays she worked the early shifts at a bakery a few blocks away, putting in the morning bread and folding croissants. Often she’d come home with some misshapen goodies for supper, making that Vax’s favourite of her jobs.
Not that he really enjoyed seeing his sister run herself ragged, coming in at ridiculous hours to snatch what sleep she could and still struggling to make rent, rarely having the time to do the one thing she really enjoyed- volunteering at the animal shelter.
Though maybe if she did spend more time there, she’d come home with more dogs. Vax could live without that.
Vex wrinkled her nose and swatted at him, “They’re installing new ovens. I’m not the one who put a fork in the microwave last week.”
Vax tried to look offended as only someone entirely guilty of what they were being accused of could, “It was a rare lapse in judgement…”
After a very pointed eye roll, Vex jerked her thumb in the direction of the kitchen counter, “A package came for you, by the way.”
Knowing he still had very little time to get ready but curiosity piqued, Vax wandered over to see a small, brown paper package with his address inked in a very neat hand. He unwrapped it, thinking how he hadn’t had any post for so long, feeling that nostalgic rush of excitement like a little kid with a birthday present.
Inside he found a bag of coffee. The kind Caduceus made and sold at his café. And written on a little post it, right on the front was the same handwriting as the address and suddenly the neatness of the hand seemed so perfect, fitting the voice that accompanied it.
Good morning! See you soon xx P
“What are you doing, you goof?”
Vax had been grinning ridiculously wide for a long time before he even realised he was doing it and his sister’s remark made him suddenly grasp what an idiot he must seem. And how he definitely hadn’t been planning on explaining his new situation this soon. Or with foggy, just-woke-up brain.
“Uh…” he looked up, “Just…a present. From a friend.”
Vex narrowed her eyes, “A friend? What kind of friend?”
“The kind that sends me coffee,” Vax tried to look haughty, “Do you want some or not?”
“That seems very…niche.”
“And?” Vax could feel his voice getting higher and more defensive and entirely less convincing, “Look, no time, I have to get ready.”
“Ready for what?”
“Gods above, what’s with the third degree this morning? Tie me down and shine a line in my eyes, why don’t you?”
Vex’ahlia watched her brother storm off into the bathroom, slamming the door behind him as if he had anything to be incensed about. She sighed and turned back to Trinket as he heavily put his head in his mama’s lap.
“As long as it’s nothing illegal…” she murmured to him.
The dog blinked large brown eyes at her.
“You’re right, it probably is,” Vex groaned.  
Vax reappeared a little while later, he never stayed in the shower for long. He marched past, towel cinched under his arms, going in front of the sofa so his sister couldn’t miss how he tossed his dripping wet hair and sniffed huffily. He slammed the door of his bedroom, leaving behind a scent that was unmistakably Vex’s favourite, treat day only shampoo.
She resolved to steal some of his coffee as soon as he was gone.
Vax had decided early on to meet always Percy somewhere other than his apartment.
There were a good long list of reasons for this. It would save Percy from being crushed to death under 250 pounds of affection starved dog. It would avoid him coming into contact with Vex, which would only lead to awkward questions and maybe Percy having an arrow fired at him if he startled her on her way to her archery class.
And, most importantly, Vax didn’t want him seeing his place. Not that he was ashamed or anything, he just didn’t want to feel like he had to defend it from someone who clearly lived in penthouses and country mansions. He and his sister had worked so hard to get the life they had now, earning their independence and freedom with tears and sleepless nights. It would always be sweet to them, even if it was poky, cluttered and had a damp problem they couldn’t get rid of.
Vax didn’t want to see everything they’d won look shabby and insignificant through someone else’s eyes; it would taste too much of Syldor. He didn’t think he’d be able to hold back his anger if that happened.
He’d never heard of the restaurant Percy offered to take him to, but he managed to find it and seated himself nice and obviously on the railings across the street. After two minutes of watching the place, Vax realised why he’d never been there. It was so far out of his price range, it may as well have been in a neighbouring galaxy.
He looked down at himself, his large boots and artfully ripped jeans (done by Vex after he put one of the knees through) and loose striped jumper in black and grey. His heart sank as he realised he really wasn’t dressed for this kind of place.
His voice was full of warmth, he sounded genuinely delighted to see him. That alone would have caused the delicate, rosy blush on the tips of his pointed ears, if he hadn’t also looked drop dead gorgeous.
Their last meeting, there had definitely been handsomeness lurking under the exhaustion and nerves but this time Percy wasn’t hiding it, he was wearing it plain on his face. His hair was trimmed and smoothed over one side, everything underneath a white buzz that looked almost silver in the afternoon sun. His jaw was clean shaven however, taking years off him in an instant.
And he was wearing a suit. Vax suddenly realised he liked men in suits.
“Percy,” he stood, smiling, accepting the embrace that came his way. Gods, he even smelled expensive.
“I feared I’d imagined how handsome you were last time,” Percy dropped his voice to a more intimate volume as he pulled away, a smile pulling one side of his mouth up, “Apparently not.”
Vax’s ears coloured even more and he was suddenly glad he always styled his hair to cover them.
That’s how they were doing things, huh?
“Flattery will get you everywhere,” he smirked, resting a hand on Percy’s hip, “You look lovely, by the way.”
Percy’s confidence suddenly slipped and he gave a bashful smile, “My friend helped me choose it. She’s way better at that sort of stuff than me.”
Vax’s smile became warmer. He found he liked self-assured Percy and awkward nerd Percy. They were less two sides of a coin and more a changeable day of weather in the same sky.
“Well my compliments to her for choosing it and you for looking so good in it,” he grinned, sliding his arm through Percy’s, “Though you’re going to look even better next to me. I forgot who I was going to lunch with…”
Percy stopped, dismay crashing over his expression, “Oh…Vax, I’m so sorry, I didn’t…I didn’t think, I’m sorry if I made you feel like that…”
Vax grimaced, “Percy, no…bad joke, sorry. It’s fine. Though…if there’s a dress code, we might not be getting in…”
“I, um…” Percy coloured a little, “I don’t get turned away from places.”
“Of course not,” Vax looked down at his boots, drawing away from him.  
“And…well,” Percy looked through the windows, into the warm exterior of the restaurant, “All those people in there are very well dressed. And I’d much rather spend an evening with you than any one of them. Funny, isn’t it?”
Vax lifted his eyes, so startled it took a few seconds for laughter kicked in, sudden and bright.
“Gods and I thought you were flattering me before…”
“There’s flattery and then there’s truth,” Percy smiled and for a moment, both kinds of weather could be seen in the sky like sun shining through drizzle. It was fairly beautiful.
Once enveloped in the warm, rustic Italian ambiance of the restaurant, the two of them began to talk, each of them surprised by how much they were sharing.
Vax learned that Percy also had a sister, though he didn’t live with her, younger than he was. Neither of them said a word about parents and both were happy with that arrangement. He learned Percy was thirty, had played rugby at his all boys school and would still like to but he didn’t know any teams nearby. He learned he had a mild addiction to video games, was allergic to shellfish and was kind to waitstaff.
Percy learned Vax’ildan preferred red wine to white, partly for the aesthetic which he happily confessed. He learned he’d been out as trans for three years, had been dancing since he was ten and thought tap was a criminally underrated art medium. He had just about every possible ear piercing going, which he shyly showed Percy after a little cajoling, always preferred the second act of a musical to the first and was a very fast eater.
