#Oprah What Gif
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"Never Have I ever cried at a movie"
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"I am very emotional"
242 notes · View notes
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96 notes · View notes
voidlessmaze · 2 years
someone telling me the character i love is a murderer:
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98 notes · View notes
theonotti · 1 year
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Pairing: Theodore Nott x fem!reader!Riddle
Word Count: 8k
Summary: Ten years after the Battle of Hogwarts. Theodore Nott is out of Azkaban. And after years and years of being apart, he's finally ready for the reunion he's been waiting on.
Warnings: Hurt/Comfort, kind of angsty, kinda fluffy, pining, Modern AU where i moved up the battle so 10 years later is more present day
Notes: This is my first full Theo fic, please let me know what you think!
“Guess who’s in town.”
Theo hums thoughtfully while he sets the heavy box in his arms down on the counter, ripping the tape off.
Mattheo rolls his eyes.
“Try again.”
“The Queen.”
“The dead one?”
“Right. Forgot about that.”
Mattheo laughs, shaking his head as he grabs a rag and a spray bottle to wipe off the bar top.
“Got any other foolish guesses?” He asks. Theo pauses, feigning thought before shaking his head and resuming his work.
“Fresh out, I’m afraid.”
Theo grabs a pair of bottles from the open box then turns towards the shelves behind him. His back aches from the amount of moving he’s had to do. Running heavy boxes from his truck to the stockroom. Bending down while doing inventory. At the ripe age of 27, his back just isn’t what it used to be, and is in far worse shape than most men his senior.
Mattheo glances down at the bar briefly, the humor slowly fading from his expression, before he looks back up at his best friend.
“My sister.”
The bottle shatters as it hits the floor.
Theo jumps, not realizing one of the bottles had slipped from his hand until it was too late. Mattheo stares as Theo begins to clean up his mess, although if he notices that it happening right when his sister was mentioned is more than a coincidence, he doesn’t comment on it.
“Erm… What's she doing in town?” Theo asks casually as he kneels down with the broom and dustpan.
“Her and that rat, McLaggen, are finally getting divorced. She’s staying with me for a while.”
The room starts to swelter. Theo nods, trying to play off his sigh as one of sympathy rather than relief. Standing with the dustpan full of glass, he dumps the remains of the bottle into one of the other empty boxes he made while stocking before putting the cleaning supplies away. His hands slide into his pockets to wipe the sweat from his palms.
“How… how’s she handling it?”
This makes Mattheo pause. He glances up at his oldest friend, his look a mix of thoughtful and confused.
“She’s weirdly… calm about it,” He explains in a slow voice. “I think their marriage ended a long time ago, and she’s had time to mourn it before actually sticking the knife in it.”
The thought of you being miserable for that long before taking the plunge to leave sends Theo’s heart into a sadness he can’t explain. He looks away from Mattheo, trying to rationalize his thoughts before speaking again. Fortunately for him, Mattheo pipes up again before he has the chance.
“She’ll be at Malfoy’s party on Saturday. She can meet a new bloke there.”
A smile tugs at the corners of Theo’s mouth, but not over his friend’s cheeky remark.
“You’d rather her hook up with someone who aligns with Draco Malfoy?” Theo dares to ask as he looks back at the curly haired man next to him.
A beat passes.
“You’re right. She’s actually banned from the premises.”
A hearty laugh escapes Theo’s mouth as he turns away from Mattheo, although he could hear the seriousness in his friend’s tone behind the joke.
“Remind me… what did she see in McLaggen again?” Theo asks as he begins to fill the shelves behind the counter with the bottles he managed not to break. Mattheo sighs in exasperation, slapping the towel against the top of the bar.
“Fuck if I know,” Mattheo mumbles. “I asked her over and over how she could marry that creep. I think that’s why she stopped phoning, honestly.”
Theo raises his eyebrows only briefly, although with his back to Mattheo, it’s a look only expressed to himself. Mattheo Riddle, for as long as Theo can remember, has always been the over protective brother first and foremost. The relationship he holds with you is still his most important one, and Theo knows better than anyone how seriously Mattheo takes that. Their entire tenure at Hogwarts, Mattheo watched over you like a hawk, keeping the dusty boys who dared to crush on you in their place. The fact that McLaggen, of all people, was able to slip through the cracks the second Mattheo and Theo were gone was a pain that haunted Mattheo for years. And though it was for completely different reasons, it haunted Theo too.
“Are you going to punch the first man who talks to her? For old times sake?” Theo asks, trying to bite back a smirk.
Mattheo laughs loudly, shaking his head.
“I’ve grown since our time at Hogwarts,” He defends himself. “I won’t punch them if they just talk to her…” He pauses, a thoughtful look on his face. “Now, if they look at her? Dead man walking.”
Theo shakes his head.
The room grows quiet as the two men continue to work. Theo’s mind wanders as he puts the stock away. When was the last time he saw you? Damn near a decade ago. It was the night of the battle. A few bottles of fire whiskeys had been procured, thanks to Mattheo and his mysterious ways of smuggling contraband into the school. It was the first get-together like this that they’d had in a long time… and, unbeknownst to them, it would be the last.
“There’s not enough fire whiskey in the world to make me go down those stairs with Theo.”
“You worried you’ll fall in love with him, Riddle?”
“I’m worried he’ll actually try to kiss me, is what I’m worried about.”
Theo laughed as he took another swig from the bottle, before saying, “In your dreams, Riddle.”
The group erupted with laughter as they sat in a circle on the upper balcony of the Astronomy Tower. Blaise, Daphne, Astoria, Pansy, and even Malfoy were all taking part. It was pretty late, but with the Death Eaters having their hold on Hogwarts, the Riddle heirs were given free reign, subsequently meaning their friends were given the same treatment. Which is why it was so easy for Mattheo to procure two bottles of fire whiskey, one of which already completely gone.
Theo’s stoic nature had been greatly diminished by the alcohol, his head swirling just enough to make him feel light and calm. Despite the juvenile feeling it gave him, the game of Seven Minutes in Heaven that started once the first bottle had emptied was quite entertaining, and had grown even more so when Mattheo took the last turn, and the bottle landed on none other than Theo.
“You know the rules, Mattheo.” Your voice sounded like honey when you chimed in from across the circle, sitting next to Pansy with your legs sprawled out in front of you. “You either have to go to the lower level with our friend Teddy here-“ Theo looked down at the ground, trying to hide his reaction to your nickname for him. “-Or you have to drink.”
Mattheo didn’t hesitate before snatching the bottle that still had liquor in it right out of Theo’s hand and putting the end to his mouth, dramatically throwing his head backwards. One, two, three giant gulps went down Mattheo’s throat, not a flinch in sight as he set it back down with a pleased look on his face.
“Don’t drink all of it, Matty,” Astoria pouted, reaching over and snatching the bottle from his grasp. Theo looked over at you, meeting your eyes at the exact moment that you looked over at him. Raising your hand, you pointed to your mouth and made a puke face. He bit back a smile before looking away from you.
“Sorry to disappoint you, Nott,” Mattheo said, ignoring Astoria’s comment as he nodded towards the empty bottle in the middle to indicate his friend’s turn at the game. Theo rolled his eyes as he leaned forward.
“I’d snog sandpaper before I’d let your cracked lips anywhere near mine.”
With a flick of his wrist, he sent the bottle spinning. The look on Theo’s face read nonchalance, but that didn’t match up with the pounding in his chest. It felt like he could hear the second hand of the clock tower ticking in the distance, though he knew it was too far away for him to actually hear it. As the bottle began to slow, Theo bit the inside of his cheek, and when it came to a stop, his teeth almost clamped down entirely.
The universe and Merlin himself came together and had the bottle land on you.
Theo could feel his cheeks burning, not moving a muscle as his eyes trailed to Mattheo. The humor had completely drained from his curly haired friend’s face.
“Re-spin, Theo.”
Theo didn’t even have time to process Mattheo’s words, let alone answer, before you were already turning to face him.
“Why ask me to play if I can’t participate?”
This made Theo’s cheeks burn more, though no one could notice, their attention being on the altercation brewing between Mattheo and you.
“Because you’d bitch about it if I didn’t.”
“And you didn’t think I’d bitch about you bitching about me participating?”
Mattheo said nothing to his sister, instead turning his fierce gaze back to Theo.
“I’ll cut your fucking eyes out if you even think about it, Nott.”
As Theo opened his mouth to respond, you pushed yourself off the floor. The look on your face could be read as many different things; Defiance, anger, annoyance. But one thing was clear- you were not allowing Mattheo to have the final say.
“Come on, Theo.”
You put your hand out towards him. The conflict in his chest was rising rapidly as everyone stared at him, waiting for him to make his decision. Only two of those sets of eyes brought him the anxiety that coursed through him. The last thing he wanted to do was piss off Mattheo.
But he knew his choice before he even knew he had to make one. As soon as the bottle came to a stop, the deal was signed.
Reaching up, he took your hand and allowed you to pull him to his feet. Mattheo’s face was filled with a mix of rage and surprise as he watched you lead Theo away from the group.
“You better keep your fucking hands to yourself, Nott.”
“No promises, Matty,” You sneered without looking at Mattheo, as your foot hit the first step down. Theo’s eyes drifted to look over the railing that paralleled the stairs as the two of you began to descend, overlooking the castle and the Black Lake in the distance. His heart was in his throat once his feet reached the wooden floor.
The lower level of the balcony was used as storage. Surrounding the outer edges were fixtures covered in sheets that were held down with rope, presumably statues and pieces of furniture. Other miscellaneous things were also scattered around, such as a two seater bench that was split in two, a random assortment of stools, and abandoned cauldrons. In the middle of the ceiling was a glass globe fixture, the bottom half on the lower level while the top was displayed on the upper level. Along it was a metal lining that didn’t quite reach the walls, meaning there was enough of an opening for people to look down. When Theo looked up, he saw multiple sets of eyes staring down into the lower level, one of which was accompanied by angry shouts at him to Know your place, Nott and Don’t even think about it. Not a word could be said about it before you were flicking your wand in its direction. A flash of light flashed through the room, and suddenly, Theo couldn’t look through the openings anymore. Turning, you did the same to the staircase.
Theo looked at you in awe.
“Since when can you cast spells without speaking?”
You shrugged, as if it were a completely benign thing.
“I’ve been practicing.”
Theo stuffed his hands in his pockets as you sat down on a spare table off to the side. It was impossible for him not to look at you like you had just put the stars in the sky, but hell did he try not to.
“Maybe you should’ve been in Ravenclaw,” He commented, causing you to roll your eyes.
“You think I’d ever hear the end of it from that one?” You pointed to the ceiling, where loud footsteps and even louder voices could be heard from the other side. Theo laughed at this, his head craning backwards.
“I think you’d have killed him before finishing out first year, if that were the case.”
The tension in the air was palpable. Was it from Mattheo’s anger? Or Theo’s feelings? It was hard to say, but he found himself wondering if you felt it too. Before he could think too much about it, you spoke again.
“Sometimes I wish I had gotten put in another house, though. Instead of Slytherin.”
Theo froze. Of anything you could’ve possibly said, he never would’ve suspected… Well, that.
“Why?” He asked, tone soft.
You looked down at your hands, mindlessly pinching at your skin.
“It would make me think I was made for more than what my family has planned for me.” You sighed as your gaze met Theo once more. “I never wanted any of this. The special treatment from the Death Eaters and the constant fear. I don’t want it.”
Eyes narrowing slightly, Theo mulled over your words.
“Why would you, the daughter of Lord Voldemort, have anything to fear?”
You sat up a little straighter, pressing your lips together in a thin line.
“I know you’ve been working for him.”
Theo swallowed the lump forming in his throat.
“You didn’t answer my question.”
A beat passed.
“Didn’t I?”
You scooted down the table so now your feet touched the floor, more leaning on it than sitting, folding your hands in front of you. Theo’s eyes never left you as he studied your every move. The heat from your stare was making his palms sweat.
“You promised me you wouldn’t,” You reminded him. He closed his eyes. How could such a quiet part of the castle suddenly feel so loud? He couldn’t do this with you. Not right now. You wouldn’t understand.
“My father wanted me to become… acquainted with the family business,” He explained slowly. This didn’t seem to appease you.
“You could’ve talked to me. I would’ve figured something out,” You said. Was that annoyance in your voice? Or something else? “Maybe my father doesn’t take Mattheo seriously but he would’ve listened to me if I asked him not to send you on errands.”
Theo shook his head, his eyes drifting to the floor just briefly. “It’s too late now.”
The words hung in the air for a moment too long. Theo watched as a thought seemed to pop into your head, the expression on your face changing from mildly frustrated to downright terror. You slowly pushed away from the table. There was something about the way you were looking at him, with your lips slightly parted and your eyes filled with confusion, that made him feel sick.
“Theo… did you take the Mark?”
The Christmas party is too reminiscent of one of the Slytherin common room parties. The music is too loud. The people are too drunk. And Theo is too fucking old for this.
He squeezes down a random hallway of Malfoy Manor, narrowly missing Blaise Zabini and Luna Lovegood as they make out against the wall. Try he does to not give them a passing glance, albeit a confused one, but radically does he fail.
Time really is a funny thing, He thinks to himself. Changes people in ways no one could ever understand.
Theo’s arrival at the party was as anticlimactic as he wanted it to be. In the hour since he walked through the door, he can count on less than ten fingers how many familiar faces he saw, and he only needed one hand to count how many people he’s spoken to.
Though Draco is the only Malfoy living in the mansion now, save his wife, it still looks exactly the same as it did when they were kids. Theo remembers the summers away from Hogwarts spent roaming these halls with Draco, Mattheo and you. The weeks and weeks at a time spent here after his mother died and his father made it clear he didn’t understand how to be a father. If it weren’t for Narcissa Malfoy, Theo can’t imagine the man he would be now. He feels it in his heart every time he walks by a picture of her, her tender eyes and sweet smile looking back at him. The closest thing to a mother he ever had.
You should write to her more, He thinks to himself.
Theo enters the kitchen, with his hand almost on the knob of the back door, when a voice stops him.
“Theodore Nott! Hi!”
He turns to find Astoria Greengr- Malfoy looking at him with a wide smile. It hasn’t been too long since he had last seen her, although it’s enough time for her to have a swollen pregnant belly this go around. Her wedding to Malfoy was small and rushed, as it wasn’t long after him, Theo and Mattheo had returned from their time away, but her smile is the same now as it was that day.
She waddles up to Theo, wrapping her arms around his shoulders as he plants a quick kiss on her cheek.
“You alright, Tori?” His voice is gentle in a way that it never was with Astoria. It has to be the pregnancy causing him to be nicer. The fact remains that he and Astoria historically never got along, and while he would never outwardly be mean to her, especially now as the wife of one of his best mates, he didn’t go out of his way to be nice to her, either. Which is why at the wedding, he didn’t intentionally avoid her that entire evening. He just simply didn’t go out of his way to speak to her. The wad of cash he left in an envelope on the gift table that evening spoke for itself, in his humble opinion.
Astoria shrugs casually, before saying, “Just running around, as usual. What have you been up to since-“ She cuts off, swallowing as the smile on her face falters ever so slightly. It’s obvious to anyone what she was about to say and even more so that it was meant to remain a thought in her head and never pass her lips. But it’s too late for that now, as the ghost of the words unsaid still hang in the air above them. Theo sighs as he turns to the kitchen island, which is buried in alcohol bottles, and begins to pour himself a drink. A strong one.
“You can say it, Tori.”
She still hesitates before it comes out in a barely audible whisper.
“Since Azkaban?”
There it is.
Theo doesn’t even blink. The word is so casual to him now, so recurrent in his daily thoughts that it’s almost chronic. Though, his teeth still grow cold as the memories of the brutally cold air flood through him.
“Oh, you know,” He manages to answer. “Mattheo and I started the bar in Hogsmeade. I’m sure you heard all about that. Have a cottage now, not too far from there.” He hums in thought. “Got a cat. She’s a bloody shit, but I love her.”
All of this seems to surprise Astoria, and Theo didn’t blame her. He wasn’t the same boy she knew back at Hogwarts. He never would be again. All of the fire and fight that he had back then was snuffed out in the years he was locked away. Now, some days it feels like he is a shell of his former self.
“What’s her name? Your cat?”
Theo smiles brightly, as if he was being asked about his own child.
Astoria stifles a laugh.
“She’s a black cat, so she looks like she’s... burnt to a crisp.”
Astoria pauses for a second before breaking into a smile and laughing out loud, the sound filling the kitchen. It gives Theo deja vu, reminding him of the days in the common room where he’d hear it and cringe. The thought makes him feel a little bad. Only a little though.
“That’s funny,” She remarks, still coming down from the high of it as she carefully wipes her eyes. Theo smiles politely, glancing at the back door before turning back to Astoria. What the hell does he say now? He already knows what’s going on with her. It’s popping out of her dress.
“Erm… Is Mattheo here yet?”
Astoria perks up at the sound of his best friend’s name, her eye developing a twinkle that wasn’t there before. Something about it makes Theo a little sad. Though her love for Draco was true, Astoria always held a torch for Mattheo. Everyone knew it. Even Draco, who still ended up marrying her in the end. Mattheo just never felt the same pull to Astoria that she felt for him. And though he never talked about it with Theo, he couldn’t help but wonder if that thought ever made Mattheo feel guilty.
