#Plus I'll be a part of a group instead of on my own for a good while so I'm way less stressed about it
applejarjar · 2 years
By the way I got the job!!!
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I read the post where you answered why you didn’t like Malleus and remembered that you placed Leona really highly on your favs list, and Leona is my favorite so do you mind me asking why do you like Leona?
[My TWST character tier list is here.]
[Anon is also referencing this Malleus post.]
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THERE’S A REASON WHY L*ONA IS IN “Unfortunately Enjoy” TIER 😭 I think for like... over a year (2020-2021)? Probably closer to 1.5 years?? I really disliked him and swore up and down that I'd "never in my life simp for the fake cat". This was largely in part due to book 2, which to this day I believe did Leona a HUGE disservice and made him look very unintelligent and uninteresting. Then I was drip fed new Leona content as it steadily came out (vignettes, voice lines, event stories, his return in book 6) and my opinion of him vastly improved. Book 2 was just a really bad introduction to him and it greatly soured my first impressions. sjfyofqebfeiafns B-But now I'm too embarrassed to openly declare, "Yeah, I like a sad muscular l*on man. So what?" Some would say that's tsundere behavior... BUT I SAY I'M COMPLETELY JUSTIFIED FOR ACTING THIS WAY BECAUSE IT ISN'T EASY TO CONFESS WITH YOUR WHOLE CHEST THAT YOU LIKE KINGSCHOLAR OF ALL TWST CHARACTERS
... Anyway! For a much more expanded explanation, I'd recommend this post! It already states a lot of my thoughts, and I don't want to repeat them in yet another lengthy lion-related post. What I'll do instead is summarize the key points for you, plus add some commentary about Leona and Malleus at the end.
Admittedly, he is pretty. VERY pretty. I'm saying this as someone who normally really dislikes hair longer than shoulder length, the "wild"/bad boy aesthetic, and kemonomimi. Leona breaks ALL the rules and still somehow manages to wear everything and anything well because of his sheer confidence and natural grace. His physical features are also very striking... The sharp bright green eyes, the small waist and large chest (there's NO reason why he HAD to be built like that), his stupid smirk, etc.
His pettiness and sarcasm. Leona has, hands down, some of the funniest lines 🤡 I love that he has the balls to speak callously to everyone, including fellow dorm leaders and royalty. His best moments, however, are when he whips out the sarcasm on statements which are so patently untrue--like when he says he is a 'delicate prince' and a 'lost child', both moments from book 6. It's also hilarious whenever Leona speaks in a formal way, showing that he does have the education and the knowledge of how a prince should present himself, but just actively chooses to not make the effort and only does so mockingly or when social grace calls for it.
HIS BIG BRAIN FOLDS, HOLY COW (err, book 2 aside). Leona works smarter, not harder!! He's always one step ahead of everyone else, even if he appears sleepy or disinterested at the time. He figured out the trick behind the "indestructible" golden contracts, he sussed out Jamil WAY before book 4 ever came out (saying that Jamil has "eyes that always glare" and implying that Jamil poses a threat to Kalim's life; this is from Jamil's School Uniform vignette), he takes what he learns in textbooks and so easily translates it to real-world experiences (ie advising the first years on how to more efficiently mine magestones in Vargas Camp), etc. Additionally, Leona knows when to step in and when to be hands off. It's not done out of cowardice or laziness, but rather because he's thinking strategically. For example, he could have resisted capture at the hands of the Ferrymen, but he didn't because it would be smarter to just go with them willingly. It saves everyone a lot of time and energy, and it’s this kind of intelligent thinking that makes Leona really stand out.
He knows how to lead. There are many different types of beastmen, each with own beliefs, values, and traditions that are unique to their own group. As a result, it is very difficult to unify all beastmen within the Sunset Savanna under one rule. Guess who doesn't have this problem? THAT'S RIGHT, IT'S LEONA. There's a variety of beastmen in Savanaclaw, and he effortlessly rules over them and commands their respect.
He actively thinks about how to improve the Sunset Savanna. Leona's ideas are not always the best (like, yeah, you could introduce new technology to the country but expect significant social pushback from the people, who prioritize living in harmony with nature). However, I can really appreciate that he did not entirely turn his back on the people who feared his powers and talked him down. I think he eventually realized the flaws in his way of thinking and actively chose an energy and mining lab internship in hopes of researching ways to slowly implement changes that will benefit the Sunset Savanna while also remaining respectful of the people's beliefs. He is concerned about Falena's lax way of ruling and consistently brings up ideas in various voice lines about how they can improve the Sunset Savanna and its relationships with other countries and tourists. In spite of everything he went through, Leona never wants to hurt those who hurt him with their comments and comparisons to his elder brother. He does not ever want to tear down the system that kicked him down again and again, only wants to challenge it by proving his own merits and the merits of the other downtrodden that he leads.
As much as he wants to deny it, he cares about his underclassmen and goes out of his way to help them. There are sooo many examples of this that it cannot possibly fit in one bullet point. (I would really recommend reading the elongated post linked above, as I go into more detail on this.) Suffice to say, Leona has been shown guiding, instructing, and mentoring many other characters including, but not limited to: Epel, Ruggie, Jack, Jamil, and various Savanaclaw mob students. This really hits me in the heart because I love reliable big brother characters 😭 EVEN THOUGH LEONA IS TECHNICALLY A YOUNGER BROTHER...
He understands his strengths—and he understands others' strengths too. This man is fully aware of his magical might and powerful presence. He uses every last bit of it to full effect and to attain his goals, whatever those may be. One of my favorite uses has to be In Fairy Gala!! He distracted some pixies by simply demanding water and their attention so his partners in crime could escape—and what’s more, this was a plan he came up with on the spot because their mission was being jeopardized by unforeseen events. Leona is also good about pinpointing people’s best attributes and then helping them hone it. This happens a lot during club practice, bur it also occurs in book 6 between him and Jamil. Speaking of…
THAT WHOLE BOOK 6 CONVERSATION WITH JAMIL DESERVES ITS OWN BULLET POINT. This part was peak mentor mode Leona 😭 Sure, maybe he wasn’t the kindest with his wording, but I felt this was the wake up call Jamil needed to hear. What really got me though was the part where Leona tells Jamil there’s still hope for him… “unlike me”. (I believe this part was translated differently in EN to make Leona’s ego sound more inflated (ie “I’m not like you”) which saddens me immensely.) It paints the image that Leona is still struggling to believe his efforts will amount to anything and that he believes more in his juniors than in himself :(( (which informs my headcanon that Leona mentors younger students so that they can have the bright future he doesn’t think he can have for himself).
Emotional complexity. When you get down to it, what started off as a very basic story of jealousy and inferiority complex actually resulted in a deeply flawed, traumatized, and scarred individual who continues to doubt and put himself down but is slowly recovering. Leona is smart and charismatic—he is everything a leader should be, but he doesn’t truly see his own worth. (Ironically, the only people who do are the ones who look up to him and follow him.) And now… Leona’s actually got his eyes set on graduating! He has his internship plans set! I think he’s made such big strides since book 2, and it’s been so rewarding seeing him regain his willingness to try and succeed return to him.
Looking back on it, it’s so ironic how things ended up working out. Initially, I was totally on Lilia’s side when he insulted Leona and said he would never be the kind of leader Malleus is. Now I’m realizing how Leona does many of the things I don’t see Malleus doing (despite Lilia claiming Malleus is more fit to be king than Leona is).
Malleus isn’t harming his people by any means, but it’s more like he’s… stagnant? Complacent? He’s satisfied with the status quo and is comfortable resting on his laurels. And because of that, Malleus doesn’t really seem to consider what he, as a leader, can do for others, be it for his dorm members or doe his country. (Part of this is also how isolated and opposed to change Briar Valley is, of course! That kind of culture definitely shapes Malleus’s thinking.) He tends to avoid situations which involve navigating social complexities rather than dealing with them himself. Think of Ghost Marriage, when Sebek proposes in his place. Think of Fairy Gala, when Silver is the one that ultimately resolves the conflict between the diurnal fae (who have historically not been friendly with nocturnal fae) and NRC. Malleus is so sheltered that has not truly been put in situations where he has to make tough decisions or where he has been challenged. He has never had to claw and scream and beg for people to see his worth.
Leona has been through that emotional wringer, and though he’s been hurt so badly, he still came out the other side. In running from the shadow of his family—of his older brother—Leona found solace in this new kingdom, Savanaclaw. It’s a place to build himself up, to stew over the ideas he has that have yet to be realized, all with a safe mental distance from home. It’s through the many hardships he has experienced that has refined his wit and given it a place to practice, to be used.
When it comes down to it, Leona and Malleus are two sides of the same coin. Both arrogant princes, the second born and crown prince, respectively, wishing for the other’s circumstances. Leona desperately wants that respect and recognition that Malleus has. Malleus longs for the intimacy and camaraderie that Leona is so easily able to cultivate and command. Leona has been forced to adapt, to learn, to grow from his scars. Malleus struggles with the concept of change (understandable, given his background) and actively denies reality if he finds the truth to be unpleasant. He’s not used to facing dilemmas that cannot be solved with magical strength, and has not ever been challenged in such a way. Malleus doesn’t know how to deal with that, which is partly why be panics and loses himself to emotions in book 7. (By the end of it, I’m sure he’ll be given the chance to see the error of his ways though 💦 or at least I hope he does??)
Their characters are very different, and that’s not a bad thing!! If anything, it makes their dynamic so interesting to observe and it offers varying interpretations of the same “prince” trope. I definitely know which of the two I prefer 🤡
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ihavethedreamies · 7 months
Novice | Felix | Easy to Expert (2)
Lee Yongbok (Felix - Stray Kids)
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Rating: M (18+) MDNI
Word Count: ~4.8k
Pairing: Felix x AFAB!Reader
Genre: Reader-Insert, Smut, Fluff
!!This is smut…if that much isn't clear you should probably leave now!! MDNI!
Warnings: She/Her Pronouns used, Swearing, Kissing, Sex Toys, Butt Plugs, Oral (F!Receiving/Anal; M! Receiving), Anal Play, Anal Sex, Unprotected Vaginal Sex (Don't do this, please)
Author's Note: This is a sequel to Easy. I got a comment on Archive requesting a sequel for something that was put off for…another time.
This was just supposed to be a second chapter but it devolved/evolved (depending on who you ask).
-> Series Hub <-
-> Part 1 <-
I am cross-posting this on Archive. Please reblog! If you know anyone that would like this or future fics but they aren't on here my name and icon are exactly the same on the other site. Happy reading!
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The morning after Felix utterly rocked your world, he had sweetly asked you to be his girlfriend. You agreed, of course, and then he took care of you that day because you could, in fact, not walk. He made you pancakes to eat in bed and he even carried you to the shower. Despite the soreness, you couldn't be more content and you spent most of the day just watching Netflix together. He got several messages when he didn't show back up to their dorm the night before that he then had to deal with. He even had several missed calls from Minho and one from Chan that he had to return. You were still half asleep then and didn't hear the conversations, but the group chat blew up so bad he had to shut his phone sound off. It was also evidently the chat you were not in that they denied existed.
Neither of you wanted him to leave after lunch, but he had stuff to do and a part-time job. When you stopped by the door to see him off, he put his shoes on then turned to you.
"I'll see you later, love." He leaned forward and you welcomed him, hit soft lips capturing yours. You hugged him tight and he laughed at your cuteness when you didn't want to let him go.
"I love you." you whispered and a giant smile broke out on his face and he bumped his forehead to yours.
"I love you, too." And with that he left.
Over the next few weeks you continued to hang out with them all as a group, not yet having another chance to be alone with Felix. On a Thursday evening you got a message from him seeing if you were free the next night. Would this be your first actual date?
