#cheeky bastard/pos
cupophrogs · 11 months
Just a misunderstanding!
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“Do you like my costume? Sally made it for me! She says it makes me look “ghoulish”!”
@theknifeclown I swear they didn’t mean to scare her! They were just a little sleepy and forgot to take the contacts out!
Full Ghoul Poppet scribble under the cut :)
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Silly jester :)
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whumpbug · 2 months
GUYS IT'S TIME. i now introduce.....
(scarab is the name of the ship they are all on do you guys get it. because. whumbug. beetle. scarab. the ship is shaped like a beetle--okay im done)
the vibes/tropes are: sci-fi/space fantasy, dysfunction junction, found family, accidental child acquisition, AND MORE!!!
HUGE thank you to @lemlem21 for listening to me Yap about them and helping me iron out a lot of the details!!! also for recoloring some of the skincolors!!!!
i apologize in advance. this is a long post. please please feel free to ask questions because this can get confusing. there are 6 characters all with complex traits and names so please ask me for clarification if you need it! i apologize for all the reading guys (˃̣̣̥⌓˂̣̣̥⋆)
OKAY! ONTO MY SPACE SILLIES! they are Everything to me.
okay just before i start, i want to briefly explain why all these people are together on a ship.
in this universe, theres a central government that spans across many planets in neighboring star systems. this is known as the Provinces of the Allied Galactic Empire (PAGE). this is the explored and "civilized" part of the galaxy.
recently, there have been more attacks on PAGE-affiliated planets and systems from the unexplored galaxy (known as the Outer Sector, or just Outsec in shorthand) and PAGE intends to get to the bottom of it.
and that's where Scarab Crew comes in! multiple teams were formed of people with exceptional talents in their species/planets and were sent on multi-year long exploratory missions under the name The Expedition Program (TEP). the scarabs are one team of many!
TEP's goal is to record and report all that they find as well as identify threats and/or the planets responible for the attacks. they are to come back with information and new technology that would make PAGE stronger and more well-rounded!
NOW ONTO THE SILLIES!! i used different picrws for each of them to match their Vibe
(also i added pronounciation guides to the best of my abilities i hope it helps im sorry in advance)
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Captain Nieven Alaric (Nee-ven Ah-la-rik)
pronouns: he/him
role: captain/leader/correspondence with PAGE
planet of origin:  Asto’is (species: Asto’isian)
age and height: late '30s to early '40s / 6 ft. 0 in.
description: the competent, calculated, and and cold head of The Scarab. he was a well-off government official before TEP, but unfortunately, he lost his family in an attack by Outsec rogues. he is a man hardened by life and unwilling to get attached to others again and because of this, is very efficient when it comes to running his ship. still, efficiency is not always the most important thing when it comes to leading a team. this is something nieven must learn.
species-specific traits: horns on the top of the head-- very interconnected with the central nervous system. decorated as a sign of age and/or accomplishment. also, asto'isians have pointy teeth! they are carnivores!
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Hari Khurana (Huh-ree Ku-rahna)
pronouns: relaxed he/him
role: engineer/medic/chemist
planet of origin:  Earth (species: Homo Sapien)
age and height: mid to late '30s / 6 ft. 2 in.
description: a simple human that started from the bottom. hari grew up in a trailer park, raised by his older sister when his father worked 3 jobs to put food on the table. since he was little, it was known he was a genius when it came to stem subjects. into adulthood, he excelled in every stem job he took on. still, no one expected him to get singled out when TEP was recruiting. aside from his smarts, hari is cheeky, sly, a bit of a Bastard™ but he also has tremendously big heart. he's passionate about what he does, no matter how hard it can be for him sometimes.
species-specific traits: despite his brains, hari is... a defective human. due to malnourishment as a child, he has a plethora of health problems that worry his team to no end. some include: asthma, lactose intolerance, allergies to many foods, marie antoinette syndrome, POTS, among others. he is also a below-the-knee amputee on his left leg due to an accident in his teens.
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Nylathrania (Nyla) Qifir (Nye-lah-trah-nya Kee-feer)
pronouns: she/her
role: pilot/navigator
planet of origin: Harye (species: Haryen)
age and height: mid '20s / 5 ft. 7 in.
description: the haryan are an extremely superstitious, winged race that place an extreme importance on flight. when a child was born with in inability to even lift her wings because of nerve damage, you can imagine it did not bode well. nyla was passed around from household to household with no place to call home. she wants to prove herself to her homeland by becoming the most successful pilot in TEP with her pride and joy of a ship, The Scarab, but even that will never make her good enough for her people, and consequently, herself.
species-specific traits: the bat-like wings and short horns are trademarks of the haryen people. unlike nieven's, nyla's horns are simply bony-keratin structures as extra protection for her brain. her wings are a bit smaller than other haryen's due to muscle atrophy.
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Ytzel (Zel) Mixca (Ee-tsel Micsh-cka)
pronouns: relaxed she/her
role: gunsman/conflict strategist
planet of origin: Huelxa (species: Huelxcan)
age and height: mid '20s / 5 ft. 4 in.
description: born to a planet of war, zel grew up around bloodshed and violence throughout her life. in her culture, getting close to people was discouraged becasue you never knew who would be on the other side of the next civil war. she was often forced to fight her siblings and friends (to an extreme level) as a test of strength, so she comes off as abrasive and rude because violence makes her feel in control. it's a familiar pattern. she hasn't yet learned that love does not need to be painful.
species-specific traits: the huelxcan actually have a second pair of arms! these arms sit slightly more towards her back, in the middle of her rib cage. the huelxcan people also have evolved with enhanced hearing, and wear accessories on the ears to enhance it further.
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Vin’ri (Vinny) L’aoh (Vin-ree Luh-ow)
pronouns: they/them
role: scribe/recorder/photographer
planet of origin: Z’edin (species: Z’edinra)
age and height: late teens (17-19) / 5 ft. 9 in.
description: vinny is heralded as the voice of reason when tensions are high amongst the rest of the crew. they are level-headed and approachable, making them an instrumental member of the team. but their secret? they're so lonely. in their culture, it's customary to stop being affectionate with children when they reach about 14 to encourage growth and independence. vinny didn't have a problem with this at first, but now that they're so far from home? they feel the need for comfort more than they'd like to admit.
species-specific traits: the z’edinra all have a prehensile tail that is about an armspan in length. it is capable of grasping, and can hold their body weight. also, z'edin is an ice planet which leads vinny to be prone to overheating in even mildly warm environments quite easily
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Ren "Alaric" (Rehn Ah-la-rick)
pronouns: he/him
role: healer/newest member (not with scarab crew initially)
planet of origin: Siea W5M (species: Amb’toman)
age and height: about 7 years old / 4 ft. 3 in.
description: ren's parent's were killed when he was only 4, and he was taken to Seia W5M to be sold as a commodity-- his species is sought after for their abilities. he was under the ownership of a man for a few years before he escaped and has been on the run ever since. he covers his eyes with a blindfold to conceal the signature trait of amb'tomans-- white scleras lacking a cornea. because of his years blindfolded, light tends to overwhelm him. he is skittish, flighty, and in need of people who will take care of and love him.
species-specific traits: the amb'toman are a desert-dwelling species that evolved healing abilities to cope with the harsh climate. the short version of how the abilities work is essentially: people spend a certain amount of energy to heal themselves of injury or illness. ren can spend that energy all at once on himself or another person to heal them exponetially faster. the draw back is gets extremely sleepy after healing, and tends to be unable to stay awake
RELATIONSHIPS: ask me about them!!! there are Some romantic relationships but i also love platonic and familial relationships so ask about whoever you'd like! i'm aiming to start the story early on to when they first meet so it'll be fun to develop their relationships as i write!!
PICREWS: 1 2 3 4 5 6
BONUS: here is all their height differences (ren is itty bitty guys)
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and that's it!!! thank you SO much if you've read to the end, it honestly means so much. and like i said before please please PLEASE dont be afraid to ask as many questions as you want (about specific scarabs, or the crew as a whole but just know if its the crew it might not be as detailed because. theres 6 of them.) these characters can get confusing and i want to make as easy of a reading experience as i can!
i hope you enjoy my little passion project and im so excited to develop these sillies further!! (✿◦’ᴗ˘◦)♡
tagging: @sethlost and @mellowwhumps (≧▽≦)
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skullmoss · 3 months
cant wait to aim and shoot solas in the face as a dwarf
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writersdrug · 7 days
Convincing bartender Simon to make one of those overly decorated and sweet cocktails or even add it to the menu because it’s cute and you know it’d do well on the gram and attract the ladies. He’d huff and puff but do it anyway
Like one of these with cotton candy, glitter, and sprinkles etc!: https://www.pinterest.co.uk/pin/825988387943179970/
OMG wait I soooo want to try that-
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The video ends, and Simon stares at the picture of the drink with a furrowed brow.
"Looks like somethin' you'd see at a bridal shower." He comments, handing you back your phone.
"Doesn' it?" You say with a smile, shoving your phone into your back pocket. You lean your arms over the bar and poke his side. "Come oooonnnnnn, Simon - imagine how many sales you'd make on something like that! People would love it."
"Imagine the money I'd lose, havin' t' buy bags of candy floss..." he grumbles, hiding his smirk behind his mask when you groan dramatically.
"You could do it as a promotional thing...? Like- ladies' night... in October?"
He snorts. "'Ladies' Night in October', hmm? N' what are ladies celebratin'?"
"Ok, fine- forget Ladies' Night. What about something for Halloween?"
"Like wot?" He grunts, grabbing a glass from the stack and pouring out one of the taps.
"I dunno... something fun, but practical - Oh! You could- like a Moscow Mule, but just serve it in a different glass and use edible glitter!"
Simon quirks his brow as he slides the beer glass to a customer. "Edible glitter?" He asks, wiping his hands on his rag. "Didn't know there was such a thing."
You nod quickly, your eyes full of excitement. "Yeah! God, I could pick up a bunch from the baker's supply down a few blocks. You could call it 'Witches' Brew.'"
He turns it over for a moment - in his opinion, it's ridiculous. He runs a pub, not a college bar. He would have scoffed at the idea of someone else had brought it up - but, it's you bringing it up, and that's a completely different story. You have such a brilliant gleam in your eye that melts his heart. He can't say no to you, especially after making you cry last week. He's still carrying out his penance for that.
"You think it'd sell?"
"Oh, for sure! I can make an insta post about it to get some attention."
He clicks his tongue, turning to the POS and seemingly uninterested by it. "Fine - if you spend anythin' promotin' it, let Price know. He'll reimburse ya."
You let out a triumphant whoop and slide of the barstool. He lets out a huff as you trot back to your tables, a noticeable pep in your step. He chances through the window on the kitchen door to see if his food is ready - what he's met with is Johnny's face, staring through the warming counter as he stands at the stove, a smug grin resting on his lips.
Simon can practically hear the cook's thoughts. Whipped bastard.
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You had left without saying goodbye that night. You waited by the counter, rocking eagerly on your toes as Simon grabbed your tips from the night before out of the safe. As soon as he handed them to you, you snatched them and ran out the door. He was a bit irked by that, standing there with a stubborn frown as you pranced out of the restaurant - maybe you're still not back to being cheeky and chipper yet after last week. He can live with that... for now.
However, not twenty minutes later, you come stumbling back in with a paper bag in hand and a smile on your face, panting like you'd just run a marathon. Simon's anxieties quell at the sight of you.
"Got it!" You say breathlessly, walking to the edge of the bar and dropping the bag onto it. Simon folds his arms over his chest as you reach in and pull out a small bottle of glitter. You hand It to him and he takes it, holding it up to the dim light above.
"You can eat this shit?" He asks, brows furrowed.
"Mhmm!" You chirp, settling into a barstool. "Now, bartender - I'll have a Moscow Mule."
He sets the glitter down and grabs a clear glass, working on gathering the ingredients. "Ya only call me that when you want something."
"I'm calling you what you are." You respond, watching as he skillfully mixes everything together, pouring vodka from the jigger between two fingers, tossing in lime juice and topping it off with ginger beer. As shameful as it is to admit, you're kinda attracted to the skill he presents.
"Should be callin' me boss." He says, topping the drink off with a straw.
You slide off your stool and chuckle. "Yeah, you'd be into something kinky like that."
Simon has to bite the inside of his cheek to distract himself from the thought of you - nope. He won't even entertain the idea. He simply steps back a bit as you wedge yourself behind the bar (yes, he actually forces himself to give you enough room - he doesn't need you feeling hiw aroused he is).
You grab a bottle of the glitter and dash some into the drink. After swirling it with the straw, the liquid becomes iridescent with purple shimmer that billows about the glass. You look up at him with a satisfied smile.
"Witches' Brew." You announce, holding the drink out to him.
You look happy - an observation that makes Simon smile, even if he wasn't the one to cause your happiness. He lifts his mask, grabs one of the straws and plugs it, before bringing it to his mouth and sampling the drink.
"Tastes like a mule."
"But it looks like a potion, right?"
"'S this glitter goin' to be in my gut whenever I get autopsied?"
You laugh, grabbing the glass and leaving Simon behind the bar. "That would be a cute party trick." You call over your shoulder.
Simon watches you, arms folded over his chest and his eyes curious. You set the drink on the opposite end of the bar, pulling your phone from your pocket and pointing the camera to the glass. You grimace; your arm reaches over the bar to grab the rag lying over the faucet, and quickly wipe down the bartop. He huffs, grabbing his phone from the register and pulling up his group text with Soap and Price.
Ghost: got ourselves a marketing team.
He looks back up at you - you're hunched over, taking picture after picture of the drink. You twirl the straw in the liquid every few seconds, kicking up the glitter and making it reflect the low lighting of the bar.
Hus phone buzzes.
Price: ??
Ghost: she's making a drink for october and promoting it in social media
Soap: clever girl
Soap: what drink?
Ghost: moscow mule, but in a clear glass and with some edible glitter shit. it's pretty neat.
Soap: picture?
Price: Promoting? Will this cost me anything?
Simon chuckles. He pulls up the camera on his phone and aims it at you-
Except you're in a different position. You're perched so nicely on a barstool, holding your phone at arm's length and your drink in the other hand. You're smiling up at your camera, nose scrunched as you pose for a selfie. Your hair is down, your back is arched, and - did you tug your neckline down? You most certainly did. You're breasts weren't that pronounced before.
Without thinking, Simon takes a photo. The shutter clicks loudly: you look at him, as do the three patrons sitting at the bar.
Fuck. He panicks, clearing his throat and lowering his phone. "Jus' showin' the lads what you're up to." He says, but you can see the tension in his shoulders as he quickly sends the picture to the chat and puts his phone in his pocket.
You smirk - whether it was truly just for Price and Soap, or if it was for himself, you felt a little flattered that you'd caught him in the act. You hoped for the latter.
Simon exhales heavily and rests his palms on the counter. His face burns beneath his mask as he tries to calm his racing heart. Fuck- was that weird? Course it fuckin' was. Goddamn creep.
His phone buzzes again. He sighs and pulls it into his hand.
Price: Cute thing, isn't she?
Simon immediately frowns, any previous shame now replaced with a fire in his chest.
"Fuckin' wot?"
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GRABS YOU listen listen LISTEN. headcanons for snuggling the dummies (and doll) 👁️👁️ i have NO SPECIFICS so go absolutely CRAZY!!!!!!!!!!! BONKERS I TELL YOU
snuggling the dummies (& doll) HCS
Slappy is a FIEND for snuggles, he’ll climb onto you and immediately curl into your side, going on and on about his world domination plays while his little hands tightly hold onto you with the most protective aura he can muster.
Snappy will play with your hair and nestle his face into the crook of your neck while you two snuggle, also sneaking a little dummy kiss on your jawline and cheek shsjhs <3 he’s a cheeky bastard
Mary ellen will lay her head on your chest and hold your hand! just humming softly while she enjoys the domestic bliss of it all, and make sure to stroke her hair! she will cry /pos
Dennis likes to talk a LOT during snuggles, and will just bounce from topic to topic while he plays with your hair, and most often the topics are involving you and how cool or cute he thinks you are, but he’s as snug as bug on your lap!
Rocky is a simple man, he’ll sit on your lap and tell you all his old man stories while being curled up against your frame, dummies shouldn’t get cold but with the way he’s practically clinging onto you? you’d think he’s freezing!
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blair-the-juggalho · 2 years
Hey, Blair! I'm back lol! Can I request a ericson gang x reader who has really long hair? Like y'know jinx from arcane? They have it in braids and it goes down to their ankles and is even longer out of braids and they're just so amazed at how long it is? Like they hold it in their hands or play with it sometimes?
Of course I’d love too! (Tysm for your amazing requests! :D)
Ericsson gang with an S/O with really long hair!
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She was outstanded by how long your hair was
And how long does it take you to do it everyday?
She thought you where really pretty obvious but god damn that hair is something else/ pos
Trust me this girl will be all over it
Whenever you also she’s constantly combing her hands though your hair and adding small plates too it
She think your totally pretty!!!
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He doesn’t know why you have your hair that long since it makes you easier to be grabbed
But that being said he can respect it!
I mean god damn you must of been growing your hair your whole life!
When I tell you that this man loves playing with your hair I’m being drop dead serious
He doesn’t even know how to do a basic plat but he’s still there messing with your hair lmao
He usually hates when people touch his hair but you get away with more things that others so please for the love of god play with this mans hair too!
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Ngl Marlon thought your hair would become a health and safety issue 🥲
But trust me after the initial shock of seeing your oh so long hair, he’s all over you
Like Mitch marlon can’t do any special or even basic hairstyles
But that won’t stop him from combing his hands through your hair
He doesn’t care if you guys are in public or not, he’s always messing with your hair lmao
Now he low-key wants to grow the back of his mullet out so you can mess with his hair too lmao
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Louis LOVES your long hair!
He’s always calling you summat stupid like “Rapunzel” and making really cheesy references to it
Now this man actually knows how to do hair so best believe he will sit there redoing and undoing your plats over and over again lmao
Also he’ll take each plat and play with it as if it where a doll
Idk I just see him doing that lmao! And then the cheeky bastard would tickle you with your own hair.
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Like Marlon, this man was worried about you possibly getting into danger because of your hair lmao
He does think it makes you look super pretty however!
He likes to touch your hair whenever he’s tired idk why but it always does it while he’s drifting off to sleep
you want this man to play with your hair while he’s awake? Now that will cost you
Cost you playing with his hair for hours on end!
It’s a win win situation then >:)
He was amazed by your hair!
He was so instantly hooked I mean oh my god it was so long and pretty! That must take you hours to manage!
Whenever your alone, that’s when he plays with your hair
He’d play with it for hours on end
He just loves you and that insanely long hair of yours <3
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Ruby was definitely surprised by the length of your hair
But now she loves it!
You two will always do each other’s hair even your bored!
She’d do all these crazy hairstyles that she learnt from her mother when she was a kid on you
You may look a bit weird but it’s all for the laughs :)
Brody was again totally shocked by your hair but got over it so quickly because she loved it so much
Like ruby, you two always do each other’s hair lmao!
She was obsessed with your Long hair and would of totally grown her own out if she wasn’t so scared of it leading to her getting grabbed by a Walker
She genuinely does love playing with your hair thought
Even in public while your chilling, she’ll start brushing her hands with your hair or wrapping your plat around her knuckles lmao!
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shslpunkartist99 · 3 months
If you think death by water bottle is embarrassing then imagine death by one of those squeaky toy hammers.
Like, just a regular goofy looking toy hammer that squeaks whenever used. Doesn't even hurt either. And yet somehow causes death the moment one of the Punks decide to kill with it.
I feel it'd be one of those deaths that most wouldn't be able to take seriously no matter what lmao.
Oh and btw I asked my mom which Symbol he should go to as well and she said Clovers because "I want to see how long it'll take before he leaves because of the cheeky bastard (Pachinko) annoying the shit out of him". I did inform her that one doesn't generally leave whichever Symbol they're assigned to and she's just "You think that'll stop Shinjiro? He'll still be a part of Clovers but like hell is he gonna be there all the time dealing with that chaotic bastard being himself" 😂
I swear she loves Pachinko but that man can be quite the menace /pos /lh
"I swear I love Pachinko but that man can be quite the menace" -the most polite way someone has expressed their likeness to him
... now I feel like Cherri would do that. Declare someone dead with a squeaky hammer. Gives people ptsd or some shit
Also yeye, whether Shinjiro gets assigned to Spades or not, he'll eventually meet everyone's families/friends. And yes, Keith will absolute >:T when he sees him and Roxie talking with one another
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michu-writes · 2 years
what if...... ronin x masc reader (totally good if gn reader :] )
A/N: FIRST RONIN REQUEST OMG /POS!!!1!1!1! I fucking love Ronin so much, he's hilarious and!!! Really fucking hot too- ANYWAY I HOPW YOU ENJOY <333
Also it's m!reader :)
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He's so selfish, I think we all know that. This man will call you his and his only. Like he'll treasure you with his whole entire life and tell you "You're the most vulnerable and precious treasure of mine. I fucking love you, y/n." LIKE <3333!!!!1!1!11!! He's so nice and careful with you while he's the rudest man to everyone else. SOMETIMES HE'D ALSO BRING YOU A GIFT (which he has stolen) AND BE LIKE "I brought you something. I hope you like it, prince." And then he'll leave you alone like he's chill BUT HES ACTUALLY FREAKING OUT AND WONDERING IF THE GIFT WAS GOOD.
