#Need to see him cut himself and have him get me off while still bleeding
empresskylo · 1 year
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SUMMARY | Simon is dead. And you were forced to leave him behind as the rise of the dead took over. When you volunteer to sneak back into base to grab med supplies, you don't expect to run into Simon—alive, but certainly not himself...
WARNINGS | dead dove do not eat! this is literally smut about zombie!ghost... so... beware i suppose. gore. dub-con?? afab!reader. wc 3k
⋇⋆✦⋆⋇ lock me up! send me to jail!!! i can't believe I wrote this yes i can. This is how down bad i am for Ghost, I literally wrote smut about fucking him as a zombie... someone send the authorities, i need my internet taken away. (happy oct 1st btw)
𝐜𝐨𝐝 𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 ✩ 𝐦𝐚𝐢𝐧 𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭
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It had been less than two days since you lost Simon.
The image of him dying in the infirmary wing, bleeding out on the bed, was plastered behind your eyes. You saw it every waking moment and even dreamt of it during the night. You could still feel Soap’s hands squeezing your arms far too aggressively as he dragged you out of the infirmary while you cried out for Simon. You tried to claw your way to him but Soap was stronger than you by a long shot. “We have to get out of here!” he shouted at you over the cacophony of voices, people running around frantically. You let him drag you away to safety, your body limp in his hold, thinking of Simon’s dying breath.
The infirmary had promptly been boarded up, the doors all sealed tight. The breakout had begun a few weeks ago and it only just infiltrated the base. When Ghost had come back, bleeding out after a mission gone wrong, you furiously checked him for bite marks. The relief you felt when you didn’t find any was short-lived. Simon had lost a lot of blood. Too much blood. You could still see it covering your hands the days following like a wraith. You felt like his blood was still wedged under your fingernails even after scrubbing your hands violently in a bucket of water. 
With the infirmary infected and the outside world gone, you had little options but to hunker down in the barracks. There were small hunting groups that would leave base and dare to edge into the city, trying to help people, and gathering resources. Ghost had been in one of those first groups to leave the safe confines of base. You wished you had begged him to stay. Pleaded with him not to go. 
The lights above you flickered, the generator not the most reliable of equipment. You looked across the table to your teammates, trying to keep yourself pulled together. It was only at night that you let yourself feel the pain, crying yourself to sleep. 
“We’re never gonna survive here if we don’t get that medical supplies,” Soap explained. 
“It’s too dangerous, Soap. We have no idea how bad it got in there. We have no way of knowing if all the bodies left behind turned,” Price retorted, pulling off his beanie and running his hand through his hair in nerves. 
“So, what then? We’re gonna send more men off to die, tryin’ to get shit from the city?”
Price closed his eyes momentarily. The bags forming under them showed just how little sleep he was getting. “We can’t risk more men. We’d be sendin’ them to their death, Soap. We don’t have the ammo to spare.”
“We don’t know that. We’re still not even sure if it's a guarantee the dead will change, or if they have to be bit.”
“It’s too–”
You cut the men off. “I can go.” Both their heads snapped in your direction. “I’m just a technician. With everything gone to shit, I haven’t been as much help as you guys have been. I can’t fight. I can’t–”
“No. We’re not riskin’ you,” Soap said sternly. 
“Soap,” you breathed. “I’m the only one here that isn’t crucial to the team. And don’t argue with me. It’s just a fact. Let me go. I can sneak in and grab what we need. I’m far quieter than any of you boisterous men anyways.”
Soap breathed your name. He was worried about you. He could see the pain in your eyes after losing Simon. He was worried this was a suicide mission. And that you wanted that. 
“Let me be of use,” you begged. Soap wanted to argue. So did Price. But you were right. You would be the fastest. And as much as they valued you, the remaining men couldn’t survive here without Soap or Price. 
“Lass, are you sure?” Soap said finally. He wanted you to feel useful, but he didn’t want you running off and risking your life because of the pain you felt from losing Simon. 
“Let me do it, Soap. Please. I need this.”
He couldn’t argue with you. He didn’t have it in him to hurt you more than you were already hurting. 
“Fine. But I’m not happy about this.”
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You stood in your gear, an empty backpack plastered to your back waiting to be filled with medical supplies. Price had gone over the layout of the wing with you, showing you exactly where you needed to go to get the right supplies on a map of the building. 
You stood before the infirmary doors, the ones that would lead to a long, winding hall that would bring you to the center of the infirmary. Off of that were several rooms and more halls, and a surgical floor. It was a large span of space to cover, but you believed you could do this. 
“Be quick about it, lass. We’ll be right here when you get back,” Soap said to you, his hand resting on your shoulder. 
You took in a breath and walked up to the doors that had been unlocked, a large piece of plywood that had previously been nailed against it, removed so you could go in. Before you reached out to the door handle, you turned around and rushed into Soap’s arms. He held you tightly, your head tucked right under his chin. “Don’t you fuckin’ die on me,” he mumbled into your hair. 
You pulled back and gave him a sad smile. Then you nodded at Price and faced the daunting doors again. Once you stepped through the threshold and the doors shut behind you, you could hear the plywood being put back up, a hammer nailing it in place. When you got back, you were to knock and Soap would be there waiting to let you back in. 
The hall was flickering with a few overhead lights, the generator still powering a few of the rooms in this wing. 
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Ghost had a glazed-over expression when he rolled off his medical bed. The room around him was silent apart from the ticking of a clock in the corner. There was blood pooled all around him and dripping onto the tiled floor as he stood. He had some semblance of who he was, of what happened, but most of his thoughts were hazed over like he was stuck in a daydream. 
He had walked the length of the room, a sudden craving for food hitting the pit of his stomach. Any sound made him snap in that direction, rushing towards it as if on cue. He heard banging coming from one of the med rooms, the door locked and nailed over with whatever scrap of wood they could find. More people like him were trapped behind those doors, their groaning echoing down the hall. 
Ghost limped as he walked, remembering how he had been shot in his leg. He looked down at his crimson-stained pants, almost like he should be feeling pain, but he felt nothing. 
Days had passed and he roamed the halls aimlessly, not even getting bored. His mind had drifted off, somewhere that wasn’t in his body, allowing him to walk around like a zombie, completely void of any logical thought. 
He grumbled as he made his rounds, stuck in a time loop, walking down the flickering hall again and again, passing by bodies that had been left behind. 
He hesitated when he heard something. He turned to look in the direction of the noise, intrigued. It sounded like someone had just walked blindly into a metal medical tray, knocking instruments onto the floor. His movements were fast and nimble as he approached the sound. 
He froze in place when he saw you–though he didn’t know who you were at that moment. You cursed yourself for being loud but didn’t hear anything in retaliation so you figured you were safe. Your hand rested on the knife strapped to your hip anyway.
You were edging towards the main infirmary double doors, your hand touching the metal of the handle. You should go in there and get supplies, but that’s where you had last seen Simon. You didn’t have it in you to see what had become of him, his body rotting alone. 
Instead, you walked down the hall and into a storage closet, oblivious to the shell of Ghost who trailed behind you. 
You left the door to the storage room open to let in a few strips of light so you could see better. You hunched over and began to dig through the supplies that had been thrown all over the floor in panic. 
Ghost rolled his neck as he saw you in the room, your back to him. He had a sudden urge to sink his teeth deep into your skin, to tear you to shreds. In fact, he wanted nothing more; the instinct was overpowering. 
But when he got close, he could hear your voice as you mumbled to yourself, going over the list of the items you needed. You held up a pack of linens, trying to see if they were clean. “These will have to do,” you said softly, shoving them into your backpack. 
A wave of familiarity surfaced inside Ghost, a strange feeling of being alive pumping through his veins. When he got to the doorframe, he could smell you. His senses heightened, the waft of your natural scent sent Ghost into a daze. He remembered—though he wasn’t sure what he was remembering. All he knew was that he recognized that smell. 
His body had felt like it was in hibernation, his motors set on autopilot as he mindlessly walked down the halls. But suddenly, Ghost’s true mind was brought to the forefront. And his body craved you, though not in the way he had just moments earlier. He didn’t want to sink his teeth into your neck, he wanted to feel your warmth against him. 
Ghost moved with such dexterity and silence, it was clear he was no longer human. When you stood, his arms immediately wrapped around you, eliciting a scream from your throat. 
Ghost still wasn’t fully comprehending what was happening; all he knew was that his body wanted you. His hand slid up around your neck, leaving a trail of blood on your clothes. He tried to speak, but he couldn't fathom what he wanted to say. All that came out was a strangled groan. 
You sputtered, trying to catch your breath as your heart raced in your chest. Ghost felt for your pulse beneath his fingertips, relishing in the way your blood pumped through your body. 
You turned your head slightly, spying the man who had you trapped against the many shelves in the closet.
It was Simon.
Terror flooded your system. He didn’t look like himself. His eyes were glossed over, his pupils and iris almost unidentifiable, the entirety of his eyes were white, appearing like he was blind. The blood that had soaked his face had congealed, the rusted color running down his clothes where he was shot in the chest and leg. He looked just how you left him, and it sent a sense of terror through you. 
“S-Simon?” You whispered, unsure if you were caught in a nightmare. 
A groan escaped his cracked lips. You gulped. He had become one of them . 
You were certain he was about to tear you apart, just as you had seen other fallen men do to your teammates. You closed your eyes, tears rushing down your cheeks as you prepared for the worst. His hands felt cold around your neck, like ice. You shivered against him. You accepted your fate—a small part of you actually wanted it. You wanted him to end you. To take you down with him. You didn't want to be alone anymore.
He nuzzled his nose against your neck and you squeezed your eyes shut, preparing for him to bite you. But it never came. 
Instead, he just moved his nose against you, smelling your hair and skin. His hands were still locked tightly against you, but they began to travel across your body. You opened your eyes in shock. Ghost’s hands trailed your chest, groping you with one hand, the other sprawling over the front of your thigh and stomach. You gasped in surprise. 
You felt him harden against you, something you had experienced many times before now, and the familiarity of it made your heart pound with mixed emotions. Your mind was too caught up trying to decipher what was happening to truly take the moment in. 
Ghost’s cold hands slid under your black shirt, snaking their way up to your breasts, cupping each one in his hands. Your nipples immediately hardened from the iciness of his touch. He ground himself against your backside, making you close your eyes in a moment of reprieve. You got lost in the past, imagining this was how it used to be. How he had touched you so many times before. 
You breathed his name and he seemed to like that, for he rolled his hips against you harder, his chest rumbling in satisfaction. 
The cold of his hands left you, making you oddly yearn to have them back on your skin. His fingers traced the hem of your pants before aggressively pulling them down. He got them past the curve of your ass and turned your bodies so your hips hit the edge of a shelving unit that acted as a table. You knocked all the supplies off as Ghost pushed you down against it, using your hands to catch yourself. 
Ghost shuffled with his own pants, wasting no time at all to slip himself inside you. You called out in a brief shock of pain. He held himself deep within you, his hands squeezing as he held you, his body bent over slightly, his chest flat against your back. Your own hands reached out to grab the edge of the table to help steady yourself. The searing heat of you against his frozen skin spread through him like wildfire.
Your cries ignited a flame in Ghost’s chest—the feel of your body, the sound of your gasps, the smell of your hair—felt natural, like this was exactly what he was supposed to be doing. That he was made to take you like this. That your body against him was something so ingrained in his system, that he had no choice to to let his limbs move on muscle memory. 
He began to thrust inside you, your hips hitting the table with each snap of his hips. His hand snaked around your neck, the smear of blood now coating your skin. One of your hands came up to wrap around his wrist, resting it there in support. 
You groaned as he rocked into you harder. The pain from his sudden intrusion had subsided, and now you were filled with a haze of rapture. A tear slid down your cheek. You were unable to process what was happening, but what you did know was that you had missed Simon more than anything and that this wasn’t real. This wouldn’t last longer than this moment in time. 
Ghost’s chest rumbled in pleasure as he thrusted into you. Your walls squeezed around him and he let out a loud groan. His arm not clutching your neck wrapped around your midsection, pulling you away from the table so you were flesh against him. He held you tight, almost like he couldn’t get you close enough. That if he had his way, he’d let you make a home beneath his skin. 
His hips snapped vehemently against you, his pace quickening. You moaned, your sounds coming out strangled as his cold hand held your neck. Your walls tightened around him, your climax rapidly approaching. You couldn’t quite believe that you were not only fucking your dead boyfriend, but you were going to come in record time. 
You were absolutely intoxicating to him as your warmth clenched down on him, your heat something recognizable to him, and yet, the intimacy was foreign at the same time. Now that he was devoid of his usual body temperature, the warm feeling of you around him was almost painful. 
When you mewled and cried under him, your walls spasaming, he drew himself to the edge right behind you. Ghost came inside you with a great urge, growling in your ear as he tried to support the two of you. You felt him fill you, the white fluid seeping out around where his cock continued to pump in and out of you. His movements became sloppy, your legs shaking, your hand clutching onto his wrist for dear life. 
You couldn’t hold back the cascade of tears, finally letting them flow as Ghost slowed his pace before stopping altogether. He edged out of you, his arms hesitantly letting you go, and you immediately turned around to face him, burying your face in his chest. You sobbed as he stood there. His arms didn’t reach out and hold you like he once would. He didn’t try to comfort you like he always did so well. 
But still, he just let you huddle against him, taking what you needed from him. He didn’t attack you. He didn’t try to kill you. He wasn’t himself, but he wasn’t fully gone either. You turned to look up at him, resting your chin on his chest. He looked down and you stifled a cry. His white eyes were going to be permanently burned into your mind, haunting you for eternity. His face was sullen and blanched, blood smearing all across him; fresh blood dripping slightly from his mouth.
You tentatively reached a hand up and rested it on his frozen cheek. “I’m sorry,” you mumbled. Ghost made no indication he could even hear you. 
You took in a deep breath, willing yourself to do this, and stepped back. You adjusted yourself before slowly reaching down for your bag. Ghost stood and watched you, the only thing moving was the tilt of his head as he traced your movements. 
You shuffled to the door, anticipating him to reach out and end this daydream, ripping you apart. But he just watched you go, his mind riddled with foggy thoughts. He wanted to tear into you, but another part of him prevented him from doing so. He wanted to grab you and hold you against him for some reason. He liked the warmth your body provided. But another part of him felt nothing at all. 
He watched you leave in a stupor, his mind just barely grasping onto the image and memory of you. It’s true, he wasn’t completely gone, but he was fading fast. 
You cried violently as you stumbled back to the exit. When you banged on the doors, you heard the plywood being ripped off and the doors swinging open. Soap pulled you back into the base and held you at arm's length. “What happened?” he asked desperately. You were sobbing and covered in blood.
Should you tell him? Would Soap let you return to Simon knowing he wasn’t gone? Or would they make you stay here, letting Simon slip away forever? 
You suddenly regretted leaving him. You should have stayed with Simon, even if he was a shell of who he used to be. You should have waited the time out together until he fully lost himself, and you would let him take you down with him. 
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bbeoms · 3 months
rugby!simon headcanons
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hello, my sports hyperfixation this summer is rugby union, thus here i present you my rugby player simon riley brainrot! decided to write it cause why not???? someone needed to bring this idea to life. i hope you enjoy <3
fluff, suggestive, slight hurt/comfort
- plays as a forward (more specifically, second row/lock) so he’s always there during a scrum!
- and as we know, forwards are usually huge men 🤭 so 6’4 117kg simon is the perfect candidate
- you have to restrain yourself every time he’s in his kit cause have you seen how tight their jerseys and shorts are?????
- you can’t help but stare at how the fabric hugs his pecs and how the sleeves are lowkey cutting off circulation to his arms cause of how large his biceps are (and the way his tattoos peek out from the sleeves? chefs kiss)
- hikes up his shorts when he knows you’re watching and smirks when he catches you staring at the thick muscle of his thighs
- avoids wearing his kit around you when you’re ovulating cause he’s not sure he can control himself with the way you eye him like you’re ready to pounce
- (he learned his lesson after that one time you went to a match when you were ovulating. simon didn’t think it was possible, but you managed to milk him dry after you guys went home that night 💀 the hormones made you too feral until you managed to make him tap out lmao)
- anyone else become possessed by a succubus during ovulation?,,,,,, just me?,,,,, okay,,,,
- doesn’t usually wear a scrum cap during his matches
- but there was a couple of times he had to wear it (per the doctors recommendation) to protect stitches he had near his ear
- “ohmygod si you look like the end of a pencil ✏️”
- sulked at your teasing, he didn’t want to wear it either 😭
- you cooed and proceeded to shower his face with lil kisses until he forgave you
- felt his heart melt when you squished your cheek to his and took a selfie, your smile wide as you laugh at the way his blond strands were cutely sticking out of the cap (and how he still, looked like the end of a pencil)
- made it his lockscreen immediately
- being a rugby girlfriend isn’t always fun and games though
- it’s an extremely physical and dangerous sport and although you’d like to think simon is invincible, he’s still human
- it’s hard to believe but there are quite a number of players that are taller and heavier than him (you can’t say they have the same skill set though, simon is really good at his job)
- there’s always an underlying feeling of anxiety every time you watch him play
- injuries are a given
- split skin, bleeding ears and broken bloody noses are some of the more tame injuries you’ve seen simon get.
- simon coos at your tears and furrowed eyebrows whenever you tend to his injuries during rest days
- you don’t like seeing your man hurt!!!! :(((
- (okay but it is pretty hot when he gets all bloody in the face like in the first picture like hello??? lemme jump on you)
- straddling his lap while wiping the dried blood off his eyebrow
- “gimme a kiss”
- being cheeky and steals a kiss on your lips after you ignore his request
- reassures you that he’s alright and reminds you that he’s had worse injuries
- you give him a glare, silently telling him to not remind you of that time you thought he died on the pitch
- simon got hit with a high tackle, the fucker that was attempting to tackle him had his shoulder straight into simon’s neck (the guy got a red card deservingly) knocking simon back and motionless on the pitch
- you watched in horror as multiple bodies pile on top of him, not noticing that simon was out cold
- soon enough, the team’s medics were on field and stretching him away for treatment
- simon still feels your gentle touch on his face that day, thumb rubbing his cheek willing him to be okay
- he still remembers the look on your face despite being concussed. distraught, dried tears staining your cheeks.
- you were so scared, you didn’t know how bad his concussion was and what the aftermath of such injury would entail.
- he’d never felt such tenderness before
- he couldn’t believe that someone cared about him that much, didn’t think that he would ever find someone to love him like you do
- whispers i love you for the first time in his dazed state
- decides at that point that he won’t let you go, and has become a simp ever since <3
left to right pics: david pocock, tariq sims, chris robshaw (<- he would lowkey make a good simon riley imo)
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luveline · 11 months
I'm in an angsty mood.. and I love love love Spencer x bombshell!reader.
maybe she gets hurt somehow (maybe like an unsub or something) but refuses to get checked out
ty for requesting!! sry this isn't super angsty 
cw criminal minds typical gun violence
Blood is a strange thing. It can run quickly or slow, feel tepid or burning hot. It's warm and uncomfortable as it slinks down the curve of your shoulder to the very tip of your index finger, dark as coal pitch in the poor lightning. 
The gunfight is promptly ended, so quickly that no one even knows you've been hit. Morgan throws himself at one unsub and the other is shot in the thigh. Your ears ring, a gun firing too close to your head, clearly. 
In all the hubbub, nobody notices you're hurt. 
You'd like to keep it that way. 
It's not that you believe you're infallible, nor that the others believe it either, but in the grand scheme of things it is a very small cut that you can attend to in your hotel room alone with a butterfly stitch or even a roll of bandages. There's no way it requires real stitches, and no way you're gonna sit in the back of an ambulance for the next hour. 
Your jacket is black. The wound clots itself while you're in the SUV —you choose a window where your arm faces away from everyone and you manage it. And truthfully… you would like the others to think you're smarter than getting hit by a stray bullet. After everything that's happened lately, you've reason to build yourself up. Let the others hold you in some prestige again. 
It works for a time. You get back to the hotel, and everyone says goodnight. Your room is clean and waiting for your return. 
You'd collapse into bed if it didn't mean you'd leave a bloody line on the linens. You shed your ruined jacket and throw it in the trash. Your shirt is split where the bullet nicked you, and that comes off next. The wound begins bleeding sluggishly at the agitation but doesn't erupt, and stays strong as you wipe the skin clean around it. Your fingers mar with copper stain, the face cloth you've sacrificed turning an ugly brown, but eventually you've cleaned the skin enough to see the damage. 
It's deep but small. A nick. 
The issue is your lack of bandages. It's a hotel room, a small one. There's no first aid kit and your go bag is sorely lacking. Which means… 
You have to go bat your eyelids at someone, and if you're being honest, you only ever want to do that to one Dr. Spencer Reid. 
He's not expecting you, clearly. You weren't expecting it either. "Hey," he says, rubbing his eyes, his pyjama pants flush to the floor. 
"You were sleeping? I'm sorry." 
"Don't be sorry, are you kidding me?" He opens the door wider to encourage you in, turning away from you as he murmurs, "S'like my dream." 
He must be very tired. You beam like a fool and follow him inside. "I had a dream like this once, too. Same kind of dream, do you think?" 
"Knowing you, probably." He's growing more comfortable with you, but he's still clearly a little flustered to be this suddenly presented with you, wrapping himself up in a cardigan hanging over the single sad chair. "What's up?" 
"I'm glad you asked." You take your uninjured arm out of your coat, and then the other. You know what you're doing, laughing softly as his eyes turn to dark dimes in an otherwise pale face. "I need your help with something, Spence." 
"Uh–" He stammers, looking you up and down with shock. "Um, I–" He licks his lips quickly. "Okay." 
You kind of hate that you aren't there to seduce him for a split second. Too bad your arm has started to throb. "I need a bandaid," you say, turning your arm into his line of sight. "Help me out?" 
"I know something you don't know," Morgan sing-songs. Emily sips her coffee, mildly interested by her friend's taunting. She doesn't give him any feeding, waiting, and sure enough he cracks. "What, you don't want to know?" 
"You want to tell me, right?" 
"Mm, no. I'll tell Penelope." 
"Fine! Alright, what is it?" She breaks, putting her coffee down on the little table in front of her. They're sitting in the hotel lobby waiting for Hotch and the others to collect their things. The jet awaits, as do a few hours in the air before she gets to sleep in her own bed again. 
"I saw–" Morgan laughs. "This is too good. I saw a certain bombshell visiting Reid last night. After hours."
Emily's heart kicks in. "No way!" she gasps. "I mean, I know there's something between them, we all know that, but– his room, seriously?" 
"He didn't even question her. She knocked, he answered, she went inside." 
"What were you doing up?" 
"That's my business," Morgan says. 
Emily leans forward to gossip. This is insane. Sure, you flirt with Spencer relentlessly, and sure, he blushes like he loves it the majority of the time, he even manages to get you back, but you're sleeping together? "This is so scandalous," she whispers. 
Her job is hard, but God does Emily love her team. She's genuinely happy for you both, but seriously! She giggles to herself at the drama of it all, and Morgan looks like he might say more, but then he looks behind her and stops. 
