#We live in a world where almost all of us ARE the child suffering so that a few can benefit
nuttersincorporated · 10 months
The Narrator wanted to found Omelas and the Contrarian would choose to walk away
There is a short story by Ursula K. Le Guin called ‘The Ones Who Walk Away from Omelas’. You can read it here or listen to it here.
The basic summery is that Omelas is a wonderful city. People are happy, kind and intelligent. The arts and science are celebrated and people can pursue their passions. There are no kings, police or army because they aren’t needed.
However, for all this to work, one child is locked in a basement. They are frightened, abused and underfed. Everyone knows that the child is there and they all accept it. The child must suffer so that everyone else can be happy.
If the child leaves the basement or is ever shown any kindness at all, then the good fortune and happiness of everyone in Omelas ends. Omelas would become like any other city. Instead of one child suffering and everyone else being happy, most of the population would suffer so that – like in the real world – 1% of people could have their every whim satisfied.
Everyone in Omelas knows that the child is there. A lot of them go to see the child but even those that don’t know the child suffers for them to be happy.
Sometimes, someone in Omelas will go quiet for a few days before they leave Omelas forever. Where they go to no one knows, it is a place even less imaginable than Omelas.
Anyway, the point of all this is that the Narrator is trying to turn the universe into Omelas. One person has to suffer so that everyone else can be happy. Unlike the child in the original story, the Princess wouldn’t even have to suffer for very long. She would die and then everyone else would be saved.
I think the Contrarian would be one of the people that walk away from Omelas. He thinks everything is all fun and games and enjoys annoy people. However, the moment he realises that his actions have actual consequences and that the Princess is being hurt by them, he stops and wants to help.
I think, if he was in Omelas, since he couldn’t save the child, he would choose to leave rather than be part of the reason the child has to suffer. For the same reason, if he had to slay the Princess to ensure everyone else’s happiness or save her a damn everyone else, I think he’d choose to leave. Even if he can’t save her, he wouldn’t want to be one of the people she had to suffer for.
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coquelicoq · 2 years
natsume book of friends season 4 opening sequence has got me incredibly fucked up. the lyrics. kid natsume's tiny little legs and teenage natsume watching him run. the lyrics. nyanko-sensei burrowing into his arms. did i mention the lyrics? ending frame on the fujiwara family. including natsume. because he's part of their family. as the lyrics ask him to "please [not] keep suffering alone"? somebody fucking hold me.
#i'm actually almost done with season 4 because i have no self-control. and every time i watch the opening i'm like#no this has only gotten more potent since the last time i watched it. we are reaching danger levels#natsume yuujinchou#natsume's book of friends#my posts#season 4 is the season of tanuma just completely destroying me on every level. why is every single character like this??#every time he learns something about natsume he's like oh so this is what it's like for natsume?#and then it happens again and he's like wait natsume ALSO has THIS OTHER THING to contend with??#and again: AND A THIRD THING?? WHY MUST THE WORLD'S BEST BOY NATSUME TAKASHI SUFFER???#he just wants to help natsume deal with stuff and i am on the fucking floor#his thought process is just#this is hard for natsume. i wish i could help him. maybe here's a way i could help him? he doesn't want me to though because it would#put me in danger. but i don't want him to be in danger either. and i'm telling him that to his face. i don't think it's really#gotten through to him but that's okay i will just keep telling him. now i'm realizing that the thing i did to help him maybe just made#things harder for him. this is hard for natsume. i wish i could help him. maybe sometimes the best way to help him is to just#respect his wishes and yet remind him that he can lean on people and that people love him as much as he loves them#the part where tanuma realized why natsume doesn't tell the fujiwaras about youkai gutted me#this kid is so emotionally astute and such a sweetheart#i just watched the episode where natsume loses his picture of his parents and his old house is getting sold and i cried. SO many tears.#tanuma putting his foot down for once like no actually you need to admit that something is bothering you this time#we can find this picture. ask us to help you do this thing that we can actually do for you. you don't need to be sad for no reason#mmm can't be coherent about it just rest assured it was extremely harmful to me and also exactly what i needed#anyway the season 4 opening song as the thing you say to your younger self who lives inside your current self because#you can't actually go back in time and be the person your younger self needed to have in their life. so all you can do is love that child#in absentia but so so so fiercely and with your whole entire heart#all you can do is give your current self all the love you have for the child you were#jesus CHRIST
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air--so--sweet · 3 months
So, Aidan Gallagher was the last cast member to wrap on season 4, and he wrapped several days after everyone else which I've been presuming means we're getting some apocalypse flashbacks but I've just had another idea.
We see Lila and Five travelling to what looks like the original apocalypse, what if they see young Five in the apocalypse? I think it could be really interesting as I don't think any of the other characters fully appreciate what he went through (well, Luther appreciates what it feels like to live in total solitude). Especially when he came back looking exactly like he did when he ran away, but with an adult consciousness instead of a teenage one. It makes it very easy to forget he got stranded and had to learn how to survive in an apocalyptic wasteland as a literal child. While grieving everyone and everything he has ever known.
And I think for Lila to be the character to witness that, as someone who has quite an antagonistic, but also incredibly loving relationship with Five (I was going to say though neither would admit it, but actually I feel both of them had dropped almost all pretense of hating each other at the end of season 3. I don't know if either would verbally express love for each other but in the same way I don't know if either would verbally express love for anyone) would be incredibly affecting. Especially as, unlike his siblings, she never knew teenage Five, she has always known him as an adult who looks like a teenager. I feel like for Lila to witness firsthand the brutality Five experienced alone in the apocalypse, and to realise he was really just a child, especially now that she has a child herself...well I think it would be truly upsetting for her but also giver he a deeper understanding of Five and just how important his family is to him (and family is what Lila desires and values most in the world too).
But also, it will make her realise how similar Five's experience was to her own. Because both were caused to suffer at a young age by the Handler, Lila by having her parents murdered, Five by being left in the apocalypse for 45 years when she could have plucked him out at any point, and then exploited for her own gains with little to no care given to how it sould affect them. Five says The Handler made it so he couldn't belong anywhere, that she made him a killer; she more or less did the same thing to Lila.
Most theories I write are just 'Oh this would be cool if it happened' or 'Look at this ridiculous idea I had', but, now I've imagined it, I'll be really disappointed if we don't see Lila and Five witness younger Five in the apocalypse. Damn...
Also, while writing this it occurred to me that, if the scene where Lila is crying is in the subway, which is looks like it is, maybe she isn't crying because something happened her daughter or Diego (as most of us presumed), maybe it's related to her seeing something The Handler did in another timeline. Or maybe it's just the emotional impact of seeing The Handler in the flesh again, knowing Lila loved her and saw her as her mother, and The Handler was happy to murder Lila in cold blood when she realised she couldn't manipulate her anymore. That's bound to fuck you up. (To be be clear, because I think how I phrased this suggests we'll definitely see The Handler again, I have no idea if we will or won't but with the hopping of timelines it's a possibility.)
Or maybe Lila sees what The Handler took from her, what life would have been like if she grew up with her parents. Or again, the effect of just getting to see her parents alive and in the flesh. A train always stops in the same places, it can't just change course or route like any other vehicle. Maybe the subway allows you to move between timelines/time travel but only as an observer. You can't change or effect any events and therefore can't interact with anyone as a result. Imagine the pain of seeing your parents you thought you'd never see alive again and not bring able to interact with them in any way. Or maybe she has to witness their murder again knowing she can't do anything to stop it. It would be a really interesting parallel from their relationship in season 2 to have Five comforting Lila over the death of her parents.
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luimnigh · 3 months
so what is the meaning of omelas because I hear a different take every month
The Ones Who Walk Away From Omelas is a narrative where you're asked to imagine this Utopian city, on the day of a summer festival. While it does detail the city fairly clearly, it tells you to imagine whatever you want. Whatever political system, whatever religion, whatever floats your utopian boat. Want an orgy? Sure, go ahead. Want drugs? Not LeGuin's cup of tea, but go ahead.
And then when the narrator comes to the conclusion that no, you can't imagine that, that your idea of a civilisation must have someone suffering, gives you this imaginary child in some dank cellar, suffering in it's own filth. That the child must suffer for Omelas to prosper, and that everyone in Omelas knows about the child from adolescence onwards. And most people react to this in disgust, but eventually come to rationalise it through one philosophy or another.
And those who cannot rationalise their disgust away instead walk away into places much less imaginable.
There are many takes on this story: as an allegory for the West's resource exploitation of the less-developed world. As a trolley problem, either to choose one of the options based on different ethical frameworks, or to imagine a third. As a treatise to always be vigilant to the hidden evils around you. As a metaphor for how we temper our views of other societies by weighing their good and their evil, while ignoring the evil of our own. Some take it to say that we cannot improve our society without destroying it, and the only way to assuage us of the guilt is to abandon society, or to commit suicide. Others as a criticism of abandoning society, that those who walk away do nothing to actually help. Some even criticise that the suffering child is unexplained, unrealistic, makes no sense.
But like, the point of The Ones Who Walk Away From Omelas is best summed up in these lines that you might have seen before:
The trouble is that we have a bad habit, encouraged by pedants and sophisticates, of considering happiness as something rather stupid. Only pain is intellectual, only evil interesting. This is the treason of the artist: a refusal to admit the banality of evil and the terrible boredom of pain. If you can't lick 'em, join 'em. If it hurts, repeat it. But to praise despair is to condemn delight, to embrace violence is to lose hold of everything else. We have almost lost hold; we can no longer describe a happy man, nor make any celebration of joy. How can I tell you about the people of Omelas? They were not naive and happy children – though their children were, in fact, happy. They were mature, intelligent, passionate adults whose lives were not wretched. O miracle! but I wish I could describe it better. I wish I could convince you.
Emphasis mine.
The whole point of Omelas is demonstrating this point. That literary criticism, the decision of what is art, what is important, focuses on pain, on suffering, on evil as the only interesting things, and ignores happiness. That the reader is not contented in imagining a perfect world, that they must find a flaw to make it interesting.
So it offers up a nonsensical suffering child, a dark secret all those in Omelas know of, and must accept the suffering of or leave.
It's pointing out a flaw in the way people think about art, about what emotions are important and meaningful.
And given how all the above takes focus on the suffering child, and talk nothing about the Utopia... LeGuin was spot-on.
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shinystealingbirb · 6 months
Some thoughts on Yanqing
I don’t quite know how or if Yanqing was shown in Honkai Impact, but I’d like to talk about my understanding of him.
Biiiiiiig cut.
I assume many think he’s a flat character. He’s a child prodigy who arrogantly took on two immortals leagues more powerful than himself, and couldn’t get over his loss. Right? Who went out seeking some strange person, who Jingliu almost treats like an amusing pet, who tried to shortcut his way to total mastery. Who desires a title of a championship rather than the art itself. That’s the mark of a flat character- no displayed motivation, and traits we’re told, rather than shown, exist.
This is what the game explicitly tells us. In fact, it takes pains to push this narrative, and in my opinion, it’s specifically because he’s never in our party. To Stelle, or Caelus, or whoever you play as, Yanqing will always be on the other side. He faced Dan Heng and Blade, who we controlled. He duelled Stelle and Kafka. Faced us under the voluntary control of a heliobi. The only time we control him is when Yanqing battles Jingliu, and even then, he was canonically alone. To the Trailblazer, he is a child. An irritatingly strong one, but a child nonetheless, ultimately a footnote in their journey.
