#Nutmeg Essential Oil
merakiessentials · 15 days
Nutmeg Essential Oil 
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Shop the rich, aromatic charm of Nutmeg Essential Oil from Meraki Essentials. Our premium oil, derived from freshly ground nutmeg seeds, brings a cozy, spicy fragrance to your daily routine. Ideal for adding warmth to any space, it can also be used to enhance your skin care and relaxation practices. Nutmeg Essential Oil is known for its potential to support mental clarity, ease discomfort, and provide a comforting ambiance. Elevate your home and wellness experience with the pure, invigorating essence of Meraki Essentials’ Nutmeg Essential Oil.
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reachablewellness · 10 months
Nutmeg: The Hidden Herbal Gem for Holistic Wellbeing
Nutmeg is one of my favorite spices in the fall season. I will often times place this herb in cookies to give them a special flavor (and it is one of my secret ingredients). More than just a culinary spice on a spice rack, nutmeg holds a treasure full of health benefits for health just waiting to be explored. As a seasoned nurse, herbalist, and founder of a wellness brand, I’ve taken a deep dive…
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vanaromaproduct · 1 year
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Mace Oil (NM-003) Van Aroma
Van Aroma is one of the leading producers of Mace Oil. Van Aroma is one of the biggest exporters in Indonesia. We produce and export Mace Oil from sustainable, and fully traceable sources.
Myristica Fragrans (Nutmeg) Mace Oil / 梅斯油 / メース オイル / Huile essentielle de macis / Aceite de maza / Minyak Fuli Pala
CAS No: 8007-12-3 ; 84082-68-8
Olfactive Profile: Sweet, fresh, spicy, warm
EC No: 282-013-3
FEMA No: 2653
Product Synonyms: minyak phuli pala, macis oil, mace indonesia oil fg 5, minyak bunga pala
Certification: Kosher, Halal, FSSC 22000
Indonesia is currently the largest producer of Nutmeg Oil in the world, providing 75% to 80% of the global supply. It is also one of the top three largest producers of Mace Oil.
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coven-of-genesis · 1 year
Essential oils toxic to cats
Cats are particularly sensitive to essential oils, and even small amounts can be toxic to them.
Here is a list of essential oils that are generally considered toxic to cats:
Tea Tree Oil (Melaleuca oil)
Pennyroyal Oil
Wintergreen Oil
Pine Oil
Clove Oil
Eucalyptus Oil
Citrus Oil (Lemon, Orange, Grapefruit)
Cinnamon Oil
Thyme Oil
Peppermint Oil
Oregano Oil
Ylang Ylang Oil
Bergamot Oil
Sweet Birch Oil
Garlic Oil
Garlic Extract
Onion Oil
Onion Extract
Nutmeg Oil
Chamomile Oil
Anise Oil
Juniper Oil
Mustard Oil
Citronella Oil
Pine Needle Oil
Bay Leaf Oil
Cassia Oil
Cajeput Oil
Lemon Grass Oil
Geranium Oil
Remember, this list is not exhaustive, and there may be other essential oils that could be harmful to cats. It's crucial to keep these oils and any other potentially toxic substances out of reach of your feline companions.
If you suspect your cat has been exposed to an essential oil or is displaying any unusual symptoms, it's important to contact a veterinarian immediately.
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literaryvein-reblogs · 2 months
Writing Notes: Food (5 Mother Sauces)
for writing your cooking and other food-related scenes
Mother sauces, first classified by French Chef Marie-Antoine Carême and later codified by Auguste Escoffier, are the starting points for countless ‘daughter’ sauces in French cuisine.
In 1833, Marie Antoine Carême published a classification of French sauces in his reference cookbook L’art de la cuisine française au XIXe siècle ("The Art of French Cuisine in the 19th Century").
These foundations are essential to traditional French culinary creations, but by adding various ingredients can be transformed into a wide range of sauces ready to enhance and complete different dishes.
The Roux
Master the making of roux (“roo”), and you will have a variety of French sauces at your fingertips.
Roux is basically cooking fat and flour together before adding in the liquid you want to thicken.
The fat used is generally butter, but oil or other fats can also be used.
The fat and flour cook together to cook out some of the floury, pasty flavor in the flour.
Cook the mixture for 5 minutes for white, 20 minutes for blond, or 35 minutes for brown roux.
The darker the roux, the nuttier the flavor.
When the liquid is added to the roux, and everything comes to a boil, the flour thickens the liquid, and you end up with sauce.