“So…” Percy eventually broached, once he’d finished the last of his affogato, “What would you say to going back to my place after this?”
Vax stopped wondering if there was a subtle way to lick the last smears of chocolate off his plate and looked up, smiling easily, “Of course. Sounds lovely.”
He did a little internal check and found no lingering reservations. Have some probably average at best sex with a handsome, affable guy? He’d heard of worse ways to make rent.
As they walked to Percy’s car, Vax felt his phone buzz in his pocket, a message from his sister.
Are you okay? What do you want to do for dinner?
Vax felt a rush of guilt. He probably should have made sure there were leftovers to take home for her. That was the usual policy when one of them went on a date. The arancini had just tasted so damn good, he’d forgotten.
Sorry, I just ate with a friend. Don’t worry about me.
Less than two minutes later, a reply.
The same friend you mentioned this morning?
Vax narrowed his eyes.
None of your beeswax.
And yes.
“Okay, this is me.”
Vax knew nothing about cars but he could read luxury in the sleek lines of black metal, the silvered wink of axel and ridiculous hood ornament, “Woah…”
“Cars are kind of the one thing I let myself get a little crazy over,” Percy admitted, opening the passenger door for him, “Benefits of having money and being a bit of a nerd for engineering.”
“Yeah well,” Vax shrugged, “You should see my Metro card. It’s pretty swish.”
Percy laughed, sliding in behind the wheel and bringing the engine to life. Vax wondered quietly when the last time someone drove him somewhere was, when he wasn’t left to get wherever he wanted to go on his own two feet.
Of course it was impossible to get to any kind of speed, driving in a city as dense as this, though there was enough power in just the purr of the engine to make Vax anxious if Percy wasn’t such a methodical driver. His hands rarely left the wheel, flitting from here to there when they had to but always returning, blue eyes aware and fixed ahead.
He went to turn on the radio…though drew his hand back after a pause, “Actually…we should probably have a talk about this.”
“About what?” Vax tilted his head.
“Well…about what kind of things we like? About what we don’t like?” Percy bit his lip, “You know. In bed.”
“Oh right,” Vax waited for Percy to say more though none came and he assumed it was his turn first. Clearly Percy’s poised manner of speaking was struggling with talking about sex.
He thought for a moment, deciding to be a little more honest than he was anticipating, a little surer in getting a good reaction, “I don’t usually like being penetrated. Some days I’m down for it but they’re few and far between. Mouth down there is fine but if you’re careful about, you know, the words you use, nothing too specific…I’d appreciate that.”
Percy nodded, still watching the road carefully though he was clearly listening intently, “Okay. Well, that makes what I was going to ask you a lot simpler.”
Vax hummed curiously, prompting him with a look.
Cheeks now fully red, Percy managed to force out in a rush, “I was going to ask if you fancied fucking me?”
Vax gave a bark of delighted laughter, “Atta boy, that wasn’t so hard, huh?”
“Shut up,” Percy was still the colour of Vax’s wine but laughter was bubbling up, “Take this as a warning for the level of inexperience you’re dealing with. In fact, that’s part of the reason why I got in contact with you. Your job is to help me introduce a little bit of…variety into my bedroom. How does that sound?”
Vax grinned, tucking one leg up to his chest, “That sounds like something we can definitely do.”
Vax knew he should be impressed. How could he not be, after seeing the sheer size of the apartment block, a dizzying behemoth of glass and steel that warped perspective in a sickening way, and the opulence of the foyer, everything modern and styled with an effortless hand.
And he was, for a very brief moment. When the elevator doors slid open, right into Percy’s living room and he was shocked by the vista from the wrap around windows, the city wreathed in dusk like a watercolour painting that needed two glances to see was really real, he was too awestruck to speak.
And then all he could think was that this didn’t feel like a home. It felt unlived in. It was like an Ikea showroom, fun to imagine lounging around in but it was sterile and barren. Like a hotel room, like somewhere kept exclusively by a businessman for when he was in the city. Nowhere to really live.
And, as he took him on a tour that didn’t take very long because there was very little in the apartment, Percy looked so lonely. Everything around him seemed too big, making him look like a little kid playing at being his father. Vax watched him rattle around in the black leather, polished silver, exposed brickwork rooms, feeling a strange sense of pity that he couldn’t pin down.
“And this is the bedroom…” Percy pushed back the door, holding it for Vax.
Not my room. The bedroom.  
It did have a little more life to it, a good amount of mess that had clearly been hurriedly tidied away that morning. Books, a small TV clearly only there for the benefit of the games console resting against it, half-finished projects of cogs and soldered pipes, blue prints tacked up on the walls that were so detailed and covered in scribbled notes they were incomprehensible to Vax. There was even something living, a plant on the windowsill with brilliant white blooms that were jug shaped and gave off a wonderful smell, kind of like a lily.
“What’s this?” Vax asked, stroking one of its wide, shiny green leaves.
“Oh,” Percy took off his suit jacket, hanging it idly on the door, “A present from my friend, Keyleth. She’s a druid, spends all her time minding the wildlife in the national park outside the city, breeds her own new strains when the mood takes her. She named that one after me as a bit of a joke.”
“What’s the joke?” Vax’s ears picked up with interest.
Percy stopped in the middle of taking off his tie, looking like he wished he hadn’t said anything, “Oh, it’s, um…kind of an inside thing…”
“You are not getting away with that, absolutely no chance,” Vax raised an eyebrow, folding his arms determinedly.
“Gods, I wanted to wait as long as possible before I had to tell you this,” Percy pinched the bridge of his nose, knocking his glasses askew, “We haven’t even had sex yet…”
“I promise I’ll still have sex with you!” Vax wheedled, kneeling on the bed, leaning towards him eagerly, “Tell me!”
“It’s…I’m going to murder Keyleth…it’s called the Percival Fredrickstein von Musel Klossowski de Rolo III Lilium…I mean, the lilium part isn’t in my name obviously…that’s the plant…”
Vax paused, carefully controlling his expression, “Oh…”
Percy winced, “Are you still willing to have sex with me?”
“You said you’d pay my rent, right?”
“We can still have sex.”
Percy looked abashed for a moment until Vax couldn’t maintain his composure and burst out laughing, soon catching his riotous cackling in spite of himself.
Once they’d caught their breath, Percy found himself down to his shirt and pants, the next step in undressing rather a major one, “Mind if I…?”
Vax gave an encouraging gesture, perching on the sheets, eyes interested. The being watched, the sudden irrefutable presence of another heartbeat in the room, another set of eyes on him that hadn’t been there before, had something inside him stirring.
He couldn’t say any more than that yet. Just something. But he wanted to chase after it.
He took his shirt off slowly, methodically, not yanking it off and tossing it to one side like he normally would. He was suddenly so aware of everything, every single movement he made, every inch of newly revealed skin.
“Nice ink,” was the only comment Vax made as he abandoned shirt and trousers. But there was a spark of hunger in his almost black eyes and his pupils were widening by the second.
“Thank you,” Percy smirked, hooking his thumbs under the band of his boxer shorts, “I hate them. Relic of my misspent early twenties.”
“You’ll have to tell me about them one day,” the half elf returned easily, somehow the epicentre of the charged, wanton tension in the room despite being fully clothed down to the boots, “Now the underwear. Please.”
