#Papyrus's feelings about Undyne in this ending are pretty much up in the air cause he doesn't say anything about it??
illdothehotvoice · 5 months
I was about to make a post about how much I love the ending where Undyne overthrows Toriel but specifically the version where Papyrus is still alive because I find the dynamic between Undyne hating humans and planning to enact another war and Papyrus staying behind in the Ruins when Toriel goes out to watch for humans and it being something he is genuinely very happy to do it VERY interesting because something something parallels between Toriel and Asgore and Papyrus and Undyne and continuing that cycle and all that but then I realized I was misreading the ending this entire time and Sans and Papyrus don't live with her they just visit her frequently 😭
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jamestrmtx · 3 years
Fairytale Complex - [Undertale | Sans x Reader]
[Gender Neutral, Frisk's Parent Reader | Slow Burn]
Chapter Twelve | Danger Mystery (Part 1 of 2)
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Today's the day, and though there's no going back now, one look at the last message your ex sent you makes you wish you could.
I'll 🐝 there in 30 ⌚, babe. 😘😘😘
💋💖🥺 Miss you. 🥺💖💋
The overuse of emojis topped off with him calling you ‘babe’ makes you regret so much as the thought of meeting him already.
It's hard to imagine a normal conversation with Jerry given how awfully long it's been since you last talked and how blatant you were being through texts, ignoring all the ones about the info he dug up on monsterkind and only answering his most recent message with a 'K'. You didn't want to hear his reasons behind his absence after how bad things were left between you, and even less did you want him to call you 'babe' in real life. Grateful as you are to have Toriel offer her home as the place for your meeting with him, you look forward to this as much as you do having to wake up at five in the morning every weekday. Her home is busy as a result of the upcoming visitor, with Papyrus trying to make himself look like the most sophisticated gentleman possible, Toriel fixing Frisk's hair into two short braids, Undyne freshening up after exercising all her own nervousness away, Alphys practicing her introductory speech, and Sans revising Frisk's homework.
Considering how much of a handful the last person has been, you decide to take that as an opportunity for you to bother him yourself -- not only as payback, but as a way to prepare yourself to confront Jerry soon.
You approach the couch he sits on and stand behind him, his sitting height and your standing one allowing you to grab a look at what he's doing with more detail. He's around halfway through correcting Frisk's Math homework, and their English speech is already set aside with a few marks and commentary on what they had left to work with. His revision stops when you hover a little closer, making him acknowledge your presence and set the notebook aside to turn around and meet with your eyes.
"How do I look?
That's the first question you ask him, a bit of confidence shining through with how your health's managed to improve a bit since your hospitalization. While you still have to use foundation to cover up your stress blemishes and you're far from being as fit as Jerry was, it's a huge difference from how you were at the start of it all. As a result, you smile, ready to hear someone else's view of you besides Frisk, Brenda, or yourself.
"'Fraid you're asking the wrong person, pal," he replies, gaze averting from yours.
"C'mon," you insist, sitting next to him on the couch. You then shift a bit closer to the skeleton and nudge his shoulder, pouting at him after that. "Please?," you add, facing him again. "You're… You're the only one I trust who won't sugarcoat how I look if you pointed out those 'love handles' I've got a while back." 
He manages to keep his gaze and attention on the conversation, though you can see he tries to look elsewhere every so often, as if unable to stare at you for too long.
"So? I was just makin' a comparison between us, not callin' you out or anything."
"But you were still bold enough to say I had them."
You pull your hand back, noticing it's been kept on his shoulder for far too long. Then, you scoot away, growing aware of how close you are. "I don't want him to think I'm still hung up over him." You huff. "It's been almost six years now!"
"Are you still thinkin' about 'im, though?"
"Oh, hell no. He can go date whoever he wants."
Sans grabs the area where you'd touched him; the sight of that makes you worry if you'd involuntarily crossed a line with him. You're not sure how to ask if you've made him uncomfortable, so you back off and shift further away in your seat, setting your hands on your lap and staring down afterwards. "He was… nice enough to wait until I finished my second year of college for us to call our relationship off and for him to leave the picture, so I can't really blame him too much for what happened." You take in some air and look up again, maintaining your pride. "But that still doesn't mean I don't want to look my best. I've moved on, and I... I really want all that to show today."
Appearing convinced, Sans nods once and sits up straighter on the couch. Whatever made him wary of eye contact vanishes and allows him to judge you without any bias, irises scanning your face for a moment. He carries on to your attire, though it's a quicker observation in comparison and a hint of embarrassment can be seen in his body language, from how stiff his shoulders get to how his grin feels forced and bashful. "You look good. Not much different from your regular self, I'd say."
"Please, be honest with me here, Serif. I know I didn't exactly... look my best when we first met, y'know? It's fine."
"But I am being honest." Again, he averts his gaze from yours, posture staying rigid as he faces the table and stares at the open notebook. "You don't need to try and look like you've moved on, 'cause it already shows -- And even more now that you look healthier, too."
Unsure how to approach his comment, you grab your knees and clench your hands around them, sighing after. "If you really think so, then I..." You breathe in, chest feeling tighter than the belt around your waist. "Thank you."
You stand up and fix your clothes for what has to be the twentieth time today. Your heart's racing just as much as your thoughts. Honest to goodness, you were nervous over meeting Jerry again, and not because of butterflies or lingering feelings, but for how much had happened since he last visited. At the thought of him meeting the monsters and learning all about the near two months Frisk was absent from your side, your worries heighten and anxiety eats right through your confidence. 
Nervous, you gulp and look back to the couch again, offering the one still sitting there a smile. "Could you... follow me outside, please?" You wring your hands, clasping them as a subtle plead shows on your face. "I could really use your company right now."
Sans laughs at that, nodding again as he stands up, dusts off, and joins your side, winking when he looks up at you. "Thought you'd never ask, (Y/N)."
You still can't help feeling strange at the sound of him saying your name. 
While you're fully aware it was nothing out of the ordinary and that he was now in closer enough terms with you to call you that instead of 'pal' or (L/N), there remains a sudden flip in your stomach whenever he says it. Whether it was due to how wary you've become around him or how incessant he was with his flirting, it's still impossible for you to acknowledge that and get over those feelings. No way were you wasting any of your time and energy thinking about that stuff, anyway.
• • •
The temperature changes as you both step outside.
In contrast to the warmth and coziness of Toriel's home, you're greeted by cold and unrelenting winds, along with the colder, occasional water droplets falling on your face. The hint of a downpour coming soon makes you dwell on your past visit here and how you were obliged to stay the night back then. You wonder if the same ending will apply for today, or if you would have to cut your reunion short as a consequence.
"Guessin' those months without the kid around were pretty draining, huh? You look way happier compared to when we first met." Sans breaks the ice, though his hands are kept in his pockets to shield himself from both the cold and any awkward body language. "When I think about it, it's… It's kinda hard to believe it's already been just as long since we left the Underground -- And that it's gonna be Frisk's birthday soon, too." 
You face down at him, smiling when you meet with his gaze. "Has it felt like less or longer to you?"
"A weird mix between the two, actually."
You look away from each other at the sound of an engine rumbling from nearby. A familiar, red colour flashes before your eyes; the Ferrawrxd that parks at the sidewalk brings back memories, ones you try to push down. "Tori was already plannin' out somethin' for 'em by that time," the skeleton says, distracting you from the view. "Has she talked about it with you?"
"Not yet," you reply, facing your shoes. "But I wanted to ask her if she'd like to help out -- It's the least I can do with how much she cares for Frisk."
Despite your best efforts not to, you tense up at the sound of a person stepping down and a car door being shut and locked.
Now that you're actually about to confront your ex, it's hard for you to keep your confidence and face up at that sight. "You should do it, then." Again, Sans's voice helps melt your worries down. "I'm sure she'll be more than happy to join you in that -- And pretty much the rest of Frisk's friends, too." You can feel his gaze on you, though you don't look at him, still too anxious to move your eyes away from the floor. "And I'd be more than happy to help also, so just say the word if you need me."
The earthy scent of roses catches you off guard and makes you look up to see a large, white-and-red bouquet being offered out to you, ex-husband standing behind them. "How's it going, babe?" he asks, a smile present on his face. "I missed you."
You back up against the door to Toriel's home and face the man in front of you with careful eyes. Your breathing hitches with how different a greeting that is from your expectations; the sight of him having no companion around and the use of 'babe' makes it obvious as to what the bouquet means. It's even more than evident with the lull in his tone and the soft look in his eyes, though you don't want to acknowledge that. To counter, you step closer to the skeleton's side and look at your ex right in the eye, a firm look remaining in yours. 
"I'm doing alright," you reply, stoic. You then take the flowers from him, paying little attention to them and ignoring his other comment. "This is Sans. Though I'm sure you've heard about him already," you add, gesturing with a hand over to him. Pretending you hadn't seen Jerry at the restaurant back at the very beginning of it all is the best you can do for now with how hard it is to lie about it. "He's one of Frisk's friends from the Underground."
The pair exchange a look, one you can only remain curious over when you remind yourself over the purpose for Jerry's visit. You glare sharply at him, wanting to stand your ground. "Why return after a whole year of not coming around to see your child?" Finally, you cross your arms tight and let your displeasure known through a grimace. "Frisk was gone for almost two whole months, and yet you never worried to ask if I needed help with that or not!"
You take a step forward, anger bubbling the more you let those words dawn upon you. "You came to visit us only after the hardest stage was over. The one where I needed you the most!" You hold yourself back, against letting your voice turn any louder or making a scene of any sort.
"Well, I..." he counters, gaze narrowing and frown showing. "I waited two whole years for you to start out college before ending our relationship, and I'm still paying child support to this day."
"And I had to divide time between taking care of a two year-old with work and college!" You huff out, trying to contain yourself. "This isn't a competition, Jerry. It never was." A sharp bite to the inside of your lip is what's necessary for you to keep yourself from exploding any further than you have already, against showing any more weakness in front of him. "I don't care if you decided to leave, I only wanted you to at least pretend you cared for Frisk. Not just show up and visit once a year like freakin' Santa Claus!"
He glares back at you, keeping it that way when he looks down at Sans, his height not only towering over the monster, but you, as well. "At least I'm not dating a Halloween decoration seven years after my divorce!" 
You shove the bouquet right at his chest.
Your nostrils flare and your hands ball up tight as you stare him down, frown changing for a deep and unwavering scowl. "Don't talk to him like that!" You pause and take another step forward, enough for him to do the opposite. "Don't call me babe, and don't give me flowers if you're just gonna assume I'm dating someone else! I'm through with you, Jerry, and it's been that way since six damn years ago."
Jerry's eyes lower back to the skeleton, who takes his hands out of his pockets and straightens up. He faces your ex, looking amused. "So this is the one you told me you liked, man?" he asks, brushing you aside to make way towards Sans. "Is this really the (chick/dude) you told me you were into? I thought we were bros!"
"Wait, what?"
Those are the only words you can say out loud as you watch the two confront each other, tension thick in the air. Jerry takes in all of it, while the monster keeps his cool, shrugging at his bro. "Sorry to lay it down like this, but yeah," he says, snickering. "They're who I'm into." He spares a quick glance at you, winking to further fuel your ex's anger. "I gotta admit, it's a bit awkward. Though I really dunno why you're so worked up over this if you had your time all those years ago. Ain't my fault you two broke up."
"They're my ex-spouse, bro!"
"Yeah -- I'm well-aware of that, pal."
You back away from the door when it opens, revealing a frowning Toriel behind it. 
"Is everything alright out there, you two? Someone sounds angry." When she catches sight of Jerry, her eyes brighten and a smile overcomes her. "I see our new guest is here! Come along now. I cannot wait to meet Frisk's other parent!"
"Inna second, Tori," Sans says, grinning up at your ex. "Just havin' a talk with 'im first."
The goat lady nods, and a knowing look's exchanged between them two; she then closes the door after that, leaving you be.
Overwhelmed and in need of some painkillers for a future headache, you take a step back meanwhile, not quite in favour of getting caught up between your ex and a monster with a seemingly one-sided crush on you. 
"What more could there be to talk about?" Jerry asks, scowling. "If I'd known it was (Y/N) you'd been talking about this whole time, I would've never told you to try giving it a shot!"
He storms off inside the house and closes the door shut, leaving you alone with the skeleton, who soon beckons you over with his irises, a look of caution visible in them. 
"You okay, pal?" he asks, hands going back in his pockets. "Sorry I got ya mixed up in all this. I know you don't want any drama, but I really didn't think he'd figure me out like this."
You stand by the door and lean against the wall while you consider his words. 
It doesn't take too long for a smile to show up on your face. You sigh, choosing to believe him for now. "It's alright," you say, dismissing his words. "The look you gave each other before this kind of... showed that." You pause, curiosity intervening. "How did you guys become friends, anyway? Didn't he pretty much hate your guts a while back?"
"Met 'im again while workin' at a hot dog stand, so we've been able to talk some more since then." Sans joins your side, similar to the day at Waterfall, but with an easier atmosphere present between you. "He came over to grab a bite, we found some stuff in common, and then we kinda just became friends from there on -- Surprisingly." He hums, a faint chuckle interrupting it. "We started talkin' about our love lives two weeks into gettin' to know each other. And about a month after you confronted me over at that restaurant." His hands leave his pockets, these placing themselves behind his skull as he further reclines against the wall. "I told 'im I'd met someone I was interested in, but when he asked for specifics, I said they weren't really into me. Told 'im they were a single parent, and that maybe that had somethin' to do with them not fallin' easily enough for my flirtin'."
He stops, though you still want to hear more. You nod at him, hope over him carrying on remaining. "Is... Is that all?"
"You'll get mad at me if I keep tellin' you what I told 'im about you."
"I can't promise I won't, but I'll try not to."
The monster takes in a breath, and his relaxed state is then replaced by a subtle mousiness he tries to cover up, mainly by remaining calm and casual.
"I told him your stubbornness and integrity were kinda just... hot, and that I had a thing for not only your looks, but just you, in general -- As a person, I mean."
"Do you still feel that way about me?"
You don't know what makes you blurt that question out, but it's far too late for you to dwell over it now of all times.
"Of course I do," Sans says, rubbing the back of his neck. "I told Jerry 'bout that last part just a few days ago." He stops again, breathing in deep once more. "I was, well, only doing it for fun back when it started. But now... Now I really mean it when I flirt with you, (Y/N)."
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Updates will be Mondays and Fridays starting after Part 2 of this chapter!
Not only will I continue working with my Mario (one-shots from my old account, featuring Princess Peach, Princess Daisy, Rosalina, and Pauline) and She-Ra (some drabbles I’ll be posting here later on) fanfics soon, but I've reached a personal milestone in terms of my studies, so I'll be celebrating that soon!!
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lover-of-skellies · 4 years
A Way Out
((An OC insert where my girl Adrienne loses everyone she's ever cared for and has to face off with Chara. She would've lost too, if it wasn't for the guardian of negativity himself, deciding to intervene and save her ass. She's healed up and taken back to the castle, and when she wakes up, he has what seems like the best offer she's ever been given. Does she shake his hand and accept the offer, or does she refuse and die?))
Adrienne had felt her heart sink at the unfortunate discovery she'd made; the dust scattered over the snow, pieces of armor, and an all too familiar tattered red scarf. Tears pricked at her eyes and a lump formed in her throat as she reached out, her shaky hands delicately plucking the scarf from the snow. She gently brushed the snow and loose dust off of it, then wrapped the item around her slender neck in the same fashion she'd always seen Papyrus wearing it, briefly glancing down at the ground. At the sight of tracks clearly left by sneakers, her eyes widened, tears now freely rolling down her face.
She knew exactly whose sneakers left the trail, and her heart sank even further. Not wanting to waste another moment, she began to race toward judgement hall; from having visited a few times before, it was fairly easy to find. As she reached the hall, she sucked in a deep breath, placing a hand on the large wooden door and pushing it open.
And she immediately wished she hadn't. 
Aside from leftover bone attacks made by Sans and the fallen human's blood, she let out a choked sob; at the far end of the hall, there was an unmistakable pile of dust, and what was clearly her best friend's favorite jacket. Grey eyes widening again, she ran to where the jacket laid, falling to her knees and gently running her fingertips over the fur lined hood. Her heart broke as the realization finally sunk in; she'd lost two of the only people she had ever truly cared for.
It began with Queen Toriel, and was followed later by King Asgore, Undyne, Alphys, Mettaton, Grillby, and even Flowey. Not even the innocent monster children had been spared, and the fallen human had left everything in ruin. Not a single monster remained.
Scooping up the jacket and hugging it close to her chest, she let out a loud, broken sob, her voice echoing fainting in the vastness of the corridor. Wailing in agony as she mourned her lost friends, she failed to notice the figure approaching behind her.
Hearing the absolutely deep sigh, she found herself scooting away from its source, clinging to Sans' jacket as if it were a lifeline. The figure peered at her through glowing crimson eyes that were partially shrouded by a brown fringe. Once a normal child, it's lips were now curled upward into an amused grin, "And then there was one. Hold still, girlie, and I'll make this quick." 
This wasn't a child anymore... whatever it was, it was the physical embodiment of evil itself.
Adrienne loosened her grip on the jacket, her body trembling as she slowly slid the item on and zipped it up, careful not to snag Papyrus' scarf. Rearranging her look of complete brokenness into a weak attempt at defiance, she growled softly, teeth bared, "You.... What have you done?" 
Casually shrugging and holding up a knife, the figure smiled again, tilting its head, "I killed them, you dummy. With all the blood and dust, what else could I have done?" 
She could hardly believe how casual and relaxed this being was; they admitted to murdering everyone she'd ever loved, and they spoke of it as if it was nothing more than a mundane task. Her stomach churned, and she hissed, "You're the worst... How could you do something like this? What did they ever do to you?.... All... all my friends are gone now, because of you." 
Humming softly in confirmation, the figure only grinned proudly, completely devoid of remorse and regret, "I know. I did it because I wanted to... didn't think I really needed a reason." 
The teen rose to her feet, balling her hands into fists, "If you keep talking like that, I'm gonna kill you. Unless you have something constructive to say, shut the fuck up." Still totally at ease, the figure raised an eyebrow, "Wow, that wasn't very nice, y'know." It took a step closer to her, and in response, she took a step back, her attention focused entirely on the entity before her. Sighing, the figure made a face, seeming to be contemplating something before speaking, "Something constructive, let's see... well, our buddy Papyrus, for starters. You wouldn't believe how much of a fight he put up. If I was even a little bit careless, he would've had me. And then Sans... well. We know how Sans can be. He saw what was left of his baby brother, and he came at me with all he had. It didn't take long for him to run out of magic. If it helps you feel better though, he was thinking about you when he was turning to dust. He called out to Papyrus, and then he called out to you... you must be pretty special to him, huh?" 
Adrienne felt her bottom lip tremble as she stared at the figure, her disbelief fading and giving way to grief. She allowed herself another moment of silence, more tears rolling down her cheeks, before her left eye suddenly flared up, igniting with her magic as her look of sadness shifted into a scowl, her voice calm and unexpectedly even, "...You have until the count of three to get out of my sight. If I reach three, you're dead." 
The figure, visibly intrigued by her now glowing eye hummed, lips curling into a devious grin, "Well well, that's a pretty eye you've got there. When I kill you, maybe I'll take it for myself." Adrienne scoffed, choosing not to respond as she began her countdown.
The figure remained where they stood, still wearing the same stupid, smug, evil grin. Totally unphased by the situation. 
As a multitude of bone attacks and icicles began to form, the figures grin started to falter and they unconsciously took a step back away from her, suddenly appearing much less confident than before, "Hey... What the hell is all this about?"
Their question went unanswered, and her eye began glowing much brighter, "Three." 
All of the attacks shot at the figure at once, several of them managing to impale their small, deceptively fragile form.
Adrienne flipped the hood of the jacket up over her face, her voice shaking as she approached the figure, stuffing her hands into her pockets, "I warned you, brat... don't you ever come back here again." Her moment of silence didn't last, interrupted by the faint sound of buzzing, resembling the whir of a machine somewhere. Summoning more bone shaped ice attacks, she slowly turned to look around, surveying her surroundings. 
What she wasn't prepared for though was the figure she'd just killed, standing several meters away and grinning at her, in perfectly good condition again. It must've seen the confusion and disbelief written on her face, laughing softly, "Resetting is such a wonderful little skill I have... sure, you can kill me if you want, but no matter how many times you cut me down, I'll always come back. That's something Sans had to learn the hard way too." She launched her ice attack, but this time, the figure dodged and darted at her with an unforeseeable amount of speed, her eyes widening in fear as she sidestepped the first attack, grabbing the figure by its wrist and trying to turn the blade against it instead of herself. Then to her horror, multiple other knives, all glowing a vibrant shade of red, began to materialize in the air around her. She tried to release her grip on the figures wrist, but to no avail. No matter what she did, she couldn't make her hand let go of the figure. 
As the blades all slowly turned to aim at her, the figure grinned, their facial features contorting into what she could only describe as a demonic expression. Her heart began to race, and the figure tilted its head, amused as the first knife came sailing downward and plunging into one of her arms, earning a shrill scream from her. The blade had pierced her arm, and she screamed again as it ripped through the opposite side of her arm as well, blood immediately beginning to seep out of the injury. A second knife flew at her as well, sheathing itself in her back, dangerously close to her spine. Another scream tore out of her again and she sobbed brokenly, in too much shock to move her body.
The figure grinned maliciously, moving closer and resting a hand on her face, gently shushing her. When she became louder instead, she felt a sharp pain in her left eye; the figure scowled at her, their thumb now almost fully lodged in her socket, "I asked you nicely to shut up. No one wants to hear your pathetic whining." Screaming again as they scraped a nail against the back of her socket, a familiar warm, red substance ran down her face, she felt her body twitch, all of her partially materialized ice attacks dropping to the floor.
The figure watched her quietly for a moment before almost purring, refusing to remove their thumb from her socket, "And here I thought you might actually be a challenge. Tch. Shame... I'm disappointed in you. I'm sure your beloved skeletons would be pretty let down too." Squeezing her good eye shut, she whimpered, her tears seeming to multiply as she weakly whispered, her voice trembling, "If you're gonna kill me, then do it already, damnit." 
A third knife came sailing down, sinking its blade into one of her thighs and earning another pained scream. The figure scoffed at her, raising an eyebrow, "Since when were you the one in control here?" 
Before she was able to form a reply, a black mass appeared, phasing out of the shadows and watching the two of them with a single cyan eye, clearly interested in what was happening. A tendril coated by what looked to be tar shot out from the mass, wrapping tightly around the figures neck and roughly yanking them backward, causing Adrienne to collapse on the ground, yelping in pain and pressing a hand over her empty socket. Hearing the sounds of another battle, she turned her attention away from the figure and the odd black mass, looking toward the pile of dust that used to be her best friend.
She blinked, silently weeping as his form appeared. Though ghostly in appearance, he offered her a warm, sharp-toothed grin, his single gold tooth glinting under the light of the hall. Letting out a soft sigh, the apparition offered her a hand, his gruff voice low, "C'mon kiddo... Let's get your ass back to bed. It's late, y'know."
