#Not cubone though he's my little guy
creepyscritches · 2 years
Been making amigurumis for a little over a month and a half now and my hands haven't broken down from anything yet :Oc
Imagine the little babies I could be making now if I hadn't had to stop crocheting when I was 17 bc my hands were deteriorating so bad and I had to pick a single craft to focus on and leave everything else behind (it was 2D art lol....)
I. Can. Make. Them. NOW!!! No gods no masters no limits baby I'm making shit so cute it makes me want to crush them >:O
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fortuneravine · 1 year
Tell me about each of your PMD teams!
OH BOY ok okok
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starting off with team obsidian (explorers of sky)
Mistral is. complicated. for starters i have played as her in rescue team, explorers, And super because at the time they were kinda just. me. less of an oc and more just my self insert (i actually changed their name because her old name is. just my name now)
but lately i've wanted her to be her own character and not me in totodile form so i'm kinda in the process of redoing everything about them.
Cinder i can say more about! they are a disaster. an absolute mess. sopping wet kitten born in a cardboard box all alone. she's wanted to be an explorer since she was little, but being a huge coward kinda got in the way of that. they got that scar on their chest when they went into a dungeon alone and it scared them away from exploring for a long time. it wasn't until she met mistral that she started to get her confidence back and they're much calmer and less afraid of everything nowadays!
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now rescue team. i played as mistral again in my first pmddx playthough along with a cubone partner but. i have kinda replaced them as my Main pmd1 team with these guys. oops.
campfire are much more developed characters anyways so im gonna talk about them!
fig (she/any) is very quiet, as are basically all of my heroes because my selectively mute ass keeps latching onto silent protagonists. she's definitely the one i've given the not talking trait to the most though. chive is extremely extroverted and chatty so she handles all the talking. others tend to see them as closed off or mysterious because they can't get a good read on her. they're really sweet though
chive's main gimmick is she likes cooking! will probably settle down and open a little cafe once she's done with the rescue team business. likes to experiment with random berries and nuts she finds (fig keeps joking she's going to poison herself, but she owns like 3 different foraging guides, she knows what she's doing.)
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next is team hydra! their ref is old and i need to redo it so here's one of my heropartnerweek pieces badly cropped. their names are Ceru (she/xe) and Olivine (he/they)
it turns out i lied when i said all my heroes are quiet ceru is actually pretty outgoing. still the more introverted of the duo but mainly because olivine is a people pleaser extraordinaire. she actually had a pretty boring life as a human and is a lot happier as a pokemon. she was Devastated about returning to the human world, mostly because xe didn't want to leave xyr friends, partially because oh come on it's so much cooler here i don't wanna go back to working retail
olivine, as i said, is a people pleaser, often to his detriment. he's always prioritizing other pokemon's happiness, even when it's at the cost of his own. they get better at this over time (ceru helps him a lot with learning to say No). he and ceru are inseparable besties. they're like a comedy duo. 2 things have olivine's undying commitment, his friends and The Bit
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finally. super. again i already talked about mistral so here is Basil.
honestly? i feel like they don't have much of my own spin. pmsd partner is already a perfect character. they are so full of love. they love making others smile and they're maybe a little too enthusiastic about it. they tend to come off as overly friendly at best or annoying at worst. before meeting mistral they were pretty lonely despite trying so hard to make friends. they're very happy to finally have a real close friend who likes them how they are
this ended up a little rambly!! oops!! but there's my guys hope you like em :)
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broken-everlark · 7 months
Welp my dumbass decided to make Wednesday pokemon trainer cards instead of updating my WIPs. Which I'm going to do after I post this🤣
I'm not fully happy about Tyler, eugene, and the xaviers teams. Those may change.
Almost everyone always gets a legendary/mythical.
I know literally no one will read this or care. But I figured I could post it anyway.
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I gave her Skorupi because of Nero, so he's her partner.
Gliscor because he's just a beast of a mon and reminds me of a scorpion/bat that fits Wednesday's dark theme. Tyler had given this to her as a present. On their first anniversary, it immediately became a favorite.
Corviknight because Wednesday is referred to as the Raven, and he just seems like the most raven mon (even though he's a crow). Wednesday found this pokemon back when it was a Rookiedee. It had fallen out of its nest. Instead of feeding it to her mother's Pyroar, she kept it.
Hydreigon because he's just a dark dragon, and I feel like he fits Wednesday's style. Wednesday had found him as a deino, the poor blind Dino had injured himself. She decided to take him in and raise him to become a terrifying dragon.
Dusknoir because he's a big scary ghost that eats souls in his chest. Out of all the ghost types, i feel like this one fits Wednesday the most. This mon snuck up on Wednesday and followed her throughout a haunted graveyard, not giving up until she caught him.
It was between Giratina (the underworld/antimatter legend) or Yveltal. Her legend I chose is Yveltal, He's the legendary of Death, basically destroying everything in sight.
(I feel bad for doing this to Tyler)
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His partner - Cubone - because they both lost their moms. Cubone wears his mothers dead skull on his head. Tyler's mother had given this to him just before she passed.
(Might replace.) Bewear - literally because Tyler is sweet & adorable on the outside, but on the inside, he's hiding a dangerous monster, just like bewear.
Mimikyu - because the creature inside the suit just wants to be loved, just like Tyler. So he hides behind a suit made up of a beloved pokemon. But everytime it's trainer looks underneath the suit, they die.
Scovillian - because it's a funny play on Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hyde. Two faces, two different personalities.
Garchomp - Because this mon is anger filled and very hard to tame also very powerful. Kinda reminds me of the hyde.
His legend is Mewtwo. A legend made by humans and hates humanity. Reminds me of Tyler's tragic past, hating others who don't understand what he's been through.
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Her partner is a shiny Spheal - Honestly, I just feel like Enid would love every single pokemon that's adorable.
Shiny) Politoad because he's just a very happy frog, and I feel like it matches. It Enids a very bubbly personality.
Arcanine - i feel like even though it's a big scary dog, she loves it because it's Fluffy and loyal. Just like Enid.
Lycanroc (Day form) just a little nod to her wolf form.
Dragonair - Honestly, it's just a beautiful mid evo that I feel like Enid would love
And her legend is Mew. It's just a cute, sweet cat that has all the DNA of each pokemon. Something I think Enid would take care of and love.
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So Ajax's starter is Ivysaur - because the bulbasaur line is famous for smoking grass
Ekans because of Ajax being a Gorgon and his little snakes poke their heads out sometimes.
Slowbro because it seems like a good pokemon to get high with.
Hisuian Typhlosion because he just looks like a depressed cool boy like my baby Ajax.
Noivern - because I just see Ajax being the chill guy at parties and noiverns ears remind me of speakers.
His legend is a shiny Rayquaza just because he's a giant space snek noodle🤣
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Eugene's starter is a shiny caterpie, figured he'd just be a bug type trainee.
Beedrill - because of his powers to control bees.
Heracross- same as the caterpie. Just figured he'd have a bug army.
Dewpider because he's just an adorable bean like Eugene.
Appletun because I just feel like he'd love chunky pokemon. Because chunky pokemon are the best.
wobbuffet because its a psychic pokemon and it's insane ability to use counter and I feel like Eugene would need a happy mon to keep him company.
Yes Eugene doesn't get a legend. Just couldn't find one that fit.
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Her partner being Primarina - has to do with her being a siren outcast. Her partner looks like a mermaid and sings like sirens and mermaids are known for.
Being the popular girl at school, I'd imagine she'd have tons of beautiful pokemon. A florges. Being a bouquet of flowers fits that perfectly
Again, Hatterene fits the popular girl status perfectly. Another beautiful fairy type to add to Bianca's team
Bianca would also have a shiny Altaria, it being her pride since it's a rare golden color.
Beautifly - a rare evolution of Wurmple, being very beautiful & every time it flaps its wings, sparkly pollen falls with each flap.
I chose Meloetta fighting form for her mythical pokemon. It has unique singing abilities, and being strong but beautiful would fit Bianca perfectly.
