#Now I have to make myself a new card or I'm in trouble
finallyfantasy7 · 1 year
They changed the design of Shinra Electric Power Company employee ID card
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Advent Children Complete vs Final Fantasy VII Remake
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ane-doodles · 5 months
A little help please
update: we did it!!! (you can read in my reblogs)
I'm not one to write or tell things about my life here, but I'm here to ask for a little help.
To explain myself, I would have to tell you that the computer I currently work with art and comics is not mine, it belongs to a friend of my father who lent it to him during the pandemic (2020) so that he could work from home and I would have a place to do my University's homework. It's not a super-cool computer but it got us out of trouble back then.
It's been a while since then, but last year my dad has mentioned the idea of ​​returning it soon. The problem with that is that if he does then I won't have anywhere to draw or work or study.
My current job as a graphic designer and illustrator from home depends entirely on this computer, which in itself is not very good…
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The monitor burns my eyes after a certain time, the memory and processor is limited so it does not support several programs, it does not have a graphics card and even the mouse has started to fail recently.
This is why I come here to ask for a little help… I have a goal of approximately $400 to buy a new computer (including a good monitor, but not a keyboard or mouse). The budget is not fixed due to the constant changes in the country's economy that make it difficult to save in the long term. But if we get over that line I admit it would be something great…
I am willing to work on commissions to reach the goal, I plan to organize my time between work and studies for that. Unfortunately I am in the process of writing my thesis so sometimes it will take time, but if you are willing to wait I promise to put all my heart into my drawings.
I'll be doing special commissions, some discounts, YCH, adoptables and maybe giveaways… Whatever comes to my mind at the moment, so stay tuned.
Donations are also highly appreciated!! If you do I will give you a huge hug.
And that would be all. For now you can check my pinned post to see my commissions, or check my Kofi page directly and check if they are open. If you don't have the opportunity to contribute monetarily, don't worry, sharing this post is also a great help.
I hope you have a beautiful day/afternoon/night :)
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signedeclipse · 1 year
Signed with Love - Upper Moons
What is this? - A valentines gift to my lovely fem!readers! Its valentines/love letters cards from your favourites <3
Characters - Akaza | Daki | Douma | Gyokko | Gyutaro | Hantengu | Kaigaku | Kokushibo | Muzan | Nakime
Series Parts Kamaboko Squad - HERE The Hashira - HERE
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To the girl of my dreams, Happy valentines! I'm sure you thought i'd forget sorry about last year, but I've got plans and everything. Theres a light show in the city, if you want to come I'm sure we can stop for some snacks and i'll get you the best view of them. If that sounds like a plan, i'll be by your house the moment the sun goes down. Can't wait to see you dolled up, Akaza.
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Dove, Free your schedule on the 14th, I won't let plans get in the way of us spending this year together after so many times of it falling through! Oiron duties always take precedent, but I'm sure I can pull some strings to spend the night with you, the "new" girl, to do some "training". Dress for the part, I know you can lie your way in. Good luck, even if I know you won't need it, 'Warabihime'
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Hello, lovely! I am over the moon knowing i'll get to spend valentines with you again! I miss you more and more every day you are away... How about this year we sneak away from the cult and I show you someplace you might really enjoy, and we can pick up some treats you like to keep at the estate! Don't leave me waiting too long. You know who ♡
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To my precious muse, This velentines marks a decade together, and I figure its about time I let you closer than ive let any other. I know I can be more conservative in sharing my art, but this year i'd like to take you into my studio and teach you some of my craft. You know where to find me. Wear something you don't mind having ruined. Gყσƙƙσ
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Angel, I promised i'd always ask, so I expect you to say yes when I ask you to be my valentine again. It's too risky to go out with being on the radar, so when you come back home keep low and we'll do something simple. I can't risk getting you in trouble. Don't stray too far, GT.
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Dearest, If possible, I would really appreciate if maybe you might consider being my valentine Whatever you'd like is yours Please H/S/K/A/Uro/Z/Ura
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Princess, I know you'll say yes anyways, so instead ill congradulate you for keeping me intrigued for so long. Long enough to call you my valentine. I'll be home to see you the moment the sun drops, and we can spend all night hanging out. I like you better where no one else can chew on you like eye candy, so I'll bring some snacks you like if it keeps you inside, Don't get too flattered, Yours, Inadama
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To the most beautiful woman I know, I would be honoured if you would decide to be my valentine once again. If you are inclined to accept my invintation, know that not a drop of the night would be wasted on anything you wouldn't like. You know you can trust me. I anticipate your responce, 黒死牟
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To the only sunshine I require; With this letter is a box of clothing. It's all custom to your fit and yours now, pick whatever you like and wait outside the gates of tokyo by sundown tonight. We'll be visitng some places I know you've wanted to see, and I'll make sure it's not on an empty stomach. Don't leave me waiting, M. Kibutsuji
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My dearest lullaby I am not one to partake in holidays, however, I cannot help myself when it comes to you. I was hoping you would be my valentine; not just today, but in life as well. There is a concert hall I used to perform at, and I would like to bring you there to hear the music I was so very fond of. It is very formal, so if you need any help getting ready you have my assistance. I miss your sweet song, Nakime Otokawa
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Authors Note - This took me so long ahhhh thank you for your patience darlings <3 The tags took me longer than writing this entire thing /j
Disclaimer - All characters within have been aged up to at least 18 or older, and have been altered to reflect such change as needed.
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mossmurdock · 4 months
grocery clerk suguru x youtuber reader... we r officially walking people (we r holding hands btw) @twentyfivemiceinatrenchcoat i hope u dont mind being tagged but i know u were excited about this!!
OK! so this is such a specific concept but it is so very special to me. i imagine suguru working as a clerk with one of those cute little aprons some stores sometimes have their employees wear. so he's got this little job but then later at home he likes messing around online.
yes guys, im making him a little streamer in this au i couldn't help myself. (what games he likes to play specifically i'm not too sure about yet, but i think he likes to stream a variety of things!) he's got a small audience but he's found that it's a cool way for him to decompress so he really enjoys it!
anyway back to the reader. you come into the store suguru works at pretty frequently, with an array of impressively well picked groceries almost every single time. he likes to play this little game when gets bored on shift where he guesses what people are cooking based on what they buy, and you're by far his favourite any time he plays it.
it's a little embarrassing to admit, but you're kind of the best part of his week. always so kind even on days he notices you're in a rush or stressed out, bidding him a good day after you're done bagging your items, a small smile on your lips the few times you raise your head to look at him.
suguru notices that you seem to favor him anytime he's at the registers, feeling an odd sort of pride whenever he spots you scanning the lines and choosing his every-time. call him delusional, but it sort of becomes hard to ignore when you choose him even when a register with a much shorter line is available.
for some reason he's found it strangely difficult to break the ice with you, finding it hard to secede from his practiced script in the short time the two of you share a space. the most deviation he's been able to muster in the past weeks has been asking you if you'd like to sign up for the store's rewards card.
subconsciously searching for something to point out casually takes him a few troubling days, but he finally conjures something in the spur of the moment. right as he's handing you back your cash, suguru notices the vibrant colour of your nails; they're different from last months.
"I like your nails," he mentions quickly, semi distracted by the upcoming customer already beginning to place their items on the belt.
You look up from your bagging and Suguru is able to literally catch the way your face brightens, fixated on the flash of your teeth and the crinkle of your eye. It's the first time he's seen your cheeks rise up so high, delightfully different from the subtle smiles you've granted him till now.
"Thank you," you reply, a laugh laced into your voice. And then you're gone again, throwing a sincere good bye over shoulder, bag hung over your arm, and stepping out the automatic doors.
the interaction is short, brief enough to have suguru thinking about it the rest of the day. latching onto it enough that he finally buys that nail polish remover he's been needing to wipe away the chipped mess on his own fingertips. and maybe he repaints them new with you in mind.
it goes on like this for a little while. you notice the new colour on suguru the next time you see him and compliment it. he does the same for yours, mentioning how close it is to one of his favourite shades. actively holding back from slyly commenting on how you've been subtly matching it to his preferences based on your short conversations. blue, green, black; anything he mentions makes a subtle cameo onto the design of your nails in the following weeks or so.
he never explicitly mentions you during his little streams, but suguru does have this thing where he'll mention craving a specific food that's related to what he'd seen you buy that specific afternoon to his chat. it's fun to mention it to his few viewers, sometimes they'll recommend him tutorials on how to make certain things or even share their own recipes. it often ends rather jokingly, with crazy inedible recipes no one would dare follow, but some times it can be rather wholesome.
one night, he gets off stream and actually decides to check a few of them out. aimlessly scrolling through both the serious and unserious suggestions.
he never would have imagined recognizing your nails, jewelry, and voice after typing in the title of a video and pressing on it.
turns out the reader makes content themselves! they've got this semi-popular cooking channel they've been growing for the past two years or something like that. i like to think it started off as something sort of accidental for you. like one of your close friends liking your cooking so much that they beg you to share it.
then you just kind of picked up the habit of making different types of videos by following a vague schedule. you found yourself really enjoying the process of making the food and sharing the way you did it with people. one of your favourite parts is reading the comments of your videos and seeing how people's food turned out for them, if they liked the taste or if they cooked it for someone else.
it's been a motivator to indulge in your groceries a little more. eventually you switch over to buying at the more expensive grocery store more often in order to purchase higher quality ingredients.
it helps that you meet geto there, the cute clerk who has a sweet voice.
you grow to enjoy him being part of your routine. a small part of you even believes him ringing you up adds a dash of luck to how your cooking will turn out that week.
the more you've frequented, the chattier he's gotten, gracing you more with that silken voice of his. it almost reminds you of a warm meal.
but this afternoon seems odd.
geto can't seem to stop staring at your hands today.
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sunnyy3d · 6 months
Hi again
Ok so I am currently obsessed with Matt smith and Alex Kingston so I wanted to know if you would write a 11th/river/reader fanfic where the reader is a companion that just started travelling with them but for some reason she is immortal and always finds them but she doesn’t totally understand how the meeting keeps happening between them all so she just jumped from a new tune where she was happily married to the doctor and river but now she meets river/melody who doesn’t know her yet and she gets jealous bc she over heard them talking about another girl(her just younger) and it leads to the doctor having to explain to her that they aren’t at that time yet and river gifts her a journal so she can write down where and how they keep meeting hopefully this makes enough sense and you would want to write it I just want some fluff/cuteness along with confusion on time travel
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Timeless Love| 11th Doctor x River x Reader
A/N: Requests open! (Obviously)
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God, I'm so nauseous. Will I ever get used to that? I really wish that I had my own TARDIS; it'd be so much better than a vortex manipulator. The Doctor calls it "cheap and nasty time travel," and he's not wrong. Of course, I'll never let him know that, though.
