#Acting grand sage
ccalxx · 9 months
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Why does the ending look familiar? OH. BECAUSE...
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Both of them confidently leaving before the explosion of enemies.
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ryutaria · 1 year
Tears and Hearts
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Synopsis: With Al Haitham by (Y/N)'s side, she would never have to navigate parenthood all alone...Not when his daughter loved his comfort...
Word Count: 3.5k+
Tags: alhaitham x f! reader, comfort, postpartum depression, sfw, Acting Grand Sage Al Haitham, married life, domestic comfort, a teeny tiny CyoNari, father! Al Haitham, parenthood.
A/N: Comfort because we need it.
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A prevalent serenity prevailed over the city as the stars twinkled in the distant skies, faint balls of luminance enchanting to the onlookers' eyes. Darkness had engulfed the world just a few hours ago: rendering the mortal beings to seek solace in the street lamps and artificial mechanisms of luminance invented by the research scholars a long time ago. However, as the sands of the hourglass trickled down the ampule, the city dwellers began to retire to their own residences rendering the streets isolated albeit a few birds who could only hoot freely when the world was at peace yet again.
This was only a natural routine for the world, the moon chased the sun yet they never met unless the eclipse aligned them. However, (Y/N) found her calmness in these small things. The little things in everyday life that are taken for granted by so many... and appreciated by only a few. These things seldom mattered for researchers and scholars of the Akademiya, but as a decorated Professor of Rtawahist Darshan, (Y/N) understood the difference between living and surviving... existence. Moving away from the windowsill of her husband's study, her eyes trailed towards the clock on the mantelpiece: a pretty little vintage clock in the form of an hourglass.
12:17 - read the clock.
(Y/N) smiled as she remembered Kaveh who had gifted it on her second anniversary
"It's so pretty Kaveh!" (Y/N0 exclaimed as she hugged the piece closer to her heart much to the dismay of her husband.
"I got it from one of my expeditions in the desert you know. It -"
"It's just a time tracker (Y/N)." And there goes her husband, the ever logical and very rational Al Haitham as he huffed at Kaveh.
And that was the beginning of another teenage quarrel between the two and she couldn't help but giggle. Time sure flied... Here she was now: Married to Al Haitham for five years as she wore the Nagadus emerald studded platinum loop proudly on her ring finger. Recently there had been another addition to their household, a miniature Al Haitham although a girl child who had turned two months old just a week ago. Another reason why she couldn't resume her scholarly duties yet for the newborn needed attention and care and even when Al Haitham had insisted to help she had told him not to worry for (Y/N) was confident she could handle their little one alone.
"But aşkım I could help" Al Haitham said as he tucked a stray strand of hair behind her ear tracing her cheek.
"I'll be fine 'Haitham..." (Y/N) called endearingly as she slowly engulfed his larger hands in her much smaller ones.
However, little by little, all the chores were making her stressed and anxious, the post partum depression in full effect. (Y/N) had been a good mother of course but all the tiredness of household chores and looking after the newborn who wouldn't calm down unless Al Haitham held her was making her all the more agitated. If he was busy or not available she would have to resort to talking to her about Al Haitham's adventures and past shenanigans. Another reason why she was awake in the dead of the night when all the citizens of Sumeru had hit the hay for the day...
The postpartum depression only further added onto her stress for her hormones wouldn't remain stable no matter how much she tried. (Y/N) had asked Tighnari for the medicinal herbs to control them of course but...
"Only if it's very urgent okay, or I am telling Al Haitham what you've been doing" Tighnari scolded, his ears twitching in frustration as he thrusted the herbs in her hand. "They're harmful in the long run you know" he added, concern clear in his eyes.
"Thank you 'Nari... I'll tell him eventually..."
"You said that last time too" Cyno peeked up behind Tighnari, bed hair and a cup of coffee in his hand. This made (Y/N)'s and Tighnari's eyes widen as he quickly turned away from his lover to glare at (Y/N).
"You were WHAT?!" And (Y/N) giggled awkwardly as she sighed.
"That's it! I'm telling the sage what his wife has been doing behind his back!" Tighnari said marching towards his home before (Y/N) grabbed his arm.
With empty promises and white lies she still managed to convince the Chief Forest Ranger to keep his lips sealed, glaring at Cyno when he wasn't looking. The Mahamatra who had been quietly observing the exchange from behind lover slowly giggled as he started to move inside before-
"Only THIS time! You hear me? And WHERE DO YOU THINK YOU ARE GOING HUH? YOU DARE GIVE OFF HERBS JUST BECAUSE I TAUGHT YOU ?!" and Cyno was quick to retreat inside the house with Tighnari hot on his heels.
And (Y/N) was sighed in relief as she made her way towards her home praying to the Archons that her daughter would still be asleep at Nilou's.
