#Oh how I know my brain chemistry will be ALTERED
katkat030 · 2 days
I am absolutely insane about so many of these and I genuinely can't recommend them enough. Like the post that inspired this, I'll probably tag authors if I know their Tumblr urls, but please let me know if you want me to remove any and I will!
Fair warning that most of these have shipping!
But oh, the bloom by @sillyfairygarden (read here) ongoing.
Ough. Whimsy, Pearlescentmoon, the best version of desertduo I've ever read, and indecipherable sounds of me screaming. If there's one fic I ever want people to read, it's this one. There's a reason I'm putting this first, as much as I hate to pick favourites! Warning: you may will fall in love with the story. Possibly my favourite author - cannot recommend their works enough <3 (The Champion's Banquet also made me go not just a little insane)
It's an absolute necessity to highlight the tags on this one: blows a kiss to the sky. for all my pearliemoon lovers searching for wonder and whimsy in the world around you // Now with more angst! // a man leaves the life he loved to explore the beauty of the world
More fic recs under the cut!
you came at the brink of the end of the world by Anonymous/ @louiessleeplessnights (read here) ongoing.
I don't know how to even begin describing this. I think it made me fall in love with Boatem all over again. It's hilarious, sad, beautiful, Scar calls Grian trouble, they're both idiots and in love, and it's everything I'd look for in a published novel and so much more. This fic permanently altered my brain chemistry and I cannot recommend it enough times. SO SO SO well written. Warning: it's rated explicit, but a few updates ago it was just mature - chapter 20 and the first half of chapter 21 are the ones you might want to skip if that's not your jam! It's just kissing but it gets... a bit heated lmao.
An excerpt from the description:
[grian is falling from the sky, scar has more magic in his blood than he realized, and everyone else is so much better at seeing than they are]
Redstone and Skulk by @silverskye13 (read here) ongoing.
Once again lost on how to describe this. Could I leave it at "please please please please read it I love it so much", by any chance? The worldbuilding is so fleshed out, probably my favourite example of characterisation I've ever seen and the descriptions are everything.
Helsknight and Tanguish (the hels version of Tango) are the duo ever. There's no shipping in this, just intense platonic bonds and lifetime devotion featuring a cranky knight and a pathetic wet cat. I love them so much.
Excerpt from the description:
Tanguish is Tango's hels, and they get along a lot better than most hels and their hermits should. Unfortunately, the universe wasn't made to house both of them. Helsmets were made to return to their hermits eventually, making a complete person. Except what happens when the hels is the stronger of the two? What happens if they really don't want to be?
there are many downsides to being a marine biologist by donnerstag/ @martynsimp69 (read here) complete.
Unashamed to say I binge read this in exactly two days; 26 chapters, an epilogue, accompanying mermay oneshot collection (read here) and nearly crying later, I'm here to say you should totally check it out too. Because fis 🐠 and mermaid Martyn Warning: some unethical experimentation, and I think there's mention of alcohol.
Hot Tea by @tunastime (read here) complete.
The Ethubs fic ever (and the first one I ever read!) This is what introduced me to *gesturing vaguely* whatever the heck they have going on, and I haven't been the same since. Warning: brainrot.
I'm once again stealing something from the description since tumblr oh-so-helpfully destroyed half my draft:
“Let me over,” Bdubs says again, and as he sees Etho open his mouth in protest yet again, he lurches forward, stuttering out his words. He nearly knocks the tea out of his own hands. “Just—just for tonight. Just tonight.” Etho knows he has to divide the base between them. It's the only way to settle, now, knowing everything between them. How Bdubs shouldn't be there. Etho builds the fence. Etho divides them. And Etho divides himself in the process.
Between Us, We Have An Ocean by inkachu (read here) complete.
Only recommending this because it made me cry, and it's so well written. No shipping, just a foster care au in which Gem and Etho are... siblings. That doesn't even begin to cover how much the story really gripped me. It's soft, it's sweet, it's sad, it's amazing. Warning: I haven't cried while reading a book in probably a decade, and this is the one exception. Not to worry, I promise it won't hurt too much (saying how it ends would be a spoiler, but I promise the ending won't haunt you forever).
It's so gooood.
An excerpt from the description:
“My mum couldn’t take care of me, so she gave me to Canada.” Gem announced cheerily, swapping her red pencil for a yellow one, drawing what could only be a sun in the top corner of her page. “Then Canada found me a new mum.” Etho clicked his tongue. “Right.” “What about your mum?” “She uh, Couldn’t take care of me either. So I go to other people’s houses and they take care of me for her.”
From the Archives by @sixteenth-days (read here) complete.
there's also an extra bunch of character studies/AUs/very cool bonus stories called From the Archives: Marginalia (read here) complete (?)
riverbed and mouse hole/black hole from Marginalia are my personal favourites. Playing around with like the physical structure of a text that way is super inspirational. I have all of the main fics downloaded to reread offline whenever I'm travelling/away from home! There's no need to know anything about The Magnus Archives to understand - personally I'd never heard of it before reading this. Also no shipping in the main fic :)
lost in the dark (he's got a heavy heart) by @definitelynotshouting (read here) (author's explanation of the premise here) ongoing.
Warning: I'll give the warning for this one straight up, there are heavy themes like suicide and depression - Grian is going through it! If you're going to read it at least heed the ao3 tags :)
I'm stealing an excerpt from the fic to explain this one:
This hunger is a low rumble deep at the core of him, steady in the same way one might test a newly healed bone. The kind of fragile after a respawn, when your skin has knit together but the echo of pain still lingers. It doesn't hold him hostage anymore– he can muster the strength to look past it, and that, out of everything that's happened to him over the past year, is what's most frightening.
Time to Kill Today by RimeThyme/ @going-to-the-sun (read here)
Featuring THE Ethubs song ever, some cool references to Mindcrack, and take on their relationship over the years. <33 read it, you won't regret it!
Laugh rule - list of titles that made me laugh, mainly oneshots
THE DIVORCE OF THE CENTURY by glossyblue/ @good-chimes (read here)
The Government Institute for Ghost Supervision (G.I.G.S.) by glossyblue (read here)
The Rules of Buttercup Camp by glossyblue (read here)
Dead Heat by glossyblue (read here)
Interlude from Another Reality: Married Life by sixteenthdays (read here)
Okay 2 more fic recs and I'm done, I promise xD
You Could've Applied Online by Anonymous (read here)
Actually hilarious and such fun to read! Stealing something from the description again:
Bdubs stuttered over his words, hand holding the knife tensing around the handle as he looked around the room. Was he being pranked? Did Scar do this? He couldn’t think of another conversation that had confused him more than this. Etho’s eyes crinkled around the edges, mouth subtly changing into what Bdubs imagined was a smile as he felt irritation creep into his mind. “You’re joking right now.” Another shift under the mask. He was definitely smiling now. “How’d you guess?” Or: Bdubs kills someone (on purpose), makes people angry (NOT on purpose), and somehow gets a boyfriend in the process. Or was he a bodyguard? Bdubs doesn't really know himself. Oh, and Etho just wants to pay his rent on time. Preferably without another dead roommate.
Spring Blossoms by Fire_Cat (read here)
Ethubs, Stardew Valley-esque. Super fun read, highly recommend :D
Stealing from the description once more:
Burnt out and exhausted with city life, Etho packs up and moves to the old abandoned farm his parents owned before he was born. It's sat empty for thirty years and it's not in a good state, but he's determined to make the most of it. The town is full of good people, and he quickly finds friendship in abundance. Amongst them all though, one stands out. Bdubs is kind and funny and exceptionally talented at a number of things. He's handsome too, and Etho can't help but crush on him, just a little bit. They get along fantastically right from day one, but Etho keeps his feelings to himself. It's just a crush, it'll go away. And besides, it's not like Bdubs would ever like him back... Right?'
pleaseee consider reblogging this for more people to see! <3
it took hours to make this post but not nearly as long as it would've taken people to write the fics
If you end up reading and enjoying any of these, PLEASE go and give the authors some love in the comments! Writing really isn't an easy feat (or quick)
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mazojo · 9 months
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It’s wild to me I get to experience this again in 2023
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cometnoodle · 1 year
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its the 3rd here so happy birthday ryuji 🥺
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smoozie · 4 months
Not to be dramatic, but my younger sister off-handedly telling me someone I hadn't spoken to since 5th grade remembered our cringey co-existing youtuber phases and conversations legitimately changed my life
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atticcreationz · 11 months
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For funzies! Here, DC stands for "how Difficult it is to beat how friggin Cool this season is" lol
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twizzie-lairs · 4 months
My Darling, My Honey
Alastor X Fem!Reader (Part 5)
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Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5
Quick Notes:
This is when both reader/you and Alastor are both alive. (... we'll probably end up in hell later on btw so stay tuned...)
Reader is an artist/painter.
Part 5:
It was almost pure bliss.
Except many months later, you found out a secret of his one day.
He was an exceptional chef, you were always in awe of how he cooked such magnificent dishes every day.
But one day, you peeked out into the forest through the window in the living room and saw Alastor standing alone, covered in blood. Your first instinct was to run outside, so you did just that.
You rush to his side and ask if he's okay, and what had happened to make him covered in such copious amounts of blood.
He blinks a few times before oddly turning his head to you, breaking out of his stupor, "Oh my dearest (y/n), do not fret so. For I am only acquiring our dinner for tonight!"
