#OKAY I don't like feed my cats cheese
littlebitsalt · 8 months
Hello can i request yandere catboy x reader, so the yandere is reader's cat (in cat form) but in school yandere is also reader's classmates (in his human form (so he can change his form to cat and something perfect human even human with ears & tail)) so automatically the knew each other as classmate (they're not close in school) but reader didnt know that their classmate is their cat too, the yandere its so obsessed with reader inside school and house, but he more clingy when he in his cat form because he can get patted and cuddled with reader, but one day when they're cudding together the cat turn into human which make reader shocked, the reader keep trying to get rid of him even start to ignore him in school where he suddenly being clingy ans touchy, the rest of the story i let you continue (≡^∇^≡)
Yandere catboy x reader
Note: longest fic I've written It got longer than I expected 😙
Summary: you find out your cat is actually your classmate.
drawing of yandere catboy 1
drawing of yandere catboy 2
Your friend stopped walking as an orange cat came into view.
"Oh- There's a cat over there!"
Before you could react, your friend dashed over to the cat.
"Aww... so cute."
"Come on, let's go home."
You said, standing beside your friend who is taking pictures of the cat.
"Wait- she's purring. I need to take a photo of this."
You sigh. Your friend was obsessed with cats and never missed any chances to watch them, take pictures of them and touch them. She also took photos of this orange cat just outside the school gate everyday.
"I don't have anything to feed you today.. but I'll buy some tomorrow, okay? Bye, Chesse."
After one last pat, your friend stood up.
"That cat has a name?"
You asked.
"Of course she does! Everyone in school calls her Cheese. Her soft fur is just like cheese."
Your friend proceeded to show you pictures on her social media. You had no choice but to look at her social media that is filled with pictures of cats.
You didn't hate cats, but you weren't a fan of them either. You've taken a few pictures of cats in the past, but admiring cats all day was not that interesting to you.
After saying goodbye to your friend, you went to your home.
"Mom, I'm home."
You shouted loud enough for your mom to hear.
Your mom was in the kitchen, preparing dinner.
"Hey mom- huh?"
You felt something cling to your leg. You immediately looked down to find a black and white cat.
"What is this?"
You said, confused. You tried to back away from the cat, but it was still clinging on to you. You turned to your mom to hear some kind of explanation.
"It's a cat from my office. I'm sure you've seen this cat a few times."
Your mom replied. Now that you think about it, you could remember this cat from a few days ago when you visited your mother's office.
"Is this cat the one staying at the back of your office building?"
"Yes it is! I made a simple bed for it to stay.. and I decided to just take it home-"
"What? Does dad know about this? What about my brother?"
"They seem pretty chill about it. Your brother liked the idea. You know the drawing he drew in his kindergarten? That kid likes cats."
"What if this cat already has an owner?"
"I checked it, and everyone around my office said this cat was alone for a few years. So it's fine, (y/n), don't worry."
"You could have asked if I'm fine though."
You looked back at the tuxedo cat. You didn't want to blame the cat, but getting a cat without your opinion was not the best feeling.
You patted the cat's head while it curled around your leg. This cat was acting like it's smart enough to comprehend your feelings. You felt the cat clinging to you more as you touched it.
"I'm sorry (y/n). I should've told you sooner, but I was busy. Plus, the person using the second floor starting next week is allergic to cat fur, so I had no choice to take the cat to home."
Your mom said. You nodded as a reply and looked at the cat again.
"Look, the cat likes you the most. That cat never warmed up to me like that. Why don't you name the cat, (y/n)?"
Your mother was true. You visited your mother's office a few times, and this cat only liked it when you touch it.
"I'm bad with names, and why don't you name it? It's you that brought it here anyway."
"Oh come on, (y/n). Don't be so harsh on the cat."
You ignored your mom and tried to go inside your room, but the black and white cat followed you inside your room without any presence.
"You really do like me.."
You murmured to yourself.
The cat still curled up to you between your legs. You had to pick up the cat and move it to your bed to unpack your school bag and change into comfortable clothes.
You crawled into your blankets and got your phone ready to watch videos before dinner. The black and white cat also crawled beside you, using your right arm as a pillow.
"Oh right.. I need to think of a name for you.."
You said as you scratched the cat.
"What about.. just Tux? That's pretty easy to pronounce."
You said as the cat digged into your chest.
"Do cats like their owners this much..?"
You mumbled.
"So Tux it is? Or do you want another name?"
Your cat ignored your mumbling and rubbed its face onto you.
"... okay then. Your name is Tux from now on."
Your cat, now named Tux, reacted to its new name, and it seemed quite pleased.
You spent time scrolling down social media with your cat beside you before your mother called for dinner. As you got up and walked to the kitchen, Tux followed you. At the kitchen, you found your little brother and your dad talking about their experience today in the playground.
"Where have you been?"
You asked your brother.
"In the playground with my friends... wait- that's the cat mom's talking about-!"
Your brother's attention darted to Tux immediately as he touched the cat. Tux didn't avoid the touch either.
"That cat's name is Tux. I named it."
You said, sitting on your chair and eating food your mom prepared.
"That's a.. intuitive name."
Your dad said, looking at Tux.
"... Anyways, why did you agree to raise a pet?"
You asked. Looking at your brother's wide smile, your dad answered,
"Didn't your mother tell you? Uh.. your brother likes cats, and why not?"
"... yeah whatever."
You ate dinner listening to your little brother talking about Tux. You felt good that your brother got a pet that he wanted. However, at the same time, you felt uncomfortable... having a pet all of a sudden. It felt like having a new family member without your permission.
You know that having a pet will feel like having a family member as time passes. Your friends told you about how their pets meant the world to them... But there was this uncomfortable feeling about Tux.
Maybe you were just mad about your family and wanted to leash your anger to Tux. You didn't know.
When you woke up the next day, you found Tux right beside you.
"How did you get in here..."
You went to sleep alone last night. You remembered that you closed the door before Tux gets in.
You shrugged it off since you had little time before you go to school. You walked around, brushing your hair and wearing your uniform.
"Where is it? Ugh.."
You mumbled as you searched for your earphones. You put them on last night, and the right one was missing.
"Hey- don't distract me."
You lifted up Tux from the bed sheets and searched to see if the bed sheets were covering your right earphone. You rummaged through your bed sheets but you couldn't find it. While you were busy lifting up bed sheets, Tux crawled under your bed.
"What are you doing?"
You also looked under the bed.
"Oh- You found it!"
Tux was playing with the right earphone you were desperately searching for. You grabbed your right earphone and put in the case as your cat tossed it to you.
You sighed in relief and looked at Tux.
"Thanks for your help... I would've died for boredom in school without your help."
You smiled at Tux and left your room, ready to go to school.
In your classroom, you talked about your new cat to your friend. As expected, your friend was excited about it, asking dozens of questions.
"How can you not have a picture of it?"
Your friend said.
"I didn't think of it. I'll send you a picture when I go back home."
Your friend rambled about how her mother would not allow her to have a pet. You listened to your friend quietly.
Someone poked your shoulder. You looked back to see who it was, and one of your classmates was standing right behind you.
"You're sitting on my seat."
Your classmate said.
"Oh- sorry-!"
You stood up right after.
"Don't you think you and him have a lot of connections lately?"
Your friend said, eating a chocolate bar she bought in free time.
"Who are you talking about?"
"You sat in his seat in lunch time. How could you not remember?"
"Oh- are you talking about Blake?"
"Of course I am! Don't you think he likes you?"
You knew your friend loves setting people up and likes searching for possible couples, but this time, she's talking nonsense.
"I didn't even talk to him that much."
Your friend was eager to tell you what she has found.
"That's not the point- The important part is that he's constantly gazing at you during class. Also, how can you not notice that it's you he talks to!"
"He talks to plenty of people."
"Oh no, you're clueless. If you observe further, you'll definitely realize he only talks to certain people, or friends, and they all knew Blake even before highschool."
"How do you know that?"
"My eyes and ears are open."
Blake and you? That's such a confusing match.
"Your observations can't be the reason."
"See for yourself then. I'm sure. Blake has interest in you."
You didn't believe a word your friend said before Blake asked if he can join you on the way home.
It was awkward, walking with a classmate who you've barely talked to.  Blake was quiet, and you didn't know how to start a conversation.
"I thought you go home with your friends."
You said.
"Oh- I moved recently. It seemed like you go home this way too, so... I thought it could be great having another friend to go home with."
Blake said. You could see he was a bit nervous... but why?
Not much conversation went by, and you waved goodbye to Blake in front of your house. You went into your house, throwing your book bag onto the bed and taking off your jacket.
You looked around to see if Tux was around, but you couldn't find it anywhere. You went into every room in your house but Tux wasn't in any of them. You went back to your room, wondering where that sneaky cat hid himself. You were unpacking your bag when you noticed something jumping over the fence. You looked at it to realize that it was your cat that was jumping over the fence and into your home.
You quickly opened the window facing the garden Tux was walking across and let it in your room.
This was strange. The doors were all locked, and you went out of the front door in the morning, so there's no way for Tux to get out. Your mother took your little brother to kindergarten and your father went to work after you left for school.. but they wouldn't have left Tux leave the house.
"Do you get out of the house when no one is watching?"
You said, in a surprised tone.
Was this cat extra smart, or were you mistaken about all the doors being closed?
Tux didn't seem to care that it got out of the house when everyone was outside.
You were skeptical but decided to ignore it and kept on unpacking your bag and organizing your clothes.
After a few hours, your mom came home with your brother.
"We're going to have dinner after an hour when your dad comes back from work-"
Your mom said loudly enough for you to hear.
In your room, you were studying while Tux was watching. You studied until your mother called you to eat dinner.
Your little brother was talking about his day in kindergarten like always, and your mother was setting food plates on the table.
You ate quietly as your brother went on about how his friend and him played some kind of game.
"Mom, today a classmate wanted go home together with me. The funny thing is.."
You said to your mom when your brother cooled down.
"Are you listening?"
You asked your mom.
"Oh- I am listening. Go on."
"The funny thing is that.. I've never talked to him properly yet."
You went on.
"And I beat Anthony- so I got a prize-!"
Your words were blocked with your brother's babbling.
You sighed. Everytime your brother blocked your words, it felt so frustrating.
"Can't you wait when I'm talking?"
You would've heard what your brother needed to say, but this time, you felt like speaking up.
Your brother looked at you.
"I mean.. I want to talk too."
"Your brother is thrilled he got a present today in kindergarten. Let him talk, he's feeling good today."
Your dad said.
"I think he talked enough though."
"You talked a lot more when you were young too."
Your mother said, smiling.
You were annoyed. Why was she smiling?
Your family wouldn't listen to you, and it was so frustrating to you.
"I ate a lot, I'm going back to my room."
You said.
"You haven't eaten half of it, why?"
Your mother asked.
"My stomach hurts today."
You stood up and walked to your room. Tux follwed you.
You couldn't understand it. You wanted to talk about your new friend too. You wanted to talk about how Blake suggested to go home with you.
You turned to your cat that was cuddling you, covered in your bed sheet. You scratched its fur as it purred.
You noticed that Tux followed you everywhere in the house. You also noticed that Tux only cuddled with you. That actually felt heart warming.
Tux jumped off the bed and crawled to a shelf you collected all your goods like  small stuffed animals, and some figures you collected from before. It was usually goods from a few years ago.
"Is there something interesting?"
You looked at the shelf, confused.
"I don't see anything interesting... wait-"
The shelf was missing something.
Now you searched through all your goods to find there was a figure missing. And you also found some of your markers missing. You actually needed those markers for art class tomorrow.
The first thing that came up to your mind was your brother.
You thanked Tux and went out of your room, to the table where your family was eating dessert.
"Where's my figure and markers?"
You asked your mother.
"What do you mean by markers and a figure? The ones on your shelf?"
Your mother replied.
"Yes- where are they?"
"I gave it to your brother."
With your mother's answer, you went straight into your brother's room to find your figure on the corner of his shelf. You grabbed it and put it back on your shelf. Your mom watched with a confused expression.
But you couldn't find your marker still.
"Where's my marker?"
You asked your mother again. Your brother was quiet, staring at you now that he realized how irritated your voice was.
"I said multiple times that I needed my markers for my art project-"
You were shouting now.
"I gave it your brother because he had a drawing competition today, and your brother left it in kindergarten because it got damaged. You can draw with something else for your art project, right?"
Your mother said, annoyed too.
You tried to calm down, but this was too much. How can your whole family ignore your words?
"That's not the point here- why would you take my stuff without my permission?"
Your mother said nothing, but she was definitely baffled from your statement.
When your mother said nothing and your brother kept whining, you went into your room again, shutting the door roughly.
The next day, you were silent the whole time getting ready for school. You didn't have your marker, and you couldn't finish the art project how you wanted to because of that.
You walked to school with heavy footsteps.
Art class was after lunch, so you still had time to think about how to do your art project. But you didn't have good ideas on your mind. Also you have already done the sketch for the drawing, which makes it harder to think of other good ideas.
Time flew by fast and it was time for art. Unfortunately your friend didn't have markers, so she couldn't help you out.
The uneasy feeling went on. You had to decide whether to switch the concept of the drawing or find usable markers one way or another.
"You'll do good with or without markers..."
Your friend comforted you.
You decided to use watercolor the school had and walked over to the sink with a small yellow bucket.
You felt a poke on your shoulder.
It was Blake.
"Oh- hi."
".. I have markers.. if you want to use it."
"... wait- really?"
You couldn't stop yourself from smiling.
"Yeah.. you can take them and use it at your table. I use watercolor anyway."
"Thanks- you're a lifesaver."
Blake was a lifesaver, and that went on for a few weeks. He gave you stuff you really needed, which made your friend more invested in your relationship with Blake.
Your relationship with your family recovered a bit over a few weeks, but you were still in some kind of a cold war, and you were still angry at them. You didn't talk very much either, so it really didn't matter.
You went home with Blake a few times a week. Blake wasn't the funniest person to talk to, but Blake was sure a great listener. Just like Tux.
Blake listened to you, occasionally talking about how he thought. He was not like your family who ignored how your life was in school, and everytime Blake helped you out, you thought of your friend's words. Maybe your friend was an expert at reading people's feelings.
If Blake helped you out in school, Tux was your company in your home. When you went home alone, Tux was waiting for you behind the front door.
You felt uncomfortable around Tux at first, but now you warmed up to Tux. You spent all your days with Tux telling your worries and secrets that you wouldn't tell anyone.
Tux stayed right beside you curling its body into your arms.
Spending your time with Tux felt soothing, and you thought this would go on for sure.
However, despite your wish, it didn't last long.
It was Friday, and you walked home alone. You went home fast to see your cat waiting for you.
"I'm home-"
You shouted.
You didn't see your cat behind the front door, so you walked into your room to find your cat lying down on the bed.
It was unusual for you cat to be like this. Tux always tried to rub itself on you if it had the chance.
You sat beside Tux, worried if the cat is sick.
"Are you ok?"
You asked. You knew Tux won't understand what you're saying, but you wanted your cat to know you're worried by your tone.
You lay down on your bed with your school uniform on. There was no one in the house, so there was no one to scold you for not changing clothes.
You turned to your cat. Tux seemed to be struggling with something, and you didn't know why. You thought about calling your mom, but you knew she wouldn't answer when she's busy with some project of hers.
What if Tux needs to go to the hospital?
Several thoughts went by your head.
Tux was still in a bad state and you didn't know what to do.
You got your phone out and searched through the internet to find some clue after you messaged your father(hoping for him to message you back).
As you searched with your phone, you felt Tux slipping away.
Tux was slowly crawling away from you. It seemed he wanted to head out of your room.
"Hey, where are you going?"
You put one arm around your cat, confused.
"Do you need something? Where are you going all of a sudden?"
But your cat was desperate to get out.
"Why are you avoiding me?"
That was the moment you saw something so unbelievable.
With a blink of an eye, Tux was gone, replaced with a boy your age.
".... Blake?"
You couldn't believe what you just saw.
Tux was no where to be seen, and Blake, who said he was going home with his friends, was exactly in Tux's place, facing you.
Surprised and confused, you quicky removed your arm on Blake's body. Then you jumped out of bed before Blake could react.
"W.. wait-"
Blake grabbed your arm and yanked you back into the bed. You lost balance and fell back first to the bed while Blake grabbed your arms still.
"What the- what are you doing??"
You said as Blake's grip got stronger.
Blake was on top of you, facing you with his face red.
"I'll explain-"
You didn't want to believe it, but from the looks of it, Tux was actually Blake.
Blake's face came closer to yours, and you could hear Blake's heart beating fast.
You pushed off Blake and ran out of your room before Blake came any more closer. Blake followed you without hesitation, desperate to explain himself.
You maintained certain space between you as Blake tried to take a step closer to you.
"I can explain-"
Blake protested.
"Get out of my house.. I'll listen to your explanation later.."
"No- no- I didn't do anything wrong.. I just.. wanted to get closer and help you out."
"I messaged my dad and he'll come home soon. I'll tell him about you if you don't get out."
You said in a harsh tone. You wouldn't tell your dad that Tux is human, but you had to threaten Blake..
Blake's face clearly showed that he was not satisfied, but he left.
When your dad came home, you told him Tux was somehow escaped. Your little brother was upset. But you didn't care to notice him because Tux being Blake was the most important topic in your head for hours.
You've done some pretty embarrassing stuff in front of Blake in his cat form. You told him all your cringey moments, you showed him your true personality.. and you even changed clothes in front of his cat form. You basically showed every aspect of you.
You went to bed imagining how it will be meeting Blake in school again. You imagine yourself being awkward in front of Blake.
You hoped not, but the thought that Blake came to your house just to be beside you made you feel a bit frightened.
The whole situation was weird. Blake was weird. His actions only tell you that he's creepy.
Instead of confronting Blake, you avoided Blake in every was possible. You ran straight to home after school, hoping for Blake to lose sight of you.
"I'm home-"
You said. You find your mom sitting on the couch.
"(y/n)-! Tux came back!"
"Why, aren't you glad Tux came back without a scratch?"
"Can we just let him be a stray cat again?
You blurted out.
"How can you say that, (y/n)? We brought Tux here, so we have to take care of it."
"It was your choice- you brought him here- then don't let him in my room, okay?
"Why are you acting sensitive lately? Don't you think this is too much?"
You ignored your mother and walked back to your room. Blake tried to follow you, but you shut the door at his face.
Your mother noticed this right away. Irritated herself, she opened the door to your room and let the cat inside.
"Don't vent out your frustration on Tux, (y/n)."
With that, your mom closed the door and headed to the livingroom again.
You glared at the person pretending to be a stray cat. With the frustration that built up past few weeks, you couldn't stand someone deceiving you.
"Get out."
You said.
Blake was still in his cat form, standing still.
"Are you listening..?"
You said. Blake just stood there, staring at you.
"... I'll just go out then."
At that moment, Blake went back to his human form, grabbing your wrists.
"Don't go out."
Blake said.
"....why don't we cuddle like we always did?"
"Are you serious? Why would I-"
You tried to get his hand off your wrist, but he's grip only got stronger.
"You can't even force me out of your room."
"Can you at least let go of my wrist?"
Blake let go of your wrist, but he didn't move away from you.
Both you and Blake got quiet after. Your mother shouting from the livingroom broke the silence.
"Stay here."
You said, looking at Blake. Then you went to the livingroom.
"Why did you call me?"
You asked.
"Actually, I didn't buy eggs since I was busy with work. Can you buy them now? You didn't even change to comfortable clothes yet."
"I'm keeping the change."
"Okay. Just come back before I prepare dinner. Oh and we need something else too. I'll send you a list."
You got money from your mother and walked back to your room. Blake was waiting for you, sitting on your bed.
"Where are you going?"
"To buy groceries."
You looked away from Blake and picked up a bag to carry groceries.
You felt someone following you while you were walking to the supermarket.
You knew it was Blake.
"I know you're following me."
You said.
As expected, Blake came out of his cover. He was in his human form.
"I just wanted to see if.."
You ignored him and kept walking. Blake followed suit.
"I like you a lot.. I'm sure you know by now..."
You stayed silent. The whole situation was strange and you didn't quite process it.