However, she wouldn't tell this to Al Haitham for (Y/N) knew how taxing his life had recently become. What with the overthrowing of Azar, the restoration of Lesser Lord Kusanali and Al Haitham being promoted to the rank of Acting Grand Sage was already hectic enough for him. Nilou was only aware how many evenings, (Y/N) had broken down and cried on her visits to the Haitham household.
"Just tell him (Y/N), it would be much better that way " the red-head consoled (Y/N) as she stroked her hair to comfort her.
(Y/N) pulled away a little as she shook her head in the negative, wiping away her tears as she hiccupped a little.
"Can't" she chocked. "Can't add onto his stress Nilou" and she broke down again as her friend hugged her again - closely as her shoulders shook with her hiccups. "Don't...wanna...be...burdensome"
And Nilou felt defeated. Only then she wished that her dearest friend would break down in front Al Haitham just so he could know what she was going through. Al Haitham needed to know this no matter how carefully (Y/N) hid the stress behind her eyes.
She slowly made her way to the nursery to find her daughter asleep and she sighed in relief. Maybe she wouldn't need the herbs anymore, after all she had run out of supplies just a day ago. The little emerald on her daughter's chest glimmered in the moonlight as she breathed in peace and that was enough solace for (Y/N), unaware of the turmoil that was waiting to erupt again.
Al Haitham had come home just two hours ago, his voice devoid of any life as he greeted her and she knew that the Acting Grand Sage was tired. She took the off-coat off his tired shoulders as he slowly entered the kitchen for she insisted him not to go to bed on an empty stomach.
"It's not healthy 'Haitham..." she had called as she kissed his cheek lovingly. Nevertheless, she felt a little guilty on the inside, for what she was doing wasn't healthy either..."Just a little, yeah?" and he had leaned further into her touch as he nuzzled his nose in her palm.
"Only if you feed me, aşkım..." and she smiled as he told her how tiring it was to be the Grand Sage.
"Acting Grand Sage" he had corrected (Y/N) and she laughed as she fed him another bite of the meat stew. And then he had retired to bed, too tired to turn off the lamps and she had sighed before kissing him 'Good Night' as she put out the light.
(Y/N) had just gotten done with all the chores: the laundry, the dishes - a little crying as she hurried off to feed their daughter- putting out clothes in the backyard for she had faith they would be dry by the morning (It had been a little windy all day),dusting through Al Haitham's study: a weekend ritual for it was Friday. After admiring the night view from the window in her husband's study she had walked to the nursery to make sure her daughter was still asleep, sighing in relief for she still was... breathing in calmness with her (E/C) eyes closed and her ashen-hair splayed across the cot.
And now that (Y/N) was thinking of a warm bath to wash off the sweat and dust from her body, her eyes widened as they darted to the cot. Her daughter had stirred awake, throwing another teary tantrum as she quickly reached for her daughter in the cot for she knew Al Haitham was a light sleeper and she wouldn't wish to disturb his peace.
Taking the child in her arms, (Y/N) gently cooed at her, cradling her by the window as she pointed at the stars and moons and little trinkets in the nursery. And slowly (Y/N) started narrating the incident when Al Haitham had forgotten his keys at her home.
"Uncle Kaveh hadn't come home and your father had to sit at the - Aww sweetie, no~~"
The wailing started again as the child's eyes teared up and (Y/N) rocked her a little in her arms praying to the Archons for her to quieten down. And before she knew tears started pricking her own eyes...
Al Haitham could hear the little noises in his household, washing away his sleep as he yawned. Turning to his left he frowned when he was greeted by the cold pillows. "(Y/N)?" he called getting up to sit as he yawned and stretched his arms. Turquoise eyes followed the window and he realized that it was the middle of the night. He could see a faint glow in their bedroom and he realized that (Y/N) must be in the nursery.
The ashen-haired male sighed yet again as he got down from the bed. It had now become a nightly routine for him to wake up in the middle of the night to find (Y/N) in the nursery and when he had asked why she hadn't been sleeping early enough she would lie through her teeth and he frowned again for he didn't know why.
"What do you mean? I just woke up 'Haitham" she had told him a few days ago and Al Haitham could clearly see her lying. When on further coaxing (Y/N) repeated the same thing, he left the topic for he didn't want to agitate the young mother any further, their daughter asleep in his arms. He could see how tired she looked and he wondered if (Y/N) had been taking care of her basic needs. Dark circles decorated (Y/N)'s face as she leaned on the windowsill, her body looking frail and he knew she had lost weight, the stress piling up on her. Skipped lunches and late night dinners proof enough for him.
Al Haitham didn't want to coax out a confession for he had already been warned about postpartum depression and thought that she would eventually talk to him...at her own pace...
Nevertheless, here he was yet again awake by the small noises of his crying daughter and he followed into the nursery. However the sight that greeted him was all the confession he needed.
Tears streamed down (Y/N)'s face as she sobbed and hiccupped while cradling the newborn, occasionally wiping her eyes as she cradled and pleaded to their daughter.
"Please sweetie...j-just th-this time please..." she begged as she rocked the infant further, a choked sob flying past her lips.