Her voice shook, only coming out as a whisper as she raised a hand and reached out to the apparition of Sans, "I know, Sans... 'm sorry I left..." As her vision became blurry, the apparition solidified, but she could've sworn she watched it turn black.
Feeling each of the knives be removed from her body, she could only whimper, too weak to fight as the black mass moved closer, the warmth of healing magic surrounding her wounds and sealing them up. Her eye had even been restored, much to her pleasant surprise. She was lifted up by an inky tendril, drifting in and out of consciousness as she was carried out of the hall.
Beginning to awaken later on, she slowly sat up and rubbed her eyes, squinting as she took in her surroundings; she was in a luxurious black and deep purple bed with satin and silk covers, and there was so little lighting that it was nearly impossible to see. Goosebumps prickled at her skin and her heart stopped as she looked down at herself, seeing that her scarf and jacket had vanished. Eyes wide as she began to panic, she pulled the covers back and slid out of bed, taking a single step and yelping as the muscles in her legs convulsed, giving out beneath her. Before she had a chance to hit the thinly carpeted floor, some unknown object looped around her waist, easily catching her.
Though she was relieved, she was also unnerved; who could've caught her? The room was so dark, so how could this mystery person have been able to see where she was?
A deep chuckle could be heard from in front of her and a chill ran down her spine. As a single cyan eye opened and cast it's eerie glow down on her, she froze, immediately remembering the battle in judgement hall. At a loss for words, she could only stare, watching as the goop covered skeleton cocked his head to the side, "If you wanted these so badly, you could've just asked, little one." A tendril snaked out from behind him, her jacket and scarf held loosely in its grasp. Despite the feeling of another tendril still around her waist, she acted on impulse, reaching out to the items of clothing, desperation crossing her expression. The black mass simply tsked and moved her closer to himself with the first tendril, lifting her again so they could be eye level with each other, "Ah ah, not yet. I'll return them to you, but you have to answer some questions first. Do you think you could do that?" Adrienne swallowed the lump in her throat and nodded slowly. Pleased with her compliance, he hummed, "Good... That'll only make things easier. You're in no shape to fight anytime soon, and I really wouldn't want to have to hurt you." Her eyes widened and her pulse quickened, earning another chuckle from him, "You're adorable this way... maybe I'll keep you around. Who knows. Either way, do you have a name?" 
The teen nodded again, her voice barely audible, "...Adrienne. My name is Adrienne." "'Dark one', huh?... That's interesting. Now tell me, what were you doing when I found you in that hall?" Memories flickered in her mind and she cleared her throat, hesitating a brief moment, "I was trying to avenge my friends. That human... the one I was fighting. They killed everyone, everyone I had ever cared for. I was alone and upset, and I wanted to make the fallen human pay." The mass made a soft sound of understanding, listening intently before posing another question, "The people you lost... what were they to you? Just friends and acquaintances? No mate, by any chance?" Cheeks flushing a faint shade of pink, she shook her head, "No, I didn't have a mate... they were all my friends, and some of them were even like family to me, though. They cared for me when no one else would."
Tugging her closer to himself, he lowered his voice slightly, "I see. If you could get them back, how much would you be willing to sacrifice?" The teen furrowed her brow, "I'd give anything. If it meant I could get them back and that I wouldn't lose any of them again, I'd even give up parts of myself." A clearly interested, satisfied purr rumbled in his chest as he pressed further, "Would you be willing to sacrifice your humanity?... All your morals and concerns, all your logic and your fear? Your soul, perhaps?" Frown deepening, she nodded slowly, her voice a whisper, "Yes. If I could have back the monsters I love, then I'd give all of it away. I'm nothing without them." 
The black mass grinned widely, offering her a bony hand, "My name is Nightmare, and I can make that happen. All you have to do is shake my hand, Adrienne." She stared at his hand for a moment, clearly hesitant to do as he'd asked. Grin faltering, he sighed, "I can feel how sad and lonely you are without them, and I know you're scared. In order to get them back though, you must trust me. As of right now, I mean you no harm. I'm your ally here, and I protect my own. You'll be safe, and you'll be with me, along with others that can understand the pain you're feeling. You won't be alone anymore." Hope blossomed in her chest and she looked back at him, meeting his gaze, "If I agree, you promise you'll get back my friends?" The goop covered skeleton hummed in confirmation, "Of course, little one. It's a promise." Sucking in a deep breath, she reached out and shook his hand.
Tightening his grip on her hand, he pulled her closer, delicately pushing her hair back out of her face to examine her eye, "I'm so glad you agreed... You won't regret this, Adrienne. I'll need to change the mark on your eye though. It'll be my mark instead of the old one, and even though it'll be different, your magic will remain totally unaffected." She hummed softly in understanding, trying her best to hold still as he continued observing her eye. Then to her surprise, his pointer finger and thumb shifted, holding her eye wide open as a third tendril appeared, drifting closer to her face. Feeling her anxiety spike, Nightmare smiled slightly, "Don't move, alright? It may sting and cause your eye to water up, but that's normal and the stinging will eventually go away." 
She took a deep breath, doing her best to relax again as she listened quietly, hearing Nightmare begin to chant something unintelligible under his breath. As the tendril moved closer, the very tip of the appendage pressed into her eye just over her iris and pupil, and she hissed, balling her hands into fists. The appendage receded, vanishing behind Nightmare's back, and that's when the stinging began. At first it was tolerable, but as it grew more intense, her eye watered up and she squirmed, whining softly in discomfort. She raised a hand to rub her eye, but a dark, skeletal hand firmly grabbed her wrist, stopping her, "Not a good idea, little one. If you do that, you may just go blind." She whined again and he chuckled, placing his free hand on her head, "It'll be over soon... until then, I think some more rest would benefit you." A wave of sleepiness washed over Adrienne and her body went limp, her eyes slowly drifting shut. Once he was sure that she was fully asleep, Nightmare delicately placed her back down on her bed, laying the scarf and jacket beside her.
Leaning over her, he carefully opened her left eye again, his grin becoming darker and much more malicious as he took note of her eye's condition; the white of her eye was now black, her iris had vanished, and all that remained of her pupil was a small, white crescent moon shape. 
It'd be interesting when she woke up again, and he almost couldn't wait to see what would happen.
As she began to stir a while later, she took notice of the scarf and jacket beside her, slowly sitting up in bed and slipping them on. She tried her hardest to remember the events that took place in judgement hall, but all she could think of was finding the ashes of the skeletons brothers scattered everywhere. She remembered fighting, blood, and getting her eye gouged out, and she remembered the apparition of Sans.
Her lips curled into a wide, manic smile, and despite the tears running down her face, she began to laugh. 
She laughed and laughed, until her sides ached and her face was stained red from tears, and as she got out of bed, her heart leapt in her chest as the sight of the apparition of Sans passed by her open doorway. Eagerly bounding after him, she called out his name, eyes wide and full of excitement and curiosity. Reaching the end of the corridor and seeing that he was nowhere in sight, she made a face, pausing to glance at herself in a mirror.
Seeing her eye, she burst into another fit of laughter, and her entire world went black.
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ninjabobanekokyrie · 4 years
Undertale: No More
Chapter 14-And roaming through this darkness, I’m alive but I’m alone
Sans was never one for making promises.
He hated making them during his childhood, and only despised them more entering adulthood.
The skeleton just despised the idea of making a promise he couldn’t keep, and having to gaze at that heartbreaking expression of that person he hurt by breaking it.
He’s seen that look at Papyrus’s face before.
More than once.
And every time he absolutely hated it.
To know that he just broke not only his baby brother’s trust but his SOUL...it was enough to make Sans’ own soul sting in agony.
Which was why after the last time, he swore to himself that he was done making promises. And he would only make them if he was certain he could keep them.
He never used “I promise”, instead using “Don’t worry ‘bout it, I got it”.
It wasn’t as assuring as a promise, but it was good enough.
And for the longest time, “good enough” worked out.
That was until he met Toriel.
“Y-You want me ta look after a human? Seriously?”
“Oh, I know that it is asking a lot, but I beg of you. I just...I want to know that they will be safe...just knowing that one person won’t try to kill them...that will be enough.”
“.....Alright. I’ll do it.”
“You—You will?”
“Yeah. After all, that sounds a lot easier than the normal amount of work I’m too lazy to do as a sentry. Just following them? Can’t be that hard.”
“Do you promise?”
“I just said I would, didn’t I?”
“Please. Promise me. It’s very important.”
“........Yeah, I promise....”
“Thank you so much....you have no idea what this means to me, it just...thank you.”
Sans sighed, leaning his head in his hand as he stood at his post in Waterfall.
He really got way in over his head with the promise he made to that old lady.
Why did he have to be so weak?
Though, watching the kid had been pretty easy so far. No trouble.
Maybe he’d be able to keep this promise.
He suddenly frowned.
Speaking of which, where was that kid?
He hadn’t seen Frisk since the child first entered Waterfall and given him a big hug before running off to explore.
Was the kid okay? Did something happen? Did Sans fuck this job up so early into the game?
...No. Maybe he was just being paranoid.
Yeah, that had to be it. He was worrying over nothing.
Yawning, he settled down to take a nap.
However, just as he closed his eyes a bone-chilling scream filled the air and Sans jumped, suddenly becoming very alert.
He stood there for a second, before a second scream was heard.
Anxious feeling settling in his SOUL and eye glowing slightly, he teleported away from his post.
“COME BACK HERE!” Undyne yelled as she raised another set of arrows and threw them at Frisk, “GET BACK HERE SO I CAN KILL YA!”
Frisk, with tears running down his cheeks, whimpered and sobbed as he hastily dodged each and every of Undyne’s attacks whilst running, much to Undyne’s chagrin.
Unfortunately, Frisk tripped over his own foot while speeding away from her attacks and fell face first onto the ground, skidding slightly in the process.
Taking note of this, Undyne barked out a booming laugh, “Ha! You clumsy moron!”
Shaking uncontrollably, Frisk sat up. Looking behind him, his heart jumped into his throat at realizing that nothing was behind him except a dead end. More tears rolled down his cheeks as he turned back and saw Undyne cornering in on him, moving closer and closer until she was right in front of him.
Undyne smirked, pointing her spear at the child, “Let’s get this over with, and don’t worry. I’ll make it as quick and painless as possible.”
Frisk whimpered, “P-Please...don’t....”
Undyne didn’t reply, and smirk growing wider she raised her spear and prepared to plunge it into Frisk’s chest, causing Frisk to cover his head with both arms ans curl in on himself.
“SAY GOODBYE!” Undyne yelled, plunging her spear down, but just as it got close to Frisk’s chest a bone attack quickly sprouted from the ground between the two, causing Undyne to lose her balance and aim and yelp in shock, the attack knocking her out of the way and onto the ground and her spear being knocked far out of her reach.
Perplexed and startled, Frisk lowered his arms and looked around for his savior. When his eyes landed on his right, JOY filled his soul as he couldn’t be more happy to see a smiling skeleton. He scrambled to get to his feet at seeing him approach.
‘Man....is Undyne gonna hand it to me...’ Sans thought bitterly, smiling when he saw the kid running towards him. “Hey, kiddo. You al—“
Sans was cut off by the sobbing child throwing himself into his chest, causing him to let out a startled grunt. Frisk sobbed into his chest, clinging to him and whimpering.
Sans snorted softly, wrapping Frisk in his arms and running one bony hand through his locks, “Hey now kid, it’s alright. You’re okay, I promise. C’mon kiddo, don’t cry. You’re safe. Nothin’ ta be scared of.”
Undyne huffed, getting to her feet and dusting herself off.
When she saw Sans consoling the small human, she growled in frustration and began walking over, “SAAAANS!” She yelled.
Frisk flinched. Sans pulled him closer, whispering something in his ear before throwing Undyne one of his permanent grins, “Undyynee! How’s it goin’? You, uhh, you seem pretty heated.”
Undyne glowered at him, “Of course I’m heated, you dumbass! You just attacked me to protect a—wait a minute—why the hell are you protecting a human!?”
Frisk looked down in embarrassment and shame.
“I—“ Sans started then sighed, grin falling. “You had to of been there, Undyne. It’s a long story.”
“ ‘Long story’ my ass! You’re supposed to be capturing humans, not protecting them! Does Papyrus know about this?”
“Yeah. He befriended the kid. And the kid’s been staying with us.”
This greatly irked Undyne, “Papyrus—befriended—are you fucking—ugh!” She cut herself off, running a hand through her hair in anger. “Listen you moron, do you have any idea how dangerous this is!? Harboring a human? Our enemy?! Do you have any idea of what the Royal Guard could do to you if they found out?! If Asgore found out!? What they could do to your brother?!”
Sans threw her a nervous grin, “Yer, uh...Yer not gonna be the one to tell ‘em, are ya?”
Undyne scoffed, “No, I’m not telling crap to anyone. But you both are coming to my place right now and you’re telling me everything! From start to finish!”
She pointed at Frisk, “Human!”
Frisk flinched fearfully.
Undyne glowered at Frisk, “You better watch yourself, you got me? And don’t try anything shady!”
Frisk quickly nodded, hiding in Sans’ chest.
“Good,” Undyne huffed and went to go retrieve her spear. “Now that we all understand each other, let’s go.”
Watching Undyne walk off, Sans tugged at Frisk lightly and gently pulled him off his now wet chest from the child’s tears.
“Don’t worry kid,” Sans smiles at him, “Undyne acts all tough, but she’s a real softie once ya get ta know her. Just stay close, ‘Kay?”
Frisk nodded, and Sans began following Undyne with Frisk close beside him.
The walk to Undyne’s home was a long and awkwardly silent one, all except for Sans telling Frisk jokes to cheer him up and Frisk’s echoing laughter.
When the trio finally reached their destination, Sans entered with Frisk wrapped in one arm and Undyne scowling at the child’s back before walking in herself and shutting the door behind.
“I forgot what a great place you have Undyne,” Sans remarked. “It’s been a while.”
Undyne didn’t answer, merely sitting down at the table.
“Y’know, this is gonna sound like a weird question, but...do ya happen ta have any...coloring activities for the kid? He probably wants to get his mind off all this for a bit.”
Undyne glared at him, before muttering, “As a matter of fact, I do.”
“Wh-Seriously?” Sans chuckled as Undyne stood up and went to a drawer. “No joke?”
“No,” Undyne snorted, blushing slightly. “I keep some on hand here for Papyrus. Is it really hard to believe that despite his age he still loves doing the most childish things?”
“Nah.” Sans replied fondly. “That’s so sweet of you, Undyne.” He teased.
Undyne turned red as she walked back over with a crayon pack and a few coloring sheets and blank papers, “Sh—Shut your mouth!”
She handed them to Frisk, “Here ya go. Don’t cause trouble.”
“Thank you!” Frisk grinned before going to lay on the floor.
“So, how did you get wrapped up in this mess?” Undyne demanded.
Sans swallowed before beginning his explanation. He told her everything, from when they first met Frisk to taking him to Alphys to having the kid stay with them to all the way up to now. By the time he was done, Undyne looked shocked.
She blinked a few times, slowly, before clearing her throat, “So, uh...Al knows about this too?”
“Yeah, but besides you and Pap she’s the only one who knows about all this. He thought about bringing Frisk to you, they even had a battle. But Paps found out that he didn’t have the heart to do it.” Sans riposted.
Undyne smirked bitterly, “That sounds like Papyrus all right. Wouldn’t harm a fly.”
Said monster looked down at her name being called and saw Frisk standing there with a paper in his hand, grin plastered across his face.
Undyne frowned impatiently, “What do ya want, freak?”
Frisk, unfazed, continued to smile and held a colored picture out to her. “Look, I drew you and me together!” Undyne grabbed at it rather roughly and gazed at it. “D-Do you like it?”
The fish monster gaped. Frisk had drawn her and him together, holding hands with big grins plastered upon their faces along with a beautiful scenery full of rainbows and butterflies, and written on the top was a seemingly hopeful message of ‘Friendship!’ scrawled.
Undyne sniffed slightly, blinking back tears. She looked down at a timidly smiling Frisk before letting out a snort of laughter, ruffling his hair.
“Alright, human! I’ll give yer friendship a shot!” She uttered, “But that means you better be at my place next Saturday at eleven sharp for some fun!!”
Frisk gasped happlily, “Yay!” He cheered.
Undyne glanced at Sans, “And don’t worry, ya stupid bonehead, I’ll be sure to keep this between us.” She winked.
Sans beamed in relief, “Yer the coolest, Undyne.”
In all Papyrus’s life of being Sans’ brother, he had never seen Sans look so exhausted like this morning. Big dark bags underneath the skeleton’s eyes.
In the past few months of knowing the human, he’s never seen Frisk look so stressed out before. Jumping at things as little as shadows and branches crunching.
Being the kind monster he was, his SOUL reached out to both of them.
He wanted so badly to help them.
But he just couldn’t figure out how.
And it made him feel so, so small.
He had a good memory, better than Sans’.
And he couldn’t recall ever feeling so helpless like he does now.
Papyrus nervously sipped some of his water, watching Frisk play with his cereal and Sans stare his oatmeal down like it was his greatest enemy.
He cleared his throat, “S-SO...HOW DID EVERYONE SLEEP LAST NIGHT?”
“Terrible...” Sans muttered, being the only one to reply.
Papyrus cast a concerned glance his way, “NYEH? HOW SO, BROTHER?”
“I just...” Sans clenched and unclenched his fists, and it made Frisk’s stomach do flips. “I can’t sleep. No matter how I try...those images keep coming back...I just...I don’t know how much longer I can do this...”
Sans shoved his head in his hands, and Papyrus reached out and squeezed his arm with a sad expression.
Guilt filled Frisk’s SOUL and he chewed his lip, sighing shakily.
He did this. To Sans. To Papyrus. He absolutely hated himself.
“AND HOW ARE YOU, HUMAN?” Papyrus asked.
Frisk snapped out of his daze, and after a few moments muttered, “Not much better...” he paused, “Look, Papyrus...Sans....”
Papyrus looked at him and Sans raised his head up to gaze at the small child.
“I appreciate what you all are trying to do for me...really, I do...and I’m sorry, but...this is just too dangerous for you guys...”
His eyes narrowed as he bit out, “Chara is too dangerous for you guys...”
Dread filled Papyrus’s soul and he choked out, “WH—WHAT ARE YOU SAYING, HUMAN?”
Sans’ expression, which was initially shocked, hardened and before Frisk got to answer he stood up, slamming his fist on the table and startling both his brother and Frisk.
“Damn it, Frisk! I thought I made myself clear!” He snapped angrily. “You are not taking on that psychopath! Not alone!!”
Frisk quickly stood up as well after a minute of silence, glaring back at Sans and leaving Papyrus to helplessly watch the unfolding argument in front of him with a scared expression.
“But I have to, Sans!” Frisk snapped in return. “I need to! You don’t get it! You don’t know Chara like I do!! She’ll chop your head off without a second thought!”
“What, and she won’t do the same to you!?” Sans barked, laughing humorlessly. “Kid, you’re funny! You just got done killing yourself, repeatedly and you seriously think I’m gonna let you out of my sights, let alone fight an insane child killer?! I said no, Frisk!”
“And I say yes!” Frisk challenged, “Sans, I can do this! Please, just let me prove it to you!”
“Frisk—“ Sans warned in a low growl.
“I don’t get it!” Frisk gasped, feeling rising tears. “Why won’t you trust me!?”
This one comment caused Sans to finally explode.
By the end of Sans’ rant, he was panting slightly, glaring at Frisk who now had his head bowed.
“SANS...” Papyrus whimpered softly.
Frisk gradually looked up at Sans, frustrated tears burning in his eyes. “....I hate you...” he muttered tearfully.
Papyrus gazed at the child, baffled by his comment. He glanced at his brother anxiously, who shared his expression of surprise before it quickly twisted into a hard look that made his non-existent stomach churn in fear.
A look that Papyrus hasn’t seen Sans wear in a very, very long time. And yet it still chilled him to the bone.
Sans straightened and snorted. “Yeah, well,” he uttered. “I’m not yer biggest fan right now either, kid. If ya really hate me after all I’ve done for ya, maybe ya should just leave!”
“Maybe I will!” Frisk growled at the skeleton before shoving past him and stomping up the stairs. “I wish I never met you, Sans!”
“Yeah?!” Sans called after him. “I wish I never made that promise for ya!”
Frisk froze in his tracks, halfway up the stairs when the comment hit him. The boy swallowed a sob and blinked back fresh tears, completing his trip up the stairs and made his way to his room, slamming the door behind him.
“BROTHER, HONESTLY,” Papyrus chided, turning to the shorter skeleton with a sad expression, “THAT WAS WAY TOO FAR. YOU TWO WERE MUCH TOO HARD ON ONE ANOTHER.”
“He asked for it, Paps.” Sans stated in return. “‘Sides, I meant every word. That kid has no idea what I sacrificed for him.” He glared at the younger. “I didn’t have ta make that promise. If I could go back, I’d change my choice in a heartbeat and not be such a spineless moron.”
Pap gave him an incredulous look, “TO BE HONEST, I SINCERELY DOUBT THAT.” He uttered.
Sans rolled his eyes, “Whatever. I don’t.” He turned to walk away. “Wake me when it’s mornin’, Paps.”
He teleported away without another word.
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tally-kiza · 5 years
Horrortale and Horrorfell Headcanons
After making some Horrorswap and Horrorswapfell headcanons, I decided to try my hand at Horrorfell and Horrortale hc’s!
(this is slightly edited and revised as of 02/07/2020 so if things seem different than before, thats why)
Horrorfell Papyrus (Voss)
- Years of struggling to survive have tempered his ego and grandiose. He doesn't have the energy to loudly trumpet his own greatness anymore.
- Fights with unruly Snowdin-folk have left his teeth oddly-spaced, cracked and crooked, and a collage of small cracks along his bones and skull.
- After Undyne became queen and began her tyranny, she and Pap got into a terrible fight, which lead to Sans's cracked skull and the loss of Papyrus’s hand. The loss made surviving that much harder, but makeshift prosthetics certainly helped.
- Still the responsible one. (When they’re Underground) he cooks food for himself, Sans, and Snowdin. Sets up very gorey and deadly traps to capture humans. Motivates Sans enough to keep him from dusting. Reports to Undyne daily. Keeps her wrath out of Snowdin.
- Once, when he caught a particularly fierce monster trying to steal food, he attempted to dust them, but the monster fought back and punched a section of Pap’s jaw. Those bones, being too weak from malnutrition, shattered, leaving only half his jaw, only one cheekbone, and vision in only one of his eyes. Talking was very painful for him afterwards, and even when he does get a prosthetic jaw, he never says much, and rarely if ever yells.
- The injury caused blindness in one of his eyes. He was already partially-blind in the other eye from a scar, and with this new jaw injury, it left his vision so poor that he’s legally blind.
- Generally very serious. Resting face is just (눈_눈). After all he's been through, not much can faze him. Rarely ever smiles or laughs, and is easily irritated. He may not be able to yell anymore to express that irritation, but boy does he have a glare that could turn you to stone.
- On the surface, he's still the one taking care of him and his brother. 
- Gets his teeth fixed with braces on the surface--even though he hates how stupid he thinks he looks for the entire 2-year process, he has to admit he’s happy that he’ll be in less pain soon.
