#Nilou mentioned
queer-aunty · 10 months
Dancing in the rain [part 1]
Ship: Collei x Freminet (Fremillei)
Modern Au
Word Count: 718 words (thanks Kulazu)
Songs I would recommend to listen to:
And this one:
Both songs work, but I mainly listened to "Would you be so kind", so I hope you will like this^^
(And I actually have a few ideas surrounding rain, which is why I called this the first part, when it's a completeted shortstory)
Anyway: Have fun^^
The rain was splashing against the windows and ran down from the rooftops, turning the streets into small streams. The clouds hung gray and wet over the city, crying their tears out with no sign of stopping. Many people were walking around with umbrellas, quickly trying to get home, out of the rain, back into the warmth of shops, restaurants or their homes.
Two teenagers just got out of the youth centre, a girl with green curly hair, bronze skin and purple eyes, gazed curiously into to the rain, while her companion, a pale skinned, freckled boy, blonde chinlength hair bound into a ponytail with a few wisps of hair framing his face and hiding the left eye, was more worried. He nervously looked around as they did not possess an umbrella like most people on the streets. They just had left from a DND session with other people their age and hadn’t paid attention to the weather at all.
”I’m sorry Collei”, the boy mumbled, “I should’ve brought an umbrella-”
”No, don’t apologize Freminet!”, Collei spoke firmly, then smiled softly, ”It’s only a little rain.”
Her smile turned mischievous and gave the stunned boy her totebag with the words “Would you be so kind?” as she was running into the rain. Laughing she raised her face towards the sky and in seconds all of her hair and clothes were wet from the rain. She extended her arms to the sides and turning around herself in a dance, to a melodie only she could hear. People watching her, must think she was crazy, because in this big and gray city, rain was feared, it was a danger and a factor people couldn’t go after their work or research. But they forgot how everything they did depend on the life-giving abilities of water, how water and earth and sky were the reasons they were still alive, the reason SHE was still alive. Living was beautiful and she was life herself in his eyes. She thrived like plants in a garden during rain after a long time of dry period. The blue eyes of the boy could only watch her and adore every part of her livelyness. If love was part of the nature of all living beings, he hadn’t lived before he met her. She raised her hands above her head, moving them carefullly around herself and her body just like Nilou had teached her. Her movement flowed like water inbetween the falling drops, they were strong like the trees in the forests like she couldn't be up until now. She did a small pirouette until she faced her lover once again with a wide smile. How could someone be as strong as her? He took a few steps into the rain, the cold water running down his neck making him froze inmid his movement, but his light was already by his side and took his hands swang them back and forth, making him join her little dance. A smile tucked on the corners of his mouth and he felt a warmth running through his stomach, making him forget all about the cold rain. He pulled her hand gentle up and let her swirl around herself. With every laugh his smile deepend and his feeling in his stomach grew and it reminded him of how much he loved her.
As she was life to him, he was the peace to her. She fought for so long, feeling safe was a rare feeling among people, but it was her constant state around him. How he held her and listened to her and read her feelings. Maybe she would’ve regretted going into the rain, if he didn’t join. She may be strong, but with him her strength was stable and no longer a question of how long it would take until her thoughts would destroy it. Their hands and fingers begann to firmly entangled with each other, neither of them wanting to let go, the purple of crystals meeting the blue from beryl conches.
They onced asked, if they would mind if they fell in love. They did at first, but with each other, it suddenly was a wish they both had, a question, they both had: Would he mind being around me? Would she mind my baggage? Would they mind holding hands? Would they mind, if they kissed? Would they mind being in love with each other?
Softly their lips meet as the rain became softer and the clouds opened up for the sunbeams. Sun shone through the rain and made it seem like there was a rainbow over their heads.
Actually, they didn’t mind, no matter what weather was storming around them.
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His Dream That, As of Yet, Remained Undreamt - Al Haitham
Author Notes: Behold, an unplanned sequel fic that was written solely because I decide to listen to that slowed reverb edit of the Albanian Remix of "Habibi" by Ricky Rich posted on Youtube by Lunaries again while writing. Anyhow, this is the sequel to the first Al Haitham fic I ever wrote and which is linked below, but you can probably read this as a stand alone of sorts. Reader is gender neutral, but they are also a dancer. This takes place post Sumeru archon questline I hope you enjoy.
