rboooks · 1 year
Child Support Part 2
Tim watched the other young heroes as they tried to look around the watch tower without seeming like they were. He's been here plenty of times, but the rest of the Teen Titans and a few of the Young Justice hasn't.
Much was due to the older heroes leaving the younger ones alone. Some not taking them seriously enough to welcome them at the big HQ as much as that made his blood boil.
They were taking the same risks. They were fighting the same good fights. Why was their age the main reason they weren't treated equally?
Some teenage heroes weren't part of a team per see, but they always answered when a call was sent. For example, Cass and Steph were present, speaking softly to Static Shock. Damian was standing next to Jon and his little friend Colin who was just getting into the swing of the hero business.
Bruce almost bit through his tongue when Damian told him Abuse would be joining Robin on parol, and he could do nothing to stop them. (Tim felt like he was watching Damian tell Bruce a paraphrased version of "But Daddy, I love him!" and it kept him smiling for weeks)
It was wild to see almost every young hero in one place. He doesn't think this happened since the last time Justice Leauge got mind controlled and almost destroyed the whole world.
"Any idea why we're here?" Kon asks to his right, lowering his shade to stare at the Outlaws. Jason's team stood to the side chatting iddly while cleaning over thier weapons.
Kon's always like their punk point of view, and he knows his best friend wants to go over there to talk to them. If it wasn't for the issue of the clone still being mad about what Jason did at the Teen Titans tower. Almost murder was hard to forgive for people outside the Bats.
"None. All I know is that John Constantine sent out a message to every teenage superhero group calling for a meet-up," Tim responds.
Bart whistles with a grimace on his right. "Must be bad if that guy is asking."
"I heard Hawkwoman tell Superman that she was worried and wasn't sure she wanted anyone of us mixed up in Constantine's mistakes." Cassie chimes in from where she leans on the couch. The three turn to her as she lowers her voice, attempting to keep the others from hearing. "Batman told her off for it."
"Batman did?" Tim asks, surprised.
Cassie shrugs, throwing a bit of her blond hair over her shoulder. "As much Batman can emote anyway."
Yeah, that sounded about right. Though it must have been something Bruce found disrespectful. His dad usually never reprimanded strangers unless they were saying something or doing something that sounded far too much like bigotry to him.
But to apply that to Constantine? Someone, Bruce generally disliked communicating with because the man tended to backstab his contacts? Yes, Constantine wasn't evil, but he wasn't pleasant either.
If Bruce had magical issues, he tended to contact Zatanna first.
Just then, the watch tower's zeta beams activate. Everyone who gathered turns to the teleporting pads where Constantine appears looking, for lack of a better word, absolutely exhausted. Even Tim knows that his eye bags aren't that bad, and he's usually going hours without sleep.
"Oh good, you all made it," Constantine says, sipping from a mug and wearing nothing but sweatpants and what looks like a nightgown. His signature trench coat was nowhere in sight. "I'm going to be quick about this. I need a team of young heroes willing to accept my son into their fold."
The room is dead silent. Constantine sighs. "Look, I've tried everything, but it's like Danny is allergic to laying low. He fought with a demon the other day over a child's doll- which you all know happens. People get haunted! But Danny refused to do it the right way, and now I had to beat off the demon's marriage proposal at least ten times. Not to mention his lack of social skills! No matter which one I stick him in, he can't seem to make friends in school. He got shoved into a locker on his first day! I thought that was an American exaggeration of the telly!"
Constantine pauses and takes a large gulp of whatever he's drinking before continuing his rant. A hand runs through his already messy hair, leaving it in bigger disarray as he speaks. "He's behind in terms of trends and technology cause his other father raised him outside of the typical timelines, so sometimes it's like talking to someone from the early two thousand, and other times it's like he's a modern Victorian era lad. His powers are also all over the place because the ectoplasm in our world is thicker, so when he breathes it in, he losses his control. Just the other day he accidentally made himself fly through our ceiling and almost reach the atmosphere before I was able to bring him back down."
A few of the fliers in the room wince. Jon nods and whispers under his breath, though his voice carries in the silence. "Yeah, been there before. Flying can be scary if you don't know how to come down."
Johns glances around at all the young people, eyes showing a tad bit of desperation. "He's sad all the time now, and I don't know how to help. If working with you could help him make friends, I would be grateful. He's a great kid. He just needs to adjust."
Tim had no idea what to do with this information; how do you respond to arguably one of the strongest Justice League Darks' heroes asking for a play date for his son?
"How old is the child?" Damian's voice rings out. Colin's hand is attached to his sleeve, a slightly nervous smile on the boy's face as he attempts to hide from the staring heroes behind his brother. Tim bets that if he wasn't wearing the domino mask, they would be able to see slight tears in Colin's eyes.
Damian's other hand goes across his body to cover Colin's hand, and Tim fights a shit-eating grin. His eyes lock with Jason, and the two send each other knowing grins. Looks like Bruce did have to worry about Damian having a secret boyfriend.
He can't wait to tease Damian later.
"He's fourteen....or well, physically?" Constantine answers eagerly.
"What does that mean?" Kon asks this time.
"Okay, so he's half human, half ecto-being. He sired him with his other father, Clockwork, which was only four years ago in this dimension, but since he was raised in the Infinite Relemas, times move differently there? " The British man says, and Raven goes rigid.
"Clockwork, as in the most powerful Ancient?" She asks, looking horror-struck when Constantine nods.
Before anyone asked what that meant, the zeta tubes activated again without permission. Someone had hacked into their systems which were ten levels bad. Everyone naturally fell into a fighting stance, only to blink when a teenage boy stepped out with a loud excited screech.
"We're in space!" The teenager runs to one of the windows, pressing his hands and face up against the glass. "This is amazing!"
Tim only relaxes his muscles once Constantine clears his throat. "Chum...what are you doing here?"
"Oh. One of your curse rocks things started proposing to me again, so I ran out of the House of Mysteries. Thought I see what you were up to." The teenager says, turning around with a smile and utterly freezing at the sight of the gathered heroes.
He had dark hair, wide blue eyes, and the most adorable face Tim had ever seen. Not as sexy as Bernard, of course, but darn close. Judging by the looks of anyone attractive to males, most heroes thought the same.
"Um...hi?" He says, offering the Godsmack teenagers a helpless little shrug. "I'm Danny Constantine."
"It is a pleasure, Constantine." Damian marches over to him with all his little twelve-year-old authority. He barely reaches Danny's chest. "I shall look forward to working with you. Are you formally trained in combat or strictly magic?"
"Um...oh, I can throw a punch or two? I'm mostly self taught. I rely on my powers a lot?" Danny fumbles to answer throwing a desperate look at his presumed father.
"No matter. I shall have you begin training. My Beloved also needs to work on his form. There is no shame in this" Damian nods, and Constantine lets out a large sigh of relief. He jogs over to place a hand on his son's shoulder, giving him a one-sided hug
"Yes, Danny, you will join Robin, Superboy, and Abuse on missions. They agree to help you settle and get used to your ghost powers." Constantine smiles. "I'll give me time to discourage all those idiots from trying to trick you into marriage."
"Oh...okay. It's nice to meet you all. Please call me Phantom on the field. Um, are you the team leader?" He asks Damian as the three youngest boys lead him further into the watch tower.
Constantine watches them go with the brightest smile he's ever seen on the man's face. He looks back to the group, who were barely starting to pick their jaws off the floor and makes a shooing motion with his hand. "You lot are dismissed."
Then the man vanishes in a green portal.
There is a ringing silence until Barts blurts out. "I'm pretty sure this is where the Phantom Fan Club first formed. A historical moment."
Tim wants to take a nap.
( Part 1 )
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tw1l1te · 5 months
𝖋𝖆𝖑𝖘𝖊 𝖍𝖊𝖗𝖔- 𝖈𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝖔𝖓𝖊
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ᨒ↟ ⋆。°
Hyrule was no more.
That's what the elders told you, at least.
The sacred fields and forests of the kingdom have been blanketed with white snow for a millennia, the sun only behind the clouds. The population of Hyrule has dwindled over time, making this era lonely and full of decay.
Truly an era that should be forgotten.
An era that didn’t deserve a place in the historical archives. 
An era that was doomed to begin with.
Looking out onto the cold, dreadful expanse of Hyrule, you wonder what your life had come to. Being alone for a significant portion of your late teens and constantly on the run wasn’t your idea of a good life. A life where you got to be happy. But, no one really got to have that anymore, everyone lived to survive. They’ve all accepted that in this life, you lasted as long as you could, and that was that.
You felt a stinging cold brush of air against your cheek, instinctively causing you to bundle your scarf tighter around your face. An old habit.
It was about to snow soon. That’s all that Hyrule did anymore: snow. There were no more seasons or days of clear skies, the sunniest the fallen kingdom got was a gloomy gray sky, a white orb just barely being seen amidst the gray blanket. 
Getting up from the rock you sat on, you made your way downhill, back to the run-down village you called home, or the closest thing to that. The elders did their best with the limited resources they had, as after the Reawakening, there was hardly anything left.
The village was small, you could walk the entirety of it in just under five minutes. Being located South of central Hyrule, you were lucky enough to be shrouded in thick forests, protecting your little village. 
Walking through the main pathway, you wave to a few people, a small smile under your scarf. These people were the closest thing to family, as yours had been forgotten about long ago. It was for the best.
You walk up to the main entrance of the meeting house, knocking twice on the wooden door. You open the door and walk inside, making sure to latch the door behind you so the wind wouldn’t blow the damn thing inward. 
“Another storm comin’, aye?” 
You look behind you to see Arden, one of your closest friends and comrades. He was a few years older than you and taller, with shoulder-length black hair that was begging to be trimmed.
“Yep, second one this month and it's only the third week. Make sure your mother stores her plants in the cellar, her herbs are crucial to us.”
He nods, walking to the table in the middle of the shack. The table was littered with half-torn maps and old trinkets, most of them collecting dust.
“...Anything new?” he asks, arms crossed over his form. You knew what he was asking about. Your memories.
“Bits n’ pieces, they’ve been kind of blurry lately, its hard to even understand what’s happening.”
He nods, satisfied with your answer. 
“Well, at least you’re not having constant nightmares, I couldn’t even imagine the horrors you saw.”
You look away from him, recalling your last nightmare. Though so much of it was in fragments, you remember it being so vivid and… real. As if you were him.
“I haven’t had one in a bit, which is nice… I guess. Haven’t gotten any answers to our main issue though. Her.”
“Have you tried writing down what happens in your dreams? Maybe connect the dots after you’ve taken some notes?”
You shake your head, mentally tired from talking so much. After your journey a year ago, you’ve gotten so used to not talking for days or weeks at a time that even a few sentences makes you exhausted. 
“I see. Well, the others are supposed to meet us here-”
There were rapid knocks on the door, sounding impatient and frantic. Looking at Arden, you go to unlatch the door, curious as to what the disruption was about. You were surprised to see Colin, another comrade of the team, standing there looking worried, eyebrows creased.
“Y/n, Arden… I think you should follow me. You need to see this.”
You turn to look back at Arden, giving him a curt nod. Your meeting could wait.
ᨒ↟ ⋆。°
You and Arden walk with Colin, the lack of information eating away at your brain. What could have possibly worried Colin so much? Did something happen?
You all walk up to the large tent where you kept most of your supplies and food, the thick canvas fabric flapping in the wind. You could hear talking in the tent, several people already residing ithin.
Colin turns to you, muttering “Y/n, they might recognize you based on your clothing. I’d suggest concealing your face a bit, we don’t know their intentions. Could be some of her’s.”
Taking in the tone of his words, you wrap the scarlet scarf around your face, making sure only your eyes were visible. Your hood was already up, so you didn’t have to worry too much about them seeing more of you.
“Thanks.” you murmured, already walking towards the entrance of the tent, hands balled up into fists.
“Be careful, Link.”
ᨒ↟ ⋆。°
Immediately after walking into the tent, you halt at the number of people in the room. Including two of your other team members, there were twelve people in the room. All of their focus was on you.
Dusk, one of the women of your team, walks up to you.
“We found them while scouting the back woods. They’re armed, but not hostile. They say they’re the heroes of Hyrule, whatever that means.”