- Is given a seeing eye and therapy dog to help him and his brother. Voss says he doesn't need one, that's he's perfectly fine, but he can't deny that it makes his life easier and a heck of a lot nicer. Paps is also pleasantly surprised when the dog comforts Sans when he dissociates, and himself when his thoughts start spiraling and the dark days catch up to him. 
- Both of them try to train it into being a guard/attack dog, but attempts have been unsuccessful (i.e. the dog is sweet as heck and doesn't have a mean bone in its body.)
- While he's not particularly fond of humans, he doesn't outright avoid them like his brother does. But he is, however, the king of passive aggression, and with his irritability, there’s no telling what untoward comments or petty revenge he may hoist upon an unsuspecting human.
- Loves filling out sudoku and crossword puzzles. They’re a nice way to unwind and stretch his brain muscles. It’s almost frightening how fast he can complete them. And he has a shockingly good track record for getting them 100% right almost every time!
- An amazing cook. Can make a gourmet meal out of food scraps. But he doesn’t enjoy it much anymore. It’s just a duty, like everything else. Before the famine, he loved cooking; it was his passion, but then it was... soured for him.
- Despises not being productive, so he works a lot, at the job that makes him happiest: a plant nursery! Weeding, watering, planting trees, etc, it all seems so very mundane but it’s just... such a nice reprieve from the stress he’s used to. He loves helping things grow and flourish instead of destroying them.
Horrorfell Sans (Rem)
- Will eat anything. A N Y T H I N G. Even if it isn't edible. He doesn't go out of his way to do it, but there were times during the famine when there wasn’t any choice.
- Basically a big ol' teddy bear. His closest friends will receive unexpected tsundere cuddles. He’s fluffy no matter how hard he denies it.
- Feels very awkward generally. He doesn't know what to do with himself on the surface. He also tends to says all the wrong things at all the wrong times. Also occassionally blunt and straightforward. Almost rudely so. Doesn’t care much about people’s feelings, he just wants them to know the facts.
- Doesn't make friends easily. Basically ignores most humans on the surface until his brother makes Sans get off his ass and be a contributing member of society. Is openly hostile to humans at first, but after a few years he relaxes around them more.
- If, by some miracle, you actually befriend him and his brother he'll defend you within an inch his life. He doesn’t take friendships and closeness lightly, and if he trusts you enough, he won’t let anything bad happen to you.
- The underground was very aggressive, and you could get attacked at any time, so napping was a no-go. On the surface, however, once he feels safe, he will nap. ALL. THE. TIME. There is no waking him before he is ready.
- He's not in the best state of mind, so he probably won't ever get a full time job, but he'll probably do odd jobs once in a while. Something easy with heavy lifting or where he can slack off.
- The hole in his head gave him memory problems worse than HT Sans's. If you tell him something, Sans could very well forget it almost 5 minutes later. Gets lost often and forgets where he is, so his brother tags around with him a lot to help keep Sans on track.
- Luckily writing things down is a pretty good solution to that, so he keeps a lot of pencils and notebooks around for when he needs to jot down notes to remember.
- Much like Red, Rem adores video games. The former prefers horror and competitive games where he can whup the asses of anyone he wants, whereas the latter likes more casual stress-free games like Candy Crush and Angry Birds -- Rem’s had enough stress for one lifetime, he doesn’t want any more of it. So the more casual ones are his favorites. 
- Collects objects! Mostly little knickknacks and trinkets he finds, like marbles, tickets, stamps, even slow globes! His otherwise sparse room is filled with these and he loves every one of them.
- After Undyne smashed his skull in, it took a part of his eye socket too, so he's blind in that eye now. His other eye is bright red and dilated just like HT Sans’s eye.
- Thinking is so hard sometimes... so he doesn’t talk much anymore. And he still loves puns and jokes but making them is harder these days because of his injury. The easiest ones for him are knock-knock jokes, so he has a set of bone-themed ones that he memorized a long time ago to shoot off whenever appropriate.
- Has occasional episodes where he depersonalizes and derealizes. The world around him gets fuzzy and its hard to think and react. Those moments are... distressing. Once in a while, he’ll also have black-out fits of rage, mostly triggered by the site of heavy bleeding -- but his brother can usually talk him down from those. 
- Like all the others, the famine left him really messed up. He doesn't like thinking about it, and even though he doesn’t regret doing what he had to to survive, the guilt still eats him up sometimes...
Horrortale Sans (Mars)
- Quiet and observant. When he gets to the surface, he doesn't talk much, and when he does it's usually some sassy joke or observation. Usually talks the most when his bro is around, but generally he’ll just let Pap steer the conversation instead.
- Doesn't remember much from before Frisk left. The majority of his scientific knowledge has disappeared. He knows he used to know these things, and it frustrates him endlessly that he can't understand it anymore. He tries to read scientific studies once in a while, but always ends up just throwing his phone/book across the room in frustration.
- Not very hostile towards humans, just ignores those he can. Often people stare at him and it gets... very annoying after a while. So he just ignores them and keeps doing his thing.
- Often dissociates, he spaces out and loses himself. Occasionally during these moments he’ll forget that he’s on the surface and he’s safe. So his bro made a list for him of things to remember during these, when he’s not around to comfort Mars in person. The list includes like Frisk is gone, they can’t hurt anyone; humans are good; they’re safe and well; they're not going back underground. It’s ver comforting to Sans.
- Has a weird fascination with dark jokes. They simultaneously make him uncomfortable yet he loves them. He won’t say them too often, most of the time just to unnerve someone he dislikes. (Pap groans and chastises Sans whenever he makes them, but secretly deep down, he finds them funny too.)
- On the surface, he’ll often wear a beanie or his hood to cover up the hole in his skull. Having it exposed to surface air, especially high winds, felt similar to strong winds whipping against your face, so the beanie helps with that. Eventually though, he gets a prosthetic mold that perfectly fits into the hole, so it’s all covered and he doesn’t have to worry about it anymore. Mars is a lot happier with it.
- Hates sand. It’s coarse and rough and gets everywhere like his joints and head hole.
- Loves sandwiches. Passionate about them. There’s just so many possibilities to them. Makes them out of everything so that they usually end up being at least 3+ inches tall. Yet he can’t open his teeth so how can he eat them...?? Truly, it is a mystery.
- Likes listening to instrumental songs. Especially the relaxing kind. They’re such a nice reprieve from the constant, deafening silence of the Underground.
- Post-it notes are a life-saver. He has terrible memory, so he keeps a bunch of them in his hoodie and scattered all over the walls of his house so he can write down stuff before he forgets.
- Ver affection-starved. He secretly loves affection but doesn’t get it enough (from anyone other than his bro). Is surprisingly soff for cuddles and petpats. Feeling your soft touch on his bones always makes him so soft and happy.
- When Mars got to the surface, he discovered all these insanely cool weather phenomena and fell in love. They never had anything like that underground, so seeing it all for the first time, in all its chaotic, unpredictable, majestic glory left him starstruck. It’s one of the few things hes genuinely interesting in, and his face always lights up whenever he talks about the different types of tornadoes and lightning and! the aurora!! It's so awesome, he loves all of it.
- Loves watching livestreams of the sky and weather-events. Usually it’s so chill and quiet to him, even if there’s something not-so-chill-and-quiet being recorded. It’s ver relaxing to him.
- Befriending Mars is a task and a half. He assumes anyone who tries to get close to him is up to no good. But with a combination of puns, friendliness, and persistence, he will eventually trust you. Once you get past his aloof exterior, he’s a pretty nice and chill friend to have. 
- Hates to think about the famine and his time underground. Even though he’d do it all over again to save him and his brother, he’s still haunted by the memories of what he had to do. Barely ever entertains the idea about doing so on the surface.
Horrortale Papyrus (Jupiter)
- Fashion icon. Like dang, can this skellie put an outfit together. If you ever need fashion tips, always go to Paps. He’ll use the opportunity to show off his wardrobe and all his cool embroidered leather jackets and boots. He even offers to embroider your clothes too so you can look like him!
- Like canon Papyrus, Jupiter is charmingly eccentric. Not crazily so, just in that usual Papyrus way. But he’s also a lot chiller, too. The famine sapped his energy, so it got harder to proclaim his cool greatness, but he still likes thinking he can still be cool and great after all these years.
- An excellent cook. Can make a buffet out of scraps. Ever since he got out from the surface, now that he has all the ingredients he could ever want, he’s taken up cooking as a serious hobby. He’s even won multiple local cooking contests! Only ever cooks vegetarian meals, but with the power of tofu, he always makes them taste succulent and delicious.
- Baking, however, is still a bit of a challenge for him, but Pap is determined to master it just like he did cooking!
- Has a giant collection of small succulent plants in his house. They’re everywhere, on the windowsills, the bookshelves, hanging from the ceiling. He loves them and their simple beauty; seeing them throughout his home always makes him smile.
- After he arrived on the surface, he almost immediately got braces to fix his teeth. The fancy kind with colorful dots! They’re kinda painful to wear, but nonetheless he’s psyched the entire time that his teeth will be better soon.
- Gets helpful glasses on the surface. He loves them; not only do they allow him to see-- which had been progressively harder underground as he became increasingly malnourished-- but they look cool too! They even fade into being sunglasses when he goes outside, so every time the sunny rays hit his face, he becomes his Ultimate Coolness Form!
- It’s... it’s harder to believe sometimes that with everything that’s happened and with the way he looks now that he’s... cool. But! He always has Sans’s and his therapist’s encouraging words to rely on when he feels down, which is always a big help to him.
- Loves wholesome memes, and will send them to you all the time. He especially likes the drink water ones, mostly because he thinks it’s an important healthy reminder. “YOU NEED WATER, HUMAN! IF YOU DON’T DRINK WATER, YOU MIGHT TURN INTO A PRUNEY, DEHYDRATED RAISIN AND DIE! AND THAT WON’T BE A FUN SITUATION FOR ANYONE. SO PLEASE DRINK YOUR LIQUIDS!”
- His favorite activity is! Picnics!! Especially in the park and with other people! They’re so much fun, he loves nomming his delicious foodstuffs on a comfy blanket while the warm sunlight shines on his happy face. It’s extra fun when there’s clouds in the sky for him and you and anyone else to find cool shapes in!
- Still gets panic attacks from time to time, when the memories get too strong and he feels like he’s still underground, starving to death... He goes to counseling to deal with his trauma. The famine really did a number on him, and even though he puts up fronts and says he's fine, it’s hard to deal with the memories sometimes.
- Really cares for his brother and always makes an effort to be there for him. The famine, even though it led the bros to be closer than ever before from seeing each other in those desperate states, put a strain on their relationship. But on the surface, after everything’s said and done and they’re getting the help they need, it’s steadily improving.
- Jupiter is hard of hearing. He has difficulty differentiating certain words, and talks loudly to be able to hear himself better. On the surface however, he gets treatment so his hearing is far improved! Apart from getting a hearing aid, he takes up learning sign language (mostly so he can be cool in more than one language!), and likes it and talking to people with it so much that he eventually becomes a sign language interpreter! It’s a great job and he loves being able to help people this way.
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gasters-story · 5 years
Chapter 37
Word Count: 2,064
Rocksan didn't leave when she found Gaster in such a mental state. She moved the soul containers to the wall away from Gaster before coming back to sit in front of him since he was still staring at the same spot.
"I heard the CORE will be open soon." Rocksan says, trying to make conversation with the other.
"In a week if testing goes well."
"I bet people will really like it."
"Mhm." Rocksan wasn't getting very far with this. Gaster only gave minimal responses. He did eventually mutter something while the two were both silent. "Two more to go."
"Is that so…?" Rocksan mutters. She knows very well that they could be out only halfway through the CORE's development or even now with the soul recently collected. Maybe they would have never been down here in the first place.
Gaster mover to bury his face in his hands and leaned over. "How many people have I ended the lives of? How many lives have I ruined?" Rocksan didn't know what to say in response to that. She's of course never seen Gaster in a state like this and no one else might have. Never so admittedly broken in this way at least.
The second one to see would be in soon. Anton softly knocked on the door before entering and slightly illuminating the very poorly lit room. He seemed to already figured what was up as he shut the door. He sat on the ground beside Gaster to wrap his arms around the other.
"Do you think Vedran is disappointed in me?" While Rocksan didn't understand, Anton clearly did as he shook his head. He had Gaster look up in his direction after that.
'I'm sure he's not. He just wishes the best for you.' Anton writes. Gaster just stares, seeming unsure instead. 'I've visited Asgore since you didn't seem like yourself lately. You couldn't burden it anymore, huh?' Anton gave him a weak smile. 'I'm sorry but I just wanted to know what was wrong.'
Gaster shook his head before lowering it again. Anton just gave a comforting kiss on the forehead. Rocksan didn't know much more than Anton was doing better at this than she was. She was going to leave to let Anton take care of it instead but he grabbed her by her sleeve. He offered an arm for her to join the hug as well.
Rocksan was very hesitant at first, wondering if she even belonged, before she gave in and hugged Gaster with Anton. The scientist seemed to calm down after a while until there was a beeping noise. He pulled away and took out a small device. After a moment of looking at it he speaks up.
"I gotta go." He says and teleports off without waiting for any kind of response. Anton silently sighs after just a moment.
'He better not be pushing himself again…' He writes. Rocksan nodded in response and let out a not silent sigh. She could only guess he was doing just that.
Gaster went all the way to another part of Hotland. That's where Sans paged him to go at least. Of course, he was not too far off from there and seemed to be watching something. Gaster heads on over and gets Sans' attention.
"Where?" He almost glares at the other a bit, clearly making Sans more worried than he was before.
"Over there." Sans pointed in a direction with a human like figure in the distance. "They shot Aella back in Snowdon and when their weapon stopped working they started running from everyone they see. I got the monster looking after Aella's kid to look after Papyrus and paged you while running after them to find where they were so-"
"So I can do the dirty work myself." Gaster says, cutting the other off before the details so he can just start his way over to the human already. Sans seemed troubled by that but didn't bother to speak up about it.
When the human noticed him and tried to run away, Gaster just appeared in front of them. Even when they tried to run away in a different direction the same thing would happen then. There was clearly no way Gaster would let them escape. Even they knew that.
Tears began to form in the human's eyes. "How could you take them from me?! What did they do to you monsters?!" Gaster could already have a good guess on what they meant and why they were throwing such a fit down here. He pulled on their soul and lifted them into the air.
"Doesn't mean you can just prance around here causing more problems than we need since we have other problems to deal with in the first place." Gaster glares before piercing them for a somewhat merciless and painless death.
Gaster stared at the yellow soul for a moment after he pulled it out. A soul of justice killed Aella, a mother who just wished to help and protect her kingdom. Everyone's justice can be just that different.
The scientist made his way back to where Sans is. He forcibly gives the soul to the other and starts to walk off, almost leaving Sans completely confused. "I've got some things to do, bring that to the lab."
He went all the way to Snowdin first, where Aella was shot and killed. Monsters were already collecting the dust and mourning about the event together. Besides passing by to see what was going on with that, he also came here because Undyne's babysitter was here. He's pretty sure the babysitter was also the one Alphys was given to after Aksinya's death until she had a proper new parent.
The monster answered the door even if seeming both surprised and confused about his arrival. When he asked for Undyne it lowered both feelings a bit with a tinge of sadness, knowing why he would ask for the poor child. He was one of the pick-up guardians in case something happened and this was one of those very cases. He told them to look after Papyrus a bit longer until Sans can pick him up though.
Nothing was said between Undyne and Gaster until they reached Hotland. "Why are going all the way over here? Mama's house is back thata way." She pointed behind them with one hand while holding Gaster's hand with the other.
"No one can watch you there." Gaster simply answers her. He knows he had to be the one to break the facts to her but he didn't exactly want to.
"Mama can! She always takes care of me!" Undyne exclaims innocently. Gaster tried not to empathize with her since he knows what it's like losing the person taking care of you but it's hard not to anyways.
"She's gone. She doesn't belong to the same world as us anymore." He didn't know how to say it exactly but she seemed to understand it being put that way anyways. Her head fins lowered and tears started to form as the reality started to hit her hard. her voice cracked when she tried to speak in response.
"G-gone?" The tears rolled down her cheeks. "She can't be gone! She has to play music for me and tuck me in at bedtime and show me how to fight and-"
"She's gone and there's nothing you can do about it!" Gaster snaps. They both stop in their tracks and fall silent until Gaster tugs her arm to in a sense say keep going. Undyne speaks up after a small sniffle.
"What do I do then?" She asks. "What do I do without my mama?"
"I'm going to take you to someone who can take care of you. It won't be the same but at least you'll have someone." Undyne just seemed to accept that and kept walking with the other.
She kept her gaze down, probably trying to comprehend it fully, until Gaster knocked on the castle doors. Asgore answered after just a moment, surprised to even see the two.
"What brings you here with Undyne?" He asks the unusual visitor. Gaster gently pushed the kid forward on her back with his hand.
"I just thought that since you have a problem with being lonely, you could look after her." Gaster answers. Asgore didn't quite understand it all yet but told Undyne to head inside to the living room. "Aella got killed by a human that fell down. I took care of them though." The scientist mutters to continue and explain. He hoped Undyne didn't hear but it was hard to tell. With his luck she probably did.
"I see… how unfortunate then…" Asgore mutters in response. When Gaster went to turn and leave, the king spoke again. "Look, Gaster. I know this has been taking a toll on you. How about you come in for a cup of tea? Please?"
Gaster hesitated before he just let out a sigh. "Fine." Asgore got the tea brewing once Gaster came inside. He then got Undyne situated in his home before the tea was ready so he fan pour some for all three there.
"Are you sure you're fine by yourself?" Asgore asks when he hands Gaster his cup. "It's only one more. Should I take this last one?"
"It's because it's only one more that I should take this last one." Gaster responds. Asgore seemed to really want to press on but knew it wouldn't get anywhere, knowing Gaster at least.
"Then how about this. If they make it to my castle, I'll deal with them. If the guards get them, I'll tell them to bring them to you. How's that?" Asgore offers.
"Works for me." Since there was little hesitation, Asgore figures the other would just lie about it anyways. He at least tried to make a deal, but now he was out of options. He just let Gaster go when his tea was gone and continued helping Undyne settle in.
Gaster kept himself in the labs most of the time after to wait. He didn't talk to anyone, even if Anton or Rocksan came by. They would try to get him to open up but it didn't really work. Sometimes Anton would just hug him for long periods of time or Rocksan would sit next to him for awhile.
The only thing that made a difference was dragon fossils that was delivered to him from areas dug out for some of the CORE's area additions, small extra projects. Gaster inspected and even dated them for their age, pretty impressed by the ancient monsters. Legends did say they were strong enough that at least their bones don't dust yet Gaster didn't think it was true until now. He decided to do some experiments with them.
Sadly Gaster couldn't manage it with the whole body, due to missing pieces especially, but using a small skull of a dragon he managed to link his soul up to it to essentially revive it with the soul energy. It had purple eyelights, like Gaster's somewhat of a soul color, and flew around at first to explore the labs. After a long and absolutely annoying chase, Gaster managed to see what it could do and how the link works. He found he could summon it, which would have been useful earlier, while the skull itself could shoot beams like a dragon's breath somewhat and teleport around.
Gaster didn't like how affectionate the skull ended up being, even if probably being only a young dragon anyways. It was constantly nuzzling up against him and flying in circles around him. He'd rather one of the older skulls. He might give this one to Papyrus for a trade out so he doesn't have to deal with it. He'd much prefer that than keep the annoying thing around.
He did end up introducing the dragon skull to Papyrus and they got along well to the point the young skeleton named it "Cuddles" since it was so affectionate. Cuddles eyelights soon changed to orange after that and Papyrus had an easy pet to look after with Sans.
Gaster could just make more from there anyways. It didn't really take a toll on his soul either like a connected weak soul. He just hoped the next ones aren't that affectionate this time so he can have easier ones to handle.
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specialmindz · 5 years
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“LOOK SNAS! Weaves.” Papyrus held out his gloves to show his brother the handful of wet leaves he had picked off the ground, wearing a big smile…though it was a tad TOO big for Sans liking…  
“yep, those are leaves all right...you’re not gonna eat those are ya’?”
“Course’ not stink head,” said the baby bones, slightly insulted. “Unlike you big Buther, I knows the difference between clothes and food. You think the baby be stupid?”
“i don’t eat trees and those aren’t clothes. trees don’t wear leaves to stay warm, otherwise they wouldn’t be on the ground come winter.”
“They’re hats Snas, and hats are clothes. Twees doesn’t wear them during winter cause’ they all worn out,” Papyrus picked up a leaf. “See dis leaf? It gots holes in it. Not good. They needs new hats.”
“no they don’t, the leaves collect sunlight for them so they can get energy, pappy. There’s holes in them because insects are eating them.”
Apparently, he thinks I’M stupid…
“Not erybody a twee-eating woah-bot Snas…sides’ we’s underground silly bones!”
“i’m not-”
“And the sun don’t go out in winter! Nyeh heh heh!”
Sans gave his brother a look, but stayed silent. He knew full well that his younger sibling was just waiting for him to argue so he could start some kind of drama and he wasn’t going to give the infant the satisfaction. Papyrus knew about the sun lamps that hung from the mountain ceiling and if he wanted to pick a fight about something that stupid, he was going to have to try a little harder than that.
I wish he’d put his energy to good use…I know he’s just a baby, but he’s smart right? He could do some real good for the Underground if he’d just try. Why does he wanna act stupid and annoy people all the time?
“We should be good baes and get the twees some new hats before someone cut them down,” said Papyrus, pulling Sans out of his thoughts. “They moves real slow ya’ know? Like Charlie. I bet Dirt-Butt knows where the hat store be! Is probably in one of those tunnels…a kiosk if baby had to guess.”
Oh yeah, Flowey! I forgot about him, he hasn’t visited us in a while.
Maybe Papyrus ISN’T trying to start a fight after all…maybe he thinks since Flowey’s a monster, ALL plants are monsters…they just can’t talk like he can.
Still feels like he’s messing with me though, why call the leaves hats instead of hair? They grow on top of the trees like hair and hair falls out and I even heard it gets damaged…
An image of Undyne arguing with her mother flashed through his mind. She got in trouble often because she wouldn’t put her hair up before swimming and usually ended up with leaves and other grasses Sans wasn’t familiar with tangled in her bright red locks.
One day she might make a habit of putting it in a ponytail of some sort, but for now, her hair was too short for her to care too much. She was never one to care about her physical appearance; if it wasn’t slowing her down in the water or getting caught on stuff, Undyne simply didn’t and wouldn’t care no matter how much her mother screamed at her.
I’m glad I don’t have hair. As pretty as it is, it looks hard to take care of.
Where is Undyne anyway? She was supposed to meet us here…
“huh?” Sans stopped daydreaming and looked down to find a very annoyed baby bones glaring up at him. Apparently, he had missed a question…that, or an entire conversation.      
“uh, sorry. what’s a kiosk?”
“*Sigh* Is a tiny shop dat sells tiny things,” replied the baby holding his fingers close together. “I was talkin’ bout’ how there might be one that sells hats for da’ twees in one of those tunnels.”
“you mean the dog tunnels?”
