#Unplanned sequels
His Dream That, As of Yet, Remained Undreamt - Al Haitham
Author Notes: Behold, an unplanned sequel fic that was written solely because I decide to listen to that slowed reverb edit of the Albanian Remix of "Habibi" by Ricky Rich posted on Youtube by Lunaries again while writing. Anyhow, this is the sequel to the first Al Haitham fic I ever wrote and which is linked below, but you can probably read this as a stand alone of sorts. Reader is gender neutral, but they are also a dancer. This takes place post Sumeru archon questline I hope you enjoy.
Part 1: A Dream Thus Far Undreamt
Type: Fluff/romance (implied with great interest from Alhaitham)/gender-neutral reader/post Sumeru archon questline
Word Count: 872
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Sheer fabrics swirled through the air, a spiraling vision of blue and red interspersed with golden threads that made the two dancers seem like the greatest treasures that this land owned.
Sumeru had changed since Azar had been displaced, the archon restored, and Al Haitham had become the Acting Grand Sage. The arts were no longer frowned upon, and the bazaar, with all its exotic scents and rousing music, was almost constantly filled with students from the Akademiya.
They were like starved men. Partaking in artistry that delighted both their eyes and ears for the first time as they consumed every form of art as if this were their only chance.
The smell of spices filled the streets, and voices could be heard everywhere, forcing one to strain to hear the music that the two women danced to. Each a different form of beauty and elegance in the way they interpreted their music.
Nilou was, without a doubt, the fan favorite. Kaveh himself had begun composing shoddy poetry that poorly described her flaming red hair and the blue silks of her robes. 
Unaware of her word bereft fan, Nilou smiled widely as she looked towards her fellow dancer, who joined her on stage in deep red robes that swirled gracefully around their form.
You were the less popular of the two for reasons beyond Al Haitham. Perhaps it was because he, unlike Kaveh, was not nearly as rabid in his affections, nor did he struggle amongst the throng of students in a wild attempt to watch the performance. Instead, he watched as he ever did, from a distant and raised position on a restaurant’s balcony.
Al Haitham was no fool. He knew that no mere words could ever describe the way you moved, looked, and even spoke. 
While Nilou’s smiles were like the bright sun that lit up the daytime so that workers could see their crafts and people could go about their lives, you were different. 
You were more like the moon. Possessing a gentleness that was at odds with warm-hued clothes you wore.
Yours was a beauty that seemed more mysterious and enchanting to Al Haitham. Perhaps this was the true reason you did not possess the fame of your fellow dancer.
Nilou was more recognized, and people were comfortable with her charms. It was less otherworldly and inexplicable.
Your charm, on the other hand, was more of the spellbinding variety. Something that few possessed and Al Haitham doubted he would ever truly understand. 
And that was why he suffered through Kaveh reciting his poetry while he remained silent and observed, as he always did.
The heavens had not recognized you as they had Nilou for her art and embodiment of beauty, but Al Haitham did. 
Al Haitham did and would continue to do so for a lifetime, even as your performance ended. 
Both you and Nilou gracefully spun to a stop as your hands interlocked, and you both stopped. Chest to chest, with your smiling faces toward the crowd who cheered and showered you both with flowers.
You both waved. Nilou, with endearing shyness that seemed to make the crowd rave still more. You, holding back and staying slightly behind your fellow dancer. 
But then it happened, and you caught Al Haitham off guard as you looked up and made eye contact with him, a gentle smile crossing your face as your eyes met his.
A tiny wave followed by a graceful inclination of your head was all you gave before your attention was taken by Nilou, who grasped your hands and pulled you to the front of the stage alongside her. Obviously wanting you to receive the same praise she was showered with.
The Acting Grand Sage was silent as he continued to gaze down at the two of you. Stunned that he had not only been noticed, but that you had smiled in a way that spoke of recognition.
Apparently he wasn't the only one who remembered your meetings in Port Ormos long before he’d known anything about the state of Sumeru’s Archon. Brief meetings, each of them, but they had made him intrigued by the possibility of a little thing called fate.
Because meeting you hadn’t seemed like an accident. It had seemed more like the beginning of a long path that had slowly been winding its way through numerous brief and often startling moments of seeing you through a crowd up until this day.
Al Haitham sat back, a smile crossing his features as his vision tunneled until you were his sole focus. It seemed that he had been noticed by his dream, that as of yet, remained undreamt.
The crowd slowly began to disperse, waved off by some of Nilou’s friends, and you were briefly left on stage alone, your head tilting back so that you once more looked up. Your sparkling eyes met his two-toned gaze as a knowing smile crossed your face again.
And it was then that Al Haitham knew this unspoken design of his would not remain wordless. It was high time that he at last approached his dream, which stemmed from days when the people of Sumeru did not dream unless it was wished for by the gods themselves.
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inazumass · 2 months
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TAGS: Laios x Reader, Fluff, Comfort, Morning After, Canon Adjacent, Neurodivergent Laios Implied, Trust Issues, Mild Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Reader is a Beastman, Gender Neutral Reader, Second Person POV, It's Sweet I promise ;-;
While there was no doubt in your mind that you had crossed a boundary with Laios, it wasn’t like you could turn back now.
Part II to Animal Attraction Word Count: 8.8k
Morning came with little fanfare. 
This deep below the surface, there was neither the sun to rise nor any birds to sing their early morning songs. If it weren’t for the party keeping track of time, you wouldn’t have been able to tell if it were night or day based on your surroundings alone. Hours passed without the help of the sun to guide you through the day; morning slipped into evening without notice. Days passed on the surface, lives went on, and the clock in your bedroom still ticked onward without anyone to watch its hands creeping across its face. 
The lack of sunlight was disorienting in the early days of adventuring, but curiosity ultimately won out, and you’d pressed on and learned to live with it.
As you began to stir beneath the sleeping bags, it was the chill in the room that hit you first. 
Beneath the covers, it was nice and warm, but your cheeks stung, rosy from the crisp air filtering in from outside the worn building. Shivering slightly, you snuggled in closer to the warmth behind you. Scruffy ears lay closer to your head, aching from the cold already. Though it had settled down some since last night, it was that sort of bleak, damp cold that had a way of working itself into your bones. It would have been enough to make your fur stand on end if it weren't for the heat surrounding the rest of your body.
While your eyes slowly adjusted to the darkness, you could feel the soreness creeping into your muscles from last night. The realisation that it hadn’t been a dream came rushing in, along with the dull ache in your muscles. Heat crept into your cheeks when the memories of last night began to flood your mind. The images of your little rendezvous were still so clear and fresh—every whispered word, every tender touch; the way he looked with his head thrown back against the pillows… every little sound he’d made that had butterflies swirling in your stomach.
It would be a lie to say that the thought of an intimate night with your party’s leader hadn’t crossed your mind before, but sitting here in bed the morning after, you still found it hard to believe. The weight of the realisation settled over you slowly, mingling in with the comforting warmth of the man next to you. His strong arm was still wrapped around your torso, holding you close even as he slept. It was gentle, innocent in comparison to the shameless images that whirled in your mind’s eye.
While there was no doubt in your mind that you had crossed a boundary with Laios, it wasn’t like you could turn back now. His breaths came steady against the back of your neck, oblivious to your inner turmoil as he slept soundly next to you. The subtle rise and fall of his sturdy chest was a steady rhythm against your back. 
You were careful not to wake him up as you turned your head toward him, gently shifting your body so you could catch a glimpse of his face. 
The adventurer’s cropped hair was a mess atop his head, the short, fluffy blond strands sticking up every which way against the pillows. He looked so sweet like this: content and peaceful. Soft pink lips parted slightly as he breathed, eyes closed, as he rested beside you beneath the worn sleeping bags. Pink cheeks and soft lips—under different circumstances, you weren’t sure you’d be able to resist kissing him awake.
Your stomach twisted. A big part of you worried about how he might react when he woke up.
You knew Laios was notoriously bad at reading social situations, and this was certainly a complicated one. This was new territory for both of you, and there was no telling what he might think of you now. Or what the others might think of you should they find out, for that matter. 
Then again, you knew him well enough to know his kindness. Even in the short time you’d been with their party, it was clear that he cared deeply about everyone on his team, yourself included. Whatever happened next, you would find a way to face it with as much grace as you could muster.
He’d always done his best to ensure the safety of his friends. He knew your strengths, your weaknesses, the best of your abilities, how to utilise them properly when it came down to it, and the areas where you could all improve if you just practised a little more. 
Laios knew what he could and couldn’t handle too, for the most part. But what if this one slip-up was enough to offset the delicate balance they’d all spent so long maintaining? What if this was beyond his limits? There was no telling what he might say after the fog of desire had lifted, when the dust settled and it was just the two of you laying naked together with everything out in the open.
The mixture of emotions was nigh on overwhelming. In another situation, you may have been poised to run already, to slip away into the morning sun and forget this ever happened, no matter how badly you wanted to stay. A walk of shame felt easier than facing the fact that it was more than just physical on your part. You had to take a deep breath to calm yourself down. Eyes closed, four seconds in, four seconds out. 
At very least, the rest of the party seemed to still be asleep. 
As hard as it was to hear through the stone walls of the old inn, you were certain that, with your sensitive hearing, you’d at least know if someone else happened to be awake already. There was no stirring yet. If anyone else were up by now, then you would have heard it. You would have heard Marcille trying to wake Izutsumi, the scrape of Senshi’s pan scraping across the wooden floorboards, or perhaps Chillchuck’s distant grumbling… but there was nothing.
The cavern outside was quiet, save for the distant dripping of water echoing through the tunnels—most likely the snow already beginning to melt. You’d have to remember to put on your warmer clothes when you got up to brave the day. 
You shifted slightly, trying to stretch your sore muscles without disturbing Laios. As you moved, his arm instinctively tightened around you. He could feel the warmth of your body against his, and it made him reluctant to break the peaceful silence that enveloped the room. Finally, he found his voice, still heavy with sleep, and murmured, "Good morning.”  
When he finally broke the stillness in the room, you could feel the way his voice rumbled up from deep within his chest. His voice was low and intimate in a way that made your heart twist in your chest. That lazy morning drawl you were rarely fortunate enough to hear. When he blinked himself awake, you were met with a tired version of his signature puppy dog gaze. The way he looked at you was as if he were taking everything in for the first time.
"Morning," you replied breathlessly, your heart skipping a beat as he opened his eyes. 
He felt your body tense slightly in response, a subtle movement that made his heart ache. 
Golden and warm, his eyes crinkled slightly at the corners as he offered you a lopsided smile. The expression was familiar and unfamiliar all in the same moment; that soft look had your breath catching in your throat. But there was something new within them—something different in the way he looked at you now—that strange something that comforted you and set you on edge in the same moment. 
The feeling of the tallman’s thick bicep curled against your waist was like a lifeline, keeping you tethered to this moment before you slipped too far into the whirlwind of self-doubt that threatened to overtake you. That gentle embrace which kept you pinned against the firm muscle and soft fat of his chest so comfortably. 
His musky scent flooded your nostrils, dizzying you in a way you couldn’t describe. You could feel the firmness of his muscles and the softness of his chest and stomach against your body. You wanted nothing more than to nuzzle back into him and fall back asleep right then and there, to deal with the aftermath of last night’s activities some other time. 
There was no running away now.
There was a small voice in the back of your mind that nagged at you, begging you to just up and ask. Would your little slip-up change anything between the two of you? A tiny piece of you hoped that it would, but knowing that the others could wake up at any moment, you thought better of asking. Better to keep your mouth shut for the time being.
You couldn’t help but look away from him then, finding the worn sleeping bags covering your still-naked bodies much less polarising than the thoughts racing through your mind. Some of the threads were frayed, sticking out at odd angles to show just how well loved the equipment was. 
The discomfort must have been obvious on your face because Laios's expression quickly shifted from drowsiness to a mixture of confusion and concern as he came to fully. "Are you okay?" he asked, his eyes searching yours.
He could see the mixture of emotions in your eyes—comfort, affection, and a hint of uncertainty. It mirrored his own feelings—that strange blend of comfort and anxiety, teetering on the brink of something wonderful and terrifying all at the same time.
Laios felt the gentle weight of your hand resting against his chest lift. His arm lay against your waist, palm flat against your hip as he held you close. To him it was your touch that was like a lifeline, keeping him tethered to this peaceful moment, to you. But when he realised something was off his arm loosened around your body before he moved to sit up in bed and ultimately, let you go completely.
"I'm fine," you reassured him with an awkward smile, making no move to pull away from him. The words felt wrong on your tongue, nearly catching in your throat before you had a chance to spit them out. Lying to him didn’t come easy, nevermind the fact that he could see right through you.
As much as you wanted to address the so-called elephant in the room, perhaps the two of you were right the night before. 
Maybe it would be better to pretend none of it ever happened, or maybe you were just fooling yourself. Perhaps it would be easier to rebuild that wall. Less heartache in the long run. 
"Just a bit sore." You added, it was a half truth.
His brow furrowed with worry immediately, realising something was off but unable to put his finger on what exactly. His thoughts began to race as he replayed the events of last night in his mind, nearly wincing at the thought of your halfhearted protests. "Did I hurt you?" 
Despite the stubborn thoughts from some frightened corner of your mind, you couldn’t help but soften at the way he looked at you. His drowsy eyes now widened against his hard features, his big hands flexing against the bed sheets as he tried to decide whether to reach out to you again or to stay still and give you your space. He wouldn’t be able to forgive himself if he’d hurt you, even if it were by accident in the heat of the moment.
His eyes searched yours for a second, looking for any further signs of distress, but there was something there that he couldn’t quite read. By the time he caught it, you’d already ripped your gaze away again, looking down at the bed.
You shook your head quickly and sat up on your elbows, careful to cover whatever was left of your modesty with the bedding. 
“I’m okay,” You repeated, “Really. I…” You paused as your thought trailed off, the words getting caught in your throat this time as you looked up at him again.
You placed your hand over one of his on the bed, squeezing it lightly. 