"I actually liked you way before you knew me. I can move around more freely as a cat, you know?"
Blake held your hand and walked right beside you.
"It was hard for me to keep my distance from you in school... that's why I tried to be a stray cat. To get closer..."
"That's... uh..."
Blake suddenly wrapped his arms around you out of nowhere.
"What are you doing??"
You said, trying to push him away. Unfortunately Blake didn't budge. Instead he only got closer, which made your head spinning.
"What if someone sees us?? Stop-"
"Does that mean I can hug you in your room?"
"That's not what I meant.."
Blake laughed as you panicked and didn't know what to do.
"You should stop ignoring me in school. You liked Tux, why not treat me like it too?"
Blake said, holding your hand again.
Blake didn't do anything that would attract glances while buying groceries. He kept holding your hand, but he didn't do anything other than that.
You quickly bought the things your mother asked and went home with Blake. Blake transformed into Tux by the time you arrived home and everything went smoothly after that, like a normal day. Blake, in his cat form, watched you from afar as you ate dinner.
You went back inside your room and Blake quickly made his way inside before you could lock the door.
Blake changed back to his human self as soon as he closed the door to your room. Then he lead you to your bed, wrapping his arms from the back.
"I waited for this."
He said while digging into your neck.
"Hey- don't rub your face onto my neck-"
There was no use resisting because Blake had no intention of letting you go.
"I have to study. Let me go."
You said firmly.
"I know you don't study right away after dinner. Let's watch something together. Or we can just lay on bed together and sleep."
"What if my family finds out??"
"Then you should be quiet."
Blake smiled.
You were annoyed, but you kept quiet.
Blake pestered you so you couldn't do much of anything. It was soon late at night and all your family members went to sleep.
"I'm going to sleep."
You said, organizing your desk before bed.
"Really? Then we can sleep side by side. Cuddling each other."
"I'll get you bed sheets. You can sleep on the floor."
"What do you mean-"
"Or you can turn into a cat again."
"I- I'll turn into a cat."
Blake, in his cat form crawled beside you when you lay in bed, covered with blankets.
You heard the alarm and slowly opened your eyes to see Blake's face right in front of you. You screamed right that moment.
Your mother heard your scream and opened the door to check if anything's wrong.
"What's wrong here?"
Your mom asked.
You quickly hid Blake under your blankets, covering his face with your arms.
"Nothing- just a bad.. dream."
"Well, ok. Come eat breakfast in 10 minutes."
Your mom walked out of your room, still suspicious of your actions.
"What were you doing? We could've been caught-!"
You jumped up pushing Blake away.
"Are you going to change into your uniform?"
Blake asked, still lying down on the bed.
"I mean.. uh..."
You grabbed your school uniform and changed your clothes in the bathroom.
"I can't believe you watched me all the time."
You said, leaving the house. Blake already prepared for school and waited for you at the front door.
"Aren't you hungry? You haven't ate since yesterday lunch."
"I go back to my house in night and stay there until it's time for you to wake up. I do regular things I missed at daytime."
"That explains why you're sleeping all day at school."
"Then will you let me sleep in your room with you? I want to beside you all day."
"All day? That's exhausting."
"It's not exhausting for me. I want to be beside you whether it's in school or home."
"I'll think about it.."
Blake held your hand.
"I know you'll accept it at some point."
Blake said with confidence.
Blake's words were oddly convincing to you.
He was beside you when you fought with your family and got upset. He listened to your words and helped you.
It's true that you liked Tux in your home, and Blake at school as well.
You like Blake's warm touch, but you'll have to think about Blake staying with you all day.
Part 2 here
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Agere Age Guide
2 years version
Hello, pumpkins! This is the second post in a thread of posts I'm making! You can find the first post here, I accidentally posted it to my alt account but the rest of the posts will be posted on this page. I also want to preface this by saying that not everything I'm saying here is going to apply to everyone and each and every person who regresses or dreams will follow these traits and stuff!
Okay, now to the post!
Traits and Behaviors!
☠︎︎This is about the time that babies start to get up and play around, small jumps, walking, bouncing and maybe even some small sprints
☠︎︎Babies this age are starting to like playing with other babies and parallel play could be really fun at this age, they may have trouble sharing though so make sure to have enough eye grabbing toys for all the babies
☠︎︎This is also the age where babies may start to throw more tantrums and have bigger feeling, they naturally want to test the boundaries at this age and they don't like being told no. They're also going to be a bit more bossy and want their way.
☠︎︎Since this is the time they're starting to have bigger mood swings and test the boundaries, that may result in having big reactions which may be aggressive, they may hit, yell, throw tantrums or even hurt themselves to try and cope with their big emotions
☠︎︎They may mostly use hand gestures but they're starting to babble a lot more and mimic language
Activities to do With Your Baby
☠︎︎This is a great age to play a lot of simple puzzle games and games to practice motor skills, patty cake is a great game to play with your baby and so is playing with toys like stacking blocks and ring-stack toys
☠︎︎Pretend play, these babies are growing up fast! They want to be just like cg. Playing dolls and stuffed animals, putting them to bed and feeding them is a great way to spend time with your baby
☠︎︎This is a great time for parallel play, though babies won't always feel interested or know how to play together, they still love to interact with each other and play together to some degree and parallel play is a great fun for babies this age
☠︎︎New textures and sounds are extremely interesting to babies in their two's! Playing with new textures like sand, slime, dirt and more can be super fun for these babies!
Foods and Recipes
These tinies are starting their food journey, they're starting to upgrade from baby foods and apple sauce to solid fruits and hard cereals!
This is one of those things that's very individualized to each regressor! I can tell you what this age range usually likes to snack on but you should ask your tiny what they like either way.
☠︎︎String cheese and yogurts
☠︎︎Cut up fresh fruits
☠︎︎Dry cereals like honey nut Cheerios and fruit loops
☠︎︎Eggs and tasty proteins
Babies in their two's are starting their palate expanding journey, usually it's best to stay away from super strong flavors and stick to mild and bland flavors. Younger taste buds are much stronger than adult taste buds so when your regressor was a bio baby, they most-likely had blander foods so giving them some mild and bland snacks can be a comforting factor t their baby space
Shows and Movies
Again, this is one of those things that are super individualized to each and every baby! So still be sure to ask your baby what they like to watch either way! Some shows and movies two-year-olds like to watch are
☠︎︎Doc Mc Stuffins
☠︎︎Bubble Guppies
☠︎︎Peppa pig
☠︎︎Pete the cat
☠︎︎Mickey mouse
☠︎︎Disney movies are super great for babies this age two, the vibrant colors and animated voices are sure to keep their attention. Though with some discourse involving Disney has come up, I know a lot of people have stopped using Disney plus. You can still find some amazing shows and mov.ies on places like Netflix, Pbs kids, nickelodeon, and more!
Potty Time for the Terrible Twos
Generally, kiddos are using the potty on their own anywhere from 1.5 - 3 years old but that doesn't mean that kiddos older or younger may deviate from that. There's good info Here about how to properly diaper someone and what products to use
This is also a great video on how to diaper yourself if you're a baby who does their own diapy changes.
Know Your Baby
You're going to want to know and talk to your regressor before they regress with you! The only way you'll be happy with each other is talking about boundaries and the best way to cat or to each other's needs beforehand. Having the awkward conversations are hard but necessary
I hope this helped! Like I said before, not all these things will apply to all regressors in the 2 year range. If you have any questions, go ahead and feel free to drop a comment or shoot me a message
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luckyarchivist · 8 months
Cuddling with Mhin….or just Mhin headcanons in general
Sure! This time I'll do both, I hope that's okay :) I'll start with the general headcanons!
Mhin: General HCs
They're intersex!
They are canonically pretty science-y, so even though they're not at a doctor's level, they have a decent amount of medical knowledge—especially the combat-useful stuff. I bet they'd give a pretty good massage!
If they don't already have one, they'd really like a hands-on hobby like sewing or knitting or even, like, woodcarving.
Family is something they long for. They both deeply want and are incredibly scared of the prospect of having their own family one day.
They are super attached to all the stray cats they feed. At first, they tried not to give them names—after all, when you give something a name, you're asking to be attached to it—but it became too confusing without all of them having some kind of name. Mhin gives them simple names that match their appearances (Stripes for a striped cat, or Midnight for a black cat) to keep up the illusion of not caring for them.
I definitely just got this from a Red Spring tweet, but there's no way Mhin's not lactose-intolerant. I just know some cheese would fuck them up.
Mhin: It's Cuddle Time!
Mhin is not really a cuddler, but sometimes they need comfort, you know? They're only human. They're more likely to settle down with you for a nice cuddle sesh if you're the one who needs it, though.
They'll ask to hold you if they think you need it, and give you a chance to get comfy and grab a blanket if you want and so on. It's a little harder for them to ask for themselves, so you'll need to look out for them, too.
They are definitely a lay-down cuddler and not a sit-up cuddler, so you'll need to take the bed or a couch that can fit both of you width- and height-wise.
No matter your size, and no matter which of you needs comfort, Mhin will want to hold you instead of be held. They like feeling like they can protect you here, too.
They won't talk much while they hold you. They enjoy just hearing your breathing, knowing that you're there next to them, without you "saying anything annoying" (That's mean, Mhin!). But, if you prefer to talk, they'll keep up a quiet, relaxed conversation with you.
They won't want to talk about it if something's bothering them, and won't necessarily feel comfortable prying into what's wrong with you. But they'll talk about other things. Ask them about what the latest drama with their stray cats is: that's sure to get Mhin talking, in a low tone that's equally fond and exasperated.
They are going to hold you for...a while. Like, a long time. Which is one of many reasons why they don't do it often! It's a big time commitment and they only have so much time!!
Thank you sm for my very first ask!
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asena-graywolf · 1 year
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Happy Family Life
You united your lives with Aone 3 years ago. You were each other's only love both in high school and university. Naturally, you decided to crown your relationship with marriage. You got married in a simple and fun ceremony. The side-by-side photo of you at your wedding was still hanging on your bedroom wall. Every morning when you woke up, you woke up to a happy day by looking at that photo.
You posed in an elegant wedding dress, hugging your husband. This was a document of your love. You intend to wake up looking at that picture every morning for the rest of your life.
Because you wanted to live in touch with nature after marriage, you bought a country house in an area away from city life, crowds and noise. Everywhere was covered with trees and grass. You had a cute two-storey house, just like in fairy tales. Moreover, the garden was so fascinating that it resembled your dreams.
Aone would get up before you in the morning. You would get up right after him and prepare breakfast together. Your husband would take great pleasure in making you breakfast. That day, you woke up to such a peaceful morning. As soon as you woke up, your eyes searched for Aone, you thought you would find him in the kitchen preparing breakfast for you as usual. You put on your dressing gown, went down the stairs and went to the kitchen. But strangely, you saw that Aone was not there. You called out to him, thinking he might be inside the house.
“Aone?!” When there was no response from Aone, you tried once again.
“Aone? Where are you?''
Apparently he wasn't at home. He was either in the garden or busy with flowers in the greenhouse. You left the kitchen and went into the hall, then you went out to the living room and through the door of the living room that opened to the glass greenhouse. You found it exactly where you thought it would be. Aone was wearing his gardener's clothes and was working on flowers. You saw him refilling the pots
“Good morning” you said smiling to your husband.
He answered you without looking up
"Good morning. I'm sorry, I couldn't prepare breakfast for you." ''It's not important. "Is there something wrong?" you wondered.
"Unfortunately, the three naughty kittens I once rescued from the street are now big enough to enter the greenhouse and knock over the flower pots."
You responded with a giggle.
"Oh my God! I don't believe. "How did they get into the greenhouse?"
"I forgot to close the door when I left here last night. "The door was left ajar, so they entered and broke everything."
''Look at the naughty kitties! They'll make trouble for my husband! "Now they will see their day" you said jokingly
Aone was focused on what he was doing and had to ignore your joke. You cleared your throat
“Okay…then let me prepare something for you. "You'll need energy to refill the broken pots."
Aone replied as he grabbed handfuls of soil
"Don't bother. I'll eat later. You have your breakfast, then feed those three naughty cats. "If I finish work, we can garden together."
You patted Aone on the back
"I'll take care of the garden. After saying "Do your job in peace", you gave him a kiss for luck. While kissing your cheek, you felt his smooth skin on your lips.
You left your husband alone with his work and returned to the kitchen. The three kittens Aone rescued from the street have now turned into beautiful adult cats. You called your cats, as soon as they heard you they came to the kitchen and started rubbing on your legs.
"You naughty bastards! So, you broke into the greenhouse last night and knocked over the flower pots. "Lucky for your cuteness, otherwise you would be deprived of a delicious breakfast this morning."
You put food in your cats' food bowls. Then you washed your hands and set about making sandwiches for yourself and Aone at the counter. Next to it, you would squeeze the juice from the oranges you picked from the orange tree in your garden.
Aone loved orange juice. Tomatoes, ham and cheddar cheese were indispensable for him in the sandwich. You've prepared a sandwich just like Aone likes it. You filled the oranges with juice and took them to the greenhouse.
“Aone? I made your favorite sandwich. Come on, eat something. "Then you can keep on your work."
''Y/n. "Didn't I tell you I would eat later?" he said to you in a calm tone.
"You said you know, but I couldn't stand you working on an empty stomach."
Aone sighed. He took off his gloves and took the tray from your hands.
"Bon apetit to you.I will finish my breakfast soon and go out to the yard."
Aone called after you as you exited the greenhouse.
"Leave Kame in the yard. Let him wander around a bit. "We'll put him back in its nest in the evening."
''Ok. "I'll handle it," you said as you walked in.
You went back to the kitchen and had your breakfast. It looks like your cats had also had their fill and were asking you to play. You took them out into the garden. At least they would play by themselves and not bother you
"Cuties" you muttered while looking after them
As soon as you finished your work in the kitchen, you went back to your bedroom and changed your clothes. Since you will be working in the garden, you chose comfortable and loose-fitting clothes. You didn't forget to wear your gardening overalls. Before going to the garden, you took your pet turtle, Kame, out of his nest.
"Good morning Kame! "Come on" you said and took it between your palms.
"Shall we go out to the garden together? What do you say?''
You gently caressed the turtle's shell and then went out into the garden. You put the turtle down and then started to do your work.
But before that, you had another job. You walked into the backyard and stopped in front of the rabbit cage. You had four rabbits: brown, white, black and black spotted. You made an area for them in the backyard. You would take them out of their cages every morning, feed them, and let them wander around the backyard until evening.
You and your pets were like a big family. You took care of each of them as if they were your own children. You and your husband were both a very animal-loving couple. You had a very happy and joyful life. Your only wish throughout your life was to live in this house and in this environment with your family until you die.
"Good morning, my babies!" you greeted your rabbits with a smile. You took them out of their cages and released them into the garden Aone had left lettuce and carrots in the cages for the rabbits. You put them where your rabbits can eat them. You won't die or leave having left something and you could get your work done in the front yard
You returned to the front garden and looked at the strawberry seedlings you planted in your tiny field. Strawberries were starting to ripen, and since it was summer, they were ripening fast.
You went to the nearby tank, took the watering jug and filled it with water from the pump. Then you started watering your strawberry seedlings. You cut the weeds that had started to grow around them. Now your seedlings looked healthier than before. The strawberries of one of them looked ripe. It was big and red. You immediately plucked it and popped it into your mouth.
The taste of organic strawberries created a flavor explosion in your mouth. I wish there was more for you and Aone to eat You've finished watering and pruning your strawberry seedlings. You did not need to spray them because they were not infested. Next was to prune the apple, lemon and orange trees. Since the fruits of the trees were ripe, they had to be collected.
You used to pick fruit from the tree with Aone. Aone would hold a basket in his hand, lift you onto his shoulders, and give you access to the tree. This way, you could reach the fruits more easily, and Aone would fill the fruits you collected into the basket.
You would either sell the fruits or make products such as pickles and jam from them.
You entered the greenhouse to look for the fruit basket. While you were in the greenhouse, you wanted to tell Aone that you had to take care of this now. But it looks like Aone wasn't done yet
"Dear, we need to pick the fruits. Can you help me?''
Aone stopped putting soil in the pot
"If your work is not done, I can handle it alone."
He answered you while taking off his gloves
"How will you handle it alone? You know we have to wait a while to get a new staircase."
You fluttered your eyelashes
"But you're not done yet"
"Come on," he said, going out of the door and into the garden.
You followed your husband. When you arrived under the fruit trees, Aone lifted you onto his shoulders and you picked the fruits one by one, starting from the lemon tree first.
When your basket was full, you got off your husband's back
"Gardening is a lot of fun, but…doing that with you is more enjoyable."
Aone wasn't used to this kind of compliment. Until he met you, no one had made him feel this valuable. During his high school years, no one would sit next to him when he got on the train. You were the first person to sit next to him. Aone didn't tell you, but he was so happy when he finally realized he wouldn't be traveling alone. He was so happy that he almost cried Aone bowed his head at what you said. Naturally, you were worried because he wasn't responding.
''Dear? What happened? "Did I say something wrong?" you touched his arm curiously.
He turned to you and put his arm around your shoulder.
''No. "You didn't say anything wrong," he replied.
"Then why did you remain so unresponsive?"
It seems like Aone had feelings to express to you. She put the basket on the ground. She sat on the grass. He made you sit in front of him.
''Do you know? "When you suddenly said that, my high school years came to mind."
You giggled
"We were two young lovers then. "It was beautiful, wasn't it?"
Aone nodded.
"No one has ever valued me this much. Besides you. Admittedly, I had social phobia at that time. Because of the serious expression on my face, people were afraid of me in the places I entered. I would travel alone, even on the train. I hated it when people looked at me like they saw a ghost."
You placed your palm on Aone's cheek
"I wish they could see the goodness and kindness in you. "You may have a tough exterior, but your heart is hot as fire." He held your hand on his cheek with his big palm and gently caressed your fingers.
"I didn't tell you, but the day you sat next to me on the train, I couldn't hold back my tears of happiness. Could such a terribly tyrant-looking man cry? Of course he would cry. The day you agreed to be my girlfriend was the biggest turning point in my life. Even if my happiness that day killed me, I was okay with it. Because I was with you, y/n.”
Aone's words were enough to move you. You tried not to show that your eyes were filled with tears.
“Aone…you are truly a man with a heart of gold. I'm so lucky to have you as my husband. "You are the person I love most in this life."
With his thick fingers, he gently cupped your chin and locked his eyes with yours.
Even though he had a serious and stern expression on his face from years ago, you saw the kind and good-hearted man behind that look.
"I've never talked to anyone for this long. For the first time, I started chatting with you using long sentences. "You know, when I spoke, my teammates were surprised by it."
You held each other's hands tightly and looked at each other deeply.
"It's okay if you don't talk to them. "All I care about is you."
He smiled slightly at you. Only you understood that he wanted to laugh sincerely, even if it was forced.
You both stood up.
''Come on! "There's still a lot of work to be done," you said, and you and your husband set about your daily work.
Your days have always been like this. You were busy gardening and feeding your animals from morning to evening. Sometimes you would go on nature trips with Aone. You were trying to go fishing at a nearby lake
So the months passed.
One day, while you were getting dressed in the bedroom, Aone texted you. You took your phone and read the message
Come to the backyard
You were afraid that something bad had happened to your rabbits and you went down the stairs at full speed in panic.
You went straight to the backyard and saw Aone looking at your rabbits from behind the cage
“Aone? Did something happen to the rabbits?"
Aone gestured for you to come with his hand. You walked next to him and watched the rabbits from behind the cage.
A soft feeling filled you when you saw the view. One of your rabbits had babies. And there were exactly 6 of them.
"Oh my God! I cant believe. How did we not notice? Six cute baby rabbits. Our family is expanding," you said happily.
“I wanted you to see this too,” Aone said to you in a soft voice.
You had something else on your mind. Good news you should tell Aone
"Um…Aone" you said and couldn't hide your blush.
Aone looked at your face as if he wanted to hear something from you.
''I have something to tell you''
Aone suddenly became serious. He was suspicious that you were going to give him bad news.