I let the dizziness subside before opening my eyes. I'm facing a wall? I've gotta go through the checklist. Okay, first is smell. It smells... old? Like antiques and dust. Why is smell first anyway? The second is hearing. I hear sirens, which leads to the next part: sight. To go with the sirens, I see a red flashing light coming from a bulb farther up the wall. That's always a good sign! Last but not least, the 360. Well, it's more like a 180, but that's beside the point. I spin only to find a gun pointed at my head. My smile immediately drops, the excitement of being in a new environment being replaced with dread. What have I gotten myself into this time?
"Oi, don't touch the fez! Wait, no, don't take it," I hear from behind the brute holding the gun.
"Don't listen to him. Please take the fez," I'd recognize those voices from anywhere. Especially the sarcasm... It only makes sense that they're around when I find myself in trouble. I can't let myself get distracted; this is a life-or-death situation. Just do what The Doctor taught you. Be rational and observe.
Peering past the gun, I see a creature I've never seen before in my time with The Doctor. This thing is enormous, at least a foot or two taller than me. They (it?) have on a suit of armor--similar to what would be found back on Earth-- that obscures its face. Maybe it's a security guard? It would make sense, considering that behind it are glass cases that hold artifacts.
Regardless, this creature's sheer size means I can't fight it. At least not successfully. That throws all of the self-defense skills River taught me out of the window. I really wish she was here. Oh wait... she is. I'll just have to play the innocent card. It shouldn't be hard, considering that I am innocent. I put my hands up beside my head as a sign of surrender, careful to go at a speed that's not threatening. "I just got here, I swear. I have no idea what's going on," I reason. I have a feeling that it's not gonna work well.
"Oh, look who it is! Where have you been?" Looking past the guard, I spot The Doctor and River being led in by another guard.
I sigh, "It's not what it looks like."
"It's exactly what it looks like!" The Doctor interrupts with his stupid smile.
"Honey, can you shut please? I kinda have a gun in my face right now," I plead.
"Oh right..."
"Excuse me, sir?" River distracts the guard in front of me.
"We're going to have to ask you to put that gun down. Darling, you might want to duck." Without even thinking, I follow her instructions. I trust River and The Doctor with my life. What kind of wife would I be otherwise? Being stuck between the wall and the fight, I have no choice but to crawl away.
I'm hiding behind one of the cases when The Doctor comes around the corner, disheveled and panting. It's a good look at him. His hair is messy before he runs a hand through it and flashes his signature smile. God, I could kiss him. But now's not the time. We're in the middle of a fight. I say we, but I really mean River. "What are you doing?" I yell.
"I could ask you the same thing!" Loud shots hit the walls around us. I peek around the corner and see two more guards have shown up as reinforcement.
A bullet flies past my head, and I quickly take my retreat behind the case. "Look! We'll have to save this conversation for after we get out of whatever situation you got us into this time. River needs help." The Doctor gives me an offended look.
"River does NOT need help, no thanks to you guys," she says sarcastically.
The Doctor and I come out from behind the case. "What are you guys even doing here?" I ask with my hands on my hips.
"Uhh... we're picking something up," The Doctor answers nervously. I nod, my lips drawing into a thin line as I give him a skeptical hum. It's probably not worth questioning, and I probably won't get a straight answer.
"And you are?" River questions, looking me up and down. Even after being with her for a while, I still get butterflies when she looks at me like that.
But the butterflies are scooped up by my confusion. "What do you mean, River? We've been-"
"SPOILERS," The Doctor interjects. "If you'll just give us a moment, please?" I nod as he drags River away. They huddle together with their backs facing me. Clearly, I'm not supposed to hear this conversation, but it doesn't stop me from trying. Unfortunately, they're just out of earshot, so I can only hear a few words.
Focusing on their conversation, I piece together some parts. "She's... beautiful... amazing... younger... she's like..." The Doctor explains with expressive hands. Occasionally, River glances back at me with a smile.
Who are they talking about like that? It has to be someone special. Why else would they keep it a secret from me? More importantly, why is River saying she doesn't know me? Has she had her memory wiped? Clearly, The Doctor knows who I am, but he's also acting weird. What has happened to our marriage? Did all of the intimate moments that we shared go down the drain? All the adventures forgotten?
I'm so lost in thought that it takes me a second to realize that they've finished their conversation and have started walking back towards me. I quickly stand straight, suddenly incredibly self conscious. I cross my arms and frown, "So, who's this mystery woman and why did you have to talk about her in secret?" I know my words reek of jealousy, but I can't help it. We've been married for so long, and yet here they are talking about some other woman.
The Doctor sighs, thinking about how he should respond. "We were talking about you. I know it might not make too much sense right now, but River and I aren't in the same timeline as you."
"This is actually my first time meeting you, I'm afraid. Though I'm sure it won't be the last," River looks me up and down with a smirk. I blush and look away. Even if this is her first time meeting me, she still has to flirt.
Everything is starting to make sense now. All of the times when The Doctor or River thought that they had done something with me but hadn't. Or when they'd forget simple things. It's not that they forgot; it just hadn't happened to them yet. Why didn't I think of this before? And why hadn't they explained this to me earlier? Why does time have to be so complicated?
"This happens all of the time with me and River. It's honestly quite annoying to figure out," The Doctor chuckles.
"You know, that actually makes a lot of sense. Things are starting to come together now. That explains why you guys are so confusing sometimes. Sorry, extra confusing sometimes." The couple laughs before River holds up her finger, saying hold on and grabbing her bag off her back. She rummages through it momentarily before letting out a small 'aha.' I look at The Doctor with my eyebrows scrunched in confusion. He only shrugs. River pulls out what she was looking for. I see a look of recognition flash across The Doctor's face before I can tell what it is.
"Here," she holds out a book. It's a royal blue and has squares on it like the TARDIS. It looks naturally worn, its deckled pages ready to hold a story. "I have a smiliar journal. I use it to keep track of my encounters with this idiot. Maybe you can do the same?" She suggests with a warm smile.
From this distance, I can see how young she is. Though she doesn't look much different, her eyes tell a different story. They have more youth to them, more innocence. Let's be honest: River has never truly been innocent. But she is more innocent than the River that I know best. I smile as I take the journal in my hands. It's perfect. It'll be easy to carry around, and it is absolutely gorgeous.
So much has yet to come for The Doctor and River, both terrible and happy. And even though I have lived through things that they haven't, they have lived through things that I haven't. This book will hold stories that cannot be shared with the ones I love the most. If I were to share it, it could ruin everyone's timeline. Time is a delicate balance of... wibbly, wobbly, timey, wimey... stuff. Okay, I'll admit that wasn't the most eloquent I have been, but it'll have to do.
With a smile, I look up at my husband and wife (well, future for them), "Thank you. I have a feeling that I'll be using this a lot."
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girl-of-ink · 2 months
Puzzlefic Recs
These Days We Celebrate / Reconfiguration by Phoebeus
Original synopsis: “Originally a series of canon-compliant stories spanning the six month gap between the defeat of Pegasus and the arrival of Otogi, it now includes a branch-off story that changes the climax of the Millennium World arc and explores what would have happened if Atem had gotten his own body a month prior to leaving for Egypt. [Manga-canon, Puzzleshipping]”
Type: Series of oneshots + one multichap longfic
Word count: 300k+ altogether
Rating: G/T/E
Warnings: None
Status: Complete
Times read: 3 times for the whole series, at least 5 or 6 for Reconfiguration specifically
Standout characters/aspects: Yuugi's mom & Honda
Notes: The holy grail. The puzzle fic to end all puzzle fics. Nothing beats it. It aligns almost 98% with my personal headcanons, & the small things we disagree on are contextualized in a way that makes sense in the story. Yuugi's mom is iconic in this story, & my own interpretations of her lean heavily on her portrayal in this series.
Haunted House Sweet Home by InkFlavored
Original synopsis: “Yugi doesn't believe in ghosts. He never has and, up until now, he thought he never would. But when he moves into his new apartment, things start disappearing, doors start slamming, and an ancient crown has it out for him. He's forced to face reality: he's living in a haunted house. But will he be ‘living’ there for long?”
Type: Multichap longfic
Word count: 150k+
Rating: T
Warnings: Mention of eventual major character death, brief mention of eventual Yuugi/Atem/fem OC in final chapter
Status: Complete
Times read: Probably 3ish
Standout characters/aspects: Feriha (fem OC) has a very small part, but she is integrated in a well-thought-out manner & quite likable.
Notes: This fic takes a lot of normal aspects of ygo like “cursed object” and “troubled king” and gives them a new spin! Bonus points for writing an OC villain who works as well as Hazim does.
Egyptology Exercises / All This We Do in the Name of Ma’at by Nedjemet
Original synopsis: “My attempt at redoing Yu-Gi-Oh with a focus on character development, magic, and historical accuracy instead of card games. While this is technically a series, "All This We Do in the Name of Ma'at" functions as a standalone story. All of the other stories are just in-universe follow ups to show what the characters got up to after the story was over. These shorts largely function as stand alones, too, since Ma'at follows cannon very closely in the important ways. All of the stories are ordered loosely in terms of when they occured. You can read them in any order.
All of the Egyptology is heavily researched and I did my best to get it right. If something is off and you have a source, please send it my way!
All of the stuff in modern Japan has minimal research done and is more for flavor than anything else. I'm going for anime-level accuracy with that, not realism.”
Type: Multichap longfic + a couple of shorter multichap fics + bonus work diving into the Egyptology research used in the fics
Word count: 200k+ altogether
Rating: T/M/E
Warnings: None
Status: Complete
Times read: Twice for All This We Do in the Name of Ma’at, probably 5-6 times for the two sequel fics
Standout characters/aspects: Nedjemet’s research on the Egyptology aspects is very impressive
Notes: Really good! The main fic is quite plot & research heavy tho, so I find myself revisiting the two shorter follow-up fics more often. More fluff than substance for me.
The Last Puzzle by Tenderwulf
Original synopsis: “11 years after the Ceremonial Duel, Atem and Bakura inexplicably find themselves back in Domino. When they meet their previous hosts, they realize how much things have changed: Yuugi, the now world-renowned King of Games, is going through a marriage crisis, Ryou is struggling to balance studies, work, and his brittle mental health, and Malik... well, Malik is living his best life—and his own yami is nowhere to be seen.