Percy swallowed hard, feeling something not unlike fireworks in his chest. He slid down the last bit of fabric preventing him from being completely and utterly naked (though he wasn’t sure if glasses counted) in front of another person in years.
“Well well…” Vax’s voice was a murmur though it hit Percy like electricity, “You’re a very handsome man, Percival.”
Percy didn’t want to admit how good those words made him feel, his body responding in kind, electricity gathering low in his stomach and between his legs, “Now you, please?”
Vax hopped up happily. Whereas Percy had been shy, methodical, aware of every move he made, his partner was haphazard and eager as if this was all very commonplace.
Though he stopped when Percy blurted, “That’s a little small, isn’t it?”
Vax froze, looking down at himself, only wearing his flesh coloured binder and his boxers. He didn’t enjoy this transition period and stopping still during it was jarring, “What?”
“Your…sorry, I didn’t mean to interrupt,” Percy bit his lip, “Your binder. It’s a little too small for you?”
“Well…” Vax shifted, “Yeah, I could do with the next size up but…this one still does the job, I guess. How do you even know that?”
“My boyfriend at boarding school was trans,” Percy explained quickly, “I did my research back then.”
“Oh,” Vax’s defensiveness drained away and he relaxed into the unfamiliar but welcome luxury of not feeling like a novelty, “Well remembered, then.”
It came off shortly after, anyway, along with his underwear. The look on Percy’s face was flattering to say the very least.
Oh yeah, both men had the exact same thought at the exact same time, unbeknownst to each other, I chose well.
“I ordered it on kind of a whim so I hope it’ll fit…”
Vax gave himself a long, indulgent look in the mirror. The harness was real leather and steel, the metal excitingly cold against his flesh, all of it cradling his hips perfectly. The toy itself was black, as if to match the straps that held it in place and married it to his body, black as Vax’s hair.
There was a lovely synergy to the whole look.
“Wicked,” he grinned, not really having heard a word Percy was saying.
He turned and gently pushed him back onto the bed, stopping his anxious muttering, turning it into soft gasp, so soft for such an angular man. Percy looked lovely against the black silk of his expansive bed, so startlingly pale, like he was negative space in the middle of the world.
Vax personally thought the best angle to view a lover from was while pinning them to the surface you were about to fuck them on. And Percy certainly didn’t disappoint, pupils as dilated as an excited cat, red flush spreading down from his cheeks across his chest like ink dropped in milk. Vax could watch as the breath caught in his throat.
A perfect time for a first kiss. And so that’s what he did.
He tasted of wine, white wine, but Vax thought he could learn to bear that t when it came from someone else’s lips. Percy’s hand came up and held him just right, resting right there on the nape of his neck, thumb close enough to feel his racing pulse. His own hand moved down and Percy’s long legs parted so easily for him, letting him feel that softer, warmer skin, the more tender parts of him.
The sweet man was hard enough to be steadily leaking pre already. It must have been a while since he’d had someone. Vax gave him a teasing squeeze but continued down, he had a job to do right now and was determined to do it well.
“Easy, sweetling, I just need to…” Vax gasped, their kiss having left his lungs burning around the edges. He snatched up the bottle of lube helpfully left on the nightstand, though with the immense size of the bed it was a bit of a reach. It was cool against his fingers, thick, the oddly scentless scent of it catapulting him back to other places, other bodies, other faces. To realising sex could be a lot of fun, to rediscovering himself under the hands of others.
He would always love it.
“Just get you good and ready…” he murmured, voice breathy and soft. All Percy could do was moan.
Turns out Percy was tight in more than just personality. But Vax’s fingers knew their business well and carefully, so carefully, he made the man underneath him yield. Percy whimpered as Vax’s fingers breached him, slick and cold, igniting everything inside him that had been waiting anxiously for the spark it needed.
“Vax’ildan…” he gasped, fingers tightening in the sheets and the tightly curled hair at the nape of his lover’s neck.
“It’s okay,” the whisper came in return, “Relax, deep breaths…”
Percy followed his instructions, feeling the thrill of giving himself over to someone else’s control. Evening had stolen away when neither of them were looking and the room had quickly become dark so everything was down to just shapes, devoid of detail.
He felt, rather than saw, Vax’s heart beat faster, teasing his own, beckoning for it to follow. He felt their skin pressed together, growing hot. He heard the smile in Vax’s voice, he felt the creeping cold of more lube running between his cheeks, he smelt sex and sweat and something amber sweet in Vax’s hair. He felt his muscles loosen, melting, becoming Vax’s to reshape as he chose.
“Ready for me?” the half elf whispered in his ear, the hand that wasn’t half buried in Percy resting delicately on his chest, almost chastely in bizarre contrast to the fingers that still rocked inside him, coming achingly close to his prostate but very deliberately not getting there.
“I need you,” Percy moaned, nerves prickling at the neediness in his own voice, the pleading.
Vax caught it too, teeth flashing in the gloom as he grinned, “Good boy.”
Not finishing in that moment took all of Percy’s brainpower, leaving him only enough to whimper, hoping that brought across how much he really, really liked that.
Vex shifted, pressing the rounded tip of the toy a breath into Percy, giving a feather soft groan as the pressure brought the other end of the toy flush against where he needed it. Percy himself swallowed back another whine, feeling the sweet stretch of his entrance. Obediently, he hooked his hands behind his knees and brought them to his chest, leaving himself even more open and exposed, offering himself completely.
He got exactly what he wanted. Vax moved further into him, hips finding a comfortable depth then rocking back and forth.
“Gods, that feels good…” Percy’s eyelids fluttered, his voice a smoky rasp, “Deeper…”
“I’m getting there,” Vax sounded delighted, “Let’s not walk before we can run or you’re not going to be able to do either tomorrow.”
But his thrusts were getting deeper, more deliberate, hitting both of their sweet spots at the same time. Percy began to keen at the apex of each one and soon Vax was grunting and gasping along with him, arms starting to shake and fingers starting to claw at the sheets.
“Can you come just from this? Just from having me in your ass?” Vax panted, whole body taut as a drawn bow.
Percy nodded, fingers leaving white marks in his own legs, “Yes, gods, I’m there, I’m coming…”
Vax grinned, timing it perfectly as he leaned in and kissed him deeply, hitting his prostate directly, swallowing Percy’s loud, shaky moan of release as he shuddered through his own.
It was a while before either of them could marshal words but Vax got there first, “And how was that, Percival Frankenstein von Whatever Lilypants?”
Percy made a sound that probably would have managed to be a laugh if he had any breath, “Damn that fucking plant…”
Giggling, Vax drew out of him and rolled onto his back, the whole room tipping around him and settling a little lopsided but he didn’t care.
“So…” Percy rolled over, lying on his stomach, probably getting the sheets filthy but that was already done, “I think this is going to work out?”
“Me too,” Vax smiled, “That was good.”
“I did set up the bank transfer, of course,” he added quickly, “I haven’t forgotten. Before the 15th, right?”
Vax hadn’t realised how heavy the stress of making that month’s rent had been, not until it disappeared in that moment.
“Thanks Percy. And the coffee was really sweet of you, by the way.”
Percy smiled and shrugged, though clearly pleased, “I thought it would be a nice way to start, at least until I get a few more ideas.”
