#Political negotiation
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April 24, 2024
APR 25, 2024
This morning, President Joe Biden signed into law the $95 billion national security supplemental bill providing military aid to Ukraine, Israel, and the Indo-Pacific, as well as humanitarian aid to Gaza and other peoples suffering humanitarian crises. The Pentagon immediately sent about a billion dollars worth of ammunition, air defense munitions, and artillery rounds, as well as weapons and armored vehicles to Ukraine. The U.S. Department of Defense had moved supplies into Poland and Germany in hopes that the measure would pass; they should move into Ukraine soon. 
The Pentagon also said today that in mid-March it provided Ukraine Army Tactical Missile Systems, or ATACMS, with a range of 185 miles (300 kilometers), twice that of previous weapons sent by the U.S. 
For many months, Ukraine has been desperately short of supplies, especially ammunition, and its war effort has suffered as it waited for the reinforcements that are finally on their way. 
In a speech after signing the law, Biden explained that the U.S. would send equipment to Ukraine from its own stockpiles and then “replenish those stockpiles with new products made by American companies here in America: Patriot missiles made in Arizona, Javelins made in Alabama, artillery shells made in Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Texas. In other words, we’re helping Ukraine while at the same time investing in our own industrial base, strengthening our own national security, and supporting jobs in nearly 40 states all across America.” 
Biden emphasized that the law is “going to make America safer. It’s going to make the world safer. And it continues America’s leadership in the world, and everyone knows it.” But he called out that border security was missing from the bill, and he promised to bring that measure back. 
Biden made it a point “to thank everyone in Congress who made it possible, especially the bipartisan leadership: Speaker of the House, Mike Johnson; Leader Jeffries; Leaders Schumer and McConnell. They don’t always agree, but when it matters most, they stepped up and did the right thing. And I mean this sincerely, history will remember this time.” 
“We don’t walk away from our allies; we stand with them. We don’t let tyrants win; we oppose them. We don’t merely watch global events unfold; we shape them. That’s what it means to be the…indispensable nation. That’s what it means to be the world’s superpower and the world’s leading democracy. Some of our MAGA Republican friends reject that vision,” he said, “but this vote makes it clear: There is a bipartisan consensus for that kind of American leadership. That’s exactly what we’ll continue to deliver.” 
This morning, Arlette Saenz of CNN reported on the six months of behind-the-scenes negotiating Biden and his team engaged in to get House speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA) behind Ukraine aid. Meetings, phone calls, defense briefings, and so on, laid out for Johnson just what abandoning Ukraine would mean for U.S. and global security. 
Biden urged his team to stay in close contact with Johnson, as well as House minority leader Hakeem Jeffries (D-NY), Senate majority leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY), and Senate minority leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY), but to avoid attacking Johnson in order to allow room to move discussions forward. 
Counselor to the president Steve Ricchetti, a key negotiator, told Saenz: “He just kept saying, ‘Keep talking. Keep working.’ You know, keep finding ways to resolve differences. And that was his direction.”
Biden’s focus on the slow, steady work of governance is a change from the actions of Republican leaders since 1981 whose goal was not to build up successful programs that helped Americans in general, but rather to slash the government. Killing programs requires only saying no to other people’s ideas and riling up voters to endorse that anti-government program by flame-throwing on right-wing media. 
Over the years, it seems we have become accustomed to the idea that flame-throwing defines politics, but in fact, Biden’s reliance on slow, careful negotiation harks back to the eras when leaders sought to build coalitions and find common ground in order to pass legislation.   
North America’s Building Trades Unions (NABTU) acknowledged the power of Biden’s approach today when it endorsed Biden for president in 2024. The union’s president, Sean McGarvey,  noted that Trump had promised to protect pensions and to pass infrastructure laws that would help employment in the building trades, but did neither. In contrast, Biden worked to pass the American Rescue Plan, which protected pensions, and the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, the Chips and Science Act, and the Inflation Reduction Act, which McGarvey said “have brought life-changing, opportunity-creating, generational change focused on the working men and women of this great country who have for far too long been clamoring for a leader to finally keep their word.”