You nod curtly at her words, eyeing the group. Their eyes are glued to you, each one with varying degrees of frustration, confusion, or curiosity across their faces. Then it hits you.
It is them. Each one, from each era.
But all together? This is a first.
You wonder why they’re staring at you so much, but then you remember you are wearing the hero’s garb. Same green hat, full green getup. An obvious indicator to them.
You groan internally, you should've changed.
The blonde man with the blue scarf stands up and walks over to you, hand out for a handshake.
“You’re a Link, aren’t you? Pleasure to meet the hero of this era.”
You look at his hand, then back up at him. 
Is he serious?
You snort under your scarf, the casual interaction being so alien to you. The last thing you were interested in doing was being acquaintances with the past heroes.
Seeing your lack of response makes him pull back his hand, face full of confusion. What was up with this era?
The one-eyed hero from behind him suddenly stands up and makes his way to you. His good eye bores down at you before speaking.
“My apologies for my Captain’s forwardness. My name is Link, but we all go by monicker’s to diffuse the confusion. I go by Time, and the others will introduce themselves at a later time. We happened to stumble into your woods and are currently trying to find out where and when we are located.”
You raise an eyebrow at his statement.
When? Meaning… they time traveled?
Dusk beat you to the chase answering, “We don’t exactly count years, but based off of the last era counted, we are about 10,000 years after the Era of The Wilds.”
Time takes a moment to process the information, seemingly doing some mental calculations. He looks back down at you.
“And it’s safe to assume you’re the hero of this era?”
You nod slowly.
He takes a hesitant breath before continuing, “... what happened in this era? From what we’ve briefly seen, its the most destroyed time period we’ve seen.”
Dusk walks up behind you, saving you from the interrogation.
“Our country destroyed itself. No monarchy, no kingdom, barely anything left.”
His brows furrowed, “Ganon’s doing?”
You still at the name. You should have been prepared to answer this question. After all, it was inevitable.
You shake your head.
Again, you shake your head.
“Then who?”
You look at Dusk, silently pleading her to not tell them of your fate. This was something that needed to be eased onto them slowly. After all, most of them were devout to Hylia in one form or another.
Seeing your desperation, Dusk sighs.
“It’s better if you follow us back to the Resistance Headquarters. We have more information there.”
“And why would we do that? For all we know, this could be an ambush,” the pink-haired male responds.
Dusk rolls her eyes, sending you a smirk, “Because it would be way too much work to clean all the blood and guts up, plus, we don’t have the resources nor luxury to do that.”
You lightly shake your head, not knowing how her sense of humor was still intact after everything. In other circumstances, you would’ve scolded her, but you weren’t up for chatting at the moment.
Tossing a glance over your shoulder, you lead Arden, Dusk, and the heroes back to the headquarters. This was going to be a long day.
ᨒ↟ ⋆。°
“So yer tellin’ me you’re Wild’s descendant? Surprised yer not feral or somethin’,” Twilight mutters, earning an elbow jab from the one referred to as “Wild”.
They seem… brotherly.
Wild turns to you, holding his chin, “Do you… still have the Sheikah Slate? It might be too old now in your era, but-”
You nod, taking out the slate from under your poncho. It was in much worse condition than Wild’s, but it had alterations and had been through a few thousand years.
He hesitantly picks it up from your hands, almost worried that the Slate would wither away from how fragile it felt.
“It looks… different, changed. Does it have new functions?”
Arden points at the screen, “Yeah, Link added a few alternate functions like a more expansive map and the ability to communicate with others.”
“A couple other groups across Hyrule have a similar type of slate, though they can only use it to communicate. It’s good for fast and quick communication.”
He nods, examining the slate some more. He shuts it off, handing it back to you.
 You choose to ignore the warmth coming from his fingertips.
“It seems you’re advanced in technology, and yet, so rural and primitive. Is there a reason for that?”
Arden looks at you while he speaks, “Well, technology was advancing right up until the Reawakening, and quickly declined after that. We managed to salvage a few things during the event, though a lot of it looks ancient now. Still works, though.”
He shoots you a lop-sided smile, “You should totally see Link’s snowbike though, that thing is a beast.”
Wild raises an eyebrow, “Snowbike? Like the Master Cycle Zero?”
You nod. You forgot he had one of those.
Time buts in, seemingly preoccupied with something else.
“As much as I am curious about your modern advancements, I believe we have more pressing matters at hand. Primarily, why we’re here in your era.”
You nod again, eyeing Arden and Dusk. You needed the room.
Arden walks up to you, murmuring “You sure? I don’t trust them.”
You place a hand on his arm, nodding. He looks down at your hand, eyes flicking between your hand and your eyes. He wanted to say something, but decided to bite his tongue. He wordlessly nods, and both him and Dusk leave you with the group, latching the old door behind him.
You ignore the strange interaction between the both of you, deciding to check up on him after.
You adjust your scarf, pulling it downward so your entire face is visible. The scarf muffled your speech and you were starting to get a bit suffocated with the fabric over your mouth.
“A female?”
The group seems to go silent at that, emotions ranging from confusion, shock, disbelief, even some excitement from a couple.
Arm over your chest, you kneel on one knee, your head bowed. Taking a small breath, you raspily introduce yourself:
 “My name is Link, the Forgotten Hero.”
ᨒ↟ ⋆。°
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unusualcliches · 3 months
My season three thoughts: After numerous failed attempts of watching part two of Bridgerton yesterday, I finally finished the last episode at three in the morning so I decided to sleep on it. Now that I’ve processed it a little I feel like I must get this out of my chest. Like most fans, I have mixed feelings. Overwhelming feelings. Feelings that are like torture – Kidding!
No but really, it has been a long time since a piece of media has made me feel this much, both good and bad. Watching these last four episodes, my heart was in my throat, I was grinning like a maniac and tearing up more often than I care to admit. And isn't that the point of art? I can honestly say that overall the positives far outweigh the negatives, for me, at least. There's something to be said about the choice of releasing the season in two parts, about cramped, eight-episode-seasons and the lack of breathing room, about the ever growing number of characters, about expectations so high they might as well have been setting themselves up for failure (or rather, the fans up for disappointment) but I don't want to linger on any of that. I understand feeling let down and there are many, many reasons for it. But to me, in particular? Well, all of that is overshadowed by this huge wave of affection I feel for the people who put this show together.
Because this is Penelope Featherington's season, and I have loved this character for at least fifteen years. I've been carrying her around in my pocket, hidden from view, because I was ashamed to admit a "silly, little romance novel that teen me read in secret on my computer when my parents weren't looking" could ever have impacted me so much. (Yes, internalized misogyny, I see you, leave me alone.) But it did impact me, so much so that when I needed to, I took Penelope's name as my alias in the hope it would make me brave enough to come out of my shell on the internet, if not in real life. And no, the irony is not lost on me, there is a reason I was so drawn to her character, just as I know so many other people are. She is incredibly relatable.
This last month I've been talking and talking about all the ways this show's popularity is validating and how freeing it feels to be able to discuss this character that is so close to my heart with so many people, and to see the outpour of love she's been getting. Because she's so relatable, there are hundreds of us who see ourselves in her while at the same time admire her growth and her cleverness and wish we could be that brave, even for just one day. To see her stand up for herself the way she did was amazing and I could never resent a show for fleshing out my favorite character like this. If anyone had told teen me that one day I would get to watch Bridgerton come alive in HD, and that Penelope would be played by the most gorgeous, charismatic actress who'd wear all these beautiful costumes and dance to amazing instrumental versions of some of my favorite songs as she found her way to her happily ever after, I would have thought I was dreaming?! There is simply so much to celebrate this season, I couldn't fathom choosing to lean into the frustration or the resentment that some things haven't turned out exactly the way I wished.
That said, I will definitely be using this blog to work out the things that I felt were lacking too in the near future because I am thoroughly invested in Colin and Penelope's love story and that's not changing any time soon. What's this about this ride being over because the season ended??? Kids, please, now is the time we get to finally play with this toy we've been reaching for at the high shelf of the store!!! It's ours now to do as we please and I have ~so many ideas~. I simply crave more of them. I loved (most) of what we got this season, and I plan to roll around in all the good bits, just as I am already craving all the fix-it fics that I know are coming. You know, one of the things about part one was that the show was so good about giving me everything I ever wanted, there was hardly anything I wanted to read/write about. Well, I will say that that's certainly changed! I'm gonna save my detailed feelings about Polin for another post because this is already completely out of hand but I will say this: I am tired of seeing strong female characters having to sacrifice their romantic relationships as they crawl their way to self-acceptance and empowerment. That is realistic, to be sure, but Bridgerton is supposed to be for the dreamers, isn't it? So why not give Penelope her cake and let her eat it too? All in all, though, I feel like I had a delicious piece of cake but I’m left still yearning for the cherry on top. Perhaps in season 4?
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onthepyre · 5 months
how do mafia Svet and Mickey meet? are they instant bestie worsties or does it take some time for them to grow on each other? does Svet interact with any of the Gallaghers or just Mickey? (I also need you to know that firefighter Debbie is INSPIRED and I adore it.) how do Mickey and Ian end up getting together—is it a meet cute, a meet ugly, or maybe it's through Mandy somehow? and speaking of, how does Mandy fit into this au? (I love this whole au concept and I hope you don't mind me asking all the questions!)
okay okay. much to think about. i do not mind all the questions in fact i love them im so happy that this au has resonated with people!! i have a lot of thoughts so forgive me for the long post.
svet and mickey met in their late teens (she's like 19, he's about 17) i think. she was living off survival sex work, much like in the show; the person she worked for directly was operating under terry. mickey came in at some point to collect dues and while he was there an argument started up between svet and her client. he got in the middle of it, both for money's sake and because it's shitty to act like that, but the fact that she was willing to take on this 6'3" dude impressed mickey. the fact that she chewed him out for scaring away her client pissed him off, but the whole event was a foundation of rapport between them. every week when he came in for terry's fistfuls of cash, they would chat, and it developed into proper frenemy-ship. for both of them, it was nice to have a confidante as well as someone who was willing to call them out on their bullshit. the rest is history basically.
as far as their interactions with the gallaghers: fiona actually sees very little of either of them. she spends more time around colin, who's in charge of the gambling ring. mickey and svet are an implied presence. post-college loan, it's svet who sees lip and carl a lot - she's way less likely to outright threaten a cop when they come knocking, so everyone (gallaghers and milkoviches alike) tries to make sure she's the spokesperson. debbie doesn't have a ton of contact with them, but when she does, it's mickey, hightailing it away from burning buildings or cars or barrels. she keeps her mouth shut.
and of course, ian.
well, okay, let's start with mandy actually. i mentioned confidence tricks in the other post - this is mandy's jam. romance scammer of epic proportions. catfish, yeah, but also blackmailer and high-end pickpocket (think that robbery mickey and ian pulled in s4, but often subtler). the long-con stuff didn't start until she was old enough to pass for 20s, but she swiped her first wallet when she was 12 and has been living for it since then.
her first meeting with ian is very much like what happens in canon: she flirts with him in school, takes it a little too far, and he brushes her off. he comes out to her pretty much immediately, though, and they resolve to remain friends. around winter break that year, when ian is 15 or 16, the gallaghers hit a rough patch - this is before anyone has steady jobs, and a strike by hurricane monica leaves them barely scraping by. so mandy offers to talk to her brothers about finding work for ian. this is how, five years before he's allowed to drink, he ends up bartending at a mafia front.
ian and mickey are, by gallavich nature, deeply messy for a very long time. their first time is a late night at the bar; it’s nearing the end of the night, things are starting to clear out, but mickey is hanging around and he's being a dick. he's rowdy, loud, angry about something and mouthing off to just about everyone, ian very much included. ian's fed up with it - tells him to shut the fuck up, get the fuck out, or if mickey's really that pissed, give him an hour to close down and they can hash it out. so mickey shuts up and waits. as soon as everyone else is gone, mickey is swinging; it’s a pretty evenly matched fight, but ian gets pinned to the wall. there's a couple seconds of charged eye contact......... and then mickey's fumbling with the button on his pants and ian's shirt is off and okay, fuck, they're doing this.
their fuckbuddy era lasts until ian quits to go to emt school - they go a couple years without contact, but things do pick back up. but that deserves its own post.