Vax thought for a moment, letting himself actually want, trying to remember how that felt, “I like…oh, I like knives!”
As soon as it was out of his mouth he realised how that sounded and he clamped his jaw shut.
Percy looked at him, “Wait…what?”
“Are you absolutely, positively sure?” Vax asked for what must have been the fiftieth time, “It’s going to leave a hole, you know that?”
Sat on the couch in a loosely cinched blue robe, Percy waved a dismissive hand, “I’ll repair any damage. Go ahead.”
“You might have to wave goodbye to your security deposit…” Vax warned, tossing the kitchen knife lightly from hand to hand, getting a better feel for its weight. Not a throwing knife by any means, a lot heavier and clunkier than his own set, but it would do for a demonstration.
“Vax’ildan, my sweet, if I’d ever had one of those it would have been gone years ago,” Percy arched an eyebrow, “But the company owns the building. Let fly.”
Vax laughed, taking aim at the square white pillar, part of the partition between the kitchen and the living space, immaculately painted and polished. And ideal to plant a knife in. He focused, drew in a long slow breath and then released it as his hand flashed forward.
Half a heartbeat later, the knife was buried half to the hilt in the plaster, a disapproving puff of dust and the ghost of a loud thud settling around it.
“Holy shit,” Percy sounded awed and when Vax turned to look at him, he couldn’t help but notice a now familiar blush in his cheeks.
He’d already texted his sister, giving her a heads up that he was sleeping out at a friend’s. It was only half a lie, Percy could probably be considered a friend at this point.
They just wouldn’t be doing a lot of sleeping.
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MDZS Chapter 110. “Concealment” Part 4
Everyone has their own path
Wei WuXian replied, “Naturally, coffins are for storing the dead. I’m guessing what it originally contained was Jin GuangYao’s mother, Meng Shi’s corpse. He’d come here tonight intending to retreat his mother’s corpse and flee to Dongying with it.”
Lan XiChen was still at a loss for words. With an “Ah,” Nie HuaiSang suddenly said, “Right, that makes a lot of sense.”
Wei WuXian continued, “What do you think the person did with GuangYao’s mother’s corpse after digging it out?”
Nie HuaiSang replied, “Wei-xiong, why are you always asking me? No matter how much you ask me, how would I know?”
After a pause, he continued, “But hm……”
Slowly, Nie HuaiSang gathered up his rain-drenched hair and said, “I’m guessing, since this person hates Jin GuangYao so much, he’s probably going to be particularly cruel towards something which Jin GuangYao held so dear.”
Wei WuXian suggested, “For example, tearing the corpse into pieces and scatter it across the land, just like what had happened to ChiFeng-Zun?”
Shocked and startled, Nie HuaiSang staggered backwards, “That that that…… that would be too cruel…….”
Wei WuXian studied him for a while but ultimately moved his gaze away.
After all, speculations were just speculations. No one had any evidence.
The expression on Nie HuaiSang’s face appeared lost and exasperated. Perhaps he was faking it. Maybe he didn’t want to admit to using people like pawns, treating them as if their lives were nothing; or maybe his plan didn’t end here. Maybe he needed to disguise the truth to accomplish greater, higher goals. Or, maybe it wasn’t so complicated after all. Maybe the one who had delivered the letter, killed the cats, and pieced Nie MingJue’s head back to his body had been someone else, and that Nie HuaiSang was truly as useless as he looked.
Or maybe Jin GuangYao’s last few words were simply lies that he’d spun after Nie HuaiSang had seen through his backstabbing attempt, aimed to sow doubts in Lan XiChen’s heart so he could take the opportunity to take him to the grave After all, Jin GuangYao was a notorious liar. It wouldn’t be surprising for him to be able to spew anything any time he wanted.
As for why he’d changed his mind in the last moment and pushed Lan XiChen aside, who could really know what he was thinking?
With veins pulsing on the hand that was pressed to his forehead, Lan XiChen lamented, “……What exactly did he want? Once upon a time, I thought that I knew him very well, until I realized that I didn’t anymore. Before tonight, I thought that I had learned him anew, but once again I know nothing.”
No one could answer him. Lan XiChen repeated, at a loss, “……What exactly did he want?”
But if he, the one who was the closest to Jin GuangYao, didn’t even know the answer, then no one else would.
After a moment of silence, Wei WuXian said, “Let’s stop standing around doing nothing. Get a few of these men to go find more people, the rest of them can stay and guard this thing here. This coffin and these qin strings won’t seal ChiFeng-Zun for long.”
True to his words, a series of thundering noises came from within the coffin, radiating an aura of insuppressible rage. Nie HuaiSang shuddered. Throwing a glance at him, Wei WuXian said, “You see? We need to find a stronger coffin fast, dig a deep hole, and bury it again. Definitely shouldn’t be opened for at least the next century. If opened, I guarantee you the resentful spirits will still be there to cause more problems, disaster awaits……”
Before he even finished speaking, a series of crisp, vigorous dog barks came from the outside.
Wei WuXian’s expression changed in an instant. Meanwhile, Jin Ling’s spirit reluctantly lightened up a little. “Fairy!”
The thunder and lightning had passed. The pouring rain had diminished to a small drizzle. The darkest hours of the night were already over and the sky glowed with dim light.
Drenched from head to toe, the dark-furred spiritual dog sprinted towards Jin Ling on all fours like a torrent of dark wind. With a pair of round, teary puppy eyes, she stood up on her hind legs, sprawled over Jin Ling’s legs and made low whimpering noises. As Wei WuXian saw Fairy incessistantly licking Jin Ling’s hand with her scarlet tongue darting out between her sharp, pale teeth, his face was ashen and his eyes were frozen. Opening and and closing his mouth, he felt as if his soul was ready to evaporate out of his mouth in a bundle of smoke and fly towards heaven. Lan WangJi quietly stood in front of him, blocking him from Fairy’s line of sight.
Immediately afterwards, about a hundred or so people surrounded the entire Guanyin temple. Every single one of them had a sword in their hands. With caution and alarm all over their faces, they looked prepared for a brutal battle. Once the first wave entered, however, they were all startled by the scene before them. The ones on the ground were all already dead, while the ones who were still alive were either half-down or no longer standing. To summarize, corpses were everywhere, covering the floor in chaotic disarray.
From left to right, the two armed at the front were respectively the Head of Staff from the Yunmeng Jiang Sect and Lan QiRen. Lan QiRen was still too puzzled to speak, and the first thing that greeted him was the sight of Wei WuXian and Lan WangJi plastered so close together as if they were a single person. Instantly, Lan QiRen forgot everything he wanted to say. Murderous anger flared upon his face and his brows stood. Fuming, his breath was making his beard flare and shake. The Head of Staff hurried to help support Jiang Cheng, saying, “Sect Leader, are you alright……”
Meanwhile, Lan QiRen shouted, “Wei……”
Before he could finish shouting, a few figures clad in white darted out from behind him, all shouting, “HanGuang-Jun!”
“Senior Wei!”
“Senior Patriarch!”
The last youth bumped into Lan QiRen. Nearly stumbling, Lan QiRen warned, furious, “No running! No shouting!”
