#Not pandora going Language! Our little brother is here
valoflunar · 1 year
Regulus is always referred to as the “little brother” by everyone in the skittles despite him being the most adult-like adult in the group Like Dorcas will gush over him over growing like 2 cm and Pandora gives a look to barty and Evan whenever they swear infront of regulus
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asimpwithfreetime · 2 years
Mr. Steal your girl (Tsu’tey x fem!reader / Jake Sully x Neytiri)
Summary: Tsu’tey tries to make Jake mad by dating his mate (He doesn’t know that you are not Jake’s human mate but his sister)
This fic is way looooonger than I expected.
Kind of a fluffy one-shot
Warnings: none I could think of.
Let’s pretend that Tsu’tey didn’t die, okay?
Also, I wrote this at 6 am in the morning and I have to wake up at seven, this might be the longest sleep deprived rant I’ve done.
English is not my first language
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[ Reader’s POV ]
Jake has been acting strange since he became an avatar user, he barely sleeps o eats. He is always with Dr. Grace talking about Na’vis and their culture. I’ve also heard him talk about a woman, Neytiri I think.
Sometimes I wish I could go have adventures with him, running around Pandora freely. Not being small enough to be eaten by almost EVERYTHING.
Once the war with the sky people, no longer our workmates, started, I chose to fight on the side of the Na’vis, even though, none of them knew me.
I got injured during the battle. My brother, in his avatar form, picked me up, biding goodbye to his mate and bringing me back to our base to let Norm patch me up. I almost didn’t notice the freezing cold gaze that fell upon me.
[ Tsu’tey’s POV ]
So the demon with a fake body already had a mate with the sky people. She looks extremely weak. And he just PICKED HER UP in such a loving and caring way!? In front of Neytiri, as if nothing was wrong.
I walked towards Neytiri, but she didn’t seem upset. Okay, I’ll need to figure this out.
[ Few days after ]
[ Y/n’ POV ]
I was almost cured enough to go outside again. Even if I needed an oxygen mask to breath outside, it felt so freeing to see Pandora.
I didn’t want to wait any longer, so when Jake and Norm were distracted, I went out, into the forest. At first, I felt lost, but soon I found my way around it. Nature was beautiful here and we had stopped its destruction.
Stepping though the forest, I found a small lake and I walked up to it to see my reflexion. Standing closely to it I could see myself, but when I looked closely I could see the tree branches. In one of them there was a Na’vi, his bow was prepared to shoot me and he didn’t seem very happy.
[ Tsu’tey’s POV ]
I thought all humans were forced to leave the other day, except for some of Jakesully’s friends. I didn’t see any human women between them. I MUST kill her.
I followed her around the forest, I tried to be as silent as possible. She looked weak. Suddenly I remembered myself thinking the exact same thing. THIS IS JAKESULLY’S MATE. He didn’t show her to us because he wanted her all for himself while still having Neytiri. That bastard!
If I killed her, Jakesully would have to tell the truth right? Or maybe he would get so mad he would go back to his stupid dying planet.
I prepared my bow, pointing the arrow directly at her. She was so relaxed here, she wouldn’t expect this. But, she was looking into a lake, I couldn’t see it properly but I knew something was up when she tensed up. She turned around looking directly at me. For a split of a second I felt bad. I looked at her, her face soft and beautiful. Wait! Did I just though this human piece of meat was beautiful?
I tensed my bow a little bit more to scare her. She pulled her hands up in the air and said “Don’t kill me please!”. I thought about it. She was so weak she didn’t seem like a problem. But she was still Jakesully’s mate.
My mind raced, maybe Jake was being unfaithful to both of them and she wasn’t the one to fault. I brought my bow down and jumped from the tree. She was so small compared to me. From up close I could she her poor body shaking while she looked at me with a pleading look en her eyes.
When we were close enough I said, trying to sound strong even though my accent was not very good. “I am not going to kill you, sky demon”. She looked at me, still doubting it. I was about to tell her to go off to her base and never come back here, but an idea crossed my mind. What if I steal Jakesully’s mate?
Mine died, then her parents promised me Neytiri, I did like her, even though she wasn’t my real mate. Then Jakesully had to come and ruin it, once again sky people broke my chances of being happy. I almost died in the fight and lost all my privileges I would get for being the clan’s chief. I was degraded just for a sky demon in a Na’vi flesh disguise.
I waited for three and a half years, Jakesully did it in one week. I looked at her when my idea seemed perfect. If a human stole my Na’vi mate, a Na’vi will steal his human mate. Perfect.
Just as I was thinking that, a woodsprite fell onto her head. Was Eywa saying that I should do it? Was Ewya giving me back what’s fair?
I smiled mischievously. The woman looked terrified.
[ Y/n’s POV ]
He was smiling at me just right after he was aiming at me with a bow and arrow. “Are you okay?”
He seemed to snap out if his trance. He pulled his bow and arrow to his side, not shooting it. “Who are you? Why are you here? You weren’t with the scientists that would stay here” his words were accusing, but his accent was adorable, I couldn’t help but giggle to myself.
“I am Y/n. Y/n Sully” his face darkened at the saying of my surname.
[ Tsu’tey’s POV ]
I knew she was his mate. Humans give each other their supernames? Subnames? Sournames? Whatever!
I knew she had to be with him.
[ 3rd Person POV ]
For the next couple of days, Tsu’tey began the Na’vi courting with Y/n. Sometimes she blushed at his advances, something that made him really proud. But other times she was oblivious to them.
Once he was close enough he kissed her, copying how Jake kissed Neytiri. Just with a smaller figure. He had taken off her mask for a second, kissing her roughly. She was red as a tomato.
Tsu’tey should admit that he began doing that to annoy Jakesully and to steal his mate as a revenge. But now he did want to steal her.
[ A month later or so ]
Tsu’tey felt nervous, he didn’t know how the mating would go as they would need help of the Tsa’hìk. He went to look for Jake. “Jake I am going to mate your human mate” he said, in English.
“Tsu’tey, brother, I think you might have messed up the sentence” Jake thought that the Na’vi had said something wrong because of the language.
He repeated the same words, now in Na’vi and Jake was as dumbfounded as before.
“Y/n, I am talking about Y/n” Tsu’tey explained. Jake started laughing. “What’s so funny? I courted her better than you could every imagine” Tsu’tey felt that laugh as a taunt to his pride.
“Y/n isn’t my mate” Jake hollered between laughs. “But she has your sourname!” Tsu’tey said.
“She is my sister!” Jake began laughing again. Tsu’tey felt his face loosing color. He looked dumbfounded. He still loved Y/n but now he felt like a fool.
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lightsofpandora · 2 years
Na'vi language
Summary: You were the new "acquisition" of the Omaticaya clan, the tribe had found you lost in the forest (you had been separated from your group on a mission to save your life) and they decided to take you with them since they did not want to take any risks: you were human and they had to decide what to do to see if you were intended to be a threat or not. Now, you had been with the clan for a while and the Sully children were doing their best to help you learn more about their culture and even more, their language. But, not everything went the best way for two of them.
Word Count: 1591
Warning: All of them have the same age
Pairings: sully children x female!reader
A/N: Sorry if there is more than one mistake, English isn’t my first language and I am still learning it. It’s my first time writing an Avatar fanfic! However, I hope you enjoy it and have a good time, thanks for reading! (:
You two had established a good relationship since he discovered that you were not a threat, from that moment Neteyam wanted to get closer and help you understand those lands, their traditions and the history of the people, because he could see in your eyes that you were a beginner in everything related to that world of which you knew nothing; he was more than happy to give you a hand and help you in whatever was possible. At the beginning, Neteyam and you communicated through gestures, signs and short words in English that his father and brothers had taught him, but, like you, he still needed practice to be able to dominate a whole sentence in English. Neteyam had become one of your best friends in the clan, so when he found out that you were to be given lessons of Na'vi he was very excited because he knew how fast you were learning and you were going to be able to communicate in a "more natural way" soon, no more English words and phrases that he battled with constantly and struggled to understand. He was very excited to teach you.
"Look, here's the deal: I'll teach you our language and if you say one correct word after another, you'll teach me that complicated and difficult language of yours, is that okay? It'll be an easier way for us to communicate! Tsun oe ngahu niNa'vi pivängkxo a fi'u oeru plite' lu!"
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Even when he knew you were not a threat to the clan, Lo'ak took much more time to trust and start a conversation with you because you were a human and he didn't know which side you were on, he barely knew you. The stories his parents had told him all his life about the RDA made him grow up with a feeling of constant alertness to any foreign movement, especially danger. He had learned to be distant and cold to those who were not part of his people or race, just as he was doing with you. However, as time went by, you showed him that you were friendly and had spent enough time in those lands to fall in love with every aspect and detail of Pandora, constantly trying to make him understand that not all humans were the same. Little by little, Lo'ak stopped being so defensive and began to approach you slowly, with "baby steps" (as his father would say) and the same way he got closer, it didn't take him long to fall in love with you almost instantly; a feeling that scared him at first and he tried to hide it as best he could, although, when he found out that you were to be taught to speak his language, he saw an opportunity to spend more time together even with his siblings around. He simply found it hard to take his eyes off you and even harder to accept that he was in love with a human. "You're doing great, y/n. Much better than us! Now, can you say tawtute?" he kept laughing with your pronunciation and the way you quickly managed to get frustrated, he found you really adorable.
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Like Loak, Spider was hesitant to make friends with you and show you his ways because, like the others, he also thought that you were part of the RDA and that this was just part of a plan. However, time proved him wrong and besides becoming friends, Spider's heart developed something much deeper. At the arrival of these new feelings, he felt insecure and somewhat nervous, but, he thought that at least, he had a better chance than Lo'ak since the guy didn't have the least idea of how to dissimulate and didn't think he knew the meaning of the word either. When he was assigned the task of teaching you new words, Spider stayed leaning against a tree with his arms crossed watching how the others did all the work, not because he didn't want to teach you himself but because he knew that the others had more experience and knew what they were doing. Anyway, he would say phrases that always managed to make you laugh: "You said it wrong, Lo'ak! y/n, he's teaching you wrong. Don't listen to him, please!" "I'm sorry I can't teach you myself, y/n. My pronunciation is a hell of a lot better than Lo'ak's but my accent is awful." Those kind of comments always generated a friendly fight between the two brothers and some branch used to hit the head of the Na'vi.
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Unlike the two skxawng, Kiri was much more similar to Neteyam in many aspects; she was a very kind girl even when she was warned of your arrival, she was one of the first to defend you over the others by saying that she did not see you as a bad person. She was also very curious, so she went to meet you behind Jake and Neytiri's back to find out where you came from, who you were and what you were looking for in those lands. It didn't take long for the two of you to form a strong bond. But, at that moment, Kiri was worried because neither Lo'ak or Spider were teaching you useful words with which you could learn to communicate. All they were doing was laughing and being silly in front of you; on one hand, Spider wanted to teach you jokes and funny words so that you would "make good friends" while on the other hand, Lo'ak was determined to teach you how to say phrases like: "I love you", "Do you want to be my boyfriend?", "You are a cute boy" and some swear words; they were not teaching you anything at all. For this very reason and refusing to do nothing but watch, Kiri went looking for Jake.
"What's wrong, kiddo? is everything all okay?"
"They're not teaching her anything they should! Spider and Lo'ak are messing around and y/n is playing along with their joke simply because she doesn't understand what they're saying! She' s trying so hard to learn, but they're not helping!"
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Hearing her words, Jake covered his face with his hands and let out a sigh, frustrated. He knew it wasn't a good idea to put two rowdy teenagers next to y/n, the way he saw it, they looked like two monkeys trying to get attention and it was a trait that always stood out to them.
"They're flirting with her, aren't they? little bastards!"
"Spider yes but Lo'ak... he's not doing very well, he doesn't know how to dissimulate, he's terrible, daddy." answered the youngest of the family, Tuktirey, who at saying those words frowned and played with a plant, not entirely sure of the meaning of her words.
Jake was guided by his two daughters to the place and observed the two young boys with a very negative look on his face. Then, he shouted something to them in his native language so that y/n would understand perfectly and, he hoped that it would have an effect on one of them:
"Hey, both of you! Stop acting like lovesick monkeys and do what I told you! You'll have the rest of the day to teach her romantic lines and anything you want. Damn it!"
And to his good luck, they did. Both, Lo'ak and Spider turned red as a tomato and shrugged their shoulders in embarrassment, unable to look at y/n or say a word. Neteyam let out a big laugh when he saw the expression of both and then thanked his father with a nod of his head, very different from Spider and Lo'ak, who didn't know whether to murder their father or their brother first.
Kiri and her little sister returned with the others, now ready to teach y/n the right way. However, the girl didn't want to return to her lessons without giving the two of them their revenge.
"So.... lovesick monkeys?"
The laughter that followed from the three girls and Neteyam was an embarrassing blow to the naughty ones, although deep down, perhaps, they deserved it. That would be a good story to tell later, but now they had to get on with their lessons, including Spider and Lo'ak who had already had their little secret found out.
"Can you say "Jake skxawng?" were the last words Lo'ak addressed to y/n with a fake smile before remaining silent for the rest of the lesson.
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ghost-runner · 2 years
“Useless” and “Troubled” until the End: Pt. 2
Sully Family x Fourth Child Male Reader
Summary: After being grounded a second time, you disobey Jake’s for the third time to secret sneak out and secretly help out on the raid against a train carrying supplies for the RDA assault forces. This ends up with you getting badly injured from a missile blast and things finally hit the breaking point at home. A familiar antagonist also shows up, looking a lot more blue and bloodthirsty than ever before.
Warning: Violence, blood, injuries, cursing, family arguments, a tiny bout of child neglect, abduction, kidnapping, etc.
Note: Once again, I’m not going to try to use Na’vi language as I don’t have any idea what the translations are to English.
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I laid back in my hammock, not giving a care to the world as I vaguely listened to Dad tell everyone what was going on today with some sort of raid going down.
Jake: Alright, everyone please listen up. We have something big that will be taking place today. Neteyam, Lo’ak, you’re on lookout and watch duty to ensure everything is going accordingly to plan. Your mother and I will be leading the attack on the train from below.
Neteyam: Awesome! We get be on the battlefield!
Lo’ak: Ddddaaadddd, come on, give us a more exciting role.
Jake: Lo’ak, this is not up for debate. You’re on lookout duty and that’s final. -Dad then turns to Kiri and I while I have my back to him to notify that I’m ignoring him- Kiri, I need you and Y/N to watch Tuk while the rest of us are gone, okay?
Kiri: Of course, Dad.
Jake: Y/N, is that clear?
I ignore him as I try to fall asleep.
Jake: Is that clear, soldier!?!
I roll over in my hammock to face him and giving him a hard glare as Dad gets a bit angry at me for my blatant disrespect.
Jake: Y/N! Answer me!
Y/N: Yes sir…understood. -I give Dad a mocking salute as I turn back over, once again putting my back to him-
Dad sighs heavily at this and walks out of the Hometree to his Ikran, knowing the reasons why I’ve been more difficult as of late. I know Mom is looking at me worriedly as I’ve gotten into a lot more arguments with Dad over the last few days with me trying to prove myself, but I just shrug it off. I feel someone come up behind me and gently hug me from behind. I tense my back at this and roll over once again to see Mom is the one hugging me so I hug her back as she picks me up out of my hammock like she used to when I was a little kid. She puts me on back on my feet after a few seconds as Kiri and Tuk join the hug and the three help me feel a lot better. Mom then pulls away and kisses me on the forehead as my ears flatten against my head. She then walks out of the Hometree to her Ikran while I look to see Neteyam and Lo’ak giving me looks of understanding from where I stand at with our old man as I nod to them silently before the two leave for their Ikrans. Kiri lets me go from the hug and rubs my head with the height difference between the two of us with her being taller than me. She loves to tease me for being shorter than the normal Na’vi.
Kiri: You know I’m always here for you, little brother.
Y/N: I know, sis. Thanks.
I head back to my hammock and climb back into it before I get comfy as I close my eyes when I feel a weight on my chest. I open them back up to see Tuk climbed onto me and cuddled up to me which led me to smile. I rub her head and get comfy with Tuk on me and I fall asleep for about 30 minutes.
- 30 minutes later -
I woke up to sounds of ships careening down to the surface of Pandora and rolled over to see that RDA drop ships are coming into Pandora’s surface. I look around to see Kiri and Tuk not in the Hometree. I’m already know what Kiri is doing with Tuk to keep her distracted from everything going on, most likely by taking her on a nature walk and leaving me in the tree alone so I can have a bit of space. I smile at the opportunity that has opened for me and I quickly grab my knife, my bow which I named “Skull Splitter” from which I had hand-carved and designed myself, and a quiver full of barb tipped arrows I had made. I then run out of the Hometree before I whistle long and loudly for Ro’nea. I get a running start for myself before I run towards the edge of one of the long branches from the tree and jump off, leaving me in free fall as I see a blur of white and Ro’nea is with me as she gets under me, I then connect my queue to Ro’nea’s queue and we become one. I rub her head in gratitude for her quickness of getting here and I guide her to where I know the raid is taking place.
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(This is the bow.)
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(These are the arrows.)
- 1 hour later -
As Ro’nea and I reach the location of the raid, I begin to quietly think to myself. I know that I’m not supposed to be out here after being double grounded by Dad, but I really don’t care anymore. I have to be independent as I know I can only rely on myself in times like this. Everyone else just expects me to be in the background or to be useless and that I should be okay with with. I already get bullied enough as it is by boys in the clan that are my age because of this while they all have hunted something with it being some sort of achievement. Nobody ever notices the bullying or disrespect I get from my fellow clan members so I’ve learned to just keep my grievances to myself. It doesn’t matter as I doubt anyone would even believe me should I tell someone anyway as one of the son of Toruk Makto,
I shake my head to clear my mind as I start to fly higher than most of the Na’vi involved in the raid on Ro’nea so I don’t get spotted by Mom or Dad, the same goes for any other Na’vi involved in the raid. This is because of a different scar of my face that goes from the left side of my forehead to the middle point of my neck that was a result of a terrible fall I took when I was five years old. Due to this scar on my face in addition to the one from Ro’nea’s crash, I’ve become a very recognizable person so many of my clan know how to notice me out of a crowd, but they fail to notice most of the time due to me also being shorter than most other Na’vi. I also know that I stick out quite a bit obviously since Ro’nea is completely white, but we’ve managed to stay under the radar for now. I look down to my companion and scratch Ro’nea on her neck as she lets out a screech of content at the scratch. I smile at her antics and let out a small thank you to Eywa for allowing me to bond with Ro’nea as she is one of the only friends I’ve had in a long time besides my siblings. I briefly catch my brothers as they are on watch duty as they also fail to notice me partaking in the raid. I look off to see that there are RDA ships incoming as the train blew off its track for the explosive detonation. I grab my bow and ready an arrow before letting go of it as it soared into the glass windshield of one of the ships and went straight through the glass. The arrow ended up impaling itself into the pilot’s chest, hitting the heart and killed the pilot immediately which led to the ship losing control before crashing into the cliff side.
Y/N: Fuck you.
I watch as I saw both Dad and Mom take out a few other ships while I smile at their teamwork. I just wish I could have possibly learned from them instead of needing to teach myself. I then saw both of my parents look over in my direction as they looked at Ro’nea with surprised looks. I can only assume it’s because they’ve never seen a fully white Ikran before, but then again, fully white Ikrans are very rare to find, and it’s considered very sacred as it’s seen to be the very image of Eywa itself. Not only that, white Ikrans are also bigger than most regular Ikrans of different colors. From what I know, if you bond with one, it’s a very special honor amongst Na’vi to have that bond and that anyone who has a white Ikran will be highly respected by the clan. Well, I know that to be absolute bullshit since I’m bonded with one. (I’m making up the white Ikran bond thing for the sake of the story). I’m just happy that they are too far away to see that their son is the one that is bonded with the white Ikran. I keep my head down to make sure it stays that way. More ships begin coming and I continue to launch arrow after arrow at each ship using my bow while riding Ro’nea. I took down three more ships with precise shots to either the pilot’s head, killing them instantly or hitting them in the chest with an instant kill heart shot.
Y/N: All of you RDA sons of bitches can go rot in hell.
I have Ro’nea stop for a moment so I can collect my barrens when I see my two brothers heading down to the train when I knew they were not supposed to be. I roll my eyes and signal for Ro’nea to let me off near where my brothers are. Once on the ground, I get off of Ro’nea’s saddle and leave my weapons attached to the harness I made for her. I detach my queue from hers and tell her to hide herself somewhere safe nearby in case I need her as I don’t want to risk her getting hurt. Ro’nea looks at me, understanding what I’m telling her to do and she flies off to hide just like I taught her. I turn around and then run to where my stupid brothers are at.