They soon realize they all have to work together in order to solve the mystery of the yamis’ return: some to make sure that they stay, and some to make sure that they don't.”
Type: Multichap longfic
Word count: 300k+
Rating: T
Warnings: Graphic depictions of violence
Status: Ongoing
Other ships: Tendershipping [Bakura Ryou/Yami Bakura], past Peachshipping [Mazaki Anzu/Mutou Yuugi]
Times read: 1
Standout characters/aspects: Yami Bakura’s character development is stellar.
Notes: Very good, altho I confess that I’m slightly more interested in the puzzle storyline than the tender story (which happens to be the main plot lol). Very much worth reading.
Keep the Light Shining by Clydeside
Original synopsis: “Yugi's new job as a lighthouse keeper sounds simple enough... until he realizes he's not entirely alone on the remote island: a dark spirit haunts Crawford Sound.
It lingers like a shadow in the night.
It watches, and it waits.
The past keepers warned of an inescapable terror, but as the days turn into weeks, Yugi begins to think it's not the ghost he ought to fear.”
Type: Multichap longfic
Word count: 50k+
Rating: M
Warnings: Major character death (Atem is already a ghost)
Status: Complete
Times read: 3
Standout characters/aspects: Worldbuilding!!!! This story is so gorgeously atmospheric
Notes: Please please please read Keep the Light Shining, it’s so good. The horror aspects combined with the romance and mystery aspects are so well-balanced.
Lineament by Zuzeca
Original synopsis: “Once seven, now three. A broken Pendant, a crumbling empire, and tugging at the seams of reality, hints of a sinister power returning. His faith in destiny strained past breaking, newly-crowned-and-deposed Pharaoh Set makes the questionable decision to try and solve the Millennium Puzzle with magic. As it goes with magic, his efforts are rewarded…but not quite in the way he expected.”
Type: Multichap longfic
Word count: 50k+
Rating: M
Warnings: Major character death (Ghost Atem again)
Status: Complete
Other ships: Logicshipping [Priestess Isis/Priest Seto]
Times read: 3
Standout characters/aspects: Set & Isis are very interesting & well-developed characters here.
Notes: Really interesting twist on the whole series. Somewhat of a time travel fic, but in a much more satisfying and less cheesy way than most.
Snake Charmer by InkFlavored
Original synopsis: “Prompts: ‘Wow, my pet snake looks so cute this morning and I’d be even happier if I actually had a pet snake.’ & ‘You curse under your breath in a foreign language and I know I shouldn’t be turned on but I totally am.’
Type: Oneshot
Word count: 20k+
Rating: T
Warnings: None
Status: Complete
Times read: 5
Standout characters/aspects: Osiris the snake is an icon
Notes: 100% fluff. Cute snake. Utterly delightful.
Cut Off / Whiskey, No Chaser by InkFlavored
Original synopsis: “Few people choose a day during the week to drink away their problems at a bar downtown. Most people wait until the weekend, content to simmer with their issues until Friday. Others do it at home with friends, and without worrying about how they're supposed to get home in time for work in the morning. All in all, it's rare that someone walks into a bar on a weeknight at ten-thirty to start drinking.
But that's exactly what happened to Atem.”
Type: Two multichap longfics
Word count: 100k+ combined
Rating: T
Warnings: None
Status: Complete
Other ships: Past rivalshipping [Mutou Yuugi/Kaiba Seto]
Times read: 2
Standout characters/aspects: Great way of showing how Atem becomes part of the friend group
Notes: It’s cute! Not InkFlavored’s best work, but all of their stuff is worth reading.
Macchiato Incommunicado by InkFlavored
Original synopsis: “Prompt: ‘my favorite coffee shop is closed for the day so i have to find somewhere else where i can get my overly-advanced pretentious order and i found the place where you work and now i never use the other place anymore because even though you always serve my drink with a “what the fuck has normal coffee ever done to you”-sigh you're really cute and i'd like to go out with you.’
Type: Oneshot
Word count: 15k+
Rating: T
Warnings: None
Status: Complete
Times read: 3
Standout characters/aspects: Points to everyone else in this fic for putting up with Yuugi & Atem’s stupid bullshit.
Notes: Pretty good interpretation of the dreaded miscommunication plot and the cliché coffee shop AU.
The First Leaves That Fall by Clydeside
Original synopsis: “When Yugi arrives in Yubari to settle the last of his grandfather’s affairs, he finds a mountain village in quiet decline. Most people have left for the city, buildings are crumbling, and nature grows dense and wild against its outskirts.
But among those who remain, superstition abounds, and they all offer the same advice:
Stay out of the forest.
Yugi, however, is intrigued. By the puzzle of its shifting paths. The riddle of a wind that speaks, if he listens.
And, perhaps most of all, by the stranger who always shows him the way out before dark.
Or: Yugi falls hard for the local cryptid. Not everyone is cool about it.”
Type: Multichapter longfic
Word count: 40k+
Rating: T
Warnings: None
Status: Ongoing
Times read: 1
Standout characters/aspects: Honda & Miho are really great friends, and bonus points for local Shinto priest Bakura, who is as ominous and strange as ever.
Notes: I love this fic!!!! Again, Clyde is the best at writing spooky & atmospheric stories. I can’t wait to see what really happened in Yubari to make the nature spirits (including Atem) so angry.
Chained to You by SajiSpellhart
Original synopsis: “Taking place after the events of Season Zero, all the shadow games happened but Yugi never found out he was possessed by the spirit of the puzzle. Now he's an adult, living on his own, and he starts to notice strange and spooky things happening around his apartment. When he sees his own shadow moving Yugi begins to suspect his new place is haunted. But is this shadow spirit malicious or... kinda sweet?
Yami does a bunch of stupidly sweet domestic shit for Yugi to help take care of him. Expect romance, fluff, self-care, and Puzzleshipping shenanigans.”
Type: Multichapter longfic
Word count: 100k+
Rating: T
Warnings: None
Status: Ongoing
Times read: 1
Standout characters/aspects: Yami is incredibly cute in this fic.
Notes: Really interesting AU where Yuugi never finds out about Atem as a high schooler, and so Season 0-esque shenanigans continue into adulthood.
He Has a Heartbeat by Kaibbage
Original synopsis: “Atem is back, and this time he's living and tangible. As such, Yugi cannot stop touching him - and vice versa.”
Type: Oneshot
Word count: 3k
Rating: E
Warnings: None
Status: Complete
Times read: 10 at least
Standout characters/aspects: 
Notes: So cute!!! One of the best Atem Comes Back oneshots out there. Very sweet short little PWP.
Superimposed / Bird Rock Lambchop (Bird Bigger Bird) by Toffeecape
Original synopsis: “Yugi wants his other self to have nice things.”
Type: Series of oneshots + short multichaptered fics
Word count: 70k+ combined
Rating: E/M
Warnings: Some installments mention major character death (but with the caveat that the characters cross over to the Egyptian afterlife), most have no warnings
Status: Complete
Times read: Superimposed probably like 5 times, whole series twice
Standout characters/aspects: Love Yuugi’s urge to provide for Atem, very sweet. I also love the chapter of Like a Stone into a Pond that focuses on Yuugi’s mom’s relationship with Atem.
Notes: This series is sort of YMMV for me. To be entirely honest, the smut gets a little too weird for me in a lot of installments, so I don’t revisit it too often, but the first installment is definitely my favorite, and I love seeing the intimacy between Yuugi & Atem grow while they’re still sharing a body. The 4th installment is my other favorite, as it focuses less on smut and more on character interactions.
Phantom Limb by Killdoll
Original synopsis: “In the hospital after the fire where Yuugi reassembled the Millennium Puzzle, Yuugi and his Other Self have a heart-to-heart.
(Puzzleshipping, set during anime canon, attempted ghost cuddling.)”
Type: Oneshot
Word count: 3k
Rating: T
Warnings: None
Status: Complete
Times read: 5+
Standout characters/aspects: Really great characterization
Notes: Very sweet examination of the aftermath of (the anime version of) the fire.
Pieces of Puzzleshipping by Phoebeus
Original synopsis: “Originally this was where all of my tumblr prompts and random ficlets would come to live, but it's quickly become home to all of my random puzzleshipping fluff, instead. We shall acknowledge it as such until at least one other ship invades!”
Type: Oneshot collection
Word count: 17k+ combined
Rating: E
Warnings: Author Chose Not to Use Archive Warnings (I don’t remember anything too triggering in these oneshots besides a safeword use that is immediately respected in chapter 10)
Status: Complete
Times read: 2-3
Standout characters/aspects: To be honest, I don’t remember these individual oneshots all that well, but I love all of Phoebeus’ work.
Notes: Bite-sized and enjoyable fluff!
Getting Rivalzoned (and Learning to Live with It) by Oogenesis
Original synopsis: “Finding out that your best and closest and most infuriatingly attractive rival has come back to life is one thing.
Finding out that he and his former vessel have eyes only for each other - well, that's quite a different matter.”
Type: Short multichapter
Word count: 8k
Rating: T
Warnings: None
Status: Unfinished (seems to be abandoned, but I recall the last chapter working fairly well as an ending, so it’s not too infuriating)
Other Ships: onesided Prideshipping [Atem/Kaiba Seto]
Times read: 3ish
Standout characters/aspects: Just so incredibly funny. 
Notes: This is my ideal prideship scenario. Sorry, Kaiba.
Visiting Hours by Oogenesis
Original synopsis: “Kaiba, at Atem's insistence, finally brings Yugi along on one of his visits to the afterlife, and promptly regrets it.”
Type: Oneshot
Word count: 1.5k
Rating: T
Warnings: None (possible major character death as Atem has already crossed over to the afterlife)
Status: Complete
Other Ships: One-sided prideshipping [Atem/Kaiba Seto]
Times read: 5ish at least
Standout characters/aspects: Same as the previous fic, just so funny to see Kaiba so deeply jealous while being completely ignored.
Notes: Love how excited to see each other Yuugi & Atem are.
Ours, Not Mine by MagiMevi
Original synopsis: “The spirit found such ease and amusement in simply perusing Yugi's daily memories, and Yugi no longer wanted to just share them with him. He wanted to make them with him – he wanted the spirit to create new memories – he didn't want to just amuse the spirit with the passing fibres of his life – he just – he wanted -
Don't worry about it, partner.”
