#PT episode 26
docholligay · 6 months
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Okay, I guess I am gonna balk at this. Me and this show are clearly coming from different points of view and different conclusions. I don't think the ending to Drosselmeyer's original story was UNHOPEFUL. THis idea the prince had, that the world was worth GIVING HIMSELF UP FOR, I find that beautiful. To hear, "If you do this, you will become a shell of yourself. You will never feel anything ever again" and to look back at the world and go, "Yes. I'll do it." I think that is hopeful and courageous and noble.
So to act here like Drosselmeyer has never heard of hope, just because he doesn't want a story where a duck can inspire everyone to be real cool all of a sudden through the power of a whole fuckin lot of pirouettes, is annoying to me.
I get that this is just two people who look at the world differently and I am sure this writer finds this all very heart swelling, but unless she's prepared (she is not) to have Ahiru actually drop dead Red Shoes style, I refuse to be like, "Ah yes, this is a story about hope, and the story where someone chose to hollow themselves out for the love of others is drivel"
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vampirecorleone · 2 months
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"They're not shikigami, they're clones. And each one is the real one." | "What the hell is this?" | "Infinity. It's Achilles and the tortoise." | "Huh?" | "Read a book. Your stupid is showing. Your technique allows a maximum of five clones including the original. And you're always free to decide which of the clones is the main body, correct? So, if your main clone is in danger, you just make a new main body clone that's safe. I'll admit, it's a nice technique. But even with it, I still don't understand why you're so weak." Jujutsu Kaisen - One Gifset Per Episode - [26] - Hidden Inventory pt. 2
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thrillered · 3 months
You know I Mountain Dew it for ya Pt.1 | Spencer Agnew x F! Reader |
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You started working at Smosh when you were 26, a few years after graduating college. In your down time you wrote and produced your own music. Not that you had much down time, which wasn’t necessarily a problem, you loved your job, you got to work with some of the most creative, talented, and hilarious people you’ve ever met. After working on it for months you finally finished writing and producing your latest single "Espresso". The song blows up but Smosh fans begin to wonder if the song is about her dear friend and coworker Spencer Agnew.
*Every piece of this work is fictional. I was inspired by Sabrina Carpenters song Espresso when I noticed how much it could apply to Spencer lol, I did NOT write or produce Espresso*
Pt. 1: Lunch
“Hello everyone!! And welcome back to another TRY NOT TO LAUGH!” Amanda started, a burst of energy shooting throughout the sound stage. “Don’t worry, we’ve heard your requests so we grabbed Josh to do another MUSICAL episode!”
The cast cheered, you smiled as you stayed ducked behind them. “Because we’re doing a musical episode we invited the one and only Y/N to join us!” Courtney smiled, the group— Amanda, Courtney, Shayne, Angela, and Chanse— splitting to allow you to pop up. 
“Hey everyone!!” You began, the cast and crew clapping and giving whoops of encouragement. “Okay, okay, that’s enough you’re making me blush” you joked, hands behind your back and twisting your foot.
“Don’t stop blushing yet Y/N, we aren’t done talking about you.” Chanse added, shaking your shoulder. 
“We may or may not have had ulterior motives for this musical episode.” Amanda continued. “We invited Y/N to join us because she is releasing a new song!”
“AND because I'm hilariously witty, right?” you joked, causing shayne to roll his eyes. “But! Yes, the day this releases my new single “Espresso” will be premiering at 10 pm PST, like, everywhere you get your music! This song is super fun so I hope you guys like it!” The group cheered and with that the round began.  
With Amanda in the stool first you decided to bust out your Sarah Christ impression for a beautiful ballad about how no establishments will let you smoke in them anymore. Amanda was quick to laugh, almost spraying you in the face, followed by a compliment about how good your Sarah Christ was. 
The game went by smoothly, or as smoothly as a smosh video goes, everyone making each other laugh. During your time in the stool Shayne sang, or rather yelled, one of the lowest notes you'd ever heard. You stayed strong until he had been holding the same note for probably 10 seconds and his face turned the most pained shade of red. 
“Oh thank god!” He said, leaning his hands on his knees as he caught his breath, “I think I would have gone until I passed out” 
The final round ended and you began the outro with applause, “That was so much fun! I demand to be invited to every musical TNTL from now on. Thank you guys so much for watching, we hope you laughed just as much as we did.” 