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bearcreekhq · 3 months
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Full Name → Maeve Bronach Theresa Flynn-Abrams
Age → 38
Birthday → October 16th, 1985
Order & Type → first, solo (half-sibling)
Gender & Pronouns → cis woman, she/her
Sexuality → bisexual
Occupation → IT specialist at Bearcreek City Hall, freelance computer & electronic repair
(tw: death) Maeve was raised on the eastern coast of Ireland, in Bray, County Wicklow until she was in her early teens. She was raised by a single mother who wanted the very best for Maeve and did everything she could to provide such. Her father was American, a man she never met, but when her mother's health went south, despite knowing the man had clearly moved on, with a wife and family of his own, her mother reached out. As far as Maeve knew, her father knew she existed, but her mother didn't talk much of him, so she never was sure and she felt wrong asking after the fact. However, the man and his wife were more than willing to take her in, should the worst case scenario occur. Unfortunately for Maeve, it did. At the age of twelve, Maeve found herself in Bearcreek, PA a far cry from the Irish coast she was used to. Everything was new and the pain was fresh, and Maeve wasn't the best at accepting what had happened.
Maeve was an angry and rebellious teen, something that lasted well into her young adulthood. She was spiteful and often found herself butting heads with both Colin and Nancy, a mix of her Irish stubbornness and poorly managed grief. She was the type to skip school, talk back, get mixed in with the wrong kind of crowd, people who didn't have Maeve's best interest at heart. And it certainly came back to bite her in the arse, more than once. Even still, she excelled in school, when she bothered to go.
When it came time to plan for her future outside high school, Maeve had no real direction. She liked computers and electronics but wasn't sure what all she actually wanted from life. What she did know, was that she wanted to go back to Ireland, so she did, attending Trinity College Dublin, and ultimately ending up with a degree in electronic and computer engineering. After which, she came back to the states and did something most wouldn't have expected of her. She joined the Navy as an officer.
For the next thirteen years, Maeve served in the Navy, reaching the rank of Lieutenant Commander. However, an injury in the line of duty left Maeve deaf in her left ear and unable to remain at her post, something that devastated the woman more than she had the words to say, more often than not. And, a year later, when she was officially relieved of her duty, a medical discharge to her name, she returned to Bearcreek.
When she's not working, Maeve can often be found tinkering with some kind of electronic or playing video games. She considers herself a techno witch, the kind of person who weaves her magic with electronics and other non-traditional mediums. She doesn't tend to worship any one god or goddess, but she believes in a higher power and that's all she cares about. Though, if you get her walls down enough, she might admit that she's still not sure life isn't a simulation.
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crescentcampbell · 5 months
Wouldn't You Like to Know, Ch. 6
            “Why you do you look like you fucking got laid?” He was out at a bar with Benedict, second oldest brother. Colin swirled his drink around and took a drink of the scotch that he had. He smiled and laughed.
            “I haven’t gotten laid,” said Colin.
            Benedict squinted at him. “Then, what’s with the look?”
            Colin ran his free hand through his chestnut brown hair. “I saw Penelope Featherington today.”
         ��  Benedict’s eyes widened. “Penny?” he whistled. “That’s a name I haven’t heard in a minute. How is she?”
            “She’s good. Actually, did you know she was the head of that gossip account that always shit talked us in high school?”
            Benedict snorted. “Yes. And you’re only just finding this out?”
            He shrugged. “I didn’t pay attention to that bullshit. Eloise told me. She said it was the reason that they stopped being friends, because of all of the stuff that happened with Theo.”
            Benedict stilled. “Yeah, well…that shit was messed up. But of course, I knew. Penelope’s grew up with Philipa and Prudence. She could be vicious when she wanted to be but everyone else bullied her all of the time. I was actually kind of impressed when I realized it was her. She’s funny.”
            Colin scratched his chin. “Yeah, she is funny, isn’t she?”
            Benedict chuckled. “Are you getting your little crush back?”
            Colin sighed. “I don’t think that it ever went away. But she has this little habit of lying about things that I’m not sure about.”
            “What’s she lying about this time? How much she has feelings for you? Puh-lease, you two were always so obvious. The only people that didn’t know were you. Anyway, when’s the wedding?”
            Colin shook his head. “Don’t be an asshole. Anyway, she’s Lulu Rochester.”
            Benedict raised an eyebrow. “Lulu Rochester?” Colin had never seen his brother look more delighted, and that included the time Anthony had gotten drunk at his bachelor party and tried to kidnap a goat to set it free. Benedict whistled. “She’s that smutty romance author, isn’t she? She writes dirty stories for women in their late teens and twenties or something? That New Adult stuff, right?’
            Colin nodded. “Yeah. And uh…I think the book I bought the rights to for the movie is about her fantasies of us from high school.”
            Benedict smirked. “Oh, and she won’t tell you that she’s the author?”
            He took a sip of his scotch again. “No, she won’t.”
            Benedict smirked wider. “You’ve got to fucking mess with her.”
            “I was already planning it,” he said, “I don’t care about all of that shit from high school. Or even the stuff with her shitty dad. All I care about is her and we’re finally at a place where we can both be mature about stuff. I only want her to stop hiding who she is. She’s brilliant, and clever, and doesn’t see that in herself. I hate it. I want to make her see it in herself.”
            “Alright, I amend my earlier statement. You haven’t fucked her but you’re going to, aren’t you?”
            Colin took another drink. “I’m going to seduce her. I’m going to get the truth from her. Then, I’m going to fucking marry her.”
            Benedict clinked his glass with his. “Cheers to that, brother. You know how happy Mother will be to have another wedding to plan? Please do it soon so she is distracted long enough to keep me from having to be set up with all of the single daughters of every friend she has.”
            Colin laughed. “Don’t worry. This isn’t going to take long. I know how to make Penelope mine. All of that movie star charm, yeah? Anyway, don’t act like you haven’t been flirting with mother’s latest intern since God knows when. You two were very obvious when we went on vacation this year.”
            “Sophie Beckett and I are very, very, good friends. Ask her. That’s what she always tells anyone who will listen.”
            “She’s smart, that’s why. You two are a PR nightmare waiting to happen.”
            “I’ve tried convincing her to be my Sugar Baby, she wasn’t really open to the idea. In fact, she a drink on me the last time I suggested it.”
            “Oh, then you really should marry her. That means she’s scary and you listen to her.”
            Benedict rolled his eyes. “I listen to no one. Anyway, I’ve already got a plan to make her jealous.”
            “What’s your plan?”
            “I’m going to date the sister.”
            Colin sputtered. “Did you learn nothing from the Anthony and Kate mistake?”
            Benedict shrugged. “This is different. Anthony had no idea Edwina was related to Kate. He dated Kate in college and they hadn’t seen each other in years. He slept with her once, it was an accident. Once he realized Kate was her sister, he stopped.”
            Colin put his forehead in his hands. Muffled, he said, “This is going to end so, so badly.”
            Benedict patted him on the back. “Don’t worry, brother. I’m not an idiot. I’m the Vice President of Mother’s company, remember? I just made her my intern. She has to answer to my beck and call and is in my office so she doesn’t get to flirt with anyone else from work. Everyone has noticed how cute she is. It’s very annoying, actually.”
            Colin groaned. “Does mother know that you are going to end up on the news because of a sexual harassment scandal?”
            Benedict chuckled. “Only as a human-interest piece, because we are going to have the cutest babies anyone has ever seen.”
            Colin sighed. “You’re delusional.”
            “Well, at least I’m not tricking one of my best friends into falling in love with me when I know she’s already in love with me.”
            “Well, at least Penelope doesn’t WORK FOR ME.”
            Benedict sighed. “Will you visit me in jail?”
            “Depends on how stupid you are,” Colin put his now empty drink down on the bar. “Come on, HR Nightmare. Let’s go home.”
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secondgenerationnerd · 9 months
Since I’m more familiar with the characters in omega squad, I’ll be talking about them the most if that’s ok with you?
1: who came up with the name omega squad?
2: in relation to the question above, why?
3: was there other names before taking omega?
4: who’s the leader?
5: how did they all meet?
1/2/3. I just started calling them that, and when I thought more about it, I think it stuck more and more. Omega, being the last letter of the Greek alphabet, is usually associated with the lowest person on a totem pole (think like wolves). Considering how many legacies are on this team (Batman’s son, Superman’s son, Cheshire and Arsenal’s daughter, Nightwing and Starfire’s daughter/Batman’s granddaughter, The Flash’s children/great Niece/nephew/ the Tornado twins cousins) people would initially think they’re this unstoppable force.
And they are when they’re focused on a mission….but they’re also pre-teens/teenagers. They’re going to fight about everything. There’s sibling dynamics, familial dynamics, friendship dynamics, and eventually romantic dynamics. They are repeatedly underestimated because people assume they can’t stand each other….
But tell Mar’i she’s a slut. Tell Damian he’s a murderer. Tell Lian she’s the reason her mom left. Tell Jai he’s not enough. Tell Jon he’s a pale imitation of his father. Tell Irey it’s her fault for ignoring warning signs in her ex. Tell Milagro she’s not worth staying for. Tell Colin no one will ever want him.
They will bring hellfire upon every inch of your life.
4. They have three leaders actually! Irey, Lian, and Damian. Irey handles medical records, lab reports, and inter-team communications. Damian handles all scheduling and training. Lian handles inventory and general record keeping. In the field, they’re really good about figuring who’s got more expertise in a situation and letting them lead. (I.e. stealth and infiltration? Damian’s in charge. Distractions and pandemonium? Lian’s your girl. Diplomatic mission? Mar’i and Milagro tag team.)
5. They all met in different ways
The twins and Lian have been best friends since they were 3
Mar’i met Damian first when she arrived at Wayne Manor, then the twins and Lian a month later (she was 7.5 and this is after her mother died)
Damian met Jon when Jon was 9 and Damian was 11. Jon would also meet Mar’i a few months later and they flew into each other at the WatchTower.
Jon would meet Lian and the twins at the watchtower but usually in passing
Damian met Lian through Jason when they were like 10, and instantly started bickering.
Damian met Irey at 11. She ran into him at the watch tower. They got into a fist fight.
Damian and Mar’i heard Bruce talking about Colin’s predicament, decided to stalk him and then befriend him (Mar’i’s idea, again she’s the sweetest scariest baby)
Milagro met the team on her first day with them and they all made her feel welcome (except Damian but he was arguing with Tim)
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bethyyoung · 8 months
We don't have to talk
of where we go from here
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Introducing... Beth Young
| Soundtrack | Living Space | Style
Age | 45 (April 25) Originally from | Beckley, WV Previous community | ?, West Virginia Previous job | Occupational Therapist Community job |  Inventory Manager / Council Living Arrangements | Small home near the market (Arrived in May 2042) Family | Colin (younger brother) Identity & Orientations | Cis Woman, Demi-everything
TW: Mention of blood, allusions to parental death
Mr. and Mrs. Young, in the grand Nuclear Family Tradition, had two children 18 months apart and were done with family expansion. Beth still laughs to think of how traditional it all had been. Girl Scouts, bake sales, softball, summer vacations to sensibly-planned locales.
Cursed with Gifted Kid Syndrome, things largely came easy to Beth. She was what teachers called "a pleasure to have in class", what her dad called spunky, and what caused her mom to call her, "a little firecracker". Quick to smile and instinctively inclusive, Beth was a light that other kids flocked to.
She still believes, to one degree or another, that her natural shine left Colin no choice but to live in the shadow it cast. She spent no small amount of time trying to make up for it; to share her circle, defend him from others, to spend as much time with her brother as he'd allow.
Despite the usual sibling tiffs, Beth and Colin were close, and she considered it a compliment when Colin asked to stay with her after his graduation. A few friends tried their hand at flirting with Colin, but nothing ever lasted. They'd wrongly assumed Beth would play matchmaker, not understanding that - under her cajoling - Beth respected her brother's autonomy too much for that.
So the years passed. Moving - homes and jobs and friendship circles - and Beth had settled into a pleasant life.