Al Haitham's eyes widened as he hurried towards his family, taking his daughter in his right arm as he held (Y/N) close to his chest with his left, a zephyr passing by as his daughter and wife cried into his arms and chest. Slowly he rocked their daughter in the stillness of the night, (Y/N)'s chocked sobs echoing through the household as his stroked her hair gently.
Soon enough, the baby was asleep in her father's arms and gently Al Haitham placed her in the cot before taking (Y/N) in his arms as fresh tears flooded her vision yet again
"H-'Haitham..." she whispered as she cried into his arms, pushing her face further into his chest.
"I know aşkım... I know" he placed a kiss on her forehead as his fingers stroked through her (H/C) tresses. Sighing and thanking the Archons that his wife had finally broken down or else she would have never let him know how stressful this was becoming for her.
(Y/N) sobbed quietly all the while Al Haitham held her and when she whispered a small 'I'm sorry', the male frowned as he slowly coaxed her to him.
"I-I couldn't calm h-her and...you wok-"
"No (Y/N)..." He cooed as he held her cheeks, kissing her forehead in reassurance yet again. (Y/N) still sobbed feeling guilty, regret clear in her (E/C) orbs and he hated seeing her tears.
"I knew all along..." and when her eyes widened he told her all about the small nursery he had custom made near his office just so they could be together while he worked at the Akademiya.
"I was the 'Gem of Haravatat' (Y/N), didn't you think I'd notice?" he said as he wiped her tears away with gentle touches. "Semiotics has a lingering psychology to it too... I was just waiting for you to come in terms with your emotions..." and she sighed into his arms yet again, leaning onto his chest as he continued to tell her how he would be on leave for the next few days and when he resumed his duties he would be taking them along to the Akademiya, the arrangements for them customized by Faruzan herself for she was too tired of Nilou complaining to her about his wife's trauma and stubbornness all the time she went to the Grand Bazaar.
And (Y/N) wondered how all the love in her heart was never enough for her husband.
Kissing his daughter for the last time that night, he walked out of the nursery, (Y/N) fast asleep against his chest as he carried her to their room for a good night's rest.
He smiled as he tucked her in before slipping under sheets as he held (Y/N) in his arms that night after a long time. And Al Haitham's world was at peace yet again... The whispers of the winds were the last things he heard before he drifted to a peaceful sleep, his aşkım in his arms.
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nubisaureus · 1 year
when you're exhausted from work
how the genshin boys react when you're exhausted from work and neglect yourself
character(s): Alhaitham, Cyno
pairing(s): fem!reader x Alhaitham, Cyno (separately)
content: established relationships, clinginess, exhaustion, attempted k1ll1ng, engagement
a/n: omg I'm simply astonished that my last post got so much attention😭 thank you so so so much😭😭 I'd love to hear what you guys would want to see, so feel free to send asks with requests or let me know your thoughts in comments♡
also definitely not writing this 'cause im exhausted, absolutely not :')
another a/n: forgive me if it's just two characters, but I hope the length makes up for it ♡
not proofread!
as always, enjoy! ♡
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Alhaitham was not one to get worked up over nothing or to be excessively clingy.
Quite the opposite, in fact. He was the type to avoid any kind of unnecessary drama, and knew when to give other people space, as well as taking his own, prioritizing his peace over everything else.
But there were times when he couldn't just watch, and that was one of them.
You had been stuck at the House of Daena for hours on end as of lately, studying your days away, writing paper after paper, resulting in extreme exhaustion, even forgetting to eat and neglecting yourself at times.
And that's exactly what you were doing at the moment, your back hurting from being hunched for so long on the chairs of the House of Daena.
As you stood up to go fetch another book, one of the Akademiya staff members suddenly came up to you, carrying a scroll with them.
«From the Acting Grand Sage, Miss.»
«Oh. Thank you, I'll check it out right away.» they seemed genuinely grateful for the thanks, and you wondered how presumptuous could some people be to not even thank staff members for their work.
You lightly shook your head, directing your attention to the scroll in your hands, wondering what could your boyfriend possibly want, and how important that had to be for it to be written in an Akademiya scroll and have it delivered by a staff member.
You opened it, and to your surprise there were just a few sentences, which told you to go to his office as soon as possible.
You wondered why, but packed your things and took the elevator.
As it reached its final destination, the elevator announced your arrival with a low ding sound, which caught the attention of Alhaitham's secretary.
«Good morning, Darya.» you greeted her, and were met by her usual annoyed look. She wasn't exactly fond of Alhaitham, nor you, for all that mattered.
«Good morning, [name]. Why are you here?» she asked, and you took a shallow breath. You didn't really like her, but brushed her rude tone off.
«Alhaitham wants to see me.» you simply stated, and she looked at you, not even hiding her disapproval, but ultimately nodded, standing up and accompanying you to his door.
She knocked, and you heard your boyfriend inviting her to come inside.
