#Sleep Aid Herbs
reachablewellness · 10 months
Nutmeg: The Hidden Herbal Gem for Holistic Wellbeing
Nutmeg is one of my favorite spices in the fall season. I will often times place this herb in cookies to give them a special flavor (and it is one of my secret ingredients). More than just a culinary spice on a spice rack, nutmeg holds a treasure full of health benefits for health just waiting to be explored. As a seasoned nurse, herbalist, and founder of a wellness brand, I’ve taken a deep dive…
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Lucid Dreams: Unlocking the Power of Your Dream World
Hey there, dreamers! Have you ever had a dream so vivid and real that you knew you were dreaming? That, my friends, is what we call a lucid dream. It’s like having a front-row seat to the most immersive movie, where you’re the star, director, and audience all at once. Today, let's dive into the fascinating world of lucid dreams, dream journeying, and how bath teas infused with dream herbs can elevate your dream experiences and relaxation.
What Happens in a Lucid Dream?
Lucid dreaming is when you're aware that you're dreaming while still in the dream. It's an incredible state where you can control the dream environment, interact with characters, and explore your subconscious mind. Imagine flying over a beautiful landscape, meeting historical figures, or even creating your own magical world—all within your dream.
The Science Behind Lucid Dreaming
Lucid dreaming occurs during the REM (Rapid Eye Movement) stage of sleep, which is when most vivid dreams happen. When you become lucid, parts of your brain associated with self-awareness and decision-making light up, giving you the unique ability to direct the dream’s course.
Dream Journeying: Exploring the Dream World
Dream journeying is an extension of lucid dreaming, where you consciously travel through the dreamscape with a specific intention or goal. It's a form of guided meditation within the dream world, allowing for profound exploration and discovery.
Meeting Spirit Guides One of the most profound aspects of dream journeying is the opportunity to meet spirit guides. These guides can appear as wise mentors, animals, or even abstract forms. They offer guidance, wisdom, and insights into your life and spiritual journey. Meeting them in a lucid dream can be a transformative experience, providing you with answers to questions and a deeper understanding of your path.
Visiting Dream Schools In lucid dreams, some people report visiting schools or places of learning where spirits or higher beings provide instruction. These dream schools are often filled with knowledge that feels otherworldly yet profoundly relevant. Whether it’s learning about ancient wisdom, personal growth, or even practical skills, these dream encounters can leave a lasting impact on your waking life.
Bath Teas Infused with Dream Herbs
Now, let’s talk about how to prepare for these incredible dream journeys. One of the most effective ways is by using bath teas infused with dream herbs. These herbal baths not only help you relax but also prepare your mind and body for lucid dreaming.
Why Bath Teas?
Bath teas are an excellent way to combine the soothing effects of a warm bath with the therapeutic benefits of herbs. When you soak in a bath infused with dream herbs, your skin, which is the largest organ of your body, absorbs these beneficial compounds. This can help relax your muscles, calm your mind, and set the stage for a restful and dream-filled night.
Dream Herbs for Lucid Dreaming
Here are some powerful herbs known for their ability to enhance dreams and relaxation:
Mugwort: Known as the “dream herb,” mugwort is famous for its ability to enhance vivid dreams and aid in lucid dreaming.
Lavender: This calming herb helps reduce anxiety and promotes restful sleep, making it easier to enter the dream state.
Chamomile: With its soothing properties, chamomile is perfect for relaxing the body and mind before sleep.
Valerian Root: Known for its sedative effects, valerian root can help you achieve a deeper, more restful sleep, conducive to dreaming.
Benefits of Using Bath Teas
Relaxation: The warm water combined with calming herbs helps to relax your muscles and ease tension, creating the perfect pre-sleep ritual.
Enhanced Absorption: Since your skin is the largest organ of the body, it absorbs the herbal compounds effectively, allowing their benefits to penetrate deeply.
Improved Sleep Quality: Herbs like lavender and chamomile help promote a more restful and uninterrupted sleep, which is crucial for entering the REM stage where lucid dreaming occurs.
Preparation for Lucid Dreaming: The calming effect of the herbs helps quiet the mind and prepares you mentally and physically for the dream journey ahead.
How to Use Bath Teas
Choose Your Herbs: Select a combination of herbs based on your desired effect. For lucid dreaming, mugwort, lavender, and chamomile are great choices.
Prepare the Bath Tea: Place the herbs in a muslin bag or a tea infuser. You can also use pre-made bath tea bags available online or in health stores.
Run Your Bath: Fill your bathtub with warm water. Avoid using very hot water as it can be dehydrating.
Steep the Herbs: Place the herb bag in the tub and let it steep for a few minutes, allowing the water to absorb the herbal essences.
Soak and Relax: Get into the bath, relax, and let the herbs work their magic. Spend at least 20 minutes soaking to get the full benefits.
Lucid dreaming and dream journeying offer a powerful gateway to explore your inner world, gain wisdom, and experience adventures beyond your wildest imagination. By preparing your body and mind with bath teas infused with dream herbs, you can enhance your ability to relax, dream vividly, and even meet your spirit guides. So, why not give it a try? Dive into the world of lucid dreaming and discover the magic that awaits.
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sasukimimochi · 11 months
Since I've been recommending this a lot recently (friends who are having similar issues to me when I was a bit younger) I thought I would mention it to you guys!
If you have really bad nightmares and you're not sure what to do about them, try valerian root. Its typically used as a natural sleep aid and minor muscle relaxer- and is an over-the-counter herb. you can get it in other forms if you can't swallow capsules but keep in mind its a bit stinky so if smell really bothers you, you can leave the bottle open for a minute to air out the bottle and it smells normal after (well, unless you stick your nose right up on it)
I used to have nightmares almost every night in my teenage years (very bad ones that made me not want to sleep). my dad recommended this to me to take, and almost every night after when I took it, I didn't have nightmares anymore.
two of my friends have already tried it if my memory serves well (I can't remember if one of them is still taking it but the other recently tried it with instant results) though I get a lot of dubious looks, when people actually try it I'm glad to see it helps, so I wanted to share it in case it could help anyone else who wants to try another alternative.
of course if you take life-saving medicine you should ask a doctor about interactions, to be safe, but there's not typically any interactions as far as I know bc its just an over-the-counter herb.
also its a pretty good alternative to melatonin if you have a slight trouble sleeping but melatonin makes you way too groggy the next day.
Happy sleeping!
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softness-shelter · 1 year
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Decided to write down names, as we tend to forget. One or two names I just made up on the spot...as a couple did not have them yet. 🌙
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Smokable Herbs For Sleep 💤
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thecupidwitch · 3 months
Herb's Properties part 2
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Apple: Garden magic, love, healing and wisdom, vanity, marriage and beauty.
Agrimony: Shielding and hex-breaking, aids sleep, brings luck towards you and is powerful in spell reversal.
Allspice: Money, luck, healing, love
Benzoin: Purification, prosperity, helps to soothe tension by dispelling anger and lessening irritability, de stressing, helps with depression, concentration, astral projection
Catnip: love, luck, happiness, beauty.
Cardamom: Lust, love, and fidelity. Sweetens the personality
Cumin: Fidelity, protection, exorcism.
Damiana: Love, lust, lucid dreaming, astral projection
Elder Tree: Sleep, releasing enchantments, protection against negativity, banishing.
Ginseng: Love, beauty, healing and lust.
Hibiscus: Love, lust, dreams, divination.
Hawthorn: Change, rebirth, protection, emotional healing, and happiness in relationships
Lemon Balm: Love, fertility, anti-depressant, and soothing emotional pain
Mandrake: Strengthens spells, protection, fertility, and courage
Nettle: Courage, breaking curses, healing, protection, crossing thresholds, and renewal
Patchouli: Connecting with spirits, attracting money, increasing fertility, love, and seduction
Rue: Protection, health, clarity, and purification
Sage: Longevity, wisdom, protection, dispels negative energy
St. John’s Wort: Preventing colds and fevers, banishing, protecting against hexes, prophetic dreams, and increasing courage
Witch Hazel: Protection, chastity, easing grief over a lost love, and warding off evil[
Yarrow: Healing, divination, love, promotes courage and confidence
Tip jar Herb's Properties Part1
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brain-rot-central · 6 months
Up In Smoke
A/N: Basically he smokes weed and has a really good orgasm. That's the whole fic. Very self-indulgent, but whatever. Hope you all enjoy!
Rating: light E Word count: 3.5k Pairing: Spawn Astarion x Fem!Tav Warnings: 18+, dubcon for being under the influence, drug use, alcohol mention, breeding kink, praise kink, male masturbation, mutual pining, trauma mention, intimacy issues
Summary: The gang finally reaches Baldur's Gate. Astarion isn't handling it so well, knowing he's so close to Cazador again. Tav makes an innocent suggestion that he go down to the shops and find something that can help relieve some of his pent up anxiety.
Sitting on the edge of the bed, he leans over to further inspect the small clear jar within his hands. Inside, a dried cluster of pungent flowers resides. Their faint smell lingers about the small tavern suite. He shakes the jar slightly, following how each bud bounces between the glass.
They've finally made it to Baldur's Gate, and gods what a relief. Not to say he didn't enjoy getting his hands messy, but there was never quite enough he could do to dig out the dirt caked within his nails. He dreamed of soaking in a hot bath for weeks.
Yet, being back in Baldur's Gate also means something more sinister.
It means he’s closer to confronting him.
His old master.
He panics the night before, screaming whenever he'd slip into trance. Horrid memories play behind his eyes. He feels paralyzed within them – the feeling of a hand closing around his neck, a dagger slicing into his back, shackles around his arms and legs, unable to move within the confines of the coffin he lay in for a year.
Tav wakes him eventually, holding him close within their warm embrace. She lulls him back to sleep until he slips into a more peaceful trance. When they awake the next morning, Tav proposes he go down to the shops and look for a sleep aid, or something that could potentially help quell the overwhelming sense of anticipation building within him.
“I only wish for you to be at peace,” she suggests. “You deserve it. Especially now.”
So, he does exactly that.
Perusing the various carts and shops, Astarion inevitably finds an apothecary. He's been to this one before; many, many years ago. He doesn't quite remember the shopkeeper, but feels as if it's the same woman, just now older. 
She's nice enough, giving a warm greeting as he enters the store. The smell of patchouli incense fills his nostrils and almost instantaneously Astarion feels some of the tension melt off his shoulders. 
He explains, in very vague terms, what it is he's experiencing to the shopkeeper. She holds out a glass jar filled with herbs. When he raises a questioning eyebrow, she clarifies, “This is known to help calm even the most fussy of ogres.” She smiles, nudging the jar closer to him. “Go on, take it. You won't regret it.”
With a quick nod of his head, Astarion pays for the herbs and dips out of the shop, stashing the small jar within a pocket of his armor. He reconvenes with Tav and the others; they're to address some sort of problem with a wizard prodigy at Sorcerous Sundries. He sighs audibly as Gale rambles on about the various tomes and wealths of knowledge the store holds. Gale rarely ever lets up when this sort of mood takes him. He briefly wishes he had a scroll of Silence to cast over the wizard.
With the pompous brat slain, the crew returns to the Elfsong Tavern to share a hot meal. Astarion nurses a glass of wine while the others share various plates of grilled meats, vegetables, and fish. Lae’zel offers him the drippings of her steak; he politely declines, though the smell causes his stomach to rumble. He simply chases the sensation away with more wine.
They return to their shared suite within the tavern. The party makes a joint decision that Astarion and Tav share the private room. They aren't the only two having relations, but they are the more… rambunctious couple. Both retire to the bedroom, Tav drawing a bath for herself while Astarion rests on the edge of the bed, as he is now, studying the small glass jar. 
He dares a quick whiff of the herbs, bringing the jar to his face. His face screws up tight, wincing at the offensive odor. “Smells like a godsdamned skunk,” he scoffs. He stares into the jar again.
Fool’s Tongue. 
He’s partaken before at the behest of a client. It was an important brokerage between Cazador and some far-off noble. There wasn’t much choice in the matter for Astarion. But yet, this encounter was a touch better than the others. To this day, Astarion is unsure if it was due to the drug or the man himself. He recalls the comforting embrace of the nobleman with slight fondness. At least the man tried. Not many others did.
Astarion reaches into the small satchel on his hip and pulls out a wooden pipe. He lifted it from Halsin earlier in the evening at dinner. The wood elf becomes soft once drink is involved, making him all the more easy to target. He’ll return it by morning, Astarion promises himself. He may even leave the druid a small token of appreciation for letting him borrow it, should this all work out.
Placing the pipe down onto the comforter, Astarion begins to unlatch his cloak. He lays the jar of herbs down next to the pipe and stands, letting his cape fall to the floor. He works on his armor next, until he’s down to his underthings. Bending down, he begins rummaging through his pack on the floor for his camp clothing. He slips them on, leaving his shirt untucked, and sits back down on the bed.
Astarion picks up the pipe and lays it between pressed-together thighs. It acts as a makeshift support, allowing him to open the glass jar of herbs and retrieve a single nugget. Closing the jar, he places it back down onto the bed, and begins breaking the herbs into smaller pieces to fill Halsin's pipe.