So that’s what the game says. But I want to talk about what the game doesn’t really put out there as much, but becomes more obvious the more we encounter Yanqing.
It’s a little hard to explain- I got a kick in the balls when I went through the Fyxstroll Garden quests and got to Yanqing, but I’ll explain that in a moment. For now, allow me to begin with a brief explanation of his character in the way I see it, rather than what the game has taken pains to show us.
He’s a winner- all he’s done is win, and he is young. It’s all he’s known, training and success. He’s showered with praise that he easily tires of, and the General is the only one he spars with that consistently defeats him. This praise is the expectation, the norm. You must win can be a hell of a motivator.
So when he loses to Dan Heng and Blade, it rocks his fucking world. He had no idea where he was in terms of power- really, the only thing he had to compare himself to was Jing Yuan, and the gap there is enormous. He got a taste of a true life-or-death scenario, as opposed to the competition he’s accustomed to, and according to the heliobus, the two immortals- who are way out of his league- left him teetering on the brink of death.
In an attempt to discover his prowess, something outside of the meaningless praise and predictable spars with Jing Yuan, he was absolutely ripped apart by an undead Hunter and a reborn Elder. The worst part? The heliobus in the Fyxstroll quest says he would’ve died “if the hunter’s blade pierced him,” which could quite possibly mean Blade was holding back. Given he was in a rush to beat the shit out of Dan Heng, I doubt it, but it is a possibility that would add salt to the wound- being defeated without being cut once by Blade, only using the flat side of his sword to almost kill him?
So he’s aching from that loss. He got fucked up and knows exactly where he stands, and that’s the single greatest defeat he’s suffered in his life.
For some children, for those who began or became skilled, who build and build and gather ourselves, trying to fight good to become great, a fear we have to overcome is failure. And failure is the single more horrifying concept to a gifted child, the absolute worst outcome.
A normal person fails. Oh well. Time to move on with life.
A competitive or gifted child fails, it means something. It means the effort put in, every single move spent in our lives, every thought, every moment of practice or rest, even if not working on that skill specifically, was a waste of a life, and as failures, that child, too, is a waste. Failure is like death. The way I can best describe the feeling… your heart clenches. Cold sweat, a sudden mental blank. A spider crawls up your throat, and with every step your throat grows tighter, the sense of dread closer and closer until the spider has made its way up to your stinging nose, your tearing eyes, and you are humiliating yourself with those tears.
It’s hard for people who do not understand this to be empathetic. To these people, a loss like this is just a loss. Things like “you’ll get them next time” or “they were out of your league” are said, and these things will never be consolations.
We, the Trailblazers, do not understand why Yanqing goes back to it in his thoughts so often, why it is a pivotal moment for him, why it appears in his character lines, and why he speaks about that battle so ruefully. It was inevitable, we think, that he would lose, isn’t it?
Shouldn’t he know he would never have beaten him?
Of course he knows.
But Yanqing is a child. For all his power, all his cheer and skill, he is a child. He’s gifted, and loss stings really fucking bad if you’re gifted, if you’ve won and won and already realized that praise is false and results are king (his trace voiceline sounds so sarcastic when he speaks of praise.)
Now: we can go over Jingliu and Stelle’s battles if you wish- more salt in the wound, to twist the knife just a little more(loser, loser, loser)- but by far our most interesting encounter with Yanqing is in the Fyxstroll Garden quest.
He’s possessed by a heliobi who claims- and delivers- that he can teach any weapon and advance the soldier to a warrior beyond compare. Despite the memory-wiping effects of the heliobi after possession, I believe said possession- at least for this one- is voluntary.
After all these losses, Yanqing finds a spirit who pushed a Cloud Knight into something lethal, and the spirit tells him, “I have seen your losses, I see them inside your head. Offer me your sword; offer me your allegiance, your body, and I will make you great.”
Knowing he was almost killed for his naivety, knowing he has been painted as the enemy, knowing he has won and won for his entire gifted life, right up until he hasn’t… why do you think he takes it? Of course he’s desperate, of course there’s a nagging doubt, a painful needling that tells him hes not enough anymore, nothing is enough. Of course he allowed himself to be possessed.
After all, praise is empty. Results are king.
The real kicker comes when Jing Yuan gets there.
I think Jing Yuan’s reaction to Yanqing’s possession says a lot. He’s not surprised it was him, nor how easy it was to get into his head. He knows these things, understands they are part of growth and motivation. He is only disappointed because Yanqing has allowed himself to cheat, to find the shortcut.
He arrives at the island, and so calmly he says “Yanqing would never lift his sword against me.”
Yanqing raises his blade. And then he turns to the heliobi and demands a duel. He proceeds to rip the false Yanqing apart with all the speed and precision that Blade and Dan Heng dueled him with.
I’ve seen people talk about how Yanqing was put in a loaded situation. That his choice was made based on disappointing one teacher over the other. It’s not an unreasonable claim, but a shallow one, i based on the surface teacher-student dynamic and taking nothing the heliobi or Yanqing said into account.
It comes down to the choices he has: in that example, his choices are loyalty to a heliobi he only just met, or a teacher he’s known since he was a little kid. In this perspective, the choice is obvious.
This one is not an incorrect perspective, merely an incomplete one. I think the complete choice was as follows: Instant power from an unpredictable, harsh master, one who is asking strange things of him- attack your friends, attack your previous master, don’t you want power?!- or turn back to the training he feels he’s outgrown, mentored by a man who he holds in such high regard and, if his voice lines are any indication, would trust with his life in an instant.
He’s braver than I am for choosing Jing Yuan’s side. Yanqing’s been shown to have an honorable teacher, but we have not seen him put in a situation where he has to prove it. We couldn’t confidently say what he’d do.
This quest displayed his desperate side. The heliobi had already exploited it, promised and delivered power. The heliobi proved it could be trusted, for that at least. Jing Yuan is a trusted mentor, almost a father figure, but those methods led to failure at the most critical of times. This undoubtedly crossed his mind- it certainly crossed mine as I played through that quest- and I genuinely thought I’d have to fight him again.
Frankly, I’m astounded he chose Jing Yuan, and that surprise made, at least to me, made him feel complete.
Yanqing is a child, with a child’s complex emotions and weaker understanding. He is cheerful and confident, a trait easily confused with arrogance. He is competitive. His worth is based on his prowess with a sword. He knows praise is empty and results are king. He is desperate, but more than that he is loyal beyond his own desires, honorable to a fault, which is more than I could say about most adults, much less myself.
He’s flawed and requires a certain prerequisite to understand. Yanqing feels childish in a different way than Hook and Clara, in motivations rather than actions. He feels human, and I really like his character
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sadsongsandwaltzes · 5 months
I am not a psychologist so I have no clue if this is just my own crackpot theory or what. And my apologies if I’m speaking out of my ass here.
We were not made for a fallen world. We were made for Eden. Since we have to live in this world corrupted by sin, the brain does what it has to in order to survive.
A toddler doesn’t know what “hot” means, until one day you warn the child not to touch a plate because it’s “hot,” they touch anyways, they feel the sting, and now they understand what “hot” means. The brain, now acknowledging this is something that can be a threat, has an immediate response to “hot.” Anytime someone says “hot,” we immediately recoil and make sure we don’t touch whatever is believed to be hot. The brain is simply trying to survive.
I think there’s a similar thing happening with trauma response. It’s the brain doing the same thing, but to such an extreme degree that it’s almost impossible to function. If someone survives a near fatal car crash, they may panic when they go near a car. Why? Because the brain has learned this thing to be an immediate and serious threat. The brain is now trained to fear and recoil. If you lived in a war zone and learned to sleep with one eye open so to speak, the brain is now trained to sense danger at every turn, especially when you’re in such a vulnerable state as sleep. You’re living in a constant state of anxiety because you expect a fatal threat. It’s why sudden noises and movements can trigger anxiety.
The brain is doing what it does. It adapts to perceived threats for survival. This heightened state of anxiety is deemed necessary by the brain, but we were not made to live in such a state. We cant. So the brain is, ironically, slowly killing itself. The brain is rewired and burned out and always looking for that next serious threat. It’s always reminding us that the threat looms. It’s where the subconscious lives. It’s why there’s constant anxiety, why there’s nightmares.
Of course, this can be exacerbated if the trauma is accompanied by severe grief or guilt.
This brings me to my point. If you would not tell someone to just pray the cancer away, I don’t think you can tell them to just pray the trauma away. We’re talking about a real physiological problem happening.
I think grief and guilt can be assuaged by the gospel. But the brain’s inner working itself? It’s a medical problem the same as any other. God absolutely can heal trauma same as cancer, but sometimes he doesn’t. Faith can absolutely bring about peace in hardships and give us the strength to carry on, but it’s not a guarantee that God will remove the hardship. That would be prosperity gospel.
And with all of this we can also recognize that certain treatments or habits may help relieve symptoms without fully curing, it exists on a medical spectrum.
And I think this is true about a lot of mental illness.
For the record, I think most mental illness in modern America is actually spiritual illness. And I think most psychologists are looney tunes. But people abusing a certain field of study and being stupid and misdiagnosing doesn’t negate the field of study as a whole.
If every sick person who walks into a doctors office no matter the symptoms gets diagnosed with cancer, it means the doctor is a quack and we have a problem of over diagnosis of a disease. But it doesn’t mean the disease isn’t real and that a certain percentage of the population doesn’t actually suffer from it. That would be a downright foolish thought.
Hormones, brain function, all of it can affect the mind. The brain is a complex organ. We still can’t fully understand it. And I don’t think we ever will. We know the brain can affect the mind. If it didn’t, people with TBIs would never suffer from sudden mental illness or personality shifts.
It seems wholly unchristian to deny the reality of both our body and the fallen state of the world.
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wilcze-kudly · 4 months
The tragedy of Avatar's "Funny Guys"
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So... Sokka and Bolin are both "the funny guy" of their respective group, we can all agree on this. Now comic relief characters aren't rare in media and often they exist purely to be said comic relief, with little nuance or storyline of their own.
But Avatar strays from this rule by giving their comedic relief characters a lot of depth.
Both Sokka and Bolin have been through some awful stuff. They've dealt with loss and plenty of adversity.
Sokka lost his mother as a child. After that, his father left for a war, basically leaving Sokka to care for his sister and village. And, to his credit, Sokka took his duties very seriously. You can see how protective he is of Katara and the members of his tribe, trying to defend them even when he's clearly outnumbered and outmatched. This also bled through into his role within the Gaang, where he acts as provider, strategist and organiser.
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As for Bolin, he was orphaned as a small child, forced to live at least 10 years homeless. His horrific childhood trauma leads to him lacking a lot in social skills and confidence. And throughout the show he is manipulated, used and, quite frankly, abused multiple times.
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But we already knew that, right?
We've seen them in their respective shows and we've heard their backstories explained to us. They share most of their backgrounds with their siblings, so it's not a leap in logic to say that they most likely have similar trauma.
So, why is that their "angst" isn't taken as seriously as, say, Katara's and Mako's?
I'd the main reason really is the fact that they are meant to lighten the mood.
This is unlike Katara and Mako, whose roles allow them to express their grief and pain more freely, the creators going so far as to incorporate symbols of their trauma into their designs.