“Don't forget to stream “Espresso” by Y/N!” Chanse added, resting his chin lightly on your shoulder. 
“It’s SO good! Like, I swear to god, it's been stuck in my head since I heard it for the first time.” Angela added.
“And with that we must part ways..” You began, in a deep melodic tone. “Don’t forget to like and subscribe and check out one of these two videos on your screen! Okay bye!” 
That was two weeks ago and the Try Not To Laugh was being posted today. Your single premiering tonight.  
You sat at your desk, anxiously bouncing your heel as you tried to focus on the doc in front of you. You were supposed to meet with the games team later that afternoon to discuss possible creatives for some upcoming live streams. But the only thing you could focus on was what people would think about your song. 
You aren’t new to making music. In fact, you’ve been writing it since college and even performing it at some open mics and small gigs. But, most people who knew you online knew you from Smosh, not from your musical career. You had about 3,000 monthly listeners, which always astounded you, but this was the first time that you were releasing music that was being promoted by such a large online entity. 
“Keep shaking like that and you’ll cause an earthquake” You turned to see Spencer approaching your desk, hands in his pockets. You opened your mouth to respond but he cut you off, “Everyone is gonna love your song, Y/N. You don’t need to worry.”
“You haven't even heard it yet, Spence” You retorted, having made Spencer (Along with the rest of the cast, minus Angela) swear that he would wait until the release party to listen to it. You leaned your head on your chair to look at him as he sits next to you. 
“Yes, but, you would only put out something good so I trust that the song slaps.” Spencer tried to ease your running mind, only to get a huff in return. “Okay fine.” He began, standing and grabbing your phone while simultaneously turning off your monitor. 
“Wha- Hey” You started, trying to stop him but reacting too slowly.
“We are going out to lunch.” Spencer said, matter of factly.
“But what about the games meeting?” You asked.
“Got moved back an hour, don’t you look at the slack?” he chastised.
“Okay, but isn’t everyone going out tonight anyway?” You questioned, remembering that some of the cast and crew insisted on going out to celebrate your song release.
“Yeah but that’s everyone.” Spencer began, already walking towards the door, “Consider this your pre-game with your best friend.” 
“A pre-game at..” You looked at your barren wrist, “two pm?” 
“One: you’re not wearing a watch. And two: okay, a social pre-game. Plus, I’m not taking no for an answer, so come on and let your wonderful best friend buy you lunch.”  Begrudgingly you agreed. You walked side by side to Spencer's car, him opening the passenger door for you before rounding the front and getting in the drivers side. 
You smiled as you realized where he was taking you. He took you to a little hole-in-the-wall ramen place you two had discovered the year prior. It quickly became you and Spencer's own little spot. Neither of you ever went there without the other unless it meant stopping by to take it to go on the way to the other's apartment for a game or movie night. 
The older Japanese-American couple that owned the restaurant greeted you with warm smiles, “The usual?” the husband, Kenji, asked. 
You both nodded as you took a seat in one of the four small booths that lined the wall. The comforting smell of hot broth and spices calmed your anxious mind as you closed your eyes to take a deep inhale. You and Spencer talked about some upcoming shoots and how his Baldur's Gate 3 save was going as you waited for the food to arrive. 
 It didn’t take long for Emi, the other owner, to bring out your food, “You two are just the cutest, such a wonderful young couple.” She cooed.
“Oh we’re not-” 
“Thank you Mrs. Ito, that's so sweet, we really love coming here.” You cut Spencer off, smiling at the woman's kindness. She walked off, heading to grab an order for a driver. 
You turned to find Spencer staring at you with an eyebrow slightly raised. “What?” You asked, sipping on the steaming broth.
“So you think we’re the ‘most wonderful young couple’ huh?”
“Of course I do honeybun.” You jested, leaning over the table and tapping Spencer's cheek sarcastically. Resuming your meal as Spencer rolls his eyes.
The rest of your lunch is pleasant, filled with chatter about everything yet nothing. You tried to pay for your lunch when Mrs. Ito brings the bill but Spencer insists on covering it since he wanted to take you to lunch to distract you. 
“Thank you spence, I really needed that.” You said, grabbing Spencer’s hand in thanks as you walked back into the office. 
He squeezed your hand lightly, “I always know what you need.” And he did, Spencer was a consistent support system for you, had been since you began at Smosh. Beginning as an editor you worked with Spencer a lot. Your friendship blossomed over a shared love of movies and games. 