“Yep! Is a good hiding pace cause’ lossa peoples think branches are the twee’s arms, but is really their roots. They use them to walk and grab stuffs from underground like Dirt-Butt, but you probly already knowed that. Hippie’s be one wit da’ nature! You’s keeping the twee store a secret right? Cause’ is illegal? You help the twees a widdle and they give you a munch on da’ side?”
“what the hell are you talking about papyrus?” asked Sans completely lost.
“You’s leading peoples astray wit yo’ cwazy talk about twees having solar powers so that no one will cut them down and in return, they let you eat their hats.”
Oh good, it’s another one of his conspiracy theories. Those don’t get old at all.
“the only one talkin’ crazy here is you baby bro. i don’t know how dad made you, but something went very wrong.”
“Nope, I’s right all right. You just gots da’ trust issues. You think I’s gonna tell erybody about the store, so you’s lying with the deceit!” exclaimed the baby pointing his finger at his brother accusingly. “Don’t know why you think baby would do dat, I’s always been nice to you and I’s ALWAYS honest, but-”
“bullcrap you’re honest! ain’t nothing ‘honest’ about you!”
“If daz what you think, then your memory be worse then the baby’s!”
“You should go ask Daddy to fix yo’ memory brain big Buther.”
Okay he DOES want to start a fight.
“my memory’s fine and you know it. you lie about everything. you told me the mountain was made out of dinosaur poop!”
“It is!”
“it’s not.”
“Is too! Daz why all mountains are big and pointy and stuffs grow on them. Is cause’ doody be good fer-ti-lizer. Dis mountain don’t smell no more cause’ is been a gazillion years is all…”
“you’re so full of crap.”
“Nuh uh, ask the baby bear dat lives here, he know! He tell me humans climb doody mountains like dis allll the time looking for bears, so they can injects em’ with stuff dat turns them into candies.”
“i doubt he even knows you.”
“He do, he know me and he tell da’ baby dat the serum stuffs make all their fur fall out and turns their bodies into gummies. It shrink them too Snas! Like, reeeal small, till’ they can fits in yo’ hand. Humans call the candies Gummy Bears and they puts em’ on their nice cream.”
“gummy bears huh? shame. that’s not a very creative name pap, and you were telling such a great lie too.”
“I’s NOT lying! I gots poof, see?” Papyrus pulled a bag of…something, out of his jacket and held it up proudly. “It say ‘Gummy Bears’ and inside be widdle dead bears that got caught stealing pic-i-nic baskets. Dis what bears get for stealing big Buther…they doesn’t go to jail cause’ they strong enough to bend da’ bars.”
“eww! put that down papyrus, it’s dripping!”
“NO! These MY gummies! Go find yo’ own Snas!”
Papyrus ran through the snow as best a baby bones could in a vain attempt to protect his gummies from his hungry hippo brother, but the snow was FAR too deep for such a tiny thing like him he realized, as he noticed Sans walking beside him nonchalantly with his hands in his pockets.
Fine then, Plan B.
Rolling onto his back, he began kicking in the air, holding onto his bag of candy protectively. “If you think taking candies from dis baby gonna be easy, we’ll see what you think after yo’ teeths go missing, NYEH!”
“you’re gonna get sick bro.”
“I PUT YOU IN DA’ MEDICAL WING FIRST! You weave mah gummies alone stink buther, YOU GOTS YOUR HATS!”
Teleporting behind his sibling, Sans grabbed the bag with the shrieking baby bones still attached. He didn’t know HOW Papyrus had managed to eat so many things from the Dump without getting sick, but the comedian’s paranoia was starting to get to him. Monsters that couldn’t handle the poisonous fumes from the volcano in Hotland were dropping like flies and being sent to their Medical Ward in the lab, never to return; in fact, NO sick monsters were returning from the Medical Ward, despite some of their illnesses not being all that serious.
It’s because we’re so low on magic crystals.
The medicines we use are made from plants that need sun lamps like these to live, but without the crystals to provide the electricity...
“…i hope WE don’t get sick…”
Papyrus stopped screaming for a second. “Nyeh?”
Uh oh, what was Sans thinking about NOW? Obviously, his mind was no longer on the bag of Gummy Bears…or on how cruel he was being, taking candies away from cute little skelly babies such as himself.
He seemed to be fixated on the sun lamps above them, glowing dimly, definitely not as bright as last month. Papyrus didn’t really know how the lamps worked, or at least he didn’t remember anyway, but he knew why they were dim. They had to turn the power down to conserve what little energy they had left.    
“Why you worried bout’ the fake suns Snas? You still gots da’ fake sparklies in Waterfall…”
“*sigh* you…you don’t understand bro. the plants we use…they need these lights to live. if they go out, we won’t have any more medicine or even foo-”
Oh shit.
Aw crap, I shouldn’t have said anything.
“BUT YOU NEEDS FOOD!” exclaimed Papyrus, dropping to the ground and putting his hands to his cheekbones. “WHAT YOU GONNA DO IF THERE NO PLANTS FOR YOU TO MUNCH HIPPIE WOAH-BOT BABY? YOU CAN’T WIVE OFF MILK LIKE I DOS!”
“you don’t live off milk, i’ve seen you eat other…you were just trying to eat this garbage!”
“Don’t worry Snas! We gonna go find Dirt-Butt and get him to tell the twees the sit-u-ation-”
“We gonna get him to tell the twees in their language that times have changed. Like an old diaper, IS TIME TO DO AWAY WITH PAST TRADITIONS AND WELCOME DA’ NEW!”
“what the hell are you talking about?”
“NO LONGER SHALL THEY LIVE THEIR WIVES AS NUDISTS!” cried Papyrus, pumping his fist into the air.
“the hell do you know what a nudist is? we don’t watch videos like that!”
“iii don’t think you understand how trees OR sun lamps work baby bro…”
“NO, no one’s fighting ANYONE, and get outta here flowey! where’d you even come from?!”
Poking his head out from behind a tree, Flowey leapt up onto a nearby stump and began his trademark wiggling dance, equipped with a smile. “I heard the brat say my name a couple minutes ago. Usually, that means something terrible is about to befall me in the near future, so I thought I’d stick around and learn what that something was beforehand, so as to avoid any trauma…wasn’t aware this was a pep rally though.”
“it’s not. like i said, no one’s fighting anybody, pap’s just being dumb.”
“YOU DUMB! They are gonna fight Snas! monsters be cutting power from the high lamps so big peoples can have their coffee, and they cuts twees down for firewood if their hats not pretty enough! DIRT-BUTT’S PEOPLE BE OPPRESSED!”
“you two are NOT on the same page.”
“Hm?” Flowey turned his head towards a tree that had yet to lose most of its leaves upon hearing something rustling within. Squinting his eyes didn’t do him a bit of good in finding out just who the shadowy figure lurking amongst the branches was, but the text that appeared when they spoke…and the voice that accompanied it, were all the hints he needed to get him rolling them in IMMEDIATE annoyance.
Oh good, it’s Fish Breath. I was waiting for someone to ruin my day…
“Nyeh? Where you going Dirt-Butt?”
“Yeaah, I forgot, the trees and I juust passed this new law that says no hanging out with dorks…sucks huh?”
“Oh don’t you two look at me like that! You know I voted against it, but we plants run a democracy sooo…duces dorks! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!”
And with that, Flowey vanished into the ground just as Undyne came tumbling down the tree.
“undyne!” Sans dropped the bag of gummies and ran over to help her up. “don’t touch that bag bro! undyne, are you alright?”
Sans stopped.
“Um, hello? Aren’t you gonna help me up? I’M A LADY DAMNIT!”
“*Mamph* I’ll helps you *gulp* Fish Lady!”
“I’m just kidding Papyrus, I’m okay, I’m fi-no…no Papyrus, don’t-don’t touch me, go. Go. Over. There. Go to your brother.”
“You wants some of these candies? They’re good…”
“No, they smell gross and they’re dripping with gay water,” said Undyne, pushing Papyrus towards Sans.
“Is okay! I heard-ed somewhere that the rainbow water only affects froggets…”
“Why? Because they’re water monsters? Well so am I, so I can’t eat stuff from the Dump.” She looked around the wooded area. “Where’s that one guy that was shouting about homicide? I know there was someone else here!”
Did he climb up a tree like I did?
“genocide, not homicide. Flowey left awhile ago. As soon as you fell out of that tree as a matter of fact…why WHERE you up there anyway?”
“I was on a stakeout, looking for that one kid that likes to get mad at people when they don’t find him funny. Snowdrake or whatever his name is.” She scanned the area again with her one good eye; there was DEFINITELY someone else here before. She wouldn’t mistake an annoying high-pitched voice like that for Sans or even Papyrus.
Where could they have gone so quickly?
“what, snowdrake? why?! snowdrake isn’t a criminal! he gets mad when people don’t like his puns, but he doesn’t ATTACK people!”
Undyne glared at him, but Sans refused to back down. Snowdrake was one of the few people he HOPED he could become friends with in time. He didn’t seem to care about how dangerous his little brother was, only that Sans enjoyed his jokes. Apparently, his father was a comedian and had been for several years, but the two didn’t get along because of one singular problem Snowdrake had. He didn’t understand comedy. He enjoyed puns like Sans, but he couldn’t seem to grasp the concept of what they were for and he often got angry whenever people didn’t find him funny.
To be honest, his temper tantrums were an embarrassment to Sans, but he hoped in time he’d grow out of it, and he damn sure wasn’t going to ruin everything by ratting him out to Undyne so she could play hero…  
“a bigger problem?”
“A poacher of endangered monsters! Where did this genie-killer go Sans? YOU HAVE TO TELL ME OR YOU’RE AN ACCOMPLICE!”
The Font stared at her for a moment, torn between being relieved that her attention had been drawn elsewhere and being annoyed with having to once again deal with another big plate of stupid so early in the morning. “what genie-killer? genies don’t even exist. i said GENO-cide, not genie-cide. you heard wrong.”
“I don’t think so. Another name for genies is ‘djinn’ and it’s pronounced the same way. I’m not stupid Sans! I don’t read nerd books, but I study the law and stuff! GEN-ocide or DJINN-ocide, however you want to spell it, is the murder of GENIES-”
“And genies are a rare breed of ghost monster that possess an object and come out only to grant wishes-”
This is a VERY big plate of stupid.
“THAT’S why poachers are after them. If bad people make bad wishes, it could destroy the world, so they hunt them down. Your friend might THINK he’s doing everyone a favor, but he’s still a murderer if he kills one-”
“genies do not exist.”
“*Nom* Nowheres but the Middle East anyways.”
Papyrus reached into his bag. “The word ‘djinn’ is Arabic. That mean genies come from da’ Middle East…dat’s where Egypt be big Buther. Is in da’ middle of the earth…but also a widdle east,” he popped a gummy into his mouth. “I doesn’t know if they come from Saudi Arabia or Iraq, but they definitely not live here. They be used to desert environments ya’ know? It be too cold in da’ Massachusetts.”
“How did you spell that…?”
“the only word i recognize there is ‘egypt.’ that…place you keep talking about.”
“Well maybe if you read-ed books about our panet instead of about sparklies all the time, you’d know somethin’.”
“we don’t HAVE books like that.”
Not even in the library. Everyone left for Mt. Ebott at such short notice, they just brought what they had on them. Most of the books come from what the kids had in their backpacks when they…
Wait a minute…
“Daddy do. He gots allll da’ info on stuffs. He taked all the important books out the library for himself and the baby! He say the bigger I gets, the more memories I lose, so I gots to read lots! He say I can’t let YOU read them though, cause’ you might leave and travel da’ world without me, but I know you not do that. You can read mah books whenever you wants ALL you wants…”
“wait hold on, you have a memory problem?”
This was news to Sans.
Assuming it wasn’t a lie of course.
It was true he hadn’t been paying much attention to Papyrus much to his shame, what with worrying about their future and all, but when he did, he noticed there WERE, in fact, instances where he would question his baby brother’s intellect, or at the very least, his mind.
There was once a time when Sans and paranoia were inseparable. He would question everything his brother said and did, knowing he was the Lying Font, and always assuming Papyrus was messing with him, he would prepare for the worst or simply flat out ignore the baby bones; but things had long since changed. Nowadays, it was difficult to tell whether or not the infant believed his own lies and that made weeding them out in general that much more difficult. His father warned him:
“Papyrus is the king of deceit. As he grows older his lies will become more intricate and deadly."
An intimidating message that seemed less laughable as the months flew by.
He thought it’d be easy…for HIM at least, to tell when his brother was lying, because he spent the most time with him, but the reality was, his sibling was changing right before his eyes and Sans couldn’t decide if he was getting dumber or cleverer. According to his father, the Papyrus fonts were the world’s greatest actors because they were METHOD actors; walking, talking, even thinking like the characters they tried to portray. They were the only people on earth who could pretend to be somebody else for years if not forever without going completely insane, because they had no set personality and weren’t aware that they’re lying not only to everyone around them, but to themselves included…but SANS’ brother had Wingdings, meaning there was enough there…enough personality to have a second font anyway, and that drove the comedian insane.
I know my bro’s a genius; he knows about trees.
DOES he have a memory problem?
Did he forget what leaves are? Or how sun lamps work?
Or is he just pretending to be an ordinary baby who doesn’t understand how the WORLD works yet?
He’s lying. He has to be lying. He’s lying right? He’s just pretending to have memory problems so his future lies will seem more innocent. “Oh, I didn’t MEAN to lie when I said the wind on the surface sometimes picked up houses and threw them at people big Brother! I just forgot how wind works cause’ I have memory issues!”
Lying little shit.
He’s lying right?
“…for real pap, do you really have memory problems?”            
“Yep. I used to know erything a baby needed to know to be big, but now there be things I gots to understand all over again. It suck monkey big Buther…” Papyrus looked sad, but Sans couldn’t tell if it was because he was telling the truth, or because he had run out of those disgusting gummies of his. The infant tilted the bag upside down, spilling the garbage juice within onto the snowy ground near his boots. “All gone…nyeh…”
Seriously, what’s in that baby formula of his?!
Sighing, he did as he was told. “c’mere pap, let’s go get some real food at grillby’s,” he said, tucking the infant under one arm.
“Gillby’s? Dat stink pace wit da’ frog food? How bout’ no? Put baby down, I eats things at the Dump, not things that BELONG at the Dump.”
“wh-you love hamburgers!”
“Yeah! Hamburgers are GREAT! If you don’t like Grillby’s food, YOU DON’T BELONG IN THIS COUNTRY! Right Sans?”
“I loved em’ good before I knowed they be made of frog…and you doesn’t even know what country we in, so shut it up clown fish with the racism, or Imma tell mah Daddy!”
“hamburgers aren’t made of frogs bro-”
“OR froggets.”
“…They slimy dough…you shouldn’t give slimy stuffs to widdle babies Snas, we gets it in our hairs…”
“it’s not slime-”
“Don’t you care about my hairs…?”
“OH MY GOD! IT’S GREASE, NOT SLIME AND IT’S DELICIOUS!” yelled Undyne hurling a large rock across the woods.
“hey, watch it! you’re gonna hurt somebody!”
“Grease be a movie Fish Lady. I don’t wish to nibble on greased lightning, I’ll gets elly-cuted…electra-cuted. Then Gillby will serve me as da’ baby back ribs and peoples will love it…cept’ they won’t love it cause’ there only be one serving cause’ there only be one me. The customers probly think, ‘why dis one guy get the baby ribs and we don’t? why we not special like him? I not eat here no mores!’ Then Gillby get no more customers and he go out of business…and that will make big Buther sad.”
“He like the frog food even dough is not healthy for a hippie woah-bot…unless you’s just eating da’ lettuce. You no eat the frog patty Snas? What you do wit dat frog patty?”
“It’s not frog, it’s cow…or magic. Magic cow…? Hey Sans, what are hamburgers made of?”
“it doesn’t matter, he doesn’t care. he just wants your attention-”
Who’s Azzy? He doesn’t go to my daycare…
“Ooooh…still, I doesn’t wish to eat at Gillby’s. I thanks you for the invitation Snas, but I’s trying to get big as in tall, not big as in you.”
“go die in a fire papyrus.”
“Daz rude.”
Deciding on silence, Sans teleported to Grillby’s. Perhaps a burger would keep his baby brother quiet for a while…
Or maybe it wouldn’t be so quiet after all.  
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More stuff from my unnamed kustard fic-in-progress.  :T  I’m a big fan of karaoke night things, so there’s a bit of singing in the middle.  Red is just so emotionally constipated it’s kinda fun to see him deal with music.
Also I’m sorry there’s not too much kustard in this one, mostly just feels and dumb skeletons.  warnings: cursing and drinking?  kind of hard to avoid with Red around.
Also there’s arts.  
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Red scoffed at the suggestion.  “wait, you want me to do karaoke?  pfft, i can’t sing fer shit.”
“We don’t do it because we’re good - we do it because it’s fun!”  Undyne insisted, pulling Alphys close.
Alphys’ face bloomed with red, and she fought to speak.  “I-I mean, only if want to.”  She added, a nervous smile on her face.  
“It would mean a lot if you came, Papyrus can’t make it this time and it’ll just be me, Alphie, and Mettaton.”  Unyne stuck out her tongue a little at the mention of Mettaton.  Red perked up a bit.  
“Mettaton comes to yer karaoke night?  ain’t he busy?”  
“He - well yes but--”  “He always makes time for Alph!  They’re like best friends for some reason!”  
Oh.  Well, that was news to him.  “...can’t say that’s a selling point for gettin’ me to go to this karaoke thing.  i’m still fuckin’ awful at singing.”
“You can’t be that bad.”
“you ever hear Sans sing?”
“...Well, um.  No.”  “You still can’t be that bad!”  
“i...guess i never really tried before.  i don’t even know what kinda songs to sing.”
“Whatever you want.”  Alphys started, before her face brightened and she shot off the couch into her workshop.  Both Undyne and Red were left looking very confused while the sounds of things falling echoed through the house.
“...uhhh.”  Red’s eye lights shifted to look at Undyne.
Undyne laughed at his worried look.  “That’s normal - sometimes when she gets ideas she goes nuts!  It’s one of the things I love about her.”  She sighed happily.
Red grimaced slightly.  “can ya at least leave yer little flirty romance bullshit ‘till after i leave?”
“NO, you’ll sit there and take it!!”
Red actually snorted at the connotations behind that, before bursting out into laughter.  “holy shit.”
Alphys took that moment to rush back into the room.  She shoved a small square device into his hands.  “Red, look!”  
It...kinda looked like a cellphone.  “...uh.  thanks?  but you already made me a new cellphone.”
“No - this is just for music!”  Alphys insisted.  “You just need some headphones and you’ll be able to start looking for music to sing.”  
Red stared at it for a while, a weird...warm feeling in his soul.  “...did you just...make this?  right now?”
“Yes - I-I mean - you can keep it even if you don’t - I don’t want to make you feel like you have to come to karaoke just because I gave--”  
“thanks, sunshine.”  Red finally looked up and gave her an honest smile.  Alphys had seen it before, but Undyne was a little surprised by the gratitude behind it.  
“...Wow, you DO have emotions other than salty dickishness!!”  Undyne laughed.
Still smiling at Alphys, he casually flipped Undyne off.  She laughed again, so Red decided to tuck the little device into his pocket.  “it shouldn’t be too hard to find some headphones that don’t need ears.”  He added.  “so next week, right?”
Alphys bounced happily.  “Yes, Saturday at 7!”
“kay.  see ya then?”  
Undyne quirked a brow before yanking Alphys back onto the couch before the little yellow monster vibrated herself out of the room.  “So you’re really coming?”
Red nodded.  “guess so.  thanks fer, uh, including me?”
“I thought maybe you’d like to get out a little.  Sans says you’ve been kind of cooped up.”
Red scoffed.  “he’s afraid ‘m gonna trip and accidentally dust someone er somethin’.”
Undyne gave him an odd look.  “...That’s not...even a possibility, right?”
“no m’am--”  Red blurted out in reflex, before he choked on his words and snarled at her.  Undyne burst into laughter.  “oh go to hell!!”  
“No thanks!”  Undyne cheered between laughs.  “I wouldn’t wanna miss you trying to sing!!”
“oh fuck off!”
“Guys, b-behave?”
“you tell yer bitch to behave, i’ve been downright friendly all night!”
The two angry monsters glared at each other for a few moments, before both of them broke down in laughter.  Alphys looked...confused.
“just some friendly words between friends, sunshine.”  Red elbowed her gently.  Undyne gave him a sharp grin and pulled Alphys closer, away from Red.  
“Yeah, we’re friends.”  
Frienemies were the best.
----- Saturday came around faster than Red had expected.  Since he’d had nothing better to do, he spent most of the day while Sans and Papyrus were out researching songs.  A few times, he tried singing, and found his voice to...not be completely awful?
Thankfully, he found some pretty bad songs to compensate.  Looking up one band he’d found an album for back in the dump in his Underground, he found that they had all the same songs, and quickly found one that ‘fit him’.  That was what Alphys had told him his first song should do.
All in all, he was prepared.  When he arrived, he followed Alphys down into her basement, which had a fucking nice TV and speakers.  Like, holy shit.  
“ya know, if you were my Alphys, i’d be worried about this bein’ some kinda fucked up private dungeon.”  Red whispered.
Alphys snorted and gave him a look.  “Oh my god, no.” She whispered back.  Undyne noticed them at this point.
“thankfully yer not my Alphys.”  Red patted the top of her head.
“Hey dickbag!”  Undyne waved.
Red nonchalantly waved back.  “hey captain bitchface”
Mettaton glanced over the back of the chair he was draped over to see who this new stranger was.  When he’d first heard the voice, his first thought was Sans, but Sans never came to karaoke.  He...was not expecting someone like Red to show up.
“Red, behave!”  Alphys bravely snapped at him.
“oh, but yer not gonna call out Undyne on her bullshit.  favoritism.”  Red grumbled, before laughing at Alphys’ sour expression.  
Wow, Mettaton had never seen Alphys straight up scold someone before.  He didn’t think she had the confidence.  Interesting.  “...Well, Alphys.  Why don’t you introduce us to your...prickly new friend?”  
“O-oh!  Um, this is--”   “’m Red--”   “That’s Red, he’s an asshole!”  
Red flipped Undyne the bird.  “takes one to know one, bitch.”  
“Red!”  Alphys chided him, gently smacking his arm.  He laughed at the attempt, until a horrible idea popped into his head and he gasped.
“ow, oh no, i’m dying -” Red crumpled to his knees and flopped onto the floor.  “-death by creampuff.  i’m dead.”
Undyne snorted while Alphys blinked in mild concern.  “Oh my god.  R-Red get up.”
“can’t, ‘m dead.”
At this point, Undyne rolled off the couch in a fit of laughter.  Mettaton was...amused, but also still kind of wary.  He’d never seen this monster before.  In fact, he’d never seen any skeleton monsters besides Papyrus and Sans.  And he certainly hadn’t heard Papyrus talk about any family besides Sans.
In fact, he kind of...looked like Sans.  But not really.  Actually no, they weren’t anything alike.  Were they?  Something was off.
“Hey, get up already so we can start karaoke!!”  Undyne finally called, back on her place on the couch.  “I hope you practiced!”
