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currently luz only has a handful of glyph combos—invisibility, the sleeping steam spell she did with hunter, the hover spell, and the combos she got from phillip’s journal. i guess she kind of knows phillip’s teleportation glyph? anyway i’m surprised no one has said anything about trying to make a healing glyph? even if luz doesn’t know how to make one, you’d think she’d at least consider looking into it. healing magic is like. one of the basic things plucky fantasy adventurers need and luz is trope savvy enough to know that.
also it fits with her background. her mom is a vet and literally “heals” animals for a living. growing up with a parent like that, luz would have some interest or at least knowledge in medicine that she’d reasonably connect to magic. once she found out she can make glyph combos one of her first thoughts should have been “cool wonder if i can make a healing spell with that since i keep getting myself into danger.” the healing glyph definitely would have come in handy in the most recent episode where hunter almost died lol.
anyway if they never brought it up i dont think they’ll do anything special with healing glyphs. luz can’t discover every glyph combo for every spell in existence within the show. the fact that she’s “only” learned like 7-8 combos in all of season 2 and only discovered like 3 without phillip, shows how hard it is to discover these things. even if luz is considered to be “fast” at learning glyph magic. healing spells are just such an important part of the repertoire in classical fantasy, so i’m surprised that they barely mentioned it in the show.
#toh#the owl house#luz noceda#shut up pandora#this is because i saw her shirt with the staff of asclepius on it#which is a symbol for doctors and healing#its from her moms vet clinic but it made me think of the possibility of luz as a healer of some sorts in her adventures#obviously thats not her main role but the hexsquad doesn't really have a healer#unless you count hunter supposed first aid skills from the emperors coven#what would be cool is if the rest of luz's friends help her combine glyphs and make a healing glyph#and based on how luz is doing suicidal ideation now#and judging from her shadow in the basement scene in thanks to them#and the pattern of one of luz's owl family members sacrificing themselves to save her every finale#i predict luz is gonna get marcy wu'd while trying to save king and eda or her friends#and obviously she cant die bc shes the plucky teenage protagonist of a tv y7 disney show#so her friends use the healing glyph they came up together to heal whatever fatal wound luz gets#luz is quite literally healed with the power of friendship#weve seen everyone in the hexsquad but willow use glyphs after all#speaking of which willow still needs to have a scene where she uses glyphs i know her plant magic is strong but girl needs to expand#do a little wild magic as a treat connect with the rest of her friends by using glyphs#next episode i want willow to try her hand at using some glyphs#and in episode 3 i want luz to get horribly injured in the self sacrifice she'll inevitably try to pull#and her friends will come through and save her with the magic of friendship and whatnot#idk just a cool idea
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teencopandthesourwolf · 3 months
Stiles stands there, chewing on his pretty crimson lips, pleading.
Derek isn't fully clued in yet, but honestly, the kid is kind of vaguely breaking his heart.
“Please, Derek, I'm really sorry about this, but please just—just don't say anything, okay? And just—let me?”
Stiles had texted Derek earlier, at 3.17am, presumably just before he’d set off from his house to drive his jeep to the loft.
Derek had been lying awake in bed, unable to sleep.
His messages had read:
> dude, i rlly need to come over. that ok?
> ill let myself in if thats cool?
And after a few moments, in quick succession one after the other and before Derek had a chance to respond:
> and i rlly need u to just like. not get out of bed. presuming yr already in bed
> all shall be revealed
> lol i don't know why i put that
> and obvs tell me if any of this is not ok. ok?
> as if you wouldn't lol
> #sourwolf
> and yeah i know im being a weirdo but thats why you like me
And then, a few seconds later:
> right?
Derek had stared at the flurry of messages for a minute or so, then texted back:
Okay, weirdo <
About ten minutes later, Stiles had let himself into the building. Derek listened to the kid muttering away to himself as he rode the old service elevator—except it wasn't really himself he was talking to.
“God, I hope I'm not wrong about this. Like, I think we're close enough now for it not to be weird. I mean, at least I hope we are. I'm just so fucking tired, man, and have got to get me some sleep. Anyways, just—don't get up, okay? Or, like, can you get into bed if you're not already in bed? Sorry, I know I texted you this already, I just really need you to trust me. You do know you can trust me… Right, big guy?”
Derek's trust of Stiles was implicit.
When the steel door had unlocked and slid open, Derek smelled fresh, mostly unscented shower gel over the base notes of Stiles's own cinnamon scent, mixed with the very definite chemo-signals that indicated fear, restlessness, apprehension—and also, the strongest of them all; hope.
Let me.
Here, now, Derek still doesn't know what the kid needs.
Let him what?
Derek doesn't have any more time to wonder, though, because Stiles is taking off his sneakers and pants and is slowly, very slowly—as if giving Derek the chance to protest—climbing into bed next to him.
Stiles is now in Derek's loft in the small hours, in Derek's bed, fully under Derek's covers, with Derek wearing only his grey tank and black boxer-briefs and a probably terrified look on his face.
He silently thanks the universe for the cover of night.
“Like, you should obviously say something if this is completely heinous or whatever, but otherwise just—let me do this?”
And all Derek can think is shit, he's freezing, at the same time he is going into a some sort of dumbstruck shock because Stiles is now wrapping his entire sinewy, beautiful body around the entirety of Derek's.
“This okay?” Stiles asks, the air around them spiking with the smell of his anxiety as he Big-Spoons Derek like some human-shaped octopus, skinny but strong limbs astonishingly everywhere.
And he sounds so unsure, and so small, and Derek can't bear it.
Not giving the stoic part of his brain any opportunity to talk him out of doing this, Derek takes ahold of Stiles's wrist from where the kid had draped one of his long arms around Derek's midriff, and hangs on as firmly but gently as he can, manoeuvring them both around in the bed so that Stiles is now the Little Spoon.
“This okay?” he asks gingerly, mirroring Stiles because his own words are failing him.
Stiles says, “Yeah. Even better,” and his anxiety is melting away into something much more pleasing; something like relief.
Derek breathes out the word, “Good,” and feels a little dizzy and a lot amazed, and kind of like his heart is beating wildly in his throat.
The only reason he knows it isn't, is because Stiles says, “I can feel your heart thumping away in your chest, man. But, uh, I don't have wolfy senses, so… I can't tell if it's good thumping or bad thumping.”
Then he promptly stops breathing.
Derek resists the desperate, learnt urge to run away from this. He mentally shakes himself and figures: After so many years fighting monsters together, maybe he and Stiles can fight this one together, too?
He gives himself a moment to ride out the panic, then screws his eyes shut and, praying to nobody in particular, whispers, “Good thumping,” into the shell of Stiles's ear.
Stiles shivers and breathes again, but doesn't say anything else. For once, he doesn't need to. He just needs to sleep.
As the kid settles into Derek's bed and Derek's embrace and, hopefully, Derek's life, he smells like a mix of serene and content and promise—and also, wonderfully, of Derek, now.
Derek is a strange combination of relaxed and freaking-the-fuck-out because that's just the way he's made. His brain won't stop whirring at a speed of a million miles an hour, worrying about everything and nothing, all at once, and before he can bite into his lip to stop himself, he blurts out, “Cora says I sometimes dream-talk about Cajun Gumbo recipes.”
Stiles's only sighs, then hums quietly, his breathing already evening out almost to the point of sleep.
Just when Derek thinks he's not going to get any sort of real answer, Stiles mumbles, “Okay, weirdo,” on an exhale, and then he's drifting off into unconsciousness.
Derek settles then, and smiles into the nighttime thinking that maybe, finally, he might get a good night's sleep, too.
for @shealynn88, the bestest of friends. i love you and miss you always... <3 (unedited btw—forgive me!)