He can also be a massive bitch.
THIS MAN WILL NEVER STOP FLIRTING OR TEASE YOU. He'll ALWAYS come up with something new, which will always give you a big blush on your face. Sometimes he's just embarrassing, but you can't say you hate it sooooo
Oh and when the ninjas are there, he's so protective and will show you off to them. Like "Isn't he the most handsome guy in the world? Would you wish that he was yours? Too bad, he already has someone and that's me <3." HES A CHEEKY BASTARD AND HE KNOWS IT.
So yeah, in his good days he can be the most sweetest and nicest being on ninjago, but then he can be an absolute hot bastard 😍
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winterwolf0916 · 4 years
Batboys with a Short S/O
Such a cheeky bastard when it comes to your height
“Dick help me with this!” And you’re just bouncing to get the object from the top of the fridge.
“Nah I prefer to enjoy the view.”
He’s not the only one who enjoys the view. 
Before the two of you were dating, you would sometimes stare at his bubble butt which he’ll feel like someone was staring, turn around, and then you would just avert your eyes.
You never get caught.
He’s punny too
When people mention your height he just gasps and...
“She’s not short! She’s just fun-sized.” 
Don’t get me started with stores.
If he’s paying for the groceries and you’re next to him, he’ll just look down into his wallet and be like-
“I believe we’re $3 short.”
Oh how much you wanted to smack him for embarrassing you like that
Forehead Kisses
He also loves to pick you up.
Throws you over his shoulder, places you on his shoulders in crowds, and places you on his lap at home.
At the end of the day, unlike his brothers, he’ll help you up the shelf.
But on patrol, he would check up on you to see if you’re safe on your nightly trip to the store.
If someone is going to try something, he tends to handle the situation by snatching the offender in silence so you don’t have to worry about anything.
Type level 1 asshole
When you’re struggling for something on the shelf
-remember Jason is the tallest out of his brothers-
He would take that object...
“Aw thanks Jay-”
And place it a shelf higher.
“-Oh Screw you!”
He likes to see you mad
Oh I’m sorry
He likes to see you...
Like Dick, he throws you over his shoulder
Cuddling and fitting in one bed is never a problem
You and Jason winning against his brothers in the game Chicken Fight
Make fun of him when he’s hitting his head against the door frame when he’s entering a room.
Him adoring you when you’re in his jackets or hoodies.
His clothes + your tiny physique = absolute perfection to him.
Best ways to mess around with you is by smacking your ass then run off as you chase after him with your short legs. 
Like Dick, he checks on you during his patrol.
But if he isn’t there, he knows you can handle the situation.
I mean, he trained you so hard that you could actually flip him and catch him off guard when he’s not going easy on you.
But if something bad happens, like a villain decides to kidnap you and you can’t take them, then you click an alert on your phone that’ll not only notify Jason but also the Batfamily that you’re in deep doo doo.
Let’s just say, you’re in for a show. 
You being more worried about the villain’s well being than your own because knowing your boyfriend…it’s not going to end pretty.
Jason will get very, I mean very angry and he won’t hold back to the smartass who decides to take his loved ones. 
He might as well leave a message for the other villains....
Aw you’re so adorable
but he’s SUCH
Like when you both were ordering some food
“And what would the lady like?” The cashier asked.
“A small fry.” You facepalmed.
“Ok what about dessert-”
“-Strawberry shortcake.”
When you’re helping Alfred cook meals, Timbo just pops in, takes a cookie, and stare at you.
“Do you want a stool hon?”
You throwing your wooden stick at the laughing boy
EVEN when you’re giving him a kiss he had the AUDACITY to even- 
“Do you need a ladder?”
You pushing him and walking away all angry while he rushes to your side to apologize while chuckling.
He sometimes leans on you and make you an arm rest but you just elbow his dumbass to stop.
Gives you piggyback rides
Stays close to you in crowds. 
When he loses you, he’ll always find you since he’s one hell of a detective.
But if you’re ever kidnapped, he’ll get a slight panic attack but always find you.
The funny thing is that he doesn’t give a shit when cornering the crook that decides to lay a finger on your hair.
He also trains you and gives you amazing spy gadgets for self defense. 
You used to have peppers pray but now you got a penny in your pocket that you take out, click, and ta-dah! A bo-staff that comes with optional electricity currents.
When you both were younger, you were taller than him by a mere 3 inches.
But believe me when I say this
When he is at the age of when his growth spurt ignites
He starts to make fun of your height.
“Oh I didn’t see you there L/n.”
“I was right in front of you, you troll.”
“Oh is this the last Caprisun you were trying to get from the self?”
“Yeah, can you give it to me, ple-”
“Finder’s keepers.” 
But once he becomes 19 or so...he’s huge.
Taller than Jason and his dad.
Someone help your poor soul that you only grew a couple more inches while your significant other is tall as a mf mountain. 
For arguments, even when you're right, you would shiver a little from him hoovering over you. 
But don’t worry, he backs down when you’re right...sometimes...
Does he still make fun of your height? 
It runs in the family, he’ll say something about your height here and there. but not as often as he did in the past. 
“I didn’t know you could stoop so low for pickpocketing that dwarf back there.”
“What? I didn’t pickpocket-Ooooh...You think you’re so funny.”
He really loves you but he doesn’t like to do PDA.
The sole reason why doesn’t do it often is because you pull him down to your level. 
If that ever happens he would glare at everyone around the perimeter to mind their own business.
When you hug him you can hear his heartbeat.
People are so confused of how you, a bright smol bean, is dating a tall, cold-hearted, and stoic man.
But if they are very curious for the answer, they prefer to ask you.
When you and Dami are both are outside on a sunny day, his shadow is your shade. You would tease him about that and he just walks faster so that you would suffer with him.
Like his brothers, he trained you to self defend and gave you emergency devices that you can activate if ever in tough situation. 
But he still worries about you, he checks up on you from time to time.
If anyone dares to bring harm to you, he’s going to pull a Batman move. 
Like if you’re walking back to your car and someone decides to hurt you or make a wrong move then Damian will legit dive down, grab the person in silence, and pull them back up to the roof for a “friendly” interrogation or leave them to hang upside down while the police finds them. 
You getting kidnapped is pretty rare. 
Considering the fact that he scares the hell out of Gotham(more than his dad),he hides any tracks of you interacting with him as batman, and most of the time you’re in the Manor.
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exilethegame · 4 years
it would be so interesting to know what everyones first thoughs about personalities for the different commanders were, like when i saw the white wolf i was just like ah yes your a reluctant dad whos stupidly loyal, pheonix was just assigned bastard at birth, and demon was quiet but with a cheeky streak lol hope youre doing ok and remembering to drink water and take breaks when you need to
I’d find it interesting to hear from everyone what they thought, too! When I was writing it I saw Wolf MC as being stoic and cold but with a heart of gold, Phoenix MC as genuine and a caring type/not necessarily a fighter, Demon MC as someone who observes and pulls the strings when necessary, and Gorgon MC as just a sarcastic pos lmaoo
And thank you!!! I am keeping myself well hydrated indeed...
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baepop · 5 years
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You’re the newest hire at a local café and head barista Jeon Jungkook takes you under his wing.
Word Count: 16.2k
Pairing: You x Jungkook
Genre: Slight Fluff, Smut, Angst
A/N:  What’s next? maybe a Taehyung fic to quench my secret thirst?
Part 2 | Part 3
Working at J’aime Café had taught you a valuable lesson: Where there’s high risk, there’s high reward, and in the absence of said reward, there would be unbelievable loss too.
It all started when you finally got around to checking your voicemails one March afternoon and you realized the job you applied to months ago had finally reached out to you for an interview. Since you weren’t always the best at keeping track of these things, and noticing the voicemail was now a week old, you quickly paused your show and checked the time. Two o’ clock, still during business hours.
The phone rang twice before a courteous voice responded to your call. “J’aime Café, how can I help you?”
“Yes, hello! My name is Y/N and I applied for the barista position. The manager reached out to me for an interview last week. I was wondering if it was possible to come by sometime soon for an interview?” You held your breath and crossed your fingers, hoping they wouldn’t turn you away because you were so late on responding.
“Ahh, Y/N! Yes of course, can you come by this afternoon? If not, then we can do your interview maybe… Wednesday morning?”
“Today’s perfect! Thank you so much!” You couldn’t hide your excitement and gratitude but made a mental note to be more professional in person.
The manager chuckled at your glee and ended the phone call with a simple “See you soon.”
The café was only a 15-minute walk away, so you weren’t in a rush to get ready. You spent the next half hour or so trying to decide what to wear. Dress for the job you want, not for the job you have. That’s what you’d always heard growing up, but if that was actually the case, you’d be walking over there dressed in a cop uniform. You sighed and placed your hands on your hips. What was that other piece of advice about job interviews? Oh yeah, dress as if you already work there so they can better picture you as an employee. Since the coffee shop was small, you had only ever seen three people working there total including the manager and they always had on jeans and knitted sweaters or some variation of that, so you ultimately decided to trade your pencil skirt for black jeans and your heels for boots. You kept your pretty pink blouse on though. Good first impressions are always important. If there was anything that worried you in these situations, it was being forgettable.
You checked your ponytail for any fly away hairs then headed off towards the café. As you walked past the park near your house, you rehearsed your replies to general interview questions. So why do you want to work here? I have plenty of experience in customer service and feel I could bring great things to the table as an employee here. Do you have experience handling money? Yes, yes, I do. I have worked with countless POS systems as well so I’m sure I can learn yours very quickly.
You were so busy interrogating yourself that you didn’t notice or thank the person holding the door open for you once you arrived at the coffee shop. You stood in the lobby, searching for the manager. When you realized you were accidentally standing in line, you rushed to get out of the way. You clutched your handbag with clammy hands as you observed your surroundings anxiously. It’s just an interview, most likely informal, given the setting. You got this. Don’t sweat it.
You’d never realized how busy it could get here, seeing the huge line of customers that had accumulated. When you looked behind the bar, you realized there was only one employee back there. You didn’t want to bother him inquiring about the manager, since they were already so busy, so you found a stool to sit on and wait patiently.
As you watched the cashier ring customers up, you were impressed by his cheery disposition and professionalism despite having so many drinks lined up and no barista. Thankfully for you and the cashier, only about 2 minutes had passed by before two employees came out of the back room. They seemed to be in a heated discussion, but upon closer look, it was more playful than anything. The one with earrings and hand tattoos was tying on his apron while smirking and nodding at the older one holding a clip board. In an incredible show of annoyance, the barista walked away mid conversation and began making all the drinks that were backed up, making sure to slam the doors and cups obnoxiously. However, he was able to do so many things at once that it was no time at all before he cleared the crowd of people waiting on their orders.
You were in such awe at the barista’s sheer talent that you almost forgot why you were there in the first place. It wasn’t until the man with the clip board stood in the way of your eyesight that you realized you had a mission. As you stared up at the stranger, you had to think for a second what it was that he had just asked you.
“Are you Y/N by any chance?”
“Oh uh, yeah! Hi, are you the manager?” You wiped your hand on your thigh and went in for a handshake.
“Yes, I am,” he shook your hand firmly, “Thank you for coming in so soon. As you can see, we really need some new employees around here!” The manager, whom you presumed to be Mr. Kim noted on his nametag, raised his voice towards the end of his sentence so that the barista could hear from behind the bar. Seeing the guy with tattoos chuckle at his boss’ cheeky behavior had a calming effect on you.
The interview went extremely well, so well that it only lasted 10 minutes before you got a job offer. You accepted it right away of course, considering there was only $3.79 in your bank account, so you showed up to the coffee shop first thing in the morning the very next day.
You were excited and confident yet nervous. You had worked plenty of jobs to put you at ease with customer interaction, but never at a coffee shop. You didn’t know the first thing about making specialty drinks or brewing coffee for that matter. You’d simply always been a tea person.
The manager asked you to come in once the café opened, so you were there just as the cashier was unlocking the front door. He held it open for you just as you entered and offered you a dazzling smile.
“Hey, you’re the new hire, right? My name’s Hoseok, but you can call me Hobi! You’re going to be shadowing me today.”
“Yes, hi,” you weren’t sure why you were blushing, maybe because he already knew who you were, “um where can I put my stuff?”
“Oh, we have cubbies in the back office. Just find an empty one then come meet me out here when you’re ready. Oh, and grab an apron and a hat while you’re back there.” You hurried to do exactly as he said, determined to do a good job on your first day. Everyone seemed so capable and diligent, you didn’t want to come off as a newbie at all.
You noticed the cubbies immediately as you stepped into the back. You put your sweater and satchel in one of the cubes next to one that housed a leather jacket and an iPhone. Since you saw another cube filled, you wondered if the handsome barista would be working today too. You forced yourself not to think about that for now, you didn’t want to be distracted on your first day. Once you found the extra aprons and hats, you headed to the front of the shop where customers had already begun ordering. You rushed to the cashier’s side to observe him as he took orders and wrung them into the touch screen accordingly. The same scenario played out from the day before: Customers began crowding the end of the bar, checking their watches impatiently and wondering where the hell their drinks were. You began getting nervous, hoping no one would complain to you. You had no idea what to say to them.
As if sensing your anxiety, Hobi finished wringing up the last customer in line before turning to you and saying, “Don’t worry, he always does this. Why? No idea, but Jungkook’ll be in any second now to make these. He has to anyway, because neither of us have been trained on making drinks!” Hobi laughed and patted you on the back before turning towards the crowd of people that had just walked in. You laughed along nervously, checking the door for the boy with the tattoos.
Thankfully, thirty seconds later, the infamous barista barged in through the door and b-lined it to the back to grab an apron. “Oh, shit! Here’s my phone! I thought I lost it! Thank god!” Jungkook yelled at no one in particular and you giggled at the theatrics that could be heard from the entire shop. On his way to the bar, he eyed you briefly but didn’t say anything, choosing instead to greet the regulars.
“Ahh, there he is! The resident rockstar is gracing us with his presence! We’re finally gonna get some coffee everyone!” An older man with grey hair and a hoarse voice bellowed out. Jungkook laughed and high fived him over the counter.
“Jerry! You old bastard, still haven’t croaked in your sleep, I see! Vanilla latte with three shots coming right up!” Jungkook began making everyone’s drinks with the same ease as you witnessed the day before. His banter with the older man seemed incredibly inappropriate, but clearly it was okay since his customer replied with booming laughter.
“Nope, not yet son! Still healthy as an ox.”
“Not if you keep having all this caffeine. But it’s not like I’d stop you. I’d miss your wise crackin’ around here.” Jungkook handed him his latte and the older gentleman took a sip.
“Don’t you worry about that, son, even if I did croak, I’d still come back and haunt your ass for making me some god-awful drinks!” Him and Jungkook laughed heartily at his jabs, even gaining chuckles from a few customers as well as from Hobi. “Alright, I’m heading out. See you kids tomorrow morning.” The older man waved at everyone including you and sauntered out of the door.
As you watched Jungkook make the rest of the drinks that were lined up, you noticed he interacted with each and every customer. None of them were as acquainted with him as Jerry was, but they remembered each other’s names at the very least.
You noticed the kind of morning regulars at the cafe were more of the same than anything else. Many of them dawned suits and work uniforms, most likely residents from the area stopping in on their way to work in the neighboring metropolis.
After 9 o’ clock, business severely died down. It was only then that Hobi was able to give you a tour of the café and answer questions you already had.
“Have you ever made coffee before?” Hobi inquired while slapping the top of the brewing machine.
“Uhh…to be honest, no I haven’t,” You noticed Jungkook ‘tsk’ with a side smirk as he wiped down the counter, no doubt listening in on Hobi training you, “I’m more of a tea kind of person.”
The older guy smiled, “That’s okay, it’s pretty easy to learn.” His patience with you made you happy.
“This,” he pointed to the pots with handles, “is where you put the grounded coffee into, then you press the ‘brew’ button, and the coffee begins dripping into these containers that keep the coffee hot. Some people don’t like the fancy shmancy drinks that hot shot over here serves and prefer regular cups of coffee. If you’re on the cash register, then it’ll be your responsibility to serve the regular coffee.” You nodded along with everything he was saying but couldn’t help your small smile at his jab to Jungkook. He moved you two further down and pointed to a contraption you’d never seen before. “This is for ‘pour-over’ coffees. Some people order special coffee blends that we don’t brew in the machine, so whenever that happens you just come over here and put the grounded up coffee in this cone, get some hot water, slowly pour it over the grinds and watch it drip into their cup. Just make sure you don’t forget about it or it’ll overflow.” Hobi mimed all the actions out as he explained the process. It was endearing. You tried your best to retain all the information. After explaining where to find the coffee filters and the cup sleeves from, he decided to give you a break from the information overload. “Here,” Hobi handed you a rag and a bottle of Windex, “why don’t you wipe down the windows outside and then come back and we’ll pick up where we left off.”
You gladly took the cleaning supplies from his hands and went out to the small tables that lined the front of the shop. The entire front was made of glass, so you could still see Hobi and Jungkook from where you were. As you sprayed down the windows, you noticed Jungkook leaning over the bar resting his cheek on his palm and shamelessly staring at you. You swallowed and tried to focus on the task, pretending you didn’t notice him even though the blush on your face told a different story. What’s his freaking deal? Given his demeanor with the employees here and the customers, you wondered if he would start picking on you too, or if he was just straight up flirting. Either way, you didn’t have time for either since you desperately needed to keep this job. When you entered the shop again, you noticed Hobi left to use the bathroom, so you took the chance to make polite conversation with Jungkook.
He had been watching you the entire time that you came in, but still you tried not to acknowledge it and look busy, which was hard because you didn’t know enough to pull that off. You fiddled with the coffee filters before clearing your throat to speak.
“So…your name’s Jungkook, right? How long have you been working here?” You looked over at him innocently. He was leaning on the counter propped up on one elbow with a smile playing at his lips.
After a second, he replied, “Couple months.”
“Oh…but you seem really good at what you do. Did you catch on quickly?”
“Not my first coffee shop, babe.” Your heart skipped a beat at the pet name. Jungkook was eyeing you, probably waiting for your next question, but you weren’t sure what to say. Yep, definitely shameless flirting.
“That’s because he got canned from his last gig for showing up late every day.” Hobi’s voice came from behind you and startled you, but you were grateful for it since you had the perfect exit to this charged moment between you and the bad boy barista.
Jungkook chuckled and responded, “What can I say, your mom just can’t get enough of me in the morning.” Hobi chucked an empty cup at Jungkook’s head but the younger boy ducked down slightly and dodged it.
With laughter in his voice, Hobi turned to you. “Come on, Y/N, let’s get you away from this terrible influence.” He stopped at an odd machine with a large hole at the top and a simple lever. “Okay, so now let’s go over how to grind up coffee beans…”
Their banter and the overall atmosphere was infectious, and it had you smiling from ear to ear for no particular reason.
With thirty minutes left to the end of your shift, the café got busy again. When you checked the time, you realized schools in the area had already let students out which would logically explain all the uniformed teenagers in line ordering drinks full of whipped cream and fruit. This time, Hobi let you stay back and fetch any coffee orders that had come in, but hardly any of them wanted regular coffee. During the few times that Hobi handed you empty cups to be filled, you’d hold the lever that allowed coffee to trickle into cups then glance over towards the end of the bar. The scene that unfolded before your eyes had you smiling as if enjoying a private joke. It seemed Jungkook was a hit amongst the local teenage girls. As he handed out fruity drink after fruity drink, they all giggled and thanked him personally. One even took her phone out innocently, but you could tell she was recording him, probably for her Snapchat.
The cafe filled up with students who were in no rush to go home, changing the sleepy ambience of the shop into a rowdy, hip one. Once Hobi wrung up the last person in line, he turned to the barista and said, “Don’t catch a case out here Jungkook. These girls have their hopes up.”
The three of you laughed in unison, but Jungkook looked over at you with a look of offense on his face. “Y/N! Don’t laugh at his jokes! And here I thought you were cool.”
You couldn’t help but giggle like one of the girls on the other side of the counter. “I guess you judged me too quickly, huh.” Hobi gave you a fist bump and chimed in about how you were his new favorite.
As you untied your apron in the backroom, you recapped the day in your head. You were overall satisfied with your first day at your new job. The job seemed easy enough to do, your coworkers were cool, and the customers were more bearable than at some of the other jobs you worked in the past. Sure, there were people here and there that seemed to have woken up on the wrong side of the bed, intent on giving service workers a hard time for things out of their control, but other than that it was a great day. And it absolutely had nothing to do with the head barista flirting with you. Not a single thing.
A whole month had passed before you got your first action on the bar. You had been feeling nervous and hesitant about starting that part of your training, especially seeing the sheer volume of people that order drinks during rush times. You feared you’d only be in Jungkook’s way if you tried to help, so you settled for observing as much as you could. Hobi had been getting his feet wet in that area this past month, so when you learned enough of the register, he’d leave you alone and help Jungkook with backed up drink orders.
