#Or Alan Price and Friends
crowscacophony · 1 month
psst… new smiling friends inspired shoe charms are up on my depop
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the glep ones pictured unfortunately broke during the photography process… but I will gladly make another pair upon request! all pairs are $10 each, and I do give discounts for bundles.
find them here: https://depop.com/strawberrystitches_embroidery
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It's been 60 years since The Animals performed their first concert in the United States, their song "The House of the Rising Sun" beginning to top the American charts at the exact same time!! 🐾❤️✨️
Thought it would be fun to remake their Paramount Theatre poster, featuring a redraw of one of my favorite photos of the band! (inspiration under the cut) ✨️
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Redraw!! 🐾✨️
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hide-your-bugs-away · 2 months
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Connie brings Mental Illness to Cleveland, Ohio 🙏🐾✨️
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pinkslaystation · 3 months
No longer a memory [Simon 'Ghost' Riley]
You are reading: [Part 2] Read [Part 1] here! Word Count: 1.4k You viewed Simon as your friend, but clearly he did feel the same.
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When Ghost was asked about his emergency contact, he mentioned Soap's name.
"You can't put down another soldier, mate. Gotta be yer ma or summit." His higher-ups informed him.
"Why no'?" He grumbled, leaning against the wall in the dingy office.
"Wot if you're on a mission with 'im? Wot if he's injured too? Hm? Just do me a favour and put down yer missus, will ya."
Ghost rolled his eyes in annoyance, slamming the door shut as he walked out. With an important mission coming soon, it was vital that everything was in order before they left.
He just doesn't get it. Why does a skilled killer like him need an emergency contact? He's only been fatally injured once, and when they contacted his previous emergency number back then, was it really a big deal with someone at the nearest Maccies picked up?
Gaz frequently laughs at him, "Tried to call your mother, ordered a quarter pounder instead." It's a running joke in the team.
Ghost skims through his phone contacts, and he's embarrassed to see how few numbers he has: 5 being his teammates including Gaz, Soap and Price, one being KFC, one being his mother which he had saved under Slag. He scrolls up and down rapidly, debating to himself, should he just give them a fake number?
No...they'd find out again.
He clicks under the spam numbers.
His eyes shift to a familiar number.
It was yours.
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The monotonous ticking of the clock paired with the irregular typing of the keyboards were burnt into your brain unknowingly. You've lost count of the number of days you've been in the menial job now, your first job since graduating university. How long have you been with that company, 2 years? 602 days now? You're counting the days 'til the weekend but even during that, you've got no one to come home to.
What a pathetic life.
Sometimes you wonder what Simon was doing in that exact moment was he working like you? Was he also in London? Did he...think of you, the way you think of him? It's possible he's forgotten, I mean after 5 years you've lost contact with the majority of your classmates- so much for best friends for life.
You check your phone, 9:28 P.M. 2 more minutes and you're running out of there.
By the time it hits 11 P.M., you're tucked away in bed a movie playing the background as you're aimlessly listening to reddit stories on TikTok whilst watching a minecraft speedrun.
You switch to using Instagram, by that I mean stalking. Your friends seems to be growth further away from you, one sending you an e-invite to their wedding, one welcoming their 1st child into their families, and yet you're still hung over about the last day of secondary school. The way the last time you had seen him had been in form, when he glances at you walking in late. The way his hands would purposely linger against yours when you were asked to hand out sheets to the class.
The mere thought of him jolted you. That, and the sound of your phone ringing.
It was an unknown number.
There's a hitch in your breathing. Was this a sign? What's the phrase, speak of the devil and he has appear? Was it perhaps...Simon?
You wait for a minute before picking up, not wanting to come across as desperate.
"...Hello?" You murmur.
"Hey." The voice is harsh and cold. It reminded you of Simon.
"Simon?" You whisper, a smile appearing on your face.
There's a pause on the other end of the line.
"What? No- Alan. From Accounting. You left some documents here at work, they seem important. You gonna pick 'em up?"
You blink. Once again your're stuck in another fantasy. In what world would it be Simon? The man who couldn't even reply to your texts in summer holidays. The man who wouldn't even attempt to return a full smile when you locked eyes in the corridor. The man you shouldn't have feelings for. Because, well, it's not like they were ever reciprocated.
What a pathetic life.
Alan, the dickhead from Accounting interrupts yet again. "Yo, you there? Wan' me to bin them?"
You sit up in your bed, sighing deeply uncomfortable, "Pull up your pants man, I'll be there in 30, Jesus. Just leave them on my desk."
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Question. What's short but intense, most people dislike it, but you find it thrilling? One would think a conversation with Simon. But the answer is: London traffic.
You'd assume the usually busy roads to be dead and empty at 11:30 P.M. ish, but you're heavily mistaken, my friend. Seems like London nights are the life of the party. Driving past busy clubs and lit up pubs, whilst listening to One Of The Girls by The Weeknd [SUCH A GOOD SONG-] made you feel like a movie star in a coming of age film.
One where the guy gets the girl.
Of course, the majority of the drive you've being beeped at, or you're doing the beeping, but it's what really appealed to you when making the move to the heart of London. Life moves on whether you want or not, might at well be at the capital of England. Though sometimes you feel you're more likely to run into Simon in the north...
By the time you reach the entrance of your workplace, you begin regretting your outfit decisions, making eye contact with yourself in the reflection of the glass doors: A black hoodie and flared joggers. Nothing wrong in the clothing of course, but compared to the Data Analysts and Investment Bankers that are judging you right now, it makes you feel like the smallest person in the room.
Just a elevator ride up, grabbing your shit, another ride down, brisk walking to the car, and you can go back to the comfort of your bed. Easy, no?
You're in the elevator finally. The weird look from the receptionist really was the cherry on the cake.
Soon enough, the doors open again at the 9th floor, and you're met with the dark room of your department, which only had 2 of your colleagues slaving away at their desks, one which you're 99% sure is rotting away as they type on their keyboard.
You briefly nod at the two as they look up from the elevator doors opening, to which they returned.
Where's that file, where's the fucking file. You mumble to yourself, sifting through all the papers from your desk. The rotting lady looks up to you, shushing you for the noise.
Yeah, if only you had the courage to shush your toxic-ass husband...You think. Soon we'll hear your reddit story next to some trashy ass run on Subway Surfers on Tiktok...
The way down the elevator was excruciatingly slow, which was odd considering it was working perfectly fine 5 minutes ago.
The doors open again, at the 8th floor and 3 analysts walk into the once quiet elevator, and now you're face to face with the loud chatter of clients, and business meetings and...who left a mess in the men's toilets...
A phone rings again, and the analysts all search their coats, thinking it was theirs.
Not me.
How is there service in this elavator-
Someone coughs, and you open your eyes from drowsiness, the 3 business musketeers silently urging you to pick up your from and rid them off that irritating ring tone.
Silently apologising, you bring your phone out of your hoodie pocket. It's another unknown number.
With no hesitation this time, just pure frustration and fatigue, you pick up the call, "Alan, I swear to God, if you're calling me again-"
Correction. There is service in the elevator. It just wasn't good.
The line breaks at the other person on the phone speaks.
"He- Co- It's an emergen- He- -mon Ril- -jury-"
"Huh?" You respond, partially not hearing as the line breaks every now and then. but also because the other 3 people decided it was okay to talk on full volume.
You try once again, "I'm sorry I can't hear you."
"Missi- crash- 3 dead- -husba"
You snort, you wish these 3 analysts were dead right now-
"-Rile- Come- t- -ocation- sen- -by text- -sband-"
The line goes dead, and you're stuck staring at your phone with more confusion than you had started. Husband?
What was that? Wrong number? No, they had addressed you by your full name. You couldn't hear much, but from what you gathered...an emergency? I mean, that alone you could tell from the shrill from the speaker's voice.
The elevator door opens again and this time, it's the ground floor and all 4 of you walk out. It looks like the scene where the rich, popular characters make a grand entrance, straight out of a K-drama, except one person clearly missed the memo about dressing formally.
You check your phone's call log, debating whether to call them back.
Before you can lock your phone and shove it back into your phone, it dings again, a text from the very number. They've given you a location. A quick search on your phone, shows you google images of an army training ground. You check the time. It's just past midnight.
Looks like you're going on an adventure.
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The drive to the army grounds was shorter than Google Maps had said, and now you're parked on the side of the roads waiting for the gates to be opened.
Theories are racing through your head right now, who do you know that's in the military currently?
Your coworkers? No.
Your university friends? No.
Your secondary school classmates? No.
Simon? Can't be.
The gates open, and you drive to the 2 men standing by the doors to the building, one is dressed like a doctor, the other? Like Stalin.
You get out of your car worried, "Hi, someone called over the phone?"
"Aah, yes. Mrs Riley. A pleasure to meet you. I mean I didn't think you were even going to come." He turns to the doctor.
You don't fail to hear the words exchanged between the both of them.
"What if she works at Maccies as well...she's dressed like it-" he murmurs, smiling at you widely.
The doctor on the other hand, seems to be more tense about the situation, "Sir, can we just send her in already, it's 1 A.M., I got a family to go home to-"
"Wasn't your wife cheating on you though-"
"Sir- How do you know- Okay, Miss. Mrs... Riley, was it?" The doctor turns to you.
You raise an eyebrow at him, "No. Um, no. My first name's not Riley, it's-"
"Will you just follow us. Please."
The inside of the building was almost the opposite than the outside, a loud brightly lit environment with crowds of doctors and nurses rushing around, compared to the silent dark grounds.
"Sorry, where are we going exactly?" You question, as the two men walk in front of you.
"You're handling the news better than I expected, Riley." The military leader (?) notes.
What news?
"What news?"