Raising the pipe to his lips, Astarion summons a small flame to the tip of his finger. He stares down the length of the pipe, mustering the resolve to continue. He hears Tav’s voice in his head, as well as that of the old shopkeeper. With a sigh, he brings his finger to the herb, pulling gently on the pipe until it begins to burn.
Smoke fills his lungs a bit too quickly, and he rips the pipe from his mouth. He coughs loudly and a bit dramatically, before finally taking a gasping breath in.
“Astarion!” Tav calls from the washroom. He can hear the sound of water sloshing around in a tub. “Are you okay?”
“I'm fine, darling!” he calls back. “Not to worry,” he adds in a mumble under his breath, mostly to himself. He surveys the contents of the pipe, bringing the mouthpiece to his lips once more. Again he summons a small flame to the herb, inhaling more shallowly this time as to not scorch the back of his throat.
He holds in the hit, leaning back onto the bed. Outstretching his arms he lets the pipe rest gently on the bed as he blows out the smoke. He coughs softly – better than the first time.
A few moments pass without so much as a sound. Astarion begins to wonder if perhaps the herbs are stale. It isn't until he rolls over that he notices the first sign.
The bed is soft. Inviting. Astarion is acutely aware of how the pillow top envelopes his form. He lays flat on his back again, sighing. His eyes slip closed. An unusual warmth rushes over him, tickling his skin. It feels like he's laying in the sun and suddenly he's transported back to the forest. To the morning after.
He remembers waking up to the morning sunlight bathing his skin. He wakes up slowly, slipping back into his leathers. Tav still sleeps; he moves as swiftly as possible to not wake her. She was beautiful, even then. Naive, yes. He didn't have the best of intentions. But, she was beautiful. And infuriatingly pragmatic.
Another sensation begins to light. Astarion doesn't recognize the feeling right away. He opens his eyes and stares at the ceiling, a surge of heat rushing to his face. He swears his chest thumps with the beating of his undead heart. He stares into the lines of the ceiling, tracing the patterns of wood lining the wall. His eyes fall upon a knot; they slip closed again.
Tav straddles his lap while he lays out on the ground. Astarion’s hands hold her thighs, guiding her hips as she rocks back and forth over him. He travels up the expanse of her abdomen, passing over her navel and up to her swaying breasts. Her hair cascades down her shoulders in loose curls, his gaze continuing upward toward her face. Redded by the blush running across the bridge of her nose, her mouth hangs open in a silent gasp. She meets his gaze through heavy lids.
Astarion feels the flitter of a dormant ember ignite within his lower belly. His back arches off the bed as a gasp slips past his lips. This can’t be what he thinks it is… could it? No, certainly not. He’s surely lost the ability to feel this way without necessity. Without a performance. Without it being a bargaining chip of some kind.
A pulling behind his navel has his hips twitching in response and he feels warmth begin to pool between his legs. Gods, is he…
Is this truly unprovoked arousal that he feels? Astarion sees visions of Tav glistening after a bath; droplets of water sliding down tanned, freckled skin. He moans aloud and again his hips buck. His cock is beginning to stir, each rub against the confines of his leathers having him sliding his hands closer and closer to their waistband. He turns his head toward the direction of the washroom.
Astarion groans as his hand runs over the bulge in his pants and it dawns on him momentarily that it is, indeed his cock hardening at the thought of Tav naked. Her skin flushed from the warm water of the bath, hair wet, nipples pert, hips, thighs, cunt-
He's pulling his pants down quicker than he can manage, letting them pool around his ankles on the floor. He hisses as his fingertips brush the swollen length of his arousal, and he dares a quick glance between his legs. His cock has a reddish hue, similar to after he sups of Tav. It pulsates against his lower abdomen and he cautiously wraps a hand around his shaft.
It's not often he performs acts of pleasure upon himself. Usually his mind cages him off – scolds and berates him until he's too ashamed to continue. But with the influence of the Fool’s Tongue swimming within his consciousness, the voice is silent. The only thing Astarion feels is pleasure. Lust. Want. And openly; he openly wants to pleasure himself. And by the Gods, does it feel good.
He pulls up his shirt with the opposite hand to expose more of his abdomen and takes a few experimental jerks of his length. They're soft and slow; unhurried movements as he bathes in the pleasure rushing over his body. His eyes slip closed as he gives himself over to the sensation, hips bucking up each time his thumb passes his frenulum. Behind his closed lids he sees Tav again, kneeling between his legs, ready to take him within her inviting mouth. He moans wantonly as he focuses for a moment on his tip, trying to replicate the feeling of her suckling the head of him.
The door to the washroom opens, jolting Astarion from his thoughts. He makes no effort to cover himself, but instead waits patiently on the bed for Tav to discover the scene awaiting her. She exits the bathroom, running a towel through her hair, seemingly unaware of what has been occurring during her absence.
“I was thinking maybe we could mingle a bit with the others before calling it a night,” Tav suggests. She stands before the room's mirror, running a hand through her dampened locks. “How does that sound, Astar-” The rest of her sentence dies back in her throat as she observes him laying on the bed. “Oh,” is all she manages; a soft, strangled sound rising up from her chest.
He pants as he looks her over; she's wearing a simple, short beige dress. No brassiere, so her breasts fill the top of the dress naturally. It cinches at the waist with two drawstrings, while the rest flares out. The hem of the dress comes to right above her mid thighs, and Astarion swallows the sudden uptake in saliva pooling within his mouth. His cock twitches in his palm. “Y-you suggested I go to the shops,” he tries to explain. “Find something to help ease my trepidation.”
“I guess it was a success.” Tav replies, stepping closer. “I don't think I've ever seen you like this.”
Astarion catches a true blush rising to her cheeks as she studies him. As she stands before him, the scent of her arousal dances below his nose, and he groans. “It was, very,” he answers. “That d-dress is… nice,” he adds.
Tav smiles, stepping before him. “Is it?” she asks in a sultry tone. She grabs the hem of the dress and begins slowly pulling it up her thighs. “What about it do you like?”
Visions of her riding his lap flood his mind's eye. Astarion tosses his head back as he envisions taking her from behind, against the wall, on the floor – animalistic mating rituals between them both; rough, hard, fast. He can't help but suck in a sharp breath as he opens his eyes again to meet Tav’s gaze. He tries to answer her but no sound comes out.
With a smirk, she climbs onto the bed over him, hovering just above his cock. “What about the dress do you like, Astarion?” Tav reiterates. She's sure to leave her hips as far away from his hand as possible; she's aware of his intimacy issues, how delicate this situation is. She leans over him to place chaste kisses over his forehead. She smiles against his skin as he resumes tugging at himself with soft jerks of his hand.
“The convenience,” Astarion replies in a whisper. His desire is mounting, threatening to burn out of control unless release finds him soon. Tav laughs, and briefly drops her hips over the hand pumping his cock. They both moan as his knuckles brush between her slick, sending Astarion's mind reeling. “You're… you're n-not wearing-”
Tav nips gently at the pale elf’s ears, reveling in the instinctive bucking of his hips into her core. “No, I'm not,” she teases. She feels Astarion shudder beneath her and she licks the shell of his ear, moving quickly down to kiss the underside of his jaw. Tav brushes her center over his fingers again, this time deliberately passing over the tip of him.
He swallows thickly as a gasp escapes his parted lips. As hot as the thought of Tav riding his cock makes him, the shackles of his subconscious are threatening to yank his chain. “I can't, not all the way,” he pleads. Ghastly hands are threatening to enclose around the column of his throat. “Just this, please.”
Tav pulls away from him momentarily, her brow knit in concern. She studies his eyes – ruby red gems hooded over in lust. She nods, placing a gentle kiss to his forehead. “Just this, then,” she says reassuringly.
Astarion sighs in relief and continues stroking himself in earnest, knuckles brushing now and again against her sex. He groans as her arousal mingles with his, slickening the palm of his hand to create a luscious glide. “Gods, how I wish I could,” he groans out.
“Could what?” Tav teases. Her breasts are pushing against his chest as it heaves with labored breath. She returns attention back to his ears, licking along its shell to nip gently at the tip.
Astarion's eyes roll to the back of his head as his body convulses in pleasure. “T-take you,” he admits through a shuddered breath. He twists his hand over the head of his cock in a specific rhythm, pulling a guttural groan from the back of his throat. “I think about it often.”
“Do you?” Tav raises a hand to cup the back of his head. She leans over, bringing her mouth close to his ear. “So do I,” she whispers. “It's not fair, you know. Having experienced you prior. Only to be cut off and denied any more.”
“You're one to talk,” he replies. He stares up at Tav, his mouth hanging agape. “D-do you think it's any easier for me? To want so carnally, only to have to deny myself?” He slides a hand up her thigh to hold her waist, guiding her down onto his core. They both sigh at the sensation as he takes the same hand and now threads it through her hair, pushing their foreheads together. “To see how the others look at you, knowing I cannot yet claim you for myself. It's… maddening,” he breathes against her lips.
Tav sighs. “Yet, here I am… in your lap. And not theirs.” She captures his lips in a chaste kiss, though Astarion surges forward. She slackens her jaw to allow him better access; like a man starved he explores the warm cavern of her mouth, tongue intertwining with hers.
He breaks the kiss with a pull of her bottom lip. “I promise that one day I will,” he speaks against her lips. Astarion pumps himself faster, feeling the coil behind his navel wind tighter. “And when I do, you’re not to leave my bed for days.”
Tav pulls her head back, a smirk tugging at the corner of her lips. “Days?” she reiterates, feigning innocence. “Do you wish to mate me, Astarion?” 
His back suddenly arches off the bed, a gasp slipping past his lips. His knuckles brush against her sex again. “Yes,” he hisses through clenched teeth. “Fully, properly, lavishly.” He's babbling now. Logic escaping him, replaced by a tempting carpet of depraved carnal lust that threatens to unravel at the seams.
Tav kisses him gently again. “Should I tell you a little secret?” she asks. She doesn't wait for a response before continuing. Sliding her face again to Astarion’s ear, she says quietly, “What if I were to tell you that you already have me?”
He blinks up at her in bewilderment. “H-how would that be?” he stammers. “I've barely done anything. I can hardly touch you without-”
“Because it's you,” Tav explains. “It's you I think of when I'm alone.” She shakes her head. “No one else.”
Astarion rushes forward again, capturing his lips in a desperate kiss. “...The Gods truly made you just to ruin me,” he says, pulling away with a huff. He closes his eyes as he twists his wrist over the swollen tip of his length again, a soft sigh falling from his lips.
“Are you close?” She speaks softly to him, rubbing the pad of her thumb over his cheek. “Would telling you how good you are to me help?”
The coil winds tighter in his lower belly at her praise. He hums, cock twitching in his palm, pre-fluid now gathering at his tip. “A-almost,” Astarion stammers again. “M-my ears, touch them again, please.”
With a giggle, Tav dips her head into the crook of his neck, kissing along his skin leading up to his ear. She rubs at his other with her opposite hand, lavishing delicate attention to each of their tips. “Have I ever told you how handsome you are when you reach your peak, Astarion?” she pants into his ear. “The way your mouth hangs open in a silent gasp, how your eyes roll to the back of your head.” She watches him throw his head back, his hand picking up speed as he strokes himself. Tav dips her head again to his neck, nipping gently at the exposed column of skin.
“I'm going… if you keep, a-ah,” Astarion insists, breathing ragged. His chest is heaving, the influence of the Fool’s Tongue and overwhelming lust threatening to consume him. He's on the edge, right at the precipice, almost there, just a touch more-
Tav drops her hips over him again and he seizes, hips bucking wilding up to meet her. She latches onto his neck and sucks, hard enough that he knows a mark will be present by morning. Suddenly Astarion is falling over the cliff, mouth dropping open in a drawn out groan. His vision blanks, thick ropes of his release paint his lower belly as he jerks himself through the last of his orgasm.
She kisses the tip of his nose as she climbs off, picking her towel up from off the floor. Astarion lay on the bed panting, the room still spinning around him. As he comes to, he opens his eyes to meet Tav, who holds out the towel to him. “Did that feel good?” she asks, curiously.
He nods before replying, “Quite. I've used Fool’s Tongue before, but it was nothing like this.”
“Hmm,” she hums as he takes the towel from her. “Perhaps I should join you, next time?”
He huffs a quick laugh as he wipes the release of his belly, giving Tav a genuine smile. “That would certainly be something.”
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theambitiouswoman · 1 year
Supplements & Vitamins
Here's a list of some of the most commonly used supplements and their benefits. Please remember that while supplements can be beneficial for certain people, everyones nutritional needs are different. It's always a good idea to consult with a specialist before adding any new supplements to your routine, as individual needs may vary.
Multivitamin: Provides a range of essential vitamins and minerals to support overall health and fill potential nutrient gaps in your diet.
Omega-3 Fatty Acids: Promote heart health, brain function, and reduce inflammation. Typically derived from fish oil or algae.
Vitamin D: Supports bone health, immune function, and may have a positive impact on mood. It's commonly obtained through sun exposure, but supplements can be useful, especially in winter or for those with limited sun exposure.
Probiotics: Help promote a healthy gut microbiome, aiding digestion, nutrient absorption, and immune function.
Magnesium: Important for muscle and nerve function, bone health, and energy production. It may also help with relaxation and sleep.
