#Personally I would make him worse.... but maybe he's earned happiness... or learned that happiness isn't supposed to be earned...
technofinch · 6 months
I think Mulligan's character arc from this point hinges entirely on whether anyone brings him a bagel in the next, oh, 8 or so hours
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froggiewrites · 2 months
Follow Through
Pairing: Ace x Reader
Summary: Portgas D. Ace may be a flirt, but he doesn't think he deserves more than that. You try to prove him wrong. Warnings: Smut, Self Loathing, Very Little Hurt/Lots of Comfort Word Count: 5.8k Crossposted from Ao3
His hands are warm.
That was your first thought when you met Fire Fist Ace. You quickly learned that the rest of him was warm, too, from the top of his head to the tip of his toes, from his beautiful smile to the depths of his heart. But the hands were first, calloused yet gentle, holding yours for a handshake and welcoming you aboard. You were reluctant to let go of them, barely able to muster enough willpower to pry yourself away. They were comforting, but enough to engulf your own but barely gripping, ensuring he didn’t cause you any discomfort.
The second thing you noticed was his smile, boyish and bright, and the way it made your heart flutter. There was something terribly honest about it, in a way that not many men let themselves be. He never held himself back in his joy, always busting into a wide smile and a laugh that made his whole body shake. You can’t even remember the joke you made to make him react in such a way, but you do remember your own smile falling as you just stared in awe at him. He was beautiful in a way that felt so very alive.
You couldn’t hide your feelings for him then, and you certainly can’t do it now. You’ve been with the Whitebeard Pirates for nearly six months, long enough to truly embrace your new family and friends. And they’ve wholly embraced you too, giving your life a meaning you had never had before. It felt so right to finally have a place in life, and people who accept you for who you really are. But with acceptance comes familiarity, with familiarity comes comfort, and with comfort comes the constant needling teasing that only comes from someone who truly loves you.
“Staring again? It’s getting a little sad at this point, honestly.” Thatch’s words may have a little edge to them, but his tone is light and teasing, without a hint of malice. He’s been kind to you, as he is to everyone, so you don’t take it too personally.
“Yeah, so I keep hearing.” Your eyes are still on Ace, laughing with his head thrown back without a care in the world. He’s so handsome like this, shining in the sun and absolutely bursting with joy. He’s always like this at banquets, stuffing himself full and laughing like he’s never known sorrow. He always draws your eye, but especially in moments like this. He’s surrounded by people all smiling just as widely as he is; he tends to have that effect on people.
Thatch laughs a little. “And you don’t plan on doing anything about that?”
“Not really.” The idea of it makes your chest seize. It’s terrifying, to imagine change, and even worse to imagine how it all could go wrong. As much as you’d like to, you can’t imagine any response to your confession but rejection. Some kind, some less so, but you never imagine a yes. How could you? How could such a man want you? Want anything less than the perfection he deserves?
Thatch sighs. “You both are a nightmare to deal with, do you know that?”
You finally let your eyes leave Ace to look at Thatch with confusion. “What do you mean?”
He sighs again, significantly more dramatically than the first time. “Nothing. Just…I think you should tell him, ‘s all. Nothing will change if you don’t.”
“Would that be so bad?”
“To never know if your feelings are reciprocated? Yeah, sounds pretty bad.”
“No, but–You don’t get it. Yeah, I won’t know. But I’ll get to stay by his side. I’ll get to stay his friend, his confidant. Can’t that be enough?” You don’t want to get greedy. You don’t want to demand more than you’ve earned.
“Maybe it could, I guess. But why should you settle for ‘enough’ instead of reaching for happiness?” You hate it when he makes a good point.
“Enough doesn’t hurt.”
“Neither does more than enough.” He pats your shoulder soothingly. “And a little hurt is worth it in the end. You’re stuck in limbo, right now. But if you say something? Well, who knows where that might lead.”
You had resigned yourself to limbo, back when you first saw his beautiful smile and known you were smitten. You weren’t used to getting what you wanted. But oh, to imagine a life where you did. To imagine a world where he knew your feelings and you knew he felt the same. Where you were able to see that beautiful face first thing every morning, and last thing every night. What a life that would be. You would never want for anything again. “...Maybe I could say something. Someday.”
“Maybe someday soon.” He pats your shoulder again before walking away, probably back to the kitchen to make up for the dent Ace made in the food for the feast.
Someday soon, huh? You try to imagine it. A day where you look him in the eye and tell him how deeply you care about it. You couldn’t open with telling him you love him, of course. Didn’t want to scare him away. And you couldn’t say you liked him like some teenage girl with a crush. You wanted him to know it was deeper than that, a feeling that ran to your bones, to your soul. How could you say it?
Your eyes flicked back to him, and they met his. He was grinning at you, toothy and wide, like he always did. And you returned it, like you always did. A moment you had lived a thousand times, and hoped to live a thousand more. It always made you feel so warm and fuzzy, soft at the edges. You could just melt, looking at him like this. You could fade into nothingness and not feel a moment of regret if you just got to see that smile one last time.
He waves you over, and your feet begin to move, helpless to his whims. Before you know it, you’re sitting directly next to him, his arm slung around your shoulder as he excitedly regales you with a tale of his latest adventure. Your shoulder is pressed into his chest and you try not to pay attention to how hard and strong it feels against you. His warmth radiates through your shirt, and you feel it slowly moving through your body, melting you further into him. It takes all of your concentration not to lean your head into his chest and make a home there.
“Hey, are you listening?” The arm around you jostles you a bit, bringing you back to earth. 
“Oh, I–um–”
“I know it must be distracting being so close to someone this hot, but really, you gotta keep it together.” His tone is light, and his smile full of mischief. He pulls you a little closer, and speaks quieter against your ear. “I’m trying to impress you, y’know. It doesn’t really work if you don’t listen to how cool I am.”
Your face flushes, and you scramble for a response that doesn’t show how flustered you are. “Oh, is that what you think you are? Cool?”
You can feel him smirk against your ear. “Well I guess it’d be better to call myself hot.” He blows on your ear and you shoot up, hand pressing against the side of your face as you desperately try to cover the red seeking its way up your neck. He laughs good naturedly, and puts his hands up in some form of surrender.
You skitter off, throwing yourself into the throng of people, trying to catch your breath. He teases you often, hands reaching just a little closer than appropriate to certain places where his eyes like to linger, words just a touch beyond friendly. But it doesn’t mean anything, you tell yourself.
But could it?
Maybe someday soon echoes in your head.
Maybe someday could be today. Maybe you could say something. You could be brave. His bravery is one of the things you admire most about him. You could try to imitate that, in some small way. After calming down, you seek him out, like a moth to a flame, and pull him aside. “Can I talk to you later? Once everything calms down a bit?”
He regards you with a good natured concern. “Everything alright?”
“Yeah, yeah, everything’s fine. I just need to talk to you. Nothing’s wrong or anything.”
He smiles at you fondly, though you could swear you see something in it—some sort of nervousness, unsteadiness you aren’t used to seeing in Ace. “Well, good. Yeah, we can talk later. Party’s winding down now, so we can probably sneak off soon.”
“Good. See you soon, then.” You skitter off before you lose your nerve, not seeing the way his eyes follow you across the room.
Soon turns out to be over an hour later, once half the crew has passed out drunk and the other half has dragged the first half back to their beds. You meet Ace on the deck, in the cool ocean air, and admire the way he seems to shine in what little light there is. He smiles at you, and the moon seems dim in comparison.
“Hey.” His voice is quiet and deep, and it plunges right through you.
“Hey.” You twitch nervously, hands fidgeting and eyes focused anywhere but him. “I…Sorry, I’ve been rehearsing this in my head over and over and I forgot everything I was going to say the moment I saw your face.”
You expect a reassuring smile, one that he usually gives freely when you’re nervous, but his mouth remains flat. “It’s alright, take your time.” The words are right, but the tone is wrong.
You persevere. “You’re…really special. To me.”
“Is that so?” He leans against the railing of the ship, hair blowing in the breeze, moonlight dancing in the dark strands. His energy has gone strange, unfamiliar in a way you have never known him to be.
“I really care about you, Ace.”
He isn’t looking at you. His eyes are to the sea, staring into the horizon, a million miles away. They’re devoid of their usual warmth, you realize. There is no mischievous twinkle, no crinkle at the edges indicating a smile.
“You shouldn’t.” His voice is soft, but not tender. It’s filled with resignation, with shame, with a deep seated self-loathing that startles you so badly you almost flinch.
You realize the downside of this beautiful, burning flame: he cannot see himself. He cannot see his own brilliance past the light in his eyes. He thinks himself weak and small and ugly, and you have no way to show him how wrong he is. He carries this burden silently, as he does all his burdens, because he thinks he has to. Because he thinks his only use is as a candle burning itself down to keep the rest of the world in the light.
You take his hand in yours. He jumps a little at the contact, and he looks at you with confusion, like he can’t figure out why you’re still here, why you haven’t already run from him. “But I do. And I don’t think anyone gets to decide how I should feel except for me.” You start to slowly rub your thumb over the back of his hand, and he looks at you with such a horribly lost look it makes you want to weep.
“I don’t–” Ace tries to keep his voice from cracking, choking down any sound that gives away the weakness he is so desperate to hide. “I don’t understand why you would want me.” Why anyone would want me remains unsaid, but it hangs in the air between you nonetheless. He takes in a ragged breath, still holding back tears, and the hand that isn’t holding his cautiously makes its way to his cheek, gently tracing over his freckles.
“Ace, I can say with complete and total honesty that I don’t understand how anyone wouldn’t. You’re the most wonderful, kind, and passionate man I’ve ever met, and from the first moment I saw you I knew that you were going to be important to me, even if I didn’t know how. You’re strong, brilliant, fiercely loyal, fun—You’re just…warm. Like the sun. Like surfacing out of cold water on a summer day and feeling the sunlight on your face. Like napping outside and feeling it wash over you and gently pull you back to sleep. Like seeing the first ray after a storm and knowing everything is going to be okay, even if you don’t know when.” You trail off, a bit embarrassed at going on for so long with no response, but when you see how he’s looking at you, your breath catches in your throat. He’s so vulnerable, so open, and looking at you with the sense of awe and wonder you once thought exclusive to gods and angels and Ace himself. The warmth is slowly making its way back into his eyes, softening his face and making him look younger. His mouth is slightly open, lips parted as though he was about to speak but couldn’t choose between a confession of love or a prayer.
“You–you really mean that.” His voice is little more than a whisper. It isn’t a question, just a simple statement of disbelief. “You really feel that way about me.”
“I do. And all of that still isn’t enough to really describe it. You’re…everything, Ace. Everything good and kind in this world, and then some.” He doesn’t believe you. You can see it in his face, his lack of understanding. He knows your words are sincere, that you mean everything you say, but he doesn’t understand that you’re just finally putting into words the unspoken truth of this world, the one that everyone who has ever met him understands instantly. It is one of the few things that you can rely on in this world, that you know will forever be true: the sun will rise in the morning, the world will keep spinning, and Ace will always be good.
“You’re wrong, you know. I can't–I’m not anything special. I’m not even anything decent. Every good part of me is borrowed from someone else. I’m stubborn, and angry, and–”
He blinks. “What?”
“I never said you were perfect, Ace. I never thought you were. You’re just wonderful. That doesn’t make you flawless. It doesn’t make you inhuman. And all of the best parts of you are all you, Ace. You’re just too close to see it.” You try to let go of his hand so you can fully clasp his face, cradle him like he deserves, but he grips it tightly, pulling it to his chest. He’s frightened to let you go, like the moment your hand leaves his you’ll disappear, slipping through his fingers like so much else has.
“I don’t believe you.” His voice is soft, without much fight in it.
“I know. I wish you did, but that’s okay. I’ll tell you as many times as I have to. I will spend every day for the rest of my life telling you, if you let me.”
“That sounds like a proposal.” There’s a hint of a smile in his voice, just a small amount of his humor leaking through. There was a question in it as well, a quiet could it be? One day, when I believe you, could it be?
“Maybe it could be, someday. But I don’t want to skip any steps. I want to remember each and every little minute I have with you, every moment, no matter how small. If you let me, of course.”
You weren’t expecting him to kiss you. You weren’t expecting his lips to brush against yours so softly you almost didn’t feel them at all. You weren’t expecting the press to continue until you can feel every inch of them, chapped and cracked, against your own. The hand not holding yours rests on your cheek, pulling you closer and taking your breath away. You had imagined your first kiss with Ace many times, most of them as fiery as the man himself. But you had never pictured such tenderness, such care. He holds you like you’ll crumble beneath his fingers. The gentleness of it makes your chest ache, and you feel like maybe you really will shatter under his touch.