Emily turns. You and Spencer are walking out of the elevator together, and while you aren't looking more coupled than usual, Spencer's acting unusually. "You're sure you're okay?" he asks, hushed but carrying in the relatively quiet lobby. 
"I promise I'm okay, Spence." Your voice drops. "It's our secret, okay?" 
"Sure, but–" He takes your hand, there, where everyone can see, the love in the line of his shoulders clear to anyone who might be watching, which Emily and Morgan very much are. "Can I look at it again?" 
Morgan laughs into his hand, hiding it with a cough too late. Emily kicks his leg and he looks admonished, but it doesn't convince you where you look up from your conversation, the same surprise written in your features as Emily herself feels while Spencer continues, "You need to let me take care of you," he says, practically pleading. 
"Spencer," you say, looking Emily straight in the eye, "you took care of me just fine last night." 
She gawps. 
Spencer whispers in response to your lowered tone, making his answer partially inaudible, "It was my first…" He shakes his head. "I've never…  and I know you said it didn't hurt that much but… go see a doctor–" 
You stop him with an affectionate smile. "You could never hurt me, handsome. Do I look like I'm in pain?" 
"No." Spencer drops your hand. "If you're sure. Let me go get you a drink, okay? Go sit down." 
"Yes sir." 
Nothing about you says anything different to usual as you sit on the lobby chair next to Morgan's, beside your worn hoodie. You fiddle with a fraying sleeve as you kick one leg over the other, giving your friends a pleased smile. "Morning," you say lightly. 
Emily genuinely doesn't know what to say. Her mouth hangs slightly ajar. "I…" 
"You're shameless," Morgan says with a laugh. 
"Look," you say, shrugging though the action makes you wince, "I could tell you the truth and you wouldn't believe me." 
"Sure we wouldn't. Reid looks like a lost puppy right now." 
Spencer stands anxiously by the coffee machine across the way, his gaze locked solidly on you where you sit. You throw him a smile and he looks away. 
"I don't deserve him," you say softly. 
Spencer carries your bag for you all the way to the BAU. Emily doesn't think it's a question of deserving, though you do, only an example of Spencer's big heart. And, you know, post hookup appreciation, or something. 
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heli-writes · 6 months
A dragon's heart, part 5.
Pairing: Barbarian!Bakugou Katsuki x female!reader
Summary: The dragonblood tribe is known for being cruel, barbarian warriors that slaughter, loot and rape all places they pass through. They are feared among the villagers and even bigger cities. Having lost most of their women to a plague, they're trying to ensure their tribe's survival by kidnapping women from other places. However, they're not the only monsters in human form out there. When y/n experiences this first hand, she has no choice but to ask for help from no other but the barbarian leader Katsuki Bakugou himself.
Disclaimer: mentions of injuries
[Please don't read if you are sensible to or triggered by the topics mentioned above.]
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6
Series Masterlist
Katsuki holds onto y/n and the reigns of the dragon with all his strength. Y/n notices how his breath comes out heavier with every passing minute.
"Katsuki, I think we should land. You're going to pass out.", y/n tells him knowing he won't understand a thing. Katsuki lets out an indecipherable mutter.
Y/n grips his arm and tries to turn around in order to look at his face. "Katsuki.", y/n says insistently. Katsuki nods into her shoulder and gives the reigns a weak pull. The dragon understands its master and starts descending.
The dragon lands near a small lake. Katsuki has trouble getting out of the saddle. His feet hit the ground heavily and he groans in pain. Unsteadily, he tries to reach for y/n but she refuses his arm. It's probably safer to get off her own than to rely on Katsuki right now.
When she manages to get down from the beast, Katsuki's already sitting on the ground catching his breath. Y/n takes the water bottle and walks over to him. She opens the bottle for him and hands it over. Katsuki drinks in greedy swallows.
Meanwhile, y/n takes in the view of him. The cuts on his cheek and bicep have stopped bleeding but something's wrong with his leg. It's soaked in blood. Y/n gets up and goes looking for the medicine kit Katsuki keeps in one of the bags.
When she's found it, she returns to the man sitting on the ground. "Katsuki", she calls out to him and sits down next to him. Katsuki glances at her but doesn't react and only pours more water down his throat. Y/n starts unpacking the medicine kit looking for the things she might need.
"I need to see your leg.", she tells him and points at his leg. Katsuki shifts and lets y/n see the wound. It's deep. "This won't kill you unless it gets infected.", she tells him. "You will also need stitches.", she mumbles while looking for alcohol and threat and needle.
"Take off your pants.", she tells him when she has gathered all the supplies needed. Katsuki shifts uncomfortably, probably to give her better access to his leg. "Yeah, that won't do it.", y/n deadpans. "The pants. It needs to go off.", she repeats. Katsuki grunts as a response. Y/n rolls her eyes. Even if he doesn't speak her language, he could still respond properly. "Pants. Off.", she repeats and motions at his crotch.
Katsuki is starting to get annoyed. He's in pain and he doesn't understand what this woman wants from him. Y/n lets out an exaggerated sigh. She stares at Katsuki for a moment while figuring out her next move. "Alright, then.", she says and reaches for his pants.
"What the fuck!", Katsuki exclaims and catches y/n's wrist with his hand. "Keep your hands to yourself, woman!", he growls. Y/n stays still for a moment. Clearly, Katsuki is not a fan of what he's supposed to do. "You need to let me go, Katsuki. If you want me to stitch you up, I need to see the whole wound.", she tells him and reaches for the buttons of his pants again.
"What the hell are you doing?", Katsuki yells at her and grips her wrist tighter. He's embarrassed. Not only he got hurt and this weak woman has to take of him, but now he also is supposed to expose himself in front of her. Y/n gets irritated by his loud voice and actions.
"Cut the crap, Katsuki!", y/n yells back at him. "You walk around half-naked all the time and now you get shy?", she barks. Katsuki looks taken aback. "Seriously, I can cut up your pants if you prefer but then you will have no pants to wear at all. Is that better?", she keeps scolding him.
Katsuki lets go of her wrist in surprise. He didn't expect the woman to raise her voice at him. Y/n's brows are furrowed in anger. Her cheeks are blushed and she wrinkles her nose a bit. Katsuki didn't expect her to get angry or to look this cute when she is. Y/n keeps glaring at him but doesn't move. Katsuki grinds his teeth. Eventually, he pulls his hands away completely.
Finally, y/n reaches for his pants button and opens them. She helps Katsuki shimmy out of his pants being particularly careful when they have to pull the fabric over the wound. Katsuki's face is burning red and he avoids y/n's eyes staring at the sky angrily.
Y/n shakes her head in dismissal. "Seriously, didn't think for you to be the shy type.", she tells him as she takes the bottle of alcohol. Katsuki doesn't answer her and keeps staring at the sky. Truth is, Katsuki's not shy. He's proud of his body, dick included. If a woman wanted to see it, Katsuki would be cocky and eager to show. However, this is different. Right now, he's in a weak position and y/n holds a certain power considering he needs to entrust his wounds to her. It doesn't sit right with him submitting further to her by taking off his pants.
"Alright, this is going to sting.", she warns him as she pours the alcohol over the wound. Katsuki doesn't even flinch. His muscles tighten however indicating that he does feel the pain. Y/n lets the needle and threat soak in the alcohol for a moment. Meanwhile, she takes a cloth and the alcohol and starts cleaning the wound on Katsuki's bicep.
When she's done with that, she moves to the cut on his face. She's met with Katsuki's angry stare. She holds his stare. No way she's going to yield when she's the one helping him. She reaches for his face and carefully cleans the wound on his face. The alcohol must sting otherwise Katsuki wouldn't break eye contact with y/n all of a sudden.
Y/n sighs. She feels bad for Katsuki. He fought bravely. It's unfair he got hurt in the first place. Carefully, she raises her hand to his other cheek and lets her thumb run over his cheek. Now, Katsuki avoids eye contact on purpose. He's not used to a tender touch like this and it makes him feel uncomfortable. Y/n has to snicker at his stiffness.
Katsuki finds y/n's eyes again when he hears her soft giggle. He's surprised to find her looking at him softly. It makes his stomach feel all tingly and mushy. Meanwhile, y/n enjoys seeing the mighty Katsuki Bakugou all flushed and embarrassed. She decides to push it a little bit further by reaching for his face again planting a soft kiss on his cheek. When Katsuki instantly turns his face away. Y/n has to laugh at his beet-red face.
"You're a bitch, you know that?", Katsuki mumbles. Y/n continues to chuckle to herself but continues to clean the wound. When she's done, she picks up thread and needle. "Alright, this is really going to hurt now.", she tells him and points at his leg. Katsuki nods and prepares himself for the pain. It's not the first time, he needs stitches.
Y/n works quickly and carefully. It's actually also not the first time, she's stitched someone up. She can hear Katsuki grinding his teeth in pain. If she didn't need to concentrate right now, she would tell him that he was damaging his teeth. When she's done, she puts some rash cream onto the stitches and wraps some bandages around it.
Katsuki's relieved that y/n's done. He has to say, she worked quite expertly on his wounds. Clearly, she has done this before. He relaxes a bit and only grunts at y/n when she pats his head. He lets his back flop onto the ground. He's absolutely spent.
Y/n starts to unload the dragon who watched the two of them intently the whole time. She fetches the bedroll and Katsuki's cape. After she has prepared the bedding, she helps Katsuki to get on it and puts the cape over his leg. His pants need to be cleaned and mended first. Katsuki doesn't even argue with her about it. He's out within minutes.
Y/n watches Katsuki snore and she finds herself worrying over him. She's sure she did a good job treating the wounds but there's always the danger of infection. She tries to get the worry out of her head by setting up camp. She builds a small fireplace and unloads the bags. Then, she sets out to find something to eat.
Unfortunately, y/n isn't a great hunter even if she had a bow and arrows. Therefore, she can only stick to gathering wild vegetables, berries and mushrooms. She fries them in a pan with some fat and the spices Katsuki carries with him.
The smell of the food wakes Katsuki up. The sun is just about to set. Y/n is kneeling next to the fireplace cooking food. He groans as he sets up. The adrenaline of the fight kept the pain in moderation. After taking a nap, the pain hits him in full force.
When y/n hears him groan, she swirls around, a worried look on her face. Katsuki tries to wave her off, not wanting to have the woman fretting over him. Y/n hurries over to him nevertheless and checks his forehead. If he got an infection, he wouldn't have a fever already but one can never be too sure. Katsuki slaps her hand away and gives her a sort of growl. Y/n snickers at him which makes Katsuki a bit angry. But not too much. He doesn't want to admit it to himself yet but he likes that y/n is worried about him.
Y/n disappears for a moment and fetches him a plate of food. While Katsuki eats, y/n starts boiling water for tea. Katsuki watches her carefully.
Y/n moves around relaxed and confident. Katsuki thinks back to the frightened woman who arrived at his camp just mere days ago. He prefers this version of y/n to the jumpy, insecure girl he met. He picks at the food she has made. It's quite good for the simple ingredients she had at her disposal. Considering this and the way she treated his wounds, she'd make a good mate, Katsuki decides.
He snickers at the thought how she got angry at him earlier. She sure as fuck has got some fire in her, he thinks. He has to admit he was surprised when she jumped on the bandit's back earlier. He thought the attack would leave her frozen in fear. She also stabbed a man's hand without thinking twice. Considering this, it's surprising that she didn't stand up to the men who hunted her. Then again, they outnumbered her and carried long-distance weapons.
Katsuki is ripped out of his thoughts when y/n stands in front of him handing him a cup of hot tea. He takes the cup from her and y/n sits down with a plate of food for herself. He watches her eat.
"Why are you staring at me like this?", y/n asks growing irritated by how intensely Katsuki is staring at her. She's noticed it earlier when she boiled the water. She puts her fork down and meets Katsuki's gaze. Katsuki holds her gaze, then lifts his hand and brushes a strand of hair behind her ear. This takes y/n by surprise and she feels heat rushing into her cheeks.
So far she's seen Katsuki angry, irritated and more angry. While he wasn't necessarily violent towards her, he's always rough and kind of mean. This tenderness is something that catches y/n off guard. "It's probably the pain and exhaustion that makes him this way.", she thinks to herself.
After dinner, y/n tidies up around camp for a little bit while Katsuki settles back onto the bedroll. When she's done, she sits next to the fire poking the hot embers. Katsuki props his head onto his hand wondering what she's doing. It's time to settle for the night.
Despite that, y/n feels restless. The attack today caught both of them off guard. Y/n can't deny that she wasn't paying attention. She totally relied on Katsuki for the whole trip. She figured that Katsuki would catch something like this before her anyway. And if not him, then the dragon. She decided that she will keep watch tonight. Katsuki's not in the condition to fight, so she will ensure their safety somehow.
"Y/n.", Katsuki calls out to her. His voice sounds low and raspy but not angry. It's surprisingly quiet for a man who always speaks so loudly. Y/n turns around to him in surprise. It's the first time Katsuki ever said her name. "Y/n, come over here.", Katsuki tells her even though he knows y/n doesn't understand him.
To his astonishment, y/n does get up and walks over to him. She lets herself plop onto the ground next to him. Katsuki makes grimace. It's not exactly what he meant but he takes it.
Sitting up, y/n keeps her eyes focused on their surroundings. She doesn't want another surprise attack to happen, especially now that Katsuki is injured.
Katsuki watches y/n's intense stare into the distance with discontent. While he does find it amusing that frail little y/n looks so determined (as if she could actually protect them in case of danger), he also finds himself getting increasingly irritated. Katsuki Bakugou doesn't like to be ignored.
“Oi!“, Katsuki barks. Y/n's eyes are still focused on something far away. “Oi!”, Katsuki repeats louder and nudges her. Y/n is ripped out of her thoughts. “Hm?”, she mumbles and turns her head to him. “It's getting cold. Come here!”, Katsuki demands and pats onto a spot closer to him. Y/n crooks her head. “What do you want?”, she asks and shrugs.
Katsuki is not used to having to ask twice for what he wants. Usually, his people hurry to follow his orders, or, he just takes what he wants.
Katsuki grabs y/n's injured shoulder and pulls her down to his level. The stinging pain in y/n's shoulder keeps her from struggling against Katsuki's action. Before she knows it, she is tucked under Katsuki's armpit. Her head is leaned against his shoulder as he curls his arm around her tucking her closely to his side.
Relaxed, Katsuki leans back. Meanwhile, y/n is frozen stiff in place. She didn't expect Katsuki to make such a move on her. Actually, she didn't expect Katsuki to make any move on her at all. So far, he didn't seem interested in her like that. She assumed she was more like a burden to him... or a pet to take care of.
Y/n doesn't even try to get out of Katsuki's grip. Instead, she tries to relax. Which proves itself kind of hard. Katsuki's too close. He's radiating off warmth and his smell floods y/n's senses. It's hard to tune out his presence and the proximity.
Maybe she shouldn't be embarrassed about this. It's not like she didn't think about Katsuki like this before. It certainly flashed in her mind here and there. Despite his mean demeanor and wild look, he's still an attractive man and y/n is only human. Previously, she felt silly for thinking this way about him. One does think about the barbarian leader like that. One fears him. However, it's hard to fear him in moments like this. He's more human than he leads on and in these moments it shows.
Y/n sighs and twists in Katsuki's arms. Katsuki grunts in response and pulls her closer. Y/n stops moving and lies awake. The light from the fire slowly fades as the fire goes out. Eventually, Katsuki's breath slows down and his grip becomes less tight.
Y/n can't sleep. She feels too anxious. She's not sure whether it's because of what happened today or because Katsuki keeps her so close. When she's sure Katsuki is sound asleep, she slips out of his grip. She walks over to the dragon who seems asleep as well. She plops down next to the beast and leans against it.
With open ears, she stares into the night.
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megalony · 7 months
I'll Deal With Him
This is an Eddie Diaz imagine, requested by the lovely @klovesreading I hope this is what you were hoping for. Feedback is always appreciated, let me know what you think.
Taglist: @lunaticspoem@sj-thefanthefan@hellsdragon@im-an-adult-ish@crazylittlethingg@allauraleigh@onceuponadetectivedemigod@ceres27@avyannadawn@sleepylunarwolf@coverupps@justagirlthatlovedtoread @musicistheway @avada-kedavra-bitch-187 @luula @missdreamofendless @bradleybeachbabe @woderfulkawaii  @amberpanda99 @daggersquadphantom @marvel-and-chicago-fan @angryknightstatesmantrash @minjix @lyjen @kmc1989 @itsmytimetoodream @noonenuts @hiireadstuff @ashie-babie @classyunknownlover @jayyeahthatsme @sp1ritssz @dumb-fawkin-bitch @oliverstarksbae @gimatida @heart-35 @supernaturalstilinski @stefansalvatoresgf @kyky9103 @wutheringhearts2275 @gay4hotmilfs @itshamleth @gillybear17
Eddie Diaz Masterlist
Summary: After (Y/n) saves a man from a car wreck, he starts to follow her a lot. And he isn't happy when he finds out she's married, either.
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"What's your name?"
"Okay Max, I'm (Y/n) and I'm gonna try and get you out of here." A calming smile flooded (Y/n)'s lips but she could feel her nerves starting to play up and ignite a spark deep in her stomach.
Her eyes cast around the upside down car before she took a deep breath and flopped down onto the concrete on her stomach. Her chest and legs pressed uncomfortably into the road and she shuffled and crawled along until she could whip her helmet off and wedge herself through the open door into the car.
Max was trapped. He was near the edge of the road, trapped inside an upside down car that was spewing smoke and partially crushed.
(Y/n) did her best to assess him, she could see his legs and feet wiggling around which suggested he had no paralysis or nerve damage. His hands were tapping anxiously on the steering wheel and he was rocking his head back and forth to try and keep himself calm.
She could see a worrying cut that was bleeding out on his left arm just below his shoulder but when she patted him down, she couldn't find any other substantial injuries. Apart from one or two broken ribs.
Lifting her head, (Y/n) looked around before she reached her hand out for the seat belt. "Hold still for me." She wrangled it free and unbuckled it, keeping her other hand on Max's neck to ease him down a little. She had to get him out soon, staying turned upside down like this wasn't doing him any good and she couldn't sort out his arm while he was trapped.
Wiggling back, she shuffled out and stayed laying beside the car so she could look around for her team.
"Guys, anyone free to assist? I have a driver stuck."
"Give me a minute." Eddie's huffed reply came through and (Y/n) started to nod to herself until she looked up.
"Now. I need you now, the car's leaking I have to get him out."
Petrol was pooling down the side of the car and onto the road. If that caught fire the car would go up in flames. (Y/n) couldn't wait around and she couldn't do anything to stop the leak. She needed to get Max out before the car set alight and he was burned inside.
When (Y/n) didn't receive a response, she did another sweep around the car but she could see it was going to spark up soon. Very soon.
A shiver crawled down her spine and her body shuddered when she realised there was a fire just to the side of the road, less than five feet away from the car. They were going to go up in flames. She had to move. She had to get Max out, backboard or assistance be damned. (Y/n) had to move quickly if she wanted to get them both to safety.
"Eddie? Eddie- fuck! We're getting out now Max, hold steady for me."
Crawling back through, (Y/n) ripped off her gloves and scrunched her fingers tightly underneath Max's arms. She took a deep breath and started to pull with as much effort as she could muster. Her stomach grated against the floor and her teeth clenched down as she tried to hurry but it was hard.
Pushing up onto her knees, she yanked on his arms and slumped his upper body through the open door, past the sheet of broken glass surrounding them on the floor.
"I- I- my leg!" Both Max's hands moved down to grab his left leg which wasn't moving the way he wanted it to. The top of the car was crumpled and his left leg was crushed between the metal. He couldn't try and scramble and help (Y/n) get him out without almost tearing his leg off in the process.
(Y/n) could feel her panic rising as the puddle of petrol started to grow into a turbulent fire that was trickling across towards the car.
She took a deep breath and let go of Max's arms so she could flop back down onto her stomach. She shimmied out of her florescent jacket and laid it over Max's head and chest to try and keep him more protected before she wedged her head and upper body into the cramped footwell.
There was no time for someone to find and bring her the jaws to cut the metal and cut his leg free from the car. If (Y/n) didn't do something now, they would both be fried.
Her hands curled around the back of Max's knee and she felt up and down his leg to try and assess him and make sure there were no injuries or burst blood vessels she had to be aware of. (Y/n) then stuck her hand between his leg against the metal and tried to pull. She used all her effort to wiggle his ankle from side to side and do the same to his knee to get him out.
A scream burned past her lips and she jolted to the left, smacking her head into the car frame when she realised the other side of the car was starting to catch fire.
Her movements became violent and frantic as she wrenched, tugged and jostled Max's leg until finally, just as another part of the car started to ignite, his leg came free. (Y/n) felt dizzy when she shuffled back and moved to grab Max by the arms again. She could feel her legs giving way as she yanked and started to drag him again.
"Come on." (Y/n) seethed through gritted teeth but her eyes slammed closed and she yanked harder when she saw the car lighting up with flames burning even higher. The fire was starting to burn inside the car and get dangerously close to the petrol tank. Her boots scraped against the floor and her back and shoulders ached and screamed as she shuffled as fast as she could.
Her body shuddered and hit the floor when the car ignited and a billowing sheet of flames lapped across every square inch of the car. Her left shoulder slammed into the floor and she could feel Max slumped next to her legs, but they were out. They weren't stuck in the car. He was out and he was safe; (Y/n) didn't let him burn.
"You saved me."
Her eyes tried to come back into focus and she looked down at Max when he patted her leg and tried to smile up at her. But all (Y/n) could see was a blob of black and florescent yellow aiming her way as her name tore from her husband's lips.
She let her eyes fall closed to stop herself from crying when Eddie's hands slid under her arms and he carefully but quickly lifted her up from the floor so she was sitting up. She went loose and floppy, letting Eddie take her weight and easily pull her further away from the scene while Hen and Evan started to move Max in the same direction.
(Y/n) flopped her head back onto Eddie's shoulder when he finally stopped and went down on his knees behind her. His arms looped around her waist and he lifted her right hand to see where she had been hurt when he noticed the blood pooling down between her fingers.
"Talk to me. Are you good?" His hand smoothed up and down her front and he breathed in relief when (Y/n) tried to smile and nod. She must have cut her hand when she was trying to free Max's leg, but other than that and the shock and adrenaline, she was fine.
She opened her eyes again when she felt an unfamiliar hand on her ankle and realised it was Max. He reached out for her just before Evan and Hen tried to get him on a backboard to try and move him.
His lips curved into a tender smile and he gave her ankle a squeeze. "Thank you."
That was a close call.
(Y/n) turned away from the ambulance she was re-stocking when a hand gently squeezed her shoulder. She turned and looked across to the left, smiling when she realised it was Hen coming up behind her.
"You've got a visitor."