«Acting Grand Sage, [name] is here. She says you wanted to see her.» Alhaitham nodded, not even looking at her, and gestured for her to go away.
You entered his office, and closed the door behind you.
«Did you want to see me, Acting Grand Sage?»
He looked at you upon hearing that title, causing him to huff loudly.
«What? You're the Acting Grand Sage. That's your role, and we agreed to maintain our roles here, didn't we?» you justified yourself, only for him to raise one of his eyebrows.
«Is the charade over, Miss [name]?» he said, making you want to laugh at him for always being so serious.
You sighed, sitting down on one of the chairs in front of his desk, letting all your stuff fall on the floor, not even caring if the papers scattered around, such it was your exhaustion.
He snorted. «Don't be ridiculous, come over here.» he said, beckoning for you to go sit on his lap.
You gladly took the invitation, and rested your head against his toned chest. He softly stroke your back, using his other free hand to keep you from slipping.
You sighed again, letting all your sore muscles relax in his embrace.
«You're exhausting yourself too much, [name]. You shouldn't spend all of your time studying, or you'll end up sick. I can't bear the thought of you falling sick because of exhaustion and the Akademiya..»
You looked at him, surprised at this sudden show of feelings. Your boyfriend was what people would define "stoic", and to his credit, he was, even if with you he would show his sensitive side more.
Even so, this was a first.
You wanted to cry, because he was right, but you felt like the entire Spantamad Darshan weight rested upon your shoulders, like a boulder that made it impossible for you to breathe.
«[name].» he called, trying to shake you from your negative spiraling, but you barely heard him.
«[Name]!» he called louder this time, getting a reaction out of you.
«What?» you started crying, hiding your face in his chest, and letting him hug you as tight as he could, refusing to let go.
«I'm giving you a two weeks leave, [name].» he declared, getting a shocked gasp from you.
«But..but you can't..!»
«Correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm still the Acting Grand Sage, am I not?»
«Yes, but the Spantamad Darshan..» he shut you up with a kiss.
«Fuck them.»
You were running fast. So fast that your lungs were about to explode. But you couldn't stop.
The suspect was about to escape your capture, and, as a member of the Matra, you couldn't let any more people involved with the Canned Knowledge escape capture and conviction.
The suspect was one of the Eremites, which, with his tribe, he had managed to smuggle an enormous quantity of knowledge capsules and sell them to Akademiya scholars.
Since the abandonment of the Akasha system, people were becoming more and more desperate for quick learning: they didn't even remember what it felt like to dip your toes into a subject, to try and fail, and to really exhaust your brain with studying; no, they wanted a quick way to know what they wanted, without putting any effort in.
Hence why you were in such a situation to begin with.
In the last few months more and more cases of canned knowledge leading people to insanity had emerged, forcing the Matra to work even harder to track down whoever was smuggling them into Sumeru City.
The investigation had lasted for at least a month and a half, in which you had been camping in the desert, silently following the tribe, learning their routes and their accomplices.
General Mahamatra Cyno, also your boyfriend, wasn't very fond of you following them around. Not that he didn't trust your abilities, but he knew the extreme lengths you could go to in order to apprehend a suspect. And he knew because he was the one who had taught you them in the first place.
But you were stubborn, so you did it nonetheless.
Today was finally the day you would apprehend them.
«[name].» Cyno called you, distracting you from your schemes.
«Yes, Cyno?» you answered, looking at him. His red eyes looked deep inside yours.
«You will wait for me before starting any operations. You're far too exhausted from following them around all these months.» his demand wasn't up for debate.
«I'm fine Cyno. I swear.» you pledged, trying not to look away from him: you had this bad habit of looking away when telling a lie.
«You're not. I can tell. I know you, angel.»
You sighed. «I am alright, Cyno. Really. If I had any problems, I would tell you. But me and my hydro vision are gonna bring those outlaws to you.»
He sighed in turn, shaking his head.
«Notify me when you're about to apprehend them. I am coming with you, end of discussion. You're dismissed.»
You got out of his office, pissed at him. You would apprehend them without him.
And now, while running for your life, you wished you had listened to Cyno. Your legs were about to give out, and just as you had cornered the head of the tribe, they did.
«Oh, would you look at that. The brave and strong Matra is too tired to get me, huh?» the man towered over you, and you gave him a grim look.
He lifted his scimitar, the sharp edge gleaming with the the harsh desert sun.
«Farewell, Matra scum.» and he struck down.
You closed your eyes, preparing for the end, one last thought going to Cyno, his words ringing in your ears.
«See? I told you.»
Except they weren't in your head, but in your ears.
You could feel it before seeing him: the electricity in the air that made all of your body hair stand up.
The scimitar clashed with Cyno's staff, producing a metallic sound that resonated in the silence of the desert.
«What did I tell you? You shouldn't have gone alone.» he reprimanded you, and you couldn't do anything but agree.
«I'm sorry, General Mahamatra. It won't happen again.» you meekly replied, getting back to your feet.