"I know it's kind of unconventional…but would you want to go to the arcade?" he asked and replied instantly with a yes. You really didn't care where or what it was if it was with him. Plus, the arcade he was talking about was huge and had so many different things to do past game machines, like an obstacle course, trampolines, and a foam pit. Since he was coming from campus after his morning class, you met him there instead of him picking you up. One thing that was nice about doing college online was you had a more flexible schedule. You rocked on your feet, hands in the pockets of your coat as you waited. You had on a set of pink shorts overalls on over a white turtle neck and white stockings to protect you from the cold. Winter was coming. You decided to wear a short pair of pink Ugg boots that would be easy to take on and off at the arcade.
"(Y/N!)" It was easy to know it was him, even with the giddy tone, his voice was deep. Plus, certain words were still tinted with his accent even after speaking Korean for so long.
"Felix~!" You beamed as he jogged over to you and instantly pulled you into a hug. There was no else around so you eagerly returned it, but pulled back just in case.
"Ready, love?" He smiled sweetly and you nodded. His wavy hair, dyed blonde with a tinge of black at the roots, was tied halfway back and he looked ten times prettier than you could ever hope to be. He opened the door for you and refused to let you pay for your own pass. They stamped your hands to signify you had full access that day and you headed in after checking your coats. Since it was late in the morning on a Thursday, it wasn't very busy, and there weren't any children since they would be at school. It was the perfect time for two adults to goof around like kids. You wanted to go the trampolines first, but those would be tiring, so best left for later. You started with the traditional arcade games, and you kicked Felix's butt at a shooting game. You simply let him do the motorcycle simulator racing game, the way the fake bike moved kind of made you motion sick. He won the basketball tossing game and then you moved to the simulation games. Your favorite was the archery one and you both tied score on that.
"Foam pit?" he asked after you were done and you grinned, both of you running to the next place like children. No one else was there and you both took your shoes off and left them at the worker's station and he lead you up the stairs. There was a rope that you could jump onto and swing on before landing in the pit. It made you a bit nervous because of the height, but after watching him happily do it first, it made you less hesitant.
"Move out of the way!" You motioned to him, rope in hand. Taking a measured breath, you hooked your leg around the rope and kicked off like you were told. You squealed and let go, landing with an oof onto the blocks of foam. The worker even couldn't help but laugh at the two of you. You literally had to swim to get out and he helped pull you out. To take a break you got some snacks, chicken nuggets and soda.
"This is so fun, Felix." You beamed and he smiled around his bite of food.
"I know, love." He reached up and brushed a crumb from your cheek with his thumb and you smiled bashfully. The final stop for you was the trampolines. Once again, there was no one there and so you were given pretty much free reign. Instead of playing with the games that were projected, you just jumped around together. Like one must do, you would sit on the bouncy material, and he would jump near you to launch you in the air. You squealed in delight, and while you couldn't launch him to the same extent, it was still fun. The two of you had been at the arcade nearly four hours and you were out of breath as you put your shoes back on.
"Do you have anything else to do today?" he asked you as you left, a cold wind blasting at you, and you shuffled closer to him. You didn't see, but he smiled and he turned you with his hand on your shoulder so your back was to the wind.
"I don't why?" You looked up and him and his smile fell into a smirk.
"Hm, can we go back to your place?" He stepped closer, his nose nearly touching yours. You forgot you were in public for a second, ready to kiss him, but a kid laughing forced you to step back. It seemed school was out so there was going to be an influx of arcade patrons.
"Sure." You replied to him and you started to head that way. As you walked you noticed there was a thin flap of plastic sticking out of his bag, caught in the zipper.
"Hold on." You stopped him and went to fix it and when he noticed what you were doing, he swung the pack off his shoulder and out of your view.
"Hey!" You playfully glared at him and he shook his head, "It’s a surprise! Don't look." He fixed the plastic himself and you looked at him suspiciously.
"Hm, okay." You let it go and you continued to your place. Once again, he held the door open for you and you waited at the elevator. The door to the side that lead to the stairwell opened and you glanced to see who it was. It was the guy who lived a few doors down, some gym rat that thought he was hot stuff. You rolled your eyes at his strut and Felix smirked. Changbin made it work, he looked good, not over the top. This guy was…gross.
"Hey, unit 304." He strutted over and you didn't even look up from your phone.
"Who's your friend?" He had a flirty tone and you know he thought Felix was a girl. He looked at the guy, annoyed, then spoke. The guy's reaction was hilarious.
"I'm her boyfriend." His deep-ass voice rumbled through you and you bit your lip to keep from laughing.
"Oh, uh, sorry bro." He bowed a bit in apology and then scurried away. When you got into the elevator, you both burst out laughing and you continued to giggle even as you plugged your door code in. He helped you take off your coat and you hung them both up with your bag. He kept his with him though.
"Okay, what's the surprise?" You asked and he smirked.
"Later. Come here, love." He put the bag behind him on the couch and you sat down with him. His hand came to your jaw, slightly cold still and you leaned in to let his lips press to yours. Like last time, the kiss got intense fast, both somewhat desperate. You hadn't gotten the chance to really be alone until then, so you only got quick pecks in while the others weren't looking. When Felix's hand moved from your cheek to the back of your head, you whined softly and his tongue wiggled its way into your mouth. When you had to pull back to get more air, you scooted closer to him and he smiled. He adjusted his position so he had one leg up on the cushions, facing you.
"Ready for the surprise?" He placed a soft kiss on your jaw, then under your ear, not able to get to your neck because of your turtleneck.
"Yes…" You were a bit hesitant, wondering what the heck he got. When he pulled the plastic shopping bag out of his back pack, you were expecting some kind of candy or food that you liked. No. It seemed these last two weeks he had been thinking about what he found in your nightstand. The butt plug.
"This okay?" he asked, pulling out a few more items. There was some kind of kit to…get clean, then he also had made sure to buy the right size condoms. There was also a cleaner and lube and one other thing you didn't immediately recognize. You picked up the box to look it over. It was long and you turned it over to look at the picture on the front and your eyes widened. You shot him a look and he tried to remain smug, but he was a little nervous.
"A tail?" You shook the box. There was a light pink plug along with either a long striped cat tail or a round fluffy bunny tail. It advertised as well there were more attachments you could get. He struggled to find some words and pointed at the picture on the box.
"I-if you end up…liking it…" He finally got out and you huffed, amused with his flustered state. You hummed, placing the box back down and leaned in to whisper in his ear.
"Do you want me to go…get ready?" You licked over his ear lobe and he groaned low.
"Yes, please." he said that, but he ended up wrapping his arms around you, pulling you into his lap, and kissing you again. You tilted your head, deepening the kiss, your hands on his jaw and his hands digging into the flesh of your butt. After pulling back, you smirked and he let you get off his lap. You put the items back into the bag and scurried back into your room. You had a little surprise for him as well. Hating that you only had a plain set of underwear on last time, you compensated for it and went to the lingerie store. At the time, you weren't entirely sure what he would like, but you think the black set would be perfect. First you shuffled into your bathroom, and took your clothes off. Your panties already had a dark, damp spot on them and you huffed. Just looking at the bag for a second, you replayed different over-thought scenarios in your head, and grabbed the cleaning kit. Reading the instructions, it was kind of embarrassing to think about going ahead with it, but it was really exciting as well. You went ahead and did everything you had to and the sensation was…weird to say the least. Made you excited too though, thinking of what Felix would be doing. Before him you never got turned on that fast that easily.
Going to the paper bag holding your new set of underwear, you put it on and had a few issues with the straps and ribbons. The top piece was just some ribbon with some boning that wrapped around each breast but left your nipples on display. A thin silk corset wrapped around your middle, once again with some boning. The panties were crotchless, with thin mesh and you had to tie the ribbons on the side to hold it up. Slowly you pulled on the fish net stockings, not wanting to poke a whole in them with your toes. It was the same mesh as the panties, and had ribbon crossed over and winding up, sewed on. Looking over yourself in the mirror, you hoped he thought you looked as good as you thought you did. The final piece was two ribbons you tied around each wrist and that was a bit difficult on your non-dominant hand, but you managed. Grabbing the bag he had purchased, you went back out to your bed room and laid each one out. Taking the box, you placed it inside your nightstand drawer and instead took out the plug you already had in there. Looking it over better, it was three different size rounds attached by the silicone but only had one vibration setting. Your core clenched at the thought of him using it on you, so did other places. Shuffling to your door, you propped it open and called for him that you were ready. You scurried back to your bed and stood at the end, trying to look innocent as he stepped in.
"Fuck." His voice was quiet but rumbled through the room and he shut the door behind him. You lived alone but it made you feel more secure and private still.
"Did it work?" he asked about the cleaning you assumed and you nodded shyly.
"You look amazing, love." He complimented, stepping forward and looking over every detail of your lingerie intensely.
"The idea is I can leave it on…But if you take it off be careful, it wasn't cheap." You fiddled with one of the ribbons hanging off the corset.
"You look amazing, turn for me." You did as he asked and he smirked when he saw that your panties were barely that, and that there was a hole in the crotch that would allow his cock easy access. Even where he would fill you with the plug was easy to get to.
"Hm, good girl." He hugged you from behind, his teeth nipping at your ear, his hard cock grinding into your butt.
"Lets get ready." Felix laid another kiss on your neck and you went back to the still unopened box and unwrapped the plastic. You watched him undress out of the corner of your eye. He came over to you as you pulled the black silicone plug out of the packaging and looked at the little booklet that came with it. He snatched it from you and the cleaning spray, heading to the bathroom, his underwear tented over his hard on. Luckily the little plug only needed a battery, and there was one included. Thinking he was probably cleaning up, you looked at the condoms and you knew that they ones you had were definitely the wrong size. The lube was specifically for anal, and it seemed it would numb you some, good for a first time thing.
"Battery?" he asked as he came out, now fully naked and your mouth watered.
"Next time." He huffed as you eyed his cock and you sneered playfully. You held out the battery for him and he got it in and hit the button. It buzzed rather aggressively and he smirked and shut it off.
"Hmm. A little later, okay?" Felix suggested and huffed at your eager nod.
"Lay down, love." He sat you down on the edge, and you did as he asked, in much the same position as last time. You were nervous this time as well, but for a different reason. You turned your head to watch him grab the bottle of pink lubrication and you shivered a bit.
"You're okay, love." You tried to calm down, but you squeaked when he made you move your legs into a better position, then kissed your pucker. He laughed at your reaction and your hand came to your mouth, covering it.
"Is that stuff flavored?" you asked as you smelled strawberry when he opened it.
"Yeah." You could hear the smirk on your voice and you shivered from nerves again. You gasped when the cool gel touched you, just a small bit on his finger at first. He smeared it around your hole and you felt a slight tingle, the numbing kicking in.
"Might make my tongue numb," he muttered to himself, feeling the tingle on his finger. He squeezed some more out and told you to breathe as his finger pressed against you, the long thin digit only entering your ass to the first knuckle. He pulled it back out, smirking at the clenching muscle. Smearing some some lube onto his finger, he added it to your skin and you yelped loud when his tongue circled your pucker.
"F-Felix!" You had a feeling that's where it was going, but it was still a very strange sensation. He hummed, the taste was very artificial, but that was okay. His arms wrapped around your legs like before, and he shoved the wet muscle into your ass and you tried to relax and not clench too hard. You whimpered as his tongue fucked into you, licking up the lube he had spread over and in you. As he continued, it became easier to breathe, but your fingers still dug into the sheets. You were a little worried by how aroused you were getting from this. Is this the kind of thing you needed from the start?
"Next time, I'm putting my cock inside you." His tongue left your ass and then licked a stripe through your cunt and sucked hard on your clit.
