harlowehearse · 6 months
Crying sobbing throwing up Janice candle cove means so much to me I'm very emotional over her
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cssns · 1 year
WOW!!!!!! Can you believe it? We're done and it's time for the CSSNS23 Roundup!!!
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Before we get started, I need to recognize and thank my team of mods, @winterbaby89 @jrob64 @stahlop and @ultraluckycatnd, without whom this event wouldn't have happened this summer! Please join me in giving them all the long distance internet group hugs!!!!
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And NOWWWWWWWW... Here we GOOOOO!!!!! Under the cut, unless Tumblr ate it.
@hufflepuffinstorybrooke opened us up this year on July 1 with a wonderful soulmates OS called If You're Lucky, Love Leaves Scars, that I was privileged to make artwork for. The fic left me in tears and melting at the same time!
On July 3, @teamhook posted the first chapter of her fic The Last Witch Hunter, inspired by the Vin Diesel movie of the same name. Only one ch so far, but I'm absolutely captivated and eagerly awaiting more! Very intriguing artwork by herself.
@spartanguard dropped her Killian's evil twin MC on July 5, Sons of Love and Death, with artwork by herself. That artwork, of two incredibly handsome guys shouldn't be as chilling as it is, but IT IS... The fic is completely written and she's been updating weekly, so we're on ch9 of 13. Just sayin, but I'm about ready to use a certain dagger on a certain evil twin.
July 7 @goforlaunchcee posted Smoke and Mirrors, a HOOT of a ghost story, with such lovely artwork by @piinfeathers that perfectly captures CS in this fic. Three chapters are up so far, and I can't wait for more!!!
July 10, @killiansprincss posted her OS A Court of Vines and Shadow inspired by A Court of Thorns and Roses, with absolutely gorgeous artwork by @hollyethecurious. I was not familiar with the source material, so I was completely surprised and delighted with this fic!!!
@athenascarlet posted her merman Killian OS on July 13, The Merman with a wonderful visual on Tumblr 😏 Just a regular night between a sheriff and her merman pirate... Would love to see more of this, but it's staying a OS... for now, she says...
Also on July 13, @anmylica posted the first chapter of Fly With the Black Swan with amazing artwork by @zaharadessert. We have two chs of ten up so far, and I'm sitting on pins and needles waiting for more!!!!
On July 15, @whatevenisthisbloganymore posted the first chapter of Forest View Apartments, a ghost story that has the questions swirling through my mind and eagerly awaiting the next installment! Amazing artwork by @undercaffinatednightmare!
Speaking of @undercaffinatednightmare, real life has been very rude lately and has left her unable to post her two planned fics for this summer, but she has managed to make the artwork for them both that you can find here and here! I love her writing so much and I know whenever RL lets up, both these fics are going to be wonderful!!! *EDITED* The first of her fics, A Charming Curse, has now posted and it promises to be FUN!!!
July 19, @deckerstarblanche posted An Offer She Can't Refuse, with more lovely artwork by @undercaffinatednightmare. Emily only planned two chs for this very hot and sexy Omegaverse fic, but she took it in a very angsty direction in the final scene of ch2, and so has now promised that she'll come back and add one more ch to give us all the happy ending we deserve!
July 22, @zaharadessert posted a very hot demon Killian OS, Sacrificial Lamb that made bloodthirsty Krystal VERY happy. I was once again privileged to make artwork for the fic, with an assist by @motherkatereloyshipper who was responsible for the Emma edit I used.
July 23, @mie779 posted the first chapter of Finding Caldera: The Hidden World of Dragons, with just lovely artwork by @undercaffinatednightmare. The adventure of this fic is just wonderful! We're on ch9 and nearing the end!
On July 25, it was my turn to post for the event! Into the Light was inspired by the 1987 movie The Lost Boys, my very first introduction to vampires and it has never left me! Incredible artwork was created by @motherkatereloyshipper that still just leaves me staring at it slack jawed!
@hollyethecurious posted the first chapter of The Law of Surprise on July 28. Now complete in three parts, this beautiful BEAUTIFUL but also heartbreaking fic was inspired by the law of surprise from The Witcher. Breathtaking artwork was provided by @eastwesthomeisbest and can be found here, here, and here.
@xarandomdreamx posted her CS Practical Magic AU A Crystalline Knowledge of Love and Magic on July 30. Beautiful artwork by @hollyethecurious. Only one chapter so far and my heart is so broken for Emma and Elsa but also completely in love with the story!!!!
Rounding out July, @caught-in-the-filter posted original artwork featuring ghost Emma and vampire Killian that was absolutely CHILLING!!!!
@snowbellewells started Aug off on the 2nd with an incredible one shot, Deluge! Gorgeous artwork by @eastwesthomeisbest. I am so hopeful that Marta will eventually write more of this wonderfully intriguing fic!!!
Then, @eastwesthomeisbest was so inspired by Marta's fic, she made her own original art in the same vein as the art she made for the fic. Absolutely breathtaking!!!
On Aug 8, @booksteaandtoomuchtv posted the Prologue and ch1 of Witchy Woman. I have sooooo been waiting for this fic and so far, four chs in, it is hitting ALL my buttons! Artwork coming soon from @cocohook38.
On Aug 10, @cs-rylie posted The Journal, a seriously SCARY fic, only 3 chs in, inspired by Native American legend. Artwork by me, again with a much needed assist from @motherkatereloyshipper who was responsible for Milah and the journal itself.
@iamstartraveller776 posted her new fic, To Cleave Destiny on Aug 13. Featuring Demon Killian, just this Prologue has me on the edge of my seat!!! Artwork coming soon from @cocohook38.
@exhaustedpirate posted Parent for Hire on Aug 14. A Mandalorian inspired fic, Caro has melted my Captain Cobra heart so many times already, only four chs in. She also did moodboards to accompany each ch that you can find on each of the Tumblr ch posts x x x and I was also privileged to make a banner for the fic.
On Aug 16, @grimmswan posted the first chs of TWO fabulous fics!!! Dracula in Storybrooke comes from the woefully underutilized Land of Untold Stories arc, and Love Bites (But So Do I) is a supernatural adventure of vampire Emma and werewolf Killian. Artwork coming soon from @cocohook38.
On Aug 18, @snowbellewells posted her second fic of the event, Carolina Moon. A fic inspired by the Nora Roberts novel of the same name, my heart is already, only two chs in, broken for Emma and on the edge of my seat waiting for more! Beautiful artwork again done by @eastwesthomeisbest!
@jrob64 posted Saying Goodbye and Moving On on Aug 20, a DESPERATELY NEEDED and ABSOLUTELY PERFECT fix-it fic from the Underworld arc. I was again privileged to make artwork for it, and I'm just gonna have to accept that I almost can't make picsets anymore without the aid of @motherkatereloyshipper. For this one, she was again responsible for ghost Milah.
Aug 22, @padfootprongslet posted the Prologue for Like Our Love (Falling Down and Over Again). A Mr. and Mrs. Smith inspired fic, my heart was absolutely SHATTERED in this first ch and I can't wait for more! I was again privileged to make a picset for this with @motherkatereloyshipper coming in the clutch entwining the rings.
On Aug 24, @jonesfandomfanatic posted Stolen From Time. Now complete in three parts, this fic was absolutely BRILLIANT!!! @motherkatereloyshipper made a beautiful video to accompany it.
Our final fic by @wyntereyez will post in the next few days. She’s dealing with a hurricane at the moment, so she’s excused! Artwork by spartanguard. Can't wait! *EDITED* the fic and art are both now posted!!! I melted at Kait’s artwork, and I cackled and melted repeatedly reading the fic!!!! AND I am BEYOND EXCITED that Jamie has more to come in this universe, because I NEEEEEEEEEEEED it!!!!!
That's it everyone! Please enjoy all these FABULOUS fics and artworks and be sure to give the authors and artists all the love they deserve!!!
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lonely-lost-soul · 4 years
Under The Floorboards (Pt. VIII)
(Technoblade x Reader) First Part: Pt. 1 Latest: Pt.VX
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(Feel free to play this while listening to this chapter! Full credit to @Alexx-Kun on Wattpad for suggesting this gorgeous song)
Day 1: Forgiveness
Step one you needed to find a venue, you had assigned Ranboo as your honorary maid of honor. The young boy was just as thrilled as he was confused, did you not have any other friends? You were Technoblade’s perfect match if that was the case. Ranboo had no problem voicing that to you and you pouted at him, you argued that everyone who lived with Techno was antisocial. He reluctantly agreed and you smiled proudly, he rolled his eyes and shoved your shoulder with his hand. You laughed, glad you were sitting down, or else you would’ve for sure fallen. Technoblade and you had decided to split the jobs for the wedding between the both of you. You were in charge of the invitations and flowers, basically anything to do with decorating and interacting with other humans. Technoblade meanwhile was in charge of the venue and the official rings, it’s not that you didn’t trust him with more duties it was more that he didn’t trust himself. That and he also believed that you both could just get married in the woods. You at least wanted a small wedding with a few people you cared about, you rubbed your pointer finger and thumb together with a frown.
    “You alright?”
     “Just thinking about the invitations. Who will come...stuff like that.” Ranboo glanced over at the minuscule stack of letters by the table, it was clearly small, but Ranboo hand wrote them for you in swirl print. They better show up, Ranboo would be pissed if they didn’t, he put a lot of work into those invites.
    “They’ll come.” He nodded his head picking them up with his claws, one was for Tommy, another was for Ghostbur, and Ranboo also suggested an invite for Captain Puffy he figured the both of you would get along considering you both had a habit for adopting misfits. You also needed a female friend. “We can deliver them and search for flowers, then tomorrow we can search for a dress for you that sounds okay right?”
    “For someone with such a bad memory, you’re surprisingly good at planning,” You watched the boy preen at your compliment.
     “Thank you, I also figured we can use the stasis chamber so you only have to walk one way with your ankle.”
     “Smart boy.”
    “Why thank you,” Ranboo smiled proudly over at you reaching out his hand for you to take. You grabbed it and he pulled you to his feet, he kept his hand interlocked with yours, it was minuscule in comparison to the half enderman’s. “Ready?”
Slowly but surely the two of you made your way over to the nether portal and into the once-great country. Ranboo placed his hand on your lower back and helped guide you through the rubble of the city. He knew much better than you did where everyone resided, even if you didn’t meet them face to face you’d make a chest and drop it off. Ironically the first person you ran into was the woman Ranboo insisted you meet, Captain Puffy. She’s gorgeous, was your first thought, she was some form of a sheep hybrid dressed like a pirate, two of your favorite things, sorry Technoblade you might’ve met your new wife. You talked with her well into the afternoon, she was just so easy to talk to,
    “Can I just say I feel like I’ve known you forever,” She gushed, taking your hands within her own and squeezing fondly. “I’m so happy Ranboo has found someone to watch out for him,” Ranboo flushed in response but didn’t argue against Puffy’s words which warmed your heart.
     “I’m happy too. I just want to help these kids in whatever way I can,” You smiled a little forlornly thinking once again of the obnoxious blonde. “They just don’t deserve all the shit they have to deal with, they’re kids you know? They should be living their lives.”
    “Yeah keep talking like I’m not here,” Ranboo mused over your shoulder which caused you to laugh with a shake of your head, “no need to stop please continue.” Puffy smiled at the both of you,
     “She’s right though Ranboo. You should be out causing mischief or getting into trouble, not fighting in a never-ending war.”
    “Oof getting into trouble? No thank you, I just wanna tend to my pets and go on adventures with my friends.”
     “You’ll get to do that I promise. Once my ankles healed we’ll go woodland mansion hunting, I’ve been to a few in my time. They’re a lot of fun.”
     “Yeah of course!” You beamed and Ranboo smiled right back at you, he brought his journal out of his bag and quickly scribbled something down in it. In the end, Puffy ended up accepting the invitation with a blinding smile,
     “You’re going to be a gorgeous bride. Could I bring my girlfriend Niki? You’ll love her!”
     “I don’t see why not. I can’t wait to meet her!” You assumed Technoblade wouldn’t mind one more person, especially because he’s never mentioned Niki which was a good thing in your eyes. Usually, if Technoblade talked about you, it was because he wasn’t a fan. You all said your goodbyes, you felt warm inside you couldn’t believe you were about to have TWO friends who are girls.
     “I love her.”
     “Told you so,” Ranboo smirked. He was proud of himself for forcing someone else to socialize so he didn’t have to. Ranboo was relieved that list of people to invite wasn’t long; considering Technoblade had more enemies than friends. The only thing that rubbed him the wrong way was he didn’t even know that you had invited Tommy in the first place.
So if Tommy did show up, your wedding might be a bloodbath.
You and Ranboo stood outside of Tommy’s house, he glanced down at you and watched your hands clench the envelope. He brought his hands over yours and rubbed them gently, you looked up at him with wide eyes.
     “Deep breath and relax okay? He’s Tommy so I won’t say he won’t flip out at you, but I can say you’re a wonderful friend, you’ll be fine.”
     “I can’t believe Mr. Panic Room is telling me to relax.” You let out a nervous laugh, he made an offended face.
     “Ya know what, never helping you again. You can walk home.”
     “Ranboo it was a joke!”
     “Yeah, that’s what I thought,” you stuck your tongue out and headed up to Tommy’s door and knocked. You already knew Tommy might not even be home, the boy was a wanderer by nature. Yet, much to your surprise, the door opened with a loud BANG, and in the doorway stood Tommy looking better than you’ve seen him in all the time he spent with you and Technoblade.
     “Hi, Tommy.”
     “(Y/N)?” He blinked looking surprised before he steeled his face, “What’re you doing here wench!” Tommy pointed an accusatory finger at you and you raised an eyebrow,
That wasn’t going to fly.
    “Try again.”
Tommy sputtered as you narrowed his eyes accusingly, his eyes trailed down to the netherite sword at your side. His entire demeanor changed when he spotted it at your side,
     “(Y/N)! My friend! Good to see you! How’ve you been? Good? Good!” The boy rambled wrapping an arm around your shoulder with a big smile, there’s the Tommy you remembered. “I’m sure you’re doing good fo’ sho’! Now what do, I owe this pleasure women!”
    “I wanted to invite you to Technoblade and I’s wedding,” Your voice was soft and hesitant, holding out the invitation out to him. The teenager blinked a few times before taking it from your hands, he flipped it over confusion was etched deep on his brow.
    “You’re getting married? To Technoblade? He’s going to have a wife and I’m not?”
You blinked a few times trying to process what Tommy said, was he more mad at the fact that Technoblade was getting married in the first place? “Well yeah, considering I’m his fiance and all…”
    “That motherfucker! He gets to have a wife! I want a wife! (Y/N) acquire me a wife!”
You let out howling laughter at his response, tossing your arms around the boy, he went silent and a confused look came across his face. His ears turned red as he looked over at Ranboo with a face that screamed help me, Ranboo simply looked away holding up a prominent middle finger at the boy. “Okay, okay! Enough hugs,” Tommy ranted shoving you away from him with a huff, “I don’t know what’s so funny about me needing a wife.”
    “You’ll find a wife eventually,” You couldn’t help but smile as he frowned down at you. “So? Can you make it?” Voice quiet as you looked up at him, the nervousness from before creeping back into your body, he chewed on his bottom lip while looking at you. Tommy wasn’t about to be soft while Ranboo was standing less than a foot away so he did the next best thing which was whacking you on top of the head.
    “I-well-...” Tommy rubbed the back of his neck looking nervous for the first time in his life, “I can’t.” He saw your face fall and he grabbed your shoulders tightly, “Not because I don’t want to! I… I guess you’re not TERRIBLE.” He admitted begrudgingly, “Tubbo and I...we have some unfinished business we need to deal with before things get any worse for people.”
     “I don’t know what you mean Tommy.” You suddenly grew very concerned, “You don’t have to hold the entire world on your shoulders.”
     “Yeah, I do,” Tommy responded with enough seriousness to shake you to your core, you didn’t know about his past with the discs fully, but you knew enough to know this situation was about that. “Just know I’m happy for you, seriously I am,” He gave you a sad smile.
    “Stay safe Tommy. Please don’t be stupid.”
     “I’m never stupid you BITCH!”
     “Call me a bitch again you BRAT!”
     “MAKE ME!”
You frowned, hitting him in the side so he would double over, while he gripped his stomach you pulled him into a headlock and began digging your knuckles into his skull. “Apologize!”
Ranboo looked sheepish as he stared at the scene, his shoulders slumping forward. “(Y/N) we have a schedule-” Reluctantly you released Tommy and he stumbled back, he huffed dusting off his shirt. You smiled slightly over at the boy,
     “See you soon raccoon boy,” you gave him a proud salute.
     “Hasta La Vista Miss Blade,” Tommy responded, saluting you right back.
You turned away from the boy and headed back over to Ranboo’s side, “You ready?” You nodded in response with a little smile on your lips. “Good. Next, up is Ghostbur right? We need to find him.”
     “If we can locate Friend we can locate him.”
It took a while, but eventually, you and Ranboo found Ghostbur and Friend wandering around a forest nearby the crater. Immediately spotting you a bright smile spread across the ghost’s face, “(Y/N)!” He shouted, throwing his hand in the air with a wave, “How’re you doing darling!”
    “I’m good Ghostbur! Have you met Ranboo?”
     “Briefly. Nice to see you again!”
     “Ugh, ditto,” Ranboo responded with a shy smile shuffling a little behind you.
You smiled and pulled an envelope out from your bag, you held it out to him.
     “You and Friend good sir, are invited to Technoblade and I’s wedding.” He gasped loudly, eyes lighting up with pure and utter joy,
     “Technoblade getting married! Oh my god, that’s phenomenal! You’re going to make the most beautiful bride,” he praised excitedly as your face turned red at the compliments, “Gosh, you two are so lovely together, I wouldn’t miss this for the world! Do you have a dress? You have to show me!”
You rubbed the back of your head, rocking on your heels, “Well...about that.”
     “Do not tell me you don’t have a DRESS?” He practically yelled crossing his arms, “I’m disappointed in you!”