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Xavier surprisingly got a card. I didn't want to download a picture of him into my phone so he gets no picture.
He gets a shiny muk as his partner. Because he looks like throw up. Just like how I feel about Xaviers character.
He gets an Exeggutor because it's derpy in a stupid way🤣
Grafaiai because he's an artist.
Garbordor - because it's a pokemon made of trash.
Xavier does get a legend. But it's the worst one. He gets regice because it's a trash legend.🤣
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frostbite-yinny · 1 year
Hi! I was wondering what Pokémon are for adoption right now. My sewaddle has been looking rather lonely as of late and I’d love to get him a little (or big) freind! Im a bug/grass trainer.
Hey! So, for you, I'm only going to suggest bug and grass-type pokemon BUT I will also recommend some eggs and pokemon of other types at the end just in case you decide to try it out :D Without further ado:
Sakura the Leafeon: This little girl used to be a 'life coach' She was owned by a terminally ill man to support him both around the house and emotionally in his last years. She is a very heavy-headed pokemon, she is quiet and very gentle with everyone and everything but she gets distracted easily. She likes to stop to inspect every flower, look at every passing bird, watch the wind ruffle the leaves of a tree, and many more. She takes life slow and steady. Her name comes from the pink tint at the tip of her 'leafs' because the poor thing suffered a form of fin-rot when she first evolved. It's pretty, yes, but you need to get it checked regularly to make sure the cells are dead and not spreading.
Prima Donna the Dolliv: Another little girl. The only way to describe her is, well, spoiled. The same old story of being owned by some up-and-coming actor, Getting spoiled to the core, and then getting thrown aside when you evolve. Apparently, the actor only wanted a lap smoliv and didn't want to deal with a dolliv that might just evolve again. She is kinda brash and definitely needs strict boundaries and strict training to learn the do's and don'ts. She is definitely a prime example of her species. The head-to-olive ratio would win her an award.
Caterpie: If you want another little friend to your sewaddle, this little guy would be perfect. He is a catch-and-dump but his wild pokemon background doesn't really show. Friendly, curious, and cheerful. He would make a perfect house pet.
Ah the surskit: He is just a little dude. He used to belong to a swimming coach for children. He is good with kids and can definitely alert someone if you are drowning and thanks to knowing aqua jet, he has no problem saving you himself. He is on the lazy side, though. He got dumped here for refusing to work. I can relate.
Now! A few mentions: Mint the male meowstic, Bruce Wayne the cubone, 2 Igglybuffs that bonded so have to be adopted together, Bagel the Furfrou (he hates getting a haircut, that's why he is dumped here), 17 inkays (we got lucky with the number of inkays we got in the 'accident')
Lastly, a few eggs: A combee egg, 4 bunnelby eggs, probably a squirtle egg, a paras egg, a mimikyu egg, a mankey egg, and finally, a sentret egg
Just a little reminder, anyone else can adopt them too :D
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gh-woah-st-v1 · 2 years
the ghouls as pokemon
with a couple that are specifically ones that would be really good nicknames 
@sphylor​ and i had a lot of thoughts yesterday lmao
Dew (fire)
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so dew was 1 of the 2 that started this, and i think it sets the mood for the whole post
fennekin: both sphy and i would die for fennec fox dew, it’s only natural that dew would be fennekin. this one has superb nicknameability too
litten: there isn’t much specific reasoning for litten, but just look at the little dude. that’s dew
alolan marowak/cubone: if alolan cubone actually existed it would be perfect for dew, but alas. but in the end, both cubone and marowak fit dew pretty well so they’re both here
Dew (water)
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seadra: a tiny angry seahorse? if that’s not era 3 dew idk what is
dewgong: dewgong is more specifically for the nickname since it has dew in the name, but honestly the guy’s growing on me. definitely a certain time and place where dewgong would apply, but i can see it
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so i said that dew was 1 of the 2 to start this whole thing but really rain was the first
oshawott: and by rain was the first, really i mean that comparing rain to oshawott was what caused this. look at him. he and rain are one in the same. change my mind
vaporeon: rain’s frilly sleeves. water themed puppy. that’s all the explanation you need
polliwag: also more specifically a nickname, but this one hasn’t really gone past a nickname. If you aren’t convinced that polliwag is a banging nickname though, just imagine someone calling rain polliwag with the utmost affection in their voice. that’s what really drew me in
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also an earlier one, aka the only ghoul besides dew and rain that an assignment came naturally rather than me scouring the pokedex, mountain’s pokemon honestly appeal to the 2 headcanons for him (deer-like and goat-like) that i’ve seen the most
sawsbuck: so the headcanon that mountain grows different plants near his horns depending on his mood/emotion or based on if someone says a plant name has been going around a lot and sawsbuck being able to change antler decorations matches that so well. i love sawsbuck for mountain
gogoat: i mean come on. i couldn’t resist with the name. plus gogoat fits mountain visually so well? it was made for him.
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i’m not gonna lie, aether was a hard one. i looked through the entire pokedex and couldn’t find one that REALLY spoke to me. but i thought about it and thought of a pretty good fit, imo
greavard: i had to think if greavard really fit for a second but with the reasoning i came to i honestly think it fits pretty well. aether’s a big, scary looking dude with a terrifying power, but he’s the biggest gentle giant ever. just like the giant ghost dog that follows you around for love and also maybe possibly sucks the life out of you
nidorino: so i originally had nidorino for omega but then i read something where omega mentored aether and taught him everything he knows, so aether got nidorino and omega, well, you can probably guess. you’ll see him in a second anyway
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trying to work out what area of pokemon i wanted to do for the multi ghouls took a minute. i wanted something that reflected a combination of elements, but also that fit their personalities, but i think i got it narrowed down pretty well
tauros: tauros is also one that doesn’t have much explanation. i just looked at it and went “yeah, that’s swiss”
luxray: so when i was thinking elementally about what types the multi ghouls would be, i figured electric went really well. it’s got the heat and burn of fire, the impetus of a storm, and natural electric currents from the ground and everything. so then i got to the big, confident, electricity cat and i mean. that fits swiss quite well
sandile: there was a little voice in the back of my head telling me that sandile is swiss. i tried ignoring it because it doesn’t really have the grandiose-ness that swiss has but in the end the voice won out. i have no reasoning. he just is
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idk man, articuno just has very confident vibes to me and cirrus is a very confident person. they just match
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i had 2 very different ideas for cumulus and had to let both be shown
dragonair: cumulus is very elegant and ethereal, and i feel like dragonair embodies that pretty well
wooloo: so @/thelampisaflashlight (idk if they would want to be tagged) has the concept of the ghouls having imps/imp forms, and cumulus’s is just a giant sheep-like thing. call it divine inspiration if you’d like
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sunshine was honestly the easiest of the ghoulettes for me to pair. i already had the electric type thing established, then everything else just came naturally
mareep: like i said, i think electric types fit multi ghouls, so at this point it was just finding one that fit for sunshine’s personality. so she gets the tiny sheep. just look at it, it’s adorable
lillipup: this one from the start was both a she is lillipup and lillipup makes a fantastic nickname. yet another one with little explanation, lillipup just fits sunshine
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so i said that omega was initially nidorino, but i ended up shifting it to where omega is nidoking. i think it’s a really neat parallel for omega to have the bigger/evolved version of aether’s pokemon if we’re following the mentor idea
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i didn’t even realize until making the pictures to put each ghoul’s pokemon together, ifrit’s are all cats. really speaks to how he acts on stage
growlithe: ifrit has this kind of innocent feel about him, and i’ve seen him portrayed as more of a teenager for ghouls a lot. and growlithe is a young, innocent, bold little guy
pyroar: speaking more to the showiness of ifrit, pyroar is intense and has a tinge of flamboyance, like ifrit
torracat: i also didn’t realize until putting the pictures together that i gave ifrit the pokemon that one of dew’s evolves into. i initially gave ifrit torracat just because it seemed right, but the symbolism in that coincidence and their line of succession? borderline poetic
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i wish i had more to say reasoning wise, but houndoom is another “he just is.” both alpha and houndoom have a big presence, they’re threatening, it just makes sense
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yet another it just makes sense, glaceon just IS mist. they’re small but have a lot of power and sass. i love them
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lastoneout · 2 years
Looks at your ocs
Looks at surveyshipping
Gives you a non-judgmental but still very aware gaze
Anyway, what kind of Pokémon would your oc’s like? I feel like your demon boi loves cuddly Pokémon like Whimsicot and Wooloo
(Please note I’m not saying they are the same, but I get the same vibes from your oc’s as Laventon and Cyllene. Good taste overall)
lmao it's okay I'm not even a little bit offended I absolutely have A Type when it comes to ships(well, two types really) and one of them is def "pure cinnamon roll dumbass + grumpy tsundere who is completely in love with them". I was actually thinking about jokingly making a comparison meme/drawing of all of the soft dumbass malewife/cool badass angy lady ships I have cuz there are enough that I could do that!
