#Number one problem child
nobody-is-here01 · 8 months
Vigilante Deku, *holding a snake*: Guys I impulsively bought a snake, what do I name him
Aizawa : You did WHAT-
Vigilante Dabi : William Snakespeare
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"You can't move him up a grade!" The social worker said, aghast. "I won't deny that Danny is brilliant, but look at his social skills. He needs proper socialization with people his age, not-"
"People on the same level as him?" Tim asked. He was glaring at the woman.
"High schoolers," she finished, giving Tim a look.
Dick's hands were folded as if in prayer, pressed against his mouth. "I understand you point, Mrs. Gonzalez, but this is my reasoning; there is not an eighth grade class in this country that can handle Danny. He curses. He drinks. He smokes. I love that kid and I'm doing the best I can, but he's a feral goblin child and you, or any teacher, can't control him."
She looked like she swallowed a raw egg, but Mrs. Gonzalez had been Danny's social worker since the paperwork went through, and was a long time friend of the police chief in Bludhaven. She'd been there for the Toast Incident; she knew how Danny was. "...Why don't we consider a homeschool program first? With after school and weekend activities."
Dick flashed a smile. "That's better."
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nuttersincorporated · 7 months
The Narrator wanted to found Omelas and the Contrarian would choose to walk away
There is a short story by Ursula K. Le Guin called ‘The Ones Who Walk Away from Omelas’. You can read it here or listen to it here.
The basic summery is that Omelas is a wonderful city. People are happy, kind and intelligent. The arts and science are celebrated and people can pursue their passions. There are no kings, police or army because they aren’t needed.
However, for all this to work, one child is locked in a basement. They are frightened, abused and underfed. Everyone knows that the child is there and they all accept it. The child must suffer so that everyone else can be happy.
If the child leaves the basement or is ever shown any kindness at all, then the good fortune and happiness of everyone in Omelas ends. Omelas would become like any other city. Instead of one child suffering and everyone else being happy, most of the population would suffer so that – like in the real world – 1% of people could have their every whim satisfied.
Everyone in Omelas knows that the child is there. A lot of them go to see the child but even those that don’t know the child suffers for them to be happy.
Sometimes, someone in Omelas will go quiet for a few days before they leave Omelas forever. Where they go to no one knows, it is a place even less imaginable than Omelas.
Anyway, the point of all this is that the Narrator is trying to turn the universe into Omelas. One person has to suffer so that everyone else can be happy. Unlike the child in the original story, the Princess wouldn’t even have to suffer for very long. She would die and then everyone else would be saved.
I think the Contrarian would be one of the people that walk away from Omelas. He thinks everything is all fun and games and enjoys annoy people. However, the moment he realises that his actions have actual consequences and that the Princess is being hurt by them, he stops and wants to help.
I think, if he was in Omelas, since he couldn’t save the child, he would choose to leave rather than be part of the reason the child has to suffer. For the same reason, if he had to slay the Princess to ensure everyone else’s happiness or save her a damn everyone else, I think he’d choose to leave. Even if he can’t save her, he wouldn’t want to be one of the people she had to suffer for.
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gaygryffindorgal · 6 months
I know they're still in the works but what if they had kids for Winona and Harlan?
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Name: William "Liam" Lawrence Rosewood (or Rowle, could go either way but I think they might end up wanting to get some distance between them and Harlan's family because they kind of Suck)
Gender: male (he/him)
General appearance: light brown hair, hazel eyes, freckles
Personality: adventurous, brave, friendly, sociable, nosy, has a good sense of humour, a little insensitive, thinks he's the hot shit but has a good heart
Special talents: dancing, green thumb (which no one ever believes about him until they see him in Herbology class)
Who they like better: Winona
Who they take after more: Winona, but gets his superiority complex from his dad
Personal headcanon:
He's sorted into Gryffindor at Hogwarts. He plays Quidditch as a keeper and enjoys Charms and Herbology. He probably travelled a lot as a kid with his parents and is pretty worldly, speaking multiple languages.
Face Claim: Chase Stokes
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Times it is good to be a very small, young-looking adult:
- Fitting in small spaces
- Working with children under 8 because you are small and they are very extra small and so you seem less intimidating
- Can use playground equipment easily
- Everyone gives you the benefit of the doubt if you don’t know something because they think you’re 16-18 and even if they know your actual age (like a doctor) you just look so smol that they take pity on you and are extra helpful.
- Crawling through bushes 
Times it is NOT good to be a very small, young-looking adult
- on a playground with 5th graders and you’re shorter than half the 11-12 year olds and therefore look like one of them and they think you’re a kid.