Four out of the five mother sauces are thickened by roux.
The 5 French “Mother Sauces”
1. Béchamel (“bay-sha-mel”)
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Also known as a white sauce, this is a white roux whisked with milk or other dairy to make a white sauce.
White and just a tad bit thicker than heavy cream.
The flavoring is up to you, although the French like to do a little salt and pepper, while the Italians like to throw on a pinch of nutmeg.
Another traditional flavoring option is to steep the milk with a whole onion that has been studded with a couple of cloves and a bay leaf before being combined with the roux.
By itself, béchamel is quite bland, which is why it is usually cooked with other ingredients and not used as a finishing sauce.
Béchamel is classically served with eggs, fish, steamed poultry, steamed vegetables, pastas, and veal.
The sister sauces include:
Mornay = béchamel + Gruyère + Parmesan + butter
Cheese = béchamel + cheddar + Worcestershire sauce + dry mustard
Soubise = béchamel + onions + butter
2. Velouté (“vuh-loo-tay”)
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It’s made similar to a béchamel, except in this case, stock replaces the milk.
A velouté is a blond roux whisked with chicken, turkey, fish, or any other clear stock.
The resulting sauce takes on the flavor of the stock, and the name is derived from the French word for velvet, which suitably describes this smooth but light and delicate sauce.
Commonly, the sauce produced will be referred to by the type of stock used, for example, chicken velouté.
Velouté is classically served with eggs, fish, steamed poultry, steamed vegetables, and pastas.
The sister sauces include:
Bercy = velouté +shallots + white wine + fish stock + butter + parsley
Normandy = fish velouté + fish stock + mushrooms + liaison
Allemande = veal/chicken velouté + liaison
Suprême = chicken velouté + cream
3. Espagnole (“es-puhn-yohl”)
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Commonly known as brown sauce, this rich sauce is made using beef or veal stock, tomato puree, and mirepoix (meer-ph), which is a combination of diced carrots, celery, and onions, all thickened with a very dark brown roux.
If you’ve heard of demi-glace (deh-mee-glass), it’s nothing more than equal parts of Espagnole sauce and brown stock that has been reduced by half for an even more flavorful sauce.
Espagnole is rarely served on its own due to the strong flavors.
Espagnole is classically served with roasted meats like beef, veal, lamb, and duck.
The sister sauces include:
Bordelaise = demi-glace + red wine + shallots + bay leaf + thyme + black pepper
Châteaubriand = demi-glace + mushrooms + shallots + lemon juice + cayenne pepper + tarragon + butter
Madeira = demi-glace + Madeira wine
Mushroom = demi-glace + mushroom caps
4. Hollandaise (“hol-uhn-dehz”)
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This is the one mother sauce not thickened by a roux.
Hollandaise sauce is an emulsion of butter and lemon juice or vinegar using egg yolks as the emulsifying agent (to bind the sauce), usually seasoned with salt and a little black pepper or cayenne pepper.
Heat control is essential here to prevent curdling of the sauce, and therefore, it is usually done in a double boiler.
Hollandaise sauce is classically served with eggs (Eggs Benedict), vegetables (especially asparagus), light poultry dishes, and fish.
The sister sauces include:
Béarnaise = hollandaise + shallots + tarragon + chervil + peppercorns + white wine vinegar
Chantilly = hollandaise + whipped heavy cream. The tomato sauce is classically served with pasta, fish, vegetables, polenta, veal, poultry, bread, and dumplings such as gnocchi.
5. Tomate (“toe-maht”)
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Sauce tomate, better known as tomato sauce, is based on tomatoes.
A roux is traditionally used in making tomato sauce, but many chefs skip it because the tomatoes themselves are enough to thicken the sauce.
The classic sauce tomate is made with salted pork belly, onions, bay leaves, thyme, pureed or fresh tomatoes, roux, garlic, salt, sugar, and pepper.
If you don’t want to get that fancy, you can leave out the pork belly and roux to make a standard tomato sauce.
The sister sauces include:
Creole = tomato sauce + onion + celery + garlic + bay leaf + thyme + green pepper + hot sauce
Spanish = creole sauce + mushrooms + olives
Milanaise = tomato sauce + mushrooms + butter + cooked ham
Sources and other related articles: 1 2 3 4 5
If these notes inspire you in any way, please tag me, or leave a link in the replies. I would love to read your work!
