#Peggy x steve
steven-g-rogers · 6 months
"You have the most beautiful eyes you know."
A soft blush crept up the back of Steve's neck to his cheeks and he dropped his gaze, shaking his head. "I don't see how that is possible since that title belongs to you, Pegs," he said, his hand running up the back of his hair.
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lukreziaaa · 5 months
“I…I can’t lose you again.” “We both know what I need to do.” “It never gets easier. We never get our happy ending.”
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“I’m sure somewhere out there we do.”
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haveyoureadthisfanfic · 6 months
Summary: steve rogers survives his crash in the arctic
Authors: @whatarefears
Note from submitter: This is undoubtedly one of the best fics i have ever read to this day, its a real heartstopper, the drama and angst is fantastic and im not even in the fandom anymore but i always come back to this journey of a series
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Favorite Steggy Fic Quotes   [part 1]
Can’t Have It Both Ways
Flames We Never Lit
The SSR Supply Closet Crisis
Coffee Talk
And The Sun Hits Ground
You Can’t Take The Sky From Me
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widowkills · 2 months
Steve & Peggy | the life we could have had (2:09) for steggy month by @steggyfanevents
this is a study on grief. on what “moving on” means to them. steve and peggy’s journey has always fascinated me: how he grieved her even before she died. how she learnt to live with the loss of him so that she is open to possibilities once again. how they yearned still for an impossibility… this is a study on how they get to endgame.
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lovely-geek · 2 years
Looking for a Steve Rogers story.
I don’t remember much. Just the ending. Steve and reader are dating. She gets kidnapped by brock. Who then makes Steve choose between saving reader. His living girlfriend or save Peggy coffin. Steve decided to save Peggy’s coffin. (Which has a bomb inside.) And brock teases reader bout how her boyfriend loves Peggy more then her and then proceeds to throw reader of the building.
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I am absolutely begging someone to draw Peggy like this.
I am begging for this to be drawn to life because Steve would still be enthralled by her. Even more so puppy-dog in love. Rather it's pre serum or post serum Steve, he wouldn't be jealous of her. He'd absolutely love how ripped she is.
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astro-tag-9 · 2 months
hii, which character would you assign me? libra stellium, aries moon, capricorn rising, leo mars 🤎 thank you in advance !
❣️Peggy Carter❣️
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sparkliingdust · 2 years
decided to make a lockscreen of the dance and ugh the way they cradle each other. her hand on his back is literally gripping him like he isn't real
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dgct2 · 3 months
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Captain America and Captain Carter are finally together! I've been searching for this version of Steve from Infinity War for a bit now.
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timeguardiansarchive · 11 months
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Art from here X
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avesrinapproved · 6 months
or after a year of not speaking Howard stark shows up at the SSR asking for Peggy's help finding some of his stolen gadgets, and rekindles their relationship despite the loss of the others in it.
It’s been a whole year since the war and despite all the plans they made.. They all made, Peggy hasn't so much as heard from Howard outside of the usual scandalous news stories. She was starting to believe he had completely forgotten she existed, that is until… Howard comes walking into SSR, trailed by Rose "ah agent Carter! just the woman I was looking for!" he says, walking right towards her desk.
The others stand up, hands on their guns, staring at him with a look of shock and confusion, as he just strides right into their office.
Carter looks up, "Howard?"
"Good to see you Peg, got any snacks?” he asks, looking through her desk. “I just flew in from London and I'm starved."
"Howard, my desk!" She huffs and smacks his hand a bit.
"Um, Miss Carter.. Is.. Mr S-.. Would you like him escorted out?" Rose asks. Everyone is just watching, not really seeming to know how to react to this intrusion.
"What? Oh, no, he’s no harm," Peggy dismisses.
"Don't worry there isn't anything here I don't already know" Howard waves dismissively, while eating a snack bar he pulled out of Peggy’s LOCKED snack drawer, "anyway peg I need your help, some of my... toys have been stolen and I'm having a small bit of trouble recovering them. You know I'm not really the sleuthing type, and I don't really trust anyone else. Would you help me out?"
Carter blinks a few times, before rubbing the bridge of her nose, this man will be the death of her, "I.. Oh.. Uh.. Let's get lunch."
"Ah good idea. I know this great place only a few blocks from here, got a private room and everything." Howard says, already headed for the door.
"Perfect." She gets up and grabs her bag, the others still staring with wide eyes.
"Oh you won't be missed right? This was rather sudden." Howard asks, turning to look back at her then the others.
“No, they can handle the work on their own." Not like they let her do anything of importance anyway.
"Good," he nods and takes her out
"Do you want to re-explain what you just asked me?" she asks quietly as they walk.
"Ah someone stole some... trinkets from my house, bad ones, and they're selling them on the black market, and I want your help recovering them." Howard reiterates, “I have a vault. ‘Had’ I should say. Sub-basement of my office. Triple-thick, lead-lined. It was where I kept my bad babies.”