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drchucktingle · 1 year
mr. dr. chuck, i'm a few months ago i told a doc of mine that i believe i'm on the spectrum (after yeeeears of considering all the reasons why i thought so) and she agreed with me. then i came to some conclusions about members of my family. then i started melting down and haven't really recovered.
i'm in my 30's, but my life feels like it's been the mistake-addled 24th year for over a decade. people, choices, wants, they feel like things that were silly blips and not of much substance. i'm tired and my body hurts, so it feels harder to get to things i need. doctors don't seem like they can be trusted because of all the other ways i show up in the world.
i'm worried about my life and my future, and it feels like my magic is gone (or that i can't touch it right now). do you have any words of wisdom for someone who found out this really big thing about themselves kind of late?
thank you.
hello buckaroo thank you for writing. first of all i will say MOST IMPORTANT thing to remember is that it is okay and valid to FEEL the way that you feel. your reaction to this news or any news really is not wrong. that does not mean you cant wish for another reaction or WORK TOWARDS another reaction, but in grand cosmic sense this is just your way. YOUR TROT IS VALID and we all have our own unique way. sometimes that path is an easy path with sunny days and smiles and a glorious view, and sometimes it is through the darkness of shadows or crawling through the old bog. we can PREFER one path over the other, but neither is WRONG.
when giving advice old chuck tries to not PROJECT what i think YOU should do because that is not really the point. this is your trot to trot and i do not think it is my place to act like some authority of your way. what chuck can do is tell you MY story of diagnosis and how it made ME feel and maybe you can take little pieces of that for yourself.
chuck learned of way on autism spectrum when i was in early twenties by doctor who said 'yes this is your way'. when i learned of my spectrum way my reaction was: wow this is very very cool i am so lucky because all of my heroes are autistic and now i am in this RADICAL CLUB. we are special and unique and DANG what a treat wish i could have a membership card in my wallet to show all my buds.
now obviously this is not everyones reaction, but as starting off point i wonder what it would have meant to my future if the news would have HIT ME IN A BAD WAY. if i would have felt let a dang robot alien who didnt belong. maybe id be swimmin through the bog ever since.
thing is I LIKE ROBOT ALIENS they are very cool. doctor did not MAKE me different, i was different already, our talks just popped a nice little name on it for me to take or leave. i took the name proudly because DATA from stars trek (certified robot alien) is exactly how i already felt and dang what a cool character and dang what a great life. so was DAVID BYRNE. so was every cool buckaroo artist that i liked. cowboys are OUTSIDER HEROES and that is how my autism makes me feel.
so like i said, i do not know about YOUR way, but MY WAY of hearing this news was heaps of joy and excitement. i will also say that it is very DIFFICULT to find this reaction later if your first leap is feeling in a sad way about it. so maybe if you want to trot back in your mind to those first few steps it would be helpful. maybe mentally trot to where you were pushed off a dang cliff and think "well was i pushed off a cliff or was i just told 'hey bud youve been floating this whole time?"'
because if youve been floating then DANG thats a lot of power. thats not falling. you can float up, you can float down, you can float side to side.
the next thing i will say AS AND ARTIST is that years of toiling and feeling aimless are NEVER actually aimless when it comes to creation. and to LIVE in a human body is to be an artist, because you are CONSTANTLY CREATING the future. when i am writing and i dont have an idea for my next book that can be frustrating, but it is also PART of the process. if i walk to the store to rustle up my mind, or wander around the park, or spend a whole WEEK feeling weird because of writers block THAT IS ALL PART OF MAKING GREAT ART. that is not wasted time. in other words, your years of toiling are not wasted time, that is just the process we all have when we are creating a future masterpiece.
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hearts4kaulitz · 1 year
bill x gn! reader
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YOU HAD JUST ARRIVED TO THE EVENT, it was hosted for multiple popular bands and solo artists. theyd mainly hosted it so bands could artists could collaborate and get to know each other more.
you on the other hand had really one came for the alcohol and special treats, there was nothing that peaked your interest about the event.
strolling through the crowd of people as you made your way to the drinks. grabbing a cup and quickly filling it up with a beer of some sort apathetically.
you rolled your head back as you let the bitter liquid roll down your throat as your face soured up. you hadn’t drank in a while.
a scoff left your lips as you shook your head, setting down your drink on the counter but still having a hold on it.
looking around awkwardly you spotted a boy with spunky hair and skinny jeans, tilting your head slightly as a grin crossed your lips.
he was cute, really cute.
after you admired him for a minute or two his gazed locked with yours. a shock ran down your spine as you swiftly looked away, focusing down on your drink.
you tried to act cool but you could feel the boys stare burning into you. turning your weight on each foot whilst you watched the beer twirl in your cup as you shook it nervously.
after a few long seconds you looked up hesitantly, you noticed that a smile had grown on the boys face.
he seemed amused at your embarrassment before he turned to a boy with dreads.
his hand quickly flew to your direction as both of the boys were staring at you now. looking away from them as you hummed nervously.
he trailed over to you after a small wait, his smile never leaving.
you slowly turned your head to him as he muttered a small hi.
you returned the greeting quickly as an awkward silence fell over you two.
“du bist sehr schön,” he blurted, a small pinking tainting his face. “what?” you asked, a smile found your lips.
“you are very pretty.” he chuckled, your heart fluttered as your breathing quickly sped up.
you had took german a few years back and remembered a few sentences, so you’d decided to put them to use.
“danke,” you smirked, your face now matching the solo cup in your hands. his face lit up.
he could obviously tell you weren’t t german but it filled him with a sense of joy that one of the most beautiful people he’d ever seen knew some of his native language.
“you know german?” he asked gleefully, his smile growing. “a little.” you answered.
“i noticed you from somewhere… arent you in a band?” you inquired, tilting your head as you shifted your weight onto one of your hips.
he nodded, “tokio hotel, im bill kaulitz.” he introduced happily.
“yes thats where your from! i absolutely love your guys music. your all so talented!” you complimented.
it was true, you adored the band’s music. especially bills voice. you had only acted like you didn’t know the boy at first so you wouldn’t seem weird.
“oh— thank you! i love your music also! its very unique!” bill tried to search for the right words as he hadn’t really ever thought of a way to describe your music, especially since he wasn’t great at english just yet.
“thank you so much! id never think id be complimented by bill kaulitz.” you smiled, laughing nervously as you quickly regretted your choice of words.
“call me bill.” he giggled, he hadn’t seemed to mind your odd sentence which made you feel slightly better.
“alright bill… what do you usually do in your free time?” you asked, trying to clear the tension.
“oh! i like to sleep alot… thats really it.” he laughed while he rubbed the back of his head.
“how about you?” he quickly returned the question.
“well i just sit around and do whatever, i enjoy doing anything really. “ you shrugged nervously, your anxiety was starting to go away but he was scarily taller than you and the fact he was extremely attractive didnt help.
“thats nice… do you uh, smoke?” he randomly asked, making a gesture with his hands as he searched for the word.
“oh— well yeah… why?” your eyebrows furrowed with confusing as a look of amusement played onto your face.
“would you like to smoke with me?” he blurted out, tom had taught him if you wanted to rest the tension it was better to get shit faced high so the both you would be more relaxed.
“sure..! that sounds cool..” you hesitantly nodded as you weren’t sure what bill’s intentions were but you knew they couldn’t have been horrible.
he flashed a smile before he signaled for you to follow him, leading the both of you outside.