At that, Red sat up, and he had the faintest dusting of magic on his face.  “well i tried.  didn’t wanna do it while Sans or Paps were in the house.”  He slowly got to his feet and brushed off his jeans.
“So ~ you know Sans and Papyrus?”  Mettaton butted into the conversation, his tone skeptical.  Red’s focus suddenly shifted to him, and a chill ran through the ghost-turned-robot’s soul.  
After a moment of staring, the strange chill in the air subsided.  Red shrugged.  “they were nice enough to take me in once i got up here.”  He replied, nearly tripping on ‘up here’, since that was his cover story.  Couldn’t go around telling everyone he was from an alternate universe, after all.
Especially not this glorified calculator in a shiny new body.  Idly, Red considered the differences between this Mettaton and the one in his universe.  This one definitely seemed less...murdery.  
“You didn’t leave the Underground until recently, then?  I certainly don’t remember the skeleton brothers talking about you before.”
On the fly, Red formed a more feasible backstory.  “i was in the capital.  real sick, some kinda rare magic disorder.  everyone kinda abandoned me, figured i was gonna kick the bucket.  almost did.”  Undyne and Alphys both looked intrigued.  Maybe they thought he’d actually spent time on this.  He was just a good liar.  
“ended up wakin’ up and everyone was gone.  wandered for a while before coming up here.  sunshine there saved me when my magic didn’t wanna behave.  it still don’t--”
“Sans helped too.”  Alphys blurted out, and Red sneered at her.  
“...yeah, Sans helped too.  we’re both skeletons after all.  similar magic.”
Mettaton took a moment to digest all this new information, but finally satisfied, he leaned back in his chair.  Red felt some of the tension leave him.  This Mettaton was definitely less murdery than the one from home.
The room fell into silence for a moment or two, before Undyne held up a beer.  “Hey, we got booze this time!  You know, ‘cause Paps isn’t here to scold us about it!”
And with that, Red perked up.  His grin widened, his gold tooth glinting in the light.  “now yer talkin’, captain.”
“And stop calling me Captain!!”  Undyne snapped, throwing an unopened bottle at him.  
He caught it.  “nah.  ‘s fun watching you throw a bitch fit over it.”  He replied, before he popped the lid off with his tooth.  
Undyne narrowed her eye at him.  “...Fine, but only because that was badass.”
“damn right.”  He flopped down on the opposite side of the couch, and Alphys sat between him and Undyne.  Curiously, he took a swig of the beer.  It wasn’t great, but it wasn’t bad either.  You know, for being human beer.  It lacked the magic tingle that monster alcohol had, the same tingle that still had his soul reeling in protest from his months of starvation and pain.  
So this was nice.  He felt...comfortable.   ----- Mettaton called the first round, and as expected sang something showy and annoying, in Red’s opinion.  Then to his surprise, Alphys went next.  He figured it’d be hard to follow up the shitty glitter toaster, but she sang some anime song and it wasn’t half bad.  
Next was Undyne, and she sang some badass power-ballad thing, which Red found out was also from an anime.  Damn.  
Then it was his turn.  He’d be lying if he wasn’t kinda nervous.  Yeah, he’d sung before, but just little stuff - like lullabies for his brother, back in the Lab, on the bad days.  Maybe a song or two for his knock-knock buddy, before he’d known who she was.  Back when she was lost in her loneliness.  
But now Undyne was shoving him up towards the microphone with that pointed grin of hers, before she scrambled back to cuddle Alphys.  The three of them stared at him expectantly.  So, steeling himself, he selected the song he wanted to sing and plugged the little device Alphys had made him into her sound system.  
The guitar instantly started up, followed up by lazy drums.  It wasn’t as hard core sounding as Undyne’s, and but it fit him.  He grinned.
He left the mic in the stand, shoved his hands in his jacket pockets, and started.
“all day, all night, i've been thinkin' why feelin' wrong feels so right. and i know, yeah i tried. to turn myself around but i know what i like.”
Everyone was a little more than surprised.  He had a nice voice.  A little rough, but deep, and the notes came easy to him.  If he was nervous, he was good at hiding it.
“i ain't nice, no, i'm quite a dick-”  Undyne couldn’t help it, she laughed. “i'm the bad guy who's makin' you sick. it's easy for me, i've got no shame -”  Red shrugged after this line, before he snatched up the mic - stand and all - and yelled the next line. “i'm in it for the money and fame!!”
“everybody wants to be like me! the villain is the one that you came to see,” He casually pointed at himself and gave them all a wicked grin. “sick of all the good guys savin' the day, ‘cause the villain always wins when the hero's away.”
The base guitar kicked in, thrumming loudly through the speakers.  Red could feel it in his bones, and he loved it.  This was fun as hell!!
“there's days when i wanna give in - but it's hard to be a saint when you're full of sin.” He grinned wickedly again, his expression taking on a different tone now.   “why would i ever think of goin' back, when it feels so fuckin' good to be bad!!”
“everybody wants to be like me the villain is the one that you came to see sick of all the good guys savin' the day cause the villain always wins when the hero's away--”
“i know that secretly, everybody's rootin' for meeeeee~”
There was a short guitar solo here that had Red tapping his boot, before he dropped his voice to just above a whisper.
“everybody wants to be like me, the villain is the one that you came to see. sick of all the good guys savin' the day,”
He threw his arms wide and smiled.  “because the villain is here to staaaaayyyy~”
“everybody wants to be like me the villain is the one that you came to see, sick of all the good guys savin' the day, cause the villain always wins when the hero's away!”
Red shrugged again, smiling this time.  “and i'm here to staaaaayyyy~”
“i'm the villainnn~”
“and the villain always wins when the hero's away.”
The song came to an end, and Red felt alive.  Fuck, that was fun.  He gave everyone a toothy grin, and they just kind of...stared at him for the longest time.  He actually started getting nervous before Mettaton started clapping, much to his surprise.
Then Undyne threw her fist in the air and whooped.  “WOOO!  I KNEW YOU COULD DO IT!”
Red stared at her for a minute in mild disbelief, before scoffing.  “nah, admit it, that was shit.  you creampuffs are just too nice to--”
“It was actually really good, and you looked like you had fun!”  Alphys cut in, hopping up off the couch and giving the prickly skeleton a hug.
Red froze, unable to process further thought.  He was being hugged.  He had to take a second and remember, this wasn’t his Alphys.  She didn’t wanna hurt him.  He was so lost in thought, he didn’t get a chance to reciprocate before Alphys nervously let him go.  
“...uhh.  yeah, i had...fun.”  He replied flatly, making a beeline for the couch to chug his beer.  He didn’t feel like he was sober enough for this right now. ----- Sans received a text from Alphys during his midnight lunch break, asking if he could pick up Red or if he should stay over there tonight.  
shy pal: *Hey Sans, when you get a chance can you come take Red home?   *Or if youre busy he could stay here i guess? *I know youre probably at work I’m sorry
He smiled.  Poor Alphys.  
comedic genius: *im having lunch its cool *lemme finish my hotdog and ill be right over *did he have fun?
shy pal: *Yes! *Omg Sans you have got to come next time, he’s so good!   *You’d have fun ;3
He wasn’t quite sure why his face lit up with magic.  not safe for work, thoughts.  
comedic genius: *ill pass *dont bass your assumptions about my singing on reds *id just cause you unnecessary treble *you alto find someone else to come sing
shy pal: *Stooooop ;o;
comedic genius: *ok ill st-oprano
Sans snickered for a minute, but when she didn’t respond his smile fell a little.
comedic genius: *that was bad ill stop right now *i really hoped that one wouldnt b-flat
shy pal: *I’m keeping Red.   *You’ve lost custody.
Sans choked on the last bite of his lunch, before laughing.  The other clerk looked at him strangely.
comedic genius: *wait wait no im sorry *he needs me or he’ll die
shy pal: *You’re doing a good job with that btw *He looks much better! *;3
Oh god.  Sans let his skull thunk against the table, and he seriously considered just leaving Red there.  If he couldn’t get home on his own, he was probably drunk.  Who knows how the guy was gonna act in that state.
Suddenly, Sans felt an odd flash of fear in his soul.  How exactly did Red act while drunk?  Were Alphys and Undyne safe?  Would Papyrus be safe if he brought him home?
comedic genius: *hey so why can’t he come home on his own?
shy pal: *Undyne bought some human beer, since Papyrus wasn’t going to come.  Her and Red drank the entire case.
comedic genius: *is everything okay?
shy pal: *Yes? *Wait are you worried? *Cuteee
comedic genius: *worried about you guys *hes only the most violent monster we’ve ever encountered after all
shy pal: *Sans! *He’s not like that, he’s actually very nice! *He just wants to feel safe :(
Sans winced.  His worries were getting the best of him again.  
comedic genius: *wow that was pretty rude of me huh? *i feel like a jerk *i’ll be there to pick him up in a sec
He put his phone away and stood, chucking his trash in the nearest can and heading for the bathroom.  
“You have 5 more minutes, Serif.”  His manager warned.  Throwing her a sheepish grin, he ducked into the room.  The second the door was locked, he was gone and appearing inside Alphys’ workshop with a soft pop.  
He headed into the main house and...Oh.  Red was spread-eagle on the couch.  Mostly, anyway.  Sans caught sight of Alphys frowning at her phone.
“hey Alph--”  “OHGODSANS!?”  Alphys shrieked, nearly chucking her phone at him in shock.  Red jolted at the noise, but otherwise stayed asleep.  
“sorry about that, heh.  i’ll uh, take him home now.”  Sans replied shyly, before heading to Red’s side.  Cautiously, he poked at the larger skeleton’s skull to see if he’d react badly to being touched.  
Red twitched at the touch, but just continued snoring.  A good sign.
“...Sans, do you trust him?”  Alphys asked quietly.  Sans stared at her for a minute or two before looking back at Red.  
“if...i’m being honest?  i dunno.  he’s dangerous, but...also not?”
“i think what scares me the most is that i know what he’s capable of.”  Sans started, before back-pedaling over his words.  “i mean - i have a good idea about it.”
Alphys was quiet for a moment, remembering their conversation about the Determination in Red’s soul.  In both their souls.
If anyone had any idea of Red’s potential, it was Sans.
“...I-I can’t ask you to trust him.”  Alphys started, curling in on herself a little.  “But can I ask that you have a little more faith in him?”
Sans opened his mouth to reply, before Alphys cut him off again.
“Because I don’t think he has any in himself.”
That made Sans’ soul run cold.  Oh.  His face scrunched up in a grimace.
“A-and I’ve been there.  He needs you.  He needs all of us.”
“until we can get him home.”  Sans replied quietly.  He checked his phone.  Less than a minute before he was due back at work.  “i gotta go, later Alph.”  He replied, before gently grabbing Red’s arm and shortcutting them both away.
The two landed in Sans’ living room, Red slumping perfectly into the couch with Sans standing over him.  Sans could tell Red was nearly awake from the shock of the shortcut.  Almost unintentionally, Sans gave his arm a reassuring squeeze.  “...you’re safe, bud.  promise.”
He felt Red relax a little, before he curled up on the couch.  Sans watched for a minute, but checked his phone.  He was 2 minutes late.  With a sigh, he vanished in a blink. ----- When Sans returned from work later than usual that morning, he’d been yelled at for his late break and forced to work an extra hour at half pay.  He was fairly certain doing that to him was illegal, but he was a monster, his manager could get away with it.
He appeared in his living room with a soft pop, fully intending to flop down on the couch and sleep the moment he got there.  But then he remembered Red was on the couch and threw himself on the floor to avoid falling on him.  He landed with a muffled thump.
“ow.”  Sitting back up, Sans got a good look at Red, and he was on his feet in an instant.  Poor Red had his arms almost impossibly wrapped around his own neck and ribs, his claws digging into his shirt.  He was shaking slightly, and Sans knew the poor guy was having a rough night.  
Was this the first time Red had gotten human alcohol?  He’d heard from Grillbz that it was pretty rough on monsters the first few times.  
And Sans looked on sadly when he realized he’d left without even throwing the blanket over the poor guy.  
“...hey.  hey Red?”  He called softly, very very cautiously nudging Red’s shoulder.  He was prepared to bolt if Red swiped at him, like he’d done many times before.
Instead, Red just made a pitiful groan and curled up tighter.  Oh.  Sans nudged him again.  “hey bud.  come on, lemme know you’re still kicking.”
“...sshhhhaddupuri’llkickyouu...”  Red grumbled, swatting at the general direction of Sans.  He missed badly.  Why was he awake?  His...his everything hurt.  His bones hurt.  His soul was screaming at him.  “ughhhmygod.”
“you okay?”
“no.  let me die.”
He heard Sans pity laugh.  “sorry, you’re my responsibility now.”  A thought popped into Sans’ head.  “do...you need magic?  would that help?”
He saw Red go still, before nodding silently.  O-oh.  Sans gently touched his arm, scooping it up and supporting Red as he helped the still fairly drunk skeleton upstairs.
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for-a-flower · 5 years
Ashes and Dust
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           As Flowey made his way from the capital, his new plans were already beginning to come together.  He found himself curious to see how much destruction he could cause.  Could he succeed at destroying everything in the underground?  It was time to test his limits . . . along with every other monster.  He wanted to start off with a bang, which would actually be quite simple.  The Core.  It was the main source of power and light for the entire underground.  Without it, most monsters would be stranded in complete darkness.  But the best part was that the Core contained a reactor of sorts . . . one that needed to be kept cool in order to function properly.
           When he had been through Snowdin Town earlier, Flowey noticed large blocks of ice being dropped into the river by a wolf creature.  That river stretched all the way to the end of Hotland, where those ice blocks eventually reached the Core.  All he needed to do was stop the flow of ice.  Eventually the Core would overheat and explode without urgent care.  He’d need to make sure no one came to fix the problem as well.  And with control of time, that could be achieved after a few tries even in the worst case scenario.
           Flowey emerged from snow within the small, yet lively town of Snowdin.  He peeked around the trunk of a tall spruce tree.  In a former timeline this and the other trees had been mostly cut down during the flower’s pitiful attempt at being useful.  Flowey glanced across the worn ground which lead through town like a narrow street.  His eyes caught sight of a small structure near the river just north of the town.  He watched a moment as a chunk of ice dropped from the machine onto a conveyor.  It was then snatched by the claws of a strong wolf monster and tossed into the river with a splash.  Flowey smirked.  He had no intention of harming the wolf yet, so shoving him into the river would suffice for now.
           He burrowed to move closer but remained hidden.  From behind another tree trunk, Flowey brought a vine from the ground.  It rose up behind the wolf then whacked him with force.  The monster let out a whimper as he was flung into icy, river water.  Splash!  Flowey threw five spreads of pellets at the structure, to break it before it could toss out another piece of ice.  Dents and cracks split the machine as flowey’s magic bullets punctured the sides.  The thing finally collapsed and Flowey left.  The wolf gasped for air further down the stream.  He clawed at the bank, whimpering.  It took him several seconds to get a strong grip and pull himself from the water.  He panted, shook himself dry, then glanced back at the ice machine.  Nothing remained but a pile of rubble and splintered boards.  The wolf growled.
           During several hours to follow, Flowey kept his eye on things related to the Core or capital.  As might have been expected, the broken ice machine in Snowdin didn’t go unnoticed.  Undyne, Papyrus, and several dogs of the Royal Guard went searching for the culprit through all of Snowdin and Waterfall.  But since no one besides Asgore had seen Flowey in this timeline yet, they didn’t know what to look for.  Flowey was quite safe.  He waited just beyond Hotland’s hotel, where he swayed among other flowers near a bridge that lead to the Core.  His eyes remained focused on the structure’s entrance ahead.
           When a faint rumble echoed from the Core, anticipation overcame the flower as a disturbing grin came across his white face.  A reaction was about to begin and there was nothing to be done to stop it now.  The hot air trembled followed by an alarm that wailed from the Core.  All at once the underground’s power shut off.  Lights above flickered then went dark, leaving only the red/orange glow of lava to light Hotland’s expanse.  In the absence of power, the doors of the Core sealed and locked inside any monsters that were within.  Flowey watched, taking it all in with glee.  Growling and groaning sounds filled the area as the ground shook.  Explosions blew inside the Core while steam and smoke spewed from openings, rising in dark billows.  Finally with a bright flash and roar of sound, the Core ruptured and collapsed as torn, metal chunks into the lava below.
            Flowey’s black eyes sparkled.  He watched as the facility broke apart and fell.  But when he noticed the lava had began to bulge and swell, his eyes grew wide.  It was starting a chain reaction.  "Oh.  Uh . . ."  An eruption of lava suddenly shot high from the heated rock below, raining over the surrounding area.  Flowey screamed.  He sunk into the ground to leave as fast as he could.  As he burrowed, Flowey could feel the ground shaking and splitting around him.  He emerged to check how far he had gone, only to find he had surfaced in a large web.  Flowey yelped, desperately trying to pull loose so he could escape the approaching flood of lava.
            A voice called from the darkness.  "Hello?"  Muffet dropped down from her large web above.  She caught sight of the frightened flower trapped within sticky strands of webbing.  Muffet stared back with a suspicious glare as she crept closer.  "Oh, hello there.  I just heard the explosions in the Core.  You aren't responsible for that are you?" she said.
           Flowey smiled.  She had no reason to believe he was the cause, so he could pretty much say anything to convince her otherwise.  "Ha ha, nope!  I'm just trying to get away."
           Muffet narrowed her eyes and shook her head, seemingly disappointed with his response.  "No one got away . . . little flower . . . because no one had a chance."  The spider moved closer.  "How did you happen to be so lucky?"
           Flowey scowled.  He had lost his cover.  He shot a few pellets to tear the webbing that held him.  Muffet was quick to react, shooting a stronger line of web at him before he could burrow.  Flowey growled, pulling against webbing that now held his roots.
           Muffet backed into the shadows behind her.  "Eat him, little spiders!" she called.  Flowey glanced around in alarm.  Several spiders rushed down from webs above.  Some dropped from strands of web while others crawled down the walls.  But they were the least of Flowey’s worries.  The ground still shook as the room grew hotter.  Flowey squirmed then shot pellets at the incoming arachnids.  He managed to hit several but there were simply too many.  Several reached him and crawled up his stem.
           Flowey was unable to break free and he didn’t want to find out what a spider bite would do to him.  He glanced at Muffet.  "Wait!” he shouted.  Muffet raised a hand, commanding the other spiders to stop.  “There is lava raining down everywhere out there!  It will burn us all if you waste your time with me," Flowey said.
           "There is no time left to waste," Muffet replied softly.  She frowned at the Golden Flower from the shadows.  “I already know the lava will tear this place apart and I will keep you here until it happens.”  She lowered her hand.  Three of the tiny spiders bit Flowey's twisted green stem.  He glanced down in alarm but nothing happened.
           Flowey suddenly grinned and burst into laughter.  "They can't even harm me!  You idiots."  He flung a spread of pellets, wiping out the spiders around him.  Muffet threw croissants as she grabbed a hold of her web with a free hand and climbed higher.  Two of the pastries hit Flowey on the head but hardly hurt.  Flowey growled with frustration and continued pulling against the webs around him.  Muffet only laughed at his efforts and fueled the flower’s anger.  Several cracks split across the ceiling as hot lava dripped onto webs above.  Muffet and Flowey paused to look up.  A warm glow overhead highlighted webs that were once concealed by darkness.  Drips of lava lit the webbing on fire.
           Muffet gasped at the sight.  She swung across her web to the furthest corner from the fire.  "Come in here, my pet, and tear apart this flower!" she called.  There was a low growl that filled the room from behind Flowey.  The flower frowned.  He knew what was coming.  He turned to look as a massive, spider-like monster crept forward from the shadows.  Flowey had seen this thing before.  It had a wide, jagged mouth and dark eyes on either side of its lumpy form.  Several insect legs stuck out around it, with which it drug itself along the floor.
           Flowey looked down in a panic.  He was still trapped within webbing and unable to burrow.  But as the creature drew nearer, Flowey began throwing as many pellets as he could manage.  He struck the large monster over and over.  Its mouth opened wide, ready to bite.  If his roots had been free, Flowey could have stabbed the thing easily.  But he had to continue desperately striking it with bullets until the monster finally slowed.  Only a couple feet from the flower, the creature squealed pitifully before dropping motionless on the floor.  Dark liquid leaked from the injuries Flowey had inflicted.  Only a moment later, the dead monster broke down into dust.  Flowey felt a satisfying sense of determination as his strength increased.  He looked up at Muffet again, grinning as fires burned around them.
           The spider stared from few remaining shadows above.  "You . . . despicable creature!" she said.  Muffet dropped down to attack the flower herself.  She threw a cup of acid.  It crashed against the floor beside Flowey.  Several drops splashed onto him anyway, eating at his stem and petals.
           Flowey winced then pulled on the webbing again.  The acidic liquid burned through the web, enabling Flowey to pull free.  He took his chance and acted quickly.  Vines wrapped around Muffet and held tight, while fires blazed in the room.  Flowey smiled.  “Next time . . . don’t miss.”  He growled in anger, causing thorns to grow on the vines.  His grip grew tighter.
           Muffet squirmed and gasped in pain.  "I . . . I never met a monster so cruel!"  She frowned and fell silent.  Her body went limp just seconds before scattering to dust.  Flowey’s vines returned to the ground then he burrowed to escape.  Fires finally enveloped the room as lava poured in from the ceiling.  As Flowey made his way to the safety of Waterfall, all of Hotland erupted with lava and fire.  The ground shook while residing monsters ran for safety hoping to survive.  Rock beneath Alphys' lab split apart, tearing through its structure and foundation.  The whole building broke down and collapsed into a lava pit deep under its foundation.
          This reaction continued for several minutes as lava in Hotland rose.  It flooded most of the land, melting chunks of rock and building structures.  While destruction wiped out every monster in Hotland . . . Flowey sat at the edge of Waterfall's cave system and watched.  He stared as a warm, orange glow reflected off the rock around him.  Over half of the monsters in the underground were gone and Flowey didn’t feel any hint of regret.  Only a feeling of temporary satisfaction that had him speechless.  He took a deep breath.  Though for some reason, he still felt uneasy.  Why though?  He had gained power from the monsters he had killed.  Why did he feel as if he was still in danger?  Something seemed to be telling him that someone else knew something they shouldn't.  But how?  He had just reset everything recently.  No one could possibly remember who he was.
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paddie-ut · 6 years
A Gaster Blaster’s Understanding of Love
AO3 Link
Summary:  GB loves his master and wants him to be happy. GB sees that a certain tall, furry goat monster makes his master happy and can feel it through the connection he has to his master’s soul. GB decides to take matters into his own jaws, despite not really understanding this new sort of love his master is feeling. 
(Written for the Soriel Discord’s Valentines Day Event. A retrospective of Sans’ and Toriel’s relationship through the eyes of the skeleton’s loyal weapon, and said weapon’s attempts to understand it.)
Relationships: Sans/Toriel with a little bit of Undyne and Alphys mentioned. 
