#Poppet fell give them a minute
cupophrogs · 11 months
Just a misunderstanding!
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“Do you like my costume? Sally made it for me! She says it makes me look “ghoulish”!”
@theknifeclown I swear they didn’t mean to scare her! They were just a little sleepy and forgot to take the contacts out!
Full Ghoul Poppet scribble under the cut :)
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Silly jester :)
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ghoulie-67-baby · 11 months
Disrespect- Wizarding world.
Summary: You’re tired and overwhelmed and in a serious bad mood, bu that doesnt mean you can take it out on Remus without punishment.
Warnings: Pet names, disrespectful behaviour, nudity, Sub & Dom dynamics, subspace, punishment, crying, spanking, little angsty.
Pairing: Wolfstar x GN!Reader.
Word count: 2,300.
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"I'm just trying to help you, Bunny, it'll make it easier for you," Remus muttered mindlessly as he skimmed the pages of his book. I rolled my eyes and huffed out a breath before throwing my own potions book on the bed away from me, sour-faced.
"Y/N, watch your attitude." Sirius piped up, raising his eyebrow at me. I ignored him and buried my face in the blankets of Moony's bed. I knew the use of my name instead of a nickname was a serious warning rather than a passing comment but I wasn't in the mood for him to complain about my behaviour. I was stressed, overtired, overworked, overwhelmed and in need of an escape into my subspace but hadn't had the chance for a while.
"I'm just saying, if you don't get some work done now then you'll end up stressing and cramming all your work in at the last minute. You know I'm right Bun." I scoffed, lifting my head as I sat up and staring at the lycanthrope who looked rather surprised at me.
"I'm not a child Remus, I know how to manage myself." I shot back, glaring slightly as I hopped off the bed in a huff.
"Last warning Y/N, you won't be told again." I met Sirius' gaze, challenging him slightly with a scowl.
"Whatever," I knew I was being unreasonable but my bad mood had taken over completely. "Stop acting like you know everything Remus." That was my last word before I grabbed my bag and stormed out of their dorm and down to the black lake for some alone time.
Two days had passed since I had spoken to Remus like crap and on the first day I didn't speak to either of them, knowing they were too pissed off, the second-day things seemed to have settled a little, speaking to me but not being as close and open as they usually were. The guilt of the situation had hit me hard and I scolded myself in my head every hour as I watched how Remmy had shut down a little, distancing himself. I had nested myself into bed at night in the girl's dorm, feeling unusually cold because my boys weren't cuddling me to sleep but I was also too stubborn and hated apologising.
Knowing if I didn't apologise it wouldn't be resolved, I had stashed myself way in their dorm room after my lessons so that when they got back from their lessons I would be there and I could bite back my stubbornness and say I was sorry to my boyfriends. I had planted myself in the middle of Remus' bed with my books around me, completing homework, so that I would be the first thing he saw when he walked in which meant he couldn't avoid me. I had changed out of my uniform shirt and gown into one of his shirts and the bottom half of my uniform to be more comfortable and mostly so I could smell him around me.
Just as I had predicted, Moony walked in first, laughing alongside Sirius, until his gaze fell upon mine and then the laughing stopped much to my disappointment; I loved the sound of his laugh. He walked over to his bed, placing his things on the bedside table before I caught his attention by holding my arms out for a hug. I knew he wouldn't deny me a hug even though he was mad. I wrapped my arms around him and cuddled into his neck, guilt setting in again when he kissed my cheek.
"How was your day Poppet?" I peeked over Remmy's shoulder at Siri, giving him a small, unsure smile.
"Boring and tiring, my head feels frazzled," I muttered, pouting slightly. Remus released me from the hug and continued to put all his things away, changing into sweatpants and a cardigan as he went. I watched with sad eyes as they flickered between the two marauders. I was staring at my hands in my lap as Remus came and sat on his bed, book in hand, and rested on the headboard. I crawled over to him, biting my lip unsurely before sitting beside him and waiting for him to look up.
"What do you need?" He raised an eyebrow but didn't look up, his voice was flat and void of emotion. I had really upset him this time. "You just gonna sit there watching hmm?" I shook my head and lifted up his chin so he would look at me.
"I wanted to say sorry Moony, I shouldn't have spoken to you like that and I know it was wrong." His eyes observed me the whole time as I fought the tremble of my lip. "I didn't mean what I said and I won't do it again. I know you're jus' trying to look after me." I played with his fingers as I spoke, a nervous feeling running through me at the thought of him not accepting the apology and hating me.
"Thank you for apologising Bun, I'm glad that you recognised your mistake and were able to be brave about it. I just care about you is all and I don't want you making yourself ill over work. Next time just listen if I advise you on something okay?" He soothed, his hand squeezing mine as I nodded at him. "Good." I smiled slightly, looking up at him. I knew this wouldn't be all, after all, I was due a punishment and was happy to take it, I had behaved badly after all.
"Y/N come on Poppet, the sooner this is over the sooner you can cuddle and rest." Sirius beckoned me over but not before Remus gave me a quick kiss on the lips, making me smile against him. I stood in front of Sirius as he made himself comfortable on the big armchair, my hands crossed in front of my lap. "Strip to your underwear Poppet." I did as I was told, not wanting to get in any more trouble but left my socks on to keep my toes warm. He nodded as I did and folded my uniform onto the chest at the end of his bed. Within seconds I was back in front of him and he had his hands on my hips. "Now, you know you have to be punished for your behaviour s'be a good Puppy and take what you're given, okay?" I let my eyes glance to Remmy on his bed who sat reading his book, letting Sirius get on with the task at hand. Siri began to pull me closer to him, so he could lay me across his lap but before he could I planted my feet firmly on the ground. The look of annoyance on his face unnerved me, making Remus look up at my defiance but I pouted at him sadly.
"Remmy, I'm sorry," I whispered, "Siri kisses?" My eyebrows furrowed as I bit my lip and tangled my fingers together.
"Of course Poppet." A grin spread on his face as he pulled me in for a kiss, being gentle and comforting as he brushed my hair behind my ear. He knew how on-edge punishments got me and was typically gentle unless he was in a terrorising kind of mood. "Now do as you're told and lay across m'lap, don't want more punishment than is needed do we?" The question was rhetorical and a warning at the same time so I wrapped my arms around his leg whilst I laid myself on his legs, face down.
I braced myself for the first swat as he rubbed my butt, running his fingers over my pale skin which we both knew wouldn't last long. My body tensed as his hand was removed and came down on my flesh with a crack. It wasn't the worst I'd had off him but I knew it would feel worse once my skin started to welt and become more sensitive. The second one came quickly after and I winced at the feeling, shifting uncomfortably until his free hand came to rest on my back, both comforting me and holding me still. I became more sensitive every time his hand came into contact with my ass, after trying to keep my eyes open the tears began to sting them and I squeezed them shut as I whimpered and winced at the pain, my body jolting with each hit.
It felt like I had laid there for hours as each swat followed on from the next, alternating between each side and different areas so it didn't do too much damage. My whimpers soon turned into little cries and then into full-grown sobs which I huffed out, gripping the material of Sirius' trousers as tears spilt over my cheeks and onto the fabric. I had given up wriggling around and trying to stay quiet, knowing it was pointless as my skin seared. Broken sobs filled the room as the spanking came to an end, leaving me with a welted ass, tear streaks everywhere and laboured breathing. Once he had finished, Sirius leaned down and pressed a small kiss to my sore skin, rubbing his thumb over my back in comfort.
"Okay, Poppet, all done now." He sat me up gently so my legs were on either side of his body, smiling at me as I whined when my skin pressed against his trouser material. There was the terrorising side of him, amused by my discomfort.
"All done?" I whimpered, rubbing my eyes as I hiccuped out more sobs.
"Yes Poppet, all done. You took it so well, like a good puppy." I nodded and fell forward onto his chest with a small huff in exhaustion as he soothed me. My hands shook as they curled into his hair, playing with the strands whilst Remmy wandered around the room to find something. I struggled to keep my eyes open as tiredness and headspace set in making me feel fuzzy and soft.
"Bunny, you have to let us put some cream on before you sleep, where do you want to lie." Remus appeared in front of me with a concerned look on his face. I opened my eyes as wide as I could, pouting at his statement but sitting up slowly. I tried to ignore the soreness of my skin as I did but the way the material rubbed against it made the tears appear once more. With an accompanying cry, I held my arms up at the lycanthrope, making grabby hands as he cooed at me. "Okay Bunny, I've got you little one." He recognised the signs of subspace and picked me up, holding me to his chest as I wrapped my legs around him. The two walked over to Remus' bed and sat down with me lying on Moony's chest so my backside was accessible. "Y'gonna let Pads put some aloe on Bunny, it'll help with the pain." I nodded, remembering the reason I had gotten myself into this mess and scooting up Remmy's chest to rest my head in the crook of his neck for my own comfort.
I hissed as the cold cream came into contact with my hot skin, soothing the red, hand-print-shaped welts as I tightened my grip on my Dom. Once in a while, a whimper escaped my throat and a kiss was pressed to my head or the small of my back as they both soothed me. The cream had been applied generously before they manoeuvred me into a loose pair of their boxers and left on Remmy's shirt. I clambered back onto Moony's lap and nuzzled into his chest, drawing patterns on his cardigan as he petted my head sweetly.
"You did so good for Pads today Bun, I'm so proud of you." His coos filled me with happiness and I sighed in relief.
"I thought y'both wouldn't want me anymore 'cause of the way I spoke to you Remmy," I muttered into his chest, fingers tightening in the material of his cardigan. "You do still want me right?"
"Hey little one, of course, we do, we'll always want you Y/N, a bit of bad behaviour because you've got a lot going on isn't going to change that." He lifted my head so I could look into his eyes as he spoke and I nodded, biting my lip. Sirius came to join us on the bed and sat beside Remmy leaning against the headboard.
"Don't ever think we don't want you Poppet," He chipped in, "We know it's difficult for you and sometimes you need something to help you relax or put you back in your place. There are times when you're gonna lash out but that doesn't mean we'll ever not want you." I giggled as he tickled my ribs gently, rolling his eyes playfully at Remus' warning look as if to tell him not to get me wound up when I needed to rest.
"Come on now Bunny, settle down and get some rest." Remmy laid me between the both when he noticed me rubbing my eyes with balled-up fists, yawning as my body started to shut down. I cuddled into Remus' side as I burrowed between them both, too tired to care about my skin rubbing against the material of the boxers lightly.
Night Remmy, Night Siri," I mumbled with closed eyes, smiling as a blanket was pulled over me and Sirius cuddled me from behind, careful of my butt. "Love you both so much."
"Goodnight Bunny." Remus soothed, kissing my head.
"We love you too, Poppet," Sirius added, kissing my shoulder.
And with that, I fell into the best sleep I'd had in the past week, glad I'd made up with the two most important people in my life.
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bee-dot-exe · 7 months
Oh hi @phatcatphergus. Ask and you shall receive. I'm sorry.
This one kinda hurt. It's angsty and a little bit heartbreaking. It's also technically a sickfic with a brief emetophobia warning.
737 words
The first thing I lost was my sight.
Everything was bathed in a hot bright white light.
The second thing I lost was my hearing.
No voices from the people with me or wildlife or flutes being played, just a constant steady piercing ring that could truly be there or maybe it was just in my head.
The third thing I lost was feelings in my limbs.
I think I probably crumpled into a heap on the ground like a pile of laundry but I couldn't really tell.
"What did everyone think of that?"
"Everybody alright?"
"Where's Tubbo?"
My senses started to come back, I looked up towards the sound of people asking questions and saying my name, and realized I was in a hole in the ground.
"Oh shoot, wait, you guys okay?"
I realized that Sunny wasn't too far away from me, her frame was also crumbled and slightly trembling, and their arms were over her head protectively, and I forgot everything else that may have been going on and went over to them as fast as I could manage.
"Sunny! Are you alright, poppet? Are you okay? Does anything hurt? Oh fuck."
I practically caught my head in my hands as it fell forward due to weakness and an almost numbing headache.
"I don't feel very good, Pa."
She had removed her hands from over their head, but was still shaking, and they were pale.
"Alright, it's alright, princess."
"Are you guys okay?"
Pierre called from somewhere above us, before I could respond though, Bad did.
"Don't get closer, they're still radiated, just hold on, let me get something, I'll be right back."
The sound of a warpstone followed.
I was still looking up at where the voices came from, when a sound similar to muffled choking came from next to me.
Sunny's already pale face was now practically translucent and they held a hand across their stomach and started to lean sideways.
"Oh, sweetheart. It's alright. Let it out, lovely."
She didn't hesitate to do just that once permission she didn't need was granted, it was mostly bile, as neither of us had eaten much today.
I held her hair out of her face until she was finished, then pat their back gently, and her eyes started to close as they fell forward to my chest.
"Not yet, princess, we can't close our eyes just yet."
"I'm sleepy, Pa."
"I know, lovely, but we have to stay awake a little longer. We can go to sleep when your Uncle Bad gets back, get you some medicine, you'll feel so much better when he comes back."
I ignored my own head pounding and hands shaking and the feeling of something tangled in my chest threatening to come out in a fit of coughs.
"Hey guys, how much longer do you think it'll be?"
"It shouldn't be that much longer, Tubbo, I'm sorry, are you two doing okay?"
"I mean, honestly, not feeling 100%, boss, and Sunny got sick a minute ago."
As if he read my mind, the sound of particles swirling from a warpstone activated is what followed.
"I'm here, sorry, I'm here, I got something, I'm coming."
"Wait, Badboy, don't go over there and get infected."
"A little late for that, Pierre, I'll be alright."
Rubble fell as Bad climbed down into the man made chasm and walked towards us.
"Good news is I've got something to help with this."
"I feel like there's more to that statement."
"Bad news is I only have enough for one dose."
"There it is."
Sunny all but crawled into my lap and tucked their head into my collarbone.
"Give it to her."
"Give it to her, Bad."
"Pa, please."
"Sunny, I need you to take this, I can't let anything to happen to you."
"I can't let anything happen to you either!"
"You need this, darling."
"Well you need it to."
"Sunny, please. I can come back, you can't, or you shouldn't have to. I need you to do this for me, poppet."
I coughed into my fist, dry and trying to lock away my breath so I couldn't catch it, and let gravity pull my eyelids just barely closed.
"We can't go to sleep yet, Pa, it's okay, Uncle Bad's here now."
I held their hand as Bad started to bring the antidote towards her mouth and tried to close my eyes again.
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milkacchan · 3 years
More self-indulgent peaky blinders x reader bc I've always struggled with my femininity as a woman, especially when it came to trying on feminine clothes like dresses.
"No. I don't want to." You mutter, pouring the boiling water over coffee grounds.
"Why not? It's just like looking for a suit." Arthur spoke from the table.
"Except it's not." You hum. "The complete opposite, actually."
There was nothing more irritating to you than trying on dresses. Even getting fitted for them, you hated it. Every fucking minute of it.
"Still haven't grown out of that then huh,"
"I don't see why I can't just wear a suit to the damn thing, all of you are." You mumble, ignoring Tommy and taking a sip of your coffee. "I look better in those anyway."
"Is that what this is about?" John sighs, walking in the kitchen. "How many times do we have to tell you? You look beautiful. Always."
"Don't get fucking sappy," you roll your eyes. "I just don't like dresses. Or trying them on." You state, sitting down at the table.
"Nonsense. You love dresses when you feel good in them." Polly cuts in. She sets a plate in front of you.
"Thanks Pol," you nod. "But that's how clothes work, in general. Not dresses."
"But that's what this is. Still the irrational thought you don't look good."
"'Pol," you whine.
"You know, your mother carried you for nine months, gave you that body and face just for you to hate it."
"Pol how many times are you going to use that?" You groan rubbing your face.
"As many times as it takes for it to stick. You don't look bad, at all. I'm not just saying that because I've raised you."
"I look good in suits, yes. Thank you. Why can't I wear one of those?"
"It's too formal of an event, poppet. A suit won't work."
"Pols right," Tommy looks up from his paper. "As much as I'd like to let you wear a suit, it's too formal. We'll have to get you in a dress."
"I know, I know, you don't want to. We'll look around some shops, whatever you like We'll get, no questions asked. Whatever color, style- if you feel it looks good on you, we'll get it. And if you really don't see anything you like, we'll get one made, alright?"
You murmured something under your breath.
"What was that?"
"Yes. Fine, yes."
And so it began, within the next hour you were in town with your brothers, dress shopping.
"What about that one?"
"Wouldn't fill it out right." You mutter with hands in your pocket.
"You didn't even look at it poppet,"
"I did, already, over there when Pol was talking about that red one."
Arthur sighed, "Why don't you at least try it on?"
"I suppose so, if it'll make you happy."
"I think Pols got some too," John looks over to you, taking his attention away from the dress he was running his fingers across. "What about this one?"
You turn your attention from Arthur, who was grabbing the one he was eyeing to the one John had pulled. The fabric seemed soft. It was a lovely shade of green, with silver beads that adorned it simply.
"It's nice," you mutter. "Soft," you mumble once you've got your own hands on it.
"Isn't it? I really like the color. I think it'd fit your skin tone."
"Since when did you become so knowledgeable on the things of a woman." You smile.
"Since Esme, she's adamant I learn. I guess she was right that it would help." He hummed, "after all i have to be able to help my baby sister and keep my title as the favorite brother."
"Oh, you think you have that title?" You side eye him and lift dress off the wall.
"Oi," he makes a face, "Who does then?"
You say nothing, just smiling as you take a step back to move to another part of the store.
"Oh come on you have to tell me, come on. Who is it then?"
"Tell you what?"
"Who the favorite is."
"I can't tell you that, power shift and all."
"I've got some dresses dear," Aunt Polly gestures to the ones in her hand. "Let's try these on, okay?"
"I've got one for her too," Arthur holds his up.
"And I picked that one for her to try," John points.
"Mines prettier."
"Oh this is a competition now?"
"Oh Hush. Hand them here." She snaps. "You boys wait out here, we'll come show them once she's in them."
"Yes Pol," the chorus plays.
You make a face but ultimately follow Pol to the back room.
The first one up is a black one with gold beading, all you have to do is look at it before you know you'd not like it.
"No," you immediately turn it down. "I'm sorry aunt Pol, but I really don't like that one."
"Alright," she took a deep breath and set it aside. "Let's try this one then."
The next one was white. It was long, looked like it'd be form fitting to an extent, in the bodice anyway. The skirt was flowy with tassels that made an almost scale pattern. It was pretty, you had to admit.
You stared at it for a few moments before starting on your suit, unbuttoned the shirt (your jacket had been left with Tommy, good lad,) and slipped it off. Followed by your pants and shoes.
You held your arms up and the dress fell down your body.
You hesitantly open the door and walk out to where your brothers are.
"Oh that one's a nice one," John smiles. "Like mine better though."
"'I picked that one out," Tommy grins.
"I mean its nice," you nod, looking at yourself in the big mirror. "But it looks more like a wedding dress Tommy, you trying to see me off already?"
"No," he mumbled, watching you step off the ledge. "Just thought it was pretty "
You wave him off and walk back into the dressing room. The next one is one Pol had picked, she said anyway.
It was a light pink, a color you had to admit you enjoyed, so it was a downer when you looked in the mirror and hated what you saw.
"Let's just try the next one," you mutter
"You don't want to show the boys?"
"No Pol- no I just really want to take it off," you mutter, still scanning your form. 
She stares for a few moments but ultimately nods.
The next is the one Arthur had picked. Red with black beading. Tassels that fell down your arms. It was elegant. You left the room and walked towards the boys.     
"That one's awful nice on you," Pol smiles.
"I have taste, see?" Arthur grins. "Do you like it?"
You stare at yourself in the mirror. "It's...I mean its a nice dress, really."
"But...?" John pushes.
"Not for me. I don't fill it out right. I look like a man."
"If you don't like it, it's no trouble. Try on the next one." Tommy leans back in his chair.
"Sorry Arthur," you mumble.
He just waves it off with a small smile.
Then it's John's choice. The green one, forest silk with the simple sliver beading. It's a longer dress, and honestly you don't mind.
Aunt Pol helps you slip it on. "Oh..." She breathes. You look fantastic. It frames your waist and your hips before falling freely around your legs. It's sleevless, the silk coming up your back in a V to cover your shoulders.
"It's so nice," you whisper, fingers trailing down your sides.
"How do you feel?"
"Like a princess," you hum.
"Go on then, show the boys." Pol all but shoves you through the doors.
"Alright alright," you lift the skirt and hike up the platform.
John was smug. "You like that one don't you?"
"I do," you whisper with a nod, till staring at the dress. "God I love it," you laugh softly.
"Give us a spin," Tommy smiles, moving his hand on a small circle.
And you do. You spin with a stupid grin on your face, looking at your brothers when you've finished. "Does it twirl? Tell me it twirls."
"It twirls," Arthur laughs. "You look beautiful."
"Who's the favorite?"
"Oh hush John,"
"That's the one then?"
"Yes, this is the one." You hummed. "Not to much for you is it?"
"Never," Tommy stands, "go on get dressed, we'll pay and go home."
"Yes Tommy," you step down.
The boys would always take care of you.
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harper-hook · 3 years
Just For Tonight | Harry Hook x Reader
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Summary: The night the Core Four denounced evil, you and Harry find comfort in each other.
Warnings: Smut
Author’s Note: Harry is a brat canon
Just when things were finally looking up for you and everyone else, someone had to ruin things. Like always on the Isle, it was dark physically and literally. But tonight, after Mal and the others denounced evil and defeated Maleficent on live TV, it felt dark.
It felt like everyone was mourning for the life of crime and freedom they had imagined once they were free. Of course, it was too good to be true, you thought bitterly. You poured another glass of booze and downed half of it, shuddering slightly.
A thud against the outside of your house made you raise an eyebrow. You knew as soon as everyone quit mourning, shit would hit the fan in the morning. People would die in the crossfires over territory. It was a fact. You didn’t expect riots so soon though.
A series of knocks followed the thud, resounding in an unmistakable rhythm. You raised an eyebrow and smiled. You stood up and nearly fell on the way to the door, a bit too eager. You bit your lip smugly and opened the door.
Harry leaned up against the frame. He looked worse for wear, disheveled and exhausted but still grinning, albeit bitterly. “Aren’t you gonna invited me in?” He practically purred, getting right up in your face. You shrugged nonchalantly, excitement bubble up inside of you. You moved out of the way and heard him slam the door shut. 
You smirked and finished filling your glass up once more as you heard your bed squeak noisily. “(Y/N)...” Harry groaned, letting out a dramatic sigh. You hummed in response. “Please, can you… help me forget?” You froze at his broken tone. “Just for a few minutes?”
You quickly grew angry, at Mal and all of Auradon. Villains are still people! There are people who don’t deserve to rot here! You took a deep breath and turned to look at Harry who had already shed his shirt. “Sure thing, poppet.” You winked at him and pulled your top off, pulling your shorts down and stepping out of them.
“Safe word, hun?” You asked him, already knowing how your sessions could get. “Clamshell.” He replied without missing a beat. You nodded and took a swig of your drink, not swallowing yet. 
You strode over to Harry and grabbed him by the back of the neck and pulled him into a kiss, letting the alcohol spill into his mouth. You pulled away, licking your lips and watching hungrily as a dribble of booze ran down his chin and chest. 
Harry coughed loudly, breathing heavily. You smiled sweetly and kissed him again, much more gentle this time. You could feel his body practically relax as his tongue probed and explored your mouth. You ran your hands down his chest, scratching him up and down.
You broke away from him, face red and hot. He smirked at you, looking way too cocky for your liking. Quickly, you shoved Harry down on the bed and straddled him. You ran your hand up his neck and dug your nails in slightly. 
Harry moaned, bucking his hips slightly. ”Uh-uh...” You reprimanded, unbuckling his belt in one fluid and pulling it from the loops. “Hands up.” You ordered, tucking the belt into itself. Harry raised his hands over his head, flexing intentionally on the way. 
“Cute.” You scoffed, wrapping the belt over and through his wrists. “You love it.” Harry teased. You rolled your eyes and made sure the binds were tight enough. You ducked your head and scratched his right nipple with your teeth, making him curse under his breath. 