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YOU AND BILL WERE NOW OFF THE WALLS HIGH, laying on the grass while it poked through your clothing uncomfortably but you couldn’t care less.
you were listening to bill ramble about something but you couldn’t really understand a word he was saying, you two had only shared a blunt but your tolerance wasn’t the strongest.
your gaze rested on his lips as they moved whilst they matched his words perfectly, everything about him was perfect.
his accent, his hair, his clothing, everything little thing you loved about him.
you two had only met about an hour ago but it felt like forever.
shit— were you falling in love?
as much as you loved the feeling your mine couldn’t process the fact you loved someone youd just met.
your body moved faster than your thoughts though.
soon your lips connected with bills, cupping his face gently. you began to pull away but the german boy swiftly kissed back.
the moment quickly got heated, simple kisses had turned into lustrous ones. his hands held your waist as he straddled ontop of you.
his cold rings burned against your now exposed waist, moving them up and down teasingly.
a soft whine left your lips as bill traveled down your neck, leaving dark hickeys all around.
“oh my god— were to high for this..” you moaned out as his kisses went lower and lower until he reached the waistband of your pants.
he swiftly came up as your gaze met his, both of you smiling.
“thats what makes it fun.” he whispered.
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estxkios · 3 months
hii !! 😊😊
i js wanted to say rlly quick that i love you and your writings oh em gee. keep up the good work you're doing amazing !!
i've been too scared to ask idk why i got so shy for weeks but for the request, i was wondering if you could do bill ( or tom ) w fem reader w poliosis? and if you do bill, could it maybe include like how he reacted at first or what he first thought when he saw readers hair? maybe he didn't know it was natural or something im not sure, its rlly up to you of course 😭 it can be headcanons or rlly anything, but still, thank you so much !! i hope you have a super good day mwuah 🎀🎀
DYED ੈ✩‧₊˚
2008 bill kaulitz x fem!reder
summary: headcannons about reader with poliosis
warnings: none, just fluff!
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(first of all, for people who dont know, poliosis is a condition where there is a lack of melanin in head hair, eyebrows, eyelashes, or any other hirsute area.)
when you and bill first met he had no clue that your beautiful white and black hair was a condition
he thought it was some extremely goodhairdye considering how pigmented the white sections in your hair were.
and as we all know bill likes to have white streaks in his hair so he asked you one random day while you were in a hotel room together,
"what dye do you use on your hair?"
you kinda just deadpanned at first.😭
"what?" he would say
"bill, this isnt hair dye."
now he was the one deadpanning at you.
"i have poliosis." you would say gently
"polio- what." he thought you were joking "is that like a special hair dye brand?"
you obviously bursted out laughing at this and then explained to him what it really was
honestly, he would think its so cool that you could acheive the hair that he wanted without even doing anything.
he would say things like:
"so its not dyed, right?"
"das ist so geil." (that is so cool)
in the morning when you and the band had breakfast together he would tell everyone.
he would say to their staff, "did you know she doesn't use hair dye?!"
and when he told the band they were like. "oh, wow. thats cool." and carry on with their lives.
but bill on the other hand thought it was amazing😭.
when he would dye pieces of his hair blonde he would always say things to you like:
"honestly, its not fair that i have to do this and you don't."
and when the 2000's white and black hair trend died down, people would start to ask you about your hair.
you would usually explain your condition to them calmly and move on.
but bill would answer for you, hyping it up and talking about how cool it is while explaining it.
and if you met new people bill would immediately be like "did you know her hair isnt died?" "her hair is so pretty, right?" "did you know this is her natural hair?"
but honestly, after he knew you, and about your condition for a while he would eventually calm down about it, once in a while telling you how beautiful natural your hair is, and how jealous he is of it. 😭
long story short, he would love it!!
tysm for the request i hope i did it justice 🤍
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agaypanic · 2 months
Omfg you’re writing for Rodrick? 🥹he’s so bbg. Can I please request something with him and a guitarist!reader (I play lead and bass<3) who’s in a band and he like sneaks into a bar and she’s playing there and singing and is just so cool he immediately just *heart eyes* and he meets her after the show and they hit it off? I know he’s more edgy punk but I vibe with more rock type and I like the similar-but-different couple dynamic stuff
If you want obviously np you could change whatever but still he’s so hot please and thank you
Rock and Roll (Rodrick Heffley X Guitarist!Reader)
Request Something!
Summary: Wanting to see if his fake I.D. is any good, Rodrick goes to a bar at the edge of town. But he’s immediately distracted by you singing and playing with your band.
A/N: once again, idk shit about anything thats not the violin lol also superbad reference for no reason other than i wanted to. au where rodrick's 19/20 and reader's 21
“Your name is…” The bouncer looked down at the license, raising his eyebrow skeptically before looking back at Rodrick. “McLovin?”
“Yup,” Rodrick responded, trying to remain casual. 
The two men had a stare-off for a few tense seconds before, finally, the bouncer sighed and handed Rodrick back his ID.
“Whatever, man.” He opened the door to the bar and stepped aside, allowing Rodrick to pass through. He tried not to look so surprised about the entry.
Rodrick decided that the best way to celebrate his fake ID working was to buy a drink. So he headed to the bar, trying to decide what he should order.
“What can I get ya?” One of the bartenders asked Rodrick as he approached the bar. Rodrick looked at the chalkboard menu on the wall, about to say something, before he was interrupted by loud music.
Across the large room was a stage and dancefloor. The floor was filled with semi-drunk patrons dancing and jumping around to the beat. On the stage was a rock band jamming out. Rodrick was immediately captivated, soon forgetting the bartender as he slowly walked closer to the dancefloor. 
The music was different from what he was used to. Rodrick was into punk, but this was more rock. But he really liked it.
It might’ve had something to do with the pretty guitarist, who headbanged along with the lead singer without missing a single chord. Rodrick was a drummer, but there was something about the way your fingers glided across the fingerboard that had him completely mesmerized.
About half an hour later, your band’s set was finally over, and Rodrick hadn’t moved an inch from his spot. He watched you walk off the stage and over to the bar, ending up right next to him. You ordered a drink and then looked at him, giving a smile.
“Hey.” Rodrick’s brain raced with what to say next. He wasn’t used to talking to a pretty girl. “Nice set.”
“Thanks.” You nodded in gratitude as the bartender handed you your drink, taking a sip before looking back at Rodrick. “You like rock?”
“Well, I’m more into the punk scene, but that stuff was pretty cool. You know, I’m in a band too!”
“Really?” You asked, turning to fully face Rodrick with interest.
The rest of the night, the two of you talked about music and being in bands, which branched off into talks about other parts of your life. Before Rodrick left, he had the guts to ask for your number. And when he got home and snuck up to his room, he was already texting you and asking when you could see each other again.
Rodrick Heffley Taglist: @tweedledipshit
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starsurface · 3 months
hello! i wanted to send this in before requests end up closing... can i ask for mk1 raiden, johnny, and liu kang with a regressor who always steals one of their accessories? like what do you mean that's liu kang's headband? that's MINE!! 🔮 (also thank you for doing the windwolf nightmare hc's.. they were sweet <33)
Hiiii!!! This idea sounded so cute, I adored it. Also I'm so glad you liked the Windwolf Nightmare Hcs!!! :D <3 <3
Also, personal note, I don't like closing request, so they'll most likely never get closed. It just might take a bit of time to get to said request. I personally love receiving request and I enjoy doing them!! <3 <3 <3
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<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
CG Raiden w/ Regressor That Steals His Stuff Hcs
🌩 His hat/amulet
🌩 Raiden almost always hat his hat on, rarely have you ever seen him without it
🌩 So when he set it down to make food, he was slightly concerned to where it went off to
🌩 And where you were
🌩 He was just making sandwiches!! He had propped you up to watch some cartoons for a few minutes (per your request) where did you both go???
🌩 Luckily, he heard your quiet giggling
🌩He walked to the bedroom, seeing you standing in front of the mirror, or sitting right in front of it
🌩 You giggle, showing Raiden his hat on your head
🌩 And his amulet in your hands
🌩 He quickly scampers over and takes his amulet from you, that’s a no no, you can’t touch that
🌩 No matter how fussing you do, your not getting it
🌩You could get hurt, and he doesn’t want you to accidently zap yourself (he put it on an even higher shelf than before)
🌩 His hat on the otherhand? Completely fine
🌩 Although you should ask before snatching it next time 🙄
🌩 If you make grabby hands towards his hand, he’ll plop it on your head, coeing about how cute you look <3
🌩 You look adorable!!! How could he not squeeze your cheeks and nuzzle your noses together?