"I think…we will have a baby in 7 months too"
The serious and cold look on your husband's face was replaced by a sweet and surprised smile.
“Y/n? Is this…is this really true?”
''Yes. I was going to tell you today. I found it more appropriate to say it as soon as I saw the baby rabbits."
Aone's big hands found your belly that hadn't grown yet and caressed it.
"I will teach our baby to love nature. Because he is the child of a dryad. Yes y/n. You are my dryad"
You embraced each other with love and from that day on you started counting the days for your baby.
Did you remember my ''Kittens'' scenario? Aone was rescued three fluffy kittens from street. These cats, the same cats. They're just grew up. Aone has really golden heart man. I love him so much
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lorei-writes · 9 months
🥑 ⇢ you accidentally killed somebody, which mutual(s) do you text for help?
Accidentally? There are no such things as accidents in this world...
YOU, and you're my lawyer. Prepare yourself. (It's okay. Don't worry. It'd be a set-up.)
And then:
@violettduchess , to tell her that I'm going to prison and may be quiet(er) for a while. (This chatterbox never shuts up, sorry not sorry, hahaha; maybe secret mafia connections could free me before my term was up.)
@venulus , to warn her about being set-up for murder. (Avenge me!)
@olivermorningstar , to tell them that the OC Gift Exchange IS STILL happening, even if I'm in prison.
@keithsandwich , to establish a secret amigurumi-making route. (What? Prison is a lot of free time. Gotta keep busy.)
@scorchieart & @spoopy-fish-writes , to ask them to feed my cats while I'm not there. And to walk my dog. Maybe. He may walk them instead. (...Benek is a big boy, okay?)
@cheese-ception & @nuttytani , to ask them not to divorce me.
@the12thnightproject , to ask for tea. (No. You don't get it. Literal tea. Like tea-drinkable-tea.)
@bicayaya , to dramatically warn her against entering the path of crime (and to tell her I have smooching Chevie with me).
@claviscollections , to ask for corgi back-up.
@rinaririr , to tell her the murder mystery is on, but it's a different murder mystery than in Halcyon Among Hills, and you wouldn't believe it! It actually involves me! (Time to turn it into an entire circus on wheels... Not that I haven't already.)
Ask game
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nei-ning · 9 months
Many weird dreams from last night. In first my sis was playing some video game so I helped her to find items etc. In one point we noticed one team member is missing. A male vampire demon. We found him outside in medieval town. He was laying in a little fenced animal area where was pile of poo, human corpse with flies etc. He had long black horns forward and between them small area of reddish-brown hair (like Crowley's hair style curl from Good Omens).
He was alive but his chin and neck had bad burns, skin looking like melted cheese. He sat up and spoke slow in a hissing way, like snake. What I managed to hear from him, he said he would allow himself to be burned again if it would save his friends (meaning all of us his team mates). He stayed behind to begin with to save someone from very intense fire. He survived.
In next dream I was in a house with sis and someone else. Sis had ordered 2 huge boxes of things (vitamins, kitchen supplies, toilet papers etc). I was given a time limit to use on unpacking those boxes. I failed miserably each time! :'D in first round I didn't even find the clock to check the time. I'm second time I still had 32min left and I thought I can easily unpack the rest of the stuff in that time. Bullshit xD in last time I had time left 3,28 seconds. I gave up.
In other dream I was on the walk, suddenly just ending up in this room which was some kind of animal shelter. There was a woman who clearly couldn't care less at being there. She worked there but she was doing crosswords. Across her was bigger cat, looking like Verti. I actually didn't see him but I knew he was there. I heard his voice in my head. He said: "My heart hurts..." I instantly told about this to the worker who just groaned and said: "He keeps saying that." I was shocked! That cat was clearly and seriously ill and she did nothing! I wrapped this cat in white towels, rushing through this tiny hallway, finding a vet in the same place. I told her the situation as she started to listen to his heart. I asked will he survive but she shook her head, saying it's already too late for him. He either died there and then or she was going to put him down, end his pain.
In last dream mom took me to see my uncle who said to me he knows someone leaked out the information to me. I was scared since I thought he was talking about another thing but then he said: The seal. I need to know can you kill it." I said I won't hesitate to kill an animal if it's suffering. Just give me a riffle and I kill it. He seemed pleased so we headed out. The seal was supposed to be in the middle of the road where uncle had moved it, hoping someone to drive over it but we lived in rural area. The seal was found at the base of a tree near the road.
Uncle was holding a huge knife. He was going to pierce seal's head with it but I noticed how the seal opened it's eyes, being responsive. I yelled my uncle to halt and he did. This seal had long healing wounds all around it's body but no blood. It looked a bit tired but otherwise good and healthy. I told my uncle we should try to save it since it was energetic enough to be given a second chance. We just would need to find / get it fishes and see if food would help it as a first aid.
Uncle's friend, who I don't know, came there and she had a tracking collar for sheep but it was put on the seal, just in case. Then next we were in a car and this seal was in my lap. We drove past my childhood area with a lake and the seal saw this lake, another seal hunting fishes near the shore. This greatly improved seal's health and mood. It clearly recognized the lake and the other seal. I was happy, smiling at it. I said to others it clearly knows where it is, where it is from and it must had swim in this other lake via this underground tunnel / pipe which went under the road further away, connecting upper and lower lake.
I told this seal it will get back home after we get it some fish, feed and observe him 2 days to be sure he's okay. After that I woke up.
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rowanmuppet · 2 years
oh and mischa too!!!
Okay I just wrote the penny one and I am on a ROLL so. Mischa bachinski my beloved
- First of all. Mischa has two hands and I won't hear otherwise. Talia is REAL damn it but Mischa is also bisexual and in love with Noel. End of
- He watched the titanic for the first time on the phone with talia and cried EMBARRASSINGLY hard. Not embarrassing because he's supposed to be manly or whatever, embarrassing like he woke up the next day and his eyes were almost swollen shut from crying so hard. Like that movie really affected him
- Noel would ask to watch it with him and he'd immediately say no because he doesn't want to be literally dehydrated from crying again
- He would put talia on the phone during choir and everyone would talk to her (more like them telling Mischa what to say and him translating but they all love her)
- Ocean would insist on singing whatever song they're working on for her and she'd just sit there like wow 😁👍!!! She has no idea what's going on but she's along for the ride
- He is trying to teach everyone Ukrainian to moderate success
- he has an annoyed siblings relationship with ocean which everyone says but seriously!!! They get on each other's nerves so much but ocean would kill a man for him and he's DEFINITELY gotten into a fight for her
- picks ocean up like a folding chair and carries her around. Or like a cat under the armpits and so she's just dangling there
- absolutely terrified of rollercoasters but went on the cyclone anyway because he's a manly man. Obviously. But then he died
- literally almost threw up getting off the graviton. Thought he was literally going to die
- wholeheartedly believes in Santa. Literally will not be convinced he isn't real. Everyone in the choir feeds into this and says their presents to him were from Santa and were dropped off at their house instead of his bc he doesn't have a chimney (in like an everyone lives situation cause yk they weren't really friends before)
- really it's because his adoptive parents didn't get him anything but he doesn't have to know that they're supposed to be santa
- is actually genuinely successful on YouTube 😭 nobody wants to believe him and I doubt the choir before the accident cared to check they just half listened to him talk about his songs like "yeah that's great buddy" but he has a pretty decent following
- I'm sure a good amount of them are ironic but that's okay
- he'd get one of those "THIS SHIT IS FIRE 🔥🔥🔥🔥 PUT IT OUT 🔥🔥🔥" comments and take it as a compliment
- has unmedicated ADHD. I don't make the rules I only enforce them
- he literally can't sit still in any situation at all ever, nor can he focus on anything if there isn't 5 other things going on. Constantly understimulated. Constance would give him a fidget spinner and his grades would immediately go up a letter or two
- honestly Mischa and constance are best friends in my heart
- she would try to teach him how to bake/cook and he would burn everything
- "Mischa no wonder it's burnt! It's been on high for 15 minutes it's just a grilled cheese" "why cook for long time on low heat when I could cook for short time on high heat 🤨??" "because it will burn before the cheese melts!!!!"
- Ocean is PISSED that he's always at Constance's house when she goes over to hang out (she would spend virtually all her time there fr) but Constance's little brother loves him
- wears almost exclusively sweat pants/giant t shirts with ironic slogans. "The worst day of fishing beats the best day of 'court ordered' anger management classes'"
- the kind of mf to wear gym shorts and slides in 4 inches of snow like dude 😦
- lets noel paint his nails every time they hang out. immediately forgets they're painted and either smudges it or if it somehow manages to dry bites/picks it off immediately
- he will never complain but he hates the way it makes his nails feel heavier
- ocean would get him a sticker book to motivate him to do his homework (his grades are not good and if they get too low he won't be allowed to participate in choir)
- so now his books/homework are covered in stickers
- spends a devastatingly long time on his hair only for it to immediately be ruined when he leaves the house
- it's almost impressive how quickly it just turns into a total mess
- that's what the hat is for
- regarding my penny rock head canon. He gets SO EXCITED when she gives him one
- "this reminded me of you" *least visually interesting rock you've ever seen* "YOOOOO IT IS LIKE ME!!!"
- not a big fan of the bugs though
- genuinely terrified of them. He'd see penny with bugs and feel like ants are on him for the next several minutes
That's all for rn cause this is getting long!!
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bunbeeplays · 3 months
The Lemon Legacy: Generation 1, Chapter 108 - Winterfest Woes Part 1
It's Winterfest, and Ophelia should be excited, but she can't help but feel… weird about Jane's passing. Surely she would love to know her death was ruining Ophelia's day. Still, she powers through.
Gemma: Mommy, t'ee!
Ophelia: That's right, it's a Winterfest tree!
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Gemma plays with her diced pears rather than eating them.
Ophelia: Gemma, eat your food please.
The honey toast Ophelia made is probably too sugary and sticky for Gemma to handle but she was willing to give her some if it meant she actually ate.
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Ophelia: Do you know what today is?
Gemma: Winnerfes!
Ophelia: That's right, Winterfest! Today's the day we give people we love presents to show them how much they mean to us.
Gemma: P'esant!
She laughs.
Ophelia: We'll open presents tonight, sweetie.
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When Gemma runs off to play, Xander checks in with Ophelia.
Xander: How you holdin' up?
Ophelia: I'm fine.
Xander: Are you sure? I know you and your mom had a bad relationship but are you sure it's not affecting you at all?
Ophelia: Why would it?
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Xander: Don't you lie to me, Lemon Cake. I know you.
Ophelia: …I don't know how to feel. It's not like I miss her. I never expected my mom to apologize and try to mend our relationship, but now that she's gone, it feels… bad that it's definitely never going to be an option.
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Ophelia: I just want to enjoy our day. Let's go decorate the tree, okay?
Xander nods and gives his wife a deep kiss, as if that would make things less complicated. It helps, at least.
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While Gemma plays with Chompy, her parents trim the tree.
Ophelia: Popcorn and cranberries? The cats will eat it!
Xander: I don't care! It's a Pappas family tradition. I took your name, I should get to pick the garland!
Ophelia can't argue with that. Xander wins this round.
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Ophelia's in charge of the grand meal, and she knows she's going to be able to finally make something her picky girl will like. No toddler can resist baked mac and cheese, right?
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Gemma's pulled out her art supplies, determined to make her first Winterfest the best one ever.
Gemma: I make Mommy an' Daddy p'esants, Lulu!
Lulu is nowhere near as thoughtful.
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Ophelia comes to check on the girls.
Ophelia: What are you making, Gemma?
Gemma: P'esant for Mommy an' Daddy!
She's absolutely tickled Gemma, at her age, would even think of that.
Ophelia: Oh, okay, I won't peek! Mommy's just going to feed Lulu on the couch, okay?
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After Lulu is fed and burped, Ophelia just holds her in her arms. Lulu loves being held, and besides, maybe Ophelia does need some comfort.
Ophelia: I know I'm not going to do everything right, but I'll try my best. I love you and your sister. I'll try not to screw up too bad.
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The baked mac and cheese cooled off and the Lemons are ready to eat.
Gemma sits on the floor so Marshmallow won't be lonely. She takes a few bites before getting up and putting her bowl back on the table.
Gemma: No more!
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Xander: Gemma, you barely touched it. Your hunger bar definitely isn't full.
Ophelia: Ugh, whatever. She doesn't have to eat it.
She doesn't know why Gemma refusing to finish another meal has her suddenly feeling so dejected. She tried her best and Gemma still won't eat it.
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Xander: Ophelia, she has to-
Ophelia: I'm not going to force her to eat my awful cooking!
Xander: It's not awful, it's great! Kids go through picky phases. Maybe she's just sensitive to certain textures.
Ophelia: Or maybe she just hates me!
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Xander's never seen her like this.
Xander: She doesn't hate you! Why would you-
Ophelia: I would have eaten mud if it made my mom happy and my kid won't even eat macaroni! What if I try my best and our kids STILL hate me, even when I'm dead? Maybe my mom really tried and I-
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Ophelia: I… I'm sorry. I don't know what came over me.
Xander: You're grieving. It just looks different than it normally might. Gemma's saying no because she feels safe with us. You didn't have that luxury.
She knows he's right. Her mom scared her stiff growing up and yet…
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Ophelia: I'm going to… freshen up.
She stands up and practically runs to the stairs.
Gemma, who had been too preoccupied playing with Marshmallow to listen to the conversation, sees her mom running off.
Gemma: Mommy?
Ophelia doesn't hear her.
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themaladaptivewriter12 · 11 months
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Title: Lapdog Days
Part 2 of my “The Lion's Den” series! Part 1 here!
Parings: None
After Mirai makes a bet with Leona, he literally has to enter the "Lion's Den." Mirai just hopes he makes it out to tell the tale.
cw: Arguments, light angst, bloody noses mentioned (not too graphic), fist fights (again, nothing too graphic), biting
a/n: Please Read: I don't wanna say this was graphic, but it all depends on your comfort levels as readers, so the warning is there. They do fight, but I wanna put it out there that Mirai is okay, he can hold his own. This also by no means is hate for Leona, or any type of villianization.
a/n: This is not a "Bullies to lovers". Just putting that out there. I wanna show Mirai's and Leona's process of trust and eventual love.
Reblogs are appreciated, just use my custom tag, #TheMaladaptiveWriter12, if you do!  (─‿‿─)♡
Cross posted from my Ao3: TheMaladaptiveWriter12
What Mirai didn’t know was that being Leona’s lackey meant that he had to board with the lion, he was literally entering the lion’s den. Mirai argued it would be impossible for him to do his bidding during the week, so he and Leona agreed on the weekend. Their terms were if Mirai could survive the weekend, then Leona would forget everything, if not, Leona would punch him. 
Mirai packed a weekend bag and bid Grim farewell after the fact that the cat refused to go with him, throwing the words that Mirai tended to throw at Grim back at him, “you reap what you sow.” Mirai made his way to the Savanaclaw Dorm, heart beating out his chest. Yes he was a little nervous, but Mirai was one never to back down from a challenge. As always, after Mirai passed through the mirror, he was hit with the heavy smell of grass and a dry breeze. Mirai walked up the building, and as he did so, the Beastfolk of Savanaclaw looked at him skeptically, glaring as he passed, but Mirai didn’t let them intimidate him, well on the outside at least. Although, he was pretty sure they could smell fear.
At the main entrance, Ruggie and Leona were waiting for his arrival. Mirai guessed wherever Ruggie told Leona was super funny, for Leona burst into a fit of laughter, mirth coloring his face. His voice was loud as he laughed, his eyes closed, teeth pearly and sharp in a smile. Mirai’s heart swooned at the sound, but as he got closer, Leona’s ears twitched and his laughter quieted. Mirai couldn’t help feeling dejected at that.
“Look who finally decided to show up,” Leona gruffed.
“My time, remember?” Mirai retorted, “I have a cat to feed. He can’t cook for himself, and I wanna keep my house in one piece.”
Ruggie snickered.
“Watch it Herbivore,” Leona growled, “Remember who you’re talking to. You’re on my turf now.”
“Yeah, yeah.”
Mirai gasped as Leona yanked forward by the front of his shirt, a growl in his voice, “Keep talking to me like that, see what happens.”
Mirai put his hands up in surrender, looking away from the snarling lion. Leona huffed, dropping the Prefect to his feet, walking off. “Let’s go, Prefect,” Leona ordered loudly.
Mirai followed.
“If I’m not with you, then Leona or Jack will be,” Ruggie whispered as they followed Leona, “I don’t trust these guys enough to leave you alone.”
Mirai nodded, glad at least one person was looking out for him.
“Although it probably will be me,” Ruggie sighed.
“Sorry,” Mirai muttered.
Ruggie smirked, “Get me a box of donuts, and five steak and cheese sandwiches from Sam’s and we’ll call it even.”
“Alright, alright,” Miral chuckled.
Mirai and Ruggie had been on surprisingly good terms since coming to Night Raven College. He started seeing Ruggie more and more after he started working at Mr. S’s Mysterious Shop, and somehow those interactions made them closer. After a while, Mirai started saving a box of donuts for the Hyena Beastman, and Ruggie started saving Mirai’s skin when he got caught up in the issues of the Savanaclaw boys. And slowly, but surely, Mirai gained Ruggie’s trust, and he was glad he was able to give Ruggie another friend, and someone to rely on. And Mirai knew he surely was. He probably wouldn't have made it this far if it weren’t for Ruggie.
Leona led them through a set of doors that led to a long hallway and at the end was a small set of stairs and another set of doors, and Mirai finally realized where Leona was taking them. Leona opened the next set of doors and entered his room, already barking orders, “Herbivore, go clean the bathroom.”
Ruggie snickered, “I’ll get you something to clean with.”
Mirai nodded, watching as Leona shook off his vest, kicked off his sandals, and unbuttoned his shirt, before flopping onto his bed with a sigh. Mirai stood there awkwardly, waiting for Ruggie to return. 
“Whaddya doin’ just standing there?” Leona asked, his uncovered eye glaring.
“I’m not cleaning your bathroom with my bare hands,” Mirai sneered.
Leona growled lowly, a retort on his tongue, but kept his mouth shut as Ruggie walked back in, cleaning supplies in hand. 
“What happened now?” Ruggie groaned.
“I did nothing,” Mirai said, putting his hands up. 
Leona grumbled, turning his head away from his two underclassmen.
“Here,” Ruggie said, handing Mirai the bucket of supplies, “I have a test to study for. Check up on you later.”
“Seyaz,” Mirai waved. 
Mirai sighed to himself as he entered the bathroom. It wasn’t disgusting as most bathrooms were, but the issue was the sheer size of it. It was quite large, larger than any of the bathrooms in Ramshackle. Mirai shucked off his blazer, rolling his sleeves up to his elbows, gloving up, and with a determined nod, Mirai got to work.
Mirai started with the towels and the clothing strewn about, putting them in the hamper, next he put on a mask and began cleaning the double vanity sinks, the tub, the toilet and the shower in the corner. The sinks were the least of his worries, both taking less than five minutes to complete, it was everything else. The tub was large and deep, and the shower was large and tall. Mirai wasn’t really on the short side, being around average height, but with his injuries from the accident, he knew he would really have to work to get those clean, he could already feel the shoulder and back pain. Toilets, on the other hand, were just plain gross, he even hated cleaning his own back at Ramshackle. It took a while, but Mirai managed to do it all, and now, the last thing to do was the floors. 
Mirai sighed as he scrubbed the floors on his hands and knees. He had mopped first, of course, but he realized the mop wasn’t a good one, it didn’t get as deep as it should’ve in the grout lines. This is why Mirai hated grout, it was so unsanitary and hard to clean. So here he was, cleaning Leona’s bathroom floor with a coarse hand brush, scrubbing into the grout. Mirai made his way from the far wall near the toilet, to the door. He only had a little left to do before he was done, and boy was he looking forward to it. 
As Mirai scrubbed, he saw something move in the corner of his eye, with a yelp, Mirai jumped up, looking around for anything. It was his own shadow. Mirai chuckled to himself, relieved it wasn’t some weird Twisted Wonderland spider, and got back to it. It wasn’t long until he saw it again. Mirai gasped, jumping back again, scanning the floor, it was there again, a shadow, but not his own. Mirai whipped around and yelped, slipping backwards onto the stone floor. It was Leona, propped up in the doorway, watching him clean, and that shadow he kept seeing? It was Leona’s tail swishing back and forth. 