More: On Food
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tiredwitchplant · 1 year
How to Use Herbs: Lavender (English Lavender)
Hello. Back with another post about how to use an herb. This time the herb is lavender. We discussed the history, powers and etc in another post (That I will link in a moment) and now we are going to see how we can use it. >>>> Post about Lavender
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Alchemy Formulas:
*Remember when it says one part, try a teaspoon of it first. Always experiment with less amount than too much.
one part lavender flowers
one part gum mastic
one part cinnamon chips
one part cinnamon oil
one part lavender oil
one part gum arabic
one part cinnamon
one part lavender oil
one part clove oil
one-part calamus root (Uranus; change)
one part lavender (Mercury; clarity)
one-part powdered nutmeg (Uranus; change)
one part cinnamon (Uranus, Mercury; change)
two parts sandalwood oil (Mercury, Moon; communication between conscious and subconscious minds)
one part cedar chips (Jupiter; renown)
one part angelica (Sun; authority)
one part myrtle (Venus; the arts)
one part gum mastic (Uranus; innovation)
one part lavender oil (Mercury; knowledge)
one part carnation oil (Jupiter; expansion)
one-part jasmin flowers (Moon; emotions)
one part myrrh resin (Saturn; grounding)
one part rose petals (Venus; love)
one part lotus oil (Neptune; inspiration)
one part lavender oil (Mercury; communication)
Snake-beckoning Spell
Place an image on an altar, either of a snake or of an affiliated deity— the Minoan Serpent Goddess for instance.
Surround this with fresh lavender or warm the essential oil in an aroma burner.
Call the spirit. Be prepared to explain why you have issued the invitation.
Do this spell before bedtime, to receive a visitation in your dreams.
Don’t Sabotage My Success Spell (Workplace Edition)
Prepare a separate mojo for each person who appears to sabotage you.
Write the co-worker’s name on a square of brown paper three times.
Write your own name over each of the co-worker’s names, saying: “I cross you and I cover you.”
Anoint the corners of the paper with essential oils of bergamot, clove bud, and lavender.
Fold up the paper, placing it inside a red flannel drawstring bag, together with a devil’s shoestring root and some cumin seed.
Maintain this discreetly in the workplace, feeding daily with a drop of essential oil of lavender for reinforcement.
Herbal Beauty Glamour Spell
2 ounces of beeswax
1/2 cup coconut oil
1/2 cup olive oil
Glass measuring cup
Pan filled with water
10 to 12 drops of lavender essential oil
10 to 12 drops of yarrow essential oil
Pretty tin or jar
Combine the beeswax, coconut oil, and olive oil into the glass measuring cup and warm it in the pan full of water. This creates a double boiler like effect.
Once the wax melts, stir everything (the oils and beeswax) until well blended and remove it from the heat.
Add the lavender and yarrow oils, stirring them in slowly. As you do so, look into the mirror and say, I am lovely, I am desirable, I am magical. Beauty is more than skin deep. See me for the magnificence of my inner self.
Before it cools, pour your salve into a pretty tin or jar. After it has firmed up, use it on your skin.
Baths and Cleansing:
Maximum Power Spiritual Cleansing Bath
sea salt
rose and calendula blossoms
lavender oil
rose oil
rosemary oil
sandalwood oil
frankincense oil
myrrh oil
white rose hydrosol
Add copious quantities of sea salt to your bath water.
Add a drop of each essential oil into the water.
Float rose and calendula blossoms in the water, if possible.
Bath for Mercury
Herbs: lavender, white sandalwood, horehound, marjoram, thyme
Oils: lavender, white sandalwood, marjoram, anise
Self-Love Bath Bomb Bag
1 tablespoons of lavender
1 tablespoon of mandrake
1 tablespoon vervain
1 tablespoon vetivert
10-inch square of thin muslin or cotton
White ribbon
Red candle
Place the herbs in the center of the square of the cloth and gather up the corners.
Use the white ribbon to tie it, forming a pouch.
Run a warm bath and hang the pouch over the faucet, allowing the water to run through it, filling the tub with the essence of the herbs.
Light the candle and climb into the tub. Allow yourself to soak in the warm, fragrant water.
Use the herb pouch to wash your body, as you do, gaze into the candle's flame.
Visualize yourself radiating an aura of self-confidence and power. See yourself as the sort of person who attracts attention from those who are worthy.
When the water cools, extinguish the candle and get out of the tub. After you've dried yourself, dispose of the herb pouch by burying it or burning it.