Aside from Lan WangJi, who called him “Uncle,” everyone else ignored him. With his left hand seizing Lan WangJi’s sleeve and his right hand seizing Wei WuXian’s arm, Lan SiZhui beamed, “This is wonderful! HanGuang-Jun, Senior Wei, you’re all fine. Looking at how agitated Fairy was, we all thought that you guys were in deep trouble.”
Lan JingYi said, “You must not be thinking straight, SiZhui; what trouble couldn’t HanGuang-Jun handle? I said a long time ago that you were worrying over nothing.”
“JingYi, weren’t you the one who was worried sick all the way over?”
“Go away! Stop talking nonsense.”
Finally spotting Wen Ning, who had finally managed to crawl up from the ground, from the corner of his eyes, Lan SiZhui immediately grabbed him and dragged him towards the group of youth as well, chatting about what all had happened.
As it turned out, after Fairy had injured Su She, she ran all the way to find the nearest subsidiary sect of the Yunmeng Jiang Sect within the city, and barked in front of their door nonstop. When the leader of the subsidiary sect saw the special collar on Fairy’s neck, the golden symbol and the family sigil, they realized that Fairy’s master must have come from a prestigious place. Noticing the blood marks on Fairy’s teeth, claws and fur, it became evident that a chaotic battle had just happened. No doubt the dog’s master was in danger. Too scared to waste another minute, the sect leader had immediately rode on his sword to the Lotus Pier to inform the Yunmeng Jiang Sect, the largest and most powerful sect in the area. The Head of Staff there had immediately identified the dog to be Young Master Jin Ling’s Fairy, and had immediately send out backups for rescue.
At the time, the Gusu Lan Sect were just about to leave the Lotus Pier, but Fairy had blocked Lan QiRen’s way. Leaping, she ripped off a stripe of white from the corner of Lan SiZhui’s robes with her teeth. Placing it on top of her head with her paw, she seemed to be trying to tie the stripe of white around her head, and then dropped onto the ground and pretended to be dead. While Lan QiRen was puzzled, Lan SiZhui had an alarming revelation, “Mister, look at that; doesn’t it seem like she’s trying to mimic our sect’s forehead ribbon? Is she trying to tell us that HanGuang-Jun or someone else from the Lan Sect is in danger?”
Thus, the Yunmeng Jiang Sect, the Gusu Lan Sect and a few other sects that hadn’t left yet all gathered up their people and headed over for rescue.
Lan JingYi praised, “All this time we’ve been calling her ‘Fairy’, ‘Fairy’, who knew she’s actually a spiritual dog!”
But no matter how spiritual or how smart it was, to Wei WuXian, a dog was still a dog—the most frightening existence in the world. Even though he had Lan WangJi blocking in front of him, he still shuddered nonstop. Ever since the group of youths from the Lan family had come in, Jin Ling had been stealing furtive glances towards them—towards the sight of them talking and chatting loudly around Wei WuXian and Lan WangJi. Seeing that Wei WuXian’s face was becoming paler and paler, Jin Ling patted Fairy’s butt and said quietly, “Fairy, go outside first.”
Shaking her head and wagging her tail, Fairy continued to lick him. Jin Ling chided, “Hurry and go. What, you don’t listen to me anymore?”
Fairy gave him a sad look, and dashed out of the temple, wagging her tail. At last, Wei WuXian relaxed. Jin Ling wanted to go over but felt too awkward to actually do it. Just as he was hesitating, Lan SiZhui suddenly saw what was by Wei WuXian’s waist. Frozen and startled, he asked, “……Senior Wei?”
Wei WuXian said, “Hm? What?”
Lan SiZhui said numbly, “Your…… Your flute, may I take a look at it?”
Wei WuXian brought it down and asked, “Something’s up with this flute?”
Receiving the flute with both hands, Lan SiZhui’s brows creased slightly. He looked a little lost. As Lan WangJi watched him, Wei WuXian turned to Lan WangJi and asked, “What’s up with your SiZhui? Does he like my flute?”
Lan JingYi exclaimed, “Huh? You’d finally lost that awful-sounding flute of yours? This new one here’s not bad!”
Little did he know that not only was this flute “not bad”, it was the legendary, treasured Ghoul Flute Chenqing upon which he’d always dreamed of gazing one day. Right now, however, he was merely thinking in glee, ‘This is great! At least he won’t be embarrassing HanGuang-Jun anymore the next time they duet together. Heavens! The flute he had before was ugly in both looks and sound!’
Lan WangJi said, “SiZhui.”
Only then did Lan SiZhui remembered himself and offered Chenqing back to Wei WuXian with both hands. “Senior Wei.”
Retrieving the flute, Wei WuXian at last remembered that it had come from Jiang Cheng. Turning to the latter, he added, “Thanks.” Waving Chenqing, he said, “Then, I…… will be keeping this?”
Jiang Cheng threw him a glance. “It was yours to start with.”
After a pause, his lips twitched as if he wanted to say something more, but Wei WuXian had already turned to Lan WangJi. Seeing this, Jiang Cheng didn’t say another word.
Of the people gathered, some were cleaning up the scene, some were strengthening the wooden coffin’s seal. Some were trying to figure out how to relocate it safely and securely, while others were angry. Lan QiRen raged, “XiChen, what exactly is up with you?!”
With an unspoken sorrow stitched between his brows, Lan XiChen pressed against his temple and replied in tired words, “……Uncle, I’m begging you. Stop asking. Please. I really don’t want to talk about anything right now.”
In all the years he’d raised him, Lan QiRen had never seen Lan XiChen so irritated and discomposed, so disquieted and hard to reason with. Looking from Lan XiChen to Lan WangJi, who was being surrounded together with Wei WuXian, Lan QiRen’s rage magnified, consumed by the realization that these two pupils of his—once perfect and spotless—had both stopped listening to him, and neither would give him peace of mind.
The coffin containing Nie MingJue and Jin GuangYao was not only unusually heavy but needed to be carefully handled. Thus, the few brave souls who volunteered to relocate it were all sect leaders. One sect leader took a look at the face of the Guanyin statue and started. Then, as if discovering something fascinating, he called out to those next to him and said, “Look at this face! Doesn’t this look like Jin GuangYao?”
The one next to him looked and then muttered in wonderous contemplation, “It really is his face! What was Jin GuangYao doing with something like this?”
Sect Leader Yao said, “Made himself a god out of pride and arrogance, duh.”
“That’s a lot of pride and arrogance, hahaha.”
Wei WuXian thought to himself, ‘That’s not necessarily true.’
Jin GuangYao’s mother had been a whore looked down upon by the whole world. Therefore he constructed a Guanyin statue in her image so that she could  be praised and respected by tens of thousands kneeling by her feet, offering her burning incense all day long.
But there was little use for bring up it up now. Wei WuXian understood, better than anyone, that no one would care, and that no one would believe it. Anything that had even remote ties with Jin GuangYao would never be given the benefit of the doubt again. From now on, people would only assume the worst of the worst of him, and words would ripple like ceaselessly waves.  
Soon, the coffin would be sealed inside an even bigger, stronger casket. Seventy-two mahogany stakes would be nailed into it before it became buried deep beneath the earth, underneath a mountain surrounded by warning posts.
And whatever that was sealed within would never be reborn underneath the weight of a thousand seals and the scorn of thousands more.