You look down at what he is holding in his hands. Your hand shot up to cover your mouth. A leg. A human leg. Your eyes then trail to the ground where you see a bloody human body, mangled beyond recognition. "This is.. dinner?"
A large grin appears on Alastor's face, "Quite right! This one should be enough to last us through the week!"
He looks at your face with an almost vicious look to his eyes, awaiting your response anxiously, not that he would let that show, anyways.
All you can manage is "Oh. Okay." Before you walk back inside the house without another word.
It's no exaggeration to say that your brain chemistry was permanently altered from that moment onward.
The situation felt so strange and bizarre, you didn't know what to think. Part of you knew that was he's been doing is extremely horrible and corrupt. It almost made you empty the contents of your stomach, it didn't feel real.
It didn't feel real, but suddenly some of Alastor's behaviors started to make sense. His picky taste for food...He never let you help with cooking, you had chalked it up to him being more of a perfectionist, but now... you know its more than that. He was hiding the fact that he was butchering and preparing human flesh, right in your very home, all this time.
But.. for some reason... all you could think about was how dedicated he was to providing a comfortable life for you, because he truly loved you. Everything he did every day showed you that you mattered and that you deserved only the best.
"But I still love him with all my heart... maybe I'm just as messed up..." Was a sentence your mind kept repeating to itself for quite some time.
Your appetite shrinks after the initial shock for a few days, but you were never one to skip meals or have your appetite be gone completely, even if you were sick. In this instance, you weren't sure if it was a blessing or a curse in this case.
The meals he made for you had never made you sick in the past, so your body was already used to eating his cooking, and he made such amazing food, carefully crafted with such love and attention to detail, you couldn't help but keep eating his delicious cooking, no matter how bizarre and immoral it was.
"I think I really am just as messed up..." The thought crossed your mind again, but thoughts were interrupted by a rare occurrence, a kiss on the cheek from Alastor as he set your plate down in front of you.
The fact that you never stopped eating his cooking and always thanked him for his food and hard work, even after knowing where the main ingredient comes from, solidified the fact that you were the one. You loved him even after seeing him all bloody, holding a dismembered corpse, and telling you it was dinner. It was this pivotal moment that he knew, that you were the one to be his beloved forever.
In the coming weeks, things went back to "normal". You were settling into the new normal, as Alastor didn't hide the meal prep like he used to, and seeing him bloody and bringing in mysterious cuts of meat into the house became a normal sight to you.
One night when you were going to see Mimzy, Alastor informed you that he was unable to escort you that night. You were a little disappointed, but he assured you it was okay for you to go, it was just that he had plans that he wouldn't divulge any information on, no matter how much you pressed him.
Little did you know, but that night, Alastor was out on the town shopping for the perfect ring to propose to you with.
-> Part 6
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moonstruckme · 6 months
hi lovely!! i just had the most amazing 7 hrs of my life just scrolling through your page and reading all of your marauders work!! i never even thought about poly!marauders being a possibility until i found your page and i think you’ve altered my brain chemistry forever???
that being said, i would absolutely be so grateful if you could write a gn!reader with poly!marauders at the start of their relationship, where reader’s a much shorter than average person and the boys (who would be so, so tall) have to learn how to walk slower to make sure they don’t leave them behind. i’m so much shorter than my friends and what i do most of the times is run forward in advance and be in front of the group so i don’t get left behind. i’m totally used to it by now, but it’d be nice to have ppl recognize not everyone can go at the same pace, you know? that was so long, so sorry!! and no worries at all if you don’t wanna write it, totally understand! love u so much 🫶🏽🫶🏽
Hi love!! Omg, 7 hours??? Were your eyes okay after that? Sorry it took me so long to get to this, but thanks a ton for requesting and I hope you like it <3
poly!marauders x gn!reader ♡ 644 words
It’s mainly James and Sirius that are the problem. Remus has learned to hold your hand to temper his own long-legged pace, but much like with talking, when James and Sirius get together they start moving at double the speed. 
“Should we call them?” he asks. 
You consider it. “Let’s see how far they get before they notice.” 
A couple more minutes go by, and Remus can barely see the tops of their heads through the crowded sidewalk. 
“Still no idea?” He searches for notes of dejection in your tone, but finds only amusement. 
“Let’s hide.”
He blinks. “What? No, love…” He sighs reluctantly, but lets you tug him into a nearby coffee shop. 
You buy them each a hot chocolate, and it’s five more minutes before Sirius and James go by in the shop’s window, appearing slightly bemused but otherwise unconcerned. You make to go outside, but this time it’s Remus who holds you back. 
“No, let them stew a minute.” 
The next time they come by, the pair looks noticeably more troubled. Remus knocks on the window, and you both wave when they turn to you, gawping. 
The bell jingles as they come inside. 
“Hey, we’ve been looking for you.” James rubs his hands together, blowing warmth into them. Remus feels a tiny bit guilty and takes them between his. He pretends not to see the toothy grin James shoots him. 
“Oh?” Remus makes his tone casual, and you sip at your hot chocolate to hide your smile. “For how long?” 
“Like, five minutes. You just disappeared,” Sirius complains, scooching into your chair so that you have to share it with him. He peers at your hot chocolate, then Remus’. “Oi, you didn’t get any for us?” 
“Interesting,” Remus goes on, ignoring the question, “because we’ve been in here for nearly fifteen.” 
Sirius blinks, and James cocks his head. “Really?” James asks. 
You nudge Remus’ leg playfully under the table. “No,” you tell them, rolling your eyes. “We just wanted to see how long it would take you guys to notice we weren’t behind you.” 
“You could stand to be a little more considerate,” Remus says primly, sipping his hot chocolate. 
“Aw, baby.” Sirius nestles his freezing nose into your cheek, grinning when you squirm away. “Did those little legs of yours separate us?” 
You roll your eyes, but once again Remus comes to your defense. “Their legs aren’t the problem, yours are. Until you two can learn to be considerate of the less…height privileged” —he pretends not to see the aghast look you send him, and goes on with faux dispassion— “there will be no hot chocolate for either of you.” 
Sirius scoffs, but James is nodding slowly, seeming to mull things over. “Sounds fair,” he says. “However, have you considered that we could simply purchase our own hot chocolate?” 
“Not,” says Remus, “on ethical grounds.” 
James pulls his hands kindly from Remus’ grasp, giving him an almost consoling pat on the shoulder. “C’mon, Pads, let’s go order.” Sirius hops up, and James stops by your chair on his way past to drop a kiss on your head. “We’ll try to keep to your speed from now on, lovie. Sorry.” 
“It’s okay,” you say, having forgiven them long before they even knew they wanted to be forgiven. 
“Honestly, who should you really be mad at?” Sirius gives you a conspiratorial look. “Your knight in shining armor over there just called you ‘the less height privileged.’” 
“Don’t let him turn us against each other,” Remus says, reaching across the table to clasp your hand firmly. “It’s how he gets his way.” 
“I know,” you stage-whisper back. Then to Sirius, “Go get your hot chocolate, and I’ll decide who I’m mad at depending on whether there’s a slice of pumpkin bread with you when you come back.” 
He scurries towards the counter.
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suguru-getos · 5 months
So. Do you have any hcs for yandere gojo with a non-sorcerer darling? My own personal one would that he's much more protective. I'd also imagine they liked him for him instead of because he's the "strongest", and he found it incredibly endearing. They may or may not be a secret childhood friend or an English teacher at the school who only knows it's a "special" school or something.
ahh i have so many actually, i really live for the power dynamics and the sheer power difference between satoru x non-sorcerer reader
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yandere gojo x non-sorcerer reader hcs:
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warnings: mentions of abuse, yandere-behavior, mentions of blood, manipulation.
it really drives him mad, whenever you don’t understand what’s the issue. the issue is simply, satoru loving you whole heartedly snd wanting to be there for you!! only you don’t understand. 🤦🏻 what can he do to ensure that — not give you any space at all. sometimes you feel like his choking presence takes your breath away.
whenever you leave for work, he would be texting you things like, “lunch princess?” you haven’t even agreed to be his princess/someone he can call his significant other; that doesn’t stop satoru though. years and years of being worshipped has altered his brain chemistry into thinking that whatever he wants he gets.
he will force you into going on lunches with him everyday. he has too much money and would rather burn it away — as he says, instead, he’s taking you to lunches and dinners. once, you sternly denied that because you had to leave with a colleague of yours. you don’t need a reminder of how badly that ended. he explains how his technique, ao (blue) sucks things, so basically him using that on the guy contracted his veins to the point of rupture but hey!! he is so nice, the dude wouldn’t die. <3 so don’t do it again, yeah?
there are times when you’ve blocked his number because he can be too pesky, then he just visits your mum. video calls you from her phone and pouts like a manchild. he gets what he wants, just not by hurting you. though you often wonder how long till he loses his mind.
one of the days he did, when you snapped at him finally after he waited hours in front of your office because he wanted to eat ‘sushi’ with you. you told him to piss off & you’d rather die than belong to him. he says he is sorry- really sorry for what happened, for the bruises on your neck because of his chokingly nauseating grip that your feet were off the ground. he even cries, kneeling at your feet. “please baby- please don’t be scaref of me please i’d never do it again i- i don’t know what came over me.. i just- just wanted you to shut up! that’s all- because you were hurting me- i was- i just love you please..”
satoru does make false promises mostly, because you have noticed when you piss him off, there are consequences. it’s simple — if you don’t want to have lunch and dinner with him, you don’t get to eat at all. and if you really don’t love the extensive freedom you have? you get kidnapped. and owned, and caged.
you can throw things around, you can do whatever you want in the huge gojo estate, but you can kiss your job goodbye. it wouldn’t stand shit in front of the fortune he possesses anyways.
forced marriage later 👋 that way you can’t really escape from him ever. because he now is the official son in law of your parents, and oh so close to your family… he does love them, just like he loves you. just don’t test it, kay?