Over the years you got closer and closer until you were unequivocally best friends. Weekly movie nights, breakfast, lunch, and dinner dates solidified that years ago. Now there’s hardly any time you spend without each other. 
You walked hand in hand to the conference room, ready for the games meeting now that your head was clear.
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ahcoffeebeans · 26 days
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wanna know all of the fun stats associated with PALISADE now that the FINAL EPISODE has been released? I've got you right here!
on palisade...
Palisade Length: 5 days, 18 hours, 56 minutes, and 51 seconds (or 138 hours, 56 minutes, and 51 seconds) over a total of 62 episodes
The exact middle of PALISADE occurs at 69 hours (nice), 28 minutes, and 25 seconds or 2 days, 21 hours, 28 minutes, and 25 seconds - or 46 minutes, eight seconds into PALISADE 33 (AKA Cori's introduction to her Dust world). Cori, therefore, is the heart of Palisade
the road behind us...
Road to Palisade Length: 2 days, 17 hours, 12 minutes, and 1 second (or 65 hours, 12 minutes, and 1 second) over a total of 20 episodes
Together, the Road to PALISADE + PALISADE equals 8 days, 12 hours, 8 minutes, and 53 seconds (or 204 hours, 8 minutes, and 53 seconds) over a total of 82 episodes
For those curious, the 69th episode of Road to PALISADE + PALISADE is PALISADE 49: A Palette of Colors pt. 4
This means that PALISADE overtook The Road to PALISADE about 18 minutes and 8 seconds into PALISADE 33: Seize the Chance pt. 4, where Austin and Janine discuss how Thisbe attacks The Ingrate on Chimera's Lantern.
The exact middle of Road to PALISADE + PALISADE occurs at 102 hours, 4 minutes, and 26 seconds into the seasons - or 4 days, 6 hours, 4 minutes, and 26 seconds. This occurs at 1 hour, 59 minutes, and 09 seconds into the episode PALISADE 17: Upon Our Grace pt. 4 (or when Austin reveals Broadleaf's death and the success of Baseline) (AKA the episode with Need 2 in the episode description)
the stats at the table...
The total length of Friends at the Table is 38 days, 5 hours, 44 minutes, and 46 seconds - or 917 hours, 44 minutes, and 46 seconds.
The exact half of Friends at the Table now occurs at 458 hours, 36 minutes, and 23 seconds - or 19 days, 2 hours, 18 minutes, and 11 seconds. This occurs 3 hours, 43 minutes, and 46 seconds into the Spring in Hieron Post-Mortem (previously, the exact middle of Friends at the Table from Sangfielle below was during the Twilight Mirage Post-Mortem - coincidence!!). This is where Austin discusses The Road to PARTIZAN and reveals the PARTIZAN theme.
In approximately 92 hours of Friends at the Table - which, given their track record, is around 23 episodes of your average season - we will have reached 1000 hours of fatt. Fitting, given that the aniiversary is less than one month away
palisade errata
The Palisade playlist (youtube mirror) ends at 114 - 115 tracks (one track was removed from all streaming services for unknown reasons hence the approximation), clocking in at around 6 hours and thirty minutes
The Palisade soundtrack clocks in at 16 songs for a total of 57 minutes and 30 seconds of music.
PALISADE is the longest season of Friends at the Table in terms of hour count, beating out Twilight Mirage (5 days, 13 hours, 26 minutes, and 4 seconds) by 5 hours, 30 minutes, and 47 seconds. Twilight Mirage currently reigns supreme at 70 episodes (68 episodes plus the Post-Mortem and Episode 00)
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sabertoothwalrus · 6 months
Dungeon Meshi Episode Breakdown Predictions
I know people have done this before but I didn’t feel like looking them up so I typed up my own
13. Thistle
14. Orcs
15. Dryads
16. Kabru
17. Laios learns magic/cockatrice
18. Shuro & Kabru’s party reach Laios’s party
20. chimera falin pt 2 Laios Gets Punched
21. Shapeshifter (BARK BOY BARK!!!)
23. Marcille’s nightmare
24. Ice golem & barometz
the nightmare seems like it’d be a better place to end the season, so maybe they’ll change the chronology of those last two eps?