Even when your lips part, you stay close, breath mingling and foreheads pressed together. You open your eyes to stare directly into his, and the pure adoration in them brings tears to your eyes. The only thing you can see are his shining, beautiful eyes and the freckles dotting his cheeks, and you don’t know if you ever want to see anything else again. It’s every beautiful sight you’ve ever seen reflected back at you in a single image, in a single tight frame, and if you died right now you could rest easy knowing that you truly had seen all of the beauty and glory and grace this world had to offer.
“I would let you.” His voice is barely a whisper. “I would give you everything I had. I would let you take anything from me.”
“I’d rather share it, I think.”
He closed his eyes at that, basking in the idea, imagining a life for two. A life worth living, perhaps. “I think I’d like that.” His smile grows wider, though you cannot see it as he lifts his head and drags you forward into his chest. He presses your ear against his heart, and you can hear its beating, quick and growing quicker. He rests his chin on the top of your head, and lets out another whisper. “That’s for you. Always has been.”
You sit like that for what feels like hours, intertwined and listening to Ace’s heart. It calms to a steady beat, and soon after that he slides you down onto the deck so he can lean against the railing of the ship. You’re unsurprised when you hear snoring shortly after. His arms around you don’t loosen at all in his sleep, holding you tightly like you’ll be gone when he awakes if he even thinks about letting go. The weight should be suffocating, but instead it’s soothing, warm and heavy in the same way as a thick comforter.
When he awakens, you ask him a quiet question that has been nagging at your heart. “Ace, why did you hit on me so much? Why were you so kind to me, if you didn’t want me to care about you like this?”
When he talks you can feel it rumble through his chest. “I never said I didn’t want it. I wanted it more than anything. I couldn’t stop myself from getting closer, even when I knew I didn’t deserve it. I kept telling myself that it was fine, because you didn’t want me anyway.” He laughs a little. “Clearly I was wrong.”
You turn around in his arms to face him, your noses brushing together. “I don’t think there’s a world where I don’t fall for you, Ace. I think I’d always want you, in any way I could have you.”
“In any way?” His voice takes on a tone you’re a bit more familiar with, but even underneath the flirtatiousness there’s a vulnerability beneath it, like he’s still checking, testing if this is solid ground that won’t fall out beneath his feet.
“In any way, Ace. Any way you’d let me.” You kiss the tip of his nose, keeping it light, allowing him to make the choice here. He can pull out if he wants, pull away, and you will take whatever step he wants.
He responds by pinning you to the deck.
You let out a soft squeak, and at the sound his eyes darken a bit, though he’s still clearly holding himself back. You can see the question in his face: Is this alright? Do you want this?
You kiss him hard, and he finds his answers in your lips.
His hands are everywhere, spreading their warmth, and you feel like there’s a fire spreading in your blood. You can feel the tips of his fingers digging into you through your clothes: your hips, your breasts, your thighs. It feels like he’s everywhere, and you can barely keep up. Your own hands brush against his chest, and you cannot seem to pull them away when you hear what might be a soft whimper against your lips when your fingers make contact with his nipple.
You tweak them lightly, and he pulls back as he makes another sweet keen. “Not fair, sweetheart. You can feel so much of me, but you’re so covered up.”
“Not my fault you don’t own any shirts, Ace.” 
He laughs a little, his hands reaching for the bottom of your shirt. “May I?”
“Oh, ever the gentleman. You may.” He removes your shirt slowly, seeming to drink in every inch of skin being revealed. His fingers finally lightly brush against your bare skin, and you burn so hot you think there will be nothing left of you when this is done. When your shirt is gone, he stops all movement for a moment, just staring at you in the moonlight. His gaze bores into you, eyes filled with a mix of lust and affection that makes your stomach flutter. He adores you. He wants you. He needs you.
“God, you’re so…perfect.” His voice is thick with emotion. “You’re really here. This is really happening.”
“I was just thinking the same thing.”
“You’re even better than I imagined, and we haven’t even gotten to the good part yet.” He reaches back to unhook your bra, and sucks in another breath at the sight of your bare breasts. “God, I’ve never wanted anyone more.”
Before you can respond, tell him that you feel the same desperate pull toward him, his mouth is on your chest, and you let out a moan. You can feel his teeth lightly drag across your sensitive skin before his tongue reaches your nipple, his hand reaching up to roll the other between his fingers. He rolls his hips lightly against you, and you let out an even louder cry before he lifts his mouth.
“Not too loud, sweetheart. Don’t want to risk anyone hearing.”
“It—ah!—It’s probably a bit late to start worrying about that considering where we are.”
He pauses, as though he just now realized you’re entirely out in the open on the deck. He considers for a moment, before calmly picking up your shirt and bra, stuffing them haphazardly into his pocket, and throwing you over his shoulder.
“Ah! Ace!”
“You don’t need to start crying my name quite yet,” he laughs. “I don’t want anyone else to see you. I’d like to keep this sight to myself.” His hand rubs against your thigh as he says it, but the gesture strangely feels more fond and affectionate than it does lustful. He carries you to his room quickly, stumbling over bottles or other pieces of evidence from the earlier banquet but somehow ensuring you’re never jostled. He doesn’t put you down even as he locks the door behind you, even as he kicks on his heavy boots and slips off your own shoes. Only after this does he flip you gently onto the bed, pressing you lightly against the mattress and ghosting his lips against your own. “Are you ready for the main event, sunshine?”
“I’ve been dreaming of it since the day we met.” You’re breathless at your admission, but you have to let him know.
“Oh, me too. But we’re about to blow all those dreams out of the water.” His smile now is one you’re familiar with, a cocky boyish grin that fits him perfectly. “I’ll start.”
With that, his hands slip below the waist of your pants, and they slide you out of them with ease. As soon as your thighs are exposed, he’s on them, kissing you tenderly before nipping hard enough to leave marks. You know tomorrow the evidence of this will be there, something that proves what you and Ace have here together. You can’t help but be pleased this will be more than just a memory.
He makes his way up your thighs slowly, teasingly, before you feel his breath against your panties. Even before he’s made contact he’s breathing hard, chest heaving like he’s physically holding himself back. His nose makes contact and you whine, hands fisting the sheets beneath you. He licks a strip up the fabric, and he groans at the wetness seeping through. His voice is thick with want as he quietly murmurs, “Fuck.”
His hands rip your panties down before diving in. You can feel his tongue as he savors your taste, making absolutely shameless slurping noises echoing through the room. You keen sweetly, and he moans into you, hips rutting into the mattress. His lips and tongue find your clit as one of his hands leaves your thigh and one of his fingers enters you. He works it slowly, teasingly, before adding another and curling them, finding a spot that makes you whimper.
When he hits a particular sweet spot with his fingers while his tongue circles your clit you can’t help but reach a hand down to grab his hair, which makes him groan even louder, a deep sound that rumbles through his chest. At the same time his hips slam hard into the mattress, and the hand still on your thighs grips tight enough to bruise. It instantly loosens, his fingers moving gently across the spot as if apologizing. His fingers inside you start pumping faster, his tongue maintaining a steady pace, and you can’t help but scream “Ace!” as you cum onto his face.
He works you through your orgasm, fingers and tongue still moving until your thighs stop twitching. When he pulls back, you can see his face is covered in your slick, from the bridge of his nose to his chin. He pulls his fingers slowly out of you before making eye contact with you and sticking them in his mouth, sucking on them without looking away from you. When he’s done, he pops them out of his mouth and runs his fingertips against his freckles, collecting more, only to bring his hand down to you. You open your mouth without thinking, and the pads of his fingers are pressed against your tongue as you can taste yourself.
“Best meal I’ve ever had,” he mutters with a cheeky smile, before taking his fingers back and leaning in to kiss you.
“Do I get one too?” You ask it quietly, eyeing the belt buckle hiding him away from you.
He chuckles. “As much as I’d love to indulge you, I think if I don’t fuck you right now I’m gonna go insane.”
With that, he reaches a hand to his belt, unceremoniously throwing it across the room and wincing when you both hear a loud crash. He quickly recovers, sliding off his pants and boxers and setting them gently on the floor next to the bed. “Just in case,” he mutters, and you giggle.
Your eyes take in his cock, as big and beautiful as you’d imagined it, and you can’t help but let out a quiet noise of appreciation. “Like what you see?” He asks cockily, but you can see a blush working its way over his cheeks, painting him a gorgeous shade of red.
“It’s just as beautiful as the rest of you.”
“Beautiful? Not handsome? Not hot?”
“Beautiful, handsome, hot, pretty, gorgeous, all of it. They all apply.”
“Is that so? I think some of those are better applied to you, pretty girl.” He leans down to capture your lips, one hand reaching down to align himself with your entrance. He slowly rolls his hips forward, sliding in at a torturously slow pace, as you moan into his mouth. When your hips make contact you feel so stretched you might burst. He reaches both hands up and intertwines his fingers with yours, pressing you firmly but lovingly into the sheets.
His lips leave yours. “You ready for me to move, princess?”
“God, yes, please.”
He slides back slowly, before starting a steady pace hammering into you. He stares at your face, soaking in your expressions, before starting his work marking every inch of your neck as his. You cry out whenever he finds a particularly sensitive spot, and he always notices, nipping and sucking harder.
It all feels delicious, but it just isn’t enough. You buck your hips up into him, whining, “Harder, Ace, please!” You feel him smile against your neck before he pounds into you so hard you begin to see stars. You feel a coil building in your gut, tighter and tighter as you feel every bit of Ace’s warmth seeping into you, taking you over, making you his. You squeeze your eyes shut, face twisting, as you feel the edge get closer and closer.
Ace finishes his ceaseless attack on your neck, and you can feel his breath against your lips. “Want—ah—want to see your face as you cum. Want to look in your eyes. Ah—please open your eyes, sweetheart.” How could you deny such a heartfelt request? You open your eyes to see him looking at you with pure awe, like he still can’t quite believe this is happening. He looks at you like you’re a miracle, an angel, any and everything holy in this world.
With one final roll of his hips, you’re pushed over the edge, tightening around him and crying out, and you only just barely manage to keep your eyes on his as you lose yourself in your pleasure. He finds his own end just after you, and you can feel warmth as he spills into you. His hands tighten on yours, grounding you both, and as your orgasms both come to an end his head falls into your neck.
You sit in the moment for a few minutes, catching your breath, reluctant to part. Ace moves first, slowly pulling out of you, hissing from the overstimulation. He does not, however, let go of your hands. He simply pulls out before falling back on top of you, nose pressed in the crook of your neck.
You kiss the top of his head. “Ace, I think we probably need to clean up.”
“Probably,” he mutters, just barely awake. He nuzzles deeper into you.
“Ace, once we clean up we can both go to sleep.”
He looks up at you with wide, pleading eyes. “We could also go to sleep now.” The dim moonlight coming in through the window reflects on his face, making him look positively angelic.
You sigh. “We could…at least let go of my hands so I can hold you.”
He gives you a heart-stopping grin as he lets go of your hands and flips you so you’re laying on his chest. You wrap your arms around him, and he wraps his own even tighter around you. “I knew you’d see things my way.”
“I always seem to.”
He kisses the top of your head tenderly as his hands rub gentle circles onto your back. His expression is peaceful, but you can see a cloud of worry briefly pass over him. “Do you promise to still be here when I wake up?”
“I promise,” you say quietly. “You couldn’t get rid of me now even if you wanted to.”
“Good,” he mutters quietly. “I–” his words catch in his throat, but you know what he means. You can feel it in his touch, see it in his face.
“I know, Ace. I do, too.” You could say the words now, they could burst out of your chest at any moment, but you pull them back. You should say them together.
“I really care about you,” he murmurs.
“I really care about you, too.”
His snoring starts soon after, and as loud as it is you can’t help but be lulled to sleep by the sound.
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bitterchocoo · 6 months
Thinking about Aventurine with reader that have Yaoyao personality.
After 2.1, I must say we need to send a small angle to care him, and that angle is Yaoyao reader.
Imagine Aventurine hug Yaoyao reader while sleep, that will make a sibling fluffy moments together.
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Lucky Bunny!
Aventurine | M. Reader as Yaoyao [Genshin Impact] (Platonic)
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"Ooh, what's happening over there? Can we take a sneaky peek, huh? Can we?"
They say good things come to those who wait.
They say there's a rainbow after the storm.
Those are just mere words of optimism...
That's what Aventurine had thought... that is.. before he met his lucky bunny!
"Aventurine!" "[Name]!"
The younger practically tackled the other in a warm embrace which earned a chuckle from the man as he returns the hug. His chest feels warm, and he feels.. happy..
He feels happy that someone out there in the vast galaxy cares and loves him to such an extent. It makes him feel wanted. That maybe this world isn't as cruel as he initially thought it was.