      “It’s in two days Ghostbur! I had no time! I’ll make do with something. I’m sure I have an old dress somewhere-”
     “UNACCEPTABLE!” He grabbed at your hands, “I’m getting you a dress. I’ll meet you at Technoblade’s tomorrow, just hold on!” Ghostbur ran his hand through Friend’s wool with a smile, “You’re going to be one of the most gorgeous brides, only second to Sally.”
     “Well I’m honored, I’ll see you then.” You smiled adoringly at the little ghost as he floated off his sheep buddy by his side.
    “Do you think he’s getting you a dress?”
     “I have no idea,” You responded with a shrug, “It’s sweet he’s willing to put in the effort though.”
      “Or creepy.”
     “It’s sweet you jerk,” You nudged him with your arm Ranboo smiled,
    “I’m just glad it’s off our to-do list for tomorrow.”
     “True that means you can sleep in,” You teased as his multicolored eyes lit up,
    “Hell yeah.”
Day 2: Ghostbur’s Gift
You woke up to sleepy kisses and tender touches, one of the loveliest ways to wake up if you might add.
    “Morning big guy,” You cooed fondly as he made a soft purr-like sound in his throat. You turned over to face him and he immediately pressed a kiss to your lips. The voices couldn’t help but point out how cute you looked in the morning.
    “Helloooo...How’s your ankle?” He asked his thumb brushing against your cheek, closing your eyes you let out a soft,
    “Much better.”
    “Good, I heard from Ranboo Ghostbur’s supposedly stopping by today. Any particular reason?”
     “He says he has a dress I can wear for tomorrow.”
    “How does he have a dress exactly?”
    “No idea, but I’m going with it.”
     “If you’re sure. Just don’t look bad.” You frowned and bonked him on the side of his head, “it was a joke!”
     “It better be a joke or I’m leaving your ass. I look good in everything so fuck off.” You hissed as Technoblade groaned,
     “Heard you loud and clear Princess. Scouts honor, you’re the most beautiful girl to me you know that.”
    “I do. Just don’t joke around like that, makes me feel bad okay?”
He frowned a little and moved to hover over you, his hair framed his face and fell past his shoulders. It tickled your cheeks and you ran your hands through it meeting anything but his eyes suddenly feeling very self-conscious. Technoblade kissed the tip of your nose,
     “Hey, Princess look at me.”
Turning your head towards his voice, the two of you locked eyes, a sense of calm washed over you, the only thing in his eyes was pure, unadulterated love.
     “You’re the most beautiful girl in the world to me. No matter what I’m always going to think that you are, you could grow a third eye and I’d still want to marry you tomorrow. I’m sorry I made you feel bad, it was a joke but I won’t make it again. I swear.” You felt your eyes water as you tossed your arms around his neck, the sudden movement caused him to fall forward crushing you beneath him.
    “I love you too bubba. Thank you for listening to me.”
     “That’s part of my job idiot.”
You smiled against his neck and held him tighter, Technoblade reciprocated the hug and decided the both of you could stay in bed just a little while longer. The two of you shared soft kisses, every once in a while Technoblade would reinforce how precious you were to him, eventually, it all got to be too much and you shoved your hands in his face.
     “Enough is enough! I’m embarrassed now.” Technoblade laughed at your flustered expression and pressed a fond kiss to your lips, obviously you kissed him back, your fingers threading through his hair.
      “Princess…” He let out a pleased sound in the back of his throat, “you’re making it hard to get out of bed. I still have some stuff set up for tomorrow and you gotta look out for Wilbur.”
     “Or hear me out. You can stay in bed with me all day, and keep giving me kisses,” You pressed your lips to his own before whispering in his ear, “Anywhere you’d like.” You nipped teasingly at his earlobe and suddenly felt the heat radiating off his face. As you expected his face was a deep red color and you felt his head fall against your shoulder,
    “You’re going to kill me.” You only laughed in response, finally pulling away from him you swung your feet over the side of the bed, “you can’t just say that and walk away.” He whined loudly with a little pout on his lips, “Especially since I won’t see you until the wedding.”
     “Suck it up buttercup,” You stuck your tongue out at the man “I’ll just be at Ranboo’s if something goes wrong I’ll be within reach.” He reached his hand up and threaded his fingers through your hair, you sighed pleasantly at the physical touch, “I love you.”
      “Love you too, see you tomorrow.” You gave him one last fleeting kiss before standing up leaving the warmth of the covers and your half-naked fiance behind much to your dismay. You tossed one of Technoblade’s old shirts over your head, it came down past your knees and Technoblade let out a happy sigh from behind you. You let out a little laugh, looking at him over your shoulder his eyes were half-lidded as he stared at your now bare legs. “Hold on don’t change just yet I wanna stare a little bit longer.”
     “Perv.” You snickered ignoring his wishes and sliding on a pair of pants, afterward, you tied a corset around your waist. He responded with a ‘heh?’ of disagreement before he groaned loudly and flopped over in the bed, “see you soon Bubbas.” You leaned over and pecked his forehead before sliding down the ladder and out of the house. Ironically your timing was perfect as you greeted Ranboo right outside Technoblades cabin, “Good morning!”
     “Morning, you and Techno sleep okay?” You nodded with a bright smile, “Good Wilbur should be stopping by any minute now by the way. He sent me a note earlier this morning that said he’d be around this time.”
     “Works for me, wanna wait by your house?”
     “You just wanna pet my bunny,” You smirked and laughed,
     “Can you blame me?”
     “I suppose not. Whatever makes you happy.” Ranboo sighed but there wasn’t any real defeat in his tone, “Let’s go.” Ranboo and you walked a little ways away to his humble little shack so you could play with Ranbun. You were set up in Ranbun’s pen holding him in your arms and cooing softly at him, Ranboo joined you after a few moments of jealous staring. The two of you spent the next hour playing with his bunny and feeding him lots of treats, he was one happy bunny. Ranboo was the first person to see Ghostbur coming through the trees, a large box in hand, had he actually managed to get you a dress?
     “(Y/N)! Ranboo!” Ghostbur shouted excitedly floating over to the both of you, “I managed to find the dress I promised you! So long as it fits of course.” Your jaw fell open as you stumbled out of Ranbun’s pen,
     “How the hell did you manage to find me a wedding dress?”
     “Oh! It was Sally’s.” A fond smile spread across the ghost’s face, both you and Ranboo looked at one another brows furrowed. Ranboo put a hand to the side of his face and whispered loudly to you,
     “I thought Sally was a fish.”
You whispered back in the exact same manner,
    “Me too, but at this point, I’m too afraid to ask for clarification.”
Ranboo nodded seriously and stood back up to his full height, you stepped forward and took the box from the hands of the ghost he stared at it longingly like he was afraid to let it go. You chewed on the inside of your cheek for a moment before speaking up,
     “Are you sure?” Your voice was barely above a whisper but it was still as tender as ever, the ghost of Wilbur snapped his eyes up to meet yours. He seemed to be reading the expression in your eyes before smiling almost fondly, handing the box over to you officially. He pulled out a small patch of blue and fumbled it around in his hands, like a nervous tic,
    “I’m positive love. I trust you to take good care of it and Sally would want you to have it, she was wonderful like that. Just please take good care of it.”
    “I’ll protect it with my life. I promise you.”
     “I know you will, you’re going to be a beautiful bride, my dear.” He somehow took your hands and pressed a faint kiss to them, “Go on then try it on.” Your eyes sparkled in delight and he turned to Ranboo,
     “Well go on, we’ll still be here to judge you immensely.”
    “Oh fuck off.” You laughed heading into his shack to change, you managed to find an area not completely out in the open. The only nerve-wracking thing was you didn’t have a mirror so you had to pray you looked alright and that Raboo and Ghostbur wouldn’t lie to you. You opened the box and pulled the dress out, Sally really knew how to pick a damn good dress; the dress was stunning, you definitely wouldn’t do it justice. The dress fell past your feet and pooled a little ways behind you, it was more of an off-white creme color, and was made of soft lace. It was sleeveless so the winter wind gave you a chill, you hoped Technoblade picked a place that wasn’t freezing cold. You took a breath to hype yourself up and stepped out of the shack, the dress trailing behind you, you had left the veil in the box figuring you didn’t need it right now. The first person to spot you was Ghostbur, who gasped loudly bringing his hands up to his face after spotting you. You shrunk in on yourself a little bit and your cheeks turned a light pink in response, “That’s a good expression I hope.” You meekly laughed as Ranboo turned around and let out a shaky break of surprise. He reached forward with his claws to touch the soft fabric,
     “It’s perfect! Fits like a glove.” Wilbur hummed happily floating around you, “I was right by the way, you look beautiful. Techno’s going to pass out.”
    “Shut up I can’t look that good.”
    “You do though!” Ranboo shouted excitedly, “It suits you perfectly not that I had any doubts or anything.” He jumped a little on the balls of his feet, he pulled out his memory book quickly scribbling something down inside it, as he did so he muttered “I’m the best honorary maid of honor ever.”
     “You definitely are.” You praised the halfling who only seemed to grow more excited at the praise, Ghostbur cleared his throat, was he looking for a compliment too? “Ghostbur you’re a lifesaver, if it wasn’t for you I’d be walking down the aisle in Netherite. Thank you.” Ghostbur seemed to preen a little as he smiled proudly,
    “I know. I’m pretty great aren’t I? I basically saved the day.”
    “You certainly are.”
    “Oh! Just return the dress the next time I see you after the wedding okay?”
     “I will have no fear, it’s in safe hands.” The ghost nodded, “I can’t wait to see it in action tomorrow.”
     “Me too,” you sighed lovingly, doing a little twirl in the dress you could only imagine the look that would appear on Technoblade’s face when he saw you.
You hoped the voices would approve because Technoblade was absolutely going to short circuit and go feral, you could hardly wait.
Day 3: The Wedding Day
The night before the wedding Technoblade couldn’t sleep his body was buzzing with nerves, which was a foreign feeling to him. He was worried about you not sleeping by his side, this was the first time since you’ve officially gotten together that you weren’t there. He didn’t realize how much he missed your presence and warmth, he pulled the pillow you usually used close to his chest. He felt like a love-struck teenager cuddling the pillow of his missing girlfriend because that’s basically what he was, except instead of a girlfriend it was his fiance. The voices didn’t help his longing either; they were roaring in his head asking where you were and when you would come back.
Where’s (Y/N)? I miss her! Can Ranboo protect her if something goes wrong? What if Dream gets ahold of her in the meantime and you’re up here sleeping? I wanna squeeze her thighs again right now. E. That’s disgusting, stop, don’t sexualize her like that. B U T T. Can I get a big pog for butts? Thighs for the thigh god.
His entire face went a deep scarlet, “What does that even mean guys.” Technoblade let out a loud groan of embarrassment, some of the voices laughed, some others rumbled with anger. “I just want her by my side is all, I miss her. I miss her touch...I don’t know when I became such a sap. I hate that I care about her this much, but god without her I’d be lost.”
     “You shits.”
The morning rolled around and Technoblade woke up as soon as the sun shone through the windows. He fell asleep around three in the morning, tired as shit, bees buzzing around in his stomach.
Today’s the day! Gotta get ready as soon as possible, you’re gonna look so handsome! I bet (Y/N)’s gonna be equally as beautiful! Don’t fuck it up. Celebratory murder spree pog? She’ll think you’re so hot covered in blood. No! E. Normalcy is key!
He shook his head to get rid of the nagging voices rattling around in his head, he knew what he had to do, and listening to the voices wasn’t one of them. Phil was going to come soon and Technoblade had to look presentable so they could head to the venue and Phil could set up some last-minute decorations. Techno would say he felt bad making Phil do most of the work, but he honestly didn’t, especially since he was so inept at romance in the first place. Never one to wear a suit Technoblade decided his best outfit would be his arctic retirement one, a suit would be too constricting. After all, what if it was attacked and he needed to jump into action, Phil had told him that he was absolutely not allowed to bring weapons which he was not happy about at all. Although the man did reassure him that he would be armed and have an extra weapon just in case something was to occur, he guessed that was FINE. With a soft huff, the man stood up from his bed and pulled out his outfit, the soft blue made him yearn for the days before they found Tommy living under the house. In a way wearing this symbolized a time in their relationship before he was forced into bloodshed once again, plus he knew you loved the fuzzier outfit.
Putting on everything, he brought the fur cape around his shoulders, his crown glittering on his head in the light. He looked regal, he would say he looked like a king but he hated all forms of government so he just looked like his usual badass self. In his closet sat his wedding gift to you, it was a gold tiara that matched his crown in his own way finally solidifying the both of you as a blood god duo.
Turning away from the tiara he grabbed a hairbrush to tame his wild hair, he wanted to do something different with it. It spilled around his back and down to his waist, he managed to tame the frizz with some product that he ‘borrowed’ from you. In the end, he had two small braids framing his face, he grabbed both of them and pinned them together on the back of his head. A half-up half-down look almost made him look like a Viking, he liked it. Technoblade placed gold earrings along with his ears and added some gold accents on his wrists and fingers, none overshading his engagement ring.
His ears twitched hearing the door open downstairs, Phil was here, it was time.
     “Hellooo!” Technoblade called from upstairs and Phil responded with a cheerful,
    “Hey mate!”
As Technoblade descended the ladder, Phil smiled fondly at his old friend, he immediately adjusted the cape on his shoulders. Technoblade huffed a small laugh, “Was that really necessary?”
     “Obviously. I’m the married one, I know what I’m doing.” He shot back snickering, “You ready to go?”
     “As I’ll ever be I suppose.”
    “I’m proud of you man,” Phil responded with a fatherly smile “You’re never going to forget today. It’ll be the best of your life.”
    “Ehhhh I don’t know about that. Spawning those Withers and blowing up a country really gave me a rush.”
     “Oh fuck off,” Phil howled with laughter while shoving the snickering piglin. “This’ll be an entirely new feeling, I would know.” His wings puffed out happily remembering his marriage fondly,
     “Didn’t you marry a fridge?”
    “You’re literally the worst.”
Technoblade smirked just happy he steered the conversation away from any of that mushy crap. He was going to get enough of that as it is in a few hours, oh look at that the bees are back. Phil gave him a pat on the back and the two of them left the house side by side. The spot Technoblade picked out for the wedding was one both of you would like, a snowy taiga, it was warm enough that you wouldn’t freeze to death but still had the beautiful powdery snow that Tecnhoblade loved. Phil had done an amazing job of setting everything up, on the arch, there were beautiful blue flowers interspersed with white roses (both of which you picked out prior), they stood out beautifully against the wooden trellises. There was a carved stone pathway leading the way up to the arch and a few wooden benches decorated with light blue silk so whomever (Y/N) invited could sit down. He knew most of them would only be there for her, he was okay with that, all he needed was Phil and Ranboo and he was content. Next to each booth was a stone pillar, on top of them sat a bouquet of white and blue roses.
     “You really outdid yourself, thank you.” Technoblade whistled,
     “You know I’d do anything for you mate. Glad I could provide, I do have one last little decoration though.” Phil mused reaching into his bag he pulled out a small gold bell similar to the one he had inside his house. He placed the bell above the arch so it would chime softly when the wind blew against its side. Technoblade smiled fondly at the sight and wrapped his arm around Phil’s shoulder.
     “I love it. (Y/N)’s gonna love it too.”
     “Thanks, man.” Phil said softly bumping against the blade, “Do you know who’s going to show up by the way?”
    “Absolutely no idea.”
     “Guess we’re gonna find out, look.” Technoblade stepped away from Phil and looked in the direction of his friend, cresting over the hill seemed to be two girls, Technoblade was immediately confused because he didn’t realize you had friends who were women. Phil let out a small laugh, “Oh it’s Niki and Puffy, Ranboo must’ve introduced (Y/N) to them.” Technoblade only nodded his lips twitching into a frown, new people...gross.
     “Hi, Phil! Technoblade!” Puffy chirped brightly, her hand intertwined with Niki’s tightly, “Congratulations to you Mr.” She lightly tapped Technoblade in the chest he blinked in surprise,
     “Thank you?”
     “I may have just met (Y/N), but just know if you do ANYTHING to hurt her at all I will slaughter you.”
     “Darling please…” Niki sheepishly smiled, “you realize you’re threatening Technoblade right? Not the best idea.”
    “It’s alright. I admire your gumption,” Technoblade gave the both of them a thumbs up in response, “I’m glad (Y/N) has someone else like that looking out for her. But, just so you know. The same to you.” He eyed the both of them with a sharp look in his eyes, Puffy let out a nervous laugh and Niki narrowed her eyes warily.
     “That’s fair.”
     “Anyway!” Phil cleared his throat, “let's not ruin this before it even starts.” He led the two girls over to their seats with a small smile, “(Y/N) will be super happy to see you both by the way. Thank you for coming.”
      “Of course, (Y/N) and I are soulmates after all.” Puffy swooned happily as Niki giggled fondly at her antics, “Technoblade better watch out. Niki and I will steal her heart.”
    “I’ll be sure to warn him,” He snickered, glancing over at his friend who was sniffing at the flowers in the pots. “If you need anything don’t hesitate to ask, Wilbur should be here soon then (Y/N) and Ranboo will come and it’ll start.”
    “Sounds good,” Niki hummed playing with the sleeves of her blue dress “I’m super excited to meet her.”
While Puffy reassured her that she would, Phil noticed his son floating over to the area. “Hello, Phil!” The ghost’s eyes lit up seeing all of them, “Oh wow everything is so beautiful!”
    “Thanks, Ghostbur.” Technoblade hummed walking over to Phil and the ghost,
     “I’m proud of you too Mr. Engaged!” He snickered as Technoblade’s nose scrunched up in distaste, “Who knew the big, scary Technoblade would settle down with a wife, maybe start a family eventually.”
     “I’m going to pretend that I didn’t hear any of the cringy nonsense that just came out of your mouth; so I can enjoy today in peace.”
    "Boo! I’m just happy for you!” Ghostbur huffed in annoyance, “I was telling (Y/N) yesterday that marrying Sally was the best day of my life! I’m so making fun of you when you get all mushy.”
     “IF I get all mushy, which I won’t.”
    “Sure you won’t man,” Technoblade glared at his friends in frustration if this teasing was going to continue. He was kidnapping (Y/N) himself and getting married to her elsewhere.