Lo’ak and Neteyam are off of their Ikrans and we’re currently opening up a crate filled with weapons as Lo’ak grabbed one of the assault rifles that were in said crate.
Neteyam: Don’t tell me you’re going to try using that thing.
Lo’sk: Come on, bro. It can’t be that hard.
Lo’ak aims the weapons into the air jokingly, but the two Sullys freeze and feel their blood go cold when they hear a voice they know all too well.
Y/N: What the hell are you two idiots doing down here?! I thought dad told you to stay in the air on watch duty!
The two eldest Sully boys turned around quickly to see their youngest brother running towards them with a grim look on his face. They have shock written all over their faces as they look at their brother in confusion with him being here at the raid.
Neteyam: Y/N?!? What the hell are you doing here!?
Y/N: Trying to show Dad I can handle myself and that I’m actually capable of being useful besides babysitting and being a healer.
Lo’ak: Bro. Dad will kill you if he finds out that you’re here!
Y/N: I honestly don’t care anymore. It’s always the same with him! I can never do anything the two of you can!
Neteyam: That’s because you’re unprepared, Y/N!
Y/N pushed his brothers behind some cover as the rocket struck close to where the three Sully boys were at. Neteyam and Lo’ak only had minor bruises from their little brother pushing them out of the impact zone of the rocket, but Y/n took the brunt of the blast and couldn’t be seen by either of the oldest brothers. Jake had only now seen his oldest sons looking around for the third Sully son, but he was completely unaware to what they were doing or the fact of Y/N being there. Jake fly down on his Ikran and dismounted from it to run to where his boys are at. Jake reached his two oldest boys and was totally pissed at the two of them.
Lo’ak: Sir, we know. But there’s bigger trouble than that right now!
Jake: What is bigger than you two disobeying my orders?!
Neteyam: Y/N is here and he’s possibly hurt!
Jake froze and felt his heart completely stop at what his oldest child had just said to him.
Jake: Y/N is what!?!
Lo’ak: Y/N is possibly hurt as he pushed us out of the way from the rocket exploding! We need to find him!
Jake: You two get back into your Ikrans and get airborne. I’ll find your brother.
Neteyam and Lo’ak: Yes sir.
The two brothers run back to where they had their Ikrans at and started getting airborne while Jake searched through the wreckage for his youngest boy. He couldn’t find anything and started to worry about what might’ve happened to Y/N. Only then did Jake saw something out of the corner of his eye where he saw a few bodies belonging to the deceased Na’vi they sadly perished during the train raid. Jake shallowed down hard to keep a lump that was building in his throat from bursting out and letting him assume the worst possible fate that his son could have had. Jake ran over to the bodies and began to check each one. The first two bodies were of female Na’vi so Jake ruled them out immediately and the next two bodies were of male Na’vi, however, Jake didn’t see the scar that he knew only his son would have on the side of his face. When he reached the final body, he noticed that the Na’vi was not dead and the person was still breathing and had a pulse. He turned the person over onto his back and Jake instantly saw the scar on the Na’vi’s face, immediately telling him it’s his son. He checked Y/N for any injuries and saw that Y/N had some metal shrapnel in his left leg that will need to be removed later and a large gash in his left arm. He picked his son up and quickly got him onto his Ikran before taking off. Neytiri saw Jake on the ground and watched as she then saw Jake pick up an unconscious Na’vi and taking them to his Ikran and taking off. She went over and looked in horror at the realization that it was her youngest son that was injured. She gave Jake a look saying “Let me take him, you continue leading the attack.” Jake let his mate take their son before he went back to leading the attack. Neytiri started to make her way back to their home when Neteyam and Lo’ak fly over to their mom and tell her to let them take their brother home. She gives them their unconscious brother before she returned to the fight. The boys took their little brother home.
— 6 Hours later —
I silently stare at the ceiling of my home as my mind wonders far out. I’m knocked out of thought when my grandmother, Mo’at and Kiri walk into the Hometree while carrying leaf wrap bandages and medicine. Grandma sits down next to me before she began to tell me what she’ll have to do with my leg. I silently nod to her and grab my knife from the table next to me. I put the blade of my knife into my mouth to bite down onto while my grandmother carefully starts to slowly pull the piece of metal out of my leg. I grunt in pain and bite down onto the blade as Grandma continues pulling the metal out slowly. My tail is swishing a lot and my ears are up at attention as I let out another grunt of pain and bit down harder on the blade before Grandma finally gets it out. Kiri than came over to me to put some medicine onto the wound and began wrapping it in the leaf bandages. I take my knife out of my mouth and carelessly throw it at the wall, embedding it into the bark of the tree next to my hammock. I then spit a little bit of blood into my hand and wipe it off onto the already bloodied bundle of leaves beneath me.
Kiri: You really shouldn’t have gone out there, little bro.
Y/N: Kiri, as much as I love you, please not now.
Kiri: I’m just saying….
Y/N: I know, I know. I’m already going to get the same talk down from Dad, the angry drill instructor.
I look outside to see the red evening sky and it fills me with a feeling of contentment. Like Kiri, I’ve always enjoyed nature and the little things in life that are around us, but nobody seems to notice. Kiri rubs my left arm that has a patch of bandage wrapped around the gash from earlier with understanding how I feel about nature and I’m happy that I can share that with my big sister.
Y/N: Grandma, Kiri, thank you both for patching me up.
Mo’at: Of course, little warrior. You’re just like your grandfather when he was a young man.
Y/N: I could never live up to Grandpa’s reputation. I can barely even prove myself to Dad, I’ll never be able to do anything right…. -I hug Grandma tightly-
Kiri frowns and joins the hug as she knows just how badly I want to be considered a “Proper” Sully.
Mo’at: Oh, little warrior. I know about how you feel, your father is a hard man. He’ll come around eventually, I promise. And I know that you can do anything that you’ll put your mind to, little warrior.
Kiri: Even if that doesn’t happen, Y/n. You still have Tuk, me, Neteyam, Lo’ak, Grandma, and Mom. You’re not alone.
Y/N; Thanks, Grandma, thanks, sis. I’m happy to know I can always rely on you.
Mo’at: I must go attend to the rest of the wounded, my grandchildren. Kiri, can I count on you to keep an eye on your brother while he heals?
Kiri: Of course, grandmother.
Mo’at nods to my big sister as she then gets up and walks out of our Hometree. I groan as I get up from the makeshift bench I was laying down on and go to the table to sit down while Kiri gently helps me up over to it. I look over to my hammock to see Tuk sleeping soundly in my hammock and I smile at the sight before I then hear the familiar sound of the flap of an Ikran’s wings and I got ready for the hell that is coming. I look to see Mom, Dad, and my brothers enter the home. I look at Dad and he is giving me the death stare right now to which I roll my eyes as I look away. My brothers are looking at me with sympathy looks on their faces as they know what hell I’m in for. Mom, however, has worry written all over her face at the shock from knowing what her youngest son did. Dad spoke up for everyone’s attention.
Jake: Everyone, head to bed. Y/N. I need to have words with you outside. Now.
I rolled my eyes and got up. Kiri tried to help, but I told her I would be fine. I painfully forced myself out the chair and limped out of the tree with Dad hot on my tail before I turn around to face him.
Jake: What. Did. I. Say. About. Disobeying. Direct. Orders. Soldier? Are you out of your goddamn mind, Y/N?!? Why did you even think that was a good idea?!?
Y/N: Sir— You know what, fuck that military shit. DAD. With all due respect from the love I have for you, can you yell at me tomorrow? -Jake clenched his jaw as stared down his son in worry- I feel like I’m about to fucking pass out and I don’t want that to be considered disrespectful.
Dad’s eyes looked over me could only sigh before agreeing to to what I said.
Jake: Alright, let’s head to bed then.
Dad goes into the home first before I just let out a loud sigh, walk into the home, silently grab my journal out of my pillow, and go back outside the Hometree to climb up to where my secluded sleep spot is. Before I climb, I see Jake giving me a look saying to not go up. I shake my head at him and carefully climb up to my sleep spot before I get comfy and start to write in my journal. After writing down about my feelings and what will might be in store for tomorrow, I close my journal and roll over to doze off to sleep.
- The next day around noon —
Y/N was currently sitting out on one of the branches outside of the home while he sharpens the blade of his knife without a care to the world. He can hear his parents talking/arguing about what to do in regards to him while the rest of his siblings are off hanging out with their good friend who is a human. They call him Spider as they never knew his actual name and he has grown to be a good friend of the Sully family.
Jake: Ney, we need do something about Y/N’s behavior!
Neytiri: I know. We need to show him how much we care about him. He feels practically useless because we’ve neglected to raise him the right way with training him and showing him how much we care for him.
Jake: I know. I know. It’s just that…..He’s more trouble than he’s worth….He is nothing, but a load of failure….I don’t want to say it….but……..
Y/N sighed as he knew his dad was right. He was nothing, but a failure to the Sully name. He stops sharpening the blade and gets up before he turns to watch his parents continue to argue.
Neytiri: Jake! How could you ever say something like that?!?
Jake: It slipped out……I didn’t mean it that way or for it to com—
Y/n, cutting off Jake: No, Dad, you’re right.
The two Na’vi parents turn to their son as he held his knife tightly in hand.
Y/N: I’m sorry I could never live up to your expectations and standards. I’m sorry for being a failure. And most importantly, I’m sorry for ever coming into your lives.
Y/n then turns around and let out a long and loud whistle before running into a jump from off the branch he was once sitting on. Neytiri and Jake look at each other horrified before they run to where their son jumped off of. They only got to the edge to see Y/N currently riding on his fully white Ikran, Ro’nea, as the two rose slowly to the point where he could stare silently back at his parents. Jake and Neytiri look at Y/N in absolute astonishment and amazement that the white Ikran they saw earlier was, in fact, their son’s Ikran and the fact that they even saw him in action yesterday with taking out several ships.
Neytiri: So it was you….
Jake: Y/N…..
Y/N: I need time alone. You can send Kiri, to find me. She will know where I will be. I don’t care if I get grounded for life for this.
Y/N signaled for Ro’nea to fly away from the Sully home. Neytiri and Jake watched their son fly away in dispose as tears went to their eyes. Neytiri broke down crying as Jake pulled her into a hug and shushed her.
Neytiri: How c-could he ever t-think we think he’s a failure??
Jake: This is my fault. I need to make things right. We first need to find where our boy went.
Jake then used his communicator to contact Neteyam and Lo’ak.
— Elsewhere on Pandora —
We currently see all the Sully siblings apart from Y/N running around with their good friend, Spider, who is the one Y/N picked up most of his profanity from. The five are all having fun as they explore the wilderness of the Pandora jungle when Neteyam and Lo’ak both get a call on their communicators from their father and both brothers immediately get worried about what’s going on. Neteyam answers the call.
Lo’ak and Neteyam: Dad, what’s the situation?/What’s the problem, Dad?
Jake: It’s Y/N. He’s run away to somewhere.
Neteyam and Lo’ak both look at each other with grim looks on their faces as they hear what the situation is.
Lo’ak: Where did he run off to?
Jake: It’s not so much “run off” as it is to actually flying away on his Ikran.
Neteyam: Wait, wait, wait, you mean Y/N actually bonded with an Ikran?
Jake: That’s right. Not only that, it’s a white Ikran. I think you know how special that bond is.
Neteyam knows just how special white Ikrans are to the Na’vi as they represent the Great Mother herself.
Neteyam: Where did he fly off to?
Jake: Neither me nor your mother knows where he went. He did say that Kiri should know where he’s going. Find him and bring him home. Please.
Jake then hangs up the call. Both brothers look at one another before they nod and go over to Kiri who heard then in the communicators with their father.
Kiri: Is something going on? I heard you two on the call with dad, but not what it was about.
Lo’ak: Y/N’s run away from home.
Kiri: What?!
Neteyam: The bigger issue is that he’s also bonded with an Ikran and that’s what he’s using to move right now.
Kiri: Wait, when did he bond with an Ikran?
Neteyam: Nobody has a clue. Dad said that you would know where he went, is that right?
Kiri: Yeah, he would join me in heading to a secret spot with a lake near where we are right now. He will most likely be there.
Spider then made his way over to the older Sully siblings.
Spider: Guys, what’s going on?
Kiri: Y/N has run away from home and Dad needs us to find him.
Spider: Shit. Any idea where he is?
At that exact moment, all of the Sully siblings and Spider saw a very distinctive white Ikran flying below them through the valley as they continue running along the branches that span across the valley. They try to spot who the rider is to see that it’s their runaway brother as they see the scars present on the Y/N’s face, identifying the rider as Y/N. The Na’vi teens and Spider then ran over to where they could try to shout to Y/N.
Kiri: Y/N!! Up here!!
Neteyam: Y/N! Where the hell are you going??
Lo’ak: Little bro! Stop!!
Spider: Hey, Y/N!! Up here, man!!!
Y/N paid no attention to his siblings nor to Spider as they shouted to the runaway boy. Kiri frowns at this while her brothers just shake their heads.
Kiri: We need to get to the lake before Y/N.
Neteyam: Agreed.
The three oldest Sullys and Spider went over to Tuk and told her they were going to go on a small adventurous journey to a hidden location, hiding the true meaning of why they were going to the hidden lake. Tuk beamed at this news and the five individuals began to quickly make their way to the hidden lake, hoping to reach it before Y/N.
Little did any of the teens know that a small group of Recombinant Na’vi led by a now Na’vi Miles Quaritch had just heard everything while they watched from a distance.
Quaritch: Well, well, well. It looks like the bastard and bitch knocked up. Walker! Mansk! Get on your banshees and follow that little flyer fuck! The rest of you, with me! We’ll use the rest of the little fucks as bait for the real prizes.
Quaritch then let out a a dark chuckle as the Recoms get onto their Ikrans and begin to secretly follow Y/N and the rest of his squad follow the Sullys and Spider.
— 20 minutes later —
I smile as I reach my secret spot away from home. It’s a small area that is surrounded by massive trees that hide the peaceful aura that surrounds this place.
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(This is what I had in mind for it or something like this at least with much taller trees like on Pandora.)
I got off of Ro’nea and sat down in the shallow water away from her. I close my eyes and just enjoy the peaceful nature and it’s sounds around me. The feeling of the lake water splashing against my body, the sounds of the Pandora wildlife like the sound of Sturmbeests drinking water from the lake a fair bit away from me, and the peaceful aura of nature that is the epitome of Eywa herself. I look over to check on Ro’nea and see her being herself.
She takes a bit of time to stretch her wings and then she looks at me with an uncertain look on her face, trying to ask if I’m okay. I shake my head while smiling and head back over to her, I then gave Ro’nea a hug with her wrapping her wings around me, basically returning said hug back to me. I’m glad that Eywa chose for Ro’nea to be my companion, for she and I are both one of a kind. However, I noticed something very strange when she let me down from hugging me, I saw a blue and teal Ikran with Na’vi decked out in military gear fly down into the brush, as if they were following me. I grab my bow, quiver of arrows, and my knife from Ro’nea’s harness and tell her to fly away so she doesn’t get hurt. She understood and immediately flew to a hiding spot both of us knew about that would allow her to hide unseen until I called for her again. I strap my quiver to my back, sling my bow onto the small catch I put onto the quiver to hold my bow to my back, and sheathed my knife into its sheath. I quietly make my way through the brush to see the two Ikrans from before, but with only one of the riders I saw from before. He was currently checking his gear so I used the opportunity to snuck up to the strange looking Na’vi while I grab one of my serrated arrows and break the bottom of it off, turning it into a small serrated blade and quickly put it to his throat.
Walker: What the fuck…..
Y/N: Surprise, asshole. Now listen carefully.
Walker: you really think you scare me, that’s hilarious.
Y/N: I really could not give a fuck what you think, asshat. Now, you’re gonna tell me how the hell you found me and what the fuck you are doing here.
The weird-looking Na’vi only laughed at me before I felt a sharp pain on the back of my head before everything went black.
Y/N fell to ground unconscious as he was pistol whipped over the back of the head by Mansk, saving his fellow Recom sister-in-arms.
Walker: Thanks, mate.
Mansk: Of course, my friend.
Walker: Let’s get this little bastard to the boss. He’s gonna have a field day.
Mansk: No shit.
What the Recoms didn’t know about what that the Sully children and Spider had watched the whole thing involving their brother. They quietly watched in horror as Mansk grabs Y/N by his braids and started dragging him away to meet up with Quaritch.
— 7 minutes earlier —
The Sully children along with Spider outside the general area of the hidden lake that Kiri led them to.
Lo’ak: So what exactly is this place, Kiri?
Kiri: It’s a location that Y/N has found when Dad let him go have a free day to himself. Y/N tried sneaking out one night on foot and Dad had me take my Ikran to follow him. I was amazed by the area that Y/N lead me to and he made me promise to never tell anybody about it, but I have regretfully broken that promise by bringing you guys here.
Kiri pushes some bushes aside to reveal the beautiful hidden lake. Everyone is in awe at how perfect everything is.
Tuk: This is pretty!
Spider: Holy…..
Neteyam: I now see why Y/n and you wanted to keep this place a secret.
Lo’ak: This place screams tranquillity…
Kiri: We need to find Y/N fast.
Tuk: There!
Tuk pointed over to where everyone saw the alone Na’vi boy getting hugged by his Ikran which surprises everyone, even Kiri as she has never seen anything like that. Everyone then sees the Recombinants flying on their Ikrans to a landing zone further into the tree brush and Y/N gets a grim look in his face. They see Y/N tell his Ikran to hide before she flies off with Y/N preparing himself.
Kiri: Who was that flying in? It doesn’t look like anyone we know.
Spider: They’re probably dipshits who stumbled upon this place.
Kiri: I don’t think so, Spider, they weren’t anyone from the clan at all. I’m worried about what they are doing here as apart from us and Y/N, nobody else knows about this location, not even Mom or Dad.
Lo’ak: We need to do something!
Neteyam hits Lo’ak upside the head.
Neteyam: No shit. Also, keep your voice down, you idiot. We need to figure out what those Na’vi are up to and figure out how we can get Y/N out of here so he’s not in danger.
Lo’ak: Heads up! Y/N’s on the move.
Everyone looked to see Y/N quickly make his way into the brush to find the Ikrans that landed over there. After continuing to follow Y/N, they watched the events unfold and saw the other Recom pistol whip Y/N over the back of the head before helping his fellow Recom up. He then dragged the now unconscious Y/N very roughly away by his braids.
Tuk: No….Noooo!
Kiri: Tuk. Come here.
Tuk quietly burst into tears at the sight of what happened to her brother while Kiri pulled her into a hug as her own tears begin to fall. Spider was pissed off at what the Na’vi did to his best friend while Neteyam and Lo’ak were already thinking of the ways they would make the Recoms regret hurting their little brother.
Neteyam: Those bastards…..
Lo’ak: Those fuckers are going to pay.
Spider: Assholes! Both of them are dead!
It was only then that a loud gunshot was heard, luckily nobody was hit as the bullet hit one of the trees and everyone turned to see a bunch of Na’vi in military gear a few meters away from them that were carrying with guns and a now Na’vi Miles Quaritch holding his pistol with a still smoking barrel up into the air.
Quaritch: Well, well, well, look what the cat dragged in.
The Sully kids and Spider then ran in opposite directions with Lo’ak and Spider running North, Kiri and Tuk running to the West, and Neteyam running to the East.
Quaritch: Find them! We will not let these little bastards escape!
— 10 minutes later —
I felt myself coming to as I felt a massive pain from my head as I realized I was being dragged by my braids. I look around to see it’s the same two guys that were following me before I was knocked out. I look around my body to see if I still have any weapons and to my luck, I still had my knife in its hidden sheathe, I grab it and plunge it into the kneecap of the guy who was pulling me along by braids. He let out a scream of pain as he falls to his left knee in pain before I sock him across the jaw, knocking him out. I quickly grab the heavy revolver that was in his holster.
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(The gun)
I silently pray to Eywa that my self-taught gun training will pay off as I swiftly pull the hammer of the revolver back and shoot the second Na’vi that was with us in the shoulder, knocking her off her own feet and to the ground. I then run over and turn the revolver so I now am holding it by the barrel before pistol whipping the Na’vi that was wounded across the face, knocking her out. I pant as I let out shaky breaths before I saw my oldest brother running towards me.
Neteyam: Y/N!!!
He gave me tight hug as he saw the carnage I caused to the two Na’vi.
Neteyam: Fucking hell, bro. Remind me not to piss you off.
Y/N: That doesn’t matter right now. Neteyam, how in the fuck did you find me?