You smirked and lowered one foot to the floor and scooting back to sit over Harry’s knees. You started tugging his pants and underwear down unsuccessfully until Harry lifted his hips, revealing his already hard cock. 
You smiled at Harry sweetly and started pumping his cock fast with one hand, using the other to slip out of your underwear. “Uh! (Y/N)!” He moaned loudly, precum leaking over your hand.
The heat in your lower belly felt overwhelming so you decided to stop teasing. For his sake, of course. You straddled him again and braced your hands on his chest. “Please...” Harry begged, red faced and sweating. 
“You got it, baby.” You smirked and lowered yourself down on him, both of your throwing your heads back in pleasure. You began bouncing up and down with a deep and lazy rhythm. You were aware of the heat in the room and the way Harry watched your breasts bounce up and down. You loved a captive audience.
His cock suddenly jabbed your G-spot hard and your eyes rolled back into your head, a loud moan rolling off your tongue. This happened a few more times, your nails tightening and raking down his chest each time.
You looked at Harry who looked all too smug with himself. You slowed your pace to less than a grinding on his cock. “(Y/N)!” He groaned, less than pleased at the lack of pleasure. “Shouldn’t be so cocky then, eh?” You sneered, bouncing lightly once more.
You were taken off guard as Harry bucked his hips up hard. You moaned and lost your balance, falling forward on top of Harry. “What the- AH!” You yelped, Harry’s mouth finding one of your nipples and nipping it not so lightly.
Harry continued to thrust, clearly close to release judging by his sloppy rhythm.  You flushed, realizing Harry had gotten a face full of your chest. The knot in your gut burned and tightened with every thrust until with one hard assault on your G-spot, it snapped. You let out a string of curses as you came, fireworks shooting off behind your closed eyes. 
Harry was in no better shape, hips stuttering as he came inside of you. You both sat there in silence, trying to catch your breath. You were thoroughly shaken and you sat back up, smacking Harry’s chest in retaliation. He yelped and looked up at you accusingly. 
“I could’ve smothered you!” You tried to sound angry, the grin on your face giving you away. “If that’s how I go, so be it.” He said smugly. You rolled your eyes and pulled yourself off of him. You stood by his head and untied his hands, letting him sit up and rub some feeling back into them.
You gritted your teeth and shuddered, feeling his release drip down your leg. Harry noticed this and snickered. You smacked his shoulder again and sat next to him. 
The euphoria was quickly wearing off and the feeling of dread was setting in. You almost forgot that tomorrow was gonna be a big territory fight. It was almost like Harry read your mind and he rubbed your shoulder comfortingly. 
You looked out the window and saw the sun starting to peek through the smog. “You should leave. So you don’t get caught out in the open.” You reasoned. Harry paused before eventually nodding. 
The next few minutes were quiet as you both dressed, only small appreciative glances in each others direction. You walked Harry to the door, feeling rather somber. “I’ll see you later.” Harry said determinedly. You smiled sadly.
You grabbed Harry by the back of the neck and pulled him down, kissing him deeply. This somehow felt more intimate than anything else you’d done all night. You pulled away, red faced and breathless.
“Don’t die.” You offered as parting advice. Harry barked out a laugh. “Always the sentimental one, eh?” He grinned and opened the door. You watched him strut off into the night towards the docks. “Cocky shit.” You sneered, shutting the door.
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cursestothemoon · 3 years
Hey lovely! Is it ok if i ask for a blurb or hc (whatever suits you the best) with fred? Like after the war and everyone makes it (as well as freddie) and the people from the order and the weasleys (with their partners) have Sunday meetings at the burrow, like them having dinner and playing quidditch or outside having like a bonfire night and everyone tells stories 🥺
All Of Us
Warnings: mentions of war/battle, mentions of past injury , kind of sAD WOW I WASN’T EXPECTING THAT, mentions of people who had died, one curse word, mentions of being nauseous 
The wind swept through the tall blades of grass, each haulm moving balletically in the hills that rolled behind the warm, brown, slightly askew, home. During the months of war the Burrow had been a symbol of safety, for you, the Weasley children- old and young- and members of the order. 
The second Wizarding War was a dark time for most people, trust dissolved into code words and relentless questioning. Remus Lupin sat with a plate half full of pancakes absolutely bathing in sticky sweet syrup- breakfast had ended thirty minutes ago- as he tickled his son, bouncing the small boy on his knee. It seemed to have been a lifetime ago when he had begged Harry to let him join the hunt for horcrux, begged to free his wife and unborn child of his self. 
“Uncle Pads is here!”  The voice followed a familiar pop. 
Sirius Black waltzed through the room greeting everyone, his head of healthy hair-ever since the war was won Sirius seemed to glow- bounced around his face. A dark veil had followed Sirius around most of his life, growing up with the cruciatus curse as a guiding hand and the cracking of human bone morphing into that of a canine was a sound he knew would ring in his ears for lifetimes to come. 
You walked over to Sirius with a soft smile, “Hi, Sirius.”
The quiet buzz of the group had grown into a rowdy rumble of voices and laughs as Bill and Charlie Weasley joined in, coming from the backyard. You made your way to the bottom of the stairs, waiting to hear Fred start to descend the stairs. A stumble sounded from the top of the steps, followed by a few grunts as someone went down the stairs one step at a time. You moved to watch Fred slowly make his way down. 
Fred was laughing, eyes crinkled, an honest chuckle passing his lips made the crumbling of the wall behind him almost unnoticeable. What was noticeable was the weight of the rubble hitting him, it had knocked the air out of his lungs and he was sure that was it. He thought of you when it happened, he hadn’t told you, but he thought of you and he thought of never seeing you again. Fred decided he just couldn’t allow that. 
He wrapped an arm around your shoulders, yours going around his waist, as you two walked into the kitchen. Fred now walked with a limp, the wall had caused him to lose feeling in a little less than half of his right leg and injured it beyond magical mending. His new gait was something he worked to get used to, the pain slowly but surely fading with each day. 
“Thanks, love.” He smirked, leaning down to give you a quick peck on the lips before walking over to his brothers. 
Your time to admire Fred was cut short as Ginny and Tonks apparated next to you, Ginny on your right and Tonks on your left. 
“I hope one day it won’t be so nauseating catching you eye fucking my brother like that.” Ginny said with her face screwing into one of disgust. 
You gave her shoulder a playful shove, “Shut it.”
Tonks laughed at the both of you before suggesting to get lunch ready, a tall feat when there were over ten people starting to get hungry. 
The day passed with the same lightness of the morning and noon, and more people made an appearance for the traditional Sunday at the Weasley’s. Kingsley Shacklebolt and Minerva Mcgonagall had even decided to attend dinner, showing up just as the sun started to set. 
McGonagall usually had to fight the urge to shed a few tears when she arrived to these dinners. Little Remus Lupin sat with his wife and son, a blinding, boyish, smile making the scars on his face disappear completely. Charming Sirius, who had suffered through so much, now holding a newborn baby-Bill’s first- with such gentility you could barely tell he only learned such care at age fifteen when James Potter took him into his home and held a crying boy with the same gentleness. Harry looking over his godfather’s shoulder was almost too much for poor Minerva to take in, he looked just like James. 
“Where do you think you’re going, poppet?” Fred asked as you removed yourself from his lap, stretching as you stood up.
The older woman watched with a smile as you pressed a loving kiss to your boyfriend’s forehead before walking into the kitchen, presumably to help Molly. She remembers when you two had gotten together, flamboyant as it was, who could forget it? It was your sixth year, and Fred had walked into the Transfiguration classroom with so much vigor he hadn’t seen you trying to leave. The force at which he knocked into you had knocked you to the ground and caused Minerva to let out a gasp. From that point on Fred had made sure to turn the charm up to one hundred and you two were dating in no time. 
Seeing the way Fred looked at you made Mcgonagall sure that she’d be receiving a wedding invitation soon. 
“Alright dinner’s ready! Bill! Charlie! Put that quaffle down and come help the others bring the second table out.” Molly called, her head sticking out from the kitchen window.
Bill and Charlie landed on the ground and tossed the quaffle they had been playing with onto the ground along with their brooms. The brothers jogged into the house, only to come out holding up the end of a table helping Sirius, Remus, and Ron. 
You helped set the table along with George and Ginny. The napkins were folded, utensils placed uniformly near each plate, and strings of lights strung up around the dining area- curtesy of you, George, and your wands. 
Everyone sat down to eat, Bill pulled out Fleur’s chair before sitting next to her and placing a hand on her growing bump- Molly cradling her first grandchild to her chest. Remus, Tonks, and Teddy sat next to each other, Remus helping cut up his sons food into manageable pieces as Tonk’s morphed her face into that of different animals to keep the toddler entertained. George sat on the right of Professor Mcgonagall and Sirius on her left, both talking their former head of house’s ear off- Angelina Johnson was a hot topic for George, she had noticed. Harry and Ginny sat at the end of the table, Ginny talking animatedly about something as Harry listened with a lovesick gaze. 
“Seems like I haven’t seen you for ages.” Fred smirked, sitting down in his usual chair- the one right next to yours. 
You turned to look at him with eyes that clearly had tiredness weighing them down, “I’m sorry, helping kept me busy, there are more people here today.”
Fred brought his hand to rest on your thigh, his thumb caressing the skin with a calming back and forth motion as his other hand cupped your jaw. He brought your face towards his, your lips met in a tender kiss before he pulled away not before giving your nose another soft kiss. 
“Tomorrow I’m keeping you all to myself.” He lowered his voice, hand gripping your thigh now. 
You rubbed your foot against his shin, “I’ll be looking forward to it.”
Fred gave you a wink before turning to his food, you following suit, giggling into your mashed potatoes. 
Dinner progressed with stories shared and gentle smiles passed between the close knit group. Sirius talked theatrically, his hands flailing wildly as he told the story of the time the ‘Marauders’ had pranked the entire house of Salazar Slytherin with a rogue stag in the common room. 
“We barely got Prongs out of there in time, Filch was hot on our trail.” Sirius grinned along with a giggling Remus. 
Silence fell over the group as Sirius’ eyes started to water, Remus not far behind. Suddenly, heavy emotion had blanketed over everyone as they thought about everyone they had lost to get to where they were. You gripped Fred’s hand under the table, hoping to ground yourself for a moment. 
Sirius raised his glass of fire whiskey slowly, a tearfully smile painting itself onto his handsome features. 
“To us... all of us.”
@readyg0erge (it wont tag i am sorry)
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anightflower · 3 years
Queen of the Underworld; A Mandalorian Fanfic
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Din Djarin x Reader
Warnings: Violence, injury, mentions of rape
Your breath heaved through your chest as you forced your body to move faster. You gritted your teeth as you jumped over a log, biting back a pained animalistic sound. You should have been more careful, you shouldn’t have gone to the bar, you should’ve left as soon as the Mandalorian’s beskar caught your eye. Maybe, just maybe, then you wouldn’t be limping through the woods away from the man that was sent to hunt you down. 
You had caused a good distraction as soon as his helmet landed on you. You knew there was a bounty on you, you had been in hiding for over a year now, believing that every second could be your last. Yet, recently you had gotten cocky, so you decided to grab a drink. 
Turns out the Underworld is still looking for you. But now instead of the hookies who you knew how to avoid, he had sent a Mandalorian. 
You quickly looked away and gestured to the bartender. “Martini, give it an extra kick.” The man gave you a quick nod as the Mandalorian sat next to you. 
“You’re a hard woman to find.” His modulated voice hummed to you. You felt a shiver go down your spine. How many times had you heard that voice, once he used to follow your every command. Oh how the times had changed.
“There’s a reason for that Mandalorian, much like there’s a reason you don’t take your mask off.” You purred, trying to keep the fear out of your voice. “Tell me, how did you find me?” You eyes meeting his visor with an unwavering glance.
“There are some very powerful people that put a good price on your head, care to tell me why?” He asked and damn did that voice sound dangerous. 
“Oh my dear Mandalorian, that is something you will have to learn.” You teased, as the bartender handed you your drink. “Lye, this man right here is paying for my drink.” You said with a smile, grabbing your martini glass and standing up. 
The Mandalorian grabbed your other wrist as you got up, causing you to drop your drink and reach for the blaster you kept on your thigh. He was quick though, he grabbed his blaster as well and pointed it at you. “I can bring you in warm, or I can bring you in cold. Your choice.” 
“Such a sensual voice for such foul threats.” You tsked, leaning closer to his helmet, you smiled. “Send my regards to the Underworld.” You whispered sweetly and shot at your spilt drink, causing flames to burst, making the Mandalorian drop your wrist and jump back. 
The other bar goers screamed as your fire set off the  bar’s alarms and sprinklers. You sprinted out with the pushing patrons rushing towards the exit disappearing into the crowd to lose the Mandalorian. You pushed into one crowd to the next, joining a large band of tourists, hiding yourself amongst them as the Mandalorian raced out of the cantina, looking to and fro to try and spot your figure. 
When you were sure you had lost sight of him, you slipped out of the group and headed towards the path that led you to your ship, it was a long walk away, but that was what you had to sacrifice to not be caught. 
You picked up your pace wanting to get to your ship before the sun set. Why did you have to get a drink (Y/N)?” you chastised yourself. “You could have just gotten supplies, gotten to your ship, and gone into the wind, but no, you had to try and do a mundane thing to make you happy. You’re so naive.” You mumbled to yourself, pushing branches out of your way. 
“I forgot you liked to talk to yourself,” a familiar voice mused. Your heart dropped at the sound of that voice, you turned around, hand on your blaster. 
“Kargan, it's been a while, how have you been?” You said, forcing a false cheerfulness to your voice. 
“Your husband misses you.” Kargan said, a sickening smile on his face. “He’s very hurt over your sudden disappearance. Many of us are.” His bright purple eyes were filled with unbridled rage as he took a step forward towards you. 
“Tell me, are the burns still healing? I had hoped they had killed him, but alas, beggars can’t be choosers.” You shrugged. 
“You’re going to pay for your insolence to the Underworld. Your husband has so many plans for you-” Kargan purred taking a step towards you. You took a step back as two twi’leks joined him, both of them looking ready to eat you alive. 
“Aw Kargan, can’t we play with her before bringing her back? Sian did say as long as we brought her in one piece” One of the twi’leks cooed, his eyes filled with a lust that made your stomach roil. 
You let out a fierce growl. “Come any closer and I’ll shoot.” You raised your blaster at them in promise. 
“There’s three of us and one of you, looks like the odds aren’t in your favor, poppet.” The same Twi’lek laughed. His laughing was cut off by a blast to his face. The man fell to the ground motionless. 
You looked at your blaster shocked, you hadn’t fired anything- 
Silver caught the corner of your eye again as Kargan and his goon took cover. You immediately began to run towards the direction of your ship again while they were all distracted but only made it about 20 feet before a shot hit your leg. You let out a pained scream and collapsed, crawling behind a tree to take cover. 
You held your blaster tightly to your chest as you listened to Kargan’s gang and the Mandalorian shoot back and forth at each other. You heard a cry, as one of them was hit. Knowing you had to get moving, you ripped a piece of your shirt off and tied it around your injured calf, biting your lip to keep a scream of pain in. 
You didn’t realize how silent the woods had become until you were done wrapping your injury. You slowly leaned around the tree and looked for any of your attackers. Both of the Twi’leks were dead, Kargan was gone, and the Mandalorian- 
Was looking right at you. You could feel his eyes burn into you through his visor, without a second thought you took off running. 
“Dank ferrik!” You heard him cry out behind you before his footsteps picked up. 
You had to get to your ship, this man wanted to bring you in- he was no better than Kargan.
“Please, just keep going, we’re almost there.” You muttered painfully to your injured leg. You could hear the Mandalorian catching up to you, his footsteps getting closer and closer. 
You cried out as his whipcord wrapped around your good leg and brought you down, causing you to drop your blaster as you put your hands out to brace yourself. 
You scurried to get up as the Mandalorian approached you. “Stop.” He ordered sternly. 
You ignored him, reaching for your gun as he kicked it away from you. He grabbed your flailing arms and forced you to look at him. “Stop, you’re only going to make your injury worse.” 
“Oh and I am supposed to suddenly listen to you when you had planned to kill me not even 20 minutes ago?” You snapped trying to rip your hand out of his steel grip. 
“No, you’re supposed to listen to the man who wants to help you, who you once trusted.” He argued. 
You scoffed. “How in the hell am I supposed to trust you? Do you really think I am that naive?” 
You heard the Mandalorian sigh as he reached down to untangle his whipcord from your leg. “I swear on my creed that you are safe with me and I will not harm you.”
You paused at that, looking into the visor that was now at your level. You knew how much he valued his creed, but things had changed since those years, did he really still follow it with his life?
After a few moments of consideration you nodded. “Fine, just get me back to my ship and I will be fine from there.” 
“Your ship is destroyed. Kargan and his men got to it before you did. He also posted more men around the area to track you down in case you got away.” The Mandalorian explained as he unwrapped and observed your injury. ““We need to get back to my ship before any of Kargan’s other men see you.” He explained. “Quickly.” He added, his visor still focused on your injury as he offered you a hand. 
You took it without hesitation, your mind so focused on the loss of your ship, that you had barely comprehended his last couple of words to you. Your ship had been your home and refuge for the past year, the one place you felt safe and now everything, the few items you had, the life you had made on the run, was gone. In the blink of an eye.
You were brought back to the present as pain shot through your leg and you stumbled. The Mandalorian caught you, but you pushed away from him, forcing yourself to stand on your injured leg. “I’m sorry, your ship? How do I know you won’t just put me and carbonite and call it a day? Your creed be damned.” 
“Listen, you can either come with me to my ship, where I promise I will help you, or you can stay out here and get an infection- and that’s if Kargan’s men don’t find you first.” The Mandalarian said, annoyance coating his voice. 
You hated how he was right, but you took a step forward towards him. “Fine, but any sign of funny business and I am shooting you with my blaster.” You threatened, looking around for said blaster. 
Mando cleared his throat and held it out to you, a peace offering. You took it and looked at him. 
“You can’t run on that leg, we’re going to have to jet back to my ship.” He said. 
“Absolutely not. I can run just fine, I even gave you a run for your money-” You argued turning away from him and nearly stumbling again. 
He rushed to catch you and scooped you up. “Sure you can.” He said as he shot into the sky. 
You suppressed a scream and closed your eyes. Mando remained silent, but you could have swore you felt him smirking underneath the helmet. Bastard.
You didn't open your eyes until you felt you had landed. Mando carried you up into the ship, his steps echoing off the small ramp. He placed you on a little pull out table and unwrapped your leg again. 
“Stay here.” He said as he closed the ramp and got medical supplies. Your heart pounded as you realized you were closed in with him. Your heart pounding as watched him walk around.
“I swore on my creed that you are safe and I meant it, whether or not that means anything to you is not my problem, but I can hear your heartbeat over here.” His voice said, breaking your tense silence. 
You remained silent, unsure of what to say.
“I never thought I would see you again.” He continued, his voice calm. “I should have recognized your face as soon as you, Queen of the Underworld.”
“Don’t call me that. I don’t run with them anymore.” You snapped. 
“I’ve heard.” He said. 
Tense silence fell one again, broken only by Mando shuffling through his supplies. He made his way back to you and gently unwrapped your wound. You resisted shivering as they ghosted over your skin. 
“This is going to sting a bit.” He said gruffly, grabbing the bactaspray and applying it to your leg. You bit your lip to keep from whimpering and closed your eyes, forcing yourself to breathe through the pain. 
Your eyes shot open when you heard a tiny coo. 
Mando sighed. “Kid, I told you to stay inside your crib until I came and got you.”
You looked down at the tiny child at your feet and suppressed a small squeal. Its green ears were probably ⅓ the size of its body and eyes nearly ten times the size of its little nose. The creature cooed at you curiously, causing you, despite the horrific situation you were in, to smile at it gently. 
“Hello little one.” You whispered. The kid gave you a toothy grin. “I didn’t realize you had a kid.” 
“It’s a long story.” Mando said curtly, scooping up the child and making his way to the ladder that led to the cockpit. “You should get some rest, there’s a bed behind that panel, just press the button to the right of it.”
Before he could completely disappear up the ladder, you stopped him. “Why are you helping me?” You blurted out. “What is your price for this? Nothing is for free, I know that better than anyone.”
There was a long pause of silence between the two of you. “Because you’re not the first bounty I’ve been lied to about.” Mando said, his voice caring a lighter tone to it as he looked at the kid. Its big black eyes lit up and it let out a loving coo at him. He didn’t say what he really wanted to. And because I could never hand you back over to that bastard again.
A slow smile came across your face. “Looks like you and I are one in the same little one.” You said gently, the child smiled at you and you giggled before he and Mando disappeared into the cockpit.
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beenbaanbuun · 4 years
STRAY KIDS’s reaction to their youngest member giving them kisses
sorry this took a while for me to get out, i had another little breakdown, but also some good stuff has happened so that’s made me a bit happier. it might be about a week or so before i post anything else, unless i can get something written tonight, but i will try to get some more stuff out soon and i will try to make a schedule so you know when to expect things - lilly xx
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He would be prepared to give you ANYTHING any time you kiss his cheek, which is exactly why you kiss his cheek when you want something from him. As soon as you do this, he is prepared to give the world to you, and no task is too small for him. He’s a loving leader at the best of times, but when it comes to you, his love reaches an entirely different level.
“Hi, Chan.” You walked into his studio at 2AM to see Chan stooped over his desk, sighing heavily. The other boys had sent you to collect him, because everyone knows Chan can’t say no to you. He smiled at you in acknowledgement before turning back to his computer. Desperate times call for desperate measures, and so you kissed his cheek. “It’s quite late, and we thing you should come back to the dorm now.” The smile on his face was huge as he packed his stuff away, ready to leave with you.
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As soon as he noticed you kissing the other members cheeks as a way of saying thank you, he would buy you things left and right. It became an extremely common thing between the two of you, so much so that the fans noticed it and began calling you ‘his baby’. He loved the nickname, which made him buy you even more things to encourage the fans.
“(Y/N), I’ve got you some food!” Minho walked into your room with takeaway bags hanging from either arm. He had a grin on his face as he saw you were doing a live; he couldn’t have hoped for better timing. He placed the bags down and sat next to you, waiting for the exchange. Soon enough, you kissed his cheek, leaving the fans a mess in the comments.
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He hated saying goodbye to his little sibling, but you made it better by kissing his cheek every time you went to visit your parents. The two of you would normally hug for a while, until it was time for you to leave, and then you’d kiss his cheek and go. It wasn’t a particularly long exchange, but it meant a lot to the both of you.
“I’ll only be gone for a week, you don’t need to worry.” You were held tightly in his arms, and there was clearly no escape for you, not that you minded; you enjoyed this goodbye routine as much as Changbin did. The two of you stood for a few more seconds until your mum called you away. He let go, as did you, before leaning forwards and placing a kiss on his cheek. He ruffled your hair for the last time in a week, and said a quick goodbye, before he watched you walk away.
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No matter how hard he tries, he can never be serious when you show affection, which is a lot. Every time you hug his, he internally screams, and every time you kiss his cheek, he pretty much externally screams. To him, you are like a little sister, and so every time you do something that he finds cute, he will do anything to encourage your behaviour.
“(Y/N)!” Hyunjin’s voice was loud in your ear as you pulled you face away from his. You couldn’t get away quick enough though, as soon enough your head was pressed against his chest, and the sound of his happy laughter could be heard from above you. The one good thing about the situation you were in, was at least you know Hyunjin loved receiving your love, just as much as you loved giving it.
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You’d better get ready for your affection to be returned if you show any to Jisung. He will be ready at any opportunity to show you love, and it’s even better if you show it first, because then he has a reason to smother you in affection. You always regret it as soon as you press your lips to his cheek, because a few seconds later, you’d be trapped in his arms, with his lips pressed against your cheek instead.
“Jisung, can you let me go now?” You’d been trapped for around 5 minutes now in his arms, and he wouldn’t let you go. You loved him very much, but at times like these, you often wondered why. It seemed like you and Jisung were the only members to not be busy, because as soon as anyone walked past, they ignore the two of you and continued with whatever they were doing before they saw you. It was an unfortunate situation, but deep down, you appreciated the love.