"F-Felix!" You gasped, your orgasm already rising fast. He really had pulled the seal off last time. The buzz of the toy hit your ears and then the silicone touched your puckered hole. There was obviously more lube spread over it and you had a hard time not clenching too much as he eased the toy in. It felt incredibly strange and new, but scarily good. The flat end of the toy nestled against the crook of your ass as he got it all the way in. He smirked as he saw your cunt walls clenching around nothing. You almost screamed when he shoved two of his fingers into you, the slight numbing from the lube tingling your pussy now. Another hard suck to your clit and you came. You settled down from it faster than the first time, but you were just as out of breath. He wiggled his fingers a bit and you whined, he could feel the little bumps of the toy through the wall of your cunt and even some of the vibrations. He stood and helped pick you up so you could be further up the bed. You were almost afraid to move with the toy in your ass.
"D-do you need a condom?" You wouldn't meet his eye, finger poking the box. You really liked how it felt to get full of his hot cum and you were on the pill…
"Well…they were more for-" He gave you a look and you nodded in realization.
"But next time." He winked and you flinched when the head of his cock met your soaking folds.
"Ready?" He planned on doing it much the same way as last time. Rough seemed to work better for you, and he wanted to see in the future just how far you would like to go. You nodded in response to his question and his fat cock filled you instantly and your back arched. It was so odd, having the vibrating toy in your ass and Felix's cock splitting your pussy open. Even he was a little thrown off. Just like with his fingers, he could feel the nubs of the toy through the wall separating your cunt from your ass, and the vibrations were dull but present. Your walls clenched his cock hard despite you trying to relax, and you were so wet for him.
"Ready?" He asked again and you nodded, fingers already digging into the bedding near your head. Felix pumped his hips deftly, grinding his pelvis into your clit and immediately his pace was relentless. Before he kind of built up, his thrusts were hard but shallower. Not this time. The bed was already shaking from the force, the head of your bed frame banging the wall. Once again glad for living alone, you let the high pitched keens float from your lips. Tears pricked your eyes at the pleasure. He pulled you closer some, sitting more on his knees so your lower back rested over his thighs. This made your hips raised, your shoulders pressed into the bed to steady yourself. His hands held your lower thighs near your knees, and he rolled his hips, the angle letting his dick pummel your back walls. He loved watching your breasts bounce, wrapped with the black silky ribbon. The feeling of the thigh-high stockings against his sides was more enjoyable than he thought it would be. You were gorgeous naked, but like this it was like you were gift-wrapped just for him.
"Felix!" You gasped, back arching harder, head thrown back and he grunted, slowing his thrusts as you clenched around him in your orgasm. He was going back and forth earlier on whether or not he wanted to fuck your ass or not that night, but he decided he would. The way your cunt squeezed him was incredible and he really wanted to know how it compared. As your orgasm died, he pulled his cock out of you.
"Come clean me off, love." He got off the bed and you scrambled to kneel before him at the end of the bed. He grabbed the condom box and he saw you waiting eagerly to swallow his cock, slick and shining with your juices.
"Okay, love." He allowed and you reached to wrap your hand around the base and instantly took the rest of him into your mouth and slightly into your throat.
"Fuck~" He groaned and he was going to have to decide later which hole of yours he preferred. Pulling off of him, his cock was more clean than before, but now covered in saliva. He took a condom from the box, tossing it somewhere on the floor and opened the package. You took it from him, placing it just over the tip and bringing your mouth back to him. He swore again and you slowly let his cock bury in his mouth, the condom sliding over him as you went. When your nose touched his groin, you pulled back and swirled your tongue around for good measure, then pumped your hand over to make sure it was on all the way.
"Turn around." He helped you get up off the floor and you crawled back onto the bed, letting your front half fall to the sheets, ass in the air.
"(Y/N), you're gonna kill me." He huffed and you giggled. Hearing the lube bottle open again, the smell of strawberry wafted as well.
"Breathe." He coached and you did, each of the little nobs popping out of your ass as he removed the toy, shutting it off. He tossed it to the floor, it would be easier to clean the fake hardwood floor than the sheets or rug. You quivered at feeling more empty again, and gasped when he drizzled a big glob of lube straight onto your ass.
"Gotta get you ready love." Felix swirled his finger over your entrance, then pressed forward again, not stopping till his index finger was completely inside. It was a little shorter than the toy actually, but it was definitely different. You whined and tried to stay relaxed as he wiggled it some. Your hole was kind of numb from the lube and tingly from the vibrator. Felix continued to coach you as he added a second and later third finger to prepare you. The longer he did it, the more aroused you got, the odd feeling spiraling into a whole new kind of pleasure.
"Ah~" You whimpered and moaned as he withdrew his fingers. They were tingly as well from the lube and he stroked over his cock with the remaining gel. His hand was a bit sticky after, but he could worry about it later.
"I'm going to start, princess." He informed and you took measured breaths, trying not to flinch when the head of his cock touched your ass. You groaned as he eased in, digging your teeth and nails into your pillow to release tension. If you thought his cock felt big in your cunt, it was a whole new kind of stretch as he filled your ass. Your head swam and you had no idea it could feel so good. Your cunt clenched around nothing, wanting to be filled as well, something you could explore later. He sat inside of you, unmoving for a few minutes, both of you trying to relax.
"Move." You gasped out and he dug his fingers into your hips, thumbs into your butt cheeks. He made a shallow thrust and you both groaned at the feeling. He was much more gentle as he buried his cock deep into your ass than in your pussy. His thrusts were less punishing as well, pulling out about halfway before his hips met yours.
"More, please." You keened and he grunted, picking up the pace but not changing the depth. Your fingers left the sheets, needing something more solid, so they wrapped around the rungs of your head board.
"You like it rough, huh, love?" You moaned in agreement.
"You like my cock in your ass?"
"Yes, fuck!"
"What a slut, just for me though…" He grunted, leaning over you more.
"Ah!" You practically screamed, Felix's hot dick starting to fuck you deep, more grinding than anything.
"(Y/N), love, you're so good for me." He groaned, the rumble like thunder going through him and into you. Your cunt clenched around nothing again, you were getting close.
"Feliiixxx~" You keened and he gave you a husky chuckle.
"Cum, love. Cum for me." And you did. His hands held the head board for support, white knuckling the wood. Your ass was even tighter around him as you fell apart than your pussy, and it knocked him over the edge too, filling the condom. Eventually he wanted to paint your insides white. Your cunt, your ass, your throat… After both of you had calmed, still shaking, he pulled out and you flinched at feeling empty again.
"Ow, fuck!" You hissed as he lowered you into the hot water of the tub. He chuckled and you scowled at him which made him laugh harder. After you settled into a good position, you sighed, the hot water relieving your aches. He sat on the mat by the tub, arms crossed on the lip. He had reclothed his bottom half and helped you out of your lingerie while the tub filled.
"Hm. How was that?" He traced his finger through the water.
"You've ruined me, Felix Lee." You mumbled and his laugh echoed through the bathroom.
"So…I have an idea…" He drifted off and you straightened your head to look at him better.
"How would you like to get your pussy and ass filled at the same time, hm?" He suggested and you thought for a sec.
"We would have to figure out how to keep the dildo-"
"Not…not a toy…" He drifted off and your eyes widened in realization.
"If that's not-"
"Who?" you asked and he blinked in shock, then smirked again.
"Who do you want?"
-> I.N. <-
-> Seungmin <-
-> Hyunjin <-
-> Han <-
-> Lee Know <-
-> Changbin <-
-> Bang Chan <-
-> Series Hub <-
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Master-Master List
Stray Kids Master List
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justin-chapmanswers · 3 months
Was there a different way [like work flow and stuff like that] you guys wrote season 3 differently from season 2? If so will you continue that flow into season 2?
Also do you have any tips on how to mange an object show since you've worked on II for a long time?
[The voices you do in II are so funky and I mean this in the best way possible]
Thank you so much! My funky voices are incredibly grateful.
Near the end of the pre-Invitational season two, the process was generally that we'd talk out where we want to go next, have our big debates, and Brian and I would draft up an outline for the team. Then the writing would start and, as it was for almost every season two episodes before Invitational, the group would just jump into a Google Doc and we'd write, together, chronologically until we'd get burnt out. Some of us were thinking of the minutiae on-the-fly, some of us would draft up practice-scripts ahead of time to work off of. It was chaotic, but then we'd spend a long while reworking/rewriting scenes.
Starting with Invitational, things changed. Most notably, we started having one writer per episode instead of jumping into the chaos. Having four writers in at once didn't help, it just made things complicated. It was about learning to let go a bit and trust the rest of the team to do a good job. We'd still of course chat about the events well-ahead of time, but then the writer would be the one to outline and pitch that outline to the team before writing. And then in revisions, we'd give notes to the writer instead of individually taking cracks at scenes. That way, the whole episode became one person's singular artistic vision. By the end of Invitational, we also weren't doing the "have our big debates" part of the process, anymore. We still would push for ideas we're passionate about, but it's been a long while since we weren't agreeable and on the same page.
So then there's the question about season two. We've been generally sticking to the Invitational way of going about things with season two, except also with Brian and I being back on outlining, and it's been going really great! Before Invitational, the pre-writing and writing time used to be the longest parts of the episode process. And not because we were spending that whole time being productive. It was common that the pre-writing planning part of the episode would be a little intense so we'd often take breaks after the previous episode's completion (plus because it's nice to take time to clear our heads) as to not jump back into chaos. And then carving time for all of us to be in the space for hours at a time while balancing school/life was tough to schedule. That all to say, now, the writing process is efficient and super-not-chaotic (aka healthy!). Instead of a few months at that stage, we're there maybe like a month and a half, from early concept (aside from the stuff we've been thinking up for years already haha) to final draft. And that's all while we've been overlapping episodes that are each at different stages, with their own things to get done. I think what we've been cooking up is gonna be really special. <3
I've been rambling for a while so I'll (try to) keep this next part short. As for the question about managing projects, that's just a tricky one cause I'd normally tailor the advice depending on the scale of the project, the amount of experience for those going in, etc. But in a broad sense I'd say do everything you can to work specifically with the people who make you excited to work. Whose ideas inspire you. If you're leading, really try to understand every step of the process. Definitely trust parts of the pipeline to other people if it's not your cup of tea, but really understand what they do. Say thank you every chance you get. If you're having fun with your show, whether it be the goofiest or most-serious of all shows, the viewers will, too. Making each step of production an enjoyable experience is worth fighting for.
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dotster001 · 2 years
hihi! just in here to say that i love your twisted earth au very much, its such an interesting concept and i love the way you write the characters?!!?!/ and to request some twisted earth hcs with rollo, chenya, and neige!
Twisted Earth Part Six
Summary: non NRCx gn!reader. You are the game. They are real.
A/N: full disclosure, I'm on the English server and have worked really hard to avoid masquerade spoilers. So Rollo's part is based on the snippets I've seen. After I play the event, if I think my assessment is off, I'll redo his part. Also, initially I was going to have Neige be a VA of your best friend, but an anon gave me an idea to have him as a villain. Special thanks to you boo!
Parts: One Two Three Four Five
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He is a little like Floyd in that he's always searching for fun. Unlike Floyd, instead of crashing, he just continues to up the silliness stakes. His friends downloaded the game on his phone as an attempt to keep him out of trouble for a while.
And it worked! Kind of!  When he's not sneaking onto NRC campus, or going to his own classes, he's got his eyes trained on his phone. It's the first time a lot of his peers have ever seen him sit still.
He decided you would be the most fun to prank, and the most likely to enable his behavior. Whether this is true or not, if you were real, he'd be dragging you along for the ride. I wish you luck man. If you think you hear breathing or giggling behind you, but can't see anyone, trust your instincts. He wants to see you jump.
He didn't start playing until later so he only has one or two of your cards. He is incredibly jealous of his classmates who have the cards he wants, and may or may not make it very difficult for them to play during event periods so that they don't get any farther ahead of him.
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He's been acting ever since he was a child. But he's never gotten a chance to let loose! With this project, it wouldn't be outright clear that Neige was in it at all, so he got to be an antagonistic millionaire's son  in the second book. And he had so much fun! Plus, now he's friends with all these voice actors, who really want to allow him the chance to let loose as the villain. He's so excited for his new opportunities!