Genre: Mostly Humor with a touch of Angst too
Fic Type: One Shot, Gaster Blaster POV, First Person
Rating: General (light mentions of death/the Geno run) 
Also, check Topaz’s equally adorable take on the same concept!: Tumblr AO3
Love is in a strange thing to me. At least, the kind of love that has been on my mind lately. It is not a thing that my kind get to experience for ourselves. At least, I don’t think so, there are not many of us to compare in any case… But I know about the love of friendship and the love of family. I know because I feel it through my connection to my Master’s soul, every time he experiences it. That love is simple to understand, and is good and happy. I know about the bad kind of love too, though. The LOVE that is not really love, but the opposite. The LOVE that… hurts my master. Even that is more understandable to me though, than what I experience through Master’s soul whenever he is around a certain nice lady named Tori.
But oh, I’m getting ahead of myself. I’ve learned from my master that introductions are important. My name is GB, it is short for “Gaster Blaster.” Because that is what I am, a Gaster Blaster. Master says he is lazy with names and that is why my name is simple. But I think it is really because he named me when we were both only babybones. I am… a weapon. Well, Master usually calls me a “buddy” or a “pal” but I am still a weapon too. A weapon he can call upon whenever he has need of me. It is my job to protect my Master, and use my powerful laser attack to defeat those who would cause him harm. It is a really important job, because even though Master is wonderful and great, he is also very weak. I’ve seen other monsters get hit with lots of attacks and be fine… but if Master even gets hit with one attack, like what happened with that human…
Sorry, I don’t like to think about that day. Or… any of those days. You see, Master may seem funny and happy, and he can be really good at being both sometimes! But most of the time… he’s actually not very happy at all. Because of the bad times with the human… Because of the other bad times with the Flower. Because of the way everyone forgets the bad times except me and Master. Because of the one who made me, who I am named for… I know my Master is hurting because I am attuned to his soul. I feel what Master feels, even when I am not summoned out from my pocket dimension. I am always with my Master, feeling what he does. And I hardly ever feel happy.
That is why I was taken aback, when Master began telling jokes with a mysterious lady behind a door. I felt a… new sort of love develop within Master. It started out feeling the same way that me and Master love his friends, like Grillby and Alphys, and I was happy for Master for making a new friend! That is very rare for him, because of the bad times. But then as time went on, the love he felt for this… “door lady.” It kept on changing, into something neither of us had felt before. A new kind of love. It still wasn’t that different from the friend kind of love yet, just a little more… exciting? secretive? Sorry if that’s vague but, understanding these kinds of things does not come easy to me.
But I did understand one thing clearly, this door lady made my Master happy. And it was the real kind of happy, not the kind he and I both fake for each other and the other people he loves. I was glad for Master that this door lady made him happy in this new way, but also confused. Me and Master love Papyrus more than anything, and that is the family love, the strongest love. But even though master never even saw the door lady, only heard her voice, that love he felt for her grew. It grew until it was stronger than the friend love, and grew more until she had somehow reached second place in Master’s soul… In a manner of speaking. It was puzzling to me, because until now, Master only loved those he could see. Now he loved someone who was just a voice, someone who wouldn’t even share her name.
Don’t get me wrong! I loved the door lady. Of course I did, I loved her just as my Master loved her. She was very funny and nice, and always good at making Master laugh. And they were real laughs, just like the real kind of happy. If I could have met the door lady while out at Master’s side, I would have given her a lot of nuzzles to say thank you! But all that didn’t mean I wasn’t still confused when Master did so much because of the door lady’s influence. He bought pasta shaped like snails, because she liked to eat snails. He started a sock collection just like the one she talked about having. He spent hours thinking of new puns to tell her. He even tried baking a pie like the ones she mentioned baking a lot! It turned out kind of lumpy and burnt, but she was still so happy when he told her about it.
My Master doesn’t usually do things like that. He is usually very demotivated and would rather sleep or slack off than do anything else. Papyrus says my Master is lazy, and maybe it’s a little true. But I know that the reason my Master doesn’t like to do things is because of the bad times making him feel… bad, even when things are not so bad. But not even the bad times stopped Master from going to see the door lady. Even when she forgot him, he would go back and start over again. That is usually one of the things that makes Master feel worst of all. I could feel that did hurt him like usual, but he still did it every time! That is what really got to me most of all. The door lady… was really important to master. He loved her with something stronger than friend love, and almost as strong as family love. A new love. It made me sad for Master, that he might never get to meet the door lady or learn her name.
But things changed after a while, because during one of the bad times, Papyrus was killed by the human. Master was… alone and not even I could hope to comfort him. He and I didn’t feel anything, not even sad really. Somehow… that feeling always feels worse than being sad though. It feels like the feeling we experience before… we both turn to dust. The only good thing about that bad time, was that we learned who the door lady was, and it was shocking! The door lady was the Queen! I am not great at remembering the story exactly, but she was the queen who used to rule with the king that my master likes to call fluffybuns. But something really bad happened, and she left to live alone behind the door. Master wasn’t as shocked as I thought he’d be to find out who the door lady was. Maybe because he was still feeling that bad empty feeling too much to care.
But even though it wasn’t the happy meeting I wanted it to be for Master, it was still a good moment when the two met for the first time. She is a tall monster covered in white fur with long ears and horns on her head. Kind of like a smaller version of the king with no golden mane. She has pretty red eyes too, at least that is what master has said to himself when he thinks no one is listening. Master learned her name was Toriel, but he always calls her Tori. She did something shocking during that meeting, she let Master stay in the place behind the door with her. They were both hurting during that bad time, but they were able to help each other. Sometimes that meant they helped each other feel the real kind of happy, but they also helped each other feel the real kind of sad too. Master’s love for her grew a lot during that bad time, and even though he wanted it to end so Papyrus would come back, it still hurt him when the time finally came. I was sad too. I missed her just as Master did.
I was still confused by it though, it was just so different from any other kind of love Master had experienced! But I was no longer skeptical after that. I wanted Master and Tori to be able to see each other again, to make them both happy, and to learn more about this new kind of love! And even though the next few bad times that came did not involve Master getting to meet Tori, not so long ago, there was finally a… well… a good time? I guess that is the best way to put it. The human finally was nice to Master and everyone else, and everyone got to go free. The surface is wonderful! I remember when Master first sent me out to enjoy the sunlight. I could have darted around through the warm, fresh, open air forever! I even fired a celebratory blast into the sky, but then Master scolded me. Don’t tell him I said this… but I still thought it was fun.
Anyway, the sun and beautiful sky aren’t the only great things that came with being freed. Master also got to meet Tori again! And it was better this time, because they weren’t as sad as before. Now she, Papyrus, Master, the human and the flower all live together in a cozy house up here. It is very different from Master’s old house, or the place where Tori used to live, but still very nice. Master and Tori spend a lot of time together now, and can do much more than just talk through a door. I even got to come out and meet Tori myself many times!
During our first meeting, I immediately darted over and gave her lots of nuzzles to say thank you for making Master happy. Also because that is what Master wanted to do, to show her that kind of affection, but didn’t for some reason. He doesn’t do a lot of things he wants to do. Oddly, he scolded me again for cuddling up to Tori, feeling very embarrassed. I don’t know why exactly, after all Tori was happy to pet me and compliment me for being so friendly. I think it has something to do with this new kind of love he feels for her. It makes Master act strangely in a lot of different ways.
But being with Tori and the others on the surface has made Master much happier now, even though he still hurts a lot over the bad times, and is scared they will come back. The human is friendly now, but me and Master are still afraid of them. One time they tried to pet me, and I growled at them, because I remembered how they had… hurt Master. Master scolded me again for this, but he is scared of the human too, so I don’t know why. I guess he wants to try and make friends with them now, so they won’t hurt everyone again. Same with the flower, but he is not as scary anymore. He cannot make the bad times come back like the human can.
Since things have been going well so far though, I decided recently to come up with a plan. I want Master to feel the real kind of happy again, as much as he can… And this new love he feels for Tori, it brings out that side of him on a consistent basis. I may not have always been able to protect Master… But I think I have a plan on how I can help him be happier.
You see, I heard something interesting during my last time out and about, when Alphys and Undyne were visiting. They mentioned that a human holiday about love was coming up soon. I know about holidays, like Gyftmas and the one when Master helped Papyrus make his favorite outfit. But this holiday was about love, and it made me think more and more about the special new love Master felt for Tori. So I decided to learn more, and followed the lizard and fish monster around for a bit after that. I am not the best hider, but I managed to keep hidden behind the couch long enough to hear the rest of their conversation, and then witness something… interesting.
The two talked about how “couples” are supposed to do things together on that day, and give each other presents. Then they leaned close and… kissed. I had seen kissing before, mostly from the two dog guards back in Snowdin, but I never gave it much thought. I thought it was just a dog thing. But seeing Undyne and Alphys kiss made me realize the truth. Kissing was something that those who were in love did. The kind of love the dog guards and the fish and lizard monster had for each other. The kind of love Master had for Tori! It made more sense, even though I still didn’t really understand it, but I saw how happy Undyne and Alphys were after they kissed. It was the real kind of happy. The really real kind of happy! That is what I want for my Master.
So on this love holiday, I am to enact my plan. I will get Master and Tori to do the kiss. That will make them both happy! And then they can be a “couple” just like Undyne and Alphys and the dogs! Even if I still don’t totally understand this mysterious new type of love, I will do this for my Master. Because he deserves to be happy, even if he doesn’t think so most of the time.
The first step of the plan is to get them together, which isn’t too hard, since they like to be together a lot. They are together right now in fact, chatting outside while Tori is collecting snails off of a tree. Probaby to eat later… The next step is to get Master to let me out of the pocket dimension. This is also rather easy, as I can will up the magic to summon myself if need be, Master must simply allow it. He does, even if he sends me a confused look for it. I float there and pretend to simply want to fly around for a bit. He still eyes me with an air of confusion but shrugs after a moment, just telling me not to wander too far before turning back to talk with Tori. I giggle to myself for my cleverness, but not out loud though. Secretly.
From there I must simply wait for the ideal moment. I circle around the two slowly, pretending to be casually enjoying the sunshine and looking away when one of them gives me a suspicious glance. It takes a while for the moment to come, and I grumble softly in impatience, but only once. Master told me patience was important after all, especially during the bad times. So it must be important in the good times too. Finally, after what feels like forever, Tori kneels down in the grass in front of Master to show him a very big snail she’s found. This is what I have been waiting for!
You see, Master is very small, and could not properly perform the kiss on Tori if she was standing at her full height. But like this, they are far closer to the same level and I can make up for the difference easily. So, using all my practiced speed and agility, I dart down behind Master in an instant and take hold of his hood in my jaws. Then, before he can do anything else, I gently pull him up and over the short necessary distance to press his face against Tori’s face, just like I saw Undyne and Alphys do! And it works perfectly! Master does not have the right kind of mouth to do the exact same thing as the other “couples” I’ve seen, but his mouth is touching hers and it looks good enough to me.
Both of them react in intense surprise, going totally stiff. This makes me confused, that isn’t the same reaction that I saw with the other kissing. They both have colorful faces now though, so that’s a good sign. Master’s face often turns blue like that when he’s around Tori, and now its bluer than ever! I purr as I hold Master there and wait to feel that wonderful new kind of love from his soul, and the real kind of happiness. But instead, right then, I only feel a little of that love, and it is mostly buried under embarrassment and shock. I suddenly feel myself being wrenched back and I drop Master out of my jaws in surprise. I realize he has taken hold of me with his magic. He isn’t looking at me, instead holding me still with one hand while franticly apologizing to Tori, sweating a lot and still very blue faced. But apologizing is only something you do when you do something bad…
Have I… made Master do something bad? Tori does not look mad, maybe surprised and even… amused? But not mad… Why was Master apologizing then? Suddenly he turns to me, and even though he’s still embarrassed, he has that look in his eye, the look that means I’m in trouble… and I feel a spark of anger from him. All my excitement for my plan disappears and I just feel bad and embarrassed like Master. In a moment of panic, I use all my strength to tear myself away from his magic and dart for the house. I don’t want to face the harsh scolding, especially if what I did was enough to make Master this embarrassed. Master will be even more disappointed in me for running away, but I can’t help it. I just feel too bad to stay.
The door is still open, so I fly into the house and duck behind the couch, shivering shamefully. I can still feel Master’s embarrassment, even though the distance I put between us has lessened our connection. I lay there and whine softly, even though I am not supposed to do that now that I am not a babybones. I know Master will come after me and be angry, and now that I am alone I fully realize the potential cost of my actions. I hate it when Master is upset with me… I hate when I make Master upset instead of happy. It is very rare that I do, but it hurts every time. Master has enough to be sad and hurt about, I hate being the cause of anything more. If I was more honorable I would return to Master and take my scolding like a proper blaster. But I feel too bad to do anything, so I just stay where I am and shiver.
Master and Tori do not come back in for a long time, and I stay hidden behind the couch. I begin to wonder if I have messed up really bad, like when I accidentally flew through the window to get inside our new house instead of waiting by the door like I am supposed to. They stay out so long that the sun goes down, and i can feel the magic used to summon me waning. Soon I will be stuck back in the pocket dimension, and maybe Master will be so angry at me once the embarrassment goes away that he will not allow me out ever again. I whine sadly at that thought, feeling as though I had failed my Master yet again.
But then I notice something, in the weakened connection I still have to Master’s soul, I do not feel much of that embarrassment anymore. It’s still there, but faint, and instead, that new love is there again and a touch of happiness. I float up off the floor a bit, caught up in the idea that maybe my plan hadn’t totally failed after all. As I do though, I feel all those feelings grow stronger and stronger, until suddenly I hear the sound of footsteps approaching from outside. I yelp and retreat back further by instinct, listening with renewed shivering as Master and Tori enter and shut the door behind them.
Apparently my hiding skills were not as good as I thought, because Master called me out in no time at all.
“i know you’re back there gb.” He says, in a surprisingly not angry voice. “come on out.”
I let out a whine of defeat, but accept my fate and drift over the couch to settle on the cushions in front of Master. Even though he looks and feels not angry, I still feel as though he will scold me and avert my gaze with shame. But Master is suddenly petting my muzzle, and I feel him restore my magic levels again. Blinking, I look up at him in surprise.
“it’s okay buddy.” Master says to me, grinning weakly. “i think… i get what you were trying to do.”
I perk up at that, tilting my head with curiosity. Only then do I notice Tori at Master’s side, and how close they are standing to each other. It makes me wonder what happened between them after I left. They don’t look that embarrassed anymore, in fact, they both look happy, as Master soul tells me so. Maybe… I didn’t mess up as badly as I thought?
“I suppose we should thank him in a way though, should we not?” Tori says, smiling at Master.
He looks at her with an expression I don’t quite understand, but I feel another spark of that new love from his soul. So I think it is a good expression, even if his face turns a little blue again before looking back at me.
“yah… thanks gb. but don’t ever do anything like that again, got it?”
I nod quickly, enough to shake the couch a little. I am still confused on whether I did a good or bad thing. Maybe it was a little of both… But that is also confusing. Nonetheless, I am just happy not to be scolded and I will be sure to keep Master’s words in mind for the future. Tori giggles a bit for some reason, maybe at the way I shook the couch… Then she leans down to give me a pet as well.
“Thank you, my friend” Tori says to me in her soft, nice voice. “Your actions were not ideal, but they were the kiss-centive we both needed to finally figure things out between us.”
Her words confuse me a bit, especially that one weird word. I guess that it was probably one of those “puns” Master and her love so much. But I understand that she’s happy and praising me, so I rumble with a deep purr.
Then Master and Tori sit on either side of me, easier since I shrank a little in size from the earlier lack of magic. Then they lay their hands over top of my muzzle. As I watch, they move their hands over to each other and interlock their fingers, Master’s small, bony fingers fitting snugly between Tori’s big furry ones. I recognize the action! It is not a kiss… but it still something I have seen “couples” do. And in that moment, I feel that new love from Master more than ever before, warming us both to our cores. With it comes a rush of that real happiness, just as wonderful to feel from him as I had hoped for. I purr louder, eye sockets narrowing a bit in contentment, and they both respond with quiet laughter.
I may not fully understand this new kind of love Master feels for Tori. But with the happiness that I can feel mixing with it within Master’s soul, I know it’s definitely something I can get used to. I have helped make my Master happy, not to mention Tori as well! And that is more than enough for me.
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stripestheboar · 6 years
Stagnant Decay Chapter 6
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This is a bit shorter than usual, I suppose.
Summary: Dust grows more comfortable in the household, especially Papyrus, offering to assist him in an attempt to bond.
“Perhaps you require some rest!” Papyrus suggested, pulling away from shuddering Dust. “And you’re shivering worse than before! Was the water too cold?”
“No,” was his reply, presumably to both questions. “I’m fine… you don’t have to worry about me anymore. I promise.” Though Papyrus was confused by what that meant, he didn’t protest. With Sans, he usually fought and pushed and pried until the smaller skeleton gave in and let him help, but for now, he was backing off. “If you say so,” he sighed. “But on the bright side, you look much better! Your clothes are still being washed, so you’ll have to get used to these ones for now, if that’s fine with you.” Dust looked down at the old hoodie he wore, seemingly fond of it; Papyrus could faintly remember giving the article to Sans for Christmas. The not-Sans slowly put the hood over his skull, taking a moment to rub the article against his clean bones, seeming as though he was mild bliss. He didn’t blame him. The fabric was soft compared to the stiff and now uncomfortable feel of his usual jacket, tattered and more confining with app that gray powder. He didn’t just look clean, but also seemed more alive. While he still had those heave sockets and sagging movements, the bath had definitely done a few wonders. “I feel better,” he replied softly. “Thank you.”
“Oh it’s no problem at all! After all, Papyrus is the greatest host!” The taller skeleton came to a full stand and gestured downstairs. “You at least need to sit down. You’re shaking like a wobbly leaf! Here, we can watch a movie together. Maybe that will help you get some sleep.” Dust didn’t say anything in return, but nodded slowly, walking downstairs with him with his hands stuffed into his pockets.
By the time he got to the bottom of the stairs, Papyrus was already on the couch, his legs crossed and picking up the remote. He trudged over to the other side of the couch, sitting down and curling up slightly in silence. “It’s a movie I’ve been waiting to watch for a while,” Papyrus hummed happily, searching through the channels. “It just came out on TV and I recorded it as fast as I could! Apparently it’s called ‘Ruff Ruff Precious Puppy’.” The TV showed the cover of the movie on full display. Dust wasted no time in replying.
“It’s not good,” he said. Papyrus blinked in surprise, looking over at him with a furrowed brow bone. “Hmm? What do you mean? You’ve already seen it?” he asked, but Dust just shrugged. “You could say that. It’s just not good. You won’t like it.” The taller skeleton stayed silent for a moment, before laying back against the cushion. “Well I certainly don’t want to see a movie I won’t enjoy.” He looked over at the other skeleton. “Does this call for a ‘thank you’ on my part? I suppose it does. Thank you for warning me against the treachery of what would have been a bad movie. I should ask Alphys about it when she gets around to watching it.” He stopped to think for a moment. “Well, now that the movie’s over quicker than I expected, I should make us some lunch. How does spaghetti sound?”
“Spaghetti sounds great, Paps,” Dust mumbled with a contented sigh. “Then spaghetti I shall make!” Papyrus cheered, coming to a quick stand and hurrying off. The smaller monster watched silently, lost in his own thoughts, before getting up and following.  
Once he was through the door, he was met with the scene of Papyrus turning he heat of the stove way past maximum and smashing a few tomatoes with all his might. It was what Undyne had taught him during his training sessions with him, and in order to achieve her recipe, he needed to be as aggressive with the tomatoes as possible, showing them no mercy when it came to putting them in their place and making them into a thick paste. He was stopped, however, when someone grabbed his arm.
“Let’s turn this down a bit,” Dust murmured, using his unoccupied arm to turn down the hight of the flames. “Here, let me help you.” He let go of his arms and went into the pantry to grab the stool. He did find it, of course, but Papyrus had never told him about it in the first place. Perhaps he just happened to see it earlier on.
Dust placed the stool next to the taller skeleton and stepped onto it, now around the height of his companion’s ribcage. He had also grabbed a bottle of olive oil along the way. He poured a bit of the slick liquid into a pan. “If you want it to taste better,” he explained slowly, “then you should try to sauté a few of your vegetables.” Papyrus looked confused, but nodded and leaned in to watch. “So no smashing?” he asked, admittedly eager to learn. “No, you can smash the tomatoes,” Dust replied, “just take it easy. No need to liquify them, okay? We need a lot of it and scraping it off the wall isn’t as appetizing as Undyne’ll have you believe.” He leaned over to the cabinet and grabbed a few, never-before-used spices. “You’ll also want a bit of this. It makes your food taste better.”
“Are you saying my food is bad?” Papyrus to quick to ask, but Dust kept his cool. “‘Course not, Paps. Your food tastes great, but this makes it taste better, okay?” He grabbed a garlic clove. “You’ll want to sauté this, first, and not too much, okay? Maybe two cloves of the head.”
Papyrus couldn’t seem to respond. He watched, taken aback by his words. He wasn’t offended or mad by any means, he was just surprised. Sans had never offered to teach him how to cook.
“How about onions?” he asked, handing a bulb over. “What do you do with these?”
“Peel them and dice a bit of it up,” the other explained. “Then you sauté them and any other vegetables you want to add. The only vegetables that need mashing are tomatoes. Just chop up whatever you want and add it in, alright? You can do that, I know you can.”
Papyrus seemed almost lost for a moment, pausing to process the words of encouragement, and wasted no time in preparing the vegetables. This would be the first time he ever used a knife in cooking. Undyne had always said they were unnecessary. For him, of course. He quickly brought over the diced up vegetables, the questions he’d long had about cooking spewing out as he sought to learn more. Dust was slow in his movements and responses as usual, but never seemed to be bothered by all the questions. He actually seemed rather cheerful about it.
“How long do you cook the noodles?”
“Depends. These kind? I’d say eight minutes.”
“What do you do with the tomatoes?”
“You cook them with the sautéd vegetables. You don’t just scrape them off and put them on the noodles all cold n’ stuff.”
“How hot do you make the stove?”  
“For the sauce? Simmer. The water? Boil it, but don’t overdo it. They’re supposed to be cooked slowly.”
These question persisted all throughout the cooking session. Papyrus found himself more than eager to learn, while Dust seemed happy to tell him every small detail, teaching him how to stir the noodles so the water didn’t go flying, or cooking the sauce slowly to draw out the flavor.
“Alright, I think it’s ready,” Dust said under his breath, though just loud enough for Papyrus to hear. He took a spoon, dipped it into the sauce, and had a taste of their creation. “It’s great,” he grinned, dipping it in once again and handing the spoon over to Papyrus. The trainee was reluctant at first, and who could blame him? The skeleton didn’t even eat his own food. Still, with the intention of being polite, he took a small taste anyways. He was pleasantly surprised.
“This is… this is really good!” he exclaimed, watching Dust make a small plate for himself. “But who could ever doubt it with the combined skills of the Great Papyrus and his new cooking friend?”
“Yeah, who could ever doubt you-“
“Honey, I’m home,” someone called from the living room, causing the two to turn their attention to that room. Sans soon stepped in, his typical lazy grin spread across his face as he entered the room. “Sup, Papyrus?” he chuckled. “What smells good?”
“Well, you see, I was cooking wi-“ Papyrus stopped in his tracks. Dust was no longer there. He had disappeared into thin air. “I was… just cooking.”