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It started off with Felix kissing your cheek to thank you, but it quickly evolved into the two of you kissing each other’s faces at any time you could. As soon as the two of you were in close proximity, one of you would go for the other’s nose, cheek, or forehead. The other members seemed to like to tease you for it, but neither of you minded at all.
“Hey, poppet.”As soon as you walked through the door, he noticed your grim expression, and immediately knew something was bothering you. You were his little sibling, and he knew immediately when you weren’t happy. The moment you got close enough, he gripped your shoulders tightly, and pulled you in close. You appreciated the gesture, no matter how small it was. You kissed his cheek in return, and he knew that everything was okay.
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When he first met you and you greeted everyone with a kiss to the cheek, he fell in love with his new best friend, and you didn’t have a choice in the matter. Every time you didn’t greet him with a kiss, he’d get very upset, and eventually you’d be guilt tripped into giving him a ‘hello’ kiss. It was kind of a lose-lose situation, because if you do give him a hello kiss, the will have to suffer his excitement far a while.
“Seungmin, talk to me!” One thing about Seungmin is that he was very good at ignoring you when he was upset with you. You knew what you had to do to make him happy, but you weren’t sure you wanted to deal with overly happy Seungmin. It wasn’t long before you got tired of him ignoring you, and so you pressed your lips to his cheek, and got ready for the aftermath.
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Being the two youngest members, you were incredibly close, which you showed through your affection towards him. If someone wanted to find you, they’d look for Jeongin. Your friendship made Jeongin very happy, especially your clinginess, which lead to a lot of cheek kisses for him. He couldn’t deny he loved them, no matter how hard he tried.
“Hello, (Y/N).” He smiled as you walked into his room and sat down next to him. You had a look on your face that he knew meant you were tired, and therefore clingy. Your arms instinctively wrapped around one of his, and you leaned your head on his shoulder, tilting your head head slightly so that you could kiss his cheek. A laugh rippled through him as you curled up into his side. He thought you were very cute.
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fanficshiddles · 4 years
Butterfly Into Chains, Chapter 26
Esme was having an utter breakdown at the thought of having another baby that she would have to give up.
But no matter how much she begged and grovelled to Tom, he wouldn’t change his mind.
David consoled her the best he could. She clung to him, feeling he was the only one that understood how she was feeling. The only one that truly cared about her. She begged him to take her away from here, that they could go off and live together, alone.
‘I’m sorry, poppet. As much as I would love that, it’s just not possible. Tom would find us, and it wouldn’t be fair on the others since they’ve bonded with you.’ He said sadly, stroking her hair.
She buried her face into his neck, holding on tightly to his shirt. They were in her nest, she’d made one at the bottom of the cupboard again. This time she barely ever left it. Tom didn’t allow her to be coaxed out of there, claiming it was better for the baby to stress Esme out as little as possible. David had scoffed at that, knowing she was already stressed out to the max.
Esme had even threatened at one point to abort the baby herself somehow. But they all knew, including her, that an omega would never do that. It would go against absolutely everything within her and just wouldn’t be possible. It was in an omegas nature to protect and look after her child, in her tummy and out. No matter how desperate she became.
As Esme got further on in her pregnancy, she became even more emotional than before. She tried her best not to get attached, but with the baby physically growing inside of her that was impossible.
When the dreaded day came round, she refused to start pushing when the nurse directed her to do so. Thinking she could keep the baby in her tummy forever.
But of course, her body soon took control and she naturally started pushing.
Tom and David were right up at her side, stroking her hair and telling her she was doing so well. Ben and Chris were hovering at the side, watching closely. Michael was down behind the nurse, getting a perfect view to what was going on down there, luckily he wasn’t squeamish at all.
In a mixture of pain, both physically and mentally, she started cursing and screaming, at Tom mainly.
The nurse didn’t react, since it was normal for the Alphas to get screamed at by their omega during birth, a natural reaction from the pain they were going through.
Soon the room was filled with the sound of a new born baby crying. Esme started struggling straight away, trying to get off the bed and over to her baby. But Tom took a firm hold of her, pulling her back onto the bed. David didn’t do anything, just watched Esme and the baby. So Chris came over and helped Tom to restrain Esme.
Esme tried lashing out at him, almost managing, but Tom swiftly grabbed her arm and he nodded at Ben. Ben approached and injected her quickly with some sedative.
‘What the hell are you doing?’ David snarled, rushing forward to Esme.
‘After last time, we know how bad she can get. This is to keep her calm, until we can get her home. It’s to keep her safe.’ Tom said firmly. He gently guided Esme’s head back down onto the pillow as she fell asleep. He smoothed her hair back from her forehead.
The nurse said the baby was a boy. Michael then took him straight out and to his new parents after the nurse gave him a check over.
David closed his eyes for a moment and swallowed hard. He moved in close and gave Esme’s hand a squeeze.
When they all returned home, Esme slowly started to come round. But she found her wrists were tied to the bed and she panicked, pulling them hard.
‘Easy, love.’ Tom cooed, moving closer beside her.
‘Give me my baby back!’ She cried and continued to try thrashing around.
But Tom did nothing, he just allowed her to tire herself out, until eventually she just gave in and lay there helplessly, while he put his arms around her to console her.
Once she had calmed down, David managed to persuade Tom into letting him take her for a bath. He knew she wouldn’t try to hurt him.
And he was right. David was the only Alpha she wanted comfort from right now. While they bathed, she just leaned back into him and focused on feeling his skin against hers, she had cried until she had no more tears left.
‘I can’t… I can’t keep doing this.’ She sniffed.
David rubbed her arms softly. ‘I know, poppet… I know.’ He pressed a kiss to her shoulder.
‘What was my baby? A boy or a girl?’ She asked hesitantly.
‘Do you truly want to know?’ David asked with a frown, not sure if telling her would be a good idea or not.
‘Please.’ She whispered.
David picked up a scrunchie and started washing her back.
‘A baby boy.’ He said softly.
Esme let out a small sob, but she nodded. David put the scrunchie down for a moment and turned her around a bit, so he could cup her chin and look into her eyes.
‘I am sorry, Esme. Truly… But you need to know, I love you. I really do. I will do my utmost to keep you safe. You are the only reason I’m still here. I hate seeing you so broken and upset. And I know I am just as bad for being part of this. But I hate it, I have been so close to walking out of here… But I can’t leave you.’ He rubbed his thumb up and down her cheek.
Esme started tearing up again as she leaned into him, burying her face into his neck. David cradled her to him and rubbed her back in circles.
No matter how much comfort she got from David, it didn’t stop Tom from injecting her with fertility drugs again… and again.
She had already churned out another three babies, making it five in total that had been ripped from her. Earning the Alphas a very hefty sum, aside from David who refused to take any of the money.
Poor Esme was completely broken. She didn’t even put up a fight anymore when getting the fertile injections, up until the last two babies where she came into heat herself.
But now it was time for her to give birth to her sixth baby.
She was in her private room in hospital, starting to push. Her Alphas all in their usual places.
The nurse hadn’t failed to notice how Esme’s eyes no longer had the same sparkle in them. How she became more and more like a hollow shell with every birth. But she’d never dare to say anything to the Alphas. It wasn’t her place.
Esme no longer fought her Alphas. She screamed while giving birth, because of the pain. But when she heard the baby crying and saw it in the nurse’s arms, she didn’t even attempt to get near. Just a few tears fell down her cheeks.
Michael felt his heart quickening when the nurse handed the baby to him, telling him it was a girl. He gazed down in awe at her, then slowly walked out of the room.
Esme curled up into a ball on her side once the nurse had checked her over.
‘Good girl, Esme. You did so, so well.’ Tom purred and kissed the top of her head.
‘We will get you home as soon as Michael is back.’ David said softly.
‘He’s taking a while, usually back by now.’ Chris frowned.
‘I’ll go check where he is.’ Ben said before disappearing out of the room.
It was ten minutes later before Ben returned, wide eyed…
‘Ben?’ Tom frowned.
‘He’s gone… Michael is gone. And he took the baby.’
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chvrrystvles · 5 years
Harry likes Y/n’s tutu.
A/n: I might do a part two of this if it gets good feedback.  As always, kind critiques and criticism is appreciated! Much love xx.
It wasn’t unlike Harry to watch Y/n as she changed into her leotard and baby pink tutu, she knew he had a n odd fascination with the pieces of material.  Also make comments, “Makes ya legs look good, poppet, ‘s pretty,” or sometimes “Tha’ leo makes your boobs look good.”  The latter comments usually earned Harry a smack on the arm from Y/n.
It also wasn’t unlike him to be extremely handsy when Y/n would put her hair up in a beautiful french twist that laid pinned on the back of her head.  Always saying something about how it, “frames your face, makes ya look like a proper Disney princess or somethin’” those type of comments always caused blood to run straight to her full cheeks and turn her bright as a cherry.  
Today, however, Harry watched Y/n with intent, his eyes following her from the moment she slipped into her leotard to when she placed her full tutu into her dance bag.  Wasn’t a normal gaze either, the way he watched her today made the hairs on her arms raise and her, just shaved legs, to cover themselves in goosebumps.
“Harry you’ve got no business to be staring at me like tha’,” she tried to have a somewhat authoritative tone, but Harry knew her entirely too well.  Harry knew Y/n liked being watched, in fact he knew everything about Y/n, but being watched was one of her favorite things.  He knew she liked to see people react to her, which is probably the reason why she’s such an amazing dancer. He also knew what his wandering eyes was doing to her, which is why he continued to watch her.
“Dunno whatcha mean pet, ‘m jus’ admiring my girl, ‘s nothing wrong with tha’,” she wished she could kiss that shit eating grin right off of his pretty face, but she had to be out the door in fifteen minutes, and Y/n was never good and stopping something once she started.
With a shake of her head she gave Harry a knowing, but playful, scowl.  She knew he was aware of what he was doing to her body, he always did this on the night of a recital.  For some reason though, she always danced better after his soundless teasing and grabby hands. Harry noticed this too.  
It was the opening night of the Christmas performance at her college,  Y/n had been attending University to study dance and forensics.  Harry remembered when he first met the lovely girl, he was completely caught off guard that the little innocent lady in front of him was interested in something that had the possibility of being so gruesome.  Although, the longer they’ve been together Harry came to realize that Y/n was a different little duck, despite how innocent her outward appearance was.  
Opening night was always the most nerve racking of all the times she performed a show, it made Y/n even more nervous that this was her final performance before she graduated university.  Also, maybe the fact that she was the lead role, but mostly because it was the last time she’d get to dance with purpose.
Harry sat on the second row, drumming his fingers along his thighs absentmindedly.  He had yet to see Y/n in her outfit for the final performance, only getting looks of her leotards for rehearsal, and needless to say he was beyond excited to final get to take it all in.  Y/n’s parents sat on his right and he tried his best to hold a conversation with them.  Oh, but it was so hard when his mind couldn’t stop thinking about the swell of her breast and the curve of her hips, and how they looked in what she’d be wearing on stage.
Y/n sat in a chair backstage, letting the older women around her finish her hair and makeup.  After waiting half an hour, she was finally turned around to give herself a good look down.  Needless to say, she was shocked, somehow the women had managed to make her eyes seem even more captivating than usual and her lips looked as pouty and soft as ever.  With the  leo and tutu she was told to wear, she knew she’d have the audience watching her all night, but more specifically she’d have Harry watching her all night. That thought made a dull ache start to form in between her legs.
Harry could practically hear his heart beating like a freight train, feeling as though, in any minute it would burst out of its home inside his chest.  The thought of seeing Y/n in the tiny tool skirt and a skin tight piece of fabric had his head spinning and his cock filling out his jeans, which became increasingly hard for him to try to hide.
He silently thanked whoever turned the lights down, and watched the curtains open slowly revealing his girl in center stage. He muttered a soft, “Oh fuck me,” as he watched her.  She was dressed in all black, which only made her body look that much more mesmerizing.  The fabric clung to every curve and flattened out and ‘imperfection’ she claimed to have.  And god, that tutu, something about it made Harry’s mind go into overdrive.  He wondered if she’d keep it on even after the show.
Throughout the entire show, Harry’s eyes stayed glued to every movement Y/n made, and she could practically feel his eyes falling out of his head.  Even when she wasn’t dancing on stage, she watched Harry in the wings moving every which way in attempts to cover the growing bulge in his pants.  It was hard for her to hide the smirk on her face whenever she met his gaze while dancing, she was aware of what she was doing to him.  Harry knew this, and made note to fuck her until she remembered who actually had the upper hand.  
Just as quickly as the beautiful ballet had started, it was over, and Harry sat waiting in the lobby with a bouquet of roses for Y/n.  His breath caught in his chest when she walked out, greeting guests whilst still giving him a look of adornment. She was so in for it.  
“You look so good.” Y/n giggled at his proclamation and brought her lips to the shell of his ear, “You really think so, Daddy?”  In that moment she knew she had pressed a button deep within side him, and his entire demeanor changed.
He choked on his spit, not expecting Y/n to tease him this much, he loved this side of her and it wasn’t one he was able to see very often.  “Alrigh’ pet, go grab your stuff, gotta get home,” he said lovingly kissed her temple.  Y/n could hear the want underneath the loving tone, and decided then, that it was probably a good idea to do as Harry said.
The car ride home was tense, Harry and Y/n had bid goodbye to her parents and promised them lunch the following day.  From the way that Harry’s hand squeezed your thigh to way he held his bottom lip in between his teeth. “‘S not nice to tease daddy, Y/n,” he could hear her swallow thickly and attempt to press her thighs together to get some sort of relief.  He tutted his tongue, “Is my little angel getting wet,” he brought her hand up to his lips and kissed it softly, “‘s a shame then, really, tha’ you’re not gonna cum fo’ awhile pet.”
Harry didn’t even make it to their bedroom, before he was beckoning Y/n to get on her knees, “on your knees angel, wanna tease Daddy all night in ya pretty lil’ costume you can pay the consequences.”  And Y/n would be lying if she said that her core didn’t throb listening to Harry’s filthy words. Her needy hands grabbed and his belt, trying to rid Harry of the clothes covering his bottom half.
Harry watched her through low eyes, she pawed at him in every attempt to get his pants off, and he let her struggle for a few moments before tugging down her jeans and stepping out of them.  Y/n licked over the outline of his growing member, kissing over the base all the way down to his clothed tip.  She let her eyes meet his, “P-Please Daddy let me suck on you, please,” he liked the way she begged for him.
A soft nod from Harry was all she needed to tug his tight boxers down his thighs.  Her mouth watered at the sight of him, tip fiery red and his length scattered with throbbing veins. “Go on then, give it a lick,” and without a second to waste, she did.
She took his tip in between her soft lips, ones that he had been staring at all night long, and suckled softly. “Ah, tha’ is plenty of teasing from ya pet,” she could hear him growing irritated, and that’s exactly how she wanted him.  Deciding to be a good girl, she lowered her mouth farther down his cock, his quiet whimpers giving her the motivation to take the whole of him in her mouth and down her throat.
“Thas’ it pet, taking Daddy’s cock like a good girl aren’t ya,” she nodded on him, “Think ya could take ya leo off an’ let Daddy see ya in jus’ your pretty lil’ tutu?” Y/n could’ve cum just by hearing Harry so breathy and whiny above her asking her to give him a blowie in just her tutu.  How could she say no to him, already looking so fucked out in  just the small amount of time she’d been sucking on his hard length.
Y/n was quick to remove her leo and stockings to leave her in only her pretty black tutu.  “Oh, fuck.” Harry couldn’t stop looking at her tits, were they always this perky?  Her nipples were already hard and Harry couldn’t wait to suck one into his mouth, but with the sight of her in front of him he started to grow very uncomfortable due to how hard he had gotten.
“Back down on your knees petal, got me all worked up now don’t ya.” Even with the how dominate Harry was being Y/n couldn’t help but feel her heart flutter, the sight of her, and her alone, had gotten him that hard.
As soon as she was back down on her knees, her mouth was stuffed full of Harry, and his hands made themselves comfortable in her hair, which now had fallen from it’s beautiful twist.  She licked down the base of his shaft and bobbed her head in a gentle pattern, feeling completely full of Harry.
Harry’s hips bucked into her mouth, touching the back of her throat again and again.  Tears fell down her face and made the dark makeup around her eyes stained her flushed cheeks.  His cock stretched her lips, and made her mouth hurt, but in the best way possible.
Y/n knew he was approaching his high when she could hear his moans and whimpers growing louder and louder, and feel the snap of his hips get faster.  “”M gonna cum petal, ‘m gonna cum.” His grip on her hair became tighter, and Y/n swore she couldn’t breathe, but at this point she didn’t care.
Her head was foggy and she felt like she was on cloud nine when finally she tasted every ounce of him in her mouth.  Harry pulled out of her mouth with a sigh, he could see his cum dribbling out of her mouth and onto her chin.  “Up, up baby, let’s get ya cleaned up, ‘n then maybe can fuck you in tha’ pretty tutu.”
Y/n, though still very spaced out, couldn’t have nodded her head faster.
Y/n knew she was in for a long night and it was all because of that damn tutu.
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blissfulparker · 5 years
Dine and dash pt.2–ceo!tom
Parings→ceo!tom x singlemom!reader
Summary→tom comes into your diner every Tuesday and Thursday, it is no secret that he only goes for you. When will he ever be brave enough to say something, when will you ever be brave enough to let him in?
A/n→ here is part 2 Of dine and dash! Please tell me how you feel or maybe where you want it to go because I have ideas but I love hearing back from you guys
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The crowd was different today, So was your girl. Everyone seemed in a hurry, there were too many people walking in and out you started to loose count of orders. It didn’t help that Cara kept talking your ear off trying to get your attention and you making the best effort not to snap at her.
“Mommy, look at the—” before she could finish you dropped your head and gave her a stern look.
“Why don’t you finish that shake momma made for you okay? I’m trying to work.” You huff and she grows dull and walks over to her back table taking a sip of the strawberry milkshake and going back to her drawings.
Right as you wanted to hit the breaking point you heard the door bells ring signifying someone had walked in, that someone was tom. Tom walk in with the same distraught look on his face as you.
He took a seat at the bar not wanting to bother you while you worked with other people’s orders. Although the little girl had no problem running to him and giving him a big hug. You smiled ablittle as that interaction suddenly made the world move a lot slower and your day Get a lot better.
“Hey princess, I got you something.” He almost whispered the words so she was the only one to hear but you can hear her excitement from across the room.
“What is it?” She asked intrigued trying to look around him to see if she can see her gift.
Tom pulls out a small 16 pack of crayons from his pocket, the girl jumps into Toms arms taking the gift from him before running to get some paper so they can both draw together.
You make your way over to Toms spot to start on his order but you wanna hold the picture of them two sitting and drawing together a little longer.
“Same thing?” You ask holding out the notebook and tom shakes his head ‘no’.
“Just fries, gotta dinner party tonight so don’t wanna eat too much.” He says and you nod to him writing what he said down and passing it back to the kitchen.
“Mommy, look what tommy brought me!” Cara speaks and you smile and nod.
“Did you say thank you?” You asked her and she nodded. “Why don’t you um, go over to your spot to draw so I can talk to tom for a bit?” You ask her and she grabs her paper but leaves the crayons tom was using on the table.
“Don’t start spoiling her because then she’ll start expecting it all the time.” You point at him as you finally sit instead of hopping up to everyone’s need.
“I like her, you know that.” You and him both look over to her as she colors and occasionally takes a sip of the melting milkshake.
“Just don’t start spoiling her, okay?” You ask and his smile fades. What you really wanted to say was ‘don’t give us false hope’ if tom didn’t want to stay anymore than you knew that’d break the girls heart especially because she saw him as her dad.
“Okay.” He nods looking down at his gold band trying to ignore the pain in his heart. “I’m sorry.” He apologized feeling like he screwed up somewhere.
“You’re fine. No need to apologize.” You say before walking back to the kitchen to get him his fresh plate of fries, you hand the warm plate to him as he starts to eat.
You both sit there in silence, you watch him eat his fries and he focuses on his food or the girl drawing. It was almost like you had forgotten all the bad in your day by just looking at tom. You’d forgetten all the spilt coffee you had to clean up, all the dirty ‘flirtatious’ comments older men made at you today, how much your legs burned from running around in the small diner wearing heels. God, how those shoes were burning your feet.
“So,” you break the silence and look bring your focus back into the real world. “A dinner party tonight?” You ask him and he snaps back into reality too.
“Yeah, it’s for work.” He says as he hands you a fry and you gladly take it knowing how low your body was on food.
“And where do you work since you know where I work.” You ask and he looks up and knows he shouldn’t lie but he does it anyway.
“I’m a accountant.” He says and You furrow your brows.
“I thought you had dyslexia.” You ask and he does, he has dyslexia that wasn’t a lie, it did make his job harder but not all the time. It was stupid of him to say he was an accountant though.
“I do, makes my job hard but it pays well.” He tells you and you hum in reponse. “I would invite you to the dinner party since I had a plus one but you have Cara and I didn’t think you could get a babysitter at last minute.” He says and stops himself realizing why he had said.
He asked you out. He technically just asked you out. He didn’t know what to do, this isn’t what he had in mind for when he asked you somewhere out of this hell hole of a diner, he thought maybe he’d ask you for coffee of a real dinner. Never did he think he’d invite you to his work dinner party filled with snobby rich assholes who’s girlfriends as just as bad as them.
“Yeah, uhh, Cara has school tomorrow anyways.” You push back some fallen hair.
“Right, maybe another time.” He nodded. The air filled with this thick awkwardness, he wanted to say something but his mind kept yelling at him to shut up. Never had you wanted someone to call you over for an order than right now.
“I drew this for you!” Cara came running up to you and tom, she hands him the picture she had drew while back there.
There was the three of you in this diner, she tried her hardest to draw you all sitting down in a booth drinking milkshakes and a plate of fries. You all were stick figures drinking milkshakes together. There was something different about you and Toms milkshake, it was one and there was two different straws just like in a romantic movie in the 50’s.
“This is beautiful, poppet, thank you very much.” He tells her and you point to you and tom.
“Why are we sharing one?” You ask her and she giggles a little.
“Because grownups that like each other do that.” She says with her little nose in the air before walking away.
You stare up at tom and he didn’t even seem to hear what she had said but instead fell in love with the photo in front of him.
“You better tell her to stop spoiling me before this turns into a war.” He teased you and you chuckle a bit and look at the photo as well.
“She’s different, you go and let her eat your fries and buy her crayons when all she does is draw you a picture.” You tell him and he looks down at his watch and looks back around at the people who made all the busy noise in the place.
“I’d love to hear it when it’s quite in here, no music, no spoons or forks hitting plates, no chatting, just the sound of your heels clinking on the floor and my shoes walking in. Bet that’s peaceful.” He gives his dreamy pressed lip smile that he knows you secretly love.
“You and me both.” You sigh looking at all the people and he looks down at his watch.
“How late can you keep this place open?” He asks and you widen your eyes taken slightly aback at the sudden statement.
“I-I have no control over how late I can keep this open unless I’m closing which I hardly ever—” before you could finish tom places a $20 on the table and shoves a $50 in your tip jar.
“This place closes at 10 correct?” He looks around knowing that if he doesn’t leave now he’ll be late.
“Y-Yeah?” You say confused as to what he was doing. You were so lost you didn’t even take the time to argue about the amount of money he’d given you.
Tom gets up from his seat and folds the picture Cara made for him before shoving it in his pocket. He takes one last bite and one last sip of water before he leaves.
“You think you can keep this place open for me a little after 10 tomorrow night?” He starts walking over to the door and places his hand on the handle waiting for your response.
“I-i don’t know, I really don’t have that power—” You say and he opens the door for himself and waits a little longer for your response.
“I’ll be here at 9:00 then!” He points and you stand there in shock. “It’s a date!” He shouts as he runs out to his car. You can see his mouth shouting curse words to himself as he hopes into the sliver Tesla.
You stand there not knowing what to say or do, you had pretty much just been told you were going on a date with tom by tom. You didn’t even have a yes or no option, you just had to stay at work and figure out if he’d show up.