In an ad, McGarvey said: “Donald Trump is incapable of running anything, let alone the most powerful country in the history of the world.”
The NABTU has 3 million members across the country and has committed to investing heavily to organize workers to vote for Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris in the battleground states of Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Wisconsin, where about 250,000 of their members live.
Trump has other problems today, as well, after an Arizona grand jury yesterday indicted 11 of the fake electors in that state with conspiracy, fraudulent schemes and artifices, fraudulent schemes and practices, and forgery for their attempt to overturn the results of the 2020 presidential election. 
Those charged included state senators Jake Hoffman and Anthony Kern, former Arizona Republican Party chair Kelli Ward, and Tyler Bowyer of the right-wing advocacy organization Turning Points Action. The indictment lists seven other co-conspirators, who are not yet named but who appear from descriptions to include Trump lawyers Rudy Giuliani, John Eastman, Christina Bobb, Boris Epshteyn, and Jenna Ellis; Trump campaign operative Mike Roman; and Trump’s former chief of staff Mark Meadows. Bobb is now senior counsel for “election integrity” for the Republican National Committee.
Trump is listed as an unindicted co-conspirator.   
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blueheartbookclub · 8 months
"Mastering Strategy: The Enduring Brilliance of Sun Tzu's 'The Art of War'"
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"The Art of War" by Sun Tzu stands as a timeless masterpiece in the realm of military strategy and has transcended its origins in ancient China to become a revered guide for success in various domains. Dating back to the 5th century BCE, Sun Tzu's treatise has not only influenced military tactics but has also found applications in business, leadership, and diplomacy. The title, "The Art of War," serves as an alluring invitation into the world of strategic wisdom, where Sun Tzu imparts his profound insights on warfare and the strategic mindset.
Sun Tzu's treatise comprises thirteen chapters, each a strategic gem that encapsulates the essence of successful warfare. The title echoes the overarching theme—the approach to war as an art form, requiring not only brute force but also a nuanced understanding of the psychological, logistical, and strategic dimensions of conflict. Sun Tzu's teachings are framed within the context of deception, adaptability, and the ability to understand and exploit the vulnerabilities of both enemies and oneself.
The treatise begins with the famous assertion that "All warfare is based on deception." The title, "The Art of War," encapsulates this fundamental premise, emphasizing the nuanced, strategic thinking required to achieve victory. Sun Tzu's emphasis on intelligence, reconnaissance, and the understanding of the enemy's mindset forms the foundation of his strategic philosophy. The title becomes a gateway to a world where war is not just about battles but about outthinking and outmaneuvering the opponent.
One of the enduring qualities of "The Art of War" is its adaptability to different contexts. The title serves as a beacon for leaders and strategists across diverse fields who seek to navigate the complexities of competition and conflict. Sun Tzu's teachings on the importance of knowing oneself and knowing the enemy resonate as universal principles applicable to corporate boardrooms, political negotiations, and personal development. The title becomes a mantra for those who understand that strategic thinking is not confined to the battlefield but is a crucial aspect of success in any endeavor.
Sun Tzu's strategic brilliance is evident in his emphasis on winning without fighting. The title encapsulates this paradoxical approach to war, where the ultimate triumph lies not in the bloodshed of battle but in the ability to secure victory through strategic maneuvers and psychological advantage. The treatise becomes a guide for leaders seeking to minimize conflict and maximize success through shrewd decision-making and calculated actions.
"The Art of War" is not a glorification of war but a pragmatic guide to achieving objectives efficiently and effectively. The title encapsulates the dichotomy of war as both a destructive force and a disciplined art form. Sun Tzu's emphasis on planning, adaptability, and the exploitation of opportunities resonates through the pages, making the title a symbol of strategic acumen that transcends time and cultural boundaries.