Neteyam: Kiri brought us here.
Y/N: Of course she did… who else is with you?
Neteyam: Tuk, Kiri, Lo’ak and Spider were with me, but we all got separated. We need to find them.
Y/N: No shit.
Neteyam got onto his communicator to call Lo’ak.
Neteyam: Lo’ak, are you and Spider play?
Lo’ak: No, not good, Spider was taken, bro. I found a place to hide at an uprooted tree, but I don’t know where Kiri or Tuk are at. Are you good?
Neteyam: Yeah, I found Y/N. Listen to me, okay? I need you to stay hidden, Y/N and I will look for our sisters. Understand?
Lo’ak: You got it, bro. Stay safe.
Neteyam: You do the same.
Neteyam gets off the call.
Neteyam: Listen, we need to find out sisters, we need to find Kiri and Tuk. I saw them running west, we need to get to them before anybody else does. Let’s go!
Y/N: Right behind you!
— 5 minutes later —
— Still Y/N’s POV
I follow closely behind Neteyam as we stop, seeing Kiri and Tuk, however, we were too late and they were tied up to trees with three hostiles around them.
Neteyam: Shit. We were too late.
Y/N: Not if I can help it. Nete. I need you to trust me, okay? When I start drawing the enemies away from Kiri and Tuk, I want you to take the chance and free them. Go find Lo’ak once you do.
Neteyam: What?!? Are you insane?!?
Y/N: There’s no other option. This is the only thing we can do right now.
I jump down from our vantage point and make my way to an opening where the three Na’vi Recoms can see me.
Y/N: Hey assholes! Over here!!!
I used the revolver I kept from earlier to fire a warning shot at the three hostiles before they started chasing after me with their pistols drawn. I lead them away from Kiri and Tuk so Neteyam can use the opening I’m creating to his advantage. I continue to drawn them further and further away towards a steep cliff overlooking the lake when I heard a loud gunshot and I am met to a sharp pain in my shoulder, causing me to be forced off-balance which sent me over the side of the cliff as I continued to run towards it and down to the water below. Luckily, I land on the shore, I look around for the revolver from before, but I soon found out that I lost it when I fell from the cliff. I now have another problem with my shoulder being in intense pain, I put my hand to my shoulder and only feel torn skin around a hole that wasn’t in my shoulder previously. I knew I had been shot. It was then when I felt myself being grabbed from behind by my braids again and I’m forced to turn around to face an evil looking Na’vi.
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(It’s Quaritch)
Quaritch: Well, it’s nice to meet the demon spawn of the man who stabbed me in the back. You’re a lot more trouble than your worth.
The Na’vi then got onto his radio.
Quaritch: Everyone, regroup on me. I want someone to bring that human boy back to the base. I have a special someone who I believe can get us what we want.
I was then being dragged away by my braids once again as I clutch my wounded shoulder in pain. I try to fight the feeling of passing out, but I fall unconscious due to the nasty mix of pain and tiredness.
Neteyam watched as his youngest brother drawed the enemy Na’vi away from the area, which allowed him to move to Kiri and Tuk and free them from their bindings.
Kiri: Thanks, but what in the hell is Y/N doing?!
Neteyam: Ssshhh, keep your voice down, I need you to regroup with Lo’ak, Spider was taken, but Lo’ak found a hiding spot that you can go to. Head to the tree that has been uprooted, that’s where he are hiding. I need to help Y/N.
Kiri: Got it. Tuk, I need you to stay close to me, okay.
Tuk; Okay, sis.
The two Sully girls quickly and quietly run to where the hiding spot is while Neteyam ran in the direction of where his brother ran. He caught up only to see Y/n get shot in the shoulder which made him tumble over the edge of cliff. Neteyam couldn’t believe his eyes and tears come to his eyes as he knew that his brother was in big trouble, but he could not do anything with so many enemies around the area. He turned around before retreating to where the rest of his siblings and their good friend are hiding at. They need to make a plan.
To be continued….
Thats Pt. 2 for you. I hope it was not too long and too wordy. Anyways, I wanted to say that I never expected people to actually my idea of “"Useless” and “Troubled” until the End.” I hope people enjoy reading Pt. 2 as much I enjoyed writing it.
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satoru-is-the-way · 2 years
Spoilers for Avatar 2!!
Avatar! Rick Quaritch x Navi reader
"Given Enough "
Series Master List
Tag list: @the-wanderer-2022 @zootsutra @anyzandy   @kneelingforvillains @dioriez @mylovelyreblogs @dinobae-replyacc @voodoogoul @freshmoneyalmondathlete @thedumboneforsomereason @world-dominating-kitty @scarletpines
TRIGGER WARNINGS: Angst, Mentions of Dead, Killing in a sort, depression, and maybe some more not sure I'll add it I find one!
Also lowkey not proofread lmao. ..Also this does Include Mayan language and such because me trying to represent my peeps. Love you fam...but low key had to add the flying bison 😭 y'all don't @ me
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Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 -Flying is lesson one
Quaritch wakes up only to meet (Y/n) beautiful eyes gazing down at him. Yesterday felt like a dream. He never imagined himself to be in this position. But anything to make Jake Sully pay for his sins. “Lik'en,” She said. He looked confused at her. “Get up.” (Y/n) repeats in a more annoyed tone. “We will have to teach you our language. You are like a baby. You know nothing of our ways.” This earned a simple eye roll.
“So I assume we will be going over the language barrier today?” He stood up slowly standing a whole foot taller than (Y/n). Mastering the language would be the hardest part; everything else he figures would be easy. In the marine core, they trained him for many scenarios, but the likes of Pandora had not been one. But how hard could it be? “Unless you have something else in mind, princess.” He grins a flirty tone. (Y/n) looked down. 
“No, first we eat and then we ride.” She comments. Quaritch follows her. She tossed him a rather odd fruit-like food. It resembles a dragon fruit but on a much larger scale. “Lesson one is flying.” Quaritch chuckled.
“I already have that down with my Ikran.” He bit down on the fruit taking in its sweet flavor. He truly liked Pandor and could not wait until it belong to them. 
(Y/n) chuckled also eating her fruit as they walked through the village. “No, I am talking about another animal. Bigger, stronger, and faster than any Ikran. We use the Ikran for many tasks. But  Kamimaljuyú has another way of flight. They are part of our clan and have been since the dawn of time.” She called out for her Ikran who soon arrived along with Quaritchs. “We have many sub-villages in our large domain. However, these creatures live farther out to the east.”
“SISTER!” Called (Y/n)’s younger brother landing beside her Ikran. “The Mamífero Ka’anal’s have just given birth hurry!” Quaritch has never seen anyone this happy before. He took a mental note that these Mamífero Ka’anals could be a weak point in this clan. He nods over to (Y/n) and they both take off flying deeper into the clan’s territory. Quaritch knew he hit the jackpot landing here. If he could mate with the Princess all of this land, people, and warriors could be his to command. “Hurry before the children find their soul animal.” Her brother, Balam, smiled. Quaritch’s eyes widen and his ears go back once the large creatures come into sight.
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The humans had very little information about this creature. He could remember the small paragraph written over these ‘Sky Bison’ in human terminology. They were large animals of the sky, they belong to the air clans, every ten years they could be seen on migration, and they would disappear into the mountains never to be seen again. They land next to other Ikrans. He noticed many children possibly around 9 years old gather at the edge with food in hand.
“What the hell are they?” He asked. (Y/n) smiled softly seeing the baby Mamífero Ka’anal’s fly around their mothers. 
“They are the Mamífero Ka’anals Great warriors in the sky. Or as your people might call them Sky Bison’s as they resemble an earth creature. They are part of our family.”
“Why are the children here?” He asked, walking closer toward the edge. An animal like this in a war would be unstoppable. 
“In our tribe when children turn a certain age they are given more responsibility and utilities before they reach adulthood. Such as this. New Mamífero Ka’anal’s are brought here. The child and the Mamífero Ka’anal bond for life. Much like the Ikran, they will never have another owner. But if their companion dies they can ever fly again.”
“What do you mean by never flying again?” He asked watching the newborns fly down to the Navi children. They were so small and innocent, weak. An easy target. (Y/n)’s ears lay back thinking of the sad times a Navi died before their sky bison. “Did…I say something wrong?” He touched her hand. 
“No, it is a very sad time. We bond with the Mamífero Ka’anal for life. It is more than a connection to an Ikran. They become part of our family, we are friends for life on a spiritual level. If we are in danger they can sense it and vice versa. Our bond with them is sacred and blessed by Eywa.  If a Mamífero Ka’anal dies we can never choose another. But if a Navi dies before the Mamífero Ka’anal’s…” (Y/n) paused, “The animal gives up their will to live. It’s cruel and unfair how they work differently. They will lose all motivation to fly, live, and be happy. They will not eat or drink. Normally to avoid the torture of starvation we perform a ritual in front of Eywa and kill the animal in a humane way before we return them to her. Then they can live in eternal happiness alone alongside their companion.” (Y/n) whipped the tears which fell from her large (e/c) orbs. He felt bad not for the animals or Navi but for seeing her cry. The colonel shook his head trying to stop feeling sympathy for the enemy. Her beauty meant nothing in the end because his goal is to kill Jake’s whole family. 
“Hey, Princess, don't cry. In the end, they are happy, right? They don't suffer anymore. They are returned to their family.” He tried to comfort her which seemed to work. “So…do I get one?”
“Yes, but there are very few adults. Sadly in some cases when a Navi child does not make it to age, there are some who are left over. It is harder to bond at an older age. Mainly catching them but I can help you with that.” She clears her throat. “First be thinking of a unique call.”
“So these Bison respond to a certain call?”
“Yes, they do. Watch and listen.” (Y/n) cupped her hand over her mouth calling out to her bison (this sound). The colonel listened and looked to see the bison come for their master. Soon the large creature called back, flying towards the floating land. “Hurry!” She yelled running towards the edge of the floating rock before jumping off. 
“Fucking hell!” He yelled before following the Navi princess. How did she land smoothing on top of the Bison? "SHIT!" He yelled, landing with a thud on the animal's back. She laughed and walked up onto the large creature's head connecting her queue to him. He gripped onto the bison's fur. 
"Áramà! My beautiful girl! I want you to meet someone." (Y/n) smiled as the bison flew down to the ground below. 
"Was jumping off the cliff necessary?" 
"For dramatic purposes…Yes it was." She laughed jumping down. Quaritch follows examining the animal. He looked for weak spots. This creature would be a nightmare to fight. "Áramà this is Rick Quaritch." (Y/n) said. The Bison leaned over sniffing the Colonel. 
"Hello there. Áramà is it?" He was supposed to treat this animal like a native. It seemed intelligent. Rick noticed the silent communication Áramà had with (Y/n) maybe their bond is on a spiritual level. "So girl where is the other at?" He asked reaching up to pet the female Mamífero Ka’anal. She looked at Rick before glancing at (Y/n) making a few sounds that sent the Navi into laughter. "What's so funny?"
(Y/n) chuckled," She said she cannot wait to watch you fail." The colonel looks at the bison and huffs. 
Currently (Y/n) , Rick, Balam, and Áramà are above an unclaimed bison. "So Balam , she is your sibling?" 
"Yes I am younger though. Now focus. You have to drop down and make the connection quick." Balam instructed. "Or else it will not work. Just try and think gentle happy thoughts when connecting. Calm and command the Mamífero Ka’anal. When you are done I will help you fly him." Balam said. Quaritch nods looking at (Y/n).
“What do you say, give me a kiss for good luck, princess?” This caused (Y/n) to smirk and move closer lips near his. Quaritch felt his heart race ear going back.
“I said dont call me princess.” She then pushed him off. Quaritch yelped, falling off Áramà and turning around to land on top of his bison. It was quick how much the beast began to thrash around in an attempt to get Quaritch off his back.
“Ts'a a wóoli' yéetel beet le vínculo!”(Hurry and make the bond!) (Y/n) yelled.
“WHAT.THE.HELL.DOES.THAT.MEAN?” He called back. This was much harder than some Ikran. This beast had strength. Quaritch refused to let an animal make a fool of him. He needed to focus on the mission. With one mistake it would all crumble. With a loud war cry, he leaped forward and connected his queue to the Mamífero Ka’anal. The bull instantly settles down. “That’s it, boy.”
Balam dropped down chuckling,” Not bad for a human. I am surprised you didn’t die.” (Y/n) soon lowers her bison so they are riding side by side. 
“Now give him a name.” She smiled.
“How about Pup?” He asked, causing the siblings to chuckle.
“I like it. Now come on. Let’s teach you how to fly. They are much different from an Ikran.” (Y/n) smiled. 
It was now nightfall and Balam returned to the village on his bison leaving Quaritch and (Y/n) alone. The pair lands on the ground side by side before descending from their bison. “So how did you feel about lesson one?” She asked, nudging his shoulder. The colonel had trouble admitting he enjoyed today. Enjoyed being with the Navi princess. Also, her brother was not so bad, her complete opposite. 
“I would be lying if I said I did not enjoy myself. Today was a different one for sure. Pup here is rather pleasant. It is so odd how…I understand him even without being bonded I feel him. Hear him. Know what he knows.” Rick did not know Navi could truly be this emotional. Have connections not only with their forest but animals. 
“Well, then tomorrow we are going to dive deeper into more traditions and our way. Including our language which you desperately need to learn.” 
“So then I get my kiss?”
“Tch, in your dreams.” She blushed.
“I am counting on it, princess.”
Chapter 3
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itzymaeee · 2 years
𝓜𝓸𝓸𝓷 𝓡𝓲𝓿𝓮𝓻
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Summary: after what happend yesterday you have decided to summon your contracted with.
Song's: Audrey Hepburn - Moon River
Qsie - Moonsetter
Pairing: Platonic avatar x umbran witch!human!reader
Tw: corny writing,short fic and spoiler
Authors note: sorry for not updating hope you enjoy the story 😭 don't be afraid to comment down!
Bold and italic - "speaking in enochian"
After the fiascos you have witnessed yesterday you already knew neteyam won't visit you and knowing his going to keep an eye on his brother, taking that advantage as you decided to channel your magic.
there stood in front of you is the infernal demon you have contracted with madama eris known for her bloodthirsty in war and bringer of chaos and discord. "I'm surprised the people of this land haven't found and killed you yet? Knowing their dislike of your your race?" She amusedly said you just rolled at her comment "you and your bloodthirst you didn't even greet me" as madama eris just cackled dreadfully with glee as she started to circle you while you're calmly.
Taking your knife out you sliced your hand as the blood drips on the floor of the cave and your clan symbol appeared on the floor as you turned around put your hands in the back of your head posed and chanted "PDI BARMA!". The pentagram glowed and a shadowly figure of a woman appeared.
"I'm surprised you haven't said anything to Jake Sully son what you are" as she stopped in front while you put both of your hands in your waist "I have no reason to tell him about me after all he didn't told me about himself except him complaining about his father, brother and the chief son constantly bullying" you replied despite of your stay here in Pandora neither you and neteyam haven't asked each other about yourselves too busy of learning "but may I ask how do you know neteyam father?" You asked noticing she said neteyam father name.
Looking at madama eris who seemed to be observing she turned her head towards at you "you might have forgotten little witch I'am the goddess of discord and I know every whispers surrounding me especially if it's about war" she said "In hell you might forgot infernal's are known to be nosy bunch, Jake Sully name is very well known in hell after all a man named quaritch is constantly yelling and cursing that name while getting tortured by madama butterfly" she seemed to be amused about the man who was being tortured but stopped as she looked you dead at the eye.
"A little reminder little witch before I go back I have to tell you are faraway from our world" looking madama eris confused "well yeah according to neteyam I'm a thousand miles away from earth?" You told her but all you got was a laugh.
But she still continued laughing annoyed at her before you can tell her off but stopped as your attention was on the familiar sound of footsteps coming toward's the cave entrance but you returned your attention back when you heard madama eris "looks like lover boy is already here have fun little witch" as she vanished in the shadow while laughing mockingly at you.
Neteyam arrived at your cave and saw you standing and looking at the ground annoyed as he looked at you confused "y/n are you alright?" He only got was an angry huffed as you started walked at the woven mat and seated down while grumbling a language he doesn't know as he followed you and seated down a little bit faraway from afraid he might upset you more.
Taking the two unfinish bracelet you have been waving with neteyam at your hands as you offered the other one to neteyam to continue what you guys left. While waving you noticed that neteyam mind is a little bit off today since he continuesly tighten the knot and removing again.
"neteyam" you called at him but he didn't looked up as he continued what he was doing.
"neteyam" you called at him secondly as you notice that his hands was shaking while tying and knoting the seaweed. Annoyed that he was ignoring your call you scotted closer at him.
"neteyam!" As you yelled to get his attention he snapped the seaweed he was waving at the bracelet and looked at you alarmed while you just looked at him worriedly.
"I have been calling you are you okay? your mind seemed not to be good today?" You asked "I'm okay let's just continue what we were doing" noticing that he was changing the topic.
"neteyam I know something is off your ears is droopy so what happend? Did something happen to your brother?" you asked him but he just stubbornly Shaked his head no as he tied the seaweed he snap so you decided to wait.
It was silent between you two as the only thing you can hear was the oceans wave at the background as you looked at neteyam worriedly. So you decided to let him tell you at his own why he seemed to be in distress it was an hour of you two waving and you constantly looking at him he seem to be notice that as he stopped waving.
"the chief daughter and son decided to show us their own sacred tree of souls that was located underwater me and sister's was in awe as the cheif daughter happily joined them to connect with the ancestor's" he stopped as he seemed to be taking a full breath as you softly hold his hand as you squeezing his hand in support "everything was fine but my sister Kiri something happend she got a seizure while she was connected at the tree during that moment I felt dread watching my sister going through that" as you gasped at what you heard worried at Kiri as you quietly watched as neteyam shed a tear your heart aches at him.
"oh neteyam" you softly said as you gather him in embraced as he sobbed at your shoulder as you rocked both of your bodies in attempt to sooth him. You continued to do that as you softly singed a song that your mother sing at you everytime your sad.
Moon river, wider than a mile
I'm crossing you in style some day
Oh, dream maker, you heart breaker
Wherever you're goin', I'm goin' your way
As you softly singed at him as his cries gone only his softly hiccups.
Two drifters, off to see the world
There's such a lot of world to see
We're after the same rainbow's end
Waitin' 'round the bend
As you let go of your hug and cupping his face and softly removing the tears at eyes as you looked at him softly.
My huckleberry friend
Moon river and me
As you ended the song and smiled at him as he looked at you softly while holding your hand "I never knew you can sing" he said as you jokingly scoffed at him "what you thought I have an ugly voice?" And he has a audicity to nod as you gasped "is this the thanks I get after comforting you? next time you will never gonna hear my voice" as you joked let go of your hand and huffed at him but he just laughed at your antics.
"okay okay I was just joking you have a beautiful voice" he said and you smiled as you smirked at him "of course I have after all I have graced you with it"
"wow you really are arrogant you know what I take back what I said"
"hey no take back" as you pointed at him but but stopped as you both laughed. After you both finished laughing you and neteyam decided to seat outside the cave and enjoy the watching the sky slowly turn into nighttime.
"thanks for comforting me and sorry for you to see me at that state" neteyam said beside you as he continue watches the sky. "Nah it's fine and I don't mind you know if ever you felt sad just come at me even though your annoying but I don't mind" you said as you heard him gasp and Snicker at it. "What do you mean annoying?!?" But you ignored him as you continue to enjoy the view of the sky huffing at you.
As both of you seat quietly at the rocky shore while enjoying the view and the sound of the wave after an hour neteyam decided he needs to return back before his father and mother noticed his missing as both you and neteyam goodbye to each other you watch him call his ilu and mounted on it.
Before he can leave you called him his name "neteyam I mean it what I said" you said at him as he looked at you "you mean me being annoying?" You rolled your eyes at him "I mean about if ever if you need someone to tell or to let out just come at me okay and also yes that too" as you said amusedly but serious about it. He smiled and nodded as you watch him go back at the island wishing him and his family that his sister will be well, while continue watching the sky noticing it's almost nightine seeing some stars.
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redrydersrequiem · 2 years
Lost and found family
(That’s right I hopped onto the avatar 2 wagon Everyone is slightly aged up in this im just trying to get shit to work so bare with me neteyem is 21 so is reader. I’m still a new writer and this hasn’t been profed) bold means Navi language
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My name is Caspian lane. The year is ( ) when I was ten the man that basically raised me went off to another planet in the place of his twin brother. I waited five years before I was told Jake wasn’t coming back. At 16 I joined the marines the youngest I could be since I had no actual guardians. For years I climbed the ranks and became a marine just like Jake until the RAD came and found me. They told me that Jake had been captured, and has been the Navis leader Toruk Maktos prisoner all this time. That they were putting a team together to go and find and rescue him and the others that were captured. I should have known this all was a lie but the prospect of Jake being safe is all I heard. I joined without a second thought.