That made you the most nervous, What if he didn’t show up? You’d make a fool of yourself by staying extra hours just so you can see the pretty boy a little extra longer. You’d be making your mom watch Cara and if tom didn’t show up you’d feel bad because she did all that work for nothing.
“Mommy, where’d tom go?” You little girl pouts and you sighed looking down to her.
“He was running late for something, I’m sure he’ll be back Thursday.” You brush her hair out of her face.
“Okay, because I drew him another picture.” She holds out the picture. This time You three in a park, there’s you and tom holding hands and Cara holding her pet hamster, the hamster that she treated like the only thing that mattered.
“I’m sure he’ll love it.” You smile at her. She runs back to the table and starts on something else, all with the crayons tom gave her.
You looked over at the clock to see it was almost time for you to clock out. You sigh a bit in relief as you know you can soon go home and rest before you work all day tomorrow. The only things that kept you going some days was Cara and tom. Mostly Cara but tom, when tom would come in with a big smile it would make you feel much calmer.
“Angel?” You called out to Cara. You had called her angel ever since she was born because of how peaceful she was for you, no trouble, no screaming cries, just your peaceful angelic girl.
“Hmm?” She looks up and you help her scoop her papers into backpack as she grips tight onto the pascal doll you had gotten her when she was a baby.
“You’re gonna stay at nans tomorrow.” You tell her. Her big brown eyes look up at you, the only thing she got from her father was those eyes.
“Why?” She pouts a little wanting to sleep in bed with you.
“Because, I said so.” You look up at her and she huffs, her huff causes her long hair to move up from her face and back down, it made you laugh sometimes, she complained about long hair but when you asked if she wanted it cut she’s scream about how much she loves it.
“Will I come here after school?” She asks and you shake your head no.
“No, nan will pick you up.” You hold up her chin. “Now go be a good girl and grab mommy’s coat and bag so we can leave faster.” You hum and she moves from the table and runs to get the coat and bag.
If tom was serious, then you couldn’t wait for tomorrow. He was most of the time serious and kept his promises, you watched him make promises with Cara all the time, promise her to be a good girl for you, promise he’d come back the next time, promise he’d draw for her, promises thrown left and right. You were about to figure out how much his promises meant to you.
Please leave feedback it helps me out and let’s me know if you want another part
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Passing Out From Pain
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AO3 Link
Summary: Ren really should learn how to not go into battles already injured. It only leads to worse injuries later. Written for @badthingshappenbingo​!
Mon cher, I am beginning to question your intelligence, Arsène stated for the fifth time that morning, arms crossed as he glared at Ren in the mirror. Ren simply rolled his eyes and continued to try and wrangle his hair into some semblance of acceptability, blatantly ignoring his still-twinging ribs.
“It’s fine, Arsène. We just have to do one match, and then we have two days off where I can heal up. I’ll be okay, I promise.” Ren finally gave up on his hair and just clipped part of his bangs back so that it wouldn’t fall in either of his eyes and put on his mask. He didn’t want to be late to the match over something as stupid as having to wrangle his hair, after all.
As he turned to leave, Arsène simply rolled his eyes before vanishing back into Ren’s heart with a whisper of Are you quite sure you know the definitions of ‘fine’ and ‘okay’?
“Ha ha, very funny,” Ren grumbled, stepping out into the hallway after a quick check of his pockets to make sure he had everything. With that, he set off with a light bounce in his step, attempting to cover up his sore ribs and ankles in case anyone was watching. Being the newest Smasher, he was always highly conscious of not being seen as weak, and this was no exception. He could handle some sore ribs and a sore ankle. The interrogation room had been much worse than anything he’d experienced here.
Within a few minutes, he reached the arena, taking in a deep breath before entering, shoulders thrown back and head held high in a small attempt to look like he wasn’t already sore from yesterday. Only one other person was waiting on the platform already, back turned to Ren as they paced. Ren grinned as he recognized the blonde hair and the small arsenal on their back as he jumped up onto the stage, stalking over on light feet before tapping the figure on the shoulder.
“Wha- Joker! You scared me!” Link yelped as he whirled around, sword half out of its scabbard.
Ren simply laughed and danced back, giving a little bow with a flourish of his coattails. “You’re too easy to sneak up on, Link.”
“Not all of us are part cat like you,” the Hero of Hyrule grumbled in response, although the smile on his face showed that he wasn’t actually upset. “Anyway, ready for the match today?”
“When am I not ready?” Ren shot back, ignoring Arsène’s answer of Always in the back of his mind. “Do you know who we’re up against today?”
“Nope. I just grabbed everything in order to prepare for anyone,” Link said while shrugging. “Although, I do know that the other two are late.”
“Hey! I’m right on time!” Dark Pit’s voice came from behind them. The two teens turned to see Dark Pit scrambling onto the stage, wings fluttering as he brushed himself off. “The other person, however.”
Ren chuckled, about to say something, when he felt the ground rumble a bit. Stiffening, he turned towards the entrance and felt the blood start to drain from his face as he saw Ganondorf stalking towards the platform, a sinister grin upon his lips. Link shifted into a battle stance next to Ren while Dark Pit’s wings flared a bit more. Ren felt his hand tighten around the hilt of his knife as Ganondorf drew closer, looming over the other three.
“Well? Shall we get on with it?” Ganondorf rumbled, his grin widening. Ren swallowed by allowed his Joker smirk to overtake his face, falling into his fighting stance alongside Link. With that, Ganondorf unsheathed his sword, and, with a loud yell, charged forward.
The battle was going pretty well at first, at least in Ren’s opinion. Dark Pit sadly didn’t seem to be at the top of his game today and was knocked out fairly quickly with a combination of Link’s sword and Ren’s gun, leaving Ren free to turn his attention to Ganondorf. He knew he could handle Link without any help (although there was also a fair chance that Link would win in a one on one match), but at the moment, Ganondorf was clearly the bigger threat to Ren’s continued well-being. While he wasn’t as fast as Ren, he absolutely made up for that in his ability to deliver hard hits, and Ren would like to be able to actually walk away from this fight after, thank you very much.
Link was a huge help in tackling Ganondorf, probably because he was used to fighting the Gerudo and knew most of his weak points. Ren tried to stay at as much of a distance as he could, unleashing Arsène every once in a while, but eventually he had to get in close, and that is where things started to go horribly wrong for him.
The first sign that maybe he was in over his head came when he didn’t manage to dodge fast enough and got hit in the back of the head with the flat of Ganondorf’s sword, causing his vision to become a staticky mess and absolutely fucking with his sense of balance. As a result of that hit, Ren was kicked in the ribs, hard, and sent flying across the stage, landing on his arm. He was sure he felt something snap and just barely managed to bite down on his lip to hold in a whimper. After sucking a few breaths in through his nose, he shakily pushed himself to his feet and turned around, ready to launch himself back into the battle despite his throbbing arm, chest, and head.
Ren! Arsène’s warning came a second too late, and Ren couldn’t even block or dodge as Ganondorf charged him, sword swinging down across his chest, drawing blood. Ren stumbled back, hand pressed to his chest in a futile attempt to stem the bleeding, as Gandondorf drew his arm back again and swung for a second time, the flat of it slamming into the side of Ren’s skull and sending him flying again. His auditory processing decided to finally cut out for good, and the distant cheers stopped registering, the only sound in his skull the rapid pounding of his heart, every beat sending more pain lacing through his skull. Oh, he definitely had a concussion. Shit.
The ground rumbled a bit as Ganondorf approached. Ren tried to push himself to his feet again, a whimper escaping the second he put pressure on his injured arm as he crashed back to the ground. He couldn’t see properly, he couldn’t hear properly, everything was screaming at him in pain, and he had to move. Blackness was starting to swallow his vision, and even as he fought against it, Ren knew this was a losing battle.
The battle with the blackness was officially lost as Ganondorf’s boot connected yet again with Ren’s side, sending him flying off the platform, and as he collided with the ground beneath the platform, the pain that shot through him yet again finally loosened his grip on consciousness and he passed out, barely registering Link’s screams from above.
“... better be okay or I swear-”
“I’m going to kill that bitch-”
“Guys, quiet, you’ll wake him up…”
Ren groaned as voices began to filter through his brain, a bit too loud for his throbbing head. The voices instantly fell silent, and just as Ren was beginning to think they’d left, a hand began to card through his hair.
“Shh, you can go back to sleep, poppet. It’s okay,” a soft voice, crisp and British and unusually warm, soothed Ren, the hand stroking his fluffy curls also helping to lull him back to sleep. Unintelligible muttering resumed in the background, but Ren didn’t quite care to decipher it at the moment, instead letting himself to soothed back to sleep by soft humming and the gentle movement through his hair.
The second time Ren woke up, it was to the quiet sound of cursing to his right. Ren moved to turn over to face the voice but pulled up short at the harsh twinge from his ribcage, air choking in his lungs as his eyes shot open at the sharpness.
“Oh shit no, no, Joker, don’t try to move, it’s okay,” Link’s frantic voice exclaimed, and Ren found himself being shoved back into his original position, the concerned face of the Hero of Hyrule hovering over him. “Do not try to move, you have at least 4 broken ribs.”  
“What… happened?” Ren finally managed to get out when his breath evened back out, squinting up at the ceiling. Things were a bit blurry, which meant that someone had probably taken out his contacts. When, he wanted to know, and how had he not woken up during that?
“You were in a match with Ganondorf, and he beat the absolute crap out of you,” Link replied, blunt and almost clinical despite the clear anger simmering in his eyes. “So I kicked the absolute shit out of him in return.”
“Remind me to never go against him again if I can help it,” Ren simply groaned in response, letting his eyes fall closed as the pain of breathing through 4 broken ribs began to pulse through him. “How bad is it?”
“You’ve got 4 broken ribs, a broken arm, a twisted ankle, a sprained elbow on top of the broken arm, and a nasty concussion. Needless to say, you’re on bedrest.”
“Needless to say,” came the huffed response as Ren attempted to laugh, abruptly cutting off with a whimper as his ribs reminded him that they hated his life choices.
Link bit his lip as his eyes flickered over Ren’s body. “It was pretty bad, to be honest. You were unconscious and no one could wake you up.”
“Ah, sorry about that,” Ren murmured. “I didn’t mean to worry anyone.” Link snorted and rolled his eyes before leaning over and ruffling Ren’s hair, earning a squawk from the teen. “Hey!”
“You’re an idiot,” Link huffed. “We’re always going to worry. Now, you should get some more sleep. When you wake up, I’ll hopefully have figured out how to make curry the way you like it.”
“Good luck,” Ren laughed, already feeling sleep pulling him back. “It’s hard to get right.”
“I like a challenge,” Link simply laughed in return, ruffling Ren’s hair once more as Ren’s eyes fell shut, seemingly weighed down by anvils. “See you later, Joker. Sweet dreams.”
16 notes · View notes
The Extent of Happiness
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Jimin thinks he’s a perfect demon, given the centuries of work he’s done and now he dare say he makes for a pretty decent temp-guardian too — he even has the papers to prove it. So with a good clean record, he’s well on his way to getting into the good graces of heaven again to pardon his mischief, only he never realized in his long years of living until now that there is one short-coming he had — as both a demon and a guardian.
guardian demon!Jimin x reader
word count: 18.6k (lord)
genre: slow-burn, supernatural, comedy, fluff, romance, a little angst, slice of life
warning: brief talk of some ill-intentions towards another character
Related works: see masterlist under guardian demon! Jimin
A/N: THIS TOOK FOREVERR.... ;_; tfw the chapter is pretty straight forward but didn’t realize the scenes would take so much planning XD Lots of time skips-ish but it at least takes over the course of two days. Hope you enjoy it, thank you so much for all the patience and love once again! 😚😚💖💖
It’s over.
It’s finally over.
You collapse onto your bed, exhausted but victorious in a way. You’ve just finished your last exam, gone in with a fuck-all attitude that made it go by in a blur and now that it’s out of your hands, you’re finally allowed to be numb to it all. The stress of it is over and though you would be elated if you passed with a pretty good grade, you honestly don’t care if you scraped by or even fail one (you’ve done the math, that's how much you've given up). All you want to do now is to sleep for three years….and maybe have a glass of wine, or a whole bottle you’re not sure.
You’ll have to think on that. But right now, you just want to do nothing for a while.
Unfortunately, your body interpreted ‘do nothing’ as straight up passing out. You’re disoriented by the time you wake up, having not realized you fell into a coma-like sleep in the first place. Jaehee’s the one who knocks on your door to come check on you.
“Fam, you good?” She asks, half-jokingly but you can still hear the tinge of worry slipping through her tone.
You only let out a low, half-dying groan, shifting so that your face is not entirely smushed into your mattress.
“I don’t even remember falling asleep….”
If you had turned over more, you would’ve seen Jaehee giving you a wry smile. “Yeah…. You were out cold when I got home and I didn’t have the heart to wake you, but then I got really worried because you were seriously like out.”
That got a snort out of you, however groggy you might feel as your mind takes its time to become more alert.
“But congrats on finishing your last exam today!” Jaehee cheers, coming over to sit at the end of your bed where your body is draped over in a horizontal fashion. “We should celebrate.”
You let out a whining noise of protest because although you do want to go celebrate (read: drink yourself into an oblivion while stuffing your face with the fattiest, greasiest foods you could find), you also really don’t feel like moving yet. Jaehee laughs, patting your head in a very motherly way that has you nearly dozing off again.
“Okay, okay how about we order pizza and we crack open some cold ones over Netflix?”
That gets a short bark of laughter from you and that’s all that Jaehee needs before she’s getting up again to place the order. During that time, you roll around on your bed some more, scroll through your social media for a while before finally mustering up the strength to get up with a stretch. You loudly let out a drawn out groan as your joints pop and your muscles unwind from being in the same position for so long before you stand, grabbing a new set of PJs as you head to the bathroom.
After a refreshing shower that leaves you more awake now and ready to devour some serious carbs, you saunter into the living room where Jaehee is setting up the extra large pizza box on the coffee table. Your mouth instantly waters at the smell of melted cheese, pepperoni, bacon and mushrooms. Beside the box is a case of Somersby cider, the cans still chilled with condensation so when you crack it open to take a sip, it sends a pleasant chill down your throat.
Taking a seat next to Jaehee on the couch, you reach for a slice of pizza and the first bite has you moaning loudly. “Let me stay like this forever.”
Your friend giggles at your overdramatic comment but nevertheless starts scrolling through the Netflix account to find a series to watch.
“Well, you can now that you’re done for the semester.”
“Thank God for that.”
As Jaehee settles on a show, she reaches for her own can of alcohol, bringing it up towards you and you instantly respond by grabbing yours.
“Cheers to finishing that semester.”
You clink cans, grinning as you take a hefty sip, sighing out contently as you already feel your nerves dissipate with the sweet promise of long restful days of sleeping, eating, and lounging.
Yeah right.
It’s like the universe had decided for you that you’ve had your fill of living out your best life as a human sloth and now you need to get back to being a useful member of society. And since you’re always in need for those few extra dollars, it’s no surprise you find yourself taking on more work shifts, no matter how soul draining it all is.
Do it for the money, you tell yourself, just do it for the money.
Besides, you further reason, you need a distraction or you’ll just find yourself perusing your social media threads which would lead to you being caught up in the hype for BTS’ first day of their North American leg of the tour. It’s fast approaching but at this point, you feel like you’ve gone through your stages of grief and had reached the inevitable acceptance — you’re not going to any of the stops and your only hope rests in the four small words at the very bottom of the official touring website.
You cash out the last of the customer standing in line, grateful to have a moment of peace where you can do something other than force a smile on your face and be overly polite and friendly. You walk over to the end of the cash counter where off to the side is a cart full of items that needed to be ticketed for clearance. It’s not the most exciting job, but after spending majority of your shifts on cash and nothing but cash you’re willing to take any job. So with a label gun in hand, you set to work on scanning the items and adjusting the numbers appropriately to make the correct price tags.
You’re halfway through the cart when you feel a sudden chill, making the hairs on the back of your neck stand and automatically you already know who this is. Your gaze whips around, trying to be subtle about it until a voice calls out to you from above.
“Right over here poppet.”
Your eyes land on the shelves behind you and situated at the very top on a sewing machine box, you find Jungkook peering down at you with his signature bunny grin. His mop of brown hair is a little unruly, leaving his front bangs to sweep over his forehead and he’s still dressed like one of the international students at your college — comfy but bougie as hell. Sighing, you continue with the task at hand, pretending he’s not there just so you won’t look crazy on camera.
“Don’t you have better things to do?”
“Shouldn’t I be asking you that?” He rebuttals, jumping down gracefully next to you despite those clumpy looking Balenciaga shoes he’s wearing (you swear you could kill someone if you threw it at them hard enough). You roll your eyes, already knowing what he’s insinuating when he says that.
“For the billionth time I’m not going; I thought we had this conversation already.”
“Well you can’t blame me for thinking you’ve got such a weak will.”
That causes you to shoot a glare his way and all he does is raise an eyebrow back at you, almost challengingly. It makes you let out a huff of frustration, going back to slapping the items with their pricing stickers a little too aggressively.
“Then what do you suggest I do? Summon another demon so they could be my doppleganger?”
“What? Oh no, that won’t do. Your soul is bound to Jimin so there’s possibly nothing you could offer in exchange for another demon’s service.” Jungkook brushes off your sarcastic rhetorical as if you had seriously asked. “Although you possibly could ask an incubus in exchange for sex….but I don’t think Jimin would be too happy with that…”
Jungkook successfully makes you blush at his offhanded comment, mind reeling and going off in places that they most definitely shouldn’t be going. You have to shake your head to rid of those thoughts, but that doesn’t stop your cheeks from burning still. Forcefully, you think about puppies and kittens and BT— No, no, the one time to not think of them.
Your hand pauses briefly and you turn to pin the brunette sitting on the counter beside you a hard stare. He’s lost in thought, actually considering all the ways that can possibly help you play hooky with your job. You’re a slight bit touched that he seems to care so much but at the same time, you think this is all completely unnecessary. Finally, after a few more minutes of pondering, he sighs out in a defeated manner.
“The only other option I can think of is finding a witch to clone you. But I heard their methods are highly unstable, usually a fifty-fifty chance in death or your clone going on a rampage to actually steal your identity so I don’t know if you’d be down with those odds.” Turning to you, he nods in serious affirmation. “I think the sex demon is your best bet, even if it’ll make Jimin a little mad.”
You choke on the air you harshly inhale, hand coming up to try and smother your coughing fit. By the time you’re able to breathe again without losing a lung, you have tears in your eyes from the exertion but that doesn’t stop you from throwing a narrowed eyed glare at Jungkook who’s watching on with an obviously amused smile.
“I am not doing that.” You wheeze.
“Why not? If it’s because of Jimin, then I’ll handle him for you.”
“No Jungkook, it’s not— “ You pause to kiss your teeth, agitated. “I’m not that desperate. Besides, I’ve already put my money on them adding additional dates after their first leg is over.”
It’s true, you’re not about to resort to shadier means to get what you want; point proven when you turned down even Jimin when he offered (and his method had way less strings attached than the one Jungkook is suggesting). Furthermore, what logic would that be if you refuse help from your own guardian demon only to turn around and accept help from someone else, much less another demon? He’s insufferable, the bane of your existence at times sure, but you can never imagine doing something like that to him, especially after all he’s done. The very suggestion makes your stomach churn unpleasantly — he doesn’t deserve that.
The young demon doesn’t say anything afterwards, just quietly stares at you in utter disbelief for what you think is an uncomfortably long amount of time before —
“You seriously would rather subject yourself to this capitalist slavery than take the chance of getting good demon di—“
The package you’re holding goes flying out of your hand before you can think about it (you think it’s a Disney Princess pink foam crown from the kids section). Jungkook narrowly dodges it with a swift lean of his head, impeccably wide eyes indicating that even he was caught off guard from your sudden display of speed. The item merely smacks against the edge of the computer monitor of the register, lightweight enough that you didn’t need to worry about getting fired for property damage but it didn’t go unnoticed by your manager on duty as not even a minute passes before your headset crackles with her concerned voice.
“Woah what happened there, Y/N? You okay?”
You fumble with your mic, face a raging inferno as you press down on the button to laugh nervously into. “Y-Yeah, no I just saw a spider and it freaked me out. That’s all!”
You get a laugh in return, “Oh yikes. Okay, understandable. Carry on!”
Jungkook’s snickering brings your attention back to him and you could only petulantly glare at him. Luckily, you didn’t have to continue bickering uselessly with him as over his shoulder, you see a few customers begin to stream into the queue line. With one last pointed look, you mutter quickly through gritted teeth.
“I am not going to the concert and I don’t need any of your scheming ways to make it happen otherwise.”
You see him roll his eyes before swiftly, you turn on your heels and scurry back over to your designated register to wave down the approaching customer to ring them up.
It’s just past three o’clock and noticeably the cafe starts to pick up with an influx of patrons. Evidently, being situated near the downtown area didn’t help either as every which street, the establishment is surrounded by towering office buildings. Whether it be just a single elevator trip down or just a walk across the street, everyone flocked to this cafe to get their caffeine fix or a quick bite to eat. The place drew in all sorts of people, which made for a very interesting place to people watch.
Now normally, Jimin wouldn’t be out so early in the day, preferring to wander the streets at night. That’s when all the greatest likes of people come out — well, ‘great’ in demon standards; the perfect hunting ground to secure more poor souls doomed to hell with all their scheming, ill-intent, self-destructive ways.
But, he thinks, a slow smile barely contained behind the rim of his coffee cup, it doesn’t take much to spot a potential victim, even with the rose-tinted glasses of daylight on. All you had to do was stop and look.
His dark eyes lock onto the figure seated in the far corner of the cafe, hunched over the laptop in front of her. From his vantage point, he could make out her features clearly — long dark hair falling in loose curls around her shoulders, framing a heart-shaped face, straight nose, full lips with a dainty cupid’s bow, and porcelain skin all make up this young face. She looked to be mid-twenties if Jimin had to guess and by the way she dressed so casually amongst the sea of business suits and blazers suggests she might possibly be a student or someone who just got out of school. At first glance, this girl was like any other face in the crowd — unassuming and made an effort to sticking to themselves, just like everybody else in this cafe.
Except Jimin can spot something shady going on a mile away, and this one was only a few tables.
Now as to exactly what, he’ll have to get a closer look to find out. So with one last sip from his cup, he uncrosses his legs and gets up to make his way over to the young lady’s table. He approaches with just a few long strides and though it takes her a moment to notice his presence, she still had to do a double take once her wide eyes landed on his face. It makes him smile, eyes creasing and when he sees her face flush pink, he knows he’s got her.
“I’m sorry,” Jimin starts, coming off bashful as he brings a hand up to scratch the back of his neck. “This might seem really creepy but I don’t think I’ve ever seen you around this cafe before and I’m a regular here.”
The girl barely recovers from her flustered state, shaky hands also coming up to tuck a strand of hair behind her ear. She’s having a hard time maintaining eye contact with him and it only goads him on further, keeping his eyes on her and the ever sweet smile still present in an almost purposefully teasing way.
“O-Oh, uh, um yeah. I usually like to hang out in this other place but, I had errands to do around here so I just stopped here for a bit….” Her voice wavers with nerves but she clears her throat, taking a deep breath to steady herself.
“Ah, I see.” Jimin replies, feigning interest as he idly runs a hand through his new ash brown hair. “I’m glad you did, it’s a really nice place to come by — amazing coffee and in-house pastry. Have you tried them?”
The small talk continues with Jimin effortlessly getting her to let her guard down more and more until after an empty pastry plate and a latte later, he’s managed to settle himself comfortably in the seat in front of her sharing chuckles and names (Kim), her laptop long forgotten. Here, Jimin can really take in the details of her person; the Chanel t-shirt peeking out from underneath her windbreaker that’s definitely not a knockoff, the Cartier necklace with it’s dainty charm sitting at the base of her throat, the Hermes bangle that gives off a lustrous shine whenever she brings her slender hand up to cover her mouth as she laughs along with the rose gold diamond Rolex watch.
Either she’s got a nice honest paying job, or she’s getting her funds by….other means.
“That’s a really nice watch you have there; Rolex?” Jimin asks, smoothly taking Kim’s hand into his to inspect the watch clasped onto her wrist. He pretends to admire it, completely ignoring the way she blushes.
