#Olympian Falls AU
thelastspeecher · 27 days
Anyways I've been thinking about my Olympian Falls AU a lot lately and sat down and wrote some stuff up recently. Here it is. Enjoy.
              Shermie stared at the wall covered in medals, trophies, and ribbons.
              “I knew you were good at boxing, but I didn’t know you went pro,” he said quietly.  Stan, who was digging through a large, sturdy, wooden chest, paused to look over.
              “Yeah, for a bit.  Helps when your dad is the god of boxing.”
              “I thought that was Apollo, not Hermes,” Shermie murmured.  Stan shrugged.
              “Things get a bit muddled over centuries.  Sometimes gods take turns doing stuff.  I mean, how many official Olympian cupbearers have there been?” Stan said, rolling his eyes.  Shermie smiled.
              It’s still astounding how much he knows about Greek mythology.  Before all this, I would have thought he knew a few gods, at best.   Then again, when you yourself are a part of the Greek mythos…  Even after a year, Shermie still found it difficult to comprehend that his younger brothers were in fact his half-brothers, as Filbrick wasn’t their father.  Rather, the Greek god Hermes was.  As he himself had twin children with the goddess Athena, he had taken the initial news better than he would have otherwise, but it had been an adjustment nonetheless.
              Right now, they were in the study of the home Stan shared with his wife Angie, who was apparently a demigod as well, though Shermie didn’t know her Olympian parentage.  Last year, Stan gave Shermie the rundown on what to expect raising two demigods.  But Shermie was back for more advice after a close call with a snake in Mabel’s crib.  After Shermie explained what had happened, Stan and Angie insisted on giving him some weaponry to protect himself and his children.  Regular weapons, like the knives Shermie had stocked up on after learning about monsters, wouldn’t work against the threats that Mabel and Mason would face one day.
              “Anyways, if Apollo is the god of boxing, he didn’t give that to any of his kids at camp,” Stan continued.  “I was the best boxer there.”
              “Why did you stop?” Shermie asked, as he had noticed the most recent medal was from a few years ago.
              “Angie fell in love with this ugly mug.  I didn’t wanna mess it up.”  There was a brief pause.  “And…demigods are more durable than regular humans, but we still get hurt.  I didn’t wanna take too many knocks to the head and turn into someone else, y’know?”
              “Yes,” Shermie said softly.  Their mom had pitched a fit over Stan and Ford learning how to box as children, because of the danger it posed to them.  He frowned at a gold medal for track and field.  “Are you a runner?”  Stan laughed.
              “Have you seen my legs?”  He resumed going through the chest.  “I could beat you in a foot race, but not any of my godly half-siblings.  I’d even lose to other demigods, like Angie.  Ford, though, he’s pretty quick on his feet.”
              “But your father…”
              “Is basically the god of being fast, yeah.  Not every demigod gets every single one of their parent’s powers or whatever.”  Stan pulled a bronze dagger out of the chest and frowned at it.  “What is- oh, this is Angie’s.  Better hold onto it.”  He went back to searching.  “Some demigods are more powerful than others.  I already told you I’m more powerful than Ford.  And Angie, whew!  She got a lot of gifts.  Some of her half-siblings, though, only got one or two.”  Stan pulled out a bronze sword.  “Aha!  Here’s what I was looking for.”
              “So if the track and field medal isn’t yours,” Shermie said softly, “is it Angie’s?”
              “Oh, yeah.  There’s a lot of non-boxing stuff over there that isn’t mine.”  Now that Shermie had been told, he could see the various other awards intermixed with Stan’s.  Stan put the dagger back in the chest, closed the lid, and stood up.  “She’s crazy competitive.  When she gets stressed and needs to blow off steam, she signs up for a competition.”  Stan grinned.  “Actually, I should show you her latest medal.”
              “I thought you were going to show me how to wield a sword,” Shermie said, trying to put his ADHD-afflicted brother back on track.  Stan looked at the sword in his hand like he’d forgotten it was there.
              “Right.  Eh, we can do that after.  Come on.”  Stan exited the study.  Shermie followed, but paused to look at the bookcase on the wall opposite the trophies and medals.  He’d been so distracted, he hadn’t noticed it there.  The vast majority of the books weren’t in English.  They were in Greek.  Likely Ancient Greek, given what Stan had said about demigod brains being hardwired for the language.  A few looked like they could have been in a Gaelic language, but Shermie didn’t know which one.  “Sherm, you can look at Angie’s nerdy book collection later,” Stan said, coming back to the study doorway.  “Trust me, you’re gonna wanna see what Angie did last month.”
              “Last month?” Shermie asked, following Stan back to the living room, where Angie was watching Mabel and Mason.  Her and Stan’s three children were napping in their rooms, as Shermie had dropped by unannounced.  Angie’s head shot up.
              “Oh, no, Stan, don’t show him,” she moaned.  “I’m so embarrassed by it.”  Mason, who she was holding in her arms, babbled happily.  Mabel was asleep in her carrier.
              “If she’s embarrassed, I don’t want to-” Shermie started.  Stan shook his head.
              “Nah, she just doesn’t like recognition.  Which is weird for a demigod.  And especially weird with her parentage,” Stan shot at his wife.  Angie rolled her eyes.
              “I don’t compete fer attention or glory, I do it fer the thrill of winnin’.  That’s perfectly Greek,” she drawled in her thick southern accent.  Stan snickered.  He walked across the living room and stood in front of a mostly bare wall.  The only thing on the wall was a picture of Angie and some people Shermie didn’t recognize, as well as a case containing multiple gold medals.  Shermie frowned at the people in the photo.  Something about their outfits seemed familiar.  His gaze dropped to the medals below the photo.  He began to read aloud the inscription on the medals.
              “XXVII, so, 27…”  Shermie felt the blood drain from his face.  “Olympiad, Sydney, 2000.”  He looked at the photo again.  Angie and the others in the photo were wearing the uniforms that the USA athletes had worn to the Olympic Games the previous month.  Shermie’s head whipped around to stare at his sister-in-law.  His Olympic athlete sister-in-law.  Angie smiled sheepishly.  “You- you won multiple gold medals at the Olympics?” he croaked.
              “In my defense, I didn’t mean to go that far,” Angie said.  Shermie’s jaw dropped.
              “Are you saying you accidentally competed at the Olympics?  How does one accidentally win an Olympic gold medal?” he asked, his voice cracking mid-sentence.
              “Like I said, I like competin’,” Angie mumbled.  “I kept goin’ and kept goin’ and ‘fore I knew it the folks handin’ me a medal were sayin’ I won a spot on the Olympic team.  And when I got to the Olympics, well, it ain’t like I weren’t goin’ to give it my all.”
              “But- but-”  Shermie looked at the photo and medals again.  “Why did I not hear about this?  What did you even compete in?”
              “Ah, well, that’s the reason ya didn’t hear ‘bout it,” Angie said.  “I weren’t swimmin’ or runnin’.”
              “I still think you shoulda done the javelin,” Stan muttered.  “It’s hot and you’re scary good at it.”  Angie frowned at him.
              “I don’t go higher ‘n state level fer track ‘n field.  It’s too high-profile.”
              “Uh-huh, and how many of your half-siblings were in the Olympic Village with you?” Stan said.  “They don’t have any problem with it!”  Angie rolled her eyes.  She turned her attention back to Shermie.
              “I did shootin’.”
              “Shooting,” Shermie repeated.  He frowned.  “They- they have that at the Olympics?”  Angie nodded.  “I didn’t know.”
              “That’s why I was fine bein’ on the team,” Angie said.  She shrugged.  “Even bringin’ home a gold medal or two-”  Shermie glanced at the gold medals, of which there were certainly more than two “-I won’t get recognized at the grocery store.  Which is what I want.”  Stan shook his head.
              “Your dad would be ashamed of how afraid you are of the spotlight,” he said.  Angie stuck her tongue out at him, making him laugh.  Shermie frowned.
              “But you could have made the Olympic team in track and field?” he asked.  Angie shrugged again.
              “Sure.  I would’ve had to train fer it a bit, unlike the shootin’, but I think it ain’t out the realm of possibility.”
              “You’re athletic,” Shermie said flatly.  Stan placed a hand on Shermie’s shoulder.
              “Word of advice, Sherm.  Every single demigod is gonna be more athletic than a regular human.”  He grinned.  “But yeah, Angie’s more athletic than most.  She buries her nose in science so much, people don’t realize it.”
              “Remind me why I married ya, Stanley Pines?” Angie sighed.
              “‘Cause I pickpocketed your heart, babe,” Stan replied.  Angie giggled.  Shermie didn’t pay attention to the flirting.  Instead, his mind was racing, trying to figure out Angie’s godly parent.
              More athletic than most.  A knack for shooting.  What else is Angie good at?  She works in infectious disease research.  She plays more musical instruments than I can name.  She’s eerily good at guessing who will win the football game each Thanksgiving.  Her godly parent is her father…  Shermie stared at his sister-in-law.  Her skin was the kind of sun-kissed that tanning salons could only dream of, nearly the same gold as her hair.  Angie cocked her head curiously, watching Shermie with eyes the color of a clear summer sky.
              “Apollo,” Shermie croaked.  Angie smiled.  “Your- your father is Apollo.”
              “Yes.”  Angie frowned at Stan.  “And despite what Stan says, he’s very proud of me.  He sent me a sign after the Olympics and everything.”  Shermie frowned himself.
              “It is odd that you would shy away from the limelight with him as your father,” he remarked.  Stan snickered.  Angie huffed.  “But- if your father is Apollo, and Stan’s father is Hermes…”  Shermie grimaced.  “Your fathers are half-siblings.  That makes you-”
              “Oh, we didn’t get into the whole ‘your godly parentage doesn’t count unless you’ve got the hots for one of your half-siblings’ yet?” Stan asked.  “Because it doesn’t.”
              “It’s best not to ask that question,” Angie said gently.  She placed Mason, who was now fast asleep, back into his carrier.  “And it’s far from the first question you should avoid askin’, Sherman.”
              “You have a twin brother, correct?” Shermie asked. 
              “Lute’s not a half-blood,” Stan supplied.  Shermie looked at him, then back at his sister-in-law.
              “How?” he asked.  Angie’s face hardened.  “I take it that’s another question I shouldn’t ask.”
              “Yes.”  Angie stood up.  “My partic’lar arrival in my fam’ly is a touchy subject.  One I would ask ya to not bring up next time ya interact with ‘em.”  Angie’s eyes bore into Stan.  “And one I’d like Stanley to keep to himself.  Fer now, at least.”  Stan held up his hands.
              “I didn’t wanna get into it anyways.  But, Ang, his kids are from Athena, so-”
              “Don’t matter,” Angie said firmly.  Fussing sounded from the baby monitor on the coffee table.  “If you’ll excuse me, I need to go check the lil ones.”  She walked upstairs to the second floor and disappeared into the nursery.  Stan turned to Shermie.
              “By the way, you do know how you wound up with kids even though you didn’t actually sleep with their mom, right?” Stan asked.
              “Huh.  Well, I can explain that to you.”  Stan’s trademark mischievous grin, one that Shermie wondered if he inherited from his trickster god father, appeared.  “During your first swordfighting lesson!”
              “Not in the house!” Angie’s voice called.
              “Your first swordfighting lesson outside!” Stan amended.  He handed the sword he was still carrying to Shermie.  Shermie stared down at it.  He could see his reflection in the polished bronze blade.  “Don’t worry, I’m gonna go easy on you.”
              “Somehow, that doesn’t reassure me.”
              “Relax.  If I do chop off a finger or limb or something, Angie’s pretty good at first aid.”
              “What about Mabel and Mason?” Shermie asked.  Stan looked over at the couch as though he had forgotten about his niece and nephew.
              “Oh, right, them.”  The grin was back.  “They can watch!  It’ll be educational.”
              “They’re a year old.”
              “You’d be surprised what babies remember,” Stan said seriously.  He walked over to the couch.  Mabel was awake.  She stared up at her uncle with wide gray eyes.  Stan tickled her belly, making her giggle.  “How’s about you and your brother watch your Uncle Stan beat up your dad?”  Mabel babbled happily.  “Bloodthirsty already, huh?”  Stan looked back at Shermie.  “You’re gonna have your hands full with these two gremlins.”
              The stories that his mom and Stan had told him, of near misses with monsters and gods and prophecies, replayed in Shermie’s mind.
              “Yeah,” he said softly.  “I am.”
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one-real-imonkey · 19 days
AU where Dipper and Mabel are demigods (Percy Jackson au).
But who would their godly parent be.
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rayssion · 11 months
Percy: how's the food?
Annabeth: it's great! Send compliments to the chef!
Percy: okay.
Percy: goes to the kitchen.
Percy: you have beautiful eyes.
Nico, blushing: thanks.
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Jason reincarnation child au
Jason/Alex (tapping Nintendo Switch): I like… dinosaurs, and Mario and I’m gonna be a fireman and also a knight and Estelle is my best friend!
Thalia, seeing her brother’s reincarnation: cool cool, cool cool cool
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Best part of having a younger sibling getting involved in your fandoms??? Gaslighting them. /lh
Wdym you saw this spoiler? No you didn't, that's just a headcannon. Who are you talking about right now? They're in the last series dude, not the first.
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uhhstar · 2 years
The ideas are idea-ing tonight...
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🍯beeeeeee movie
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thealtoduck · 8 months
Tumblr media
Dick Grayson x Male Reader
Content: Greek Mythology AU
Warnings: Smut, virginity loss, bottom!Reader, top!Dick, anal sex, unprotected sex, fingering, missionary position…
Prequel to: Sweet Juice
Summary: You recently joined Dionysus following, and one day when you’re on a walk you come across an injured hero…
You wandered peacefully through the forest, humming softly to yourself. You enjoyed taking walks to get a break from Dionysus and his retinue. It hadn’t been long since you’d been offered a spot to join them by Apollo and Dionysus so you were still getting used to how… excited they could get.
And as much as you enjoyed their company sometimes you needed a little quiet time to yourself. You walked along a small river seeing the water flow along easily. The sound of water trickling putting your mind at ease.
That ease was soon interrupted by the sound of snapping twigs and heavy panting. A figure appeared from behind some trees a head, stumbling clumsily in to the shallow river almost falling over. It was a man.
You stopped carefully as you did not recognise him. He hadn’t seen you so you snuck and hid behind a tree. You heard some grunting that sounded almost as if he was in pain. You peaked out behind the tree and took notes on his appearance.
He was very disheveled, his hair was messy and his chiton was torn and dirty. Then you saw injury on his semi-exposed upper body, he was bleeding. You watched him struggle to get up on the other side of the river.
He eventually managed but almost as soon as he did he collapsed. You don’t know what came over you but you hurried from behind the tree towards him. You got down on your knees next to him and rolled him on to his back. His eyes were closed. He was still breathing but he had passed out.
You studied his injury, it didn’t look to be fatal as long as it was treated immediately. You ripped a a piece of your own chiton, leaving your chest bare, and wrapped it over his wound. You then went to the shallow river and dipped your hand in, cupping some drops of water in it.
You brought it over to injured man and sat down beside him once more, you whispered a naiad blessing over the water that your mother had taught you, it would keep the wound from getting infected and furthering his injuries. You then let some drip on the bandaged wound.
You then rubbed the remaining drops on his forehead softly. It wasn’t until then you noted the beauty of the man, despite his overall disheveled appearance, he had a incredibly handsome face. Which made you almost immediately suspect he was a god or at least a demigod.
You then remembered you should probably try find some actual help for him. You went towards the small river and stepped down in to it. You used you half-naiad powers to call for whomever it belonged to. Soon enough a river god appeared before you.
You asked him for help, if he could travel to Dionysus camp and ask the olympian send help for the man while you waited with him. The river god was happy to help and made his way up stream towards the camp. You then sat down dangling your feet in the running water while you waited.
(Dick’s pov)
Dick opened his eyes, he felt faint as he looked up at the bright blue sky. His body still ached. He reached a hand towards his wound to feel how bad it was but found a piece of cloth had been tied to cover it. He wasn’t alone.
Dick tried his best to sit up, using his elbows for support. He looked forward and saw a blurred figure in front of him, he focused his eyes to the best of his abilty and saw the bare back of a man with dewy y/c/s skin.
”Who-Who are you?” Dick asked weakly making the figure swiftly turn his way. Dick immediately noticed the man’s striking facial features, youthful yet very handsome.
The man got up quickly and came towards Dick. ”You should lay down again, you’re injured, I’ve sent for help they’ll be here soon” he said in a comforting tone but ignoring his question. Dick didn’t push for and answer and instead layed down again. Closing his eyes once more.
(Your pov)
Soon enough two satyrs came carrying a strecher. You helped them lifting the man on to it. And the four of you started to make your way through the forest back to Dionysus’ camp. Once you got there the man was brought in to the medical tent where the maenads and satyrs would care for him.
The next day you visited the medical tent to check on the man, he still hadn’t woken up yet after the day before, but his caregivers assured you he’d be fine after some rest. You had brought him a set of new clothes and put them on the table next to his bed.
As you did a low groan came from the man, immediately catching your attention. You moved over to him as his eyes fluttered open. His sat up on the bed, looking carefully around, his eyes finally landing on you. ”Where-Where am i?” He asked in a hoarse voice. ”You’re in Dionysus camp” you answered softly.
”Who are you?” he asked. ”My name is Y/n, I was the one who found you, you had collapsed next to a river” you explained, the man had a moment of clarity. ”I remember you now, I saw you, you covered my wound” he said and you nodded, your eyes lingering on him.
You then realized you were staring and quickly turned towards the tent opening, saying rapidly ”You must be hungry, i’ll go find you some food”. And you hurried away before he could even answer.
You collected a bowl of fresh grapes and apples and brought them back to the tent. As you walked in, you were caught of guard as you were met with the the naked form of the man standing in front of you. You immediately turned your gaze to the tent wall.
”Sorry, do you want me to come back later?” You excused, your cheeks heating up. ”No, it’s fine” the man said casually and started getting dressed in the clothes you brought him. You walked over and put the bowl of fruit down on a table and immediately turned to leave once more.
But the man grabbed your arm making you stop and turn to look in to his rich brown eyes. ”I must thank you Y/n, you’ve saved my life and provided me with food and clothing, i’m forever grateful” he said warmly. You were completely taken of guard and didn’t know what to say.
Then another figure entered the tent, it was one of Dionysus’ personal guards. He was slightly shocked of the sight of the half naked man holding you but quickly regained his composure and said ”Y/n, Lord Dionysus has requested the presence of you and our guest”.
”Of course” you said formally and turned to Dick and said ”Once you’re finished getting dressed come to the big purple tent, we’ll be waiting”. You then left along with the guard and walked to Dionysus’ tent.
”Did he try anything with you?” The guard asked in a stern manner. You shook your head and answered ”No, no need to worry, he was just thanking me for helping him”. Everyone within Dionysus following was aware of the fate of your mother Daphne, at the hands of Apollo and Eros
And when you joined them, Dionysus had sworn that he and his retinue would protect you from gods and mortals alike that would try to violate you and protect your virginity for as long as you wished to keep it.
You entered the big tent where Dionysus and Ariadne were sat on their respective thrones, they smiled at you appearance. ”Y/n!” Dionysus said happily at the sight of you, he waved for you to come closer. You stood yourself in front of Dionysus and Ariadne and gave a polite bow to both of them.
”Lord Dionysus, you asked for my presence” you stated. ”Yes but let’s wait for our guest, meanwhile you can come sit down” Dionysus said politely and gestured to the fluffy pillows spread next to his throne. He had saved you a seat on the ground next to him like always.
Ever since you’d arrived you had quickly become one of his most dear followers. You didn’t know it but he could relate to your loss of your mother to that of his own and them both being screwed over by horny Olympian.
You sat down next to him and Dionysus handed you a goblet of wine telling you to drink. You took a sip of the dark liquid tasting it’s rich flavor.
Soon enough, the man entered, he had a confident walk that could only be matched by that of an Olympian. He bowed before Dionysus and Ariadne and greeted formally ”Lord Dionysus and Lady Ariadne, i must thank you for welcoming me to your camp, Is there any way i could be of service to repay you for your kindness?”.
”Yeah, get out…I don’t want your kind here hero” Dionysus said in an immediately sour tone. You were suprised. ”You’re a hero?” you found yourself asking outloud, drawing all eyes to you. Of course it did explain his good looks but he seemed so humble for how Dionysus had described heroes to you.
You were aware of Dionysus and Ariadne’s distaste of heroes because of Theseus and the pair had not painted a good picture of what they were like to you.
The man turned to with a smile and stated in a kind voice ”How rude of me, I never introduced myself, I’m Richard, Son of Hemera, Goddess of daytime, but most people just call me Dick”.
Dionysus the continued to grumble annoyed ”You heroes only cause more trouble then you’re worth, the only reason I let you stay the night was because our dear little Y/n here didn’t want you to die, now I want you out of my camp right now”.
Dick nodded and said calmly ”Your wish is my command, Lord Dionysus, may i ask for a map so i can navigate my way home”. ”Done” Dionysus said simply, just wanting him gone as soon as possible and waved his hand making a map appear out of thin air in front of him.
”Lord Dionysus” you spoke up. ”Yes, my dear half-naiad” Dionysus said in a immediately more kind tone. ”May I help escort our guest home, his injuries aren’t fully healed yet and we should make sure he gets home safe” you suggested.
Dionysus went quiet for a moment to think until he let out an annoyed sigh followed by a drawn out ”Fine”. He quickly turned to Dick and said threatiningly ”But if you as much as pluck a hair of my attendant, I’ll turn you in to a leopard just so i can skin you and wear you, got that?”.
Dick nodded and said ”I swear he’ll be unharmed, Lord Dionysus”
”Well then, get going” the god said.
The two of you packed a big basket full of food and several canteens of water and some of wine. Then you started your journey. Dick suspected the journey there would only take about 2 of traveling.
As you walked the two of you started talking and getting to know each other, you told Dick about your mother and how you ended up in the Dionysus’ retinue. And you learned that Dick was apparently from a small village where he lived alone in a big house passed down by his father who had died from illness.
You enjoyed the forest scenery as you traveled, occasionally stopping next to a spring or a meadow for a quick break. The sun started getting lower and lower until eventually the sky was getting dark.
The two of you found a good place to camp for the night and Dick started a fire. The two you then enjoyed some food. You then realised you had forgot to ask him something. ”Hey Dick, how come you ended up in the forest in the first place?” You questioned.
”Well, recently my village has been having trouble with giant aggressive boar along the main road attacking everyone from travelers, workers and even families with children passing by. And since I’m the only demigod in the village i felt it was my duty to deal with it to keep the people safe” Dick explained.
”And although i managed to slaughter the beast I got injured, and well the rest you know” he finished. ”That was very brave of you, i’m sure your village will be proud” you told him, making Dick smile brightly.
After you finished dinner the two of you decided to get some sleep, you both decided it was best to sleep hudled together for heat, you laid down close together beneath your traveling cloaks using them as blankets. And then you both drifted of to sleep.