Just as quick as it came, the spark in Astoria’s eye disappears and is replaced with… something Theo can’t quite place.
“They’ll be here any minute,” Astoria finally answers with a slight smirk. Theo feels his heart swell. The use of they instead of he was not lost on him.
Nodding, Theo turns his body toward the back door, his gaze still on Astoria.
“Good talking to you, Tori.”
She gives him a look, another one that he just can’t read, which is starting to frustrate him, before smiling softly at him.
“I’ll send erm… Mattheo your way when he gets here.”
He nods once more, giving her a final half cooked smile before letting himself out into the back courtyard.
The circular courtyard is centered with a large fountain, the centerpiece being a dragon. Shrubbery and flowers of different shapes and sizes line the edges. Theo walks the pebbled pathways with the same familiarity that he would walk the Hogwarts grounds. He knows every turn, every bench, every scuff mark on the brick walls like the back of his hands. As he sips on his drink, he finds himself reminiscing on the reverie of being a young kid, running down these same paths with his closest friends. So many memories made on this very plot of land. Mattheo falling and cracking his head on the side of the fountain and Draco trying to use a spell to fix it, only to make it worse. Theo picking the roses off one of the many rose bushes to give to you, then the scolding he received after. All of the cigarette butts that he and Mattheo were forced to clean up when Narcissa would discover them. Probably thousands of cigarette butts between the two of them. But they never learned to find a container for them. It seems like it was a whole lifetime ago. Maybe it was.
Theo passes beyond the shrubbery to walk the trails that line the estate. It never gets old, walking through the pine trees. Muscle memory carries his legs towards his favorite spot on the whole lot. He tries to remember the last time he’d walked this route, but he can’t. Which means it’s been too long.
The bench comes into view, the huge oak tree still standing guard behind it. If the sun was out, it would provide the perfect shade, regardless of the time of day. Surrounding it are multiple rose bushes, a Narcissa Malfoy addition. Theo used to spend many hours at this bench, reading or losing himself in thought. It has always been a sanctuary to him, even now, after all these years.
Sitting down, he inhales slowly before letting it out in a long drawl. Being here again feels like coming home for the first time since his release from Azkaban. There’s only one thing that could make it perfect…
Damn, I wish I had a cigarette, He finds himself thinking.
Okay, maybe two things could make it perfect.
“Thought I’d find you out here.”
The hairs on the back of his neck stand up straight.
He would’ve never expected the sight of you to be accompanied by the smell of cigarettes, yet here you are, slowly walking down the path with a freshly lit smoke in your hand. A slight smile fills your cheeks as you look at him.
Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.
The word runs through his brain like a news headline on the television. It never occurred to him that you could get more stunning. The familiar feeling of his palms growing sweaty hits him, and he instinctively wipes them on his jeans.
“Since when do you smoke?”
You take a long drag, holding your breath before blowing a cloud into the air above you. In the back of Theo’s brain is the sound of you relentlessly nagging him to quit, a treatment you curiously only saved for him and did not share with your brother.
“D’you want to hear something silly?” You ask him. He shrugs, a smile tugging at his lips. You tilt your head to the side, your eyes jumping up to the night sky. “I found myself missing it. The smell. Can you believe that?”
A laugh bursts from Theo’s chest.
“No,” He admits. “With the way you went on about it? If you weren’t smoking in front of me right now, I would never believe you.”
Shaking your head, smiling, you slowly make your way towards him.
“Mattheo was so angry when he found out,” You say. “And he, apparently, is smoke free now. I’m not even allowed to smoke near him. After all the years he was perfectly fine with giving me secondhand lung cancer!” You roll your eyes. “I only smoke every once in a while, though. Nothing like the two of you did, fucking chimneys.”
Theo stands as you approach the bench, his hands in his pocket. You waste no time before you wrap your arms around him, pulling him into a hug. As he snakes his arms around your torso, his eyes flutter shut. You smell exactly the same, save for the new addition of the cigarette smoke. And you still make his stomach turn with every touch. He kisses the side of your head before pulling away, unable to contain the smile that forces its way across his cheeks.
“You weren’t at the wedding.”
Pursing your lips, you look away from him.
“I, unfortunately, was otherwise engaged.”
There’s something cryptic behind your words, and it doesn’t sit well with him.
“What does that mean?” He asks. From his recollection, even Mattheo didn’t know why you had bailed on such an important event. Being one of his longest friends, Draco was distraught by your absence.
“It means that I don’t want to tell you why I couldn’t go,” You inform him. His eyes narrow slightly.
“And why’s that?”
“Because you’ll be angry. And I’m not interested in starting our reunion out that way.”
A cool breeze blows through the air, but Theo isn’t convinced that it’s the cause of the chill that flows through him.
“How do you know I’ll be angry?” He questions, although hesitantly. You give him a look.
“Because I know you. You’ve been my brother’s best friend for as long as I can remember. I could be blindfolded and still pick you out just by the sound of your breathing. And I know what will make you mad.” You take another drag of the cigarette, the smoke filling the air with your sigh. “This will.”
The debate in Theo’s head is intense. On one hand, with how cryptic you’re being, he wants to know what the reason was. Just the way you said it has a fire flaring in his chest. But on the other hand, you're right. He’d rather not plague the reunion that he’s been thinking about for the last decade with anger. Not when he doesn’t have to. Not while you’re looking at him like that, with a warm smile and even warmer gaze. Before he has the chance to decide how to go forward, you make the choice for him.
“Let me take a look at you,” You say, taking a step back and looking him up and down. Internally, Theo prays that his cheeks don’t reflect on the outside the heat they feel on the inside, as your eyes trail from the top of his head to his feet.
“You still look like my Theo. Except for this.” Stepping forward, you bring a hand to his left cheek, your fingers resting on his jaw as your thumb grazes the beard growing on his face. Theo holds his breath, because he knows if he exhales, you’ll hear the shudder. When you let your hand drop, left behind is the feeling of ice where your warm fingertips had been. You shake your head. “Certainly don’t look like an ex-convict.”
Theo’s next words leave his mouth before he has time to think them through.
“You certainly don’t look like a newly divorced woman.”
As soon as the words enter the atmosphere, Theo’s face falls, and he wants to insert his foot in his mouth. It wasn’t meant to be the insult it sounded like when he said it. But to his astonishment, you just smile, looking up at the sky as you shake your head.
“It was never going to last with Cormac,” You tell him. “Our divorce was written in the stars. I knew that. I don’t know if he knew that, but I did.”
Theo’s gaze drifts to the ground before looking back up at you. The question he wants to ask is running on repeat in his mind, as he goes back and forth on whether or not to even say it.
Fuck it.
“Why did you marry him?”
You flinch slightly, to Theo’s dismay. The last thing he ever wants is to hurt you. At the same time, he went all these years wondering how someone like you could be with someone like Cormac Fucking McLaggen, the same Cormac Fucking McLaggen that you and him spent hours and hours collectively making fun of back in school, and he couldn’t go without finding out any longer.
“He was there and-“ You stop abruptly, closing your eyes briefly before opening them again. He can practically see you rearranging your thoughts. “And no one else was.”
Theo raises an eyebrow.
“You didn’t think you deserved or could find anyone better?”
You laugh suddenly, confusing Theo, before you respond.
“I knew I could find someone better,” You say. “He was just intended to be… a placeholder. Just to pass the time.” You sigh. “He ended up being a shitty placeholder, and more work than was necessary. That was my fault. I got complacent.”
The more you explain yourself, the more Theo grows confused. He wants to yell at you, to tell you to just say what you mean. But he doesn’t.
“A placeholder?” He asks quietly. “What the bloody hell does that mean?”
For a moment, you don’t say anything, taking another drag from your cigarette and blowing the smoke into the air. Theo watches you, so tempted to ask you for one, but he’s so wrapped up in the conversation that he can barely breathe, let alone speak.
“It means he was there, I was lonely and I was waiting for something better.”
Theo’s eyes are fixed on every move you make, his whole body turning to watch you sit down on the bench. As he tries to sort through his racing thoughts to find a coherent one, you take another drag of the cigarette, looking around at the roses. He takes a seat to the right of you.
“What were you waiting for?”
You don’t answer as you turn to look at him. Just the look on your face drives Theo crazy. Not once would he ever say that you remind him of your father, but your ability to move through a conversation with ease and manipulation is uncanny. He’s convinced that the word discomfort isn’t in your vocabulary. If a topic comes up that you don’t want to talk about, you simply twist the conversation back to exactly where you want it to be. And Theo, a person who knows you better than most, can tell just by the way you’re looking at him right now that you’re about to do what you do best. And he’s going to let you.
It’s the way you do it this time around, however, that comes as a surprise.
Your gaze drops to his left arm at his side, his hand resting on his knee. With a delicate touch, you reach over and take it between your fingers, slowly rising the sleeve up his arm as Theo, once again, forgets how to breathe entirely.
“I won’t ask you again, Theodore. Did you take the Dark Mark?”
The sound of his full name coming out of your mouth made his heart stop. Theo swallowed hard, whispering your name under his breath so quietly that a gust of wind could’ve drowned it out.
You charged towards him, grabbing his arm and yanking up the sleeve of his hoodie before he could even process that you had moved. There, in its glory, was the fresh mark, branded so recently that the skin surrounding it was still tender.
A strangled whimper escaped your mouth before you forcibly threw Theo’s arm away from you, as if it had burned you. Covering your mouth, you turned away from him, taking a couple of steps towards the table you had been sitting on only moments before. Nausea overwhelmed Theo as he stared at you. He followed your footsteps and reached out for your arm, only to have it yanked back the moment his fingers curled around your bicep. The gesture sent a ripple of pain through Theo’s chest.
“Please let me explain-“
“How could you do this!?” You shouted, whipping around to face him. The sight of the tears streaming down your face shredded his heart more than your words ever could. “We talked about this, Theo. I told you not to take the mark. Not to waste your life. How could you do this to yourself? Hell, how could you do this to me?”
I can’t do this, Theo thought to himself. I can’t.
The way your eyes were a careful mix of anger and devastation was too much for Theo. There wasn’t much he wouldn’t do to make you stop looking at him like that, and it was very rare for him to want you to stop looking at him at all. But he knew that the one thing that could make you relax once again was the one thing he couldn’t give you. He took another step towards you, saying your name again. When you took a step backwards, he felt like the floor was going to open up and swallow him whole.
“This is more than getting acquainted with the family business!” Your chest heaved as you spoke. “This is getting integrated.”
“I have just as much ability to say no to my father as you and Mattheo have to say no to yours!” He shouted desperately. “There was nothing I could do. You, of all people, have to understand.”
You vigorously shook your head. “No, Theo. I don’t. I would’ve done anything to stop this from happening.” The pain that dripped from your words was splattered on your face. Theo wanted to throw up just looking at your expression, each word feeling like another punch to the face.
“What would you have wanted me to do?” He asked, his voice now level but strained while taking another step forward. “Tell me. Tell me what you would have had me do.”
Your eyes were wide and filled with fear. Another cold breeze came through the cracks in the balcony walls. Instead of taking a step back when Theo stepped forward, you stood still, staring up at him as your chest continued to heavily rise and fall.
“Anything.” Your voice was a coarse whisper. “Literally anything else.”
“I didn’t have a choice!” He didn’t mean to shout at you again, but his head felt so foggy from the whole thing, he couldn’t think straight. The sadness in your eyes was destroying him in ways he would never understand.
“There’s always a fucking choice!” You shouted back.
Theo was quickly cut off but your rapid speaking.
“We could’ve run. We could’ve fled together. Just you and me. Anywhere. Maybe to Italy so you could be close to the memory of your mother. Or to somewhere totally new, like Brazil. Or Japan. We could’ve escaped this together if you had given me the chance to help you. To save you.”
It would’ve hurt less if you had actually cut his chest open and ripped his heart out with your bare hands instead of doing it figuratively like you just had. He let out a shaky breath, his entire body going stiff.
“You don’t mean that,” He said quietly. “Just leave Mattheo? And your fam-“
“Don’t tell me what I do and don’t mean, Theodore.”
He flinched at the subsequent use of his full first name.
Theo stood frozen as he watched you press your hand over your eyes, inhaling deeply before letting it out just as hard. Your warm breath turned into a cloud of steam dissipating in front of you from the cold air. He took another step towards you, the distance dwindling.
“I don’t know what you want me to do,” He said softly. The pleading in his tone could be heard for miles.
You stood silent for a long time, your hand covering your eyes. With every passing moment where you didn’t speak, Theo grew more anxious. The silence between the two of you was just as loud as if you were screaming at the top of your lungs. But if Theo was being honest with himself, he’d rather you scream and shout at him. That's what he was used to. But the stunned silence? This was something that, in all the years of knowing and learning everything he could about you, he had never seen. It was too much for him to bear.
When he whispered your name again, you shook your head. The motion caused a pain in his chest so severe that he worried his heart would stop entirely. In a daring moment, he took a step forward, delicately pulling your hand from your face and tilting your head upwards to look at him.
“Please.” Theo did nothing to hide the pain and desperation in his tone. His hands moved to cradle your cheeks. “Please tell me what to do. And I’ll do it.”
Your eyes were wide as you stared into his. The world seemed to screech to a halt at this moment. The wind that had been haunting the balcony for the entire night stilled. The crickets went dead quiet. Theo’s thumbs stroked the skin of either side of your face.
Against his better judgment, despite the severity of the situation he and you find yourselves in, the proximity to you caused his eyes to instinctively jump down to your mouth.
His heart skipped a beat when he saw you do the same.
As you opened your mouth to speak, an overwhelming pain radiated through Theo’s left arm. His hands dropped from your face as he stepped backwards, blowing out a hiss through his teeth as he gripped his forearm tightly. Your mouth pressed into a firm line, as you understood before he did what was about to happen. The noises from upstairs picked up again at the same moment, and in the distance, Theo could hear his name being shouted.
You quickly turned with your wand, removing the barrier you had created around the stairs. The shouting instantly grew louder, and suddenly, Mattheo appeared at the top of the steps. The anger he previously had was gone, replaced with another look that sent chills down Theo’s spine.
He didn’t regard you at all. His eyes were focused on Theo.
“We have to go.”
Theo swallowed hard as Mattheo stared down at him.
“He’s here.”
The deja vu hits Theo hard as you roll his sleeve up.
Though your expression doesn’t change, he can feel the way your fingers relax against his skin when you find that the Mark is nowhere to be seen. Seeing his bare arm brings him great relief as well, even though he’s seen it this way every day since its removal.
“They removed it when we got to Azkaban,” He explains quietly. “They thought we could communicate through it or something.”
Your thumb trails up and down his skin in the same area the Mark had been. Theo’s eyes are glued to the motion, following your movements.
“That night haunted me for years.”
Your words send a chill up his spine so intense that he can’t hide the shiver that ripples through him. Swallowing hard, his eyes jump back to your face, studying your features.
“Me too.”
The sound of the crickets chirping fills the night air, along with the very distant music coming from the manor. Your eyes find Theo’s again, although your hand doesn’t let go of his arm.
“I’m sorry for yelling at you,” You say, voice quiet, yet not quite a whisper. “If I had known what was about to happen, and that it could’ve been our last interaction, I wouldn’t have acted the way I did.”
“If anyone should be sorry, it should be me.”
You give him a look.
“Please. Don’t. I didn’t understand then, but I understand now.”
Theo glances down at your hand on his arm, pulling away so he can in turn take your fingers in his. The two of you look down as Theo turns your fingers around in his hands, as if he’s examining them.
“If you knew then what was about to happen…” You asked slowly. “What would you have done differently?”
Theo’s face grows warm.
Though his gaze stays cast downwards, he can still feel the warmth of yours as it jumps to his face once more.
For a moment, no one moves or speaks. Then, Theo entwines his fingers through the spaces between yours, curling them down so the tips press softly against the dorsal aspect of your hand.
“I would’ve kissed you.”
If your breath didn’t hitch in your throat, Theo would think you didn’t react at all. He glances back up at you, his eyes meeting yours, his thumb running up and down the smooth skin of your hand. What a perfect night for a party, the night of the full moon. The moonlight dimly hits your face but it’s still enough to make his heart flutter.
“I would’ve let you.”
It takes everything in Theo to not kiss you right there. The moment he has been waiting all these years for is finally here, dropped in his lap. But he can only kiss you for the first time once, and it has to be perfect.
Theo glances down at your mouth. It’s just a moment away, and he’s counting down the seconds.
“I would’ve told you that I was in love with you too.”
The shock breaks through your face this time, as Theo squeezes your hand a little tighter.
“I would’ve said the same.”
Nights of dreaming of this moment in his Azkaban cell seem to fill his memory as your words hit Theo like a monsoon. He raises his free hand and brushes the free strands of hair away from your face.
“What about now?” He asks in a soothing whisper. “Would you say the same now?” What shocks him is when you laugh, but he tries not to let it falter his resolve.
“Theo,” You say, the laughter gone but the genuine look of amusement still present. “Why do you think I needed a placeholder?”
A beat passes.
Theo’s lips crash into yours.
And despite having been out of Azkaban for a while now, despite his reunion with his sanctuary at Malfoy Manor, he’s finally, completely, come home.