Jungkook had taken the time to train Hobi while it was slow, especially since the older boy had already learned everything he could about cashiering. You, on the other hand, were content with wringing up customers and cleaning up after them. However, on this one particular day, Hobi called out of work and Mr. Kim had stepped out to run some errands for the day, so it was just you and Jungkook working at the cafe. Jin had felt confident enough to leave the shop in yours and Jungkook’s hands, and although you were fully capable, you still wished he hadn’t left. If you were being honest with yourself, Jungkook made you nervous. Cute guys made you nervous, and the ones that were both cute and shameless made your hands clammy. He was always respectful with you though, and kept his distance when Hobi wasn’t around, which is why you still hadn’t established a close relationship with Jungkook like you had with Hobi. You knew the older guy’s last name, where he was studying at, what shows he was watching at the moment, what his favorite super villain was; but when it came to Jungkook, he was simply still a beautiful mystery.
After the morning rush, when the café emptied and there was nothing left for the two of you to busy yourselves with, you started to feel awkward again. You weren’t sure how to talk to someone like Jungkook, who was always so blunt and boisterous. You, on the other hand, were reserved and polite. You weren’t exactly shy, you just weren’t sure how to navigate a friendship with him, but you wanted to learn so that there wouldn’t be so much silence between you two. Not to mention, his shameless staring, which persisted just as it did from day one, confounded you. He never ever tried to make a move on you, almost as if he was waiting for you to say something to him. If you were being honest, the staring flustered you because it was coming from such an attractive confident person. You were definitely attracted to him too, but you’d never start anything romantic with a coworker. Those kinds of things always got too messy, especially with such a small staff.
As you wiped down the windows outside, your eyes automatically found Jungkook’s on the other side. You smirked and waved at him, acknowledging him for once. He flashed a crooked smile at you and nodded a ‘sup’ at you in return. You couldn’t get the stupid smirk off your face as you finished cleaning the windows, realizing you probably looked like a happy idiot from inside the shop. You thought about what to say to him when you’d have to go back inside, ultimately deciding on just coming out and asking him what his deal was. So, when you put away the cleaning materials and met Jungkook’s lingering eyes, you cleared your throat and asked the burning month-old question at the tip of your tongue.
“So…what’s with the staring?” You put your hand on your hip but then second guessed yourself and placed it on the counter. Jungkook watched your movements carefully and chuckled, observing your false bravado.
“Easy, you’re very beautiful.” Jungkook watched your eyes widen before continuing, “I can restrain myself though, if it makes you uncomfortable.”
You smiled and looked at anywhere but at his face. “Ah…well, that answers that. I was just asking, thought maybe I had something on my face.”
Jungkook laughed, “No, nothing like that. Is that why you don’t really talk to me, because I make you uncomfortable?” Jungkook kept his gaze directly on your burning face which made you feel like you were on the hot seat.
“What do you mean? I totally talk to you.” You crossed your arms, giving up on willing your blushing cheeks to cool off.
“Psh, not like you do with Hobi. You guys are like best friends now. I’m third wheeling it over here.” Jungkook mirrored your arms crossed over your chest. You giggled and rolled your eyes, playing along to his false offense.
“Well, I don’t know… Hobi’s easy to talk to I guess.”
“And I’m not?” It was evident that Jungkook took pleasure in grilling you with that teasing smile playing at his lips, but you refused to backtrack now.
You took a minute to think before responding, “Don’t take this the wrong way, but not exactly. You’re really…how should I put this…out there. And I’m more of an…in there…kind of person.” After a beat, you both laughed at how much you weren’t making sense, you with embarrassment and him at how cute you seemed when you were flustered.
“Well maybe if you got to know me you wouldn’t be so shy.” Jungkook challenged you with a wicked glint in his eye and a sexy side smirk.
“Point taken. So, tell me about yourself then, Mr. Third Wheel.” Jungkook laughed at his new nickname.
“What do you want to know, babe?” You rolled your tongue around on the inside of your cheek and tried to think of a good question for him while ignoring the thrill that his pet name for you inflicted.
“Umm, okay, are you a student anywhere?”
This time it was Jungkook’s turn to roll his eyes at you. “BORING. Seriously, that’s what you want to know about me? Let me guess, your next question is about my favorite color.” His teasing flustered you further, proving your point about how hard it’d be to have a conversation with him.
“Okay fine! Have you ever killed anyone?” You looked Jungkook in the eye in an attempt to intimidate him.
“If I told you the truth then I’d have to kill you too, and I don’t really feel like doing that, so, pass.” You smirked at each other until it turned into a stare down, conceding after a while and rolling your eyes at him. Just then, you noticed a customer making their way to the register and just like that, your brief albeit silly conversation with Jungkook was effectively over for the time being.
Once you two were done wringing and serving the random group of people that interrupted your conversation, Jungkook immediately turned back to you and asked a follow up question. “So, what about you? Have you ever killed anyone?”
You smiled and responded, “Oh, tons! My favorite victims happen to be flirtatious coffee shop baristas. You know any?”
Jungkook’s laugh was disarming. The more you talked the more at ease you felt with him. He was definitely charming, which is probably why he got along with strangers so easily, and probably why he could get away with coming in late all the time. What he lacked in professionalism and punctuality he more than made up for in expertise and people skills.
Before you knew it, 3 o’clock rolled around and tons of school kids flooded the café. You were able to wring everyone in a timely manner, so there was nothing left to do but watch Jungkook make drinks. You felt bad at how slammed he seemed, so you asked if he needed any help, secretly hoping he’d say no.
Jungkook smiled down at the drinks he was making and responded, “Sure, if you’re feeling up for it!” Why don’t you come over here and top these bad boys with whipped cream then hand them out.”
You immediately grew nervous but rushed over to help. There was a different kind of pressure when it came to making drinks, you quickly realized. Not only did you have to worry about making everyone’s orders correctly, you had to do it quickly with no mistakes since all the customers would crowd the bar and watch your every move. Your hands slightly shook as you took hold of the whipped cream dispensers. The café made their own, so it wasn’t the cans of cool whip you were expecting.
Jungkook noticed your confusion and answered your thoughts. “All you have to do is shake it a bit, hold it upside down and swirl it on top of the ice so that it makes a nice cone shape. Go on.”
You did as he instructed, but when you squeezed the handle, the trapped air inside of the tin released into the cup and sent an ice cube sliding across the counter. Your face was blazing with embarrassment, but Jungkook didn’t seem to think it was embarrassing it at all. Instead, he offered you some more help.
“Here, do it like this.” Jungkook stood close behind you and took hold of your hand that held the contraption. He squeezed your hand so you could get an idea of how firm to hold it, tilting your hand completely upside down, and helped your finger pull the trigger. Slowly and smoothly, cream circled the top of the drink nicely. With his head almost resting on your shoulder and his mouth so close to your ear, his instructions sent shivers down your spine. “You have to turn it all the way and ease up on the trigger or else you’ll make a mess.” You nodded tightly, pretending to understand what he said only because your brain wouldn’t stop obsessing at the way his chest felt pressed up against your back and his hands on yours.
Your fingers shook while fitting a lid on the drink. When you finally handed it out to the customer, you caught a dirty look from the girl who it belonged to. You figured she was one of Jungkook’s many admirers. The thought had you alight with humor. As you continued to top the drinks and hand them out, you realized how easy it was to work with Jungkook. The hard part was trying to keep your cool.
“Look at you go! It’s almost as if you’re an actual barista!” You chuckled at Jungkook’s comment as you handed out the last drink.
“Oh, didn’t you hear? I’m your replacement.” Jungkook looked at you for a moment without saying anything.
“Shy my ass. You’ve got a mouth on you. I like it.”
“I never said I was shy.”
Just then, Jin came in through the front door.
“Thanks for holding down the fort you two. Y/N you can go, you did a great job today.” Jin rounded the corner of the stand and you handed him your apron.
“Same time tomorrow?” You looked at your manager who was busy checking the sales on the register.
“Yep, see you in the morning!” Jin answered you absentmindedly so you took that as your queue to go, but not before saying something to Jungkook.
“Do you think you can manage the bar without me?” You asked him cheekily as you removed your hat.
He smiled at you with narrowed eyes. “I don’t know how I’ll go on, but I think I might just barely make it.”
And just like that, you headed home with butterflies in your stomach for the first time in ages.
Three months into working at the café, a new horror movie came out, and since Hobi knew you were a horror fan, he invited you to come see it with himself and Jungkook.
“If we go tomorrow night, the tickets are half off for students. You in?” Hobi was busying himself counting the change in the drawer while you contemplated going out with them. They didn’t want to go until late, so you’d definitely lose out on sleep, which you weren’t a fan of, but you didn’t want to turn down your first invitation out from your coworkers. You knew Hobi and Jungkook regularly hung out together outside of work, and it made you feel a tad left out whenever they talked about things you weren’t a part of.
You also couldn’t lie and say you weren’t excited to hang out with Jungkook off the clock. Over the last two months, you two had taken any and all chances to flirt when left alone but you both knew how to behave yourselves while in the presence of Hobi and Mr.Kim. It sort of became like a game of who could make the other blush the most. You couldn’t lie and say you weren’t enjoying Jungkook’s dirty looks, because what had started off as glances turned into full blown body checks, winks, lip biting and cheeky facial expressions. You also couldn’t lie and say that you didn’t take extra time in the mornings to get ready for work for this exact reason.
You knew it was probably a bad idea, what started developing between you and Jungkook over the last couple months. You wouldn’t accept responsibility for how it started, but you did acknowledge that your shameless entertaining his advances wasn’t innocent in the slightest. You knew this was a slippery slope to go down, but it made your harmless fling all the more exciting.
That’s why when you looked at Jungkook after Hobi’s invitation and caught his subtle wink at you, you accepted right away. You hadn’t been out in so long, especially not with the opposite gender.
You pondered what to wear when you weren’t busy tending to customers. If you tried too hard and dressed in the sexiest outfit you could find, you might seem desperate. You might also give Hobi the wrong idea. If you wore something casual that you might wear to the coffee shop, then it might be embarrassing if they show up dressed to the nine.
When the time finally came for your movie date with the boys, you settled on the best of both worlds. You let your hair down, which would be a nice change from the ponytails and buns you wore to work. You still kept your usual look of denim and a nice shirt, but you traded your comfy work shoes for heeled boots. Trying without trying. You decided against putting on a full face of makeup since you didn’t want your coworkers looking at you differently at work without it on. You called an uber once you were satisfied with your looks, feeling butterflies the entire way there. You weren’t just excited to see Jungkook either, your relationship with Hobi had evolved into genuine friendship outside of being coworkers, so you couldn’t wait to hang out with him either.
Once the car pulled into the movie theatre, you immediately noticed the boys waiting out front. They were dressed impeccably, and you instantly regretted changing outfits. Hobi was sporting sweats and a denim jacket with trendy sneakers and a beanie. The outfit was sporty but sexy at the same time, given it seemed he wasn’t wearing a shirt underneath the jacket.
Jungkook, on the other hand, was wearing something akin to what you pictured he might look like after hours. He was wearing the leather jacket you noticed was always in his work cubby paired with ripped blue jeans, a bucket hat, combat boots, and a plaid button up tied around his waist. You almost didn’t want to get out of the car, but you knew you’d keep getting charged for the ride if you didn’t, so you exited with a sigh and waved to get their attention. They were in the middle of a conversation, but it was Hobi who saw you first. He smiled and did a silly dance to show how happy he was to see you and it made you crack up.
“Why did I agree to go out with you?” You teased Hobi.
“Because you have nothing better to do anyway.” You feigned pain at his words, no doubt a minor habit you had picked up from Jungkook. When you turned towards Jungkook, you instantly noticed how he wasn’t laughing along with you guys. Probably in one of those moods again.
It happened very rarely, because Jungkook was always a cheery person, but once in a while he wouldn’t be in the mood to socialize and those were the most boring days at work.
When all three of you headed inside, Jungkook went ahead of you two so you gave Hobi an inquisitive look while pointing at your grumpy third wheel to which he responded with a shrug. You sighed, a gloomy mood setting in at the thought of not having as much fun as you thought you would.
You offered to hold seats for everyone while they waited in line at the concession stand. You wanted to give Jungkook time to get over his bad mood, and you also wanted to avoid craning your neck from getting stuck with bad seats. You busied yourself on your phone in the meantime, but you weren’t scrolling for long before you felt someone take a seat next to you.
Jungkook sat down with a large popcorn and tossed a few pieces in his mouth, “Hey work wife, I missed you.”
You smiled and put your phone away. “Oh yeah? How much did you miss me exactly?
Jungkook took hold of your hand that was resting on the arm rest in between you two. “This much.” He laced your fingers together and wiggled his eyebrows. You couldn’t help but laugh, since it all felt elementary. It brought you back to your first date ever when holding hands, and any skin ship for that matter, was a huge deal.
You wriggled your hand out of his grasp, since you weren’t comfortable flirting around Hobi. You didn’t want your friend to feel like a third wheel at all. “Seriously though, you okay? You seemed kind of down earlier.”
Jungkook looked embarrassed at your worrying. He shifted in his seat and, could it be, a light blush forming on his cheeks? He smiled to himself, looking down at his thighs, “What, are you worrying about me now?”
This time it was your turn to look at Jungkook and wonder how he could be so cute while being flustered. “Of course I do, can’t have my work husband being sad.” You pinched his cheek and Jungkook smiled his most dazzling smile yet. He swatted your hand but held onto it for a while, caressing your palm and turning your hand over in his as if never having ever held a hand before, then letting go. It was a tender moment unlike your usual flirtation with aim at getting a rise out of the other. It was so sweet yet fleeting that you spent the rest of the two-hour movie thinking about it. Jungkook glanced over at you many times during the movie, but you refused to look at him, fearing he might catch on at exactly how much he was having an effect on you. It was starting to feel all too real, and you couldn’t be your usual cool and playful self if what was going on between the two of you was aactually real. You’d never thought of Jungkook as a boyfriend, although you did think of him under the covers late at night. You willed the sinful thoughts out of your head for the next two hours, so you didn’t seem weird later when it was time to say goodbye.
It wasn’t hard to put it out of your mind eventually, especially when you saw how much of a weenie Hobi was when it came to horror movies. You keeled over with laughter at the sight of his pale face while exiting the theatre. “Why did you want to see this movie if you were going to be so afraid?” You spoke in between laughs.
“Because! I don’t know! I didn’t think it was going to be that scary! Besides, I wanted you to come and I know it’s your favorite, so…”
“Awwwww, Hobi! I’d have come even if it was a Disney movie.” You pinched your friend’s cheek and his answering crescent eyes of happiness had you giggling. You looked over at Jungkook, and it seemed his bad mood had returned, so you continued only speaking to Hobi. “Seriously, thanks for the invite. It was fun! We should do it again.”
But now, all three of you had reached the outside of the theater and the night had brought a chill with it that had all of you hugging your torsos. You hurried to pull out your phone and order an uber home, but Jungkook had other ideas.
“Put that away, you’re coming with us.” You looked up at the boy who was barely looking at you in the eye.
“You sure? I live close to the shop, are you going in that direction?”
Jungkook took hold of your arm and started walking to his car impatiently. “Okay, okay!” You looked back at Hobi who was observing everything from the back. As if knowing exactly what your look meant, he answered with a shrug yet again that said I have no idea why he’s acting this way.
You called shotgun once you got to the car and Hobi playfully kicked the back wheel of Jungkook’s car in theatrical anger. Once the three of you pulled off in the direction of Hobi’s house, you got into light conversation about the scariest parts of the movie and the faulty plot. Jungkook didn’t say a single word the entire time. He stared straight ahead at the road and kept both hands on the wheel. You glanced at him periodically, looking for reactions that might tip you off for the cause of his change in mood, but nothing made sense. By the time you said your goodbyes to Hobi through the window, you had given up on talking to Jungkook and settled for looking at the small-town scenery passing you by.
However, the longer you sat in silence, the more annoyed you became at the situation. You couldn’t help feeling like you did something wrong and you wanted answers, so you lowered the music playing on the radio and fully turned towards Jungkook. He looked at you sideways then kept his focus on the road. When you didn’t say anything, he offered a simple, “Yes?”
“Did I do something? Why are you being weird again?”
“I’m being weird?” Although Jungkook kept his serious demeanor, you could hear a smile in his voice, so you pressed further.
“Yes! You seem grumpy and It feels personal.”
After a thoughtful minute, Jungkook released the steering wheel with his right hand and took hold of your left hand.
“Sorry.” Jungkook offered a simple apology in a voice so small you weren’t sure if you actually heard it. He didn’t look at you again for the rest of the ride, but you were content with the silence and holding his hand in the darkness of his car. You welcomed the way your heartbeat quickened at the romantic contact, preferring this over his cold demeanor from earlier anyday.
It dawned on you after a while that you hadn’t told Jungkook your actual address. “Do you know where you’re going?”
“Yes,” Jungkook looked over at you and smiled at your puzzled reaction. “Because I’m not taking you home, I hope you don’t mind.”
“…You’re kidnapping me?” You smiled at him, wondering what was going through his mind.
“Is that what you normally call dating?”
“Oh, so this is a date now?”
“Yeah, didn’t you get my rolled-up proposal sent through carrier pigeon?”
You giggled, feeling relieved that things were back to normal, and also excited at the turn of events. “What’s the plan then?”
After thinking for a moment, Jungkook simply replied, “I hope you like darts.”
He ended up taking you to a hole-in-the-wall bar in town. He explained that it was his absolute favorite place to go because of the ambience and the cheap beer prices. You were content for a few reasons. For one, not many people were here, so you didn’t have to worry about talking loudly. You also enjoyed places with good beers on draft, and this was one of those places. Lastly, Jungkook seemed to be at ease here, so it made hanging out, playing games and talking casually way more fun.
Although it felt just like any other day at the café with Jungkook, you were a little on edge now since your suspicions at the theatre seemed to be proving themselves true. Did Jungkook want to date you seriously? Or did he simply want to hang out a little extra? Since the flirtation had become so normal, you weren’t sure what to make of the situation. Neither of you were the mushy type, so you feared you wouldn’t really know what was going through his head unless you asked him directly, but you didn’t want to risk seeming clingy or making him feel weird. While playing pool, you decided where you would draw the line, for your own sanity. The smell of his body wash, the way his shirt clung to his chest, and the cocky look on his face after sinking balls on the table was making your head swim. You knew it was only a matter of time before the light touching, hugging, and hand holding evolved into something more intimate, so you resolved to not let things go further unless you outlined the parameters of your relationship with him in clear bold lines. You were the type of person to fall hard for someone you had a crush on, and you could already tell that Jungkook had the potential to devastate you. You needed to be careful.
Normally, you were so much better at pool, but you were so deep in your thoughts that you were missing every shot and not realizing it. Jungkook got down to his last ball before putting his stick down and making his way over to you. You watched him approach you, put his hands on your hips and lift you onto the table so you were seated and meeting him eye to eye. The gesture took you by surprise, and you weren’t sure how to react, so you held onto his arms and looked up at him questioningly. He settled his body in between your legs while his hands rested on your thighs.
“What’s up with you?” He looked into your eyes getting straight to the point.
“What do you mean?”
“You’re sucking right now. And you were talking big game earlier, which is something you don’t do unless you can walk the walk. So, what’s on your mind?”
“Here’s a little advice, if you’re taking a girl out on a date, you might not want to insult her pool skills.” You jutted your chin out at him in a petulant pout.
“Oh yeah? Or else what?”
“Or else you’ll probably never hear from her again.” You flicked his nose playfully.
“Well it’s a good thing I work with you then. There’s no avoiding me.”
Your smile faded. Although you were both joking and talking in hypotheticals, he was absolutely right. You were having fun, but you still weren’t sure if you wanted to risk starting something with a coworker that might end badly.
Jungkook noticed your change in demeanor and backed up a few inches. “Sorry, did that one hit too close to home?”
You laughed weekly while running your fingers through your hair nervously, “Yeah…”
Jungkook sighed and extended his hand to you so you could get down from the table. “It’s late and we have work tomorrow, let’s get you home.”
As Jungkook closed the tab out at the bar, you couldn’t help but feel like a total idiot. Here was this extremely sexy and extremely cool guy who was interested in you, and you shot any chance you might’ve had with him down due to fears of something that might never even occur anyway. You felt so stupid and mentally kicked yourself all the way back to the car.
When he didn’t take hold of your hand again during the car ride to your house, you began panicking, realizing your fling with Jungkook might’ve truly ended before even starting. That’s when you realized how whipped you were for him, and how much you’d rather take the risk with him than to have nothing with him at all. It took all your nerves and then some to try and turn the night around by the time you reached your house. You decided you’d kiss him if he consented, and if he wasn’t interested then you’d deal with it and hope the earth might swallow you whole.
Jungkook parked the car along your block and took the keys out of the ignition. Good sign. He turned to you and said nothing, the ball was in your court.
“So…thanks again for tonight. It was fun.“
“Yeah it was.”
When Jungkook didn’t offer anything else, you cleared your throat. “Um…sorry if I made you feel some type of way back there. I liked where things were going before I got all weird.”