The next day you continued your travels through out the day until the late afternoon when you finally reached Dick’s village. The two of you walked through the town square, they welcomed Dick back with open arms deciding to celebrate his victory over the giant boar the following day.
Dick was also gifted with several items for his service to the village like new clothes, food and wines. They even gave him a crate just so he could carry everything back to his house.
Several of the towns people looked at you with interest. They probably don’t see half-naiads every day. A little girl walked forward to you and offered you a pretty flower. You accepted it gratefully. Dick then led you to his house which was located at the outskirts of the village.
”Thank you Y/n for all your help, I wouldn’t be here today without your help, I am forever in your debt” Dick said gratefully bowing his head to you, you gave a slight bow back. ”It was nice getting to know you Dick, you’ve been good company” you said and turned to begin your return journey.
But Dick grabbed your wrist making you turn back to him. ”Please, won’t you stay for the night, it’s a long journey back and you should get some rest” Dick offered kindly. You smiled, ”I’d love too” you said and you and Dick entered his house.
You sat down as Dick started a fire in the hearth. Dick then went to the kitchen and made dinner for the two of you. The two of you then sat down at the dinner table and ate. Dick had made a small feast for the two of you from the foods he’d been gifted by the village. There was meat, bread, cheese and fruits. He poured you a goblet of wine and the two of you ate.
Once you were both finished you went in to the sitting room. You studied your chiton, it was dirty from sleeping on the ground and smelled of smoke. And after dinner it now had a small wine stain too. Dick seemed to notice what you were looking at.
”Would you like me to warm some water for you to freshen up?” Dick offered. ”If it’s not to much trouble” you said. ”Not at all, you just rest” Dick said walking out on the yard to a well collecting several buckets.
He warmed the water and poured it in a bathtub for you. He poured in some scented oils and called you in. You thanked him and he left to let you clean yourself. He quickly then realised he forgot to give you new clothing to change to.
He collected one of his own chitons and without thinking walked in to the bathroom. He was met with your fully undressed body. Dick was mesmerized by your beauty. You turned to him and as your eyes met he remembered himself.
”I’m so sorry, Y/n, i didn’t mean to-” Dick started to apologise. But you cut him off saying ”It’s alright, mistakes happen, right?” And Dick remembered you had accidentally walked in on him changing. Dick smiled and put down the clothes on a table and left once more.
While you were bathing Dick made sure to wash himself off as well, he poured warm water in a basin and undressed, he then rubbed a sponge over his body. He thought of what he had just witnessed.
You were the most beautiful person he had ever witnessed. More beautiful than any god or goddess. More beautiful than Apollo or Aphrodite. Your body was more perfect than any work of art.
Dick imagined his hands roaming your naked body, feeling every part of you, he wanted to lay you down on his bed and spread your legs and pleasure you.
Dick felt his manhood and realised he had gotten hard thinking of you. He immediately tried to think of something else. Dionysus had declared you off limits and if he didn’t wish to die a most painful death so he needed to control himself. He finished washing himself and got dressed once more.
Dick went in to his bedroom and started getting ready for bed. A while later you came in, somehow you looked even more beautiful with damp skin and hair, he guessed that was a half-naiad feature. ”Where should i sleep?” you asked him.
Dick then realised he hadn’t actually planned that far. ”You can take my bed if you’d like” he offered. ”Well, where will you sleep then?” you asked him. ”I can sleep next to the hearth” Dick stated and walked to leave the room. ”Are you sure?” you asked. ”Absolutely” he answered. You grabbed his arm making him turn around to meet your eyes.
”Why don’t we share the bed?” you suggested. You and Dick studied each others eyes. ”Would that be alright with you?” Dick asked and you nodded. You continued gazing at each other and Dick found himself unable to control himself.
He leaned forward and planted a kiss against your lips, he was suprised to find you didn’t pull back. In fact you were pressing your lips against his as well. The kiss led to the two of you softly making out.
Dick helped you strip out of your clothes, and he studied your body once more. Immaculate. Dick stripped out of his own clothes. You pressed your lips together once more and your naked bodies met for the first time. Your madhoods grazing together. Dick ran his hands down your back.
He led you to the bed and you layed down on the soft silky sheets. Dick climbed on to the bed and in between your legs. ”Are you sure you want this” Dick asked. ”Yes, i want you to be my first” you answered. ”Do you want this?” you asked in return.
Dick smiled and said ”Yeah, you’ll be my first too”. He grabbed a bottle of body oil and put some on finger, he then inspected your ass. He slowly pressed a finger in to your hole, making you gasp from the new feeling. He pushed his finger further in to you.
You adjusted slowly and once you did Dick added another finger and then another slowly streching you out. ”Are you ready?” Dick asked and you nodded. He slowly pulled out his fingers and picked up the body oil again, pouring some in to his hand and slathering it on his manhood.
Dick positioned himself between your spread legs, he then started pushing his thick cock in to your virgin hole, streching you out even further. Dick groaned at the feeling of your clenched walls as he pushed himself further in.
You moaned softly as Dick was all the way in, his virgin cock leaking pre cum inside you. ”Fuck Dick, your so big” You said as you legs wrapped around his torso. After adjusting Dick started moving slowly in and out of you.
Both your groans filled the room as Dick set a steady pace. He kissed you deeply as he slowly thrust himself in to your hungry hole. ”You feel amazing around my cock” Dick whispered. The room heated up and sweat started glistening on your foreheads.
Dick’s balls slapped against your ass his hung manhood plowed in to you. The sight of your naked body beneath him made Dick long to fill you up with his seed, making his thrusts speed up slightly.
Your bodies glittered with sweat in the moonlight as Dick took you on his bed. The two of fucked for as long as could hold yourselves. Your cock was leaking pre cum on your stomach and you could feel yourself getting close.
Dick was getting close too, his big cock feeling ready burst. ”Dick, i’m gonna cum” you exclaimed blissfully. ”Me too sweetheart” he said, his thrusts chasing his realease. You moaned loudly as you were pushed over the edge.
You came splashing cum all over your’s and Dick’s lower chest, feeling in complete euphoria as you did. The sight made Dick deliver his last powerful thrusts before cumming inside you. Filling you with seed making it leak out of your ruined tightness.
The two of you were breathing heavily as Dick pulled out of your stuffed hole. Dick laid down next to you pulling you closer to himself. He then pulled the covers over the two of you. ”You were amazing” you whispered tiredly to Dick. ”You too” Dick said and the two of you quickly drifted off to sleep.
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gloomwitchwrites · 2 months
Thinking about…Olympian!141 AU (Winter Edition)
Olympian!Price is all about curling. It started as a hobby. Something to pass the time. He plays it with his mates. Has a few beers while doing so. The Olympics seemed out of the question, but it happened, and the road to it is an odd one. Now, Price is representing his country on the big stage, and yet it entirely feels like he’s back home with his mates.
Olympian!Gaz is at the Olympics for the second time in luge. The first time, he didn’t earn a single medal, but he enjoyed the experience. Gaz didn’t expect to return to the sport at the Olympic level, and he likely won’t return. This is his last chance to earn a medal, and this time, he’s going to achieve it.
Olympian!Soap is the underdog in snowboarding. He’s one to watch, and many people think he’ll either fall flat on his face, or be the surprise of the competition. Soap is excited, but he’s nervous as hell. This is his chance to prove himself, and he doesn’t want to mess it up.
Olympian!Ghost is a damn good hockey player. He’s a favorite, and brutal on the ice. With his natural shape and padding, Ghost is a beast. He’s already accomplished, and doesn’t believe he needs to prove anything. But earning a medal would be nice.
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monzabee · 1 year
🪩 || bee's masterlist
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welcome to my masterlist! you can find all of my works as of now under the cut, and here's a masterlist key to help you navigate your way through!
masterlist key: — social media au - ✧ — fic - ✶ — drabbles - ✫ — headcanons - ᕯ
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fuck being underrated ✧ : the one where Max is dating his team principal's daugther, who happens to be the hottest model of the year.
third time's the charm ✧ : the one where you are there to celebrate Max winning his third title, and the whole world is there to witness it.
two sides of the same coin ✶ : the one where you try to convince yourself that you're not falling for your teammate, but can't help it when you realise that he is not that different from you after all.
beach read ✶ : the one where you and Max go on a holiday for the first time, and you realize just how much you love 'Vacation Max'.
viva las vegas (+18) ✶ : the one where you and Max celebrate his win in a way you’ve never done before. [minors dni!]
prison for life ✶ : the one where if anybody hurts you, Max is going to prison for life.
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how you get the girl ✶ : the one where you and your boyfriend Charles attend a gala for a friend and run into Harry Styles – who happens to be your ex.
in my lover era! ✧ : the one where Charles becomes a Swiftie because of his girlfriend.
like real people do (+18) ✶ : the one where you are having sex with your boyfriend, Charles, for the first time but he wants everything to be perfect for you. [minors dni!]
you'll change your name or change your mind ✶ : the one where you find your way back home, even if the journey takes longer than you think.
this is a relationship, that i don't think anyone saw coming ✶ : the one where you and Charles think you are successfully fooling everyone on the grid, when in reality you are the ones being fooled.
the name game ✶ : the one where you and Charles try to get through one of the first hardships of parenthood.
lean on you ✶ : the one where you learn to lean on Charles more than you thought you ever could.
red, white, blue's in the sky ✧ : the one where Charles has an olympian girlfriend.
T.G.I.F ✶ : the one where writing your thesis is harder than you think, but Charles is here to help you through all of it.
pon de replay (+18) ✶ : the one where Charles decide to prove to everyone that it is him that you belong to, and only him. [minors dni!]
the smallest man who ever lived ✶ : the one where you’re thrown into a conundrum when you learn the news of your husband, Charles’, infidelity.
you can check out the rest of the series from here!
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nonesense ✧ : the one where you and Daniel fall in love with a song, so you must share it with the whole internet.
girl crush ✶ : the one where both you and Daniel meet your celebrity crushes in the course of a weekend, and decide to give it a go.
you can check out the rest of the series from here!
redbull gives you wings ✧ : the one where red bull brings together people, again..
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good riddance ✧ : the one where internet discovers that Lando's girlfriend is a singer, who happens to be on a world tour.
short stack ✧ : the one where the internet is obsessed about the height difference between you and your boyfriend, Lando.
déjà vu (beyoncé’s version) ✶ : the one where a bad prank leads to you and Lando exploring an option you thought was not an option.
bad idea right? ✶ : the one where seeing Lando tonight is a bad idea, right?
greedy ✧ : the one where lando finds a certain singer cute.
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a vettel and a schumacher walk into a bar ✶ : the one where Mick is dating Seb's eldest daughter, but forgets to mention this to his mentor and close friend. another problem? he can't seem to keep his eyes (or his hands) off of you.
you can check out the rest of the series from here!
heartbreak hotel ✧ : the one where you run into your ex, Mick, at Las Vegas, and chaos ensues.
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baby honey ✶ : the one where Arthur swear he's not thinking about you, his best friend, all the time – just today, yesterday, and tomorrow night.
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eight words when i think about us (+18) ✶ : the one where Coachella has both you and Lewis high on each other. [minors dni!]
he's a genius ('cause he loves a woman like her) ✧ : the one where you and Lewis (attempt to) soft launch your relationship.
hot girls support 44 ✫ : the one where your husband realises that you are, indeed, his number one fan.
what you do to me (+18) ✶ : the one where Lewis returns home to you – the one thing he desperately wants, but won't let himself have completely. [minors dni!]
partition (+18) ✶ : the one where you and Lewis are stuck in traffic in Paris, and decide to make the most of the situation. [minors dni!]
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feather ✶ : the one where Pierre is the one left mourning after your relationship ends.
all around the world (pretty girls) ✧ : the one where the internet finds out about you and Pierre's relationship.
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the lusty month of may (+18) ✶ : the one where it's that darling month when everyone throws self-control away, and you and Carlos decide to do a wretched thing – or two. [minors dni!]
mr.big ✧ : the one where there he was, wearing armani on a sunday, your boyfriend, Carlos.
you can check out the rest of the series from here!
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kiss it better ✶: the one where a crazy idea turns out to be the best possible thing for you and Lance.
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©𝗆𝗈𝗇𝗓𝖺𝖻𝖾𝖾 𝟤𝟢𝟤𝟥. 𝗉𝗅𝖾𝖺𝗌𝖾 𝗇𝗈𝗍𝖾 𝗍𝗁𝖺𝗍 𝖺𝗅𝗅 𝗈𝖿 𝗆𝗒 𝗐𝗈𝗋𝗄𝗌 𝖺𝗋𝖾 𝗉𝗋𝗈𝗍𝖾𝖼𝗍𝖾𝖽 𝗎𝗇𝖽𝖾𝗋 𝖼𝗈𝗉𝗒𝗋𝗂𝗀𝗁𝗍, 𝖺𝗇𝖽 𝗇𝗈𝗍 𝖺𝗏𝖺𝗂𝗅𝖺𝖻𝗅𝖾 𝖿𝗈𝗋 𝖼𝗈𝗉𝗒𝗂𝗇𝗀 𝗈𝗋 𝗋𝖾𝗉𝗈𝗌𝗍𝗂𝗇𝗀 𝗈𝗇 𝗍𝗁𝗂𝗌 𝗈𝗋 𝗈𝗍𝗁𝖾𝗋 𝗉𝗅𝖺𝗍𝖿𝗈𝗋𝗆𝗌.
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thelastspeecher · 26 days
Writing request for Olympian Falls AU, Stan and Angie's confrontation against Ford and his trial before the Greek gods to determine his fate.
Uhhhhhh so I wrote this mostly at work and wound up writing a LOT. For some context for folks not on the Discord, it has been decided that after Angie and Stan part ways as teenagers, Angie gets with a son of Nike named Max, and the two have a child together, only for Max to die fighting a monster. I promise the context is relevant to this. Anyways hope you like it!
              A baby's cry echoed through the Mount Olympus throne room. Zeus scowled from his throne.
              "Remind me why I allowed a mortal infant here?" he rumbled.
              "My daughter refused to come unless her son did as well," Apollo said. Hera frowned at Zeus.
              "As is her right as a mother," she said firmly. The fussing increased in volume, despite Angie's attempts to soothe her young son. Hera winced. "But yes, we cannot do business like this." She waved her hand. Angie's son, Lee, stopped crying. Angie bowed to Hera.
              "Thank you, Lady Hera, for the generosity of soothing my child," she said solemnly. Hera smiled at her.
              "Now that matter is resolved, shall we get back on task?" asked Poseidon. "I have dinner guests coming over in an hour."
              "Yes, brother," Zeus said with a nod. He, and the other gods and goddesses situated upon their thrones, all turned their attention to Ford. Ford could feel himself shaking. Stan put a steadying hand on his shoulder.
              Remember what you discussed on the way up. You have at least three gods that will likely vote in your favor. You know of two that will not. The others are a toss-up. Ford looked at Stan, whose only sign of nerves was how pale he was. You have to trust your brother to do what he does best. Talk.
              "Why should we allow you to live, after you disrespected us?" Zeus demanded. "Even a visit from your own godly father wasn't enough to stop you."
              "By that point, I was unable to stop what was happening," Ford stammered. He could smell ozone coming off of Zeus. "The portal was going to open, no matter what I did. The only option was to shut it down after it started up. Which I did."
              "You didn't shut it down right away," Artemis pointed out. "Some of the worst beings from Tartarus escaped in the hours before your twin and my niece got to you and turned that wretched device off."
              "I was- I got trapped and-" Ford said. Stan squeezed his shoulder. It was the sign to shut up and let his twin take over.
              "My brother was captured by the very demigod that fooled him," Stan said. His voice carried clearly in the silent throne room. "He wanted to turn everything off, but was physically removed from the room the portal was in before he could touch a button."
              "Tell us more about the demigod that fooled him," Demeter prompted.
              "His name was Bill. He used charmspeak to convince my brother to ignore the messages from the gods."
              "And did this Bill also use charmspeak upon your brother's mortal assistant?" Hera asked. Athena cleared her throat.
              "The mortal's trial is over. I believe he should not be a factor in this trial," Athena said. Ford was still relieved that Fiddleford had been let off the hook the day before. The gods determined that he was led astray by Ford, and even then tried to stop him, so agreed to let him go without punishment. It helped that Fiddleford was favored by Athena.
              As am I, despite my parentage. Ford took a shaky breath. Hopefully, that favor will result in her voting against my execution.
              "You make a fair point, daughter," Zeus said. "Yes, we do not need to discuss the mortal."
              "Thank you, father," Athena said. She looked directly at Ford, her gray eyes boring into him. "You refer to the charmspeaker demigod in the past tense. Why?" As he had been directly addressed, Ford spoke again.
              "In the battle that ensued after my brother and Angie arrived, I was able to push Bill into the portal, sending him to Tartarus." The already tense air in the throne room grew tenser. "He has doubtless perished by now."
              "Could he have escaped after you?" asked Hermes. It was the first time Ford's father had spoken in the trial.
              "No. Angie shut down the portal immediately after," Ford said firmly. Apollo perked up.
              "Speaking of my daughter," he said, "I'd like to hear from her."
              "I would like to hear her perspective as well," Hera said.
              "Very well," Zeus sighed. He gestured for Angie to approach. "Speak, granddaughter." Angie stepped forward. Ford couldn't help but be jealous of her grace under pressure. She was dirty and beat up like the rest of them, but her stage presence took over.
              She is a performer...
              "What would you ask of me, Lord Zeus?" she asked after bowing demurely.
              Her southern manners are well-suited for this situation.
              "Tell us what happened, as you recall it."
              "Yes." Angie's voice quavered for a split second. She swallowed. Her son shifted slightly in her arms. "Stan was visiting. As we were sitting down to eat dinner, Lord Hermes appeared and informed us that Stanford had opened a gate between realms. That he needed to be stopped. We traveled to the location Stanford set up his portal. Stanford's mortal assistant was already there, and agreed to watch my son while Stan and I fought our way through monsters to get to Stanford." Ford frowned, noticing that Angie had left out the fact that the mortal assistant was her brother.
              Probably for the best that she distance herself.
              "When we freed him, Stanford made for the portal immediately. He pushed Bill through and I shot an arrow that disabled the device." Out of the corner of his eye, Ford saw Apollo nudge Artemis proudly. "Then…we, uh, we were summoned here," Angie finished weakly.
              "You know Stanford Pines well, correct?" asked Artemis. Angie nodded.
              "Yes, Lady Artemis."
              "Then you can provide some unbiased insight. Do you believe Stanford Pines to be a danger?" Artemis pressed. Apollo cleared his throat.
              "Remember, daughter, I will know if you lie," he said. Angie nodded.
              "I..." Angie paused. "Stanford Pines has ambition that runs without check, resulting in his mistakes." Ford tensed.
              "Let her talk," Stan murmured to Ford.
              "But mistakes are effective teachers. And Stanford is an excellent student. After the events of yesterday, I feel confident in saying that he has learned his lesson." Angie turned to look at Ford. "He will never do something this foolish again. The only danger he poses is to himself, as is often the case with genius." Angie bowed her head and stepped back, indicating that she was done.
              "Well spoken, daughter," Apollo said enthusiastically. Artemis nodded in agreement.
              "That may be what she believes, but is it the truth?" Poseidon asked. Apollo scowled at him.
              "I know you think I'm biased," Stan said abruptly, "so you won't believe me if I say he's fine." All eyes turned to him. "But if he screws up like he did yesterday, I'll take care of him myself." Ares leaned forward, suddenly interested. "You can believe me. There's no one else I'd trust to kill my twin brother." Ford's blood ran cold.
              "An interesting argument," Hermes said. "But your mere word is not enough."
              "Then I vow. On the River Styx," Stan said. It was as though all the air had been sucked out of the room. "If Stanford Pines ever does again what he did yesterday, my sword will go straight through his heart."
              Ford heard a faint rumble of thunder off in the distance.
              "I believe that we have enough information to bring his fate to a vote," Athena said. Ford swallowed. He watched as, around the throne room, thumbs went up and down. Stan squeezed his shoulder again, having noticed what, in his panic, Ford hadn't.
              There were more thumbs up than thumbs down. Ford's knees buckled under him. He fell to the marble floor.
              "Hmph." Zeus sounded disappointed.
              I guess he really wanted to smite someone.
              "Stanford Pines, you will not face execution," Zeus thundered. Ford sobbed in relief. "However, I cannot allow a transgression like this to go unpunished." Like flipping a light switch, Ford's vision went black. He cried out in shock and horror.
              "What did you do to him?" Stan demanded. The masterful orator was gone, replaced by a pissed off man from New Jersey.
              "I took his sight," Zeus answered. There was a gasp from Angie. "You would do well to remember your place, boy. I am feeling generous today, so I will not strike you down where you stand."
              "...Thank you, Lord Zeus," Stan muttered.
              "Is our meeting adjourned?" asked the voice of Aphrodite.
              "Yes," Zeus said.
              "Excellent. Just enough time to scrape the barnacles off the patio before my guests arrive," Poseidon's voice said. Stan helped Ford to his feet.
              "You really did get off easy," Stan remarked. Ford glared in the direction of his voice. "Hey, don't worry, bro. We're gonna figure it out, okay? Fiddleford can probably whip up something to help you get around. And who knows, maybe you can earn enough brownie points to get your sight back."
              "I just want to go home," Ford mumbled. He swung his head around in all directions, vainly searching for Angie. "Where's Angie?"
              "Coming over right now. She was talking to her dad and Artemis and some lady I didn't recognize." Footsteps approached.
              "Stanford, I'm sorry," Angie's voice said.
              "At least I'm not dead," Ford muttered. "Stan said you were talking to a few people just now?"
              "Oh, yes. Artemis requested that I join her on a hunt next time she and the Hunters pass through the area."
              "Man, she's still upset you didn't join her little girl group, huh?" Stan said with a chuckle. Ford could picture the withering glare Angie gave him in response.
              "That's a rude way to phrase it. But, yes, I do think she wishes I joined her. If nothing else, it would have annoyed Dad."
              "Heh. Classic sibling behavior. Speaking of your dad, what did he think of his grandson?"
              "Oh, Lee's grandfather loved Lee. As did his grandmother."
              "Nike was the third person you were speaking with?" Ford asked.
              "Yes." Angie sighed. "I worry, though, over how much Apollo and Nike were interested in Lee."
              "Very rarely does interest from the gods turn out well," Ford said.
              "Exactly." Angie sighed again. "But that's not a problem right now. Right now, I want to get some New York pizza before we head back to California."
              "I can't see," Ford pointed out. He felt Stan's arm loop with his.
              "Not a problem!"
              "We're gonna get through this," Stan said, talking over Ford. "Getting you pizza, figuring out what to do with your house, stealing a cane or seeing eye dog or whatever." Ford shook his head at the last item, trying to hide his smile. "We're gonna get through it. The same way we always do."
              "Together?" Ford asked timidly. The reply from Stan was immediate.