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hotvintagepoll · 3 months
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Lauren Bacall (To Have and Have Not, The Big Sleep, Key Largo)—"Just put your lips together...and blow" excuse me ma'am i'm briefly going to turn into a kettle. She's the quintessential Femme Fatale who may betray me in the end but I'd let her it'd be worth it
Laraine Day (Foreign Correspondent, Mr. Lucky)—no propaganda submitted
This is round 1 of the tournament. All other polls in this bracket can be found here. Please reblog with further support of your beloved hot sexy vintage woman.
[additional propaganda submitted under the cut.]
Laraine Day:
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Lauren Bacall:
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"The VOICE, the SLINK, the EYES. Woof."
"Lauren Bacall was a major lesbian awakening for me. Every picture of her makes it look like she’s about to destroy you physically and emotionally (why is that so hot, I may need help). She had incredible long running chemistry with her husband, Humphrey Bogart, but was an absolute star in her own right. I’ll never be over my crush on her."
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"She's got that confident, no-nonsense air about her. She's a boss babe who knows what she wants and gets it DONE. Staunch liberal Democrat her whole life. Campaigned for RFK. From Wikipedia: "In a 2005 interview with Larry King, Bacall described herself as "anti-Republican... A liberal. The L-word". She added that "being a liberal is the best thing on Earth you can be. You are welcoming to everyone when you're a liberal. You do not have a small mind."" Beautiful hair. Beautiful eyes. Beautiful lips. She's just beauty. LISTEN TO HER VOICE. TELL ME THAT'S NOT THE STUFF THAT DREAMS ARE MADE OF."
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"A gorgeous lady inside and out. One half of an absolute power couple with Humphrey Bogart, tended to him and other actors suffering from malaria whilst filming the African Queen, generally radiated grace and poise throughout her life. Also her last role was in Family Guy so she needs justice for that"
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"HER VOICE. Like yeah, she was absolutely stunning but oh my god, I'm obsessed with her voice"
"She was stunning. Tall and beautiful with a distinctive voice and able to carry her own in a male dominated field. She won the heart of millions, including one of Hollywood's most iconic leading men, Humphrey Bogart. Their story was the stuff of legends, and the chemistry between them was apparent in the multiple films they started in together. She personified the film noir dame and yet she also adapted as Hollywood changed. Her career spanned decades, and she was honored multiple times."
"She is soooo neat. And hot. And everything. That one scene in To Have and Have Not where she says "you know how to whistle don't you? You just put your lips together and blow" altered my brain chemistry during media archaeology class and here we are."
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blackcathjp · 3 months
drarry fic recs loosely based on my post: fics where harry has a praise kink / draco's dirty talk makes harry's brain fuzzy and needy.
i especially love fics where draco calls him "sweetheart" or "darling", so cute and hot when he says it so naturally, feels so intimate and loving.
mostly pwps and dmhp fics.
the way you say my name by innerlilith (5k)
the inspiration for this post... the reason why my brain chemistry transformed, the reason for my obsession with sweet pet names. their relationship develops in such a real way, the banter is so drarry. you can feel the sexual (and romanticl!) tension build and build until it breaks and the climax is SO satisfying. also really love draco's "unhinged flirt" characterization. harry getting so hot under the collar is just *chef's kiss*.
far from the tree by aideomai (112k)
reason #2 for this post. it's THE fic. need i say more? you just have to read it. draco can't believe harry would want him, yet he's posessive and can't let him go. harry's obsessed and will do anything to protect him. throw in some angst, mystery, kinky times, next gen kids, draco calling harry "darling" (and subsequently changing the trajectory of my life), and voila! a masterpiece.
dinner and diatribes by hephaestiions (5k)
legilimency sex is SO UNDERRATED. another fic that altered my brain chemistry and lives in my mind rent-free. established loving relationship, with draco knowing how to help and ruin harry. be his peace of mind and make him crackle with sexual need and wild magic. it's a truly delicious fic that is filthy, intimate, and comforting. "to forever and a day" is such a devastating declaration of love.
back where we began by cassiara (25k)
oh. my. god. the way it's slightly teacher/student dynamics but not really, combined with accidental bonding and sorta legilimency because harry is impulsive and curious and obsessed with draco's voice in his head. like??!
stamina spells pleasure by lettered (10k)
bonkers multiple orgasms fic with dom draco and magical spells for sexy times! when i say harry deserves to be RAILED and reduced into a needy little mess, i mean this!
knot your average coworker by @thecouchsofa (22k)
werewolf draco and oblivious harry! subtle praise kink, great feisty banter. sweet and hot fic about harry's desire to care for draco, and draco being baffled by that. also, harry's obsessed with his knot 😏 that is all.
bonus fics (not so much about praise kink):
the earth from a distance by spqr / @andthepeople (15k)
genius and competent draco and action-oriented, need-to-be-useful harry! masterful world-building about 16th century hogwarts, lovely speculative twist on life in the past. survival-based co-dependent relationship turned into intimate & loving romance.
paragraph twelve, clause four by innerlilith (15k)
innerlilith knows how to write lust and tension with longing and gentleness. this is all about quidditch player harry and his sexy bodyguard draco, with a silly premise of hearing your love/hate crush wank loudly next door. the scene where draco begs to see more and how his words make harry turn into a puddle... the push and pull, the burning need, you just have to be there, the build up is so worth it.
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nyxthejinx · 8 months
𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐃𝐚𝐫𝐤 𝐒𝐢𝐝𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐌𝐨𝐨𝐧
Guess who's back- yeahh Wrio altered my brain chemistry and i gotta cope with everything that just happened in the archon quest (iykyk). I haven't written in ages, I'm a bit rusty :')
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𝐒𝐲𝐧𝐨𝐩𝐬𝐢𝐬: Slow mornings are the sweetest.
𝐓𝐖: Fluff (incredible, I know) nudity and intimacy in general (nothing too explicit, more on the romantic side), allusions to the night before, reader loves wrio's butt and is shameless about it (don't we all), mention of scars (wrio's), I tried to proof read it multiple times but my brain is fighting against me, lemme know if I missed anything
𝐅𝐭.: Wriothesley - GN!Reader
𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 1056
𝐋𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐨: Eclipse - Pink Floyd
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𝐈𝐭'𝐬 𝐧𝐨 𝐬𝐞𝐜𝐫𝐞𝐭 that his body is covered with scars, nor does he try to hide them. But the bedside lamp and the afterglow shed a new light on him, one that only you have the privilege of enjoying.
He sits at the edge of the bed, hands by his sides, sinking comfortably in the mattress. The slightest twitch of his muscles can't go unnoticed, not when everything is so slow and still as if time had stopped.
But that's what happens in the Fortress, no? Unless you keep an eye on the watch, minutes and hours blend into a placid flow, until you end up thinking you have all the time in the word.
That's why you lay down the clocks in the room, when darkness begins its descent up in the overworld.
Because you get to see him like this. Sleep ridden, quiet, a bit grumpier than usual. Shamelessly naked from head to toe, with the sheets thrown over his lap for the sake of decorum, as if you didn’t see and feel each other all night along.
This morning too, he stills for minutes on end, staring ahead and gifting you the precious sight of his toned back, now painted with marks and scratches fresh from the night. He runs a hand on his nape, down his shoulder and you know he loves the stinging carvings you left behind with your nails.
But your favourite part rests further down.
“You have a nice butt.” You mumble with a lazy smile, as you let your eyes wander to his lower back. “I ought to tell you more."
Wriothesley looks over his shoulder just enough to glare at you, but you know that fiery glimmer stems from amusement; the way his eyes wrinkle at the sides nullifies the frown creasing his brows.
He's lovely, incredibly entertaining whenever he tries and fails to hide his eagerness for compliments.
The man huffs through his nose, shaking his head before standing up. He holds the fabric around his waist, now covering his rear out of spite, as he rummages through the small puddles of discarded clothes on the room's floor.
You, on the other hand, aren't as diligent as he is. There's no hurry, no impending chores more important than this moment as you make yourself comfortable on your side, in the softness of your pillow —that inevitably smells like him too.
Only a fool wouldn't enjoy how incredibly clumsy he appears right now, fighting with the sheets and getting more and more impatient with every passing second that he can't find his underwear.
It's like admiring the dark side of the moon, knowing that no one else gets the same privilege, the same trust.
Which... Might be revoked after this little stunt you pulled.
"Looking for these?"
Wrio's head snaps towards you and his frown deepens at the sight of his boxers hanging from your hooked fingers. You smirk, backing away as far as you can, until he's forced to stretch across the bed and over your body.
You can't help but giggle and snicker, too amused and definitely too confident in the power you hold over him. You both know his pinky finger would be enough to turn the tables, but he wordlessly enjoys this silly game between you two, just like he adores seeing your petty smirk.