Jungkook smirked and leaned his head back on his car seat, reveling in your struggle to convey something that was clearly embarrassing for you. “What do you mean where things were going?”
You blushed at the thought of saying the things that were actually running through your mind. “Yeah, you know, with you being so close to me.”
Without missing a beat, Jungkook placed his hand on your upper thigh and squeezed, looking at your eyes and then your lips. You looked at his veiny hands on you, then up at his face and decided to throw caution to the wind. You leaned into him and planted a soft kiss on his lips, to which he responded by knotting his hands in your hair and kissing you back deeply.
As your lips went to town on each other, you thanked the heavens above that the night wasn’t a lost cause after all. You relished in the kiss as long as you could and took in every detail as if it was your first kiss ever. His lips felt incredibly soft despite the passion he was putting into the make out session. He tasted like wheat beer and buttered popcorn, and you couldn’t get enough. It didn’t take long before your tongues were introduced into the equation. Even as the kiss ignited and the movements of your heads became more exaggerated, you still wanted more. It was almost as if you two had been holding back your lust for each other for so long and now the flood gates were open.
You reached for his head and took his bucket hat off, running your fingers through his slightly damp hair that smelled like Irish Spring. You tugged lightly on his strands, eliciting a groan from his unrelentless mouth on yours. You were both leaning towards the middle with your hands on each other, but it was a bit uncomfortable, so you took your seat belt off and climbed into his lap carefully. The moment excited him and took him by surprise at the same time. He disconnected your lips from each other briefly to look up at you and smile. You blushed, wondering if it was too much, but the negative thought left your head as fast as it entered when he held your head on both sides and brought you in for another kiss. You rested your hands on his chest and tugged on his shirt slightly.
Jungkook’s hands roamed your body with restraint. It was obvious he wanted to be a gentleman and not rush things, since his hands deliberately avoided your more intimate areas. You could tell he was hungry for more, so you appreciated his show of respect. As his hands rested on your waist, two of his fingers dipped under your top and dug in, creating dimples on your flesh. You’d have enjoyed that more if his hands weren’t so cold. You flinched at the contact, moaning into the kiss to show discomfort. His hands immediately retreated, but you two laughed at the comical moment.
You sighed and sat back on his lap, looping your hands around his neck. “I should get inside.”
Jungkook’s head fell back onto the seat with a thud, his hair bouncing along. “Yeah…I should get home too.”
You both sat in silence for a few seconds, neither of you wanting to move. After taking in his fucked out appearance, you grew satisfied with yourself and exited through the driver’s side. You closed the door, waved and then headed in. From your window, you watched Jungkook adjust his pants, start the car and drive off. The whole scene had you smiling to yourself, and you were floating on cloud nine until the moment you fell asleep.
You and Jungkook hadn’t been found out about until a month after your first kiss. You both still lived with your parents, so it was almost impossible to find alone time with each other that didn’t involve heavy petting in the backseat of his car. Needless to say, you were both extremely pent up, which is why when he invited you to come to the store extra early one day, you knew he was up to something.
“Jeon Jungkook? Coming in EARLY?! Something’s gone awry.” Jungkook rolled up his cleaning towel and whipped you with it for teasing him. You yelped at the stinging feeling on your bottom.
“Say you’ll come.”
“I don’t know Jungkook, what if Mr. Kim comes in early?”
“Don’t be so paranoid. Do you want to learn how to make fancy lattes or not?”
You rolled your eyes as you wiped down the counter, knowing he was full of it. “Fuck it, why not. What time exactly?”
“Hmmm…you need a lot of help, better make it 6:00am.” If it wasn’t for the fact that a customer had approached the register at that moment, you would’ve whipped him back for making fun of you.
Bright and early the next day, you and Jungkook met up at the front of the café as planned. Mr. Kim gave him a copy of the store keys for days where he would be too busy to open himself, and it seemed Jungkook was planning on making good use of it.
Normally you’d look like death coming into work this early but knowing who was waiting for you here in private put a spring in your step and a good mood that was unlike you in the morning. Jungkook was a morning person, so he was never afflicted with such issues.
As you watched Jungkook turn on the espresso machines and check the stock for all the necessary ingredients, it was only just now occurring to you that you’d have to make fancy drinks, which was intimidating because the shop’s regular customers were used to Jungkook’s expertise, flare and efficiency.
Jungkook lined up several cups along with clean pitchers and milk on the counter before turning to you with a quirked brow. “You ready?”
“Uh, yeah I guess,” you answered nervously.
Jungkook smiled warmly and patted your shoulder. With his other hand he tipped your chin forward and stared into the depths of your eyes. “You’ve got this. I believe in you, relax.” You melted just a tiny bit.
Turning your attention to the counter, he explained what the training consisted of. “Each of these cups is a different order. I’m going to show you step by step how to make each one, and then I’m going to time you on how fast you do them.” Lifting up one cup at a time, he explained, “These are the different ways someone can order an espresso drink here: a latte, a cappuccino, a flat white, a macchiato, and an americano.” Jungkook handed you an empty pitcher. “This is where you put milk for steaming. If you look inside, there are different measurement lines to fill the milk to depending on what size they order.”
You filled the pitcher with milk to the second line, nodding along. Suddenly, Jungkook stood behind and reached around you, holding your hand with the pitcher and taking hold of the other. He led your free hand over to the nozzle on the espresso machine and very carefully showed you how to steam the milk properly. You flinched at the piercing sound of the steam aerating the milk, causing Jungkook to chuckle softly behind you.
“Hey, don’t laugh at me, I’m new at this!” You pouted with false offense.
“Sorry sorry, you’re just so cute I can’t help it.” Your face beamed in the dim morning light streaming into the café. There was absolutely no denying that you were whipped for this man.
Jungkook led your free hand around the buttons on the machine, showing you how to queue espresso shots. You watched in wonderment as the thin streams of chalky brown liquid shot out and filled tiny shot glasses. The overpowering aroma of coffee quickly filled the air.
He had you prepare 3 pitchers of steamed milk, eventually letting go of you so you could do it on your own, much to your disappointment. “Let’s start with one of the easiest drinks to make, a latte. Pour the shot into the cup and the milk over top.” You did as he instructed, watching the milk turn light brown inside of the cup and eventually foam at the very top.
Jungkook inspected your drink then took a sip. “Not bad. Okay Ms. Fancy Pants, make me a macchiato this time.”
You hesitated with the shot in one hand and the milk in the other. You knew this particular drink was the reverse of a latte…or was it? You poured the hot milk into the cup and swirled the espresso over top. Looking at Jungkook for approval, you pursed your lips at his flat stare. He tsked, shook his head and leaned off the counter to get you a new cup.
“Macchiato means ‘through the middle’. Pour the shot directly through the center and don’t deviate.” You nodded wordlessly at his stern expression. As you remade the drink, you couldn’t find an explanation as to why you found him so sexy even when he was peeved.
“Okay, do you remember how to make the flat white?” You did, but you wanted him to touch you again, so you shook your head. Jungkook smiled and lead your hand holding the pitcher of milk to create the perfect flat white latte. You both held the pitcher close to the cup after pouring the espresso in first, then brought it up a few inches, then back down until a small while dot of milk formed at the center of the brown froth. Your hand felt electrically charged from the skin to skin contact, making it hard to focus on what you were doing.
“Now for the cappuccino, I’ll give you a few tries to get it right since it’s hard to nail down at first. Hold the steam above the milk for 9 seconds instead of 4 to create a lighter, foamier pitcher of milk.”
You followed his instructions and poured the shot along with the milk into the cup. Jungkook lifted the cup and instantly put it back down. “Not light enough. Again.”
Your eyebrows knotted in concentration as you began steaming a fresh cup of milk. You didn’t get the cappuccino down until the 5th pitcher of milk which slightly embarrassed you, but Jungkook was patient and tentative throughout the process. You felt gratitude at his willingness to train you so well.
“All that’s left is the americano, and that’s the easiest one of all. It’s simply shots and hot water to the top of the cup.”
“Psh, this is cake work.” You retorted cheekily, squeezing a lid onto the coffee cup and handing it to Jungkook for a taste.
“Oh yeah, hot shot?” Jungkook brought the cup to his mouth briefly and nodded in approval.
“Yeah! Where’s the real challenge? I want to make the cool drinks you do with the artwork at the top.” You decided to reward yourself with a little whipped cream for getting through the training smoothly.
Jungkook laughed heartily. “Ah, you’re a fan of my handiwork I see. Well unfortunately,” Jungkook grabbed you by the hips suddenly and sat you on top of the counter in between the espresso machines, ”That’s not something I can teach you in one day. It takes a lot of practice and patience.” Jungkook took your wrist in his hand and led your finger topped with whipped cream to his lips. Maintaining eye contact, he parted his mouth and sucked lightly on the tip of your finger, leading with his tongue. You inhaled sharply at the view; all things coffee related instantly fleeing your mind. You slid your finger out of his mouth slowly. He opened up as you ran your finger along his bottom lip. You’d never wanted a taste of whipped cream more in your life than you had at that very moment.
It seemed Jungkook was on the same page because it only took a split second before you two were all over each other. Your legs molded themselves around his midsection and your hands held his face to yours. Your heads moved together in rhythm while your lips ravaged each other. Tongue was immediately introduced, both of you having wanted to kiss each other again for so long. You couldn’t get enough, needing more and more every passing second. You wrapped your arms around his neck, smashing his body against yours as your tongues swirled together in harmonized motion. Jungkook’s hands greedily surveyed the lay of the land, first starting off on your thighs, then your mid back, and now the top of your ass. He squeezed and groped which only encouraged your need for him. You writhed against the kiss, rubbing your breasts against his chest. Jungkook pressed you into him then took you off the counter completely. You were vaguely aware of being transported as you bit and dragged out his lip. Jungkook let out a soft groan as he placed you on top of what you assumed to be Mr. Kim’s desk. Jungkook’s fingers ran up into your hair and tugged, forcing your head to the side and exposing your neck. He began trailing wet sloppy kisses down from your ear which had you shivering in excitement. You let out a low moan when he reached the base of your neck, letting him know it was a soft spot for you. You arched your back and pushed your chest in the air to which Jungkook responded by roughly groping your breasts through your button up shirt. You hissed through your teeth at the faint pleasure his movements brought you, but you still wanted more. You’d been eyeing him for months, and when you both finally took the next step, it felt like you were stuck there for far too long. If you were this addicted to his lips, there was no telling how addictive the rest of him could be, and you so badly wanted to find out.
Jungkook reattached his mouth to yours as his hands found the fleshy feel of your bra under your shirt. You moaned into his mouth, reveling in the miniscule pleasure it brought you. You reached your hands under Jungkook’s shirt, feeling his abs on the way down to his belt and pulled on it to bring him closer to you. You began unbuckling it impatiently, struggling to work the metal latch. It took Jungkook a second to respond, realizing things were moving along in full gear. He started unbuttoning your shirt with a quickness the likes of which you’d never seen before.
However, your shirt only made it just past your shoulders before you heard the familiar bell of the shop door opening. You and Jungkook froze as Hobi sauntered into the backroom. He was fully engrossed in his phone with his airpods in, but the quick movements of you and Jungkook getting redressed attracted his attention. His face morphed from surprise to sheer horror as he realized what was going on in Mr. Kim’s office in the early hours of the morning. Hobi yelped dramatically and threw his hands over his eyes, fleeing out of the office and out of the shop altogether.
Jungkook found his reaction amusing as he tucked his shirt into his pants. You, on the other hand, were so mortified and embarrassed that you couldn’t move. Your face was tomato red and you were paralyzed in horror.
Jungkook continued chuckling as he redid the buttons of your shirt. “I guess the training took longer than we thought, huh?”
You lowered your face into your hands. “Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god. Poor Hobi! He probably thinks we were in here fucking!”
“I mean…things were kind of heading in that direction…” You began beating Jungkook on the chest with your limp balled up fists which only made him laugh harder.
You didn’t feel shame about being sexually active, or being attracted to Jungkook, but rather being seen in a negative light for getting it on in an inappropriate place. Who knows what was going through Hobi’s mind at that moment? You had to do damage control, and quickly.
You hopped off the desk and exited the back room, immediately spotting your work buddy squatting on the other side of the glass. You approached him with caution, your face still blushing furiously. Hobi looked up at you with a straight face but busted out into laughter, at which point you began beating him too. You could hear Jungkook laughing harder at the spectacle going on outside, which only made your embarrassment find permanent footing.
For the rest of the day, Hobi would hand you cups with a smirk on his face and exchange meaningful glances with Jungkook here and there, reigniting your embarassment every time. You hated them so much for the rest of that entire week.
At the end of the workday on a Friday, weeks after your hookup with Jungkook in the office, you noticed a folded-up note placed on top of your belongings. You quirked your eyebrow at it then looked back out to the floor, but none of the boys were even looking in your direction. You opened it up and read Jungkook’s scrawl: Let’s chill at my house this weekend. My parents are away 😉.
Your heart instantly began beating furiously in your chest, and you quickly stuffed the receipt paper into your back pocket. You blushed as you gathered your things. The store was busy, so you weren’t able to say goodbye to Jungkook or Hobi as you exited the shop.
You contemplated what to text Jungkook when you got home. Of course, you wanted to go, but you were nervous about the entire thing. You were again reminded about how your fling was never supposed to get this far, despite your carelessness in the early morning all those weeks ago. After Hobi had caught you two in Mr.Kim’s office that day, you slowly began pulling away from Jungkook. It was so easy to get caught up in his cologne and the way his eye contact made you feel, so you needed to reign in your emotions and get a clear head before you rushed into something you couldn’t backtrack from. If you took that next step with him, there would be serious repercussions, and it seemed as though you two were headed in that direction, so you needed time to adjust. You were never able to muster up the courage to be frank with him about everything you’re feeling, so you felt as though you had no footing when it came to your relationship with him. Because of that, you weren’t sure if this meant you two would be officially dating or not, and you felt way too awkward to bring it up at this point, especially if this was all just fun and games in his head.
Your after-work routine had become second nature to you by now. As soon as your bedroom door closed behind you, the events went exactly as follows: Run the bath water as hot as possible, strip your work clothes into the laundry bin, light the vanilla candle that barely had any wax left in it, loosen the bun on your head, slowly and carefully submerge yourself in the steaming water without splashing any out of the tub.
As you laid on the porcelain, you closed your eyes and rested your head back onto the edge, contemplating Jungkook’s note. You wondered if Jungkook really hadn’t noticed you ignoring his advances this entire time. Maybe you weren’t being obvious enough? You sighed heavily and sank deeper into the tub, because that meant you would have to go over and explain why you couldn’t hook up with him despite having the perfect opportunity to do so, and you were not looking forward to that.
You remembered that Jungkook was off tomorrow, but you weren’t, and you were thankful for that. He might back you into a corner, and you needed to find the resolve somewhere inside of yourself to turn down this amazing boy. You texted him back a simple sentence: What’s your address?
Your morning Saturday shift went by way too quickly, not giving you enough time to settle your nerves. You tried to focus on work, but every once in a while, your mind would drift to what was to happen later that night. It didn’t help that there were barely any customers to keep you busy, so you were in your head the entire time. You’d never worked a Saturday before, so you didn’t know what to expect. Normally Jungkook would work Saturdays on his own. You idly wondered why today was any different.
Thankfully, Mr. Kim had opened the store with you and had tasks lined up to keep you at least a little busy. You quickly surmised that Saturdays at the coffee shop were dedicated to deep cleaning.
As you soaked the coffee pots in cleaning fluid and scrubbed the calcium buildup from the steaming nozzles, you practiced what you would say to Jungkook when he’d try to make a move. I don’t think we should keep doing this. No…that’s too serious, I don’t want to make things awkward. Listen, this is fun and all, and I appreciate you inviting me over, but I’ve given it some thought since our last hookup and I don’t want to have sex with you!
You blushed and chuckled at yourself for getting worked up at imaginary scenarios. It all felt quite silly considering you were putty in his hands anyway. Would you even have the resolve to refuse him? You knew a big part of you didn’t want to, but you knew if you didn’t then someone would end up getting hurt and you knew that person would most likely be you. You wouldn’t be able to forgive yourself if you had to quit this super convenient job because of relationship drama. You shook your head at the thought.
As soon as your shift at the café was done, Jungkook pulled up in his car out front and beeped the horn to get your attention. He didn’t tell you he’d be picking you up, so you were caught by surprise. It also warmed you a little that he went out of his way to get you when you could’ve easily driven to him. You smiled and waved at him as you approached the car. He leaned across and pushed the door open for you.
You had planned to go home and doll yourself up a little, but this scenario was probably for the best, although you couldn’t help the relief you felt at having decided to shave the night before. You beat back the unhelpful cheeky thoughts.
“Hey you.” Jungkook took off towards his house, whistling an upbeat tune.
“Hey! I didn’t know you were picking me up, thanks!” You buckled your seat belt and sat back, but then realized this scenario was not for the best, since you wouldn’t be able to drive yourself home if things got awkward at his house. You clenched and unclenched your hands in nervousness, but Jungkook grabbed it and brought it to his mouth, gently brushing his lips on your knuckles then holding onto it for the rest of the ride. The sweet gesture calmed your nerves.
Only 15 minutes had passed by before Jungkook was pulling into a driveway that lead to the back of a big beautiful house. As you exited the car, you could already hear loud barking coming from the back door. Jungkook headed inside first, holding an overly excited golden retriever back so you could enter. The dog barked excitedly then calmed down enough to sniff your shoes. His tail wagged with an intensity that you swore was creating a draft. You extended your hand uncertainty and the dog licked it eagerly.
You giggled as you petted the animal, “I didn’t know you had a dog!”
“There’s a lot you don’t know about me.” Jungkook smiled and leaned on one of the counters in his kitchen as he watched you squat to rub the dog’s neck.
“Touché.” You took a break to look around. The back door had led into a giant kitchen adorned with stainless steal appliances. You whistled at how beautiful and grand it all was. “Nice house!”
“Thanks, my parents work hard.” Jungkook busied himself on the stove. It seemed he had prepared something for you two to eat. Your stomach rumbled at the smell of peppers and onions sizzling on a pan.
“Ah, so you don’t take after them I see.”
Jungkook chuckled at your jab, “Keep talking like that and you won’t get any of this delicious food I slaved over!”
“Oh, you slaved over this meal!? I gotta see what it is then” You giggled as you uncovered each pot sitting on the stove. Your mouth watered at the assortment of noodles, meats and vegetables that smelled amazingly. “I will say, I’m impressed. I guess making drinks isn’t your only forte.”
“Oh babe, you have no idea.” Jungkook smiled cheekily, enjoying his not so private joke as he grabbed two ceramic plates from the overhead cabinet. You swallowed thickly.
Jungkook served you a hearty plate and then did the same for himself. You waited for him to finish, unsure of where to sit and eat. He led you past a dining room, down a hallway and into a big living room with large sectionals that faced a mounted television on the wall. An episode of an anime played on the screen as Jungkook plopped himself on the far end of the couch and began digging in. You were happy at how normal this all felt, almost as if you had been coming here to hang out with him for years.
You took a seat on the couch an arm’s length away from him and began eating as you focused on the show. It was an episode of One Piece that you had already seen, but it still engrossed you enough to forget about being all alone with your crush.
After a while, you looked over at Jungkook who had been observing you for who knows how long.
“You inhale your food, you know that?” He beamed his signature crooked smile at you, and you were too caught up in it to retort.
Instead, you rolled your eyes and took his empty plate and yours to the kitchen to wash, yelling over your shoulder, “I like to eat, OK?! Sue me!”
You didn’t hear Jungkook’s footsteps following you as you washed the plates in the sink. His arms snaked around your midsection and his chin rested on your shoulder which startled you enough to drop the plate you were scrubbing. Thankfully it didn’t break, so you kept doing the dishes as you willed your heart to stop drumming in your ears.
“Thanks, but you don’t have to do all that. You’re my guest.” Jungkook spoke softly next to your ear as he watched you rinse his plate.
“I don’t mind, you cooked after all. It was delicious by the way.” Your voice was small in the quiet of the kitchen.
After a while, Jungkook brought his hand up to your chest and rested it there. “Why are you so nervous? Your heart is beating really fast.”
You blushed and took a deep breath, trying to calm yourself down. Jungkook gently turned you around as soon as you put the plate on the dish rack. You looked up at him, but his eyes were focused on your mouth. He leaned into you, but instead of kissing you, he brushed his nose against the tip of yours.
“You have nothing to be nervous about. I just wanted to hang out with you. There’s no pressure here, OK?” You nodded at him, unable to meet his eyes but instead wishing he had kissed you. “Want a tour?” Jungkook smiled widely and it was infectious because you found yourself grinning back at him while nodding.
The curly haired brunette took you through each room of his spacious house. He led you around the first floor, explaining which family member was in each framed picture that lined the walls. You giggled at a cute picture of him as a baby hung just past the bathroom and you could swear Jungkook blushed just a little at your reaction. Once you had seen everything on the first floor, the boy took you by the hand and led you up the stairs. The second floor had 3 bedrooms in it and another bathroom. Taped up cardboard boxes lined the walls to which Jungkook apologized for. You rolled your eyes at him because his house was impeccable. If he thinks this is messy, I’m never taking him to my house.