Type: Oneshot
Word count: 5k
Rating: T
Warnings: None 
Status: Complete
Times read: 2-3
Standout characters/aspects: Great exploration of Yuugi’s character
Notes: Yuugi scheming like hell to try to get Atem to live & enjoy himself while in the puzzle is one of my favorite tropes, 10/10.
Take Him (Cut Him Out in Little Stars) by InkFlavored
Original synopsis: “Most people think of light and silence as comforting things. To Yugi, they're anything but. Atem's mind is tearing itself to pieces and no one understands.
PuzzleJune 2019 (Week 3: Light)”
Type: Oneshot
Word count: 5k
Rating: G
Warnings: Creator Chose Not to Use Archive Warnings (Major character death canon to the end of the manga)
Status: Complete
Times read: 5+
Standout characters/aspects: I love Atem’s talk with Akhenamkhanen.
Notes: Definitely one of the most influential Atem comes back fics to my own work! It’s fabulous, 10/10.
The Seldom Seen by Clydeside
Original synopsis: “Yugi’s soul has gone missing after reassembling the Millennium Puzzle in the fire, leaving the Other Yugi to fill his place.
As he tries to hide the truth from Yugi’s friends and family, he searches for his partner and the scattered pieces of his soul. But without Yugi at his side, he is losing control of the Puzzle’s power over the shadow realm… and the creature it contains.”
Type: Mid-length multichapter
Word count: 45k
Rating: T
Warnings: Major character death (albeit tagged as “only sort of permanent”)
Status: Complete
Times read: 3
Standout characters/aspects: Angst!
Notes: I love any fic that examines Atem’s relationships (or lack thereof) with Yuugi’s friends and family. 
Jolly Sailor Bold / Shellfish Tendencies by Kudalyn
Original synopsis: “‘The seas sing for those who are lost, and for those who find as well.’
Atem is a siren/merman and Yugi is a ghost haunting a sunken ship Atem comes across. Atem is intrigued by the ghost, hangs around enough that they start to get to know each other, getting attached, and falling for each other over time. But Yugi’s memories start to fade, as ghosts don’t get to stay forever on the living plane, and Atem has to deal with this loss.
My entry for the YGO Big Bang 2018!
Content Warning of character death and mourning, with reward at the end if you stick through it ;)”
Type: Series of two oneshots
Word count: 15k+ combined
Rating: M
Warnings: Major character death (sort of temporary? It’s complicated lol)
Status: Complete
Times read: 3ish
Standout characters/aspects: Honestly really interesting implications about the origins of mermaids……….
Notes: Super fun twist on a mermaid AU.
Untitled Puzzleshipping Doujinshi by Kaluda
Original synopsis: “This is a doujin I made in 2019 that I decided to post here as well. Inspired by the end of the Dark Side of Dimensions film.”
Type: Short comic
Word count: N/A?
Rating: Unrated (I would say G)
Warnings: None (Major character death canon to manga/anime)
Status: Complete
Times read: 3ish
Standout characters/aspects: Such cute art!!!!!! 
Notes: Rare comic example, but it’s posted on ao3, so I’m counting it as a fic. It’s really very sweet & short, go check it out!
Angle of Approach by InkFlavored
Original synopsis: “Definition: (in golf) the angle at which the club head strikes the ball. This affects the trajectory the ball will travel and spin. 
The only thing Atem hates more than his family’s annual summer vacation is the “family” part. A whole three months away from home, away from friends, and away from freedom. This year, he’s nearly resigned himself to the worst trip he’s ever been on, surrounded by people he couldn’t care less about.
Then he meets Yugi, and decides to make his own fun.”
Type: Multichap longfic
Word count: 130k+
Rating: E
Warnings: No archive warnings apply, general warning for emotional and slight physical abuse by parents, and definitely warning for workplace sexual harassment
Status: Ongoing (Unfinished? Abandoned??? I sure hope not)
Times read: 2
Standout characters/aspects: Yugi is phenomenal in this AU. I’m obsessed with him.
Notes: I love this fic!!!! I usually don’t like fics where Atem is an asshole, but apparently it’s fine if he’s a bottom lmao. Anyway I love seeing Atem very very slowly become a better person against his will, and I’m really hoping Ink_Flavored is still working on this fic. It’s one of my favorite ongoing works.
Dress Up Game by InkFlavored
Original synopsis: “The Mutou family, including the newly resurrected Atem, get invited to a wedding. Neither Yugi nor Atem have anything to wear to the event, but it’s not a big deal. All they have to do is go shopping to pick something out. How bad could it possibly be?”
Type: Two chapter fic
Word count: 25k+
Rating: T
Warnings: None
Status: Complete
Times read: 3
Standout characters/aspects: Really great attention to detail about Japanese culture. Taught me a lot about traditional Japanese weddings!
Notes: This fic is so cute! Really nice fic that focuses on Atem living life after coming back from the dead.
Await Red to Become Anthracite by Zigur_zig_ah
Original synopsis: “Yuugi, security guard un-extraordinaire, leads a particularly mundane life. He sits in front of a monitor for eight hours a cycle, pretends to concern himself with the safety of five-hundred and thirty-nine Roman coins of no value whatsoever, and occasionally, when work is especially slow, occupies the unenviable position of Duel Monsters champion of the known universe.
But something stalks the perpetual darkness of Proxima-b. A horror from beyond the grave, loosed in a moment of carelessness, has set its hollow, empty sights on Yuugi - and Yuugi, try as he might, can't seem to stay away from it.”
Type: Medium length multichapter fic
Word count: 30k
Rating: M
Warnings: Creator Chose Not to Use Archive Warnings 
Status: Complete
Times read: 1
Standout characters/aspects: Really fun combination of futuristic sci-fi, horror, canon, and ancient Egypt?
Notes: A bit less romance-y than plot-centered, but the way the story unfolds is really fascinating.
Hindsight by Cloudsmachinations
Original synopsis: “Yugi needs to wear glasses. Atem needs to calm the hell down.”
Type: Oneshot
Word count: 2.5k
Rating: T
Warnings: None 
Status: Complete
Times read: 3ish
Standout characters/aspects: I love an Atem that is down bad
Notes: So cute tbh
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Sunshine Boy Chapter 1
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Franken Kyle Spencer X Reader
Word count: 806
Summery: A typical story of girl meets boy…and maybe some trouble along the way.
When we are young we are told stories of magical castles, brave knights, and evil witches.
As I step through the doors of Miss Robichaux’s Academy for Exceptional Young Ladies, I can feel the sweat starting to build on the palms of my hands. After the meeting with the headmistress, I have some time to explore my new home.
The portraits of previous supremes stand out on the snow-colored walls.
They look so poised and solemn, not a single smile in sight, how peculiar.
“Hey, you’re the new girl right?”Asks the brunette-haired girl.
I’m the new girl at a school for witches..right.
“Yeah actually, I just got here a few hours ago” I answer hoping to sound as nice as possible.
“Alright then follow me, you will be bunking with me and Madison.” She says as starts to walk up the curved stairs.
By sunset, I knew all of the necessary schedules, routines, and even picked up on some gossip.
After asking the girl from earlier, whose name turned out to be Zoe, for directions to the bathroom. I grabbed my things and headed toward what I thought was the correct room.
Upon entering the thought-to-be bathroom I quickly realized that it was a bedroom.
I'm instantly met with a pair of brown eyes that carry a confused expression. To my surprise, they belong to a boy with sun-colored hair.
Isn’t this supposed to be an academy for “exceptional young ladies”?
“I'm sorry I didn’t mean to barge in, I was looking for the bathroom.” I explain while looking at him. Instead of replying he simply gets up and cautiously walks over to where I’m standing.
As he stands in front of me with confusion written all over his face, I see someone walking toward the room.
“Oh hi YN, I thought you were going to the bathroom?” Says Zoe as she walks through the doorway.
“Yeah I was trying to find it, but ended up here.. who’s this by the way” I eye the blonde boy in-font of me.
After Zoe’s quick explanation, I turn back to who now is known to be Kyle.
“Well Kyle my name is YN, I’m new, sorry again for barg-“ Before I could finish my sentence Kyle raises one of his hands and gently places it on the side of my cheek. Zoe quickly moves his hand away while telling him that he shouldn’t do that.
That was an oddly comforting way to say “hello.”
“Um well I guess I’ll just go now, sorry again” I quickly add as I walk out into the hallway.
The following morning instead of waking up to see my new roommates, I woke up to see a note placed on my bedside table.
“Cordelia needed us to get some supplies so we are going to be out for a bit. Would you mind bringing some breakfast over to Kyles's room? Sorry for being a bother, Zoe. Ps: There are pancakes on the counter:)”
After reading the note I quickly get dressed and head downstairs to get some food for myself and Kyle.
“Kyle? Its YN. Is it okay if I come in? I brought some food.” I say as I slightly open the door. As soon as I come into the bedroom I immediately spot Kyle sitting on the floor with some sort of cards all around him.
“F..ood?” He questions as I sit down setting the breakfast tray in front of him.
“Yeah food, there are chocolate chip pancakes today!” I reply while taking a pancake from the stack.
His eyes immediately light up as he reaches for the plate. His face scrunches up in concentration as he pours the syrup on his pancake.
Something about his golden locks falling onto his face makes me want to just reach up and brush them away.
“So Kyle.. how long have you been here?” I ask while taking a sip of my coffee.
He looks at me and starts to try to communicate his thoughts. After a few seconds, he lets out an irritated puff and buries his face in his hands.
“Hey it's okay-“ I try to calm him down by placing a hand on his shoulder “- take your time.”
At that, he raises his head and lets out a small whine. He looks so exhausted, his eyes have a tear-like sheen and his lips are formed into a frown.
“St..uu..upid” He mumbles as he points his pointer finger at his chest.
“I know you’re not Kyle. You’re not stupid, okay?” I say while giving him a small smile.
Immediately I am engulfed in a tight hug. His arms wrap around me and his head goes to rest on my shoulder. After a few seconds, my hands start to stroke his hair in a soothing matter.