Her eyes narrowed quizically and she grinned until she looked behind Hen to see who she was referring to. (Y/n) wasn't sure why, but her first instinct was thinking of the kids, even though Chris would still be at school right now and Tate was at daycare. Neither of her kids would be here to visit her and Eddie at this time unless there had been some kind of problem or emergency. And since both her husband and brother were on shift with her, it couldn't have been them.
It was Max. The sight of him stood near the front of the fire engine made (Y/n)'s stomach bubble up with anxiety and she could feel her mood deflating.
She nodded and tried to smile at Hen who took the clipboard from her to take over re-stocking the ambulance so (Y/n) could go and see her 'visitor'.
Her hands slid into her back pockets and she tilted her head down as she headed over to approach Max. He was stood with a beaming smile on his face that looked like a somewhat cocky grin and it made (Y/n) shudder.
This was the third time he had stopped by the station to see her. At first, it had been sweet. He came by and hugged her and thanked her for saving him last month. (Y/n) had been overcome with relief and happiness that he was okay and she had done something good and helped someone. It was always endearing to see some of the people they helped come back and see them and to know how they were doing.
The second time, (Y/n) had been a little uneasy about it. He had no reason to come back and see her, but he came by the station again. He asked how she was and did some small-talk and even tried to take (Y/n)'s hand. She had been relieved when the bell sounded and she had to say a quick goodbye and head out to a call.
Now he was back again and (Y/n) dreaded to think why.
"Hi (Y/n)."
"Hi Max, how are you? Hen said you're here to see me?" (Y/n) plastered a fake smile on her face and tried to stay casual and look relaxed. Her hands stayed in her back pockets and she leaned her head to the side, but her anxiety spiked when he took three steps closer.
She had deliberately stood with an air of space between them for safety and respect, but Max had closed that distance completely. He stood so close his shoes bumped against her boots and she could almost feel each breath he took.
"I'm great, thanks to you. The woman who saved me. I thought I'd stop by and see how you are, and thank you."
"Oh, you know, that's really not necessary… this is my job, I was there to help. You don't have to keep thanking me."
If every person they helped kept coming back to thank them again and again like this, none of them would ever leave the station, they would be that swamped. Max didn't have to thank (Y/n) anymore and he didn't have to keep stopping by. He was the one who had been hurt and in danger, not (Y/n). He had no reason to come by and check in on her as if she had been hurt by saving him.
"Then let me take you out."
Panic bubbled away in (Y/n)'s chest. She watched his lips curve into a cheesy smile and he looked her up and down before he leaned his head closer, waiting impatiently for a response.
He wanted to take her out. Hadn't he noticed she was wearing a wedding ring? Didn't he realise it was rather strange to keep coming by the station to check in with her and thank her so many times like this?
"Max… I'm flattered, truly. But I'm married." Sliding her hands out of her pockets, (Y/n) gingerly flashed her left hand for him to see her engagement and wedding ring. She didn't want him to think she was lying to him to try and put him off. She really was married and she was happier than she'd ever been now she was with Eddie.
"You're married?" His tone dampened immediately and the hurt was evident on his face.
It almost made (Y/n) feel bad, as if she had been leading him on and now had to let him down.
"Hm, my husband works here too. I don't think he'd be too impressed if I went out with you." She tried to make a light joke to see if it would lessen the tension but it didn't work.
Max took a daring step closer to her until their chests were pressed together and (Y/n) had to take three steps back to keep some space between them. Her hands moved to hold out in front of her when Max tried to walk up to her again. Being close to him wasn't going to change her mind.
(Y/n) didn't want to go out with him. She was married to Eddie and he was very protective. He wouldn't take too kindly to someone asking her out and then not taking no for an answer.
"I'll deal with him, come on let me take-"
"Max, no. You're sweet, but I love my husband and my kids, I can't go out with you."
(Y/n) flinched and pulled her wrist away sharply when Max reached out to try and grab her. She wasn't sure what he thought he could do, pull her close and tell her he wouldn't take no for an answer. Or maybe he thought being close and trying to kiss her would get her to change her mind.
She was married. She had Eddie and two kids and her life was perfect the way it was. (Y/n) wasn't going to leave her family, leave Eddie, because someone like Max thought her doing her job meant they were supposed to be together.
Turning her head to the right, (Y/n) locked eyes with Evan and she bit her lip, moving her hand to scratch the back of her neck. An anxious habit that she knew Evan would recognise.
They had a system. Evan had codewords for when he wanted (Y/n) to step into a situation or take him away, especially involving their parents. And (Y/n) would scratch her neck and stare down her big brother until he came to help. Throughout their childhood they had used little looks and code signs to help each other out and right now, (Y/n) needed some help.
She watched Evan put his mug of coffee down and jog towards her, trying not to make it too obvious that he was now worried and confused.
"I think you should go now, Max." (Y/n) bound her arms around her chest but she stumbled back when Max clenched his hand around her arm.
She could feel her lungs deflating and her throat closed up when he stepped closer just as Evan reached them. Evan grabbed his wrist and yanked his hand off (Y/n)'s arm in one swift motion.
"Is there a problem here?" He felt (Y/n) move to stand behind him and it made the hairs on the back of his neck stick up and a shiver rolled down his spine. What was going on here to get his sister so worried? Evan recognised this man. He was on their call out, the man (Y/n) dragged out of his car. What was he doing here at the station and why was he harrassing Evan's sister?
"Nothing that concerns you, pal. Back off."
"(Y/n), you okay?" He looked over his shoulder and managed to relax a little when (Y/n) nodded but her arms stayed bound around her chest out of nervous habit.
"Oh, I get it. You're the husband, right?" Max squared his shoulders and planted his hands on his hips, but the panic was clear in his eyes when Evan turned sharply to look at him.
Evan's eyes dragged up and down Max's frame, taking him in and assessing how best to deal with him. He didn't look like much competition and if he continued, Evan would gladly throw him out of the station. He needed a valid reason to be here and harrassing one of their team members was not a good enough reason to stay.
"No, pal. I'm the brother, so why don't you step away from my sister before I have to restrain you. It's time for you to leave."
When Evan shoved his hand into Max's chest and gave him a forceful push backwards, (Y/n) backed up. She turned and hurried past the truck and over towards the stairs. She wasn't hanging around to cause a scene, the longer she stayed the more irritated Max was going to get so she needed to excuse herself from the situation.
And she wanted Eddie. This was the third time Max had turned up to the station and she didn't like it. She needed to tell Eddie and make him aware just in case Max tried his luck coming by the station again.
Eddie wouldn't let him hang around. If he clocked Max from now on, he wouldn't hold back like Evan was trying to do right now. If someone tried upsetting his wife, they would get Eddie's wrath.
(Y/n) was so consumed looking over her shoulder at Evan that she didn't realise she had reached the top of the stairs, or that Eddie was right in front of her. She barrelled into his chest and grabbed his shoulders to steady herself while Eddie's hands fell to her hips and he kept her tucked into his chest. His lips curved into a smile as he pecked her temple.
"You okay babe?" Eddie watched (Y/n)'s panicked eyes bolt up to him before she looked back over her shoulder. And he followed her gaze to where Evan was clearly arguing with someone and pushing them towards the exit. "Who's he talking to?"
He glided his hands up and down (Y/n)'s arms until her hands moved to grip his shoulders and she dug her nails into his biceps, making him worried.
"Max, the guy from that car wreck last month… he keeps calling by the station."
Leaning forward, (Y/n) tucked her face into Eddie's chest and glided her hands down his arms until she could wrap them around his chest instead. Her hands splayed out on his back and she dragged her fingertips up and down his back, drawing aimless patterns to give herself something to focus on. She felt the way Eddie tensed and stiffened in front of her and she didn't need to look up to know his jaw was locked tight.
"He's coming by to see you, specifically?"
"He asked me out, he wasn't very happy when he found out I'm married." (Y/n) tilted her head back so her chin was pressed into Eddie's chest, allowing her to look up at him.
She felt the way his fingers dug into her hips before he weaved his hands around and wormed them beneath the waistband of her trousers. He kept her chest meshed tightly into his own and his head tilted down to kiss her temple, but he looked fuming.
"If he comes near you again, I'll deal with him." If Max came by the station any more to try and see or talk to (Y/n), he would be dealing with Eddie. (Y/n) had said no. She said she was married and turned him down. He couldn't just ignore her and pretend that it didn't matter and keep trying his luck with her.
(Y/n) had Eddie and she didn't want anyone else. Max was going to realise that sooner or later.
"I'll see you later baby." (Y/n) pressed a kiss on Tate's cheek and gave her a tight squeeze before she let go. She watched the two-year-old wander into the house and nodded at the daycare assistant, whispering a quiet "Thank you," before she turned round.
Chris was at school, Tate was now safely at daycare for the afternoon. (Y/n) could head off to work and see Eddie for a few hours before his shift ended and he came to pick up the kids.
(Y/n) made her way back to the car and climbed in, turning the radio up as she pulled away and began to drive. She was doing an afternoon shift into the evening and would finish around eleven o'clock tonight. (Y/n) didn't like working into the evening like this. She didn't do many night shifts anymore, they didn't work well with her body clock anymore and someone had to be home with the kids during the night.
Her fingers began tapping on the steering wheel and her head nodded as she hummed along to the radio and tried to concentrate.
She could feel her mind beginning to wander and she smiled when she thought about being able to see Eddie. She wouldn't have Tate fighting her for Eddie's attention or Chris wanting to join in on their hugs. (Y/n) could just have her husband to herself for a few hours.
Someone was flashing her.
Panic dwelled deep in (Y/n)'s chest and she tried to get a good look in her rear-view mirror but she didn't recognise the car behind her. It couldn't have been anyone she knew, any friend or someone from the station trying to get her attention.
Her eyes diverted down to look at her dashboard to see if she had any warning lights on. Maybe she had a break light out and the person behind was trying to tell her. Maybe one of her tyres was starting to get a slow puncture and the person behind was trying to tell her to pull over before it got worse.
(Y/n) began slowing down and flicked her indicator on to pull over but she stopped herself when she looked back in the mirror.
Slowing down allowed (Y/n) to look in her mirror and see who was driving behind her as the car behind slowed down too.
He was driving right behind her and his indicator was flashing too. He wanted her to pull over.
Suddenly, (Y/n) didn't believe she was getting a puncture or any lights were out on her car. She had a horrible, dreaded feeling that if she pulled over, Max would try something. He would try asking her out or try and make her get out of the car. She didn't know what he would try and do, but (Y/n) didn't want to wait around to find out.
She turned her indicator off and increased her speed back to the limit. She was only five minutes away from the station. She needed to get to work and see if Max tried to follow her there. If he did, (Y/n) could get Eddie or Evan to go and have a word with him because he couldn't keep doing this.
She moved over into the outside lane and sped up, overtaking two cars to try and keep some distance between herself and Max before she turned off onto a side road. Only a few more turns and she would be at the station.
Max was behind her again.
Adrenaline fuelled (Y/n)'s stomach when she noticed he was flashing his lights at her again. When she looked in the mirror, she could see him sticking his hand out his window to flag her down but she couldn't make out what he was trying to say or indicate. Clearly he wanted her to stop, that much was obvious. But (Y/n) wasn't pulling over. She wasn't about to get herself into a tricky situation.
He drove so close (Y/n) couldn't see his number plate in her mirror anymore and she couldn't risk speeding and get a ticket.
"Oh God, Eddie you'd better not be out on a call," She muttered quietly to herself as she sat forward in her seat and clung tighter to the steering wheel.
A scream burst past (Y/n)'s lips and her chest crashed into the wheel when Max rammed his bonnet into the back of her car.
He'd hit her. He'd actually gotten close enough to force her car forward and most likely dint her boot. What the Hell did he think he was doing? She didn't want to stop for him, couldn't he see that?
He couldn't just go around ramming into her, there were other cars on the road. The person behind him pressed their horn loud enough for (Y/n) to hear and cringe. She kept her foot on the gas until she reached the next turning.
Her body began to shake and her eyes began to water when Max rammed into her car again on the corner. She jostled to the right and hit the curb, barely managing to keep the car on the road when he did it a third time and caused the car to begin juttering down the street.
She wasn't going to make it into the car park round the back.
When Max pulled out beside her and tried to overtake and presumably cut her off, (Y/n) slammed her foot on the brake. She stopped so harshly her chest bashed into the wheel and her neck twinged when her head snapped forward.
(Y/n) was close enough to the station. She was two feet away from the doors, parked hazardly just before the station door so she wasn't blocking the entrance for the trucks, but she was close. She couldn't keep going and get into the car park. Max was going to cut her off. She had to stop now and get out before he drove her off the road and caused a crash.
Tears streaked down (Y/n)'s face when she stumbled out the car at the same time she saw Max hurrying to get out of his own car that was parked five feet ahead of hers.
"(Y/n)! Wait- where do you think you're going?"
Her feet scuffed against the pavement and her breaths got stuck in her throat as her lungs began to heave and burn. She could feel them shrivelling up in her chest and her throat ached when she tried to breathe but all she could do was gasp.
She swung herself around the corner of the door and stumbled into the station before she tripped.
Her hands scraped against the polished floor and something mixed between a gasp and a cry croaked past her lips when she went down on her knees.
(Y/n) scuffed her feet on the floor and bent her wrist at an odd angle to push herself back up and try to run. She had to keep moving. She had to move until she was at the very back of the station or up stairs, surrounded by her team so she would be safe. If she stayed near the door Max would grab her. She just knew he would.
"Babe- wow, wow what's wrong? (Y/n) stop!" Eddie hopped down from the ladder on the back of the truck he was cleaning when his eyes locked on his wife.
He tossed the cleaning rag down into the soap bucket and reached his left arm out, securing it around (Y/n)'s waist when she tried to rush past him. His hand clamped down on her hip and his other hand held the back of her neck and reeled her into his chest.
She ran at such a speed that when Eddie stopped her, the momentum she had crashed his back into the side of the truck and her weight fell on his chest with a thud. He groaned but kept his arms tight around her, taking a second to clear his vision and look down at her.
"Baby what's happened? Talk to me?"
Eddie tilted his head down and moved his hand from the back of (Y/n)'s neck to cup the side of her face. He brushed his thumb across her chin and up her jaw while he felt her fingers scrunch up in his shirt so tightly she almost burst through the material.
"Max!" (Y/n) spluttered the name before she tried to tuck her face into Eddie's neck, but he wouldn't let her. He leaned back into the truck and tilted her head back so he could look down at her. His thumb pulled at her lower lip and he frowned when he realised how badly she was gasping.
She was going into a panic attack.
"The guy from before? Baby what's he done, did he hurt you?" Both Eddie's hands moved to cup (Y/n)'s neck and he looked her up and down to see if he could find any injuries he needed to worry about. But he felt (Y/n) shake her head in his grip.
Her hands moved to cup his wrists and she tilted her head forward, gasping for air as her body started to shake. She could feel her knees about ready to give way beneath her and her stomach hurt from how deeply it was pulling in, trying to prompt her to take a proper breath.
"H- rammed t-the car… t-tried to crash me."
"He tried to run you off the road?!" Eddie reached up and swiped his thumbs beneath her eyes to wipe away the tears that continued to fall. He could feel the anger fizzling in his veins when (Y/n) nodded.
Someone had tried to cause his wife to have a crash. The same someone that had been hanging around the station to talk to her and try to ask her out. He had tried to hurt her and clearly he had managed to spook her.
"Where's Tate? Is she at daycare?" Eddie looked around as if he was half expecting their toddler to be running around looking for help. But when (Y/n) nodded, Eddie sighed. That was one less thing to worry about. At least (Y/n) didn't have the kids in the car with her when Max did this. That would have been a whole lot worse with Tate frightened and potentially hurt in the back.
A pitiful cry left (Y/n)'s lips when she glanced her head to the left and realised Max was stood in the doorway to the station.
He had followed her. He had tried to come in after her to find her.
Her nails scratched into Eddie's wrists and she wrangled out of his arms to move behind him. (Y/n) bound her arms around Eddie's waist and hid behind him, praying Max wouldn't see her and that Eddie wouldn't leave her to go and cause a fight. Her fingers scrunched up into Eddie's shirt across his chest and her face pressed tightly into his back between his shoulder blades while her chest merged into his back like she was trying to glue them together into one person.
"Buck!" Eddie looked up towards the stairs when he saw his brother-in-law beginning to walk down. "He's back! He's tried to run (Y/n) off the road. Don't let him leave."
Evan paused, coffee cup halfway towards his lips before he realised his little sister was shaking, hiding herself behind Eddie like a frightened child needing protection. He looked around the station to where Eddie was pointing and the moment he locked his gaze on Max, he dropped his cup and bolted into a run.
Eddie tried to move but he couldn't go anywhere when his wife was attached to his back and he could feel her barely breathing into his shirt.
He reached a hand behind him to hold (Y/n)'s hip and he slowly turned around in her arms. He cupped the back of her head and leaned his forehead down against hers with their noses touching and his other arm tight around her waist to keep her pinned into his chest.
"Baby… baby you need to breathe with me, okay? Come on, deep breaths…"
When (Y/n) kept gasping and taking shallow breaths, Eddie shook his head before he swooped in and kissed her. He pulled her lower lip between his and pinned her chest into his own, feeling her holding her breath rather than trying to take fifty tiny breaths all at once.
He nudged his nose into hers and pulled his lips back just enough for (Y/n) to take a deep breath, then he connected their lips again. Not giving her the chance to start hyperventilating. He didn't want her passing out, he wanted her to hold her breath and try to copy his breathing so she could calm down.
"That's it, good girl." He murmured softly into her lips which he swiped his tongue across when he felt (Y/n)'s hands grip his shoulders tightly. "Are you alright, are you hurt?"
(Y/n) shook her head and leaned forward to bury her face in Eddie's neck. She had been shaken up but she didn't get hurt when Max crashed into her. She had been lucky he didn't manage to grab her when she got out the car either, (Y/n) had had a lucky escape.
"Good… can you go tell Bobby to call Athena?" Eddie trailed his hands down to (Y/n)'s hips and started walking her backwards until she was near the stairs. They needed to get Athena down here to make a report and arrest Max. No one was going to let him get away with this.
(Y/n) tightened her hands on Eddie's shoulders and tried to pull him back into her as a frown formed on her face. She didn't know what he was doing when he let go of her hips and gently uncurled her hands from him.
"W-where are you going?"
"I told you if he comes near you, he'll be dealing with me." As much as Eddie wanted to stay with (Y/n), he knew the rest of the team could stay with her and wait with her for the police to come down here.
Eddie wasn't letting this go. Max had started stalking his wife and frightening her and Evan had already told him to stay away and not to dare come back and he wasn't listening. He could of caused (Y/n) to crash. If Tate was in the car that would have been both Eddie's girls in danger. He wasn't letting Evan have all the fun of restraining Max and making sure he didn't get away.
"Baby no-"
"He's gonna need an ambulance when I'm finished with him."
771 notes · View notes
queenimmadolla · 2 years
(dad!eddie x mom/pregnant!reader)
*NOT Mature, SFW — incorrectly flagged
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𝐏𝐀𝐑𝐓 𝟏 ─ 𝐏𝐀𝐑𝐓 𝟐 ─ 𝐏𝐀𝐑𝐓 𝟑 • more of the pennyverse here.
Summary: . . . After almost losing you in a scare related to your preterm labor, Eddie is reluctant to meet his newborn son, whose life still remains on the line, until some convincing from you. warnings: angst, a whole lot of angst, near death experience, difficult pregnancy, early labor, preterm birth, talk of loss of infants, birth defects, happy ending.
a/n: congrats on making it to part two! we still have quite a bit of angst to get through but we're almost through the storm! this part (even though i wrote Wayne's World as a whole) was my favorite to write, and i'm sure you'll be able to guess why. word count is 6k. good luck and happy reading! and for the people mad about the long post, sorry, had the 'keep reading' tab on but it kept fucking with the format and eating chunks of it. you're gonna have to scroll. let me know what you think? ◡̈
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Hours passed by, Penny had fallen asleep in his lap again and so had most of his friends with the exceptions of Jonathan who looked like he could really use the sleep, Eden and Wayne. Steve would snap awake every once and a while, careful not to jostle his sleeping girlfriend. Nancy was asleep on Jonathan’s shoulder while Argyle used Eden’s lap for a pillow. Barb and Robin were hanging off chairs in the most uncomfortable looking positions, Robin’s snores almost painful sounding. The ‘kids’ (teenagers) had been picked up by their parents, only agreeing to go home if they could come back to wait with him first thing in the morning. 
  Eddie didn’t rest for a single second, mind torturing him with horrible, horrible thoughts. One played in his mind on loop; he was holding Penny as he walked out of the hospital. They were on their own.
  It held him captive, he hadn’t even noticed your doctor approaching him until she gently placed a hand on his shoulder.
  “Mr. Munson?”
  Wayne and Eddie traded quick glances and he handed Penny over, trying not to disturb her too much in his rush but she just curled up to Wayne.
  Eddie stood up, already feeling lightheaded. That voice in his head that had been torturing him whispered something cruel to him, enough to make him want to cease existing: maybe you, somewhere in this hospital, already gone and he didn’t know it. Was she about to confirm his worst fears?
  “I apologize for the fright we gave you. Your wife started hemorrhaging and she lost a lot of blood.”
  Yeah. Eddie’s world was ending. It was over.
  “But we were able to stop the bleeding and get her a transfusion. She’s stable and she’s going to be just fine.”
  The relief was almost crippling, the heaviest weight he’d ever felt on him was lifted. Eddie wanted to cry, he squeezed his eyes shut again, trying to compose himself before he broke down in front of another doctor.
  “We have her in a room, probably hold her for a couple of nights, depending on her recovery. Would you like to go see her?”
  “Yeah, yes, please.” He nodded rapidly, wiping furiously at his eyes. 
  Dr. Eisenberg nodded and began walking down the hall, “If you’ll follow me.”
  Eddie turned, ready to ask Wayne to look after Penny when Wayne cut him off, “Go. I'll let ‘em all know she’s okay and send ‘em home. They probably won’t be able to see her tonight or in the mornin’, but I’ll stick around. Let me know when I can come on up.”
  Eddie wanted to hug him, but he really needed to see you. 
  “Thank you, Wayne. For everything.” Then he was scrambling after Dr. Eisenberg, who had stopped to wait for him.
  The walk to your hospital room had Eddie ready to tear his hair out, he’d wanted to just ask your doctor for your room number so he could sprint the rest of the way because her pace was much too slow. He was desperate to get to you, to make sure you were really still alive.
  “Here we are,” she stated, pushing your room door open. “Hello, again, Mrs. Munson. I brought someone who’s been waiting for you.”
  Eddie’s breath hitched as Dr. Eisenberg stepped to the side and he finally saw you, eyelids heavy from whatever sedation you were still trying to pull yourself from, and a smile on your face that only widened when you locked eyes. 
  “Hi, baby,” you slurred, sleepy little smile not going anywhere. And neither were you. 
  The rush of emotions he was experiencing was too much, he burst into tears where he stood as Dr. Eisenberg closed the door behind her on her way out. 
  “Eddie…” you mumbled out, reaching the hand lacking an IV out to him. 
