#Peter is a whole mood in this though honestly
spxnglr · 1 year
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Caption competition.
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shayyprasad · 6 months
pity | peter parker
tw: kinda angst a lil?? oh and cursing
summary: your cancer changed peter more than yourself.
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the last couple weeks had been a blur, she remembered fragments of pieces and her head was spinning. everyday was the same now.
the repetition of something she didn't want. the constant apologies, as if it was their fault. as if they could change it. y/n didn't want that. she wanted the whole world to just go away. just become silent. for everyone to disappear.
she hated it.
the gifts. the way everyone spoke around her and to her, as if she was a broken piece of glass, cracks scattered around. all the exceptions that were made.
even her best friend treated her differently. the one person she was supposed to be able to lean on couldn't even hold her up properly. and honestly? she was sick of it. not that she'd ever do anything about it.
chances are, peter didn't even notice how she was taking it. if anyone were to ask her, she'd say that everyone else cared more about her cancer than she did. y/n had already accepted it, and she didn't understand why anyone else was being like this. frankly, it was aggravating.
y/n wasn't giving up on her sickness, her body, herself. she was just trying to survive it. she didn't want to be known as the sick girl. normal. y/n was normal. just like everyone else. her sickness didn't define her. her actions did.
how much would it take to knock sense into everyone?
she sighed as she closed her locker, trying to think of something else.
she let out a small yelp, startled by the familiar brunette boy.
"shit, peter, you scared me."
"i'm sorry! are you okay?" worry flooded his voice.
this is what y/n meant. if she wasn't sick, then he likely would've cackled in her face and teased her, but the problem was the fact that she was indeed sick. meaning that he wouldn't be normal peter. he would be smothering mom-like peter. she resisted the urge to roll her eyes and nodded stiffly. not in the mood to deal with this, she dragged him to class by his wrist.
y/n plopped down at an open seat and peter took the one next to her. she sunk down in her seat a little when she noticed that mr. holland passed around the tests. when he put her's down, he put it face-down. that was enough for her to know that she did bad. y/n didn't even bother to check it as she shoved it down to the bottom of her backpack, into a sea of misfit papers, never to be seen again.
it's not that she wasn't smart. because she was. y/n was one of the top students, tied against peter making their rivalry nothing but a tight friendship. but with cancer came many doctor appointments, blood tests, and if there might be anything going around, anything at all, she had to stay home. couldn't risk it, as her mother said.
out of the corner of her eye she could see peter press his lips together in a tight line. she clenched her jaw as students glanced over their backs, checking out the sick girl.
"what are you looking at, fucker?" she snapped under her breath to the boy across to her. he looked away quickly, mumbling something under her breath.
for the most part, the rest of the day went quickly. y/n stopped by her locker to shove her school crap in her backpack, knowing that peter would be waiting for her in the school parking lot to drive her to his house- courtesy of a school project. she didn't bother to hurry, though. it's not like he would be mad at her.
and now she had an idea.
how would she make someone not pity her? she would make them mad instead. and that's exactly what she would do.
starting with peter.
y/n pushed her locker shut, pissed at life. she walked to the truck that once belonged to uncle ben. once she got in she deliberately slammed it shut. sorry, uncle ben, she thought. peter winced, clearly trying to make nothing of it.
what else could she do make him mad? how far could she go? how far was she willing to go?
...aux? aux!
y/n smirked, plugging her phone in and scrolling through the options.
miley. peter hated miley cyrus. what song was his least favorite?
this one. definitely this one.
i hopped off the plane at lax
with a dream and my cardigan
welcome to the land of fame excess
she leaned back with a smile, which quickly dropped when he did nothing but let out a breath. she was good at this, she was good at being annoying. y/n was his best friend, she knew all of his ticks. why wasn't this working? why wasn't her plan working?
he was humming along. why the hell was he humming along?
and then she realized. he was trying to make her happy. how wholesome was that? wait, no. focus. after a car ride she deemed too long, mostly because it consisted of so much miley, they finally got home. well, technically, peter's home. but it was just as much hers as it was his. after all, she was in most of the photos that were hung up around the house. as she got out, she made sure to slam the door, as childish as that was. y/n smirked in satisfaction as she saw him frown.
y/n huffed and walked towards the door, waiting for peter to unlock it. he moved past her and did so, shutting the door behind him.
"hi, peter? how was school?" aunt may asked, putting away some dishes. "oh, y/n, hello to you, too!"
"hey, may. it was alright." he shrugged.
"would you guys like something to eat?"
"no," she responded quickly, already starting on the stairs.
"ohhh-kay. i guess not. we'll be upstairs working on a project," peter huffed.
"of course," may said, raising an eyebrow.
when he got up there, she was sitting on the bed, scrolling mindlessly on tiktok. peter sat down in the swivel chair, pulling out his notebook and laptop.
"i already did the first three chapters, did you do the last two?"
"nope," she she said, popping the 'p' as she didn't bother to look up.
"uh, i- okay. that's- that is completely, totally fine. we can do it right now, real quick, and then we can start with the-"
"nah. not really in the mood. you got it, right? i mean, you aren't smart for nothing."
this was it. he'd be livid.
"um, okay."
see, he was so- what?
y/n scowled, now she was livid. she unzipped her backpack, grabbing a piece of gum and shoving it in her mouth. she chewed it in the most obnoxious way possible, blowing bubbles and everything. this was his number one pet peeve.
still nothing. no complaint. no protest.
fucking pity.
"why aren't you mad?" she finally snapped.
he turned around, "huh? what do you mean?"
"i mean, why. aren't. you. mad?"
"why would i be?"
"because i've been doing everything i possibly can to make you mad! i've been a dipshit friend all day!"
"but... i'm not... mad?" he made it sound like a question, which pissed her off.
"why can't you just be normal!? i want things to be the way they were! you aren't my mother! you're my friend! act like it, god, please!"
"i- i don't- i am being your friend. nothing's changed, i promise."
"no, no. stop lying to my face. everything's changed! i don't want your pity! i don't want your stupid, fucking pity!" she was crying now, hot tears streaming down her face. "everything's changed! because- because of... my cancer, right? that's why?"
"that's not- look, i'm sorry-"
"stop that! stop saying sorry. i get those a lot, and you know what that makes them? empty words!"
"i care, okay!? everyone does! and honestly, and seems like you're the only one who doesn't!"
"i do care! i'm the sick one, remember? i mean, you treat me like a baby! that's... that's not the same as caring! you're pitying me! i don't want your pity!"
she grabbed her backpack and stormed down the stairs, not bothering to spare a single glance at may. peter followed after, trying to get her attention, but she didn't want to listen. y/n left, right out the door, running to god knows where. she didn't even know. all she knew was that she wanted to be alone.
y/n stopped in an alley, hiccupping and crying softly. she laid there pathetically, trying to catch her breath, knowing she wasn't supposed to be running or tiring herself out. the world spun around her, small black dots poking her vision. after blinking rapidly, everything seemed to go back to normal.
she rubbed at her nose, leaning up against the wall and closing her eyes. she sat there for a couple minutes, but it felt like forever on her part.
"y/n? y/n, where are you?"
the girl squeezed her eyes shut, hoping it would all go away.
"y/n?" his soft voice called out. "oh my god, there you are. i- i got so worried when you just- please don't cry," peter took a seat next to her, wiping her tears with one hand, and cupping her face with the other.
"angel, i didn't mean to make you feel that way. i- i was scared. i've been so used to being able to save everyone, pull them out of dangerous situations, thugs, robberies, bandit, whatever, you name it. b- but i couldn't save you from this. i couldn't protect you, not this time, and that's the one thing i'd swore i'd always do. so when i heard you got sick... i don't know. i just, i panicked. i was afraid that... maybe i'd lose you. i wanted to be careful, make sure that you were happy... or comfortable, and that was the least i could do, i figured, if not save you. and i know i'm rambling here, angel, but that's because i love you. so much. you hold such an important place in my heart, and i- i don't know what i'd do without you. b-but we're gonna get through this, because you are so fucking strong, a-and i'm here every step of the way. i love you, y/n. yeah, i really love you," he breathed, tears sliding down his face.
y/n was quiet, not knowing what to say. he loved her. and from that spiel, not the way friends do.
that was the best part.
"i- i'm sorry, i didn't mean to say all that, well, i did, but not like this- i mean, god, please say something so i know i haven't fucked up everything."
"i love you, too, peter," she sniffled, "so much."
and they kissed. it was the most special thing she'd ever done, y/n would hold that memory close to her heart, and never let it go. it was bittersweet, salty from their tears, but sweet from their love.
there hadn't been any pity. just love.
and it would stay that way, they hoped. for the rest of their lives.
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mrsfrecklesmarauders · 3 months
Party for Moony. Part 2.
Check out for Part 1.
Every 10th of March, Remus Lupin did something special with his best friends: His parents. It was just the three of them. They took Remus to the zoo, ice skating, bowling, to the movies, somewhere cool and nice. And then they would have dinner and chocolate cake at home.
It had always been that way for Remus's birthday. Until it wasn't.
On his fifteenth birthday, Remus spent it on the Hospital. The three of them with a hospital cake. It wasn't the same because Remus was sad. His mum was dying.
On his sixteenth birthday, Remus got waisted for the first time. He had a horrible awkward dinner with his dad. They fought because Remus wanted to start with testosterone. Lyall thought this "delusion of wanting to be a boy" would pass. Then Remus sneaked out to get drunk with Fen, Grant and the boys. "Real men drink, lil cub" Fen had said "It's the first step of becoming a boy". Remus wanted to be a boy. A real boy. So he drank. He remembered vomit and dizziness. He remembered tears and stupid laughters. He still felt sad.
This year, on his seventeen birthday, Remus was better. He had started using testosterone which helped a lot with his dysphoria. He was in a new school in which he passed perfectly well. He was treated like a boy by students and teachers (even if most teachers were forced). But most importantly, he had friends. He had cool friends. He had friends who accepted him for who he was. He had friends who treated him nicely. He had Sirius back into his life. Remus had good expectations about his birthday. Even though he was sure no one would remember or know it was his birthday. But it was fine. Remus didn't care.
He was completely wrong.
Everyone remembered it was his birthday. His dad called. He called him Remus which was nice. They talked about Hope but it was nice to remember her. Then, the mood was lightened with lots of birthday wishes, chocolates and even a few presents. Not only his friends but other Gryffindors, even teachers greeted him. It felt nice.
The group organized a nice picnic for Remus outside. They all made Remus feel welcome. He felt happy.
But the best part had been a few days ago. When the boys gave Remus the news about what they were planning. They were making a party for him. For HIM. Well it was for James too. Though mostly for him. They had said they were selling tickets. And all the money was for Remus's top surgery. He had refused of course, many times. However the boys insisted a lot. So Remus had no more remedy than to accept. They looked so happy and excited that Remus felt it as well. He even cried because he couldn't believe how lucky he was. No one had done something like that for him.
"So... Are you girls buying tickets for the party?" Sirius asked as they shared the picnic with Lily, Mary and Marlene.
They had sold tickets for the last few days. The prospect of a huge party in a house in the middle of the woods was appealing. The Marauders had told everyone the money was for a good cause. Nobody new what the good cause was Remus. Not even the girls. Sometimes Remus felt guilty about the whole thing. He didn't deserve all of this.
"So, I ask you... Why in the bloody name of God are you charging the entrance?" Marlene asked.
The boys looked between each other. Remus felt guilty.
"It's a good cause" Sirius, James and Peter answered at the same time.