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labyrynth · 1 year
*opens jgy tag*
“the difference between WWX and JGY is that JGY is straight-up evil. he isn’t a victim of circumstance or anything, he was just BORN dirty evil. he had so many options and he GLEEFULLY chose to murder little boys and girls.”
“(unlike WWX, who is NEVER selfish and is ALWAYS selfless and ALWAYS knows what’s RIGHT and WWX saves CHILDREN’S LIVES. how many children did jgy save?? NONE.)”
…*closes jgy tag*
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xrosevoidx · 1 year
looking back on all the shit i learned as an autistic kid about "social rules" and all the classes and books and worksheets ive been subjected to theres one specific "rule" that i still think about a lot
it was something along the lines of: if you get a phone you might want to customise your ringtone, set it to your favourite song - but dont. keep it the default. because the people around you dont want to hear it
and idk man thats just. depressing to me
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I just realized that I hate being directly talked to (in most situations); but if someone is talking to their friend at the same table as I am, and we’re all working on separate projects, I love listening to their conversation? Like, in art class these two gamer kids would go on and on about Sonic and Overwatch to each other and it was amazing; because I like reading Wikipedia articles on things I have no personal interest in just to know what it is enough to talk about it if someone brings it up in conversation.
Call that benign eavesdropping.
#I kinda programmed my brain to zone out if someone talks to me at length because I was vented on so much as a child#I also programmed my brain to zone out when reading because of The Meetings#one of my earliest memories is pretending to read the Daily Text by moving my eyes back and forth dramatically (I was… five?)#and my dad made thehalfway-snide remark of “Wow I can tell you’re following along because your eyes are moving“#and I was like “oh crap I overacted; gotta find another way to do that“#so then I figured out I had this magical ability to actually read words and absorb nothing from them#and instead of trying to fix that magical ability as the problem it was; I amplified it to the point where I hated reading#because I couldn’t read anything longer than a paragraph without going through the five stages of grief#so naturally 30 minute reading time in school was horrible and I hated it#because they said we had to read a certain number of books and REALLY put the pressure on us if we didn’t#and ​we would have to finish books over winter break in order to get a good grade and ??? hello what does the word break mean to you?#I don’t wanna read a book for school on my BREAK#I never got close to the forty books they wanted us to read#the most I ever got in a school year was seventeen (and they were all short)#of those; I maybe liked reading two or three#the rest I either hated or have no memory of#which is saying something because I have an excellent memory#usually
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narutomaki · 10 months
my analog horror would be called the bozo chronicles because every time I think wow I should try and get into some well written and conceptualized horror they seem to be having so much fun and then I make it half way through a review actually watching it and have to do guided meditation and breathing excersizes to feel safe opening my eyes again
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firebirdsdaughter · 2 years
You know…
… What I love about the David Jobs?? Well first off, even if it was planned and however close the fight turned out, I love Eliot immediately going into protective mode when he (presumably) clocks Quinn taking photos of Nate and Sophie. There’s no hesitation, he’s just immediately in enforcer mode; and then following that, the way he, as Quinn says, won’t go down. Aside from being a testament to Eliot’s endurance, I also like taking it as his determination and ferocity increasing bc he’s fighting to protect and to get back to his team. Eliot’s very perceptive, the instant Quinn started giving him a real fight, I’m sure he knew it was a set up—which, in consequence meant that the rest of his team was in danger and Quinn was there to keep him away from them and get him out of play. Eliot’s first actions after the fight are to get his earpiece to warn Nate and check in, and then he doesn’t stop to take care of himself before participating in the rescue plan, despite broken ribs and maybe a concussion—in that moment, he’s not just fighting to avoid capture, he’s fighting to get back to his family so he can protect them like he’s supposed to.
The David jobs are a lot about how the team realising they’ve settled into being a family and caring about each other and how they’ve become different than other teams. Eliot is much more of a tacit person, esp in regards to emotions and genuine caring, and he’s the team protector, and he takes that position seriously. While his laughter at Quinn’s question could absolutely be taken at him being amused at Quinn’s frustration (which I do think is part of it), I kinda love it as him realising the reason he won’t go down and laughing in both disbelief at where he’s found himself and Quinn’s inability to understand. Eliot spent years fighting for himself, just to survive, and he’s gone up against many a strong opponent—Quinn giving him a real challenge isn’t just to make it clear things are seriously going wrong, it’s also the Eliot way to showcase how much he’s come to actually care about the team that in order to get to them, he will refuse to go down until he comes out on top. Unlike Quinn, Eliot’s not fighting for money, he’s fighting for people he cares for and wants to protect, and Quinn is an obstacle keeping him away from doing that. Quinn is in the way when Eliot’s family needs him. So no way in hell is he going down.