There's no follow up answer, instead they lead you to a quiet corridor, just outside a room, to which they gesture you to open. The doctor reads from a file, "He's going to be fine, just a few cuts and bruises-"
You interrupt, "I'm sorry?"
"What he's trying to say- we found him unconscious, seems like he inhaled too much of the gas. Thought he was in grave danger. Wasn't responding to anything. Broken rib cage, but he'll be fine. He always is, this man."
The doctor agrees with the solider.
"Indeed, a few months of bed rest, and he's be back in better shape."
The two stare at you, as you look at them with an unreadable expression.
"...And...I'm here because?"
They share a confused look.
"You're his wife, no? His emergency contact? That's what Simon said at le-"
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One second you're at home, the next you're a work again, and now you're in the bathroom with your head in your hands, sitting on the toilet lid, panic pulsating through your blood. For some reason, you can't find it in yourself to tell the truth, that you're not Simon's wife, so instead you pussied out and excused yourself to the nearest bathroom.
The good thing is, the 2 men believe you're crying over Simon's injuries, the bad thing is that he's awake. And he's been made aware of the call to his emergency contact: his wife.
"Good to say you mate. Called your wife. Sensitive one, that. Rushed-"
Simon breaks out of his dazed look. "Wife?" He barks.
The doctor shares a knowingly glance to the solider, Simon's higher up. "Yes...the one under your emergency contact?"
"Wot- Oh. Er- Yeah." Simon clenches his jaw, rubbing his temple, "Did she pick up or sum-"
"No Simon, she's here. In the bathroom."
The minimal colour in Simon's pale bruised face drains out in a click, and he's staring dead straight in front of him. For a second, no one talks, there's no movement, not even a breath is exhaled. Simon's not religious but he prays the 2 can't hear his beating heart thumping rapidly.
How was do when he sees you? A smile? A wave? A 'haven't seen you in so long'? No...he selected spouse when he put your number down for his emergency contact, if anything, he's got a role to act in front of the staff and higher-ups.
There's a knock on the door that breaks the silence. The door creaks open awkwardly, and a small head peeps out.
Simon's breath hitches.
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When your parents instructed you to get out fairy land, you did. You were called delusion by your friends throughout adolescence, and you're teachers feared your expectations in life were always too high.
You remember the first time your parents told you the story of how they met. In your mind it was a romantic story, two doctors meeting together for the first time in the hospital, locking eyes and blushing furiously when their fingers touched through gloved during a high-risk heart transplant surgery. So when they mentioned that it was mere 'marriage of convenience' type relationship to you, your belief of love at first sight hit the iceberg of reality and sunk. Sunk deep.
So mustering the courage shouldn't be that difficult, right? Love doesn't exist...
The first step into the hospital room felt like walking into every exam hall you've ever entered in your entire life merged into 1...times 10. Nerve-wracking was an understatement.
Your goal was to just lie and act at his wife, play pretend and hope Simon plays along with it. It's all acting.
A marriage of convenience, you could say.
"Hey, Si-"
Your breath breaks, cutting off your own words as your eyes lock with Simon's. The room seems to shrink, and the bustling noise from the hospital corridor fades into the background. Simon's gaze is intense, his usual stoic expression softening for a brief moment. It's something the doctor and the soldier haven't seen, given the 5 years of knowing SImon.
He reaches an arm out, without speaking a word.
"Oh, erm." Taking his hand, he gently drags you, motioning you to sit on the chair beside his bed. Small electric shocks course through his fingertips and into yours, a warm feeling bubbling through your chest, and you can't help but smile at the way his eyes lock onto you, as his fingers gently caress your hand.
Simon’s grip tightens ever so slightly as you sit down, his touch simultaneously reassuring and questioning. You swallow hard, nerves prickling your skin. It feels like a minute has passes by the 2 spectators in the room feel like their watching a slow-burn romance movie.
The soldier clears his throat, breaking the silence. "We’ll give you two some privacy," he says, gesturing for the doctor to follow him out. As the door clicks shut behind them, the heavy silence continues to fall over the room.
Simon’s thumb strokes the back of your hand, a gesture that feels both foreign and familiar. His mask of stoicism cracks, revealing a hint of vulnerability beneath. "I didn’t think you’d come," he murmurs, his voice a low rumble. Your heart rate increases with every word he speaks, the hints of his northern accent peaking through the harshness of his voice.
You smile. "Well, here I am," you reply, attempting to sound casual despite the thundering of your heart. "Guess I couldn't ignore the call of duty." Your attempt of a pathetic joke makes him grin.
Simon interlocks his fingers with yours, and you swear your body changes to manual breathing. "SImon...You don't have to act, they're not here..." You mumble.
Simon chuckles softly, the sound sending shivers down your spine. His eyes, usually so guarded, now seem to search yours for something unspoken. "I'm not acting... and...I'm sorry," he says, his voice barely above a whisper.
"What for?" Both of your hands gently hold Simon's and you notice the way just one of his hands dwarf both of yours.
"That day...the last day. I tried to come, I swear, love. I was late-"
"I waited for you Simon." You blankly state. Simon freezes at the slight frustration in your voice, "I waited so long for you, hell, the teachers nearly kicked me out."
Simon nodding understandably, grinning slightly at the thought.
"I know. I asked our form tutor, missed ya by 15 minut-"
"Then why didn't you call me Simon? Hm?"
The lack of response let's you continue, the heat from your hands warming Simon's.
"I called you, I texted, I reached out to your friends-"
"-but it's difficult when I had none, right?" Simon cuts you off, his eyes urging you to look at the situation from his perspective, "The moment I saw you in that classroom on that first day, you were the only person that smiled at me. When I forgot my lunch, it was you that shared with me by your desks. Fuck, it's always been you, and I was too fucking embarrassed with myself to even be around someone as perfect as you."
Simon squeezes your hand as he continues.
"I didn't want you to be seen with me, because...you deserved better, love. You've always had. Good grades, good school, good life, didn't was you to be dragged down by a dick like me." He huffs out, turning away, "Signed up for the military that day, y'know. Remember when you said you wanted to just give up on your dreams of uni and jus' join the army. Just use all your frustrations on a gun or sumthing... I bulked up over that very summer."
You stifle a warm tear as it escapes and runs down your cheek.
"Wanted to be someone for you, swear down. So I signed up for the military...and I- that day. I was going to tell you...and ask you out."
Raising your eyebrows, you feel the atmosphere shifting, he continues.
"Yeah," Simon chuckles, reminiscing, "Wrote a letter cos I didn' know how to get my feelins across. But uh, I was too late. And when I asked your friend, and they told me you were moving out for uni...I just thought it was better to let my feelins die out. Didn't wan to drag you down any further..." He mumbles the last part.
A mix of emotions flood through you as Simon's words settle in the room. The weight of the years apart, the misunderstandings, and the unspoken feelings hang in the air. You take a deep breath, wiping away the tear that escaped earlier.
"Simon," you begin softly, your voice trembling with a blend of sadness and hope. "You never dragged me down. If anything, I felt lost without you."
Simon's gaze shifts back to you, eyes searching for any hint of resentment or anger. Instead, he finds warmth and understanding, a look he's not seen in years. "I thought you'd be better off without me. That you'd move on and find someone who could give you everything I couldn't."
"But I never wanted someone else," you confess, your voice firm despite the quiver in your heart. "I wanted you, Simon. Even when you weren't there, I kept hoping you'd come back. Do you know how many times I've looked at my phone hoping it was you that was calling me?"
Simon laughs, moving ever so slightly closer to you, his thumb continuing to stroke your hand, his touch grounding you both in the present moment. He takes a deep breath, seemingly trying to gather his thoughts.
"I'm here now," he says finally, his voice steady. "And I'll call you ever chance I get. Don't want to waste any more time."
You squeeze his hand in response, a small smile tugging at your lips. "Neither do I."
Simon presses a chaste kiss against your forehead and you lean against him.
"The name Riley really does suit you, y'know." Simon whispering into your hair.
"One step at a time, Si." You whisper back, burying your smirk into the crook of his neck.
Maybe your parents were wrong, maybe love at first sight does exist.
Outside the room, the 2 men straight in awe at the couple. The doctor sighs, "No more trouble in paradis-"
The solider nudges the doctor, "You wish that was you, huh."
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me rn
tags -> @lilliumrorum, @kxtz3, @poohkie90, @rainlovesyou12, @restrictionsapply-blog, @lunamoonbby, @nigthmar3moon, @thychuvaluswife, @itsnourm, @bubusi11, @chessecakelover, @owkittie, @cheomain, @corvusmorte, @k4es, @mandythemint , @copiasratscheese, @yyiikes, @funkyysho3es, @delta98-idk, @spankmydepression, @yourfavbabigirl
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Eye in the sky.
141 member reader(codename: eagle)x könig
You're the medic of your team, you never worked with KorTac before and you weren't prepared for it or for the blue eyed Colonel.
If you like it, give a ♥️ for a second part.
Warning: mentions of blood, injuries, grammatical/ spelling errors, long story. 📢 Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters nor do I claim to own them. I do not own any of the images used nor do I claim to own them.
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The meeting today is not going well, you've been listening to the boys complaining over and over again.
- KorTac? No, we can do this on our own.
- it's not a suggestion Ghost, I don't like the idea either but Laswell insisted.
- But Sir, those are fuckin animals!
- Yeah I don't like their techniques... Eagle, what do you think?
The four men are looking at you, expectantly, you're in your own thoughts, just waiting for your orders.
- Huh?
- What do you think Doc? Are you okay with the idea of working with KorTac?
Soap wasn't happy but like you he would do what Price and Laswell order.
- I don't mind, I mean we will play our part and they will play theirs, no?
- Indeed, eagle is right, we will arrive together, we'll clean the path for them and then... They will do what we're not allowed to do.
- Which is?