🌩 Sometimes when you ‘annoy him’ (you could never really annoy him) he’ll push his hat down on your face so you can’t see >:(
🌩 Raiden learns very quickly that he can’t take away HIS hat away from you 
🌩 Why? Because you get veeeeeeery fussy when Dada tries to take ‘his’ hat back
🌩 You claim that his hat is yours now, and he just laughs and shakes his head (but won’t deny it)
🌩 You can’t chew on it though, thats a no no (he uses it very often and would prefer no bite marks)
🌩 He is very thankful that you wanna steal Dada’s hat and not Lao’s hat <3 (he’ll have the same heart attack that he had when he found you with his amulet)
<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
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<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
CG Johnny Cage w/ Regressor That Steals His Stuff Hcs
⭐️ His sunglasses
⭐️ Has a million and one sunglasses, and changes them out frequently
⭐️ Which ones do you like? Every. Single. One.
⭐️ How do you steal said sunglasse? Easy!! Snatch them off his face!! :D
⭐️ He doesn’t do anything but raise his eyebrow and chuckle, claiming that if you wanted to look like Daddy, you could have asked
⭐️ Johnny, however, thinks he has a solution
⭐️ He’ll buy you your own pair of sunglasses!! :D
⭐️ Obviously that’s what you want, right? Because you snatch them so often?
⭐️ . . . no, you wanted Daddy’s sunglasses, not your own sunglasses >:(
⭐️ For a small while, Johnny didn’t get why you got so upset when he redirected you to your own sunglasses and not his
⭐️ Or, until you push your sunglasses far far away (and hide them under a stuffie) and make grabby hands towards his own
⭐️ After that he’s pretty chill with you taking his glasses
⭐️But you can’t chew on them >:( (they’re super expensive)
⭐️ And he’s rather put them on your face
⭐️ ^ Not that he doesn’t trust you to handle them . . . But he’s not trusting some kid not to smudge his glasses 🙄
⭐️ He’ll call you a Mini Superstar, because you look so cool!! :O
⭐️ He thinks it’s cute when you wear his glasses, and will take pictures (with consent) of how adorabley cute you look <3
⭐️ Johnny loves dressing his baby up cutely, no matter your age, and will style it with whatever glasses you stole of his (my favorite are the star shaped ones)
⭐️ If your bigger and like to play pretend, he’ll act like an adoring fan and you can be a movie star, or something similar
⭐️ If your smaller, he’ll swing you around and gush about how cute you look in his glasses
⭐️Will get the pair he bought for you and wear them himself, claiming that nowyou both look super cool now
⭐️ ^ And your matching!!! How cool is that?
⭐️ . . . Until you snatch these ones away because now Daddy has two sunglasses and they both need to be yours
⭐️ Although he finds it highly entertaining that you have sunglasses on your face and top of your head <3
⭐️ If you claim that the sunglasses are his, he’ll act all dramatic about it, but finds it really cute about how you like his things
<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
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<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
CG Liu Kang w/ Regressor That Steals His Stuff Hcs
🌟 His headband
🌟 Liu Kang never takes his headband off, unless he’s taking a shower or going to sleep
🌟 So you’ve gotta be super duper stealthy if you wanna try and steal if
🌟 How? By pulling on it when he’s turned around!! :D
🌟^ If you regress bigger, maybe you made a better stealthy plan, but Liu Kang still catches you :\
🌟He’ll ask you what you think your doing, hands on the hip and everything, although there’s a smile on his face
🌟 He gets slightly confused when you request for his headband, because he rarely ever takes it off (and it completes his outfit . . .)
🌟 He lets you try it on once and that was his downfall
🌟 Now you constantly want to wear it!! Tugging at it whenever you want to, or just flat out (politely) demanding for it
🌟 Or it feels like demanding, why doesn’t he get a say on the matter? 😮‍💨
🌟 Rolls his eyes when you tell him that it’s now your headband, and will debate you that no, it is in fact not
🌟 ^ This debate is highly entertaining for whoever hears it, because he’s either arguing against your babbles, or the claim of ‘But I want it’, ‘But it’s your and I want it’, ‘But I wanna have it’
🌟 He never wins the argument unfortunally, always loosing and letting you wear it
🌟 He brought up once about getting you your own and you pouted so hard he started laughing
🌟You don’t want your own, thank you, you want Dada’s headband >:\
🌟But he does find it really cute when you wear it, you look adorable!! Like a miniture Dada :D
🌟 He finds it really funny when he ‘accidently’ places his headband on the table, and it ‘magically’ appears on your head
🌟 You don’t know how that happened, must have teleported :\
🌟 If your younger and can’t tie his headband on, he’ll happily help you (although finds it funny when you fuss and accidentally cover your eyes)
🌟 If your bigger, or can tie a knot, he’ll praise you for your good work, and smoother you in kisses, even if you whine and fuss over it
🌟 . . . However if he does misplaced his headband, your getting blamed first, so unfair 😮‍💨
<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
. . . I might have forgotten that Liu Kang has an actual headband and not a piece of cloth he ties on his head . . . It's fine. <3
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quitealotofsodapop · 17 days
Okay, headcannon for how Shadowpeaches met:
After Wukong git back from training with Subhodi he found that his monkeys had been kidnapped by the Demon King of Havoc, so naturally he goes and rescues them. Except.... there was an extra?
Macaque, who had run away from home after feeling smothered by Chang'e (who may or may not have been chanelling her grief over her husband into how she was raising her baby monkey bro) ran away from home to show her he could take care of himself!.... and was captured by a demon king. But he was FINE, he totally could have escaped on his own and didn't NEED to get rescued, thank you very much! But... he doesn't exactly have anywhere else to go so could he stay on the mountain please? Just for a bit, he'll totally leave soon after he gets his feet back under him.
Wukong, meanwhile, thinks this new guy is really pretty in need of his help, so lets him stay and offers to train with him (which has NOTHING to do with wanting to show off his new magic powers or spend time with the new guy, obviously).
And the rest is dubiously cannon history.
ooo this is a cool idea.
Chang'e I feel was a little over-protective of MIhou when he was a baby because he was one of her few companions on the Moon. Chang'e had dreamed of having children with Hou Yi, so she did her best to spoil her little moonstone. Ultimately she could only raise him as just one Celestial castaway, not as a troupe of monkey demons as he should be. So when Mihou came to her one day saying that he heard the sounds of "people that were like him!" on winds from Flower Fruit Mountain; she knew that MIhou would be happier learning from a troupe on Earth. Plus not a lot of babysitting or teaching opportunities up there on the Moon.
I doubt Mihou would have left without hugging his big sis goodbye, but he would have left without telling her. He runs up to her, gives her a quick hug, and by jumping on a magic wind (or magic wind bag "borrowed" from a god); he propels himself towards Earth to finally meet others of his kind. Chang'e cries obviously. But she knows it's for the best.
Sadly, although the monkeys on FFM did resemble Mihou superficially, they were cautious around him. And even a little scared of him. And none had ears like his.
Then as Mihou finds himself moping alone, a flash of orange fur crashes into him. The orange thing hoots excitedly and playfully nips Mihou's fur.
Think the scene where Bambi met Flower;
Shihou, pointing to the new monkey's ears: "Flower!" Mihou: "Me???"
Thats how Shihou and Mihou meet for the first time - for the first time.