Oils, Potions and Powders
Oil Blend for Patience
1 part rose
1 part lavender
1 part pine
Oil Blend for Peace
1 part violet
1 part lavender
1 part jasmine
1 part sandalwood
Masculine Oil Blend
Base note: 10 drops patchouli
Middle note: 10 drops sandalwood
Top note: 3 drops lavender
For the rest of the recipe, you will need:
1-ounce grated beeswax
Double boiler
1 ounce jojoba oil
2 metal 1-ounce containers
Flat toothpicks
Heat the grated beeswax in the double boiler until it is liquid.
Add the jojoba oil and gently mix the two ingredients together to achieve a homogenous blend.
Pour half the liquid into each container and add 3 drops of your essential oil blend.
Quickly stir the mixture with the toothpicks before the wax begins to set.
Keep one container for anointing yourself and the other as a gift to your consort so that he or she may come to appreciate you on a new level. If you are solitary and without a consort, you can use one for anointing your skin and the other for charging candles and ritual tools.
Love Potion #9
1. Choose nine love herbs. Consider these: Damiana
Grains of Paradise
Melissa (lemon balm)
Red clover
Rose petals
(Other options might include adder’s tongue, cardamom pods, catnip, cubeb, lavender, red raspberry leaves or rose hips.)
2. Make a strong infusion of all the herbs, strain, and serve.
Love Powder Drawing Powder
1. Grind the following botanicals to a fine powder:
Rose petals
Optional: ginger blossoms
2. Blend with rice powder.
3. Sprinkle around your home, your bedroom, on your sheets and on you.
Teas and Soothing Pillow:
Bedtime Tea
1 part lavender
1 part catnip
1 part verbena
1 part chamomile
1 cup of boiling water
Mix dry herbs into a small jar
To brew, pour 1 cup of boiling water over 1 teaspoon of the blend you made in the jar.
Steep for 5 - 7 minutes. Strain and enjoy.
Love Tea
1 part rose petals
1 part lavender
1 part jasmine
Pinch of cinnamon (optional)
1 cup of boiling water.
Mix dry herbs into a small jar
To brew, pour 1 cup of boiling water over 1 teaspoon of the blend you made in the jar.
Steep for 5 - 7 minutes. Strain and enjoy.
Dream Pillow (Hecate’s Pillow)
Hecate provides protection at night as well as psychic enhancement, so that you can journey safely during dreams. Appeal to Hecate to block nightmares too.
Dried lavender
Dried mullein
Essential oil of lavender
Optional: tuberose absolute
Blend two parts lavender to one part mullein.
Sprinkle a few drops of the essential oils over the dried botanicals.
Allow this to dry thoroughly and use it to fill a black pillow.
For optimum results, create and inaugurate the pillow during the Dark Moon or on Halloween/Samhain.
Again, sorry for such a long post. Please try to follow the instructions to the best of your abilities or mix and match and experiment. Happy witching. Bye byes~
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jungle-angel · 11 months
Like An Open Book (Bob Floyd x Reader)
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Summary: You and Bob not only make great partners at school, but also at home
Warnings: SMUT!!!! All 18+ warnings apply
Tagging: @bobfloydsbabe
"Damnit Pumpkin!" Bob swore when he heard the meow of the black cat squirming happily in the pile of sticky notes on the old wooden desk. "How many times do I have to tell you! Out!! Out I say!"
With a rather cheeky little meow, Pumpkin leapt off the desk, her black form slinking out of the library and into the living room.
"Cat's at it again I presume?" you chuckled, making your way in.
"I knew she was trouble when we brought her and her mate home as kittens from the shelter," Bob answered. "I dunno what it is with my desk (y/n), she rolls on it like it's catnip."
"Well, it might also be the essential oil spray we use in here but....."
Bob rolled his eyes, opening up one of the books to the place he had marked. "Oh....." he said, raising his eyebrows. "Oh-ho, what have we here now?"
You scrunched your eyebrows together as Bob turned the book around and showed you the rather erotic illustration, no doubt from a book on ancient tantric sex.
"BOB!" you gasped, clamping a hand over your mouth.
"Oh honey believe me I've got a whole shelf of sin sitting right in front of you," Bob chuckled.
You took one good look at the messily stacked shelf in front of you, your jaw dropping at the titles in front of you, unable to stop yourself from pulling the book off the shelf.
"Oh that's a good one," Bob pointed out. "I heard it was banned in France and England."
You laughed a little but upon reading it you could see why. "Oh.....oh.....OH SHIT!" you blurted out. "Ok now I see why."