You're not new to this but you seriously don't understand why everyone is so bothered by this situation.
- Common eagle! Don't pretend you don't know.
Gaz is irritated by your silly question but you really need to understand what is going on.
- what? I seriously don't get it.
- They will torture to obtain the information we need, we're not allowed to use the same methods they usually use.
Ghost said it as if it was nothing, but now you get why they're not ok with the news.
Someone knocked on the door, Interrupting your meeting, Price opened while all of you were still talking in whispers.
- Guys, lemme introduce the members of KorTac that will be working with us. Horangi, Roze and König.
Roze and Horangi look strong but König looks like a giant bear, is taller than ghost.
- This is the 141, Ghost, Soap, Gaz and our medic, Eagle, we were already talking about how will we work.
You're still amazed by König's height, you don't even pay attention to what they're talking about, you're observing carefully, his arms are long and muscular, his legs, those thighs could explode anybody's head, his blue eyes...
- Eagle? Are you with us?
- ah? Oh fuck, Yes, I'm... Sorry Captain.
- I was saying there's a small change of plans, you will be working with König and his team.
Fuck, everybody noticed you were literally staring at him, you're blushing, focus, focus!.
- Yes, captain.
- Did you heard what will you do?
- Ah...
- Eagle is my best sniper and medic, sometimes looks like lives in the clouds but I can assure you there won't be problems during the mission.
- I hope so, I don't like to be a babysitter, Roze and Horangi, they're really good at any task (...)
A babysitter? Who does this tall man think he is? You looked at your friends, they're returning the annoyed glance at you.
- I understand, then that's how we will be working, Colonel, I'll give you the details about when we'll start.
The reunion finished, you started to walk to your room when Gaz appeared at your side with his silly malicious smirk.
- I saw that.
- What?
- You were looking at the masked giant, to be honest everybody noticed it.
- Oh god! I was just looking at how tall he is, did you saw him? It's massive, I will need to take like the double amount of everything just in case he's injured or something.
Gaz continued making fun of you, you felt seriously embarrassed you tried to do your usual tasks and pretend nothing happened then disappeared until it was dinner time.
You were looking for the table where usually you and the team sit, there they are, with Roze and Horangi, where's the giant? You look around just to see him sitting alone just with an apple and a protein bar, before you could even notice you're already in front of him.
- Ja? Can I help you?
He's not being rude but also not very kind, he's looking at you with a bothered look.
- Ah... No, well, I was wondering why are you here, everybody is eating together, over there.
- I like to be alone.
- oh okay, sorry...
You turned back and walked to the usual table, you discovered Roze and Horangi are more social, talking a little bit more than their colonel.
- Horangi, may I ask you something?
- go ahead.
- Your colonel... Is he always like that?
Horangi looked at König's direction, he stayed in silence for a moment then sigh and redirect his look to you.
- I shouldn't say this but he has social anxiety. That's why he always sits away, excuse me, I'll go to check on him.
He stood up and left, Roze interrupted your thoughts.
- They're good friends, don't worry. They're always together, well Doc, I hope your captain says the truth about you, take good care of us tomorrow.
She gave you a pat on the back and left, you continued the conversation with your team, keeping an eye on Horangi and König, then everybody went to sleep.
The morning arrived quickly, you're checking if you already have all you could possibly need. You're checking your gun, knifes, belt, you don't want problems with the KorTac guys. Ghost appeared behind you.
- Ready?
- Fuck! Ghost, you scared me. Yes, just wanted to check once more.
- You'll be alright Eagle... Just... Take care of you when you're with them, alright?
- Is Ghost worried about me?
You tried to joke with him but he was talking really serious.
- I'm serious, we don't know them, we don't know if they have other plans or something.
- Yes, Lt.
The trip on the plane was calmed, everybody reviewed the plan, it was simple, You and König will be in high ground, as snipers, while the rest eliminates enemies that are not visible for you, Roze and Horangi will be searching for information and the target, once they found him, You and König will join them, you will wait until they finish to obtain information, give medical attention to the target because Laswell needs him alive.
You and König started to walk to the highest ground you could find, you're just following König In silence until he decided to speak.
- Why Eagle?
- What?
- Why that codename? Eagle?
- Ah well, my father is a huge fan of that old band... The Alan Parsons project, do you know it?
- I don't think so.
- do you know that song... « I'm the eye in the sky, looking at you I can read your mind...»?
- nein
- Oh well, it's a good song, my dad sang it for me when I was afraid or anxious. When I joined the army I sang or hummed it all the time and everywhere, eventually everybody knew me for that and started to call me eagle because you know, the song and I'm a good sniper, I like it, it's a reminder that my dad still walks at my side, even if he's no longer here.
You looked at him and to your surprise he was observing you, too focused on your story, his eyes are blue and his look is soft, then he looked somewhere else.
- Good story. Umm I think this is a good place, what do you think?
- Sure, it gives us a good view of the place.
The radios interrupted the conversation. «Eagle, König, Are you ready?»
- Yes Cap, you have eyes in the sky.
You and könig started to shoot and it became a competition to see who would shoot down more targets. You started to laugh and so he did.
- Ha! And they said I couldn't be a sniper.
- God! You're a good sniper König, you're hard to beat.
- Danke, you're good too.
And there it is that look he gave you before, soft blue eyes but once more something interrupted you.
«König, we found him, bring the Doc, were waiting for you, he refuses to talk» «Do your magic Colonel!!» Horangi and Roze were on the radio.
He Stood up and offered you his hand to help you to stand up, you started to trot quickly, In silence, you noticed how tense he was, you arrived at the location, Ghost and Soap were waiting for you outside, König got inside the house, you were ready to follow but Ghost stopped you.
- What? I'll go with them, no? Where's Gaz and Price?
- You will wait here until they say you're allowed to go there.
You looked at both of them in confusion, soap simply nodded at you.
- trust us, eagle, you don't want to see that. The cap and Gaz will join us soon, they're blocking the communication in the zone.
A few minutes later you started to hear someone screaming «Please!! Please, I beg you to stop...» then silence again, you're worried but you know soap and ghost were right, maybe it's better to not see what is going on there. Almost an hour later Roze came out. «It's your turn Doc» before you could give a step inside the house she warned you «I have to say... it's not a nice view» she went back inside and you followed her, the smell of blood became stronger with every step you gave, before you got inside the room, you could hear some laughs, you opened the door just to find König cleaning his hands, while Horangi was cleaning a knife, next to them was a man, in a chair, he's unconscious but breathing, blood is everywhere, certainly Roze wasn't lying, it wasn't nice, but you made your best to look normal.
You kneeled down in front of the man, started to look for a serious injury that needed to be attended before some other, his face is hard to recognize, is bloody, puffy, purple, fresh cuts still bleeding, his fingers are broken and don't have nails anymore, there's deep cuts on his thighs, broken ribs, nose broken, you can bet he is deaf and toothless now, his ears are bleeding too, it's a mess, you don't know where to start.
Horangi decided to let you work, he left, there's only you and König, you can feel his eyes fixed on you.
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stvolanis · 11 months
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Don’t Wanna Grow Up.
( one shot )
PAIRINGS: Rockstar! OC X Mean! Jim Hopper
WARNINGS: guys Hopper is really mean in this, small plot, OC is in a band (corroded coffin), she’s Eddie’s best friend/step-sister, age gap (OC is 19 and hops in his 40s), dubcon, drinking, usual rockstar things, OC is also kinda an asshole,nice jim at the end, hop being a cop (that rhymed lol)
NSFW INCLUDES: anal play, degradation (slut, brat, bitch), spitting, (hard) slapping, hair pulling, breeding kink, breath play, power play, size kink, manhandling, choking, oral (m receiving), praising (if you squint), heavy sir kink, humiliation, public sex (parking lot), p in v sex, overstimulation, cum eating, SORRY IF I MISSED ANYTHING<3
Istg I got horny while writing this so I hope y’all enjoy !!<3
please lmk if you guys are interested in a part 2!!
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the night was lively and booming in the small town of Hawkins, Indiana. It was a big contrast to the usual boring nights that the locals were used to, and it was surely a huge difference for on-duty chief of police, Jim Hopper.
Rowdy teens were one thing, but full grown adults plus teenagers being loud and obnoxious was not how hopper wanted to spend his night. Of course the big commotion would only mean one thing, lots of paperwork and phone calls.
It was a Tuesday night. A school night. A work night, even. What could have possibly caused all this up roar in the town? This much disruption and constant noise complaint phone calls from a small, quiet and local bar were unusual. But, nonetheless, the chief loaded up in his cruiser and made quick work of heading to the busy bar.
Jim could hear the faint blaring music from down the road, much to his dismay. As he pulled in and got out of his car, slamming the door shut, he quickly took notice of the locals stumbling out of the bar drunkenly, hollering only god knows what as he watched one fall into a bush. It was gonna be a long night.
Hopper walked into the noisy bar and was instantly met with the smell of strong alcohol and must coming from the sweaty bodies dancing around in the crowd. Unfortunately, he could also smell the lingering remanence of throw up, cause his face to crinkle up in disgust. Suddenly, the bright stage that was flashing every color under the sun caught his attention.
Of course she would be what was causing all of this nonsense.
Blood red hair sticking up in all kinds of directions bounced up and down while singing wildly. One of her dainty, fishnet covered hands in the air as her other held a microphone. The deep red lipstick she was wearing was slightly smeared, as was her eyeliner and mascara. Her honey brown eyes peering over the crowd with a wicked smile dancing on her lips at the mess she’s stirred. The lead singer of Corroded Coffin, Cherrie.
A Highschool drop-out who was on the upcoming charts with her band, soon to be leaving the small town to start touring across America for a hefty price. A delinquent since she became friends with the Munson boy, who she’d met in the 5th grade after she stabbed him in the thigh with her pink pencil.