Mihou managed to get to know the Elder Storyteller before he sadly passed. But he and Shihou didn't really get a chance to know each other better before the orange monkey left to study with the humans. Mihou had been sad obviously, as he felt like even on the island that he was Other than the rest of the monkeys. With Shihou he didn't feel that way so much.
With both the Elder dead, and the closest thing to a leader being an absent monkey cub - the cruel Demon King of Havoc muscled in and declared himself the King of Flower Fruit Mountain. The monkey troupe disagreed and what amounts to a miniature civil war breaks out across the archipelago.
MIhou is caught up in the drama of the Demon King's regime. His appearance making him a rare oddity that the King of Havoc decides to keep around as an ornament. As long as MIhou kept his head down, looked pretty, and told the King stories, he and the other captured monkeys would be safe from harm.
Suddenly one day; the walls of the Havoc's throne room burst open, revealing a slightly older orange-furred monkey cub. He seemed to levitate on thin air as he wielded an iron pole, demanding the return of his people.
The Demon King of Havoc scoffed and ordered the floating monkey to do his worst. Within seconds the Demon King of Havoc was no more.
As the returned monkey counted those missing from the troupe amongst the Demon King's staff, his eyes fell upon the striking moon-white fur and lotus-petal-shaped ears of the court jester.
Sun Wukong: "Flower?" Macaque, amazed that Shihou remembered him: "Me."
The connection is instant. Wukong stumbles over his words as he reintroduces Mihou (now nicknamed "Macaque") to the troupe, and to the Demons he'd befriended in proving himself as the King of Flower Fruit Mountain.
Macaque is confused. Shihou wanted him to stay?
"Of course!" the orange monkey smiled, as if it were obvious. "You are a member of this troupe no matter what! The others told me of how you'd protect and comfort them while you were all captured by the King of Havoc. I'd be honoured to have you stay."
And thats how Macaque found himself the new Storyteller of the troupe. And how a certain romance blossomed between two stone monkeys.
I hope you enjoyed this <3
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rvzcvx · 13 days
I see your post we're you bored and idk what to write so another Idea :
Can you do Tom x(dom) m! Reader or non-gendered is not important (I prefer x m! Reader because I'm a guy obviously )During the 14th of July and we arrive in the evening at the time of the fireworks and Tom is really scared about firework (IDK LMAO, no judgment.) and reader tries to reassure him Fluff and maybe bonus where reader and Tom had sex because Tom can't calm down! As you wish
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pairing: tom kaulitz x male reader
warnings: smut
a/n: idk if thats what you meant, but i hope youre gonna like it!! its kinda long but I hope it will be a good to read!! you can send me more requests if you want me to write something
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As the sun dipped below the horizon, we were walking through the crowded streets of Paris, my heart racing in anticipation of the evening ahead. Tom and I had planned this trip months ago, carefully timing our visit to make it in time with bastille day. But as we made our way towards the seine, where the crowd had gathered, Tom's grip on my hand tightened, and I could sense his growing unease.
We arrived at a place near the eiffel tower. People were everywhere, their excitement palpable. Tom's eyes darted around nervously, his usual confident demeanor replaced by an nervous tension. I squeezed his hand gently, hoping to provide some reassurance.
"You okay?" I asked, my voice low enough to be lost in the crowd. Tom forced a smile, but it didn't reach his eyes. "Yeah, just a bit overwhelmed. I forgot how crowded it gets here."
I knew it was more than the crowd. Tom had never been comfortable around fireworks. The loud, unexpected bursts and the lingering booms always seemed to unsettle him. It was something he rarely admitted, but tonight, as the first rocket flew into the sky, I saw him flinch.
"It's gonna be fine" I whispered, pulling him closer. "We'll stay back here, away from the thick of it."
He nodded, but his body remained tense. The fireworks began in earnest, vibrant explosions of color and light that painted the night sky. Each burst was met with oohs and aahs from the crowd, but Tom's reaction was a stark contrast. His jaw clenched tighter with each boom, his eyes squeezed shut as he tried to block out the noise.
"Hey" I said softly, turning to face him and gently cupping his face in my hands. "Look at me, not at the fireworks." Tom's eyes fluttered open, meeting mine. "I'm trying" he muttered, his voice strained.
"Focus on my voice, on my touch." I ran my thumb soothingly over his cheek. "You’re safe. We’re safe."
He took a deep breath, his shoulders relaxing slightly as he concentrated on me. "Thanks" he said, his voice barely audible over the people around us.
I kept talking, sharing random stories and memories, anything to distract him from the noise. Gradually, his breathing steadied, and some of the tension got off him. As the grand finale approached, the fireworks intensified, the sky a chaotic symphony of light and sound. Tom winced, but he didn't look away from me.
When the last firework faded, I could see the relief on his face. "Let's get out of here" I suggested, threading my fingers through his.
We walked back to our hotel, the cool night air a welcome change from the crowded riverbank. Tom was quieter than usual, his earlier anxiety still lingering. Once we were inside our room, I closed the door behind us and turned to him.
"Sorry I wasn't much fun tonigh" he said, flopping onto the couch. "Don't apologize" I replied, sitting next to him and placing a hand on his leg. "I knew fireworks weren't your thing. I just wanted to be with you."
He gave me a grateful look. "You always know how to make me feel better."
I leaned in and kissed him gently, letting my lips linger on his. He responded eagerly, his hands finding their way to my waist, pulling me closer. The kiss deepened, and for a moment, all the stress and tension melted away.
"I don't know what I'd do without you" Tom murmured against my lips. "You don't have to find out" I whispered back. "I'm not going anywhere."
We stayed like that for a while, wrapped up in each other, the world outside forgotten. Eventually, Tom pulled away slightly, his eyes searching mine. "Can we just stay here tonight? Just us?"
"Of course" I said, brushing his thick dreads from his face. "We can do whatever you want."
He smiled, a real smile this time, and pulled me down onto the bed with him. We lay there, holding each other, the faint sounds of the city outside a distant hum. Tom's breathing slowed, his body relaxing completely for the first time that evening.
"I love you" he whispered, his voice filled with emotion. "I love you too" I replied, kissing his forehead.
We lay there in comfortable silence, enjoying the peace of the moment. The anxiety from earlier seemed like a distant memory now, replaced by a deep sense of contentment. Tom's hand found mine, our fingers intertwining as we simply enjoyed being together.
After a while, I felt Tom's lips on my neck, his breath warm against my skin. "You make everything better" he murmured, his voice low and husky.
I shivered at his touch, my body responding instinctively. "I try" I said with a smile, turning to capture his lips with mine.
We kissed slowly, savoring each moment, the tension from earlier completely forgotten. Our hands roamed over each other, exploring familiar territory with renewed intensity. Tom's touch was both soothing and electrifying, a combination that never failed to drive me wild.
As things heated up, I felt the urgent need to be even closer to him. We moved together in perfect sync, our bodies responding to each other's every move. The connection between us was intense, fueled by the events of the evening and the deep love we shared.
Eventually, we paused, breathless and flushed, our foreheads pressed together. "Let's take this to the bedroom" Tom suggested, his eyes dark with desire.
I nodded, my heart racing in anticipation. We stood up, still wrapped around each other, and made our way to the bedroom. I pushed open the bedroom door, my heart racing with anticipation.
I laid him gently on the bed, placing my weight on his body. "You're so beautiful" I murmured, leaning down to press a soft kiss to his lips. He responded eagerly, his arms winding around my neck as he deepened the kiss.
I could feel the heat radiating off his body, and I knew that he wanted me as much as I wanted him. I broke the kiss, my lips trailing down his jaw and neck, peppering him with kisses as I went. He tilted his head back, giving me better access, and I couldn't help but grin at his eagerness. "You like that?" I asked, my breath hot against his skin.
"Yes" he moaned, his voice ragged with desire. "Don't stop."