As for pokemon, Eugene would probably love all of them because he loves most things, I can see him being the "trubbish is cute why are you guys being so mean T_T" guy, but yeah he'd probably have a soft spot for the Fluffy ones. Also the idea of giving the horned demon guy pokemon that are cute and fluffy but also sheep/ram inspired is very funny in my head, I like that a lot, cuz I mean that's basically just him in a nutshell anyway lmao so yeah give him a whole team of em, nothing but wooloo and dubwool and whimsicot and mareep and a gogoat, that's just too good.
Ophelia would probably be the type to have only like one or two of the lonely, hard to get close to but then loyal as heck once you do types, maybe a cubone or an absol. Though she could also have like one cute babie pokemon bcs hey she's clearly got a soft spot for cute optimistic balls of sunshine so maybe tack a togepi or a pichu on for good measure.
Anyway thank you for the ask and thus the permission to talk about my homemade blorbos I love them and am always down to ramble, and yeah no worries about seeing the parallels between them and surveyshipping, I could make a whole list of similar ships I'm into they are def one of my favorite types <3
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johtobcrn · 2 years
Send ◓ for information about my muse’s pokemon team.
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❝ Ah! The original team! Though you should at least recognize some of them, Jasmine, ❞ the raven-haired young man chuckled. ❝ Where it all started: back home in Johto. ❞
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Connor rubbed his chin in thought as he took out pictures of the six pokemon. Clearly, they weren't with him in Paldea – they were back home in Johto.
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❝ First up, while he's not the starter I got from Professor Elm, he's the son of the one I picked. Soot is a shiny Typhlosion my parents hatched from my original starter, Rocket. But ah, unlike other shiny Typhlosion, his flames... are blue? For some reason?? ❞ Connor shrugged. ❝ He was such a valuable party member after Rocket's sudden retirement due to getting in a scuffle with one of my friend's Zoroark. We knew it'd be best for Rocket to not let him battle anymore. ❞
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Next, he held up a picture of an Umbreon. ❝ Sonata! If it was any Pokemon to be cheerful for a dark-type, it's definitely Sonata. She was a gift alongside her sister, Aria, from a friend and is total support. ❞ He grinned softly. ❝ Definitely the motherly figure of the team. ❞
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❝ Let's see... Oh, Ridge! My... well, one of two Marowak. Of course I had to get both a Kantonian and an Alolan one. Ridge was a hard hitter with his club. He was such a shy and scared little guy when he was a Cubone, but he really grew into his shell, or well, skull in his case. ❞
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❝ Now Evienne, also called Evie, was an orphan when I found her as a young Lapras. She was somehow separated by her pod and in Union Cave out of all places! I would say she definitely carried the team through some battles buuuut... she did a lot of carrying regardless. ❞
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❝ Gwen! Well, her full name is Guinevere. She was a late addition to the team, a gift for answering some questions correctly at Dragon's Den while I was in Blackthorn City. She's a jolly little thing and with that special move, Extremespeed, she can pack a punch. ❞
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❝ You know, I don't know many people who use Bellossom on their team but here I am with Camellia. Cami's a gentle soul and often the one I used if I needed some time to get the others back up to full health. She's a cute little thing and I do prefer the full grass-type as oppose to the grass and poison type of Vileplume.❞
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thatoneguy031 · 1 year
So, I realized that I never really did anything for Pride Month. My bad, especially since I'm a member of that group.
I know it isn't a lot, but what if I talked about where my characters sat on the LGBT spectrum? That works for you guys, right?
First things first, Delta. Hoo boy, is he an odd case. Like, he's obviously asexual, he literally doesn't even have genitals to begin with. But, as you'll see way, way later in his storyline, he is interested in the concept of romance. And, he follows the "It doesn't matter, love is love" mentality, so I guess he's panromantic? Is that a term?
On top of that, he's not really opposed to the idea of crossdressing or looking feminine or anything. He's the kind of guy to wear a full, Princess Peach-styled dress because it's comfy, or something like that. He goes by any and all pronouns, but I use he/him in my stories about him, for no reason in particular.
For Jason, he's ace/aro, simply put, clear-cut as his Oshawott's fighting style. Similarly to Ash, he doesn't really care for love too much, as long as you and your Pokemon are strong and give him a solid challenge, which you'll see more and more time passes(He referred to Bianca as "girlfriend," because they were just that close with each other to do stuff like that. They weren't dating or anything). The only "love" he shows is towards Jayden and his Pokemon, who is family and are considered family respectively.
Trevor, as I've mentioned before, is straight and questioning. He's always thought he just liked girls when he was in middle and high school, but his best friend, Bryant...
Bryant. Just Bryant.
...Yeah, that Floatzel definitely flipped Trevor's world view on its head, and now he's just confused. Please send your condolences for our turnabout Typlosion-Ampharos-Blastoise... guy.
Funnily enough, Smudge is the only character that I've made with the intent of being purely homosexual. At least, mostly, but I'll get to Chris eventually.
Smudge is pretty clearly into Charles, but their situation is kinda complicated. Smudge thinks that he doesn't have a chance in heck with Charles due to his childhood, so he sticks with them just being friends, and Charles thinks that Smudge is way out of his league due to the dragon's now-popularity, so he doesn't even bother asking him out. But, they do still talk to each other, and Smudge jokingly brought up the chance of them just making out once, which Charles clearly wanted. He denied it, though, in fear of looking too weird.
You know how I said I'd get to Chris's whole deal eventually? Well, now it's eventually(The first time I've followed up on that kind of thing in a while).
Chris had a rough childhood. He was often picked on, mostly because he was an easy target, but also because he was just a loser to his bullies. So, he never really got to even discover his options.
When he was turned into a Pokemon, he got to see the rest of Team 7(Besides Stephanie, because he already knew her from when he first arrived.) Insert some wacky, emotional missions later, but he sorta began growing feelings for Lucas, that Cubone I keep mentioning. It wasn't love, at least not at the time, but Chris definitely felt like he could connect with him more than anyone else on the team, since they've had similar backgrounds. So, it's not like he's dating Lucas or anything...
...But he isn't repelled by the idea of getting to know him a little more.
For yours truly, I'm bisexual. At least, I'm pretty sure I am. There's no real explanation for this. I kinda just discovered I liked dudes one day, and I rolled with it. Nothing special, no interesting backstory, that's sorta just... it. Point, blank, period, 'cause it ain't no question.
Off topic, I love the bi flag. It gives such a vaporwave aesthetic, and I can really vibe with that kind of thing. The colors blend in with each other so well, they're so easy on the eyes.
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periru3 · 2 years
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Part 1 of my commentary on my derpy pokémon drawn from memory.
Original Post - Part 2 - Part 3
1A - Charmander: A+. flawless. a handsome little fella indeed
1B - Charmeleon: got a lil chonky but there is nothing wrong with that
1C - Charizard: the first in the ongoing saga of me not knowing how to draw wings, be they reptilian or avian. Could certainly be worse though
1D - Bulbasaur: my beloved. Doesn’t quite capture bulbasaur’s inherent charm, but I think a decent attempt
1E - Ivysaur: let’s just ignore ivysaur, k?