B vitamins: Help convert food into energy, support brain function, and maintain healthy hair, skin, and nails.
Vitamin C: Boosts immune function, acts as an antioxidant, supports collagen production, and aids in iron absorption.
Zinc: Essential for immune function, wound healing, and cell division. It also supports normal growth and development during pregnancy, childhood, and adolescence.
Iron: Required for red blood cell production and oxygen transport. Iron deficiency can lead to anemia and fatigue, but it's essential to get iron levels checked before supplementing.
Calcium: Crucial for bone health and muscle function. It's often combined with vitamin D for better absorption.
Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10): Plays a vital role in energy production within cells and acts as an antioxidant. It may benefit heart health and cellular energy metabolism.
Curcumin (Turmeric extract): Possesses anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, potentially supporting joint health and cognitive function.
Ashwagandha: An adaptogenic herb that may help reduce stress, promote relaxation, and support cognitive function.
Green Tea Extract: Contains antioxidants and may support cardiovascular health, weight management, and cognitive function.
Glucosamine: Commonly used for joint health and may help alleviate symptoms of osteoarthritis.
Chondroitin: Often taken alongside glucosamine, it may help reduce joint pain and improve joint mobility.
Probiotics for Gut Health: Certain strains of probiotics can help restore and maintain a healthy balance of gut bacteria, supporting digestion and immune function.
Melatonin: A hormone that regulates sleep-wake cycles, melatonin supplements can help with insomnia or jet lag.
Vitamin E: An antioxidant that supports immune function and may help protect against cellular damage.
Ginseng: An adaptogenic herb that may help increase energy, reduce stress, and support cognitive function.
Prebiotics: These are non-digestible fibers that promote the growth of beneficial gut bacteria, supporting gut health and digestion.
Magnesium: In addition to its previous benefits, magnesium may help reduce muscle cramps, improve mood, and promote relaxation.
Probiotics for Vaginal Health: Certain strains of probiotics can help maintain a healthy balance of vaginal flora, reducing the risk of infections.
Cranberry Extract: Often used for urinary tract health, cranberry extract may help prevent urinary tract infections.
Resveratrol: Found in grapes and berries, resveratrol has antioxidant properties and may support heart health and longevity.
L-theanine: An amino acid commonly found in green tea, L-theanine may promote relaxation, improve focus, and reduce anxiety.
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esoteric-chaos · 8 months
Safety in Witchcraft
What’s not talked about enough in the spiritual community is mundane safety along with spiritual. Critical thinking is vital. I wanted to share a lot of my personal rules for myself that I have adapted into my craft.
Fire safety, never leave an open flame unattended. Ever. Always burn in an open enough area with a fire safe dish or on ceramic tile away from animals and children. If you leave the room extinguish the flame. Do not sleep with fire going. I know we want to keep that spell going even during a nap but sometimes we don’t wake up in time for danger. This is absolutely vital to keep you safe. It won’t ruin a spell I promise or anger anything. Please do not add those herbs to that candle. I know it’s nice and pretty but that is a fire hazard. Stay safe.
On that note always have an open window or a well ventilated area when burning items. That goes for herbs, incense, or candle. Smoke inhalation can ruin your lungs.
Rodents, reptiles, birds, any animal is sensitive to scents and have small respiratory systems. Be careful using anything around them. Research what can be used around them. I mean research! Cross reference. Use veterinarian hospital guides, not pro essential oil blogs. Please don’t put any essential oils on your pets. They can be seriously harmed.
Moon water actually molds, very easily. So can herbal blends if not stored correctly. Check frequently and use before end of date. Distilled water is your friend to prolongs shelf-life along is storing in a cold dark place.
Witchcraft and magic is not a replacement for medical treatment and medically prescribed medication. It absolutely can aid your treatment but it is never a replacement.
Do not ingest any herbal remedies without consultation with your doctor and/or Herbalist. Especially if you have pre-existing conditions and need to take medications for it. Things can conflict and are deadly.
Also forage responsibly. Unless you are 100% certain what you have foraged is the correct plant. Don’t even chance it. It’s not worth sickness or in worst cases death.
Do NOT ingest essential oils. I don’t care what you have heard from pro essential oil pages. The distillery methods are not safe for ingestion. It can tear up your stomach lining and throat. Cause extreme nausea and vomiting. Seizures and in worst cases death.
Some covens and practitioners are not your friends. Be cautious and use stranger danger. Be cautious and never give out all of your personal information online. There are predatory people everywhere, including in this community. Please be safe. Always use your gut instinct.
Please feel free in the comments and tags to add important safety pointers you have.
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diana-thyme · 1 year
Magic For The Disabled
A few things that I do when I’m at my lowest. Made specifically for disabled people, but anyone can do these! See this post for low energy witchcraft ideas not directly related to disabilities.
Enchant your blanket for a good night’s rest
Enchant your coffee/juice/water/NyQuil/whatever you’re drinking to aid in recovery
Enchant food to aid in recovery
Place sigils around to aid in recovery, memory, etc.
Keep relaxing herbs/stones/etc. around
Cast a sleep aid spell (I have a bag with lavender and amethyst hanging on a bedpost)
Cast a recovery spell (I have another bag with a variety of protection and rest herbs and crystals)
Enchant fidgets or objects used to stim to calm you and to never break
Use energy magic instead of physical spells.
Use art/writing/etc. magic! Draw sigils, deities, write spells, recipes, shopping lists, etc.
Stir and infuse good energy/banishing into teas or coffees.
Keep some supplies nearby (i.e. tea lights, a lighter, grimoire, oils, etc.).
Use showers, washing of face/hands, etc. for cleansing.
Brush out the bad energy when brushing your hair.
Ward health aids or mobility aids against breaking and bless them to work quickly and well.
Use apps or websites for sigils, spells, etc. (VirtualCandleSpell for digital candle spells, Craiyon for sigils).
Keep room sprays near you and bless them to serve a certain purpose.
Make emoji/song spells! Use corresponding emojis and charge them with intent. Use corresponding songs, put them on a playlist, charge them, and listen to it whenever you want to cast it.
Use makeup/skincare as glamours.
Use sunscreen as protection!
Use wax warmers and melts instead of candles.
Use oils in diffusers instead of candles or incense.
Enchant anything you use daily.
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felassan · 2 months
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Now in the BioWare Gear Store: Dragon Age Herbology cuddle bundle
Excerpt from item description:
"Nothing beats the healing magic of sleep. Nothing beats the healing magic of sleep. That's why we put a blanket, a pillow, and a sleep mask in the Dragon Age Herbology Cuddle Bundle. Doze off into sweet dreams, aided by the herbs of Thedas and an elfroot potion for good measure!"
[source and product link]
You can get 20% off in the BioWare Gear Store until August 15th using this discount code: BWHERBZ. After that date check back here for a new code. alternatively, you can use my tracking link.
✧d(•̀ v•̀ )~~♪
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doodle-pops · 11 months
Kiss It Better
Elrond x reader
Kinktober 2023: Aphrodisiacs
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Warnings: fem!reader, aphrodisiac, rough sex, marathon sex, manhandling, semi-public sex, Elrond being a tease
Words: 4.3k
Synopsis: When Elrond mistakenly adds aphrodisiacs to your sleep–inducing tea, your quest for a peaceful night’s rest takes an unexpected turn. Elrond, being understanding and patient, comes to your aid, ensuring you find the sleep you were looking for through rare methods.
List of Requests
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“Oh dear!” Staring at the empty contents of the supposed bottle of wormwood powder and then lifting the actually clear glass of wormwood, Elrond’s tongue kissed his teeth at the accident he caused. A first–time mishap and on a grand scale, he was sure how the effects of the mistakenly emptied contents of what should have been wormwood, but accidentally giving lavender in a copious amount, would have. You were sitting impatiently, twirling around on his stool, complaining about feeling overly feverish and sensitive. To make matters better, it was approximately eight minutes since you drank the concoction he stirred up a storm to create.
There wasn’t much the healer could do aside from staring at the bottle, defeated before silently placing the empty jar onto the shelf and stepping away with concern in his eyes. Those brown eyes darted everywhere else to inspect for any other mistaken bottles of herbs and powders he may have accidentally mixed into the tea for your lethargy. His hands moved at the same rate his eyes followed, falling on every surface of empty bottles and out–of–place containers. Even the opened books were not spared from his investigation, should he have unknowingly flipped to the wrong page, he might as well consider.
“This,” he sighed as he reached for another jar he was sure of using, this time labelled incorrectly once he smelt the contents within and became aware of it being another floral powder, “will get me into trouble once the higher effects begin to kick in. Though, it should have begun…” His eyes trailed off the half–filled jar to rush towards the page where the instructions lay before him. For a second, just a second, Elrond was almost certain that the universe was playing tricks on his brain as he decoded the measurements written on the page.
Two teaspoons
One teaspoon
Two and half teaspoon
One tablespoon…
“Lord Elrond…” Your voice echoed annoyingly from the outer room as your temperature began to increase and the sensation of having clothes covering your body became irritating. You were confused about the effects of what his homey remedy for lethargy was giving off, far different from the usual teas you consumed within the past year. Now, fanning your face and neck while giving aggravated tugs to your dress, you whined to him once more. “Lord Elrond, please, what is happening?”
With a pregnant pause, his head cocked to the side and his ear flicked at the change in your tone, you were already under the fire. Deciding that it was wiser to keep the truth about his mistake under the radar, Elrond whisked himself out of the storeroom and into his office where he came across you dabbing a cloth dipped in the bowl of cooling waters along your neck. Regardless, the action appeared more provocative than intended as you ran the material along your elongated neck and parted your lips to release a long, quiet groan. Your ability to distinguish decorum with the flames building intensely within was absentminded. There was no time to stop and become self–aware of the performance you were putting on due to his slip–up.
Elrond on the other hand was unsure if to continue standing silently in the doorway and observe how far your actions would take you or snap you out of it and treat the issue. Shifting on his feet and taking a deep gulp as you wrung the cloth and allowed droplets of water to fall against your skin to provide coolness, your eyes opened and caught him staring with a jar in hand and his eyes honed on your confrontational display. “Lord Elrond,” you called out nonchalantly as though you were not lacking decorum, “what is happening to me? I thought you gave me a tea for my tiredness?”
Scepticism flooded his expression as he attempted to avoid your gaze, solely due to the siren look you threw and the disappointment of informing you of his blunder as a healer. Walking into the room, he stepped around the opposite side of the table and away from you to place the bottle of lavender at the centre. His palms were faced down and his head hung with his lips twisting, thinking of every possible solution and answer to return. “It…It would appear that—”
No, he couldn’t say that.
Cautiously rounding the table while his fingers trailed along the edge, he turned his focus to you as he approached you from your side and came to stand beside you. Wordlessly, he gingerly pried the cloth out your fingers, careful not to touch your skin and dabbed it across your forehead, making notes of your slight shivering and increased arousal. This was the bare minimal interaction with a cloth hindering skin–to–skin contact and you were already affected. Swiftly dipping the cloth into the bowl of cool water, he continued to dab at your forehead and the rest of your face, doing his best to avoid your neck to entice any behaviour.
His lips were pursed as he remained steadfast on applying the first step into solving your crisis, brown eyes following the motion of his hands until you began sighing too frequently. His eyes fell upon the bob of your throat and the parting of your lips the moment you shut your eyes to focus on the lingering sensation of his touch. It was then he decided it was a wrong idea to become close and personal to treat you.
“This is clearly a terrible idea,” he muttered, taking a step backwards and pondering on how to properly assess you.
“Elrond, forgive me, Lord Elrond,” you corrected and hopped off the stand to step forward, crossing the gap in three strides, “please just tell me what is happening and why does my body feel this…way.” At the end of your words, you began twitching, majorly at the junction where your thighs met your pelvis. The growing ache between your legs provoked you to squeeze your thighs together and shift from left to right.
Worry befell his eyes, and he bit the inside of his mouth at the progress of actions. “Alright, you need to sit and remain still, and refrain from touching me,” he ordered, frustratingly.
“Touching you?” You frowned and took three steps backwards to meet the stool.
Building a storm within the clustered spacing of his office, Elrond rapidly answered as he reached for a clean mortar and pestle, “Yes, no touching me because you might get the urge to do something like that to sedate the pain.” Having placed the instruments on the table not too far away, he placed his hands on his hips and turned to cast a worrisome look. “I made the wrong tea due to…mislabelling. I picked up the incorrect ingredients and gave you aphrodisiacs in extremely large doses.” His voice had shrunk at the end of his confession knowing fully well that you would blow a fuse.
“What?!” you shrieked. “Elrond, are you serious? I’m trying to gain hours sleeping, not sleeping around.”
He couldn’t help but find your statement to be entirely humorous as it slipped out and released a muted chuckle, hidden by the dipping of his head. “I apologise, the fault is entirely my own,” he clarified with a clearing of his throat. “However, if you can only sit still and allow me to cure it, you’ll soon be on your way to sleep.”
“And exactly how are you planning on curing this? Because to my unfortunate knowledge, somebody gave me aphrodisiacs in large quantities and claimed it was a new sleeping tea. Perhaps it wasn’t an accident and done on purpose. No wonder why I felt odd the minute I drank it,” you muttered with apprehension and cast a side eye at him. To blame Elrond was entirely not you and only the herbs taking its toll on your frustration. All in the act of attempting to have its purpose served.