Cherrie was a force to be reckoned with, and Hop can’t even count on his fingers anymore how many times she’d spent the night in the county jail either high out of her mind or drunk on gin. She’d spent her whole life in and out of the system, till Eddie Munsons uncle, Wayne, decided he’d take her in. Her love for music started when she’d stumbled across Eddie’s massive music collection. Once Eddie got his guitar and she had a microphone in her hand, the rest was history.
The band started off as something they did for fun with their friends, but then it turned into something they couldn’t even imagine. Once their producer released their first album, it went flying off the shelves after about a lingering week of nothing. Before they knew it, they were ushered to go on tour in 2 weeks times. Cherrie always felt she was destined for more than the small town had to offer, but she could never quite place it till now. She had wanted an escape for as long as she can remember, and now that she finally had one, she wouldn’t be coming back anytime soon.
The small town she lived in seen the worst in her, even the ones who were much worse than her. The difference between them was that she wasn’t afraid to show it. She didn’t need to put up a facade for people, because they’d always just see her as the burnt out Highschool drop out. But when she was on stage, it was like she was on top of the world. For once, the people who’d whisper terrible things about her and spread ugly rumors were looking up at her and cheering their hearts out. It was a nice change. It was a euphoric feeling.
Cherrie was no stranger when it came to the male gaze, as she’d dealt with it since she was only about 14. It’s always made her uncomfortable, for sure, but after a while she’d learned how to use it to her advantage. So it was no surprise when she’d tried attempt to seduce Jim Hopper a few months prior when he’d threaten to lock her up for good. She’d ended up spending the night in a jail cell. Ever since then, Jim’s felt uneasy around the ball of fire. Almost afraid she’d pounce at any moment on him.
But right now, it was almost as if he was in a trance as he watched her body move enchantingly. The lighting made her deep olive skin appear more vibrant, and hopper could see the sweat dripping down her chest and into her open cleavage. She wore a tight strapless corset that was laced and a small mini skirt that was so short, he was sure if she turned around he’d be able to see her ass. The fishnets that adorned her arms and legs had skulls embroidered onto them, but hopper could still see her colorful Paul Stanley star-man tattoo on the side of her thigh.
The choker she wore had protruding spikes on it and the chains she wore along with it complimented her slim neck. Hopper instinctively locked his dry lips as he stared at her for a moment longer before their eyes connected, and he felt the hairs on his arm stand up and his back straighten.
Cherrie watched Hopper walked to the side of the stage with furrowed eyebrows as he unplugged Eddie’s amp and the strobe lights, effectively making everyone let out noises of confusion and annoyance. Cherrie rolled her eyes and groaned as she dropped the mic onto the ground angrily before hopping off of the stage, pushing her way through the crowd to get to Jim. Eddie was hot on her tail, trying to calm down the fire he could’ve swore he saw in her eyes begin to spark, but he was soon lost in the crowd as he called out to her.
“What the fuck are you doing, shithead?!” Cherrie yelled out as she stood in front of Jim. “Doin’ my job, Cherrie. But you always gotta make it harder f’me, huh?” He huffed out with annoyance as he pushed past her towards the crowd of rowdy people.
“Everyone out! Right now, unless you’d like to spend the night with me at the station.” He yelled to the crowd, who quickly dispersed. Many sending Hopper ugly glances, but he was too over everything to care. “No, this is my scene, why’d you have to come fuck it up?!” She said with a groan as she stood chest to chest with him, though she was much smaller than him.
“Noise complaints, from multiple people.” He replied dryly. “Why can’t you just stay out of trouble for 2 fuckin’ minutes, is it that hard?” He added with a scoff. Cherrie didn’t process what happened as she felt her fist connect with his cheek, wincing as she rubbed her knuckles before slowly looking back up at an angry chief.
“Shit—Wait—” she muttered as she tried backing away from him, but Hop wasn’t having it. He harshly gripped her upper arm before slamming her front into the wall. “Cmon, yknow I didn’t mean to.” She said as she tried to wiggle free from his tight hold. “Shut up, brat.” He replied through clenched teeth as he snapped his cuffs onto her wrists.
“Ow!” She shouted as the cuffs tightened around her wrists painfully. Hop ignored her please as he dragged her out of the now almost empty bar. Eddie was by his van as he watched Cherrie get taken out in handcuffs with a shake of his head and a frown. “M’ sorry, Eds!” She shouted to him across the parking lot with a shrug of her shoulders. Eddie sighed as their band loaded up their belongings into his car.
Hopper pushed her forward towards the car. “We ain’t stoppin’ for chit-chat.” He grumbled under his breath. Cherrie merely rolled her eyes in annoyance. “Asshole.” She muttered under her breath. Hopper gripped her wrists in the cuffs tighter and he watched as she winced in pain. “What was that? Hm?” He muttered lowly in her ear.
She could feel his warm breath against the shell of her ear, and that’s all it took for her body to feel like it’s on fire. His grip on her wrists and the way she could feel his crotch area brush against her ass as they walked to the car from how close they are had her body on edge. She bit her lip as he opened the backseat door for her before roughly shoving her in and slamming the door shut.
Hopper got in his seat and fumbled with his keys with a huff before starting his cruiser. “Yknow you’re kinda hot when you’re mad to me, chief.” Cherrie giggled as she batted her lashes. Hopper eyed her through the rearview mirror, his eyes briefly trailing down to her open cleavage that was now free of sweat before rolling his eyes and adjusting the mirror to see better behind him, but really it’s just so his boner wouldn’t further harden from the sight of her in cuffs in his back seat.
Cherrie giggled lightly as she made herself comfortable in the backseat as Jim began driving to the police station. And then an idea hit her. “Yknow, I always thought you were a pretty shitty cop.” She said aloud as she looked out the window with a smirk. “Excuse me?” Hopper said, taken slightly aback.
“You heard me. I don’t even know you you became chief—I mean, aren’t you always drinking on the job? Yet you wanna make me seem like I’m the worst person ever.” She scoffed out with an eye roll. Hopper slammed on the breaks, making Cherrie hurl forward, hitting the head rest with a loud ‘thud’.
“Shit—what the fuck, Hop?!” She yelled out with furrowed brows. Jim’s breathing was erratic and hit fists were white from gripping the steering wheel so hard. “Yeah? You think I’m a shitty cop? Alright, y’little bitch.” He muttered with a dark chuckle as he drove into an empty parking lot that was some what hidden behind trees.
“What’re you doin? you aren’t gonna kill me are you?” Cherrie giggled, feigning fear. Hopper didn’t respond as he parked the car and swung his door open, quickly opening Cherries too. “Hey—” she started, but was cut off when hopper gripped her upper arm tightly, yanking her out of her seat and onto the ground. Cherrie sat on her knees in front of the cop, looking up at him through her thick lashes.
“Y’gonna hurt me, Hop?” She challenged with raised brows and a taunting smirk. Hoppers hand harshly made contact with the side of her cheek, roughly slapping her, making her head spin to the side as a stinging pain overtook her cheek. Cherrie whimpered lightly, making Hopper chuckle. “Thought this was what you wanted, brat.” He said tauntingly as he gripped her hair, making her look up at him.
“Now here’s what’s gonna happen—” he started . “Y’gonna suck my cock like a good girl n then I’m gonna fuck that tight little cunt until I’m through with you, n maybe your ass if I feel like it. You’ve been a little bitch all night so don’t expect to fucking cum, y’hear me?” He stated as he peered down at her. Cherrie felt her pussy begin to ache with need, but this wasn’t how it was supposed to go. She wasn’t supposed to actually want him the way she does now.
Cherrie nodded and Hopper slapped her once again, but on her other cheek. “Words, slut.” He spit out. Cherrie moaned at the slap, making hopper chuckle. “Yes, sir.” She muttered as she bit down on her lip. Jim groaned at the name. “Good girl.” He praised as he began to unzip his pants, letting them fall to his knees.
Cherrie could see his large bulge and a small wet patch where his tip is that’s seeping through. “M’gonna teach you how to suck cock properly, little girl.” He said as he let his hard cock spring free, long and so thick. A vein ran along the underside of it and Cherries mouth watered at the sight, but she wasn’t gonna let up so easily. “S’ not gonna fit in my mouth. Don’t want it to.” She said.
“I don’t give a fuck, you act like a brat n’ you get treated like one.” He said as he slapped his cock against the side of her cheek with a smirk. He soon forced Cherries mouth open with his thumb and shoved his throbbing member down her throat without warning, making her gag aloud. Cherrie could feel her eyes watering as his cock hit the back of her throat with no mercy. It was getting hard to breathe, and it didn’t help when the mean man above her pinched her nose shut as he held his cock in the back of her throat with a loud groan.
After a few seconds he let her nose go and she released his throbbing dick, gasping for air, hee chest heaving. “Please—” she begged through breaths of air. Jim quickly shoved his cock back down her throat that was now becoming unbearably sore, along with her jaw. She moaned around his cock as she began to grind her sopping cunt against the chiefs freshly polished boots.
Hopper felt his end coming near at the sight it. “Look at you— h-humping my boot l-l-like a bitch in heat.” He moaned at through clenched teeth as he watched her mascara and eyeliner run down her cheeks from her tears that he caused. The way she feverishly humped against his boot harder after his comment made him cum down her throat with a groan and a string of ‘fuckkk, just like that’ and ‘so fuckin good’.
Cherries senses were overwhelmed as she tasted him down her throat and on her tongue. Salty, but not bitter. Hopper slightly pulled out and released the rest of his cum on her tongue that was hanging outside of her mouth with a satisfied moan. Cherrie made quick work of swallowing his generous load. “Whaddya say, baby?” He mocked.