Who were you kidding? When he looked at you like that, it was impossible not to tell him what was on your mind. After your heart-to-heart and all the little conversations you’d shared over the journey thus far, it would be wrong not to offer him that same trust in return. Perhaps some walls weren’t so easily rebuilt.
Deep breaths again. You looked away from him for the third time this morning. It was easier to get the words out when you couldn’t feel the burn of his eyes against your skin. 
“I’m just not really used to… uh… this?... y’know?” 
The words hadn’t quite come out right, if not a little awkward, but at least he was pretty sure he understood the gist of what you were alluding to. It was enough to get your point across, enough to ease the tension in his shoulders as his thumb rubbed against the back of your hand.
You didn’t know what to call the situation at hand, but putting it at face value, you weren’t exactly prone to sleeping with your coworkers. Sure, there was a little crush here and there, but that was natural.  Certainly, before him, you’d never even considered sleeping with one of your bosses , especially not on a job this important. 
Yet here you were, hand in hand, wondering where the hell to go from here.
Laios nodded slowly, the tension in his face easing a little. Although he couldn’t see in the dark as well as you could, he could see the way you cowered slightly as you said the words. He could see the way that you seemed to want to curl in on yourself again. He recognized that look from last night’s conversation—vulnerability wasn’t something that seemed to come easy to you.
Perhaps the others didn’t give him enough credit when it came to being able to read those he was close to, or maybe it was your more animalistic tendencies that were more familiar to him that made it easier. He wasn’t sure.
There was something in the way your fuzzy little ears flattened against your head—that sheepish, downcast gaze—that stirred something behind his sternum. With a stance like that, he’d be willing to bet you’d have had your tail between your legs in any other position, ready to bolt. He paused for a moment, seeming to gather his thoughts, before he offered up a soft admission.
“Me either.” 
It may not have seemed like much, but it was honest. He was looking away from you now too, his fingers slowly threading themselves through yours on the bed as he tried to find the courage to continue. 
For once, the quiet was getting to him; he wanted to hear your voice. That gentle tone you had in the early hours of the day threatened to lull him back to sleep. He’d always had trouble pulling his stare away from you when things were calm, though you and everyone else had simply chalked it up to his fascination with monsters and beasts. 
Lightly, you brushed a thumb over the back of his hand in return. It was an unconscious gesture, but that small show of comfort was enough contact to ease him into what he had to say. After all, it stands to reason that you’d already gone this far. He figured, what’s one more confession?
“I don’t exactly have a lot of experience with… this sort of thing either.” The blond admitted, nervously running his free hand through his tousled hair. It came to rest on the back of his neck for a moment, rubbing his muscles before he dropped it back down to his lap and picked at the fraying strings on the covers. 
He needed something to occupy his hands and keep him calm. Something to distract him from the way your attention settled over him now.
Sure, he wasn’t entirely clueless. He had been engaged at one point, after all.
It was completely different, though, probably not something he could compare this situation to even if he wanted to. It had been so long ago that it felt like another life, a blip on the timeline. Something that had been done to appease his parents for the time being. Something to keep the peace—if you could even call it that. 
It wasn’t as if he’d had any sort of long term relationship aside from that—hell, he hadn’t wanted one.
Still avoiding your stare, he forced himself to swallow the lump forming in his throat at the thought of what he was about to say to you. 
"About last night…”
You tensed beneath his grip, your blood practically running cold at those words. 
Nothing good ever followed a start like that, and you knew it. Though you weren’t particularly well versed in the way of one night stands, or romance for that matter, you had read that line countless times in novels before. You knew that nothing good ever came next. 
Even when you felt your throat tighten up, you swore to yourself that you would not permit the tears to sting your eyes. Not today, not now. 
You’d told yourself that if rejection came, you would find it within to accept it with grace, you could feign indifference. Stick to the plan and put on a brave face for the sake of all that you’d built with the group in your short journey alongside them. For the sake of the mission and your safe return to the surface.
Laios cleared his throat quietly, still trying to force the words up out of himself. 
“I want you to know that I care about you.” He added, and you looked away from him again. 
His eyes were soft. Pity , you thought. You couldn’t stand it, the thought threatening to have bile rising in your oesophagus. He must have felt sorry for you. Part of you wanted to scoff at him and tear your hand away, but you remained still. 
With grace, you reminded yourself.
“I know,” you replied quietly, hesitant to reciprocate his sentiment in fear of what came next.
Those words were sharp against his chest. Not exactly callous, not quite cold, but not what he’d expected either. The edge to your words cut deeper than he expected, leaving him questioning everything.
They sent a million different calculations running through his mind in an instant. Did he misunderstand your intentions somehow? Was he reading too much into all of this? Again, he found himself searching for the answers in your form. However, you had turned away a little bit more, your gaze hardening as you stared at the wall opposite the bed. 
He couldn't read your face now. It was as if you were poised to run away for real this time. Though you hadn’t yet let go of his hand, it felt like a physical barrier had been erected between you. Laios couldn’t read your expression anymore, and the uncertainty was maddening. It was like you’d shut down before he’d even begun. He was terrified he’d pushed you too far. Was he fucking this up entirely? 
“No, I don’t think you do.” He said it softly, struggling to keep his tone light. 
It wasn’t an accusation, but merely a fact.
There was a new edge to his voice, though, bitterness seeping across his tongue when he spoke despite his best efforts to keep it at bay. Laios didn’t snap often, but the idea that the one person who seemed to understand him the most in his current party could brush him off like that—especially in a moment of vulnerability—had his resolve weakening. 
His words held no malice that you could detect. In fact, if you didn’t know any better, you might think he sounded… hurt? 
You looked back at him then, brows knit together with concern as you looked up at his face. His expression was somewhere between sadness and confusion, fingers twitching against yours while he considered whether or not he should let your hand go for good this time. 
But you squeezed his hand back, keeping the warmth of his palm against yours. You’d opened your mouth to speak, but you couldn’t find the words.
“I mean, I care about you.” His voice was quiet, and even now, as he calmed himself, his eyes squeezed shut. He needed to say this, no matter how hard it was.
It was easier for him too when he didn’t have to feel the intensity of your gaze against his exposed flesh. Vulnerability in this manner was a skill he had yet to learn, but for the sake of salvaging this he would do his damn best. Laios focussed on the warmth of your palm against his own. He spoke in hushed tones, as if he might scare you off if he talked too loud. 
Or perhaps because, despite the fact that you were alone in the room, these words were meant for you and you alone. 
“I care about you more than I can explain. I care about you because... because you mean something to me. More than just a party member, more than just a friend.” He continued, his thumb absentmindedly tracing patterns into the back of your hand to keep himself grounded.
He felt a lump in his throat as he spoke, the raw honesty of his words making him feel exposed. He searched your face for any sign of understanding, any indication that you might feel the same way.
“It… probably wasn’t a good idea.” He admitted with a sad smile.
He wasn’t wrong. Chilchuck’s lectures and rants about professionalism and intraparty relationships hadn’t been for naught. Laios had seen it for himself once or twice, and he was no stranger to being taken advantage of. Despite the way your heart sank further at what he’d said, you knew that workplace relationships could easily spell disaster. 
Lives and careers could be ruined in an instant if just one person made the wrong move. If someone or something else got in the way, it could cause irreparable damage to a relationship. And that was on the surface. Down here, where the sunlight never reached you, surrounded by monsters and isolated from polite society, it should have been obvious that things could be much, much worse. If not deadly.
Yet, selfishly, you wouldn’t take it back. Not even if you could.
“But it wasn’t a mistake to me.” He said it firmly as he opened his eyes and finally looked back at you. 
You couldn’t help but feel hopeful at those words. There was a faint glimmer of it in your eyes, peeking through the cracks in the metaphorical walls you had yet to fully tear down. Those same walls he’d done his best to help you demolish in the short time he’d known you. His gaze had flickered back up to your face, his eyes teeming with sincerity as he spoke. They were warm as sunlight, captivating like a summer storm when he held you in his stare. He did his best to gauge your reaction before he said anything else.
His mind raced, each thought vying for attention. Was he saying too much? Not enough? The fear of rejection clawed at him, but he pushed it aside, determined to make you understand. The vulnerability was almost unbearable, but he knew it was necessary. If he didn’t open up now, he might lose you before he even had a chance to try.
He watched you closely, searching for any sign of what you were thinking. Your hesitation cut him deeper than he expected, but he tried to remain patient. He squeezed your hand gently once more.
That look of hope in your eyes was so faint, he almost convinced himself he’d imagined it. Still, he was nothing if not a brave man. He held you in his gentle gaze as he waited for a response, golden eyes almost pleading.
It was hard not to smile when he looked at you like that.
“I don’t regret it,” you admitted at last. 
Your heart fluttered in your chest again, whether it was from the nerves or the way he regarded you with such kindness, you weren’t sure. 
“And I care about you too.” 
Though it seemed obvious enough, you felt like you owed it to him to say it out loud. While it may have been wise to figure this out under different circumstances, it was entirely possible that there may not be another time to sort through this. 
There had already been so many close calls on this journey as it was right now. The thought had crossed your mind in a flash, bubbling up before you’d even had the time to process it in full. 
Would you be alright if something happened to one of you, knowing you had your chance and had thrown it away because you were afraid of something real? Something human?
He finished your thought for you. “I know last night was… unexpected.” Though not unwelcome. “and I got carried away but… it meant something to me.” 
This wasn’t how he wanted to do this. It was unconventional, but it was better to be honest than to push it aside. 
“I...I don’t want it to just be a one-time affair.” 
It was obvious that he was struggling to get the words out; he was not used to speaking so candidly in uncharted territory. He knew monsters like the back of his hand; he knew the dangers that came with his job, and he revered them for what they were. But human nature was not so kind; the hidden dangers and buried subtext that he often struggled to detect– it was all but alien to him. 
You swallowed hard, looking back down at the way his hand seemed to hold onto yours like a tether. As if it were the only thing keeping him anchored here in this room, as if you might fade away if he let go. 
The silence stretched on for seconds, but it might as well have been hours with the way the tension hung heavy in the air between you. 
"You... don't have to answer me right now." Laios added quickly, afraid that he may have crossed some unseen boundary. Pressuring you into something you didn’t want was the furthest thing from his mind right now. Not only would that stress be entirely unnecessary for the both of you but-
“No, I want to- I just…” You stammered, watching the way his other hand continued to unwind the fraying strings at the edges of the bedding. “That’s not what I was expecting you to say, I guess.” 
A shy smile tugged at the corners of your lips. Laios was usually the one to be straightforward, whereas others might tend to beat around the bush a little more. Seeing him wrestling with himself to confess his feelings was such a stark contrast to the leader you knew outside of closed doors. 
While you were a force to be reckoned with as well, all bite and no bark when it came to urgent situations, this was so far out of bounds in terms of what you’d grown accustomed to. Beastmen were not treated so delicately or with such tenderness and respect. You were meant to be a tool, a commodity. 
In some sick way, maybe that felt safer.
But you enjoyed this, having him so close to you. Your fingers were still laced together loosely against the bed sheets as you considered what to say next. The intimacy was welcome—strange, but welcomed wholeheartedly. Something unrecognisable was bubbling up within you now, something you couldn’t quite place. It was that warm feeling in the middle of your chest—feelings that you had long abandoned, fantasies of comfort that you’d banished into some forgotten corner of your psyche that were threatening to leak back out now.
You took a deep breath before responding, your other hand lightly brushing along his forearm as you sat together. "It doesn't have to be." You muttered nervously, "I mean... I.. don't want it to be uh... a one time thing.”
Finally, the tension in the room seemed to dissipate. Laios looked back down at where your hands were connected, a small smile playing on his lips. He shifted slightly, moving closer, until his forehead rested gently against yours. The warmth of his breath in the crisp air mingled with yours, creating a cocoon of shared space and warmth that tickled your skin. It was safe, it was exhilarating.
"I’m glad," he admitted quietly. "It meant a lot to me."
He’d hardly had time to grapple with the fact that there was more to his fascination with you before you’d crept into his dreams each night. The curve of your back when you would bend and stretch in the morning before pulling the straps on your leather armour tight against your body. The way he would have to force himself to rip his gaze away, feeling ashamed and embarrassed for staring so long. Wondering why it was that he couldn’t get you out of his head and knowing it was something more than pure curiosity.
In that moment, you took it upon yourself to close the distance between you, leaning into him and pressing your lips to his. The covers slipped, but you didn’t care. His arms slinked around you, pulling you closer until you were chest-to-chest again. 
There was a strange sense of relief that had washed over you both, mixing in with the excitement of new possibilities. This time it was him who pulled back, a dopey grin on his face as he looked down at you.
A hand reached up to brush stray strands of your hair from your face. 
“We should get dressed.” He said, though he made no move to let you go.
“Yeah…” You agreed, although you didn’t seem to be in a hurry to pull away from him either.
Time was precious, although one could argue that allowing your team to sleep in and rest a little more might have been better in the long run.
You rested your cheek against his shoulder for just a moment longer, giving him a light squeeze before pulling away to find your forgotten articles of clothing. Even with your night vision, it was rather difficult to pick out the darker fabrics of your clothing against the dimly lit room. Your body shifted slightly in bed, hands roaming against the sheets carefully so as not to disturb the stillness. Laios followed suit, finding his discarded boxers along with your undergarments hanging haphazardly off the side of the bed. 
He passed them to you immediately, watching as you slid the fabric up over your legs before walking across the cold wooden floor to your bag. He couldn’t quite make out what you were doing, but he heard rustling as he stood up and pulled the rough linen of his trousers back up over his hips.
You’d pulled out your lantern from your bag, deciding that you could spare the oil so long as it meant not having to walk out in mismatched or backwards clothing. The match hissed as you struck it, leaning it down to kiss the wick. 
The room was illuminated in an instant, the dim orange glow casting long shadows across the floor. You picked up your bag and set it on the empty bed, rummaging through it for a moment before you looked back up at the tallman across the room.