[Name] is that.
The rainbow after his storm.
The child's expression always seems to light up every time he say the blonde man. With a bright smile he greeted and talked to him like Aventurine is his favorite person in the galaxy. [Name] also seems like he never runs out of anything to talk about. It's like every time they meet, [Name] would always have something to say to him. And he do it all with a warm and bright expression.
It never fails to put a genuine smile on Aventurine's face.
Such a warm smile..
Could it be warmer than the sun..?
A big ball of sunshine..
The first time Aventurine met the child was when he had to visit the IPC's infirmary after a short mission. Nothing serious, just a small cut. He was just being careless.
But to his surprise, he saw a small child instead of the usual doctor or nurse. The child then immediately began treating Aventurine's cut. Once done [Name] handed the man some snacks that he had made himself. That was the first time someone had treated him with such kindness without it--well--being their job. Usually the doctor or nurse would dismissed him once they're done treating his wound, same thing goes when he have to report after a mission.
But this child..
After he had finished with his job he didn't dismissed him or anything. In fact he encourage him to stay and have some snacks. All with that gentle smile...
"Are you injured again?"
"Haha, I supposed it's a given."
With a huff, [Name] took his hand and guided the man to one of the beds in the infirmary and began treating his injuries. "They look much worse than last time! You should be more careful!" He says, concern about his friend and his well being. He may be a lowly disciple who's still learning but he's a part of this too! He may not fully understand the corporate stuff, but that doesn't mean he's not an IPC member! And being a part of it means caring for the others, especially his friend.
Aventurine chuckle in response, a genuine smile made it's way on his face as he let [Name] continue his treatment.
"All done! You should rest up so it'll heal faster!"
"Doctor's orders?"
"Doctor's orders!"
His smile widens at the sight of the younger's warm smile. It never fails to light up his day. "Well in that case, doctor, I heard that warmth is also good for health!" Tilting his head to the side, [Name] asked. "Hm? Yeah I know about that!"
"Then care to tuck your patient in doctor?"
With a chuckle, [Name] tucked Aventurine into the bed he was sitting on before joining him on the bed. Aventurine happily wrapped his arms around his friend and bring him close to his chest.
He felt warm. Happy. Fulfilled.
Burying his face onto [Name]'s hair, he let out a sigh as he drifted off to sleep.
The world is dark and cruel.. but maybe..
It isn't as bad as he thought it was...
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hughiecampbelle · 27 days
The Boys Preference: Being Becca and Butchers Child
Requested: Firstly HAPPY BIRTHDAY GIRL!!!!!! ゚+.ヽ(≧▽≦)ノ.+゚. Secondly, could u write like some headcanon about being Butcher's child (like who is two years older than Ryan) and how other members from the boys (+ maybe Soldier boy, cause of season 3 and how he would interact with them :3) - anon
A/N: Thank you my love!!! In the headcanon I made reader 10+ years older so they'd be at least 18 by the time they found out about Becca and Ryan, I hope you don't mind!! That way they can be part of The Boys and grow up with them, if that makes sense? I also had a very similar request of a headcanon so I'm basing it off that so there's some background :) I love this request!!! Feedback is always appreciated 💜💜💜
Headcanon Pt. 1 / Headcanon Pt. 2
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Butcher knew he couldn't take care of you. He was getting drunk every night, picking fights at bars, searching the city for your mom. Your perfect grades were slipping, you were getting into fights at school, you were emulating him. He knew how dangerous that was. First with your Aunt, then your Great Aunt, until you tracked him down all these years later. He still has a picture of you in his wallet, a baby picture that's creased and faded. You and Becca. You've grown up since then, though. And you're angry. He insist you go back to Judy, pretend you never saw or heard what you did, but you refuse. You want to pick a fight with him. You want to yell and scream and get out eight years worth of grief. He understands where you're coming from, he does. He never wanted to be like his father and yet, in so many ways, that's exactly who he was. Your relationship will never be what it is. That's not possible anymore. You have to learn to deal with one another now, in the present, instead of the happy kid you used to be, instead of the dad he used to be. It hurts you both to think about the past, who you could have been instead of who you are.
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Hughie isn't really sure what to do with you. There's no doubt you're Butcher's kid. He's still relatively new to the team, so he just assumed this was something else Butcher hadn't shared with him. When he realizes no one knew about your existence, he's shocked. You, like your father, gravitate towards Hughie for reasons you can't put into words. You'll let him sit next to you when you're watching TV and maybe even talk to him if you're in the right mood. You don't shoot daggers at him like you try with everyone else. Similar to a cat, he's someone you can stand to be around. He comes to your defense a lot, especially when you stumble in drunk and pass out for the day. He's sure if any of them had been raised by Butcher, or at least the outside relatives, they would have turned out exactly like you. He can't blame you for being angry, or pissed, or hurt. He can see the hurt better than anyone else no matter how much you try to hide it. He thinks you just need some time and empathy to get straightened out. The least they can do is offer that, right?
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Annie has no idea what to do with you. She tried smiling and talking to you, but you didn't want anything to do with her. She reminds you too much of your Aunt. She always said you should be happier, bubblier, that you were so smiley as a kid. You couldn't live in the past like her, with her. Too much had changed. Hughie assures her it's nothing against her, you're just getting used to things. She thinks it's sweet how you're attracted to Hughie. He's the only one you mildly respect and even, once in a blue moon, listens to. She doesn't take it too personally considering you're ready to rip your fathers head off. It could be a lot worse. Over time you see that Annie and Hughie are together and that definitely earns her some points. Annie can't imagine what your life must have looked like, all those years mourning your mother and father, all those years spent with relatives just doing their best. She understood why you were so angry all the time, so cagey and spiky. She doesn't hold it against you.
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M.M. feels conflicted. Betrayed isn't the right word, but it's the closest thing he can come up with. He never 100% trusted Butcher. He was always going behind everyone's backs, doing what he wanted despite the good of the team, etc. He was destructive, combative, and spiteful. But, he thought they knew each other better than that. When he met you he couldn't deny you were Butcher's. Your mannerisms, the crazed look in your eye when you were upset, it all matched your father. He can't help but see you like how he sees Janine, even if you're much older: a victim of Vought. A generational curse. You're stubborn, and angry, and distant all because of what's been done to you, all because of Homelander. If your mom had been around, if Homelander had never done what he'd done, you'd still have your perfect family. He feels this need to protect you the same way he does with your father, even if you both fight him on it, even if you don't want or deserve it. He can't help it.
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Frenchie doesn't trust you the same way he doesn't trust your father. He especially doesn't like that you and Kimiko are so close. She doesn't tell him anything about your conversations, knowing it would completely break your trust if she did. He believes Butcher would hide something as big and important as a child. He knows what your family can be like. Lying, drunken, selfish, vengeful. You're only a few of those things, not that he can tell the difference. You know Frenchie isn't your biggest fan, so you love messing with him, teasing him, rubbing it in his face that you and Kimiko are close. Similar to your father, Frenchie thinks this isn't the kind of place for you. You have no idea what you're getting yourself into. M.M. might feel fatherly towards you, but Frenchie sees you as a Mini Butcher, just another handful no one on the team can deal with. You yell and scream and fight and drink. That proves to him you're still a child despite it all.
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Kimiko adores you. Despite the difference in circumstances, she sees a lot of herself in you. Ripped from your family, angry and hostile and doing everything in your power not to get hurt again. Besides Hughie, you'd warm up to her second. You're actually incredibly smart despite never applying yourself and pick up the signs pretty quickly. Whatever you can't sign, you write to her, wanting your conversations to stay secret. You show her the pictures of your mom that you kept all these years, telling her all about the good times you had before she disappeared. When you see Butcher you instantly grow hostile, angry all over again, and the person she saw, the person she was just talking to who was kind, and thoughtful, and smart totally disappears. When you blast your angry music she never minds. In fact, she quite likes it, adding it to her own playlist. She doesn't look at you like you need fixing or, worse, need to get out of here.
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Bonus! Homelander always knew about you. Becca was more than willing to talk about you and Billy to co-workers. He even remembers taking that picture with you that one Christmas. He's kept an eye on you through the years, but you never seemed like the vengeful type. You never knew what happened after your father abandoned you. He does, however, use it as leverage against Becca. Remember the kid you left behind? Seems like she's got favorites. Becca agonizes over leaving you, but she was caught between a rock and a hard place. He uses you to keep her there, in her place. He gives her updates, usually to make her feel bad. You're kid drinks way too much, did you know that? Of course you didn't. He loves to tell her that Butcher abandoned you all those years ago. He loves to see that it absolutely kills her. He's not worried about you coming after him. You've got to work through your issues before you get to him and therapy for a lifetime couldn't get you an Butcher on the same page.
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Bonus! Soldier Boy would actually get along with you. I think you'd have a Worst Dad Competition and though you're close, you definitely think you win. You two share a drink and you tell him all about your dear old dad. "No wonder you turned out like this." Ben says, pouring you more. Hughie urges you to slow down, but you have a high tolerance. Ben, to piss of Butcher, will always take your side in arguments and uses what you told him against him. "You dumped them off and never looked back. Now you're parenting?" Butcher absolutely hates it. You tell him about your mom, how much she loved you, how she was killed. You don't mention Ryan though, knowing Ben's go to answer would be to seek revenge. You have a lot of complicated feelings around your brother, but you still have a burning Hatred for Homelander. You make Ben promise he'll kill him. He does, even if it means killing his son. You two bond really fast. Neither Hughie nor Butcher trusts it or him, but you do.
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redxx95 · 5 months
Tachibana & Kurosawa parallels that are making me go insane
Hey guys so I had some Thoughts that are not letting me go so I did some digging and now I'm gonna present yall with my findings. They are horrible. (Spoilers for volume 14)
So how this all started is me wondering if Kurosawa ever feels a little guilty about entering a relationship with Adachi, since things could've been a lot easier for him if he'd simply gone out with a woman (to him it would've been Fujisaki) instead. He often mentions Adachi could've been happy without him, after all.
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Then I remembered this bit from the end of volume 14 about how Adachi doesn't know how to deal with advances because Kurosawa was always intercepting them for him and decided to properly translate all of it.
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"Adachi felt guilty, but him not understanding the tactics of love or how to evade invitations is my fault. I don't want anyone to take him away, but I also don't want him to ever learn any of this. Of course I can't tell him that though."
Tactics of love, huh. You mean like...
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Giving little compliments... (The phrasing here is almost the same in japanese except Tachibana is using polite speech)
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Offering favors...
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Invading personal space...
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Going "hey you like this thing, why don't we do this thing together?" ...
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Helping out when they're weak and vulnerable...
You mean tactics like that? Man it sure is convenient that Adachi remains blissfully unaware of any of this huh. Okay So. Before you raise your pitchforks at me, yes there's obviously some nuance in all of this. Kurosawa is doing all of this to befriend Adachi, first and foremost. He wants to be closer to him because he loves him. Tachibana (as far as I can tell) just wants to get in his pants lmao Also Adachi's a Grown Ass Man and can definitely make his own decisions, and it's not like he got really manipulated either, since he could read Kurosawa's thoughts and intentions the whole time. I could still see Kurosawa having some self-doubts about their relationship though, if he ever realizes that he might have "manipulated" Adachi into a relationship that is objectively worse for him, considering the alternative of being with a woman and completely evading all the problems they've had with homophobia. Not to mention that Adachi is clearly good with kids and might want some of his own, which is something he can't have with Kurosawa, since adoption requires couples to be married in Japan and gay marriage is illegal, as we know. What if Kurosawa ruined Adachi's chances to lead a happy life, for his own selfish reasons?
Now, here come my truly insane speculations about vol 15 and how this could tie in with drama around Matsuura :)
So on that last page she's clearly approaching Tachibana, who, as we can read pages before, wants to get black-out drunk to forget all his romantic woes. Which means he will be very talkative to a nosy Matsuura. There's no doubt in my mind that he'll reveal literally everything to her, how he wanted to go for this cute, inexperienced coworker named Adachi and how he got told to back off by his big scary boyfriend named Kurosawa. "Oh yea they work together at Toyokawa. I even told him it's really risky to date coworkers, can you believe it?!" Matsuura just goes "Oh that is Interesting."
She might even try to get under Kurosawa's skin by drawing parallels to his harassment in vol 1 and him pursuing Adachi, since Kurosawa has a higher position in their company and earns more, and Adachi being inexperienced. One could easily construe this as a power imbalance between them. Throw into the mix the issue of being "forced into a relationship that's looked down upon by society" and the looming threat of their relationship being revealed to their workplace and Kurosawa might truly spiral, maybe even breaking up with Adachi, just to fulfill yet another parallel to Tachibana.