I continued my assault on his neck, my hands roaming over his chest and stomach, feeling the muscles tense and flex beneath my fingertips. I could feel his cock, hard and throbbing, pressed against my thigh, and I knew that it was time to take things to the next level.
I pulled back, my eyes meeting his, and I saw the hunger and need in them. I reached for the hem of his shirt, pulling it up and over his head, exposing his toned, muscular chest. I couldn't help but let out a low whistle as I took in the sight of him.
"Fuck, you're so hot" I said, my voice filled with awe.
He blushed at the compliment, but I could see the pleasure in his eyes. I leaned down, capturing one of his nipples in my mouth and sucking hard. He cried out, his back arching off the bed as I teased and tormented him with my tongue and teeth.
I moved my attention to his other nipple, giving it the same treatment, and he moaned and writhed beneath me. I could feel his cock leaking precum, and I knew that he was just as turned on as I was.
I stood up, my eyes never leaving his, and stripped off my own clothes. He watched me, his eyes dark with desire, as I revealed my own hard, throbbing cock. I climbed onto the bed, positioning myself between his legs, and I leaned down to capture his lips in another searing kiss.
I reached down, wrapping my hand around both of our cocks, and I began to stroke them together. He moaned into my mouth, his hips bucking up to meet my movements. I broke the kiss, my lips trailing down his chest and stomach as I made my way to his cock.
I wrapped my lips around the head, swirling my tongue around it, and he cried out, his hands fisting in my hair as he held me in place. I took him deeper into my mouth, my throat working as I swallowed him down.
He was moaning and thrashing beneath me, his hips bucking up as I sucked and licked at his cock. I could feel my own orgasm building, and I knew that I wouldn't be able to hold back much longer.
I pulled off his cock with a pop, my lips wet and swollen from his abuse. I looked up at him, my eyes filled with lust and desire, and I saw the same need reflected back at me in his gaze.
"I need you inside me" he gasped, his voice desperate.
I nodded, reaching for the lube and condom that I had stashed in the bedside table. I quickly sheathed myself and slicked up my cock, my eyes never leaving his.
I positioned myself at his entrance, my cock throbbing with need. I looked up at him, seeking his permission, and he nodded, his eyes filled with trust and desire.
I pushed inside him, my cock sliding in easily, and he cried out, his hands reaching up to grip my shoulders as I filled him up. I began to move, my hips pistoning as I drove into him again and again.
He was moaning and writhing beneath me, his cock hard and leaking as I fucked him. I leaned down, capturing his lips in another kiss as I continued to thrust into him.
"You feel so good" I murmured, breaking the kiss. "So tight and hot."
"Yes" he moaned, his hips meeting my thrusts. "Harder, m/n. Please."
I increased my pace, my hips moving faster and faster as I drove into him. I could feel my orgasm building, my balls drawing up tight against my body.
"I'm close" I gasped, my breath coming in short, sharp pants. "Me too" he moaned, his nails digging into my shoulders.
I reached down, wrapping my hand around his cock, and I began to stroke him in time with my thrusts. He cried out, his back arching off the bed as he came, his cum spurting out in hot, sticky ropes.
The sight of him coming, of his body trembling and writhing beneath me, was enough to send me over the edge. I groaned, my cock twitching as I came, filling the condom with my hot, sticky load.
I collapsed on top of him, my chest heaving as I tried to catch my breath. He wrapped his arms around me, holding me close. I took off the used condom and threw it somewhere, wrapping my arms around him too.
"I love you Tom" I said, resting my head in the crook of his neck. "I love you too" I heard him say and I smiled, feeling myself fall asleep after a while.
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slvt4em1lyprenti2s · 4 months
Hello! I have a requesttttttt…
Could you possibly write a JJ x Reader where the team just finished a case and are celebrating with a night out, and whilst the fun activities that clubbing/bars include… another woman starts hitting on and dancing with reader and JJ gets really jealous…
Could possibly include JJ and reader dancing together 😝
Can end however you’d like! But I’d love to see your take on this idea!
Of course, if you’re busy or don’t feel like writing this, thats totally cool too, thanks!
I love this idea sm!! And thank you for the request!
Summary: A girl started flirting with you at the bar, JJ get jealous and comes to rescue you
Word Count: 937
Jealous JJ, fluff, kissing
Pairings: Jennifer Jareau x fem!reader
Sorry it isn’t very long!!
Reader pov:
I’m sitting at my desk filling out an after action report for the case we just closed when I hear a door swing open and Rossi walk out.
“Okay I’m so done with reports and I’m sure you all are too, who’s up for a drink? I’m buying the first round!” He walks down to the lift after saying this and we all collectively scramble to put away our things.
“Ugh I’m so happy he saved us from that, our desks are so far away it’s u fair I couldn’t even talk to you.” I hear a familiar voice complain from behind me. I turn around to see my gorgeous girlfriend JJ.
“Agreed, now, let’s go I really need a drink.” She giggled at my response and clasped my hand in her own and we headed out the bau with the rest of the team.
Time skip to when they’re at the bar:
JJ pov:
“SHOTS OMG LETS DO SHOTS!” I hear Penelope yell over the loud music.
“Ooh yeah let’s do shots!” I hear Emily respond to her. They both head off to the bar to go get their respective drink while I stay seated still nursing my cocktail. Y/n was sitting to my right, Rossi was across from us, Spencer was next to him and the rest of the team was either at the bar or on the dance floor.
“Come dance with me Jayj, please!” My girlfriend pleaded with me, using her best puppy eyes. In all honesty I was far too tired to dance right now, and my cocktail hadn’t quite kicked in yet.
“Maybe in a bit babe, alright?” I hear her huff at my answer but comply nonetheless.
“Okay fine, I’m just going to dance with Derek first a bit then!” She cheerfully skips off and starts dancing with Derek. I giggle at the fact she peeled a girl off him just so they could dance together, he would not be happy about that.
I sit back in my chair a bit and watch as Penelope and Emily come back with the shits they ordered, clearly not just for themselves.
“We knew you’d say no to shits so we got you one anyway!” Emily explained as she sat a small glass in front of each of us, excluding Spence obviously. I put my glass down and picked up the smaller one with a questionably coloured liquid inside it but downed it with the rest of them anyway.
“Oh my god that’s.. oh god that strong.” I wince as the drink burn my throat. As I take a second to readjust to the sensation I look around and see y/n taking a break by the bar, but not with Morgan. A blonde who I’ve never seen before was cozying up to her side and whispering things in her ear. I could tell she was trying to ignore her but it still made my blood boil.
“Oh no, JJ’s jealous!” Rossi called out to everyone. Collectively all eyes then landed on my girlfriend and this woman at the bar.
“Oh damn JayJ she’s got your girl, what you gunna do?” I hear Morgan say to me as he walks up to the table.
“I’m going to wait a bit, see what happens.” Everyone shared a look that I didn’t care to analyse right now and went back to staring down this random blonde and sipping my drink.
After y/n was handed her drink she went back to the dane floor, I’m assuming to look for Derek, but instead she was met with two hands in her waist and a girl practicing grinding on her. That is my breaking point. She was visibly uncomfortable, what is with this girl?
“JJ!” Y/n shouted as she saw me approaching. I smiled sweetly at her and then glared at the woman now standing next her, with an arm resting on her hip.
“Uhm, who’s this?” The snarky girl asked. Y/n tried to sneak away from her to me but she was having none of it.
“I’m her girlfriend who are you?” The look of shock the flashed across this girls face was priceless. Instantly she let y/n/n go and she walked off.
“Hey are you okay?” I ask as she practically falls into my arms.
“Yeah I’m fine, just hated her.” I laughed at this then said, “You and me both. You’re mine, and no one else’s.” She looked into my eyes and gave me a small peck on the cheek and began to sway, with a shit eating grin on her face.