His honeyed eyes were transfixed on your body, a deep blush on his cheeks as he watched you getting ready for the day. The sight of you, even in this mundane act, brought another soft smile to his face. Your body was drenched in the soft orange glow of the flames, illuminating every fold, curve, muscle, and patch of soft fur he could get his hungry eyes on. The tail behind you swung lazily with every movement.
Laios couldn’t fathom how he’d been so lucky to know you in the first place, let alone to know you so intimately. His heart leapt back up into his throat as he drank in the sight of you.
From Laios' perspective, every detail was captivating. The gentle sway of your tail, the way the light played across your skin, the grace in your every movement—it all left him breathless. He could feel a warmth spreading through his chest—a mix of admiration and awe, you really were perfect to him.
He remembered the first time he saw you, how different you had seemed from anyone he had ever known, not just your form but the little things you did. The way you laughed and stretched after being brought back from the brink of death like it was nothing. It made him want to know more. Now, as he watched you, he realised just how precious all those little moments were. There was something about the way you carried yourself— a blend of open mindedness and witty charm— that resonated with him on a level he hadn’t fully understood until now.
Laios felt a surge of emotion, a blend of gratitude and longing. He wanted to reach out, to pull you close and hold you, to express everything he felt in a single embrace. But for now, he simply watched, content to admire the person who had become so important to him in such a short time.
Finally, you looked up and met his gaze. His blush deepened, but he didn’t look away. Instead, he let his smile grow, hoping you could see the depth of his feelings in his eyes.
“You’re staring again,” you huffed, stating the obvious. A hand rested on your hip, shifting your weight to one leg as you felt the familiar sting of anxiety creeping back under your skin. It felt silly, especially after last night, but some insecurities weren’t so easily quelled.
“S-sorry.” He stuttered, quickly turning away and grabbing his shirt.
You felt like a hypocrite the second you laid eyes on him, your eyes widening as you caught sight of the long, rosy scratch marks across the pale flesh of his back. The way his thick muscles shifted beneath his skin with every motion, his shirt stretching over his broad shoulders as he moved to pull his shirt over his head. 
You’d had an idea of it before now, but gods above, everything about him was thick. Even for a tallman he was large, it was no wonder he’d made such a great guard before now.
“Laios,” you breathed out softly, reaching a hand out to brush your fingers against the reddened skin in a mixture of awe and embarrassment.
He shivered under your touch, the gentle sting a reminder of last night’s intensity. 
“Oh, yeah.. Those,” he replied with a soft chuckle, “I guess we did get a little carried away last night, huh?”
“I’m so sorry-”
“Don’t be,” he cut you off with a smile, tugging his shirt down over his torso before turning to face you fully. “I wouldn't trade it for anything.” 
It was a reminder of the night the two of you had shared. While guilt and pride mixed within your chest, he found himself giddy at the idea of being marked by you. He pulled your hand away gently, holding it in both of his for a moment. He cherished how soft they were in comparison to his, calloused from years of hard labour and training. Fingers brushed against your claws in admiration before he brought your knuckles to his lips in a soft kiss.
Despite his brute strength you knew that this softness came naturally to him. His lips grazed gently across your knuckles, and you couldn’t help but take a step closer. So hopelessly lost in his orbit, your cheeks burning at the gesture.
“I didn’t realise…”
“That I get to wear those marks as a reminder of what happened?” Laios asked, his voice low. “I’m not sorry for that.” It was obvious in his smile that he meant what he said.
Your heart swelled at his words, the sincerity in his voice impossible to miss. You leaned into him, resting your forehead against his chest as his arms encircled you.
“I just don’t want you to get hurt,” you murmured, your voice muffled against his shirt.
In this line of duty you knew it was impossible, but you could dream. At very least you could go without contributing to his injuries.
He chuckled softly, the sound vibrating through his chest and against yours. “I can handle a few scratches,” he reassured you. “Besides, it’s worth it if it means being with you.”
“I guess so.” You smiled.
"Good." Laios murmured, his arm tightening minutely around you in a light squeeze before the hand on your hip slid back through your hair, scratching at the base of your ears teasingly before returning to hold your face. 
He adored looking at you, and he prayed to whatever higher power would listen that someday you’d grow fond of the way he liked to stare.
Something told you he liked being marked a little more than he let on. You’d have to note that for next time, if you were fortunate enough to have another encounter with him before this journey inevitably came to a close. He pulled your smaller frame into him, then wrapped his arms around you in a soft hug.
Laios held you close, savouring the heat and comfort of your embrace. The steady beat of his heart under your ear was soothing.
The moment was intimate and sweet, with a quiet understanding passing between the two of you before you eventually broke away, knowing that you needed to get ready for what might lie ahead. 
The chill in the room had lessened since last night, but it still made the fur at the base of your tail bristle and stand on end. You both finished dressing in a comfortable silence before you sat back down on the edge of the bed to finish packing up your bedrolls.
Shadows danced across the decaying furniture and cracked wooden floorboards, your lantern flickering and dancing in the cool air of the dungeon. Your comrade sat down beside you, tightening the leather straps on his bag as you got ready. The silence stretched on for a while before his thoughts broke through, and he found himself musing aloud.
"...I've never wanted to be in a... relationship before, but…” He trailed off, his eyes widening as he realised that he’d spoken out loud by mistake. Though his voice was barely above a whisper, he knew you’d heard it from the way you stopped mid motion to stare at him.
“But what?” You asked, your voice gentle despite the gnawing curiosity. You tried to hide your hope for what he might say next but it would have been futile if he’d had the courage to spare a glance in your direction.
Laios simply shrugged it off, the corners of his lips pulling up into a little smile as he looked down at his hands. The memory of your fingers threading through his made him feel all warm inside. He’d hold them all day if he could. 
“But with you it feels different,” he said timidly. “There’s something about you that makes me wanna try.”
You felt a flutter in your chest at those words, your heart pounding as you scooted closer to him on the bed. The soft glow from the lantern cast an almost ethereal glow on his face, strong features softened by the caress of the warm firelight. He was a work of art in his own right, but if he had been a living painting you were sure you could spend forever in his masterpiece.
“I feel the same way,” you admitted, reaching out to gently squeeze his larger hand in your own. “Being with you, it feels… right?”
He turned his head to face you then, his eyes meeting yours with a mixture of surprise and relief. “I was worried it might just be me,” he confessed, a soft chuckle escaping his lips. Nothing had ever felt as easy as spending time alone with you did. 
“I’ve never been good at this.” Despite having said it already, he couldn’t help but remind himself too. 
You smiled reassuringly. “Neither have I, but maybe we can figure it out together.”
“Right,” he replied, still a little flustered by your gentleness with him.
It felt silly considering everything that had transpired between the two of you in the past twenty-four hours or so, but it wasn’t unpleasant in the slightest. If anything, he felt strangely hopeful, but he knew it wasn’t going to be easy. “I may not be good at this whole…” people thing, reading emotions, understanding the nuances of intimacy—his mind scrambled to find the right words for a moment before he finally settled on: “relationship thing…”
“But I wanna try.” For you, for him… to be able to introduce you to Falin and to see the two of you hit it off like he knew you would. “I want to be by your side.” 
His palm came to rest on your cheek, his thumb grazing across your cheekbone delicately. It was a strange feeling for him. Finally acknowledging that the pull he’d felt toward you was something more than simple envy or curiosity had been a huge step, to admit it out loud had been like pulling teeth. Sure, those were a part of it too, but the way you had just shown up and accepted him for what he was– eccentricities and all –had his heart warming from day one. You’d had your walls before now, but Laios was completely defenceless when it came to you.
“I want to take care of you too… Please bear with me?”
It was more of a plea than it should have been, but the thought of fucking this up somehow had crossed his mind countless times already since he’d woken up. It scared him, especially after the confrontation with Toshiro. He knew he had a lot to learn when it came to interpersonal relationships, he’d had to confront that head on in the days following. But he was trying . 
The connection Laios had with you felt like a fragile yet precious thing, something worth nurturing, worth exploring. You tightened your grip on his hand again, your thumb gently caressing his soft skin.
“It’ll be my pleasure.” You replied with an easy smile, leaning across the space between the two of you to press a kiss against his cheek. 
“Don’t put too much pressure on yourself, okay? I told you, I don’t really know how to do this kind of thing either." You murmured, pulling him into a hug in an attempt to ease his concerns. 
Sure you weren’t completely clueless, but before now any sort of romance like this had been completely out of the question for a multitude of reasons. People on the surface weren’t kind to things out of the ordinary, yourself included.
“I already like spending time with you just the way you are.” You added, your lips pressing against his collarbone. 
He could feel the way your tail brushed against his arm through his shirt, the cosy warmth of your body pressed against his as he hugged you back. 
Laios let out a soft sigh, the sensations making his face flush again as he squeezed you a little tighter. “Yeah… me too.” He muttered, resting his chin on your head. It was a little embarrassing, but he couldn’t help but smile at the praise and the careful way you handled him.
Your lips trailed softly against the smooth expanse of his flushed skin, kisses littering the surface while you cuddled into him. “Just let me know if it’s ever too much, okay?”
"Mhm." Laios hummed softly, content with the way you showered him with affection. He wasn’t used to it either, not yet, but he definitely wouldn’t mind getting more accustomed to the sweet touches. "...I will." He replied softly, though he couldn’t imagine ever having too many of your comforting touches.
"Thank you." You replied, offering a soft smile in response. You pressed a gentle kiss against the sharp curve of his jaw, then ran a hand through his ash-blond hair.
The bond between you felt stronger now, more real, as if the events of the previous night had awakened something deep within you both. 
Despite the awkward start to the morning, it was only cemented by the conversation you’d had. For a brief, precious moment, everything else faded away—the dungeon, the stress of this mission, the uncertainties. All that existed were the two of you, wrapped in each other's arms.
“We should probably get ready,” you finally said, breaking the silence but not the connection. “The others will be up soon.”
Laios nodded, his smile lingering as he reluctantly pulled away.
He didn't want to admit it, but he was already addicted to you, body and soul. It’d only been a night, but he already couldn’t get the taste of your lips out of his mind. He could only imagine-
Just then, a knock on the door broke through his thoughts as if on cue. "Are you two awake? We're getting ready to move out." Marcille called from the other side of the door.
Laios glanced at you, then back to the door. "We'll be right there," he called back. “Just putting on some extra layers.”
“Sounds good, I think Senshi’s about to start on breakfast.” Marcille added, not sounding overly excited at the prospect of choking down more monster food. No matter how good Senshi’s cooking skills were, she couldn’t shake the sense of dread that came upon her at the idea of eating those creatures . Her footsteps faded down the hall and back toward the others.
You couldn't help but smile back at Laios, suppressing a laugh at the way he’d frozen in place when he heard her outside.
“We probably shouldn’t tell the others yet, though.” He suggested with a sigh as he leaned down to tug his boots back on. 
It wouldn’t be a good idea, both for the fact that it would absolutely make things harder to navigate if it were out in the open already and also for the fact that Marcille was a sucker for anything involving romance. There might not be any stopping her if she found out about your ‘forbidden love’. After seeing the way she’d gush about it anytime she’d inquired about her friends’ love lives, you could already hear the comments and questions ringing in your ears.
“Definitely not.” You agreed with a shudder.
As you both got up and started to prepare for the day's journey, you felt the weight of last night's decisions begin to lift. There would be time to figure everything out.
Soon enough, the two of you made your way out into the hall, and you padded over toward the room where everyone else had already gathered. The two of you slipped in to join the group seamlessly. Cooking utensils were already clattering together as Senshi began to explain to Laios what he was doing and how he could assist in making the morning meal. 
Izutsumi yawned and stretched, groaning at having to be awake and on the move again. 
For someone who swore she’d be able to brave the dungeon faster on her own, she really does love to sleep in , you thought to yourself as you tugged your jacket a little closer around yourself. You couldn’t blame her though. After all, she was still growing and being constantly on the move was exhausting on the best of days.
The cat girl scowled when she caught you looking at her, and you couldn’t help but smile back at the grouchy teen before Marcille quickly stole you away from the others. 
Long, delicate fingers pressed against the sides of your face, squishing your cheeks as she began inspecting you with concern evident in her wide green eyes.
“Uh… gwuh mernin’?” You inquired, your voice muffled by the way she pressed her hands against you.
“You’re okay right? He didn’t ask you any weird questions or make you uncomfortable-” 
“‘m fine,” You chuckled, cutting her off as you lightly pulled her hands away from you. 
“You could have shared a bed with me or Izutsumi, y’know?” The blonde reminded you of the sweet whine of her voice undercut by the Eastern girl’s protests almost immediately. 
“Dogs sleep outside.” Izutsumi grumbled, shooting a glare in your general direction.
You couldn’t help but chuckle at her remark, shaking your head and offering her a semi sarcastic “Good morning to you too” before resuming your conversation with the mage.
With a yawn and a smile, “I actually got the best sleep I’ve had in a while,” you replied earnestly, shrugging off her coddling.
It was hard not to feel guilty about hiding something from the group that had been so kind to take you in, especially so late into their journey. They could have easily sent you away, and yet they were generous enough to share their limited resources with, as Izutsumi put it, some random stray . 
You knew she meant well, but sometimes Marcille’s concerns were more unsettling than the questioning you received from others in the past. At least those types tended to keep their distance more. 
It was true that longer-lived races tended to see others as much younger than them, so you chalked it up to that whenever she’d baby you. A little part of you did appreciate it in some strange way though. Being cared for like this was a precious thing, and she loved with her whole heart and nothing less.
If it had really been that much of an issue, you’d have made it known.
Marcille gave you one last scrutinising look before finally sighing and releasing your face. 
“Alright, alright. Just making sure you’re okay,” she said, a hint of a smile playing on her lips. “We’ve got a long day ahead of us, so I’m glad you got a good rest in. It felt good to finally sleep in a bed again after so long.” The blonde sighed.
“ Really?” Chilchuck cut in, regarding Laios with a suspicious look, “Because I couldn’t sleep for a while last night.” 
While his gaze wasn’t set on you, you felt a shiver run down your spine at the implications of what he’d said. 