     “I do love all the blue though!” The ghost of Wilbur swooned happily at all the flowers, “This just makes the entire day even better!-”
However he didn’t get to continue as Ranboo cleared his throat rather loudly, the enderboy looked dapper as always, a rose was pinned on his lapel, obviously from (Y/N).
     "Ready Techno?” Phil looked over at him, the pigman’s frustration and confidence fell from his face all at once. Even Ghostbur was shocked at the way Technoblade tensed up and fumbled with the soft fluff on his cape, “Techno?”
It’s time. Holy fuck! She’s going to be stunning, he’s going to be a husband! HE’S GOING TO BE A HUSBAND? Oh fuck.
     “Techno mate you alright?”
     "Yeah. Yeah, I’m good. Let's do this.” Technoblade took a deep breath walking over to the altar with Phil, Phil was obviously officiating the wedding. He didn’t want anyone else doing it, Ranboo smiled at the two of them as he walked down the aisle throwing little flower petals everywhere before standing on (Y/N)’s side of the altar. He gave him a happy little nod, Technoblade nodded back at him in a sign that he was happy to see him. Music began to flow through the air, Technoblade just knew Wilbur had managed to bring a jukebox, but he didn’t mind it was fitting.
He turned towards the rich sound and for once in his life the voices...stopped.
Technoblade could hear the music perfectly, he heard the chiming of the bell every time the wind blew, everything seemed clear and for all the sounds that were playing around him without the rancorous voices, it all seemed deadly quiet.
The true reason the voices stopped though was because he saw you.
Elegant. Magnificent. Royalty.
The words spun around in his head, because god you looked angelic as you walked towards him. He wished your face wasn’t obscured by a veil, he wanted to see you, to cup your cheeks and pull you into a desperate kiss. He wasn’t worthy to marry you, he was barely worthy to breathe the same air as someone so pure. Technoblade bit down on his tongue rather harshly, for once in his life he wished the voices would speak up so he wouldn’t feel so small in his head.
Your silvery voice snapped him out of his thoughts, he drew in a shaky breath and looked at you.
     “Hi,” His voice cracked a little and he flushed all the way up to the tips of his ears. He reached out to squeeze your hands tightly, he felt you squeeze back and he knew that everything was okay. Fuck, he was tearing up a little and he hasn’t even seen your face yet, fuck...Ghostbur was right. He was a mushy gross mess, you giggled a little at his flustered expression.
     “You look handsome,” You whispered softly tilting your head to the side.
     “You’re Aphrodite herself.”
    “Take it back. Take it back right now.” The teasing tone your voice took made him relax considerably, you were still you. His lovely almost wife who’d he got to spend the rest of his life with, it was perfect, you were perfect.
    “You know I do, even if it kills me to retract the statement.” His hand reached forward and gently pushed the veil back over your head.
It took all his strength not to kiss you senseless. Phil cleared his throat and smiled at the small crowd of people who came to the wedding, Puffy seemed to already be emotional, Niki rubbing her back with gentle circles. The both of you barely paid any attention to the introductions and the little details too engrossed in one another to truly listen to anyone that wasn’t each other. They both snapped to attention when Phil spoke their names with a tender smile and their wedding rings were in his hands.
     “Your wedding rings are the outward and visible sign of the inward and invisible bond which already unites you two hearts in love. Groom, place the ring on Bride’s finger and repeat after me….I give you this ring…”
     “I give you this ring.” Technoblade swallowed thickly listening carefully to Phil’s words as you smiled adoringly, the pink spreading across your cheeks was adorable. He shakily slid the diamond ring on your finger,
    “Wear it with love and joy.”
     “Wear it with love and joy.”
     “As this ring has no end, My love is also forever.”
    “As this ring has no end, My love is also forever.”
    “Good job man.” He winked teasingly at Technoblade breaking character to complement his friend, “Bride, place the ring on Groom’s finger and repeat after me….I give you this ring.”
     “I give you this ring.”
     “Wear it with love and joy.”
     “Wear it with love and joy.”
     “As this ring has no end, my love is also forever.”
     “As this ring has no end, my love is also forever.” You breathed softly staring into Technoblade’s eyes and right into his soul. No doubts, only love. Phil continued on,
     “May the wedding rings you exchanged today to remind you always that you are surrounded by enduring love and so now by the power vested in me by...me, it is my honor and delight to declare you husband and wife. You may seal this declaration with a kiss.” You didn’t need to be told twice as you threw your arms around Technoblade’s shoulders smothering him with a kiss. He let out a breathy laugh against them, before kissing you back just as passionately. Technoblade’s hands rested on your lower back and he held you like you were a perfect porcelain doll. “I am pleased to present the newlyweds, Mr. and Mrs… ugh Blade! We’ll go with that.” The man laughed as you pulled away from Technoblade to join in his laughter, you pulled Phil into a hug and motioned for Ranboo to join in, both did so, although Ranboo’s was slightly reluctant.
     “Thank you both for everything. My sweet Borealis boys.” You cooed, Phil only laughed and Ranboo’s entire face flushed deeply at the nickname.
     “We love you obviously,” Phil hummed “You don’t need to thank us. Right Ranboo?”
     “Do I really have to say it?”
    “Yes.” Technoblade spoke gruffly, “If you don’t she might cry.”
     “Yeah, Ranboo don’t make me cry on my wedding day.”
     “Oh, Christ...Fine! I love you too…thank you for giving me a home. Caring for me...all of that. You don’t know how much that means to me.” Ranboo looked up at you and you immediately wrapped him in another tight hug, he let out a little whimper and buried his face in your hair.
     “You’ll always be welcome here Ranboo. We’ll always be your home so long as you’ll have us.”
     “Shit,” He laughed a little wetly pulling away from you, “I’ll have to write that down.”
    “You mean you’ll forget it? Rude.” It was Technoblade who chimed in this time and Ranboo flushed in embarrassment once again. He hunched in on himself before sputtering,
     “No, no, no not what I meant! What I mean is like-”
    “Ranboo you’re fine mate.” Phil snickered, reaching up to ruffle his hair, “loosen up a little.”
     “(Y/N)!” You turned towards the shouting of your new friends and your face lit up,
    “Puffy!” The two girls threw their arms around you in a warm hug, even though you didn’t know Niki yet you’re never one to turn down a hug.
Your final conclusion of the night: Niki was absolutely lovely and she and Puffy were relationship goals.
Candles were littered around the room as you and Technoblade swayed gently to soft music in your bedroom. The both of you were finally alone, and officially married, the first thing Technoblade wanted to do was have the first dance with you. It surprised you that a dance was that important to him, but you came to the conclusion that he just wanted to hold you as close as possible. “I have a gift for you,” Technoblade spoke up rather suddenly and you frowned,
     “We said no gifts.”
     “When have I EVER listened to authority Princess?”
     “Touche,” You snapped your fingers in his direction and he snickered. He pulled away from you and you flopped down on the bed, you watched him walk over to the closet and pull out a medium-sized velvet box. “Bubs what the hell…” You murdered as he placed it into your arms, “please tell me you didn’t go too crazy.”
    “I didn’t. I made it by hand,” Technoblade urged you to open it. You did so pulling off the top, jaw-dropping onto the floor. He knew that reaction was positive and pride swelled in his heart, he knew his girl well. He watched as you lifted the golden tiara out of the box, it was littered with gems that matched his crown, your thumb brushed against them in awe.
     “You made this?”
     “Just for you Princess. Thought you needed something to fit your name.”
     “I’m so in love with you.”
     “Good thing you're my wife then,” he felt his stomach swoop happily and by the way you gently caressed the crown, he knew you felt the same about him. “Put it on Princess I wanna see how it looks on you.” Your face turned red as you did as he asked, his eyes grew half-lidded and he kneeled down in front of you, “Stunning.” He kissed the inside of your wrist, his voice turning gruff, “beautiful.” A kiss was placed on your forearm, “gorgeous,” On your shoulder, “My princess. My good girl.” Technoblade pressed a hot kiss to your neck, you leaned back your breath hitching in your throat.
     “Techno…” You whined softly, “I love you.”
      “Love you more.”
     “Love you most,” He purred, capturing your lips in a heated kiss.
The dogs' rapid barking stirred you from your rest, Technoblade grumbled beside you as you sat up in bed letting the covers fall from your shoulders. The air nipped at your bare skin and you frowned, you couldn’t help but wonder what bothered the dogs so suddenly, “Go back to bed.” Technoblade demanded his hand caressing the small of your back, you leaned back against the warm touch but you couldn’t shake away your worry.
     “I’ll be back in two seconds.” You leaned down to kiss the top of his head, he only hummed in response. Big guy knew you could handle yourself just fine, n’ that’s why you loved him. You slipped on a robe and your slippers before making your way to the dogs, stepping inside you heard quite a few of them whining, they just seemed genuinely bothered. “What’s going on huh guys?” You cooed scratching them behind their ears, sensing your comforting presence they seemed to calm down considerably, “What’s got my fearsome guard puppies so spooked.”
      “That’d probably be me.”
You jumped halfway in the air, whipping around you came face to face with the hollow white mask that Dream commonly wore.
    “Fucking shit Dream what the hell?” You pressed your hand to your heart, your dogs growling lowly all around you. “You scared the shit out of me!”
    “My bad.” He smirked in a way that showed he wasn’t at all sorry, “I’m a little disappointed I didn’t get an invitation to the wedding.”
     “Would you have even shown up?” You raised an eyebrow as he stepped closer to you, Nightmare was at his hip making your bad vibe senses light up like a wildfire. He hummed thoughtfully rubbing his chin,
    “Probably not. But, I decided I’d drop by and give you my congratulations.” He was close enough that you could smell him, he smelled like burning wood and dirt; like a little pissbaby worm.
     “Well thank you,” You wrapped the robe tighter around your body like it suddenly dropped ten degrees. “You can go now-” You started before you were pressed up against the wall, his fearsome blade Nightmare at your throat. The dogs began to bark and howl at the man’s heels but they couldn’t do much without a direct command, but you hoped it would be enough to draw Technoblade out of the house.
     “Clearly Technoblade cares about you much more than I had originally calculated. It’s kind of pathetic if I’m being honest. Someone like you who's so small, so pathetic, could bring Technoblade, the fearsome blood god himself, down like that. Make him soft. We can’t exactly have that now, can we? We need him...How do I say this...a bit feral, unhinged.”
     “You realize you kill me, you can count on him hunting you down and slaughtering you right? I can’t say for sure the ‘favor’ is completely off the table but he’ll half-ass it that’s for sure.” You snarled right back in Dreams face, tempted to spit in it.
    “Oh, I’m not going to kill you, babe.” His voice dripped like honey, its sickly sweet tone made your stomach churn. “But we’re going to get really comfortable with one another, for the time being, you’re under my custody.”
     “What the fuck does that mean you freak-” He hit you on the back of the head with Nightmare, successfully knocking you out. That caused one of the dogs to absolutely lose it, jumping up and tearing off a piece of Dreams bright green hoodie. He snarled at the dog and jolted when he heard Technoblade call for (Y/N), it was close. He quickly messaged his accomplice and was teleported out of the situation, via his own stasis chamber, appearing back in his home base. He smiled wickedly under his mask, as Enderman noises could be heard behind him. He adjusted the girl in his grip, the next few days were going to be a lot of fun.
: )
Leave your comments below and I hope you enjoyed! Memes and fanart is also always welcome your girl is thirsty for any scrap of content. 
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whirlybirdwhat · 3 years
a piece for the it’s pirates zerver sine: home: built stolen lost found
When Luffy is three, alone and abandoned in the world besides a grandfather who is never there, and a bartender who tries her best to be, he asks Makino a single question.
It’s from a phrase he had heard patrons of the bar say as they pushed back their seats and headed out the door, a phrase Gramps had said as he slammed through walls with a smile, a phrase, a word he had never known he meaning of. 
“Makino? What’s home?” 
Makino looks down at him, tugging on her skirts, and kneels down with a smile. “Well – home is a place your family is, and where you feel happy and safe. It’s a place where you stay, and can have a bedroom, and a place to put all your toys and belongings. Sometimes, it can even be a person!” She says  it so happily, so brightly, but Luffy only looks at her with wide, wide eyes. 
“Oh,” he says, and clutches harder to the toy boat in his hands. Oh. 
It is then, that moment, strikingly clear, that Luffy realizes he doesn’t have a home. 
(His grandfather is never here, Makino is good but she isn’t quite family, not in the way he knows it, and he had a small attic to call his without a view of the sea.) 
And, quietly, realizes that he doesn’t want one. 
(To have a place to stay, to remain still, to place all burdens on another? To call home somewhere stationary, unmoving, unwanted? It sounded like hell.)
Oh, he says again. Oh. 
When Luffy is six, alone and abandoned in a small village by the sea that he could never leave, he asks Shanks a question. 
It is a question that had been lingering in the dredges of his mind, ever since these pirates had barged through the door with songs on their lips and adventures in their minds, with not that word that he didn’t have leaving their mouths but rather tales of ships and voyages and seas.
“Shanks? Where’s your home?”
Shanks looks down at him, eyebrows quirking upward as he finishes his drink with a flourish before setting it down with a soft clink. His eyes are just as soft, like some how he understands that this is different from when Luffy asked about his favorite battles, when Luffy asked for a sip of his drink or if Shanks really had been at the bottom of the sea when he was Luffy’s age. 
“Home? Easy – it’s the sea, anchor!”
“The sea?” Luffy had never heard something more stupid, and that was saying a lot since all the stupid things he heard of were from Shanks. That wasn’t what Makino had told him, wasn’t what Gramps had explained, wasn’t anything like where your family is or place you stay. It was the sea – endless and vast and full of danger and sea kings and marines that like to give you Fists of Love and don’t come back. The sea didn’t have a place to have belongings or keep yourself safe. It – 
It doesn’t make sense. 
“The sea!” Shanks says with a grin, a sparkle in his eye like he gets before stands on tables and talks about the time he sailed to a land of samurai. “It’s any pirate’s home! It’s where our adventures await, and where our nakama are with us, and every day it bright than the rest, ain’t that right, fellas!”
“Aye, captain!” The crew drunkenly choruses, words already forming on their lips. 
“How does that one chorus go?”
“Which one?”
“Oh, I know! Gather up all the crew – “
“It’s time to ship out Bink’s Brew!” Shanks joins in, holding his hands out to Luffy and not even waiting till he grabs them to snatch him up in a dance. “Pirates, we eternally are challenging the sea.” His voice is joyful and loud with the way men get when the party in in swing, but there’s nothing but happiness in his steps as he guides Luffy onto his feet and twirls him around.
 “With the waves to rest our heads,  ship beneath us as our beds, hoisted high upon the mast, our jolly roger flies! Yohohoho-“
“Oi! Wrong part captain! It goes like this – “
“Dahahaha!” Shanks ignores them, only to bend down to Luffy’s level. “A pirates’ home is where he’s happy, Luffy. My home is with my crew and with some drink – or an adventure – in my hand. That’s the sea for me. Got it?”
Luffy doesn’t, but as Shanks sweeps him up into another round of Bink’s brew, he’s starting to find that the answer doesn’t really matter, not when he’s not alone here, with Shanks and pirates all around him
“Yohohoho, yohohoho!”
Luffy is seven, and he’s finally figured out what home is. Home is his brothers, running through the jungle, laughter and adventure and fun is every step. Home is the way Ace smiles when he thinks no one is looking, and the way Sabo is always the first to say Let’s explore! Home is coming home to a tree house, and never being alone. 
Home is Ace and Sabo and Ace and Sabo and – 
Home is burning. 
Home is dead.
Luffy feels hollow, feels like the world is crumbling out from underfoot, because everyone said that home could be a person but they never said that home could burn. That home could die. That home could go away and never, ever come back. 
Maybe that’s why Shanks said home is the sea and why Makino said that home is a place and only sometimes a person – because people leave and burn and never come back, and seas can’t burn or be destroyed. 
Luffy is seven, and he realizes again that he doesn’t want a home, not anymore, because all home does is burn. 
(Then, there’s a promise and a vow and Luffy is never going to lose home again.)
Luffy is seventeen, and he’s been alone for three years but not anymore because this time – this time he has a home that won’t burn, that won’t leave, because he is their captain and he will protect them. 
Home is Zoro and his quiet smiles, home is Nami, and her ink-stained hands, home is Usopp and stories that roll off the tongue, home is Sanji and meals made for comfort, home is Vivi and her kindness however far away, home is Chopper and his hugs, home is Robin and her cryptic statements, home is Merry, sturdy and true, home is – 
Ace, and Ace won’t burn because Ace is made of fire. Home can’t burn again. It can’t. 
It can’t.
Luffy is seventeen, and home is burning by his own hands. It’s a funeral, the only one worthy of Merry because the bottom of the sea is a dark place and she deserves a sendoff to light her way but – 
It’s fire, non-the-less, reminding Luffy of how Grey Terminal’s fire looked by the shore, and home – Merry, with her black eyes and painted smile, with her strong planks and her determined heart, Merry, home – 
It’s burning.
(He’s starting to think that maybe home isn’t what he’s always called it before – people and places that make you happy, that keep you safe.
Maybe it’s something else. Maybe it’s something that’s only this way because of him. 
Maybe – )
Sunny won’t burn, will never burn with a hull of Adam’s Wood, but Merry does, and it hurts. 
Luffy is seventeen and home is burning. 
This time – 
This time – 
This time – 
It burns it burns it burns it hurts it hurts Ace Ace Ace Ace why no Ace Ace please – 
Home burns in his arms, his big brother who is made of fire, who can’t be burned, burns in his arms, and it drips drips drips down onto Luffy’s chest and he can’t let go because this is home and this home can’t burn but it does and – 
“Thank you for loving me.”
Home burns. 
(It always does.)
Luffy is eighteen and Ruskaina is sweltering and his chest is burning burning burning but he’s not home. 
He’s not. 
He’s not alone. He’s not home. His crew (ZoroNamiUsoppSanjiViviChopperRobinFrankyBrook) is still there, still existing, but they are not home, any longer.
Maybe he is, to them. He’s burned, after all, he fits his own criteria. But they aren’t to him.