I smile at her antics and sway along with her. I pull her in by her hips and her arms find their way around my neck pulling my head to meet hers in a sweet kiss. Our lips moved together and it was like the world around us was drowned out. As if we were the only two people in this place, y/n/n had that effect on me. I tugged on her bottom lip and like clockwork she parted her lips to give my tongue entrance. We explored each other’s mouths like it was the first time again.
As we pulled away she smiled at me when her favourite song came on and her face lit up.
“OH MY GOD JAY WE HAVE TO DANCE TO THIS ONE!” I agree with her and we begin dancing together. Not with any real coordination, just enjoying ourselves.
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emry-stars-art · 11 months
The princess bride is an incredible movie but I have to say my very favorite scene is the sword fight between Westley and Inigo. (I fence so this scene is one of my all time favorites) Anyway what I’m proposing is that Andrew learned to fence growing up and kept at it. First because it would be very cool and second because I think everyone should fence especially gay royalty.
And you're RIGHT
So. I drew it obviously but i also love the idea of this being one of Nathaniel and Andrew's first close encounters. So I also wrote it here, thank you SO MUCH for your tips on how fencing works and i hope it doesn't mess it up too bad that I switched around some of the rules, we'll say it's Palmetto's traditions 💕😅
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And actually I think this it's how Nathaniel gets to be Andrew's bodyguard in the first place. You guys read the ideas below and tell me if you agree or not bc honestlyyyyyyy 👀
(Find the royal au writing masterpost here 💕)
The first thing Andrew notices is that Nathaniel listens. He didn't expect to be taken seriously with "Don't come back until you're equal in the sport". Or he expected Nathaniel to come back time and time again to challenge him until he finally beat Andrew by luck or sheer probability. But the next time Day tries to hand Andrew's fencing off to Nathaniel again, Nathaniel declines (which infuriates Day in his usual huffy attitude but thats besides the point).
When Day goes over to question Nathaniel on it where he's leaning on the fence - again just watching - Nathaniel only says "I'm not good enough yet." Not "the prince ordered it" or "I'm not allowed to". It seems like he really is just listening to what Andrew said.
Day tries to say he's fine, he needs work but he's getting better. He won't get "good" without more practice. But Nathaniel only shakes his head.
Andrew finds this horribly interesting.
So Nathaniel keeps practicing with Day and maybe some others - maybe he gets to practice against some soldiers and he meets Matthew Boyd, the infantryman the myth the legend (was that even a rank back then I can't remember. Probably). Until finally, a good while later, Nathaniel actually manages to beat Day. They're both surprised, but time and time again Nathaniel proves he's at almost equal skill. And if he's equal to Day, he has a chance against Andrew.
Andrew's first hint that something has changed is that Day actually asks Nathaniel again - he'd stopped trying after a second refusal. The next is that Nathaniel actually accepts.
It's exhilarating to have Nathaniel on the other end of his challenge once more. It takes more clear prompting, but he even has Nathaniel talking again, though less boldly than the last time. He enjoys it (by Andrew's terms in a sport he still considers halfway useless) as much as he had the first.
Nathaniel wins fair and square.
After that, seeing Nathaniel take his words so literally and respect them and then best him in fair hand-to-hand combat? Andrew knows exactly who to ask for when Day's finally had enough of being his stand-in guard.
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rrat-king · 9 days
For Bee Applebees (I'll take any excuse to hear about your trans!Bucky headcanons, so please feel free to answer as many or as few of these as you like!) 🏳️‍⚧️😇👻👽💝🫂💔🪢📓👗🍫🖕
THANK YOU FOR THIS ASK I COULD TALK ABOUT BEE FOREVER I LOVE HER!!! (also thank you @allthecastlesonclouds for introducing me to this headcanon originally <33)
🏳️‍⚧️ A gender headcanon
she is a trans girl! she uses she/her pronouns!! bee kinda always knew she was different from her brothers and the other boys in church with her, but she didn't really have a chance to understand or accept who she was until she got to aguefort and got the chance to be around different types of people and realize that difference isn't evil
😇 A headcanon about their religion/lack thereof
i know a lot of folks want her to join kristen in following cassandra but i personally think that casssandra and like letting in doubt could be a part of her finding a way to worship helio in a way that feels good to her. similar to the way that tracker follows and influences galicaea, i see bee devoting herself to a reformed, more inclusive helio. we've only ever seen a very extremist standpoint of the harvestmen side of helio worship, but bee, worshipping the god of the harvest, of change and growth as a trans girl? i think thats lovely.
👻 A headcanon about what scares them
bee is so scared of the fact that their is so much that she just doesn't know. where kristen was so curious and excited coming into aguefort, bee is just scared cuz that's what she was taught to be. it's hard especially cuz she sees so much of herself in this stuff that she doesn't understand, and she was taught to hate what she doesn't understand
👽 A headcanon about a weird quirk of theirs
she is super particular about stuff being designated as 'hers' especially with the amount of things that she has to share with her brothers. she has to sit in the seat behind the driver's seat in the car, she has to use her yellow plate and if she has her comic book mug that no one else is supposed to use
💝 A headcanon about their love language
she is little miss words of affirmation. a lot of her growing up was seeing her sister being so praised and cherished in the church so when someone would take a moment and give her a little bit of affirmation too she just. melts.
🫂 A friendship headcanon
she joins the gsa in sophomore year and she becomes fast freinds with torek. she's kinda obsessed with the fact that torek is not traditionally feminine by human helioic standards but still is like confidently and obviously a girl as well as torek just being cool as shit and not taking any crap.
💔 An angsty headcanon
pretty much her entire life she existed in kristen's shadow and for so long she used to wish that she could just get a little bit of that attention, that she could be *special*, but then all of a sudden kristen is gone, and she is getting that attention she thought she wanted but she realizes really quickly that it's not good attention. she has to deal with all of this pressure from her parents while realizing what her sister had been going through, and all through it she doesn't know whether to feel bad for her sister or hate her for leaving.
🪢 A headcanon about their family
her and bricker are the closest in age so they did a lot of activities together as kids just cuz it was easiest but they are such total opposites. they were on a peewee soccer team together as kids and while bee was on the field trying her best and failing miserably, bricker, who was the best kicker on the team was sitting on the sidelines eating grass. they also shared a room until kristen left and it was a constant battle between bricker who is a slob and bee who Is Not
📓 A headcanon about their hobbies
she is a cub scout! she's been a scout since she was pretty young, used to be part of the kinda helioc version some folks at her church ran, but she eventually grew out of it and had to beg her parents to let her joinng the elmville scouts but they eventually let her. she loves camping, hiking, general outdoorsy stuff as well as all the folks in her troup
👗 A headcanon about their clothes
before she transitioned, she was a pretty typical polo and khakis church kid, but as she was able to wear more fem clothes and experiment a little bit, she is a lot more drawn to looser, more flowey and floral materials. a lot of her stuff isn't necessarily explicitly feminine cuz a lot of the girls in her life aren't really tradionally fem so she doesn't force herself to do more than she's comfortable with. also she fucking loves cardigans
🍫 A headcanon about food
she cannot cook to save her life but she isn't half bad at baking. she's great at following directions and it was one of the things that she got to do alongside her sister growing up when their family needed to bring something to a bake sale or a potluck. she has made so much cornbread in her life she can do it without even having to look the recipe she could honestly do it with her eyes closed
🖕 A headcanon relating to anger
the applebees household was not a place that allowed for tears, so growing up she was taught the only appropriate way to deal with negative emotions was through anger, so she is just so angry all the time and even though she hates it, it's hard for her to rewire her brain to think about it any other way. for a while she tried to just shut down, figuring if she doesn't feel anything than at least she's not angry but it just festers till she explodes. as she kinda deconstructs and reconstructs her religion and the righteous anger that seems to go with it hand in hand she quickly realized that anger can be used as a tool, those emotions leading her to let her feel that anger and then move with it and past it to fix the problem.
ask game here
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chimaerakitten · 4 months
hello! will laurence for the character ask? have a good day!!