You’d forgotten about the half-foot member of your party for the better part of the night. 
They weren’t common where you’d grown up, but you’d heard tales of them and their heightened senses. Especially their heightened sense of hearing. In fact, to say that his rivalled your own would be an understatement. Thinking more clearly now, you quickly recalled all the times he’d been able to hear enemies approaching well before you could. 
The thought made your stomach twist with unease.
Laios, seemingly having the same realisation you did, froze for a moment before trying to play it off with a nervous laugh. He casually stepped behind Senshi, as if the much shorter dwarf might be able to shield him from the half-foot’s wrath. He continued on with prepping the harpy eggs, stirring them in a bowl as he spoke. 
“Me too; it got pretty cold last night, huh?” He replied with an awkward laugh.
Yeah, you didn’t want any part of whatever this might entail. 
As much as you wanted to try and cover for him, you knew that there was no way of getting out of this. It's probably best to stay out of it. Panicking slightly, you reached out to Marcille for support with a wobbly smile on your face. 
She was still busy getting herself ready for the day, brushing her long blonde locks as she stepped away from the others.
“Hey Marcille, do you mind showing me how you braid your hair? I’ve always been curious.” You asked, doing a piss poor job of hiding your anxiety. “No one ever taught me.”
The elf either didn’t notice or was too excited at the prospect of sharing her knowledge with someone else because she happily stole you away to another part of the room. She’d grabbed your wrist and tugged you along to sit beside her on the nearby bed, a bright smile on her face. 
“I’m so glad you asked! Hair is a magic user’s life force, so it’s like an extension of that. It’s also really important to practise good hygiene and self care, especially when you’re underground like this because-” 
You listened to her with a smile on your face, half interested and half happy to be out of Chilchuck’s line of fire for the time being. 
Unfortunately, your previously fearless leader wasn’t so lucky.
“ Laios , can I talk to you for a second?”
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duskstargazer · 3 months
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Sidney made his way into Tidmouth Yard. A pair of empty trucks stood on his line.
“Maybe those are what I’m supposed to bring back?” Sidney thought to himself.
Unfortunately, he misjudged how quickly he was coming in, and bumped into the trucks.
“Ow! Ow!” They cried.
“Sorry!” Sidney winced. “Um, are you the trucks I’m taking back to the Coaling Plant?”
“Absolutely not!” One huffed, indignantly.
“We’re going to carry fruit bound for Vicarstown, not some filthy, dusty old coal!”
“Can we help you?” Asked a worker.
“Uh yeah, where should I leave these?”
“Uhh… not here.” The worker replied. “We didn’t order any coal trucks.”
“Oh. Wait - these are for Crosby!” Sidney yelped. “What am I doing?!”
The worker sighed, shrugged, then walked away.
“Sorry again,” Sidney said to the trucks. He was just starting to back away, when he heard Toby laughing.
Sidney looked over, hoping the tram engine wasn’t laughing at him.
“I’m afraid poor Thomas has lost his puff!” Toby chortled. Stafford, who was standing next to him, just looked bewildered.
“Huh. Poor Thomas.” Sidney thought aloud. He suddenly remembered that he should be on his way to Crosby, and hurried away.
Little sequel to this post
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baladric · 1 year
idk if this is a hot take but hyper light breaker sort of ticks me off. like i’ve watched some stuff abt it and i was genuinely convinced for a second that someone must have bought the hld rights off the studio and ripped it off bc it just so thoroughly misses? the point? of hld? like on all levels imo (so it seems anyway), and i’m not even talking like. ontologically. like the beauty of hld is that it is so extremely finite, as a world and as an experience. it has a clear trajectory and then ends, which allows it to be so finely tuned visually/environmentally/thematically. everything has a purpose, there’s very little cruft (if any at all, idk), and regardless of the rly subjective experiential lens, it does have one central point, which is that we’re all mortal, that we all end. the fact that hld ends is the entire point.
but now they’re comin out here with? 3D open world procedurally generated shit, and obvs like do what your creative heart wants etc but man. it just hits the exact button i’m worried about with whatever mobius digital decides to do next—just like how the fuck do you follow THAT, and the answer to that will always probably be, you know. somewhat disappointing, think bastion -> transistor; absolute masterpiece -> thing that’s good but not life-altering. but like. you don’t gotta go from masterpiece to i liked no man’s sky :) just. ughhhhhh.
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Happy (early) Valentine's Day, y'all! If you're one of the approximately 100 people who have begged and pleaded for a sequel/follow-up/another story just like Deliquescence, then today is your day!!
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hellolovers13 · 2 years
Hiiii so idk if that's something you'd like but, tiny prompt from Unplanted? Harry patiently explaining to Louis how to water her plant and Louis being super attentive with it, pls give me some fluff?????
Hello lovely,
only for you 💗
As this is a tiny sequel to Unplant, it might not make much sense if you haven't read that. Idk.
Louis could watch her forever. Probably had, if he was being honest with himself. Just doing mundane things like ironing her clothes, reading a book, waking up on a Sunday morning.
But watching her take care of her plants was a very special treat. The way she spoke to them softly, urging them to grow and flourish. It was a delight. 
“Lou, are you even listening?” Harry pouted. Louis might not be able to see her, as she had her back to him, but he could hear it clearly in her voice.
“Course I am, darling.” Louis got up from the couch and took the two steps it took to reach her, arms coming up around her middle. He pressed a soft kiss to her neck, momentarily getting lost in the vanilla scent of her perfume.
Harry hummed, obviously not believing a word Louis had said. “Lou, you’ll need to take care of them for the next week. Can you do that for me?”
Them. Yeah, they’d got quite the plant collection by now. Or Harry had, to be more precise. Louis had to admit, he sometimes lost count of how many there were exactly. But it was all worth it, seeing Harry care for them. Blossoming just like her plants.
Harry turned around in his arms and puckered her lips. Words could not describe how much Louis loved her. And he’d tried to put it in writing before. Before his proposal. In the end, he’d just rambled until she said yes and kissed him. It worked, so he wasn’t too mad at himself. 
He pulled her closer and kissed her gently. When they pulled apart she put her head on his shoulder and sighed. “I’m gonna miss you.”
“Me too, darling, but it’s not for too long. We’ll make it. And I promise, I did actually listen to everything you told me. I know to only water Audrey and Bethany when their soil gets too dry.”
Harry pushed him slightly, even if she wasn’t letting go of him at all while doing so. “If, Louis, only if it does. I just watered them so they might not need to have more until I am back.”
“I know. And Clementine, Victoria and Cherry I’ll water more often. And I’ll remember to add that green stuff to Olive’s and Clara’s water on Thursday.”
Harry smiled up at him at that. “Good. I made you a list anyway, and if anything is wrong, let me know.”
A soft whimper coming from the other room made them pull apart. Harry giggled. “Guess Alice is ready for our trip to her grandma.”
send me a prompt and i might write something
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mayhemandtrouble · 1 year
Are We There Yet?, Chapter 26 of Not Giving Up
Full Story on Ao3, with detailed tags and NSFW chapters
Ben did not understand Rey’s tolerance - fondness even - of the porgs who had infested the Falcon. But she cooed over them, standing over the nests they’d made the walls and gave them treats till they followed her around like pets. Small, loud creatures who waddled and bit his fingers if he didn’t offer them a snack quickly enough. Leia informed him it was good practice for being a Father, as if he wasn’t certain enough he would fail.
Rey swore there were only three aboard, but Ben suspected there were closer to fifteen. And they stalked him, squawking loudly like watchdogs if he got too close to the cockpit. He contemplated turning them into snacks at least three times an hour but the damn things had the biggest, most pleading eyes he’d ever seen and even Chewbecca growled protectively of them.
Currently, one was hopping atop the dejarik, making it exceedingly difficult to focus on anything resembling a long term strategy. The game wasn’t friendly to start with, with his former baby-sitter as the opponent. Rey had demanded they sit down and try so there they were. Watching a fat-bottomed bird try to stomp holographic creatures, with its wide foot. At least it was absurd enough to distract them both from the utter horribleness of the situation.
The Wookie trilled in low frustration, leaning back and damn near sulking. He also would have preferred to simply eat the damn birds. He’d tried. Even without Rey’s fondness, the pathetic creatures managed to make him feel guilty! Chewbacca doubted they had two brain cells to rub together in a flock, yet they had mastered the art of looking pitiful as a survival tactic. 
“Agreed.” Ben grumbled, leaning an elbow on the table and poking at the creature’s white feathered stomach. It screeched in reply, which brought the predictable response of his love hollering from the cockpit.
“Ben! Leave them alone!”
“Yes, dear!” He answered too sweetly, head tilting. Had Father and Mother had moments like this? Did it fucking matter, he didn’t want a marriage like theirs. Did he? With a groan, Ben let his head fall onto the table. Wherever Mother was taking them, he hoped they got there soon. Maybe it would have a nice, solitary cell where he wouldn’t have to deal with all this emotional shit. Being a monster was so much easier. Callous laughter from beside him and Ben had to concede it was entirely justified.
“Laugh it up.” Ben chuckled self-deprecatingly. If only Hux could see him now, Kylo Ren - taking orders from his heavily pregnant fiancee regarding the kind treatment of pest species. Sitting up again, he looked over to Chewie, who seemed entirely pleased by Ben’s current foul mood. It had surprised Ben how nice he found it that Chewbacca wasn’t afraid of him. Angry, furious, rage - well deserved emotions but without the undercurrents of terror. 
Chewbacca didn’t understand the decisions his honor family were making, not fully. He understood why Rey wanted the sire of her children nearby. He understood why Leia struggled to abandon her son. But how could Rey sleep beside the murderer so peacefully, how did Leia justify it.
Chewie watched as Ben punched in his next few moves. In terms of his long life span, the boy had grown up in only a few heartbeats. Something had happened, something Han and Leia talked about in whispers. Usual brooding during one’s coming-of-age grew steadily darker and something flickered in the boy’s eyes that the Wookie couldn’t place. The circles under Ben’s eyes had grown deeper.
When one of Ben’s creatures destroyed Chewie’s favorite fighter, the Wookie howled in rage, head pulled back to the game. The porg screeched again, facing off with the massive fighter with the confidence of a well-indulged favorite.
Rey’s voice cut through from the cockpit again, and this time Chewbacca cradled his head in his paw. Eying the stupid bird and wishing he’d gone through with his initial plan to eat them all. 
“Bet they’d taste good fried,” Ben muttered, unable to keep a smirk off his lips to see Chewie’s reaction to Rey’s scolding. By now, Rey probably knew where they were going and when they were landing and everything about Mother’s plan. For once, he didn’t care - just as long as he stayed at her side until their family was more settled. Then he could worry about all the what nexts.
Chewie snorted in agreement, as much as it pained him to agree with Ben about anything. Fried with triple thick batter, that sauce from his homeworld and maybe some of that spicy shit Han had liked. Glancing over, Chewie felt his heart lurch to see that smirk on Ben’s face. It was unfair of the bastard to look so much like his father and Ben’s childhood self all once. Maybe that was why the other two couldn’t give up on him.
Issuing a halfhearted howl, Chewbacca stood abruptly. It was petty but he was pleased to see that Ben jumped back a little in concern. Good. As Rey whirled around, as best she could in her condition, Chewie hit the button to reset the game with far more force than needed. He might need to buy a new table when they landed but it would be worth it.
“Chewie, what’s wrong?” Rey had only gotten a few steps in when the Wookie trilled at her. A long, angry and pained vocalization that left her shoulders dropping. The two hadn’t even finished the game. Her hopes hadn’t been high but Rey had wanted a little better than that. As he left, Ben’s head dropped to rest in the palm of his hands.
The gentle feel of her fingers stroking through his dark curls was far more comfort than he deserved, but he took it anyway. Leaning into his lover gently when she sat beside him. Rey would tell him that everything would be all right, that they would work things out. He just had to be patient.
He wasn’t sure about that. The further he seemed to get from his life in the First Order, the worse his dreams became. Instead of wallowing in Darkness and being pulled to the Light, it was turning around. Just as it had before. 
Rey’s hand caressed the swell of their children slowly, looking out the view ports with a wide grin. She’d been apprehensive but excited when Leia said where they were going. This was her first time on such a populated world, having barely traveled outside of the Outer Rim. Ben had been shocked, then annoyed at himself for not seeing it coming.
I would have expected Mustafar.
I’m not looking to fail you twice.
Mother had the same confident determination about her that she always had. Failure did not seem to haunt her as it did him, or even normal beings. She saw it, analyzed it, and moved onto the next best choice that she could make. Or was that simply how parents were supposed to seem to their children.
He had to admit it though, Naboo was a beautiful planet. And through his grandmother’s line, Leia had access to resources here. Things she had probably been setting up from the beginning, along with about ten different plans so that she would be prepared no matter what.
“Oh Ben, look!”
“Not a bad place to raise children, mmm?” He teased her, arms wrapping around her from behind. As though they’d picked this place together, and they weren’t fleeing. Still. The joy in her eyes was something he hadn’t seen in months, as she took in the green domed roofs of the buildings and the waterfalls, with the city seeming to go all the way to the edge of water and sky. 
“I doubt we’ll stay here forever.” Rey chuckled, but couldn’t help agreeing with him. As they circled down to land, the city and its surrounding pastoral landscape seemed like something out of a story book. If they had to stay somewhere forever, a place like this might not be so bad. Though it was not lost on her that this was also where her grandfather, and his grandmother, had both come from. A matter to think on later.
“You’ll be here for the foreseeable future, at any rate.” Leia announced, pushing herself up on her cane as the Falcon landed. She was tired, though she refused to show it. The past few days - the past few months - had taken a great deal out of her. If she were particularly fortunate, Leia would be able to rest a bit here as well before she had to return to the Resistance for the clean-up work. Not that she was counting on that.
“The Lake Retreat?” Ben hesitated, then offered his mother his arm. Covering his nerves with a smirk. Pretending that he didn’t feel relief when Leia leaned her slight frame against his broader one.