Unaware of this being an effect, conversely, Elrond grew tired of your antics and snapped with fury in his voice, laced with weariness and concernment. “And I believe you have a way of solving this problem with all your complaining?” he challenged and slammed the mortar upon the table. “You seem to doubt my ability to remove the issue.”
“Of course, I do, especially when you appear as equally as weary as myself, I have every right to question your capabilities as a healer!” you reacted, shooting from your seat and standing beside him, shoulder to shoulder. “If you were the healer you claimed to be then I would not be in this situation—”
“Your pupils have dilated tremendously,” he whispered, causing his warm breath to fan your face prompting you to lean in closer unconsciously.
“So what?” you replied.
“And your pulse is becoming erratic,” he added, becoming aware of the proximity of your body.
“Let it—I don’t mind if it goes a bit high when I’m around you.” Fingers crawling up his arm, you kept eye contact with his gorgeous brown eyes and inched yourself closer until you wedged yourself in the gap between him and the table. Bodies pressing against each other, driving you insane, you reached out to hold him closer in an attempt to step away. Albeit, he wasn’t attempting to distance himself from your close–body figure, pressing against him.
“You’re thinking too much, Elrond,” your voice seduced while your finger reached his chin to tug it forward, mending the gap. “Just admit this was all a part of your plan and you desired me as much as I do. Just imagine,” you began, standing on your toes and placing your lips beside his ear, “how good it would feel to release all your tension in me. When was the last time you had a good time?”
“Y/N, think about this carefully,” he cautioned lowly, body shuddering when your lips kissed his earlobe and knowing that sense had disappeared the minute you consumed the tea. It was only a futile and last–resort attempt.
“Picture it Elrond,” you taunted and took his hand to wrap around your waist. “Us naked and entangled while you satisfy both our needs. Just think of how good you’ll fuck me.”
You proved the power and potency of the herbs and flowers was displayed by the rush of his arms instantly knocking all the parchment and instruments off in haste and hoisting you on the table. Tugging at your leggings and knickers until they were flung across the room, your bare legs met the cold air and his fingers. You trembled under his touch, your chest heaving and sweat building as the erraticism of your pulse escalated immensely, you cried out for him to get on with the show and stop teasing. You wanted to feel his body against yours without clothes hindering the sensation.
Reaching your hands out, they haphazardly yanked at his apparel and flung each piece across the room without care and concern. Your fingers desired the need to touch his skin and have the warmth of it pressing against yours to cool the raging fire crawling like molten lava across your skin. Inch by inch it sluggishly trailed, engulfing your entire body into flames while he stood there leaving you to take care of the matter on your own. The cruelty behind his reclusive actions, palms against the tabletop and standing between your legs while he breathed in your air and left you to undress him and then yourself increased the ache between your legs. Whining his name and frowning at him for provocation failed, for all he did was stand there with his brown eyes locked upon your pouting expression.
“You want me to assist you, don’t you?” he lowly chuckled, turning on the heat. “In fact, you need me to assist you.”
“Elrond, please don’t tease me any longer,” you wailed, tugging on the neckline of his shirt to bring his lips a little closer to meet yours, only to have him pull away at the last minute. “Just…Just fix it!”
“And here I thought you said I was incapable of such,” he corrected as his right hand slid up your back to meet the laces and give the bow a tug, unravelling it. With his thumb and forefinger gripping the end of the lace, he continued to unravel it until the bow was undone, leaving the rest of the intricate lacing to loosen. Straightening his posture and left standing in his leggings and shirt, he pulled you upright to unravel the tightness of the lacing and loosen the upper portion of your dress to allow his skilful fingers to peel it off artfully slowly.
The entire time, your hands were frozen on the buttons of his shirt and your eyes focused on the sleeves of your dress being tugged down your arm until they were caught at your elbow. The palpations of your chest could be heard and figured out by Elrond through the flustered expression you cast and the build–up of perspiration. The stickiness coating your skin, Elrond’s fingers swiped against it as he tugged at the front of the dress, prying your cleavage out from the confinements and into the open for his eyes to feast upon.
“Why aren’t you saying anything?” he quizzed once most of the upper portion had been removed and took a step back, prying your fingers off the buttons to finish the removal of his clothes. “Is it because you need my care and touch desperately?”
His hands rubbed circles into your hipbone, provoking more sounds to fall from your lips. He wanted to witness how putty you would easily become for his remedy after all the smart–mouthing you were capable of relaying. To witness the hooded, lazily look in your eyes which morphed into want and the parting of your lips to moisten it as his body rocked into yours, enticed him to take the remaining steps to completion.
Towering above you flushed and semi–nude, both hands ran up your legs, over every curve and bump, pushing your dress until it bunched around your waist. Measuring the gap between you, he stepped closer to fill it, also yanking your body closer till it was flushed against his chest. The ripples of goosebumps once your breasts were squeezing on his chest, nipples hardened and rubbing deliciously upon the smoothness of your Lord’s skin, shot across your ignited body. Little whimpers and sighs were emitted at the action of your bodies firmly pressed without any space in between to disturb the tension being created.
Gathering the energy to reach for the rest of your sleeves and tugging it off completely, now your dress pooled perfectly around your waist, he slipped his hands under your thighs and brought them to encircle his waist. The yelp you emitted was swallowed up by his lips colliding with yours and wasting no time in giving you the chance to adjust. Elrond pried your lips apart with his tongue and went to work fervently to savour the sweet taste of your kiss. His groans, at first, were inaudible. Being devoured by your lips as you made attempts at eating his lips or rather his face—your fingers were clawing into his nape and back, pushing him deeper into your body as though you wanted him to morph into you.
For every bite of your lip, your fingers tightened at his nape and gave small tugs to his hair, and for every swipe of his tongue against yours, you dug your nails into his back to leave your signature. The kiss was unlike any other you had experienced, perhaps with the mixture of him being your Lord and you his assistant, the thrill was heightened led to his touch being voracious.
Conversely, Elrond was a master in his art and possessed infinite levels of control unlike you in this situation at a time like this. Breaking the kiss much to your disappointment, his lips remained a few centimetres apart. “Are you going to give me an answer?”
Your body jerked in his hold as his question left you furious at the leisurely time he was taking to fix the issue. The blood under your skin was boiling causing the fingers gnawing at his neck and back to force him into hurrying up. “Would you quit it and just fuck me already? Put the heat out and just make me feel good!” you wailed.
For the first time in years, Elrond felt rejuvenated at the game he played with you. It wasn’t something he was ever fond of, always preferring to make the moment romantic and full of adoration and love, but today sparked a newfound delight. All the while you were yapping and running your mouth, being demanding and obnoxious, the hands that once held your thighs already slipped between your bodies to unsheathe his cock from his leggings and guide it towards your opening. He was thrilled your attention was focused on getting him to comply that you were oblivious to your wish being fulfilled.
“Is this what you wanted me to give you?” With his body at present pressed against yours, there was no room for your eyes to witness the motion of his cock approaching your cunt, only to feel the breaching with an eye roll and heave. Thankfully your hands flopped off his back to brace your body upright on your forearms, you were given the most precious sight of his cock sliding in and out, already covered in a sheet of your arousal. The only thing left for him to do was to pick up the pace.  
“You want me to give you pleasure?” he goaded. “But you told me I lacked the capabilities.”
A mischievous grin was set upon his face as the rocking of his hips remained steady and at a snail’s pace. No amount of gripping his hips or pressing the heels of your ankles into his back would increase his speed; not until you gave him an answer.
“Please, please, please. J–…Just give it to me Elrond…” crying out with a solid flop against the table, as much as your body was being stimulated, it wasn’t at the rate required to soothe the ache. “I just want your cock…”
As desperate and pitiful as it sounded, it was pleasant to his ears somehow and fuelled the course of his actions. Leaning his body lower, his hips maintained their rhythmic pattern, leaving behind the soft pitta–patter of his ball being soaked by your drenched cunt. It made his eyes widen the realisation of the desire you contained to be relieved and how much he gave you to consume. Pleased in ways unimaginable, his left hand cupped your face for his thumb to run over your lips before feeling your lips wrapping around the tip and your tongue swirling around it. Eyes widening, yet kept holding his finger, they were fixated on the motion of your lips.
Hissing, his lips formed a smirk at the inability of you to give a response before barrelling away. With his right hand occupied on your waist, he used it to guide your hips to meet the increased tempo of his thrust, awakening the temptress within you. Provocative moans from the depths of your soul escaped your lips and left him more aroused from the start. Even through the action of your sweet lips sucking on his finger, he could precisely and clearly hear each syllable of your melody the more he drove his cock into you.
He couldn’t believe how right you were about the last time he gave himself away so freely to the highs of ecstasy. Your words replayed in his head about releasing all his tension while curing your problem; considering it beneficial when he was problem solving both your issues in one shot—a good remedy.
Letting himself loose, Elrond flung his head backwards to join you in harmony as moans fell from his lips. The tightness of your cunt, a feeling he missed and enjoyed, wrapping around him suffocatingly without a moment of reprieve spiralled him into ecstasy. Your snuggly held him in possession, considering him yours with every stroke he delivered, kissing your sweet spot like no tomorrow and leaving behind stains of his precum to quench the flames. The rigidness and robustness of his cock, the perfect weight resting within your walls were accepted with familiarity. Allowing you to remodel and mould your insides to suit the shape of what he desired. A place where he could return for release and satisfaction.
With the first wave of your fire cooling from sinister rolls of his hips, loudly slapping against the inner of your thighs, you sighed in euphoria. This was the relief your body craved all these months, not sleep. The sensation of being twisted into different positions, from lying on your back to being placed on your side with your leg over his shoulder, a different type of workout that proved to be the best form of lethargy. There wasn’t a position your legs were being tossed into the deeper he drove his cock to have it touch placed unheard of. When they were considered myths, your Lord Elrond proved them false with the wicked flex of his hips to bury himself in the depths of your core, emptying the first release of tension before pummelling again.
There was no stopping when you were now being placed on your stomach, your right foot planted directly into the floor with your left hitched on the table and his hips smacking against your ass. You could have sworn that he was the one who drank the tea instead of you, but with a quick reality check of the volume of releases you made in the last half an hour, it was you.
The deliberating crawl of your cramps as he fucked you like no tomorrow, fingers massaging the back of your thigh while his lips whispered filth in your ear, eased the pain. Even when your stomach clenched and your walls cramped around his cock as the coolness of your orgasm quenched the flames, his fingers ghosting over your skin was a better sensation and stimulation. You could stand there for as long as he desired and take the vigorous pummelling he gave, even if it left you bedridden, it would been the best rest and treatment for your weariness received. It might encourage you to make checks more often than usual.
On Elrond’s end, he could say the same thing. His right hand intertwined with yours upon the table, sweaty chest rubbing against yours and finger massaging your thigh, he would have to make frequent schedules for another visit. Nevertheless, he only wished for the constant slipping and sliding of your bodies to cease. It made things difficult for him to hold and keep close, albeit it allowed for the sounds of his hips meeting your ass to reverberate in the depths of his eardrum, placing a pleasant smile on his face.
“Your cries sound better than I imagined, Y/N.” His voice trickled into your ear like caramel, melting away any remaining tension in your bones. Your body visibly sagged into his chest; head lulled atop his shoulder while your lips remained parts to release your broken, stammering moans. “Tell me, is the treatment to your liking? Would you like me to ease the ache once more?”
Breathlessly fumbling around with your words, your fingers tightened in his and pressed into the table, knocking your knuckles into the solid wood at the swelling of his cock, expanding your walls. The violent flooding of his cum seeping into your cunt and being pushed deeper with the intention of being kept there, left you shaking. Your body couldn’t handle the intoxication of his presence entering you again, speeding up the process for another wave of your orgasm to break through and mix with his. Your cries were all he was listening to while he relentlessly continued to pound away at your walls, loving the hypersensitivity he sent you into.
“Oh fuck, El–…rond!” Wailing into the heated air, your breath condensed at the rise in temperature of the office. Your body’s urge to collapse was prohibited by the gentle encircling of his right arm, still entwined with yours, around your waist to keep you upright and against his sweaty chest. The amazement you held at the unshakeable power he wielded to continue round after round as though his limit was endless. You were beginning to consider the acknowledgement of you being hit with aphrodisiacs was false and simply made up to lure you into his trap.
After all, he was a descendant of a Maia, a powerful at that, being able to ensnare you with the hypnotic look in his eyes was enough to have you at his beck and call. Imagine what his voice was doing as your insides churned and melted with the melody of his moans against your earlobe. Lips kissing the tips and breathless groaning at the squeeze you gave; Elrond summoned you to him like a siren calling its prey.
“Just like that, I’m sure you can give me another and another and another,” he encouraged, placing more pressure on your sweet spot as he ground his hips into your ass and rubbed the tip of his cock against it. “Just let me take care of you. I’ll make you feel better.”
He was unappeasible and outmatched you.
And yet, it did not terrify you, only enticing you to further give in and allow him to care and tend to your needs. His touches and words were all that were required to provoke your body into rejuvenation. He could kiss away the pain, ghost his lips over your skin or breathe against it and all would be well. His remedy to heal your ache was the best and always provided satisfaction.