Part 1: A Dream Thus Far Undreamt
Type: Fluff/romance (implied with great interest from Alhaitham)/gender-neutral reader/post Sumeru archon questline
Word Count: 872
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Sheer fabrics swirled through the air, a spiraling vision of blue and red interspersed with golden threads that made the two dancers seem like the greatest treasures that this land owned.
Sumeru had changed since Azar had been displaced, the archon restored, and Al Haitham had become the Acting Grand Sage. The arts were no longer frowned upon, and the bazaar, with all its exotic scents and rousing music, was almost constantly filled with students from the Akademiya.
They were like starved men. Partaking in artistry that delighted both their eyes and ears for the first time as they consumed every form of art as if this were their only chance.
The smell of spices filled the streets, and voices could be heard everywhere, forcing one to strain to hear the music that the two women danced to. Each a different form of beauty and elegance in the way they interpreted their music.
Nilou was, without a doubt, the fan favorite. Kaveh himself had begun composing shoddy poetry that poorly described her flaming red hair and the blue silks of her robes. 
Unaware of her word bereft fan, Nilou smiled widely as she looked towards her fellow dancer, who joined her on stage in deep red robes that swirled gracefully around their form.
You were the less popular of the two for reasons beyond Al Haitham. Perhaps it was because he, unlike Kaveh, was not nearly as rabid in his affections, nor did he struggle amongst the throng of students in a wild attempt to watch the performance. Instead, he watched as he ever did, from a distant and raised position on a restaurant’s balcony.
Al Haitham was no fool. He knew that no mere words could ever describe the way you moved, looked, and even spoke. 
While Nilou’s smiles were like the bright sun that lit up the daytime so that workers could see their crafts and people could go about their lives, you were different. 
You were more like the moon. Possessing a gentleness that was at odds with warm-hued clothes you wore.
Yours was a beauty that seemed more mysterious and enchanting to Al Haitham. Perhaps this was the true reason you did not possess the fame of your fellow dancer.
Nilou was more recognized, and people were comfortable with her charms. It was less otherworldly and inexplicable.
Your charm, on the other hand, was more of the spellbinding variety. Something that few possessed and Al Haitham doubted he would ever truly understand. 
And that was why he suffered through Kaveh reciting his poetry while he remained silent and observed, as he always did.
The heavens had not recognized you as they had Nilou for her art and embodiment of beauty, but Al Haitham did. 
Al Haitham did and would continue to do so for a lifetime, even as your performance ended. 
Both you and Nilou gracefully spun to a stop as your hands interlocked, and you both stopped. Chest to chest, with your smiling faces toward the crowd who cheered and showered you both with flowers.
You both waved. Nilou, with endearing shyness that seemed to make the crowd rave still more. You, holding back and staying slightly behind your fellow dancer. 
But then it happened, and you caught Al Haitham off guard as you looked up and made eye contact with him, a gentle smile crossing your face as your eyes met his.
A tiny wave followed by a graceful inclination of your head was all you gave before your attention was taken by Nilou, who grasped your hands and pulled you to the front of the stage alongside her. Obviously wanting you to receive the same praise she was showered with.
The Acting Grand Sage was silent as he continued to gaze down at the two of you. Stunned that he had not only been noticed, but that you had smiled in a way that spoke of recognition.
Apparently he wasn't the only one who remembered your meetings in Port Ormos long before he’d known anything about the state of Sumeru’s Archon. Brief meetings, each of them, but they had made him intrigued by the possibility of a little thing called fate.
Because meeting you hadn’t seemed like an accident. It had seemed more like the beginning of a long path that had slowly been winding its way through numerous brief and often startling moments of seeing you through a crowd up until this day.
Al Haitham sat back, a smile crossing his features as his vision tunneled until you were his sole focus. It seemed that he had been noticed by his dream, that as of yet, remained undreamt.
The crowd slowly began to disperse, waved off by some of Nilou’s friends, and you were briefly left on stage alone, your head tilting back so that you once more looked up. Your sparkling eyes met his two-toned gaze as a knowing smile crossed your face again.
And it was then that Al Haitham knew this unspoken design of his would not remain wordless. It was high time that he at last approached his dream, which stemmed from days when the people of Sumeru did not dream unless it was wished for by the gods themselves.