Oh, and how he loves wiping it off your face. If he only had more time, in this dreaded Monday morning.
Without much effort, he eventually grabs the garment. "Pervert." He mutters, pinching the skin below your ribs.
You flinch, chuckling breathlessly. "Mean."
But not wrong. You can't stop your eyes from drifting down, where the sheets have slipped dangerously low after all the fighting.
Everything, from his scarred pecks and abs, to his V line looks so... imperfect, gruff, hostile. He's a man who's rough around the edges, like the claw marks that decorate his throat; hardened by life, on guard all the time.
And yet, he shows his back to you without much thought.
Even now, with his pants back on, he plops into his previous position idly, placid in his every move.
There's no need to check for threats, because there's none.
And you realise once again —like you do every day— that you're not ready for the sun to come up and for the moon to switch sides.
For him to glance back.
There's things that need to be done, affairs that only the Duke can handle, no matter how greedy and jealous of his presence you are. Your hands itch to wrap around his wrist, to pull him back by your side for another hour or two.
Wriothesley, on the other hand, spins along without thinking twice, as he adjusts his boots back on. Hadn't you known him long enough, you'd dare to say he doesn't yearn for you as much as you yearn for him, but it's the little things that speak in his stead.
It's the lazily unbuckled belt, the messy hair, wobbling around with his every little movement. "I'll do it later, for it means that we'll spend more time together" they say.
It's the blemished, vulnerable back, offered so humbly.
And suddenly you can't resist the urge anymore.
You navigate your way through the sea of sheets to wrap your arms around his waist, and your bare front against his back stops his motions altogether. Blurred memories from the early night flare up one more time, as your lips burn invisible seals on the skin of his shoulder. Every mellow kiss is so fond, intimate. Just for the two of you to feel.
Never have you felt a stronger sense of belonging. Not when he relaxes so easily in your presence and the world ceases to spin.
When turning his back to you feels so natural.
"Be careful, mh?" You kiss the crook of his neck again, while your hands trace the rough skin around his navel. "I want your pretty butt to be safe and sound."
Wrio's deep chuckle shakes his shoulders and chest, and you feel it deep deep deep in your own heart.
"Your wish, my command." He hums, his coarse fingers guiding one of your wrists to his lips.
The moon, you decide, is prettier when it's dark.
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DON'T copy/repost/translate my work. REBLOG instead! ©nyxthejinx
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blowedtvhead · 8 months
𝐊𝐢𝐧𝐤𝐭𝐨𝐛𝐞𝐫 𝐃𝐚𝐲 𝟐: 𝐀𝐥𝐡𝐚𝐢𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐦 + 𝐀𝐩𝐡𝐫𝐨𝐝𝐢𝐬𝐢𝐚𝐜𝐬
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Alhaitham x Fem!Reader
Warnings: aphrodisiacs, dub con, dom!alhaitham, begging, pet names (good girl), vaginal fingering, finger sucking, vaginal sex, p in v sex, and creampie
Word Count: 1.7k
a/n: does the smut start immediately? yes. does it make sense? not really. do i regret it? nope. also yes, this one is also late im sowwy
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“Just wanted to let you know that while I’m out, Alhaitham has been working on some kind of experiment in the living room, so just be aware,” your roommate Kaveh pokes his head through your door to say.
“Oh? He is?” you turn from your desk to look at the blonde-haired man.
“Yeah, I’m not quite sure what it’s about, but it looks complicated and does not look like something he would normally look into,” Kaveh complains.
“Great…” you reply sarcastically.
“So yeah, just wanted to give you that heads up,” Kaveh says again.
“Thanks for letting me know,” you say.
“Sure thing. I’ll see you later,” he says, closing your door.
“See ya,” you wave as the door shuts. You do begin to wonder what Alhaitham’s work could possibly be, but you have an exam to study for, so your distractive thoughts soon leave you.
After rigorous studying for an hour, your hunger calls you to get something to eat. You have been at this for a long time, so a break would be nice. When you open your door, you see Alhaitham standing at the table in the living room, staring at a chemistry set. Certainly odd. Alhaitham’s focus was never on something like this. You don’t want to disturb him, so you walk into the kitchen and cook yourself something. You cook a nice meal, and you hear weird puff noises from the living room as you eat. The sound of air being released, at least that’s what it sounded like to you. The noises are a bit distracting, so you venture into the living room to see what Alhaitham is doing.
Alhaitham is just as you left him when you enter, standing over the chemistry set and testing something out. His handsome green eyes are fixated on the gas vapor inside a vial with a pink hue. His expression is one of thoughtfulness and intrigue. Really, really strange.
“Haitham?” you say gently.
“Hmm?” his voice is deep, indicating he hasn’t spoken for some time. He doesn’t look at you, either.
“What are you doing?” you ask.
“I’m looking into a gas formation a colleague of mine told me about,” he explains. “She told me that this formation has a peculiar side effect when inhaled.”
“Side effect?” you inquire. “What kind of side effect?”
“I’m not sure,” he says. “She didn’t say.”
“Oh,” you mutter.
“I was going to have Kaveh see what the side effect was, but he left some time ago,” Alhaitham says nonchalantly.
“See…what…” your brain turns his words. “Wait, were you going to have Kaveh be your guinea pig?”
“That would have been helpful, but like I said, he left,” Alhaitham huffs in annoyance and adds something to the vial. You’re a bit taken aback, but then you remember the dynamic between your roommates, and you’re shock fades. He finally looks over at you. “How about you?”
“Huh?” you utter.
“You test out the gas,” he says simply.
“What? No way, what if it’s dangerous?” you ask.
“My colleague said that it’s not dangerous. She said the gas alters your mood and state of mind,” Alhaitham explains.
“So, she did say something about the side effects,” you reply.
“Yes, but it’s irrelevant information since it’s practically useless,” Alhaitham says.
“Well, if I’m gonna test it, then you have to as well,” you tell him.
“Oh? Do I now?” he asks.
“Yeah, it’s only fair,” you declare. He chuckles.
“Alright,” he agrees.
“Wait, really?” you’re surprised he agreed so quickly.
“Yeah, I think it’ll enhance the report I give if I also test it,” he explains. So, he takes the vial and goes over to you. He releases the gas vapor into the air, and nothing seems to happen at first. However, gradually, you begin to feel warm and quiver a bit, especially under Alhaitham’s lengthy gaze. His green eyes bore into you, and his tall frame over you. It’s overwhelming and so sexy. “I think the vapor has an effect.”
“Uh, yeah,” you agree. Your voice is soft and nervous. His eyes narrow at you, wondering why you’re suddenly shy. After a minute, he understands.
“Do I make you all shy, Y/N?” he asks cheekily. You aren’t sure how to respond and avoid his gaze, already confirming his suspicion. “It seems this gas affects you more than me.”
“That’s not…” your gaze is still fixated anywhere but on the man before you.
“How cute,” he says, taking your chin with his fingers. “How about we give in to the gas’ effects? For research purposes.”
“Well, if it’s for research purposes, I suppose we could,” you agree.
“That’s a good girl,” he says, and you can’t help how hot that sounds coming from him.
Alhaitham kisses you with his hands resting on your hips and your arms wrap around his broad shoulders. His rough lips glide against yours, with his tongue touching your bottom lip. Your mouth opens eagerly for him, wanting to get and taste more of him. He kisses you effortlessly, wanting the same from you. He breaks away from you and begins kissing your neck. In between his neck kisses, he requests something of you.
“Jump up and wrap your legs around me,” he says. You do as he asks, and he helps you lie on the table beside the set he was working on. When you’ve settled, you briefly unwrap your limbs from him to undress yourselves. You watch him tear off his shirt, getting to admire his physique. He watches you take off your shirt and eyes you like a predator.
“You’re so sexy, Y/N,” he compliments. He comes up to kiss you again, and you can feel him grind his hips into yours. Alhaitham’s hands come up to your shorts, and he removes them. In just your panties, you grind against Alhaitham’s hand, wanting more. “You’re certainly needy,” he says.
“Shut up,” you say. “This is your fault.”
“Fair,” he agrees. “Then let me help you.” He begins rubbing your pussy over your panties. His longest two fingers rub the slit up and down and stop at the clit to give it some attention. You whimper at his teasing, knowing he’s just toying with you. “You want to cum?”
“Fuck, yes,” you glare at him.
“Then you better beg,” he tells you. You look away from him again, not wanting to give in. He takes your chin, much like before, to get you to look at him. “Beg.” You spread your legs a bit more.
“Please let me cum, Haitham,” you beg. “Please, I want to so badly.”
“That’s better,” he says. He removes your panties and thrusts a finger inside you, and uses his thumb to rub your clit. His actions are quick; his fingers move at a swift pace. He wants you to cum as quickly as possible.
You cry out as you feel yourself drawing near to your orgasm. Your nails dig into the table as you feel your thighs burn, and your pussy begins to squeeze around Alhaitham’s finger.
“Look at you. So quick to cum, huh?” Your mind swims, and can’t think of anything other than the feeling of Alhaitham’s fingers. He doesn’t stop, and you ride out your orgasm on his fingers. Your cum stains his fingers, and he inspects it. “Lick them clean.” He puts his fingers to your lips, and you take them into your mouth, swirling your tongue around them. Eventually, Alhaitham removes his fingers from your mouth with a small smile plastered on his face.