Season 2
25. Canaries arrive/Golden Kingdom
26. Griffin
27. Changelings
28. Canaries enter the dungeon/giant mushroom/thistle & falin/kabru & mithrun fall
29. Changelings pt 2/ BICORN !!!!!!!!!!!!!
30. Dullahan
31. Succubus
32. Kabru & Mithrun
33. Phoenix
34. Rabbits
35. Curry
36. Thistle pt 1
37. Thistle pt 2
38. Canaries interrogation
39. Marcille dungeon lord & THAT GAYASS KABRU SCENE
40. That bit where they pretend to be parasites in the familiar to reach marcille
41. Doppelganger
42. Cunty Black Dress
43. Rescue Marcille
44. Lion stuff
45. Laios becomes a monster
46. Final battle
47. Help Me Eat My Sister :)
48. Dinnar
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Henry Danger Reader Insert | Captain Man x Reader: SEASON 1 Masterlist
Status: Complete!
Synopsis: Captain Man never thought he'd grow old. For years, he fought to keep Swellview safe from monsters and villains, but one day, he realised he couldn't do it forever. Enter Henry Hart, a thirteen-year-old boy needing an after-school job, but he never expected an indestructible superhero to hire him as his sidekick.
Now, they blow bubbles and fight crime with (y/n), Ray's best friend of many years, keeping them in check. He swears he's not in love with her, but Henry doesn't buy it. Will they ever confess?
This story is mature in places with adult themes and language. It uses she/her pronouns for a female reader, but anyone is free to read and enjoy :)
Main masterlist
Episode 1: The Danger Begins Pt.1
Episode 2: The Danger Begins Pt.2
Episode 3: Mo' Danger, Mo' Problems 
Episode 4: The Secret Gets Out 
Episode 5: Tears of the Jolly Beetle 
Episode 6: Substitute Teacher 
Episode 7: Jasper Danger 
Episode 8: The Space Rock 
Episode 9: Birthday Girl Down 
Episode 10: Too Much Game 
Episode 11: Henry the Man-Beast 
Episode 12: Invisible Brad 
Episode 13: Spoiler Alert 
Episode 14: Let's Make a Steal 
Episode 15: Super Volcano 
Episode 16: My Phony Valentine 
Episode 17: Caved In 
Episode 18: Elevator Kiss 
Episode 19: Man of the House 
Episode 20: Dream Busters 
Episode 21: Kid Grounded 
Episode 22: Captain Jerk 
Episode 23: The Bucket Trap 
Episode 24: Henry & the Bad Girl Pt. 1 
Episode 25: Henry & the Bad Girl Pt. 2 
Episode 26: Jasper's Real Girlfriend 
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overlooked scenes in sanders sides episodes that i love pt. 26
that “idontlikeyou” is engraved in my brained my poor boy needs some positive affirmation
also look at logan, he’s trying so hard to not sound mean 😭
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gentlebeardsbarngrill · 4 months
05/26/2024 Daily OFMD Recap
TLDR; Vico Ortiz; Samba Schutte (Tangy & Zangy); TellTaleAwards; Emmy4Taika; Watch Party Reminders; OFMD Big Bang 2024!; Fan Spotlight; MerMay; Love Notes; Daily Darby/Today's Taika
== Vico Ortiz ==
Finally got some of the pictures from the Them Fatale Vico participated in a while back!
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Source: Vico Ortiz' IG stories
== Samba Schutte ==
Awww, Samba made an amazing new desert! This time with the theme Tangy & Zangy <3
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Source: Samba Schutte's Instagram
== Tell Tale Awards ==
The Tell-Tale TV Awards voting are up! There are several categories with Queer shows so if you have the time please take some time to fill them in! You can vote for up to 3 per category. Not only does OFMD show up, but Good Omens, Deadloch, Dead Boy Detectives, etc.
OFMD Categories Below:
Favorite Cable or Streaming Comedy Series (Round 1) - Our Flag Means Death
Favorite Performer in a Cable or Streaming Comedy Series (Round 1) - Rhys Darby / Ruibo Qian
== Emmy Considerations ==
You asked and they made it happen! Thank you to our friends over at Our Flag Means Fanfiction for more Emmy Consideration graphics, this time for Taika! Here's the Google Drive
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Everyone is encouraged to make your own as well! If you do I'd love to see them so please be sure to share!
== Watch Party Reminders ==
Our Flag Means Death Season 2 May 28-31 (we're skipping Memorial Day) Times: 3:30 pm PT / 6:30pm ET / 11:30 pm BST Need access? We're doing a WP on the RhysDarbyFaction Discord server, feel free to hit me up on tumblr @gentlebeardsbarngrill or @ aspirantabby42 on Twitter for access.