"What's the good cause, buying a new pair of shoes?" Lily asked, pursing her lips and crossing her arms "Bloody posh boys"
"Don't underestimate the amount of shoes a good looking boy could have, Evans" James winked at her. Lily rolled her eyes.
"I think it is cool you're making this" Mary commented as she picked her nails "I love a good bloody party"
"Yes, because you have a lot of spare money to give to them" Marlene tutted.
"Money's for good shit, McKinnon" Sirius teased by raising his eyebrows.
"People pay for clubs" Mary shrugged "The business of having fun"
"Honestly it is a good cause! We are good boys" Peter snapped.
"Bet they are just doing it to show off" Lily added with a tut.
"That's not true!" Remus didn't speak much when it was all of them. He was an introvert. And he was still getting to know the girls. But he had to speak now. They all looked at him "The boys are not doing this to show off or because they want to have fun.. Well partially yes,... But it is really a good cause"
"Like helping the poor?" Marlene asked.
"Buying Peter a new pair of balls" Sirius joked. "Which is helping the poor"
That made the others laugh. Except for Lily and Remus. Peter protested calling Sirius an asshole. Sirius wasn’t that wanker he showed. If people could see he was an incredible person. It had been all his idea. Which didn't ease Remus's crush and made him like him more.
"No, really, I am the good cause" Remus insisted "The boys are helping me"
"Do you have a problem, sweetheart?" Mary asked with concern. In fact, the three girls looked at him. Admitting the truth would be coming out to them. And coming to James and Peter had been very hard. He just wanted to be normal and pass as a cis boy for them.
"I cannot tell you. But I really need the money"
"Are you sure, Remus?" Lily asked "You're not covering for them, right?"
Remus looked at his three friends, smiling back at him. He was lucky.
"They are really good friends, Lily. They shouldn't be helping me but they are"
The three boys went on a rant about how they were underappreciated while they were practically saints. Even James was using it to flirt with Lily. Sirius kept saying he was amazing: hot and a good person. (so bloody true). And Peter with his usual jokes. They managed to make the girls smile.
"So, it would be nice if you buy tickets for Remus now" James added at the end.
"If you so call yourselves his friend" Sirius said as well "Although no one compares with us"
"Yeah, free Remus from boobs" Peter said at last, which confused the girls, made Sirius and James fussed him with their eyes, even hitting his head, and making Remus simply laugh.
"What? What boobs?" Marlene asked.
"Yours honey" James winked.
"What Peter meant is that Remus would like to have more boobs at his party" Sirius said to fix it.
"Remus likes boobs very much" Peter nodded nervously.
"You are all disgusting" Marlene tutted while Mary laughed. Remus joined her.
"Remus is not like that" Lily snapped "He is a gentleman"
"What about me, Evans?"
"Unlike any of you!" Lily added as she ignored James.
"It's okay, Lily" Mary said with a smile "I get it. Remus wants to meet more girls because he wants a girlfriend" she winked at Remus making him blush "It's okay, honey. I can set you up with some girls"
Remus giggled nervously "Thanks?"
"Anyway, are you buying tickets to help Remus or not?" Sirius asked.
"Yeah, look at this gorgeous puppy face of his" James added, squeezing his chin "Isn't he adorable?"
Remus smiled.
"Come on!" Sirius exclaimed.
The girls were smiling as well. Even Lily. Lily was soft with Remus even if she didn't agree with the Marauders.
"Yeah okay" Marlene sighed "We were going to buy tickets anyway"
Mary nodded.
"Were we?" Lily asked.
"Even more now if it is for Remus" Mary commented.
"Only for Remus" Lily nodded.
"He is the cutest"
"Lovely little puppy"
"He is a lovely caramel"
"Okay...." James interrupted "Too much love for Remus... It is my birthday party as well. Aren't I adorable?"
Marlene laughed loudly. Sirius and Peter covered their mouths to cover their giggles. Lily was rolling her eyes.
"Very" Mary was the only one who answered and blew James a kiss.
"Thanks Mary"
Remus was too overwhelmed to interact. He had a strong knot on his throat. His chest was warm as an oven. His eyes felt hot with tears.
"Are you okay, Remus?" Peter asked, making the others focus on him.
Remus's eyes filled with tears. But he wasn't sad this time. He was happy. Really happy. He couldn't believe he was surrounded by incredible people like them. He couldn't believe they liked him. He couldn't believe he could call them his friends.
They were too amazing to be true.
Remus smiled, wiping his tears away. "Yeah. I'm just really happy and grateful, guys. You are the best friends someone could ask for. This was a very good birthday.... Thank you"
Sirius who was the closest to him gave him a stroke on his cheek. A small gesture that made Remus's heart beat fast. The others were smiling at him. Lily came closer to kiss his cheek.
"Wait until the party" James said "We are going to have a really good time"
Remus believed him. He could have happy birthdays again.
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Baby, You’re a Sunset.
Relationships: Spider-Man/Deadpool. Peter Parker/Wade Wilson.
Rating: Explicit
Tags: Soulmate AU. Soulmark AU. Alternate Universe. Peter Parker needs a hug. Wade Wilson needs a hug. Peter Parker is a sassy little shit. Wade Wilson being inappropriate as always. Scarred Wade Wilson. This is so soft. Bottom!Peter Parker. Top!Wade Wilson. Bottom Peter Parker. Top Wade Wilson. Peter kinda tops from the bottom, though. Power bottom Peter Parker. Fluff and smut. Getting together. Falling in love. Then falling into bed.
Summary: Peter Parker had always been embarrassed about his Soulmark—embarrassed, confused, and honestly a bit pissed off. He and his soulmate would be having words.
//Trigger Warnings: Language. Talk of violence. Sex. Sex without a condom.\\
Peter Parker had always been embarrassed about his Soulmark—embarrassed, confused, and honestly a bit pissed off. Soulmarks were the universe’s way of evening the scales a bit. Soulmates were, philosophically speaking, a pretty fucked up phenomenon. You have this one chance—this one chance—to find the person you were destined to be with. What if they were dead or on the other side of the world? You’d never know. Peter had seen the effect that could have on people. He’d known a girl in highschool who met her soulmate a month before being killed in a car accident. His aunt had lost her own soulmate and now May felt like dating was pointless.
Still, the romantic in him felt a longing for his soulmate. Mary Jane and Gwen had discovered that they were soulmates in middle school. Gwen had just started that year. She’d been a quiet kid, sitting alone during lunch. Mary Jane slid next to her on the bus, accidentally knocking their arms together. Both of the girls’ bright white marks had swirled with color. Now, the two delighted in communicating through their Soulmarks and leaving everyone else out of the loop. They’d been in seventh grade and already had their entire lovelives sorted. It wasn’t fair. Peter sighed to himself. He didn’t mean to be bitter and jaded, but at twenty-five with a Soulmark like his, he couldn’t help it. Soulmarks were supposed to be this amazing thing, but everytime Peter thought about his own, he felt miserable.
A loud bang shook Peter out of his thoughts. He located the disturbance, then rolled his eyes.
The mercenary had practically been stalking him the past few months. At first, Peter had avoided him like the plague. Last week, though, there was a shift in the air. Deadpool had taken a bullet for him, and now Peter felt indebted to him—even though, technically, Deadpool was immortal. Taking a bullet was closer to a splinter than a sacrificial action for the maniac. Still, Peter was putting up with his presence these days despite literally everyone telling him what a bad idea that was. It was easier to think of Deadpool as an annoying puppy. He followed too closely, had WAY too much energy, and occasionally drooled but if Peter kicked him, he’d be a monster. However irritating Deadpool was, he was pretty useful on patrols. The thorn in Peter’s side was currently unpacking several paper bags and lining up tons of take-out. Deadpool did have his uses.
“I didn’t know what you were in the mood for tonight—because you refuse to answer my texts—so I brought Mexican, Chinese, Thai, and Italian.”
“I don’t answer your texts because you refuse to call me Spider-Man. I made myself perfectly clear on Tuesday.” Deadpool managed to pout in such a way that Peter could see it through the mask. “Don’t start with me, Pool. I’ve had a bad day.”
“What happened? Do you need me to kill somebody?”
Peter glared at Deadpool.
“Why is that always your first response? No. I do not want you to kill anybody. That’s the point of this whole ‘rehabilitation’ experiment. You kill someone, we’re done.”
“You know, ultimatums aren’t the way to get what you want in a relationship. I have the marriage counselor on speed dial.”
“This is not a relationship. It’s just an experiment.”
“Okay, Katy Perry, calm down.”
“I don’t even know what that means.”
Deadpool immediately pulled out his phone and I Kissed A Girl began blasting through the tinny speakers. Peter sighed, but rolled his mask up and began to eat before the food got cold. Deadpool had insisted on eating either before or after patrols. He called it “bonding time.” Peter had accepted this term with little resistance. His enhanced speed, stamina, and healing came with a monstrous appetite and he was usually broke. Eating with Deadpool meant one less meal he had to pay for. He felt a bit guilty for letting the mercenary pay, but Deadpool always insisted. It was nice in a way that irritated Peter. It irritated him because things like this made it harder to hate Deadpool.
“Seriously, Webhead. If you wanna talk about it, I’m here.”
Peter paused. On the one hand, he was pretty against telling Deadpool anything personal about himself. The man was a trained mercenary and he quite literally made a living off of tracking people down. On the other hand, it was a pretty hidden part of his life. It wasn’t like he went around and told everyone about his Soulmark. Only a handful of people knew about it. The rest of the world believed that Peter Parker had no soulmate. He liked it better that way. It might be nice to vent about it for once.
“It’s just… nothing happened. I’ve just been upset. It’s stupid.”
“Upset about what?” Deadpool spoke around a mouthful of food. Peter had gotten pretty used to the scars, but the way they stretched around his full mouth were a bit distracting. “And it’s not stupid. You’re upset, that’s valid as hell, babe.”
Peter took his own massive, sullen bite. However, he wasn’t raised in a barn so he chewed and swallowed before replying.
“I’ve been upset about my Soulmark. Like it’s been there forever, so I’m mostly used to it, but once in a while… I just get so irritated.”
God, he was like a toddler sometimes.
“It’s… in an embarrassing place.”
Deadpool continued to eat, letting the silence linger for a few minutes. It was weird to see the mercenary being quiet for once. It made Peter uneasy.
“Well? Gonna tell me how ungrateful I am? How there are thousands of people out there who would kill for my Soulmark? How I should just be happy I have a soulmate at all?”
“Nah. Just ‘cus one person would want it doesn’t mean you have to.” Peter’s mouth snapped shut. Deadpool continued to eat before pulling his mask up a bit further and turning to face Peter. “I kinda understand. I mean, my soulmate is gonna slap me.”
Sure enough, a white handprint marked the left side of Deadpool’s face. The mark swiped down towards his mouth. That definitely looked like a slap.
“I mean, it could be something else…”
Peter tried his best to be convincing. Deadpool just shook his head.
“Nah. Thanks, but it’s definitely a slap. You know me, it definitely makes sense. I mean, who wouldn’t wanna hit me?”
Peter felt something like guilt settle in his stomach in response to the self-deprecating joke. He’d been a bit of a jerk to Deadpool. The man had to take a bullet for Peter to stop avoiding him. Deadpool noticed his frown and chuckled.
“It’s fine, really. Don’t worry that pretty little head of yours.”
“You don’t know what my head looks like.”
“Yeah, but I just know you’re gorgeous under there.”