“Thank you for your cum, sir.” Cherrie said as she gripped at his leg, her panty covered pussy still dripping on his boot. “Needy little girl, aren’t you, Cherrie?” He asked as he clicked his tongue. She nodded and muttered a small ‘yes, sir’ as he surprisingly, gently pulled her up from the ground. Hopper gripped Cherries throat and pulled her face close to his, just enough to where their lips were brushing against each other.
“‘M gonna fuck you so good.” He muttered, and Cherrie groaned as he lips finally crashed with his. The kiss was messy and heated, and their teeth clashed together as did their tongues. They fought for dominance, but Jim over powered her as his tongue danced with hers. “Fuckkk, y’taste so good.” He groaned against her as his grip on her slim throat tighten just above her spiked choker that he adored so much on her.
He opened her mouth before spitting into it, his boner growing larger as he watched her swallow it obediently. It was just something about making her go from a bratty, loud, rude and arrogant little girl to a submissive, hot mess with not much to say now that made Jim Hopper go absolutely fucking feral. The need to be inside of her hurled into his senses as he dragged her to the front of his cruiser, bending her over the hood.
Jim got down onto his knees, now eye level with her wet, fishnet covered baby pink panties with lace on the trim of it. “So cute, baby.” He muttered as he kissed the flesh of her ass before gripping both cheeks in his large hands. He pressed his nose into her panties and inhaled her scent deeply, his dick throbbing at the smell of her arousal. Cherrie whimpered as his nose brushed against her aching clit as she tried to wiggle her pussy even closer to his face.
Hopper chuckled at his needy girl and licked a long stripe over her panties. Cherrie let out a pornographic moan as he sucked her panty covered clit into his mouth. “Please, sir, ‘m sorry for bein’ a bad girl, need you so bad. promise I’ll be good.” She whined out as her eyes began to water again.
“Since you asked so nicely f’me, whore.” He said as though he were pondering it. He stood up and easily towered over the small girl bent over the hood of his car as he ripped her fishnets big enough to wear he could push her panties to the side. He groaned as he watched her slick drip out of her pussy and down her thighs. “Hop, my fishnets..” she muttered breathlessly.
“I’ll buy you new fishnets, baby, whatever you want.” He muttered as leaned over and kissed her shoulder. He slapped her ass, once, twice, just to watch it jiggle against the impact before spreading her ass once again to get a better view of her pussy. “So wet..” he murmured to himself as he slapped her gently slapped her cunt, making her let out a soft groan.
Hopper aligned his massive cock to her entrance and pushed in forcefully before pausing for a moment to get the smaller girl used to his size. Her cunt squeezed around him in a vice grip, almost painfully as he hissed. Cherrie moaned as she felt him fill her small cunt to the brim, kissing her cervix. She could feel him throbbing inside of her, begging to move.
“Please, sir—” she started, and Jim wasted no time in pulling out just to slam back into her again, causing Cherrie to let out a gasp. Hopper began pounding into the red haired girl, one of his hands gripping her wrists that were still in handcuffs while the other harshly smacked her ass hard enough to leave a deep red hand print, making Cherries eyes water.
Her eyes rolled to the back of her head as she moaned out loud ‘uhs’ each time he slammed back into her. As his pace began to gradually increase, the sweaty sound of skin slapping together could be heard throughout the parking lot and Jim felt like he was on cloud 9. Her cunt was so warm and tight. Almost as if she were a virgin.
Hop imagined her stomach swollen and her breasts enlarged and swollen with milk. How she’d become domesticated and obedient, much to his pleasure. He imagined her whimpers and moans as he’d fondle her nipples and squeezed the bundle of nerves just to watch the milk come out of them.
His hips slammed into hers harder and faster, taking Cherries breath away as her moans were uncontrollable and throat sore. Her mind was blank and all she could think about was the way he was filling her up. “Like the way I fuck you, hm? Stuffin’ this little pussy just the way you like.” The older man said as he threw his head back with a loud moan.
God, she loved how vocal he was. It made her pussy clench around him as she felt her orgasm approaching. “Sir—‘m gonna cum, gonna cum, oh my god—” she moaned out, her voice a higher pitch as she whined at the stimulation. Hopper sounded almost animalistic as he let out a what sounded close to a growl. “I told you you’re not gonna fuckin’ cum, you hear me?” He said through pants. Cherrie could tell he was being serious, but she just couldn’t hold it.
“please, ‘m sorry, sorry, I c—ca—can’t hold it.” She gasped out as her mouth formed into an ‘O’ shape as her orgasm slammed into her. Cherrie squirted all over Jim’s lower body, making him let out a groan. “Fuckkk..” he groaned out again. Cherrie thought Hopper would let up since she’d already came, but it seemed like the man had other plans.
Her pussy was so sensitive as he continued his brutal thrusts in and out with no remorse to her aching cunt. “please—stop, I can’t—“ she begged loudly as she tried to push her cuffed hands against his lower stomach, weakly trying to push him away from her but failing miserably. “No, you wanted to cum so you’re gonna fuckin cum for me as many times as I tell you to.” He said as he watched her ass jiggle each time his hips hit hers.
Hopper moved his hand that was around her wrist to her ass cheek, spreading it before spitting down into her puckered hole. He used his thumb to smear around his saliva before he slowly pushed it in, making Cherrie hiss out in pain. “This is what little girls who don’t listen get. They get their assholes used and violated.” He said with a chuckle as he began to fuck her tight ass with his thumb.
Broken moans left her throat as she felt herself go cross eyed, body shaking at the stimulation of her clit dragging against the hood of the car with each violent thrust delivered to her over-used cunt, paired with his thumb fucking into her ass made her orgasm quickly approach again.
“Sir, ‘m gonna cum, please let me cum, please, please, please!” She yelled out like it was a chant. Hopper bit down harshly on his lip, drawing blood before speaking. “Hold on, ‘m almost there, slut.” He huffed out as his thrusts became erratic and sloppy. “Y’want me to cum in this pussy? Make you nice n’ full? Make you all nice n swollen with my fuckin’ babies?” He moaned out.
“Yes, yes, yes, oh my god, need your cum, please cum in me. Need it so bad.” She moaned out, drunk on his cock that was drilling into her now more sloppy. “Yeah? Fuck , yes. Cum f’me right now, Cherrie. Cum f’me.” He repeated over and over till she squirted all over his cock for a second time, her body shaking and spasming with each dragging thrust he blew.
His hips stilled as his cock stuffed her full, and she could feel him getting soft inside of her before lazily pulling out. Hopper dropped down to his knees again and began licking up both of their release from her hole, savoring the taste of her juices that were now dripping down the starved man’s chin, making his beard sticky. “Oh my god.” Cherrie moaned as her legs shook violently at the harsh overstimulation of him fucking his cum back into her pussy with three of his large fingers.
Jim let up and slapped her cunt a few times for safe measures before he grabbed the keys to her handcuffs and took them off. Hopper put her panties back in place to make sure none of his valued cum can get out of her used cunt. He let her body fall limp against him as he picked her up bridal style as he opened the passenger door, gently putting her in.
“‘M takin’ you to my house, baby. Gon’ take good care of you, Cherrie.” He murmured gently as he kissed her temple. Cherrie nodded and blushed madly at his gentle, loving tone. A tone no one besides Wayne or Eddie used for her.
Maybe Jim Hopper wasn’t so bad after all.
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bizlybebo · 1 month
spoiler warning for pd finale/ep40 beep beep beep it’s a long post but bear with me and hear me out
okay so a lot of people (me included) absolutely believe that it was xavier in ep40 who killed atlas right. and it got me thinking more about A: his motivations and B: does this mean that he’s out to get william/pd now? does it mean that he knows? and i feel like this is actually really in plain sight now that i’m thinking about it a little harder.
why atlas of all people? atlas was a victim of a chaos demon and thus caused a significant amount of damage, but he did not mean to and it wasn’t truly him who did it. if this was xavier, why would xavier go for him?
well xavier’s already known for “flashier” methods of getting his message across, and has little disregard for anyone who violates his beliefs. despite a lot of his morals being in the right place (ex: price gouging sick people for their medicine is Bad actually) he takes them to an extreme where he doesn’t care about people getting caught in the crossfire if he’s convinced that they were bad people too, or at least a means to an end for the bad people that they work under (belltech employees who may have been unaware/not taking part of said price gouging or any of the other nefarious shit david was getting into).
it’s implied pretty heavily that xavier has little to no care for heroes, but jade actively disliked them given “what they did to our parents” when talking about her and her sister in ep15 of s2. so when jade is gone and xavier wakes up in the base again, there’s two ways things could’ve gone: either he remembered or he didn’t. and if he remembered, it’s obvious why that’s a problem, but: if he didn’t remember, it still makes a lot of sense why he’d do what he did, and it’s actually super fucking smart on bizly’s behalf if it really was xavier who killed atlas.
it’s likely that xavier still knows that he was planning to break into belltech with the others, or at least maintained earlier memories of that debacle since it’s unclear how long they were kept down there for. so think about it: you break into the building of a multi-billion dollar corporation that has already done shitty things to you and others before and has gotten away with it too (iirc belltech’s charges were cleared, according to will’s mom). then, suddenly, it’s however many days later and you’re waking up in your base with a mangled leg, a sore body, and a lingering terror that you can’t place.
and your best friend is missing.
maybe you have a terrible, sinking gut feeling that something happened to her. maybe you’re furious that the prime defenders never answered your distress calls. maybe you blame them, because if they had just come to save you, she wouldn’t be missing.
belltech is your enemy, but david bell is an untouchable man. you don’t know where he is and there’s no way you’re going to find him and exact revenge in your current state, especially because of the safety protocols that are probably rapidly increasing by the day with that corporation.