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Katara and Mako's actions are often more easily related to their trauma. Because their characters are more obviously tied to their trauma.
We, for example can understand Katara stealing a waterbending scroll and relate it to her need to connect with her almost completely destroyed culture. We can see Mako have difficulties connecting with people and recognise that this is most likely due to his troubled past.
Sokka and Bolin are more... tricky. We don't always think about the in world reasoning of their characters. Often, we just assume that they're doing something to be funny.
We see Sokka insisting to be the leader as: haha, funny bossy guy. Instead of: damn, this kid has been conditioned to take so much responsibility for the safety and well-being of others.
We see Bolin bending over backwards to please Eska as: oh, that Bolin, such a silly guy. Instead of: oh, shit this teenager spent his entire life as a dependent to his brother so his decisionmaking skills and backbone are probably extremely stunted.
This isn't helped by the fact that these character's pain, distress, grief and sadness are often played for laughs. And yeah, often the scene is funny. But that doesn't negate the character's in-world suffering.
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I think this is what occasionally can be quite upsetting to me when people don't take this character seriously because they're "only meant to be there for the comedy". Maybe with a more straightforward show, I'd take that answer, but Avatar leaves us these pretty obvious breadcrumbs.
Avatar is a pretty well crafted show, in the end and most of the main cast have their nuances and storylines that raise them above the tropes they're meant to represent.
PS: This is not to say that Sokka and Katara have the same trauma, nor that Mako and Bolin have the same trauma. Both pairs of siblings took up different roles in their respective dynamics.
For example, Sokka visibly takes up the role as defender, provider and planner, wheras Katara deals with the more domestic tasks (yay sexism). This shows in how their trauma manifests in dufferent ways. Sokka's need to prove himself vs Katara's frustration at her percieved "role" in society.
Mako and Bolin's past is more nebulous, but I would argue Bolin still played an important role in his and Mako's lives. Bolin is cheerful and bubbly, almost by design. It wouldn't be a leap in logic to assume that a bit of that cheer may be fabricated in order to keep going. Bolin's lack of personal growth due to being Mako's dependent is also a symptom of his trauma.
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It also bears to mention that these character's competence is also often downplayed due to the humorous ways in which they fail. Sokka planned an invasion on an entire nation that would've succeeded had it not been for Azula gaining insider information. He invented submarines. While Bolin is one of the most efficient and powerful earthbenders combatwise (I'm tired of pretending he's a mid bender the only thing stopping my man from commiting mass murder is his heart of gold). They are not just haha funny idiots. Put some respect on their names.
Ok I'm done stating the obvious now.
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lisbeth-kk · 4 months
May Prompts (28) Empty
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The Luckiest Girl in the World (chapter 28)
Summary: Will Rosie be able to keep her secret from her parents until the big day?
Twenty-Eight Years Old
Seen in hindsight, the trip to Greece was a catalyst of what came later. On our last evening, Timothy and I had dinner at an almost empty restaurant on the cliffs of Fira. The sun was about to set, and the sea was bathed in colours of gold. When Timothy took my hands in his and asked me to marry him, it really was the perfect ending. Cliché, perhaps, but who cares? Luckily, he hadn���t bought the rings at one of the ridiculous jewellers on the island but brought them with him from London. (I said yes, by the way.)
As if faith wanted me to keep my secret from my parents, they were away on a three-week trip to New Zealand when we arrived back in London. I called Dee before I went to Baker Street to collect mail and check the fridge for outdated milk and decayed body parts. She had closed for the day, but when I called with my inquiry, she was instantly intrigued and asked me to pop into 221A before I left.
It was strange to see someone else living at Nana’s. Her old furniture had been donated to second-hand shops, new wallpaper, art, and futuristically designed chairs, tables and shelves made 221A look like something taken out of Star Trek or whatever. The kitchen and bathroom were recognisable with bits and bobs I remembered. Nana’s oven mittens, the kitchen utensils and the wallpaper. Over the kitchen table was a big photo of Nana.
“I’ve made some sketches for you,” Dee said after she’d inquired about the trip. “One on each shoulder, yes?”
She showed me her drawings and after some discussion, she made the adjustments I wanted. 
“See you tomorrow at six,” Dee said when I left. 
“Can’t wait!” I retorted excitedly.
Dee’s Den was everything you don’t expect a tattoo-studio to be. (At least if you’ve never set foot in one.) Airy, spacious and clean in the extreme. The first time I entered, I felt I needed to take my shoes off.
“No customer of mine will suffer from an infection. I’ve seen enough of that shit,” Dee said gravely.
Her improved sketches had been coloured when I arrived the next day, and they looked even better than I’d dreamt of. The tattoos would adorn each shoulder. One red poppy on the left, and a bee on the right. A t-shirt would cover them, and by the time Dad and Papa were back, they would’ve healed properly so I didn’t need to wrap them in plastic, and the soreness would be gone. I hoped to keep them a secret until the wedding day. My dress would be sleeveless and make sure to show off the tribute to my beloved parents.
We decided on a May wedding, and it was Dee’s idea to check if the venue from Nana’s funeral was available.
“She would’ve been so pleased that you all had some good memories from that place. Dancing and laughing, celebrating love.”
Both me and Timothy loved the idea, and we were in luck. Normally, the place needed to be booked at least a year and a half in advance, when it came to weddings, but they’d had a cancellation due to a broken engagement. Nine months to prepare.
I chose Liwia as my maid of honour. We had stayed in touch over the years, and she adored my parents, after they’d given her shelter when she needed it in the middle of her teens. Bella had been switched for Iris. They’d been together almost eight years, and Iris was six months pregnant with their first child. An unknown donor was the father.
“I’ve been meaning to ask if you were traumatised when you stayed with us,” I said on the final fitting of our dresses.
“What do you mean?” Liwia asked, clearly puzzled.
“Board games,” I explained dryly.
She laughed wholeheartedly and admitted that she’d never played Scrabble, Cluedo, orMonopoly, but stuck to chess and card games.
“Wise choice,” I retorted with a grin. “Though I have experienced knights, queens and bishops being thrown across 221B.”
My uncles picked me up at the salon where I’d been styled and dressed. Uncle Myc cocked an eyebrow when he saw my tattoos, but he was unable to hide how moved he was by this permanent gesture. Uncle Greg…well, he wasn’t that subtle, and needed a stern talking to from his husband to avoid ruining my dress and hair when he teared up and embraced me.
“You’re going to destroy them with this, love,” uncle Greg murmured.
I hadn’t been nervous before, but when the familiar place came into sight, my palms started to sweat, and my heart pounded in my chest. Inside, Timothy and my parents waited. The most important people in the world, apart from the men helping me out of the car. I kissed them and let them go in first to find their seats. One of the staff stood waiting for me to open the door once I’d decided to enter.
For a while I just stood there, my head blessfully empty. And then out of nowhere a wave of emotions washed over me. The memories of all the preparations and anxiety of the last week, regarding the flowers, the last seat arrangements we had to change the day prior, one of my shoes that disappeared without a trace… 
“Come on, Watson. You can do this,” I interrupted myself, using Papa’s former name on me to get me out of the unending loop of trifles and keep me focused.
I nodded to the man by the door who opened it for me, and I slowly made my way down the corridor to where Dad and Papa waited. They stood hand in hand outside the door to the ceremony room and turned abruptly when they heard my heels on the wooden floor.
“You look…”
“Oh, Bee…”
They were both teary-eyed, which didn’t bode well. I hoped they’d piled up with tissues, because this well would not be emptied any time soon.
With my heels on, I was the height of Dad. I seldom wore high-heeled shoes, so it was an alien feeling to stand face to face with him, literally speaking.
“You look gorgeous, sweetheart,” he whispered in my ear when he hugged me.
“Thank you,” I said and turned to Papa.
He’d frozen and he blinked profusely. Dad looked worried at him. He still hadn’t seen the tattoos. Papa’s eyes darted between them, clearly shocked to the core. I took his hand and squeezed it.
“Do you like them?” I asked quietly.
“Like what?” Dad inquired; his eyes hadn’t left Papa’s face during all of this.
“Look at me, Dad,” I said and finally he saw what Papa had seen minutes ago.
“Oh, my god,” he said and covered his mouth with his hand. “Rosie.”
“They are…” Papa clearly knew but was too shaken to believe what he’d deduced.
“Yes, Papa. They are. My tribute, homage, or whatever you want to call it. To you and Dad. To show you and everyone how much you mean to me. Dee made them while you were away. You have no idea how proud I am that I’ve managed to keep it a secret until now.”
Finally, out of his daze, Papa cupped my face and kissed my forehead and cheeks, careful not to disturb my hair or makeup.
“My precious girl,” he murmured. “I love you.”
“Stop! You’re making me cry,” I protested and tried my best to stay composed.
Dad sniffled and batted his eyes with a handkerchief.
“I’m never going to survive this day,” he muttered.
“John!” Papa exclaimed. “Don’t you dare.”
I knew I had to take the lead, or we would be stranded outside that door forever.
“Come on. The game is afoot,” I teased.
Also available on AO3
YES, there will be a continuation tomorrow.
This is also my entry for this month's Sherlock Challenge and the prompt ink.
@calaisreno @sherlockchallenge @totallysilvergirl @keirgreeneyes @raina-at
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hadesoftheladies · 3 months
"you are killing a baby"
i am killing a fetus, not an infant. an egg is not a chicken. potential is not actuality.
"you are murdering an innocent."
it doesn't matter who is innocent. a hungry lion may be innocent in wanting to eat me only because it is hungry and may not have the cognitive capacities to exercise something like restraint or conscience. that does not mean i should not defend myself from harm. it is still self-defense. all animals are expected to protect themselves first and foremost. you are just so used to the idea that women (especially mothers) are supposed to sacrifice their lives for their children in order to be good people--like they aren't human beings with self-preservation instincts.
harm equals anything that threatens the life or health of a person and pregnancy does both.
"your body was meant/designed to do this"
miscarriages are as natural as pregnancies. why do you think the placenta exists? pregnancy sickness? the female body can grow a person, yet also has resistance mechanisms for a pregnancy.
also, just because i have genes that make me a good runner doesn't mean i have to become a marathoner. like think for a second.
"what will the father think?"
women don't owe men or society themselves. i know that's very hard for you to grasp but there's no time like the present to start. there is no ethical way to make a woman a commodity or government assigned asset for reproduction or sex.
"the baby is conscious"
so is the lion in the hypothetical. also, that's debatable. also, what are your thoughts on veganism? since you care so much about the suffering of conscious beings (that is beings with selves)
"but animals aren't humans. they don't deserve the same rights as humans because of their lower cognitive capacities"
great. now apply this ethic to babies and mentally disabled people and then try to explain to me why that has to be different without mentioning how you feel or your religion. :)
"a baby has more potential than an animal."
okay, and why does that potential automatically mean better or more valuable? higher cognitive capacities haven't stopped wars and mass murders have they? (and i would argue that bringing a child into a violent world increases their chance of becoming unhealthy or complicit persons, so you can almost know what the character of your child will be like for certain based on where you're raising them).
"a baby has a soul"
there are two kinds of dualisms within christianity: thomistic and cartesian. cartesian dualism has gone out of fashion even amongst christian theologians and philosophers.
Substance dualism, or Cartesian dualism, most famously defended by René Descartes, argues that there are two kinds of foundation: mental and physical. Descartes states that the mental can exist outside of the body, and the body cannot think.