Present day, I arrived on Pandora but not as a human. I left earth as an almost 30 year old red headed human who spent her formative years training to be a soldier working towards one goal. Now I'm 20 or at least my body is.. I'm a Navi now, the indigenous species here. It’s definitely different being so tall and blue but hey I've always liked the color blue. I definitely miss my red hair but after braiding a piece of it into my new body’s hair,I'm getting used to this.
Today I met Quartich and his crew. The general explained that they were called the blue team and that they were there to help find and rescue Jake with me. I'm grateful to them, having more than one person will definitely be advantageous but They are a little rough around the edges, all definitely being way more guarded with me then each other. Oh well I'm not here to make friends, I'm here to save my family.
We’re all dropped off in the forest, everyone super vigilante as we make our way to an old outpost station they are looking for clues in. The station is decrepit and overgrown with vegetation. I simply look around in wonder at the nature around us as quaritch and his goons look into the body that was left there. A noise captures my attention, I turn back to see if the others heard it but they’re still preoccupied with their own searches. The noise is heard again and I know I shouldn’t go off on my own but my gut tells me there’s no danger. I slowly make my way over and see children. Three Navi children and one human one. Wait why are there children here, but before i can speak they all are intercepted by the others and manhandled to the ground
“Hey hey stop, they're just kids what are y'all doing!”
“Stand down corporal.-quaritch
“No they are kids were not here to hurt anyone this is a search and rescue mission i say as i get in his face. Now let these kids go.”
“You know I've been real patient with your nonsense but now I think it's time to pop that bubble.
Next thing I know, pain explodes across my cheek as I fall to the floor, one of the other soldiers grabbing me and putting me in the same position as the children.
“What the fuck?”
“Shut up lane. I've been patient but here's the real talk: we aren't here to save Jake Sully, we are here to kill him, for the traitor that he is.”
“Yes sir, your dear old jake isn't a prisoner here he’s their damn leader. And we’ve come to stop him starting here.”
“Look sir this one has five fingers” one of the others shouts as he holds up the teen girl's hand.
“Well would you look at that. What about you boy, let me see your hands.”
The young male then flips quaritch off. And damn if he didn’t remind me of someone right there.”
“Well i'll be damned your his”
“What are you talking about?”
“These kids belong to none other than our dear jake sully.”-quaritch
“What.” I look around looking at the children. “They’re jakes?”
“And now that we have them, well for sure be able to lure Jake and that she demon he’s married to out in the open.”
“No I can’t let this happen, I won't let these children get hurt.
“Well I can’t wait to see how you try and stop us. Captain call the ship for Rendezvous and tell them we have captives and a traitor.”
“Sir yes sir.”
All I can do is thrash in the soldiers hold as my temper gets the best of me. How dare these hired guns lie to me. All my thrashing earns me though is a swift punch to the gut,knocking all the air out of me. On the ground now I try to think of a plan but all I can focus on is the scared looks on the kids faces.
“Hey, ugh hey: gaining their attention. “What are your names? Im caspian”
“Tuk”. The smallest child states the others shush her as the soldiers echos be quiet to all of us
“Ignore them. Tuk is a pretty name. I'm sorry you guys are in this mess but I promise you with every fiber of my being i won't let these guys hurt you.
They all look at each other and come to a silent consensus that im telling the truth. And silently introducing themselves to me.
“Why are you here? The older girl ask me
“I came here to find my family, your father.”
“You know our dad?”. Lo’ak asks softly
“Yes, Jake and Tommy basically raised me. So when Tommy died Jake went off here to make sure that we could get by and his salary alone was enough to last us years. So he took the job. I thought this whole time he had been captured and was being held captive so I worked hard and joined up to become blue and be able to rescue him. I guess now that I think about it there’s some holes in my plans.
“You think!” the human boy spider comments.
“Hey im still young cut me a break I’m here aren’t I.
“Can it you.” Quaritch commands as he walks toward spider .While they are talking I take in my surroundings. It’s gotten dark and the rain lightly pours. They've disarmed me from my gun but they forget I'm every much a marine as they are as I subtly pull out a smoke grenade from my belt. The kids all come to attention when a light clicking noise is heard in the wind.
“Kids look at me. They all turn their heads. Lo’ak seeing what I’m doing. subtle nods and motions to the other.
“Kids run!” I yell as I release the Grenade, the soldiers dropping the kids as they get away.
“I wrestle with the one holding me as an arrow suddenly flies through his head. I hid for cover. No idea what's going on as long as the kids were able to get away that's all I cared about.
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The sullys pov
“Hey hey "Jake yells as he sees his children all running towards him.
“Dad dad.”
“Tuk you're ok. Are you all ok” as he goes and checks on his children
“Yes the lady helped us dad she helped us.”
“What who helped you”
“A lady, she said she knew you”. - Kiri
“She said her name was caspian”- lo’ak
Caspian what what are you talking about- jake
“Yeah she’s the young one with the red braid, she helped us, we have to help her”- kiri
“Ok Kiri ok right now i'm not worried about that i just want to make sure you're all safe ok. You guys get to the Irkrans now, Neteyams there, go now.
Jake watches his children leave as he goes to help his mate.
Caspians pov
The kids got away and now arrows and bullets are flying through the air as the colonel calls for the others to capture the kids or the ones firing at them an arrow narrowly missing his head
“Is that you mrs sully” i hear quaritch yell out into the air
“Demon" I hear being called back. “ I don't know how you are here but I will kill you as many times as I have to” the colonel Finally reloading begins to run ramped once again shooting towards the tops of the covered trees.
Wait he said misses sully that means jakes here. Getting up I weave through the vines and trees towards the Colonel trying to take out whoever I can with the small pistol I have left. The one I believe named Prager gets in my way thinking he intimidates me. But I've gone my whole military career having men underestimate me and me putting them on their asses so that's exactly what I did. Jumping up and kicking Prager in the face I beat him to the ground putting two shots into his chest. Another rounds the tree though making eye contact with me lifting his AR ready to fire when a hatchet flies through the trees making its target in his head.
That’s when I saw him. He's taller, with dreaded hair and paint on his face, but before I can say anything bullets again fly through the air sending everyone to cover however they can. I see in the distance the new Navi fighting with the others exchanging blows as the command ship finally comes into view. There's no way I'm letting these bastards go without a fight. All of the remaining team blue are retreating as I see quaritch pick up a fallen rocket launcher. Oh hell no. I run full force and tackle him to the ground a moment too late however if the ringing in my ears from the explosion hitting the big tree is an indicator.
“Lane i must say you are definitely living up to your name sake on being a pain in my ass”
All i can do is hiss at quaritch as he bring out his knife
“You all lied to me and I don't take kindly to that.” With that said the fight is
Blows being landed back to back but quaritch definitely has the advantage with the knife in his hand. Just barely keeping up when I hear yelling from my side. I see the others have somehow captured spider. Slinging him over their shoulder to board the ship. The distraction costs me, for the next second there’s a knife now plugged into my side
“Let's see how long you last with that corporal”. Quaritch sarcastically says as he pulls the knife out and hustles over to the ropes to board the ship. All I can do is stumble away as I watch them get away in the midst of the smoke.
The knife wound in my side definitely is not fun. Jesus did he use the biggest thing he had. I'm resting against the side of a tree trying to keep the bleeding minimal. When the foliage in front of me moves to the side revealing a Navi woman with yellow face paint and a bow to my face.
“Wait wait, I'm friendly”. I try to get out as I try to show that I have no weapons but moving both hands is impossible unless I want to bleed out faster than I already am. She says something, probably signaling her companion as he now comes out or the foliage.
“Who are you, why did you help us”, he surprisingly says in English
“My name is Caspian Lane. I'm here to find my family.”
“Wait what did you say your name was”
The male asks and I finally look up. We both make eye contact and the longer i look at him the more recognizable he becomes
“Jake?….. is that really you.”
“How do you know me? who are you?”
“It’s me, Caspian,You and your brother practically raised me as a kid. That ringing any bells”
Jake steps towards me, the woman saying something to him but I guess by his words when he turns back to her she no longer considers me a threat as the arrow is no longer pointed at me.
“Are you really little Cassie?”
“Yup it's me jake it's really me.”
“How are you here? How are you Navi? I Have so many questions.”
“Oh trust me so do i but could you first help me out a little im kinda bleeding out”
“Oh shit” Jake comes to my side and lifts my hands to look at the wound. He curses under his breath as he begins to put pressure on the wound.
“Damn we need to get you taken care of, neytiri we need to get her to mo’at.
“Jake,bag there’s a cauterizer”
“What I'm not.”
“Jake im not going to make a journey with this kind of wound take the round device out of my pack and use it”
Jake hesitantly does as i say telling the woman to come and hold my side
“Listen i'm not gonna lie this is gonna hurt but i've got you little red i've got you
“Ha little red I haven’t been called that in.. ahhhhhhh”
All thought is gone from my head as the pain infiltrates. Until nothingness and the world goes dark.
Jakes pov
I can’t believe she’s here. How is this happening right now, the young girl I thought I'd never see again and unfortunately haven’t thought of in several years is here now in front of me as a Navi. She looks young about the age of neteyam. She looks the same and not, probably much like i did in the beginning when I transferred to my avatar. The wound wasn’t looking good.
“Neyteri come, I need you to hold her on the other side so she doesn’t jerk away when I do this.”
“Are you sure of the person ma jake”
“Yes I'll explain everything once we're out of here but first we need to help her.”
Turning back to Caspian, I take the tool in my hand and prepare to use it. I gently take her face in my palm to make her look into my eyes.
“Hey little red i've got you ive got you. I speak softly before beginning to cauterize the wound. Her scream resonates in my ears until i feel her body going limp
“Shit, cassy, caspian can you hear me.”
“She’s passed out from the pain ma jake we need to get her to mo’at.
“Yeah yeah I’ll grab her, can you grab her stuff.”
“Good come, let's go home. The kids are waiting.”
The sullys leave, venturing home with a very interesting friend in tow.
I did my best drawing this. Caspian in here human clothes
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hunted-moth · 1 year
Forest Of Dreams Part One: A Shit Place
Summary// after the death of your older brother tom, you and Jake talk about life and catch up
Word Count// 1.3k words( 1,317 idk how to shorten it :| )
Warnings// Cursing, death(toms “funeral” and how he died), Bad writing(maybe), drinking, small fight scene- let me know if I should add anything else -3-
A/N // I want to be gay with Neytiri and I can only find poly reader stuff :’) so I’m writing it myself! But beware I’m dyslexic and had shit education so if it’s weird to read that’s why. Oh and the banner was made by me but the pics are from the game pandora rising and a clip from the movie
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you said walking through the door, silence. ‘Strange, But oh well he's a grown man after all. He can do what he wants” you thought
as you walk to the kitchen to get something to eat and grab a drink. As you got to the fridge you saw a note:
‘Went to the store be right back for more food :D’
“oh, so that's where he is,” saying out loud. You open the fridge and grabbed a pop and a pudding cup and go to plop down on the couch. You just got back from your avatar training. You were going to Pandora as a Xenogeologist. you did ok with said training but the language was a bit difficult to grasp.
you finished the snack and opened a laptop to study and practice said language, but just as you were about to start, a knock at the door interrupted. A sigh escaped your lips as you got up and opened the door with some sass.
“Are you Y/N Sully” two men in suits greeted you at the door, “yeah what do you want?” attitude rolled off your tongue
“Is your brother Tom Sully, age 22”, “yeah, what about him?” you asked warily
“He’s dead, stabbed in a mugging gone wrong,” one agent said with zero emotion as if he had said it a dozen times already, “he's at the morgue if you'd like to see him,” the other said
At the morgue, you looked down at the box that was about to be pushed into the inferno you tried calling jake but he never answered
you looked over to see that none other than your older brother jake rolled in with two agents.
“We're looking for Sully T” the agent's voice boomed, you recognized them as an RDA agent.
“Yeah over here”.
“Jesus Tommy” “yeah, two cops came to our place, said he was stabbed by some thug for his cash” was all that was said between the two.
You heard the two agents talk to Jake about replacing Tom in the avatar program. You just tuned it out and thought of what to do, you had three days till you were shipped out. you had just graduated college a few months ago, so had a shit ton of free time. Then a thought popped into your head.
“Hey Jake, wanna go get a drink?” a smirk formed on your lips
“what? Aren't you 20 though” jakes face was confused, both from the fact he was already drunk and the fact you were two years younger than him
but with a shit-eating grin, you pulled out your wallet to show your fake ID
“don't worry, i'll be fine,” you said with a smile
“Jesus N/N” jake couldn't help but chuckle
“Relax, besides I turn 21 in a few months. Plus we get shipped out in three days, so why not live a little”
He only shook his head with a smile “fine” was his final answer
“nice let's go to this bar I know, two streets down I think”
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Location–Cherry Tops Bar
“TO TOMMY” both of you toasted to his memory, then took a swig of the liquor
“So how’d you get a fake id,” he asked “ahh I knew some art majors back in college, had them whipped one up for me when I was 18”
“Good lord Y/N, you graduate high school at 16 with that brain of yours and you get an id to drink”
“Hey, at least I waited, 'cause I seem to remember you coming home drunk” pointing out his hypocrisy seemed to get a laugh outta ya.
Growing up it was just you three, so, of course, you'd pick up both traits of your brothers
“So how ya been anyway,” you asked Jake, the two of you hadn't talked in months. Jake sighed saying
“same old same old,” he said with a gloomy face
“ah well, that's gonna change in about three days and about 6 years from now” you both laughed with jake returning your question to you
“oh you know, I finished college about two months ago, Zoe and I broke up, and got my ears stretched” “oh you and Zoe broke up?” “yeah, just didn't feel anything anymore, plus I'm leaving for what 16-18 years so might as well call it off,” you said with a neutral expression, sure she was a nice girl beautiful too. There just wasn’t anything there anymore
As you and Jake were getting caught up in your lives, you felt a hand on your shoulder. You looked over to see some dude looking down at you with a stupid smile clearly drunk. You recognized him as a former classmate, he was a known creep who'd get up in everyone's space
“Ya need something dude?” there was a hint of annoyance in your tone as you shrugged off his hand
“yeah, Just need you in my bed tonight” he wore a sleazy grin while looking at your chest
“ah sorry man, I already got your Ma in mine, can't keep her waiting, right bro,” you said as you looked at your brother to continue your joked
“yeah sis, let's bounce and go to yours,” he said with a playful smirk
Obviously, he was a momma's boy and didn’t take kindly to calling his mom a whore as he looked at the two of you, he looked like he was about to punch you, and when he eventually did, you swung back faster.
Knocking him to the ground. His buds went to help him by knocking you down but Jake had your back by wheeling into them. You straddled the guy getting a few licks in before you were pulled off by the bouncer and you and Jake were thrown out. You got up laughing while helping Jake up.
“Why don't you crash at my place till it's time to go, bet you still live in that shoe box” you offered
“Yeah sure, i'll head to my place and pack up tomorrow” he agreed, and started rolling away
“sounds like a plan”
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Location– Y/Ns and Tom's apartment
The apartment was small but still bigger than jakes. It had two rooms and a closed bathroom but was still small though with little space for anything else, but since Y/N and Tom were out of the house all the time it didn't matter.
“Hmm kinda cozy” jake commented
“Yeah, and pretty cheap for what it is. You can sleep on the couch ". You moved the coffee table so Jake could have a place for his wheelchair. Then retired to your room to sleep. As you were sleeping, you had a dream, you were in a jungle. You heard giggling and it ran off as you chased it into the forest. Then you woke up.
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Location– Jakes Place
In the morning you and Jake went to his place to help him pack up.
“wow, I really do forget that you literally live in a shoe box” you looked around his place, it was an open floor plan, and very cramped
“shut up,” Jake said as he pinched you
“OW,” you yelped.
It was a quick activity as he didn't have much to his name. As you two head to your house you thought about the dream again. Jake noticed and asked:
“Hey, what's up? Been spacing off all morning,” he asked concerned
“hmm oh nothing, had that forest dream again,” you said nonchalantly as if it was breathing
“Wow, this is like what? The hundredth time” he joked. You've been having this dream since you were a kid. Sometimes you'd be flying, running, or swimming after someone. Your mother always said that it was god giving you dreams of the past, but you wrote it off as just a random recurring dream, stemming from the fact you like nature.
Jake only nodded as you two made it to your door. You decided to order some food and just relax for the day.
It felt weird to you, Jake and Tom were identical twins, but Jake had longish hair. So seeing him do the same routine as Tommy gave you a sense of Deja Vu.
Once you finished you retired to your room to get some studying in and rest. As of tomorrow, you and Jake would be put in cryosleep as you journeyed to pandora.
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Next // PT 2 New Life New Dreams
Previous // N/A
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A/N// First chapter :D good god is this short, this also might be bad…but oh well you start from somewhere lol and it will be longer lol
I've got some ideas for pt 2 but if you have some feel free to give them to me. Oh and this fic was inspired by ‘Dream Girl’ by omgkatherine01. Like I said inspired so some things might by similar haha
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szagaloree · 1 year
Three hearts combined
Series teaser….
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For all my poly babies💙
Who would’ve never thought I could get like this, it sucks. Neytiri was going to teach us both and I was nervous, she didn’t want to be the one to train sky people but her mother told her to do so. I sat down drinking some coffee, “how you feeling?” Jake asks as he rolls in “scared as hell, I’m surprised our avatars are alive right now,” I said, he grins “they’re gonna study us, gotta learn to be one of them, shouldn’t be hard,” he shrugs “Jake this isn’t army basic training, you’re in the forest learning how to really fight,” I said he chuckles.”even after everything you still be taking things as a joke, he grins. Me and Jake known each other for a long while ever since he came back from the war the cost him his legs, consider him the daredevil and I’m just a laid back free spirit. I always helped Jake when it comes down to his disability, and grew to have a crush on him but I struggle with open communication, and that almost cost us our friendship because I shut him out due to me struggling with communicating my feelings. But we’re better after tom’s death it took a toll on him, the main reason for him not really caring about this whole mission he’s in it for the money, he lost his other half of him, I was already in the same boat as Tom, to be sent out to Pandora but I didn’t want to leave Jake alone but they offered him the spot since him and his brother have the same mind that he can control his brother’s avatar.
It hurts because it really changed him to only care for himself since he lost his other half and sometimes I feel he’s forgotten he had me. “Alright you two let’s go, village life starts early,” Grace says, we get in our link, once I woken up I stepped out of the hammock sighing, she wasn’t lying about village life starting early everyone was up and about doing things for the village, neytiri was surprised to see me up with Jake following behind “come” she said starting to walk down the spiral case, we followed till we left hometree, we ended up on a big branch being taught the language, lucky I knew most of it due to me training for some years for this and it shocked neytiri, Jake on the other hand had it hard, he was get a slap to his head every time he got it wrong and I would giggle getting side eyes from him.
“Stronger” she says, inhale aiming as she adjusted Jake then came to me, she slaps my arm making me go right back to how has my arm, after a while jake went to the male bathing and I went with neytiri to the females. I felt nervous when I came but got over within a few minutes “how did you know our language?” Neytiri asks, “I was trained the na’vi language before I got here but Grace helped teach me,” I answered her widen a little “Grace?” I nodded “yea, she’s damn near like my mother, she has that mother spirit,” I said shrugging one shoulder. “Are you and Jake mates?” She asks tilting her head “nooo no-hehe no, we’re close friends, we known each for a long time,” I said.
“The way he looks at you.. he likes you,” my cheeks blushed red looking away “like me? I don’t think he likes me like that neytiri, we’re just friends,” I said she tilts her head with a little grin. During this whole time of training neytiri was running through the forest with us following her, I can feel my feet and legs strengthen each time, getting used to the forest. But we stopped once she jumps off the branch onto big flowers “you fucking serious?!” I groan I jumped first copying her moves and luckily I did it, “you just want to-" I stopped when I hear yelling from above I started giggling because I knew it was Jake, Jake tumbles down the mushroom getting up and glancing up like somebody pushed him.