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jungkookschin · 7 months
demigod trials: fates intertwined
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synopsis: you met jungkook at camp half-blood when you were 10 years old. since then, your fates have been infinitely intertwined.
word count: 20k
pairing: son of ares!jungkook x daughter of hephaestus!reader
genre: camp half blood au, percy jackson au, demigod au, childhood friends to lovers, exes to lovers , enemies to lovers, jungkook is sooo in love, jungkook is emotionally constipated, THEY FALL INTO TARTARUS TOGETHERR, jk and y/n are supposed to be reminiscent of percabeth, y/n can wield fire 😳 , ANGSTYY, taehyung as a son of poseidon, namjoon son of athena, mingyu son of jupiter, mina daughter of venus,
warnings: death, angst, blood, kinda gruesome, SMUT (not explicit at all- it's told more in a poetic way), v card loss, many percy jackson references, character death (she comes back to life)
author's note
chapter 1 | chapter 2 | chapter 3 | chapter 3.5 | chapter four
“Missed me, inferno princess?” 
Jungkook stands in the entranceway of your hotel room, soft strands of fringe falling into his piercing brown eyes like the delicate curtains of a war chariot. He stares at you smugly, the most classic Jungkook smile etched across his lips. 
Jungkook is a demigod, meaning that one of his parents is a Greek god while the other is a mortal. In Jungkook’s case, his celestial father is Ares, the god of war- also associated with brutality and chaos. 
Those vaguely familiar with Jungkook would argue that he is the poster child for everything his father represents:
A ruthless warrior on the battlefield, his every step echoes the thunderous march of Ares, causing monsters and enemies alike to flee like waves of the Red Sea. Thick and muscular biceps you can’t even wrap both hands around, a sleeve of tattoos running around the circumference of his arm, and natural affinity to any weapon- effortless wielding a spatha, spear, javelin, or knife with precision and ease.
Jungkook also rides a Harley-Davidson motorcycle and has had the occasional fling with a daughter of Aphrodite- all echoing behaviors of his father. 
You beg to differ. 
To you, Jungkook is love. Jungkook is your spring solace after a grueling winter, Jungkook churns the gears in your brain and heart that stop functioning. Jungkook is your serenity after war- countless wars by which you both narrowly escaped the clutches of death. 
His presence fills your heart with the warmest, most nostalgic sensation. Endorphins fill the hotel hallway, and suddenly you’re 14, savoring the fragrance of  strawberry fields with Jungkook’s large hands on your waist as you soar on a pegasus over the harbor of Long Island.
You met Jungkook at Camp Half-Blood when you were ten years old. After your fifth grade volleyball coach turned into a giant cyclops and tried to eat you, you found yourself at Camp Half-Blood, a summer camp for children of Greek gods and goddesses. 
Nestled within Camp Half-Blood's grounds are the children of around 20 Greek gods, including the 12 Olympians and various minor deities. The enchanting aroma of strawberry fields wafts through the entire camp. As you explore, you'll find an amphitheater, Pegasus stables, a sword-fighting arena, and even magical cups and plates that intuitively read your mind, materializing the food of your desires. Don't forget the ever-so thrilling challenge of scaling the lava wall, which almost killed you, like, ten times.
It took you a while to adjust to the bustling life in Camp Half-Blood. 
Despite being a volleyball player, your athleticism waned in comparison to the other demigods. You sucked at archery, struggled with sparring, and could barely stand under the weight of armor. 
However, you quickly discovered that you excelled in the forge. 
Before Hephaestus even claimed you as his, you spent hours cooped up in the forge, constructing jewelry, engineering random gadgets and gizmos, and printing 3-D sculptures of your favorite anime characters. 
One day, when you were scaling up the climbing/lava wall, your left foot slipped from one of the ledges and a wave of lava washed over you. Gasps ripple through the crowd of demigods,  and you swore you heard the Hades kids sigh because they had the unfortunate obligation of preparing burials for campers.
Once the wave washed over, absolutely nothing happened. You were still hanging onto the climbing wall with both hands, and your feet found solace back on the stone ledges.
You heard more gasps, and everybody began pointing at something above your head. When you looked up you saw a red fiery hammer, the symbol of Hephaestus, the god of metalworking, volcanoes, and fire. 
Jungkook was only ten years old, but his voice resonated louder than anybody else’s. 
“By the blade of Ares,” Jungkook muttered, an awestruck look morphing into an amused grin gracing his lips, “our little warrior is Hephaestus’s kid!” 
Before inferno princess, he coined the nickname little warrior when you failed to even lift a Celestial Bronze sword. At ten years old, Jungkook always teased you and found the best ways to get under your skin.
You have a stupid theory that you’re genetically inclined to dislike Jungkook. After all, his father was one half of a millenia long affair with Hephaestus’s wife and your stepmom (?) Aphrodite. 
Jungkook, on the other hand, might actually be genetically predisposed to picking on you for how easily his dad bitched yours.
Anyways, what made you even more special was that you wielded the ability to control fire. 
The last child of Hephaestus who had the ability to do so died in the 1700s, meaning that you were a prodigy, an anomaly.  You immediately met with the camp director Chiron to discuss your special abilities, placing you in elite training classes with none other than the Ares cabin and your favorite person Jungkook. 
The head counselor in the Hephaestus cabin, Atticus Gonzales (he is dead now),  personally trained you in the forge, instructing you to engineer and construct contraptions that were lightyears above the proficiency of a ten-year-old. 
One morning, as you get out of bed, you spot a toolbelt resting on your bedside.
From H 
A gift from your father. 
Ten year old you marveled at the toolbelt before wrapping it around your waist. You quickly discovered its celestial magic, capable of summoning any tool you desired or envisioned. However, it had its constraints. It couldn't magically produce enchanted weapons; its abilities were limited to mortal tools like screwdrivers and mallets.
Your first task was to forge a Celestial Bronze knife for none other than the boy who miffed you like no other, Jungkook. 
Celestial bronze is a special metal forged on Mount Olympus, the home of the gods. According to Greek mythology, it is the one of the only metals that is capable of vanquishing monsters, meaning that demigods would have to wield Celestial Bronze weapons.
As a ten year old, forging a Celestial Bronze knife was not an easy feat, and it was even more painful with a ten year old Jungkook over your shoulder the entire time. You wanted to strangle him the entire time.
You first had to invoke the blessing of Hephaestus, offering a sacrifice to your father to guide you through the forging process. Getting Jungkook to just sit still was a quest on its own; he wouldn’t stop bouncing around the forge and you were horrified that he would knock something over or set the place on fire. 
Next, you had to heat and melt the celestial bronze, a task you were instructed to complete with your own fire. 
Though it was established that you wielded flame manipulation, it was difficult to spark your own flame without the assistance of gas or a lighter. You must have sat in the forge for an entire day, grunting and groaning as you willed yourself to spark a flame from your fingers. 
Jungkook was absolutely no help at all.  He was the least encouraging person and kept asking to place the Celestial Bronze in a preheated fire. 
Eventually, you willed yourself to ignite a spark, and the fire spread over the entire sheet of metal. You and Jungkook were so thrilled that you actually hugged before staring at each other uncomfortably and backing away. 
Next, you shaped and formed the blade in accordance with Jungkook's wishes, which wasn’t so easy because he kept changing his mind about the shape of the blade. Afterwards, you quenched the blade in water before enchanting the knife with a protective spell. 
15 years later, three wars, countless battles, a plethora of dead monsters, and yours and Jungkook’s lives are still forever intertwined. 
You and Jungkook are 25, and you have been to hell and back together, literally. 
The answer is yes. You did miss Jungkook and your face dissolves with utter relief as you run into his arms and melt into the safety of his embrace. 
You hadn’t seen Jungkook in an entire year. Last year, your father Hephaestus asked if you wanted to spend a year with him in the forge of Mount Olympus, working on a top secret engineering project. 
You had just returned, requesting that your father open a direct portal to Camp Jupiter, the camp for Roman demigods. 
Camp Jupiter stands as a training ground for Roman demigods on the West Coast, offering a structured and disciplined environment akin to the Roman legions. Adjacent to this formidable camp, New Rome emerges as a concealed city, a testament to ancient Roman architecture combined with modern amenities. 
Camp Jupiter differs from Camp Half-Blood because New Rome is a fully operational city where former members of the Roman legion, upon completing their service, could choose to reside. Graduated members of the Roman legion had the options of going to university, building a family, and seeking employment within the city, which also provided a barrier against Roman monsters. 
Currently, you and Jungkook are in Camp Jupiter for a special gathering with fellow demigods in your generation and the Praetors of the Roman Legion. The Praetors Mina and Mingyu are essentially the commanders of the Roman army, overseeing operations and making crucial decisions for the camp's well-being.
Yours and Jungkook’s generation of demigods is deemed particularly special because yours is the first generation of demigods to live beyond your teens.  Typically, demigods were monster bait and were either eaten or murdered before they reached their 20’s. 
Yours and Jungkook’s generation changed the tide, with almost 100 demigods reaching their mid 20’s, dubbing this the beginning of the Golden Era of the Demigods.
For you and your friends to be called to a meeting with the Praetors- it concerned you slightly. But after all you had been through, nothing seemed to scare you. Instead, all you’re thinking about is how much you missed Jeon Jungkook.
You haven’t seen Jungkook in a year, and you take a moment to relish the man who’s been to Tartarus and back with you. 
Jungkook’s in ripped jeans, combat boots, and a seemingly brand new orange Camp Half-Blood T-shirt. He looks the same, except a little leaner, and maybe a little taller. 
“Missed you a lot, Jungkook the Relentless,” you muse in return. 
Jungkook’s features crumble in disgust, before he, in his dramatic nature, theatrically flicks his head back, soft and wispy strands falling back onto his head to reveal his handsome forehead. 
“Inferno princess is cute,” he claims, a grin peeking from the frown he just could never maintain around you, “Whatever you said,” he pauses, “It lacks creativity, it’s not clever, it’s not smart. I give it an F.”
You scoff amusedly, nudging his chest with your left shoulder before marching past him. 
“Whatever, stupid.”
“Wait up, inferno princess,” he calls from behind, speedily catching up in a single stride, “Why didn’t you answer any of my Iris messages? Didn’t miss me at all over the past year?”
You shrug, pressing the down button on the elevator as you and Jungkook step in. “My dad probably blocked you from calling. You know how he feels about you.” 
Muzak fills the elevator, and Jungkook scoffs, rolling his eyes. “Just say you didn’t want to see me, inferno princess. Hephaestus loves me, personally thanked me for keeping you safe all these years.” 
The noise that leaves your mouth falls in between a scoff and a gag. “You? Kept me safe? You would’ve been dead in seventh grade if it weren’t for me,” you tease.
“Gotta give it to you there, inferno princess. This knife has killed more monsters than you’ve ever seen in your life,” he teases, unsheathing the Celestial Bronze knife you forged for him when you were ten years old. He always keeps it on him, and it makes you happy because it means he still cares
You lean against the elevator railing and raise a brow at him. “Is that so?”
He smiles smugly at you, the same stupid Jungkook smile that never changed after all these years. “It definitely is so.” 
He smiles at you, toying with his lip as his eyes shamelessly glaze over you. His features fall into a pout. He opens his arms again, and you waddle over for another hug. “Gods inferno princess, I missed you,” he whispers,” You ignored me for a year-”
The elevator door swings open, and you’re greeted by a greatly amused Namjoon and Taehyung. 
Taehyung whistles. “Hope we’re not interrupting.”
You gently shove Jungkook away with your forearm and greet Taehyung and Namjoon with a huge hug, each arm encircling one of their necks.
Just as it’s been a year since you’ve seen Jungkook, it’s also been a year since you’ve seen Taehyung and Namjoon. You met Taehyung, son of Poseidon, when you were 12 years old and he stumbled into Camp Half-Blood after single handedly bringing down the Minotaur. 
Namjoon, son of Athena, came to Camp Half-Blood a couple years after Jungkook. After devising the strategy to defeat Kronos in the Battle of Manhattan, he was given the honor of redesigning Mount Olympus in accordance to his architectural preferences. 
Being in Olympus for a year, you really were able to relish in Namjoon’s creations. The Greek-style temples maintained their traditional charm with innovative twists. You had the opportunity to walk through the most beautiful of gardens, special flowers bred by Namjoon specifically for Mount Olympus. 
You’ve known them for so long that they’re practically your brothers. Both are wearing Camp Half-Blood shirts- Namjoon’s is a little tight and tattered so you reckon it’s the same shirt he adorned in high school. 
Everyone’s back together. A warm wave of nostalgia washes over you, and you feel at home.
“So little Ms. Olympus is finally back to the mortal world?” Taehyung teases, meandering around playfully as he lazily swings an arm around your shoulder. 
“Oh? What about Mr. Olympus over here? I ran into him all the time up there,” you gesticulate towards Namjoon who scoffs playfully and pushes his glasses up the bridge of his nose. You worked with Namjoon occasionally on Mount Olympus to construct his architectural plans for the godly city, so it hadn’t been that long since you’ve run into him.
“Didn’t get the chance to live there like you did. Gods, was I envious of you when I heard you were moving! The gods all know I would be the better option.”
You shoot Namjoon a theatrically annoyed glance, rolling your eyes the same way Jungkook does. 
“I’m kidding,” Namjoon asserts, “I’m infinitely proud of you and all your accomplishments.”
You smile, pressing the friendliest of kisses on Namjoon’s cheeks. “Thanks Joon, love you the most.”
“Yea, well,” Taehyung begins, “You’re bearing witness to the only demigod to ever take up residence in Tartarus and Mount Olympus, so you better put some respect on her name.”
You grin, rolling your eyes as you press another kiss to his cheek. “Thanks for the warm welcome, Tae.” 
You momentarily pause, shifting your gaze from Namjoon and Taehyung to Jungkook. “What? You guys aren’t gonna say hi to him?”
Taehyung makes a psh sound with his lips, “I see this guy everyday.” He skips over to Jungkook, throwing an arm around his shoulders. “You want a kiss too?” Taehyung teases, about  to press a kiss to his cheeks to which Jungkook pushes Taehyung away with his infinite strength.“Gross, dude.”
Taehyung smiles, his combat boots skipping against the gravel of New Rome. “Gods, I feel like we’re 17 again- discovering all this Camp Jupiter shit, meeting the Romans- doesn’t it all bring you nostalgia?” Taehyung continues, carelessly skipping through the gravel with you. 
“Remember when we were 14?” you add, “And you, me, and Joon had to go through that Labyrinth?” you recall, chills running down your spine at the very memory. 
“Gods, that was the worst,” Namjoon adds, “And you broke your ankle so I had to carry you through the labyrinth? Yea, I remember that.”
“Hey, at least, you got the laptop of Daedalus,” you add, “I mean, that thing even had an international credit card programmed onto it, and gods remember the fake ID’s? We got so drunk on your 18th birthday- the party ponies came and everything. That was ridiculous.”
Jungkook cheekily smiles at the memory, and Taehyung detects it immediately. “What, Jeon? Smiling because you remember how shitfaced you were? You could’ve gotten a DUI on a pegasus if it weren’t for me.”
Jungkook can’t help but smile, “Gods Taehyung, you’re dumb.”
Taehyung shrugs, “But I’m your favorite.”
Reunited with your friends, you’re home.
Over the years, you’ve observed the multifaceted aspects of Jungkook’s character. 
There were special occasions by which he became rigidly serious- his pupils morphing into flames, a feature he clearly adopted from his father. 
You witnessed this firsthand when you were 13 when you and Jungkook were on a quest now dubbed the Quest of the Eternal Night. 
Los Angeles, the city of Angels home to all the glittering allure of Hollywood became shrouded in darkness. The mortals all assumed the famine was attributed to an extended solar eclipse when in reality it was the Greek monster Lamia who intended to conceal the entire world with darkness, starting with Los Angeles.
Once a beloved queen of Zeus, Lamia’s life went to shit when Hera, out of jealousy, mercilessly murdered Lamia’s children. Overwhelmed with grief, Lamia transformed into a child-devouring monster with a snake-like lower body. From the waist up, Lamia was the most beautiful woman you’ve ever encountered. Lamia resembled the little mermaid, her long orange hair reminiscent of warmth from the sun, perfectly framing her face and enhancing her mesmerizing glow. 
At the time, nobody in Camp Half-Blood  was aware of the true nature of the threat, just that it was most likely a monster.
Given the prevailing uncertainty, the Oracle presented herself at the daily campfire, revealing the prophecy to the entirety of Camp Half-Blood:
In shadows' grasp, the forge's child shall dance,
Beside the warrior, fire's fierce advance.
Through the endless night, a tandem in step they weave as one,
A celestial key, by blood begun.
Within shadows, echoes of a tragic tale,
Redemption blooms as darkness lifts its veil
In an instant, everyone's gaze shifted to you.
“In shadows' grasp, the forge's child shall dance,
Beside the warrior, fire's fierce advance.”
Not a single camper could contest that this was about you. Forge’s daughter, fire’s fierce advance- it dawned on you that the weight was on your shoulders, and you may be heading towards your impending doom.
A fight broke out between Jungkook, Namjoon, and Jinyoung son of Hermes over who would accompany you on the quest. Beside the warrior, fire’s fierce advance, indicating that the quest called for a warrior to your side.
Through the endless night, a tandem in step they weave as one,
What made you feel especially at unease was that the prophecy explicitly called for two demigods as opposed to three. In Greek mythology, the number three was associated with balance and completeness. Three celestial spheres governed the world- Zeus ruled the sky, Poseidon ruled the sea, and Hades presided over the underworld. There were three fates that determined the destinies of mortals and deities. The guard dog of the underworld Cerberus, had three heads. 
Three was a lucky number in Greek mythology, so why did this quest call for two?
“You fucking kidding me?” Jungkook mocked, crossing his arms as he stared at Jinyoung in disdain. He pointed at Jinyoung, singling him out in front of the entire camp. “This guy is a candidate for the quest? He’s a son of Hermes. All he does is send letters and shit.”
Thirteen year old Jungkook was a menace to society. 
Chiron, the camp activities director who was also a centaur (horse from the waist down and human from the waist up), cleared his throat and cast Jungkook a look that screamed boy, sit down. 
Jungkook clenched his jaw, acquiescing nonetheless, sitting on a log while glaring bitterly into the campfire. 
The night sky stretched above, adorned with a myriad of constellations depicting Greek heroes such as Hercules, Perseus, and Achilles. It was like the stars were mocking him, casting doubt that he would be selected for this quest. 
But he had to be chosen. He was positive he was the only demigod equipped with the skills to keep you safe on your quest. Jinyoung and Namjoon didn’t hold a candle to him.
The prophecy called for a warrior, and he was a warrior. He was the most talented offspring of his father, the literal god of warriors. It had to be him. 
Namjoon pushed his glasses up the bridge of his nose. “With all due respect,” he begins, “We’re not going to send Jungkook’s dumbass on a quest alone with Y/N. He’d get both of them killed with his recklessness.”
Jungkook didn’t take that well. “I won’t,” he sneers, gesticulating with his hands dramatically, “None of you guys know Y/N like I do. I’m a warrior, and I’m going to protect her.” he states matter-a-factly.
Namjoon was probably one of the only demigods unphased by Jungkook’s abrasion. 
“Jeon, you might be a warrior, but there’s absolutely nothing in that head of yours. Sure, the prophecy calls for a warrior, but not a complete imbecile like you,” Namjoon spits, rising to his feet. “This quest needs someone with the capacity for strategic warfare, which my mother is the goddess of,” he declares, “The city is covered in darkness, so we’ll have to move around strategically. Your dumbass would walk straight to the enemy.” 
Jungkook stands at that, immediately squaring Namjoon up, hardened pupils daring Namjoon to back up his words with action. 
“He’s right, Jungkook,” Jinyoung adds, “You want to go on the quest because you want to protect Y/N. I want to go on this quest because I know our assets are compatible and that we work well together.”
“Y/N and I have the best chemistry out of everyone in the camp.” A bold claim by Jungkook, eliciting a few gasps from the gallery, and you tilt your head because you don’t believe that to necessarily be true.   
Jinyoung stands, “You know what Jeon? You think you’re the shit because your dad’s the god of war. Even as a Hermes kid, I guarantee I can beat you in sword to sword combat,” Jinyoung unsheathes his Celestial Bronze sword, and Jungkook’s pupils glitter against its shine.
“Winner goes on the quest,” Jungkook obliges, unsheathing his own Celestial Bronze sword, a wave of conviction clouding his aura. 
Chiron stomps his hooves on the terrain, demanding the attention of the camp. 
“That’s enough,” he declares sternly, “There will be no fighting. It will be Y/N’s choice. She gets to choose.”
All eyes drift towards you, putting you on the spot. 
You open and close your mouth repeatedly like a dying fish, not having a single clue how to respond. You wish Chiron would decide for you. You see yourself being fine with all three candidates, but you don’t even have the courage to consider making a decision. 
Jungkook cuts you off.
“I swear on the River Styx that I will complete this quest successfully, protect Y/N, and return safely.”
Jungkook’s sudden declaration elicits a collective gasp from the campers. 
Swearing on the River Styx meant making a promise so serious  it couldn't be broken. The River Styx was a sacred river in the Underworld, considered to be a boundary between the world of the living and the realm of the dead. Oaths sworn by the river were binding and unbreakable.
Swearing on the River Styx was incredibly wreckless of Jungkook, and he suffered severe reprimanding from Chiron for doing something so callous. 
And that was basically it. Jungkook already swore on the River Styx so he had to go through with the quest. That made your choice a lot easier, since you were pretty much indifferent to choosing your partner. 
Jungkook didn’t lie. He most certainly kept his binding oath.
After navigating through the mazes of Los Angeles, scaling the Hollywood sign, and coursing through the animatronics of Disneyland, you and Jungkook encountered your final foe, Lamia.
Lamia had the ability to psychologically torture her victims, eventually revealing that Jungkook was the perfect candidate for the quest because the psychological torture had no effect on him.
You liked to joke that it was because he didn’t have a brain.
Lamia cast a curse upon you, plunging you into a trance of your most haunting memories. You were transported into the scene of your mother's murder the previous year, forced to relive the moment a million times over. 
The flame you sparked from your fingers as a makeshift torch immediately went out, and you were rendered a screaming crying mess as you rolled on the floor with your fingernails scraping against the pavement.
The only light you perceived was the light reflected off Jungkook’s Celestial Bronze knife, the same one you forged years before when you were ten years old. 
Seeing you like that, Jungkook became so angry, his pupils exploded into flames and he immediately decapitated Lamia, returning light to sunny Los Angeles and sending Lamia into the depths of Tartarus.
When you were 19, the Earth mother Gaia, a primordial deity and the very essence of the Earth awakened from her slumber. Her goal was to overthrow the gods, wipe out humanity, and destroy Camp Jupiter and Camp Half-Blood so that she and her offspring, the giants and monsters, would reign over the world.
Obviously, that wasn’t good so you and six other demigods ventured on a quest to the homelands Rome and Greece to incapacitate Gaia. You were responsible for engineering a flying magical warship to transport said  group of seven demigods to Rome and Greece- and it was arguably the largest project you’ve ever taken on.