but william wisp is david bell’s brother, and you can reach william, and william is part of the prime defenders. they’re part of the hero system, the same hero system that has hurt and betrayed you and others. it’s probably a final straw of yours to not only lose your best friend, but to feel abandoned by the people who call themselves heroes.
but you can’t just go directly for william. you need to send him a message, and hope that it may also reach belltech— so who do you go for? who is the person that not only represents rockfall city, where belltech hq is, but also your ex-allyship with pd? somebody who seems larger than life but who you can kill in merely seconds just to prove that this entire system is all bullshit?
atlas’ possession was the first case where pd and xavier/alan/cantrip actually teamed up, and it kickstarted their allyship that took place for the most part during eps 3-18. pd seemed to know more about the chaos demons than anybody else did, and they managed to take down atlas and free him, but only with the help of xavier and the others (granted will and vyncent actually went down and dakota going feral was the thing that saved them but YKNOW).
killing atlas and marking him with the “X” would be a really smart move on xavier’s behalf, because it’s just innocuous enough for it to be written off as a particularly fucked up way of killing a guy, but people who know him closely as either allies or enemies would clock it instantly.
xavier doesn’t know too much about chaos demons, and he also doesn’t understand what took place there entirely, but if atlas was a great hero and yet fell so easily to the whims of chaos demons, who’s to say that the entire hero system can’t fall to something— somebody else? if atlas is a weak spot for WATCH and he tries to return to heroism, then if xavier snuffs that out not only does he send an important message to pd that severs all ties, but he also emphasizes that nobody is untouchable, not forever. he may not remember what went down at belltech entirely but he knows something happened to jade and he’s going to get back at david bell specifically for it. if he can reach atlas, then he can reach pd. if he can reach pd, he can reach william, and if he can reach william, he can reach his family. and so he can reach david.
also, sowing more public distrust in the hero system would be beneficial in xavier’s eyes, since he probably has a very strong revenge complex built up against WATCH and prime’s general system now. he’s got a very specific yet compelling and somewhat understandable motivation that could lead to him becoming s serious main antagonist in season 3, and so if it was xavier who killed atlas? then bizly has a great understanding of character nuance/motivation, cause and effect, and the worldbuilding of prime and it’s insanely fucking impressive that he managed to tie so much of xavier’s character arc together without even saying his name, bringing certain aspects of his story to a close while opening up new doors that could establish him as yet another ominous presence to loom over the characters in season 3. or maybe i’m reading way too far into that fucking white boy’s ttrpg campaign again
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hacked-by-jake · 4 months
Alright I have way too many thoughts and emotions so there ain't no way I'm gonna be able to organize everything into a nice sentence but I still gotta get it out 🤣🤣
First off, my notes app with some of my thoughts I wrote down while playing (in chronological order):
Where's Jake?
No premium?
Why and where is nymos
Why are we playing candy crush instead of hacking
Again: Where's Jake, he prob sees our chats and knows whats happening (hopefully)
The characters seem like an almost identical reflection to duskwood
What happened to Richy, please don't die on me 😩
Where's the others
We're now paying to see the secret chats
Why's this game taking so much of my money
Ash really be making me cry about Jake again 🥴
Eric be throwing himself at us when I still want to stay loyal to my hacker boy 💀
Rant 1:
The money milking makes me sick and don't even get me started on the ai 🫡 I spent 17 bucks today, halfway through the first episode and already out of all the materials I bought. It's disgusting how Everbyte has completely flipped and is practically scamming their players. Based on the prices, it's almost 3 dollars to view one picture 🙄 I would be more than happy to buy a premium package like duskwood for $20 or even 30 but $17 for not even half an episode is a crime 😭😭
Rant 2:
It's crazy how long this game took and yet it's way worse than duskwood. I was expecting a few additions, not subtractions.
Rant 3:
There is no way to see previous media and calls like in duskwood and no chat history like they promised. I never would've thought it was possible, but these mini games are way worse than duskwoods. And I realized how childish it all looks, I hate how we get no explanation for anything we're doing in the game.
I'm pissed but seeing the anonymous mask gave me life. I need to go replay duskwood to cleanse myself of moonvale 😮‍💨
Pahahaha you're really killing me with your thoughts, I love your humor so much. 😭
I really should also start to write down my first thoughts while playing but I fear I will write down something to every little sentence I read. xD
But it's so true, where's Nymos? Give us Nymos back! My emotional bond with this unreal little dude is huge so I seriously need him. It's literally a program but it's a he you can't change my mind because I imagine Nymos as Jake best friend who's exactly like Jarvis from Marvel. (Sorry if you don't know it but then I really recommend you to watch the Iron Man movies. (Actually all marvel movies but we're talking about Jarvis here so you best see or more like hear him in Iron Man)
Btw my headcanon is that Nymos is not just any program but also an AI. So and now I will expand the headcanon and say Nymos is an AI that is against AI art and nobody can stop me, hehe.
The Candy Crush comparison makes me laugh every time and it hurts me because it’s true. xD
The thing with the characters being identical with the Duskwood characters... It's a hard topic in my eyes.
Some people say it way too early to judge this. And it's true. We didn't saw much now. But I do think we can already judge them a bit by what we saw. And when we compare it with how the Duskwood characters were in the first episode, I do think you can see that there's not much yet, sadly.
Like, we had Thomas, the idiot in love with problems to take criticism. We had Jessy the hanger-on that were clinging to Dan but then decided to change sides. We had the funny sunny boy Richy. The pretty cold acting Cleo. We had bitchy Lilly and of course we had the grumpy and unfriendly Dan. They all acted pretty strong from second one, in my eyes.
But I somehow absolutely don't think the Moonvale characters are like the Duskwood characters. Because well, I really think they need stronger personalities.
We have Eric who's a pretty normal guy and even though he tripped twice in one episode he's not at all like Thomas.
We have Ash who's like a very, veeery light version of Jessy and Lilly, in my eyes. Somehow kind but somehow absolutely not trustworthy.
We have Violet who's just.. there sometimes. Even the drunken police chief is more expressive.
Well and Charlie is.. Somehow like Richy and in my eyes has the strongest personality so far.
Oh and not to forget Brian who wasn't even there. Lol.
So yeah, I understand both points but I might see it a bit differently.
"Why's this game taking so much of my money" had me on my knees, laughing and crying at the same time because it's almost funny what Everbyte did and it's just as sad.
During my first playthrough I was also like: Someone give me a crucifix I need to get rid of Eric as soon as possible.
But while replaying I just had to see what happens if you decide to get closer with Eric and I swear it didn't disappoint me. It was hilarious and truly, I want this with Jake. I need such a chat with Jake! Everbyte, please!
I mean, I'm not flirting with Eric because I think he's hot or anything. Sadly, his character isn't interesting to me in this sense. (I need the mysterious guys xD) But I just had to try it and I mean, who knows if it will be important later. It's manipulative, I know, but don't judge me. And also, there's still this little hope for a jealous Jake. *ahem* Sorry, I promise I still feel bad for flirting with someone else. 😩
But gosh, the side story end. It was worth all the wait, really. I said before, I don’t forget about the negative things because of it but I'm just a silly, lonely, disappointed girl in love with a fictional hacker, let me have this adrenaline boost!
And yes, I was so happy when I saw Alan's body cam. I immediately knew what that means but at first I was just so happy to "see" Alan as well. I really like this guy, I can't stop myself.
About rant 1: I love the comparison with "So expensive is a picture" it is just as true and actually shows again how incredible it all is. I’ve said my opinion many times now, and I still want to protect Everbyte and give them a little empathy. But it's sadly just true.
I had a thought about that (what you said in rant 2) before and wanted to make a post about it later. So I hope it's okay if I get to it later.
Rant 3: This is actually one of the things that botherse the most. We can't rewatch calls, videos and pictures. The chats are disappearing and are gone forever. And they told us it will be different and that's so annoying. Not being able to see it in the app is just bothering for me. And yeah, that they broke the "promise" is as well. We all were so happy about the chat thing and now...
I actually like the look of Moonvale even if I would prefer something much darker. Especially with the mini games. The background is AI, of course, so. It would look much better with a real background.
And the damn mini games... I loved the ones in Duskwood so much. I really did. It was so much fun and I was one of the people who found them very easy.
But now the Moonvale mini games. By lord. Even though they're much easier for me in my replay, the first time I was actually this close to throwing my phone against the wall. I mean, I even went to sleep at some point and finished the game the next day! Everyone who follows me since duskwood knows I would rather shave my head than that. But they're just pain. And I seriously hope Everbyte will make them a bit easier or give us moves! Because this was often the biggest issue for me. Not enough moves. But they want you to buy gems so... 😒
Your conclusion sound good. I'm definitely planning to replay Duskwood as well. If I want or not. I have to. I need the comforting atmosphere and my emotional support hacker.
So I would say, see you in Duskwood, my detective friend. 🫡
No, jokes aside. Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts with me and us. As I said, I love your humor and the way to describe the things. And I really enjoyed answering it. 💚
I hope you could calm down a bit as well. I definitely needed some days before I could see it more clearly.
And as always a huge pleasure to see you here again. 💚😌
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paper-gold-theories · 10 months
Villainous Spoiler Theory: Miss Heed Will Die
Previously, I made a theory that Micias is a metaphor for Flug and the things that have happen to Micias, like him crashing his plane and things that will happen to Flug how Micas playing chess with the other guy is like how he will rekindle his rivalry with GoldHeart as they both try to outwit each other with their plans like a game of chess.
But I think I might misinterpreted some parts like how I thougt Micias losing losing his arm was referring to Airlock deteching her arm when it might actually be Flug the one losing his arm in the future. (Still really hoping this is a red herring, poor boy has suffered enough 😅).
Hence I think I also misinterpreted this part. I theorised that people blaming the death of Micias girlfriend on him as a metaphor on the media indirectly blaming Flug for Miss Heed's arrest.