Man would that be fucked up or what haha
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hermesserpent-stuff · 6 months
@lirabuswavi and I’s convo about the mystic misunderstanding au
Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4
Au premise: in which hiccup being a runt would have made him revered in the hunter tribe and when they find out they start giving him offerings.
this post focuses on the Hunters and Viggos adoption schemingl!
L stands for them and H stands for me.
H: Hiccup tries to avoid the hunter's island for a bit to stop the harassment of the other riders, aside from the promised wedding. He even refuses to ride toothless/stops operating the fin. This leads to issues. But Astrid's happy cause hiccup’s not vanishing as much.
L: Oof, I bet the hunters are real unhappy. They've displeased the soothsayer! Even worse, they upset him! They have to fix it! I can imagine their idea of 'fixing' things will either go really well, or really badly.
H: They end up at the edge all looking sad. This turns to rage when it is revealed that it's hiccup trying to please the dragon riders. Who might have just earned eternal enemies. Hiccup gets a little bit kidnapped by toothless working with the hunters, a sure sign from Freya that hiccup should stay with them for a bit.
L: Surprisingly, the twins help Hiccup out. Not out of any charity, mind you. But when Hiccup was disappearing often, they got up to a lot more shit with Hiccup not there to stop them and they liked that freedom. Also, Hiccup's moping face when he was there was annoying and bringing down the moods of all the dragons. Barf and Belch hardly wanted to play with them anymore! Unconscionable! Also, it would really piss Astrid off and she's been annoying them a lot lately. Go forth Hiccup! Do your soothing things! Don't think about it too hard, just go!
This act of generous anarchy disturbs the hunters. It's good for Hiccup to have the fleeting favour of such beings of chaos, and when he doesn't have their favour he can still manage them. Hiccup's wasted on these riders. If they become dragon riders, maybe it'll force Hiccup to spend more time with them!
H: Hahhahhhahaaaa and thus the dragon training begins
L: Astrid's going to lose it when she finds out. She accuses Hiccup of endangering the dragons, which is a step too far. She can accuse Hiccup of endangering himself all she wants, but the dragons? Accusing him of deliberately putting them in harms way, as if he hadn't personally vetted every new dragon rider and observed their match ups himself, and regularly checked in with all of them to check for mistreatment on either side? He's hurt. He thought Astrid knew him better, knew he'd never endanger a dragon (as long as they weren't already trying to eat him). If she thinks Hiccup's a total screw up then she can just leave him alone, like everyone on Berk did before he had Toothless. Like she did, before he had Toothless. Astrid fucked up big time, and the Acumens ceartinly won't help her any. Curses upon her for questioning and insulting the soothsayer. Whatever she gets is what's coming to her.
H: HA HA pain!!! Hiccup just is just swamped in memories of Berk pre toothless from his dad's reactions to the Astrid's words. He spends a lot of time hiding in his house/shrine with the Acumens. They have a lot of knowledge that makes staying easier and Viggo is fun to talk to when they are not in a semi war state.
L: Y'know, with former hunters starting to become dragon riders, I think they'd have a lot of underlying guilt. They love their dragons, they’re their friends. They can't imagine hurting them like they've hurt others of their kind. Hiccup holds a semi-formal group councilling session of resolving past guilt over it. He shares the story of how he's the one who shot down Toothless, and he's the one who stole his flight. But then he tried to do better, to fix what he'd hurt, and look at them now! Inseparable! It's okay that they feel guilt over what they've done, it's perfectly understandable. But what matters is what they do with it, and learning how to be better and do better is a worthy pass time.
H: They love him all the more for his kindness in talking them through the emotions and are determined to treat their dragons with enough love to fill the ocean. Hiccup is then invited to come oversee and bless egg hatchings.
L: Aww, so cute! Hiccup's happy that the dragons trust him too, not just their riders. He really feels like he's doing good and making a difference here. And when he compares that to how he feels on Berk... well, he doesn't particularly like the conclusions he's coming to. How is he making more of a difference here than he ever did as heir there? What kind of cruel irony is it that the very thing he was shunned for is what the Acumens love him for? Almost makes him wish that he was born to the Acumens than the hairy hooligans.
H: Bum bum bum. He better not say that aloud too .. well anyone but especially not Viggo and Ryker who are very glad for the happiness of their tribe and the new ways of making money that are way more profitable than trying to hunt and fight hiccup at the same time. They might ... Give him a statue.
L: I'll be honest, I forgot about the adoption statue so I assumed you meant a literal frieze of Hiccup. And I can imagine how that conversation would go.
Hiccup: The people want to what? A statue? Of me? Anything but that?
Viggo, loophole exploiter extraordinaire: Anything? Okay, how about we downsize. Just take this little one. And keep it on your person in a visible area for the next week, just so people know we're already doing something.
Hiccup, slightly desperate: Done.
H: HaHAHA now that would be wild. Yesss Viggo would totally do that and the tribe would very much approve. They know it's probably not a spoken adoption but it's up to the gods to reject it if thats the case. So when the statue remains unlost they start plotting a party.
L: Hiccup: This is in no way what I meant.
Viggo: You said anything, my dear. You should know better by now. And I can also see that you still have statue, even knowing what it means.
Hiccup:... I'm not going to be the one to explain this to my father.
Viggo: Don't worry! I've been wanting a chance to talk to him for quite a while.
Hiccup: Ominous, but okay.
H: They have to hold a Thing!!!!!!
It'll be great!!
Both tribes can show up and the hunters are not impressed at all
L: Many a backhanded comment aimed at Hiccup. Wow, I can't believe HE'S getting adopted. Their traditions are so... quaint. Really, running away from his responsibilities again?
Hiccup is very uncomfortable. The Acumens are angry. This is supposed to be a nice thing! How dare they ruin it! But they know fighting would only upset Hiccup even more. Their best strategy is distractions and getting in between them, letting the new brothers take up most of Hiccup's attention.
H: They have their own back handed comments to give. A three hundred year war with dragons and they still question if living with dragons in the village is a good thing and sent them away more than once? How... Barbaric. Oh, you didnt think to use dragons to find other dragons till toothless came to save hiccup... Who they put in danger to begin with?? How funny. This tribe is . Just. So. Funny. Side whispering to Viggo about whether if a baby war just to take over Berk would be worth it or if it would make the people more obnoxious
L: Conquering them would mean being forced to live with them, because killing them all would upset Hiccup. Easier to just... keep them over there. Ignore them. They might be even more offended to be dismissed than it would to go to war with them. So an overt war is a bad idea. Now, a passive aggressive war comprised of petty vengeances that cannot be overtly proved as in bad faith? Very much up Viggo's alley. Maybe they can even negotiate an agreement with the twins as their inside people. They'd get payed to prank people? Sign them up! Just don't be surprised when they turn on you. Which Viggo wouldn't be, he's familiar with alliances of convenience and how they can turn.
H: tribe wide pettiness ensues. and there is a whole part of the tribal budget dedicated to paying off the twins. its a bit of a tribute too to keep loki from messing with the tribe too much... and it seems to sorta work lol.
L: Ruffnut and Tuffnut would be delighted to be properly recognized as disciples of Loki. They like that the Acumens take them seriously, as opposed to Berk's begrudging tolerance and overall mockery. Y'know, if you think about it, you could see some parallels between Hiccup and the twins. They didn't really have any friends before the dragon riders. They were mocked and their ideas not taken seriously by everyone. But where they really differed was in how they adapted. Hiccup hid and stayed small to keep attention off of him. The twins went big and loud, so no one could ignore them. They made themselves unpredictable and quasi-intimidating, so no one could push them around like people did to Hiccup. And, most significantly, they had each other. Hiccup has no one, but the twins always had each other to back up. But Hiccup didn't have anyone before Toothless. I wonder what it would be like, if there was only one twin? How much quieter would they be, would they hide like Hiccup?
If you can't tell, I really like the twins.
H: they would not have survived, they are a matched set.
but they would love the recognition yes
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Thinking about Movieverse!Morro
Maybe Morro was adopted by Wu when Lloyd was young, so he ended up babysitting Lloyd when Koko was too busy working double shifts. He ends up warming up to Lloyd.
One day, Garmadon burns down Wu's house in the middle of the night, and Wu barely makes it out of the collapsing building trying to help him. And so, wanting no, needing to help somehow, Morro ends up being trained as the Green Ninja. The duo fights together and have each other's back, and for a while, things are good.
However, on the day he was supposed to receive the green ninja gi, Morro almost gets eaten alive by a shark while fighting Garmadon's generals, nearly drowning. Wu has to hear Morro's screams as he's being eaten alive before ripping the shark off him. Afterwards, Morro loses his legs, and fearing a worse incident, Wu benches him indefinitely. Not only that, he enrolls Morro to a faraway college where he won't get hurt in the future when he has to move.
And so, Morro ends up feeling confined in his own body. Needing to train somehow (and help pay the bills), he starts working at the library, simultaneously training his mind, desperately looking for a cure so he can fight again, and prove to Wu he's still very capable of earning his keep. (This is a very toxic mindset btw, not helped by the rumors after his "disappearance" from duty. Wu did NOT mean to make Morro feel this way)
Meanwhile, his pseudo cousin/brother starts making friends at school (he's very happy for him in that regard, poor kid needs some friends he's, not lonely he isn't being replaced) and in a similar vein to Morro, Lloyd really wants to help in some way to stop his father. Wu outright refuses and even bans the subject from coming up again.
Lloyd constantly tries to sneak on missions and almost gets hurt. So resigned, Wu figured that if he was going to stick around anyways he might as well learn some self defense and basic attacks.
When Garmadon tries to burn down his house again, Wu reluctantly starts training ninja again, but in fear of what Morro would feel, he left out telling him anything and swore the ninja team to secrecy.
During research for a ninja mission, Zane realizes that the only place to find any good primary resources was in the Ninjago City Library -where Morro happens to work.
The ninja have no luck trying to navigate the mixed library system (not just organized under by dewy decimal system I'm afraid) Morro overheard their struggles and decided to help them out. They accept his help under the guise of doing a research paper. Still, I imagine, books with the title of "How to Deal with and Defeat evil Villains: A Guide" is very conspicuous. Morro figures out who they are how he's been left in the dark -
replaced by someone better
-and confronts Lloyd and co. about it in the back alley of the library.
In the end, he finds himself begrudgingly understanding where they're coming from, the need to do something and they call out a truce. Not wanting be left behind, Morro offers his assistance in exchange for being in the loop.
This isn't exactly the healthiest for him mentally, since similarly to Kai, he's the kind of person who has to take action, to feel in control. But being injured, he becomes a liability on the battlefield, so he's held back and has to sit back and wait. (for his cousin and little group of friends to be injured while he sits on his hands and does nothing)
Morro understands the kid didn't ask nor intentionally tried to replace him, and he's happy for him but-
He's feels a vindictive part of him happy every time Lloyd's hurt
He could be so much better if they'd just let him-
In his final year before college (Ninjago High will teach both middle and high for plot convenience) everything boils over into an explosive argument at school with Morro leaving and moving out in the middle of the night.
He uses his savings to move into his new dorm and ignores his text messages, only saying he won't bother them anymore, since he's at college now.
Wu never moves the house key from under the doormat, just in case Morro wanted to visit or needs something - anything (what has he done)
Lloyd is a mess the kids at school were right about him-how could he drive his own brother away
And the ninja team have mixed feelings
we should've noticed - done better
How could he make Lloyd feel this way
I hope they're okay
We need to give them all some space
Search result for: what should I do I'm confused and sad and mad and
The only (one) time he ever visits is when Garmadon burned down their Wu's home again.
He feels numb, hollow, like a ghost of his former self
In college, Morro roomates with Goultar, who introduces him to his gang of friends Bansha and Soul Archer. They help him out with his living situation since he doesn't want Wu's charity.
He can't go back to Wu like this. no way.
Turns out, they're part of a revolutionary group called the Winds of Change, with the goal of "reshaping Ninjago City as we know it to build a new and better world". Morro thinks they're kinda shady, but chooses not to say anything since his friends (who've done a lot for him, who he trusts) are fervent supporters of the group.
He doesn't want to (can't) be alone
Morro eventually joins the group, and soon, with the help of his friends (and his own merit), rises to the top as 2nd in command. During his time in the group, he's grown more paranoid, snappier, and generally more volatile as he struggles under the weight of balancing schoolwork and attending midnight meetings.
As a final test, the leader of the group, Yang, tasks him and his generals (friends) to steal the realm crystal, an old artifact being on show at the Ninjago city library - where he used to work. The group plans to use the artifact to revive their founder, a woman reverently titled as "The Preeminent" to lead them "into the new age".