Bob laughed again.
Quickly you shoved the book back onto the shelf as though it had burned your hand. The burn in your cheeks was enough to make Bob unable to resist kissing them, the way they ran warm against his lips and made his own go pink.
"Aw c'mon Mrs. Floyd," he purred. "Can't have a library without the erotica section can we?"
You laughed a little but felt a moan beginning to come up in your throat as he nipped at your pulse point and down to where your neck and shoulder met. You tried to stop it from escaping, but it was no use.
"Shhhh, sweetpea it's ok," Bob whispered in your ear, gently kissing the soft little spot near your lobe. "Nobody's around to hear us except the cats."
You felt his hands creeping up the front of your shirt as your kissing intensified, never once breaking as Bob warmed his hands on your sides, feeling their way to your lower back and stomach. God it was heaven, his touch warm like the beginnings of a fire and the lingering taste of cinnamon, nutmeg and hazelnut on his tongue from his morning coffee.
Bob let out a breathy moan as he pulled your hips closer to his. You didn't let go of him at all, his kissing deepening as you felt the hardness growing in his jeans.
"Off," you whispered.
"What?" Bob replied.
"Pants off," you told him. "I need you."
You felt Bob smiling into the kiss as you began reaching down, lower and lower, the clink of his belt loosening, the snap of the button and the sound of his zipper being lowered nearly drove him over the edge. Bob flung one of your legs across his hip, his pants half off as you began undoing the buttons on his favorite blue shirt.
He laid you right down on the rug, rutting against you just a little bit as he began helping you off with your clothes, first your shirt, then your jeans until you were in nothing but your bra and underwear.
"You really know how to drive me crazy don't you Mrs. Floyd?" Bob purred, holding your arms above your head and kissing down your neck.
A more audible moan fell from your mouth as he buried his face in your chest, digging his hips deeper into you, his cock still imprisoned behind the threads of his grey boxers.
"Wanna dig my cock into you so bad Mrs. Floyd," he moaned. "I'm all hot and hard."
God he would have driven you over the edge with that one, even as he kissed your stomach, nipping at the sensitive area around your navel. You moved your hips up just a little as he began running his tongue through your folds and along the edge of your thin panties.
You shuddered as you felt Bob's teeth around your panties, slowly pulling them off and spitting them out into his hand. "Oh God sweetheart, you're wet for me already," he chuckled.
"Just for you Bob," you moaned.
Bob chuckled as he buried his face in your soaked pussy, drawing one moan after another out of you before he couldn't take it anymore, slipping off his boxers before slowly sliding himself inside you.
"Bob," you moaned at the sudden heat entering between your legs. "Bob, sweetie....."
"Shhhh, sweetheart it's ok," Bob assured you. "It's ok......that's it.....that's it.....oh baby, you're taking me so well."
It hurt just a little, but that was because he was so big, stretching your walls in ways you never thought possible as he lay on top of you, pressing both of you against the rug and drawing out your orgasm for as long as you both could possibly go.
"Can't imagine what it'll be like when it takes," Bob mumbled against your skin. "What it'll be like to feel that little baby in your tummy, rolling over and all curled up inside you.... watching you grow and your body change......"
You felt yourself gasping and gushing onto his cock with Bob not too far behind you as a hot rush of liquid burst up between your legs. He sat you up in his lap so that you were pressed against each other, his breath evening out with yours. You swore you could feel Bob's heart beating wildly in his chest, his skin hot against your own as he rested his head between your boobs.
"Baby?" he mumbled.
"I love you."
You laughed a little as you began playing with and kissing his hair.
"So warm too," he mumbled again. "Wanna warm my cock in you all night long."
You didn't mind the cockwarming at all. The library was warm as hell, making the heavy snowfall outside just a little more bearable.
"C'mon Bob," you chuckled softly. "I think we need to get back to business."
"But I wanna make sure it takes," he said, pretending to whine.
You laughed again. "Bob, when it takes, it will take," you promised him. "Do you want a nap before we get back to work?"
You felt him nod before you rose up off his cock and made your way to the living room, throwing a few logs into the fireplace before lighting it and making a makeshift bed on the floor of all the pillows, cushions and blankets you could gather. You and Bob snuggled in with each other, your gentle little touches, kissing and caressing making you both ready for another round.