You still remember when the Oracle presented herself and read the prophecy aloud to the entire camp. 
"In realms of ancient twilight, seven shall heed the call,
To storm or fire, the Earth shall fall.
Forge’s armor, a shield against fate,
Through the ancient homelands, they navigate.
A choice profound, in shadows deep,
To banish Gaia's wrath in fiery sweep.
In storm's embrace or fire's light,
Seven demigods shall rewrite the ancient night."
After the Oracle announced the prophecy, you felt personally victimized and were ready to throw the towel in to drown yourself in the Atlantic Ocean.
To storm or fire the Earth shall fall?
Nothing was definitive, but that basically meant a child of Zeus or Hephaestus would be designated to vanquish Gaia, and since you’re the only child of Hephaestus who can wield fire, you were left in a sheer state of terror. 
Forge’s armor? 
There was no doubt in your mind that it had something to do with you- and your intuition was accurate. 
You would soon be embarking solo into the depths of the Hephaestion (temple of Hephaestus) to recover the armor your father forged for the Olympians in the original war against the Titans. You needed this armor to defeat Gaia’s offspring, the giants, because the armor bestowed its wearer with the divine capabilities of their demigod parent. 
That was great and all, but you didn’t understand why you had to travel solo to retrieve it.  You didn’t know what perils lay ahead, and to your luck, there was another prophecy- just for you. The fates consistently chose you for perilous quests- you were obviously their favorite.
"In forge's embrace, beneath Hephaestion's grace,
A child of fire seeks the lost, a sacred trace.
Through tunnels deep, where riddles guard the way,
Guardians forged in flame demand a price to pay.
The armor forged for gods, in shadows it lay.
Alone she tread, the quest's weight to bear,
A solitary journey through trials and despair."
A solitary journey through trials and despair- how exciting! 
You wanted nothing more than to be with Namjoon, Taehyung, Jungkook, and all your friends. If you had it your way, you would bring the other six demigods with you, but the prophecy made it clear: Alone she tread, the quest’s weight to bear.
Your final moments may very well be under the ruins of the Hephaestion, and no matter how you screamed and cried, there would be nobody to save you, just miles and miles of dirt and terrain. 
By this time, it had been a year since Jungkook started riding his Harley Davidson motorcycle. 
The motorcycle was a gift from his father, and was presented to Jungkook in the form of a Rolex watch. With a press of a button, the watch unfurled and morphed into a sleek Harley Davidson motorcycle.
Jungkook was a talented rider, maneuvering swiftly through the hills and slopes of Athens, gripping the handles so tightly that his knuckles became white and the wounds on his hands reopened.
You clung tightly to his waist, finding solace as you rested your cheek against the back of his leather jacket, reveling in the warmth of his body while you had the chance.
You were scared out of your mind.
Jungkook evidently feels the same way, the look of apprehension on his face something you will never forget. He grimaces, utter trepidation enveloping his features as his eyebrows furrow and his eyes reflect a sense of unease. His hands, once steady, now betray a subtle tremor, and the air seems to thicken with the weight of his anxiety.
Braking abruptly at the entrance of the Hephaestion, the motorcycle veers sharply, casting dirt onto the ancient ruins. It's his way of telling Hephaestus to go fuk himself for having his nineteen-year-old daughter tread through the temple’s ruins to her potential doom. With a spiteful glare at the ruins, he mounts his vehicle and helps you off the motorcycle, watching as it folds back into a Rolex watch on his wrist.
His heart melts when he sees how glossy your eyes are. Jungkook hates the gods- nothing but deadbeat parents who fucked and reproduced like animals. He hates this stupid quest. 
For a very brief moment, Jungkook dares to imagine life as a normal person. A luxury he would never experience in his life: normalcy, and he knows it’s pointless to covet for what he doesn’t have but he can’t help but desperately delude himself into thinking that he’s dropping you off at class, your first day of work, to hang out with your friends, and not on a dangerous quest. 
In an alternative universe, University Y/N and Jungkook would be a campus couple. Gods, if the circumstances were different he would have confessed years ago. He just hasn’t because the very act of loving is selfish when you’re a demigod. 
Jungkook can’t confess to you and then die the very next day. And assuming that you do feel the same way and choose to become his girlfriend- he just doesn’t know if he’ll randomly drop off the face of the Earth and he can’t bear to think of you just waiting for him, sobbing on your knees by the barriers of Camp Half-Blood. 
Perhaps he’s projecting his deep-rooted fears onto you. If Jungkook ever gets a taste of you then loses you- he knows he would never be the same.
Gods, it’s cynical, but it’s true. 
He pulls himself out of his little trance.
Jungkook looks at you, sees that you’re trembling- scared shitless. 
“Take this.” He slides off wristwatch and puts it onto yours. 
The gesture has you tearing up, and once a single tear falls from your lashes, Jungkook’s brows furrow thoroughly. “Y/N. You’re one of the strongest demigods I’ve ever fucking met. You’re going to make it through. You’re going to find the armor, and once you’re done, we’re going to take care of it.”
Jungkook sounds confident in his conviction, and it almost rubs off on you. 
You pout. “I-I I have to fight too.”
“No. No you don’t. I’m going to fight for you. Look. If you’re not safe, take the watch off. It’ll magically appear on my wrist, so I’m going to assume that you’re not okay and go in there if it comes back to me.”
“Except you can’t do that,” Namjoon points out from above. A glorious, beautiful white pegasus lands adjacent to you, neighing and rearing on its hind legs. Its two passengers dismount the pegasus and intervene between you and Jungkook.
“You can’t interfere with the prophecy, Jungkook. That’s going to make things worse.”
Jungkook’s body uncomfortably stiffens, and his jaw clenches. “So you’re going to let Y/N in there alone? We have to do something about it.”
Taehyung sighs, joining the conversation. “Kook, if something happens, we’ll know. We’ll sense if something happens to her. You’re going to make things worse if you follow her. You can’t.”
You nod in agreement. “I’m gonna keep the watch. It’s the same thing as bringing a weapon in there. It’s fine- and who knows- I might have to ride the motorcycle over a volcano or some stupid shit like that,” you mutter, “But Jungkook, you can’t come after me. If I die, then it’ll be by the gods’ will, but I swear on the River Styx that I’l get you that armor, even if that means my life is at risk.”
Jungkook’s expression hardens at that. 
“Don’t say that,” Namjoon mutters, “You’re going to jinx it.”
Taehyung sighs, pulling you in for a hug. He rests his head against your neck, and you can feel his hot breath tickling your skin. “Good luck Y/N. You got this. You’re the most capable demigod I know. You got your tool belt?” He asks, pulling away and checking your waist. 
Sure enough, your tool belt was wrapped securely around your hips, just like it always was. You nod. 
“Then you’re going to succeed,” Taehyung declares, “You got that thing strapped on you? Nobody can do shit to you,” his gentle smirk comforts you. 
Namjoon hugs you next, pulling away to place his glasses on the bridge of your nose. Namjoon’s glasses, a gift from his mother that allows the user to see the most successful strategy for any situation.
You scowl. “Aren’t you going to need this?”
Namjoon shakes his head. “I have my brain and that’s all I need. You need this.”
You smile and face Jungkook. No words could convey the emotions on his face. He approaches you and hugs you tightly, eyes squeezing shut in anxiety and anguish once you melt in his embrace. “You got this, inferno princess. Let’s give hell to those stupid giants.”
You nod at them, running off into the ruins of the temple of Hephaestus.
You face countless trials, mechanical automatrons, and fire obstacles that only you could have ever survived. And you were right- you did have to ride Jungkook’s motorcycle over a volcano. Crazy.
With the armor in your hands, you throw off the wristwatch, knowing that Jungkook would appear in minutes. Since the quest was complete, you had every right to call on your friends, and you knew they would arrive without fail. 
Anyway, had you known that just beneath the thin layer of dirt lay a pit straight to Tartarus, you wouldn't have called for him. The magical warship you engineered appears above you, and Jungkook plummets onto the dirt like a meteor. 
Mingyu son of Jupiter, Mina daughter of Venus, Rose daughter of Apollo, Namjoon, and Taehyung secure the armor and load it onto the ship. Its celestial glow was nearly too much for the interior of the warship to handle. 
Although the armor was safely loaded onto the ship, you weren't as fortunate.
The ground underneath you cracked, and you plummeted into a pit that led straight to Tartarus, the deepest pit of the Underworld where monsters, titans, and giants are imprisoned.  Jungkook almost immediately jumps in after you, prompting  the others to meet you guys at the Doors of Death.
You both fell for what seemed like hours, Jungkook’s strong arms securely wrapped around you, holding you tightly. You don’t know if it was days or hours, but you plummeted for what felt like forever. 
He refuses to let you go no matter how weak his arms become, and despite how fast you plummet, Jungkook tells you that it’s going to be okay every 1000 feet of your rapid descent. 
The atmosphere in Tartarus is noxious, causing boils to erupt on your skin, burns to sear, and intense headaches to course through your body- even before you slam into the terrain of Tartarus. 
Given that you survive falling into an infinity high pit, you and Jungkook are likely to die from the toxicity in the air. 
After what feels like a millenia, you perceive the ground from thousands of feet in the air.  
“Jungkook!” you scream, “Wrap your arms around my waist!”
He obliges, maneuvering your body so your back is pressed against his chest. 
Then, you get the work. 
Retrieving nylon fabric and sturdy rope from your toolbelt, you intertwine the rope around the fabric, fashioning the parachute's framework with the added support of metal tubing. Handing Jungkook a specially crafted two-person harness, he allows you to slip into the loops before he follows suit. 
You attach the harness to the metal framework and deploy the parachute,allowing you and Jungkook to drift to the ground.  
Upon landing, you stumble on your knees, hyperventilating as the adrenaline courses through your body. Jungkook joins you, also dropping to his knees as he gently cradles your face. He appears just as disoriented, resting his forehead against yours. “You good?” he asks, chest rising up and down. 
You nod before you fall into his arms, sobbing. 
“Thank gods I’m with you,” he murmurs into your skin.Jungkook embraces you tightly, his hands moving soothingly up and down your back. Once you've calmed down, he assists you in getting back on your feet. “We’ll be okay,” he states, holding you by the crook of your arm. “I’m here. I got you.”
Tartarus is an ominous realm with a combination of shadowy chasms and rugged terrains. Heavy clouds loom overhead, casting a dark veil across the landscape. The ground is uneven, marked by deep crevices that seemingly stretch into infinity. Unsettling sounds permeate the air, forming an eerie symphony of the cries and moans of monsters.  
You and Jungkook quickly fall ill to the noxious atmosphere in Tartarus. 
Jungkook’s handsome face erects boils, and he appears more ill with each passing moment. 
“Kook,” you nudge him with your body, “You alright?”
He nods, gulping. “‘m good, inferno princess. Worry about yourself.”
You pause. “You’re clearly not okay.” On cue, Jungkook stumbles to his knees, and you fall to yours as he rests his head on your shoulder. You’re not sure why you’re not as affected, but you always knew that it was relative to your immunity to fire. 
Suddenly, an idea appears in your head. 
The River Phlegethon. 
The River Phlegethon is a river coursing through Tartarus, made entirely of molten lava.
It is said to consist of healing properties that keep monsters alive. It may work on demigods too. 
You rush to the River Phlegethon, submerging your metal water bottle beneath its fiery surface before rushing back to Jungkook. “Drink this.”
“What the fuck-”
You force it to his lips and down his throat. He gazes at you with despondency, like you’ve betrayed him horribly. He clutches his throat, retching and coughing at the sensation of molten lava down his throat. You eye him back like an insane person, bringing the bottle to your lips before you gulp down the rest of the lava. 
The only way to describe drinking molten lava is painful, excruciatingly horribly painful, even with your immunity to fire. But after a moment of torture, you feel good as new. 
It must have had the same effect on Jungkook because the boils vanish, and the familiar youthful glow returns to his face. 
“Gods inferno princess. Thought you were trying to kill me,” Jungkook jokes. 
“Holy shit. I can’t believe it actually worked!” you exclaim to which Jungkook scowls. “So you shoved that down my throat when you weren’t even sure-”
“Well, well, well. Demigods in Tartarus. Now that’s a sight I didn’t think I’d ever see. And it just so happens to be the same demigods who banished me down to this pit.”
You and Jungkook whip your heads to the direction of the voice. Lamia, the same monster you encountered on the Quest of the Eternal Night.
 Seeing Lamia again for the first time in years makes your knees buckle. There was no doubt in your mind that her abilities would be enhanced within the depths of Tartarus. 
She still adopts the appearance of a monster with the grotesque combination of human and serpent, her coiled, snake-like body merging seamlessly with a distorted human upper torso. 
Jungkook, reckless as ever, doesn’t hold back. “Lamia, you tried to kill Y/N! You committed a sin, and you’re reaping the consequences! Now leave, or I’ll kill you again!” Jungkook roars, causing Lamia to scoff as she slithers.
“A grandson of Zeus,” she sneers, “Just like your grandfather. Stupid. Reckless. Selfish.  Demigods are no different from gods. Hera murdered my children, and I will murder every single one of her descendants in return.”
Jungkook grimaces, instinctively stepping in front of you to shield you with his larger frame.  “Then take it out on her. Believe me when I say I’m not the biggest fan of Hera either. We are not her allies. Just go on your way, and we won’t have a problem.”
Jungkook is especially talented at bluffing. He knows he doesn’t have the advantage on Lamia’s home court, and you can tell how terrified he is by the way his body trembles. 
Lamia cackles, a Grinch-like smirk spreading across her lips as she goes for Jungkook’s weak spot: You.
Her red eyes look straight into yours and you begin trembling uncontrollably. 
She compels your mind with millions of
distressing and heart-wrenching visions, flooding your hippocampus with agonizing memories that aren’t even yours. The overload is so intense, and  you feel the barriers of your brain expanding, threatening to implode. 
The intensified influence of Tartarus seems to be amplifying Lamia's powers. 
She no longer simply wield the ability to psychologically torture with the victim’s own memories, she can harness the most agonizing memories of the history of the world to lead you to your demise.  
Gruesome visions from World War 2 relentlessly flow into your mind.  
Your brain synchronizes its rhythm with your heartbeat – thump, thump, thump. Each beat sends a jolt through your body, and your breath hitches in your throat when your mind drifts to a vision of the Allied and Axis Powers marching towards one another. 
The memories relentlessly infiltrate your mind, and you find yourself understanding the ruthless mindset of soldiers who were not merely bent on killing but also on torturing and annihilating- annihilating everything. 
Victims of chemical warfare desperately tear at their skin, their heads exploded by gunshots. Gradually, you start feeling the effects of chemical warfare creeping over you, prompting an agonizing scream as you instinctively claw at your own face.
Suddenly, a gun magically materializes itself a few yards from you. 
With tears relentlessly running down your face and hives protruding from your skin, you crawl towards it, not minding that your fingernails are digging into poisonous terrain because you’re hellbent on ending this agony.  
Jungkook quickly engages Lamia in combat with his sword. Jungkook bitterly laughsl in amusement when Lamia unfurls wings from her sides, soaring around him. Of course she can fly.
Flying around Jungkook, Lamia claws and slashes, leaving a deep cut on his bicep. Grimacing in pain, he falls to his knees, clutching the wound. His expression contorts into agony, the pain becoming so excruciating that sensation from his arm starts slipping away. He tries to wiggle his fingers, but he can’t. 
His ears ring, prompting a groan as he bites his lip, striving to mentally overcome the pain. Lamia's maniacal laughter echoes in his mind, but the throbbing in Jungkook's arm drowns it into a dull background noise.
From the corner of his eye, he sees you in the midst of your psychological torment, crawling towards a nearby gun. 
His face falls when he realizes the scenario Lamia is attempting to placate.
“Fuck,” he mutters under his breath, immediately rising to his knees and kicking the gun into the River Phlegethon. 
Regret immediately washes over him as he watches the gun fall into the depths of the River Phlegethon. Your hysterical trance may actually compel you to jump into the river to go after it.  
You were immune to fire, but Jungkook isn’t so sure that you’ll survive a bath in the river of fire.
He winces, trying to mentally overcome the intensifying throbbing in his arm so he can finally finish things.
Jungkook hurts so much seeing you like this: sobbing, ripping your hair out, writhing in agony at Lamia’s infliction.
Lamia had already taken a part of you when you were 14, leaving you shivering and trembling in the eternal darkness of Los Angeles. Jungkook would be damned if he let it happen again.
When Jungkook was 14 years old, he sent Lamia to Tartarus by decapitating her. He thinks  this time, he’ll get rid of her for good by shredding her into dust, leaving no mercy.
He’ll make her death the most painful one he’s ever inflicted.
With flames in his pupils, he charges towards Lamia, slashing up with his sword to cut off the bottom of her snake tail. Before it hits the ground, he slashes it for what must have been a hundred times, cutting her tail into such tiny pieces that the wind carries her remains away.
She howls in pain and Jungkook takes that as an opportunity to leap up and tackle her to the ground. He holds her down with his good arm, his strength easily overpowering hers. 
He starts by cutting off her arms, shredding her arms into nothing but dust. He finishes the job, leaving nothing but her head. It’s bloody and gruesome, but it’s everything Jungkook is used to. 
He makes sure to slice off her fangs as he picks her up from her long orange hair. 
Practically drenched in Lamia’s blood, Jungkook turns his head and sees you lying like a dead sack of potatoes by the River Phlegethon. The tips of your fingers are lying in the river, meaning he killed Lamia just in time.
He runs over to you and immediately fishes a canteen of nectar from his backpack, setting your head on his thigh as he puts the nectar to your lips, feeling thankful as you respond by weakly sipping on it.
Putting a hand on your forehead, he feels that you’re absolutely burning up. After weakly sipping  on the nectar, you gasp like you’ve breathed your first breath.
Jungkook immediately pulls you into his embrace, his eyes full of so much relief. “Gods, inferno princess. I’m so happy that you’re okay.”
You sob into his shirt. “I was so useless, I’m sorry. You saved me. Thank you so much.”
Jungkook holds you even tighter, allowing you to sob into his shirt as he savors the sensation of having you in his arms, alive and okay. 
Jungkook pulls back, fingers combing through your hair and tucking a strand behind your ear. He hands cradle your jaw, his thumbs wiping your tears away, until he realizes that he actually smeared Lamia’s blood on your face. 
“Oops- sorry, I got blood on you,” he sheepishly mutters, biting his lip. 
You giggle at that, wiping the blood away with your sleeve before your eyes drift towards that large gash on Jungkook’s arm.
“Gods Jungkook!” you exclaim, reaching into your magic toolbelt to pull out some healing properties. Your magic toolbelt always materializes what you need just in time.  
“Oh this?” Jungkook looks down at the gash on his arm that is now foaming, bloody, and turning a shade of green, “This papercut? Don’t even worry about it.”
You scoff, quickly cleaning the wound and wrapping his arm in bandages. Jungkook always pretends like he doesn’t feel any pain, but you don’t miss the way he winces in pain when you begin to apply pressure on his wound.
Once the task is complete, your gaze shifts to the decapitated head of Lamia. Her eyes are void of life and color. Without a doubt, Jungkook had completed his duty successfully.
You narrow your eyes, examining her head, devoid of the snake's lower body, claws, and fangs. 
Your chest aches as you exhale shakily. 
Lamia was the most strikingly beautiful being you’ve ever encountered. You’ve met the goddess of beauty Aphrodite multiple times, and you dare to entertain the idea that Lamia surpasses her beauty.
Aphrodite has the kind of beauty that was glamorous and attention-commanding.  
Lamia, on the other hand, was naturally radiant. Her look could not be easily imitated by artificial means. She was a sculpture, a form of art that would never be replicated.
No wonder the queen of the gods was so envious. No wonder the king of the gods was so utterly obsessed and smitten with her. 
Her beauty is a reminder that at her core, Lamia was a human being. A tragic soul whose children met a ruthless end by none other than the gods you served. Her long, soft, and luscious orange hair cascaded across Tartarus's harsh terrain, comfortingly beautiful against its vile surroundings. 
You wanted to cry. You wanted to weep for her as much as you wanted to kill her.
Eyes lifting towards Jungkook, you force a slight smile. “Ready to finish the deal?”
Jungkook looks at you and nods, unsheathing the knife on his waist, offering you the very celestial bronze knife you forged for him when you were ten years old. 
You find yourself torn between tears and laughter. For some reason he always kept that stupid knife with him. You would never tell him, but it made you so emotional- like the knife was a symbol for yours and his unbreakable bond. 
“You got this, inferno princess.”
You nod, gulping nervously as your fingertips brush against his, your fist closing over the handle of the knife. 
You’re on the verge of bringing Jungkook’s knife down on her head, your features harden as you prepare to end Lamia for good, seeking retribution for the torment she’s inflicted and the lives she’s taken. 
With a scream you will yourself to bring the knife down. 
Until you don’t. 
Your features soften, and the celestial knife falls with a thud.
You cast a glance at Jungkook, and he responds with a nod, seemingly grasping your thoughts.
His right hand entwines with your left, and he closes his eyes. "Oh gods, I implore your mercy upon her soul. May the fates consider her past, the loss of her children, and the wrath from the queen of the gods. I offer her head as a solemn sacrifice." 
As he speaks, your fingers tighten around his, clinging onto his every word, sobbing in relief that he shares your sentiments of grief for her poor soul, even after she tried to kill you both.
With a shaky exhale, you continue. “Kindly extend your compassion to her spirit and reunite her with her offspring in the Fields of Asphodel. Anywhere but the Fields of Punishment would suffice. Please, shower your mercy upon her.”
And with that, you hold the celestial bronze knife up and bring her millenia long suffering to an end.
Following your encounter with Lamia, you and Jungkook continue your journey, navigating through the rugged terrain, weaving between jagged rocks and hiding in concealed potholes.  
Unfortunately, monsters are literally built to sense demigods so it isn’t long until you encounter another monster.
The next monster you encountered is Cheimarrhus. Cheimarrhus is less of a monster and more of an elemental force: the essence of coldness in Tartarus. 
When she assumes humanoid form, her skin becomes icy blue with silver hues. Her hair cascades like frozen tendrils, and her eyes gleam with an otherworldly coldness. 
The aura surrounding her is so frozen cold that your flame is nothing but a mere candle.
You aren’t able to construct anything with your tool belt because Cheimarrhus simply morphed into an elemental force when you attacked. What is a hammer going to do against a snowflake?
It isn’t just that. Her  mere presence is enough to extinguish your flames, physically weakening you to your knees.
On the earthly realm, Khione is the goddess of snow and winter. Cheimarrhus seems to be the Tartarus version over her.
After hours of treading away from Lamia, you and Jungkook sit in a concealed pothole, warming yourselves with a makeshift fire sparked by your finger. Jungkook sits closely by you, wrapping an arm around you while you rest your head on his shoulder. 
“Thank you Jungkook,” you murmur, “Thank you for saving me from Lamia. Gods, I was about to jump in the River Phlegethon- I could have died.” You burn your eyes into the lively flame, finding solace in its orange and red hues. 