He plays because it reminds him of working with his voice actor friends. Because the cast was so large though, he didn't have a chance to work with everyone.  You and your immediate friend group were not an arc he got to see come together. He thinks that's why he was drawn to you. You were a route that was completely new to him. The novelty, and just how precious of a character you seem to be, keeps his attention, no matter how long he plays.
If you were real, he would wrap you in a blankie and tell you all the ways he loved you until you loved yourself, and could never doubt in yourself. He really really really wants to kiss the tip of your nose. (He can't explain it. It's just an urge he has) 
He has all of your cards but one. It's just the bonus of playing since its release. He's missing an event card where you are dressed in a Halloween costume. He really wanted it too, but it's alright! He can just ask to see the script, that way he doesn't miss the story.
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A world without magic? Magicless humans? He is wondering if the Devs got a little glimpse of heaven when they were making this game.
You. You are so perfect. You could be his pure human, who will help him fix this world. After he helped you see the light of course.
(I am so sorry. My image of him is kind of like a psycho)
He plays after a long hard day of being surrounded by flawed mages (himself included). It just eases his spirit a little bit. Not all is wrong with the world.
He doesn't really bother collecting cards. He has what he has and he's alright with it. He gets what he needs from you from the main story, and his late night shower thoughts.
Side note, he does not like other people's fan theories about you. Only his are correct, and he'll fight people on it until they get annoyed and give up.
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olderthannetfic · 11 months
hii! does anybody have any advice on how to feel okay with not having friends? i spent years abroad, so in the meantime my irl friends from hs found other friends to hang out with who they seem to like more than me or else are very busy with work and uni and such. which is cool, good for them for having such a vibrant social life, but it feels like they have no room for me anymore and i'm a person who can't make friends that easily. i don't drink or smoke, and i feel uncomfortable in big gatherings and feel better getting to know ppl one-on-one over a longer period of time, but that makes it hard for me to connect to ppl bc most irl people don't have much patience or already have their own established friend group and little old me doesn't hold their attention.
i'm starting a new job in a couple of weeks, so hopefully that will give me the necessary social interaction plus i have a great family, so i'm not going stir crazy, it just hurts a little that my friends don't bother to text me for days if i don't text them first or invite me out to places. and i'm trying to make new friends, it just doesn't come that easy and in the meantime i wish i could just feel at peace w being alone instead of questioning why people don't want to hang out with me or why i don't feature into their leisure plans. (not that i'm blaming them, it's just that it's hard not to feel inadequate.)
so yeah, anyone have any advice on how to feel at peace w being alone? like, maybe i'll never manage to make new friends or make new connections, maybe through lack of trying, maybe through lack of luck, idc, i just want to be enough for myself, but i don't know how.
so any wise words are appreciated and thank you, OTNF, for letting me vent in your inbox :)
Well... those feelings are pretty common and a natural reaction to the situation. You may not really get rid of them entirely, but you can accept them as a natural part of things and not a sign that anything has gone wrong.
HS friends rarely stick with each other even during college, let alone after, so you would likely be in this same boat regardless. Making new adult friends can be a pain, but it's something most of us face multiple times even if we luck into some good friend groups at points and even if we're more social.
The thing to do for many people is to keep busy with hobbies. A crafting meetup or book club isn't usually massive. I know you don't like groups, but nobody is going to go off one-on-one without meeting you in a group context first. Finding some more manageable groups to meet people casually and see if you click is how most people do it. The only way to get to know people over time is to show up in the same places with the same people a lot.
Another important thing to realize about adult friends is that many of them won't be good about texting you or inviting you because they're all out of energy for doing that with anyone. Maybe all of their energy is reserved for a job. Maybe for a child. Maybe for a romantic partner.
Even if you're their very best friend, they may still not respond much at certain times in their life. If you guys are just post college, maybe that's not the issue yet, but it will be at some point.
Every single book about the plague of loneliness and how people suck at maintaining core friendships outside of their household is fixated on this. People suck at recognizing when they aren't putting enough energy into maintaining relationships.
I would axe that hangdog attitude about little old you not holding people's attention. They probably just aren't allocating time to building friendships at all.
Liking being alone has a lot to do with loving yourself in general and having hobbies and things you want to have time for that are solo pursuits.
It's also about not waiting to do things like go to a restaurant you want to check out. Go alone. Go with a book. Anything can be a solo activity unless it literally mandates 2+ people. Missing out on friend time shouldn't mean missing out on everything else, but a lot of people let it become that.
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zenkai-icons · 1 month
Quick-N'-Easy Icon Editing Set-up with Krita!
I'm sure there are already a few tutorials like this one out there, but hey, what can one more hurt?
What's this do?: Krita has features you can use so you can make quick edits to your icons all at once, and save them all out individually with the press of a button. It's a great time-saver, and gives you a lot of flexibility in your edits!
What you'll need:
Krita, a free and open-source painting / image editing program!
Part 1: How to export your icons all at once.
( warning: long and image-heavy! Written with beginners in mind. )
Once you open Krita, you'll want to go to Window > Workspace > Animation on the uppermost bar to change the layout for what we'll need, here.
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We're going to be using Krita's animation features to make iconing / icon-editing a little easier.
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( as an extra note, hitting '1' on your keyboard will set Krita's zoom to the image's actual size, while '2' will have it fill the available space. Helpful for seeing how your icons will appear on the dash. )
Okay, let's get started! Make a new image ( File > New or press Ctrl + N ), set it to whatever dimensions you want ( I default to 100x100px ). Make a new layer ( Click the plus icon in the layers tab, or press ins ), and then put that layer in a group ( Right-click the layer and click group > quick group, or press Ctrl+G while its selected. )
With that grouped layer selected, Grab your icons, and click & drag them into Krita, onto the canvas ( the big empty grey space in the center ). When Krita prompts you, select 'insert many layers.' This will load in each image as its own layer. If you don't have the grouped layer selected, you'll have to select them all and put them back in the group. ( No big deal, just shift + click the first and last layers, and drag them where you need them. )
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You can now delete your initial paint layer in the group, if you want. Otherwise it will make an 'empty' icon when we export.
Select that group, then go to Layer > Convert > Convert Group to Animated Layer on the top bar. ( This is only accessible through the top bar, not the menu that appears when you right-click on a group. I don't know why. )
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Congrats! Now all your icons are frames in an animation. Each cell on the timeline is a single icon. If you have a scroll wheel, you can scroll to quickly look through them all.
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If you can't see all of your icons on the timeline, click the three bars here and set 'clip end' to whatever number of icons you have ( or a little more, for extra wiggle room. )
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Find the last filled cell, right-click it and select 'set end time.'
When you're ready, hit File > Render animation.
You'll want to make sure you set it to export as an image sequence, and select where you want your icons to go on your computer. Give them a naming scheme. Make sure you save before you export your icons, as I've had Krita crash while exporting a large number of icons all at once. ( If it does this to you, just try again. Worst comes to worst, you can export by setting the first frames and last frames to smaller chunks instead of all at once. )
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Hit OK and voila! No more saving icons out one-by-one!
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Of course, we haven't done any editing yet, so this is all redundant unless you're saving out your own freshly-cropped icons. Let's move onto the fun part:
Part 2: Editing
Right-click your new group layer and hit add > filter mask. Choose any you want- for demonstration purposes, I'll be using my favorite: gradient map.
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This will put that filter over all frames in that animation layer, meaning you won't have to repeat your edits per icon.
If you want to edit your filter mask after you click off, just right-click it in the layer tab and select 'properties.' It will bring the initial prompt up again for you to adjust.
You can add as many filter masks as you want! The order the layers are in does matter, though, so keep that in mind.
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If you want to add frames, banners, name tags, symbols etc, you can do that on layers over or under that animation layer! They'll stay consistent across the 'animation' unless you add new frames to them on the timeline.
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If you want to edit your icons again, just do so, and re-export! If the naming scheme and numbers are the same, Krita will automatically overwrite the old files. But watch out; if you're trying to save new icons, make sure you start numbering at a higher number than your last icon, or change the base name.
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Happy iconing!
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egophiliac · 2 years
This may seem a bit dumb question for someone who's main in en server. But I need to prepare myself before chap 6 is coming. Anyway, is chap/book Ignihyde gonna be THAT hard?? I've seen a lot people kept saying they're not ready for chap 6 or good luck for 'that' battle. Is it that difficult?
some preparation would be a good idea, actually! if you just want advice with absolutely no potential spoilers (even vague ones), then I'll say this:
the best thing you can do for yourself is -- for the later part of episode 6 -- try to have at least one SR or SSR card no lower than level 40 for as many characters as possible (specific ones at the bottom 👇👇👇). I've seen 40 as the minimum recommended level but honestly, go as high as you reasonably can, especially with your SSRs.
I'll try to keep spoilers to a minimum, hopefully it'll still make sense :')
SO! most of the frustration revolves around chapters 6-66 and 6-67, which are both split into subroutes with multiple subchapters/battles that follow three different groups of characters. you have to finish all three routes to get to the next chapter, and they force certain requirements that can make it a lot more difficult if you aren't careful:
you build your teams at the start of the chapter, and can't change them without resetting your progress. (if I remember right, you do get a chance to rebuild for 6-67.)
teams are built by character, instead of by card like they normally are, and each one has 2-3 required characters locked into that team. you can use any cards of that character, but you can't use multiple of the same character, or use them in a different team. also, no guest/friend cards.
they tell you what the element of the bosses are, but the other battles are just...whatever. if you can manage more than one 40+ card for a character, having good type coverage will help out a lot (why yes, I did get stuck for an embarrassing amount of time on a low-level rando because I got unlucky with type matchups, what about it).
there's a couple of points where you have to wait several real-time hours before continuing. this doesn't have anything to do with the team building, it was just annoying. c'mon. >:(
to be fair, I think some of the general frustration comes from how out of nowhere it was, so it's sure to be much easier if you go in with some idea of what it'll be like. (on my first attempt I tried to be cute and put everybody with their friends. it...did not go well.) I also had a particularly hard time of it because 1) F2P = less SSRs to carry me, and 2) I hadn't really focused on any cards outside of my special little garden of favorites, so not being able to use multiples of the same character for everything kinda left me boned. I'd be lying if I said it didn't feel great when I finally got through it though!
more specific info:
in 6-66, the bosses are a 5-turn survival battle; in 6-67, they're infinite battles (reduce their HP to 0 to win) and, subsequently, much harder to get past. personally speaking, the Wood one was the hardest for me because it heals itself between turns (and also I had literally no good Rook cards at the time). your mileage may vary!
Team 1 - required characters are Vil, Epel and Rook, boss element is Wood
Team 2 - required characters are Leona and Jamil, boss element is Water
Team 3 - required characters are Riddle and Azul, boss element is Fire
teams are 5 characters as per the usual, so make sure you have good cards of the required boys and at least six to complement them, plus a few more if you want to be careful. this is ONLY for those two chapters, which are pretty late in the episode (for JP it came out as part of the final episode 6 update) so you've got time to prep!
there's the obligatory overblot battle later on that is technically harder (stronger + more HP and all that), but it felt SO much easier in comparison just because it was back to normal Twst rules. really hoping that episode 7 doesn't pull its own shenanigans 💀
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brynhildr13 · 5 months
About the GazettE.
TL;DR I had recent experiences that reinforce my belief that Reita REALLY is still with me and with all of us. Even if they can be easily explained as coincidental. Please if you want, share something that has been helpful to heal. Take care. Gazerock is not dead. Gazerock never dies.
Full post under cut.
I consider myself spiritual, but not really religious. But let me take you through my last few days, if you so care. Its important to me and I want to share this in hopes that the others in this Fandom know that I share the pain and want to spread my own love and solace and peaceful mourning.