“I think you get a kick out of ordering me around,” you say.
“Something like that,” Alhaitham tells you.
Alhaitham strips off his pants and lines his cock at your entrance.
“Better be quick,” Alhaitham tells you. “Don’t want Kaveh to come home and see, don’t we?” You nod your head both to agree and just to hurry up already. Alhaitham pushes himself in, and you whine at the feeling of his cock inside you. The stretch of your pussy causes Alhaitham to groan above you. 
Alhaitham gives you a bit to adjust to his size before he starts to move. Your arms are draped across Alhaitham’s back with his hands beside your head to stabilize himself. He begins to fuck you at an even pace, with your hot moans fanning each other for every thrust. You both curse as Alhaitham’s cock splits you open and moves against your most sensitive spot.
“Fuck,” he curses. “You feel so good.” Your moans and hitched breaths are the responses he gets from you, making him happier. He increases his speed a bit, and your nails begin to dig into his shoulder and scratch at his skin. He winces from it but continues to rail into you. The table slams against the ground with every one of Alhaitham’s thrusts, and the crash is loud throughout the house. His mouth once again finds your neck and begins leaving marks on it. You wrap your legs around his waist, keeping his cock close inside you. With every snap of his hips, Alhaitham’s orgasm draws closer. Your cries reach a higher pitch when you feel Alhaitham’s cock begin to twitch within you. He doesn’t cease, and he cums within you. However, even with his cum inside, he doesn’t stop fucking you.
“Hai-Haitham,” you moan as his hot cum is continuously shoved inside of you.
“Just a bit more,” he whispers against you. “You can take it.”
“I-I can’t,” you stutter out. He leaves open-mouthed kisses along your upper chest.
“Yes, you can,” he says. “You’ve been so good, just a bit more.”
“Hey!” you both hear a person from outside the house shout, and you both immediately stop your actions. Your eyes grow wide, and your face becomes heated from embarrassment. Alhaitham raises himself and looks in the direction of the door.
“Who the hell…?” Alhaitham’s annoyance is coming out in full swing.
“I forgot my keys! Is there anyone there to let me in?” Kaveh shouts. You both sigh somewhat in relief and annoyance.
“One minute, Kaveh,” Alhaitham says calmly. “We’ll continue with this later. I wasn’t finished with you,” he says quietly for only your ears. And you know he intends to keep that promise.
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𝐊𝐢𝐧𝐤𝐭𝐨𝐛𝐞𝐫 𝐏𝐨𝐬𝐭
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© alberichness 2023, all rights reserved. do not plagiarize, use for ai, copy, translate, or repost my content on any platform. comments, reblogs, and likes are loved
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unhingedhiro · 2 months
clingy!cheol thoughts
word count -> 747
tags -> copious amounts of fluff, cheol brainrot, there's really nothing else to it, have i mentioned fluff?, princess as a nickname once, gn pronouns, suggestive if you squint extremely hard, nowhere near proofread
it's cheol and he's bulked and follow seoul where he performs lalali has me brainrotting
When the thoughts thought again and its cuddly bulky choi seungcheol ?? who feels like a soft pillow when you hug him and he’s relaxed but when he tenses you can feel how hard his muscles are and its brain chemistry altering. The kinda guy who’ll pull you into a hug and it mildly blows you away with how strong he actually is and then he practically melts into the sofa because it’s been a hard day and he’s finally relaxed when he has the love of his life in his arms and suddenly you realise, oh, he’s a literal pillow. Like I refuse to believe he’s not actually just incredibly soft like we’ve all seen him he pouts when angry.
You can bet he’s proud of it too and he thinks of it as a charm point because who wouldn’t want a cuddly s/o he’s literally a teddy bear. An oversized teddy bear (/pos) but a teddy bear nonetheless who’s always up for cuddles. Thinking princess carries to bed where you can feel his muscles under you and there’s a slight concern over his leg and he’ll probably shrug it off and then regret it when he tries to sit down and the pain twinges. Does he get scolded for it? Yes. Will he do it again? Absolutely. Will he be told absolutely not and to sit down and that you can walk? Yes. Will he do it regardless? Well of course, that’s his princess right there he’s not about to make them walk to bed?? Not when he can technically carry them and he’s missed out on the privilege of doing so for the past few months?
This is heavily influenced by weverse cheol pics from like . a week ago? My memory is shit don’t expect an exact date but like we’ve all seen how big he’s gotten and honestly I need him to keep bulking he looks so good when he does but that’s not the point thinking about laying on his chest and you can’t help but notice it’s softer than your own pillow. When you tell him this he’ll only laugh, that kinda deep chuckle where his face twists into pure amusement and he holds you closer and tells you in a really cheesy voice that he’ll always be your pillow. He’ll take it as a reason to brag too, joking about how he’s your favourite pillow and really can you disagree with that?
Mild suggestive (?) but like since he’s recovered and I personally feel as though he’s bulked significantly he’s also absolutely the kinda guy to just . manhandle his partner around from casually picking you up to pulling you closer to him, either by grabbing your waist or your wrist and who knows he might just place a kiss on your lips as well, a smile ghosting his when you murmur that his lips are so soft and who knows, maybe he’s the kinda guy to say “I keep them soft for you”, which honestly, interpret that in any context you could possibly want the possibilities are endless. Small displays of strength followed by immense amount of softness and affection and constant check ins to make sure he hasn’t hurt you. A continuous duality that I honestly think really just represents Cheol.
Or maybe it’s the opposite, and it goes from soft Cheol where in reaction to being teased he takes it upon himself to remind you he actually isn’t just a soft cuddly bear (that’s a lie if he pulls you into his arms he’s just going to relax again and nuzzle his face into your hair, breathing in the scent of your shampoo).
Also thinking clingy!cheol who despises even the notion of having you out of his arms for longer than a few minutes especially when it’s at home and he hasn’t seen you for a whole day because of schedules because what do you mean you’re trying to cook and he can’t back hug you through every step of the process?? He’ll fall asleep with you in his arms and is absolutely the kind of guy to wake up from a single indicator of movement that tells him you’re moving away and will pout and whine about it until offered an explanation. If you’re going to the toilet he will stay awake and wait for you to come back to welcome you back to sleep with open arms and I will die on this hill.
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sanhwaism · 4 months
bf!ateez and that one specific habit they do that highlights their love language
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pairing ⟡ bf .ᐟ ot8 x gn .ᐟ reader
genre ⟡ established relationship, romance, fluff
author's note ⟡ haaaaapy valentine's day 💌☁️ not long ago i have reached 100 followers eeek ^_^ so so grateful for every single one of you!! take this as my gift for both this milestone and valentine's day <3 (the specific habit of theirs will be written in italics just so it can be easier to spot hehe)
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k. hongjoong — quality time
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ah yes, the busy and very hardworking captain :,)
he's aware of the time spent in his studio; composing and producing music are in his nature after all!
so he feels very thankful that you are understanding and always there for him to cheer him up or reassure him that he doesn't have to feel guilty even when he's pulling all nighters there
yet he still feels bad deep down
at the same time he can't abandon his work
so every chance he gets — and i mean EVERY — when he's not that overworked he makes sure to learn about what you're into so he can spend time with you in a way which you'd enjoy the most
whether it's a new game you're into, or a tv show or a book or
the moment you mention it ONCE???? be sure he's taking a mental note and paying the closest attention to it
because he acknowledges that it will be useful for later
no matter what it is, he'll try his best to pick up on it so you can have a great time together
"oh is this the new video game you started playing? guess what i actually got into it as well so we can play it together now!! :D!"
"oh i know you told me about this book you're reading so i bought a copy as well and i started it whenever i took breaks at work!! let's talk about it!! :D!"
he's genuinely so thoughtful
so yes, knowing how much time he spends away from you makes him want to learn more about your interests so the moment he has you back in his embrace, he will make sure to repay you in the sweetest way possible!
p. seonghwa — words of affirmation
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the type of boyfriend that always makes sure you know how great you're doing and how proud he is of you :(
he wouldn't go a day without praising you
if he is away from you because of work, expect a very early morning message from him in which he wishes you a good day ahead, that you will do great no matter what and he hopes you get to eat some yummy food in the meantime
and then later that day more encouraging words to keep you motivated and to also remind you that he loves you dearly
sobbing again
he wants you to tell him every detail about your day so he can praise every single effort you're making out there, no matter how small or insignificant you think it is
he'd tell you that just thinking of you gives him enough energy to go throughout the day
and he'll try his best to comfort you with his magical healing words if there is something you're going through
one thing about seonghwa is that he will validate your feelings no matter what. and that makes you feel so safe and appreciated and so so loved :(((
he's just comfort personified
he feels like hot chocolate served with marshmallows on top in front of the fireplace
if he's home and there are no miles that distance him from you, every single affectionate word that comes out of his mouth sounds even more soft hearted if that's possible
because not only does he know how to pick the best words and when to use them, but also the tone of his voice is just so soft and soothing
and now that no screen separates you both, his praises feel even more meaningful
he'd gently smile while caressing your cheek and whisper that he missed you so much and now that the day is over, everything that you have accomplished makes him so proud <3
j. yunho — physical touch
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oh my god
PLEASE listen to me
when i say that i keep seeing those specific cutest clips of yunho that altered my brain chemistry
i mean it
they altered it so badly to the point where my opinion on his love language changed
everything clicks in your head the moment you realize that yunho has been doing this gesture to you after you two got more comfortable with each other
you walk baside him while holding his hand?
all of the sudden you feel his large, soft hand on the top of your head
he looks at you all smiley while you talk to him?
the next second his hand is moving towards the crown of your head, cutely ruffling your hair
you're eating and paying attention to the food before your very eyes?
another headpat.
cute little soft headpat
is it the height difference that just makes him unable to control his hand from such sweet gesture?
most certainly, actually
he just can't help it :( one look at how cute you look and you don't even get the chance to finish your sentence be–
yup. headpat!!!!!
it's never enough for him, there are times where he feels the urge to just start speedily yet gently tap the top of your head countless times while your head just bops up and down
the way people do with their pets when the cuteness aggression hits (please tell me you know what i mean)
if you dont i gotchu i provide with visual representation here! (volume warning!!!! its loud!!)
he finds that HILARIOUS and so adorable at the same time
he'd just start giggling and you can't help but enjoy his laugh and playfulness
but if he doesn't stop you're gonna get dizzy a bit so he'll recieve a headpat in return!