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exhausted-archivist · 3 months
Informal Thoughts on Universal Pantry Staples in Thedas
Yes, I'm thinking about food again. So, part of what I’m working on for the Thedosian food project I have is figuring out universal pantry staples for Thedas. I am largely working from canon, but I am also working from a watsonian perspective on what isn’t named canon. Which can be really hard because I have to look at BioWare and not try to explain why a tropical environment would not have an abundance of cherries, or how certain foods don't ship well even in modern terms and thus, no, Ferelden likely shouldn't have access to tomatoes. But hey, I'm working on the suspension of disbelief and trying to figure out how it could work in a world with magic, but where magic is feared and typically reserved for luxuries.
I also didn't include things that would spoil easy, such as: cherries, grapes, lemons, oranges, plums, tomatoes, ect. Essentially anything with a high water content that would spoil easy. But are also super common around Thedas. Mostly because when I think pantry, I think long term storage. I also tried to keep out dairy products and eggs. But there is a way to keep butter for prolonged periods of time, so it got in by a slim technicality.
A quick note: when entering the suggested or speculated portion of these listings, this is not accounting for all economic levels because to do so would mean next to nothing was universal.
Additionally, when it comes to spices, we know that the Avvar value "lowland" spices heavily and use them for special occasions. However, because they aren't staples I was hesitant to include them in these list but opted to do so for no other reason than an idea that if they can get to the Avvar, they are likely commonly available else where. So spices are marked with a *
The canonically stated staples
These are actually pretty sparse. They aren't typically directly called out, but these few are, and so they have their own little section. Outside of that, well it is mostly suggestion.
Barley (At times mentioned to be specifically Fereldan)
Some canonically suggested universal pantry staples due to their common appearance in recipes, use in abundance, use in hard times/as rations, and seen prolifically in-game:
Basil (dried or fresh)
Bay Leaves*
Black Pepper* (Coarse and finely ground)
Butter (typically goat, but cows as well)
Cinnamon* (ground, whole stick, ect)
Cumin* (crushed, ground, grated, ect)
Dill Seeds*
Dried Beans
Dried Berries (currants, cranberries, raisins, ect.)
Dried Meat
Dried Peas
Fennel Seed*
Flour (typically wheat)
Mustard Seed*
Oil (not specified)
Oregano (dried or fresh)
Parsley/Mild green herb
Pickled Vegetables
Salt (historically Orlesians in the highlands salted a dragon worth of meat on an annual basis)
Salted Meat
Squashes (Pumpkin and others)
Sugar (typically from sugar cane)
Wine (Most common seems to be red wine)
If you think I missed anything or have any recommendations or thoughts of your own, please do share! I would love to hear any thoughts on what you think would likely be staples in the pantries of Thedas. If you need to know what is available, you can check out this post I have listing all the flora currently mentioned in Thedas.
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violet-hearth · 2 months
Basic Spell Oils
I should have posted this a lot earlier, but I forgot ..
Oils are a great way to create herbal blends for spell work - oil preserves the scent, taste and herbal matter if stored away from sunlight (you can store in coloured glass) and can be adapted to make infused olive oil or cooking oils for your kitchen witchery, the dress candles, to add to glamour spells, or to make perfume bases.
Basic Recipe Formula:
Essential oils
Carrier oil such as sweet almond oil, jojoba oil, sunflower oil, apricot oil etc.
A small jar with a dropper or dropper top to store the oil in
Vitamin E oil
herbs to create an infusion
Determine the intention of the oil (love, protection, confidence etc.) and gather the herbs and essential oils that have association (personal or common) with aspects of that intention
Add a few pinches of dried herbs to your bottle
Add a few drops of your essential oil (up to 10% of the bottle)
If using, add a drop of vitamin E oil - this can make it better for skin application and also stops the oil from going rancid from the herbal matters
Add the carrier oil and fill to the top, cap and shake to blend - as you shake you can say a prayer, chant, or focus your energy to charge the oil
Allow to sit for at least a week before use, as it ages it will start to macerate and smell more harmonious.
Date Night Dinner Oil
This is an olive cooking oil to be used in salads, sauces, to spread on breads, or to marinate meats and vegetables in. It is packed full of aphrodisiac herbs and summer spices
Olive oil
Garlic, rosemary, ginger, star anise, and chili
For a quick infusion, add in your oil and herbs into a pan and simmer on a low heat for 30 minutes.
Allow to cool, strain and use within 1-2 weeks
Attraction Oil
The attraction oil combines aphrodisiacs and anti-anxiety herbs into an oil or perfume. The intention is to attract and command attention, to boost your confidence, and as a base for seduction work.