«Hydro, [name].» he commanded, going full General mode.
You acted fast, using your Hydro vision to create mud, incapacitating the eremite, and rendering him wet.
«I would have brought you to justice..» Cyno started, looking the eremite dead in the eyes. «But no one attempts to kill my queen and lives to tell the tale. Farewell.»
And with a swing of his electrified staff, it was just you and Cyno left.
He rushed to your side, having you lean on him for support.
«What did I tell you, angel? You almost got killed. What would have happened if I hadn't come on time?»
You hugged him tight, and he hugged you back even tighter, as if you were about to disappear at any moment.
«I'm sorry, Cyno. I really am. I exhausted myself because I wanted to prove you and the Matra that I didn't advance in my career just because we're engaged. I should have known better.»
He looked in your eyes, as tears began to slip from yours.
«I don't give a shit what people think of you, and neither should you. They can go fuck themselves, and if any of them has any doubts, I'll gladly arrange a confrontation between you and them, if you wish to prove your worth, or I'll fight them myself, if you so desire. I just want you to be safe and happy, [name].»
You cried your heart out, as he held you close, letting you calm down.
«We're going home now. I am going to take care of you, and you better believe I won't let you get to work until you're no longer exhausted.» he kissed your forehead, and took your hand.
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aha-chuu · 2 years
I saw a theory (more of an idea, really) on Reddit that Kaveh might become the next Grand Sage, and I just wanted to squeal about that for a hot minute.
(And for clarity cos I feel like it'll come up: Kaveh doesn't have any reliable leaks relating to his kit nor his rarity (whether he's a five star or four star), and even if he is a four star he could very well still be super important to Sumeru's chain of authority (see Ningguang and Kujou Sara if you're doubtful)).
Anyway, my squealing:
It actually makes a surprising amount of sense for Kaveh to become the Grand Sage based on quest info alone - Alhaitham says at the end of Act 5 of the archon quest that he "wouldn't be surprised if Kaveh was appointed as a sage":
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While his tone sounds sarcastic, Alhaitham is typically quite honest with his words. His deceits always come by omission, not by lying. Of course, Kaveh assumes Alhaitham is being mocking here, but then in Alhaitham's story quest Kaveh says himself that he should have been made Grand Sage over Alhaitham -
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So we have examples in both of Kaveh's in game scenes that convey a desire (or, at the very least, a capacity) to be a Sage. These exchanges are rather comedic though, so I think we should take evidence from Nahida herself; specifically, her "About Kaveh" voiceline:
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(sorry for the poor quality)
Nahida herself praises Kaveh's understanding of their Nation and of wisdom itself, whereas she admonishes Alhaitham's viewpoint in her corresponding voiceline about him. This implies that Nahida would choose Kaveh over Alhaitham as Grand Sage.
Lore wise we know that Kaveh is an accomplished graduate of the Ksharewar Darshan, widely known and well-liked. He built the Palace of Alcarazy(?) and the NPCs there sing his praises. While his interactions with Alhaitham are goofy, he can evidently keep up with him in debates and in Alhaitham's voicelines he says that Kaveh's intellect is equal to his own.
Also, there is a pattern in the game so far: each non-archon 'leader' or 'authority' has the vision matching their archon. Jean for Mondstadt, Ningguang for Liyue and Sara/Yae for Inazuma (depending on your perspective). It seemed that Alhaitham would fill this role in Sumeru, seeing as he's dendro and did take over as the Acting Grand Sage, similar to Jean's title. However, his time in that position is incredibly short-lived since he resigns at the end of his story quest (well, technically before it even starts). It is likely that "who will be the new Grand Sage?" will be an ongoing plot thread in Sumeru, much like "when will Varka return?" is in Mondstadt.
Since Kaveh is dendro, he would suit this pattern very well.
I also do just love the vibes of what it would mean for his character, and I think it would be very fun for Sumeru to be led by someone so wholeheartedly compassionate for everyone around them. Kaveh loves the arts and cares a lot about other people, so he matches Nahida's vision of Sumeru much better than Alhaitham does. Which isn't to say Alhaitham is cruel or uncaring, but that he is (as he says himself) not suited to the responsibility of leadership.
And, speaking of Alhaitham, the way this would develop their dynamic is actually rather funny. Technically Kaveh would become Alhaitham's boss, but everyone around them would be aware that Alhaitham saved the country and that Kaveh has only received the position because Alhaitham passed it over first. Can you imagine how frustrating that would be for Kaveh? Technically in charge, but with this information looming over everyone's heads?
Since Hoyo does like to keep a certain status quo, especially in voicelines, it's likely that Alhaitham and Kaveh will remain roommates. This still works even if Kaveh is promoted, with four possible explanations:
Kaveh's debt to Dori is so huge that he's financially screwed for life regardless of his salary
Kaveh is so bad with money that even once he's paid off his debt he still fails to save up for his own house
Because technically Alhaitham's house should also belong to him, Kaveh is stubborn and refuses to move out
Alhaitham and Kaveh reconcile/figure themselves out enough that they actually want to live together even if there's no financial incentive to
Also, I cannot overstate how amusing it would be for the Kavetham dynamic shift of Kaveh getting to fuck with Alhaitham a little as payback for all Alhaitham's trolling.