  Of course you were trying to comfort him, you were the one confined to a hospital bed, having just barely survived a traumatic birth and you were still trying to comfort him because you were perfect. 
  He slowly approached your bed, hot tears—he was surprised his body could even still produce more tears given how much he’d cried in the last few hours alone—streaming down his cheek. Eddie really did collapse when he reached you, nuzzling his face into the crook of your neck.
  You wrapped your arms around him, holding him to your chest as best as you could, though you had no idea why he was crying, brain too hazy.
  Eddie didn’t sob, just silently shook as he wet your neck, inhaled your scent, felt your warm skin and pulse beating beneath his lips. He hadn’t lost you, you were still here.
  Ideally, he’d be holding you and squeezing you hard enough to ensure you’d never leave his arms again, but even in his emotional hysteria, he was mindful of your condition.
  Eddie pulled away, large hands framing your face as he pressed desperate kisses all over your face, making sure every inch was caressed with his love before he focused on your lips, mouth meshing messily against yours.
  You could taste the salt of his tears, feel a couple of stray ones catching where your lips met. While he may have been feeling a mixture of emotions, all you could feel right then was content and still a bit sleepy from the anesthesia.
  When Eddie felt he’d conveyed his love for you sufficiently, he pulled away, a wet and hoarse chuckle escaping him when he realized you could barely keep your eyes open.
  “You sleepy, baby?”
  “Get some rest, sweetheart,” Eddie’s thumb stroked over your bottom lip before resting over the center of it, “just, please wake up.”
  “Okay,” you mumbled, eyes already shut. Still, you managed to press a kiss to his thumb before you slipped into a blissful slumber.
  While you slept, Eddie had one of the nurses phone up the waiting room and sent Wayne. The poor man looked exhausted, but the relief on his face was evident when he saw you sleeping peacefully. 
   He looked like he wanted to cry, too. Instead, he just cleared his throat, blinked to keep the tears away and spoke low so as to not disturb you or the sleeping toddler in his arms.
  “Everythin’ alright?”
  “With her?” Eddie’s red rimmed gaze drifted back to you, focused on the rise and fall of your chest. Still breathing, “Yeah.”
  Wayne nodded once and they both stood there in silence for a few minutes as the world began to turn again. Something still wasn’t right, felt wrong. He could tell by the tension his boy still had, arms crossed as he crouched in the seat next to your bed. 
  “And the baby?”
  Eddie flinched as if Wayne had shot a gun off in the air rather than mention his son.
  “I don’t know.”
  Wayne watched him with a careful eye, Eddie looked almost like he was vibrating from the force at which his leg was shaking, even your hospital bed appeared to be affected by it, though not nearly enough to disturb you.
  As much as he wanted to comfort him, for once, Wayne didn’t know what to do. Didn’t know what to say and he had an inkling that anything that came out of his mouth wouldn’t be heard by Eddie. He was lost in the dark crevices of his own mind. 
  The most he could do was offer to give him some alone time, he was sure his boy wasn’t keen on others sticking around right now, even him. 
  “I’ll take Penny home, me and Maude’ll watch her.” 
  Eddie shook his head, a look of panic flashing over his face, “No, that’s alright. She can stay with me.”
  Wayne was reluctant, mouth set in a frown. Penny was a good girl, usually, but he didn’t know if Eddie could really handle her along with processing everything going on around him.
  “Really, we wouldn’t mind─”
  “I need her.” 
  That shut Wayne right up, he and Eddie shuffled to exchange Penny from his arms to her dad’s without waking her. She stirred momentarily then shoved her face into Eddie’s neck, her little body falling slack once more.
  Wayne gave his shoulder a good squeeze, ran his hand gently over Penny’s back before he leaned down—and in a rare show of affection—pressed a brief kiss to your forehead.
  As he was walking out of the room, Eddie felt the panic crawling down his throat again. He croaked out a broken, “Wayne─”
  Wayne paused in the doorway, turning to acknowledge Eddie but his nephew didn’t continue, just looked scared. For a moment, Wayne was caught off guard, sucking in a breath as his boy looked young for the first time in a couple of years. 
  Now, he knew you and Eddie were young. He’d been aware of it when you got together, aware of it when you told him you were pregnant with Penny but sometime after that, he stopped seeing your age, stopped seeing Eddie’s as the two of you grew up for her. Now, right then, he remembered with startling clarity that Eddie wasn’t even twenty-five. He looked so young because he was.
  Eddie didn’t have to say anything else because Wayne knew exactly what he wanted him to say.
  Wayne nodded slowly, mouth pressing into a firm line of determination, “Everything’s gonna be alright, kid.”
  Eddie choked up, held Penny a little tighter and Wayne went on his way.
  He found himself settling back into the seat he’d dragged near your bed, cradling Penny as she remained blissfully unaware and drooling on his scrub top.
  Wayne wasn’t wrong, she’d probably be a little too much for him but she was his kid, it wasn't like he could just hand her off to people when life came at him like this and he really did need her right now. Again.
  You were here and whole, but somewhere else in this hospital, a member of his little family was still slipping through his fingers. He couldn’t let the other one out of his sight, couldn’t lose her, too.
  Once more, Eddie remained restless as the hours passed. He sat in mostly silence. He’d turned on the tv near your bed, the volume high enough to drown out the sounds of the hospital outside of the room but much too low to wake you. Rain trilled against the windows, much more gentle than it had been earlier. The storm had also passed, and if there was even an ounce of humor in him, he would have been amused with how this storm seemed to fester like a black cloud looming over him. 
  It’d been a normal day up until he’d gone to Lucas’ birthday party, but he’d been skeptical about leaving you, worried something would happen. The metaphorical little black cloud formed over him, as a result, and so did the actual black clouds, quickly calling for wind and rain at high speeds. 
  And when Eddie had found out you were okay, you were alive, his black cloud disappeared, though it left behind damage and a cold atmosphere. The real storm had also run its course, leaving behind weather that reflected exactly how Eddie felt.
  Penny squirmed in his grasp, and he realized he’d tensed up so he quickly relaxed, shifting her into a more comfortable position in his hold. 
  “Why don’t you give her to me?”
  Eddie’s head snapped over to you, surprised to find you awake, somewhat lucid and watching him with a small smile on your face.
  “Because you just had your insides removed and put back in,” He smirked, another wave of relief washing over him. You’d woken up, you really were okay. You weren’t going to leave him.
  You rolled your eyes, making a vague hand gesture to brush the subject off, clearly the surgeons hadn’t removed your sass.
  “She’s tiny and there’s more than enough room on here for both of us.” You hissed as you slowly shimmied your way to the side of the bed and Eddie frowned.
  “Okay, how about you don’t move so we can limit the amount of heart attacks you give me today, yeah?” You knew Eddie must have been worried so you didn’t take the lack of humor behind his words and the tension on his face personally. 
  A quick glance at the clock confirmed your suspicions, “It’s three in the morning, Eddie. New day, but I’ll keep my antics to a minimum.”
  Insistently, you patted the spot next to you, perfectly Penny sized and high enough to guarantee she wouldn’t accidentally move against your incision.
  With a sigh, Eddie complied, gathering his daughter up. Tensing up disturbed her but full on moving her didn’t, most likely used to being carried into your home after she’d fallen asleep in her car seat or on the couch.
  She didn’t stir when he laid her down, either. You both had to rearrange her limbs into a more comfortable position, one that didn’t make it look like she was possessed. Once Eddie tucked her in, he let out another sigh and cast you an apologetic look, big brown eyes wide, glassy and full of sorrow.
  “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to snap at you.” It was the last thing you deserved after what you’d gone through.
  The sincerity in his voice almost hurt you, it was heavy, as though it carried more weight than just a simple apology for his tone. 
  You held out your hand and Eddie immediately slipped his over it, locking his fingers with yours, squeezing as his breath hitched. 
  Your hand was so warm and soft. At one point in the last twenty-four hours, he’d thought he’d never get to feel it again, never get to hold your hand or see your pretty face. Never get to say…
  “I love you,” he blurted out, the panic he’d felt earlier when he couldn’t remember the last time he’d said those three words to you climbed right out of his belly, trying to claw its way out of his chest. Eddie took in a shuddering breath, head shaking as a hot tear escaped its confinement, trailing down his cheek. He moved to the other side of the hospital bed, so he wouldn’t crush Penny, and took your face in his hands, pressing a passionate kiss to your lips, hoping he was able to convey just how much he loved you.
  He needed you to know.
  “Eddie,” you mumbled as he pulled away, only to hide himself in the crook of your neck again. You could feel his tears against your skin and it alarmed you. “I love you, too, baby. What’s wrong?”
  “I thought I was going to lose you,” he confessed and you felt your heart seize up, “I thought I was gonna lose you twice in the same damn day. I was so fucking scared, sweetheart.” 
  When he’d been driving to the hospital, there had been a moment when he wondered if you’d still be breathing when he got there. It made him want to throw up so he quickly squashed it and forced it to the back of his head. It hadn’t been ideal when he’d entered the operation room, he didn’t like seeing you get cut open but it was comforting to see he’d overreacted. You were getting a c-section, you weren’t on your deathbed.
  Until you had been. 
  And for the second time that day, he thought you were going to die, thought he’d somehow cruelly manifested this for you and himself.
  “I’m alright, Eddie.” You freed your hand, grabbing his to cradle your cheek with. 
  “See? I’m okay. You didn’t lose me, you’re not going to.” Eddie pulls away from his hiding spot to stare down at you, the wounded puppy look still firmly in place so you add a little humor, hoping to get a smile out of him, “There’s no way I’m checking out this early, I can’t risk you moving on when you look this good.”
  Eddie’s hand was so big his fingers were tucked into your hair, his palm alone took up most of your cheek. His fingertips lightly massaged the area of your scalp available to him as the hurt on his face morphed into an earnest look, somehow more vulnerable.
  “There’s no moving on from you, you’re taking my soul, my heart, all of it with you when you go. You’re the love of my life, my everything. And that—fuck, it terrifies me because I’d still have Penny to take care of and I wouldn’t know what to do. I wouldn’t know how to pull myself out of it, if it’d even be possible and quite frankly, I don’t ever want to fucking find out.”
  Eddie was more than happy to have those types of questions remain unanswered for the rest of his life.
  “You’d be able to do it, I know you would. You would be able to take care of Penny and the baby.” You knew he would, your husband would pull himself out of his depression to make sure your children were okay because of how much he loved them, despite his grief.
  Eddie flinched, something you were quick to clock. You didn’t need to ask, he could see the question reflecting in those beautiful eyes of yours. 
  He had to break the news. You were already in a frail condition and he had to tell you the baby you’d almost died to have, your son, might still die.
  “Honey, the baby—he—fuck, he’s uh…there’s something wrong with his heart.”
  The way your face plummeted shattered something inside of him. 
  “He’s got a hole in his heart, the doctor said it was pretty common amongst heart defects but since he was born so early, it’d be difficult to medicate him or perform an operation. All they can do is keep him under observation, he still might not make it because of how young he is.”
  You squeezed your eyes shut, head dropping back to meet your pillow as you tried, and failed, not to cry. Why was this happening? You blamed yourself, why hadn’t you been able to keep him in your belly? Why had your own body betrayed you? Why had you failed your baby?
  “This is all my fault,” you declared, eyes and cheeks growing wet with your tears.
  “No, no, sweetheart.” Eddie was not about to let you take the blame for something out of your control or even allow you to believe any of this was your fault. “You can’t possibly believe this is on you. These things happen, it obviously isn’t ideal, but it’s just circumstance. It’s not your fault and it’s not the baby’s fault. You did everything you could and more. Okay?”
  He leaned in, finger stroking gently across your cheekbone as he caught a tear. You sniffled, nodding once as he pulled you back together.
  “What does he look like?” You asked, snuggling back into the pillow as Eddie coddled you.
  He hesitated for a moment before he answered, “I—I don’t know.”
  That elicited a small frown from you, “You haven’t seen him yet?”
  Eddie swallowed hard, gaze moving away from you, “No.”
  You waited, watching a series of emotions pass over his features. Eddie often tried to keep his internal struggles to himself, a habit you noticed once you became friends with him (ironically, through some trauma bonding) and even into your relationship. You hadn’t expected him to confide everything in you right away, though you had let him know should he ever need someone to talk to, you’d be there.
  Now, it wasn’t a matter of if he would, it was when. It didn’t take him long. 
  “I don’t know—I guess,” he pursed his lips, eyes squeezing shut as he felt the all too familiar burn of fresh tears. How many times had he cried in the last twenty-four hours? He felt ridiculous to be so emotional, then again, he’d never thought he’d find himself in this tragic situation, so he was due for a couple of breakdowns, “I know if I go down there and I—I look at him, I’m gonna fall in love with him and then what? He dies. I can’t do that, not if I’m gonna lose him forever. I can’t.”
  Eddie was leaking tears, not yet sobbing but well on his way as he made his confession. He couldn’t stomach seeing his baby boy if he was going to be taken away from him, if the two of you would have to put a tiny little coffin—a size that should never have to exist—six feet into the ground. He’d been put through the fucking ringer but Eddie couldn’t do that. It would break him.
  Eddie’s confession had you crying as well, you shared his pain. You didn’t want to lose your baby, either. You couldn’t remember what he looked like through the haze of your fatigue when you’d given birth to him, but if you tried to think hard enough, you could remember how it felt to have him in your arms in the passenger seat of Wayne’s truck. The first time you’d held him and you hoped it wouldn’t be the last. 
  Even if it was, you were grateful you’d had the chance to and you knew Eddie would never forgive himself if he didn’t get to see him, didn’t get to meet him.
  “I know you’re terrified, Eds. It scares me, too.” You grabbed his hand just as it slipped away from your face, encouraging him to look at you. “I don’t want to lose him, either. I want to take him home. I want to cuddle with him, nurse him, take tons of pictures of him with Penny and with you, but most of all, I want to make sure he knows I love him.”
  It killed you to imagine your baby in an incubator, small, helpless and with no one but the nurses, who could make the time to check on him in between all their other patients, offering him comfort. Human contact. And if he did end up passing, he could do so alone in there, not knowing how loved he was. 
  “I know you love him, Eddie, and you don’t want to lose him. But you can’t lose him if you don’t have him, baby. I hate that this is even a possibility for us, but I’d rather have held him and lost him than to never have picked him up at all. I’ll be okay with whatever you decide, but do you really want him to die without having gotten to meet his dad?”
  Eddie let out a choked sob as he shook his head. He didn’t want his baby to die at all but you were right, if he did lose his kid, he’d spend the rest of his life agonizing over the same thing Eddie had been upset with himself for when he thought he’d lose you. He’d been unable to recall the last time he told you he loved you. Only, he’d know he never told his son. 
  “I’ll be right back,” he swore and you nodded just as he leaned down to give you a kiss. He wiped away his tears, inhaled a particularly violent sniffle and you watched as he left your room to finally meet his baby.
  Eddie felt almost disorientated as he navigated his way to the NICU. He’d been there once, briefly, to check on Penny when she’d been there for a few hours, but that was a couple of years ago and he’d needed the assistance of several nurses and staff to direct him, but he finally made it.
  The entrance room, where the viewing window was located, was nearly empty. There was a woman further down, gazing through the large window.
  Eddie approached it with caution and his heart racing a mile a minute. It wasn’t too difficult to find his baby. His son was in an incubator, close to the window and labeled ‘MUNSON’. For the first time, Eddie got to take his son in. He had been right, he fell in love with him at first sight.
  He was smaller than some of the other babies, bigger than others as well and surprisingly well developed. Kind of calmed Eddie’s nerves, just a little. He had a couple of monitor pads attached to his tummy with an additional one wrapped around his tiny foot. Other than the nasal cannula, baby Munson didn’t have a whole lot of tubes attached to him like Eddie had imagined and he could see a smattering of hair on his head, somewhat light in shade but he had a feeling it would darken soon to resemble his own. 
  It was hard to tell if Wayne and Penny were right in their description of him, Eddie couldn’t tell if he was still pale since the baby was cloaked in blue light, but he assumed his son had gained some color by then. Eddie also couldn’t make out his eyes, those were covered by some sort of eye cloth, most likely for protection. He looked a little odd, obviously resembled a baby and while his features were almost indistinguishable, appearing a little generic, as his face still needed to develop a little more, Eddie could see hints of familiar features. 
  He looked like newborn Penny, well, so far. Her features had obviously changed since then, and still were, but he was promising to look almost exactly like she had when she was born. And Eddie thought Penny looked a lot like you, so it got a smile out of him, regardless of the fact his son was bound to resemble his family.
  Eddie watched the rapid rise and fall of his chest with concern. Was he supposed to be breathing that fast? Was he okay? 
  “Which one is yours?”
  Eddie turned to peer over at the woman who’d asked him the question, “Munson.”
  Eddie watched as her gaze moved over all the incubators until they found the correct one.
  “Oh, he’s a cute one. And his breathing looks incredible.”
  “Really? It’s not too fast?” He asked, the worry in his voice obvious.
  “Considering it’s his first time pumping those lungs, I don’t think so, no. Looks like he’s breathing real good to me. Mine needs a little help.” She pointed through the glass to an incubator that housed a baby with a tube in its mouth as well as individual ones in each nostril unlike his son’s nasal cannula. Eddie felt horrible.
  “I’m sorry,” he tried to apologize but she waved him off, a smile still on her face. 
  “Don’t be, that’s all mine is here for. As soon as she figures out how to keep doing it on her own, she’ll be back with me and my wife.”
  Right on, Eddie thought. Before he could continue their conversation, a nurse knocked on the window.
  She gestured down to the baby, “Is he yours?”
  Wow, this glass must have been thin, he could hear her pretty good.
  For some reason, Eddie still assumed she couldn’t hear him and only nodded. She disappeared for a minute and emerged into the room through a large pair of doors. 
  “Would you like to hold him?”
  Eddie glanced at the other occupant and she gave him a nod of encouragement. 
  “Yeah,” he rasped out, turning to look at his son through the window once more, “Yeah, I would.”
  Eddie was nervous the entire time as she prepped him with instructions. While they were concerned about the hole in his son’s heart, he was well developed, had strong vitals, good reactions, even for thirty weeks. He was so good that had it not been for his heart, he probably would have been sent home at the same time as you, given your longer than average stay due to your c-section and preeclampsia.
  And when she placed him in his arms, the love he had for his son almost overwhelmed him. He couldn’t believe he almost denied himself this. 
  “Can I touch him?” He asked, after he’d stopped marveling at the small face—eyes still hidden—in his arms. 
  “Mhm, we’d encourage it. Babies, even born preterm, are still very much so human. He craves the contact, it might even encourage him.” 
  Eddie didn’t hesitate, fingers gently stroking over the soft fluff of hair on his son’s head. This close, he could see it all pushed towards the middle of his head, like a mohawk. His baby was already metal straight out of your womb, it made him chuckle. 
  The nurse stepped away to tend to another baby, giving him a little privacy. Eddie maneuvered his son so he was resting on his chest, little head pressed against the spot just over his heart.
  “Hi,” he whispered down to the baby in his arms, “I’m your dad.”
  Much to Eddie’s awe, the baby nuzzled his head against his chest, making him still. He didn’t know why, but he’d believed his son wouldn’t be able to move for some reason. It was nice to know he was wrong.
  “It’s nice to finally meet you, too,” he laughed, the sound soft, “I’ve been looking forward to it, you must have, too. You sure know how to make an entrance, huh? Couldn’t wait in your mom any longer?”
  Eddie ducked down to kiss his little head, lips remaining there as he moved to sit in one of the few chairs of the NICU. 
  “It’s okay, though. I’ve got you, daddy’s got you.” Even if the outcome wasn’t okay, right at that moment with his son in his arms, everything felt like it would be. And if his son needed encouragement, Eddie would give it to him. 
  “I’m sorry it took me so long to come find you, your mom had to talk some sense into me. She loves you a lot, you know? Probably jealous I’m down here and she isn’t, but only because she physically can’t just yet.”
  Eddie’s hand went to support the back of his head as he moved the baby down to hold in his hands, staring down at his little face. 
  “I’ll bring her down to see you again as soon as I can, though. So you gotta keep fighting, okay? I know things are hard for you right now, not as easy as the other babies in the hospital, but I know you can do it. I love you so much, your mom and I just want to take you home, so you gotta beat this, okay?”
  Eddie rocked his baby, gentle swaying motions as he pressed kiss after kiss to his head. 
  “I see you’ve made it down for a visit,”
  Eddie glanced up at the face of Dr. Houseman, she didn’t look as intimidating as she had when she’d first approached him in the waiting room.
  “Sorry to disturb you, but I’m very glad I caught you. I heard your wife is doing well.”
  “She is,” he confirmed, with a relieved grin. 
  “Good, I’m glad. Have you been given an update on your little guy?”
  Eddie recounted what the nurse had told him and Dr. Houseman looked pleased.
  “Well, I have more news for you. He’s proving to be much stronger than we’d initially anticipated, and while his vitals were already good on intake, they’ve improved tremendously in the last few hours and so have his responses. I think he’s figuring out what he’s capable of doing; how to breathe, how to move, how to eat—we introduced him to a rubber nipple to check his latch response and it’s good, not quite there yet, we’ll have to get creative with his feedings but I think he’ll be able to latch onto his mom soon.”
  She must have caught the way Eddie perked up at her use of the word soon. That meant his baby had a fighting chance.
  “These first few hours after a birth such as his and with his condition are crucial. While he’s still significantly weaker than an average full term newborn, your baby seems to be a fighter.  Should he survive this next night, I believe he’ll make it. He’d just need some time in here while the hole closes up, but it just might not be too much for him.”
  She left him with that news and a parting smile.
  Eddie held his son for a few more minutes before a nurse returned to put him back in his incubator. He hadn’t wanted to leave him, but he’d promised him he’d be back.
  When Eddie got back to the room, his heart was a little lighter and he was able to smile when he saw you giving Penny, who was now wide awake, kisses. He pressed his back up against the door and watched for a few moments as you leaned in and gave her a loud kiss. She’d go into a fit of giggles before demanding another with an again!
  “Daddy!” Penny beamed the moment she saw him and Eddie grinned as he made his way over, lifting her into his arms when she held hers up to him.
  “Hi, pretty one. You sleep good?” 
  “Uh-huh,” it was clear she was distracted and didn’t care about his questions, no, she had some of her own. “You see my baby?”
  Eddie raised an eyebrow, trading an amused look with you.
  “Oh, he’s your baby now?”
  “Ya, he’s—he’s my baby.” She nodded with a grin as she wrapped her arms around his neck, and he leaned down to press his forehead to hers.
  “Well, then yes. I saw your baby,” he chuckled, pressing a kiss to her nose.
  “Wha’helooklike?” Penny blurted out, eyes wide as she waited for his reply. 
  “He looked a lot like you.” 
  “Nooooooo,” Penny laughed, shaking her head against her dad’s, “He is my potatoes, not anoda Penny.”
  “It’s true!” Eddie laughed with her as he put her back down by your side and leaned in to give you yet another—he’d never stop giving them to you—kiss.