2A - Venusaur: Is she perfect? No. Do I love her more than words can express? Yes, yes I do. 
2B - Squirtle: I think I got the gist, but I honestly expected slightly better on this one.
2C - Wartortle: look, I think we can all agree that my starters’ middle evolutions are all going through a very awkward puberty and the polite thing to do is to ignore them. 
2D - Blastoise: Meh. 
2E - Weavile: perfect, no notes. 
3A - Kakuna: I defy anyone to draw a more detailed kakuna from memory. look, he’s just... a lil.... fucking.... guy! in a pod! I don’t know?!?
3B - Beedrill: I am for sure missing some key elements, but I think I captured the malicious energy of a beedrill quite well actually.
3C - Caterpie: look, ok, let’s all just be nice to my caterpie, okay? he’s doing his best. I went iinto this one very confident and in retrospect that may have been the beginning of the end for this guy. 
3D - Metapod: see my notes on 3A
4A-4E - Pidgey, Spearow, and evolutions: in this row I reaffirmed what I have always known to be true, which is that I cannot fucking draw birds. 
5A-5B - Doduo and Dodrio: exceptions to the above rules. These guys are perfect. 
5C - Gastly: I was feeling really good about this one til I looked up a picture and remembered that gastly has eyes that are so big they extend beyond the confines of it’s head. Given that gastly has very few physical characteristics, I sorta wish I’d remembered that. 
5D-5E - Gengar and Haunter: I was today years old when I learned that you can remember the order of these guys (which I always forget cause they all just look totally different from one another) by the fact that they gain limbs every time they evolve. The more you know. Other than the order, though, these fellas are perfect. A++
6A - Chansey: cursed and also not even close. Agonizing failure. 
6B - Cubone: not bad, but could stand to be 10000x cuter. 
6C - Marowak: absolute trash. She deserved better. 
6D - Magikarp: considering my most rewatched episodes of the show by FAR are the ones set on the SS Anne, and also how much I loved Team Rocket’s submarine, I should be, and, in fact, am, ashamed of myself. 
6E - Gyarados: this one falls into what may be my favorite category of these, which is “definitely fails in terms of accurate representation, but captures the Vibes™ perfectly”
7A-7B - Horsea and Seadra: You know what? Pretty damn close. 
7C - Pikachu: Basically the free space on my bingo card. 
7D - Raichu: Not great. Looking at a picture, I’m very sad I failed to remember how cute his ears and lil brown hands are. 
7E - Oddish: Flawless, no notes. 
8A - Gloom: pretty good, though looking at a picture I am realizing for the first time that gloom has the leaves of oddish which are wilting and receding (and which I forgot) and the mushroomy/flowery bit that vileplume has but smaller. It’s like when the fruit of a plant is growing in and you can see the bits of the flower at the base shriveling up. That’s cool. 
8B - Vileplume: Not bad. Could be better. 
8C - Tangela: *insert meme of Pam Beesly looking at this guy and the official artwork for tangela and saying “they’re the same picture” here* (also my brothers very first comment when I showed him these was “poor tangela”)
8D - Ditto: one could argue that since ditto can be drawn in 2 lines and 2 dots, the fact that I forgot that his face is squished up at the top of his lil body is, percentage-wise, a pretty huge oversight. In fact, I think I will argue that. Still a lil cutie pie though. 
8E-9A - Hitmonchan and Hitmonlee: Honestly shocked at how decent these two came out. 
9B - Kangaskhan: Just a fat kangaroo. Strong contender for worst drawing. Hands-down winner for Pokémon I’m most surprised I didn’t forget. 
9C-9D - Goldeen and Seaking: Ya know what? not bad. Goldeen could stand to be more weirdly sexy for a fish, but seaking pretty much looks exactly like that. 
9E-10A - Tentacool and Tentacruel: I won’t lie, I am not too proud of these two lol. Sorry for forgetting like 12 of your tentacles, tentacruel. 
10B-10C - Meowth and Persian: Look, Meowth may be a hideous monster, but he’s also my son and I love him. As for Persian, I’ve never met that monstrosity in my life. 
10D-10E - Ekans and Arbok: These fellas are pretty much just snakes. And you know what? That’s accurate and I stand by it. 
0 notes
kitsumidori · 2 years
I'm bored, I wanna do a Borderlands/Pokémon AU
Here are some ideas I got for teams under the cut.
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Maya the Siren
Rei the Gardevoir ✨♂️: Maya's first pokemon and her ace, the monks wouldn't allow her to have any pokemon since they fell that they'll distract her, of course she didn't listen.
Cosmo ♂️ and Galatea♀️the Meowstics: Maya's companions along with Rei. There two would be hidden around the temple, staying out of the monks (more notably Sophis) sights. They found that out when Maya was leaving Athenas.
Nevermore the Honchkrow ♂️: He was originally Hector's (my OC). When he was about to confront the order, he hid Nevermore fearing that they'll take out both. Maya found his poke ball when she was packing up for Pandora.
Vincent the Roserade ♂️: While the vault hunters were heading though the Highlands to get back to Sanctuary, they stumbled across a Roselia trying to defend himself from Loaders and Stalkers. After rescuing him, he's taken a quick liking towards Maya.
Starlight the Gothitelle ✨♀️: Was trapped in the Wildlife Exploitation Preserve when she was still a Gothita, and was about to be used as a test subject. But luckily while the vault hunters were retrieving Bloodwing and the CL4P-TP upgrade, Maya stumbled upon her cage and couldn't bear to see her like this.
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Gaige the Mechromancer
Sparkplug the Pikachu♀️: Gaige's ace and trusted companion along with Deathtrap, would always assist her with handing her tool's and using her electricity for her inventions.
Glitch the Magnezone ✨⭕: Originally her dad's, he send Glitch with Gaige to help her survive on Pandora.
Gearshift the Klingklang ⭕: Was caught while in Opportunity. The Raiders find out that the Pokemon that Hyperion is using were caught with specialty made poke balls, that keep said pokemon in a hypnotized and violent state. When Gaige was fighting off an engineer, Deathtrap accidentally broke the Hyperion poke ball and freed the Klingklang, Gaige took it back to Sanctuary immediately.
Gizmo the Magnemite ⭕ and Gadget the Magneton ⭕: Them along with a bunch of Magnemite's where caught in Fyerstone, Hyperion set up a transmitter that controls the surrounding Magnemite's, Gaige didn't want them to live in a place like this, so she invited them all to live in Sanctuary. (Gaige only caught Gizmo and Gadget while the rest took refuge in Sanctuary, acting as their defense force)
Jumpstart the Vikavolt ♂️: Caught in the Tundra Express while he was still a Charjabug. Was almost mistaken as a Varkid.
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Krieg the Psycho
Towanda the Raticate♀️: Krieg's only friend while he was held captive and experimented on, still sticked with Krieg after they've escaped. Similar to Krieg's affection towards Maya, Towanda also developed a crush on Rei (Maya's Gardevoir)
Meatchuncks the Primeape ♂️: Krieg wanted to kill some bandit's and while doing that, this little guy just showed up and took down a badass bandit without breaking a sweat.
Beowulf the Ursaring ♂️: Was about to be sold off to Hyperion, but Krieg was able to rescue him, but not without some facial scaring. He wears a mask similar to Krieg's.
Sapphire the Hydreigon♀️: Like with Starlight, Sapphire was to be tested with slag. Sadly, they've been injecting her with slag long before the vault hunters showed up. *She's the first pokemon Krieg legitimately caught*.
Skull Shivers the Marowack ♂️: Found when he was just a Cubone crying out for his momma, has developed some of Krieg's psycho tendencies, like bashing his head with his bone. (plus with the skull mask and bone club give of Krieg vibes)
Meatball the Mimikyu ♂️: He saw some bandit's daring each other to look under his disguise, they all ended up dead, that was enough for Krieg too take him in.