Leaning against the door frame, Nie HuaiSang watched as the group of sect leaders carried the coffin outside the Guanyin temple’s doorsteps. Lowering his head, he swiped at the dirt and grime caking his robes when something seemed to catch his eyes, making him pause. Wei WuXian followed his gaze. Laying on the floor was Jin GuangYao’s hat.
Nie HuaiSang bent down. It was only after he picked it up did he wander outside slowly.  
Outside, Fairy was already worried sick waiting for her master, and cried out two long howls. At the sound, Jin Ling suddenly remembered that Fairy had been just a dumb young pup no taller than his knee when Jin GuangYao had first brought her to him.
At the time, he was only a few years old and had just fought with a few other kids at the Koi Tower. Even though he’d won, it hadn’t felt like a victory, and so he had thrashed his room in a huge tantrum, shouting and crying. None of the maids and servants dared to approach him, scared that he’d hit them. With a face full of smiles, his youngest uncle had suddenly appeared and asked, “A-Ling, what’s wrong?” and he’d instantly shattered five or six flower vases by Jin GuangYao’s feet. Jin GuangYao had said, “Aiyoh, so scary, I’m so scared,” and left while shaking his head, as if he was truly scared.
The next day, still mad, Jin Ling had refused to leave his room to eat, and so Jin GuangYao had roamed back and forth outside his doors. Jin Ling, with his back against the doors, shouted at him to stop bothering him, and had been suddenly greeted by the weak howls of a small pup.  
Opening his door, Jin GuangYao had been half-crouching right outside with a black-furred small dog tucked in his arms, its sparkling eyes big and round. Jin GuangYao smiled up at him and said, “I found this little one here, not sure what to call it. Would A-Ling like to give it a name?”
That smile had been so warm and genuine. Jin Ling couldn’t ever believe that Jin GuangYao had faked it.
Suddenly, fresh tears rolled down his cheeks again.
Jin Ling had always believed crying to be a sign of weakness, and had thus always looked down upon it. Right now, however, aside from crying his eyes out, he had no other means to express or unleash the pain and fury in his heart.
For reasons he couldn’t understand, he couldn’t find anyone to blame, or anyone to hate. Wei WuXian, Jin GuangYao, Wen Ning—every single one of them should be responsible for the death of his parents in one way or another. Every single one of them rightfully deserved his hate. Yet, in one way or another, he found himself incapable of hating any of them. But if not them, then who else could he hate? Did he deserve to have his parents taken away from him so young? He was already incapable of avenging their death—incapable of making the kill. Was he also to be robbed of his hatred? Was he not even allowed to hate with no repercussion nor hesitance?
It didn’t feel right. It didn’t seem fair. He almost felt like he should have died with them. That would have been more right.
At the sight of him crying soundlessly at the coffin, Sect Leader Yao asked, “Young Master Jin, why are you crying? Are you crying for Jin GuangYao?”
When Jin Ling didn’t answer, Sect Leader Yao spoke with the air of a senior chiding a fellow young disciple of his own house, “What’s there to cry? Cease your tears. People like your uncle don’t deserve other people’s tears. Young Master, I’m not just speaking for myself, but you cannot be this weak and frail! You’re acting like a woman. You need to know what’s right and what’s wrong, and straighten your……”
Had the Lanling Jin Sect still held the seat of the Chief Cultivator that sat above hundreds of sects, never would any of the other sect leaders dare to chide a disciple of the Jin Sect in the tone of a condescending senior even if the chance was handed to them on a silver platter. But now that Jin GuangYao was dead, the Lanling Jin Sect had no one left to support the roof over its head. With its reputation utterly ruined, it would probably never return to its glory days. And so the others finally dared to come at them. Jin Ling’s heart was already in churning turmoil. Sect Leader Yao’s unnecessary, condescending words only made his mood worse. Rage exploded like a gush of fire inside his chest as he shouted, “So what if I just want to cry, what’s it to you?! Who do you think you are to comment on my crying?!”
Sect Leader Yao didn’t expect to be shouted at for his chidings. After all, he was still a sect leader; not spectacularly renounced but respected all the same. His expression darkened immediately. Someone next to him persuaded, “Let it go, don’t quarrel with a child.”
Tucking away his anger, he huffed and said, “Of course. Heh, what use is there in arguing with a little child who has yet to learn black from white?”
After seeing the coffin carried onto the carriage, Lan QiRen turned around and, after a pause, asked, “Where is WangJi?”
He had only just been thinking of dragging Lan WangJi back to the Cloud Recesses and have one hundred and twenty days of lengthy, private conversation with him. And if that failed, he planned to confine him again for a little while. Little had he expected Lan WangJi to disappear in the blink of an eye. After roaming a few times around the premises, he yelled, “Where is WangJi?!”
Lan JingYi answered, “Earlier, I mentioned that I brought Little Apple along and left it right outside the temple, and then HanGuang-Jun and…… and…… left to see Little Apple together.”
Lan QiRen asked, “And then what?”
Little needed to be said regarding what happened after that. Outside the temple, Wei WuXian, Lan WangJi, and Wen Ning were no longer in sight.
Turning to Lan XiChen, who was slowly following behind him with an unfocused gaze, Lan QiRen exhaled angrily before turning back with a swipe of his sleeves. Meanwhile, Lan JingYi looked left and right before gasping, “SiZhui? What’s going on? When did SiZhui disappear as well?”
Hearing that both Wei WuXian and Lan WangJi had disappeared, Jin Ling hurried outside and nearly tripped himself by the tall doorstep of the Guanyin temple’s main gate. Despite his haste, the two were already nowhere to be seen. Fairy happily circled around him with her tongue out. Standing by a tree, rigid and sky-high within the Guanyin temple’s grounds, was Jiang Cheng, who looked over at Jin Ling and spoke coldly, “Clean your face.”
Giving his eyes and face a few forceful wipe, Jin Ling dashed over and asked, “Where are they?”
Jiang Cheng responded, “They left.”
“And you let them go just like that?” Jin Ling burst out.
Jing Cheng’s response dripped with sarcasm. “Or what? Ask them to stay for dinner? Say ‘thank you’ and then ‘sorry’?”
Agitated, Jin Ling pointed at him and said, “No wonder he left! It’s because you’re always like this! Uncle, why are you so unlikable?!”
At the words, Jiang Cheng raised his hand, mad as well. “Is this how you should speak to an elder? You’re asking for a beating!”
Jin Ling visibly shrunk. Fairy’s tail went between her legs as well. Ultimately, Jiang Cheng didn’t land his palm on Jin Ling’s head and instead weakly lowered it.
He irritatedly added, “Shut up already, Jin Ling. Shut up. Let’s go back. We’ll all go back to our own.”
Startled, after a moment of hesitation, Jin Ling pliantly remained quiet as told.
Head sloping, Jin Ling walked by Jiang Cheng’s side for a few strides before looking up. “Uncle, you wanted to say something earlier, didn’t you?”
“What? No. I didn’t.”
“You did! I saw it, you wanted to say something to Wei WuXian but then you stopped.”
After a beat of silence, Jiang Cheng shook his head. “There’s nothing to be said.”
What was there to say?
Tell him ‘I didn’t get caught back then by the Wen Sect because I was trying to retrieve my parents’ bodies from the Lotus Pier.’
‘When you went out to buy food at that little town where we ran to, a group of cultivators from the Wen Sect had caught up.’
‘I found out early and left the place we were staying at, and avoided capture by hiding at a street corner. But they were patrolling the streets, and soon they would have caught up to you.’