Morro's extremely hesitant, even opposing his orders, but his "friends" pressure him into it. "haven't we done so much for you? The old museum curator won't even remember it! Why can't you do just this ONE thing for us?"
And so, using his employee access card (it feels so long ago he was working in these empty halls, he never returned his pass) they break in.
Suddenly, an alarm sounds
Shit! We have to run. They have the ninja on standby here.
What!? You never told me this!
Well duh! The artifact belongs to the Garmadon Family!
Stop! The secret ninja force is - Morro?! Why are you here?
At this point, Morro realizes that he's way in over his head, but it's too late to back out.
In the end, its Lloyd who has to restrains him and turn him in to the cops.
Morro ends up getting a prison sentence, but due to a anonymous word from the Green Ninja is lessened to 2 years.
He refuses any and all visits
In jail, Morro meets Karlof, and they form a tentative friendship. They look out for each other, and despite having some differences, both share a strong sense of determination and stubbornness.
After he gets out of jail, Karlof (who was released first) helps him get back on his feet and offers to let him stay in his apartment. Morro didn't refuse. (He was jus so tired) He knows that Karlof isn't going to ditch him, but when his friends come over he can't hep but fear he's being replaced even tho he was here last.
When Karlof finds out, he looks Morro in the eye and promises that he won't leave him - no matter what.
It's at this point that Morro just breaks - at this point he's just been through so much - from having nothing to a family to a future to being a failure to feeling so so lonely all those pent up emotions just comes out in one big storm. He tells Karlof everything, and I mean everything.
He expects Karlof to drop him - there's no way he would want him around now, but Karlof just gives him a huge hug (it reminds him of home).
Maybe things aren't so bad
Idk where to go from here, but in the end they reconcile with each other and Morro now has a support system (yay!) Karlof's friends welcome him into their group with open arms. I'm still debating wether or not Garmadon will build him a prosthetic (that works like a real arm? Or with limitations he has work around creatively or turn into an advantage?)Will he be a ninja?
Edit: I think maybe at one point the gang members/cult members from the preeminent gang escape and with plans to kidnap Lloyd, fight the ninja. Morro has a choice: to back to them or fight alongside his family. He chooses the latter.
Things aren't perfect, but I'd like to think they're all happy and content together.
Sidenote: I came up with that karlof sideplot on a whim as I was writing this.
Adding one more headcanon - Bansha and Morro bonds over emo makeup and cool music.
Ideas, c&c are welcome and this idea is free to use with credit!
Just if anyone does, please PLEASE send me a link to it cuz I need more morro in my life.
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akira-no-tsubasa · 2 months
I haven't blogged in a long time. I stopped writing because I felt like I didn't have anything to say but also too much to say.
In the past 6 years I've grown a lot and learned a lot. I fell in love three times.
The first time I fell in love with someone who was just kind. He was everything I needed after being in an extremely toxic and abusive relationship. We never fought and he never got angry with me. But in the end I had to end it because he had no motivation to pursue his goals, I couldn't bring up the things that were important because any argument would make him cry and I'm the type of person that is constantly trying to move forward in life. I was not content with staying just comfortable forever and I couldn't live with being the only one trying to make our lives better.
The second time, I fell in love with someone who was a kind and good person. He was like a knight, always saving me, always protecting me, always doing the right thing. I learned that I need more than just physical affection and protection. I need emotional support and sometimes just understanding. He saved me from the family that was killing me and he defended me against the people that were trying to hurt me. But despite everything, despite how hard we tried to keep it together, there have always been things about me that he wanted me to change. I was never the perfect person for him. I just wasn't enough for him... we weren't enough for each other. We weren't what each other needed. And because he's a good person and I'm a coward. He let me go so I could be with someone he felt would make me happy. The perfect knight until the very end.
It hurts more than anything in the world. I knew a long time ago... I fought so hard but in the end it didn't matter. I loved him, I still love him. I'll always love him. My life savior... and I couldn't give him a happy ending. I just want him to be free, I want him to be happy. Maybe now that he doesn't have to protect me anymore, maybe now he will be... now that he's free of me.
The last person I fell in love with took me completely off guard. At first he was a friend, he genuinely made an effort to get to know me. I've always been afraid of showing people how dark and twisted I am on the inside. Afraid that they'd run away if they saw all my flaws, afraid they would try to fix me and then realize I was damaged beyond repair and give up on me. But this person opened up to me first despite knowing I was too afraid and unwilling to open up to them in return. They trusted me 100% with their own darkness and insecurities. Each story shocking me because of how much I could relate to it all. It just gave me an urge to make sure he knew he wasn't alone. I didn't want him to feel what I felt when I opened up to people.
The first time he shared a really personal detail about himself and how he got through it and how he dealt with it made me see how strong he was as a person. He was the first person to ever make me feel inspired to be better and the first person to make me feel awe. I had never met anyone who went through similar if not worse circumstances than mine who still came out saying they were not only going to survive, but they would fight to be better, chase after their dreams despite all the odds, and bring other people up with them.
It was the scariest but most thrilling thing about him to me and I witnessed him do it. He makes things happen by pure force of will. He's the first person to earn my respect as a person. He's the closest thing to the ideal person of how I want to be, how I constantly strive to be.
He was the first friend I felt like may have greater aspirations in life than me and my expectations of myself are ridiculously high. But every time he says he's going to do something, he does it. Anytime I talked about anything, it didn't matter how small it was or how dumb it was, he was always a good friend. He always listened, he never pushed unless I needed it, and he always knew what I needed when I needed it. I could say nothing and he always understood.
The first real breakdown I had in years, he was the first person to check on me. The only person that knew what I needed at that time and actively acted on it. Instead of comforting me with a hug or telling me the standard "it'll be okay", he knew why I was spiraling, that I was blaming myself for things out of my control, and calmly explained to me why none of those things were my fault. He gave me encouragement and told me he was happy I opened up to him and happy that I trusted him. It was the first time I thought I loved him. I didn't know at the time what type of love it was, but I felt just pure admiration, respect, and affection.
When he suddenly had a major health emergency even without him saying anything to me about it, I just had a really bad feeling... like something was very wrong. When he told me what happened and how he was feeling, I felt his pain. And I did my best to give him the same support he gave me. I wanted him to know that there was someone out there in the world that genuinely cared. Somehow just that basic care was enough to make him treat me like I was worth more than the world.
All I did was validate his existence... there's nothing more simple and basic as a friend than to just support them when they're down. Things started to feel different suddenly when he started to point out every little thing he liked about me but when I'd point out all my flaws he told me I was perfect with my flaws and imperfections. He thought I was amazing just the way I am.
Suddenly I felt so much confusion. We were so far apart in age, he lived in a completely different country, and even if he'd seen pictures of me and we'd talk everyday, we were friends and I hadn't broken up with my boyfriend at the time yet. Even if we seemed perfect for each other, that isn't necessarily going to be enough to keep a long distance relationship going. I know more than anyone that love sometimes isn't enough to maintain a relationship. Plus I was so confused by the feelings in general, I tried to brush it off as just really strong feelings of friendship, it didn't mean anything. Because that would be better for me and be far less painful for everybody.
But I could only lie to myself for so long. The day I felt one of the most frustrating feelings of loss, I took time out to think and I realized I loved him. I couldn't even enjoy the feelings of being in love... all I could feel was pain because I knew what I would have to do but didn't want to.
I hid for 2 days, sitting on what I knew I needed to do eventually. I was terrified of the change and terrified of hurting someone. Even more than that I was terrified it would all be for nothing. I was terrified I would regret it. I was terrified of losing my savior and my best friend. I was terrified of doing something I knew had been coming down the line for a long time. I was paralyzed by fear. For the first time in my life, I couldn't do anything at all.
In the end, I wasn't strong enough to break it off myself. Once again, my savior saved me, but this time it was at the cost of his own happiness. He told me the break up was mutual but we both knew the truth. He gave me an out because he loved me and because I loved him, I knew I had to take the out. I couldn't hurt him more than he was already hurting. I couldn't lie and pretend like everything was fine and that we could keep going as we had been. Even with all our problems, I fell in love with someone else. He knew it and I knew it and it killed him. Watching him suffering killed me.
My third love has been extremely kind and understanding of everything. I told them both everything. I could never lie to the people I love. We're trying to work things out, long distance is hard but he visits me. He flew here and spent extra money just to see me. He loves me, it shouldn't be surprising since from the beginning, he always just understood me and accepted me. We always understand each other. He always tries to do whatever he can to give me the world like I'm important and special. If I believed in soulmates, I'd think he was mine.
I never imagined my love life would get this complicated or difficult but I'm slowly trying to get through everything one step at a time. Eventually all the bad emotions with fade and I'll feel only good things again... one day in the future
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ecofinisher · 3 months
Lost in Europe - Chap 1.2
With screenshots
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Late, in the evening the guests had all had their dessert and sat by the table chatting with each other. Parker and Kaylynn sat at the last table together with their family along with the other guests, who they had offered a ride. Zelda Mae sat vice versa to her nephew and chatted with his school friend River, who had been listening to the blonde.
“It’s really stunning to be along with hundreds of various musicians and orchestra members at the hall recording together for a movie soundtrack. We’re all sitting there watching the movie scene and the conductor guiding us all along the clip. While you’re playing the first few times you notice how well the music fits the scene,” Explained Zelda earning a nod from River.
Dustin Langerak was using a toothpick to remove a piece of food from his tooth, then noticed his neighbor Jack come along to bow down to his friend.
“I have to tell you a joke, Dustin,” Mentioned Jack earning a nod from the blonde. “Guys, you all have to hear this joke too,”
“Sure,” Responded Zelda looking at the short-haired man, while the rest of the table nodded.
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“Cool. So, once upon a time, there was an old man, whose time was getting near to an end. He received a visit from the Grim Reaper, which said “Joe, your time here on earth has ended. It’s time for you to go,”. Joe, of course, feared the end of lhis life and ran away from the Grim Reaper and was safe for a while. As time passed by, wherever Joe went, the Grim Reaper would show up and warn him about his expiration date. One day, Joe took a different measurement and bought a last-minute flight ticket to a surprise destination hosted by an airline. Inside the flight, Joe was relieved, that he was now gone from danger, but things got worse and he learned, that his seatmate was the Grim Reaper! The Grim Reaper laughed and spoke at the man. “Now there is no way for you to escape, Joe!” Said the Grim Reaper, fearing Joe again and notice the number of people, who were on board with him. “But Grim Reaper, are you gonna take all those innocent people with you, just because of me?” The Grim Reaper laughed at his comment and shook his head. “My dear Joe, all those people were running away from death. I gathered them all here, so I could take you all at once!” Was the Grim’s response to the surprised senior,”
The people around the table laughed about the joke along with Jack, Dustin placed his hand on his friend to compliment him about it.
“Your jokes are hilarious. Where did you get that one from?” Questioned the blonde.
“Oh we’ve got a few new recruits and there is this one man from Brazil named Diogo. He’s a really funny guy. He told me that joke. Maybe you will get to know him when I throw a barbecue for us all. He could use getting to know more people. He’s been here in the USA for a couple of months only,” Stated Jack making Dustin nod.
“Diogo rings a bell to me,” Mentioned Parker. “Didn’t we meet him somewhere?” Questioned Parker looking at River and Kaylynn.
“I have no clue about it,” Commented River and Kaylynn widened her eyes remembering to have heard the name somewhere.
“I know him. He’s some vegetarian guy Holly met at a field in Riverview, where she went to buy vegetables. I don’t know him personally, but I saw him talking with Holly. He had black hair and brown streaks on the side,” Mentioned Kaylynn. “I hope it’s that guy,”
“I don’t know,” Mentioned Parker seeing Jack walk back to his table, where the newly-wed couple sat both chatting with each other. Parker smiled from seeing his best friend happy, then took out his cell phone to check out the time and faced his sister across the table. “Kay, what do you think? Should I do the toast?” Questioned Parker making Kaylynn nod.
“Sure, it’s a good moment. We still have the act,” Mentioned Kaylynn making Parker nod, then get up and use his fingers to whistle to call the guest's attention.