I took an hour drive to my twin sister's to have our birthday hangout on Wednesday. I had the GazettE on plus other vkei groups on shuffle, but I kept skipping most of the other groups trying to find the GazettE songs. A few came on and even with the heavy and rock and headbanging songs I was just sobbing. To the point where I told myself, "you have to keep your eyes open. You need to watch the road." But the TEARS were plenty and heavy. I also started to judge myself a little. Wondering why I was SO emotional.
Then I had one of those intuitive downloads where like, you know it didn't come from your own brain and then after you hear it your mind expands. I don't know who's voice it was. I couldn't repeat it if I tried. But it said, quote "but feeling is healing."
And I lost it all over. Because I knew it was right and I needed to sit with the feelings. So I let myself cry as much as I could.
And then, To Dazzling Darkness came on.
My favorite song. Well, one of them. The whole Beautiful Deformity album is iconic, but that song specifically is one of my favorites BECAUSE of Reita's bass part. (Plus my twin sister, with her music degree, thinks the song is well written and can back up why and that means a lot to me that my sister who isn't the most into heavy metal or knows the group near as well as I do likes THEIR songs BECAUSE they're good).
And after that I laughed a little and wiped my eyes and said, "ok. I get it. It has to mean you're here right now. Thank you."
Maybe it came from Reita. I'd like to think so.
Had tons of fun with my sister. Come home. Worked Thursday. That night i shed a tear or two as i watched a few music videos in bed. And i just said outloud and in my head. "As long as he's okay. I'd like a sign that he's okay, please." And i fell asleep. Fast forward to today.
Today's our birthday. I planned to grab my free trenta from Starbies cuz $0 is the only amount I'll pay there unless I'm desperate. When I got to the screen in the drive thru, i meant to order 2 cake pops for my treat. Cuz fuck it. Im desperate. I'm a sad bitch and I want cake. It's my birthday. But I have anxiety and panicked and ended up asking for them at the drive thru window instead.
And they gave me the pops and I waited to hand them my card and after a few seconds she came back up and said, "oh don't worry about them today. No charge." Once I was sure they didn't want my money I thanked them profusely.
And I drove away. And I smiled from inside. Cuz I'd like to think that that was my sign he's okay. Maybe he pulled some strings to make me smile and to say, with that grin on his face, "don't worry about me. I'm here. I'll be here. Have a cake pop you sad bitch."
I meant it when I said before his spirit is here.. there's truly a feeling of the hole in my heart filling a little. I feel like emotionally and spiritually he's here in my peripheral stronger than ever before. Especially because I had become more of a backseat fan that would slink out of the woodwork when they had new content. My "obsession" (hyperfixation) died down a lot after saw them in 2016 and 2019, and I shared my gift of art and they shared their gift of music. But that love and adoration never ever left regardless of how often I talked about it and showed it. Or didn't. Cuz NO ONE else in my every day immediate circle knows anything about them.
Cuz here's the thing, and this is just me, too. I don't have any better way or words to string together to say this other than this way. I KNOW that they don't "know me". Like , I'm not missing the physical presence like they are. I didn't sit with him every day talking about all the most common shared passionate things we're doing, etc. Etc. So I can argue for myself that because of that the burden is likely to not be as heavy as any of theirs. But music and the arts connects hearts and minds beyond the physical. And for me listening to the music keeps him close, and I almost think that I can Feel him when I hear it. I can imagine him putting a hand on my shoulder (with his endearingly weird thumbs, they always made me giggle.)
Idk I think Im getting a little off track. Long story short, he was physically here with me when he was at the shows. When he wasn't he was still there, off across the world, doing his thing. and while I knew that like in an unconscious way, i never really sat with that to be like "what are they doing right this moment" or that i could energetically feel them all at any time, you know? And I remember getting upset with myself cuz my first coherent thought after I metaphorically picked my stomach off the ground after it fell out of my butt was "well, it HAS to be ok cuz the world's still gonna turn." And that felt horrible to say. And that's not fair to me or to anyone who needs time to process this. I mean, YA, I GUESS, it WILL. But once again. This WILL still hurt for a while. And that's okay. That doesn't mean i have to "get over" it right away either. Cuz once again. The physical loss isn't felt (yet) or as heavy as the bandmen will feel. But I will feel. And my feelings are my truth. And i can argue the band itself will have worse grieving till the sun dies, and that still doesn't mean my feelings are literally less than for my own personal experience. And thats okay.
But getting back to the point of this, thinking and believing Reita's making his way to us, I now just have this new vibration around me that I know is spiritual in nature and it is energizing the room, especially when I play their music. He's here.
I keep thinking about The Haunting of Hill House and Nell's words in the last episode. And I don't want that to ever fade. I'm determined to keep him strong in my heart and my mind. Just like ruki said he and the guys would.
Anyways, I hope yall are feeling as okay as you can. I hope this may touch someone and bring more healing. Free to share things in the comments if you want, too.
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vendetta-if · 1 year
Chapter 6 Part 1 Sneak Peek (Pt. 1)
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Hey guys 👋 Time for the very first sneak peek at Chapter 6 Part 1. I still have one more sneak peek for Chapter 6 Part 1 that I will release as we get closer to the public update date on 22nd of April (GMT +8).
This sneak peek is a little unique because it's mostly written in text chat message format 😄 As some of you might already be aware, you'll be able to choose a group chat name for MC and the gang or input your own. Below is some snippet on the choices 😆
Chapter 6 Part 1 Early Access demo is now up on both Patreon and Ko-fi!
* * * * *
The annoying sound cuts through the silence, anchoring you more and more to the waking world. Trying to block it is futile as it continues. After a few more times, you finally turn back around and reach for the source—your phone that is charged beside your bed. Unplugging the charger, you bring the phone close to your face, eyes squinted as you check the notification tray.
Oh, it's the group chat that you made last night, being active. Quickly opening your Whazzapp, you backread the chat.
Today [12:27 AM] You: "Hey guys, are you free to meet up tomorrow? Maybe around noon or so? I've got something important to share."
[02:01 AM] Santana: "I'm always available to work on the case. Just let me know the location like half an hour before at the least because I'll need some time to walk to the nearest subway station."
[09:05 AM] Rin: "I've cleared up my schedule for the day, so I hope it's for something urgent and important."
[10:03 AM] Skylar: "Sure! I'm free today. Where are we hanging out, gang?"
[10:10 AM] Skylar: "You know what, we should totally find a name for our newly-made group chat. Saying 'little investigation group' is kind of a mouthful. I've been brainstorming some names these past few minutes, and I think I've got a good one. How about 'Fabulous Four'?"
[10:12 AM] Rin: "I don't think it's a good name, but at least it's different enough to avoid copyright infringement."
[10:12 AM] Skylar: "Glad we're of the same mind."
[10:13 AM] Rin: "Same mind? I doubt that. I literally just told you that it's not a good name. I think it's a bit cheesy tbh."
[10:13 AM] Ash: "Jesus Christ, can you guys shut up for another half an hour or what? Some people are still asleep. Well, I was until I got woken up by all the buzzing."
[10:14 AM] Ash: "Also, 'Fabulous Four' is a stupid name. And can't you count? We're a five-people team now."
[10:14 AM] Skylar: "Wait, five? So, if you're the grumpy redhead I met yesterday, then who's the other person I've been talking to? I can only see your phone numbers."
[10:15 AM] Skylar: "And no problem. We'll be 'Fabulous Five' instead! The more the merrier."
[10:16 AM] Rin: "I'm not introducing myself over a group chat message. We'll do a proper introduction in person later on."
[10:16 AM] Skylar: "Fair enough. I'll see you later then!"
[10:17 AM] Ash: "Ngl, 'Fabulous Five' still sounds dumb."
[10:18 AM] Skylar: "Clearly, you're just a hater. Instead of casting the first stone, how about you try coming up with another name then?"
Well, it seems like Ash is ignoring Skylar because that's where the chat ends for now. Checking the time, you see that it's already 10:24 AM. Well, maybe it's time to reply to some of the messages in the chat before doing anything else. Plus, it's an excuse to stay in bed a little bit longer.
* * * * *
Okay, next order of business, the group chat name that Skylar and Ash were arguing about. You kinda agree with Skylar that 'little investigation group' is far from the best or the catchiest name ever. Although, you're not really sure how you feel about ${sky_his} suggested name, 'Fabulous Five', right now. Maybe you have a better name in mind?
#I'll stick to 'Fabulous Five'. #'Elysium Cleanup Crew' #'The Vendetta Project' #'The Revengers' #'The Justiciars' #'Justice Squad Chat' #None of these.
* * * * *
#I'll stick to 'Fabulous Five'.
After pondering more on the name Skylar suggested, you decide that it's actually good enough and you actually like it. It's growing on you in the past few minutes of contemplation. Tapping on ${sky_his} message, you reply:
EMOTIONAL MC [10:32 AM] You: "'Fabulous Five' actually sounds awesome. Let's go with that!"
STOIC MC [10:32 AM] You: "'Fabulous Five' is not so bad. Let's just go with that."
[10:32 AM] Skylar: "Hell yeah! I knew it! I knew it's an amazing and genius name."
[10:33 AM] Rin: "…"
You can practically feel Rin judging you through the screen just from the three dots.
SARCATIC MC [10:33 AM] You: "Okay, calling it 'genius' might be pushing it a bit too far. Let's dial it back a bit."
GENUINE MC[10:33 AM] You: "I wouldn't really use the word 'genius' per se…"
[10:34 AM] Skylar: "Aww… Alright. I still think it's a compliment tho."
You navigate to the group chat setting to change the group name to 'Fabulous Five' before going back to the group chat.
GENUINE MC [10:35 AM] You: "Okay, there. It's done."
[10:35 AM] Skylar: "Whoo 🎉🎉 We're officially 'Fabulous Five' now. No complaining 😉"
[10:36 AM] Ash: "Fuck! Fine…"
SARCASTIC MC [10:35 AM] You: "There. We're officially 'Fabulous Five' now. No complaining."
[10:35 AM] Skylar: "Whoo 🎉🎉 You hear that, you grump?"
[10:36 AM] Ash: "Fuck! Fine…"
Chuckling quietly to yourself, you lock your phone and get off the bed in one smooth movement.
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The Things They Carried: Part One
Pairing: Dean Winchester x Female!Reader
Word Count: ~1.8k
Warnings: canon angst and violence, extra angst
Summary: Cole is back in Dean's life, not to kill him but to ask for his help. A worm is making its way through people and eventually through Cole, giving you the perfect opportunity to get the chaos you're craving.
Season Ten Masterlist
Author’s Note: I do not own anything from Supernatural. All credit goes to their respective owners. I love seeing any and all comments <3
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The room you've been trapped in is a bit lighter instead of being pitch-black darkness. There is enough light shining in to see that this room doesn't have any windows. How is the light getting in?
"Hello? Anyone there? Someone please help me," you yell.
In a fit of frustration, you send a ball of blue magic at the wall and it bounces off several before exploding at your feet. You turn and see a door with a small window on it that wasn't there a second ago. You've stared at this wall for several days and there hasn't been a door there. Now there is. Where the hell are you? What is going on? You walk over to the door and peer through the window. The window is small enough that you can't see much but then someone walks by and your heart soars in happiness.
"Dean! Dean! I'm in here! Hey!" You bang on the door to get his attention but all he does is walk back and forth in front of the door like he's on patrol. "Dean, please help me. I want to go home!" You keep banging on the door in hopes it'll get him to come over. "Please! Dean!"
Dean winces in pain and presses his fingers to his temples. His headaches are getting worse and if he thinks hard enough, he can hear you begging and crying out for him. No, he must be imagining things. He wants to imagine you near him. Your voice isn't real. It's all in his head. Through the pain of his headache, he gets dressed for the day and heads to the library where Sam is. The Bunker door opens and he pops his head into the war room to see you come down the metal stairs in last night's clothes.
"Where have you been all night?"
"You're not my mother. I don't have to tell you everything I do," you scoff.
"Hey, come check this out. I think I got something," Sam says from the library.
"A case? What case?"
"I thought you weren't interested in hunting anymore?" Dean asks as you two walk into the library.