‘And so I left my hiding place and attracted their attention away.’
However, just like all those years ago when Wei WuXian had ripped out his own golden core for him without telling him, here and now, there was no way for Jiang Cheng to bring this up again.
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221bshrlocked · 6 years
Sleeping Beauty (4)
Sleeping Beauty Masterlist
Pairing: Bucky x Shape Shifter Reader
Words: 3207
Warning: fluffff and a little awkwardness. And some jealousy.
A/N: Lol I couldn’t stop laughing when I saw this video and thought it would be super hilarious and like fluffy if Bucky did this. And then I thought, how fucking cute is this other video and wow I love small puppies.
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To his surprise, you never brought up the incident in your room when you walked to his place. On the contrary, you acted like nothing happened and laid on his bed as he lazily flipped through the channel until Planet Earth was on. He always liked watching it with you because he loved hearing you talk about that one time you shifted into a hyena or how itchy it was when you were a baboon.
The food came and you ate in silence, constantly whining back when Bucky caught you scratching your thigh and telling you to not make the wound worse.
Hours later, you were sleeping on your stomach while Bucky was massaging your leg when Steve walked in. Before he could say anything, Bucky shushed him and told him to wait. Very quietly, he stood up and walked out with Steve.
“What’s up?”
“So here’s the thing.”
“Oh no.”
“No no this might be good. We’ve been getting a lot of calls from this one charity and they requested you by name because the kids said they’ve always wanted to talk to you and I think it might be good if you’re in the spotlight again.” Steve crossed his arms and waited for Bucky to think about.
“Are you sure this is a good idea? I can’t do people by myself, and these are tiny people. I can’t do tiny people Steve what if something bad happened.”
“Then I’ll just tag along as your support animal.” Both men turned around when they heard your sleepy voice, Bucky cringing when he saw you scratching the wound again. “Fucking stop already you’ll make it bleed again.” He swatted your hand away and you made a face at him, hoping he’d get scared of you but instead, he just laughed.
“Y/N you’re not scary when you’re like this,” Steve commented and regretted it as soon as the death stare was aimed at him. “That’s not what you were saying a few hours ago Rogers. Wanna test out that theory with the tiger again?” You tried to look intimidating again but failed, with Steve apologizing and changing the subject.
“Yeah Y/N will go with you. The kids will love it. You’ll be fine Buck they did ask for you specifically. Nothing will happen. Right Y/N?” He nudged you and you beamed up sleepily at Bucky again. “Sir yes sir.”
“So what animal will you be?”
“I’ll think of something. Kids like all sorts of animals.” You walked back in his room and resumed your previous activity, not noticing when Bucky walked in and covered your legs before opting to sleep on the couch this time. Something about you in human form in nothing but shorts and his shirt made his heart almost beat out of his chest and he didn’t want to test any ideas.
You woke up colder than usual, moving around to see where Bucky was only to hear the soft snores coming from across the room. Why was he sleeping on the couch? You sniffed under your armpits to make sure you didn’t smell bad and asked yourself again.
Maybe he felt uncomfortable after seeing you naked? What if he was repulsed? You stood up and walked out of his room, staring at the clock and seeing it was five in the morning.
No way in hell you were going to fall asleep now that you knew he didn’t want to sleep next to you.
Walking back to your room, you turned on your laptop and searched the charity Steve mentioned last night. You saw a couple of videos on youtube and you smiled like an idiot when you saw them playing around with puppies. You knew in an instant what animal you’d be and you thought it best to shift now so you Bucky doesn’t ask why you acted weird around him. That was the problem with him. He always knew when something was up and never once dropped the subject until you spilled your guts to him.
You walked downstairs and got a quick bite, knowing you weren’t in the mood for dog treats today and that it would take a toll on you if you didn’t eat anything. On your way back to your room, you passed by Bucky’s and saw he was still sleeping.
So you walked into yours and stripped, shutting your eyes and focusing on the breed of dog you wanted to shift into. But you regretted your decision as soon as you shifted. Why didn’t you shift on your bed? Where it was comfortable...and you could’ve rested as you waited for him to wake up. Fucking idiot.
You scrunched your face when you noticed the wound still itching you, licking it repeatedly before you felt a pair of hands wrapping around you. You barked as loudly a possible, which wasn’t loud at all, and calmed down when you saw who it was that carried you.
“How many times do I have to tell you to stop bugging it? Don’t make me put a cone around your head.” Bucky warned, chuckling when he saw guilt written all over your face. You bit his thumb and kept growling when he started playing with your tiny ears.
He walked to the kitchen and set you down until he made coffee, occasionally looking back to make sure you were still there on the countertop. Not that you had a death wish and would jump off the high ground if you wanted to leave. Sitting near you, he started scratching behind your ears and you noticed something was different.
“Don’t scare me like that again doll. I didn’t see you when I woke up and thought something happened. Had to look around to make sure you didn’t turn into a worm or something while you were sleeping.” You made a disgusted face and he laughed at how amazing it was that you were still capable of reacting like a human when you shifted.
“Don’t wanna kill you by accident darling. Jeez you’re so fucking small what breed of dog is this?”
“She is a spitz type breed located in the north-west Poland and north-east Germany region.” Friday replied in an instant and you started barking at the AI. Bucky thought this entire situation was hilarious and thanked the AI. “English Friday. What specific breed is she?”
“Pomeranian Sergeant Barnes.” Friday replied and apologized for thinking he wanted her to be more specific. “That’s alright Friday, one thing to tell the kids today. Right doll?” He rubbed your cheeks and noticed you weren’t paying attention to him anymore. Thinking it was nothing, he grabbed you and finished his coffee before putting in the dishwasher, walking back to his room to prepare for his visit today.
He sat you down between his thighs as he crossed his legs and typed away on his laptop, talking to you as if you were still in human form and pretending you were responding to him. When you got up from his lap to lay on the covers, he grabbed you and placed you back between his thighs, continuing his research on the charity event. A couple of minutes later, you stood up and scurried away from him once more. And for the second time, Bucky grabbed you sat you down, thinking you were playing around with him and telling you to stop moving already.
You didn’t try to leave again, knowing he’d probably just tickle you or something. That was the problem when you shifted into such a small animal. You couldn’t convey when you were angry or upset. It was much easier when you were a larger animal, it made everyone more alert and aware.
Hours later, you were sitting next to him in the car, eyes shut and quieter than normal. Bucky started to feel that something was up but he thought it was best to talk about it after you came back. He pulled up right in front of the building and parked, calling out your name to wake you up. But you opened your eyes instantly and stared at him before climbing over the gear shift into his lap.
“Thanks for doing this Y/N. ‘m not sure I could’ve come by myself.” He picked you up and exited the car, walking to the man standing at the entrance and telling him he was here for the even with the kids. The man recognized him instantly, telling him they were all waiting for him inside.
“But sir, there might be a problem with the dog.”
“Why?” You could tell Bucky was getting a little uncomfortable but you didn’t think it was because he didn’t want to leave you.
“We were told no animals allowed for the event.” The man looked at the security out of habit and you noticed he was getting scared from Bucky.
“She’s my emotional support animal.” Bucky said without hesitation and you barked at his words. The man was startled from the squeak that came out of you and told Bucky to wait until he asked if it was okay. He came back after a few minutes and asked Bucky if you had all your vaccinations.