“You good?” Leona chuckled, a smug grin on his face.
“Ha ha,” Mirai scoffed, getting back to the floors. 
Now that he was hyper aware of Leona’s presence, he was getting nervous. He just hoped that he didn’t make any more of a fool of himself than he already had. 
“Sup Prefect how’s it-woah! It looks good in here,” Ruggie gasped, poking his head in the doorway. 
“I’m almost done,” Mirai huffed, voice muffled by his mask.
“Does it?” a deep voice asked, “Wow, it does! Nice job Mirai.”
Mirai looked up and there stood Jack, an impressed expression on his face.
“If you think I do things halfway, especially cleaning, then you’re mistaken,” Mirai huffed. “Move back a bit?”
The three complied and Mirai moved to scrub the line of the threshold.
“Finally, I’m done,” Mirai groaned, dropping the brush into the bucket of water, standing. Mirai shook off the gloves, tore off the mask, and stretched, back cracking in multiple places. 
“Looks really good in here,” Ruggie said, “I might just have to make you clean the rest of the bathrooms.”
“Not happening,” Mirai gruffed.
Ruggie laughed, “I’m kidding. What do you think, Leona? Didn’t he do a good job?”
Leona stood there, eyeing the very clean bathroom, then scoffed, grumbling to himself as he left the bathroom. Mirai stuck his tongue out as Leona turned his back. Ruggie and Jack howled with laughter.
“Quit it,” Leona growled, “Prefect, go make me something to eat.”
“And what would his Highness like to eat?” Mirai asked, bowing mockingly.
Leona roared, lunging for the magicless Prefect, and Mirai cackled, running out of the room with Jack in tow.
“You gotta admit, he did a good job,” Ruggie said looking up at Leona. 
Leona just scoffed, walking over to the table in the corner, setting up his chess board.
As Mirai and Jack made their way down stairs, Mirai already had in mind what he would make for Leona. Making it to the kitchen, Mirai got right to work, pulling out some bread, some cheese, some butter, some meat, and a pan.
“Making a grilled cheese sandwich?” Jack asked, standing out of the way.
“Yep,” Mirai chirped. 
Grilled cheese was quick and easy, and he knew he could make a good one. Mirai headed the pan, adding the butter. Once it was sizzling, Mirai added the sandwich which was a slice of bread, cheese, three slices of meat, cheese, and a slice of bread. Mirai cooked the sandwich until it was melty and golden brown. Mirai made eight more sandwiches in quick succession, five for Leona, two for Ruggie, and two for Jack. 
“You didn’t have to do that,” Jack said, “You already have to cook for Leona.”
“I don’t mind,” Mirai smiled, pouring a tall glass of lemonade.
“Did you eat?”
“Yeah, I ate before I got here. Grim wanted spaghetti.” 
Jack nodded.
Jack walked Mirai back upstairs, and Mirai may or may not have been a little proud with the hungry looks he was getting from the plate full of sandwiches. 
“Ding dong,” Mirai sang, entering Leona’s room.
Ruggie cackled, throwing his head back, and Jack chuckled, shaking his head.
Mirai walked the plate of food to Leona, standing next to him. Leona’s ears twitched but he didn’t acknowledge the Prefect, focusing on his chess board. 
“I will drop this plate,” Mirai threatened.
“And I’ll make you lick it off the floor before doing it over again,” Leona growled.
The room was silent as the two glared at each other, the tension thick and viscous like blot ink. 
Ruggie sighed, taking the plate from Mirai, placing it on the table in front of Leona “Thanks Prefect.”
“You’re welcome,” Mirai bowed mockingly at Leona. “There’s some for you too, that is if no one ate it by now.”
“Oh yeah,” Jack shouted, running out of the room with an equally concerned Ruggie running after him.
Leona huffed, looking at the plate of food skeptically. 
“No I didn’t spit in the food,” Mirai deadpanned, plopping onto the sofa.
Leona snarled at the Prefect, “I swear to the seven, if you spit in this, I will rip you to shreds.”
“As I said, I didn’t. I’m not that rude.”
Leona huffed, going back to his food, and took a big bite. Leona chewed thoughtfully, then looked at the sandwich. “There’s meat in this?” Leona asked around a mouthful of food.
“Uh huh,” Mirai said absentmindedly as he scrolled through his Magicam.
It got silent and Mirai looked at Leona, and chuckled to himself. Leona was stuffing his face, chomping away at the sandwiches, and as fast as Leona picked on up, he was scarfing down another. It wasn’t long until his plate was empty, the bottom covered in crumbs, and Leona sat there licking his fingers. 
“Good wasn’t it?” Mirai smirked.
Leona shot up from his seat and stalked over to the Prefect.
“Nah ah,” Mirai shook his head, jumping from his seat, “Do not touch me with your dirty hands!”
Leona stopped, a devious smirk worming its way onto his face, before he walked towards the Prefect with a new purpose. 
“Leona, stop! Stop! Don’t you dare touch me!”
Leona chuckled darkly, stalking towards the prefect, and Mirai screamed, running out the room and down the halls. 
Ruggie and Jack were enjoying their food, when they heard the screaming. They both looked at each other and jumped from their seats, running to the Ramshackle Prefect’s aid. When they got to him, they didn’t know what to make of the situation. Mirai was trapped in the corner on the floor, screaming for his life, arms crossed over his face, and Leona cackled from above him, hands hovering over the Prefect's face. Beastmen passed the two, befuddled looks on their faces, not knowing whether they should stay and watch the pathetic sight or just pass by. 
“Meh, they’re fine,” Ruggie said with a shrug, going back to the kitchen.
Jack looked skeptical, but followed after his Upperclassman.
Mirai woke up the shrill noise of his morning alarm, and with a grunt, he sat up. The Prefect wasn’t even surprised that Leona didn’t even so much as stir at the noise. Mirai slept on the couch last night, it wasn’t a bad one, but it wasn’t a bed either, and no, it wasn’t good for his back, but hey, he’s slept on worse. The worst part was Leona’s loud snoring, he sounded like a derailing freight train. 
Mirai sighed. He had a shift at eight and he still needed to cook for Leona and wake him. Mirai used the bathroom, showered, brushed his teeth and dressed. As he exited the bathroom, Ruggie was standing in the doorway, still in his pajamas, rubbing his eyes. 
“Mornin’,” Mirai waved. 
“Mornin’,” Ruggie yawned. 
“You ready?”
Mirai nodded. 
In the kitchen, Mirai made a large stack of pancakes, an omelet and some sausage, and carried them back up stairs, and Ruggie carried a glass of orange juice. When they got to the room, there were a bunch of students milling around the halls.
“What happened?” Ruggie asked, concerned, frowning his brows. 
“Sorry Ruggie,” Jack said, “They wanted to see Mirai try and wake up Housewarden Leona, and I can’t say I’m not curious myself.”
Ruggie laughed, “Well I can’t get mad at that.”
Mirai set the plates down and now was met with the most troublesome task he would have to complete. Waking up a sleeping lion. Mirai walked over to the lamp and turned it on, nothing. 
“Leona,” Mirai yelled, “Wake up!”
He didn’t stir, continuing to snore. Several students began to laugh.
Mirai marched over to the side of the bed and shook the man, “Wake up!”
Leona grumbled, swatting Mirai’s hand away. 
“Wake up you lazy bastard!”
Mirai sighed and checked the time, it was seven forty-five. He was gonna be late if he didn’t speed things up. 
“Leona,” Mirai yelled. 
“Can it,” Leona grumbled, tuning over. 
Mirai pulled at his arms, and Leona pulled them back and under himself. Mirai pulled at his legs, and Leona kicked him. Mirai coughed a grunt, winded and now aggravated. Mirai snatched a pillow from the couch, and crawled to the top of the bed. Straddling Leona’s waist, Mirai began whaling on him with it.
“Wake up! Wake up! Wake up,” Mirai yelled.
Leona snorted, eyes flying open with a shout, “Hey! Hey! Hey!”
“Wake up! Wake up! Wake up!”
The room burst out laughing at the sight of their Housewarden being beaten with his own pillow.
“Stop! S-Stop,” Leona shouted, throwing his hands up to shield his face. 
“Oh good, you're up,” Mirai said sarcastically, tossing the pillow into Leona’s face, “Get up, get dressed. Your breakfast is on the table. Sorry I can’t play with you any longer, I have a shift in ten. Ta!”
Mirai jumped from Leona’s lap, grabbed his work bag, his phone, and his keys, jogging out of the room, leaving a dazed, and slightly offended Leona on the bed, with his dormmates laughing hysterically in the hall. 
Down at Sam’s shop, Mirai sighed as he munched on a blueberry muffin, drinking a mango smoothie.
“My friends say you’re sad, Little Imp,” Sam said as he entered the shop, “What’s wrong?” “I’m not sad. It’s just, like, ugh,” Mirai groaned, “So like remember last week when I had that huge bruise on my face? Yeah I didn’t smash it on a tree, Leona punched me.”
“Should I be concerned?” Sam asked, a smile too wide on his face.
“Nah. It was over a misunderstanding, but it gets worse from there.”
Mirai went and told everything that happened between him and Leona over the past two weeks, explaining how he felt bad and wanted to make it up to him for all the wrong he caused him.
“So yeah, I dropped water on him, he chased me, and instead of being punched again, I agreed to become his lapdog until the weekend is over,” Mirai rambled. “Oh and did I mention I have a huge crush on him?”
“Should I tell someone about this? Should I be concerned?” Sam asked, worried and totally lost. 
“For Leona’s safety from me? Yes. My safety from Leona? No. My brain? Yes.”
“So why are you sad?”
“I wasn’t, but I just know he’s gonna give me a hard time this weekend.”
“All I can say is good luck,” Sam laughed.
 The morning shift went like the morning shift did. Slow in the beginning, busier when lunch rolled around, and today was one of those days. Well the clock struck eleven, it wasn’t so bad, students coming in for things like brunch, candy, erasers, things to pass the time with. But when noon hit, it got really busy. Students came in one after the other, asking for all kinds of things, then it got even worse. It was an early lunch rush, the students hangry, demanding food, and many started giving Mirai a hard time. 
“I asked for blue,” a deep voice yelled.
Mirai knew he asked for red.
“Where’s my change?” another shouted.
“Meat! Give me meat,” a guy hollered.
Mirai was at his wits end, even Sam was beginning to get a little agitated, his usual friendly smile not quite reaching his eyes. And like magic, it all died down when Mirai’s shift ended at three. 
Mirai sighed loudly, slumping against the backside of the counter. Sam sat on the wall across from him, head in his hands, arms resting on his knees. 
“That was rough,” Mirai joked dryly. 
“In all my years working here,” Sam laughed bitterly, “I’ve never been that aggravated with my customers.”
Mirai chuckled bitterly.
“You notice that they were Savanaclaw students yet?” Sam said, looking Mirai with a smirk.
“W-What?! They were-ohh,” Mirai rambled, realization coloring his face.
Sam laughed loudly, “Seems that Imp is giving you a run for your money.”
“Stupid oversized house cat,” Mirai grumbled. “Sorry about that.”
“Don’t be, but you on the other hand should get back. Might not be a good idea to keep him waiting.”
“Yeah,” Mirai sighed. “Thanks Sam, see ya later.”
Mirai changed out of his apron and grabbed a couple of cans of tuna on his way out. Mirai stopped by Ramshackle to check on Grim. The cat was fine, and more than happy to receive the cans of tuna than to see his Prefect. Mirai made his way back down to the Hall of Mirrors when he ran into Ruggie carrying a bunch of bags.
“Ruggie,” Mirai called, “Lemme help!”
“Thanks,” Ruggie said, handing Mirai two bags.
The pair made their way inside the Hall of Mirrors and entered the Savanaclaw mirror. Inside the sun was high in the sky, sun blazing its midday heat. Ruggie led Mirai through the lounge, and along the way, most of the Savanaclaw glared at the Prefect tailing Hyena Beastman. 
“Ignore them,” Ruggie grumbled, “they won’t touch you as long as I’m with you.”
Mirai spotted Leona lounged out by the water clad in a pair of yellow swim trunks that held the same pattern as his dorm uniform. It was nowhere near as hot as it should be to be swimming, but Mirai didn’t comment on it.
“Oi Herbivore, where have you been?!” Leona called.
“I think you already know the answer to that question,” Mirai deadpanned. 
Leona growled, glaring at Mirai, “Make me something to eat, I’m starving.”
Mirai rolled his eyes as he and Ruggie made their way to the kitchen.
“So, do you have in mind what you’re gonna make?” Ruggie asked. 
“I’ve been told that I make a mean hamburger, so I thought to go with that,” Mirai said thoughtfully. 
“We don’t have a grinder, just so you know.”
“Oh, that’s fine. I don’t use one anyways.”
“Well it seems you know what you're doing,” Ruggie giggled, “I’ll be back, but I’ll tell Leona to send Jack in.”
Mirai nodded, “Bye Ruggie.”
Mirai got to cooking, making the burgers from scratch. It took some time, but Mirai knew what he was doing and now that it was all finished, all there was left to do was put it all together. Each burger was assembled in the same order, bottom bun, patty, cheese, bacon, his caramelized vegetables, steak sauce, and then lastly the top bun. 
“What’s that smell?”
Mirai startled with a gasp, his plating interrupted. Mirai whipped his head around, eyes meeting Leona’s. 
“Burgers,” Mirai chirped, passing a plate to Leona, “and you’re lucky, I just finished.”
Leona didn’t say anything as he grabbed the plate, snatching the burger, and took a huge bite. Mirai flushed and looked away from Leona as he chewed. There was just something about the way he bit into his food, the way his mouth opened wide, showing off sharp pearly white teeth, that made Mirai hot, butterflies fluttering in his stomach. When Mirai looked back up, Leona was licking his lips, the burger devoured. Leona snapped his fingers, nodding towards the rest, and Mirai quickly passed over the remaining five, Leona definitely didn’t need to know about the last four he had hid away for Ruggie and Jack. Leona snatched up the next one and Mirai turned to begin washing the dishes he used. 
Mirai cleaned in silence as Leona ate, flushed to his ears as he felt the dorm head of Savanaclaw watching him with his piercing green eyes. Mirai moved around the kitchen, washing the pan, the bowl, and the cutting board, then he moved on to the spoon, and the knives. 
“Did you make those yourself?”
Mirai shut the water off, turning to face Leona who was licking his fingers, ridding himself of any rouge steak sauce that dripped down his fingers, Mirai cringed at the sloppy behavior, looking away from the Beastman.
“Yeah,” Mirai said looking at the stone pattern on the walls.
“You did? Even the meat?”
“Well, I didn’t make the cow, but yeah.”
Mirai earned a snicker from the Beastman for that one.
The Housewarden continued to stare at Mirai but didn’t say anything. Mirai just got the feeling that he just didn’t want to outright say they were good.
“You done with that?” Mirai asked, an eyebrow raised. 
Leona nodded wordlessly and handed Mirai the plate, and Mirai took it back to the sink to give it a wash. Mirai finished the dishes, and went to wipe down the counters. As Mirai did so, he could feel Leona’s eyes still on him. It was a little unnerving, he could almost feel his gaze trailing all over his body, it made his hair stand on end. At this point, Mirai hoped he didn’t make a fool of himself and trip or something.
“Hey Prefect, how’s it coming in here?” Ruggie called as he entered the kitchen.
Mirai laughed, “Fine. Your portion is over there.”
Ruggie looked surprised, “You didn’t have to make me anything.”
“I didn’t, but I did. Now eat.”
Ruggie didn’t have to be told twice and he grabbed the plate, sitting down on the barstool next to Leona, and took a bite. Ruggie didn’t get past to first chew before he shot up from his seat, eyes wide.
“You made this?!”
“Yeah, I made them,” Mirai laughed.
“Great Seven that’s good.”
“Thanks,” Mirai chuckled. “Where’s your broom?”
Leona pointed to a tall slim cabinet in the wall. Grabbing the broom, Mirai made his way around the kitchen, sweeping the floor. He made sure to get the little corners where the cabinets connected, under the stove, under the fridge, and once again, Mirai felt those eyes on him more.
“If I pay you, will you make these again?” Ruggie asked.
“Keep your money, just give me the supplies and a date,” Mirai laughed.
“Did you eat Prefect?” Ruggie asked, moving to his second burger.
“Nah, but I’m good,” Mirai said, waving Ruggie off.
“Have this one then.”
“It’s fine, really,” Mirai laughed. “I don’t like meat anyways.”
There was silence and when Mirai stood up from where he was sweeping dirt into the dustpan, he cackled at the incredulous expressions on Ruggie and Leona’s faces. 
“Don’t look at me like that. I could think of like ten other things I’d rather eat other than meat,” Mirai laughed.
“Then how did you-”
“Simple,” Mirai said, knowing what Ruggie’s question would be, “I put the same spices on vegetables.”
“So what are you, a vegetarian or somethin’?” Leona gruffed.
“I don’t really know. I don’t like meat, but I’ll eat chicken nuggets on a good day.”
Ruggie and Leona fell into a fit of laughter. 
“Whaddaya five or somethin’?” Leona guffawed.
“You won’t eat meat, but if you do, you’ll eat a chicken nugget?!” Ruggie cackled.
“Ha ha,” Mirai said sarcastically, but it held no malice. “But yeah, that’s the only type of meat I can really tolerate without feeling nauseous. Oh! That and turkey bacon.” 
Their laughter died down, but the occasional snicker would pass their lips. 
“I need to get Jack to taste this, be back,” Ruggie was, carting off the last two burgers. 
Leona got up, snapping at Mirai to follow him as he left. Mirai scurried after Leona, his big strides making it hard to keep up with him. Mirai followed him to the lounge where Leona promptly jumped back into the water, swimming back up to float on his back.
“Hand me my sunglasses, Herbivore,” Leona demanded, snapping his fingers.
“We’re literally inside, there is no sun,” Mirai deadpanned.
“Did I ask?”
“Now you did.”
 Leona sat up, snarling as he marched over to Mirai, and Mirai tried so hard not to water drip from his tanned body.
“You really wanna get punched, don’t you?” Leona snarled, face inches from Mirai’s.
“Nah,” Mirai said slyly, but he still handed over the glasses, “I would be back at Ramshackle, eating ice cream if I wanted to get punched.”
Leona gave Mirai a bored look as he flicked him on the forehead.
“Ow,” Mirai shouted, rubbing his head. 
Leona scoffed, getting back in the water to float on his back once more.
Leona stayed that way, just floating, and it didn’t take a genius to know that he had dozed off. Mirai sighed as he just sat there, watching, waiting, wondering if any of this was worth not getting beaten within every inch of his life. 
“Oi Leona,” Ruggie called, marching up to the water’s edge, “You were supposed to clean that closet ages ago! Leona!”
“Ruggie,” Leona mumbled, “be quiet, wouldya?”
“Leona! Clean the closet!”
Leona growled, sitting up to stand. 
“Herbivore, get me a towel,” Leona commanded.
“Yes, your Highness,” Mirai said, rolling his eyes, getting the towel.  
“Shut up,” Leona seethed, snatching the cloth from Mirai.
“After you clean the closet, you have to send our new club roster to Coach Vargas,” Ruggie listed off, “then you have your weekly Housewarden report to write, and then you have to send a notice out to all the club members about practice for next week.”
Leona groaned loudly, the noise mimicking a scream. 
“Oh cut it out. This is what happens when you put it all off until the last minute.”
Leona grumbled, stomping off down the hall.
Mirai just stared as Leona stomped off. He could tell a mile away that Leona’s “laziness” wasn’t just that. Yeah his beast-like instincts had played a huge part in his personality, but Mirai knew all too well what symptoms of depression looked like.
“Herbivore! Keep up,” Leona yelled from down the hall.
“His royal crankiness needs me,” Mirai huffed, “seeyaz.”
“Bye, Prefect.” Ruggie laughed.