*at that point, Krieg never really caught them per-say, even after he and his pokemon were registered, he always left them out of their poke balls because he felt like they were trapped in there.*
I'm open to suggestions for the rest of the BL2 vault hunters, I have some ideas for Axton and Zer0's team, but I'm having difficulty with Salvador's team, so some ideas would be nice.
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team-heavenly · 2 years
Chapter 15 - Part 3
Step ONE! Read Part 1 here.
Step TWO! Read Part 2 here.
Step THREE! Read Part 3... down below!
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Like Togetic, Gulpin is also a Drama King™️ so naturally he times his entrance right at the brink. And it only gets worse from here.
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Also, if you know where the Passage of Time is and that Togetic et al. will be going through there eventually... Efficiency! Convenience!
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Not that this is important, but... do you think “my dear Grovyle” or “my dear Togetic” rolls off the tongue better? I can’t decide 🤔
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Here we go here we go here we go-
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The little guy! An option from the first games! Is the creature controlling this giant Mecha Dialga suit from the inside.
New theory: Cubone didn’t go Primal because Prosperous Bog collapsed; he went primal because he wanted REVENGE for his dead mother!
Secretly I was hoping for another legend so it would have made zero goddamn sense why they went nuts over time going out of control but... ah, well.
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Unlike Captain Kirk, Togetic does believe in no-win scenarios :( I mean can you really blame him though.
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Togetic: “No...”
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I will take the name to note that I tweaked the dialogue here and there throughout the rest of the scene. I understand why, but the NPCs go heavy here on “my partner.” And like... she’s right there, y’all. I wanted to make it slightly more personal.
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(Pst... here’s a fun fact about this shot.)
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*freeze frame*
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Gah, I was hoping to avoid this, but I guess we need a Part 4.
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unmeisenshi · 2 years
Drabble: I Will Remember You
When the Charizard received the Marowak’s letter, needless to say he was a little bit surprised by it.  But he would fulfill the request, and set out to his childhood home at sunset.  When he arrived, he found Zane with his feet in the water, and would join him by his side.  “Zane?  You wanted to see me?”
Zane would turn around upon hearing Solaris arrive.  “Yes.  I just... Wanted to talk a little.”  He would sit down in the sand.  “It was years ago that I first arrived here.  Right here in this very spot as a Cubone.  And it was in this spot that I met a Charmander.  One full of hopes and dreams of forming a rescue team.”
Solaris would look down, and would easily be able to use context clues.  “You met... Me?  But I would remember that happening...”  His voice seemed to trail off, and he felt like he was remembering something, but he couldn’t spell out what it was.  He shook his head and looked at Zane.  “Are you sure?”
“I’m positive.  It was right here all those years ago that you asked me to be a part of Team Destiny.”  He looked Solaris over.  “I can still remember the look in your eyes.  You looked so eager... So excited to have someone to create a team with.  You... Reminded me a lot of myself as a kid.  Bullied, and looking for someone to befriend.”
Solaris looked in astonishment at Zane.  “How did you...”
“Because you told me.  You told me all about your past.  How your dad would look out for you.  And how you’ve tried to harm yourself during that time. When I heard that... I knew that you and I were very alike... Even though you had told me after years of us being friends.”
Solaris would once again get the aching feeling that he was remembering something.  “Zane... I... I don’t know if you have the right Pokemon here.  Are you sure that it’s me?”
Zane nodded, and looked at Solaris.  “I am sure.  And during our friendship, there was something that I wasn’t too sure about.  Something I kept to myself.  But after all of these years...  I’m sure about it now.”  The Marowak would begin blushing.
Solaris would begin to blush after Zane did.  “W-What do you mean?  Y-You’re not saying that-”
Zane would quickly scoot closer to Solaris, and would give a quick peck to his cheek and would hug onto his arm.  As soon as Zane hugged onto him, something clicked in Solaris’ brain.  Like something that he had forgotten was remembered.  After a moment, Solaris would begin to tear up, which worried the Marowak.  “Did I do something wrong-”
“Zane... You idiot...”  Solaris said in between sniffles, returning the hug with one of his own and a kiss to the Marowak’s head.  “The moment you went up to me... And said you had to be forgotten... I couldn’t believe it... But now you’re back... And I remember everything.”
Zane smiled, beginning to cry himself and sinking into Solaris’ hug.  “I’m sorry about that... I only wanted you and everyone else to be safe.  But I’m grateful that you are still okay...”
Solaris nodded.  “I... I also never knew you felt that way about me.  Why didn’t you say anything sooner?  Especially after I wanted to try dating guys.”
Zane looked down. “I didn’t know how you would react to it.  I didn’t want to waste time in asking...”
The Charizard chuckled.  “Don’t be silly... If it means spending more time with you... How could I say no?”  Solaris nuzzled Zane’s head, and looked down at him.  “Should I tell the others about us?”
Zane shook his head.  “No.  Not now.  In time, if their memories are still locked away as well.  For right now, just keep this low.  Since I’m a trouble magnet, I don’t want to drag you guys into my mess again.”
The Marowak stood up, sprouting wings and looking back at Solaris.  “I have to get back to Phoebe.  I’m sure you have some work to do as well.  I’ll see you around, Sol.  Stay safe.”  Zane and Solaris would exchange waves before flying back toward their respective homes.  
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dnightshade0 · 3 years
Voltron: if the paladins had a Pokémon team 😋
If you like this, leave a comment and/or send feedback.
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I imagined that shiro would have a dark and flying type Pokémon team.
Mainly because his lion has wings and specialize in air. The dark typing I thought would add an interesting mix to it... what?....... ok yeah, so it’s also to do with the dark theme the black lion has... don’t look at me like that! >_>
The Zoroark I put in not only cause of the dark typing but because Zoroark is “the master of illusions” a Pokémon that transforms into people and Pokémon to trick others. I imagine people could make all kinds of kuron references and jokes here XD
I also imagine Zoroark would have itself some jolly good fun messing with the other paladins by pretending to be shiro. Only eventually getting found out when either the real shiro showed up or that tail became visible XD
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Keith’s team is of course fire type, cause of his lion’s element. And I picked the fire types that would match his personality best. Fire types (like the red lion and ironically like Keith XD ) are known to be temperamental.
And yes, I put two dog Pokémon in cause Keith has a wolf for a pet. He’s gonna have a fun time with those two XD
I have also heard that Keith’s favorite animal is a hippo? So of course I threw those in there too just for that.
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Lance’s team I made to fit his personality as well. (Actually, I did that for all of them) all of lance’s Pokémon reflect his interests as well as his lion’s Affinity for water and ice. Yes, I know, I threw a mermaid/selkie in there. Of course I did, it’s been made clear that lance loves mermaids so yeah, I put that one in. He also likes to boast that he’s a ninja sharpshooter, so I put in greninja.
I imagine his Pokémon might end up spending more time keeping lance out of trouble then anything. Greninja would probably be dragging him away every time he started flirting with a girl.
Vaporeon would probably hose him down for shiro XD
Lance “ I thought you guys were supposed to be on my side?! DX”
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Hunk’s team is all ground or rock types. Cause his lion’s element is earth. hunk is a sweetheart and a teddybear, so I picked Pokémon that would reflect his kind lovable big guy personality. I considered putting an onix in his team, but it was mentioned to me that he would like cute adorable Pokémon better. And I gotta agree, hunk doesn’t seem like a snake person.
I made cubone part of his team cause come on, as a lonely Pokémon, your days of feeling sad and lonely are over when your around hunk 😊
And despite wearing its mother’s skull on its head, I know hunk would love having this cute little guy around. Maybe even be a handy little helper around the kitchen. He could make mashed potatoes using its bone XD
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Half of Pidge’s team is plant type (because her lion’s element is forest.) but I put some different types into the mix because of pidge’s own interests in tech. I put the elekid in cause hay, with all the time pidge spends on her laptop, it’s gonna run out of power eventually. Would make sense to have a “backup power generator” right? XD
And the kecleon is do to pidge’s genius in adding cloaking tech to her lion. An invisible accomplice would be handy in getting into all kinds of techy mischief XD
And the Porygon-Z, it was made from science so why not? It might help her with hacking (shrugs)
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Allura’s team... ok don’t judge me! I can’t help it if mice are her thing! >_< though it’s funny how most mice Pokémon happen to be electric types. I did add a Sylveon cause it seemed to match her personality...ok so it’s pretty! It’s a cute Pokémon that is pink ok?!