“S-sort of?” Bucky replied and the man was confused. “Okay I’m sorry I lied. This is Y/N. From the Avengers. You know, shapeshifter?” Bucky watched as the man’s eyes widened in recognition. “Oh my god of course yes sorry sir, and… ma’am.” He tried to pet you but you growled, making Bucky snicker before holding back his laugh.
“She woke up a little early today. Sorry. And you, play nice.” Bucky pushed you around in his arm until you relaxed.
“Right this way Sergeant Barnes,” the man led the two of you through the metal detector and as soon as Bucky walked through, the beeper went off. “God sorry I forgot about this. I’m so sorry. It was a habit.” He leaned down and took the knife out of his boot, giving it to the man and apologizing once again. “I’ll go through again. Sorry!” Bucky worried that he was already making a bad impression and the men told him it was okay when he passed and it didn’t ring again.
You walked through after him and barked when the man tried to pick you up. You let him anyway and growled when he placed a sticker on your fur. “It’s mandatory. Sorry.” He gave a tag to Bucky and led him through to the hallway.
As soon as he entered, the three teachers standing at the windows lit up. All the kids were facing them so they didn’t notice when you guys walked in.
“Guess who’s here guys?” The woman in the middle clapped her hands and all the kids looked back and saw Bucky standing there. Before he could see it coming, they were running to him and saying hi, with the shortest of the kids pulling on his pants so he could give them some attention.
Bucky was tense for a second before he felt you lick his fingers and he knew he should just relax.
“Hey guys, I heard you asked for me by name.” Bucky walked towards the teachers and sat on the floor, laughing when all the kids sat around him in a circle and told him they had so many questions. “Guys what did we say we’re going to do when Sergeant Barnes came?” The teacher asked and Bucky turned to the kids once again.
“Thank you Sergeant Barnes for all your hard work. We love what you do.” All the kids said in once voice, well, they tried, and Bucky couldn’t help the smile that cracked through the brooding facade. He told them it was nothing and he loved doing what he does.
“So, I don’t know what you guys wanna do. Oh, before I forget, this is my friend Y/N.” He set you down and you barked, looking around and sticking your tongue out when all the kids said you were so cute. “Can I pet her?” One girl asked and Bucky said you were friendly. She reached for you and you started licking her hands before she could do anything, making her giggle and pick you up before hugging you.
“Just careful with her guys, she’s special.” Bucky saw a kid playing with a puppy doll from the corner of his eyes and thought to break the ice with the kid a bit. “Hey guys, wanna see something funny?” They all nodded and he asked the kid if he can see his doll for a second. The kid gave him the puppy toy and Bucky pushed his hands on the arms and the puppy’s face turned into an angry expression. He did it again and the kids stared at him like he was weird.
He then took you from the little girl’s hands and you knew immediately what he was going to do. And you had to remind yourself this was for the kids. As soon as he pushed a little on your shoulders, you growled. He stopped and you licked your nose, waiting for him to do it again. And when he did, you growled a little louder and bared your teeth to him. The kids started laughing and said they wanted to give it a go but Bucky said maybe later, afraid they’d get to hard with you.
“Mr. Barnes sir, I have a question.” One kid raised his hand and Bucky was amazed at how respectful he was.
“Call me Bucky, all my friends do.” He said and the kid beamed when Bucky called him a friend.
“Is your arm waterproof?” The teachers immediately chastised the boy and Bucky said it was okay. Very slowly, he took off his jacket and reached towards the kid. “It sure is, I mean I gotta swim somehow right?” He relaxed when the kid grabbed his arm and touched it and before long, all the kids were around Bucky asking him all sorts of questions about his arm.
“Here, let me take her from you.” One of the teachers took you Bucky and kept you near his chest. Bucky looked up to make sure you were safe before going back to the kids.
You were glad the attention was on him and not you, mostly because you were afraid of how forward the kids might get with you. And they did ask for him after all. You yawned in the man’s hand and stuck your hand out, playing around with the little watch he was wearing and biting his shirt.
By lunchtime, Bucky was absolutely exhausted and told the kids he had to leave soon. They all took a picture with him and told him to come back again. Bucky said he would love to and turned around to look for you. When he noticed you were still playing around with the man and stealing some of his food, he got a little jealous. You weren’t this social with anyone else, not even with the team.
He didn’t know what came over him but without thinking, he walked towards you and grabbed you, telling him you were leaving and forcing a friendly smile before walking away.
“I can’t begin to tell you how amazing today was. Please do come back soon.” The woman touched Bucky’s shoulder and you felt queasy, wanting to bark at her but knowing you weren’t in the place to do such a thing.
“Yeah definitely the kids are adorable and I didn’t think I’d enjoy it this much to be honest,” Bucky didn’t catch on to the soft touches and hair twirling and you hated how thick he could be sometimes. “Well here is my number...in case you’re free and wanna go for coffee sometime.” Bucky took the card and looked at it before thanking the woman and telling her to have a good day.
At least he didn’t take her up on the offer now.
Once you got back to the compound, Steve asked how it was and Bucky said he’d had a lot of fun but he needed to nap before dinner. Holding you near his heart, he kicked off his shoes and laid on the bed before walking to his bathroom to change. He came out with a pair of sweatpants and a tight sleeveless undershirt. When you crawled from under his hands, he got a little worried. But then you jumped on his chest and rested your entire body near his head in the crook of his neck. He didn’t budge, knowing you were tired from how early you woke up and he shut his eyes.
Sleep overtook the two of you in seconds and Bucky didn’t wake up until hours later when he felt something strange against his chest. Slowly opening his eyes, he looked down and stopped breathing.
You’d shifted back, laying almost on top of him fully naked. He wanted to move but the slightest of changes made it worse. His arm was wrapped around your back and laid on your waist, with your entire chest flush to his side and your head on his chest. He looked down and saw your right leg on top of his and knew there was no way he could entangle himself without waking you up.
And the more he tried to ignore how warm and perfect you felt against him, the tighter his pants got. This was the last thing he had on his mind today and he didn’t know if he should just wake you up or not. Not knowing what else to do, he texted Wanda and told her to come without telling anyone.
When Wanda walked in and saw the picture, she almost laughed out loud. He pointed at his mind and told her it was okay.
I need you to raise her high enough so that I could get up.
Wanda, you are not asking me that now.
I’m just saying, is this not how you two g-
No she was a fucking puppy and shifted in her sleep. I can’t wake her up like this. She’ll feel embarrassed and the last thing I want to do is make her feel like she’s at fault. Please.
Wanda could see how genuine Bucky was and nodded, slowly raising you above him and not helping the smile when she saw that Bucky shut his eyes so he doesn’t stare at you. He quickly got off the bed and sighed with relief, walking around and covering you with his bed sheets before walking out.
He turned to Wanda and told her to not say anything to anyone, not even Vision.
She told him his secret is safe with her.
“But you should tell her how you feel.”
That stopped Bucky from walking any further and turning around. “W-what?”
“Oh come on it’s obvious you too have a thing for each other.”
“N-no she doesn’t. Does she?” Bucky looked at Wanda like a child who was just told the most confusing fact about the galaxy. She smiled at him before walking away and shrugging, leaving a very confused and turned on Bucky in the middle of the hallway.
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