“With who?” Sans asked, noticing the stool. “Did Frisk come over? Try to teach you a few things?”
“No,” Papyrus replied, perhaps a bit more curtly than he had meant to. “Really? You become best friends with a cook book?” his brother asked. There was a slight pang that the younger skeleton hadn’t felt in quite a while. “Why?” was all he asked. “Well, seeing as you like to read and cook, a cookbook would be your best friend,” Sans shrugged, leaning against a chair of the table. “Besides, it’s not tall enough to reach the counter, so it would probably need a stool.”
“Would you like some?” Papyrus was quick to ask, but he got a shaken of the skull as a reply. “Sorry, bro,” he replied. “I’m sure it’s great like always. All your cooking’s great, but I already ate at Grillby’s for breakfast, so I’m kinda full. Need a bit of a nap after all that eating.”
“Oh that’s just like you,” he sighed, a bit less enthusiasm present than usual. He lifted his voice a little, making his tone sound more jovial. “You’re such a lazybones! Too lazy to even eat more!” He began to pile food onto a plate for himself, which was quite an oddity.
“Yup. That’s me,” Sans replied slower than usual, watching Papyrus for a moment. There was silence for a moment, before he decided to speak again. “How about that movie you wanted to watch? What was it? Pretty Puppy or something? I can watch it with you, if you want. I know you wanted it pretty badly, y’know,” he offered. “Though, I might fall asleep to it.” He added a small chuckle at the end for good measure. “No thank you,” his brother replied, causing Sans to stop as he headed for the living room. “No?”  
“Mmhmm. I hear it’s not that good, anyways,” he explained. Sans furrowed his brow, walking back over to him. “Who told you that?” he asked, a sudden purpose coming to his voice. “Someone spoil the movie for you? You didn’t hear it from Mettaton, did you? I wouldn’t trust the guy. I can tell when I guy’s bad at watching movies. I know; I’ve Mettaton of them.” Papyrus groaned at that as usual, though it wasn’t as dramatic as it usually was. “That was awful, Sans, but no. I just… heard about it on the internet,” he made up.  
Sans watched him for a few seconds, his expression not changing. With a shrug, he gave a nod, said his goodbyes, and headed upstairs. Papyrus just sighed and took a bite of his spaghetti. He had to admit, it was really good. He took another bite, savoring the taste as he headed towards the living room.  
Dust was sitting on the couch when he got there, his own plate of spaghetti sitting on the coffee table untouched. Even though he had Sans’ expression, his looks, and even his voice and way of concealing emotions, he looked absolutely seething right now. Papyrus said nothing and sat beside him. “You two should meet,” he said softly, grabbing the remote. “You would like each other.”
“No. We wouldn’t,” Dust whispered, his shaking only intensifying as he hid his sockets under his hood. “Trust me. I know.”
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nananikki-hey · 7 years
I’m posting this one now cause I forgot how damn long it takes for me to write good stuff ;-; sorry for taking so long. The other one should be done soon-ish.
Also this turned kinda angsty in the beginning cause I was sad when I started this. Much better now though!
Movie Night
The quiet shuffle of slippers against the carpet is the only warning I get before the light is suddenly clicked on and I’m harshly blinded with a groan.
“up.” Sans says gently, but with an edge to his tone that lets me know he isn’t taking no for an answer this time.
Still, I pointedly ignore him, rolling over to stare blankly at the far wall but all the same highly alert of Sans in my peripheral vision. I didn’t want to deal with this, couldn’t deal with this, not today. I silently hoped he’d go away, but if there was anyone that could rival my stubbornness it was Sans.
He shuffles over, hands pushed deep into his coat revealing just how uncomfortable he was feeling with the situation, before he sits down heavily on the bed with his tailbone narrowly missing my knee.
“babe, please…” His voice is strained, he’d obviously had a rough day at work, and my depressed funk probably wasn’t helping any. Still, I didn’t move, didn’t even look at him. “you’ve barely been outta bed all week…you gotta get up, at least eat something? paps’ even wanted to make you special ‘get well’ oatmeal, and you know he doesn’t make that for just anybody. undyne says she wants to go out later too, apparently you haven’t been returning her texts…”
My eyes flicker over to my dead phone, where it had been sitting lifeless for a few days. It’d died after a solid day of Undyne’s constant messaging and I just hadn’t had the will power to reach over and put it on charge. I suddenly feel Sans gingerly tuck some hair out of my face and behind my ear before he runs his phalanges through the rest of it, getting snagged a few times and making me flinch.
“look at that…gotta brush that rat’s nest of yours…” he pauses to untangle his fingers when he gets stuck on a particularly bad knot. “knot that that’s any of my business…”
My lips quirk automatically at the pun, narrowing my eyes at the suddenly very smug looking skeleton.
Sans gives a wheezy, teasing chuckle as he stands, rocking on his heels. “oh would you look at that. you’re smilin’! heh, i think that’s a new record.” His smile stretches wider when I sit up with a sigh, smiling despite myself. “oh and she’s getting up, real miracle if i say so myself-“
I swat at him, unable to stop myself from giggling as he waggles his brow bones at me. “Argh, shut up….”
Sans’ grins softens and he pats my back, gently guiding me up onto my feet before leading me out of the room and downstairs. “atta girl…”
Once we’re downstairs I immediately sink into the couch while Sans shuffled off into the kitchen.
I sighed and let my head fall back against the couch, basking in the cool, fresh air with a sigh. It had been getting kind of stuffy in there, and I hadn’t really showered in a week. At that realisation I was suddenly able to smell just how musty I smelt and my face reflexively scrunched up in horror, but just as I was about to get up to have a shower Sans plopped down next to me with a sigh.
Sans set his feet up on the coffee table with a ‘clack’ as he handed me a bowl of warm, steaming oatmeal. I smiled down at it when a saw the small little dinosaurs in it before gingerly picking up a spoonful and blowing on it to cool it down, but as I went to take a bite my stomach churned uncomfortably and I hastily put the bowl down on the table with a frown.
“I’m sorry, I cant-“
“no, it’s okay. Sans cut me of quickly but gently. “i get it…it’s just one of them days. you don’t have to apologise, take you’re time. hell, just you coming down here is enough for me.”
He settled back into the couch and wrapped an arm around my shoulders, trying so hard to be casual about all this, before he hastily changed the topic. “so…you wanna watch a movie or somethin’? paps’ brought a whole bunch the other day, haven’t had a chance to check any out myself.”
As he spoke, Sans lifted his hand and used his magic to pull a bunch of DVDs from the TV stand and float them into my lap, chuckling and the look I sent him for not just letting me get them. I ended up chuckling myself once I saw some of the movies Papyrus had picked out, full of sudden glee.
There was The Incredibles, Moana, The Lion King (the boys were so going to cry at that one) Nightmare Before Christmas and Monsters Inc. Papyrus had definitely looked up what some of the more popular animated movies were.
“see one you like?” Sans looked at them over my shoulder, raising a brow bone at the last two movies.
I grinned, pulling Monsters Inc from the pile, handing it to Sans before putting the rest of the DVDs on the coffee table. He gave me a look when he saw the cover but sat back and used his magic to put the movie on anyway.
“Oh trust me, you’ll love it. I grew up with is movie as a kid, it was one of my favourites” I leaned into his side, snuggling into his plush jacket with a grin.
As soon as the opening credits started I was giggling madly, feeling incredibly giddy and nostalgic. I hadn’t seen this movie in years, and I was sure Sans was going to absolutely love it. Speaking of the skeleton, I could see him giving me a wide, curious grin out of the corner of my eye, which made me giggle harder.
Once the credits were over and he was paying attention I sat back and watched Sans with a smile, practically bouncing in my seat with excitement. Of course he had been a bit sceptical and uncomfortable at first, but as soon as the beginning monster had made an absolutely fool of himself and we were both roaring with laughter, I knew he was definitely going to love it.
By the time the movie was over, Sans had absolutely fallen in love with Boo and Sulley’s relationship, grinning so wide at their reunion that it was like his face was going to split in half.
Sans pulled me into his side as the credits rolled. “so you watched this as a kid, huh? is this why you were so chill with monsters?”
I shrugged and yawned loudly, ending credits starting to blur as I struggled to keep my eyes open. Sans was suddenly starting to feel a lot more comfy.
“Maybe…” I mumbled, snuggling into his side and pulling the blanket he had gotten me partway through the movie closer. “But hey, you’re were a pretty chill guy when we first met, that helped a lot to be honest…”
“heh…” I could see blue creeping up his cheekbones as he turned his face away in embarrassment, running a hand through my hair. “nah….if anyone was making a cool impression that night it was you. you tired?”
I shrugged in answer, not really wanting to get up off the couching, but also really wanting to just rest my eyes for a bit.
Sans grinned down at me before carefully adjusting our positions so we were laying down with me on top of him, both covered in the blanket “Want another movie?”
I nodded sluggishly and watched as he used his magic to change the movie over to Nightmare Before Christmas, giggling silently at the thought of him seeing the naked skeletons in the movie. I couldn’t wait to see him turn a pretty shade of blue…
I fell asleep before I could.
Dang it.
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it-refused · 7 years
Working Title: Forward, Back (10/?)
Summary:  Knowing what’s going to happen doesn’t mean Sans can stop it.  Maybe he could’ve put it off forever.  Sans decides to go.
Rating: T
Part Summary: Undyne takes a call, there’s breakfast, and Frisk heads out.
>>First Part<<
C/N: Mental Illness
Sans could hear Undyne talking loudly on the phone in the living room. Papyrus was rushing around the kitchen, trying to get food together for all his guests.  He looked happy.
"You were ill so recently--please, Papyrus, allow me to lend you a hand," Toriel said.
"I AM COMPLETELY FINE NOW," Papyrus said.  
"eh, she'd make any excuse to help out," Sans said.  
"Thank you, Papyrus."  
Frisk had been inside before they went to drag Sans and Toriel in with them.  They'd already reassured themself that Papyrus was fine, but they were still inclined to stay in the kitchen with him.  They peered into the large pot on the stove, curious what Papyrus was making.
"How much?  I don't know, just estimate it!"  Undyne's voice carried from the other room.  "Wow.  Ok, that's a lot of puke, but we've seen more from that little vomit-cannon!  They're just letting you know they're worried 'cause I'm not there!"  She was quiet, for a few seconds.  "He'd run over in a second if you asked."  
Grillby opened the kitchen door and joined the crowd.  He was burning low, clearly still exhausted.  
From the other room: "That's really sneaky!  Alphys, you're brilliant!"  
"Grillby, greetings," Toriel said.  "It has been several weeks, has it not?  Are you here to lend us your aid?"
It was too much conversation for Grillby, so soon after waking up.  He stared at her while her words sunk in.  "...yes?" he tried.
"of course he's helping out.  aw.  everyone's making breakfast for me. this is great," Sans said.  
"You and Frisk can set the table, or you can leave the kitchen," Toriel said.  
Frisk started getting out silverware, and Sans went into the living room. Undyne was making smooching noises at her phone, so Sans realized he'd made the wrong choice.  He settled down on the couch anyway.  He put his feet up on the coffee table.  Now that the excitement was over, he felt all that extra energy draining out of him.  He wanted a quick nap before he was woken up for breakfast.  
Undyne sit heavily on the couch next to him.  She sighed, loudly.  "She's so great."
"yeah," Sans said.
"I told her to call Asgore over if it was getting tough, and she said she'd call him over for tea.  There's no way he won't volunteer to babysit.  She won't even have to ask!"
"smart."  Well, it was a way of avoiding asking, anyway.
"Right! I kind of put this on her out of nowhere.   Maybe she's right and five's enough, since it's getting kind of tough to watch 'em alone."
Five? "congrats."
"Don't tell anyone yet!  I want to surprise your brother next time he visits."
"got it."  Sans slid down a little more.
"He really freaked all of us out.  I'm really proud of him for defending everyone!  But...holy shit, if anything had happened to him..." She trailed off.  
Sans risked a look.  She was shaking with anger, staring straight forward.
"that woulda sucked," Sans said, shrugging.  "but it didn't."
"That human still needs to get their ass kicked."
He couldn't disagree with that.  
"A 100% non-fatal ass kicking!"
"right." Papyrus wouldn't want anything else.
"NGHAAAAA! Now that the brat's here, they'll get pissed if I try it.  I'd be really gentle!  It'd be more like a loving caress!  Just softly toss 'em into a brick wall!" 
"heh. draw little happy faces on your spears."  
"Perfect! They'll be GRATEFUL!  Or they'll SAY they are, when they're CRYING and telling me how they're never hurting anyone ever again!"
Sans didn't regret missing his nap, anymore.  "the kiddo's probably right, though."
"Yeah. But I've got to punch SOMETHING before I go home."
Sans moved a little bit away from her.
"Not you!  You're too flimsy.  It'd be like punching a pillow.  Not satisfying at all!"
Sans managed to get a nap in while she went down through a list of different things that could stand to be punched.
The number of people visiting made it feel almost like Gyftmas.  Sans was happy for Papyrus.  He had to see how important he was.  They'd probably be dealing with visitors from all over for the next couple weeks.  
Tori set a platter of waffles on the table.  Yeah, like Gyftmas, except not one of the good ones.  One of the ones where the air was stuffed thick with anxiety.  Sans could see the worry on everyone's faces, and in the uncomfortable ways they carried themselves.  
Sans wasn't sure what Frisk's plan was, or what Undyne was going to end up doing.  Things could go wrong very quickly.  
Sans took his seat at the table and yawned.
"I do hope we are not interrupting your nap by bringing you food," Toriel said, laughing.  
"man, tori.  you guys are rude."  He rested his head on the table, and Frisk sat down next to him and tried to balance a plate on his skull.
"The longer we sit around, the more time that messed up human punk has to get away!"  Undyne said.  She didn't act so rushed she was going to skip breakfast, though.  She sat down with them.
"You aren't doing anything!" Undyne said, sharp, and then pulled back.  She gave Papyrus a reassuring smile.  "You still have to recover, right?  Your doctor will kick my butt if they find out I let you go."  
Frisk said they wanted to see if they could figure it out themselves, first.  Undyne had gotten a good description of the human out of Papyrus by getting him to brag about the fight, and from what they had heard, they thought they might be a kid.  
"Someone needs to speak with that child's parents," Toriel said.
Sans closed his eyes, listening, but not wanting to engage.  Shouldn't other humans be going with Frisk?  They weren't technically a kid anymore, but they were still very young.  All of this was happening too quick.  Sans didn't think Frisk was actually there in any official capacity, despite their fancy clothes.
He sure didn't like this.  Humans were pretty good at killing other humans.  What if something happened to Frisk?  It was a pretty old worry, but the situation felt like the time he’d knocked a broken bone right when it was almost done healing.  
Thinking it over, Tori was acting pretty strange, too.  She wasn't happy about whatever Frisk was up to.  Sans didn't think she would have run out to visit so fast herself once she was reassured that Papyrus was okay.   She would have stopped by, but she wouldn't usually just drop her responsibilities.
"I TRUST YOU WILL BE CAREFUL, FRISK," Papyrus said.  He sounded more and more like a mom every day.  
Frisk nodded.  They said that they knew what they were doing.  They weren't going to kill anyone, and they weren't going to be killed. Their confidence reassured everyone at the table.  
"cool line, kid," Sans said.
Sans ate what was probably technically more than his share of breakfast. Grillby left for work, already exhausted and moody.  He was going to be a lot of fun when he got home that night.  Frisk left after him, and everyone was a little bit on edge, again.  Half an hour after they left, Undyne went after them.  Toriel fussed in the kitchen and Papyrus walked back and forth from where Sans was napping in the living room, to where she was in the kitchen.  He wanted to follow Undyne, but he had made a promise to her.
Sans tried to distract both of them by sharing knock-knock jokes with Toriel.  Papyrus found them obnoxious enough to forget about following Undyne, at least for a short time.  Toriel quickly lost steam, though.  
"I am going to...step out for a little while," she said.  "I would like to clear my head."
"i just use a cue tip but whatever works," Sans said.  He wanted to ask her if she was going to go after her kid, too, but decided to just let her go do what she was going to do.
"well, tori'll always be uneasy 'cuz she's frisk's mom," Sans said. "you know undyne just wants part of the action, even if there isn't any."
"YES, RIGHT."  He didn't seem reassured.  "I KNOW THAT I SAID I WOULD NOT GO, HOWEVER..."
"nuh-uh, bro.  there'll be a kid back from school soon, and you know if it's just me here i'll give 'em whatever candy i find for their snack and call it done."
"i've got half a packet of m&ms in my pocket, somewhere," Sans said.
"i do not think you should go either, brother," Sans said.
"it's tough work, being at the top."
"yeah. look, though.  you remember what you were like after grillbz got sick real bad, right?"
"THAT IS NOT..."  He considered.  "YES, THAT IS VERY SIMILAR."
"you'd get mad if you didn't think he was eating the right stuff."
"YES, BUT, CELERY, SANS!  THAT IS 99% WATER!  THERE IS NO NUTRITIONAL VALUE IN THAT FOR A FIRE MONSTER!"  He stomped his foot a few times, and then settled down, sighing.  "I DO ACTUALLY ALREADY UNDERSTAND."
"frisk'll go out and take care of this freak.  yell at their parents or something, i dunno.  then in a couple weeks they'll send some people down who'll be paid to guard this town, and you don't have to worry about doing it yourself anymore."
"c'mon. sit over here with me."  
Papyrus sighed and went over to the couch.  He sat down and sighed again, louder.  He crossed his arms and tapped his foot.
"you're so relaxed."
"grillby's not that mad."
"tori did?"
"that doesn't sound that mad."
"oh no." 
Well, if the human had attacked someone other than Papyrus, Frisk probably wouldn't have rushed down.  That was going a little far in blaming Papyrus, though.  No one wanted Frisk to go, either.  
"it's the worst, right?"  Sans sighed.  "doing what you think's right, and having it go bad.  they'll get over it, papyrus.  you don't monitor what grillbz eats anymore, right?"
"that's just as good."  
Papyrus rapped his hand on the arm of the couch.  
Sans patted him on the back.  "it'll be ok, bro.  i can feel it in my bones," he lied.
"what? that didn't tickle your funny bone?"
"maybe you should've gotten the doc to look at that, too.  if your bones start wearing down, one day i'll tell you a joke so good, you'll just fall to pieces."
"IF ONLY!"  He took the blanket off the back of the couch and dropped it on Sans' head.  "GO TO SLEEP!"
"i'm not a bird," Sans said.
"there's a bird under here, though.  be free, little bird."  He lifted the blanket up enough so he could flip Papyrus off.
Sans felt one hit his head.  
Papyrus stood up and started loudly pacing.  After a minute, he sat back down next to Sans again.  "HOW LONG HAS IT BEEN?"
"let me check.  half past 'i don't feel like getting my phone out and i can't see the clock because there's a blanket on my head.'"  
"it's not that bad.  how long've they been gone?"
"frisk can try, but they can't live up to your standard."
"if you want."
"yeah. maybe you should hold off."
"OR MAYBE--"  He broke off and sighed.  "NEVER MIND."
"ok. if it helps, i don't think anything that bad happened to them." Time was still moving forward, like normal.
"that's me."
Sans leaned against him.  The blanket was still over his head, but he was pretty sure he was leaning against Papyrus' arm.  "sounds good."
"yeah." Sans felt a little bit of optimism leeching off his brother and into him.  Anyway, even if everything was going to go horribly wrong, what was the point in worrying about it right at that moment?  If something went bad and they went back, well, this was all he had, really.  
Sans didn't think Frisk would reset if they were hurt--he just didn't think they wouldn't, either.  He didn't know.
"i like it under here."
>>Next Part<<
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Chapter 16: Bad intentions...?
In which Sans questions everything about you.
*Sans's POV*
Calm down, Sans.
You got this.
My brother and (Y/N) were cooking in the kitchen while I was freaking out in the couch, thinking why I had a burst out when she told me she worked at science. It's not the first scientist I've met, so there was no reason to become THAT enthusiastic about it. Considering that she's probably a science nerd and that she has multiple problems I have as well, we may be pretty similar. Thing that scares me, needless to say. Besides, one day I heard her ringtone and it was Sweet Child O' Mine, which it's an incredible taste in music. I do like rock as well, so... this is freaking me out. A lot.
One of the reasons I'm probably feeling weird around her is the fact that she's someone new. I've known the monsters in the Underground all my life, no new relationships haven't been made since years. The kid, Frisk, turned out to be a fucking bitch, so we can't consider it as a relationship, even. Emily, well, she shared my passion for books, so that may be something. But (Y/N)? She's becoming closer and closer every time she comes here, which it's scary. I've never been good at making friends. Yes, I'm not afraid to talk to new people, but making friends? Oh, that's just letting my vulnerabilities show.
Even if (Y/N) knows I have depression and all that stuff, she doesn't know the reasons- that's the intimate part. I could even tell everyone in the world that I have these mental problems, but tell them the backstory of it? That's a huge step I'll never take with anyone. I mean, Papyrus doesn't know it, for God's sake! How can I risk myself more and more?!
More friendships mean more reasons to speak out loud, which it's what I don't want to do. The worst thing is that Frisk and Flowey know exactly why I have these things, that's why I can't show my problems to them. If they get to know I'm really traumatized of what they've done, they will torment me with that 'till the rest of my life...
Which reminds me- why she hasn't reset? Is she really thinking that we, finally, have the right to have a normal life out of the Underground? Nope, I don't think so. It's stupid to think she had a change of heart, less if Flowey can be inciting her into doing it again. Then why? Has she... Did she lose her power? The power to reset it all? To have the world in the tip of her fingers?
Wow, the laws of physics are just huge fuckers. I mean, they let the power of time and space to an irresponsible teenager, bored of having a normal life and trying to make it more interesting every time. Did they just realize it was a mistake? How funny.
I have suffered a lot, taking in consideration that two kids have power over me. No matter how much I train. No matter how old I get. They'll always have the power to change it all, in a way that their immature minds think it's correct. How stupid they can be? Do they think this is all a fucking videogame?! Just because they know they will come back from death...
They fear no man.
They fear nothing.
Just the fact that someone can take the power away from them.
But that's never gonna happen...
Or am I wrong?
A new timeline, new things to discover. And I must say that everything in this new world I've been dragged along is confusing to me. The thought that I won't necessarily live in Snowdin, that I can meet new faces, that I can finish a career...
That I can fall in love with a different face.
Is this even real?
How have I become so free in a matter of seconds?
Now I have the power to decide over my future, to run away, to breathe fresh air, feel the sun, and watch the stars. The real stars; the ones I always wanted to see as a kid. Thinking about it, Frisk had mercy this time. Or curiosity took over, who knows? This is the first 'Pacifist' timeline she has ever done, the ones before it were either neutral or... genocidal.
I'm afraid I can be wrong, though.
There's a thing called "True Reset"- a reset than only the... player of this goddamn videogame will remember. Not even I would remember anything about it... or the other timelines before it. There's a probability that Frisk has done it, but I still don't know...
The first timeline I remember was a neutral one, in which Frisk seemed scared. TRULY scared, like if she was going to collapse at any moment. It would make no sense that it wasn't her first time there- why would she fake kindness? At first, she was a good kid, I admit it. Now, she's not my friend anymore. Because she broke her promise- OUR promise, and give a shit about it. She knows why I hate her, and she just laughs it off.
sHe'S A bITCh.