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“Can I have everyone’s attention?” Asked Parker watching all the guests turn their heads to him, including Ethan and Bebe. “Good evening everyone. This evening is all about Ethan and Bebe. As the groom’s best friend, I’m honored to be here present here on this important day of his life,” Mentioned Parker walking around the table to get to the next one standing behind Holly Alto to face the couple. “Ethan and I have known each other since the age of Eight. I was new in the neighborhood and saw you often at your house, then got invited by you over. Over the time we two became the best friends and grew together. As teenagers we hang often at the beach or at the bar and you admired how girls at the start wooed over me, making me realize I was the attractive one out of us,” Commented Parker making Ethan chuckle along with a couple of the guests, who knew him longer. “Lucky for you it didn’t last long and you had earned the girl’s interest as well. The only difference between me and you was, that you knew what you wanted unlike me. Just like you, I have known Bebe since our childhood. We three rarely talked with each other, we simply knew each other. The day I found out, Bebe liked you, Holly here thought, that we two could arrange you two an afternoon to hang out together and surprisingly, this helped you two get to know each other…..see, the few common interests you had. You two have bonded quickly over time. It was like you had found the one person, that listened to you and supported you all your life, yet you two didn’t know a lot about each other until that specific date. Bebe, you and Holly know that, I was kind of jealous as Ethan wasn’t often out with me letting me copy his homework,” Mentioned Parker earning a laughter from his friends, who knew about the past. “I received bad grades at school, but was lucky to meet River here, who helped me get through school and I wasn’t as lazy to do the homework. You knew how I was, you just accepted me the way I was. I got older now and a thing or two have changed about me. Yet, I’m still the same person you know. I’m your best friend and all I want for you, and your wife. I wish you two to live a happy life and always remember this day. Not all days will be a cakewalk, just remember what you told each other today and everything is going to go fine,”
The crowd clapped for the toast of the raven-haired man, who smiled at the guests and looked at Ethan getting up while applauding at his friend.
“You’re so lucky, Ethan. You and Bebe are perfect for each other,” Stated Parker seeing Ethan open up his arms to embrace his best friend, who accepted it.
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“Thank you, Parker. Your presence here meant a lot to me,” Said Ethan getting off his friend and feel Parker place his hand on the blonde’s shoulder. Parker noticed Bebe beside him, then turned around and opened his arms as well as he knew the bride had in mind to hug him as well.
“Congratulations, Bebe. Ethan is so happy to have you in his life,” Remarked the best man earning a smile from the bride.
“I feel the same about him. I will never forget, what Holly and you did for us. Without you, we wouldn’t have gotten to the point we’re now,” Confessed Bebe looking at her best friend as well, who smiled brightly at her best friend and placed her hand in front of her chest to signal her love, thereafter Davy placed his hand around Holly’s back to peck her on the cheek making the two adults smile.
“They are really sweet,” Commented Parker earning a nod from Bebe, who eyed her husband’s friend.
“Don’t worry, Parker. One day you will find the right person as well. She’s out there somewhere waiting,” Commented Bebe making Parker smile abashed. “Thank you for your words,”
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A while later, a few guests were spread around the lot and Parker walked beside the railing of the buffet platform to look at the beach, and spotted at the end of the pier by the end of the bridge his school friend River leaned with her arms on the railing earning the curiosity of the man. Parker furrowed his eyebrows and followed the path to meet up with the woman, who was looking at the large ocean in front of her.
“River?” Spoke Parker earning the attention of the brunette, who looked back at him and smiled a little. “Are you alright?” Questioned the man making her nod and he stepped closer to the woman.
“More or less,” Responded River. “I’m just thinking about a talk I had with my mother this morning,”
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“Did something happen?” Questioned Parker.
“My grandfather from my mother’s side has been ill for a long time. My grandmother and our cousin have been often with him at the hospital. It seems things are getting worse and my mother said, she needed to go to Ireland,” Mentioned River.
“Oh, I’m sorry to hear that,” Apologized Parker. “I understand her. I would do the same if my Dad or my Mom would live in their hometown far away from me,”
“My mother hoped, that I would go with her. Mainly, because he’s my grandfather. I don’t have a great relationship with the two of them, but also not a bad one. Just I’m not that close with them,”
“How long has your mother planned to stay there?” Questioned Parker making River shrug her shoulders.
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“Probably for a couple of years,” Responded River. “She has already quit her job and all to get ready to move out. Our house is now at the name of Molly only. I have the chance to go with my Mom back to Ireland, because It’s still summer break and I can ask the city hall to transfer me to Ireland and continue there school,”
“You’re going then?” Questioned Parker making River shrug her shoulders.
“I don’t know. It’s a complicated decision. It’s a big change in my life. I won’t see you or the others anymore. All we can do is call each other or write letters,” Mentioned River.
“Or emails,” Added Parker. “They’re free and faster,” Mentioned the man making River smile a little.
“You’re right,” Commented the brunette, then sighed. “Her flight is next Wednesday. I don’t want to leave my mother alone when she needs someone the most. At the same time, I don’t want to leave Sunset Valley. I’ve never been somewhere else besides there. Ireland I was around two or three times back when my father was still alive. And that’s over Ten years ago,”
“Indeed. It’s understandable, that you barely have any connection with your home place. By the way, where exactly are you from? I know it’s Ireland, but what place exactly? Dublin? Galway?”
“Lismore,” Responded River. “That’s…..uh….how do I explain…..do you know, where Cork is?”
“Uh no,”
“Okay, imagine Ireland as a heart-shape…..A human heart I mean. It’s down about two or three fingers away from the coast if you would look at a map. I don’t know how long it is away from the coast, perhaps an hour. I know that’s the time we need from the airport of Cork to Lismore,”
“Okay, that’s not a lot,” Commented Parker. “I think the best thing you could do is to ask your mother if it would be okay for you to stay for a year or two only. If you feel good there, you could stay there for as long as you want. If you don’t feel well there or even terrible and things don’t get better for you, just tell your mother how you feel. She will understand you. You have grown up here and made all the good and bad memories here. Moving into a new country isn’t the same as moving into a new town.”
“It’s worth the try. My Mom said she would be okay with me standing back. She knows Molly is always around when something is up. But I can’t let my mother go alone. She needs someone to support her and the only person she has from her family is me,”
“I understand that. I wouldn’t either,” Confessed the raven-haired man. “If you want, you can give me a call, when you need someone to bring you two to the airport,” He offered earning a smile from the woman.
“Thank you. Molly has already promised my mother to drive us to the airport. She said she was off, so she had time for us,”
“That’s cool,” Commented Parker, then watched River embrace him and lean her head next to his head.
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“Thanks for the talk. I really needed that,” Mentioned River making Parker smile and caress her back.
“Don’t mention it. That’s what friends are for,” Stated Parker sensing the woman get off his arms and look up at him.
“You need to know, that from the few friends I have, you’re the most supportive one. You always know what to say and what to do. I’m glad, that we had those homework meetings after school,” Asserted River earning a smile from Parker, then looked down at his tie and moved her hands down to adjust the slightly uneven lace by an inch, so that it would look straight.
“Looks like I didn’t get my tie to look to your liking,” Teased Parker making the friend chuckle.
“You know me well,” Commented River looking up at the friend, who had a big smile from the joke, then she moved her hand up to caress his cheek. “Now it’s perfect,” She said with a smile at the man, who widened his eyes surprised at sensing her hand on his face.
“Arlo! Move your butt and go call the group!” Shouted a voice from under the bridge making the two friends chuckle upon hearing Darlene’s comment.
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“Are you ready for the dance?” Questioned River stepping away from her friend, who shrugged his shoulders.
“After all these hours, I sort of wished we had it behind us,” Confessed Parker making River chuckle.
“You’re not the only one thinking about that. It will go fine, we all practiced. No need to think about it,”
“Right,” Agreed Parker watching the woman walk away, then smiled enchanted from seeing the brunette walk away. Unbeknownst to him, the brunette seemed to have a charmed face plastered on her face after their little chat by the edge of the pier.
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Part 1.1 =
Part 1.3 =
Part 2 will be added later.
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merryfortune · 8 months
moving forward with matching rings
Written for Respectfulshipping Week 2024
Prompt: Following Behind | Moving Forward
Title: moving forward with matching rings
Ship: Respectfulshipping | Ryoken/Spectre
Fandom: Yu-Gi-Oh! Vrains 
Word Count: 1,777
Rating: T
Tags: Post Canon, Fluff, Engagement
  It was actually extraordinarily difficult for Spectre to move forward.
  He was firmly planted in the past and did not want to budge from where he was.
   Even so, Ryoken did his best to coax his companion forward. One, teeny tiny step at a time. 
   “Moving forward,” Ryoken said, “I think it would be good if we were on friendlier terms with the other children from the experiment.” 
   Upon hearing such a thing, Spectre was aghast. He did not play well with others. Others did not play well with him. It was an entire thing. Ryoken knew this well which was why he wanted to make it a goal for them to branch out, extend themselves and reach into this connection.
   That’s why Ryoken specifically wanted Spectre, and himself, on better terms with the other five victims of the Incident. There was plenty of neutral ground for them to meet on, whether it was the Link VRAINS or the plaza by the Stardust Road where the Cafe Nagi van set up shop every weekend. Maybe even more if they actually did become proper, normal, civilian friends with each other. Like arcades or each other’s houses.
   The end result was like pulling teeth.
   But the teeth were pulled in the end.
   Spectre gleefully enjoyed being the worst person he could around the others. He would say things specifically and purposefully to upset. He would bully the others, target their weak points. He was very good at that. However, eventually, the shock and awe of what he had to say wore off. He was a weirdo underneath it all, the horrid things he said and did eventually, the others got used to him and eventually, his quirks were just quirks. His eccentricity even endearing every now and then. Amazingly.
   The whole process, in retrospect, reminded Ryoken a lot of pet advice blogs recommending that two animals sniff each other through a door first before meeting.Yusaku was still quite bristly around Spectre; Takeru had no idea what to think; Jin had no idea what was going on; so on and so forth. Word got around and Spectre’s reputation preceded him. 
   It took time. A lot of their first attempts ended with someone leaving in a huff, usually Spectre, but each attempt took longer and longer before being fine. They had a thriving social calendar built of slowly earned forgiveness.
   Forgiveness that had bite to Ryoken’s bark, even. Especially when what followed became learned outside of the inner echelon of the Knights of Hanoi.
  “Moving forward,” Ryoken said, “if we disbanded the Knights of Hanoi’s current forme.”
   Ryoken spoke warily. Spectre had spat in disgust at the idea of making friends. However, this was the prospect of breaking family ties - to Spectre, anyway - was even worse. Absolutely heinous. And this reflected in the distraught expression that crossed Spectre’s face as Ryoken’s words sunk in.
   “Hear me out.” Ryoken quickly said.
   “No, I can’t, don’t you fucking dare-” Spectre interjected, he was snarling.
   Spectre’s eyes welled up with tears. Hot, bulbous tears that helplessly streamed down his face as he contended with despair and fury and denial.
   “Spectre, I need you to listen to me, we don’t need to be the Knights of Hanoi anymore. Not to be important to each other, to the others.”
   Ryoken’s hands were a flurry in front of him, panic rose through him. This went a lot better in his head but he was certain this was the right thing.
   “Don’t you want to go back to that happy time?” Ryoken asked, his voice cracked. “Before we were Knights, when were just a family. The five of us. You, me, Kyoko-nii-san, Aso, Dr. Genome.”
   That somewhat got through Spectre’s head. If there was anything that could tug on his heartstrings, it was an appeal to better times. To nostalgia. But he was still too heartbroken to do anything off the cuff. 
   But there was merit to Ryoken’s decree to disband the Knights of Hanoi. Though Spectre was resistant, he did come around to it. It was almost like a depressing holiday for him at first. No more titles, no more early mornings, no more criminal activity.
   This was the gateway for moving on with their lives. And it turns out, there was more to life than just fulfilling the orders of a deadman. There was joy, too. 
   Ryoken had known something that Spectre had not. A common occurrence, prior to the final dissolution of the Knights of Hanoi but this was a good thing. A happy surprise. It wasn’t just the Dark Ignis - Ai - whom Playmaker had intended to bring back but all six of them.
   Without the spectre of total elimination behind him, the actual Spectre was a whole lot let intimidating. 
   Thus, the socially awkward Earth Ignis and his socially malignant Origin got along quite well. Like a house on fire would not be accurate for their attributes but it was accurate enough. Earth didn’t stay with them, instead he opted to stay with his lover but they saw each other often enough to justify the resurrection of him and the dissolution of the Knights of Hanoi.
   The reunion of his Ignis teaching Spectre - at long last - that not all changes had to be bad or feared. Which meant that something long time coming for them both could be welcomed. Their feelings for one another had long been hidden beneath their positions as leader and second-in-command, of affection made taboo by a living deadman and the haunting thought they may not live past eighteen. 
   Now, they had a big, wide world at their fingertips as they reintegrated with society. Ryoken had a normie job at SOL Tech as an online security expert for them. Spectre wasn’t sure what he wanted to do but was pursuing all his passions in university level courses - language, botany, anything he fancied. They shared a little apartment that overflowed with pot plants and computer-related trip hazards. It was a much nicer home than the Kogami Mansion they had grown up in. The Lieute- the doctors visited every so often, same for their other Vict- their friends. The Ignis even felt safe there, too, it was worth noting. All six of them.