I couldn’t help but laugh “haha”he mocks, I smiled “well atleast you landed,” I shrugged neytiri smirkee. Three months have gone by and Grace has me taking a break to take of care of my human body. I sighed staring down at the cup “what’s wrong kid?” Grace asks leaning on the wall “nothin,” I said “you’re not fooling me Melanie,” Grace said, “I.. I don’t know how to tell Jake,” I said “tell Jake what? You like him?” My eyes went wide “it’s Kinda obvious, I see the way you look at him and get all shy like a girl in high school, I would say tell him,” she said. I shrug “I don’t know how I’ve known him for years I’m scared of being rejected,” I said, “kid.. I’ve been through that a few times especially during high school, it’s better to take the risk, you only live once,” she said, “but there’s another thing,” I said early her eyebrow raises a bit. “Another thing?” She questions.
“III-ehhh-I-kinda likeneytiri,” I said quickly.
Her mouth dropped to the floor in shock, “whaaat?” She grins, “oh boy… double trouble,” Grace sighs.
~authors note~
In this series neytiri is not betrothed to Tsu’tey for the sake of the plots! Also poly relations are are not always seen very much in the clan but it can be common within the clans!
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knyazd · 10 months
Chapter 2
Begining of a new life
- Attention, you have arrived in Pa..do..
Scraps of the recording rang dully in his head. His eyes didn't want to open, pain pierced his entire body. It took several minutes to come to my senses at least a little. Suddenly consciousness returned to him. The man was in a cold, transparent gel-like liquid that enveloped his entire body. Through the small window a huge white passage could be seen. Light. The bright light burns the eyes.
Suddenly the door opened and people in chemical protective suits appeared. Jake was still too weak to walk, but fortunately there was a state of weightlessness. The two carefully pulled out their capsules.
“Be careful, don’t make sudden movements, nausea and dizziness are norm, you’ve been in cryosleep for more than six years,” the dull, hoarse voice of one of them was heard, “now they’ll inject you with all the necessary drugs and you’ll feel better.”
But Jake was no longer listening, his thoughts were on something completely different. He remembered where he was, why he was here and for what reason.
When Jake dared to open his eyes fully, a huge room appeared before him. The entire area was riddled with white cells, from which tired people were also emerging. Looking around, he saw no end to these cells. The scale of the room frightened him, then he really felt like a tiny grain of sand in a huge ocean.
- What is the area of ​​all this? – the man asked in a hoarse bass voice
- Square? I didn’t think that this would be the first question of the newcomer. There are definitely several golf courses,” the worker grinned. - Let’s go, otherwise they’ll turn on the depressurization soon and everything here will collapse. As soon as we get to the passage, you will go there yourself, and we will need to wake up the others.
“Ha ha, funny,” he muttered, looking down at his atrophied legs.
- The stroller is already waiting for you there, and...
- Where is my brother?! Thomas Sully, I want to see him while I can.
- He is being prepared for cremation, if you hurry, I think you will have time to say goodbye to him.
Half an hour later, the man found himself in a stuffy room, watching the burning box in which his brother lay. He was surrounded by all sorts of scientists, eminent people whom he did not know.
Thomas was much more successful than his brother, a real star in the world of science, he spent 10 years preparing to be sent to Pandora, learning the language and habits of local humanoids, or whatever they were called. However, in addition to kinship, they were united by a deep connection that dates back to early childhood. Throughout their childhood they lived in perfect harmony, like brothers, like best friends. But fate had completely different plans for Tom. And so, he saw off his closest and dearest person on his last journey. What's next?
- Jake, please accept our condolences, he was well...
- Shut up! You can't even understand me! To you, he was just a brain, not a person! - he roared.
Deathly silence reigned in the hall. Only the timid crack of the burning box could be heard.
Everyone thought the same thing. That the poor guy needs to be left alone.
- Attention, we all put on masks, if you don’t want to suffocate in 2 minutes - we warned everyone before leaving.
*Of course, I’ve heard a lot about this world, that it’s dark, dangerous, but damn, it’s so beautiful* - the guy thought when he went outside for the first time. There was some kind of animal clinging to the metal grill of the fence, which interested him very much.
“It’s either a dinosaur or a lizard, but it’s cool,” he remarked. Getting closer, Jake looked into the eyes of this beast. They just looked at each other.
Sudden whistle. Cotton. Before Jake could blink, the animal lay dead on the ground. Blood flowed in a crimson stream.
- Why did you do that?
- To show who is the boss on this planet! – The soldier standing next to him answered proudly.
* He didn’t do anything, he just sat on the fence... *
This thought stayed with Jake for many, many days.
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limetimo · 2 years
RAB fics I read since I last made a post about it
Snakes and Lions by Moony_Reggie Remus is a Slytherin and Regulus gets bumped up a year. Remus and Sirius' prank rivals to lovers was an unpararelled slowburn, very neat, I don't even remember how Jegulus happened but they're sweet. Also Remus and Regulus are kinda sorta joining the Death Eaters because they feel they don't have other choices in the war.
Ogni Parte È Viva (Every Part Is Alive) by euphorial_docx Jegulus, makes me want to read Call Me By Your Name
Hush Hush by crippledgoddess told mostly from Lily's POV, aka the one with the worst luck when it comes to walking in on couples making out. In some ways it's a conglomerate of your typical Jegulus Secret Dating tropes, everyone's gay, and Pandora does not fall under the rules of mere mortals.
A Bone to Pick (With Myself) by Quietlemonhush Sirius falls through the Veil and ends up getting a second chance at life! I screamed and keysmashed, very lovely
Kissing Lost Boys Goodbye by shutupeccles Regulus and Sirius are in love, romantically, like Orion and Alphard before them and Arcturus and Regulus(?) before those two. They go to extreme lengths to not act on their feelings. Made me lie down on the floor because it was fucking sad
The Marauders and the Prisoner of Azkaban by SilverShadow1 Alternate universe Marauders + Lily + Regulus are reading PoA! It's def one of my favourite takes on this type of story
The Mudblood of Slytherin by nickahontas very inch-resting. I'm not one who often reads "someone's made up little sister" stories but this one def gets a pass. Lucy Tonks the Mudblood of Slytherin is originally from our world, somewhat remembers the books/movies. She's set out to save as many people as she can... but in the process she becomes kinda very powerful and morally ambiguous and really, there's a LOT of murder in here. Also Sirius with a flaming sword and mildly unhinged Regulus
The Highest Form of Betrayal by star boy Lyn (LyncisLikeTheStar) Regulus is trans, stalked by his ex Tom Riddle, high-key emotionally abused by his parents - but the cherry on top is the fact his own fucking brother and friends KIDNAPPED him in his sleep. And the cherry on the top of THAT cherry is that his fresh new wrong-number boyfriend is no one else but one of his kidnappers. Can he get over this betrayal and forgive his friends, his brother, his boyfriend?
constellations inked in blood by The_Duchess_of_Fiction love it when the Blacks get together to fuck shit up
Novam Faciem by CandlesInTheSnow I didn't finish reading this one, the premise it interesting - Fred and George discover that Harry is biologically the son of Regulus Black and Tom Riddle - but the writing didn't vibe with me personally
rewrite my heart (let the future in) by secretpersona !!!!!!!!!!!!♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! purrfecto numero uno luno Regulus/Pandora Regulus can see how he dies and Pandora can find things people need and just go read it
How Like Home by waitingondaisies Harry follows Sirius through the veil and ends up in an universe where Riddle never became voldemort (he's taking turns being a headmaster of hogwarts with McGonagall instead), alsmot everyone is alife, ect. Regulus was mentioned once and I'm not sure he'll play any significant role, but it's a good fic!
Scent of the Moon a series, when Sirius loses his shit and announces to his parents that fuck them, he's gay and fuck them, Walburga loses her shit and tosses him to Bellatrix who tosses him to Grayback. Sirius escapes barely alive and with a furry little problem. But, all turns out well. Regulus is so very lovely in here and by so very lovely I mean a bossy little shit whose love language is secretly protecting Sirius from afar
Reenactment by WanSue Sirius falls through the veil and gets a do-over
Fated to Fall by ouzell soulmates jegulus AU
Crumbling by regulusblacksdiary Regulus/Remus, the build-up to the getting together is so very lovely to me but then I looked at the tags and it's CANON COMPLIANT fuck me in the ass why don't you regulusblacksdiary
Napoleon in Three Acts by Snegurochka Sirius loves both his brothers. carnally
The Second Story of Regulus Arcturus Black by Aquarius_Black Regulus pops up in 1995, what a softie
sour candy by hiraiskies this one is kinda Lily bashy? She takes James' attention for granted and is very thrown off her groove when she finds out he moved on to one Regulus Black.
The Return by sandersonsister Regulus pops up in 1995, future reg/harry
The Secrets of Regulus Black by Josiem that boy sure does have secrets.
when you were mine by battlehamster needs no introduction
What could have been by Phantomwriter2182 Harry time travels, saves regulus, recruits remus and severus. Regulus' prejudice and sexuality are about to be challenged by a certain werewolf!
in the fires of our youth (oh, brother of mine) by quynhorlose i really do like this trend of remus and regulus being besties and accidentally getting into dating Sirius and James without anyone knowing they're dating each other's best friend/brother
b(l)ack home, everything is a little different by Anonymous parent children incest with age play dead dove do not eat
Regulus screws with peoples feelings for around 7+ years by GhostBugsBunny love this energy the author went full feral and I love that for them. reincarnation au
eleven:eleven by wheresmejumper After oct 31 1981 Sirius does a little research on the string theory and does a little time travel. It does't really work out the way he wanted. For one he's in 1992, Regulus is there, oh and they're both 11. I love the black brother interactions!
A Branch of Magic that has Never Worked by thecolorofthesea regulus pops from the cave to 1995
Stellar Parallax by cloud (cloudpancakes) Sirius, veil, rebirth, redo
Space Exploration by cloud (cloudpancakes) regulus, death, rebirth as Malfoy's twin
Back To The Old House There's no Voldemort (according to Evan he killed himself, it was very embarrassing) but James is still in mortal peril - according to Seer Pandora - and the only one who can save him is Regulus, by dating him. It's a very unhleathy relationship with Regulus being obsessed by being good for James and James being very obsessed with Regulus being good and also being possessive and emotionally manipulating but they're slowly slowly getting better as Regulus is growing a spine and James is realising and unlearning certain habits. There's also Wolfstar, cool parents Monty and Effie, and stuff
Ozymandias by sirtwentyofhousegoodmen after the family is in shambles since the events of 1981 Arcturus Black steps back in. yada yada io and behold it's 1995 and voldemort isn't dead and neither is Regulus it turns out
i see how this ends (poorly) by Quillium SEER REGULUS EVAN ROSIER MY BELOVED and more.
chronological displacement universe draco and harry have a time turner accident end up in the 70s
My Loyalty, My Concern, My Happiness, My Revenge by AugustStories screaming crying
Rewriting Destiny by Mostlywinstuff regulus, cave, gets yote to 1995
We're Just Friends by TheHappyUnicornGirl Remus is gay. Regulus is gay. Sometimes attending the same LGBT support meetings leads to friendship.
unorthodox dating by moonyslapdog :DDDDDDDDDD
yours for the night by willowjh love the communication going on here, remus/regulus
The Long Game by knight_bus_of_doom jfjjfhrluhgrulrukjdfhnf THE GHOST OF REGULUS IS HAUNTING THEM SINCE THE FIRST PART OF THE SERIES
It runs in the blood by Metalomagnetic me gusta kapusta, Sirius agrees to take the mark to spy on Voldemort. He did not account for Voldy getting massive hots for him. Honestly poor Rabastan he has to watch that clusterfuck from up close lol
This Is Why I Hate Mondays by AtomicMint crack
pirates and the king's sheep by hypotheticalhore pirates AU my beloveds
but my brother's where i cry by touchlikethesun Barty has a chat with Sirius
Can you see me? by nineofcups James is totally not obsessed with Regulus black no sire
love is not a predicate by mordax regulus plays piano at night and James can't sleep. muggle boarding school AU, v pretty
Follow In Her Paw Prints by Erica45 McGonagall adopts Regulus so that he doesn'T have to join Death EAters
King Of My Heart - Jegulus by brokenvibes ♥♥♥ fuckbuddies to lovers
Louder Than Words by Ginnywasafriendofmine ♥♥♥♥♥
Black Moon by ouzell love it
Regulus Black, Potions Master by CuteSunnyDayDreamer6 what it says on the tin
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watchingspnagain · 2 years
Rewatching Bad Day at Black Rock
Welcome to “*pets everything*: A Supernatural Rewatch Blog” with Lor and Mace!
 Up today, s3e3: Bad Day at Black Rock
  The boys discover that John had a storage unit they didn't know anything about, and someone has broken into it. When they track down the someones, they find that the stolen object is a lucky rabbit's foot, but you're only lucky while you possess it; once you lose it, your luck turns very, very southerly. This episode is their first encounter with the thief, Bella, who tricks the boys so badly Dean feels the need to shout "SON OF A BITCH" very, very loudly. It's one of the best of the goofball episodes, and we get to see Jared stretch his funny acting muscles a bit more than usual. It's a real treat!
 Below is a log of our real-time reactions as we watched. Remember that there may be spoilers for any part of SPN’s 15-season run here. Note also that the nature of our conversation is adult and thus it may contain adult language and themes.
  [and we begin:]
 ugh gordon
i was JUST gonna say just that
oh he will, Gordon. he has. that fixes nothing, honey
aw the fraught brothers
gosh Sam switches to smarty handling the cold call so QUICK
um, excuse, Gordon is NOT the best. there's at LEAST four people in front of him
it IS
 “don’t play with my Jesus” HAHAHA
and these too chuckheads crack me up
(also, just for the record: fuck John)
oh god the trophy
 Sam got to play soccer, and Dean got to make a sawed off shotgun
wraps Dean in blankets. tells him to hush when he fusses about it
"kinda like the pandora deal" yeah, sure, Dean, you don't read. pets him
these two too
he’s not reading the right things. IT’S A JAR NOT A BOX
I have said it before and I will say it again: the guest stars on SPN are amazing
he read a bad translation
"not to be a drag or nothing"
dean's little singsong on “security camera”
 i LOVE the music in this one
omg their faces
 oh Sammy, don’t touch it
silly boy
 omg the way Sam looks at the gun
"is that a rabbit's foot?" "I think it is"
"my gun don't jam"
 no it doesn’t
not the way he takes care of it
 Dean, honey, you KNOW better of COURSE it’s cursed
Dean's WHOOO
pets optimistic Dean
 oh god, this really gross scene
one of the worst
partly because it is SO TELEGRAPHED
CHUCKLEHEADS, that's who
 poor grossman
and the squish
 oh yes ew
Dean counting and doing math in the air in the background
pets Jensen
 Bobby is so done with them
he IS
 “you can be rainman"
 and Sam’s grimace
"I got canned everything"
 that’s a different kind of ew
he's having a banana split
omg the way they both lean over to watch her walk away
 and then Dean’s “DUDE.”
"if you were ever going to get lucky"
"how is that good?"
oh Dean
oh his KNEES
 I need to patch him up
Dean's face when realizes Sam fell and stops running
"I like that when they drop the whole onion in the fryer"
this scene with Grossman is literally where I learned that when people say "pour one out for whoever" that people actually DO pour one out
 omg Lor that is ADORABLE
"yeah I'm good"
look, Supernatural is educational
 oh, he said “goodbye, partner” because I’m learning the ESPANOL
 nonono, I didn’t learn spanish from SPN, Lor
it's reinforcing it for you
pets SPN
look, I already love the show. no need to get bananas
omg the SHOE
"oh crap it's probably Bella"
"I lost my shoe"
his TONE
 and he wouldn’t complain
he would not
omg the nose itch
the post it note
he's such a goof
I luff him
"aw come on... I didn't" SAM
 Sam does SUCH a good confused look
SAM that is made out something that makes fire worse, I guarantee it
the look on his face when his arm catches fire OMG
and the dudes out the window!
 I love this whole guns pointed at each other scene
aw lookit them circling each other
they are both so DANG pretty
 “no, a great thief” YAS I LOVE IT
"yeah. a thief"
their dynamic is great. I wish they got to do it longer
“Gordon?! Aw c’mon.”
 I agree!
and they should have had hot angry sex exactly once
"look, Bella, my brother. he touched the foot"
only on this show
 and they don’t know that they each made a similar deal I LOVE IT
"aren't you a glass half full"
so cool
 omg the “see ya!”
Dean is great little pickpocket too love it
this DUDE
he's hilarious
but I am going to have to beat him with his own Henley for hitting Sammy like that
(he does wear the Henley nice though)
 he does
omg he thinks it's god
and in a weird way it is
 omg YAS
"yeah that thing"
 i love him
he's having so much FUN
and Sam's face!
 it ties right into him not getting to have a childhood
"yeah. you're batman"
Dean frantically scratching tickets before they destroy it
(which, honestly, smart. they do need money)
omg Dean doing his speech and then she just shoots Sam
"what the hell is wrong with you!"
omg they're adorable
 oh he is SO SMART
I really could have happily had like one episode a season where Bella shows up to hound them
 and I want her reaction to DeanCas
she should absolutely be on team "clocked that within three seconds of seeing them together"
 [after the episode ended:]
 and Jared’s little break
I don't think I'd noticed that before
he's cracking up that's adorable
I love that Gordon is like "yeah, Kubrick's nuts but that's fine he's a nuts that helps me"
sigh I love the fun ones
didn’t we see somewhere that Jensen adlibbed the SONOFABITCH and that’s why Jared breaks?
oh did we? i don't remember
but it sounds completely plausible
 I think so, or at least I did
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travllingbunny · 4 years
The 100 rewatch: 5x04 Pandora’s Box
Another excellent episode, maybe a little less action-packed than Sleeping Giants but still fast, full of tension, new information, and many warm reunions and nice character moments - which are important to see before all these characters start having conflicts and many of these relationships get strained to the point of almost breaking later in the season. 
This one picks up immediately after the last scenes of both 5x02 (the bunker - cliffhanger with Kane as one of the fighters in the pit) and 5x03 (Eden with Bellamy, Clarke and the prisoners after Bellamy has negotiated with Diyoza, Raven and Murphy on Eligius 4), brings everyone together*, as the prisoners open the bunker and Wonkru finally gets out - and ends with the conflict that means that war between Wonkru and the Eligius prisoners is imminent. The Pandora’s Box has been opened, to use another one of Bellamy’s Greek mythology references. (Oddly enough, he makes that reference in the next episode, not in this one.)
(*Well, not everyone - Monty, Harper, Emori, Echo and Madi are MIA this episode. hiding somewhere in Eden, before they also reunite with the rest of Spacekru plus Clarke plus Wonkru in the next episode.)
If I hadn’t seen season 5 before, I’d be thinking “Will this be the best season of the show?” It is by far the season with the strongest beginning - before the plot starts to drag, building conflicts within both camps. so that war would not happen until the two-part finale. Strong beginning, strong ending, poor middle part.
After the epic Bellarke scene at the end of 5x03, this episode delivers their actual reunion, with another one of those incredibly intimate and intense hugs that Bellamy and Clarke are known for. They tend to grow in intensity, and I’ll just say this: when Tumblr flagged gifs of this hug as “explicit”, well - for once I could see why poor Tumblr bots were getting confused:
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A reunion after 6 years, during which Bellamy believed Clarke to be dead, while Clarke didn’t know if Bellamy was alive but still called him on the radio and talked to him every day for 2199 days, has to be pretty epic, and this scene delivers. It seems almost like Clarke - who had been badly tortured - wasn’t entirely sure if that was really Bellamy who emerged out of the darkness to save her, of if she was imagining it, with the way she says “You are really here!”, while crying out of happiness. The intimacy in the body language and the way they look at each other is also reflected in Clarke telling him “And now you’re home!” This goes way beyond how platonic partners and non-romantic best friends interact with each other. The scene is not just acted but directed and shot in such a way that anyone who would see it without knowing Clarke and Bellamy’s actual relationship status, would get the wrong (?) idea. For a moment, they even look like people who have been caught making out, like they don’t want these strangers to witness such an intimate moment.
Even if she did not see this scene in particular, it’s no surprise that Diyoza assumed Clarke and Bellamy were a couple (“the hostage taker and his girlfriend”) after what she saw of their interactions. Really, who wouldn’t?
Bellamy quickly updates Clarke on how everyone is - Madi, Spacekru, acknowledges that Clarke has saved them all (something multiple people do in this early part of the season) and that all of the people who went to space are safe. (”Murphy, Monty, Raven?” “Echo and Emori”. - But why the Harper erasure? This is one of the very few lines in this episode that feel wrong. She’ one of the Delinquents both of them have known since they landed on Earth and Clarke would logically care about her more than Echo, who, she barely knew and who was her enemy 90% of the time. )
Another beautiful reunion happens by radio - Murphy and Raven learn that Clarke is alive. Murphy smiles the moment he hears her voice, and Raven, teary-eyed, thanks Clarke for saving their lives. The Spacekru have been criticized a lot in the fandom for not appreciating Clarke’s sacrifice, but it has to be said that, right after they learned she was alive, they all acknowledged it and expressed gratitude. (Some of them were just later angry at her and not so ready to try to understand her perspective after living isolated for 6 years.) This is one of the very few moments of happiness in season 5 (whenever I see that screenshot of Clarke and Bellamy’s big smiles, I mistake it for a moment for a BTS photo. That’s how rare it is to see characters looking happy on the actual show.)