  “He looks like her?” You asked, after you’d returned his kiss.
  “Mhm,” Eddie fell back into the seat he’d occupied hours earlier. “Looks like she did when she was a newborn. He’s not pale—like a potato,” he directed that part to Penny who just laughed into her little hands, “anymore, at least. I don’t know whose eyes he has, they were covered.”
  Eddie was right about you being jealous, you were practically green with it. 
  “I wish I could see him,” you stated sadly, frown on your lips. You knew, realistically, if he started to decline, they’d most likely let you out of bed to see him or bring him up to you, but still. You’d rather it not come to that.
  “Ran into his doctor while I was there, she said he’s got a better chance.”
  Your eyes lit up, “Really?”
  “I was just about ready to kiss her.” He nodded and you made a face, nose doing that adorable scrunch he loved so much.
  “Okay, well, don’t do that.”
  Eddie snickered, “It was a figure of speech, baby.”
  “I know, I’m just saying it on her behalf,”
  “On her behalf?” Eddie pouted, eyebrows pulled together in confusion.
  “Yeah, I want to kiss her, too, but—uhm, Eds, you might need some sleep ‘cause—you’re hot, you really are, but you also look insane right now.”
  Eddie got up to make his way to the bathroom so he could see himself in the mirror, nearly jumping once he’d turned on the lights.
  His eyes were beyond bloodshot, his eye bags were dark and very apparent, his skin had an interesting almost gray like tinge to it and his hair was a wreck. Eddie looked like he belonged in a psych ward.
  “Jesus,” he shouted loud enough to be heard by you.
  “It’s okay, Eds. You’re still beautiful to me!”
  Eddie did end up sleeping. Turns out the chair he’d been sitting on was also a pull out bed. You insisted that he get some rest, and while he did, you changed Penny’s diaper and got some hospital room service for the two of you, you’d even picked something out on the menu for Eddie to eat once he woke up. 
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chososwifey24-7 · 24 days
Yakuza boss sukuna x fem!reader
Cw: Nsfw, 18+, blood, death, kidnapping, swearing, fingering, oral sex (male receiving), pv penetration, mating press, consensual sex, no protection (reader is on birth control), cum eating, rough sukuna, aftercare.
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Run. Breathe. Survive.
That's all you could do. The image of the tattooed man entering your house and beating your father to death. The cut on your side from one of his lackeys stung on your side and burned.
Where the hell would you run? Where the hell would you hide? They had seen your face. They had seen the fear, the pain, your face.
You could only assume your father got himself into more debt. Unpayable debt. Tears rolled down your cheeks as you continued to run. Labored breaths escaping you.
Legs giving out. That's all you felt as you fell to the concrete in the alleyway you were escaping through. You scraped your knees and your palm.
Gasping. Your lungs needed air. You needed to breathe! Why the fuck wouldn't your body cooperate?
You heard the footsteps before they saw or heard you. You pulled yourself behind a dumpster, a mouse scurrying across your foot. You wanted to scream, wanted to run, but where would you go? You'd be caught.
You heard their voices up and down the alleyway. They stalked it like predators. They sounded excited, excited to finally catch their prey.
You felt more blood seeping through your shirt. It couldn't be that deep of a gash, but through all the running and escaping, you had no time to put pressure on the wound to stop it from bleeding.
That's when you heard him. The man that had beaten your father to death and enjoyed it.
"Where the fuck did she go? You two were supposed to get her."
His voice was low, gravelly, haunting.
You could feel your chest rise and fall quicker and quicker as you heard the footsteps come closer and closer yet to the garbage can.
"We tried to Mr. Ryomen. That bitch is quick."
The other man laughed at his buddies words. He laughed obviously in agreement to the statement. That's when you heard the click of a gun.
"If you can't do something as simple as catching a damn brat, you aren't useful to me."
You tried to stay calm and quiet. You covered your mouth with both hands. Your phone was still at home. You could call anyone to save you.
"No, no, Mr. Ryomen, we'll find her, we swear."
The man quickly tried to beg for his life. Plead for this Ryomen guy to spare him. That he could do better.
"No need."
You heard Mr. Ryomens voice before you felt his hand ensnared in your hair. Your eyes widened. How the hell did he know you were there?
You tried to scream and kick and punch, but this man was strong. He snapped his finger, and the lackeys of his were on you zip, tying your hands and feet together.
"No, no! Stop!"
You screamed and tried to wriggle from the tattooed man's grasp. The man you know now as Mr. Ryomen.
He simply threw you over his shoulder and a car came around the corner.
"Ah, Uraume, right on time. Perfect."
You were thrown into the backseat of the car before being blindfolded. That's all you remember before being dragged into a basement and left there.
It had been days. It must have been. They brought you food and water ever once in a while. That's how you tried to track the days tied to a chair.
Unfortunately, things began to blur together. Things became more dull, you knew you couldn't get out of this, so why were you trying?
That's what you thought until Mr. Ryomen came into the basement and cut the zip ties off of you. Your immediate reaction was to try to fight. To throw punches.
He easily grabbed your wrists and held you with a grin. That sickening grin.
"I see you still have some fight left in you. It's surprising, but I came here to talk, not fight."
He simply threw you to the side, your back hitting a cold concrete wall before you fell to your knees coughing.
"You see, your father died because he couldn't pay back his money, and he refused to do anything to even try. So we told him we would take you. Sell you off, maybe. I haven't quite decided yet,"
He began explaining as he stalked towards you slowly and intimidatingly. You couldn't even run away, your back was against the wall, literally.
"But you're so damn pretty I thought, why not just pay me back with your body. Yeah?"
He said as he kneeled in front of you and grabbed your chin roughly.
"Because that sounds more appealing to me."
He licked his lips and leaned in closer to you. His face was so damn close. His lips planted a kiss on your cheek before he grabbed you by the hair and tilted your head back.
He chuckled to himself as he watched your tears stream down your face and your eyes closed tight. He took his other hand and wiped a tear from your face and cooed in a mocking tone.
"Oh, there there. There's no need to cry. I'll simply use you until your father's debt is paid back, then I'll send you on your way."
That's when your eyes met his and you bit your lip a bit.
"How much is my father's debt?"
He thought for a moment and then turned back to you with a glint in his teeth. His smile so damn bright, but so scary attention same time.
"I think it was somewhere around 500,000 yen. Quite a bit if you ask me."
Your jaw dropped. How were you supposed to pay that back off soon. The doubt began to creep in. You thought that maybe you could screw him for a few days and get out of here, but 500,000 yen! That was almost impossible to pat back soon.
He saw your facial expression and chuckled.
"3 months. Stay with me and let me do with you as I please for 3 months. After that, I will let you go."
His deal was intriguing, but 4 months, that was a long time. Could you honestly handle him? He wasn't bad looking, but he wasn't the person you'd want to spend the rest of your life with either.
You only had this option, though. You looked up at him in the eyes with determination. You didn't want to be sold off, so you'd chose the lesser of two evils.
"Fine. 3 months. I'm all yours."
The glint in his eyes seemed even more evil than it did the first day he had caught you.
"Alright. Since I can do whatever I want with you, why wait. Let's get your debt repayment started."
That's how you fou d yourself on your knees in sukunas room on your knees in front of his aching cock.
It was huge, and he wanted you to fit all of that in your mouth? There was no way. You leaned forward, though. After all you did tell him yes.
Your tongue gently licked the underside of his base, and he groaned deeply. You got to his tip and began to gently suck on it before going down on him a bit more.
"Oh fuck. Keep going."
He said as he tried to push your head down a bit. You were sucking him off, and he was loving it. Your mouth was addicting.
After thrusting into your throat and making you gag, he came.
"Swallow it."
Tears rolled down your face from his roughness, but you listened to him. Swallowing it, you looked at him and stuck out your tongue.
"Oh fuck, good girl. Now, up on the bed, I'm not done with you yet."
You did as he said once again and got up on the bed laying on your back and spreading your legs.
He whistled lowly as he took his fingers and ran them ul and down your folds, collecting your slick before roughly shoving them in you. You let out a scream before he began to finger you.
The pain slowly melted into pleasure and you were a whimpering mess on his finger.
"Ah, Mr. Ryomen, oh, please! I'm gonna cum!"
You screamed out, and before that knot could break, he pulled out his fingers and began to suck them clean.
"Mmm, you taste divine. Ilm have to save that for another day, but right now I want you cumming on my cock."
He strocked himself once, then twice, then lined himself up with your entrance.
You squirmed a bit before he shoved himself into you. Your mouth opened in a silent scream before his lips met yours in a hot teeth and tongue make out.
His thrusts were hard, rocking your entire body and the bed. He pulled away from the kiss and growled lowly as he continued.
"Are you in the pill?"
He asked as he thrusted a bit quicker as he was approaching his high.
"Ah, yes, yes. I'm on the pill."
You manage to get out in between thrusts. After those words left your mouth, he was grabbing your legs and pushing them to your chest in the meanest mating press ever.
Your moans became more high-pitched, and his thrusts picked up to an almost inhumane speed. You both were getting close.
Your hands moved to his shoulder and gripped them tightly. Your vision going white and his thrusts stilling as you both came together. His hit seed filling you and feeling weird.
You laid there for a second coming down from your high, and you couldn't help but admire his tattoos. You lazily took a finger and began to trace over them. He hummed gently and let you.
You groaned as he pulled out of you and left you to run to his bathroom and run a bath.
Soon, he came back to you and picked you up bridal style. Another groan leaving your lips, your lower abdomen hurting a bit.
He slowly set you down in the warm water before getting in behind you and holding you close to him.
Your eyes were fluttering closed as his chest met your back. This felt better than the sex itself. Being taken care of.
His arm wrapped around your chest and pulled you closer to him. He gently bit your ear before whispering to you.
"Get some rest, I'll carry you to bed if you fall asleep because both know this is far from done."
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inkstainedheartbeats · 3 months
Part three of this
It’s three days after the negative pregnancy test. Three days of Steve practically tiptoeing around their apartment. And Eddie knows that it’s not personal. That Steve doesn’t even realize how soft and meek he’s gotten. Like a solid seventy-five percent of Hawkins his parents were both Betas. He knows that things weren’t shiny and happy in the Harrington household. That habits are hard to break. Look at him and his food hiding habits he still has even after living with the god amongst men that is his Uncle.
Robin knows. Robin knew the moment that Eddie called to tell her she needed to find another ride in to work. The Beta woman hasn’t left Steve’s side. Stuck to him like a limpet.
They’re sitting at the table. Steve across from Eddie, their feet touching, with Robin resting her head on Steve’s shoulder. Breakfast is growing cold in front of them.
“You said some of it was me,” Steve starts off before cutting himself off. He takes a big bite out of his eggs. Robin makes an encouraging sound from next to him.
“Look, I slept through most of health class. But when we got serious I went to Uncle Wayne.”
Admitting this gets him small smiles, Robin even reaches a hand over to place on his. He knows she’ll always take Steve’s side, that to love one means to love the other so this act of kindness is… it makes him brave.
“One of the reasons that Alphas don’t tend to bare children isn’t just society being fucking sexist. It’s because Alphas produce a hormone that neither of the other secondaries can. And like, normally it doesn’t matter. But it makes pregnancies harder on Alphas. Wayne gave me all sorts of pamphlets on Alpha health, got me in contact with an Alpha ex of his.”
He’s squeezing Robin’s hand.
“I can’t loose you, Steve. I know we’re waiting to Mark each other, I understand why we’re waiting but even without the physical evidence of it, you are my Mate. And if I lost you?”
It was the threat of losing Steve to Vecna that had him breaking the control the bastard had on him. It was the sight of Steve bleeding yet again, standing in front of El, head tilted back like Chrissy’s that had him snapping. Steve was it for him. His heart knew it before his head did and he knows Steve is much the same. He saw proof of it in how skinny Steve was. How rumpled and ill kept he was.
“I am open to children. I would love to see you round and waddling with my pups inside you, Steve, but I am a coward.”
“You’re not. You’re not a coward, Eds.”
Steve’s pushed back his chair from the table. Clambered up onto his lap. Wide hands are buried deep in his hair. They’re not kissing, not yet. Not with Robin in the room. Because kissing like this never stays kissing and while Steve tells her everything she doesn’t want a front row seat to it all.
Steve pours out his own fears. Of his father. Of his mother who tried but still failed in the grand scheme of things. His health.
“I’ve had so many concussions, Eds. Literal brain damage that will some day come and bite me in the ass.”
They’re honest with each other with Robin as their witness. It feels like confession. It feels like marriage. Like a divine oath.
“You make me feel brave, Eds. I’m not scared of this with you at my side.”
“Lady Buckley, might I advise you to flee this luxurious castle for… a couple of hours? I need to show my King just how brave he makes me feel.”
He’s still scared shitless when they test again. It’s been six months and Eddie has fucked Steve on nearly every available surface at every opportunity he can. His stomach rolls and breakfast threatens to make a reappearance. But Steve is in his lap while they sit in the tub.
He’s not quite sure why they have to be in here but something about bathrooms makes Steve feels safe so this is where he sits. He squeezes Steve tight against him as they wait for time to move on by. When the scent of joy fills the bathroom he laughs.
“Thank fuck,” he breathes out.
“Yeah, thank fuck,” Steve echos.
And if they fuck like rabbits in that tub no one has to know.
Hope you don’t mind me tagging you in the resolution @xxbottlecapx
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leggerefiore · 1 year
Caring For An Injured Pokemon Boyfriend
cw: slight description of injuries, light blood mentions, fluff, tending to an injury
characters: Ingo, Emmet, Cyrus, Volo, Larry, Guzma
● You watched as the older of the Subway Bosses tried to hide how he flinched when he put too much pressure on his leg. His facial expression may have been something that rarely changed from his usual frown. But, you caught the way his eye slightly closed, and his nostrils flared as he took in a sharp breath. Instantly, you stopped him on his way into the apartment to roll up the leg of his slacks. Ingo froze at your sudden movements and could only watch as you revealed the abrasion he had been trying to hide from you.
● “Ah, dearest…” his voice was uneasy, “Yes, I have an injury, but it is nothing for you to concern yourself with. I was going to tend to it myself just now.” You pouted at him and shook your head. Instead, you grabbed onto his hand and led him into the bathroom. Sitting him on the toilet, you carefully knelt down after washing your hands to examine it better. There was some dried blood that was carefully washed away with a clean wash cloth and soap as you determined the wound needed slight bandaging.
● Ingo felt conflicted as he watched you tend to his wound. It was not your job to deal with the unfortunate injuries he got during work hours, and he was bothered to burden you with such a task. Yet, watching you so dotingly tend to his wound shut him up. It would be cruel to tell you off while you were trying to help him. His heart felt oddly warm as you quickly worked to finish up with a bandage.
● You gently applied the adhesive bandage to the areas that had bled before standing up. Ingo looked up at you as you cupped his cheeks playfully. “Good boy,” you teased and watched as his cheeks bloomed pink. A laugh came from you. Pecking a quick kiss to his lips, you were suddenly overcome with curiosity. “How'd you even get injured, Ingo?” you asked him with a tilt of your head. That was not like him at all, honestly. The older twin was always careful and dutiful.
● “Ah,” his hand moved to readjust his hat, but it was no longer on his head, “Well, I fell on my way into a train car. It was quite embarrassing actually… Emmet had to catch me.” You gasped. His leg must have rubbed against the train. You felt relieved that the only injury he got was an abrasion. Kissing him again, you hugged him, too. A warning to be more careful came from you as Ingo simply allowed himself to enjoy your warmth for a moment.
○ You could tell he was hiding something as he entered the apartment without a coat on and hiding his left arm behind his back. Emmet's face was frozen with a stiff grin, while his eyes were more like a doll's own. He waved at you with his right hand, not daring to say a word. Your suspicions were sky-high as you tried to glance at his hidden arm. He simply would not let you, however, making you shoot a light glare at him. His grin became nervous. Eventually, the charade grew tiresome, and you grabbed his arm to see what he did. You gasped at the sight of red staining his white shirt.
○ “Darling!” he whined as you gently pulled his arm forward. A long incision like cut ran up his forearm. You rushed him to the bathroom instantly. The first aid kit was dug out of the cabinet and placed down. A towel was wrapped around his arm to stop some remaining bleeding as you gave him a harsh look. It did not seem to be that deep, but its length had you mildly concerned. Emmet turned his face away from you, smile dropping. “I am Emmet,” he said, “And I am not a child.”
○ He felt embarrassed to need his partner to tend to his cut. It was not uncommon for Ingo to still try to provide care for him whenever he got injured around him. The long nagging sessions had him worried that he was in for a similar thing with you. Still, you dutifully worked to stop any bleeding before washing the wound, mindful of his quiet hisses and flinches from the hydrogen peroxide coming into contact with his wound. A quick application of a topical ointment and the embarrassment faded. Your worried expression finally broke him. Another reason he did not want to show you.
○ A gauze wrapping was wrapped around his arm as he was realised from your first aid care. Emmet was silent, unsure what to say. You sighed and caught him off guard. A light peck to his bandaged arm made his heart race. “Emmy,” you called him by his nickname so sweetly, “What happened? Please, tell me. I don't like seeing you hurt like that.” His arms came around you tightly, ignoring the dull pain in his arm. Oh, he felt so bad! His darling was worried about him.
○ “I am verrrry sorry,” he cooed sweetly and nuzzled his nose against your own, “Haxorus was practising a move. I did not follow the rules, and I was standing too close. She accidentally cut my arm.” You gasped. Poor Emmet and Haxorus. She undoubtedly felt bad for injuring one of her trainers, while Emmet had to nervously pretend he was fine. Thankfully, everything ended up fine, but you chided him about hiding things like that from you. The lectures were inescapable, the younger twin came to accept.
☄️ You observed the man carefully as he entered your home late in the evening. There was nothing that uncommon. He slipped his shoes off and walked in to greet you. His face was its usual stoicism, while his body language was the normal stiffness to be expected from Cyrus. No, what made you curious was how he was walking. It was not his trained stride and paces. They were shallow and uncomfortable. You lead him to the couch, where you proceeded to catch him unaware as you rolled up on of his pant legs. There, right at his knee, was the answer to your question. A darkening bruise with small litters of abrasions, almost like a galaxy against his pale skin.
☄️ “... Beloved,” he spoke quietly, “This is nothing for you to concern yourself over.” You shook your head and rushed away into the bathroom to grab the first aid kit and a wash cloth. You rolled up his other pant legs upon your return to confirm your suspicions. Both of his knees were in the same state. You ticked your tongue as you washed the area with the wetted cloth. Cyrus actually flinched at the unfortunate sensitivity in the area. Any dried blood from the abrasions was wiped away.
☄️ The Galactic Boss felt mildly uncomfortable about the whole situation. His goal had been to handle this himself, yet here you were being able to read him too well. Your gentle hands moved carefully as you blew on the wet areas to dry them. Why had you even bothered with concern? Cyrus would not be so foolish to let a serious injury go untreated. A bruise was not anything for you or himself to be concerned over. His heart raced when you placed the cloth down on the table and cupped his cheek.
☄️ “How did that happen?” you asked him softly, “It clearly was hurting you to walk. Please don't exert yourself more than you have to. I hate seeing you in pain.” Shame burned his chest. You would draw such visceral human emotion out from the void where his spirit should have been. His hand came to rest over yours. Must you worry about him? You leaned down to touch your forehead against his. Clearly, you did want an answer and were not going to be satisfied until you had it.
☄️ “I… I was exploring Mt. Coronet,” he explained with carefully chosen words, “I simply had failed to observe the uneven terrain and fell. I can assure you that the pain is barely noticeable.” You pouted to him. A light kiss was pecked to his lips as you sat down beside him. Your side was pressed against his as you hummed. He swallowed as you asked for more information about what he was doing at Mt. Coronet. A curse, he felt. You were a curse. He decided to explain his “new” fascination with Sinnohan mythology. (His knees felt strangely better after you had cared for them, but he would never admit it to himself.)
⭐️ You nearly panicked at the sight of the blond approaching you. A stick stuck through his carefully tied back bun, while dirt and foliage stuck to his clothing. You rushed him into your shared home quickly. Instantly, you had him strip from his clothing to look over his body. You could feel your breath hitch at the sight of his leg. You used a cloth to quickly apply pressure to the bleeding wound. Its jagged shape reflects whatever had just happened to him.
⭐️ “… I fell,” he explained simply, clearly not in top much of a talking mood with his injury. You could only wonder what height he fell from, while feeling grateful that his injuries outside his bleeding leg laceration seemed to just be bruising. You carefully check to see if the bleeding stopped. It thankfully had, and you quickly drew some water out from your bucket to run over the wonder. A shudder left you when rocky debris came out from the wound. You would not say he did not deserve it, but you did care for him enough to not want to see him like this.
⭐️ Volo felt a bit smug that he had you so concerned about him. Since everything had happened, he wondered if you still truly cared for him. His unfortunate accident today proved to be beneficial to his person curiosity. Your hands gently felt over his exposed skin, searching for any more injuries after finishing bandaging the wound to his leg. A dark memory, long repressed, resurfaced in his mind of a woman who resembled him watching as he tended to his own wound at a more tender age. He closed his eyes and forced it away. That did not matter. Not when his perfect world could still be brought to fruition; not when he had you so foolishly worried about him.
⭐️ When you finished looking over him and decided there was nothing else of concern, you unexpectedly hugged him. The tightness of the embrace nearly was enough to press against the bruises that littered his body. “Please, be more careful, Volo,” you begged in him a whisper, “I don't want to lose you…” His grin could only get bigger. The pain was ignored as he returned the affection. Perfect. You truly did love him, too. A light peck to his temple did draw an unwanted flutter of his heart.
⭐️ “Believe me, it was not my intention at all to fall from the cliff,” he sighed at the memory of what had got him in this state, “An enraged alpha Golem had it in him to attack me before I could call out Lucario.” His annoyance about the aggressive pokemon was apparent. If anything was going to kill him before he accomplished his goals, it was not going to be a wild pokemon. He moved to cup your cheek and look into your eyes. “Thank you for tending to my wounds,” Volo spoke with uncommon genuineness, “I'm grateful you decided to come to my side.” You felt delighted by his words and pressed a kiss to his lips.
🍙 It was a slight shock to see Larry in such a precarious state. He walked into the apartment and dropped his suitcase before quickly sliding off his shoes. His pace was a rare, quick one as he tried to rush off to the bathroom. You followed behind him in concern. The businessman sighed as you looked over him. He was clearly in pain as his neutral, uninterested expression twisted in pain. You saw an obvious stain on his grey shirt. Instantly, your hands worked to remove his suit jacket and shirt. You grimaced at what lay underneath.
🍙 Larry looked away from you in soke form of embarrassment as you observed the fiercely irritated skin on his chest. A burn. You quickly wet a wash cloth with cold water and pressed it to the afflicted area. A hiss came from the man, but he allowed you to tend to his injury. “... I'm sorry,” he mumbled out, “I planned on doing this myself. You really don't have to.” You look at him with a frown. He went silent.