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Taglist: @eunoiaastralwings @lilmelily @koyunsoncizeri @ranhanabi777 @someoneinthestars @mysticmoomin @aconstructofamind @the-phantom-of-arda @rain-on-my-umbrella @wandererindreams @ilu-stripes @justellie17 @justjane @silverose365 @bunson-burner @batsyforyou @asianbutnotjapanese
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kingdom-of-sins · 2 months
Sihtric Kjartansson x Reader
Sihtric is badly injured and Uhtred and his gang of bastards takes him to the nearest healer available
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The sky is overcast, and a light drizzle falls over the small village as Uhtred, Finan, and Osferth lead a barely conscious Sihtric through the narrow, muddy streets. His injuries are severe, and the urgency to find a healer weighs heavily on them. The village is quiet, with only a few villagers braving the rain, and they quickly direct the group to the healer’s house at the edge of the settlement.
You’re in the middle of preparing herbs when you hear a knock on the door. The soft murmur of voices tells you it’s urgent. You open the door to find the three men, soaked from the rain, with one of them slumped between the other two, barely able to stand.
“He’s hurt bad,” Uhtred says, his voice thick with worry. “Can you help him?”
Your eyes quickly assess Sihtric, noting the blood and the deep cuts that need tending. Without hesitation, you nod. “Bring him inside.”
They carry him into your home, gently laying him down on the bed. Sihtric’s eyes flutter open as you begin your work, though his gaze is unfocused, and he’s only semi-conscious. He catches a glimpse of you—your dark hair framing your face, your soft eyes filled with concern as you move with practiced care—and even in his pain, he feels a strange warmth spread through him.
You work swiftly, cleaning his wounds, applying poultices, and wrapping bandages around his torso. The other three watch with bated breath, their trust in your skill evident in their silence. As you work, Sihtric mumbles incoherently, his words slurred and soft, but his eyes never leave your face. You glance at him, noting the odd mix of pain and something else—something like awe—in his gaze, but you dismiss it, focusing on your task.
“He’ll need to rest,” you say, turning to Uhtred. “The wounds are deep, but with proper care, he’ll recover. You can leave him here. I’ll make sure he’s looked after.”
Uhtred, Finan, and Osferth exchange glances, clearly reluctant to leave their friend behind, but they trust your expertise. “We’ll return in the morning,” Uhtred says, his voice firm yet grateful. “Thank you.”
Once they’ve left, you make sure Sihtric is comfortable, adjusting the blankets around him. The rain outside intensifies, pattering against the roof in a rough rhythm. You sit by his bedside, watching him drift in and out of consciousness. His mumbling continues, and though you can’t make out his words, the sound of his voice is strangely soothing.
As the night deepens, you light a small fire in the hearth, its warmth filling the room. Sihtric’s breathing steadies, and you finally allow yourself to relax, watching the flames dance. You remain by his side until your eyelids grow heavy, eventually drifting off in the chair beside him.
Morning comes with a gentle light filtering through the window. The rain has lessened to a fine mist, and the air is fresh with the scent of wet earth. You wake to the soft sound of rustling and see that Sihtric has woken up, his eyes slowly focusing on his surroundings. He looks down at the bandages wrapped around his chest, then up at you, watching you as you prepare a fresh batch of herbs at a small table nearby.
You feel his gaze on you and turn with a soft smile. “Good morning,” you say, walking over to him with the prepared herbs. “How do you feel?”
He blinks, as if unsure whether he’s still dreaming. His voice is rough with sleep and pain as he answers, “Better… I think.”
You smile at him, a warm, genuine smile that makes his heart skip a beat. “You will be,” you assure him. “I’ve made something to help with the pain and to aid your healing. You should rest for a few more days.”
As you sit on the edge of the bed to apply the fresh herbs, Sihtric can’t take his eyes off you. He’s still weak, but the pain seems distant now, overshadowed by the softness in your eyes and the care in your touch.
“Thank you,” he murmurs, his voice hoarse.
“You’re welcome,” you reply, looking at him with a mixture of kindness and amusement. “It’s my duty to help, but I’m glad you’re feeling better.”
He watches you work in silence, his heart swelling with something he can’t quite name. It’s as though he’s known you forever, as though he’s been searching for you his whole life without realizing it. In that moment, he vows that once he’s healed, he’ll find a way to express what he’s feeling.
As you finish applying the herbs and stand to leave, he reaches out, gently catching your hand. You pause, looking down at him in surprise.
“Stay… please,” he whispers, his eyes pleading.
You hesitate, then sit back down, your hand still in his. “I’m not going anywhere,” you assure him, your voice soft.
Sihtric smiles faintly, his grip on your hand loosening as sleep begins to pull him under again. His heart is full, and even in his weakened state, he knows he’s found something special, something worth fighting for.
As he drifts off, he whispers something so quietly that you barely catch it—a word, maybe a name, lost to the sound of the rain and the steady rhythm of his breathing. You stay by his side, watching over him as he sleeps, and wonder what it was that made him hold on to you so tightly, what it was that made him look at you as if you were the most important thing in his world.
And as the day wears on, you realize that you, too, are looking at him in a way you never expected to look at a patient—with hope, with warmth, and perhaps with the beginnings of something more.
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frenchkisstheabyss · 8 months
ⱧɆ₳Ɽ₮ ₴Ⱨ₳₱ɆĐ ฿ØӾ
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☽ Pairing ☾ warlock!christian yu x witch!chubby!fem!reader
☽ Genre ☾ supernatural au , fluff, smut
☽ Summary ☾ When his first attempt at a spell ends in him being chased out of town, Christian stumbles through the woods and stumbles upon your cottage. Unwelcoming to visitors, you attempt to chase him off but there's just something about this stranger that makes it impossible to turn him away.
☽ Word Count ☾ 2.7k-ish
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☽ Warnings ☾ mentions of death/funerals (it's handled comedically so nothing gruesome), witchcraft obviously, unprotected sex, nibbling, a lil bit of rough sex, soft dom christian vibes, overstimulation, creampie, pet names (darling, love), & that's all babes.
☽ A/N ☾ I wrote this as a request for @magoapple who loves Christian Yu as much as I do. Thank you for trusting me to write up your idea and I hope that it came out the way you wanted. Love you 💜
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It was supposed to be a simple sleep spell. A few sprigs of dried mugwort, ground lepidolite, the toe of a dead man, a splash of moon water, two creams, three sugars. Or was it three creams, two sugars? Racing through the trees, bare branches grasping at his limbs like the claws of the damned, Christian knows he made a mistake somewhere.
His grandmother’s spells, written on tea stained scraps of paper, provided clear instructions. Naturally a few words here and there had faded over time but how important could they have truly been?Important enough that they might've kept him from cooking up the nauseating potion that made him pass for a corpse.
The days of grieving that preceded his funeral service were hell for everyone but him. While dozens wept he snoozed peacefully. Arrangements were made. His pinstripe white suit was tailored. An oak wood casket was measured to suit his height. The only thing missing, the very thing that saved him, was that the mortician skipped the embalming process.
In a small middle of nowhere town like this, people are prone to superstition. When the mortician placed his scalpel to Christian’s throat, prepared to make his first incision, he could’ve sworn he heard a low humming noise. A death rattle is what they call it. Unremarkable when heard coming from the dying but when it’s coming from the dead? Cut into them and the sound will haunt you for the rest of your days.
And so he quietly left him intact. Something he’d come to regret when his wife rushed into the funeral home screaming in terror that the boy had risen from the dead at his own funeral. The townspeople were unhappy to say the least. Glancing over his shoulder, Christian can still see raging globes of orange looming between the trees. The flames of torches meant to burn him to ash.
There’s chatter amongst the small group of men tasked with capturing him. Their voices aren't distinctive in the slightest but their anger—their fear—seeps into their surroundings. One of the men managed to cut his arm before he escaped. His hand clings to the wound, gathering the fabric of his tattered suit to soak up the blood that drips from it.
He’s out of breath, lungs burning with every step he takes. He doesn’t know how much longer he can run or even where he’s running to. Only that he has to keep going or he’ll be burned at the stake. He knows he’s been running in a straight line but suddenly the trees seem to bend as if he’s made a right turn. The change is dizzying, causing him to stumble but he has to keep running. Straight? No, left. No, right. No.
Thud! His body collides with something unseen, knocking him to the ground. “What the hell!” you shout, bracing yourself for the fall. You land hard on your bottom, the basket of herbs on your arm spilling out into the grass. Scrambling to your feet, you spot the beast that slammed into you though he’s no beast at all. Despite his disheveled appearance, the dark haired man has a gentleness to him that makes you want to rush to his aid.
Watching him dust himself off, you see that he’s injured...and handsome. Incredibly handsome. But how did he get here? How? “Oh my goodness, I’m so happy I found you. You have to help me!” he pleads, grasping at your arm to pull himself up. You back away, sensing the impending presence of even more unwanted company. “You led them here? To my home! Who sent you?” Eyeing the cozy cottage behind you, Christian questions if he’s alive after all.
Everything from the chestnut shingles on the roof to the cobblestone path with flowers springing out from between the cracks reminds him of the story books he read as a child. Vines of wisteria climb the walls, bundles of lavender adorning the arches of the windows and doors. A place like this—it shouldn’t be here. 
“You shouldn’t be here! Whoever sent you—” you say, lowering your voice to a hush. “No one sent me. I’ve just, I’ve had a day, alright? If you don’t help me they’ll kill me so please, please help me.” You want to turn him away, send him right back in whatever direction he came from, but you can’t. The sincerity of his pleas tug at your heartstrings, playing them like a violin.
Behind him you spot the lights of the torches, bringing back dark memories of what lead to your life of solitude to begin with. Shaking away the ghosts of your past, you rush to pull his jacket off. “Take your clothes off!” “Hey!” he squeals, twisting free, “What are you doing?” “You stink of graveyard dirt. It’s interfering with my spell. Take your clothes off, anything the dirt touched, and dispose of them!”
Christian hesitates, unsure he wants to trust a strange woman’s demands to strip down, no matter how beautiful she is. “Just do it before you get us both killed!” “So feisty! Fine, I’ll do it!” Finally getting his jacket off, you toss it into the trees. Christian follows your lead, hurriedly stripping down to his underwear and disposing of the clothes in a small scattered area just beyond your grass. 
You’re ashamed of yourself. Staying focused has always been your strength and men, unfortunately, have always been your weakness. His muscled body is covered in inked markings, mesmerizing you to the point of total distraction. Christian catches you staring and winks, “Like something you see, darling?” “Ugh, you’re already unbearable!” you huff, marching towards your home. “Come inside, we need to handle that wound.” “What about them?”
Pushing your front door open, you turn around and begin counting backwards from 10. Gradually, the torches snuff out and the voices fade into the night. “We’re invisible to them now. They won’t find us. They won’t find anything. The trees will twist until they can’t even find each other.” You say this with a coldness that betrays your sweet exterior and fuels his curiosity.
“You’re magnificent” he muses, making you crack something too fleeting to register as a smile though it’s something resembling one. Lowering your head to hide your amusement, you step inside and he trails behind you, a lost puppy in search of a home. “Whoa” he gasps, marveling at the decor. It’s rustic and simple yet everything in it seems priceless. Even the picture frames appear ornate, the paintings within their boundaries thriving with life.
If he stands still long enough he could swear the paintings move. “Do you plan to bleed out on my carpet?” you tease, standing in the doorway to the kitchen with a blanket and a small basket holding your own special first aid supplies.
“When did you get those?”
“Get what?”
“The blanket and the…they just…”
“Appeared?” you laugh, handing him the blanket, “Things tend to do that around here. Come sit.” 
Wrapping himself in the blanket, Christian makes his way into the kitchen. “Might you have a name, stranger?” you ask, setting up your own makeshift medical station at the table. “Christian. And yours?” Unraveling a roll of gauze, you glance up to find him staring at you with a longing in his eyes that even he may not be aware of. It makes your heart skip a beat, your pulse racing as you catch yourself slipping under his spell once more.
The sound of a pot boiling over on the stove reels you back in. You clear your throat, hurrying to tend to the dinner you’d so quickly forgotten about. Jumping into action, Christian grabs an oven mitt and is right at your side helping to put out a small fire before it catches. “Goodness, look at me. I’m such a mess. Forgive me, I just—this is a lot and I—” you ramble, flustered by the culmination of events.
You stop to catch your breath, a hand clutched to your chest. This is far more excitement than you were prepared for. “Would you like something to eat, Christian?” Your question makes him suddenly aware of how long it’s been since he last had a bite to eat or even a sip of water. The aroma rising from the pots is mouthwatering, only making matters worse. If he had enough moisture in his body to drool he would.
“I would love that, thank you.” You take him by the hand, leading him back to his chair to properly examine his wound. “I’ll feed you and fix you up then off you go. Understood?” He nods obediently, praying that mind reading isn’t among your abilities. As annoyed as you may be at his arrival, there’s still something so inviting about you. You handle him with such warmth. The very warmth that was so cruelly stripped from his life without warning. What intention could he possibly have of letting you rush him off?
But he lies anyway, settling into the comfort of your touch. “Understood.” 