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== OFMD Big Bang 2024! ==
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For all of you who're seasoned OFMD tumblr folks, you probably have heard of OFMD Big Bang before! For our newer members of the fandom check out the description below by OFMD Big Bang Tumblr.
What is the Our Flag Means Death Big Bang? A big bang is a writing and art challenge pairing authors and artists to complete a long work of fiction. The OFMD Big Bang is centered around stories which take place in the Our Flag Means Death universe with a minimum word count requirement of 10,000. 
Interested in joining? Author and Artist sign-ups open on June 1! Here's the upcoming Schedule. Visit the @ofmdbigbang tumblr for more information!
== Fan Spotlight ==
= Cast Cards =
Today's Cast Card is Stephen Papps, aka an English Lieutenant from "Mermen". Thanks @melvisik!
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Source: @melvisik's Twitter
== Big Gay Energy Podcast ==
Our crewmates over at Big Gay Energy Podcast have a new episode out! This time they're discussing Season 1 Episode 10! Listen in on your favorite podcast platform via their Linktr.ee.
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== Mermay ==
= Snejpowa =
Day 26: Teal More Mermay! I love that some folks took Teal and did something with Stede, and others with Oluwande! Thanks @snejpowa for this iconic Stede scene, you can feel the wobble!
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Source: Snejpowa's Tumblr
= blueberreads =
Wow! Check out this gorgeous rendition of Oluwande and his Teal earring for Day 26 of MerMay by @blueberreads! That is gorgeous!
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Source: @blueberreads' Tumblr
= GooGooGoJob! =
As usual @googoogojob has some more stunning work for MerMay! Day 18: Calypso's Birthday / Day 19: Rowboat / Day 20: High on a Rocky Ledge
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== Stjernegaupe ==
Our friend @stjernegaupe has so many more MerMay fun submissions! I love how they interpret the various prompts! I want the Revenge for a flag!
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== Love Notes ==
Hey Crew! I hope the weekend was kind to you and you got to do something fun!
I'm a bit off today. I hope you can forgive me for not saying much. Please remember that you are such a gift to this world. I think about you all a lot, and I hope you know you're doing great. Just a little love note from someone else today. Have a good Monday-- whether it's a holiday or a workday. Take care <3
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Source: AlexaAubreyPoetry on Instagram
== Daily Darby / Today's Taika =
Tonight's theme is just these two giving each other hugs cause I need more of it in this life. Gif Courtesy of @usersukuna
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Links to all the storyboards so far!
Posted by @/eatherstar, @/jjconway, @/Doig and Swift (YouTube) and others.
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Season 1, Episode 6 (Traditions) - Alex talks to Robby and Bee
Season 1, Episode 10 (Age of Evolution) - "Careful, Little Bird" / Battle against Mandroid
Season 1, Episode 13 (Missed Connection) - Nightshade's invention malfunctions in the Dugout
Season 1, Episode 16 (Warzone) - Megatron explains the story of the Allspark, flashback scene to Shockwave and Megatron's fight
Season 1, Episode 16 (Warzone) - Deleted Scene: Prison Blues
Season 1, Episode 26 (Last Hope) - Finale, Parts 1, 2, and 3
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This will be updated with more storyboards when I find them! I know a few are missing from this list already.
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bamdelune · 1 year
In Hindsight (🎧) scaramouche x reader smau
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synopsis. You are a singer-songwriter. Music has always been a part of you, it's a part of your identity that no one can ever take away. However, there's always a catch: you are diagnosed with a chronic illness that puts your life on a timer. Those who have heard your countless melodies have grown to notice that the notes on the sheet played a gloomier tune. Would the snarky and capable medical student you've met be able to bring life back into these melodies? Even as your life begins to seep out of your own body? A reboot/rebranded version of Autumn Leaves.
tags. gender-neutral reader, angst, fluff, crack, heavy contexts of death and illnesses, friends to lovers, slowburn, profanities, drinking (characters are in college), suggestive themes but no nsfw.
status. ended (06.07.23) — (08.21.23)
taglist. (status: open) — @beriiov @alatusorrow @br0oke96 @ohmyfinggod @itzblazekun @featuredtofu @sketcheeee @lazy-sanns @sakurapeach @sheraffim @vxmp-loml @sukunasrealgf @sleepning @yukiipc @thenightsflower @aqvvas @scaramoo @coquettemaiden @dappledstars @pooonyo @certified-simp-4evr @alatus-viator @yuminako @zephestia @mellowberrie (comment/send an ask to be added or removed, please let me know if i forgot to add you since my notification feed can be flooded sometimes!)
notes. using the 2023 calendar for the dates, timestamps don't matter unless stated, grammatical errors and typos here and there, slow updates but ending is already planned out, overall would have a heavy atmosphere for the duration of the runtime! will retain the taglist of autumn leaves along with the new ones that can be requested for this smau ! would be adding bonus episodes from time to time.