Add your carrier oil to your oil dropper or perfume bottle/roller - for this I’d recommend a rosehip oil, apricot oil or a neutral grapeseed oil.
Turn your herbs into oils either via essential oils or add them dried straight to your carrier oil to infuse: rose, clove, vervain, cinnamon, licorice, nutmeg, frankincense, apple blossom, jasmine, ylang ylang, lavender, cocoa, and/or gingseng - cater to personal preferences and match scents together, I recommend using between 3-8 oils or herbs.
Example scent profile: rose, lavender, apple blossom, vervain, cinnamon, licorice, gingeseng (spicy floral - I’d also add a little patchouli if turning into a perfume)
These types of recipes are where having a grimoire, notebook, or journal comes in very handy! Keep record of what you've tried, what scents match well, what is repellent, what works for you, plan out recipes before hand.
As always, adapt, change, and disregard as you like to suit your personal practice <3
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magickkate · 2 months
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Today, let's delve into an important aspect of ethical and responsible witchcraft—understanding and avoiding the use of toxic plants and oils in our magical practices. While the natural world offers a vast array of botanical allies for spellcraft and healing, not all plants are safe for human, animal, or environmental health. Join me as we explore the importance of ethical considerations when choosing botanical ingredients and oils for our magical work.
Understanding Toxicity: Ethical and Practical Considerations
Health Hazards:
Human Safety: Some plants contain toxic compounds that can cause skin irritation, allergic reactions, or serious health issues if ingested or absorbed through the skin. It's crucial to prioritize safety when selecting botanical ingredients for spells or rituals.
Environmental Impact:
Ecological Responsibility: Using plants that are endangered or harvested unsustainably contributes to environmental degradation and threatens biodiversity. Responsible witches strive to protect and preserve natural habitats and species.
Plants and Oils to Avoid
Poisonous Plants:
Belladonna (Deadly Nightshade): Known for its toxic berries, belladonna can cause severe poisoning and even death if ingested. Mandrake: While mythologically potent, mandrake roots contain toxic alkaloids that pose risks if mishandled or ingested. Foxglove: Recognized for its beautiful flowers, foxglove contains cardiac glycosides that are poisonous to humans and animals.
Allergenic Oils:
Cinnamon Oil: Highly concentrated cinnamon oil can cause skin irritation or allergic reactions in sensitive individuals. Nutmeg Oil: Ingesting large amounts of nutmeg oil can lead to nausea, dizziness, and other health complications.
Ethical Guidelines for Responsible Witchcraft
Research and Education:
Botanical Knowledge: Educate yourself about the properties and potential risks of plants and oils before incorporating them into your magical practice. Alternative Options: Explore safe, ethical alternatives that align with your intentions and respect the well-being of all living beings.
Sustainable Practices:
Harvesting Practices: If gathering plants from nature, do so responsibly and ethically, ensuring you're not depleting wild populations or disrupting ecosystems. Cultivation: Consider cultivating your own herbs and plants in a sustainable manner, promoting biodiversity and ecological balance.
Choosing Ethical and Safe Alternatives
Herbal Allies:
Lavender: Calming and protective, lavender is safe for various magical uses and promotes relaxation. Rosemary: Known for purification and clarity, rosemary is versatile and safe when used appropriately. Chamomile: Soothing and gentle, chamomile is ideal for spells involving peace, sleep, and healing.
Essential Oils:
Lemon: Uplifting and cleansing, lemon essential oil is safe for aromatherapy and spiritual purification rituals. Frankincense: Sacred and grounding, frankincense essential oil is valued for meditation and spiritual connection.
Final Thoughts:
As practitioners of witchcraft, we have a responsibility to honor the Earth, protect its inhabitants, and practice magic with integrity and mindfulness. By avoiding toxic plants and oils, we uphold ethical principles and promote a harmonious relationship with nature and the spiritual realms.
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merakiessentials · 2 months
Nutmeg Essential Oil Benefits
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Meraki Essentials harnesses the potent benefits of Nutmeg essential oil, extracted from Myristica fragrans seeds. Renowned for its warm, spicy, and invigorating aroma, Nutmeg oil stimulates the mind and offers hypnotic effects. Treasured for centuries, it soothes pain, reduces swelling, and enhances well-being. With careful use and dilution, Meraki ensures the purity and potency of Nutmeg oil for optimal health benefits and aromatic pleasure. Shop now!