"Well, I've got nothing better to do at the moment. Plus, I'm not interested in saving people. Hunting is a different story. I'll be in the car."
"You didn't hear what the case was about."
"I don't care," you say as you walk out of the library.
Sam shakes his head and hands over a tablet with an article about a soldier who has died.
"The vic was trained in Krav Maga and jiu-jitsu, and she still ended up with her organs drained, and the marrow was sucked completely out of the bones."
"Cannibalism? Are you thinking it's a rugaru?"
"Or a God, maybe."
"Give me ten and I'll meet you by the car."
After the long drive to North Carolina, you walk into the Fayetteville police station and are greeted by a group of police officers enjoying pieces of cake. The bell on top of the door rings and they all look at you. One of them sets his cake down and breaks apart from the group to greet you.
"Agents, l gather?"
Uh, was it the suits, or do we give off some sort of a Fed stench?" Dean asks.
"It's the suits," the sheriff stutters. "What can l do for you folks?"
"We are here investigating the death of Private Jackie Prescott."
"Sorry to waste your time, agents, but you wasted a trip. We wrapped that one up hours ago. We know the man who did it--Rick Willis."
"What makes you so sure it was him?"
The sheriff grabs the murder file and flips through the pages.
"His fingerprints were all over the storage room out on the base where he did it. He even left his dog tags by the body."
"Is he in custody?"
"No, the bastard drank a boatload of gasoline and then lit himself on fire. Helluva way to go, if I'm honest. He left behind a wife and baby. He's the third suicide we've seen in six months. Would you like some cake?"
"Yeah," Dean immediately says.
Sam stops him from grabbing it and Dean pouts slightly.
"No, uh, you know what? Uh, we're okay," Sam stutters.
"No, it's really good. My partner made it."
"It looks great, but we're alright. We do have one more question. Were there any bite marks found on the body?"
"No. The vic was killed with a Bowie."
"Thanks for your time."
You three leave and you let your hair down in soft waves. It hurts when you have your hair in a ponytail.
"Well, that's a waste of our time. I say we head to the beach," you grin.
"We're not leaving," Sam rolls his eyes. "No bite marks means a rugaru didn't do it. What are you thinking? A God?"
"I don't think so. The guy Molotov-cocktailed himself. That's bonkers. That's like demon-possession bonkers. We should talk to Rick's wife if she's up for it."
That's where you head next. You're waiting for them to royally screw this up. You're not interested in saving people. You're not interested in their lives. You're only interested in the chaos all this death is going to bring you. That's why you tagged along. If something tragic doesn't start soon, you're going to have to make your own.
Beth, Rick's wife, let you into her house to talk to her even though she doesn't seem in the right mind to answer questions. Sam and Dean handle all the questioning while you're off to the side looking at the many pictures she has of her and her husband. You're so glad you're not plagued by pictures of your past.
"Rick did it." You pull your eyes from the pictures and look at her. "I'm not trying to say that he didn't. I mean, he just got back from deployment and we've all seen what it can do to a soldier's mind. My Rick . . . when he's home and good . . . I have to kill the spiders, you know? Rick was a kind soul. He never took more life than he had to."
Did you notice anything strange or weird like violent mood swings? Or weird smells?" Sam asks.
"No, but Rick was so... He was thirsty."
"Thirsty for what?"
"Water. He'd spend half the day drinking from the garden hose. Then, one night, I caught him in the tub drinking the bathwater. When l told him to stop, it was like he couldn't even hear me. His skin got so dry it bled."
"Did he see a doctor?"
"I took him to the VA but he just got on a list to get on a list. Then, he stopped talking and just wasn't himself. I thought maybe it was PTSD," she cries.
You roll your eyes in annoyance. This is not the kind of tragedy you're hoping for.
"We're very sorry," Sam sighs.
"You said that Rick was recently deployed. Do you have any idea where?"
"No, that stuff is classified. They don't even let the wives in on it."
"Okay, we'll leave you alone now but if something comes up, anything at all, please give us a call."
Sam hands her his business card. You're the first one to the door, eager to get the hell out of here, but she stops you.
"There's one other thing. I ran into my friend Jemma at the supermarket. She's married to Kit Verson, a guy from Rick's team. She thinks Kit came back different this time. Kind of felt like we were dealing with the same thing."
"Thank you."
You three leave and you turn to the brothers.
"I don't remember hunting being this irritating."
"You're the one who wanted to come with us. This is part of hunting. Either shut the hell up or leave."
You glare at your husband but don't say another word about it. Jemma, once she knows you just came from Rick's house, eagerly lets you in to tell you her story. Much like before, you let the brothers handle the questioning while you're off to the side looking at pictures of her and Kit.
"Can you tell us more about Kit?" Sam asks.
"Kit's been going through some stuff for sure. It takes him a while to get back to normal, but he always does."
"What about you? How are you holding up?"
"I'm okay, for the most part. With what happened to Rick and Beth... it's been hard."
"May we speak to your husband?" Dean asks.
"He went out last night but he should be back any minute. You know, he comes back from these deployments and he needs his space."
"He's been out all night?" you ask.
"Yeah." Both brothers look at each other with knowing looks. "God. I can't even convince myself. I'm worried. This isn't like him."
"Has he been thirsty? Like 'drink out of the dog bowl' thirsty?"
"How did you know?" she gasps.
You look out the window and see Cole Trenton, the man who has been obsessed with Dean even when he was a demon. You lock eyes with Dean and gesture to him with your eyes, and he stands up quickly. You don't bother saying anything to Jemma as you leave her house, but Sam and Dean wrap up the conversation quickly. Cole is leaning against the Impala with his arms crossed.
"I recognized your wheels."
"What the hell are you doing here?" Dean asks.
"Jemma called me in. I've known Kit since we were military brats raisin' hell on the same base. He's a good man."
"No one's saying he's not."
"Oh, really, now? So, what are you three here for, Jemma's sweet tea? You want to tell me why you're really here?"
"You got a lot of nerve coming in and demanding answers," you glare and step up to him. "Watch yourself."
"Hey, stop," Dean whispers and pulls you away from Cole. "We're working a case."
"Kit's case?"
"Honestly, we're not sure just yet but it's looking like it."
"Says you."
"You really want to dial it back, hot shot," you smirk. You raise your hand and show off your powerful magic. It's only a wisp or two but it's enough to send a message. "Or you might not like what happens next."
"There's a murder-suicide in town. Your buddy Kit is in the same unit as the killer with the same whacked-out antics. Like it or not, we're not going anywhere. If you care about your friend, you'll let us handle this."
"Nah, I think I'm coming with you."
"The hell you are," you scoff.
"I got contacts. I can help. For example, a friend of mine works in military intelligence who owes me a favor."
"Would he know what Rick and Kit's mission was?" Sam asks.
"Sure, and he'd tell me all about it."
Sam and Dean look at each other before sighing.
"Fine," Dean rolls his eyes.
"No, it ain't. I'm going to make sure my friend comes home in one piece, okay? l know what you three are thinking, but we are not gonna hunt my best friend who happens to be a fucking war hero, by the way. We are gonna find him, and that's the difference."
"No, I was thinking how pretty your head would look like on a stick," you shake your head.
"Stop it. I mean it," Dean hisses in your ear.
"Listen, we're right there with you. Kit's a hero, but you have to prepare yourself. Kit might not be Kit anymore," Sam says.
Dean decides this is a good time to get some food so he takes everyone to the nearest joint that serves a good burger. Everyone gets something but you. You're not hungry for food. With Cole being here, it might raise the exact trouble you're looking for.
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Follow my library blog @aqueenslibrary​​​​​​ where I reblog all my stories, so you can put notifications on there without the extra stuff :)
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ambrosiagourmet · 8 months
thistle for ask meme!
Thistle :0
First impression
No joke I was convinced early on that Laios & the party were making like a huuuuge leap in assuming that Thistle was the Lunatic Magician TM like guys you can't just go accusing every random person you find in a living painting of being the manager. Alas... he was, in fact, the manager.
Impression now
He's so jester coded👍
I think Thistle is very interesting and a great foil to Marcille, which I looove. They are both magic elf(-ish) advisors, they both get caught up in wanting to help the people around them live longer, they both become dungeon lords in pursuit of that... I think Thistle's story as it is works well for the narrative and I don't necessarily think he was underutilized exactly, but it is a little hard not to want A Bit More sometimes. Even if I do think it would be hard to add that more in without sacrificing some of the pacing overall :')
Favorite moment
I was initially going to say the ending for them, because I do love it, but you know what? I've got a more interesting answer. My favorite Thistle scene is.... this:
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This fundamentally changes the trajectory of the story. In trying to find someone to stop the Winged Lion, Thistle launches Marcille into becoming the next lord of the dungeon. The next victim of the Lion. If Thistle hadn't resurrected Marcille, then the plot would have played out totally differently. She wouldn't have been able to finish unsealing the book. Laios would have been on his own when the canaries came. Would they have just cleaned everything up more easily? Would it instead have become something worse? Would Laios somehow have unsealed the book and become the lore of the dungeon right away?
I dunno. But this action reshaped Marcille's life, and Laios', and so many other people's. And it was done out of a desire to keep fighting. To not give in.
Augh idk. It's good. Their connection is good.
Idea for a story
Thistle & Chimera Laios.
But not just a "Laios gets eaten by the dragon instead," I think it would be cool to explore an AU where for some handwavy magic reason, Laios gets his soul bound up w/ the dragon during Falin's resurrection, and he gets poofed into a dragon form.
There's a note somewhere that says that chimeras start popping up the more the lord of the dungeon starts to lose their hold on things, but having met Laios before might help Thistle eventually realize that something is Off about the dragon. From there... well maybe he starts to ask questions and gives Laios more freedom to actually answer, and things could continue from there as Laios gets enough humanity back to start to understand what's happening, and also Thistle takes more time to question the Lion's plans rather than just continue to act. They'd be stuck together, probably with Laios still under Thistle's control, but maybe as they figure out more of the truth, they'd actually work together? Need to rely on each other? I'd like to see how each of them would deal with that situation...
PLUS then on the flip side I think switching Falin into the group part way through the story (rather than at the start) could be really interesting. So the adventures on that side would be fun too.
Unpopular opinion
umm idk. Is Thistle widely regarded as a Marcille foil? Because if not then why. They are so inchresting. funky little mages.
Favorite relationship
Hmmm okay so like obviously Thistle & Marcille, but also as seen in my story idea I want to explore more of Thistle & Laios bc their interactions were fun, soo... I'll just say the Dungeon Lord quartet as a whole. I like when people draw art of them all together. Let them bond through shared trauma. And also all of them have tried to kill at least one other person there at some point. It's great. They should go on brunch dates.
Favorite headcanon
This post about Thistle's goal to eat a meal with Delgal fundamentally rewired my brain
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I love all the world building you’ve shared so far and the details about the religions !!!!!!!!! Will your version of the nether have the same type of world building ? In jessons story the nether really just contained a castle and then the rebellion’s safe hold. Though here are you going to take it an actual kingdom with surrounding villages or forts or even temples for worship of the judge ? You said before that the shadow knights only made up a part of the judgements kingdom, so is there paths to travel in the nether ? Are you going to go into detail about how all of the judgements groups plus SK work together in both worlds ? Also are you going to talk about the premature shadow knights or any ruins of the first base that was created after the judgement was sealed in the nether ?
Fukcing love getting Judge questions lmao yayyyyyy. also tyyyyy
(was going to answer it yesterday but was busy, sorry)
The Nether/The Abyss will be getting a bunch of world building too, because i'm a completionist and I will not create (or adopt) a world and not fully develop it lmoa.
The Abyss, at its very heart, has the fortress. It's almost part of the abyss, instead of being a structure built within it, and it is obviously where Judgement rests, and keeps his sacrifices and personal prisoners. It's bare of most furniture, since he has no need for physical comforts when he is not a physical individual, but he has his throne and his dining table, where he hosts feasts bc every god needs to show its followers some sign of love occasionally. his throne is like surrounded and adorned with candles and bones, and generally just offerings from his followers who would (and are trying to) end the world just to please him.