Jungkook looks at you incredulously. “Inferno princess,” he expresses dumbfoundedly, “We’re in this together. We’re a team. I would give my life for you to survive. You’re key to defeating Gaia. The others can’t do it without you.”
Your gaze remains fixed on the fire. You shake your head. “Don’t talk about losing your life so easily. I would give my life for you to survive, Kook. I already played my part by retrieving the armor from the Hephaestion. I’m not needed anymore.” 
Your declaration is solemn, but you truly do mean it. You’ve played your role in accordance with the prophecy. Jungkook, Mingyu, Rose, Mina, Taehyung, and Namjoon would fare well without you.
Jungkook’s features harden. “Then I’ll make sure we both make it.”
A smile adorns your lips, and Jungkook thinks that the loveliness of your smile would bring life to flowers even in the heart of Tartarus. You nudge him softly with your body. “That’s true. We’re both going to make it.”
“That’s right, inferno princess. Atta girl. None of this death talk anymore. It’s depressing.”
You snuggle into the warmth of Jungkook’s body, enjoying the brevity of peace in the deepest pit of hell- until something feels off. You immediately jerk away from him, eliciting a look of concern from Jungkook. 
“Would she mind that we’re -like- cuddling right now?” you ask.
Jungkook frowns. “Who?”
“Seraphina. I mean- you haven’t mentioned her once this entire time. Don’t you miss her?”
Seraphina is Jungkook’s special friend, or talking stage, or something like that. In your opinion, she’s easily the most beautiful girl at camp, even amongst her siblings in the Aphrodite cabin. 
Before you left on the voyage to Greece, you’d seen Jungkook and Seraphina meandering around camp, holding hands, making out behind the Ares cabin. 
He blinks at you with a sense of disbelief. “Inferno princess,” he deadpans, “We’re literally freezing our asses off in Tartarus. She’ll be fine.”
You shake your head. “Even in Tartarus, it doesn’t feel right. Seraphina’s my friend-”
“She’s not my girlfriend,” Jungkook cuts you off.
“But I saw you-”
Jungkook shakes his head. “We’re just messing around. She’s about to break things off with me anyways. It’s a rite of passage in the Aphrodite cabin- breaking a boy’s heart. Bonus points if it’s an Ares kid. She thinks she’s playing me but I’m playing her.”
You frown. “Oh.”
Typical of an Aphrodite kid. Aphrodite cheated on your dad with Jungkook’s dad, and you can’t help but feel scorn for her. You thought Seraphina was better than that.
Jungkook playing along with it is kinda icky too. You decide to call him out for it once you return to the mortal world. 
As a Hephaestus kid, it’s definitely in your nature to judge the antics of Ares and Aphrodite kids.
“Are you sure you’re not just bringing it up because of Jaehyun?” he raises a brow at you and pulls you from your judgemental trance. 
You scoff. “Seriously? How much longer are you going to bring that up?”
Last summer, you kissed Jaehyun, son of Apollo after the daily campfire ceremony. He had just returned on a quest to retrieve the Pythian bow. The Pythian bow is a golden bow with arrows that never miss their mark. The very existence of the Pythian bow guaranteed the precision and accuracy of all archers.
When news came out that it was stolen, Jaehyun, Namjoon, and Nayeon, a hunter of Artemis, were sent on a quest to Yellowstone National Park to get it back.
When they returned, Jaehyun announced that the Pythian bow was stolen by a giant and offspring of Gaia, Tityos.
Tityos was said to have lusted after Leto, Artemis and Apollo’s mother, and attempted to violate Leto during her pregnancy. Apollo and Artemis who were still in their mother’s womb were not pleased by this and slew Tityos with their arrows once they were born. 
When Jaehyun announced to the camp that Tityos, the offspring of Gaia, had returned from Tartarus, a bone chilling unease dispersed through the assembly of demigod campers. With hindsight, you realize that this was only the beginning of Gaia’s revival. 
Back then, you were so relieved to see that he returned safely so you ran into his arms and kissed his cheek. It was a heat-in-the-moment thing, and when Jaehyun turned his head- well, that was your first kiss. 
The  weight of it settled uncomfortably in your stomach when you realized that Jaehyun was all in for you. Letting him down was heart-wrenching,  and you still feel terrible for breaking the guy’s heart.
Crazily enough, Jungkook witnessed the entire thing during a walk back from the woods. Once you pulled away from Jaehyun, Jungkook approached you both, slow-clapping like an evil villain. Jaehyun glared intensely at Jungkook, who scoffed in disdain before sauntering back to the Ares cabin. 
He made you feel like shit and you were still pissed about it.
“Gods Y/N, I had to bleach my eyes out after witnessing that. I deserve to be compensated,” he sasses.
You shake your head in disbelief. “That was my first kiss, Kook. And now I have to think of my first kiss with your deplorable face in mind.”
Jungkook’s lips curl smugly. “Good.”
You glare at him. “Is that all you have to say? Asshole.”
He shrugs. “Just give me a hug, inferno princess. We should get back on our feet soon.” He opens his arms, prompting a disdainful expression from you.
Your eyes drift towards the bandaged wound on his bicep, and your features soften. “Does it still hurt?”
Just looking at the thing made your arm throb. Disgusting shades of green and purple peeked through the sheer bandages. “Hold up, let me clean it.”
You reach into your tool belt, the materials in mind magically appearing. 
As you undo his bandages, Jungkook’s features curl in agony, wincing at the re-exposure. You use sterile gauze to wipe the wound before dabbing it with petroleum jelly. 
Jungkook’s arms are thick, but you treat his skin as if it’s the most delicate substance. Gently cleaning the wound with an antiseptic solution, you rewrap it with a sterile bandage, ensuring a snug fit.  
“It should have been me.”
You lift your head, staring at him with a look of curiosity, your eyes flickering around his features to detect any insincerity. 
You  know what he’s talking about, but you still feel the need to ask. “What?”
“Your first kiss,” he replies, flexing and extending his arm in comfort now that it was freshly bandaged. “It should have been me.”
He looks right at you, his expression hardened- perhaps to mask his vulnerability or to convey the sincerity of his confession. 
With his features so stoic, you take a second to admire how handsome he is. 
Even with his face battered and bloody, he resembles a sculpture. Every feature aligns to create the most handsome person you've ever seen. 
Your breath catches in your throat. You open your mouth to respond, but nothing comes out. 
He relents on his stoic expression, a subtle warmth enveloping his features as he releases a light-hearted laughter. “You don’t have to say anything. I just wanted to let you know,” he looks around and rubs the nape of his neck, “Tartarus isn’t the best place to make a confession, eh?”
You laugh in disbelief, “That was very Jungkook of you,” you comment, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear.
He smiles, dusting his pants off to stand up, offering you a hand. You take his hand, standing, and at that moment, your makeshift fire extinguishes. The temperature plummets, and the night becomes impossibly dark.
Jungkook immediately unsheathes his celestial bronze knife, assuming defensive stance as he conducts a 360 degree scan of his surroundings. 
There is a clear threat, but he can’t detect any presence. 
You stand back to back with Jungkook, hair rapidly whipping against the fierce winds. The plummeting temperature sends chills through your skin, nearly freezing you solid.
 You will yourself to blaze a fire from your fingertips, but to no avail. You exert more magical energy into at least sparking a flame, but the force of the frigid winds snuffs your flame out every time.
Suddenly, an evil cackle echoes throughout the atmosphere.
“Foolish demigods, entering Tartarus unprepared," the voice resonates with an eerie chill. "In the realm of perpetual cold, your feeble flames are but futile flickers. These days, Tartarus really likes cooling down." The freezing air intensifies, making it harder for you to even draw breath.
You attempt once more to summon a flame from your fingertips, determined to defy the numbing cold. However, the frigid winds persistently resist your efforts, extinguishing any spark you manage to conjure.
“Reveal yourself,” Jungkook utters lowly. 
“Isn’t the cold to your liking?” As she speaks, she becomes  louder, her voice ringing in your ears and making you wince. 
Particles of snow begin whirling around in tornado formation ahead of you, the tornado becoming thinner and thinner until it morphs  into humanoid form. The woman who appears has icy blue skin, hair cascading in frozen tendrils, and a glacial aura that crystallizes the air within a three foot vicinity. 
Taking in her humanoid form, you finally realize who she is, and you gasp. “Cheimarrhus.” 
You don’t realize how much your lips are trembling until you hear your own voice- the way you said her name sounded nothing more than a chatter. 
She smirks. “Well done, young demigod. I applaud you for recognizing me. The power-hungry Olympians have practically wiped my name from existence. The gods all know that Khione is threatened by me.”
The face of Khione, the goddess of snow and winter on the earthly realm appears in your mind. 
Jungkook eyes you before lying straight through his teeth. “That’s not true. You’re in our curriculum at Camp Half-Blood: Tartarus Monsters 202. They don’t even teach you in 101 because you’re too advanced and powerful.”
Cheimarrhus seems to be pleased by that, satisfaction enveloping her features before she sneers. “The giants must be the center of the 101 course. I swear they get all the attention.”
You nod in agreement. “Of course. But you understand that’s standard, right? They don’t dare let the younger demigods know about you because they would have too many nightmares.”
Cheimarrhus cackles, licking her lips.
 You and Jungkook eye each other, awkwardly laughing along with her to hopefully appease the blizzard. 
You flinch, taking a step back, Jungkook reaching for your hand to stabilize you. 
“Do you take me for a fool? You demigods and your lies. Typical,” she spits, her anger causing the temperature to plummet even more. “Now demigods, suffer. I will win Tartarus’s favor by freezing you to death.”
“Hey! We were just trying to be nice!-”
Her body morphs into snow particles, whirling around before it disperses throughout the atmosphere. 
You look at Jungkook, ice crystallizing around strands of his hair, his skin an unhealthy hue of blue, and his lips trembling. You’re sure you don’t look much better because his features morph into horror when he looks at you. 
“Y-Y/N. L-let’s take the motorcycle and get the outta here.”
“What about th-the monsters?” 
“Fuck that, we’ll freeze to death first.”
You nod in agreement, and Jungkook presses a button on his watch, watching as it unfolds into a Celestial Bronze Harley Davidson motorcycle. You zoom off on the motorcycle, arms locked around Jungkook’s waist. Gods, getting on the motorcycle was probably a worse idea, the frigid air rushing against your face as the motorcycle accelerated. 
Cheimarrhus is relentless, trailing on you as rapidly as she matches the motorcycle’s speed. 
“Jungkook!” You call out, “This isn’t working!”
The motorcycle comes to an abrupt stop and you both tumble onto the ground as the watch returns to Jungkook’s wrist. 
You crawl around the ground, sobbing and looking for Jungkook. “Jungkook, where are you? Please Jungkook, please!”
You hear him shuffle towards you before he helps you up from both armpits. You both tread to a nearby pothole, settling into it while you cling onto each other, desperately clinging to each other’s body heat.
The side effects of frostbite can be fatal. In highly severe instances, the freezing cold penetrates human tissue, causing body parts like toes, fingers, and noses to freeze and eventually fall off. 
You close your eyes, nestling in Jungkook’s embrace as you prepare to welcome your final moments. 
“I had a crush on you from -like- 12 to 15. I thought I should let you know in case, you know.”
“Gods inferno princess, didn’t we agree to not talk about death? It’s just an average day for us demigods. Frostbite, freezing to death? What does that even mean? It would never happen to us,” he muses, blue lips curling up into a teasing smile. 
You push your face into the now sopping fabric of Jungkook’s shirt, laughing. Who would even laugh in a situation like this? 
“So what’d I do to make you stop liking me?” he asks, looking down at you. 
“Nothing, you just didn’t like me back,” you shrug, your shoulders barely moving in the freezing cold. 
“That’s not true. I liked you the moment I laid eyes on you. That’s why I was such an asshole. It was the only way 10-year-old me knew how to flirt.”
You cease your motions, your frosty eyebrows scrunching in confusion. “You always had a thing for Aphrodite girls. I didn’t know.”
“It was only because you never batted an eye at me. Had me heartbroken.”
You shake your head in amusement. “Gods, I think that’s the craziest thing I’ve ever heard, even in Tartarus.” 
“What do you say? Do you have it in your heart to give me another chance? I want you for real. I want us for real.”
After the incident last summer, you swore you wouldn’t ever make any spur-in-the-moment decisions, until your frosty fingers cup Jungkook’s cheeks, and you kiss him. 
Jungkook seems a bit taken aback, but reciprocates your kiss with equal fervor, placing his hands on the small of your back to stabilize you. The ice on your lips melts, and at that moment, everything seems okay. 
Gods, you feel so warm on the inside that the temperature outside seems to gradually rise.
You pull back, eyes flickering around your surroundings. The blizzard is gone. Cheimarrhus is gone. Somehow the warmth returned, making even Tartarus feel like a tropical paradise. 
In relief, you pull Jungkook in for another kiss. He holds your cheeks with his rugged palms, practically drinking from your lips in reprieve. 
The sound of thundering footsteps pull you away from each other. 
Yours and Jungkook’s heads whip towards the sounds of the footsteps, and there stands a thirty foot giant. 
The giant is colossal in stature, the stony texture of his skin giving him an appearance as if built from the very rocks that surrounded him. The monster has a horrifying and booming presence, its malevolent aura casting an ominous feeling in your gut.
The giant blinks at you and Jungkook, the most nonchalant look cloaking his rugged features. 
Momentarily, you consider the idea that the giant might not see you- but no he does- because he dismisses your mere existence with a wave before sauntering back to a hut a kilometer away. 
“Holy shit,” Jungkook mutters. 
Every footstep the giant takes induces vibrations through the terrain, making yours and Jungkook’s teeth chatter just as much as Cheimarrhus’s blizzard did. 
“Sir! Excuse me, sir! Can you help us?!” Jungkook’s voice echoes throughout the atmosphere and your heart drops into your ass. 
Giants were the direct offspring of Gaia, the Earthmother you were on a quest to kill. 
If Cheimarrhus didn’t kill you, then this giant would surely be the one to finish the deal. 
The giant slowly turns around, eyes narrowing at you like you’re the scum of the Earth. You shudder in anticipation.
“Follow me to my hut,” is all he says, turning back around and walking steadily towards his hut.
You and Jungkook quickly scramble to your feet, fingers intertwined as you trail behind the giant, leaving a few meters in between you and the giant. 
The giant turns around again, and it’s like the whole earth rumbles. “What are you doing? Hurry up!” You and Jungkook cast questionable glances at each other, but nonetheless scramble to the giant’s side. 
After a few odd moments of walking,  the giant speaks up. “So, how’d you two get to Tartarus? I’ve never seen any demigods around here before.”
A giant starting a casual conversation with you in Tartarus was not on your bingo card for this year. 
Jungkook told the giant the entire story eliciting a deep sigh from the monster. “That’s my mother, always insistent on wreaking havoc. She banished me and disowned me, her son for the same reason- because I refused to fight your father.” He looks right at Jungkook, and at that moment, a lightbulb appears above your head.
The giant you were addressing was Damasen.
Damasen was originally a giant created by the Earth goddess Gaea to serve her in her plans to overthrow the Olympian gods.
 He was designed to be the bane of Ares, Jungkook’s father. Damasen was quite literally created to embody the antithesis of the war god’s essence, the only being designed to incapacitate Ares. 
Ultimately, this backfired on Gaia.  While many giants were naturally hostile towards the gods, Damasen differed in nature. Damasen rejected war, with a gentle heart that rejected the brutality often associated with Ares. 
“You’re Damasen” you exhale breathlessly. 
“Correct, daughter of Hephaestus. Come in my hut and have soup, then I’ll send you both on your way.”
Damasen the Friendly poured you and Jungkook bowls of drakon soup, chunks of drakon meat floating in the broth.
“What about you, Mr. Damasen? Why don’t you tell us your story?” you implore, heartily sipping down the soup.
Damasen smiles. “It’s just as I said. I rejected war, resulting in abandonment from my mother. Instead, I chose to live a peaceful life on Earth as a farmer. I befriended other mortal farmers, and we lived in harmony planting wheat and barley,” he shrugs, lifting his mug in a fatherly way as he takes a sip of hot water.
You and Jungkook exchange dumbfounded glances. A giant living peacefully among mortals was absolutely unheard of.
“It was a peaceful millenia,” he continues, “Until a drakon escaped into the mortal realm and began ravaging all the farms. I couldn’t let it be. I slayed it. My mother banished me to Tartarus, cursing me to slay the drakon everyday for the rest of my life.”
On cue, a drakon roar reverberates between the walls. Damasen casts a dark look to the outside of the hut and immediately springs into action.
You and Jungkook watch dumbfoundedly as Damasen slays the enormous creature and walks to the hut like returning from a walk in the park.
“Damasen, you’re amazing,” you express in awe, to which Damasen shrugs.
“You demigods may rest on the hammock. You both look awful. We can continue this conversation once you wake,” he says, pointing towards a hammock made from drakon skin in the corner. 
Jungkook wants to protest, feeling unsafe about sleeping vulnerable in the presence of a giant, but he’s too tired to process anything. 
He plops onto the hammock, welcoming you with open arms as you both sink into the sheets, falling into a restful slumber after the most difficult hours of your life.
Jungkook wakes first, eyes blinking groggily as his eyes venture towards you, sleeping peacefully in the crook of his armpit. Careful not to wake you up, he gently lifts your head with his palm and gently places it against a pillow before standing from the hammock.
Damasen sits on the kitchen table, structured from Drakon bone, reading a Guide to the Underworld by Persephone and Demeter, a book that must have blown into the pit of Tartarus.
He takes a seat by Damasen. “Sir, we need you to lead us towards the Doors of Death.”
The Doors of Death stood as the sole gateway to the mortal realm. Gaia and her giants had seized control of these doors, enabling monsters to surge back into the mortal world with alarming speed. You and Jungkook had to enter the mortal realm through the Doors of Death, sealing it off from Tartarus’s side while the rest of the crew would work on closing the doors from the Earthly side.  
Damasen shakes his head, and Jungkook becomes slightly intimidated. This giant was designed to kill his father, the most fierce warrior amongst the Olympians. Though Damasen claimed a life of peace, what  if he changed his mind? Damasen could crush Jungkook with his bare fists. 
 “Son of Ares, I already told you that I chose to leave a life of peace. I do not wish to involve myself with pointless affairs.”
Jungkook grimaces, taking a knee on the concrete floor, a sign of respect for the Greeks “Sir, please. I’d do anything. We won’t survive without your guidance.”
Damasen lifts his gaze from the book to Jungkook, seemingly trapped in intense contemplation. “There is one thing you can do.”
“Whatever you need, I’ll try my best to do it for you,” Jungkook implores.
“My pocket knife,” Damasen responds, “It was the only belonging I carried from the mortal realm. The drakon knocked it into the River Phlegethon, and it’s been sitting at the bottom since. The child of Hephaestus can retrieve it for me.”
“I’ll do it,” you declare, sitting up from the hammock.
Jungkook cuts you off immediately. “Sir, is there anything else I can do? I don’t want to put her in danger.”
Damasen shrugs, “That’s all I can think of. I’ll let you know if I come up with anything else.”
You shake your head, joining Jungkook and Damasen at the kitchen table, sitting on one of the drakon bone chairs. “I can do it. I’m immune to fire.”
Jungkook glares at you, and you respond with an even more fierce glare. Damasen, studying the dynamic between you and Jungkook, releases a sigh. “Child, does your father know about your relationship with this son of Ares? I imagine Hephaestus won’t find that very favorable.”
You stick out your hand, partially ignoring Damasen’s comment about Jungkook. Damasen uses his pointer finger and thumb to shake your hand. 
“Call me Y/N. If I retrieve the pocket knife from the River Phlegethon, join us on our quest. You can return to the mortal world and work as a farmer on Camp Half-Blood. We’re looking for a manager for our strawberry fields.”
Damasen shakes his head, “Your efforts would be futile. Even if I tried to leave, we would walk endlessly until returning to this hut.”
“Damasen,” you implore, “You deserve so much more than this. You deserve to see the stars, the sky, the moon. We need you.”
“If you retrieve the knife, I will guide you towards the Doors of Death. I will not be able to provide assistance beyond that,” he stubbornly responds, refusing to change his stance. 
You don’t realize you’re holding your breath until you exhale. “Okay. Where’s the knife?”
Jungkook scowls deeply at you. “Y/N. It’s dangerous. We can do this a different way.” He redirects his attention towards Damasen. “Anything else. Just let me know, anything that a son of Ares can do, I will do.”
“You already killed Lamia. At the very least, I can do this. I’m immune to fire, I’ll be able to survive at least 5 minutes in the river, and I can come back up to the surface if I need to.”
Jungkook shakes his head, “No. You’re not doing it.”
You frown deeply at him. “What, so you think I’m too weak to contribute to the quest?”
“What? No- that’s not what I’m saying. I just want you to be safe.”
You place both palms on his shoulders, looking at him straight in the eyes. “Jungkook,” you declare firmly, “Drop the Prince Charming complex. We’re in Tartarus. I wouldn’t try if I knew I couldn’t do it.”
Leaving him dumbfounded, you face Damasen. “Lead the way. I’m ready to jump in when you are.”
Jungkook clears his throat. “Damasen, give us a moment to discuss. Please.” He pulls you by your wrist to a corner of the drakon bone hut. You’re not necessarily secluded and Damasen catches heed to every word. 
Jungkook shifts uncomfortably. “You’re sure you can do it? You’ve never walked into a fire, let alone swam in one.”
You dismiss the notion with a wave. “I have. I saved some mortals from a house fire last summer. At the very least I can do five minutes- maybe ten if I try hard enough.”
Jungkook eyes you suspiciously, but you refuse to relent on your stoicism. Of course, you’re lying, but Jungkook doesn’t need to know that.
“Fine,” Jungkook relents, “But you’re making a silicone harness, with a fire-proof string, and I’m pulling you out after three minutes,” he compromises, features hardening. 
That’s all you’re getting, and you are going to take it if it means getting this over with more quickly.
“Damasen, if you give us a minute, I’m going to construct a makeshift breathing apparatus. Jungkook, I won’t make a harness, but I can tie a string around my waist. Pull me out after three minutes.”
You begin pulling things from your toolbelt, leaving Damasen to marvel at it. “Hephaestus technology, huh?” he beckons, “Your father must love you a lot to provide you with something like this.”
You shrug, “I guess. Man doesn’t talk to me much. It’s whatever,” you respond, quickly brushing off the topic as your hands quickly assemble a makeshift breathing apparatus from titanium alloys, ceramic composites, and rubber seals. 
Anyways, without delving too much into the details of yours and Jungkook’s excursion to Tartarus, you can safely claim you and Jungkook soundly escaped Tartarus.
Damasen was not so lucky.
That didn’t mean, however, that you and Jungkook weren’t on the brink of death when you narrowly escaped Tartarus through the Doors of Death.
Writhing on the floor, you vaguely remember Taehyung whisking you in his arms, willing the water from the surrounding lakes to form a wave, carrying himself back to the ship. 