Then a routine visit at her parents' place went right to hell, and the world seemed to be quickly following. From their front yard she'd called 911, confusedly answered their question about bites, about "containing the threat". and agreed to go home and stay there. She'd barely gotten back and washed the blood off her skin when Collin showed up with his RV.
Beth hardly had time to appreciate the role reversal - it took this for him to suddenly become the leader? He convinced her that sitting in her apartment was no solution - they had to move.
But Beth knew it couldn't just be them alone forever. People need people - they couldn't solve every problem between the two of them. And sure, the first try didn't end well - but you can't write off everyone because of one bad experience... right?
Headcanons |
Beth and her brother's cat don't get along. While there are no outright hostilities, the peace is uneasy at best. Beth thinks Winter just dislikes having competition for Colin's attention.
Diagnosed with ADHD in young adulthood, Beth is sorely missing her medication these days.
Colin definitely brings out Beth's more mischievous, impulsive side. It's like she's a teen again; goading him into socializing, into taking chances and coming out of his shell. Maybe she'll reflect on that should she ever feel settled enough to leave Survival Mode.
Thinks it's silly to hide your true self at this point. Everyone could die any second, why would someone wanna go out being inauthentic?
That said, she doesn't go out of her way to share what happened with her parents, or what more she's done to survive since. Keeping parts of your past to yourself isn't the same as disguising your personality.
Now, Beth is an educated woman, but it doesn't mean she can't break out a good old Appalachian idiom should the moment strike just so.
Never wanted kids, something her mother frequently argued with Beth over.
One Tattoo: A song lyric on her left shoulder
Wanted Connections |
The Neighbor (1/1) - She used to live in an RV near the solar panels and yours was the closest residence. @vallaurent
| Personality Traits | Confident, Extroverted, Impulsive, Inclusive
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privilege-rpg · 5 days
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☆ FULL NAME: Maeve Bronach Theresa Flynn-Abrams ☆ GENDER: Ciswoman ☆ PRONOUNS: She/Her ☆ AGE: 38 (October 16th, 1985) ☆ TYPE: Half sibling; solo ☆ HOMETOWN: Los Angeles, California ☆ JOB: Computer and Electrical Engineering Professor at PSU ☆ SCHOOL: PSU Alumni ☆ SEXUALITY: Bisexual ☆ FACECLAIM: Katie McGrath
tw: parent death
Maeve was raised on the eastern coast of Ireland, in Bray, County Wicklow until she was in her early teens. She was raised by a single mother who wanted the very best for Maeve and did everything she could to provide such. Her father was American, a man she never met, but when her mother’s health went south, despite knowing the man had clearly moved on, with a wife and family of his own, her mother reached out. As far as Maeve knew, her father knew she existed, but her mother didn’t talk much of him, so she never was sure and she felt wrong asking after the fact. However, the man and his wife were more than willing to take her in, should the worst case scenario occur. Unfortunately for Maeve, it did. At the age of twelve, Maeve found herself in Los Angeles, California, a far cry from the Irish coast she was used to. Everything was new and the pain was fresh, and Maeve wasn’t the best at accepting what had happened.
Maeve was an angry and rebellious teen, something that lasted well into her young adulthood. She was spiteful and often found herself butting heads with both Colin and Nancy, a mix of her Irish stubbornness and poorly managed grief. She was the type to skip school, talk back, get mixed in with the wrong kind of crowd, people who didn’t have Maeve’s best interest at heart. And it certainly came back to bite her in the arse, more than once. Even still, she excelled in school, when she bothered to go.
When it came time to plan for her future outside high school, Maeve had no real direction. She liked computers and electronics but wasn’t sure what all she actually wanted from life. What she did know, was that she wanted to go back to Ireland, so she did, attending Trinity College Dublin, and ultimately ending up with a degree in electronic and computer engineering. After which, she came back to the states and did something most wouldn’t have expected of her. She joined the Navy as an officer.
For the next thirteen years, Maeve served in the Navy, reaching the rank of Lieutenant Commander. However, an injury in the line of duty left Maeve deaf in her left ear and unable to remain at her post, something that devastated the woman more than she had the words to say, more often than not. And, a year later, when she was officially relieved of her duty, a medical discharge to her name, she returned to Los Angeles. Her experience and time spent in the Navy made for a sparkling resume that easily landed her a position as a professor at Pacific State University.
When she’s not working, Maeve can often be found tinkering with some kind of electronic or playing video games. She considers herself a techno witch, the kind of person who weaves her magic with electronics and other non-traditional mediums. She doesn’t tend to worship any one god or goddess, even though she has quite the fascination with Greek mythology and modern retellings of such, but she believes in a higher power and that’s all she cares about. Though, if you get her walls down enough, she might admit that she’s still not sure life isn’t a simulation.
Colin and Nancy were high school sweethearts who broke up before college. They later reunited and got back together after. The pair married just prior to both getting thrust into the spotlight, Colin as an up and coming director and Nancy a model. Over the years, Colin has continued directing, but Nancy turned to being a romance author.
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joslincox · 24 days
Children Voicing Children in Cartoons
101 Dalmatian Street: A large majority of the Puppies are voiced by actual children.
Abby Hatcher: Many of the Fuzzlies and human child characters are voiced by kids.
Adventure Time:
Twelve-year-old Finn is voiced by Jeremy Shada, who was 12 when recording first began. Time passes over the show's history, so Finn's voice deepened with his voice actor's... until a certain point, since Finn definitely does not sound anything like Lance at this point.
In Alma's Way, some of the child characters are voiced by children.
In Alice's Wonderland Bakery, Alice, Fergie, Hattie, and Rosa are all voiced by child actors.
The Amazing World of Gumball has all three Watterson children voiced by actual kids in some point or another:
Gumball and Darwin are 12 and 10, respectively, and were initially cast by actors about the same age. After three years of production, during which both had their voices noticeably deepen, they were recast by actors who were four years younger at the beginning of the third season. About three years later, both characters had their voices changed again partway into the fifth season. Finally, Darwin's voice actor changed again early in the sixth season, less than a year later. Their voice changes always happen in the middle of an episode, much to the characters' confusion.
Anais was also cast with a child voice actor, albeit one who started five years older than the character, because finding an actual 4-year-old who can talk like a Child Prodigy would be extremely difficult. Since her voice hasn't changed as much, the same voice actress has played Anais well into her teens.
In Amphibia, Sprig is voiced by Justin Felbinger, who was 17 at the time of the show's premiere.
Animaniacs: Skippy Squirrel was voiced by Nathan Ruegger, the then-preteen son of show writer Tom Ruegger. As he started going through puberty near the end of the show, his voice was noticeably electronically altered to attempt to maintain his prepubescent tone.
The Flame was voiced by Nate's younger brother, Luke, who would also voice Loud Kiddington in Histeria!.
The semi-recurring character of Little Blue Bird was voiced by Nate and Luke's younger brother, Cody, who would go on to voice Big Fat Baby in Histeria!.
Also, the Randy Beaman Kid was voiced by Colin Wells, the then-preteen son of writer/producer Deanna Oliver.
Arthur: Numerous young male characters have been voiced by actual boys, including the title character. Oddly enough, D.W. has always been voiced by pre-pubescent young boys as well. Arthur, D.W., The Brain, George, the Tibble Twins and several other younger boy characters have been recast numerous times throughout the show's 24-year run. An exception goes to Buster, whose voice actor Daniel Brochu was 26 years old when the show began.
Avatar: The Last Airbender:
Aang is voiced by Zach Tyler Eisen, who was twelve at the time of the show's start. Another main character, Toph Bei Fong, is voiced by Jessie Flower, who turned twelve the same year her character was introduced. Any other kids their age or younger are voiced by children of the same gender and approximate age, and most teenagers are played by same gender voice actors that are usually at least a bit older (for instance, Katara is 14 and is voiced by Mae Whitman, who was 15 years old at the time, and Sokka is 15 and is voiced by Jack DeSena, who was 18 when the show started). The exceptions are Suki and Zuko, whose voice actors Jennie Kwan and Dante Basco were in their 30s.
An interview reveals that the series creators "really wanted" a real kid to play Aang, rather than Cross-Dressing Voices, and that as Eisen's voice has been deepening, the show's sound people have been artificially pitching it up, without the creators even noticing.
Atomic Betty: The titular character was voiced by an actual girl around her age, Tajja Isen. Averted with other child characters however, who are all voiced by adults.
In virtually all Animated Adaptations of Babar, the title character's four children, Pom, Flora, Alexander, and Isabelle, are all voiced by actual kids. Likewise, stories set during Babar's childhood have him voiced by an actual kid too, along with Celeste (who was voiced by a young Tara Strong in the first 2 seasons of the Nelvana series) and Arthur. Same goes with the kids in the Sequel Series Babar and the Adventures of Badou.
Beetlejuice: Then 14-year-old Alyson Court voiced Lydia, who was not much younger. Court had also voiced other child characters during this time, such as Veronica Lodge on The New Archies. Fellow Canadian voice artist Tara Charendoff (today Tara Strong) was 15 when she voiced Beetlejuice characters Claire Brewster and Bertha, but she can still knock a child character voice out of the park today.
Court also voiced Emily Elizabeth in the 80's Clifford the Big Red Dog Direct to Video specials in one of her first voice-acting roles.
The Berenstain Bears (2003): Brother and Sister are voiced by kids. While Sister kept her voice throughout that show's run, Brother went through two voice actors, one of them being Michael Cera.
The child characters of Bluey are voiced by children of the program's production crew and are not credited as voice performers.
The Boondocks: Jazmine DuBois was voiced by Gabriela Soleil, who was about 10 years old (same age as her character) when the show began.
The child characters in Bubble Guppies, as well as some of the animals, are voiced by actual kids.
In the German dub of the Bugs Bunny cartoon "Portrait of the Artist as a Young Bunny" actual children voiced the child versions of Bugs Bunny and Elmer Fudd, who in the original version were voiced by the then 72-year-old Mel Blanc.
The eponymous character of Caillou, as well as his little sister Rosie, have both been voiced by children, with Caillou's voice always being provided by girls.
Captain Flamingo: Some of the child characters including Lizbeth, Max, Rutger, Owen-Only, Tabitha and Thor were all voiced by actual children. Averted with the rest, including the title character himself, who are voiced by adults.
Charlie, Lola and all the characters on Charlie and Lola are voiced by actual children. Although the children refer to adults, even asking them questions, no adult voices are ever heard.
The Chicken Squad: Coop, Sweetie and Little Boo are voiced by kids.
Chowder: The title character, Panini, Gorgonzola, and Ceviche are all voiced by children. By the final season Chowder's voice was several times deeper than it originally had been due to his voice actor hitting puberty.
The Christmas Tree is a good example of how this can backfire. The child characters seem to be voiced by actual five- and six-year-old kids with little to no voice direction. The result is a lot of mumbling, slurring and bad acting. Bizarrely averted with one child who is clearly voiced by someone much older and sounds entirely out of place from the rest of the kids. Another one has an oddly distorted voice, possibly indicating that child was also voiced by someone older, and the voice sped up to try and hide this.
The US and UK Dubs of Chuggington both feature actual children and teenagers as the voices of the trainees as well as many other young characters.
younger than college age was voiced by a boy. Save a small bit, Tim Drake's laugh-to-crying as Joker Junior in Batman Beyond: Return of the Joker, which was provided by the show's voice director.
DC Super Hero Girls: Lilly Aspell voices a young Diana. Aspell was cast because she played the same role physically in the DC Extended Universe Wonder Woman films.
The kids in City of Ghosts are voiced by child actors.
Out of the mostly adult cast of Clarence, only few of the child characters were voiced by minors. The most notable example of this is Jeff, who was voiced by the then-teenaged Sean Giambrone and as such experienced a change in voice when the actor hit puberty.
Classical Baby uses appropriately aged children to voice any child characters.
On Clue Club (a 1976 Scooby-Doo expy from Hanna-Barbera), 13-year-old Dotty was voiced by then 11-year-old Tara Talboy.
Dennis the Menace: Brennan Thicke voiced the title character. He was 10 when the first season was in production and 12 during the second.
All-New Dennis the Menace stars Adam Wylie, then 9 years old, as Dennis.