'Thomistic substance dualism' (TSD) centers around two beliefs: 1) the rational soul is an immaterial substance, and 2) this immaterial substance is the human person.
aside from the fact that both of these philosophies are rife with problems, I think thomistic dualism is the stronger of the two. the rational soul is, in a way, a word for the self.
regardless, both of these describe a self as a soul. so i'm just going to define a self.
The psychology of self is the study of either the cognitive and affective representation of one's identity or the subject of experience. The earliest formulation of the self in modern psychology forms the distinction between two elements I and me. The self as I, is the subjective knower. While, the self as Me, is the subject that is known.
a self is a centralized consciousness with their own memories, introspection and reflections. we know through neuroscience, psychology, behavioural science and sociology that a person or self is formed via experiences (where memories and impressions are gathered, how people learn), language and socialization (economy, history, family, culture) and possibly some genetic expressions (although i think this is more about capacity than actualization).
this is why things like dementia or alzheimer's are so scary and difficult. when a person loses memories, they lose aspects of themselves. when a person changes their environment, they also become different people (even while maintaining some similarities with their past selves).
this is mirrored in popular media, characters that lose their memories lose versions of themselves. this is also why, when you look at stories that feature a multiverse, the same character becomes a different person in different lives. in short, you are not born a person. you become one, and although your self remains singular and centralized (even with age), that self still changes. both the self and the people around the self create the self.
this is also why socially isolated individuals devolve and become mindless or sick (and even have reduced lifespan). certain higher human capacities like "conscience" or "empathy" can be socialized out of a human being, as well. i'd even go so far as to say that children begin conceptualizing themselves as individuals only when they begin to sense the presence of other human beings. they cannot conceptualize their own identity without the presence of other people. they probably don't know they are a self until they recognize other people and then realize they themselves are also people, and people are individuals.
legally a person is:
. . . an entity that the law recognises as having its own distinct personality. This usually means one that is able to act in its own right, and capable of possessing legal rights and liabilities, including individuals (or "natural persons") and corporate organisations.
my point is, how can a fetus with virtually no experiences (which born animals have), no language or skill (learned) to introspect or reflect (or abstract), possibly have a self? when they are not exposed to the outside world? certainly they have the capacity to develop a self, but as established earlier on, potential is not actuality. so legally and psychologically, a fetus is very likely not a person.
but we do not need this to be true to justify abortion regardless, because an innocent person is still causing harm, whether directly or indirectly. so the woman/girl has every right to resist.
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just-a-fragment · 9 months
Still mulling over how to word this properly but ough all I'm thinking about recently is how good the OD reveal is. When reading the novel, most of us already have had a clue about who YJH's sponsor is, who the "Most Ancient Dream" is, what lovecraftian being out there could possibly be the worst one even compared to the other outer gods/constellations we meet, what monster is cruel enough to impose the suffering of thousands of lives, and hundreds of worlds. Then we get to the reveal, and its just...a child. A child who doesn't believe in his own happiness. A child who only experienced love through his mother's sacrifice
Aside from how well executed, and heartbreaking it is, the OD reveal is just chef's kiss because it's perfectly interwoven in the narrative, and in the overarching tone of the novel. One of the best things about orv is how it seemingly goes about very adult narratives with an almost childlike wonder/curiousity. How ORV recontexualizes traditional myths is reminiscent of like how your grandparents used to tell stories, it's subversive not in the usual way where the author does a whole 360 on a story's genre, but in a way that really does a deep dive on the themes/motifs/characters.
Like the nice girl didn't turn cruel despite everything!! But why is she nice? what comples her? what made her be so genuine, yet so snarky so resolute yet so tender?
The OD reveal is so so good because truly, who else could this novel be for? other than a child god. A being that's supposed to be omnipotent but negligent of the suffering he has caused. The Oldest Dream being a literal child works so well for us readers and for the narrative.
Like the OD reveal was obviously meant to be this meta-narrative commentary on consumerism but because orv's storytelling is reader friendly in a way, this doesn't come across as pretentious unlike other stories that deal with meta elements. ORV doesn't try to be this new-age classic, It doesn't force you to analyze it, analyze the text. It's simply just a gentle reminder about what stories are truly like, all it asks you is to read it, whether you see this work as a masterpiece or you just wanted to read for the sake of it. And then when you've done just that, maybe you'll see how even a "shitty" story managed to save a child's life
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Can you write about the Last Ronin where we were his girlfriend before everything went to shit and we meet him again but he also get to meet his child as well? Btw I frickin' love your fanfiction, I hope you keep expanding you work.🥹
16 Years: part 1 (Angst)
TLR!Michelangelo x reader
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Part 2 (18+) Part 3 (18+)
A/N: Thank you so much🖤 I feel like writing for TLR has opened whole new world of writing for me, and I will love to do more, even if I cry every time😭🖤 I had “Tout L'univers” by Gjon’s Tears playing on repeat as I was writing this, so when I tell you I was bawling my eyes out, I was BAWLING. For some reason I just had to make everything worse for poor Mikey😭
Warnings: Spelling, The Last Ronin and The Lost Years spoilers, loss of loved ones, loss of child, mentioning of suicide, trauma, self hatred, crying (not just in writing, omg), and probably a lot more.
For 16 years, Mikey had tried to live with the spirits of those he had lost. Trying to find peace with them, and let them be. But he just couldn’t. Mikey just couldn’t rest with all these faces he used to love surrounding him, knowing that he could not help them. Raphael, Leonardo, Casey, April, the Fugetoid, Master Splinter, Donatello, Gerel, Shaka. All of them haunted him, speaking to him, telling him what to do. His brothers even went so far as to belittle him for his actions and failures. Every. Single. Day.
But if there was one face that Mikey couldn’t handle around him, it was yours. He dared not to look at you, nor the child you carried on your hip. The pain from seeing the two of you, in complete silence, not speaking a single word, being the only ones that actually did as he asked - staying quiet and letting him think. He looked at you once, the pain of seeing you and the young child in your arms, was almost enough for him to end it all before he even made it to Korea.
But though Mikey never looked at you, he felt your presence with him everywhere he went. You always followed closely behind, carrying your little bundle of love, just like you did the day he lost you…
Mikey hated how clearly he remembered it. It had been absolute chaos. They never had a chance. Leo had told him to bring April and the Fugetoid, all making sure nothing happened to you. You, Mikey’s girlfriend, who had been in the second stage of your first pregnancy. You, the only woman that Mikey had ever loved. You, the only person who was willing to let him think of something, other than his horrible war of a family feud, and his so-called destiny. You, the love of his life, and the only reason Mikey has seen a reason to fight in the first place…
Mikey had lingered for too long. That’s at least what he told himself. He should just have done as Leo had said, and gotten you out of the building. He should never had hesitated. If he hadn’t, then maybe you wouldn’t have been caught in the explosion. Then maybe you, April… and the kid would still have been alive.
Mikey still remembered how strangely numb he had been when he woke up from the explosion. His body ached all over, but it was as if he felt nothing. You were all gone. There was no way any of you could have survived that explosion. Leo, the Fugetoid, Casey, April, you… and them. That was what Mikey referred to the long lost life as - them. Giving them a name would just slowly kill him over time, making everything harder than it needed to be. Almost as hard as it was so leave the ruins of your grave, without trying to look for your body. But as much as Mikey wanted to stay and look for you, he had to leave for the last family he had left, before they too were gone.
But like always, he was too late for that too. Donnie and Master Splinter was already far gone when he made it to Japan. That was Mikey’s breaking point, and the first time he wished to end his suffering. Everyone was gone. His friends, his brothers, his father, the love of his life and his unborn child. Mikey was angry. Not just at the world around him, but himself. He could just have stayed with the two of you. He could have found you and laid you to rest. Giving you, his brother, his friends and his child a proper burial. But he didn’t, and he hated himself for it.
Mikey hated himself everyday. He hated himself for not being able to protect you, and he hated himself for not taking care of you. And taking care of his own damn child. As he forced himself through the snow of the Japanese mountains, as he trained under Master Yip, when he momentarily went blind in Mongolia, and when he had to fight for his life in Ukraine, before finally defeating Death Worm in Italy, all Mikey could do was think about you and how hate himself. But soon he learned that there was only one way to make up for his mistakes. Revenge. Revenge for all that had been done to his family. Oroku Hiroto would have to feel the pain that Mikey had been feeling for the past 16 years. And that was what Mikey came to New York for. Revenging all of his family, especially the one that didn’t even have a name.
But as it has happened so many times, Mikey’s plans did not go as he intended. His first assault on Oroku Hiroto was a failure to put it frankly, leaving him wounded as he had to retreat to the sewers he once called his home. Here he intended to do what any honorable ninja would do - take his own life before the enemy could get him. But then, for the first time in 16 years, life had better plans for him, the universe deciding to keep him alive once more. Mikey’s wounds were so great, that he passed out of blood loss before any harm could be done to him. That was when Casey Marie found him, calling out for her mother, telling her to help.
Mikey woke up in a warm bed a few hours later. Confused, he scanned his surroundings, wondering if he was dead. It looked like the lair - his old home. But then he saw April, and for the first time the world shone a light upon him. April, his dearest friend, was alive. In all these years, she had been alive. He learned that she was not alone. Her daughter was there too.
“Is it just you and your daughter down here?”, Mikey asked as he slowly swung his legs over the edge of the bed.
“No”, April answered calmly, a smile spreading over her face. “We do live with two others. I really think you should meet them, Michelangelo. Right now they’re out in the sewers, looking for stuff to bargain with on the Black Market, but I think they could be home any time soon”.
And as if April’s words were magical, distant clatter of metal could be heard, alerting them to people entering the lair.
“Aunt April!”, the voice of a young man yelled, the volume of his voice getting stronger as he approached the room. Then he barged in, proudly holding up something in his hand. It looked like a little metal lump with wires sticking out all over the place. “See what I found! Can you believe it?! Someone just dropped this into the sewer! Don’t they know how much this is worth?! Idiots! Imagine the comic books I can get out of Tinker with this! I can finish father’s old collection!”
Mikey froze at the sight of the boy. It was not his impressive height he had for a teenager, nor the muscles on his arms that shocked Michelangelo, but it was the color of the boy's skin. It was green. Light green to be specific. Mikey’s eyes wandered over him, taking him in, ignoring the growing smile on April’s lips, or how the boy suddenly seemed to notice the large turtle’s presence in the room. Mikey’s mouth was dry as he saw the three slender fingers on his hands, his lack of hair, the outline of what looked like a plastron on his front, and the unmistakable shell-like shape on his back. And his eyes, strangely recognizable.
The boy’s hand fell to his side, the metallic object suddenly not seeming interesting anymore. His eyes wide as he took the stranger sitting on the bed. Mikey in turn just stared. The two of them looking with their mouths agasp.
“Yoshi”, a voice sounded out in the hallway, breaking the silence. Mikey’s heart almost stopped. He knew that voice. It was the voice he had longed for so long. The voice he had blamed himself for silencing. Yet there it was. Just outside the door. “Be nice to your aunt. She might be working…”
You froze in the doorway. Mikey almost broke down. It was the face he had forced himself to look away from for 16 years. The face of the silent woman that used to carry a baby around wherever he traveled. You looked older, but still as beautiful as the day he first met you. Your eyes sparkling with the same light he fell in love with, all those years ago.