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fischlcatgirl · 3 months
It's really a shame that kavetham and cynari are so prevalent. I mean. Let's jump over the obvious 4ggrivate and look deeper into our hearts. Candehya? Cytham? Sure. But that's only scratching the surface. Look at me. We need to stop asking ourselves "what meaningful interactions have these characters had in canon" and START asking ourselves "what meaningful interactions COULD these characters have if given the chance" because here's the thing. Kavelou. They are both dreamers who work FUCKING TIRELESSLY to make those dreams a reality. They are both driven, sentimental people who believe firmly in the value and virtue of the common public. Nilou could understand why Kaveh built the palace of alcazarzaray despite everything. Kaveh could understand why Nilou risked her career to dance during nahidas birthday festival. two guards drag me away. LISTEN TO ME
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caluupin · 1 year
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Act 1 doodles (repost bc i made a mistake)
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genshin-silliness · 2 months
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For the rarepair meme, I'm not entirely sure what actually qualifies in Genshin XD but Lyney/Nilou? I do kind of like the idea of two of our performers together....
I can see a very clear rivals to lovers thing, at least rivals from where Lyney's standing of course. Kinda like this (excuse the Lynette POV, that's how the scene showed up in my mind and she is very fun to write):
The Traveler couldn't stay for tea but she left Lynette a box of beautiful little honey cakes brought fresh from Sumeru. She was supposed to share with her siblings and she would do that, there were far too many for her alone anyway, but that didn't mean she couldn't hide away in her room with a pot of tea and enjoy some peace and quiet. And honey cakes, of course.
It was barely time enough for her to bite into one of the cakes before Lyney invaded her peaceful tea-time, giving his usual knock and entering before she even answered.
There was urgency in his voice as he said, “Dear sister I found out the reason behind the last few nights' shows lull in ticket sales.”
Even if Lynette was inclined to ask, she knew better than to do that. When Lyney has a plan you can see it in the very way he moves, and from the way he sauntered to the table and pulled the chair closest to her, this was a fun one. At least fun for him.
“We,” he said, eyes twinkling, “have a rival!”
Now, if she wanted him to say his piece and go away, she was forced to show attention. So she deposited her teacup on its saucer and tilted her head toward him, waiting.
“A Sumerian dancer, come here to perform for a half-season, and a famous one at that. It's all over the Steambird! We can't just lose tickets for all that time!”
Lynette blinked slowly at him, then refilled her teacup. “And your plan?”
“Who said I have a plan?”
She smiled and waited.
“I've been to her act. She's very good. Disciplined. Working elemental magic while dancing must be very tiring but the results are,” a brief, breathless pause, “stunning.” There was a little too much shine in his eyes as he said that. “As is her-- I mean, her movements. The way she dances, it's like the rest of the world stops existing, I can't help but wonder…”
As Lyney's eyes took a dreamy, faraway look, she knew it. It was a bad plan. The worst kind. She felt her right ear twitch, an old tell she usually keeps under control. That is how worried he made her.
Lyney noticed as well, he snapped back to attention, said, “That's when I knew I had to do something.”
“That plan. You shouldn't.”
“Beloved sister, I said nothing--”
The teacup clicked in its place on the saucer. “You want to distract her from work, maybe make her go away earlier. Don't. It'll backfire, you're too smitten. Remember what Father said about you and love schemes.”
The mention of Father had him straightening up, as usual, lifting his chin as if trying to stand a little taller, fill bigger shoes. Then he said, “Well, we'll see about that, won't we?”
And that was in the wrong tone. Not so much defiant as… She studied his face for a moment. There was that smile, a bit too much eagerness there. This could only mean the plan was already in motion. “Don't say…”
The smile bloossomed as if every single drop of confidence he had nurtured it. “I'll be taking her to Lady Furina's new play tomorrow!”
Nothing she could possibly say would work at this point, so she saved herself the energy and took a sip of her tea. Afterward, she said, “Then good luck on your date with the beautiful dancer.”
Lyney paled, the smile dropped just enough that she knew he had only now caught up with what he had done. “Thank you,” he said, quite like an automaton. Then he walked away, a little spaced out.
Lynette hoped her brother would pull himself together enough to be his usual self on the date. That should be enough to charm anyone. And if that didn't work, well then she'd have to do something, wouldn't she? Maybe the Traveler would even help.
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azuresky-agere · 6 months
Hihi, could I request some baby Alhaitham hcs?💚 Just finished his story quest and he's a baby
baby alhaitham....augh my baby....