Cruise Control features Walter Cronkite's grandson Peter (also 9 at the time) as Dennis.
Dink, the Little Dinosaur: Dink, Amber and Shyler were all voiced by children.
Dinosaur Train: Buddy, Don, Tiny and Shiny were all voiced by actual children. While Tiny and Shiny kept their voices throughout the show, Buddy had four voice actors and Don had two voice actors.
Chris Nee's two series, Doc McStuffins and Vampirina, have child actors also. The former's title character had two voice actresses, both of whom were 12-13 when starting out. The latter's title character is voiced by a 12-year-old girl.
Dorg Van Dango: Thirteen-year-old Dorg Van Dango is voiced by thirteen-year-old Chance Hurstfield.
Dot.: Pretty much all the child characters are voiced by actual kids, including the eponymous character.
Dragon Hunters: 10-year-old Zaza was voiced by 14-year-old Annie Bovaird.
Dragon Tales: Max, Emmy and Cassie were all children or teenagers when they were voicing their characters (although Emmy's voice actress, Andrea Libman, was an adult by the time season 3 premiered).
The Dumb Bunnies: Baby Bunny and Prissy Uppity are respectively voiced by Dustin Lauzon and Rebecca Brenner, who were still young children at the time of the show's run.
Ed, Edd n Eddy: Jimmy was voiced by Keenan Christensen, who was fourteen when the show first started. Christensen then evolved his voice into a falsetto after he hit puberty.
Elinor Wonders Why: Elinor, Olive and Ari are all three voiced by kids, along with the other younger recurring characters.
Fireman Sam: While most of the kids are voiced by adults, Peter is voiced by the preteen Arthur Smith Galiano.
Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends: Mac is voiced by Sean Marquette, who, surprisingly, was not replaced after he had gone through puberty, but instead had his voice digitally pitched up. Though it is still obvious if one compares episodes from Season 1 to episodes afterward. Marquette had also previously been on the Nicktoon Rocket Power. This example is particularly interesting when one realizes that Mac's 13-year-old brother, Terrance, is voiced by a woman (Tara Strong) even though the character has a fairly deep voice.
Franklin: Noah Reid (9-10 years old at the time the program first starting airing) was the voice of the original Franklin Turtle for the first five seasons, as well as the films Franklin and the Green Knight: The Movie and Franklin's Magic Christmas. Cole Caplan (around 12-13) replaced him for the film Back to School with Franklin and the sixth season. Cameron Ansell (14-15) voiced the character for the film Franklin and the Turtle Lake Treasure, and finally Graeme Jokic (13-14) was brought in for the All-CGI Cartoon spinoff Franklin and Friends. Some of the other child characters on the series were voiced by children as well.
Garbage Pail Kids Cartoon: Terri Cloth, Patty Putty, Split Kit and Elliot Mess's voice actors Alyson Court, Tara Strong, Noam Zylberman and Michael Fantini were actual children when the show was produced.
Harley Quinn (2019): Robin (Damian Wayne) is voiced by Jacob Tremblay who was 12 in the first season. Robin's voice is noticeably deeper in the fourth, as Tremblay was 16 by then even though not nearly as much time has passed on the show.
CH Greenblatt's Harvey Beaks reuses this with its main trio of Harvey, Fee and Foo, as well as all the supporting kids except Dade (who is voiced by Greenblatt himself) and Princess (voiced by Andres Salaff, one of the show's writers).
On Hello Kitty's Furry Tale Theater, the eponymous character was voiced by the 13-year-old Tara Charendoff, who would later go on from that first role to become more widely recognized as Tara Strong.
Hey Arnold!: Most child characters were voiced by actual children (Brainy is the exception, being voiced by show creator Craig Bartlett) and most of the boys' voice actors were replaced many times over the series run:
Arnold himself had fournote . The first actor to play Arnold (Toran Caudell) was given a new recurring role after his voice dropped, as the fifth-grade bully Wolfgang. The second Arnold (Phillip Van Dyke) made two guest appearances as One Shot Characters Sandy and Ludwig.
Gerald's voice actor (Jamil Walker Smith) is an exception. There's even an episode that explains why his voice changed, "Gerald's Tonsils". Though Smith was finally replaced when Hey Arnold! The Jungle Movie was made, since he was in his thirties at that point and far too old to do a child's voice.
Hilda: Bella Ramsey voices the titular eleven-year old blue-haired adventuress.
Histeria!: Loud Kiddington and Big Fat Baby were voiced by actual children.
Jackie Chan Adventures: Jade and Paco were voiced by age appropriate actors, though their voices changed significantly as the show went on.
Jake and the Never Land Pirates: Jake, Izzy and Cubby are all three voiced by kids. Throughout the series, Jake had four voice actors and Izzy and Cubby had two voice actors and actresses.
Johnny Bravo: Little Suzy was voiced by then 8-year old Mae Whitman.
Nickelodeon's KaBlam!:
The main kids in The Off-Beats segments were voiced by young children, most notably Mischa Barton as Betty-Anne Bongo. The later episodes had several of the kids' voices sounding a bit lower, including the females (who were voiced by girls). The only adult voice actors were series creator Mo Willems (who voiced September the dog and Grubby Groo) and Kevin Seal (who provided Tommy's yelling voice.)
Both Henry and June were voiced by real kids, with Noah Segan (Henry) being twelve and Julia McIlvaine (June) being nine when they began playing the two ten-year-olds in early 1996. By the second season, Henry's voice had broken, while June's voice gradually got lower as the show went on.
Like Henry and June, Loopy and Larry from Life with Loopy were also played by real kids. And like Henry, Larry's voice broke in the second season. Danielle Judovits, who voiced Loopy, was nine when she began playing the seven-year-old protagonist in the pilot ("Goldfish Heaven") when produced in 1994 and fourteen by the time production ended in 1999, causing Loopy to have a much lower voice in later episodes.
Kid Cosmic has the title character and Rosa, who are voiced by actual children, Jack Fisher and Lily Rose Silver respectively.
The Possible Twins, Jim and Tim, from Kim Possible, are both played by Shaun Fleming. He was 12 while recording season one, when the "tweebs" were 10. According to producers, Tim and Jim got a redesign and height boost in season four, either to justify Shaun's voice change or to justify a new actor. In the end, Disney went with a new actor, also a young boy: 13-year-old Spencer Fox, better known as Dash from The Incredibles. Of course, by season three, Fleming's voice had obviously broken, and no attempt was made to hide it. This had the bizarre result of the "tweebs" looking older but sounding younger than they had in the previous season.
Kim herself was voiced by Christy Carlson Romano, who was 16 at the time of casting.
Kipo and the Age of Wonderbeasts: Wolf is implied to be not much older than eleven, although her voice actress, Sydney Mikayla, was sixteen when the show premiered.
Life with Louie: Tommy is voiced by an actual child, Miko Hughes, who also played Jeremy Creek in The Town Santa Forgot.
A Little Curious: Bob the Ball was voiced by Cameron Bowen, who was 10 years old at the time of the show's premiere.
Little Einsteins had all of its main characters voiced by then-child actors. Natalia Wojcik, for instance, was eight years old during her time voicing Annie there.
In the 1980s The Little Rascals series, Scott Menville and Shavar Ross, then both 11, were Spanky's and Buckwheat's respective voice actors. The dwarf actress Patty Maloney, then 46, who had played furry male roles in the 1970s, was aptly cast as Darla Hood.
On the Llama Llama animated series, according to producer Reed Duncan,note several of the child characters are voiced by actual children. The youngest is six years old.
The Loud House: Lincoln is always voiced by a boy about his age. Suffice to say that with seven seasons and counting, the role's a casting revolving door; he's been voiced by six actors total (not counting Jackson Petty as the singing voice in "Really Loud Music") throughout the show's run. His best friend Clyde is also always voiced by boys his age, though since his voice is slightly deeper than Lincoln's, he's had four voice actors throughout the show's run instead.
Madeline: Madeline's first voice actress, Marsha Moreau, was eleven years old when she started and fourteen by the end of her tenure. Andrea Libman was also eleven when she took over the role, although she continued to voice the character until age eighteen, after which fifteen-year-old Chantal Strand replaced her. Likewise, Pepito's voice actors have all been real boys. Some of Madeline's eleven schoolmates have occasionally been voiced by adult actresses, but not always.
The Magic School Bus: All four of the boys are voiced by real boys, and all of their voices break over the course of the series.
The second Nelvana cartoon based on Rosemary Wells' books is Max and Ruby, which had an actual young child to provide the voice of Max at least twice during the show's run.
Miss Spider's Sunny Patch Friends: With the exception of Bounce (who is voiced by Julie Lemieux), all the young bugs are voiced by actual kids.
Mixels: Nurp (the infant half of Nurp-Naut) was voiced by very young child actor Justin Grollman, who, in supplemental work for a live-action short he was in, was revealed to only just be going into kindergarten.
Molly of Denali: All the kid characters are voiced by kid actors, though they are often somewhat older than their characters (For example, Sovereign Bill, who voices Molly, was 14 when the show premiered while Molly herself is only 10).
Moral Orel: Shapey Puppington was voiced by the creator's daughter, Tigger Stamatopoulos.
My Life as a Teenage Robot: In the Latin American Spanish dub, Jenny was voiced by an actual 16-year-old teen.
My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic: When the series started, the Cutie Mark Crusaders were voiced by young girls. Their voice actresses hit puberty during Season 4, but the foals didn't, thus creating some Vocal Dissonance in the characters. Sweetie Belle's voice used to squeak heavily, but by Season 5 it no longer did. Season 7 finally decided to show that the CMC are aging, thus explaining their maturing voices.
In her two Season 3 appearances, Babs Seed was voiced by Brian Drummond's then teenaged daughter Brynna.
Patton Oswalt's then-nine-year-old daughter Alice voiced Wind Sprint in the Season 9 episode "Common Ground".
Pipsqueak was voiced by a child actor. He went through two voice actors: William Lawrenson in one episode and Graham Verchere in three episodes after Lawrenson's voice changed.
My Friends Tigger & Pooh: Darby, Roo and Lumpy were voiced by actual children.
A lot of Nick Jr. animated titles seem to go along with ensuring that actual children portray child characters now. The Backyardigans and Go, Diego, Go! are two of the more notable examples. The weird part is, Uniqua in the former is voiced by a girl, but has a fairly deep voice for her gender and age.
Blue's Clues: Sidetable Drawer was voiced by then five-year-old Aleshia Allen, and the voices that help Steve were also provided by children.
Blue's Clues & You!! also uses this practice, starring child actors from other current works aired on Nick Jr.. Also, Polka Dots was voiced by Gagen Graham-Arbuthnot who was still a child the time of that show's run.
Dora the Explorer has been voiced by three different girls throughout the show's 15-year run.
During the time when Piper O'Possum was the mascot of Nick Jr., she was voiced by then ten-year-old Ali Brustofski in the US.
Noddy's Toyland Adventures:
While Noddy has traditionally been voiced by women (such as Denise Bryer and Susan Sheridan) in older media and various incarnations. In the British and American dub of Make Way For Noddy, Noddy is voiced by an actual boy which extends to the UK and U.S. dubs of Toyland Detective.
In the American dub of the show that was made for The Noddy Shop, Tessie is voiced by an actual girl despite her age never being stated. This was also carried to the US/Canada dub of Make Way For Noddy where she was voiced by Jesse Vinet best known for voicing Sheegwa and Rosie.
In the 2012 Ozzy and Drix reboot, the younger version of the title characters and their girlfriends were voiced by then-teenagers Tyler James Williams, Bandon Bluter, Keke Palmer, and Selena Gomez. The main character, Hector, was also voiced by an actual teenage boy, then 17-year-old Miles Heizer.
In The Owl House, the 12-year old Gus Porter is voiced by the 15-year old Issac Ryan Brown, and his voice notably deepens by the time season 2 rolls around; his growth spurt in the show reflects this.
In The Oz Kids, the children's voice actors were in their mid-teens at the oldest and nine years old at the youngest during the videos' production.
In the German dub of Pablo the Little Red Fox, all three fox children are all voiced by 3 actual kids (Karim el Kammouchi, Johannes Wolko and Laura Loessl).