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Chirp! Chirp! The baby bird cupped in Christian’s hands flutters its wings. A thorn peeks from between its feathers, preventing it from taking flight. “Poor thing” you pout, pinching the thron and plucking it free, “There you go. All better, aren’t we?” Christian looks to you with the same admiration that he has everyday since he stumbled upon your cottage, injured and alone like this sweet little bird.
Weeks have passed since then, both of you finding excuses for him to stay before ultimately doing away with the notion altogether. Before his arrival you’d never spent mornings like this sitting barefoot in the grass enjoying the utopia your magic had created. Now every morning begins this way with him, hours spent opening up to him in ways you never thought you would with anyone.
You shudder to think of how long you spent locked up in that house, hidden from everything bad in the world and consequently everything, at least one thing, good. Christian sets the bird down in the grass, watching it hop off into the distance and disappear beyond the invisible veil that surrounds your home. “Darling,” he says, a sweet nickname he’s come to call you, “Have you ever thought about leaving?” You laugh at the obscenity of such a question, “Leaving? Wh-why would I do that?”
Sensing the anxiousness in your voice, he intertwines his fingers with yours, brushing his thumb along the back of your trembling hand. “There’s a big, wide world out there, darling. You can’t hide here forever.” It’s a knife through your heart to hear him say that word. Hide. “I’m not hiding here. This place keeps me safe. It keeps us safe.” You move to snatch your hand away but he only holds it tighter, bringing you closer to him.
“But it keeps us still. Something as beautiful as you are shouldn’t be kept. Beautiful things should be free, shouldn’t they?” “And who’ll protect me?” Christian smiles, deep brown eyes refelcting the morning sun, “I will.” Instinctively you want to make a mad dash for the front door, slam it behind you and shut everything out. But with it would go your new companion, the light at the end of a tunnel of seemingly eternal loneliness.
His other hand finds your waist, bringing you onto his lap. “I owe you everything” he whispers against your lips, “Won’t you let me give it to you?” He wraps his arms around you, kissing you with all the passion his words can’t communicate. It steals your breath away, killing that urge to run away. Your fingertips trace his jawline as you tilt forward to deepen the kiss. His tongue ventures further into your mouth, his hands finding their way under your flowy black dress.
Your skin’s softer than the most expensive silk. He can’t get enough of touching you, caressing you. Light sparks of what feels like electricity give you goosebumps as he trails up your spine. “Come with me” he begs, kissing his way down your collarbone. His tongue teases your cleavage, rounding what lush flesh of you breasts overflows from your lowcut neckline.
Christian tugs the front of your dress down, groaning in pleasure as your breasts fall free of the material. Taking your nipple between his lips, he eagerly buries his face into your chest, suckling at the bud. You throw your head back, eyes falling closed, and profess to the skies that you’ll do it. “Yes” you moan, grinding down to feel him hard against your core, “I’ll do it.”
Christian hums happily, nibbling at your stiffened bud as he reaches between your legs to stroke your slit through your panties. Only there are none. They’ve disappeared. He looks up at you, perplexed. He knows you were wearing them. “Where—” “Did you forget?” you giggle, watching the awe on his face as he feels his cock spring from his pants, “I’m magic.” “Yes, you are.”
Magic in every sense of the word. Not only in the intoxicating kiss you pull him into. Not only in the way that you sink down onto him, swallowing every throbbing inch of him into you. You’re magic in the strands of hair that fall between his fingers and in the voice that cries out his name. “Christian!” you moan, tearing his shirt away to reveal the tattooed form you’ve lusted for from the start. He bounces you in his lap, bottoming out with each thrust of his hips. It sends shockwaves through you, your juices pooling at the base of his cock.
Your toes curl, back arching as the blood rushing up his shaft has his veins pulsing while you clench around him. “I’ve wanted you for so long” he confesses, gripping the plush of your ass. “Oh god, me too. So badly.” As if you needed to say it. You’re so wet that he can feel you juices splashing on his fingers each time your bodies meet. That says everything. But he loves to hear your voice. Hear you say that you’ve wanted him as much as he wants you. “Darling” he coos, his face in your neck, inhaling your scent, “You’re shaking.”
You are. It started when he first took your hand and it hasn’t stopped since. One especially rough thrust makes you cry out, your pussy beyond overstimulated by the return of sensations you haven’t felt in years. Your eyes sparkle with tears, a tightness gripping your chest, “Too much! Ah, can’t…” In one graceful motion he has you on your back, your trembling knees pressed back to spread you wider. “Ssh, you can. You can take it for me. My brave girl, hmm?”
You squirm beneath him, this new angle perfect for slamming into your sweet spot. “You...are...the...devil” you gasp, legs wrapping around his waist. “Not the first time I’ve heard that, love” he chuckles, taking that as a challenge. Pinning your hands above your head, he picks up speed, claiming every part of you in every way he can until you’re—
“Christian—I—I’m—oh my goddesses.” 
“That’s it my lovely. Wanna feel you—”
Your orgasm washes over you, the waves powerful enough to pull you under. You’re drowning and you bring him right along with you. You're overcome with every emotion all at once as you hold each other tight, flowing into each other, sticky and sweet.
The sky darkens. The air is still. For a moment you hear nothing and then your body relaxes. The sun returns, the sky somehow prettier than it was before. Christian collapses on top of you, his face disappearing beneath a mess of dark hair as he lays his head on your chest. He squints his eyes, noticing that, beyond his curtain of hair, he can spot parts of the forest he hadn’t seen before.
In the distance, the little wounded bird hops around with his friends. Not too far away he spots remnants of the clothing he tossed away when he found you. He can see everything now and that means everything can see him. It can see you. “So, where to first?” you beam, admiring the view with him.
“Anywhere you want, darling, as long as I’m with you.”
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tasteofthedivine93 · 1 month
The Beauty of the Beast - Messmer x F!Reader - Elden Ring Fic - Part 14
TasteOfTheDivine // Masterlist
Ao3 Link: archiveofourown.org/works/57094387/chapters/148321888 Fic Rating: Explicit🌶️🌶️ (Chapter: Explicit🌶️🌶️) Category: F/M Fandom: Elden Ring // Elden Ring: Shadow of the Erd Tree Relationships: Messmer x F!Reader // Messmer the Impaler x F!Reader Warnings: Smut // Oral F! and M! receiving // P in V // Fingering // Somewhat first time // Words: 6319
MASTERLIST // <- Part 13 // Epilogue ->
Here's your smut ya filthy animals (affectionate) - you've been waiting long enough. I hope it's worth it!
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A week has passed since Messmer's transformation. You keep catching him staring into the golden mirror every now and then. You watch as he examines his new eyes, his ivory skin. Smiling, you tease him for becoming vain and pompous. 
“I am nay vain,” he defends, “Thou maketh me sound like Godwyn.” 
Scoffing makes Messmer's brows rise. 
“Art thou not impressed by my brother?” He asked with a smirk, a little peacocked, that you reacted in such a way.
“Well, no I am.” Messmer frowns at you. Your only recollection of Godwyn was the portraits found in the books in the library and the very geometric stained-glass window. So you couldn’t compare his looks, but you’ve heard of his heroic deeds.
“He’s just so…” you wave your hand trying to think of the word. Instead you make a disgruntled noise and slam the book in your lap shut. Messmer chuckles at you, before you could finish your thought, he takes your freshly bandaged hand into his and kisses the fabric. “He’s not you.” you mutter. Messmer chuckles softly, puffing air down his nose. 
Questions raced through your mind about his transformation and how he still remained serpentine. Unfortunately even he couldn’t answer all of them. He could only explain that the curse was only the Abyssal Serpent, that he had it under control until his mother sealed it away, causing it to fester and writhe. You ask if he recalls his appearance before he was brought to the Shadowlands. He merely shrugs and explains it had been so long, he cannot recollect. 
“How art they?” he mutters, checking the bandage. Tilting your head you weakly smile. 
“They’re fine, just sore.” you mutter. The burns you sustained that evening have started to heal, but are still painful. The rest of your arms and exposed areas aren’t better either, covered in scratches, tears, blisters and burns. Messmer helped you as best as he could, using herbs and medicine to aid your pain.
You cannot recall a single thing after the sun came up that morning. Messmer carried you back inside, Ophis and Fidi coiled on your lap, and took you straight to his (now uncharred) bedchambers. He paused with you in his arms, staring around the room at how pristine it looked once again. His chest tightened as he recalled the first evening in the room. He cried himself to sleep being away from his siblings. He ignored those feelings as he laid you onto his bed and treated your wounds. 
He demanded you remain on bed rest, but only in his bed. That you did, you shared his bed with him by your side the last few nights and you’ve never felt more comfortable. Messmer remained a gentleman, not touching you, hands hesitant to even coat your arms and sides in remedies. 
You slept, more than you’ve done in years, coiled into messmer’s arms, snakes wrapped around you worried you’ll be taken from them all again. Messmer would flinch at every little whimper and noise you made in your sleep, worried he’d hurt you more. 
After the initial bedrest period, Messmer would follow you around like a lost pup. Even as you bathed, he stayed in the room but behind the partition to give you some privacy. Even though you hoped he’d catch a glimpse at your naked body. He gave you time to heal, despite your yearning for more intimacy. 
Sharing a bed stated the desires, skin brushing against skin, kisses exchanged till you both passed out. But deep down you wanted more, you think about his touch on your core, how easily he brought you to pleasure. You knew he wanted you too, feeling his semi-erection press against your thigh during your tender moments or waking to it pressing into your back. But you both were patient with each other. 
A few more days passed, the pair of you sat in blissful peace reading together in the sun-room. However you are yet to read a single word. All the tension and emotions have finally bubbled to the service and you feel as if you're about to explode. You could feel your clit pulsing and your mouth turn dry as Messmer did nothing but sit reading, long fingers gently caressing the pages, occasionally he would lick his thumb in aid to turn the page, but seeing the little pink muscle made your stomach knot and bloom. 
You needed him like oxygen. Tonight was the night. Your wounds have healed, your scars already fading and you’ve waited long enough. 
Quickly, you spring to your feet and rush over to him, you grab the book out of his hands without a second thought and fling it across the room where it lands with a thud. Messmer looks up at you with a shocked expression, which soon falls when he can see the fire burning in your eyes, how you were biting your lip at him. 
His snake-eyes blow out, the slits expanding out and masking his golden iris. His brows drop and a smirk grows on his lips, he lunges at you, hoisting you over his shoulder. Laughing, you squeal his name as he carries you out of the room and up the stairs. 
Messmer practically throws you onto the bed, you bounce on the soft mattress, your hair flowing behind you. He leans over you, shadowing your whole body with his. His long copper hair tickles your face as he looks down at you. You smile at him, blush tinting your cheeks as you suddenly fall shy, your heart beating fast in your chest. 
As what has become his trait, he cups your cheek and you press your cheek into his palm. You miss the warmth of the char mark but refuse to tell him so, but his natural warmth matched your warm cheeks. 
“Art thou sure?” he asks softly, you nod and whisper yes. As soon as the last syllable leaves your mouth, Messmer leans down and captures your mouth with his. His soft, carved lips slot perfectly into yours. He starts off slow, tender kisses, moving over your jaw and down your neck. You wrap your arms around his shoulders, drawing him closer to you. Arching your back you press your chest into his, feeling the protrusions against your shoulders. 
“Messmer.” you whisper, hands clawing at his back. He pulls away from you to admire his work, your skin flushed and lips already wet and puffy. A growl escapes his throat, as distracted by your beauty, you reach down and you go to palm his hard cock already tenting his tunic. Grabbing your wrist he pulls you away from his stiffened cock and kisses your palm.
“Patience, my love,” he darts out his tongue and tastes your palm, “There is nay reason to have haste.” You bite your lip at how warm his tongue is. “I wish to taketh my time with thee.” 
You felt your clit throb, warmth drip from your core. He moves his kisses down your wrist, teeth grazing the sensitive skin. You felt like prey trapped by a predator, his gaze sharp and lustful. 
Ophis and Fidi hover around you both, you thought you’d feel uncomfortable with them, but you secretly enjoy it. 
Reaching over you, you tangle your fingers into his hair and scrape against his scalp, gently costing him back to you. Lips meet lips, you tease his lower lip with your tongue requesting entry. Tongues wrap together, both of you fighting for dominance. Messmer reaches down to palm your breast, his thumb swiping over your clothed nipple, already stiff and visible through your dress. You let out a whimper at the touch, a tingle shoots down to your throbbing clit. 
Pulling away, he sits back to look at your spread out for him. He wraps his hands around your waist, slowly gliding them up your body, over your breasts and to your shoulders. He tears the neckline of your dress and pulls it down slowly, revealing more of your soft skin. 
Impatient, you pull out your arms from the sleeves, leaving the neckline just covering the swell of your tits. Messmer lets out a shaky breath and pulls down your dress, uncovering your breasts. He stares at your perked nipples, letting his thumb swipe over the sensitive bud. Before you could speak, he dives down and captures the other in his lips. He sucks hard and you feel your back arch at the touch, fire shoots down to your core, wetting your folds. 