Peter glanced around the apartment. It was surprisingly clean. He’d expected a total disaster. It was his first time in Wade’s apartment. They’d been patrolling together for a couple months and Peter had officially given up the ghost. Wade was his friend. There was no use fighting it any more. He’d been invited over to watch a movie after patrol. Wade was in the shower, singing at the top of his lungs. Peter tried valiantly not to smile. He failed. There was just something so endearing about it. Sure, Wade was still irritating. But these days, Peter laughed along more often than he rolled his eyes. He could hear the water being turned off as Wade continued to get cleaned up. Peter continued to explore.
The apartment was massive. It would take some serious money to rent this place. The kitchen had one of those fancy islands in it. Peter grabbed a beer from the fridge, took one drink, and decided he was not a beer person. Awkwardly, he carried the nasty thing with him from room to room. The dining area held a table decorated with an old lady tablecloth. Peter ran his hand over the worn lace. He wondered where Wade got it. Maybe it was a family heirloom or something. The living room had a giant TV with the most comfortable-looking couch Peter had ever seen. He sunk into the cushions with a grateful sigh. It had been a long day. Wade sat beside him, turning on the TV to scroll through Disney Plus.
“Whatcha wanna watch?”
“I dunno. Something good.”
“Well, that certainly narrows it down.” Wade threw a sarcastic look his way. Peter enjoyed these moments where he went without the mask. Some day, maybe he could go without his own mask. Some day.
“Fine, then. Let’s watch Hercules.”
Wade nodded, appeased, and the movie began to play. Peter started falling asleep part-way through. Wade woke him back up and brought a pair of sweatpants and a sweatshirt for him to wear. He changed in the bathroom, and for a real moment, debated going without his mask. He’d finally be able to get the jump on Wade. Lately, his Spider-Sense had not been working around Deadpool and he was getting pretty cocky about it. Wade knocked on the door to make sure he hadn’t somehow fallen asleep while changing. Peter looked at himself in the mirror, fussing with his hair and hoping against all odds that it would obey him for once.
“Fuck it.”
“What? Fuck what? I wanna know what we’re fucking!”
Peter opened the bathroom door, mask in hand.
“It’s Peter.”
Wade stared at him in a strange mix of awe and confusion.
“We’re fucking Peter? Who’s Peter?”
He blushed.
“No, me. I’m Peter.” Then, he added quickly: “And we’re not fucking me.”
“See? I knew you’d be gorgeous under there!”
Peter rolled his eyes, blush still firmly in place as I Won’t Say I’m In Love blared from the living room tv.
It was nearly a year later when the topic of soulmates came up again. Peter had invited Wade over, against his best judgment, and was being scolded as usual about the lack of food in the fridge. After takeout had been ordered (paid for by Wade, despite Peter’s habitual argument) and the game system was set up. Wade sat far away from Peter, as usual. Through the year of their friendship, Wade had refused to risk any sort of physical touch, and it was confusing for Peter. They’d grown so close over time that every super, villain or hero, counted them as a pair. It was rare for Peter to patrol alone these days. It only ever happened when Wade was “out of town.” He didn’t ask about those trips for his own peace of mind, but he couldn’t help but pay special attention to the news. As far as he could tell, Wade had been sticking to his promise. He hadn’t killed anyone since their agreement.
Though Peter didn’t know it, when Wade took a job he made sure to specify that maiming would be the furthest he’d go for a client. Weasel had almost had an aneurism when Wade broke the news. He’d been the biggest moneymaker for Sister Margaret’s, but according to Weasel he’d been “pussywhipped” by Spider-man. Wade took great offense to this and had informed Weasel that he’d actually been “dickwhipped” and that he planned on continuing that state until Spider-man broke down and fucked him. These days, though, Wade had felt a bit less randy and a bit more enamored. The more he learned about Peter, the more he was convinced that a one night stand could never be enough. In the words of Trisha Yearwood, he was gonna “marry that boy someday.” It was that same selfish urge that had prevented him from any physical contact with Peter. When he’d learned of Peter having a soulmark, all those months ago, a seed of pitiful and useless hope had sprouted in his heart. He was afraid to touch Peter now, for fear of squashing that hope when his soulmark would inevitably remain white. And yet, the sight of Peter curled up on the other end of the couch, clutching his remote and snickering as he sent a blue shell at Wade… He wanted nothing more than to throw caution to the wind, sweep Peter off his feet, and carry him off to the sunset.
“Gotcha, bitch!” Peter shouted excitedly as he took first place.
“You got me, alright.” Wade smiled softly. Peter glanced sideways at him.
Suddenly, the game was paused. Wade turned to look at him quizzically.
“What’s going on, Wade? Usually you’re almost as competitive as I am.”
“For the record, I am way more competitive than you are.”
“It’s not a competition, Wade. My point was—“
“It is so a competition. Everything’s a competition. See, this is exactly why I’m more competitive than you are.”
“Wade.” Peter said with a soft warning in his voice. Wade quieted. “What’s going on in that crazy head of yours?”
“I was just thinking about soulmarks.”
Peter looked at him with surprise.
“Soulmarks? What made you think about that?”
Wade gestured to his own mark.
“Hard not to think about, with this plastered on my face.”
Peter nodded sympathetically.
“I feel you.”
“I wish you would—“ Wade’s lecherous comment was interrupted.
“I thought Vanessa was your soulmate?”
Wade was quiet for a few minutes, memories of his previous happy life with Vanessa.
“She was.”
“She never touched your face?”
“Vanessa’s soulmark was on my chest.”
Again, Peter was surprised.
“You had two soulmarks? I don’t think I’ve ever heard of that happening.”
Sometimes, people had more than two soulmates, but they only ever had one mark. Peter had known three soulmates in elementary school. Each bore a matching soulmark. They’d all three been playing Red Rover at recess one day. The touch of the first soulmate had only added half the color, the second touch had filled in the gaps. Still, only one mark.
“I only had the one when she was alive. Then when she…” Wade trailed off, his voice cracking with grief. Peter moved to comfort him, but Wade shook his head and stood, putting more distance between them. Peter felt a sharp sting through his heart.
“I know I’m not her. But Jesus, Wade. I can’t even hold your hand?”
“It’s not about her.”
“Then what the fuck is it about?”
Wade gestured to his face, beginning to pace anxiously.
“I don’t want you to touch me.” He began quietly. Peter probably wouldn’t have heard if it weren’t for his superhearing. “I don’t think I can handle knowing that you aren’t my—just fucking forget it.”
Peter froze.
“You want me to be your soulmate.” Wade stayed silent. “Wade—“
“No, don’t tell me. I know. I know I’m the last person on earth you’d be soulmates with.” He laughed bitterly, sarcasm clouding his words. “Wouldn’t that be fucking perfect. New York’s golden boy! The friendly neighborhood Spider-Man, soulmates with a fucking murderer.”
“Wade, please—“
“No, it’s fine. I get the message, Webs. I really do.”
“Would you just shut the fuck up and listen!” Peter yelled. Wade stilled. “Wade, you absolute moron! I want you to be my soulmate so fucking bad. I love you, dumbass! I love you and it kills me because I know I’m not your soulmate! You wanna know how I know?”
Wade spun around to face him.
“How do you know?” Hope lit up his eyes, shattering Peter’s heart as tears stung his eyes.
“Because I would never slap you, Wade! And my soulmark…” He trailed off. Wade didn’t push it. Instead, he plopped onto the couch, head in his hands. Peter scooted closer, careful not to touch. Still, there was hope in his chest. He couldn’t help it. He studied Wade’s soulmark, the way it seemed almost undeniable. The way it slid so neatly downwards. Peter had been slapped. The redness on his face had looked the same. And yet…
“Oh, Wade.” Peter said in a whisper, tears blurring his vision. He shut his eyes, unable to stop his hand from reaching out and touching Wade’s cheek. His hand slid as Wade startled, Peter thumbed his lower lip gently. “I wish we were soulmates. I love you. I love you so much.”
“Peter… Babyboy.” Wade’s hand settled low on his waist, more on his ass than anything, and Peter suddenly felt a pleasant sort of burning sensation. He gasped. “I think we are.”
Peter’s eyes snapped open, greeted by color swirling and blooming, bordered by Wade’s lovely scars. His hand fell from Wade, yanking up his shirt while his other pushed at the waistband of his pants. Sure enough, the warm sensation was accompanied by his own soulmark blooming. Wade had tears in his eyes now. He gazed at Peter with such tenderness, he almost couldn’t stand it. Peter’s hand softly cupped his cheek again.
“I didn’t slap you.”
Wade let out a choking sob.
“No. No, you were so gentle.”
Peter’s lips met his for a mere moment. The softest kiss in the history of kisses.
“You deserve gentleness.”
As he shuffled forward, Wade’s hand slipped under his shirt, under the waistband of his pants, and settled firmly over his soulmark. Peter’s breath hitched as Wade gripped his ass softly, nearly falling forward to land in Wade’s lap. Their mouths met again, starting so soft and gentle that Peter’s eyes began watering again. Heat crept into the corners of their kiss. It started as an ember, slowly building to a raging inferno. Wade began kneading at Peter’s ass, each push and pull brushing the two against each other. Peter’s lips fell open and Wade’s tongue licked into his mouth like a fire. Their breath came in short, panting bursts as they both began to grow desperate for one another. Finally, Peter pulled away and Wade let out a whine, only to wolf whistle as he yanked off his shirt. Wade did the same and Peter’s hands ran down his chest. Among the scars, one stood out. It was a handprint, blackened. Peter let out a slow breath. This was Vanessa’s mark. Wade kissed and nipped along his jaw, swiftly distracting him. They could talk about that later.
Peter’s hips ground against Wade’s, both groaning in the pleasure a simple movement could give. Their hands only pulled away to tear off clothes.
Soon enough, they sat fully bare and vulnerable. Wade let his eyes roam hungrily along Peter’s naked body, and Peter did the same. Wade was gorgeous, and he told him just that. Wade’s soulmark positively glowed, golden with happiness. Peter’s did the same. When it became a beautiful rose gold, Wade could have cried. Despite all odds, Peter loved him. Peter loved him, and he was happy. Kisses were peppered gently along Wade’s face and suddenly, he couldn’t wait anymore. His strong arms swept Peter up and carried him off. The bedroom wasn’t exactly the sunset, but their soulmarks could outshine even the most gorgeous sunset. Peter bounced lightly as Wade collapsed on the bed. Wade groaned at the extra friction. When Peter’s soft hand joined their dicks together, he let out a breath he didn’t know he was holding.
“Oh, god. Wade—“ Peter sighed. His head lolled back, his hips wiggling against Wade’s.
“I need you, too, baby.”
Peter grinned, releasing their members as he swung his leg off of Wade’s lap.
“You’re gonna need to prep me, big boy.”
Wade moaned before sitting up to face his soulmate. His soulmate! God! He rummaged through the bedside table for a minute before pulling out a bottle of lube. Peter blushed as Wade held up a rather large dildo with a smirk.
“Are you a size queen, baby? Or were you trying to prepare for me, hm?”
“Both.” Peter answered honestly. He laughed when Wade held it up to his own dick to compare the size. “Alright, alright! Dick-measuring contest later! I need you to fuck me now.”
“Yes, sir!” Wade saluted with the dildo before dropping it back in the drawer and rejoining Peter on the—rather small, he should really buy Peter a new one—bed. His soulmate, and Wade would never, ever get tired of calling him that, rolled onto his stomach and pushed up onto his hands and knees. Wade groaned as Peter turned his head to smile at him.