In addition of the German dub of Pablo, most of child actors are also working on other shows dubbed in German by Bavaria Film Synchron (now as FFS Synchron Munich), such as Fun with Claude, Lulu Zipadoo, etc.
The dogs and Ryder on PAW Patrol are all voiced by kids, changing from time to time. For example, Ryder, Chase and Marshall have all had three voice actors and counting.
Skye and Rubble kept their original voices throughout the first five seasons. In the sixth season, they got new voices.
Tracker was originally voiced by David Lopez, but by Season 8, he is now voiced by Mateo Carnovale.
The titular trio of PB&J Otter plus Pinch and Scootch were all voiced by kids. Butter's voice actress was young enough when the show started that she didn't know how to read yet and had to be reminded about her few lines before she had to speak them during recording.
Most PBS animated series use this for their child characters, such as Let's Go Luna!, Peg + Cat and Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood, the latter of which uses several of the same cast members from PAW Patrol.
All of the characters in the Peanuts animated specials (save Snoopy and Woodstock and a handful of mostly offscreen adult characters) are voiced by children, which is retained in the Hebrew dubs. The first special, A Charlie Brown Christmas, may even be the Trope Maker, seeing as how it was the first time a cartoon used actual children to voice child characters. While there were some professional child actors involved—Charlie Brown has always been voiced by a working child actor, and Peanuts alums include a young Stacy Ferguson (Sally), Jeremy Miller of Growing Pains (Linus), Taylor Lautner (Joe Agate in He's a Bully) and the likes of Noah Schnapp, Madisyn Shipman and Francesca Capaldi in The Peanuts Movie—many of the actors were non-professionals who were very young, and had to have their lines cued to them since most of them either couldn't read the scripts properly or couldn't read them at all. The stilted dialog that the characters provide later became a staple of the Peanuts specials.
Peep and the Big Wide World: Peep and Chirp were voiced by real kids, although Quack's voice was provided by the adult Jamie Watson.
Peppa Pig has had four child voice actors portray the titular character, with the third, Harley Bird, starting out the role as a child and holding onto the role long after she was a child before she retired.
Phantom Investigators: All of the kids were voiced by actual children or teenagers.
In Phineas and Ferb, Phineas was voiced by 14-year-old Vincent Martella, and Ferb being voiced by 17-year-old Thomas Brodie-Sangster. As the series progresses, Phineas' voice deepened after the first few episodes.
In Pikwik Pack, Suki, Axel, Hazel and Tibor are all four voiced by kids.
The Powerpuff Girls (2016):
In the Latin American Spanish version, Bubbles has a child voice actress.
In the English version, Bubbles is voiced by a then-13-year-old.
The Proud Family: Penny Proud, Nubia Gross, and Sticky Webb were voiced by then teenagers Kyla Pratt Creator/Raquel Lee Bolleau, and Orlando Brown. Penny’s voice notably got deeper as Pratt went through puberty.
In the shows reboot, BeBe Proud’s voice was recasted by Aiden Dodson, a 7-year-old boy with autism.
The 9-year-old cast of the primetime edition of Punky Brewster voiced their cartoon counterparts in the Saturday morning iteration.
A Pup Named Scooby-Doo: Fred, Velma and Daphne are voiced by children, while Don Messick and Casey Kasem reprise their respective roles as Scooby and Shaggy. Fred's voice actor apparently went through puberty as his voice is slightly deeper in later episodes.
Puppy Dog Pals: Bingo and Rolly are voiced by child actors. Other young characters such as Chloe, Keia, Lollie, Auggie, Mo, Darius, Grace, Buster, Leo, Roxy and Nougat, are also voiced by child actors.
In the fourth season, Bingo and Rolly got new voices by new voice actors which were named Elisha Williams & Gracen Newton after their original voice actors Issac Ryan Brown and Sam Lavagnino couldn't voice the two characters anymore due to hitting puberty.
Pupstruction: The members of the Pupstruction and Phiny's little sister Bailey are voiced by kids.
The Raccoons: Stuart Stone, who was around 10 years old when Season 5 was released, voiced two child characters from the season, Danny from the episode "Stress Test!" and Bentley after his original actor, Noam Zylberman, went through puberty.
Rainbow Fish: Rainbow, Blue and Sea Filly are voiced by pre-teen kids along with some other child fish characters.
Ready Jet Go!: Sean, Sydney, Mindy and Mitchell are all voiced by pre-teens. Sydney and Mitchell's VAs got replaced in the TV movie with younger voice actors, which is part of season 2.
Recess: All of the main kids were also voiced by like-gender children (apart from Spinelli, voiced by the adult Pamela Adlon Segal). Apart from TJ, who went through four actors during the show's course, the voices stayed the same throughout the show.
All of the kids on Rolie Polie Olie are voiced by real kids; Olie himself was Cole Caplan (also known for replacing Noah Reid as the title role in the final season of Franklin), while his sister Zowie was voiced by Kristen Bone (who also voiced Snail in Franklin and Maggie of Maggie and the Ferocious Beast)
Rosie's Rules: All of the young characters are voiced by children. The one exception is Crystal, who is 12 but is played by a teenager.
Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer (1964): The fellow fawn Clarice was voiced by the then fifteen year-old Janis Orenstein.
The titular child character of Salty's Lighthouse was voiced by then eleven-year-old Rhys Huber.
Sagwa, the Chinese Siamese Cat: Sheegwa the kitten was voiced by Jesse Vinet who was still a young girl at the time of the show's run.
In the 30+ year history of The Simpsons, only one kid character wasn't played by Dawson Casting or Crossdressing Voices, and that was Charlie, the orphan boy Bart befriends in the Season 21 episode "O Brother, Where Bart Thou?", who was voiced by Jordan Nagai (Russell in Up), the series' youngest guest star to date.
Both of Craig Gerber's shows, Sofia the First and Elena of Avalor, all have child characters voiced by children within the same age range, whether through replacements or whenever they first started voicing the character. For example, in the former, Ariel Winter (Sofia) and Darcy Rose Byrnes (Amber) were both 14 when the show came out, meaning they were 12-13 when recording. James has gone through three voice actors due to puberty (Zach Callison, Tyler Merna and Nicolas Cantu). The latter has Isabel voiced by Jenna Ortega, who turned 14 the year the show came out, meaning she was 12-13 when recording. The "Adventures in Vallestrella" shorts have their baby Jaquins voiced by Gia Lopez, and the sons of Craig Gerber and Sam Riegel.
Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog/Sonic the Hedgehog (SatAM): Similar to the early video games, Tails was voiced by child voice actors Christopher Welch and Bradley Pierce respectively. In Christmas Blast, Chris Turner voiced Tails due to Welch's voice having changed already.
South Park: Kindergartners are voiced by young kids, with most of the "swearing" in these scenes actually being innocent words that are bleeped to sound like cursing. A notable example is Ike whose voice is provided by various toddler children or relatives of the production staff. This accounts for his dialogue being Baby Talk prior to Season 10. Trey Parker and Matt Stone have said finding the right voices for these roles is tough due to the "small window when children sound adorable before they sound like little assholes". Averted for the older kids, who are voiced by adults with their recordings pitched up.
SpongeBob SquarePants: Some child characters were voiced by children. In fact, some of these roles were played by the kids who sang in the show's opening theme!
The younger versions of the characters in The SpongeBob Movie: Sponge on the Run were voiced by actual children.
Steven Universe: When initially cast, the voice actors for Steven (who also voices Onion), Connie and Peedee were fourteen or fifteen (only a few years older than the characters, save for Onion). However, all three characters only age about two years over the course of the series, by which point the actors reached their twenties.
Stickin' Around: The child characters were voiced by real kids, one of whom was a young Noah Reid in his first acting role. That said, Reid wasn't actually any of the main characters, with most of the others only having this series and one or two other cartoons as their only major roles (one of the more notable exceptions however is Amos Crawley as Russell).
Most of the voice actors in the 2003 incarnation of Strawberry Shortcake were children or teenagers.
SuperKitties: The titular superhero kittens are all voiced by children.
Most of the animated adaptations of Beatrix Potter's The Tale of Peter Rabbit have actual children voicing Peter Rabbit and his sisters Mopsy, Flopsy, and Cottontail. The most notable would have to be Mopsy, Flopsy, and Cottontail who were voiced by girls in Peter Rabbit and The World of Peter Rabbit and Friends. Past adaptations would usually have Peter's sisters voiced by grown women, such as one episode of the HBO Family series HBO Storybook Musicals, while Peter was voiced by a young boy, and the Merrie Melodies short "The Country Boy", where all of the bunnies were voiced by women. An interesting case of this happens in the 2013 CGI series, Peter Rabbit, where Cottontail is voiced by a girl who is around the age of 5 or 6 because that series' version of Cottontail is a toddler.
TaleSpin used children to voice Kit, Molly and their friends. When the voice of Kit's original actor started to change, he was replaced by another child with a similar voice.
Many of the young train engine characters in Thomas & Friends: All Engines Go are voiced by actual children and young teenagers, with the young Thomas the Tank Engine having three voice actors throughout the show's run (one of them being a young Meesha Contreras). The same occurs with the UK dub as well.
3-2-1 Penguins!: Both Jason and Michelle Conrad had two child voice actors. Jason's first voice actor, Mark Marten, was around 7-9 years old. His second voice actor, Quinn Lord, was 7 years old. Michelle's first voice actress, Melissa Peterson, was around 7-9 years old. Her second voice actress, Claire Corlett, was around 7.
The Nelvana Animated Adaptation of Rosemary Wells' Timothy Goes to School book and Yoko & Friends series. It uses actual children to voice at least four characters (Timothy, Yoko, Charles, and Juanita). Lisa Yamanaka, who voices Yoko, is the most notable since she started hitting puberty at the time of the show's original run in 2000 and may have been a preteen. Lisa previously voiced Wanda Li on The Magic School Bus back in 1994 and later voiced Sherry in Resident Evil 2.
Total DramaRama: Cody and Gwen are respectively voiced by Wyatt White and Lily Bartlam, who are actual children. In the Latin American Spanish dub, strangely enough, Cody is done by a pre-teen girl Angie Mallo.
T.O.T.S.: Pip and Freddy are both voiced by child actors, as are many of the babies. Although Freddy kept the same voice actor for the entire series, Pip was recast in Season 3 due to his original voice actor going through puberty.
The Wacky Adventures of Ronald McDonald:
Tika and Franklin are voiced by child actors (the former by Jazmine A. Corona and the latter by Alex D. Linz, who was around nine when the first video "Scared Silly" was produced).
Nearly averted with Warren Sroka's role as King Murray in Have Time, Will Travel. King Murray is blatantly a kid, but Warren Sroka was 17 when the video was originally released.
Whisker Haven Tales with the Palace Pets: All Palace Pets are voiced by children, most under 8 years old. Berry went through two voice actresses.
Some of the characters in the Nickelodeon dub of Winx Club (which was released the same year as Osmosis Jones) were voiced by teenagers, similar to Osmosis Jones, in which the title character, again, has his voice provided by a teenage boy. Particularly, Aisha is voiced by Keke Palmer, who also voiced Leah Estrogen, the latter's love interest. This practice was averted in the 4Kids and Cinelume dubs.
The Wonder Pets! are animals, but young ones and Ming-Ming in particular is specifically described as a duckling. The iconic Elmuh Fudd Syndwome exhibited by her character ("This is sewious!") is a Throw It In from the child voice actress (Danica Lee) hired to voice her not having grown out of this at the time she was cast out of hundreds of girls for this role.
Work It Out Wombats! has its' young characters all voiced by child voice actors (except for the crab triplets, who are voiced by Julie Lemieux), even if some of them are slightly older than their characters. Zeke's young voice actor, Rain Janjua discusses this in this podcast episode; Zeke is four, but Janjua was nine when the show premiered, and states that children as young as four or five could not voice Zeke because they would have trouble reading their lines.