“It has a proper name, Ben. Varykino. Now, one of you hurry up and get the gangplank lowered. Rey needs something decent to wear and Ben, if those clothes smelled any worse, I would burn them immediately.” 
Laughing, Rey scurried - waddled - along to comply. She didn’t know if Leia had clothes ready for them at this Lake place, or what the plan was. But she had been living on ships for the past few months. It would do her some good to get solid ground under her again.
The plan, as it turned out, was more in line with a holiday than concealment. Which irritated Chewbacca all the more, even if he did patiently hold a woven metal basket for Rey as she tentatively selected garments in a frighteningly posh shop. Ben had sighed in annoyance, waving off assistance and grabbing a handful of ready-made garments without bothering to check prices. Leia personally threw the offending garments, left from their time on the Supremacy, into a trash chute while the lovers changed into new selections.
By the time the bill was being settled, Ben’s attire was notably cleaner and more in line with the well-to-do of Naboo, but the coloring hadn’t changed. A black tunic, fastening at his right breast with jet-colored ornamentation curling along the line of his shoulders - gathered at the sleeves where the cuffs emphasized the strength in his hands. Comfortably loose, black trousers of fine material that tucked into black boots. A wide belt, already accented with several pouches that contained who-knows-what.
Rey would have scolded him for not choosing a single color, save that the effect took her breath away. He looked like a dark prince from a fairytale, the sort who might save the day or end the world save for a true love’s kiss.
Ben caught her looking as he ran his fingers through his dark curls, not that it was particularly difficult to see where she was looking. He had stationed himself in front of a mirror, doing his best to look ‘respectable’, or something that passed for it. Rey had seemed so pleased to explore the city, he felt an annoying compulsion to pass for the nobility he used to be. 
“Continue looking at me like that, and I’ll drag you into one of the dressing rooms.” Ben spoke low, his brown eyes as they met hers in the mirror. She had been trying to be subtle, brushing her fingers over a bright purple sash, studded with jewels in the shape of stars. The display just happened to be facing towards the mirror Ben was using. Chewie snorted in disgust.
“Ben! Hush!” Hissing out her embarrassment, Rey felt her face burn. Quickly checking that Leia was out of earshot and fumbling with the sash, trying to replace it hurriedly. In her haste, the one in her hands and several others tumbled to the ground. Prompting one of the overly attentive clerks to hurry to the pregnant woman’s assistance. “I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to… I just… I’ll get some air!”
Layers of soft pastels swirled as Rey quickly moved to the door. There had not been much ready off the rack in her favored tones that would also accommodate her newly acquired figure. Encouraged by the attendants, she’d tried to take it as a chance to try something new. And so, paid for by the Organa accounts, she wore a simple cream short tunic with whitework embroidery and a skirt comprised of several layers of a sheer material done in abstract florals. The wide soft blue waistband was edged with small bits of metal that created a subtle ringing as she moved. It tied with a large bow just above her stomach, pridefully displaying the new life she was bringing into the galaxy. Rey was entirely certain it was the most costly garment she’d ever owned and her interest in exploration was suddenly dimmed by the threat of stains.
“Come with me?” Stepping out of the shop, Ben quickly threaded his arm around her own. Not waiting for Rey to agree before he started leading her away and towards an open air market where he suspected she would be more comfortable.
“We can’t leave Leia and Chewie,” protesting with slow steps though neither Master or Wookie were running out screaming. “What if…”
“You’re my guard, remember?” He nudged her shoulder gently, knowing where her thoughts were going. They were outside of a cell by Leia’s skill and grace. If they overstepped, he would be back and Rey would be either beside him or trying to get him out. Kissing her temple lightly, he finally conceded the truth. “Mother knows - she needs a little time to arrange suitable transportation to Varykino and I want to show you something.” Full Story on Ao3, with detailed tags and NSFW chapters
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ericac318 · 1 year
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Title: Miss Alabama Part II
Summary: Six months after the events of the Miss United States pageant, Cheryl, Stan, and Ella need help from Gracie Hart when they’re kidnapped. How are the lovebirds faring now that their relationship is out in the public and they’re expecting a baby? Find out in this little ficlet that’s more smutty than anything else (mostly light smut) Stan Fields x OC
Continue Reading here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/47728675/chapters/120312775
Chapter 1
“Do you want to join us on stage when we surprise Gracie?” Stan asked as he and Ella sat in their dressing room at Live with Regis and Kelly.
Ella nodded, “No, I’ll pass. I don’t want to be on camera looking like this,” she added as she placed her hand on her swollen abdomen.
He shook his head, “You look absolutely stunning, but I understand. Is there anything else you’d like to do before I go out on stage?” he asked, his eyes twinkling mischeviously.
She tried to suppress her giggle as she replied, “You’re a bad boy. You’re already dressed for the show. I don’t want to get in trouble.”
“If I promise you won’t get in trouble, will you share what might be on your mind?” he whispered as he leaned in toward her ear.
Ella grinned as she moved from her seat until she was straddling him, “Can you guess?” she asked, rolling her hips over his erection.
He gasped, “I think I can,” he ran his hands down her body untl they reached his pants and started undoing them.
“I was about to make a joke about you rushing but I realized that we really don’t have much time,” she whispered as she reached down and slid her underwear to the side so she could sink down on him, letting out a subdued moan as she felt him reach her depths.
Stan groaned as he moved his hips in rhythm with hers, “How are you always able to know what I need when I need it?”
“It’s a gift,” she breathed out as she ran one of her hands down his chest until it was fondling his balls,” Hows this?” she asked while wearing a sly grin.
He held his breath for a moment to stop himself from cumming before he responded, “Perfect. I hope you’re close,” he repeated words he said frequently as he felt himself about to cum.
“I am,” she responded as she felt her orgasm take her over just before his followed. 
Once Stan and Cheryl were done on stage, they rejoined Ella backstage along with Gracie.
“Gracie!” Ella exclaimed as she embraced her friend in a bear hug, “How have you been?” she asked once the two women released each other.
Gracie answered too quickly, allowing Ella to know something wasn’t quite right with her friend, “I’m fantastic. I’m the face of the FBI. What more could any agent want?”
“I can think of a few things,” Ella began before she held back her thoughts, “But, I won’t worry about all of that. Catch up with Cheryl. Next time, it’s you and me, deal?”
Gracie nodded, “Deal.”
Once Gracie agreed, Ella walked away by Stan’s side while his hand was resting on her lower back helping to support the extra weight she was carrying. 
A few days later, Cheryl, Ella, and Stan found themselves at a Nursing Home to connect with the elderly and also meet Stan’s Mother.
“Mrs. Fields, it’s an honor to meet you,” Ella began, “I’m Ella Westbrook. I won Miss Alabama and I was the second runner up for the Miss United States Pagaent. I’ve been seeng your son for a little over a year and we’re having a baby,” she added as she rested her hand on her baby bump.
Carol Fields was beside herself as she looked between the young woman and her son, “My dear, aren’t you a little young for him?”
Cheryl tried to suppress her smile as she responded, “He is but somehow, these two are in love. And, I think it’s serious,” she added.
“Cheryl is right, Mrs. Fields,” Ella replied, “Stan is definitely past the appropriate age range for me, but I love him. I hope you can accept me and your grandchild,” she added optimistically.
Mrs. Fields nodded, “I suppose love is love. Treat her right,” she warned her son before they began small talk since the serious conversation topics had already been tackled.
The three left the nursing home a few hours later and began walking to the limo when they were stopped by two men, in front of their truck.
Ella moved to the front of the group and attempted to fight off the men using techniques Gracie had taught her, but her belly was in the way and the three of them were tied up in the bed of the men’s truck a few moments later.
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karama9 · 1 year
I wrote two OCs for Link's dads in Chosen. That was supposed to be the end of them. Just that one story, set when Link is 12, and no further word of what became of them because Chosen was just a long one shot divided in three parts.
Someone please tell me how one of them decided to survive the calamity, find out Link was going to wake up in one hundred years, and set out to do whatever he could now that would help Link one hundred years later?
Din blast it, I wasn't actually looking for an angsty plot bunny to distract me from my tragedy angst WIP that's currently distracting me from my main WIP.
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withbroombefore · 10 months
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: 陈情令 | The Untamed (TV) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Lán Zhàn | Lán Wàngjī/Wèi Yīng | Wèi Wúxiàn Characters: Lán Zhàn | Lán Wàngjī, Wèi Yīng | Wèi Wúxiàn Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Alternate Universe - Everyone Lives/Nobody Dies, Fluff, No Plot/Plotless, Conversations, Trans Male Character, Trans Character, Nonbinary Character, Agender Character, Trans Lán Zhàn | Lán Wàngjī/Trans Wèi Yīng | Wèi Wúxiàn, Trans Lán Zhàn | Lán Wàngjī, Trans Male Lán Zhàn | Lán Wàngjī, Trans Wèi Yīng | Wèi Wúxiàn, Nonbinary Wèi Yīng | Wèi Wúxiàn, t4t, Reincarnation Vibes, Podfic Welcome Series: Part 2 of Glass Summary:
“I wasn’t like this, you know,” Wei Ying says. “Before.”
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twilight-orchid · 8 months
Shower Suprise
Jason Todd x gn pregnant reader
Notes: So, I’m currently fighting a war against baby fever and baby daddy jason makes me feral so I decided to write a self indulgent fic. I’m working on a couple sequel fics so let me know if you enjoyed this and I’ll post the others too. I’m not a great writer and have never written for Jason before, so sorry if it’s shit lmaooo
Part 2
Word count: 1730
Contains cursing, unplanned pregnancy, mention of abortion, talk of adoption
Jason had gotten home a little after 4 am. He’d been patrolling the cold, rainy streets since 11 and Gotham had finally grown quiet. His body ached something awful from the numerous fights he’d gotten into that night, and exhaustion had crept into his bones making him feel like he could fall asleep standing up.
He climbed into the window of the dark apartment silently to avoid waking his lover and got out of his gear in the living room. The sound of clanking metal and ripping zippers tended to get noisy. Once in his briefs alone he slipped into your bedroom, pausing for a moment to watch the rise and fall of your chest with a smile on his face. You slept soundly, your hair a nest around your face and your soft snores like a comforting lullaby to Jason.
He reluctantly made his way to your shared bathroom. He’d love nothing more than to just go to bed, but you didn’t like it when he got into the clean sheets with Gotham’s grime on him. And, to be fair, he was pretty gross some nights. He showered quickly, enjoying the steaming water on his sore muscles, then hastily moved to brush his teeth. However, something odd caught his eye as he spat.
There were balls of what looked like clean tissue wadded up atop the trash, which was strange as he’d just changed it before he left. You didn’t have a cold or anything that would constitute using that much. He furrowed his brow, a weird feeling washing over him. Something white and shiny just barely peeked out from underneath, and he moved the tissue aside to reveal not 1 but 4 pregnancy tests. His heart froze, time seeming to stop around him. Dread built in his gut as he grabbed the sticks, and terror settled in as he picked up one positive after another. Holy shit, y/n was pregnant. He’d gotten you pregnant. Fuck.
Something pleasant stirred in his gut but he squashed it down. His child would be in danger every day having him as their father. If anyone found out about his baby, child of the Red Hood and grandchild of the Batman, they’d instantly have a target on their head. Aside from that, he’d be a terrible father. He was gruff without meaning to, he had a short fuse, and he certainly didn’t have any good role models. All he could think about were the ways he could accidentally fuck them up. He was so lost in his thoughts that he didn’t notice you until you were in the bathroom with him.
He was no longer tired, adrenaline pumping through his veins as he dropped to the floor. Fuck fuck fuck. He couldn’t be a father, he’s Red Hood. He had huge time constraints, anger issues, and most importantly, a lot of blood on his hands. How could those hands, forever stained red, hold something like an innocent newborn in his grasp? A baby, with chunky cheeks and thighs, perhaps with his hair and your eyes.
“Jay?” You asked tentatively. He realized he was hyperventilating. He tried to respond, but he found all he could do is stare at your middle. Your eyes slipped to the floor, taking in the discovered pregnancy tests as he watched your face turn. This is clearly not the reveal you were hoping for. You crouched to his level.
“Jay, can you breathe with me?” He was still lost in his thoughts, buried in his anxiety. But he looked up and met your gaze, your features worried. For him. He closed his eyes and nodded with a shuddering breath.
“Alright babe, in through the nose…. Out through the mouth.” He followed along with you, his hand reaching out. You grabbed it firmly with both of yours without hesitation, running your thumbs along his skin. He usually didn’t like to be touched when he was having episodes, but something about your warmth grounded him. He steadily felt his heart begin to slow down.
You let go with one hand to tenderly cup his cheek, smiling sheepishly at him.
“You’re pregnant.” He said simply. You bit your lip and looked away, but nodded.
“I made an appointment in the morning to get an ultrasound and make sure, but well, 4 positives. Plus, you know how sick and nauseous I’ve been. Emotional, tired, hungry for weird shit…” He cursed under his breath and noted how your shoulders sank. Your hand just barely moved to your belly before you caught yourself, returning it to your side.
“You want the baby.” He stated, though it was more of a question. You sighed in frustration and ran your hand through your hair.
“I don’t know. I don’t feel ready, but I can’t stop picturing a little baby that looks like me and you and I just… I can’t-“ Your resolve crumbled as tears began rolling down your cheeks. He took you into his arms instantly, pulling you onto his lap and letting you bury your head into his neck as you sobbed. He drew circles into your back and whispered reassurances, but his head was spinning.
“I don't know what to do Jay!” You whimpered. He didn’t know either, but he needed to come up with a solution. For you.
A baby. A fucking baby. Bruce would absolutely lose it.
“Well,” he started, his voice calm. He was freaking out, but you didn’t need him a nervous wreck. You needed him strong and steadfast. He took a deep breath.
“There’s allot going on in our heads right now, why don't we break down our options, yeah?” You nodded, still sniffling and sat in his lap to meet his eyes.