Every repressed feeling Theo has ever felt in the last decade is surged through the kiss and into you. All of his desperation, his yearning, the fiery love that never got snuffed out. It felt like his heart just knew that he’d see you again, and the love he felt was carefully packed away in a box, left to grow until the reunion had arrived.
The cigarette you had been holding is now forgotten on the pathway. Your hands weave through Theo’s hair as he has one hand on your cheek, the other firmly placed on your hip. The world around you and him is still. Did the crickets go home? Is the party over? All sounds have gone mute, minus the sounds of your quiet hums as Theo’s tongue searches your mouth. You scoot closer to him, your knee going between his in an effort to get as close to him as possible.
“Fucking despicable this is.”
Theo and you jump away from each other, shocked to see Mattheo approaching with a cigarette hanging out of his mouth.
“Out of everyone in this party, you pick him?” He goes on. “In my opinion, you could do better.”
You scoff.
“Name one person that you’ve ever met who you thought was good enough for me and I’ll chew my wrist off.”
Almost a whole minute passes before Mattheo speaks again.
Theo bites back a smile. You point at Mattheo before saying, “Wait a minute. You said you don’t smoke anymore!”
Mattheo shrugs as he blows a plume of smoke into the air.
“This party killed that.”
“You arsehole. You gave me such a hard time for doing it.”
“Your excuse was a bloody weak one. ‘I miss the smell’. Shut the fuck up.”
“Forgive me for missing my brother and wanting to feel close to him!”
Mattheo’s gaze slides to Theo, then down to his fingers entwined with yours.
“Yeah. I’m sure you were thinking of me when you
took your first drag.”
You roll your eyes, turning back to Theo as you try and fail to hide the smile on your cheeks. Just the sight of you alone was sending Theo’s heart into overdrive.
Mattheo plops down in the space next to you, letting out a deep sigh.
“Just try to give it some time before you rush off and get married, yeah?” Mattheo says before taking another hit. “Don't come off desperate like our lovely hosts in there.”
“Oh, you’re actually going to keep your mouth shut about me being with a guy this time?” You challenge him. Even Theo looks at his best friend curiously, semi shocked by his response.
“Yeah, I don’t have the energy to give a rat’s fart.”
Your hand still in Theo’s, he feels you give his a squeeze.
Three times.
His heart flutters.
He knows what you’re saying without a single word passing your lips.
He repeats the gesture back to you.
Three times.
Mattheo and you continue to go back and forth as Theo sits by quietly, his thumb stroking the top of your hand. Eyes fluttering closed, he takes a deep breath, soaking in the cool evening air.
This is it.
Home at last.
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remireee · 12 days
Continuing the story of Cheetah!reader.
Cheetahs are solitary animals but they are great parents. Reader unconsciously regards Yuu and Grim as their children. When he saw Grim and Reader covered in scratches and dirt from the Principal's missions, Reader gave them a light kiss on the cheek, and Yuu and Grim were instantly clean and all the scratches on their bodies disappeared. It was the "Healing Kiss" magic, Reader's mother said that this magic can only be used on family, and Reader regards Grim and Yuu as family. Part of it is because Yuu and Grim are lonely, and part of it is because Reader also wants a family but that goes against the cheetah's independent nature as they would be forced to cut off contact with their family when they reach adulthood, but what if the family members were of another species?
Readers are still learning about humans so there are many things they cannot understand.
Reader: Shouldn't it? Turns out it's because of that problem. Humans are so full of troubles. *Finally sat in the library reading books on human psychology*
Reader is quite polite and gentle, not calculating, something considered unreasonable by Savanaclaw members.
Also to why you are more loved by (most of) the freshmen compared to... everyone else in the dorm.
Just something about you and your sweet nature just touches the hearts of the newbies you've been lumped into while simultaneously confusing the rest of the beastmen in Savanaclaw.
As the found-family thing...
I can imagine you picking up anyone (mostly the freshmen: Ace, Deuce those boys) to be part of your band of non-beastmen family, just adopting people left and right like that Oprah meme.
Reader every time they see a potential family member:
"Join family?"
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A not so friendly reminder that in the 90's, the turtles went on a tour, known as the "Coming Out Of Their Shells Tour".
Yes, this was real. No, I've not heard any of their songs. No, this is not what Bayverse Mikey references when he talks about their Christmas album.
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But I have to admit, Donnie did have some moves.
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No for real guys. They were on Oprah with this...
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luckykiwiii101 · 5 months
✨Make It Shine ✨
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Hey Upper East Siders.
I was singing “Make It Shine” AKA the Victorious theme song in my head and i noticed the lyric:
“Cause you know that if you live in your imagination, tomorrow you’ll be everybody’s fascination.”
Successful people are always subtly hinting what their reasons for success are.
and it’s mostly always their imagination.
From Madonna, To Drake, To Kanye West, To Oprah Winfrey, To Jim Carey, To Ariana Grande
They’ve all manifested their success. With their imagination.
And so can you.
Your imagination is your world. So make your world shine.
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rainydetectiveglitter · 3 months
꒰ ♡ ꒱Astrology and The Female Archetypes ꒰ ♡ ꒱
✧・゚: ✧・゚:✧・゚: ✧・゚:✧・゚: ✧・゚:✧・゚: ✧・゚:✧・゚: ✧・゚:✧・゚: ✧・゚:✧・゚: ✧・゚:✧・゚:
I've always been fascinated by Carl Jung's archetypes, and I thought it would be interesting to merge them with astrology. Take a look and let me know what you think—it's all in good fun, so if it doesn't quite line up, no worries!
꒰ ♡ ꒱ ˎˊ˗ˏˋ ꒰ ♡ ꒱ ˎˊ˗ˏˋ ꒰ ♡ ꒱ ˎˊ˗ˏˋ ꒰ ♡ ꒱ ˎˊ˗˗ˏˋ ꒰ ♡ ꒱ ˎˊ˗˗ˏˋ ꒰ ♡ ꒱ ˎˊ˗ˏˋ ꒰ ♡ ꒱ ˎˊ˗ˏˋ ꒰ ♡ ꒱ ˎ
The Sage
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Key Traits: Wisdom, knowledge, philosophical insight, intellectual depth.
Astrological Placements and Aspects:
Sun: Typically in Sagittarius or Capricorn, emphasizing a quest for truth, higher learning, and wisdom. Sun conjunct Ascendant highlights a strong personal identity tied to wisdom.
Mercury: Often in Scorpio or Sagittarius, indicating deep thinking, insightful communication, and a probing mind. Mercury conjunct Pluto intensifies depth of thought and investigative skills.
Jupiter: Strongly placed (in Sagittarius, Pisces, or in aspect to Sun/Mercury), emphasizing expansion, optimism, and a philosophical outlook on life.
Pluto: In Scorpio, contributing to a transformative approach to knowledge, deep psychological insights, and a profound understanding of power dynamics.
Celebrity Example:
Oprah Winfrey (Sun in Aquarius, Mercury in Aquarius, Jupiter in Sagittarius)
Jane Fonda (Sun in Sagittarius, Mercury in Sagittarius, Jupiter in Capricorn)
The Mystic
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Key Traits: Spiritual depth, intuition, connection to mystical realms.
Astrological Placements and Aspects:
Neptune: Strongly placed in Pisces, indicating a deep connection to spirituality, dreams, and the subconscious. Neptune conjunct Venus enhances sensitivity and mystical experiences in relationships.
Moon: Often in Pisces or Cancer, enhancing emotional sensitivity, intuitive abilities, and a deep connection to the collective unconscious.
Pluto: In Scorpio, contributing to a transformative spiritual journey, profound psychological insights, and the ability to uncover hidden truths.
Celebrity Example:
Stevie Nicks (Neptune in Scorpio, Moon in Gemini, Pluto in Leo)
Björk (Neptune in Scorpio, Moon in Sagittarius, Pluto in Virgo)
The Wise Old Woman
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Key Traits: Maturity, wisdom, nurturing, emotional depth.
Astrological Placements and Aspects:
Moon: Typically in Cancer or Taurus, highlighting emotional nurturing, intuition, and connection to natural cycles. Moon trine Venus or Jupiter enhances emotional intelligence and nurturing qualities.
Mars: Often in Cancer or Capricorn, indicating protective instincts, emotional strength, and caregiving abilities. Mars in aspect to Saturn can add discipline and responsibility to nurturing roles.
Saturn: Well-placed (in Capricorn, Aquarius, or in aspect to Moon/Mars), emphasizing wisdom gained through experience, structure, and a grounded approach to life.
Celebrity Example:
Meryl Streep (Moon in Cancer, Mars in Leo, Saturn in Leo)
Judi Dench (Moon in Virgo, Mars in Cancer, Saturn in Aquarius)
The Queen
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Key Traits: Leadership, sovereignty, regal presence.
Astrological Placements and Aspects:
Sun: Often in Leo or Capricorn, indicating leadership qualities, strength of character, and a sense of authority. Sun trine or sextile Saturn enhances leadership abilities and a structured approach to authority.
Venus: Strongly placed (in Taurus, Libra, or in aspect to Sun/Saturn), emphasizing grace, diplomacy, and a balanced approach to relationships.
Saturn: Well-placed (in Capricorn, Aquarius, or in aspect to Sun/Venus), highlighting discipline, responsibility, and the ability to lead with integrity and longevity.
Celebrity Example:
Queen Elizabeth II (Sun in Taurus, Venus in Taurus, Saturn in Capricorn)
Cate Blanchett (Sun in Taurus, Venus in Aries, Saturn in Pisces)
The Mother
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Key Traits: Nurturing, compassion, caregiving.
Astrological Placements and Aspects:
Moon: Typically in Cancer or Taurus, emphasizing emotional nurturing, protective instincts, and a strong bond with family. Moon conjunct Fortuna enhances themes of emotional security and caregiving roles.
Mars: Often in Cancer or Virgo, indicating caretaking abilities, nurturing energy, and dedication to others’ well-being. Mars in aspect to Moon or Venus adds passion and protective instincts.
Fortuna: Well-placed (in Cancer, Taurus, or in aspect to Moon), highlighting themes of home, family, and emotional security.
Celebrity Example:
Angelina Jolie (Moon in Aries, Mars in Cancer, Fortuna in Taurus)
Michelle Obama (Moon in Pisces, Mars in Gemini, Fortuna in Cancer)
The Maiden
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Key Traits: Youthfulness, innocence, new beginnings.
Astrological Placements and Aspects:
North Node: In Leo or Aries, indicating a path towards personal growth, independence, and creative expression. North Node trine Sun enhances self-expression and leadership potential.
Mercury: Often in Gemini or Virgo, enhancing communication skills, curiosity, and adaptability. Mercury conjunct Uranus adds originality and a progressive approach to learning.
Venus: Well-placed (in Libra, Taurus, or in aspect to North Node), highlighting a playful, flirtatious approach to love and relationships.
Celebrity Example:
Emma Watson (North Node in Leo, Mercury in Virgo, Venus in Virgo)
Taylor Swift (North Node in Cancer, Mercury in Sagittarius, Venus in Scorpio)
The Huntress
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Key Traits: Independence, strength, courage.
Astrological Placements and Aspects:
Mars: Strongly placed (in Aries, Scorpio, or in aspect to Uranus), emphasizing assertiveness, courage, and a pioneering spirit. Mars conjunct Uranus adds a rebellious streak and innovative energy.
Uranus: Well-placed (in Aquarius, Aries, or in aspect to Mars), highlighting independence, originality, and a progressive approach to goals and challenges.
Jupiter: Can enhance optimism, exploration, and a quest for freedom and adventure.
Celebrity Example:
Serena Williams (Mars in Gemini, Uranus in Libra, Jupiter in Capricorn)
Amelia Earhart (Mars in Aries, Uranus in Gemini, Jupiter in Sagittarius)
The Lover ˗ˏˋ ꒰ ♡ ꒱ ˎˊ˗
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Key Traits: Passion, emotional depth in relationships.
Astrological Placements and Aspects:
Venus: Strongly placed (in Taurus, Libra, or in aspect to Moon/Mars), indicating a love of beauty, harmony, and a deep emotional connection in relationships. Venus opposite Mars can highlight tension between desire and affection.
Moon: Well-placed (in Cancer, Pisces, or in aspect to Venus), enhancing sensitivity, empathy, and emotional receptivity.
Mars: Can contribute to passion, desire, and intensity in romantic pursuits.
Celebrity Example:
Beyoncé Knowles (Venus in Libra, Moon in Scorpio, Mars in Leo)
Marilyn Monroe (Venus in Aries, Moon in Aquarius, Mars in Leo)
Each archetype can be further explored through additional astrological traits that uniquely resonate with individuals. Feel free to explore and see what aligns best with your personality. This is all for enjoyment and entertainment, so share your thoughts—I'd love to hear what resonates with you!
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seriesxwriting · 1 year
W Klaus Mikaelson <3
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Warnings- swearing, flighting, kissing.
Series- the vampire diaries/ the originals
Summary- After being prisoner to mikael for a century your finally free and can find your soulmate again… once you’ve sorted out a few issues about why you left in the first place. Presuming the Mikealson’s don’t kill you first.
Recreating a post I deleted from when I first started writing<3
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I’d just arrived in New Orleans. It had been a long ass time since I’d been here. It had been a century. I was here for only one reason. Id been dwelling on if it was a good idea or not for a while. It wasn’t, I’d probably lose my head as soon as I got into town. But I grew some balls and followed my heart. And that lead me to New Orleans.
I stepped off the train and just looked around for a second breathing in a deep breath of New Orleans air. I remember how this place looked since I was last here. It hadn’t changed much apart from the vending machines and new benches made of metal now.
Working up the courage, I left the train station and went into the square which wasn’t a long walk. It was kind of refreshing. Being back was scary almost but it was home, I knew I was risking a lot coming here but I had to. For myself, for him. I walked down to my favourite bar, I needed to be a little intoxicated before I faced him. Rousseau’s.
There it stood, proudly if anything. I’d missed this place. That feeling was very short lived as a hand tightened around my throat dragging me into an alley next to the bar. I struggled against them but could only use vampirism after I was out of sight from the humans. I elbowed the man but he managed to push me against the wall.
I looked up to see who it was and the colour left my face. “So it really is you” he scoffed shaking his head. “Give me one good reason why I shouldn’t removed your head and give it to him in a box?”. Elijah Mikaelson. Always a pleasure. “Get off me!” I hissed as the tears started forming in my eyes. He had never been hostile to me before. I’d only seen it when he was fighting his families enemies. Now I was an enemy of the Mikaelsons.
He threw me against the wall again after letting go of my neck. “I came to explain not fight” I scoffed rubbing my neck from the throbbing pain. “You shouldn’t have come here if you didn’t expect a fight” he mocked shaking his head. “I assumed it would be on the table” “why are you here? After what you did?” Elijah asked squinting his eyes at me.
“I didn’t do anything!” I hissed trying to contain my tears. “Will you hear me out or not?”. Elijah looked like he was debating it. “Fine I will hear you out but I can’t promise I won’t pull your heart out mid conversation” “I’m not a fool Elijah- I know you don’t trust me I know you don’t want to see me- he won’t want to either but I owe it to myself to explain what happened” I told him pushing off the wall now.
“Let’s have a drink shall we, be civil about this?”. He looked like he was holding back a laugh but he nodded his head once and then followed me into the bar. We took one of the back booths so we could talk without being heard or seen. “You look different” he told me sitting across from me. “You look worn out, skinnier” “where do you want me to start?” I asked swallowing, feeling even more intimidated now it was really happening.
“Start from the fire” he told me bluntly keeping his eyes on me. “1919, we were in the Oprah house” I began thinking back to that terrible night. “Klaus had gone to get our seats while I went to the bathroom, when I exited I saw a face that still horrifies me to this day” “mikael” Elijah exhaled as he began to realised there was much more to the story. “I ran to get away from him but he caught me quickly over powering me”.
“He told me all these things- everything he was planning on doing to klaus, I struggled but he was too strong” I shook my head as the tears started forming again. “He compelled me- to leave with him- compelled me to say what I said to Klaus- I told him I was done I was leaving and that i couldn’t stand the sight of him- those words rang in my head for years” I sniffed as the first tear fell down. “After that mikael snapped my neck and left me in the trunk of some car” I explained.
“He did what he did in New Orleans- and kept me prisoner for years on end, he thought he could use me to help find Klaus as I knew him so well- I refused and that’s when his violence appeared”. Elijah looked horrified. That was the only word to describe his face. He reached over to my hand and nodded sympathetically. “You can compel me if you don’t believe me” I made very clear.
Elijah shook his head vigorously “I believe you’ve had enough compelling to last you for a lifetime” he told me rubbing my hand gently. “I believe you y/n” “thank you Elijah, truly” i gasp nodding my head agreeing I’d had enough. “I’ve heard enough about mikael- how’d you escape”.
“He didn’t come back to where he left me for a while- I had the chance to escape with him gone, but I don’t know where he is- he must be looking for me” I shook my head not wanting to think about it. “He’s not” Elijah squeezed my hand as he plunged in abruptly. “He’s dead y/n, Klaus killed him”. I sat back in the chair as my eye brows knitted together.