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★ playlist. click here!
☆ cameo requests [open]. click here!
★ kuni's circle | reader's circle
01. guess who's back
TRACKLIST 🎐 ( expected run-time: 20 chapters )
01. salt air
02. room 613
03. who i see in the corner of my room at night
04. the day i died once
04a. the day i died once pt. 2
05. tinsels around the tree
06. sugar cookies & diabetes
07. when the clock strikes
08. wash my back
09. ping pong
10. blue hour
11. graduation blues
12. i'm free!
13. new year, old me
14. tightrope
15. ring the alarm
16. tell me you don't care
17. forget them, i want him instead
18. all this late night talking
19. motherly cherish
20. kuni exclusive
21. halloween
22. and i'd go back to december all the time
23. never let go
24. don't go anywhere i can't follow
25. before you let go
26. plague my mind like how you always did
27. (epilogue) pieces of love
HIDDEN TRACKS 🎼 (bonus + side chapters)
01. you wanna see something funny
02. in bitterness comes fruit
03. never mind, never mine
04. well-planned funeral
05. the other way (spin off)
© bamdelune 2023. do not repost, translate, plagiarize any of my works without permission, thank you so much! reblogs, notes, and comments are always appreciated!
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eventuallyaugust · 1 year
bound by the rules masterlist smau
pairing/s: lesserafim huh yunjin x txt's sixth member! gp! oc x aespa yoo jimin
summary: txt's oldest member, oh hyunseol just want a peaceful life after pandemic with her members, but it seems like fate wants to shake things up.
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tags... crack, fluff; angst; hurt(?); suggestive/smut (not all time); kinda slow burn (not the do i like her slow burn, but those longer than a min touches and longing gazes kind of slow burn); no beta we die like men; love at first sight; friends to lovers
warning/s... love triangle; angst; too many things going on; an ungodly amount of time skips; suggestive/smut themes; dark jokes; toxic staffs and management; scandals; dark themes & graphic content: strong language, bullying (affectionately); multiple mentions of alcohol and its consumption; many more to be added
setting... story will start in 2022
featuring... txt, lesserafim, aespa, itzy (mostly ryujin), ive (mostly annyeongz), choi yena, skz bangchan, nct jaehyun, g-idle yuqi, enhypen heeseung, some bts members, and many more that often pops up in just one of the chapters.
profiles. bighit's baby giants, too pretty to be ais, not-so-fearless with bugs, the seven avengers
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chapters (number of chapters & some titles still unidentified)
⭐ - fav chap
01 | happy birthday to you⭐
02 | new bestie unlocked
03 | birth month twinnie (half written)
04 | pretty elevator girl (kinda half written)
05 | tagged along
06 | birthday money
07 | meeting for what?! (mostly written)
09 | minjeong's research
10 | lee fcking soo-man (written) ⭐
11 | give me your bets
12 | field day (pt.1)⭐
13 | the claw machine⭐
14 | party party yeah
15 | alexa, play drama by txt (written)⭐
16 | she is like dramama ramama
17 | #prayforheeseung
18 | gay panic-ese⭐
19 | txt's first 2022 vlive (written)⭐
20 | lord me when⭐
21 | be careful what you wish for (written) ⭐
22 | something bad just happened ⭐
23 | perfect friends ⭐
24 | matchz? it's a matchz! ⭐
bonus... matchmaker episodes
25 | 0 7 . 3 0
26 | seol & umji?? seolji?