On Ruskaina, he makes this decision. He vows it, under the sweltering sun and with bandages wrapped around his chest,  with phantom pains on his finger’s where Ace’s vivre card singed him, with his mind alight with war. His crew is not his home, Sunny is not his home, because Luffy does not have a home. 
He does not want one, he does not have one, because home is a place that burns, and Luffy has been burned too many times to count.
Luffy is nineteen and older and stronger than all his moments before. He stands in front of his crew with a smile on his face and a burn across his chest, because he is not home, but his crew – 
His crew tumbles into his open, waiting arms, crashing him down onto to the ground as they come home. 
Luffy burns, and Luffy is home, and he will be King of the Pirates. 
For his crew – for people who are not his home but his family, his nakama, his treasure  - there is nothing else he could possibly be. 
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vina-writes · 3 years
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Ten Favorite Drarry Fic Recs
I’ve reached a bit of a follower milestone, and I thought, why not celebrate? I’m happy! This is an incredible feeling that I honestly can’t fully articulate in writing. Knowing someone enjoyed my work and presence enough that they’d want to be notified if I posted again just makes me squeal and want to hug everyone from joy!! Thank you to anyone who has ever left me kudos, a comment, a tag, a note, an emoji, a tag emoji!! I am endlessly grateful to you all for this support and kindness.
Now, since it’s party time, I’ve compiled a personal list of my ten favorite Drarry fics to share the love. This is by no means a stamp of quality (as there are thousands of brilliant fics out there) and neither is it a guarantee that these are everyone’s cup of tea. But they are certainly my cup of tea— my whole buffet honestly.
I chose fics that made me feel deeply. Fics that made me cry, laugh, throw my phone, squeal and wiggle and dance at the end. These (mostly) weren’t fics which answered deep philosophical questions. They were fics which instead showed me love and adventure, joys and betrayals, misunderstandings and occasionally unbelievable (but appreciated) levels of smut (you know who you are). These are stories I read to be entertained, entranced, delighted, and happy. These are stories that made me feel in love.
In honor of that (and of my Canva addiction) I’ve made little banners for each. I hope they do some justice to these works. I’ve tried to capture the feeling of each fic in just one image. Without further ado, read on to find out exactly what my guilty pleasure (as if Drarry isn’t enough) is:
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The Songbirds of Avebury Manor by Tessa Crowley [E, 18k] 
Summary: Harry Potter presents as alpha at fifteen, and it is supposed to change his life for the better. Instead, it leads him to a beautiful noble omega he cannot have, a political plot he cannot escape, and a threat on his life.
This story. Oh my stars, this story. What can I even say to properly express how I feel about it? This is the Romeo and Juliet, the Pride and Prejudice, the Hades and Persephone of Drarry. Reading this made me feel like an unwedded Victorian lass waiting for her Prince Charming. It’s a wonderful Historical AU that throws around power dynamics and questions of who is worthy of love, freedom, and respect despite them. This is a brilliant portrait of deep romantic love. Harry’s dedication to Draco is all-encompassing, beautiful, intense, intimate— earth shattering, really. The way they fall in love despite class and situation made me want to cry and write poetry. This is a true fairytale romance.
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The Pirate and the Prince by @nerdherderette​, maniacani [E, 49k]
Summary: Draco can't believe that fate and circumstance have made him a stowaway on the Master of Death's ship. He doesn't know what's worse: the dread pirate's legendary vendetta against the aristocracy, or the fact that his captor is the most infuriating yet irrefutably fascinating man Draco has ever met.
The moment I started this story I knew it was going to be an instant favorite. It’s swashbuckling, debonair yet disheveled, dangerous, fun, adventurous— everything you could desire from a romance on the high seas! Though they come from very different backgrounds, this Draco and Harry are a power couple to the core. Their romance is once again beautiful, intense, and dedicated, but this time it’s mixed with a healthy dose of self-exploration and mutual acceptance. But apart from romance this fic holds delicious secrecy and identity issues, an astounding knowledge of sailing ships, plenty of piratey shenanigans, some heart-wrenching found family dynamics, a cursing parrot, and a glorious angst with a happy ending finale! 
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Soup-pocalypse and the Great Curry Cataclysm by SquadOfCats [E, 104k]
Summary: Eleven years after the war, Draco Malfoy leads a quiet, boring, and perfectly respectable life, thanks very much. Or, at least he does, until a sudden and very unexpected veela awakening causes him to throw soup all over Harry Potter in the middle of the Ministry cafeteria.
What can I say about Soup-pocalypse? It will lure you in with tales of Veelas and romance, and then it will kidnap you and throw you in cooking class and therapy. You’ll come out wondering what just happened and how two days have passed. There will, of course, be Veelas and romance aplenty, but it will be a caring romance, a familial romance, a supportive and kind and nurturing romance. This story feels like family, good cooking, sunny days, the deep heartbreak of change, and through all of it, the truth of a real and solid partnership. This is the humorous yet angst-ridden tale of two idiots learning to love as adults, and then in turn learning to face the world together.
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you’ve got the antidote for me by Kandakickass [M, 20k]
Summary: When Harry Potter unintentionally severs their soulbond before it can fully form, Draco Malfoy resigns himself to a slow death and decides not to burden Harry with a soulmate he's made it very clear he doesn't want.
He's never been selfless before, but for Harry, he can try.
Right then. On to the angstiest story I’ve ever read and truly enjoyed. Not just enjoyed, adored! Worshipped! Come back to time and again whenever I needed a good cry! Here is the beauty of it: this fic is deeply painful and heartbreaking, yet it steers clear of emotions like disgust and discomfort. Never once was it disturbing— only sorrowful, in the purest and most heart-wrenching way. Yet despite the pain strung throughout the majority of it, this fic left me feeling relieved and rejuvenated, the way one feels after crying their heart out over something simple. It’s an emotional release that does not leave you broken.
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On the Last Day of Our World by Sansa [E, 84k]
Summary: During a detention, Harry and Draco get locked in a strange room together overnight. When they escape the next morning, they discover they are alone. Love, angst and adventure abound as they struggle to survive in an empty world.
Truly one of my favorite takes on canon divergence. Truly. This is an exploration of isolation and the joys and comforts that come with it. It is the power couple Drarry to rule them all— a Draco and Harry so strongly connected, in love, and attuned to one another that the world could fall at their feet. This story leaves you on the edge of your seat until the very bitter end— one of those where the second things are briefly peaceful the world goes up in a new set of flames. Those of you who daydream about a partnership that needs no others, two souls who are each other’s family, friend, and future, and would gladly abandon everything to spend eternity alone together: this is for you.
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The Arc of the Pendulum by brummel [E, 30k]
Summary: After his father casts a mysterious curse on Harry Potter, Draco Malfoy is forced to try to make things right.
Yes. YES. YES!!! The Beauty and the Beast take you didn’t know you needed! Still canon-compliant to an extent, this is realistic and raw and incredible. Draco makes the choice to help Harry here, and the vulnerability of their interactions while Harry struggles with the curse is everything you could hope it to be. There’s a distinct fairytale atmosphere in this fic— both of them confined together, finding support and comfort in one another while struggling through the effects of the curse, and falling in love along the way. I could write sonnets about the ending using my tears for ink, but they shan’t be revealed here.
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Picking Up Pieces by Tessa Crowley [E, 43k]
Summary of Part One: Fifteen years after the War, Draco is a social recluse and award winning author. Harry is an auror who works too hard, ensuring his old war wounds never heal. They meet at a masque ball, unaware of each other's identities. In another situation, it would have been love at first sight. But for them, it would never be so simple.
Picking Up Pieces deserves no introduction, but if you haven’t read it yet, please find a blanket, and cup of tea, and a quiet place to read, cry, and recover. I sobbed my little heart out through the entire second half— the tears were really never ending. How does it end up on a reclist by a fluff lover like me? The answer is similar to Antidote— though this story broke me apart, it was never twisted nor ugly, never disturbing. It was an incredibly touching tale of redemption, forgiveness, human nature, and recompense. The writing does put you through the emotional wringer, but it leaves you relieved and whole. I would lay down my life for this Draco. He truly needs to be protected and loved at all costs. Even though I’m usually careful when recommending heavy stories, I would encourage everyone to read this— it made me feel new, it made me feel like I’d spent an hour crying in the shower, but most of all, it really did make me happy.
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Two Trees by LakeWitch [E, 36k]
Summary (shortened): In his Eighth year at Hogwarts, part of Draco Malfoy's probation is to see a Mind Healer once a week. Another part, unfortunately, is having to take Muggle Studies.
It wouldn't be so bad, really, if it weren't for the mandatory outing—a 'field trip'—booked at a Muggle lakeside retreat for the better part of five days. [...] Draco is determined to get it all over with as painlessly as possible. He'll keep his head down, and stay out of everyone's way. That is, until Pansy tells him—at the very last moment—that she's schemed to have Draco stay in the same room with Potter for the whole trip.
Just the two of them... in one room.
This is the comfort fic of all comfort fics. It feels like camping, like sitting by a lake in the sun, like marshmallows over a fire and sparks against a starry sky, and cool, feather-soft hotel sheets. Draco is dealing with several different anxieties here, but the brilliant setting and easy plot turn them into a cathartic read. This is a fic about young love and the ability to build bonds on trips. It made me remember my first crushes and the feeling of getting breakfast in a hotel lobby. There’s cuddling, there’s love, there’s some highly emo Draco (both warranted and unwarranted), and there’s a truckload of nature. Go read it!
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Your Place Or Mine? by @l0vegl0wsinthedark​ [E, 26k]
Summary: "This person is so much harder to hate. And I’m supposed to hate Malfoy. How the fuck else am I supposed to limit this to just sex?" 
At first I was like, “Damn, Harry,” but then I was all, “Damn Harry!” but then I went, “DAMN Harry!” (interspersed with a lot of whistling and cursing). I could have slapped him, and you will want to. This is another Draco that deserves endless love and hot chocolate, with a Harry that deserves a good smack. I think about this fic weekly, and not just because it’s endlessly hot— although it is scorching hot, like how do you even write something that hot type of hot. Draco’s pining and Harry’s stupidity makes for the angstiest yet most satisfying friends-with-benefits-but-really-there’s-more combination, and the climax (pun intended) and resulting spill of emotions is everything anyone could hope for. Ten out of ten.
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The Courting by the Pureblood Who Only Has Five Milligrams of Romantic Intelligence and Thinks He’s Real Smooth by @cibeewastaken​ [T, 19k]
Summary (shortened): Draco could grab Potter and shove him into a stall before proceeding to suck his soul out of his dick, but secretly, deep down, in the part of Draco that he will never admit to anyone, he is (everyone pauses to shudder) a romantic. Potter is not someone Draco wants a one-off with. Potter is — Draco’s beloved!
So Draco decides to boldly go where no one has gone before: to put himself through scrutiny; their friends’ teasing and pranks; unsound romantic advice from a house-elf; wearing pretty clothes; all to try and win Potter’s heart through courtship...
This thing of beauty is exactly as hilarious as it sounds. However, it is so much more than the endless laughs (although there are many). It is sweet, tender, touching, and filled with glorious pining and misunderstandings. Inside you’ll find extravagant (the word was literally invented for Cibee’s Draco) outfits, confusing customs, a blanket that brought me to tears, one badass house-elf, one very confused beloved, absolutely no fornication (wink), and one hopelessly smitten pureblood. Be warned, this fic is actually three “What the fuck, Draco?”s in a trenchcoat. I read it when I want to laugh, facepalm, and submerge myself in the adorable stupidity that is Draco Malfoy in love. It is well worth your time and is sure to bring a smile to your face.
With this final fic we conclude my list on a happy note! It’s long, it’s tedious, and I had a spanking good time writing it. I hope these bring some joy or happy tears to your day.
Love, Vina 
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shadow--writer · 4 years
could you please do the main 6 randomly surprising the MC with a gift/gesture for just because 👉🏻👈🏻
Heck yeah I can! Lmfao there are people in my house painting today so I’m stuck upstairs with no internet writing these on my phone hotspot GUYS I CANT LISTEN TO MUSIC I AM IN PAINNNN. Today is gonna be quite an interesting day 
Main six x MC giving gifts
Lord he loves surprising you
He gives you little gifts that made him think of you. Mostly shiny things. Always shiny things. Once he gave you a broken pendant and the two of you made bracelets out of it 
He adores taking you out on surprise dates too
You could be chilling at home reading/doing something and he’ll burst through the door and take you on a romantic trip like you wouldn’t believe 
He just loves showering you in little presents and love
Everyone deserves to get something from their SO, even if it’s small and kinda goofy 
He once gave you a raven plush
The two of you dress it up in odd little hats
You’ve mistaken Malak for the plush once or twice
No he is not taking the pirate hat off
Gifts all the time! Shiny rocks! Flowers! Dates!
All of them he love doing all of it for you
When you’re feeling down or sick they’ll go out and get your favourite flower and favourite foods
And of course he’ll make a little date out of it too to cheer you up
He adores surprising you with presents and dates
Yes you two have done a baking date together 
No it did not go as planned, but you did get some sweet cookies out of it
But what he likes best is when you two do a little gift war with tiny surprises around the house
He hides presents and notes for you around the shop for you to find
You’ve found matching sweaters for the two of you and now he won’t take his off
Nadia is the bomb at getting you gifts
She knows exactly what you want, even if it’s small 
She loves seeing how happy you are when she gets you something as a surprise 
Her favourite is having you wake up to a surprise. Maybe it’s breakfast in bed, maybe an adventure outside, maybe even a small gift from her
She loves your surprised face, you are just so cute 
But she loves making you things (she makes things guys, she’s good with her hands I am so gay-)
Once she made you a little animatronic of your familiar 
It took her a week but she did it, the look on your face was so worth it
You now carrying it around with you everywhere and each time she sees it she lights up and gets very bubbly 
She just loves you so much, and gift giving is one of her love languages 
Since we didn’t get this in his route im gonna write it MYSELF 
He likes to whittle you things. He made you guys as bears (and if you decide to have kids he makes little bears for your kids and you’ll have a wooden bear family sitting on your shelf. I’m not crying u are-)
He likes to give you things he knows you’ll use
Another headcanon of mine is that he learned to knit, so he makes you scarves and sweaters and all sorts of things
You and Inanna have matching sweaters for holidays now
But again, he loves whittling things. So he got you a charm bracelet and you two make the charms together 
You have a little wolf for Inanna, little charms for the arcana the two of you represent and two little wooden hearts 
When you wear it his whole world lights up because you made that with him 
He just really loves making you things, it helps him relax and seeing you use them/wear them makes him abnormally happy (and no he is not afraid to say so)
Cooking! She love loves cooking for you!
Your favourite meal, your favourite treat she loves it so much 
Seeing you happy (or crying tears of joy, but don’t do that often she’ll cry with you) makes her happy and she loves cooking
Now what makes it extra special is when she can get you to cook with her
That’s a gift in itself 
The two of you always sing and dance when you cook, no one caring if you’re off key
Yes she will dip you 
Yes you have burned dinner once or twice 
Quality time with you is the best gift, and you guys get some delicious dishes out of it
She’s very wholesome with her gifts, sometimes you’ll even go on picnics together. But she also likes to give you things that remind her of you
So you carry a little rock around now, it’s become your lucky stone because of her
Okay I will say Lucio gives some of the tackiest gifts you will ever see with your two eyes
Ugly matching sweaters? Really tacky jewelry (remember the ring he gave Nadia?) just all of it
It’s okay though because he knows it’s tacky and he gets it to see you laugh
And you do laugh
A lot
But he really does like taking you out on surprise dates
He likes to sweep you off your feet, with romantic (super cheesy) words and a fun adventure for the two of you 
Picnics by the fountain (and him inevitably tossing you in and it turning into a water-fight when you drag his ass in) are some of his favs
Though exploring the palace and all of its secrets is a fun pastime too
He just loves spending time with you, and giving you gifts makes him happy. He adores you smile and your snort of laughter. 
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wordsdrippinginink · 3 years
May we please have an au where Ace (and everyone else, probably) discovers he's... not quite human (thank you Rouge) at Marineford, probably upon getting run through (or bakainu attempting to run him through), and survives because of it? Please? 🥺👉👈
“Why do you sing like that?” Ace asks softly, eyes burning as Rouge sings him a lullaby, just like she had promised to. “It doesn’t sound like the people in town when they sing.”
“Singing like that isn’t as fun,” Rouge answers, brushing his hair back from his face and pressing a kiss to his forehead, Ace carefully doesn’t think about how much that is like a mom, because everyone said Rouge was his ‘friend’. “Do you not like it?”
“It’s pretty,” Ace yawns, turning onto his side and mumbling softly as his feet tangled up in his blanket. “W’s a maginary friend,” he asks finally.
Rouge pauses, looking considering as she strokes his hair, “it’s when a child makes up a friend, one that only they can see and interact with. Did someone say that to you?”
“Gramps called you my maginary friend.”
“I see,” Rouge is quiet for a moment. “What do you want me to be?”
Ace doesn’t know what to tell her, fighting to keep his eyes open. Because Gramps had also said Rouge was his mom, couldn’t she just be that?
“Did you ever have an imaginary friend?” Ace asks softly, leaning back against the mast as he watches the stars overhead, looking almost lost when Thatch glances up from his carving.
“An imaginary friend,” he repeats slowly, trying out the word. “Can’t say that I did. At least not that I remember. Why? Did you?”
Ace blinks, glancing over at him before nodding slowly, “Gramps was the one to tell me that she wasn’t real.”
“That seems mean of him.”
There’s a long moment of silence, Thatch almost thinks that he hears Ace humming, but the sound of waves breaking against the bow overwhelms it before he can be sure.
“Her name was Rouge. Gramps said that Rouge was my mom and she was dead, so she couldn’t be my friend. She went away after that.”
“I think that makes it even worse,” Thatch pauses, setting the spoon he had been carving down and sighing. “My parents sent me away when I tried to visit them, I had picked up a bounty by accident and they sent me away because I was a disgrace to them.”
Ace huffs, almost a laugh, “They sound like assholes if they kicked you out for that. Your cooking makes up for everything else about you.”
Thatch gasps, overdramatically as he presses the back of his hand to his forehead, “You only love me for my cooking!”