“Keep smiling at me like that and I’ll give you anything.”
“Currently, I want your cock. Can you hurry up and give me that?”
Wade slicked up his fingers in response, taking the time to circle Peter’s hole gently.
“Ahhh, Wade. Been waiting for this.”
Wade let his finger slip in to the first knuckle.
“How long have you been waiting, babyboy?”
“About a year.”
Wade groaned.
“Jesus. Bet you’re all pent up, hm?”
“So pent up, Wade.”
Another groan and Wade added another finger, beginning to gently scissor them as he fucked his soulmate with his hand.
“Love it when you say my name.”
“I love you, Wade.”
“Fuck me, I love you too, Peter.”
The third finger slipped in, searching for Peter’s prostate.
“Wade, if you don’t put your cock in me now, I’m going to cum on your fingers and go to sleep.”
The threat was an effective one. Wade pulled his fingers free before searching for a condom. Peter shook his head.
“I don’t think either of us could carry anything. Healing factors are a wonder, aren’t they?”
Wade wasn’t about to argue. He added some lube to his hand before slicking up his own cock and guiding it to Peter’s hole. His hips inched forward, slowly filling his soulmate up. Peter’s breath got faster with each gentle push. Wade’s hand captured Peter’s cock, stroking slowly to distract him from any potential stretch. It took a minute before he bottomed out, being sure to give his soulmate enough time to adjust.
“Ah, Wade. Yes! Uhnn, god. Feel so full.” He wiggled his hips back against Wade before sinking onto the bed. “Think you can flip me around without taking your cock out?”
“Fuck, you’re perfect. Can’t be without my cock for a moment, can you?”
Peter grinned back at him.
“Can you be without me?” He squeezed down around Wade, choking a groan out of him.
“Good point.” Wade sort of pinwheeled Peter onto his back, keeping his cock buried deep. He waggled his eyebrows. Peter laughed.
“You did it! I knew you could do it.”
Wade smiled, pulling Peter’s legs to rest around his waist, and he moved. He started making love, his hips starting a deep, slow pace. Peter groaned, his hands gripping the sheets before Wade leaned down to rest his weight on his elbows. They kissed softly, both hands moving to touch soulmarks. Wade thoroughly enjoyed the gentle lovemaking. His heart felt tender as Peter matched his pace with his own hips. Wade groaned into the kiss as Peter sighed in time with his thrusts. It was sweet and slow, yet filled with passion. He gripped Peter’s ass as his thrusts became harder and faster, panting only interrupted by moans. Peter’s legs gripped his waist, hand stroking his own cock in time. Wade was getting close, and by the sounds of Peter’s broken cries, he was too. Wade came with a shout, jerking his hips in the aftershocks. Peter quickened his strokes, but Wade batted his hand away. He was given a disgruntled noise before he moved downwards, taking Peter into his mouth. It didn’t take long, and frankly in his post-orgasm state it wasn’t his best work, but Peter soon crumbled inwards as he reached his own peak. Wade swallowed every drop like it was ambrosia.
They fell back together, spent, sweating, and smiling. Wade pulled Peter into his arms and his hand found it’s place on his ass. Peter’s hand gently stroked his cheek. They were silent for a few minutes, basking in the afterglow of their love. Wade, as expected, broke the silence.
“Spider-Man is my fucking soulmate!”
“Speaking of fucking, Wade… How do you feel about fucking me upside down?”
Wade groaned through a smirk as he forced himself up and off the bed, Peter’s laugh ringing pleasantly in his ears.
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thebestofoneshots · 6 months
babe i’m so sorry i wanted to do this so long ago and shit happened BUT IM READY TO DO IT NOW!!
the way she ran to hide under sirius and nuzzled against him to reassure him??? god i love them especially when sirius was telling her to run and she did but still hesitated
AND THEN PETER OMG PETER!!! i would die for young peter. the way he was nudging her paw and she picked him up as she ran
but i can’t imagine how the marauders were feeling in that moment like having to hurt your friend to protect your other friend??? i know james and sirius felt horrible.
but the chase scene was so intense like i was at the edge of my seat the entire time!
when reader found the hole and was trying to get in but couldn’t because her shoulder? just imagining how painful that must have been is insane. and then moony trying to pull her out? i feel like people don’t realize how horrifying this is!
reader pulling through and squeezing herself into that hole shows how strong she is not just physically but her will too ya know?
but then peter comes along placing his little rat hand on readers paw and i can imagine it and it’s so cute 😭 and then he does a little dance to keep her awake tapping her snout if she does start to fall asleep. i imagine him like one of the little jumping mice from coralline! god i love this version of peter 🥹
AND THEN READER TEYING TO GET TO REMUS?? like even when she’s hurt she’s fighting to see her man’s and the way sirius was being so gentle with her 🥹
and LILY!!! THE WAY SHE WAS SO WORRIED ASKING ABOUT HER FRIEND!!! I LOVE HER SM!!! and when sirius was trying to hint that the fox is reader and lilys first conclusion is “OMG THEY TURNED HER INTO A FOX!!!” 😭😭 also dr lily is the best out there let’s be so fr! like she was on that shit like white on rice!!!
AND THEN READER GOING BACK TO CHECK ON REMUS!?!?!? LORD TAKE ME NOW SHES SO JDKSISSKSOWN and and then when remus looked over and saw reader he turned away because he didn’t want reader to see him like this ☹️ like he was ashamed??? BABY YOU HAVE NOTHING TO BE ASHAMED ABOUT!!!
sirius’ little “no way in hell am i leaving her” 🤭 like omg stawp! he’s so boyfriend
but when reader was trying to make jokes to help lighten the mood even though she was in pain like WHY IS SHE SO CARING??? she always puts everyone else’s needs in front of hers like always trying to check on remus or trying to make sirius and lily feel better with a joke! like she doesn't really stop to think if she’s ok until there’s no one else around for her to check on.
AND THE WAND!!! YOU BROUGHT UP THE WAND AGAIN!!! HAHAHAHA!!! I LOVE THE WAND TALK!!! love how lily is like “you used his wand 😧” and reader is like “yeah 🤷‍♀️” LIKE IT WAS NO BIG DEAL?!?!? and and lily bring up the fact the wand is a girl by saying “she’s picky” BUT BUT BUT not with sirius!!!! AND THE WHOLE “looks like rem’s wand likes us very much” YOU WANNA KNOW WHO ELSE LIKES YOU VERY MUCH?!?!? REM!!!! REMUS DOES!!! OPEN THOU EYES!!! AND WITNESS THE TRAGEDY OF YOUR OBLIVIOUSNESS!!!!
and the way i literally screamed when the moonflower survived!!! I WOULDVE CRIED IF ALL OF THIS HAPPENED FOR NOTHING!! (well not for nothing but you know)
also the whole talk about how reader has change and sirius awkwardly trying to explain her “proportions” have changed 💀 i love how they’re still like awkward around each other sometimes like yes they clicked when they saw each other again almost immediately but they still haven’t seen each other in years and things change. sirius realizing that reader changed in this way just reminds him and i think it’s cute
honestly i might not do one this long for the other chapters probably just on my favorite parts instead of the whole thing but i doubt you even care for the long ones anyways lmao
Ugh no! I absolutly love the long ones! They're my favourite thing I promise! And yes, so many things and tiny little details hidden in plain sight, right?
Going to Sirius for protection, and yet still being so worried for Remus because she doesn't want him to get hurt, like girl's bleeding and yet she's worried about her friends!
So happy you liked the chase scene, I was really trying to get the action feel vibes, and the tension going on like, yeah the boys are here but she's still in danger, it was so thrilling to write tbh.
Honestly, Peter is a total sweetheart at the moment, I feel so bad that he may or may not have a corruption arc, especially because I really wanted to portray his friendship with the boys, like he was supposed to be their best friend, and that's why his treason is as painful as it was (ugh so tragic).
Dr. Lily is the best, no one can change my mind. Like from the beginning she's shown to care for people, I thought it'd make so much sense for her to be some kind of healer or helper, especially when we're told by Remus that she was always kind and empathic. I really like the contrast between her and the reader, kinda of shows that women come in different shapes, sizes and personalities. Like they both care so much about their friends but in different ways, if that makes sense?
Don't get me wrong, I head cannon her as a brilliant duellist and I think she could have been a Charms teacher or even a fierce auror, but I think she'd be so talented because she trained in med magic and she always managed to keep her partners in one piece. Like especially when you think about the sacrifice she made for Harry, she was a brilliant witch and even if she never actually worked, because she was in the order, I still think she has great potential as a character.
I really love Lily, can ya'll tell?
Told you the wand thing would come back! Of course, there's a reason Remus' wand allows both Sirius and Vixen to use it seamlessly (。•̀ᴗ-)✧
"Witness the tragedy of your obliviousness" might be one of my favourite things you've ever said. Also, it sums up Gilded Constellation so well, it's perfect, thank you <3
Ugh yes, my girl's spirits were lifted when she found the flower bc omg Wolfsbane potion, is a freaking URGENT NEED!
And the proportions part was a must, they're teens, after all, the tension is going to be there hehe. And of course there was cuddling, I think after the hell of a night she had, she deserves some cuddles. But also I just love cuddles, they make me soft.
As always, I love your analysis, thanks for sharing babe!
Read Gilded Constellations
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pendragon-writes · 2 years
TASM!Peter Parker Dating Headcanons
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Okay depending on if you're a vigilante or not will depend on what dating is like, if you're just a local civilian then I hope you're prepared and know how to stitch wounds cause now you do lol, even if you aren't the best at it it still helps to know that you tried.
If you happen to be a vigilante though (Superpowers or not) You will both, be patching each other up after a long day depending on how wild things got in the city of New York. 
But we can before we go into more detail on that let's start with how you two met.
Now it honestly depends on how it went, you probably met him in your civilian self when he was being spider-man and noticed he was down in the dumps, so you climbed up the fire escape to the building he was sitting at and joined him.  
He noticed you walk up to him, and recognized you as one of his classmates, he was confused at first as to why you were walking up to him but when you tossed him the bag of sweets his mood changed and he smiled under the mask.
That's how your new friendship and soon-to-be relationship with the Spider bloomed.
If you're a vigilante like him then he met you in you're vigilante ego.
Shocking I know.
Well, he met you when he was out skating and was watching you beat up some thugs.
Which, definitely had an effect on him...
What he didn't know was that one of the thugs was behind him as he was too awestruck, and just before the thug could do anything a metal rod was yeeted across and hit him.
Okay okay enough with me going on about that you all came for the dating stuff and as sadistic as I am at times I won't deprive you all.
Peter is definitely the type to take really good photos, well I mean that's kind of an obvious statement but still.
No matter what kind of angle (No matter how ridiculous he looks taking the shot) the photo almost always turns out great.
He is also the type to teach you how to ride a skateboard unless you already know how. In which case he'll take you out to go skateboarding together.
You two have definitely gone webbing together at least once, depending on your reaction to it would determine if he would do it with you again.
If you're both into tech stuff you two would be geeking out at cons and science events together.
If you're not into that kind of stuff he'll still explain it but in terms you know so you can get a better grasp at it.
If you have anything you like to geek out over that he doesn't know about he will spend an entire night learning about it just so the two of you have something to talk about.
If you're in sport (School team or not) he will do his best to watch all games.
If you're in a band, chorus, or anything music-related you bet he will go to that too, recitals and all.
But if you're not in anything like that then he'll support you in whatever is your hobby.