First impression
Oh cool, I have seen Master and Commander: The Far Side of the World (2003) and this guy is obviously basically that guy! I feel like I know him already!
(Sidenote I have since read the first book in that series and I think the differences between what young!Laurence must have been like and young!Aubrey are fucking hilarious. If Laurence ever in his life said even one of the things Aubrey says loudly at parties in that book he would never have met Temeraire because he'd have spontaneously combusted on the spot out of embarrassment.)
Impression now
There is something so wonderfully, horribly compelling about placing a character into a situation which forces them to do the one thing they would never, ever do, and then not only forcing them to live through it, but also completely reconstruct a new sense of self from the shattered pieces. Fucking great arc for a protagonist.
Favorite moment
SO hard to pick. Obviously the treason is up there, and he has some extremely funny comedic introspection (realizing that actually he is Temeraire's purse Chihuahua in crucible of gold) but I think the crown might actually go to him calmly giving orders while one of his own supposed subordinates holds a sword to his throat in LoD, neatly resolving a number of threads in his arc in the process.
Idea for a story
SO many. there's that body horror one I've talked about before, and like, a dozen basic post-canon or missing scenes, and also @elexuscal and I have lost our minds a little and started multiple AUs, of which the blood au is the only one posted so far but probably won't stay that way for long...
Unpopular opinion
While I like all his main ships either because I genuinely ship them or think they are very, very funny, his core relationship is with Temeraire and I am kinda dying for more Laurence & Temeraire gen content. This is possibly why elexuscal and I have started so many AUs.
Favorite relationship
As per the above, Laurence and Tem! (Lol Tumblr autocorrected that to Tim. thats right my fav Laurence relationship is with my OC Tim who I just invented right now) I love their intense codependent somewhat queerplatonic relationship, and all the ways they shape each other throughout the whole series, both when they're in perfect alignment and when they're going through a rough patch where they still love each other but can't help on their own.
Favorite headcanon
I think his life post-retirement turns into a baffling reverse-Austen novel where the single man in possession of a fortune is NOT in want of a wife, thank you very much, and you had best not mention it in his dragon's hearing. I also think he'll probably end up more involved in Temeraire's political career than he necessarily plans, because the man just Cannot let injustice slide, even when he would really rather just be Tharkay's kept man...
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faru-itsok · 2 months
hi! and congratulations on having watched the new movie :) i'm curious, what are your top favorite dcmk movies and where would 27 rank?
HI! Thanks 🤗✨ and that is a difficult question 😅 hmm I will do a top 10!
So let's start!
1. Movie 27 “the million dollar pentagram”
Well after watching the movie it just moved right up the list, I just had to see Aoko there and it automatically became the best movie ever! Hahaha well it is a bit true, but the main reason is that the movie is entertaining, it had me giggling and shocked and then it had action and a bit of angst, it just worked so well I loved it!
2. Movie 19 “Sunflowers of inferno”
To be honest I would put these 3 movies as my seconds( 19, 26, 22), I really liked them so much, but I'm a huge Vincent van Gogh fan! I have been painting replicas of his works (not in an illegal way? Just painting for school projects, for me and gifts) since I was in middle school and when you combine my love for Kid and My love For art well… yeah it takes the cake 😅
3.Movie 22 “Zero the enforcer”
I had a hard time placing 22 and 26 i just find these are the best movies objectively speaking, they had a lot of action and are very quick movies, like there is always something happening and get your attention from start to finish, now 27 has that too and its why it jumped right above all XD. Now this one takes 3rd place because i just watch it more often, like when i travel or im bored and want to watch something exiting this is my go to movie along with movie 4 thats the only reason its above 26
4. Movie 26 “Black iron submarine”
As i said above this might as well be my second favorite as well, is a very well constructed movie, when I showed it to my family I actually said “this might be the best Conan movie in existence” to which my sister answered “because of Kaito Kid?” and when I said he didn't appear on it she actually felt curious enough to watch it and liked it. I really like the way things unfolded, had me focused the whole time and enjoyed it a lot.
5. Movie 4 “Captured in her eyes”
One of the best movies in my opinion! It has that quick peace that I like in movies and I just find it so beautiful!
6. Movie 14 “The lost ship in the sky”
This is other of my go to movies, it has that weird combination between action and humor that I love and I just loved the team work between Kaito and Conan
7. Movie 23 “The fist of the blue Sapphire”
It was a good movie! Don't get me wrong, I feel I should love it more, not that I don’t, is just it's not one of those movies I would seek to lift my spirits but the one I would watch to see just how cool Kid is and inspire me to write something😅
8. Movie 25 “The bride of Halloween”
I think the main reason this is even on the top 10 is because of Furuya Rei, I liked it a lot! Like most of the movies of DetCo but it lacked the sparkle? Idk I feel like I saw what was coming from the beginning but it was enjoyable. I loved the scenes of his past and Takagi acting like Matsuda 👌🏻✨
9. Movie 3 “The last wizard of the century”
It's just a classic you know? Like the whole story was entertaining, how Kid blew up a fucking power central just to find where the eggwas? the attempting murder on Kid, how he later saved Shinichi’s ass? It was glorious I really liked it but not as the ones up
10. Movie 20 “The darkest nightmare”
It's a great movie! I'm putting it down here because it made me love a character and then took it away from me so quickly that it makes me emotional when I watch it 😭😂✨
Wellp thats my top 10 is obviously based on my personal preferences and i tend to like the movies where Kid appears because it ads a bit to the comical area and the action (I have always loved movies with heists and thievery (not only kid and lupin the 3 ones)) so yep I hope you guys like this and i’ll be delighted to read your top 10 as well!
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sometimes i think about the cast and general production team of st constantly saying “mikes just trying to be normal” cus like…….hes reallly not? and hes never really tried?? like this fits lucas or el more cus both of them try to live a normal life but when lucas brought up to idea of being popular and normal mike was just like “uhhhhhhh no thanks ew” in s4 so like??
season 1-2 his whole gimmick is that him and the party are nerdy and geeky and thats what makes them so cool. hes obviously bothered by the bullying, but he just doesnt make any effort to be normal
in season 3 is probably where this applies the most, because of him wanting to act more mature and do grown up things because he had spent the last 1/2 years fighting upside down monsters and would just like to experience having a normal teenage-hood… but even then HES not trying to be normal if you know what i mean? he still loves nerdy things and the only thing thats really changed is his constant revolvement around his girlfriend???
but even then his obession is kind of justfied because:
after they got will back from dissapearing, mike revolved around him for ages too. going to his appointments, waiting for hours next to him/with the party in the hostipal.
and then eleven “disappears” for like a year, and he does the same exact thing so in my head he’s not trying to be “normal” hes just relieved to have her back yknow? just like he did with will when he came back.
in s4 interviews specifically this narrative of mike trying to be normal is mentioned and im so confused cus like thats the season when hes literally trying NOT to be normal. its literally made a point by eddie that he was embarrassing when he was basic, and that hes cooler now (when he was talking about how first day of freshman year they were wearing clothes their mums picked out). they custom made clothes for him to be edgy and made him grow out his hair.
the best explanation ive seen is that they are hinting to his internalised homophobia. the reason the only thing that hes tried being “normal” at is having a girlfriend. trying to hide suppressed queer feelings by trying to do the most textbook straigh thing, make out with your girlfriend constantly. but even then i dont 100% believe that this is the reason?? because thats the same season dustin was obessed with his girlfriend and he was still one of the not normal ones… (also bc of the point i made in the s3 paragraph)
mike has never really tried to be normal. he literally becomes emo in season 4, the season where they stress this narrative SPECIFICALLY. just rlly confused me
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