Meanwhile, over in the bunker, no one is happy. and everything is dark, sad and disturbing. Octavia is full Blodreina and acting like a Roman Emperor, deciding if gladiators get to earn their freedom or not. because even being “the last” doesn’t necessarily earn you freedom now - it all comes down to the Queen’s whim. Kane is forced to fight in the pit again tomorrow. I suppose they already have the next batch of fighters ready - it would be a bit weird if she expected a bunch of new “crimes” tomorrow. But things must have gotten progressively worse if they’re now having death matches every day. If they had been condemning people to the pits at that pace throughout those 6 years, even more than 1/3 of the Wonkru would be dead. 
One thing I had not noticed before - there is a singer, singing an anthem or ceremonial song before the fights start, and it is the same woman who sang the Coalition anthem in 3x03. This somewhat changes my views of the way Grounder clans chose 100 people to survive the bunker. At least one of the clans was smart enough to include a musician, rather than a bunch of warriors. There should have been even more musicians and other entertainers (you’d expect a culture like Grounders to have some sort of epic poetry!), as that would’ve helped the life in the bunker much more than warriors (and there could have been entertainment that does not include killing). But this was probably an exception, because this person probably had a high status as a ceremonial singer.
Our first look at Abby after the time jump - and she is obviously in a bad state and pill-addicted, and both she and Kane look tired and worn down. He is protecting her and taking the guilt for her crime - stealing pills, since Abby is obviously in no state to fight - and on her part, Abby wants to confess and spare him. But Indra - who has been helping them and is clearly unhappy with the way Blodreina is ruling - is more rational and knows Kane winning is the only way to save them both. Kane, however, is choosing to take a stand and refuse to fight.
Kane and Abby got a lot of flak from the fandom and were accused of hypocrisy for their attitude to Octavia later in the season - with the argument that Abby was the one who persuaded Octavia to go through with cannibalism and killing people for refusing to ear, and that Kane knew Abby’s role in it but blamed Octavia. All these arguments presume that they were blaming Octavia for the cannibalism and everything else that happened the Dark Year. But in fact, there’s zero indication that this is what they blamed her for, and it’s pretty clear that the reason why they - and others - have issues with Blodreina is that she’s been ruling by fear and throwing people into fighting pits for all sorts of reasons, and generally being a scary tyrant/leader of a cult of death and violence. Yes, as we learn later, Abby was a crucial part of how Octavia turned into that person, but that doesn’t change the fact that she is that person now, that she has absolute power in the bunker, and people have been living in fear of her. 
Kane tries to plead with Octavia when she comes to tell him he has to fight, and at this point, he seems to still believe she could change and start making better decisions. What feels a bit off to me is that he says he’s been silent for too long - this can’t be the first time he’s tried to change her mind? He would have probably had a lot more chance to succeed if he tried much earlier.  We get the first mention of the infamous “Dark Year” (this is also the episode where we first hear “All of me for all of us”) and see Octavia getting upset at its very mention (a reveal will be dragged out for 6 more episodes). It’s interesting that Jaha and Kane both mentioned Aurora Blake’s fate in their speeches to Octavia, but they used it to say completely different things. Jaha was saying that this is what you have to do, execute everyone who is the “enemy” because they endanger your survival in any way, even if it’s having one more child. Kane was saying that’s what they shouldn’t be doing anymore, she shouldn’t be doing what they did on the Ark, but do better. Octavia ended up taking Jaha’s advice, which shaped her as leader, for better or worse. (Mostly worse, IMO.) She could have maybe taken Kane’s advice years ago, but now it’s clearly too late. 
If anything, Kane’s refusal to fight makes her more determined than ever to break him - she doesn’t want to condemn him to death, she wants to break his resistance and his stubborn insistence on morality. I don’t approve of all of Kane’s later actions in season 5, but it’s really not hard to see why, after these experiences and everything in the bunker, he thought Blodreina’s rule was the worst thing that could happen.
And then - like a Deus ex machina, the bunker door opens and Bellamy is literally coming down from above, into the darkness of Octavia’s underground realm, as the savior, bathed in light, It’s the second episode in a row where he comes as a Big Damn Hero in almost dreamlike scene, from a POV of a woman in his life, this time his sister. For a moment, Blodreina is Octavia again and hugs her brother. Clarke comes down a moment later (but she is not bathed in light - she looks at the Blake siblings from the shadows.)
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Instead of hugging, Clarke and Octavia greet each other with a forearm handshake - which is quite an interesting choice, particularly since (thanks @jeanie205) this is apparently a type of greeting associated with Roman generals greeting each other. (But only in Hollywood movies, It wasn’t a thing in actual Roman history.)
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In addition to all the reunions, some characters meet for the first time - such as Octavia and Diyoza, who are about to become rival leaders on two sides of the war. Who could have known what their relationship would turn into in season 6 and season 7?
I love the way that everyone - Bellamy, Clarke, Diyoza and the rest of the prisoners - have the “WTF is this” look when they see the fighting pit (which is all covered in blood - apparently, they don’t wash it. It’s an aesthetic, I guess.) Bellamy soon asks Octavia what the heck she’s doing (and guesses exactly what inspired her: “Someone must have read Ovid one too many times). It’s an experience she hasn’t had in years - to have her decisions questioned by someone who’s not one of her subjects and not afraid of her.
More reunions follow: Clarke and Abby, Bellamy and Miller (another relationship that will turn sour in the rest of the season), Clarke and Kane. 
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Meanwhile, on Eligius 4, Raven finds more info about Diyoza backstory - Colonel Diyoza was "something called Navy SEAL" (it makes sense that Arkers wouldn’t know about such things), decorated for valor three times, before turning into a rebel/terrorist, and leader of a movement called United Liberation Army. As we see in these articles, civilians died in these attacks, which is something Diyoza regrets in season 7 - even if her cause was right, her means were wrong.
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Raven and Murphy have some fun playing soccer, but they’re also worried about the fact they may need to murder 283 people. Raven finds it hard, so Murphy offers to do it to spare her. It’s typical for their relationship that Murphy tends to see Raven as someone better and more moral than himself (in spite of the fact that she once tried to sacrifice him instead of Fin), while Raven often says disparaging things about him, even though she is fond of him.
One thing I found a bit odd that Murphy at one point says: “Why do you have to always be the one to sacrifice?” - even though this was just the second time Raven has decided to sacrifice herself, and he wasn’t even around for the first time - trying to blow the bridge in 1x10. But Murphy seems to have a somewhat idealized view of Raven, driven by his guilt over crippling her and his self-loathing. Or maybe he meant the others in the group in general. as he sees himself as the selfish cockroach as opposed to them. (Note: I initially wrote this in my 5x03 review, before I realized it was actually said in this episode. That’s what happens when you finalize posts after having seen two episodes ahead.)
Raven and her future love interest Shaw try to outsmart each other in hacking (Raven even kind of flips a bird at Shaw at one point - it’s like they are having a digital meet cute without having even met.) 
But when Diyoza finds a way to outsmart Spacekru by suffocating Raven and Murphy - Raven tells Murphy to pull the lever (usually Clarke’s job) and kill the prisoners; and when he hesitates, she goes into her fierce/ruthless mode and goes “Fine, I’ll do it”, before Murphy comes up with the smart solution that prioritizes survival and also doesn’t include mass murder - a win-win, except it also takes away Bellamy’s leverage. 
I wonder where the standoff between Wonkru and the Eligius prisoners would have led after Diyoza took Abby and Kane with her and announced her people were taking over Eden? Would war still have been inevitable? I can’t see Octavia giving up on Eden so easily. In any case, the war here was started by an idiot who shot an incredibly destructive weapon at Octavia just because her arrogant Blodreina grin pissed her off. (This guy, called Szybunka, is a part of McCreary’s faction, and here we first learn that they are preparing a rebellion against Diyoza, though McCreary thinks it’s still not time for it.)
A lot more deaths were prevented by Shaw, Major props for him in this episode both for that, and because he is the first person to finally make the point that there are so few people left of the human race and that it is incredibly stupid to kill more of them
Octavia immediately blames Bellamy for everything - even though he was the reason why she and Wonkru got out of the bunker instead of being stuck there forever/  And this time, I’m sure this was 100% meant to highlight that she has a habit of unfairly placing blame on Bellamy whenever something goes wrong in her life. 
Body count: I haven’t been doing these for a while, but now I’m doing the body count for the entire season 5 so far:
Wonkru - we learn in this episode that, out of the 1200 people in the bunker, there are 814 remaining. So, 386 - almost a third - died during those 6 years. That includes 3 people who died in the fighting pit. An additional Wonkru member is killed by the idiot Szybunka while protecting Octavia, leaving 813.
Eligius prisoners - two of the party on Earth were killed by Madi and Clarke in 5x01, Four more were killed in 5x03 - one shot by Clarke, another one mercy killed by Diyoza after getting into one of Clarke’s traps, two more shot by Madi to save Bellamy, Monty, Harper, Emori and Echo. On the ship, Kodiak, the big guy Diyoza activated as a weapon (”activate Kodiak!”) was killed in self-defense by Bellamy with help from Echo and Raven. And in 5x04, Szybunka is killed by McCreary for his stupidity. This leaves 282 prisoners on the ship and an unknown smaller number on Earth. 
Rating: 8/10
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adanfourty · 4 years
Life In Neon ~ cHapters Of the dreaMing hEart
Part I: A Piece Of Mind
----------------------- I. Simple abundance in an empty life II. Stop III. Projection IV. Come To Theism V. Enter the Threshold
Part II : The Sea of Moonlight ------------------------------ White Feathers Atrium Universal Rain Shade Naissance Home
Part III: Pandora's Clock ------------------------- First. Second. Then I see you Third. Air Fourth. Trumpet of Million's child Fifth. Realitv Sixth. Water Seventh. Closure Finale. Memoire, a scene in a lifetime
Part I: A Piece Of Mind
----------------------- In A Room Without A View
When there is reason, I awake in silence
Please enter, The door is open
I. Simple abundance in an empty life ...
The scent of passion after loneliness A hope of jubilation in life Coming closer to a dream A prelude before the plot
This time, the sunset becomes sunrise in my heart
Her sway, wavering in soft motion Guarding, away from polarity
She is herself not another other than her own self Only she can dance alone without a hint of loneliness That whiff of uncommon independence without arrogance With her right palm always open to the wind, A sign of welcomed company, only if she grants
She's a prelude to a drama An overture to a rhapsody
II. Loose-skin-loose drift, truth abuse truth to mute [St*p]
A new consciousness arises from the abyssimal gap, along with the voices of the singing colours, with the company of colourful rain.
A sighs escapes her as her old consciousness deteriorates.
Though silence is golden, it can also be a sign of unbelievable pain.
Terribly one sided, the consciousness gains space only in her extreme. Though it resembles a lesser four letter word, it cannot be spelled as of yet.
To her it came, through her it goes.
It escapes with swiftness by the way of her fingers and unto the three middle strings.
Now the top.
Now the bottom.
A play of ease and enjoyment, like a teardrop of meaning. There's release and meaning in her words, spoken through the melody escaping her fingers. Weaving phrase by phrase into sentences. Line by line into paragraphs. And chapter by chapter into a story, written in the air to her listeners' ears.
She tells her tale.
A drop of colour in melody's landscape First vivid, then lucid, then luminous The story of song and emotion, of motion and sound
Hikari luminates her enticing configuration Dancing fingers, dancing harmony Another conciousness slowly takes presence...
III. Grapple dream drama and colliding day of another mind [?`jection}
She said that fate can intertwine and leave you speechless Between your eyes and mine we share the same story Especially in this corrupted world of mounting decadence Nothing can hold truth and honesty together
As I wave my hand in the air, I motion you to come closer Start this endless romance
Not between you and I But between trust and committance
Wait for silence Wait for sleep Wait for peace
Then we can touch ..in dreams..
Metropolis doesn't want us to sleep Less it let us inhabbit our dreams Only to pieces of the shattered It can only resolve in our disloyalty
Total mindcrime it says, cannot rebuke There's no rebutle, but an end of statement
Pandemonium clouds temporary judgement A short analysis of ourselves
We cannot be subjected to distinctive terms We are fictional
City of blurring lights in swaying darkness Inverse luminary overshadows heartly judgement
"Tell me more..." "Tell me about myself"
IV. Let silence fall assunder as a boundary (ome to 7heism
Escape in makna ~e%ca]>e~ Don't let it be abstract
Have we been transformed? Apostle of today's corporate culture
Would you have changed a thing ? Destruction of the left brain regime
There is a cycle, which determines life and dharma In the starlit sky of human's silver sea of madness On the seeming horizon, inately seen A lonely silver surfer, Comes to push the wheel for me.
"Gotta move" (
"Gotta move" ^
"Gotta move that wheel right round" )
"Push the wheel of dharma round"
Repeat until the end of perdition
This re|>etition is road to redemption
This hand, can you feel it's touch? Now don't let go.
V. Enter this threshold, where you're }afe w/ m{E
Could it be that you and I have grown to love each other, In the dense aura of this lonely city, full of bitterness? True feelings can never hide much long, For whatever covers, cannot hide from true sight
The wind carried your cries, your wishes, your tears. And when I held my hand out to the sky, I caught some of your dreams.
The misty air partialy hides the growing flowers Blooming without sunlight, to the music of the marionettes Quartet players with classical aptitude Flowing melody in rivers of song
Love, love, love, love, beautiful life In the eyes of a lover
Love, love, love, love, merciful touch As if in another dream
Yes we are, I say we are destined Nothing else but nature that guides The wind, the solstice, the leaves Le ciel's faint whispering Warm snow welcomes this gardenia
Let's enter together...
Part II : The Sea of Moonlight ------------------------------
I dream of a blue nightingale
Not a dream. a perchance SDelirium guide me through this dance
a pointer. an address SPathway leading to this glass
not a form. a code SLanguages, conversations I do not recall
From a faraway place . . . The structured becomes the harmonic, then the frail
White Feathers: ---------------
Start of a lasting imperfect feeling A blissful impression unhindered This slight cut, an apothema Sweetening the shape of a tale
More poetry than justice A judgement in a poem
The tale paints itself a caligraphy Cornering prose to naratic ballad
Few words write themselves as prelude to a dream An overture towards realization Forging a small footstep for an elegy A move towards the end of a chapter
Before planting a kiss on the cheek Take a step out of square one
Atrium Universal: -----------------
I can feel the city itself Living, pulsing through me
I can feel the city itself Breathing in my own breath
At night's first saunter Tides, affairs subtly sweeping
Affairs yielding agnomen Pastly borrowed, then lent, now buried
Not a monumentous rite, A forecourting repose of endeavor
Melfluous, degree, decimal
The wall, the crack, the breach A light, a hope, A piece of reverence A sigh, a gleam, A benevolence
Neon. again a blinding, Charges, pistol, crackpot
Rain: -----
Swaying Petals, Fluttering Sight
Resting in silence Peace in the chaos that surrounds
Hiding within metropolis' fog
Out of reach Out of touch
Lit lanterns sway westbound Path seeking seem astray
Only patience can persevere Only time can lead the way
Only a woman
"A deepened interlude as an intro to a greater truth."
In phrases she speak In riddles she keep
Feel, a longing to be Only little she has
Not much left in her palm Desperately trying to keep
Err on the side of safety
"Here belies the safety of my sanctuary."
Trusting no one Careful not to love
Metropolis. weaves her coccoon
Silence within a storm
Survival is her language Passion is her secret
"Lesser I believe in myself, so I hide."
Shade: ------
A tide to ebb, A shoreline A flow, a motion A gaze
Once, a woman Twice, a sun Thrice, a nephentes
I feel the breze A neophytic caress, innocence So much to long for So much to ebb and lose
Subliminal violence An abstract for laterality
I'll always remember The news of a fog, The songs of a deaf
No echo in the halls No lesson but in our own
A feeling, inside her Notwithstanding a fall Silence for the requiem Not now, not for awhile
This feeling, inside me A pace not too far from fiction Splitting images on one screen My futile vision embracing
His feeling, inside him Bewildering encompassion of a trilogy Another mind, a friend, a rushed exemption Coming closer to a closure, then rebirth
Naissance: ----------
The birth of a soul, Deus ex machina
I feel a distant sun caressing A slow perchance for fate and fancy intertwined
What cometh this way Grasping scars emerging from days past
What shroud cloaks this day A slow immedicine, The unsounding of my parts
My love, a mirror, a friend It needs a chance, a chokepoint degapped
Heal me, A cessation from discrepancy
[tides of Helen]
This time window we must cherish, You and I and eye of The All Seeing
There's none other, Than the mindmaze in the mirror
I became, I bethroned, I abjected Thread, my dearest thread I dearly depart myself, bidding A home for a respite
Home : ------
The walls cry of absence and whispers
A slight touch of the palm graces, The plight of the plaintiff behind the fate Cursors move up the struggles of the vein, Inconclusive ill of melancholy
This notion of separation, Reaps the heart to its dires On bended knees we sink, At this river of futile tears
The ambience of loneliness and division, Portrudes above our conscious minds Heisting the current abode, Unfathomable desire to mutually caress
Beyond this boundary exists my other half Beyond this wall lies another...
Sustain contain then stop the ambience surrounding My speechless thought echoes throughout without surpass
and another,
Oboete [remember] Never forgetting specified frame of memory First clandestine then disctinction to final separation
and another,
I hear this loudness from inside my ears Humming, fainting whisper, to a soft speech
and another.
No more can I reject my objection towards presence PLighT is a revocable sister of her brother, fate
And you.
I miss you
The corridors of fate seems to form an unwanted maze No escaping reflective clarity, images beyond seen mirrors
Such is the configuration of this longing A lamentable presence, expelled from fate
It has been two long years, It has been an eternity
Your modulating kiss fades from memory As each deafening ambience ravage me
I, to my heart : [Perhaps to silence, I have spoken for far too long.]
Now the peregrine, Now the calmative
a boundary of mist separates while the only road leads to home
I've nowhere to go But to return to the confines of my sanctuary
Y've reached I home
Part III: Pandora's Clock -------------------------
I have come at a crossroads A silent tantrum of mind and consciousness
Please take my hand Brace the future with me
The solitude of a solitary mind At this junction of overlaping converses
A gaze, then a hand A reach from inside
The solitude of a solitary mind At the junction of overlaping converses
A gaze, then a hand A reach from inside
[E] "Would you dance with me?"
Dec, the 12th of each cycle A courtship between Soleil and Capricorn
Of your latter solstice I find my solace Under luminous frost After a day after days before a new season
[Dahlia] Rest dear Soleil Shine a lesser warmth Shine greater southbound
Then through motion and period Embrace at former solstice
A garden in winter Not far from closure Enclosed in glass And luminosity
Come dear lucidity Let us speak to warm ourselves Let us become classic
One past, presenting a future
In this garden we trust Grace a prelude to truthful fancy
In this garden we lust Skin to skin without a mindful hinderance
In this garden we bind fire and ice
A simple presence felt between us and our dance Resultante, Of motion and perceived decadence
.the second conciousness.
A girl in the mirror Yet to set her feet, Yet to step to the real
A face becoming clearer Vivid smile doubtful eyes
Is she to be welcomed?
Don't let her future mimic the past This is not a point of vacancy Don't let time's vagrancy become turmoil This is a coming whirlwind
A new stream of conciousness is the resultant There can be no regret
Sleep, breathe deep, deeper in a shallow sleep
This is a form of regression Unfolding a dream of recurrence
~Mataku From my eyes
.Mata Ku. To eyes of myself
..Ma Ta Ku.. Then my own eyes
...Mata Milik Aku... These eyes are mine
[E] A cyclic process of birth, death and rebirth Sequential teardrop from a cloudless sky Freefall to a deep mirror of factful fallacy far from fiction
More to truth full of lies and truth, then lies, and lastly truth The answer to a riddle of the sequences and the abstract
A fracture of this mindspace leaks into the open Bequeathing beautiful lies of autumn and of lust But the winter in me is still vast, far from passing Not a drop of colour but a blackless landscape of total blur
Second. Then I see you...
On a road once shared before the crossroads Gleaming with a blueish haze of tenderness Before the coming of daylight's echoing shine Take me to a world outside this shallow sleep
Walking to currentness.