In conclusion, "The Art of War" by Sun Tzu is a masterpiece that continues to shape the understanding of strategy and warfare. The title, with its enigmatic simplicity, beckons readers into a world of strategic wisdom, where the artistry of war lies in the meticulous planning, insightful adaptation, and the ability to achieve objectives without unnecessary conflict. Sun Tzu's treatise remains a testament to the enduring relevance of strategic thinking, making the title not just an invitation to study military tactics but an exploration of the timeless principles that govern success in the art of war and beyond.
"The Art of War" by Sun Tzu is available in Amazon in paperback 10.99$ and hardcover 19.00$ editions.
Number of pages: 218
Language: English
Rating: 9/10                                           
Link of the book!
Review By: King's Cat
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blueheartbooks · 8 months
"Mastering Strategy: The Enduring Brilliance of Sun Tzu's 'The Art of War'"
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"The Art of War" by Sun Tzu stands as a timeless masterpiece in the realm of military strategy and has transcended its origins in ancient China to become a revered guide for success in various domains. Dating back to the 5th century BCE, Sun Tzu's treatise has not only influenced military tactics but has also found applications in business, leadership, and diplomacy. The title, "The Art of War," serves as an alluring invitation into the world of strategic wisdom, where Sun Tzu imparts his profound insights on warfare and the strategic mindset.
Sun Tzu's treatise comprises thirteen chapters, each a strategic gem that encapsulates the essence of successful warfare. The title echoes the overarching theme—the approach to war as an art form, requiring not only brute force but also a nuanced understanding of the psychological, logistical, and strategic dimensions of conflict. Sun Tzu's teachings are framed within the context of deception, adaptability, and the ability to understand and exploit the vulnerabilities of both enemies and oneself.
The treatise begins with the famous assertion that "All warfare is based on deception." The title, "The Art of War," encapsulates this fundamental premise, emphasizing the nuanced, strategic thinking required to achieve victory. Sun Tzu's emphasis on intelligence, reconnaissance, and the understanding of the enemy's mindset forms the foundation of his strategic philosophy. The title becomes a gateway to a world where war is not just about battles but about outthinking and outmaneuvering the opponent.
One of the enduring qualities of "The Art of War" is its adaptability to different contexts. The title serves as a beacon for leaders and strategists across diverse fields who seek to navigate the complexities of competition and conflict. Sun Tzu's teachings on the importance of knowing oneself and knowing the enemy resonate as universal principles applicable to corporate boardrooms, political negotiations, and personal development. The title becomes a mantra for those who understand that strategic thinking is not confined to the battlefield but is a crucial aspect of success in any endeavor.
Sun Tzu's strategic brilliance is evident in his emphasis on winning without fighting. The title encapsulates this paradoxical approach to war, where the ultimate triumph lies not in the bloodshed of battle but in the ability to secure victory through strategic maneuvers and psychological advantage. The treatise becomes a guide for leaders seeking to minimize conflict and maximize success through shrewd decision-making and calculated actions.
"The Art of War" is not a glorification of war but a pragmatic guide to achieving objectives efficiently and effectively. The title encapsulates the dichotomy of war as both a destructive force and a disciplined art form. Sun Tzu's emphasis on planning, adaptability, and the exploitation of opportunities resonates through the pages, making the title a symbol of strategic acumen that transcends time and cultural boundaries.
In conclusion, "The Art of War" by Sun Tzu is a masterpiece that continues to shape the understanding of strategy and warfare. The title, with its enigmatic simplicity, beckons readers into a world of strategic wisdom, where the artistry of war lies in the meticulous planning, insightful adaptation, and the ability to achieve objectives without unnecessary conflict. Sun Tzu's treatise remains a testament to the enduring relevance of strategic thinking, making the title not just an invitation to study military tactics but an exploration of the timeless principles that govern success in the art of war and beyond.
"The Art of War" by Sun Tzu is available in Amazon in paperback 10.99$ and hardcover 19.00$ editions.
Number of pages: 218
Language: English
Rating: 9/10                                           
Link of the book!
Review By: King's Cat
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hellenhighwater · 1 year
you said you had a script for negotiating for secondhand things. What is it?