SKs (or just 'Knights' in my rewrite) at first began camping up around the fortress in tents and small hiding holes, when they were first created, however over time, they began to create more complex structures to house themselves and exist within. Humans also contributed, when they began being invited into the abyss to worship, so a fully-fledged society and culture began to develop, with art and entertainment, and music all individual to the city. The city around the fortress is actually liveable for the average person, if the average person were able to stomach violence and such enough to not run into the dark corners of the abyss in fear and disgust.
Temples do exist around the city, though they do serve different purposes. For example, temples on the outskirts of the city, closer to the wraith fields (i'll... get to that... at some point. Also, wraith = shadow souls), are used for human occupants to sacrifice themselves to host wraiths, however those closer to the centre of the city are unable to do this, and so they will be used for other means of worship, which i won't go into right here bc it's religion talk. i'll save it for another post (potentially).
Large communities of Destroyer worshippers that live in their own villages and such do have access to the nether, though it can be rather... inconsistent. Doorways don't stay open forever, especially when made by weak magic users, so they will only have access every couple of weeks for a few hours at a time. However, this is enough for them. Messengers are sent back and forth, as are resources, materials, prisoners etc. These particular communities often have at least 1 knight within them, usually between 2-4, and the ones with more knights are considered more highly by other worshippers (hence why Cotk is one of the most well-known judge-worshipping communitiy, since there are 10 knights) and other knights will try and fill the space if one that inhabits an overwold village dies. The city is great but many knights do enjoy the freedom of the overworld, and ruling over their own small community.
They function very similarly to normal villages, except they don't have a lord. The hierarchy has humans that converted to the religion at the bottom, then the humans who were born into the religion, then the human priests and priestesses, then the Knights, then human prophets, and then Judge himself. The hierarchy within the Knights also exists, with 'heretic' (irene-worshipping) prem knights at the very bottom, and Judge's generals (usually mutated or magic-using knights who were born into the religion) at the very top. However, Knight hierarchy can be easily cheated, depending on how violent or cruel a knight is getting them landed higher on the pyramid than they are meant to be.
The human inhabitants of the over-world villages often act like normal people, except they have a more... peculiar relationship with death, and willingly send their dead to the abyss hoping they would be turned into knights (though that is often not the fate they meet). They also have a similar, though undeniably particular, culture to the city, with their own personal flairs and quirks.
The City within the Abyss functions similarly to that, of course, except the humans within the abyss are often thought of (and think of themselves) more highly than over-world humans, and are put on a similar level to low-level knights instead of on an entirely different tier. They are able to score a variety of jobs, however most humans try to get jobs in the temples, in the fortress, or trying to service the high-ranking knights however they can, as those are the more... high-value jobs they are able to achieve. They cannot get much higher, and if they show any potential to, they will be turned into knights to 'keep the balance'.
Prem knights are treated kinda like babies, and are always being spoken about as if they'll always end up killing their most loved individual. For the first few years, this is how it's spoken about, and then slowly, as the other knights begin to realise that they don't seem to be maturing any time soon, begin to accuse them of heresy and not being fully committed. Knights and humans alike will then try and pressure them into maturing, and if they don't bow to the pressure, will sacrifice them to Judge to display what a true knight should act like.
Prem knights that don't want to mature will then often run off outside of the city to try and find somewhere safe to live, but will often be eaten by wraiths before they even manage to past the Field. Those that do manage to cross will likely be eaten by something else that resides where the light of the cities fires cannot reach.
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shinygoku · 2 months
Sgt Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band (1967)
This album has been discussed 'till the cows come home, and I won't have anything that new or insightful to say about it. Every Beatleologist has been there, done that and often got the T-Shirt. Still, I have one thing that is entirely my own; my Takes!
So, after an uncharacteristically long delay, with "only" the incredible Double-A Side Penny Lane/Strawberry Fields Forever to tide people over, there were apparently rumours circulating about The Beatles having run out of steam. This sets up the hilarious reveal, but there was truth to it, the Bugs needed the break and it's during such a Vaycay that Paul came up with the novel idea of this Alias Group, where they could step away from the expectations of The Beatles and instead become an Edwardian Military Style Band. Did this foray into old fashioned whimsy pay off? Did what they make count as a Concept Album? Does it indeed contain their singular Best song? And who is the much mentioned Billy Shears, really?
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Much ink, on pages and digital, has been spilled about this picture, so I'll keep my words here brief. I looooove their extremely bright uniforms, and the subtle differences each has. Though I can also see how there's confusion about John and George's colours, as in other pictures John is more clearly Lime Green and George is somewhere between orange, tangerine and scarlet. Also, it has Karl Marx in it, so it's easily the most Based album art ever.
Sgt Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band: Starting with the sound of instruments tuning before kicking off before the cheering crowd, we already have a fabulous image of a live concert! Paul's vocals sound a bit hoarse but that isn't a bad thing, though I feel like it's the Harmonised parts that stand out most. This is also one'a the songs most attached to the following one which has me constantly listening to an upload on youtube that keeps the smooth transition, rather than the CD or other individual song uploads on the official channel lol
With A Little Help From My Friends: It's not just my Ringo Bias, I swear, but I do consider this one'a the stronger songs on the album despite the stiff competition. It's just a nice, straightforward song, which enough interesting instrument flourishes and the backing vocals making a conversation that make it rather endearing. I may not understand every lyric (what DO you see when you turn out the light?! Are you boys being cheeky here? XD;;) but it's main message is truthful and timeless~
Oh, by the way... BILLY SHEARS IS RINGO!! RINGO!!!! He's literally introduced as being the Singer, Billy Shears, and then his song follows seamlessly. Plus, Ringo had mentioned in interviews prior that he liked the idea of opening hairdressing salons... hence the Shears! Case Closed. (I have more thoughts about the PID stuff, mostly negative, but I don't want to derail this too much!)
Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds: The song that is Not about LSD - if ya need one'a them Revolver has plenty! No, what this song does is far more Lewis Carroll and visual amongst the strange twanging instrument, deep bass plunking, flair of electric guitar and dramatic percussion. This is another song I find hard to detach from the Yellow Submarine video for it, even though that's far more focused on a mystery Girl rather than trying to depict the strange world John describes. A bit of a missed chance for the Train in a Station with Plasticine Porters with Looking-Glass ties, but oh well! A fun song based on a drawing which I'm unsure has ever been shown to the public lol
Getting Better: This song is fine but I feel it could have been a bit more improved, admittedly idk how. That's their forte, not mine! Again, the main feature of this one is a conversation and the contrast of the Paul lines and the harmonised counters. The tale told is of someone who is turning their life around and admitting their faults, though the sotto voice is saying the only way is up, as it "can't get no worse", making this jaunty song somewhat pessimistic ^^;;
Fixing A Hole: This one is also ...fine. Honestly I like to quote parts of it but I sure don't go to listen to it often. It's esoteric and some of the lyrics seem profound, but it's also a muddle that I find difficult to parse. The instrumentation is very good (shocking, I know !) but it doesn't mesh that well with Paul's irregular candance to me. There's some kind of Fairground esque sound that I can't identify, but it adds to the Album's collective vibe even though I don't really dig the song.
She's Leaving Home: In what feels to be a spiritual spin off from Eleanor Rigby, Paul weaves a narrative based on a real occurrence that was in the newspaper (put a pin in that notion), but also countless other incidents along the same lines would have the vibes reflected in this song. A girl runs away from her parents, not for any major transgression but instead feeling trapped by a mundane, unexciting middle class existence.
I think it's worth noting that a lot of the Older Audience are approving, of percieved Side Taking - they remark on how the parents are sympathised with. And that's true, but the song isn't a Young vs Old or black and white conflict. The girl is sad about her choice and dissatisfied with her own ability to put it into words, but the need to go out and enjoy herself was stronger. The parents are described as being devastated by the cold treatment and maybe the sheer anxiety of their offspring out in the world, but the John Vocals saying "we gave her most of our lives", "how could she do this to me" and "we never thought of ourselves" indicates to me that they were, in fact, thinking of themselves and were perhaps too wrapped up in these notions and working for the living to have been able to accommodate their daughter's need for excitement, their later introspection being bewilderment that "we didn't know it was wrong" ...to have been blind to the daughter's real needs. After all, she's clearly housed by her parents her whole life, but for that time she was living alone.
Again, it's the blunt banality that drives it home. Nothing that horrendous has occurred, yet we feel profound sadness. Though there's arguably a silver lining in the Girl's catharsis, her successful bid for freedom and fun, the almost nonchalant "Bye bye" John vocal that closes the song, as well as bookending it back with the dreamscape-y harps. More a story than a song but the music is excellent.
Being for the Benefit of Mr. Kite!: The lyrics to this are famously John reading an antique poster, a move he would later disparage. And yeah, it's one of their less inspired or memorable songs, heaping in the Carnival and, to be blunt, scary energy. It's a neat little experiment but very much an odd one out and I can't rate it highly or remark on much.
Within You Without You: I feel guilty whenever I say that one of George's songs doesn't do anything for me, all the moreso when it's Sitar based cause then I feel uncultured. But it's my thoughts and I never stated myself to have objective and correct views! It's nicer than some of his Revolver outings, this could be an improved Love You To. The message is better here but it's not one I wanna listen to much, the laughter at the end also not gelling with the song as a whole.
When I'm Sixty-Four: I looooove this one though ^^;; What can I say, it's whimsical! I've seen a claim that it's Paul's parody of expectations that older folk have, but when I asked for a source they were unable to provide one :/ (given that this was in a vid on the terrible 70's movie where this song is used for a dirty old man, the claim the song is a parody is like excusing its use in a rancid predatory scene which is already pretty disagreeable, and I disagree with much harder given I'm not at all convinced!! But I digress...). I do know Paul wrote it when he was a teenager, so the previous generation influence feels strong in that way.
In Yellow Submarine the sequence with the moving numbers is another high point~ Even without that, it's just fun to listen to and it incorporates interesting sounds, like what sounds like a clock chiming and the steady, rhythmic brass. Little parts of it like the "Oooooo" harmonising, the way Paul adds a meek little "if it's not too dear" qualifier to the Isle of Wight plans, and also the cadence of "Veeeera, Chuck! and Dave!", it's a jolly romp, even if it's unclear exactly what vibe Paul was going for lol
Lovely Rita: Allegedly loosely based on Paul getting a parking ticket from a female parking warden! I'm keen on this song, it's bright and sweet, with witty lyrics and a cute scenario. I find it interesting how Paul likes the girl who looked "a little like a military man" and I like how he pronounces Book as Boouk. There's fun sound effects like a clanking and a kazoo, and then the end of the song takes a bit of a turn for the steamy... the Super Deluxe mix leaves less to the imagination there, though it's my least favourite part of the shebang lmao
Good Morning Good Morning: I'm sorry, but this isn't one I enjoy. It's too much noise when it's noisy and the lyrics are just a bit of a slog. The animal sounds are novel but I feel this needed more time in the oven. However the Cat meow is Very, very good and they shoulda capitalised on that notion more!
Sgt Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band (Reprise): Off to another gradual build up, a more rocking version of the opener with very prominent drums and a crowd eagerly clapping with suitably adjusted lyrics. I like this version more than the opening, and it makes an interesting little fake-out given the song that Really closes the album...
A Day In The Life: When I heard this was commonly agreed to be The Very Best Beatles Song, on kneejerk I disagreed... but then couldn't think of any single song that does quite measure up. It's still not my favourite, and other songs have more Meaning to them, but yeah, this really is Peak LennonMcCartney. The way their parts do NOT melt into each other, they remain very obvious and distinct, somehow makes the song as a whole much stronger. It's like it's telling the same man's POV but forward and backward in time.