“Mikey?” you whispered, holding back a sop as your eyes began to water. The mentioning of his name caused the boy’s eyes to flicker.
Mikey could only nod, feeling his heart pump his blood so fast that he was starting to get dizzy. You ran to him, hugging him tighter than you ever had before. His hands tightened around you, his throat knotting up, making him fight for air. He buried his face against the crock of your neck, feeling all of your muscles move as you sobbed against him. You cradled his head against you, holding him against you, tracing his head, shell, shoulders and arms.
“I’ve missed you so much, Mikey”, you sobbed, bringing his head up to look at you, before placing a quick kiss on his lips. That was what broke him. He returned your quick kiss with urgency before he broke down in tears, hiding his face against you once more. 16 years of fear and pain finally boiled over, Mikey could finally let it go. At least for a short while. He almost clawed at your clothes in order to get you closer to him. It was as if no physical connection was enough.
“I’ve missed you too, (Y/N)”, he choked out, letting the tears fall as your comforting hands made shapes on his skin.
Still holding on to Mikey, you turned to look at the boy. The poor guy looked so confused, but Mikey had a feeling. The boy most likely also had. Both of them just waiting for her to confirm what they had already guessed.
“Yoshi, sweetheart”, you said, wiping a tear away, before reaching out a hand to him. “Come and say hello to your father”.
Neither Yoshi or Mikey said a word, staring at each other as he made his way over to you. April wiped one of her own tears away, before she left the room with a smile, closing the door behind her. It was time for the three of you to catch up.
You slowly moved out of the way, letting Yoshi stand in front of Mikey. None of them knew what to say. All they could do was look at each other, trying to calm their erratic breathing. Then suddenly, Yoshi launched forward, wrapping his arms around his father in a tight embrace, the tears rolling down his face. Mikey hugged back immediately, finally getting a chance to hug the kid he thought he had lost.
“I’m sorry, Yoshi”, Mikey choked out, trying his best to keep calm. “I’m sorry I couldn't take care of you and your mother”.
“It’s okay, dad”, Yoshi said, smiling even though his eyes were overflowing and his body was shaking. “I took care of her while you were gone”.
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fizzigigsimmer · 9 months
Fargo s5 Episode 8: Manipulation and Codependency.
I am UNWELL after this last episode. I have so many thoughts. What it says on the tin, this is just me processing my reaction to the latest episode so if you are not caught up, spoilers will be found within.
Let’s start with the lady of the hour. Miss Dot. Miss Dorthy Lyon 👏🏾 Put some respect on her name. This character is endlessly fascinating to me. She’s incredibly complex. Almost over powered in one sense, but also incredibly fragile. We’re seeing now in clearer detail what an accomplished manipulator Dot is. She’s not just a fighter. She’s not just hiding and masking her trauma. She is actively playing the people around her and moving them around a board in her mind. The same way Roy does. The same way anyone in a position of power does, honestly.
Roy and Loraine and people in general, we seek control over others out of a place of insecurity, in order to make ourselves feel safe in our little worlds. Survivors of abuse are particularly good at this, and it’s something I am so glad to see the narrative touching on. The media likes to paint victims with cinderella syndrome. They are often childlike innocent caricatures who are endlessly kind and pure in the face of unjustified cruelty, purely so that audiences will emotionally attach to them quickly and feel whatever amount of fear and revulsion the creator wants for the antagonist. But the reality for real people who suffer domestic violence and other forms of abuse is that they’re just people. They have the same potential for good and bad and selfishness, they developed unhealthy coping mechanisms and they learn to play the game just like everyone else. And when you live your life in fear, you have more incentive than most to get good fast at controlling your surroundings.
We see another example of this in Karen this episode. Roy’s current wife is no stranger to her husband’s violent temper and is very aware of the danger he represents. When he’s humiliated in spectacular fashion and likely to lose his election, there’s this palpable tension in the air as the family rides home. We know heads are going to roll, and from the look on Karen’s face so does she. When she first opened her mouth I was so scared for her. lol I wanted to reach through the screen and shake her, like “shut up! That man will kill you.” At first I thought she was being hopelessly naive, saying exactly all the wrong things to try and comfort Roy that were only pressing on the wound. BUT THEN! Then we watch her turn it on Dot. She calls her a curse, playing into Roy’s belief that there are scales to be balanced in order to make the world right again, and pointing out that all of this only happened when Dot came back. She basically says, Dot’s the reason you have bad luck not me. Go hurt her and not me. And then he does. It’s brilliant.
I was on the edge of my seat watching Dot desperately try and hang onto her world. Everything from her name down to who gets to remind Wayne to take his Lactaide medication, using anything and everything at her disposal to do it. When Roy isnt impressed by being reminded he married a child around his own son’s age - oh please, she had hair and her period so she wasn’t a child - she switches tactics quick as a whip and leans hard on Roy’s family man ideals. She relentlessly forces him to confront the contradictions in his actions by reminding him he is destroying a family. Finally, when that fails too she delivers a violent threat. You will do as I ask, or I’m going to hurt you. The writing here was so masterful. They are opposites. We’re rooting for her, and yet, they mirror each other. Dot has been using manipulation tactics she learned at the hands of her abusers to carefully curate a place where she feels safe, and now that it’s all crumbling around her she’s finally starting to see it for herself.
Her scene with Gator was particularly poignant. Because when he comes in, he’s subdued and we get the feeling that he’s there (whether he’s going to admit it or not) purely because he wants to see her. Her, the big sister who used to comfort him while he watched his father abuse his mother. Who then replaced his mother and became his father’s wife while his own mother seemingly abandoned him. The way she plays him in this scene is so heartbreaking to watch but also incredibly insightful. She knows why he’s here: because deep down he wanted to see her. She dances back and forth between playing on their buried bond ( “I didn’t tell the FBI anything” implying, she wouldn’t tell them anything that would hurt him) and plucking on his insecurities (you’re sloppy, you’re weak, you’re a fuck up and your daddy doesn’t love you).
But the biggest card that Dot tries to play is Linda. She tells Gator that she saw her and tries to bring him into her fantasy that Linda got out and has healed from her trauma. That she loves him and never meant to leave him, and that everything will be okay if he just helps her get out. She can take him to his mother and they can leave all of this behind him, and he can finally be free to be the person that deep down she knows he wants to be. And I just love the way this scene was played. Because while it is tempting to believe that Dot is purely just confused from the accident and the sleep deprivation, the music lets us know that more is going on here. We hear flutes, specifically those played by snake charmers. Gator is the snake, and Dot is hypnotizing him before our very eyes. This isn’t the first time Gator has been connected to snake imagery/symbolism either. When Dot decides to tell him why he’s not named Roy after his father, she likens him to a pale little lizard. @tdciago did an excellent post on some of the symbolism we’ve seen in the show thus far, and it really emphasis how often Gator is likened to or associated with snakes: His character bio compares him to the snake in the Garden. His LOL tattoo has forked tongues on the Ls. He's got a "Don't tread on me" flag featuring a snake in his room. He stopped at the Gas 'n Go to "drain the snake." He left an empty Slim Jim wrapper in Donny Ireland's evidence box, that looked like a shed snakeskin. He said that Munch came up "snake eyes."
And as much as Dot’s speech about Linda is about playing on his natural yearning for his mother, it’s also about them too. It’s about Dot. In a way, Dot is also saying that she’s sorry. She never meant to leave him alone. She loves him and she wants things to be alright. They can be if you just help me. Gator obviously wants to believe what Dot is saying is true all of it, but he’s not as dumb as everyone seems to think he is. He knows Dot lies to herself and to others and he calls her out on it. With a single line “You’re lying. You’ve never once in your life told the truth.” we’re left to wonder about all the lies Dot has had to tell over the years. First in order to survive on her own as a teenage runaway, then when she was taken in by the Tillmans, and again when Linda disappeared and she became Roy’s wife.
She told herself that Linda got out, that she was somewhere safe and free and building the life that she wanted. At first she used this lie not to have to face the reality of Roy, of her own likely end, maybe even to appease the twisted sense of guilt she would feel taking Linda’s place and in the light of Gator’s grief over his mother’s sudden absence. Later, she probably used this lie to give herself the courage to be her own Linda. To get out and make the life for herself that she deserved, even if it meant having to leave Gator behind. Even if he doesn’t understand all of the pieces, in his heart of hearts Gator knows his mother is never coming back. She’s either gone or dead, and either way she left him just like Dot did, and Dot is lying to herself.
“I hope you die in here Nadine and that you never see your kid again.” Because that would be justice in his eyes. That would balance the scales. Because he’s never getting out, so why should she?
“No you don’t.” And it’s true. She knows him. Knows he wouldn’t even be here if he weren’t soft. She gave him an opportunity. This was Gator’s crossroad and he chose to stay his course, and the looming figure of Munch reinforces the message that Officer Witt Later delivers, the consequences for Gator are almost here.
Dot too is approaching a crossroad. Because as the episode progresses she is forced to finally confront one of the lies she’s been telling herself for years. Linda is dead. She never made it out. She’s buried under the windmill with Roy’s other enemies. This is not the first time that Dot has seen this windmill, because it was also in her dream about Linda. I would not be surprised if all of Roy’s wives did not witness a body going into that ground at some point or another because of how Karen was so quick to redirect Roy’s rage to Dot. They’re on different sides of the line but they are both fighting for the same thing. To be with their children and not to end up rolled into an early grave.
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d3adlyromb3ar · 5 months
✰ sinking lily pads
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— synopsis. he thrived in the sorcerer world, she was forced into it. how could two people that strayed so differently from each other become so close?
— pairing. gojo x oc!fem!reader (main), toji fushiguro x oc!fem!reader
— word count. 4.1k
— contents. mentions of child abuse, neglect, abandonment, angsty asf, injuries, blood/gore, depressing thoughts, dissociation, ptsd, mentions of death, jjk violence/fighting
series masterlist | previous chapter
✰ chapter two. lives left
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He would’ve preferred to leave Moon’s room in a better mood, but the reveal that she had died on her previous mission had his blood boiling. 
All of a sudden he was seeing red, wishing to resurrect the creature that had killed her— just to kill them again. This time slowly, giving him time to make this evil being suffer. 
I have this technique for a reason.
Her words echoed in his head, and logically he knew she was right. She wielded the 9 lives because she was strong enough. She was meant to. Although, it never brought him comfort. He rather her never having to use the 9 lives technique at all. 
Despite all that had happened in the past with Moon and himself— he never stopped caring for her. He wished it could be like that, a switch that he could turn off. All too quickly, he knew that weren’t to be true. He’d always care about her, no matter how hard she tried pushing him away. 
Besides, he always knew there was something deeper to her. Something that had her thinking as such. He didn’t need the Six Eyes to recognize the pain she hid underneath her facade. 
He didn’t even know where he was walking, letting his feet guide him aimlessly through the school. His mind was empty of a destination, and instead forced him to remember that day. The one he remembered all too well. 
(Flashback to a year)
The sun shining through the treetops mixed with the cool breeze, it couldn’t have felt more perfect outside. The distinct smell of the flowers blooming, the sweet aroma filling the air. It was addicting, almost easy to let yourself get lost in the moment. 
Gojo had his glasses pushed up into his hair, the object being used as a makeshift headband. He leaned back on his arms, letting his face point towards the golden rays. It felt heavenly on his skin. 