For me, for these kinds of small person-to-person sales, the goal is to get a good deal but also leave the seller feeling like they didn't get hosed, like they talked me into a deal. So there's strategic reasons for this script, but it's also honest. I'm not going to lie to the seller, and I'm not going to be rude.
I mostly use this on Marketplace. If someone lists something as a firm price, I'm not going to ask them to reduce it; if it's been listed for a long time I may ask if they're still firm on price, and if the answer is yes, I respect that. If it's something awesome and it's a good price, I don't bother with this. Otherwise, here's how it usually goes.
Availability: Still for sale?
Inquiry: I have a question about _____. (Size, color, function, etc. Not a question already answered in the description.)
Gratitude: Thank you for answering the question, that makes things clearer for me. This, and the inquiry, are about building rapport and investment in the conversation. They've put a little time into talking and they don't want it to be wasted.
Reservation: I have a concern about why this may not work for me. (Indicating you're on the fence on the sale, and they should move their price point to hook you.) This can be concerns about matching with other things you have, functionality, whatever.
Opening Offer: Your ideal, too-good-to-be-true price. For me this is often about a third below the listed price.
Answer: The seller either counters with another number, agrees to your opening offer, or says they're firm on the listed price.
Counter or Close: If they're firm on price, take it or leave it. If they countered, you can make another offer (typically somewhere around the halfway point between your two numbers) or accept the number they gave. You can continue making offers as long as you want but for most people it'll be offer-counter-final offer.
Say thank you. Arrange payment and pickup.
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zeiinoviahh · 8 months
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...and your enemy closer
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backjustforberena · 5 months
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RHAENYS & CORLYS, reacting to Viserys's coughing.
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workersolidarity · 3 months
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🇮🇱 🚨
The occupation media is reporting that Zionist Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, has announced a set of four demands that must be met before any agreement with the Hamas resistance movement can take place for a ceasefire and hostage exchange deal, directly undermining negotiations even as Hamas has finally relented on its position that the Israeli entity must agree to withdraw all troops from the Gaza Strip, and agree to a permanent cessation of hostilities.
The first among the Prime Minister's demands declares that any proposal must "allow for Israel to return and fight until all the goals of the war [genocide] are achieved."
Secondly, any potential deal must not allow for the smuggling of weapons from Egypt into Gaza," and thirdly, it also mustn't allow for "the return of thousands of armed terrorists to the north of the Gaza Strip."
The final demand states that the Zionist entity "will maximize the number of live abductees that are released from Hamas captivity."
The statement ends by delcaring, "The plan that has been agreed to by Israel and which has been welcomed by President Biden will allow Israel to return hostages without infringing on the other objectives of the war," and thoroughly undermining the potential for his negotiating team to make concessions.
The Israeli security establishment and mediators were furious with Netanyahu's statements. Anonymous officials quickly lined up to occupation media outlets to vent their anger, with one official stating to Israeli Channel-12 that "Netanyahu pretends that he wants a deal, but is working to torpedo it."
“He’s dragging out the process, trying to stretch time until his speech in Congress [on July 24] and then the [Knesset] recess," the official continued, adding that there was "no enthusiasm or drive" on the part of the Prime Minister to get a deal worked out for the hostage's freedom, showing no urgency in the task, but are instead built on "smears and radicalized positions."
Another source raised doubts about Netanyahu's seeming desire to "emphasize the gaps," in negotiations "just before the departure of the delegation" to come to an agreement.
Israeli opposition leader Yair Lapid also questioned Netanyahu's intentions, slamming the Prime Minister by saying "I have one response to the announcement from the Prime Minister’s Office: What is it good for? We are at a critical moment in the negotiations, the lives of the hostages depend on it; why issue such provocative messages?” Lapid asked of the Prime Minister, “How does it contribute to the process?”
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pratchettquotes · 9 months
A Personal Note: Celebrating 4,000 Followers*
Lord Vetinari walked out of the room and back into the main hall, with Vimes trailing behind. "However," he said, "in order to keep the peace, the golem will have to be destroyed."
"No, sir."
"Allow me to repeat my instruction."
"No, sir."