PS Whenever I post Chapter 2 It will be A-LOT longer. In the meantime I will be posting different Ahs stories, one-shots, and requests. Im currently working on a Tate Langdon one that will be posted in a few days! Lmk if you guys have any requests for future stories :)
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freetheshit-outofyou · 11 months
It is currently 2339 in Texas right now. My little brother who lives North of Austin was just visited by the BATF, at 2300hrs, on a freaking after work Friday. Why would the BATF be showing up at someone's house at such an hour? To fucking intimated my brother over his possible purchase of one or more Rare Breed FRT-15 trigger (Forced Reset Trigger). The odd thing is, this government overreach, unlike others I know that have been approached about FRT's because of "alleged" debit/credit card buys, my brother is accused of buying them with cash. Hummmm, if such a buy was done, and I'm not saying one was, with cash how would the BATF be able to follow a cash buy? I can only think of a few ways that could happen, this is the former LEO in me speaking. 1. Someone you know dropped a dime on you for whatever underhanded Blue Falcon bullshit reason. 2. The location you bought the item from rolled over on you for buying an item that was a legal commodity in the open market when it was bought. 3. Big Brother's nose is tracking your shit, this covers everything else. My little brother said he could not help them in their search and tried to close the door. An agent put his foot in the door and asked if they could search the house. He said, If you don't have a warrant, you should get your foot out of my door before I take this as an act of aggression and I am forced to defend myself. At this the BATF drew their weapons but removed there foot from the door while backing away. My SIL had already called the Williamson Co Sheriff and apparently after my brothers words the BATF called in the whole planet in. The Williamson Sherriff came to his door and was allowed in and told my brother that the BATF was saying he threatened to kill them if they did not leave. My brother said he laughed out loud and a lot. He explained To the Sheriff what he said and why, he also added that the entire exchange was recorded not once but twice from two different home security camera. He showed the Deputy the footage from both and was visibly angered, he got up and said he'd be back. By this time more BATF folks had gathered just this time better armed. The Deputy was out there about 20 minuets with the BATF yelling about threats and fear of being shot. Apparently someone with actual power on the ground told the agents to leaved. The Sheriff came back and said there would be no more trouble from the BATF and that an agent would be contacting him by phone in the morning to discuss what transpired. Folks, the police, all of them, have to follow the law by not following the law they put themselves in danger and endanger the public through their criminal actions. Police CANNOT stop you from closing YOUR DOOR even if they reasonably suspect a crime is being committed on the other side of the door. Further they cannot conduct a warrantless entry into a dwelling without "exigent circumstances" or permission from someone residing in the dwelling. That is case law set in Payton v. New York, 445 U.S. 573 (1980) and supported by Steagald v. United States, 451 U.S. 204 (1981). The Fourth amendment was written to stop these very things from happening. The BATF is out of control. They cannot make a rule, then make that rule punishable by both imprisonment and or fines and removing ones RIGHTS forever. THE BATF CANNOT MAKE ANY LAWS!
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promptcontainmentzone · 4 months
FALLOUT: NEW VEGAS SENTENCE STARTERS. warnings for: guns, violence, death, murder.
What in the goddamn…?
Let's keep this in the groove, hey? Smooth moves, like smooth little babies...
Baby, the odds may look long, but that's just because we ain't done rigging them. I won't toss the dice until we are.
Look, I ain't a harbor for illusions. I ain't expecting to get out of this shin-dig alive.
Can you spell detention? I'll tell you how I spell it: DEATHtention.
You are in the LIBRARY. Be quiet here and filled with SHHHHH.
I am lord of this institution. Where once, long ago, I was a student here. Now, I am its OMNIPOTENT GOD-PRINCIPAL.
______, you're about to have your FAVORITE treat - a VISITOR. Won't that be nice? DON'T eat the visitor, boy. Don't. Please.
What YOU ask is of NULL importance! _____ besieges us, there are more important things to worry about than DATA and FACTS!
ENOUGH! Stop filling my precious brain cell units with irrelevant data!
And… I wonder why it didn't hit me before, until I saw that memory in your hands.
How gracious of you. A mannerly killing.
Can't have brains moving around of their own volition.
In short: Brains, a heart, and courage... spine. I think there was a story once where a band of murderous thugs sought these things.
The ghosts aren't real? That changes everything.
Baby, this little reunion of ours? Chalk me up as a no-show.
I'm familiar with the care and handling of explosives.
How hard can it be? Just light them and throw.
I'd love to debate you on this, but there's no time.
No way. I'm not going to torch myself for your amusement.
It would be pretty funny, wouldn't it? Oh, don't look at me that way. I'm sure you'll be fine.
_____ is dead - what a mess you've made!
There will be no repeat of the trouble we had last time, I trust?
Even now? On the brink of battle?
You'll need a disguise, then. Or overwhelming firepower. Whatever works.
You must be, like… a brain in a jar!
Frontal assaults on casinos? Not good for business.
You have an interest in this even if you're too stupid to know it. If you have an interest in breathing, you have an interest in this.
They have no idea what other cards I'm holding. It's a strong hand, believe me - I dealt it to myself.
I guess I shouldn't be surprised. It'd be like them to keep paperwork.
I don't have friends here.
We'll kill more with two of us.
You only trust strangers?
Besides. I was on break when it happened.
I want you to find something out for me. I don't know if there's anything to find, but I need someone to try.
Gonna be hard covering you when I can't move my legs.
Goddamn it! Don't sneak up on me like that. What do you want?
Let me aim that for you next time.
You're hiding something. Spit it out. You owe me.
You got no right asking me that. Drop it.
It's just something I'm not ready to discuss. With you or anybody.
That part of my life is over now. So is this discussion.
Must've been one hell of a miscommunication.
Yeah, well. That's how they wrote it up in the report.
Life has a way of punishing you for the mistakes you make. Big enough mistake, punishment can take a while.
You're like a switchblade stuck on flick.
Shhhh… we're hunting shitheads.
All this planning won't matter much when the bullets fly, anyway.
No sense trying to hold the past between your fingers when it's nothing but dirt.
That fucking monument outside?
Started? Took to it like a fish to water... well, if you know what a fish is.
What the hell is a fish?
They're like birds, except they stay underwater.
Anyway, I've seen pictures. One guy even had one above his bar in Redding, except it was made of Pre-War plastic.
Greetings, _____. The disappointment you are about to experience delights me.
Can I order room service?
Am I punching too much? I get carried away.
You mean like this melee weapon right here in my hand at this very second?
Are you talking to me, or a future _____ who is not already doing that?
He always does what he feels is right. Usually that's a great quality.
Sure, I left them. But that didn't mean I'd ever be free of them.
We always make enemies, never allies.
Hold on. I see something I want to punch.
But at least I got the chance to try. At least I know for sure that there was nothing I could do.
Wow, _____ is looking for you, huh? What do you think he wants? Bowling partner?
But… you don't have a "this is good news" expression on your face.
Well, welcome, then. I'm _____. I live in a hole in the ground.
Well that shouldn't be a problem for me. I can't afford anything like that.
I've heard they shoot lasers from their eyes.
I just kind of drift from place to place.
I'll be honest. You're the first person I've run across out here that looks like she can really handle herself.
Aw, you really know how to make a girl feel like a stray cat.
He was dead when I got there.
This better not be about the meaning of life.
Damn, son, you look like ten miles of bad road.
Are you following me?
I saved your life so I kinda feel responsible for you is all.
I'll let that slide seeing how you gotta mind full of vengeance for that no-good polecat and all.
Yup, but this is getting a might embarrassing - people are going to start to talk.
That's a puzzle, all right. I'm sure it's nothing.
What in tarnation was you thinkin'?
I'll thank you not to touch my plunder.
Meaner than a rattlesnake, ain't ya?
To the Bone Orchard you go!
Seems they made like a ghost.
Won't help you none to lay low.
The Boss is pretty clear on this. I can't let you in unless you're by your lonesome.
You did a super job wrapping things up! And I'm not just saying that because I have to!
Here's a print-out with some additional information!
What? Did you expect me to applaud your efforts to support a deranged warlord?
That wig is going to haunt my nightmares. Seriously.
That one… had a little kick to it. The poisonous kind of kick.
Ahh, that feels better. I might not die for a while yet.
Am I dead? Is this Heaven? Oh. Hi _____. Guess not.
Will the medical wonders of the post-apocalyptic world never cease?
Back to the tomb, I suppose. If you need me, et cetera.
Strange how dead bodies appear wherever you go.
As the old saying goes, two's company, but three's a small army. Okay, I'm paraphrasing a bit, but you get the idea.
Wait, wait, wait a second. What's going on? Am I playing Vergil to your Dante?
I've woken up worse places. Not many, though.
That's sounding dangerously close to a plan, _____.
Alrighty then, I'll just head out. Alone. By myself. Into the dangerous wastes.
If I buy it out there, I want twelve mariachi bands playing at my funeral. A medal might be nice, too.
I'm not exactly a mercenary, but taking out scumbags of this magnitude wouldn't cause me to lose any sleep.
Why don't you make like Odysseus and get lost?
For as lack of adornment is said to become some women, so will this place, without your presence, bring delight.
I've run out of witty ways to tell you to leave, so why don't you just go?
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jhynka · 1 year
- failures
genre: angst. hurt/no comfort
pairing: ryohei arisu x reader
synopsis: arisu comes to you to vent on how tired he is, you react in a way he could never imagine
cw: verbal abuse, mentions of death
an: writer's block, writer's block, writer's block!!!!!!!! i tried to post this last night but tumblr crashed on me like 10 times already. anyway sorry if this isn't as good as my other fics the writers block is just so bad. this was originally a request from @a-simp-20 but the of post crashed and it also deleted the req from my inbox (its prolly the new aesthetic I'm trying out). anyway happy reading!
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“You know, if you just listened to me, you wouldn't have become so useless.”
He looked at you, fighting back tears. Out of all the people, you were supposed to be the one he felt the safest with. Not even Karube and Chota should’ve compared to you. He should have felt at ease with you as if he escaped every trouble he had in the world. He had just received his report card from school earlier this afternoon and wanted to vent out how tired and unmotivated he was for school. Expecting comfort, he received confrontation.
“I told you a billion times, it’s not that you're tired, it's because you're lazy. Arisu, look at me seriously. Do you really think you're ready to even be in a relationship if you can't even get your shit together?” You scolded him angrily, annoyed by his complaining. If he just even got off his stupid games for even an hour, the outcome would've been better than this you thought.
“Look, I'm sorry, okay? I didn't listen to you and now I'm complaining about it, can you please just calm down? You’re scaring me.” Ryohei pleaded, with the tears that finally ran down his cheeks. Hearing you call him by his last name broke you. He had told you how much he hated his last name, he hated it so much because it reminded him too much of his teachers talking about how great his brother was compared to him. Two different Arisu’s, one great and one left purposeless.
You looked down at him, sitting on his room floor looking straight back at you with tears. Even though you felt pity and guilt at the back of your mind, you knew that if he learned his lesson well enough, maybe his future would have some meaning for him. Ryohei wasted his life enough.