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toixxx-ace · 2 years
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thekatebridgerton · 2 years
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Polin 146 aesthetics project, Prompt #30 this one was picked by @melissuhsstuff
childhood marriage promise
"But what if I'm not always charming Colin Pen? What if I get old and grumpy and nobody loves me when I'm gross and thirty" teenage Colin complained to little Penelope after coming back from Mr Cowper's funeral "I could end up dead and miserable like Cressida's dad"
"That won't happen, you're the best boy I know, ever, in the world" little Penelope laughed "but I promise if nobody loves you when you're gross and thirty, I'll marry you"
"Really Pen? You'll marry me even if I'm sad and old?" He said giving her a ring pop he had in his pocket
"Of course I will silly" Penelope giggled kissing the teen on the cheek accepting the candy
It was then that Colin noticed that Benedict was filming with his stupid camera and got angry "Hey Ben stop doing that"
"Oh no! This is blackmail you'll have to catch me first"
-Record end
Successful British columnist Penelope Featherington never thought that an old home video would come back to haunt her so badly just as she's ready to give up on her crush on Colin Bridgerton for good.
He's had commitment phobia all his life for Pete's sake! Got engaged to her cousin, got disengaged from her cousin, then to some girl in Ibiza and then again to another one in Istanbul. All while spending the rest of his 20s running away from responsibility.
Yes they're friends and she has loved him all her life but enough is enough. After hearing him make fun of the silly idea that would be him dating her. Penelope is finally ready to give up her useless crush on him and focus on her career and starting a family of her own by adopting a child. She doesn't even need a man. She can date as many people as she wants and still have fun on her own.
Only thing is that Colin isn't happy about that.
And then just when he's managed to piss her off with too many jealous fits with her dates that make her want to strangle him.. Colin turns 30 and decides that the home video of hell is proof that she's got to marry him now.
Ugh talk about someone who could get away with murder if he tried hard enough. With that puppy face and devilish grin.
Penelope feels quite tricked into the wedding of her dreams really. Colin Bridgerton shouldn't be allowed to be charming when she's angry at him. He's making her believe that he really loves her. And Penelope can't tell what's real and what's not when Colin is working his hardest to cash in on a stupid promise she made when she still believed in Santa Claus
But maybe it's Colin the one who's always been afraid of a lifetime without her.
#someoneplz #writethis
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remakethestars · 3 years
Being Damian Wayne's Twin Sister Would Include:
❝Exactly. I don't ask my dog to drive, and I don't ask the Justice League to solve my problems.❞
— Damian Wayne, Adventures of the Super Sons #9: Showdown on Hexworld
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TRIGGER WARNING: Cursing, (Damian’s) death. Mentions of toxic masculinity and internalized misogyny, nightmares, blood, knives.
Headcanon masterlist.
When people ask you, “So, which one of you is the evil twin?” Damian always glowers, and you always motion to him.
You look disturbingly alike when only your eyes are showing; Damian’s got long lashes. Talia taught you a good tactic for tag-teaming in combat as kids was to pull up your hinged balaclavas and make the enemy think there was only one of you, that they’re seeing double.
Or for one of you to hang back while the other attacks as a distraction before the other knocks them out from behind.
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Obviously, this won’t work when the two of you start filling out, but it works when you’re kids. It’s the reason why, even off the field, the two of you usually wear a matching outfits with hoods.
You utilize the same methods when she sends you to live with Bruce.
You don the Robin costume just like he does, much to the rest of the Batfam’s confusion (both because they weren’t expecting it and because they can’t tell you apart either), but sticking with the “red” theme, you go by Redstart.
There’s a rumor on the street that Robin V. is a meta that can teleport.
The two of you are freakishly good at mimicking the other’s voice and mannerisms, which makes it even harder for your family.
Jason tells you two about April Fools Day, and you make the most of it. Of course, Damian’s a pain in the a$$ and decides to go around pretending to be you and getting into trouble. You’re banned from the mall, and you still have no idea why. 
The two of you can communicate with just an impassive expression (Dick says it looks like a prime example of twin telepathy to anyone else), but anyone close to you knows sh¡t’s about to hit the fan when the two of you look at each other and smirk.
If it’s something you can’t communicate nonverbally, you use your cryptophasia. 
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Cryptophasia is a language developed by twins when they’re learning to talk. Most of them grow out of it, you and Damian decided to keep developing it so it became more of a conlang. No one else has been taught to speak it, and they never will be. It’s for emergencies only.
Sun Tzu’s The Art of War was your Bible growing up, and the two of you call out verses when you fight together and need the other to understand a tactic (you both inherited Bruce’s eidetic memory, so you’ve got it memorized).
When you get too big to pull off the which-is-which game, you make your own costume and become the true Redstart. 
It’s basically Damian’s Robin uniform (the Super Sons’s version is the only one I’ll accept), but the boots and gloves are black, the biceps have a white stripe, the lining of the cape is white (the lining of the hood is black), the gold accents become white, it has a zipper down the front instead of clasps, and the mask becomes black (including the eyes). The waterline of the eyes is white. Like a painted redstart.
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If Damian’s into animals, you’re into plants. The two of you find common ground on the fact that pollution sucks, so when you walk Titus, you take a trash bag and gloves with you to pick up litter as you go.
You did not want to go to Jon’s school. 
Not because you don’t like Jon (because you do), but because you know you could run intellectual circles around every one of those snot-nosed brats. 
School is stupid. Especially because the American education system is subpar; everything about it is.
You hardly pay attention in class. You do all of the homework a week ahead of time incase something comes up. Usually you’re doing next week’s homework in class. You’ve written entire papers on your phone in Google Docs in the middle of class to be printed out later.
If you’ve already done everything, Damian’s usually drawing and you’re daydreaming or you’re working on a case on your phone.
The teachers are always trying to catch you not paying attention, but you little sh¡ts can always answer their questions. 
Damian’s closest with Dick, but you’re closest with Tim. You admire his ability to plan ahead (see the entirety of the Red Robin comics), and you know that he’s better than both your father and your grandfather; you want to be as good as him when you grow up.
It takes a long time to wash the toxic masculinity and internalized misogyny our of your head, to learn that your grandfather’s ideas of “strength” were wrong, that it’s okay to lean on someone besides Damian, that you can be just as strong as your brother and still be feminine, that there are acceptable emotions besides anger.
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Actually, your father teaches you that anger is more likely to get you killed. He won’t let you go into the field when he knows your angry.
It’s harder to drill out of you than your instinct to kill.
There’s a Lebanese restaurant called Tarbooshes (Teen Titans Special #1) the two of you go to when you’re feeling homesick. They make ox blood soup the same way your mother did, and it’s the only non-vegetarian thing Damian will eat for that very reason.
It’s nice to have a place to go where they know you by name and know what you want when you tell them “the usual.” It’s nice to have a place where you’re not a Wayne or an Al Ghul, where you’re just [Y/N] and Damian.
You disappear for an hour on your birthday to eat there. Bruce has asked you were you go, but you kept that between the two of you. 
Speaking of birthdays, you’re eleven minutes older than him. He was six pounds and ten ounces (Batman & Robin #0?), and you were a solid seven.
After Damian died, you go to Tarbooshes to feel close to him.
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You were doing all right with the no-killing thing until the night Damian died.
Heretic never stood a chance.
He looked so much like Damian it gave you nightmares, though. Nightmares where you killed your twin brother and woke up sobbing.
Damian didn’t give you a speech in his last moments. He just looked over at you and said in your cryptophasia, “I’m sorry.” 
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Not “I love you.” Not “Take care of them for me.” You knew that; you’d do that. He didn’t have to tell you, and he didn’t have to ask.
Just “I’m sorry.” Sorry that you were the one that was left behind.
It’s one thing to lose a family member, to lose a friend, or to lose a lover. It’s another to lose half of your soul.
The two of you had always feared you would die apart. It had always been a possibility; you weren’t stupid enough to think, “It’ll never happen to me.” Because it definitely could. 
And it had.
You wanted to run away from everything. Even just for a while. Go to one of your safe houses in London or France or whatever and just — you didn’t know — stare at the wall until you felt better? But you’d made that unspoken promise to Damian — “I’ll take care of them for you; don’t worry.” — to take care of Titus and Catfred and Jerry and Batcow and Goliath, to take care of Alfred and Bruce and Dick and Jason and Cassandra and Tim, to take care of Jon and Colin and Maps.
You avoided the cave. And if you had to go down there for some reason, you refused to look at the Robin suits.
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Dick noticed. He asked if you wanted them taken down, even just for a while. You gave him a look like he was nuts and said, “No.”
Jon was a mess. More of a mess than you were, somehow. 
You’d shown up at the Kents’s. Jon was out doing Superboy things with Clark and Conner. Lois was the only one home.
You nearly scared her out of her skin when you materialized behind her and asked, “Is Jon home? It’s important.” 
He had to know first. He deserved to.
For all he put up with from you two, he deserved to be the first to know when one of you was f*cking dead.
Lois, of course, bless her heart, had the mom instincts to know that you were in no way, shape, or form okay even when you were trying so hard to hold yourself together. She asked you what’s wrong, and it’s what made you break. 
Your lip trembled. “He’s gone.”
“Who’s gone?”
“Damian,” your voice broke. “He’s dead.” 
Jon came home to find you in his living room in your Robin uniform, covered in Damian’s and Heretic’s blood, snot running down your lip, sobbing in his mothers arms and knew what happened without having to ask. He did anyway.
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When you and Jon both finally passed out, your Uncle Clark flew you back to the Batcave. No one was in any condition — not even Alfred — so he carried you up to your room; took your boots, mask, cape, and gloves off; and tucked you in. Then he went to find Bruce because there was no doubt he was losing it too.
Bruce doesn’t tell you anything about trying to find a way to bring him back without the Lazarus pit because he doesn’t want to get your hopes up. 
You walk into your room one day to find Damian sitting there reading the dissertation (the requirement was three pages, not 120, but your teacher would just have to deal with your coping mechanisms) you had been working on for your World History class and left up on your laptop while on patrol. 
He said with the utmost indifference, “You’ve made some good points, Sister,” and, of course, you pulled out a knife and attacked him because this was — was — was some shapeshifting alien or hologram tech or a cruel joke — your twin was dead, this wasn’t funny, whoever did this was going to pay.
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He met you blow-for-blow and flipped away from you before saying, “And here I was expecting a warm welcome,” in your cryptophasia. 
“Tt. Obviously.” 
Yeah, a college level thesis. You’re smart. You inherited Bruce’s eidetic memory and were raised by assassins.
You learned seven languages and wrote five doctoral theses by the time your teeth came in, wrote your first letter to a newspaper editor when you were two, could’ve had a geology doctorate when you were seven (Super Sons #1), and it only took you a week to learn the language on Takron-Galtos. You’re smart.
You’re also incredibly skilled. You learned to drive when you were five (Super Sons #1), your mother trained you to go for weeks without eating (Adventures of the Super Sons #6), you can micro-sleep for days and converse with half your brain asleep, can use a muscular contraction to move your liver out of the way of a blade (Nightwing #20), and can place yourself in a deep trance to heal damages caused by a hematoma (also #20).
(My dumba$$ didn’t note what Super Sons/Adventure of the Super Sons comic I was reading when I took notes, so I don’t have all of them noted in the two above bullet points. But that’s where they’re from. If I end up rereading them, I’ll edit this and add the comic numbers.)
The first time on patrol you thought Bruce was gonna die, you called him Baba. 
The next evening, when Dick came to visit the cave, he turned to you and Damian and asked, “So, which one of you called him Dad?” 
“How’d you know?” you asked. 
“He’s smiling the way he did the day I called him Tati.”
“He’s not smiling,” Damian pointed out.
“He is on the inside.”
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Can we talk about how royally the Arkham Knights game screwed up Tim Drake? (Though, everything seems to screw up Tim one way or another, I guess.) Why does he look like a quidditch player in the gif above the cut?
Visit my headcanon masterlist.
DISCLAIMER ━━━ I’m a dumb white American, and I don’t know much about Arab or Romani culture other than what I’ve learned online. I hope I got it right?? If I didn’t, please drop a comment or P.M. me or something to let me know!
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ladyfogg · 3 years
Prompt - Colin Zabel takes you out on a date, but you don't realise at first that it's a date 🍿
A/N: God I love Colin. There can never be enough Colin fics. Enjoy!