Cascading deep dark blue shade follow folly Interred in my living bones, blades of blunt burden Remain in viewable secrecy, lucidly reasoning for an answer Unwritten forgiveness uttered through a wordless whisper
Reflections, There's me in my head and me in the mirror I can see me very clearly, and I don't like it
The vivid image of reflection has a mind of it's own Why do reflections answer me with such prejudice?
A revisitation, A reflection of light Duplicating a world Forming an inversion Making you, Not quite yourself
Cascade the masks of emotion to emulate prudence Infer I have, that this is a motion of incredulity
I remain
Asking The Heaven for forgive~ness My hope is now in the clarity of my written bequest
Third. Air
Interlude to preciousness
The world is only an interlude I can't wait for the night to cast it's cloak {of dreams}
A gateway to my paralel life, another conciousness Lucidly living in a shallow sleep
Fourth. Trumpet of Million's child
Dawn to daybreak with a string of trust Warm caress of loyal sunlight Distress and jubilance harbours, Away the stray
A soulful sailor's song Lamenting grace and riddance
Yearly yearning without regard Clasping for release
Melding heartplace and effect Arriving distances to encumbrance The headplace earthing Excelling to explace
Love is a peaceful embrace A feeling, most emtious Of innocence in riddles of sin and temperance A forgiveness for the plightful son
[E] I found who I am at last By a glimpse of fate, enduring A slight mention in destiny A moment alone with my dear fate
A close brush, an eventful sigh Relief, a respite to sensefulness
One last time, Take away my breath
Deliver me my chance, To exhale my last sigh
[Dahlia] I am standing on a ledge A stare to this decending fathom
Cold air sweeps behind me As I tearfully leave my presence
I cannot give you more I cannot be a fitting piece
Musing over life and precedence. Now I'm tired.
I've tried so hard to stay afloat. I'm too tired.
Goodbye now, For I am never truly gone
Fifth. Realitv
[E] A life outside of this TV screen A roundabout of moving pictures preceeding Of passion, of circumstance, of changes My faults and lies, my trials and crimes
Curious apprehension of what may yield I behold to myself, my own mindsight A view to a thrill, a dream of a dream A dull lucidity, a makeup of frigidity
My past turns present My presence sinks into the past Another besetting recurrence Another triumph lost
Sixth. Water
[E] How is my lifeline?
There is a light at the end of the tunnel. A freight train coming my way.
There is a door nearer to the right. Marking exit from a disaster.
(Not out of lifeline)
But indeed. It is I, myself who can save me. It is I, myself who conjured the door. It is I, myself who live my life. Not someone else.
And it is I, myself who choose what I believe in. Not someone else not me.
I'm still breathing, I can still exhale Without hesitation, normalcy without change A sense of endless freedom without boundaries Miracles coming at an enjoyable rate
Now here's that jazz [0}
Flood of tears don't drown me You'll never catch me again crying a flood Now that I'm holding on to my dearest hope I have to hold her gently Careful not to break her to pieces
Seventh. Closure
Strewn paleness, The setting sun colours the sky
A thousand rays bidding farewell, Bidding another rest
And I wish I am not here
Wavering clouds speak with the doves A faint sentence caught in my ears
"There's nothing left to hide."
My melodies will take me Wherever this heart is needing to set
You took away all my strength, Now please take away my pain
Leave my cold outside this shell Never let it rain inside these doors
Please lead me to your promises Then please take away my pain
I am in need of refuge
This is the final scene Before the curtain falls . .
Please, Make me believe in hope, And please take away my pain
Finale. Memoire, a scene in a lifetime
Now I must rest, I must be at peace
Hibernating from culture PlacIng membrane, a distance to bid myself
Sayonara for a moment Please do not forget, oboete my dear Remembrance is for sentient bliss
Keep me in your mind And please, bathe your memory of me in absolution
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beencaughts · 5 years
“don’t do this here.”, “i can’t sleep.” AND “you deserve more.” !!
“don’t do this here.”
⊰ v. princess and the moon ⊱
Luna had officially lost her mind. She didn’t know why she felt compelled to enlist Pandora’s help with her homework. Sure, there were things she didn’t quite understand because of the language barrier, but it wasn’t anything she couldn’t figure out herself if she just took her time. They even could’ve gone to her and Cass’s place, but she insisted they go to Panda’s under the guise that her flat was closer. Luna felt so crazy for being there she nearly picked herself up from the couch to leave until Prince came through the door, shock and annoyance written across his face at the sight of her in his apartment. A small part of Luna felt embarrassed because she’d only shown up there after they slept together, but the more significant half told her to own the awkward situation she put herself in when he asked her why the hell she was there. She shrugged. “I needed help with some homework I didn’t understand,” Luna explained as she abandoned her seat to slowly approach Prince. “And Panda offered to help me, but she left her notes at school. It was lovely of her to ask Matt to take her back to get them, so I’ve been waiting for like 15 minutes for her to get back.” Her hips swayed with every word; her skirt about two inches higher and her shirt left open a couple of buttons more than they should be. She stood in front of him now, looking at him through her eyelashes innocently. Luna’s art didn’t lie in subtly today because she couldn’t help herself from running her hand from his neck down to his chest. “Sad she’ll be back soon, isn’t it?” She pouted playfully, though, it quickly transitioned into a smile when he grabbed her hand roughly before muttering a stern, “Don’t do this here.” And right on queue, the doorknob started to jiggle. “Maybe next time,” Luna whispered, making her way back to her seat before Pandora walked in with her notes.
It was a few hours later that they finally finished studying. Luna managed to get through it, grasping a few concepts she was genuinely confused about, but her mind had been elsewhere the entire time. Her thoughts were filled with Prince. What he was doing in his room, if he couldn’t stop thinking about her like she couldn’t, why the hell she wanted him so badly. They’d only slept together a few times, and she was already consumed by him. Whenever Matt or any guy flirted with her these days, all she could think about was Prince. It was sick, really, since they still fought 98% of the time, but he was different — riskier, even — than most guys. He kissed her differently, touched her differently, treated her differently. If she were sane, she’d run far away, but right now all she wanted to do was get closer to him. “Luna? Did you hear what I said?” Pandora’s voice rung out, pulling Luna from her fantasy. “Uh, yeah, I will just let myself out. Thanks again for the help.” Luna gave her friend a hug before she exited her room and headed for the front door. Her eyes lingered on Prince’s door as she walked past it, her self restraint crumbling by the second once the thoughts returned. “Luna, go home,” The Spaniard whispered to herself, her hand hovering over the doorknob of the front door. She could leave and go home completely frustrated and driving herself crazy, or she could stay and sleep with her friend’s brother. There was some sort of code against that in movies she watched, but surely that was just an American thing. Luna sighed, finally twisting the handle. The door opened and closed, but Luna hadn’t been on the other side of it. No, that was saved for Prince’s room which she graciously let herself into, the sight of him with only sweats on in his bed making her mouth run dry. “This time is really the last time, Prince,” She warned before joining him on his bed.
⊰ v. no reason ⊱
Iola sat at the edge of the boardwalk with her feet gently dipping into the crystal blue water of Bora Bora. She watched the party her family was attending in the distance, lighting up the navy blue sky. A sad smile graced her lips and a lone tear followed. Even when she was meant to be on vacation, forgetting about her everyday problems, they still seemed to follow her. She didn’t want to face the actual reality of her relationship, but the footsteps approaching her told her that she was going to have to nearly 6,000 miles away from home. 
Iola was living in a scene from Keeping Up With The Kardashians, literally. It was one thing for her family’s annual winter vacation to happen at the same resort in Bora Bora as theirs, but it was another for them all to be gathered at a dinner table at the resort’s party with her hating at least three people sitting at it. When they first arrived, Iola had a smile permanently etched onto her face. She was always excited about her family’s vacation. Wherever they went was warm and sunny compared to Chicago where they had to trudge through four inches of snow during a polar vortex this time of year. There was also a lot Iola had been dealing with personally, and a vacation with the people she loved the most seemed to be the perfect distraction until right now. Iola never hid her affections for Jason in front of her family. Whenever she wanted to kiss him, she kissed him. Whenever she wanted to hold his hand, she held his hand. It wasn’t anything new or surprising that even at dinner, they seemed to be their own little world. Iola had been in the middle of making a Spongebob reference to Jason when her eldest brother chimed in. “It’s so cute that even after 10 years of only dating you two are still so into each other.” The comment seemed innocent, but the ‘only dating’ part had her raising her brow quizzically, but before she had the chance to ask, her brother-in-law spoke up. “10 years? That’s longer than Leah, and I’ve been together, and we’re married with kids.” Iola pettily wanted to correct them to 9 years. Next, was Leah’s turn. “When are you two planning to get married and have kids anyway?” Everyone looked to them for an answer, but she could hardly formulate a sentence at the moment. Iola had been feeling more sensitive than usual lately and having to hear her family rag on the fact that they weren’t married despite that being the one thing she wanted more than anything, she was just trying to keep from crying. “I —uh—like, I mean, I just turned 26 in October. I don’t think we should, like, jump into being engaged and—um—having, like, kids and stuff? We can hardly take care of our cat,” Iola finished with an awkward chuckle. Everyone else carried on with their usual conversation after, but Iola remained silent for the rest of the dinner. Even after the dinner was over and the main event of the party started, Iola found herself withdrawn from the event. She didn’t feel too well — mentally or physically — after that. All she could think about was if things were her way, they would be married. But that was the problem: getting married was what she wanted, not him. Iola couldn’t understand how Jason could profess his undying love for her and at the same time not want to prove it. It made it hard for her to believe that he was really in their relationship for the long run. That was partly why she was so insecure and jealous all the time. “Iola, don’t do this here, please,” Jason whispered so only she could hear him, suddenly thrown back into reality. She was sat off to the side, curled into Jason’s side. Of course, he knew that she was overthinking about dinner because that’s what she always did. Iola shook her head. “I’m gonna head back to the room. I don’t feel too good, but you stay and have fun, babe.”
There was a silence between them, neither one of them really sure of what to say. Everything had already been said the other twenty times they fought about it, except there was something she never asked before. “Jason,” she spoke up, her voice cracking. “Ignore what I want for a second. Do you ever want to get married or, like, have kids?” Iola glanced over to her boyfriend, and the hesitation she saw on his face told her everything she needed to know. He just didn’t want to hurt her feelings telling the truth. Picking herself up, Iola smiled sadly. “No, you were right. We shouldn’t do this here. I’m so stupid for asking that. You should—You should go back to the party. I’m gonna go to bed. I still don’t feel so good.” She didn’t wait for him to answer. Iola was already taking off to their room to keep him from seeing her cry about this again. She crumpled the second the door shut close. Her back slid down the door, pulling her face into her knees once she hit the floor. Iola was beginning to think telling him she was pregnant was going to be a lot harder than she thought. 
⊰ v. katie and leo ⊱
There were polaroids scattered across the floor while Katie, Eli, Ava, and Leo went through them trying to piece together a time where they didn’t exist. The adventure had begun innocently. They would laugh at pictures of their parents, smile sadly at the ones with Katie’s mom, and awe at the ones of their parents together. A lot of the photos were of Leo’s parents, but that was because his mom was the photographer of nearly all of them. He’d found the box of pictures when his mom sent him down to the basement to fetch something for her. Leo almost kept the discovery to himself until he noticed how much the others were in them, and it felt entirely too selfish not to share, especially with Katie. She only had pictures to remember her mom by. He couldn’t deprive her of some new memories. “Katie, your mom was fit. I can’t understand what she’d seen in your dad,”  Eli blurted out, earning him a slap on the arm from his sister. “What? I’m just saying what we’re all thinking.” And Eli was right. Leo had thought that, but that was because he didn’t understand why any woman would pick Nicholas Keller over every other man in London. According to his mom, Nick was an unfaithful cheater that never knew how to treat a woman right. It also didn’t help Nick’s image that he had some weird vendetta against Leo. Katie immediately snapped back at Eli that his mom was out his dad’s league too, which was also entirely true; however, this seemingly wholesome gathering quickly turned into gossip fest between the twins and Katie. “But at least my dad has money to make up for it. What does yours have? A bad attitude and a tiny penis?” They began telling secrets that he’d never heard before like his uncle having an almost drug problem or that he’d met Nick because they’d been dating the same girl. Leo stayed out of their back-and-forth gossiping. Partially because he had nothing exciting to add, but the other part being that he thought there was nothing he didn’t know about his parents. They never hid the fact that their relationship started out really rocky, and that they actually hated each other for years before that. He thought he knew everything. He thought. “Leo, what are you so quiet for?” his cousin inquired, turning the attention to him. “I don’t have anything to say. My parents are pretty tame compared to yours.” The expression on Eli’s face told Leo that maybe he was mistaken about that. Eli’s eyes glinted with mischief before he turned to look to Katie. “My poor ignorant cousin. Your parents have a lot more in common with ours than you think. My parents were secret lovers. Katie’s mum left her dad. Your dad left your mum except he didn’t tell her before he did. Or have I got that part wrong, Katie?” Leo looked to her with confusion written all over his face. Why didn’t his parents tell him this? Why did all of his friends know and never bother to tell him before now? Why didn’t she tell him? Then he thought about how she knew that in the first place and then his confusion shifted into anger. “Your dad is a fucking cunt,” Leo chuckled bitterly. If Leo were thinking correctly, he would’ve considered her asking him not to “do this here” in front of Eli because he was only looking for drama, but he absolutely wasn’t thinking correctly. All he could think about was Nick gossiping about his parents while leaving out all of the things he’d done, and then the words were coming out of Leo’s mouth without much thought. “He can tell everyone else’s business, but I bet he didn’t tell you he cheated on your mum, and that’s why she left a second time.” The room fell silent besides Eli’s chuckling. “This keeps getting better and better. Let’s keep it going.” Leo shook his head. “No. Get out. All of you.” He didn’t even bother to walk them out of the door, choosing to clean up the photos by himself instead. He could hear Katie, Eli, and Ava bickering on their way out. Sighing heavily, Leo ran a hand through his hair. Not only was he going to have to apologize to Katie later, but he knew he couldn’t let this thing about his parents go until he at least knew why they didn’t tell him. Suddenly, he was regretting his decision to share the photos with his friends.
“i can’t sleep.”
⊰ v. princess and the moon ⊱
Luna was disappointed when her eyes fluttered open, and she wasn’t greeted by Prince’s sleeping figure. At this time of the night, all she wanted was to fall asleep again in her boyfriend’s arms, but she needed to go find him for that to happen. Through her drowsiness, Luna swung her legs off the edge of the bed and walked into the living room. The room was nearly pitch black except for the streams of moonlight filling in sparse corners of the room and miraculously catching Prince too. She was far too busy admiring the way the light illuminated his features to take note of what he was doing before her arrival, and if she weren’t so tired, Luna would’ve attempted to drag him back to his room for other reasons. “What are you doing up so late, babe?” She questioned, dragging herself over to him and making herself comfortable in his lap, humming in response when his hand came to rest in her hair. When he responded that he couldn’t sleep, Luna had to use all the brain power she could muster to figure out why until it all came back to her. Today was his birthday. Panda always tried to do something nice for him, which Luna knew because they both masterminded a dinner with all of their friends last year. Panda wouldn’t stop talking about all of the times she tried to get her brother to at least acknowledge he was a year older the entire time. Prince would never admit it, but she knew something in him missed having his little sister around to annoy him today. “Then, I have a gift for you if you can’t sleep.” She paddled back into his room to dig around in her bag before returning with his gift in her hand. Luna watched in anticipation as he opened the box revealing a vintage black and gold Gucci watch. She gently removed it from its container and flipped over Prince’s wrist to fasten it. “My mom gave my dad this watch when they lived in London. My dad gave it to me before I left to have something from the both of them, but I think it’s nicer to give it to the man I love like my mom did,” She smiled, placing a soft kiss to the corner of his mouth. “And before you say no, my dad wanted you to have it too. Also, he says happy birthday.” It was a bit strange when she asked her dad how he felt about her idea, and he’d been completely on board with it. Her dad really liked Prince, but he liked his watch more. She figured it was because it made him think he’d be getting a wedding invitation in the mail soon after (which Luna wasn’t opposed to happening). Lifting his wrist to examine the watch in the moonlight, Luna smiled to herself. It felt right to be giving it to him even though the timing seemed kind of wrong. There was something much more important she needed to give to him, though. She reached into her pocket and pulled out an envelope with his name written in the front of it. “And this is from Pandora. I know you two aren’t on good terms right now, but she asked me to give this to you.” Luna held it out to him, but she hesitated to let go when he took it. “I’m going back to bed, but, Prince, actually the read the card before you do too.” Luna pressed a kiss into his temple. “Happy birthday, love.”
⊰ v. no reason ⊱
Iola could only imagine what Scotland would be like. Would it be endless green fields like Jason claimed? Or would it be more like London? Maybe a mix of both? Regardless, she was so excited that Jason was finally taking her there. Not a week went by where they weren’t surrounded by her gigantic family, but she hardly got a glimpse into his family life. He was so invested in her life, but she felt disconnected from his. She knew he had a brother, a sister, a dad, and a mom. She knew what they did for a living, and that was it. What Iola knew about them was nothing like actually meeting them. There was no real reason why Jason kept them apart for so long. He often used the excuse that they celebrated two different holidays this time of year, but Iola was always open to celebrating Christmas with him. This year she was crossing two things off her list. For most of the night, Iola tossed and turned. She was excited, nervous, and downright anxious to meet his family, and it was all she could think about. Would they like her? Would she like them? Would she even be able to understand them? All of these thoughts were running through her head. Their flight was in the morning, but Iola found herself not being able to sleep through her jitters. “I can’t sleep,” Iola whispered as she turned onto her side to face Jason with the hope she wasn’t disturbing him. “I can’t sleep, either.” She was relieved she wasn’t the only one. Moving to his side of the bed, Iola wrapped an arm around his waist as she cuddled into his side. “I’m nervous they won’t like me or think I’m too immature for you. And what if your mom doesn’t like me?” Iola grimaced at the thought. The same thoughts keeping her up was keeping him up too. She would’ve assured him everything would be fine if she hadn’t voiced her concerns already. Instead, the corners of her lips lifted into a mischevious smile. “Well, we’re both awake, and it doesn’t seem like we’re going to sleep any time soon. I’m sure there’s something we can do to distract ourselves.”
⊰ july 17th ⊱
Arianna stared out of the window. The rain beating against the glass somehow soothing her from the anxiety blooming in her chest. It was almost every night she felt some sort of anxiety about being pregnant again. Six months into her pregnancy, and everything was going smoothly. The baby was super active, healthy heartbeat, in the right position, and all the ultrasounds came back perfect — everything was perfect. But from her experience, she could never be comfortable until her baby was in her arms, breathing and alive. Being pregnant wouldn’t be nearly as scary if she didn’t know firsthand that everything could be fine the whole time and still end up losing her baby. Her eyes shut close, focusing on the storm outside as she ran her hand soothingly over her stomach, taking deep breaths to calm herself, but it didn’t work. She turned over onto her side to check if Zayn was awake, but he was already facing her with his eyes wide open, filled with concern. “I hope I wasn’t keeping you awake,” she whispered sheepishly. It was bad enough that her anxiety was keeping her up at night. Arianna did not want to pass that on to Zayn too. She needed at least one of them to be sane enough to reassure the other everything would be okay, and it wasn’t going to be her. He shook his head no, sliding an arm around her to bring her in closer, mumbling “I can’t sleep anyway,” to reassure her she wasn’t the reason. Arianna didn’t buy it. He could blame it on the storm, but she knew that her sighing, fidgeting, and running her hand over the belly was the real cause of his insomnia. His willingness to lie to spare her the additional dread was appreciated, though. Arianna pressed the lightest of kisses to Zayn’s lips, pulling away with a soft smile. She cuddled into his side and rested her head on his chest. There was a lingering silence between them —them both thinking the same thing but being too afraid to say it. Clearing her throat, Arianna finally spoke. “Who do you think she’ll favor? I’m always rooting for myself, but I do seem to think all of our kids will be carbon copies of you and like you more. I probably just like you too much, though.” Their chuckles filtered throughout the room, easing her anxiety. He entertained her question, which prompted them to stay up for a couple more hours picturing their future together with their daughter. It was dangerous to get both of their hopes up again, but every time Arianna thought about having another kid, she didn’t want to be drowned by anxiety. She didn’t want to feel like her world could come crashing down again at any moment. She wanted them to be as happy as they were the first time. 
“you deserve more.” 