Moans leaving your lips at a quick pace, Messmer laps at you like a man starved, tongue swirling around the bud. He looks up at you through his lashes and you whimper, his new golden ivory skin shining with sweat already. He moves to plant a kiss to your lips before moving to the other nipple. He suckles and squeezes your tit, sending you into a haze of pleasure. 
Closing your eyes, you enjoy the sensation, before long you feel his long fingers drag your dress lower, your panting stomach now on view and he stops at your hips. His kisses continue south, between the swell of your breasts, over your plump stomach, teeth dragging over your shaking skin. 
Messmer reaches down and paws at the hem of your dress, hitching it over your knee. He teases you slowly, finger dragging over your calf, over your knee and tickling your inner thigh. In natural response, you squeeze your knees together and trap his hand, you squeak as he stares at you, eyes black and filled with want. He tuts at you as he palms your knees and slowly parts your legs, keeping his eyes on yours, he inches up higher and higher till he cups your outer hips, tips of his fingers grazing against the sides of your ass still covered by your dress. 
For a moment he watches your face melt as he kneads your soft curves. Smirking he finally grabs at the hem of your dress and slowly drags the material over your thighs and reveals your puffy wet pussy.
You wish you could capture the noise that escaped his lips and play it on repeat forever. 
“Divine,” he whispers, “Thee won’t require this.” He grabs the neckline of your dress now pooled around your waist and rips the fabric in two. 
You gasp at his brutish nature, your body now fully naked.
“Messmer!” you nervously laugh and sit up, trying to cover yourself. He merely tuts and takes hold of your wrists, pulling them over your head and pushes your back to the bed. Your tits bounce as you meet the mattress. He hovers over you, eyes dark and growling. 
“Stay,” he commands at you. He kisses you once again, down your jaw, your neck, between the swell of your breasts, hands trailing down behind his kisses, down your stomach and positions himself over your sobbing cunt. 
His snake companions move slowly down towards their master, their heads resting near your hips.
Messmer kisses your public hair, smelling like you. He growls this time, deep and animalistic. Fingers dig into your thighs, pulling you open for him.
“I have desired to taste thee for too long,” his breath hot against your core, teasing your throbbing clit. 
Your chest feels like it could burst, your heart beating so fast and heavy. He lingers for a moment, staring up at you as you whimper without him even touching you. 
“Please,” you beg, sucking in your lower lip between your teeth. Daringly, you rest your leg over his shoulder, mindful of the snake body. Watching through half closed eyes, he let his tongue slither out of his mouth as if in slow motion, he hovers, teasing you for a moment before swiping a long nearly painful lick up the seam of your cunt. Tip flicking at your clit. 
The moan that erupts from you was embarrassing, already you clamp your thighs around his head at the first touch. He chuckles at your intense pleasure, pulling you apart again. He doesn’t give you time to process, instead he dives in, he covers your sopping cunt and laps at you. His tongue covers you entirely, tasting every drip of your sweet nectar. He grunts and sighs, his eyes already rolling to the back of his skull. 
He sucks your clit between his lips, letting his tongue tease the bud. You felt as if you passed out from pleasure already. His hot mouth and talented tongue already bringing you to your orgasm. He continues to devour you, his chin and lips coated in your slick. Looking down at the huge man between your legs your heart skips a beat. You watch as he slowly humps the bed in time with his licks. 
Over your hip you feel his companion snakes slowly inch their way over your body, one gently slithers around your calf still over Messmer’s shoulder and around your thigh close to Messmer’s tight grasp. While the other over your stomach and between your breasts. You shiver as he inches towards your face but you smile at them. They feel heavy on your chest but you embrace the weight. Messmer looks up at you with fire in his new eyes and smirks as you welcome Ophis and Fidi into your intimate moment.
Your clit is swollen and puffy as he lets it go with a pop. Before moving lower and teasing your hole with the tip.
You squeak at the new sensation, your hips move without you controlling them, as you seek out his tongue. He chuckles at your eagerness and pushes further in. His strong nose pressing against your puffy clit. 
The core in your stomach feels close to snapping, you writhe and grind into his face with such fervour, his fingertips will leave bruises in your skin from holding you down. 
“Messmer please,” you’re not sure what you’re begging for. 
He pulls away from you, leaving you cold, he kisses your clit tenderly and your hips shudder. Then you feel his finger slide up between your lips, collecting some of your silky wetness and circles your clit, so featherlight it gives you a moment to relax. Looking down you catch his still blown out eyes, his new features still send flutters throughout your body. 
Without saying a word, you feel his finger drag towards your hole and press through the threshold. You suck in a breath already feeling full despite it only being one finger. He inches the digit in slowly, reaching his second knuckle he presses upwards, adding delicious pressure to your sweet spot. You see flashes of sparkles before your eyes, your back arches off the bed and you let out the sweetest moan. Messmer smiles at your pleasure, grinding into the bed and letting out a groan himself. 
You pant heavily, enough to suck out all the oxygen in the room. Your entire skin feels on fire. He pulls the finger out slowly, teasing your entrance and pushes it back in faster this time. He can feel you clamp around him so tight already. Messmer dips his head against your thigh, pressing kisses to the soft flesh and groans. You’re so tight, he’s already dizzy on the thought of you around his thick cock. 
“Thou art so wet and tight for me.” He says breathy, “I will need to stretch thee out more.” 
His words remind you of that evening in the library, your hand barely wrapping around his thick cock. You try to sit up, but Ophis’ weight on your toros keeps you down. Tilting your head you look down at him.
“Is it… still the same?” you ask timidly, unsure if his manhood has also altered in his transformation. 
He smiles so devilishly, flashing teeth and his tongue wets his lips. 
“Aye, my love.”
A whimper escapes your throat and you flop back onto the bed. Messmer runs his hands up your body, he palms your exposed breast and pinches your nipple, distracting you from your thoughts. 
Another kiss warms your thigh and he circles your hole with two fingers, slowly he sinks into your core, curling them straight away to catch that sweet spot. 
You swear under your breath, feeling the pinch of the stretch. You’re no virgin, but a quick fuck in the field with the neighbour boy years ago doesn’t compare to how you’ll be fucked by Messmer. It has been so long you’d forgotten the touch of another. Only your own slender fingers keep you company (as Messmer also knows) but could never compare to his warm slender fingers. 
Slowly he fucks you with his fingers, occasionally leaning back down to circle your clit with his tongue. He can feel you relax enough that he retreats and inserts a third.He already starts to scissor his fingers, you suck in a breath. His kitten licks continue to draw you to your orgasm, with the increased pressure inside you, you start to vibrate. 
“Me-mess-Messmer,” you stutter, “I’m close.” 
Without a word he pumps into you faster, rubbing your spot over and over, he can feel you flutter around his fingers. Tongue still lapping at your clit. Other hand is still pawing at your breast. 
You feel your whole body come undone. You orgasm hard, your walls clamping down on his slender fingers inside you, you feel yourself gush around them as he sucks in your clit. Your hips violently jerk, your thighs shake around his head. You’ve never felt such pleasure. Tears line your eyes at the intensity of your climax, toes curling and fingers fly to tangle themselves with Messmers coppery locks. Once the sensation gets too much, you grasp his hair and pull him off your painfully sensitive clit. 
With half closed eyes, he looks inebriated, mouth and chin shimmery with your slick. He looks at you with such desire. You too look intoxicated, cheeks flushed red, your chest matching, eyes closed and struggling to stay open, your mouth agape and panting heavily. 
Messmer pulls out his fingers from your core, you mewl at the emptiness they left behind, but know you won’t stay empty for long. 
He kisses your thighs once more before crawling back up the bed to shroud over you once again. He kisses you softly, you tasting yourself on his lips. He lowers himself and you can feel his erection pressing hard against your puffy cunt. You look down at it tenting his tunic, along with a small patch of wetness darkening the fabric. 
Cupping his face, you kiss him hard, you wrap your legs around his hips and force him over onto the bed. He lets out a huff from the motion, he smirks at you at your bravery and strength. You straddle his hips and grind your obscenely wet pussy onto his clothed cock, adding wetness to the fabric. 
He grunts at the sensation. 
“I wish to taste you too.” You flash him a devilish grin. 
Ophis and Fidi slowly slither around his shoulders and you kiss both of their noses. Their tongues tickle your cheeks. 
Messmer cups your chin in his hand and pulls you back for another kiss. As you let your tongue dance with his, you reach behind his neck and unclasp his tunic, pulling the velvety fabric from his body. You let it pool around his hips as you feel him become nervous. 
You shuffle back and sit patiently on his thighs. You hold his shaking hand and kiss his finger tips. 
Messmer looks away and nods, his cheeks and chest flushing deep rouge, he closes his eyes as you pull his tunic off his body, leaving him naked. 
You look down at his thick cock standing between his hips. It bobs and twitches, it remains at a slight decline under its own hefty weight. Your eyes grow wide at his shape and thickness. Slick drips from your sopping cunt into the bed between his thighs, you moan at the sensation. 
It looks exactly as you imagined from that time in the library, two cocks in one, thick and veiny, the tip slightly pointed, red and already oozing with pre-cum. You reach over and take hold of his cock with both hands, gently squeezing at the base. His hips jerk upwards and he whimpers, bringing his hand to his mouth. 
“Messmer”, you whisper, pleading with him to look at you. “It’s incredible.” 
He shudders at your praise, he cracks open his eyes, fluttering his lashes and looks at you. Such a pretty delicate little thing, perching angelically on his thick thighs, naked and blissed from your orgasm, hands grasping around his thick twitching cock. It was like he’d dreamed about. 
“I love you Messmer.” you smile at him and slowly drag your hands up his shaft. Both your hands look tiny around his thickness, both hands covering three-quarters of its length and fingers barely touching at the girth. You understand why he needed to stretch you with 3 fingers, even then it didn’t feel it would be enough. You feel your stomach ache and flip at him filling you up and stretching you wide. 
He groans at the touch, fingers coiling into the bedsheets till his knuckles turn white. He already felt so close from humping the bed when locked between your thighs. You can already feel him writhing.
You reach the sensitive red swollen tip, you gently glide your thumb around his leaking slit and coat the head in his precum. Glistening and begging to be tasted. 
Fluttering your lashes at him, you slowly lean over lick at the glistening slit. He puffs and utters incoherent words and it makes you smirk. You lap at the tip, kitten licks mimicking his own on your clit. Bravely you suckle down the entire head, your jaw slack and tongue swiping over and over tasting him. He tasted warm and musky, a flavour you cannot describe but you wanted more. Slowly you descend down his thick shaft, hands still squeezing and covering where you knew you’d never reach. 
You take him into your mouth slowly, spit coating his length and a little escapes the side of your swollen lips. You feel his hand gently on your head, he doesn’t push nor pull, just provides you with comfort. 
“Don’t hurt thyself, please” he mutters, hissing as you go as far as your jaw can let you. Tears line your eyes as the pointed tip touches the back of your throat and you gag just a little. You pull back till just the head resting on your tongue. Messmer strokes the side of your head with his thumb and you bob up and down over just the weeping head. 
He drops his head back in pleasure, hips gently rocking upwards but not enough for you to notice. You pop off him, gasping for breath, a string of spit still connecting the two of you. He looks back down and could orgasm at the sight of you alone, swollen lips, half lidded eyes, skin red and glistening. You trail down the shaft, coating thick two encased cocks with wet kisses all the way down to his thick tuft of red hair. 
Moving your other hand you spread your fingers wide and trace up his abs, nails raking over his shimmery skin. Holding him, you swipe your tongue all the way up the underside in one long lick and flick the tip beading with more pre-cum. You lap at him again, hungry for more as the bitter taste of him dances on your taste-buds. 
Messmer pulls you off him, cheeks and chest red and his breathing heavy.
“If thee continues like that…” his voice shuddered. He didn't continue, but you understood. You kiss the tip once more and crawl up his body, planting kisses over his bony hips, his taut abs, his chest. You even kiss the newly healed lesions on his chest. Face to face, he cups your ass and pulls you closer to him. He kisses you deeply, tongues entwining once more. You feel the soft scales of the snakes over your back and shoulders, pulling you closer. You let out a giggle at the sensation. 
Lips parted, you look deep into Messmers new eyes, still blown out black from lust but also shimmering gold and amber. 
“Doest thee still desire this?” he asks so softly your stomach flutters. Tears line your eyes and you nod.
“Yes, I want you.” You kiss him again, his hand cups your cheek and you nuzzle into his palm, your signature traits. 
“I think it might be besteth for you to…” he swallows thick and heavy. “To be on top for your pleasure.” 
Parting your lips you nod. “Yes.” You turn away blushing, the flush growing down to your heaving chest. Messmer tilts you to look at him.
“There is nay a rush,” he coos, pulling you close to him. “Take as much time as thee needeth.” He presses his forehead against yours. 
“I love you.” you mutter, pecking his lips once more.
“And I adore thee.” He smiles so sweetly you could drink down the nectar. 
Moving his snakes from your body, they reposition their weight off you and press against your calves resting on the bed. You inch backwards till your still wet cunt bumps his thick cock. You both moan in unison at the heat of each other. Messmer grabs your hips and waist and aids you upwards, your thighs already burning and shaking. You lean forward, resting your palms flat on his stomach, nails digging into his flesh already.