Mirai hurried down the hall, looking for the grumpy lion, and after a couple of wrong turns, he was able to locate Leona due to the cursing and shouting coming from an open door at the end of the hall. Mirai peaked his head in and Mirai couldn’t see anything due to the lack of light, but with Leona’s lion-like nature, he walked into the pitch black closet like it was fully lit. Mirai held the door open as Leona moved farther and farther into the closet. But now that Mirai got a good look at it, it looked more like a bedroom than a storage closet with its size. The Prefect thinks he could recall Leona saying something about using their empty rooms for storage. 
“Whaddya doin’? Get in here,” Leona called.
“And how am I supposed to see what we’re looking for when, one, I don’t know what it looks like, and two, I can’t see in the dark?” Mirai sassed.
“No one’s gonna know what you look like when I’m done with ya.”
“Ooh, I’m so scared.”
There was a crashing sound as Leona growled loudly, and suddenly Mirai was yanked into the closet by the front of his shirt, and slammed into the wall, the door closing behind them. Mirai grunted upon impact, a breathless chuckle spilling from his lips. It was pitch black in there, the only thing Mirai’s adjusting eyes could make out were Leona’s shining ones.
“You’re really testing my patience today,” Leona growled, their faces close, “keep it up and see what happens.” 
“What did I do?!” Mirai said incredulously, “I asked a question and you threatened me! Now lemme go!”
“It’s the sass you keep giving me.”
“Sass?” Mirai asked, kicking his feet, suddenly realizing his feet were not touching the ground, “I’m spittin’ straight facts! I cannot see in the dark! What do you want me to do, grab the night vision goggles I conveniently keep in my back pocket for times like these?!”
“Say something else, I dare you! Sass me again and see what happens!”
Before Mirai realized it, he was already playing with fire, “Something else, I dare you. Sa-”
Leona growled, throwing the Prefect to the other wall, bringing an arm up, ready to strike.
“Wait, wait, wait,” Mirai said hastily, throwing his hands up in surrender, “I didn’t mean that.” Mirai gasped as he dodged a hit, scrambling to his feet, shoving his way deeper in the makeshift storage closet. 
“Okay then, I’m not gonna mean this either.” Leona seethed, throwing whatever was in his way of him beating the Prefect to a pulp. 
Mirai dove to the floor with a screech as whatever Leona found shattered as it hit the wall, shards flying everywhere.
“Leona, w-wait! Stop,” Mirai gasped.
“Not happening,” Leona growled.
Mirai waved deeper and deeper, not even caring when he started to climb over things, boxes clattering to the floor, its contents clunking around inside. Mirai pushed his way past a wall of things and scrambled into a large open space. It was the rest of the room untouched by boxes and clutter. There was a decent sized window, but the tree outside it blocked out most of the light. In both corners there was a bed and wardrobe sitting against the wall, and lined against the back wall were two desks, and two small book cases. 
“Get over here,” Leona seethed, knocking down the entire wall of boxes. 
Mirai sucked in a breath as he scrambled across the room and Leona dashed after the Ramshackle Prefect, shoving him down onto one of the beds, a cloud of dust and dirt exploding around them.
“Get off me, Leona! Get off,” Mirai yelled over and over, guarding his face as Leona punched at him. 
Mirai struggled against the Beastman, trying to push him off, but with all the dust in the air, his nose was burning and his eyes were watering. Leona growled, blind rage in his eyes as he threw a big hand in Mirai’s hair, and ripped the Prefect up. Mirai yelped, hands flying up to claw at the firm grip in his hair. 
“Leon-” Mirai gasped, pleas were cut off as Leona’s fist came in contact with his face, a loud crack echoing throughout the room. 
Not wanting another blow to the face, Mirai punched Leona in the jaw, the sound of the metal of his prosthetic coming in contact with skin and bone was sickening and loud. He really didn’t want to, but he knew he’d suffer more than he already was.
Leona dropped Mirai, coughing and groaning in pain, clutching his face, and Mirai took the chance to scramble up and out of Leona’s grasp. 
“You little-get over here,” Leona roared, snatching at Mirai.
Leona raced after Mirai, grabbed the Prefect by the back of the shirt, Mirai yelped as he was sent toppling forward to the ground, his fingers clawing at the small carpet for leverage as Leona drug him across the floor. Leona flipped him over, grabbed him by the collar and socked him in the face twice more. Mirai grunted in pain as he swung his leg up as hard as he could, and kicked Leona in the stomach. Leona grunted and fell forward, clutching at his stomach, and for good measure, Mirai punched him twice more. Scrambling once again, Mirai ran in the direction of the door, and as Leona tried to grab him again, his grip slipped, a loud tearing sound echoing throughout the room. 
Mirai pushed and shoved his way through the closet, throwing whatever he could lift at Leona as he made his way back to the door. He could hear Leona’s heavy angered panting from behind, as he chased after him. Mirai made it back to the door, shoving a bunch of boxes in his path and ripped at the door knob. It was stuck. Of course it was stuck!
Mirai panicked, jiggling the knob, and when he turned around, he was met with a pair of the most menacing green eyes he had ever seen. Mirai knew he was dead meat. Mirai tugged and tugged, twisting the knob but it wouldn’t budge.
“Open, open,” Mirai pleaded, heart pounding in terror. 
“Oi, Leona, you stuck in the closet again?” Ruggie asked, laughing from the other side of the door, “I told ya ta fix that thing ages ago. Maybe this will be a lesson for ya to something around here for once.”
“Ruggie! Ruggie,” Mirai gasped, “O-Open the door! Open the door!”
“Mirai? What are you do-”
“Open the door,” Mirai screamed. 
Leona yanked Mirai by the back of his collar, the front of his shirt strangling him, and with a growl, Leona leant down biting down on Mirai’s shoulder. Mirai’s mouth opened in a silent scream, as white hot pain flooded across his shoulder. Mirai thrashed as he tried to pry the Beastman off of him, fear increasing in his crest with the new thought of Leona being able to hurt him like his animal counterpart could. Leona finally released Mirai from his jaws, but his grip on him didn’t falter as he began shoving Mirai over and over into the door, and Mirai threw his hands out, blocking the impact from his face.
“What is happening there?!” another voice that Mirai couldn’t pinpoint at the moment, due to his struggle. 
“I don’t know!”
Leona flipped Mirai over and before Leona could hit him again, Mirai punched him in the face twice. Mirai could feel a wetness on his fist but couldn’t tell if it was blood or not. Leona grunted at the punches but he didn’t even stagger as he began to whale on the Ramshackle Prefect. Mirai could smell the iron before he could feel the wet drip from his nose, and he could taste blood on his lip as he felt it split. Suddenly the door flew open, hitting Mirai in the back, and Mirai took that chance to kick Leona in the back of the knee, causing the lion man to fall to his knees. Mirai squeezed his way through the door, the bright lights of the hall blinding him as he made it out. 
“Mirai, what happened?!” Ruggie yelled.
“Who’s in there?!” Jack yelled.
Mirai gasped as the closet door flew open, revealing as seething and equally battered Leona. 
“Leona?!” the two yelled.
“Get back here,” Leona roared, lunging for Mirai once more.
Ruggie and Jack watched in horror as their Housewarden and the Ramshackle Prefect scrapped in the middle of the hallway like a pair of wild dogs. The two didn’t know what to say or do, their bodies stockstill like a Meerkat in the eyes of a hungry Hyena. 
For every distasteful word Leona threw at Mirai, the Prefect spat out even harsher ones, for every hard blow Leona dealt, Mirai came back two more harder ones, neither of the two wanting to back down, the both of them wanting to come out on top.
And as the two fought, they began to draw a crowd, the other inhabitants of the dorm, gathering around to see what was going on. Ruggie snapped out of his shocked daze as he realized they were causing a scene, and at this point, he knew he needed to put a stop to this, lest he wanted word to get out that the Second Prince of the Sunset Savanna locked horns with the Magicless Prefect on school grounds. 
“L-Leona! Tha-That’s, that’s enough,” Ruggie yelled, pulling at the back of Leona’s shirt, “Let him go!”
“You get the Prefect,” Jack instructed, “I’ll get Leona.”
Ruggie nodded and the two pulled the fighting pair apart.
“Let go of me,” Leona roared, thrashing in Jack’s hold.
“Sorry, Housewarden Leona, I cannot do that,” Jack apologized, even if he really didn’t mean it.
“Let go of me, you mutt! I swear, Jack! Put me down!”
Jack ignored him as he carted the angry lion off to his room, and while he was doing that, Ruggie was helping the Prefect off the ground, following the other two. Mirai grunted in pain as he limped after Jack, leaning on Ruggie for support.
As they walked off, Ruggie glared at the rest of his dormmates, growling, “Scram! All of you! Not a word is to be said about this!”
Upstairs, Jack all but threw his dorm head onto his bed, the Beastman bouncing across the mattress. Leona couldn’t even get a threat out, nor a complaint before Ruggie was yelling at him.
“Have you lost your mind?!” Ruggie yelled. “What is wrong with you?!”
Leona bared his teeth at Ruggie, a deep, menacing growl curling his lips. Ruggie was unfazed, his eyes still cold and steely. If he were anyone else, they’d have their tails between their legs, running for the hills, kicking up dirt in their wake.
“Do you know the weight of what you just did?!” Ruggie growled. “If word got out that you, Leona Kingscholar, got in a fight on campus, and bit another student, you’d be expelled on the spot! And that’s not even the worst of it! What would your family do if they found out?! What would they say?!”
“Who cares about what they say,” Leona growled.
“You should care, Leona! It won’t look good at all! And you know that! You know better than that! You’re smarter than that!”
Leona went silent, growling and muttering curses under his breath. Ruggie scoffed angrily and stalked off to get the first aid kit from the bathroom.
“With all due respect, Housewarden Leona,” Jack cut in, “I don’t think you know the full weight of what you have done.”
“Ion want any lip from ya, Jack,” Leona spat venomously, “You don-”
“Look at him, Leona,” Jack barked angrily.
The three of them jumped at how loud Jack’s voice got, not a single one of them used to Jack using that tone of voice. Leona begrudgingly looked at the Prefect on the far side of the room, and suddenly it clicked, it was like a bucket of ice cold water washed over him. Mirai had his back to him, but from here Leona could see the deep red ring of teeth on his left shoulder, the scratch marks that marred his right arm, and the already bruising marks that littered the Prefect’s honey colored skin.
  Mirai avoided Leona’s gaze as he let Ruggie tend to his wounds, not entirely sure if he could hold himself back if he saw Leona right now. It stung where Ruggie cleaned the dried blood from his shoulder and arm, the bruises throbbed where Leona had grabbed him, punched him, and his nose hurt so bad, he had a headache.
“Can’t believe you, Leona,” Ruggie muttered. “So stupid.”
“Nah, don’t blame him too much,” Mirai chuckled, “I was the one badgering him.”
“That still doesn’t mean he should’ve beaten you like that.”
“Beaten? No, no, you make it seem like I lost. I won that fight.”
“No winner runs away like you did,” Leona gruffed from the other side of the room. “I won.”
“And no winner plays dirty like you did,” Mirai retorted. “And besides, you threw the first punch.”
“And I gave you a warning, don’t be mad that you don’t have the common sense to listen to it.”
“This is not the time to be arguing,” Jack scolded.
The two glared at each other and that lasted all but five seconds before the two burst into a fit of laughter. Jack and Ruggie looked as if the two had grown another head. 
“What is the matter with you two?!” Ruggie shouted.
They both looked horrible, like they just got out of a street fight. They both were bruised and bloody, their clothes torn and dirty. But something about the whole situation was laughable.
“You throw a good punch, I’ll give ya that,” Leona smirked.
“You’re not the first person I’ve fought, and you definitely won't be the last,” Mirai chuckled.
“Well I’d prefer if this would be the last time you two never did this again,” Ruggie grumbled. 
“Sorry Ruggie,” Mirai smiled. “Sorry Jack.”
Ruggie huffed.
“I’ll buy you a box of donuts.”
“Ruggie caved a little. “Maybe I’ll forgive you if you make it two.”
Mirai laughed, “Alright, it’s two. And what do you want, Jack.”
“O-Oh, uh, nothing,” Jack stammered, “Just don’t do that again.”
“Where’s my apology?” Leona grumbled, “You started this.”
“Well you bit me,” Mirai teased, “So you don’t get one.”
“Fair enough.”
The rest of the day went smoothly. Leona used a bit of magic to heal the majority of his wounds, and promptly lied down for a nap. Mirai was annoyed at that, since medical magic didn’t work on him, so now he had to wait for his injuries to heal by themselves with the help of bandages and painkillers. And after Ruggie and Jack finished making sure his injuries were taken care of, Mirai too promptly lied down for a nap.
Mirai woke up around dinner time, and with the help from Ruggie, the two of them made dinner for themselves and Leona. Leona ate in his room, alone, and Mirai ate with Ruggie and Jack in the lounge. It wasn’t as bad as Mirai thought. Yeah the guys of Savanaclaw were kinda scary, and yeah they didn’t like him, but they were a lively bunch to be around. All they did was joke around and roughhouse, it kinda reminded Mirai of a college frat house, sans the alcohol and the toxic atmosphere. 
After dinner, Mirai went to check up on Leona. He wasn’t in his room, but he found his dirty dishes still on the desk, so he decided to bring those down to the kitchen. He found Ruggie in there, wiping down the counters. 
Ruggie’s ears perked up as Mirai entered. “Hey, Prefect,” Ruggie smiled, “How’s it goin’?”
“Fine,” Mirai smiled, “just coming to wash these.”
Ruggies ears and head cocked in confusion, “Those Leona’s?”
“Leona made you do it?”
“Uh, no?” Mirai said, confused. 
“Then why are you doing it? Make him do it.”
“It’s fine really. It’s just a couple dishes,” Mirai reasoned. 
“Yeah, Leona can, wait, no, Ima do it. Give ‘em here.”
“Ruggie,” Mirai chided, “You’re already cleaning as it is. I can do it.”
“Yeah, I am, and you’re injured. That’s why I’ll do it.”
“Give it here, I’ll do it, now shut up.”
Mirai and Ruggie jumped as Leona spoke, walking over to Mirai, taking the dishes so he could wash them. 
“I’ll dry,” Mirai said, not taking no for an answer. 
Leona sighed, but didn’t say anything, and Mirai took that as a small victory. Leona washed the dishes quickly and thoroughly, and when he was done, Leona handed the dishes over for Mirai to dry. It was peaceful and therapeutic somehow, washing and drying. 
Mirai was drying the last cup when soap was blown into his face. Mirai jumped, the glass fumbling in his hand. Mirai put the cup down, and glared at Leona, “Leona! I could’ve dropped that!”
Leona did it again, laughing as Mirai flinched. Mirai glared, swiping a handful of bubbles and blew them at Leona. Leona quickly stuck his hand in the sink and flicked some water at Mirai in retaliation. 
Ruggie was sitting in the lounge when he heard the yelling. Sighing, thinking the Prefect and Leona were back at it again, Ruggie got up to see what the problem was this time. But what Ruggie was not expecting was finding Leona spraying Mirai with the sink hose, as the Ramshackle Prefect screamed a laugh, shielding himself by jumping behind the island counter. Ruggie didn’t know what to do as he watched the two run around the kitchen that was now dripping with water. 
“What happened?”
Ruggie turned around and Jack and several other students were standing in the doorway behind him, all of them wearing the same shocked expression on their faces.
“I don’t know,” Ruggie said, as he walked off, “but I ain't not cleaning it up.”
Jack watched Ruggie walk off, then turned his gaze back to the kitchen. Jack stood there for a moment, then he chuckled to himself, walking off with a chuckle, “Leona can handle it.”
Mirai laughed as he slipped and slid on the wet floor as he tried to reach Leona, but every time he got too close, Leona would spray him.
“Stop it,” Mirai laughed, sputtering as Leona sprayed him in the face, “I-” Mirai gasped as he slipped backwards, falling to the floor.
“Oi,” Leona shouted, rushing over to Mirai.
 Suddenly Leona was slipping and falling as well, landing on his stomach next to Mirai who was lying on his back. The two looked at each other and then suddenly, they were laughing, laughing until their stomachs hurt and their faces sore.
“Leona,” Mirai giggled, “you got water on the ceiling.”
Leona’s eyes shot up, and like the Prefect said, there was water dripping from the ceiling. And now that Leona got a good look at it, there was water everywhere. 
“Eh,” Leona shrugged, “It’ll dry.”
Mirai laughed, “Ruggie’s gonna be mad.”
“He’ll live.”
“Leona,” Mirai chided.
“Fine,” Leona huffed, “I’ll dry it.”
“Good,” Mirai nodded, “You do that.”
Leona sat up, and looked down at the Prefect on the floor. Mirai was soaked, water making his clothes stick to him like a second skin. Mirai stared back at him. Leona was just as soaked as Mirai was, and for some reason, it was a good look on the lion. His hair was wet, the water accentuating the waves his hair normally had. His normally loose shirt stuck to his tanned skin, highlighting the muscle through his leather vest. Mirai flushed, turning his gaze away. 
“Go shower,” Leona said, sticking out a hand.
“Mn,” Mirai nodded, taking it.
Leona pulled Mirai up with no effort, or with a little too much effort, sending the Ramshackle Prefect slipping on the wet floor and into his chest. Leona reached forward, wrapping an arm around Mirai’s waist to prevent him from falling. 
“You good?” Leona asked, looking down at Mirai.
Mirai flushed red, and scrambled to stand, stammering, “Yeah, sorry.” Mirai took a step back, and teetering back and forth, nervously. “So yeah, uh, Ima go now.”
Leona raised an eyebrow at the weird behavior.
“Uh, bye,” Mirai said quickly, rushing out of the kitchen, slipping twice on the way out.
Mirai showered, internally chiding himself for whatever happened before he left. He scrubbed at his skin angrily, embarrassed at how he flushed like a lovesick puppy. Yeah he liked Leona, his crush worsening by the day, but he could normally school his emotions. He sighed, cringing at the recent memory. 
When Mirai got out, Leona was laying on his bed, his ears twitching, face in his pillows.
“Guess I lost, huh?” Mirai more like stated as he plopped down next to Leona. “So go ahead, punch me.”
Leona shot up from where he was lying on the bed, “I aint punching someone who had the livin’ daylights beat outta them,”
“Which was you, by the way.”
“Which adds to my point. I aint punching you.”
“C’mon, a deal’s a deal,” Mirai remind. “Own up to it.”
“You make this sound like it’s the other way around,” Leona gruffed. “I aint adding salt to the wound.”
“Not salt. Think of it as zest.”
Leona scoffed, rolling his eyes as he got up to go to the bathroom.
“C’mon Leona,” Mirai called. “If there’s one thing I’ve learned from this world is that the weak obey the strong. So if not that, then what do you want instead.”
“You really find me that sadistic?” Leona asked, offended.
“Well, you did bite me.”
“Fine,” Leona said re-emerging from the bathroom, “You wanna know what I want? I want you to sit in that chair and take off your shirt.”
Mirai froze, his cheeks going red, as he stuttered miserably, “I-I-I-I don’t do those typa favors.”
“Typa-You idiot! I want you to take off your shirt so I can redo your bandages!”
“Yeah, oh,” Leona scoffed with a sigh, “Sometimes I honestly think there isn’t a single thought process in that skull of yours.”
“There is too,” Mirai shouted, plopping down in the chair.
“Uh huh, keep telling yourself that.”
Mirai pouted as Leona began to redo his bandages. It was a weird feeling, having Leona tend to him like that. It’s not like Mirai saw that man as uncaring per se, but going off their past encounters, Mirai was pretty sure the Beastman hated him.
Leona was slow and careful, making sure he wasn’t too rough with what he was doing, but it was almost comforting, the feeling of his calloused heavy hands working. Suddenly, there was a sharp sting on Mirai’s shoulder, causing the blonde to shout a curse, almost flinching out of his seat.
Leona snorted a laugh, “Ya good?”
“Warn a guy next time,” Mirai yelled angrily.
“If I told ya, you’d tense up on me.”
Mirai scoffed and after a beat of silence, he spoke again, “Well, you seem to know your first aid.”