... just a more aggressive one
call it a cute bonk ^_^
emotionally prepare yourself not to get TOO affected by his sudden puppy eyes because how dare you do such thing to him :<
apologize with a forehead smooch and he'll get all shy and so cutieful
k. yeosang — acts of service
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your personal trainer angel fairy dreamy looking like boyfriend
fondly sighs
yeosang's love for you is so gentle and thoughtful
he's your safe haven
his best way to express his feelings is by making sure you're always taking care of yourself, especially reminding you daily to take your supplements and vitamins!!
one day while you were cuddling him on the couch, you expressed your desire to have a more balanced and healthy lifestyle because he inspires you to do so
that was the moment a big shiny lightbulb lit up above yeosang's head
because he had the perfect idea how to help!! :D
the next day you'd already have in your hands a cute storage vitamin box that he got for you where you can organize your vitamins by days so it can be easier for you :(
of course he has one as well
he is always the one that helps you buy them once you run out
and he'd try his best to do his research based on your preferences and what seems to work best for you
when you tell him how much of a big difference they've been making and how much more energetic you feel, his smile melts your heart
he gets all bashful and giggles to himself, waving his hand as if he doesn't consider that he has done a lot
(well i consider eating him in one bite)
after all, that's what a good boyfriend should do! no biggie!
but yeosang has no idea how much it means to you; for him to always check up in you, to be your daily reminder just in case you forget about the vitamins, to diligently help you achieve the healthy lifestyle you strive for
c. san — physical touch
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everyone please act shocked
of course it's physical touch
i feel like i'd commit a crime if i didn't pick it
he's just a cute clingy cat :(
you figured out his love language quite fast, a little bit after you have made your relationship official and gave him your consent
he was shy at first
VERY shy
at first he could feel satisfied enough even with just your hand in his, or a timid hug
honestly he just wanted you near him!
but after some time when both of you got more comfortable with each other and after lots of showers with affection,
he started attacking your cheeks in the cutest way possible
every time he would have you near him, you'd see him suddenly leaning towards one side of you
next second you'd feel the softness of his cheek touching yours
and not only touch
but he would push himself even closer to you if that's possible, smushing your cheeks together while he's pouting
as if he wants to fuse both of your bodies into one because having you like that against him?? clearly isn't enough
also starts gently rubbing it against your own cheek, humming to himself because of how nice the feeling is while his eyes are closed in content
with time you got used to it and even started to like it and look forward to it
(every time i see clips of him doing that to other members i can't help but giggle)
he's just the cutest <3
no one cats the way san cats
s. mingi — quality time
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the type of boyfriend that if he could, he would attach you to his hip like a lucky charm forever and ever
because you always bring him luck, inspiration and hope whenever he has you near him :(
he feels a bit lost in your absence, always looking for ways to hear from you one way or another
so a lot of times when you two would blissfully share each other's space, mingi would ask you to attend his dancing practice, so you can witness what impressive moves he came up with and what choreographies he has been working on ^^
he is truly sososososo talented
and you'd just watch him with your lips slightly parted, amazement written all over your face as your eyes would follow the way his flexible body moves like water, with such calculated and striking motions
or other times, when he'd willingly share his personal space with you in his studio where he worked on so many new instrumentals and demos that might be useful for the group's future releases or his solo projects
every minute he would turn his head towards you just so he could catch a glimpse of your face expression
and he would smile to himself as he'd gaze at the endearing way you enjoy the rhythm and overall vibe of the music
his eyes would start sparkling in the dim lighting as you praise his efforts and works
and the biggest, cutest smile would adorn his bare face
sobs mingi.. mingi!! ^__^ mingi :3 MINGI!!!!!!!!
from that moment on, he only grows more confident to have you partake in any type of project he's crafting
you soon realize that you're the only one that gets this treatment
that's how big of an effect you have on song mingi. and he loves you dearly. always share your feedback and space with him. pretty please with a cherry on top <3
he said that not me
j. wooyoung — BITING gift giving
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sorry let me get serious
this man emanates love through every single pore so it was SO hard to pick only one love language
but it had to be done!
he's typically in his sugar baby era
but when it comes to you????????
i hope you're prepared to get spoiled ^^
his love for you is just too strong
but so is his credit card!
even before both of you confessed to each other, wooyoung had been giving you subtle hints that he was having a crush on you
and a lot of his hints were consisting mostly in him buying something for you
you eyed a cute plushie through the shop's window?
"waa, wooyoung, this plushie is so cute don't you think!!!!"
wooyoung thinks that he is buying it for you!!!!!
and you know what
he's getting two plushies actually, because they remind him of you and him
once he steps out of the shop, he hands the plushie to you with the cutest smile plastered on his lips and a twinkle in his eyes
"look, it's us," he exclaims as he brings his plushie close to the one in your hands and, to your utter surprise, makes them aggressively kiss.
(i just made myself SO devastated by writing that oh my god)
that was actually the day you two admitted having a crush on each other
from that day on, wooyoung's need to spoil you only grew
he'd want to match with you not only when it comes to a pair of plushies or ten, but clothes as well
not those that are SO visibly matching, instead more subtle ones that sort of compliment each other's looks and make you two match perfectly, like two puzzle pieces :,)
yes, wooyoung would be the one that would buy the clothes for you and surprise you with soooo many bags in front of your door, so excited for you to try on everything
he's whipped! can you blame him :(
you are his happiness and he wouldn't have it any other way, you deserve every single gift, end of discussion!!
c. jongho — acts of service
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the acts of service king
i said what i said!!
also the king of americanos yup yup iktr!
speaking of americano coffee :>
in the beginning of your relationship with jongho, you'd often have dates at the prettiest, comfiest cafes in town
you'd both order your usual drink of choice, and whenever you'd get coffee, he would pay extra attention to what type of coffee is it so he can get a cup for you next time and impress you with it
not just coffee but shh this is about coffee shh
after some time, you took the relationship to the next level, moving in together;
and whenever jongho had to leave earlier than you for his schedule, the mornings would smell like the best freshly made coffee you had ever smelled
because your sweet and attentive boyfriend would try his best to copy the recipe of your favorite coffee drink
from scratch as well
grinding the best coffee beans he could find into grounds
using water heated between 195°F-205°F
aiming for a total brew time between 3-5 minutes
like this is serious for him.
because he NEEDS it to be perfect and he NEEDS to cutely brag about it and he NEEDS to make you feel very pleased!
"hey, y/n, would you like some coffee?"
"no, thank youuu, my boyfriend made me the best cup of coffee this morning !!"
he would also leave a lovely note next to the mug :(
what more could you ask for. seriously.
you're gonna have some people become jealous but hey! choi jongho THE choi jongho chose you <3 and you will always be the only one he would make coffee for, from scratch, at the first glow of the sunrise
you are the apple of his eye
the only apple he would never break in half
see what i did there :D
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𓏲 ࣪₊♡ taglist: @yuyusuyu
{💌ྀི} masterlist.
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lestappenforever · 3 months
With the Lestappen-overtaking-Maxiel situation going on: Could you maybe make a little recommendation list of your favourite Lestappen fics (can be yours and/or other people's)?
Hi anon!
I absolutely can, what a fitting celebration!
As I'm still working on a proper fic rec list as I keep reading more and more fics, below you will find a small selection of my all-time favorite fics - both to read and to write!
Full list of my all-time favorite fics that I have read and written below the cut!
My all-time favorite fics that I have read:
Monaco Malaise (part 1 of Temptation's Trajectory) by @cupidskissx Rated E | 8,037 words | Complete
Using the reflection in the mirror above the vanity, he steals occasional glances into the bedroom as he wets the cloth and cleans himself off. Charles is still on his forearms and knees, face buried in his pillow, he doesn’t look like he’s going to be moving any time soon.
Max and Charles have been hooking up for a few months, casually, no string attached — definitely no feelings involved… The disaster that was Monaco 2021 sees them in Charles’ apartment, with Max having to deal with the fact that Charles can’t get out of his head.
Azerbaijan Abnegation (part 2 of Temptation's Trajectory) by @cupidskissx Rated E | 16,972 words | Complete
Charles stares at him intently, “Last time was an anomaly.” Not for the first time, Max recalls the awkward swell of humiliation after Charles had told him to stop. The hairs on the back of his neck prickle at the memory of everything that followed, “Yeah, that better not happen again.”