🍙 He supposed it was not so bad to have you care for his burn. It was in an awkward place for him to observe and care for, so you were probably the best person for the job. He sighed as your gentle hands held the cloth to his chest. The stinging pain was subsided temporarily. Your worried eyes made his heart race, however. Why would you even bother fretting over someone like him? There was nothing special or interesting about him. How he even got you as his partner was truly beyond him. When you removed the cloth after a few minutes, he watched as you pulled out an aloe lotion from under the cabinet and rubbed it on the damaged skin.
🍙 As you finished by applying a loose bandage to the area, he sighed. Before he could thank you, however, you cupped his cheeks in your hand and looked into his tired eyes. He swallowed. “Are you okay, Larry?” you asked him softly, “How did that happen? I don't think I've ever seen your clothes with a stain like that.” His eyes broke from yours. You really knew how to make his disinterested facade fade. You nuzzled your nose against his, and his mouth nearly hung open.
🍙 “When I was walking to the office, someone bumped into me and my coffee spilled on to me,” he sighed, “I came home to clean it up and change. Thanks for helping with it.” You sighed. A light peck to his lips somehow acted a better pick-me-up than the coffee could have ever been. Your hands free his face as he pondered where to go from here. His boss was sure to notice his sudden disappearance, but this had been a situation. Larry had a distinct feeling you were not going to let him return to work, either. Not with his new injury. It was hard to decide who was scarier between you and Geeta.
□ You watched as the “big, bad boss” tried to make himself small as he entered your home. It was plain as day that he was hiding something. His face was filled with nervousness as he tried to creep by you. What had he done now? You decided to join him in the sneaking as you followed him quietly into the bedroom. His sleeve was pushed up as he sat away from the door. A hiss came from him. You placed a hand on his shoulder and scared him half to death. Guzma turned his grey eyes up to look at you.
□ “Babe, what the fuck,” he asked as he tried to hide his arm. You pouted at him. Really, what had he done? It was not like he did not often get into scraps or fights. Honestly, him hiding it made you more worried than a black eye or busted lip. Was it deep? Bleeding profusely? Your mind wandered. Snatching his arm, you pulled it into your line of sight. “C'mon, stop!” he snapped as you saw what littered his skin. Red scratch marks decorated the arm.
□ Guzma huffed as you got a wash cloth to wipe away the dried blood from the scratches. He felt like some little kid having his mom dote on him rather than the totally scary boss of Team Skull he was. You did not even care about how huffy he was as you tenderly took care of the numerous scratches on his arm. They were certainly less severe than his usual injuries, but you doted on them all the same. A bandage was carefully wrapped around his arm as he sighed. He felt embarrassed that this had happened at all.
□ “Guzma,” you said firmly, “What did you do?” You cupped his cheeks and pressed them together, really making him feel like a child. His frown was intense, but his glare no longer had any effect on you. Big, bad Guzma had already been observed by you to be secretly way too soft to be anything near a threat. He bit his tongue. It was completely humiliating to tell you what had happened. Your pressing intensified.
□ “I… I was trying to mess with Nanu's Meowths,” he admitted shamefully, “They, uh, fought back.” You freed his cheeks from your hold to let out a laugh. Yeah, that would explain it and why he tried to hide it. Honestly, the Meowths were just the first of it. The Kahuna would not be happy to learn that Guzma had upset his precious felines. Pressing a kiss to his lips, you hugged him tightly, too. Guzma felt a bit more relieved to have told you but utterly deflated by your laughter. Then again, he would admit it was a bit funny that he had come to you with worse injuries but tried to hide cat scratches. Well, he enjoyed the hug and kiss, at least.
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buckyalpine · 1 year
I adore all of your stories and turn to them at night when my brain won’t stop running. I have kind of a weird request. How would Bucky react to his girl temporarily losing her memory? (I once lost mine for two weeks due to a bad reaction to a medicine, so this pops in my mind from time to time.) The reader doesn’t remember who he is, but still feels safest when she’s with him. I’m sure he’d be the absolute sweetest. And since he’d know what it was like, he’d probably know what’s helpful and what makes things worse. When she eventually recovers, she remembers all he did for her and falls even more in love 🥰 Maybe some spicy thank yous?
Sorry if it’s too specific or out of your comfort zone! Feel free to change anything (I did base it a bit on what happened to me, but I’m sure it’d be different for everyone). Thanks!!
"I need back up on the east wing!" Steve's voice crackled through the coms, his breathing labored as he tossed off another hydra operative against the wall, "A-agent down!"
You were passed out on the floor, dust and rubble surrounding you after exhausting yourself, 3 stab wounds were bleeding profusely from your abdomen along with other cuts and bruises littering your skin. Your head throbbed in pain from where you'd been hit and with each passing second it became harder for you to stay awake. You'd tried your best to keep your eyes open with Steve's pleading but it was too much; the pain started to dull and the world went black.
"It's a strong medication and she might be out for a little longer but she's going to be okay. We just have to keep monitoring her" Dr. Cho's voice spoke softly just outside of the room where you still laid unconscious. After getting patched up and scanned for damages, you were dosed with anything and everything to keep you rested and to help with pain. You had visitors day in and day out to check on you but the one that never left your bedside was your sweet boyfriend.
"Baby please wake up" Bucky softly pleaded as he ran his fingers gently across your face, not wanting to disturb you but also unable to keep his hands to himself. Not when he just wanted to see you open your eyes again, hating the fact that he hadn't heard your voice in two weeks.
Two weeks.
That's how long you'd been out for.
He was patient, not wanting to rush your healing time but he missed you so much. He continued his soft ministrations, rubbing his thumb across your knuckles and peppering kisses across your cheeks. He noticed the slight flutter of your lashes, sitting up immediately when your heart monitor picked up.
"Sweetheart?" He kept his voice low, paging for a nurse to come check on you while holding your hand, his heart racing when you finally opened your eyes. "Oh baby"
You blinked at the fluorescent lights of the room, looking at the sterile environment surrounding you. Bucky stroked your hand, hoping to ease away how disoriented you were probably feeling, giving you a soft smile when you finally met his eyes.
"How are you doll?"
"Um-I'm fine?" You stared at the handsome stranger that was by your bedside, his beautiful blue eyes swirling with emotion as he continued to clutch onto your hand.
"I was so worried y/n"
"Who-I'm really sorry, who are you?"
Bucky's eyes widened with horror, quickly recomposing himself seeing your confused expression. He dropped your hand, immediately adding space between you both, offering you comforting smile before heading out of the door.
"Let me get the doctor" He didn't want to worry you, keeping a steady voice as he spoke before speeding down the corridor as soon as he was out of sight. He wasted no time informing the others about what had just happened, the team all patiently waiting outside of your room while the doctor checked on you.
"Will she be okay?" the words came tumbling out of Bucky as soon as Dr. Cho finished running a few tests, shutting the door behind her, letting you rest. He'd been pacing up and down the hall like a changed animal the entire time, only stopping when he heard Dr. Cho gave his shoulder a comforting squeeze.
"Her memory will come back eventually but until then it's important things are calm for her. Between the hits she took and the medication, she doesn't remember much from the last 2 years. You have to remember, throwing too much information at her will set her back so do your best to keep things the way she'd understand"
It wasn't going to be easy. There was no time line for when your memory would return and you had just joined the team two years ago. You didn't remember anyone, having no recollections of all the memories you'd built with them, nor remembering any of the friendships you had. As soon as you were discharged, you took the first day to rest in your room, not knowing that Nat had cleaned out all memories of Bucky so you wouldn't feel more confused.
After sleeping for most of the day, a man knocked on your door and introduced himself as Tony Stark, the very Iron Man. You couldn't recall too much but the name rang a bell; you knew he was the main person for you to go to if you needed anything. His first task was to take you around the compound, introducing you to various members of the team.
You met Nat and Clint training together in the gym. Sam had been tinkering with something called Red Wing. Steve had welcomed you with a warm hug and Bruce had been working away in the lab. Tony continued his tour, walking you through the kitchen when your eyes landed on a familiar face from before.
"And whose that" You felt your face heat up as you pointed over to the handsome man that has been by your bed earlier in the day, still feeling his soft touch on your skin.
"That's Bucky, or Sergeant James Buchanan Barnes" Tony stated, smiling at the way your eyes lingered on the soldier for longer than necessary. "Here, let's go say hi"
Tony sauntered over to where Bucky was nursing a cup of coffee, the bags under his eyes growing from a lack of sleep but that didn't stop him from throwing you a bashful smile when Tony introduced brought you to him.
"Barnes, this is y/n, she's joining our team soon"
"Nice to meet you doll" Bucky shook your hand with the utmost care, the pet name he had just for you rolling off his tongue with ease. "Let me know if you need anything"
You felt butterflies at the smirk the soldier threw your way before making his way over to the gym, the blue eyes twinkling with something you couldn't quite place. The rest of the day went by smoothly and later that night you accepted the teams invitation to join them for dinner and then later a movie night.
You were aware that you'd sustained an injury which was affecting your memory; what you still didn't know was how much of your memory was missing. You felt nervous as you made you way to the dining table, everyone sitting in their designated spot, chatting away while passing dishes to each other.
Before you could quietly retreat to your room, you locked eyes with those familiar baby blues, a smile growing on his face. Bucky got up from his seat, noting how anxious you looked, understanding seeing everyone together would be overwhelming when you didn't remember any of them. He knew exactly how that felt and there was no way he was going to let you ever feel even an ounce of that.
"I hope you're hungry, doll" Bucky spoke to you softly, not bringing attention to where you'd backed up against the wall in hopes of not being noticed.
"A little" You lied, the rumble of your stomach giving away that you were starving.
"Would-would you like to join me out in the garden? I'll bring some food out for you" Bucky offered, hoping you'd feel less overwhelmed with a bit of space.
"Yes please, thank you Bucky" You shyly smiled as he stepped away to get you some food, taking both of your plates outside to eat under the soft glow of the moon. You appreciated that he didn't bombard you with questions; the both of you eating in comfortable silence until it was time for the movie. All the anxiety you'd anticipated feeling disappeared into thin air when Bucky made some space for you to sit beside him. He picked a section of the room where you'd be able to sneak off undetected if you wanted to leave early.
There was something about the Sergeant that made you feel safe. You felt loved by everyone but with Bucky it was just different. You felt safe around him. You trusted him. You didn't know him all that well and yet whenever he was around, you knew you didn't have to worry.
There were days where your anxiety would be at an all time high, worried about why you were getting vivid flashes of random memories and terrible headaches that made you nauseous. In those moments where you felt so lost, so out of control over your own thoughts, Bucky would ground you, just being around him making you feel better.
You couldn't understand why you felt so safe around a man you barely knew but you found yourself seeking him out more and more, desperate for more of his kind words, gentle touches and soothing voice.
He really was the sweetest.
It killed Bucky. His heart was hurting. He was a stranger to you and it shattered him, wishing he could kiss and cuddle you every night and tell you he was so glad you were okay, that a part of him nearly died when you didn't wake up. Everyday he had to bid you good night with nothing more than a smile, so badly wanting to hold you tight in his arms instead.
None of that mattered right now.
Not when you needed him the most even if you didn't know it.
He was going to do whatever it took to get you better, taking care of you every step of the way in the best way you needed until you remembered. He could tell by the way you giggled, by the way you smiled, that even if you didn't remember everything, there was always something between you both.
He'd never give up on you no matter how long it took.
"Shit" You hissed, dropping the mug of tea you were sipping on, the cup shattering on the floor with a crash. Searing pain felt like it was splitting your head into to, your hands clutching onto your throbbing temples, squeezing your eyes shut, the headaches you'd been getting happening more frequently.
You'd cut back on the medication you were taking, which had actually helped with regaining some of your memory but it also meant you'd go through bouts of pain without anything to help it. Flashes of a mission gone wrong streamed through you memory between fiery throbbing, even the soft day light overwhelming your sense.
"B-Bucky!!" You cried out, your knees buckling as you slumped onto the floor, blinking back tears as another wave of pain passed. You didn't need anything else but you needed your Bucky, the only person you felt felt safe with, the person you'd loved for all these years, the man who was by your bedside for days on end after you didn't wake up-
"Doll? Fuck, y/n, whats wrong sweets" Bucky found you curled up in a ball on the cool kitchen tile, sweeping you up into his arms and holding your head against his chest, his arms covering your face from the light, while his cool metal arm was pressed firmly against your forehead to ease the pain. "M'here y/n, you're okay, you're okay"
He rocked you, not moving from the floor while whispering in your ear, hoping the pain would pass quickly.
"Jamie, it hurts" You whimpered, clutching onto his Henley, the scent of his body wash calming you down. Bucky froze, not saying a word, his heart hammering against his chest at what you'd just called him.
Could that mean-
"Do-do you want to go lie down sweets?" Bucky spoke carefully, feeling you nod, still staying tucked against him. He carried you up to your room, only to have you shake your head as best as you could, wanting to go to his room instead.
"Just want to sleep for a bit baby, please?" you pleaded with him, hardly realizing the tears that were now streaming down his face as he made his way down to his room instead. He was your Jamie, your baby, you were finally coming back to him. Bucky pulled back the covers, setting you down carefully before climbing in with you when you tugged his wrist. Your eyes were still closed, the throbbing in your head slowly dissipating though not gone entirely as you snuggled against his chest, letting out a content sigh.
"Yes doll"
"I remember"
Bucky stirred awake to the sound of a whimper, his brows knitting together into a frown when he felt your body tremble in his hold.
"What is it baby?" Bucky's deep sleep laced voice carried through the darkness as he pulled you closer, soothing your sniffles. "Why are you crying darling, c'mere"
"Y-you didn't give up on me" Your emotions got the best of you, remembering everything from the moment everything went dark, to the panicked voices around you to the way Bucky had stayed by your side through it all, nursing you back to health while his own heart was hurting.
"Never doll, I'd never give up on you" Bucky said sincerely, kissing your forehead while stroking your hair, "How could I when I love you to much"
"But I-I didn't remember you-you still love me?" you whispered, feeling guilty that it had taken you so long to regain you memories and feeling more guilty that you couldn't remember Bucky for so long.
"Y/n, angel, I'd love you no matter what, do you have any idea how badly I wanted to tell you that for these past few weeks? That's all I wanted to do baby, just hold you and tell you how much I adore you-
You couldn't put into words how much love you had for him in that moment, cutting him off with your lips pressed onto his. The kiss grew more needy, hands desperately grabbing each other; you needed Bucky to know just how much you loved him too, feel every bit of what you couldn't say with words.
"Baby, let me- Bucky was ready to take care of you but that wasn't what the night was about. Not after all he'd done for you.
"No" You shook your head, gently pushing Bucky to lay on his back, straddling yourself on top of him, "Let me take care of you for taking care of me" you murmured against his lips before pressing them against his heated skin, tracing your tongue along the column of his neck. "Please Jamie, let me show you"
"D-doll-I-I can-
"Just let me Sergeant, please" You shimmed out of your oversized t-shirt before slipping your thumbs into the waistband of his briefs, puling them down, leaving him perfectly bare under you. Bucky wasn't typically a shy person but the way you gazed at him with such love made him blush, his thighs tensing when you settling yourself between them.
"Sweetheart you don't have to-oh-f-fuckkk" His words melted into a deep moan, feeling your lips wrap around the swollen head of his cock, your tongue probing his slit, lapping up every bit of precum that dripped out.
You worshipped his cock with your mouth and tongue, making him feel pleasure like never before, your hand softly rubbing and rolling his balls. You pulled off with a pop just to dip your head lower, nursing on his heavy sack, the slutty, needy moans he was letting out growing louder.
"B-Baby, g'nna cum if you don't stop" His thighs spread apart further for you, back nearly arching off the bed as you licked a thick stripe from his balls to the tip of his cock, crawling back up his body to line your soaking cunt up with his length.
"Please y/n" Bucky blinked at you with glassy, lustful eyes, rutting his hips up to feel more of you, his hands flying to your thighs, needing to touch you.
"Anything for you baby" you cooed, gasping at the feeling of his tip catching against your hole, throwing your head back as you began to sink down on his cock, the both of you moaning together at the feeling of him stretching you open.
You began to grind your hips down on him, your clit rubbing against the curly hair at the base of his cock before slowly picking you pace up, your hands resting on his chest for leverage.
"Feel's so good princess" Bucky's eyes rolled back as you started to bounce up and down, practically squealing each time you slammed yourself back down, obscene squelching noises filling the room.
"You deserve it sergeant" you whimpered, letting Bucky's hands roam your body, grabbing and pinching your nipples, your tight cunt squeezing his cock.
"C'mere baby, c'mere please" Bucky pleaded, pulling you down to his chest and wrapping his arms around you, planting his feet against the bed so he could fuck up into you, "Fuck that's it, mark me up!"
Bucky could feel you nip and suck on his neck hard enough to leave bruises, your words starting to slur as you both got closer and closer to your highs.
"F-fuck I love you!" you cried out, biting down hard on Bucky's shoulder as you started to cum, the head of his cock hitting your g-spot with each thrust, his pace growing sloppy.
"I-I love you princess, I love you so much-God m'gonna cum-fuck-s'so much for you-HNGG" He clung onto you like his life depended on it, shoving his cock in as deep as it would go, ropes of his warm spend shooting into you.
"I love you so much Jamie" your pussy clenched around his softening cock making him jolt, the both of you panting, pressing light kisses on sweat slicked skin. "Fell in love with you twice Sergeant"
Bucky blushed before throwing you a cocky smirk, still feeling happiness beyond what words could explain having you in his arms again.
"I'll always love you" Bucky whispered before pulling the covers up over both of you once again, staying deep inside you as you started to drift off to sleep, "No matter what"
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imtherain · 7 days
How We Used To Be (Forced Closeness)
Oh Hai - Logan has inspired me again. This was supposed to be a very different story and there was supposed to be smut, but it didn't work out that way.
Warnings: Talk of injuries (basically that scene in Logan (2017)), Not smut, almost tho, talk about the past, angst I guess? Old Man Logan, who has issues with intimacy and it's not what you think (or maybe it is). I used y/n but it's in first person and I gave her powers/a mutant name, so idk what that's called.
Old Man Logan x mutant!reader I guess? I'm too old to learn the new tricks of labeling these things, all I know is I've been thirsty for Logan since I was literally 7 years old and this is quickly turning into one of the recipe blogs where you have to read a bazillion words before you see the directions. Sorry
Word Count: 3.2k (don't look at me)
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“You look like shit, love,” I said, leaning in the doorway to the bathroom. Logan’s eyes shot up to glare at me in the mirror. He was bleeding from several bullet wounds and was currently shirtless and heaving over the sink. 
“Get the fuck out,” He ground out. I hadn’t seen him in almost six months. Almost a record.
“Calaban called me,” I told him, knowing he likely knew that was how I ended up here. “I’m glad he did, you’re worse off than anticipated.” 
“If you touch me, I’ll rip your arms off,” A caged animal snapping his teeth. I knew all of his threats to me were empty, but it still made my heart ache that he would rather suffer than let me help him.
“I’m not scared of you,” I told him, pulling myself off the doorframe. I shut the door behind me and crossed the tiles until I stood next to him. He was snarling in general, but didn’t move away when I took a cloth and began to clean the blood from one of the wounds on his arm.
My gift had earned me the name Booster back when things were good and goofy mutant names were all the rage, as my main ability was that I literally boosted other mutants powers when I touched them. I always joked about how it was a lazy XMen name. But now? There weren’t many of us left, no reason for silly code names. But we still stuck together when we could. I told myself that was the only reason I hung around this part of the country still. To be close to the few mutants I knew were left.
Nevermind that it was really the bleeding man in front of me that I stayed for.
“I don’t need your help,” Logan’s voice was quieter now, but still sharp edged like his teeth. I shushed him and wiped at another spot of blood, waiting for him to give in to the knowledge that I could actually make him feel better.
“I’m sure you don’t, but it would make me feel useful to help, would you deny me that?” I quirked an eyebrow at him and he looked away from me. 
“Last time you helped me I hurt you, I’m not letting that happen again,” I reached up and took his face in my hands. His eyes fluttered closed.
“Cuts heal,” I told him. He moved to cage me with his arms for a moment and I was sure he was going to give in. But all at once he shoved me away from him and I stumbled into the wall. “Logan,” I chided. 
“Leave, Y/N,” There was no snarl left in his voice, just defeat. 
And pain.
“No,” I told him simply. “Now are you going to let me Boost you or not?” 
“Last time…” 
“Yeah, yeah, last time,” I rolled my eyes as I cut him off. My abilities didn’t just boost one part of a mutant, it boosted all of them. So in Logan’s case, it made him a bit more animalistic for a time. Made him more likely to use his teeth, or use his claws.
The claws are what got me that last time he kept thinking about. He got me good, I'd give him that, I even had the scars on my ribcage if you looked close enough. But I didn't tell him that.
“If you do that again, I won’t be able to stop myself from…” Logan snarled at himself as a wave of pain contorted his features. “Fuck,” He cursed lowly to himself. I sighed and pulled my shirt off while he watched me in the mirror. 
“I’m a big girl, love, I can handle you,” I half teased, half soothed him. “And don’t forget, I get to keep a bit of what I boost, so anything you do to me won’t last long,” A secondary benefit to skin to skin contact with me. I got to taste the powers that others had. I hadn’t used it on too many mutants in my life. Most mutants didn’t really have powers that benefited from boosting all that much. But Logan and his healing factor? It was useful. Even if it made him extra feisty for a day or so.
It also made him horny usually but that was hardly a complaint from me.
“Fine, but only for a minute,” He finally gave in. I smiled at him and stepped behind him.
“Want me to take my bra off too?” I smirked over his shoulder at him and he shivered, shaking his head no. Too bad I was a bad listener. I shucked my bra and made a big show of dropping it to the floor next to us. Logan let out a shaky breath, knowing what was coming.
We’d been here before.
I pulled his beater out of his pants and slid my hands slowly up his ribs. He grunted as my hands slid over bruises and broken things. I hummed softly as I let my powers unfurl into his skin while I slid his shirt up. I’d learned pretty early on that the more skin that touched skin, the better my boosting worked.
I pressed myself along Logan’s back as I helped ease his shirt over his shoulders and arms. He groaned when the shirt finally came free over his head and joined mine on the floor. 
My arms closed around him, one moving up towards his chest, one circling around his middle. Skin searching skin as he caught my eyes in the mirror. 
“How does it feel?” I whispered against his shoulder. I had aimed for his neck but he avoided me.
“Warm,” He murmured. “Always does,” I pressed a soft kiss to his skin and he shivered again.
Instead of teasing him anymore, I focused on the task at hand, closing my eyes and leaning against him. I could feel my powers seeping into his skin, like sunshine that time we took a bunch of the kids to the beach the summer it was so hot the AC kept going out. I wondered if he ever let himself remember the good times or if he only ever lingered on the bad ones.
Logan let out a shaky breath followed by a deep groan as a bullet pushed free of his flesh. It landed with a metallic thud in the sink, closely followed by a second and a third. 
“Do you know how many there are?” I asked. 