For love language, he definitely gives me a Gift giver and words of affirmation type of guy. He might not be rich but he is definitely talented with his hands (Not in a dirty way you horn dogs). He'll make you gadgets to help you with everyday life and if you have any medical needs or if you're special needs.
For example, if you have to fidget on stuff but want it to not stick out to the public he'd make you a keychain that looks normal but is actually a very nice fidget chain.
This guy has been through a lot and not being able to talk to most people about his alter ego is stressful so just praising him and being there for him is a lot.
He's the type of guy to bring an extra pair of headphones or glasses in case you have sensory problems or get overwhelmed in the environment (As someone who has this I would literally be in love lol).
(Now I don't have DID but this part is for those who do) If you have DID he would do as much as he can to learn about your Alters and get to know each of them.
He also gives me cuddly energy, I don't know why maybe it's in the eyes but yeah.
If you're not a cuddler he would completely get it and respect it whole heartedly.
Movie nights! Just the two of you watching movies(or shows) together.
He's not too big on horror movies but if that's your jam then he would bare through it, just don't be surprised if he jumps in the jumpscares or holds onto you for dear life.
Aunt May adores you wholeheartedly, she keeps bugging Peter to bring you over and when she hears him on the phone with you she always tells him to tell you she says hi.
If you have any pets prepare for him to spoil them rotten, the same goes if you have younger siblings.
You've definitely caught him sleeping with your pet on top of him at least once.
(This I'm basing off fanart I saw someone do)
While he can't straight up talk to spiders he can sort of understand them and they can understand him as well so don't try to be too alarmed if you see him talking to one.
Pet names he would use defer
If you prefer Masc Terms he would use these
Public: Love, Babe, Handsome
Private: My love, Hun, Darling, Good-looking, Romeo.
If you prefer GN Terms he would use these
Public: Love, Babe, Gorgeous
Private: My one, My love, Hun, Good-looking, My person.
Dating wise that's all I have I hope you like it @fadedver and the rest of ya!
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greaterspawnislands · 3 months
1, 7, and 29 <333 (and maybe 20 only if you're up for it, I'm a curious person by nature-)(also hello beloved <333)
1. three songs that come up when you put your phone on shuffle
ok i'm gonna use my liked songs for this since i have a bajillion playlists but this should still work alright
1) Light & Day / Reach For the Sun by The Polyphonic Spree. This is a song that my dad played a lot growing up, and it's just a really nice song that very much feels like the kind of sudden, bright sunshine that makes you feel like you can do anything.
2) Battle Scars by Paradise Fears. I think my spotify shuffle is in a mood today and the mood is "songs to remind you that you have to keep going because there are going to be better days i promise". this one isn't from my dad's music though this is like. middle school mental illness music. I don't listen to this one a lot anymore but I get a lot of nostalgia for it
3) Space Was So Cool by Markiplier, The Gregory Brothers. I mean what else do I really need to say about this one. It's a banger. Nostalgia factor hanging on there, too.
7. three songs you didn't expect to like but eventually loved
To be entirely honest, I don't think I have an answer for this one because a) i usually know if I like a song right away or not and even if I don't at first b) i have an ass memory with this stuff so sadly I have searched but I can't recall any songs that have gone from ambivalent to loved over time :( sorry!
29. three songs that influenced you most
1) Chicago by Sufjan Stevens. This is another artist I listened to growing up, and the first one I loved so much that I put a poster of him up in my room when I was young. This album as a whole is just so good I can't even explain what impact it had one me
2) Passenger Seat by Death Cab for Cutie. Another instrumental artist in my life. It was a hard pick between this and Transantlanticism but they're both on the same album so you should listen to them anyways. Seeing these songs live was unforgettable and changed my brain chemistry for sure
3) Claire de Lune by Claude Debussy. I remember listening to this one as a very very young kid, it was on my sleeptime CD that my dad burned for me. It probably played a role in getting me into playing piano tbh. Yeah god I could go on and on about songs that have influenced me there's an endless amount.
20. three songs that remind you of the person who sends this one
1) Digital Silence by Peter McPoland. Honestly, Echo, all the songs that make me think of you are the ones you've shown me in our playlist haha, so this one gets first mention bc it was added twice loll
2) Biggering from The Lorax. I will continue to think about singing this with you over call and ignoring Kerbe's baffled comments about it :) that was a fun time
3) Super Miriam (FAITH) by n014n. And, of course, I can't think of FAITH anymore without thinking of your gigantic build so you get the faith song also <3
"three songs" ask set
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itsybiggy · 1 year
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Stuck With Me: Book 1
🕷️(Cute Peter Parker slow burn, less spiderman action more just good ol awkward Parker.)
🕷️Peter has been in a bad mood all month, but with soon to be divorced parents, trying to figure out what's wrong with him is the last thing Lani needs. Thankfully summer break is here. Lani, Ned, Peter, and MJ set off on the summer vacation road trip to California. Drama ensues
Next part
CHAPTER 1: paint job
Lania's POV
Today is just one of those weeks, well months. It feels like each day drags on, but then all of the sudden it's Monday again. You just wonder "what have I been doing, why are all the days mushing together?" I guess it could be the rain, it's been raining almost every day this week. Rain always gets Peter moody. I guess because it's annoying getting rained on while you're just trying to do your job, swinging through the city. Ned just hates rain, and I have a dog who loves the mud but hates baths. I'm pretty sure Michelle is the only one who likes it.
"It's great antisocial weather." She always says.
Another contributing factor to the days running together is the feeling that they are all the same. Wake up, hear screaming from parents downstairs, get ready for school, hear dad slam the door to go to work, eat with crying mom downstairs, go to school, hang out with Ned, Peter, and Michelle, come home, do homework, and go to bed.
Considering I'm with my friends most of the day it's not too bad. But I'm just tired of it all.
I have no idea what I'll do when I'm finished painting my van. "My life will be a whole new level of boring " I sigh, once again dipping my brush into the paint can. The satisfying strokes of the rust-colored car turning the to the calming sage green, help me relax me. I skip a depressing song on my playlist and go for a Canned Heat song instead. That and the heavy rain is enough that no noise in the house can be heard in the garage. Silence at the Kahale house was hard to come by so I welcomed it with open arms, as the paint fumes danced in my nostrils.
That's when the daydreaming started, it had almost become routine. Something to look forward to while I painted and did other maintenance on Caroline. It was pretty much the same scenario every time. Kind of pathetic honestly. Some variation of the the same outcome at least.
Todays day dream starts off with Peter coming over in the night, having something to tell me. He climbs through the window in his spider-man suit. He wears it so he can be at my apartment even faster. I go to the window, confused why he's here. only for him to rush in take off his mask and tell me he is in love with me. And then of course we makeout.
Ok, I know it's weird and not realistic. First off, I am so hard in the friend zone. Second, no one just does that-but hey a girl can dream. But really she can't because her cush is way out of her league. I mean come on he's Spiderman!
I was the second to find out, Ned being the first. Though, I'm pretty sure me and Michelle knew around the same time. He came home one day after "the Stark internship" with the biggest black eye I had ever seen.
I was talking with Aunt May when he came home. He did a double glance at me and then darted for the bathroom.
"Peter?" Aunt May said, just as confused as I was.
"I just have to go to the bathroom!" He called out.
But he didn't know that I got a quick look of his eye before he bolted. That, and like a year ago all of the sudden he went from cute Lil' Peter to-shredded, chiseled, and taller Peter. A couple of other things had happened and it made us all suspicious. So, as soon as he ran off to his room, I got up and followed him. It took me about 60 seconds to find his suit.
The sudden pause in my music took me back into reality.
It was a text from Michelle in the group chat.
michael jackson: Hey nerds, how does Good Eats sound to you guys?
I was the first to respond
Lani: sounds amazing, I'm starving :))))
Bubby🖕🏻💗: sure but I've got no cash 😒
I roll my eyes. Ned has been putting off getting a job for months.
Lani: I'm freaking loaded so I can pay for you 😘😘
Bubby🖕🏻💗: thanks a love
Lani: I got u bb 🤠
michael jackson: get a room
itsy bitsy ❤️💙: Or just stop.
Bubby🖕🏻💗: ayy Peter you coming?
itsy bitsy❤️💙: I guess.
Lani: want me to pick you guys up?
michael jackson : Nah I don't trust your driving after the whole incident
Lani: ???
Bubby🖕🏻💗: Yess plss
itsy bitsy ❤️💙: No.
My mood sinks, if that makes sense. Seems like Peter is annoyed with me, and I don't know why. I shake my head. Texts always sound passive aggressive. But something about periods and short, serious answers make me question if it was just that. What if he was actually being passive-aggressive?
Guess I'll find out tonight.
michael jackson : What time is good for you guys? I was thinking 6.
Lani: sounds great to me! What time to you want to be picked up bubby?
Bubby is what I can Ned, he is pretty much my twin brother. Our humor is very similar so we can just make stupid jokes to each other all the time.
Bubby🖕🏻💗: 5:30 works great for me. Thanks ❤️!
Lani: don't mention it 💛!
Peter still hasn't replied. Maybe there is something wrong. I bite my lip and decide to text him away from the group chat.
Lani: hey Peter, you ok? :)
itsy bitsy : 💬
The bubble goes up and down as he is typing before it disappears from my screen. I wait for it to return, but it doesn't. I decide to text Michelle and Ned, but Michelle beats me to it.
michael jackson : is it just me or is bug boy off?
Lani: was just about to say the same thing. I tried asking but he just left me on read.
michael jackson: I'll talk to him.
Lani: :( ok tell him we love him if he replies to you. I'm kind of worried about him.
michael jackson : will do.
I notice a lack of Ned in this discussion, but before I can think of it any more I see my clock says 4:49. I close the paint can and head inside.
That's when I get hit in the head with a plastic cup.
"Ow what the frick!" I exclaimed.
My mom comes rushing over to me. "Oh Lani, I didn't see you!" She glares up at my dad who is on the other side if the room. He looks very mad. "It was meant for your father."
I don't know what I'm supposed to say to this. I decide a not addressing it. They seems to be in a bad mood already. "It's fine whatever." will do. The little voice in my head faintly whispers but it's not fine. I push it down. "Mom's going through a lot right now, she doesn't have to think of me" overpowers the whisper as I leave the room. My mind is blank except for the thought of the minor, but definitely there, pain on the side of my face.
Usually—or I guess from what I've heard from some kids at school who also have divorced parents, only one of them is crazy, or unfaithful, etc... what luck that I got two crazy parents. They were fine on their own, normal chill mom and normal chill dad even before the fighting started. But something about them together made for a toxic explosion, they were not themselves anymore. Both equally to blame for the downfall of their marriage, which disintegrated only a year after it started. Right when I was born.
They have never said this out loud but, I know they blame me.
Instead of dwelling on that plastic cup, I make myself busy getting ready for tonight. That's the fun thing about liking someone, having a crush, you can get all done up.
I already have this up on wattpad, but if you hate that format I’ve got it here for you now. Tell me what you think!!
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emotionalcadaver · 1 year
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Part 9: The Piano
Fandom: Inception
Pairing: Robert Fischer x OC
Summary: She's had a truly awful day, but maybe there's a way that Robert can make it better. 
Word Count: 2,006
Notes: No warnings.
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“Alice…” Robert’s voice broke gently through the fog of her sour mood as they stepped through the front door of their beach house, the security panel beeping as he input the code to keep the alarm from sounding. Shedding her purse, she lightly dodged his attempt to touch her shoulder, his fingers instead brushing through the empty air.