“No matter what, I'm not putting a baby in the Gotham foster system. No way.” He started. Gotham had a lot of kids entering its foster system and almost no kids being adopted. Bruce had been trying to help solve the issue for years, but Jason knew if they gave the baby up for adoption, they’d likely have a hard time finding a home. Not to mention the issue still stood that they’d be in danger if their parentage was discovered, except in that scenario Jason wouldn’t even know where they are to help them. You nodded in agreement.
“So that leaves…” you began softly.
“Keeping it or getting rid of it.” He finished. Your lip twisted and fresh tears fell, but you wiped them away.
“I don’t… what do you want to do Jay?”
“It’s your body.”
“And it's your baby.” You responded. That was fair, and he thought about it. There’s no denying it could be dangerous, but there was also no denying that his kid would have the planets greatest protectors on its side. His family would call to arms for his baby in an instant, as would the friends Jason had made through his life. Hell, even the Justice League would defend Bruce’s grand baby. And he wouldn’t repeat his mentor’s mistakes and drag his kid on the rooftops with him. They belonged at home; safe, cared for, and loved. A feeling he reveled in when he was with you. He thought about you holding a toddler in your arms and playing with them, the sound of his child’s laughter echoing through the house. He just knew you would make an amazing parent. Feelings once again rose in his chest, but he didn’t push them down. He let them sit and, once he really thought about it, he kinda wanted to see the little guy live and grow. But ultimately it wasn’t his decision.
“I want what you want.” He finally responded. You groaned in frustration.
“I don’t want you to want what I want Jay. If I say I want it, I don’t want you to agree to make me happy and then feel trapped and then…” you trailed off, looking away from him. He furrowed his brow.
“And then what, leave you? Abandon you to raise my kid on your own? Do you really think I’d do that to you?” His tone sounded almost angry, but he didn’t mean for it to be. He wasn’t mad, he was hurt.
“No, Jay I-“ you sighed and ran a hand through your hair.
“I just don’t want to make you do something huge like this if it's not what you want. And I don’t want to force you to commit to me like that.” He scoffed at you.
“I think we’re well past worrying about me wanting to commit to you, doll.” You stared at him seemingly unconvinced, your fears and uncertainties visibly rattling around your skull.
He sighed. This wasn’t the circumstance he was hoping for, but his gut said it was time.
“You want to see how fucking serious I am about committing to you? Where the fuck are my jeans?” He gently pushed you off of him and told you to stay. He nearly chuckled at the cute, confused look on your face. He grabbed the pants he'd been wearing before patrol and fished his wallet out of his pocket.
“Look at this shit, I’ve been carrying this around with me for months.” You stared at him with a raised brow, wondering what the fuck he was doing. Out of the cash flap he pulled a small pouch of bubble wrap which produced a beautiful engagement ring. It was your picture-perfect ring; you couldn’t have picked a better one yourself. You froze, your breath catching in your throat.
“No, shut up and listen to me. I love you. I love you more than I’ve ever loved anyone on this god forsaken planet. You are beautiful, and kind, and funny, and so fucking smart. You’ve been there for me at my worst and my best without judgement. You’re one person that I know I can rely on, and I am so proud that you rely on me. I am a lucky fucking man to have you in my life, and if you want this baby I’m with you. And I’ll be the happiest man alive. But if you don’t want it, you don’t. And I’ll be happy with that too. But either way, I love you and I want you to be my one and only for as long as you’ll have me. So, what do you wanna do babe?”
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Could you make a fic where Miguel gets the female reader pregnant and they're happy but he's worried about her safety? Maybe have a villain find out? Cause some angst?
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Risk Something (You're Losing Me)
Pairing: Miguel O'Hara (Spiderman: Across The Spiderverse) x Fem!Reader
Warnings: Language. Spoilers (Miguel's backstory is mentioned). Angst! Alert!, Unplanned pregnancy!Alert.
Word count: 4.3K
A/N: Since I had already established some background and emotional intimacy, I thought I could write this as a sort-of-sequel to my previous one-shot Host of a Ghost. I was so excited to write this, especially because I don't usually write angst but I like to push my boundaries and leave my confort zone. Hope that it pays off and, of course dear anon, that you like it <3
Part III
You’d never really believed in long-distance relationships. After being witness to so many unsuccessful ones, you’d cataloged the entire concept into a box labeled “certain failure” and tucked it away in the back of your head. And yet, with an inconsistency worthy of your friend Hobie, you’d gone and gotten yourself involved in no less than an interdimensional relationship.
How? Well, that was a good question.
All it took was five simple steps:
Step one: Live a regular life. Go to school, graduate, and try to go for a Ph.D. that gets you working near genetically modified insects for just the right amount of time for you to become careless enough to let one crawl onto your backpack, take it to your apartment, and let it sting you. Throw in some negligence, forfeit going to the hospital, and go on about your afternoon. Warning, some side effects like loss of consciousness or intense headaches can be expected.
Step two: Congratulations! You’ve now become a super-powered person with abilities that range from climbing walls and performing gravity-challenging parkour to creating a sticky web-like element that helped you swing from one building to another. Toy around with your new talents, and grow comfortable with them before realizing that you can actually use them to be the much-needed help your city needs.
Step three: Turns out you’re not the only one with this kind of ability out there. There’s a whole Spider-Society full of similarly enhanced people who try and do their best to keep their own dimensions safe, and you’ve not only caught their eye but have actually been invited to join them. Let your new guide Jess Drews show you around, and explain all the benefits that come from joining a team such as theirs. If you decline, you can go back home and that’ll be all.
If you’re interested, it’ll be necessary to convince the leader but they could use some extra help so it shouldn’t be particularly hard. It sounds like an amazing chance. Information you wouldn’t have access to otherwise, mind-blowing facilities where you can polish your newly acquired abilities, possible new friends that actually know what you’re going through…Say you’ll think about it. Right as you’re about to leave, the most fucking gorgeous man you’ve ever seen in your entire life walks past without paying either of you any mind, busy while speaking to another Spider-Person. You ask who that is, turns out he’s the aforementioned leader, “will I ever have to work with him?”, you ask. “Probably, eventually” Replies Jess. Ask when you can start.
Step four: Do your best to earn your place in this elite group. Successfully improve your fighting skills, read everything available on interdimensional traveling and the multiverse. Understand it almost instantly because that’s how smart you are, kudos to you. Realize that for some reason, despite never actually interacting with you, Spider-Society leader Miguel O’Hara tends to stare. A lot. Is it because you’re progressing as fast as Jessica says or because she’s a complete liar and you’re actually doing it all wrong? No idea. All you know is that even during mundane scenarios like laughing in the hall with all the newest additions to the team or in line at the cafeteria, you feel a certain tingle in the back of your head that makes you turn around. Of course, the moment your eyes meet, he turns around and leaves. An odd one, yes. But you’ve also heard things. Rumors, here and there about his life before creating the Society. Whispers about a lost family and some video archives being the only evidence that they even existed in the first place. And, of course, the fault he had in the destruction of their dimension. You sympathize with him, despite his apathetic attitude towards you. You’ve seen him interact with those he’s closer to, and you know there’s more to him than he lets on. You’d be elated if he ever let you take just one look at the smidge of his old self that sometimes peeked out from behind the iron curtain. Well, not really. One look wouldn’t be enough. If anything, it would only cement your feelings for the man.
Step five: Curiosity killed the cat. We all know that. You know that. And yet, you decided to go snooping around Miguel O’Hara’s computer and personal files until you accidentally switch his computer on for long enough to let the videos he’s always watching start playing. He…his daughter…an entire lost life gone before his eyes. Then, before you could do the right thing and turn the computer off, an eerily familiar voice called at him from behind the camera. So, of course, you had to keep watching. Long story short? All those oddly constant stares, that coldness towards you, unwillingness to look you in the eye, was because of two reasons: first, you were a nearly identical interdimensional variant of the wife he’d lost in the dimension he unwittingly erased from existence. Two, as he’d confessed after realizing you’d found out about the truth, Miguel had come to terms with the fact that he was in love with you, not as a replacement for somebody from his past but as a new presence in his life that he’d been struggling to watch from afar, unwilling to let all his repressed feelings spill out like water from a broken dam. Until that night, of course.
Now, eight months later, you’d come to realize there was actually a sixth step you’d never actually considered until now that you were in this…situationship.
Step six: Uncomfortably avoid every and all circumstances in which interdimensional disparities and canon consistency regarding your relationship could come up. Don’t say anything like “Well, it’s been nice but I’ve got to go back to my own dimension” because that would remind him that his dimension was not yours too. That you were after all still a stranger in a strange land. Which of course also meant never inviting him to stay in your dimension.
Deep inside, you knew that all those details would eventually cause problems, especially regarding the inner conflict Miguel was always dealing with knowing what he was doing…what you were both doing, went against his strongest principle. But by God he was happy. Happier than he’d thought he could ever feel again. More than he deserved. So he just ignored those intrusive thoughts and focused on whatever task was at hand. And you were too. Even after just eight months, life without him already seemed unimaginable. He was your first thought in the morning and your last before you went to sleep, and more than once his presence beside you had been not just a figment of your imagination, but a part of your reality as you felt his strong arms wrap around your waist and pull you closer whenever you strayed too far from him in bed as he groggily whispered, “¿Y a dónde crees que vas, preciosa?”, Or when he buried his nose in the crook of your neck, lining it up with soft kisses that sometimes ended up in both of you being late for your assigned tasks. With so much on the line, you were more than happy to avoid those spiky subjects. It seemed like such a small price to pay with all you were getting in return.  
You weren’t sure of where all this was going, but none of that mattered. Right now, you were together. Inside the Spider-Society you were a great team and each one was a valuable asset. Outside, every second spent in your arms was enough to make him forget Spider-Man. To you, he was Miguel and nothing more. And that was all you needed.
Life was good. You were happy with the way things were. Until, as it usually happens, a necessary disruption came quite literally crashing into your life in the shape of a fifteen-year-old that carelessly swung around a corner and crashed into you after you’d been chasing him like the rest of the Spider-People after receiving Miguel’s message.
“Miles?” You asked, recalling his name, which you’d actually been hearing for quite some time since the circumstances of his existence started being a problem for your boyfriend. The boy didn’t answer. He just looked at you, his eyes filled with confusion and fear until you hesitantly took a step aside to leave the escape route open for him. If anything he looked even more baffled, but when the noise of his pursuers reached your ears he rushed down the hall and you lost him after he took a sharp turn.
Before you could be spotted, you ran in the opposite direction and hid around a corner as you tried to call Miguel on your watch. Of course, it was in vain. Well, Plan B. Fortunately, this time you did get a reply.
“Peter! Yes, it’s me! Where are you?”
“Where do you think? I’m going after him like everybody else. I need to get to him before…sweetie, please just get back in there, Daddy’s on the phone right now…I need to get to him before- “
“He’s already left the headquarters,” You informed him.
“Wait, you saw him?”
“About a minute ago. He was on his way to the North exit.”
“(Y/N), are you sure you should be a part of this chase right now?”
“Why not? Jessica is there, isn’t she?” You replied, smiling to yourself. Good old Peter B., looking out for you like some sort of self-appointed brother figure.
“Well yeah, but she’s not running, kid. Although I don’t think she should be on one of those death machines either, I don’t what she’s…”
While he kept on rambling for a bit, you looked around and wondered if you’d ever seen the building this empty.
Your eyes slowly ran along the pearly white walls until they landed on the hallway that led to the room where the Go Home Machine was kept. Practically unchecked, if Spider-Byte had joined the pursuit.
“P.B., I’ll talk to you later,” You absent-mindedly replied, hanging up on him without waiting for an answer as you dashed down the hallway.
You kept thinking about that poor kid’s eyes. After having all that information unloaded onto him, instead being given enough time to somewhat process everything he now had to escape from the very people he was supposed to feel safe amongst. When he sat on the floor right in front of you right after the crash, he was sure you would immediately hand him over. Maybe a few months ago you would’ve done it without hesitation but now…things had changed.
There it was. The Go-Home Machine. You thought you saw a purple blast inside that let you know Byte was still there. However, if your theory was correct, Miles would have to go through that hall and therefore, you. A few minutes later, a sudden voice booming from your watch startled you.
“Miguel? Where are you? I’ve been trying to…”
“(Y/N), listen to me! Miles lured everybody out on purpose, he’s trying to get to the machine. I can see your location back at the headquarters and he should be coming your way in less than a minute!”
“Alright. I’ll handle it.” You replied, ending the call before he could ask you to elaborate on that.
Sure enough, light footsteps came in your direction shortly after. Right as Miles entered your field of view, an alert issued by your watch made your stomach drop and a dreadful feeling fill your chest. However, you’d made up your mind. There was no going back now.
Mile spotted you at the end of the hall and stopped in his tracks. His eyes were determined, not as afraid as a few moments earlier. If he was there that meant he’d somehow gotten past Miguel. You fought back a smile when you wondered how pissed he’d be about it. Having his ass kicked by a teenager was something that, maybe under different circumstances, you could tease him about.
“He’s a delight, isn’t he?” You finally spoke, trying to somewhat lighten the mood while taking a step toward the kid. However, he got in a defensive stance, furrowing his eyebrows in distrust.
“It’s okay, I’m not going to hurt you, I just want to talk.” You assured, showing him both your hands, “Miles, listen very carefully. This is exactly what Miguel was talking about a while ago. At this very moment. Right now, I’m supposed to stop you from getting to that machine and handing you over,”
Of course, he took another step back.
“Miles I’m not going to do that,” You assured him.
“Why not?” He immediately asked, constantly looking behind him, wondering if this was just you trying to stall him like, unbeknownst to you, he thought Peter had tried to do a while ago.
“Because I’m sure there’s a better way to go about all this. I love him so much, I do, but he’s so afraid that I don’t think he’s willing to see other possibilities and by the time he does, it might be too late for you. Now go before anybody else gets here.”
You didn’t have to tell him twice. Miles darted past you as soon as you finished talking, taking a second to look back before reaching the dimly lit room where his ticket home was. His eyes scanned your face and darted down for one second before he looked up at you, a new worry in his eyes that had you wondering whether his spider-sense was strong enough to perceive something you’d just found out yourself.  