A weight off my shoulder literally lifted off me and I felt as if i could breath again. The tears leaked out my eyes without permission as I laughed from happiness. Elijah moved round to my side and embraced me. It was nice having him back, he was always so caring towards me. I’d truly missed him. “It’s over y/n- you done it, your home- and I am so! So sorry that my father put you through that, that he turned us against you”.
“You weren’t to know” I shook my head not wanting an apology from him. “What happened? When I left- Klaus- what happened?” “He um…” Elijah started before his eyes drifted to the table. “He hasn’t been okay since” Elijah shook his head vigorously. He must have been thinking of the events because I practically saw them flashing in his eyes.
“I didn’t think he ever would be again” he smiled before looking at me. “But you both will- I assume that’s why your here” “I’m here to explain- I understand it’s been a long time- I don’t expect him to feel the same way about me now” “do you want to see him? I’ll take you to him- help you smooth things over” “yes please” I nodded feeling my heart patting against my chest. “I’d like that very much”.
“Let’s go” Elijah nodded with a smile getting up from the table. I was afraid to face Klaus. I knew what his temper was like, once upon a time I was the only one who could control it. Though I didn’t think now would be one of those times. Elijah walked me over to the house. I stopped at the threshold taking a deep breath. “It’s going to be fine” he whispered comforting me. But that was when I heard his voice.
“Brother! Bout time you were back we have business to discuss” klaus called out as we walked into the house. His back was turned to us and he was pouring two bourbons. “Yes brother, we do indeed” Elijah told him forwardly. “We have much to discuss”. With that Klaus turned around. His smirk dropped off his face as he locked eyes with me. How the hell do I feel right now? I didn’t know myself.
He clearly didn’t. It took a few seconds but his face hardened just as I remembered, just as I’d imagined it to do. “You were foolish to step into this house” he told me seriously. “Thank you for delivering her to me brother but I have no intention of looking at her for more than two seconds, your welcome to let her out” klaus crushed a glass in his hand. The glass scattered everywhere.
“I thought- you’d want me dead for sure” I told him in a wavy voice. “I want you dead believe me, I just don’t want to watch it” he frowned as his jaw locked together watching his cuts heal up. “Brother, I haven’t delivered y/n to you to inflict any sort of harm” Elijah stated making Klaus look at him with the hard look now. “Explain yourself now Elijah” his hand flew out and I saw his eyes getting watery. “You should sit down and let y/n explain herself” he nodded taking a step forward.
I guess he knew Klaus was about to attack him as that’s exactly what happened. Klaus vamp ran towards him knocking Elijah off his feet. Klaus turned to me, his eyes orange now. That was new. “Get out, before I change my mind” he told me without a wave of anything but anger. “Klaus please- that night didn’t go down how you think it went down” I told him with tears in my own eyes now.
“Don’t think you can lie your way out of this one” he scoffed, the veins seemed to run further down his eyes onto his cheeks as his teeth came out. He had another set now, that was new too. “Klaus, she’s not lying- she was compelled” Elijah explained as he stood back up fixing his suit. “Oh really and by who exac-.” Klaus trailed off as a moment of realisation hit him. “No” he shook his head as his eyes went back to normal and he took a step back.
He looked me up and down before shaking his head and walking off toward the bourbon again with his hand pointing out. “I will not hear these lies!” “I’m not lying- I’ve never lied to you” I told him confidently, it was working he was realising. “If so, why didn’t you come back? Why didn’t you look for me?” Klaus asked me with a frown. “Because you had no interest in it!”.
“I came as soon as I escaped from mikael- well- a week after- I was debating whether i should come or not, I wasn’t sure if you’d hear me out”. Klaus’s face dropped. “What do you mean… escaped from Mikel” he asked me walking slowly towards me. “He- he kept me prisoner, he wanted my help to find you” “he- no I would have known- I- no” klaus shook his head but I knew he was just in denial about it now.
I slid my hand up to his face. “Klaus, I never would have left you” I told him when his eyes landed on me. “You don’t have to believe me- I didn’t come and see you to make things go back to how they were I just- i couldn’t live with you thinking I hated you” I told him softly holding eye contact with me. I slowly took my hand away but he caught it holding it bringing it back up.
“He- hurt you?” “It’s over now Klaus I’m free” I shook my head not wanting to give any details. “He hurt you?” Klaus asked me again in a much more authoritative tone. I nodded losing eye contact with him drifting to the floor. Klaus moved forward wrapping his arms around me tighter than I’d ever felt a hug. He didn’t want to let go and I was okay with that.
“You two- you should talk, clear everything up” Elijah told us with a smile on his face. “It’s good to see you again y/n” he nodded before wondering out of the door. “Elijah!” I called out before he got too far. He turned innocently looking at me under his brothers arm. “Thank you- seriously thank you” I nodded with sad eyes. “Who am I to keep soulmates apart” he chuckled as he walked off backwards.
Klaus didn’t say anything more to me just led me to the sofa and looked at me. He scanned me for a minute or two. “Klaus- it’s me” “I know” he nodded still looking at me. “I’m savouring it” he answered a few seconds after. He was holding my hand and hadn’t let go since we sat down. “What do you want to know?” “Nothing gorgeous- I believe you, Mikael is a bastard always has been, I presume Elijah told you he’s dead”.
I nodded frantically. “I’m free” I smiled again as it really sank in the the nightmare was over. A hundred years later. “I’m tempted to bring him back so I can kill him again for the years he kept us apart”. “I’m glad you came- I’m glad you chose to come” he told me fiddling with my fingers. “So am I- I don’t- expect anything from you Klaus not for you to take me in, take me back, nothing, I have peace knowing you know the truth”.
“Y/n, You are the queen of New Orleans and you are never leaving my side again” klaus told me putting his hand on my cheek. “Does that mea- mean you’ll have me back?” “Your my always and forever” he chuckled kissing my hand softly. “I should have knew something was off- I should have looked for you” he tutted, I spotted a tear falling down his face. “No don’t do that” I warned him.
“Don’t not make this your fault- you were hurt and you had every right to be” “y/n I know you better than anyone- I should have known something was wrong” he clutched my hand to his chest. “Can we- stop talking about it please- we can tomorrow just…” “…it’s done- I just want to make up for lost time, my love” he brushed my cheek with my thumb.
“Then there’s no better way” I smiled as I moved my head towards his attaching his lips to mine. Klaus didn’t hesitate for a semi second. He was right there with me, we’re truly were soulmates. We moved like we were made for each other because we were. “Now, nothing can take you away from me” he whispered holding me close.
“I’ll never get tired of hearing you say that” I smiled putting my head in between his shoulders and neck. Klaus kissed my head gently. Heaven.
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For more like this
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destinyc1020 · 1 year
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Welp, that's one way to try and help. 😊 Show these studios that you can't just starve ppl out indefinitely in order to get your way.
I hope more will continue to donate, cuz this is getting ridiculous! 😤 MOST ppl cannot afford to go months and months without a paycheck! Most ppl (newsflash) are living paycheck to paycheck, or are two or three paychecks away from not being able to make their rent/mortgage, pay their cars, or put food on the table. 😔
Anyway, I'm hoping more actors at the top will continue to donate. Oprah and her billion dollar self could probably stand to donate more than 1 million lol 👀, but hey, we're just happy to get what we can get at this point lol 😆
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l0veyourselfirst · 8 months
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"What I will remember most about Edward’s British Vogue, is being able to see myself within the fashion industry. And just the amount of joy he has brought to the world. My favourite moment from today, from this wild, insane concept of a shoot. That I am honoured to be a part of. I think everyone would say this. Was to be in the same room as Oprah."
- 40 Megastars, One Magnificent Image | March 2024 Issue of British Vogue
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brf-rumortrackinganon · 2 months
Meghan was once hated, but now she is merely derided; South Park saw to that. The Sussexes only appeal now is the comedy gold to be mined in the gaping chasm between what they believe they look like (fearless fighters for freedom and justice) and how they appear to the rest of us (two spiteful toddlers attempting to be bosses of a sandpit)
It’s a great article I thought you may be interested https://www.express.co.uk/news/royal/1928834/julie-burchill-meghan-markle-comic-creation
Archived Link
The article is…biting. There probably isn’t enough burn cream in the state of California! Some more quotes:
It was, ironically, nostalgia for the Diana Effect which paved the way for Meghan Markle in her bid to be Princess of Hearts Mark II; her apparent warmth and informality seemed to echo our lost Princess. But an effect is all it was - a special effect, from a professional actress who liked to boast that she could cry on cue from one eye or both.
When I coined the phrase ‘the Grabication’ I thought that Meghan would eventually settle for a few bangles and some voice-over work. I had no idea that what this grim pair were actually seeking was the destruction of the House of Windsor, ostensibly on the grounds of racism, but actually because this was the one chance two mediocre people would get to feel mighty.
With the Invictus Games in Birmingham on the horizon, it’s now reported that Meghan won’t show up as security won’t be up to scratch. She overestimates her importance: she might once have merited a crack sniper team, but now all that’s necessary is a few men in high-viz vests to remove any random eggs or milkshakes which the crowd may have stashed about their persons.
Oh look. Everyone can see right through Harry’s ITV interview.
and lastly:
What next for this two-bit hustler with delusions of adequacy? No longer really a royal but abandoned by her old showbiz coterie - from Oprah to the Beckhams – and rejected by the new stars (Taylor Swift and her selfies with the Waleses) she is now little more than an amped-up, damped-down reality star, famous for being infamous.
The world has moved on; in a bitter twist of fate no one saw coming, the Big Beast that was the House of Windsor is now a wounded lion, with the serious illnesses of both the King and our adored Princess of Wales. Meghan, formerly the couture-clad figurehead of the Victimhood Olympics, stands revealed as the world’s biggest cry-bully; it’s now the Sussexes who look like the aggressors, which is a delightful irony, and one they’ll need extremely fast footwork to manage. When Meghan arrived, she seemed so modern; now she looks like a relic from another age, a bored, rich, housewife whose only status comes from marrying well.
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As I’ve been saying it all along...well, let me just show you this time.
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gwennybriggs · 3 months
Cat and Mouse
NSFW, 18+ only!
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Melissa Schemmenti x f!OC
Warnings/tags: Porn, porn with little plot, orgasm denial, mommy kink, spanking,
WC: 6.3K
After months of Melissa toying with me and pushing me around, I had enough and told her so… so she punished me.
Notes: I never write smut, ever, but here we are! It is shameless Schemmenti porn. Please enjoy. 🫡
I started volunteering as Melissa’s aide a few days a week in August when I took a break from full time teaching, and after many months of playing into her games and being ridiculed for the smallest things, I was over it. It all came to a head one Friday after school when she asked me to stay to help with lesson plans, only for her to spend the entire time chastising me. “Honestly," she said with disgust, "How did you even get your teaching degree? They just hand that shit out these days? Like Oprah. You get a teaching degree, you get a teaching degree, everybody and their damn mother gets a teaching degree!"
My eyes went wide at the insult, but I refused to let her get the best of me, “Oh fuck off, Schemmenti.” I stood and found something in the corner to busy myself with, too tired to fight back like she wanted me to.
Melissa's eyes narrowed even further as she observed me attempting to distract myself. She set her cup of coffee down and leaned back against her chair, crossing her arms.
“You know, kid,” she said, the sarcasm dripping from her voice thicker than molasses, “If I wanted your lip, I’d get it off my zipper.” She smirked, relishing in the power imbalance she had over me.
I rolled my eyes and spat back at her, “Ha! That’s a damn joke. You wouldn’t be caught dead with a woman between your legs! You’re too afraid of what anyone might think. You play it cool, but inside… you’re just a scared little girl.”
Melissa let out a sharp laugh, enjoying the exchange far too much. Her eyes sparkled mischievously as she pushed off from the chair, standing to her full height, now almost as tall as me. She crossed the room slowly and closed the classroom door, locking it, her heels clicking ominously as she made her way over to me. "Oh, my dear little mouse," she purred, "don't you worry your pretty little head about what happens between my legs." She gave me a wink that could only be described as predatory, a smirk still tugging at her lips as she added, “That’s way above your pay grade, hon.”
A shiver ran down my spine, I could feel a familiar pit in my stomach forming. I masked it by rolling my eyes and adjusting my stance. “They don’t pay me, Melissa.”
“And you’re worth every penny.” Her wicked grin grew.
“W-what’s your problem? Huh?” I snapped at her and turned my entire body to look at her. “What the hell did I do to piss you off so bad? All I do is come in, do what you ask, and go home.” I throw my hands up in frustration.
Melissa’s smirk widened even more as she noticed the slight stutter in my voice. Her demeanor softened slightly, but the hint of mockery remained in her voice. "Oh, sweetie," she said, a note of feigned pity lacing her words, "you're so naive, it's almost endearing." She paused, considering me for a moment before continuing, "The problem isn’t what you’ve done. It’s who you are- spineless, weak, and completely lacking a backbone- very similar to Janine. You’re basically a doormat."
The anger and hurt that had been brewing within for months finally exploded as I raised my hand and smacked Melissa across the face. “You will NOT treat me like this any longer. You understand? You are not my superior, we are supposed to be a team and all you do is treat me like dog shit. Just because I am soft does not mean that I’m weak, Melissa. That’s obviously something you’ve yet to learn…”
Melissa's head snapped to the side as my hand made contact with her cheek, a bright red handprint forming instantly. The smirk was gone from her face, replaced with a look of disbelief and outrage. She recovered quickly, though, slowly turning her face back to glare at me with fire in her eyes. Stepping closer, she hissed through clenched teeth, "Watch it, mouse. Who do you think you are, laying a hand on me like that? Don't think I won't knock you on your ass, newbie."
I stepped dangerously closer to her, anger radiating off of both of us. With that anger fueling my every move, Melissa braced herself for what might come. Crossing her arms, she lifted her chin defiantly, refusing to give an inch despite the fury in my eyes.
"Go ahead," she taunted, her words sharp and biting. "Hit me again. See what happens."
I looked her over for a moment, noting that damned smirk that graced her lips. God, I just wanted to slap that look off her face again. Instead, I grabbed her face roughly and smashed my lips to hers in a hungry, passionate kiss. I wrapped a leg around one of her own, wanting to be as close as possible.
The redhead gasped in surprise, her mouth opening slightly as my lips crashed against hers. However, the gasps quickly turned into a low moan, the sudden passion catching her off guard. She stumbled back, the surprise of her reaction causing her to lose her footing for a moment. Her arms wrapped around my body, pulling me close as she returned the kiss with just as much hungry passion. One of her hands slipped downwards, grabbing a fistful of my ass and squeezing firmly as she lost herself in the moment. I reveled in the feeling of Melissas’s hand on my ass, my lips parting. She used the moment to dart her tongue into my mouth. One of my hands weaved itself into her hair to hold her in place while the other squeezed her breast as I thumbed over her already erect nipple over her thin bra.
At the feeling of my hand grabbing her breast, Melissa let out a sharp gasp, her body arching into my touch. She broke the kiss for a moment, her eyes glazed with desire, and licked her lips as she panted heavily. "Careful, mouse," she warned, her voice gravelly. "You're playing with fire." Despite the warning, she made no effort to stop me, in fact she leaned forward, pressing her body against mine, her hand moved from my ass to my hip and pulled me impossibly closer.
“I can take the heat, kitten,” I hissed as I leaned in and sucked on the spot just above her collar bone, biting slightly.
At the nick of my teeth against her skin, Melissa let out a strangled moan. Her fingers dug into my hips at the pet name, and her head tilted, giving me better access to her neck as she surrendered to my touch.
"Don’t think this changes anything," she managed to gasp out, her voice catching slightly as she tried to maintain her usual bravado.
“Wouldn’t dream of it.” I whispered the words between panting and kissing the skin I had just bruised. Melissa's eyelids fluttered closed as I continued on my southward path, a shiver running through her body as my breath ghosted over her skin. She arched her back again, pressing her breasts against me, the tension between us growing thicker by the second.
"Cocky little thing, aren't you?" She managed to gasp, her voice raspy with arousal. "I’ll have to put you in your place, hon."
I pulled away from her grip completely and met her eyes. “Do it. I dare you, Schemmenti.”
Melissa’s eyes darkened, the challenge hanging heavy in the air between us. She loved a good challenge, and my defiant smile only fueled her competitive nature. Without warning, her hands found my wrists, swiftly pinning me against the wall, the sound of a soft thump echoed in the empty classroom, her chest heaving slightly with the effort. "You want me to put you in your place, hon?" She murmured in a low, sinful tone. "Be careful what you wish for."
I yelped at the force. She was so close and I became instantly drunk off of her perfume. “Fuck. Me,” I growled.
Melissa let out a low, guttural moan at my words, the sound went straight to the pit of her stomach, and it took all her strength to maintain her control.
She leaned in, her lips brushing my ear as her body pins me to the wall, her hips rocking slightly against my own. "Do you know what happens to naughty girls who make demands?" She whispered, her voice laced with desire. Her lips found my neck, leaving a trail of hot kisses down to my exposed cleavage. I shook my head, unable to form words.
She grinned against my skin, as she continued to explore my sensitive spots. Her teeth graze against my earlobe, nibbling gently before she whispered, "They get punished, hon. And you've been nothing but naughty this whole time, haven’t you, little mouse?"