She... she turned into a soulless being. Not literally, but morally. She gave up and decided to take her fucking rage and need for something new on us. Like if we were nothing. To her, we are probably just the characters of some cheap videogame: repetitive, boring, predictable, and insensible. But she's wrong- oh, she's so fucking wrong. We are not repetitive, we all have different stories to tell, our own problems, hopes, and dreams. We cry when we lose someone, we laugh when we hear a joke. We hate, we help, we can make other people's lives miserable, just as she did. We are able to do all of that, and more. Because there's a difference between her and us- and that's love. She may have LOVE, but we... we love...
We love other people, we love our families, and we help each other. Because we fucking care about everything.
Even Gaster.
Even me.
Are other humans different?
Is (Y/N) different?
Does she care? Does she help? Does she...
Does she love?
Or is she the new player of this game?
Is she the new person that will ruin my life?
Or the one that will improve it?
It's so confusing to me to realize that people can be different. Frisk... she's a human, I know, But does that mean that they are all the same? I truly don't think so. There are people so genuine, with no need to hide identities because they know it's no use. (Y/N) seems truly genuine...
She cares.
She helps.
And she loves.
She fights for her own hopes, dreams, and deals with her problems. She has a story to tell, that not all people will hear.
Frisk has that as well, but it's different.
Someone so blindly open-minded can't be bad. I need to convince myself to not question her anymore. To not question (Y/N) anymore.
She can be good.
She has been good so far.
I have nothing to object.
She's been nice to Papyrus, to my... parents, to Undyne, Alphys, Mettaton...
She's been nice to Frisk, even when she doesn't know all the fucking horrible things she has done.
She's been nice to Flowey, even though he usually acts as a picky bitch.
She's been all nice and supportive to me, even though she doesn't know. She doesn't know a fucking thing of what's going on, but there's the thing. If I had the courage enough to tell her right now, she would hear it. And not all people have that courage- to listen to others and help them out. To be a good friend.
How is this girl so lonely, again?
She deals daily with herself, a thing that breaks her a lot in the inside. No one is there to shut the hell up that little voice of her head. To tell her that she'll be okay if she gets help...
She doesn't even receive fucking help.
Her enemy is the world around her? Or is her mind the true villain?
I checked the chat we both had some minutes before she arrived, and I sighed. Her life seems so... perfect on the outside. A smile in her face, a kind tone in her voice, a good career, a prodigy mind, and an easy way to make someone feel at ease. She, however, is never feeling at ease. that makes her imperfect, though? What does perfect even mean? To have a life full of roses? To have your job dream? To be happy no matter what?
I remembered that I, no matter how many times put Frisk as the bad of the story, am not perfect. I'm far from being a perfect person, I'm truly broken...
I'm a fucking mess that constantly bothers people. That hurts them, that breaks the promises with them, and that is really selfish. My mind thinks that I know the problems they have, but I don't. I don't know Frisk's past, I don't know Gaster's reasons to hate me, I don't know why Flowey changed his attitude so... suddenly. I...
I don't know (Y/N)'s story.
And she doesn't know mine.
Not even Papyrus know the half of it, and that's just... stupid.
He trusts me with his deeper struggles, his own dreams, and his wildest aspirations. Things that only I get to know because he trusts me. But...
Do I really want to ruin his innocence?
How would he react if he knew I watched him turn to dust...?
I... I feel really guilty about those timelines- Genocide runs. I had to wait until Frisk killed a lot of monsters to actually do something...
I'm weak. One hp, one of defense.
tHe eASIeSt eNEmY.
In order to gain power, I had to wait until my ability, "Karma", was activated. The more she killed, the more "Karma" I gain. And in the end, I was able to stop her only 'cause of the weight of her sins. "Karma" is like a counterattack, making the sinner pay for all they've done. Awfully, that characteristic is also pretty similar to the videogames' features.
I wasn't this weak before. I was really strong and able to protect Papyrus before I lost all HOPE, which it's the equivalent of "HP". My defense dropped as well, making me more vulnerable than ever. That, however, happened before the kid fell down...
Gaster is a huge factor in my depression as well. He makes me think I'm worthless, doubtful and a disappointment. He treats me like that since years ago, and I totally hate it. He just keeps telling me that I never was there for anyone, but I'm sure that's not true. I care about Papyrus and, secretly, about the others as well. The only ones I don't care about are Frisk, Flowey, and him. But he thinks I'm all careless and I don't give a shit, when in fact, I'm one of the most worried in the group.
I went to my room and closed the door behind me, then flopped right onto my bed. I supervised the room with a glance and noticed how different it is from the one in the Underground. Now I have a proper bed, a bigger desk where a new laptop resides in, a functional lamp ('cause the one in the Underground wasn't), a smaller self-sustaining tornado and... it is a bit less messy. The color of the walls is dark blue (almost black) and the furniture is dark brown, as well as the floor. It is a nice change of scenario, I guess.  I tried to make it as different as possible from the one I had before because it only brings me bad memories. Papyrus helped in the major decoration, though- I need to thank him for that.
The similarity, though, is that I have a window above my bed... and that the balcony is really close to my room. In this house, the balcony is actually closer than in the previous one. I remember that, back in Snowdin, I used to get out in the balcony when everyone was asleep and write peacefully a new chapter for my story. It was such a nice feeling, a moment of calm before school had to begin and TVs started to emit Mettaton's shitty shows.
I laughed quietly, remembering my life before the kid came and depression hit me. It was... far from perfect, but it was better. I worked as a scientist apprentice and I learned a lot. My rank was one of the highest, only one below the Royal Scientist occupation... that my father used to have. I was considered one of the smartest; not only in there but in school as well. I had the highest of grades, even better than Alphys's, and my social life was never bad. I never got in trouble, the teachers respected me, and Papyrus was alright. Thanks to my job and other small ones, I was able to always pay for the house and our necessities...
Papyrus is like three weeks away from becoming a high schooler, and the thought terrifies me. He's so innocent, so... precious to me. I don't want a stupid teenager to ruin that. But... I'm also afraid that others might bully him, because, well... he's a monster. They might even hurt him, and if something ever happens to him, I will never forgive myself.
"SAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAANNNNNNNNNNNNSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" My brother screamed at the top of his lungs... and believe me, you don't want to hear that.
I swear that I jumped some good feet above the ground and fell painfully out of my bed, scared and shocked at the same time. I think one of my ribs cracked, actually. The thing is, that it scared me and hurt me like a bitch, and I groaned loudly after trying to get up.
"papy, ah... wh-what's wrong?" I asked weakly, barely able to keep a balance in my words. My mind was considering shouting curses out loud, but I know that's not the best option.
"It's actually on the family, Papyrus... I didn't create it"
I caught my breath and got up slowly, then I checked my soul. It was as good as always: a white heart upside down, gleaming weakly but still gleaming. I sighed in relief and kinda contented, then I got out of my room, only to be granted by a heavenly smell. I smiled weakly, knowing that it was probably (Y/N)'s influence. I only had one question...
What the fuck is lasagna?
"SANS! PLEASE HELP US SET THE TABLE!" No fucking way, Paps.
"hello papy, how are you? any news lately?" I stupidly said, probably putting a goofy grin in my face.
And before I could give him another of my fantastic answers, I heard a loud crash coming from the kitchen.
"HUMAN? ARE YOU ALRIGHT?" Papyrus ran with clear panic in his voice, while I followed him with slow steps full of confusion.
"I'm fine, Papyrus... I think it's not me who you should worry about, though..."
And when I spotted what really happened, I broke out in laughter. An old man, formally known as my father, was laying on the ground after he unsuccessfully teleported into the house. (Y/N) was there in a defensive position and confused as heck. Papyrus tried to stop my laughter, but it didn't work. Who's the disappointment now, Gaster?
"wow, aren't you old?" I smiled widely, feeling mostly euphoric and incapable of reasoning.
"Shut up, Sans"
After a bit of argument and a groaning Papyrus, we finally thought it would be a good idea to start eating. Or well, I did. I was extremely hungry. And the smell wasn't helping either. Besides, why would I want to keep discussing with that annoying man?
We sat and eat then and, as expected, it was amazing. That's what I expected at least. Even (Y/N) seem a little dumbfounded by her own creation, that was probably a familiar recipe.
"is your family from italy or what?" I asked jokingly, and she let out a small and lighthearted laugh.
"Nah, my father just used to like cooking a lot. This a way too old recipe... I think he established it when I was just born"
"really? heh, it's good. was your father a-"
"He just cooked as a hobby, nothing serious. Still, I always liked his homemade food"
"and you? do you cook as well or..."
"Nope, I'm too busy for that... and maybe a bit lazy" She laughed quietly, then continued "I tend to only eat fast food during lunch breaks or at nights, nothing more"
I chuckled at the realization that I've done that so many times as well. Mostly not because I'm working, but because I'm ungodly lazy. I remembered all those times I ran away from Papyrus's cooking and head to Grillby's, which was like my second home. Me being a comedian, the bar was an excellent place to make top-quality jokes and friends of the same ranking.
After eating, (Y/N) had to leave, and we had as well. Papyrus never forgot that I had an appointment with a psychologist, and she couldn't stay any longer if she wanted to return at a proper hour. I know she takes the subway, which according to my calculations, is way more annoying and risky than being in a car.
"Hope it goes well"
"luck at your new job, kiddo"
"Thanks! The best of lucks in your session, Sans. It won't be easy, but you'll eventually get used to it"
"i hope so"
I really do.
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stripestheboar · 7 years
Stagnant Decay Chapter 2
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When Sans had first gotten a grasp on where he was, the world had terrified him. Humans were everywhere. They mingled with monsters he remembered sweeping away years ago. They all looked at him oddly and spoke muffled words he couldn't hear. Everything was just too cloudy. He'll admit: he had panicked a few times and caused a few accidents, but it's not like he couldn't help himself. Free EXP was just walking around everywhere, but with this many humans, he couldn't afford to be so reckless. However, he couldn't control himself during these times. Usually Papyrus would be here to help and comfort him, as he always did. But Papyrus was gone.
"Maggie, let's go! Come on!" Fuku called, running to catch up with Blaine. "Okay okay, hold on!" the young Vulkin called after her, trying her hardest to keep up with the two. It wasn't exactly fair that Blaine had a skateboard and Maggie was about half both of their sizes, but damn it if she didn't at least try. She had four legs and a whole lot of determination, but it still wasn't enough. While she was able to gain a bit of ground, she had to stop at the crosswalk once traffic started up again. She swore when she realized that her friends had made it over just in time. She tried to peer over the rushing cars to see if her friends were waiting for her, but to no avail. She was going to wait it out, but the movie was going to start in five minutes. She had no time. Maybe there was a way to get there faster? That's when a familiar blue and gray caught her eyes. "Hmm? Oh! Sans!" she called over, running to the hooded frame of the skeleton. She didn't know the skeleton too well, but he had once given her a shortcut to school as an add-on to a pretty expensive hotdog (50G if you could believe it). Sans was turned away from her, in his usual jacket and shorts as always with his arms crossed in a stiff manner. This time, he had his gray hood over his skull. He seemed to jolt slightly when he heard his name called and briskly began to walk away. Maggie frowned at this, but just shrugged it off and walked after him. "Sans, hey, can I ask for a reeeaaallly big favor?" she panted, already tired from all that running. Sans didn't answer. She just took it as him listening. "Okay, so I need to get to the cinema, but the movie starts in five minutes," she began to explain. "You know a shortcut, right? You always know a shortcut. It's just the theater down the block. Can you help me out? I'll buy another hotdog! Heck, I'll buy you a movie ticket if you want! I just need to get there! I-.... Sans?" About halfway through her little speech, she  stopped when Sans entered an alleyway. She was a bit confused when she saw the dead end, but that's when she realized it must be another one of his shortcuts. She ran in after him, but was forced to halt once again upon seeing him stop as well. "Sans?" she huffed, bewildered by the monster's strange behavior. "Sans, are you feeling okay?" she asked, trotting up in front of him and facing him. Sans had his head tilted downwards to where the shadows of the alley and his hood covered his skull, though she could still see that grin he was so well-know for. His hands slowly rose to embrace himself, the bones in his hands tightly clutching his arms. It was something you would see scared or deeply troubled monsters and humans do. Those who had arms, of course, which was something the Vulkin knew all too well. A shudder seemed to overtake him, something that Maggie didn't think skinless skeletons really did; however, the sudden movement did cause her to realize that something was falling from Sans' coat. It was particles, floating through the air like flour or something of the like. It was a very fine substance, and after a quick, more detailed look at Sans' jacket, she realized what the thin, easily breathable, deathly gray powder was. This wasn't Sans. This wasn't Sans at all. She began to finally feel the raw evil power, almost pungent in the air with its aura. What had she gotten herself into? Maggie's eyes began to well with fear as she slowly started to back away further into the alley, watching Sans' every move. She finally noticed the now sporadic movements he made, as well the way he seemed to get closer to her with each time she looked away, even if she was blinking. "Sans, stay back," she warned, already beginning to feel her magma begin to bubble up inside her, getting ready to erupt at the slightest sound. "I'm warning you! I don't want to hurt you! Don't make me, okay?" She heard the low chuckle coming from Sans. Oh god, that laugh sounded so unnatural, almost as unnatural as the way Sans' already wide smile seemed to only be getting bigger and bigger by the second. Another shudder tore through the skeleton, and he took another step forward, getting closer to the backing-up Maggie. That's when Sans began to lift his skull some, his sockets coming up to look at the young, too young, Vulkin. That expression. That expression terrified her. It was something she could only hope to see in her deepest nightmares. She felt her hope go out the window as her magic died down with fear. She backed up more, but she quickly hit the brick wall of a dead end. Sans was blocking the way, and he was only getting closer. Out of pure instinct, she let out a scream, just she saw the sharp bones spear up from the ground.
Papyrus hummed to himself happily as he made his way home, the bags of varying pasta noodles and other ingredients hanging taut from his ulnas. He had to admit, while it was a beautiful day outside, Papyrus didn't particularly feel all too sunny. It felt weird, just wandering the town of mostly humans without his brother there to crack a few one-liners. Sans hadn't accompanied him on the trip this time, saying something about needing to catch up with a friend. Papyrus knew it had something to do with the phone calls Sans had been getting, which were getting more and more frequent. He was constantly stopping in the middle of conversations to start a new one on his phone. And then it would be off to Grillby's for a few rounds of ketchup. It was quite annoying, if Papyrus was to be honest, but it was also quite worrying. What was keeping Sans away? Papyrus looked up at the sun, taking a moment to admire it. It seemed to be in the middle of the sky, not too late for a quick stop by someplace to maybe greet a few former residents of the Underground. Muffet's was always a good place to stop by, and her spiders sure did seem to like him, but Sans had asked him to stop going there after coming back with pretty much no money each time. He felt that visiting Onionsan at the beach would be a fun time, but after the little sinking incident a few months back, he was rather hesitant now. So why not the always best choice: Frisk and their family? Miss Toriel was always happy to have him, and Frisk just loved telling him all about school, as well as listening to him talk about his daily life. Of course, he could also go see Undyne and Aphys and possibly get to see Mettaton, but they have been strangely busy over the past few days. It would make sense, though, with the both of them performing their royal duties and such (not-so-royal for Undyne, seeing as the Guard had merged with the human’s police force into just being two different units).
So it was settled then: Papyrus would go out to see his bestest friends, Frisk. He pulled to the outer edge of the sidewalk, leaning against a building as he took out his phone and searched for the human’s number in his large library of five numbers.
Just as Papyrus had found Frisk’s number, he heard a scream pierce the air over the sound of passing cars. He blinked his sockets in surprise and looked up at the direction the cry, which was quickly cut short by a sound he couldn’t quite describe. It was a mix between tearing and stone breaking, and then a sudden silence. His Royal Guard in-training instincts kicked in, and seeing as the sidewalk was almost empty save for a sleeping Knight Knight on a bench, he went to investigate.
Papyrus put his phone away and rounded the corner, nearly dropping his bags at who he saw. It was his brother, Sans, standing with his back facing him and his hood up. Papyrus was rather surprised, as Sans had said he would be at Grillby’s for the rest of the evening. What was he doing in such a dingy alley like this? He hesitantly set the bags on his arms down, approaching his brother. “Brother? What are you doing here in such an unsanitary place?” he spoke, approaching Sans from behind.
Sans suddenly jolted as if being touched with a fire poker, spinning around at a faster speed than Papyrus even thought possible for him. The smaller skeleton raised a hand, as if he was about to summon an attack, but he seemed to catch himself. Strange; Sans hadn’t used an attack on anyone in years. This immediately worried the younger brother, who took a step back in surprise upon seeing how Sans so harshly readied his magic. There was anger in those movements. Hate and fear and desperation, and so much of them at that. Papyrus’ soul grew heavy from it. But that wasn’t all that was wrong with Sans.
With the exception of having his hood up, everything about Sans just seemed wrong. His hand was kept frozen in the air, his fingers twitching, almost uncontrolled. The jacket he usually wore was strangely faded and even a bit worn, with a couple of tears and stains visible in the fabric. He was wearing white shirt as well, something that tipped Papyrus off as being extremely wrong, as Sans had left wearing a red shirt with a terrible pun as its print. However, what really knocked hard on the skeleton’s skull was Sans’ face. That awful, petrifying look that Papyrus had never thought he’d ever see on his older brother. His eye sockets were wide open, the eyelights inside almost pinpricks. Speaking of the eyelights, those were fairly unnatural looking as well. The right socket had the glowing white light ringed with red, almost the same color as the scarf that was currently draped around the taller one’s cervical vertebrae. The left socket had the same blue that Papyrus was used to seeing within their magic and during some of Sans’ more unpleasant moments. Around the blue iris, though, was another red ring.
And that expression. Several emotions were clearly spread across Sans’ face: fear, anger, panic, confusion, and desperation. But Papyrus saw something that disturbed him. Something that he never wanted to see on Sans again.
Sans looked tired. He looked so tired, and it wasn’t the kind his own brother had before a long nap; it seemed as if his brother- no, not-brother- hadn’t slept in months. The way the tops of his sockets sagged, unable to move any higher, and how his eyelights moved in a slow and lethargic fashion; he looked to be just tired and confused. He even seemed to have trouble-
Papyrus’ train of thought was suddenly broken when his not-brother spoke. It had surprised him so much, as his voice sounded so unnatural;it was so rough, as if Sans had not spoken in many years. But why had he said his name so suddenly?
“P-Papyrus?” the Sans repeated. There was his name again. “Sans? Are you…. are you okay?” he replied, despite already knowing that whoever this monster was, it wasn’t his Sans.
“Papyrus, is that you?” this other version of his brother spoke, sounding so shaky, as though one wrong word would dust him on the spot. The skeleton in question was frozen to where he stood, not knowing what to do. Without waiting for an answer, his not-brother began to approach him, his steps seeming to be so heavy and dragging that you would have thought he had large weights tied to his tibias. Papyrus found that the ability to run away had returned to him, but he didn’t turn around. He couldn’t. Not when this Sans looked so troubled and distressed.
The twitchy Sans stopped in front of the taller monster, looking up at him with constricted lights and shaking bones. He reached forward, his phalanges stretching to grab hold of something on Papyrus, or perhaps just hoping to touch Papyrus himself. However, the hand stopped just before they could make contact, beginning to shake as if  it was scared of what would happen if contact was indeed made. So the hand was dropped, leaving the false Sans to just stare up at Papyrus from behind heavy sockets.
The two stood in complete silence, a silence that drowned out the rushing of the cars outside of the alley. Papyrus needed to break the silence, for this Sans didn’t seem all too like his brother, and not in the good way. He noticed the smaller skeleton’s lights shift down to Papyrus’ scarf, staring at it as if it was some crown jewel. And that’s when it hit him like a ton of bricks. He now knew why this Sans shook the way he did, and why his movements were so slow and lethargic, why he wore his hood over his skull, or even why he was so sporadic in his movements: Sans was cold.
It all made sense now. Of course, the colored eyelights still needed to be explained, but he would ask about that later. It was rather cold out, and being dressed in casual clothing fitting the weather, Papyrus was happy to lend over an article of warmth. Seeing as Sans already had on a jacket, he didn’t remove his own light coat, but instead slid his red scarf off from around his vertebrae. He honestly felt a bit silly now, thinking that his own bone and marrow brother was some odd imposter. His imagination really did get the best of him sometimes. “Here you go, brother!” Papyrus cheered, his jovial tone of voice returning as he reached down and slipped the scarf around the older’s cervical vertebrae, making sure it was secure. “You won’t have to feel cold anymore.” Sans immediately jolted at the contact and his rose about a fraction of an inch, but the other hand quickly grabbed that arm and held it down, as if restraining himself.
Sans stared up at Papyrus, sockets now wide in shock and disbelief. However, his expression quickly melted into one that seemed to convey joy, but contained a large amount of sadness. He looked ready to cry, but no tears fell. “Oh my god,” he heard Sans whisper. “It’s you. It’s really you. Oh god, you’re back.” Papyrus was taken aback when he suddenly had his waist embraced by his brother. “Back? What do you-?”
“I’m sorry,” was what cut Papyrus off. Sans pulled away for only a moment, but it was just to tug Papyrus down to his level to embrace him once again. “I’m so sorry,” Sans repeated, his voice cracking. He sounded so close to sobs, but nothing fell. “Oh god, I’m so sorry. I-I know…. I know you must…. I didn’t want to- oh god, you’re really back.” Sentences were started but never finished. Sobs were choked back, but never released. Sans just kept whispering how sorry he was. How Papyrus had finally come back.
Papyrus stared forward, his mind reeling. He had been right: this was no Sans of his. Or, at least, this wasn’t the Sans he knew and loved. This one just seemed so lost. He seemed broken. Papyrus’ arm slowly rose to wrap around him and return the embrace. The Sans jolted at his touch, but ended up just hugging him tighter. Papyrus continued to stare forward at the cold, stone ground in front of him.
There was a pile of gray dust, spread carelessly over the gray concrete, almost blending in had it not been for the fact that some much of it was gathered into one spot. Circling around the dust jutted out large bones, all angled inwardly. They had such sharp, jagged points, clearly summoned with the intention to hurt. The strangest part was that all the bones were a distinct purple shade, almost like a lilac. Such a soft color shouldn't be speckled with sprays of a dead gray. He had never seen magic like that. It was unknown to him. As much as his mind tried to deny what the powder was, the bones only confirmed his belief.
His thoughts dominating over the sound of Sans’ cries, morbid curiosity got the best of Papyrus. He slowly rubbed his gloved hands over the back of Sans’ jacket, getting a few good strokes in before shakily lifting his hand to peek at the palm. The entire palm and inner fingers of the red gloved were covered in a gray dusty powder. Sans was absolutely covered in it, hence the fade of the clothing.
Sans was covered in dust.
Papyrus’ mind went blank for a moment, every fiber in his being screaming for him to get away from the monster he was embracing, but he just couldn’t.
Sans wouldn’t stop mumbling his apologies. He sounded so broken.
Papyrus gave a slow nod to the apologies, wrapping his arms tighter around Sans.
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