Also, now going back over it again… The fact that this starts Eliot’s eternal hatred of Sterling… Eliot’s been beaten up before in the past, we know he’s been in some particularly hairy spots. It’s not hard to assume that his resulting loathing of Sterling stems not just from Quinn giving him a hard fight (esp since he’s on perfectly fine terms w/ Quinn himself later, which I love and is so them), but the fact that Sterling did this to his team on his watch, that Sterling was able to keep him busy long enough to grab and/or threaten people he was meant to be protecting, esp people he cares for. That’d cause a life long grudge.
#Leverage#what did I even say???#on rewatch number three and I forgot Quinn said that!#but yeah that's absolutely why he won't go down#Eliot is nowhere near stupid and he knows tactics#the instant Quinn actually poses a problem for him he KNOWS it's blown and the others are in danger#also while I'm rambling about family#the way Sterling targeted the Kids first#he knows Eliot will immediately go after someone apparently tailing Nate and Sophie#sets up things so he intercepts Parker#has Hardison followed and the building watched#I think one thing that doesn't exactly get thought about much#which is understandable bc it's a tiny tiny thing that just occurred to me on the rewatches…#technically Nate met the kids first and Sophie came second#it wasn't that much time difference but that first job was where they all started to click#anyway more to the point I love that Sterling clocked that if he could get the other three as leverage (lol)#he could throw Nate off his game#obviously he underestimates how hard Eliot will fight to protect/get back to his family#but I do think it's showing of his awareness of Nate and how perceptive he is about the team's relationships#he knows Nate has lost one child and he will not risk losing more even if they are grown ass adult criminals#also it's not narrative accident that the three not captured are Nate and Sophie and Eliot#dad mom and big brother#I kinda wish we'd seen more of them interacting/planning after that but I do know it'd defeat the 'unspoken plan' thing#I just love the way Eliot immediately talks to Nate and Nate's 'talk to me Eliot' I love that#Nate immediately telling Eliot to go to ground for his safety even though he goes to meet Sterling… I'm love them#Eliot showing up at the office w/out having taken care of his injuries presumably bc he'd been just waiting for the call#but to get back the point I had an hour ago I think Eliot's hatred of Sterling does stem from that#it's like the bodyguard's worst nightmare basically he was meant to protect the team and now two are caught and the others are under threat#from Eliot's perspective he failed and that's gonna stick w/ him forever#… I probably have too many tags on here I should make a new post
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little-klng · 1 year
cant deal with those poll posts asking how i do a simple math problem and they start listing weird pemdas number combos with an other option. the answer every time is "on my fingers for a couple minutes, crying" and its not likely to change
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nobody-is-here01 · 9 months
Aizawa : the next person who says 'weird flex but ok' is going to get a kick to the shin.
Vigilante deku : preposterous boast but alas.
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mstopportunity · 22 days
Very frustrating: An otherwise good fic grossly misunderstands the canon motivation of the character it's trying to fix.
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hellonoblesky · 3 months
i feel I may be too much of a pushover
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medicinemane · 10 months
You can't just be like "well my chart here says" or "well science says" or "well this thing agrees with my biases so therefore it's true"
Like man, I bet I could find something agreeing with any position I wanted to take. If I couldn't it wouldn't be hard for me to make a semi professional looking graph that makes it look like whatever I want is true
Also like... who's the source man, cause on any given issue there's some I'm probably gonna toss out because of their blatant bias. Like I'm not even gonna entertain anything 'autism speaks' has to say on autism because I'm not wading through a bunch of trash to see if there's a glimmer of truth buried somewhere in it. They've blown all their credibility with me, I don't admit them as evidence anymore and nor should I
So who's your source and do they have any credibility or are they extremely biased (cause... this happens a lot)?