After Monaco, Max thought he’d made up his mind about Charles, and their little arrangement. They’re in Azerbaijan and Charles is everywhere: in his head, in his messages, in his hotel room… Will Max be able to hold onto his resolve, or will his attempts at self-denial only prolong the inevitable?
Mona's comment: I have read these two fics more times than I can count, and I'm going to keep reading them again and again and again until the day I die. Loz is such an amazingly talented author, and her writing has honestly altered my brain chemistry numerous times.
you and me, just us (and your teammate sergio) by @oscar-fastri Rated T | 3,377 words | Complete
Checo was fully aware of what he’s walking into. Still, he seriously doubts that anyone could have been prepared for the full force of Max Verstappen and Charles Leclerc being heads over heels in love with each other and not even trying to hide it.
Or: 5 times Checo thirdwheels Max and Charles + 1 time it's everyone else's turn
Mona's comment: This is the "You, me and your friend Steve" song in perfect fic format, and let me tell you the sound I made when Avery published it was not human.
The Nights Are Long (But It's Easier Together) by @f1writingbyme Rated E | 43,759 | Complete
“Oh, God, what is it?” Max groans. “It’s Mr. Corvetto, right? I knew it. I’m telling you, never move into an apartment next to elderly people. It’s just– Why does she call me? What the hell can I do? Doesn’t she need to call an ambulance or something? Or, I don’t know, her family, or–” “Max.” Charles interrupts Max’s ranting. He ends the phone call, cutting off Mrs. Corvetto’s panicked yelling with a simple press of his thumb. He stares at the blue-eyed man in front of him. “Your apartment is on fire.”
Or: The fire in his apartment is only the beginning of a long list of misfortunes that await Max. Fortunately, he has Charles by his side to help him through it. That is until Charles is the one that gets targeted.
Mona's comment: I don't even have words for this, it just needs to be read. WARNING: Prepare for heavy angst.
And That's How I Foksmashed Dad's Championship Trophy by @il-predestinato Rated T | 6,500 | Complete
All of that would have been forgivable if not for the Green-Eyed Monster’s complete disregard for the pre-contracted occupation rights of Max’s lap. Such rights had long been pre-determined and belonged to Sassy (and occasionally to Jimmy, she admitted begrudgingly). However, no amount of quiet hisses and vicious glares seemed to penetrate the creature’s thick skull, and he would greedily occupy Max’s thigh for more than 95% of any given afternoon. Sometimes with his head, sometimes with his feet, and a few times he even straddled his entire body over Max; the latter could not have been comfortable for Max, as the Green-Eyed Monster was enormously overweight compared to Sassy. (Jimmy had insisted that it was not nice to shame another living creature about their weight, but she was not wrong. With her compact size and considerably more reasonable mass, Sassy was confident that she was much more comfortable for Max to have on his lap than that horrendously oversized creature.)
Mona's comment: I have never read anything as great as this, and I don't think I'll ever read anything as great as this ever again. I want to move into Elle's brain and live there forever.
set my midnight sorrow free (part 1 of this is our place, we make the rules) by @il-predestinato Rated T | 13,439 words | Complete
He doesn’t blame Max, not really. If he could have Charles for one night, he would never let him go either. Maybe he isn’t the one who is losing; Max is also playing a losing game. You can’t open yourself to Charles and try to exist in his charmed life without becoming irrevocably enamoured. When Max let Charles walk into his motorhome, when he let Charles slip into his existence, Max didn’t know it then but the battle was already lost.
we don't know how to rhyme, but damn, we try (part 2 of this is our place, we make the rules) by @il-predestinato Rated M | 4,862 | Complete
He pulls back reluctantly and misses the warm mouth almost immediately. Stars, he was doomed. “I want this too,” he tells Charles. “I don’t believe you.” He can be so infuriating sometimes, so contrarian. Some day, he might actually make Max lose his mind.
even the sun sets in paradise (part 3 of this is our place, we make the rules) by @il-predestinato Rated T | 27,774 words | Complete
If he had to name the place where the story of Max and Charles began, if there was a moment that divided them into Before and After, there would be a few candidates. But there was only one correct answer. He would never forget the name. The place is called Val d’Argenton. Stories are still being written there. Charles likes to tell the story of the incident - turn by turn, infused with poetic drama, detailing every single emotion: frustration, anger, pure spite. Every time he tells it, his smile grows along with the laughter in his eyes, even as his words recount a tale of opposing emotions. “I never want to go back to Val d’Argenton,” Charles once confessed. “We’ll never go back there,” he promised, and Charles knew what he meant.
Mona's comment: This series is such a rollercoaster of emotion, and I don't think I'm still fully recovered from reading it the first time. Elle is a true genius in every way.
p19 by @sennaverstappen Rated E | 5,619 words | Complete
“Charles,” it comes out soft, worried, upset. Charles will light himself on fire. He hears Max take a few steps towards him, feels two warm, winning, arms wrap around his fast-breathing chest. He’s still wearing those golden shoes. Max snuggle into his neck. “I’m here for you.” And Max had won, and he’s winning the season, and he’s P19, and losing this season. And Max is winning, and he’s not even talking about it – choosing to comfort his Charles instead. Every little thought converges into a single, red-hot one. He’s going to fuck the pole sitter so hard he’ll be sore tomorrow. “Max,” he whimpers, trying to find his voice, find his grip, find his footing in this world. Max tightens his grip around his waist. “Yes, angel?” And he can feel Max frown against his nape, soft breath against his earlobe. It turns his body white-hot. “Get on the fucking bed.”
Mona's comment: This one is just *chef's kiss*. Mindblowing. Incredible. Just like its author.
My all-time favorite fics that I've written:
Devil's Roll The Dice (Angels Roll Their Eyes) (part 1 of Devils Roll The Dice (Angels Roll Their Eyes) Rated E | 55,362 words | Complete
It all started with a crash. Well, technically, it started with a blue-eyed boy with blonde hair getting screamed at in a language he couldn’t understand when he was only 12 years old. He remembered looking at the boy, who couldn’t be much older than himself - (two weeks older, to be exact, he’d learn later) - and watching the spark disappear right out of those icy blue eyes. That was the first memory Charles Leclerc had of Max Verstappen: Watching Jos Verstappen, Max’s own father, scream at this 12 year old child with an intensity that turned his face red and made every blood vessel in his neck look dangerously close to bursting. But if anyone ever were to ask Charles when he started to realize that his feelings towards that same Max Verstappen he had known since childhood had begun to change into something else, something bigger, something terrifying he couldn’t - or wouldn’t - quite put his finger on, he would say that it all started with a crash. Because of fucking course it did.
OR: The slow-burn story of Lestappen that has brought me back from the dead, which starts with Max's crash at Silverstone in 2021.
Like Snow At The Beach (Weird But Fucking Beautiful) (part 2 of Devils Roll The Dice (Angels Roll Their Eyes) Rated E | 17,064 words | Completed
The wedding of Charles Leclerc and Max Verstappen was always going to be a grand affair. Not necessarily because it had been either man’s dream to make a big deal out of getting married, but simply because they knew so many fucking people. And because Charles had mentioned once — in passing, ages ago, long before Max went down on one knee and proposed — that he had driven past a property in Italy he’d found so beautiful that he’d had to stop the car in order to have a proper look, and that upon walking through the grounds of the property, he’d found himself thinking it would have been the perfect venue for a wedding. Max had been hellbent on finding out which property that was ever since.
OR: The lavish wedding sequel to "Devils Roll The Dice (Angels Roll Their Eyes)" that you've all been (hopefully) waiting for.
Stop (You're Losing Me) (part 3 of Devils Roll The Dice (Angels Roll Their Eyes) Rated E | 6,399 words | Completed
And now, here they are, with Charles feeling like he’s the only one making any sort of effort to keep their marriage healthy and happy outside of race weekends. He never would have imagined being married to Max could end up feeling so lonely. Another two hours pass before Max comes out into the living room, where Charles is sitting on the couch with a bowl of Andrea-and-Brad approved pad thai from their favorite takeout place just down the street, rewatching Money Heist for what has to be the tenth time. Max stops at the end of the couch, frowning down at the Monégasque. “I thought we were going out for dinner?” Charles looks up at him, face expressionless. “We were.” Max points at the bowl. “But you ordered takeout?” “I did.” “Why?” “Because our reservation was two hours ago, babe, and I was hungry.”
OR: Max and Charles have been married for 3 years, and it turns out marriage isn't always beautiful. Sometimes, it's ugly and tiring and painful.
Mona's comment: This series is what got me back into writing after a 7-year long hiatus from fic writing, and I treasure this series so much because it's what got me to make a Tumblr blog again and fully embrace the F1 fandom after being into F1 for 20 years.
19 Times The Grid Saved Lestappen (And One Time They Didn't Need To) (part 1 of Lestappen + The Grid) co-written with @f1writingbyme Rated M | 16,107 words | Complete
In that exact moment, all Charles wants to do is grab a hold of the front of Max’s stupid Red Bull polo and pull him into a kiss. He’s just about to do it, too, when a pen comes flying out of fucking nowhere, hitting Max smack dab in the face. It brings them both out of their little bubble, and Charles turns to see Lando standing a good distance away from them, already in the process of yeeting another pen in their direction. Charles reaches out to catch it before it can hit Max again, putting his reflexes to good use. Next to Lando, Carlos nods his approval at the catch. “Lando, what the hell?”