Anyways, this is a theory/hc that I really like, so I hope we don't get a mystery Sumeru character in 4.6 or something that we've never heard of before who gets to become Grand Sage.
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explicitred · 1 year
It's been a long day...
Alhaitham x (Male Reader)
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June 13, Post 9 of the "30 Days Fanfic Event"
(Set to after he’s moved to Acting Grand S., and Alhaitham plops himself onto our lap)
I hope this isn't too bad lmao
As the Akademiya’s Acting Grand Sage, he naturally has a lot of work to do.
However, it’s quite known that Alhaitham doesn’t like or ever stick around once his shift is finished.
But why? What is the reason for his tendency to quickly disappear once work is over?
He always responds the same way, “I sometimes go to the tavern,” or ignores them, whether purposely by using his headphones as an excuse or accidentally, yet is never at the tavern.
If only they could see Alhaitham, his pace quickening, as he comes back to you like a puppy.
Reaching the house, his eyes drift around the room, searching for you.
Sitting comfortably in his chair, The Acting Grand Sage finally finds you doing boring paperwork in another room, your eyes trained on the paper while holding a quill.
Alhaitham immediately plops himself on your lap, making himself comfortable and wrapping his arms around your neck, holding you close to him. Silence envelops you both as seconds pass by, before getting broken once again.
“Not even a ‘Hello’?” You murmur, one arm wrapping around his waist.
It seemed like today was a lazy day for Alhaitham, as he constantly kept clinging onto you, never letting go once. For example, in the morning, before getting up to change for work, he had decided on trying to keep you from getting up; so that he could continue cuddling with you in bed.
Oh, but don’t tell him that he always and every day clings on to you anyway, he’ll find a way to refute even if it’s the truth.
Finally deciding on stopping paperwork for the day and to indulge him, you grab Alhaitham by the waist with both arms and carry him to the living room. Gently setting him down on the soft cushions of the couch, his legs and arms cage you, bringing your body on the couch next to him so that you were trapped between him and the sofa.
Alhaitham has had a long day, and he really needs you today.
Alhaitham’s eyes slowly close, as he becomes sleepy and realizes that he never wants to let go.
“Aww, how cute.” You whisper, caressing his relaxed face
A genius in the eyes of many, yet yours in the eyes of you.
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auphelia · 1 year
A long day (1/?)
Warnings n tags: f!reader, autistic!alhaitham hinted, student!reader, soft alhaitham, fluff, eventual smut in later parts if I don’t chicken out, not proofread, selfship coded, I don’t think readers appearance is specified? like alhaitham can lift you but he’s buff so... 
Note: I have been haunted by Alhaitham for so long, now I am reduced to making the content that I desperately crave. I am not a writer, nor is english my first language, so expect nothing! I will continue this fic at some point but I’m too tired right now so I split it up. Also, minors DNI
Word count: ~1200
Alhaitham had undoubtedly had a rough day. He slammed the door a little louder than usual as he entered his house, the noise causing him to startle slightly in both surprise and discomfort, which only served to sour his mood further. Your head perked up the moment the door slammed shut, it was never really difficult to guess if it was your boyfriend coming home or his loud roommate Kaveh. But today was different, the door had been shut with more force, and noise, than what Alhaitham usually did. But Kaveh shouldn’t be home before tomorrow, something about a project if you remembered correctly. Letting out a small sigh, you put the book you had been reading away.
"Alhaitham, is that you?" You did your best to keep your voice soft and gentle, hoping that he'd already turned off his noise cancelling earpieces.
"Obviously" He sounded tired and annoyed although he did his best to hide it behind his usual neutral tone, but you weren't fooled by that, not anymore.
It took you only a moment to deduce that it must've been a busy day for him. You frowned a bit at the thought, there had been too many busy days for him ever since he was forced into accepting the position of *Acting* Grand Sage. You debated going out to hug him as usual, ultimately coming to the conclusion that the unexpected touch would likely only aggravate him further. Instead, you rose from the couch and went into the kitchen, rummaging around for some ground coffee beans.
You cursed under your breath, why did Kaveh always have to move things around in the cupboards and give them new spots whenever he cleaned? You thanked the Archons that Kaveh was away today, knowing full well that he enjoyed pushing Alhaitham's buttons to get him to act brashly on days like this.
Meanwhile, you could hear Alhaitham going about his business getting his shoes and that silly cloak he insisted on wearing off. You smiled as you heard some faint clattering, he was finally getting around to emptying all his pockets. A loud curse rang through the otherwise quiet house followed by a thud. Hm, maybe he wasn't emptying his pockets, maybe he accidentally dropped the pouch around his waist? You measured enough water and coffee for a single cup and setting it to brew.