Agere!Alhaitham requested by @baby-zakarii
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"If there's nothing to do, then I'll just put on my soundproof earpieces and nap for a while."
─ 𖥔 ─
-Headspace age is around 0-3, and he just...naps. Doesn't matter the time, or location, he will just sleep.
-First saw regression in a book and was rather curious, so he opted for a night where Kaveh was elsewhere in the nation dealing with a client, and let himself go- intending to journal down his thoughts.
-Of course, he had virtually none. The thought of writing made him want to cry, so he played for a few hours.
-Babbles and cooes!! He doesn't really talk, and aside from noises and pointing at stuff he wants, talking is rather difficult for the regressed scribe.
-Cyno, Tighnari, Kaveh, Dehya and Nilou know about his headspace, with Cyno and Tighnari acting like "babysitters" for Alhaitham when Kaveh is busy dealing with a client.
-Prefers to be padded when regressed. He doesn't mind pull-ups or diapers (although diapers are preferred due to the texture they have) and his babysitters know, and don't mind.
-Is a very "classic" baby, according to Kaveh. He'll only eat porridge with honey, fruits, ect- and a way to let a CG know he's regressing in public is to request "porridge with honey". It's a secret!
-It took a while for him to get into a routine of regressing once a month at least. Since discovering the coping mechanism, he's improved a lot- his stress has gone down, and he's generally a bit more happy and relaxed.
-Has a stuffed animal of a Sumeru "Dusk Bird" and her name is "Honey", and going anywhere (regressed or not) without Honey is dubbed a "crime" in his eyes.
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argentisama · 1 day
’implied’ sexualities !!!!!
yeah i did just kinda reblog a post about this but i wanna rant about it too esp after getting into an argument on tiktok about this ⁉️
i firmly believe some hsr / gi characters ARE genuinely implied to be gay. obviously due to censorship/legal troubles, they really can’t explicitly state ‘oh, this character is homosexual!’ — i’ve heard they even got into some trouble with hi3, but i don’t know how legitimate that was. [reasoning and whatnot under the cut]
however, they can still cover it up with ‘extremely close best friends who honestly know eachother more than they know themselves’, along with other implications (alrhough i will say that most of the ones off of the top of my head are mlm (and mayhaps i have a bit of a bias being a gay man myself)). we’ve only been blessed with one canon (again, mlm) ship, and that was dan feng & yingxing — two characters who, while their reincarnation may be, aren’t even playable. yes, characters can be best friends. but that doesn’t mean they all are, you cannot erase what has already been covered up. PLEASE
there are relationships, and characters individually, while truthfully rarer. enter: aventurine. i know he’s the one most often mentioned in this kind of thing. that’s for a reason.
first of all, likely the most obvious thing, is the peacock imagery plastered all over him. they often symbolize homosexuality; and yes, i know they can also represent wealth. he doesn’t need to be confined to just one of them. both meanings fit, and with the latter mentioned evidence, i think both are valid interpretations.
secondly, there’s an oscar wilde reference in some of his dialogue — ‘the happy prince’, described as man made of/adorned with gold and jewels (from what i remember; this is all being written in one sitting, without much evidence on the side, but i’ve yapped about this enough to remember at least a semblance of it) is referenced, not directly, but with an extremely similar description as aforementioned. i’m pretty sure there’s also some sort of foreign/faraway traveler mentioned somewhere too, which further solidifies this as evidence. (for anyone who doesn’t know, oscar wilde is a gay man. gay gay homosexual gay.)
thirdly, and a bit of a reach, is looking at his general interactions with each gender. if you compare what he says and how he acts around male and female chars, you can see his attitude around male characters is much more suggestive. an obvious example is his reference to sunday as “the most handsome man in penacony,” although i do think that can be interpreted in multiple ways. in his conversation with sparkle, she also calls him a gay pr0stitute. she doesn’t talk about him sleeping around in general. specifically with a man.
i think aventurine is simply one of the best examples for this kind of ordeal. another decent one is wriothesley — i won’t go very deep into it, but there’s the fact that henry wriothesley is heavily speculated to be a gay man, if not bisexual, but still homosexual nonetheless.