“Yeah, got it not too long ago.”
“Lovely taste.” He lets go, making sure to linger in his touch. Kim appreciates the gesture, smiling coyly as she slowly takes her hand back. Amidst the chatter of the cafe, a chime followed by a buzz draws the girl’s attention to her phone placed off on the side. Kim takes it into her hand, unlocking before scrolling through it with hasty fingers. She looks up after a few moments later, regret reflecting in her brown irises.
“Hey, I gotta get going. Maybe we could grab coffee again some other time….?”
Jimin hears the way she lets the question hang and it only makes him grin. Regardless, he takes out his phone and Kim eagerly exchanges numbers with him (even sending him a text to make sure it goes through correctly). Once she’s satisfied, she packs her laptop into a sleeve and puts on her Gucci crossbody over her shoulder.
“I’ll see you around Julien.” Kim beams, walking off with a noticeable pep in her step. He watches her go with an easy smile and to onlookers, they might’ve pinned him for a poor sap who’s become infatuated by the girl he’s just met in his favourite coffee shop — a plot straight out of a romance novel. Oh, if only they knew; how funny would it be when they realize that this angelic smile hid a demon who’s just found his next prey.
Glancing down at his phone, his eyes read over the name of the poor girl who’s about to have karma bite her in the ass. Kim, he thinks with a dark chuckle, just what kind of dark secret are you hiding behind your own innocent smile?
He’ll look forward to finding out.
“Hey, are you working tomorrow?”
You’re in the break room, pulled out from your reveries (what you actually mean is dissociating) by the small chime of your phone signalling a text message. It’s Jaehee and you take a pause on reading her question to think of your answer, mentally going through your work schedule that you’ve gleaned over earlier today before coming into your shift. You don’t remember much but you do know you are working, just not sure whether it would be a short early shift or a closing one again. You hope that it’s not the latter. The very thought makes you shudder.
“Yeah I am. Why what’s up?” You shoot back and no sooner had the message been sent, you get one in return.
“Uhh? Your birthday….??”
Oh shit really? You think to yourself, shocked. You pull up the calendar on your phone and see that yes, your birthday is indeed tomorrow. The revelation has you dazed for a second, wondering where the time went.
“Oh wow, LOL. I didn’t even realize….”
“Girl…. We need to do something for your birthday!
We could do something like head out for dinner and a couple of drinks.”
“That sounds good, but I can’t remember if I’m closing or not :|
I’ll have to double check to make sure.”
“Okay, either way, let me know what the plan is and we work something out!”
“Yeah, will do :)”

You say that but honestly, planning something for your birthday was the last thing on your mind. You would even go as far as to say that you don’t really care anymore. It sounds a lot more depressing than it really is because you think that most people reach that point about certain ages don’t they? When all of your friends’ schedules match up only once in a blue moon, too busy with the grind or other commitments that meeting up at all, let alone for someone’s birthday, is good enough.
You unconsciously frown, wanting to shake your thoughts off on the topic by pulling up your social media apps. Out of instincts, your thumb taps onto Twitter and you’re only greeted by your feed being filled up by huge banners and pictures of the BTS tour and how tickets for their next stop will promptly go on sale tomorrow at 3PM.
It’s like the universe just said ‘fuck you’ to your face; tickets are going on sale on your birthday and you can’t even go. You must be the most unluckiest fan alive right now. What’s worse is that it’s for the next neighbouring city to you, and theoretically, your last chance to cave in.
No, no, you shake your head. You need to stop doing that — you’ve made your peace with this already, and the wanting feeling just resurfaced because you’ve been smacked in the face with it. You exit out of the app quickly and stand, shoving your mobile into your back pocket as you start to head back out of the break room to continue your shift. You dread every step of the way because today, you’re part of the closing team and with the warming weekend weather, people tend to want to hang out longer.
Which is, much to you and your co-workers chagrin, what ends up happening. You spend the next five to ten precious minutes past closing urging straggler shoppers to get the fuck out in the most politest way so that you could all finally start cleaning. So of course by the time you’re done and with no mischievous demon by the name of Jungkook around this time to cause any excuse to leaving early otherwise, you all get out way past the appointed end shift time.
You hurry to the bus stop after a hasty goodnight, eager to get home. Thankfully, you only wait around five minutes before the bus shows up and you get on, not bothering to take a seat for the short three stop ride even though there were plenty of empty seats for your picking. You can’t deny that you’re a little bit antsy, commuting at night alone always manages to do that for you even when you make it to your stop without any incident.
It’s okay, you think as you hastily make your way down the street, you’re nearly there and it’ll be fine the rest of the way.
You don’t stop to think about the logic of your thought just now because by no means are you anywhere near your house yet, let alone your street. You still had about a block left before you meet —
You slow your power walking down to let out a huff of disbelief at yourself. You did not just seriously….
You sigh deeply, too tired to mentally battle it out with yourself about denying the fact that you find Jimin’s routine meet up on your night shifts gave you comfort and security on the trip home — that extra peace of mind. Not saying that you’d be completely crippled if he wasn’t there but… It's nice to have him walking beside you like a shadow that shielded you from any creeps way scarier than any demon you’ve met so far and… he makes the night a lot more enjoyable to be in.
Holy shit, you must be tired as hell because you did not just think that into existence. Your cheeks are heating up on their own and you had to give yourself a light smack to dispel any further thoughts of that nature from developing. At least there was one saving grace about it all; no one was around to witness any of this.
With that, you focus back on trucking along, heart hammering from your exertion or your anticipation, you’re not quite sure. Either way, your pace picks up when you see the beginnings of your street corner come into view. Usually, Jimin would be there just before you make the turn and from there, you’d both walk back the rest of the way, past the convenience store with the dumpster and flickering street light.
So when you round the corner —
Your feet falter, finding no one.
You slow until you stop completely, more concentrated on trying to spot his familiar lean figure that’s always dressed to the nines but somehow always look effortless but after double checking (triple checking, in case your eyes are really that bad) you find no one; not a single soul.
A weight suddenly drops into the pit of your stomach and for a moment, you’re at a loss of what to do. Should you wait around to see if he shows up with the off chance that he's late today? Or should you just power on through? Your gaze shifts to the street ahead of you and it’s like the darkness and the scattering of lights elongate to an endless pathway leading into an inky abyss. You lick your lips that had gone dry, taking in a shaky breath in an attempts to gather yourself but with one glance around your surroundings, you decide firmly that there was no way you were gonna hang around here longer than you need to, not when you know how notorious the store corner could get with its less-than-savoury visitors. You feel a bubble of irritation begin to swell inside you but you crush it in favour of wanting to get home as fast as you can.
So with a swallow, you take off in a power walk, shoulders hunched and legs burning with the strain you put with how quick of a pace you’ve set for yourself. Your hammering heart only accelerates once you come upon the twenty-four hour convenience store, the same one you got harassed by before Jimin showed up in the nick of time. The grip you have on your bag strap tightens as with a quick flit of your eyes, you find that the corner with the dumpster just behind the store is not occupied for once by anyone, at least from what you can see. You don’t bother to confirm if it’s true or not, taking full advantage of this bit of luck as you practically barrel past it, almost breaking out into a run just to get by. Once you do, you race the rest of the way up your front door steps and with a few fumbles of the keys in shaky, adrenaline-filled hands you fall through the doorway, the breath you didn’t realize you were holding comes out in one big whoosh.
You take a moment to stand there, breathing in deeply to calm yourself before eventually, move away from your threshold, locking the door and slipping off your shoes. Trudging to your bedroom, you don’t bother to flick the lights on as you blindly move about to grab your pyjamas, flinging your bag and heading to the bathroom to get ready for bed.
You hit the bed with a thump, thankful to be in its warm sheets but still feeling slightly miffed, mind racing to try and come up with some logical reason as to why Jimin wasn’t there tonight. You toss and turn for a bit but then come to a screeching halt halfway through it; he never explicitly said he would walk you home whenever you had a night shift, he sort of…started doing it on his own and you just never questioned it. Then somewhere along the way, you assumed it became an unspoken promise between you two — something that didn’t need an explanation and something that you grew to look forward to so to have it come to an abrupt stop…
You sigh out, flipping to your side and curling up on yourself, feeling ridiculous and still very much restless; guess you’re not going to sleep tonight and you hate how it’s because of how fixated you are on your guardian demon. Since when did you become someone who got so hung up on stupid small things like this? He’s his own being, a demon who roams the night freely and without fear doing what he does best; get people to make stupid decisions.
But he could’ve at least sent you a text.
You actually grab your own mobile, the light blinding you for a second as you pull up his message thread. The last text you sent each other was during your house viewing with Jaehee. Confronted with the option now, your fingers itch to send off a passive-aggressive text to him, letting him know that you made it home safely without his help thanks for asking—
You blink and suddenly the message is typed out in the box, ready for you to hit send. It takes you a second to register what you had done and it makes you backspace immediately in horror. No, you won’t be like this, can’t be like this, because does it even make sense for you to?
You grab the calico plushie with more strength than you mean to and smash your face against its soft body to drown a groan and the sinking feeling in your chest. That’s it, you’re stopping right there and you are going to sleep and forget about this all because if you don’t you’ll just give yourself a headache and lose out on sleep needlessly. You fling your phone to the ends of your bed for good measures.
Who cares about Jimin, you certainly don’t.
The girl in front of him throws her head back to laugh, hand covering her mouth to retain some modesty and keep up her appearances as being a ‘proper lady’. He doesn’t entirely care in that, nor the high spun tale he’s conjured up that caused her to laugh; it’s all pretences to him. Still, he plays his part, smiling behind the rim of his whiskey glass as he watches her with twinkling eyes full of mischief until she calms down, fanning herself lightly.
“Oh my gosh, I can’t believe that happened to you — on your first trip to Bali too.”
Jimin could only offer her a bemused shrug, placing his glass down on the table to cross his legs. “Guess that’s what you call life huh?”
Kim giggles, taking a sip of her own drink as well too before reclining back into the plush black leather booth seat. When she had suggested that they grab coffee again some time, this wasn’t exactly the first thing that Jimin had in mind. Though to be fair, he should’ve figured with the text she sent him, asking if he was free two days later from their initial meeting to come out at a time that’s way too late to be having coffee and at an establishment he swears didn’t exactly serve coffee. A ritzy place, dimly lit by warm lights from the crystal chandeliers hanging above each round table with a colour scheme of black, white and dark cherry wood. Not exactly a place your average Joe would pick for a date, not unless he wanted his wallet to bleed dry but luckily neither of them need to bother looking at the menu in the first place.
She makes show of that by refilling her glass of expensive wine, not caring how her dulled senses manhandles the bottle slightly, putting it down with a little too much added force. It makes her giggle sheepishly, ducking her head because the noise seems to rattle the entirety of the upscale bar, the soft jazz music no way helping to mask it. Jimin chortles and Kim flushes pinker than she already is under her foundation.
“So,” Jimin starts coolly, “How about yourself? Got any juicy stories you wanna share?”
Kim places her glass after sip down gently this time, licking her painted lips that had the slightest tinge of the darker berry colour to them now. She tilts her head to ponder, pouting but then smiles with a shrug.
“I don’t think any of mine would top yours to be honest.”
“Oh really? Nothing at all?”
“I’m positive.” She laughs, “I feel like all I do on trips is lay around, sun bathe, and eat and drink expensive wine.”
Jimin nods in understanding, reaching out to take a swig of his whiskey again. Throughout the night, he and Kim had talked about things that one typical does during a ‘date’ — work, hobbies, friends, families, the likes. Very mundane and nothing to be too concerned about, only what Kim doesn’t know is that the more she talks about herself, the more Jimin is beginning to get a good idea as to what sort of secret life she’s hiding. From what he gathered, she’s a recent college graduate majoring in marketing, lived alone in an apartment, and worked for a company that was getting their big break-through in expanding.
Doesn’t seem at all suspicious but considering the state of the economy, either Kim is one lucky girl or she’s obviously getting her funds somewhere else. No student straight out of college would be able to afford the luxury items Kim seems to so whole-heartedly indulge in, even with a decent paying job. Perhaps a sugar daddy? No, she’s out here seeing him isn’t she? A wealthy family then who funds everything for her?
There are still pieces missing to this puzzle and Jimin needs to find out more. Unfortunately for him, Kim downs the rest of her wine with a sense of finality and he already knows before she opens her mouth that she was planning on calling it a night.
“I think I’m done with my fill of merlot. Any more and I feel like you would have to carry me out and that’s not exactly how I want to end my night with you.”
“I wouldn’t mind.” Jimin grins wolfishly and that causes a bout of giggles to bubble from Kim’s lips. As she’s distracted, Jimin waves down the waiter to pay the bill, swiping his card and signing off the receipt before getting up from his seat. He waits patiently as Kim gathers her things but as she gets up, she tips a little too heavily to one side that Jimin had to steady her by the shoulder. The brunette laughs breathlessly, leaning into him as Jimin smiles while guiding her out of the upscale bar with a hand on the small of her back.
The night is a lot warmer compared to the last few, but of course that doesn’t stop Kim from clinging to Jimin’s arms like there was a biting breeze nipping at her skin, heeled footsteps echoing loudly against the asphalt. She also takes the liberty to direct him to round the side of the building where a small space reserved for parking was. Jimin’s quick to catch on as he glances down at Kim’s still flushed and smiley face with a quirked eyebrow.
“Do you intend to drive home like this?”
Immediately, she whips her glazed eyes upwards, widened in shock and pouts petulantly at him, seemingly offended by his assumptions. “Julien! I’m not that stupid. I just wanna make sure I didn’t leave anything important in there before I call an Uber.”
Jimin chuckles good-heartedly, bringing up a hand in a placating manner. “Sorry, sorry. People tend to be a poor of judge under the influence but it’s good to see that you’re one of the smarter ones.”
It would be so easy for Jimin to just whisper into her ear and convince her that she’s totally fine to drive home. Then, all he had to do was watch her drive off and not even a block down, she’d run a red light, get T-boned and he can dust his hands off with another job well done. The idea is tantalizing but no, he’s long since been tired of a successful hunt that lacked any thrill. Which is why when they both reach Kim’s car (a sleek black BMW M5), Jimin turns to her with a well-placed charming smile.
“How about I make it up to you on that last comment? I’ll drive you home.”
Kim pauses mid-push of unlocking her car, throwing a rather dubious look over her shoulder at him. Jimin holds his ground, steadfast in keeping up the non-threatening facade, posture relaxed even as she turns to face him squarely, leaning back heavily against her ride with an impressive piercing gaze. He senses the cogs in her head working, no doubt weighing the pros and cons of accepting his offer. Before he could let the doubts fester, Jimin speaks, voice lilting with an irresistibly smooth velvet finish.
“If it makes you uncomfortable, you don’t have to say yes. I just wanted to make sure you got home safe is all.”
His eyes flare a deep crimson so quickly that to Kim’s slightly muddled mind, it appeared to only be the trick of the light. Jimin sees the effects of his words take hold of her, and after a few minutes, Kim loses the tenseness of her shoulders, looking at him in a new light.
“I mean, if it won’t be too much trouble for you…”
And like that, she’s entangled herself more into his spider’s web. Jimin smiles, eyes creasing up in a very pleased way. It makes Kim smile in return for all the wrong reasons as she her keys off to him. He strides towards her, taking it from her grasp before unlocking the doors and opening the passenger one for her. She ducks into her seat and Jimin shuts it firmly once she’s settled in before rounding around the car to get into the driver’s seat.
As expected, the interior of the car was black, crisp leather interlaid with dark burgundy polished wood for the dashboard and for a second, he could pick up the faintest whiff of the new car smell still lingering around. The smile widens on Jimin’s lips as he glances over at the owner who’s buckling in her seatbelt. She feels his eyes on her and when she turns, she grins coquettishly.
“It’s a very nice car.”
Kim preens at the compliment, leaning over to whisper, “I know.”
It makes Jimin chuckle, adjusting his seat and the steering wheel before fastening his own seatbelt. Once he’s comfortable, he hits the start-push button and the car hums to life.
The drive to Kim’s place was filled with more small talk about the passing neighbourhoods and other fancy eating places she hints at for potential future ‘dates’ — none of which interests Jimin. What does however, is the directions she’s giving him albeit in her now drunken sleepy state. She leads him out of the upscale part of the city where all the new high-rises and penthouse suite condos were gathered in favour of an older looking neighbourhood. The apartment buildings begin to look visibly aged, the colour scheme falling into the more rustic ash brown and not as lustrous or modern as the others they had just passed. It reminds him of where you live; modest, not-as-flashy but still well kept neighbourhood. They’re still in way better shape than some of the neighbourhoods Jimin has seen that’s for sure but in this case, it was not a place Jimin had pictured a someone like Kim who seems to live and breathe luxury to be living in.
But Kim only confirms her residencies here when she directs Jimin to an underground parking garage that was connected to one of these bricked apartment buildings. He can’t help quirking an eyebrow at her as he pulls up to the yellow plastic gate right next to the security speaker box.
“We’re at the right place right?” The teasing overtone of his question hides the backhandedness of it (but he thinks Kim wouldn’t notice anyways, given her state).
“Hm?” Kim turns from staring out her window, dazed for a moment at his remark before she seems to realize where she is. She flushes pink, clearly flustered as she stutters. “O-Oh! It’s just temporary….I’m actually moving soon.”
Jimin hums noncommittally, rolling down the window in order to speak to the building security to let them through the gate with Kim telling him that all he needs to say is that he’s a visitor, her full name and floor she’s living on. It works because the yellow gate lifts and he’s allowed to drive the rest of the way in, entering the garage as it opens and after more instructions, finds her designated parking spot. Jimin parks the car, shutting the engine off as he unfastens himself to exit, making quick work of rounding to Kim’s side to open her door. He even offers her his hand.
She smiles at the gesture, gladly taking it to haul herself up and out of her seat.
“And here I thought chivalry was dead.”
Jimin shrugs, “Guess I’m pretty old-fashioned.”
Kim tilts back with a bubbly laugh, swaying too much to where Jimin had to hold her hand a little more firmly to keep her from tipping back and falling over. In doing so though, Kim laces her fingers through his and brings herself closer, pressing up against his chest and forcing him to tilt his head down in order to look her in the face.
“I had a really great time tonight Julien.” Her voice rasps, the proximity lets her lips brush slightly against his own whenever she speaks. “And thank you so much for driving me home when you didn’t have to….”
Ah, here it comes.
“Is there anything I can do? Get you an Uber or maybe….?”
Jimin can’t stifle the smirk that creeps up on his lips, amusement dancing in his dark eyes as he slowly turns the tables on Kim. He brings up their joined hands, only to release himself from her grip to press her back against her car, letting his freed hand cage her instead. She doesn’t resist, so pliant under Jimin’s manipulation that he swears she’s enjoying the attention she’s getting from him. Does she think that she’s got him right where she wanted?
Cute….but not quite.
No, right now, Jimin’s motives are far from aligning with Kim’s despite her thinking otherwise. His plan is simple; get her to invite him up to her apartment, maybe let her have her way for a bit before he puts her out, snoop around to his heart’s content and when he’s found what he needs, disappear like a shadow in the night and let a demon’s karma do its part.
So he takes the bait.
“I think that whiskey is starting to get into my head a little….”
And that’s all Kim needs.
In a fitting whirlwind romance (Jimin uses that term very ironically), the steps of his plans were enacted and Kim is out like a light before she could even finish unbuttoning his shirt — using pressure points is one way to spice things up in the bedroom he supposes. A lot of other demons would give Jimin flak for not indulging in some added bonus fun while on a ‘hunt’ but he’s a demon of taste, and there’s something else hot and steamy that he’s after.
With Kim knocked out into a deep sleep, it makes for rifling through her stuff easy as pie. In the darkness of her room, he spies numerous amounts of name brand clothing strewn about on her dresser and floor. On the handle of her door and even by the foot of her bed, there were bags of different sizes, shapes and colour. Everything seems so disorganized and just thrown about that Jimin thinks the only clean space is her queen size bed and to a certain degree, vanity table which is where he heads towards as he spots her MacBook. It sits asleep on the counter surrounded by various bottles of perfume and lipsticks, organized by colour and brand.
He wastes no time opening the laptop, bypassing her password with ease, immediately diving into the most recent folders. It doesn’t take long for Jimin to start finding some….interesting things. First off was a folder, simply named ‘E-Pics’ that was dedicated to, of all things, concert e-tickets. There were around five of them, all from two shows that had played recently in the city. Jimin doesn’t recognize the names of the artist but he thinks it’s rather strange for someone to have saved pictures of e-tickets when there’s an app for that. Was Kim a secretly sentimental type of person….?
Highly unlikely, Jimin thinks so he continues digging, clicking away until….
A slow smile hooks at the corner of his mouth as his eyes scan over these newly discovered files. At a glance, they look exactly like the tickets in the previous folder but when Jimin fiddles around with the image a bit more, he spots the alterations in them, hidden in plain sight.
Forgery, and good enough that Jimin’s mildly impressed. If they had a course in college for that, he would’ve believed Kim would graduate at the top of her class.
This new information sends a newfound thrum of giddiness running through him and he wonders gleefully what other incriminating things Kim is hiding in other places. Perhaps her phone? Without a second thought, he closes the laptop and then heads out of her room.
He slinks out into Kim’s open space apartment with soundless footsteps. It’s on the small side and not much goes into these spaces other than her bedroom. There was an attempt though, hints of times Jimin could imagine the young woman would spontaneously have in trying to decorate her home from the colour coordinated throw cushions. It’s like she tried to go for a colour scheme but then quickly realized that she’d rather invest in her money in name brand handbags and shoes.
He picks one of them up on the couch; her clutch from tonight tossed aside carelessly in favour of trying to ravish him as soon as they made it through the doorway. Pretty thing, but the worth of the clutch doesn’t interest him so much as what’s inside it and reaching in, he easily pulls out her mobile phone. It lights up as soon as he hits the home button but when he goes to bypass her lock, he hesitates.
Blaring in his face is the time — 2:43AM.
Was it really that late already? The phone lays momentarily forgotten in his hand as he wonders how he hadn’t noticed the time flying by so fast. Unconsciously, he furrows his brows as another thought crosses his mind.
You should be home by now….right? Wait, you had a closing shift today didn’t you?
Jimin reaches a hand into his pocket to pull out his own phone, bringing up your message thread to not find a single peep from you since your open house visit with Jaehee. Of course you wouldn’t, he knows you — stubborn as a mule and he swears if you had gotten stabbed, you would convince yourself that it’s not that serious only because you wouldn’t want to trouble anyone.
His hand travels to linger over his chest as if it had a mind of its own as his becomes completely lost in thought. Jimin didn’t feel any disturbances or distress that usually comes when your emotions flare, so it should mean that you were okay. But what are the possibilities that you simply didn’t have the time to react, too caught off guard to call out to him if you needed help?
Jimin exhales heavily through his nose in frustration, a hand combing through his hair as he glances down at Kim’s phone to see a few more minutes have passed and that now he had a choice to make; continue his search here for more information to blackmail Kim or abandon that possibility altogether. Fingers tap idly as the demon weighs his options and the more he stares at the phone, the more his mind screams at him to take just one peek, she’s fine.
Damn it.
He shoves Kim’s phone and all it’s garish pink glittery case glory back into her clutch before flinging it back onto the couch as if it were a dollar store pencil case. With long strides, he heads to the door but instead of going through it, he feels the familiar tug of apparating to another location and he finds himself at the head of your street. It’s relatively quiet when his senses readjust to his surroundings, the only sounds he picks up are the faint chirps of crickets and the occasional passing of a car way down at the other end of the road. He doesn’t see you nor anyone for that matter and he’s not sure whether that’s a good sign or a bad one. Still, he holds out on the belief that you’ve made it home all right.
So methodically, Jimin stalks forward, dark eyes narrowed to scan even the darkest corners for anything that might seem amiss, things that ordinary human beings don’t see. When he doesn’t pick up anything that raises any concerns, he makes another leap in location and this time, he ends up directly in your bedroom. The soft carpeted floor helps muffle his black Chelsea boots as he lands, but his attention immediately goes to your bed and without meaning to, he sighs, a tenseness he wasn’t even aware of dissipating from within him.