The last room Jungkook showed you was his own. He waited at the entrance of it as you bounded past him and into the room. It heavily contrasted the other rooms you had seen since it was smaller in size and had dark blue painted walls instead of the usual ivory. Sports trophies and metals sat perched atop floating shelves along with manga books and video games. You took your time going through everything as he watched you carefully from afar. Once you reached his desk, you noticed his high-tech gaming setup complete with a back-support chair. You plopped on it and spun around. Reaching out to touch a button on the keyboard, it made a loud click noise. Mechanical keyboard.
You looked back at Jungkook. His expression was wary, having no idea what was going through your head as you studied the most personal things about him.
“Mechanical keyboard hooked up to a Corsair desktop with liquid coolant? Jungkook, you’re such a nerd!!” He let out the breath he was holding and laughed as he came in to sit on his bed.
“I won’t deny it.” Jungkook watched as you surfed his computer, checking what games he had downloaded. This setup cost a couple thousand dollars easily, so you took the opportunity to play a game of Overwatch while you could. Jungkook tisked after every time you died, but it was hard to focus on the game when he was sitting 2 feet away from you on a bed. You wondered if he was going to make a move on you or not. What if he doesn’t? You contemplated having the conversation with him anyway.
“Okay, get up. You just put my gamer tag to shame. I have to show you how a true master does it.” You giggled as he replaced you on the chair and instantly queued up for another game. You sat cross legged on the bed watching him play for a while. He was really good, you couldn’t deny it, but as your eyes took in the rest of his room, an alien feeling came over you. You gazed at the polaroids of a younger Jungkook smiling amongst his friends hanging along a large mirror, at his worn-out baseball glove that sat on top of his dresser, at the mess of clothes at the corner of the room that looked like he had changed outfits 6 times. Your heart was full in that moment, and you realized just how much you really liked Jungkook. You were so happy to be there with him, so content in his presence even as he was engrossed in his game. No, you more than liked him. And you knew this for months, but you didn’t want to admit it to yourself until now. You smiled down at your lap, realizing you were never going to have that conversation with him after all, there was no way you could part ways with someone that made you feel the way that he did, risk or no risk.
Suddenly overcome with emotion, you looked back at Jungkook who was hunched over the screen, furiously clicking away at the keys on the keyboard. In one swift motion, you pulled your shirt over your head and threw it on the floor. You took your hair out of the bun it had been in and let your strands fall over your shoulders. Jungkook looked over his shoulder at you briefly but did a double-take, realizing you were suddenly sitting on his bed with no shirt on. His mouth fell open in shock, but he didn’t miss a beat, instantly standing up to turn off his desktop and joining you on the bed. He placed a knee on the mattress next to you and leaned over you, attaching his lips to yours. You leaned back until you were laying on the bed with Jungkook on top of you. He held his weight on his elbows, careful not to be overbearing, but you didn’t care about that. You wanted to feel him on you, so you wrapped your legs around his waist and brought him to you. His arms rested on either side of your head as his lips worked gently and tentatively on your mouth. Your arms were wrapped around his neck, but after a while your hands began roaming and exploring. Your fingers took turns entwining themselves in his shiny brown locks, then caressing his face as you made out. Eventually, they reached for the bottom of his shirt, but he was already ahead of you as he kneeled briefly to take it off then reattached himself to your lips right after.
Your fingers began kneading the muscles on his shoulders and his arms, feeling how taught they were. Your fingertips lightly slid down his chest and onto the flat expanse of his stomach. You felt his abs twitch as he smiled into the kiss, “Sorry, your hands are cold.”
You giggled an I’m sorry as he took hold of both of your hands in his and held them above your head on the bed, pinning you down. You wanted to keep touching him, so you writhed against his hold on you, pushing your chest into his. You could feel Jungkook’s boner where it lay stiffly on your thigh just past your sex. You circled your hips trying to get it to hit the spot that needed attention. Jungkook understood what you were after and began bucking his hips sensually into yours. You moaned into the kiss, feeling his clothed shaft press harshly against the apex of your thighs. Jungkook lifted his face away from yours, dragging your bottom lip out as he did. He held both of your hands with his right, freeing his left to begin groping your breasts. His hands worked their magic over the lacey fabric of your bra, your nipples hardening just under the material. When he didn’t unhook your bra, you sat up and did it yourself. You realized he was probably letting you take the wheel after what he had said in the kitchen, so you decided to do just that. You got up on your knees and pushed Jungkook onto the bed, mounting him and putting your hands on his chest.
A wild glint shown in his eyes, to which you smiled and bit your lip, returning to his face to continue making out. You began circling your hips, grinding your clit against his boner and earning some groans from the boy. You sat up so you could watch his face as you continued grinding on him. His hands came up to your hips and held onto them roughly with his head thrown back in pleasure.
Your hands found the rim of his pants and began tugging. Jungkook lifted his hips so you could pull them down. You slid his pants to his ankles and he kicked them off. Your mouth watered as you stared down at the view beneath you. Jungkook’s chest heaved as he regained his breath from making out nonstop. His tan abs dipped below the waistband of his black boxer briefs that stretched tautly over his muscular thighs. Jungkook sat up on his elbows, looking up at you expectantly. You looked back at him and maintained eye contact as you slowly slid your jeans off of your body. Jungkook bit his lip as he watched you undressed for him. His dick twitched in his boxers, begging for attention. You quickly obliged, squeezing his boner with your hand over his boxers. He hissed and laid back down, draping his arm over his eyes. You wondered if he was shy when it came to sex, and the thought had your heart bursting at the seams.
You leaned down and licked a stripe over his clothed shaft, earning a gasp from the boy. You drenched the fabric in your saliva as you stared intently at Jungkook who had sat back up to look at you in surprise. You curled your fingers over the waistband and watched him for approval. He lifted his hips with permission as you slid the material off of him. His boner sprang free, leaking and angry. You licked your lips, gently taking hold of it. You swept your hair to the side and tucked a few loose strands behind your ear as you leaned in to get close to his penis. You gave it a few lazy strokes as you gently kissed the tip. Again, you watched for his reaction, and he assured you he wanted this just as much as you did when he bucked his hips at your mouth’s proximity to his member. You smiled at how excited he seemed, licking another strip up his shaft and leaving a wet streak from bottom to top. Jungkook hissed again, wearing his bottom lip out with his teeth. Once your tongue reached the top, you took his head into your mouth, curling your lips over your teeth and letting it rest on your circling tongue. Inch by inch, you took him into you keeping your mouth tight around him. Jungkook gaped as your nose furrowed itself in his pubic hair. You came up slowly, sucked the top a bit then went down again. Jungkook laid back down, enveloped in absolute pleasure. His hands found themselves in your hair, eventually holding your head in place so he could buck into you. As Jungkook fucked your mouth, you couldn’t help the drool that spilled from your lips and dripped down his member, further lubricating him and creating sloppy wet sounds each time he entered and exited your mouth. Jungkook’s expression became focused and borderline angry with his eyebrows knit together in pure pleasure and concentration. You noted how deliciously vocal he was with his consistent moaning and groaning filling the air. You could feel yourself getting increasingly wet at the view and the sounds before you.
After a while, Jungkook slowed and then took himself out of your mouth. His penis was dripping wet and even more red than it was before. You wiped your mouth with your thumb as he stroked himself lazily. Jungkook tore his eyes away from you briefly to rummage through his nightstand for a condom. You busied yourself with getting rid of your underwear. Feeling your sex yearning for attention as he struggled to find a condom, you mounted his midsection again and sat directly on top of his penis. Slowly, you began moving your hips back and forth. You slid easily along his shaft with the lubrication of your spit that hadn’t dried yet. You moaned lightly, feeling some pleasure from your movements. Jungkook stilled as he felt your pussy getting so close to enveloping him. He held your hip with one hand and clutched the condom in the other. His eyebrows knit together as he hesitated before leading your hips back and forth once more. Your moans and his groans filled the room in unison. Your wetness coated his dick, further exciting him.
“Fuck Y/N. You’re such a bad influence.” Jungkook’s voice shook and you smiled, realizing how fucked out he was, but you were too, maybe even more. Jungkook watched you excitedly as you took hold of the base of his penis and line him up with your entrance. He tossed the condom to the side and helped guide his penis into you. You both moaned loudly as he slipped inside of you easily. You quivered at the feeling of being so full. When you tried to move, Jungkook held you in place and you realized he was trying not to bust right then and there. You smiled and leaned forward to kiss him, deciding to give him a break so he could calm down. You kissed him passionately as he cupped your face between his large veiny hands. After a while, his hands traveled down to your ass and squeezed them hard. You responded by tightening around him. He began easing himself in and out of you, holding your cheeks apart so he could eventually slam into you repeatedly. You moaned loudly into his mouth at the sudden pleasure that overtook you. Jungkook moved his head back to disconnect your lips and watch your face as you moaned. You sat up and began bouncing on his dick wildly. Jungkook moved his hands to your breasts when he noticed them bouncing with each rough hip thrust. You steadied yourself by placing your hands on his lower stomach and threw your head back in sheer pleasure.
You took the opportunity of Jungkook eventually taking a break to begin circling your hips with him inside. Surely enough, the head of his penis found your g spot and you began moaning carelessly again. He watched as you got yourself off on top of him, reveling in the view of you letting your inhibitions go. Jungkook watched you intently you got closer and closer to reaching your high. Your hips quickened in pace then suddenly stopped as your toes curled and your walls pulsed around him. You keeled over on top of him, feeling every inch of your skin breaking out in goosebumps. You laid your head in the crook of his neck, breathing heavily. Jungkook moved your hair out of the way then kissed your forehead. You chuckled out of breath before speaking, “Fuck, Jungkook.”
Swiftly and effortlessly, Jungkook flipped you so that he was now on top. Jungkook decided to give you a break as he focused his attention on your breasts. He pinched and pulled on your nipples, sending tiny shocks down to your sensitive core each time. He brought his tongue to one and began licking and sucking, then did the same to the other. You scratched his head idly, appreciating the way he took his time with you.
Jungkook began kissing upwards on your chest, all the way up to your mouth and kissed you intimately. The kiss was deep and slow, without tongue this time, and it took your breath away. You had to hold back a moan at how sweet the kiss was. You never wanted it to end, but when his hand traveled down towards your sex, you knew you were ready for more. Jungkook sat back and slapped your clit with his dick before easing himself inside of you once more. You were still slick from your orgasm and it had Jungkook closing his eyes in pleasure. You shivered and pulled Jungkook back onto you again to feel his warmth on you. Slowly yet steadily, he began moving in and out of you as he laid on top of you. His arms caged your head in as he began kissing you sweetly again. This time you did moan, and it seemed to egg Jungkook on, but he didn’t want to ruin the romanticism in that moment, so he continued his slow place and focused on your mouth. He slipped his tongue into your mouth and began circling around yours sloppily. You opened your mouth fully, willing to take anything and everything. It all felt so good and so surreal, you could feel yourself getting impossibly wetter, and you knew he could too with the way he began growling.
“Fuck, Y/N” You could only moan your answer as you both instantly felt the need to fuck hard. Jungkook lifted himself up just enough as he sped up and begin pounding into you roughly, holding your hips in place as he did. His eyebrows furrowed in concentration as he fucked the living soul out of you. Eventually, he sat back and held your legs wide open as his dick entered and exited you relentlessly. Your moans grew so loud, you were sure it could be heard from outside, but you didn’t care. You wanted him to keep fucking you forever, but your body had other plans. It didn’t take long for the familiar blooming in your lower stomach to begin making your toes curl again and your back arch. With his hair clinging to the sweat on his forehead and a look of concentration, Jungkook looked into your eyes while you stared back at him with your mouth agape. “You gonna come for me again?” Jungkook’s words were tight and stern which only made you moan more.
“Fuck, yes, yes, I-I am. Fuuuuck Jungkook!” Your second orgasm hit you like a ton of bricks. You stared up at the ceiling as the familiar warm feeling spread to your extremities.
“That’s it baby, c’mon.” Jungkook fucked you through your orgasm as your walls spasmed around him. As you lay on the bed exhausted and reeling, he quickly pulled out of you and pumped himself a few times, spurting cum all over your stomach. Jungkook groaned loudly as the ropes of hot white liquid shot out of him. You were too spent to look, instead feeling the burning sensation of each drop landing on your moist skin.
As he milked the last of his cum out of his dick, you looked at your stomach covered in white and laughed breathlessly. “Jesus Jungkook, empty your balls once in a while.”
“Shut the fuck up, I’ve been busy.” Jungkook laughed breathlessly along with you, running his fingers through his sweaty hair. He got up from the bed and returned with baby wipes. You cleaned yourself up and tossed the soiled wipes in a nearby trashcan.
Making space for him on the bed, Jungkook laid down next to you. Neither of you said anything for a while, choosing instead to look up at the ceiling as your breathing evened out. You began breaking out in goosebumps at the feeling of being naked without a blanket over you. As if on cue, Jungkook pulled the covers up over the both of you. You turned to the side in contentment. Jungkook spooned you and wrapped his arm around you, making it easy for the both of you to drift to sleep.
In the middle of the night, you woke him up for another round, but this time it was him who was giving you oral, and just as with all else, he was extremely generous.
Monday came and went without any sign of Jungkook at work. When you showed up on Tuesday morning and he was absent again, you pouted, wondering what was going on. After the morning rush, you decided to mention it to Hobi at the risk of sounding clingy.
You watched your friend wipe down the counters before clearing your throat. “It’s not like Jungkook to miss two days of work in a row. I wonder if he’s okay…”
Hobi stilled his hand on the rag and looked at you in confusion.
“…What?” You quirked an eyebrow at him, wondering why he was starting to look so surprised. It seemed like he was trying to find the right words with which to respond. “Spit it out Hobi! You’re worrying me.” You couldn’t help the bad feeling that fell over you as you watched Hoseok fully turn to you with a worried expression on his face.
“Y/N…didn’t Jungkook tell you?”
“…Tell me what? Ugh Hobi just say it!” You bit your lip anxiously. Hoseok rubbed his neck, mimicking your anxiety.
“Y/N…Jungkook’s last day was Friday. He moved to Connecticut with his family this past Sunday…” You stared at your friend in disbelief, waiting for the punchline that never came.
You chuckled nervously. “Hobi…what are you talking about? I was just with him and-“ The memory of all the boxes around his house flashed in your mind and made the rest of your sentence die in your throat.
Hobi looked at you with pity in his eyes. “I’m sorry, I know you two were close. I figured you already knew. I wonder why he didn’t say anything…” When you didn’t offer him a response, he resumed cleaning the counters and gave you a much needed moment to process everything.
You sagged against the register and stared into the backroom at Jungkook’s deserted cubby, unable to believe the sudden news. Why wouldn’t he say goodbye? Your first instinct was to feel betrayed and used. You opened yourself up to him and took the risk of falling, and he wasn’t going to be there to catch you after all. But you knew you couldn’t blame him entirely, since the ball had been in your court the entire time.
After a couple minutes of silence, a group of customers walked in, so you tore yourself away from the backroom and focused on them, willing your tears not to fall, and they didn’t, at least not until you got into the bathtub later that day. Turns out, you had been Jungkook’s replacement.
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quirklessidiot · 4 years
ATEEEE CONGRATS AGAIN! And I wanna join sa event mo hihihi 🥺 43 + crack + Oikawa??? I'm envisioning like, they are exes tapos they meet again? (Perhaps reunion ng Seijoh) Pero if you have something else in mind, please do it! I love you po :>>>>
Gn!reader x Oikawa (age-up)  + ex-lovers (crack, hints of romance) + 43
“Not you again.”
(a/n) enjoyed writing this mumsh thanks for participating uwu wuv it came out shorter since i didn’t know if you wanted it to be fully romantic sjsjsjsksk
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“Ah shit,” You cursed, your fists clenched together as you see the very man you wanted to avoid right in front of you, “Not you again.”
“Ah, Y/N-chan…” the annoying nickname rolls off his tongue easily like you two were in high school again, ironically, it did seem like you were in high school again since you were all huddled up in the gym for the reunion, “Is that your way to greet your neighbor?” 
“Oh yeah.” You dryly replied, “Definitely. Definitely a good way to greet my neighbor.”
To say that you and Oikawa were just neighbors was an understatement, you went out with him during high school and for a while, it was good, it really was but you both ended in sour terms because of the people pestering and putting their noses in your relationship. You’d think that would be the last of him but it turns out two years ago, when you were assigned to Argentina, you ended right where you least expected to be.
Living right next door to your ex-boyfriend.
You were thinking that this would be a night-free of Oikawa Tooru but no, your luck shits since he was here right in front of you with his usual shit-eating grin, “It definitely brings back memories to be here, right Y/N-chan?” he teases you, casually pinching your cheek softly.
You grumbled and slapped his hand away, “You should really stop being friendly with me.”
“Why not?” he pouts, “We technically are neighbors.”
“I’m also your ex.” you deadpanned.
“Mhm.” he hummed, throwing his arm over your shoulder just like the old times, “Well, we could change that part too, ya know.”
Your eyes widen at his words but before you could react, you hear Issei and Hajime calling Oikawa’s name out and he’s off to their side, leaving you standing there with cheeks as red as an apple, “Fucking hell.” you mumbled, “That cheeky bastard.”
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Aqua’s Live Reactions: “Quackity Visits Dream and Technoblade in Prison”
So... as it turns out, time zones, sleep, school and more school do not mix well with DSMP lore, since I’m currently typing the start of this post during my lunch break about 11 hours after the lore drop - the lore drop happened less than an hour before I was gonna sleep (which is already a fucked up sleep schedule on my part), so obviously I couldn’t watch the damn lore stream... and like 4 people did a loredrop today, so I’m prioritizing c!Quackity POV above c!Techno POV (might watch c!Techno POV later) and reacting to his side of the story first. Oh, and this is posted more than 11 hours after the lore drop because I have supplementary classes after school, mandatory school-sanctioned stuff, and I’m not risking a truancy record for the lore streams, especially NOT during my final year at secondary school.
Here’s a disclaimer: I’m watching the VOD and know next to nothing that has happened because I refused to check my notifications for over 12 hours just so I can get a genuine reaction out of this. I might have caught a glimpse of a spoiler while I was barely awake, but outside of trigger warnings that I asked for and that the TV Tropes (iconic/signature) quotes page has updated, that’s about it. 
This whole post is within the context of the SMP, so /rp and /dsmp applies to everything under the cut.
0:00 - Since I’m watching the VOD, I get to see the comments in full glory. cc!Quackity has commented “oh no”. Oh no indeed. I am not sure what to expect. Something has happened, and it is bad, I can feel the vibes. Also, the comments have spoilers. Rough times.
0:14 - The netherite axe has so low durability......
0:20 - Holy shit, the shears are named “Wardens Torment”. They actually named the shears to be a torture implement
0:33 - Q why do you have like 5 bottles of enchanting, I don’t know what that’s for but I think it’s plot relevant in some way
1:35 - “This is the most secure place on the entire server” and what if the nuke is hidden there? The missing Snowchester nuke? It’s just a theory, but I’m in the mood for a conspiracy at the moment
1:54 - “the point is the revival book” no it isn’t, you said it yourself in the last big lore stream
2:19 - “there’s two of them and one of me” yeah, q, i know. i know you. your weaknesses. and how you suppressed one of your own strengths to be able to do this shit. i know all about you.
2:25 - “they could do anything” ...paranoid tendencies much? I mean you’re right to be wary but still...
2:33 - really? an ad at this time? ffs the number of ads on youtube has only gone up since covid started........ i hate it here /neg
2:50 - “sleep. just in case something bad happens” oh i know..... this sounds like foreshadowing
3:14 - “it’s a long story” oh does sam know about dreamxd now?
3:35 - “I hope this is the last time I have to be here” oh q........ there’s some meaning behind this quote. i know it. but for the life of me, i can’t figure it out yet... does this mean you want to kill the two fuckers in there or something? you know techno has like all 3 of his lives intact, right? he’s gonna... well, I think you know what happened the last time you tried to knock him down a peg
3:46 - “it’s for the good of the country as well” ah yes so las nevadas is aligned with the prison officially? police state /j i mean it’s always been unofficially there but still...
4:30 - ah, so he admits it
4:32 - HOW DID THEY GET A DOG?? I understand q’s reaction fully. “What” indeed.
4:40 - sam’s right, the lava is acting weird. did dream and techno sabotage it or something? I remember how techno’s last couple of streams ended, or at least I’ve heard enough about it........... i think it’s sabotage
5:31 - oh so now DREAM is onto something? what do you MEAN you don’t have time and to hurry up?? do they have a plan in there or something? i know this episode is a jailbreak waiting to happen but there’s something bigger at play here, I feel
5:53 - also sam WHAT DO YOU MEAN TO “KILL THE DOG”??? THAT’S A WHOLE PUPPER IN THERE. I mean I don’t sympathize much with c!Dream or c!Techno that much but I want to know how tf the dog got in there first at least
5:56 - q says “i’m not gonna kill a puppy-” sam says to kill the dog. well at least someone here has a semblance of morals here /j
6:28 - oh so it begins... he’s here... this is gonna be fun /s
6:59 - love how they’re all just attached to the dog now. great job everyone (sincerely)... except dream. we know he refuses to name the dog because he thinks attachments are gross. we all know that.