“God,” Moon’s voice whispered next to him, “Feels so perfect outside.”
The white haired sorcerer tilted his head in her direction, giving her a smirk when they met eyes. 
“Of course it's perfect. I’m here after all.” He said. 
She rolled her eyes, fighting down her smile as she finished off her sandwich. Using the back of her hand to wipe off the crumbs from the corner of her lips. 
“You know, not everything is about you.” She told him, taking a sip from her juice. 
Gojo held a hand to his chest, gasping dramatically with mock hurt. 
“So mean!” He whined, “And here I thought we were having a nice time.”
She giggled at his antics, setting down her drink and leaning back on her arms– matching Gojos posture. He smiled to himself, the sound of her gentle giggles like music to his ears. Somehow he made it a mission to himself to always draw that sound from her. Whether it was because he just wanted to make her laugh, or maybe he just adored the sound so much. The way her eyes would crinkle– her smile contagious as he always found himself mirroring her. 
“We are having a nice time, just making sure I keep you in check.” She told him, glancing over at his smug expression. 
He tilted his head curiously. 
“Keeping me in check huh?” He wondered with an amused tone. 
She nodded her head as if what she was implying was so obvious. 
“Yup. Gotta keep you humble.” She told him. 
It was his turn to laugh, the hearty sound echoing in the distance as he fell all the way back– hands clutching his stomach. Moon couldn’t help herself from laughing at the sight. 
“Nines you kill me! You know that?” He managed to get out. 
“Ah see, already showing me how humble you really are. Admitting that I can kill you– because you’re so right.” She stated proudly. 
This had his laughs dying down, the dominance shifting from his aura to somewhere in between the two of them. Although it wasn’t fear he felt, not even a threatening feeling– he felt challenged if anything. If he was anything, it was arrogant for knowing he truly was the strongest. 
“Is that so?” He asked, sitting up and scooting closer to you. 
She watched him scoot closer, not thinking twice about the action. 
“Mhmm.” She hummed, running a hand through her hair. 
“You think you can kill me?” He asked her, his eyes focused on hers.
She leaned closer this time, getting inches from his face as she held his gaze confidently– no faltering. Gojo held his breath, letting his eyes dart from one to the other– her hazel ones capturing him in a trance. Her eyes always were unique to him– the inside always looking like a blooming flower or some beautiful explosion. He could sit and stare all day– depicting where the green stopped and where the yellow started, morphing into a gorgeous dark blue. 
“You know I could.” She whispered. 
Maybe he should have felt threatened. Maybe he should have felt the frustration that someone challenged him of his all powerful role. But he couldn’t find it in himself to care. He admired her power, because he knew full well that she was. He respected her strength, the abilities she possessed. She was magnificent, and he was truly captivated by her. He didn’t know if it was the power that first pulled him towards her– excited to meet someone that could keep up with him. All he knew is that he wanted to be around her– know her. He didn’t want to live a life without her involved in it. 
He’d never felt such a pull towards anyone in his life– therefore why he wanted to stick around. 
He felt himself getting lost in the moment, his eyes glancing down to her lips– watching her tongue wet the pair. The pink, plump flesh trapped him in his stare. The only thought swirling through his mind was how badly he wanted a taste. 
Moon saw the way his gaze traveled down to her mouth, the sudden realization of what he was thinking hitting her. She always had that weary thought in the back of her mind, but she never believed it would be true. If only she could have the true strength to submit herself to her own desires– but she didn’t. She already let herself slip up by letting a mere friendship bloom between her and the white haired sorcerer. But now in this moment, physically seeing the emotion speak within his eyes as they traveled back up to hers– she knew she had to stop. 
She’d never let anyone get close to her… again. 
She leaned back and turned her head back in front of her, facing away from Gojo completely. The sudden movement pulled him out of his trance, leaving him to attempt to mask the hurt he felt from the rejection. Even if it wasn’t spoken– he knew. Although he ignored his own feelings when he noticed the far away look she suddenly sported in her eyes. 
“Moon?” He tried. 
She took a deep breath, willing herself enough strength to walk away. Learn to stick true to her word and stay away from people. She knew it was unfair to him, but she couldn’t feel that pain again– the same pain that never left. After all these years, the wound still bled– and she never had the power to stop it. 
“I gotta… I’m gonna go–” She rushed out, gathering her things.
“Hey, hey, what's the rush?” He asked, sitting up straighter. 
Uncomfortable with the sudden shift in the mood. 
“I just… I just remembered I have to meet with Yag–” 
He furrowed his brows at her rushed movements, the way her hands slightly shook when trying to zip up her bag. He couldn’t help the worry bubble within him. 
“Did I do something?” He voiced out loud, wondering if he was the cause for her sudden distress. 
Her chest twinged with pain, her guilt doubling at the thought that he was already trying to blame himself. Her lips twitched with the urge to tell him otherwise– to scream out to him what she really felt. But she couldn’t, and would never. 
She faced him, trying to keep her face neutral.
“Not at all, just forgot I had something to do.” She explained casually, and hoped he bought her lie. “Gotta go, see ya.” 
Without another glance towards his beaten down expression, she hurried off to the steps of the school– making her way towards her room. She needed to be alone right now– she needed to think. 
Although she had thought she lied well to him, she didn’t realize that while she looked at him– he could see the pain written in her expression. 
He was left sitting under the tree by himself, letting himself get lost in his thoughts. All at the same time, feeling hurt and concerned. 
His feet carried him towards the school stairs, and he gladly took a seat– letting himself come back to reality after the memory. 
It wouldn’t have been such a painful memory if things hadn’t changed drastically after that. She had isolated herself almost completely from him, everyone even. She didn’t talk as much as she did– although she was never that talkative to begin with. She kept her distance– staying calculated about the time of interactions. Gojo was the first to bring it to his friends' attention. Shoko and Geto barely saw it as an issue at first. 
She’s just going through something. Maybe she needs her space. They both told him.
For a while, he supposed he believed them. Perhaps that was easier than thinking it was something he did. If he scared her off or if, she truly didn’t feel the same way he did. The rejection was harder to accept, so he stuck with believing you just needed time. 
Now almost over a year has passed, and you still keep yourself far from everyone– from him. 
“With how hard you’re thinking, you’re gonna end up hurting yourself.” A smooth voice called out from behind him. 
Gojo already knew it was his dear friend Geto, making his way down the stairs. 
“I ain’t thinking that hard.” Gojo mumbled into his palm that he rested his head on. 
“I can practically hear it.” Geto joked, earning a chuckle from the white haired sorcerer.
His laughed died down, going back to staring aimlessly at the stairs that descended in front of him. The long haired sorcerer gazed with watchful eyes at his friend, curious as to what was bothering him so.
“Yaga’s been hinting at a big mission soon. I’m curious if that’s what got you so preoccupied.” Geto wondered.
Gojo had heard the same whispers of the same mission, but it definitely wasn’t what he was stuck in his head about.
“Nah. It’s Moon.” Gojo admitted, knowing when it came to Geto— he wouldn’t judge.
He was his best friend for a reason. Always able to calm him down when he felt slightly out of control.
Geto hummed and ran a hand through his hair, fixing some strands that fell out of place from the light breeze.
“Did something happen?” He asked his friend.
Gojo sighed, and glanced towards Geto with a disappointed expression— not directed at him of course.
“Did she tell you what happened on her mission?” He wondered. 
Geto shook his head with a chuckle.
“Do you think she would? Doesn’t seem like her style to come to me and vent.” He pointed out, although he wished she would. 
Geto cared for her, and knowing something was bothering her– it bothered him. He felt useless sitting on the sidelines, waiting for the day she’d finally express herself. When would that be?
Gojo scoffed, knowing he had a point– but disappointed nevertheless. 
Geto saw the worry etched into his friends features, and grew serious all of a sudden. 
“What happened?” He asked, despite not wanting to know the answer. 
“She lost a life.” Gojo whispered, his eyes dropping back down to the stairs. 
Geto felt his stomach knot up slightly, concern for Moon growing more intense by the second. He knew a great amount about the 9 Lives technique– knowing how traumatic and difficult that was to possess, to experience. Knowing she had gone through it, all alone. It made him feel sick. 
Gojo lifted his gaze back up to his long haired friend, the silence making him wonder where his thoughts were. By the look on his face– he almost knew what he was thinking. 
“Oh Miss Dair…” Geto trailed off, frustrated that you didn’t come to him– or anyone for that matter. This was serious and you were trying to isolate yourself. “Does Yaga know?”
Geto glanced to his friend, watching the white haired sorcerer shake his head. A part of Geto wanted to tell Yaga, not to get you in trouble– but to bring awareness to your odd behavior. 
“He should know about this.” Geto stated, irritation lacing his tone. 
“She wouldn’t want that, you know. She’d be furious with us if we told him.” Gojo told him. 
Geto scoffed, shaking his head this time.
“She already acts indifferent with us– would it really matter?” Geto questioned, genuinely offended, how Moon treats them. 
Gojo again couldn’t argue, knowing Geto had a point.
“I hope she’s okay.” Geto suddenly softens, his worry overcoming his frustration. “Losing a life is like losing a piece of your soul, I can’t imagine what she had to go through.”
Gojo perked up at that information, swallowing with difficulty through his tight throat. A thought suddenly popped into his head, and despite him truly not wanting to know the answer— he found himself asking.
“What happens when she only has one life left,” He whispered into the air, glancing over to Geto’s unfocused expression. “Will she be… herself?”
He watched closely, narrowing his eyes when he saw the long haired sorcerers eyebrows twitch. The silence was killing him, although it had only been a mere few seconds of it.
“I don’t want to lie to you, my friend. Though I am not positive what will be the outcome, I doubt she will be the Moon we know now.” He admitted solemnly.
Gojo tensed from his words, running a hand through his white locks. It was all theories— he knew that. But it didn’t calm him from his anxious thoughts. How much longer did he have to live his life being concerned to death for his friend. It was exhausting— yet completely out of his control.
“Don’t let my words alarm you Satoru,” Geto placed a hand on his shoulder in comfort, “This is Miss Dair we’re talking about. She’s a strong one.”
The white haired sorcerer nodded, but couldn’t find the relief that his words meant to bring.
“We all have an ending, and she won’t be meeting hers any sooner than she’s meant to.” Geto assured him.
Gojo wanted to ask how he could possibly know that— but couldn’t bring himself to.
Geto gave his friend’s shoulder a squeeze before standing up— brushing off his robes.
“You should get some rest. Our lives are about to get much busier.” Geto suggested.
Gojo knew he was right— again. The sorcerer life wasn’t one of relaxation. He knew all too soon there would be a mission to keep them occupied.
“Now— get some rest.” Geto called out as he walked away.
Leaving Gojo alone on the stairs, still stuck in his head. He needed to push all these worries away for now— there were bigger things at hand. He needed to focus.
Not too far from the school stairs, Moon stood in front of her bathroom mirror– staring intensely at her reflection. She couldn’t figure out what bothered her so much about what she saw– although there was indeed something. An evident change in her appearance– 
No… I look the same… yeah. She argued with herself. 
She gripped the edges of the sink, leaning closer to her reflection’s tip of her nose. It wasn’t until she focused harder on her eyes, when she finally recognized the unfamiliar haunted look in her gaze. 