“Are you going to be okay?” Miles asked, his eyes looking down for a moment once again. Did he know? Did he mean “you” as in just you or as in…?
“Yes, don’t worry. Now get out of here.” You insisted. With one last hasty “thanks”, he ran into the room as your left in the opposite direction. You weren’t worried about Spider-Byte. She was a good kid, and she’d do the right thing.
The right thing. What did that even mean anymore?
You’d deal with the moral implications later. For now, as you found yourself on the other side of the headquarters, your mind was set on finding Miguel. Maybe you could try and talk some sense into him, make him reconsider whether this was…
“What the hell was that?”
By now you’d gotten used to Miguel’s habit of sneaking up on you. Usually, hearing his voice coming out of nowhere brought a smile to your face. This time, you closed your eyes and winced as you felt his presence behind you.
“Don’t even try lying. I know that voice you used in the call. The one for when you’re about to ignore whatever order I’m about to give you, so I checked the cameras.”
“Miguel, I…” You began to explain yourself just to be harshly cut off.
“(Y/N), what were you thinking? Do you realize what you just did? Do you have the slightest idea of the consequences…?”
“I do realize that you just asked a fifteen-year-old child to stand by and let his father get killed right before calling his existence a mistake, Miguel. What were you thinking?”
“I was thinking of our safety, and that includes Miles’. You’re right, he’s a kid and that means he’s selfish and immature enough to endanger everything we’ve all been risking our lives to protect for years.”
“Miguel, listen to me,” You insisted, “You’re scared. I know. I am, too, but have you ever considered that maybe there’s another solution? Do we even know for sure that allowing the kid to go and try to save his father is going to cause any real damage?”
“What if it does? Are you just going to tell me “Sorry, Miguel, you were right” and that’s all? (Y/N), Dios mío, piensa. Gwen said the same thing but we couldn’t trust her with being objective because he’s her friend,”
“Wait, what do you mean couldn’t?” You asked. Miguel clenched his jaw and turned away, unable or unwilling to look at you.
“Miguel, please tell me you didn’t send her back. Not with how she left things back there,”
His absolute silence told you everything. Shaken, you took a step back.
“What is wrong with you?” You hissed the disappointed look in your eyes hurting like a sharp dagger to his chest.
“(Y/N), mi amor, I’m just trying to…”
“You’re such a hypocrite,” You angrily spat out, “You go around preaching about how important sticking to your stupid canon is and the delicate balance of the multiverse when you know damn well that what we’re doing goes against every single one of those things,”
“No, no, that’s very different,” Miguel disputed,
“How is it different?” You argued back, boldly moving closer to him wishing you were taller so you could face him, “I’m from another dimension, there is no way that we were supposed to meet from the beginning. You had your world, this world, and when you tried to live another life in a different one, an entire dimension was destroyed. I had my world, and for all I know maybe there was somebody there that I was supposed to meet but thankfully I ended up here first so I could meet you. But you know what? My universe is fine, yours is too and I swear I had never been happier in my entire life.”
“You’re right.” He muttered in deep thought.
“Yes, I am. And maybe…” You started to say, a relieved smile tugging at the edges of your mouth until he looked up and the expression in his eyes made your throat dry up.
“We’ve been messing with fire all this time. There is probably somebody you can be with without endangering your entire dimension. And this…this is the hand I was dealt and I should just accept it and live with it. You’re right. Maybe this was all a mistake from the beginning.”
“No. No, come on, you don’t mean that.” You shook your head in denial, lifting both your hands to cup his face in your hands, to bring him close like he had done the night you finally could let all the love you felt for him escape its confinement in your chest.
Miguel grabbed your hands before you could touch him and moved away from you before releasing them as he finally built up the courage to look you in the eye.
“Are you serious?” You asked, your voice quivering with anger as you felt tears begin to dwell in your eyes, “So that’s it? You’d rather sacrifice us than find a different way to solve this?”
“Well, what did you think was going to happen, (Y/N)? That this would go on forever and we’d keep pretending everything is fine and that you don’t have to wear a fucking machine on your wrist every time you come to see me because even the cells in your body know you were never supposed to be here?”  
“Oh, right, so you expect me to believe that you always knew this was going to be temporary? Then what was this? Something to take the edge off after a rough day until you decided it was time to stop fooling around and just be done with it?”
Deep inside, you knew what his response was going to be, but every inch of your heart silently pleaded for you to be wrong. To pull you into his arms and apologize for trying to send you away and promise that you’d get through this because you loved each other and that was all that mattered.
“I don’t know why you thought it was anything else,”
For a minute, you wondered if this was all actually happening. Maybe this was all a nightmare fueled by all the training simulations you’d gone over lately, and you’d wake up crying just to find Miguel asleep next to you, his wide back slowly rising and sinking with every calm breath he took. Your crying would wake him up and he’d furrow his eyebrows and ask what had happened.
“I had a nightmare, that���s all,” You’d say, wiping your tears off and trying to downplay it. But he knew better. He always knew better. He would pull you close and bury your head in his chest, placing a kiss on top of your head while warning you that he was the only one allowed to have nightmares because otherwise he’d have to start comforting you too and neither would get a full night of rest. And you would laugh softly as you drifted off, lulled by the warmth of his chest and his smell of sage lotion and cheap fabric softener.
But no. You were very much awake, and instead of comforting you with promises and reassurances, he was walking away from you after delivering the final blow to your heart.
Since he had his back turned to you, you felt free to let the repressed tears freely fall down your face as you helplessly watch him go until he disappeared around a corner. All of a sudden, you felt as if the walls of the headquarters had begun to close around you to asphyxiate you, and the sound of the returning Spider-People made you realize you didn’t want to be there for one more second.
Thanks to your watch, you were back “home” in a few seconds.
“Home”. Your empty apartment where you’d lived alone for years. Where he’d never set foot, and at least in that way it was free of his memory. Or so you thought until you looked over your shoulder at the ajar bathroom door. Inside, atop the porcelain sink, still rested the positive pregnancy test you’d left there before having to rush over to the headquarters to help with the latest anomaly.
That memory felt so distant now. As if it had happened years ago, in a different life. You suppose in a way, it did belong to another life. A life that was over now.
Numbly, you made your way toward the ragged sofa, collapsing on top of it as soon as you were close enough. It was only then that the full weight of the last day and a half sank in and, as you gently wrapped your arms around your stomach, you let the tears fall until your throat burned, the dusty cushions muffling your broken sobs.
“I’m sorry, I don’t think I heard correctly, you did what?”
The seriousness of the situation was enough for Peter to fasten a small strap in Mayday’s baby carrier to make sure she won’t go anywhere for a few minutes as he waited for his friend’s platform to reach ground level. He couldn’t be chasing his toddler around and ripping Miguel a new one at the same time.
“I did what I had to do. It’s for her own good,”
“Right, because you’re such an arrogant…” He paused to carefully place his hands over Mayday’s tiny ears, “…such an arrogant dick that you think you know what’s best for everyone, including a fully grown, intelligent, woman like (Y/N)”
“Shit, Parker, do you think it was easy for me?” Miguel uttered, pinching the bridge of his nose before resting his face against the palm of his hand, “What I said about this being the hand I was dealt…I don’t know how I’m supposed to deal with that. Hell, I don’t even know how I’m going to keep myself from showing up at her dimension to try and get her back here the first chance I get.”
“And why would you have to keep yourself from doing that?” Peter asked patiently. It sounded like a better alternative to “Miguel, I love you man but I swear you’ve got the emotional availability of a tree stump. Beats me how (Y/N) was able to get you to admit your feelings without prying your chest open with a jigsaw to see your pounding heart for herself.”
“She was right. We were never supposed to meet in the first place. Not like this. It’s not…”
“Miguel, I swear if I hear the word ‘canon’ even once in this conversation I’m going to drive my head through a wall,”
“Just because you don’t take anything seriously doesn’t mean everybody’s the same,” Miguel hissed back.
“That’s where you’re wrong. Last time I didn’t take something seriously, I ended up just like you will unless you get your priorities sorted out. Alone, and regretting not focusing on what was important,”
“This is important,” Miguel stubbornly argued.
“More important than what you had? Look at yourself. Just forty-eight hours ago you were as happy with (Y/N) as you’d been for the past eight months. And as happy as I’ve been with Mayday and my wife who, by the way, wouldn’t even be with me if it wasn’t for that kid you just called a mistake. And do you see my dimension going up in flames? Or yours? Or hers?”
Unable to find an argument against that, Miguel remained silent, his eyes fixed on an empty spot on the wall in front of him.
“Listen, I know you’re afraid. You don’t want her to get hurt, but if you love her as much as you claim to, then you’re taking the choice of a coward right now. And you can’t afford to be one, especially now.”
“Especially now?” Miguel inquired, turning to look at his friend who, much to his surprise, pressed his lips together as if he’d made a mistake and instead focused on getting Mayday’s hair out of her face.
“My point is; I know you well enough to know you worship that woman. And she thinks you’re pretty decent too. And I can tell you from experience that you’re going to regret it for the rest of your life if you let this come between you.”
Not knowing what else to add, Peter gently patted Miguel’s shoulder before leaving the room, hoping he’d given him enough to think about. Hopefully, enough to make him change his mind.
Meanwhile, Miguel hadn’t moved since Peter left the room, mulling his words over.
Two, particularly, had stuck with him for some reason.
Especially now.
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eomayas · 3 months
exo masterlist
key: smut (s), suggestive (sg), fluff (f), angst (a), request (r), complete (c) [for series], popular(🌷), personal favorite (🌹)
— airport dads
— sugar daddy line
— exo when angry | r
— exo simping | sg 🌷
— jealous exo
— pda
— being shipped with another idol | r
kim minseok
— best friend | f
— in the morning | s, f, r 🌹
kim junmyeon
— sneakin’ | s, a
— nip slip | s 🌷
— testy | s 🌹
— handsome stranger | f
— strictly business | s, r 🌹
— yours | f, a, r
— wants & needs | s, f, r
byun baekhyun
— baby blues | f, a, r
— unplanned | a, r
— besos | f, r
— frisky | sg, r 🌹
— baby blues (vol. 2) | f, a, r
— soft side | f, r
— the bodyguard | f, a, r
— broken promises | a, r
— (computer) games | f, r
— cream soda | s, f, r 🌷
— all the rumors are true | f, a 🌷🌹
— closure | s, a
— fantasy | sg, a, f
kim jongdae
— coming soon
park chanyeol
— back 2 u | a, sg, r
— new thing (series) | s, f, a, c
— rainy day | s, r
— call me what you want, when you want, if you want | a, f, r
do kyungsoo
— make it up to you | s 🌹
— caught in the act | s, f 🌷🌹
— amore | f
— tender love | f, r
— ninety | a, f
— interruptions | f, sg 🌹
— swervin | s
kim jongin
— d appointment | s, f
— confessions | f, a (sequel to d appointment)
— friendly competition | f
— take a break | f, r
oh sehun
— 10:07 pm | s
— firsts | s, f, r
177 notes · View notes
tenderleavesbob · 4 months
This is an unplanned sequel to this. I hope everyone enjoys it!
Time rested his head in hands and was trying very hard not to cry. He felt Warriors's eyes on him but had trouble looking at him.
It was just a stupid fight, everyone had agreed. A stupid fight which had gone too far and grown too nasty. When Time heard the details from a grief-stricken Legend, he blanched. It was just a stupid fight, and he hadn't realized everyone was on edge that badly for things to go this far.
"I'm fine, Time," Warriors said, but his voice was weak and he was still pale even after potions and Hyrule's magic. He looked small in the inn's bed without his armor and scarf. A white bandage covered his throat: fortunately an injury from one of the monsters and not the mysterious shadow they were chasing. That creature's blade had been unable to pierce Warriors's armor, but it had managed to break his ribs and almost his spine. His right leg was bandaged from ankle to thigh with his foot resting on a pillow.
Legend was still cleaning Warriors's scarf. Time had no doubt it would be cleaner than it had ever been in its life by the time Legend returned it.
"That was too close," Time rasped. By the time they found Warriors, following the noise of the fight, Warriors was bleeding on the ground. He had been conscious but barely, snarling and still fighting. If they had held off on searching for him... if Time had been any later coming back to the camp...
Warriors would have been dead before they even knew he was in danger. All because of some stupid fight.
Warriors's right hand was bandaged, too. He had punched the shadow in the face, he admitted later. It had broken several knuckles but he refused to regret it. The bones were healed now but his hand was still fragile. Warriors reached out with that bandaged hand now toward Time.
Gently, so gently, Time cupped it in both of his own. He shifted his grip so he could press two fingers against Warriors's pulse.
He had almost lost Warriors, and he hadn't even known he was in danger.
"I'll be okay," Warriors said softly. There had been a large bruise covering his cheek earlier. Blood had stained his blond hair red. "It's not like it was with Twilight. I'll be okay."
Time's eyes stung. He pressed a tender kiss to the back of Warriors's bandaged hand. Warriors watched him silently.
It was silent outside the room. It was so late. Time hoped that most of the boys were sleeping. Twilight visited earlier when Warriors was still unconscious and reported that Wind had cried himself to sleep.
Time needed to check on Legend. He knew he needed to check on Legend. It only made things worse when he realized that Warriors had been the one to handle everything during Time's vigil over Twilight. Who was handling everything now?
"It could have been," Time managed. "Easily." Tears burned again. He closed his eye and held Warriors's hand as tight as he dared. "Legend told me what he said. I need you to know that he was lying. He was only saying that to hurt you, and I'm sorry he succeeded. We need you, Warriors." He opened his eye again and felt a single traitorous tear escape. "I need you, Captain. I need you to know that."
Warriors smiled at him and weakly squeezed his hand. "Get some sleep, Sprite. You look like shit."
It was an answer in the way that it wasn't an answer. A puzzle which needed solved, a problem Time hadn't paid enough attention to know existed. It was a good thing that Time was good at handling both.