Meanwhile,  Mingyu, son of Jupiter, soared through the air carrying an unconscious Jungkook from the crooks of his armpits.
You and Jungkook must have laid idle for quite a while in the ship’s corridors, and your friends, in their infinitely loyal nature, sat by your bedside for the entire time. 
Rose, daughter of Apollo and one of the demigods on the quest, remained by your side throughout, using her most powerful healing properties to save you from returning to the Underworld as a dead spirit. 
Her voice was the very first thing you heard when you woke up.
“Gods Taehyung, you fucking idiot, don’t pour more than half of a cup of nectar into the canteen! It needs to stay refrigerated!”
“Damn doctor- I’m trying my best here!”
You blink groggily, closing your eyes shut at the sunlight seeping through your eyelids like you have a sun allergy.
“Rosie?” you breathlessly express.
Rose drops nearly spills the canteen of nectar onto her pretty dress and whips her head towards you.
“Praise the gods, Y/N!” she squeals, reaching out to embrace you before she rapidly recoils her arms, “Oh shit, I don’t want to hurt you, but Gods Y/N, I’m so fucking happy you’re awake!”
You shake your head, sitting up on the bed, allowing Rose to cup your cheeks and rest her forehead on yours. 
“‘m fine Rosie, I feel brand new,” you mumble, and she finally reaches her arms out to tightly embrace you, tears of relief streaming down her face, soiling the fabric of your T-shirt.
“Gods Rosie, are you crying?” you express, a teasing giggle leaving your lips.
She playfully swats at your shoulder, “Yes Y/N, I’m fucking crying! I was worried sick! You fell into freaking Tartarus for Gods’ sake! We were so worried that you wouldn’t make it back, and to just-to just- to just see that you and Jungkook are okay- Gods, I’m so happy!”
The sounds of more cries echo across the walls, and you lift your head from Rose’s shoulder, blinking like you might be hallucinating because  Taehyung is sobbing, like actual tears streaming down his face.
You don’t think you’ve seen him cry since you were 14, during the Battle of the Labyrinth.
And as much as you want to make a teasing comment, you know you shouldn’t encourage his toxic masculinity any further.
He’s using his large palms to wipe the snot seeping out of his nostrils, and you and Rose simply look at each other, not knowing what to do or say. 
Should you comfort him? Should you say something? 
“I need to pee,” is all you muster in response. 
Rose laughs, rising up, wiping her palms on her jeans. “Want me to come along?”
At that moment, you feel a large palm wrap around the circumference of your wrist. 
“Don’t go,” is all Jungkook mumbles, resting his forearm on his eyes to shield himself from the sun. He opens a single eye, and you feel your heart skip a beat- the sun is perfectly reflecting off Jungkook’s skin, making his brown irises appear the prettiest shade of hazel, and he’s looking at you so needily you wish you could  stay with him forever.
He tightens his hold on your wrist, pulling you towards him- you resist slightly so he doesn’t pull you on top of him in front of everyone. “Shit baby, we made it. It’s you and me inferno princess, the only demigods to survive Tartarus.”
And with that, the hand on your wrist moves to the back of your head, and he pulls your lips toward his, kissing you deeply like you were made of the sweetest nectar. You’re a bit taken aback, but you kiss him back just as passionately, eyes shutting in relief because Jungkook is okay.
He almost died several times in Tartarus protecting you. He laid his life down to save yours, and Gods, you hate to admit it but Jungkook is your handsome warrior, your Prince Charming, your man.
You would do anything for him.
You only pull away from each other when the sound of a canteen clatters on the floor. 
“Apollo’s Arrows!” Rosie backs away, nearly toppling over a nearby chair, a palm clasped over her mouth, “What happened in Tartarus?”
“What the fuck, Jeon!!” Mingyu gasps. 
Your head whips to your left, and the rest of the crew is standing in the doorway. Namjoon, Mina, and Mingyu are gaping at you, meaning that the entire crew witnessed the kiss. 
“Surprise..?” you squeak.
Mina, daughter of the Roman goddess Venus, quite literally leaps onto the bed, enveloping you in the tightest hug she’s ever bestowed. “I knew it! I swear, my mom told me you two were designed for each other in a dream! Gods, is Jungkook the first guy you didn’t reject?”
Your cheeks flush at that. 
The goddess of love herself claimed that you and Jungkook were designed for each other? Did the fates also weave this into their tapestries?
Jungkook raises a brow. “How many other guys did you reject?”
Mina squeals, “Jeon you wouldn’t believe it- I’ve got a whole list right here, lemme just pull it out-”
Namjoon walks over, placing a soft hand on Mina’s back. He looks up, addressing you and Jungkook. “I’m happy for you lovebirds, but if you’re all healed, we need you guys back up on the deck. We’re sailing into the Sea of Monsters.”
Taehyung stands,  the sclera of his eyes fading from a bloodshot red to a crimson pink. He and Jungkook exchange knowing glances, and Taehyung approaches, offering Jungkook a handshake, (or a dap?), to which Jungkook obliges before Taehyung reaches into his pocket for his pen. 
He puts it on display, holding it between his pointer and thumb, biting his lower lip in jubilation, a smirk spreading across his lips. 
He pushes past everybody, shoots up the stairs, leaving the rest of the crew to only perceive the sound of Taehyung’s pen clicking and transforming into a sexy Celestial Bronze sword. 
Jungkook stands, twisting his neck around to ease tension before he leans down to place a brief, but sweet kiss on your lips. “Gotta go babe, get some more rest.”
And with that, Jungkook disappears into the corridors, Namjoon following his lead. 
Mina and Rose join you on the bed, the three of you sitting in bestie formation. 
“Firstly,” Mina begins, “Are you okay? Gods Y/N, you survived fucking Tartarus.”
You nod, recalling everything that had happened in the pit, from your experiences with Lamia to deep diving into the River Phlegethon. “It hasn’t hit me yet,” you murmur, “but I guess that’ll have to wait until after we finally get rid of Gaia.”
Rose and Mina wrap you in a hug, their love and friendship seeping into you, and the feeling is tangible, so you allow yourself to melt into their embrace. A hug. A hug from your best girl friends is all you need right now.
They pull away, and with a giggle, Rose asks “So what happened with you and Jeon? Don’t tell me you lost your virginity in Tartarus-”
The sound of someone clearing their throat cuts Rosie off, and the three of you immediately whip your heads towards Mingyu, son of Jupiter, who had apparently been there the entire time. 
He’s leaning against the doorway, the hilt of his Imperial Gold sword sticking up from the scabbard hooked to his belt.
“He’s been here the whole time?” Mina deadpans to which Mingyu scoffs and shakes his head, taking a seat on the wheely chair by the bed. 
“Daughters of Venus, Apollo, and Hephaestus, and none of you could detect the presence of another demigod?” he teases. 
“Ugh whatever,” Mina muses, “It’s just because your energy is too weak. Not much to detect anyways”.
Looks like it’s just Mingyu and the girlies.
Or one Greek demigod with three Roman demigods, 
Or just four distant relatives through their godly parents just hanging around (except godly DNA wasn’t really a thing).
Mingyu dismisses her claim with a wave of his hand before rolling over to give you a side hug, “I’m glad you’re safe Y/N, and I’m happy you and Jungkook found each other. At least one good thing came from this.”
You blush, thanking Mingyu.
“That guy is like head over heels for you, he looks like he could take a giant on by himself for you,” he teases, to which Mina nods enthusiastically. 
“Oh yea Y/N, anybody could tell that Jungkook had a thing for you- you were probably the only  one who didn’t know,” Rose agrees.
That makes you redden. You rewind all your previous interactions with Jungkook like a cassette, regurgitating anything that could possibly be interpreted as romantic, but nope, nothing arises. 
You pause, thinking back to your quest with Lamia at 14. 
Jungkook was so adamant to go on that quest, and you always assumed it was because of his obsession with winning. He wanted to claim the fame and glory that came with completing a quest. He had the time of his life killing ferocious monsters and he could make his dad proud while stroking his own ego. 
Quite honestly, it never occurred to you that he accompanied you on all these quests because he liked you. 
You open your mouth to say something, but the wretched growls and howls of a sea monster cut you off. The upper deck shakes, rubble from the roof falling onto the ground.
You four give each other knowing looks and bolt up the stairs. 
The next two weeks on ships were the most cathartic weeks of Jungkook’s life. 
He takes every chance he can  romance you, savoring what could have been the past five years. Needless to say, Jungkook  is madly in love.
It was the middle of the night, and the sound of your alarm blared in your ears. That meant you were needed for duty on the upper deck.
All members of the crew took turns guarding the upper deck to protect the ship against sea monsters, wind spirits, and any other murder-inducing apparatuses. With a yawn you stumble towards the bathroom, quickling washing up before heading towards the stairs. 
Mingyu and Namjoon are leaning against the railings of the ship, appearing like literal death after being on guard for eight hours. You nod at both of them and Namjoon gives you a brief hug before disappearing down the stairs.
You head towards the figurehead, peering at the endless sea and the large crescent moon as you let the wind blow in your face like Rose from Titanic. 
Lost in your thoughts, you squeal when a hoodie-clad Jungkook sneaks up behind you and snakes his arms around your waist. He rests his head in the crook of your neck, making the gesture to sniff deeply, which gets him an elbow in the abs. 
“Such a barbarian, Kook,” you murmur. 
“What? I love your B.O,” he teases. 
Disgusting. He’s so gross. So disgusting, and you are disgustingly in love with him. 
You swirl around, leaning on the edge of the ship to face him so you can cup his face and sweetly kiss him. You love the texture of his tan skin- much more keratinized than yours- the calluses on his hands and the rough texture on his face somehow makes you feel safe in a weird dermatologist way. 
This time, Jungkook doesn’t kiss back, just keeps his eyes open so he can admire you, laughing a bit when you pull away from him.
You bite your lip, crimsoning to the shade of Cupid’s bum. “What?” you pout. 
Jungkook shrugs, eyes never averting from yours. “Nothing,” he replies nonchalantly, “You’re particularly lovely tonight.” And he means it. 
Under the moonlight, you become more mesmerizing. The night sky and chilly breeze sets the ambiance perfectly. If Jungkook could, he would park the ship by a nearby island and take you on a picnic date by the shore. 
You don’t feel lovely- you’re exhausted and quite honestly you kinda want to die but Jungkook never fails to see the beauty in your impurities. 
“You should get some rest. You were on guard for like eight hours today” you respond softly. His eyes, though filled with love, are tired with dark circles beneath, and you immediately become concerned for the well being of the man.
He grins, his pupils following your every movement and you don’t realize that Jungkook is slowly inching towards you. You look worried out of your mind and he can’t even take you seriously, thinking you’re the most precious thing in the world. “Did you even sleep? And you’re on guard next,” you beckon.
He looks at you like you’re crazy, scoffing playfully with a hand on his heart. “Babygirl thinks I can’t handle being up for more than twenty four hours? ‘m not a boy anymore, I’m a grown ass man.”
“A grown ass man that needs to sleep,” you point out, gaze hardening. 
Jungkook pouts at that, arms sneaking around you as he pulls you closer. “I wanna be with my girl. Send me back to Tartarus if that’s so evil.”
You rake your fingertips through his hair, shaking your head while you laugh at his comment. “And I want my handsome boyfriend to get sleep so he can be his best when he’s on guard duty.”
He lowers his head and whines into the crook of your neck, nibbling on the skin in retaliation. 
“After your guard duty today,” you whisper, “Come by my room. We can spend the night together,” your voice in itself makes Jungkook freeze. You sound so alluring, and Jungkook can’t help but fall victim to your seduction. 
Greek heroes were known to have fatal flaws: tragic downfalls that led to their bitter demise in all the classics. Hercules’ fatal flaw was impulsivity. Achilles' fatal flaw was his arrogance. Jungkook thinks that his fatal flaw is you. He’d burn the whole world if it meant you were okay.
He pulls away, somewhat surprised while he scans your face for any hint of unseriousness. “Okay,” Jungkook acquiesces, “But call me if you need anything.” With another brief kiss, he turns around and stalks back to his cabin.
For the past five minutes, you’ve been sitting at your desk. A sewing machine from your tool belt is placed in front of you, and you must be out of your mind because you’re actually sewing black lace lingerie. 
Of course a daughter of Hephaestus can engineer and sew.
Staring at your reflection in the mirror, you compare the fabric with your body to ensure the lingerie looks as appealing as possible. 
You think you look good but you can’t help the self conscious thoughts seeping into your mind, and thus you resist the urge to smash your head into the sewing machine. 
You briefly consider throwing the scraps of fabric into the trash can and pretending this never happened, but at the very least, you should see the lingerie through before deciding to go through with it. 
You don’t know what it is, but you are aware that you have some twisted fantasy in the deepest trenches of your heart about seducing your man, a sultry look in your eyes as you beckon him towards you before smothering your body in every crevice of his. 
You want him to be enamored with you; you want him to be mesmerized beyond comprehension, and you want to give yourself to him completely. 
Gods, this was a dark thought but you and Jungkook were on a dangerous, life-threatening quest. Who knows when either of you will meet your treacherous demise? You might as well adopt the whole fuck it, we’re going to die anyway philosophy and carry out the little silly adventures you’ve dreamt of, especially while you’re alive. 
You slide the lingerie and look at yourself in the mirror- you don’t even recognize yourself. 
You must be out of your mind.
Jungkook suffers through a long eight hours of waiting around on the upper deck, slaughtering sea monsters, negotiating with Greek guardians, and killing the occasional goddess.
He knows he shouldn’t be distracted during a quest, but he can’t help but visualize your face every time he closes his eyes. Jungkook’s had a crush on you ever since you were 10 and a decade later it stubbornly refused to fade.
He is alright with that.
If anything, he should be thanking Aphrodite for finally letting you and him happen because he has more of a reason to fight- more of a reason to conquer.
For you. It was all for you.
He’s pulled from his trance by the footsteps of Mina and Taehyung, meaning that it was their turn for guard duty and his shift was up. Jungkook bites his lips to hide the smile of ecstasy threatening to swallow his  entire face, and he realizes he must be ass at hiding his expression because Mina eyes him with pure suspicion.
He doesn’t care.
He zooms down the stairs, whizzing through the hallways before stopping at your door. He takes a deep breath, wiping off the dust from his clothes. He probably smells, but that’s okay. What nerd even has time to shower on a quest to save the world? 
Opening the door, the softest gasp leaves his lips.
His hands fumble the Celestial Bronze knife in his grasp, and it falls to the ground with a clack clack clack. 
Jungkook is starstruck, and he inhales shakily before he kicks the celestial knife to the side before swiveling around, ensuring no one was peering through the cracks before he closes the door behind him.
The room is decorated with candles, and no matter how the ship heaves and hoes, the candles remain in place, their flames still shining brightly and swaying with the movement of the shop.
Thank gods he’s dating a Hephaestus girl who can do freaky things like mechanically engineer non-flammable, non-movable candles that still retain the sultry ambiance of a normal candle.
He licks his lips.
In the middle of the bed, surrounded by rose petals sits you, in sheer black lace lingerie, staring at him innocently like you haven’t a clue how you’re twisting and turning his insides.
The lingerie fits you perfectly, accentuating every line and curve on your body and Jungkook truly truly thinks that you’re more beautiful than Aphrodite herself.
“Hey, Kook,” you whisper and Jungkook thinks he’s going to have a heart attack because he’s heard your voice millions of times but still thinks it sounds so sweet, beckoning him over to you.
He gulps. 
What a woman you are.
“And before you ask, I engineered the door to only open for you,” you giggle, watching Jungkook as his fingers tousle with the upper hem of his shirt, throwing it off to reveal his Greek-god build. Before he gets to the bed, he tumbles out of his sweatpants, leaving them on the floor- not even thinking. His mind is only on you.
He doesn’t say anything, and he knows damn well that a stupid door isn’t what he’s thinking about. He reaches the bed, crawls to you, and with his knees on the bed, he lifts you like you’re nothing as he holds your body from your waist as he kisses you.
He kiss kisses you, his tongue in your mouth, moaning because you taste sweeter than you usually do- and he’s not sure if it’s because of the show you’ve put on for him, or because he’s falling more in love with you everyday. 
The skin to skin contact is more real than ever. You’re so close that there isn’t a gap between your stomachs. All he can feel is you and the texture of your lace lingerie, and he absolutely melts into the feeling of you. 
He groans.
That night, he gives himself to you completely because he belongs to you.
He remembers the whole thing so vividly. 
On top of you, his eyes were lidded and his vision was blurred from the pleasure seeping throughout his body, sending chills down his spine, but he still refused to look away from you.
He remembers how beautiful you were underneath him, moaning his name and telling him you loved him.
With every thrust of his hips, his vision became more blurred- perhaps from the pleasure or because he was crying, vision clouded by tears because he’s so in love, and he never wants to lose you. The fire from the candles seems to burn more intensely, and when he reaches climax, the dreamy haze of you- your body and face- beneath the glow of the candles is all he sees. 
While the fire from that night set his heart ablaze, it was also your very flames that charred his heart to a crisp, leaving Jungkook as nothing but an empty shell of his former self. 
Exactly one week later, you died.
You, Jungkook, and Mingyu soared thousands of feet above Camp Half-Blood. The claws of your mechanical dragon Pulchra tousled with the physical form of the evil Earth mother herself: Gaia. You sat on your dragon, directing her to ascend higher and higher.
Mingyu, son of Jupiter, who was equipped with handy dandy flying skills, held Jungkook as he followed in pursuit of your dragon. As he darted through the clouds, Jungkook delivered fatal blows to the Earth mother.  
Since Jungkook returned from Tartarus, he and Mingyu had been preparing a strategy to kill Gaia for good. 
Gaia was the mother of the Earth, so taking away from her playing field and to the skies provided Jungkook and Mingyu with an advantage. 
Mingyu, harnessing the power of the tempests, would conjure a storm, disorienting Gaia with lightning and wind. Jungkook would deliver the final blow with the spear of Ares- the same spear you retrieved from the Hephaestion, and the same spear Ares used to kill Alcyeoneus in the original Titan war. 
But before Mingyu had the chance to summon a gust of wind, you used your flame manipulation to morph into a ball of fire to incinerate Gaia to death, engulfing Gaia and yourself in fire before blasting away like a meteor, leaving a trail of fiery residue in your wake. 
That marked the final glimpse Jungkook saw of you.
Gaia’s death meant the successful completion of the quest, and Camp Half-Blood and Camp Jupiter erupted into cheers at the demise of the evil Earth mother. Mingyu and Jungkook, on the other hand, were in shock as they remained stagnant in the atmosphere, watching the fiery residue simmer into nothingness. 
Mingyu touches down softly on the earth,  and Jungkook stumbles on the ground, falling to his knees.  Campers from both Camp Half-Blood and Camp Jupiter roar with excitement, welcoming both men with jubilation.
Jungkook is unable to move, palms and knees still planted onto the ground, grappling with the weight of what he just witnessed. The cheers seem distant, drowned out by the echo of your fiery departure. Jungkook, typically fierce and resilient, allows panic to infiltrate his being, and it isn’t until Rose pushes past the crowd and falls to her knees, her palms desperately shaking Jungkook’s shoulders. “Where’s Y/N? Jungkook?! Where the fuck is Y/N?”
Unable to conjure a response, Jungkook opens and closes his mouth, desperately scanning Rosie’s face for a hint of jest- like Oh! Just kidding! Y/N is right here!- but she’s not kidding, her hardened features indicative that nothing could ever be more serious. 
Jungkook's agony manifests in a heart-wrenching scream, tears streaming down his face as he  bangs his fists into the ground. 
Rosie’s face drops and she clasps a palm over her lips. At that moment, Taehyung, Mina, and Namjoon push through the crowd, frantically scanning through the waves of people for you. Taehyung’s face turns grim at the sight of Jungkook sobbing into the ground, and Namjoon starts crying. 
The cheers from the campers dwindle into silence. 
"Legions, to the West! Each camper is to conduct a thorough search for Y/N. Mobilize all pegasi, airplanes, and flying apparatuses immediately!" Mingyu roars, and the camps erupt into a panic, fleeing into different directions to prepare for a comprehensive search. 
After 24 hours of hunting, you never appear. 
Jennie, daughter of Hades, confirms your death, and Jungkook’s heart plummets to his stomach. 
The atmosphere at Camp Half-Blood is heavy with sorrow as campers of both Roman and Greek gather at the foot of Half-Blood Hill.
In the center of a clearing, a makeshift altar is erected, adorned with offerings and mementos that speak of the adventures and camaraderie you share with the camp. Symbols are scattered for each quest you successfully complete. Copies of your favorite books litter the ground, along with your favorite foods, figurines of your favorite anime characters, and prototypes of weapons and trinkets you engineer.
Each camper is presented a red bead adorned with the emblem of a flame to celebrate the daughter of Hephaestus that shines so brightly. The bead is intended to be threaded onto the necklaces worn by all Camp Half-Blood members, each bead representing a year spent at camp.
“Today, we gather not only to mourn the loss of a brave demigod but to celebrate a hero whose legacy will forever echo through the boundaries of this camp,” Chiron’s voice resonates with a mix of sadness and reverence.
As Chiron speaks, campers take turns sharing anecdotes of your courage, weaving a tapestry of memories that paint a vivid impact you have on those around you.
In Mingyu's embrace, Rose weeps openly, her tears flowing freely as Mina recollects the adventures the three girls embarked upon the quest to defeat Gaia. Tales unfold—of mastering swordplay, battling sea monsters, concocting healing potions, and dedicating free time to handcraft makeup and serums.
Mingyu is next, clearing his throat before he awkwardly retells stories of meeting you for the first time. Mingyu, son of the Roman god Jupiter, appeared at Camp Half-Blood randomly after having his memory wiped.
Most approached Mingyu with hostility while you and Namjoon welcomed him with kindness, showing him around camp and becoming his friend. Mingyu shares the tale of your and his encounter with Hercules on an island before entering Greece—a confrontation that angered Hercules and ended with him buried under a mound of macaroni (a lengthy tale). Mingyu sheds a tear before closing off, and to be quite honest, he still bears the weight of witnessing your death and not intervening. It would haunt him forever.
Jaehyun, son of Apollo and your first kiss, is up next. In a heartfelt moment, he openly declares his love for you in front of everyone, and while he has every right to mourn and grieve in a way that works for him, the few that know about you and Jungkook shift in discomfort.
No one utters a word about your blooming relationship with Jungkook, and unless Jungkook explicitly tells them to, their lips remain sealed.
Love is a beautiful thing. At times, some find themselves so enamored with another that they become compelled to openly declare and proclaim their love to the whole world. Arguably, an intimate, more private love is even more ideal. Loving someone discreetly creates an intimate connection known only to someone and their love, completely unburdened by the need for external validation, and that’s the type of love Jungkook intends to share with you.
Once Jaehyun sits down, the echo of Taehyung’s stomp captures the attention of all the campers.
“Y/N’s not dead,” Taehyung claims, “and I know she’s not.”