“I need to be alone for a little while,” she said, honestly. The last thing she wanted to do was take out her grouchiness on him, but if they remained in close vicinity to one another, that was what was going to happen. She needed a quiet place to breathe, to let her overstimulated mind reset. 
“Okay…” Robert said quietly, and she instantly felt bad for having brushed him off like that. He was just trying to help, but she felt that her mind was about to burst. It was for the best for both of them if she just went off by herself for a little while. 
Wandering aimlessly down the hallway, she passed by several vacant rooms before stepping into her office. Closing the door behind her, drawing the curtains shut until the entire room was plunged into darkness, she laid down on the couch that was against the wall opposite her desk, closing her eyes with a soft groan. Hopefully the silence and darkness would help with the headache pounding behind her eyes.    
It had been…a colossally awful day. Maurice’s idiot of a secretary had fucked up with her filing, which Alice had to spend the entire morning fixing, before being yelled at first by Natasha–Peter’s secretary–and then by a client who came in for a meeting with Robert. She had to skip lunch since she’d just wasted the whole morning fixing the filing and needed to catch up on all of her other work, and someone spent almost the entire afternoon using the obnoxiously loud paper shredder, the sound setting Alice’s teeth on edge, making her feel as though she were about to jump out of her own skin.
Robert tried to help, swamped as he was too. He’d barked at Natasha when she’d started yelling at her and brought her food to eat at her desk when she told him she wouldn’t be able to make it to lunch. Always such a sweetheart to her. She still felt bad for just dodging away from him like that when they’d gotten home. When she didn’t feel like even the tiniest bit of stimulation would trigger her to start screaming, she’d go find him. Maybe lay her head in his lap and let him stroke her hair or snuggle up to his chest while his fingers massaged her back. That would surely make her feel better.
Laying on the couch with her eyes closed, she could feel the tension slowly, slowly leaking out of her muscles, the painful feeling of her brain being overstimulated beginning to ebb. It didn’t take long for her to start to lightly doze, curling into a ball on her side as she rested.
At first, she wasn’t sure what roused her, then the soft, muffled sound of rich, musical notes emanated through the closed door. Alice blinked, slowly, just remaining there for a moment, curled in on herself as she listened to the gentle music. Her eyelids remained heavy, lulled a little by the melody. Her brain didn’t feel like it was on fire anymore, the hour or so she’d spent dozing in her dark, quiet space having helped her to reset. Stretching lazily, she slowly uncoiled from her position on the couch, pushing open the heavy wooden door and letting the sound of the piano that was being played grow in volume as she padded down the hallway. Their–well, Robert’s technically, she didn’t play–piano was in one of the big rooms on the ground floor of the beach house. An area intended for entertaining that they almost never used. It had a bar and huge French doors that led out directly to the pool in the backyard.
They really needed more friends that they could invite over to entertain. The entire space was wasted on just the two of them.
Robert was seated at the grand piano, a strand of dark hair falling across his forehead in an almost boyish fashion. He’d changed out of the confining suit and white button down he’d worn to work, instead in just a soft sweater and slacks. Leaning against the doorway, Alice watched him with infinite fondness as his fingers danced lithely across the piano keys, eyes fixed on the open book of notes in front of him.
When his gaze darted away and caught sight of her, he ceased playing, music cutting off in the middle of the song as he removed his hands from the piano.
“Hey,” straightening, she walked briskly towards him. Turning on the bench to face her, his hands settled on her hips as her own brushed his hair out of his eyes.
“Sorry, was the noise bothering you?”
“No,” she shook her head firmly. “It was nice.”
He flushed against her palms, big blue orbs darting away bashfully. Smiling softly, she pecked his forehead before sliding into the space next to him on the bench, head falling to rest on his shoulder.
“Sorry for running off like that.”
“Don’t–don’t apologize. It’s okay. I get it. Sometimes you just need to be by yourself for a while.”  
“Yeah,” she kissed the spot on his cheek that often dimpled when he smiled, cozying up closer to him. The material of his sweater was impossibly soft against her cheek. A sigh heaved through her chest. “Today was shitty.”
“Yeah,” his fingers threaded through her hair. “Anything that I can do?”
“I don’t think so,” she huffed. His fingers abandoned stroking her head to curl under her chin, tilting her head up.
“Really? Nothing?” he cocked an eyebrow teasingly before leaning forward. Alice let her eyes flutter closed as he kissed her, soft and open mouthed and lazy. Arms wrapping around him, she snuggled in closer to his warm body, holding onto him tightly. When they parted he rubbed her cheek with the back of his hand. “How’s your day now?”
Biting her lip to keep from giggling, she shrugged. “Oh, I don’t know…” she scrunched her nose teasingly. “It’s okay, I guess.”
“Maybe if you kiss me again it’ll continue to improve,” she let out a high pitched laugh as he pulled her closer, practically into his lap, cupping her cheek and tilting her head so he could kiss her more fervently, so close she could smell his cologne, hands flattening against his chest so she could feel his heartbeat even through the thick material of his sweater. The kiss was loving and passionate and everything she needed in that moment, his arms warm around her. The piano keys dinged lightly when he pressed closer to her, unintentionally pushing her against them and making them both laugh against each other’s mouths. When they finally broke away it was only so he could pepper her face and neck with his kisses, making her giggle and squirm at the blatant display of affection. Pecking her nose, he leaned back.
“Better now?”
“Mm. Much better,” she purred, cuddling up to him.
“Good,” he said, rubbing at her back. “Good.”
Head turning to glance at the piano, she hummed. “Play for me?”
“The piano. Will you play it for me?”
“O-oh. Sure,” situating her so she was sitting beside him once more, his feet on the pedals and fingers poised over the black and white keys, he flipped the page of music he had propped up in front of him, took a deep breath, and started to play.
There was an elegance with which his hands danced across the keys expertly. The song that he played was soft, melancholic but hopeful, a bittersweet love song. It filled her with warmth, like a comforting arm or blanket had been wrapped around her shoulders.
Watching him play had always been a favorite pastime of hers. The way that his brow creased ever so slightly in concentration, eyes glued to the notes on the page in front of him, hands moving precisely with an assuredness that had her biting her lip. It was all incredibly attractive.
When the song was done he let his hands fall limply from the piano to curl in his lap, looking at her with wide eyes for validation. Cupping the back of his head, she pecked him gingerly on the lips.
“I almost forgot how good you are at that.”
He looked down, shrugging. “Well, I mean, I’ve been taking lessons since I was a kid, so…”
“Mm. It’s sexy too,” she grinned as she felt his cheeks heat beneath her palms, squeaking and dipping his head in an attempt to hide his blush. Adorable man.
“I could teach you to play sometime,” he offered. Alice laughed, shaking her head. In elementary school she couldn’t even master the recorder. She was so bad at it that her parents made her practice out in the garage where no one could hear her.
“Oh, I don’t know…”
“Come here,” he grinned excitedly, and he was so smiley and enthused that she really couldn’t bring herself to say no to him as he tugged her back into his lap. Her fingers poised uncertainly over the keys, his warm hands coming to cover hers and help guide them. He began to talk to her insistently about notes and tuning and sheet music. When she tried to play a few notes as he instructed, she winced at the way they sounded, uncoordinated and hilariously off tempo. 
“Ugh, I suck.”
“No,” he chastised, kissing the nape of her neck. “You just need practice. Here,” his hands guiding hers through the motions. “See? Like this.”
She fought to stifle a shiver at the soft croon of his voice in her ear, mimicking the movements he’d just demonstrated.
“Good. That was good.”
She did her best to try to focus on his words, to absorb everything that he was saying but it was hard to focus on anything when his chest was rumbling against her back with every word, hands warm on top of hers as he led them over the keys, breath fanning across her neck.
“Alice,” he sounded like he was trying to hold back a chuckle when he caught her just staring over her shoulder at him. “Are you even listening to me?”
“No,” she admitted honestly, leaning forward until their foreheads bumped. “You’re too pretty. It’s distracting.”
He snorted, brushing her nose affectionately with his. “Well, then maybe I should go get a paper bag to put over my head. Since I’m so distracting.”
“Noooooooooo,” she whined dramatically and he cackled, dropping his head into the crook of her neck, brushing his lips over the bare skin there. “That’s not helping!”
He just laughed and nuzzled at her cheek, arms wrapping fully around her waist to hug her to him. Closing her eyes, Alice nestled back into him comfortably. 
“Thank you,” she whispered finally. Robert kissed her temple.
“Of course.”
“I love you,” her arms settled over his.
“I love you too, sweetheart,” his cheek fit perfectly against the top of her head. For a long time he just held her firmly, letting her cuddle up to him and absorb the warmth and comfort that he offered. “Hey,” he nudged the top of her head gently. “I’m hungry. Are you hungry?”
“A little, yeah.”
“You wanna reheat some of that pizza from last night and lay on the couch until we decompose?”
“Oh, hell yeah.”
He kissed the top of her head as he chuckled, reaching around her to close up the piano. Standing, they kept an arm wrapped around each other’s waists as they headed towards the kitchen, but not before Alice shot one last glance back at the gleaming black piano standing in the middle of the big, darkened room.    
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thedeliverygod · 2 years
I’m (mostly) done with Cupid Parasite [I still have a few bad endings to do] and I absolutely can’t stop thinking about it so I wanted to do a review of my boys. Honestly it’s hard to pick favorites so even though I’m putting them in order of preference I honestly love them all. With Olympia Soiree I had much more clear cut likes and dislikes with the characters. Cupid Parasite is much more like… it probably changes on the day and my mood LOL so this is how I feel now.
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First off a shout out to the beautiful MC aka Lynette Mirror. She cute af and works for everything she’s got despite being a literal goddess.
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Number one husbando goes to Allan. You know me and dark haired men (especially when it’s purple). But really—the story was so tragic and honestly I feel like this is the way the story with MC is *meant* to be. He tries so hard to make himself unappealing but really he’s so sweet and thoughtful and just a good boy who deserves everything.
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Next is Ryuki. He’s young and misguided and uh… straight up rude at first lmao. But after he starts to open up to MC and get close to her, he gets to be so cute. And his passion for designing clothes is just so inspiring.
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Gill oh Gill. If he didn’t go to the extreme for some things, he’d honestly be my ideal boyfriend lmao. He taught MC how to human which is honestly the most adorable thing. Also he loves writing so #relatable. But yeah he’s so sweet, caring, and willing to be a househusband. I’m here for it.
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Peter; your antics were too cute. MC not being the naïve one for once was a nice change of pace haha. Also this was essentially Allan’s route part II so it was very heavy in plot and just good times. Oh also so much bro time it was great
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Raul I want to place higher but it’s so hard because I love everyone so much. Raul is a sunshine boy who seems so innocent but is surprisingly very experienced lmao. The way he geeks out about mythology is wonderful to me as I too also geek out about many things. He’s one of my faves to appear on other routes as well.
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Shelby you were my first and I love you so. So many CEO love interests are very stuck up and mean but you were a sweetheart from the start. Fake lovers to real lovers but you were a caring boss and friend the whole time too. Even if you’re not my type personally I think you and MC are a really really good match because of your work ethics and morals.
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ashton-slashton · 11 months
Get to know me!
I was tagged by @psygull (and let's be real, probably at least a couple others who I never got around to), so let's buckle in!
Oh, also, tagging @charismat1c-megafauna @captain-athos @sketchass and whoever else would like to participate!
Last Song: Tchaikovsky's Swan Lake, Op. 20 Act II. It should be known to anyone who knows me that it is my FAVORITE ballet. I never post about it, but it's something from WAY back in my childhood.