"I'm sure I just gave you an order, Commander. I distinctly felt my lips move."
"No, sir. He's alive, sir."
"He's just made out of clay, Vimes."
"Aren't we all, sir? According to them pamphlets Constable Visit keeps handing out. Anyway, he thinks he's alive, and that's good enough for me."
The Patrician waved a hand towards the stairs and his office full of paper. "Nevertheless, Commander, I've had no less than nine missives from leading religious figures declaring that he is an abomination."
"Yes, sir. I've given that viewpoint a lot of thought, sir, and reached the following conclusion: arseholes to the lot of 'em, sir."
The Patrician's hand covered his mouth for a moment. "Sir Samuel, you are a harsh negotiator. Surely you can give and take?"
"Couldn't say, sir."
Terry Pratchett, Feet of Clay
*A Rare Personal Note: This exchange comes after what may be one of the most famous Discworld moments of all time: the conversation where Vimes and Vetinari first discuss the age old question, "Who watches the Watch?", which becomes one of the central threads of Vimes' character progression. But the end of the conversation, which involves the fate of the newly christened Constable Dorfl, strikes me powerfully today. This marks one of the few times in canon that Vimes explicitly rejects one of Vetinari's commands on moral grounds. It also marks a rare moment when Vimes and Vetinari (who are often complex foils for each other) seem to agree on a fundamental point of morality: that a person must be treated as a person, whatever the cost, even if we do not understand them. On the last day of 2023, this seems more important to me than ever. We 4,000 Pratchett fans who share the quotes that fill this blog likely share very little else: If we met on the street we would not agree about politics, religion, the weather, or the correct storage of Battle Bread. But I think that Sir Terry would perhaps want us to remember that, even when we are at our most opposed, we are all made out of clay -- and that is something worth protecting. Happy New Year, my friends. May we all continue to learn what must be given, and what can never be taken.
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captainjonnitkessler · 3 months
Saw a comic today that was like "a GOOD union trusts its membership to always act in their own best interest and to always fight capitalism, unlike those bootlicking liberal unions who believe in things like "reform" and "politics"
I can't even trust my union's membership to show up to work sober, man. Half of them are currently salivating over the concept of the supreme court gutting OSHA. I don't think they're going to go for a revolutionary overthrow of capitalism and I don't think I'd trust them with it if they did
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kenobihater · 7 months
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sorry, he's allergic to SOUP? no wonder he thinks he's destined for infinite sadness, i'd believe that too if my immune system thwarted me from slurpin down a nice hearty bowl of soup 😭
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ahb-writes · 1 year
Fantasy Worldbuilding Questions (Policy and Diplomacy)
Policy and Diplomacy Worldbuilding Questions:
What kinds of political systems exist in this world?
What unique laws or political customs shape public and private life in this world?
Who are the primary figures who influence (or manipulate) public opinion?
Who are behind-the-scenes figures in politics who have influence the average Joe might not know about?
Where are the centers of power or law (and why are they located here)?
Where do key political negotiations, summits, meetings take place?
When did the current political dispensation take power?
When will leadership change (if ever) in this world, and why?
Why do alliances form or sever in this world?
Why do people in this world support (or rebel against) its political structures?
❯ ❯ ❯ Read other writing masterposts in this series: Worldbuilding Questions for Deeper Settings
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odinsblog · 1 year
Just so we are all really clear: Republicans are using the manufactured debt ceiling “crisis” as a bargaining chip, threatening to blow up the U.S. (and world?) economy unless Biden caves in to cutting things like food benefits for women, children, the poor and the working poor. Got it? That’s their deal—either eviscerate the social safety net, or economy go boom!
No doubt, a lot of liberals are pressuring Biden to acquiesce, because 1) the economy will absolutely positively go boom! and 2) because they will blame Biden if the economy crashes
BUT..! Here’s the thing: If Biden does cave in and give Republicans even a little bit of what they are demanding, I fuckn promise you that in October and November of next year, Republican ads are going to be like: “Vote for Trump! Remember how Biden cut food benefits for women and children? Trump won’t do that”
And it will not matter how many 8k high quality videos you have showing that it was really Republicans who took the economy hostage and demanded those cuts. By time the general election rolls around in ‘24, Republicans will be airing ChatGPT AI political ads where it looks like Biden was the one asking for all the cuts to SNAP and demanding ridiculously harder work requirements
Believe that!!