“Bad babies?” Carter asks, cocking an eyebrow at him.
“Inventions too dangerous for anyone… Even my friends.” Howard explains
“Which begs the question, why invent them at all?”
“I can't help what I think of, but I can damn well control what I sell. At least I could until last month.”
Peggy leans closer “What happened last month?”
“I was in Monaco… with a lovely tax advisor. When I got back, I found a hole under my vault, all the way to the sewer. Somebody cleaned me out. A couple of weeks later my bad babies, they start turning up on the black market.”
“So you've come to me to help get them back, why not just go to the police or something, instead of barging into my office?”
“Oh come on Peg," Howard says rolling his eyes “we both know it would end up in the hands of your office anyway, and I wanted you to lead the case. Plus, it's not too big a jump to see me cutting a hole in my own vault and making some money on the sly. And I knew you wouldn't think that.”
She pauses before sighing, "If anything gets used... Alright. Alright, we need to start quickly. What information do you have?"
"I had Jarvis make you a whole file of all the info for you and your... coworkers... as much as I'd not like them involved, I also don't want to go to jail and if it gets out that they're being sold overseas or anything and I don't stay on top of it I'm screwed."
"Fair enough.. I will make sure this is handled. You just need to keep a clean face."
"Thank you, Peg," he says, clasping her hand in his. “I'll help the best I can as well... should I officially file it or can you handle that?"
"I can handle it." She nods
"Thank you," he says happily.
It's not long after that they arrive at a very high class restaurant, not really a place you go for your lunch break, and certainly not in your work clothes. This thought is only confirmed as they walk into the near empty restaurant. Only a few very well dressed people dotted about the grand dining space.
"oh... Howard, this is a bit much." Peggy protests, the large crystal chandeliers and mirror polished marble floors making her feel very underdressed indeed.
"It's the best place to eat, trust me." He says, just waving to the seating person and leading Peggy to a grand room labeled ‘private dining’ and closing the door behind them.
"It is a real nice change from my normal breaks." Peggy says as she sits down in one of the plush velvet chairs. “Though I'm afraid I'm a bit underdressed for such a place
“Nonsense.” Howard insists “you look amazing! Like always. And it's not like anyone but me and the waitresses can see you. And we don't judge pretty ladies, no matter what they're wearing.”
“Are you trying to charm me, Howard Stark?" Peggy chuckles.
“Maybe, is it working?” he asks, wiggling his eyebrows playfully.
Peggy pauses, pretending to consider it. “Maybe” she says with a smile.
“Fabulous,” Howard purrs, giving the waitress a polite head nod as she sets out menus for them.
“Thank you.” Peggy says to the waitress, as she opens the menu to read it over.
“Their filet mignon is amazing,” Howard says, pointing it out on her menu. “They also have fantastic lobster if that's more your style.”
“Oh both of those sound marvelous”
“Then get both. If you can't eat it all you could always bring the rest home.'' Howard says nonchalantly, like that's the only thing she would be concerned with.
“Well, since you're paying, I guess I will.” she says setting the menu down.
It's not long after that their waitress comes back to take their orders. And not long after that they’re brought plates of amazing looking food, lobster drenched in a golden sauce, steak with herb butter, chicken in some sort of mushroom sauce, soups, pineapple fruit bowls, breads, the whole shabang, all plated to look as fancy as possible.
Howard loads up a plate with a little bit of everything. “Here you are” he purrs as he hands her the plate, snatching up some pineapple for himself before starting on his own plate.
The waitress is very attentive while they eat, clearing away plates and refilling their glasses while still giving them privacy, which is rather appreciated as her and Howard catch up. Howard tells her all about the places he's been over the last year, the parties he's been too people he's met, he's been keeping himself busy without her, having flown all over the world not seeming to stay in one place for more than a week. And here she's been, sitting in the ssr covering the phones and sharing her bed with a roommate.
By the time Peggy’s done eating Howard's started in on his latest invention “it could even help you with your spy work, if you'd like to try it out.'' Howard offers, and the promise that he'd have to come back and see her again even after all this stuff is over is… tempting…
“Speaking of my work, I should really be getting back to it.” Peggy says as she stands, dusting herself off
“Oh right yes, I'll walk you back” Howard says also standing
“You don't need to walk me back, I'm perfectly capable.”
“I know you are, Peg, but I want to talk to your boss, and I want to spend more time with you.” Howard says, offering her his arm.
Peggy nods, looping her hand into his arm.
“Please come again!” the hostess calls as they leave.
“We will!” Howard calls back, blowing her a playful kiss.
Howard dips into a bakery on the way back to her office to pick up 2 boxes of donuts “as an apology for breaking in”
When they get back he sets the first box down for the telephone girls then walks Peggy back to her desk "thank you again for your help, oh here's the information I have, feel free to drop by and look at the hole in my floor whenever you like."
She nods, "Alright.. I will get this looked over and see you soon."