“If you cared about things like that, you wouldn’t keep sneaking me those little rolls with the cream in them.”
“Those are eclairs, you heathen.”
“Marco says the correct term is feral forest child.”
“Of course he did,” Thatch sighs, rolling his eyes. “Did you like having her around? Your not-mom?”
Ace is quiet for a long moment, before he shrugs, leaning back against the mast. The sound of water lapping the hulls because almost too loud in the silence, but it’s almost like it felt when Thatch returned to the Moby after being sent off to complete a task. Like home.
It’s a slip, Ace crashing into Luffy instead of blocking the attack from Akainu, knocking them both into the ocean before anyone could hope to notice what had happened. Both of them sinking fast because of their devil’s fruit.
“You’re not supposed to go swimming,” Rouge says softly, suddenly there, her hand on Ace’s cheek almost impossibly cold. “All that fire bubbling up in you and a curse to top it off.”
He panics, expecting water to flood his mouth and drown him, choking on air when nothing does.
“Ace. I’ve missed you, but I’ve been watching you know. All those adventures, your father would be jealous, you know. Watching you run off and have fun.”
“He doesn’t deserve to be jealous.”
Rouge hums, the sharp drop off a sandbar ringing out with it, “No, I suppose he doesn’t. Are you happy with them?”
“They love me.”
“Then that is all I can ask,” Rouge presses a kiss to his temple, smiling softly. “You should sing more, Ace, you have a beautiful voice.”
“No one ever hears me.”
“One more try, then. For me?”
“One more try.”
Rouge nods, looking pleased with herself as she moves, pressing Luffy into his arms, “A demi-god. If they ask, that’s what  you are. Your father was the pirate king, but your mother is the ocean who crowned him,” she laughs when Ace opens his mouth. “Sometimes you fall in love, even immortal ocean goddesses. But you held all the power in our relationship and when you wished to never see me again-” she gestures, arms spread wide as she twirls, looking more like a drowned queen then any of the more typical reproductions of her form. “-but you were going to die, and I would never allow that.”
“Will you come see me again?”
“Is that what you want?”
“There’s not even any rocks around!” Law snaps, looking more and more frazzled as he sorts through the medical charts that he and Marco had put together when trying to explain the miraclous moment when Ace had swum up and pulled himself and Luffy onto the Moby Dick. “Why am I hearing waves against the rocks!”
“Because Ace is singing,” Marco answers softly, grinning widely when Law pauses, tipping his head to the side as if to hear better. “His tune is so much softer than his mother’s.”
“What does that mean?” Law asks in confusion.
Marco shrugs, smirking when Law growls, stomping off to his quarters as the crash of waves against the rocks shifts, something more reminisant of sunset on the water. Light and sweet as Ace stumbles in the door, wincing when his shoulder hits against the wall.
“Good morning, Ace.”
“Marco,” Ace answers, the sound vanishing. “What did you think?”
“Of your new song?”
“Yeah, I think it needs more darkest depths and lurking monsters, but Luffy likes the happier songs.”
Marco nods, smiling when Ace leans into his side, “I think that you should add something strange and out of place.”
“I’ll try that then,” Ace agrees, something outside the submarine knocking against the hull, curious and playful. “Did you know?”
“About what my mom was. Before.”
“Technically I knew what Rouge was, not that you and she were family. But I knew what you were the moment we met. Immortal recognizes immortal.”
Ace flexes his fingers, water mirroring his actions, restless in the glass that he hasn’t touched, “I didn’t.”
“You’re still young.”
The sound that comes out of Ace’s mouth reminds Marco of when he was young, still believing the Kraken would come for him. Dangerous and fearfilled. 
“I think it needs more fear and less awe.”
Water damaging a hull and something creeping in with it. Marco nods, that was certainly more what Ace had been trying for.
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softrozene · 4 years
Female Straw Hat Reader Crushing Headcanons
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@bast-s requested: Hemloo! I have a lot to say, but first, how are you? I hope u are fine, you really deserved it! Sooooooo, I loved your headcanons about Ace, Law e Kid crushing in a strawhat! It ignited my mind and made me want to write more and more about it. I may be weak for headcanons and scenarios when the reader is someone's crush. I love all the courting and embarrassment lmao Now, since I said this, could I make a request? It is my very first one, so if I am doing it wrong, please ignore it! I am already happy if you receive my thanks for writing for us ❤️ I want so many things, but I will come back for them. For now, could you make headcanons/scenarios (what suits you best) for a female strawhat reader who is crushing in Law, Zoro and Ace Marco (so hard to choose between this two, but the pineapple took my heart), but have no ideia if they feel the same way? And in the end, she does something cute and elaborated to reveal her feelings (a small dinner, or call for a dance, or take them to a beautiful and isolated part of the island, what you like the most). She tries her best to stay calm and be clear, and make sure that the man understands he doesn't need to reciprocate if he don't feel like. Did I spoke too much? Yes, I did, am so sorry. I just hope you enjoy writing it! I huge thank you! ❤️❤️
First off- You are so very sweet omg and I am so flattered you like my writing! I am so happy to hear you enjoy them, especially the crushing headcanons. This was a very cute and fluffy request and I enjoyed writing it! I had fun with this and I agree- I am also weak for all the courting and embarrassment alhdfalfsfsa Anyway, I hope you enjoy these Hon!
Marco, Law, Zoro x Female Reader
Warnings: Fluff, Technical Spoilers but I am extremely vague.
Words: 986
Marco the Phoenix -
Chances are you met him at Marineford or when the crew split up you were sent to where his crew resided after Marineford
It felt like you two had clicked immediately
It may have been obvious that you liked him, but you sure hoped not
You wanted to confess on your own terms and in the right way
But- During your time with the Whitebeard Pirates you could not tell if he even liked you back or if he felt obligated to feel protective over you just because your captain and his nakama were brothers
Nonetheless, you decided to give it a chance
One day- You invited Marco out for a little dinner picnic
That way you can eat and have everything set up for a little romance and away from his hectic family that would no doubt out you before you can utter your feelings to him
Though- When he actually accepts your invitation you can feel the nerves inside you ignite
Oh god you are so nervous
Yet somehow you manage to come across perfectly fine or so you think
Marco notices the way your cheeks seem hot and your fingers are shaky from nervousness- He knows where this is headed, and he is happy
If you are too nervous, he will lighten the load and actually confess to you first- If not he will be happy to hear from you at your own pace
He does return your feelings
HOWEVER, he does not want to become official yet
Marco is still grieving so he needs time to make peace with who he has lost and since you both are in different crews; he definitely does not want to make things official since anything can happen to the both of you
If you still feel the same way about him after you meet your goal in Luffy’s crew or your pirate adventure is done, and you want to join him then he will love to make it official
Trafalgar Law-
Oh boy- You probably have an instant visual crush on him when you meet in Sabaody
Then when he tags along with your crew after Punk Hazard your visual crush turns emotional
It is the same way with him- But he does not show it, he keeps his distance
So, you definitely have to be the one to tell him first because he does not want to risk ruining his alliance with Straw Hat over a girl
Since you need to be the bolder one you can invite him into town away from the crew for a smooth confession or better yet- Invite him to a small dance since the crew is always looking for some kind of reason to throw a party
A chaotic confession
It will not be as smooth but it will be just as effective
You invite him to dance while the crew is in their all-time high, running off of adrenaline, sugar rushes, alcohol rushes, and music
While they are occupied you ask Law for a dance
He can’t refuse since you look so dang pretty to him that and the crew will stop whatever they are doing and take his place in a heartbeat if they have to (They know it gets on his nerves, so he acts fast)
It will be you pretty much dancing while he stands there awkwardly until someone Brook plays a slow song for you guys
Then you can take his hand and guide him to a slow dance until he decides to take the lead
You need to use this time to confess then and there and- He of course returns your feelings after realizing how much he truly does care for you
Much like Marco, he would want to hold off on any official relationships at least until he finishes his business with Doflamingo
Then you guys can be official!
With Luffy’s permission (we all know Luffy would not let you leave though unless that is what you really wanted) Law will whisk you away to his own crew
Roronoa Zoro-
You do not know when you started to feel an attraction for him but once you realize you like him and a lot- It is quite too late to think logical
He can be dense, so you need to be straightforward with your feelings
I think you can pretty much confess anytime since you both are in the same crew, but it can go three ways:
1. He either does not want to get in a relationship because he does not really feel that way towards people and is only focused on his dream
2. Or he does not want to get into any messy feelings with a fellow crew member in the case that things go bad
3. But the best-case scenario is he fully accepts your feelings because he knows how strong and capable you are- It also really depends on your personality
But when you do confess, you do so with care and preparation
You know he loves sake so you have a special one set out for him
And you do so in the crow’s nest so the both of you can be on guard together or you can leave if he rejects you but make it easy for him so he can stay
Zoro can feel how nervous you are but he does not rush you at all
He takes your confession serious and he even feels a bit embarrassed (not ashamed more like he is surprised) that you like him that much that you did all of that for him
And because you guys are in the same crew and he likes you back, he returns your feelings at full
Though he has you tell the others you are official because he does not think it should be the others’ business, but he does realize it needs to be announced
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taliaquinn · 4 years
Why Me!? Chapter 19
Authors Note:                                                                                            Hiya peeps and geeks, I finally published chapter 19. I hope you Peeps like it. Dont forget to reblog, comment and like!! (They make me happy)
“Think about it, why would she want to talk to you,” Chloe mumbled struggling to shake off the sleepiness “Right now she only sees you as the boy who refused to stand up for her, Against the girl that threatened her in the bathroom”. 
Adrien was silent at the other end of the phone. “She told you about Lila threatening her in the bathroom?” Nonono. That was the worst thing that could happen. Now rumors are going to spread.
Chloe could only scoff in response. She knew exactly what Adrien was worrying about.
“Pfft uh yeah, Mari told us everything, gotta say Adrien I wasn't that surprised when she told us, Kagami on the other hand….”
“SHE TOLD KAGAMI!?!?!?” Adrien shouted upset. Upset at Marinette for telling everyone, even Kagami. He’s noticed that Kagamis been blowing him off and sometimes even downright refusing to talk to him at social events they both attend. 
Marinette told Kagami and Chloe everything about Lila, Adrien, and Alya when she called them a week ago. Chloe's heart broke at hearing the girl sob. Kagami was enraged, in fact, that was what spurred her into starting to plot revenge. Karma would wreak havoc on everyone who dared hurt the bluenette
“Yes Adrien Kagami Knows and before you go off and get all flustered, No we haven't spread rumors or told anyone. At Marinette's insistence." She spat. Adrien didn't deserve to be protected. But poor Marinette still refused to take any drastic actions.
“Thank you, Chloe” The Model still had the nerve to thank her and ignore Marinette's kind act. She's had enough. Sitting up straighter in bed Chloe opened her laptop and started typing an email to Marinette.
“You know who else she’s been helping Adrikins?” she said in a honey-laced voice, sickeningly sweet. 
This familiar voice caused a sense of growing dread in Adrien's stomach. He wasn't talking to P. M Chloe aka “Post Marinette” Chloe anymore, he was talking to the old Chloe Bourgeois, and Plagg help him if he somehow pissed her off. Swallowing down the sense of dread he asked.
“Nino, you remember him right? The guy you claimed was your best friend? But then again you turned your back on him, that seems to be a trend with you these days”
Nino. Of course, he remembered about Nino. Nino called him tearfully seeking comfort from his best friend after his breakup with Alya. Adrien could only weakly offer some comfort. HEY! He was dealing with his own stuff. Ladybug stole Plagg from him. He wasn’t Chat Noir anymore. Also, he didn't want to get dragged into the conflict. Plus he thought that Nino was overreacting. Alya deserved a second chance. Right?
“W-we’re still best friends” he stuttered out. Nino has Marinette's number!? That's great he can get her number from him!!!!
“Hmmph yeah sure whatever helps you sleep at night.” Chloe had the right to speak her mind. She was tired and grumpy. A deadly combination. If she had eye bags in the morning because of him she was going to block the boy,
 “I'm beginning to think that you’re new bestie is Lila” she mentioned
“That's ridiculous, we're just friends”
Chloe scoffed. “Your standards for friends are ridiculously low. But whatever apparently sleazy Liars are your type”
Adrien was starting to get upset at all these sly remarks he was getting from Chloe. He called her for comfort. Who did she think she was? If he wanted sly comments he would have called Marinette, but he still didn't have her number. Wait a minute. She's been talking to Nino!!! He could just call Nino and get her Number from him!!! He didn't need Chloe! 
“Fine Chloe, you know what? turns out I don’t even need your help anymore,” He said smug, happy to have the upper hand. To be honest he half expected Chloe to beg him to not hang up on her.
“Why even bother calling me then?” that....was not the response he was expecting. Fine, it was probably all an act.
“I needed Marinette's number but then I realized that my bro Nino probably has it, so yeah I don’t need your help”
“But he b-” Ha now she was going to beg him not to hang upon him. Well, he wasn't going to give her the chance. 
“Goodbye Chloe” 
Hanging up he quickly tried to call Nino. After only receiving a dial tone, he shot him a few texts, expecting Nino to respond quickly. He always has.
After receiving none Adrien couldn’t help but be slightly annoyed. Nino probably forgot to charge his phone due to him still being sad over the breakup. This is why Adrien needs to convince Nino to get back together with Alya. He was a mess without her! His phone suddenly binged. Quickly checking, he was disappointed to see it was Chloe. Probably to try and get back on his good side. Ha.
Queen Bee: Nino told me to tell you that he is uh not in “The mood to deal with you and your b.s” tonight.
What!? No Chloe was obviously lying in some weird attempt at getting Payback. Adrien NEEDED to talk to Nino right now because Adrien was going to the states for some gala for the weekend! 
Adrikins: Chloe stop fooling around
Queen Bee: Trust me I'm not kidding around, I'm here trying to get some sleep and instead I'm serving as Nino's secretary apparently
Queen Bee: Leave him alone, if you had listened to me earlier you would have realized that Nino added your number to a nice Lil ol place known as the ~block list~
Queen Bee: hmmm let me think about it
At that Adrien let out a sigh of Relief, Chloe will talk some sense into Nino and everything will be back to normal between him and Nino. Even Marinette once he got her number from Nino!!
Queen Bee: I thought about it
Hope bloomed in Adrien's Chest, everything is finally going to be back to normal again!!
Queen Bee: N o
Queen Bee: You’re getting muted for the rest of the night, consider that payback for waking me up so early, I have a trip this weekend. I need all my beauty sleep, you should consider learning about it
Wait a minute if she is going where Adrien thinks she is then there's hope for him after all!!!
Queen Bee: Toodles~
Adrikins: Wait a minute where are you going this weekend
Queen Bee: None of your business
Wayne Manor                                                                                        Gotham, USA                                                                                                8:00 a.m
“Marinette, I’m just happy you managed to leave that toxic situation before it got worse,” Dick said as he engulfed Marinette in a hug, although not as strong since his ribs were still in pain. Dick slightly grimaced in anticipation of the humongous lecture he was going to get from Bruce later.
“Trust him, Mari, here in Gotham I always see..” Jason trailed off at Dicks pointed look “I mean WE always see....uh in the news how those situations escalate quickly," Yowch talk about a blunder. He still needed to get used to having a sibling who wasnt involved in the nightly adventures. "only not everyone is lucky enough to have Batman swoop in and save the day” Jason quickly added. He threw a prayer of thanks that his adorable baby sister was now safe in Gotham, well as safe as Gotham gets anyways.
Dick racked his brain looking for something to cheer up his little sister in his arms. For once his big brother instincts were being slightly overwhelmed. All of his siblings have gone through awful stuff. This isn't the first, and he doubts it's going to be the last time that he's been there to comfort one of his siblings, or friends for god's sake.  
“Wait!!! Dick, doesn't Bruce have that trip in a few days?” Jason piped up.
Oh, Crap. Dick almost forgot about that. Oh god, he couldn’t possibly subject Mari to that disaster….on the other hand it WOULD be a good distraction for her. Hmmm. 
“Fine, Mari, pack your bags, You’re not even going to school yet so you won't miss anything,” Dick announced.
“Pack my bags?” Marinette couldn't help but get a bad feeling at the sight of Dicks smirk.
“Yeah no, you’re right. Don't pack your bags make your dad pay for new clothes.” Jason teased. It's what he always did. Billionaire Brucie wouldn't even gawk at the price of a new pair of jeans. Heck, He was paying for his New Truck!!! 
“Wait where are we even going?” She asked slightly disturbed at the sight of Dicks growing grin.
“New York City”
Authors Message:                                                                                        I hope you guys enjoyed todays chaoter. Next chapter some new characters are going to enter the fray. Can you take a guess as to who they may be ;)                                                                                           Also Happy Belated Birthday to Our Beloved Timothy Jackson Drake  Fun fact I was listening to Hamilton was writing this chapter and its given me the idea to possibly create a Hamilton AU involving the Batfam and slight Adrinette, What do you guys think?
@purplesundaze @silvergold-swirl @k-poplunardreams @pepelachanel @laurcad123 @maribat-is-lifeblood @kass-is-weird @another-fan-of-anotherplan @damianette-is-life @amayakans @parallelparabox @miukiiu @valeks-princess @toodaloo-kangaroo @vixen-uchiha @thezestywalru @dreamykitty25 @pirats-pizzacanninibles @mochinek0 @shamefullove @mochegato @souleateralicestein @thestressmademedoit @throneoffirebreathingbitchqueen @aestheticnpoetic @mysupporthyperfixations @itsmeevie01
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dizzydancingdreamer · 3 years
Cast your mutuals but it’s only Lottie because it’s her birthday 🥳🎂
I just want to say that I see you, I hear you, and I’ll deliver (even tho I’m lazy and I could never do this if it wasn’t for you)
Cast your mutual ( @imdreamingwiththestars ) as...