“What makes you say that?” Leona muttered absentmindedly.
“I can just tell. You’re methodical, you seem to have a way of doing things, like a certain process. But it’s not not like Riddle who has medical training.”
“Why look at you, all observant and what not,” Leona teased, “Looks like you just might have some lights on up there after all.”
Mirai flipped the Beastman off.
“Watch it, Herbivore,” Leona threatened playfully, “Like you said, I know my first aid. I could easily mess this up.”
Mirai rolled his eyes, “Don’t make threats you can’t ke-Ow! Ow! Ow!”
Leona guffawed.
“Why’s that gotta burn so much,” Mirai whimpered, eyes watering.
“Get over it,” Leona huffed. “And I’m done.”
“Thanks,” Mirai muttered, standing to find his shirt.
Mirai made his way to the couch where he promptly got comfortable, but what he didn’t see was the way Leona stared at his retreating form, a look that Leona himself could name. And definitely didn’t like that way it made him feel either. 
Sunday came around smoothly. That morning, Mirai woke Leona up by clanking a couple of pans together, sending Leona scurrying off his bed, much to Leona’s chagrin, and his dorm member’s amusement. Work went smoothly, no unruly Savanaclaw students giving him or Sam a hard time, although Sam really wanted to march over to the Savanaclaw Dorm and give Leona what for. Back at Ramshackle, Grim was fine, the dorm was in one piece, the cat living the dream with the food Mirai gifted him for his efforts. 
Mirai made his way to the Savanaclaw dorm, and once he passed through the mirror, the Prefect was met with strong winds, heavy rain falling from the sky, and bitter cold temperatures. And unfortunately for Mirai, rain meant cranky Beastmen. Inside it was cool, and the Beastmen were bored. Those who felt like it, left the dorm for the warmer, and drier temperature on campus, and the others either retired to their rooms, not really caring for the dreary weather. But there was a good number of students who let the weather control their emotions, making them irritable, a hair trigger away from lashing out on each other. 
But for the rest of the day, it was uneventful for Mirai. Leona didn’t ask Mirai once for anything, no matter how small it was. But, Leona was everywhere, doing his Housewarden duties. Mirai never saw Leona so serious outside of the Spelldrive club. He was doing the paperwork like he was supposed to, he broke up several fights, gave some orders, and listened when Ruggie told him to do something. When Mirai saw all of this, it made him wonder what it was like to actually have a dorm with some actual members to look after. His dorm was the size of a townhome, and it's only occupants, besides himself, were three ghosts who showed up when they wanted and a cat. But from what Mirai could tell, it was hard work. A shout broke Mirai from his thoughts, Mirai quickly rushing over to see what happened. 
In the entryway, Ruggie and Jack were scrambling to pick up a busted bag of groceries, its contents blowing away in the wind and rain. Mirai quickly rushed out to help as cans, bags, and boxes blew around. When they finally caught it all, the three were soaked to the bone. 
“Please,” Mirai whined, “I don't wanna be wet anymore.”
Ruggie laughed, bushing his wet hair out of his face.
“You didn’t have to help,” Jack said, wringing out his shirt. “Especially with you being hurt and all.”
“But I wanted to,” Mirai said as he helped store away the food. 
“Didn’t have to though.”
“I know, Jack, it’s okay.”
“Alright,” Ruggie said, putting the last of the food away, “Ima go shower.”
“Same,” Jack said. “Make sure you warm up too Mirai.”
“Mn,” Mirai nodded.
Mirai found Leona in his room, tail swishing agitatedly as he lay on his bed. 
“You’re wet,” Leona gruffed quietly.
“Oh,” Mirai said sarcastically, looking down at his water laden clothes, “I didn’t notice.”
Leona huffed a laugh, closing his eyes again.
“Uh, Leona?” 
“Do you happen to have any clothes I could borrow?” Mirai asked quietly, “Mine are wet.”
Leona turned his torso around, looking upside down at the Prefect who was digging through his bag. With a sigh, Leona got up, dragging his feet as he opened his closet. 
“Here,” Leona said, handing over the clothes, “I’ll have Ruggie throw your’s in the wash with mine.”
“Thanks for the clothes, but no thanks for the wash, I can do that just fine” Mirai said, heading to the bathroom.
After Mirai showered, he looked at himself in the mirror after he changed. The orange lounge shirt was too big, swallowing him up, coming down to his thighs, the loose collar hanging off his shoulder. The sweatpants were too long and baggy, the legs pooling at his feet, and Mirai had to roll them six times before they would stay up by themselves. But on the bright side, it was dry and it smelt like Leona.
“Leona,” Mirai whined, coming out of the bathroom, holding his pant legs like a princess holding her dress, “it’s too big.”
Leona looked up from his phone and stared. Leona looked the Prefect over, eyes honing in on the slightly flushed skin of Mirai’s freckled shoulder and chest, the long exposed column of his neck, and the damp hair that was pushed back out of his face that exposed his scarred face. Mirai sat down on the sofa, trying hard to dry his hair with one arm. Leona got up and went to the bathroom grabbing his cordless hair dryer.
“Sit, Herbivore,” Leona commanded, pulling out the chair next to his bed.
Mirai looked up, noticing the hair dryer in his hand, and got up and sat down.
The hair drier whirled to life, the sound muted and soothing. Leona softly carded his fingers through the Prefect’s hair, methodically drying his hair, making sure there wasn’t a spot left untouched. Mirai didn’t know what to do with his hand, so he clutched onto the fabric of his pants. The very fact that Leona was currently doing for Mirai warmed his heart, and his cheeks. It wasn’t too rough or too soft, the heat of the dryer lulling him into a relaxed state. 
“You’re done,” Leona muttered, switching the dryer off. 
“Thanks,” Mirai yawned, reaching his hand up to feel. 
“Get some sleep,” Leona said, gathering his things for a shower.
“Mn,” Mirai hummed, grabbing his blanket and pillow for the night.
Leona stepped out of the bathroom and the rain was still pouring. At this point all he wanted to do was lie down and sleep. Leona shut off the bathroom light and fell face first into bed, groaning in relief. 
“It’s gonna be all tangled and matted if you don’t dry it properly,” Mirai mumbled from where he was lying on the couch, messing around on his phone.
Leona made a noise, but didn’t move.
Mirai sighed, getting up, “Where is it?”
“Where’s what?” Leona gruffed.
“The hair dryer.”
“Don’t need it.”
Mirai huffed and stalked into the bathroom. After a couple of seconds, Mirai marched out, dryer in one hand, brush in the other.
“Up,” Mirai said.
Leona groaned, “Fine. Give here.”
Mirai handed it over triumphantly, watching Leona begin to dry and brush his hair.
“So Leona,” Mirai said in a teasing tone.
“Is it something that might get you in trouble?” Leona gruffed, before Mirai could say anything else.
“Maybe,” Mirai sang, “Maybe not.”
Leona huffed a laugh.
“Well,” Mirai teased, laughing, “I technically survived the weekend with the Great Leona Kingscholar of Savanaclaw.”
“I wouldn’t say that.”
“I need something to remember this moment for the rest of my time here.”
“And why’s that?” Leona gruffed.
“Well, it’s not everyday that I beat you in something,” Mirai smirked.
“How about another punch in the mouth?”
“I get to punch you in the mouth?” Mirai smirked.
Leona growled, “You're testing my patience, Herbivore.”
“When am I not?”
“Prefect,” Leona warned.
“Yes?” Mirai sang.
“You have three seconds to shut up,” Leona growled.
“Or what? What’s the big bad lion gonna do about it?”
In a flash, Leona was up, lunging for the Prefect. Mirai shouted, running from Leona.
“You never know when to shut up do you?” Leona growled, “Then you wanna run when you’re about to get beat.”
Mirai stuck out his tongue, running to the other side of the bed.
They ran back and forth, Leona surprised with how much control the Prefect had, even with one arm, and pant legs that were too long. Leona lunged across the bed, and Mirai shouted, jumping over the couch, and into the bathroom, slipping over his pant legs all the while. Leona followed, chasing Mirai around the tub, and out the door. Leona sprinted across the room, pouncing on Mirai, shoving him down. Mirai gasped, flushing as Leona pinned him down with his body.
“I win,” Leona growled, a little too proud for winning their little mediocre chase.
Mirai laughed, “Okay, okay, you win. Now get off, you’re heavy.”
“You need more muscle. C’mon, push me off.”
“I can’t, you oaf. I got one arm.”
Leona sat up and looked down. Yeah, he may have forgotten about that.
Mirai cackled at the surprised look on the lion’s face.
“Spar with me after classes then,” Leona said, rolling over to let the Prefect up. “I wanna see what you can do.”
“It’s not much, I can tell ya that much,” Mirai chuckled. 
“Leona,” came Ruggie’s distant voice.
“What?!” Leona shouted.
There was no answer. 
Leona waited and then sighed with a grumble, “I know that little money monger and hear me. I’ll be back, but get some rest. I don’t wanna hear your yappin’ about being tired tomorrow.”
“Ya sure you’re not talkin’ about yourself?” Mirai asked with a raised eyebrow.
Leona flicked Mirai on the forehead, the dull noise echoing through the blonde’s skull.
“Ow,” Mirai shouted, holding his head.
“Don’t sass me,” Leona laughed, “now get some sleep.”
“Find,” Mirai muttered, sulking off to the couch. “Night.”
“Yeah, yeah. Don't let the spiders bite and all that jazz.”
Mirai snorted a laugh, lying down for the night, and now that he was, he realized how tired he really was. Leona stared for a moment, again that weird feeling coming back to mess with his head. 
“Leona,” Ruggie shouted.
Well, whatever it was, he hoped it would go away soon.
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mordenheim · 1 year
Flash Fic: Patience is a Virtue
Jackalope Noelle learns about the importance of patience when dealing with mad scientists!
A fun little fan fic for my dear friend, Redband Jackalope
Noelle sighed and paced back and forth as she glared over at the calico feline. The currently nude lionhead jackalope folded her arms over her chest, balancing on her white, left paw as she tapped her brown paw impatiently. “Are you almost finished?”
Morghanna sighed and glanced over her shoulder, “You know, you really shouldn't rush me with this kind of stuff. The setting can be pretty tricky to get right.”
Stomping her way over to the side of the desk, she kicked an eraser off onto the floor far below. “Look, it was your ray gun that got me into this mess and I need you to get me back to normal. I have bunnies to get back to! If I don't feed them on time they're going to start going after wires!”
“Alright, I think.. yeah, I've got it!” The feline spun around dramatically in her chair and took aim at the tiny jackalope. “Say cheese!”
“What are you t…” She froze and gasped as her body was enveloped in red energy. The glow clung to her fur for a moment before expanding out around her. A second later, she felt her body being pulled in all directions, stretched out to fill the new size of the glowing aura. In seconds she had stretched from six inches tall to eight, then to a foot.
“Okay, that's more like it… thank you…” Two more surges of growth and she reached two feet tall, sliding carefully off of the desk to settle on the floor. Her big, soft paws were silent on the floor as she stared at her glowing hands. She watches as the glow surged outwards again before her fingers lengthened, the palms widening as she grew to three feet.
Clapping with glee, Morghanna hopped out of her chair and grabbed a lab coat off of a nearby hook, tossing it towards the growing, antlered bunny. Her thick, fluffy fur managed to keep her decent, but it could still be embarrassing walking through the halls in the buff. “I'm just glad you're almost back to normal.
Elle caught the coat and slipped it on. The sleeves dangled far past her wrists even as she grew again to four feet, the tingle of energy rushing through her becoming more intense with each spurt. Her growing fingers fumbled with the buttons a little, but managed to get them closed just as she passed five feet. “There. Back to normal at last..”
“Uhmmm.. Elle? We might have a little problem..”
“Hmm?” Elle was looking down at the floor, trying to find the eraser she had kicked off of the desk earlier when she noticed it. The glow, faint though it was, was still there. She stared down at her paws and saw the glow expand outwards. Fluffy toes plumped out a bit, sliding across the tiles as her hocks lengthened and widened, lifting her farther from the floor. She felt the lab coat starting to constrict over her chest as a button snapped and went flying across the room.
Starting to panic, the rising rabbit looked over at the calico cat, “Don't just stand there, do something!”
“I tried to tell you not to rush me, now look what happened!”
Elle doubled over, dizzy as her point of view lurched suddenly upwards. Cloth split across her back and burst open over her shoulders as buttons broke free and scattered across the tile floor. The process seemed to be accelerating, barely giving her a break between sudden surges of growth.
Morghanna rushed back over to her work station as the jackalope sat down on her rear, the last tatters of the lab coat flying off of her as so much cloth confetti. Within seconds, her antlers had pierced into the drop ceiling. She tried lowering herself as best she could to keep from growing right through it.
Elle suddenly felt something soft and squirming against one of her paws. She had grown to the point that a single paw had slid across the room, shoved Morghanna aside and pinned her against the wall. The cat struggled and squirmed, pushing her way up the wall until she pulled herself free, tumbling down to land on a still expanding shin. She hung on for dear life as drop tiles started raining down all around them as the growing bun starting to burst free from the building.
A few hours later and a now skyscraper sized jackalope was looming over the remains of Morghanna's private lab. She was tapping a gigantic paw on the ground in her impatience, forming a large crater and causing a few local earthquakes. The feline sheepishly did her best to get the proper setting this time, though it was going to be difficult with the earth shaking beneath her.
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ourunspokenepithets · 6 months
The Made Up Wedding Vows of a Starving Teenager To Her Equally Made Up Girlfriend
"Did you know that in Japan it's considered polite to fluff up rice for the person after you and that once it's finished cooking, white rice is supposed to be mixed so that the grains don't stick to each other?"
That the first time I fell in love with you Was when I realised that you fluffed up our rice On my request (that night), Now routine in our little house Because of that factoid.
Similarly I, a devout believer in the religion of dried oregano, allspice, and and other dead things Use your garden's fresh green chillis in my grilled cheese and laugh at you during dinner and not the TV.
If it was just us at breakfast (like it always is when I say these things Still drunk on the ethereal feeling Of waking up against you, feather-light kisses in the morning) I'd end it here. But we stand here, on an altar On the precipice of living our whole life. Together.
Or In Other words, Mi Amore: I want to have all your candle-lit dinners Feed you all my cookie recipes, Finally buy us that sourdough starter. Make your cat those instagram dog bowls From when we were teenagers. Call our friends over with charcuterie boards And summer salads And Pot Lucks And Night Caps that aren't alcohol but Hot chocolate doused in cookies (It's the other way round. Something about you makes me lose my breath, my tongue.)
Furthermore, I would like to have all your hugs. Love every part of each other, Tread gentle- On my stretch marks On your butter-marble sculpted love handles. (Kill the voices of our mothers) To travel the world with you. Which entails: Serendipity chocolate in December, Cacio E Pepe at Vapiano's Eggs from Here & Now Every Goddamned Summer.
I do not know much about marriage, or the raising of a family, or the making of egg roses. This is okay. I Can Learn.
Because Once, I knew nothing but hunger And Now, We have a thousand meals ahead of us.
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callsign-magnolia · 2 years
I Hope You Dance // Ch. 23
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A/N: This is cross posted to my Wattpad, so if this seems familiar that is why!
TW: Mental abuse, emotional abuse, slight physical abuse, death and loss.
Description: When Caila meets Rooster, sparks fly. But, she's already married, to a man who she thought loved her, and won't let her go. Rooster will fight for her, he just has to convince Caila to fight for herself.
Word Count: 6.3k
Chapter 22 | Masterlist
Upon arriving home Rooster and I took a hot shower and crawled into bed, me curling into his chest as his hand rubbed my back. "I'm so proud of you." I smiled and placed a kiss to the scar on his jaw. "Thank you. You made it so much easier to get up there." He chuckled and pulled me in tighter, both of us slowly drifting off into a peaceful slumber. The next morning we were slow to get up, but I did slide one of the windows open so we could listen to the sounds of the beach out back. We just cuddled for awhile, staying wrapped up in each other and enjoying each other's presence. That is until our hands started wandering. His sliding down to grope my ass, mine grabbing his cock, stroking it until we couldn't take it anymore. 
"Bradley!" I gasped as I bounced on his cock, his head hitting just the right spot. "Fuck, love watching you ride me, pretty girl. Those gorgeous tits bouncing in my face." He said as he groped one with one hand, the other reaching around to my back, his finger splaying and digging into my skin. "Fuck, love having you buried inside me." He chuckled taking my right nipple between his teeth. "Yeah, pretty girl? Come on, you're close. I can feel you clenching around me." He said as he let go of my breast, both hands now pulling me closer and helping me to bounce on him. After a moment I came with a loud moan and he groaned. "That's it, honey. I love when you soak my cock." I fell against his chest, gasping for breath and he chuckled. He kept his arms around me tightly before rolling us onto our sides.
"Are you okay if I finish?" I nodded, leaning over to kiss his neck. I placed hot open mouthed kisses as he lifted my leg, fucking up into me. "Come inside me, Bradley. Want to feel you dripping down my thighs, honey." He groaned, his grip on my leg growing tighter, almost painful. "That's it, Roo. You're so close." I said as I wrapped my arms around his neck, licking a stripe from his jaw to the spot just below his ear that draws out the most delicious moans. He moaned loudly, stilling in me as his release filled me up. "Mm, that's it, Roo. Thank you." He groaned, wrapping his arms around me and rolling till I was on top of him again, his arms keeping me from moving off of him. "Why do you call me Bradley only during sex?" I quirked a brow, realizing I did. "I don't know. Why? Does it bother you?" He shook his head. "Not really, but I kind of miss hearing it outside of the bedroom." I grinned at him. "Want me to call you Bradley just out of the blue?" He nodded, tucking some hair behind my ear. 
"Should I call you Caila then?" I shook my head. "I really love when you call me Mags or Magnolia." He leaned up and kissed me sweetly. "Alright." I smiled at him. "We should get up, someone will be there at eleven for us to get Dahlia." He nodded and gently pulled out of me before we got up, getting ready to go. "Can we stop for food?" I asked as I straightened my hair. "On the way there or on the way back?" I shrugged. "I don't care I just know I want a bacon, egg, and cheese biscuit." He chuckled, leaning into the bathroom and kissing my temple. "You do know I can make you one?" I quirked a brow at him. "Oh, so you make good biscuits?" He chuckled again. "Duh, I have a can of-" "Stop!" He looked at me all confused. "Did you just say you had canned biscuits?" He nodded. 
"Okay, when we come home I am teaching you how to make good biscuits. Like cat head biscuits." He chuckled at my words. "Fine, we will stop somewhere and I will feed you." I cheered as I finished my hair and got dressed. We loaded in the car and he stopped and got me the biscuit I wanted, and we ate on our way to the vet. I could hardly contain my excitement as we pulled up in front of the doors, so much so I jumped out of the bronco, earning a groan from Rooster. "I'm supposed to get your door!" I giggled and stopped at the front doors, holding my hand out for him. "Come on!" He smiled and jogged over, taking my hand and leading us inside. 
"Hi, how can I help you?" The girl at the desk asked, keeping her eyes on her computer. "We're here for Dahlia." Rooster said and she looked up at us. "Oh good! She'll be so excited to see you guys! Follow me!" She stood, leading us to the back and down a hall full of doors. Dogs were barking everywhere but none of them were heard as soon as I heard Dahlia's. We stopped in front of her door. She stood there staring like she was in shock, and held her deer stuffy in her mouth. It took her a second before she started bouncing like a kangaroo, barking and growling for our attention. I smile and we stepped in, her tail wagging so hard that her butt was wiggling. 
"Hi big girl!" I cooed as she propped her front legs on my shoulders. I rubbed her sides as she locked my face. "Oh god, I missed you!" She knocked me to the floor and I laughed as she laid on me. "She really missed you." Rooster said and Dahlia immediately got up, tackling him to the ground too. "Yes! Yes! I missed you too!" He laughed out. I stood, grabbing her leash and holding it out. "Wanna go bye-bye?" She came over, sitting in front of me. I put her leash on and Rooster grabbed her toys and her blanket before we walked out. We went to the desk, checking her out and paying before we loaded her in the jeep. As Rooster helped me in I saw Dahlia had stuck her nose into the bag with our trash from breakfast. "Excuse you!" Her head jerked up and hit the roof as she sat down. 