"See you Peggy! Don't let me down!" He says, dropping the second box of donuts off in their break room before poking his head into Dooly's office to chat.
"Don't get yourself into more trouble." Peggy calls as Howard heads out.
"Oh I plan on it!" He says as the elevator doors close, and now all eyes are on her.
"So what did he want?" Sousa asks, turning in his chair to look at her.
"You two seemed really… friendly. Didn't take you for that kind of girl Carter." Thompson comments.
She rolls her eyes and busies herself sorting the papers Howard gave her. "Mister Stark has gotten himself into a little.. Predicament with some of his inventions. Someone stole some of them and well, they're not the type that should ever be on the market." she says curtly.
"Ah, and he asked you to handle it? Think he'd want someone who actually knows what they're doing to handle it if it's that critical."
"Hey Carter! Are these donuts for us?" Krzeminski asks from the break room
"Yes, they're from Mr Stark!" She calls before sighing, "And I think you're starting to sound jealous that he asked me personally." she says to Thompson.
"Not jealous, just think he shouldn't put a woman on what seems to be a very high risk task." Thompson says with a shrug
"Fuck yeah! Mr Stark can stop by anytime!" Krzeminski comes out with 2 donuts and plops down at his desk
"Thank you Krzeminski, I will tell him that." She says while glaring at Thompson.
"Carter, can you come here?" Dooley calls from the doorway of his office.
"Yes sir?" she asks walking over to him.
"I need to discuss the Stark case with you." He beckons her in and closes the door behind them. "I am sure you know that we usually do not take personal cases, but since this is a national security concern, we will make an exception. Since Stark requested your assistance, you will take care of everything. It is your responsibility to conduct investigations, collect evidence, all of it, but no one will be mad if you need some help."
"Understood. I will say something if I do need help." Peggy nods, internally rolling her eyes.
"Right, you’re dismissed"
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“Break!” Peggy declared, stopping mid step. 
Steve, a step or two in front of her, halted immediately. He turned to her, a quick scan of her whole body to make sure there was no need to worry.
Peggy was bent over, hands on her knees and her breath slightly wheezing. Otherwise she seemed fine; if perhaps a little disheveled, but that was mostly due to the wind that lashed at their faces as they ran down the hill. 
“Everything okay?” Steve asked, walking back to her. 
“Yes, perfectly fine.” Peggy answered, still out of breath. 
After a moment, she straightened. Her face was flushed - exertion and wind to blame for that. A few ringlets of her hair escaped the tight ponytail, sticking out in various directions, some stuck to her sweaty forehead.
To Steve she looked beautiful, as always. 
“Turn around.” Peggy pointed at Steve with her index finger and made a circular motion. 
“Why?” Steve’s eyebrows drew in confusion, at the same time he turned his back to her, peeking at Peggy over his shoulder as she stepped closer. “Do I have something on my back?” 
“Not yet.” He thought he heard a chuckle in Peggy’s voice.
A second later and she jumped up, bracing her hands on Steve’s shoulders and wrapping her legs around his hips. 
On instinct, Steve quickly reached back, hands gripping Peggy’s thighs and helping her secure her weight on his back. She squeezed his sides with her thighs and propped herself up. 
“We can go now.” She announced, pressing her cheek to Steve’s. 
“We were supposed to be jogging.” Steve snorted. 
He changed his hold on her thighs, making it easier for the both of them to carry her weight. Though for Steve it made little difference. He could carry Peggy in any position. He’d carry her to the top of the world, if she asked him to. 
Which he told her one evening, when he was feeling extra sappy as they laid in the little backyard behind their house, cuddling on a blanket and stargazing. 
Peggy laughed then and brushed a kiss on his jaw. She said they have enough adventures in their lives and she’d rather have him hold her against a wall when they feel impatiently needy. 
“You wanted to go jogging.” Peggy corrected Steve. “I decided I want a doughnut.” 
“Which we were supposed to get at the end of our run.” He pointed out. 
“So you better end your run quickly, because I really want that doughnut.” 
Steve shook his head and chuckled. He didn’t break into a run, though he could do it even with Peggy clinging to him like a monkey. He set a brisk pace, but limited it to walking. 
“Instead of promises of carrying you to the top of the world, I should simply vow to take you to any bakery you wish.” He joked, grinning at the elder couple they were passing, who had to hear part of their conversation because they exchanged knowing looks. 
“That’s why I married you.” Peggy tightened her hold around Steve’s shoulder and pecked a sweet kiss to his neck. 
“And the guys were warning me about the dangers of never satisfying a wife. Idiots.” 
“Well, things may get dangerous if you don’t get me that doughnut
 a little gift for @doctorhelena for finishing her workout challenge 💪💞
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crematosis · 5 months
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sincerethoughtsblog · 2 years
Captain Carter my beloved
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tblyths · 5 months
steggy rp partner wanted
hello, i’m currently looking a 1x1 roleplay partner, preferably with some knowledge of discord.
if you’re interested, please drop me an ask.
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