What's this so called study? What's this so called science? I am not really the person who can sit through a whole paper, but I can at least sometimes give them a sniff and see if the stuff they're saying seems to add up or if I'm spotting anything instantly off (cause sometimes you straight up look and go "wait a minute... you didn't even account for this")
I'm not perfect, but at least I actually think about the problems with ideas I care about. Like with nuclear I know that the lack of economies of scale means infrastructure is going to be more expensive, but I can also at least point to solar and point out that it was the same with it, but once we got wider adoption prices started to really drop
At least I can think about my point and make actual reasonable inferences and conclusions rather than just blindly screaming at everyone to agree with me or they're immoral
#I'm just honestly kind of annoyed at people for acting like children about really really really important topics#that I often actually do care about and am even on their side... just not their behavior and black and white world view#and I really really really don't want to actually say what's stuck in my craw#cause people 100% can't behave like adults about it and have a civil conversation#and it's just an invitation for people to drop all illusions of humanity and sling whatever nastiness they feel like#cause they know they're justified in it#and heaven forbid they apologize later#did I ever mention that I do in fact hold long grudges; I just also know how to put stuff aside to cooperate?#but I do remember this stuff; and the behavior is not forgiven because no apology for the rudeness was ever offered#anyway... I'm not touching it; and the annoying part is nominally I'm actually on the same side#it's just I'm not a damn child about it; and I'm more worried about 'how do I get the results I want' instead of crowing my virtue#and I'm more worried about if certain measures actually treat the issue or don't do shit while just causing new problems#(guess what I think the case is)#I can instantly list you one simple step that would massively improve the situation#can't tell you how to make it happen (though I have thoughts); but I can tell you for a fact it'll help#concretely; undeniably I think it might be the number one step to slash instances of this problem massively#...but uh... doesn't seem like it's a popular answer despite it being an objectively good thing#much better to bring the cops in to it; a group we can certainly trust not to turn on us and misuse any new powers given#that's the way people would prefer to do it rather than getting to the root#so yeah... I'm just annoyed by this; I probably will be for a while cause people won't stop fucking crowing about it#(and if you knew what it was you'd know they never fucking will)#blah blah blah morals or whatever#ok vegan who hates bees and uses plastic wool level of stubborn fool#and how much have you done to actually fix the problem compared to how much you've done patting yourself on the back?#just damn annoying; the number of people I trust to behave like adults with this...#I might literally be able to count it on two hands
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gurorori · 11 months
i will talk ab source. part 1 is prolly childhood? I REACHED TAG LIMIT
#idk wat 2 preface this with except 4 da fact idk which parts r canon divergent n which r nawt beyond the obvious trauma stuff dat definitely#gawt mjxed in with it. also a thing ab memories is dat its nawt one super chronologically consistent timeline its kinda chunks#either way. there was still nothin known abt my supposed family & from the moment i remember myself i lived at the orphanage#i unrerstood wat it lik 2 b alone n fend 4 myself very early. yud think an institution providin care 4 children wud negate dat but i think#it only saturated it in many ways. orphanages r notoriously underfunded & the lives of those kids disregarded. ya can imagine. early on i wa#s definitely goin thru a rebel stage of not wantin 2 accept things how they wer n tried 2 run away a number of times (comin back each time)#2bf i dn think i ever came at peace with this bein my life. but growin up along the others made me feel a sense of responsibility n belongin#dat i cudn push aside. especially when no1 cared 4 me So no one wud care 4 them. ppl think of orphanages as a fixit but realy they only#create more issues for the children & ours was no different. it was both strict n neglectful? tere wer clear time tables set in day2day life#but anyone who wasn able 2 keep up wud quickly fall outta it which is where i came in#but its nawt likr dat was met with gratitude from the carers Cuz i was a problem child thru n thru in they eyes#also next 2 nothin was done 2 prevent conflict between children an the grown ups wud pin punishments onto both parties#nawt 2 mention when the carers wer part of da problem like. when it came 2 gettin physical or. otherwise abusive i don wanna say But is also#sumthin i experienced. n in part why i attempted 2 runaway many times b4 givin up.#i don remembr when i strted workin but it began with beggin in da streets n rummagin thru dumpsters aha. the typical mikaness?#i cringe rememberin it but id cling onto the passerbys n pity em into givin me money. it wasn even 4 myself most times.#gettin things of yr own was incredibly hard especially when ut was sumthin ya needed n it wasn provided as a necessity#various things com 2 mine but les b honest as a lonelu kid most ya want is company#idk i w growin up asocial up 2 a certain point. resorted 2 pickin up old toys from the garbage? i always had an affinity 4 objects strangely#id wash em in the sink n patch em up best i cud & eventually the others wanted em too s id kinda give a lot away which i didn mind in da end#i dunno jus. lots of sharin stuff round. clothes n toys n anythin ya can think of ehe#we didn have beds & we slept on the floor? had BEDDIN but it was like a one big spread for all the kids. a sumthin dat still warm my heart s#thinkin of a lot of da lil ones clingin 2 me in their sleep as they clutchd onto a plushie#STAWP i started cryin. anyway. it was so far from perfect n it was intensely traumatisin nawt 2 mention the lack of. well. any upbringin dat#kids usually get growin up. we r pretty much left 2 our own devices.#but once i was old enuff 2 work i grasped at any straws whjch i... don wanna get into?#but work is work is all i will say. also a part i think i didn mention is in my memories ofc i am more bodily in accordance with our body so#i was recognised as afab/a girl while bein a bit.. different#i don remembr how many times i cut my own hair but i did let it grow out later on. talkin shoulderblade length or so. jus as messy n unruly#as our hair is www
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