“You're such a waste! You have so much potential and you just go waste it all! Do you know how hard the people around you work while you're just sitting there with your stupid games?” You said to him, even more disappointed.
His tears fell harder, he shut his eyes and curled up. “I'm sorry. I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry…” He repeated shakily, not knowing what else to say.
“No matter how many more apologies you say Arisu, it will never fix the fact that you've wasted your life.” You said solemnly. “We're done, I can't stay with someone who doesn't know what to do with themselves.” You followed firmly, trying to walk out and leave his empty house.
“Wait!” He shouted, getting up and pulling your wrist to make you look back at him. “Please, Y/N, don't leave me, you promised you wouldn't. I’ll fix myself, I promise. Please don't leave me alone. Please I'm begging you, I’ll do it, ill fix everything, just please stay.” He begged, crying and sniffling in between sentences.
Flashbacks of the happy memories he had during your relationship spun across his head. He didn't want this to be the end, he didn't want to be blaming himself for another failure. You pulled away your wrist as he walked behind you, and chased you down the stairs begging, pleading for another chance. No matter how much he begged, however, that didn't stop you from slamming the front door on him, as you went back into your car and drove off.
Watching you drive away in the pouring rain, with his tears pouring harder made his world go silent. It was his mother's death all over again. He was the one to blame for you leaving and knew that he would never deserve you or another chance again.
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queenpiranhadon · 16 days
Reverse tropes >:)
So when you encounter an avid Webtoons readers such as myself, you have to wonder what the common tropes in those forms of media would be like when put into context of other characters.
And you've got resurrection, getting back at an ex, your assortment of gay comics and fighting homophobia, but I'm interested in one in particular.
That being the normal girl x famous boy trope - one that I love dearly, but also, something that I think would be even cooler if it was the other way around.
And so, I present, normal boy x famous girl 🤩
In the form of my otps :)
Imagine in a slightly futuristic modern world where a young woman by the name of Sophie Elizabeth Foster is one of the most successful people in the world, bringing society to a whole new level of operating with her extreme intellect through her technology company Moonlark. When she's only 18, she's singlehandedly become the most well known person in the world, and has come to a major roadblock- a virus has taken over her systems- nicknamed the Neverseen, as it was so powerful no one had seen it coming. Sophie needs a break, slipping out from the comforts of her penthouse located on Havenfield street, and makes her way to a beach on the outskirts of the city, where she meets a troubled boy who lives there - in a place joking called "The Shores of Solace" - with a knack for trouble who goes by the name of Keefe.
Annabeth Chase has recently recieved a Nobel Prize, making her way to becoming the most well known architect in all of history. For someone at the ripe age of 17, it's both a significant accomplishment as well as an overwhelming cause of stress. And yet, she knows she can't stop now, she has to be the best, even though she's at the top. Taking on as many projects as she can, she's touring an old aquarium that's meant to be torn down to create room for her next architectural feat - a large tower with the sole purpose of highlighting Ancient Greek culture, something that she holds dear to herself given her own roots. But she's shocked to find a boy there, around her age, with striking sea green eyes- and an infuriating loyalty to the falling apart building - noticing a stubbornness that she sees in herself. Can she get over her pride, and try to see eye to eye?
Being the top doctor in the world is both tiring and exhilarating. Katara knows that, and yet, she's not fulfilled. To become a doctor is a very coveted occupation, one many parents wish upon their children as not only is it impressive, it's flauntable (not a word but who cares). Katara's extremely grateful to her family, but always felt like she didn't belong where she was - she was extremely proud of her talent of course, but it was what everyone expected of her. Women where she came from were always those to rely on when it came to being cared for, a caterer almost. Katara loved helping those who were in need, but it was taxing to always provide, when she never truly received from others. One day, when visiting her local coffee shop, she sees two customers arguing over something menial. She would usually just ignore it and go along her way - she had more important matters to attend to - but things get out of hand and she finds herself in the process of getting her hands burned by a scalding cup of coffee. Thankfully the bartender there comes to her aid, pulling her out of the way with such strength unbefitting for his smaller form. And yet... Katara can't help but feel drawn to him, glimpsing the name Aang on his apron and slips a business card with her contact information she had on hand into his pocket before righting herself and walking away.
Am I right or am I right?????
Should I do more??
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cato616 · 11 months
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succession x fem! reader
im so excited to do this one!! like i said before it's more general targeted (kendall, roman, shiv,,)
summary: You have been recruited at waystar mysteriously, no records of you, but no questions were asked tho; but how? who are you? You're part of the FBI that has been sent to get done an under cover assignment at the much troubled entertainment company, and to do that means getting close to the Roy family, starting with Logan's kids; kendall, shiv and roman. Good luck with that.
content: nothing more than business and cop-ish crossover talk
"Are you nervous?" Asked your superior as you were both sitting facing each other inside their office, having a last briefing before letting you go into where the beast was hiding. "honestly? no, Logan roy is pretty rough I hear, but come on, there's an obvious take here, I'm an agent ma'am, I don't think I should be nervous, should I?" You asked her with a curious tone but feeling a little cocky at the same time, and they chuckle. "no, I don't think you should be nervous, however, the whole thing about this, is that you should seem like you are." She stood up as she straightened her arm to shake your hand to then dismiss you, you shake their hand. "I think so too." as you smirk showing off your confidence. "good luck, agent... the other agent will have you escorted with all the equipment you'll get to need from now on, so, farewell."
You gave a last greeting to your superior to then get out of the office to have the other agent waiting for you outside, with some instructions.
"good morning agent n/y." You would think everyone in here would wear the basic fbi jumper and clothing but at the criminal investigation division, the majority wears the suit and tie, with a badge of course, including yourself. "follow me." The agent ordered, you complied and followed him to a car, to drop you off where you will be living in the next few weeks, maybe months, depending how well you'll do your job. "this is how it will go." You were both sitting at the back of the car, with another agent driving the car; he's about to get your instructions given. "back at the trunk you have a luggage, inside, new clothes, plain corporate clothing, then, badge... you'll want to keep that on the low, probably have to keep it somewhere safe, and as for the safety, your gun, it is also a command that you'd keep it safe with your badge, if things go sideways... and one last thing, this phone." He gives it to you. "oh really nice this is" you replied with a sarcastic voice. "it is an old phone, but, untraceable, objectively to make the calls... it has a direct line to the commission and the office, that's all you need, good luck."
He dropped you off at a hotel, basically on the other side of the block, where Waystar was. You got to your room, started organizing what was inside your luggage. Clothes were fine, badge and gun inside a safe. You were having everything in order when suddenly you get a call from the phone you were given, you answered it, and you hear the voice of your superior on the other side. "hope your accommodating well at your new place agent." You hear them smiling. "this is better than expected I'd say." your voice was very, disciplinary you could say. "well I wanted to make the first call myself to double check before you start your work." You accidentally nodded first, but then answered. "absolutely." you replied. "Waystar has a lot of delicate information as we discussed, you'll have to look for old records, since they won't have anything on a hard drive, and for that you'd need access to most of it at the building, so we had to do some arrangements about that, making you transfer as a low profile corporate assistant, low enough to keep you off the grid, high enough to let the investigation proceed... somewhere with the clothing you'll find your own key card to enter the facility and start your day, tomorrow." Everything you heard, you heard it already, since it was a double check, except for the key card, but found it as where it was supposed to be. "I do have a question." You wanted to ask something practically off mission. "you may ask." Your superior politely responded. "why not raid Waystar? and not infiltrate like I'm doing, make it quick as possible." There was only silence on the other side. "... not yet, at least, agent... sleep well tonight, you start tomorrow." You understood their input without having to make another question about it. They hung up the call, and you were standing there, all quiet, thinking about your mission, your loneliness you will have to experience for the next few weeks you hope, nothing more than you, and an old phone to contact the only people you know.
aw man, why do I do this to myself.
After a long well slept night, you wake up with a sunny day, and that's at least the first good thing to start up your day pretending you're just an innocent transfer. You dressed up with what you had, and before leaving, checked the safe one last time, you locked it, and left the hotel.
You weren't feeling nervous, you were doing your job as an fbi agent, you could feel scared from time to time, but nervous like that? never. You were arriving to the floor you were requested to first enter. The elevator's door opened, and slowly got into the world of madness. this is oddly nice tho. You caught what it appeared to be an assistant going out of an office, having a tablet on her hand, that's the only thing that made you think, she's the one I gotta talk to. You walked towards her, you targeted her like as the main object of the mission, like a fucking robocop; however your face changed right away as soon as you started to get her attention.
"Hey!" Warmly greeted her with a fake smile as you tapped her shoulder from behind. She turned around, disoriented with your presence and impression. "who are you-" You cut her off, answering her almost instantly. "yes I suppose I'm new here... where...?" You looked around trying to seem clueless, but wearing that fake smile still. "oh! yeah... I got sent over some of your information today." As she looked on her tablet. "follow me." You followed the lady, to an empty office, with the big windows providing the best view you have ever seen of the city. "Mr roy should be here shortly." Mr. roy? which one...? The assistant closed the door of the office while you were standing there, without a clue of what was about to happen. Meanwhile, this empty office has a lot of paper lying around, for you to start digging. You walked over some shelves, lot of binders with different dates. You were almost about to grab one... suddenly that Mr. Roy finally came in, you didn't jump since you're an specialist at not jump? however this is your first undercover mission, at least you didn't ruin it on day one.
"oh... roman roy." It was roman who came in, looking very professional, suits and a big office in solitude, checks out I guess?. "What... were you doing over there, you're looking very suspicious..." shit. what? what do I say?. "So sorry I was... uh checking out, the pictures! over there." you had to improvise that and luckily, those pictures were right next to the binders, if not, you wouldn't have come up with that. Roman stayed put, staring at you, and out of the blue, a slight giggle came out, and then burst into a quiet laugh. "you should've seen your face, you look so tense, please don't shit yourself, we have a bathroom for that." As he continued to walk over his desk. oh now i remembered what they told me about him. "oh no need to sit actually, you can just stand up." He was making this impossible for you not to kill the man you just met, but it was important to seem welcoming for this people. You were waiting for him to say something, give you some information, instructions, anything; he was just sitting on his chair, with both legs on top of the desk, feeling like a king, a bit cocky. All he did was to check you out, eyes going from head to ass. You could say something, but deep down you knew how significantly more powerful you were over him, and something about how little and incompetent he is next to you, made you not care about his sneaky eyes.