The only animals I’ve seen allura interact with the most are the mice so it’ s only natural that she’d work great with mice Pokémon. And if lance annoys her with any of his flirting, she can just have pikachu use thundershock on him X3
Allura “thank you little friend ^_^”
Pikachu “pika! ^_^”
Lance “X_X” KO’d ( Keith nudges a twitching unconscious lance with his foot)
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(Pokémon AU) How did Jaune meet his adorable little Eevee, Caramel? And what was his first interactions with Aerial and her own Eevee Mocha like?
Well... I got a bit carried away again. I just love this AU and I'm really getting into Pokemon again recently, so sorry for the long post ahead.
But I hope you all enjoy it nonetheless!
It was a beautiful day outside Beacon Academy. The sun was shining brightly and hardly any clouds were visible. Multiple flocks of Wingull, Starly, Pidgey and other bird-like Pokémon soared freely in the sky around Beacon. A few letting out some faint cries sporadically. The Wooloos were happily grazing and rolling around in their paddock. Many students and visiting trainers alike were outside, just enjoying the nice weather with their Pokémon. This nice weather gave both Ruby Rose and Jaune Arc the idea to enjoy the day with a nice picnic outside with their friends.
On several blankets spread out in a grassy portion of the academy's lavish courtyard near a tree, the group of eight friends were all eating and chatting away. All of their Pokémon were out of their pokeballs and gathered around them.
Some were just lazing about, such as Ren's Greninja sitting cross legged while dozing off with his head tilted down or Weiss's snow white Vulpix snoozing in Weiss's lap while she sat in the shade of the tree. Others were chowing down, like Nora's Shinx or Blake's Litleo, eating berries/Poké food in their own little food bowls. Or in the case of Pyrrha's Aron, he was eating some screws, nuts, bolts, and other small pieces of scrap metal. Yang was busy brushing her Growlithe's fur, and watched her Combuskin running around with Ruby's Zorua.
Jaune was happily munching on a sandwich. He put the sandwich down and moved his hand to lightly scratch Hera's head, who was laying down next to his left thigh. Normally she'd be laying in his lap, but that space was currently taken. A small glass container was resting in a space between his legs. Inside it was a Pokémon egg he'd "won" two months ago wrapped in a blanket, so Hera had settled for laying right next to him instead. She was adapting pretty well to the new circumstances with said egg. Though Jaune was still wondering how she'd react when it finally hatched
His nails lightly scratched just around the base of the tuft of white fur on her head, just where she really liked it. "Shoo-, mmm *swallow*, sorry. So Pyrrha, you're Metang actually evolved on live TV?"
Pyrrha lowered her fork with the next bit of her chicken and strawberry salad to respond with a smile. "Yes indeed. It happened during the final match of my second tournament at Sanctum. It was quite an astonishing sight."
Jaune smiled and leaned back a bit. "I bet! Man, watching a Pokémon evolve in person must be amazing."
Yang looked up from her Growlithe over at him. "You've never seen a Pokémon evolve?"
Jaune chuckled a bit. "W-well I mean I've seen it on video and stuff, just not in person."
Nora shamelessly jumped in and added her two cents. "Neither have I! It must be soooo cool!"
Pyrrha giggled happily and looked over to her Metang, who was actually on the ground for a change instead of floating, with Cubone resting on its head. "Well, watching my Beldum evolve into Metang was definitely a sight I'll never forget."
They group continued to converse, laugh, and just enjoy themselves. Their Pokémon did as well, all of them getting along pretty well. They were all so engrossed in their merriment, none of them noticed another member slowly walking towards their misshapen circle.
That was until she made her move.
Jaune felt a small tug at his hoodie but ignored it, thinking it was just Hera rolling around in her sleep. It was a pointed finger and a question from Ren that actually made him look. "Uuuh Jaune... do you know who... that is?"
"Huh?" Jaune looked down to where his friend was pointing, which was by his stomach. There, in his hoodie's pocket near his stomach, was a small little brown Pokémon with a small, furry body and a big fluffy brown tail.
And half of its body was buried inside his hoodie pocket, rummaging around in it.
"WAH!??" Jaune nearly jumped up in surprise, but he managed to stay pretty still for the most part, trying not to jostle the egg between his legs. However, he still shot back an inch or two when he threw his hands up above him and fell back, his head lightly landing on the blanket.
Hera, startled by her Papa's sudden jolt, sprang up to her feet and spun to look at him. She lowered her stance, ready to defend him if she needed to! That's when she saw the little brown Pokémon as well, now standing on top of her Papa's stomach while he was laying back, but its top half was still stuffed in her Papa's pocket! What was it doing? Was it trying to attack him?! She wouldn't let it!
"Growl! ROW! GRO-!" She had just started barking at it when someone else's yelling stopped her.
"Eevee! Stop that! That's very rude!"
The brown Pokémon stopped moving finally, and stood still for a moment on Jaune's stomach, then slowly started walking backwards. It took a little tugging, but it finally pulled itself out of Jaune's pocket. As it got free, everyone around got a good look at its top half.
The first thing they all noticed was a large collar of fluffy, cream colored fur. Then two long, thin ears on top of its head. Finally its small, soft, squarish face with two big dark eyes and a happy smile. As well as a small plastic candy wrapper hanging from said smile.
Weiss, Ruby, Yang, and Nora all let out a coo of "Awwwwww" at the same time.
"Eevee no!" The group again heard the voice call out again, and almost all at once, they looked away from the 'Eevee' and towards where it was coming from.
There they saw a young girl, running up to their group with her arms waving above her. She was quite slender, had dark hair pulled back in a ponytail. She had a light blue jacket on, open in the front to show she had on a black halter top underneath it. A pair of tight black and blue pants with heeled fur boots matching in color. A simple black choker around her neck finished her outfit nicely.
Then the group noticed that a Pokémon that was just like the one on top of Jaune right now was also running alongside the girl. One this one had a small band of flowers around the base of one of its ears. It was hopping/skipping along right by her feet as they both ran towards them, its whole body arcing into the air as it followed her.
Within just a few seconds, she was right next to them, her arms still frantically waving. "Eevee you can't just jump on people you don't know like that! That's very rude! And give that candy back! You can't go stealing from peo-" The girl abruptly stopped her admonishment of the Pokémon as she finally looked at who Eevee was still standing on top of. "...JAUNE!?"
Jaune, still laying on his back, turned his head to look at the new girl that screamed his name, and quickly shot back up to a sitting position when he saw her. "Aerial!?"
The two looked at each other for a moment, then both smiled widely and started to laugh. Aerial started talking first. "Hey! What are the odds of running into you like this!"
"Me? What are you doing here haha?!"
Aerial leaned over a bit, smiling down at him. "Aunt Juniper said you'd gone off to Beacon, but I wasn't expecting to see you so soon!"
Jaune, still sitting, smiled brightly back up at her. "Yeah hahaha, it's always been my dream to go to a professional Pokémon academy after all haha. Hera's here too!" As Jaune finished, he pointed towards the Fire-Type.
Aerial shifted her gaze to her and her eyes brightened even more. She got down on her knees and hunched forward, getting close to Hera's height. "Heeeera~ hi! It's been such a long time! How are you?"
Hera's earlier confidence seemed to wane a bit as she started to look a little nervous. Papa seemed to know this woman and was happy to see her, so she shouldn't be worried, but she still pulled back a bit from Aerial. She seemed a little familiar to her as well, but she wasn't sure...