Namjoon eyes his friend with daggers in his pupils, but Taehyung refuses to relent.
“I’ve been best friends with Y/N since we were 12,” he seethes, “I would sense it if she were dead- so respectfully, we need to stop moping around and we have to find her.”
“Tae,” Jennie, daughter of Hades, rises and places a soothing hand on his back, “I sensed her death. I’m sorry, but she’s gone.”
Taehyung shakes his head and brushes Jennie’s hand away. “I don’t give a fuck. Y/N is alive.”
In a rage of anger, Namjoon stands up and strikes Taehyung in the face. “Taehyung! Sit down. You’re tarnishing Y/N’s image and causing more pain for everyone here with your delusions. Y/N is in Elysium, and she’s at peace. Let her rest in peace.”
Chiron clears his throat and approaches the boys. “That’s true. She served well. Y/N has been on quests since she was 11. She was a diligent soldier. She deserves rest.”
Taehyung, clutching his face where Namjoon hit him, remains calm and shakes his head. “I would agree if she were actually dead, but she’s not. Isn’t that right Jungkook? Don’t you feel it?”
Jungkook, who has maintained a solemn silence until this moment, lifts his head from his hands. His gaze sweeps over the assembly of campers, then shifts to the shrine erected in your memory, finally locking eyes with Taehyung. Despite his swollen and puffy eyes, Jungkook stands, drawing his sword. "One hour. In sixty minutes, I’m leaving on a quest to find Y/N. Join me if you want or stay if you genuinely believe she's gone. We'll reconvene here. Pack your shit. This journey may take a while."
And you would think that a quest involving the strongest Roman and Greek demigods would lead to something, but it was like you never existed- every trace of you was gone. 
The crew had a small glimmer of hope when they came across a piece of scrap metal from your mechanical dragon, Pulchra, drifting in the Atlantic ocean, but it led to nothing. 
Jungkook scoured the entire world, yet you were gone, gone without a trace.
In the aftermath of the tragedy, Jungkook secludes himself, grappling with the guilt and pain of not being able to save you.
He leaves Camp Half-Blood for good, moving halfway across the world to Korea to live with his mother and pursue mortal education.
Typically, the whole mantra is Demigods have to stay in Camp Half-Blood to protect themselves from monsters!1!! But Jungkook, 20 years old and the strongest Greek demigod alive, doesn’t have any issue with that. Without a moment's hesitation, he ruthlessly eliminates any monster, adversary, or demon that dares to approach him.
Once, while Jungkook is hanging up his mother’s wet clothes on a clothing line, a hydra approaches the granny neighbors living below him. He doesn’t know what the mortals see - maybe a gigantic husky - but his granny neighbors living below him are scared nonetheless, screaming while the hydra squares them up.
Jungkook encountered a hydra on the quest of the Eternal Night when he was 14 - the key was to not cut off any of the hydra’s heads because it would only grow more. Instead, he hopped down a whole story and used his celestial bronze knife, the same one you crafted, to cut the hydra from its lower calf, causing the monster to crumble into dust.
Following that incident, his granny neighbors were likely even more frightened of him than the hydra, but he truly, truly could not bring himself to care.
He no longer even enjoys killing monsters; his fiery soul and obsession with combat faded into nothing but emptiness.
Jungkook is empty. So, so empty. He hates the gods and refuses to speak to his father, despite countless attempts from Ares to reach out to him.
Instead, he immerses himself in a hedonistic mortal lifestyle. His Harley-Davidson motorcycle is still a familiar sight, roaring through the streets to bars in Seoul, clubs in Itaewon, and occasionally cruising along the coastal beaches of Busan.
It takes him some time to fully embrace the hookup culture, but one drunken night at a bar leads him down the path of one-night-stands and sneaking away in the middle of the night. The first girl, whose name he can't recall, is attractive and makes the first move. With nothing to lose, and alcohol in his system, he goes to hers.
It's okay. It isn’t anything special, but he finds himself unable to finish, and on the journey home, a sense of self-disgust washes over him.
On a chilly December night, Jungkook finds himself at Cakeshop, a nightclub in Itaewon. Around winter, Mina, who is visiting family in Japan, decides to pay Jungkook a visit and accompanies him to the club for a few drinks and a night out.
Of course, Jungkook is delighted to see an old friend, no matter how horrible his condition was the last time he saw her. He takes her out to a few meals and rents out the neighboring flat for her.
Amidst the lively chatter and laughter, the duo enjoys a few drinks, exchanging stories and catching up on the time they spent apart. As the night unfolds, they explore the different sections of the club, from the energetic dance floor to the cozy lounges, where they sit continuing their conversation.
Mina tells Jungkook stories from Camp Jupiter — how she has risen through the ranks and been promoted as Praetor of the Roman legion, and Jungkook is genuinely happy to hear it.
Gasps resonate throughout the lounge, and when Mina and Jungkook turn their heads in the direction of the commotion, their faces drop. The most facially aesthetic woman he’s ever seen gracefully maneuvers through the crowd, prompting the masses to part like the Red Sea.
Her gaze fixes on Mina and Jungkook, and without any invitation, she assertively joins them in the lounge. Seating herself directly across from them, her presence transforms the lounge into an exclusive VIP area. Security personnel, clad in sleek black suits, swiftly cordon off the lounge from public access, blocking away any crazy men and women who try to leap at her.
“Hello Mina, dear. You look lovely tonight,” the woman says, pulling lip gloss from her clutch purse and reapplying it to her lips. Mina sneers at the woman, but she doesn’t seem to notice or care because the woman immediately redirects her attention to Jungkook.
“Jungkook, dear, I need to talk to you,” she states, voice becoming rigidly serious.
Jungkook and Mina exchange looks, the disdain in her eyes appearing like she wants to leave and Jungkook nearly obliges because he certainly isn’t the biggest fan of the goddess either.
“You need to talk to your father,” she solicits, not even having the decency to look at Jungkook while she addresses him, her eyes focused on the compact mirror in her manicured hands.
Aphrodite was arguably one of the cruelest goddesses, even more so than Jungkook's father, Ares. Love and war work in tandem, but love is the subtle dagger concealed in a silk glove. Aphrodite's influence wasn't just about the sweet intoxication of romance; it was a weapon, a potent brew of desire that she skillfully wielded to manipulate the hearts of both gods and mortals.
And she won. Jungkook let Aphrodite win because he was so tired, so defeated.She allowed Jungkook to be with his love for three mere weeks before ripping her from him in the most horrific way.
“Respectfully, fuck you.” Jungkook stands, preparing to leave when a piercing glare from Aphrodite halts him in his tracks, instantly enveloping the entire room in an eerie stillness, stopping time. 
“Jungkook, dear,” she repeats, her voice more menacing, "You're well aware of the consequences when demigods show disrespect to gods. It weakens us, and the delicate balance of the world hangs in jeopardy. Considering that your father, a god, is desperately trying to connect with you, you currently hold a position of advantage. I recommend you take a seat and engage in a conversation before that advantage slips away."
Jungkook grimaces, exchanging worried glances with Mina before sitting down and placing his palms on the table. 
“What is it?”
“Your father wants to speak with you,” she begins, “and he’s heartbroken that you won’t give him the chance for a conversation. I can’t deal with a heartbroken boyfriend, it’s affecting our relationship.”
“Mom, that’s selfish,” Mina intervenes, “Jungkook’s been through enough, and you came all the way here just for that?”
Aphrodite’s features soften, and she looks at her daughter sadly. “That’s not all. Jungkook needs to return to Camp Half-Blood,” she adds, to which Jungkook shakes his head. 
“I’ll talk to Ares, but I’m not ready to return- not yet,” he grimaces. 
“Jungkook,” Aphrodite places a palm on top of Jungkook’s, “I understand how you feel. I truly do. You loved Y/N, and the way you felt for her- it was of the utmost honor.  But Jungkook, your friends need you. Though Gaia is deceased, the battle isn’t over. Remnants of her children remain, and Flame Warden has overtaken my husband Hephaestus’s forge in Mount Olympus.”
Jungkook inwardly recoils at the mention of your father, Hephaestus, and he cringes that Aphrodite is claiming Hephaestus as her husband, even after her ongoing affair with Jungkook’s own father. 
“Hephaestus,” Jungkook says, “Does he- does he even care that Y/N is dead?” Jungkook whispers, eyes reflecting despondency. 
Aphrodite softens infinitely. “Of course he does, sweetie. As you're aware, it goes beyond the cosmic structure for gods to nurture connections with their demigod offspring. Hephaestus bears numerous regrets, and even rescuing Y/N was beyond his capacity. His disheartenment led to the infiltration of his ember forge- he hasn’t been the same since Y/N died.”
Jungkook glowers at that, pulling his hand from Aphrodite’s. “So the forge you’re referring to- is it the same forge where Celestial Bronze is created?”
Aphrodite nods. “Now that the Ember Forge has been breached, the Hermes Express faces a disruption in delivering celestial bronze to Camp Half-Blood and the Cyclops' forges. The demigods at Camp Half-Blood are currently unable to craft weapons. As we enter the Golden Era of Demigods, celestial bronze is crucial for arming ourselves and defending against the threat of monsters. As you're aware, the collaboration of a god and a demigod is essential to defeating a giant. Jungkook, your assistance is paramount; we need you.”
Jungkook’s brows furrow. “The Golden Era of Demigods?”
Aphrodite acknowledges with a nod. "Your generation, my daughter Mina, and your companions are on the brink of their 20s. In Greek and Roman history, this is an extraordinary development. Typically, demigods meet their fate in their teens, yet now, the significant strength of demigods in their 20s is unprecedented. Jungkook, we stand at a unique opportunity to eradicate the menace of monsters once and for all."
Jungkook looks down, his lip caught between his teeth. "You vowed to change your ways. The gods made promises to recognize their children and to at least talk to them," Jungkook seethes, frustration evident. "Mina’s right here, and barely a word has been spoken to her. Progress won't be made unless the gods acknowledge and take responsibility for their shortcomings."
Aphrodite frowns, “Mina doesn’t want to talk to me! Isn’t it good parenting to leave your teenage daughter alone? The gods are trying their best, Jungkook. Your father is trying his best.”
Mina places a soothing hand over Jungkook’s fist.
“Jungkook, you should go,” she expresses gently, “The Ember forge…” she trails off, “Y/N would want you to do this. Her siblings in the Hephaestus cabin need the celestial bronze. Do it for her.”
Her words plunge Jungkook into a whirlwind of memories: the moments you spent forging his Celestial Bronze knife, the way he annoyed you to hide his colossal crush on you, and how he has carried that same Celestial Bronze knife ever since. 
Aphrodite nods in agreement. “Do it for Y/N-”
Jungkook slams his fists on the table. “Don’t speak of her.”
Jungkook knows very well that Aphrodite could have obliterated him on the spot, but she showed mercy by smiling and nodding at Jungkook. 
“Fuck it. I’m doing it. Fuck it,” Jungkook murmurs, much to Aphrodite’s delight and Mina’s satisfaction. 
The quest now dubbed the Quest of the Ember Forge was triumphant, and it marked the beginning of Jungkook’s return to Camp Half-Blood. 
He reimmersed himself in the camaraderie of camp life, and now that he and his friends were of age, they spent hours in the Big House drinking, reveling in their newfound adulthood. 
It brought Jungkook so much joy to see Namjoon loosen up, laughing at the stupidest jokes Taehyung made while they downed shots of soju and played Mythomagic, an old card game from their childhood. 
The laughter echoed through the room, mingling with the spirited discussions about the recent quest, reminiscences of past adventures, and plans for the future. They toasted to their victories and shared stories of their individual journeys during the time apart. 
Even Chiron, the wise centaur, couldn't resist joining in the festivities, regaling them with tales of ancient mythology and imparting wisdom in his own humorous way.
The once-burdened weight on Jungkook's shoulders lifted, replaced by a renewed sense of purpose and connection. 
For the first time in two years, Jungkook felt at peace, at home, and disallowed the plague of guilt to overwhelm him as he laughed with his friends. 
Jungkook resumes sword fighting in the dueling ground, becoming the sword fighting teacher for all the cabins. 
Out of all the campers, there is one kid he absolutely adores: a 13-year-old Jungwon, another sibling of Jungkook’s.
Jungkook finds himself observing Jungwon from a distance, the spark in his eyes reminiscent of a younger Jungkook. Soot covers the younger boy's face, and sweat drips from his armor like he’s been out there for hours.
“Kid!” Jungkook approaches, unsheathing his sword. He tilts his head and grins. “Care for a duel?”
Jungwon grins, raising his brows before licking his lips. If anything, Jungwon 100% emits the fiery, combat-crazed aura Jungkook is renowned for. There is no doubt in Jungkook’s mind that this kid is going to be a beast.
The dueling ground buzzes with anticipation as other campers gather to watch the showdown between the seasoned warrior and his spirited protégé. Jungkook and Jungwon circle each other, their swords catching glints of sunlight. 
With a sudden burst of energy, Jungkook lunges forward, his movements swift and precise. Jungwon, fueled by determination, meets each strike with resilience beyond his years.
In a final, calculated move, Jungkook disarms Jungwon, ending the duel with a victorious flourish. The onlookers erupt into cheers, acknowledging the mastery of their esteemed sword-fighting teacher.
Jungkook stalks over to Jungwon and helps him up before tousling his hair. “They gotta send you on a quest soon. You’re more than ready.”
Jungwon’s eyes sparkle as he addresses Jungkook. “Seriously? Can you put in a good word for me to Chiron?”
Jungkook nods, but a sudden realization overtakes him.
He doesn’t want to send Jungwon on a quest.
Jungkook's not keen on the idea of sending Jungwon on a quest, at all. Quests are rough, life-altering, and there's a chance Jungwon might not make it back in one piece. The thought of putting his younger sibling through all that hardship and potential danger sews seeds of peril into his consciousness.
On one side, there's a deep desire to shield his younger brother from harm - no way in hell would he let any monsters or giants destroy the innocent twinkle in his eyes. On the other hand, he understands that quests are an inevitable part of a demigod’s journey - it’s not like he wants Jungwon to get soft.
While Jungkook is frozen at that dawning realization, he follows Jungwon’s train of vision to a familiar face in the distance.
It's Isabella, a daughter of Hephaestus, casually strolling with her friends near the dueling arena.
He doesn’t miss the twinkle in Jungwon’s eyes and the blush flushing his cheeks as he turns his head to keep his eyes on Isabella.
Jungkook throws up that night.
One year later, Jungkook visits Mina, Rose, and Mingyu at Camp Jupiter to aid the Roman legion with dueling lessons. 
There, a budding romance blooms with a descendant of Apollo, Sofia. 
It’s not like Jungkook means for it to happen; he had sworn off love for the rest of his life. Yet, he couldn't ignore the way Sofia's eyes lingered on him. And when she found her way into his hotel room at night, Jungkook couldn't bring himself to ask her to leave.
After that trip, Sofia visits Jungkook at Camp Half-Blood. 
Sofia is now Jungkook’s girlfriend and he feels content. 
Night after night, Jungkook pays a visit to the shrine dedicated to you, a ritual of remembrance and honor. Sofia, understanding and respecting his feelings, never presses him to share the details of his relationship with you. 
Over time, as Jungkook finds solace in their growing connection, he starts bringing Sofia to join him in leaving offerings at your shrine. In those moments, a sense of closure and the gentle warmth of moving forward envelops Jungkook's heart. It’s time to move forward.
That is, until he runs into you. 
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11queensupreme11 · 1 month
i really want to read now Cú Chulainn in PJ
from Lightning Thief to Gaia and the college
Poor Luke he will die and not be called a hero by brainless demigods who forgot who started the war and how he and his group killed demigods.
im just thinking about this au and fuck will percy even actually be able to DO anything with cu around killing everyone who tries to hurt her???? 😭
actually wait lmao i can just imagine the fates constantly trying to find ways to separate them because cu's not supposed to be there and he's getting in the way of percy's "hero journey" or whatever 😂
poor dude's gonna be stressed af and jealous too
lightning thief: she picks anthonius and grover to go with her in the quest and he gets pissed af (and probs jelly cuz of anthonius) like "you are TWELVE with ZERO EXPERIENCE and you wanna stop world war 3 from happening with another dumb 12 year old and a useless goat when you could've picked ME?????????" (he's fed up lol)
sea of monsters: gets pissed when she wants to rescue grover like "wtf forget that stupid goat 🙄" and then is flabbergasted when he wakes up the next morning and realizes that stupid bitch actually snuck out of camp with a CYCLOPS and FUCKING ANTHONIUS
titan's curse: EXTREMELY PISSED if she tries to sneak out again to save anthonius and then there's the whole carrying the skies thing 💀 at this point, he's probably gonna move into the poseidon cabin to watch over her after this cuz she keeps fucking SNEAKING OUT
battle of the labyrinth: jelly and pissed during the beginning when she and anthonius fall into the labyrinth for a few minutes but for everyone else they've been gone for hours. he probably thinks they went to fuck or something 😭 and imagine his reaction when anthonius chooses percy to join ANOTHER stupidly deadly quest 💀 imagine he actually sneaks in to join them and it's another situation where he's stuck in a group with the ppl who're crushing on her (rachel, anthonius, ethan, and him lol)
last olympian: at this point, he's probably actively trying to find a way to send them to the ror verse because he does NOT want her to turn sixteen in this universe since that means the war starts. the fates are working overtime to stop him
and don't even get me started on when she turns up MISSING after the war and the whole mess with gaea and tartarus with ANTHONIUS 💀💀💀💀💀
honestly the pjo verse is probs gonna stress him the fuck out 😂 yes he can easily beat up everyone in that universe and is op af, but imagine having to babysit (and falling in love with) the MAIN FUCKING CHARACTER WHO IS CONSTANTLY IN DANGER 24/7 😭
he's probably gonna cry in relief once he finally drags her to ror verse with him 💀
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bit-dodgy-innit · 1 year
Something In You Lit Up Heaven In Me
Pairing: Apollo (who happens to look exactly like Orestes in Agora) x fem!reader
Rating: Explicit, Minors DNI!
Word Count: 3.5k
TW/CW: Oral (m and f receiving), gods don't have refractory periods because I said so, petnames, a bit of innonence!kink and some praise!kink for that matter, P in V, a smidge of overstimulation, creampie, humiliation (but it's not our reader).
A/N: OH MY GAAAAASH THANK YOU ALL FOR THE OUTPOURING OF SUPPORT ON THIS SILLY LIL FANTASY OF MINE! I know have a couple more ideas/installments for this little AU! And hope you all enjoy!!!
Quick vocab word that'll be helpful: Archiereus = high/head priest
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The rest of the day following your covert meeting with Apollo passed in a blur. Your mother claimed that you no longer needed to bother with your daily chores, but you insisted on doing them anyway. It wasn’t fair to Caris and besides, the routine was anchoring. It was one small shred of normalcy that you’d been able to maintain since Apollo upended your world. Even so, your mind was elsewhere as you washed the linens and swept the house, drifting through the evening mechanically. 
Falling asleep was impossible. Your gaze was glued to the moon as it rose steadily in the sky, Selene’s radiance never wavering as she drove her chariot across its inky canvas. 
At first, you dismissed them as a mere cluster of fireflies…until they made an uncannily neat and tidy line leading away from your window. You giggled, quietly so as not to wake Caris, and tiptoed out of your modest home. The insects led you through your village, past the temple, into the forest once more. 
Apollo waited for you in another small, tucked away clearing. Despite it being the dead of night, the god’s gleeful grin illuminated the little corner of the forest. As enchanting as the fireflies were, they were no longer necessary when the god of light was present. Your feet carried you on your own accord and launched you into Apollo’s arms. 
Now that it was only you and your lover, hidden away from prying eyes and scheming minds, you completely surrendered your desire. Apollo made you feel liberated, wild, when you made love. 
“Want you to take me in your mouth,” he exhaled as you rolled around on the lush, soft grass, tangled within each other. Even though it wasn’t your first time seeing his member, you were unable to stifle your gasp when he shed his chiton. 
“Yes,” you replied at once. Then, “but I’ve never–”
“Shhh–I’ll teach you,” he assured you, sprawling back on the ground. 
You crawled closer to him. He disarmed you with his trademark grin, and the crinkling at the corners of his eyes instantly put you at ease. Apollo may have been an Olympian, but he was still a man. He took pleasure in the same way you mere mortals did. 
Your gaze met his expectantly, eager for his instruction. 
“We’ll start simply. How about you give the tip a kiss?” 
You did as he said. His reaction was immediate, a pleased groan escaped his lips. 
“Just like that, sunshine,” he spurred you on, “now see if you can take more in your mouth.” 
A memory surfaced in your mind – Caris, sharing what she did to please a man in this matter. You recalled her advice to wrap your lips around his teeth as you sank down, and to use your hand to stroke any part of him you couldn’t fit into your mouth. It turned out, you were initially too keen, sputtering and having to pull off of Apollo after your gag reflex was triggered. 
He cupped your face with one strong, sure hand, his thumb caressing your cheekbone, “Oh darling, there’s no need to rush.”
Like before, there wasn’t a trace of disappointment or derision on the god’s face. He traced his finger down your jaw, slipping in between your lips. You sucked on the digit instinctively, looking up at him with what you hoped were doe eyes, and Apollo moaned. “Mmm, I knew you'd turn out to be a little minx.”
You pulled off of the god’s finger to try again. It occurred to you that it would be difficult, if not unpleasant, to stroke what you couldn’t fit in your mouth dry, so instead of trying to swallow down Apollo’s flushed cock immediately, you licked the circumference of his girth to wet him. The deity seemed to very much enjoy that, the action eliciting another deep groan. 
“Oh Tiii-Titans, you’re like a little naughty kitten for me,” he cooed. “Don’t stop.” 
Once he was properly slicked, you eased back down again. This time you opened your jaw wider, and though you only could take about half of him in, you wasted no time covering the remainder with your hand. It took a moment to teach them to work in tandem, yet you strove to sync the two movements. Your jaw began to ache slightly, the god’s mortal form was certainly not lacking, but you powered through. You wanted to be good for him, being good made you feel good, because you knew afterwards, Apollo would make you feel incredible.
Your lover never ceased his encouragement, his hand resting atop your head to guide you ever so slightly. A light tug on your hair made you pause, allowing him to ask, “Kitten, might I lead the way from here?”
“Yes, my lord.”
Apollo’s inquisitive, umber eyes narrowed at you, “Don’t refer to me so.” One look at your petrified face and he instantly amended, “There’s no need. I want you to use my name.” 
Your face split into a wide, pleased grin. “Alright, my–Apollo.”
“My Apollo, I like that,” he grinned, then stood. “C’mere kitten.” 
You rose onto your knees to level yourself with Apollo’s unflagging erection. He fed his cock back between your lips and instructed “You needn’t do a thing. Just pretend as if you’re yawning, it’ll help you take more.”
You wanted to nod in assent, but thought better of it given your full mouth. His fingers threaded into your hair, gently but firmly, holding you in place before he began to move his hips. Implementing his suggestion, you were shocked to discover how much more of his thick shaft penetrated your mouth. Apollo gave a few introductory thrusts, then began pistoning into you steadily. 