Marvel Man — Ant Man, Scott Lang
Wait before you get mad hear me out! SCOTT LANG IS THE SEXIEST AVENGER! First off he’s fucking hilarious without even trying. Like HILARIOUS. Everything he says has me in stitches. Second, he’s a great fucking father— literally the best fucking father. Kinda like how you’re always telling me to drink water and to go to bed. Third, he’s adaptable! He can switch between superhero, commendable dad, friend, awkward, sexy— this man is everything and you are everything. Fourth, he’s a dork. And you can’t get mad at me for that because it’s not a jab— it’s the reason we’re friends. The scene in Ant Man and the wasp where he’s doing a thousand things while bored at home just screams Lottie and the way one moment you’re sending pictures of the bracelet you made and then the next your doing something entirely different. Finally he’s sexy— he’s hot as fuck and anyone who doesn’t think Paul Rudd— America’s true golden boy— is sexy then I don’t want to know you. He’s sexy not only because he’s just plain sexy with no substance (which he’s not and neither are you) but because of all the things I said before saying that he’s hot. This fucking DILF makes me want to be a MILF.
Marvel Woman — Scarlet Witch, Wanda Maximoff
Chaos Queen bisexual witch with nerd boyfriend— sounds about right to me! No— you don’t have nerd boyfriend but he’s out there (and maybe his name is SCOTT LANG). She loves fiercely when it comes to family and feels like she’s dying when those she loves are hurt. Family relationships get rocky at times but would do absolutely anything for her found family. She has meltdowns that rock entire towns and then, in the next second, is fine. Maladaptive daydreamer who creates the realities she would rather be in and adds the extra creative flare that the rest of the people around her are missing. That town was suffering before she showed up and gave it the ol’ razzle dazzle. Like please, take over my mind anyday. Deals with my Agatha Harkness level drama with grace. Like oh shit I kidnap you and force you to relive trauma and you don’t kill me? Wow a queen. 100/10 would bang and, yes, that needed to be added because it’s an important attribute. Also when I picture Lottie’s marvel costuming I see red and I see corsets and that’s enough for me 😌
TVD Man — Kai Parker
No, you aren’t a sociopath but neither was Kai Parker!! He was a kid who’s family fucked him over in every way because he was different and then— when he lashed out after years of straight abuse— got locked up. He’s not crazy— he’s hurt and no one’s fucking listening. He’s made mistakes but everyone would rather say shit about him instead of looking at their own lives. At the end of the day no one was better than Kai Parker despite how much they would like to think they are. He appreciates the little things— snowflakes and good food and sharp knives. He’s charming and has a voice that makes me melt— I can picture him going for walks and sending me videos about his coffee and what he bought at target. He needs a hug and a vacation and an I’m sorry.
TVD Woman — Bonnie Bennet
Is it telling that I picked another witch? Possibly. Am I gonna do it again? Definitely. Bonnie Bennet is a badass despite the fact that literally everything goes against her. She isn’t a badass because it’s easy, she’s a badass because it’s in her fucking DNA. No one wants her to be a badass— even her grandma at some points hates her— but she can’t turn it off so she doesn’t. She shouldn’t turn it off. She’s level headed but oh boy when she gets angry fucking watch out. She’s ride or die for her friends but will put them in her place when she needs to. She’s the most powerful one but no one treats her like it?? Creative problem solver with a penchant to let her powers kinda slip from time to time until a building or two is on fire. Falls for the hottest people but also might fall for your brother. She is the hottest one— full sexy— and again, yes, that’s important.
TO Man — Marcel Gerard
It was a toss up between him and Vincent Griffith but I have made my choice. Marcel is the poster boy for found family but also for knowing when it’s right to separate and do his own thing. The true king of NOLA who has exquisite taste in music. He was kinda evil at the beginning but it really only made him sexy so?? He thought he was protecting his city and vamp fam and I think that’s reasonable. Cares deeply, is beyond loyal, and would kill for those he loves. Saves a dorky awkward gay from death and that goes without saying hey thank you ma’am dorky gay here thankful for you’re consistent messages in her inbox I would be dead on here without you. Accidentally acquires a child but becomes one of the best dads ever despite her temper and unpredictable powers. Has an on off relationship with an equally sexy blonde. Himbo CEO vibes and I think that’s lovely— like you. You are lovely.
TO Woman — Hayley Marshall
Fierce, sexy, hybrid who loves two men even though they makes her so damn angry. Family drama 100%, found family drama 200%. Wolf queen who appreciates the downtime of chilling in nature with a cold drink and good people. Would die for her family but before it even gets to that point she would kill anyone who got in between her and them. Would go to unknown lengths to do the literal impossible like bring her family back from the dead. Impeccable mother— impeccable friend— impeccable leader. IS SO FUCKING SEXY. Also kinda angsty lol.
A Favourite Song — Drops of Jupiter | Train
Despite what it may seem like, I didn’t choose this because I know it’s one of your faves. I chose it because when I think about you I think about little things. Dunkin donuts and bikini tops and mugs and pink purple blue bracelets and late night talks about nothing. The verses of this song talks about all the little things she does that makes him love her and that’s how I feel about you. I love you because you don’t say hi, you say things akin to “Finn Mikaelson deserves to feel sexy like the rest of his brothers” and I think this song has that energy.
A Favourite Movie — Treasure Planet
“You’re gonna’ rattle the stars, you are.”
A coming of age adventure story with an angsty main character and a happy ending— it’s perfect. Sometimes to find yourself you need to find a golden map, get your moms rich friend to fun your pirate ship, hire a sexy cat captain, and befriend a father figure whose also a villain. Sometimes you also have to let him get away at the end. It touches on themes of discovery, forgiveness, trauma, and self love. Jim is a capable sarcastic smart kid and his best friend is an awkward robot who talks too much— wow, it’s us. Please bring me to space school when you get accepted 😌
I hope this makes you smile on your birthday! I love you most 💕
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fluffyglass · 3 years
you may be asking "Oh dear god what has Finn gotten up to this time?" well, that my friend, is a very valid question! The answer to which is as follows: He's rewatched every single TMMS segment with Mr. Rude in it to prove that he's done nothing wrong!
After many many hours of rewatching, I've come to some conclusions on the depressed tomato man. I'll give a quick rundown here, then throw my episode by episode analysis under the cut.
Season 1
Mr. Rude is in 30 episodes in Season 1.
In only 3 of these episodes does he do anything wrong.
In 4 of the episodes where he's innocent, Mr. Fussy yells at him for no reason.
Season 2
Mr. Rude is in 30 episodes in Season 2.
In only 6 of these episodes does he do anything wrong.
In 1 of the episodes where he's innocent, as well as one where he did do something wrong, Mr. Fussy yells at him for no reason.
In total, Mr. Rude only actually did anything wrong in 9 out of the 60 segments he's in, which is 15%. That's less than a quarter of the time. Even counting the three episodes I was unsure about, that's only 12/60. 20%. Still less than a quarter.
Why have I been bringing up Mr. Fussy? Because this experience genuinely made me not like him anymore. In only one out of Mr. Fussy's 7 appearances with Mr. Rude does he not yell at him, and in five of the times he does - it was completely unjustified.
Now, onto the episode by episode section!
Ah, you wanna see my episode by episode analysis? Well, I'll give you a quick color legend first.
Yellow - Mr. Rude does nothing wrong
Red - Mr. Rude does something wrong
Blue - Mr. Fussy yells at Mr. Rude for no reason
Pink - I have no idea what to put for this one lmao
Also, there's a ton of cursing in here because I wrote these notes as I went along and I don't feel like editing them to be more professional. You get what you get when it comes to Mr. Rude apologism.
Flying - He does nothing wrong, he just asked Mr. Grumpy to do his fucking job. Though, I will admit, he was a dick about it.
Music - He does nothing wrong, Miss Naughty is a fucking bitch and Mr. Fussy targeted him for no got damn reason even though he has fucking ears and should have heard Miss Naughty going off on her fucking cymbals. Miss Naughty also tried to poison him so
Farm - He does nothing wrong, those bitch ass crows broke his fucking robot I cant believe this.
Booboos - He does nothing wrong, he literally just wants some decent service while he is in the fucking hospital and Mr. Scatterbrain is a fucking moron about it
Mall - He's barely in it and I will admit he is a bit of an asshole in this one but he doesn't do anything explicitly wrong
Birthday - He does nothing wrong, he just wants to buy a birthday present for his homie Mr. Grumpy. In fact, he shows that he cares about his friend because he knows what he would want (and gets something he wouldnt like, presumably as a joke). Hes a caring friend but also a troll.
Superstore - He does nothing wrong, he just wants to return his shitty toaster. It ends up well for everyone involved :)
Books - He does nothing wrong, he is literally just neurodivergent and cannot read social situations
Camping - He does nothing wrong, he tried to warn everyone that they were going the wrong way, and then called out Miss Whoops on her fucking bullshit and putting everyone in danger. He then proceeded to fucking die. Miss Daredevil doesnt even give a shit about two of the raft riders fucking dying what the fuck.
Paint - He does nothing wrong, he just wants to finish his painting commission.
Jobs - This is the one I time I'll admit he does something really wrong. He commits multiple driving related crimes, as well as throwing his sandwich at Mr. Quiet, splashing Mr. Nosey and Mr. Small, and taking advantage of Mr. Scatterbrain's stupidity. He also crumpled up Mr. Scatterbrain's drawing of a hamster.
Trains - He does nothing wrong, Mr. Fussy's a bitch ass motherfucker, and he did more good than bad because he rescued Mr. Messy at the end.
Fair - He does nothing wrong, he got a fucking pie yeeted at him of course he wouldn't like it. He does put the pie in Mr. Scatterbrain's face though but he already got it in his face so it's just even now. He then proceeds to be pelted with pies. But thankfully it seems like they're both having fun by the end.
Movies - Yeah he's a bit of an asshole in this one. He puts too much cheese on Mr. Happy's nachos (and then throws them at him). He does get his karma though cause he gets fucking trapped in the popcorn machine someone please save him oh my god.
Dance - He does nothing wrong, he just has taste.
Inventions - He does nothing wrong, Miss Chatterbox just doesnt like him for the way he is which is super fucked up of her. What the fuck, man. He accepts Miss Chatterbox's invention regardless. He then proceeds to be abused by everyone around him. Hes totally justified in being mean at the end.
Amusement Park - Okay yeah he was an asshole in this one, cause he was rude to Miss Calamity about her supposed grooming habits. However, he was also abused a lot during multiple of the bumpers, which I guess counts as karma.
Adventure - He literally doesnt even do anything in this one
Rainy Day - Dude, his entire fucking family died. Give him a break.
Games - He did nothing wrong, he won the fucking game but Mr. Scatterbrain took the credit what the fuck he only had 3 POINTS MR RUDE HAD 4 MR. HAPPY YOU DUMB YELLOW FUCK LEARN HOW TO COUNT
Restaurants - He does nothing wrong, Mr. Fussy is so fucking mean to him I will never get over this he deserves so much better what the fuck
Cars - he's just vibin man
Canned Goods - He does nothing wrong, he just ate some beans man
Collecting - he's barely in it and just kinda vibes
Full Moon - He does nothing wrong, he legit just got kidnapped by some fucking aliens with his alien husband
Heatwave - He does nothing wrong, 6 gay men just casually committed acts of Home Invasion and are going to be arrested for their crimes against him.
Sleep - He does nothing wrong, and I doubt anyone would have even noticed he was asleep if Miss Chatterbox kept her fucking mouth shut. He cant control what hes doing if hes fucking asleep. Even after all that he still clapped for Mr. Fussy, who hates him, at the end. What a champ.
Carwash - He does nothing wrong, Miss Calamity technically fucking kidnapped him what the fuck.
Lawns - He does nothing wrong, he didn't want to take his lawn to begin with and then got his lawn ruined for literally no reason, even after warning Me. Nosey and Mr. Small that their invention was gonna explode. He even gave Miss Chatterbox the joy in knowing she "won".
Parade - He does nothing wrong, he legit just made a float and Mr. Fussy fucking bullied him for it. What the fuck.
Clean Teeth - Yeah hes a bitch in this one but Mr. Fussy was also a bitch so it evens out.
Airports - He does nothing wrong, he just wanted to go on his flight. Of anything, Miss Scary was more rude than he was.
Game Shows - He does nothing wrong like. Genuinely nothing, and then gets physically assaulted.
Hats - He does nothing wrong, Mr. Grumpy's just a fucking bitch and took credit for both his and Mr. Tickles hats. What the fuck, man.
Robots - He does nothing wrong, he legit just got his baguette burnt wtf
Up and Down - He's fine for the first bit but I will admit hes an asshole in the second one
Gifts - He does nothing wrong, he's just trying to keep Mr. Tickle from fucking assaulting people. Then his entire store is destroyed for no reason.
Sun and Moon - He does nothing wrong, he barely did anything at all
Telephone - I refused to watch this one I just know hes a bitch in it
Washing and Drying - He does nothing wrong, he just wanted his laundry done and he got assaulted at the end. Why is this a trend.
Fruit - He stole Miss Sunshines fucking fruit and then proceeded to endanger everyone around him by driving recklessly. What the fuck, man.
Radio - He does nothing wrong, Mr. Scatterbrain is just a moron, and Miss Whoops is a dumbass.
Supermarket - ???
Cinema - He doesn't do anything wrong, and he looks very nice in his new hat.
Post Office - He doesn't do anything wrong, hes trying his best okay (he also gets covered in stamps at the end)
Pets - He doesn't do anything wrong, he doesn't do anything at all
Dance Dance Dance - He doesn't do anything wrong, Mr. Fussy's a fucking bitch
Trees - He doesn't do anything wrong, someone free him
Library - He didnt even do anything man
Pirates - He doesn't do anything wrong, in fact he is the first to jump in and protect his crewmates from the aliens. He also saves the entire space crew in the end.
Trains and Planes - He doesn't do anything wrong, he barely does anything to begin with
Out to Sea - He doesn't do anything wrong, it makes sense for him to act in his own self interest because he was stuck on a deserted island with those three morons for 30 fucking days. He didn't intend to take the boat, because the tide rolled him out. He is now inevitably going to die.
Next Door - Yeah hes a bitch in this one, but he didnt deserve to get his fucking car crushed.
Lunch - He doesn't do anything wrong, Mr. Stubborn drew first blood.
Machines - This is a weird one. Is he really in the wrong for wanting to go home? I mean, it's safe to assume Miss Giggles is fucking dead if she was taken by a dinosaur. He even vows not to doubt Miss Daredevil at the end and is happy to see Miss Giggles okay
Fairies and Gnomes - even though he thinks it's silly that Mr. Nervous is scared of a garden gnome, he still "arrests" it to make him happy :)
Home Improvement - He doesn't do anything wrong, Mr. Stubborn is just a moron.
Birds - He doesn't do anything wrong, he was even nice enough to invite Mr. Nervous along for the birdwatching trip. He's totally justified in not giving a shit about Mr. Fussy because Mr. Fussy has been nothing bit horrible to him the entire show.
Parks - He does nothing wrong he just wanted a burger
Surprises - Refused to watch this one again, I just know hes a bitch
Wow, that's a lot. Anyways, as a proud Mr. Rude apologist, I conclude that he's an innocent man and doesn't deserve the shit he gets. I can get taking his drivers license though that man cannot drive for the life of him
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kessielrg · 3 years
[Kingdom Hearts] The Shinrai no Kokoro
Summary: In which Sora temporarily makes Sabrina his captain during a trip to the Carribean. No better way to gain someone’s trust than to place them in absolute power, right?
Rating: K
Word Count: 2,691 words
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It didn’t matter how old he was, where he had gone, or what his mission was as a Keyblade wielder, there was a special part of Sora’s heart reserved for sailing the Caribbean. He didn’t have time to find Jack Sparrow, or see how Elizabeth Swann was doing, though- he had come on a special mission with a very special someone in tow. Not Kairi -to whom he did promise a private leg around the archipelagos-, but none other than the disagreeable Sabrina Sidney.
Sabrina was a friend -a very close friend, if certain people had their way- of Ventus. She was always disagreeing with someone, for no other reason than she could. Ventus (with a few moments to Aqua and Kairi) was the only one she seemed to occasionally open up to- something that Sora (as a friend magnet) couldn’t fathom. Who wouldn’t want to be his friend? How could he not want to add Sabrina to the list of people he could trust in times of need? Her persistence was admirable, and the way she thought certain problems through would impress Sora just enough to be in awe. But she had a chronic ‘can-not-spit-it-out’ problem. So when she just walked up to him earlier today to say she wanted to go to the Caribbean in his vessel, Sora was beside himself.
Among anything, he was excited.
Wearing his pirate attire again after so long felt like a hug. His hands on the ship’s wheel was like shaking hands with a friend. He would belt out in sea shanties if he knew Sabrina would enjoy them. Just enough so she didn’t tell him to be quiet and hide away in the captain’s cabin for the trip, at least. For now, he didn’t. Instead he kept his hands to the wheel as Sabrina occasionally checked the map and compass for their course. Sora liked when she placed her hands on the rail overlooking the lower deck and stood tall as she watched the seas roll past them. Her raven hair would probably be flying if she didn’t have it tied back into a bun, helped by the numerous braids of various widths to keep each flyaway in place.
He knew she wouldn’t admit it, but Sabrina liked to dress up as a pirate too. She wore a long sleeved linen shirt that fastened in the front- the top three hook and eye clasps undone to show a small portion of her chest to give fools with less respect than Sora a small show. The necklace she wore with a medallion sized pendant also helped emphasize the area. Her canvas breeches were cut a little below her knee, with small patches of wear that looked almost strategic. The coat she wore was a deep purple with golden embroidery along the sleeves and edges; the coattails were shorter than Sora’s, only reaching to mid-calf on her.
As she stood tall, you could almost feel the confidence radiate off of her. Sora only caught a glimpse or two just to show admiration. But he didn’t keep his gaze for long- he had a ship to command, after all.
“Doesn’t this feel great?!” Sora declared, hoping to garner her attention. “The wind through the sails, the smell of the sea, nothing for miles but us and three different shades of blue…”
“And the constant reminder you grew up on an island...” Sabrina noted with a dull tone. She looked over at him, the disapproving look on her face proving to be nothing more than a major downer.
“This trip was your idea.” he reminded her, almost in a smug little voice. It didn’t phase her in the slightest. “At least have a little fun, Sabi.”
“I’m not on a Gummi Ship, I don’t have to.”