Jaune chuckled. "She might not remember you, Aerial. It was a couple years ago now."
Aerial pouted childishly and straightened her back, "Awwww that's a shame. I definitely remember her!"
"I don't doubt that. You loved her as a kid."
"Uuuummm... hello?"
Jaune and Aerial turned their heads in unison to look at who spoke.
Yang was holding a hand up, like she was waiting to get noticed or called upon. "Uuuh yeah, we're still here. Mind uuuuh, filling us in on what's happening Jaune?"
Jaune sweatdropped a little, slightly embarrassed that he'd completely forgotten about the others present for a minute there. "He he, sorry guys." With one hand, he gestured to Aerial. "Everyone, this is my cousin, Aerial Yeager. She's from Atlas actually, so that's why I was so surprised to see her."
Aerial waved at the group, still with a smile on her lips. "Hi everyone! I trust Jaune's been good to all of you."
A lot of them nodded at that, and many of their Pokémon had stopped in their activities and gathered around as well, looking at the new arrival.
Aerial's eyes scanned over all of them and began to sparkle. "Awwww you all have such amazing Pokémon!"
"Speeeeaking of which... Aerial, are these Pokémon yours?"
Aerial turned away from the group and back to Jaune. He was pointing down right beside him. There, the Eevee from earlier that jumped on Jaune was licking away at the now unwrapped candy that it got from his pocket, looking completely carefree. Meanwhile, it looked like the Eevee with flowers that ran up with Aerial around its ears was admonishing it.
"Y-yeah, they are. H-hey Eevee what did I say! That isn't yours!" Eevee stopped licking and looked up at her with a head tilt, then just went back to licking the candy happily. "Hooooh." Aerial sighed and bowed her head, feeling defeated at being ignored.
"Hey it's no big deal Aerial, I have plenty of these caramel candies. I was just caught off guard when Eevee just appeared out of nowhere."
"Yeah sorry about her. She's kind of a handful sometimes. She likes doing what she likes when she likes. Oh, everyone," Aerial gestured in front of her towards the two small Eevees. "This is Mocha and Eevee, their sisters."
Blake was the first to catch what she said. "Mocha?"
"Ah yeah, that's what I call my Eevee, the one with the flowers. The other Eevee... Well, no matter what name I try, she doesn't respond to it. Coca, Ginger, Toffee, Hazel... she doesn't seem to like anything I pick out for her."
The group all turned to the Eevee still licking away at the candy, not noticing or caring about all the eyes on her. Mocha seemed a little annoyed at her sister's actions still, but had stopped reprimanding her as she didn't seem to care too much.
Jaune looked down at the Eevee right next to him, then slowly reached a hand over and gently rubbed his index finger on its head. "You sure do like that candy huh? Did you smell it and that's why you came over to me?"
Eevee didn't seem to mind the light petting. In fact she seemed to like it as she enjoyed her treat. She stopped her licking for just a moment and looked up at the person petting her. "Vee vee vi!"
Jaune chuckled at its happy cries.
A very familiar voice on his other side made Jaune turn his head to see a begging Hera standing next to him. "Oh sorry Hera, you probably want some pets too." Jaune reached his free hand over and gently began petting Hera's white floof on top of her head. That immediately put a smile on the Growlithe's face and she happily nuzzled Jaune's hand back.
Aerial shook her head in slight disbelief. "Same old Jaune. Always a whizz with Pokémon."
Now that the excitement had fully died down, the group went back to lounging about like they were, now with an extra member as Aerial sat down and joined them at Jaune's invitation.
They all talked and got to know each other more. Aerial explained how she was indeed from Atlas, but had come with a few friends on a trip to Vale and Beacon to explore what kinds of Pokémon were here. Aerial told them about her friends, her school, and of course also her Pokémon. They were all surprised by how many she already had. A Braviary, a Ludicolo, and a Munchlax. Plus her two Eevee's as her companions, that made five Pokémon in total! There were teachers at Beacon that didn't have that many!
After about another two to three hours of talking, laughing, bonding, and snacking (Jaune offered some of his food to Aerial which she gratefully accepted), the sun was beginning to set and Aerial said she had to go. She stood up; brushed some crumbs off of her pants; said her goodbyes to everyone, giving Jaune her scroll number and promising that they'd talk again soon; and called for Mocha and Eevee to come along. Only that's not what they did.
Mocha stood up with her no problem and was ready to go, but Eevee didn't. She just kept laying down next to Jaune where she'd been for the past hour getting pets and even , licking a second caramel candy that Jaune had given her. She didn't move at all at Aerial's call.
"Eevee? Come on, it's time for us to go."
Again, Eevee didn't move.
"Eevee." This time Aerial's voice was a little more stern. "We need to go. Now come on." Aerial walked over to the Eevee and bent over to pick her up. Before she even touched her, Eevee had snatched up her treat and jumped into Jaune's lap, getting a surprised "Ooph!" from him. She set her treat down and turned to look at Aerial. Then for the first time all day, it let out a cry. "Eev! Ve ve Eevee!"
Aerial pulled back. She was surprised to hear Eevee talk back directly to her. Sure she didn't listen sometimes, but never out right talked back at her. "Eevee! What's gotten into you?"
Eevee didn't respond this time, just curled up in Jaune's lap and hunkered down.
Everyone watched this unfold, but only Ren spoke up. "I think Eevee is trying to say that she'd like to stay with Jaune."
Aerial looked over at the stoic boy, wide eyed. "W-wha? Wait really?" Aerial looked back at the tiny curled up Pokémon in Jaune's lap, happily laying down with her eyes closed, her treat finished in a hurried bite. "B-but... Eevee really? Y-you wanna stay with Jaune?"
Eevee looked up to Aerial, smiled easily, and nodded. "Ve ve!" It definitely seemed to be happy.
Aerial kept looking down at Eevee, and Eevee kept looking up at her. After a few seconds, Aerial's expression shifted from being slightly sad, to understanding. "Okay. Well then, let's see what Jaune thinks." Aerial looked down to cousin, his confused face making her almost giggle. "Jaune, it looks like Eevee has taken a liking to you. Would you like to keep her around with you? I know you'd take amazing care of her, so I'd be comfortable with you taking her with you if you want."
Jaune's mind nearly exploded from hearing that! His cousin was asking him if he'd like to have another Pokémon!? For real?! Jaune felt his lips twitch upwards before he even said anything. He looked down at the Eevee in his lap. She seemed very happy there, and she'd wanted to stay with him first. Jaune looked back up to Aerial and nodded once. "I'd love to. And I promise that I'll give her the best care that I possibly can!"
Aerial knew he'd say that. He loved Pokémon, so being offered one by a family member was probably like a dream for him. "Well alright then. I have to say... I-I'm sad to see you go, Eevee." Eevee looked up at Aerial when she said her name. "But... if this is what you want, then I can accept it. I know Jaune will take great care of you, and I can call to see you anytime I want. So... you take care of yourself and Jaune alright? Your sister and I will see you again, sometime real soon, I promise."
Eevee smiled and leaped out of Jaune's lap, landing close to Aerial's feet. The little Pokémon nuzzled her head against Aerial's leg and let out faint coos. Aerial quickly dropped down and scooped Eevee into a tight hug. She held it for at least 10 seconds before she let her go, setting her softly back down on the grass. When she did, Mocha bounced over to her sister and they started talking by themselves, most likely saying their own goodbyes while Aerial stood back up. "Okay, I guess this is goodbye for now Eevee. Jaune, I'll definitely be expecting some video calls from you now. Oh, and maybe you'll be able to think of a good name for her too."
Jaune, now no longer having a Pokemon in his lap, stood up. He was careful not to bump the container with the egg in front of him as he did so. He stood up straight, showing off just how much taller he was than his cousin. "You got it Aerial. I hope we meet again sometime soon as well. This was fun." He took a step forward and embraced her in a hug, which she returned.