He sees the clear outline of your form under the covers, the rhythmic rise and fall of your breathing as you slumber and as he steps closer, almost feels the warmth of your body. The tops of your head just pokes out from where its rests on your pillow, hair spilling over messily but overall, you do not appear hurt. But as he continues to assess you, he notices the way you’ve curled in on yourself in spite of not having any shortage of room on your mattress, making you appear small and clutched to your chest was your beloved plush cat. Its face is squished by how hard you hold it against yourself but nevertheless, its cartoonish cat smile still peeked through its distorted face.
There’s a twinge that erupts in his chest, so sudden that he exhales sharply out of surprise. He reaches a hand up to his chest again, brows furrowed, where his heart beats and wonders in mild disbelief if something was wrong with it. Its never done something like that before, the only thing coming close was when you felt intense fear or anger. But you’re sound asleep, as quiet as a mouse. He stands there for a good minute trying to decipher this anomaly before he huffs, tearing his gaze away from you as he runs a hand through his hair frustrated.
Maybe he’d just imagined it, or there’s a glitch with this vessel. Either way, he pushes it to the back of his mind, focusing his attention to your discarded phone at the ends of your bed. He chortles under his breath, shaking his head — what is he going to do with you? Grabbing the phone, he gently places it on your bedside table (where it belongs) and settles himself into your desk chair, eyes sliding shut in a semi-meditative state. He’s lost out on one curiosity for the night, but at least the satisfaction of this one has made up for it.
You wake with an ache in your lower back that leaves you taking an extra fifteen minutes just to get out of bed without groaning or joints cracking. Doesn’t help that your phone goes off incessantly with messages from your friends wishing you a happy birthday. You smile to yourself though, thanking them each and even commenting how you woke up with a sore back, really feeling the aging kick in already.
Eventually, you drag yourself to the bathroom in a half daze and even after washing up you feel like you want to lie back down again, the comforter looks so invitingly warm still. But you resist the urge, knowing well that if you do give in, you’ll not get back up and that’s not something you want to do before going to your shift later on in the day.
What you didn’t know when you stepped into the kitchen is that it was already occupied by a certain demon that you had expected to see last night but didn’t. You visibly jerk at his appearance, taken aback at how casual he looks leaning against the counter, a mug of black coffee resting in his hand as he scrolls through his phone, the natural light of the afternoon sun highlighting the strands of hair falling in messy coordination over his forehead in a newly dyed ashen brown colour. The level of nonchalant coolness that he so effortlessly exudes is infuriating the more you stare at him because it’s so not fair for him to look this good, in fact, the only reason why he’s able to look this good is because he’s wearing another attractive person’s face but what’s really bullshit is that he’s still able to make your heart trip over itself when he’s only just pretending!
“You know you’ll see yourself to an early grave if you wake up already stressed like that darling.”
And the nerve!
You scoff, brushing past him to grab your own mug for a morning (technically afternoon now) tea. You move about to get your teabag, sugar and cream, all the while something starts to fester inside of you, instantly souring whatever good mood you had earlier. It leaves you slowly feeling irritated, restless and its not because of your earlier grievances with the demon. No, you know it’s that old wound you’re trying to stubbornly ignore from last night until the early hours of morning and it seems like now, in the presence of its cause, it's begun to itch again. Doesn’t help that when you glance over at your guardian demon, he’s busy once again with his phone, typing away and just the barest hint of a smile on his face. You scowl before you can help yourself, turning away to angrily sip on your tea in hopes of letting the warm liquid calm you down — it doesn’t. So you resort to placing down your mug, deciding on making peanut butter toast in order to distract yourself, even if you weren’t particularly hungry for it.
“Why so quiet cherub?”
You shoot him a look but brush off your underlying annoyance with an indifferent shrug, going back to opening the fridge to grab bread. “Just tired.” He shifts his weight from one hip to the other when you pull out a slice to pop into the toaster and you fight your hardest to ignore his eyes on you.
“Got home late from your shift…?”
The mention of last night pricks a nerve in you and you nearly throw the bag of bread back into the fridge with an unnecessary amount of force, only holding back by opting to grip the handle of the fridge until your hands are straining instead. You draw in a heaving breath under your nose as you slam the fridge door shut, not trusting yourself in speaking because you won’t be able to keep the seething out of your words. So you choose to hum — a short and clipped sound.
You hear the toaster spring up and you’re bustling about again in order to ignore him. In doing so, you miss the way he’s still watching you and the faint curl of his lips. Oh how tempting you look to tease, his natural instincts threatening to overtake him and he actually gives in to some experimental prodding. Jimin sidles up to your side as you’re scraping generous amounts of peanut butter onto your toast and his proximity catches your attention briefly, eyes flitting to him before they stubbornly fixate back onto your task. He cocks his head at you but you refuse to acknowledge him and it makes his smile creep wider. Then, he decides to lean in, past your comfort zone until you’re hunching your shoulders up, no longer able to keep him bay with how he’s literally breathing down your neck.
“What do you want?” You snap, stepping back to distance yourself. He only gives you a Cheshire grin in return, making you bristle.
“Just say you missed me darling and I’ll make it up to you I promise.” His teasing lilt drifts through the small kitchen and you blanche, screwing the lid of the peanut butter jar violently back on.
“I think you need to get your head out of your ass.” You retort through gritted teeth. He throws his head back to laugh, clearly amused and unfazed by your sour mood. When you swiftly turn on your heels away from him to toss the butter knife into the sink, toast shoved into your mouth, he steps in front of you, almost causing you to bump into him. You glower, a passing thought of wanting to smear the excess peanut butter into his stupidly expensive Saint Laurent t-shirt but he’s caught your hand in his like he’s read your mind.
“Don’t be such a sourpuss cherub, you could’ve called me if you wanted to see me that badly.”
Your cheeks redden traitorously at the suggestion, that infuriating smirk still plastered on his pillowy lips and you have no choice but to tear your toast from your mouth with your free hand to chew on a piece unless you wanted to choke, mumbling incoherently and refusing to make eye contact. As you try to pull your other hand away from him, his grip tightens a fraction to hold you in place but at this point, you’re quickly growing tired of this mental game. You honestly don’t know yourself why you’re choosing to be so petty when Jimin didn’t even violate the contract of keeping you out of harms way because there was no harm to begin with. God, what are you doing….
Your shoulders slump, drained as you deflate and your sudden withdrawal takes even Jimin by surprise.
“It’s fine Jimin; I got home alright so just forget it.” This time, your hand slips away from his easily and he lets you slink by him after depositing the dirtied knife into the sink. Even after you’ve pattered off into your room again, Jimin remains in the kitchen, silently watching you go, that peculiar twinge coming back again.
He blinks, knocked out of his stupor but he recovers so seamlessly that it’s as if he hadn’t been spacing out at all. Jimin turns his gaze back to the girl in front of him then, a benign smile gracing his handsome features.
“Sorry, I just had a thought…. You were saying Kim?”
The pretty brunette giggles breathlessly. “I was just saying how you have an impressive….recovery rate but I feel like I might’ve spoken too soon. Anyways,” She places her coffee cup back down on the saucer, “who am I to talk when I passed out on you last night — again, I’m so sorry about that.”
Subtly, Jimin’s jaw ticks though he conceals it with another smile and a carefully placed hand. “Not at all Kim, though at the time it was worrisome…. Like you just died on me.”
That pulls another bout of giggles from Kim, “Oh, it’ll take more than that. I’ll make it up to you I promise.” She throws in a playful wink to which Jimin accepts in feigned interest.
“I look forward to it.”
The rest of the ‘date’ is too boring for Jimin to recall as he spends most of his time drowning Kim’s ramblings and more focused on how he’s going to get her drunk again so he could rifle through her phone, get what he needs and then let karma do its thing. But more over, his thoughts keep straying back to you. You’re probably at work right now, an afternoon shift that had started maybe an hour or so after he’d left the house although he knows for sure you don’t close today which means he doesn’t have to worry about getting too carried away with this little project of his but at this rate, he doesn’t think he can bear a moment longer with this bland, materialistic woman any—
“Oh my God, is it already that time?”
His monotonous hum comes out automatically in response before the words can register but as soon as they do, his eyes finally focus on Kim for the first time in an hour. She’s scrolling through her phone, brows furrowed in concentration and then furiously typing away on it. Jimin’s curiosity piques with a raised eyebrow and he leans over the table in between them.
“What’s wrong?”
“Oh no, it’s just…” Kim’s struggles with focusing on Jimin while still trying to do whatever it is on her phone that’s got her so frantic. Her body rises as if to get up and it makes Jimin follow suit. She shoots him an apologetic look, glancing down one last time at her phone and Jimin barely catches a glimpse of a countdown. “There’s something really important I have to do.”
“Oh, what is it if I may ask?”
“There’s a concert happening soon and I really want to get tickets for.”
A serpentine smile pulls at the corners of his lips and Jimin’s eyes seem to come to life — now she’s speaking his language. He draws his face in to play the part; concerned and eager to help.
“Oh really? Are they hard to get?”
She takes the bait beautifully, rolling her eyes with a ragged sigh as she settles back into her chair. “Oh my God, you have no idea. It’s like winning the lottery I swear.”
“Wow, sounds impossible….” Jimin comments offhandedly, lowering himself back into his seat again. “Maybe I could…help?”
Kim perks up at the idea, the hopeful gleam in her eyes palpable that it nearly makes Jimin snort. She chews on her bottom lip, conflicted and right when Jimin’s about to sway her into temptation, her eyes meet the ticking timer on her phone browser reaching to t-minus three minutes. It’s enough to make her hasty decision and Kim wastes no time instructing Jimin to take his phone out, download the appropriate app and search for the show that she so desperately wants to get tickets for — enough to seal her fate with a demon out of her own volition at that!
So you could only imagine the surprise Jimin had when her directed search lands on—
“Love Yourself Tour? By BTS?”
“Yes that one.”
Seven hells there was no way.
Oh this was just too good.
The laughter starts bubbling rapidly in his chest, so much so that when he tries to lower his head to quell it it doesn’t work. It ruptures into a chuckle, shoulders shaking and before he knew it, he’s sinking back into his chair, head thrown back and a poor attempt to cover up the sounds of his cackling with his hand over his mouth. No doubt the entire cafe has eyes on their table but Jimin doesn’t care because his sides are killing him and he’s about to cry literal tears from trying to reel himself in — he only succeeds in folding in on himself and emitting occasional squeaks.
When he rights himself finally, wiping away at the corners of his eyes he catches sight of Kim who’s giving him a look that nearly sends him into another fit again. He barely manages by clearing his throat and glancing away, breathing deeply before answering her unspoken question.
“Sorry, just— I’ve actually heard of them before so it explains why it’s so hard to get tickets for their show.”
Kim’s face breaks into a smile, still nonplussed by his outburst but nodding in solidarity. “Yeah, so if you manage to get tickets — good ones — I might just think you’re a God.”
Satan, this girl might actually kill him instead.
He waves her off, cheeks aching and Jimin is actually thankful when the countdown on his phone reaches zero and Kim reverts back into a rather serious demeanour, eyes lasering in on her phone as she furiously taps away at it. She lets out a loud gasp within the next few minutes, causing Jimin to look up.
“I’m behind 105 people! I think I might be able to do this! What about you?”
With a quick glance, Jimin reads, “100.”
The brunette’s eyes alight instantly, mouth falling open. “Oh my God, you might actually get in!”
He shrugs in return, feigning indifference. Secretly, however, Jimin knows very well that his chances of getting these golden tickets were high — way higher than Kim’s and not just because he’s ahead of her by five people but more importantly…..
As the agonizing wait of watching the little man run at a glacier pace, Jimin takes the opportunity to strike up a conversation.
“So, I didn’t think you were a fan of BTS.”
Kim tears her away from her phone momentarily, the wrinkle in her nose is all the answer Jimin needs. “Oh no, I don’t even know them like that — I just heard they were a huge deal, like really popular right now.”
Jimin already figures because Kim would’ve at least recognized him or remarked on how eerily similar he looks to one of the band members but this is just a segue to what Jimin really wants to get at from her. “Oh, then why are you trying to get tickets for their show?”
He catches the way she swallows nervously, eyes flitting to him briefly and there’s that bout of hesitation again. The smile is back on his face, disarming and with just enough sincerity that it convinces Kim that he won't judge. She glances around as if to make sure they weren’t being heard in their little booth corner before leaning towards him, voice coming out in a hush.
“Okay so, me and a friend have been doing this thing on the side where we buy tickets to really high demand shows and reselling them for higher prices. It’s honestly such good money when you come across big name artists that have crazy huge fanbases — like BTS.” She pauses to look down at her phone, keeping track of her little running man. “My friend got two P1 tickets to their show last year for $250 each and she resold them for $1,110, each!”
Jimin leans back as if impressed, throwing in a low whistle for effect. “Wow — that’s…pretty good.”
“I know right? The only problem is is that they’re so hard to get. Even though the average seats will still bring in good money, you get way better profit with GA or P1 seats.”
He nods along, looking contemplative but Kim’s gone back to her phone once again, this time, looking rather excited. It makes Jimin turn back to his own as well too and lo and behold, they’re finally in.
“Okay Julien just pick two tickets and do a run search for best seating until you find a pair. When you do, buy them because literally trying to find anything better would just mean you won’t get tickets at all. I'll owe you back the money afterwards.” Kim says it all in one breath, too into her own operation to notice the way the demon smirks and leisurely taps away as she had instructed him to do.
After what felt like hours of nail-biting suspense (on Kim’s end, Jimin had ordered himself a cappuccino in between that time), she finally pulls away with an exasperated groan.
“Damn it, I only managed to snag P3 tickets. Did you have any luck?”
He takes the time to uncross his legs, showing her the screen of his phone and grins boyishly when her eyes balks at what she reads.
“Two GA tickets?!” Kim almost screams it before she catches herself, slapping a hand over her mouth and ducking her head. When she’s sure no ones comes over to kick them out of the cafe for being a disturbance, she practically rounds on Jimin with unbidden elation. “Oh my God Julien! You’re amazing!” Her hands moves faster than her own words as she hastily pulls up her email. “You can send them over to me through my email. Honestly thank you so much for your help Julien, I’ll treat you to dinner tonight.”
When he makes no move to do as she says, Kim finally focuses on Jimin and her smile falters slightly. Jimin tilts his head almost too innocently, withdrawing his phone to blink wide, dark eyes at the brunette.
“What, did you think I was really going to hand these tickets over so easily after telling me all of that?”
He sees the way his words were not something Kim expected but she tries to play it off with a forced laugh. “You’re so funny Julien. Okay, how much?”
“$1,120.” A pause. “Each.”
She laughs again, the sound shrill and her face contorts into a mask of hollow mirth. Jimin watches on, only the barest of smiles ghosting his lips but he doesn’t join in on the joke. Well, not like there is one to begin with and Kim quickly realizes that as she calms down, all traces of a smile however fake, gone. Disbelief takes over her and that’s what almost makes Jimin laugh — he can literally see all the preconceptions she had of him disappear from her eyes. But he’s ever so charming; an amalgamation of soft and sharp, boyish and manly, chivalrous and a cunning wickedness underneath it all.
So it’s no surprise that he hasn’t completely lost her yet.
Kim takes the time to regard him, trying to gauge him and what’s going on in that pretty head of his only to come away, stumped. She’s contemplative, arms crossed before suddenly she cocks her head a little to one side, mouth tugging upwards into a half scoff, half smirk like she can’t believe Jimin’s about to try and play her at her own game.
“I’m gonna be honest — I never would’ve thought you would have the guts to do that.” She admits after a while, leaning back into her seat. “Usually all the guys I date would do whatever I ask them because they want to try and impress me.”
Jimin didn’t need her to tell him that to know.
“But then again, I don't think you’re not quite like the other guys I’ve ever dated before.” Kim adds, voice dropping into a huskier tone right at the end. He goads her on, his expression darkens with the slightest hints of a promise she can’t refuse.
“Then how about I show what you’re missing out on?”
The sultry way in which he says it sends shivers down her spine, no doubt this new side she’s not aware of that could come from a face like his has her wanting more. With one last bite of her lip, she bites the bullet too.
“$1,000 each.”
“$1,100 each — And I’ll pay it in cash, only,” Jimin’s parted mouth stops halfway, his words falling short as Kim stops him with a coy smile. “We split it on some good dinner and Moet to celebrate tonight.”
Slowly, plush lips quirk upwards as an incredulous exhale escapes the demon; he hates to admit it, but Kim’s got spunk and unwittingly she’s been doing a good job at entertaining him. For a second, he considers, toys with the idea — she’s the perfect type to fuck around with, to string along on a wild and impulsive ride that would’ve involved a lot of money, sex, perhaps drugs until it left her breathless, addicted and drained to the very last penny. He would wrap her around his fingers so tightly, she would think it’s him that was under her spell. And right at the peak of it all, he would leave, disappear from her life as if he were nothing more than a self-indulgent dream she’d dreamt up, only for reality to come crashing down on her hard and the rest would’ve been history.
He’s already been down that road, had more than his fair share of leaving women broken in more than one ways, tires of this game because no matter the centuries he’s lived in —
“Alright, how about we meet at The Red Muse later in the evening? You can take the time to go doll yourself up for me and we’ll go to town with this, yes?”
Kim grins, absolutely vibrating from his proposal as she bites her lower lip in an attempt to quell the salacious smile stretching her lips.
They never learn.
Soon after, Jimin leaves to go off his separate ways with no particular plan in mind. He’s got a lot of time to kill before meeting Kim and he’s not particularly interested in seeking out another easy target to influence — he doesn’t get paid nearly enough to be working overtime. Jimin eventually settles on heading to his favourite upscale bar (one that even with Kim’s caliber couldn’t dream of affording) to do a bit of pregaming. As he was nursing a glass of single malt whiskey, the demon is interrupted by probably the only other thorn on his side.
“I suppose some things don’t end up changing after all.”
“I’m offended you would ever think there’s a time where I’ve lost an ounce of class at all.”
Jimin’s gaze whips to the younger demon who’s thin lips are slightly downturned in disagreement, eyes rolled to the far corner with the recalling of some fabricated memory.
“Well there was that one time — “
“Shut it if you don’t want me to singe off that face you’re so proud of.”
Jungkook snickers, eyes crinkling up as if Jimin had just made a joke instead of a threat. The older demon rolls his eyes, waving down the bartender for another refill of his drink in hopes of numbing the headache he feels creeping up on him, only to have the younger obnoxiously steal his glass for a sip once he does.
“Still, I would’ve thought you’d be off lurking around poppet like a shadow right about now.” Jungkook comments offhandedly, wrinkling his nose when the hard liquor rolls down his throat. His momentary distraction lets Jimin swipe his drink back.
“I’m not her personal caretaker, and as long as she’s looking both ways before crossing the street, she’ll be fine.”
“Really?” Jungkook’s skepticism bleeds through. “Last I checked, poppet was pretty down in the dumps about the concert thing — swear she could conjure a cloud above her head at the rate she’s going.”
His statement causes Jimin to straighten up a bit, thoughts spinning for a few seconds before coming to a conclusion. A slow smirk makes its way onto his lips, barely contained over the rim of his glass. Jimin doesn’t need to look over to know that Jungkook’s probably blinking big doe eyes at him, gauging his reaction but Jimin’s onto him, already knows what he’s after, so he’s going to drag this out until the younger is losing his mind.
“She’ll be fine.” He replies indifferently and that already leaves Jungkook feeling miffed.
“Wow…that’s….” The younger starts, struggling to find words for this unexpected blasé attitude. “Surprisingly cold of you.”
Jimin shrugs, unconcerned about it all and as he continues to sip on his whiskey, leaving Jungkook to become visibly more and more antsy. He shifts in his seat, like a little kid who can’t keep still.
“So, you’re just gonna….leave her like that?”
“She’s already accepted that she’s not going so what’s there to do?”
“Well — !” Jungkook doesn’t know how to proceed, face pinched into one of utter confusion and it’s difficult to keep a straight face on when Jimin can literally see him questioning everything he believed up until this point. He continues to flounder for words, on the cusp of saying something but then stopping himself. It goes on for a few more minutes before Jungkook gives up with an exasperated huff. “So much for being a guardian…”
“Exactly; I’m a guardian, not a miracle worker.”
The words slip so easily past his lips and he’s so thankful for Jungkook finally leaving him alone so that he can let out the loud, snorting laugh he’s been keeping in the entire time. He probably looks crazy but he really could care less, muttering under his breath about how he can’t believe the irony of it all. This entire ordeal with Kim turned out to be a way better investment than he had initially thought; it almost made him feel sorry for the poor girl he’s about to drop off at hell’s doorsteps.
He downs the rest of his drink in one go, savouring the smokey whiskey taste as it leaves a pleasant burn when he swallows. He wonders idly what the sensation of being drunk is like, trying to compare it to any other feelings he must’ve felt in his lifetime….
Jimin’s thoughts continue to wander for quite some time, thinking about this and that until belatedly, he realizes that the appointed time to meet Kim had passed nearly more than two hours. When he checks his phone, there is no trace of a text from the girl in question, not even one berating him for being stood up. At this point, any sensible person would be rather concerned, alarmed even. They would immediately call to see if everything was alright but for Jimin, the thought never crosses his mind. He merely humphs, like this is all an inconvenience to him, downs the rest of his drink and gets up after paying.
It’s late when he steps out of the bar, the sun having long since set and the city is alight, teeming with people enjoying dinner on patios, heading out for events or just strolling the streets. Instead of joining in on the hubbub, he strides off with the intention of heading to a more…peaceful place. But first, he thinks, he might pay you a visit. After all, he’s got a pair of BTS tickets on hand and now with Kim going MIA, he figured they could be put to better use, like making you admit that you miss him when he’s gone.
Either way, he can’t wait to see the look on your face.
He makes it back to your place faster than he expected, body thrumming with a feeling that he swears can’t be from the alcohol he’s consumed but nonetheless welcomes anyways. He’s in such a good mood that he almost rings your doorbell, catching himself last minute. Jimin laughs to himself, maybe it really is the alcohol after all? He shrugs if off and apparates to your room, only to find that it’s empty of you. He double takes, making sure he hasn’t accidentally overlooked you in the darkness but nope, there’s no signs of you anywhere.
Maybe you were in the living room or kitchen?
Jimin pads on over to your door, carefully listening in case any one other than you might be out there as well. When he hears nothing, he phases through the walls. He’s a bit caught off guard for a moment at how dark everything is, as if no one was home. It wasn’t until he catches sight of the faint warm glow of the living room lamp does he spot you, sitting alone on the couch.
You lock eyes, dazed and blinking in surprise from clearly not expecting him. You think it’s all in your head, an illusion thought up in your inebriated state but then he steps forward into the light and suddenly, you’re overwhelmed by his sheer presence, breath catching in your throat as you swallow. The black jeans he’s wearing hugs the shape of his legs so well and with his shirt tucked in, the silver YSL buckle glinting in the light, it looks as if his legs just go on for days. He’s dressed so simply and you’re appraising him like you’re seeing him for the first time until now instead of earlier today, yet your initial thought doesn’t change at all — it’s not fair that he looks this good.
He stops just short of the couch, head cocking to one side with a subtle shift of the hips to lean his weight on one foot, dainty earrings twinkling as well as his dark eyes as they gaze at you. The mere gesture makes you huff out, agitated.
“Someone’s home early.” Your voice comes out more nasally sounding than Jimin remembers it and he chokes back a snort.
“Someone’s been drinking.” He teases back, nodding to the wine glass in your hand before shifting his sight to the coffee table in front of you, taking in the two bottles and the little 6-inch, half eaten cake. Another tilt of his head, this time he raises one shapely eyebrow too. “That, or you’ve had a really rough day.”
“Har. Har.” You say sarcastically, swirling your wine before taking another hardy sip. “I’m not that bougie or impulsive to get a whole cake to binge on myself — not yet at least.”
“Then….” Jimin stops to think, trying to come up with answers for the sudden appearance of the confectionery treat, only to come up with, “A celebration? Someone’s birthday? Jaehee’s?”