I couldn’t suppress the groan that erupted from within. “What are you gonna do, kitten? Spank me?”
She laughs a deep, throaty sound against your neck. Her lips continue their path back down to the crook of my shoulder, where she nips harder than before, her teeth making sure to leave a mark behind. "You’re so eager for it, aren’t you?" She whispered, her hand snaking up to grasp your chin, tilting your head to the side. "You want me to put you over my knee, don’t you, little mouse?" My eyes fluttered shut for a moment as I drank in the moment and nodded in her hand.
Her hand tightened its grip on my chin, forcing my eyes back open, making sure I’m looking at her as she speaks. "Then say it." She commanded, her voice firm, but her eyes softened slightly. "Tell me you want me to punish you, baby."
I looked deep into her eyes, knowing just how I was going to unravel the woman. “I want you to punish me. I want you to bend me over your knee and spank me… mommy.”
Melissa’s lips parted in a soft gasp as the word ‘mommy’ spilled from my lips, her eyes momentarily filled with surprise as she felt a familiar wetness grow between her thighs. The look was gone within an instant, replaced by a heated look of hunger. "Oh, you’re playing dirty, aren’t you, baby?" She murmured, her voice taking on a lower, huskier tone. "You know just how to get me all worked up, don’t you, little mouse?"
I grinned wickedly at her as she dragged me over to her desk before she sat down. Melissa’s hands gripped my hips, positioning me over her lap and lifting my skirt, her eyes taking in the exposed skin of my ass. She could already feel a heat pooling in her belly as she looked at me, completely at her mercy. “You look so pretty like this, little mouse,” she purred, her hands caressing my skin. “I hope you know you’re in for a good, thorough spanking.”
I could feel myself getting wetter by the second. I rubbed my thighs, searching for friction as I waited for the spanking “Mmmmhm. I’ve been so bad for you, mommy,” I hummed.
Melissa’s eyes flicked down, noticing the way my thighs subtly rubbed together. She bit her lower lip, watching me like a predatory cat. "That’s right, baby. You’ve been a very bad girl," she murmured, her hand leaving my hip to trail upwards, tracing the curve of my spine. "And bad girls get spanked."
She brought her hand up and spanked my ass twice, gauging my reaction.
I let out a small gasp, my body jolting a bit on her lap as Melissa’s spank landed on my skin. The surprise quickly gave way to a low moan as I got used to the sting. Melissa watched my reaction closely, noting how I flinched and squirmed on her lap as the initial shock wore off. Her hand came down again, striking your my cheek, a bit harder this time. I rubbed my thighs together with each new smack, getting off on the punishment alone. “Mmm, fuck,” I breathed.
As the spanking continued, Melissa picked up on the growing desperation in my movements. Her hand connected with my ass again, the sound of skin hitting skin echoing in the empty classroom. "You really like this, don’t you, little mouse?" She moaned, her voice taking on a huskier tone. "You getting off on being punished by mommy?"
Her voice gave me butterflies. I’d never touched or been touched by Melissa before this, but it was my new favorite thing. “I do, you make me so wet, spanking me soooo good.”
Melissa’s hand came down hard on my ass once more, the firm smack sending a fresh wave of pleasure shuddering through my body. She let out a sharp exhale, watching as my body responds to her every touch. She growled again, her voice a low, sultry rumble, “You’re enjoying yourself a little too much, aren’t you, naughty little thing?”.
Melissa’s hand glided over my stinging skin, her touch a mix of gentle and firm. Her fingers ghosted over the curves of my ass, a light graze that’s hardly a touch. "I think you’ve had enough spanking for now," she murmured, her voice filled with a hint of amusement. "But that doesn’t mean I’m done with you yet, mouse." She prodded me off of her lap and I followed direction.
I rose from her lap, my body slightly shaky from the combination of the spanking and the thrill of submitting to her. Melissa grinned, enjoying the effect she had on me. "Get on your knees, baby," she commanded, her eyes dark with hunger. I again listened to instruction and got on my knees.
Melissa watched me as I sank to the floors, my submission making her heart race. She moved so that she was only inches from me, her body almost towering over me. Her fingers found my chin, tilting my head up to look at her.
"That’s better," she purred, her other hand tangling in my hair, her fingers grasping the strands and tugging gently. “You look so pretty on your knees for me, baby.”
I looked up at her as she pulled my hair, eyes rolling back in my head slightly with the pleasure, moaning a little too loud. Melissa let out a low, sultry laugh as she watched the effect her actions on me. The sound of my moaning pleasure was music to her ears, fueling the fire burning deep inside her.
"Look at you, all desperate and needy," she whispered, her fingers wrapping tighter in my hair as she uses the strands to tilt my head back even further. "You love it, don’t you? Love being controlled by me."
I panted harder, absolute putty in her hands, “Yes mommy, I love being your little mouse, the way you play with me makes me feel so good.”
Melissa’s eyes darkened even further, feral hunger taking over her composure. She used her grip on my hair to pull my head further back, exposing the expanse of your neck to her.
"Oh, I know you do, little mouse," she replied, her voice taking on a low, dangerous tone. "You’re practically dripping for me, aren’t you?" Her free hand suddenly reached out, gripping my throat, her fingers wrapped just tight enough to create a delicious pressure.
My eyes rolled back again as I leaned into her hand on my throat.
Melissa watched me closely, admiring how willing and pliable I was in her hands. The sound of my moans, the arch of my body as I leaned into her grasp, it only made her want to tease and taunt me further. "You really are a naughty thing," she whispered, her fingers applying a slight squeeze to my throat. "So desperate, just aching for my touch."
I reached forward and unbuttoned her pants then grabbed ahold of her hips and pulled her forward. Face to face with her crotch, I found her pants zipper and grabbed it with my teeth, pulling it down. “God I want you so bad, kitten.”
Melissa let out a gasp as I unbuttoned her pants, her body moving forward almost involuntarily. She looked down, her eyes watching as you pull the zipper down with your teeth, the sight sending a shiver up her spine. "Aren’t we eager," she comments, her voice slightly breathless. Her fingers once again tangle in your hair, guiding you forward as she speaks. "Go ahead then, baby. Have a taste."
I pulled her underwear down along with her pants in one tug. “Mmmm, I see the carpet matched the drapes,” I giggled as I took in the sight of her bare in front of me.
Melissa let out a low chuckle as she stepped out of her clothing, eyes never leaving me for a second. "Of course it does, little mouse," she laughed, her fingers still holding your hair in a firm grip. "And you’re just about to get a very close up look, aren’t you, hon?"
I smiled up at her, hunger in my eyes. I caressed her inner thigh before venturing further to her core. I dipped my fingers into her folds and moaned at what I found. “Oh mommy, you’re so wet for me,” I breathed in a sultry tone.
Melissa moaned aloud, the touch causing her to let out a shuddering breath. And when I moved my fingers between her folds, the sensation combined with my moan caused her to grip tighter on my hair, pulling my face closer to where she needed me most.
"Mmm, baby, you have no idea just how worked up you’ve made me," she whispered, her voice thick with want.
“God, you’re so hot, kitten,” I groaned. I took the direction to lean forward, and with a flat tongue I licked the sweetness that built up from out little game.
Melissa’s grip tightened further on my hair, her knuckles going white as I begin tease her entrance and begin circling her clit with a pointed tongue. Her hips jerked forward towards my mouth instinctively, a soft gasp escaping her lips. "God, you’re such a good little mouse," she moaned, her breathing already going ragged. "Don’t you dare stop, baby."
I hummed against her, “You taste so good, mommy. So sweet for me.”
My tongue’s contact with her sensitive spot caused a full-body shudder to wrack her frame. A guttural, animalistic moan escaped her throat as she rocked her hips forward, desperate for more of my touch. "Oh, baby, you’re doing so well. Feels so good," she gasped, her breathing becoming more laboured with each passing moment. "Keep going, keep going, please…"
I smiled at her words. Her little red curls tickled my nose as I sucked and licked harder and faster, looking up at her through lashes to watch her face. Melissa’s head fell back as I increased my pace, her grip on my hair becoming almost painfully tight. Her eyes fluttered shut as the sensations washed over her, the combination of my tongue and lips driving her closer and closer to the edge. "Oh God, darling, don’t stop, don’t stop," she moaned, her voice ragged and desperate. Her hips rolled forward, seeking more of my touch, desperate to reach the peak. "Just like that… oh just like that…"
I continued to work on her clit, but made eye contact and wiggled two fingers at her in a come hither motion, a questioning look in my eye. She nodded her want and guided my free hand to her entrance. I covered my fingers in her juices once more and entered her with full force.
Her body tensed as you entered her, the unexpected force making her gasp harshly. Her chest heaved as she gripped a new handful of my hair, her teeth biting her lower lip as she adjusted to the sudden fullness.
"Oh God, that’s it, baby. Mmmm fill mommy up," she moaned, her voice hoarse with desire. "Keep going, oh don’t you dare stop now…". Melissa let out another low moan as I continued to pump my fingers within her, her grip on my hair growing tighter by the second. Her breath came in ragged breaths, her body trembling with pleasure.
"God, yes, darling," she gasped, her voice barely above a whisper. "You feel so good… you make me feel so good."
Her body became taut as a bowstring, every muscle tense as she edged closer and closer to release, holding my face to her center as she rides the waves of pleasure. "Oh God, I’m so close, baby," she said in a desperate whisper. "Keep going, just a little more… oh just a little more…"
With her words of encouragement, I flicked my tongue faster over her clit and found just the right spot inside to make her come undone. Her legs began to shake and I knew she was ready. “Come for me, kitten.”
Her body tensed even further as I fucked her faster, harder, her muscles coiled as tight as a spring. And then, with a loud, guttural moan, she finally succumbed to the pleasure, her body shaking with the intensity of her orgasm. "Oh God… oh God… yes, that’s it baby," she gasped, her eyes closed and her head thrown back in ecstasy. "Oh… oh… yes, oh yes… oh yes, yes, yessss…" I caught her as she lost the ability to stand upright, gently bringing her down to my level. “Fuck, Mel, that was hot,” I muttered between panting.
She collapses into my arms, her body boneless and trembling. She let out a low, throaty laugh as she leaned against me, trying to catch her breath.
"That… that was incredible, hon" she managed between gasps from the aftershocks. "You are too damn good at that." I kissed her temple gently, the first gentle act since the whole thing started.
Melissa leaned further into my touch, her body still trembling slightly as she came down from the high of her release. Her eyes fluttered shut as my lips brushed her temple, a small smile on her lips. "I don’t remember the last time I’ve come that hard," she said, her voice still a bit shaky. "You really know how to push my buttons, don’t ya, kid?"
I winked at her and kissed her lips. “Just as you know how to push mine… I’m still dripping for you, mommy…”
Melissa let out a sultry chuckle as she kissed me back. Her tongue slipped into my mouth, tasting herself on my lips. Her arms wrapped around me, pulling me closer as she pressed her body against mine. "Mmhm. I know you are, little mouse," she murmured, her voice low and dangerous. "And I intend to take care of that problem."
I moaned as her tongue darted into my mouth again. Melissa’s grip on me tightened as she adjusted her position over me. She broke the kiss, leaving a string of saliva connecting our lips as she grinned down at me. "Oh, darling, there are so many things I could do to you," she purred, her hand slowly trailing down my body. "But for now, I want to see you undone, just like I was."
Her hands on my body felt like fire and I wanted more. I tore my shirt off and pulled down my skirt. “I’m not far from it, kitten.” Melissa’s eyes roamed over my body as I removed my clothes, her gaze dark with hunger. She took a moment to admire the sight of my body, before she reached up to caress my bare skin with her hands.
"God, you’re just as gorgeous as I dreamed you would be," she hummed, her voice filled with awe. Her fingers traced the lines of my curves, her touch gentle and yet possessive.
I cocked my head and gave her a confused smile. “You’ve dreamed about me? About this? I thought you hated me,” I half whined.
Melissa chuckled, her fingers continuing their journey across my skin. There was a hint of amusement in her tone as she answered me. "Oh hon, I don’t hate you. I never hated you," she said, her voice soft. "It’s more like you pushed all my buttons and got under my skin. But let me tell you, there’s a fine line between rage and desire. Seems like you found it." Melissa captured my neck in a love bite, caressing my breast with one hand and my ass with the other. She moaned against my skin as she tasted me, her tongue gliding over the now-marked flesh. My entire body shivered with want and she grinned against my neck as she felt your reaction, her grip on you strong and possessive. My head fell back as I gave myself completely over to her.
Melissa’s tongue followed the line of my neck down to my collar bone, leaving a trail of kisses and bites. She pulled me closer, her body pressed completely against mine as her hands continued to caress and explore. "You’re doing so well, baby girl," she mumbled against my skin, her voice thick. "Just relax." Melissa maneuvered her thigh between my legs and I immediately rolled my hips down.
The redhead let out a moan as my wetness dripped down onto her thigh, her own body responding to the action. Her hands gripped my hips, holding me in place as she watched me move against her. "Oh, mouse, you’re so responsive," she purred, her voice low with desire. "You’re already begging for it, aren’t you?" I bit my lip and nodded sharply
“I need you mommy, I want you inside me,” I growled, sending electric waves down her spine.
Her eyes flashed with desire as I bit admitted my need. She grinned wickedly as she responded, her hands running up and down my back.
"Such an impatient little mouse," she murmured. "But who is mommy to deny you what you want? Just be careful what you wish for, baby." Melissa snaked her hand down to my core and thumbed over my aching clit with ease.
I hissed in pleasure at the contact if been waiting for, “Yessssss mmmm…”
She watched my face as she touched me, a smug grin on her lips as she saw the effect she had on me. "Does that feel good, little mouse?" she purred, her voice lower than usual. "You like it when mommy takes care of you?"
I bucked my hips further into her hand, leaving her palm wet, again unable to form words. Her hand remained firmly against me, her thumb continuing to tease my sensitive spot. She smirked as she felt the evidence of my desire on her palm, and she increased the pressure of her touch. "You’re so eager for me, baby," she husked, her voice thick with arousal. "I can feel how much you need this. How badly you want me to take care of you, right here, right now."
I groan loud, needing more, “Inside, please.” Melissa’s smirk widened at my plea, satisfaction coursing through. She pulled me closer, her lips just a breath away from my own.
"What do you want inside, baby?” she whispered, her voice low and sultry. “I need to hear you say it."
I looked into her eyes, hungry for release. “I want you inside me. I want you to fuck me with your fingers until you make me come.”
A low groan escaped Melissa at my words, her body responding to my need. Her hand slid lower, her fingers teasing at my entrance. She captured my face with her other hand, her grip firm as she forced me to meet her gaze. "You’re being so good for me, little mouse." Melissa’s fingers at my entrance drove me wild. I’d been on the edge of an orgasm since the first kiss, I was so sensitive and ready for her. I moaned and bucked, writhing under her touch. “Please please please, I need y-” I gasped as she filled me with two fingers. “F-f-fuck I’m already so close, you feel so good.”
Melissa’s eyes nearly went black with lust, her breath coming in ragged gasps as she took in the sight of me. She ran the fingers of her other hand down my cheek, her touch gentler now. "Oh no, hon. You don’t get to come just yet," she husked, her voice low and raspy. "Not until I say so. So be a good little mouse and hold on for me."
I nodded, holding in my release as she inserted a third and final finger, filling me up completely. “OH! Ohhhh yessss yes yes!”
She watched my face, taking in every expression and whimper. Her tone still commanding, yet also soothing she says, "That’s it, little mouse, hold it for me," her breath warm against my skin. "Just a bit longer. You’re being so good for me. I know you can do this." She pumped her fingers at just the right speed, hitting that spot just right.
“Mel, I’m so c-close,” I whined, my face scrunching in focus.
Melissa kept her pace and angle, hitting the spot repeatedly as she watched me grow closer and closer to the edge. Her face flushed, and her own breath now came in pants as she worked me towards release. "Just hold on a little longer, baby," she whispered. "You’re doing so well. You feel so tight and hot around my fingers, so good. Just a few more moments, and then I’ll let you come. Just a few more moments, I promise."
Her words drove me crazy, the heat building up was almost too much to bear. I leaned down and bit her shoulder, using it as a distraction to keep me from going over the edge without permission. “Mmmmm-mommy please,” I begged as I rode her fingers.
Her breath hitched as I bit down on her shoulder, the sting of pain adding to her arousal. "Not yet, little mouse," she growled, her voice gruff and commanding. "You’re being such a good girl, but you have to wait for my permission. Just a little longer. Almost there." Melissa felt my body tensing, sensing just how close I was to release.
My eyes rolled back and I almost went limp in her arms. Melissa watched as I grew more boneless, my body riding her fingers more on instinct than anything else. "That’s it, baby girl, ride them just like that," she whispered, her voice thick with lust. "You’re being so good for me. But not yet. Not yet. Just hold on a little while longer."
“Fuck fuck fuck fuck, oh mommy, please let me come, I can’t hold it anymore,” I cried as her thumb met my clit again.
Melissa looked up at my face, her own expression filled with need and awe at the control I exerted over my body. She knew she’d pushed me to the limit. She grinned, her eyes roaming over my body. "You’ve been such a good little mouse," she said huskily . "You’ve held on for so long. You’re so good. So desperate. I think you’ve earned permission now, don’t you?" All I could do was gasp and moan in response.
