#National Bank
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teachanarchy · 2 years
Watch "The New Nation in the World | US History to 1865 | Study Hall" on YouTube
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nezreblogz · 4 months
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la7ma-mafrooma · 8 months
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Keep talking about Palestine!
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National Bank in Cairo, Egypt
Egyptian vintage postcard
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chaithetics · 2 months
EDIT: I've now made a post that you can read here with more information about the ICJ rulings, their powers and what we can do with this ruling here. I had to this morning and will continue to delete, report, and block all comments/asks that are anti-Arab, zionist, Islamophobic, racist, and/or antisemitic.
We already knew this but the ICJ has now ruled that Israel's continued occupation of Palestine is illegal and needs to end ASAP.
They found that Israel's occupation does not give it the right of sovereignty over the West Bank and Gaza and that it is not a temporary occupation but is an illegal, permanent and discriminatory annexation. The ICJ also found violence against Palestinians, Israeli exploitation of Palestinian natural resources, transfer of civilian population (settlers and companies/organisations), extension of Israeli laws to replace local Palestinian laws, forced displacement of Palestinians, confiscation of Palestinian land, annexation. That Israel's 'security concerns' are not valid justifications for any of these measures.
The ICJ has ordered Israel to end its presence in the West Bank and Gaza immediately and to cease all new settlement activity, return all lands and assets to Palestinians that they've ceased since 1967 and that includes archives and items of cultural significance, evacuate all of their settlers from the settlements, pay compensation, and repeal all laws that maintain this occupation and discrimination. The ICJ is not legally-binding but does carry significant political weight and this ruling is important for continuing to advocate for Palestine and to put pressure on our government's to do the right thing and for them to put pressure on Israel. Keep contacting your representatives!
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totallynotcensorship · 5 months
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turkey halted trade with israel.
for context: trade between the two was worth 6.8 Billion dollars in 2023
KEEP SPEAKING, KEEP PROTESTING. push for your government to also cut ties with israel. this is what we need
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romaniasweetromania · 6 months
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kaapstadgirly · 9 months
1998, Edward Said.
"Israel was constructed on the ruins of another society."
via conflictechoes on insta
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palestinegenocide · 6 months
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"The terrorist Israeli occupation, after half a year, is still insisting on entering Rafah, which is the last city that still contains most of the population of the Gaza Strip.
80% of the Gaza Strip is destroyed and suffers from continuous military invasions, the movement of the Israeli army, besieging hospitals, commit massacres, destroy and blow up residential neighborhoods. And besieging the population and starving them.
The terrorist occupation is committing these crimes in front of the world, and is trying to have more time to destroy the hopes of the displaced to return and kill them with hunger and disease, and make the world get used to what is happening in Gaza and reduce media coverage and solidarity with Palestine, in addition to causing more destruction and strengthening the presence of the Israeli terrorists in Gaza in preparation for stealing the land.
Be smarter than them, and do not leave us to be killed and forgotten. *April 15 is a day of global strike*.. No schools, no movement, no work, no electronic payment, no gas stations. Make more noise and disturb the peace of terrorist politicians in America and IsraHell.
In the picture, me after half a year of documenting the genocide and surviving it daily without being sure of surviving the next day, and I will not stop until this genocide ends and I sit in the middle of my city feeling safe while I help my people rebuild Gaza."
Here's what to do:
Don't go to school or work (if you can)
Protest (if you can)
Do not shop anywhere
Do not use your credit card or use any money
Wear green, red, white and black clothes to show solidarity. Wear a badge, a keffiyeh, or anything that signifies your solidarity
Boost posts about Palestine, flood the media
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troythecatfish · 4 months
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BREAKING 🚨: The UN secretary General and and Israel admit there is ZERO evidence of rape on Oct 7 after examining all of the 5,000 photos, 50 hours of videos and audio from the day.
Mass rape on Oct 7 was just another Israeli atrocity propaganda like 40 beheaded babies.
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waledps · 2 months
Don't Scroll Please ‼️‼️
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Hello, I am engineer Walid Al-Qatrawi. I am 34 years old. A Father for Adam, Hla, and Nay.
I have lived in the Gaza Strip since I was born. Recently, the Gaza Strip has been subjected to a war of genocide like no other. I am now looking to leave the Strip, me and my small family, to search for a life like living in peace. Away from wars, After losing all means of life in Gaza and everything I own, The only hope i have is your support so that I can get my family out of Gaza as quickly as possible to save my family again outside the Gaza Strip in peace.
The only thing im looking for is a happy and peaceful life for my children far away from war... Thank you in advance.
Link to support Walid and his family - PayPal click here
Link to support Walid and his family - buymeacoffee click here
- My little family:
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Don't Scroll Please ‼️‼️
Verified by: @ 90-ghost
@straycatj @thunderstruck9 @haflacky @catasters @90-ghost
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hussyknee · 2 months
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This ruling is non-binding (not sure how it would be enforced even if it was considering Israel's chief protector is the U.S., which doesn't recognise the International Criminal Court and keeps trying to punish it for this kind of thing), but there's support for it across the board except from the US and its new vassal state, the UK. The Tory government has backed the US in ignoring every ICJ ruling on Palestine thus far and Starmer has been avoiding the issue but reinstated funding for UNRWA a few hours after the latest one. Starmer is a spineless Zionist maggot and as much of a US shill has the Tories however, so which way his government tips will probably depends on the strength of the US's reaction.
If you still want to vote for that death-worshipping lurching corpse in November and maybe claim back some of the voters who've decided they can't endorse this bloodthirsty maniac, now is the time to take to the streets and threaten to withhold your vote unless he fucking complies. Don't worry, the same amount of you will vote for him anyway since genocide is not a red line for you, but the DNC is jumpy enough now that they might want to err on the side of caution. Please try and stop your precious democracy from massacring any more children, even if only to save your own skins.
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nezreblogz · 6 months
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la7ma-mafrooma · 9 months
"B-but Palestinians can get their freedom with peace not violence 🥺🥺" no. Screw your feelings. The armed resistance against colonizers and murderers is what will give Palestinians their freedom and what will eventually achieve real peace.
An enemy that bombs and uses white phosphorus against civilians doesn't know nor practice what your broken moral compass describes as "peace". Freedom was proven throughout history not to be achieved through kneeling and asking the oppressor to kindly stop. Freedom needs to be taken by force. Your little Utopian way of thinking doesn't work in the real world. Your feelings don't matter because you're not the one living under occupation. Your feelings don't matter because you're not one of the thousands of children who lost their limbs. You're not one of the children who became orphans due to this genocide. You're not the mother who lost her child to the carpet bombing. You're not the father carrying the remains of your child in plastic bags. You're not the newlywed woman who lost her husband. You're not the one at risk of either getting killed any second or losing your loved ones in the blink of an eye!
"Peace" is not really a thing you see during a live ethnic cleansing!
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cavalierzee · 2 months
Israel Approves Freedom To Kill At Will
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Keep exposing yourselves, you Savages!
You've lost all sympathy and will never recover from your War Crimes. Crimes Against Humanity and Ethnic Cleansing.
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