With a frustrated huff, she pushed off of the white porcelain– stumbling backwards from her reflection and into the door with a thump. Her chest started rising and falling faster– her breathing erratic as she felt herself losing control. 
Her eyes squeezed shut as a violent image from her most recent fight came flashing. The destruction, the loud screech from the monster as it ruptured her ear drums. Last of all, the indescribable feeling of death. The anxiety when your senses start to dull. The last thing she faintly heard was the struggling pounding of her weak heart– attempting to keep her awake for a few more seconds. It was all too much.
The thought came and went like a fleeting shadow, but nonetheless it appeared. 
Sometimes I wish I could’ve stayed dead. 
Her hands gripped her hair, pulling and squeezing as she shook herself out of the images, the memories of what she had gone through. It would haunt her– it haunted her now as she struggled to keep sane. 
Her chaotic state had her stumbling around the bathroom, her body leaning harshly against the shelf next to her shower– causing the furniture to tip over and smash against the tub. The sound rang and echoed throughout the porcelain walls, the noise causing Moon to flinch back– stumbling back into the bathroom door. 
She was overwhelmed, feeling helpless as she couldn’t do anything but let herself succumb to the panic she was trying so desperately to fight off. She cried out as she held a shaking hand over her chest, the pain suddenly sticking out to her. Her lungs felt constricted, like someone was squeezing the air out. 
The pounding intensified in her head, causing her to miss the knocking coming from her main door. 
Geto stood patiently outside of her door. He just needed to see for his own eyes that she was okay before he let himself fall asleep. The talk from earlier– the reveal that she lost a life. He needed to check on his friend for himself. 
After waiting another minute, he started to wonder if she had fallen asleep. Disappointed that he wouldn’t get to see her, he started to walk away– making it a goal first thing tomorrow to see her. 
Before he could take his first step to leave, he heard the faintest cry coming from her room. He furrowed his brows in confusion and leaned his ear closer to the wood– listening again for something. 
Perhaps he’d heard something that wasn’t actually the–
His thoughts were interrupted when he heard another cry, louder this time. Immediately he grew tense and knocked again– more urgent this time. 
“Moon? It’s Geto, I heard something in there. Everything okay?” He called out, listening again when he didn’t hear her answer. 
Although he could hear lots of noises, and what had sounded like whimpers– her whimpers. Her broken sounds panicked Geto– making him wonder if you were hurt. 
Geto sent a hurried text to his friend, not even a second later– the white haired sorcerer was appearing before him. 
“What’s going on?” Gojo asked, his voice stern and serious. 
“I heard distressing sounds coming from inside, but she wouldn’t answer me when I called for her. I’ve been knocking for a bit, and she won’t answer.” Geto rushed out, worried deeply for his friend. 
Gojo thought quickly and mumbled under his breath before placing his hand on Geto’s shoulder.
“She’s gonna hate me for this.” 
Before Geto could ask, Gojo had teleported the two of them inside her room. The sounds of her whimpers louder and so clearly coming from the bathroom. The noise broke both the men, the two giving each other a look before moving towards the bathroom. 
“Moon, are you okay in there?” Geto asked, seeing as Gojo grew suddenly silent. 
The whimpers died down, the shuffling almost stopping immediately. The two men glanced at each other– trying to figure out what she was doing. Before they could talk amongst each other– the door suddenly opened. 
Moon walked out, glancing at the two standing before her in her room. 
“Yeah I uh… my stomach’s been off. Must’ve been something I ate.” She explained to them, keeping her gaze on the floor as she walked towards her couch and plopping down. 
Her episode had tired her out, and she felt ready to pass out at any moment. 
Geto was the first to study her, his eyes trailing up and down for injuries– but stayed stuck on her pale and clammy face. Her skin looked a little sickly. 
“Sorry to hear that, and sorry to barge in– we just wanted to make sure you were okay.” He explained this time. 
She waved him off, giving him a weak tired smile. 
“I appreciate it, but I’m fine.” She assured him. 
Geto wasn’t entirely convinced, but he was happy to at least see her with his own eyes. No injuries were enough to keep him relaxed for now– but he was still worried about her. Always would. 
The long haired sorcerer glanced over to Gojo, who was gazing intensely at Moon. His blue eyes exposed and studying her features, memorizing every freckle– every inch of her skin. 
Moon lifted her gaze to Gojo, swallowing nervously when she became aware of how deeply he was looking at her. It was an overwhelming sensation of feeling seen– like someone could finally see her pain written all over her body. The pain that she refused to reveal. 
Despite Gojo having so much to say, to ask– to know. He stayed silent and followed Geto as he said goodbye and left her room. 
Moon sighed in relief, a part of her grateful that they hadn’t caught her in such a state. Although the other part of her longed for them to stay– for him to stay. She wanted to tell him everything, but instead she kept telling him nothing. The way it should be.
The two sorcerers walked in silence next to each other, both too lost in their thoughts to create small talk. It was almost as if they knew they were both thinking the same thing, or at least they had the same ideas– same theories about what exactly was going on with Moon. 
Geto was the first to break the silence, after taking note of the concerned look on his friends face. 
“Satoru…” He started, but was quickly interrupted. 
“Don’t worry about me. I’ll be focused for the mission.” He rushed out, running a hand through his white strands. 
Geto frowned and stopped walking, causing Gojo to turn and study his friends expression. 
“Let’s not shut each other out, okay? We already have that issue at hand.” He started, his tone stern but his expression soft. “I just need you to be honest with me. I’m worried about her too– so I need you to talk to me if you feel there's something wrong.”
Gojo’s eyes softened and his shoulders slumped, knowing he was right. It was easier to ignore the issues– ignorance was bliss. Although, he knew all too well that it would only be worse at the end. 
“I just want our friend back.” He whispered, his gaze dropping to the floor.
Geto let his hand rest on his friends shoulder, giving it a comforting squeeze– bringing Gojo’s attention back on him. 
“Our Moon is very much there Satoru… we just have to keep being there for her.” He reassured him.
Geto wasn’t pigheaded, he knew very well that Gojo was blaming himself heavily for this whole situation. Despite it being completely out of his control– he knew Gojo well enough to know that wouldn’t matter. 
“I feel like I’m not doing enough.” He expressed, his voice weak.
Geto gave his shoulder another warm squeeze before removing his hand from him completely. 
“You are, my friend.” He promised him.
The dark haired sorcerer left in the direction of his room, leaving Gojo alone with his thoughts. But he knew there wasn’t much else he could say to comfort him. Geto knew he would just have to keep reminding him he was doing enough, until Gojo believed it himself. Meanwhile, maybe his own words would convince himself too. 
Gojo did feel comforted by his friends words, but he knew that all too well that the pit in his stomach wouldn’t stray away. 
Where’d you go Nines… Gojo thought lastly before heading to bed. 
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ending notes. hmm, now we are starting to see the two different perspectives of why they aren't close anymore. poor miss moon is kinda a mess 😭 feedback is appreciated as always 🤍
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11queensupreme11 · 2 months
I promised myself to wait a little more before reading but I couldn't focus when I just knew this was big.
So yeah, I end reading porn while my lecture... no regrets.
Me, reading chapter 31: Percy, your daddy issues are SHOWING my girl.
Can't blame you tho, your dad's hot. He's not a DILF, he's THE DILF, He deserves every capital letter.
Love that crazy blonde, have a special place in my heart.
Grover just got himself a VIP ticket to HELL, my boy, you just got yourself a target in your back and, all satyrs in both worlds are going to suffer for that decision even with Percy's help.
Poseidon promised to do nothing, but the rest of the family didn't
Love it, cause at least they know SOMETHING is happening now, kinda of. Well, now they KNOW she's alive and that's something...
Could be worse, wondering if Grover noticed her dress and what he's going to see about it. She has become a wife/prisoner? she did run away? Percy is using really expensive jewellery like mere rocks and can say something (a god? a god from a different pantheon?)
Anyways, she's now one bad fall from diving into the incest sin and I'm pushing her, after the first wet bed... well, we know they aren't known for their patience.
I'm rotting for Sun Wukong, just imagine what that tail can do 😏😏😏 (for once, I'm not being horny, but imagine him using that tail to push her close and hugging her. I'm a bitch for cuddles, make me blush like no porn has done before).
(Odin, the other way, is a DILF I totally respect ❤️👄❤️)
Chapter 32
Well, I did see this scenery come... but Zeus accusing Hera of being unfaithful? wishing it to be real, maybe with Ganymede, just to add more burn.
Totally deserves it, but you know, isn't happening.
(Sometimes, for a little bit, I feel sad for her. Her husband is The Bitch, has an almost impossible mission and no one is helping her... well, then I remember how she treated her husband's lover, literally kids, how she's just searching for Percy cause she needs her and then I'm fine, totally deserved)
(Now I'm rooting for the RoR gods, not because they're better, just cause at least they're honest about their feelings about humanity and, don't treat their children like guns with discount in Walmart)
Poseidon taking advantages from all his chances to discover new kinks with Percy (*screams, giggles, hides her face*). You're spoiling us, brat taming is my favorite kind of dom/sub smut, so this was gooooooooood for me
Poseidon just making her cry and then making her kiss him? Percy, you're living a wattpad history and is niceeeeee
Percy/Poseidon and Percy/Beelzebub fans, we're winning tonight!!!!
Beelzebub: A life with Percy or no life at all Me: Whatever you say king, I love your crazyness, don't change
He really is ready to save her, no matter if it means she's leaving him... a maturing king, love it.
Okay, we know he'd never send her to another's man arms (Sorry, I always forget his name), but he's TRYING and that's all I ask from him. He's closer than the others...
(Feeling like that TikTok "what if he's the devil? at least the devil has a job")
(What if he's throwing away her chances to go back home, at least he takes her to Midgard dates 🙄🙄🙄🙄)
Yes, I looking throught the BIGGEST red glass, not seeing red flags, just hearts around Beelcy.
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Poseidon for the horny side and Beelcebub for the romantic side ❤️❤️
You know what would be amazing? Nico having to see all of this.
Imagine, the drama.
We know you love the drama queen, don't try to fool me, I know you survive from our tears and horny desires.
(Queen... just wondering... is this a harem history (Percy ends with all the yanderes) or just one of them? cause for now in my mind they have a horary where they share Percy like a divorce child)
Amazing like always ❤️❤️❤️❤️
YOU READ INCEST PORN AND CANNIBALISM DURING YOUR CLASS LECTURE??? 💀💀💀 i could never, i don't have the guts even when my phone has the privacy screen protector thing 😂
also, "all satyrs in both worlds are going to suffer for that decision even with Percy's help." yeah the satyrs in ror verse are still in deep shit even tho percy tried to help them, cuz even though it was only the GREEK council who saw it, this whole thing made BIG NEWS
can you imagine shiva, parvati, kali, and durga's reaction to hearing that percy was "violated" by an unknown satyr IN HER DREAMS?
or loki's reaction? or literally any god that knows about her and likes her???? or just gods in general (especially the protector of children gods) 💀💀💀 like, satyrs already have a terrible reputation, but to target a "one year old" daughter of poseidon IN HER DREAMS (which is unheard of for satyrs to be capable of, which makes it even more terrifying)???? they're FUCKED 💀💀💀
pan and dionysus are gonna have to put them into hiding or something lmao
there's more posy coming in in the futre, and as for beelzebub, he's just digging a deeper and deeper grave for himself lmao. he is singlehandedly ruining his own ship 😭😭😭 but at least he still has beelcy shippers on his side 💀
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Mars Ruled Nakshatras - Longing For Forgotten Shine
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The Nakshatras of Mars experience a unique condition of struggling to let go of the past due to external circumstances freezing them in place either physically or emotionally, and the present being exceptionally punishing in contrast with a blissfully unaware and comfortable past.