When they separated, Aerial stepped back. "Okay, well... we really have to head out now. My friends are all probably waiting for me back in Vale and I need to catch a Bullhead before they stop for the night. It was nice meeting you all! I hope to meet you all again someday!" Aerial started to leave, and Mocha, having finished her goodbye to her sister with a loving nuzzle, followed her.
Eevee watched as they left. Eevee suddenly bounced forward a few feet in their direction and let out a loud "Eeeeveeeee! Eeeeeveee!", saying goodbye for now to her family.
Aerial stopped and turned her head back to look at her after her cry. She smiled back at her and waved before continuing. As the pair got farther and farther away, Eevee returned back to the group, stopping in front of Jaune.
Jaune smiled and knelt down to be closer to her. "Eevee, I'm touched that you wanted to stay with me. I promise that we'll have some amazing adventures together! Oh, there's someone that I want you to officially meet now! This is Hera." As Jaune said her name, the red Growlithe walked up next to her Papa and stood next to him proudly. "She's my best friend and has been with me since I was a kid. I hope you two can be friends."
Hera padded forward and stopped right in front of Eevee. She looked down at the smaller Pokemon with a big smile. She leant forward and gave Eevee a big lick on her head, which Eevee started to laugh at. The two then began to talk to each other in their out cries, and Jaune could already tell they'd get along fine.
"Well... that was sure something huh?" Jaune looked behind him and saw Nora holding her Shinx in her arms, and all his other friends smiling at him.
"Haha yeah, I guess so. Aerial's always been super trusting of family, but this shocked even me."
Yang walked forward and lightly punched his arm in a friendly way. "So... got any names for your new friend Vomit Boy?"
Jaune, while he was rubbing his now sore arm, looked down at Eevee again. As he did, he noticed a wrapper from the caramel candies he'd given to the Eevee earlier. "Huh..." Jaune knelt down and picked up the wrapper, then looked at it in his hand. "Maybe I do. Hey Eevee?"
The Pokemon stopped speaking with Hera and looked over to the kneeling Jaune. She quickly skipped over to sit right in front of him. "I was thinking, since Aerial couldn't think of a name you liked, yet you liked these candies so much, how about I just call you Caramel?"
Eevee looked up to him curiously with her big doughy eyes. Slowly those eyes began to shine with joy and she jumped up at him. Thankfully Jaune was used to this sort of thing thanks to Hera, so he caught her easily since she was a lot lighter.
"Whoa haha! Okay then, I guess that's a winner huh? Well, welcome to the team Caramel!"
Aerial Yeager is an OC created by my good friend @jace-the-writer-guy, who is also Jaune's cousin on her mom's side. I owe him a big thanks for helping me write this because I constantly was asking for specific info on his OC and him giving me ideas for stuff.
I'd been planning this out bit by bit for so long, so I sincerely hope that you all enjoyed this origins ask for Caramel, Jaune's Eevee!
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19 Questions and a Selfie
I got tagged by the sweet, kind, gorgeous @vidibit so here we go!!!
What do you prefer to be called? Haha so i actually dont have a preference. I kinda just leave it to whoever im talking to. That and a lot of Latinos just use nicknames for friends and ive had tons of those.
When is your Birthday? July 12. ♋ 😊
Where do you live? Haha ok but youre not getting my credit card number. I live in a suburb of Los Angeles, California.
Thing youre doing right now? I was working on some music and had The Birdcage playing as background noise when i first started on this but i put it in my drafts to finish later and now im at work lol
Four Fandoms that have piqued your interest? The Last Airbender for sure, Steven Universe is good, love me some Batman, Lord of The Rings too.
How has the Pandemic been treating you? I mean its been up and down. Got to spend a lot of time at home which was really really nice. Lost a lot of people, which......wasnt so nice. Also not doing that thing anymore where i put off hobbies that i love for "some other time."
A Song you cant stop listening to? Currently? Empire Ants by Gorillaz ft Little Dragon
Recommend A Movie? Oooohhh well im rewatching The Birdcage and its so good 😭 that scene with Armand and Albert on the bus stop always gets to me.
How old are you? 31 omggggg i feel so freaking old!!!!
School, University, Occupation? I am a cook 😊
Do you prefer to be hot or cold? Oh 100% cold. Haha without question. I can wear layers. And i can cuddle on the couch with a blanket on. Hot tea. Cold all the way.
Name a fact others may not know about you. I have Poland Syndrome. 🤷‍♂️ haha its like a minor case but i was born without my right pectoral muscle and its definitely caused body image issues lol.
Are you shy? Haha absolutely. But ive had to come out of my shell because of work. You cant exactly be shy and shout orders around a kitchen.
Pronouns? He, him, they, them mostly but she, her on occasion. Im all over the place. Lol
Biggest Pet Peeve? Mean people. People who enjoy being assholes to others in any way shape or form. Like, it cost you nothing, literally not a single cent, to be a decent person and you choose otherwise!?!? Unless you're one of those people that want me and my friends and family dead because of who we are. Y'all can drop dead. And you know exactly who i mean.
Rate your life from 1-10. 7 is a pretty safe number haha like im very grateful for all the stuff i have in life. My immediate family is still healthy. I have a job. And the amount of amazingly beautiful, kind, sweet people who I've gotten a great chance meet here. Seriously though. You guys are amazing and i love you guys 😊
Whats your main blog? Haha definitely this one.
List all of your side blogs and what theyre for. I may or may not have a side blog thats more for........adult stuff. But its literally all reblogs from other peoples side blogs lol
Is there anything people should know about you before becoming friends with you? Haha none comes to mind. I mean id like to think that I'm a pretty chill guy who you can talk to about anything 🤷‍♂️
Heres me in and out of uniform (showing maybe a little too much bulge lol)
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Only if you guys want to btw, im gonna tag @campcrow @dropitlowbandit @catgifsinthesenate @c0smoggy @cubone-attack @zelmoe @vulnerary-prince @aegisblaze @dangerghost20 for now even though i know i will post this and remember a couple of beautiful mutuals i havent tagged in a while. 😊
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sbpstudios · 3 years
back at it again with the TMA pokemon crossover. this time we talk about some of the critters the boys end up picking up
Jon and Martin end up taking in a phantump and a cubone for the same reason of “my kid now” after hearing their pokedex entries.
Jon gets phantump because his dumb ass got separated from the party and lost in Glimwood Tangle (”we got another Leon. another guy pants at directions.” - Gloria). but a kind phantump helped him find his way, and the little guy just sort- stuck around. not like it has anything better too do. and Jon is nice too it.
not sure how Martin ends up picking up a cubone but it doesn’t matter. his son now ( Martin, holding cubone: behold. my son. Gloria: you have a beautiful son Martin. Martin, choked up: thank you.). will hold the boi close when it gets sad about it’s mom.
the boys end up picking up a mimikyu and they adore this little guy and their mimikyu WILL hit someone with it’s stick if they’re rude too their humans. Jon has too keep Martin from giving the little guy a knife.
the boys are given a wooloo has a gift from Gloria and Victor. because these two notice they got sleeping trouble and like- nothing helps the soul quite like the fluff and warmth and unconditional love of a wooloo. the wooloo takes it’s mission VERY seriously.
a munna finds the party’s camp one day and worms it’s way into Jon and Martin’s tent too eat their dreams. because oh boy do these lads have a lot of dreams too munch on. and it just sticks around and keeps eating these guy’s dreams.
Martin ends up with a sinistea all because he happened too leave his cup of tea unattended and a ghost though “hm yes. mine now” and started haunting it. Martin loves his funky tea ghost.
i have zero clue how Jon gets an espurr but he does and it’s great. they find kindred spirits in each other.
Jon also ends up picking up a galarian meowth. he loves the thing too bits, Martin is kind of scared of it but it makes Jon happy so he’ll let this feral cat stay. god help them when it evolves into perrserker. this cat can and WILL stab as a warning (Jon: reminds me of you. Martin: .....alright, you got me there. But I am not as scruffy.)
Jon ends up finding an abandoned midnight lycanroc at somepoint and it reminds him of Daisy and so he keeps it. funky pupper, a friend.
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