She knew I’d held on as long as I could, and she wasn’t going to make me wait anymore. "Come for me, baby girl," she ordered, her voice firm. "You’ve earned it, mouse. Let go. Now."
My orgasm washed over me with an intensity I’d never experienced before, and it felt even better knowing Melissa Schemmenti got me there. “OHHH fuck! Oh yes! Yes yes yessss! Mmmm oh God, Melissa!” I trembled and shook as I collapsed in her arms, completely out of breath.
Melissa watched as I let go and held me close as I came down, her eyes wide with awe at the intensity of my release. The feel of me trembling and shaking against her brought a smug grin to her face, her own arousal ramping up again at the sight of my pleasure. "That’s my good little mouse," she cooed, placing gentle kisses on my cheek and in my hair. "You came so hard for me, I’m so proud of you."
“Good God, Melissa,” I said between pants, still coming down from my high, “holy shit.”
Melissa held me tight as you rode out the aftershocks of my orgasm, her arms wrapped around me as I come back down to earth. She chuckled softly as she listened to my shaky breaths and shaky voice. "That good, huh?" she teased, her voice smug. "I guess that means you enjoyed yourself."
I lifted my head from her shoulder and looked at her through half lidded eyes, “I don’t think I can ever fuck anyone else now.”
Melissa smiled at my words, her eyes roaming over my face. Her hands moved across my back as she watched me catch my breath. "Well, I can’t say I’m disappointed to hear that," she husked, a smug grin on her lips. "After all, I don’t like sharing my toys."
My eyes closed as I smiled at her remark. “Kiss me?”
Melissa chuckled at my request, her lips curving up at the corners. She cupped my face with one hand and drew me closer, her eyes locking with my own as she leaned in. "Since you asked so nicely," she said, her voice low and sultry. And then her lips were on mine, claiming my mouth in a kiss. It was sweet and gentle, a sharp contrast to the entirety of our escapade.
I glanced at the clock as our lips parted. “Think we should get outta here? I’m sure Mr. Johnson’s been ready to lock up for a while now.”
Melissa hums, her eyes still closed as she savored the sweetness of the kiss. When she finally opened them, she nodded in agreement. "Yeah, you're right," she said with a soft chuckle. "We should probably head out. But we're definitely resuming this back at my place."
There was a flash of hunger in both of our eyes and I licked my lips. “Oh yeah? Then let’s get goin’.” I tossed her her pants and got myself dressed, straightening my hair and smeared makeup in the reflection of the window.
Melissa laughed as she caught her pants and quickly pulled them on. She watched me tidy myself up, a satisfied smirk on her face. She could tell I was eager to get back to her place, and she felt the same way. "Can’t believe you’re still trying to make yourself presentable after what we just did," she teased.
I blushed a deep red. “Not for you, just in case we happen upon Mr. Johnson on the way out!” I wrapped my arms around her waist and kissed her again.
Melissa smiled against my lips, enjoying the feeling of being in my arms. She wrapped her own arms around me, pulling me close as she kissed me deeply. "You’re adorable," she mumbled when the kiss ended, her eyes flicking over to the door. "And smart. Let’s get out of here before Mr. Johnson catches us."
I giggled like a schoolgirl and grabbed her wrist, “C’mon, kitten! We have things to do.”
The redhead followed me out into the hallway, her hand in mine. The nickname "kitten" made her heart flutter, and she matched my pace easily as we headed towards the car."You're in a rush, aren't you?" She teased as she glanced at me, a sly smile on her lips. "Can't wait to get me home and all alone, huh?"
I bit my lip and gave her a mischievous grin. “God Mel, I’m already dying for round two.” I winked at her and we rounded the corner to see Mr. Johnson standing there with his mop in hand, staring us down.
Melissa's eyes went wide as we came face to face with Mr. Johnson. As he stood there it became increasingly obvious he knew what happened in that classroom, and he was not mincing words. "Out a little late tonight, aren't we ladies?" he asked gruffly, his eyes moving from you to Melissa and back again. Both of our faces matched Melissa’s hair in that moment.
“$50 and you tell no one, Mr. J…” I offered, hoping to save us from some embarrassment in the teachers lounge.
Mr. Johnson considered it for a moment, his expression stern. Then he let out a small laugh and extended his hand. "$50 and my lips are sealed," he said. "But this better not become a regular occurrence, you hear me?"
I took my wallet out and handed him a crisp $50 bill, then mock saluted him. “Yes sir!”
Mr. Johnson pocketed the bribe money and nodded at me in acknowledgement. He turned his gaze to Melissa, his expression still stern. "You’re a terrible influence, Schemmenti," he huffed. "That poor girl didn’t stand a chance."
Mr. Johnson watched as Melissa tried to suppress her laugh, his eyes narrowing in mock annoyance. He shook his head and pointed his mop in her direction. "You’re a menace," he grumbled. "Now get outta here before I change my mind about keeping quiet."
I pulled Melissa’s arm and started walking very quickly to the exit. “Thanks, Mr. J! See ya Monday!” We didn’t stop until we got to Melissa’s car.
“The whole school is gonna know, aren’t they,” I asked as I buckled into the passenger seat.
Melissa cackled, her face still red with embarrassment. "Oh, absolutely," she replied. "Mr. Johnson couldn’t resist the bribe money, but he’s definitely the biggest gossip at Abbott. They’ll probably know by breakfast tomorrow, and if not then by Monday morning guaranteed.” She settled into her seat and started the car as she buckled in. I gave her a look of disbelief.
“You coulda told me and saved me $50! You so owe me, Schemmenti!” I smacked her arm and then placed my hand on her thigh, squeezing slightly.
“Definitely thinking of ways I can make it up to you…,” Her pupils dilated as she took my hand in hers. My head fell back in another laugh.
“Then step on it, Jeeves!”
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titanlord231 · 3 months
Since it seems like we are gonna be starting out season 8 with some sort of Bee related emergency here are some random ideas.
Tommy’s helicopter gets surrounded by bees causing an issue with it crashing. The 118 gets called into rescue him and we get to see Buck panic as he tries to save his boyfriend. Ends with them being very sweet in the hospital, and the rest of the 118 (minus Gerard but he doesn’t count) sending him a get well soon basket with honey in it
One of those beekeepers who brings bees to agricultural fields to pollinate has a car accident sending millions of bees into downtown LA
A bee swarm attacks the fire engine (it’s not a truck it’s an engine) and Gerard is cowering inside because he is allergic. The 911 gods look favorably upon us and have Gerard get the shit stung out of him and sent to the ER
Buck and Tommy are on a date at a bee and or honey festival, and a car accident sets loose a horde of bees and people panic causing a massive incident. Buck and Tommy end up sheltering inside somewhere with a girl who is afraid of or allergic to bees, and they have to keep her calm while help arrives, and we get to see Buck and Tommy being the girl dads they are
Jee-Yun and Mara become the girl from that one news story who had 60 thousand bees in her wall, chaos ensues as now Maddie and Chimney also have to find a new place while Bobby and Athena are looking for a place
A bee gets into one of the clean rooms at Karen’s workplace and one of her coworkers gets stung. They are allergic and Karen has to sit with them while they are trapped in the clean room and Henrietta Wilson has to come save her woman whether the 118 are with her or not (Everyone but Gerard is but this is a Gerard hate account, so they all disobey him and it causes the drama for the beginning of the season)
Gerard falls off a bee themed float and dies, it’s what he deserves
A flower parade like from Bee movie occurs and a bunch of bees get loose and hang out on the parade floats, causing a riot as people panic, the bees are chilling though (This is when Gerard falls off the float)
The Oprah Bees Bees Bees meme comes true
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his speech makes no sense. What is the connection between security review and a bookstore? can someone explain it to me? I have this remark from Prince Philip about Prince Andrew, he said this: don't become the clown or the dog of these Americans!!
why? because they will walk you around like fairground animals.
Oprah Winfrey loves Meghan not because of her intelligence or her sense of style. it's simply that Meghan can tell true or false anecdotes about the royal family or the environment of English royalty. The problem is that Meghan is that she didn't stay long. Oprah feels special because she didn't have Diana in an interview.
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dianawinchester03 · 6 months
Season 1, Episode 8 - Bugs
Series Masterlist
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Third Person POV
Currently outside of a bar in Oklahoma. Sam is sitting on the bonnet of the Impala reading the news paper. The title, "Local Death a Medical Mystery". Whilst Y/N is on the car next to him, smoking a cigarette. Dean exits the bar laughing, holding up a wad of cash having just won it from hustling pool.
Sam and Y/N look over, Sam shakes his head and says "You know, we could get day jobs once in a while" He suggests. "Huntings our day job. And the pay is crap" Y/N snorts, taking a drag from her cigarette. "You're preaching to the choir girl but hustling pool? Credit card scams? It's not the most honest thing in the world guys" Sam says disapprovingly.
"Well, let's see" Dean starts, putting up his hands out to weigh the options. "Honest....fun and easy. It's no contest" He says sarcastically and Sam rolls his eyes chuckling. "Besides, we're good at it. It's what we were raised to do" Dean says. "Yeah, well, how we were raised was jacked" Y/N says ironically chuckling, dusting the ash from her bud on the ground.
"Right on man" Sam agrees, putting his hand up for a high-five, which she returns. "Yeah, says you two" Dean mutters counting the money, "We got a new gig or what?" Dean asks his brother. "Maybe" He says getting up from the impala and walks around to show Dean the papers as Y/N flicks her now burnt out cigarette to the side as Sam explains.
"Oasis Plains, Oklahoma. Not too far from here. A gas company employee. Dustin Burwash supposedly died from Creutzfeldt-Jakob." Sam says. "Huh?" Dean asks confused. "Human mad cow disease" Y/N indicates, getting up from the Impala herself and dusting her hands off.
"Mad cow...wasn't that in Oprah?" Dean asks. "You watch Oprah?" Sam asks him surprised and Dean looks down guiltily while Y/N laughs. "You get a car....and you get a car!" She exclaims, pointing to the air. "Everybody gets a carrr!" Sam adds, belting out in laughter as Dean grumbles embarrassed.
A grin slowly overtook his face when he looked at Y/N bubbling in a fit of laughter. Even if it was at him, she still looked damn cute smiling. "So this guy eats a bad burger. Why is it our kind of thing?" He goes back to the topic and they sober up from their laughing.
"Really though. Mad cow disease causes massive brain degeneration. It takes months, even years for the damage to appear. So how would it be our thing?" Y/N says, wiping some tears out of her eyes from her laughing. "This guy Dustin, sounds like his brain disintegrated in about an hour. Maybe less" Sam says.
"Okay, that's weird" Dean agrees and Y/N nods. "Yeah. Now it could be a disease. Or it could be something much nastier." Sam says. "Alright. Oklahoma!" Dean exclaims enthusiastically, going to the side of baby. "Man. Work work work. No time to spend my money" Dean says jokingly as he jumps in, while Sam and Y/N file in behind.
Now outside of the Oklahoma Gas & Powell Co., the trio get out of Impala and approach a man. "Travis Weaver?" Sam asks the man. "Yeah, that's right" Travis confirms. "Are you the Travis who worked with Uncle Dusty?" Y/N asks sweetly. "Dustin never mentioned any nieces or nephews" Travis says suspiciously.
"This is actually my girlfriend" Dean pipes up, wrapping his arm around Y/N's shoulder, putting her closer. She cocks her eyebrows at him confused and he gives her a look that says 'follow my lead'. She smiles nodding, wrapping her arm around his side while Sam looks at the two of them with a slight smirk on his face.
"Well he sure mentioned you. He said you were the greatest" Y/N casually lies. "Oh, he did?" Travis smiles brightly. "Listen, we wanted to ask you, what exactly happened out there?" Dean asks. "I'm not sure. He fell in a sinkhole. I went to the truck to get some rope..and uh...by time I got back...." Travis explains, trailing off.
"What'd you see?" Y/N asks calmly. "Nothing. Just Dustin" Travis sighs, shaking his head. "No wounds or anything?" Sam asks. "Well, he was bleeding from his eyes and his ears, his nose. That's it" Travis says, partially disgusted. "So you think it could be this whole mad cow thing?" Dean asks.
"I don't know. That's what the doctors are saying" Travis shrugs. "But if it was, he would've acted strange beforehand like dementia, loss of motor control. You ever notice anything like that?" Sam asks and Travis shakes his head.
"Nah. No way. But then again if it wasn't some disease, what the hell was it?" He questions. "That's a good question" Dean says. "Can you tell us where this happened?" Y/N asks. "Yeah" Travis says and gives them the location.
Sometime later they drive through the newly developing neighborhood, Oasis Plains Estates, where Dustin Burwash died mysteriously. Pulling up infront of the house where he fell in the sinkhole, they exit and walk towards it.
"Huh, what do you guys think?" Dean asks them as they approach the scene, the sink hole surrounded by caution tape. "I don't know, but if Travis was right, it happened pretty damn fast" Sam says as they dunk under the tape to get a closer look.
"So, what, some sort of creature chewed on his brain?" Dean asks, flashing his light into the whole and Y/N shakes her head. "No, there'd be an entry wound. Sounds like this thing worked from the inside" She states and they all stoop, peering at the hole which isn't too wide. "Looks like there's only room for one" Dean says, turning his light off and dunking back under the tape, away from the hole.
"You guys wanna flip a coin?" Dean asks, grabbing a rope to anchor them. "Dean, we have no idea what's down there" Sam says, looking over at him. "Alright, I'll go if you two are scared" Dean says. "Scared?" He adds teasingly and Y/N rolls her eyes. "Flip the damn coin" Sam says and Dean chuckles.
"Alright, call it in the air, chickens" Dean says and Sam catches the coin midair. "I'm going." Sam says determined. "I said I'd go" Dean says with a slight smirk on his face. "Oh for the love of god. I'll go!" She huffs, tired of their bickering. She grabs the rope and ties it around her waist. "You sure?" Dean asks concerned. "I'll be fine. Just don't drop me" She warns him. "Wouldn't dream of it" Dean smiles.
After searching the sinkhole, Y/N found some dead beetles in the hole. Her and Sam are examining them while Dean drives. "So you found some beetles. In a hole in the ground. That's shocking, y/n/n" Dean says dryly, sarcasm dripping from his tone and she rolls her eyes. "She said there were no tunnels, no tracks. No evidence of any other kind of creature down there" Sam defends.
"You know, some beetles do eat meat. Usually it's dead meat but-" She explains but Dean cuts her off. "How many did you find down there?" He asks. "Ten" She answers. "It'd take a whole lot more than that to eat out some dudes brain" Dean says. "Well maybe there were more" Sam suggests.
"I don't know. Sounds like a stretch to me" Dean denies. "Well, we need more information on the area, the neighborhood. Whether something like this has ever happened before.." Y/N says and they notice Dean looking at a house decorated with balloons and a sign outside. "What?" Sam and Y/N ask in unison.
"I know a good place to start. I'm kinda hungry for a little barbecue, how bout you guys?" Dean says suggestively while Sam and Y/N look at him disapprovingly. "What? We can't talk to the locals?" Dean says feigning innocence. "And the free foods got nothing to do with it?" Y/N says dryly.
"Course not. I'm a professional" Dean denies failing to convince them. "Right" Sam remarks in the same tone as Y/N, flashing Dean his classic bitchface. "Ah whatever. I could eat" Y/N leans back as Dean pulls into an empty parking space in-front of the house hosting the barbecue.
"Atta girl" He smirks at her through the rearview mirror. Not missing the little blush overtaking her cheeks that she's trying to hide by looking out the window. Y/N bites her lips to stop the heat from rising in her face, hating the fact that a simple praise like that from Dean could make her heat up like a baked potato.
He smiles at her before they all exit the vehicle and walk up towards the house. Her heart jumps everytime he says that and she can't pinpoint why. Dean takes in the surroundings, feeling a bit uneasy. "Growing up in a place like this would freak me out" Dean says. "Why?" Y/N asks confused.
"The manicured lawns. 'How was your day, honey?'. I'd blow my brains out" Dean exaggerates. "There's nothing wrong with normal" Sam defends. "I'd take our families over normal anyday" Dean scoffs. "It doesn't seem that bad" Y/N shrugs and Dean looks at her surprised.
"You'd want this whole picket fence stuff?" He asks. "With the right person" She says honestly and he hides his little smile at the thought of Y/N in a minivan. "Nutcase" He snorts. "Asshat" She retorts, narrowing her eyes at him while Sam snickers.
Y/N couldn't help but wonder how it would be like to live a normal apple pie life. If she, Sam and Dean grew up together in Kansas rather than on the road. If their moms were still alive. Would they even be as close as they are right now? Would she be in school? What would she do as a career?
She's always loved music, her dad bought her a guitar for her 13th birthday, granted she hasn't played in a while but she knew if she picked up where she left off, she'd be fine.
Y/N knocks on the door and a middle aged man dressed formally answers. "Welcome" He says with a pleasant smile. "Is this the barbecue?" Dean smiles asking. "Yeah. Not the best weather but...I'm Larry Pike, the developer here" Larry introduces himself, putting his hand out to shake Deans, which he accepts.