Currently Reading: Legion by William Peter Blatty. I had to take a break because I'm moving and also still looking for a job, but it's honestly the first book in the last five years that I've actually had a genuine interest in. I am out here highlighting and tabbing the book. It's one of the sequels to The Exorcist and follows the detective from the first book, Kinderman. The Exorcist III was based on Legion, and the screenplay was written by William Peter Blatty.
Currently Watching: Twin Peaks. Again, we took a break from that because we were moving, and also we're at that point in season 2 where things get very crazy very fast. I'm eager to finish it though! Also, my partner and I may be hanging out with one of their former managers and his girlfriend so we can all watch Eraserhead and The Elephant Man, which will be interesting!
Current Obsession: I'm re-entering my Claude Rains renaissance at the moment. Almost every time I find myself not in the mood for any movie while I'm home alone, I just start watching Notorious. I used to watch that for Cary Grant, but now? Woah daddy. Claude Rains was a hunk of whole man.
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Hey Barb :D
Ooh Ava's gonna see her and decide to help her :D
YEEEAH there we go
Oof Barbara :(
"What is a choir if not a sorority for the Lord" HELP 💀 SLFKGHDKS xDD
That is kinda accurate though I'm ngl xD
Yeeah slay :D
That woman and that lady xD
Go off Barbara :DD
Is it actually good?
Ahh so it's like. Stress relief or something I guess xD
Yk I've been wondering, do you think this person is genderqueer of some kind?
Especially since Melissa said person :)
Hi Janine :DD!!
She's like playing solitaire or something isn't she lol
Like something not school district related "important" I mean xD
Well at least she doesn't wanna get involved, in a good way xD
Hanging up because it's weird for her to owe a favor to Janine lol /lh xD
LOL yeah a salad xD
Oop bad decision?
Ayy she did it xD
Ayy them hanging out :D
Sorry I'm fine
Please tell me they're not breaking up right now :')) pleas tell me that's not what's happening here :'))
Nahh maybe they're just gonna see and decide they SHOULD
Like more than Gregory already has lol
And then help? Or try to set it up/figure it out if it's something more mysterious? xD Idk lol
I just need to hit play lol xD
Unrelated to my theories lol
Hi Zach :DD!!!
At least I get to see him (hopefully not) one last time lol xd :')
Anyway first Zach sighting of the season ayyy let's go :D
And hopefully not one of the last :')))
OKAY I can do this, pressing play lol
Sorry I'm not okay xd
Y'all the awkwardness 😭😭
I swear y'all better not have just broken up
Maybe they did and Gregory and Mr. Johnson are gonna be like "nah do it better lol he deserves that" and help that throughout the whole episode xD
Back to in the moment
AWWW guys 😭😭😭
Lowkey Mr. Johnson's right on mind his own business but mood Gregory lol xD
This hurts me btw :')
Please tell me that glance to the side was bc it's a lie Jacob. Please tell me that
Maybe it's all to get Gregory to think about him and Janine :')) maybe :')))
Okay I really need to live in the moment a bit more and not just watch two seconds at a time xD
Imagine if it's like he scheduled couples therapy or something lol
But nah I figure it's about like a new outing or something xD
Yk I do want them to be happy but like 😭😭 guys stop doing this this hurts me xdd
"Never" aww :'))
This is just like back to the petering out thing 😭😭 Jacob why xD you unconfrontational idiot lol
Sir you idiot lol
That's totally gonna help your relationship xD
I thought he was gonna say he didn't say I love you which honestly would've killed me
I mean he didn't say anything but if he said that's not what he said lol
Is that why he's still sitting there lol
Yeah I believe him honestly xD
Meanwhile Zach's just gonna be chilling xD
Jacob why XD
With the eras tour
Yeeah so it is getting him to break up in a better way xD but just bc rn he's pushing it towards there lol
He just doesn't want to end it himself :'(
I'm fine :)
It's nice to hear it though xd I just hope it isn't for one of the last times lol/right before the end lol
No you're not you idiot xD you're doing it bc you're scared <333 :'((
Jacob's face at the stay out of gay folks business xD
Ahh gonna work I thought he was gonna say "is for him" o.o
Positive reinforcement? Oh form Gregory xD
Awww Jacob 😭😭😭 maybe bc some of those were petering out :')?
Also 😭😭😭😭💔 for Jacob :'(( but xD I thought he was gonna say he was great at breaking up lol but he's right it is the opposite xD great at being dumped xd
LDGHFKS Gregory xD fair enough man lol
Jacobbb he's going through it but honey xdd
What the heck xD
Or is it bc that's their unofficial name lol
Aww they/them pronouns :')) sorry I just love queer representation lol
Do they though Janine xD
"We saw you dial" "Emily I swear" SLFKGHDJLHS XDD
HELP I love Janine this episode lol
Dang they goin after Barbara o.o
Ayy Barbara go off :D
>:O nah honey!! Don't you dare cut her off
Barbara noo D:<
AVA YES go off >:D
"Not because I wasn't paying attention" XDD mood though
Aww Ava standing up for her :'))
The cross bit 💀 xD and Ava wanting to go back in and say it LOL
Nahh Ava's gonna help her out :)
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erigold13261 · 9 months
For a change of mood, can we get your queer/pronoun HCs for the Spiderverse cast so far? I love you platonically!
Aw thanks! I care for you as well! (also you help prove my point that people come to me asking for my opinions lol, so thank you for that!)
But uh, I don't really have any queer headcanons outside of what has already become known on this blog lol. For some reason I just can't put effort into making headcanons for these characters. I think it's because they are a lot more established than the NSR characters and have lots of lore behind them.
I'll try to give what I do have so far though! Maybe a new one will pop up while typing this.
-Peni using kit/kitself pronouns
-Hobie using it/they pronouns mainly
-Actually, I like aroace Hobie too! Put that one down for me as well!
-Miles being bisexual
-Gwen is straight and trans
-Ganke is probably gay. I have a few asks with him I still need to answer about that I think.
-I don't personally have this, but there's an ask for T4T Pav and Gaya which I think is super cute (and hope to draw for so sorry that hasn't been answered yet).
-Peter Porker being genderfluid, or like some kind of genderfluid (like librafluid or something like that on the agender spectrum).
-I don't know anything about Jessica's lore, but I like the idea her husband is a transman and they used IVF or a sperm donor for Jess to get pregnant (Jess sees herself as straight but she is in a queer relationship so kinda counts for this)
-There was an ask about Miguel being a lesbian that I kinda liked (another one I want to draw for). Though I think personally I won't be using this headcanon, it is a cool one to think about like the T4T Pav and Gaya one!
-Noir being agender. Or somewhere on that spectrum. I forget what an asker sent in for a specific label, maybe it was agender switched from NB (or the other way around), either way they/them Noir!
-Honestly T4T MJ and Peter B is one that I might lean into
-Lesbian Margo is one I am thinking of leaning into as well (mainly because someone sent an ask for Margo and Tila which I honestly think is so cute and again want to draw that).
-Also Peni and Yinu becoming a couple (another ask I got) is something I can see happening (Yinu in the NSpidR AU is about 13 going on 14 and Peni would be about 14 going on 15, somewhere in that range. Similar with Margo and Tila, Margo is like 17, maybe 18, for me while Tila is 18 maybe about to be 19 if Margo is 18. I don't have set ages honestly).
-Um... I don't know, I kinda like the idea that the Vulture is a gay old man that acts like those two muppets that make fun of everyone lol. Him and Elivy could talk mad trash about stuff hehe
-Olivia might be an aroace lesbian.
-I definitely think Jonathan has some queerness to him but don't know exactly what (now all I can think of are glory hole jokes lol!)
So yeah, I think that's all I got. Got a few new ones along with acknowledging some asks I got from a while ago I do plan on trying to answer at some point. Honestly most of these were from asks that I got from other people and I just absorbed their headcanons into my canon lol.
Especially that Peter Porker one! I initially was gonna have him be the cishet one of the group but then the whole looney tunes/bugs bunny genderfluid thing came up and I just had to incorporate that!
Anyway, thanks for the ask! My inbox has quite a few asks I plan to answer (and to not answer) so hopefully I can get the ball rolling on those! I just am also trying to draw a comic, get commissions done, redesign OCs and get a job. So a lot of stress, but I'm overall happy! (and now I'm just full on rambling lol. Have a good day/night! You deserve it!)
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wysteriaghosts · 2 years
I recently got back into reading after not reading much this year. My poor Goodreads challenge is at the lowest its every been. This year I just haven't been in a huge reading mood. Normally I read a little bit throughout the year and make a big dent in my reading challenge even if I don't complete it. Though typically I aim to read about 100-110 books and normally end up reading about 60-70 depending on how I'm feeling during the year.
Now that its the end of the year my reading mood suddenly kicked in full drive. I've been able to finish several books already this month. One of which was sitting on what I like to call my pile of shame for several years. I've also recently bought a lot of books to add to the pile of shame, lol. Whoops.... XD Any who today I organized one of my main bookshelves. It was due for a dusting, plus I've been meaning to go through and see if there were any books that I'm not going to re-read. I ended up with a small stack of books that will be finding a new home at my local library. A few months back I purged a whole tote full of books from years of collecting. I rarely get rid of my books but normally when I do I have a huge stack to donate.
Fallen, Torment, Passion by Lauren Kate (I've had these for years and I don't see myself continuing the series.)
Vicious by V.E. Schwab (I liked it well enough but I don't see myself reading the next book any time soon. Honestly Eli was insufferable and I don't know if I want to read his pov.)
American Gods by Neil Gaiman (I intend to read this but my copy is a really old paperback. I'd rather read it in hardback or ebook form.)
Unspoken, Untold by Sarah Rees Brennan (I adore this author but this series just wasn't for me. I have the last book and I intend to finish it but after I'll be unhauling it as well.)
All Of Us Villians by Amanda Foody (This was a DNF for me sad to say. It had a strong premise and I heard there was LGBT rep so that's another big plus for me. But I only got one chapter in and I just couldn't.)
A Darker Shade Of Magic V.E.Schwab (Another DNF for me. I tried reading this and just felt myself bored. Which is a shame cause I love this author and the covers to this series were so bomb.)
Keeping You A Secret by Julie Anne Peters (One of the first LGBT books I've ever read. To be honest there is better rep out nowadays and I don't feel the need to hold onto this anymore. It was good for a read but I don't see myself reading it again.)
The Wrong Girl by R.L. Stine (Fear Street was my jam in my teen years and I still enjoy a lot of the older titles. But this particular one is a part of a newer series and I just didn't care for it too much. So its gotta go.)
So This Is Ever After by F.T.Lukens
(I am so sad that I didn't like this book! The premise sounded fun and the cover is a work of freaking art! I'll probably have to make a post about what I didn't like about it. But the short version is I was very annoyed for a good chunk of the book.)
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ptergwen · 3 years
can i request one where reader falls asleep on peters lap after a mission and peter carrys her into the tower and just takes care of her? just a whole bunch of soft!boyfriend peter:)
better half
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w/c: 1.8k
warnings: a few little suggestive jokes
a/n: y’all know how i feel about this concept ugh i love peter to pieces :,)
“rough night?” happy muses as you and peter hop into his suv.
the two of you are fresh off a day of crime fighting, and he’s your ride home. although you’re grateful you didn’t have to go beyond the city limits this time, it doesn’t mean the workload was any less. your little dynamic duo took on quite the opponent — one with claws, lasers, all sorts of freaky gadgets.
it’s remarkable that such a specimen was tucked away in queens.