“You didn’t laugh once on the way over either,” Sora also pointed out. Not long after a wide, mischievous grin crossed his face before he said, “Although I do think it picked up your thoughts on surprising Ven…”
He was barely able to dodge her attempt to whack him. However, his hand was still on the wheel, so the ship violently turned before Sora was quickly able to steady it again. He offered a sheepish grin in a half baked apology. Sabrina huffed before returning to study the maps. Sora’s grin didn’t stop as he looked over her for a moment.
“Oh!” he then realized. “We need to establish this ship’s rules!”
Sabrina looked up again, her expression less than amused.
“What are you talking about?” she questioned.
Sora’s grin got even wider. “You, Lady Sabi, get to be my fine vessel’s captain. But only for today! We’re on a very important mission, and you’ve got the maps.”
“Whatta joy.”
Sora offered her a boastful grin as he gave his nose a little brush. “It’s all for Ven, right?” he mused. “You’ve got the maps for the treasure you’re giving him. It only makes sense to make you captain for the day. Now, where’re we headin’, captain?”
“Keep the course straight,” she told him, looking between the map and the compass, “Eastbound all the way.”
“Aye, aye madam!” Sora agreed with a salute before maintaining their course. The start of a new journey causing a buzz in his body. He was even taking it with one of the most solidary people he knew too! It was enough to almost make him want to sing. In fact… 
“Yo ho mateys, away!” the young man almost belted out at the top of his lungs, “There’ll be treasure and adventure today! Heave-ho, here we go, together as a team! Captain Sabi and first mate So-ora, are we!”
Sabrina did absolutely nothing to hide her groan as she buried her head in her hand.
. . .
The duo dropped anchor when they came to a small cove hidden behind a dormant volcano. They both took an oar on their little rowboat so they could get closer in. Sora got out first so he could help Sabrina out, she took his gesture with some hesitation. Just the acknowledgement made Sora happy. He didn’t leave her side once as they ventured further in.
“There.” Sabrina said when she noticed something on a large rock ahead of them. Sora let her go on ahead, but something out of the corner of his eye made him pause.
“Sabrina,” Sora spoke up, “I don’t think we’re-”
He didn’t have time to finish as a loud wail filled the area. Sabrina and Sora immediately recoiled from the sound. When they were able to collect their bearings again, someone else was indeed with them. A siren now sat on the rock. Seeing her caused a chill to run up Sora's spine, and he immediately went to Sabrina’s side. Sabrina, too, had become more apprehensive at the newcoming.
“Who dares to take my treasure from me?” the siren questioned, its voice not quite male or female. Its black and blue eyes flicked from Sabrina to Sora and back again with a dark gaze.
“I am.” Sabrina said without an ounce of hesitation. “What of it?”
The siren raised an eyebrow at her.
“The treasure here, the Shinrai no Kokoro, can only be taken by one who passes my test. Do you accept this challenge?”
To this, Sabrina scoffed. “Well, if you’re going to make it complicated...” she grumbled, her eye roll deliberate as well.
“Very well.” the siren agreed with a nod. The siren then opened its mouth to let out a sound that made Sabrina recoil so badly, she had to cover her ears. To Sora, it had a different effect. His muscles started to relax, his pupils dilated, and his mind took a backseat to the soothing sounds of the siren. Once it was sure he was completely under its thrall, the siren stopped its song.
“That’s your test?” Sabrina questioned. “Some high pitched wail that did nothing?”
The siren smirked at her. It then turned its gaze to Sora and gave a nod. Sabrina found it odd, immediately turning to look at Sora as well.
“Sora?” the young woman asked, cautiously looking him over. “You alright, there?”
Sora summoned his Keyblade. Sabrina let out an annoyed sigh.
“You have got to be kidding me.”
Sora raised his weapon and pointed it at her, the tip blazing in preparation of a magic attack. Sabrina immediately protected herself with Barrier before it had the chance to hit her. As she called her own Keyblade, it left her open for a new attack. The possessed young man readied his Keyblade before driving toward her. A sound of surprise escaped Sabrina’s lips as she fumbled out of the way. How she ever avoided that was beyond her- and, unfortunately, the siren was not done with Sora yet.
“Why do you seek the Shinrai no Kokoro?” Sora asked, his voice mingling with that of the siren’s. It was hard to tell if they were simply talking at the same time, or just an effect of the siren’s control over him.
“Because I wanted to give Ventus something nice for his birthday. It’s, like, a week from now. Which you would know.” Sabrina sharply told him, jumping out of the way from a rather hard hitting swing. She quickly turned to the siren to seethe, “If you’re going to possess someone, the least you could do is leech his memories before asking obvious questions.”
The siren simply offered half a shrug in response. Sabrina had some choice words for the creature but didn’t have time to say them as she happened to parry another blow from Sora. The shock of it caused him to stumble backwards slightly.
“Why give the Shinrai no Kokoro to Ventus?” Sora asked.
“Do I really have to say it?” Sabrina groaned. She almost didn’t notice that Sora was preparing to perform Sonic Blade and was nearly hit at the first blow. It would have been a successful dodge had he not clipped her arm on the last strike. 
“Fine!” she shouted in aggravation. “It’s because I like him! And since I don’t show that I like people in a ‘normal’ way, these few times when I do would mean more to the people around me. Especially for him. He doesn’t give up on me in a way that isn’t annoying or overbearing, and deserves to know that I do see it. The least I could do is remember his stupid birthday.”
The siren gave a small sound of approval at this. Why was a concept that was going to grade on Sabrina’s nerves for awhile. Not that she had much time to think. Sora, despite not being a ‘master’, still apparently knew enough to have an upperhand while possessed. Maybe the siren was just drawing out his frustrations toward her- if they truly existed. Wouldn’t that be a fun concept? It would explain why his inner mind apparently had no resistance to all of this. Not that Sabrina was going to go on and beg for him to snap out of it either.
What she needed to do was think smarter, not harder. She moved to an area where she could get a better read on his attacks. It wasn’t much, but there was a definite moment where Sora had to configure his body before attacking- like a puppet adjusting its limbs so the strings did not get tied up. It was enough of an opening that when he rushed at her again, their Keyblades let out a loud clang as they connected. Sabrina and Sora were now in a deadlock. Up close, Sabrina could see the haze over Sora’s eyes from the siren’s control.
“Why choose Sora to accompany you?” Sora asked her as he pressed their Keyblades closer together. One of them would have to give soon, their strength was close to being evenly matched in this state. Sabrina did not plan on being disarmed first.
Unfortunately, in a way, she still had to.
“It’s because you’re the only one I trust with this.” she admitted, somewhat in a grumble. “I am capable of seeing when someone wants to get through to me, and I know the Carribean is your favorite world, so of course I would ask you to help. You’re the only one I could ask. I…” (the young woman took a moment to give a small, disgusted groan) “I trust you.”
As the words came from her mouth, the grip Sora had on his Keyblade started to weaken. His pupils returned to normal size as he gave several confused blinks.
“Wait…” he slurred- his voice belonging just to him again, “You mean that?”
“We wouldn’t be here if I didn’t.”
What Sora did next happened so quickly that Sabrina was caught completely off guard. He dispelled his Keyblade, bringing her to rock forward a bit from the sudden weight change, then he launched himself at her to give a tight bear hug. The force of which knocked them both to the ground. Sora’s laughter filled the cove as he held Sabrina tight. The siren gave a small, approving smile at the display, even as Sabrina started to demand for Sora to get off of her.
Even after Sabrina managed to shove him off, Sora still laid on the ground in a happy -practically relieved- laughter. Sabrina scoffed at him as she got up. She took time to brush her pants and jacket before giving her shirt a little shake to get the sand out.
“You have done well.” the siren approved, earning the attention of both teens again. “Come.”
Sabrina adjusted herself a bit more before taking careful strides to the siren. Sora, his laughing starting to cease somewhat, also got to his feet but he did not stop her. He could quite clearly see the siren hold up the palm of her hand; a ring nestled inside that was silver with green and purple jewels embedded within it. Sabrina opened her hand as well, allowing the siren to let the ring drop on her palm. The siren smiled as she covered Sabrina’s hand with both of its own.
“The boy you give this treasure to will value it above gold.” the siren informed the young woman. “Not because it has any true value on its own, but because he knows it came from your heart.”
“As all sappy gifts go.” Sabrina huffed. The siren offered a soft smile before her form dissolved into a pile of sand.
Sabrina turned around to go back to Sora, letting out a long, tired sigh in the process. She slipped the ring onto her finger for safekeeping. It fit so well, she wondered if whatever magic kept it the perfect size would still work when Ven got it. Sora patiently waited for her to be at his side again. He gave the ring a look as well. It was rather pretty, and for a moment the two of them just admired it. If it had any rare magical abilities to it, he wouldn’t have been the one to know. But it must have had something special to it if Sabrina thought Ventus would like it.
“We’re ready to head out captain.” Sora told her, standing tall as he gave her a salute. Sabrina blinked, looking up at him with a confused glance. It took her another minute more to even realize what he was saying.
“Then get back to the rowboat.” she told him, her usual attitude returning in full swing. “We wasted enough time here as it is. The last thing I want when we get back is Aqua questioning where we went. If Aqua questions where we were, everyone questions where we were, and there goes Ventus’s surprise.”
“Aye, aye madam!” he agreed, finishing off his salute. He then gave a rather gleeful laugh as he started to run back to the ship. Sabrina watched him with a small shake of her head, unsure if she should be annoyed and amused. She looked back down at the ring then back at him.
“Thank you, Sora.” she said, soft and barely audible, before following him out.
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sxlverswan · 3 years
Whats your worse nightmare?
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♡ ♡ ♡  anonymous
Morgan was about ninety-nine percent sure the nightmare nonny was referring to was an allegory. Yet, as the question was open to interpretation, and nothing stopped the literal and the figurative from overlapping, there was a recurring nightmare of hers she would be most afraid to see become a reality.
Or would have been. The people who could hurt her in such a bestial and scarring memory were away, distant in time and geography. The fear lingered, as it was the same one all women share, but one cannot dwell too much on it.
Morgan’s knuckles grazed her chin as attention shifted to the darkest corners of her soul. What, in the infinite wickedness of humans and their world, could amount to her worst nightmare? 
The answer was no creature; it was no man or woman. It was no particular event from the immutable past nor a possible outcome yet to happen. In the end, Morgan’s primary fear was of the intrinsinc kind, linked to but not fiercely chained to a specific person, imagined scenario or physical circumstance. It had always lived in her, she concluded, since Morgan had gained that sense of self that comes with the quick ripening of a girl’s years.
She broke the silence with a husky voice.
❝ To be unworthy. That is my worst nightmare. ❞ If allowed by her asker, Morgan would assist her conclusion with further explanation spoken in the same hoarse tone, her deep worries palpable in a voice tinged with longing. 
❝ Unworthy of taking my father’s place as his successor; unworthy of the people of Shipwreck Island. ❞ May God, Morgan prayed, grant her the wisdom to rule with prosperity and the courage to bring development to her nation so it could thrive, rise in a new era of its own world. The island deserved better, she remembered every time a new baby was born in the pirates’ island, the future of these tiny, hapless beings deposited into her manicured hands.
❝ To be unworthy of a man’s love, ❞ she proceeded, seemingly changing topics but giving continuation to her honest answer ❝ given to me free of charge, expecting nothing in return. ❞ And in more than one sense did she mean this, for past lovers had come with a price and any potential paramours may keep their daggers hidden behind their backs, ready to claim her very last bit after a little giving and so much taking. Was she worthy of ever finding and selfishly keeping that love which she craved?
And if she did find a man capable of providing her with that love... Did she really deserve it? Morgan was no deity; she doubted herself as much as any other woman. Was she enough? To please the eye, to crush the loneliness, to fill another’s life with happiness? That, too, was quite a responsibility. 
Or was she just a grown-up child, having tea parties for fun and running away from aristocratic convention whenever the mood struck, which was often, for her heart, though so fond of everything that made her herself, belonged to the vasy sea? It could not be quenched, this thirst for adventure, but she could not and wanted not to turn her back against her duties either.
In many ways, Morgan found herself adrift, never mind how sure of herself she was in the way she walked, in the way she walked. How could she satisfy?
 Flotsam... how tragically adequate.
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theuntamednarrator · 4 years
Shenanigans on the High Seas
from @trensu​, the blog that brought you WangXiantics, and from that other blog that just, like, screams a lot in the tags, comes the AU that we all desperately need because, frankly, we’re a little dehydrated from crying over the Nie Bros (drumroll please)
You know you want it
the Zidian is Jiang Cheng’s ship. he inherited it from his mother, who was known as the Violet Spider, Scourge of the Seven Seas
before she retired, Captain Yu had two first mates she’d trained since childhood, Wen Qing and Luo Qingyang
after Captain Yu retired they got married and are now Pirate Wives with an-all female crew aboard the Yiling Matriarch
her bright red sails are just as feared as the purple sails of Zidian or the sable sails of Ghost General
any man who sets foot on the Matriarch best be prepared to lose it, and the leg it’s attached to
rumour has it that every carpenter from beijing to budapest pays the Matriarch a commission, for keeping them in work making peg legs, but that’s just a rumour
JC captains the Zidian alongside his first mate Jiang Yanli
the rumours about her say that she’s the reason there’s so little murdering done by those aboard the Zidian
but the crew know she once ordered a captive tied to a chunk of bait and thrown overboard near Shark Reef Bay
granted, she let the crew fish him back out after the first bite, and Jin Zixun never said another word about Captain Wei Wuxian until he was ransomed
but still
speaking of WWX, he captains the Ghost General, though far from doing any actual captaining he’s usually to be found up in the crow’s nest with a bottle of rum and his flute
luckily, his trusted first mate Wen Ning is more than capable of handling the General
his very favourite targets are the Jin Company’s slave traders, and most of his crew are former captives who chose to stay with him after their rescue
regardless of how drunk he might be, no one can fight like Captain WWX, except perhaps JC and JYL, they did grow up together after all!
because WWX was a foundling fished from the wreckage of a vanquished merchant ship by the Violet Spider at age 6 and taken to the island hideaway where her lover, former merchant sailor turned stay-at-home-dad Jiang Fengmian, is raising their two children
because this is a HAPPY AU DANGIT, and we deserve ONE AU where these two don’t traumatise their children
Captain Yu and JFM are in fact very, very happy together and raise little WWX together alongside JYL and JC
Captain Yu and JFM met when she raided his ship
he offered himself and all the gold aboard in return for his crew’s lives
she thought him rather striking and went about setting him up on a little island she knew, very out of the way, where she can visit as often as she likes
JFM is DELIGHTED by this turn of events, which he loudly denies has anything to do with Captain Yu’s famed skill with a whip
while JFM was settling into his sugar baby life, his crew were returning back to their home port to report to JFM’s business partner, Lan Qiren, that the Violet Spider had killed JFM and taken all their gold
LQR, who had secretly been in love with his best friend and business partner for years, declares the Violet Spider his ARCH NEMESIS and sets about trying to destroy her
when his brother and sister-in-law die and leave his two nephews in his care he ropes them into the feud
the Lan Brothers both join the merchant navy and are the very most eligible bachelors polite society has to offer
they hate all pirates of course but especially the unholy trio of Zidian, Ghost General, and the Yiling Matriarch
this makes it VERY awkward when Lan Wangji finds himself THROWN OVERBOARD during a terrible storm, rescued by WWX, and dragged aboard the General
at first, recognising the uniform, WWX keeps LWJ under his eye by tying their wrists together with a length of rope for absolutely no other reason definitely not cause he’s cute, nope, no sir
later, LWJ manages to snatch a sword and an EPIC DUEL ENSUES *cue he’s a pirate (main theme) from PotC here*
they’re in the rigging, they're sliding down the sails, they’re fighting up and down the deck
LWJ is HORRIFIED to realise at one point that WWX is laughing
even worse, he, LWJ, is having fun??? wtf he’s never had fun in his life how dare
after the fight ends in a draw LWJ and WWX come to an Understanding and have many deep and meaningful conversations as they sail back towards port
both of them fall madly in love of course, but Pirate!WWX and Midshipman!LWJ are just as emotionally dense as the OG varieties so there’s A LOT of pining
Seriously- so. much. pining
they probably battle a sea monster at some point because that’d be sick
finally, they arrive back at the port and WWX asks (sadly, because pining) where he should leave him and LWJ says (sadly, because pining) that any of the Gusu Cloud piers is fine
and WWX laughs because how funny! my dad used to be a merchant sailor for the Gusu Cloud Company
which is how LWJ discovers that the ‘dad’ WWX has been telling stories about for literal WEEKS is actually his uncle's now not-so-long-lost-love!because they are both Disaster Drama Gays™ they decide they simply MUST do this Right. After all, it’s an Epic Reunion™!!!
LWJ convinces his uncle to come out sailing with him (even though LQR has not boarded a ship since JFM was lost, cue sweeping nostalgic music and distant stare into montage of the two of them in their Youth)
they row him blindfolded out to the island where JFM and Captain Yu live and the moment LQR sees JFM it’s jaws to the floor.
there are tears
JFM puts his hands on LQR’s shoulders and says ‘my old friend. you never said’
they hug
it’s adorable
don’t roll your eyes it’s adorable and you know it
Captain Yu and LQR still Do Not Get Along
their Epic Rivalry™ continues but now it’s just morphed into them trying to outdo each other in displays of affection
JFM’s little island house soon holds more jewels, gold, fine silk, and artwork than half the royal coffers of europe
family dinners are a DELIGHT
JC freaking runs whenever his father hosts Captain Yu and LQR for dinner
because 1) god dad, you're so embarrassing, and 2) HE DOES NOT WANT TO HEAR ANYTHING THEY GET UP TO BEHIND CLOSED DOORS THANKS
JYL thinks it's sweet and loves seeing her dad so happy
WWX does the pirate-time equivalent of a bro fistbump with JFM, like, NICE.