Did you even see those ignorant charlatans eating from Trump’s hands on CNN?? These are bomb throwers. They enjoy blowing up the economy, especially when it hurts poor people! You cannot in good faith make any policy decision about what to do based off of what Republican voters “might think” when it’s election time! They don’t “think” AT ALL, and even if they did, they still do not care! They’re unscrupulous deplorables. They will always always always find a way to blame Biden and the Democrats, no matter what, so Biden may as well go on and do what’s right while he can, and try actually fighting against these cartoonishly evil Republicans
AND..! Do I even need to remind anyone what happens when you cave in to bullies?? If Biden caves now, then Republicans will bully every Democrat from here on out, and the programs they take hostage next time will be Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid
Caving in to the whims of Kevin pickme! McCarthy and Marjorie Traitor Greene is bad politics, and it will only get worse in the future if Biden folds now
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uncivilcivilservice · 3 months
🦀🦀🦀✨️ TORIES OUT ✨️🦀🦀🦀
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alex51324 · 2 months
Just so y'all can temper your expectations, please keep in mind that "balancing the ticket" is a thing, and for Harris's VP pick, that...probably means an older white dude. A centrist with a long track record in national politics.
Like, "Biden but at least 10 years younger," is most likely they general concept they'll go for.
Could be something different--and there will definitely be polling around the various options--but let's try not to set ourselves up for massive disillusionment.
(Anyway, if that is the concept they go for, the name that springs to my mind is Sherrod Brown. He's a senator out of Ohio, solid labor Democrat, good guy. He's exactly 10 years younger than Biden, so we'd be setting ourselves up to confront the age issue again in 4 to 8 years, but I'd be honestly pretty jazzed to vote for him.)
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rosszulorzott · 20 days
To the European Commission, European Parliament and Council of the European Union
We need fossil free politics before it’s too late. If EU decision-makers really want to introduce policies that benefit people and the planet then they need to stop listening to the fossil fuel industry.
We the supporters of this petition demand institutions enforce a firewall between the fossil fuel industry and decision-makers: 
by ending decision-makers’ interactions with the industry (that means no lobby meetings, no seats on expert and advisory bodies)
by avoiding conflicts of interest for government officials and employees, including closing the “revolving door” between the public sector and the fossil fuel industry
by ending the preferential treatment of the fossil fuel industry in climate negotiations
and by rejecting partnerships and sponsorships with the fossil fuel industry
We need to cut fossil fuel interests out of politics.
Why is this important?
EU Commissioners and high-level officials meet with fossil fuel lobbyists almost every single day. [1]
Politicians are talking out of both sides of their mouth - promising us the ambitious climate laws we’ve fought for while having daily meetings with Big Oil and Gas. The EU even put an ex-Shell consultant in charge of their climate policies. [2] You couldn’t make this farce up. 
But we can break up this cosy relationship. These weeks will see the new ‘ministers’ called Commissioners for the EU nominated. Who is chosen for these powerful positions and who they’re friendly with, will determine how much fossil fuel lobbyists can pollute our plans to address climate change.
Conversations are underway right now over who gets the powerful Commissioner jobs. We want those writing the rules to know we are watching them. If we create a huge noise, it’ll rule out any politicians in the pocket of the fossil fuel industry. 
Add your voice for a strong firewall between the EU and the fossil fuel industry.
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elizabethwydevilles · 3 months
Frankly weird that you can analyse pretty much everything else in Star Wars in regards to its real life implications, but if you look at the Jedi Order as an institution that helps to legitimise a corrupt Republic through acting as it's negotiators and later on as its command structure in a war… and it's stamping feet and 'nuh uh' and 'you think Jedi children deserved to die'.
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