7:14 - “i would never respect someone who named their dog ‘rat’.” ok so is this make fun of bbh week now?? irl “rat” is just a nickname but everyone calls her that so-
7:23 - did techno seriously just try to knock him into the lava??
7:46 - ok so sam is pointing a bow at the jail squad- yeah... why. he has a good question. why, sir warden, why?
9:32 - ah. leverage. i see what you did. as if we all didn’t know from the start.
9:55 - LMAO. hostage situation that’s a win-win, and techno... we all know both of you can strangle this man with your bare hands. also the last time you tried to kill techno, we all saw what happened. /hj
10:00 - “that’s kinda harsh” no shit sherlock also HOW NONCHALANT DO YOU HAVE TO BE FOR THIS
10:08 - “Don’t do it.” Techno, you’re just feeding the toxic Rivals Duo fans at this point. Also, are you just trying to preserve your reputation of “never dying” or do you genuinely care? Because I doubt you do tbh...
10:38 - ads. gross.
10:46 - “doesn’t that kinda work out?” yeah, techno, point out the holes in q’s plans. I might disagree with your moral standpoint and compass but I’m allowed to find you funny and cool... yeah I love him too, my snarky boi
11:14 - looks like someone finally had the common sense to roast the potatoes over the lava.
11:23 - I’m just imagining the scenario in-universe because if we’re going by characters’ canon heights (plus some speculation for c!techno based on his cc’s height irl), c!quackity is the shortest one of the three so him threatening the other two is ngl a weirdly funny sight to see
11:42 - and that’s the point, dream. quackity gets the revive-book, and the whole server can be rid of you. that’s the point, good sir. we don’t want you here. 
12:23 - q you’re sounding borderline hysterical here. you’re sounding almost desperate. i don’t know if this is intentional or not but you’re sounding... vulnerable.
14:08 - we all saw through that, both in and out of universe. you’re making it very obvious that you don’t want dream to give him the book, techno.
14:40 - y’all sounding half hysterical at this point
15:36 - ah yes trauma dumping time /hj /rp
15:52 - oh so he wants poetic justice, huh? should have gone the whole hog and brought a netherite pick instead of a diamond one.
15:59 - he’s gone. he’s fuckin’ gone. just before he could actually do the pickaxe thing. holy shit. lmao... in all seriousness though, I heard Techno was gonna get out earlier... I’m guessing through the enderpearl stasis chambers or whatever? this is gonna be fun..................
16:34 - i love how c!dream is still eating raw fukin’ potatoes. we all saw techno with cooked ones, right? why’s he still eating it raw? tell me
16:58 - “bring back the fridge” sir it’s in a dumpster, your honour
18:58 - ANOTHER AD??
19:53 - “if he could have escaped all this time then why didn’t he escape earlier” the will.............. philza opened it up,..... we called it, it was time
20:10 - bruh. can’t see the green boy. is he gone? i doubt it.
20:20 - the toilet. check the toilet. shawshank redemption or whatever it’s called, I’ve only heard of hamshank redemption from angry birds toons but check the fuckin’ loo, the toilet
21:10 - q is still hysterical, sam is still in denial, techno is probably back in the arctic, and my bet is that dream currently smells like shit in the most literal way
22:04 - oh no. loud noises. is this the alarm trigger warning I’ve heard of?
23:35 - what the fuck are those ender pearls doing there
23:50 - what’s to bet those are barrier blocks or something?
26:02 - underground base???!! also internal monologue time???!!!!
26:24 - ah. dramatic music.
26:55 - time is ticking..............
27:02 - battle log................
27:07 - “las nevadas has become a prime target”... for what? whose pov is this again?
27:11 - “dream has escaped prison” first of all, I doubt it, and second of all, ah ok, c!q pov still
27:28 - paranoia?? descent into paranoia?
27:43 - it’s raining outside las nevadas...........
27:47 - yo. yo this is huge. the lore drought has finally ended with the rain. also this was epic.
9 notes · View notes
cerberus253 · 4 years
Demon Deep Dive (JCA)
Someone asked if I could do headcanons for the Eight Demon Sorcerers from Jackie Chan Adventures, so here it is, and more! Much more oh God...
Canon Stuff
All seven Demon Sorcerers HATE Shendu for his conniving nature and deceptive past towards/with them (Drago just hates him because father issues)
The Demon Sorcerers do not need external objects to perform spells, for it simply comes from their physical being
They are all old fucks
There are plenty more demon sorcerers, but these eight/nine are all those that were ever mentioned
All want to rule the world
Everyone, aside from Shendu, actually somewhat care about each other and agree to rule the world together. Why is that even though they shouldn’t have “social urges“ because of their biology? We’ll discuss that later
Looking back on the very first episode they were all in together, they are fucking in sync as all Hell! They were finishing each others’ sentences, they knew what each one was thinking. Damn, son, they be tight AF; family goals, amiright?
How to start a Demon Sorcerer meeting: Step 1) Find Po Kong, Step 2) Call everyone else over because it would take too long moving her at all
About the individual demons themselves (Most of this is reworded from the Wiki, but confirmed through watching their episodes):
Hsi Wu
Guerilla tactics for the win
Oddly patient, ya know, for someone so kind of childish
Becomes bored easily, so he has the knack to pick on his siblings and humans, with the latter being in more vicious and cruel ways
Aside from Shendu, Hsi Wu is the most bullied by his siblings (it’s because he’s small, isn’t it??)
Although he hates Shendu like the rest of his siblings, he is more “cold and apathetic“ towards him, with occasionally getting along, albeit extremely slight
High pitched noises hurts his ears
“His wings are sharp enough to cut through concrete“
Playful, although in a sadistic way
Simply flies to get where he needs to be
Likes to pester and make fun of Po Kong specifically
He just. Constantly smiles or has this big wide, toothy grin on his face all the time
*gremlin noises* *cat hisses*
Best/Worst Actor Award goes to...
Tso Lan
Sophisticated and more-or-less monotone sounding, he is always on alert with his senses. Despite this, his reaction timing is awful
Seemingly emotionless, his relaxed demeanor breaks when something doesn’t go his way. He does display some sarcasm, though
According to the wiki, he is very hard to please and never compliments anyone. What a stuck-up asshole
Along with Bai Tza and Xiao Fung, he is one of the more authoritative demon figures of the family
He apparently is one of the elder siblings
He is one of the most powerful sibling because he can bring the fucking Moon out of fucking orbit like it is nothing
He is Shantae He can control his hair, as well as float and glide gracefully
He can survive in space
He does indeed have legs, for he has been seen walking ONCE and we get to see his boots (Demon World (Part 2))
Shendu (My apologies, but not my regret, about if you are upset with me and my loathing for Shendu)
Selfish asshole who doesn’t like sharing, even with his family
Everybody Hates Shendu and Shendu Hates Everybody, and they all want each other dead, including Drago
Legit, he made a truce with Uncle, the mortal enemy, so he could horribly punish Drago. What a good father, amiright???
Can hold a grudge for, like, ever and hardly ever keep his promises. He also willingly admits he’s a traitorous bastard
Greedy and sophisticated asshole
Like, Jesus Christ, I wanted to give Shendu some slack because I did not want myself to be blinded by hatred for the guy, but my God is he the worst
“Shendu is not only devoid of compassion and sympathy for mortals, but also cares little to nothing for his family-members - this is displayed most markedly by how he left his siblings to rot in the Netherworld so he could rule the Earth himself.“
“Father and son's relationship was so toxic that Shendu even declared when Drago was being sucked into an interdimensional rift that his son deserved no less than to be trapped on the other side for his disloyalty.“
“Despite this, in response to Drago's apology and profuse pleading, Shendu visibly contemplated for a moment and hesitantly decided to try saving Drago from his fate (with a warning that his son must remember he is second to Shendu while they're on Earth), suggesting Shendu might genuinely care about his son to some extent (or at the very least, as close to caring about another being as Shendu is capable of).“ Um, not sure if I agree on the “genuinely care“ part, but totes on board with the “just wants him for a playing chip“ thought
Although he may be one of the most powerful demons of the family, that does not stop his siblings from actively going against him, which surprisingly makes Shendu submissive to them. Hmm...
He legit cares about no one but himself and that is no overstatement. I’m sorry to all those fangirls out there :V
Once ruled all of China
Shendu gets all whiny and high pitched, often stuttering, when expressing fear (which is every single time he gets a family reunion, which reminds me...)
He can be such a cheeky charmer
Although Shendu only cares about himself, he does seem pretty observant with recognizing what others do want, and of course uses that to his advantage. Hm, observant guy; no wonder he has fangirls
Tchang Zu
Not that talkative, even during fights, and rather only speaks when he feels the need to. However, when he does speak, it is rather loud and/or commanding
Hates when he isn’t respected, especially out of fear. He hates it so much he verbally explodes with anger when something personal to him is disrespected
Is willing to get down and dirty when reaching his (and his siblings’) goals
Is most likely the most colorful with his wording and admiring architecture
Really only attacks those he deems worthy (apparently there was a crowd of humans he only bothered scaring away and not attacking, even though they only saw him as entertainment?)
Become Goku Flies on a cloud to get where he needs to be
Oh my God he sits criss-cross-applesauce
Dai Gui
A little under average intelligence, but his brutality and strength make up for it, being an absolute bulldozer with anything that stands in his way
I must reinforce the “a little under average“ part because he does use the word “ludicrous,“ which is no caveman word
Violent and macabre imagery is his verbal forte
A big bully, since he loves throwing his authority around to those under him
Similar to Tchang Zu, Dai Gui is also willing to do dirty work, but mainly for himself than for others
Absolutely LOATHES “pretty“ things, like flowers
Sometimes talks in third person
Seems to prefer using his raw strength than his magical powers
Laughs at his own jokes
Persistent and dedicated. Nice!
Po Kong
Hungry Hungry Hippo; food is always on the mind, I wouldn’t be surprised if her want to rule the world was second on her list
Although she can and would eat anything, she is still picky
Her favorite flavor is human and salt
She knows French (ah yes, one of the “Love Languages”)
She snores
Po Kong likes to torment Hsi Wu
She can walk on her own
Favorite food: Human
Bai Tza
Hates Shendu the most
Most outspoken and dominating out of all the demons (”verged on superiority complex”)
Tends to deal with situations more realistically, as well as learning from past mistakes
Despite her intelligence, her hubris still gets the best of her
Along with Tso Lan and Xiao Fung, she is one of the more authoritative demon figures of the family
Apparently didn’t have humans living in her palace, which was Atlantis
Can levitate
Bunch of banshee screeches. Yeesh
Xiao Fung
Talkative and slimey diplomat that prefers debating with his siblings rather than arguing and fighting
Enjoys fights to the death between his underlings
Has an interest in drama and being a part of it
Seems to be the most cooperative and decent when working with humans. Cool!
Absolutely despises the Netherworld so much that a human prison is “paradise“ to him
Along with Bai Tza and Tso Lan, he is one of the more authoritative demon figures of the family
Need to get somewhere? No problem, just jettison your way with wind bellows from your lungs through your mouth
Although he does care for his siblings, it’s apparently not enough to “carry the burden“ of freeing them. Maybe it’s out of pure laziness? He does seem against doing active things (other than blowing wind, which only he can do)
Headcanon Stuff
Why do the Demon Sorcerers (besides Shendu) actually care for one another and agree to share the Earth between each other? I did say they do not possess the inherent-to-parent instinct, but I never said they were not social animals. The demons may not have the need to reproduce or want sexual anything, but they do posses the need/want to have company, which is kind of supported by the fact that canonically and in real life, Chinese demons mainly want to be praised and treated like gods. One cannot be considered a god, nor be praised in general, if one does not have beings beneath or beside them for confirmation
So, in a way, you could say they all desire some sort of reassurance of their importance.
Their relationship with humans is understandable, given from with what I just said, but the relationship between one another is a little more... deep? They obviously consider each other legit family, so they do care about one another (with some rough-play rivalry), but I think it’s less on the biological factor and more of the “fitting in“ factor.
Here’s my theory: Yes they are biologically family, but they did not view each other as such originally. After a while of being with one another, experiencing similarities, they became family-close in the metaphorical sense (in addition to the literal sense). This would explain how Shendu could have lost touch with them intimately while the others did not with each other, all the while still considering each other as family.
So, despite my whole push on the demons having little compassion, they do still harbor it; expressing it through family feelings. However, just like humans, there are always those who posses less compassion than the average person, and that would be Shendu. Shendu is the psychopath of the family-- the Black Sheep, if you will
In addition, theoretically, for all those fangirls and guys out there, they could love you like a precious pet. Just sayin’ (so, like, imagine the Demon Sorcerers having human pets and treating them like we do our own “Look how much of a chonkster my human is!” “Oh yeah? Well mine started getting ready for winter early; look at this massive boy-o!” I call my cats “stupid, stinky babies who I love” and then proceed to cuddle them all the time :V)
Fuck it, they have family movie/theatre nights because I find it endearing even though it may be Out of Character
To begin this next section, I want to state that the Demon Sorcerers are based on The Bagua. However, it is merely their elements that are the inspiration, not anything with the philosophy behind Bagua. However however, I will be looking into it and seeing what the Bagua has that still can reflect on the sorcerers. In other words, instead of basing the demons on the Bagua, I’ll be “basing“ the Bagua on the demons, if that makes sense.
Hsi Wu’s kingdom was probably located on the eastern coast of the USA
Judging by that teacher’s transformation with some of his chi, he may have “avian tendencies” with flying south for the winter and building nest-like structures
Probably the most convincing one to “befriend“ a human. Not because of his past friendship with Jade, but because people could relate to him of being picked on from size and lack of abilities, in addition to being more approachable because of his size and playfulness
His demeanor is mostly childlike, especially with how cruel children can be
Probably dislikes orchestral music, especially violins, flutes, the triangle, etc
Would most likely become a memester. Maybe.
“How do ya do, fellow kids?“
Likes to listen to music/singing while doing things and stuff. So, maybe he has to be distracted to some degree to be content, or he will be grumpy? (AD(H)D)
Real Talk: At one point in Tale of the Demon Tail (where Jade “befriends” Hsi Wu, or really his persona), Hsi Wu’s persona of being Jade’s friend actually disintegrates. Meaning, that “mask“ he put on to befriend Jade, at one point dissolved into an actual aspect of himself. So, when he answered Jade’s question of ‘are you going to the dance‘ or whatever, his initial response was that of an actual human-child Hsi Wu friend. While yes he was still acting, his initial response was almost unconscious, and then he realized what he was saying and said the other thing. I mean, it could have easily been “Nah, that’s stupid-- oh wait, that’s a good idea to get inside the house, actually,“ but that still follows the unconscious response action. What am I getting at here? Well, the interaction the two had proves that a clump of Hsi Wu’s personality does click with Jade. I’m not saying “I ship it“ or anything, what I’m saying is their personalities attract one another in general and could work between two different characters. As much as they seem to get along, there are other characteristics the two have that oppose one another and definitely shatters that friendship. So, Jade and Hsi Wu Being Friends? No; Some Personality Traits They Have Connect to One Another in General and Could Work Between? Yes.
The ye olde game of Chase is probably his favorite. Ya know, the game where you chase people around? Yeah, any game where he gets to chase/hunt his pray would be his favorite
Very similar to Shendu, Hsi Wu is one of the craftier folk of the family. However, unlike Shendu, creativity is his primary weapon which is, of course, used to make up for his size. 
Similar to Xiao Fung, Hsi Wu is also one of the siblings that listens and pays attention the most. Their difference being is the information he learns is more for his selfish advantage than a “getting along” way. 
Despite his dishonesty towards Jade, he is the most integral to himself. What I mean is, while yes all the demons follow their demon ethos, I believe Hsi Wu is the most true to himself and wouldn’t back down or reject something he is honestly interested in. However, probably because he knows how others know him, he can use this integrity to fool others into believing him with ease.
Hsi Wu is also probably the most inclined to have faith in others, but this DOES NOT mean he easily trusts people. What I’m saying is he may not easily trust others, but when he does, that faith in them is near unwavering
“The Beauty of Mischief”
“Lord High Lord of the Sky,” or “Lord High Lord of Firmament”
Tso Lan’s “kingdom“ was probably located on the Moon
Like all sophisticated assholes, he probably enjoys reading, but only books that deal with the fall of humanity and apocalypse stuff. Maybe even some space stuff, like the movie Interstellar? (Star Wars can kiss his ass, though)
Can posses dark matter? Because of his dark magic bolts and his affinity with gravity?
Doesn’t like being around people. His siblings are fine, but he rather not have company, judging by how he most likely spends his time on the Moon and rarely visits Earth. Antisocial personality disorder much??
Like we have stated earlier, Tso Lan never gives out compliments, for he is oh so difficult to please. He watches intently and is careful with his neutral wording, always sounding cold and cruel. However, despite his emotionless disposition, he does have some ugly colors. For example, he does get angry, especially when he is interrupted. Example two, he does take pleasure in tormenting his enemies. However, the good color of natural tranquility explains his seemingly “lack of emotion.”
If he can ever “give respect” to anyone, it’s probably so difficult to achieve it should be considered impossible. But hey, if you do somehow get his compliments, consider yourself special, home slice! In addition, it’s probably also highly unlikely to get him to laugh. Like, not even a chuckle. Maybe a sarcastic and flat “Ha,“ but nothing too intense.
He may not think of himself as king or an emperor, but he does view himself as some sort of higher metaphysical power, like a pontiff. In addition, he probably sees his position being the highest because of his throne on the Moon and his power over gravity (and maybe dark matter). Being used to this placement, he has distanced himself from just about every living thing, being untainted with normal, petty desires. Oh but being a demon has its drawbacks, for wanting is in the blood. Meaning, there are most likely some things out there that he may desire (Fanfic Writers, assemble!)
You want him him to talk dirty to you? Why yes, you should keep good hygiene and not be smelly. Real Talk, though, because of his lack of emotion words, he probably would have difficulty conveying emotion verbally. But hey, his voice and tones are enough to get anyone aroused :V
Might secretly like dancing, but only simple ones. Like, The Waltz would be the most active he’d like
Might also hum tunes every so often. Despite that, he still prefers silence over noise of any kind.
“The Beauty of Isolation”
“Lord High Lord of the Moon,” or “Lord High Lord of Satellites”
Shit Dad
Probably studies magic the most and has a huge library filled to the brim with spell books and whatnot
Drago may be on his mind a lot, but probably not for any positive reason
Probably had Drago made for that thing in Taoism where two beings can connect one another metaphysically, and if one is in trouble (like they died or something), the other can help out (and resurrect if need be). Or, he wanted someone that wasn’t human on his side because he’s sure as Hell his siblings won’t side with him
While Drago is way more hotheaded than his Dad, it seems Shendu is more likely to let a petty grudge get in the way of his goals
Shendu hates family reunions
Dude’s a mad scientist
Probably regrets having Drago
Oh God, oh fuq, it’s the Big Bad Dragon that wants everything for himself. He must know what his name translates to because oh boy does he feel entitled to his mighty sovereignty. Like, he lusts for power so much that no amount of trickery could mask his clarity of greed, ya know, like a “true” dragon. What he wants, he will obtain, with let nothing obstruct his path… other than a petty grudge. He’s so full of passion and thermal rage he sticks out like a sore thumb amongst his brethren. He would even sink to deep lows to get what he desires, even if it is heavily depending on humans, lying, cheating, and stealing from his own family, doing forbidden things with humans to have a “son” he only wants to use as a playing piece, and even bend reality to his liking.
However, I must say it is impressive and admirable how adaptive he is with every situation he finds himself in. He is rather courageous and would try anything to reach his goal, even if it is siding with the enemy. Shendu speaks in sophistication and eloquence, to which the latter trait he shares with Xiang Zu, despite his childlike outbursts of rage.
He may not be the most elementally powerful sibling, but he is The Best with knowledge about other magics like spells and potions.
He does perform the stereotype of “dragons are beasts of greed” exceptionally well, which, I can admit, is pretty hot, being a monster lover myself
Something I’ve noticed with his face is that he lacks lips, which are replaced with external tooth-like structures. This actually forces the creators to make him expressive through other means, like his eyes. So, he’s expressive, and he fits the draconic poem I read in a book somewhere “Beware the glint in a dragons’ eye/ It is cold as ice to the liar/ It is sharp as a knife to the knave/ It is hard as iron to the greedy/ It is a burning flame to the brave.”
“The Beauty of Wrath”
“Lord High Lord of Fire,” or “Lord High Lord of The Thermal”
Tchang Zu’s kingdom was probably located on the western coast of the USA
Would request for extravagant buildings and structures, as well as being a big fan of theatre (Beowulf, anyone?)
I can imagine him having a deep, boisterous laugh that is an award to trigger
Probably the best war strategist, everyone would hate playing Axis and Allies with him (He’d either play Russia for the size, or Germany because, well, you know)
(I’m just repeating what I’ve already stated, but whatever.) Similar to Tso Lan, Tchang Zu is careful with his words. However, what the latter does is speak only when he deems it appropriate, and sometimes with eloquence. When he does share his thoughts, it is in an assertive tone, making everyone stop and listen.