OR: Keeping Charles and Max from accidentally outing themselves to the whole world is becoming a full-time job. and Lando decides to enlist the entire grid to help him out.
18 Times Lestappen Tried To Hide Their Relationship (And One Time They Failed) (part 2 of Lestappen + The Grid) co-written with @f1writingbyme
Charles is pretty sure he is going to die of a heart attack at the age of only twenty-six because of all the sneaking around and almost getting caught every time. The only positive thing they have going for them is that they haven't been caught yet. How that's possible, Charles isn't sure, but he thinks it might have something to do with the fact that their friends either aren't paying much attention or are just plain stupid. Charles secretly hopes it's the last one. But of course, luck is not on Charles’ side, as one Mr. Lando Norris, tucked away in the safety of his driver's room on the other side of the paddock, is typing away on his phone.
How (Not) To Third Wheel Lestappen co-written with @f1writingbyme Rated T | 10,344 words | Complete (for now)
Lance doesn’t know which of his emotions is more overpowering; the secondhand embarrassment he feels at how blatantly obvious they’re being, or the fact that watching Max and Charles in their own little world is actually kind of cute. He realizes it’s the secondhand embarrassment as he watches Max shamelessly grin at James and proudly explain that he was just talking to Charles. Lance has to resist the urge to roll his eyes, especially when he notices how Charles is quite literally the embodiment of the heart eyes emoji where he’s standing next to Max for his entire interview. And the beeline Charles makes for Max as soon as he hands the microphone to Lance after his P2 interview is even worse than the heart eyes. He definitely should have been paying attention to that group chat, Jesus fucking Christ.
OR: There is a WhatsApp support group chat on how to deal with being top 3 with Max and Charles. Lance hasn't been paying attention to it at all, and lives to regret it. And then others suffer at the hands of Lestappen as well.
Mona's comment: Writing fics with Ilse is one of my favorite things in the world to do, and I can't even begin to describe how much fun it is to write all our Lestappen + the grid fics.
The Wonders of Valentine's Day (Or Whatever) Rated E | 9,933 words | Complete
Max, having completely lost the ability to speak, just stares at the sight before him, eyes wide and mouth slightly open. What the actual fuck? “Hi?” Max phrases it like a question. Charles grins at him. “Hello,” he greets, and Max watches as the grin fades away as Charles’ gaze moves down Max’s body, one eyebrow lifting. It’s only then Max realizes that he never put on pants after his shower, and is standing there in his bright orange Netherlands jersey and black boxers. It takes every ounce of his willpower not to let the internal panic he’s currently experiencing show on his face.
OR: Max isn't a fan of Valentine's Day. Charles is a menace on a mission to change that. Naturally.
Mona's comment: This was just a self-indulgant fic I wrote due to my own dislike towards Valentine's Day, but let me tell you, I had a blast from start to finish while writing this.
The Seasons of Heartbreak co-written with @f1writingbyme Rated T | 14,075 words | Complete
As the ‘I can’t do this anymore’ slipped from his lips, Charles missed his exit and continued straight ahead, unable to fully see the exit sign through his tears. The tears fill his eyes as quickly now as they had done in his car that day, and Charles finds himself realizing that he hasn’t felt happiness since. Not even once.
OR: When two men are hurting from a break-up, they can only use each other to make it right again. But they have to realize that first.
OR: The seasons of heartbreak, seen through the eyes of both Max and Charles.
Mona's comment: The sheer amount of tears shed while writing this, my God.
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harrysfolklore · 10 months
tamara anthony (ttamara.anthonyy) has great fitness lifestyle content 
came up with this idea while harry was on tour and honestly i loved how this one turned out ! hi hope you like it <33
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liked by bradgouldtraining and 5,927 others
yourinstagram recipe for banana bread latte coming asap
view all 102 comments
yourbestie yeees please
username1 Can’t wait for my class on tuesday
username2 fit queenie 🕺
bradgouldtraining I miss you
↳ yourinstagram excuse me mr celebrity trainer you’re living your european summer
↳ bradgouldtraining You can come along you know that
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liked by harryfan1, harryfan2 and 10,937 others
harryupdates Harry and Brad working out in London recently!
view all 1,028 comments
harryfan1 OH WTF
harryfan2 this just altered my brain chemistry
yourinstagram so THAT’S what you’ve been doing @bradgouldtraining
↳ bradgouldtraining You mean working? Yes
↳ harryfan3 LMFAO BRAD ??? 😭
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liked by yourinstagram, maudeapatow and 3,817,433 others
harrystyles Love On Tour. Madrid. July, 2023.
view all 77,826 comments
harryfan1 OMGGG
paulithepsm ❤️
harryfan2 ABBSRRY
yourinstagram oooh great job @bradgouldtraining
↳ bradgouldtraining I’ve been telling you
↳ harryfan3 HUUH what’s going on
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liked by harryfan1, harryfan2 and 7,837 others
harryupdates Harry just followed this account on Instagram ! From what we gathered, she’s a pilates coach based in Los Angeles and she’s Brad’s bestie 👀
view all 976 comments
harryfan1 oooh tea
harryfan2 following his boyfriend’s besties
harryfan3 she’s so prettyyyyy
harryfan4 just followed her she posts cool content
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liked by harrystyles, bradgouldtraining and 10,927 others
yourinstagram pizza ! pasta ! colazione ! 🍝
also did i play the love on tour outfit game right ?
view all 318 comments
yourbestie SLAY GIRL
username1 we’re going to miss your class this week 😢
pillowpersonpp 🙌🏻
harryfan1 ohh that’s brad’s bestie and she’s going to the show tonight that’s cuuute
bradgouldtraining You won the game 🕺
↳ harrystyles Agreed.
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liked by jenniferaniston, yourinstagram and 3,303,844 others
harrystyles Love On Tour. Reggio Emilia. July, 2023.
view all 80,198 comments
anthonypham End of an era 😢
bradgouldtraining 👏
yourinstagram congratulations, rockstar 🕺
harrystyles liked this comment
harryfan3 my heart hurts
alessandro_michele 💘
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liked by harrystyles, pillowpersonpp and 18,763 others
yourinstagram finally back in the city, who’s coming to 5pm pilates today? 🤸‍♀️
view all 588 comments
harryfan1 hello bestie
bradgouldtraining Bet 💪
harryfan2 SO was she the girl in the yatch with harry or not
harryfan3 harry liked tho 😭
glenne_azoff See you tomorrow !!
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liked by harryfan1, harryfan2 and 8,937 others
harryupdates Harry leaving a gym in LA today !
view all 1,018 comments
harryfan1 BUUUB
harryfan2 he looks so hot
harryfan3 PILATES GIRL
harryfan4 I MISS HIM
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liked by harryfan1, harryfan2 and 90,927 others
view all 5,938 comments
harryfan2 so what was said in deuxmoi was true 😭😭
harryfan3 aren’t we going to point out that might be yn, brad’s best friend
bradgouldtraining Busted @harrystyles @yourinstagram
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liked by harrystyles, bradgouldtraining and 43,937 others
yourinstagram life lately 💗
view all 1,027 comments
harryfan2 SO THEY’RE DATING ??
bradgouldtraining Text me ASAP
↳ harryfan3 LET ME INNN
paulithepsm ❤️
harrystyles Pilates girl, pilates.
↳ harryfan2 STOOOP😭
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liked by harrystyles, yourinstagram and 93,726 others
bradgouldtraining Thirdwheeling with my friends is a thing now.
view all 6,826 comments
harryfan1 BRAD
paulithepsm 😂😂😂 Those kiddos
harryfan2 HARRY AND YN??
harrystyles That’s what mates are for.
↳ harryfan3 no way he friendzones brad
↳ yourinstagram exactly
↳ harryfan4 HEEEELP
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gif by @londonharry &lt;3
liked by harryfan1, harryfan2 and 8,827 others
harryupdates Harry in @thepilatesclass new Reel!
view all 1,016 comments
harryfan1 STOOP
harryfan3 yn works in that studio 😭
yourinstagram my favorite pilates girlie so true
↳ harryfan4 HEEEELP
↳ harryfan1 I LOVE HER
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liked by pillowpersonpp, harrystyles and 39,973 others
yourinstagram one direction themed class tomorrow 🕺 requested by a very special and annoying someone. book your spot now !!
view all 5,874 comments
bradgouldtraining No way I’m missing this
harrystyles You adore me x
↳ yourinstagram ugh as if
↳ harryfan3 idk if they’re dating or they’re just friends but i LOVE this
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liked by niallhoran, yourinstagram and 8,937,268 others
harrystyles Working out to One Direction is cool.
view all 90,268 comments
niallhoran 😂❤️ Miss you mate
jefezoff 🙌🏻
bradgouldtraining Proven that results are boosted by 100%
yourinstagram you’re soo lucky you’re cute
↳ harrystyles 🥰
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taglist: @lightsoutstyles @willowpains @straightontilmornin @sleutherclaw @gimsaysay @hazzassmirk @platinumbarbie143 @musicforcinemas @celesteblack08 @scntfrhs @eleanordaisy @lomlolivia @iceebabies @iloveshawn @be-with-me-so-happily @watermelonsugacry @rayisthehoe @drewrry
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