"And you are...?" He asks. "Dean. This is Sam and Y/N" Dean answers, introducing the group as Larry takes Sam and Y/N's hands, shaking it. "Sam, Dean, Y/N. Good to meet you. So you three are interested in Oasis Plains?" He asks pleasantly as they nod and smile. "Yes, sir" Y/N says sweetly.
"Let me just say, we accept homeowners of any race, religion, color or...sexual orientation" Larry says and then Y/N realizes what he's getting at. Sam chuckles at this and Deans face drops. "They're brothers" Y/N clarifies holding back a laugh while Larry looks a bit embarrassed. "Yeah, we're actually the happy couple" Dean says, wrapping his arm around Y/N's shoulder, pulling her closer.
She smiles, going along with it and wraps her arm around his waist. Her heart starts beating quickly when his hands trail down her sides to the small of her back. "Sam is just here for the ride" She says clearing her throat. "Darn I apologize but great. Great. Come on in" Larry apologizes, welcoming them in.
Y/N lets go of Dean and walks in first, he slightly groans at the loss of contact but follows behind in. They all make way to the back yard. "You said you were the developer?" Sam asks Larry as they walk into the backyard, filled with people chatting, eating. The works at the barbecue.
"Eighteen months ago, I was walking this valley with my survey team. There was nothing here but scrub brush and squirrels" Larry begins to explain. "And you know what, we built such a nice place to live that I actually bought into it myself. This is our house" Larry gestures to the decorated backyard.
"We're the first family in Oasis Plains. This is my wife, Joanie" He introduces a middle ahead woman, who puts her hand out to shake Y/N. "Hi there" She says pleasantly. "Hi" Y/N says sweetly taking her hand and shaking it. She then shakes Sam and Deans hands. "Hi nice to meet you" She smiles at them.
"Sam, Dean and Y/N" Larry introduces the trio. "Sam" Sam says as he shakes Joanie's hand. "Pleasure" She says back. "Tell them how much you love the place, honey. And lie if you have to because I need to sell some houses." Larry jokes with his wife who smiles nodding. While the trio laughs.
"Boys and girl, if you'll excuse me" Larry politely excused himself before going back to greeting guests. "Don't let his salesman routine scare you. This really is a great place to live" Joanie reassures them. "Hi, I'm Lynda Bloome, head of sales" A brunette woman dressed in office attire introduces herself.
"Lynda was second to move in" Joanie says. "She's a very noisy neighbor though" She jokes before walking off and Lynda laughs, the trio chuckle at the response. "She's kidding, of course" Lynda assures them. "I take it you three are interested in becoming homeowners" Lynda smiles.
"Well- " Dean stutters. "Y-yeah, well-" Sam also stutters. "Well, let me just say, that we accept homeowners of any race, religion, color or...sexual orientation" Lynda says smiling, this time Sam's face drops and Dean chuckles. Y/N doesn't hide her laugh this round.
"Right. I'm gonna go talk to Larry. Okay honeys" Y/N says cheekily before smacking Sam and Deans asses firmly, giving them each a squeeze before sauntering away and swaying her hips. Dean looks at her stunned while Sam awkwardly clears his throat.
Y/N looks back to catch Dean staring and flashes him a quick wink. Deans heart leaps at the way she walks, swaying her hips. Not to mention the wink, he could've melted right there. Which made him wonder, did he have feelings for her? Sure, she's hot.
God she's beautiful but even if he did have feelings for her, she couldn't possibly feel the same way. He chooses to suppress them rather than bring them to light and screwup his friendship with her.
"You got three choices: Carpet, Hardwood and Tile" Larry lists the options of flooring to Y/N as the walk down the stairs of his house. She notices a jar with some insects next to the lamp and vase at the bottom of the stairs onto of a table.
"Woah. Someone likes bugs" She jokes. "My son. He's into insects. He's very inquisitive" Larry says trying to sound enthusiastic but Y/N can sense the disapproval in his tone. "Hmm" She says before going back to the tour.
Meanwhile outside Sam and Dean are getting an earful about the house by Lynda. "Who can say no to a steam shower? I use mine everyday" Lynda says and Deans eyebrows quirk up at this. "Sounds great" Sam forces a smile but seems uninterested.
"Honestly I could do with a steam shower" Dean chuckles awkwardly making Sam side eye him. Sam notices near Lynda's hand that's resting in the picnic table next to her as she speaks, a spider is slowing crawling up to it. He nudges Dean who was checking out a blonde mom that was passing by, indicating him about the tarantula.
Deans face drops and he causally but abruptly ends the conversation, "Excuse me" He says with a tight smile, putting his hand on Lynda's shoulder "Uh okay" Lynda says awkwardly before walking away. Sam leans down on the table and scoops the spider up into his hand gently.
Dean remembers seeing a boy laughing when the spider was crawling up to Lynda's hand and points towards him. Sam nods and they make way towards the boy. "Is this yours?" Sam asks and the boy's face drops. "You gonna tell my dad?" The boy asks, taking his spider back from Sam's hand.
"I don't know. Who's your dad?" Dean asks a bit roughly and the boy chuckles ironically. "Yeah. Larry usually skips me in the family introductions" The boy says a bit irritated. "Ouch. The first name basis with the old man sounds pretty grim" Sam exclaims surprised.
"Well, I'm not exactly brochure material" The boy says, petting his spider. "You're preaching to the choir brother" Dean snorts. "Well, hang in there alright, it gets better" Sam assures the young boy. "When?" he asks. "Matthew" They hear Larry call out harshly.
Y/N is behind him, walking back to the group with a slightly confused look on her face. While Larry has a stern look on his. "I am so sorry about my son and his pet" Larry apologizes to them, putting emphasis on the for pet. "It's no bother" Sam assured him. "Excuse us" He excuses them and pulls Matthew to the house by his arm.
Y/N looks back at the father and son before walking towards the boys. "Remind you of somebody?" Sam asks Dean who looks at Larry lecturing Matthew rather harshly. He looks back at Sam confused. "Dad?" Sam adds. "Dad never treated us like that" Dean scoffs.
"Well, Dad never treated you like that. You were perfect. He was all over my case" Sam says and Dean doesn't answer. "You don't remember?" Sam asks a bit amused. "Maybe he had to raise his voice but sometimes you were out of line" Dean defends and Sam laughs but there's no humor in it.
"Right. Like when I said I'd rather play soccer than learn bow hunting" Sam says dryly. "Bowhunting is an important skill" Dean says matter of factly. "Okay let's not get into this now fellas. Don't make a scene" Y/N chimes in warningly after seeing the look of disbelief on Sam's face. She nods at him reassuringly and he smiles sadly.
She understands how difficult Sam's relationship was with his dad and he knew she could relate. They always had each other to lean on whenever shit hits the fan and they need to talk about their dads.
"Yeah. How was your tour?" Sam asks, smiling tightly. "Oh, it was excellent. I'm ready to buy" She says jokingly and the boys chuckle. "I think we're onto something. Looks like Dustin Burwash wasn't the first strange death here" Y/N informs them. "What happened?" Dean asks.
"About a year ago before they broke ground one of Larry's surveyors dropped dead on the while on the job" Y/N explains, looking back at Larry who's still lecturing Matthew. "Get this: a severe allergic reaction to bee stings" She adds. "More bugs" Sam and Dean say in unison. "More bugs" Y/N confirms.
Later they're all in the Impala, Y/N in the drivers seat, Dean in shotgun reading a book and Sam lounging in the back. "You know I've heard of killer bees but killer beetles? What is it that can make different bugs attack" Dean questions.
"Well, haunting a sometimes include bug manifestations" Sam suggests. "But I didn't see any evidence of ghost activity" Dean says. "Yeah me neither" Y/N sighs. "Maybe they're being controlled somehow. You know? By something or someone" Dean suggests. "You mean like Willard?" Sam asks.
"Yeah. Bugs instead of rats" Dean shrugs. "There are cases of psychic connections between people and animals. Elemental, telepaths.." Y/N explains as she adjusts her hands on the steering wheel. "Yeah, the whole Timmy-Lassie thing" Sam says and something clicks on Deans head.
"Larry's kid. Bugs for pets" Dean says. "Matt?" Y/N asks and turns her head to them for a second. "He did try to scare the realtor with a tarantula" Sam says. "Think he's our Willard?" Dean asks. "I don't know" Y/N says and looks at Sam in the rearview mirror. "Anything's possible, I guess" Sam adds.
"Oh hey. Pull over here" Dean ushers Y/N to pull over to a vacant houses driveway. She obliges a bit confused. "What're we doing here?" Sam asks and Dean gets out of the passenger seat. "It's too late to talk to anybody else" He says and goes to open the garage door. Sam and Y/N look over horrified.
"We're gonna squat in an empty house?" Y/N asks bewildered while Sam shakes his head. "I wanna try the steam shower. Come on" Dean says smugly. She stares at him and he ushers again. "Come on Princess! Don't be a wuss" He teases and she shakes her head sighing.
"Your brother is gonna be the death of me" She grumbles quietly to Sam who snickers. Y/N reluctantly pulls into the garage and Sam sticks his hand out the window to lightly punch his brother in the stomach.
"You ever coming out of there?!" Y/N yells through the bathroom door, knocking on it. "What!?" Dean responds over the shower. "Dean. A police call came in on the scanner" She informs him. "Hold on" He says annoyed. "Someone was found dead three blocks from here. Come on!" She orders and he opens the door with a smile on his face, a towel wrapped around his head and naked from torso up.
"This shower is awesome" Dean says excitedly and Y/N's eyes trail up his body slightly, her face grows a bit red but she covers it up with a roll of her eyes. "Come on" She groans and walks off, hiding the blush that's building up in her face.
Later they arrive to a house couple blocks away, where the paramedics were wheeling out a body on the stretcher and the place is swarming with police cars. They all exit the car with their umbrellas as it's raining, opening them to walk towards the house.
"Look, I don't know anything more right now. I'll have to call you back. Alright." Larry says into his phone before hanging up as the trio approach him. "Hello. You're back early" Larry says to them with a tight smile on his face. "Yeah. We just drove in, wanted to take another look at the neighborhood" Dean says casually.
"What's going on?" Y/N asks curiously and Larry sighs, looking back at the paramedics putting the gurney into the back of the ambulance. "You guys met Lynda Bloome at the barbecue?" He asks. "The realtor" Sam says with recognition. "Well, she uh...she passed away last night" He informs them sadly.
"What happened?" Dean asked in a concerned tone. "I'm still trying to find that out. I identified the body for the police" Larry says in a shaky voice, looking towards the house. "Look, I'm sorry. This isn't a good time" He apologizes to them and begins to walk off. "It's okay" Y/N says in a sympathetic tone.
"You fellas know what we have to do, right?" Y/N says to them and they nod. "Yeah. Get in that house" Sam says. "See if we got a bug problem" Dean adds.
They wait for the police to clear out and scale the wall of Lynda's house. They find an unlocked window and climb in, Sam closes it behind him. "This looks like the place" Dean says, gesturing to the ground infront of him that has the outline of a body with tape on it infront of the door to the bathroom.
He goes in and stoops to the ground, picking up the wet towel of the water soaked floor. Some bugs fall out of the towel and Y/N grimaces at it. "Spiders" She says and Dean nods. "From spider boy?" He assumes. "Matt. Maybe" Sam says.
They later pull up to follow Matt's school bus to where it's dropping him off and Matt exits the bus. "Isn't his house that way?" Y/N asks pointing across the road. "Yep" Sam says. "So where's he going?" Dean asks as Matt walks down a path and they all exit the Impala to follow him.
They find Matt in a wooded area not too far from his house, picking up a praying mantis. "Hey Matt. Remember me?" Sam asks calmly and the young boy is surprised to see the three hunters. "What're you doing out here?" Matt asks them suspiciously. "Well, we wanna talk to you" Y/N says nicely with a small smile on her face.
"You're not here to buy a house, are you?" Matt says knowingly and his face changes. "Wait. You're not serial killers?" He asks shakily and they all snicker in laughter. "No, no. No. I think you're safe" Sam says humorously. "So, Matt...you sure know a lot about insects" Dean says.
"So?" Matt shrugs. "Did you hear what happened to Lynda, the realtor?" Y/N asks and Matt's face drops slightly. "I heard she died this morning" He says. "That's right. Spider bites." Dean says the last part lowly and Sam looks back at him like 'dude, seriously?'.
"Matt, you tried to scare her with a spider" Sam says and Matt seems a bit amused. "Wait. You think I had something to do with that?" He asks. "You tell us" Dean says with a serious look on his face. "That tarantula was a joke. Anyway, that wouldn't explain the bee attack or the gas company guy" Matt explains and Y/N's eyebrows quirk up.
"You know about those?" She asks. "There is something going on here. I don't know what but somethings happening with the insects. Let me show you something" Matt says and picks up his bag to lead them down the path. The three share a look and follow him down.
"So if you knew about all this bug stuff, why not tell you dad? Maybe he could clear everybody out" Sam asks curiously. "Believe me, I've tried but uh...Larry doesn't listen to me" Matt scoffs. "Why not?" Y/N asks. "Mostly? He's too disappointed in his freak son" Matt says and Sam huffs.
"I hear ya" Sam says. "I get it kid" Y/N adds. "You do?" Dean asks them surprised. They look back at him but don't answer. "Matt, how old are you?" Sam asks. "Sixteen" He answers. "Well don't sweat it, because in two years, something greats gonna happen" Sam assured him.
"What?" Matt asks. "College" Sam answers. "You'll be able to get out of that house and away from your dad" Sam says. "What kind of advice is that? Kid should stick with his family" Dean chimes in and Sam looks back at his brother in annoyance. Y/N notices the hostility and tries to ease the situation.
"How much further, Matt?" She asks nicely. "We're close" He says and begins to walk towards it. "Any fighting and I'm putting you two in a time out. Understood?" Y/N says firmly, to the boys warningly and they nod curtly before following begin Matt. "Are you gonna spank me too?" Dean whispers for only her to hear and she whips her head to him, surprised.
A wicked smirk on his face and she rolls her eyes. "Keep it up, I just might Winchester" She retorts scoffing and walks ahead of him. Deans eyes linger to her hips swaying a bit and his heart quickens. They walk a little further in and are greeted by the sound of many insects and bugs chirping, crawling and flying around.
"I've been keeping track of insect populations. It's uh, part of an AP Science class" Matt explains. "You two are like peas in a pod" Dean says to Sam. Y/N shoots him a warning glare and he puts his hands up in surrender chuckling. "What's been happening?" Y/N asks Matt. "A lot. I mean, from bees to earthworms, beetles...you name it. It's like they're congregating here" Matt explains.
"Why?" Dean asks. "I don't know" Matt says. "What's that?" Sam asks, pointing to the patch of area where it's brown, no grass growing. They all walk up towards it to see a bunch of earthworms and Dean presses his foot lightly against it, causing it to sink down. He picks up a stick and pushes it into the hole, digging around and tapping a bit lightly on something solid.
"There's something down there" He says, looking at Sam and Y/N. He puts the stick down and pushes his hand on. They resists the urge to gag as he does so. "Come on. Come on." He grunts, trying to pull whatever it is up. He grabs a hold of it and pulls it out. Revealing a human skull. He looks back at Sam and Y/N who has disgust etched on their faces.
They all left Matt in the woods to do what he does and now ended up at a local university to do some research on what they found. They all exit the Impala, Sam coming out of the drivers seat after parking. Y/N takes the box out of the backseat with her and Sam throws his jacket onto to cover it.
"So a bunch of skeletons in an unmarked grave" Sam says as they walk towards the entrance. "Yeah, we'll maybe this is a haunting. Pissed off spirits...some unfinished business" Dean suggests. "Yeah, maybe" Y/N nods in agreement. "The question is, why bugs? And why now?" Sam asks rhetorically.
"That's two questions" Y/N says sarcastically and they chuckle. "Hey, so with that kid back there...how could you tell him to ditch his family like that?" Dean asks Sam. "Just, uh, I know what the kids going through.." Sam says. "How about telling him to respect his old man? How's that for advice?" Dean says a bit brashly.
"Dean come on" Y/N warns him and he sighs. "This isn't about his old man. You think I didn't respect Dad. That's what this is about" Sam says knowingly and Dean pauses, having been caught. "Let's forget it alright. Sorry I brought it up" He says, trying to change the subject. "I respected him. But no matter what I did. It was never good enough." Sam says frustrated.
"So what are you saying? Dad was disappointed in you?" Dean says. "Was?" Sam chuckles dryly. "Is. Always has been" Sam states. "Why would you think that?" Dean asks exasperated. "Because I didn't wanna bow hunt. Or hustle pool. Because I wanted to go to school and live my life. Which, in our whacked out families, made me the freak" Sam rants.
"Yeah, you were kind of like the blond chick from The Munsters" Dean cracks a joke and Y/N shakes her head. "Dean, you know what most dads are when their kids score a full ride? Proud" Sam whispers the last part. "Most dads don't toss their kids out of the house" Sam says hurt and Dean nods. "I remember that fight. In fact, I see to recall a few choice phrases coming out of your mouth" Dean says.