Rooster got into the driver's seat, chuckling at her. He reached back, rubbing the side of her face, Dahlia leaning into his hand. "You just want some food, don't you big girl?" She groaned, leaning into him more. "I'm never boarding her again." He chuckled and rested his hand on my thigh. "That's alright, pretty girl." He said as he leaned over, kissing my temple. "Let's go home." I smiled at him and he nodded, starting the car and taking us back home. 
Dahlia was excited to walk through the door, immediately running and diving for the couch. "You know, maybe we should figure out what we're keeping when you move in." I nodded. "Yeah, we don't need duplicates of everything." I said as I looked around. "My couch and mattress in newer." He nodded. "Yeah, even my mom hated that old floral couch in my house." I chuckled. "I like the bedframe in your bedroom." He quirked a brow at me. "That old white, platform bedframe?" I nodded. "The paint is chipping, and one side is coming loose." I shrugged. "It'll be at least another week before I can get back to work, so why don't I redo it?" He chuckled, wrapping his arms around my waist. 
"You're going to fix the bedframe?" I nodded. "How would you feel if I painted it black?" He nodded. "Is that really gonna go with the green carpet?" I bit my lip, looking up at him. "Well..." He grinned at me, kissing my forehead. "Don't worry, I've been considering ripping it up anyway." I watched as he stared at me for a moment before looking around at my house. "What if... we did a full renovation of the house?" I furrowed my brows as he stepped away. "What do you mean?" He looked at me like I was crazy. "That house has been stuck in the eighties. What if we updated everything? The bathroom, the kitchen, the living room." 
"We could DIY a lot of it. Rip up the carpet ourselves, we can take down those ugly brown cabinets in the kitchen, we can even redo the tile in the bathroom." He was laughing by the end of his sentence. "It's not gonna be cheap and we will probably need a professional at some point." He nodded. "That's okay, I've been saving up to renovate this house for years." I smiled at his excitement. "So why now? Why not years ago?" He shrugged. "It was hard coming back, but now, it's like a fresh start." I smiled as he stepped closer, my arms going around his shoulders. "So why when I move in?" He chuckled. "A fresh start." He said before leaning down, his lips gently pressing against mine. 
After we got home we went out to the beach, spending the day out there with Dahlia just like Rooster said before we left. Dahlia was laying on the shore, close enough to where the water would just barely touch her, but Rooster and I were waist deep. My legs around his waist as he held me. "So, now that Aaron is in prison. What do we do?" He looked at me for a minute, his aviator glasses covering his eyes so I couldn't read him. "We've never been on a real date have we?" I thought back on it, remembering the date we had in San Francisco. "We had that breakfast date in San Francisco." He shook his head. "I mean a date where we didn't have to worry about Aaron. It was just me and you with no worries." 
"Then no, we haven't." He smiled at me. "Alright, monday you can go and find yourself a nice dress and I am taking you out." I shook my head. "I appreciate it Rooster but I'm still on unpaid leave and I do need to pay Mr. Willis the last of my rent." He smirked at me. "I got it." I shook my head. "Bradley, no." He nodded. "Bradley, yes!" I laughed at his enthusiasm. "Roo-" "Just say yes. It's a dress, maybe get your nails done if you want, just let me do this for you." I sighed as he lowered his sunglasses, looking at me with those big brown eyes. "Fine. But I'll pay you back." He chuckled. "I don't want your money, pretty girl." I smirked at him, pulling my bottom lip between my teeth. "Who said I was giving you money?" His eyebrows shot up to his hair line. "Oh, yeah I can let you pay me back." I laughed and kissed him, untangling my legs from around him.
"Come on, it's time for dinner and I still have to teach you to do biscuits." He chuckled. "So what? Breakfast for dinner?" I nodded at him, pulling him back to shore with me. "Seriously?" I nodded, laughing. "Yeah, never done it before?" He shrugged. "Mom did it occasionally." I smiled at him as I grabbed our towels tossing him one. "What did she cook?" He looked off as if he was thinking about it. "Waffles or pancakes, sometimes both. Bacon, eggs." I watched as a smile grew on his face at the memory. "Well we are doing bacon, sausage, biscuits, sausage gravy and eggs." He smiled at me. "Now come on, let me show you how us southern women cook." I said as I held out my hand for him to take. 
He had a little trouble with the biscuits and gravy, so he cooked everything else before we sat down to eat. Me in his lap, his arm around my waist as we ate and talked. It was nice to be able to talk about things without the thought of Aaron hanging over us. It was peaceful as we could just be in each other's company, we ended the night cuddling on the couch, Dahlia across from us snoring away. Sunday was spent the same way, curled up on the couch entangled with one another. But when Monday rolled around I didn't want him to leave. "Come on, stay in bed with me for awhile." I said as I kissed across his chest. "You have no idea how tempting that is, pretty girl. But I have to be at work in an hour and a half, we already wasted half an hour." I smirked at the realization as I straddled his waist. "Then let me send you off with a 'good morning'." He smirked as I pulled down his boxers, gripping his length and lining him up to slide down his cock.
Once we were done he got up, leaving me naked in bed with the covers over me, just enough to cover from the waist down. I drifted back to sleep as he got in the shower, the smell of his cologne drifting out into the bedroom. I felt lips on my forehead and I stirred, opening my eyes to see Rooster smiling down at me. "I'll be back tonight, pretty girl. Go back to sleep for awhile." I nodded, leaning up and he met my lips with a kiss. "I love you." I muttered, half asleep. "I love you too, Mags." He said before walking out of the room. I rolled over to his side of the bed, inhaling his scent as Dahlia crawled up on the bed. "Come snuggle with mama!" I said as she flopped down next to me, scooting back till her back was against me. One thing in common between Dahlia and Rooster, they both put off a lot of heat, which is great for a girl who hates the cold.
I have been in the mall for an hour, sending pictures of dress after dress to Phoenix. "I just don't think the empire waist was doing you any favors." She said as I shifted through a rack. I adjusted my phone to rest between my ear and shoulder. "It wasn't, but it look cute on the hanger. Maybe I should just go with one I already have." She hummed, as I pulled out a bubblegum pink dress, making a disgusted face before hanging it back up. "Isn't the only acceptable dress you have a black long sleeve?" I nodded and sighed. "Yes." She huffed. "Oh, there's a boutique in the mall and they always have adorable dresses. It's back by Bath & Body." I groaned and headed that direction. 
"Going anywhere near Bath & Body is a dangerous move for me." She chuckled as I walked through the crowds. "Get some more perfume, one candle. You know Rooster melts any time he smells your perfume." I chuckled. "That's the cheap perfume." I said as I glanced into said store. "He loves the cheap and the expensive, I would know. He told me." I smirked as a lightbulb went off in my head. "What else has he told you?" I could feel the mischief off her through the phone. "When you do your hair up in that little messy low bun, he told me he's always wanted to pull the pins out himself. He says you look 'so elegant'. He also said he thought you'd look amazing in emerald green." I smirked as I looked up, seeing an emerald green slip dress on a mannequin in the boutique window. "Anything else?" She hummed. "You're favorite lipstick, the nude one with a slight purple tint? That's his favorite." 
"Okay, let me get off here. I think I found the perfect dress, I'll send you a picture when I have it on." We said our goodbyes and I rushed over to the counter. "Can I get that dress in a fourteen and a sixteen?" She looked at my body, confused but nodded anyway, retrieving the dresses in the two sizes. She led me back to the dressing room, leaving me to my own devices after putting my name on the door. I slipped on the fourteen, finding it uncomfortably tight, but the sixteen. Oh, the sixteen fit perfectly. It showed off my body perfectly, not too much cleavage and it came down to mid thigh. I quickly took a picture and sent it to Phoenix, and I changed as I waited on her response. I stepped out and hung up the fourteen as my phone buzzed.
That's the one! You won't even make it out the door tonight!
I smiled, her text making me feel pretty good about myself. I checked out, before walking out to my car. He said to get my nails done, it's not something I usually do because of my job, but maybe I could do it this time? I thought on it, having an internal debate, listing the pros and cons before deciding to say 'fuck it' and get them done. I had them done a nude color, my toes done the same. If I go back to work almost any other color is out of regulation and i'm hoping to start back soon. Once that was done I looked at my watch, seeing it said three-thirty. Good I have two and a half hours before Rooster gets back. 
I went to my house, showering, shaving, the whole nine yards. I sighed as I got out, missing the hot water rolling over my skin. I opened the bathroom door, seeing Dahlia asleep on the bed. I smiled and ran my hand down her side as I slipped on some underwear and one of Rooster's shirts. As I got ready, it started getting darker outside signaling that Rooster would be here any minute. I took Phoenix's advice, I wore the dress with back lace up heels, the nude lipstick he loves and I put my hair in the low bun he likes. Which was a struggle seeing as my hair was still short. 
I was waiting on the couch, scrolling through my phone as Dahlia laid under my feet. A smile grew on my face as I heard the doorbell, Dahlia barking as it startled her. I stood, grabbing my clutch and walking towards the door. Five minutes early, just as I expected. I swung the door open, gasping as I saw a bouquet of roses, lilies and babies breath. "Rooster!" He smiled and held them out to me, a smile gracing his face. "Pretty flowers, for my pretty girl." He said as he leaned forward and kissed me sweetly. As he stepped back he noticed my dress, his eyes slowly wandering from my face, to my neck, my chest, my waist and down my legs. I bit my lip as he gulped, making me nervous. "Magnolia..." 
"Is it too much for what you had planned?" It took him a minute, his eyes raking over me again. "No, absolutely not. You look... perfect." I smiled at him, reaching up and placing a kiss on my cheek. "I'll set these down and then we can go." He nodded, watching as I walked into the dining room and set the flowers on the table. "Ready?" I asked, walking back over to him. I finally got to take a look at him, black pants and a black button up. "You look handsome." I said, resting my hand on his chest. "Mm, you outshine me any day, pretty girl." A blush crept up my cheeks and I smiled at him. "I sure do." I joked, stepping out onto the porch. He followed me out, locking the door and closing it. "Come on, pretty girl. Let's go show you off." It warmed my heart hearing him say those things. I've never had someone want to show me off, and it made me feel amazing, knowing I have a man as amazing as him who wants to do these things with me.
He helped me into the bronco, my legs crossing as he pulled out onto the road. His hand rested on my thigh as we drove, it was like a peace had washed over us the past few days. We were able to just enjoy each other without the worry of anything else, it was something I had never experienced and never wanted to let go of. The coast flew by as we went down the road, the smell of the salt water invading my senses. Reminding me of my first night at the Hard Deck, where I spilled everything to him and everything changed for the better. After about fifteen minutes we pulled up to a building, it was an old brick building with a bright sign that said 'Swinging Pelican'. 
"The Swinging Pelican, huh?" He flashed me a smile before getting out of the bronco and coming around to my door. "Yeah, you'll love it." He said holding his hand out for me to take. I slid my hand into his as he helped me out. He was quiet as he hooked my arm around his elbow, leading me for the door. I could hear music from inside, big band music to be exact. He opened the door for me, letting me in first and I was astounded by the inside. It was decorated with curtains covering the tall ceilings, a large stage with a band, the laminate wood floors were practically shaking with everyone dancing on it. Looking up to the second floor there were tables with people eating and watching everyone else on the floor. "The reservation is under Bradshaw." The host looked at his sheet and nodded. "Follow me." Rooster pulled on my hand and I stopped him. "Are we not dancing?" I asked as he turned back to me. 
"Of course we are, but let's eat first." I smiled as the host led us upstairs, to a table at the front of the hall so we could see the floor and the band. After we were seated I turned to him. "How in the world did you find this place?" He smiled at me. "This is the only dance hall still standing in the country. It was built in the thirties during world war two. It closed for awhile but it was bought out and reopened." I smiled at him. "So how did you know I enjoy dancing?" He grinned at me. "I may or may not have asked your mom for good date ideas." I laughed. "And she sang like a canary, right?" He nodded with a laugh. "She was so excited." 
"Can I offer you two in a bottle of wine?" Our waitress asked, walking over. "Yes, actually. A bottle of Riesling will do great." I smiled at him as the waitress took the order and walked away. "I would be surprised you remembered my favorite wine if you didn't start keeping it on hand at your house." He nodded, his hand grabbing mine and his thumb rubbing over my knuckles. "Speaking of my house, I figured we could move some of your stuff in before you come back to work." I smiled at him. "Really?" He nodded. "The sooner I get to fall asleep and wake up next to you every day, the better off I'll be." I flashed him a smile before leaning over and pecking his cheek. 
"I know you said you wanted to move some of my stuff in but what if you stayed with me and we started the renovations?" He smiled at me. "We can move your bedframe out of the bedroom and start in there. Then we move to the bathroom and then on from there." He chuckled. "A month doesn't seem like enough time to finish everything." I shrugged. "A month is plenty of time to make it livable. We can add trim, do counter tops, and paint while living there." He bit his lip, giving me a small grin. "You really wanna renovate?" I nodded, brushing some hair from his face. "Yeah. We can rip up carpet ourselves, break tile, pull down the cabinets. Then we'll have a contractor come in and install everything." He grabbed my hand, intertwining our fingers before bringing them up to his lips to place a gentle kiss to my fingers. 
"We'll start tomorrow." I smiled at him. "Really?" He nodded. "I'll come straight in from training and help you rip out that carpet. After we take down the bed frame." I gave him a wide smile as the waiter brought our wine over. "Now, what can I get you to eat?" We had to have another minute to look at the menu, but we had finally picked and enjoyed our food with talk of how to do the house. After we finished Rooster grabbed my hand. "Come on." I smiled as I intertwined our fingers and let him pull me to the staircase. "Are we gonna go dance?" He nodded as he led me carefully down the staircase. The band was playing something slow for now, so I grinned as he pulled me close. His hand resting on my lower back and his other holding mine. 
My one hand that was not wrapped up in his was around his neck, threading my fingers through the short hairs on the back of his neck. It was peaceful, there were others around us but we paid them no mind. "I don't think we've actually danced together since that night at the gala." I sighed but nodded. "Yeah, I don't think we have." I said looking up at him. "We could recreate it?" I furrowed my brows and pulled back slightly. "Excuse me?" He chuckled and pulled me back into him. "I mean me telling you how I felt." I smiled at him. "I love that." He chuckled before clearing his throat and looked down at me, laughing a little as I caught his eye. A blush crept up his cheeks as he stared down at me. "Bradley Bradshaw, are you nervous?" He cleared his throat. "I don't know why, but I am." I smiled at him and bit my lip. "Then why don't I start this time?" He nodded, the blush calming slightly. 
"Bradley, I also have no idea when I started having feelings for you, but I imagine it was when you gave me that bouquet of flowers on the carrier, the ones I have dried out at my house. I was having a really hard time and you instantly made it better, you've been there for me in so many ways and I want to be there for you in those same ways. But I do remember the night I realized I loved you, it was when you confessed to me. You said I i'd have you and if you had gotten to finish that sentence I would've kissed you and ran off wherever just to be with you. I want a love like our parents have and had, and I want to give that to you." Tears spilled down his cheeks before he leaned down and kissed me. "That was so much shorter than what I said to you, but it meant so much more." I shook my head. "No, yours was definitely better." He furrowed his brows, his grip on my waist tightening just slightly. "You remember?" I nodded, shifting so I was closer. 
"Every word. I remember everything from that night. The way you held me, the cologne you wore, the weight your words held. I knew you meant it, and I mean it when I say if we hadn't been interrupted I would've run away with you without any doubts or worries." He chuckled, kissing my forehead. "I love you Mags, so much." I smiled at him and pulled him into a soft kiss. "I love you too, Bradley." He chuckled as we spun gently before the tempo changed to something faster, more on the line of swing music. "Dane with me." I smiled as he swung me around before pulling me in close again. "Jump." My eyes widened at his words. "What? Roo, no." I said as he reached for my thigh. "Why not?" He seemed confused. "I'm in a dress and I don't feel like flashing everyone here." 
"Don't you have shorts on?" I shook my head. "No, do you see this dress? Why would I?" He swung me around again, still looking confused. "Phoenix said all girls wear shorts under their dresses." I scoffed. "Have you ever known me to wear shorts under dresses?" He shook his head, seemingly realizing. "No." I nodded and laughed, "So I definitely don't have any on under here." He raised a brow. "Are you wearing panties?" I smirked at him as he dipped me. "Wouldn't you wanna know?" He smirked as he pulled me close, his hand slid from my back down over the curve of my ass. He pulled his bottom lip between his teeth, smirking at me. "Dirty girl." Heat immediately pooled between my thighs at his words. "Let's get you home." He said pushing back when I stood firm, making him stop. "You brought me out dancing, now your gonna dance with me for more than two songs." It took him a second but eventually he agreed and we spent the next few hours spinning around and staying glued to each other. 
We walked through the door, my feet aching from all the dancing we did. "We danced non-stop for what? A full hour and a half?" I asked and he chuckled. "I'm surprised you're still walking." I sighed, untying my heels and slipped them off. "Barely, my feet are killing me." I held my heels in my hand, relishing in the feeling of the cold hard wood under my feet before I was suddenly picked up bridal style. "Well then, I say we get upstairs and get you off your feet." I smiled at him as he carried me upstairs, gently placing me on the bed in my room. "Thank you, honey." I said as I wrapped my arm around his neck, pulling him into a kiss. "Mm, you're welcome pretty girl." He started unbuttoning his shirt and walked over towards the closet, I watched as he slid the shirt off and tossed it into the dirty clothes basket. His back was ripped, I watched as his muscles shifted as he moved and I pulled my bottom lip between my teeth. 
I stood and pulled my dress over my head, carefully laying it on the dresser before turning to the mirror in the corner of my room. I was still fairly fit, but I could tell I lost a little muscles mass since I've been put on leave. I've been working out, trying to go for a run each day, hit the boxing gym sometimes while Rooster was on base, even tried eating right but I guess nothing will keep you in shape like actually being on base and having the team to work out with a motivate me. I turned to look at my back muscles and caught Rooster staring at me in only his boxers. "Damn..." A blush crept up my cheeks, I did not intend on him seeing me. He pushed off the door frame, stepping closer all while that devious smirk grew on his face. He stood just an inch in front of me, one hand holding my waist and the other holding my cheek. "You're so beautiful, Mags." I grinned up at him. "You think?" He nodded. "I know." He said before leaning down and kissing me. 
I ran my hands up his chest, my nails lightly grazing his skin and pulling a groan from his throat. My arms wrapped around his shoulders and I sighed into the kiss. "Thank you for tonight, it was wonderful." He smirked at me, "I got a way you can thank me." I raised my brows at him. "Oh really?" He nodded, carefully turning me around to look in the mirror. His hands reached up, finding my breasts as he kissed my neck. He slowly reached up from my breasts, one hand pulling the pin out of my hair and it fell down just past my shoulders. "Goddamn, I've wanted to do that for so long." A grin grew on my face at his words. It amazed me who easily he could turn me on with the slightest of touches, hell even a look has that heat pooling in my belly. I gasped as I felt his hand slip between my legs, my legs giving in slightly. His arm that was wrapped around my waist caught me, holding me up. "I got you, pretty girl." He whispered against my neck as his fingers rolled my clit. "Rooster." I whined and he chuckled before slipping a finger inside me. "You're always so wet for me, aren't you honey?" A moan was my only response. He worked his finger inside me, pumping  gently as he curled it and grazed that ridged spot inside me. 
I whined as his finger disappeared and his grip on my waist loosened, "Can you hold yourself up for a second?" I nodded as he took a step back and my eyes opened. I watched in the mirror as he slowly took his boxers off before stepping back to me. He pressed his chest to my back and smirked at me in the mirror, I watched as his arms wrapped around my waist again. I leaned my head back onto his shoulder as one hand slid lower, my chest heaving in excitement at his motions. I whined as he bypassed my core, instead sliding his hand along my thigh before lifting it. I opened my eyes and saw him in the mirror, his pupils blown wide so his eyes looked mostly black. He unwrapped his arm from my waist and reached down, lining himself up with my entrance. I gasped as he pushed in, the stretch burning just slightly like it always does. "Bradley." I moaned and he buried his face in my neck as he grabbed my waist again, his other hand still holding my leg up. 