“More,” Was all Logan got out from between his clenched teeth. I adjusted my hold and focused back on my breathing. Healing and boosting were both somehow tied to breath. 
My powers were not a magic fix though either. It still took time. I still remembered the days when he didn’t need me to boost him, but he’d ask just so I’d touch him a little. Back then I’d been shy, always holding his hand, or maybe his arm. I was shy a lot until the day he kissed me the first time.
Then all the cards were on the table…all the clothes on the floor.
A metallic thud on the floor brought me back to the task at hand. I moved my arms to touch different skin and Logan covered my hands with his, holding me so I didn’t pull away. I smiled against his shoulder and playfully nipped him with my teeth.
“And you didn’t want me to touch you a second ago,” I teased him. He growled, low in his throat. The animal was coming up in his chest and I knew what that meant for me. Logan was scared he’d hurt me again, but I knew the risk, and I was eager to face him. 
“That’s enough,” Logan panted, but he didn’t pull my hands away. I waited to see what he’d do, pull away or pull me closer. 
He brought one of my hands up to his mouth and kissed each finger tip. I hummed in pleasure, not so subtly rubbing my suddenly erect nipples along his spine. Another growl and my fingers were suddenly in his mouth.
“Logan!” I chuckled as he nibbled on my fingers. “I know that’s technically skin, but my arm isn’t helping if you hold it up like that,” I tried to pull my hand back and he just grumbled at me. 
“How do you still taste so good?” Logan mused, not expecting an answer. “It’s been years and you still taste just as sweet,” 
“You’re a romantic is why,” I hid my blush from his hungry eyes by dipping behind his shoulder again. Logan pulled me in front of him, caging me between his chest, his arms, and the bathroom sink.
“You should leave now, before it’s too late,” His eyes were hungry in the same way they had always been for me. I reached up and took his face in my hands again, tracing the crows feet around his eyes with my thumbs.
“And miss all the fun?” I mused. He rolled his eyes at me. “And you’re still bleeding,” I pointed out, tracing the one wound on his arm that hadn’t quite healed yet. It must have been the nastiest one because it appeared to be the last one to go.
“Y/N,” he warned. 
“I’ll stop touching you when this one heals,” I told him. “Promise,” it was a baldfaced lie. I wouldn’t leave him unless he bodily threw me out the window. And not only would I not fit out the closest window, he would never dare.
“I don’t know if I can hold out that long,” Logan’s pupils were blown and his smirk was hazy. I knew exactly what he was craving and I was pretty impressed he’d managed to hold himself back as long as he had.
“I can take you, big boy,” I smirked. “Always could and always will,” I pulled myself on his shoulders so that I could press my lips to his. It was just a quick peck, testing the waters. Logan stared at me for a long time, neither of us noticing that the last bullet hole had finally closed. 
But there was still pain in him, still things to heal, so I held onto him, hoping to fix everything I could before he made me leave him again.
Logan finally got himself together enough to push me away from him. I swallowed hard, wondering if he’d be mad that I clung to him as long as I had, wondering if this time I’d sassed my way into making him actually hate me.
His eyes drifted from my flushed cheeks, to my parted lips, down the curve of my neck and the valley between my breasts. I knew they’d seen better days, having drooped with the years, but from the hunger in Logan’s eyes, you’d think he didn’t notice.
His hands moved from my shoulders to my chest and I gasped at the sudden sensation of him pawing me.
“I shouldn’t,” Logan complained into my throat as he dragged his teeth along my pulse.
“I can take it,” I assured him.
“What if I hurt you?” 
“I can take it,” I told him again.
“Fuck,” Logan’s growl tickled my neck as he moved to lift me onto the nearest surface, a sad excuse for a bathroom cabinet that gave way with a crack as soon as he set me on it.
“I’ll fix that,” I told him but he didn’t care, his mouth was on mine before I could come out with another apology. Logan pulled me flush with his chest, off the now broken surface to my feet, and walked backwards with me until he ran into the door frame. 
I giggled a little as he cursed, unclear why this was so difficult. I got us through the door, smiling and pulling on his hands, making sure to keep my skin touching his somewhere. Anywhere.
Everywhere I could reach. 
Logan licked his way into my mouth as we stumbled through the living room, bouncing off the wayward furniture as we made our way to his bed. Finally, something soft to land on.
I was on my back looking up at him. I’d seen him in his prime, when his hair wasn’t graying, when he didn’t keep a beard. I’d seen him when nothing could stop him. And looking at him now, I felt exactly the same as I did back then. Hungry for the animal of him, for the things I knew he could do to me. Lust for the sensations he could cause. And love, still burning brightly after all these years.
Love for the man he was underneath it all.
When Logan didn’t join me right away, I reached up to him and whined, knowing he always liked how desperate I got for him. He shook his head at my shenanigans and I wiggled for him as his hands worked to undo his pants.
“Impatient as always,” Logan chuckled.
“It’s your fault for making me go away all the time,” I countered. His slacks hit the floor and he moved to kiss his way up my bare stomach as he worked on getting me out of mine.
He just grunted as his mouth ran along the skin he exposed when he pulled my pants and underwear down my thighs. I knew it wasn’t the time to bring it up, so I didn’t push him or ask him to ask me to stay.
Logan pressed his face into the soft spot behind my knee and I squirmed as his beard tickled the sensitive skin.
“God you smell amazing,” He mumbled, tracing the inside of my thigh with open mouth kisses. I let my hips relax and fall open for him and his eyes zeroed in on the place that, at the moment, needed him most. With a growl, Logan moved to bury his face in my folds, and I couldn’t help the surprised yelp I let out at his movements. 
There was a time he would devour me for hours if given the chance. A time when he’d want me in any place we were. Broom closets, empty classrooms, offices that we weren’t even supposed to be in. Every hotel and far too many bathrooms. Quickies and love making and slow fucks and even hate fucks now and then. We had everything, but now? 
“Fuck, Logan that tickles,” I wiggled against his face as he breathed me in.
“Shh,” He murmured. “Just let me have this,” 
“I’m trying to give it to you,” I groaned. Logan rolled his eyes at me, but adjusted so that he could pass a long lick of his tongue through me. I shivered at the sensation, a fire sparking along my nerves. I felt his self-satisfied smirk against my core before he moved his mouth against me again. 
“I don’t remember you being this desperate,” He mused, pulling two long fingers through the dampness he’s been lapping at.
“Logan, baby, please,” I begged him to do more than tease me.
“Please what, sweetheart?” Logan’s eyes caught mine as I huffed, annoyed that he wasn’t fucking me yet.
“I want more of you,” I told him. 
“Yeah well, ‘more of me’ ain’t exactly working at the moment,” He admitted. I knew finally growing old had caught up with him in a lot of ways, but my chest ached for him that it came for him this way too. He’d always prided himself on his virality.
“I want any of you I can get, baby,” I smiled at him, reaching down to pull him flush with my chest so I could kiss him again, my mouth opening easily for his tongue to explore. I let my powers unfurl into the kiss, into any skin of his that was touching mine. Trying desperately to let him feel like himself again.
“Hmm,” He mumbled, pulling back slightly. I kissed the side of his mouth, his jaw, as he tried to shake the feeling out of his head. “Warm,” His eyes were suddenly really far away, sleepy. I kissed him again, softer now. 
“It’s ok, baby, I’ve got you,” I told him. He made a grumbling noise in his chest as sleep zapped his strength.
“What did you…what did you do to me?” Logan tried to push himself off of me, but only managed to roll to one side. I held him close.
“Nothing, love,” I whispered, kissing his face again. “Healing is just, just a lot, remember?” 
“But I was gonna fuck you,” Logan mumbled, eyes closed now.
“I know baby,” I smiled gently at him. I had my arms around him still, trying to help him heal some of the damage that the bullets hadn’t caused. “You can fuck me tomorrow,” He tried to move away from me, but he was unable to untangle our limbs before his body told him it was nap time.
I sighed heavily, a bit bummed that neither of us had ended up getting our rocks off, but happy too, that I’d been able to help boost his healing. But I had a terrible feeling in the pit of my stomach that he was far worse off than I thought he was. 
When we were younger, he’d almost go into a rut after being Boosted. It was madness but it was always a good time. The last few years, with his body slowing down, the Boosting made him feral, but then he’d pass out for a long time while his body caught back up. The last time I’d been here, he’d fucked me through two orgasms and himself through one, before the sleepiness came for him. That time, he’d lashed out, thinking he’d been drugged. It was like the nights he’d wake up with nightmares, only he’d not gone fully to sleep yet.
Part of me was glad he didn’t try to gut me at least. But my heart clenched at the thought that maybe the end of him was closer than I wanted to believe.
To stave off the tears that were suddenly crowding my throat, I adjusted our bodies so that Logan could use my chest as a pillow. He mumbled something in his sleep, and his arm pulled me closer, holding me like maybe this time he wasn’t going to let me go. I circled his head with my arms, carding my fingers through his hair, happy to be able to comfort him, to allow him to sleep.
For just a moment, it could have been any other day. We could be young again. All of our friends, still alive. I closed my eyes and imagined the sounds of the school. Kids running down wooden hallways, calling after each other. Tears escaped me then, because most of those kids were gone now. And any kids like them, like I had been so long ago now, didn’t have a school to go to. They would be rounded up and killed now. Or taken away to some place horrible. And I knew there was nothing I could do.
Except maybe hold Logan just a little bit tighter, knowing that every fight ever fought for those kids, eventually made its way to him too.
[Another Logan Fic]
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soulofapatrick · 1 year
Bleeding Hearts - Jasper Hale x Reader
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Summary: Jasper finds you on the floor crying and bleeding and patches you up which leads to feelings being admitted
Words: 2.1k
Warnings: blood; cut otherwise fluff and a little angst
Notes: DW I’m still gonna be writing TLOU stories too
I didn’t wanna go back to mine, the place feeling to cramped and closed off which I know would add to all the pent up frustration I’m currently feeling. It’s why I’ve ended up at the Cullen’s house, needing to be somewhere no one will judge me and hey maybe Jasper can use if freaky emotional control on me so I can stop feeling like I want to slam someones head into a table or scream. This week has been non-stop and I just need a fucking break, shoulders tense and heart racing as I let myself in, knowing they’ve got the fridge stocked for me to help myself to anything I want. 
I drop my rucksack with a hard thump, kicking my shoes off and throwing my jacket in the general direction of my bag before heading towards the fridge. I’m moving around the kitchen island too quickly as I feel my elbow connect with the  beautiful glass jar there and just watch it go crashing to the ground, realising a few expletives, “Ahhh! Fucking shitting fuck!” 
The sound of shattering glass grates against my ears as my frustration is turning into overstimulation, the frustration reaching a breaking point that I can’t deal with it anymore. The tears are welling up in my eyes as I sink to my knees to clean up the mess before any of the Cullens get home and see me in this state. It’s like I’m fighting a losing battle and everything is just falling apart around me, the frustration is just so overwhelming and I’m struggling to stop the tears as they stream down my cheeks rather embarrassingly. The Cullens don’t like to leave me home alone after what happened to Bella and Laurent when Bella was human. 
“Y/N?” My head flies up at the sound of a familiar southern drawl to see Jasper standing in the doorway. His usually golden eyes are a bright, almost glowing shade of red and his gaze is intense as they focus on my hands while his jaw pops audibly as if he’s trying to restrain himself. My hands are bleeding, the pain only registering with me as I see the fresh blood dripping down my palms and onto the floors, adding to the mess I’ve made with the jar. The frustration turns into hopelessness as I can’t even clean up without causing more problems, the world conspiring against me and hey, maybe Jasper could lose control and kill me. It’d be the least of my problems at the moment, “Leave the glass, I’ll clear it up. Let’s get you bandaged up.”
The honey blond vampire is swallowing thickly, as if swallowing his urge to give into the bloodlust, before he’s approaching me. He crosses the room in a few quick, human paced, steps to lean down and help me to my feet with his icy hand on my forearm. He’s leading me upstairs and down the very familiar hallway, past my room to the room at the end which is his. I don’t think I’ve actually been in his room in the year I’ve been friends with the Cullens. 
The walls are a soft grey colour, making me think back to him and Emmett running upstairs one day with cans of grey paint a few months into me knowing them all, and there’s a few painting on the walls. There’s photos around the room from different centuries he’s lived through. If I was in a better mood I think I would have laughed at it and teased him as it’s such an odd sense of humour and I like it. He also has a bed which surprises me as they’ve vampires, they don’t sleep. It’s large and comfortable with high quality linens and pillows, a cozy blanket draped at the foot of the bed and a few fuzzy pillows. He’s pushing me onto the bed, making me sit on the edge while he disappears to do whatever, I don’t mind as it gives me time to really take in every detail of his room. 
There’s a vintage dresser, looking like it has been carefully maintained and it just makes me think about how weird it must be to watch the world you were born into develop and change while you… you stay the same. It must be so scary and lonely, watching everything you knew change with only you knowing what it once was. 
Jasper’s returning, med kit in hand and I can feel my heart rate embarrassingly begin to race at the sight of him and I know he hears it as he’s got a small smile on his lips. He doesn’t say a word though, sitting next to me and raising an eyebrow as if to tell me to hold my hands out. I do just that, marvelling at how gentle and careful his touch is. His hands are cold and smooth against mine, the contract between us noticeable and somewhat soothing. 
Despite the stinging pain of the cuts the sensations of his touch is almost comforting and if find myself relaxing under his care. I can feel his fingers brushing against mine and there’s an undertone to intimacy in the way he tends to me. His touch almost hypnotic that I get lost in it, the tension almost palpable and I know he definitely feels it as he’s able to read emotions. I should be embarrassed about Jasper always being able to know exactly how I feel but right now I couldn’t care less because even without vampire abilities I can tell it’s reciprocated and the moment is a gentle one, just between us. 
He’s breaking the tension, southern drawl filled with heat and concern, “Now, why don’t you tell me what’s got you all worked up?” His eyes are fixed on mine, the red having disappeared so they’re that breathtaking golden colour again, like the colour of a sunset on a hot day. The concern in his tone is genuine and I think my heart jumps into my throat when he leans closer to me. 
“I-I really don’t know.” I reply softly, feeling stupid that I got so worked up over something that I don’t even know what it was. He’s leaning even closer, icy hands sliding up my shoulders around my shoulders as he pulls me into a hug that draws a sound of surprise from me. His embrace is warm and full of comfort despite how naturally icy cold his body is as it’s pressed to mine. The scent of the vanilla shampoo he uses on his wavy blond hair and the rich and musky scent that is just Jasper, makes me almost dizzy. 
Being so close to a vampire like this I feel completely safe and secure. His nose is buried in the crook of my neck and his cool breath against my neck, sending shivers down my spine. Vampires have no need to breath but it just seems a force of habit for the Cullens as they’ve integrated themselves into mortal society. I know how hard this must be for him, controlling his bloodlust being so close to my jugular but I don’t feel scared in any way. The moment feels intimate and special, feeling an embarrassing surge of romantic attraction towards him as I want to stay in his arms forever. 
The small smile I feel against my neck lets me know he can sense my emotions and a gasp is ripped from my throat when those cold lips press to my neck before he’s pulling back. Those golden eyes have darkened a little, full of unmistakable desire and passion. My heart is trying to break through my ribcage when he moves his hands to my cheeks, pulling me forwards until those same lips are soft against mine. I’m caught off guard as I never though Jasper would actually make a move, given his reputation for not being able to control his lust of human blood yet, making the kiss somewhat overwhelming. 
The kiss is oh so gentle and calculated as if he’s holding back so he doesn’t hurt me, thumbs stroking my cheeks softly as my own fly to his chest, feeling the coolness of his skin and the hard muscles beneath his shirt. My whole body feels electrified, tingling with anticipation and a satisfaction that I’ve not felt kissing other boys. His lips are surprisingly soft and cool against mine, mouth opening slightly so he can slide his tongue over my bottom lip. I’m parting them for him, our tongues meeting and the passion intensifying in a flood of warmth and I’m sure if Jasper knows he’s using his powers or not as we lose ourselves in the moment. 
Hands move from my cheeks, one to grip my waist almost painfully and the other tangling in my hair as he tilts my head back to deepen the kiss even more. I’m pressing against his chest lightly and he loosens his grip on my hair so I pull back enough to gasp for air and he’s chuckles low and rich, southern drawl strong and going straight between my legs, “Sorry doll, I forgot you need to breathe.” 
“Jasper.” His name slips from my lips in a whine and his eyes darken even more, tongue darting out to wet his lips. He’s yanking me forwards again, lips crushing against mine and I’m melting into his embrace as I can feel how careful he’s being with me despite how much sexual tension and want there is between us. He’s shifting his body over me, the hands in my hair and on my back are laying me down. 
My body feels so alive with the comfortable weight of him above me as he moves his lips down my neck and sucking gentle hickeys into the skin. His lips trailing down my neck is a new sensation that has my hips raising and searching for some form of friction, drawing a low sound from him. It’s amazing, being able to finally express all these feelings I’ve had kept hidden for so long, letting his feel the love and want for him. My fingers running through his surprisingly soft hair, pulling him closer to me, wanting Jasper to be the only thing on my mind. 
Suddenly, a low sound escapes my lips and Jasper’s replying with a small laugh as his hand in my hair moves to cover my mouth as he whispers, “They’re back darlin’.” 
“Jazz,” I can’t stop the whine as he breaks away from me, letting me catch my breath and regain my composure before we go down and greet the rest of the Cullens. I feel so empty and longing and I don’t care if everyone hears with their vampire hearing when I grip the front of Jasper’s shirt and yank. It catches him off guard, a surprised sound rumbling in his throat as he tumbles on top of me again, arms catching himself before he hurts me, “Jazz.” 
“I know sweet girl, I know,” He coos softly, fingers brushing the stray strands away from my face, his gaze so loving it steals the air from my lungs and I’m flushing hot, “Come on, we gotta go talk to them.” 
“They can hear us.” I protest quietly and he’s chuckling fondly again, head falling to my shoulder. 
“There is glass and blood on the floor.” Jasper reminds me and I groan in protest but let him move away, watching him as he’s now standing beside the bed. His tall and lean figure towering over me and I should be scared but all I feel content. He runs a hand through his tousled blond hair, causing it to fall into a charmingly disheveled way across his forehead. His golden eyes are filled with tenderness and concern as he gazes down at me, taking in my flushed and flustered appearance, chiseled jaw set in a determined expression, as if he's ready to protect me from anything that might cause me harm. Despite his vampire nature, there is an undeniable warmth and humanity in his features that make you feel safe and loved.
He reaches down and helps me to my feet, placing a soft kiss to my forehead before holding my face in his hands and looking me in the eyes promising me he will always look out for me no matter what. A sense of comfort washes over me as he wraps me in a strong embrace that has me knows he means every single word and no matter what any of his family says he will always stay by my side. 
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fizzy-blood · 6 months
Eyeless Jack x GN!Reader Headcanons (NSFW)
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Another request from a friend on Discord (I'm 100% not hyperfixated on writing rn) so enjoy
18+ warning
This content Includes : Blood kink, size kink, corruption kink "knife" play, aggressive dom Jack, reader might have autassassinophilia, minor dubcon elements.
Ok to start off nice and simple this man will go from completely calm to being the most horny person you've ever met
Like one moment you're vibing in his room sitting next to him and the next you're being bent over his bed having your guts rearranged
Many things could cause this, the thing I like to think that causes this to happen the most is that Jack can tell if you're horny
Even the slightest changes to the way you look, act or smell will let him know
The point is if you're in the mood so is he
Some of the other things that get him going include stuff like borrowing his stuff or sitting on his lap (also if you somehow cut yourself and he notices it, let me just say that you will not be walking for days)
OK, I really want to do a dick description so I'm just gonna drop it here
This man is huge, sure his dick may not have been small when he was human but the whole demon thing definitely added to it
around 8.5 inch w a slight curve to the left, not super thick but noticeably larger then a humans
It's mostly gray like the rest of him but the head is like an inky black colour
Not only is he big but he also has multiple tongues, three to be exact and boy does he know how to use them
He'll eat you out regardless of your sex
Afab? He'll have your hips pinned to the bed and he abuses your clit w one tongue while the other two make there way inside you
And if you're amab you better prepare for the greatest blowjob in the history of all man kind alongside it
Now another thing about him being a demon is the idea of him going into heat
When he's not and you want sex he'll normally agree, not much to worry about there
But when he's in heat? Oh boy can it be a nightmare...
No self-control whatsoever, like at all
Even if you don't want sex in that moment he'll be pushing you onto your back, forcing his way inside of you
Even if you didn't consent at first and wanted him off of you, you'll definitely want him to finish what he started
When in heat he'll not really care if he hurts you
In fact, he gets off to it when in that state
Biting you hard enough to draw blood, scratching at your skin, even taking a scalpel and cutting you open to see your pretty red blood
Because of his height you'll probably be shorter than him (he's like 6'8ft) and he's completely fine with it
He likes how small you are compared to him, it makes him think of you as this small helpless being that he needs to protect and care for
Another thing is if you're a virgin
Jack probably hasn't had any sex since the whole cult thing but even he has some experience
So when finds out that you're a virgin? He has to restrain himself from ripping your clothes off and fucking you right then and there
Jack kinda sees you as this pure angelic being that wants to be tainted by him, so when he's fucking you you've gotta be ready for an amazing combination or degrading and praise
He'll tell you how much he loves you one minute and will be calling you a slut the next
BONUS!! (Aftercare)
You're obviously going to be super sore after sex and Jack is fully aware of that
Lucky for you, Jack is super sweet afterwards
Need water? On it.
Ice? Already there.
Still bleeding? He's already grabbing some band aids.
Want to take a bath? He'll join you and help you clean yourself up.
Again, you wont be able to walk for a little while afterwards so if if you need to go somewhere, Jack will carry you to wherever you need/want to be
He'll also lay next to you in bed or have you lay on top of him and let you sleep on him
That's all for now, hope you enjoyed! -Fizz
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storm-angel989 · 5 months
Omg do you know the Valentino x reader period pains thing can you do that but with vox's teenage daughter like how would he react straight panic. Most men in the 50's didn't know anything really about period cramps or periods in general. So he probably not know much besides what Vel talks about. I can imagine him doing the wtf which one do I get her in the store thing so he buys everything lol.
Another super fun request! Enjoy!
Vox stared at the shelves in a mixture of embarrassment and confusion. His gaze fell from the shelves to the list, and back again. So many colors, and why was one woman playing volleyball? He cursed himself for not simply putting Velvette’s requests on the list and pushing it off. How was he supposed to know this could happen in the middle of the night?
“Dad? Dad, I need help. I think I’m dying.” 
Vox had heard his daughter's voice from across his bedroom. He instantly sat up and turned on the bedside light, swung his legs over the side of the bed and hurried to her. 
“What’s the matter baby?” He asked frantically. 
“My belly hurts, and I’m bleeding,” she sobbed. “Daddy, what’s wrong with me?”
He felt a cold chill and sheer panic settle through him as he noticed the bright red stains on her pajama pants. No, she couldn’t be. She couldn’t have her period already, right? She was only thirteen. God, he was so not ready for this. 