Tchang Zu is rarely ever caught off guard and surely plants himself where he stands, literally and figuratively. Despite his assertiveness, he does not come off as one of the most “authoritative” figures of the family. Instead, he’s more of an overseer and commander, making sure everything is falling in line under his, and his siblings’, iron-fist.
He is one of the few that would take the initiative when confronting a problem, which must be pretty terrifying for the opposition, seeing as how intimidating he is. Oof. Although he is on the shorter side, it does not bother him, for he knows his power is just as great as his siblings’.
Unlike his siblings, he wouldn’t be one of the “crafty” folk. What I mean is he isn’t a trickstery cuck like Hsi Wu and Shendu, but actually follows demon code and honor. I mean, not that “demon honor” is anything greater or equal to “human honor,” but the point still stands. What is “Demon Code and Honor” you ask? I dunno, watch Jackie Chan Adventures and observe demon culture yourself.
His demeanor may be slow and steady, but when he fights and flashes lightning, so much power and energy erupts from within. Majestic
Knows how to use semicolons properly
“The Beauty of Imperiality”
“Lord High Lord of Thunder,” or “Lord High Lord of Electricity”
Dai Guinguini
Dai Gui’s Kingdom was probably located on the western coast of Europe, maybe more specifically Spain
Let’s take that “hates pretty things“ even further beyond. The words “delicate and innocent“ usually come to mind when the words “pretty“ and “flower“ are shown. So, I headcanon he hates weak and fragile looking things, as well as cute. The more petite and dainty something looks, the more of an urge to destroy rises up
Probably needs to hold down a vomit when seeing romance in any medium (lava vomit?)
Also probably iffy on crystals and gems. Like, they are shiny and pretty and are sometimes delicate, but man, the massive structures these things can form into is crazy.
Dai Gui reminds me of the colossi in Shadow of the Colossus when viewed just wandering around. We know he acts like a brute and hates petite things, and is quite aggressive when he fights, but there’s something about him that makes me think of some majestic creature that likes to walk around all alone in a wide open space. There is some beauty to his “monstrosity” and I feel like that’s overlooked by him always being described as, well, a brute. 
Although not as intense as Shendu’s, rage can also be a common sight with Dai Gui, but it’s mostly from his non preferred environments. Also, similar to Tchang Zu, Dai Gui appreciates his structural surroundings, but has a more keen interest in its earthly variety. Mountains, canyons, plains, plateaus, mesas, volcanos, deserts, etc. would be his ideal territory. Like I have mentioned before, I feel like he’d often roam around his landscape, constantly fixing and changing anything he desired. 
Even though he doesn’t like flowers and such, I do not think he hates nature in general. Maybe most of it, but not all. He may like huge ass trees for their size and might, grasslands (like savannas) because, although grass is all over, it still gives a vast emptiness of calmness, which deserts give a vast emptiness of despair.
Quick note, I’m not saying he’s artistic and elegant. What I am saying he isn’t just a dumb idiot caveman that just lusts for destruction, but rather actually has a hobby of shaping the earth. Yes, he might find the terrestrial variety of the earth interesting, but he isn’t all, like, “Hmm yes, insert fancy art words here;” he’s more like “Hm yes, me like; I shall do more over there” and then just… does it without any pre planning or anything.
Not only does he like creating earthly structures, but also destroying them. Have you ever built something so cool (or have just seen something so cool) with Legos or whatever, and for some reason want to destroy it just because ‘ha ha destruction fun’? Yeah, that’s him sometimes.
I’d also like to add he likes bugs. Not only eating them, but also admiring their earth shaping tendencies. Their structures won’t stop him from eating them all, but he does like to see what they make before the big snack
I bet he likes to sunbathe sometimes. Mmmmm, warm rocks always feel good. Cool rocks, too! (This also made me think of belly rubs… hmm)
“The Beauty of Incessance”
“Lord High Lord of Earth,” or “Lord High Lord of Formation“
Mount Vesuvius
Po Kong’s kingdom was probably located in Japan, and/or Japan itself
Most likely the one to zone out on meetings with just thoughts on food (ADD maybe?)
Although she’d eat anything, Po Kong probably appreciates and remembers excellent meals. In addition, she probably could describe in detail of various tastes
Or, alternatively, since she eats so much all the food just blends together
Apparently, humans taste like chicken. So maybe, genetically create giant ass chickens, like in Skyrim, and feed her that if humans become scarce and/or too small for satisfaction
Probably the most difficult demon to satisfy, but not just because of hefty demands, but because she is practically the personification of gluttony. Like, I’m sure she can and will eat anything she wants, even inorganic things. She likes it? Nom. She hates it? Nom. She will never be fulfilled until she has consumed all… or until she explodes or whatever. I’m being dramatic. 
Luckily, she is not picky. Unluckily, she is also picky. I guess it just depends on her hunger mood. One day, she may want just a bunch of salty snacks, likes chips and fries, and on another day she may want a giant bundt cake filled with gooey human flesh and blood. 
Legit though, her kingdom/empire would be the number one food place in the entire world, with having the largest kitchen and all the best cooks (ha ha, like a collection. You could say she would have Too Many Cooks, but “too many” doesn’t exist in Po Kong World!). She would have food critics to make sure the meals she really wants to enjoy taste wonderful. Dude, like, imagine Gordon Ramsay and Guy Fieri at her command. She’d laugh her ass off with Ramsay yelling at people and Fieri with all of his antics; they’d be her favorite little humans. Funny, they’d both still be practically doing the job they do now, just being ordered around by a tyrannical demon who also likes food.
Has no interest in video games and picture shows, but does have the interest in the unique food that appears in them and of course demands them to be made for her.
To get on her “good side” is to be absolutely loyal to her and her eating habits. Ya gotta make the best meals, serve them in delightful ways (she actually doesn’t care about any fancy stuff, but appreciates the effort if done right).
I bet she likes getting spoiled. I mean, yeah, all the demons would want gifts rained down upon them, but they wouldn’t express as much glee as Po Kong would. She’d probably sound condescending half the time, but hey, at least she’s happy and smiles. Gotta give her big gifts though. Go big or go home, folks.
Just like us folk, she prefers Maximum Comfort when eating. That means sitting in her favorite chair, eating from her favorite dish, and watching her favorite entertainment pieces.
Ya into vore? She’s your woman *finger guns*
“The Beauty of Indulgence”
“Lord High Lady of the Mountains,” or “Lord High Lady of Beasts“
What do you call a fish without eyes? A Fsh
Bai Tza’s kingdom is factually Atlantis, but in the JCA universe, Atlantis might be close to the southern coast of Europe in the Mediterranean Sea
She’d be the one initially planning family get-togethers  
Do I dare say I could imagine her being a dominatrix? Yeah sure
Similar to Tso Lan, she has/had an isolated kingdom away from humanity, but unlike her brother she most likely had subjects, which lived coastal in southern and south-east Europe, Northern Africa, and the Middle-East. Every civilization took a part in building her castle and its decor, but soon after it was complete, she sank it to the bottom of the Mediterranean Sea, never to be gazed upon with mortal eyes ever again.
Although she can survive in either, Bai Tza prefers warm and salty waters over cool and fresh waters. 
Because of her unique bond with water, which literally has her able to morph to and fro between a liquid and solid state, she probably traveled and oversought numerous locations around the world, with any place being close to warm and salty seas. Did she hold dominion over them? Maybe, seeing as how just the Mediterranean Sea and most of its surrounding land is quite small for a kingdom when compared to her siblings’ territories. 
Bai Tza may not be one of the most powerful siblings, but she is the most feared. She’s able to restrain herself when angry, she thinks outside the box when confronting obstacles, and her dynamism makes her tricky to confront. She is straightforward, blunt, and has a wicked and sharp tongue. Like stated before, she is one of the more outspoken relatives, being very dominant in every activity she takes part in. Wouldn’t surprise me if she was a control freak. However, enjoying her power so much leads her to be arrogant, making her hubris the number one weakness.
Bai Tza is probably the most cruel because she actively thinks about the damage she can cause instead of just doing it. Despite her cruelty, she isn’t heartless; she may in fact be the one that cares about her family the most, with having the most hatred for Shendu because of his betrayal to said family. On a side note with Drago, she probably rejects him mostly for his differences than his relation with Shendu, but of course the latter still counts. So, welcoming those into her tight personal circle would be a ‘no.’ 
Despite her evilness, she can and will compliment things that amuse her, and being super protective of them like personal property.
Would drown ships with anti-demon supporting humans on them, as well as anyone who enters her territory without permission. Probably could be convinced with gifts, but they better be good. 
Theoretically could forgive past mistakes, but they must be made up with something equal or greater amount to said mistake. 
Likes to wear jewelry, especially gold.
“The Beauty of Absolution“
“Lord High Lady of Water,“ or “Lord High Lady of the Abyss“
Xiao Fung’s kingdom was probably located in Latin America
One of the smarter siblings, Xiao Fung prefers to discuss and debate over physically fighting. Not sure why, but maybe because he doesn’t view physical fighting as something “high ups” do; all of the dirty work is for the peasants beneath them. However, if forced and there being no other way, he would partake.
Knows the art of conversation quite well and usually dishes out the best conversations. He may not be eloquent like Tchang Zu, or very particular with his words like Tso Lan, but damn can he keep a conversation going if need be. It wouldn’t surprise me if he’d yak with others if he’s bored. Maybe try talking some existential stuff with him; that’d be neat. Or keep asking ‘why’ like an annoying child, and he’d probably be tricked into answering each one, with getting annoyed more and more the longer it all goes on.
Despite his laziness, he still would do activities that require his assistance, as long as it’s something only he can do. If there is someone else available, he’ll leave it to them.
Xiao Fung is probably one of the more “approachable” demons, being how he doesn’t immediately give off  “fear and respect me or die” vibes. He’s still intimidating, but to those with any amount of courage could muster up to confront him. Ya know, if it isn’t anything personal to him, then in that case you’d be the one telling everyone how terrifying he is, also, ya know, if he lets you go back to your village. 
It wouldn’t surprise me if he had decision making issues when it comes to something he likes vs something useful/”right” 
If a human went up to him and made a deal, he most likely would take it as long as he gets something in return that he wants, as well as the odds being in his favor. 
Human antics are strange and insignificant, but they are still intriguing to him and would converse about it. Just don’t think you’d make him change his opinion on us; that won’t happen, fo sho. 
The most forgiving and patient of the family, although it may not be by much. It most likely stems from his diplomatic character, being willing to discuss situations, even thoughts he leans more against. It’s really the subjects she is 100% not on board with he will not discuss, but something around 70%-60% he’d be more willing to listen to. Whether he actually agrees with you and is not just listening for amusement is another story. 
Really enjoys music, favoring well put together orchestral.
Could hold some serious long notes, and probably sing in all sorts of keys (Dude. Singing bass)
Dude probably loves board games like chess.
Tchang Zu and him probably get along well because of shared interests in theatre and strategy games.
Would be the one to bring up topics to get everyone arguing if things got boring, like politics. In addition, he would also bring up playing the “Friendship Ender” games we all know and love, like Uno and Monopoly.
While Hsi Wu carries the “shit eating smile,” Xiao Fung has the “smug cat” face.
“The Beauty of Disruption“
“Lord High Lord of Wind,“ or “Lord High Lord of Currents“
Bonus Factoids Upon my Research
Theoretically, because it is stated that the Twelves Talismans are physical manifestations/vessels of Shendu’s powers, the other eight sorcerers (this includes Drago) could have their own Twelves Talismans
Apparently, killing/destroying a demon causes the disruption of balance within the universe, causing a “stronger evil“ to manifest and fill that “wound.“ So, again, theoretically, could a “stronger good“ happen as well if a situation summons/calls for it??
Sadly, according to Shendu, the all chi-absorption thing Drago did at the end of Season 5 is irreversible. So, canonically, Drago is technically forever stuck as a Cthulhu abomination. I am forever sad. Like, yeah I’m a terato lover, but I really prefer Drago as normal :’( However, Shendu answered to a human using a man-made chi spell. What if the actual Demon Sorcerers did a chi spell, to which apparently is conductible without external means? Could they be powerful enough to reverse it if all of them worked together???
[Chinese and English Name/Japanese Name- Chinese Translation/Japanese Translation]
Hsi Wu/Tokage- Evil Lizard/Small Lizard
Tso Lan/Kyuketsuki- Flood maker/ Vampire
Shendu/Kiryu- God of All (oof)/Spirit Dragon
Tchang Zu/Oni- Soldier of Madness/Ogre
Dai Gui/Shishi- Great Ogre/Stone Lion
Po Kong/Daikaiju- Feared Cliff/Giant Monster
Bai Tza/Nisei- Force of Defeat/Second Generation
Xiao Fung/Keroro- Little Wind/Frog
Early Christmas gift to y’all :V
God I hope this is good enough. I’ve been spending all my free time working on these guys just to get the original ask done. Don’t get me wrong, I did like doing this and forming at least some kind of unique character with each, but I am so exhausted from how long I’ve been working on it. It’s mainly my fault for being such a try hard, so don’t blame yourself, Anon who asked for this; you all good, bruv.
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whenemmafallsinlove · 5 years
Pos hour: I just found out I passed my last essay!!!! I was so worried too, you see, it was a Norwegian essay which is different from a typical English essay, so it was meant to be kind of funny and reflective and you could write it in first person with "I" (so naturally I wrote it in second person because I'm a cheeky bastard who always push the limits) and you have to marry literary writing with academic writing and it was a big old mess. BUT I PASSED and I am SO HAPPY!!!!!!!!
YAYYYYY !!!!!!! that would be so weird to write an essay in first person AHHHHHH especially with all those elements to it. IM SO PROUD OF YOU 
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Chapter Seventy-Nine
A/N: Thank you all for your lovely messages since the last chapter, I’ve been spoilt by you all with your kind words, so thank you so much 💖 Enjoy the chapter, and, as ever, please let me know what you think 😊
The Duchess of Clarence will be representing the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge at the annual St Patrick’s Day parade in London.
The Duchess of Cambridge will not be attending for personal reasons.
“Personal reasons?” Emmy asked, frowning across the table at Claire and Edward, who had just read out the tweets Kensington Palace had released. Beside her, Harry bounced Grace in his arms, making faces at his daughter, who was giggling at him.
“That’s what we’ve been told by Miguel,” Edward said. “They’re keeping us very much in the dark about it.”
“Do you know why they can’t go?” Emmy asked, looking at Harry now. It took him a moment to realise he was being spoken to.
“I don’t, no,” he said. “I can try and find out, if you like. I was avoiding asking William because I have a feeling I’m not going to like his answer. What is everyone saying about it?”
“A lot of people are excited to see Emmy take this on,” Edward said. “Some people are suggesting she take over this engagement permanently since she always puts a lot of effort into her engagements.” Emmy felt a flush of pride. “Others are going as far as to say that Emmy should take over some of Kate’s other charities, for she would represent them better. And, of course, there’s a lot of speculation as to why Kate can’t attend. A lot of people are suggesting she just can’t be bothered. This is hitting her reputation hard, and some people are dragging William into it too.”
“They don’t do enough,” Harry agreed simply.
“I wouldn’t be here if they did,” Emmy pointed out.
“Exactly,” Edward said. ��A lot of people have thought this for a while, on the social media sites it’s quite blatant. If you look amongst royalists, a lot of them have the same view – and that is that Kate doesn’t do enough. Up until now, a lot of people have cut her some slack because she had the kids, but now that Emmy has Grace and is still doing more engagements than Kate, she’s starting to push her luck with some other people.”
“Has any tabloid in particular said anything?” Harry asked. “Or is it just the public?”
“A few have written articles online. The Sun – “Kate misses St Patrick’s Day parade AGAIN and sends Emmy instead”. The Daily Mail – “Emmy to stand in for Kate as Kate opts out of engagement”. TMZ-”
“Ugh, not those bastards,” Harry muttered under his breath. At Emmy’s surprise, he said, “They were the ones that published the photos of me in Vegas, remember?”
She smirked. “How could I forget? The sixteen-year-old me had a huge crush on you.” She was being sarcastic, and she giggled at the scowl on his face. Grace giggled too.
“TMZ actually take the whole thing a step further-” Edward continued.
“Of course they do,” Harry growled.
Edward rolled his eyes. “And they openly criticize how few engagements she does. They can, I suppose. They’re in America, they won’t be reprimanded.”
“Hmm, William isn’t going to like any of this,” he answered.
“Well then, they should’ve done the engagement, shouldn’t they?” Emmy said simply. “It’s not our fault they don’t do enough work.”
Harry’s eyes flickered to her for a moment – he knew that she was right, but he was upset that she wasn’t concerned about his brother’s feelings. He didn’t say anything, simply returning his gaze to Grace on his lap and making a face. Grace giggled up at him, blue eyes creasing.
“Anyway,” Claire said slowly, trying to change the subject. “Emmy, are you ready for your engagements tomorrow?”
Emmy nodded. The following day was International Women’s Day and she was visiting a charity called ROSA, which supports disadvantaged women, in the morning, before hosting her very first solo reception in Kensington Palace. Dozens of women from all over the country would be there, representing different ethnicities and different professions, showing just how important women were. Although terrified at the thought of hosting, Emmy was slightly excited – she’d been told that this would be a test of how good she was at being a royal, and she was eager to prove herself.
“I am,” Emmy replied. “Harry gets to stay home with Grace for the day.”
Harry smiled, gently bouncing Grace on his knees. “We’re going to have a lot of fun.”
“As much fun as you can have with a four-month old you mean,” Claire said, with a smirk.
Claire was right. After an early start which involved comforting a nervous Emmy, Harry found himself alone in the house with Grace – and also with a list of chores to do. While Emmy was out all day, she wanted him to go shopping for groceries and to stock up on nappies, for they were nearly out.
Grace, however, did not want to go shopping. She was tired, and she wanted cuddles. She certainly let her father know just how unhappy she was.
“Grace, please stop crying,” Harry said five minutes into shopping. Grace had been wailing for what felt like forever, and she was attracting a lot more attention than Harry would’ve liked. Rick glanced around protectively. “Please.”
“She’s certainly not in a good mood today, is she?” he mused.
“She’s not,” Harry agreed, scowling down at her. “Is it because Mummy’s not here again? Or are you just being difficult?”
Grace continued to cry. Harry pulled her into his arms and bounced her up and down, handing the trolley to Rick to push.
“Give me the list, sir,” Rick said.
“No way! I can do it!” Harry said, but he smiled appreciatively at his PO. “I don’t think it’ll go down very well if my tax-payer-funded protection officer is seen doing my shopping.”
“Hmm, perhaps not,” Rick agreed, chuckling. “She seems to be settling now.”
Grace had indeed quietened down a little, and Harry sighed in relief. “Thank god,” he said. “Let’s put you back in the trolley, shall we?” He gently put her back down in the baby carrier attached to the cart, but as soon as she met the plastic she started to cry again. “Come on, Grace, give me a break!”
He lifted her into his arms again, and she silenced. He put her back in again and she cried.
“You’re being spoilt,” he muttered. “I’m not carrying you.”
Then he had an idea. Handing Grace to Rick for a moment, he slipped out of his coat and draped it over the carrier so that it was warmer and softer when he next placed Grace in it. She blinked up at him, silent, and then smiled at the delight on his face.
“Thank god,” he said, sharing a grin with Rick. “For a second there I thought this was going to be the worst shopping trip of my life.”
Rick laughed. “Alright, sir, let’s go? There’s a man over there who looks like he’s recognized you.”
“He probably has, what with this little monkey attracting all the attention,” he said the last part in a high-pitched, sing-song voice as he tickled Grace, and she giggled lightly.
An hour or so later, Harry returned home with the shopping. He sat Grace in her high-chair in the centre of the kitchen so that she could watch him as he put all the groceries away. He put the radio on, singing along before picking her up into his arms and dancing around, her giggles echoing around the room. They were mid “waltz” when Emmy returned home from her engagement.
“There’s Mummy!” Harry cried excitedly, turning Grace to see Emmy, and Grace cooed happily as she was passed between her parents. “Hey beautiful.”
“Hello,” Emmy said, frowning suspiciously. “You’re in far too good a mood, did you bribe Grace not to cry or something?”
He chuckled. “She was crying initially, yeah, but Super Daddy fixed it.”
Emmy rolled her eyes as a smile tugged up the corners of her mouth. Then she directed her attention to Grace, bouncing her gently. “Have you had a good day with Daddy? Was he teaching you to dance?”
Grace giggled, nuzzling into her mother’s chest as Harry started to get dinner on. “How was the engagement?” he asked.
“It was good,” she said. “Really interesting. ROSA do so much stuff for women, I got to meet a lot of the ladies that they’ve helped in the past. It was really nice to hear some of their stories.”
“I’m glad you enjoyed it,” he said, throwing her a grin. “I would’ve come too but I didn’t want to distract all the ladies there.”
She rolled her eyes at him. “You’re not conceited at all.”
He chuckled. “What time is your reception tonight?”