This is famously partly inspired by John reading the newspaper (hey, it's that Pin from before!) as well as personal experiences - his role in the film How I Won The War [I tried to watch it but even though it's satire I just couldn't get into it. I just whizzed through to see John's acting in the end lmao], and the man alluded to who had a car crash was an associate of the band. The other neat little real life bleed being the alarm clock that was used for timing perfectly dovetailing into Pauls "Woke up..." part!
I really must draw more attention to the thunderous drums and complex fills here, too! It's a strong showcase of some of Ringo's skills on top of everything else...! I will say though, that the mounting crescendo, darker elements to the narrative and that climatic chord also make this one of the more Scary songs, so I prefer to listen to it when there's daylight XD;;;
I can hear the high pitched whine put in to rouse dogs lol, and then there’s that gibberish that sounds like “never was any other way” or, when played backwards “I’ll fuck you like Superman” …one of the most beloved albums, everybody!!
Best 3: With A Little Help From My Friends, She's Leaving Home, A Day In The Life
Blurst 3: Fixing A Hole, Being for the Benefit of Mr Kite!, Good Morning Good Morning
I can't claim credit for the notion, I believe it was from a show that aired on BBC4, but someone suggested that the Thematic Thread that runs though this album isn't the Edwardian Band, but instead, Liverpool. This is much stronger if one includes Strawberry Fields Forever and Penny Lane... but I'll cover them where they wound up, even if they were intended for this one.
There's also a CRAPload of Counterpart Vocals, the boys were big on harmonising but half of these songs are conversations or Greek Choruses! I notice I've quoted waaay more than normal here, and I think that too is a hallmark of this album, it's Intelligent and has themes and distinct plays on words, more than even the last two absolute banger albums. Does that mean it's inherently better? Not really, but it's interesting all the same.
Is this a Concept Album? Not as much as Dark Side of the Moon is, no, but it's a very solid prototype in my opinion. It's about Liverpool, and what the band have been witness to, and ordinary days and the slight fairground vibe from their colourful uniforms and musical organs. It's expressing thoughts and conversing. It's personal to them. ...Hmm wait, maybe it is a Concept Album after all, if not planned as such by the band?!
Part of me wants to keep talking about tangents, like the shitty fucking 70's movie that sucked ass and sucks out everything cool and unique about this Lower-Middle Class Liverpool experience into grey American slop, or me wondering if calling it the transcripted サージェント・ペパーズ・ロンリー・ハーツ・クラブ・バンド is better than the translation of ペパー軍曹の独り者楽団 (the latter I got from Japanese cover versions on YT! Some are very, very good adaptations!), or my distaste for the PID theory which, while seldom taken seriously, has still rather invaded Beatle Spaces to my chagrin. But this already got longer than I planned so I'll leave this notions here. For now.
So yeah, my summary of Sgt Pepper's is already bolded but may be hard to see in the sea of text, so here it is again: Intelligent, with a heavy dash of Whimsy. You can tell it's Paul's baby at a mere glance!
Next month I shall be deviating from my UK Canon Only trend for the Magical Mystery Tour US release! The buzz around it seems positive, indeed several orders of magnitude stronger than the odd TV Special they had bearing the same name, but how much of that is the stolen valour of SFF and PL?
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mochinomnoms · 8 months
I prefer the book of life i find the whole "these people that look like wooden dolls are meant to be the ones from the history while real people outside of the history don't have the wood look" amazing and a great detail and LA CATRINAAA??? gorgeous woman (also I should say that idia could be the xibalba in the Catarina and Xibalba dynamic there is just this vibe yk yk)
Book of life came before Coco (plus Disney didn't own the century whatever company that book of life originally was from) and when Disney did make their own Dia de los muertos themed movie they tried to TRADEMARK EL DIA DE LOS MUERTOS TO MAKE MERCH? Insane.
(Making Pastel de choclo and other chilean dishes like pebre but it just isn't the same with regular ingredients instead of your country ingredients yk? LIKE HARVESTED ON YOUR MOTHER COUNTRY it doesn't taste the same I would include that as a step in the recipe that I am giving Azul totally knowing my country doesn't exist in twst and Azul is taking that step seriously lmao)
Oooh so I didn't have time to answer this yesterday since I was busy at work. But my general thoughts are that while I enjoy both movies and their portrayal of Día de Muertos, the book of life feels (and is) a story made for and by Mexicans for other Mexicans. You can tell from the music styling, the humor, and the artistic style itself! There are for sure some liberties taken (Xibalba is not a god in mythos it's the name of the underworld roughly) but it feels very true and faithful as an experience. Coco, while I enjoy it, feels more like a group of well intending white Americans wanting to make a movie about Día de Muertos, though I'll give credit they did have Latino artists and cultural workers involved. The style of the movie just also feels more American and, as part of a study I did in undergrad, most Mexicans and other Latinos in general feel that it was made with a very general audience in mind rather than Mexicans or Latinos at all.
La Muerte in the book of life is a very interesting version of her and her design is beautiful! Los muertos in general in the first movie have a more fun, varied design to them, while the second movie just looks and feels like another Pixar film. I don't think it's a bad movie, I loved it and the music is wonderful, but it doesn't feel as genuine, especially watching as a Mexican.
If you like the book of life, the creator also has Maya and the Three (set in the same universe) but also created the nickelodeon show Le Tigre and the CN show Victor and Valentino. He's a Mexican animator, so all his shows are set with that background in mind, but it's very enjoyable for anyone to watch! If you're a fan of the music the composer is Gustavo Alfredo Santaolalla, who also did the music for the Last of Us games and show, Brokeback Mountain, and also Maya and the Three.
As for the Disney trademark thing, I know their request was either revoked by Disney themselves or denied due to the backlash. For anyone not super familiar with Latin holidays and stuff, Disney trademarking Día de Muertos is the equivalent of Hallmark trying to trademark Christmas. The only thing they can trademark now is their specific characters and imagery associated with their film, but there's a lot of drama surrounding that and using the likeness of real people and their art in the film without permission.
(I feel you about the food tho, I can't make certain dishes without a very specific brands and items sometimes. I would actually refuse to cause it won't turn out right, and I'm not damning myself or my cooking abilities lmao. Azul would probably get so stressed out with both of us aslkjdalkj)
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minerwarfare-suzuya · 3 months
Parting Ways
I've decided I'm going to stop supporting the thegoldfiles blog after how much time has passed since my last post on Mobox87 and Miles.
Before I do go over why I'm no longer going to morally support the blog in anything that they need a hand on.
I would want to start off in defense for them on these claims as a last thing to have from me. ⬇️
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On May 20th Cagney went on a Hiatus after receiving backlash for talking about Piaojun in response to an anonymous user seemingly to badmouth them.
I wanna Clarify that Cagney does not think Piaojun is a bad person at all. They consider them a great artist with a focus on enjoying William x Renata pairing. Clearly shown in the translation of their first sentence.
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What I can understand from where the angry mob started attacking them is when they started pointing out that they considered the drawings between William x Renata romanticizing their abuse when clearly it's shown to not be the case with Piaojun displaying her art.
Plus, when she does display abuse in her art it's barely projected much but it still remains true with the FNAF Affinity story. Either way, Piaojun has her own interpretation of pairing.
Besides that a statement that still remains true is that Piaojun supports Mobox87 which I can understand why that is looked down upon by them but again they're still young. I wouldn't put them accountable for it.
Anyways, I did reach out to Piaojun about this and they suggested to never bring them up on the blog.
In my opinion, I agree that you should keep questions like that out of the blog and usually that's what I do or I'll just tell people to shut up.
Now then!-
Let's talk about why I'm parting ways with the gang after being a formal ally that supported their causes by reblogging posts, giving opinions and statements, and offering evidence whenever I could do so.
Well as of recently I've been mostly talking about Arion the kid/Blue's Journey to bring awareness onto this blog as a way to support Red Radiant, including many other victims alike.
It's been a rather serious situation to go over and I've been trying to get this well known for anyone out there to share the truth and clear the names of victims who have been impersonated into being falsely accused of harassment.
So, you would think that hitting up Cagney to help out would work well under the circumstances that Red Radiant, Andikai, JR-Verse and many others are going through.
"I'm not really planning on getting into it"
"Though I've heard a little bit about it, and considering he impersonates people that call him out, neither of us mods would really want to take that risk"
"You've already done a good job with it from what I've seen though, but we don't really wanna get involved into the sort of stuff involving him"
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Of course, they didn't wanna talk about Arion instead they wanted to reblog my other post because it's convenient enough for them to talk about Mobox87 and Miles.
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Upsetting as this was to be confronted with the fact they didn't wanna help. I had to convince them by getting AndiKai and Red Radiant to talk with Cagney in a group chat on Discord. (Keeping Discord names and pfp censored for safety reasons)
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We didn't get a reblog to get notice for it until May 19.
And a follow up on May 20th
After those posts were made. Nothing about Arion was mentioned or reblogged to discuss the controversy. Instead they went on a hiatus after being chewed out for talking about Piaojun.
Now of course, I already talked about thegoldfiles blog not wanting to talk about this "important topic" on my "A Scam and A Spiteful Client?" at the very bottom and upon doing so. It triggered Cagney to respond to me on discord in our private chat.
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I chose not to respond at all because
I was busy dealing with the Arion drama and still am.
I don't wanna deal with Cagney nor apologize because it's the truth and I think that it should be acknowledged.
I think the decision has already been made final once I was kicked out of the private community.
I don't give a FUCK if you're mad
Don't expect me to get involved in your "shenanigans" at all! I stick my neck out for you when there are topics to discuss on thegoldfiles blog especially if you need support in tight situations but when I need the favor in return. You don't want to commit to it unless it's in your interest or you're just too much of a pussy to take it on.
Though I should've expected much from them considering that you had made a deal with Miles to never bring up stuff he's done on the blog and wanted me to delete my post when I called him out for harassing an artist on DeviantArt awhile back.
And the same thing happened when Cagney didn't want me to post about his grooming on "Miles ownership drama timeline, part 6".
To further confirm this is all true. It's been mentioned in this post of me responding to Cagney's anonymous submissions defending Miles ⬇️
"But now let me back track for a moment about that deal that Miles claimed has been promised. Apparently Cagney was told to keep Miles off as a topic and not be mentioned on the Moboxcritique blog."
Yeah, y'know if I was Miles under that situation then I would totally be mad as well because I would've felt backstabbed. Though again you're making a deal with one of the mods for the critic blog against Mobox87 and her supporters.
The fuck did he expect was going to happen when he pays her constantly for OCs?
Honestly Miles should know better but he doesn't. Like seriously don't ever come back to say your sorry and start doing shit to someone behind people's backs.
Man, fuck it don't even interact with the critics or Kevonica at all. Considering that you'll be staying on Tumblr still.
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Anyways, I'm just done. I've held back long enough and I'm already tired. If anyone should be mad it's me and anyone else expecting more integrity out of Cagney running the blog.
If you're expecting anything new out of the thegoldfiles blog.
It's either going to be criticism or discussing about
Mobox87's recent activity on posting new pages to her comics that continue in with the same themes that people are aware of.
Mobox87's latest YouTube video which was uploaded for a school assignment and made within a week.
Responding to submissions about previous Mobox87 work that's been reviewed or overlooked.
Being reminded of posted artwork that Mobox87 made back then because someone asked.
Something about Namygaga.
Responding to this post.
Basically what I'm saying is that there's nothing news worthy that will be posted unless it's lost media of Mobox87's work brought back up and saved in the archives since everything that's been shared against Mobox87 has been put into the archives, as well as expressed. Or any further updates on that unfinished FON game.
I think with clear indication is that the blog is running out of things to say or just doesn't wanna commit to talking about other serious topics.
So, It's whatever at this point and I'm not going to help out or support the thegoldfiles blog when needed.
I'll be doing my own thing as usual. Good luck to them I guess.
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I'll see you all in the next post.
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