people have probably explained this kind of thing a million times before but i’ll say it again. not every character has to be gay, no. but some are most definitely implied. i’m sick of people saying “do you even know what implied means???” do YOU? do you know what it means? i’m pretty sure implied means that there’s a shit ton of evidence pointing towards it, but it isn’t explicitly stated. i’m pretty sure everything above is an example of something implied. implied does not mean canon, and vice versa. characters being straight are just as much of a headcanon of them being gay. stop trying to erase what little we have. i’m so done with it — same with the people who say that [insert female character] gets in the way of [insert mlm ship] which is why everyone hates her. it’s likely not everyone hates her. it’s also quite likely that she doesn’t even really get in the way of it, and you just want to have your straight ship more popular than a gay one with much more evidence towards it. obviously, rarepairs existc with their whole thing with popularity and all, and i adore them, but that isn’t what i’m talking about; i mean the ships with canon chemistry, where they’re barely ever apart and are so obviously meant to be more than friends. those gay ships. she doesn’t get in the way, most of the time, i promise you.
thank you for listening to my ted talk.
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dutybcrne · 3 months
Okay, saw the summer event preview and aaaaaaAAAAA
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hydrachea · 1 year
God I want to use Kaveh especially with how much it took to bring him home but I do NOT know HOW TO.
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allykakamatsu · 10 months
KH X GI Character Profiles, Sumeru
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"A few people have asked me where he came from, probably because I've known him the longest, but the truth is I don't know either. I'm not even one hundred percent sure he does. When we first met, he hesitated before telling me his name, and often tries a lot of wild things because he's 'trying to figure out what he likes.' I don't know what happened, and I'm hesitant to ask, but well, if nothing else spending time with him is an adventure." -Nilou
*Name: Repliku, Kagami (responds to either)
*Title: Duplicate Protector of Memories
*A replica from another world and security for the Saberuz Theatre
*Vision: Electro
*Constellation: Exemplum Rumpitur
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"This brat, every inch of him just pisses me off. From his smug smirk to him not listening to common sense, I can't stand to be in the same room as him for very long.... though I'm also self aware enough to admit part of it is because he reminds me of how I was before Kaedehara and the Seasalts knocked some sense into me. Now I just hope he can realise how bad he screwed up like I did and start channeling those bastard tendencies towards people who actually deserve it." -Raiden Kunikuzushi
*Name: Vanitas
*Title: Unversed Dark Side of the Heart
*A being born from darkness from another world.
*Vision: Pyro
*Constellation: Incompleta Tenebrae
Please support me on ko-fi here
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welcometoteyvat · 1 year
notable/fav (visuals wise) cutscenes/pvs/character demos (?)
azhdaha/through the dragon's eyes, zhongli's second story quest 1.5
akitsu haneasobi, akitsu kimodameshi event 3.3
changsheng, baizhu's story quest 3.6
tales of the five kasen, zephyr of the violet garden event (is that what it's called >_>) 2.6 (?)
flavors of the world, moonlight merriment event 2.1
kokomi's character demo or pv, the one where she's sinking underwater, 2.2
scenery and sentiment animations, for both mondstadt and liyue
glory endures in legacy, lyney's story quest, 4.1
A Wish Upon Shooting Stars, YOIMIYA'S SECOND STORY QUEST!!! 3.7
cutscenes for kazuha, xinyan, fischl, and mona from summer fantasia 2.8
waterborne poetry event 3.1 oceanid cutscene pv
la vaguelette, furina story quest, 4.2
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meili-sheep · 2 years
Sumeru characters as found family. I saw this tag once and now no one can pry this from my cold dead hands
I am a slut for found family. Is it because of my own family issues probably, but that doesn't matter what matters is that the main group of Sumeru is absolutely found family.
Like Cyno and Tignari are obviously the heads of the family, and Collie is their daughter. Al Haitham is the rich uncle who swoops in, and just you do one really cool fun activity, and he suddenly disappears for a year. Dehya is the fun aunt who shows you this really cool, definitely, not an illegal thing. Nahida is probably closer to like Al Haitham's kid, who he's teaching bad habits too, but somehow she still turns out to be a really sweet and great human.
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4giorno · 1 year
kaveh + xingqiu + shinobu + al haitham. its kaveh driving hyperbloom and al haitham is a burst dps. problem solved you can now use them in a team together
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prettybbychim · 3 months
as a non-nilou haver and enjoyer, it just doesn’t feel all that different than what she usually wears. like it hits all the same beats imo
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cynicalmusings · 3 months
guys… what if i expressed an interest in returning to that spirited away!cyno au…
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