LWJ is very quiet but secretly loves it because he, as we all know, is That Bitch
‘A wedding! I love it! drinks all round!’ – WWX, probably, when the three finally announce they’re getting married
the wedding is WILD
there’s a whole lot of dancing, WWX is in the thick of it of course
LWJ wants so badly to ask him to dance but he still hasn’t told him how he feels (because emotionally dense disaster gays, remember?)
he finally has to go outside after WWX somehow convinces LQR to dance a jig with him which means WWX has officially asked everyone to dance except him
he goes and sits in the tidal rockpool, and his billowy white shirt is all wet and see through when WWX comes stumbling out of the party calling for him
WWX sees LWJ silhouetted by an endless horizon of ocean and stars and dies. he's quiet for the first time in his whole life
then LWJ turns and sees him so of course WWX has to go down and talk to him. he may be a pirate but he’s not a barbarian (unlike some certain nies we could name but won’t he’s definitely not still salty about the arm wrestle incident with Captain Nie’s ‘little brother’ eh he’s not much of a fighter but he’s great with languages yeah right his wrist still hurts sometimes bloody barbarians)
‘ah lan zhan lan zhan! you aren’t allowed to run away; we haven’t had a dance yet. even your uncle danced with me surely you can’t say no!’ *pouts*
lwj.exe has stopped working
but of course he can’t deny WWX anything so he makes to head back inside
now wwx.exe has stopped working
because to HELL if he’s sharing wet LWJ in a see though white shirt with the rest of those imbeciles
‘ah, um lan zhan lan zhan we can hear the music from here just fine can’t we? let’s just dance right here?’
and of course LWJ says yes
so the two of them just dance together on the edge of the ocean, waves lapping over their bare feet
until a particularly big one knocks them flat (listen, it’s a trope for a REASON dagnabbit)
WWX ends up sprawled over LWJ’s chest and he’s laughing and apologizing
but LWJ is just looking at him, wreathed in stars, eyelashes so wet and glittering, the most beautiful thing he’s ever seen
WWX notices how still he is and they just pause for a moment and stare at each other
doesn’t really matter who kisses who but they are kissing and it’s wet and salty, there is sand in their teeth, and they absolutely do not give a flying dutchman
they don’t even register the cheers and catcalling until JC runs up and dumps a bucket of water over their heads
because dammit he hasn’t spent months running out of every room his parents and LQR are in just to watch his big brother pop his cherry get it on on the beach
the rest of the gang are all watching from the porch
WN and LXC look very awkward and embarrassed
JYL looks fond and is shaking her head
JC meanwhile is having a heated argument with WQ because there were bets on you see
WQ ‘pouring a bucket of water over them is cheating I’m not paying you one penny JC’
JC ‘I’m a pirate why on earth would you expect me to play by the rules pay up Captain’
WWX and LWJ sneak away while they’re all arguing
The General has one new crew member when she next sails out
ANYWAY married gay pirates wangxian having adventures AU is what we’re saying
Also for your consideration other delightful Pirate!AU options include:
naval officer!lwj chasing down pirate!wwx (think norrington/sparrow if Disney weren’t COWARDS);
high society!lwj in love with blacksmith-turned-pirate!wwx (the Elizabeth Swann/Will Turner dynamic, except with Swann in the forge fight because we said so);
davy jones!lwj pining for calypso!wwx (carving your heart out = chest brand anyone? seriously, just imagine LWJ setting foot on dry land for the first time in 13, 16, 10 YEARS, playing the song he’s composed for his love and WWX IS NOT THERE!!!!) 
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xiervollerei · 4 years
Together, Forever.
Girl!MC x Charlie Words: 1934 Author’s note: This is what I think what happens next after Robert and MC grabbed the golden compass, I know everyone’s disappointed and unsatisfied with the ending, including me so I hope this helps even just a little bit? Idk this is my first time posting my work here in tumblr I hope you all like it. <3
“What do ye say Parker? Are ye ready to see the crew again?”
My eyes widen in anticipation as Robert sidles up next to me, I don’t understand how Robert survived that stab wound the Admiral did to him but all the questions die on the tip of my tongue as we both stare at the golden compass, my hands itching to smash the glass and grab it.
“Let’s do this.” Grinning, Robert takes a quick look around the museum before smashing the glass to pieces, the sound alerts the security and the staff nearby but before any of them can reach us, Robert and I lunge for the compass at the same time. And as our fingertips brush the artifact a blinding light consumed my vision my heart pounds loudly as I wait for the moment to pass, wishing I get sent back the day after I disappeared.
My eyes remained close but that familiar smell of seawater and the sound of waves crashing at each other breaks my reverie, slowly I blink my eyes open and immediately a couple of women raise their swords at me, trapping me in a vicious circle.
Wait… women pirates? Isn’t Charlie’s nickname the Siren Queen. Then where is sh-
Before I could finish my thoughts a familiar voice rang through the throng of women surrounding me, and a familiar feeling in my stomach also came back.
“No! Not that one.” One by one the pirates stood down and I was able to breathe again, rubbing my neck to remove the feeling of swords pointed at my throat. A light seems to shone through the familiar person standing before me, I feel my breath catch in my throat again as I stare at her, their mouth agape at the sight of me.
It’s really her, but if Charlie is already on a ship full of women, how long was I gone? Did she find her mother after all…
“Parker? Are you... Is this real?” Charlie takes a shuddering breath, her hands trembling.
“You’ve returned.” I want to hug her, kiss her, twirl her on my arms but my feet stay on where they are as I let her process that it is me, I’m back here in the past with her.
Then after a few moments of stunned silence Charlie finally seemed to break out of her initial shock, it is now replaced with glee as she rushes to my arms I expected the hug coming but I was still caught off guard at how tight her arms are on mine, and I missed it so much. God the smell of her, It never changed she still feels and smells the same.
“Charlie, how long was I gone? D-did you find where your mother is, Oh Charlie I’m so sorry I left so suddenly I didn’t know I’ll leave so soon I should have told you and be honest with you I-” My rambling was cut off as Charlie dips me into a passionate kiss, I reacted instantly wrapping my arms around her neck as I clinged to every bit of her I could hold, savoring the taste and longing and thought to myself, It’s good to back.
We only pulled away to catch our breaths, and now we’re both grinning at each other while I’m still staring up at Charlie’s face scanning every bit of her and watching as her eyes crinkle for smiling so wide, and her freckles damn they’re so attractive instinctively i softly run my thumbs on them laughing when Charlie’s face squint at the gesture.
“Charlie I think you should umm… Lift me back up again my legs are shaking.” Charlie laughs, exhilarated as she finally lifts me back upright my breath panting because of that amazing kiss but before I can say anything else Charlie turns back to her crew making me remember that we aren’t alone on the ship.
“Let us feast beauties! Fer today be a special day! Me Parker be back, 'n we've captured Robert aft runnin' away form his crimes.” My brows knit in confusion at Charlie’s accent, she didn’t speak like this before and it is a pleasant surprise.
The women around us cheer as they scatter, probably to prepare for the festivities and finally me and Charlie are alone. 
“Charlie… Your accent.”
“Aye I know tis’ a bit weird for you love, but my crew does not understand my words before. I had to learn more how pirates truly speak.”
“So you read more books?”
“Actually, I have Kendrick and Maggie’s companionship to help.” At the mention of our old crew I started to wonder whatever Edward and Oliver’s doing right now. How about Axton? Adelia? What happened to them?
Charlie seems to notice my realization as she grabs my hands and leads me away from the center of the ship to her quarters, as soon as we entered I gawk at how beautiful Charlie’s quarters are, it truly looks like she’s living here.
“Damn nice quarters Captain.”
“Ye like it?”
“I love it.” I was admiring everything from Charlie’s quarters but suddenly stopped when I felt her stare burning from my back, I turned around to face her and my heart immediately melted as she stared at me with so much adoration and love. I put down the portrait of her and Edward and walked back towards her with my arms outstretched, she chuckled at how ridiculous I might’ve looked and met me halfway into the hug.
“How long was I gone?”
“Three years. But it doesn’t matter, you’re here now.” We stayed like this for a while, hugging each other and swaying softly to music that we can only hear.
“I never thought I’d see you again. I was so scared… How about the old crew? Where are they now, can we meet them? I want to see them again and see how they’re doing and I’m rambling again…” Charlie chuckled and the vibrations spreaded to my body and I felt so warm and loved I melted to her arms even more.
“The crew’s doing just fine, they mostly spend their days in Tiburon. But of course you know Edward, always looking for adventure, he’s always out on the sea. After all that has happened with the Admiral he’s just trying to find his purpose.”
“And Oliver?”
“Ah he took over his father’s of course. Never again does the British terrorize the seas again, I wish it stays that way forever.”
I only hummed in response, letting my worries drift away as we continued to sway at each other’s arms then suddenly I remembered Robert, who I didn’t see after going back to the past.
“Parker what is it?” Seeming to notice my distress Charlie slowly pulled away to stare at my eyes, my heart suddenly leaped to my throat as she stared at me with intensity. I’m still not used to that freaking stare
“Robert, he was with me in the future. He helped me grab the compass, he’s the reason why I’m back here. Where is he now?”
“I’ve had him locked up love, he’s still a fugitive on the seas and that serves him right. Damn him for working with the Admiral, I still remember everything he has done to us.” I remain silent, unsure. Sure everything he did mustn't be forgotten but he helped me, maybe if I talk to him and wonder how he's doing I’ll be able to rest easy.
“Where is he? I want to talk to him.”
Charlie saw how important it is to me to talk to Robert, and even though I can sense her hesitation she still nodded in response.
“Okay, I trust you enough to let you do what you want. Follow me, love.”
Charlie led me out of the captain’s quarters and we went down on the deck to find a prison and there I found Robert, who’s back is turned to us and he seems to be muttering something under his breath.
“Robert?” At the sound of my voice Robert turned around in surprise, as soon as he saw me he lunged for my collar pulling me closer to him.
“Robert back off!”
Charlie gripped the edge of her sword waiting for my signal, but instead I shook my head at her and she reluctantly stood down, her hand still gripping the cutlass.
“Parker… It’s so nice to see you girl.”
“You too.” I stand there awkwardly shifting my foot, now that I’m here facing him I don’t know what to say. But then Robert released my collar with a sigh and he removed something from his pocket that made my eyes widen in surprise.
“The compass.” Robert just nodded and stared at the golden compass, he seems to be contemplating something. After a few moments he reached out to grasp my hand and placed the compass for me to hold.
“Keep it, you deserve it more than me.”
“Robert are you sure?”
“Aye, I’m sure. Besides I wouldn’t be able to use that with me locked up. And it’s time I answered for my crimes.”
“But you wanted to go to the past to escape the future, what use is that if you're stuck here?”
“I don’t mind anymore Parker, now please leave. Live your life with Charlie.” I don’t know what to say, there’s a part of me that wants to let him go turn around and forget his crimes. But I know in my heart it’s unjust and Robert is right, so with a final nod of thanks I left the cell with Charlie the golden compass gripped tightly on my hand.
When we reach the main part of the ship the festivities have already started, the pirates form a wide circle, sharing drinks and having fun. Charlie bumped her shoulder to mine, her smile coming back as we stared at each other.
“I want to talk about something before we join them.”
“What is it?” 
“Parker, I found where my mother is.” On instinct I clasped my mouth to avoid myself from screaming in surprise, then I slowly dropped my hand to clasp Charlie’s face, my eyes starting to form tears.
“Really? You did?”
“Aye, and I want you to meet her tomorrow.”
“Charlie I- I don’t know what to say!”
“You don’t have to say anything love.”
“Wait no, I know one thing I can say.”
“What is it?”
“I love you Charlie.” Her eyes lit up at the confession, and with my body shaking from happiness it was my turn to kiss her passionately and with so much love. This is everything I could have asked for and more, I wish I could stay here in her arms forever please. Let yesterday be my final disappearance and let me make history with Charlie, together forever until the very end.
“I love you too Parker, so much.”
“I just wished I was with you while you were searching for her, I know how important it is to you.”
“It doesn’t matter love, You were always on my mind while I was pursuing my journey alone. That’s good enough for me.”
With tears threatening to spill I quickly hugged Charlie again, I can’t seem to get enough of her and we stayed like that for a while. Just clinging to each other without any care in the world, and when we reluctantly pulled away from each other we intertwined our fingers together before joining her crew, ready to tackle everything the world may throw at us, forever.
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the-heart-alchemist · 5 years
White Rose Fics of the Month: August
I know I’m a few days late shhh. So anyway, I decided that I can create small lists of fics that I read each month and post them here to share. Since I really only read white rose (lol big surprise) I thought why not just keep adding to my huge master list that I made before? 😆
This will contain fics I continue to read from the master list with updated/longer descriptions or fics that I’ve just recently read through completely and really liked it. Also, these are all Ongoing fics. 
Again, please remember: These are fics that I've chosen from my own preferences and likes, fics that I alone think are great. So, please don’t expect all of these stories to be to your liking. Also, I don’t provide links in this but the fics should be easily found when you look them up. if you have trouble, you can ask me and I can get them for you :)
So, here we go:
Dust Trader by brokenmirmir- This story is an AU about Team RWBY basically being space pirates and it is absolutely a wonderful and exciting read! It’s full of adorable fluffy pining from our favorite pair with lots of action and tension within the whole team. It’s awesome, please go read it! 
First Time at a Second Chance by TheGreatWeissShark- This story is an AU about Weiss and Ruby in a modern type of universe, where Weiss is a young single mother and Ruby is a college student/barista. There’s angst here and there about their individual selves and situations, but also lots of adorable moments, especially ones where Ruby makes Weiss’ daughter happy, which, of course, makes Weiss even happier. Read it! It’s great! 
Dream Theory by mikotyzini- This is a futuristic modern AU story and is a Bees-focused fic, however, believe me when I say that this story has the BEST VERSION of white rose I’ve ever read. Amongst thousands of white rose fics I’ve read in my life, this is my personal favorite of all of them. For the white rose part, they have a forbidden type of relationship in this and so they’re a million times sweeter, more in love when they’re together than I’ve read in any other story. It’s fantastic and they have so many great moments in this, both individually and working together as a team. 
These Fading Colors by MyBestFriendsBestSeller- This story is a tragic Soulmates AU where Weiss and Ruby are soulmates but meet in the worse possible time. However, this fic is full of pure lovely moments between the two despite their situation. It’s plenty angsty but it’s definitely worth the read. Where it is now is hinting at a happy ending! 
Dark Harbors by teleportingoctopi- An amazing action/adventure Pirate AU fic about Ruby being a notorious pirate and Weiss as a rich princess basically and she ends up as a prisoner in Ruby’s ship. I’m sure you can assume what happens next ;) This is full of painful angst and misunderstandings but they overcome them every time that happens. They’re so hopelessly in love in this story it’s pretty funny tbh. Please read it, it’s soooo good. 
Crash Landing by fictionalportal- This is a like a normal modern AU where everyone in RWBY goes to college and they’re all friends. It’s formatted as just text messages from the characters but it's absolutely hilarious and filled with so many genuinely great moments between every character. It’s a fun read!
Darkening Horizons by SwagWizardSupreme-This a canon divergent story set between the earlier volumes where they’re still in Beacon. I honestly feel like this is such an underappreciated story cuz it’s full of really nice Weiss and Ruby bonding. There’s even nice bee bonding in this too. Also, in the recent chapters, Weiss gets to see some of Ruby’s scars and they have small intimate moment ;) READ IT!
A Scattered Plate by skull025- This a story that was recommended for me to read and thank god too because this is such an amazing story. It’s an AU where Weiss is the head chef of a restaurant and Ruby becomes her new sous chef. It’s filled with some incredible banter and really forward flirting sometimes that make you wanna scream lol also, awesome food is here. I mean c’ mon, really good white rose content AND food? What else would you want?? 
Painting the Town by bandiits- This was also recommended to me and omg how have I actually never read this before?? This is so cute and fun to read! It’s about how Ruby and Weiss’ friends get them handcuffed together and the only way they can escape is to go on a date set by the said friends who set them up lol It’s super funny and awesome! Please read it!
Of Roses and Mirrors by DerpySlurpyTheDerpMaster- This story is another recommendation to me, and is basically an alternate version of how Weiss and Ruby reunited in volume 5 and how they interact after that. This one is such a sweet and tender read. If you want some wholesome white rose content, you should read this. 
The Fate We Choose by HopeOfMorning910- OKAY OMG THIS ONE THO! This one was such a surprise for me in terms of quality. Like holy hell there’re only 2 chapters in this so far but oh my god. It’s soooo good. This is like a magical modern AU where Weiss is a vampire and Ruby is a Fae. The magical rules and properties in this story are like super important and relative to how Weiss and Ruby interact. So, not to give too much away, Weiss is in trouble and happens to find Ruby who helps her and takes her to her apartment for the night. Adorableness and cuteness then ensue plus REALLY REALLY GOOD WHITE ROSE BANTER. like omg top tier writing. I love this. Read it. 
The Snowball Effect by ShadowBlazer- This is another modern AU where Ruby is a political science major in college who is found by Winter who asks Ruby to be in a fake relationship with Weiss. Hilariousness ensues and of course Weiss and Ruby get along really well. ;) 
Fly Together by Etheriell- This is a Superhero AU where Ruby and Weiss are both heroes (Weiss is a brand new hero tho who heavily admires famous Hero!Ruby if you know what I mean *winks*). Ruby and Weiss are almost like partners in justice (not crime) and its so cute because they’re just constantly flirting with this heavy sexual tension around them every time lol so yeah, lots of action and lots of pining/flirting happens! If you want something fun to read, definitely read this!
My Girlfriend is a Dragon by Kirika Nai- This one is a fantasy AU where Weiss just escapes her home to live freely but then discovers this dragon who saves her. Later, said dragon becomes a beautiful girl around Weiss’ age, who she learns is Ruby. Then they get into all sorts of trouble while Ruby learns to be a proper human in society. It’s a hilarious story full of fun and really sweet moments between these two. 
Running Away From (Towards) You by ArrowOvis- this is a modern AU story where Ruby is a professional track star and Weiss is her current roommate at their shared apartment and they’re best friends (yeah not romantic... YET). This story is filled with a lot of misunderstanding type of angst between them but they really love each other. It’s basically a story where Ruby goes through stages of grief because she can't control her feeling for Weiss any longer and she doesn't want to burden Weiss or ruin their friendship because of it. Currently tho, they’re very happy and very much together. Please read it. 
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