Sam nods, chuckling humorously. "You know, truth is, when we finally do find Dad and Mr. L/N , I don't even know if dads gonna wanna see me" Sam says with a sad smile on his face. Y/N felt a pang in her chest when he said that, wanting to tell him it's not true but also feeling like she doesn't have a place in this conversation, she puts her hand on his shoulder comfortingly and he gives her a sad smile before she drops her hand back.
"Sam, Dad was never disappointed in you. Never. He was scared" Dean assures his little brother. "What are you talking about?" Sam asks him confused. "He was afraid of what could've happened to you if he wasn't around. But even when you two weren't talking...he used to swing by Stanford whenever he could. Keep an eye on you. Make sure you were safe" Dean explains to Sam.
Sams face drops. "What?" He asks surprised. "Yeah" Dean nods. "Why didn't he tell me any of that?" Sam asks. "Well, it's a two way street, dude. You could have picked up the phone" Dean says and Sam swallows the lump in this throat, staring down sadly. Y/N notices the time on her watch, feeling a bit bad for having to interrupt them.
"I don't mean to interrupt your moment fellas. But we're gonna be late for our appointment" She says gently. "Yeah...let's go" Dean says, flashing her a small smile, he takes the box of stuff from her hand and walks to the entrance. "Sorry Y/N, we didn't mean to drag you into that" Sam apologizes sincerely.
"Hey hey, we're family" She says gently with a small smile in her face. Placing her hand back on his shoulder, "I of all people know that you two have got some stuff you need to work out. Don't apologize for anything ever. Im always here" She assures him and he smiles at her sadly.
"Thanks y/n/n" He says gratefully, giving her a hug, wrapping his arms around her shoulders. "Anytime Sammy" She says, wrapping her hands around his waist, patting his back. They let go of their hug and walk towards the entrance.
"So you three are students?" Professor Reardon asks them, now in the lecture hall. "Yeah. Yeah. We're in your class. Anthro 101?" Sam says to the professor. "Oh, yeah" The professor responds as if he knew, which he didn't recognize them but went along with it. "So, what about those bones professor?" Dean asks.
"This is quite an interesting find you've made" Professor Reardon compliments. "I'd say they're 170 years old, give or take. The time frame and the geography heavily suggest Native American"  He tells them and Dean looks over at Sam and Y/N surprised.
"Were there any tribes or reservations on that land?" Sam asks confused. "Not according to the uh...historical record. But..the uh relocation of native peoples was quite common at that time" The professor explains. "Right. Well, are there any local legends? Oral histories about the area?" Y/N asks curiously.
"Well...you know, there's a Euchee tribe in Sapulpa. It's about 60 miles from here. Someone out there might know the truth" The professor tells them. "Alright" Dean nods smiling.
They follow the professors advice and go to the Euchee Tribe's grounds in Supulpa. Approaching a man directs them where to part and they approach a cafe. Inside is the tribes leader, and elderly Native American man with long grey hair, sitting at a booth, playing solitaire.
"Joe White Tree?" Sam asks the man at the booth and he nods in confirmation. "We'd like to ask you a few questions, if that's all right sir" Y/N says sweetly, a pleasant smile on her face. "We're students from the university" Dean adds.
"No, you're not. You're lying" Joe calls Dean out on his lie, stunning the group. "Um...well truth is-" Dean stutters but Joe cuts him off. "You know who starts sentence with 'truth is'? Liars" Joe says bluntly, playing his card game. Dean looks over at Sam and Y/N, both suppressing their amusement.
Sam sighs "Have you heard of Oasis Plains?" He asks. "It's a housing development near the Atoka Valley" Y/N adds and Joe looks at them and back at Dean. "I like them" Joe says. "They're not liars" He adds bluntly making Dean slightly roll his eyes uncomfortably. Y/N chuckles a bit along with Sam while she places her hand on Deans shoulder comfortingly.
"I know the area" Joe tells them, nodding. "What can you tell us about the history up there?" Sam asks. "Why would you wanna know?" Joe asks curiously. "Something...Something bad is happening in Oasis Plains. We think it might have something to do with some old bones we found there..Native American bones" Y/N explains to him sadly.
Joe nods sadly, thinking a bit before telling them. "I'll tell you what my grandfather told me. What his grandfather told him. Two hundred years ago, a band of my ancestors lived in that valley. One day, the American cavalry came to relocate them." He begins to explain and the three share a look.
"They were resistant...the cavalry impatient. As my grandfather put it: 'On the night the moon and the sun share the sky as equals...the cavalry first raided our village. They murdered, raped. The next day, the cavalry came again. And the next and the next. And on the sixth night, the cavalry came one last time. And by the time the sun rose....every man, woman band child still in the village was dead' " Joe tells the story and the three begin to grow a bit uneasy. The story breaking all their hearts.
"They say on the sixth night...as the chief of the village lay dying...he whispered to the heavens...that nonwhite man would ever tarnish this land again. Nature would rise up and protect the valley. And it would bring as many days of misery and death to the white man as the cavalry brought upon his people" Joe finishes telling the story and something clicks in Y/N head.
"Insects" She says turning to the boys. Deans eyebrows quirk up. "Sounds like nature to me" He says. "Six days?" Dean asks Joe. "And in the night of the sixth day...none would survive" Joe says, going back to his card game.
They thank Joe for his time and exit the cafe. "When did the gas-company man die?" Sam asks. "Uh...let's see. We got here Tuesday, so Friday the 20th" Dean informs him as they walk to the Impala and once again, Y/N realizes something. "March 20th. That's the spring equinox" Y/N tells them.
"The night the sun and the moon share the sky as equals" Dean says and Sam huffs. "So every year about this time, anybody in Oasis Plains is in danger. Larry built his neighborhood on cursed land" Sam says ironically. "And on the sixth night, that's tonight" Y/N says. "If we don't do something, Larry's family will be dead by sunrise" Sam says as they go to their respective doors by the car.
"So how do we break the curse?" Y/N asks Dean. "You don't break a curse. You get out of its way. We gotta get those people out now" Dean says urgently, they all jump in Baby and make their way back to Oasis Plains in a hurry.
Now rushing down the street in the Impala to Oasis Plains, Y/N is on the phone with Larry Pike, pretending to be from the gas company. "Yes, Mr. Pike. There's a mainline gas leak in your neighborhood" She says urgently into the phone. "God. Really? How big?" Larry asks worried.
"Well. It's fairly extensive. I don't wanna alarm you but we need your family out of the vicinity for at least 12 hours. Just to be safe" She lies. "And who is this again?" Larry asks suspiciously. "Tara Weaver. I work for the Oklahoma Gas and Power" She tells him.
"Uh-huh. The problem is, I know Tara. She's worked with us for a year. So who is this" Larry demands, catching onto her lie. "Uh..." She stutters, hanging up the phone and tossing it aside. Sam sighs in frustration. "Give me the phone" He tells her and she hands it to him.
Sam dials Matt's number into it. "Hello?" Matt answers. "Matt. It's Sam." He tells him. "Sam. My backyard's crawling with cockroaches" Matt says panicked. "Matt, just listen. You have to get your family out of that house right now. Okay?" Sam instructs him quickly. "What? Why?" Matt asks confused.
"Because something's coming" He tells him honestly, looking over at Dean and Y/N. "More bugs?" Matt asks. "Yeah. A lot more" Sam confirms. "My dad doesn't listen in the best of circumstances. What am I supposed to tell him?" Matt asks. "You gotta make him listen. Okay?" Sam instructs him causing Y/N and Dean rolls their eyes.
"Gimme the phone. Gimme the phone!" Y/N orders her best friend, leaning over the seat and snatching the phone from him. "Matt! Under no circumstances are you to tell him the truth. He'll just think you're nuts" Y/N says into the phone, her voice laced with authority. "But, he's my-" Matt goes to argue but Y/N cuts him off.
"Tell him you have a sharp pain in your right side and you gotta go to the hospital. Okay?" She tells him. "Yeah. Yeah, okay" Matt breaths out reluctantly and Y/N hangs the phone up. Dean looks over to his little brother disapprovingly. " 'Make him listen.' What are you thinking?" He retorts while Sam smirks, shaking his head.
They park infront of the Pike residence to see the lights on and the cars still in the garage. "Dammit. They're still here" Y/N groans. "Come on" Dean says to them and they exit the Impala, walking up to the front door but Larry sees them from his window and comes out of the house.
"Get off my property before I call the cops!" He yells at them, pointing his finger towards them. "Mr. Pike. Listen-" Sam tries to reason but Matt cuts him off. "Dad, they're just trying to help" He tries to tell Larry. "Get in the house!" Larry commands his son. "Sorry. I told him the truth" Matt says apologetically.
"We had a plan, Matt. What happened to the plan?" Y/N grumbles. "Look. It's 12 am. They are coming any minute now. You need to get your family and go. Before it's too late" Sam warns Larry. "Wait no. You mean, before the biblical swarm" Larry says sarcastically.
"Larry, what do you think really happened to that realtor? Huh? And the gas company guy. You don't think something weirds going on around here?" Dean tells him. "Look. I don't know who you are, but you're crazy. You come near my boy or my family again, we're gonna have a problem" Larry threatens them.
"Well I hate to be a downer. But we got a problem now" Y/N says firmly. "Dad, they're right. We're in danger" Matt tries to warn his dad but he turns back to him angrily, "Matt, get inside! Now!" He yells at Matt loudly. "No! Why won't you listen to me!?" Matt screams back frustrated. "Because this is crazy! It doesn't make any sense!" Larry shouts angrily.
"Look, this land is cursed. People have died here! Now are you gonna really take that risk with your family!?" Sam yells at Larry, now irritated. "Wait" Dean says, they all hear the rumbling of the bugs. "You hear it?" Y/N asks Larry. "What the hell" Larry says confused and the bug zapper behind them on Larry's porch goes off continuously.
"Alright, it's time to go Larry. Get your wife. Yeah" Dean orders Larry and he runs up the porch. "Guys?" Matt draws their attention to the swarm of bugs flying towards them. "Oh my god" Larry says, stunned. "We'll never make it" Sam says. "Everybody in the house. Everybody in the house. Go!" Dean yells, and they all run into the house.
"Is there anyone else in the neighborhood?" Y/N asks as they close the door behind them. "No, it's just us" Larry tells him. "Honey, what's happening? What's that noise?" Larry's wife, Joanie, asks. "Call 911...Joanie!" He yells at her. "O-okay" She says panicked. "I need towels" Dean tells Larry urgently. "The closet" He says and goes to get them.
"We gotta lock this place up. Come on. Doors, windows, the fireplace, everything" Y/N tells Sam and Matt, running up the stairs to do as she said. "The phones are dead" Joanie tells Larry and Dean fearfully. "Must've chewed through the phone lines" Dean says as he lays towels down under the cracks of the door.
Suddenly the electricity goes out. "And the power lines..." Dean adds. "Maybe my cell.." Larry says, running to grab his phone. "No signal" He says. "You won't get one. They're blanketing the house" Dean tells him as the bugs cover the windows outsides, cluttering at the windows.
Sam and Y/N come back downstairs while Matt grabs onto his mom, clutching at her side. They watch as the bugs crawl on the windows. "What do we do now?" Larry asks them. "We try to outlast it" Y/N says lowly. "Hopefully, the curse will end at sunrise" Sam says.
"Hopefully?" Larry asks panicked. Dean goes into the kitchen to see the bugs cluttering at the kitchen window. He runs below the sink, hoping to find bug spray. He eventually finds it, popping the top off and goes back into the living room. "Bug spray?" Joanie asks bewildered. "Trust me" Dean says.
They hear a creaking sound coming from behind them. "What is that?" Matt asks. It sounded like it was coming from the fireplace. They inch closer and closer. "The flue" Y/N says. "Alright. I think we need to get everyone upstairs" Dean says and then a loud bang comes from the fireplace.
Bugs swarm from out of it by the thousands. Larry and his family scream in fear. Y/N grabs the canister of bug spray from Dean and pulls out her lighter. Flicking it open and spraying the bug spray into the flame, making a makeshift flame thrower. "Everybody upstairs! Now! Go go go!" She yells and they all begin running upstairs in panic and fear.
She uses the fire to clear a path so they can go upstairs quickly. They go up to the attic. Sam locks the door behind and Y/N uses the fire to shun most of the bugs out. "Oh god, what's that?" Joanie asks fearfully, seeing dust from the fall. Sam, Dean and Y/N move closer to see. "Something's eating through the wood" Y/N says. "Termites" Joanie says fearfully.
"Alright. Everybody get back. Get back!" Dean orders them. "Get back!" Larry tells his son and wife, shielding them with his body. "Matt!" Joanie calls out worriedly for her son. The wooden roof them breaks down a hole causing thousands of termites to fly in and swarm them. Y/N uses the bug spray and lighter to spray fire at them.
While Sam goes and get an old electric panel door and Dean grabs a long piece of wood. "Dean you got it?!" Sam asks Dean. "Yeah. Go, go, go!" Dean screams and Sam uses the panel door to block the hole while Dean uses the stick to hold it up. They hear another side of the roof breaking and Y/N sprays the bug spray into the lighter again to fire at them.
The Pikes are screaming as the big fly all about them. More of the wooden roof breaks and Y/N sprays it in all directions but the big are growing more and more. Suddenly they start to fly back outside, confusing everyone. The boys and Y/N walk slowly to the exposed roofing to see that the sun has risen meaning the curse has been lift.
The next day, the trio pull up to the Pike Residence to see moving trucks outside. Getting out of the vehicle, Dean jokingly says "What? No goodbye?". Larry spots them, "Good timing. Another hour and we'd have been gone" Larry say, reaching out to shake Deans hand gratefully. "For good?" Y/N asks.
"Yeah. The development's been put on hold while the government investigates the bones you found. But I'm gonna make damn sure no one lives here again" Larry informs them, determined. "You don't seem too upset about it" Sam says. "Well, this has been the biggest financial disaster of my career but somehow.." Larry begins and looks back at Matt carrying a box and smiles looking back at the hunters
"...I really don't care" He tells them and they smile. Sam goes over to talk to Matt, to see him at the dumpster throwing away all his bug stuff. "What's this?" He asks surprised. "I don't know. They...kind of weird me out now" Matt says smiling and Sam chuckles. "Yeah, I should hope so" He says laughing.
Meanwhile Dean and Y/N are at the Impala leaning against it while Sam and Matt chat. Dean notices the look of despair on Y/N's face and nudges her a bit. She looks up at him with a tight smile, "You're doing great, you know that?" He assures her. "What?" She asks confused. "This job. You're doing great. I could only imagine how amazing you did on your own. Your dad is proud of you too" Dean assured her and she shakes her head.
"I appreciate that Dean. Even if I don't believe it" She smiles softly at him. "You better believe it princess" He smirks, nudging her again. "Shut up charming" She chuckles, nudging him back jokingly biting her lower lip to stop herself from smiling. Dean notices this and his eyes dart down to her lips. Y/N couldn't help but trail her eyes down to his.
"When we do find our dads...I just wanna give them a hug" Y/N says looking down. Dean sees her frown, his heart breaks seeing her so sad and he wraps his arm around her, pulling her into his shoulder. "Fuck I sound like a little bitch" She chuckles dryly. "No you don't. Hey look at me" He says gently and she looks up at him, her gaze filled with sorrow.
"You're great too, Winchester" She says sincerely clearing her throat, pulling her eyes away from his lips. He smiles at the compliment. "Not as great as me though" She adds cockily, flashing him a wink and he rolls his eyes in fake annoyance causing her to laugh more. "Shut up, Princess" He grumbles jokingly.
Sam walks back over after his conversation with Matt and leans next to Y/N on the Impala. Dean and Y/N only notice Sam when they feel the weight on Baby shift and let out of their side hug. "I wanna find our dads" He tells them. "Yeah me too" Dean says.
"Same here" Y/N adds. "Yeah, but I just...I wanna apologize to Dad" Sam says and Dean looks over at Sam. "For what?" He asks and Sam takes a deep breath. "All the things I said to him. He was just doing the best he can" Sam says and Y/N nods agreeing. "Me and you both" She says looking down.
"Don't worry guys, we'll find them. And you two will get to apologize" He says to them. "And then within five minutes Sam and Dad will be at each others throats" Dean adds making Sam and Y/N laugh. "Yeah probably" Sam says laughing. "You too Princess. I think I'm gonna need to get a crowbar to separate you and f/n from clawing at each other" Dean tells Y/N jokingly and she laughs hysterically.
"Bite me, charming" She counters laughing. The three share a lengthy laugh before sobering up. "Let's hit the road fellas" Y/N says. "Let's" Dean says and opens the back door for her, gesturing for her to get in. She dramatically gasps and he rolls his eyes. "My oh my. Such a gentleman. Are you gonna paint my nails next?" She jokes, wiggling her eyebrows and getting in.
"Sure. What color would you like? Bubblegum pink or lavender purple?" He retorts back sarcastically in a high voice, locking the door, a tinge of pink growing on his cheeks and Y/N and Sam laugh hysterically. Shaking his head. Stubborn asses. Sam thinks to himself. Sam gets in and Dean gets in the drivers seat and they're off.
Authors Note:
I took forever with this one because I really really reallllyyyyy hate this episode. It creeps the shit out of me because of the bugs. So I hope you enjoy this cuz god was this different to write😭😭😭
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