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catandravendesigns · 3 months
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Coming this Friday, the 28th at 8am, is our Fruit Basket collection full of summery fruity bar soaps! Next up is Cherry and Banana.
Cherry is scented in Black Cherry Merlot. Described as top notes of black currant and apple brighten the red wine and black cherry heart of this fragrance oil. Aged oak and amber base notes highlight the merlot, while vanilla balances the sweet finish. Patchouli and nutmeg essential oils enhance the wood and spice notes for added depth.
Banana is scented in Banana (true). Described as smelling just like the fruit!
Set your reminders and don't miss out!
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vanaromaproduct · 1 year
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Nutmeg Oil (Java | Bogor 9% Myristicin) (NM-001) Van Aroma
Van Aroma is one of the leading producers of Nutmeg Oil. Van Aroma is one of the biggest exporters in Indonesia. We produce and export Nutmeg Oil from sustainable, and fully traceable sources.
Nutmeg Oil ( Java | Bogor 9% Myristicin)/ Minyak Pala (Jawa | Bogor 9% Miristisin) / ナツメグ オイル (ジャバ/ボゴール 9% ミリスティチン) / Huile essentielle de noix de muscade (9% Myristicine) / Aceite esencial de nuez moscada / ex-Myristica Fragrans Houtt.
Olfactive Profile: Spicy, terpenic, sweet, warm, woody
CAS No: 84082-68-8 ; 8008-45-5
FEMA No: 2793
EINECS: 282-013-3
INCI Name: Myristica Fragrans (Nutmeg) Kernel Oil
Certification: Kosher, Halal, COSMOS, FSSC 22000
Indonesia is currently the largest producer of Nutmeg Oil in the world, providing 75% to 80% of the global supply.
It is also one the top three largest producers of Mace Oil. The three areas where Nutmeg is mainly grown in Indonesia are Java, Aceh in North Sumatra and the spice island in around Sulawesi. 80 - 90% of the Nutmeg Oil processed is used for flavouring in beverages.
For more info, visit our official website
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coven-of-genesis · 1 year
Essential oils toxic to dogs
Dogs can also be sensitive to certain essential oils, and exposure to toxic oils can cause various adverse effects. Here is a list of essential oils that are generally considered toxic to dogs:
Tea Tree Oil (Melaleuca oil)
Pennyroyal Oil
Wintergreen Oil
Pine Oil
Clove Oil
Eucalyptus Oil
Citrus Oil (Lemon, Orange, Grapefruit)
Cinnamon Oil
Thyme Oil
Peppermint Oil
Oregano Oil
Ylang Ylang Oil
Bergamot Oil
Sweet Birch Oil
Garlic Oil
Garlic Extract
Onion Oil
Onion Extract
Nutmeg Oil
Anise Oil
Juniper Oil
Mustard Oil
Citronella Oil
Pine Needle Oil
Bay Leaf Oil
Cassia Oil
Cajeput Oil
Lemon Grass Oil
Geranium Oil
Just like with cats, this list is not exhaustive, and there may be other essential oils that could be harmful to dogs. It's important to exercise caution and keep these oils and any other potentially toxic substances out of your dog's reach.
If your dog has been exposed to an essential oil or is exhibiting any concerning symptoms, it's recommended to contact your veterinarian for guidance and assistance.
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Loose Mabon incense
dried orange peels
star anise
cinnamon bark or cinnamon stick broken up
dried cedar leaf
calendula flowers
8 drops orange essential oil
5 drops cinnamon essential oil
3 drops nutmeg essential oil
Step 1
Break up chunkier ingredients, like cinnamon and dried orange peel, into smaller pieces. This will both release the scent and make them easier to burn.
Mix all the dry ingredients together in a clean glass jar using a chopstick or the handle of a wooden spoon.
Step 2
Add essential oils, one drop at a time, mixing the incense between drops to disperse oil evenly. Store in a clean glass jar for up to 4 months.
How to Use Mabon Incense
Use your Mabon incense anyway you want to.
Here’s a few ideas:
Toss a handful in to empower your ritual bonfire.
Burn it in a cauldron or fire safe bowl on a charcoal disk.
Steep it in water and boil it on the stove for smoke-free way to release the scent of autumn in your home.
Add a small pinch into a handmade ritual candle during the melting process..
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dduane · 1 year
Parsnip has essential oils similar to nutmeg and flat-leaf parsley. All are great for desserts.
Wouldn't surprise me a bit. :)
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