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So my new theory is that Miss Heed will die.
Evidence to support this was when Alan mentioned that was when Alan and Miguel told the story of the Raven “Nevemore”, and Alan drew Flug as the main character and Black Hat as the raven. Someone asked, jokingly ‘who’s Flug’s Lenore (the dead love interest of the main character)’ and Alan surprisingly answered very ominously, saying that he can’t answer that, and even Miguel put the question in the comments so we’d ‘think about it’.
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Hence I believe that Flug's Lenor is going to be Miss Heed and I theorised this is how she will die:
An Accident:
I theorised during a heated battle with The Golden Rule, Flug might have accidentally shot Miss Heed resulting in her death. This is because the other character called Micas a stray bullet and was dead because of him which is defined as a bullet that, after being fired from a gun, hits an unintended target. Or it might not be literal and is just a metaphor and instead her death was caused a plan gone wrong possibly on one or both sides.
GoldHeart knew what Miss Heed meant to Flug and saw how affected by her death, will use the opportunity to say that because Flug is a stray bullet it lead to the death of Miss Heed, similar to the guy talking to Micias, in order to try to convince Flug to reform to stop all this unnecessary deaths.
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However something might have happened in between leading to both sides retreating in battle.
Similar to the main character in The Raven, Flug would be mourning the death of his once friend.
Afterwards GoldHeart makes a announcement on television that Miss Heed is dead and murdered by Flug, twisting the death to be intentional instead of accidental. GoldHeart's purpose for doing this might be to move forward his plan to end Villainy and to do that he needs to do something so drastic and horrible that it will make P.E.A.C.E, The Golden Rule and him look like the "villain" unless he has something to make them look good in doing so and even gain public support for doing it. And that reason might be to "avenge one of his teammates death".
As a result, similar to Micas, everyone blames Flug for the death of Miss Heed.
Afterwards GoldHeart still needs Flug's perfect formula for his plan to end Villainy forever, hence, he will place an extremely high bounty on Flug for the death of Miss Heed to be brought back alive reasoning so that P.E.A.C.E can deal with him, making him the most wanted Villain in the world causing heroes, bounty hunters and other to hunt him down for the reward.
(Flug mentioned in an orientation video that putting a price on a head and letting the bounty hunters go crazy for the money is not something he would do, but I theorised GoldHeart being the opposite would do this or just have been in a losing end in their fights and was desperate to win before its too late.
The reason is that although there are some benefits it can lead to unnecessary failures giving heroes time to prepare for the final confrontation. Which I theorised will give The Villainous Gang time to prepare for the final confrontation against The Golden Rule.)
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A Conspiracy by The Golden Rule using Flug as a Scapegoat:
An alternate theory is that Miss Heed will die, but her death will not be caused by Flug evidence to support this was mentioned in Codigo Guajolote that Micias was only blamed for his girlfriend's death, but never said he was the one who caused it.
Another evidence to support this is Micias reaction to the other guy's accusations, looking as if he is so done with him. Flug will probably have somewhat of the same reaction, knowing what really happed to Miss Heed and GoldHeart's manipulation tactics.
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Similar to above, during a heated battle between The Golden Rule and The Villainous Gang, Miss Heed was accidentally shot by Flug or caused a plan gone wrong possibly on one or both sides.
Something happened in between leading The Villainous Gang and The Golden Rule to separate.
Miss Heed survived, but was injured, but was finished off by one of The Golden Rule Members, as ordered by GoldHeart because she was a threat and/or no longer useful to GoldHeart's plan to end villain forever and afterwards the other members planted evidence to make it look like Flug was the one to kill her.
Similar to the main character in The Raven, Flug would be mourning the death of his once friend, until he realised what really happened.
Afterwards on television, GoldHeart pins Miss Heed's murder on Flug, using altered evidence to implicate Flug. GoldHeart's purpose for doing this might be to move forward his plan to end Villainy and to do that he needs to do something so drastic and horrible that it will make P.E.A.C.E, The Golden Rule and him look like the "villain" unless he has something to make them look good in doing so and even gain public support for doing it. And that reason might be to "avenge one of his teammates death".
The media and heroes at P.E.A.C.E, painted Flug being the one to cause the death leading the public believing it to be so and as a result everyone blames Flug for the death of Miss Heed.
Afterwards GoldHeart still needs Flug's perfect formula for his plan to end Villainy forever, hence, he will place an extremely high bounty on Flug for the "death of Miss Heed" to be brought back alive reasoning so that P.E.A.C.E can deal with him, making him the most wanted Villain in the world causing heroes, bounty hunters and other to hunt him down for the reward.
The failures of the bounty hunters in seizing Flug will give The Villainous Gang time to prepare for the final confrontation against The Golden Rule.
When GoldHeart meets up with Flug during their final confrontation, he will try to sow self-doubt on him as he knew what Miss Heed meant to Flug and saw how affected by her death, say that because Flug is a stray bullet it lead to the death of Miss Heed, similar to the guy talking to Micas, in order to try to make him irrational with emotion so that he will mess up during the fight and/or to convince Flug to reform to stop all this unnecessary deaths.
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As mentioned above, with Micias face looking so done with that other guy, Flug will probably have somewhat of the same reaction, knowing what really happed to Miss Heed and GoldHeart's manipulation tactics.
Before angrily calling out that GoldHeart and The Golden Rule was the one responsible for Miss Heed's death.
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horrornvnfan · 2 years
a ranking list of if I met yandere vn love interests irl, who would i date!
i love all of these games and characters a lot, this isn't a "best game" list, just as realistic compatibility as i can imagine!
ren/redacted: 14 days with you (i'm a simp and a fool 😔🤘 we will date and i will inevitably pay the price)
ezra: restart heart (should be #1 bc they're somehow the healthiest choice i think? also very pretty and flirty)
friend: see thru need a friend (he's funny and fun and i love friends to lovers trope! i can fix him 😌💖 probably not.)
jack: swwsdj (he is so supportive which i love but i CANNOT trust ghosts. would be the slowest burn ever)
alan: my dear hatchet man (super bad idea but he's charming!! if i just never found out about the murder we'd probably be cool. also don't kidnap me.)
liu: glass mind (very cute! but i think he is possessed and idk how to help so not sure about going steady!)
fone: honey hotline (i genuinely really like fone! 🥰 but i think we might be better friends? also if fone is not upfront about dating, i'll never think he wants to, and then we never will)
zachary: don't look (i like him a lot but i would handle being kidnapped so poorly he'd just kill me out of annoyance 💀)
adam: you and him (i will sooner throttle him. i can hold a grudge and this man STABBED me. we might hate kiss ONCE but that is it.)
keith or tenebris: duality (they both seem cool, but i am extremely against finding someone broken into my home, so i AM calling the cops and never seeing them again sorry 🥲)
casanova: cannibal sweetheart (i have not played this game but i am afraid of being eaten! if that is a possibility in this game then i'm sorry we can be friends instead!)
elias: groom of gallagher mansion (i'm not a ghost fucker. don't look at jack in 4th place thats different)
dachabo: dachabo (i'm also not a furry so absolutely not)
moral of this list; never let me find out about your intent to kidnap me/murder/stalking/gaslighting, and we will be a very happy and healthy couple 😘
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the-alan-price-combo · 3 months
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This week, in 1964... The Animals reached No. 1 in the UK with "House of the Rising Sun"!!
NME Top Thirty under the cut!
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siryouarebeingmocked · 2 months
The Thief is Back
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One of my flatmates left recently. She was replaced by a guy I will pretend is named Alan.
On Alan's first day, he needed to hang some clothes. So he went into my cupboard, searched until he found the old laundry detergent container I keep my clothespins in, and used some of those.
Please note that he would have to bend down, and reach to the back of the cupboard, past a frying pan, just to get to the container.
Come to think, the only possible way to find them is if he was actively looking.
For clothespins, or laundry detergent.
When I was showing him around the kitchen, I bought it up. He said he was just confused.
I pointed to the bag of house clothespins at eye level, on a shelf, pretended to believe him, and politely asked him not to do that again.
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Earlier this week, I got a new pair of house slippers. I'm kind of low on shoe storage room in my room, so I decided to just keep my regular kicks on the shoe rack by the front door.
Today, I walk downstairs, and look for my shoes, and they're on the bottom rack.
Someone stole the laces, and then tried to "hide" the shoes. Didn't even leave a note.
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And I already know Alan's inconsiderate.
He regularly uses the kitchen shirtless. And he brings friends over, and they drink heavily. Sometimes they slam doors, trying to get the back door to work, while I'm trying to sleep. And he plays music loud enough for me to hear across the hall and through two doors. He leaves the bathroom light on, which means the fan keeps running.
In fact, I think I just heard him walking past the bathroom to get downstairs. I can hear the fan.
And, yep, back to his room. All he would have to do is take one step to the right and reach out.
This matches the profile of someone who shared the dorms with me back in college, who would also drink heavily, sing loudly coming up the stairs - enough to get yelled at by the college staff - drink heavily, use pot - he got yelled at for it when the staff came by to do the aforementioned stair-singing yelling - and drink my juice in the fridge.*
And at my previous flat, the food thief - or possibly one of multiple thieves - was the sort of person who would see a random container of my sweets or a bottle of soda in the fridge, and eat all of it for a tiny scrap in the bottom.
Like that's much better than eating all of it.**
But, I was lucky, because I happened to keep the laces from my previous pair of sneakers. Without that, I'd be forced to go to the grocery in dress shoes. 
And at the time, I thought, "Am I crazy for keeping old laces when I'll probably never use them?" Less than two weeks later, here I am.
Also, there are two other pairs of shoes there. I don't think anyone's actually using them.