"Roman! dude, what are you doing." You hear another voice from behind, it was the other Mr Roy who just entered the office and yelled at roman. "get out of my office." it's his office?? You looked over roman, how he played you into thinking he was the Mr Roy you were expecting. "yeah sorry about that, I didn't know you were supposed to be here, but I think it was funny... do you think it was funny, Ken?" Kendall seemed overly annoyed by him. "just get out rome." He would open the door for him. "honestly I was getting into something over here... but I can, come back? yeah?" He shrugged when asking while looking at you, but it was more of an rhetorical question, and then left the room.
"Very sorry about that, my brother-" You stopped kendall from talking any longer, wasn't his fault. "no worries, it's all good." He would smile at you, relived you wouldn't tell him off; showed his hand pointing to your chair, to make you sit, and so did he. "So, this is simple, I heard you were positioned as general assistant here... for basic stuff, that you will get to know them soon enough." Lets you know what kind of job, however, he was taken back a little bit, as if something was out of please, looking over your file, reading every line. "but... I don't know how have called yo-" You interrupted him once again, but this time, you were almost getting busted. "may I ask, how general are we talking about?" As you lean over to make the impression you were interested on his answer. "...yes! you'll hear about, me, roman, probably Tom Wambsgans from ATN downstairs, our sister Shiv Roy, and last but not least, the man, the one and only, my father... I'd say that's pretty general." You looked like you've found gold, it was fantastic. "great!" You zoned back in, stopped the creepy smile you were having when thinking how easily he was letting you access to everything... perfect, very clever from my superior. "You wanna know the others? before starting freshen up tomorrow." Dude couldn't make it more easier for you. "absolutely." You both stood up, ready to give you a tour of the place.
You first went down to the ATN division, where you found Tom and roman talking to each other. "hey guys, im making this quick, this is our new assistant, she'll be working for some of us." Kendall introduces you as you were impatiently looking over Roman and Tom, waiting for a response, but roman took the shotgun on that. "we meet again, nice to meet you." He stretched his hand out, for you to shake it, while having his eyes pierced, fixed on you. "y-yes, it's nice to meet you too." Tom cut him off to shake your hand as well, and wow he's tall. Roman was a tiny bit annoyed by Tom's doing. "you don't want to shake that hand, he just jerked off himself." Your eyes widened open while having an uncomfortable smile. Tom laughs nervously. "Oh roman, he's just being an asshole..." He looked over him, a bit raged up, but nicely looked back at you. "so what is that you assist?... coffee?.." Kendall was about to answer that but you replied first. "everything you need." Smiled mischievously. "well that's nice, it's nice to have you." Kindly said Tom. "well that was it, I'll leave you be, let's go y/n." As soon as roman heard your name, instantly stared back at you, honestly it was driving you insane.
"We're now heading to the big office... you know, my dad looks scary but he's all tender on the inside... so don't feel on edge, it's all good." You start observing Kendall, and if you learned something over the years interrogating people, you know when someone is lying...
You were getting closer to the office, you were behind kendall, haven't got the whole view in front of you, until he moved to the left when both of you came in, to then present you. "hey dad, do you got a minute? this is-" "not now!" Logan roy was in front of you, and he just yelled at his son on your presence; you knew he was a difficult man, yet it did make you staggered. "hey kendall, come..." Shiv roy appeared from behind, oh my god does everyone in this family pops up like that? Kendall seemed interested to know what was going on in there, with Logan shaken up, and the rest of his team looking very uptight, running around, corner to corner. Shiv took you out of the office to have a word. "now it may be not a good time." Kendall was perplexed. "what- why? what do you mean?" Shiv looked over Kendall's shoulder to see you from behind. "who is that?" Kendall took a step back, to stand next to you. "she'll be working for us, I was just showing her around for today, I had a break, so... she will assist you too." You smile at her very warmly. "oh, that's great, I guess... uhh, so anyway I was telling you-" Shiv's voice got lower, notifying Kendall the situation. "Dad and the gang are trying to solve an issue, about... some accusations." Your ears suddenly started to work ten times better than before, you had their full attention. "and are they... fixable?" Kendall asked in a coded way. "I think so, it's all very new, so we haven't played out a strategy yet-... where's our assistant?" Kendall and Shiv looked around as if a wizard just vanished out of thin air. "must've gone to bathroom?... I mean, they don't usually tell us what they do..." Shiv doubtedly agreed with Kendall.
After all, Kendall was right, you did go to the bathroom, but not to use it. You took out of your purse your work phone, and made a call. "agent y/n, number 472... I have recent information to notify the inspector..."
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staytinyville · 7 months
Lee Know
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↣ Summary: When your life suddenly takes a turn, and you're faced with large changes, you question if you’re ready for them. Lee Know is there to tell you it’s what you’ve been waiting for.
↣ Characters/Pairing: Lee Minho x gn!Reader
↣ Genre: fluff
↣ AU/Trope info: 9th member!au, idol!au, pre-debut!Lee Know, pre-debut!reader
↣ Word Count: 624
↣ Warnings: None
↣ A/N: We read nth member AUs here. There are a couple throughout the event. It did come out a bit smaller than I was hoping, but having a full story for each card isn’t the point. It’s just something fun to read while getting a tarot reading. 
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Judgment, Rebirth, Inner Calling, Absolution
This is your moment to prepare yourself for something bigger. You have been reborn like a phoenix and are now ready to experience your spiritual awakening. You are meant to embrace the new you and forget the past.
This is a card that is meant to tell you that you need to make life changing decisions but not with your head rather with your heart. You know things are going to be different from here on out but you need to let yourself feel those moments that will ultimately lead you to a better time.
You’re reaching the point in your life that is meant to take you higher than you are meant to be. It’s a place that the universe has ready for you after you realized that the things you’ve done in the past will only stay in the past. It’s also a card that brings you to share your struggles with other like minded people. Make sure you have those close to you in order to grow and come out of your shell.
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You watched over the replay of the last performance you did with the other boys. You also looked for the replies that came with each video of you. While you got the same amount of hate as the other boys, you didn’t seem to have many fans compared to the others. Your lips pulled together as you began to worry that you wouldn’t make it as far as the others. 
“You okay?” Someone asked you as they came to sit next to you on the couch. 
You gave Minho a smile in acknowledgment, setting your phone back down before turning to the TV screen in the room. Watching the performance pass by your eyes, you sighed to yourself. 
“Should I do this?” You asked Minho.
“What do you mean?” He frowned, looking at you oddly. 
Minho tried just as hard as you, if not harder. But he was someone who already had something under his belt to push him forward. Heck, he was a back-up dancer for BTS. All of the boys had something that made them stand out in a crowd, which made you feel like you were someone who easily blended in. Someone who wouldn’t be noticed in the group. 
“Should I continue with this whole idol thing?” You said. 
“Isn't this what you've always wanted?” Minho quickly spoke up. “You always talk about it.”
You were someone who was passionate about what you wanted. It’s what he found appealing about you. You demanded people to notice your presence in the room with how powerful you were in everything. You might have had trouble doing certain crafts, but you would try your hardest to find the perfect spot within it. 
“It's my dream more than anything.” You told him honestly. “It's what I want to do with myself.”
“Then why are you doubting?” He asked you.
“Because I'm scared of the changes that come with it.” You admitted. “They are inevitable–I know that for a fact, but I worry that they'll be too much for me.”
Here you were, not even a debuted idol yet, and already you're thinking of yourself negatively. Finding out where the problem was has always been the first step to overcoming your insecurities. You knew what it was that was making you doubt yourself, and you wanted to squash them down before you even got the chance to go out as an idol. 
“If you go into this thinking that it will be your downfall.” Minho told you. “This is your dream, and you know every consequence that will come from it. You've done your research, you're not going into this blind.”
“You have all of us going in with you. You're not alone in whatever you struggle with in the future. We are in this together at this point.” He finished. 
You turned to him, tears welling in your eyes as you understood that things were going to go the way they needed to. You had made it this far in your adventure into the idol world. You were going to struggle–you knew that much. It was what came with this kind of career. 
It wasn’t like you weren’t going into the whole thing blind. The changes that were going to come into your life were something you prepared for. You were someone who thought deeper into things than others. All those nights spent trying to reach that perfect performance each time was going to be worth it for you. The moment you debut with the others, everything was going to fall into place for you.
And just like Minho said, you weren’t going to allow yourself to go through it alone. You now had 8 other boys who were willing to share your struggles. 
“Thanks, Minho.”
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Tags : @cultofdionysusnet , @sandsofire , @k-vanity
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mysteryshoptls · 1 year
SSR Azul Ashengrotto Masqerade Dress Personal Story: Part 3
"A simple, mysterious talisman."
(Part 1) (Part 2) Part 3
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[Noble Bell College – Lecture Hall]
[clamoring voices]
Noble Bell College Student: Your singing voice earlier was just spectacular, Azul-san. By the end, I was moved so much, I had goosebumps.
Azul: Thank you very much! I am so pleased I put in the practice for this, but I did not expect such a warm reception.
Noble Bell College Student: Your grades are high, your singing is spectacular, and you put forth such great effort… And on top of that, you're such a sociable gentleman!
Noble Bell College Student: As fellow aspiring mages, we should exchange information so we can stay in contact. It's a pleasure to have met you!
Mage Training School Student: Good evening. You're Ashengrotto-kun, right? That was a magnificent song!
Mage Training School Student: And from what I hear, you also manage a café on your campus, right? I'd love to hear more about your business there.
Azul: Really? I'm happy to hear that, please, I would love to speak to you at length about it.
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Azul: I thank you all for your precious time. Now then, I am looking forward to hearing from you!
Azul: Fufu, just from participating in that one song, all these lemmings… Ah, no, I mean, all these students have approached me one after another.
Azul: This makes all the effort I put into my voice training absolutely worth the time.
Azul: It was also the right course of action to prepare an abundance of business cards. If I hadn't ordered extra, I may not have had enough.
Azul: I've made new connections, and I was able to familiarize myself with the City of Flowers. All according to plan… Fufufu.
Rollo: …That's a villainous laugh if I've ever heard one. Whatever could you be plotting?
Azul: Oh, my, Rollo-san. I'm pleased you seem well.
Azul: And yet it wounds me that you would call me villainous. I was simply… ruminating over how enjoyable my sightseeing tour of the City of Flowers was today.
Rollo: You toured the city again today? Well, well… It seems you've truly taken a liking to our city.
Azul: Indeed. It was a very fulfilling day.