   It was just another, average night when Spectre heard those keywords come out of Ryoken’s mouth. They had been making dinner. He had coursework on the kitchen table and they were both sharing the chore of chopping vegetables and grilling marinated meat when Ryoken paused. Spectre had asked a simple question - “Ryoken-sama, have you checked the refrigerator for more zucchini yet?” - when it turned into a whole theatric.
   Ryoken turned on his heel and came down on one knee, the scene caught in a bright orange sunset coming in from outside. Spectre froze and felt himself become breathless as he watched Ryoken propose.
   “Moving forward,” Ryoken said, a third time, “if you ceased calling me things like ‘sir’ and ‘master’.”
   But this time… Spectre did not protest. Instead, he allowed it to happen and with a racing heart, no less.
   “I want us to be equals.” Ryoken continued and Spectre nodded, getting hopeful.   
   For Ryoken took his hand gently and finally, Spectre found himself planted in a present far, far away from the past that he used to hold onto so tightly and faced a better, brighter future. One which he was sure was going to prove far better than anything he had moved on from.
   “So, Spectre, will you marry me?” Ryoken asked, he looked up at his lover as though he were gazing at the sun.
   He held his breath and paused. His hand so badly wanted to move without volition and slide that silver ring upon Spectre’s finger but first. He wanted to hear it for himself and as Ryoken gazed upon Spectre’s face, his heart swelled at least three sizes bigger.
   Excitement and adoration was written all over Spectre’s face. From one side of it to the other through the bow of his lips as they split into a wide smile. The way his cheeks blushed, it was oh so giddy until Spectre finally found his voice again through the euphoria as he processed Ryoken’s question.
   “Yes, of course.” Spectre swooned in reply.
   He lurched forward, bowing at his own knee, and wrapped Ryoken in an embrace, before he could do anything. He smothered Ryoken in kisses and Ryoken’s mind all but emptied as Spectre’s joyful answer echoed in his head. He melted into a satisfied smile as he let himself be kissed and hugged.
   “Spectre, hold still, I need to give you the ring.” Ryoken laughed. He could hardly balance even though they were both on the tiled, kitchen floor together.
   “Ah! Yes, of course.” Spectre replied.
   He receded but it was apparent he was holding back so much love to give in his excitement. Ryoken took his hand once more, now trembling with anticipation and with a steady hand, Ryoken adorned it with the engagement ring. A lab grown diamond in an upcycled silver ring engraved with twisting, leafy vines. 
   Ryoken had picked it out thinking it was very “Spectre” and his judgement was proving correct if Spectre’s expression was anything to go by as he admired it. The diamond was clear and caught beams of light through the sunroom’s window as Spectre shifted his hand from left to right ever so slightly. He was captivated by the way it refracted light off of him.
   “It looks good on you.” Ryoken complimented him.
   “Thank you,” Spectre said, and he looked up from his hand, “I love it.”
   “And I love you.” Ryoken told him as he drew up to his full height again. He offered his hand to Spectre who gave it to him excitedly.
   Ryoken pulled Spectre up… and into an embrace. It was fluid, like a movement in a romantic waltz. Ryoken leaned in and Spectre reciprocated. Their lips met and the feeling of fireworks was underneath their skin. They kissed for as long as they could without breathing, too giddy to do anything but to exchange affection. They kissed over and over again, missing more and more often as they drank each other, and this moment in.
   All until Ryoken pulled back, panting, and he wondered just how much further they could move forward after this. Spectre smiled, his cheeks flushed and his lips were kiss swollen. Looking at him, Ryoken was in a daze. After all, they had such precious friends and family around them now these days. What more could there be? But he hoped he would find out with Spectre, hand in hand with matching rings.
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plethomacademia · 10 months
Eros 2 and 5, storge 2 and 3 (sorry for so many)
Never sorry, let's dig in to this great set of asks.
Jumping because we know
Eros 2. How important is sex to them in a relationship? Do they see it as something essential to their happiness? Would they be able to remain in a monogamous relationship with someone they loved without sex? Maeve was raised to think of herself as a tool and that includes her body. Her body is a weapon, her body is an idol, her body is currency she can spend. She isn't allow other kinds of relationships so she learns to lean heavily on sex and I think that wiring would take a long time to undo.
Honestly what undoes her with Gortash I think is that their relationship is not sexual for almost a full year. She just interacts with this person that at first she sees as a threat, then just a rival, then maybe an ally, and only when he calls her his friend and is like wait why haven't we fucked? Then she's like oh yeah right! And that order just destroys her.
In the game timeline, Maeve uses sex to kind of take the edge off her murder stuff. I like to imagine she tried other vices to help, but all them make her headaches worse or make her feel sick. What does help though is fucking the hot people she's surrounded with. So again, for her it's sex first, relationship maybe?
Astarion only works because it went sex -> relationship. And honestly, in my game, the only reason she doesn't shut down the relationship is due to the order of in game events: Sceleratis tried to get Maeve to kill him, then Astarion admitted his emotions and I think that combo was what got her to try.
Halsin I actually didn't see her with originally because he's very much heart forward, emotions forward, but also the man is hot and you know it will be fun. I ended up doing it only because he asked Maeve so late in the game, while she has been proving with Astarion that she can do the emotions part.
LONGEST WAY OF SAYING, she has always been sex = relationship if she's allowed to have relationship at all. She has to learn how to do the relationship and she's still bad at it. Sex is not as much essential as useful.
Eros 5. How closely is their opinion of their own beauty (or lack thereof) linked to their confidence? Do they see themselves as more or less worthy of love or sex based on how attractive they feel?
She is a wretched thing. But she is a beautiful thing. And she knows there's power in that. In my fic there's a bit where I tease that she gets annoyed with how often she has to be like yes, this fragile looking elf is a mass murder machine, want me to show you? But I think she appreciates how it causes people to underestimate her.
The relationship with love gets weird again because she doesn't have to earn that, she gets it for being what she is. If her being beautiful helps keep a follower coming until they earn their ecstasy, sure.
In game is interesting because her confidence at the beginning is all an act. She is terrified, she has no idea what is going on, she doesn't understand why she is so good at convincing people to do things or why she has this tactical mind? Honestly I wonder if stealing Astarion's mirror and seeing herself might make her less confident. This one is interesting, I need to chew on it.
Storge 2. Does your OC have children? If so then how fiercely do they love them? If they have more than one then do they love them all equally? If they do not have children then is this part of their future plans?
HA HA HAAAAAAA I know why you're asking this.
I love this one for dark urges because this is one of your jobs right?
Pre game, children are just something that Maeve assumes will happen when the church is ready for that step. It would be a biological thing, a duty, and she does lots of things with her body for her duty, what's having a kid. Would she love them? She loves all of her church, of course :) Would it be what this question is asking? No.
But then she starts to fall in love with a dipshit Banite. I am actually hoping to use this idea to ruin her day a little bit in my current chapter because Sceleratis is going to suggest she have a bhaalspawn with Gortash to kind of appease her dad's worry that Maeve is losing the plot. It's not the having a kid part that's going to throw her, it's that it's HIS child, his probably brilliant child, locked up in the sewers without books or gadgets or all those super Gortash things she's falling in love with. Psychic damage will occur.
In game? She's getting used to like having a dog LOL. I also do not head canon Astarion as the kind of person that wants to be a dad, he was a slave for 200 years! Let him have some time. Halsin seems like too much of a free spirit to want to be tied down with a kid. So at least in the short term, I think team emotional disaster will just work on themselves.
I will say! I have a chapter draft for near the end where Maeve is getting to know the elder brain (we ignore canon timeline in this house it's too compact) and my notes have the words daughter, lover, and slave so! Maybe this will be Maeve's mom arc. Then she gets stabbed in the head.
Storge 3. How far does parental approval (imagined or expressed) impact upon their current sense of self-worth? What might they sacrifice or attempt to achieve in order to ensure the approval of their parents?
These questions are so funny for dark urges.
What is self-worth? Her only worth is in relationship to her father. The fact that she even has a self is a problem and a constant negotiation with her butler. The fact that Gortash likes both the child of god weapon Maeve and the person Maeve makes it worse.
What would she do to earn her father's approval? Everything. She would kill the entire world. That is something she never wavers in before she loses her memories. I stand by that letting Orin kill Maeve was a huge fucking mistake and Bhaal should have kept his kids in check. She was a weirdo who liked her hot topic boyfriend and playing the flute but she was all in on the mission and she was ready to die for it.
I am going to write some scenes soon with Gortash trying to lure her with power and I just don't think it works! She wants to be with him because he's her friend. She likes to make him happy because she enjoys him. But every time I play with the idea of him saying "we'll get away from our gods," she shuts right down. She is all in on the mission. Without the mission, she would have to think about her life and what has been done to her.
The fact that Bhaal and Sceleratis see any softness in her and just round up to failure, that was a mistake. They didn't understand her.
In game? L M A O. Honestly, she's not afraid of her father being Bhaal. She kind of takes the whole child of god thing in stride in a weird way, maybe because by the time we get to that reveal she has met Aylin, she has killed a god's avatar, like sure she's Bhaal's gore, fine.
No, it's the fact that Bhaal wants to own her that makes her resist him. I think even if I do eventually get to my evil Maeve run, she will always reject Bhaal. Not because she disagrees with the mission, but because she gets the space to learn person Maeve and a deep part of her is very sick of being controlled.
So in game, her father is in opposition to her sense of self. He has to go.
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How Faun: Age of Darkness came to be.
Faun has been four, maybe five years in the making. How did it take you so long, I hear you ask? Was it self doubt? Was it lack of resources? Was it a psychotic breakdown? Well, my friend. I'll tell you, it was a bit of everything. All of the above, if you will.
One day I was in lockdown when a friend of mine started brainstorming with me over Facebook about creating a strong female character, one who didn't just become great because the writer needs her to be. Mary Sues get on my nerves. As if women have to be amazing at all times, as if being weak is in itself, a weakness, and not a point for potential growth.
I wanted to create a badass character who was still relatable, one who had compassion and was naive and above all, queer. I wanted a high fantasy woman who had a girlfriend, and didn't die or marry a man. I wanted a woman who earned her place at the top of her character arc. I wanted real queer representation, not just storyboard cutouts.
Then came my psychotic breakdown.
I won't say a lot about my psychotic breakdown, only that my mind was returned to me the worse for wear.
After that, I worked in childcare for one summer. Then I decided I never wanted to work in childcare again, and looked for a project to keep me occupied. I started writing short horror scripts for a man who said he was going to produce me, but was really just stringing me along for no reason.
Finally I looked at what I had left: The old script I had worked on throughout my sickness. Throughout turmoil and adversity and a kid being sick in his own hands, there it was. A five episode script. The one my supposed "producer" (let's call him BG) said he would produce, with little effect and no talk of financial contracts or onset photos, nothing to show that he was actually taking any of my work seriously.
I decided then and there, I would get Faun made. Whether it was through a producer or using my own limited capital, I would make my own dream of putting Faun out there a reality.
But how to get it out there? As a film script it was good, but I had no access to people who knew about filming and angles and cuts and so on. I could have learned it all myself in the lockdown but for my depression and the fact that I am a terrible learner. There was also the problem of the settings. A rustic pub? Where would I find one that didn't look modern, locally? This is why many of the first episodes take place in settings such as a field or a tent or a church.
I could submit it to a contest, but free ones are few and far between and finding one you don't have to pay for, thereby lining the pockets of the contest throwers, is a hard thing to do. Then it came to me: Any arsehole with a microphone and an idea can create a podcast.
So I took to instagram and declared: I have finally finished the script for Faun (I hadn't, it took about a year of drafting and redrafting to get it to a place I was happy with it ), either it now gets produced as a radio play or I turn it into a podcast.
Then came the fateful message from a friend of an old project, it went something like: "I have about 10 people I know personally in need of voice reel footage who would love to be in Faun." And so, with nothing else to do besides looking at all my old successful uni friends on Facebook and going on dates with women out of my league and British Asian men looking for a practice girl before settling down in a nice arranged marriage, I decided to give it a go.
And indeed, here we are dear reader. I hope you will follow me on this journey, on my blog and on my podcast. All 8 of you, I value each and every one of you as though you were my own friends.
Enjoy listening, and remember, follow your dreams even if they're fucking stupid.
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straycatboogie · 2 years
2023/03/18 English
BGM: RHYMESTER - ウィークエンド・シャッフル
Today I worked early. This morning I got nervous and also had an anxiety as usual. I thought that even the athletes could get nervous, and also thought about this life. I have never wanted to do this work since I began. I just had to earn money, but I have worked for over 20 years. I remember, maybe it was Haruki Murakami who wrote that we might have to have the period of using the muscle we usually don't use. I never think this work suits me, but I have been trained by keeping on working for that long time. It's life... I chose Rhymester's "Life Goes On" and "ウィークエンド・シャッフル". I was cured by this song's cheerful mood. Yes, it's the weekend so I want to enjoy.