“It starts at 7,” she said, then took a deep, shuddery breath. “Claire wants me over there at 6:30 to prepare.”
“Not at all, I’m just terrified,” she admitted. “Before I was kind of looking forward to it, but now I’m just scared. What if I mess up?”
“You won’t,” he said. “Grace, tell Mummy she’s being silly.”
Grace looked curiously back as both her parents turned to her, then she broke into a chubby smile at having their attention. Harry and Emmy both laughed.
“You really will be fine,” he said, giving her a smile that did wonders to calm her nerves. “You having dinner?”
“Just a sandwich, I don’t want to be fat for tonight,” she said.
He scoffed. “Is that even possible?”
“You’re too nice to me,” she said, smiling. “Maybe later tonight you can have a close-up look of my dress?”
“Sounds good,” he said, with a smirk at her sultry tone. “If this one lets us, that is.” His gaze went to Grace, who cooed and reached for him.
Emmy went to get ready while Harry munched on his pasta, Grace sat on her high chair opposite him and playing with a set of her baby-keys, shaking them to make noise. She’d just started being able to entertain herself like that, and it was amusing to see her discovering new skills. Harry smiled across the table at her and received a cheeky beam in return.
Harry was just loading up the dishwasher when Claire arrived.
“Oh hi,” he said, as Claire went to give Grace cuddles.
“Hey, please tell me Hannah’s upstairs!”
“Yeah, she arrived like half an hour ago.”
“Oh thank god! I had such a bad feeling that for some reason she’d be late and then we’d be late and-” She shuddered, then smiled.
Emmy emerged from upstairs under fifteen minutes later. She was wearing a gorgeous pale pink dress, slinky with a flowing skirt and a relatively low-cut neckline – it wasn’t sultry, though, it was very pretty, and she looked gorgeous in it with her hair pulled up into a wavy half-up-half-down do. She smiled at Harry as she entered the kitchen, and Grace cooed excitedly.
“Do I look okay, baby?” Emmy murmured to her, moving over to pick her up and eskimo kiss her.
“Far better than okay,” Harry replied, leaning back against the worktop and letting his eyes rove down her. “You look stunning.”
She smiled, blushing. “Thank you.”
He moved over to her, his hands going to her waist and gently pulling her to him. Emmy draped her arms up round his neck, peering up at him and feeling that familiar pull deep inside her. She wanted to just stay here – she was sure Harry would show her just how beautiful that dress looked, especially when it lay disregarded on the floor.
“Make sure Grace is asleep by the time I get home,” she breathed, leaning up so that her lips were inches from his.
“And you best make sure you’re wide awake,” he whispered, a hand trailing down the silky fabric of her dress to cup her backside and gently push her into him. A soft moan escaped her at the desire in his voice.
“Hey!” Claire snapped, coming into the room. “You must be bloody kidding me, Harry! Step away! You’ll ruin her makeup! And if you get so much as a fingerprint on that dress-!”
Harry and Emmy shared an amused smile before they stepped apart, Emmy blushing and Harry looking impatient as they both turned to Claire as though she were a disapproving parent. Claire glared at him, then looked at Emmy. “Ready?”
Emmy nodded, reaching for her clutch. Harry took her hand to stop her for a moment.
“You’ll be fine, okay?” he said. “Good luck. Just relax and be yourself, and everything will be perfect.”
Her scared blue eyes scanned his for a moment, before she nodded. “Love you.”
“Love you too,” he said, winking, before she started to follow Claire towards the front door. “I’ll be loving you a lot more when you get home too.”
Emmy shot him a shy, amused smile. Claire shot him a glare.
Instead of the silence that he was expecting, once the door was closed he could hear Grace giggling, and he returned to the kitchen to see her eyes following a fly zooming round her.  He chuckled.
After the kitchen was clean and tidy – and Grace had a screaming tantrum because she needed her nappy changed – Harry scooped her onto his hip and curled up with her on the sofa. He put on the football, for there was a game on that he’d been hoping to catch, and Grace snuggled into him. Eventually dozing off in his arms.
Halfway through the game there was a knock on the door, and Harry carefully got up to answer it, leaving Grace on the sofa. He was surprised to see William there with Charlotte and Lupo.
“Hello beautiful!” Harry said in surprise, reaching down to scoop his niece into his arms.
“Uncoo Harry!” she said, beaming at him. Lupo jumped up for hugs too, and Harry stroked his silky black fur.
“What’s up?” he asked William, as his brother stepped into the house.
“Ugh, don’t,” William said. “Sorry to come by, I know it’s late, but Kate was in a super stressed mood, and George wasn’t helping. He kept playing up, purposely making Charlotte cry. I just needed to split them both up for a second before Kate imploded.”
Harry smiled understandingly. “Come through. Charlotte, we need to be quiet, okay? Grace is asleep, and she’ll be very grumpy if you wake her.”
Charlotte’s little head bobbed in a nod, and she took her uncle’s hand as he led her through to the lounge.
William took the single chair, leaving Harry to gently lift Grace back into his arms. Charlotte clambered on beside him, kneeling to see Grace.
“She sleepy?” Charlotte asked.
“Yeah, she’s asleep,” Harry said.
“She’s getting so big already,” William said. “I can’t believe how fast she’s growing.”
“Yeah, she’s three and a half months old now,” Harry replied.
“That’s gone so fast.”
“I know,” Harry said, chuckling. “You want to watch Southampton and Liverpool?”
“You know, that is another reason why Kate was in a bad mood,” William answered, grinning. “No football in our house, not when the kids are still up.”
Charlotte got onto the floor and started playing with Lupo.
“How are things?” Harry asked. “How’s Kate?”
“She’s fine,” William said. “Emmy?”
“Yeah, she’s amazing. She’s had a busy day today, visiting a women’s charity. She’s at an engagement now, too.”
“Wow, she’s really coming into her own,” he said, smiling. “I’m glad she’s finding her feet.”
“Of course, it would be easier if she didn’t have to cover for Kate,” Harry said. “Not that Emmy minds. I think she just feels more pressure to be good if she’s standing in for Kate.”
“Is this about the St Patrick’s Day parade?” William asked. “Thanks about that, by the way. We really appreciate it.”
“Why can’t Kate make it?”
He sighed. “It’s a…long story.”
Harry rose his eyebrows. “Go on.”
He was under the distinct impression that William did not want to talk about it, but he was curious as to why Kate couldn’t make it herself. And so he stood his ground, expression expectant.
“Kate and I are, er, we’re going to Greece for a week – just to unwind, you know, take a break – and it overlaps with the parade. We didn’t realise until after we’d booked it.”
“You’re going on holiday?” Harry said, incredulous. “But you’ve only just been!”
“Harry, you’ll soon realise that taking your kids on holidays is not a holiday,” William replied.
Harry bit back a bitter retort. That was why Emmy was standing in? So that they could go on holiday?! Again, after only having been to Mustique two months earlier?!
“Sure,” he said simply, dropping his gaze to Grace and willing himself not to get mad.
“Emmy’s okay to do it, right?”
“Yeah, it’s just another thing for her to stress about,” Harry said, trying to keep a civil tone.
“If she’s stressed maybe she should cut out some of her engagements,” William suggested.
“She wouldn’t do that,” he answered. “She knows it’s her job, and she doesn’t want to let people down.” He emphasized those last few words, hoping they would sink in.
“Hmm, she’s good at her job,” William agreed, before the brothers sank into silence.
They didn’t speak much, watching the game, and Harry couldn’t trust himself not to say something he might regret about his brother and sister-in-law’s work ethic. He decided not to tell Emmy – after all, she would be ten times angrier than he was. Eventually, when Charlotte was getting sleepy and the game had ended, William got to his feet.
“I’ll see you tomorrow then,” William said. He and Kate – as well as Harry, Emmy and other members of the royal family – would be attending the unveiling of a memorial for those lost in Iraq.
“Yeah,” Harry said. “See you tomorrow.”
He gave Charlotte an extra big cuddle, before bidding them goodbye and watching as they walked back over to the palace. He wondered when William had become so shy of hard work, and whether his stay-at-home wife could be the cause of it.
It was just over a week before the St Patrick’s Day parade, and it was busy for Harry and Emmy. They attended the unveiling of the memorial, Harry visited a Coach Core training programme, Emmy unveiled a new cancer rehabilitation unit in Cornwall, and the two of them visited a conservation charity in the New Forest with Charles, near to where Emmy used to live.
Despite all of this, on the morning of the 17th March, Emmy felt more nerves than usual fluttering in her stomach, and she tried to calm her frantic breathing as the car slowed to a stop at the barracks. Beside her, Claire smiled reassuringly.
“It’ll be fine,” she said gently. “Remember the article? The only way they’re going to compare you to Kate is by the fact that she couldn’t be bothered to turn up, and you could. You’re here, that’s more than they can say about her.”
Emmy let out a shaky breath. “What if I mess up, though? I might as well not be here.”
“You won’t mess up,” Claire said, somewhat sternly, her brown eyes strict as they bore into hers. “Don’t even think about that. You won’t mess up. All you need to do is give the soldiers their shamrocks. You can do that.”
Emmy dropped her gaze to her own trembling fingers and tried to envisage them fastening a pin – she’d practiced with Harry, again and again, but never with this fear coursing through her veins. “I hope so.”
“Mind the grate, by the way,” Claire added, and before Emmy could ask her what she was talking about, her door had been opened and it was time for her to leave the car. She closed her eyes for a moment, before fixing her smile on her face and swinging her legs out. There was a crunch of wet gravel beneath the heels of her shoes as she slipped out of the vehicle, and a gust of icy wind fluttered the skirt of her coat. She immediately wished she’d worn something straighter, with a heavier fabric and a stiffer hem, but she had no chance to think about that. She was being greeted by Mark, the man who would be accompanying her for the whole parade.
There were so many people there. Hundreds of soldiers, and beyond them perhaps hundreds of people gathered in crowds, watching, waiting to see the Duchess of Clarence. And Emmy wildly found herself thinking of Harry, at home with Grace, and the memory of the year before flashed in her mind, of exactly a year ago, and the way he had twirled her round in his arms when she had told him she was pregnant…
“Ma’am, if you’d like to accompany me this way,” Mark was saying, and Emmy snatched herself out of her thoughts to nod and follow him.
Harry, meanwhile, was rocking a wailing Grace in his arms, pacing around the living room as he did so. Emmy’s arrival was being broadcast live on the news, for it was a quiet morning and so her visit was one of the several bulletins being shown on a loop on the BBC. He watched as his wife greeted some of the soldiers there. She looked so pretty in her green coat and matching dress, and it was very flattering on her. It showed off her slight figure, her long legs. He imagined just how difficult it was for the soldiers there to stay to attention, to not let their gaze stray.
It was as he was thinking this that he realised he had never seen another royal dress the way Emmy dressed. She wasn’t afraid to show off her figure, and rather than always looking formal, official and proper, she always looked stunning. Her outfits always made people take a second glance her way, for they showed off her curves, they dazzled on her. She wore the clothes, rather than simply having them on. Perhaps it was simply because Harry was related to all the other royal women, but he was pretty sure Emmy was alone in looking amazing for every engagement.
He watched her now, walking so easily in heels that used to make her limp. Her hair had been styled so that it was out of the way, tucked neatly around her fascinator, so that it did not blow in her face. It seemed to be quite windy there, for every now and then a gust would show Harry a glimpse of his wife’s thighs, and she would hastily push the skirts down again.
Then he sighed – he imagined Granny’s office wouldn’t like that. They’d always been picky about Kate’s outfits, especially since many of them had resulted in Marilyn Monroe moments, and Harry supposed this would be no different. Emmy had been lucky so far – it had been a matter of time before something like this happened.
Harry was so absorbed in his thoughts about her, still watching her as she now started to award Shamrocks to the soldiers, that he had forgotten Grace was crying in his arms, and he came back to reality with a jolt, before chuckling down at his screaming daughter.
“Sorry, baby,” he whispered, rocking her again and stroking her golden hair back into place. “What is it? You’re not hungry, you don’t need changing, what do you want?”
He paused, glancing at the screen, before he sighed. “You want Mummy, don’t you?” He lifted her up so that he could kiss her forehead. “I’m sorry, darling, but that’s the one thing I can’t give you right now. But there’s Mummy, she’s there.” He sat Grace up, her head tucked into his neck, and moved closer to the TV, pointing. “Do you see her? There’s Mummy, right now.”
Grace ignored her father’s words, and she wailed into his chest, face scrunched up tight. He sighed, wincing at the noise and bouncing her, trying to calm her. He hastily grabbed one of her toys and made it dance in front of her face, trying to distract her.
After a while, when Grace had tired of screaming, she looked at Bunny through teary eyes, still sniffling. Harry took his chance, and he made Bunny nuzzle into her neck – this tickled her, and she actually giggled – while making gobbling noises. Harry, relieved that he’d finally gotten her to stop crying, sat down on the sofa and continued to tickle her, trying to keep her happy.
He was so tired. He’d gotten up twice the night before so that Emmy could have a good night sleep before her engagement, and so he was sure he was only running on at least two or three hours’ sleep.
He sighed, laying down on the sofa and pulling Grace so she was laid on top of his chest. She was quiet now, with Bunny tucked under her arm, and she squirmed slightly before laying still, her head resting just above his heart. He wondered whether she could hear it beating…he probably shouldn’t fall asleep here…he remembered reading that you shouldn’t sleep with your baby in case you rolled onto them…but he was just so tired…
He awoke a few hours later to the sound of the front door closing, and his head snapped up to see Emmy tiptoeing into the room, smiling at the sight of him there. He looked at Grace then, and his heart melted at the sight of her asleep on him, dozing. He carefully stroked the back of her hair with his fingertips, before turning back to Emmy and grinning.
“Fell asleep,” he murmured, stifling a yawn, and she laughed lightly as she took the single armchair.
“I guessed,” she replied, with a laugh, and her head tipped to the side as she watched her daughter sleeping. “Was she okay?”
“She was crying for the first hour,” he said. “And then I managed to get her to sleep. She missed you, I think.”
Emmy couldn’t help but smile at that. “I missed her too,” she said softly.
“What about me?” he asked, with mock outrage, and Emmy giggled. “How was it?”
“It was good,” she replied. “I was so nervous, but I actually really enjoyed it. The soldiers were all so nice, I wish I could go every year.”
“I think Kate might definitely get pissed off if you say that,” he said, grinning.
“Hmm, have you heard anything from them?”
“All I’ve heard today is Grace screaming.” He grinned sheepishly. “I’m glad it went well, you looked gorgeous out there.”
Emmy smiled, delighted, then she looked awkward. “It was a bit windy, my dress kept nearly flying up.”
“I didn’t mind.” He smirked.
“Of course you wouldn’t mind,” she said, with a giggle. “It wasn’t you that I was worried about. Maybe your grandmother might…”
“Oh, just forget Granny,” he said dismissively. “She’s just old-fashioned, you looked amazing today.”
“Thank you,” she said, but she sounded unsure, and Harry knew that she was worried she’d get into trouble for what she wore.
“Honestly, Em, don’t worry,” he said, carefully holding Grace to him so that he could sit up. Grace dozed in his arms, her chubby cheeks squashed against him. “I think it’s nice to have someone who doesn’t follow the rules in the family. Hell, apparently that’s why I’m so popular.”
Emmy grinned. “Everyone loves a bad boy.”
“And everyone loves a hot girl,” he replied, smirking. “We’re the perfect match.”
She rolled her eyes. “You really don’t think I’ll get into trouble?”
“If you do, just direct them to me and I’ll give them a piece of my mind,” Harry said.
Emmy smiled appreciatively, getting up to go and get herself a glass of water, but Harry’s words made her uneasy. Would he react the same, even if it was his grandmother complaining about her outfits? And if he would, Emmy wasn’t sure how she felt about coming between him and his family.
The following day, Harry arrived outside King’s College London to cheers and screams from the crowds who had gathered to see him. He was there to attend a conference on mental health, and it wasn’t until after his visit when he had the opportunity to go and speak to everyone waiting.
“Harry, you’re my favourite royal!” sobbed a girl, and Harry awkwardly smiled and hugged her, not knowing what to say.
“How is Grace?” someone asked, as they handed over a teddy bear for the little girl.
“She’s very well, she’s at home today with her mummy,” Harry answered, grinning. “She’s growing fast, she can roll over now, and she’s just started picking up her toys.”
“Does she have your naughty personality?” someone else said.
“Me? Naughty? What gave you that idea?” he teased, then laughed. “She’s not, actually, she’s very good. Very loving, she adores cuddles!”
As more gifts and cards were handed to him, many for Grace and Emmy, and he handed them back to Edward, he made his way along the fence talking to everyone. While most wanted to talk about Grace, often Emmy was mentioned too.
“Emmy looked so nice yesterday!” a teenage girl said.
“She looked gorgeous, didn’t she?” Harry agreed, grinning.
“It was so nice of her to stand in for Kate yesterday,” commented someone else.
“Well Kate couldn’t make it, and we didn’t want the parade to be abandoned,” he answered.
“It’s a shame that Emmy cares more about people and charities in that way than Kate does,” the same person said. “I mean, when I heard this morning that Kate missed it to go on holiday!”
Harry’s initial surprise at having someone bitch about Kate to his face was overthrown by the disbelief at her words. “Sorry?”
But Edward behind him was already moving him along to the next person. Now Harry was distracted – how had the lady known that William and Kate had gone on holiday? Was it common knowledge now? Had they been spotted and the story put in the papers?!
“Explain,” Harry said simply, once he and Edward were in the car, covered in the presents from the well-wishers.
Edward feigned innocence. “What about?”
“Edward, you know full well that that lady said William and Kate are on holiday,” he hissed. “That’s why you moved me on from her! How did she know? Is it in the papers?”
He sighed. “I’m afraid so, Harry. I didn’t want to tell you because I knew it would bother you for the engagement.”
“Of course it bothers me, what on Earth are the papers saying?” Harry said. This was the last thing he wanted – regardless of how angry he himself had been to learn that Kate couldn’t do the engagement because she was on holiday, he didn’t want to imagine the kind of criticism Kate was facing. And that criticism would stem from the fact that Emmy had done her job for her – Harry dreaded to think how much Kate resented Emmy right now.
“They’re, of course, criticising her,” Edward said. “Calling her and William lazy, saying that they’ve already been on holiday once this year and now they’ve been on a second, and it’s only March. To be honest, all of the things they’re saying aren’t totally untrue. And a lot of them are things that have been said online before, except now the papers have got the courage to say it. I wouldn’t worry, everyone is commending Emmy on doing the engagement.”
“Everyone except Kate,” Harry said.
“Kate is starting to have an issue with Emmy,” he explained, thinking it about time Edward be told about the situation. “William has told me that Kate is getting really tired of being compared to her.”
“Well Kate isn’t exactly helping herself, is she?”
“No, I know, I just wonder how all of this is going to affect them,” Harry said. “I don’t want Emmy and Kate falling out because the press are pitting them against each other.”
“But Harry, none of this is yours nor Emmy’s fault. The press, and by press I mean the key newspapers in this country, don’t make stuff up. When they criticise Kate, they criticise her for something she’s done. If Kate wants them to stop putting her down, she needs to start listening to what they’re saying. I know that it’s impossible to please the press all of the time, but some of their articles are very repetitive. And if Kate doesn’t like it, she should maybe take a leaf out of Emmy’s book.”
Harry nodded. “I know, and don’t get me wrong, I’m so incredibly proud of Emmy for getting herself the upper hand. I mean, she’s doing what everyone wants to see done. I don’t think she realises that she’s actually breaking convention and tearing down etiquette as she does so, but the public really like it. I was looking around on some social media sites the other day, looking through her hashtag, and it’s all very positive.”
“Emmy is this generation’s Princess Diana,” Edward said, and Harry flinched at his words. “I’m not comparing the two of them, I’m just saying that what they symbolise is very similar. No matter how down-to-Earth people think William and Kate are, they still go on dozens of holidays, they still redecorated Kensington Palace and then moved up to Norfolk anyway. Kate still wears very expensive designer clothes for most of her engagements. Emmy is the duchess who doesn’t do that – she lives in a house, with her husband, and wears High Street clothes, and I mean real High Street. H&M is one step above Primark in the real world when it comes to prices, and to see a real life princess wearing it? People love it.”
“That’s what I mean,” Harry said. “Everyone keeps singing Emmy’s praises because there’s so much to talk about. I’m worried that Kate may have enough eventually.”
“Harry, just support your wife,” Edward said. “I know you don’t want her and Kate falling out, but it’s your duty to support Emmy. Let William fight in Kate’s corner.”
“I don’t want to be pitted against my own brother,” Harry said with a sigh.
“I don’t think either of you would let that happen,” Edward replied, throwing Harry a smile. “I think you need the male version of “sisters before misters”.”
“You mean, bros before hoes?” he answered, barking a laugh.
“That would imply Emmy and Kate are hoes, and I did not want to imply that.”
Harry chuckled. “Damn, Ed, when did everything get so hard?”
“When you got married?”
“Nah, it started way before then,” he said, laughing.
As the car headed back to Kensington Palace, Harry wondered how Emmy was taking the news that she had had to step in because Kate was too busy sunning herself in Greece.
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