"Are you okay love?" You tried to placate him by using his favorite term of endearment, knowing he must be furious at himself to warrant cursing.
"Physically I am in perfect shape" His voice was less composed now, he sounded exasperated. You smiled to yourself, in some ways, Alhaitham was like a small child, getting annoyed as soon as something didn't go according to his plan.
You could hear him enter the living room as you stood in the kitchen, waiting for the coffee to finish brewing.
"You're still working through this book for your thesis? At this rate, you won't even start writing before the deadline for submission has passed" His voice was sounding less annoyed, a good thing, even if he was knowingly taunting you.
"You should accept my offer of assistance, it would be the only logical thing to do" His voice took on a slightly teasing tone, subtle enough that you had to know him to catch it. With a small chuckle you entered the living room, the cup of freshly brewed coffee in your hands as you walked over and offered it to him.
"It would be improper for a student to receive help from the highest authority in the Akademiya" You spoke the words with a smile playing on your lips, knowing that he wanted nothing more than to help and despised not being allowed to.
"Besides, you hardly know enough about my field of study to be of any meaningful assistance" As you spoke, he took a sip of the coffee, visibly relaxing at the warm feeling spreading through his body from both the drink and your presence.
"Hm, is that so?" A smile tugged at the corner of his lips as he sat down on the couch, leaning back and crossing his legs. It was clear that he took it as a challenge, if the way he reached out for your book on the table was any indication. You swatted his hand away with a grin before grabbing the book and placing it out of his reach.
"You have enough tiresome scholars and students to deal with at work as it is, no need to add me to that list" Although you were mostly teasing him, there was a hint of truth to your words, you could see the toll his current position took on him. He let out a sigh, not having any argument against your statement, instead he patted the spot next to him, signaling that he would like you to sit close to him. With a satisfied smile, you sat down, resting your body against his toned frame. Alhaitham placed a soft kiss to your hair, silently thanking you for putting up with him. The two of you sat in comfortable silence while he finished his coffee, you eventually picked up your book again and started reading, feeling him shift next to you to read along.
"You should take a bath. You reek of poorly-written submissions and the sweat of scholars desperate for funding" You poked his chest, not taking your eyes off of the book in your hands. He let out a low, amused huff before wrapping an arm around your shoulders.
"And it seems my *carelessness* has caused it to rub off on you." His voice was matter-of-factly, but if you'd care to look back at him, you would see a small glint in his teal eyes. A small giggle escaped you as you closed your book and tried to wiggle free, which only caused him to pull you closer with a soft hum. He set the now empty mug down and reached over to take the book from your hands and place it down on the table before bringing his hand back up to gently caress your cheek.
"Perhaps you would be interested in joining me for a bath?" His voice was still calm, although you could hear the hopeful tone entering his words. You leaned into his hand on your cheek, enjoying the feeling of his careful touch. He always touched you with such care, almost as if he was scared you would break under his touch.
"Hmm fine" You make a show of seeming disinterested, but both of you know this was exactly the outcome you'd hoped for.
"But we'd better get to it now, I don't want to be caught naked when your roommate comes home" A small kiss is planted on Alhaitham's jaw as you speak, making his lips turn up in a soft smile. When your words register in his mind, his face contorts into a slight frown. He quickly scoops you into his arms and stands up, not bothering to answer you but instead making a beeline for the bathroom as he clutched you to his chest.
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alhaithamaskblog · 4 months
Does nobody know how to write? It’s not that difficult to fill out a template.
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His Dream That, As of Yet, Remained Undreamt - Al Haitham
Author Notes: Behold, an unplanned sequel fic that was written solely because I decide to listen to that slowed reverb edit of the Albanian Remix of "Habibi" by Ricky Rich posted on Youtube by Lunaries again while writing. Anyhow, this is the sequel to the first Al Haitham fic I ever wrote and which is linked below, but you can probably read this as a stand alone of sorts. Reader is gender neutral, but they are also a dancer. This takes place post Sumeru archon questline I hope you enjoy.
Part 1: A Dream Thus Far Undreamt
Type: Fluff/romance (implied with great interest from Alhaitham)/gender-neutral reader/post Sumeru archon questline
Word Count: 872
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Sheer fabrics swirled through the air, a spiraling vision of blue and red interspersed with golden threads that made the two dancers seem like the greatest treasures that this land owned.
Sumeru had changed since Azar had been displaced, the archon restored, and Al Haitham had become the Acting Grand Sage. The arts were no longer frowned upon, and the bazaar, with all its exotic scents and rousing music, was almost constantly filled with students from the Akademiya.
They were like starved men. Partaking in artistry that delighted both their eyes and ears for the first time as they consumed every form of art as if this were their only chance.
The smell of spices filled the streets, and voices could be heard everywhere, forcing one to strain to hear the music that the two women danced to. Each a different form of beauty and elegance in the way they interpreted their music.