This afternoon a friend of mine gave me the pics of Sakura. I heard that this season Sakura has been blooming earlier than usual years. It means that the season of Sakura would end sooner than usual. I heard that our prime minister Kishida had said wearing masks depends on every person's judgement, but me, I already got used to wear them so it's difficult to wear off. I don't like watching Sakura as I wrote before, but in this year I want to read Motojiro Kajii's short novels under those Sakura trees. We talked about those Sakura, and I remembered that this kind of friendship would end as "the flower of season" like Shichiro Fukazawa says. Once I couldn't enjoy friendship longer because we always broke up with struggles, so this long friendship is really a miracle. I remember that "saying goodbye is the core of life" as a Japanese quote.
Another friend and I talked for a while on WhatsApp. I had learned that an English movie director Ken Loach had started making his movie, so I told about that to him. I can't say that I like Ken Loach easily. I always got a certain heavy punch from his movies so it can't be enjoyed as fashionable ones. Ken Loach gets anger about the irrational situation of our society and makes his ones of it. In other words, the situation Ken Loach must work so hard means the one our society gets worse. It is really sad for me. I can't enjoy his movies as Clint Eastwood's ones or Godard's ones (of course, we already had lost Godard). That is the reason Ken Loach is one and only. But is it a happy scene for Ken Loach?
This evening I made a draft for tomorrow's meeting. And I had the time so read Shigeo Goto and Ryuichi Sakamoto's "skmt Who is Ryuichi Sakamoto". Sakamoto is really an enigma. I can't see if there is a strong ego in himself. He never believes that the "core of passion to express something", but always tries to get attracted from something outside of him, and adapt that things to start his music. This means he has a big and primal emptiness. He choose amorphous and therefore hates making words from his thoughts. He basically tries to be free, so not giving himself any shape. Yes, it must be childlike. But I also accept that it is the evidence of his honest attitude. I have a sympathy with him because I am also said that I am empty. Or I am just a snob person.
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fil-in-the-blank · 2 years
what did you learn as a kid about conflict resolution?
i watched models of a few different ways of conflict resolution as a kid
first there was dad who yelled and pouted and snarled and postured and forced everyone to do what he wanted, how he wanted
there was mom who occasionally tried to stand up to him but was always quickly accused of “oh here comes mama bear!!” (yeah i wonder why she felt like she had to defend her kids, maybe because you were attacking children for no good fucking reason??) she would get quiet, sometimes cry, and then do what he said. if dad was not the source of her conflict, she would cry and then try to address it. lately she has been going the avoidance route more often, to the point of denial, or avoiding the house she literally owns because “i guess not everyone had happy memories here” (yeah no shit we didn’t)
aj was the smallest and weakest and the most self-critical. he solved conflicts in our family by either Not Being Home (horrible! abandoning your family! ungrateful! degenerate!) or by breaking down and/or self-harming. this was seen as self-punishing so our parents didn’t feel like they had to punish him - he had already “punished himself”. he had unmedicated adhd worse than me or bonnie so he forgot things frequently and this situation played out frequently.
and bonnie. she thought our conflict was funny. entertaining. she’d watch reality tv specifically for the conflicts because she thought they were entertaining. she’d laugh when dad terrified the shit out of me and aj. (aj and i laugh now at most of it ex. “I’M MAKIN CORN!!!” but like. he was always threatening to throw us out of the house and i personally had nowhere else to go)
bonnie liked to solve her own problems by insulting the other parties involved. i was brushing my teeth at the sink but SHE wanted to brush her teeth at the sink and wanted me to hurry up? insult me for being weird about brushing my teeth for so long. i liked singing but it annoyed her? i sing too low and i sound like i’m yawning, i should learn to sing better. all matter of petty things that annoyed her would earn an insult from her. she’d later justify this as “i was only trying to make you more normal, you were weird it’s why people didn’t like you in school”. unsaid was the correlation between my uncoolness and her precarious popularity juxtaposed with her unfortunate relation to me.
as for movies or books? i didn’t parse much dialogue in movies, or follow plotlines very well. i could recite the scene to you but i wouldn’t know what was going on. but a lot of movies involved “protagonist. conflict. run away and escape confict. somethingsomethingsomething. happily ever after.” sometimes escaping the context of the conflict was literally what resolved it, in the case of movies like The Rescuers, Cinderella, 101 Dalmatians, The Swan Princess, etc. In many others, there is an attempt at escape but then a return. Did I parse that the escape did not resolve the conflict? Hell no. Simba was cool because he ran away from home and found a cool second home with two dads and a buffet of bugs. Mulan ran away from her overbearing father. Tarzan disobeyed Kerchak. Pinnochio runs away and does all this cool shit! Charlie literally cons his way out of being dead and has one hell of an adventure (and Annemarie runs away from HIM and finds good new parents)! See, running away from your problems solves everything. Yes, Rafiki said “you can either run from it or learn from it” but surely I can both escape it and learn from it.
my favorite book was The Island Of The Blue Dolphins, telling the story of how Karana was left alone on her island after her family and village were moved off the island. she took care of herself. she had a dog. she had a skirt made of cormorant feathers. she had an aleut girl friend who visited her sometimes and they were friends. living the fucking DREAM. and then she left the island and found that everyone from her village had died and she was the only one who spoke her language anymore, so she died on the mainland old and almost as alone as she was on the island. like. damn, i would’ve stayed on the island.
so yeah. we escape the situation that caused the problem and we live alone.
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dotster001 · 2 years
Prompt number 8 🥰❤️with chevalier
Hey anon, I hope you like this. Also, I haven't played his route yet, only a couple events, so if he's out of character, I apologize. I hope it's fluffy enough 😭
8. Say something. Are you hurt?
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King Chevalier was untouchable. A brutal beast who wouldn't hesitate to cut down anyone who he deemed a threat to him or to you. Not that you believed anyone would have any cause to hurt you. But maybe you were just naive. 
"Pardon me. You're Y/N, right?" A kindly looking servant had come up to you in the library.
"Yes, that's me. Is there something I can help you with?"
"I just wanted to hear for myself if the rumors are true. I hope it's not too forward of me," he said with a calm smile.
"Well that depends, what rumors?" You smiled back. 
This kind of thing happened a lot now that everyone had learned that you were "Belle". People wanted to know what you thought of the princes, why you chose Chevalier as king, what made you special enough to be chosen. And you were happy to answer these questions, as you would want to ask the same things should your roles be reversed.
He sat in the chair across from you. "The rumor I wanted to know is whether or not you have truly tamed "the bloody beast"?"
In Spite of yourself,  you winced. The nickname was well earned, but the more you spent time with Chev, the clearer it was that there was more to him than that.
"I wouldn't say that," you laughed. "King Chevalier is not one to be tamed."
His smile turned dry. "But you are indeed his only weakness. Wouldn't that mean you've tamed him in some way?"
You saw something dark in his eyes, and a shiver flashed down your spine.
"Ha, maybe," you said, standing up and gathering your things, trying to be as subtle as possible. "Listen, I've just remembered that I actually have to meet his highness, and he doesn't approve of tardiness so…"
"I'm afraid I can't allow that," the man spoke calmly. That's when you noticed the other men standing at the other doors of the library. And now they were all drawing their swords.
"You seem very kind, and I'm sorry it had to come to this. It's truly nothing personal, but I have to pay the bills somehow," he pointed his sword directly at your chest. "If you promise not to fight, I'll make this quick."
The door to the library slammed open, as Chevalier, Clavis, and their men stormed onto the scene. The look on Chev's face filled you with terror before you remembered it wasn't directed at you. 
The men restrained the ones who had been blocking your exit as Clavis and Chevalier zeroed in on you and the would be assassin.
Chevalier wrapped his arm tightly around you, and grasped your chin, guiding your eyes to meet his.
"Say something. Are you hurt?"
Suddenly, you felt the adrenaline wear off, and began to shake heavily. He picked you up.
"Clavis," he said simply with a nod. You had thought Chev's face was frightening. Clavis' smile was definitely worse.
Chevalier carried you from the scene, up to his room, and gently sat on the bed with you still in his arms. 
He held you tightly, and gently rocked you back and forth, as though he was trying to ground you back to reality, to him. And it was working.
Once you had calmed down, you whispered, "I'm sorry."
"Do not apologize. You are the victim here. The one who will be apologizing is the swine who dared to touch what was mine."
Sometimes Chevalier's possessive behavior could be frightening, but, right now, you were finding it oddly reassuring. 
He gently laid you in the bed, and tucked you gently into the blankets. He placed the pillows under your head just right. Then he moves to leave.
You quickly grabbed his hand, "please stay with me."
Without a word, he slipped under the covers. You moved into his arms, resting your head on his chest, falling asleep to his heartbeat.
As he watched you sleep, he sighed to himself. Maybe you truly had tamed him. The bloody beast of the past would have slain that assassin where he stood, but instead he was here protecting you from phantoms. He pushed a strand off of your forehead and he realized. He didn't mind being tamed if it meant seeing this peaceful face.
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cere-za · 2 years
Yoo! First of all, I just have to say that ur stories are amazing, they always brighten up my day!! I always start grinning like an idiot when you post ngl XD I wanted to ask you if you could do a grandad!Tea Knight cookie x child!reader (platonic ofc) but the child does not have any parents, and Tea knight takes care of them :> Thanks in advance🫂
A lovely visit
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{ grandpa tea knight and child reader!}
[ A/N: before anything..yes i know I've been gone for a long time it's because it's almost the end of my school year meaning I've been extra busy with that being said i appreciate that people like you are enjoying what i write! My day gets better when I read that people are enjoying my stories!]
Tea knight cookie was resting at home..and boy was he tired,but also worried that his grandchild hasn't visited him in days
So much so that he thought of the worst!.. maybe they had been attacked..or worse taken away!.. his histeria came to a quick halt when he heard a knock on his door..he got up from his chair to go receive whoever was at the door..
“Hi grandpa!”
What a lovely visit! His grandchild! His worries were wiped off now that they were there
"why hello there [y/n], come in..!”
He said moving aside so you could step inside, you always loved going to your grandpas house he would tell you old tales, help him around and spend the day together.
Today you had brought some baking supplies from the store! You had saved up enough money for everything you needed it took days of saving up Penny's but it was more than worth it!
"Quite a surprise you came to visit [y/n],tell me how've you been these couple of days?"
Your grandpa spoke as he saw you hurry your way to the kitchen to make sure you don't drop anything
"it was okay! A bit lonely though"
You said all the way from the kitchen as he stood in the living room, he frowned at your response.. technically..tea knight cookie isn't your actual grandpa..he found you a year ago when you were lost and since then you've become attached, in that period he also learned that you didn't know who your parents were..he is sure they didn't stick much either in your earlier years..
So people kind of found it sierra that you called him grandpa, the two of you were nothing alike, neither in looks or personality..but it mostly didn't matter to you, you were just happy to have someone to look up to..wait is something burning?..
You looked down at the oven and instantly began to panic, turning the it off you saw that your cake had indeed burned.. you began to sulk, all hard earned money was now wasted..
“[y/n]? Is everything alright? i smelled something burning”
Tea knight had walked in and saw you sulking on your knees in front of the oven where you saw with undying sadness the burned cake
He slowly walked up to you and picked you up from the waist
"c'mon now, there's no need to be sad..! We can go to the near bakery and buy something from there, we'll drink tea with sweet's, how's that sound?"
He tried to cheer you up which slightly worked
“soo.. were having a tea party?"
You asked with excitement and your grandpa chuckled and nodded..yes!
After the two of you had brought the fresh biscuits and slices of cake from the bakery, tea knight had began to brew some tea while he kept an eye on you, he watched you set up the table and he began thinking..
< they're so sufficient at such early age.. maybe they can take of themselves.. maybe they don't need the offer to stay here.>
His thoughts came to a stop when he heard the water boil in which he turned off the stove and began to prepare the tea..by the time he had finished you were already waiting patiently at the table.
The two of you were having a good time with eachother, talking about friends, about things you've done a few days back.. when he suddenly asked something you've been waiting for awhile
“say [y/n]..i know you're far more capable of taking care of yourself,but i would like it if you come live with me?..i can't help but get worried when you live by yourself”
You sat up from your chair in excitement
“yes! I want to live with you grandpa! I want to learn more about everything you had been through!”
He was glad you've accepted the request, he chuckled at your response, classic child enthusiasm
“now finish your tea before it gets cold hehe”
It was a lovely visit from you after all
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