⊰ v. princess and moon ⊱
Luna couldn’t bring herself to get out of bed. The soft white comforter encasing her in its plushy grip or the fact that she only got three hours of sleep was hardly the reason for it though. When her eyes fluttered open this morning, straining against the harsh brightness of her room until they adjusted to it 10 minutes later, she was greeted by the image of her boyfriend. His lips were on her cheek while her dimpled smile shined brightly as she attempted to look at him out of the corner of her eye. That was a version of them that she missed, and the picture sat next to her bed was a painful reminder that that Luna and Prince was no longer her reality. It wasn’t clear when they got to the point in their relationship where any little thing she did was worthy of an argument. Their last one started because Luna was tapping her pen on the table too much and ended with Prince storming out demanding his space. That was a week and a half ago. Luna felt like she was being thrown back into her last year of secondary school, and she was not enjoying it for the second time. She finally pulled herself out of bed, the emptiness of the flat looming over her as she made her way downstairs to the kitchen. Luna grabbed the box of cereal out of the cupboard and the milk out of the fridge, but the moment she sat down and started scrolling through her phone, all she wanted to do was text Prince. She shouldn’t have to text him first. He was the one that stormed out on her, but she also couldn’t let her pride keep her from speaking to her boyfriend another day. Picking up her phone, Luna navigated to her messages, a frown gracing her lips as she had to scroll down the app to find his name. Her finger hesitated over the keyboard before she typed a quick “I miss you” and switched off her phone. She’d drive herself crazy waiting for a response from him otherwise.
Luna’s hair was still dripping wet when she heard a knock at the front door. She hadn’t been expecting any visitors, especially the one standing on the other side of her door when she went downstairs to let them in. “Prince? What are you doing here?” He shrugged as he brushed past her. Luna thought to scream and yell at him about storming out and then not speaking to her for nearly two weeks, but all she could feel was elation. She was so happy to have him back in the same space as him. She missed him. One more day of being along and Luna would’ve lost her mind. “Are you hungry? I haven’t made anything, but if you’re hungry I can,” She asked, following behind him. When she entered the kitchen, she noticed he placed something on the countertop. Luna looked between him and the box of candy with a confused expression. Right before their fight, Luna had been telling him about her favorite candy from Spain since she’d been feeling homesick lately. She looked everywhere for it when she came to London but to no avail. The memory prompted her to tap her pen as she reminisced. She didn’t think Prince cared enough to listen to her let alone find it. Luna had a million questions like where did he find it, and why he did it, instead, she threw her arms around him in a tight embrace, not caring that the droplets from her hair were soaking through his shirt. “Thank you, Prince. I can’t believe you actually found it for me.” And it was as if Prince was somehow tapped into her thoughts this morning when he whispered, “You deserve more,” because she did deserve more and she knew it. She deserved a boyfriend that didn’t get upset over the smallest of things. She deserved a boyfriend that didn’t ignore her for days on end, and she deserved a boyfriend that she knew was capable of being this thoughtful. Luna wanted the Prince she had months ago, and this gave her the small glimmer of hope that he could go back to that. It was a lot more than what she had when she’d woken up. Taking a step back to look at him, Luna laughed as she blinked away the tears in her eyes. “Is this your way of apologizing because it sucks,” she joked. “But seriously, Prince, right now I just need you. We can talk about this later, but I want to eat these sweets I haven’t had in ages with my boyfriend that I haven’t seen in ages, okay?” Luna knew she was letting him off easy, but she loved him entirely too much to let this little fight get in the way. 
⊰ v. no reason ⊱
Iola’s phone buzzed from the fifth phone call she’s received in an hour. She didn’t even need to check it to know it was Jason whom she’d been ignoring since his outburst about completing his portfolio. Iola’s intentions had only been pure when she put him to bed. How could he focus on being creative when he could barely keep his eyes open? It didn’t make much sense to her, but it didn’t have to once he decided to throw her wanting him to sleep with him and her dad back into her face. Iola’s desire to sleep with Jason extended beyond her raging teen hormones looking for sexual gratification. It wasn’t to deny that that was definitely a part of it because she was very attracted to her boyfriend, but it was also about experiencing each other in ways they hadn’t before. She was undoubtedly attempting to share a part of her that only he could have. Maybe she wasn’t always the most gentle in her approach, but she put herself in a vulnerable position only for him to use it against her. There was then the added insult of implying that her dad was somehow to be credited for her successes. Iola knew she lived in a big house with fancy cars and clothes, but everything she accomplished, she got there on her own. Her dad never made a donation to her school to get her in or paid to get her test scores changed — she got in on her own merit. Even when she took a year off to focus on modeling, Iola tried to minimize her dad’s influence over her career. Perhaps if he hadn’t snapped at her, she could’ve asked her dad to buy him that opportunity. The buzzing in her ear finally stopped, and this time for longer than fifteen minutes. There was some hope he finally got the hint she wasn’t ready to talk to him again. That time, however, was used by Jason to come to her home. Iola was just about to get ready for bed when she heard a familiar accent calling her name from outside. She walked over to her window and rolled her eyes at the sight of Jason. “What do you want?” He asked if she could let him up to talk, and although it went against her better judgment, Iola complied. She didn’t say a word the whole journey from downstairs to upstairs in her room. The moment she heard him close her door, she whirled around with her arms folded over her chest, a stern look on her face. Iola wanted to see him grovel. Jason walked towards her, and just when he went to reach for her hands, she took a step back. “I don’t want you to get the impression I’m trying to sleep with you while you’re apologizing or does my dad need to buy that for me too?” Iola could admit that she was acting a bit immature, but she was still a 17-year-old girl. What was Jason’s excuse? He explained to her that he’d only said those things because he was tired and under a lot of stress. Iola rolled her eyes. “So that means take it out on me? Do you think that I deserved hearing my boyfriend say he doesn’t want me, and he thinks I’m some spoiled brat?” This time when Jason reached out for her, she allowed it. Her tough exterior quickly began deteriorating as she attempted to blink away the tears in her eyes. What Jason said really hurt her feelings. It made her feel insecure. He had to have thought that about her before for him to say it now. What else did he think about her that he was saving to use against her? Iola wasn’t completely sold on his ‘you deserve more’ speech about how she didn’t deserve that and deserved more than to be spoken to like that, but he seemed to be genuinely sorry. It didn’t mean that he didn’t believe those things about her, though. 
⊰ v. what if ⊱
The crackling sound of silence filled the room as Arianna and Ashton simply looked at each other — beauty surrounding her features, but bruises surrounding his. Arianna didn’t mean for things with him to go as far as they did. What happened between them that day Ari showed up at his door was never meant to happen again, but it did. Ari began having an affair. She thought that they were low key about it, but when Zayn had spotted a hickey on her side, and she was left with no choice except tell the truth, all of her fears had become a reality. Ari didn’t know about the future of her marriage, which should’ve been her main concern, but hearing about what her husband had gone out and done made it seem less important. Ashton was there for her whenever her relationship became too much to handle, and she felt it was her obligation to take care of him. “I’m sorry,” the blonde finally spoke. Her hands busied themselves, tearing open the alcohol packets along with the other things she bought on her way over. She ignored his wincing once she began cleaning his wounds. “This is all my fault.” She expected Ashton to tell her they both were at fault, but nothing he could say would make her shift the blame completely from her. Sure, they both could have exercised some self-control, but she was the one in the relationship, and her husband was the one who had done this to Ashton. How was she not wholly at fault? When she had found him in his room all beaten and bruised, Ari realized that her selfishness was what got them in this situation; her guilty conscience weighed heavily on her. She had just about disinfected any cut he had when her hands fell into her lap, her head hanging low to avoid his eyes. “I wasn’t worth all of this, Ash. You and I both knew the truth, so why did you keep seeing me? I was entirely too selfish to stop, but why did you never say no?” Arianna was curious about his answer, but she just cut him short with a smile because she decided that it wasn’t important why he didn’t. It was much too late to inquire about it now anyway. “You should keep this stuff in case you might need it. I should be going.” When Arianna reached for the jacket that sat beside her, Ashton’s hand wrapped around her wrist to stop her. “I never said no because you deserve more.” His words cut deep into her heart. Ashton was right. She did deserve more, but so did he. Ashton deserved someone who could love him back the way he needed wholeheartedly. Maybe this was the wakeup call they both needed to get on with their lives. “Thank you,” she whispered, pressing a lasting kiss to Ashton’s forehead before bidding what might be her final goodbye.
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kaitkerrigan · 7 years
HOW TO RETURN HOME - The Millennial Problem
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I really pushed myself into a corner this weekend when I promised a teacher that I’d write about “How to Return Home”. Most of you don’t know the history of this song, which is a pandora’s box. 
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I’ve long been planning to write a post about THE FRESHMAN EXPERIMENT. At the time of conception, this is how we defined it: 
living musical ['liv[ng] 'myü-zi-k&l]
a musical based on the lives of living people
a musical existing in real time
a musical created on the internet by the award-winning writing team Kerrigan and Lowdermilk based on the lives of two young bloggers as they share the story of their freshman years of college 
I’ll leave it at that for now and come back to this in depth in another post. 
ChristineCoke, the handle of one of the freshman writers, was an incredible voice. She wrote these earnest and beautiful posts that flowed into some of my favorite songs that we’ve ever written:  Last Week’s Alcohol My Heart Is Split (and you guessed it) How to Return Home. 
It’s funny how memory works. I had created a fiction about exactly what we got from ChristineCoke when she first wrote about going back to her home for Thanksgiving break, but I just went back to our website archive and found this (and everything else you’re about to dig into): 
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I pulled my luggage into a house that is exactly how I’d left it - dirty and empty with a silence that gently hummed in my ears. There was no one to greet me so I ran up the stairs calling out the names of my siblings and mothers. More silence and peeling wallpaper.
And this is how I wanted to return home. My barefeet sliding along the wood floors as my cat criss crosses her way through my legs. To sit on my bed and wrap myself up in the thin blanket that could barely warm me during the winter months. Slowly, I came back into a place that I hadn’t truly thought about until I was five minutes away.
Eventually my brothers and sisters came filtering in and our home had a pulse again. Then Mamajay came and I ran to her before she had time to open the door.
I had a three minute fight with my brother today. It feels great to be here.
A couple weeks after this first post, Brian posted this - with audio that I can’t find: 
hey it’s brian. so i wrote this thing while i was home for thanksgiving and didn’t have a chance to post it until now. i played it for kait at some point and she was pretty underwhemed - possibly for good reason. the lyrics aren’t great, and they depart a lot from what CC was talking about. but this is emotionally what spoke to me, and i think the music might be interesting. (sidebar: lots of time kait and i start out with a song that i write music and lyrics to and then she swoops in and redoes the lyric) So these may be dummy lyric, and i may also just start from scratch musically on something else. Particularly because while I was home for t-giving my sister and i listened to a lot of dashboard confessional. so in addition to a) being a song fragment and b) not very good, this is also potentially c) a little too much like a dashboard song. wow. yea. but i definitely think there’s something to be done w/ the phrase “How To Return Home.” And this is certainly something…
“I’m pulling my luggage into a house that is dirty and empty A house that is just how I’d left it Dirty and empty and silent. A silence that’s gently humming in my ears. And I’m waiting for you to come rush down the stairs. I’m calling, I’m waiting, I’m watching the driveway. Hoping that something is still the same. I’m calling, I’m calling your name.
I guess I’m learning How long I’ve been gone I guess I’d forgotten I miss these walls Now I’m relearning everything All about silence And how to return home”
Brian says I was underwhelmed but it was a long time ago, so I don’t actually remember. Isn’t it weird to imagine the songs that never were? I bet that my response was more to the music than to the lyric. As he said, I often would change the lyrics anyway. I do remember both of us really struggling over how to use the hook. How do you put “how to return home” into a sentence. It sounds like a recipe title, not a song hook. I remember really arguing over how it could function in the song. 
Anyway, the next significant step was Brian again and this wasn’t until February (so I bet we had some off-line conversations): 
Okay, so here’s a new version of How To Return Home I’m trying, music first. There’s a PDF and a terrible scratch vocal of me singing. Not sure how much this will mean to anyone, but hopefully Kait will write some lyrics - and then the whole thing will mean a bit more!Happy February everybody…
He posted music that is EXACTLY the music that makes up the verse and chorus of the song now. That is magic to me. It’s one thing to piece together the perfect words, but to somehow knit together the language of a melody into something iconic and memorable - and in one go? How do you do that??? 
Then the writing started to pick up speed. A week later also in February I posted this: 
Here are the lyrics to at least the first draft of the beginning of “How to Return Home”:
Your bare feet sliding on the old wooden floorboards, Home at last and silent but still you’re shaken, like walking into a museum, somehow out of time. It’s all the same except the girl in the hallway, Where she’s been and who she will ripen into, Your childhood’s on the other side of a gulf to damn wide to climb.
Take silent breath. Hold in the change. Tell yourself you still live here. It’s the only way you’ll get through this holiday. Count the hours. Pick some flowers. Make a nice bouquet.
Clearly, the dumby lyrics come at the end, but I’m still not sure about the entire chorus. I’m kind of thinking that it probably changes based on whatever happens at the end of the chorus. Plus, it has to work throughout the song, right Bri? This probably doesn’t change each time since it’s such a pop chorus. Perhaps 2 lines change - the “it’s the only way to get through…” which I would assume will change too. And I’m pretty sold that we want something more like “get through this day” with the three notes on day.
Anyway, this is where the song is at currently. Updates to arrive throughout the weekend. I think I’ll have the whole thing done by Sunday or Monday at the latest.
You guys, this is where you get to see our baby pictures - or my baby pictures. I vlogged this lyric in 2008, so quite literally ten years ago. Kudos for me for not giving a good goddamn about my hair or anything. This was before the days of vloggers really. We were early adopters to be sure and so I had little awareness of the idea that looking presentable might be, er, helpful to our cause. 
Oh my god, did you watch it? Those pre-mac days were rough, let me tell you.  We definitely hadn’t figured out how to use the hook yet. A week or two off-line, where we inevitably went back and forth on that hook (and the occasional pop-misaccent of “how to REturn home” which gave me agitas). But here comes another draft on March 1st in a post called “HOW TO REVISE”: 
I feel pretty good about this one. I’m not going to sing it for you today - unless I miraculously learn how to play the guitar (doubtful). My changed lines are in italics.
Before you read on, I feel like I need to say something about perfect rhymes. I’ve been thinking about them a lot because this song both begs for them and also eschews them if they aren’t precisely what you mean. So I’ve definitely struck a bit of a deal with them - borrowing from pop, country, folk, and musical theater to figure out what to do where. But as I thought about these things and did my research, I’ve come to the conclusion that perfect rhymes are having a resurgence. Surprising, I know. Nothing ever seemed more lame or unlikely until lyrics became virtually unmemorizable and rap reclaimed rhyme’s significance. In addition to the rappers (too many to mention but Eminem and Blackalicious still being among some of my favorites for clever - without sacrificing meaning for the sake of - rhyme), the popularity of Fiona Apple, Regina Spektor, and new to my itunes line up Vampire Weekend (thanks Rachel Lowdermilk!) all mark a significant upswing in real rhyming’s trendiness. Of course, none of these writers act like hall monitors on the subject. We musical theater writers still have that all to ourselves - remarkably we act like narcs about it whether pro or con.
Now, back to the previously scheduled reveal of new lyrics! I think this is really fun to sing Brian’s melody. We will, of course, test drive sometime this week.
How to Return Home
Your bare feet sliding on the old wooden floorboards, Home just as you left it but still you’re shaken, like walking into a museum somehow out of time. It’s all the same except the girl in the hallway, Where she’s been and who she will ripen into, Your childhood’s on the other side of a sprawling divide… too wide.
Take silent breath. Hold in the change. Tell yourself you still live here. Take your bags upstairs.  It’s the only way you’ll get through today. Count the hours. Take a shower. Wash yourself away.
The house is pulsing with an alien heartbeat, Was it always here but you never listened? It’s calling you to be the girl that you were way back then… again.
Take a silent breath. Hold in the change. Tell yourself you still live here. Take your bags upstairs. Put away your clothes, take it nice and slow.
Be their daughter. Nothing’s harder when nobody knows
How to return home, and how to survive, There’s no written guidelines. How to go back, How to show up and unpack. How to show up.
How to grow up. How to take a breath. Take a silent breath. Hold in the change. Tell yourself you still live here. Take your bags upstairs. You still share a name
But you’re not the same. You don’t fight now. You don’t hide now. It’s a whole new way of how to return home.* How to return home. How to return home.
Your bare feet sliding on the old wooden floorboards, home just as you left it but still you’re shaken.
*I originally had “It’s a whole new game. How to return home.” Which I’m pretty sure I don’t like but sometimes I get something right and then go straight past it. This adds a pick up before the “how” but I think the meaning is much better and it’s a little less played out / more unexpected and leads to a better conclusion for the song.  The only other thing that I tried and rejected is replacing “Take a shower. Wash yourself away.” with “Only hours. Teach yourself to pray.”
It’s nice and rare when you get a resounding yes to the thing you made. How sweet to have that back and forth captured in the comments: 
BRIAN: wow that’s gorgeous. i’ll write more, and probably sing it back to everyone either later tonight or tomorrow morning. amazing work, kait. KAIT: Maybe tomorrow after the cap thing? I’ll bring my camera. Maybe they’ll let us steal a piano for a bit? BRIAN: since we had plans for natalie weiss to make a recording for us anyway, want to ask her to do this? later this week? and yes, let’s record tomorrow. this thing f-ing rocks. KAIT: Maybe. Let’s mull it over as we sing through it today.
Oh, Brian and Kait, you so-n-sos. Always so on brand. Kait ever cautiously low-key, Brian so deeply enthusiastic and raring to go. 
Do you care about any of this? All of this is about how a song got written, not about how it landed itself as a center piece of THE BAD YEARS. What is THE BAD YEARS? A song cycle? An immersive house party? Both? What does that have to do with the alien heartbeat of this house and ChristineCoke? 
Everything. “How To Return Home” found its way into a song cycle we made called TALES FROM THE BAD YEARS, which was the brainchild of a conversation that we had with a licensing company that wanted us to make something commercial that could go directly to licensing. Would that not have been lovely? It didn’t pan out. But the idea that we hit - to write a show about the people around us - the generation of millennials who would never fulfill their parents’ American Dream, did pan out and evolve. 
“How To Return Home” was always one of the songs that felt like a linchpin to these songs and as we built it out, it became something that parents of millennials would hear and grab us by the arm and say “Thank you for telling me what my daughter is going through. She just moved back in after college.” We realized that in writing something a bit broader than just about coming home for Thanksgiving break, we were writing about the larger lack of employment after college, the depression of a generation who didn’t have the opportunities that they assumed they’d have. We leaned into this. 
When we had the opportunity to take TALES FROM THE BAD YEARS and turn it into an immersive house party, this song was both beguiling and bewildering. It does not take place at a house party. But the sensation of being at your family’s home in the center of a party can be beautifully transfixing. The song became a centerpiece for Rachel’s arc. 
Rachel was an optimistic and ambitious millennial who’s surprised to discover that the world wasn’t waiting for her. She is one of the youngest at the party and she is just beginning to realize that she’s going to have to claw her way into the world rather than have it handed to her. In more recent drafts, the house has actually become more and more of a character. The history of the house is also oppressive. This is a place where some bad things happened and it’s going to be destroyed. But right now, Rachel is facing her own nostalgia smashed up against the glass of her reality. 
Ultimately, “How to Return Home” is about the simple sensation of walking into a house after having grown up there and feeling like the whole place is smaller, different. The fun house affect of your reality having outgrown your childhood cocoon. I moved around a lot. I haven’t been back to a single place that I grew up except my grandmother’s house. Every time I walk in, I’m struck by how low the ceilings are, how small the kitchen is, how narrow that backyard that contained my fantasies is. Once upon a time, my whole world could fit inside that kitchen. I remember a graduation party (something that I also can barely believe ever happened  - my grandmother entertaining) and sliding past adults through the back door to get to the refrigerator. But even as I say that, my memory is wavering. She remodeled her kitchen a few years ago and moved the back stairs and I have to consciously conjure that old set up. My memory has transformed to adjust to her new layout. I remember a couch that was long and s shaped in her music room. The room is so small. Where exactly did it go? Memory is so slippery but the visceral feelings you have when you return to a site of your childhood - especially the dark looming ones - is not. It’s immediate and pulsing and both familiar and alien at once. 
The question of how to return home is really a question of how to hold onto your slippery sense of self when you’re just discovering who you are and I think the answer (or at least the answer that we landed on in this song) is mindfulness - mindfully telling yourself to breath, to hold in the things you know to be true about yourself in spite of all of the old neural pathways that are lighting up with triggers. 
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