@thehiddenoctave explored this particular theme in his video about Mrigashira Nakshatra, but this phenomenon is something that can be observed in all Mars ruled Nakshatras.
For most accurate results in chart research, I recommend the Kala Astrological Software by Ernst Wilhelm, that gives you an option of calculating Nakshatras based on the position of Mula in the Galactic Center. This Calculation may slightly change your Nakshatra alignment, although that doesn't always happen, and I find it to be the most accurate Vedic Astrology Calculation option available in the world. It is a game changer, and has been the cherry on top of my many years of Astrology study. I mention this here because I used this software for celebrity research, that led to conclusions for this post.
For more understanding of Mrigashira, I recommend visiting the Hidden Octave's YouTube Channel, where there is a long video focusing on this Nakshatra in particular.
To better explore and understand the theme of difficulty in moving on in Mars Nakshatras, one needs to understand the position of Mars in the Nakshatra wheel. The Mars stage comes right after the Moon stage.
In the Moon stage, we have a unique capacity of garnering attention in one form or another, due to the Moon's ability for capturing the senses and manipulating their audience. Thus, in the Moon stage we enjoy a unique Lunar Radiance, that draws people in. Different Moon Nakshatras have variations in expression of that experience, the circle of trustees getting larger with every stage. Rohini relates more to domestic and family comforts, Hasta extends to business partnerships and Shravana tends to be the collective favourite child and has a knack for being a center piece of communities and attracting crowds. These people tend to naturally attract attention, care and companionship throughout their lives. That happens, even if they suffer personal losses. One person appears to caretake them in some form after the next.
The Mars stage is where we gradually loose all of that attention and protection. Mars Nakshatra natives normally have a knack for early success in life in some form, as they are still running off steam of the latent lunar influence from the previous stage. These natives suffer a lot from the Golden Child syndrome - first pampered, then discarded. The issue with the Mars stage, is that these natives are formed just like the Lunar natives in their childhood years. They naturally get adjusted to receiving a lot of attention and adulation. Then, due to unpleasant external events, they lose that adulation, typically as a result of betrayal by those, that were supplying them with the very emotional care they are so attached to.
As a result, the entire nervous system of these natives goes into shock, and they become fundamentally defensive. Depending on ones chart, two scenarios can occur.
The healthier scenario, is that the native properly develops and uses their Mars energy, and becomes the builder and protector of their own circle of safety, away from those, that subjected them to betrayal in the first place, and making sure no one suffers like they had to. In charts where Mars Nakshatras are particularly well functioning, there is almost an inborn animal instinct, that these people rely on, that makes them look for a way out of birth circumstances and leaving the Moon stage innocence and naiveté behind. That can occur in particular with Ketu in Martian Nakshatras, which shows a past life talent for sensing an inherent lack of safety in any environment. For instance, I have Ketu in Mrigashira, and I never trusted my family circle, and always looked for ways to leave it since the youngest age.
Sadly, there is also another scenario, which can easily occur if the planets in Mars Nakshatras are under some form of affliction, which causes emotional strain to the native and messes with their mindset. In the other scenario, the native becomes frozen in the long forgotten past, living a life of illusions, constantly wounded by the fact, that the life they so cling to will never come back. They realise, that the people who hurt them were never good to begin with and they stopped caring for them in the present, in fact only used them and never cared for them to begin with, and they can't cope with that, so they mentally escape into the past, into a time, where they still felt like they received the protection and nurtuting they miss now.
You can find very good examples of this phenomenon related to Mrigashira Nakshatra in the Hidden Octave video, which mentions a character of a child prodigy that has grown up to become stuck at home, filled with resentment, way into her matured age. She spends her time reminiscing on her easier times as a child actress, adored by her parents, but put into a reprehensible position due to her sister's insane jealousy.
Chitra natives tend to be more physical in their expression of Mars traits, modifying their bodies in order to retain youth and finances, since their family may have been more affluent in the past, but might have faced financial loss or simply separation. This motivates these natives to go to great lengths to preserve the illusion of status and comfort, experienced in the past, and makes them prone to playing social games and enjoying material wealth as "toys", just so they can feel like a child on the playground again.
The screenshot from the top of the post talks about a Dhanishta Moon native, Britney Spears, famous singer and dancer since a very young age, then betrayed and drugged by her family, now a wreck, stuck in her past dream of her family's adoration for her through her career status, still performing young girl dance routines, even though it's more inappropriate and disturbing with every passing day as she matures into her 40s.
These Nakshatra examples are a good place to mention, that the desperation of Mars natives is what can ironically pave their path into further success. A desire for attention leads to developing seduction methods to keep sustaining that attention. A desire for physical beauty motivates these natives towards acts such as plastic surgery to keep looking youthful. A desire for the attention of the crowds makes these natives act in provocative ways, just so that they feel someone will still keep talking about them. However, these acts usually end up either collapsing, as one is not really contributing anything useful to the world, which grows bored of the native, or producing love-hate reactions from the crowds, which only exacerbates these native's emotional problems.
Mars is healed, when it completely cuts off the past, lets go, stops trying to control people's reactions and trying to constantly get external validation and attention and charters its own course, developing independence. A healed Mars is a builder, that sets realistic goals and focuses on them, without looking for external approval. Mars is a spiritual planet, and it is where we develop faith in something bigger than ourselves for the first time, which ends up being crowned and maturing in Jupiter.
Mars is the King's Soldier and a Soldier's Mantra, is that he marches forward even when he doesn't know where he's going, because it's the belief in his path and the rhythm of his journey that keeps him alive.
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troperrific · 2 months
/ekuoto spoilers chapter 71/
I figured we would be going through the circus tent first. The fact that it’s made of Mr. Priest’s memories is interesting enough, but I like that we’re seeing only happy memories.
For example, at the beginning, when they go enter the location where the orca’s show should be, they immediately get transported to the beach.
Because although his first aquarium date with Imuri was fun, the orca show was likely a bad memory: Mammon possessed an orca, almost killed the kids and Priest had to work again. So it has no place in his “perfect dream world”.
Which makes me curious about this:
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Is this foreshadowing that Mammon could break into the dream world? Could Imuri reach Priest with her art (literally)? Will Priest’s bad memories eventually leak into this “perfect world” and threaten the people inside the tent? Who knows…
Also, I guess we can add “photographic memory” to Daniel’s increasing list of abilities.
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Makes sense that Becú would fall down considering that she’s both a novice at being a witch and has been shown to be a clumsy and nervous person.
But seriously, why insist on the brooms?! That’s just asking someone to fall down and hurt themselves. And then there are nudists like Charlotte, whose ass would surely suffer horrible blisters were it not for magic, I suppose. Still!! Some consideration would be nice?? Find some means of travel that’s safer and more comfortable?? Minus points for your leadership, Vir!!
Okay, silliness aside, Vir’s comment about his powers flourishing because they might be closer to hell paralleling with Dante’s own comment about being stronger because they were likely closer to Heaven towards the end of Part 3 got me good.
I’ll wait a bit more, but the parallels between the Sloth and Gluttony arcs are super fascinating to me.
Also, this particular conflict is nothing new:
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Most of the characters pushing their values onto Mr. Priest is nothing new. The Church, the witches, the Demon Lords, all of them do it. If anything, this is hilariously like… those standard sitcom tropes where the parents keep arguing about their child’s future.
I’d like to note that… to me, this matter will always be a bit more complicated than “everyone sees Priest as a tool”.
I think most characters do feel sympathy towards him to different degrees. Otherwise we wouldn’t have moments like Vir telling him to live freely because he’s sure the boy’s suffered under the Church, Dante regretting how he couldn’t help him enough, Mikhail musing that he was glad Priest could show his suffering to others at the end of Part 4, Daniel acknowledging his fault in Priest’s declining mental health, etc.
It’s just that almost everyone thinks they know what’s righteous or how the world works or even what’s the key to happiness, and they push and project those values and their own issues on Priest due to his role as The Chosen One.
But regardless of how they feel about Priest, it’s a fact that here, the factions of the Witches and the Church are prioritizing the fate of the world and Priest as a “symbol” and “soldier” rather than as a person.
I talked about it a bit here, a few days before this chapter dropped but… I see both Vir and Daniel as the most selfless motivation-wise… they both want to save the world! They devote themselves full heartedly to their cause, regardless of what or who they lose along the way, nothing is more important than the greater good to them, I think not even themselves! Deeply heroic spirits… but the way they go about it… goodness, it can be so, so vile. And because they essentially intend to use someone who never wanted to be the world’s savior, it becomes rather selfish in a way.
Daniel wants to protect the world, but what kind of world is he protecting if he’s still going to rely on a mentally-ill teen?
Vir wants to change the world, but what kind of change is he proposing when he’s doing exactly what he condemns the Church for, indirectly trampling on the weak to gain power and intending to use a child to fight for him?
And of course, there’s Imuri:
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Imuri is simultaneously the only person who’s definitely prioritizing Priest over the world’s fate, but she also has the most selfish motive of all characters this chapter.
She, unlike the others, doesn’t care about whether he can save or protect or change the world, nor does she care to expect that from him.
However, she, like the others, is not thinking about what Priest might want. The (imagined?) danger of him becoming someone else’s is her biggest priority right now.
The manga goes on and on about themes like instincts vs rationality, selfishness vs selflessness (and how the two are not as black and white or well defined as they might appear at first), etc.
So this whole discussion and series of disagreements between the characters is not just about Priest. It’s about the on-going conflict the author wants us to think about.
Is it right to sacrifice the happiness and freedom of one person for the happiness and freedom of the many, like Vir and Daniel propose here? Utilitarians would say yes, and that’s why Daniel, Dante, Heisenberg and even Vir act like they do. But the manga has already shown us through Mr. Priest how awful and cruel that truly is.
Is it right to ignore the suffering of the world just for your own desires or for the sake of one person (be it yourself or someone else)? The demons work along these lines of thought, and that’s how they think it should be, but still remain lonely and feel unloved and unfulfilled. In Part 4, we’re shown that, this line of thinking also hurts Priest, whether it be because of Imuri playing along Asmodeus’ game, or because of his own disappointment in himself during chapters 54 and 55, where he laments giving into his own desires due to the betrayal of his own morals.
Where is the middle ground then? How can it be achieved?
The answer to that is yet to come, if there’s any concrete solution, but I do think the author has already told us where the characters can start:
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Behold, the one character who is constantly stuck between the two “philosophies” above: Leah!
If Priest’s depression is everyone’s responsibility, then it is up to them to fix things and make amends.
If the world is everyone’s responsibility, then surely, talking and apologizing and making amends and moving forward together…
Hm. Who knows.
To finish these thoughts, I just have one question:
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(The one on the right is from Priest’s memories in chapter 42)
Who is this spooky creepy demon?? I don’t know him??
Imuri’s fujo vision goes into two extreme ways it seems?
(Or maybe, just maybe Bel will have a creepier form? A scarier side? Please?)
On a side note… I wonder what are Mr. Priest’s thoughts on homosexuality…
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