He slowly started thrusting into me, pulling small gasps and moans from me. "That's it pretty girl, keep making those noises for me." And I did. His thrusts were deep, but slow. "Bradley." I moaned out as he nuzzled his face into my neck. "What is it, pretty girl? Hm? Tell me what it is." My hand grabbed the arm that was wrapped around my waist, my other arm wrapping around his neck behind me. "I love you, Bradley." His hips rammed into me at the words, making me cry out. "I love you too, Mags." I whined as his hand reached down, stroking my clit gently. "I love having you on my cock, pretty girl." God, I never knew dirty talk would affect me the way it does. "That's it, come on, honey. You're so close." I really was and he was just spurring me on. I lifted my leg till it was pointed at the ceiling, the flex of my muscles urged my orgasm closer. 
Suddenly his arm wrapped around my leg, pushing it closer to my body as his thrusts sped up. "Oh, fuck. Bradley, yes, fuck me." I started babbling as I was gasping for breath. "Come on my cock, pretty girl. Need to feel you squeezing me. Wanna fill you up till your leaking my cum for days." My orgasm hit me like a freight train and a high pitch cry escaped my lips. "Good girl. Squeezing my cock for all it's worth." I wanted to melt in his arms and I practically did, I glanced into the mirror and saw his face tense in concentration. "Want your cum, Bradley. Want it deep inside me." With that his hips stuttered before he buried himself inside me. A groan escaping his lips as his release filled me. He slowly lowered my leg, stilling himself inside me as he held me against him. "How are you still standing?" He chuckled, looking at me through the mirror. 
"Been working out a little more, just for this." He said before nuzzling my neck, making me giggle. He gently pulled out of me, making me whimper before he lifted me bridal style. He carried me over to the bed, laying me down and kissing me gently. "Stay here." I laughed. "As if I could stand if I wanted to." I yelled as he disappeared into the bathroom, I heard the sink turn on before he came back out with a wet wash rag, my makeup remover, my contact solution and the case. "Then that means I did my job properly." I took out my contacts after he filled the case with the solution and he wiped the makeup removing balm on my face, smearing my makeup around. He laughed at my face, makeup smeared everywhere before he handed me the balm.
 "I'm not doing your eyes." I chuckled at his worry before wiping it along my eyes and lashes. He gently wiped my face clean before taking every thing back into the bathroom and coming back with another wet rag. He sat by my waist, lifting my leg and gently wiping me clean. Once he was done he put that rag on the sink to dry before coming and crawling into bed. The bed dipped and I turned to him as he lifted the covers for us, pulling them up and wrapping his arms around me. "How did I get so lucky to have a man like you to love me?" He chuckled and pulled me flush against him. "It's not luck, it was fate." I giggled at his words. "Whatever it was, I'm so happy it happened." He kissed me gently. "Me too, pretty girl. Now, let's get some sleep, we have a lot to do when I get home tomorrow." I rested my head against his chest, listening to his breathing. His fingers drew shapes on my back, slowly lulling me into sleep.
@mak-32 @rosiahills22 @dhwanishah09
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Hi! Summer is absolutely killing me but I have great news and want some dorky ideas to consider so figured I'd send an ask! So it is almost my cats' third birthday! They had an extremely rough start and almost had to be put down the day they were born and were all very underweight and mama had been in terrible condition even before the drama of birthing (her almost dying was why they all almost had to be put down) but by some miracle... I now have four cats! Three are illegal and secret but it's okay they aren't my cats they're hers technically. And she is allowed here. Technically... So anyway we celebrate their birthday and then the next day mamas rebirthday since the day after "putting her down" I got the call that the vet wanted to do surgery for free and she bounced back... Scarily well. My little runt was meant to die anyway and mama should have been a lot worse than she was... They're tough little beasts! So now it's a couple of months before their birthdays and I need plans!!! They always get toys and cuddles and some kind of treat (usually baked which they don't usually like and last year's batch was actually nicer to me than them because they cooked too crunchy but they were cheese biscuit things I improvised last minute!)... But I've had a good year. It's been really hard but last year was actually good and I've made a lot of progress and I'm more stable than I have been in most of my life. And it's thanks to my girls. So... Dorkiest cat birthday ideas possible would be great! I'm also considering having mum take me back to the vet with a little goodie bag of snacks and mints and stuff and some pictures of my beasts to show off to say thanks again because I got three years so far with kittens who were meant to die on their birthday or if I hadn't found mama... Maybe a few days later at most because she wouldn't have made it either. They are so naughty and stinky and are evil geniuses who torment me constantly but now I have to get up to feed them which means I get up and eat too, when I had covid my least cuddly one spent the whole week pressed to my chest purring nonstop, if I get bad with food mama stomps on my bladder and screams in my face until I eat in front of her and apologize for not remembering that being alive and healthy means more than my weight. My little runt is a bully and needs so much love, and my awful little potato is a spiteful bitch... But cuddles almost every night and loves me more than anyone else even her mama and sisters. They deserve the most embarrassingly dorky birthday possible and while I suck at planning so it won't happen... I wanna add as much as I can remember to make it extra special this year. I'm considering trying to learn to sew with mum so we can make them toys with material they'd love too but mum is worse at planning than I am so it probably won't happen! But yeah this turned into an I love my cats rant oops but any ideas would be appreciated! Hope you're doing well and have a great day/night!
Congratulations to the kitties! If they are willing to humor you, I would consider buying them fancy outfits (and or/hats) and do the worlds most adorable photo shoot. Also you should totally write a song or a poem about how much you love them and why and learn it by heart. Or well, these are things I'd do beyond treats, toys and pats
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vermanaward · 3 months
dawntrail msq, 92-95
i'm just getting this out ahead of time. if this ends in another cheese debacle im. pls don't
apparently 'use your words to ask for things' is a concept that moblins are allergic to. god dammit
koana is that guy who studied abroad for a semester and came home all 'they do it Like This in Sharlayan We Should Too'
dont love that he's internalised so much that the foreign way is besterest, or that the writing keeps half supporting his assertions
[while standing right next to an aethyryte] whyyyyy do we have to taaaake a booooooooat
wait this is why we had that aside with the melodramatic elf wasn't it. sigh
so as well as speedrunning his character arc he's speedrun his citizenship arc. good for him i guess?
cool, role quests unlocked. time to ignore those until level 98
okay the gulool jaja fight was p fun
also i like that this whole hting isn't just. heeheehoohoo trial by combat goes brrr. he's like if izaro actually rubbed his braincells together and didn't set the empire up to fail
[koana voice] everyone will think twice about fighting us once we have advanced technology
yes that's definitely how this works. also absolutely the reason garlemald left sharlayan alone. not because sharlayan kept running away like the cowardly fucks they are.
wow. gee. lamat got herself catnapped this definitely wasn't incredibly predictable
doing the stealth section while it's pissing it down with rain so my girl has her bright white umbrella out = top tier
well. koana's not having kids the old fashioned way
and once again we all just. stand there like muppets while the bad guy retreats.
then again literally all of this could have been avoided if someone had. escorted the catgirl when she was lured into the Very Obvious Trap. sigh
either way this is going to end with one of the cats on the throne and the other in an advisory capacity. and i hate it
i had to xp grind here bc of Miscalculations. how embarassing -_-
worlar's echo
finally realising that the urqopacha day theme has the same opening as the sohm al theme. concerned about what further parallels are going to be drawn. is valigarmanda nidhogg's ex? is estinien going to get posessed again? pls say no
at least there's not a blue hair elf pld for them to kill off this time
okay so i was wrong about valigarmanda. i still expect that the seal in the city will house a boss fight, though.
new prediction: the feat of ice will start with 'strengthen valigarmanda's prison', and end up being 'actually just fucking kill it'
pretty purple bird. it's the next dungeon boss isnt it
dungeon 2 - worqor zamor
alisae green dps LMAO
how i feel during prog sometimes. tbh
krile uses aoe spells?? in dungeon??? what is this MADNESS
hot Damn i like boss 1 a lot. it's cute but also its mechanics are kinda fun
i also like that trusts don't just run to the safe spot straight away any more. little details in programming them that makes them seem more human
boss 3's no slouch either. honestly a good dungeon alround tbh
the gear is unique too. dyes too
aaay got the orc roll too
...and we didn't use erenville's magic macguffin when lamat was missing because....?
WHY COULDNT WE FEED IT THE INFORMATION IN THE FIRST PLACE. christ this is so needlessly padded
the normal was pretty fun. ex hopefully will be interesting. the persistent dot on everyone after the add phase was an interesting touch. music slaps too
it occured to me about half way through that if valigarmanda is/was an auspice, it probably lost itself to aramitama at some point, which is. sad, honestly. give your local long lived sentient animal a hug before they go mad and blow the world up
also i noticed krile casting aero ii at vali and. i guess her ai script just loops aoe spells in part of it, instead of being smart enough to tell between single target and multiple targets. at least she aoes i guess.
oh. the "golden city" was amarout wasn't it. 🙃🔫
iq br'aax
so instead of using our words and just. asking someone what this recipe is, we're going to watch people and divine a particular recipe from the aether. why is this storyline so allergic to people talking to each other like adults
what am i saying this is xiv nobody talks to each other like adults. urianger least of all.
[consults crafting log] well either it's higher than level 95, requires a master crafting book, or doesn't exist. there i solved the trial can we- [dragged off stage out back]
...why the fuck is french toast a level 93 recipe
oh okay i used my words and asked someone and we were forbidden from being told this information so i guess we're just following quest markers until we stumble upon it by happenstance and exposition
oh my god alphinaud shut up about the fuckin firewood
brokering peace by appealing to a greater xenophobia is. it sure is a tactic i guess
not that he's wrong per se but like.
if there's been peace for eighty years tho, and barring the use of something like black rose, you'd have thought the cinderfields would have grown back by now. ash is a wonderful fertiliser, after all. but what do i know
(even then the east end still has more regrowth that. an old battlefield in the middle of a rainforest? okay.)
pls krile i powerleveled cul so i could afk macro my own consumables. i do not cook
i keep periodically remembering the person responsible for overseeing this expac and i'm just. yeah. the heavy handedness. yeah.
Oh Boy Parenthood Drama man
Wuk Lamat Has Two Dads (but no mom. xiv pls)
"several cutscenes" says the prompt, while there's the telltale solo instance marker around an npc. sure, jan
apparently squex did not in fact get the memo that people hate rp battles
wol: [popcorn intensifies]
we are actually visiting. an entire map during a single arc of the story. this is unprecedented. at least outide of final zones, anyway. which i know this isn't bc my shared fate and aether current trackers are half empty
you know i. i'm extremely not a fan of how it's the lizards of all the groups here that are the supremacists who are not above lying/cheating/stealing/etc. just saying
actually i've been sorta wishing i could bring it up. 'yeah i beat several shades out of him for bullying harmless tonberries. who then finished him off with their knives, yes, but fucker had it coming'
why are there alkonosts here 👀 not that it really matters but. pretty birb-not-birb
man we're gearing up to Power Of Friendship the racist supremacists again aren't we
whatever. lower yak'tel is so pretty, i can't wait to fish here :3
i like how everyone assumes that we're on the level and didn't murder bakool for his blessed scales like he kinda deserved
actually i just saw a glow in the dark skeletal alkonost and now im wondering if the glow in the dark isn't like. radiation or someshit
i guess it tracks that the one thing wuk lamat would learn from the wol would be the ability to look at an enemy who despises everything that they are and go. "FRIEND SHAPED. :D"
oh okay we're Power Of Science (And Also Friendship)-ing our way out of this
which is great and all but man. sometimes people are just power hungry dicks, you know? this is the same shit we went through in garlemald. 'waugh they were only xenophobic warmongers because they had to live in a shitty country and people were shitty to them'. which, again. werlyt author -_-
...the catboy's going to quit, isn't he
ilevel for this battle is 666. lmao
"everyone ready?" erenville: [flees]
i didnt realise roegadyn were from yorkshire
i'm going to go out on a limb here and assume the fact that kettie is still alive is connected to something in not!amaurot
im also going to crash here bc its 2am and ive been awak since [looks at clock] too early. TMORROW: WE CONTINUE
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survey--s · 10 months
Tumblr media
1 - When you wake up, do you get up straight away or do you lie around in bed for a while?  I remember making this survey years ago, lol. Anyway, it depends. I set my alarm for when I need to be up but if I wake up before then I'll lay around and doze or read my phone. At weekends I often get up, feed the animals, make a coffee and go back to bed for an hour.
2 - Who was the last person you video-called with? Have you done this more often since COVID hit?  My mum, and yes, most definitely.
3 - How many times a week do you go out for food or drink?  Less than once a week as eating out is just so expensive and is often really disappointing imo. We tend to go maybe every 6-8 weeks but we do get takeaway more often.
4 - Do you prefer getting takeaway or actually sitting in a restaurant and eating your meal there?  I prefer going out for lunch or breakfast and then getting a takeaway for an evening meal.
5 - Where’s your favourite place to get takeaway coffee (or whatever your drink of choice is)?  If I had one nearby then I'd go to Starbucks but the nearest is like, a half hour drive and I'm not that desperate. I tend to go to the local coffee/ice-cream place near the beach.
6 - Do you tend to keep your phone on silent, vibrate or loud?  Silent at night or at home, loud at work.
7 - If you have pets, when was the last time one of them annoyed you? What happened?  Archie when he came home from his walk and straight to the litter trays - yes, he is gross and yes, they'd been emptied, he was just being an opportunist lol.
8 - When was the last time you went into a bookshop?  Uh, about August I think? We don't have one anywhere near us.
9 - What was the last thing you ordered off Amazon?  Cat food and dog treats.
10 - When was the last time you took a dog out for a walk? Is this your own dog or did you borrow someone else’s?  Friday and they were someone else's dogs. Oakley and Ollie are my last walk of the week and they're so great to take out. Super obedient, excellent recall and very friendly.
11 - What jewellery do you have on at the moment?  My piercings and my wedding and engagement rings.
12 - Do you have any products in your hair right now? What are they?  No.
13 - Have you ever used a VPN to access foreign content online?  Yeah, mostly just to watch US TV shows for free.
14 - Who was the last artist you listened to? Is this someone you’re a fan of? Bishop Gunn and yeah, they're okay.
15 - What was the last thing you had to drink?  Tea, which is really unusual for me.
16 - When was the last time you cooked something for the first time? Did it work out the way it was supposed to?  I honestly have no idea. I never really cook anything.
17 - Black cats are considered to be bad luck - is this a superstition that you’ve ever believed in?  Nope. Two of our cats are black cats.
18 - Would you ever eat blue cheese or do you find the idea of eating mould to be pretty repulsive?  I love blue cheese. We have loads in the fridge right now, lol.
19 - Do you visit the dentist every six months like you should? I go once a year as it's covered for free under my dental plan.
20 - How old were you when you first used the internet? Was it dial-up or did you have access to proper broadband?  I think I was about ten or so. Broadband didn't exist in homes back then so it was dial-up or nothing.
21 - Are you old enough to remember using floppy discs? Yeah, I had loads of games that ran off floppy discs lol.
22 - When was the last time you purchased an actual DVD or CD?  I bought some DVD's a few months ago but I haven't bought a CD for years - probably over a decade tbh.
23 - Do you shave? Which body parts and how often?  Yeah, legs, pits and bits, and everyday.
24 - What’s your favourite season, and what are some of your favourite things about that season?  Autumn - the colours, the weather, the atmosphere.
25 - When was the last time you burned yourself?  Yesterday, I think?
26 - Have you ever been the victim of a theft or robbery? What was stolen? Did the police ever catch the person who did it? Yeah, I was pick-pocketed in France (luckily they didn't take much and I never reported it). My parents have had their car/house broken in to a couple of times - my rollerblades were stolen once. The second time they stole my mum's handbag and the car off the drive.
27 - What was the last TV show you discovered that you really liked? What was it that got you to watch it in the first place? I haven't started a new TV show in months. I did like Young Sheldon for a bit but I got bored after the first few seasons.
28 - Have you seen any of the live-action Disney remakes? Which one is your favourite? What about your least favourite?  Yeah, all of them. I like Mulan and Alice in Wonderland and I LOVED the first Maleficent. Hated The Lion King and Aladdin. Little Mermaid and Jungle Book were good too. Lady and the Tramp was meh, so was Cruella.
29 - Do you have any exciting plans for tomorrow? If not, how are you planning to spend your day?  Just work. I'll be up at half seven to feed the animals, then it's breakfast and get myself ready. I leave at half eight - then it's off to my final visit with Charley (cat) before I walk Sparky. Then it's two group walks before I pick Archie up and take him out with Ollie for the last walk of the day. Then back home, feed the animals again, shower and chill.
30 - Would you ever keep a working dog as a pet? Do you think it’s fair to keep dogs like huskies in flats when it’s so different to their natural environments? I have a beagle in a small house - I don't think your home environment really matters as long as you have the time and energy to give them the exercise and enrichment they need.
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tastesoftamriel · 2 years
are there any foods that are absolutely common and loved in one province, but unheard of, or considered disgusting, in another?
There are a few things I can think of! Without beating round the bush, here are a few off the top of my head.
Most Altmeri food is pretty inoffensive, but many races are somewhat irked (or enamoured by) the fresh sea urchins that are a delicacy on Summerset. Simply crack one open carefully and scoop out the insides. I personally have never had a taste for it, but it definitely isn't as gross as some people make it out to be.
Grubs and worms. Big or small, alive and wriggling or dead and crispy, many an adventurer has failed against this most standard of Argonian foods. Admittedly, shoving your hand into a bowl of live, spiced bloodworms and taking a bite is not the most appetising of ideas. Still, those who dare to overcome these wriggly critters usually have an okay time!
Jagga is fermented pig's milk, and is a highly prized drink among the Wood Elves. The smell and flavour are...an acquired taste to just about everyone who didn't grow up in Valenwood, but it fetches a pretty penny outside. It's best for drinking, but is also a key ingredient in many Bosmeri dishes.
I don't understand why so many people groan and moan about eating snails, and the Bretons certainly pay them no mind. Whether served with garlic butter or sundried tomatoes and basil, snails are always a winner for starters. Better than squid, I always say!
Just about everything edible in Morrowind is bound to elicit dome sort of concerned reaction in outlander n'wahs (myself included). While I would like to point out that I've acquired a taste for most Dunmeri ingredients, many still find them weird, like kwama eggs. Yes, giant bug eggs may not seem like a tasty treat, but I promise it really is (especially when fried with scuttle and served with fried saltrice)!
I'm not wholly sure what it is that puts people off of stuffed, fried dormice, but this most Cyrodiilic of dishes is a traditional delicacy isn't going anywhere anytime soon. Apparently it's appalling to some people to eat small, cute animals whole, but they clearly have never tried an Eidar-stuffed, honey-basted crispy dormouse before!
While I love Khajiiti food, I will never get the hang of their love for raw offal mixed with moon sugar and served atop rice. I am very selective of the offal I consume, and it is always cooked, making raw offal a nightmare where I had to struggle not to gag. It's definitely not a common thing across most of Tamriel, making raw offal one of the things that you'll never find outside of Elsweyr (probably for the best).
We Nords eat lots of questionable stuff admittedly, from pickled fish to frostbite spider legs. However, the ingredient that seems to confuse foreigners the most is probably rotten shark. Yes, that's right. While nobody really eats this "delicacy" aside from during special occasions, it is always a spot of fun to feed to unsuspecting tourists. Did I mention it smells like cat piss?
While I personally adore echatere cheese, I know that the sentiment is not shared widely by others in Tamriel. Some have compared the smell to wet dog, and ignore its delightful texture and uniquely salty flavour. People don't know what they're missing!
Once again with the bugs, this time it's the Redguards of Hegathe who consume silkworms stewed in curries or fried as snacks. When curried, the silkworms are soft and delicate, but are crunchy when fried and often dipped in a spicy sauce. As most of Tamriel considers silk to be a valuable resource, eating silkworms is seen as wasteful and gross by many.
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