You giggle half-heartedly, downing the rest of your glass and Jimin is quick to pick up your lack of confirmation. Now he’s blinking owlishly in astonishment, stunned into brief silence until the words slip out in an uncharacteristically soft murmur, “It’s your birthday…”
“Ding ding ding.” You sing-song, leaning over to refill your glass. The effort of it makes you nearly tip over but you hold out, retrieving your drink and anchoring yourself back onto the couch again. You should probably stop right about now since the pounding in your head is making you both simultaneously nauseous and sleepy. Or at the very least, go back to pacing yourself better but that would mean risking getting into your feelings and you’d rather die of alcohol poisoning than get in your feelings. So you drink.
“Well,” You hear Jimin huff, “I’m rather hurt you didn’t invite me to the party cherub.”
You snort, letting your head loll onto the back of the couch and shutting your eyes, cradling your glass to your chest like it’s a lifeline. “Don’t worry, you didn’t miss out much — just me and Jaehee, t’s all. Well, Jaehee’s sleeping now….work tomorrow…”
You trail off, the sound of your heartbeat ringing loudly in your ears that it might as well be beating inside your head than in your chest right now. You’re trying really hard to steady it but it only seems to make your breathing sound more laboured and doing no help to subside the killer wine buzz you have. Maybe you really should stop drinking after all, put down the glass you’re holding and call it a night before you do something mortifying, like throw up all the birthday cake you ate in front of Jimin. No, no, that is absolutely not happening. It would be disgusting and totally not cute. But then what are you going to do with the wine you just poured?
So caught up in your own inner ramblings, you failed to notice the quiet, pensive look marring Jimin’s face; eyebrows furrowed and the slightest downturn of his lips as he too becomes lost in his own thoughts. Clearly, he didn’t prepare himself for any of this — not like it would matter because he didn’t think anything would happen when he waltzed into your living room anyways. The most he had expected was to poke his head in, tease you about how obviously mopey you are about not going to the concert even when you had already decided not to go before dramatically brandishing the tickets with the promise of giving it to you after you dance a little for him. Instead, he’s caught in a conundrum of his own emotions, a jumbled mess that of course, only you could cause because you seem to be doing that a lot lately.
You’ve just about made up your mind, convinced to siphon the poured wine back into the bottle and then take your ass to bed when you nearly vault out of your own skin as soon as your eyes open.
“Jesus Jimin! What’re you—“
“Let’s go.”
You sputter, taken aback from the declaration before you blurt out, “Wha- Now? W-Where?” Your voice cracking as you lean away from Jimin’s imposing figure suddenly hovering over you to the point where you’re practically at a ninety-degree angle to the couch. He inhales deeply, one hand tousling through his hair while the other rests on his hip. He turns away from you briefly, allowing you the time to watch him go at war with himself, utterly confused and wondering what brought on such a spontaneous suggestion because, now that you think about it, you don’t think Jimin has ever invited you to go out anywhere before….
He rounds on you again and you’re forced back out of your thoughts to stare wide eyed up at him as he gathers himself.
“It’s just— just somewhere nice….As a…birthday present.”
Your eyebrows shoot up, bewildered at what you hear. If you were any more sober, you’d swear that that was the most you’ve heard Jimin fumble with his words. It’s….cute. Your heart’s still beating too loudly in your ear for your liking, you’ve still got a pulsing headache and your eyes are slowly becoming a little blurred, yet you still had the inkling thought of agreeing to go along with Jimin’s plan because how can you say no when he looks like that?
Well…. He might have to carry you but if he doesn’t mind then why the hell not?
You must’ve been staring for too long because Jimin starts to fidget in his spot, hand scratching the back of his neck. Oh, right; you gotta say yes you’re cool with it but might need some mobility assistance (this could get awkward).
“Uh…Well, that’s….cool. So like….where though?”
“That would ruin the surprise of it.” He laughs breathlessly and the sound itches to pull a smile on your own face.
“Do we gotta drive?”
“No driving cherub, you don’t even have a license.”
“Hey…I resent that.” You huff, limply pointing an accusatory finger at him before dropping your arm with a heavy thump. “So we walkin’? Cuz I’m telling ya now I can’t walk.”
“Clearly.” Jimin gracefully moves over towards your prone form again and with a dramatic sigh, he offers a hand to you. “C’mon get up, I’ll carry you.”
You blink hard, not believing your ears or luck. Here you thought you were gonna have to prostrate yourself to get him to carry you but he’s offering it willingly. Your heart squeezes inappropriately because this is touching you way more than it should and it’s probably showing on your face because Jimin gives you a weird look.
“Don’t make this weird, let’s just go before I change my mind.”
You only respond by holding out both your arms in the same manner a toddler wants to be picked up by their mother. Jimin exhales loudly through his nose, biting his bottom lip in order to school his face. When he’s composed himself again, he grabs onto you and hauls you up with effortless strength. Without meaning to, you fall against his broad chest with a yelp, clutching his biceps for dear life and trying very hard to stop your vision from swimming.
“You good cherub?” You hear him ask and even through your mantra of ‘don’t throw up’, you can still hear the restrained amusement seeping through.
“Just…Give me a sec.”
He gives you that courtesy, patiently waiting while holding you up from your unsteady legs, inhaling and exhaling until you think you’ve got most of your bearings back. You finally straighten, pulling back enough to be able to look up at him but when you do, you start to feel self-conscious. You probably look like a mess as much as you feel like one, or at least standing so close to Jimin you do. You’re still wearing your bare minimum ‘work clothes’ from earlier today that consists of a t-shirt you’ve had since high school and a pair of black yoga pants that has more or less faded to a dark grey from all the washes its been through.
“Ready?” Jimin asks, voice low that it gives off a slightly gravelly tone and pleasantly washes over you. You always liked the sound of his voice, could listen to him talk forever but it’s so soothing that it never fails to lull to sleep every time. When you swallow, mustering a nod of your head, he shifts you in his arms to have you looping yours around his neck and shoulder, startling you and igniting a heat that travels from the ends of your toes all the way up to your face. You immediately avert your gaze to your sock clad feet.
“Just hold onto me and,” He pauses, shooting you a roguish smirk. “You might want to close your eyes.”
That’s all the warning you get before you feel a pull so strong the air gets knocked out of you. All at once, you feel weightless with no sense of what’s up or down and instinctively, you huddle closer to the only other body mass that will indefinitely ensure you won’t fly away but before you can even emit a single shout, the powerful force vanishes and you feel solid ground.
“You can open your eyes now.” You feel Jimin’s chuckle rather than hear it and it takes you a whole hot second to realize you’ve actually had your eyes shut the entire time; when that happened you have no idea. Slowly, your eyes peel open as you release a shuddering breath, your senses having yet to fully catch up with you. They start to when you finally realize you’ve got a faceful of Jimin’s shirt, having practically squished into his chest, so much so that when you inhale you get a whiff of his cologne. It’s so subtle and almost undetectable but with you being this close, it overtakes you with ease. Next, your skin prickles as you feel a gentle breeze pass by, caressing the loose strands of your hair and tickling your cheeks and nose before finally you hear…. The humming of cars driving through the city with the occasional honks and sirens echoing off into the distant.
Wait, why do they sound so far away? Like…you’re above it all?
You flinch, alarmed and when you turn your head to look around you, your legs nearly give out. It’s only thanks to Jimin, who you’re still clutching onto with a vice grip that keeps you upright as you gaze out at the city horizon, illuminated by the multitudes of lights coming from the windows of buildings in front of you that stretch out as far as you can see. You double take, not believing if what you’re seeing is actually real until you feel Jimin move which makes you snap your bleary gaze up to him, searching for answers. He lets out a melodic laugh when he sees your expression.
“Never seen the city at night like this before huh?”
You could only open and close your mouth, gaping like a fish out of water as you look from him to the skyscrapers in front of you. Eventually, you gather enough courage to tentatively step away from Jimin since you’ve stepped foot onto this roof, but at the the first wave of vertigo, you instinctively sink down on your knees and remain fixed there. You must look ridiculous but like hell do you trust yourself right now to walk around on the flat roof of 6-story building with a system full of alcohol. Still, it doesn’t stop you from taking in the sights before you. It’s a clear night, not a single cloud lining the sky which leaves it so much more clear and vast, and with the glow from the lights below, you see the rich deep blues that peek through, reminding you of the depths of the open ocean. The view is beautiful and mesmerizing, like something you’d only see on the back of a postcard or in movies. You hadn’t noticed you’ve been swivelling around in your spot, head craned upwards in an attempt to take everything in until your world tilts once you’ve stopped long enough. You catch yourself on time from tipping over completely, hands shooting out as your heart leaps into your throat and you let out a shaky giggle.
“Slow down cherub, you’ll lose your head that way.” Jimin chides playfully, coming down to sit beside you. “If you think this is a view, wait till you get closer to the edge.”
“Oh ho ho, no, no, no.” You laugh, holding up a finger. “I refuse to go anywhere near it. Here is just fine.”
A snort, “I’ll catch you if that’s what you’re so worried about.”
You smile, “I had expect you to anyways.” And after a brief pause, you add quietly with your eyes fixated onto the city. “It’s still pretty — real pretty.”
You don’t catch the way he smiles softly in turn, the both of you lapsing into a companionable silence as you watch the city life continue to flow along. The ambient noise lets your mind drift freely, almost in a meditative state.
“This is nice.” You think aloud though your voice barely comes above a murmur, “Just watching the world go by like this, not having much to think on. Is this where you usually go off to when you’re not causing trouble?”
You side eye Jimin and hear him release air through his nose. “I’m much less of a menace than you think you know, but yes, I do come out here when I want to get away for a bit.”
You nod in understanding, letting your gaze wander over the landscape in front of you once more. You’re not sure what part of the city you’re in right now but you could imagine it being downtown, the faint bustling of traffic if you listen closely enough carrying over the gentle breeze and it doesn’t take much to picture the people down below, enjoying their night out in town with friends or families over dinner, a drink, or just by themselves, heading out or heading home. From the buildings, sometimes you catch the flicker of a light going out only for another one to come on in a different spot and you begin to wonder the lives these people might have.
“I wish I could stay up here.” You say, suddenly feeling melancholy. “Get away from it all too….”
Tired, you lean back until you’re lying down with your arms behind your head, facing towards the sky. Even from this high up and the sky as clear as it is, you don’t see a single star glimmering and you think it’s a pity; this would’ve been a perfect night to see them.
“It must be nice to be someone like you.” You continue to muse, “Not having to worry about insignificant mortal problems, like time or money…..”
You don’t hear a response from him and for a moment, you think he’s not even listening. It’s only when you think about backtracking do you hear his reply.
“Yeah, it’s kinda great when you start off but when you’ve been doing it for as long as I have….” He sighs, “It’s not what it’s cooked up to be….”
“Is it because it gets lonely?”
“More like boring…”
You laugh quietly under your breath, thinking to yourself that it’s so like him to think that; it’s evidence enough with him being here. Then another thought crosses your mind and you ask, “Do you think God judges you on the time you spend on earth?”
“….What makes you think that?” Jimin asks, sounding genuinely confused but also curious. You shrug, examining your nails listlessly.
“I saw it in a movie once. Apparently, when you die you go through seven levels of hell and each one has a trial you have to pass if you want to get reincarnated. If you fail one of the trials, you spend the rest of eternity getting punished there — one of them being called the Hell of Indolence, where they judge you on how well you’ve spent your time on earth and if they deem you’ve whiled away your life in laziness and inaction, you’ll be punished by running on a spinning disk while a spinning stone windmill chases you.”
“Sounds like a weekend on spring break.”
The wheeze comes out without you meaning to and you throw your hand out to the side to give him a reprimanding smack, trying to subdue your laughter. As usual, it hits his thigh but you’re too caught up in his punchline to care.
“I’m serious Jimin.” You say after collecting yourself. “It might’ve been fiction….Or maybe it really is real at this point who knows, but it really made me think — what if I had to go through those trials, like,” You take a moment, picturing the scene you’ve seen in the movie, imagining yourself before those trials, “how awful would it be to get told by a deity that you’ve basically failed at your life and you don’t deserve to get a second chance? Because you’ve done nothing with it….”
“….Do you think you would be told that?”
He knows it’s a loaded question, could hear the morose way in which you speak about life, death and the beyond, things he’s most familiar with. To him, it all means nothing but to you, it’s something that hangs above your head as a constant reminder that your time here is limited and it’s so precarious that it could end before you know it. He watches you shrug, too caught up in staring at the starless sky to notice.
“….Maybe….A small part of me does, and that’s what scares me.” You admit in a small voice. “Every year I feel like I haven’t moved forward at all with my life, just stuck doing the same thing while everyone else is getting that job they always wanted, traveling the world, getting engaged, doing what they love….” A humourless laugh expels along with the breath you exhale. “I don’t even know what I want to do beyond tomorrow, much less in two years… ten years from now? And it’s like any day, I’ll be left behind….”
The confession spills from you with unadulterated honesty, the most honest you’ve ever been in forever, it surprises even yourself. You think it’s the alcohol talking but you also think it’s mixed in conjunction with the coming of your birthday; another year tacked onto your life and along with it, the painstaking realization that time is passing by you way faster than you had fooled yourself to think otherwise. It’s something you’re not prepared to face.
Or ever will be.
So that’s why you choose to run, push it back to the farthest corners of your mind and even as it festers and grows, you vehemently ignore it. You drown yourself in school and work, meaningless distractions that lead to no self-satisfaction. It’s something to fill your time, nothing more or less. In those time, you yearned for an escape and that’s how you found your way through music, had found voices that called out to you with comforting words and made the uncertainties of the future seem less daunting.
“You won’t be left behind.”
His voice pierces above the white noise of the city below, clear as day even when it comes out no more than a quiet rasp. It rips you out from wallowing in the thoughts that you keep in the darker parts of your mind, almost startling you. Jimin’s eyes are locked on the horizon in front of him, even as you crane your neck up, you can’t discern any expression on his face but it seems you don’t need to as his words were more than enough to make up for it.
“If God judges you on your time spent on earth, then it is time where you’ve truly done nothing in the face of being able to do something.” Jimin says, unwavering. “And you’ve done something — have been doing something, because you’re somewhere different than where you were two years….ten years ago.
Life is many things darling, and everyone is too caught up with other people’s versions of it half the time. So even if you don’t know where you’re going, I think you owe it to yourself to at least make yours about you because no one else will.”
He finally turns his head to face you and if you thought you had trouble suppressing the swell of emotions in your chest before, you sure are screwed now. The lights of the buildings around you cast a warm glow to his profile, letting you see the slope of his nose, the fullness of his lips, the curve of his cheek that has you itching to stroke just to see if they’re as soft as they look, and the wispy way the strands of hair falls over his forehead, shorter than you had remembered; you wonder idly if he had it cut (it looks good). He’s beautiful — heartbreakingly so, like a statue carved in the finest of ivory but in that moment, it’s his eyes that makes your heart ache.
Endless pools of the deepest amber that hold so much history, seen so much history, perhaps the worst of mankind. They know of suffering, of loss, of betrayals and deceit, had even been the cause of them. You see the many emotions that had been reflected in those eyes, like gazing at an iridescent gem — pain, hatred, sadness, regret and at times, simply nothing at all. Time has both wisened and jaded them, but it is not a hardened glare that meets your own.
It’s tenderness.
“I know it may not seem like it, but if it’s worth anything,” Though it is only the two of you on this rooftop, he speaks in a way where he’s about to tell you the secrets to the world, something that only he wants you to hear and no one else. He takes a breath, never breaking your gaze as he says, “I think you’re doing just fine cherub, I really mean it.”
It’s so self-assured, so sincere, like he truly does believe in what he says that you think you don’t deserve this kind of faith, but perhaps it’s because he’s the one who said it that you find yourself believing it too.
A small smile breaks out onto your lips for the first time in a while. “You’re not saying that just because it’s my birthday right?” You tease in hopes to swallow past the lump that’s formed in your throat but your voice comes out sounding tight regardless. If Jimin notices, he doesn’t comment, instead shoots his own smile back at you, lips stretched until the tiniest hints of teeth are showing and eyes crinkling at the corners.
“I don’t think I need to tell you that I’ve seen some shit as a demon who’s lived way longer than you’ve been on earth. Besides,” He turns back to the city view before him, leisurely reclining back so that he leans his weight on his hands placed behind him. “No place worth going has any shortcuts and those that do would most likely lead to hell.”
You chuff a laugh with a shake of your head, turning your gaze back towards the dark sky that is still void of any stars. This time, you don’t mind that there aren’t because if not tonight, then maybe another night you’ll be able to see one.
And a part of you hopes it’ll be with him too.
“Thank you.” You say softly. “For everything until now…”
“….Don’t mention it cherub.”
It’s a heartfelt thanks that echoes in the quiet night, a rare display of vulnerability from you and shockingly, from himself. Even if your confession was acted upon by liquid courage, he knows that it had been something that weighed heavily on your mind for who knows how long but now, you’ve finally calmed that turmoil that threatens to break you and however temporary it may be, you’re genuinely grateful to have confided in him and walk away with a lighter heart.
It’s gratitude that he’s more than happy to revel in, if only it didn’t sound like this would be the first and last time.
“What time is it?” You ask, voice breaking through Jimin’s troubling thoughts and he belatedly reaches into his pocket to check his phone. You don’t see the way he raises an eyebrow at all the missed calls he’s got.
“Almost four.” He says, swiping away the notifications to clear the screen before his fingers tap away to pull up an app.
“Oh wow,” You breathe, getting up with a stretch. “Think we should head back? I’m definitely ready for bed.”
“When are you not?” Jimin snorts, “Is the age catching up to you already?”
“Stop, my back was killing me when I woke up today too.” You retort through a smile. You give your neck a roll and another stretch of your arms from having laid on a hard surface for a long period. Just when you’re about to muster up the strength to finally stand, Jimin stops you.
“There’s one more thing I have to show you.”
That catches your attention, whipping your eyes to him in mild surprise. He doesn’t have to — whatever it is that he has planned because this was more than enough. And you’re about to express that much when he suddenly shoves his phone into your face, startling you. You have to blink a couple of times in order to adjust to the brightness of the screen but when you do —
“What is this?” You dare to ask, heart beating quicker without meaning to as your eyes scan over the words, reading and then re-reading them but failing to register them all the same. Your eyes dart to Jimin who watches in quiet amusement from beside you, searching for any sort of answers for what you’re seeing.
“What does it look like?”
You’re left speechless and the only thing you could do is glance back and forth between the phone and Jimin, shaking your head in disbelief while trying to formulate words to your mess of thoughts.
“I — I don’t understand. How…?”
“….Guess you can call it a little demonic miracle of my own…” He says it as a light-hearted joke but unconsciously he brings a hand up to run through his hair, suddenly feeling bashful. Well, not like he could help it when you’re staring at him with wide, sparkly eyes. When he can’t handle your Bambi eyes any longer, he hurriedly blurts out the words you dare not speak yourself into existence for fear that it’s all just one hell of a good dream. “I got you tickets to go see BTS in the next city over alright?”
“But what about—?”
“I’ll take care of it all, don't worry about it.”
“Jimin that’s—!”
“Cherub, do you want to go or not?”
“I-I do! It’s just—“
“Then you’re going, no ifs, ands, or buts.” Jimin says it with finality, stern and in a way where you know he’ll ship you in a box if he has to. With no room left for arguing, you’re reduced to an overwhelming mess of emotion that has you struggling to contain it, leaving your hands to shake instead. Your quietness concerns Jimin for a minute before he lets out a grunt in surprise as he abruptly finds himself at the other end of your body slamming hug. He goes rigid, not knowing what to do with his hands as he lets you wrap yourself around him in a rather snug embrace that he thinks he can actually feel how fast your heart is beating against his chest. Or is that perhaps…his own?
“Thank you.” Your voice comes out as a hush warble against his ears. Two words and yet the amount of happiness Jimin hears coming from it is palpable, it makes him think that this is the happiest he’s ever seen you. He softens at that, tentatively wrapping his own arms around your waist to hold you steady and he thinks it’s nice to hold you for once without the context of having escaped a rather sticky situation beforehand.
And there it is again, that wretched twinge in his chest only this time it’s so obtrusive that he can no longer brush it off or ignore it. It comes with a realization of many things, but among them was something that he never would’ve expected to ever come into terms with, shocking him like an ice cold plunge in the middle of winter.
That as both a powerful demon and as a decent but temporary guardian, this is the extent of happiness that he'll ever be able to give you.
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Face to Unfamiliar Face pt 4
This installment's POV is brought to you by @thebestworstidea . Hopefully it lives up to expectations!
Roman had managed to wedge himself between the door, the dash, and Leith’s feet, a scowl fixed firmly on his face. Dizzy had wedged herself between his legs and chest, and she was staring at everyone as they sped through town. 
“Please tell me you’ve actually been training as a witch,” Logan said in a strained voice. Roman almost snapped in response, but Dizzy kneaded at his chest. 
“Shoving everybody into the truck wasn’t arbitrary. He smells scared as hell, Roman.” He pursed his lips. 
“Duh,” he said in an incredibly collected manner. Dizzy used a little more claw in her kneading. 
“There’s a - thing, a doll thing. Have you done it before?”
“You mean poppets? Not by myself.”
“Right, no, of course, because that was after the deal.” Logan sounded like he would dearly like to smack his forehead against the wheel. “Does Thomas look worse or better?”
“How do I tell?” Leith asked. 
“Is he more interested in self-preservation, or breaking through the rear windshield to get to us?”
Leith craned around to look. “He’s still hanging onto the side.”
“Alright, then this direction is safe. For now, anyway,” he muttered. Roman was ashamed to say he had no idea where they were - he hadn’t been very concerned with tracking their turns, just on not sliding all over the floor as Logan (a stranger! A Fae stranger! Why was Roman even kind of trusting him? Was he trying to die?) drove like a maniac. They took a turn and then abruptly began to slow down, then turned again - probably into a driveway, given that Logan stomped on the brakes even harder. Logan was the first to jump out, going around to the bed of the truck. Leith opened the door, and Roman flailed as his back support disappeared. He grabbed blindly at Leith’s leg and the side of the door. When he was sure he wouldn’t take a header into the dirt, he glared up at him. Dizzy hissed.
“You first, Dizzy,” Roman grunted. She carefully arranged herself on his chest, then leapt to the ground, muttering unflattering things about Leith. Roman un-contorted himself, half-spilling onto the ground. Leith stepped gracefully from the cab and pushed the door shut behind him. Patton had already let himself out through Logan’s door. He was now standing very close to Logan - Roman couldn’t really blame him, though. He was pretty sure twenty minutes ago was the first time anyone had ever been nice to him besides his parents.
“‘M okay, Berry.”
“No, you’re not. Last time -“
“This is very not last time,” Thomas said. “I’ve got -“ he gestured inarticulately at his head. “I can see you and Virgil? And Roman’s standing near the King, and - it’s like she got him back and lost him all over again, Logan. She’s angry.”
“This is when I wish I could say: wonderful. Just what we needed.”
“What can we do, Berry?”
Logan hesitated. “Not a lot,” he admitted, cringing a little at the look on Thomas’s face. “We’ll ask May about poppets, and Leith and I both have a better handle on our magic than I did at the time.”
Thomas’s silence was grim. Logan helped him down, grimacing. 
“Tell me if she gets close?”
“I just didn’t realize what I was feeling until I was too angry and scared to say something,” Thomas admitted quietly. 
“Alright.” Logan gave him a quick squeeze and walked with him toward the house. Roman lengthened his stride to be at the front of the group. 
“Mamaw? I’ve got some guests.”
“Plural? Well, I’ll be damned.” Mamaw called from the kitchen. 
“Two of them are Green Men.” That brought Mamaw out of the kitchen, looking as ruffled as a startled hen.
“Salutations,” Leith and Logan said simultaneously.
“Care to tell me why Thomas is hangin’ off one of ‘em lookin’ half-dead?”
Roman opened his mouth to explain and then realized he didn’t have a damn idea. He looked to Logan. (A spark of doubt in the back of his mind asked why he was trusting a Fae, of all people. The voice of reason, which sounded awfully like Dizzy, pointed out that Logan couldn’t lie and had no obvious reason to twist the truth.)