Pairing: Colin Zabel/GN!Reader
Rating: Teen
If anyone wants to be added to my taglists, fill out this form. To learn more about what prompts I’m accepting, check here. The Evans Masterlist.
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You hear your name being called and look up from your desk to find Colin standing there. “Hey, Zabel, what’s up?”
Colin’s cheeks are tinged red from the cold and he hands you one of the coffees he’s holding. “Thought you could use a pick-me-up.”
“Thanks, how much do I owe you?”
Waving his hand dismissively, Colin takes a seat across from you. “Don’t worry about it. On me.”
“Cool, thanks. I’ll get the next one.”
“What about dinner?”
“Dinner for a coffee hardly seems fair.”
Colin smiles, ducking his head a little to sip from his coffee. You try not to notice the dimple in his cheek. “We can split it,” he offers.
“Yeah, sounds good.”
“Really? Do you mean that?”
“Why wouldn’t I mean it?” Your eyes are drawn to the file in front of you once more, deeply engrossed in the details of the case the two of you are working together.
“No reason. None at all. Cool. Great. So tonight?”
You don’t answer right away, thoroughly distracted until Colin calls your name again. “Hmm, what? Sorry! Was just reading the witness statement.”
Colin’s still smiling, his brown eyes wide as he stares at you with an expression you haven’t seen before. “Dinner tonight,” he repeats. “We can go after work.”
“Oh, yeah sure. Count me in.”
His smile widens and he sits up and clears his throat. “So, what did the statement say?”
You lose yourself in the details of the case after that. When Mare had paired you and Colin together, you weren’t sure what to expect. Everyone talked about the “hero detective” but no one really knew who Colin was as a person. You were pleasantly surprised to find a sweet, down-to-earth guy who just wanted to help people. There was none of the arrogance or self-assuredness you would have expected to find in someone so well-known. The two of you quickly fell into a routine and worked incredibly well together.
The day is a busy one but you and Colin get some good work in. Between witness interviews and lab work, most of the time you’re cramped together in your office going over every report and file. But you don’t mind it at all. You like being around Colin. He has a warmth and boyish charm and helps you relax. However, by the time five rolls around, you’re exhausted and starving.
As you’re pulling on your coats, Colin asks, “Do you want to ride over together?”
“That’s alright. I’ll drive myself, otherwise, I’ll have to leave my car here.”
“I don’t mind bringing you home after.”
You smirk. “Then how am I going to get to work in the morning? Planning on spending the night?”
His cheeks go bright red. “I mean…”
Laughing, you push past him. “I’ll meet you there.”
On the drive, you wonder why Colin looked so embarrassed. It was just a joke. You tease him like that all the time and, usually, he teases back. With a shrug, you chalk it up to being a long day and head to the restaurant. It’s a great little place tucked away that serves comforting pub foods. It’s your favorite place to go so when Colin asked where you wanted to eat, you immediately picked it.
You go inside and ask for a table. It’s not too long before Colin joins you. He’s changed his look up a little. While he’s still wearing his work clothes, he had unbuttoned his blue shirt and pushed the sleeves up. It was a damn good look on him and you smile with appreciation as he joins you.
“Nice place,” he says, casually looking around. Or at least, he tries to appear casual. You can tell that he’s nervous. “I’ve never been here before.”
“Not many people have. That’s why I like it. It’s my favorite hidden spot.”
“Thanks for sharing it with me.”
He’s fidgeting. It’s enough for you to notice. “You okay, Zabel?”
“Yeah, yeah I’m fine,” he assures you. “I guess I’m a little nervous.”
“Why? It’s just me.”
“I know. But that doesn’t make the first date any less scary.”
First date.
Realization hits you like a ton of bricks and you sit there dumbstruck as you realize you’re on a date. Oh my god, of course you’re on a date! No wonder he got all red! Oh my god. Oh my god. You basically asked him if he planned to come over to your place after. Oh, fuck!
Colin can immediately tell what’s going on. You see his shoulders slump and he deflates. “This isn’t a date, is it?” he asks softly.
“I’m so sorry, Colin. I didn’t realize that’s what you were asking!” you say. Reaching across the table, you take his hand. “But this can be a date! I would have said yes even if I had realized…oh my god, I’m so dumb.”
Colin shakes his head, taking both your hands in his. “No, no, you’re not. I should have been clearer…I—”
He’s interrupted when the server comes over. He lets your hands go and sits back again, nervous drumming his fingers on the table.
“Can I start you two off with something to drink?” the server asks.
“Just water,” you say.
“Me too,” Colin adds.
Sensing the weirdness, the server nods and makes herself scarce. The moment she walks away, the humor of the situation gets to you and you start to laugh. That makes Colin break out into a grin and the next thing you know, the both of you are laughing at the miscommunication. It takes a while for the laughter to die down but when it does, Colin is still smiling.
“So, just so we’re on the same page, this is a date, right?” he asks.
“Yeah, absolutely.”
Picking up the menus, you and Colin start trying to figure out what you want to eat. As you do, you can’t help but glance at him with a smile. He’s already glancing back at you and ducks his head at being caught.
“You know,” you say casually. “I was teasing earlier about you spending the night. But…I can be serious about that too. If you play your cards right.”
Colin’s smile fades as his tongue darts out to lick his lips. “Good to know,” he says. “Good to know.”
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gavvaiins · 3 years
thoughts on s2 ✨spoilers ahead✨
lol I binged it in one day, which I never wanted but I just couldn’t stop myself :’)
never was a huge fan of the main plot of s1 and wasn’t really invested in either Daphne or Simon. But they lead me to reading the books and oh book two. Love it. Love Kathony, the plot ... and yeah well, they changed some things for the better and ... the worst but I was very excited an not dissapointed.
the story telling felt more linear and less cluttered than in s1
there were so many things stuffed into one episode, I thought some scenes happened in ep 6 or so but were in ep2
bridgerton family time - it was lovely and nice to see more of the little ones
except Francesca, it feels like they forgot and left her at Aubrey Hall
the start of the season/ep1, loved the cute family moments and the parallel to Daphne’s
loved every ball scene of Eloise, they were hilarious
the Sharmas, all of them - event though they got butchered
Kate and Anthony having more things in common
the way Kate got introduced
the Sharmas staying at Lady Danbury’s was quite a smart move
Netwon, but we didn’t get enough of him >:(
Ascot, Aubrey Hall, Hyde Park
Sir Phillip & Colin ranting about Greece
✨ Kathony  ✨
Anthony getting jealous and falling into the pond with his extra flimsy, thin shirt on, no one knows why he owns it or has chosen to wear it that day
Edwina’s emancipation or setting herself free or however one says it in english
really loved that, even though she loves her sister and family, she decides that she wants to decide for herself and gets to know herself better
the situation in which Colin says, he doesn’t see Pen as a love interest ever! hurt :) but it was nicely set up
I’m glad they left out some problematic scenes from the book, like the carriage scene. But they really butchered the library scene and overall I’m a bit dissapointed, that Violet never makes her son dances with wallflowers aka. Pen like in the book. Seeing Anthony escorting Pen in Aubrey Hall was also a moment for Kate.
Pen is one of my favourites & I get she’s an important side character, but it feels like her role is too important in s2?
yeah ik sounds stupid but I think she had too much screen time & focus 
Edwina falling for Anthony
hated that the most. In the book she isn’t intersted in him and is the biggest Kathony shipper! 
Was really hoping, begging for a plottwist that Edwina knew the conditions all along and only wanted to marry him for her family, and not out of love
but noooo! they had to turn it into a ridiculous love triangle between 2 loving and supporting sisters, and a man
half-sister hurt, stung like a bee
htf are the two supposed to get over it, when they broke apart over a man??? 
they kinda make up over a death experience
I liked Lady Danbury’s involvement, however Mary should’ve played a bigger part in supporting her daughters and finding love for Edwina
No sharmas in the epilogue family scene :))) I get it, it’s the Bridgerton. Kate is a Brigerton now but ... family is so important to her. Why isn’t her family with her??? (do hope we get to hear more of them in the future & that Edwina isn’t just lost)
Pen fucking things up again with Lady Whistledown
She’s a young adult, teen whatever, people make mistakes. She’s in a difficult position with Lady Whistledown. But when your friend is in a difficult, dangerous position you should talk to her and not listen to your partner who claims you’ve to drag her through the mud :))
Featherington drama/plot could’ve toned down a little
Colin believing for a second that he has to free Marina from her unhappy life ... whatever that was
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tsarisfanfiction · 3 years
The Listener
Fandom: Thunderbirds Rating: Teen Genre: Angst Characters: John
So this is a response to @flashfictionfridayofficial and their weekly prompt “never forgotten”.  This clocks in at 687 words, according to MSWord.
This isn’t a new idea by any means, but it’s one I personally haven’t poked at before so I thought I’d give it ago.  Would you believe I was in the mood to write fluff before I saw this prompt and all thoughts of fluff went screaming out the window?
Warnings for mentions of deaths (no canon characters).
Head in hands.  Eyes staring out at infinity.
It’s not unusual. This happens, sometimes.  It’s been a bad day.  No, not a bad day.  It’s been a terrible day.  The sort of day where he finds himself counting.  One.  Two. Three.  Four.  Five.
Five of them.  Five life signs.  Five heartbeats.  Four brothers and one sister, still alive.  He still has his family.
He still has his family.
They don’t.  They’re nameless.  Faceless.  Abstract concepts he might never see.  Never hear. Never meet.  But they don’t have their family.  Their friends.  Loved ones, soulmates, all the pieces of their world.
John holds those loved ones, fingers fisted in ragged hair, palms pressing into his cheeks fierce enough to hurt.  They’re not his loved ones.  His are all still alive, if not safe and well.  None of them are safe and well after today.
(One might argue they’re never safe and well.)
The ones he holds tight, even though they’re long slipped away beyond his reach, are those loved ones.  The loved ones of those nameless, faceless people he doesn’t know.
They’re the ones he couldn’t save.  The ones that imparted final words in his ears, voices straining and broken.  Some of them cried.  Some of them were numb, in shock to the last.  Some of them tried to deny it, holding strong even as realisation washed over them.
Death is a personal thing, people say.  Everyone reacts differently, sees it differently.
Everyone has one last thing to say.  Confessions. Stories.  Messages to pass on.  People don’t just see death coming and let it come without one last quip. One last way to be remembered.
It’s John that hears them. John, who’s entrusted with things that should never have been meant for his ears, because there’s no-one else to take them.  John, who has to find the right response for each person.  Reassurances, for some.  Respectful silence, for others.  Agreement. He only has one chance to get it right, and the responsibility is a heavy, heavy weight.
Holding someone’s life is one thing.  Holding their death is something completely different.
He knows last rites for thirty different religions, in all the languages they’re used.  It’s not his place; he’s no man of spiritual enlightenment, no-one with the right to say these things.  But sometimes – often – he’s asked to do them anyway.  Because a disembodied voice from the sky is better than no rites at all.
If it’s the only way left to save them, save their minds, souls, whatever they believe in if not their bodies, then John will do it, because saving people is John’s job and sometimes it’s about saving their peace when it’s too late for anything else.
Sometimes his siblings get there in time.  Sometimes last words aren’t last words at all, and they’re free to keep on living, keep on talking and moving forwards because it’s not their time yet.
Sometimes they don’t. Days like today, where tragedy mounted higher and higher and John’s voice is hoarse from saying the right thing at the right time.
John can talk for hours. Talking doesn’t wear his voice thin easily, normally.  He can’t let it – what good is the Voice Who Answers if he can’t answer?  But these… these are different.  Harsher.  Rawer.
He remembers them all. Every single one.  Today was little Toby, not yet three years old and scared.  Monty, fifteen and resigned.  Old Ted, who’d lived a long and fulfilling life and promised he was ready to go.  Colin, nineteen and full of dreams for the future.
So he sits, staring at the infinity of space and knowing that one day that void will come to swallow him up just the same, and carefully files them – names, last words, how and when – away in his memories just like all the others that had gone before.
The world moves on without them, but there are people missing their loved ones and John can’t forget that.  Wouldn’t, even if he could.  Someone has to remember them, someone has to remember all the lives lost, and John’s the one that makes sure they’re never forgotten.
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