Nilou was, without a doubt, the fan favorite. Kaveh himself had begun composing shoddy poetry that poorly described her flaming red hair and the blue silks of her robes. 
Unaware of her word bereft fan, Nilou smiled widely as she looked towards her fellow dancer, who joined her on stage in deep red robes that swirled gracefully around their form.
You were the less popular of the two for reasons beyond Al Haitham. Perhaps it was because he, unlike Kaveh, was not nearly as rabid in his affections, nor did he struggle amongst the throng of students in a wild attempt to watch the performance. Instead, he watched as he ever did, from a distant and raised position on a restaurant’s balcony.
Al Haitham was no fool. He knew that no mere words could ever describe the way you moved, looked, and even spoke. 
While Nilou’s smiles were like the bright sun that lit up the daytime so that workers could see their crafts and people could go about their lives, you were different. 
You were more like the moon. Possessing a gentleness that was at odds with warm-hued clothes you wore.
Yours was a beauty that seemed more mysterious and enchanting to Al Haitham. Perhaps this was the true reason you did not possess the fame of your fellow dancer.
Nilou was more recognized, and people were comfortable with her charms. It was less otherworldly and inexplicable.
Your charm, on the other hand, was more of the spellbinding variety. Something that few possessed and Al Haitham doubted he would ever truly understand. 
And that was why he suffered through Kaveh reciting his poetry while he remained silent and observed, as he always did.
The heavens had not recognized you as they had Nilou for her art and embodiment of beauty, but Al Haitham did. 
Al Haitham did and would continue to do so for a lifetime, even as your performance ended. 
Both you and Nilou gracefully spun to a stop as your hands interlocked, and you both stopped. Chest to chest, with your smiling faces toward the crowd who cheered and showered you both with flowers.
You both waved. Nilou, with endearing shyness that seemed to make the crowd rave still more. You, holding back and staying slightly behind your fellow dancer. 
But then it happened, and you caught Al Haitham off guard as you looked up and made eye contact with him, a gentle smile crossing your face as your eyes met his.
A tiny wave followed by a graceful inclination of your head was all you gave before your attention was taken by Nilou, who grasped your hands and pulled you to the front of the stage alongside her. Obviously wanting you to receive the same praise she was showered with.
The Acting Grand Sage was silent as he continued to gaze down at the two of you. Stunned that he had not only been noticed, but that you had smiled in a way that spoke of recognition.
Apparently he wasn't the only one who remembered your meetings in Port Ormos long before he’d known anything about the state of Sumeru’s Archon. Brief meetings, each of them, but they had made him intrigued by the possibility of a little thing called fate.
Because meeting you hadn’t seemed like an accident. It had seemed more like the beginning of a long path that had slowly been winding its way through numerous brief and often startling moments of seeing you through a crowd up until this day.
Al Haitham sat back, a smile crossing his features as his vision tunneled until you were his sole focus. It seemed that he had been noticed by his dream, that as of yet, remained undreamt.
The crowd slowly began to disperse, waved off by some of Nilou’s friends, and you were briefly left on stage alone, your head tilting back so that you once more looked up. Your sparkling eyes met his two-toned gaze as a knowing smile crossed your face again.
And it was then that Al Haitham knew this unspoken design of his would not remain wordless. It was high time that he at last approached his dream, which stemmed from days when the people of Sumeru did not dream unless it was wished for by the gods themselves.
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the-curious-cat24 · 2 years
Alhaitham demo is out!
It's funny to see how expressive Kaveh is 😂
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The boys hang out playing TCG
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Why so cool?
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Alhaitham: keep your one eye open when you sleep Kaveh 😒
Kaveh : 😶😌
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gethatgoose · 1 year
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ccalxx · 2 years
Al Haitham: Think Before You Act
//Spoilers for those who haven't watched the Character Demo for Al Haitham
I made an appreciation post for Kaveh, now here is for the Acting Grand Sage / Akademiya Scribe, Al Haitham! Here are some enhanced screenshots from his Character Demo "Alhaitham: Think Before You Act". (Click image before downloading)
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Al-Haitham (almost) making a finger heart
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For those who wanna watch his character demo (under the cut):
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joshua-voltaire · 1 year
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🎶 Everyone! Give it up for Sumeru's favourite acting-grandsage man! 🎶
( ノ ^o^)ノ
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vvolfkidscribbles · 2 years
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Alhaitham sketch cuz I am him and he is I and he’s neat. This was a freehand study of his official art :D
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aeroplaneblues · 2 years
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Positive Reinforcement 🍃
The joke is that alhaitham will do the stupid grand sage job even if he hates it only because nahida asked him to stay by her side. He is a walking mystery but you can also read him like a book.
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alhaithamaskblog · 5 months
Working late. Apparently if you don’t do your work you have to work overtime. How unfortunate.
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mintjeru · 2 years
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rough day?
open for better quality | no reposts
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