"Only if you do," Time said softly. "I love you, big brother."
This time, Warriors's smile looked more genuine. In the morning, Time would work on the rest. All of the rest. "Love you, too, little brother."
173 notes · View notes
coralinnii · 2 years
Hi, I saw your requests were open could you do a sequel for Malleus and Idia villainess? And if it’s not too much work could you do for Rook and Lilia?
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being reincarnated into a new world as the bad guy feat: Lilia, Rook genre: drama note: set in the same universe as previous works (Malleus and Vil’s ver specifically), prominent non-canon characters (Yung, etc), not gender-specific reader, no pronouns used, sculptor!reader in Rook’s portion,
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You remembered that the dating sim game you found yourself in was at most PG13 but oh, how you wanted to swear in your native language and the language in this madness of a new world you were currently in. 
Couldn’t you be a rich but nameless aristocrat or even a dumb mob character? Why did you have to be the hopeless puppet of your evil parents who just purchased a dragon egg from a black auction?!
At the persuasion of your “parents” (they certainly don’t act like it), your character went to buy a dragon egg, hoping to raise it to overthrow one of the love targets and become the new Dragon King. All for the slim chance your family would be proud of you. You knew the unfair ending to your person that was offered as a sole perpetrator of this act of treason. Your life was written unfortunately as such, short and unloved. 
But you weren't their child anymore. You chose to rebel this horrid destiny by running away with the dragon egg in your arms. You weren’t sure how to get the egg back to its people but you weren’t going to let your family get their hands on it. 
You were adamant of your choice of action. You were going to find a way to reunite the young dragon to its family. Easy, right? 
No. No it was not. Especially when the moment a small cute boy hatched from that egg, you were running around your secret cabin trying to reign in the surprisingly powerful child. 
“Love, please get off the ceiling. Slowly float your way to me-ahh the curtains! Get water!” 
Realising you were way over your head, you were racking your brain to figure out the best solution. Aside from just your inexperience with children, it’s plain to see that the youngster in your care is developing skills you couldn’t possibly know to support.
You had no choice but to find him 
“This is certainly an odd predicament here”
Lilia casually commented as he curiously observed the unplanned visitors in his manor. Lilia’s eyebrow quirk upwards as he watches the young dragon fae playfully squirming in your lap as you nervously nurse the tea Lilia’s servants prepared in haste. 
“I understand you must have questions. I can explain everyth-“ you started to speak but you were cut off by the Duke. 
“May I take a guess first?” 
For someone who is smiling, Lilia still manages to instill a sense of fear in you to the point that you couldn’t bring yourself to do anything but nod your head. 
“I’m aware of your family’s…avarice for power and their disdain for Lord Malleus since their lost in standing” your breath hitched when you accidentally locked eyes with Lilia’s darkened scarlet gaze “Young dragons are rare but their strength can change the world’s power dynamic when raised into adulthood” 
Lilia’s words were vague but his tone was pushing a dangerous weight onto you. With a few sentences, he already knew your family’s plans for treason and you were being carefully judged by his watchful gaze. 
“Which is why dragon eggs are extremely difficult to obtain, and considered illegal to own or sell to non-fae if one were to find ways to find one.” Lilia continued. “Coming to me with a young dragon fae is sort of a confession of your crime, you understand that?” 
Of course you did. It was why you didn’t want to get involved with Lilia or anyone in the first place. You were a criminal the moment you obtained the egg and you were being used as a pawn in your parents’ greed for power. You initially wanted to leave the egg deep in the woods and run away from your family. 
But before you could, Yung was born. And you instantly fell in love. The tiny child crawled into your arms and into your heart. You decided to risk imprisonment if it means the innocent fae grows up happy and strong, with the love your host body never received. 
Shaking away your nerves, you stared straight into Lilia’s scarlet eyes which surprised him. “I know the risks, but only you can save this child from my family's greed.” 
You, albeit awkwardly with the young fae in your lap, bowed to the powerful duke as you made a bold and desperate plea.
“I beg of you. Please take this child into your care” 
Unbeknownst to you, Lilia wasn’t distrusting of you at all. While he disliked your family, he pitied you as he could see only a lonely human that begged for love. He heard news of your disappearance but to think you would appear before him with a tiny fae with great potential. He deduced that your family planned to raise the child to usurp the throne from his young lord but you rebelled and ran with the innocent child. 
He silently praised you for your bravery, which led him to his next words.
“Very well, I accept your request” 
You lifted your head in shock at the quick reply. You’ve heard that the young(?) Duke was laid-back to a certain degree but you’d assume he put more thought when taking in a whole new ward into his care. But you weren’t going to complain about his benevolence so you fervently thanked him.  
Lilia reached his arms out, glancing towards Yung in your arms and you took the hint. He needed to take the young dragon from you if he was going to raise him. You knew that, it was obvious. But that knowledge didn’t help the painful throb in your chest. 
Perhaps because he was still quite young, Yung was sensitive to your aching heartbeat as he squirmed anxiously in your grasp, tightening his grip on your shirt and started to cry out for you. 
“W-wuv, wuv!” He cried out his nickname for you, something he picked up after hearing you call him Love over and over again. You couldn’t risk the possibility of him attaching to you so you avoided parental titles but alas it didn’t stop anything. He was calling for you with that endearing name. 
“Oh, love” you whispered painfully, reaching to the young fae’s tiny hands with your own shaking hands. “You need to let go. I can’t stay with you anymore” 
But you couldn’t calm the young one down. You couldn’t even stop your own emotions as you felt the sting in your eyes from the tears that were cascading down your cheeks. You stayed with Yung day and night as you did your best to raise him. You got to see his first crawl, his first stand, his first flight, and so much more. You had dreams where you watched the young dragon grow up with love and you forgot that you weren’t meant to be a part of that. For Yung to be happy, he should be far away from your family, including you. Your mind understands that, why can’t your heart?
You impressed yourself that you managed to register a sudden warmth atop of your hands in your chaotic mess of a mind. You felt Lilia’s hands encase your trembling ones that were wrapped around Yung’s. You locked eyes with the duke’s which you felt your heart skipped a beat at the beauty of his orbs. The entire conversation, you felt his gaze to be intimidating but now it’s slightly different. It was…gentler. 
“Oh dear, I supposed there is nothing else we can do” Lilia let out a sigh as he raised to his feet. He gestured for a servant’s attention and announced, “Prepare two rooms for our guests” 
“Sir Lilia…” you uttered in confusion but Lilia responded with a playful smile on his pale lips. 
“You’ll be staying with me for a while” He smiled with a slight mischievous glint in his eyes 
That was how you, a criminal, started living with the great Duke Lilia Vanrouge along with the baby dragon you ran away with.
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If you had an unfair life before, the universe must have been dying to prove you wrong by showing that your life could be more unfair. You reincarnated as the story’s most unluckiest character. You were the desperate and foolish noble that fell for Rook Hunt, respected knight and fanatic of beauty in all its form. Stupidly falling for Rook’s flowery words of appreciation, your character begged to be engaged to the knight but grew jealous every time Rook decided to focus his adoration elsewhere, which was every single time. 
Blinded by jealousy, your character recklessly attacked Neige and his love interest which ultimately led to imprisonment and presumably death since you never appeared in the story after that. 
You thought it was simple to avoid that ending, just annul your engagement and that’s it. However, apparently the original script failed to mention that your family received a large sum of money to arrange the engagement. And there’s no way your family was gonna give the dowry back. 
Welp, guess you gotta pay this yourself then. 
You proposed a deal with Rook and his family. You would find a way to earn the money that his family spent on you and the engagement will be annulled which certainly shocked the Hunt household since you were so desperate for the union between you and their son in the first place. But they ultimately give the final word to Rook, who was strangely calm. 
You were nervous under his gaze but by some miracle, Rook agreed to your deal and you sighed a breath of relief. Now, you just need to figure out how to make money
Coincidentally, like Rook you were also an admirer of all things beautiful but fortunately for others, your method of appreciation is capturing beauty through art, specifically sculpting. You love being able to immortalize one’s visual beauty with your own hands and you were confident that you could make some money out of it. 
It started with smaller requests, desk decors of fake flowers and animal sculptures. Soon, your talents were spreading as you were receiving commissions to make busts of loved ones. They were appreciative of your ability to bring out life from inanimate mediums. 
But that was partially due to Rook as well. 
While he was careful not to overtake your process, Rook’s keen eyes were helpful in the smaller details that made all the differences. He tells you how your client’s face crinkles slightly or how the dimple dips into their cheek when they smile. You suppose you couldn’t blame your original body to love Rook, not completely anyway. 
But you refused to make the same mistake. You were determined to change your predestined fate. Afterall, you were a completely different person. 
And someone else noticed that as well.
He’s not trying to brag but Rook Hunt was not a typical man. There’s not a single misplaced hair that he wouldn’t notice or a thread misaligned that he wouldn’t catch. So obviously, he noticed the drastic change in you. 
Your walking pace is different, your breathing has changed, your typical habits were replaced with new ones.You were more level-headed than usual, determined as always but your goal has changed. It was as though you woke up as a completely different person.
He noticed everything about you but did not mention a word to you, preferring to continue his observation without your knowledge. And through his observations, he’s picked out aspects of you that he can’t seem to look away from. 
Firstly, your eyes. While he objectively admired the pure infatuation of your old gaze at him and he was intrigued by the frequent crazed glare of jealousy, Rook finds himself captivated by the new look in your eyes. Your eyes stay the same but they’re clearer, more confident with professional focus when you carve or mold your work. Your eyes seem calmer as you converse with him on occasion, gone was the obsessive looks he once received. 
Next, your hands. Since you started sculpting, he began obsessively watching you work, entranced by your practiced strokes and cuts. Your hands glide skillfully against the material as you shape your medium to your whim with confidence. He voiced his envy towards your sculptures for having your hands grace its surface (you chose to ignore that). Your movements differ so much from your old self that Rook started to doubt your identity. 
Finally, your lips. You haven't changed your morning routine with the servants so your facial features haven't changed in that sense. However, your smile held his heart in a vice grip, his gaze trapped by your lips like a bramble of thorns digging into his thoughts. He found beauty of all forms to be equally exquisite, and he was not lying to you when he sang praises about your lovestruck grin that showcased the maddening effects of love. But why did that smile seem dull in comparison when he watched the small satisfied smiles formed on your face whenever you were proud of a new project or the shy upward quirk of your lips when your client gave you their words of appreciation for your hard work? 
Since your change, Rook grew more and more fascinated by you. He waits to see a new side of you or even glimpses of you he has already seen, just wanting to see you that day. But when he does see you and you offer a polite smile and a wave, his mind turns blank with nothing but you for a second which for a knight and hunter such as himself is frighteningly concerning.  
You were dangerous for him, but he likes it
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ericac318 · 1 year
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The Next Steps
A sequel to ‘Time for Class’ continuing the story of Gene Cousineau and my OC.
The rest of the story, which is in progress, can be found here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/15801549/chapters/36774993
Chapter 1
Alyona had Gene’s hand as they stepped out of their limo at the premier of their film, Naughty Teacher . They reached their first reporter within seconds.
“Gene and Alyona, there is a lot of buzz for your movie, what do you think is drawing crowds to it?” the reporter asked.
Alyona looked to Gene for a cue on who should answer which he replied with a nod for her to speak. “Forbidden love is always an exciting storyline,” she began, “But with this one, Gene and my story is very similar making it even more of a must see for our fans. Though most are his,” she looked to him wearing a warm smile.
The reporter continued, playing off of her answer, “So, you two also began as a forbidden love?”
Gene spoke, “We did, actually,” he glanced at Alyona before continuing, “She started in my class and within two weeks, we were sneaking around with each other. And now, if she’ll have me, I would like her to be my fiance,” he let the words linger in the air while she took them in.
Alyona narrowed her face, “Did you just propose to me in an interview?” she decided to make him work for it and added, “Is this a publicity stunt?”
Gene shook his head, the other cameras moving in their direction along with the fans, everyone waiting to see what would happen. “No, my dear, this is genuine,” he replied, “I was planning to ask you after the film,” he pulled out the ring, “But, I can’t wait another moment. So, what do you say?”
Alyona couldn’t stop a smile from taking over her lips as she nodded, “You’re lucky I love you so much,” she continued to tease while Gene placed the ring on her finger.
“Shall we go into the theater?” he offered his elbow while she was looking at the diamond on her finger.
His question shook her from her thoughts and she took his arm, “I would love to, husband-to-be,” her beaming smile impossible to hide.
Gene guided her past the rest of the press straight into the cinema where they were guided to their seats, next to the director and other actors from the film.
“I’m glad you didn’t make me get down on one knee,” Gene joked, leaning toward her and whispering in her ear, “You are insatiable and I’m afraid I wouldn’t have been able to get back up.”
Alyona laughed, “I’m sure you would have managed just fine, but it was already a scene without me demanding you being on one knee,” she gave him a smile, “Plus, who knows what the story headline would be if I’d done that.”
Gene laughed audibly, “Diva actress forces much older actor boyfriend to propose to her properly. Crowd laughed when she had to pull him up from the position.”
Gene and Alyona arrived in Seattle to film their movie a week early to go over their scripts and do some sight seeing.
“Are you going to take me to the Space Needle if I get these lines right?” she asked, her voice pleading.
Gene gave a small smile before he answered, “I think that can be arranged,” he began as he flipped through the pages, “How do you feel about the romantic scenes?”
She moved the area of the script he was referring to and read through the details before shrugging. “I don’t have a problem with it. The only strange thing will be that it’s kind of real since we’re an actual couple, but I’m happy to put my hands all over you anytime,” she added, a playful wink joining her words.
He reached for her hand, “I had a feeling that would be your response. I don’t usually film anything past a suggestion of sex, but I can handle it this time,” he gave her his conditions, “Alright, if we can get the first act down then we can go tour the city, deal?”
Alyona regretfully nodded as the two continued reading through their scenes, some of them putting them in the mood to do something that didn’t require them to leave their room.
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