27 | haters gonna hate
28 | wee-woo 🚨🚨
29 | a house of cards (written)
30 | us against the world
31 | through the cracks
32 | without the foundation
bbtr plot timeline
taglist: @curly-fr13s , @neuftaeng , @myothegreat , @yoontoonwhs , @nasyu-kookies , @awkwardtoafault , @osakis-gf , @dream-chasers-things , @woonie57 , @juhyunsthirdwife , @sewiouslyz , @yerevies , @kimsgayness , @jeindall777 , @notodayeli , @mah4u
misc hyunseol - kprofile | articles | spotify playlist | youtube compilations | fem idols crushing on her | matchz playlist | oddz playlist
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a/n: seol can be interpreted as the reader or whole other person. it was supposed to be y/n, not seol but i find it hard to imagine if i pair yunjin and karina to someone i can't imagine, so that's where seol is born.
disclaimer all images and pictures used in this story are not all mine. they belong to their rightful owners and i therefore give credits to their edits. since this is a smau, all of the happenings and events within are made up and the product of my imagination. any similarity to real-life occurrences or individuals, whether alive or deceased, is entirely coincidental. SEPARATE FICTION FROM REALITY.
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@ eventuallyaugust 2024 | navi
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docholligay · 6 months
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And that is, in fact, the end of the story.
Well, I am really disappointed that I could not give what many of you wanted, and really enjoy the show. I think that largely, this show was not for me, and a lot of the more intriguing things it brought up in the beginning it doesn't feel like they ever really delivered on.
I am still confused by what we're supposed to make of Drosselmeyer other than "annoying wizard" in his role within the story. When does a character become real? I mean, we can argue all day that Drosselmeyer was commandeering the lives of real people with his writing about them, and I guess that could be interesting, but, for example, Mytho was definitely his character. If we're ripping the spine out of Drosselmeyer, shouldn't he, i don't know, disappear? Isn't his existence in itself a crime against the town, then?
Anyway, I think I wanted this story to be more about writing and about what you owe your characters than ultimately it was ever going to be. This was the recommendation hot off the heels of Utena, by some of the same people who loved Utena, and I think it was always going to suffer a LITTLE bit for that--Utena remains the greatest reversal of opinions on an anime of all time for me. Hate to love, 50k, don't like don't read, me and Utena. But also, this is nowhere near in Utena's weight class.
ANYHOW. I am now taking questions on this anime, in total! I will answer them sprinkled in next week, and maybe even have a full day for it on the 24th, if we have time!
Thank you all so much for joining me on this--I don't know where if anywhere my sponsor will want to take this next month, but I'll get back to you. There may be room for a passion project!
I cannot imagine any of you happy enough with me for this information, but:
You can tip me at either Ko-Fi,or, since Ko-Fi has recently started running through Paypal as goods and services, thus taking a fee from my tips, you can just directly tip me at Paypal under @docholligay (But I recognize ko-fi allows for anon tips so I haven’t gotten rid of it)
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mekare-art · 6 months
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The many moods of Li Lianhua, Pt. 15, episode 26/27
Pt. 1, Pt. 2, Pt. 3, Pt. 4, Pt. 5, Pt. 6, Pt. 7, Pt. 8, Pt. 9, Pt. 9b, Pt. 10, Pt. 11, Pt. 12, Pt. 13, Pt. 14
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beargyufairy · 6 months
Just My Thoughts Pt. 26
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One of my favorite arc in all of Fairy Tail is the Tartaros arc. It had everything I wanted and more. I think it was one of Mashima best written storyline (I haven’t watched/read his other works). It was more than just friendship is power and all happy endings. It had sacrifices, loss, heartbreak, and all the gut wrenching emotions. It was honestly one of the reasons I’m into anime now. At the point of first watching FT, I wasn’t really convinced anime was for me. But that arc changed it all. I have a special place for it in my heart. While they did end up victorious, it wasn’t without a lot of trauma. Natsu lost his dad, Igneel, after being reunited which was his life goal. Gray lost his father again and Juvia believed she was responsible for it. Wendy and Carla were ready to sacrifice themselves for the sake of their friendship and love. All of the dragon slayers lost their dragons. FT ended up disbanding for the time being. And Lucy lost her new home, her friends left her, Natsu/Happy went off to train and process their own thoughts, she was left alone after sacrificing Aquarius one of her first celestial keys to save the lives of her friends. I really loved how despite their win, it didn’t seem as successful. I really think it added a very deep element to the story and their characters.