“if you think we look bad, you should see the other guy,” you lightheartedly retort to happy. peter waits for you climb in first, then plops down beside you. “you really should,” he agrees. “y/n had him on his knees by the end… it was awesome.”
happy shoots you a look via the front mirror, peter snaking a comforting arm around your shoulders. his lips pepper your hair in kisses.
“proud of you, baby. you were so good out there,” peter praises you quietly. you hug his torso with your head now resting against his strong arm. “couldn’t have done it without you, though,” you insist, now snuggled up to your loving boyfriend.
the material of his suit scratches your cheek, but you’re too tired to care.
“congrats on the mission, kids. i take it you two are gonna get all lovey-dovey on each other, so…” happy prefaces. “i’ll shut up and drive.”
he pushes a button that brings up the divider between your seats and his, which offers some much needed privacy for you to relax and unwind.
“thanks, happy,” peter chuckles back, feeling your weight on his arm become heavier. his fingers run up and down your shoulder knowingly. “you okay? must be exhausted,” he answers his own question. your response is a long hum, eyelids beginning to droop.
peter pats his thigh with a small smile. “we got a bit of a drive… you should lie down for a while.” you’re not opposed to that. you gaze up at him through squinted eyes. “hm… on you?” leaving a kiss to the side of your head, peter lets his smile grow. “where else?”
“good point,” you murmur and shift away from his arm. “no offense to tony, but leather seats aren’t very inviting.”
happy shouts an i heard that from the driver’s seat, to which you and peter lightly giggle at.
peter watches you settle on his leg, your head in his lap and body curled into itself to fit. either of his hands go to your back and your hair. his gloved fingers carefully begin to stroke your locks at the roots. you grin to yourself, cheek squished against peter’s thigh and arms wrapped around his knee.
he leans forward to give your exposed cheek a tender kiss. “get some rest, sweetheart. you earned it.” “so… so did you,” you almost inaudibly reply. you’re ready to pass out any second, further hiding your face in peter’s leg. “sleep, y/n/n,” peter encourages you once more.
you finally allow your eyes to close, the combination of peter rubbing your back and playing with your hair enough to lull you off to dreamland.
“here we are, home sweet home,” happy announces as you three pull up to avengers tower. he puts the car in park and rolls down the divider to see how you and peter are doing.
you’ve completely crashed, clinging to peter’s leg with your mouth slightly agape and eyebrows furrowed. peter tucks a strand of your hair back and grins at your peaceful form. he never let go of you the whole drive.
happy glances at peter over his shoulder. “she’s out cold, huh?” a smirk pulls at his lips. “let’s get her inside. boss is expecting a full report for the evening.”
peter honestly isn’t in the mood to deal with tony’s obscure and endless questions, and you definitely aren’t either.
“nah, i don’t wanna wake her,” peter decides, keeping his voice low. he brushes the pad of his thumb across your jawline. “could you tell mr. stark we’ll do it in the morning?”
“he’s not gonna like that,” happy warns peter and shrugs a shoulder. “but, what the hell? it’s late. i’ll take the heat for you, say we encountered some traffic.”
peter purses his lips in pleasant surprise. “aw, really? that would be perfect. thank you so much, happy.” happy tuts, spinning back around. “i’m doing it for y/n. come on, off to bed you go.” he pushes open his car door, peter taking the opportunity to roll his eyes.
peter gently eases you to sit up. one of his arms stays around your back, the other now under your thighs so he can carry you into the tower. happy heads over and opens up peter’s door, since both his hands are already full.
following behind happy inside, peter carries you bridal-style to the elevator. happy does the honors of hitting the buttons while peter holds you close.
he finds peter’s attentiveness to you kind of endearing, but he’ll never admit it.
most of the team has already turned in for the night when you reach the main floor. sam and bucky fell asleep watching the cheetah girls, steve is fixing himself a midnight protein shake, and natasha is finishing her weekly catch-up with yelena over facetime.
she yawns practically every other word.
“i got her from here,” peter informs happy, tightening his arms around you for emphasis. the two of them step out of the elevator. “alright. be up bright and early for your debriefing, or we’re all screwed,” happy reminds him and points a finger at your sleeping body.
peter waits until happy is gone to make his official exit. he carries you past the quadruplet of insomniacs and down the hall to your room, where he’ll try his best to help you into bed without disturbing your slumber.
that will be the hard part.
he opens up your door, letting out a sigh of relief that it doesn’t creak, and brings you to your thankfully plushy bed. gently, peter moves a hand up to support your head so he can lay you down.
you unconsciously cuddle your pillow once peter sets your head on it. peter clutches a hand over his heart at the sight.
“so freaking cute,” he whispers to himself, giving you a moment to adjust before he gets you changed.
you’re still in your suit, which happens to be made of skin-tight latex. there’s no way peter is letting you sleep in that.
he doesn’t want to undress you without your consent, so he’ll have to do what he was hoping to avoid and wake you up. you won’t be particularly thrilled.
“y/n?” peter calls your name softly, kneeling next to you on the floor. “y/n, i need you for a sec. c’mon, baby.”
he traces a finger across your eyebrows that stayed knitted together. your lips form a pout.
“i know, i know. it’ll only be for a minute, then you can go right back to sleep,” peter coos and pecks your cheek once again. “gimme one minute.” “no,” you whine, rolling onto your side so you aren’t facing peter. “‘m so tired… leave me alone.”
your arm drapes over your eyes to cover them. peter bites back a smile and sets a hand on your waist.
“i’m just gonna get you in pajamas really quick. is that okay?” he explains, moving you onto your back. you crack open an eye and look up at him in the darkness. “whatever. time starts now.”
peter squeezes your waist affirmatively before making his way to your dresser, where he digs through your pajama drawer with speed. he retrieves an oversized tee and sleep shorts because you can never go wrong with those. padding back over to your bed, peter places the clothes down by the edge.
“you wanna change into these, or do you want me to do it for you?” he checks, already having his guess on what you’re going to say. “you do it, pete,” you confirm and shut your eyes.
with your permission, peter starts to search for a zipper on your suit. he trails a hand along your side and back, but can’t find one. he frowns in confusion.
“how do you take this thing off?” peter wonders. you were about to knock out again, then he spoke. “button,” you say shortly. that only adds to his confusion. “button? what button? you never told me you have a-“
annoyed, you grab peter’s hand and bring it to your stomach. “here! right here.” it’s located on the special symbol your suit dons. peter always wondered what that was doing there.
“like true stark tech,” he remarks, pressing the button to release you from the constricting material.
you shimmy around to get yourself out of the suit, mostly to no avail. your efforts at least earn a laugh from peter. “hang on, baby. let me.”
he tugs the suit where it starts to pool, slowly but surely peeling it off your body at last. seeing it more convenient to sleep commando, you beam at peter and lay back on your pillow.
“mm, goodnight,” you mumble, peter seizing your shoulders to stop you. “wait, wait, wait…” he crouches next to you a second time. “don’t you want your jammies?”
“don’t say jammies,” you playfully chastise, forcing yourself to look at peter. “but, yes. i guess i want them.” “super,” peter nods and reaches for your pajamas. his fingers twist in one of your bra straps.
“can i take this off?” he asks you. you’d make a comment about how much of a gentleman he is, if you had the energy. “be my guest,” you comply. peter easily unhooks your bra and slides the straps down your arms. after you toss it aside, you lift your arms for your shirt.
“impressive,” you tease his skills, unable to resist. “don’t act so surprised,” peter quips, shaking the t-shirt over your head. your hair is a mess when your head emerges from the hole, prompting him to ruffle your disheveled coils.
“we’re almost done, i promise,” peter assures you and goes to gather your shorts. no strategic ways to get them on you come to his mind. “um, you might have to stand up for this.”
you swat them out of his hands instead. “forget the shorts, peter,” you reprimand. “i wanna sleep, and i want you to hold me.” peter stands up, offering you a lopsided smile. “ok, ok. fine. how could i say no?” “you can’t,” you deadpan, laying down for the last and final time. “not to me.”
you pull back the covers for you both to get under, peter slipping out of his suit. he joins you in his boxers and nothing else. you’re never mad about that.
“did so amazing today, y/n/n. ‘m so lucky you’re my partner in crime,” peter hums, you nuzzling your face against his bare chest. his arms hug your waist, lips meeting the top of your head and spreading into a wide grin. you loop your own arms around his middle.
“i feel the same, pete. you’re my better half.”
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palemoonskin · 2 years
18+, this blog has nsfw content.
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Hi. Welcome to this mess of a blog.
I don't have much to say. Most of my stuff is probably ooc and poorly written. I'll do every request except for the ones I decline. Obviously. I'm a busy person, a mentally ill wreck of a human being and therefore it can sometimes take a lot of time until I finish stuff. Sometimes it takes me 3 hours, other times 3 months. Don't rush me, I didn't forget you or your request. You'll know when I won't do it. If you think I made a mistake, feel free to message me.
Always open to criticism! I really wanna get better, writing English in general and staying in character.
What you can request
Occasionally longer stories, up to 500 words stories are always fine, headcanons, random prompts
The longer stories depend on my mood and motivation. My English sucks and it's hard for me to write a whole text in it. But I'm gonna get better over time.
"Hii! Can I have Sasuke x Naruto x reader polyship headcanons?"
"Do you have a headcanon for mcu! Peter Parker? Sfw and non romantic!"
"Jotaro Kujo with a reader who has self harm scars?"
"Giorno x Mista story where Mista has to take care of a sick giorno?"
"F! Reader x Bruce with a praise kink 👀?"
"M! Reader x TASM! Peter Parker pet play?"
"Do you have romantic headcanons for link?"
""Please don't leave me hanging now." prompt with akechi?"
"Something Angsty with Akira x Goro?"
What I write
Almost everything. Just try it out. If I can't post it here though, it's gonna be on my ao3.
Polyships, fxf, mxm, fxm, no romance, romance, sfw, nsfw…
Several kinks (honestly. Go wild.)
Different skin colors, body types, body hair or the lack of ect. You can be as specific as you want. If you don't clarify it, I'll write the reader the way I want.
Abuse, drugs, angst, mental and physical illnesses, eating disorders, self harming…
Yandere / obsessive types
Reader x character and character x character, at least one of them must be on the list of characters I write
What I won't write
I can write gender neutral reader in sfw situations. In nsfw stuff, it either needs to be male or female.
Scat, vomit, gore, furry, vore… the usual. Other weird kinks are fine, though.
Characters I'll write
❕ be patient, I'm still learning how to write them.
✔️Already made a character study and / or wrote roleplays as this character
Feel free to request nonetheless. I can only get better if I practice.
Persona 5
Joker ✔️
Futaba Sakura ✔️
Haru Okumura
Ann Takamaki
Ryuji Sakamoto
Goro Akechi ❕
TASM! Peter Parker ❕
MCU! Peter Parker ❕
Bale! Bruce Wayne❕
Pattinson! Bruce Wayne ❕
Sakura Haruno
Sasuke Uchiha ✔️
Naruto Uzumaki ✔️
Jojo's bizarre adventure
Dio Brando
Jotaro Kujo ✔️
Giorno Giovanna ✔️
Bruno Bucciarati
Guido Mista
Final fantasy 15
Noctis Lucis Caelum ✔️
Prompto Argentum ✔️
Stardew Valley
Utena Tenjou ❕
BOTW! Link ❕
Kenneth 'Kenny' Mccormick ✔️
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