“First, you should know that he isn’t the Thomas you’re familiar with. Secondly...Greta.” Logan give the name a strange weight, staring with eerie focus at Mamaw. When Roman looked back, she was quickly paling. 
“What?” Mamaw croaked. 
“There is a phenomenon we don’t understand at work, and it’s affecting Greta. She found Thomas at the churchyard. It’s a rather time-consuming explanation, but I theorize he’s the only one who was hearing her because she’s been in his head before.”
Roman looked back and forth between Logan and Mamaw - at least Patton looked as confused as he felt. Leith, too, to Roman’s surprise. 
“Greta?” Leith asked sharply before the conversation could continue. Logan looked at him grimly. 
“The Serpent King’s monster.” Now Leith had gone pale, and Roman was trying not to let his hackles rise at being one of the only two in the dark. “And the part you should like even less is that if she’s asking where her brother is, she’s not under his control.”
A grim silence fell, and Roman tried not to stew. Leith’s frown deepened suddenly and he cocked his head. At the same, Dizzy’s ears pricked into alertness.
“Something’s coming,” she said sharply. Leith hurried out the door, and Dizzy was right on his heels. Roman followed automatically. There was a shape at the end of the road, moving faster than a human ever could. Leith barely twitched, but Roman was pretty sure nobody else could be responsible for the fairytale-worthy wall of brambles that sprouted with a terrible noise between the house and the street. Roman pulled his knife. Logan came up on his other side, flexing his fingers. The shadows at the base of the wall of brambles distorted.
The Spider Prince materialized. He was breathtaking in motion. And - oh, those eyes. Roman had never seen such a vivid purple.
Vines sprang at the Spider Prince’s feet and twined around his legs. Frost spread rapidly across the ground at the prince’s feet, his eyes flashing. 
“Leith, wait!” Logan cried. The Spider Prince froze. The vines stopped growing, but didn’t retreat either, twining a little tighter around their victim. “...Virgil?”
Logan sprinted off the porch, clusters of flowers in every footstep. Lavender roses and snowdrops and lemon balm traced his path through the front yard (including the steps he took off the porch. Dammit. Mamaw was going to make Roman take care of that, wasn’t she?). Logan threw his arms around the Spider Prince when he reached him, burying his face in his chest. Roman barely noticed Leith’s vines falling away. His chest ached terribly at the tender way the prince held Logan. 
“Mother said someone from out-of-town caused some portals...I think. I’m not sure I understood her right,” Virgil admitted. “What’s going on? You and Thomas got so scared.” Virgil stroked Logan’s hair.
“Portals would make sense,” Logan said, pulling back a little. “This place...I think it’s offset from us. I hope it’s a little offset from us,” Logan amended, grimacing. “It’s awfully late for Roman and Patton and Leith to pull things together if they’re perfectly in sync.”
Virgil’s eyes flickered to the Green Man on the porch before he gave his attention back to Logan.
“I would also be concerned for Wick Hills if they’re as late on their timeline as we are, because - well, because Greta’s investigation of the school happened independently of us, and I really hope that didn’t already happen with no one in a position to snap her out of it.”
Virgil squeezed his eyes shut tight for a moment, tipping his head toward the sky.
“Fuck,” Virgil said passionately, opening his eyes and looking down. “That’s why. Are you okay?”
“She got in Thomas’s head again. I didn’t hear her, and she wasn’t too nearby, so - scared, but okay. But she’ll find us again, especially here.”
“Yeah.” Virgil looked up. “C’mon. Let’s get inside and regroup.”
Logan released Virgil, only to twine their fingers together. When he turned to see the path he’d left, color bloomed across his cheeks. He steadfastly pretended not to see it as they made their way back to the porch. Roman wasn’t sure when he’d let his wielding hand fall to his side, but he was glad he had. He sheathed his knife, glancing over to Leith. He frowned. Leith had that look from the Waller’s place again - carefully rounded shoulders and a stubbornly stiff neck. As Virgil and Logan hit the steps, Leith bowed his head very deliberately, and Roman’s stomach swooped unpleasantly at the vacancy in his eyes he’d caught before they were fixed on the ground. The pair of Fae walked past them into the house. Roman tried not to be too obvious about watching Leith.
“Are you coming, Roman?”
“Be inside in a minute, Prince Phillip.”
Roman heard them questioning the line of logic for that one (how could they not understand? Virgil, the formerly-comatose most beautiful man he’d ever seen; and Logan, the man on his arm), but he ignored it as the voices moved away. Dizzy padded inside - they’d each know half of what was going on and could put it together later when things were less crazy.
“Hey, Maleficent...you alright there?” Roman asked lowly, edging a little closer.
“I am adequate.” Leith’s voice was clipped as he picked his head up quickly, his body language still carefully relaxed and yet riddled with tension.
“Okay, fine, that’s what I said, but that’s not what I meant, and I think you knew that.” Roman crossed his arms. At least Leith couldn’t look quite so vacant while giving him sideways looks. 
“That is distinctly your problem,” Leith declared. Roman let out a string of sputtering, offended gasps and pressed a hand to his chest - and okay, maybe he was laying it on a little thick, but that had never hurt anyone, and he thought he might even see the corner of Leith’s lips twitching out of that blank mask. Leith didn’t do anything as obvious as taking a deep breath or rolling his shoulders, but a moment later, Roman felt like the guy he’d spent the day with was back. Leith looked at him once more and then went inside. Roman strode after him. Unnoticed by anyone, two sprigs of flowers grew resolutely in the spots where Leith’s feet had been planted - Love-in-a-mist on the right, lemon balm on the left. 
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gypsyweaver · 4 years
Nazi AU WIP, WTF is wrong with me?
My WIP is turning out to be pretty vile, like I’m pouring my soul into this and I’m ashamed to show it off.
I am writing. But...
It’s graphic and wrong, and I don’t see any way to give it a happy ending. It’s not a pairing that I like, nor support.
Still I can give you a taste, and you can tell me what you think. CW: Rape, EXPLICIT
Michael shut the door behind her, and the room was very quiet.
“Does she really know?” Beelzebub asked, transitioning smoothly from French to the Angelic Tongue. “Does she really know what you plan to do to me?”
“I don’t know, pet,” he said, and the hand around their waist began undoing their belt. “She knows that I plan to interrogate you. You’ll give me something good enough to earn your friends a speedy death, hm?”
He unbuttoned their trousers. Beelzebub expected him to shove them down, but he did not. Instead, he reached inside.
Beelzebub held down their supper, but it was a struggle.
“What could I tell you that you don’t already know?” they asked, their voice a whisper as Sandalphon encircled them. Began running his hand over them.
Their stomach lurched again. They remembered his touch. It was a cruel thing. It brought them pain and blood. It wasn’t this. It wasn’t a supportive arm around the waist. It wasn’t gentle petting, hot fingertips brushing their Effort, slowly stirring their blood.
“You’re so very clever,” he said, stroking them. “You’ll think of something.”
They felt their mutinous flesh responding to him, felt themself begin to rise. Felt the mouth below moisten.
Sandalphon felt the rush of their blood, the wet heat below.
“You did miss me,” he said. He chuckled, laying kisses on the sliver of neck that showed above their collar. “Take off your clothes.”
Sandalphon released them and stepped back. They did not turn to face him. No, they could do this well enough without having to avoid his eyes--so cold and dark that they looked like pits.
Beelzebub unbuttoned their shirt. Their fingers were not clumsy, in spite of the slight tremor that ran through them. They discarded the shirt, then pulled up the undershirt beneath. They lifted it over their head, and let it fall on top of their button-down.
And he was on them again. The angel ran his hands over their bare chest. His touch was like fire across a snowfield. Beelzebub hated it, hated more that they didn’t have the miracles to shut off their body. Hated that his (shocking) gentleness was evoking a response.
His lips were on their skin again, this time on their shoulder blade. They put their hands back on the windowsill. His fingers scurried over their flesh like spiders--crawling, exploring, finding all the right places.
God was watching, maybe guiding him to all the spots that would light them up. Their helplessness and frustration trailed from their eyes, down their cheeks, and splashed on his chest.
“I’m being kind to you, and I get tears,” Sandalphon whispered against their skin. “Why do I even bother?”
“Don’t bother, then,” Beelzebub said.
“Heh...” Sandalphon grunted, grabbing them by the back of the head and shoving their face into the windowpane. Beelzebub felt the glass crack under their skin. “I don’t have to, pet.”
Beelzebub smiled against the jagged edges. This was better. This, they understood.
They closed their eyes as his teeth, his sharp gold teeth, entered their skin. They didn’t make a sound. Absolutely nothing to engage.
They could be a stone. They could be the still, deep water.
He ripped their trousers down and off of their legs. He was strong enough to do it, to shuck them like corn and discard the part that he didn’t need. Between the slats of the shutters, Beelzebub glimpsed the sunset surrender to the coming night.
Sandalphon dragged them away from the window and threw them across their little desk. It thumped with the force. Beelzebub’s arms didn’t make it out fast enough to cushion their fall. There was a loud crack--bone on wood. The room sparkled, and Beelzebub felt the impending night rise around them. They pressed a hand to their forehead.
He cracked my skull, they thought.
But, by then, Sandalphon had kicked their legs apart. His hand was on their back, holding them down.
Beelzebub hadn’t wanted to go back to Earth. They hadn’t wanted the mission that they were now on, but Lucifer thought it would be good for them, and one did not just tell Lucifer no.
It had been fun, teaching the students how to run the roofs. How to make basic codes. How to signal each other. How to pack their bags so that the weight was evenly distributed. A few months in the sun tending to the beautiful young people who flocked to La Mouche to save Paris--they should have known that there would be a price.
After Ekron, they should have well known.
They tried again, to turn into a swarm of flies and get away. To fight the collar that they knew they could not fight.
Behind them, they heard the rustle of his clothes. He was pressing against them. His flesh was hot, and they were not nearly wet enough. This was going to tear...
“Aren’t you supposed to TRY to resist temptation?” Beelzebub asked, their voice as bored as they could make it.
“What temptation?” Sandalphon replied. “I’m punishing a sinner.”
“We both know better than that.”
Sandalphon shoved inside, without any grace or finesse. He was strong. For all of his clumsiness, he was very strong.
He was also hot enough to burn. Beelzebub felt the room begin to spin with the pain in their head, the fire between their legs, the wet ache on their shoulder where he’d bitten them. Their stomach gave a final lurch, and they vomited their supper across their desk.
The room stank of half-digested stewed meat and vegetables, pilfered red wine, and stomach acid.
Sandalphon did not withdraw from their body. Instead, he leaned deeper in, sighed, and grabbed them up by the hair.
“You clench when you do that, you know?” he said, and they could hear his lips curling around the words. “It was nice.”
He dropped them back on the wet wood and began to thrust.
His thrusts were off-time, but powerful. Beelzebub kept heaving, some wet and some dry. His hand was in their hair again, shoving their face in the hot, fragrant puddle that they had made.
Their feet weren’t touching the floor. They could feel him tearing them, as they knew that he would. Besides the ripping of their flesh, there was the meatier feel of a hip threatening to dislocate. If they spread further for him, they might save the hip. But the ripping would be worse.
They tried to strike some happy medium. This couldn’t continue forever. Sandalphon had power, but lacked endurance. Besides which, how long had he been waiting for this? Thinking about this? He couldn’t possibly hold out much longer.
They hoped he finished soon.
It only took a few minutes. But it was the slow-walking moments of misery. Time encased in lead, thick with pain and helpless horror.
Finally, he slammed into them and spilled inside. He usually came with a grunt, but this time he started laughing. He released them, letting them slide off of the desk and off of his cock.
Beelzebub fell to the floor, curling around themself. They coughed and coughed, but there was nothing left in their stomach.
“Good God, I had forgotten,” he said. His voice was soft, full of awe. “But it has been a while, hasn’t it, poppet?”
“Not long enough,” Beelzebub replied, their voice hoarse from the vomiting.
“No more filth, I think,” he said as he cleaned their desk and their body with a miracle.
Their mouth no longer tasted of supper and stomach acid. The fake wound on their leg was gone. They ran a shaking hand over the pale, unblemished skin.
Sandalphon noticed.
“That was an elegant piece of stage dressing. I’ll give you that.”
Beelzebub shrugged. “I needed a reason to sacrifice myself for the cause.”
“I’m in no hurry to sacrifice you to anything,” he said. “I’ve missed this.”
“You’re telling me that you can’t find a single angel in Heaven worth your time?” They asked, pressing their hand to their injured head. “Nuriel was down there. I thought she liked you.”
“She’s not you,” he said, plainly.
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fanficshiddles · 4 years
Butterfly Into Chains, Chapter 10
Esme woke up to the light jostling of the car. She sat up straight and wiped her eyes, she wasn’t sure how long she had been asleep for. But when she looked out the window it was a beautiful sunny day and they were driving along a motorway.
‘Hey sleepyhead. You doing alright?’ David asked, turning around to look at her.
She just nodded.
‘We’re going to stop soon for some food at services and for a toilet break.’ Ben said, looking in the mirror at her.
‘Where are we?’ She asked quietly, her anxiousness returning about being away from her home.
‘We have just passed through the borders into Scotland. We’re heading further up into the highlands, where we live.’ David smiled.
‘You live in Scotland?’ She screeched, eyes wide in shock. She didn’t think she would be going that far away from East Meadowridge….
David chuckled at her reaction. ‘Yes. It’s a beautiful place, you’ll love it. We are stopping off in Glasgow on the way.’
Esme swallowed hard. The thought of being in a busy city didn’t exactly fill her with much excitement.
It was ten minutes later when they stopped at services. Esme was glad to get out of the car to stretch her legs, even though she had slept most of the way she was still feeling tired from travelling.
And she hadn’t exactly recovered from last night.
There were a lot of people mingling about, her senses were already overflowed with different smells from various other Alphas and omegas, betas too.
Ben and David knew she was feeling worried and a bit scared.
‘Don’t worry, you’re safe with us.’ Ben assured her, slipping his arm around her. ‘If anyone dares try anything, I will give him a wedgie.’
That made her laugh a little, which they were glad to see and hear.
Esme did notice a lot of other omegas with their Alphas. But she noticed she was the only one with more than one, which she knew wasn’t exactly the norm in the first place.
The two Alphas she was with took her into the building, they waited outside the toilets while she went into the ladies. Then they joined the queue at Burger King to get some lunch. They were almost at the front when Tom, Michael and Chris finally joined them, they’d been held up in some traffic.
After ordering, Ben, Chris and Tom took Esme to find a seat outside on a picnic bench while the other two waited inside for the food.
‘How does it feel to be away from Meadowridge?’ Chris asked Esme as he sat next to her.
‘Uhm… I don’t know really. It’s… different so far.’ She said quietly.
Tom reached across the table and put his hand over hers, her skin tingled under his touch. Even if she was feeling a bit on edge with him. ‘We truly want you to enjoy life, we want what is best for you.’ He said softly, stroking her hand.
Esme didn’t think he was lying, why would he? When she thought about it, she couldn’t understand a reason as to why they wouldn’t treat her right. As far as Alphas go, they were all good looking and fun to be around, she had learnt. Maybe she was thinking too much into it all, that they had tricked her into this. But perhaps they genuinely just fell for her and Tom couldn’t contain himself. There wasn’t anything wrong with that, was there?
‘I know… thank you.’ She said quietly with a smile.
She decided to try and keep an open mind. Despite the nervous butterflies in her stomach.
Michael and David joined them with all the food and they had a bit of a feast. The Alphas all ate like bears, while Esme felt stuffed after one burger and some chips.
‘Lightweight.’ Michael said playfully, grinning at her across the table when she gave up.
‘More for you guys.’ She groaned, rubbing her stomach.
After lunch, Esme felt a little better and more relaxed with the Alpha pack. When they returned to the cars, David offered her the front seat, which she accepted. Chris also joined their car instead.
‘Tom and Michael are heading straight home while we stop off in Glasgow.’ Ben explained as they set off once more.
‘Why are we stopping there?’
‘It’s for you, we are getting you a wardrobe full of new clothes.’ David said, reaching forward to give her shoulder a squeeze.
‘Really?’ She asked, surprised.
‘Of course. We can’t have you just living in that one dress forever.’ Chris chuckled.
‘I uhm… I don’t have any money with me though.’ Esme wasn’t sure how that was going to work from now on. Of course she had a bank account, but she hadn’t taken her card with her. It was still at home. She had never expected to be whisked away like she was.
‘Don’t worry, we’re going to be providing for you from now on. You don’t need to worry about that.’ David assured her.
‘What, so… I won’t be finding work?’ She was slightly panicked as she looked to Ben then over her shoulder at the other two.
‘You will not be. There’s no need. You’re our omega and we will provide for you. Tom will explain everything later once we get home. Don’t fret.’ Chris said calmly.
Esme nodded and sat back round, she kept her eyes on the road ahead of her. It started raining, but didn’t last long at all and then the sun was back out again.
‘Typical Scottish weather.’ Ben chuckled.
‘Does it get as cold as they say it does in winter?’ Esme asked.
‘It can do. We either get really bad winters or quite good ones. There’s never an in-between really. Everything doesn’t just stop when we do get snow though, unlike down in England.’ David said, reaching over to offer Esme a sweet.
‘Thanks.’ She said after picking out a red one. ‘Yeah, everyone used to go nuts when there was even a tiny bit of snow at home. It was unbelievable.’
‘Do you like the snow?’ Chris asked.
‘I do, yeah. I enjoy sledging, we had a really good hill that everyone would flock to.’ She smiled, then felt a little down thinking she wouldn’t ever go there again.
‘Wait till you see the hills around our home. Plenty of them, just waiting for the snow.’ Chris smiled.
Esme tried to think of the positives. She was going to try and think how this was going to be a new chapter of her life. New places, new people, new adventures… With five Alphas who claimed to care for her. She was getting hopeful about her future, and she was going to try and continue with that frame of mind.
When they arrived in Glasgow, she felt her nerves returning very quickly. The further into the centre they got the worse she felt. It was so busy. Cars and pedestrians everywhere.
‘It’s so busy.’ She said when they stopped at traffic lights. ‘And the buildings are so tall.’ She peeked out and up at the one next to them.
‘Don’t worry, where we live isn’t like this. We live in the countryside, on the cliffside. There’s a village a few miles away. We’ve just come here because it’s the best place to shop for clothes and anything else you shall need.’ Ben assured her, reaching over he gave her knee a squeeze.
They parked up in one of the shopping centres car parks. When they got out, Esme automatically took hold of David’s hand as he was nearest to her. He smiled down at her and kissed the top of her head. ‘You’re alright, poppet, don’t worry. You’re safe with us.’
Surprisingly, Esme did feel safe with the three Alphas as they walked through the busy shopping centre. They made sure to keep close to her, giving her hand a squeeze whenever she gave off scared or uncertain pheromones.
They managed to distract her when they entered some clothes shops. They told her the sky was the limit, not to worry about price. She was a little unsure at first, only picking out one or two dresses.
But Chris reminded her that she needed a full wardrobe. So she soon ended up with loads of bags full of clothes, that the Alphas all carried for her. The Alphas tempted her mainly towards dresses, especially light and some baggy, flowy kind of ones. But she didn’t think anything of it really.
She got some toiletries that were necessary and then before heading back to the car they got some Krispie Kreme doughnuts.
‘Oh wow. These are amazing!’ Esme said as she quickly devoured one.
‘They don’t have them in East Meadowridge?’ Chris asked, shocked.
‘Nope. Nothing exciting like this there, not really.’ Esme shrugged.
‘You’ve got some jam on your face.’ Chris grinned at her and moved in, wiping said jam from the side of her lips. He then sucked his thumb and winked at her, making her blush.
Esme had kind of enjoyed her little shopping spree in Glasgow, even if they hadn’t left the shopping centre. But at the same time, she was relieved to get back to the safety of the car. She went in the backseat for the last part of the journey, with David. Chris drove, to give Ben a break.
It was a couple of hours away from Glasgow, but Esme enjoyed the drive as the scenery was beautiful. It certainly lived up to the expectations she’d heard about Scotland.
They drove through a small village, that Esme was told is their local. There was a pub, restaurant and a small shop for the basics. It was a nice and quiet village, typical kind of one you’d find on postcards. It was cute.
Chris drove them up a steep road and then off onto a dirt track, up the cliffs. They then came to the driveway and they stopped as they got to the gates. Esme felt her stomach churn again, all she could see was a huge, at least twelve-foot-tall, concrete wall that went as far as the eye could see. The gate opened and Chris drove them through, that’s when her eyes widened when she saw what was to be her new home.
It overlooked the sea, but wasn’t right at the edge of the cliff. Though the sea was viewable, as the large boundary wall was downhill from the house. There was quite a large garden, as well as a small parking gravel area. The house itself looked pretty big, it was very open and bright, with roof to floor glass windows covering most of it.
When they came to a stop and Esme got out of the car, Tom and Michael came out to greet them.
‘Welcome to your new home, love.’ Tom grinned, opening his arms to her.
She felt a bit nervous again upon seeing him for some reason, but she accepted his embrace. She felt slightly better when she took in his scent, it was starting to become a comfort. Her omega knew that was the smell of her Alpha.
‘Did you get everything you needed in Glasgow?’ Tom asked as he leaned back to look at her, cupping the back of her head.
‘I think so… Thank you.’ She smiled.
‘Good, come on in. Let me show you around your new home.’ Tom slipped his hand to her lower back and guided her inside, while the others unpacked the car.
Esme was in shock at how large and amazing the house was. Very modern. But what caught her eye the most was the last room Tom showed her, it was going to be her room. Or more… Their room.
‘The bed is huge!’ She gasped. It was twice the size of a King-sized bed. More than enough room for… six people… she realised.
‘Exactly.’ Tom grinned, leaning down closer to her so she could feel his warm breath against her ear. ‘Plenty of room for all of us.’ He slid his hand up her back, to the back of her neck. He stroked her softly, feeling her tremble under his touch.
‘All… All of us?’ She gulped.
‘Of course. We all sleep here. However, we all have our own private rooms too if we want some alone time. But there will always be at least one of us in here with you, love. There’s a walk-in wardrobe over there, you can unpack your clothes.’ He guided her over to the wardrobe and when he slid the door open, she gasped again.
It was huuuuuge!
‘This side is mine, Michael and Ben’s clothes.’ He pointed to the right. Then he pointed to the left at the end of the wardrobe. ‘Down there is Chris and David’s space, which means you have all this for yourself.’ He said as he motioned to the closest area next to them.
‘Oh wow… Thank you.’
‘There’s one last thing, before I leave you to get unpacked and settled in.’ Tom motioned for her to follow him out into the bedroom.
The other four Alphas had all appeared, Michael and Ben sat on the end of the bed while Chris and David hovered by the dresser. There was a box sitting on said dresser that Tom picked up. He turned around and smiled widely at Esme.
‘This is a gift for you, from us. It’s something that you are to wear at all times, unless otherwise instructed.’ Tom flipped the lid open and held it out towards her.
Esme felt the colour drain from her face as she gazed into the box. She felt slightly light headed when she looked up at Tom in shock. With a shaky hand, she reached into the box and pulled it out.
It was a collar. A leather collar. But it had really soft velvet on the inside for comfort. It was just under an inch deep and it had a small silver O-ring at the front for attaching a lead. Or it could just be there to look pretty.
‘Turn around, love. I’ll put it on.’ Tom spun his finger around as he took the collar from her.
Esme turned, now faced with Michael and Ben on the bed. She smiled nervously at them then directed her gaze down.
She closed her eyes and gasped when she felt Tom’s fingers brush against her, slipping the collar around her neck. The velvet felt nice on her skin, she was glad it wasn’t leather on the inside.
Tom slid the collar through the buckle and tightened it, but not too tight to choke her. He made sure there was still a little wiggle room so it wouldn’t be uncomfortable, since she was going to be wearing it all the time.
‘There we go. How does our girl look then guys?’ Tom smiled proudly and slid his hands down her arms as he turned her around, displaying her for the others.
‘Beautiful.’ ‘Stunning.’ ‘Divine.’ Was purred between the Alphas, all eyeing her up hungrily.
Tom turned her around to face him again, he looked pleased as punch as he looked her up and down. He cupped her cheek and smiled.
‘And you’re all ours.’
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