Azul: First, I had breakfast at a café, and afterwards, I explored the structures and sculptures around the festival venue with Rook-san.
Azul: We took a small rest at a coffee shop, where we got to listen to a live piano performance alongside a rendition of a love song…
Azul: Oh, and, we also visited the marketplace! It was bustling with the locals, so it was a treat just being able to observe everyone.
Azul: The view of the scenery from the bridge on the way back to Noble Bell College was also very stunning…
Azul: Although we did lose ourselves wandering some alleyways along the way, I found the time we spent exploring was more than substantial.
Rollo: …Amazing how you were able to visit so many places before the masquerade even began.
Azul: Indeed, yes. All thanks to this wonderful map I was able to get my hands on.
Rollo: A wonderful map, you say?
Azul: Yes. This one.
[rustle, rustle]
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Rollo: That necklace…!
Azul: Ah, when I see the way you jump back in surprise… Fufufu, so I was right.
Azul: I only noticed after I had wandered into the alleyways.
Azul: The narrow paths that were missing from my map application, and the netting of this necklace was a perfect match.
Azul: It never occurred to me that there would be such a secret hidden in this long-honored talisman!
Azul: But thanks to this, I was able to navigate the City of Flowers quite efficiently.
Rollo: …
Azul: While I only noticed because of my phone's map application…
Azul: What convinced me was recalling the view of the City of Flowers from atop the bell tower.
Azul: And of course, that's all because I had a chance to see that sight not once… but twice.
Azul: Ah, how delightful. I suppose one could say it was indeed worth the great deal of trouble I went through, just to have been given the blessing to climb that bell tower a second time!
Rollo: …You truly are a scoundrel.
Rollo: There are only a handful of people that live in the City of Flowers who actually know the secret of this necklace…
Rollo: And yet someone as vile as you has figured it out.
Rollo: I cannot possibly imagine how you may abuse this knowledge. This city's prospects may well be in dire straits.
Azul: Rollo-san, there is no reason to fret.
Azul: I have no intention of divulging this necklace's secrets to anyone.
Rollo: When you say that with such a crooked smile, there is no possible way I would feel relieved…
Azul: The reason why I chose this necklace as a souvenir is because it seems to just be a trinket with no meaning.
Azul: I only chose it to see their bewilderment… To hear them say, "What in the world is this?" or "Why did you even give this to me?"
Azul: If it were to be revealed that it actually is a map of the City of Flowers, then my whole plan is ruined, do you see?
Rollo: …No, sorry, I don't understand at all. What are you talking about?
Azul: Essentially, if this necklace were to stay a simple, mysterious talisman…
Azul: It would also be in my favor.
Azul: Fufu, I am already looking forward to seeing Jade and Floyd's perplexed expressions.
Azul: After all, it's such a wonderful sensation to be privy to a secret that no one else knows.
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(Part 1) (Part 2) Part 3
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angelosearch · 16 days
Every time I finish a writing session, I think to myself, "I can't wait to write again."
I cannot explain how good it feels to think that. I am near tears right now. I've fallen in love with writing again and I am so incredibly grateful.
As a kid, I loved writing. It was amazing to me, how words could evoke emotions. I looked forward to making people laugh or cry with my poetry and fiction, mostly in the form of over-achieving creative writing assignments and cards for family members. When I was 11-13, I lost so much family through death and estrangement, and I lost all of my friends because I moved. I was a weird kid, so I had trouble making friends in my new middle school. I felt alone in the world. Writing and fandom made a space where I could connect with others. A place where I could feel like an insider instead of an outsider.
Writing was my main hobby as a tween and that continued through high school. At that point, writing was a domain that held all my academic confidence. I went to a vocational high school for math and science (my two worst subjects) and literally had the second-lowest grades in my class of 41 students. My STEM-focused classmates made me feel like an idiot (sometimes on purpose, sometimes not) but I destroyed them in English or whenever a non-lab report paper was due.
So when it was time to select a college/major, writing felt like the only thing I was capable of. Undergrad Writing BAs (as opposed to English BAs with writing concentrations) are not common (at least as of 14 years ago, in the US) so the program I got into had basically every teenager who wanted to pursue writing on the East Coast in it.
I went in believing I would write "the next great American novel."
I came out thinking I was only good for writing technical stuff and marketing copy, if that.
Don't get me wrong, I learned a lot from the program, my professors, and my peers, but my peers were so skilled, and some of my professors were so ruthless, and some of the classes were so challenging that my confidence was obliterated. Writing was no longer something fun and expressive that could bring joy to others--no, it was my meal ticket and nothing else.
For years after my graduation, I tried here and there to get back into creative writing, but I was so burnt out on my jobs that creativity felt like a burden. Then, I spiraled downward with my mental health... I forgot I could love anything, nonetheless writing.
Journaling was the first thing to get me back into writing. And then personal essays. But the true joy came when I started writing fanfiction again, and it's been fucking magical.
I am obsessed with taking the ideas in my head and showing them to others. I love having to do deep research to understand something enough to write about it. I'm evoking emotion again! I'm connecting with people! And even my confidence is back thanks to the support of the amazing individuals who read and comment on my writing. ❤️
And maybe (specifically FFVIII) fanfiction is my main focus now, and maybe it always will be. But for the first time since I was a teenager, the idea of publishing something fictional or otherwise--publishing something that I WANT to write--feels obtainable.
It's cheesy, but hell, I feel like I'm doing what I was meant to do. When I write, I feel like I fit in my body, like I can tune out my anxious thoughts, like I am home. What a gift. I hope everyone can find a hobby that makes them feel this way.
And I know writing will frustrate me at times. And someday it may not feel magical to do it. But for now, I am just so excited to release my words into the wild and see what they get up to out there.
Thank you all for being on this journey with me! Now, I'm going to go write. :)
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amorest-viesse · 5 months
[To The Mournful Puppets' Rescue] - Chloe SR Card Story Translation
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Ft. Shino
Unexpected Inspiration - Chapter 1
[Chloe’s Room]
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Chloe: I'll add some blue fabric here and… Hmm… It still feels like there’s something missing…
Chloe: Ah, hello! Just let yourself in!
Shino: Is now a good time?
Chloe: Shino! Of course. What did you need?
Shino: My sleeve ripped while I was training.
Shino: I’d fix it myself, but I thought you’d do a better job. Well? Can you do it?
Chloe: Let me see… Ah, there it is. That’s a pretty big tear alright.
Chloe: Of course I can help, just leave it to me! I can fix this up lickety-split!
Chloe: There we go! Can you try this on for me, Shino?
Shino: It feels good as new. Thanks, Chloe. I knew I could count on you.
Chloe: Ehehe, it’s no problem at all.
Shino: …So anyways, what’s up with that mannequin? Is that a new outfit?
Chloe: Oh, this? It’s my current project! I wanted to test out an idea I had.
Chloe: However, there’s still something missing and I just can’t place my finger on it…
Shino: I never would’ve guessed. It looks pretty cool to me. You should have more confidence in yourself.
Chloe: Huh? Really? 
Shino: Yeah. It doesn’t seem too restrictive either.
Shino: That’s always good since I need to move fast if Heath’s ever in trouble.
Shino: But... I can also see someone wearing this to one of your Western tea parties or some other fancy occasion.
Shino: I think even a retainer like me could wear this to a high-class event without feeling out of place.
Chloe: Ehehe, I’m really happy to hear that. Now I’m even more motivated to work on it.
Chloe: It just needs a little more refinement to pull things together… Hmm…
Chloe: I still can’t figure it out, but maybe moving the mannequin around will help…
Chloe: <<Suispicibo Voitin—>>
Shino: Hold on. You don’t have to use magic for this.
Shino: Let me try it on.
Chloe: Huh!?
Unexpected Inspiration - Chapter 2
Chloe: You’ll do that for me!? Really!?
Shino: It’ll be more natural with a real model, right?
Chloe: You’re a lifesaver! Thank you! Now then…
Chloe: <<Suispicibo Voitingoc>>!
Shino: How is it?
Chloe: Whoa, you look amazing!
Shino: Hehe. It’s like it was made for me
Chloe: The measurements are literally perfect! Oh, that gives me an idea! why don’t you take the outfit once I'm done with it?
Shino: Sounds great. In that case, you better make the most of this, so it’ll look even cooler on me.
Shino: Want me to try moving around like I’m fighting?
Shino: For example, I could do this… And this… And...
Chloe: Whoa, whoa, wait, go back! That pose just now gave me an idea! Could you do it again?
Shino: Huh? Which one?
Chloe: Um, the one two moves back… I think?
Shino: This?
Chloe: Oh uh, not that one… Hmm… Your leg looked like this and your hand looked super cool here… There! That’s it!
[Sketching Noises]
Chloe: Hey Shino, do you think I could put you in a temporary death state for a sec?
Shino: You want to do... what?
Chloe: It’s my specialty, so you don’t have to worry about a thing. It won’t hurt you even a bit!
Chloe: I just need to capture some of the finer details of your pose, but it’ll be quick! Please!
Shino: …
Shino: …You really are Western wizard through and through.
Chloe: Eh?
Tea Party Scenario - Card Episode
[Chloe’s Room]
Chloe: Oh, Master Sage! What are you doing here?
Akira: I wanted to ask you something about the mission… Wow, did you make this? It’s amazing.
Chloe: Ehehe, thank you. This is for Heath.
Chloe: Shino liked the outfit I made for him so much that he asked me to make a matching one for Heath too.
Chloe: Ah, and the rest of these are for the next Western wizard tea party. Would you like to come?
Akira: Can I? I would love to go!
Chloe: Yippee! In that case, I’ll make you one too!
Chloe: Hmm… For your outfit theme, I’m thinking “a dear friend of the household”.
Akira: Huh? What household?
Chloe: Oh, right! You’re not filled in.
Chloe: Since Shino is going out of his way to dress up for the tea party, he wanted the set to have a unifying theme…
Chloe: If there’s a role you want to play, please tell me.
Akira: W- what are the others doing?
Chloe: Let me think… Heath is the young master of the house, and Shino is his trusty soldier and servant.
Chloe: I’m supposed to be Heath’s designated tailor, and Rustica is a wandering bard.
Chloe: Murr is the manor cat, and Shylock…
Akira: (This is a real colorful cast! I wonder how this tea party will turn out…)
Home Screen Voice Line
“I wonder if there will come a day where I’ll have to hurt someone else to protect the people I love… I hope that day never comes. I wouldn’t want to wish harm on anyone. If only we could always talk things out over tea and sweets, that would be the best.”
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