His thumb rubs against your skin, soothing you. Cautiously, you line yourself up with his red dripping tip and gently roll your hips, coating it in a thin sheen of your slick. Looking up at him, you see Messmer staring intensely at your pussy and his cock, watching you both join together. 
You sink down slowly, feeling your wet hole stretch sweetly over the pointed tip. It only took a moment, but it felt like an eternity till he was partially inside, slotted perfectly in that first curve of your hole. You could feel him twitch at the tightness of you. Panting gently, you pause, and look back up at Messmer, smiling at you.
“Thou feels so divine,” he squeezes your plump hip. 
Taking in a breath, you sink down more, starting to feel the sharp sting as you slide down his thick shafts. You feel him brush against that sweet spot inside of you and your hips shudder at the sensation. The pressure inside of you burned but felt incredible. You stop midway, letting out the breath you were holding and keep yourself still. Your thighs begin to shake under your own weight. You arch your hips to soothe the burn and gently lift yourself upwards till just the tip remains inside of you. Messmer grunts at the motion, his fingers twitch and you feel a warmth in your chest bloom. 
Glancing up at messmer through your lashes you see him blushing and biting his lip, he doesn’t ask but you nod at him, telling him you’re alright. You knit your brows together as you slowly sink down on him again, going a little further. You feel so full, his two shafts moulding your walls perfectly and rub against your most sweetest spots perfectly. 
You feel him let go of your waist and move down to where you both connect, he gently thumbs your clit, circling the bud slowly and your walls flutter around him. He grunts at the sensation of you getting tight around him, you feel him twitch.
Shaking, you ease down till you feel your thighs meet his, your clit grazing against his thick copper curls and he pulls away from your clit. A breath escapes from your mouth, chest heaving, tits rising and falling so wonderfully. 
You couldn’t believe you took him all in. Dropping your head you sit still for a moment, letting yourself get used to his girth and size. Looking at his abs, you move your hands and notice a littering of crescent moon shaped indents in his skin from where your nails dug into his skin. You whimper at the site and he cups your cheek, soothing you.
“Thou did amazing, my love.” He purrs at you. “I wish to stay inside thee for eternity.” 
“Oh, Messmer.” you feel tears threatening to fall from your lashes at his praise and romantic words. You feel smooth scales on your arm as Fidi nudges you with his snout, tongue flicking on your cheek. Ophis slithers over your thigh and onto Messmers stomach. 
Messmer lets out a puff of air from his nose and moves his thumb from your cheek and swipes your lower lip. You let your tongue slip out and taste his skin. Messmer shudders as you flutter around him, your walls tightening as you gently lap at his thumb. 
After another moment, you felt moulded to him inside you. Gently you start to grind your hips into his, feeling him inside you and giving your clit a burst of satisfaction. The pointed tip gently rubs your cervix in a mixture of pleasure and pain. Despite the burn in your thighs, you tenderly rise up on his cock, and slam back down. The obscene sound of skin on skin echoes around the room, along with your breathy moans. 
Each thrust his thick girth rubs gently against your sweet spot, making your second orgasm bubble and grow in your stomach already. The warmth soothing your aching muscles. You feel a drop of sweat glide down your back as you continue to ride him with passion. Messmer rests his head back, closing his eyes and enjoying the feeling of you. 
Messmer removes his hand from your cheek and trials his finger down your throat, over your collarbone and between your breasts, softly bouncing on each thrust. He cups one and swipes his thumb over your stiffened nipple, sending a shooting warmth straight to your clit. You dig your nails into his skin.
What felt like hours, your thighs start to shake and your muscles give out. You pant loudly, trying to catch your breath, you lean forward on your arms and stretch them out, wrapping them around Messmers neck. You could feel the soft scales on the snakes still on your thigh and now on your back and wrapping around your bicep. You hear him chuckle, his breath tickingling the shell of your ear. 
“Thee did so well.” He kisses the side of your head and slowly hooks his arms around your waist and pulls you closer and tighter to him, on instinct you wrap your legs around his hips. Before you could protest you weren’t done, he hoists you up, still on his cock and gently lays you onto the bed. Your hair fanning behind you like a halo. Messmer looks down at you with such love and devotion. 
Deep down you were grateful for him taking over. Your muscles will ache in the morning. 
Leaning down, Messmer captures another kiss and tucks a few loose sweaty strands back behind your ear. Ophis and Fidi slither around you both, coiling themselves around limbs, tongues flicking out to taste salty skin.
He smiles at you and slowly pulls his cock out of you till just the tip remains, shaft glistening in your slick. You whimper at the loss of the stretch and feeling full, taking in a breath before he thrusts back into you. You let out a hiccup at the sensation, arms pulling at his neck and legs shaking and tucking your head into his chest, breathing in his sweet musky scent. 
He repeats the move, slow but powerful thrusts rock your body. Each thrust ending with a small breathy moan from you as you feel the tip rubbing over your spot, growing your orgasm closer. He looks down and watches your tits bounce in time with his thrusts. He lets out a deep groan making your walls flutter around him.
You let your legs flop from his waist and onto the bed, opening you more for him. The new position gives Messmer more room, as he thrusts deeper inside of you and hits a spot you didn’t know you had. You gasp out sharp and Messmer stops, looking at you with worry.
“Did I hurt thee?” he asks panicked, cupping your cheek and turning you to look at him, eyes glazed over, cock drunk and bursting with pleasure.
You shake your head, mouth curved into a tipsy smile.
“No, no my love, you didn’t, you feel amazing, please don’t stop.” you breathe out. 
He nods and returns to his heavy thrusts. He catches that spot again and you throw your head back in pleasure. Messmer catches on and doesn’t change, continuously slamming into you faster and faster. You couldn’t feel your legs, they began to shake and your hands paw at his shoulders, nails leaving more crescent shapes in his skin. 
You moan louder as you feel your orgasm reaching its peak, you lock eyes with Messmer and your heart swells, warmth bursting over your body. You try to speak but you only let out squeaks and whimpers. You match his rhythm and thrusts, gently rocking your hips trying to give your much neglected clit some attention. 
“I need…” you manage to breathe out. 
You feel Messmer move his hand between your sweaty bodies and play with your throbbing clit. Your stomach blooms with warmth, your orgasm was on the brink. He moves his other hand and cups yours, fingers entwined together. 
“Messmer…” you whisper, “I’m gonna cum.” 
He nods, still pounding into you, thumb swirling your clit.
“Prithee, my love, I can feel thee.” he bites his lip as he tries to hold back his own orgasm. “So tight and made for me.” You could feel his hips falter, his body shudder as he holds back. “I want to feel thee, my love.” 
“I-I- Oh my lord. Mess-Messmer!” 
A few more deep sharp thrusts and you throw your head back, your stomach tightens and you snap. Your orgasm washes over you, pumping endorphins into your bloodstream. You clamp down and suck in Messmers thick cock into your tight cunt with such might, you feel him struggle to pull out of you. Your walls clench and flutter and you see white spots in your eyes and tears flow down the sides of your face. 
Seconds after your burst, you feel the snakes around your arms and torso constrict you and Messmer slams once more into your hot cunt and fills you with his thick seed. His orgasm intense and overpowering his brain shuts off for a moment, he can only feel you on his cock and phantom through the snakes. Nothing but you, overwhelmed by you. 
He grinds his twitching cock into you, watching some of his cum seep out around his shaft. A small fluttering “phew” escapes his lips as he lets the last few pumps of cum leak out his overstimulated tip. 
Slowly but carefully his arms give out and he flops on top of you (as much as the snake body’s give). Sweaty skin sticks together. Your legs shake from overuse and you press your forehead to his shoulder, the pair of you panting, gasping for any molecule of oxygen in the air now filled with the musky scent of sex. 
With the last of his energy, he leans upwards and hovers over you, pressing his sweating forehead against yours. You let out a gentle sob, overwhelmed with emotions and chemicals swimming in your bloodstream. 
He pecks your nose, your cheeks, mutters praise and affection. You feel Ophis and Fidi uncoil themselves from your skin and lie on the bed next to you both.
“I am greatly in love with thee.” He whispers, “Thee was incredible.” 
You open your teary eyes, his face blurry but just what you needed to see. He smiles at you sweetly, his amber eyes also glistening with tears. You let out a laugh between sobs, stroking his hair with your shaking fingers. 
“Oh Messmer,” you coo. 
It took a moment to realise he was still inside you, you could feel him slowly deflating. Messmer shudders as he pulls out of you, your swollen cunt oversensitive and a little sore from the stretch. You’re left feeling empty as you feel his cum slowly ooze out of you onto the bed. Messmer strokes his long fingers over your shaking thighs, soothing your aches. 
You feel your sobs dye out and your left in your afterglow, skin tingling and mind in a haze. You smile at Messmer as he continues to caress you. 
“One moment, my love.” he leans down and captures your lips in a tender kiss before rising from the bed. You inspect his new body, still lanky and thin but skin ivory and devoid of scars. He was the same man you fell in love with, but just slightly different. Shoulders still broad, thin waist and cute tiny bum. You giggle to yourself and Messmer turns to you, narrowing his eyes with a smirk. 
He returns from the side of the room with a damp cloth. Carefully he cleans between your legs. You hiss as the rough fabric scratches your swollen lips. He mutters his apologies but you shake your head. Once finished, he scoops you into his warm arms, cradling you and repositions you both on his, no, our bed. 
Messmer gently lays you onto the mountain of pillows, cuddling up next to you and bringing you close to him. You kiss his chest and feel Ophis and Fidi return around you, tongues flicking on your shoulder and arm. 
You both hold one another, sharing warmth and basking in your afterglow. 
“I love you.” you whisper. He cups your cheek, eyes meeting eyes. 
“I love thee.” 
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One more "chapter" to go which is an epilogue of random drabbles/short stories of their future. Can't believe I wrote this. I've been amazing. Love you all.
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greenwitchcrafts · 9 months
Artemisia Vulgaris
Known as: Artemis herb, artemisia, artemisia herb, cingulum sancti johannis, felon herb, muggons, naughty man, old man, old uncle Henry, sailor's tobacco & St.John plant
Related plants: A member of the daisy family Asteraceae that consists of over 32,000 known species of flowering plants in over 1,900 genera within it such as chamomile, coneflowers, dahlia, daisy, dandelion, goldenrod, lettuce, marigold & sunflower
Parts used: Leaves & flowers
Habitat & cultivation: Common mugwort is native to Europe and Eastern Asia. Mugwort was brought into North America as early as the 1600’s for medicinal purposes. It spread throughout the Northeastern U.S. as a contaminant on ships and nurseries.
Plant type: Perennial
Region: 3-8
Harvest: The flowering tops of mugwort should be collected once they bloom or right before the blooms open. The leaves of mugwort plants should be collected before the plant flowers. Older leaves & flowers are significantly more bitter
Planting tips: Mugwort seeds can benefit from a special 1 to 2 week treatment called cold moist stratification prior to planting them & need cold weather to break down germination inhibitors. The seeds require light to germinate, so be careful not to cover them when planting. Mugwort does not like to be overwatered & is very drought tolerant. It is also an invasive weed & best kept in a container.
Medicinal information: Historically mugwort has been used in traditional systems of medicine in different parts of the world. Today, mugwort taken orally is promoted for digestive problems, irregular menstruation, and high blood pressure. It is also promoted as a sedative, laxative, anti-inflammatory & liver tonic. Mugwort lotion applied topically can aid in itching caused by hypertrophic scars & When being smoked, it exhibits mild intoxicating properties & strong relaxing properties.
Cautions: Mugwort should not be taken by pregnant people because it may start menstruation and cause the uterus to contract. Little is known about whether it’s safe to use mugwort while chestfeeding. Mugwort might cause an allergic reaction in people with pollen sensitivities
Magickal Properties
Gender: Feminine
Planet: Venus & Neptune
Element: Earth
Deities: Aida Wedo, Artemis, Diana, Isis, Lakshimi & St.John
Magickal uses:
•Place under your pillow to bringing peaceful sleep, prophetic dreams & aid in astral travel
• Add to incense for cleansing and clearing energy
• Place around scrying tools to increase their energy
• Add to herbal smoke blends to stimulate lucid dreaming, astral travel & visualization
• Make an infusion of mugwort to wash magic mirrors and crystal balls to aid in physic workings
• Burn with Sandalwood or wormwood for scrying rituals
• Carry in a satchets for protection and increasing lust, fertility & preventing back pain
• Throw mugwort in a fire during Midsummer for protection for the following year
• Keep under your doorstep to keep annoying visitors away
• Use in tea before bed to encourage lucid dreaming
• Hang mugwort over or on a door to keep unwelcome energies from passing through
• During a storm or when your life feels threatened by impending dangers, toss into your hearth fire or cauldron to keep you safe
•Wash your hands with a mugwort infusion to increase energy flow before tarot or pendulum readings
The Herbal Alchemist Handbook by Karen Harrison
The Book of Flower Spells by Cheralyn Darcey
Llewellyn's Complete Book of Correspondences by Sandra Kines
A Witch's Book of Correspondences by Viktorija Briggs
The Encyclopedia of Natural Magic by John Michael Greer
Wild Witchcraft by Rebecca Beyer
Plant Witchery by Juliet Diaz
A Compendium of Herbal Magick by Paul Beyerl
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