I really hope the 100 YQ has something similar as we approach the end. It’s been good so far but kind of lacking in some aspects such as proper portrayal of emotions beyond the few in their range. I also think that having another arc the idea of “win but at what cost” is very important for FT. All their growth and loss from the original series seems to have evaporated from the 100 YQ. I won’t get into this too much or else I’ll end up ranting. But an arc with some loss would be amazing. I think it should have something related to Aquarius since Lucy did lose her in the Tartaros arc. So it would be a full circle type of concept. Additionally, I really really hope (and beg on my knees) for Mashima to use Lucy fear of Natsu flames for the first time in a gut punch way. It needs to have some impact and importance to the story. I need it desperately.
On the side note, I have been enjoying the little side stories or filler episodes in the 100 YQ. Ichiya and Anna was very unexpected but it’s understandable in a manner if we consider the last arc of FT. I also love the ship crumbs in the last few episodes. Jellal and Erza need to just kiss already!! I’m so glad he’s joining the guild. And ofc… NALU crumbs has my heart. I whole heartedly believe that Natsu thinks he’s dating Lucy since the last episode of the original series. I just can’t wait for this to play out!!
Until my next thought! ❤️
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justafriend-ql · 1 year
times never let me go said: happy pride! 🏳️‍🌈
(a mostly unserious post made entirely for my own entertainment)
this outfit
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2. palm showing up at nueng's house and immediately inducing gay panic with the sluttiest soulmate-coded introduction possible until ourskyy 2
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3. nuengdiao's gay little finger pointing (which happens at least 3 times in episode 1)
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4. gaslight gatekeep girlboss
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5. okay... 👀
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6. local boy continues the age-old tradition of falling in love with a twink after seeing him play piano
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7. (meeting ben) perhaps gay-on-gay violence is justified sometimes
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8. nueng and palm flirt in the backseat. live chanon reaction:
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9. update: gay-on-gay violence is definitely justified sometimes
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10. phum taking a sec to call palm handsome before breaking a stool over his back (huh i wonder if that might mean anything)
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11. okay... 👀 (pt. 2)
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12. nuengdiao deciding to get wasted even though he's deathly allergic to alcohol because palm's talking to a girl (we love a messy!gay)
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13. nueng standing up for himself when the homophobic principal and ben's dad insinuate that it was wrong for ben and him to kiss and telling them to punish whoever leaked the photo instead
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14. "you're an adult now. you can eat whatever you want!!" slay thanks khun tanya :)
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15. what if we were both boys... and we kissed on a rooftop at night under ambiguous circumstances... and it was episode 5...
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16. our established couple besties wu and david <3
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17. "your lips are burning and swollen" okay?? gay ass
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18. gay beach wedding. enough said.
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19. palm asking "is this how couples kiss?" after eating nueng's face like be fucking for real right now
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20. male-male soulmates existing since the dawn of time and being an established part of mythological lore
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21. palm: has gay sex one (1) time and immediately gets a tattoo of his lover's name
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22. palm's face when nueng says he might confess his love to a woman one day lmaooooo
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23. palm and nueng talking about how their mothers gave them the courage to be themselves and confess their love for each other
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24. nueng: we need to show uncle kit that he can't mess with us. the plan: serve cunt
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25. tanya immediately waking up from her coma when nueng says he wants her to see him with his boyfriend. true ally behavior!
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27. message received
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28. wow so glad it isn't like that anymore! oh wait...
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29. (about to die) time to educate some assholes!!
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stopping here because of the (deeply homophobic) 30-image-per-post limit, but feel free to add more below!! happy pride from p'jojo, palmnueng, and co. 🏳️‍🌈
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aweirdoandhisfanfics · 3 months
Daily Pride pt. 26
For this episode, we won't be having canon guests, only headcanon!
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Liege Rosal is gay!
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Diego is gay, he's curently dating Rosal (credits to my friend Sasphyoz for the ship).
He's also 'Rock 'n Roll (Will Take You To The Mountain) ex-boyfriend (also credits to my friend).
Speaking of robots.
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Alan (name headcanon) is bisexual, he once dated Diego, but now is dating Mrs. Saxobeat (credits to my friend Sasphyoz for the ship)
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Lilith is transfem and Alano is transmasc
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P2 of Le Bal Masqué is transfem
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Shalf i genderqueer, and uses any pronouns.
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Johnny Zomby is bigender
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Valentine and Cameron are lesbians and dating
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PandaFan, DeerStan and UnicornEnthusiast are a polycule (it started as a joke, but I ended up shipping them)
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Moxie is lesbian and dated Ari in the past.
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