I'm pretty sure the only reason the thief took my shoelaces was because I had just put in some replacement insoles, which were bright yellow, and they caught the thief's eye.
And then, like a sociopath, he decided to steal the laces. Maybe it was one of Alan's drunk pals, but I don't really care. I already told my landlord.
And for extra irony, the shoes are already wearing through on the heel, which means I have to replace them soon anyway. I think I'll have to break the habit of a lifetime and go for a brand name pair. Amazon has a few on discount for about the same price.
Of course, this is all circumstantial. For all I know, one of the cleaning people stole the laces. I have no way to prove it. I'm obviously a bit biased on the subject
Any road, I think I'll move my laundry detergent and softener to my bedroom. Again.
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* The solution was to hide my juice in a tied, opaque, plastic grocery bag. This did not work with the thief/thieves at my old flat, who would open bags, go in people's cupboards, and ignore notes from other flatmates and the landlord telling them to stop. I even put a chain lock on my cupboard, and they still got in.
** It's actually more frustrating. If you have the restraint to hold yourself back, then you have the restraint to not steal other people's stuff.
Also, he drank my zero sugar soda. Basically just nice-tasting fizzy water in pretty colors. I think he'd get more nutritional value out of an OXO cube.
I trapped it that one time by adding lots of vinegar. Then he stopped going after my drinks, IIRC, which also supports my point about restraint.
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hide-your-bugs-away · 5 months
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my first ever Discogs excursion has been a roaring success 🙏 SHOUT-OUT TO ANIMALS AND THEIR RECORD PRODUCER IN 1964/1965 🙏🙏🙏
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cherryjuicegf · 16 days
tagged by my dear @samstree tyyy mwah <3
last book i read: dostoyevsky's white nights
a book i recommend: honestly the brothers karamazov but for something smaller i rec literally anything by james baldwin
a book that i couldn't put down: the left hand of darkness MY BELOVED
a book i've read twice (or more): frankenstein because i wrote a paper on it but also because it fucks
a book on my tbr: generally house of leaves is on my tbr for eons but most immediate are letters to milena and το τριτο στεφανι (the third wedding)
a book i've put down: europe after the rain by alan burns, it was not a good pick for my mood at the time but i'll give it one more try some day
a book on my wish list: too many brother. Too many
a favorite book from childhood: gonna be a massive nerd and say secrets of the swamp by penelope delta i LOVED that book. but also the youngest templar series by michael spradlin my teacher lended me i ate it up it unlocked something in my brain for sure
a book you would give to a friend: the heart is a lonely hunter by carson mccullers. it's. A Book
a book of poetry or lyrics that you own: unfortunately i only have a book of greek love poetry by various poets they need to lower the price of poetry books fr
a non-fiction book you own: the colour of water by james mcbride i studied it in uni this book made me cry so much
what are you currently reading: crime and punishment. hot dostoyevsky summer baby!!
what are you planning on reading next: if it's not something from my tbr then sth from the new wordsworth editions that are ridiculously cheap and pretty or perhaps i'll try to continue moby dick because it's ruining my reputation
tagging @thalassiokhtos @darkside-cookies @somerubberband @staliaofatreides @theklaapologist also everyone actually show me those books boy
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queer-ragnelle · 1 month
the arthuriana essays you share on here are always so interesting and well-researched! are there specific places you go to look for them or do they just kind of find you over time?
Hi anon! This is a complex answer. Research is never simple lol obligatory disclaimer I'm just some random enthusiast and in no way an academic, this is just how I go about it.
I find essays in a variety of places. JSTOR is where most of the stand-alone essays came from (IE; not otherwise published in a book, sometimes in journals I cannot find). I’ve been very fortunate to have friends lend me their college bypass so I could download from there, as I would be unable to access them otherwise.
Sometimes, while reading books, like The Friend by Alan Bray, there will be a reference to an influential essay or article, such as Faithful Unto Death, which describes the joint tomb of Sir John Clanvowe and Sir William Neville. For that paper, a friend had to request it from their own institution, wait for it, and then give it to me. I'd been staring longingly at it for literally years but couldn't justify paying the $30+ asking price for a PDF. I was lucky, once again, to have help.
Another way to find these academic resources is by reading the footnotes or bibliography in the back of books and tracing the source of individual essays or articles back to a bigger collection contributed by a variety of authors contained in a single volume (like A Companion to Malory I shared a few days ago). I learned about Alan Bray specifically because other essayists kept referencing his work! From there, I sought him out. The same has happened as I delved into Zoroastrian studies. The literature there is limited (at least in the English language, as I cannot read Persian or Hindi). So I found myself researching in a circle, following the trail of names until I ran out of scholars and they just referenced each other's work back and forth. I had consumed the entire body of [English] literature on the subject, so I knew I had come to collect the same resources as these essayists and historians had! Once you start going, "Hey, it's my friend [scholar] again!" you know you're in deep haha!
Much the same has happened with Arthurian legend. Norris J Lacy, known for his work as head editor of the translation team that tackled the Vulgate, is everywhere. He's the editor of countless textbooks, translator of medieval poems and prose, and even wrote his own retelling, A Camelot Triptych. Once you find someone in a field of interest that pops up a lot, you can begin searching for relevant resources through their name, rather than relying on blindly sifting through thousands of papers tagged "King Arthur".
Essayists don't make any money on this stuff. Institutions even charge people to publish their work. It's perfectly acceptable to obtain that knowledge however necessary. If you don't have college access yourself nor a friend who can help, there are websites to pirate from. (Please use a VPN to protect yourself.) Some websites are specific to the field, like science, which isn't my expertise, so I can't offer guidance there. But I've had luck on annas-archive.
It can be easy to assume everyone has the same opportunities, that a screenshot or link to JSTOR is sufficient for someone to access the same information mentioned in a post. It's tough when tumblr doesn't let you upload a PDF! It makes sharing resources difficult. One could dedicate money and cloud space to it (like I do with Google and MEGA drive) or upload it to a discord server where it can't breach containment and reaches only a limited audience. It's not ideal! And it's no individual's responsibility to tackle the problems with academia and gatekeeping, of course, but my goal is to source as much of what I discuss as I possibly can, as well as share those resources with anyone who could benefit from them. A librarian basically lol so I'm glad the essays I've shared have been beneficial to you!
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bluecatwriter · 3 months
Hmmm, Director's Cut on Butcher-work?
Thanks so much for the ask! I have a lot of Feelings about this one. :)
(The fic in question.)
CW for description of blood/injury below:
-This fic was directly inspired by Re: Dracula, because the scene with Van Helsing staking the Weird Sisters was just. so horrifying. I loved the way that Alan Burgon voiced the part, as well as the sound design that emphasized just how gruesome it was. This is no triumphant killing; we believe Van Helsing when he says, "Oh, my friend John, but it was butcher-work." I listened to it, and had to take a break afterward, and my first thought was, "Oh man, he is gonna have some trauma about this," and this fic was born.
-As long as I was having Van Helsing deal with trauma, I figured that he should also have some deep lingering regrets about how he handled Lucy's situation. Although he doesn't admit to doing wrong, I think it's noteworthy that he treats Mina very differently than he does Lucy— there is no yeeting Jonathan away from Mina's side, for instance— which indicates to me that his attitude toward vampires changed as he gained more knowledge, and it just made sense that he would second-guess how he acted when he was first trying to aggregate all his fragments of knowledge about vampires.
-A dream sequence seemed the best way to explore his doubts and trauma in a vivid way, so I settled on the most dramatic setting possible. I was a bit inspired by fairerforafleck's excellent fic "There is Some Fascination," although their setting is even cooler than mine!
-The image of Lucy looking up at him innocently while he brushes aside her hair to place the stake over her heart was one of the earliest moments I thought of when brainstorming. I made myself very sad thinking about it. :(
-"She screamed. Blood hit him like the slap of an ocean wave, salty and bright, and in an instant blood welled up from the floor and rose, knocking him off his feet. He fell into the rising tide, drowning as he felt his own body flying apart, limbs rent from their sockets, chest cracking open, entrails spilling out. Blood in his throat, his guts, his eyes, blood dissolving the cells of his body like acid, blood so thick it was impossible to tell where sensation ended and the scream began." I figure that if you're gonna go with the nightmare imagery, you might as well go hard. When I write a paragraph like this, I draft it with the weirdest, most intense imagery I can think of, throwing together associations even if they don't make sense, and in a later draft I sort through them and pick out the ones that I like the most. Oftentimes phrases that seem nonsensical at first glance end up being the most evocative. (I am very much a "throw everything at the wall and see what sticks" writer.)
-Even though Jack/Van Helsing isn't the point of the fic, I knew that I wanted someone to be there for him when he woke up; I think there's nothing worse than waking up alone from a nightmare. So I put Jack in there; he can't fix anything or bring any closure, but he's still there, and that still counts for something.
-"Art gets these dreams too, John told him once. Perhaps it is just the price to pay for rescuing a soul in such a manner." Someday I am gonna write a Van Helsing & Arthur fic where they either bond or clash (not sure which) over the shared experience of staking a vampire. Meanwhile Jack is holding fast to his conviction that Van Helsing made the right decision, because he can't emotionally handle it if VH is wrong.
-In the end, Jack asks if there is not any peace for Van Helsing to find, and he answers, "There is not." I wanted to capture the feeling of being caught in a trauma that feels like it will never end; there is no way to find peace in the foreseeable future, and the trauma can only be borne in the meantime. Usually when I write hurt I write comfort to go along with it, but I left the ending a bit raw and unfinished.
-The last two lines are, "Moonlight bathing them in silver. His chest aching with tears he could not shed." I liked the play of visual and tactile detail and the unfinished feeling of it all, emphasized by the sentence fragments.
Thanks again for the ask, I really enjoyed picking this apart!
(Ask game here)
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