“You’re not dying babydoll, come on. We need to go see your Aunt Velvette,” he said as calmly as he could. “Come on now, follow me.” He put a hand on her shoulder and guided her down the hallway. He pounded on Velvette’s door. “Vel? Vel get up! We need you!”
He heard frantic footsteps and the door swung open.
“Vox you better have a damn good reason to-”  Velvette cut herself off mid sentence at the sight of reader. “Oh. Yep, that’s a good reason. Come in honey, go to my bathroom. I need to talk to your dad for a moment. You’re okay, I promise.” 
Vox watched as his daughter walked across the room and vanished behind closed doors. He turned to Velvette, who was scribbling something down on a pad of paper. 
“Vel, you still good to handle this?” He asked cautiously. “I just-”
“Vox, it's the middle of the night. I told you ages ago to have housekeeping order the supplies she needs and you put it off. Now you need to go to the store yourself while I convince sweet reader she isn’t about to kick the bucket,” Velvette grumbled as she ripped the paper off the pad and handed it to Vox. “Everything you need is on that list. You’re going to have to go out and buy it right now.”
Vox felt himself flush with embarrassment. This was a female issue- it shouldn’t involve him. 
Velvette gave him a look. “If you had listened to me in the first place, we wouldn’t be in this situation would we? Now shoo.” 
Now here he stood, with a list of what he firmly believed were made up words. What exactly was a “tampon” anyway? Or a “thin panty liner”?
“Excuse me sir, do you need any help?” A cheerful voice came from behind him.
Vox whirled around. He could feel his face turn even more red as he thrust the list towards the unsuspecting sales girl.
“I..I need these. I mean, I don’t need them. My daughter needs them. I just…”
The sales girl seemed unphased. “How old is your daughter?”
“Okay! She needs this, and this, and this…” she loaded the items into his cart. “Easy enough! Extra chocolate too, might be a nice thing to do.”
Vox could only nod and add an extra bar of chocolate to the cart. To his relief, she packaged everything up in discrete brown paper bags. As he swiped his card, he wondered why such a necessary product was priced so ridiculously high. 
When he got back to the apartment, he knocked on Velvette’s door. She stuck her head out and took the bags. 
“I woke up Val and he’s making hot cocoa. We’ll join you two in a few minutes. Now shoo.” She slammed the door in his face. 
Vox resigned himself to the kitchen. He took a seat at the table and buried his attention in his phone as Valentino stood at the stove in his pajamas, stirring the hot chocolate pot. 
“How are you, amicito?” He asked. “Big day for our little princessa.”
Vox groaned. “Can we not talk about it?”
“I think you need to get with the times. Your little girl needs you,” Valentino replied easily. “So get over yourself.”
Vox raised an eyebrow and looked over to him. “You’re not freaked out about this?”
Valentino shrugged. “Why should I be? Our little girl is simply growing up. If you treat her like the plague she will feel shame- and that’s the last thing we want, right?”
Vox considered. He hadn’t thought about it that way, how his reaction to what was admittedly a natural event, might affect her. 
“Do you think she knows I’m…”
Valentino cut him off. “I think you did just the right thing, bringing her to Vel.”
“Here she is!” Velvette’s voice called through the kitchen. “Officially a young lady!”
Reader flushed and looked down. “Not…it’s not that big a deal I guess.”
“Oh, baby princessa, it is.” Valentino said as he ladeled the hot chocolate into a mug and added whipped cream. “The heating pad is all set on the couch. Remote is yours.” 
“Thanks Uncle Val,” she mumbled as she made her way out to the living room. 
“What’s wrong with her?” Vox asked with concern. 
Both Valentino and Velvette looked at him with a mix of annoyance and shock. From the living room, the television blared top volume. All three recognized the theme to her favorite show. 
“She hurts, she’s bleeding for the first time and she’s embarrassed about it,” Velvette answered. “Even though I told her there was nothing to be ashamed of. It’s normal.”
“So, what do I do?” Vox asked. “How do I help her?”
“You love her, and give her chocolate and give her a bit of grace if she’s crabby. Her hormones are all over the place,” Velvette replied. “And for god sake, get over yourself.”
Vox winced. He didn’t want to think about his daughter having hormones, or growing up. He knew it was a fact of life, but what he wouldn’t give to be unaware of it. Valentino handed him a cup of cocoa and he took a sip. He watched as Velvette flopped down on the couch next to his daughter. 
“She’s going to grow up, Vox. You can’t stop it,” Valentino warned. 
“I know I can’t,” Vox replied tiredly. “But I’m not ready to lose my little girl.”
Valentino gave him an irritated look. “What are you talking about? She’s still your little girl- she always will be. And right now she needs her family to support her,” he replied as he turned and left the kitchen. 
Vox sighed as he watched Val collapse on the other side of the couch. He could barely make out their chatter. After a moment, he stood up and joined them and took the seat next to reader. Concern flooded his face as he looked at his daughter. She looked pale, paler than usual. 
“How are you feeling, babygirl?” He asked. He reached over and brushed the hair out of her eyes, the palm of his hand lingering on her forehead for a moment. Was it him, or did she feel warm?
“I’m okay, Daddy, just tired,” she replied quietly. “My tummy hurts. Can I go to bed?”
“Of course you can, princess,” he replied as he pulled his hand away. “I’ll be in to check on you in a bit.” 
She climbed off the couch and wrapped him in a hug. “Night night, Daddy.”
“Goodnight baby.” He replied. 
She did the same with Valentino and Velvette before trudging back to her room. He heard the door close and looked to Velvette. 
“She felt warm, is that normal?”
Velvette rolled her eyes. “You know what? Figure it out on your own. I’m going to bed.”
“Not a bad idea to do some research, amicito,” Valentino added as he stood up. “If nothing more than to help our little princessa.” 
Vox watched them both retreat back to their rooms before shutting off the lights and returning to his own bed. He pulled out his phone and hesitated for just a moment. Breaking free of the ideas that he had been so held to in life was uncomfortable to say the least. But at the same time, he felt he owed it to his little girl to at least try to understand what she was going through. And he was willing to do whatever was necessary to make sure he was the best dad he could be.
Even if it meant figuring out exactly how to handle a period. 
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lani-heart · 5 months
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|| series masterlist || next // previously
parings -> ( eventually ) enhypen x reader genre -> soulmate au, fantasy au, angst warnings -> angst, self-harm word count -> 1.9k
abstract -> "If you treat him like a monster, he’ll turn out to be one"
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y/n's perspective
“Why did you help, Jake?” I heard and I saw Jay behind me. How did he find out?
“What?” I asked in hopes of clarity. “Heeseung told me you helped Jake with a human potion… did he force–” “He didn’t… he begged to understand how to feel human so I gave a potion to K to give to him and– he asked for help to be human and that it” I said now panicked and he sighed
“He went off to tell Jungwon, Sunoo, and Niki now,” he said and I sighed. “He asked me not to tell you guys… is… he okay?” I asked and he shook his head. 
“The potion is wearing off so he'll be better but he used his fire and burned his arms. They're treating him right now in our dorm so he doesn't get in trouble and neither do you” he said and I sighed. 
“I can help–” “Why are you asking to help? He hurt you,” he said and I smiled softly. “It's my magic, and besides he apologized and explained. He’s learning control… and he's also a neurotic vampire. It's why he's so hyper and why his emotions get the better of him” I said and only hugged me. 
“You’re too kind for your own good,” he said and I hugged him back. “I… really wanted to continue what I had with Sooha, but you still forgave that I was split,” he said and even tightened his grip.
“Just don’t let people exploit it,” he said and pulled away. I offered him a smile…
“Lets go help, he’s still your friend after all” 
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When I entered the dorm I could hear cries. 
“Ah! y/n!” I heard as I saw… Sooha. I’m glad he had her helping him. “Can you help, please he's in so much pain I don’t know what got to his head!” she pleaded and I nodded. 
I then freeze. 
“Uhm… Sooha, Jay can you leave the room?” I ask and they look at me confused. “I have to..” I trailed off while I brought a pinout. “Jake isn't good with control–” “I’ll be fine, I can take away his thirst while I'm here,” I said and he nodded and went outside the room I'm assuming only outside the door. 
“Go away” he cried while curling himself up in a ball. Sooha tried to bandage his arms. His shirt was off when I saw the burns even exceeded his shoulders. 
I pricked my finger letting the blood smear whilst his body shook. “I can’t do anything right,” he muttered. “Ja–” “Sooha just go away… please” he pleaded. He thought I was... 
“You don’t understand… What I did to those people hurt as much as what I felt, What I did to her was worse than what I feel” he cried out. 
“Jake,” I said and he turned his head slightly from the corner of the couch to see me. I felt my vision blur… just a bit. “Why… why are you here?” he asks and I sigh. 
“Well, I warned you not to use your powers,” I said and he only cried more. “I needed to know…  I-I’m sorry! I… why… why are you bleeding” he sat up when he saw my hand and shuffled away from me. 
“Jake, I'm gonna–” “No! Stay there,” he said when I tried getting closer. 
“I’m gonna do a spell… it’s gonna turn you back–” “I’ll hurt you again, just leave!” he yelled and I shook my head. “You won’t feel thirsty until I leave” I explained and he shook his head. 
“Jake. I forgive you, okay? So please trust me for now” I asked and he froze. I tried to get close when he started telling me the same thing. 
“Ah… Heeseung'' I said while looking at the door. Jake turned when I tackled him and got on top of him, catching him by surprise and doing my spell quickly. “You lied!” he said as I muttered my spell. He then winced when I saw his fangs were coming out. I cut my palm a bit to feed him my blood and did another spell so he wouldn’t turn me into a blood bag. 
“Are you crazy! I’m a vampire, I could kill you!” he yelled as he sat up again and gripped my shoulders. “But you don’t feel the bloodlust right?” I asked and he froze. “You’re insane… Why would you do that! And you lied about Heeseung there!” he whined, making me laugh. 
“But… Thank you for helping me. It doesn't help my emotions' ' he said, his pain is gone but not his guilt. “Jake, you can only do one thing to improve this, '' I said and he stared at me, eager to fix his mistakes.
“Live in fear to commit the same mistakes, Choose to live in bloodlust, or actually improve. To improve you need to accept being a vampire and your mistakes. You need to forgive yourself” I said and he couldn’t say a word. 
“What you did was stupid” I heard and this time it was Heeseung. “The blood spilled in your hand would have driven him–” “You need to give him more credit than that. If you treat him like a monster, he’ll turn out to be one” I said and he looked at me dumbfounded. 
“But it doesn’t mean he is. I get told how much of a freak I am by the humans… vampires, and hybrids because I use magic. It doesn’t make me one, though” I said and he stayed silent. 
“If you need help, my doors are open,” I said to Jake and I noticed a weird position. 
“Uhm! Sorry for this by the way” I said and ran for the door. 
“Blood!” I was now surrounded… this time by my mates and Sooha waiting outside the door. “Sooha, go inside,” Sunghoon said as he grabbed her shoulders and pushed her inside with him. “I… think I'm going too,” Niki said.
Left with three. “You’ve got a lot to explain,'' Sunoo said and I smiled nervously…
Where do I start?
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jake’s perspective
When she left, Heeseung said nothing. Instead of going to his room, I then noticed Sooha, Sunghoon, and Niki enter. She was still bleeding. 
“You did not drink her blood!” Sunghoon said and I shook my head. “No–” “You have her blood on your face!” Niki screeched and I shook my head. 
“She… I don't know! She did spells! She forced her blood into me!” I yelled defensively and they scoffed. They haven't marked her yet… let alone tasted her blood. 
“Just don’t do it again” Niki muttered as he left being a grumpy kid. 
“Jake, are you okay?” Sooha asks worriedly and I nod. “y/n… is too forgiving. She also helped me alot” I said and she smiled. “Maybe this will–” “Don’t mention this again Sooha” I said and she only offered a shy smile. 
“Are you okay, Hoon?” I ask, noticing his staring off like he usually does. “Mhhmm, Solon is… annoyed with you” he muttered as he didn’t stop staring at the floor. “Is it the blood?” I ask and he nods. “You do have her blood on your cheek,” Sooha said and I felt my eyes widen. 
“Uhm! I’m gonna go to my room!” 
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I cleaned my face while I was alone with my thoughts. 
Why’d she help me… defend me against Heeseung? After what I did? I would hate me, even wish the worst for me. Why was she so… kind? 
“You’re lucky, hyung!” I heard as I left my bathroom to see Jungwon and Sunoo. “Yah! Get off my bed! Your clothes are dirty–” “Why’d you wanna be human anyway?” Sunoo asked. 
The two used to be human… “I wanted to know how it felt,” I said and Jungwon sat up. “It's not fun,” he said and I nodded. “It isn't,” I agreed. “What you did to her wasn’t fair Jake. Just because she forgave you doesn't make it right” Jungwons scolded. 
“I know… I want better control. I need to get better” I said and he sighed. “That's a good first step,” Sunoo said and I nodded. 
“How come you two turned out so smart?” I asked them. And they chuckled, “Heeseung's sister says we must've been blessed with it,” Sunoo said.
“I swear you two seem to be her favorite, '' I said as I jumped on my bed in between the two. “Well… she’s not the best at hiding things. We know at some point we’ve met in another life,  but only Heeseung knows” Jungwon said and I chuckled. 
“Do you think in another life, we knew each other?” I asked them and they laughed. 
“Of course hyung!” 
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I know I wasn’t allowed here. 
I knocked on the door and hoped Wonyoung wasn’t there. 
“Hello,” she said as she opened the door. “Oh thank goodness! Wonyoung isn't here right?” I asked and she laughed. “No, you're lucky. Are you feeling better?” y/n asked and I nodded. 
“I wanted to ask if you wanted to join me for breakfast?” I asked and she smiled. “Why not?” she said as she went back in to get her bag. 
“Where's my mates?” she asked. “Asleep, Jungwon and Sunoo slept over in my room. Niki also joined so they are still asleep in my room. Heeseung is nowhere to be seen, Jay… I think in Home-Ec, and Sunghoon in his jealousy arc” I said and she laughed.
“What?” she said while laughing. 
“Your blood was on me… and well drinking your mate’s blood is an intimate thing,” I said and I noticed her cheeks redden. “Also I’m sorry about your hand,” I said while I saw her bandaged hand. 
“It's nothing I'm not used to,” she said and I smiled. 
“I wish we had time to get breakfast outside the campus but, it'd be impossible without skipping homeroom,” I said and she chuckled. “I don’t mind skipping,” she said, shocking me. 
“You're supposed to be the number one! The top student! President of Bright Sun student council, who are you!?” I said dramatically, making her laugh more. “I was gonna skip, I was just gonna use the excuse of stuco” she said and I stopped.
“Let's go then!” 
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We made it to the city where not many students were since class was gonna start. 
“Your mates are gonna freak out,” I said and she chuckled. “They skip more than me,” she said and I knew that was probably true. 
“Ooh! I need you to try this! It's a witch's place, but you can come in with me!” she said excitedly as we went into a breakfast place. 
“This just looks like human food,” I said while looking at the menu. “It has magic in it! It's really cool!” she said excitedly that it made me just stop and stare. 
“Jake? Are you okay?” she asked and I nodded. 
“I’m jealous that they get to have a chance with you,” I said but I didn’t mean to say it out loud. She smiled softly. “Well, you did reject me,” she said jokingly. 
“I know and I'm an idiot–” “Jake! Do you want to be my mate?” she asked, throwing me off guard. She giggled since I must've looked like an idiot. 
“Yes! I… I wanna be your mate” I said and she smiled. “Ah! I’ll even pay–" "I won’t argue,” she said and I laughed. 
“Thank you, y/n”
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taglist -> @sunus-sun @loumin908 @on-1ce @shinkenprincess-oh @b-a-nshee-blog @bnnyniky @sakuxxi @chiiiiiiiiis @cncreams @pre1ttyies @justanunstablefrog @graythecoffeebean @starzniiky @singlepringle4you @chirokookie @kthstrawberryshortcake-main @imtoanonymousforyou @lovgfrd @ilovecheese09 @sousydive @pink-but-rosie @kyleebob @jihyosgf @in-somnias-world @jilxxasu @bee-the-loser @mitchikeli @cyberpunksunwoo @lhspeachie @loafsunshinesworld @vixensss @zhenya109 @luumiinaa @rosas-in-the-garden @b3tt7boop @moony-mari @vixialuvs @ilovecheese09 @capri-cuntz @emma2black @skzhoes
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please don't be a silent reader !! reblog, comment, and like <3
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callme-holly · 6 months
Johnny Cade x Reader where they get into a little argument but they solve it all out at the end:)
'𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐟𝐞𝐞𝐥 𝐥𝐢𝐤𝐞 𝐡𝐨𝐦𝐞' [𝐢𝐧 𝐰𝐡𝐢𝐜𝐡 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐣𝐨𝐡𝐧𝐧𝐲 𝐠𝐞𝐭 𝐢𝐧𝐭𝐨 𝐚 𝐬𝐦𝐚𝐥𝐥 '𝐚𝐫𝐠𝐮𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭']
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𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫'𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞 - This isn't perfect and I'm so sorry. I'm trying to be better with my uploading but I've got some much to do lmaooo. Anyways, as always, hope ya'll enjoy!!
𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭 - 1.1k words
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 - mild swearing !!
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When you enter the Curtis home, the first thing you notice is Johnny curled up on the couch, knees tucked to his chest, his eyes dull and sad. His skin is noticeably paler than usual, his face is a patchwork of bruises and cuts, and he looks as if he hasn't slept for a while.  
He hardly reacts as you make your way around to the front of the couch, but it's clear from the way his eyes follow your movements that his attention has sharpened and that he’s acutely aware of your presence. You reach out a tentative hand with full intentions of running your fingers through his hair, only to see him tense and flinch at the movement. You withdraw almost instantly, freezing for a moment before lowering yourself onto the armrest beside him. 
“Johnny, is everything okay?” Your voice is quiet, almost as if you were addressing a wounded animal, which isn't very far off the truth when it comes to Johnny Cade. He's like a little puppy that has been kicked too many times; jumpy and skittish and so desperately broken down inside that sometimes you wonder how he can keep himself together at all. 
“Johnny?” You ask again, trying to get his attention this time.
What?” He mutters, his head still buried beneath his arms. He sounds exhausted; every syllable is a struggle. “What’d ya want?”
You hesitate for a moment, not entirely sure how to proceed. It’s clear he’s not too keen on the idea of talking to you, but if you don’t ask him soon, you might lose whatever chance you have of getting answers out of him altogether. “Is everything okay?” You try once more, and Johnny huffs out a breath, sounding even more defeated than before. 
“Fine,” He grits out between clenched teeth. “Everything's fine. Just go.” He lifts his head enough to glare at you, his expression unreadable underneath the dark bags covering his eyes. You fight the urge to brush the stray strands back from his face, because there's something about the look in his eyes that makes your stomach twist uncomfortably. But instead, you move from your spot on the arm rest to kneel by his head, your hand hovering on his shoulder. 
“I’m not going anywhere.” You reply calmly, not wanting to push him too hard. “Not until you talk to me. I need you to tell me what happened.”
Johnny lets out a strangled sound, a sort of choked groan, and rolls over onto his side, away from you. “It doesn't matter.” He mumbles the words so quietly that they're almost lost in the air around you. “Just leave.” There's an edge to his voice; the tautness in his muscles is giving away his growing frustration. He tries to hide it, but it bleeds out anyway, and he finally snaps when you make no move to go. 
He raises his head abruptly, pushing his weight into a sitting position before swinging his legs over the other side of the couch so that he’s facing you directly. “God, just stop! Stop treatin’ me like a baby all the damn time! I don’t need your help!” The outburst surprises you, and you blink at him in astonishment, watching with wide eyes as his face twists up in a grimace as though he could barely hold himself together anymore. It hurts to watch; you can feel your own emotions begin to twist in sympathy for him, and despite knowing better, you find yourself reaching towards him instinctively.
Before you can touch him, however, he jerks away as if burned. “Stop!” He cries hoarsely, his voice breaking with emotion. “Just get out of here and leave me alone!”
You sit frozen on the edge of the couch and let out a slow, shuddering sigh. “What is your issue?” You bite the words out between clenched teeth. “Why won't you let me help?”   
You know that you should probably leave now before things escalate further, but you're also not quite ready to give up and just leave things be. Instead, you force yourself to stay where you are, your eyes fixed on Johnny as the tears well up in his eyes.
His lips part to respond, but he doesn't say anything; he just swallows hard and averts his gaze. “Go,” he repeats hoarsely after a moment's hesitation, his voice thick and strained. A tear slides slowly down his cheek as he speaks. He swipes it away angrily. “Just… Go home. I don't need ya.”
Your anger fades. The sudden burst of hostility washes away the last of your patience, leaving you feeling drained and hollow. 
“That’s bullshit, Johnny Cade.” Your voice is soft, but it carries conviction. “You don’t mean that.” 
The words hang heavy between you for a moment before Johnny's shoulders slump, defeated. He turns away from you, pressing his hands against his temples and squeezing his eyes shut tight. You watch silently as he takes several shaky breaths, fighting back tears.
Johnny doesn’t cry often; you know that much, so to see him now reduced to such a pitiable mess breaks your heart.
Slowly and carefully, you reach for him one final time, placing a hand lightly on his back. He tenses again, and you retract your touch immediately, unsure of what to do. “Hey,” you say softly. “Johnny, talk to me.” You pause, swallowing heavily. “Please.” 
He shakes his head, the motion jerky and violent. You can hear his shallow breathing, which is ragged and painful, as he tries to stifle his sobbing. His body shudders slightly, and you have to suppress the impulse to pull him into your arms, to cradle his head gently between your palms, and to rub his back soothingly. 
“I'm sorry…” He chokes out eventually, turning back to you with red-rimmed, bloodshot eyes. “I didn't want to shout at you... But I just…” He lets out a breath, struggling visibly to regain some kind of composure. “Can we talk about this later?”
You consider for a second, then nod. “Okay, if that’s what you really want to do.” 
Johnny nods shortly, seeming to settle a little. He swipes at his cheeks roughly, scrubbing his hands harshly across his face to wipe away any evidence of tears or lingering distress. 
When he finally speaks, his voice is steadier, although his tone remains subdued, bordering on weary. “Can you just hold me for a bit?” He asks, avoiding your gaze as his cheeks flush red again, embarrassment making him unable to meet your gaze. “I know I yelled, but...” He trails off, and you nod, rising to your feet wordlessly to settle down beside him, allowing him to lay his head in your lap and resume his curled-up position. 
“Thanks.” He mumbles, words muffled into your leg. You run your fingers through his hair, smiling faintly when he nuzzles into your touch, clearly appreciative of the gesture. 
“Anytime.” You whisper back, and, in that moment, amidst the turmoil, you knew one thing for certain: you weren't leaving him alone, not now, not ever.
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𝐚𝐬𝐤𝐬 𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐜𝐮𝐫𝐫𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐥𝐲 𝐨𝐩𝐞𝐧 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐫𝐞𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐬!!
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