Your first instinct was to shut your eyes, but you coaxed them back open to observe your lover’s face. His jaw was tipped up, his brows knit together, his lips parted. To see a god this vulnerable was a privilege even the highest priests and most devoted acolytes would never receive in their lifetimes, a privilege whose magnitude that was not lost on you. 
On your knees for Apollo, you felt…safe. And not merely because that was the “natural” thing to do - to kneel for one’s god. Strangely, it wasn’t about that. The deity made you feel cared for, that you could set your burdens, however petty and innocuous they may be, down. He would shoulder them for a while, so that you could discover parts of yourself that you didn’t know existed.
Apollo pulled you closer to him, your nose now pressed against the taut skin of his belly as he used your mouth. It made breathing a bit harder, but the god’s rhythm began to falter soon after. 
“Ohhhh sunshine I’m gonna—try to swallow it down if you can.”
You hummed your assent around Apollo’s cock, inadvertently sending him over the edge. He shoved his shaft nearly down your throat as his release dropped down it, all but singing your praise the entire time. 
“Good girl kitten,” he painted the back of your esophagus with his seed, “taking it so well for me. You were so good for me.” 
At last he extracted his spent member from your overstretched mouth. The entirety of your chin was covered in drool from your coupling, and you barely had a moment to wipe it away before Apollo’s lips were on yours. He plundered your mouth with his tongue as if he was to lick the combined taste of his cum and your spit from it. The thought sent a hot thrill down your spine. 
“You did so well for me, darling.” He murmured once more after you’d broken apart. Apollo made quick work of your chiton, “Now what does my very good girl want?” 
“I…” your lover had begun to trail his lips down the soft skin of your neck. It made it impossible to think, let alone speak. “I want you…inside.”
“Of course,” he agreed from where he was now dotting kisses across your collarbone. 
Apollo continued his descent down your bare skin, kissing the tops of your breasts before pulling each nipple into his hot, sure mouth for a hearty suck. It felt so good that you changed your mind on how you wanted Apollo to ravish you, yet the sight of him sinking between your legs was too enticing to resist. He used the tip of his nose to part the seam of your sex before changing course and licking a long stripe between your folds. 
“Mmmm, just as sweet as I recall,” he husked. Your reply came in a strangled mewl. 
He chuckled darkly. "I know darling, but I must ready you.” 
No sooner had the words left his mouth did Apollo slide his index finger through your wetness and into your heat. Relief flooded you – no longer were you clenching around nothing. Apollo resumed kissing your neck as he tucked a second digit in along with the first. You met his movements eagerly, vaguely aware of how swiftly you’d shed the trope of the blushing virgin. Before, the god’s ministrations had felt like too much, now they were not enough. You needed the god’s hardness inside of you now. 
Despite being reduced to pitiful whines and whimpers, Apollo understood you. 
“You want your god’s big cock, don’t you?” 
You practically sobbed in agreement. But although the deity was a generous lover, he had a wicked streak. One that Apollo decided to unleash when he demanded right as he finally applied pressure to your bed, “Words, kitten.” 
“Yuh-YES!” you cried. It felt heavenly, but it wasn’t enough to bring you to climax. You legitimately feared you may go mad from the anticipation. 
“Good girl,” He parted your legs wider and locked them around his ample hips. He paused briefly to marvel, “what an offering you make for me.” 
Apollo proceeded to slap the head of his arousal on your clit, then at last he entered you in one smooth of his hips. The feeling of becoming one wrung another cry from you, while a deep, satisfied rumble sounded from Apollo’s chest. 
There wasn’t much talking after that. It was unnecessary. The god’s gaze locked onto your as he plowed you, first holding firmling onto your sides to steady you, then they crawled back up to breasts to pluck at your nipples. You were definitely going to go mad between the acute, concentrated ecstasy he was drawing from your pebbled peaks along with the astounding stretch and burn of his cock plowing into your channel. All the while, the swirling brown of Apollo’s eyes bore into yours, gauging your pleasure - how he could heighten it, how he could surprise you, how you would bit down on bottom lip whenever he changed angle slightly. 
The last observation spurred an idea from the god. He bent over you further, catching your wrists in his hands and pinning you to the ground beneath you. The shift allowed him to hammer a special, previously unknown spot within you, and for your vision to go a burning, blinding white. 
“AH! Ohhhh…Apo-Apollo,” you keened.
“That’s it, c’mon sunshine,” he urged you, now slamming his pelvis into yours, “Say my name. Scream it so that my kin can hear it on Olympius, and I’ll let you come.” 
“Apollo!” You were not one to disobey your god, “Oh stars above, Apollo! Holy Her–APOLLO!! ”  
Your orgasm exploded seemingly from the spot your lover’s cock was not battering outwards. You convulsed as the pleasure rushed from your core throughout your spasming frame to the very tips of fingers and toes. There was no way to ride it, let alone fight it, the ecstasy Apollo elicited from you demanded nothing less than complete surrender. 
At last, the euphoria in your body began to subside. You desperately gasped down more oxygen, yet, Apollo’s hard, thick member was still thrusting into you relentlessly. Next thing you knew, the deity had collected you into his arms and lifted you to sit on his lap. 
You winced at the deeper penetration and your growing sensitivity, but he whispered into your ear, “I know kitten, but I need a little more and Titans, you feel so damn amazing.” 
You pressed a kiss into his temple, now damp with sweat, and like before, surrendered your body to your god. He moved your hips for you, essentially fucking yourself on his cock, meeting each and every downstroke with an untiring vigor only an Olympian could possess. 
Suddenly, his hold around your torso tightened, and you felt his manhood pulse within you. A deep growl reverberated from his as his seed flooded your channel. Your head was spinning, so much so that you barely realized you two fell back on the grass again. 
Apollo rolled so you were beneath him once more and eased himself out of you. 
“Now, that is a sight,” he moaned as he watched his release drip out of your entrance. 
“Is it?” you panted. 
“Mmm indeed,” he promised, gingerly probing your puffy pussy to collect his spend. This time, he brought it to his own mouth, “Hellfire, we make quite the concoction.” 
“I…” you eyes were fluttering closed, “I’m glad you’re pleased.” 
The god pulled you close once more. “I am beyond delighted. You were magnificent, my little kitten.”
You didn’t remember returning home, but your mother’s voice barking your name to wake was unmistakable. It wasn’t until she jarred you into consciousness that you realized you were back in your own bed, and thankfully, clothed. 
“You were due at the temple a quarter of an hour ago!” 
Grogginess prevented you from sniping back at her that your tardiness wouldn’t anger the god, since Apollo was the very reason for it. Instead, you held your tongue, and lethargically, but as quickly as you could, you rinsed your face and dressed. Your mother shooed you off to the temple with a small cloth holding berries and cheese in tow. 
You trudged up the hill to the temple, you’d never liked going there to begin with, but now that your presence was compulsory, it maddened you. The more time you spent with Apollo, the more you despised the structure meant to venerate him and the men who inhabited it claiming to act in his name. The god himself and his priests seemed to be two disparate parties. 
Distressed shouts and —was that bleating?— jolted you from your thoughts. You ran the rest of the way to the temple’s entrance. Something was wrong. 
Breathlessly, you arrived at the temple’s sanctum to find the priests and acolytes in a frantic scrum and…a goat. 
You caught the eye of one of the younger priests. “Don’t we usually sacrifice ravens to Apollo?” 
The priest, Karolos, you believed his name was, gulped. “Th-that…that is the Archiereus.”
Now it was your turn to gulp. Your eyes widened, then darted up to the large statue of Apollo that looked over the chaos. 
“I need privacy,” you told Karolos lowly, “somewhere I can be alone.”
His brows furrowed, only for realization to dawn on his features a moment later. “Are you going to…?”
“I’m going to try.”
“Come with me.”
As he led you through the madness, you pressed further. “What exactly happened?”
“We all woke up from a terrible, seemingly shared, nightmare. The god appeared to us and we could see ourselves being roasted alive as the temple burned,” the priest began, “and the goat—I mean, the Archiereus, was in his chambers…eating his own bed linens when we rose this morn.”
“Gods,” you groaned. 
“We’re very sorry.” 
Your gaze shot to the ground at the mention of your violating confirmation as Apollo’s latest lover. 
“Truly,” he averred, “I knew it was wrong but they didn’t listen—“
“Stop,” you had no interest in reliving that terrifying day. “But thank you. Truly.”
Karolos sent you a small grin and then opened the door to what seemed to be the head priest’s chambers, half-eaten bed linens and all. The room was imposing, large, and most importantly, tucked into a corner toward the back of the temple complex. 
The bedchamber seemed even more intimidating when you were left alone within it. You hadn’t the faintest idea of how to summon Apollo, or if you even could. Therefore, you defaulted to the simplest of methods. You looked up, yet closed your eyes, and called out this name. 
His voice was close. Very close, since not a second later you were pulled back into the deity’s arms. You startled, a very undignified and unappealing yelp escaping you. 
You pivoted in Apollo’s embrace to face him. “You enjoy frightening me, don’t you?”
“I enjoy arousing you in any and all forms,” he countered wryly. 
“You must change him back.”
Apollo’s face fell infinitesimally before resuming its usual brightness. “Of course. As soon as you admit how comical it is.”
You huffed. “Apollo.” 
He shrugged as if the power wasn’t solely and completely in his hands. 
“What’s this about a shared nightmare?” 
“I promised you not to harm them,” the god responded, frustration creeping into his tone, “but these provincial dolts needed to be taught a lesson. They cannot flout me, and by extension you, in such a brazen manner.” 
Arguing was pointless, you knew this. Because Apollo was right. As much as you felt as the reluctant center of the issue here, it actually came down to the priests and their respect, and therefore fear, for their patron god. 
“While the goat is very comical, I have to say, I think a slug would’ve been more fitting,” you offered with a small smile. 
Apollo laughed, his expression beaming once again, and captured your lips. 
When you breathlessly broke apart, you inquired, “Does this mean I no longer need to come here everyday?”
“Darling, you don’t have to do anything that you don’t want to.”
“I suppose so, but if you wanted me to, I would.” 
“Always so willing to please,” Apollo groaned in satisfaction, “you have no idea what you do to me.” 
Before you could counter that you didn’t he nudged his groin into your hip to give you one. You nearly jumped at the feel of his arousal pressing through two flimsy layers of your clothing. 
The god continued, “However, I believe there are better uses for your time too.” 
“Thank you, my–my Apollo.” 
“Oh you truly want me to take you on that bumpkin Archiereus’s bed, don’t you?” 
The god began backing you toward the bed in question, though you managed to slip out of his grasp just in time. 
Another peal of laughter from the god. “My desire for you has no bounds.” 
“As does mine,” you offered, “I swear it. However, I have to go back and live amongst these people, and I’d prefer to be able to look some of my neighbors in the eye.” 
The god studied you, as if the fact you went back and lived among other people had only just occurred to him when you spoke it. However, maddeningly all he said was, “I see.” 
You fidgeted under the intensity of his gaze. “I very much enjoyed our time together last night though. I cannot remember if I told you.”
He grinned. You would never tire of it. “Good, then I shall see you tonight?” 
“Yes. Please.” your answer came without hesitation. 
“I’ll send you a route again,” he vowed, stealing one last impassioned kiss from your lips.  
“I shall count the moments,” you whispered. 
“Go,” he urged you softly. “I’ve taken care of the ​​Archiereus.” 
A commotion sounded from what you thought was the temple’s sanctum. It startled you, and when you turned back to your lover, he’d disappeared. 
Karolos was not waiting at the door when you emerged from the high priest’s chambers, much to your relief. So you hurried to where the shouts were emanating from. 
The Archiereus had been changed back alright. He lay in the sanctum stark naked and humiliated, barking for a cloth to cover his modesty when you arrived on the scene. Yet he cowed immediately at the sight of you and in a truly baffling role reversal, kneeled at your feet. 
“Please, we never meant to harm you, nor anger the mighty Apollo,” he all but blubbered. It was arresting, and honestly, you thought you might have preferred his haughty countenance more. “Your claim was a bold one, we simply sought to substantiate it, however if I could take it back, I would. I beseech you for forgiveness.” 
You didn’t wish to forgive him, however you didn’t wish to condemn the groveling cleric either. The happy medium it seemed was to respond, “The god is appeased. I will no longer be present for your daily rituals.”
With that, you turned and left the oppressive structure, unsure whether to stifle or welcome the exhilarating sense of authority following through you. It was truly the first time in your life you’d ever felt powerful. 
A/N: Ehhh...we like? Seriously, y'all give me the motivation pound out more of this! I already have an idea of another god I want to bring into the mix 😜
@whatthefishh , @thhriller ,  @simpforbritgents , @oof-its-roobi @pakhiya @fandxmslxt69  @twwcs, @damnzelsoul  @my-secret-shame-but-fanfiction @dameronscopilot @sharin4readers @ireallymadeamoonknightblog
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pjohoo-reclists · 2 months
hey, i was wondering if you had any fics where percy joins luke?
Hi Anon!! You're in luck, I've got a few.
Percy Jackson Joins Luke Castellan Rec List
A list of fics where Percy Jackson joins Luke Castellan and Kronos's side during Titan War. Ships vary. Enjoy!
love is the salvation of the world by crazymateinnit
T | 1.2k | Complete
Percy Jackson/Luke Castellan
The gods are bad parents, Luke Castellan centric, Good Kronos
In another world, Percy Jackson was the Champion of the Gods. But in this world, Percy was born three years earlier. He found the love of his life in a bitter blonde boy who hated his father but still offered Percy all the love in the world. In this world, Percy took a place in the General’s army. In this world, Percy fought against the gods. OR: Percy falls in love with Luke Castellan and joins him in Kronos’s Army.
i was the good kid (and it got me nothing) by phoenix_flying
T | 2.1k | Complete
Percy Jackson & Luke Castellan, Percy Jackson & Alabaster Torrington, Percy Jackson & Annabeth Chase
Good Luke Castellan, Self-indulgent, Percy joins Kronos
“You should’ve died in Tartarus. But you’re just a kid. Younger then me when I got to camp. I have an offer.” “An offer…?” "You could join us.” OR luke and percys chat goes a lil different
Soulmates on Opposing Sides by Takara_Phoenix
T | 2.1k | Complete
Percy Jackson/Luke Castellan/Octavian
Polyamory, Soulmates, Percy joins the rebel army
[Prompts: triads + soulmates] Luke had a plan. A solid plan. Until his soulmate comes stumbling into Camp Half-Blood. Suddenly, his plans need some adjustment. Or: Percy's flaw is his loyalty, what if he has a soulmate with whom that loyalty now lays...?
you shall be deceived by one who calls you a friend by phoenix_flying
G | 2.3k | Complete
Percy Jackson & Luke Castellan, Percy Jackson & Annabeth Chase, Alabaster Torrington & Annabeth Chase
Good Luke Castellan, Percy Jackson joins Kronos, Post The Lightning Thief
Percy leaned his head on the window, letting his eyes close. His mind drifted to a car ride with his mom, the radio playing some random station they both enjoyed and a comfortable silence as they drove. He missed her. OR percy meets some of his allies
Stripped by robindrake93
M | 2.4k+ | Last Updated Feb 20, 2024
Percy Jackson/Luke Castellan
Homelessness, Runaway Percy Jackson, Action/Adventure
When Luke asks Percy to run away with him, Percy says yes.
A Heroes Fault by EMMESCRISIS
G | 2.7k+ | Last Updated April 27, 2024
Percy Jackson/Annabeth Chase
Camp Half-Blood (Percy Jackson), Percy Jackson Needs a Hug, Dark Percy Jackson
Percy joins Luke on his quest to bring back Kronos.
If I Could Kill You, I Would by TheGayGhostKing
T | 3.0k | Complete
Percy Jackson/Annabeth Chase, Percy Jackson & Luke Castellan, Percy Jackson & Grover Underwood
Dark Percy Jackson, Songfic, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse
Percy joins Luke at the end of TLO Wolf In Sheep's Clothing Songfic
Dark Side of the Sea by Takara_Phoenix
T | 4.0k | Complete
Percy Jackson/Jason Grace, Side Pairings
AU - Canon Divergence, Dark Percy, Fluff
When Percy joins camp, he joins Luke's side of the war, because instead of straight-up trying to murder Percy, Luke actually tries to sway him. Later down the road, Percy is sent to sway some Romans... and Jason Grace finds it impossible not to be swayed by the son of Poseidon.
A New Age by Lukes_pet_scorpion
T | 10k+ | Last Updated March 15 2024
Percy Jackson & Luke Castellan, Percy Jackson/Annabeth Chase
Manipulative Kronos, Luke Castellan Lives, Dark Percy Jackson
Percy is fed up with how the gods are ruling. The way they could care less if their own children die or not. They send half-bloods on hard quests just to do their bidding. Well, Percy's had enough. That's when Luke Castellan offers Percy another chance to join him. (This is set during The Sea of Monsters-The Last Olympian)
Not Only is it Thicker (Blood is Stickier Than Water) by Simmshine
T | 10k+ | Last Updated March 26, 2024
Percy Jackson & Luke Castellan, Percy Jackson/Annabeth Chase, Luke Castellan & Annabeth Chase
Brotherly Angst, Cain instinct, Percy Jackson needs a hug
Luke had framed him for his theft, Luke was ready to be a catalyst for a war. Luke was serving Kronos, the very root of Percy's torment, his nightmares. The son of Hermes studies his gaze for a moment, before he turns back to the stone to slash what feels like the final indent into the ruin. The clearing is bathed in crimson, but the sounds of the fireworks are distant now as Percy's hands shake. The older half-blood, the one Percy had oh so idolized, raises his sword. Percy knows he is at a crossroads, two decisions offering themselves to him. He can do nothing, let Luke rip through the barrier and escape the camp with him. Or he can do what he's done for weeks now, the one thing that had gotten his father's attention. He can fight. He looks at Luke and part of him cries brother while the other raises Riptide. TLDR; Percy and Luke's encounter goes differently, and Percy finds himself as a harbinger of war. (Meanwhile, Annabeth just wants a her family back.)
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jungle-angel · 9 months
Head In The Clouds (Bob Floyd x Reader)
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Summary: When Bob makes love to you in the clouds, you swear it's the best thing ever (Greek Mythology AU)
Warnings: SMUT (18+ only, minors will be yeeted from this blog and blocked)
Tagging: @floydsmuse @sebsxphia @bobfloydsbabe and an especially big thank you to @attapullman as this is for International Bob Floyd Fucks Month!!!!! (lol).
At last, at long last you returned to your home in the clouds close to Mount Olympus, worn out from racing Ares and Apollo all day long on your black pegasus. The clouds had always been home for you and Bob, a place as wild and free as the forests on the earth below. Your fuzzy, fluffy little dream dragon ran right to you, curling around your legs and purring like a cat as if to welcome you home.
You saw Bob flying in just a moment later, fresh from helping Hermes on a mission for one of the Titans. Bob's sandaled feet touched down on the clouds as though they were solid ground, his snow white wings still unfurled like a pair of brilliant flags as he scooped you up in his strong arms.
"Missed you sweet cheeks," he said before planting a kiss on your lips.
You hummed into his kiss, reveling in the warmth that enveloped you. "I missed you too," you purred. "How'd everything go?"
"Better than ever," Bob answered. "Hyperion was more than happy to have the lamps working again and everybody made it home safe too."
You were relieved to say the least. Ever since the Titans had allied with the Olympians, things hadn't been better. You had yet to see the new island home of your distant ancestors, as did the rest of the Daggers, but Bob assured you that it would be something to look forward to going down the road.
You and Bob tended to your duties for the day, helping Hera, Poseidon and the others wherever you could until at last, night had begun to fall in the heavens. The moon and stars had all shined brightly as the creatures of the sky took to their cloud beds, curling up and drifting off to sleep along with your little fuzzy friend.
Bob couldn't help but stare off into that wild expanse of heaven, the deep sapphire blue skies making him sleepier than usual. He felt your arms sneaking their way around his waist as you pressed a kiss to his shoulder.
"Shouldn't you be getting ready for bed (y/n)?" he chuckled.
"Same can be said of you," you told him with a wry grin.
He pulled you into his arms, his deep blue eyes roaming over every trace of you as he pulled you into his strong but comforting embrace, breathing in your scent as though he had been away for longer.
In an instant you felt his warm lips on yours, kissing you gently and trailing from your lips to your jaw. You felt the tip of his tongue brushing against your skin, just tiny little licks at first, but as Bob began trialing down your neck, they became much more intense. A breathy little moan fell from your mouth as Bob kissed the curve of your neck.
"Shhhhh my love," he whispered. "Remember, somebody might hear us."
Bob gently guided you to the big mass of clouds that you both slept on every night, crooking a finger to beckon you closer. Your kissing became much more heated as his nimble fingers found the clasps on your copper colored tunic, drawing the thin, stringy straps down. The sheer fabric quickly fell, revealing your naked skin, pooling around your ankles as you helped Bob with his, the two of you never once breaking the kiss.
He laid you on your back, drawing a gasp as his rock hard cock found its way into your slick entrance. Bob watched with pure adoration as your eyes went wide and a gasp was drawn from your throat.
"Bob......?" you moaned.
You draw his hips against yours, creating a rhythm that made the little spot between your legs tingle with pleasure. "You like that?" he purred.
You nodded, a lazy smile playing with the corners of your mouth.
Bob slowly thrust his hips in and out of you, trailing kisses down your collarbone, taking great care to drag his tongue along the swells of your breasts and over your nipples. Bob swirled his tongue around them until they became pointed little dusty pink peaks.
Your pleas were music to his ears as he dragged his tongue down to your navel, swirling it around and flicking it in and out. "My gorgeous wife," he groaned. "I love every bit of you and your body......."
Your moans grew louder as he spread your legs and kissed down the sensitive little spots on your inner thighs before going for the one spot that drove you crazy. His tongue worked its magic, flicking in circles, up, down and all around until you were a moaning mess.
"Bob.....Bob sweetie, I......I'm gonna......"
"Wait, wait for me sweetheart," he panted. "Hold on."
You moaned even louder when you suddenly felt him enter back into you, amazed at how fucking big he really was. He continued to thrust in and out of you, slowly, gently until both your hips jerked against each other, the both of you a fucked out, blissful mess.
Bob kissed your lips, his body heavy and relaxed against yours underneath him. "You're amazing, you know that?" he chuckled.
You laughed as he guided you down from the rest of your high, the clouds cool against your heat filled bodies. You and Bob lay in your bed of clouds, blissed out but relaxed and content as you explored each other's naked bodies, touching, kissing and caressing each other in the silvery moonlight.
"You get prettier every day (y/n)," he murmured sleepily. "You're everything to me."
You traced over his jaw, gently caressing his face. "And you're everything to me, Bob......you always will be."
Bob kissed you until you both fell asleep in each other's arms, never once letting each other go and waking up the same way, when the day began anew with the sun on your faces and the two of you together.
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